Beanie level: Jang Geu-rae

IRY is one of my fav dramas. PBG is my favorite puppy. But it creeps me out to see ppl are all too willing to coddle Min when they often bash female characters for just being “annoying.” He’s a KILLER


    PBG has lot of puppy expressions in that role most of the time, makes ppl want to coddle him, but i agree he’s one scary killer, still love him in IRY


      My problem with that drama was when people were angry at ji an for doing the right thing, and her job to boot, just because she wanted, rightly, to lock Min up. They called her a snoop for being concerned and speaking up about a killer walking around people she cared about. People yell at cops in real life or drama cops for not acting swift enough with a criminal, not the reverse. The double standard was real. Not to mention that just because he’s cute, they want to forgive him, but dont use that same generosity and apply it to other characters in dramas, especially when they happen to be female. I’ve seen time and time again how female heroines were deemed unforgivable for much much less than killing. They weren’t even criminals. They can hate a character because she yelled for a bit, but love another because he’s cute even if he killed people remorselessly. Superficial priorities, man. I’m a dude so I understand looks clouding your judgement but that’s too much. Superficial attitude like that gets too often transferred in real life and you get ignored even with talent for being average looking and also get major preferential treatment because you’re good looking.


        Plus yes, I understand that it was Park Bo Gum’s acting skills which helped. It was his job to make people feel sympathy for his character. What I have a problem with, is not people sympathizing with him. They were supposed to. It’s people not sympathizing with other characters deserving more sympathy, just because they aren’t cute enough.


          i never looked at it from your perspective, thank you for expanding my POV 🙂 and i agree, good-looking people generally get preferential treatment which sucks big time, and the way it was portrayed in IRY was not nice, i agree with you 🙂 and i understand better why that aspect annoyed people


        Cha Ji An was one perceptive cookie and I love her.


    yes, I know, but he was also Hyuns´ little brother. That´s what made people sympathize so much and feel like he was OUR little brother as well. the drama didnt just make you witness Hyuns´ inner conflict, it was necessary that you LIVED it. My LITTLE BROTHER is a MURDERER. and we felt it. and we were torn, but like Hyun, we couldn´t cut him off.


      Exactly! It wasn’t Min that we loved.. it was Hyun’s little lost brother… And not “loved”- it was more of a I hope he doesn’t die because Hyun deserves better than what he has been given by this world!


      THIS! Also Min’s behavior in the drama wasn’t excused, in fact, Hyun gave Min a choice to surrender and he did, despite doing it out of love instead of recognizing his mistakes. I think we all need to understand the point of the story isn’t to excuse or justify crimes, but to let you see from the other side of the tinted glass and make your own judgment. No one is wrong for thinking what they think or feeling what they feel, ultimately justice was served and that’s what truly matters.


    THIS! And I might have loved the drama or sympathized with him if I had gone into the drama with no knowledge, but I marathoned it after witnessing all the hype and love for Min so I kinda kept waiting for him to be redeemed and when he wasn’t… Well, it’s on my most hated dramas list now, unfortunately. Risking being crucified on DB with that confession!


      Oh I hope no one crucifies you for this! You are just stating your opinion honestly… Doesn’t mean everyone has to agree with you!
      I am crazy about I Remember You, so our opinions differ here but I can see your point too.


    Cha Ji An was, and remains, one of my favourite female characters in kdrama-land… I saw some negative comments about her, but then there were almost a double or triple that amount talking about how they are in love with her! And I can say this with confidence because I was in ep 16 recap thread for almost an year after the show ended…

    And as @redfox commented, I think it wasn’t love for the character Min, it was love for Hyun that translated into a desire for justifiable punishment and a happy-ever-after which imagined Min serving a long sentence and coming out mannnnnnny years later reformed and willing to put his brains to good use. Yes, I almost wrote a fanfic in my mind! 🙂


Finally watched both ruler and SP. I enjoyed both enough to want to see more.
Probably in the minority that is watching them for the girls. The 2 “Hyun” are love.