The Liar and His Lover: Episode 12

When you rush something, a lot can go wrong. Jin-hyuk’s love of music might guide his instincts for finding exceptional talents, but his insecurities — periodically fueled by CEO Yoo — have turned him into someone who uses the people he should protect to further his own end. Even if that hurts them irreparably. With Chan-young and Han-gyul’s rivalry reaching a boiling point, Jin-hyuk’s ruthlessness might just break the band that made his label famous.


In the corridor of the hospital, Chan-young asks Han-gyul why he can’t come between him and So-rim, when Han-gyul makes a habit of getting in his way. Han-gyul looks at him in disbelief.

When So-rim steps out of the room, Chan-young makes it clear that he’s been waiting there for hours, just to see her face. So-rim looks uncomfortably at Han-gyul at this. Soo-yeon arrives with perfect timing to break the tension and sends both boys off.

Yoo-na finds out about So-rim’s grandmother and guesses that Han-gyul must be at the hospital since he’s dating So-rim. Jin-hyuk laughs to realize that she knows about it too. Yoo-na asks nonchalantly if he’s not going to do anything about it. Jin-hyuk sees her interest, but says that while he doesn’t want to, he’ll have to separate the two for the time being to avoid a scandal.

The next morning, Soo-yeon comes into Grandma’s hospital room with an armful of snacks that Han-gyul dropped off before going to work. So-rim smiles to see that he remembered her habit of eating snacks between meals.

After taking the detour to the hospital, Han-gyul arrives a little late to band practice, and Chan-young makes a snide comment about him being distracted lately. Han-gyul asks to speak with him outside, but Chan-young challenges him on wanting to keep his relationship with So-rim a secret. In front of the band, he asks Han-gyul if he’s hiding the truth, so he can bail on So-rim when things go bad.

Han-gyul loses his temper and moves to hit Chan-young, but his band-mates catch both boys and separate them. Chan-young walks off, and In-ho goes after him. He tells Chan-young that he’s just as important to them as Han-gyul, but Chan-young doesn’t believe him, and flashes back to the day the band found out that Han-gyul won’t be performing with them. Shi-hyun had turned to him with anger and asked if he really wanted to debut by stealing someone else’s position. The hurt of that still colors how Chan-young sees them today.

Inside the band room, the boys rib Han-gyul about dating So-rim. In-ho comes in and points out that Chan-young’s reaction is natural given that he’s their producer. But Yoon wonders if Chan-young might like So-rim.

Han-gyul heads to his dad’s bar and catches sight of CEO Yoo dropping In-woo off outside. They talk with a teasing familiarity that is apparent to Han-gyul, even from across the road. After she leaves, he goes into the bar and tries to ask his dad about her. He makes a few aborted attempts, and then leaves when he can’t figure out a way to phrase his question.

Jin-woo asks Soo-yeon for his phone to take part in a live gaming event. When she looks at him suspiciously, Gyu-sun assures her that there is no girl in Jin-woo’s life. Soo-yeon gives all three their phones back temporarily to talk to their families. To So-rim, Soo-yeon says that she’s going to bed reeeally early today, so So-rim can just leave the phone outside her room once she’s done. So-rim smiles gratefully as this gives her a chance to talk to Han-gyul.

After speaking to her grandmother, So-rim calls Han-gyul up. They talk about Mush & Co.’s appearance on Musical Sketchbook, and So-rim admits that she’s worried about people disliking her performance. Han-gyul assures her that she’ll do well, reminding her to trust him. She asks to keep talking for a while, because his voice would help her sleep. So, Han-gyul spends the next few hours telling her stories from his high school days with the band.

Jin-woo finishes his game well past one in the morning and thinks of So-rim. He tries calling her, but her phone is engaged. When he peeks out at her room, the lights behind her window go off. He pouts at the engaged tone and wonders who she can be talking to this late, but So-rim is actually asleep. Han-gyul stops midway through another story to realize that his audience is no longer listening, and smiles at the phone.

He thinks of her fear for the performance ahead and how it’s been giving her nightmares and decides not to hang up. The next morning, So-rim wakes up to find him still on the line. When she calls out his name, he jerks awake from a light sleep to answer her. She asks why he didn’t disconnect, and he tells her that he planned on waking her if she had another nightmare. Gah, this boy. So-rim melts back into her pillow with a smile on her face.

When Mush & Co. reach Sole Music, So-rim gets out first and asks Gyu-sun to pull out her guitar for her. He hands it to Jin-woo with a meaningful look, clearly telling him to use the moment to be chivalrous to So-rim. But instead, So-rim and Jin-woo get into a tug-of-war over the guitar, because he refuses to hand it over to her. Then, he ends up barking at her to take his guitar too. She eyes him warily and heads inside.

But Jin-woo’s tryst with chivalry continues as he battles to open her bottles for her, then says things like, “Helping you makes me happy,” complete with a hair flip and a wink. This sends So-rim into peals of laughter, which is maybe not what he intended. Lol.

Yoo-na and Han-gyul have a meeting to decide what she’ll be singing at Musical Sketchbook. When So-rim and her friends walk by the office, it catches Han-gyul’s attention, and he stops mid-sentence to stare after her. Yoo-na knocks on the table to get him to focus again.

CEO Yoo visits Sole and watches So-rim practice. She asks her secretary to fix a lunch with Han-gyul the next day. Han-gyul is a little surprised, but when he arrives at the restaurant, CEO Yoo refuses to get to the point immediately. She just says that there’ll be another guest joining them.

She asks about his experience writing for someone outside Crude Play and comments that it’s time he was independent. Han-gyul can’t get the thought of his dad with CEO Yoo out of his head and blurts out that he doesn’t intend to keep living with his dad. Ha! Does he think she’s sounding him out as a possible stepmom?

Just then, CEO Yoo’s other guest arrives, and Han-gyul turns around to see So-rim. They eye each other with surprise, and CEO Yoo smiles to herself in satisfaction.

Jin-hyuk talks to Crude Play about the song they’ll be performing and assigns Chan-young to lead the live performance. When Chan-young says he’ll join the band during practice, Jin-hyuk tells everyone not to bother Chan-young too much, since he’ll be the only one playing live. Chan-young needs to be expressive — not accurate — in his performance, he says.

After he leaves, Chan-young tells the band sincerely that he’s never found it boring to practice with them. The other three look at each other and clearly find him adorable. Yoon pulls his cheek and tells him that though he’s cranky most of the time, he has his cute moments too. Then, the boys tease him about paying too much attention to Mush & Co. and making them jealous. (Sigh. Why can’t you guys always be like this?)

CEO Yoo observes that So-rim and Han-gyul make a pretty couple. They laugh awkwardly, but she follows that up with: “I heard that you two are a good fit musically too.” She offers them a chance to work together, explaining that she’s thinking of a collaboration between a band with her label and So-rim, for which Han-gyul can write the song.

So-rim says that she’ll have to talk to Jin-woo and Gyu-sun, but CEO Yoo asks why her friends’ opinions are important in something related to work. Han-gyul comes to her rescue by pointing out that Mush & Co. is still new, but CEO Yoo says that he knows she’ll have to make a choice one day. Her cryptic remark goes over So-rim’s head, but Han-gyul gets a thoughtful look on his face.

The two of them get back to Sole, and So-rim asks Han-gyul if CEO Yoo was serious. He tells her that if she seriously wants to stay with Mush & Co. then she should do so fearlessly, and Jin-hyuk will protect her. She asks what CEO Yoo meant by the choice she’ll have to make, and Han-gyul hesitates. Unable to tell her the truth, he says the “choice” is probably between him and Chan-young.

So-rim teases that she’s torn about that, which makes Han-gyul play at outrage. He’s waiting for the day she’ll sing his song, and she’s torn? So-rim smiles and clarifies that she’s waiting for the day he’ll write a song for just her and not Mush & Co.

When Han-gyul gets home, he gives Jin-hyuk a call. Whatever he says sends Jin-hyuk to CEO YOO, to ask why she’s interfering with a newly debuted band. CEO Yoo says that it makes no sense for a small label like Sole to handle a big band like Crude Play. She points out that her father will retire soon, and a new head will be chosen for the company. She makes it clear that he has to prove the worth of his label to her, or she’ll take it away from him.

Jin-hyuk goes straight to Han-gyul to offer him Mush & Co.’s production for a second time. Han-gyul is tempted but he remembers that So-rim said she wanted him to someday compose a song for her and not her band. He tells Jin-hyuk that he isn’t familiar enough with Mush & Co.’s style to compose for them. Jin-hyuk takes it to mean that Jin-woo and Gyu-sun aren’t good enough for him, and warns Han-gyul of playing into CEO Yoo’s hands.

He tells Han-gyul about CEO Yoo’s album offer to his father. This sends Han-gyul to the bar, where he confronts his dad about CEO Yoo. He asks why he refused to let Jin-hyuk publish the article that would reveal the truth about his stolen music. His father says that it would end up hurting a lot of people, but Han-gyul insists that his son is hurting already. His father’s songs were the first he listened to and loved. He asks In-woo to be the father he needs.

Jin-hyuk calls Soo-yeon and tells her to prepare Mush & Co. to learn a new song. The band gathers in the practice room, and Soo-yeon plays Han-Gyul’s “Waiting For You.” Soo-yeon tells them to learn the song for now, assuring them that Jin-hyuk has a plan. (But what kind of plan?)

Chan-young works on Mush & Co.’s next song, but Jin-hyuk’s words about his last composition ring in his ears: “It’s nothing special or unique.”

The trio practice the new song, and later, Jin-hyuk listens to the results in the studio. So-rim has picked up the song already, but Jin-woo and Gyu-sun still have a long way to go. Jin-hyuk comes into the recording room and assures the boys that it’s normal for them to make mistakes since there’s been too little time for them to practice.

Jin-hyuk tells them that they’ll be performing both “Shiny Boy” and “Waiting For You” on Musical Sketchbook, and lies that Han-gyul and Chan-young agreed to it. At their nervous objection that the show is just around the corner, he tells them that only So-rim will be performing live, while the boys can hand-sync to pre-recorded music.

None of them likes the idea, and So-rim says that it’s deceitful to do that. But Jin-hyuk shuts her up by pointing out that her favorite band Crude Play does the same thing. So-rim takes this hard, and when Gyu-sun says it’s too bad she can’t talk to Han-gyul, she says that it’s better this way, since she doesn’t know how to bring it up.

Jin-woo wonders if the Crude Play members feel any guilt for faking their performances, and Gyu-sun points out that they likely do it because of Jin-hyuk too. Jin-woo wonders if they’ll have to keep doing things this way.

Yoo-na visits Jin-hyuk and finds him stressed out. She asks that he try to act less tired and worried when he’s with her, and Jin-hyuk scoffs that her jealousy over Han-gyul’s new relationship causes him stress too. Yoo-na says that this must be a bad time and leaves.

As she walks out of the building, she meets Han-gyul and offers him a ride home. He tells her that he can’t ride with her and will take a cab home. Yoo-na asks if it’s because of So-rim, and Han-gyul is taken aback that she knows about them too. Ha. Yoo-na wonders if Han-gyul was always this sweet and considerate of women, and if maybe their breakup was her fault.

Han-gyul says that it wasn’t her fault; So-rim just managed to change him. He used to hide his feelings whenever he liked someone, afraid of being hurt, and pretended that music was all he needed. But So-rim brought him out of hiding. He smiles as he bids Yoo-na goodnight, and she smiles back.

Soo-yeon takes out an external hard drive from her bag and smiles as she thinks of Shi-hyun’s words to her: “It’s our music, so what’s wrong about posting it online?” She’s sitting alone in the office, and Shi-hyun uses this opportunity to come surprise her. She tries to hide the hard drive but he sees it.

Soo-yeon admits that it has all the “Real Crude Play” files that they’d uploaded to their account. She tells him that she’s been their fan since high school because they always sounded so happy when they played together. She gives him the hard drive and tells him not to give up; they’ll get to play live one day.

Shi-hyun goes home and plugs in the drive to watch the clips. He grins widely at the first video, then pauses it to go grab a drink. Chan-young comes down to the living area and sees the paused video on the laptop. He switches it on and smiles to hear his band-mates play “Peter Pan.”

But soon his smile vanishes, as his mind flashes to thoughts of Han-gyul playing with them, of Han-gyul composing and recording the song for them. When Shi-hyun gets back, Chan-young walks past him blindly, his expression lost and pained.

During stage rehearsals for Musical Sketchbook, Soo-yeon asks how a rookie band like Mush & Co. is being allowed to perform two songs, and Jin-hyuk tells her that they aren’t. They’ll only be performing one song: “Waiting For You” by Han-gyul.

The Crude Play boys head over to the TV studio where the show is recorded, and In-ho observes in the car that Chan-young looks sickly. Chan-young asks if Han-gyul will be present during the show, and they confirm that he will since Yoo-na is also performing. As his band-mates rest on the way to the show, Chan-young looks at them with an odd mix of affection and regret.

At the TV studio, Mush & Co. are informed that they’ll only be performing Han-gyul’s song. They object, saying that if they can sing one song, it should be Chan-young’s, but the producer of the show waves away their concerns. So-rim tries to protest again, but catches Jin-hyuk’s eyes and falls silent.

Crude Play arrives, and Chan-young heads over to say hello to So-rim and the boys. They notice immediately that he looks off, and he jokes that it’s because he couldn’t see her face for a while. After an awkward beat, he asks if it was a bad joke. So-rim asks again if he’s all right, reminding him that Mush & Co. is a band he’s raising.

I think she’s trying to ask him why he agreed to them singing Han-gyul’s song, but Crude Play gets called backstage, and Chan-young leaves after wishing them luck.

Yoo-na spots Han-gyul as soon as he arrives, and accompanies him to Mush & Co.’s dressing room. Han-gyul takes So-rim’s hand and asks if she’s feeling all right. Jin-woo sees this and becomes frozen with shock. Poor boy. What a time to find out that your crush is in a relationship.

So-rim is about to ask him about the song, but Jin-hyuk enters just then and sends Han-gyul off. Yoo-na wishes So-rim luck and tells her to watch her performance, since she’ll be singing Han-gyul’s song tonight. So-rim smiles awkwardly.

As Mush & Co. is announced on stage, Chan-young stands beside Han-gyul and tells him to look forward to their performance. And then, the host of the show announces the song they’ll be playing: “Waiting For You.”

As the first strains of Han-gyul’s song play, the boys look at each other. At the look of betrayal in Chan-young’s eyes, Han-gyul swears that he knew nothing about this. Chan-young turns and walks away.

CEO Yoo enters Crude Play’s dressing room and asks Jin-hyuk if he’s confident. He says that he prepared an entertaining evening. As Mush & Co.’s song starts, he tells her that Han-gyul will be managing the band from now. She’s surprised, but tempers her reaction by saying they’ll have to see how the audience reacts to the song. Jin-hyuk says confidently that it’ll be a hit.

As she turns to leave, Chan-young bursts in and rounds on Jin-hyuk. He asks why he wasn’t told, and why Jin-woo and Gyu-sun are being made to hand-sync. Jin-hyuk asks if it isn’t good for the band to sing a better song. When Chan-young protests that their debut song was his, and that it was chosen over Han-gyul’s, Jin-hyuk cuts him short.

“Do you really think you beat Han-gyul at a fair fight?” asks Jin-hyuk. “Wake up, Chan-young. You’re a bassist. You can only beat Han-gyul with your bass.” Chan-young stands, shaken, as Jin-hyuk tells him to go back to his place.

“Where is my place? Have I ever belonged anywhere?” Chan-young says as he turns and leaves, and all the Crude Play boys follow him out. CEO Yoo scoffs that that was some show, and tells him that rushing things can sometimes make him sick.

The boys catch up to Chan-young, but he begs them not to say another word. He promises to be around but wants to be left alone for now. The boys understand, but Han-gyul goes after him anyway and explains that he didn’t know about the song switch, and that he didn’t want this.

Chan-young laughs painfully and asks whose fault it is. His, for always filling in for Han-gyul? Han-gyul dismisses that as nonsense and admits that he left Crude Play because his own skills with a bass could never match up to Chan-young’s.

But the confession just angers Chan-young, as he points out that this has nothing to do with Han-gyul’s level of expertise. He asks if Han-gyul ever watched any of the “Real Crude Play” videos. The bass track they used in all the songs were all Han-gyul’s. Han-gyul looks stunned as Chan-young explains that the band didn’t use Chan-young’s bass, but the less professional one Han-gyul recorded as a guide during his composition.

“Think about what Crude Play really wants. Think about who Shi-hyun hyung, Yoon hyung, and In-ho hyung really want as their bass guitarist! Think about it.” With a defeated sigh, Chan-young turns and leaves.

When Han-gyul gets back, Yoo-na’s performance is about to start. He only has time to smile at So-rim before leaving to do a stage check. She sends Chan-young a text asking if he’s all right. As Yoo-na begins to sing, So-rim comes out to watch and looks at Han-gyul across the studio with questions in her eyes. Back in the dressing room, Crude Play’s manager runs in and announces that he can’t find Chan-young and his keys are gone.

Chan-young stands at a stairwell in the studio, ignoring calls from his band-mates. He calls So-rim, who rushes out to meet him. The producer of the show gets angry that the last performance of the night is about to be spoiled because of a missing member. That’s when CEO Yoo suggests that “K” takes Chan-young’s place on stage.

When Han-gyul protests, she tells him that a canceled performance can do a lot of damage and open the band up to scrutiny. Han-gyul gives in, but before the four boys go out on stage, he asks Jin-hyuk why he’s in such a rush. “How much do we have to give up to satisfy you?” Jin-hyuk can’t meet his eyes.

The host announces that during the final performance of the night, “K” will be filling in as bassist for Crude Play. This is received with a mix of excitement and confusion from the live audience. On stage, the boys take their places, and Han-gyul looks at his band-mates before plugging in his bass and facing the audience for his first live performance in years.

So-rim finds Chan-young and tries to take him back so he can make it to the stage. But Chan-young guesses that Han-gyul is up there already, and says that he was never meant to be Crude Play’s bassist. As the first strains of “It’s Okay” starts to play overhead, Chan-young smiles ruefully and pulls So-rim into his arms.

So-rim instinctively pushes back, but he doesn’t let go. “I wish…that at least you would choose me,” he says. On stage, the original Crude Play is reunited again.


Jin-hyuk achieved a lot tonight. With one masterstroke of asinine proportions, he managed to hurt pretty much everyone involved with Crude Play and Mush & Co. Han-gyul finally returned to the stage to play with his friends… but his friends aren’t really playing, thanks to Jin-hyuk. And the way in which Han-gyul got his place ruined something his friends had looked forward to for years. Jin-hyuk also managed to take another anticipated moment away from Han-gyul, when he made So-rim sing his song under the worst circumstances. He hurt Mush & Co. too, stripping them of choice or joy in their performance, and taking away their respect for a band they all looked up to. But he delivered the cruelest hurt to Chan-young.

The most heartbreaking moment for me in this episode was when Chan-young told Han-gyul about his friends using his bass to record their videos. That killed me. Chan-young’s isolation isn’t imagined. The band does want Han-gyul to play for them. Over time, they may have accepted Chan-young as one of them, but they never stopped wanting Han-gyul back. It takes supreme self confidence to live with that knowledge and not let deep resentment build up inside you. And, as we’ve seen by now, Jin-hyuk likes to keep his artists low on self-esteem. Chan-young never had a chance.

It’s also telling that he began to watch that video with a smile on his face. He genuinely enjoyed watching his band-mates play. It was when he recognized Han-gyul’s bass that the color drained from his face. I believe that Chan-young admires the boys in his band, and given half a chance, would have become a friend to them, instead of just a co-worker. He kept that distance because he knew he hadn’t been wanted. And while the boys had since grown up and learned to care for Chan-young, he never got over that first sting of rejection. His jealousy of Han-gyul is unreasonable, but his almost manic need to belong to something or someone isn’t something logic alone can battle.

To Han-gyul’s refined musical ear, it makes sense for the most proficient to get the job. It’s what Jin-hyuk had taught him, when he questioned the decision to have professional musicians play in place of the band. So, he hadn’t really appreciated what it meant when Chan-young repeatedly told him that he was just filling in for Han-gyul. The position of a bassist in Crude Play is more than a musical spot, it’s an emotional place, filled with the love and friendship of the other boys. And Chan-young knew that he was never enough. This bitterness inside him has warped his perception of himself and his own worth, until every obstacle in the path he wants to walk down makes him feel like he’s being pitted against and compared to Han-gyul repeatedly. And in a way he is.

Jin-hyuk only allowed Chan-young to take over Mush & Co.’s production when he couldn’t get Han-gyul to do it. It was clear at the time that he was hoping that letting Chan-young take over would make Han-gyul want to do it. I’m starting to realize that Jin-hyuk isn’t a people person. When he isn’t playing the puppet-master, he has the persuasion skills of a sulky toddler. He throws tantrums, argues, and tattles. I can see why CEO Yoo has no trust in his abilities. Jin-hyuk doesn’t trust his artists or his own instincts. He hurried Crude Play’s debut and made it impossible for them to get good enough to play for their first album. Thereafter, a pattern was set. He’s doing much the same to Mush & Co. While his instincts are insightful, he often ignores them, preferring short-term wins. He crippled the growth of his best asset — Crude Play — with his need to hurry, and now he’s ended up with a band breakup that can potentially ruin his label. How blind did he have to be, not to anticipate Chan-young’s reaction?

While this episode did a really good job of pulling me back into Camp Chan-young, the boy still needs to stop acting like he can convince So-rim to like him by virtue of being insistent. She admires him, cares for him, and feels a deep loyalty towards him, but she’s also made her discomfort with his advances pretty clear. Any time he’s said or done anything that hints at romantic interest, So-rim’s lost her usual ease with him. Ignoring the evidence of her feelings, Chan-young has continued to act as if Han-gyul is somehow manipulating her emotions. I understand his wish to be chosen over Han-gyul, I do. But when a girl makes it clear that she doesn’t want your hug, Chan-young, you let her go.


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What kind of magical battery does SR's phone have, for it to last throughout the night? If I did that I would wake up to a dead phone. Also YES for another cutesy scene between SY and SH! Boy do I love that she gave him such an encouraging boost. And those half-smiles that he gives her? They're just such gems.

On Jin Hyuk: The manipulation food chain: President Yoo thinks of a scheme and pressurizes JH --> JH tries to retaliate and manipulates his artistes --> Everything blows up in a nasty way. Do I like that JH lied to Mush&Co that he had spoken to CY/HG about the song change? No. Do I understand his motivations? Yes. First President Yoo told him he fails because he just goes halfway instead of full-on businessman. He just took one step closer to becoming President Yoo, and her response? To tell him that he still isn't good enough, because he rushed things. Bearing in mind that he's shouldering the responsibility of keeping Sole Music alive, I feel really bad for JH. He's caught between a rock and a hard place, and it's so difficult for him to get anything right.

On Chanyoung: In this episode I just felt so badly for CY. And here's where I get conflicted. Ignoring the fact that he looked through someone's computer... the fact that Crude Play was still using HG's bass tracks instead of his even while they were rehearsing must have hurt. Even at that moment, they wanted HG to be part of them. I get that, and my heart hurts for him, because it's been 5 years of feeling like an outsider.

The thing is, obviously Crude Play wants HG with them. They formed the band with him. He's their best friend. But the way the industry works made them unable to debut with him, and they've been taking it in a mature way. It's a job for them. They've to be part of Crude Play without HG, whether they like it or not. Their personal emotions can't get involved. But this does not mean that they don't see CY as one of them. At the start, it was only natural for them to be resentful, but now they clearly care for him a lot. CY... CY wants something else. He wants to feel like he's needed, not a replacement. I felt so bad for him in that last scene. You could see the hurt in his eyes.

And because CY's letting all his personal emotions cloud his perspective, he's become a roiling ball of negativity that's just a ticking time bomb. I get conflicted because I know how difficult it must be for CY, but at the same time he needs to get over it, or he'll continue hurting everyone around him. You know what these guys need? To really sit down and talk it out. All the misunderstandings, the resentment, everything.

On Dad: Dad's POV is interesting - I feel like he's reached a point where it doesn't matter to him whether others want to scheme; he just wants out. We can see that HG is insistent on bringing "justice" to the situation, but to Dad, that's not important. The important thing is the number of people who...


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About the phone, the screen was probably off. It would save energy that way. My phone can last about 8-9 hours, Nexus.


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Speaking of phone, I find it cute that she saves his name as "han-kyul ssi."

I don't know why, I just find it cute.


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Just so you know, your comment is cut again.

It's going to be hard for Chan young to forget his beginning in Crude Play. The first impression is the strongest, especially since he was still young. 17? Even now, he's 22-23, which is still very young in my book.


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Oh darn, I think it's a sign that I'm just blabbing too much. Thanks for the heads up!!

I think it's because I'm probably the same age as CY... So I'm currently in that phase of life, though obviously I can't compare much to him since he's a celebrity! I do kind of get what you're saying though because I went through a lot of struggles at that age regarding cyber bullying, and a crazy low self esteem. I still remember those incidents clearly.. So I'll try mY best to be more understanding of CY. I don't dislike him or hate on him but I would like to see him at peace with himself and Crude Play. ?


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Ahh comment got cut again ?
On Dad: Dad's POV is interesting - I feel like he's reached a point where it doesn't matter to him whether others want to scheme; he just wants out. We can see that HG is insistent on bringing "justice" to the situation, but to Dad, that's not important. The important thing is the number of people who will be hurt by the news. He sees no point in revealing the truth, because total hurt > total gain. A little Utilitarianism, if you would. In that aspect, I think Dad is quite alike to SR. They both consider the people around them more than their own interests when it comes to music.

Which is why I think HG might be a little selfish in demanding that Dad release the truth just because he's hurt. Dad must have hurt a lot too, watching his songs get taken away. But he chose not to do anything about it because he thought it would be for the greater good. Dad must be in a really difficult place now, because he wants to be a good Dad for HG, but he has to face the dilemma of hurting others as well.

What a mess, indeed.
On Yoo Na: I've never been sold on JH and YN's relationship, and especially more so in this episode where she just ups and leaves when she realizes JH is in a bad mood, then rushes to offer her ex a ride home. She makes me feel like she's never learnt to love anybody except herself. I don't think she's interested in getting back with HG; she's more frustrated by the fact that he didn't love her as much. Which is why I hope that HG's explanation that it was SR who loved him first, and who taught him how to love when he was so scared will make her realize the things she could change about herself. (But then she goes ahead and tries to make SR feel bad by saying she's the "only one singing HG's song", so really, I don't think she's learnt anything.)


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I see things differently. Yoona left, not because of his bad mood, but because he was showing attitude and placating her condescendingly. I would have left the room too, if my boyfriend was using the excuse of a bad day at work to bring attitude home. She wanted sincerity and a genuine moment from Jinhyuk, and he just reduced their relationship by talking to her as if she was a pretty little thing he needs to placate.


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That's the thing about their relationship - I wonder if JH ever had anything genuine going with her. That's an interesting POV though, and I see what you mean! JH was showing attitude to her even though she was genuinely trying to reach out to him, and I see your point regarding why she would get up and leave.

Though my POV of her is based off her general actions in the past few episodes. I can't wrap my mind around what exactly she wants, but she still does give me the impression that even when she was with HG, she didn't love him that much either.


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I do believe what they have is genuine. They're just both complex people so they have a hard time trusting each other fully.


I dont know, to me, no matter what, the truth is very important. Without the truth, everything just feels very uncertain. Even happiness.


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It may be important to HG to reveal the truth about Dad's music, and yes, I agree that the truth is important. However, in this case, what would be the point? HG for one would definitely be happy. But it would bring a scandal crashing down on President Yoo's head, on Yuseok's head, on everybody who was involved in the incident. Would that be worth it, from Dad's POV? Nope. I think he still does care about all the people he worked with in the past, and him seeking "justice" doesn't bring enough "happiness" to justify even doing such an action.


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I actually think it is mostly CEO Yoo that Dad doesn't want hurt and he is protecting her. It is also the reason JH is pushing it because he wants her to get hurt. But now HG is putting pressure as his son. What is Dad to do?


I think this discussion about truth and happiness is interesting, especially given that lies were abound everywhere in this drama (it is called the Liar and his Lover after all). Sorim says that Hangyul lies a lot- but his lies never hurt anyone (although they have a pattern of hurting her, even if it's unintentional or in her best interest). It's a significant realization she makes, and the one that spurred Hangyul to accept his feelings for her. It appears to excuse lies that made in order to protect something you love.

However, I think the drama is actually proving over and over again that those lies just aren't worth it. All of these lies are made and basically grow out of control, and then it becomes this thing where you're now protecting the lie more than you're protecting those you intended to protect by making those lies in the first place. It also ends up hurting someone in the process, no matter what. Look at Crude Play - the fact that they don't play their own music is a lie that's grown out of control. Or Hangyul giving up his spot as bassist to protect the band-- another lie that's grown out of control. I think Sorim is an exception in this case because she's willing to believe, no matter what, that Hangyul wouldn't want to hurt her, so tries her best to understand the lies.


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Exactly. No matter how much you lie to protect something, usually, the lie ends up being revealed anyway, and the thing you wanted to protect ends up being the most damaged victim from the revelation. Even if it is not revealed, there are still victims.
Those lies have been at the cost of self-esteem, integrity, and sense of ownership of your own life. All without which, happiness cannot be achieved. Are lies really a good way to "protect" anything from harm?


Without a sense of owning the truth, most people feel lost and confused about themselves and their own identity. I think this is why Hangyul talked about being hurt. The song that defined his childhood happiness, and his first link to music, is now a "lie."


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@boraflok lol you sound like Sorim personified.


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I would like to say Samsung magic. Their latest phones have pretty great battery life, I can't tell how much though since I have personally not put them through the Lover's Test yet.


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Or Samsung is saying, "Look this one doesn't explode even after 8 hours of using it. Buy it. Buy it, please for the love of us. We need the money lately."

But I am tempted to buy one ever since that episode where Chan Young gave them those phones.


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Magic PPL at work.


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Samsung: We swear only cuteness will explode this time, not batteries.


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Hahaha. I bought one as soon as the episode with Chanyoung giving them phones came out. I was going to buy one anyway, but that sped things up. So far, no explosion.


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That's good news! ^__^
And, enjoy your new phone!


Lol @ Lover's Test. So appropriate! ;)


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I like your perspective on Jin Hyuk... I don't want to understand him any longer though. Because all of his actions stem from a selfish place. He is not doing anything for the kids, it is all for the success of his business! And yes I guess he is a businessman and so profit and success is his priority, but those kids need good guidance in their lives and he doesn't realize that he is breaking them, breaking their spirits. I am actually missing Ji Sung from Entertainer here... He was the kinda person that Crude Play and Mush & Co. need.


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I literally just watched Entertainer just coz of Ji Sung and though so many things were wrong with that Show, I loved how he embodied his role. And since, the beggining I had hopes that JH will turn out just like him. Though JH can be Ji Sung, he is clearly making all the wrong choices.


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Entertainer was almost a train- wreck but I don't think I wasted time watching it. The brother's song is still one of my favourites.

And yes, JH should be like Ji Sung! Hope he comes through though I don't see it happening now.


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Me too! The show for it's numerous flaws, did have it's brilliant moments, |re: The bro's song. What could have been, if they elminated that, oh so forced love-line.
I do have my finger's crossed in the hope that they will redeem JH. I do hate him, but don't think the Show will let me hate him for long. He is the underdog afterall!


Agree on JinHyuk. Being stuck between hard places is tough and he's holding on by his fingertips. I do understand Yoo though. She sees his potential and wants to recruit him as her sidekick; that's a wonky perspective but an understandable one too.

Agree on CY: He's like a wounded animal looking for sanctuary and the one person he feels safe around prefers another.

On Dad: Yes, i feel like Dad is just simply tired of all the politicking and just wants to spend his life in peace but Gyulie's been so hurt he doesn't know what to do about it. :/

Such wonderfully complex characters.


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CEO Yoo is like a collector, just as Jinhyuk is. They collect talent, Jinhyuk included. Except CEO Yoo has more resources on her side to obtain the talent, so the competition is unfair that makes Jinhyuk under enough pressure to start making wrong decisions.


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I like CEO Yoo but she does lord her power over Jinhyuk a bit too much.


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¿Puede que Crude Play use el bajo de HG en vez del de CY por que el bajo de CY suena demasiado profesional para sus vídeos y no meramente por una cuestión de a quien quieren en la banda?


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I think I understood that. No idea how to reply in the same language though.


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I am sorry, it is something hard for me to write in English. I know how to read it but I am not very good with the construction of phases.

I guess we are in (or is on?) the same boat


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(I will try because I know a little spanish)

Muy posible. También creo que esa es la razón.


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Thank you for the recap!!

For peeps who are like me and cursed sky and earth when there was no preview at the end of the episode... Here it is, official one.


It goes without saying that it contains spoiler for episode 13 (duh) at your own risk.


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Me, me!! I did that. I let out an actual scream when I realized I had to go for one whole week without a preview. Out of all the weeks!!


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I thought the world was over when there was no preview. I wanted so badly to know what happened next. Pfft.


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This week was the week where I felt the most emotionally engaged and cared the most about our characters and how they would turn out. Not a good timing.


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So true. The emotional engagement is so addictive. ^^


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There was no preview because the filming is live. They had recording for the Musical sketchbook about 1-2 days before airing date. It's super tight.


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Oh no! It says the clip isn't available in my country! Dammit:(


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OMG you're a lifesaver!! Thanks so much!!


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*off to watch!*


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I didn't understand most of the things but I had tears in my eyes when Hyun Woo was crying! Baby shouldn't cry!


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SR should comfort him the way he comforted her... he needs her support the most because based on their convo, he's still carrying the responsibility for CP, to keep the group intact...


Same! I love Hyun Woo. I never want him to get hurt! T___T


You are an angel sent to placate us angry drama addicts! ;)


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Seems absolutely heartbreaking but I'm so ready for all that sh!t to hit the fan! :D


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Yey, it's here!

HG's bass in the Real Crude Play videos was a heartbreaking moment for CY. For a heartbeat he had that tiny smile as he started watching the vid, which I interpreted as, fondness?


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Yes, I interpreted that smile as in "Oh, how cute, they're playing" which then transitioned to "Oh.. they're playing with HG and leaving me behind"


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Indeed! The realization added another wound to his already scarred heart. ?


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The sad thing is.. it was only once.


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Indeed ?


What do you mean? Only once?


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Yeah, they did really good in making us be able to relate to CY... i swear all the resentment I had last episode almost vanished after this one. (Except for the last part where he "forced hug" So Rim.)

All my resentment has now be transferred back to Jin Hyuk. *urgh*

It's funny how my most hated character keeps changing every episodes. It's the first time its ever happened to me in a single drama.


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There used to be a time when I hated CEO Yoo a lot. Or Yoona.


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Yeah, I disliked how CEO Yoo did a lot of things, but she's honestly a lot more transparent with her artists about what she needs from them.


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Jinhyuk's tendency to blindside his artists needs to be curbed.


It's because they're so excruciatingly *real* and human! That's what makes this drama so wonderful!


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Totally with you on this. I was leaving CY for good after the last episode and then the writers decided nope! We will MAKE SURE you empathize with CY. I am a bit upset with Crude Play as well. I get why they can never get close enough to CY given how he entered the band. And I blame this all on stupid Jin Hyuk-- but I feel like there are certain things the band could have done to make CY feel like he had a place in the band as well. Like telling him about their uploaded videos. Or generally being warmer to him.


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In their defense, all the boys, Chan-young included are still at that age where boys are emotionally immature and a bit stunted and dense.


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Yes, that moment was heartbreaking. :( Just when I though CY was being relegated to a one dimensional second lead, the writer hit us with all those wounded puppy Feels!


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Yes the beauty of the Show! Writers are doing a wonderful job, send us on this topsy turvy, yet delightful, roller coaster ride


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Oh can I just add that I silently went nooooo when Mush&Co took another step to becoming the next Crude Play by having KS and JW not play live. I thought it a pity that they had to do that, and that they were finally exposed to how "realistic" the industry was. They've always had this idealistic view of what it was like to be a celebrity, but the reality is starting to sink in. Especially with SR being better at singing, much like HG was better than the rest in Crude Play.

While I'm not back into Camp CY like you, I think this episode did a fantastic job at really tugging on the heartstrings and letting us into CY's world, and feeling his pain along with him. I still don't like how he's still viewing everything as a competition between him and HG, or him thinking that he can convince SR to choose him instead.


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Isn't it more like now that he has given up on Crude Play, and lost his production of Mush & Co, Sorim is the only hope he has left?


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Exactly? Even the way you say it - his "only hope left" makes it seem like everything to CY had been a competition with HG. He "lost out" to HG with Crude Play because he sees himself as a replacement. So now he's left the performance and left HG to deal with the mess. It's very unprofessional. Even though yes, I know, he was struck a huge blow and he was very hurt. Nobody is perfect and I don't expect CY to be!
He tried to manipulate the situation so that SR and Mush&Co would promise to let him produce them (though he should have known - such promises between them would hold for nothing if the CEO of the company stepped in.), so he managed to "win" HG because his song got chosen for the debut. That's why it came as an even larger shock to him that it hadn't been a fair competition.

And now that JH has thrown him over for HG in terms of Mush&Co, the only thing he has left is SR. I didn't like that last scene, where he forced a hug on her (she tried to push him away), and he still asked her if she could choose him instead. I'm not a CY hater, but... I really dislike what he's doing.


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I agree with you @lezah. He practically forced himself on SR. I was browsing on tvN's Youtube channel, and one comment there said that SR shouldn't let any man hug her because he already has a boyfriend. I just wished SR won't let another skinship moment with CY, though it wasn't intentional. It's like betraying HG's immense trust on her... Am I giving myself myself away that I am HG-SR shipper all the way? Lol.


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gotcha. hehe. I am Team HG_SR. Even i feel sorry for CY, he isnt being reasonable. Ditching CR play at live concert at last min, forcing himself on a girl who loves other guy. I'd understand if it was Yoona who hugged and begged HK u know.


I read the "only hope" part no so much as competition and "hope to beat HG," so much as "hope to have anything at all for himself." He's suffering an identity crisis and Sorim's acceptance of him is his "only hope" at boosting his sense of self-worth. I don't know which @Aedee is talking about though, the competition or the self-esteem part?


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So true. Btw, Waiting for You was AMAZEBALLS! *___* Gyulie rulez!

Yes, I don't exactly like CY but I do feel the emotional conflict - which is the mark of a totally awesome writer!


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I honestly think it's less of a competition right now and more of Chanyoung just needs someone by his side. He honestly believes that with everyone preferring Hangyul over him, the only person left for him is Sorim, and I don't blame him for thinking that way. This ep was really Chanyoung's; the amount of hurt that was hurled towards him was too much for him to handle. The scene with him watching his bandmates play, being happy and smiling, and realizing that it was Hangyul's playing instead of his really was the tipping point. It's true; they want Hangyul back no matter how much they accepted Chanyoung. You don't need to like how he's viewing all his decisions as a competition to Hangyul (I don't think all his decisions are based off that), but you should understand it. And as for Sorim, it's clear by now that he does genuinely like her. I'm waiting to see how she reacts to his hug and eventual confession because she has the most potential to change him for the better.


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I expect her to be gentle but firm. He always knew she liked Hangyul. I bet it's the reason it never came into her thoughts that he might like her. She had been friendzoning him and treating him as a confident from the beginning, just as he has been treating her as his own confident.


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One of the things I like most about Chan Young is that he has always, always been genuinely invested in Mush&Co. So I thought it was perfectly in tune with his character that he would be upset about the song switch, but be JUST as upset by the fact that the boys were miming along to the song.

He's been down that road, he knows it's a trap, and he thought as producer he could protect them. And then he got screwed.

Seriously, Chan Young is at breaking point. He's an amazing bassist who appears to have gotten completely trapped by his company. He's aware that if Crude Play is unmasked, he's going down with the ship. He's dealt with public exposure for years, he got the worst part of every deal Han Gyeol made (though HG didn't realize that). And Jinyoung has constantly gone out of his way to undermine Chan Young and any relationship he might have with Crude Play.

When you're stuck in a trap you fight like hell to get out. Chan Young's been holding back for years, and just because he's only speaking out now doesn't mean Han Gyeol and Jin Young ever treated him well. They used him as a placeholder, even if they don't realize what they did to him.


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YES!! I can't hate Chanyoung for fighting a good fight, even belligerently and at his utmost. Like you said, he's in a trap he needs to fight his way out.

And yes, not enough people realize he got the worst part of the deal. Sure, he has fame, but out of all the Crude Play boys, he has been "used" the most.


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I like how you put it. Sometimes, people just want to assign Chanyoung just one single motivation. But this is where this drama is different, he can have multiple reasons to feel and act the way he does. Some of the reasons are legitimate, even if some of his motives are misguided.


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YES!! The first thing Chan Young blew up about was not being told Mush & Co. would perform another song, followed immediately by indignation at Gyu Sun and Jin Woo not even playing. As their producer, he cares about these kids so much. He doesn't want to see them put through what he and Crude Play were put through for five years. Chan Young knows from personal experience that once Jin Hyuk makes them hand-sync, they will never play live again.

I almost teared up at his "It's our band that we're raising together." He is not just in this for So Rim; he loves all three of them equally -- I cannot stress this enough. I'm sure he would've found some comfort, albeit less, in Gyu Sun and Jin Woo had So Rim rejected his hug.


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I hadn't known that talking about back-up files and handing over an external drive could be so charged and swoon-worthy! ?


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Shi Hyun does that every time he is on screen! ? I wonder how SY can handle all that charisma. That too for so many years!


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I know right? Maybe that's what the hanky on her hair is for: absorb all his charisma so she doesn't melt in blissful goo.


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Did anyone notice that when CP got called for rehearsal at the show and they panned to SH his eyes were glued in the direction of SY the whole time?


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I did! ^__^


In addition, Soo Yeon discreetly waved to Shi Hyun when Crude Play took the stage for their rehearsal. Watch her as In Ho picks Chan Young up from Mush & Co. to rehearse.


I know right! His eyes are the problem! They are mesmerizing! I am so looking forward to this actor's next roles!


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There must be a gif of him somewhere ... his eyes! I melt! When I look into his eyes, I get transported back to the 1930s! Oh wait, that's Chicago Typewriter! LOL


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Hahhahha... yes!
Also found some gifs of him.. (fair warning- music started playing in the background in the first one so if you are at work/ crowded place- take care)



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Lovely! Thank you! ^_^ Please drama gods, let SY and SH share passionate kisses! Is that even too much to ask? ?


He's so charismatic, even though he's a total newbie! <3


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They're all so great!


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Shi hyun and soo yeon are love! ♥


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Wait till yall find out his age, compared to other casts! esp to lee hyunwoo >_< *im not going down this wreck by myself!!*


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Finally! A recap that comes when I'm online. Haha. Thank you.

Also, congratulations to our Liar and Lover family, who are currently taking all 8 places for Featured Beanies. :) The names keep changing but all of them are from TLAHL recap 7. I feel proud, even though I'm a lurker. lol.


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Haha same! Usually I read the recaps with at least 400 comments attached lol. So I was surprised to only see 28 comments and I actually let out yelp because now I can join the party!!


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Welcome to the parteeyyy


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Thank you!!
I'm having fun refreshing the page and reading all the comments! :)


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Welcome. We are all open arms here. :)


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I'm also usually late when the recaps are 200-300 comments in. This is the first time I'm in the 100~ comments.


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I came when there were just under 100 comments but got locked out of the thread and now, there are 400 comments when I get back. I could have been early, darn it.


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Yup! It came early today! I think @festerfaster read our complaints in ep 10 :P

P.S. Was I ever there? I have never seen my name!


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what do you mean "Was I ever there? I have never seen my name!" I can see it (?)


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Oh really? I have never seen my name even once there. So I guess it does not show one's own name in the 'featured beanies' list.. I have seen many other names and it changes quite often.


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I've seen yours several times.


@krahgi Yay! :D


@obsessedmuch Yes, it doesn't show your own name. My cousin let me know that she saw my name on the featured beanie list but I've never seen my name there. I've seen your name show up as well:)


I honestly adore all the people on this thread! Your positivity and wonderful insights make this drama such a wonderful experience to watch! <3


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Wow. Today's recap is early.


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It was early yesterday as well. I think the schedule shifted by nearly a day or half a day.


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I think the popularity of this show on DB is energizing @festerfaster and @sailorjumun! :D


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I wonder if the cast even cares about the popularity of a drama? I've seen some dramas who were uber popular, and still disliked by the staff. And some dramas with low comments, but lots of love from the staff. The number of comments probably doesn't matter to them.


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*if the staff, as in DB staff, not cast. Sorry about that confusion.


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They most likely care more about the quality of comments. So it depends on what the comments are. Like if the comments are full of drama and fights, that might not be something they like. But if the comments are interesting discussion, then it's fun. But then again, I'm not them so who knows.


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Isn't it because Mystery Queen recaps used to be out first, but now, they're out after?


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Totally agree with you @festerfaster! My heart ached when CY confronted HG that the band were still using HG's bass. But that soon went out of the window when he forced SR at the last part. I understand where he's coming from but forcing himself to SR won't help him in any way he wants to be accepted.

As for JH, I feel bad for him but then again, he's the reason why he's in that situation.


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If you're not talented enough, it's a problem. If you're too talented, then people like CEO Yoo either want to crush you, or crush you and tame you for their own use. Sigh.


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JH tried too hard to prove himself, and went on a shortcut by debuting Crude Play early.

He is making the same mistake with Mush & Co. As soon as he receives pressure from CEO Yoo, granted, enormous pressure to shut his label down, he goes for the shortcut. Which might work in the short run, but will crumble later on.


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CEO Yoo is so shrewd and forward-thinking, I'm curious to see if she hoped JH would have handled things with his bands differently than that mess she saw backstage.


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either way she wins.


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About JH, totally agree. Though I understand him, he is more toxic a time bomb than CY is. Though I empathise with CY, I can't say the same about JH, because he is the one who is responsible for all the mess around him. He is cracking under the pressure from CEO Yoo, yes. But if his business ethics, were intact, he would never be in the situation he finds himself in right now.


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That was a low move on his part, but even when I don't like him I kind of do understand him. I just wish Sorim would snub him already - he's been slowly inching into the antagonizer category. :(


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Today's was Chanyoung's episode. The amount of pain hurled towards him was too much for him to handle. And you can tell that he wants to become a lot closer and really play with his bandmates, but they, despite accepting Chanyoung, still want to play with Hangyul. No one can deny that. On top of that, CEO Choi changed the song without anyone's notification so that must've stung as well. In the end, I definitely understand why Chanyoung feels like he does and why he acted the way he does. Not that I agree with all his actions and decisions, but rather, I understand. And as far as Sorim goes, he does genuinely like her, and I do think that she's the one person that can really change Chanyoung bc he truly believes that she's the only one by his side now.


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You know what? I think Chanyoung might think that Sorim is the one person who can change him, but I believe that Crude Play really are the people who will be able to reach out to him and change him. The emotional pull they have over him is much stronger than he wants to admit.


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CEO Yoo drops most of her cold facade in front of HG's dad and that makes her okay in my list. At least someone can still speak sense to her, even if that person is also in the gray. I like that she's not warped through and through, she's just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to let her release his album.


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Nice reference to Notting Hill. Julia Roberts still is my crush.

What I appreciate about this drama: no big bad villain. Each "villain" has their own villain, or demons to fight. Or in CEO Yoo's case, a prince to conquer.


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Indeed! I just can't imagine at this point CEO Yoo and HG's dad getting cozy and lovey-dovey. ?


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why not though? they're both good looking ,3


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It's just that CEO Yoo's scenes so far are mostly about her being snappy and cold. Imagine a scene when she's suddenly sunshine and rainbows. Although if it means we get slow-mo moments with her and In-woo with a dreamy background, I'm in! lol


Lol, for a brief second I was like, oh no if CEO Yoo and HG's dad get together, SR and HG can't be together cause they'd be related! Then remembered it's not a makjang type of drama.


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Lol! SR is CEO Yoo's secret daughter. LOL!


Lol! This reminds me of sassy go go which was not a makjang drama but it still had that conflict.


@imbuk Lol at the Sassy Go Go, reference.


Agreed! No unreasonably twisted bad-guy-cause-we-need-one, relatively speedy conflict resolution (eg So Rim and grandma in last eps, Crude Plays' internal bickerings...) and most importantly a leading lady who says what's on her mind and doesn't back down when facing a bully (how awesome was she when she told Se jung to mind her business); no wonder this has become my new crack drama :)


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"new crack drama" ? It's ending in less than 10 days though... lol.


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Yey! I heart Julia Roberts, too!


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I loved that cute moment between Inwoo and CEO Yoo, the little banter about shoes and how gentle her smile was. it just softened her whole face. I shipped them right there.


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Awww... this reference brought back so many feels! Julia Roberts was such a big girl crush at that time!


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She was my fave character this episode. She's smart, she's intimidating and she isn't afraid to get what she wants. Maybe sometimes her moves are underhanded but that's the major difference between JH and her - she's a business woman through and through (except maybe when it comes to Dad)!


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It seems that CEO Yoo's only weakness is Dad. I wonder how the show will use that.


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Maybe in her bid to find some common ground with Dad in order to have a relationship with him, she'll start to mellow up? I just don't want her to lose her business acumen.


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Man, Chan-young letting Han-gyul resume his rightful place in Crude Play had me right there.

Who knew out of all the characters, he would be the one playing Noble Idiot?


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I think break will do him more good than harm. For a person with such deep rooted issues, getting away could be a healing, and as such being around JH doesn't do anyone's ego any good .


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He should go up to where the Buddhist temples are, on one of those remote mountains. Isn't that what other Kdrama characters would do? He should contemplate, find his zen, smell the fresh mountain scent, then come back to civilization as a trained assassin. Wait, where did that come from? Sorry guys, train of thought traversing another path again.


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Haha I was about to tie in the going to Canada/USA trope in my comment, but, since the drama has been largely trope-free I left it now. Going to the mountains, just as well. Hopefully, he doesn't get a Muslim name and start giving water baptism in a saree down the line though.


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As long as his demons are gone and his heart is at peace. ^__^ (cue dramatic music)

That is, until he pulls out his hidden gun and shoots his target. Saree! Man x Man possessed me.

This must be from too many Goblin memes done and very little sleep. ?


Lol @ muslim name and use of Hindu religion! Those parts of SWDBS were frustrating beyond reason!


I have a different POV. I think it was wrong of CY to force K's "coming out". It wasn't his choice to make. You could tell HG was going through SO many emotions when he was on stage, he just wasn't prepared. Although it might have been something that needed to happen, it wasn't CY's right to make that decision all by himself.


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Yeah, CY did was wrong and it might cause issues later on.


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Totally agree!!


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That was one smartly used plot device! :D


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Spam? I didn't click on the link but this looks like spam?


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Can anyone confirm? "Musical Sketchbook" is a reference to Yoo Hee Yeol's Sketchbook right? Since I think that program is really prestigious in Korea?


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It must be. ? Just like how the show's online music service is "Lemon" instead of "Melon".


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And dwitter, and ever lol


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I never really liked Chanyoung, he crosses the line a little bit too much sometimes but I was wondering though... did he ever receive a proper apology from the mistreatment he received from Crude Play? You know, back when they were told Hangyul's no longer gonna join them and Chanyoung's gonna replace him? I feel like he didn't.

Yes, they might be closer compared to how they were in the beginning, but I feel like he's never really received a sincere apology which caused all of his insecurities to pile up and get placed on Hangyul. If they did apologize, I think regardless of how much muck that damned CEO puts them into, they'd be more solid as a band and as friends. It's quite evident too that Crude Play still never really fully considered him as part of the band, seeing how they never really included him in private practices, and how they just allowed the situation to just happen where Hangyul actually replaces him on that live stage, the only purpose he feels he has a right to when it comes to the band. There should have been a better way to reveal K's identity too. My heart sunk, because how could they just allow that to happen? They knew what was going on with him.


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For example, there is Super Junior, where when Kyuhyun first joined the group, he was "bullied" for 6 months. Excluded, not treated well, etc. Now, they are as close as ever, but those first 6 months was something he still doesn't forget. He brings it up all the time as a joke, but you can tell how affected he was by it.

It could be traumatizing, how you're inducted into an established group. Some group with new members never work it out.

5 years feeling like he doesn't belong will take more than just a few laughs to brush it off. But Chanyoung also needs to stop running away and pushing them away for this to work.


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Yes, I agree with the SuJu analogy. It's exactly like that, in the beginning. In this case though, I don't think it's really just him running away, it's the Crude Play members too. We never really saw them make an effort in making him a solid foundation of the band. They let him go after official rehearsals, because they say he doesn't need to practice anymore. I don't think that should happen in a band. One way to have done it, best way actually, was to let him join their private practices and video recording, regardless of how good he was already. "If you're part of the band, you're part of the band and you're gonna play with us."


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what was lacking was good leadership... faced with a strong superior like JH, they needed a leader who could not only lead them, but speak against JH if needs be.


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Definitely, plus the Crude Play boys must always feel like they are at a disadvantage because the big secret is that they don't actually play. They can't just leave JH cleanly without losing everything.


Now that you mentioned KPop, Seungri from Big Bang also used to talk about being the odd man out during trainee period too 'cause GD and TY is pretty tight when he entered.


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Funny how Kyuhyun, Seungri and Chanyoung are all the youngest "maknae" of the group. It's like a rite of passages for maknae at this point. Hopefully, it also means that Chanyoung will be a "maknae on top" in this drama as well.


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I just want ChanYoung to blow up, like a beached whale, shattering windows, crumbling walls and trembling the ground as he does. There's no other way to get through hurt on such a massive scale.
The Crude Play boys need to know exactly what's hurting him, how exactly they've hurt him and to what extent they've hurt him before they can address it and make amends. Because they really don't seem to understand or comprehend how bad they'd scarred him with their little throwaway words and actions. And only then will ChanYoung be able to see through his self-made fog and see their various little supposed snubs in new light - they did those for him, actually, instead of being against him. (I think they used HanGyul's bass because they couldn't keep with with ChanYoung's ?. Or they couldn't find a recording with JUST ChanYoung's playing.) Crude Play probably thought they were cool, never knowing the storm brewing inside their maknae.
Even with SuJu, I believe it was nearly losing KyuHyun in that car accident that only sealed their strong bond. And in Big Bang, while they're cool, I don't see them as able to share their deepest secrets with each other. But they're cool because the clique (that supposedly excluded SR) was only TaeYang and GD, and not the whole band.


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Oh yucks, everything got bunched up. ??


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Bravo. Well said.


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In Crude Play's defence, JH has always, always said that they shouldn't burden CY with practising with them because CY's just too good for them. In Crude Play's POV, it's a waste of CY's time for him to be practising when he has so many individual schedules/activities of his own. I bet they feel ashamed of the fact that they're the hyungs and they're not half as good as he is, nor good enough to play live. I don't think it was because they feel that he doesn't belong.

Also, regarding the fact that HG replaced him - CY knew it would happen. CY knew it would happen, and he let it happen, almost as though he had wanted HG to replace him. It was the final straw in the whole "I was just his replacement, the spot is rightfully his." They let HG replace CY because they had no other choice. It was a live show, and it would be extremely unprofessional for Crude Play to turn up without 4 members. Think of the fees that the company would have to suffer, the consequences from the Music Bank PDs/the higher ups. I agree that it would have hurt CY a lot, but they had no other choice in the matter.


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JH isn't a good mentor to all of them. There are other managers who can be demanding and brutal while generously honing the emotional / personal growth of their talents. It breaks my heart to see the young kids trapped in the middle of a vicious war.


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That's because JH himself is on shaky ground and too busy trying to stay afloat to have room in his mind to consider the mental well-being of his groups. a mistake.


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indeed! no foresight at all.


I'm team Han-gyeol. But man.. Chan-Young has all my empathy in this episode..


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Chan-young is acting like a freaking son of a birch tree lately, I need both him and Jin-hyuk to take several seats and reflect on themselves.


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we wish. Drama is gonna get intense next week.


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The position of a bassist in Crude Play is more than a musical spot, it’s an emotional place, filled with the love and friendship of the other boys. And Chan-young knew that he was never enough.

This ! ?
This is where I empathise with CY the most. Somewhere down the line the Crude Play boys have not accepted him as their own, as much as he has not accepted them. Though they do accept him as their maknae member, that love and comfort they have with HG is missing in the CP's interaction with CY. Maybe, it's because CY remains aloof, but neither have the Trio tried to go the extra mile with him. It was apparent this episode with In Ho being the only one running behind CY to convince him and hear his side of the story. When clear cut resentments are present, it is the hyungs who should take charge and should have made CY feel at ease. But, they have failed him that way.


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That said, I found the moment when he told them " You know I don't find it boring to practice with you right?" really cute of him. And I loved the playful moment right after where the boys were like... "our cranky magnae can be cute too, let's force-cuddle him"


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Yes, that was adorable. Wish they could be like that all the all tge time, without these crazy misunderstandings that they let fester in between. All you need is a good ol' heart to heart session guys! I know you will get there.


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This hurt the most because we get that cuddly scene and then he sees the video on Shi Hyun's computer.


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Probably done on purpose to make us feel worse about chan young's pain.


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That statement from @festerfaster was spot on.


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Agree with you that the trio haven't really stepped out of their way to make CY feel more like he belonged (though is it a cultural thing that they being the "hyungs" should have done something more, and therefore have failed him that way?). Though I wonder if things would have been better if CY hadn't been so aloof/if CY himself had put in the effort. Similarly to how HG created emotional barriers for himself by using music to distance himself from others and using it as an excuse to never delve deeper into his feelings, CY might have done the same. Perhaps if he had told the hyungs about how he was feeling, and asked to be part of their practices, they might have welcomed him with open arms. On the other hand, yes, the trio could have offered, and could have done much more.

That scene with him telling the hyungs that he didn't find it a chore to practice with them and them joking with him was really sweet. I don't think any one party is more at fault than the other; I wish they could have been like that more often.


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Yes, the Show is so well written that you know about each character's conflicts and emotions well, that you can never blame one person totally. But it still gets you so invested that, one can't help but obsess over the 'what ifs'.
About the hyungs having to do something, yes maybe it's a cultural thing, around here the older siblings are somehow held responsible for the misdeeds of the younger ones (not, a very nice spot to be put in). But, consider this, when a new student comes to class, if the class welcomes him with open arms, dosen't it help him to be more integrated with the school. On the other hand if they regect him...issuses worth a lifetime are born. This has what has happened here albeit, here, it is a band instead of a classroom.


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great analogy. And if they were the one to shut you out in the first place, it's only natural that you would find it difficult later down the line to approach them sincerely for anything, out of fear of being hurt and rejected. By the time they open up to you, you would have put up your own protective barriers already.


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Yes, I do agree with you on that point! Their original words to him upon first hearing the news were harsh, and probably hurt CY a lot. Still, they were all young and immature, I guess. You're right, we can understand their conflicts and emotions so well that we can't even find someone to blame. It hurts, but in a good way ;)


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speaking of which, I always crack up when they show that scenes with the weird hairstyles.


Yay it's here! Thank you @festerfaster for the recap!
Tbh, the last two episodes was a roller coaster ride of emotions for me in a sense that I hate Chan-young for what he does and the reason behind his actions and then on the other hand, I want to pull him in for a hug. The last episode totally made me want to hug him and comfort him because dang what Jin-hyuk did was so over the line I was hurt for him. And I do understand Chan-young BUT I don't think it's right to ask/force So-rim to choose him over Han-gyeol when clearly, he knows what she truly feels for Han-gyeol. Aigoo, I don't know what else to say but that I hope this whole thing gets resolved in a satisfying way as we go along! Ugh, are we really down to the last 4 episodes already???


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I think Chan-young is working on his anger, desperation and jealousy that he has toward Han-gyul. This makes it hard for him to see from anyone else's perspective. I don't think he realises that So-rim feels uncomfortable towards him (even though he know she likes Han-gyul).
I just want him to step back and see for himself that he never had a chance to be with So-rim, because unlike other dramas where the female lead character starts off liking the second lead, So-rim had only eyes for Han-gyul from the start. I just hope Chan-young can learn to let go sooner than later (in the remaining 4 episodes).


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I can't believe there are only 4 episodes left.

Chan Young has always viewed So Rim as his "hope." Now that she can't be his hope musically, she is the "hope" to fulfill his personal loneliness. But that will not work either for him, unfortunately.


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Yep exactly. Because he only feels his pain and he doesn't seem to care where So-rim's feelings lay.


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He really looks at So Rim as a symbol fo his own space musically and personally but wherever he goes, whether to Crude Play or SR, Han Gyul has always occupied those spaces.

Chan Young frustrates me but it's a testament to the writing that I still understand him.


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You took words out of my mouth. If those words went through a eloquence class. haha.



@boraflok, thanks, except that typo was bothering me, lol.


Compared to the previous episode where I just couldn't find any reason to like Chan-young, this episode kind of redeemed him in my eyes. I think what finally helped me see from his perspective was the scene where he realises the other Crude Play members playing with Han-gyul's music. So I agree with @festerfaster in that Chan-young's isolation isn't imagined. He truly feels left out of the group because he can see through the group members and can tell that they obviously want Han-gyul over Chan-young. I think he's using this anger to get back at Han-gyul in the only way he can think of. And that is to win So-rim's love...something that he believes he has every right to go after because of his comparison to Han-gyul.

That being said, I don't get why Chan-young can't see that he is a better bass player than Han-gyul is. Why does he need to also feel like he should be a better producer than Han-gyul?


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That being said, I don't get why Chan-young can't see that he is a better bass player than Han-gyul is. Why does he need to also feel like he should be a better producer than Han-gyul?

I think it's because his insecurities and hurt have always stemmed from the fact that he sees himself as HG's replacement, and it's sort of festered into this need to just be better than HG. To receive the kind of recognition that HG gets. To receive the same kind of love that HG gets from others. It doesn't matter that he's a better bass player; the fact that Crude Play still used HG's tracks showed that they still wanted HG over him, which essentially means that his better bass skills were "useless", if that makes sense. That's IMO.


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Ahhh ok. Thanks for your explanation! :)

Yep, so basically Chan-young believes that Han-gyul being a better producer is earning him more fame and recognition than he can ever hope to achieve by being a better bass player. Chuck in Sorim's love, the group members acceptance and Jin-hyuk basically telling him to give up being better than Han-gyul, no wonder Chan-young feels like a lost puppy!


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maybe because as a producer, you are a creator? and as a player, you're just an "instrument" to the creator, so he'll always feel inferior because he has to listen to HG's instructions.


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Yes, and CY longs to have something of his own, something that he cultivated on his own and with his own skills.


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I actually wonder why no one in Crude Play can see taht even Han Gyul has some sort of inferiority complex in terms of his bass playing skills... They really should sit down and talk out their differences! They are like a band of mutually-inflicting-inferiority-party (if that makes sense)!


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they probably are so much in awe of his producing skills that it never occured to them that he would feel inferior. It's like thinking that the top of the class think himself stupid.


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Hmm... quite possible!


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i'l also point out, Sorim is the first one who was in love with him without being in "awe" of him as you put it. he doesn't feel like he needs to be the composing machine with her.


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Good point, I never thought about how poorly Han Gyul must feel about his playing especially since he is such a perfectionist about music. I've always thought about his choosing to step aside as a result of Jin Hyuk's manipulations. But interestingly, if he doesn't feel good enough to play with his band, is the Real Crude Play even that bad?


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According to JW and GS, they were worrying about it and mentioned that if CP was already so much better than them and had to fake it, they were afraid that JH would make them fake it for even longer. I assume it means CP aren't bad at all.


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Aw this just makes it worse. None of this mess needed to happen.


It's not that Chanyoung can't see that he's a better bass player than Hangyul; he knows that. But like he stated in the episode, that's not important. Even if he's the better player, what does it matter when the other members still prefer Hangyul's playing over his? Who cares if he's better? Chanyoung specifically said that. Even the one thing he's good at bass is something that brings him pain. That's gotta hurt.


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All I can say is, protect Chant Young's hair AT ALL COST!!! that thing is a work of art.

I just want to brush it with my own hand. I juat want to feel them.


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Yes! His hair is distractingly gorgeous ? He rocks that flamboyant look


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So agree on that hair.. totally calling my fingers to run through


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That could make for a great meme! Protect the hair at all cost! lol ?


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When Chan Young was brooding over unsuccessfully composing Mush & Co.'s second title track at his computer, he looked hot running his fingers through his hair.


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Where do I sign up for Chanyoung's Protect His Hair Squad? I dunno about you but as an ahjumma/noona (dunno what category I am but I'm 33 and married with twins) I just find Lee Seowon insanely attractive! He's the maknae but he is smolderingly hot! I feel so conflicted!

While I'm at it, I noticed a lot of comments wanting to give Chanyoung a hug -- lining up for that too!


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Crude Play agrees. With the exception of Kim Sung Joo, all the other Crude Play members, including K, ranked Lee Seo Won as the top visual in their band. Lee Seo Won is smoking hot, regardless of his age or our age.

Chan Young should hold a Free Hugs event.


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Haha, I love his voice too. And then I remember how old I was when the actor was born.


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What is up with all these young kids with these deep voices?
- Yeo Jin Gu (1997)
- Lee Seo Won (1997)
- Kim Min Jae (1996)

Sexy af.


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HAHAHA. I got distracted by his hair during so many scenes this episode!


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Haha I love that I'm not the only one obsessed with his hair. What do you call that hairstyle? There's a "comma" hair style out already so is this parentheses then?


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This is a like a well written tragegy. Everyone is to blame and we can see how it came about - the characters are really well fleshed out.

Am new to kpop and have been reading up interviews etc of top bands. The consensus is that bands who compose, arrange and co-produce their own music have a different energy and passion. I think JH has taken away opportunities from the band to do this by making them puppets. JH needed the win. The situation would be different if CY and the guys were involved in co-producing for the band. CY would have intergrated earlier and more easily through joint ownership bond of music.


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This is exactly the root behind CY's unhappiness. He wants to own his music, and is instead, stuck to being a replacement, in a fake band, playing someone else's music. Crude Play OT3 also are stuck being unable to produce their own music for the world to listen to. It's very sad.


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Thank you for the recap!
Ahh Jin-woo cracks me up. Poor boy is way too late to the game.


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He is adorkably late, which I don't mind ?


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I love how he has to receive hints all the time from Gyusun.


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Gyusun can open his own Cyrano Agency.


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gyusun's proud and then exasperated look when Jinwoo offered to open the bottle, then said that cheesy line and winked was priceless.


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I found it both hilarious and sad that Gyusun told Sooyeon she didn't need to worry one bit about Jinwoo's love life because it is non-existent. And Jinwoo bluffed for only 1 second that he had a girl before confessing that he didn't.


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Is Jinwoo another Jeremy in the making?


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But he's different than Jeremy in that he never mistakenly thought Sorim liked him. He has the same hurt puppy look though.


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I felt a pinch in my chest when he was had an expectant awkward smile after helping her with the guitar, thinking she would like him for it, and then just got this hurt look when she misunderstood his gesture. I can feel my heart breaking in future episodes for Jinwoo.


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Please dont be sad on Jin Woo's character. He may not accept HG+SR relationship at first, but eventually he will. From the looks of it, his feelings is just "puppy love", at least for the time being. Who knows if it will be evolved through time. Anyway, this show magnificently telling us the facets of first love. <3


Speaking of jinwoo, that game he played on his phone looks a lot like Super Junior Shake, which I call the ancestor of SMTown Superstar.


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I feel really bad for Chan Young and a lil bit mad at Han Gyul. I feel like somehow Han Gyul never really cares about things Chan Young had to go through because of things he agreed with CEO Choi (not that it's entirely his fault). I know he cares, but not to the extent I wish he would. It could be because he thinks everyone has accepted thing as it is. But given many occasions where Chan Young was being a lil bit jerk to him, I hoped he did something, like initiate a conversation to sort the misunderstanding with them.
I know Chan Young behavior isnt right either, but then he was thrown to where he is right now because of Han Gyul (and CEO Choi) decision, so I am hoping more responsibility from Han Gyul.


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Chan Young was as helpless as Han Gyul in that decision.


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I think there is an added problem here that hindered the other Crude Play boys to really connect with Chan Young and it's the fact that he can play his bass himself. We have seen before in the buss where CY talked JH and said something like: "It's better to have a forgettable performance just lip syncing to the song than have a crappy live performance and embarrass yourself."
It's clear that he can't completely connect with their wish to play live and maybe just sees it as a cute endeavor without giving much credit for how much it hurts them to continue as "fakes". Also, now with their recording of HG's bass in their real Crude Play videos he will probably think it's mostly about them wanting to play with HG instead of him rather than their wish to play the instruments themselves.

In all of this, what I am most uncertain about is where the other Crude Play members really stand. I want to believe that right now we are mostly shown CY point of view and that there is some misunderstanding going on but I can't be completely sure. I do think they care for CY a lot and I don't think that as of right now we can really say that they didn't completely include him in their ranks, just that it's always more apparent to you what you don't have rather than what you have. Meaning that their focus might be on HG because he isn't in the band anymore and they miss him but it doesn't mean that they truly want him to replace CY. I could be wrong with this but how I see it, they probably just want both Chan Young AND Han Gyeol. Just that they thought that HG is further away from them rn as he isn't an active member of the band in the way that CY is and as I said before - people usually concentrate on the things they don't yet have rather appreciate what they do have.


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I wish there would be an Edit button.


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It's a bit extreme, but worse case scenario, you can delete your comment, and just copy and paste it to a new one with the corrections.


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I love how you put it. The fact that they try to place more attention on HG because he can't be with them actively. That they care for HG and try to include him so that he doesn't feel left out.

I do think that the fact that CY is the only live player did create some barriers between him and the hyungs. I just want to bring up the point that they must have felt some resentment toward him at some point. The fact that he, the replacement for their good friend, was allowed to play live whereas for 5 years all they were told was that they weren't good enough to do anything other than hand sync. The story focuses more on CY and how hurt he feels, which does generate a lot of sympathy for him, but I think the hyungs themselves must have been hurt a lot too. All this probably contributed to that gap between them and CY.


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When Mr Choi told the boys not to bother CY with their "boring" practice, or that it's a child's play for him... He was giving Crude Play the treatment comparing them to CY, the treatment he usually gives to CY when comparing him to HG. So CY feels inferior to HG, Crude Play feels inferior to CY, and HG also feels inferior to CY's bass play. It's a mess.


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YES. omo I HATED JH at that point. He really manages to sow resentment and insecurities every time he opens his stinky mouth this episode. Made me SO SO MAD. why on earth would you want to sow discord between a group under your management?

Well you reap what you sow. And JH is going to suffer the outcome of his terrible decisions next week I hope!! He better!


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He can be very shrewed on how to manipulate people, but very stupid in thinking that his manipulationd and words don't affect them.


"why on earth would you want to sow discord between a group under your management?"

Right? From my understanding aside from Mush&Co, JH really only has Crude Play and Yoona in his agency. He should be tending to them like precious orchids.


@kayak he has more artists (we can see it in posters). YN and CP are his only significantly successful acts


yes, yes. It is all about CY being hurt. What about In Ho and Yoon? They are hurt too, always being denied playing their instruments and being told they arent good enough to reach CY etc... CY is being hurt becoz CP prefers HK and even SR loves HK. Even i understand him at some degree, it feels ridiculous at times. What about those 7 or 9 members kpop bands? What would happen if everyone makes complaints like this? If you are in a band, you have to make effort to get close. Also him being producer, why he is pushing to be their producer so much when he isnt very good at making songs? He has only 1 song which isnt doing well...JH gave him a chance to be a producer and had few talks with him about needing new song. But he is pushing they should promote more their debut song like he is agency head or something. I am sure JH knows his work better than CY. This ent business isnt the playground for newbies. Wonder what would have happened if JH talked about Mush&Co singing HK's song with HK and CY? I think outcome would be the same, him getting angry at HK for HK being good at this job. JH shouldnt have told him that harsh in front of many people. Maybe he tried to prove that he is the boss in front of Yoo, not the other way around.


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I feel proud of Sorim for her loyalty to Jinwoo and Gyusun. You can tell it's not just loyalty for the sake of loyalty. It's something she really feels.


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Very true! Their friendship is so real!


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True! She's so genuine and the way she treats her friends is so heartwarming. ?


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best part is they are not even there. she treats them well behind their backs too.


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Her friends also treat her well back. They are always concerned about her first. For example, when her dating news broke out, or when the Crude Play secret was outed.


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I loved the way she responded to CEO Yoo's suggestion. Her immediate response was that she had to talk with Jinwoo and Gyusun. A lesser person might have been tempted by the opportunity


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Also how she told Hangyul that in her dreams of the future, she had always pictured herself with Jinwoo and Gyusun by her side.


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what stood out for me in that conversation was how she acknowledged that kind of thought might be too naive and idealistic. That girl has maturity to spare.


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Yeah! I love that bit too! Writer-nim is really into these small details.


Hi fellow beanies!!! I am a lurker here for a quite a while, and I can't help myself but to give my two cents on Ep 12 because I have this thought that is bugging on my mind since Ep 11 up until this episode, which, I hope, from your wise analysis, can quell it... Here it goes:
We clearly know that SR has a deep affection/love for HG, but because of CY's 'emotional blackmail' on SR, she is kind of torn between the two boys, at least for now professionally-wise, but may affect their personal relationship in the future. I can sense that SR and HG's relationship is hanging by a thread, and may snap on any moment. I cannot feel a strong and solid foundation for their relationship; at least for HG, he is trying to hold them together given that he is really in love with her now, and may because he already learned from his past mistakes. But for SR, it's really tricky because of CY lurking around, the 'norms' set by the music industry, and her age and being inexperienced on the matters of the heart. I am really scared actually that they will call it quits on one of the remaining episodes... Please provide me some insights and help me calm down... :'(


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Sorim has shown quite a bit of maturity throughout the episodes, and has steadfastly liked Hangyul. Do you mind elaborating a bit more on what would make you doubt her?


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Also, welcome out of lurkdom!


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Yes, welcome!


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SR has this profound loyalty for CY, at least for his music, and I am afraid that it will be carried through on a personal level. SR might be forced to break up with HG so CY can get himself back on his feet. Yes SR steadfastly liked HG, but sometimes love isn't enough. I hoped I made sense lol.


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You totally make sense! But if they get back together after braeking up, wouldn't that be ok?


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You make perfect sense. But I believe in our OTP and more so in So Rim's heart. SHe says exactly what she feels so I believe that she can make it very clear to Han Gyul that she has a professional relationship with Chan Young and I believe that Han Gyul has shown enough maturity by now to understand SR's POV


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Speaking of loyalty, did anyone else thought of Chanyoung when Hangyul asked Sorim to trust and listen to only him? His words are almost word for word exactly what Chanyoung usually says to Sorim. Chanyoung also asks her to trust him. It's just that he talks about her music career instead. Interesting, isn't it?


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I personally don't think the Show will go anywhere there. Infact, if anything I think SR will push CY completely away after this or try to help him out, but I doubt that will happen at the cost of her relationship with HG. SR has proven time and again, even when HG completely neglected her and shouted at her that she only has eyes for him. She has always been tge steadfast one, while HG is pretty new to it (he is hanging on tight though).
Well, now since almost everyone around them knows about HG and SR dating (except MnC lol), I think it's clearer than ever that, no one, I repeat no one has an issue with SR dating HG, on the basis of her age and norms. JH does have his reservations, but it is now more geared towards them not dating openly and that too because of the 'two timing' scandal she is embroiled in right now.


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So my ship will safely sail up until Ep 16? Thanks for this perspective! I just want someone who will assure me that HG and SR will not break up. This is such a feel-good version of Kanojo Wa Uso Wo Aishisugiteru because the Japanese movie didn't satisfied me and left me hanging *spoiler*


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At first, the plot reminded me of My Loverly Girl starring Krystal and Rain. Thank god it's different.


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Their relationship is the worse kept secret EVER.


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- Jinhyuk knows - check
- CEO Yoo knows (?) - when she told HG and SR they looked good together during lunch, does that mean she knows?
- Sooyeon knows - hands holding - check
- Chanyoung knows - morning bike ride - check
- Crude Play knows - check
- Yoona knows - seeing them hold hands after scandal - check
- Jinwoo now knows (poor puppy)..
Even Sejung knows.


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Lol. So true! Who were they kidding about keeping it secret! it is clearly visible on their faces!


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I'm not sure they even try. lol.


speaking of which... I find it hard to read Yoona's reaction to anything. She has such a phoenix face. I can tell she's mildly interested, mildly concerned, mildly something... but I can't pinpoint it.


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Sorry, I wasn't clear, I mean, I'm not sure what Yoona's reaction is to the scandal/dating.


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Yea I agree. She's 'mildly' something. I think I would like her if she doesn't turn into a jealous second lead. But with 4 episodes left don't think she will. *fingers crossed*


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She has always been temperate in her response to anything, the only exception being in the very beginning, when she felt hurt by Hangyul neglecting her. I think she's too poised to turn into a jealous second lead.


@Satinder her conversation with Hangyul on why he changed should be enough closure for her to move on from their break-up.


I was a little confused about the dressing room at the show...was she being a little bitchy to So Rim about singing Han Gyul's song, or am I just getting poorly translated subs?


i want more sweet scenes between The Liar and his lover.


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Haha well said.


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Aaaah! It's here!
Thank you for the recap!
This episode has been a rollercoaster for me. But, how could they left us with no preview!? I'm dying right here!
Anyway, I think SH-SY will have some kind of lovers spat based on this link here: https://sungjookim1994.tumblr.com/post/159874321105/tving-update-about-sungjoo-in-the-liar-and-his
I don't think I can handle that with their barely enough time together... Monday please come sooner!


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Go a few comments up for preview links :)


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You know, sometimes I wonder if I'm the crazy one and we're hyping this drama way up but then, I go back to rewatch it, and I get even more impressed the second or third time around by all the details I missed out on the first watch.
I really think this is a well crafted drama. The quality is there, the emotions are there, the attachment to characters are there. Music, credibility of characters, etc. Even visual.
It's a wonder it's not doing better with the korean audience, and an even bigger wonder that it's not doing as well with the international audience. There isn't much hype around this drama, it's so sad.


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I am actually impressed that this drama is managing 300+ comments for each recap. Not a lot of people enjoy this type of drama. Emotionally charged and realistic characters. People prefer fantasy romcoms.

Even with less comments, this drama is still one of the better ones out there. I am fully impressed with it.


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At first, it only had about 100 comments. People seem to enjoy it here more than on the internet in general. Maybe, it's because Javabeans and HeadsNo2 and festerfaster and SailorJumun also enjoy it, so Beanies are more receptive?


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Yes, the people leading the conversation are important. Here at DB, we Beanies got JB, Heads, Sailor an festerfaster as leaders so we're in safe hand. In the internet, the leaders are too many spiteful people who hate the fact that Joy got cast.


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Hehe. Maybe because the viewers do not want to face the reality that's why they are so sucked up to farfetched romcoms lol.


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This drama should have created a phenomenon a la Dream High. The cast is as likable. The music is awesome. This should have been the 2nd Dream High in terms of phenomenon.


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I might get killed for saying this, but I think this is a better done drama objectively than Dream High. I love Dream High a lot out of sentimentality. As you can see in my list, it's in my top shows. But objectively, this drama has better just about everything. Maybe it lacks star power or luck?


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I agree about TLAHL being much better than Dream High (at least in my book). I also loved Dream High and thought it was one of those musicals I wouldn't mind re-watching, but TLAHL has more solid writing. And as someone has mentioned here already, the way the show integrates music as if it's a character on its own, is just commendable.


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the ensemble cast also doesn't lose to Dream High ensemble cast, and neither does the music in my humble opinion.


I agree with you. I like dream high. But i love this drama.


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Only hope is now that Lee Hyun Woo gets recognition from drama makers and lands more good roles and Joy and other cast too.


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I am also a bit depressed that TLAHL wasn't much well-received just like SWDBS and other recent drama. Even here in our country it wasn't much talked about on facebook pages dedicated for Kdramas. Was it because of the green leads? If that's the case, it's very saddening that they judged the cast poorly. :( Every one of them fits the characters they are playing; it's as if the whole show was made just for them.


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Yes, people judged the cast and are so prejudiced. :(


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I've said this before and I will say it again, I picked up this one just for tge fluff and a quick time pass. But, this one was such a shocker for me, in terms of story line and character depth that by end of Ep.2 I was sure this one was an exceptional gem that I have found. And it just kept getting better and better and has me hooked on it.
When I first read the negative comments, I was very confused, now I realise how scary the knets are. Infacts if as many people watched the drama, it would already be a hit. The antis systematically destroy an idol they don't like. I saw this overwhelming hate everywhere and decided to stick with the authentic haven DB is.


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sometimes when I read comments outside of DB, I wonder if we're watching the same drama. I understand having different taste, but quality is quality, regardless of taste.


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I wonder a little if the people writing negative comments are the types of people who would side with Se Jung and don't like that people like her are getting a bad rap. ;-)


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Nah.. the one who write hate comments are the last ones to think they are anything like the bad guys in dramas. they're so busy hating others they don't have eyes to look at themselves.


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Agree! They'd be the first to wash their hands off the guilt and the last to admit they've done wrong. So vicious, these people are. That's why I appreciate the show even more for portraying that nastiness in its rawest sense (eg, negative comments on SR)


Well said. And I agree with every word! I too picked it up just for the fluff but it drew me in more than any other other show in the recent past!


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Actually i wonder why people arent watching this drama and it isnt becoming hit like dream high. I watched it becoz Joy and Lee Hyun Woo. From the first episode, i knew this is a good drama and a gem. With my 20 years of watching dramas, i rather picky with my drama quality. But here even most cast are green, writing is good and they are doing a good job.


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I stayed because of the song at first.. but now that 괜찮아 난 had been released, i find myself liking the other songs.. and all the cute hangyeol/sorim moments. And of course, sihyun/sooyeon!

Also i like that i dont have to make up some imaginary excuses on why the characters acted the way they did. Its all out in the open~!


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I know I said I'm so over CY's self pity act in ep11 but hey ep12 pulled me right back to his side T.T My heart also broke when CY realized Real Crude Play used HG's bass instead of his. All his frustration and resentment from being part of the band that never really wanted him were verified at that very moment :( That plus having Shiny Boy getting replaced by Waiting For You and HG dating SR, there's no wonder he'd break down one day. I can't even think of how to comfort him~

Gosh, I could only pray that writer-nim would at least give him a happy ending. pretty please~!!


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Shiny Boy being replaced without his knowledge was the last straw. It was like losing his sense of agency.


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What would have happen if Mush&Co still with their debut songs, which is out of all charts and not doing well? I dont know.


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That's true but I think Chan-young had the right to know that the song has been changed. After all, he was/is? their producer. I think Jin-hyuk's rush to prove himself to CEO Yoo made him desperate to do anything and that meant stomping all over everyone's pride and hearts.


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he still ended with a fiasco in his hands tho.


I understand JH's struggle, but he should have known what was coming. He lied for a reason, he lied to M&Co and CY and HG because he knew they wouldn't like it. He should have seen it coming and prepared for the aftermath. I think he underestimates how hurt they are by his actions.


@omavalle yep true. Now anyone who didn't hate him before now sure do. That includes me. I was hoping he would be that support and guide to the band members, especially with CEO Yoo trying to have her way. But I guess he decided to pick 'I'm a business man' over 'I'm a musician'.


In episode 11, JH did try to get CY to accept a new song since he did not have one prepared himself. However, CY deduced that it would HG's song and told JH in no uncertain terms that he would not allow it, so JH had to make this decision to save himself. I agree that JH's rush to prove himself to Yoo ended up in many catastrophes, but as far as CY is concerned, he did try several times to guide him but CY was too caught up in his rivalry with HG to listen.


I feel like JH really tried to talk to CY about Mush&Co needing new song and Shine boy isnt doing well. I mean JH is mostly at fault with episode 12's mess, still something in me tells he is much experienced than those kids and knew what he was doing. haha i dont know what i am mumbling. We all know K-Ent is roses and sunshine.


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We all know K-Ent isnt roses and sunshine.


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He knew what he was doing, but his approach to it was horrible. In order to achieve his goal, he trampled all over his artists' trust and feelings, when he could have used reason and discuss things gently and rationally with them. Explaining his rationale in a way that made them swallow his decision easier. Instead, he just dropped the bomb on their laps out of nowhere.


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I think he wanted to take them up by surprise so that they had no chance to object.


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yes, it was a bomb. Wish SR sang the HK's song happily with HK smiling towards her. Now what a mess.


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Great recap! HY and SR are really helping me get over strong woman do bong soon( though it will always have a special place in my heart). It made me sad to realise how different this episodes chan young seems from the one we saw in the first few episodes. I really like him in the beginning but now I find myself very far away from camp chan young :(
First of all whos idea was it to place chan young in a room when han gyul broke out the news about him leaving the group?
Second chan young also kind of knew what he was getting into when he agreed to join crude play. Yes he agreed no one forced him to. He got an opportunity and he grabbed it. He needs to take responsibility for his decisions and atleast half of the responsibility for the way they all are now.
Thirdly, i feel like he didnt leave last minute due to some noble goals. He left them amongst all the rumours which might lead to crude play being disbanded. They did not deserve that from him.
Fourthly, he needs to realise that you cant hug a girl if she doesnt want it. Its just plain wrong. The hand touch last episode and the hug this episode just destroyed all hope i had for him. I had hoped that he would become a great producer to mush and co and always make them his priority. Instead he is unable to move past his anger towards han gyul and focussing too much on HY and SRs relationship. :( Looking forward to more scenes between SY and SH :)


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I don't know about other things, but from the sad way he told Sorim that they had replaced him with Hangyul for the Musical Sketchbook stage, he stayed away on purpose.


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I mean, on purpose, knowing what would happen, and doing it anyway. It's his own way of giving up if you will.


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Yes, i was never in CY' s camp and never will be. I mean he manipulated SR from the very start to steal from HK with promise thing for 3 years. In this drama almost only CY is screaming at anyone HK, Choi and other boys. Also maybe green acting, he isnt showing very sad and hurt face well. But always he had this disgusted look which is drawing me away from him all the time. He says hyung, hyung, but never treat them like hyungs. Sorry this is only my take.


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I find CY/LSW's acting to be good tho?


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Yup! The fact we all feel conflicted on his character proves Lee Seo Won will be the next big thing. He portrayed it beautifully.
LHW also did a good job. He had me convinced that he's a prodigy on the music scene. I feel sad though that he didnt get the attention he deserves.


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Might be. I am loving Lee Hyun Woo more and happy that he is finally grown up and we have chance to enjoy him in more dramas and movies.


Personally, I think Lee Seo Won is the best actor in this drama among the young cast. I've never quite warmed up to Lee Hyun Woo's acting, which feels stilted at times. ?


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I am so conflicted about Chanyoung...one episode i find him annoying and then the next all things make me want to pity him. His character has obviously been written with much thought...he's real and i too want better for him..but is he indulging in too much self pity. I know things happened in the past..his bandmates had an attitude.. But then they consider him as one of them as they have made it clear plenty of times...maybe redemption lies in him making an effort


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But then again, would you be able to forget it when someone treated you harshly at first? No matter how nice they are to you later on, there will always be that seed of doubt questioning the sincerity of their niceness...


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I totally know what you mean. I've been flip flopping this 2 episodes too. And you are so right- most of the time people aren't Bad or Good, they make bad decisions sometimes, but if they weren't backed into a corner, they would be good all the time too. And that's how I see CY. He is a good boy, stuck in a crap situation and he doesnt have the support and self esteem to get himself out of it.

It's also kind of how I feel about Jin Hyuk too, although he deserves alot more flak than CY, and I sympathise with him alot less.


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Wow Jin Hyuk way to go in this episode. Does it really pain you that much to try and form a healthy relationship with everyone to get the things you want?

Man that scene where Han Gyul stayed on the phone to So Rim while she was sleeping melted me?

Also really random but I love how Dad talks through singing sometimes.


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My heart actually broke for SR this episode during the phone scene. For someone so kind and pure... how hard must it have been for her to start having nightmares about what people said about her? From a girl whom everybody but that horrid teacher loved, to a girl who received thousands of hate comments per day, it must ahve been a horrid trauma. I hurt for her, so innocent and she already has to face knowing what haters are.


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I loved that moment when Daddy was singing "saranghae saranghae saranghae!!!!!" and Han Gyul was just dying to run away from it. Hee.


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My favorite bit is when he annoys HG by yelling/singing "Gyeolie gyeoliegyeoliegyeoliiiiiiiiiiii"
And it's more than comic effect too (although the faces he makes are hilarious), because it's consistent with his character to sing everything. You can tell he breathes and lives music.


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"Who's fault is it then?"


I feel like Chan Young's relationship with Crude Play is such a vicious cycle. He can't get over his initial rejection and refuses to get close to them, while they feel like he looks down on them because he never wants to be with them and is "real" while they're "fakes". It's a lose-lose situation (that would surely be relieved if Chan Young would just fricking talk to someone that isn't his rival's girlfriend).


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I don't see Chanyoung wanting Sorim as "stealing HG's girlfriend." He likes Sorim, who just happens to be HG's girlfriend, so to have her, he has to take her away from HG. The fact that he needs to do that spices things up considering their history, but he's not just doing it to steal HG's girlfriend. He's doing it because HG's girlfriend happens to be Sorim.


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Also, who else could he talk to with trust?


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He's known since episode 4 that Sorim likes HG. Yes, if he wants to be friends with her that's fine but show some respect for boundaries. The consistent skinship he initiates is out of line...........


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Aside from that hug, he hasn't done anything much out of line? For example, I took the hand covering at the hospital as a comforting gesture, rather than an invasion of space.


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I disagree slightly. Yes, CY does like SR, but I think his main motivation is more of wanting to win something over HG. From the way he asks her why it had to be HG, and if she couldn't choose him instead... he's still battling with the need to be better than HG in something. Especially now that Mush&Co have been taken away from him, he only has SR left to "win", so he decided to do a disappearing act from the performance and then confess to her at that moment. I think he's doing it because HG's gf is SR, but also especially because she's HG's gf.


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See, I think it's important to him that Sorim chose him over HG, but not because she's HG's girlfriend, but because she's Sorim. I don't know if I make sense? So it's like a mix of both of the points on here.
He needs to know that she's choosing HIM instead of HG, but that's because her choice as Sorim is important to him, not as HG's girlfriend.


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Yes, I see what you mean! That's why I say that I do think part of the reason is because he does genuinely like SR, and not just because he feels that it's a competition. I guess the main issue is that CY fell out of my good books a couple of episodes back and since then it's difficult to really view his actions in a good light! I start to suspect and distrust everything he's doing (gosh am I becoming a CY), haha!


@lezah Is becoming a CY a good thing? Haha. It increases your empathy for him because you know how he feels, but at the same time, becoming a CY means being obtuse to others' feelings. It's almost a paradox.


Yes. I love that show! It highlights the talents of singers and idol groups LIVE! Plus their live band and sound system is superb! But unlike YHY's Sketchbook, the performers in Music Sketchbook are allowed to not go live.


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Is this a reply to one of the comments about YHY sketchbook? :D


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Oof. That last act devolved into a nightmare of pettiness and hair product and sadness. (What the hell does YN even want at this point?)

And Chan Young, Chan Young, Chan Young. Every time I'm mad at him, CEO Choi does something to remind me how alone he must feel. But then that ending happened. At first I thought CY was reuniting the original band to encourage HG, but then he got all Se Jung-y on SR. Just go sit in the corner with Jin Woo and ruminate on the fact that just because you like someone does not mean they are obligated to like you back.

And of course, Soo Yeon is now in the unnie Hall of Fame. It would be genius if she kept Mush&Co busy with their cell phones so she can talk to Shi Hyun. So just let her and SH kiss already preferablywherewecanseejknoreally!

Also, are there any unaired scenes of HG telling a sleeping SR stories of Crude Play's romantic hijinks in high school? I want this yesterday, Show.


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I demand a SHxSY kiss. I want it even more than a SRxHG kiss if you can believe it. :D

Yes, I want to find out about that girl who gave a letter to Yoon instead of SH!


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My favorite moment was when Sooyeon told Sorim ... just put the phone under my door if I'm asleep when your call with grandma ends... I have a feeling I will sleep early today. wink wink nudge nudge.


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Thank dramagods that SY is HG-SR shipper. If her character was patterned before the manga, i swear i will kill her character on my mind lol.


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Soo Yeon is lovable. Hope she gets to get together with Shi Hyun before show ends.


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Booking a seat at the party before I go read the recap :P


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Hahaha smart!


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Lol... had to! Couldn't help it!


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First row seat! "only" 100 comments so far.


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Hahah... Yup! It's almost a blessing! :P


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Okay I am back after reading. Some thoughts:

1. Soo Yeon as fairy godmother gets me every single time!

2. Jin Woo is the cutest thing ever.. His pouts, his crush gives me the fuzzies. Also, the fight over who will carry the guitar? And the bottle cap? Way to be smooth boy! LOL

3. I would melt in my pillow too if someone did that for me but really which phone has such great battery backup??

4. Han Gyul trying to awkwardly talk to CEO Yoo about how he won't stay with his parents etc etc. So funny!

5. Crude Play boys are so cute. And Jin Hyuk's snide comments always hurt them and it shows.. Why can't other people see that??

6. Jin Hyuk is doing to Jin Woo and Gyu Sun what he has already done to the Crude Play trio and it BURNS my heart! Save our cuties! I want them to love their music and not become pawns. Their sunbaes should come to their help!! Or anyone!!

7. The little talk between Han Gyul and Yoo-na makes me hopeful that Yoo-na won't turn into a bitchy second lead. I am liking her character a lot, with the way she shoots down Jin Hyuk if he is being unfair to her. The girl has balls! Plus she is so beautiful!!

8. Soo Yeon and Shi- Hyun are love and I have squeed about them enough in the last recap. But I really live for their little moments that the show throws to us!!

9. Jin Hyuk has a way of cutting people to bits, doesn't he?? I am hating him for so many reasons in this episode! But he has been played to such a finesse by the actor that I can see layers to his character... He is not the typical villain here. No one is.


Where is my place? Have I ever belonged anywhere?

This might be the saddest line ever spoken by a character in this show. I feel for Chan Young! So many feels. And such a stellar character again. Kudos to the writer.


How much do we have to give up to satisfy you?

Another stellar line, and basically the essence of Sole Music's identity as a whole. What in hell does Jin Hyuk want and how far will he go to achieve it? How many dreams will he trample upon and replace with fake dreams. The CP members are living half, unfulfilled lives because of him.

12. The hug. I hate it. It is forced upon So Rim. But the boy really needs someone to be on his side. I hope this story doesn't go into murky territory now. But then again, I have full trust in our OTP.

13. K on stage. Is it really exactly what he dreamed of? I don't think so. It's like getting your dream after it has been crushed to pieces. It is the cello-taped version with cracks visible. But I guess his father's dream came true. Didn't he tell Han Gyul not to be like him in music- while he was looking at K's masked poster? I think he wanted Han Gyul to take the limelight.

Okay, done with my comments and now off to read other beanies' thoughts <3


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I see my comment is quite long- ish!! Sorry beanies, but this is how much I love L&HL!


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I love long comments. I always feel good reading them, but feel bad afterwards when I don't reply with an equally long comment.

By the way, I'm Indian. But I haven't lived in India for years since my childhood, I'm not sure I can really count as purely Indian. I have been westernized too much.


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The comments on this recap seem longer than usual for some reason.


Haha.. it's okay.... Long comments don't necessarily require a long reply... Any reply makes my day :)

And yeah, I guessed as much in the last recap :D


"K on stage. Is it really exactly what he dreamed of? I don't think so. It's like getting your dream after it has been crushed to pieces. It is the cello-taped version with cracks visible. "

Yes, this return seemed so sad and unsatisfying. It's not a true reunion and the band members really do want Chan Young up there too. And it could be a shallow point, but just to really stick how forced the reunion is, Han Gyul's not as glammed-up as the other boys, like if you let Cinderella go to the ball in her house clothes.


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But his determined gaze during the ending shot... that look just gave me chills. Like "I'm ready" kind of look. Or "let's do it!"


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I love all 13 points... but I'm superstitious... why 13? lol.

I like point 12 too. I don't like the forced hug, but I understand why he needed to hug her


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Oh man! I usually stop at 10, but I just had a lot to say! But then I was exhausted at 13! :P


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13 is not bad at all. I try to make a list in my mind and get exhausted at number 1.


@namwhan Hahaha... that is so not a list if it has only 1 point! :P


Great comment!
Yes I love Soo Yeon, she's such a great friend to So-rim and it makes a huge difference to have that stable figure for So-rim to turn to in an industry that is built on lies and betrayal! Soo Yeon is like the glue that is keeping Sole Music from falling apart because of her constant support of all the band members.


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petition to promote Sooyeon!! but if she does too well, CEO Yoo might want to have her claws on her so small promotion?


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Hahaha yes. I think Soo Yeon should remain as an invisible helper (or a fairy godmother as @obsessedmuch said).


I love your list. Haha.. this drama - one can't help but make lists!! I have one too!


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Ours should be called "The Beanies and Their Lists" ?

Btw, great list as usual, @obsessedmuch! I agree with every point.


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Thanks :D
I used to make so many lists for each episode of Shopping King Louis. Didn't know I would have to wait so long to find my next crack! :P


Thanks! and yup! Can't help but make them! :) Where is your list? I would love to read it..


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Great points from the drama. Fully agree with them.


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On Yoona: Yes, she's super pretty. She kinda reminds me of Yoo In-young. Maybe it's the hair.


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Oh yeah! I think it's also the mouth.. the pout?


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Yes, the mouth!


Her cheeks. She looks like a doll with that kind of complexion and eyes.


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She really does!


I loved Sooyeon, so awesome!!


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Chan-young behaves like a little kid who doesn't wish to part with his favourite toy. He sees So-rim as a prize of some sort, which I totally don't agree with. But somehow, he still manages to make me feel sorry for him. When you see beyond his immature antics, he is just someone who is trying to stay in a place he thinks he truly belongs.


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Sometimes the best thing a person can do is be direct and honest. It might be lost in translation, but I don't think So Rim has been honest with Chan Young. To me, she's straddled the line and in being a little too friendly and loyal given Chan Young hope.

At times, I have struggled understanding the characters. I think I'm at a disadvantage because I wasn't familiar with the source material. So Rim still baffles me. I still want her to act like someone who's in a relationship. I get that's subjective and varies from couple to couple, but I want her to be direct with Chan Young and the other guy in the band. All the major players know that So Rim and Han Gyul are dating so there's no reason not to just bite the bullet.


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in my eyes, chan young is just an "oppa" to her, so she's friendly with him like an oppa and can't see that he likes her that way. in her mind, it didn't occur that he might like her romantically.


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agreed. just like how being close to Jinwoo and Gyusun is not an issue, she didn't think about how being with Chanyoung was any different.


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Yes I agree. Plus, when she first met him, Chan-young was an idol to her. So she clearly had stars in her eyes (as anyone would) if they came face to face with a favourite actor or idol. So clearly her love for Chan-young is something that any fan could relate to. And obviously you wouldn't expect to have that love returned from you're idol (not romantically anyway as idols and actors all like their fans equally?).


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Not to mention that it's possible to have frienship between a man and a woman, and for someone like Sorim who grew up with two male best friend, that's not a foreign concept at all.


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If Han Gyul were out of the picture, I really wonder if So Rim would date Chan Young. After all, that is the dream for your oppa to be in love with you. Plus Chan Young is a great guy and an absolute sweetheart around her, so it's not as if his idol image is fake and he's actually an asshole in real life.


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What I know is that regardless of the scenario, poor puppy Jinwoo has no chance in hell.


I really doubt it. She's never given the impression of even remotely having feelings for him other being a superfan. I fantasize of my oppas but I don't think I could ever actually be with any of them given the chance. In any case, I'm glad I don't have to live in a world where So-rim and Hhan-gyul are not ridiculously devoted to each other.


@Ek Ladhki Thi is Kim Eun-sooks no 1 fan
You're more grounded in reality than I am. I would totally date my oppas. ?

We've never been told who So Rim's bias is in Crude Play.


Hangyul making them cute little lunch boxes (even for Jinwoo and Gyusun) during the night, and went to the hospital to give it to Sooyeon is the greatest cutest thing a boyfriend can do ever!


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And the morning after sleep-deprived Plushie..err I mean Gyulie breaking into a smile on hearning halmeoni getting discharged. Cute cute cute


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Chanyoung too got a text. Poor Sooyeon having to deal with two candidates for Sorim's heart at the same time. She should charge a fee. Three if you count JinWoo.


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A "matchmaker fee"


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I sat watching both episode 11&12 and the entire time I was just irritated with CY's actions. To me he was just like a spoilt child, acting out just because things were not going his way. And thennn I saw his hurt teary eyes and that flashback on which he was never really accepted by his hyungs. Mannn I felt sympathy for him. And I felt that no matter what he does, HG just upped him (albeit unintentionally). Can't really blame a guy if he felt resentful after all that. But that last hug scene just make me into a yo-yo back to that urgh feeling. A guy needs to learn how to take no for an answer.

Heh. Can't wait for the next episode. I will probably continue to have yo yo feelings for CY.. crappy attitude vs magic hair and most of the time magic hair wins.


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I agree. I do think Chan-young has fixated way too much on how they treated him at the beginning --because you really can't blame them for starting out that way. But we have no way of knowing when their behavior changed over the last 5 years. It's clear they are more than ready to really accept him now. But still, it's so hard to deal with being the left-out one, even when it's unintentional, like with the real Crude Play vids.

That said, I truly think what's kept him from feeling like a true member is his own attitude. He's already accepted that he's not who they really want and has not really tried to bridge the gap. He has been a part of Crude Play for 5 years now and that definitely has become his place. Both him and the Crude Play boys just need to work at it so that he can feel truly comfortable and secure with his role in the band. Not being a part of the friendship that created it in the first place is something he can never really make up for, but their journey as a band started alongside him and he needs to realize that means something.

Ahahaha, his magic hair. I'm glad I'm not the only one appreciating that ;)


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I think deep down, emotionally, he longs for their friendship. But on a cerebral level, he's being defensive about it, afraid of getting hurt. I don't blame him for it, because each time he gets tempted to open up to them, he gets hurt unintentionally. I wished men could be more open to discussing their emotions like women. It's all good that they're straightforward, but they treat talking about feelings as if that's the worse kind of torture.


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I'm reading all these wonderful comments and the first thought that comes to my head is: "Poor Whisper only has like 6 comments!"


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I dunno whether it will be rude to laugh! I am not watching Whisper because I couldn't handle another thriller(?) after Defendant!


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@obsessedmuch At least you're not watching it. Lol I am, but I haven't caught up with this week's episodes so I can't really comment...otherwise I would have...just to increase the numbers at least lol.


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I used to feel that for the shows that I was watching, and which no one seemed to love. I remember staying on a thread of Shopping King Louis' for almost 3-4 days cuz it was just a few of us really devoted to the show. But I love such small gatherings so much... One can get lost in threads of hugely popular shows like Moonlight or Strong Woman..


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Ah ok. I'm new to this feeling because before the Dramabeans site update, I never really used to comment. Always been a silent lurker since 2011. I love the site update because it's much more interactive and addictive...not that it wasn't before. But just more so.
And I love all three dramas you named. With Strong Woman, it was just Min Min and Bong Bong...didn't really care much for the story.


What about recaps for shows like this one? The number of comments is also high these days.


@ravennightstar Yeah I loved Moonlight and wanted to comment but the recaps used to come on the same day that episodes came out, sometimes even before the subbing was done (If @girlifriday loves a show, she gets reeeeeeally enthusiastic towards it.. same happened with Answer Me 1988 recaps:P), so I really did not have anything new to say 400+ comments later..
Same with Strong Woman.. Though I never felt any desire to comment for that particular show.. I think I commented twice in 16 episodes..
@krahgi This one has an insane amount of comments too but if you look closely some beanies have made 30+ comments, so really if you delete 10 regular commentors from here then the comment count would come down to like 250-300... so the community here is still quite small.


@obsessedmuch It might be selfish of me, but I like this kind of small community much better. We're not as large as hit dramas, but almost everyone is passionate and positive. It feels like a loving family, compared to too many people.


@mollyswari I feel the same too :)


@obsessedmuch Ah ok! Got you! :)


Wait.. I remember it started off with a hundred plus comments no? What happened?


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I think it may be quite convoluted? Still, usually I expect dramas like that to have comments because of all the twists and betrayals going on...


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omo Im late to the party! over hundred comments and rising!

Festerfaster said everything (and more) I wanted to about Jin Hyuk, who I was really upset at this whole episode. I get that you feel threatened in your position but seriously you have been manipulating Crude Play since the start, so you don't get much sympathy from me, since it seems you only want to use people all the time, not just when you are backed into a corner. I'd be cheering for him to get his just desserts except that it means my Crude Play puppies getting hurt and urgh, I don't want that! *bracing myself for next week*

I think everyone has said more or less what I want to about Chan Young, so I'll add that I think he is a good boy, stuck in a bad situation, with a lousy manager, and poor self esteem. Which is a recipe for disaster as we have seen. But I have hope that he will be saved! Come on Show! (just no more forced hugs with So Rim please. Forced kinship is not nice, not gentlemanly.)

Finally, I love that the character I dislike the most keeps changing week to week, as we see more facets of their character, backstory and how they react to situations thrown at them. First was CEO Yoo, then Jin Hyuk, then Chan Young... even Han Gyul was a little annoying at the start with how I first thought he treated his friends. Totally true to life, we aren't all black and white, but just different shades of grey. And it should remind us not to be quick to judge others based on just one encounter or impression because really there is so much more to a person that just what seems to be on the surface.

Not bad thoughts to evoke for a "fluffy" show! :)


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And some people disliked Sorim too (I still can't tell why) so there are people to dislike and like again for everyone.


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I think So rim said it herself perfectly. I think it was in the previous episode where she tells Se Young "I can't expect everyone to like me". Hehe this goes for all the characters, and the show itself.


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I was so proud of her for acknowledging that no everybody in the world needs to like her. She was ok with it, so mature.


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She is very level-headed for a young girl.


Totally true to life, we aren't all black and white, but just different shades of grey. And it should remind us not to be quick to judge others based on just one encounter or impression because really there is so much more to a person that just what seems to be on the surface. Not bad thoughts to evoke for a "fluffy" show!

THIS. It's like being on a roller- coaster.. I hate one character one day and then fall in love with him in the next episode. I am just hoping that Jin Hyuk does something now to make me like him again. Cuz he is in my bad books now, with his name highlighted in red


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Look, this is a "fluffy" show in that it makes us feel all sorts of "fluffy" feelings. But the wording of "fluff" is deceptive because the drama provides a lot more substance than "fluff" would imply. In terms of substance, especially character building, it's rock solid.


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True. And I think that is why @michykdrama used it in inverted quotes (I was quoting her in my comment) cuz she was questioning the idea whether this could truly be called a 'fluffy show', even though most of us were attracted to this because it promised us fluff.


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Yup! That was exactly my intention. Because when I started watching it was just a breezy fun watch, (with eye candy to boot!) so I never expected to like it as much as I do now! Or have so much to say about it either ;)


Jin Hyuk is the devil. Crushing dreams left and right.

- Chan Young: "You will never be better than Han Gyul. Stay in your lane and play your bass."
- So Rim: "Newsflash: Your oppas don't play their own instruments. Since when do I need to ask for your oppa and boyfriend's permissions to run my own company?"
- Jin Woo & Gyu Sun: "From now on, learn to lie to the public and hand-sync like your hyungs do."
- Shi Hyun, Yoon, & In Ho: "Chan Young doesn't have time for you peasants."
- Han Gyul: "I'm making you a star whether you like it or not. You can kiss your privacy goodbye."
- Yoo Na: "You're still in love with your ex-boyfriend."

I hate Jin Hyuk!

Watching Chan Young is like watching someone run into a burning building. You're screaming at him to stop, but he just keeps running. He is so self-destructive. I just want to save him from himself. And the first thing he needs to do is quit Sole Music. I wish CEO Yoo had walked out already. The Sole Music "family" was literally airing their dirty laundry for everyone to see. Han Gyul really should have left him alone in the heat of the moment. That boy overthinks everything. Maybe the reason Real Crude Play used Han Gyul's bass track was because Chan Young's bass track would've sounded too professional.

I so wanted Jin Hyuk to get ruined over what he did, but CEO Yoo shrewdly watches these boys' lives as if she's watching a soap opera. This is a horrible idea. Crude Play fans are going to think Chan Young got kicked out of the band because of his dating scandal, and the public is easily going to be able to tell K is the pixelated face in the "scandalous" photos with So Rim. Not to mention, they're all hand-syncing on stage anyway.

The only bright spot in today's depths of hell was Crude Play glomping their maknae. "You're usually cranky, but sometimes you're cute." Shi Hyun even admitted Crude Play was jealous of Chan Young paying attention to Mush & Co. I love how they understand Chan Young and are always on his side, especially Group Mediator In Ho. His hyungs sincerely love him. They didn't back then (for the love of God, stop showing me those brutal flashbacks), but they were angry and had every right to be. I'm thankful Crude Play never lets Jin Hyuk's bullying drive a wedge between their friendship.

I love that So Rim is a "problem child" always talking back to her CEO and that Jin Hyuk's three most difficult "charges" (Han Gyul, Chan Young, and So Rim) are all related to each other. Mush & Co. is a handful to raise. LOL at Yoo Na still rubbing her I'm-the-only-singer-Han-Gyul-has-ever-wrote-a-song-for-besides-Crude-Play song in So Rim's face. Joke's on you.

Today was a heartbreaker. Many thanks for the recap, @festerfaster!


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The running toward a burning building analogy is spot-on. The boy really is self- destructive! Someone stop him!

You paint some very angsty next episodes. I hope that doesn't happen. What I have loved about L&hL is that angst is never stretched beyond digestible limits.. Hoping for cute amidst chaos.


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Yes, I love that Sorim just glares at Jinhyuk when she disagrees, and openly shows how much she disapproves of it. He tells her not to "rebel" but I say, go ahead and rebel. You don't want to end up like Crude Play by listening to him.


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That was actually my worry. People will easily recognize K on the "bf" photos courtesy of Se Jung, and may create controversy that K played an influence as to why Mush&Co debuted early.


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I'm worried the public is going to find out K arranged Bong Trio's Your Days instead of Chan Young, which is going to ruin Chan Young. Can't this boy catch a break?!


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Oh no... I was thinking... at least Chanyoung is real and has no controversy about faking it. This "Your Days" problem isn't even his fault.


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I almost died when Han-gyul appeared on stage without his mask. I was near tears just thinking of the fall-out from all this. I want to smack Jin-hyuk so much.


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Well said. Jin Hyuk's manipulations could have easily driven all the boys apart easily but as we've seen in this episode and even before, all the boys are playful and understanding when he's not around. Sure they fight but doesn't last for long. The real problem is between CY's festering wound over their initial rejection and Han Gyul's music before-all-attitude that after So Rim has mellowed a bit. We should just lock these boys up and let 'em sort it out


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Also Han Gyul's inferiority complex about Chan Young playing the bass. He clearly has some unspoken hurt about being unable to be "truly" part of Crude Play.


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Totally agree. Good points from the drama.


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I kept getting a timeout message for 30 minutes? What happened? hopefully this comment works.


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Nevermind. I got in. Phew.


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Might be because of too much traffic on the site.. I kept getting error messages too!


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Ooohhh TLAHL receiving intense love all over the world! Okay im exaggerating because i am invested on this drama too much. *runs in the corner*


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Lol... But then DB is almost like a world of its own! SO your statement does hold some truth! :P


Me too. I almost gave up commenting and logging in. I was about to go to sleep. I've been trying for an hour!!


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I've been struggling for 3 hours to get into this recap. I don't have a problem getting into the other pages on this site, so it's most likely because of overwhelming traffic. I would say from the Americas waking up.

I encourage anyone who can log in and comment to do it as much as possible in case you get kicked out when you don't know.

I have to go now, just when I managed to find my way in. What a shame. I will come back later.


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I'll add to that advice to make sure not to log out, and not to leave this page. Just leave a tab of it open. I made the mistake earlier of leaving this and then couldn't get back in. I could log into the main home page, but it wouldn't let me stay in this one. So frustrating. Almost one hour wasted.


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Is it just me... the site is not letting me comment. "Timeout"


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Same here. Something about gateway.


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Dododo1818 the bug is hard at work to make sure we have a hard time commenting ?


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Uh-oh! I'm usually not this late and I even saved myself for this episode! Oh well! Such is life of a drama addict. You can't win'em all.

This episode. Just wow. I was feeling so many things in the last 20 minutes. I'm impressed the writer was able to set-up such a hair-pulling, I-can-barely-watch-this situation. What's more is that it was such a heady mix of Things I Wanted to Happen and Things I Didn't Want to Happen (this way, at least)! Ugh, timing and complete mishandling on Jin-hyuk's part caused one very messy showcase!

For one, I feel like I've been waiting to hear So-rim sing 'How I Will Wait for You' so it pretty much killed me that Jin-hyuk ruined the moment with his manipulation. Han-gyul couldn't even listen to it all the way through! He made a promise to CY that he would never get involved with M&Co and I'm sure whenever he did get involved, he fully planned on making sure CY was a part of that decision. He really wanted to keep that promise, so it really upset me to see that taken from him.

And Chan-young definitely never deserved his hard work being treated that way, even though he has been way too inflexible when it comes to accepting that his debut track needed to be much stronger. I've been frustrated with several of his behaviors recently. But, still, when it became clear at the end that he was giving Han-gyul a chance to return to Crude Play, I pretty much lost all of that. I still think he wallows in self-pity too much and he needs to not hug So-rim whenever he feels like it (though I'm giving him a pass this once!). But I just kind of love that he helped give us that awesome final moment of Han-gyul finally playing bass and revealing himself as K! That was actually a complete surprise turn for me, so I have to hand it to the show for its unpredictability!

I feel the worse for So-rim though, who is going through a really tough time in the industry right now. Her band should not be used and manipulated in this way. She is probably going to feel so bad over the distress her performance caused the boys because she was already so nervous about it to begin with. And all that worry didn't even have to do with the fears she was already having because of her scandal. It was just so hard to watch So-rim avoid confronting Han-gyul for advice. I get how the Crude Play revelation would have left her shaken, but she really needed his guidance this time around. The performance just made me sad because they weren't playing their instruments, much like Crude Play. And that just hurts to see. That said, I do look forward to seeing how Jin-hyuk's move will pay off because the song was everything I wanted and more! I can't wait until we get the full track.

Thanks for the recap! I have much more to comment on, but this is a good start :)


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2 major events for the OTP just went whooosh - and you missed it.

You're right - HG (and the rest of us) had waited so long for SR to sing 'How I Will Wait for You' - and he barely got to hear the first verse - nor hear it properly cos he was in damage control mode.

And then comes the K reveal - SR was not there to witness the reveal - although I do think the reveal is bittersweet - K realises that he needs to step up and take ownership but I did not like that he was manipulated into doing it. I'd rather he did it on his own terms.


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I know. He was so heartbroken going out on that stage. That was not the way it was supposed to happen. It may have been an important moment for them, but they won't be able to appreciate it for the right reasons. It came on the heels' of too much conflict and pain.

The episode managed to give is everything we wanted-- just at the worst possible time & in the worst possible way. That's good writing right there.


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I love how this show manages to not give us what we wished for, and still gives us satisfaction by giving us quality


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On yes those last 20 mins were intense. I fely so many emotions I went that I lost count. I know it was heady, I know all the details, but the situation that JH created was one hell of a mess. IRL those 20 mins of conflicts could take atleast a month to resolve. What with so many misunderstandings, dissapointments, anger, jealousy, hurt, etc. Your comment brought back all that to the fore and now I can't wait for Monday.


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In real life, some of those conflicts could take years to resolve within yourself. Those are some deep emotional scars.


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yes, those 20 minutes, i was so pumped with emotions.


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Stop hurting my precious baby Chan-young! *punches evil CEO*


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Hangyul was so cute this episode when his thoughts were completely off and he started rambling about how he'll go independent and NEVER live with his parents, thinking he didn't want to live together with CEO Yoo if she ends up with his father. That made me laugh quite a bit.


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Haha! I thought he was so adorable too! I know I shouldn't laugh at him, but he's such a cutie when he's flustered! Just can't help it.


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oh lovely Gyulie. He is too cute sometimes. He was extra handsome during rooftop scenes.


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I empathise with CY, I do. I get that he feels hurt and he feels sidelined. BUT...
1. CY is basing his feelings on CP's initial reaction of swapping HG out at the cusp of their debut - boys were immature then. They were best friends dreaming of debuting together. They've matured since - what with having to hand sync and being told they are nowhere near CY in ability they are handling their disappointment pretty well. CY has not grown up at all - he does not see the CP members fondness for him. Heck he does not even see HG making allowances for his bad behaviour.

2. CP members playing to HG's track. Another point of view could be that they are practising with HG's guide track because it is simpler. After all it is a guide track for bass which allows the other instrument to be practised. I don't think CY ever made a guide track that the CP boys could practice with. How would they practice with the recorded tack - all instruments playing would be noisy. I think CY read too much into it.
Also I think that even if there was a guide track with CY - they'd feel intimidated trying to catch up to his level of playing. They've mentioned before that despite practising for so many years, they are still floundering.

3. CY "allowing" K to debut - my ass. who made you King? Why did CY get to decide and manipulate HG into revealing himself?

4. JH - harsh - coupled with incredibly bad timing. Also all kinds of wrong in the way he handled CY. Yes he is the boss and has final say and could change songs as he wishes. But to crush CY and give him a lity check then was harsh. CY wasn't exactly a boy scout in this matter either cos he was going around with an inflated ego about his debut song..

5. So Rim. Girl needs to justify HG's trust. She should stand up to CY real soon and tell him that she's uncomfortable.

6. Do not like the way CY takes advantage of SR. She's mentioned from the very beginning that she likes HG and she has not done anything to give any impression otherwise. Instead her very actions and expression speaks of her steadfast love for HG. And to add to that - she has verbally told CY that she's with HG. So where does it say that CY can proceed to paw her irregardless of her boundaries and likes and desires? And on top of that - to challenge HG and ask why he can't!!! If it were a 2nd lead female who was doing this, most would have quartered her already. So - NO - just cos CY is the 'poor thing" that's doing it does not make it OK!

7. CY being nice to SR - yes he is - but look at the bigger picture. Not just the isolated act - Why is he doing it? Most of the time it's so he can manipulate SR. His constant whining is really getting tiring in as much as I have sympathy for him - you are in an industry which forces you to grow up real quick. To still cling on to childish manipulations and emotional blackmail is not right.


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Right on. I pity CY but his actions arent justified just becoz he was hurt. I dont like that people are always quick to pity 2nd leads too haha. I'd love to focus on my The Liar and his lover. They have problems too but they know to keep their problems to themselves not blame on others.


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OMG, you have spoken everything in my mind. Get out of my head. To point 2 I feel like in a previous episode they actually said they are using the guide track because CY is so much better than them. I also want to add that CY isolates himself, with good reason, but what these boys need is a good conversation. I love this show.


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I always felt like I am the weird one here, for not being able to like CY. I understand and sympathize him, I do, but I am so done with his self-pitying. He is not the only one that suffers. I wish he could just open his eyes and his heart to his surrounding, and realizes that everyone else also has great deals of suffering. And what's with constant blaming on HG? He knows JH makes the final decision, but I guess it is easier to direct his anger toward lesser being aka HG? *now I'm mad!*

These boys really need to be locked up in a room and pour everything out, including punches and kicking! Their anger and resentment wont just fade away just because one of them going far away.


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God, agree! All five boys need to be lock up in some place where they can talk and take out everything that they've been keeping from each other this whole time. Preferably with a level headed mediator that can hold them back when things got out of hand (which is a given considering the deep rooted issues between them. I mean we're kidding ourselves if we thought some punches aren't bound to fly when these kids do dig it out)


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They might also be using HG guide track in fear that the public realizes who is playing the bass if they put in CY's.


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i am sure there is better explanation.


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