The Liar and His Lover: Episode 3

I swear, the cuteness in this drama is unreal. Just as it was music that first got Han-gyul and So-rim to meet, it’s no surprise that it’s music that keeps bringing them back together. The music in their lives is opening up new opportunities for the both of them, whether that be falling into a new friendship (maybe even love?) or falling into a new career, and it looks as if they’re not quite sure how to handle any of that. And with Han-gyul’s lies still hanging in the air, it can only get more complicated from here.


Han-gyul sets his metronome and sits down to give So-rim’s recording of his song a listen. He finds the beginning instrumental messy and moves to turn it off – when suddenly, So-rim’s voice jumps in and makes him pause. His hand shoots out to stop the metronome so he can hear more clearly, and soon he gets so absorbed in her voice that he slowly smiles.

Shocked by his own reaction, he jumps out of his chair, pounding his chest and wondering if he’s gone crazy. Oh, sweetie. He tries to snap himself out of it by yanking out the USB and tossing it in the trash.

Meanwhile, poor So-rim is still crying as she walks home. Someone accidentally bumps into her, knocking her phone to the ground and breaking it again. She hopelessly tries to revive the music she’d been listening to, only to sob even harder over how awful her day is going.

Cut to: Han-gyul wearing headphones and belting out a Crude Play song, practically shaking as he tries to block So-rim’s singing out his head. Ha, and I thought So-rim had it bad. Unable to take it anymore, he screams in frustration and lets his eyes find the trash can again. He finally gives in and retrieves the USB for another listen, his face overwhelmed with emotion the entire time.

When he wakes up the next morning, Han-gyul immediately checks his phone and deflates to see that his messages to So-rim have gone unanswered. He thinks back to the harsh words he left her with last night, now regretting them. He tries calling her, but there’s still no answer.

It turns out her phone is still broken, but when her friends ask about it, So-rim waves it off, saying she no longer has any calls to look forward to. Jin-woo rightfully assumes she’s down because of Han-gyul, so he and Gyu-sun leave her alone to sulk during lunch.

Crude Play – sans Chan-young – come in to the studio for a recording. Shi-hyun notices Han-gyul sitting quietly in the back, totally engrossed in his phone as he searches for… high school uniforms? Shi-hyun gives him an odd look and mutters, “Sure, I guess it’s important to find your taste.”

Then Han-gyul scares the bejeezus out of the room by bolting up, having found So-rim’s uniform design. Yoon finds something on his own phone and calls Han-gyul’s name, but Han-gyul’s already stumbling out the door like a crazy person. Yoon shows the other boys what he found: a video of Han-gyul’s dad singing in the street.

After school, So-rim and Gyu-sun are put on cleaning duty. As So-rim wipes down a window, she spots someone running through the sea of students. She presses herself against the glass, and realizing it’s Han-gyul, she immediately runs out.

Han-gyul finds Jin-woo and desperately asks where So-rim is, but jealous Jin-woo points him in the wrong direction, even following him to keep him off track. So-rim is searching for Han-gyul too, and she tells Gyu-sun that she can’t just wait for another coincidental meeting before running off again… right as Han-gyul approaches the school again and runs past Gyu-sun. Luckily, Gyu-sun points the guy in the right direction and makes sure to hold Jin-woo back this time.

So-rim finds a phone booth and punches in Han-gyul’s number. She hears Han-gyul answer, but she can’t bring herself to speak. He’s about to hang up when she starts singing his song. And just like before, he’s instantly gripped by her voice, tears even filling his eyes. He turns left and right, asking where she is until he sees her just ahead of him, staring right at him in surprise.

He rushes over to her, relief flooding his face. So-rim is delighted to see him, but she asks why he’s been trying to reach her. His gaze drops. “I don’t know,” he starts to say. “I just—…” All of a sudden, it starts raining, so they both squeeze into the phone booth for cover. So-rim gets flustered by their closeness, but Han-gyul just grips her arms to make her look him in the eye.

Han-gyul: “Listening to your song made me angry. Because of your voice, I thought my head was going to explode. That’s why I waited for you to call, why I couldn’t focus on my work, and why I foolishly came all the way here. But now that we’ve met, I can’t say anything. I’m embarrassed for having nothing to say. I’m ashamed, and that makes me angry… But if we didn’t meet, I don’t think I would’ve been able to stand it. That’s why I came. That’s it.”

Moved by his sincerity, So-rim clutches onto Han-gyul’s sleeves, pulling him even closer. She nervously shuts her eyes, as does Han-gyul, and he sloooowly leans in.

Their lips are merely a few inches apart when he opens his eyes and stops himself, releasing his hold on her. Whoa, I think I stopped breathing for a minute there.

As So-rim tries to recompose herself, Han-gyul gets a text from the boys saying that they found his dad. Han-gyul watches the video attached to confirm, and his face lights up with hope.

He looks at So-rim again and tells her he has to go. She panics and asks him not to – she doesn’t want him to leave after saying things she doesn’t quite understand. So Han-gyul gives her his phone and promises to call within an hour before running back out into the rain. So-rim watches him go, clutching his phone with a smile.

So-rim opens the phone’s camera to check how she looks and accidentally takes a picture of herself. Before she can figure out how to delete it, she gets an incoming call. It’s Yoo-na, and the singer quickly hangs up after hearing a girl’s voice answer Han-gyul’s phone.

Han-gyul gets to the same spot shown in the video, but to his disappointment, his dad is nowhere in sight. He does, however, run into Chan-young, whose phone he borrows to call So-rim. He tells her he’s too busy to meet again today, which she understands. Instead, she asks if Han-gyul is still mad about yesterday. Han-gyul’s about to bring up an excuse, but his expression softens when So-rim mentions how hurt she’d felt.

“I’m sorry about that day,” he says, explaining that he was mad about something else and that he ended up taking it all out on her. He asks if So-rim is angry with him, and she says yes. “As punishment, you have to meet with me,” she elaborates. She tells him to come to the Han River tomorrow, and Han-gyul laughs at the cuteness in her tone. Behind him in his car, Chan-young squints in disbelief at Han-gyul’s sudden mood change.

Back at Sole Music, Jin-hyuk notifies CEO Yoo that they’ve changed Crude Play’s title track. Realizing this is all Han-gyul’s doing, CEO Yoo sighs that it’s the talented kids that are exhausting to work with. Upon learning that Han-gyul snapped at CEO Yoo over his father’s songs, Jin-hyuk apologizes on Han-gyul’s behalf. And later, Jin-hyuk tells his department head that they should start looking for a new artist – someone attractive, but flawed in a likable way.

Jin-hyuk then finds Shi-hyun, Yoon, and In-ho hard at work as they practice their new song. Shi-hyun requests a schedule change for more practice time, but Jin-hyuk would rather have them take it easy and rely on the pre-recording. He tells the boys that performing is no big deal when they’re already big stars. “But we still want to perform,” In-ho says. “That’s why we got together.” Jin-hyuk asks if they want to reveal to the public that they haven’t been playing all this time then, making them all go silent. Meanwhile, their entire conversation is recorded by a cell phone.

With students stressing over exams the next day, So-rim is given a song request to lighten the atmosphere. She happily complies and sings Crude Play’s “Peter Pan,” getting the whole class up and dancing. However, the mean teacher who likes to pick on So-rim bursts into the room and crashes the party. So-rim tries to explain herself, but Teacher Jerkface orders her out of the class, saying that her songs aren’t needed.

Teacher Bong witnesses this and confronts Teacher Jerkface later, asking him not to judge the students so harshly. But it’s no use – he’s unable to get through to this teacher. So Teacher Bong comes up with another idea. Eyeing So-rim from a distance, he calls a friend to ask if their old buddy Choi Jin-hyuk is attending their upcoming reunion. Aw, what a guy.

Han-gyul spots Jin-hyuk and Yoo-na as he goes into work, and he purposely ignores them and just tries to walk past. Jin-hyuk grabs his arm, wanting to talk, but Han-gyul’s not in the mood.

“That day was the first time,” Jin-hyuk says, making Han-gyul freeze. “My going to Yoo-na’s house. So don’t feel betrayed.” If that was supposed to make Han-gyul feel better, it certainly doesn’t work. Han-gyul whirls around and grabs Jin-hyuk, yelling that he’s shameless for acting this way when he doesn’t even care how he’s feeling.

The Crude Play boys see this exchange and rush in, prying Han-gyul off of Jin-hyuk and holding him back. He struggles to get free but stops when Yoo-na screams, “Where have you been all this time?! Why are you doing this now?!” She seethes that he’s always been the one to neglect her, so he has no right the play the victim card now. Yoo-na then gets pulled away, with Han-gyul still staring after her in shock.

Jin-hyuk gets Yoo-na alone and says they’re in trouble now – he’d been meaning to ask Han-gyul to work on Yoo-na’s next album. In order to get Han-gyul’s cooperation, Jin-hyuk suggests she lie and say that they didn’t get together until after she broke up with Han-gyul.

Yoo-na scoffs that she knew Jin-hyuk couldn’t be trusted. Jin-hyuk merely smiles and says that he may lie to others, but he wouldn’t do that to her. Uh-huh.

Meanwhile, the boys are stunned to learn about Jin-hyuk and Yoo-na’s relationship and ask why Han-gyul kept it from them. “I just felt bad,” he responds. “Yoo-na told me that I make the people around me feel miserable. But I couldn’t deny that. I do that to you guys too.” The boys just smile and joke that all this talk is because he got dumped, making them all burst into laughter.

Just then, So-rim’s voice pops into Han-gyul’s head as he remembers that they were supposed to meet today. He jumps up to leave, telling the guys that he has somewhere to be. He takes a cab to the Han River, thinking back to Yoo-na’s outburst the entire way. He narrates that he couldn’t deny what she said about him not being the victim. Because when it comes to music, he knows he always becomes the assailant.

Han-gyul searches the area for So-rim and finds her in a park leading a group of children as they sing a happy tune. When she notices him watching her, she smiles and waves him over to join in on the fun. Before we know it, Han-gyul is conducting a remix of the tune and looking like he’s having an absolute blast.

Later, as Han-gyul and So-rim take a walk by the river, So-rim giggles that he tried awfully hard to impress the kids. She says this because she’s glad the two of them have their love for music as their one thing in common. Without music, she says, she’s just useless: “I’m not good at anything.”

Han-gyul asks about her singing – if she goes to all these auditions, doesn’t that mean she wishes to pursue a career in music? So-rim admits that her fear of auditions is the problem. She’s afraid that no one will be warm enough to care about her singing.

Han-gyul steps in front of So-rim to face her, reminding her that she sang at the audition the second time they met. So-rim blushes and explains that that was because she wanted him to turn around and look at her. She wanted him to look at her so badly that it was all she could think about at the time.

He smiles and says that she has nothing to be afraid of then – now she knows that her singing made someone turn around and come find her. His face now serious, he says he finally realized the reason why he was dying to see her: “I fell for [it] at first sight. Your voice.” So he tells her not to doubt herself. So-rim breaks into a huge grin and asks if he’ll root for her then, and he readily agrees that he will.

They talk all throughout the night, with So-rim pelting him with questions about his favorite things. When she asks what type of girl he likes, Han-gyul playfully bonks her on the head and tells her to forget it. But she won’t leave it alone and asks if his type is someone like idol Chae Yoo-na. Han-gyul’s smile drops and he turns to look at her, saying he has no interest in celebrities, much less singers. “I hate girls who sing the most.” What? No! Why would you say that?

Once at home, Han-gyul takes a silly selca for kicks, which is when he notices the picture So-rim accidentally left on his phone. He laughs at the picture before lifting a finger to delete it. Thinking better of it, he just drops his phone on the counter, the picture still on it.

Teacher Bong attends his college reunion and makes sure to plant himself at Jin-hyuk’s table. He greets Jin-hyuk like they’re old pals, but Jin-hyuk doesn’t seem to recognize him. Either way, Teacher Bong leads the conversation into Jin-hyuk’s success and suggests he check out one of his students. But Jin-hyuk gets asked this question more than he’d like, so he kindly rejects the offer, and Teacher Bong merely shrugs and gets up to leave.

Barely even five seconds later, the phone he’d left on the table starts ringing, with So-rim’s voice as the ringtone. (Best. Teacher. Ever.) Jin-hyuk smirks and grabs the phone to return it to Teacher Bong, whom he calls out by name (aha, so you do remember him). He asks Teacher Bong which school he works at.

At school the next day, Teacher Jerkface reprimands So-rim for being in his class when he kicked her out. He tells her to leave, so she gets up and heads for the door… only to pause as she remembers what Han-gyul said about not doubting her voice. So-rim turns around and sits right back down, much to the teacher’s displeasure. But So-rim firmly states that she isn’t just some useless kid, and she wants to stay in class.

Teacher Jerkface taunts her by asking her to sing if she truly believes she’s not useless. So-rim stares him down, and thinking he’s won, the teacher scoffs and turns away. He stops when So-rim finally opens her mouth and begins singing (YB’s “Flying Butterfly”). She sings the song loud and clear, radiating confidence, as the rest of the class joins in. Teacher Jerkface yells at them to quit it when they all hear someone clapping by the hall window – it’s Jin-hyuk, smiling right at So-rim.

Jin-hyuk invites So-rim to the studio for an audition, which just about makes her burst from happiness. She asks if she can bring her bandmates as well, and though Jin-hyuk noticeably hesitates, he gives her the okay.

So our excited trio makes their way to Sole Music, where Jin-hyuk has them record the song So-rim sang in class. Chan-young walks in on the session, wanting to talk to Jin-hyuk, when he glances over to the other side of the glass where So-rim is singing. A smile forms on his face as he watches her.

However, Jin-hyuk halts the session and sends everyone out except for So-rim. Chan-young reluctantly leaves as well, going unseen by So-rim. Once they’re alone, Jin-hyuk asks if she really didn’t notice that her friends’ lousy playing was messing with her singing. She blinks in surprise, but Jin-hyuk tells her to sing again, giving her one last try.

That only worsens So-rim’s nerves and she struggles to find her voice again. But then she hears Han-gyul’s voice in her head promising to root for her, and she’s able to ease into a soft ballad (Sung Shi-kyung’s “The Road to Me”). And this time, Jin-hyuk appears much more satisfied.

In another part of the building, a female employer peeks in on Crude Play practicing, hearts in her eyes as she watches Shi-hyun sing. She jumps when she’s caught by a passing Han-gyul and scurries away before he can say anything.

He joins his friends in the practice room and compliments them on being so close to mastering the song with their hectic schedules. The boys gesture at Chan-young’s bass guitar and urge him to play with them until Chan-young returns. Han-gyul wavers, so the boys chant his name until he finally smiles and straps on the guitar.

Back in the recording studio, Jin-hyuk tells So-rim that he’s taken a liking to her and he wants to sign her – but only her, and not her friends. So-rim’s face instantly falls.

Chan-young makes it to the practice room, surprised to see Han-gyul playing along with the others. Han-gyul notices Chan-young walk in and immediately stops playing. Chan-young notes that Han-gyul’s playing isn’t too bad and urges him to continue, as do the others. But Han-gyul would rather stop here and let Chan-young take over.

“I guess my staying here is interrupting,” Chan-young says. He smiles and leaves them alone again. The boys ask Han-gyul why he resisted so strongly in front of Chan-young and, propping the guitar up, he merely says it’s because he’s embarrassed before leaving as well.

To Han-gyul’s dismay, he runs into Jin-hyuk, who has a favor to ask. Jin-hyuk takes them up to the roof, where he reveals that he wants to sign a new act. The problem is, he explains, he only likes one member of the group. He thinks it might be difficult to market them, so he came to Han-gyul for his opinion – specifically because this person reminds him of Han-gyul.

“What would you do?” Jin-hyuk asks. “Would you want to leave the others out? Or would you want to keep them together for now?” Han-gyul says that it’s sure to be difficult, but if they want to do it together, then they should just do it. Jin-hyuk nods approvingly and asks Han-gyul to produce this new singer, saying he can’t stick with only Crude Play for the rest of his career. Han-gyul looks up and replies that he doesn’t want to.

And on a different part of the roof, So-rim tries singing to lift her mood. Still feeling conflicted over Jin-hyuk’s offer, she turns to go back and finds herself facing Chan-young, who’s gazing at her curiously. She gasps, “Seo Chan-young!”


Oh dear, Han-gyul is so going to regret that. I’m excited for this love triangle to start, but I hope its arrival doesn’t mean we’ll lose Cute and Awkward Han-gyul – we just got him! From what we’ve seen of Han-gyul so far, he’s not in a particularly happy chapter of his life or his career, but even so, it’s safe to say that his carefree personality from high school hasn’t gone anywhere. He can still be sweet and he can still be playful with his friends, which is why I took an instant liking to him.

But it was this episode where he completely won me over. He just brought out so many pleasant surprises, starting with the opening scene. I think hearing So-rim’s singing for the first time automatically turned him into a bumbling fool, and I love that. I want more of that. His face when he was listening! Augh, so, so good. Other than it being downright adorable, his reaction was also profoundly touching. We knew how important his work is to him, but the fact that the song affected him that strongly suggests that his relationship with music goes way deeper than a simple paycheck. It’s not something he hears; it’s something he feels. And there was something in So-rim’s voice that made him feel something he’s clearly afraid of… but we’ll get to that in a minute.

Han-gyul continued to surprise me with his reaction to seeing his father again. Because of the indifference he’d shown previously, I’d assumed Han-gyul had carried ill feelings and wanted nothing to do with him. It was only shown in one short scene, but I think it’s clear that Han-gyul’s been missing his dad for a long time and he just hasn’t been able to find him. I can’t wait to see more of Dad and what really happened between the two that got them to where they are now. Speaking of side characters, I’m glad that Han-gyul and his friends made up so quickly. I was expecting that fight from last week to last a while – at least a few episodes – so I found it rather refreshing to have them fall back into normalcy without much trouble.

It’s also refreshing to have this many characters feel like more than your average batch of secondary characters. The guys in Crude Play don’t fall into the label of “Han-gyul’s friends” – they feel like their own people who are dealing with their own inner struggles, like wanting so much to play their own instruments for the sake of playing. It’s very admirable, especially since they’re idols who have been in the entertainment business for quite some time. Then there’s Chan-young – a character I like but remain wary of. It’s been established that there’s a hint of hostility in his relationship with Han-gyul, but they do manage to get along most of the time. Still, Chan-young’s long looks at Han-gyul have me questioning his true motives.

It makes me nervous that innocent So-rim is being thrown to the wolves with what’s looking to be a promising record deal, but there’s no doubt in my mind that she’ll have some great people around to support her. She already had her grandmother and friends as sturdy shoulders to lean on, and now she’s even got Han-gyul gravitating towards her side. I would say she’s lucky, but that’s just who So-rim is as a character – she’s a warmhearted person who people feel the need to protect. What makes her stand out, however, is the fact that she tries to take care of business on her own — all she needs is a little push. With a few words of encouragement from Han-gyul, she was able to take pride in her singing and totally throw the mean teacher off guard. It was extremely satisfying to watch since it reassured me that Han-gyul can help So-rim in the same way she wants to help him.

Which leads me to the phone booth scene. Because, ohmygah, that scene. As expected of her character, So-rim has been completely honest with Han-gyul about her crush on him since their first meeting. She knew blurting out her ideas of love at first sight was a bit impulsive, but her feelings were so strong that she had to let it out. And unbeknownst to Han-gyul, that sincerity of hers has affected him just as much as her voice did. After listening to her song, he was caught up in so many emotions that he couldn’t find relief until he found her and told her how he felt. So while he may be an expert at bottling everything up, it looks as if being around So-rim is proving to make that difficult for him. Oh, and what was with that almost-kiss, Kang Han-gyul? I mean, granted, it made my heart pound (good lord, did it make my heart pound), but it also made me worry that he has absolutely no idea what he’s doing.

I wonder if that’s why he hesitated. Because the second he stopped was the second her school uniform registered for me. It was a nice parallel with the elevator scene from Episode 2 where they were stuck in the exact same position. There he smiled in amusement, whereas here, it got way too real for him. However, something tells me he’s not just hesitating because she’s a high school student. I think on some level, he’s aware of where his feelings are going, and he’s afraid that they all root from his love for music, just as Yoo-na pointed out. That fear, along with his lingering emotions towards Yoo-na, is what’s holding him back and, therefore, bringing him back to his tendency of lying. He seems to genuinely like So-rim – past her voice, I would hope – but it may take a while before he ever allows himself to open up again.


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SairlorJumun Thank you!!! This drama will be the death of me.

No spoiler but i cannot wait until episode 5. Will discuss more in the next recap. ;)


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I swear I've been refreshing Dramabeans since several hours ago, ever since recap for RO5 was posted and the little notification at the bottom said Next Recap would be TLAHL. Thanx a lot!


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I came running here as soon as I saw the link posted in the forums. Episode 5 has put me on high ever since Tuesday. I've been like a manic ever since.


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Can I ask what forums? There are not enough places for me to fangirl about this drama... I've been searching.


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IKR? The Liar and His Lover (what a mouthful) doesn't seem to be many people's taste so it's been hard to find a place besides twitter to get excited over it. I know DB takes time to create quality content (and they probably have to disperse the recaps to a set schedule?) so for almost a week, I just get frustrated because there's nowhere I can discuss the drama with fellow fans immediately after it airs.


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Sorry, I don't think I can divulge it. It's a forum a small community of us use via VPN for security purposes. It's anonymous and untracktable by link so I don't want to compromise it. I can tell you that lots of the users have been enjoying this drama and going crazy over it.

For public forums, I can suggest Soompi, Onehallyu but I don't know how active they are.


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*wink wink* I'm coming from the same forum too. From the usernames here, I'm recognizing one or two other. Hahaha. The k-ent subforum there is jjang. When I first used it, it was just because I wanted my browsing to be secure and unrecognizable. I'm staying there because of the k-ent section. It's so fun and everyone is so positive.


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lol. reporting myself as well. I hate how hyperlinks are forbidden but security and all that. ;)


Is there anyway you can pm me the link to that private forum? Haha.

If you click my name here (Taebi), I think it will direct you to my fb. Hahaha. Pleaseee.


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I feel stupid. I just realized that clicking on the name leads you to a site.


@beona I never bothered to click, so I used to think for the longest time the yellow usernames meant that they were special Beanies. Pfft.


@solomon I used to think that, too. Haha. Only discovered it recently.


well count me in as another slow one... I didn't know that's what it meant either. I got so used to it, the "Website" line doesn't register whenever I look at it. ^__^''


Is there anyway you can pm me the link of the private forum? Haha.

Like when you click my name here (TaeBi), I think it will direct you to my facebook. Pleaseeeee. Hahaha. XD


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Hm, I've heard of those sites and VPN networks with accompanying forums before, but I've never been part of one. I might though, especially with the privacy for the internet being disregarded increasingly. Just a couple days ago, in America, Congress passed a bill that would let internet providers sell your internet browsing history. VPN alone is not enough to protect your privacy by the way.

@TaeBi I don't know if they'll contact you, but if Bee and the others' main concern is security and privacy, I doubt they'll be ok with sharing the information via facebook. It's super public for one. For two, your information is definitely not secured in it. It's one of the company part of PRISM scandal.


@sarah oooh. I don't follow the news, but I heard about it because Stephen Colbert talked about it yesterday. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFB5LsSaQHw I didn't know it was this serious :(



Awww you're probably right. I wish there was a way they could somehow tell us though. XD I'm dying to get into an active community (apart from DB) that openly shows their love for this little gem.


re Taebi

I honestly expected DB to be one of those sites who would be the most critical of Liar and his lover, so it comes as a super pleasant surprise that DB is liking it. I still don't know what happened, but I'm not one to look at a gift horse in the mouth. I'll just enjoy it. :)


when ur so into dramas lately uve lost track of real news and have no idea what's going on in the world and have to find out through dramabeans... thats me right there. lol


I swear this drama makes me so happy! Its so fresh and authentic and Lee Hyun Woo is LOVE! Also, Joy's smile is absolutely infectious! <3


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So-rim is so unflappably bright it cheers me up watching her.


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on a youtube video, I read a comment where someone said that she is fluffy haha it's so true :)


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personally, I find that even her two friends are fluffy


This drama is my new fav after WLFKBJ ! I have been looking forward to the recap like crazy too.

This Show is so good it hurts. It's bringing alive all the characters and their struggles in such an awesome manner. I love how almost all the characters have a shady element to them, except So Rim, which is why almost everyone feels the sincerity in her voice and are pulled towards her singing.

The Music numbers thus far have not disappointed. Also, I'm glad that they brought the cheesiness from the prev. episodes a notch lower.

Also, about the complaints about Joy's acting in some online forums are a bit ridiculous. I have never listened to any of Joy's or Red Velvet's Songs. So, from a completely unbiased viewer, I find her a bit green in certain areas, but she fits the role to a tee. She is doing a fabulous joy displaying the teenage immaturity and innocence in such a heartfelt manner. I believe she is doing a better job of it than many actresses I have come across in Dramaland. Haters gonna hate though i guess.


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It's interesting how many people have brought up Weightlifting Fairy. Must be the innocent vibe of the heroines.

I like that while So-rim's character is simple, she's not boring because she's so lovable. Ironically, because of that simplicity. She's just untainted.

Agree with you that the characters are all fleshed out, even the small characters feel organic, it helps us immerse into the little world the drama has created.


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Now that I think about it, I think for me it is about how heartfelt both the shows are. The coming of age vibe is a common link too. Though Liar is meant to be larger than life, it has been so well shot that it looks very real, almost makes you believe that we are getting a peek into a parallel universe with these characters and their routine lives. For me that's what made WF the show it was. Not to mention that both of these Shows started off with a less than enthusiastic welcome but somehow grew on us and stood their ground. Now, don't disappoint me Liar!


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Did Weightlifting start out with negative response as well? I caught up later on so I didn't follow from the beginning. I just remember that casting news being received super negatively because of LSK and NJH's reputations as bad actors.

You're right about how the drama is shot. It feels so pretty, but real, you want to immerse yourself into that world.


As I recall, initially it was about how the leads were not suitable for their roles. Many were not comfortable with LSK being a model and doing a weightlifter's role. Also, NJH was said to be undeserving based on his previous poor acting display and something about him repeatedly playing a Swimmer. Many even dropped the show because of it's 'Boring' story-line. And not to forget that it was directly competing with a big-budget LMH and JJH starer LOTBS, which impacted it's ratings throughout WF's run-time.



Lee SK played unlikable roles before so people didn't like her. Nam JH got criticized too so most people bashed the drama before it even began, and came in full of prejudice. It became a sleeper hit among i-fans slowly.


Watching TLAHL reminds me of Shopping King Louis. It's so bright and simply innocent. I just relax and watch it happy.


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I don't get the complaints about her acting either. She's doing well not just for her first time, but even among current young actresses. The role suits her well, it's hard to name someone else as Sorim.


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I think she does well too. There are some parts that i think she doesnt manage to catch well, but not distracting enough to make me complain~

I must say kang hangyeol doesnt look old enough, he looks at most second yr college and assuming he hasnt entered army, that would make him only 3-4 yrs older than sorim.. they keep saying hangyeol is much older but never really mention by how many years...


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I'm not sure either, but much is probably relative. I used to think 5 years was a lot of difference when I was young, and now that I'm in my 20s, I'm dating someone 7 years older and it feels like I'm dating someone my age.


In the original story, he was 25, so I assume that's how old he is in this as well. Lee Hyun Woo is 24 in real life so he's basically just playing his age. Joy is 20 so she's playing a bit younger


Kim Soo Hyun promoted the drama!!!


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I squealed when I saw it. He's hardly ever active on ig anymore.


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what happened?


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Kim Soo Hyun (You, from another star) posted a picture of him watching The Liar & His lover :D :D :D


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I love his friendship with Lee Hyun Woo. Looks like they've been tight ever since secretly, greatly.


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Their bromance is cute.


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:) Promotion from the great hallyu star himself. ;) Talk about a boost.


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KSH has been in Dream High, and now LHW in Liar and Lover. As a fan of music-themed dramas and someone who likes both, I'm a happy woman.


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I just checked. With 2M followers and over 100K likes, the staff and crew must be happy for the free promotion.


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I expect this drama's ending scene to be all the cast dancing and singing to "We're all in this together."
Thanks for the recap SJ!!


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LOL. I wonder if Beanies will get your reference. It's been 10 years. I feel old.


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Goodness, time flies! It seems like only yesterday High School Musical came out... But it's a pretty safe bet that there will be SOME song everyone's singing and dancing to at the very end of the drama. :)


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That's a good thing right? I was honestly missing the musical numbers in the classroom last episode. :)


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I missed them too. that classroom scene where she started singing was all kinds of cheese but I had a smile on the entire time.


I'm 16 and I got it.


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that means you were 6 when it was out??? Heol. I feel old.


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I personally think the songs theyre singing are pretty good, so i dont mind so long as their 'were all in this together' is as good xD


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this drama is like totally korea'a answer to HSM. I love it.


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apparently, as a rating's promise, the cast promised to learn how to dance to Red Velvet's "Rookie" from Joy, and dance altogether.


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Funny because watching this drama reminds me a lot of Dream High.


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LOOOOOOOL It really does feel like I'm watching high school musical all over again.


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It does have a lot in common with HSM. The music, the talent discovery, the regular normal kid squads vs. the stars, the cheerful vibe, the coming-of-age woes and insecurities, romance, etc.


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Great comments @ the end. :)

I also like that music is such unifying factor in this drama. It serves to bring cohesiveness to the story and is integral to all the characters, rather than be just a gimmick.

Like you said, music is what brings Sorim and Hangyul together. In my eyes, Hangyul might pay attention to Sorim because of her voice, but it will be her personality which will transform him.


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Honestly, Music was one of the factors why I was apprehensive to start watching the Show, as I don't like the genre. But, now I'm so hooked that I am regretting that I should have saved this one for binge-watching. :( #Woesofadramaaaddict

I think it is the Innocence and Sincerity in her character that Hangyul can hear in her Voice. In the world that he has been a part of from a very young age, he has only been exposed to shrewdness and deceit, which inturn has made him into a bitter person himself. I hope So Rim's goodness of heart and pure love for music rubs of on him too. I hope he discovers that the vulnerability and openesss that SR as a person has is what makes her voice so special and that his Music could do well with some that heart, which he somehow only seems to find 'now', only when someone has broken his!


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Hangyul has been exposed to all the ins and fakeness of the industry so the fact that Sorim is so pure is going to shake up his whole world.

This is one of those dramas where I'm glad I'm watching live instead of marathoning it because I want to experience the giddiness I feel between each week while waiting for the next episode. It's something that's hard to replicate when you marathon. And this drama does giddy really well.


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Yes this Show does do giddy very very well. My poor heart <3 though.


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Haha. You're like Hangyul, another victim of this drama for making your heart go crazy. LOL


I'm honestly in awe at how good her voice sounds. Ive never properly listened to Joy before. Just a few red velvet songs and I didn't pay any attention to who sang what except for Wendy.

This drama has been a revelation to me. I'm now obsessively rewatching all the parts with her singing to kill time until next Monday. XD

By the way, this recap is perfect to soothe my thirst. XD


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This might just be my preference but I think I like deep and rich voices and hers sounds thin and high. I was actually wondering if we were supposed to think her voice is that of a amateur/beginner before she is taught by the industry how to sound more professional.


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It's probably taste. Personally, I find voices like Hyorin, KSH, etc. a lot more impressive, but I listen to songs by taeyeon, Baek a yeon, IU a lot more often. Joy's in that category for me. I like how full but fresh her vocal color is.


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Joy's clip of herself singing for this drama climbed up korea's ranking for videos on naver slowly. At first, it's rank was low and below that phone booth scene. Then several hours later, it climbed over the phone booth clip. Then the next day, it went up to the no.1 ranked video. That's super rare. Usually, videos go on top first, and slowly drop off the ranks, they don't go up. It shows how word-of-mouth about her singing led to this. I feel so proud.


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I don't know what the drama intends, but in the manga, it was less about Riko's singing skills, and more about how her voice was special and could bring out raw feelings out. I like that touch of vulnerability.


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I really like her voice, it's unique. I've listened to her OSt Fox a lot. I'm glad I decided to check out this drama just for that reason alone. It's ironic because the reason I was reluctant to watch this in the beginning was because I was afraid I wouldn't like it and have the adaptation be ruined.


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Oh ok - thanks for that perspective. I can certainly see that from how emotional Han Gyul got when he heard her sing his song and I didn't know why he reacted that way!


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LOL. I wonder if Beanies will get your reference. It's been 10 years. I feel old.


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Whoops. Forgot to click on the "Reply" link.


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I'm grinning like a fool reading what you wrote about Hangyul. For a guy obsessed with finding the perfect sound, seeing him freaked out when he found it in Sorim's voice s;kjgsl;djkfl;sdjkfsdl;j has me key-smashing. His reaction was perfect.


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Thank you for the recap Sailor Jumun :D

Last week, you said it was too early to love this drama... how about this week? Because I think I'm in danger. On the verge of falling for it without caution.

Like receiving a basket full of puppies. You can't help but love it even if you know it's a lot of trouble. lol.


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It really does feel as if I'm watching a bunch of puppies. Everyone is so cute. I'm almost double their age, so I have so much fun watching this. It's giving me a youthful energy.


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Yoon Sorim is the beating heart of this drama.


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Agree 200%.


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And here right there, ladies [and gentlemen?], is how the love triangle begins....

Thank you for the recap. Mwuah.


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Poor Jinwoo. Doesn't stand a chance.


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Jinwoo's character in the manga annoyed me so freaking much, but I like him here. I hope they don't follow the manga and make him annoying.


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Gentleman raises hand.

I started watching this because I heard Joy sings a lot in here but I'm enjoying it. It's getting interesting.


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fellow dude here. People always get surprised when I tell them I'm a guy who likes dramas. When we talk online, they all assume I'm female. Or have the misconception I could be gay because how else would I fanboy over the actors, pfft. But no, I'm 100% straight.


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I absolutely hate that director guy he is a the worst of them all manipulative af. Why did he feel the need to bother Han gyul publicly like that like literally lament then fact that he got cheated on like wtf if wrong with him don't even get me started on what he said in ep 4 (mostly cause I can't talk about that right now) anyway dude is a jerk


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I think Jinhyuk is an interesting character. He's very business-minded, so it's like a foil to hangyul almost. while hangyul does everything with music in mind, Jinhyuk has business in mind (he reminds me of Simon Cowell). Imo, he's quite a grey character. I don't like him, but I don't dislike him totally because I get where he comes from.


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I legit am saying this from a point of view that is for the people not the money he is a jerk and I don't like him to me he's not very grey, all the things we've seen him do have been pointing to money hungry jerk. You know money hungry people will do anything to get it even throw a few people under the bus or off the roof. He has a vendetta against Han gyul which he has been less than honest about I mean the dude has no issue with taking his girlfriend obviously but why he gotta lie to him about going to her house when he has gone more times probably more than shown


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I get ur point. tbh, the reason I haven't hated him so far is bc of Lee Jungjin. His character is most likely set up to cause problems for the kids. Or that CEO/President.


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So hangyeol gets mad at him, mad enough to write wonderful songs, but not too much to sell said songs to other companies?

So far i think he only reciprocates yoona to make sure hangyeol write better songs


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Interesting theory. It certainly seems as if he's not in love with yoona. But neither does yoona seem to love him, he's just her rebound.


I wouldn't be surprised if the character was based on Simon Cowell. He's like Simon Cowell crossed with that crazy Love me section president from Skip Beat.


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Me too, I liked it that Crude Play made up quickly. From what they said in the past episodes, they must be used to Hangyul being hangyul and being ocd about music.


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That crude play chant the boys did before starting to play was adorable. I really like Shihyun. He's cute.


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Speaking of that scene where Han-gyul played the bass. I hope we get to explore more about that subtle rivalry between Han-gyul and Chan-young. And I don't mean the one involving So-rim. I mean the tension we've been seeing for a while now. It seems like Han-gyul was super uncomfortable at first taking Chan-young's place. Like he's aware of the rivalry? I'm really curious...


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That's actually the weakest part of this drama for me. Not that Han Gyul played the bass, but he faked playing the bass. I would have been crabby throughout the show except that I noticed when Crude Play actually plays, they only have 3 of them. Apparently Chan Young also can't play the bass. So I just have to suspend my disbelief and pretend that they are all super talented like the 4 in You're Beautiful for example.

That's what differs for me in this show versus like Dream High, where all of the main characters could sing, even the guy wearing a potato sack could sing really well. Luckily the actress playing So Rim is an excellent vocalist and that is the saving grace for me. And at least that one guy in Crude Play can sing as well. Honestly, I don't even know if Yoona can sing. Oh well.


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I haven't watched Dream High but I know all the characters in this drama who are supposed to be singers in the drama are real-life singers. Shihyun - UNIQ vocalist, Joy - Red Velvet vocal line, Yoona - Musical actress (this drama is her first foray into TV, she's coming from a musical world).


My ex used to play the bass a long time ago, so I have special fondness for the bass even though I play the guitar myself. :D I'm glad they made his character a bassist, they don't get enough credit for being the second pillar of the band (drums being the first in my personal opinion).

About suspension of disbelief, isn't that something we all do when we watch a drama? It's why they're actors, no? I watch action scenes knowing there are stuntmen, and don't expect the actors to be real cooks or lawyers or geniuses or whatever. It helps if they have some skills but I'd rather watch an actor act.


@huetazone I always say bass in band is the equivalent of viola in orchestra. We don't get enough spotlight.

I didn't pay attention to the scenes where Hangyul or Chanyoung played the bass so can't comment on their hand-syncing skills. Were there even many scenes of that? I don't remember how many but can't have been that much since I just recall one where Chanyoung was recording. I could be wrong, but I think they showed someone else's fingers because it looked realistic enough to me.


Curious you mentioned Dream High and YAB, because they both shared the same storyline with Liar and Lover where the main girl (Suzy and PSH) were supposed to excel at singing. Frankly, between the 3 dramas, Liar and Lover has the most convincing "special voice" to my ears.


Wanson, you forget Choi Min Soo as a band singer in real life. It seems like the casting staff casted based on singing background a lot.

Sarah, well for YAB the two main characters weren't professional singers and for DH, KSH isn't one either so that might explain it... For DH2, Kang Sora too wasn't a professional singer. They chose all the main characters to be actors in those dramas.



ur right, there aren't lots of scenes showing them, and all of them are brief and no close-up. I don't even look at their hands, I focus on other things showing in the scenes anw so I don't even need to suspend disbelief or whatever. Shrugs.


Thanks for the recap!

I really like the approach this show is taking concerning the music, especially idol, industry. You're selling not just your talent but a specific "look" or concept or story, like Yoona. This show has a lot of harsher and more realistic aspects that I wish Entertainer (Ji Sung and Hyeri's absolutely bland and forgettable drama from last year) had used more of.

Now, I haven't watched any other musical dramas besides Entertainer, but The Liar and His Lover is pulling me in despite having lots of rookie actors who are doing a terrific job. It's very concentrated on the music and how people take advantage of other people, which Entertainer really fizzled out on.

I really actually like Jin-hyuk. Sure, he's not the greatest guy on earth, but he's working in a tough, sometimes ugly field and is doing the best he can to make his artists successful. He's a hard-ass and I love it.

Bravo The Liar and His Lover. This show's got real promise.


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Love your comment. This show really shows how cold the industry is. It's not so much about the talent (just a part), but also the marketing and image that goes with it.

I like that it can present that side of the industry, without making it so stressful and full of tension, you feel like pulling your hair out when you watch it. It's fascinating how this show can still make you feel good watching it.


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@Mal / @Daabak

Resident Yoona fanboy here to weigh in. :)

While I agree that perhaps the focus on and importance of visual aesthetic and image perhaps results in a potentially harsh atmosphere, I don't personally see it as differing from any other assessment that is made as to the relative value of a given individual based on other metrics such as skill, intelligence, personality, etc.

In my view a lot of the misunderstanding is due to the industry being viewed by many as only a "music" industry. It is not. The Korean popular entertainment industry (as well as the East Asian popular entertainment industry as a whole) is based on the idol system. Much like the historical geisha, idols are not just "singers" or "dancers" or even "performers". In addition to performative talents (vocal, rap, dance, songwriting, choreography), idols are expected to excel in other entertaining roles such as acting, modeling, hosting, variety shows, interviews and endorsements/modeling. And yes, visual attractiveness and the projection of a specific image is part and parcel with their responsibility as idols (again, in the vein of the geisha). Players looking to excel within the industry must understand that the designation as "idol" is descriptive of what is actually expected, not merely a meaningless title.

Perhaps you can take issue with valuing such other attributes beyond mere performative skill. But in my view, the industry functions as it intends, not as merely a music industry, but as an idol entertainment industry.

I don't know, just my two cents.

P.S. I'm loving the show though! :)


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Yes, like Disney stars in the US. They act, sing, dance and are expected to preserve a certain image.


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It's about likeability factor. Maximizing it so that people can like them through dramas, music, talent, personality, etc.


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Fan of SNSD as well. My bias is maknae line.


@Bernardontkaht Or in other words, star quality. People get drawn to likeable pretty and talented people so idols are pretty, multi-talented, and likable.



You summed it up rather succinctly.



There are advantages or disadvantages to star quality playing such an important role but in the end, it's how the world works. I might admire a Nobel peace prize winner, but I would much rather be friend with someone less talented but who connects well with me. I just need them to be talented enough I can admire them. A good song also helps tons. It's why winners of singing competition shows hardly ever succeed after the show. They don't have enough likeability that people would become fans and be fascinated by them.


I love love love love Solim. I don't think I've loved the main female character this much since a long time. Not even Bongsoon. Maybe Chun Songyi even though they're completely different.


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The teacher is awesome. That is all.


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i luff him


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I can totally relate to So-rim freaking out when she saw Chan-young. That expression was adorable. Hee.


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Speaking of chanyoung and expressions. His face when he saw Hangyul laughing on the phone was hilarious.


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this drama makes me go back to 20years ago. I find myself squealing like a girl, especially episode 4.


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I really enjoyed this episode because I could hear Sorim sing so many times in it. Is it just me or I get really happy whenever there's a scene with Solim's singing??? Instead of minding that the scenes are there and could break the flow, I get happy instead? It's so odd. Even when she sings emotionally, it makes me feel happy and good.


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I like this episode but it's still setting things up so there is room for singing scenes. Next episode is when things are finally starting to get super exciting.


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this drama is so cute. Even their Bts vids are cute. I've been watching all of them and smiling like a mom seeing all those kids get along. :)


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Do you know where I can find them?


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Here is the subs for the latest BTS vid


and you can find the rest of the videos on the channel.

Vlive videos with subs can be found if you search Liar and Lover in the search bar.


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Watching Yoona call Hyunwoo "Hyunwoo oppa" reminded me that he's the oldest of the young cast, save for Crude play's drummer Inho. Incidentally, the youngest is Sorim's drummer friend (followed by Seowon)


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Yaaay!! A recap! Thank you! I have been trying hard the whole week to contain my spazzing because yes, the cuteness is unreal in this drama.

Let me just add a scene that I loved -- I like how the songs reflect the story. The OST I'm Okay with Hyun Woo rapping in the background was just perfect in the scene at Hyun Woo's home where he was writhing and trying to forget Sorim's voice.

Also, remember the lunch school scene right before the reunion? "Have you ever heard the saying, "A coincidence repeated three times is a destiny" and Sorim counts only 2 times and she runs away right before Crude Play's In Your Eyes plays as the background says, "This sonh is about a love that turns a coincidence into destiny".

Actually, its a nice little detail...because Hangyul and Sorim met thrice!  The bus stop umbrella scene being the first. But I love how proactive Sorim is when she ran out to find Hangyul because she said, "I can't wait until I run into him again by coincidence!" Sorim is young and has her insecurities and trauma but she ain't the usual wilting flower.

Sigh. I loved the songs this episode! And the phonebooth scene! I almost squealed and woke my kids up! I was dreading it a little because Hangyul isn't over Yoona yet and Sorim is just so...heart all out there. I was half fearing it be like the movie where Kai kissed Riko on their second meeting! Glad it didn't happen but admittedly, I'm a little disappointed too because Joy and LHW are really oozing chemistry! But wow, TVN's second fake out kiss scene! Will there be a kiss scene at all, if any?

Waiting for the recap to episode 4 to gush more. TLAHL fighting!


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Nice comment about the songs' meaning. thanks.


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the chemistry is good between Sorim and all the boys, I ship her with literally everyone, even Shi-hyun and they haven't met yet. It's insane.


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It's a korean drama so I doubt they'll follow the manga where there are kissing scenes almost every volume. I appreciate the tongue-in-cheek nod when they include the scenes and change it to almost-kiss since they are so iconic.


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I didnt like the first 2 epis. But after the next two im in. Joy is good casting, her voice is like honey, her personality is bright and sweet, that make me check her we got married.

Seo Chang Young (Kim Seo Won) is another Blossom brother. He was suppose to be Gat Byung-yeon in MDBC but drop out. I see his vast improvement from UF to this.

Kang Han-Kyeol lies seem like a pretty white lies so far. But the screen in the phone booth creep me out a little, because she is still a high schooler, her friends still mad when they know she knows an adult, his friend still tease him as they know she is a minor.


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What I like about this drama is that it gets better after each episode. Episode 4 was the best.


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At this point, I think Hangyul is more concerned about her voice than romancing her. That's probably all he can see right now with his obsession with music. She probably looks like a cute little-sister in his point of view.


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I didn't watch Chanyoung in UF but I've fallen for him (and his looks) here. So many rivals for Hangyul.


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Thank you for the recap and the thoughtful analysis. It makes watching it even more enjoyable.

Every character in this is so fluffy, from the band to Hangyul to the teacher.


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I was debating whether to drop this drama or not (because I don't have much time for dramas right now) when the last scene with Chanyoung happened and I was flapping like a bird. That made me watch episode 4 and now, I'm addicted.


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I cringed a lot last week. This week, I find myself cringing less and less and smiling more and more. EIther I got used to the cheese, or it's gotten better.


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Doesn't cheese get better as it ages? Kk


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pwuahaha. Good one.


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I was about to name my favorite scene in this episode, when I realized there were so many throughout I couldn't choose. Hahahaha.


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I'm unexpectedly finding myself liking this.


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I love how lively the drama looks, with its colour palette. As lively as its main character.

That first picture heading this post could brighten my day.


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No, don't break up my Mush & Co.! Is this love triangle in the manga? Shinya didn't like Riko in the movie. Alas, Korea can't live without their love triangles to the point of creating a new character in Nodame Cantabile just so Chiaki could have a love rival. Han Gyul and So Rim's romance doesn't feel very organic to me yet.

The Crude Play members have no sense. Do they not realize how hurtful it must be for Chan Young to see Han Gyul playing bass with them? It's like they don't want him in the band even though he never asked to be in their band in the first place. I'm just thankful they don't ostracize him like in the film; these guys actually invite Chan Young to hang out with them.

Does Han Gyul not have Chan Young's number saved? His came up as an "unidentified number" when Han Gyul called So Rim on Chan Young's phone. I like how the show tied back Han Gyul previously deleting Yoo Na's contact information with her number coming up as only numbers. How did So Rim take a picture without unlocking Han Gyul's phone? So Rim's spiteful teacher and Eun Tak's heartless teacher in Goblin makes me want to scream, "Quit teaching if you hate kids so much!"

Thanks lots for the recap, SailorJumun!


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The movie changed a lot from the manga as well.

About Chan young being hurt. I understand why he would feel hurt, but it's a bit petty for him IF he didn't want Hangyul to play together with his childhood friends. They've been friends since childhood, and just because Hangyul is now a producer doesn't mean he can't play bass again with them as friends, not as Crude Play. Chanyoung wasn't even there, it was just momentarily as a stand-in.

As for teachers, sadly, many teachers become disillusioned with the job but can't quit it because it's not easy to quit any job that required so much training. I really really hate it when teachers play favorites and have some kids they openly dislike when that happens.


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It’s possible to open the camera without unlocking the phone, esp in Android. Usually There’s a tiny camera icon at the corner of lockscreen.

And omg yes that spiteful teacher? How come someone like that got teaching license?


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It's possible to open the camera without unlocking the phone, esp in Android. Usually There's a tiny camera icon at the corner of lockscreen.

And omg yes that spiteful teacher? How come someone like that got teaching license?


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"How come someone like that got teaching license?"

You'd be surprised...


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There's a feature where you can use the camera without unlocking, it's been there for about 4 years. You can turn it off in the parameters.


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As someone who used to be in a garage band myself, I'm loving this drama. If only we were like Sorim and her friends, and were discovered by some powerful agency, I wouldn't be here sitting in my office all day. Just kidding. The pay is pretty good, I'm not complaining.


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I'm feeling this drama. Nice music is making up half of it. I hope they release the soundtrack later on. It's obvious whoever is in charge of music in this drama cares a lot about it.


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i still have to get past episode 1.. i kept falling asleep mid-way lol


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Uh.... I hope that's figurative speech and you're not literally falling asleep. Well, unless you must have been really really tired before watching it, that is.


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literally fell asleep the two times i tried watching the first episode lol. just intrigued by the many comments in this ep's recap, so there must be something interesting down the road.. i'll probably pick it up again


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Do you watch lying on your bed? that would explain it if you did... I don't even fall asleep when I read a textbook, but I fall asleep reading in my bed.


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and yet oddly, here you are... taking the trouble to enter Episode 4 recap and even comment.


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yep, just commenting on how i had trouble staying awake watching the first episode. why, can't I?


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It's not that you can't, but I think Joahn found it odd (or I'm just projecting my thoughts on her) that a drama uninteresting enough to you to make you fall asleep during the first episode would have you show enough interest in it to comment on a recap of another later episode.


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I'm not kidding when I say that song that K wrote is ringing in my head.


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Me too. I don't even know korean, but I keep hearing "gwenchana yogi ilseulke .... daddadadad... modu.. dadadada something something" lmao

I've only listened the full song once when I watched the MV for it yet I still hear the melody days later.


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Augh! Me too! Today, I was in an important hearing when I suddenly started humming Its Okay while signing affidavits. I totally lost my hard boiled prosecutor image. >__< I'm in the noona category, like a decade older than the leads but I like this drama very much! It reminds me of the shoujo manga I followed avidly back in the day. LHW emotes very well especially his eyes, my heart totally melted when he teared up over Sorim's song. Chanyoung's deep voice and good looks are lethal to noonas, I swear! And Joy -- I can see she's still green in some areas but her personality makes up for the obvious lack of experience because she's so darn likeable and shippable to boot! Loving the reverse harem set up and the music too.


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Its Okay? Is that the title of the song?

You summarized the appeal of the drama well. I'm a noona too, but I also fall for the charms of the characters (agreed about Seowon's voice. When he speaks, I go yum, and then feel guilty because he's SO YOUNG). And yes, reverse harem + shoujo + music plays its part in appealing to me.


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Oops, typo, the title of the song is "I'm Okay" OST 2 by Joy feat. Lee Hyun Woo. I love it, here's the link! So far, it has only had 500k+ views unlike Fox OST which has over a million views and counting.



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that's still a lot of views for an Ost of an "unpopular" drama (ratings-wise). When I think of It's OK, I think of Btob's iconic song, and now I have her ost... *ship sailing* jk.


I've been reduced to a pile of goo by episode 4. I wonder what I'll be come episode 16? A giddy molecule? In case I don't comment any more, it might be because I'm a floating, squealing speck of happy dust. What has this show done to me? Lol


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HAHAHAHAHAHA. I'll be a molecule with you then. Then, we can react together. /lame joke.

This show has me squeeing my pants off.


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Haha! All beanie molecules could then re-group and be oxytocin! Gah, this show!!!


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i'm rusty on my biology but doesnt oxytocin have something to do with breastfeeding?? [it's been years I've taken my exams, don't laugh if I'm wrong...]


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Don't worry, mine is rusty too! lol. I just remembered it as a love hormone, though it might be other stuff too. kk


lol Klurker I had a good laugh thanks to you. I don't know why but reading about biology on dramabeans made me laugh so much. lol
I have zero memory of my biology, so in that hazy feeling, I remember oxytoxin being about a pregnant hormone or something that makes women forget how painful it is to give birth (???? I just remember my professor telling that story) Any biologist out there to clarify for us?


Thanks Sailorjumun! Your whole section on Sorim is love <3 And yes, I get nervous too when I see innocent pure Sorim getting thrown into the wolves. I just want to protect her from all things.


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I loved loved loved the japanese movie and it makes me happy that the korean one is giving me a different version of the manga, but still good.


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I love Sorim's sailor outfit in the recording booth. I want it.


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I really like Shi-hyun and his playful foxy sneaky way to talk ^^


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Shihyun's mischievousness is speaking to me too. <3 It's his first drama and he's doing well.


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I did not know that. He is doing well, you're right, we can feel the friendship and it has a genuine feeling to it. ^^


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I thought they will be having a kiss scene at that phone booth!!! Lol I keep screaming but it didn't happen ? That evil teacher is a really good actor! I remember feeling sorry for him on Oh My Ghost and now I loathe him ? also, I don't know why but I keep having a 'Taek - Deoksun' feeling from these two (must be because of Hyunwoo's face and Sorim's short hair). ?


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I get a deokseon vibe from sorim too. Deokseon mixed with shiwon


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I expected a kiss scene too since in the manga (spoiler: it happens on second meeting)


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The "adults" in this drama are all very good actors imo.


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Am I the only one who noticed that her whistling at the end sounded exactly like an instrument? (Like a flute perhaps? A bit unsure of those instruments' particular sounds)
It really cracked me up, because it just sounded so off lol.

I'm completely in love with this drama though! Had no expectations of it and it's certainly flawed, but also just so very cute! Exactly the kind of fluff I need right now and I'm finding myself impatiently waiting for new episodes.

About her being a high school student - they said she's 19, so I'm guessing 18 in international age? So not really a minor + it won't be long before she graduates + Han Gyul isn't really that old. Maturity-wise he's obviously much older considering how long he's probably been in the industry and that it was since he was a teen himself, but I don't think he's much more than 24/25. It's not like Goblin where it often felt like a dad/daughter relationship. Perhaps it's because I have a family member who met his wife when she was 19 and he's almost 10 years older and they're happily together with a kid even ten years after, but I don't mind the age gap that much in this particular drama. Especially since he's clearly holding back for now.

I've also seen some comments about Hyun Woo looking too young to be believable as a talented, professional songwriter, which honestly really puzzled me, since: 1) He's pretty much playing the age he is in real life and 2) it reminds me of idols like Hongki and Zico who both write amazing songs and are around Han Gyul's age, yet can look like little kids at times. Looks have nothing to do with how professional you are lol. Besides, if he didn't look so young, the romance would very likely seem more off and make even more people uncomfortable.


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That fake whistle is cracking me up too ???


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same. I thought the music director must have wanted to emphasize how special even her whistling was and ended up making it sound like an instrument. LOL


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Well it sure did sound special, so if that's what they were going for, mission accomplished ?


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I agree that he's more mature than she is. However, I don't think he's much more mature. I see a lot of moments where he's showing vulnerability typical from a young boy, or how his behavior that is inconsiderate of others shows room for growth, etc. I think he is just less naive than her, not necessarily that much more mature. If she's still a kid at heart, he's just in that phase where he is a kid himself, trying to navigate the world of adults. It might be because I'm older than both so they both look like kids to me. Ha.


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Haha that might be the case. I'm around the same age as I'm guessing HG to be, so that may be why I perceive more of a difference.

Either way, I think he's more mature in a cynical kind of way if that makes sense? She's still, as you say, very naive, whereas he's already had a lot of life experience. He may not always be mature enough to know how to deal with those experiences, but he knows a lot more about how the world works than she does. And he's been in relationships before while she hasn't had such feelings before, so he's more "mature" in that sense as well, even if he acts childish and selfish when it comes to relationships.

But yeah, in general he's sometimes still like a little boy, I agree. Maybe that's one of the reasons the romance works. In some sense she can be more mature than him, such as calling people out on their lies and being very truthful herself etc, she's just not as experienced, kind of counteracting the age gap.

On the other hand, she doesn't really think about consequences at all (like thinking about putting someone else's song online which is never okay), which is a more childish thing, while he on the other hand just prioritizes music more than anything else. He's aware of consequences, but just chooses to ignore them and do whatever he feels is right for him.


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when she was considering putting his song online, she didn't know it was his song. she just wanted other people to help her find out what song it was and hope to find him somehow.

I like what you said about countering the age-gap and about him choosing to ignore consequences. :)


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Hmmm didn't think of that, but that's true. It's odd though, because why else would a stranger grab your phone, record his voice and send the file to himself? Can't really see why he'd do that if not because it's something he just wrote.

It was just an example, in general she doesn't seem to think much about consequences before she does something.


Great comment.

And YES, I don't know why people find it so unbelievable that HG can produce when there are more than a dozen of idols I can think of who are well-known and succesful producers. The boys from seventeen are probably the youngest ones I can think of on top of my head, but GD started early as well, didn't he?


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Thanks haha.

Seventeen produces? Huh, did not know that. Don't follow a whole lot of k-pop groups tbh, mostly just know lots of random stuff about the industry because I find it so fascinating lol.

And yeah, lots of YG artists at least write their own songs and I think I heard that too, that GD was pretty young when he started producing. Though not as young as HG.


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Butting in the conversation because I'm a Carat.

Seventeen produces practically their whole album. Main producer is Woozi, who is about 20.

According to wikipedia, G-dragon started to produce since he was 18.

Other idols I know how produce title hit songs ranking on top of charts are [I'm not including the non-chart toppers, otherwise, the list would be endless]

BtoB Ilhoon and Hyunsik, 22/23, 25; Block B Park Kyung Zico; IU, and Shinee Jonghyun (25) who penned Lee Hi Breathe, etc.


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Thank you for this list! While I do agree Hyun Woo looks young and baby faced (he looks younger than all the members of crude play and even Sorim's friends), I don't see it as a problem because: 1. He's basically playing his age and genius producers can be young (Yonghwa is a really good example, not sure about his first hit song I'm a loner but we all saw how he created Love Light and Banmal Song and his last solo album was self produced. 2. It makes his romance with high school aged Sorim (at 19) look acceptable.


Banmal song!! Man, this makes me nostalgic for the goguma couple. Sniff.


I started watching this drama after your positive reviews of it last week, SailorJumun. I am glad i checked it out because its so much fun.

I didn't realize it was an almost kiss scene. I thought they actually kissed, lol. The camera was mostly focusing on them from the back and i thought they are not showing us properly because she is supposed to be underage in the drama. But have to say that them not kissing makes sense. Because its just too soon and they really don't know much anout each other. I love how adorably honest so rim is about her feelings to han gyul. Maybe its not love yet and only just a crush but I still feel it takes courage to tell someone you like them irrespective of it being at first sight or after 10 years of knowing them. Because you are putting yourself at a vulnerable position and giving them the power to hurt you and hoping that they won't. So, her honesty is endearing for me. And Joy's smile is just the perfect mix of innonence and earnestness, she is really selling this character for me.♥


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Glad your faith in the recap ended up being fruitful. I also checked the drama out because of the recap ;)

If you look at the end of the "kiss scene" you'll see there was distance between them, no lips touching.

I didn't confess to someone I liked very very much and after 2 years, he dated someone else and until this day, I regret it. Not necessarily regretting that I didn't date him (I'm not in love or anything) but regretting that because I didn't confess, I'll always wonder "what if?"


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"she is really selling this character for me"

Me too. One big reason I'm enjoying this drama is because of Sorim. I buy the whole character, innocent, good voice, straightforward, cheerful, etc. I would say someone with no experience could have easily made Sorim annoying instead of endearing, but then, I realized Joy has no experience, which would make my statement false. Haha.


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I just watched all the episodes of this and I am hooked and I need more episodes NOW. Gah, I should have saved this to binge watch, now I'm addicted but I gotta suffer the waiting. This drama is so cute and easy to watch.
Also got a bad feeling I'm gonna fall in love with Chanyoung. But that's alright.
Also, I dislike it when people lie, so there's a very real possibility I'm going to get SLS. Oh well, that's life. Bring it on drama!


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People first thought Jinwoo was the second lead, so some people are suffering from third lead syndrome. You have it easier ;)


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I'm hooked too. After watching episode 4, I CANNOT wait until the weekend is over. That's how hooked I am.


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I started this drama thinking meh, then by the end of this week, I was going crazy thinking about it. Don't know what happened.


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I don't know if the editor was a newbie on the job and improved over the week, or if they received the feedback from last week or if I've gotten used to it, or that the story has gotten so exciting I don't even care about it anymore but I feel like the editing seemed less jarring this week compared to last week. Still jarring in a few places but much better. That was my main complaint last week so now, it's all good. It's still cheesy and fluff but I'm loving it.


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I don't know what to say... I feel like I shouldn't be liking this drama, but I do. I really do. /conflicted


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I like it. Next episode is better imo. thq for the recap


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I was mostly indifferent after first two episodes, but after this episode and THAT scene I'm in, in till the end. Their chemistry is sooo good, I can't wait to see how their relationship develops. I'm cautiously optimistic.


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Are u talking about the phone booth scene?

For me, the scene that sealed the deal was the part where he walked with her and just talked.

And for SLS, last scene.


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*knock.... knock

How come there are so many comments for this drama? I mean i thought it was pretty hated at first lol. Does all Red Velvet fans came here?

Anyways, i am seriously liking all singing bits because the editing plus the voice is really making me feel like So Rim voice is something really special. I am liking the actress despite how green she was. Her voice... can i say again, her voice is really nice! It is just like what i picture the lead girl voice when i read the manga. I don't know about you all, but i really like her cheery and earnest attitude. I think her smile makes her come across sincere instead of the type of candy i cannot root for. I actually can root for Sorim because i truly believe she just enjoy singing. No politics.

Can i just say, i squeal like So Rim does whenever Chan Young makes swoony movement. But i cannot dismiss her chemistry with Kang Han Gyuk because that telephone booth scene no matter how cheesy it is... you can see fire from the tension present in the booth. I was like, she is in high school i should not think that way but wow. LOL I was screaming kiss her.


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- i truly believe she just enjoy singing. No politics.

Well said!

- I was like, she is in high school i should not think that way but wow. LOL I was screaming kiss her.

Hahahahaha. I shouldn't find this funny bc she is in high school and all but wow. LOL. I was laughing at this comment . Hahahaha.


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I'm lagging behind on watching because of schoolwork (I'm only a quarter through Ep3) but I just came to say So-rim has such a great friend in Gyu-sun. Because she was moody and also couldn't listen to music while cleaning the windows bc her phone broke, he gave her his phone/ headphones ;__; And afterwards when he brought her bag, I'm pretty sure he finished cleaning the windows on her behalf.

I also like that although Jin-woo is behaving pettily because of his jealousy, he does realise what he's doing isn't exactly mature. It's refreshing how this drama breathes life into familiar character tropes like jealous behaviour.


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I swear, that telephone booth scene shook me. I'm not the type of person who usually enjoy watching coming of age dramas with an idol as the lead, but this is an exception. Maybe one of the reasons is because I'm on a drama slump right now and anything fluff is what I need. Joy's acting is surprisingly decent though I can see Suzy or Sulli's acting from her, but this is her first role and this drama doesn't require intense acting so it's fine. Actually, I'm already on episode 5 right now, just took a break from the marathon to read the recaps and I just really need to comment on that particular swoony scene, because ohmaygad!!!


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