The Lonely Shining Goblin: Episode 6

I miss the comic hijinks we had yesterday, but the melancholy tone is lovely too, and it’s a big episode for our gloomy goblin, who has to make some pretty big decisions about life, death, and the consequences for those around him. He seemed pretty dead set (hur) on the dying, but the problem seems to be that the closer he gets to death, the more he begins to want to live. Isn’t that always the way?


As Shin and Eun-tak return to their favorite restaurant in Quebec, Shin is suddenly struck with a vision of Eun-tak’s future at 29: She proudly tells Sunny over the phone that she’s traveling well and hardly getting lost, and waits for someone to join her, and Shin realizes that he isn’t there with Eun-tak in her future.

He thinks, “You and your life after my disappearance have forgotten me and come to perfect completion. I must disappear. For the sake of you, who smiles prettily. The choice I must make is ending this life.”

He imagines deleting himself from all of their memories and says out loud, “In the end I made that choice,” and wells up with tears. 19-year-old Eun-tak hears those last words and wonders why he’s looking at her so sadly.

Reaper and Deok-hwa are all dressed up, and we see why when Sunny brings a friend out for a double date. It’s all part of Sunny’s plan—she says that you can figure out a man’s true nature when he’s around his friends.

Her friend looks out the window at Reaper and Deok-hwa arriving and sighs wistfully that whoever gets to date those men must be happy. Sunny agrees with a big smile.

The mood back at home is melancholy, and when Eun-tak braves a knock on Shin’s bedroom door, he ignores it. He seems to come to a decision and belatedly comes out to the living room. Without warning he says, “Pull out the sword, now. I’m asking you.”

She doesn’t know how to respond, but he insists, saying, “I want to stop… thinking the thought that I could choose.” But… isn’t this choosing? She asks if this has anything to do with that choice he mentioned at the restaurant earlier, and looks nervous as she asks what he’s choosing to do exactly.

He says he only wants an answer from her, not questions, so she says it isn’t time yet because she hasn’t completed her research. She admits to looking him up on the internet but says there was almost no information, as if someone had gone and deleted it.

Eun-tak remembers what he’d told her initially about being the goblin’s bride—that if she discovered something about him, she’d come to resent him. She knows now that the “something” is the sword, but she doesn’t know yet why she’d come to resent him, so she knows there’s something else he isn’t telling her.

She asks, “Did you maybe do something bad, and that’s why you were erased from history?” She says that if he’s being punished for doing something bad, she’s not sure if she should pull out the sword. “Did you… commit treason or anything like that?” she asks. Ouuuuuch, of all the things, why’d you have to say that?

He instantly flashes back to the Goryeo battlefront, and then to the moment his king betrayed him. We flash for a moment to Reaper and Sunny, and then return to Shin.

He looks stricken as he says, “Yes, you’re right. It was a time where survival itself was a struggle. It was a time unrecorded in history. I used all of my strength, but I could not make my death honorable. Going forth to the king would not have made things better. But I came forward, and with every step I took, innocents lost their lives. My sin was not forgiven, and I am being punished. This sword is my punishment.”

Eun-tak listens with tears in her eyes, and Shin asks, “But even if that is my punishment, if I’ve received it for nine hundred years, isn’t that a long time?”

She says tenderly, “No… it can’t be a punishment. There is no way that god would have given you that power if you were truly a bad person. If you were a bad person, only goblins would exist, and there would be no goblin’s bride to pull out the sword.”

Her words hit him hard, and a tear trickles down his face. With a gentle smile, she reaches out a hand to wipe his tears, tears streaming down her own face as she does so.

“I don’t know what kind of existence it was, but you are being loved now, truly,” she tells him, making him cry all over again. She clarifies that by “bad things,” she meant like stealing the king’s woman or something, and apologizes for bringing up treason.

He asks if she won’t make him pretty now, which is still what Eun-tak believes will happen when she pulls out the sword. She says “Yes” and he sighs in relief until she clarifies, “Yes, I won’t.”

The tone suddenly shifts to comedic as he wonders where the conversation went awry, and Eun-tak asks if he’s thought this way for nine hundred years and cries that she feels so sorry for him. He asks if she can’t try and be a little more consistent with her actions and words, ha.

Ignoring him, she says that she’s crying because she’s sad, but that he really should shape up and put in a little effort instead of feeling sorry for himself: “Don’t you think you’re not trying hard enough to become prettier?” Lolwut. She advises him that pity won’t get him very far, so he needs to take action if he wants her to pull out the sword.

She’s still crying, amazed that his life is actually more pitiful than hers, and mutters through her tears, “I’m going to punish them all!” She suddenly cuts the conversation short to go to work, and tells him to think carefully about what she wants from him.

Flustered and not following a thing she’s saying, he asks if she wants money and jewels and a house, and Eun-tak just turns to him dramatically and says, “Is that really what I’m asking for?” “Is it that—the thing I said I could do if needed?” he asks hesitantly. “What, love?” she asks. He nods, and she counters, “Why can’t you think to buy a house with money, and fill it with jewels and love?”

He shouts at her to go to work, and she reminds him that she’s already told him the answer before, but maybe he can’t remember because warriors have bad memories. He huffs at that.

Once he’s alone, Shin wonders how she can cry in empathy for his pain but not pull out the sword, and how her thoughts could lead to what he’s going to do for her in exchange. He remembers 29-year-old Eun-tak greeting her lunch date with a smile in his vision and suddenly throws a jealous tantrum that he died and she met someone new. Ha.

Sunny and Reaper’s double date begins with introductions, and Deok-hwa tells them that his occupation is “third generation chaebol heir,” which the girls don’t take seriously at all.

Reaper hems and haws and says he works in the service industry, and that he can’t give further details. Sunny asks if he has a name today, and Reaper beams proudly before announcing, “Yes. Kim Woo-bin.” Hahahaha. *cringing in embarrassment so hard*

Sunny’s friend guesses that with a name like that and a service job, he must be a waiter at a nightclub (club servers often take on celebrity pseudonyms). She asks Reaper for his business card, and he deflates, realizing that he is yet again without a thing he’s supposed to have.

But then the girls’ attention is diverted to Deok-hwa when a quick internet search proves that he really is a chaebol. Sunny is suddenly very complimentary and attentive to Deok-hwa, much to Reaper’s ire. He grows so angry that the room starts to go dark and black smoke swirls around him in a haze, and Deok-hwa looks over at him in warning.

Reaper blurts, “I’m going to leave early,” and Deok-hwa doesn’t mind being left with the women at all. But Reaper means for Deok-hwa to say it, and commands him with his reaper-mind-control powers. Hee! Deok-hwa immediately gets up and leaves, and he does the same to Sunny’s friend, and then makes Sunny forget what he just did.

Once they’re alone, Reaper gives Sunny the jade ring. She accepts it happily and asks for Deok-hwa’s number in exchange, which makes him frown, but she says that if Deok-hwa really is who he says he is, he’s her lord. Reaper balks, and Sunny clarifies, “He’s my building landlord.”

She says she has a lot to say to her landlord, so Reaper reluctantly takes out his phone to search for Deok-hwa’s number. He fumbles with the smartphone so Sunny offers to help, and Reaper jumps back when she reaches for his hand. She thinks he threw the phone at her rudely, but he covers it up with profuse gratitude.

Sunny asks for his passcode and when Reaper says he doesn’t have one, she muses that he sure doesn’t have a lot of things. Aw. She opens up his phone contacts, which consist of: Deok-hwa, Goblin, Goblin’s Bride, and Sunny Not Sun-hee. She laughs, assuming that Goblin is the name of a store, because she knows a rice cake shop named Goblin.

Reaper comes home to find Shin popping pills dejectedly, and asks if human medicine does anything for him. Shin says he’s choosing between pills and liquor, and Reaper chooses liquor, sighing over the fact that Sunny called him a strange person because he didn’t have a business card to give her.

Shin says unsympathetically, “You fooled her well. You’re not even a person.” Reaper scowls and asks if he’s manic or depressed today, and Shin just says he’s in pain. Thinking of all the mean things he’s said to Eun-tak, he says that all the words he’s spit out are returning to him, and that it must be the consequence of interfering in human life.

Shin sighs that he grew up badly and Reaper dryly pours salt in the wound: “All you did was grow tall.” Ignoring him, Shin says he ought to know better at his age than to say things he can’t take back, wondering if he deserves to die.

Reaper surprises him by saying that no one deserves to die. Shin looks over at him with hopeful eyes, and then Reaper adds, “Except for you.” Shin glares pitifully, and Reaper feels a little bad, saying that it was a joke.

Reaper asks if something happened with Eun-tak, calling her “Missing Person,” and Shin rambles that she cried and he cried and she felt sorry for him, but won’t pull out the sword and he doesn’t know why. Reaper: “Did you cry? In front of Missing Person?” He says it’s over now, insisting that women like prickly, indifferent men, not criers. Shin: “Is that why you cried when you first met [your girl]?” LOL. Reaper looks like someone kicked his puppy and Shin tells him to drink.

Reaper tells him to stick to either looking good or showing his weaknesses in front of Eun-tak, musing that he’s not Hamlet. Shin grows nostalgic and says, “Shakespeare, that guy. All I did was say, ‘To be or not to be,’ and he wrote that masterpiece.” Reaper literally spits out his drink.

When Reaper asks if he wants to go to the hospital to get checked out, Shin asks if it would do any good when the sword has begun to hurt him. Yikes. Reaper remembers Shin wondering the other night if god hadn’t overestimated what he could handle, and suddenly opens his arms wide. Figuring it’s an emergency, Reaper asks, “Would you like a hug?” Hahahaha. Yes, please!

Shin responds by summoning his goblin sword and wielding it menacingly. Reaper retreats instantly, and Shin swings his sword around like an overgrown child.

Sunny admires her jade ring and feels that it must really belong to her. Eun-tak is happy for her when she hears that the strange and handsome man gave her a ring, and Sunny says he’s still strange, but she forgets that every time she sees his face.

Eun-tak thinks the ring must be very old, and behind them, a ghost pops up from under a table to say that her boyfriend gave her a ring once. The three remaining ghosts in Eun-tak’s ghost-girl foursome show up to beg for her help, after hearing that she helped their gosiwon friend with her request.

Eun-tak tries to ignore them, but the ajumma ghost asks if she can’t get the winning lottery numbers from the goblin so they can split the winnings, and Eun-tak seems to like that idea.

She runs home and Shin rushes to sit down and act natural. Eun-tak pours on the sweet sugary act and compliments him, calling him an example just by being him. Once he’s buttered up, she asks for the winning lottery numbers, which he says he doesn’t know. But the second she says that lottery numbers would put her in a sword-pulling mood, he rattles them off to her.

Eun-tak shares the numbers with the ajumma ghost the next day, and Shin catches her in the act. She swears that this ajumma lived a good life and deserves this, and that she plans to tell the numbers to her son in a dream.

She runs off saying that she has to study, but beelines for a convenience store instead and tries to buy a lottery ticket. The cashier says that minors can’t buy lottery tickets, so Eun-tak returns in a change of clothes and makes a second and third attempt, to no avail. Um, why not go to a different convenience store?? She tries to convince the cashier that these are the winning numbers and offers to go halfsies if he buys the ticket for her, but he kicks her out.

Shin is there to catch her yet again, and she grumbles that he seems to know everything. He says that the ajumma ghost didn’t get a chance to tell her son the numbers either, and Eun-tak says he should’ve made it possible, because he’s a struggling farmer who had a bad year because it only rained in Seoul. She glares accusingly.

Shin says defensively that he’s not in charge of ALL the rain, and that there will be no lottery winner this week, which means the pot will double next week. He says that the farmers are hardworking, good people, and that they’ll dream a strange dream from a guardian god.

Eun-tak suddenly thinks he seems very cool. He wonders why she’s happy when she can’t buy a ticket next week anyway, and she points out that she’ll be twenty in two months and there’s a new lottery every week. She points finger guns at the goblin, who tells her not to act like they know each other in public.

Eun-tak turns around to see that he was right about the winning numbers, and in the store, the cashier sees that Eun-tak was right and falls out of his chair.

The ajumma ghost thanks Eun-tak when she hears the good news, and Eun-tak asks why the gosiwon ghost isn’t around anymore. The ajumma ghost says she moved on, pointing to the sky, and they both realize that the ajumma will be moving on too. She tells Eun-tak to live well with the goblin, and they smile warmly at each other.

At home, Eun-tak sits lost in thought for a while and asks Reaper if she’ll meet god if she dies. She says she plans to pick a fight: “Goblin-sshi is such a lonely guardian god. People don’t know that at the moment they’re becoming distant with the world, that someone is pushing them back towards it. But I know. So I’m going to pull out the sword. So that he’ll be prettier, and become a shining guardian god.”

Reaper is alarmed at that (aw, you DO care!) and he’s in such a hurry that he accidentally calls her Eun-tak, then corrects himself and calls her Missing Person. He argues that she could lose her usefulness and get kicked out, but she says that none of this is hers to begin with: “Life is just borrowing for a short while and staying for a short while. Hell isn’t just in hell,” she muses.

Eun-tak thinks of all the abuse she endured from Aunt and her family, and says that she’s been so happy every day that she’s spent in this house. She says with a huge smile that she wants to repay that kindness, which is why she’s going to pull out the sword.

She doesn’t know what it means exactly for the goblin to become prettier, but she figures that if Reaper Ajusshi is cheering her on to do it, it must be a good thing. Oh noes! Take it back! Tell herrrrrrr. Reaper just cringes, feeling a pang of guilt.

Reaper heads to work, where he watches a blind man crossing the street. He doesn’t notice (or cant’ see?) Samshin Granny passing behind him. She heads to the hospital where a little girl seems to see her true face, and she gives the little girl a wink.

Granny visits a little boy who’s suffering in pain, and she puts her hand on the boy’s forehead and says he’s suffered enough, so it’s time to stop hurting now. Hm, are you saving him, or is he going to die?

Reaper goes through a particularly grueling day of work, where one woman asks to be reborn as Kim Tae-hee in the next life (to which he hands her a ticket saying that she’s 92,414,945th in line, ha), and one couple gets into a fight because the man doesn’t want to be with his partner again in the next life.

The blind man just calmly goes toward the door to the afterlife as instructed, but he lights up when he hears a familiar bark at the door. His old seeing-eye dog Happy is there, and Reaper says that Happy has been waiting all day and will lead the way. Awww.

Reaper passes his usual pedestrian bridge on the way home and picks up a discarded business card on the ground. It’s an advertisement for a loan shark, but he notes the person’s title jealously.

He’s caught off-guard when Sunny approaches, and he’s so panicked that he throws his hat on and makes himself invisible. Sunny naturally thinks of him when she’s on the bridge, and complains out loud that the jerk isn’t answering his phone, and wonders what his deal is.

Reaper just watches her with a stricken expression and thinks, “I’m a grim reaper.” He thinks sadly that grim reapers must act on command, but Sunny interrupts his thoughts by suddenly announcing that she’s going to kill him because her pride has been wounded. She calls him right then and there, but ack, his phone rings out loud and she can hear it.

He doesn’t even notice at first because he’s so transfixed by the ring on her finger, and scrambles to shut his phone off. Sunny gets scared and looks around, accidentally slipping on an icy patch. Just as she’s about to fall, she stops, suspended in mid-air.

Cut to: Reaper crouching below her, holding her up on his back. Well that’s awkward. It terrifies her and Sunny goes running, leaving Reaper to watch her go with a long sigh.

Sunny runs into work and asks Eun-tak between heaving breaths if she believes in ghosts, and Eun-tak glances nervously at the two ghosts standing near the counter before saying that that would be absurd.

Sunny brushes off her strange encounter and remembers to tell Eun-tak not to come to work for the next few weeks, to focus on her college entrance exam. Best boss ever.

Shin sits at home contemplating what Eun-tak wants from him, and then recalls her saying that she’d like him to be happy while she was living there. He wonders if that’s what she wants, thinking it a tricky thing to do.

He waits outside the bookstore for her to pass by, and as she walks toward him with her head buried in notes, he thinks to himself, “Life walks to me. Death walks to me. As life, as death, you do not grow weary as you walk to me. Then all I have to say is this: I am not sad. It is done if I say this. It is done…”

She sees him and is a little touched that he watched her approaching for so long. She asks if he sees anything different in her now, remembering that he said he couldn’t see her twenties and thirties before. Shin lies that he still can’t.

He says that usually he can see a person’s fortune and misfortune, but with her he can’t. She figures that it’s because she’s a missing person, and prefers to think of it positively, that she gets to determine her own future.

She stills wishes she could know how she’ll be when she’s twenty and thirty, and Shin says, “You’ll grow up just like this—prettily.” She jokes that she can’t be pretty every day and probably has an ugly day or two. He counters that it could be an ugly month or two.

As they walk, she asks if he has particular rules for the people he becomes a guardian to, and he says no—he just chooses based on his mood day by day, and tends to help children more than adults. He explains that when he was at his most distant from the world, a child was the first person to reach out a hand to him. He flashes back to the moment the little boy who looked just like Deok-hwa asked to serve him back in Goryeo.

Eun-tak asks why he saved her mother when she was an adult, and he says that he was weak-hearted then because he’d had a drink, plus, the person her mother was asking him to save wasn’t herself.

Eun-tak is suddenly overcome with tears and says, “That you were the one who answered her cry to be saved—it just seems like such a miracle.” She cries happy, grateful tears and he stares at her for a long moment before raising a hand to pet her on the head.

She smiles and then says he’s not supposed to press her head like that, but caress the hair softly. She shows him by reaching up and petting him on the head, and he’s just lost in the moment for a while, looking into her eyes.

He comes out of the reverie and pulls away brusquely, saying that today must be one of her ugly days. Sigh. And you were doing so well!

She runs after him in a huff, but her mood lifts when they get home and she discovers that Shin put up a Christmas tree for her. She tells him that she was being selfish before because she thought he’d kick her out if she pulled out the sword, plus she thought maybe he’d become prettier and meet a prettier girl.

She stops to ask, “Aren’t you going to say you’re not?” Shin: “Do I have to?” Ha. She announces with a smile that she’ll make him pretty, because if he’s making the request, it can’t lead to a bad result. She asks where they should do it and he panics.

“Today? Right now?” he asks. She rolls up her sleeves right then and there, and Shin hurriedly pretends to answer a call while running out of the house.

He goes straight to Reaper’s tea room and asks for liquor before sharing the big news. Reaper asks if Eun-tak knows what pulling out the sword means, and Shin says no, adding that he’s worried because she likes him a lot.

Reaper doesn’t buy it, and Shin argues that Eun-tak asked him to marry her as soon as they met and said, “I love you,” putting him in a really awkward position. “She has no reason not to like me,” Shin points out.

Reaper counters that there are plenty of reasons, like their enormous age gap, and says the second she goes to college she’ll meet a gazillion young, good-looking boys. Shin: “What, that 900 years? So what?” Pfft.

Reaper tells him to stop shortening his age, saying that he’s 939, but Shin says he’s actually got an early birthday, so he’s really technically a year younger. HA. Both boys actually start laughing at that.

Shin says this is better than liquor and then says wistfully, “She’s the only one who can make me die, but she keeps making me live. It’s funny, isn’t it?” Reaper reminds him that he lived well before meeting her too, but Shin thinks it’s strange that he can’t seem to remember that.

He lies in bed that night remembering every time Eun-tak ran up to him calling him Ajusshi, and he says aloud, “Stop calling me. Stop calling me, Ji Eun-tak. Let me go.” She calls him for real outside his bedroom door, but he doesn’t answer.

She lingers in the hallway, and Shin leans against the door from inside his room.

Eun-tak gets a visit from Aunt’s loan shark gangsters after school, and though they start to harass her about Aunt’s debt, they don’t get very far before picking a fight with each other. Ha, because Reaper Jedi-mind-tricked them to fight till they die?

Grandpa’s secretary comes up and asks Eun-tak if she knows those loan sharks, and says offhandedly that he used to be one. He offers her a ride home and calls the police to report the loan sharks, who still bicker even at the police station and admit that they don’t know why they keep fighting.

On the drive home, Eun-tak launches into an awkward speech about how nice Deok-hwa oppa is and how responsible and frugal he is for a chaebol. Secretary Kim asks for an example, and she actually can’t come up with anything, and just apologizes. Secretary Kim is unruffled, though he cracks a little smile at her humming to fill the awkward silence.

Eun-tak is annoyed when Shin ignores her as she comes home and then again all throughout dinner, and asks Reaper about Shin’s mood as they sit and peel garlic. Reaper says Shin can’t remember the past, but says he doesn’t know anything beyond that. She doesn’t believe him, and he just threatens to call her name three times and she stops pestering him.

Reaper says these days, the dead follow when you say their name only once, and Eun-tak says it must be difficult work. He points out that missing persons are what make his job truly difficult, and Eun-tak sweetly offers to peel all the garlic herself. Reaper offers up, “The Goblin has an early birthday, so he’s actually a year younger than his age. That’s all I can tell you. Do well.” Pwahaha.

Eun-tak asks why Reaper found her at age 9 and then again at 19, and he offers up a little grim reaper secret, that people are most at risk at the time just before completion (meaning at ages ending in 9).

He stares at her intently and thinks to himself in voiceover, “At 29 you will also meet a grim reaper, even if it isn’t me. That is the fate of a missing person. There must be order in this life, and 9 is the closest incomplete number to 10, the complete number of the gods. With this too, do well.” To her, he just lies that he had a good dream the night before he found her. Gack, is she not going to live past 29?

Eun-tak finally corners Shin and asks why it seems like he’s mad at her. He says he isn’t mad but answers acerbically, “What are you? What are you, to call me so loudly? Why do you keep bewildering me? Why do you keep confusing me? You should have pulled out the sword when I asked. That is your worth.” Ouch.

Hurt and confused, Eun-tak says she agreed to pull out the sword, and he’s the one ignoring her. She says that she doesn’t have all the time in the world like an immortal, and that they should just get it over with today.

But he says, “Tomorrow, not today. The weather is too nice today. I’m going to go on a walk with you.” Tomorrow comes, and again he changes his mind and says tomorrow, not today, this time because the weather is too bad. The day after that he says, “Not today, tomorrow. Just one more day.”

Grandpa is heartbroken when Shin tells him his plans, and Shin thinks of his right-hand man in Goryeo who had served him faithfully and plunged the sword into his heart while crying, and of the queen who had died because of him.

He hands Grandpa the old scroll painting of the queen and asks him to burn it, saying how much he regrets not being able to find those he is still indebted to. Shin asks him to look after his young bride and make sure she will always eat well and learn well without him, and says this is his final request of Grandpa.

With tears in his eyes, Grandpa says respectfully that he will accept the command, and Shin takes both of Grandpa’s hands in his warmly. Augh, stop saying goodbye!

Next, Deok-hwa stares at his new credit card in disbelief, and Shin tells him to live freely, and that this is the prize he’s giving him. Deok-hwa says he didn’t do anything to deserve a prize.

Shin pets him on the head and says he grew up well, and Deok-hwa blurts, “I love you.” Ha. That makes Shin smile, and Deok-hwa just beams at his card, unaware of what it all means.

Then Shin tells someone in a grave tone that he left the deed to the house. He says that once he’s gone, the mark on Eun-tak’s neck will disappear. “Erase her memories, so that she doesn’t hate herself,” he asks.

Suddenly Reaper answers in a fuzzy voice over the phone, “What? Speak louder, I can’t hear you!” LOL. They’re on a video call, and Shin tries to get Reaper to put his headset on, but Reaper shouts, “It’s away from my ear now! I see your face!” Shin just hangs up on him.

Eun-tak contemplates Shin’s behavior the last few days and the things he’d said: “I like walking with you,” and “I like coming to get you.” Even now he sneaks up on her and says, “I like looking at you.”

She asks why he’s being so nice to her all of a sudden, and then asks for his hand. He holds it out to her, and she traces a hanja into his palm and asks what it means. He tells her it’s the character for “listen,” and she thanks him and says goodnight.

He stands there with his hand still outstretched, more affected by the moment than she realizes.

Eun-tak just runs to her room and writes down the meaning of the final hanja, ready to decipher what she has written down in her notebook. Oh, is this from Shin’s journal? Please say it is. She doesn’t get very far in translating it though, to her frustration.

Shin sits in his room for a long time just staring at the hand that Eun-tak held, and then brings gifts to her room. She opens them excitedly, and he tells her that it’s the 5 million she wished for, and things that she’ll need once she’s twenty and going out with her college boyfriend.

She asks why he’s giving her these things, and he just answers, “Today. The sword.” She agrees to pull the sword and then asks, “Is there love anywhere in these?” indicating his presents.

It takes him a while to answer, but he says “No,” and she says she was just asking.

They go through a door and end up in his buckwheat garden, and Eun-tak runs around and asks if the flowers he gave her were from here. She says she remembers their meaning, and he says again, “Lovers.”

She asks if this is a special place, and he calls it “My beginning and end.” He asks her to pull out the sword now, and Eun-tak pulls out a notebook first to say that she wrote a few things down that she wants him to agree to first. It’s a contract (we don’t get to see the whole thing), and at the very end it asks him to listen to her summons on the first day of snow each year, because she’ll be waiting.

Shin thinks back to a conversation he had with Reaper, when he said he was planning to die before the first day of snow. When Reaper asked why, he said, “Because I don’t want to ruin her first snow.”

Shin signs Eun-tak’s contract readily, and the moment he does, it begins to snow. Eun-tak looks around in amazement at the earliest first snow she’s ever seen, and realizes that he’s causing it. He says he’s sorry that it’s selfish, adding, “But I wanted to have a memory like this.” She says they should hurry up and make him pretty, and he agrees that it’s time.

Eun-tak asks for his final words, and Shin says, “The time that I spent with you was blindingly bright. Because the day was good, because the day was bad, because the day was just so. All the days were good. And whatever happens, it’s not your fault.”

She asks worriedly if he might actually turn into a broom, but he laughs and says that won’t happen. Reassured, she says she’ll pull it out now, and reaches for the sword, which materializes before her.

Shin closes his eyes…

But when she tries to close her hands around the sword, it vaporizes and she can’t grab it. She tries again and again, but it just keeps ghosting on her.

Shin asks if she’s using all her strength, but Eun-tak says she can see it… but she can’t touch it. His eyes go wide and he starts to say that she’s not the goblin’s bride, but she cuts him off to say that she’s more thrown than he is right now.

He demands to have the contract back so he can burn it, when she suddenly says, “I know what it is. It’s that, I know it. The prince in the fairytale, the prince with the curse! That!” “What?!” he asks. She grabs him by the collar and yanks him toward her. “A kiss,” she says, as she gets on her tiptoes and plants a kiss on his lips.

Shin’s eyes grow wide, and all the snow starts to fly up to the sky in reverse.


Huh, is she not the bride? I’m still operating under the assumption that she’s being honest about seeing the sword, but it’s definitely curious that she can’t seem to touch it. At this point it would be worse if she weren’t the goblin’s bride—it would negate all the she-is-life-she-is-death angst, so she has to be. There must just be some other rule in play that they don’t know about. Maybe she’s onto something with the kiss, not the kiss itself, but the idea that true love is a factor. I’m hoping it’s something else though, because Shin mentioned regret about not repaying his debts before dying. The ghosts linger in this life because of their unresolved grudges, so I would think that the goblin is no different. Maybe seeking out the innocents who were brought to death because of him, or even taking revenge on the king will resolve the century-old grudge lodged in his heart. Maybe he has to make the sword materialize before the bride can take it out?

This episode felt really long today, mostly because Shin and Eun-tak kept changing their minds about the sword-pulling, and I’m a little weary of the back and forth on that. I mean, I obviously don’t want the goblin to die! I just don’t know why that conversation had to happen about a hundred times over the last four episodes, because if it repeats enough times, you have us wondering why he doesn’t just live or die already.

I think Goblin’s reason for wanting to live is actually clearer at this point than his reason for dying, so I felt like the back and forth actually made it seem obvious that he wanted to live and made his subsequent decision to die a little like just giving up. I thought there should’ve been a bigger change in him when Eun-tak made him cry with the big emotional declaration today, that he couldn’t be that bad a person because her existence alone is proof that this life is no punishment. It made me cry, it was so beautiful, and I finally felt like I got an emotional connection between them that wasn’t just based on a pretty moment on a pretty day. In this conversation she becomes his hope and a sign that even he deserves life—because why give him a bride if he deserves eternal suffering? I just found it sad and frustrating that he reverted to choosing death anyway when there’s her way of interpreting the whole goblin-bride relationship.

Now that we know a little something about Eun-tak being more vulnerable to reapers in her plus-nine years, I wonder what it has to do with Shin’s first vision of her future at 29. We don’t know yet why he got to see a glimpse of her in that moment, but based on what we learned from Reaper today, I don’t think the reason is a happy one. I’m sure that Reaper has his rules about not sharing his trade secrets or interfering in matters of life and death, but in any case, it’s sweet that he wishes her well even at 29. I find his growing friendship with Eun-tak adorable, since they’re the normal ones who have to deal with he moody goblin roommate and have bonded over it. Reaper is just adorable with everyone, really, and I hope for the comedy’s sake that he stays as bumbling in his romance with Sunny as he has been.

At least we got the big sword-pulling question out of the way for now, seeing as how she can’t, and they can stop arguing about whether she will. I just don’t even want to hear about that anymore until she’s better informed and understands the consequences of sword-pulling, because it seems unfair to put something like life and death in her hands and not tell her about it. We did get some good character stuff as Shin was wrapping up his affairs, even though we obviously knew he wasn’t really going to die—he can’t, with ten episodes left to go—but I enjoyed his goodbyes to everyone. Plus, we even got to see Reaper start to grow fond of Goblin and be sad that he’s going to die! I was pretty touched at that, though I wished he’d go the extra step and tell Eun-tak the truth about the sword. I mean, you’ll never get your Reaper-Goblin hug if Shin climbs those eternal stairs!


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Anyone else getting 10th and 11th doctor vibes?


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Now, that you mention it: 10. Definitly 10.


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I wish they stop talking about the sword issues at a point as it was beginning to feel repetitive and i still cannot see the chemistry between et and goblin. It simply looks odd to me like a misfit. I am only looking out for the romance between sunny and the reaper and the bromance between reaper and goblin. The scenes between goblin and et just feels v odd and i am not drawn by that story. The actress isnt doing a bad job but it just feels v off for me.


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Thanks for the speedy recap GF. I love this show and the melancholy tone.
The use of background music and soft lighting makes the show feel so dreamy!
Most of all this show has given me a new appreciation Gong Yoo. The sad smiles, the minute change in expression, perfect comedic timing---LOVE! he is such an amazing actor!!
I can wait for the love story b/w the reaper and sunny.
I still haven't warmed up to eun tak as a character and having see KGE brilliant acting in so many movie, I wish the writer had made her character a lil more low key.


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to be honest, i was bored for one and second, too much christian bs. I am annoyed and I dont wanna. dropped.


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lol christian? they dont mention jesus christ in this drama at all. how is it christian bs? LOLOLOL


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I love the reference of Eun tak as 'life' and 'death' to goblin.
It has such a bittersweet meaning. She literally is the reason for him to live and is the one to kill him too. But on an emotional level, she is the one who brought so much life to his lonely soul , brightening out and bringing colors to his life, which he never experienced in his 900 years.

I think there are various reasons why Eun tak wasnt able to pull out the sword.

1. The one pulling out the sword must know the real reason behind it, and should also feel the pain and sorrow of pulling it out. She still doesnt know the 'real' reason to pull out the sword, since Shin and grim never really revealed it to her. Her value is still unknown to her.

2. She isnt still the real goblin's bride officially. They havent married in real, with the vows and its not official.

3. They both need to have deep love for each other to remove the sword. Eun tak, still hasnt have much deeper feelings for Shin.

4. Samshin grandmother might be pulling on the strings to make it work between them, since she has the ability to cure people, like in this episode, with the little boy in the hospital?

I am also still a bit suspicious whether she see the sword in real, or she is imagining it? They should have included a scene where Eun tak saw the sword in goblin's chest for real, when she first met him or time before when she never knew anything about 'seeing something as goblin's bride' .


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Lmao this year is all about girls kissing guys and shocking them ??? First in W, then LOTBS, and now Goblin. W and Goblin were both comedic though~ XD

There's always a lull in every episode, but more than a deviation from plot, everything is a set up. There's always an info drop in every scene and a further emphasis on relationships.


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Thanks GF!

I was having trouble trying to figure out if the subs were right or whether I was just not getting all the nuances of the conversations. Your recap helped clarify much of it or at least confirmed what the subs said. :)

The best part of being in this phase of the show: we get to watch Eun Tak and Shin discover falling in love.

Beginning Couple checklist:
have become/remain friends - check
spend time together - check
have decent conversations and arguments - check
help each other out - check

Committed Couple checklist:
in addition to all the above...
are aware that they care for each other in a couple-y way - coming soon
are open and vulnerable towards each other - should be coming soon
have made declaration of exclusive love/commitment - waiting for this with bated breath but it may not be too soon
is self-sacrificing for the other with full knowledge of the same - this will probably be inevitable in this show's context

Then sweetness or angst and lotsa feels!!!!
We're half-way there. :)


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I think just finding a bride that can pull out the sword would be somehow to easy even if he had to wait 900 y for it. I assume true love plays a factor plus the fact that he still needs to resolve the matter with the king and the queen. When he was a general he was in battles and ready to die at any moment (for his country and his king). Maybe he is supposed to love life and wanting to live before he can have the sword pulled out. A real punishment would be him having to die went it is the last thing he wants to do. No? Is the bride a blessing or a curse for the goblin?
Is the granny God? Or is she Fate? She seems to be higher ranked than grim reaper who does not see or feel her presence but she knows all their past lives.


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I'd like to take a moment to express how much I love and appreciate Goblin's comment section here in DB these days because apparently we finally have moved on, mostly, from redundant age-gap whines to genuinely interesting in-depth discussions and thought-provoking (+ sometimes totally hilarious ^^) analysis focusing on the drama itself - the characters' developments and interactions among each other, the production technicalities, the story, the emotions, the theories, the helpful little insights to Korean folklore.. It's what I truly come here for, so thank you very much folks and please keep 'em flowing! :D


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I think ignoring is always the way to go. Eventually, people who love the show will discuss theories and plots and growth and changes.....and complainers will complain to themselves :)


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isn't it a pleasure, these comments are so interesting, fun and enlightening! Very satisfying, like reaching the oasis after a long slog through the desert. Thanks, Beanies ❤️


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Eun-tak's attempt to decode Shin's diary entries in Classical Chinese is really touching to me. It's hard enough to read Hanja, let alone put them together in a grammatical formula that is tough even to fluent Mandarin speakers. Eun-tak's really moving forward from treating Shin as her daddy-long-legs-esque way out of a living hell to actually wanting to understand him as a person and the consequences that her role as his bride have on them both. This, now, is truly getting me on board the ship. Go forth, romance powered by almighty Classical Chinese!!!

Also Grims needs to stop being so cute! Sunny put it in the best way ever: he's so weird but somehow we just keep forgetting that and love him all the same. SO. ADORABLE.


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I was going to ask you if you can translate it. I'm that curious lol.

And yes, she is maturing in the best way. Using her ability to help her fellow ghosts and now to help understand her gorgeous Goblin.

I thought it was funny when she was upset about his unfair punishment and she wanted to punish them all lol.
I'm loving the character development even in small ways but meaningful.

Like you, I think I can ship them now.


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I think Shin sort of narrated that entry in episode 5, but here goes (omg whoever wrote it has a very nice messy style but not good for transcription and I'm not 100% sure I got all the characters right. I referred to both Shin’s original diary entry and Eun-tak’s hand-copy of it just to make sure I wasn’t missing out on anything):

埋葬 隨著離于高麗之童稚 孫子之孫子
I have buried the grandson of the grandson of the young boy who left Goryeo with me

生面異邦之不老可聞凶凶 又離不知何處時矣
The notion of being immortal in a foreign land is fraught with danger. Yet again I do not know where I will be.

吾死此生 吾思此生以賞而終局
When I die in this life, I think of it as ending with a reward.

吾之生罰也 何者之事不忘
But my life is a punishment. I do not forget anything and everything.

And yet God does not hear me.


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Argh that last line should be:

And yet God still does not hear me.


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Thank you, this is great info


You are the best!!!! Thank you so much <3.


Shout out to that calligraphy, it is just gorgeous!!! Like everything about this show.

Do we know yet why he has buried all the Helper (don't know what else to call them) family men in Canada? Why that would be and how that all works is intriguing to me.


Thank you!!


KGE is such a talented actress! I think she doing a brilliant job as the goblin's bride here.
I think Eun Tak as the goblin's bride is the goddess of love & forgiveness. She holds the key to love & redemption & everything will be alright.
I'm sure of a happy ending to this sad tale of punishment & missing souls.


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Thanks for transcribing and translating Shin's diary entries from hanja... which he did indeed recite in voice-over.

As a native speaker/reader of English, I always feel at a tremendous disadvantage because I can't read street signs, letters, royal proclamations, wanted posters, newspaper headlines, handbills, and all the other written matter that crops up in the background. I can't help but wonder what clues and background information I'm missing. So thanks for putting it in writing I can go back and refer to. ;-)

In ARANG AND THE MAGISTRATE, some of my favorite written passages were Lee Seo Rim's diary entries. I enjoyed watching different subtitles to see how they were rendered.

Which brings me to the discussion between Reaper and Shin about not being able to see the Almighty's true face, back in episode 5. When Shin said it appeared as a butterfly, all I could think of was the reference in ARANG to Zhuangzi, the man who dreamt he was a butterfly -- or was it a butterfly who dreamt he was a man?

That scene of the butterfly alighting on the hilt of Shin's sword as he lay dying was a doozy, what with the butterfly symbolism of rebirth and transformation...


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You're welcome! I'm better with Chinese than I am with Korean, so if this helped you in any way then I'm glad it did :)

The Zhuangzi call out, like you mentioned, is very strong here. Perhaps it could be a reference to how the sword in Shin's chest can actually be pulled out--are the gods the one who have made it permanent, or is Shin the one who resolutely does not want to let it go? My personal theory is that Shin needs to genuinely repent what he did in his previous life--causing the deaths of his entire family and his queen sister by stubbornly walking towards the (already mad with jealousy) king--before the sword can truly disappear. Perhaps Eun-tak doesn't even need to physically pull it out at all.

Butterflies are also traditionally manifestations of returning souls in the Chinese tradition. As a child, I was always told that a butterfly (or a moth) appearing in the house after the death of a relative was said relative's soul coming back to visit. Maybe the queen came to see Shin before she was reincarnated? That'd be kind of cool.


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That makes sense. Shin chose to die with honor at a heavy price. His whole family and comrades were executed. Even that didn't get him what he wanted. He still died a traitor.
(Gosh I hated the king and his eunuchs)

If he chose to die alone and spare his family and comrades there would be no need for him to repent.
Let the Gods decide the king's fate and his eunuchs.


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Again, thanks a million for your translation, as well as further comments on Zhuangzi and the nature of Shin's attachment to the sword. Thanks also for mentioning the Chinese tradition of lepidopterans symbolizing visitations by deceased relatives. In that case, the butterfly alighting on the hilt is that much more poignant. ;-)

I like your theory of Shin's needing to genuinely repent for his actions that led to the wholesale slaughter of his family and subordinates. I think Shin has to forgive himself, too. Maybe compassion -- towards the duped young king, for the jealous eunuchs who manipulated him, and for Kim Shin himself -- is the true solvent that will release him from the bonds of nine centuries. Think about it: Shin's jaded but compassionate response to the pregnant pedestrian's entreaty on behalf of her unborn child led to the birth of the agent who can help him end his miserable existence...


If he chose to die alone and spare his family and comrades there would be no need for him to repent.

Yeah, but then we wouldn't have a drama... Unless Shin came back as a vengeful ghost. Or something. But then we'd miss out on the bromance with Reaper and card-carrying Nephew... ;-)

I second your loathing of the eunuchs. Grrr. On the other hand, I can understand only too well why some of them would be so resentful and conniving, given the conditions of their employment. Maybe it's more surprising that so many eunuchs have served honorably, loyally, and even selflessly in so many sageuks...

FWIW, there was an identical jealous monarch motif in THE KING'S DAUGHTER, SOO BAEK-HYANG that culminated in the king's assassination rather than the death of the loyal and upright field marshal.


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I laughed out loud at new smartphone scenes, goblin and reaper sure are the funniest when they don't know what to do with human's latest technology

But then it felt weirder when I saw that there's a laptop on the reaper's desk ! Why can't he use a smartphone when he is capable to use a laptop? Why did I feel as if I have been cheated?


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Parents can use a laptop fine, but still struggle with phones. At least, that's how mine are. LOL.


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my mom works with a computer since 1994, but she cant even find her phones´ call register.


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And Goblin's 'Playstore' kills me... andweeeeee


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And I finally actively join dramabeans by commenting. Read the reviews for quite a while. The 6th ep of goblin finally got me commenting.

Firstly, anyone else wants an English 'narration' on the V Drama account in V app by Gong Yoo? I've been replaying that PlayStore and tree for the whole day..... I'm not okay ☺

And I've a theory regarding the ring. I think it's another goblin (I would like to use the word horcrux) as they described it in the 1st episode. It was said that a thing touching blood and stuffs becomes a goblin, so why not the ring? It has to be connected to KS as well.


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Ohh good point about the ring - I remember thinking the same thing in the first episode but forgot about it. Euntak's mom also picks it up in Granny's stall.
I guess it's not a goblin yet because no soul has occupied it.


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oh my gosh, the craziest fan theory just came to me: if the ring really could be a horcrux and potential future goblin, what if ET is given the ring but then 10yrs later dies and is reincarnated as a goblin (maybe her sin is not pulling out the sword before 'death') via the ring, then ET goblin & our resident Kim Shin goblin can live together happily as immortals forever, helping lost ghosts find their way and then eventually (like during alien invasion or armageddon), remove each other's horcruxes at the same time, drink tea together before Reaper and RIP together. Yes? Yes??


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I had the similar thoughts in my mind. How interesting would it be to see this version on screen? But I bet they'll have any part of our crazy theory in the actual drama ?


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Aww that's such a sweet theory!

The ring is special for sure, but I also wonder about the scarf now. It was used every day by Euntak and her mom, it was drenched in Euntak's mom's blood before Goblin saved them, and was witness to Euntak's mom's strong will to be saved (one translation of how a goblin gets made was that a strong will had to occupy said object).
What if Euntak is already a Goblin O_o


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I find myself growing more and more attached to Eun Tak, and her super enthusiastic and lovely ways. And how she puts up with her melancholic and grumpy goblin :D


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Yes, i love Eun Tak's character too. She has to put up a lot to be with her goblin husband & his hurtful words. Gong Yoo & Lee Dong Wook are great actors but Kim Go Eun is a truly amazing actress. She is the one holding this drama together & will be the one to save all these lost souls from centuries ago.


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Because this episode was slow, I took time to appreciate the decor of the Goblin Castle. It is beautiful! That dining area and that corridor of windows!! It really is lovely! And does anyone else think that the facade of the castle/mansion was in Goong?

I really don't want to drop this drama. Please be better. Pleaseeee


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Shin's digs have some lovely architectural touches. I especially like the doors with semicircular lintels, and the bank of similarly curved Art Nouveau leaded windows.

With its stained-glass skylight and edging panels, the ceiling of Shin's bedroom almost looks like a greenhouse. I thought Eun-tak's room was supposed to be above his, so the big skylight throws me. Maybe I'm not looking at it correctly.


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You know your art design! The hues are pretty and strong. I could walk into my home and be happy just immersing myself in the surroundings.


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Definitely it's the exterior entrance from Goong. I keep waiting for the VW Bug to pull up!


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I thought the same thing! Ahhh nostalgia. Im thinking that the they have Goong's decorator. The decor seems familiar. Goong's decorator translated Korean colours really well in the home, making sure it looks grand and royal, eclectic pieces everywhere. Here, in this mansion, it looks dark and antiquey, but with natural bursts of colours here and there. Manly, pretty, timeless, spacious and luxurious. It caught the personality of the Goblin and his story. Love it.


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The exterior is the Western House in Unhyeongung! Super pretty, and I remember it from Goong too.


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Can whoever style Gong Yoo use "the caaaaard" and style me? I am sure it's probably Gong Yoo's aura but I look forward to his styling as much as anything. The grey on grey on grey combo today was EXCELLENT.


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Also, is it me or he has the best hair? I have not seen a more glorious man since Park Hyungsik in High Society.


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Gong Yoo is GLORIOUS. I caught my self sighing at the sights of him wearing all those pretty coats/jackets. The grey one, the brown one, the plaid one. I sighed, and sighed, and even paused some scenes to really look at him. He is the very definition of this saying , ' A man is like a fine wine.'


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Gorgeousss. Such a treat. Everyone here looks well put together. Who is the stylist, makeupartist? Gong yoo looks so snuggly! Lee Dong wook's gangly figure was accentuated stylishly. Yummm. Sunny's colours are very pretty! Wish she has more story soon.


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While I agree with you alllllmost 100% on their great styling here, I'm pretty sure Reaper's sweater (in the pills-or-liquor scene) escaped from Heirs ?

Seeing that I laughed and thought, hey LMH, you dodged one!


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I also love the styling of the actors. And I like how they all have individual styles suited to their character. My favorite is of course Shin. Those beautiful coats. Gong Yoo carries them well.


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He rocks the turtlenecks too. I'm so pleased to see that more and more people get his appeal now, we can all swoon in unison.


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I love his cashmere sweaters too! Daebak!


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I like Goblin. I do, but i feel like there's something missing in it. I'm getting that feeling you get when you have an itch in that part of your back you can't reach. Sooooo very frustrating, but you know you will find relief if you could just find a damn wire hanger to scratch it with. I love, love the moments between Goblin and Reaper(technologically challenged Reaper may just be my favorite thing ever). I love the Reaper and Sunny's weird dates. I love Doek-hwa's forbidden love affair with his credit card. I love the rare moments when Eun-tak is mature. I just wish I loved the show as a whole. Am I being too demanding? Maybe. Am i difficult to please. Yes. *shrug. I just really can't wait for the show to give me that hanger and go from a show I tune in to watch every week to a show that makes me lose my mind waiting for the next episode because it's just that epic.


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I'm experiencing the same feeling. Even though I love parts of it, I can't seem to love Goblin as a whole. My guess is that there is actually not that much of a story to tell, so we spend a large amount of time with gorgeous cinematographic filler. Fun filler, that makes you come back for more, but filler nonetheless.


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It is story telling at its best. It is just perfect for me.


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Perhaps it's substance?


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This was an interesting episode to me ...I had always assumed that the sword was a symbol of resentment and anger but I realized that goblin also felt tremendous guilt.....guilt for putting so many innocent people in danger knowing that nothing would change when he took a step towards the king. He is bound to life by his unresolved feelings. I assume that his burden is so heavy that he needed a bride to help him get through it. In true sense he has never really lived, smiled or wondered at the miracle of almighty. His bride is supposed to get him there and thus pull out the proverbial sword that holds him back.

He has to learn to live, want to live and love to become free. I find it interesting that his bride is a missing soul who is not truly bound by any rule other than she is at risk at 9, 19, 29... year of her life. Will the Goblin be ready to live just so he can save her then and grant her another 10 years? The fate or almighty (lady in red) has protected her so far so there must be a reason for that.

I noticed that queen's blood seeped into the ring too...did her soul also get entrapped in it though maybe not in the same way as goblin?


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I don't know about her soul, but it's almost like her brains got trapped in the ring while the rest of her became Sunny.


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@Lord Cobol - This is the best comment - made me laugh out loud! XD


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Hahaha....that's a good one!


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Am I the only one who wanted eun tak to pull out the sword.. just because I'm curious of what's gonna happen. I mean he won't actually died straight away or poof into dust.. right?

Also the vision or smthg, she was 29 and the grim reaper mention the 9 years thing.. that can't be a coincidence.. why not made her 30 or more. Just my observation. This episode was fun too! ?


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I sure hope that Shin doesn't get instantly dusted like a vampire staked by Buffy. Nooooo!

* pulls self together *

For me, the best-case scenario I can imagine at this time is that pulling out the sword ends his immortality and starts his mortal countdown timer... I'm hoping the former goblin will get to live a long and happy life with his human wife, and they'll both age gracefully in sync. I can dream, can't I?


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I loved the first four episodes but am I the only one who feels that the last two have fallen off tracK? I thought the ending of Episode 4 was beautiful but too much of a good thing could be annoying. I think they are overdoing the poetic scenes. And Goblin is fast losing his appeal by being an emo, conflicted crybaby. One or two scenes that show his pain and his internal conflict should be enough, but endless scenes of him vacillating, him crying, him waxing poetic and looking morose is grating on my kdrama nerves. It's just no good for the kdrama lead to be THIS weak. I understand why he should be conflicted but enough is enough of the"I am lonely and agonized in a poetic way" scenes.

Also, I guess I'm the only one who felt that hair-patting scene just served to emphasize the awkwardness between the leads? That just felt somewhat cringeworthy. And that kiss at the end didn't help. Oh, well. I'm hoping things would pick up in the next episodes.


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You are soooo right, he is an emo, conflicted crybaby. He needs counselling and he needs to take it seriously. Guys are so emotionally stunted by getting stabbed with a sword. They always take it out on everybody around them ,


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Oh, the sarcasm! I know why he is tortured and I am not saying he shouldn't be. All I'm saying is hammering it on in every scene is not helping the Goblin's sex appeal.


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I agree. The ”I am lonely and agonized in a poetic way” scenes are getting very repetitive and tiresome to me as well. I do get it; our Goblin did probably leave "been there, done that" land about 400 years ago. He's old, bored and tired but scene after scene of staring pensively into a book of poetry, a rain swept window or a deserted street isn't very cinematic. Especially since there is lots of scope for action and thrills in his past.

Like why is he a goblin? In Western mythology and folklore things like goblins, leprechauns, dwarfs etc live underground and are guardians of the treasures of the earth. So the Seven Dwarfs and the mine they go to to dig treasure every day, or the leprechaun guarding his pot of gold. But it seems that in Korean goblin mythology, his goblin-ness is actually the sword as goblins are created by transforming an inanimate object. When the sword is pulled, Kim Shin will cease to exist but it seems that the goblin/sword will carry on and some one, maybe the Samshin Grandmother, will pass it to some other candidate. And was there a goblin before him who was freed by the bestowing of the sword on Kim shin? This is exciting to me; gazing endlessly at poetry really isn't.


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IKR. They did one beautiful shot that involved poetry and they should have stopped at that or maybe repeated something like it several episodes later, but to do it again and again in the succeeding episodes is just a bit too much, is way too self-indulgent for the director. I have a degree in literature so I am not averse to poetry. I actually really enjoyed that scene where ET was crossing the street and Goblin was reciting the "Physics of Love." But in a kdrama, poetry and poetic scenes should be used sparingly, IMHO.

And I agree that there are so many different avenues to explore in the plot that would have made this all more interesting. I don't get why they seem to be meandering along at a slow pace, rehashing scenes again and again and just dwelling on the melancholy and agony and vacillation in scene after scene. If it's an artsy-fartsy storytelling technique to go along with the poetry, then it's just not working for me.


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You're absolutely right, if she isn't the goblin's bride than all the angst filled moments where the Goblin has been brooding over her are null.

I'm guessing she needs to wear the ring before she is able to pull out the sword.

I think this means that when the Goblin meets Sunny, there's going to be some special connection because she is wearing the ring. Thus another hurdle for them to get over, just as things seem to resolve themselves again. (As is the case with dramas.)

Great recap and review!


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I was wondering too why there's been so much to and fro about pulling out the sword or not. Then I remembered that the sword causes the goblin pain so he probably wants to end that but then he's getting sucked into Eun Tak's world too....

I am getting a bit irritated with the very blatant and frequent product placements.....urgh

Also I noticed 2 inconsistencies - did anyone noticed that in ep 4 when Eun Tak went to visit them, she had no trouble getting into the house and then later when she was moving in, they suddenly couldn't figure it out? LOL. Also the blind man remembered his dog Happy even though he'd already had the forget-everything tea.

Bu I love love the chemistry between the goblin and the reaper. Lee Dongwook is killing it as the reaper! Love him!

But Kim Go-eun has no chemistry with Gong Yoo...she's painful to watch....


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I thought she was let into the house (the door was magically opened)?


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It's that scene in episode 4 when both goblin and reaper were out on the porch with her and then goblin told her to go wait inside on her own while they had a discussion. I figured if she could make it into the house that time, there wasn't a need for them all to stand outside trying to figure out the door passcode in ep 5 or was it 6?

I mean they played it for laughs but it's inconsistent..oh well


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I beg to differ. I think their chemistry together is explosive....i love how they tease each other....sparks fly like firework! I keep replaying their scenes together.
They love & adore each other but too proud to admit it.


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I love the fact that it's not about sex. More humor etc.


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It occurred to me that the reason she can't pull the sword is because she doesn't know the consequences. She has a role to play in this mythic cycle, and everyone seems to be ignoring that fact, acting like she's an afterthought to the narrative instead of its linchpin. Maybe she has to make this a conscious decision, to deliberately accept the emotional burden. Hopefully, the physical burden won't be transferred to her (though that would be an interesting resolution, wouldn't it?)


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You make an excellent point. But she is no fool, maybe it is in the contract that she is karmacally held harmless and he has to come back to her no matter what.


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I just watched Ep 6 and completely agree with you. The reason Eun-tak can't grasp the sword to pull it out is because there is deception involved. The Goblin is not being honest with her about the situation. She thinks it's going to mean his life will be improved somehow. No more pain and existential angst or something but it actually means his extinction. Imagine the horror of that for such an impressionable and good-hearted teenaged girl like Eun-tak. In mystical or mythic deals of this sort, both parties have to know and accept the conditions and consequences of the action involved. "I love you but my pain is such that I want you to kill me; I love you and want you to stay but your pain is so great I will kill you".


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Ok, I have now watched this last episode at three different websites and I have concluded that drama fever (my spiritual home) is not the best. I am much more satisfied with the dialog about the I am the boyfriend scene from drama favorite ( dramafavorite.com ). The differences are subtle but the flow of thought is much better and the pace of the subs have better timing. I am not blaming the director any more. I take it all back.
Of course this episode is all about preparing for the sword pulling,so lets get on with it. Kim Shin is doing the right thing by putting things in order on her behalf before his death. When he speaks about the crime of going forward to meet the king rather that considering the innocent lives dropping like flies around him we are at the cross roads of the KARMA. He doesn't think of others: his ego and that crazy Queen drive him toward the King even though he is militarily and politically surrounded. So now he doesn't want to break ET's heart because the guilt would be too much.


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Viki has the best and most accurate and complete subs if u can watch it, or download the subs.

Viu has the next best one (and their subs are the most often used on usual sites like dramafire-drama cool, etc.)

Dramafever subs are more like a summary with the gist of the dialogue enough to get the general sense. Sometimes, I wonder if the subs are translated from another language.


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I also watched on dramalove.tv first and then DramaFever and dramafever definitely had the worst translations of the two. Entire sentences were not transcribed (they figured you got the gist) or they simply chose the wrongs words when there clearly better ones for the situation. Really made such a difference in the nuance of some of the dialogue


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Dear V and Grace, Thanks for the heads up on the subtitles. I appreciate it, good subs make all the difference.


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I think other site are just mirrors of Viki eps and translation if I'm not wrong.
And i think that the majority favor Viki subs over Dramafever


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lots of sites uses mirrors of Viu subs because those come out faster than Viki. Viu takes several hours to come out for Goblin, Viki takes a several days.


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Most drama streaming sites like kissasian/dramacool/et cetera, like to use Viki subs, but not for the case of Goblin. Because Dramafeve got the license for Goblin in most countries, the Viki team for Goblin is smaller and their subs come out much later (but are better quality with subs for background songs and occasional explanations on wordplay as well).

Most english-speaking drama sites uses Viu subs for Goblin. On Subscene page for Goblin, srt files for Viu/Viki/Dramafever can be found and be compared to each other.

I watch Viu subs first, then am willing to wait for a few days to watch Viki subs later to understand all nuances.


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Most drama streaming sites like dramacool/et cetera, like to use Viki subs, but not for the case of Goblin. Because Dramafeve got the license for Goblin in most countries, the Viki team for Goblin is smaller and their subs come out much later (but are better quality with subs for background songs and occasional explanations on wordplay as well).

Most english-speaking drama sites uses Viu subs for Goblin. On Subscene page for Goblin, srt files for Viu/Viki/Dramafever can be found and be compared to each other.

I watch Viu subs first, then am willing to wait for a few days to watch Viki subs later to understand all nuances.


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I use downsub instead of subscene for viu and viki. I like originals. :)


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OOOO I found the lyrics to Stay With Me on youtube


Love these songs but they are repeated so often it gets to be a mind drill. I hope they add to the mix. Thanks for the expert input on where to find the best subs. I live on the east coast and viki says that my area is not showing Goblin (that rubs me the wrong way because I am paying for the same subscription as the people who are watching it somewhere else) Also went to Downsub and when I went to download the app I got a very weird porn site, I wish life could be different sometimes. Scrub those cookies if you want a good life.


Late to the convo but I'll add my bits anyway for the few later on who might see this :)

1. Viki uses the money from Viki Pass to obtain licenses. The more money, the more regions Viki can obtain. Because DF is richer, it tends to obtain more licenses even though its subs are the worst (and not by volunteers like Viki as far as I know).

2. If you must, you can bypass Viki with VPN or apps like Hola to change your region. Another way to bypass has been mentioned. Download the subs directly from Downsub (no need to download the app. Just go to Downsub dot com and paste the link, click download to download the subs. If problems with ads, use adblock. Another way is download subs from Subscene.

3. Viu is only for Singapore and HK. Like Viki, you can use the same way to bypass region restrictions and / or download subs. It is a fairly good subbing website. It lacks the details and side-notes explanations in subs like Viki or lyrics subs like Viki, but it tends to be the fastest at subbing.

4. DF... not sure I want to waste my time on it, but it has more licensed dramas than Viki, especially for the Americas but subs are... no comment.

5. Mirror sites uses DF subs more for dramas DF has licenses. Because Viu subs the fastest for certain dramas, it also get used most for those dramas. When Viki has the license, it sometimes subs fastest, even more than Viu for popular dramas. In that case, mirror sites uses Viki subs.


The lesson for today: never sign ANYTHING without thinking really THOROUGHLY about it, or when you thought you are really dying. Shin signed whatever it was written in the notebook of Eun Tak, without even the slightest idea that it could actually be a binding contract. So now, he MUST answer her every time she summons him on the first day of snow each year. Hopefully, for ever after! So I don't think he can die so easily now, Hahahahahaha! This is so calming for me, or maybe I am just in denial. ♥


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I also thought that ET couldnt pull the sword because she hasn't become the bride yet. But now that you mentioned the contract, I'm wondering if you're into something. If he was finally turned back into dust (= moved on), he wouldn't be able to fulfill his contract with ET... Ohh, I like your the theory !


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Does anyone else think maybe Eun Tak 's birth is serving another purpose other then being the Goblins bride?
The birthmark, ok but the ghost seeing might be an indication.
After all, Goblin can be seen by people so there is no need for her to have ghost seeing skills; It does however help her to see the ghosts and reaper.
Maybe that is also her purpose, to become a guardian too, some sort of redemption deity.
Reaper is the one who guides people to the afterlife, but what are the ghosts? I'm guessing nice people who did not drink the tea and refused to move on due to unfinished business, i don't think reaper can force them to go to the afterlife and they are not lost souls neither because they are already dead.
Granny takes care of the children and the pregnant women (no ghosts)
Goblin can punish or reward only the living it would seem, so once again, nobody is taking care of the ghosts.
It seems so symbolic for Eun Tak to be sitting in between Shin and reaper at the table, being friends to both of them.
The bridge between death and everlasting life personified.
For Sunny (the orphan) too, i think it was Sunny on the phone with ET when she was in canada.Now Sunny suddenly has a family, she has ET as a little sister. Not lonely anymore.
The ghosts too, they finally have someone to listen to them,help them resolve their unfinished business so reaper can finally send them on their way to the afterlife without any regrets.
Shin has been living for 900 years, suffering from the memories of al the people who died for him, but did he actually ever DO something to comemmorate them? other then thinking of them.
Granny told ET once "i was the happiest when i blessed your mother with you" indicating that she had a hand in the conceivement, like as if ET was meant to be, for a purpose.
Even that Deus ex butterly said that "only the goblin's bride can pull the sword and WHEN she does, you will be returned to ash" but he did not say just what time WHEN would be, it could also mean that she could finally pull out the sword when she is at the end of her mortal life so they can both pass on together.
Ah also, reaper, i think he can't touch living beings or they die, hence the clumsyness every time sunny reaches for his hands (ring, phone) and the awkward pos to stop her from falling (see!no hand mom!)


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It was established when Reaper and Goblin watched the dancing on television (and Deokhwa was asking about the hand) that Reaper told Goblin he could only tell someone's past life if he touched them. So when Reaper touches someone, he most likely will be able to see their past lives. Some speculate his own past life will appear as well.


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I got really excited when he said, that he still had unfinished business, because he hadn't met some people from his past. I only thought of him meeting Sunny and what would happen. Omg.


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Loving this show and learning so much from the discussion here. One question I have (that is probably a rabbit trail leading to nowhere like the corpse with the ring in W) but why are their suddenly customers in Sunny's restaurant? Other than ET's aunt, I don't recall there ever being anykne else there before? It probably means nothing story-wise but it caught my attention so I figured I'd ask. (Maybe the sponsor thought an empty shop sent a bad message? Lol)


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or the shop represents Sunny's life?
Before she was lonely and bored, she is an orphan and has no family.
Now she has Eun Tak who she treats as a little sister.
The ghosts feel at ease there and she is falling for reaper.
Her life is becoming full and bussling then so is her shop.


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Good question. It's also interesting that Shin told eun tak where to go to get her coveted job. As if he knew Sunny and him have got some invisible connection.


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Yah I noticed the customers in Sunny's shop too LOL. I figured the same - that Olive Chicken must've told the PD it makes them look bad. hahahaha....there's no explanation given though...and how is Sunny going to cope with customers when she just told ET to stay home and study?


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I think it would be more interesting if ET is NOT the Goblin's bride, and he falls for her nonetheless. It's possible she could see the sword only because she is psychic.


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Arghh! Another week! Love this drama.

I had a lot of thoughts as to why she couldn't touch the sword, but the one that bugs me is the fact that he's actually 938 instead of 939. Since the goofiest Reaper ever let it slip about the whole 9 thing and all.

Man, it's going to be another long week. I've already rewatched Coffe Prince, guess I need to find another Gong Yoo placebo to make it through the week.


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I just watched Train to Busan because of it. And it made me cry.


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Try Starcandy and Biscuit Teacher with him and Gong Hyo jin. Oldie but goodie. Also if you have time to kill for a touch of mak jang, try One Fine Day. He's got quite a collection of movies too.


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I'm thinking that Eun-tak has to be dead (a ghost) to be able to pull out the sword. She's most definitely the goblin's bride and i think another sacrifice has to be made to release the goblin from the curse...


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I just think she need to touch one sword before she can pullout another ??


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Reaper is the King who betrayed Shin... or had something to do with it. I'm totally calling it right now!

Also, I was suspecting that the big twist would be that pulling the sword doesn't kill Shin immediately but just returned him to mortality to pick up where he left off. But now that we have this plus 9 mystery I wouldn't be surprised if they do a 10 year time jump and he and Eun Tak decide to go together. That would clear up some of the age gap issues... though 19-year-old me would have no qualms about running at with 900 year old Gong Yoo.


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Yes please age ET by 10 years quickly. The lead actress does not have a cute face, it is so cringy to watch her acting as a high schooler. I like Sunny a lot better!


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She is plenty cute to me and she is doing a fine job as a high schooler. Sometimes I wonder if we are watching the same show.


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beauty is in the eyes of the beholder... i am glad you like her, but i don't.


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I love ET character & KGE's acting . Her smile is so fresh & sweet. She is beautiful to me


still not convinced


I don't think anyone is trying to convince you to like her lol. You just don't and that's perfectly fine.


I think Sunny was the queen (Shin's sister) and Lee Dong Wook was Shin's best friend warrior whom Shin trusted to put the sword in his heart. I think his sister & his best friend were in love during Goryeo time.


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The man who put the sword in Shin was quite old I recall... Please don't scare me that he was the Queen's lover ?. Do you also imply the Queen was an adulteress also?


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M not literated about Korea's history fyi.

Fictionally, adultery sounds awful. I prefer it's Shin's best friend warrior's 1-sided love towards Shin's sister.

I hvnt watched the 1st episode again to see how old the man was, guessing he was not much older than Shin to go battling w/ him.

I just couldnt imagine an immature young king who let Shin's family (including Shin's sister, the queen) & Shin's soldier be killed massively in front of Shin's eyes would be of same age w/ Shin in the future & become Shin's bestie/housemate/togetherly saved euntak when she was kidnapped by loansharks & become romantic sharing-bromate in the future.

I was hoping the immature king would be Deok Hwa hehe... Deok Hwa had always had the snobby attitude toward Shin since he was a boy, like he was a king hehe..n now he's Shin' 'nephew'.

I can also imagine Reaper & Shin's after breakfast cutlery duel as Shin practicing w/ his best friend warrior in the past.


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@CencenChr - please please rewatch ep 1. I hope you like him!! LOL...


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@candycane, i just looked at pictures of ep 1 recap in this web n haha...ok...my idea was a bit silly..

I hv another thought tho. If Shin became a goblin because his soul sept into the sword stained by his hand and many people's blood. Maybe the queen who died with the ring on her finger became Helmoni granny, goddess of birth & fate. N thus she helped Shin by 'helping' the birth of Eun Tak & ill-fatedly helped Reaper who was the king to meet w/ Sunny, his future 'tormenter'. It seems like Helmoni granny is the real owner of the ring & used it to 'punish' the king.

I still dont like the idea of 'bad' king becoming Shin's goodlooking bestie in d future tho ?


good point this time! But if Granny was the Queen, then why didn't she go up to Shin and say "I am your sister"?.... They should just team up and torment Reaper (if he was the king who killed them)... I like Sunny, I hope she has more screentime... Don't like ET, she acts too young while she is not...


After some extensive reading, i was gonna ask u about what Reaper's true name 'Wang Yeo' means in Korean. Found out his true name (if he remembers it eventually) from google.

Some also suspected that King became Sunny & Queen --> Reaper. But i wondered what Queen's really evil deed to result in her reincarting as Reaper, doesnt make sense.

Then i read this "Ahhhhh Gut feel that GRIM REAPER IS REALLY THE KING.. GR name is Wang Yeon. Era when Kim Shin is Killed Goryeo
Goryeo is lead by Wang siblings.. wooooo… scarlet heart moon lovers memory.. lols…".

So i guess Queen really reincarnated as human Sunny & King --> GR Wang Yeo, in which Samshin granny (Samshin is/means goddess of birth in korean folktale - skipped reading korean folktale wikipedia) said "didnt matter who paid for the ring, both of them would pay a high price eventually".

I guess Sunny would die & GR experience a heartbreak again by hving to give the memory-eraser-tea to Sunny & send her to the afterlife like in Goryeo time.

Maybe King was a good friend to Shin before the eunuch badly influenced him to kill Shin. So, present GR-Shin's bromance is understandable.

I wonder if Goryeo time event would repeat. Would GR try to kill Shin again? 16 episodes seem too short if Goryeo event repeats itself. Packing Shin-ET love story, why & who ET during Goryeo, Sunny-GR, GR-Shin, Deok-hwa story, Samshin's granny story in 10 episodes left plus next episode's preview will b about Shin's jealousy toward ET's highschool senior, hope those 10 episodes & the ending will be satisfactory in all aspects *the writer has be a god herself with such commentful viewers like us* ?


@candycane - my 8.75-yr-old nephew is staying w/ me & my parents for holiday. He is very curious abt ghosts etc. His mom watches Legend of the Blue Sea w/ him, so i guess since his mom lets him watch 15-y.o. & above korean drama, why not showing him a more interesting korean drama, goblin ?

I wanted to make him interested by jumping 2ep two in which Shin half-cut the loan shark's car w/ his big sword. And my nephew went for it, goblin, angel (he keeps calling GR as angel instead of death/soul reaper angel - i hvnt explained him different angels exist in bible etc ^^) & the ghosts seen by ET ^^

It's so funny watching my 8.75 y.o. nephew watching korean drama (his mom started it, not me^^).

Anyw, after rewatching those episodes w/ him, i think Shin's 2nd in command warrior friend was that boy whom Shin stopped from running away from home, gave sandwich to, told him his stepdad wouldnt beat him coz Shin made stepdad break his arm tripped by the doorstep pot Shin moved purposely, told the boy the correct answer for exam & when the boy became old & died peacefully, Shin said goodbye to him in GR's tearoom, telling him that since he chose not 2cheat in exam although Shin told him the correct answer & became a good lawyer helping many people, Shin respected him.

The sword may not be literally a sword in Shin's heart but Shin's vengeance toward the king/grim reaper when Shin finds out that GR was king. When ET succeeds to make Shin & GR not kill each other when truth's out & make peace, the sword will disappear itself. Shin becomes mortal, spending the rest of his live w/ ET till death do them apart.

M just wondering what Queen did wrong in d past that Samshin granny (goddess of birth & fate) wanted her & GR to pay a high price for the ring when they bought it from granny.

Maybe in Goryeo time, Shin loved Queen before she chose to marry King (Queen chose the RING) thus she had to accept the consequences getting killed by the King. She didnt commit adultery w/ Shin though. She just chose wrong at the beginning, ring instead of Shin/love. And in modern time, Queen/Sunny chose the ring again, and thus Samshin granny said she & GR would pay a high price for the ring.

As for whom ET & Samshin granny were in the past, we'll hv to wait for next episodes ?

I live in Jakarta, Indonesia btw, greetings, anyeonghaseiyo, it's nice to know & talk2/share w/u here ?


After some extensive reading, i was gonna ask u about what Reaper's true name 'Wang Yeo' means in Korean. Found out his true name (if he remembers it eventually) from google.

Some also suspected that King became Sunny & Queen --> Reaper. But i wondered what Queen's really evil deed to result in her reincarting as Reaper, doesnt make sense.

Then i read this "Ahhhhh Gut feel that GRIM REAPER IS REALLY THE KING.. GR name is Wang Yeon. Era when Kim Shin is Killed Goryeo
Goryeo is lead by Wang siblings.. wooooo… scarlet heart moon lovers memory.. lols…".

So i guess Queen really reincarnated as human Sunny & King --> GR Wang Yeo, in which Samshin granny (Samshin is/means goddess of birth in korean folktale - skipped reading korean folktale wikipedia) said "didnt matter who paid for the ring, both of them would pay a high price eventually".

I guess Sunny would die & GR experience a heartbreak again by hving to give the memory-eraser-tea to Sunny & send her to the afterlife like in Goryeo time.

Maybe King was a good friend to Shin before the eunuch badly influenced him to kill Shin. So, present GR-Shin's bromance is understandable.

I wonder if Goryeo time event would repeat. Would GR try to kill Shin again? 16 episodes seem too short if Goryeo event repeats itself. Packing Shin-ET love story, why & who ET during Goryeo, Sunny-GR, GR-Shin, Deok-hwa story, Samshin's granny story in 10 episodes left plus next episode's preview will b about Shin's jealousy toward ET's highschool senior, hope those 10 episodes & the ending will be satisfactory in all aspects *the writer has be a god herself with such commentful viewers like us* ?


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@CencenChr - thanks for your insightful analysis. It is interesting to make predictions, isn't it?
@Wan - if you just watch to watch the drama and not think, please don't reply here.


Oh dear....this is mind boggling!

Let's just enjoy this drama....


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@Wan - i am not a korean, i am indonesian chinese living in Jakarta, Indonesia. I am not korean language & history literated. I am just trying to understand this drama coz watching it once (as foreigner not korean) wont make u understand the drama, so i also hv to read dramabeans' recaps & comments, google the drama title & rewatch the episodes to understand it. I think if we have a picture of what the writer wanted us to understand in everyscene, it'll be easier for us to understand next episodes' scenes when we watch them first-timely ?

@candycane - my 8.75-yr-old nephew is staying w/ me & my parents for holiday. He is very curious abt ghosts etc. His mom watches Legend of the Blue Sea w/ him, so i guess since his mom lets him watch 15-y.o. & above korean drama, why not showing him a more interesting korean drama, goblin ?

I wanted to make him interested by jumping 2ep two in which Shin half-cut the loan shark's car w/ his big sword. And my nephew went for it, goblin, ghosts seen by ET & angel (he keeps calling GR as angel instead of death/soul reaper angel - i hvnt explained him different angels exist in bible etc ^^).

It's so funny watching my 8.75 y.o. nephew watching korean drama (his mom started it, not me^^).

Anyw, after rewatching those episodes w/ him, i think Shin's 2nd in command warrior friend was that boy whom Shin stopped from running away from home, gave sandwich to, told him his stepdad wouldnt beat him coz Shin made stepdad break his arm tripped by the doorstep pot Shin moved purposely, told the boy the correct answer for exam & when the boy became old & died peacefully, Shin said goodbye to him in GR's tearoom, telling him that since he chose not 2cheat in exam although Shin told him the correct answer & became a good lawyer helping many people, Shin respected him.

The sword may not be literally a sword in Shin's heart but Shin's vengeance toward the king/grim reaper when Shin finds out that GR was king. When ET succeeds to make Shin & GR not kill each other when truth's out & make peace, the sword will disappear itself. Shin becomes mortal, spending the rest of his live w/ ET till death do them apart.

M just wondering what Queen did wrong in d past that Samshin granny (goddess of birth & fate) wanted her & GR to pay a high price for the ring when they bought it from granny.

Maybe in Goryeo time, Shin loved Queen before she chose to marry King (Queen chose the RING) thus she had to accept the consequences getting killed by the King. She didnt commit adultery w/ Shin though. She just chose wrong at the beginning, ring instead of Shin/love. And in modern time, Queen/Sunny chose the ring again, and thus Samshin granny said she & GR would pay a high price for the ring.

As for whom ET & Samshin granny were in the past, we'll hv to wait for next episodes ?

I live in Jakarta, Indonesia btw, greetings, anyeonghaseiyo, it's nice to know & talk2/share w/u here ?


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I have been thinking why goblin and reaper are the besties, and why their pair is so important? Somehow ,everything points back to the opening scene of the drama, when queen told shin to go ahead, it's still a puzzle to figure out who's who, especially the reaper. I saw on last episode, reaper signs off as 'reaper kim', now don't know whether that stands for kwb lol or kim as in kim shin' sister's surname.
Also seeing how the writer is pulling some tricks or rather saving them for the end of the episodes, seems like we're yet to get more surprises, since sunny being the sister and reaper the king would be too easy to happen I guess? It felt that somehow reaper and sunny won't have a happy ending, the halmony's predictions were quite foreboding.
As much as I love the bickering, but the goblin-et pair shines best at the heartbreaking bittersweet moments. Also eun tak not knowing that all these is not just for getting 'pretty' makes it more interesting. Btw,I'm curious to know how all those deciphering of shin's diaries would turn out, but what was she looking for at Shin's hands? Anyway, I'm looking for all the angst and amnesia moments, if eun tak does loss her memory at 29 in future, it would be double bonanza for me lol.


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*loose her memory


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I wondered about that Reaper Kim signature myself.

Gah - I feel like I am watching W all over again with all of this guessing. Why am I live-watching this show? Why???


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in Ep3, the scene where the reapers met at the hospital, the two male reapers as well as the female one introduced themselves as Reaper Kim of different batches/teams. Seems as if it's kinda like a standardized name for reapers?

I've read that in Korea, the most common surnames are Kim and Lee. Which means more of the dead would be Kims and Lees. And thus perhaps why "Kim" was chosen as the reapers' surname? Of cos, it could also be purposely done to throw viewers off... x_x


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thank you for the recap!! :)
this drama is turning me into a lunatic!! I'm crying then laughing out loud withen a split of a second!! hhhhhhhhhhhh
how can I see the real Kim Woo Bin without remembering our newly named Grim Reaper Kim Woo Bin?!! LOL
I loved the growing friendship between Grim Reaper and Kim Shin and Grim Reaper with Eun Tak, I loved how Kim Shin opened up a little more to Eun Tak and told her a little about his past and I cried a river all along the goodbye scenes (Grim Reaper had to make me laugh out loud through my tears for sure!! hhhhhh)!!
and when Kim Shin kept telling her "tomorrow" every day, it was like he's trying to in one more day around her and that broke my heart and when he gave her his last words before pulling the sword!! I cried non stop and then it didn't work and they started bickering and I started laughing!! hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and the "fairytale Prince kiss"!! OMO what will happen now?!! ^__^


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I was ready with a box of tissues when Kim Shin was saying his last words. After the kiss, i fell off the sofa laughing so hard....


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I think pulling the sword will make him mortal-- instead of instant death


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Brilliant thought!


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We do hope so! Don't want to see uri preciuos Goblin turns into ashes.. ooo jaebaaal pleassee


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Argh! I see too many stairs without handrails in kdramas. Dangerous, especially since kdrama precedent is that a fall down the stairs kills you.

At least Stairway to Heaven has the excuse that they are already dead, so it can't hurt them any more if they fall. Or can it -- what if they fall all the way, so to speak ?!?

Anyway, the stair-related death toll means there's something wrong with either kdrama stairs or kdrama Koreans -- I know from personal experience that a 60-ish American can go head over heals down American stairs with no damage to anything except his pride.


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Hi, I am new here. I'm curious, is it just me or does it seem that the goblin's supposed noble idiocy is more like sheer stupidity? We all know that Eun tak is a missing soul, and when a reaper comes across a missing soul, they try to take them. In fact, he already saw firsthand the reaper trying to take Eun tak and it was him the goblin that stopped him. Does he really trust the reaper won't take Eun tak once he is no longer there to stop him? Sure, the reaper might like Eun tak and all, but he is still a reaper. And even if our reaper doesn't, there are plenty of other reapers. He can't expect our reaper to not only not take Eun tak, but also actively prevent other reapers to ignore her existence, can he? If he cares for her as we have been led to believe, shouldn't he be more interested in keeping her alive first and then worry about her emotional well-being? Did I miss something? I am confused.


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Hi Cyanna, and welcome! I was thinking, huh there sure are a lot of Reapers, Seoul must be split up into really small Death Districts! But seriously, they get specific assignments and they don't operate like bounty hunters. They only go after the people (and Special Cases) who are assigned to them. But I do wonder what happens if a Reaper goes rogue and stalls on a certain Special Case? Does she (the SC) then get assigned to his Manager or maybe that new Lady Reaper (who surely is also someone from the past, right)? Hmmm.


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I just find it strange that goblin never for once worried about her longevity after he is gone. After all he is the only one really invested in keeping her alive. He asked grandpa to take care of Eun tak, but he would be no match against the reaper, and I don't think he knows about the grandma. Does he really expect her to live a long happy life when he's gone? Do missing souls just live forever until a reaper catches up with them? It would have made more sense if he went and changed her status as a missing soul or something.
Or maybe when he saw the future, he decided he'd better act accordingly to make that future come true? And since in that future Eun tak says she has never been abroad, he assumed he must've died and had her memories erased?
It also makes wonder how visions of the future works in this setting. Is it set in stone or can it be changed? This whole thing about Eun tak being a missing soul seems to suggest that the future is not set in stone. Otherwise her mother and her would have died despite the goblin's interference. And consider all the other times the goblin interfered with human lives, for example with the Paris boy, was the goblin part of what made the correct future or did he change someone's fate?
I think I am going off topic and will stop now.


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I’ve been rewatching earlier episodes to understand why it is that Eun Tak cannot remove the sword and have some thoughts which I have captured in my blog: https://kdramaanalysis.wordpress.com/2016/12/18/the-lonely-and-shining-goblin-possible-theories-about-the-goblins-wife/

Summarising my thoughts here..

I remember when Shin was first revived, what was said by God was that he was given immortality both as a reward and as a punishment. A lot has been said about how he has unfinished business in terms of atoning for his sins. However, I believe that God is not completely against Shin and hence this immortality is indeed a gift. In episode 1 too, we know that God is on Shin’s side as Shin’s man even runs up to the young king who tries to kill Shin and asks him if he’s not afraid of Heaven. I believe that there’s a certain appreciation of life that God wants Shin to experience as well before going, and Goblin’s bride will be the means to help him do so. We see that since he met Eun Tak, he has now learnt how to live again, and all his existence prior to her is meaningless, or as he said, he has no memories of them. My theory therefore is that the sword can only be taken out when Shin has both experienced the reward and punishment of immortality; it’s kind of bittersweet but also in line with the tone of the show.


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Just a thought, but I'm wondering if Sunny is really a human? The fortune teller seemed to know something more that was unsaid, when she said that Sunny had no blood relatives. Sunny is really an enigma even to Eun-tak, who can see ghosts. We've already seen that Eun-tak can lie by omission (pretending to not see the sword in the Goblin from the beginning), so why should we assume that Sunny is exactly as she seems?

I was really hoping that this drama would be a departure from the usual drama story lines using noble idiocy and missed connections between couples who don't share all their information, but sadly, no. Still, I love it for the acting and the beautiful cinematography.


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First time commenting for my growing love for Goblin.

For the future Eun Tak that Kim Shin saw in the opening, it is from the waiter's future. Their eyes met as he enter the restau. The whole scene was on the waiter's pov. Found this from facebook. Ctto's mind for figuring this out.

For Eun Tak's not grabbing the sword, I'll enjoy reading the theoies here.


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ugh, the editing during the scene where shin says, “Stop calling me. Stop calling me, Ji Eun-tak. Let me go," breaks my heart because you see eun tak's smile fade and her head hanging low, as if in reaction to what he's saying. beautiful and heartbreaking... ??????

i love how shin, the "shining goblin," is constantly describing eun tak and the time he spends w/ her as "shining." it's a beautiful adjective to describe someone and coming from him (i guess it's the way gong yoo says it), it's so beautiful and heartbreaking (omg, what isn't in this drama?), it makes me tear up every time. the fact that he saw a glimpse of her future w/o him (or so he thinks?) and is already jumping to conclusions that she's perfectly fine w/o him in her life and that her life seems complete, just breaks my heart. idk if he's the mysterious person she's lunching w/, but i kinda hope he is--but as himself and not a reincarnation of him bc am i the only one that thinks it's not the same if it's a reincarnated ver of himself? like, it looks like him but the things they talked abt and went through together isn't part of that ver of him... and if it ends up not being shin, then i'd kinda be hurt on his behalf bc that's kinda their special place, so i wouldn't want her to be there w/ some other guy... which, what a coincidence if it is someone else and she just so happened to dine in there not knowing she was there before... so many thoughts and questions!

i loved the tear wiping scene and when eun tak said "you're being loved, truly" gahhhhhhhhhh i cry w/ shin! also love the head patting/hair caressing part bc of the intense eye contact (which, they're really good at--their eye contact game is strong) and was i the only one that was like eun tak in the earlier eps, going, "kiss! kiss! kiss!"? too soon? fine, i'll wait.

grims warming up to eun tak and talking to her comfortably vs how he acts/talks to sunny reminds me of how raj on big bang theory didn't know how to talk to women but eventually started talking to penny.


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This was a very weepy episode, our trio in general feel all the feels and have flair for the dramatic. Even so I think the Reaper is the most sensitive of the bunch and I feel so preemptively sad and nervous at how devastated he's going to be once he finds out the crimes of his past life.


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Have been bugged for a while about this: when Grim Reaper-sshi have to fill forms about missing soul, there are two forms. Am assuming one is for Eun-tak and one is for her mom, but, mom is dead. So shouldn't her soul have gone to reaper's tea room, instead of missing? Makes me wonder whether mom's soul is put on hold in a waiting room somewhere because she doesn't have proper documentation. Damn, that'll be so sad, like, bureaucracy even when you're dead...


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I've always had the thought that it was Sunny who was the missing soul. (Although sometimes I think she not totally human.) Sunny has no family or last name as far as I'm aware. Perhaps at one point he went to 'take' her but touched her and saw both their past live (queen and king), but then the lady in red wiped his memory and hid Sunny away till she was older. That's just one of my more 'reasonable' theories. Perhaps the Goblin is the other lost soul.

Also, is there any meaning between ET's red scarf and the lady in red?


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Sunny's real name is Kim Sun. Goblin is Kim Shin. Reaper is Wang Yeo.


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Have thought too that the other missing soul might not be mom, but with all the reincarnations to be accounted for, it'll make the who's who complicated. Can't believe was thinking, oh that's easy, sunny must be the queen because of the ring, and now realised there's a sea of red herring thrown about...
Kinda love that it wasn't that simple tho, just hoping the reveal will be worth all the theories beanies have hatched here!


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I think the Reaper-Goblin pair is hilarious and much more interesting than Goblin-bride pair.
Although both the female lead and the Goblin are great as actors and are doing their role well....Reaper and Sunny really make me enjoy the show. Would like to see more development of Deok-Hwa too. What's his significance to this whole thing. I found the last episode a bit of a drag. Except when Reaper was doing his thing.


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Why is everyone always worries about ET's time jump? When what all we need is a time jump to the next saturday :( *going to hibernate*


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Ahahaha, u rite. But no no no, it's Friday! Four more days~! *rewatches the eps and my fav scenes until then*


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Oooh yees my bad.. I'm lost without goblin :( :( lol


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You and me, both, NomNom, you and me, both. ?????


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By now I've memorized the beautiful lyrics, can sing along with the title song 'Stay with me' *except chanyeol's rap part*, have seen/heard Gong Yoo's PlayStore over 100 times and successfully watched all the 6 eps twice. Till Friday I'll wait by watching LOTBS ? best of luck to me as well as the other lost souls in here waiting for the 7th ep of Goblin.


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I swear that part about the Goblin having an early birthday was improvised and Lee Dong Wook actually "broke" (as in breaking during acting) and recovered himself when Gong Yoo said that lmao.


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I thought so too


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I'm curious since u came back here several times after comment #54. Did u change ur mind about dropping the drama? What made u change ur mind if true? :)


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I can´t comment on the episode I did watch? I dont intend to keep watching.


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Haha. I never said u couldn't, I was just curious because I thought from ur comment u lost interest and wouldn't bother with Goblin anymore. I got surprised to see u again, and was wondering if u changed ur mind on dropping it. But apparently not. I'll see u in another drama then.


Ahahaha yes exactly! They probably couldn't help laughing at the fact that shin was going out of his way to explain that he was 938 and NOT 939, FYI mr Reaper-sshi! Idk if that was adlib, but I'm almost certain that their burst of laughter and smiles were the actors' doing as they broke character for a bit... you can see Lee dong wook slowly going back in character immediate afterwards. Aha, so cute! I really wanna see all the ngs/bloopers/outtakes/goodies for this drama!


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I think they are very comfortable with each other where they could mess around with the script and make it their own. They are about the same age in real life too. Reaper is 35 and Goblin is 37.


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I did think it was a little (adorably) out of character for Reaper to have such an easy laugh :)


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Here's one cute BTS scene (am totally shipping this guys :)


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Oh, interesting, so the screencap above is the instant when LDW is being himself? He looks "different" than Reaper in that photo to me, I couldn't help but notice it.


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Maybe she isn't his bride afterall? Bear with me... Her mother summoned the Goblin, so it isn't as if she is the only one. The Goblin saved the mom because she wanted him to save her baby - Eun Tak.

The mom actually died. He brought her and the baby back to life - and I wonder if he left part of himself in Eun Tak - that birthmark makes me think so.

So, she sees ghosts, sees his blade, can summon him, pass thru doorways - because she has a part of HIM in her - making her, in a way, his daughter.

His real bride is yet to come.


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She existed before he saved them. She can't be his daughter. Their connection has to do with him meddling with human affairs like bringing them back to life when they should've been dead.

I think granny was the one who made their path cross that night after all she is the goddess of birth and fate.


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Has anyone noticed the accessory that grim reaper wears on his coat. It is a crown connected to a chain.


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You know, Gong Yoo is one of my all time favorite actors--has been since Coffee Prince--but while "Big" wasn't his fault, I still refuse to watch any drama until it's actually complete. I'm DYING to see this one, but still gonna wait.


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Whoaahh im impressed.. You are much stronger than me *clap*clap*


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Major kudos to you!!


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