The Lonely Shining Goblin: Episode 7

The housemates at casa de goblin are becoming their own strange little family one baby step at a time, and their awkward and hilarious friendship, semi-peaceful coexistence, or whatever it may be is definitely the best part of this show. It helps that everyone’s maturity level is about the same, because apparently if there’s one thing that transcends the living, the dead, and the otherworldly, it’s pettiness.


Unable to touch the goblin’s sword, Eun-tak makes a last-ditch effort to go for the fairytale twist and plants a kiss on Shin’s lips. His eyes go wide and he just stands there like a statue, blinking in shock.

When she pulls away, he asks if she’s gone crazy. Eun-tak gets angry at that, arguing that she’s doing everything she can think of to make him prettier (thinking that this is what happens when she pulls out the sword), and that she’s the loser in this deal: “I’m sure you’ve done this lots of times, but that was my first kiss!”

His mouth hangs open and she grouses that she didn’t want to use it up like this, and suddenly reaches for his collar again to give it another try. He backs up and tells her to stay back, but now she’s determined to do anything to keep her end of the bargain, thinking that he’s going to take back the presents and kick her out of the house. Shin asks what she plans to do if it doesn’t work this time, and she says, “Then there’s only one thing left—true love.”

He starts walking to the door, and Eun-tak shouts after him that she’ll love him if she has to, because she’s not going to give her stuff back. Lol. He whirls around and she walks right into his chest, and she apologizes, especially for going to the trouble of making it snow.

At the mention of it, Shin makes the snowflakes freeze in midair. She asks meekly if he’s going to kick her out now, and he barks back that he’s not, and stomps off. Eun-tak happily trails after him with the reminder that he can’t go back on his word now, not after he signed her contract.

Back at home, Deok-hwa asks with tears in his eyes if Uncle Shin is really not coming back, and Reaper clutches the house deed to his chest and says gravely that Shin ended his immortal life, and that death is just another door that everyone will walk through someday.

Deok-hwa breaks down in big wailing sobs and cries at the foot of Shin’s chair for him not to go. He even takes out his shiny new credit card and cries, “I don’t need the card! Just come back!” Awww, you know that’s love right there.

Right on cue, Shin walks through the front door with Eun-tak, and Reaper gapes, clutching his house deed a little harder. Deok-hwa is just happy to see him again and Shin hugs him tightly as Deok-hwa cries, “Uncle, are you back? Are you back? I love you!”

Shin comforts him and says, “Yes I am. Speaking of which, will you give back the card?” Hee. Deok-hwa’s tears dry instantly. He clutches his wallet as he recites Reaper’s line about death being just another door, and suggests that Shin just go back where he was headed.

Reaper agrees, to which Shin requests that he return the house deed. Reaper directs his anger at Eun-tak and her lack of follow-through, and that reminds Shin to ask for the purse, perfume, and 5 million won he gave her.

Now all three of them are clutching their precious parting gifts from the goblin, and Eun-tak goes for the hail-mary: “Ajusshi, I love you!” Deok-hwa and Reaper stare at them, while Shin just shakes his head implacably. All of a sudden, Reaper shoves Deok-hwa out of the way and says into Shin’s ear, “I love you too! Ajusshi!” HAHAHA. Shin jumps back and yells at him to shut up.

With his parting gifts all repossessed, Shin meets with Grandpa and asks if he already burned the painting he gave him. Grandpa says he did, and Shin laughs it off hoping that it’s a joke. Grandpa rather enjoys making Shin sweat a little, and he says it’s his punishment for saying goodbye.

Grandpa says he’ll have Deok-hwa bring the painting back, and when Shin says he’s grateful and sorry, Grandpa asks if he could maybe stop trying to die and start trying to live. “Isn’t it a good thing that through you, somewhere in this world, someone who lived well can be given a strange and beautiful fortune, a miracle?” Grandpa asks.

Outside, Grandpa’s secretary gets out of his car and looks up at Shin’s mansion and wonders aloud, “A man who doesn’t age…” Uh, that’s not good.

Shin ponders the unexpected twist that the bride couldn’t pull out the sword, and also his vision of Eun-tak at 29 without him by her side. “Is it the future that changed, or the oracle that changed?” he wonders. He admits that he likes being back here, and calls himself thoughtless for being happy at that.

Reaper sits Eun-tak down to grill her, and she gives him the quick version about not being able to touch the goblin’s sword. Reaper grumbles that he came back alive, and she misinterprets the comment to be directed at her, agreeing that she almost got left behind in that field.

Reaper thinks in his head that she still doesn’t know what happens when she pulls out that sword. “Should I tell her? Then the goblin will die of anger. And this house will be mine,” he thinks.

Reaper wonders why she can’t touch the sword, and she asks if maybe the goblin was right about her not being his bride: “Will the real bride who can grab the sword show up? Will she… be pretty?” Lol.

Eun-tak figures that Shin won’t give her a hard time, but the very next morning, she can’t even take a bite of her steak without Shin passive-aggressively commenting on the house expenses going up with another mouth to feed. He wonders how they’ll do aallllll those dishes they have, and Eun-tak volunteers to do dishes.

Then while she’s washing dishes, Shin walks around behind her sighing that there’s sooooo much laundry, and wonders if he should just throw his clothes away. Are you reverse-Cinderella-ing her?

He sticks to her side the whole time she’s doing all these chores, and when he starts commenting on the dust in all the rooms, Eun-tak shakes out the wet towels right in his face.

She does it again and again, and then they start bickering about who’s got more resentment to air. She argues that he shouldn’t be so quick to assume that she isn’t the bride just because she can’t touch the sword, and that he might regret being mean to her later.

She tosses his own words back at him, about how he liked every day he spent with her, because the weather was good, or bad, or just so. He startles her by saying, “Yes. Today too.” The sudden swooniness catches her off-guard.

She asks why he’s giving her a hard time then, and he says those are separate things. She doesn’t think so, but offers to amend their relationship status then, if he doesn’t think she’s bride material. She suggests girlfriend to his boyfriend, but he says no. He shoots down acquaintance too, and when she suggests tenant, he tells her to pay rent then.

Later, Eun-tak complains to Reaper about it and says she and Shin are enemies now. Reaper suggests that maybe they need something more powerful than the goblin’s curse to beat it: “True love?” he offers. Eun-tak says she already tried that, thinking of the kiss, while Reaper asks what she tried exactly. Behind them, Shin hides his face behind his towel shyly and stammers, “Were you always the kind of girl to just say that stuff… about the kissing… to just anyone?”

She points out that she didn’t actually say it—he did—and argues that it doesn’t really have anything to do with him because it’s her kiss to tell. Shin: “Where is there a yours and a mine in a kiss? Even if there is, half of it is mine!” Eun-tak: “Fine, have half.” Shin: “No, I don’t want to! I don’t need it!” Eun-tak: “Fine, I’m going to keep it all!” Shin: “Do it! You’re the greedy one!” Pff, I can’t believe this is a fight. They stomp off in opposite directions, and Reaper mutters, “Some of us can’t even call because we don’t have business cards, and you guys are…”

Reaper gets so worked up that he storms into Shin’s room and demands that he kick Eun-tak out if she’s not the bride: “What, you don’t want to? I’m asking you to kick her out so we can live happily, just the two of us, like we used to!” LOL, this took a weird turn.

Reaper sounds like a jealous boyfriend, and Shin is confused at the description of them having lived cozily before she got here. Besides, Shin argues, Eun-tak knows too much about them to be kicked out now. Reaper sees right through him and says he just doesn’t want her to go, but Shin won’t admit it. Reaper thinks he’s happy that Eun-tak couldn’t pull out the sword because he gets to live and see her for longer, and Shin rambles that he’d be crazy to be happy about that when he’s been waiting to die for 900 years… except he’s totally grinning from ear to ear as he says it.

So then Reaper graciously offers to take her to the afterlife, since he and Goblin are such good friends, and he’s probably really annoyed by all the kissing and whatnot. Shin blurts in a panic, “Who says we’re friends?! Where is there friendship between us? Is cheering me on to die what a friend does?!” Reaper gets his big aha moment: “See? You’re happy right now that you didn’t die!”

Shin swears that he’s not, and that he’s just trying to keep his promise like a man because he signed a contract. Reaper snarls, “I guess you weren’t a man when you gave me the deed to the house.” Reaper storms out, leaving Shin calling after him in a futile attempt to get the last word in. I love that he’s taken to calling Reaper “saja,” which is short for “grim reaper,” but also means “lion.”

Shin reads over Eun-tak’s contract and smiles giddily to himself. Most of the clauses are protective: that he won’t kick her out of the house, that he won’t forget that he’s supposed to be her lamp and watch over her until she dies. It also asks him to show up when she summons him on the first snow each year, and to act as her boyfriend until she gets a boyfriend.

He finds her studying out in the dining room, and she says it’s to be near the snacks, since he stopped bringing them to her room ever since he stopped needing something from her. He takes issue with her getting snippy, but she warns him that you don’t mess with a senior about to take the college entrance exam.

She asks sweetly if he happens to know the answers to the test, which of course he does. He offers to tell her once she’s done solving her practice questions, and she suddenly lights up. Shin hesitates and starts to bring up the first snow, but she cuts in at the word “first” and tells him not to be too burdened—it was her first kiss, but… He cuts back in to stammer that he was going to say first snow, and they both get awkward.

The day of the college entrance exam rolls around, and Shin walks Eun-tak to the bus stop and gives her a lunchbox. She takes it huffily, noting that a lunch wasn’t really what she was hoping for. He offers to give her the test answers if she really wants, but she stops him before she’s actually tempted to hear them. Atta girl.

She brags that she’ll get them all right anyway, and Shin is so impressed that he pets her on the head affectionately, just like she taught him. It unnerves both of them, and they get so lost in the moment that they don’t even notice the bus arrive and take off with all the other students.

They realize how awkward it’s gotten and Shin says he’ll pat her on the shoulder very naturally, and Eun-tak says she’ll look at his watch very naturally. That makes her eyes pop out though, because she’s about to be late.

Shin: “Don’t worry. Have you forgotten that your boyfriend is a goblin?” She reminds him that he said he didn’t want to be her boyfriend, but he says, “That was a lie,” and grabs her hand and starts running.

Time slows as they run happily down the street together, and Shin takes them through a doorway and comes right back out after teleporting her to school. As he walks out, a bicyclist nearly runs into him and stops to yell, but Shin vanishes and reappears right in front of him. When the bicyclist passes, Shin gets a glimpse of his future—riding recklessly into traffic and getting hit by a car.

After the exam, Eun-tak comes out to see all the other students being greeted by their mothers, and can’t help but think of Mom. She looks at the sky wistfully and waves up at her with a smile.

Eun-tak heads home by herself, but when she arrives, she finds Shin, Reaper, and Deok-hwa standing by the door to greet her with a cake. Awwww. Reaper says it was his idea, Shin paid, and Deok-hwa picked it up, holding the cake out to her. That is so adorable.

Eun-tak is so touched that she bursts into tears, and the boys are taken aback. But she says through tears, “It’s because I’m so happy!” She decides to make a wish and asks to go to the movies with Shin, since she gets a discount for having taken the college entrance exam.

She blows out the candle and Shin tries to stop her, but he’s too late and he gets teleported three feet away, ha. Reaper and Deok-hwa are confused when he shows up behind Eun-tak, and he just tells them not to try and understand. Shin announces that her wish is granted and tells her to get ready to go to the movies, and the boys are disappointed when he doesn’t let them come along.

Reaper says he has something important to ask Deok-hwa, and then asks where he got his business card, describing its rectangular shape and four corners like it’s a foreign object. Deok-hwa says he got his from the family company, and Reaper whines, “I want one!”

Reaper thinks of something else he’s curious about, and asks Deok-hwa about being Sunny’s landlord. Deok-hwa confirms that he owns a building, and next thing we know, Reaper is standing across the street from Sunny’s chicken shop as she locks up for the night and heads home.

He follows her just out of sight, when a drunk customer runs into her and asks her to stay open for one more drink. Reaper glares, and all of a sudden, the drunk man flies way up into the air and lands in a bush. Well that’s not suspicious or anything! Sunny gasps and wonders why she keeps seeing such strange things lately, and runs home in a fright.

Shin and Eun-tak kill time before the movie by playing the toy claw machine in the arcade. Shin offers to win her anything she wants, only to fail miserably, and she snarks that it’s useless that he can summon gold when he can’t even get a toy out of a machine.

They settle in for the scary movie and Shin tells her not to be embarrassing and shout too much, and Eun-tak asks how scary it could be compared to her 19 years of a horror show life.

Ha, they’re watching Gong Yoo’s Train to Busan, and apparently goblins are terrified of zombies, because he screeeeeeeams bloody murder and sends popcorn flying everywhere like a big scaredypants.

She clamps a hand over his mouth and has to apologize to all their neighbors, and complains later that she didn’t get to pay attention to the movie at all because of him. She says she isn’t very hungry, so Shin gets petty and orders a single sandwich and doesn’t share.

Eun-tak asks why he’s still holding a grudge and why he bothered giving her all those gifts if he was going to take them back. She thinks it’s weird that he gave them to her like he wasn’t going to be around anymore, and then realizes that all the gifts were exactly what each person wanted.

“Like a farewell gift. That’s right, isn’t it—farewell gifts? You were going to leave us once that sword was out, weren’t you?” she asks. Shin reminds her that he said he’d prepare to go far away once he found the bride, and Eun-tak gets choked up as she asks where he’s going, and if he still wants to leave.

But he answers, “No, I don’t want to go. But if the bride really does appear, that choice will no longer be mine.”

She hangs her head at that, thinking that he means to leave with another woman someday, and he asks if she’ll let him go then. “No, I won’t,” she says, tamping down her tears. She tells him to just abandon her, and adds that she’ll leave first so that she doesn’t have to watch him go.

Deok-hwa drives Eun-tak to school the next day and hears that she’s still Cinderella (or Kongji, the Korean folk version) in the house, while she dubs Shin the evil stepmother.

Deok-hwa thinks it’s odd that his uncle, whose thousand-year wrath can be squelched with one glimpse at an idol girl group on TV, is nothing but a big grouch ever since Eun-tak came along.

He figures that she must really not be his type, and Eun-tak grumbles at the mention of girl groups and says that everyone says you’re supposed to get prettier once you go to college. “Just wait till I get into college!” she grinds out, cracking her knuckles.

She goes to fill out an essay application at a university and Shin arrives to pick her up with a bouquet of flowers. Eun-tak walks around campus and stops to stare at the baseball team, and freezes when she sees a ball hurtling right at her in the air.

She braces for impact, but a glove swoops in to catch the ball just inches from her head, and she looks up to see a handsome oppa standing over her. She smiles and then seems to recognize him: “Tae-hee oppa?” He recognizes her too and says she’s gotten prettier and taller, and pets her on the head.

In the distance, Shin drops his flowers and scoffs bitterly as he watches the whole exchange. He wonders jealously if that baseball player is the lunch date 29-year-old Eun-tak was waiting for in his premonition, and clouds roll in as lightning strikes overhead. Heh.

At home, Deok-hwa tries to get Shin out of his funk, but he just lies in bed and mutters, “He tousled her hair. I wanted to break his wrist.” He whines that he should’ve just had him play piano so that they wouldn’t have met, and Deok-hwa doesn’t understand a word he’s saying.

Eun-tak comes out of the shower and tousles her hair, thinking of Tae-hee oppa with a big goofy grin on her face. She flashes back to her childhood when she’d been a little girl waiting outside the batting cages and admiring him. She didn’t know then that Shin was in the batting cage right next to Tae-hee, and thought that the ajusshi was super annoying for cutting off her view of oppa.

She takes out her ice cream cake, and Shin zaps everything over to his side of the table and announces that he’s going to eat it all by himself. “I want to eat ice cream because it rained. Because it rained,” he says, clearly wanting her to ask about it.

He hoards the cake like a little boy and she calls him petty, and finally asks why he’s depressed. She guesses that it’s because of the sword, and wonders if it’s supposed to be pulled out at all, saying that they tried kissing and loving and nothing worked.

He argues that she didn’t mean the “I love you,” and she counters that he didn’t mean it either. She says he has a weird personality, and he says the same of her, but she says defensively that she’s young. Shin: “So what? You’re going to get old and I won’t! I’m going to stay young and beautiful!” Pfft.

She points out that not getting old doesn’t exactly make him young, and says she saw her first love today and has no room to see Shin as beautiful. He sputters, “What love?!” She brags that Tae-hee oppa is really good at baseball, and Shin crows that he’s so awesome at baseball, she doesn’t even know. I’m so embarrassed for you right now.

The next day, Shin storms into the baseball team’s locker room and demands to see Tae-hee, who comes out in slow motion like Shin’s about to fall in love with him too. Shin grouses without any introduction: “Were you… going to look like this? You’re the best looking one here!”

Tae-hee seems to recognize him and asks if he doesn’t remember seeing him when he was a little boy. Flashback to the batting cages: Little Tae-hee saw Shin swinging wildly next to him and tried to offer some batting pointers. Shin insisted that he didn’t need any help, so Little Tae-hee had asked if he wanted to make a bet.

It’s not like a goblin to ever pass up a wager, so Shin agreed that the first person to hit ten balls would get a wish granted. And then he proceeded to get his ass kicked by the little boy, who was way better at baseball, even then.

After winning the bet, Little Tae-hee ran home and found that his piano just up and vanished, just like he’d asked. And back at the batting cages, Shin played for real when no one was around to watch, hitting homeruns without breaking a sweat.

In the present, Tae-hee asks if he isn’t the same ajusshi, though he thinks it’s weird that Shin hasn’t aged a day. The only thing Shin can do is deny it, though it doesn’t seem convincing.

At home, Shin asks Reaper to help him out and erase Tae-hee’s memory, but Reaper isn’t inclined to help him out, even when Shin says rumors will spread and he’ll have to leave.

Shin says that Reaper was the one who wanted to live happily together, and Reaper counters that according to Shin, they never did in the first place. Shin leaves in a pissy mood, and turns back to light Reaper’s bean sprouts on fire out of spite, saying that he’ll regret not helping him out.

Eun-tak steals into Shin’s room and takes two copies of her contract with Shin out of the purse he took back from her. He catches her red-handed and wonders curiously why there are two contracts when he only signed one. She uses her book of poems as her excuse for being in there and stomps back to her room with it. She notices a line he’s written in the margin: “It was first love,” and thinks peevishly that he must’ve had a first love, upset all over again that she gave him her first kiss.

Her mood instantly lifts when Tae-hee oppa calls, and soon after, Shin stands on the roof of a high-rise like a goblin stalker, trying not to die of anger as Eun-tak meets Tae-hee for a date.

Shin comes home to a frantic Reaper, who’s pacing up and down not answering his ringing phone. It’s Sunny, but he’s freaking out because he doesn’t have anything to say to her without a business card, and begs Shin to answer for him.

But Shin’s still holding a grudge and refuses to answer for him. Reaper wonders where Eun-tak is, and Shin snaps that she’s busy roasting sesame seeds (a common metaphor for romance) at the ice cream shop, and Reaper wonders in his literal way why she’d roast them there.

Reaper is too panicked to care though, and just rushes over to the ice cream shop to interrupt Eun-tak’s date and demand that she answer the phone for him. Tae-hee bows, thinking that Reaper is her father, and Reaper is greatly offended and asks his name.

Eun-tak barks at Tae-hee not to say his name or look Reaper in the eyes, and Reaper says ominously that if she doesn’t answer the phone for him, he’s going to ask the boy’s name and write it down. Eun-tak takes the phone outside, and Reaper sits down with Tae-hee and mentions that he quit piano to play baseball.

Eun-tak thinks that Reaper’s lady friend will misunderstand if another woman answers his phone, so she tries to make her voice sound deep and acts like she’s “Kim Woo-bin’s” secretary, calling him Chief, and then Department Head. Sunny asks what kind of company promotes employees in one second, and says that he’d better show up at the café tomorrow, no matter what his title is, or he’s dead.

Eun-tak relays the message to Reaper and wonders where she’s heard that voice before, but Reaper wants to know what other personal information he should prepare before his date. She runs through the basics like age, marital status, blood type, assets, and ideal type, and the next day Reaper memorizes his stats on his way to the date.

So this time, instead of sitting there silently, Reaper rattles off his personal stats like a laundry list—he’s 34 years old, blood type AB, rents his house, will buy a car soon, and so on. He ends with: “And I missed you.”

Sunny’s jaw drops and she replies, “Me too.” He smiles the most adorable smile when she says that. She doesn’t see why he avoided her calls for so long if he really missed her, and he says he didn’t think she’d like him because he doesn’t have a business card.

He promises to answer the phone from now on and asks Sunny for her business card, wanting to know what kind of person she is. She leans in and says, “My face is my business card. It says it right there on my face: Pretty person.” He grins like a fool and agrees.

She asks what he likes, and he blurts, “Sunny-sshi,” making her swoon. When she clarifies that she meant hobbies and such, he says that he likes her unpredictability, which is more exciting than a drama to him. He says that she’s his new hobby, calling her both “like a plan of the gods, and like a mistake of the gods.”

She asks if he has a religion, and he starts to get up and leave, sighing that there’s yet another thing he doesn’t have that he’s supposed to. This time she’s prepared and shouts that he doesn’t need one, and orders him to sit down or die. When she wonders what his deal is, he starts to rattle off his stats again, ha.

After coffee, Sunny thinks they’re headed to dinner when Reaper says she already ate a whole hot dog and shouldn’t overeat, and that he has to go to a work dinner or pay a fine. She looks like she wants to give him a black eye.

Reaper and his reaper hoobae head to their work dinner, and that same bicyclist who nearly ran Shin over runs into Reaper, shoulder-checking him. Hoobae says that the man will receive retribution from the gods in a month’s time. Hm… is that what happens when you touch a reaper, or are they saying that it was already his fate?

Reaper arrives to pay for the work dinner (with company funds), though he belatedly realizes that the money is missing, and he’s been pickpocketed by the man who just bumped into him. Their reaper colleague says they have no choice but to put on their hats and file out one by one. Ha, reaper dine and dash?

But their plan involves leaving one man behind to take the fall, and our Reaper finds himself standing at the table alone at the end… and his hat has gone missing. Aw that’s mean! Reaper has no choice but to call someone for help…

Cut to: Shin sitting next to Reaper at the police station, saying that he’s never seen this man before in his life. Reaper mutters that he’ll trade him for Tae-hee oppa’s memory wipe, and Shin suddenly tells the police officer that they know each other, starting now.

Shin smoothly hands over his business card, and Reaper’s eyes go green with envy and he shouts, “You have a business card?!”

He’s still huffy about it as they exit the station, and when Deok-hwa runs up with tofu for Reaper to eat, he asks if Deok-hwa knew that Shin had a business card. Deok-hwa says of course he does—he owns their family’s whole company—and Reaper pouts jealously and stomps off alone.

Deok-hwa watches Reaper dodging around other pedestrians and asks why he’s always doing that, and then it dawns on him that this is that thing he heard them mention, about seeing something when he touches people. Shin confirms that Reaper sees a person’s past life when he touches them.

Deok-hwa asks if Shin has any special powers like that, and Shin says being alive is his special power. Deok-hwa trails after him like a puppy, teasing, “You don’t have anything other than making it rain, do you?”

Shin is furious when he walks into Eun-tak’s room and sees all her bags packed, and Reaper says she’s probably with Tae-hee oppa. She hangs up on Shin and doesn’t answer when he calls back, so Shin heads out to go threaten some ghosts to find out where Eun-tak is.

Deok-hwa delivers the scroll painting that Grandpa asked him to return to Shin, and he and Reaper decide to look at it for curiosity’s sake, thinking that it must be expensive.

Deok-hwa rolls open the portrait of the young Goryeo queen and says that she’s pretty (speaking of past lives…) and wonders if she was Shin’s ex-girlfriend or something.

But it’s Reaper who’s absolutely floored, and his face twists up in pain as soon as he lays eyes on the portrait. Time seems to slow, and a tear escapes, and another… and soon he’s crying and clutching his heart in agony.

We cut to Sunny looking forlornly out the window at her chicken shop, and then we flash back to Goryeo. The young king had come outside the palace walls and laid eyes on a beautiful young girl who was playing with friends and balancing bowls on her shoulders as she walked—his future queen.

He smiled at her and as soon as she noticed him, she lost her footing and the bowls shattered on the ground.

Samshin Granny calls it the start of a truly tragic love, and sighs, “Fate is so sad. Love isn’t a sin, so they may not have sinned…”

She’s talking to Reaper’s hoobae, who doesn’t know what she’s talking about, but asks why she keeps raising his rent. He doesn’t seem to know that his landlady is Samshin Granny, and she just says in a deadpan voice that she keeps seeing the grim reaper since he moved in.

Shin finds Eun-tak singing at someone’s wedding (the lyrics go: “Among people countless as the stars I met you / We knew each other as if in a dream / My heart was full just giving but I received love too / It was all a miracle / Even if eternal time passes we’ll meet again / If our love is fate / If I’m your miracle”) and she smiles when she sees him in the audience.

They walk home together and she says that she got a second job, and she likes singing at weddings, except sometimes they make her a little sad because weddings remind her that she doesn’t have a mom to light the candle, or a dad to walk her down the aisle, or friends to bring her gifts. She says, “That’s why I think I obsessed about being the goblin’s bride. Because it felt like I was getting a family.”

Her eyes glisten with tears and she says she thought that a family had come to her like fate, and Shin starts to feel bad. But she says she’s the sorry one, and apologizes sincerely for not being able to pull out the sword.

She says that she’s working extra jobs and preparing to move out, and asks if he’ll just wait a little bit and give her a fifty percent discount on the nagging until she goes. Shin just quietly wraps his arms around her in a hug, and says that he can’t give her the discount.

She pulls away and asks in a quiet voice for forty-five percent then, and he starts laughing. All of a sudden he’s struck with massive pain in his chest from the sword, and it sends him reeling.

Alarmed, Eun-tak looks for some way to help him and reaches for the sword… and this time she can wrap her hands around the hilt. Omo.

She tells him to hold on and starts to pull the sword out, and it actually begins to move. But before she can pull it any further, he shoves her away, and she’s thrown so hard that she goes flying into the air, straight for the side of a truck.

Shin teleports behind her just as she’s about to crash-land, and he breaks the impact of her fall, sending the truck colliding into a row of cars with such force that they turn over like dominoes and burst into flames.

He gently puts her back down on her feet, and as he hugs her tightly from behind, he says in voiceover: “The oracle was right. The future I saw was right. Through this girl, I will end his curse of immortality and return to nothingness. The human lifespan is but a hundred years. Is the thing I’m turning around to look at one more time my immortal life? Or is it your face? I think it’s your face.”


I didn’t think we’d loop back around to her being the sword-puller so fast, and I’m not really sure it’s a good thing, given how much circular angst it caused before. I’m not eager to go through that again, so I’m hoping for a change this time, whether she learns what the true consequences are, or Shin makes an active choice not to die. It’s promising that he went to such lengths not to die in the episode’s closing moments, so let’s hope that he means to try and live a little, and not just buy another round of goodbye presents. You might want to save the receipts this time. Just sayin’.

I don’t even know why she can touch the sword now, since their feelings for each other didn’t seem to palpably change. I thought he already loved her, and Eun-tak doesn’t seem to me any more or less in love with Shin than she was an episode ago. I don’t question their connection, since they obviously have feelings for each other and are happy together; I just don’t know what changed, unless it was actually an age thing and she needed to be twenty? Are her feelings sincere now and they weren’t before? I hope that this is a question the show intends to answer, because I don’t want to wave it away as fated to be and just accept it. If the goblin’s immortal life or death is riding on whether or not this is true love, I want to at least know the moment it happened.

But right now it’s Reaper fate I’m most curious about, because now that we know he sees past lives the way Shin sees future lives, I’m just waiting on pins and needles for him to touch Sunny and start connecting some dots. Not that I want their comical dates to go too serious, mind you, but I feel like we’ve been dancing around Reaper’s past and his amnesia for a while, and after finally seeing his reaction to the portrait of the queen, I want to dig into that story pronto.

On a character level, I’m glad to see Eun-tak growing up and preparing for independence, because even if Shin ultimately lets her stay in that house, it’s important to me that she grows up and starts taking care of herself, and that she lives her life by going to college and meeting regular boys her age. I thought she lit up beautifully when Tae-hee oppa made her heart flutter, and it made me wish for her sake that she could go live a normal life for four years and not have to deal with death and curses.

I liked hearing her say that she may have latched onto the idea of being the goblin’s bride because it meant she wouldn’t be alone in the world—we all saw it and understood her desperation to have a family, but I’m glad she’s figured it out for herself. That’s the sincerity that I saw—her genuine happiness to be greeted by the boys with a cake when she was feeling so alone after her exam—and I’m honestly more interested in that spark of genuine warmth she gets from the family as a whole, than in the romance. And maybe this is mean of me, but man I hope she dates Tae-hee oppa, because Shin’s jealousy is too delightful to end here. How funny is it that she has a first love in her past at such a young age, while the goblin is experiencing everything for the first time in his long life with her? Some jealousy will do him some good, I think. Or in the very least, it’ll do me some good.


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was waiting ........ thanq.....


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YES! Many thanks!!!! Since episode 6, I just don't feel like watching this drama anymore, although I want to know what is gonna happen, especially to our Grim Reaper! Thankfully, you are here to bring us your wonderful recaps.


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I'm with you. I'm curious about the Reaper/young King's storyline, but not interested in the show anymore. It's too slow - with little development for most of the screen time it is given.


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Me too. I wish we could learn more about the Grim reaper in the next few episodes.


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I think "Kim Woo Bin" reaper is the queen....and Sunny not Sunhee is the king....
I love to watch our Woo Bin reaper...somehow I don't think grimm reaper is the scariest ever after I met Kim Woo Bin shi...hahahahaha...
I hope he soon get his business card....LOL


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I also think the genders are reversed. About EunTak, I think she can only pull it out when she wants to end his pain. The only thing that actually changed from the last episode and this one is that she actually saw him in pain because of the sword and wanted to help him take it away.


That's actually a good theory. I was thinking it's the other way around because the grim reaper is being punished for something, but his personality fits the queen more while sunny's fits the king more I think. But then what would the queen have to be punished for and become a grim reaper?


I hope they'd keep this simple. They have a lot to explain if they go reversed gender.

What makes more sense right now is the reaper being the young Goryeo king. His name alone is the biggest evidence. The writer didn't give him the Wang name if he wasn't intended to be the king.

I'm pretty sure that Sunny is the former queen. Reaper loved her but he ended up killing her due to his eunuch's influence. He was obviously young and powerless.
I believe he came to regret his decision in killing her and her family including Shin. I think her portrait was the last thing he saw before he died and that's why Shin found them by his death bed.

Shin came back for revenge and took her portrait. He probably didn't think the king deserves to keep his sister's portrait after what he did to her.
I'm looking forward to Goblin meeting Sunny. Maybe she'd cry when she sees him. It's obvious that she loved her brother and even went against the king's command and died for his sake.

I can see all the possibilities but it'd take the story further away from what has already been established so far. It's a 16 episode fantasy drama. It doesn't need to be complicated.


I think Reaper is the King because people become reapers do to doing something bad in the past and the king was manipulated into killing his wife, Shin, and all their family. So he has to make amends somehow.




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I also thought that the gender were reversed between the king and the queen.
But, in the 1st episode the narrator said something about "a jealous young king".
And, the grim reaper is full of (cute) jealousy :D


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But they also say just after Goblin saw the dancers on TV...what makes you think he was born as a man?

I think that was a huge clue.

The bromance between the Goblin and Reaper suggest sibling rivalry, plus I always felt Reaper seemed more feminine, unsure, self conscious. Sunny seems to be more in charge, more authoratative.

Goblin was punished for his sins, which his sister seemed to share at least in some part, so I believe that she was sent to be a reaper. The King was guilty of following the wrong man....so he was cursed with bad luck, which seems to plague Sunny.

My theory at least :)


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Another random theory that just popped into my head.

Maybe Reaper/Sunny wasn't the king. Maybe the Queen was in love with someone else and that's who the second person is.

The Granny mentioned something about their love being a sin....but I can't imagine how a king/queen romance will be a sin unless Goblins family were rebels way before this started. Like Romeo and Juliet or something.

So maybe Queenie cheated on her husband and that's her Grim punishment


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Me too...i'm not interested in the gobin storyline... actually i've dropped the show at episode 4 and i'm only checking the recaps. Me too, i was wandering that maybe the Reaper could be the queen and not the king...wasn't made a point about drinking and not drinking the forget-it-all-tea when you die? If i reckon they said that if you decide to not drink the tea something horrible will happen but they didn't say what.


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I am with you on this. I have lost a bit of interest in the goblin and Eun Tak. Everthing seems to be repetitive with their story line that it has become boring. I actually skipped parts with him and Eun Tak. However , I am dying to know what the real story is with Reaper and his past. He is keeping me interested now. My friends and I are rooting for him.
Peace! ?


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Thank you for the recap! I always read your recap right after watching the show :)

I almost think that Eun-tak wasn't the real bride.
But, now I know that there's a variable to make it success (pulling the sword).
Imho, the goblin must be in pain, which caused by the sword. So, the decision to die or to live won't be his again. It depends on his bride.
Does she has a strong heart to let and to watch her lover being in pain for several times?
Will she decide to sent him off peacefully? Or forcefully? (when he still wants to be with her)
And if he against her decision just like in this episode - he pushed her harshly. They might end up literally killing each other.
What a heartbreaking fate T_T

Maybe I'm the only one here but I trully hope i can have this drama in 50 episodes.
Only 9 episodes to go but I don't want to end this awesome drama that fast.

I love the story, I love the casts, I love all the characters, I love the cinematography, I love the slow motion, I love the music, I love the soundtrack, i love the pace, I love the dialogues, and I love Gong Yoo.


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Thanks for saying everything I want to say regarding this drama. Goblin is my current favorite K drama with its interesting story, superb acting from the GY, LDW, and KSE. Not sure how the writer can resolve this dilema to allow everyone a happy ending. I enjoy all the unpredictability of the dialogues...and the characters.


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first to comment yey !!! so te grim reaper was that rude king ??? oh what a fate........


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He fell in love with the Goblins sister and ended up destroying them all for his fears! God what a story.


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What if the queen is the reaper and she was the sinner in urging the goblin to go ahead to the king, which ended up killing so many people. Maybe she is the reaper


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Thats what I was wondering Bluedoe. Or maybe the reaper is that guy who was giving the king bad advice. Was he a priest or something?


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I think the king committed a big sin by ordering them to be executed knowing that none of them deserves to die.
What she did was encouraged her brother to defy the king's commands because he was innocent and maybe she knew that his eunuchs put him up to it.
If the king reverse his command they would all live but if he doesn't then they would all die. A chance they were willing to take. At least they died trying.

I maybe off here but I like to linger in Goryeo.


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on a side note this episode was brought to you by baskin robbins and of course subway :) featuring we bare bears :)


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Ah and you forgot : toy claw machines.


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Speaking of toy claw machines, I think I read an article where Toycrane sent a food cart to the Goblin cast...how funny is that?!


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toy claw machines filled with Zippos and the fox & bunny toys from DOTS!
? ? LOL


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Another ppl. The company that made DOTS plush are the same maker of Goblin's toys. Haha!


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The company that makes those plushies is actually a cafe, dalkomn and the rabbit and fox are actually their mascots?


Strangely tvN has been quite upfront about PPL, like in Signal, The K2 and Goblin. And it's like the whole episode is being made to maximize the PPL, like first they're going to Subway, then ET and Tae Hee goes to Baskin Robbins and then GR and Sunny comes to a cafe.
I wonder how much PPL does pay per episode?


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This writer made Gong Yoo look like Neil Gaiman. Haha, lots of obvious jokes.


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There is ONE PPL I will remember my all life, it is one which happenned in Signal, Park Hae Young was visiting Cha Soo Hyun home and CSH's mother told him : "How you must be hungry ?" And pulled out of HER kitchen a perfectly-wrapped-subway sandwich and a huge paper cup branded Subway!!!!! I was like WTF ???!!!!

I mean there has to be some limits, it was so ridiculous, huge facepalm for this one!!!


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I remember that. I also remember thinking, "there's no way she'll pull out a subway, rig--wrong."


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That was freaking hilarious. I wonder if that was on purpose.


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Ahaha, yes! But I absolutely ADORE We Bare Bears, so to see them being featured in this ep was so surprising and funny. When I think about it, each one of the Goblin trio can be matched up w/ a bear brother! Deok-hwa's Grizz, Grims is Panda and Shin is Ice Bear. The bears and the boys are all oh so charming, cute and funny in their own ways, and I can see them in each other and vice versa. Gah, now I'm gonna go look for some comparisons and if I don't see any, I'll make my own! ???

I can't believe we had an emotional and touching scene/conversation IN A SUBWAY during this hour ??‍♀️? (and then some–yay! I'm on Team Yay 1+ Hrs of Goblin, haha), because I went from paying (way too much) attention to their ppl conversation about the sandwich (it being delicious and generous portion size, all topped w/ Shin's act of devouring that sandwich like it's the best thing he's ever eaten) and even fret for Subway when Eun-tak said it wasn't heathy for Shin to eat the whole thing by himself. I was like, "Girl, no, you don't wanna say that!" But then of course they took a 180 and made the ppl moment so damn emotional. This is what this drama does to me. ??‍♀️ And I love it! ??


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Well, why have just one, a used and abused one, when you can have a whole bunch that you can squeeze to the bone? Although... Grim Reaper should have used a sub instead of tea... THAT, ladies and gents is a missed opportunity. Big Time!


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this is going to sound lame but I got excited over sungjae-kim so hyun reunion even though she was a painting.


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lol @ girlfriday for the link to their "past lives"


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Just went down that rabbit hole as well and after linking to that I went down further to kdarama endings not to waste your time watching and guess what's there??? GONG YOO's BIG. Ha!! Past lives indeed.


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I got excited too! He did look at his past in that scene. hehe!


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I was waiting for him to say that kim so hyun's face looked familiar. That would've made my day!


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Omg, YES! He should've! They should've given him a meta-filled line to relate it back to their School days. Hahaha.


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same here xD but he did say that she's pretty, that's enough for a JaeHyun shipper like me =)))


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Aha! Me too, me too! ??? I was like, "Oh, is THIS their reunion!? I'll take it!" And then he was all, "Omg omg, so pretty, so pretty!" I was like, ???‍♀️ Can't wait until he gets a girlfriend! Omg, you guys, what IF when he finally gets a gf, she turns out to be played by Kim So-hyun, but like, not as a reincarnation of anyone, just a lookalike but has no connection w/ the queen. Gahhhhhhh, that'd be AWESOME.


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I am so getting Buffy flashbacks with the whole sword being movable when hes happy!

This is totally awesome~!

I have devolved into my teenage self. Damn you Gong Yu~!


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I think your opinion rings true to me. I think maybe the mechanism behind the "sword pulling" isn't entirely true love, but the sword can only be pulled out when he's at his happiest moment and has the desire to live. The irony of that really fits the bill for the punishment that was placed upon him.

Or perhaps I might be totally wrong and it's actually true love or she must be twenty.

Bdw, is "he" in your Buffy reference refers to David Boreanaz character?


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You mean Angel? Yep.


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Yup. :)


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Ugh part of my comment got wiped. The he I was referring to in the sentence was the Goblin. However I was making a comparison between the curse Angel had on buffy to the Goblins curse.


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Oh, that explains why I can't find "sword" when I look up that word in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer's wikipedia page. Thanks for the clarification. Bdw, I also refer to the curse in the previous comment.

Interesting. Perhaps KES get inspired from watching BtVS in her twenties?


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I agree with your version of why the sword can be pulled at that moment. Happiness is the elemental core of love. Even though love can cause plenty of negative emotions, especially in dramas, people love because of the dopamine of happiness.


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@Oshi @Kbas

Exactly, this is the sense I got from how the sword-pulling played out! Up until that moment, every time she's made him 'happy' there was still a bittersweet awareness of his tragic circumstances hanging over him. As if he had no right to happiness and he understood that. But, in that moment, it felt like he had let those worries fall away, allowing him to finally experience true happiness & love. That made the sword suddenly become excruciatingly painful and possible for her to grab.

(Also, I have been getting Buffy and Angel vibes the whole show, even before it aired, tbh. Glad I'm not the only one!)


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This show is hilarious ....

Honestly the number of times I laughed till I had tears

Reaper saying I love you ...... Ajhusshi

All of them holding on to their "gifts"

Gong yoo watching train to busan and his reactions ...omg! I want to see the bts of it

Reaper being called et father !! ... Lol ....

Lub lub lub .......


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The scene where Reaper find out about Goblins business card had me rolling forevvver!


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I can't believe that he is scared to pick up Sunny's calls just becos he doesn't have a business card. And yes Shin watching his own movie is freaking out on seeing the zombies is really funny.


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I had the same reaction to Train to Busan! It took me 2 days to get halfway through and even then I couldn't finish it, I was so scared lmao. I laughed so hard during that scene but I was laughing with him, not at him!


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I had been wondering whether to watch Train to Busan or not.
And...no! i can't watch it

Last (mid)night, I was in shock! I immediately grabbed the tv remote and close the video streaming T_T

Need sometime to continue watching this episode


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Btw best ppl of subway to date ... It was like a commercial but the whole conversation was so ks-et like ......

Thank you subway for the movie like last scene ... We appreciate your money ;)


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Deokhwa wailing for his Samchon is easily my favorite scene in this episode. And every scene where the three boys are present comes in second! Gah i just love these three idiots.


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Thanks a lot. happy holidays.


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It's a top scene for me too! (fav is the date between GRxSN) I googled that kid after this episode... got surprised when I found out he's a singer... in some kind of group or something... I thought his scene with the hug was acted well, with the right balance of emotion. Like the sincerity of his grief was believable, but still comedic rather than tragic, which is not easy. His acting when his tears dried was nice too. I thought he was a young newbie actor like LJS in SG and KMS in DotS or something and was telling myself to look out for him in case he got big. He's just a singer though. lol.


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He looks like a singer 2 me tho? I mean he's kinda handsome if it's ur type, but not actor level. Doesn't give that actor vibe imo. I like him as a trio with GR and Goblin tho. I want a scene a la BOF/4 knights where Euntak shows up somewhere with all 3 of them, with their fancy cars and coats, just showing off 3 arm-candies. XDDDD


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"I mean he’s kinda handsome if it’s ur type, but not actor level."

Say what?? lol. I guess taste is different for people but still...

I do agree that a bof scene would be cool. And cheesy af and not Goblin but I would still be for it. Hee.


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He's a good actor because he exercises his facial muscles on a regular basis.... (and wastes his handsome face on stuff like bruce lee and piranhas... )
https://twitter.com/btobyoksim/status/794772699553873920 troloolololol :P :P

Ok, so I have to admit he doesn't have that "actor dignity" whatever that means. Check out BtoB quiet and reserved idols on YouTube if don't believe me. Hahahaha.

He's in a band called BtoB, great singers. Check out their covers of to my love, you're the best, being forgotten, western sky, and butterfly. Found out about them just recently myself because of Dramabeans in one of the open thread (forgot which one). lol.


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You're probably talking about this Open thread #470, am I right? http://www.dramabeans.com/2016/10/open-thread-470/#comments

or maybe Open Thread #469 where Melodies went crazy with the comments number. LOL. or #474 with their comebacks... Come to think of it, Beanies had those threads quite often... Ooops.

Keira, Sungjae thinks of himself more as a dancer-singer than an actor, but that doesn't mean he's bad at acting. :) He's probably better at it than dancing. LOL.


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I meant to watch that link in the OT470, but forgot about it. Thank you putting the link up there! I just watched 4 of those BtoB being quiet and reserved idols videos. OMG, I love this. I plan on watching all of them I can find, they're so funny! So thanks again!


@Kimmie ROFL that tweet. wtf did I just watch for 2 min???? XDDDDDDDDDDD no wonder his sobs for samchon were so dramatic. XDD


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How... does there exist such great PPL. That Subway PPL was just... wow. It was almost like a commercial. She was commenting on how delicious it must be the whole time WHILE bickering with GY. I'm amazed. That was A+ PPL

On a side note, (or rather, on the main note), I was starting to get annoyed at our dear goblin because he seriously has no idea how to express his feelings, or console Eun Tak for that matter. I hope he finally realizes how much she means to him, and that he should live treating her well and making the most of every moment. Props to him for doing some hilarious antics during his jealousy though!

Also, for all you watchers out there, make sure you download some GIFs of these scenes... they're perfect meme material.


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Koreans are complaining about the PPL too. I saw bunch of articles and comments on Naver and Nate. I think today's PPL pushed people over the edge.


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You would think they would try for more subtlety..but oh well.


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i'm assuming less subtlety = more money

and honestly they need the budget. i saw the bts of that one minute sequence when goblin was on the ship and cut it down ... there is so much work i didn't even realise

but honestly, the show does PPL right ... even today's subway thing , it doesn't feel like they go out of their way ... the conversation flowed so naturally around it


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It's a lot of PPL, those towels are driving me mad.


The Subway PP is strangely working for me, though.

It doesn't make me want to eat there, but now when I think of think of them I think "Ugh, product placement".

Instead of "Ugh, pedophile spokesperson".

In that sense, it is ad budget quite well spent, right? :/


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True that. But I almost want to eat at Subway again, and I've been boycotting them since the PPL circus.


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Pedo my ass.
she is going to college.


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I think they're more referring to a Subway spokesman-advertiser who was outed to be a pedophile a few years back. It was... a bad time for Subway. Drama PPL is a much better way to go.


Yeah, I'm talking about is Jared, their spokesperson & mascot in the US for a looooooong time.

He got arrested on charges of child sex and pornography (only last year I think?) and he's in prison now for 15 or 20 years.

His charitable foundation was also involved and the director went to prison too.

Subway corporate was warned several times...starting more than a decade before he got arrested and they were like "la, la, la, we can't hear you" because this guy was 100% their brand. Seriously, 100%.

So...that's what I meant. Sorry for the confusion!


knetz will complain to apparently everything! I'm on the other hand loving the ppls. it makes the drama more relatable. That they eat and does stuff which we do.


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Theory: The sword removal has an 2nd requirement
1. The Goblin's bride must be the one to pull it.
2. The Cursed Sword can only be removed when the Goblin suffers from his occasional Heart attacks.

Sometimes the Goblin, from previous episodes, suffers from the occasional heart attack/ stroke because of the whole " I have a sword in my chest thing". This was confirmed from earlier episodes by the old man, flashbacks, and recently in his bedroom. It shows him suffering pain from having the sword in his chest and it shows us that this isn't an everyday kinda thing. I think it comes and goes every now and then.

Therefore, the first time she couldn't touch it because the timing wasn't right. And that was the reason why she was able to do it this time and not the last time. Well, that's what I got from the last scene. :)


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So my theory about that is when Shin is truly HAPPY/content/in love with ET is when these attacks might come (and perhaps in more frequent and stronger bouts in the near future..)

Think of how dramatic it'll be, that the happiest moments of his life with his bride is the only time she'll be allowed to pull out the sword and ultimately kill him!

I dunno, I could be way off, but it was fun to think of the possibilities.


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This makes the whole thing waaay sadder than it already is and it is working for me. It's the kind of angst that will hurt so good. If your theory is correct then damn the absolute being really went all out with his punishment.


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Also sad that he would rather bear the pain and have a sword stuck in him then having to be free it and lose her. He's made his choice, he wants to live and he is not letting her go.


I think she can only pull it out when she wants to end his pain. The only thing that actually changed from the last episode and this one is that she actually saw him in pain because of the sword and wanted to help him take it away.


*free of it*


Maybe yeah that's why she's the bride. When you're married or when your wedding is officiated doesn't that makes you the happiest person in the world? Being in the happiest state, the punishment comes to him and she must pull the sword out to end his life.


No no no no no no, I don't think you're way off AT ALL! I think your RIGHT ON THE PPL MONEY! That makes a LOT of sense and it just breaks my heart because THAT'S SO DAMN CRUEL AND SAD. ??? Is it too much to ask for a happy ending for our couple!?? ???


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Good peepz... There are two swords that show up...the one with a cloth handle (which she can pull) and the new one which she cant pull and looks like its the one she sees... The one with the old cloth seems to appear when he is in pain...wonder what's the story here...


I thought ET can pull the sword when Goblin is feeling happy.


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I think they just made any rule out of convenient and used that as excuse cause the world building is on them,
sort of like what W did,
I mean every episode the magic just pop up with no explainable reason because they want to stall the story longer


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Poppaya, you mentioning W makes me wonder if I should temper my expectations for this show. There are times when it seems like they are making up rules on the fly so I fear that we may not have satisfying answers. Crossing my fingers though and hoping the story delivers


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Good theory. Before that scene, I thought she can only pull out the sword when her life depends on it. Flashback to that preview of that truck of doom last week. He said in this episode that the bride (or himself?) has no choice?


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Yes, I agree that there must be a certain time she could touch the sword. If isn't, how could they hug with it stucks on his chest?
It will ruin all the romantic scene.


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Omg, speaking of hugging w/ the sword stuck in him, someone drew a cute, but morbid fan art of Eun-tak giving Shin a back hug and the sword WENT THROUGH HER, TOO. I was like, "Aw, hail nah!"


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Oh that would be so horrendous. Imagining it is just... ???


The BEST movie-watching scene in a drama .. No one can beat this.
Gong yoo watching Gong Yoo's movie and the expressions on point just like when i watched Train to Busan, and i kept screaming my head off whenever a zombie comes. .HAHAHAHA.
Loving the writer!

Jealous Shin/Goblin is so cute. And he was even floored by Tae Hee's handsomeness.

Someone needs to gift a business card to Grim Reaper, a credit card to Doek Hwa and 5000 dollars to Eun tak. This three things ALWAYS ,without fail pop up in the last two episodes.

Why do i feel like Grim is the reincarnation of the Queen. because i just have a feeling like that and i dont know why.

The ending just made my heart stop. OMG! So whenever he is in a vulnerable state, she could pull out the sword.


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i'm just wondering how everyone else kept a straight face when he was screaming like a banshee ...


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I was thinking: Lucky Extra Lady sitting beside Gong Yoo in the cinema!!


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oddly enough i have the same feeling too. i feel that the Grim Reaper is the queen instead of the king


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Becos the grim reaper shed tears like how the queen did before her last breath. I also have such feels.


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I love how slyly meta this show is... The movie scene, all the dialogue around true love and sword pulling... I'm waiting for something from our latest beanie convos to show up in the next episode :P


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I think the sword can be pulled out now because he doesn't want to die (hence the sword glowing and hurting him) and she genuinely (at least at the moment) wants to pull out the sword for him idk.

& omg if the reaper is the young king than his bromance with the goblin is so.... ironic/heartbreaking/cruel. I'm assuming now, that the grandma is like the god of gods. She is so messed up man.


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I think grandma Samshin (goddess of birth and fate) had them meet in this life on purpose. They have to settle their past (forgive and be forgiven?) before they can be at peace.


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"...beautiful young girl who was playing with friends and balancing bowls on her shoulders"

Don't think the Queen was playing with her friends, she's preparing to be married into the royal family, specifically to the King. All Queens-to-be have to practice how to walk properly on their wedding day since a Queen's headpiece is so heavy and big. Those ladies with the future Queen are court ladies from the palace most likely.

I knew it, Grim Reaper is totally the King and Sunny is the Queen. Can't wait for Shin to meet Sunny


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I agree. She was clearly balancing those bowls as a part of an etiquette lesson.


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I find that part kind of cute xD


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I Love this scene a lot...
It's really sweet.
I wonder how Shin reaction if he knew that the king sneak out to his house to see her precious sister.


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Agreed. How did I miss your comment. I made the same one below.


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the more I watch this, it's more of a filler between the opening and the ending scene,
it just I like the filler cause it's enjoyable and taken as comedy,
other than that I don't think the core goblin story left much to be desired,

honestly watching lee dong wook meme face is like the breezy air after a cold day but if anybody asked me about what kind of story is this
"just watch for the fun and funny moment cause other things will stay in place for more episodes"

I enjoy the bickering like watching a comedy show but other else feels less than the past week,
it lets the steam off,


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Agreed. Although they are producing some serious fun content none of it progresses the main themes within the story. I'd still watch it though.


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I somehow feel the same. I like the comedy and the little moments of the characters but I am worried we are moving quite slow on the bigger story. At least Shin and Euntak story seems to develop just fine, but I find Grim and Sunny's story to be really slow. I hope the ending will not be rushed. Nonetheless, I still enjoy watching each episode.


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hmm on the side note, the fun things is actually what make me gonna stop exciting over the show,
it's funny but when it reach ep 11 or 12, I usually give up and replay the funny scene from ep 1-5, just the funny scene for a short laugh or fangirl,
I don't have much more to looked forward at this point,
not even the romance,
they don't feel important since it's just small,
perhaps check the last episode to know what happen since honestly I don't really care that much about the character in this drama,
like you said steam off , full of filler and lack substance


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Agreed. It's an easy watch, it's pretty and I like the tone--but there's not much movement to the core plot besides the initial setup. It's a good initial setup though, and I enjoy the comedy, so that's ok. It's just not quite what I wanted from the first episode (which felt so epic in the past scenes).

On the other hand, I think Reaper took some baby steps forward today, which is what I wanted last week. So that's good. ^^


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I agree too! Hmm is this a Kim Eun Sook thing? Her dramas seem to run on rather thin plots and fill with those "glorious" moments..?


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But I do remember DOTS very fondly for its witty lines and that's the very thing I really like about Goblin. The way they throw lines at each other and finish each other's sentences and one up each other to end off the conversation. Good job on drafting the lines! :)


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I agree. I've said something similar in the past recap. I accepted that the story is not really moving, so I just sit and enjoy the fluffy filler.


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Loving Kim Go Eun in this. Eun Tak is a complicated character to pull off. She's both the innocent adolescent on the cusp of adulthood and an old soul. It's amazing that I can see her both as the girl who wants a family (with Goblin as uncle/father figure) and the young woman who has those moments of awareness. It's almost uncomfortable at times. Kim Go Eun is really making me root for Eun Tak. But like the recapper, I would love the chance for Eun Tak to grow up before they really fall in love.

I do adore the fact that it's Goblin that's fallen hard. I admit after the way Joon Hyung handled his feelings in Weightlifting Fairy I was a little disappointed to see Goblin taking out his insecurities on the very vulnerable Eun Tak. But I realise I shouldn't compare the two shows.

I can't wait for the Goblin/Reaper/Sunny Goryeo past to come up. It's so fascinating and the friendship that's developed between Gobling and Reaper in the present make me so eager to see how this comes out.

This show could be Eun Tak, Reaper and Goblin living together with drop ins by Deok Hwa and I would be content.

I love Reaper being Eun Tak's relationship sounding board. So cute!

Sunny - I really like her weirdness but I don't understand why she's so into Reaper. Maybe it's the pull of fate?


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Imagine you meet someone who is a complete mystery to you and at the same time is so open with how much they like you. I wouldn't quite swoon but I'd totally be into it.


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According to the writer she talks with Kim Go-eun about the script a lot so she is pretty much doing what she is expected to do and more.

I enjoy her character and her portrayal. She is pretty natural and real with all her emotions.


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Lol here's what I honed into on your comment: "after the way JH handled it in WF". That's the first time I've really wanted to watch the show--a lead handling his feelings in a better way? I might check it out now, thanks!


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Well you should watch weightlifting fairy Kim Bok Joo. It is so awesome.


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"I will not return you. I'll keep you"
<3<3<3 best episode of Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo

Anyway, Kim Shin is Dokkaebi... which usually moody and temperamental. Not a swimmer. Lol


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Me, too
Everytime i watch her as eun tak, i keep wondering how can this person really looks and sounds like a real high schooler, even her voice and sigh sounds very young.


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Thanks for the recap girlfriday!

Did anyone notice that the bloody cloth was wrapped on the hilt on the sword when eun tak held the sword but it wasn't wrapped in the previous episode where she couldnt hold it?


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YES I totally noticed that. I think what happened is Goblin slipped into some really vulnerable and real feelings of love when he hugged her and then when she said "45%" in that soft voice, his genuine laughter and delight wrenched his heart wide open (it's those little moments when we love someone the most). His sudden vulnerability and true feeling of loving her allowed the sword to be seen with its bloody hilt - not all shiny and proper - and the realness of it allowed her to grab it. WOW - what an amazing last scene that was!!!


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I think you may be right. That must be the case.


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I think she can only pull it out when she wants to end his pain. The only thing that actually changed from the last episode and this one is that she actually saw him in pain because of the sword and wanted to help him take it away.


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I do like that theory, because there are definite stages of the sword being scene. Especially with us as the viewers, who hardly ever get to see it at all. So it makes sense that when he's really feeling something it gets more real.


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I've stopped worrying about the age gap in the OTP because their absolute pettiness levels are at the same maturity level. I am not even sure if he isn't the more childish one. In fact the GR and him are giving me huge sniggers and laughs.

This family is like what I want weekend drama families to be like- but they make it so draggy and boring. Here, their " fights " silly and petty and oh so funny. I even think any 20+ something year old is more mature than KS.


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the best part is the "family" .... and now even ET has joined the gang ... and she fits in .. i like how the whole bromance didn't get undercut with a girl coming to live with them ... in fact it seems to have them made more of a hoot !! .. loonies the whole lot of them


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Loving the family they are slowly building. I was teary when they surprised Euntak with a cake. What a sweet scene (and funny one too). Also when Euntak said that her excitement for being a Goblin's wife stemmed from her feeling of finally having the family she never had... ugh that got me. I am liking Euntak's baby steps in growing up. It's nice to hear her insights because until the latest episodes we've heard more of Shin's.


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I'm enjoying this dysfunctional family. I hope they'd all live together in the same house till the end. Sunny needs to move in too.


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Tae hee Oppa! He looks so good. I am dying to know who the real actor is, heeee


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He's Jung Hae In. FNC actor. He was Hyeri's first love in Reply 1988.


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AH! I didn't watch Reply 1988, so, this is the first time I saw him. Thanks!!


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This reminds me of where I saw him: in The Three Musketeers and Bride Of The Century.


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Three Musketeers!!!

Thank you! It was killing me that I couldn't remember where I'd seen him before.

Now I'm sad all over again that we won't get the planned 2nd & 3rd seasons of TM.


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Grim can see the people's past /past lives, if someone touched him, and the Goblin can see the future( with just a stare) . Cool!


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from the 2 times we have seen .......

..... i'm assuming that whenever goblin feels true happiness or true love, thats the point when the sword starts hurting like hell ......

which would answer the question as to why he just doesn't live with her for 50-60 years and then have her pull out the sword


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It's the Angel syndrome! You are cursed to lose yourself in a moment of pure happiness.


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All the Buffy talk makes me want to watch it again. I tried a few years ago but stopped about a season in.


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Almost every scene in this drama is screencap-worthy. Need to watch it over and over again because of:
1. Gong Yoo,
2. Gong Yoo,
3. Gong Yoo,
4. Gong Yoo,
5. Capturing the scene [of Gong Yoo].


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Me too right here. Gong Yoo is love.


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me three ....

they have a pretty solid cast. All of them are good actors.

But I could spend days just watching gong yoo switching from comedy to swoony poetry at the drop of a hat ....


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Gong Yoo is love but the entire cast is winning. They shine in their own moments. Gong Yoo, though, is seriously funny when jealous. I just enjoy watching him go from swoony to funny to serious.


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Reminds me of JH in WFKBJ. Both lead guys in jealousy are really funny.


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Gong Yoo is the master of the love blink ie during the wedding song. Wow, it really gets me. Non-verbal communication is the difference between an actor who is inside the character and a wannabe. It shows depth and concentration. I hear there is a directors cut anybody know where I can find that with eng subs?
I hope she sings again. A womanly torch song just for him maybe. I can find subtitles for the songs in most of the soundtrack but not the one they play at the ending of episode 7 during the previews. And seeing how I don't know Korean I can't search the title if it is not in an obvious place. Anybody got at a link?
How did I live before Kpop and kdrama?


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Well, 'tis the season to be jealous.

Gong Yoo as Goblin is just so wonderfully three-dimensional, sympathetic and always surprising.

His charm is so contagious, I really want to forgive him for doing Big.


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Kim So Hyun so preeeeetttttyyyyyyyyyy


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+1000000 i just wanna see more scenes of the queen :<


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How is she real?


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In a way she's like Jeon Ji-hyun. Not beauty contest beautiful, but beautiful because of facial expression. And eyes.


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I'm curious too. What actually changed between then and now? Was it love? Or is it Shin's will to live? I think that's a possible way, since that would be a punishment. The more he wants to live for her, the more he has to end his life.

And Shin's been such a softy, helping little Taehee oppa and all. To think there are more people whose lives have changed because of him is beautiful.

Also Reapers reaction to that picture. Oof, broke my heart. What would actually happent to him once he realise what ever the truth is?

Can't wait for next episode.


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I feel like it may not have to do with the changes in their relationship but to do with when the sword hurts him. Before they stated that the sword would cause him pain at times and that would be the moment he wishes he would die the most because it hurt so much. Maybe the cruel thing is that she can only touch and pull the sword out when it is hurting him and he wants it to stop, but now he doesn't want to die?


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I didn't find the product placement of subway to be /THAT/ bad because Eun Tak is a hungry child after all. She drools over food all the time LMAO


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The PPLs in Goblin, strangely, work for me. It's not subtle but it is incorporated in the story or dialogue so I don't mind them that much.


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I seriously love this show! As early as the pilot episode, I know this one of the few shows I would repeatedly watch without getting tired of it. Uri dokkaebi's such a kid lmao!

I love how poetic it can be that Eun Tak is the cause of his pain (recently, whenever he thinks of how he loves her, it brings him pain), and is also the one who can end it -- literally. Alhough, I'm hoping it's more of a metaphorical one.


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Anyone scared that the accident may result in human death, I'm scared that would happen and Shin would have more sins also scared that God may strike him down for that.


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Yes Kim Shin more or less caused that big accident involving several vehicles. ?


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I love this show! At first I was hesitant to start, but every episode is a cinematic experience and feels like a movie :) I look forward to Goblin all week and can't wait to own it on DVD. If anyone knows where to buy kdrama DVD sets that have excellent subtitles and are region-free/suited for North American players I would very much welcome the help!


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They're expensive, but the official Korean bluray would be the best option. American and Korean don't share the same dvd region, but they DO share bluray region. I own Healer on bluray and watch it on my PlayStation.


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Can't say about the quality of the subtitles, but you can get 1080p more-or-less blue-ray picture quality now off sites like dramanice.at

If you have a computer with dvd or blu-ray drive, you might not need to worry about region codes. VLC can usually play wrong-region dvds. With the right add-on it can also play blue-ray, including wrong-reqion. These are all free downloads.


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This show gives me whiplash (but not in a bad way). I spent most of tonight's episode laughing my head off over all of the petty, immature behavior. And then GR sees the picture and cries. And then KS hugs ET, ET starts to pull the sword out and suddenly people and cars go flying - and I think I gasped out loud and said whoa, because the fun was gone and things got real.

On top of that, I have so many question churning through my head that I need the show to answer. I know we'll get there but I am impatient and want to know now! *stomps foot in a petulant, goblin-ish way...

While I wait for all to be revealed, I think I will replay the movie theater scene over and over. OMG that was the funniest thing ever - the meta, Kim Go Eun breaking character, Gong Yoo's expressions and grabbing all over Kim Go Eun, and then GY looks like he is barely containing his own laughter. Oh how I wish I worked on the crew for this drama to witness the creation of these scenes.

PS. how awesome are Sunny and GR together too? Happy to see them getting their quirky and indescribable relationship going.


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All love from me to you for managing to encapsulate one of the best scenes in the show up to this point.


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Guh, this episode is killing me. I laughed at the pettiness and childishness at the first 45 minutes then I turned to weepy pot on the later part toward the end.

I wept when GR weep so painfully over the deceased young queen. Then I wept again at the words he said at the ending, with such melancholy-soulful tone.

..Is it life that I want to look around before I depart to the nothingness or the face of the love one? TT_TT


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Thank you so much for this recap.. I love it sooooooo much this episode.. LOL.. Make my day.. Good mood to after watch this episode.. Love it..


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My take is:
KS and ET will have a happy ending coz their story started out as tragic
GR and Sunny will have a sad ending coz their story started out comedic in modern times


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I just think that red Granny is God like the greatest God of all.


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I guessed a few episodes back that the Reaper had been the King and Sunny the Queen, aka Shin's sister. Now it seems to be confirmed. I'm so curious to see how this plays out, because I feel like in life, Shin and the King had been very close before that advisor poisoned the King against Shin and his family.


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I wonder who is the evil advisor reincarnated as. He is the biggest villain of all.


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I think the flashback shows kim so hyun was going through some training to become the future queen rather than playing with friends. Maybe it was the first time the king saw/peeking at her.


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I think at that time she loved him already, you can she when she saw him she drop the bowls xD


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Objectively I know this one was more a filler ep than anything but subjectively I LOVE. Cannot wait for goblin to realise who his king is so much angst potential there and really anticipating sunny grim reaper advancements too


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though it may sound absurd, is there any chance,that eun tak is waiting for reaper .... wen she is 29???


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It's possible but she looked happy though. I wouldn't be happy to be visited by a reaper at any age with a 9 in it.

Goblin doesn't seems to know who she was waiting for. I don't think he saw the guy's face. Maybe Eun-tak was waiting for him?


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I got a feeling that she was waiting for Kim Shin when she was 29 years old in that restaurant n Canada.


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* in Canada


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Sounds like a good ending to me.


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Hmmm - interesting thought. I wondered if it might be KS himself, then wondered if it could be Duk Hwa because she calls whoever it is president or something like that, right? (I'm thinking about KS's businesses they've mentioned multiple times.) But if it is reaper, that would be interesting - if KS is indeed gone, and if ET and KS had truly fallen in love before she pulled out the sword, the ET may be happy to see Reaper at 29 so she could be reunited with KS, ala Happy the seeing-eye dog.


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Maybeeee she is waiting for Grandpa at the restaurant. After all he was asked to make sure that she got an education, ate well, and to make sure she has means and ways.

Was that REALLY Een Tak singing?. If so she has a lovely voice so emotional. Kim Shin sounds surprised and respectful when he realizes how talented she is. It defiantly gives her more dimension and explains why she has ear phones in her ears all the time and why she wants to go into media studies. Never stand in the way of a women who knows where she is going (or an interior decorating plan).


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Is it possible that the secretary is the reincarnation of the evil eunuch? They do look similar, don't they? Is the same actor?i

Reaper crying at the queen's portrait just like when he saw Sunny.. writer-nim better not be leading us to nothing.

Wish there's a chance for Shin to meet the secretary and Sunny soon. Will he somehow recognize them? He did recognized that one dude he hooked up with the gijibae as a swindler in his past life.


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Yes! That's what I thought too... But hopefully, in this lifetime, he is more kind and not an evil person. Reincarnation is supposed to be the time pay your sins from the past.


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Woahhh i've just realised that the eunuch and secretary is the very sam person. Thank you for pointing it out! Haha. Im wondering about whats bound to happen in the next episode. This drama is wonderful with its tiny details that makes us make own theories and draw our curiosity


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I noticed it several episodes ago and I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop...


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Guys both are not played by the same actor even if they do look similar. Doesn't discount the fact that they could be reincarnations of course


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Excactly. But you know what's funny? Both were in the last Seo In Guk dramas. The evil Eunuch in Shopping King Louis (Louis favorite staff member of the marketing team, other than Bok Shil) and the assistant in Squad 38 (the supervisor and right hand of the mayor).


omg. it totally is right??!!

that is an amazing theory. way to notice that. A+++++


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Two different actors but his reincarnation doesn't seems to fit his crime in the past.

I'm more suspicious of him when he said something about Shin not aging. What is he up to? What is he going to do with that information? He must be conning Dukkie's grandfather.

I'm really interested in his past because we've pretty much figured out who is who from Goryeo since episode 1.


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Watched this ep for the cameos. Jung Hae In is now called as TvN's reserved first love actor. He was Hyeri's first love in Reply 1988 ㅋㅋㅋ.

Kim Sohyun really beautiful and what an unexpected 'past live' link.

Thank you for the recap.

Speaking of cameo, KDY's fansite master said that KDY said that he's not in Goblin and he puzzled with the news articles of his cameo appearance.


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Ok I will give my two cents here, about ' shin needed to have a bride, someone who would pull out his sword, and he would become extinct'
So it's for 900 years that he has been living, what if it was all because god wanted him to 'have the bride', first of all, because god wanted him to fall in love, and 'know' what it means to love someone, and also all these goes back to the first scene may be? That from the exterior it seems the king is a bad person and Shin is a victim, but what if god wanted shin to know why the king acted the way he did, that it was not only the king's fault that all those death toll took place, that Shin himself was oblivious of what was going between the king and his torments. One thing was clear, that the king was jealous of Shin, so all those intense feelings of jealousy and fury didn't come out of nowhere. The king was suffering too probably, so what would be the reason that he gave the order , 'kill her and everyone related to her'? There must have been a serious reason which made him act this way.
So what I feel is that, god didn't tell Shin to live for 900 years and not fall in love . May be god wanted him to experience love and then know the responsibilities that come with it? What I want to say is that, there is more to the 'pulling out of sword and make him disappear' curse. The sword would go away and with it goblin's grudge towards the king would vanish, and he would laugh or could laugh [as he did at the end of the episode], like the old time. He is always reminiscing of the past, he can't let go of the past, hence he's never happy. Once a bride is there who would make him fall in love, and know true happiness, may be then he would be finally able to stop living in torments, and move on, with a new life. So perhaps god's curse is not literal, it could be more a metaphor and less a punishment.


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I love how , despite being extraordinary beings, both Goblins and Reaper are still doing mundane and normal things like cooking , drying and folding their own laundry, etc.

On a totally different note, I didn't understand the scene where ET tried to retrieve the signed contract. Why are there two of them? Did she try to replace the original one ? Or did she want to keep a copy?


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Euntak made a new one and even forged Shin's signature so that she can keep a copy and even if Shin destroys his copy she still has one (I think that's why she wants one copy?). That's why Shin says he couldn't tell which is the original which is copy, means both looks identical. :)


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This drama is my Friday Saturday delight. such a wonderful story flavored with such lovely cute jokes and served together with deliciously handsome actors. ;)
love the Lee dong wook, yoo in a pair.
and deok hwa oppa 's toooooo adorable
the reaper goblin interactions always crack me up with their jokes
goblin fighting
kudos to writer and director for such heart warming amazing story


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Am I the only one who thinks its a bit weird how scared the goblin/Shin was of those zombies when he and Eun-tak went to the movies? I mean, you'd think that after being a war general and probably killing hundreds of people (cue opening scene), zombies on a movie screen would be a breeze...

Any thoughts?


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Heh! On the battlefield, 938 years ago, there was no scary music, horror lighting and a need to just quiet and sit still and watch the zombies slowly, inexorably come at one. Heheheh!


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I thought he did it on purpose just to embarrassed her or maybe for some skinship lol. He seems to enjoy annoying her too. She wanted popcorn and he spilled it all.

These two are the odd couple and I love it. If they are going for real love then romance is not the only way to show it. Underneath all the childish pickerings (which makes me laugh sometimes), deep down inside these two genuinely love each other and it surfaced only when they are most vulnerable.
Enjoying this route, it's rather refreshing.


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It's PPL for Train to Busan People. They want to sell Gong Yo's own movie...


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I think it's just for lulz not PPL.


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Weird or not, it was predictable. As soon as he told her not to get scared...... before we even knew what movie it was.


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The young king.. I was wondering why does he look so familiar.
He's Nurse Assistant Park in Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim!


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Yes, his name is Kim Min Jae.


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Oh wow - I didn't realize! Lol!!!


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They took him out of the ER and stuck him in Goryeo, and I couldn't figure out why he looked so familiar... I'm definitely slipping. ;-)


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Thanks GF!

This was a hilarious episode! All hail pettiness and calculating 'family' shenanigans!

I just love how when Eun Tak says "I love you" to Goblin, Reaper's eyes take on that calculating look and he
..." shoves Deok-hwa out of the way and says into Shin’s ear, “I love you too! Ajusshi!” That had me ROFLOL.

And I felt this was so on pointe: "Grandpa asks if he could maybe stop trying to die and start trying to live." It may have struck home with Shin - I'm thinking that it was not until Shin decided to really embrace life and give without calculating, when he (who is the sword/and the sword) allows himself to be grasped, held, possessed by another, that he/the sword can be seized by Eun Tak.

I believe that while Eun Tak was only negotiating on the discount of the rent, Shin had already decided that he could not give her 50% off because he was going to give her everything for free.

Keep being great show! ?


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the writer is not too smart the twist about reaper being the king and Sunny the queen is too obvious I would have made the queen Shin's daughter that's a far less obvious and unexpected but quite logical outcome


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I don't think it's the twist. I think the twist is yet to come. The pacing of the show is such that we don't know where things will fall yet.


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I hope it is so. Just right now the whole 'GR is king and sunny is queen' is too obvious and on our face.


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I'm team Reaper is the eunuch lol


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...I don't think it was supposed to be a "twist" - the writer never hid it imo. The whole scene with the ring made it very obvious they were the king and queen. The reaper had to be the king (not queen) because reepers sinned greatly in their past life


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Really curious about the Goryeo backstory, how was Shin, the Queen and the King relationship before the King was being controlled by the eunuch.

So happy that they have new Goryeo scene, hope they will have more scene with Kim So Hyun and Kim Min Jae. Ohh GR and Sunny looks sooo tragic...


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I think Kim Soo-hyun's character was already picked to be the future king's bride. She was practising for the wedding ceremony or going through the future princess/queen training which is shown often in sageuks.
(Moon Gae-young in The Last Empress, Kim Yoo-jung in Moon Sun etc).
I thought it was really cute that he was spying on her. Looks like he couldn't wait to marry her.


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cant agree more <3 That scene is so cute that I replay it over and over xD hope we will see more of the king and the queen because it seems to be an interesting storyline :D


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The 'thud' sound when he caught her!!! ???


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Can I just say uri writer is really doing a great job on the cliffhangers department....I swear I held my breath at the end of the episode & mix that with gong yoo's voiceover Hot voice and am so done.


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I am absolutely loving this show. the pettiness between all characters is awesome.. I cant believe I spent the whoel show laughing my head of at the silliest moments..


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Thoughts on that ending: I was saying else where that Goblin could have just frozen time when he sent Eun Tak flying. It could have spared all those cars and saved on the budget! LOL.

Still, it made for a very dramatic backdrop against which his voiceover played. It might even have been prophetic or metaphoric ?... maybe it illustrated that holding on to that girl would be catastrophic? :)


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That was exactly my thought. Why in the world did the blow so much money in the budget on something like that.


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The countless Subway PPL paid off. They have the budget.

I was wondering if it was necessary but voice over was worth it.

This show and the mood swing. One moment it's serious, then silly, then giving out all these feels, then manic and depressing, then it goes back and forth. I think I'm going bipolar with it.


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My thought too! I was like, hmm excuse me but those cars are expensive.. It was good for dramatic effects.


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Its obvious he can freeze time. He did it when reapers phone went flying and he stuffed the bun in deok hwa mouth. but the question is can he freeze the goblin bride. I am thinking not although there hasn't been evidence that i can recall. Although she can see his sword see ghosts even follow goblin through doors. Chances are she would not have been frozen


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"maybe it illustrated that holding on to that girl would be catastrophic?"

Wow! I never thought of it that way! Thanks for sharing!


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What just happened? Eun Tak singing at a wedding??


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The wedding singer (her 2nd part time job).


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She had a second job.


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I think she's trying to find other part time jobs because she's preparing to move out. That's why she's also asking for discount on KS rent.


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