Beanie level: Water maid

Ok, Circle is going down as one of my number one favorite dramas of all time… and if there is a second season…. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Omo, my last comment must have bumped me up to water maid!! I can’t think of any water maids in the dramas I’ve watched, so here is something else water-related to celebrate! <3


Scrolling through so many beanie posts of Chicago Typewriter and feeling some feels even though I\’m not following it – sounds like that might need to go on my watch list…! :O


Episode 4 of Circle!!! I guess it\’s going to be a roller coaster every episode – unexpectedly, cried again… TT^TT. Where my Circle peeps at? (For some reason, I can\’t get @tagging to work :/)


    Oh gosh, same!


      Was it the end of Part 2? Bum-gyun ah~~ TT^TT


        There were so many twists, not just about Bumgyoon, but Jungyeon (I had a feeling Prof. Han was her dad) and Bluebird (identity, and the fact that Bluebird is bringing back the memories) as well. The show kept us guessing about Joonhyuk’s identity until the end. There were so many times I went back and forth between Woojin and Bumgyoon.

        Also, Kim Kangwoo acted out the end so well.


          Yeah, me too! I had a feeling Prof Han was her dad, and when the mask guy stuck the needle in Bumgyun, I was like, OMG, IT’S PROFESSOR DAD!!”


            I’m still suspicious of the other professor/researcher. There’s something off about him as well.


    Oh, and sometimes, the tagging menu doesn’t show up in comments to fan posts, but if you still type out the name, it’ll show up as a tag once it’s been posted (still no notifications for it though).


    YAYYY YOU GUYS HAVE WATCHED IT! Still yet to watch it with subs but I will soon enough Ugh I cried too! Just that scene at the end with him and Jingoo and KKW was so apologetic and regretful for not listening to his younger brother back then.. him reassuring non-existent Woojin that, “This is Hyung…” huhuhu I was drowning in feelssss

    Also that part when Woojin was looking at the dad and jungyeon at the hospital.. him growing up without a dad, ugh totally tugged my heartstrings.. he didn’t have anybody, except his grandma and he was just terribly missing his brother :((

    So the reason jungyeon led him there is to find out herself whether he is Bumgyun or Woojin. I wonder how Woojin went missing?

    Im so happy Joonhyuk is Bumgyun~~~ like I said before, it would really make amazing story-telling for the twin brothers to be looking for each other in both timelines.


      I know you were hoping for Yeo Jingoo and Kim Kangwoo to share the same screen, but you thought it wouldn’t happen because of the timelines. I was totally excited to see them both during that scene.

      The scene in the hospital was great at showing what Woojin was feeling at the time.

      And yup, you called it 😬


        Right.. that moment when he was watching AWY and YJG fighting right in front of him… I totally got chillssss.. and when it’s finally him confronting YJG I was like OMGGGGGG OMG OMG it was sooo greatly done…

        I never really was sure… but damn this show sure did an amazing job teasing our minds..
        Ep 1 Joonhyuk is one of the brothers
        Ep 2 And he could be Woojin
        Ep 3 Actually… he could be either

        And since there are only few episodes, I love how quickly they revealed it. Ughhh


      Also, after seeing your post earlier in in the day, I was so tempted to watch this episode raw, but I waited it out, and I’m glad I did. It must’ve been really hard for you to wait for the rest of us to watch it.


        It really was.. like I wanna spazz with somebody and talk about the reveal in Ep 4 but I know I should wait.. I’m just so impatient hahaha and I’ve been trying to keep up with the feedback too on naver and I actually got spoiled about 3 things (the thing with Jungyeon was just misunderstanding, she doesnt remember the past 18 years and that Bumgyun is Joonhyuk – for the last one.. uhm thanks, Journalist, for putting up a headline that says: KIM JOONHYUK IS AHN WOOYEON) T_T But… still, even if I knew where things are going to end up.. it was still a ride full of thrill while watching it.

        People were saying the reversal after reversal after reversal is giving them goosebumps and I agree!


      So glad I’m not the only who cried!! You’re right, it’s very yin-yang like to have the brothers be looking for each other. What I was thinking was that it’s nice to be able to know Bumgyun as a person other than this possibly crazy person that we kept seeing from Woojin’s point of view. This way, we know 1 brother in each timeline, and feel really emotionally connected. And then of course the question is… what happened to Woojin?

      I have to say again, I LOVE the pace of this show – it feeds us just enough to keep us guessing, but doesn’t drag on with the reveals. And still the suspense is amazing, because with each reveal, there are like fifty billion other questions to ask!

      I keep getting pulled back and forth – Alien Woman = Bluebird = Jungyeon = evil or good? It’s looking like Jungyeon is? was? a victim of (maybe her dad’s?) experimentation? But if the treatment she’s getting is supposed to bring her memories back…?

      And poor Ho Soo!!! Baby getting sent off to be a double agent – I can’t wait for his redemption arc, where he learns how to love and be loved and embraces his memories and turns his back on Human B and Smart Earth. Hehehehe.

      Also, in that one scene, I would have done the same finger-biting thing as Joonhyuk. XD

      A bit confused about the transition between Smart Earth and Normal Earth (I keep calling it Dumb Earth, because it’s the opposite of Smart… is Normal Earth the right name?) – the first time, I thought they had to take an airplane… but they seem to get back and forth so quickly and easily these days?? Also, why don’t citizens of Normal Earth just wear their oxygen masks all the time? lol, seems like there’s never a good air quality day.


        IKR… Even if they’re showing other scenes in Part 1, it’s still largely for the benefit of Woojin’s POV. And yes yin-yang! This story indeed makes a full circle with them trying to find one another.

        Oh wow.. I didn’t know about the double agent thing, poor Hosoo T_T the flow when watching raw is easy enough to grasp, although I don’t largely follow the conversation when it turns to Part 2 as it gets more complicated.

        YES! Just like Woojin, I also have an inner pingpong match, is Jungyeon bad, good, bad, good? You just want to give Woojin a hug with his internal struggle. When he sees the star keychain.. Jingoo’s face when he’s like… oh no. He’s once again having doubts about Jungyeon after having to reassure himself tons of times! And yay! Byeol! Was she called Byeol? Or Star? But skjghfdjkghskjfhgjd love that part.. Damn both parts are so crazy with the cliffhangers..

        Hahaha yesss I was waiting for Joonhyuk to bite them! And he didn’t disappoint! <3

        I'm confused about the airplane part too! Well, I just try to think that it's a part that isn't necessary in the story so they decide to omit it.. but wow, what a crazy back and forth.. As for the masks… at the start, there was a news announcement whether how bad the smoke would be. And then it advised the citizens to either stay home or put on masks. So I just attributed it to Normal Earth having bad… and worse days. XD


          OMG, I know!! Like seriously, where did Taser Girl come from? How did she even know about the star keychain? (yes, alien lady was named Star) I guess Bumgyun told her? As an aside, how cute are the kiddo actors? I loved the little merong~~ 😛 face the one kid did in the opening scene. :3

          I didn’t think I’d ever say this in my entire life, but… I can’t wait until next Monday!! XD


            I already had an idea when she attacked Jungyeon only because I’ve been keeping up on the news on this show since YJG’s casting and I’ve read up a bit her role.

            Yes, those two kids are so adorable and doing such a great job. I love the part when baby Bumgyun was willing to bet 30million won just to beat baby Woojin.. these kids are precious.

            Like… I can’t stop saying this… but how did they manage such a perfect casting job? I got so used to having to watch a lot of dramas where some actors would just do a lukewarm job at the role if not horrible.. but in this drama, everyone’s just nailing it!


Just watched Episode 3 of Circle!! Urgently need recap for spastic fan commenting!! Agggghhh!


    Just finished watching. I have so many thoughts!! I don’t know what to think!! It’s too good.


Just listened to an interesting podcast from Radiolab about the rise of K-pop scandals:


Today, I\’m feeling grateful to my fellow beanies for all the eye candy of my Future Husband #1 (Gong Yoo) and Future Husband #2 (Jo Jung Suk).


Whoooaaaa!! Level up to Jang Geu-rae! When did this happen? So excited!! TT^TT


*slowly puts down bottles* *turns computer back on*


And last one for now! Maybe someone else will come up with a #lowkeywin from their own life. 🙂


Another #lowkeywin


#lowkeywinning – thanks @nelly for the screen cap.


Ok, last one for the night, I swear!! I think I’m addicted to this meme thing. Dramabeans is a gateway drug, I tell ya!


*eagle eyes*


Re-posting this one because it disappeared off the previous post. (Geddit? reCAP? Cap? Hat? :D)


Any minute now…


Ugh, sorry guys, I can’t stop – here’s a dramaland version of the Kermit meme.