The Lonely Shining Goblin: Episode 4

I find it endlessly entertaining that our goblin is a mercurial god who feels so many feelings—you’d think that a millennium would give a guy some perspective, but he feels everything so acutely, making for some hilarious highs and gloomy lows today. In a meta sense, the character is perfectly in step with a drama that swings wildly from wry comedy one minute to melancholy soul-searching the next, and I enjoy the unexpected emotional twists of starting a scene in a dark mood and undercutting it with humor, or starting with light comedy and suddenly dropping a two-ton weight of emotion on the scene. You never know where you’re headed, which is the fun.


Thunder claps and lightning strikes, as Eun-tak points at the sword embedded in the goblin’s heart. She admits that she’s seen it from the start and asks, “What am I now? Am I still not the gobin’s bride?”

Shin stares at her in wonder for a long beat and says, “I think you are.” She can’t help but smile, not really understanding what it means to be the goblin’s bride, and asks cheerily if she’s become useful now, and if this means that Shin won’t leave. He says he won’t leave for the time being… “Because I might have to prepare to go someplace farther away,” he finishes. Nooo, not the death talk already!

Shin asks why she didn’t mention the sword before if she really saw it the whole time (yes, suspicious that), but Eun-tak says she was trying to be polite at first, and then got scared about the consequences later. “What if you ask me to get married right away? What about college? Do I become a goblin?” she asks.

She wants to know her first order of business as the goblin’s bride, and Shin suavely tells her to wait right here… and then ruuuuuuuns into Reaper’s room flailing like a big geek. “She sees the sword! She pointed at the sword, like this!” he shouts, unnecessary demonstration included.

Reaper tells him to get out, but Shin is freaking out: “She can see the sword! She’s my bride! I’m going to die!” Naturally, Reaper is unfazed by death and counters, “So what, isn’t that a good thing? Weren’t you looking for the bride in order to die?”

Shin deflates and stammers, “I… was… nearly my whole life.” Reaper asks if he’s happy or scared that he found the bride, and Shin starts pacing around the room saying that he is relieved at the thought of ending this immortal life, “but I’m not always sick of it either…” Ha. He admits that part of him wants to live, and Reaper jumps on that to say he’ll just take Eun-tak then.

Reaper complains about the paperwork involved, but he figures that she was meant to die, and Shin quickly starts backpedaling. Eun-tak gets sick of waiting outside and rings the doorbell, and Shin turns into a drama queen and declares, “Death is calling me.” Ha. Reaper: “If it’s ringing the doorbell, it’s a kind death.”

Reaper points out that it’s not like Shin said terrible things to make Eun-tak resent him and want him dead, and Shin sighs, remembering all the cold things he said to her, “I’ll just die. That’s cleaner.”

Reaper and Goblin head out to answer the doorbell together, and Eun-tak launches into a rehearsed sob story about her sad life, now abandoned by Aunt with nowhere to go. She’s hilariously bad at it, but Reaper takes her side, especially when he hears that Shin plans to stick around.

Eun-tak asks to live here, even if Shin has to adopt her (oh because THAT’s going to make this less icky), and swears that she can grow up quietly on her own, like a cactus. Reaper consents immediately, and Shin glares.

She continues her comically bad sob story, and Reaper whispers into Shin’s ear, “I know this story. I saw the drama!” Eun-tak concludes that once she was abandoned by Aunt, she knew there was no god, looking pointedly at Shin. She begs him to save her.

He rolls his eyes and asks how a girl wanting to be saved could knowingly ask to live with a grim reaper. Thinking quickly, she says that it’s always darkest under the lamp, “so you be my lamp from now on, so this ajusshi can’t take me.” Reaper starts to say that his friend Shin is going to let him take her, but Shin interrupts him and sends Eun-tak inside. She doesn’t need to be told twice, and gapes at her surroundings.

Goblin and Reaper bicker about outing each other’s secrets, and Shin gets mad at Reaper and says his friendship lasted for all of five minutes before threatening the poor girl. Reaper counters that Shin is the one who left her out there in the cold.

Shin comes up with an idea to get rid of Eun-tak, and slides her an envelope of money. It’s the 5 million won she’s been praying for, but she slides the envelope right back and says it’s too late—she’s already seen his house. She calls it perfect for raising children in, and asks what type of wife he wants, doing her best to be coy and flirty.

He reminds her that she doesn’t like him, and she takes it all back, and then thinks in her head that he’s handsome and cool and his eyes are like stars. She assumes that he can hear her, and Shin admits that he was lying about that. He doesn’t know exactly how he heard her when she was kidnapped, but he thinks it might have to do with her birthmark.

Eun-tak immediately drops the sweet act and calls him a con artist, angry that she spent so much energy trying not to think of him, and making herself think other thoughts just to justify thinking about him all the time.

Shin: “Why are you sneaking in a confession that you were thinking of me? It’s confusing.” She doesn’t really get his meaning and asks if she’s supposed to unpack her bags or not, and Shin tells her there’s another solution.

Cut to: Grandpa showing Eun-tak her new suite room in the hotel where Deok-hwa lives, just one floor down. Deok-hwa is surprised to run into Eun-tak again after the bookstore, and Grandpa doesn’t ever explain why he’s speaking to Eun-tak in jondae and offering Deok-hwa’s services like he’s a butler.

Deok-hwa argues that Grandpa has an army of secretaries for that, but all Grandpa has to do is offer to maybe unfreeze a credit card, and Deok-hwa is at her service with a bow. Grandpa says that Deok-hwa isn’t trustworthy, and hands Eun-tak a business card so she can call him if anything happens.

She gapes to realize that Grandpa is a chairman, and Deok-hwa happily adds that this makes him a third-generation chaebol. Grandpa drags him out by the ear and bids her goodnight.

Eun-tak takes in the giant suite in awe, and then runs around screaming, “Daebak!” and trying everything out. Her fun doesn’t last very long though, and she realizes how lonely and scary it is in that giant room all by herself.

Downstairs, Deok-hwa asks who that girl is, and Grandpa just says to treat her well because something very important is in her hands. When Deok-hwa asks what, Grandpa says it’s Deok-hwa’s credit card.

Deok-hwa stomps over to Uncle Shin’s house to complain about Grandpa, but finds Shin sitting glumly in front of a row of pill bottles, for everything from depression to insomnia. He’s back to speaking in sageuk tone, and says he’s become very sensitive, and his mood keeps changing from happy to sad to lonely to shining. As if it’s a deathly affliction to have feelings.

Shin pops the pills and shuffles away, and then Reaper shuffles over to take the same pills, saying that he has the same symptoms, and wonders what it means when you cry the instant you meet a woman.

At work the next day, Eun-tak folds napkins while listening to a TV program about mental health, and the guest expert is none other than Samshin Granny, talking about the telltale signs of manic-depressive disorder.

As she describes the symptoms—sudden shopping or bouts of over-confidence—we cut to Shin buying everything he sees on the home shopping channel, and then suddenly flexing in front of Deok-hwa and Reaper, challenging, “Who wants to go to the sauna with me?” Pfft, so that’s the source of your confidence, is it?

Samshin Granny says the biggest sign is obsessing over ailments like a hypochondriac, and we see Shin complain to Reaper that he might have stomach cancer. Reaper is unsympathetic and says he still wouldn’t die even if he had no stomach, and says that the bride is supposed to pull out his sword anyway.

Shin’s mood flips instantly and he screams, “Oh, so I should just die? I’m the bad one, I’m just being sensitive and I should just go and die because I don’t deserve to live! Why don’t you go and tell her that?! Tell her to go pull out the sword and kill me!” Reaper asks if he’s going to cry, and Shin whimpers back in a broken voice, “I’m barely holding it in.” LOL. Depressed goblin is hilarious.

Eun-tak heads out to go to school and pauses at the gloomy weather and sudden downpour, wondering if Shin is depressed. He’s sitting in his garden staring at the maple leaf she gave him, and Eun-tak stares up at the sky and gets a little huffy, assuming that he’s unhappy about her being the goblin’s bride.

She’s doubly annoyed at the inconvenience of rain on her way to school, when Deok-hwa rolls up in a fancy sports car and offers to give her a ride. She asks him to speak in banmal, but he refuses (still actually using half banmal anyway, as is his habit), knowing that he’s being watched. Sure enough, Grandpa’s secretary is on his tail.

Deok-hwa makes a big show of rolling up to the front door of her school and opening Eun-tak’s door in front of all her classmates, while she makes futile attempts to hide. He threatens to do it again tomorrow if she doesn’t get out of the car, so she complies.

The mean girls sneer and talk about her, and that’s the first time Deok-hwa hears her name. “You’re Ji Eun-tak?” he asks, remembering her name from the background check he did. He realizes now that the goblin book she bought wasn’t a coincidence, and that she knows his uncle.

Deok-hwa is dying of curiosity to know about the punishment [beol] gold [geum] that Shin inflicted on Aunt, but Eun-tak doesn’t know what he’s talking about and assumes that her aunt had to pay a fine [beol-geum].

Aunt and her kids take those gold bars to a jeweler to exchange for money, and they’re so cagey about where they got them that the jeweler calls the cops, who say these gold bars were stolen.

Aunt swears to the detective that they didn’t steal them from the bank, and that they belong to her niece. But when asked for this niece’s name or their home address, they can’t seem to remember, like that memory has been wiped clean. Well that’s satisfying.

Deok-hwa is lightning fast on the uptake, as usual, and asks Reaper why Eun-tak is the goblin’s bride. Reaper just muses that it’s a joke of the gods, and Deok-hwa interprets that to mean that Shin’s depression is caused by Eun-tak not being his type.

Reaper is plenty depressed himself, and Deok-hwa points out that the plate he’s freezing with his bad mood is one that his uncle particularly cherishes, but at the mention of Louis XIV, Reaper breaks the plate out of spite.

Deok-hwa gulps and says he won’t tattle, and suggests that Reaper try talking to the woman who made him cry. He figures that maybe it’s not their first meeting at all, and even though Reaper doesn’t remember, that woman might remember him.

But Reaper says it was definitely a first meeting, reenacting her hair flip and her puckered lips. Deok-hwa is riveted by the lips and wants to know where the story goes, but that’s all he gets. Afterwards, Reaper goes back to the bridge where he met Sunny and stands around hoping to run into her. But don’t you have her phone number? Do you not know how to use it?

Elsewhere, an elderly man dies in a hospital bed, accompanied by a woman who holds his hand until the very end.

Shin gets dressed in a black suit and ignores Reaper’s teasing about whether he’s headed to a wedding or a funeral. (“Is that why they call marriage digging your own grave?” Reaper wonders aloud.) Shin asks Reaper how his English is, and says that he needs his help today.

Eun-tak heads home to her giant suite and looks around, hoping to see Shin. She tries to focus on her homework but can’t stop wondering why he’s suddenly cut off communication, and finally ends up on his doorstep, demanding for him to stop avoiding her and let her in.

She threatens to light the ginormous candle she’s carrying with her, as if the size will somehow give the summons bigger impact. She doesn’t light it though, and wonders in a shaky voice if she’s still supposed to do nothing but wait, and how long.

The old man who just died approaches the Reaper’s tearoom, but it’s Shin who sits there waiting for him. As he comes through the door, the old man transforms into a young boy—the same boy that Shin helped in Paris in the sixties. Shin says it’s been a while, and the boy marvels that Shin hasn’t aged a day.

Shin asks why he didn’t write down the answer that he gave him for the math test he was taking the day they met, and the boy says that no matter how he tried to solve that math problem to get the answer, he came up with a different one every time. So he wrote down the wrong answer anyway, saying that it was a problem he couldn’t solve. Shin replies, “No, you solved it well. Your choice alone is the answer to your life.”

The boy smiles to finally realize what that meant, and Shin praises him for becoming a lawyer and helping lots of people in need. The boy says he wanted to repay Shin for the sandwich, and says simply that he didn’t really have another choice once he knew that Shin existed.

Shin counters that he gives lots of people sandwiches, but very few progress the way he did. He says most people just linger in the miraculous moment and demand another miracle once they know he exists. “You are the one who changed your life. And because of that, I always rooted for you,” Shin says warmly.

The boy smiles and says he always knew, and then asks where he’s going next. Shin instructs him to go back out the way he came: “The afterlife is a U-turn.” The boy reaches out for the door handle and turns back to look at Shin one last time, back in his old man form. And then he walks through to the other side, where a staircase that stretches up into the heavens is waiting for him.

Shin thanks Reaper for the help today, and Reaper asks why he bothers doing stuff like this, when it’s not like someone makes him do it. Shin says, “Because if I didn’t, I wouldn’t be cool.” Ha.

Shin stands around waiting in what looks like Eun-tak’s lobby, when his hands start to smoke. Eun-tak puts down the candle she just blew out in her suite and asks where he’s been and why he’s avoiding her. “Am I an abandoned wife?” she asks. He insists that he was busy, but she calls him out on being avoidy, and tells him to go ahead and try to run away. “I’ll blow all of these out!” she cries, pointing at the hundreds of candles she’s got lit behind her.

Shin just asks where she got all these candles without money, and she says Deok-hwa oppa bought them for her. He grouses at that. She asks why she can’t live in one of the many empty rooms in his house, admitting that Deok-hwa oppa told her they were empty. He grouses again, and I can’t tell if it’s because of what Deok-hwa did, or the fact that she keeps calling him oppa.

Eun-tak argues that she’s been waiting for days, and asks if the rain was because she made him depressed. He lies and says no, but she says she’s prepared herself to hear anything from him. He counters that he’s the one who needs to prepare himself, not her.

He pops open a beer and asks if she’s eaten dinner. Eun-tak ignores him and muses, “I said I can see the sword, and now I can’t see you. This isn’t why I told you.” She asks if they can’t prepare for whatever is coming together, but again he changes the subject and suggests room service.

She finally relents and agrees to dinner, though she turns down fancy room service in favor of convenience store snacks. He finds it adorable and offers to buy her everything in the aisle, looking tipsy after a second beer.

He insists on walking her home afterwards, and Eun-tak asks about her wish to get a boyfriend—can she not date other men if she’s the goblin’s bride? Still drunk, Shin says that he’s not really behind the idea, and tells her not to expect a boyfriend in this lifetime. Lol, that’s mean. Eun-tak: “Why not?” Shin: “Because I don’t like it.” Oh, I like drunk goblin.

She gets mad and asks why: “Do you like me?” He hesitates and gives the world’s most half-hearted “no” in response, and Eun-tak counters, “Your no is quite often not a no.”

She asks how he’s lived up until now, and he says, “I lived waiting for you.” Taken aback, Eun-tak changes the subject and wonders if it rains when he’s depressed, what happens when he’s happy. Perhaps his good mood makes flowers bloom, she wonders, but he quickly denies it. He confirms that he can fly though, and promises to show her next time.

Eun-tak asks how many brides he’s had before her, and he stops to look at her and says, “You’re the first and the last.” She says that even if she were the first, how would he know that she’s the last? “Because I’ve decided that you are,” he answers. Swoon.

She asks what happens to him if she decides not to be his bride, and Shin says he won’t be able to pull the sword out, because only she can do that. “I have to pull the sword out in order to…” he can’t say the truth, so he ends with, “To be pretty!” You want to be prettier than you are now? Also, should you be telling her this stuff?

Eun-tak says it must be like all those old fairytales, where the prince finds true love and so the frog becomes a prince, the beast becomes a prince, and the goblin becomes… a broom. She doesn’t like that one, and decides they’ll wait until they need a broom to pull out his sword.

Shin bursts into laughter and says that he’s crazy for laughing in his current situation. He agrees not to pull out the sword just yet, and to spend today laughing with her. She suggests the first day of snow (of course, because this is a drama), since you’d need a broom when it snows. He grows a little somber at that, but agrees to have her pull out the sword on the first day of snow. Noooooooo.

On her way to school the next morning, Eun-tak sees people milling about taking pictures, and looks up to see her street lined with unseasonal cherry blossoms. Ha, that liar, he totally blooms flowers when he’s happy!

Deok-hwa greets Shin with a stack of morning papers, all announcing the bizarre spring bloom in the middle of autumn, and says tauntingly, “Something good must’ve happened in the night.” He guesses that Shin was drunk, and yells at him for causing yet another inexplicable weather change.

Shin is embarrassed and hungover, but covers up by arguing that Deok-hwa is still using banmal, and snarks that they should just be hyung-dongsaeng from now on. Deok-hwa doesn’t mind that at all and steamrolls ahead, “Hyung, who were you with last night and what did you do?” Shin bellows in his god voice and blames his actions on the sedative, not the beer, and hides in bed like a coward.

Deok-hwa takes him out for hangover soup and leads Shin to an empty table at a restaurant, not realizing that Reaper is sitting there (wearing his hat, making him invisible to Deok-hwa). Reaper says he’s here to catch the last episode of his morning drama, a typical makjang that’s playing in the background.

As they eat, Shin suddenly asks Deok-hwa if he bought him snacks last night. Dude, do you not remember anything? Reaper asks if he forgot everything after two cans of beer again, and Shin yells, “It was the pills, not the beer!” scaring Deok-hwa, who thinks he’s talking to an empty chair.

The morning drama ends on a shocking birth secret, and everyone in the restaurant except for Shin turns to the TV in unison, jaws on the floor.

Deok-hwa sips on a yogurt on their way out, and sight triggers a sudden memory for Shin: Eun-tak sipping on her milk last night as they were walking. He screeaaaaaams like he’s seen a ghost, and Reaper asks if he’s just now reacting to the birth secret in the drama.

It starts to come back to him in little bursts, and Shin remembers telling Eun-tak about pulling out the sword. He grabs his hair and goes into a flown-blown panic in the street like a crazy person, and tells (still invisible) Reaper about the drunken sword-talk.

Reaper says he can’t do anything about it now and that dying now would still be considered a reward, and Shin flips his lid, yelling that he’s going to light Reaper’s hat on fire.

The whole time Deok-hwa only sees his crazy uncle talking to nobody, and starts to worry after his mental health. A man passes by and gives them strange stares, and Deok-hwa whispers that Shin is a stranger. Reaper goes on his way with a chuckle, and Shin is about to light his hat on fire when Deok-hwa interrupts. Shin gets petty and asks, “Do you know me?” and walks away, and Deok-hwa is amazed that he heard that and trails after him.

Sunny gets her makeup done by her friend, who asks if she’s got a new boyfriend to get pretty for. Sunny sighs that she’s hoping to snag a new boyfriend, and is getting pretty to wait for his call, except he’s not calling. The friend guesses that he’s playing push-and-pull, but Sunny wonders why he’s been pushed when she made sure to pull. She hangs out waiting on the bridge where she first met Reaper, but he isn’t there today.

Reaper clearly has Sunny on the mind though, because he walks down the street and every single woman he sees has Sunny’s face. Even the blonde-haired, blue-eyed woman he passes is her, and he gasps.

Sunny and Eun-tak sit in the empty chicken shop just staring out the window, and Eun-tak asks why she’s always looking out there. Sunny says she’s waiting, though she doesn’t know for what: “I’ve spent my whole life waiting for someone.”

Eun-tak asks if it’s a prince on a white horse, and Sunny says she doesn’t like younger men, and would prefer a king on a white horse. They look out the window together, both waiting.

At school, Eun-tak contemplates Grandpa’s business card and thinks back to all the graves she saw Shin visiting in Quebec, all with the surname Yoo.

The mean girls snatch the card out of her hand and ask if that rich guy who dropped her off gave this to her, or that ajusshi from last time, accusing her of sleeping around. While the bully is talking, someone slips a cigarette between her fingers, and she doesn’t even seem to realize it when she brings the cigarette up to her lips.

The teacher catches her red-handed, and the bully swears that this is Eun-tak’s, and she was trying to get her to stop. Thankfully the class president speaks up in Eun-tak’s defense, and after the bully gets sent to the office, Eun-tak looks up to see her four friendly neighborhood ghosts waving at her with a pack of cigarettes. Ha, that’s cute.

The ghost girls follow Eun-tak out after school, proud of themselves for a successful revenge plot. At first it seems like Eun-tak is trying to ignore them, but she finally turns around and whispers, “Thank you for earlier!”

Suddenly the ghosts freak out when they see a car approaching and vanish, and Eun-tak turns around to see Shin pull up in his car. It’s not a white horse, but it’ll do. He gets the whole slo-mo treatment as he gets out, and Eun-tak tries hard not to smile.

She asks why the sudden car, and he says simply, “I wanted to brag about having a car.” He asks if he made any mistakes last night, though he seems to already know the answer to that. He agrees to dinner and suddenly pulls the car over in the street.

He comes around to open her door, and when she steps out, they’re magically transported back to Quebec. She jumps for joy, and he says it’s to thank her for the maple leaf she gave him. She asks, “Is this our honeymoon?” and he orders her to get back in the car, so she quickly takes it back.

At dinner Eun-tak picks up her steak knife and waves it in front of Shin, calling it a sword. He backs away, and she enjoys teasing him. He brings up his sword and tells her not to misunderstand, and asks her what his sword looks like.

Eun-tak guesses that he’s doubting her and stabs her steak for emphasis. She says the hilt has a tiger on it, and Shin says proudly that it’s a white tiger and it’s super cool. Well I guess that takes care of that doubt.

Eun-tak says she did some reading about him, but nowhere does it say anything about that sword of his. She asks how it got to be there—did he stab himself, or was it someone else? “Someone I never thought would do so,” he answers.

She withdraws the question, realizing that it’s a painful story, and then asks how old he is. He says he’s 939, and she feels bad for asking that too, since it’s another sad story. She figures it’s nice to have a long life and not age though, and he asks if she’d like to live a long time, “Even if you stop in place and everything passes by you?” “You’d be there,” she points out, “You’d still be there, so I think it would be nice to live a long time.” The answer surprises him.

As they go for a walk, Eun-tak says he seems cheerful for someone who’s lived so long, and Shin says he can’t very well be sad all the time, for a thousand years. He calls himself a strong goblin who accepts his fate and lives well, and she chuckles at that.

He figures that there’s no such thing as ten-thousand-year-old sadness, or ten-thousand-year-old love either, hence no reason to be sad for a thousand years straight. But Eun-tak says she thinks there is, and he asks which—sadness or love? “A sad love,” she decides, and asks if he wants to wager on it.

She tells him all the things she learned about goblins in her “research,” like the fact that he gets lonely easily, is ill-tempered, quick to change his mind, and likes dank and dark places. He pouts and wants to hear some positive traits, and she says he gives humans blessings, and wrath, and doesn’t ever make a family for himself. She thinks that’s why he neglects her in the hotel, and he counters that it’s to give her a chance to think things over.

He tells her that she could still choose not to be the goblin’s bride, and Eun-tak gets hurt all over again, thinking that he doesn’t want her to be his bride. She asks if maybe he has another woman lined up, or dislikes her so much that he’d rather have no bride than her. “I’ll just pull the sword out and prove that I’m the bride then!” she declares, and reaches for it. Ack, no!

Shin jumps back in alarm and she chases him around and around, and demands gold with his goblin club instead then. He says he doesn’t have a club, which she finds suspicious since all goblins have one, so he reaches his hand into the fountain behind him… and a sword materializes in his hand. Ah, so that’s how he does it.

She’s so thoroughly impressed at his coolness that he gets all puffed up like a giant dork, and he explains that the sword is his club. They get into a cute water fight at the fountain, and she gets annoyed when he keeps poofing away just out of reach. She asks how come she doesn’t have any powers like him, thinking it unfair. She wishes she could make gold appear and asks him to do it, and he lies that he can’t.

Eun-tak says she has something to do because she doesn’t know when she’ll ever be back here, and leaves him with a book of poems to read called The Stars Might Take Your Pain Away. She goes to the hotel to write a letter, and sends it down the mail chute, hoping that it gets delivered.

Shin reads the book of poems and sees that Eun-tak lovingly transcribed her favorite ones, and when he sees her calling out to him from across the street, smiling so brightly, he thinks of one of the poems and begins to recite it in voiceover.

As she crosses the street, Eun-tak notices the yellow paint in the crosswalk turn to orange whenever she steps on it, and he smiles to watch her light up and run to him.

He has flashes of dying in that field a thousand years ago, then Eun-tak smiling back at him. She runs up and asks if he made that red carpet crosswalk just for her, but he’s still lost in thought over the poem as he looks up at her, mesmerized. A single maple leaf falls on the page.

“The Physics of Love”
by Kim In-yook

The size of a mass is not proportional to its volume
That little girl as small as a violet
That little girl that flutters like a flower petal
Pulls me with a mass greater than the Earth
In a moment, I
Like Newton’s apple
Mercilessly rolled and fell on her
With a thud, with a thud thud
My heart
From the sky to the ground
Continued to swing dizzyingly like a pendulum
It was first love


It’s nice to finally get some truthy confessions from the goblin, never mind that it takes an ill-advised cocktail of sedatives and liquor to get him there. I did crack up to see that the goblin’s changing moods have been reduced to modern-day bipolar disorder, which is actually pretty fitting once we see his mood swings, complete with changing weather forecast. I could’ve watched that for days. But then we get the complete flipside of the goblin when he’s with that boy in Paris who grew up to be a good man, and when I saw the goblin’s deep respect for humankind and a life well-lived, it reminded me again of how much he’s lived through, and how much his humanity is a part of him, despite being a god.

I didn’t expect him to be so hesitant about death from the start, namely because he’s been searching for his bride his whole long life, which made me think he was desperate to be rid of this mortal coil. But I found it so endearing that he was scared and doubtful from the start, and debating the pros and cons of staying alive the minute that the bride became a reality within reach. And of course it’s all the funnier when you give him a grim reaper as a sounding board, making the goblin seem petty for wanting a little more out of life. I just love this bizarre combination of real gravitas, fake gravitas, neuroses, ego, and childishness in the goblin, who somehow makes it believable that he was once a war god who spends his days punishing evil humans, but is more sensitive than a high school girl and cares a great deal what other people think of him. He seems human in so many ways that it seems natural for him to want to live, and I’m saddened every time we’re told that he’d wanted to die for centuries.

Obviously love will change that, which is the point, but I like that he’s conflicted already and that he’s actually a well-adjusted goblin, like he said, who lives well and has pretty normal reservations about dying. I thought that Eun-tak might have more of an uphill battle to convince him to live—she still might, given his moodiness—but today we already saw the stirrings of first love, which makes me think he might just choose to live a little longer all on his own. I mean, what’s an eternity with a giant sword through your heart, right? Speaking of which, I’m glad the show finally made it clear that the sword stuck in his heart isn’t he same one he uses to smite people and summon gold with. We still need to know so many more rules, and I sincerely hope they’re not going to wait until the last minute to give us the complete picture in drips and drabs. We could be angsting with you if we knew all the rules! Just sayin’!

I’m warming to Eun-tak’s character, who’s always been easy to like, but often hard to take seriously. But the more we see her through Shin’s eyes, the more she becomes lovable and thoughtful, and her brightness in and of itself becomes something to admire. It’s almost too simple that the sunny character is the perfect foil for the gloomy one, but when we see just how much sunshine she brings into his life, written all over his face like that, it’s hard not to think that there’s something magical about the marriage of darkness and light, sadness and love.


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1. ET was not lying about the sword - can see
2. GR is the king and sunny the queen
3. Goblin's firs tlove is ET so queen definitely a sister


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Grim reaper was definitely the king.


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But why his face changed? I thought that too, but this one stops me. Or, the growing up hwang?


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They mentioned in the last episode that only once in a while are you reborn with the same face as in your previous lives


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The King grew up before he died. And his corpse was wrapped. So it's really possible that he was the king. As for Sunny, maybe she was the older version of the queen, or could have been, if she didn't die young.


No, no, no, Sunny is the King


We don't see King face when he is older. I think they'll show this later.


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Shin said he was too late when the king died so the king was well beyond 17 when he died, so probably have aged into a different looking person than what Shin remembers...

The queen would've looked like Sunny if she grew old...but she was probably just 15-16 when she died, knowing that kings married young.


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Remember in epi 3 when GR list all the sin he probably committed that turned him into a GR and then Goblin came and blurb that among all the sins written then, he ONLY didn't commit crime against obedience. I think that was a great clue on GR's identity, but I don't know what. Brain's too fuzzy to think.


I thought he was the Queen and Sunny was the King.
I thought the give away was the crying when he saw the ring.


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You make a good point...
I think that grandpa may be the king, given that his spy has Iago's face. And when he said that something important hinges on ET's existence, it may mean that he knows she is the key to relieving his family from servitude?


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Grandpa's family has been in service to the goblin for generations. His ancestor was still alive during the evil King's reign.


I thought that at first too because when Shin was looking at the idols even the reaper asked how does he know if the King was born a male. But then on the other hand what great sin did the Queen commit to make her into a GR? And we already know that the King betrayed a loyal servant and killed his whole innocent family due to jealousy and who knows what other acts he committed after that? But I don't need to know yet and I think it'll be enjoyable reveal when they all find out who is who!


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It was mentioned that to be a grim reaper you must have committed a great sin in your past. That rules out the grim reaper as reincarnation of the queen? Makes sense if he was the king though. Also sunny said she prefers a king on a white horse (instead of a prince). Can that be a clue too? :)


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That would be an interesting twist. Maybe that's why the two bicker like siblings every time?


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Do not forget that grim reapers supposed to commit a mortal sin. I don't think Grim Reaper is the young queen


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I could swear they said you only become a Grim Reaper if you did a lot of bad in you life? So wouldn't that make him the King, because he messed up and killed all those people?


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Why I think YIA characther is the eunuch?
Why would fairy godmother say they need to be punished...
The queen didn't do bad ????


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The King has reincarnated become Nurse Park in the drama Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim. ??


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best description of the kings reincarnation.


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yes, very much so Nurse Park


I'm with you on this one. I've been inexplicably attracted to Grim's brooch over the past few episodes (he's the only reaper with one) but only looked closely today.

Guess what it's shaped like? A crown.


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About the sword. Are the one he conjured from the water and the one he was stabbed the same? If so, how is it possible?

I'm pretty sure Grim Reaper and Sunny are the king and queen. Ohhhh that's going to be very complicated once the goblin finds out about that.

Another thing, I love this drama to pieces but I just can't get over the fact that goblin falls in love with a high schooler. I don't care about the age gap. I mean he's 935 years old and unless you got a female vampire around or other mythical creatures, I don't see how any human can be his bride.

But at the very least, make her a colleague students or someone in the mid-20s. I'm fine with that. I watch The Vampire Diaries and I'm super cool with Klaus romancing Caroline. In fact, I will go down with that ship.

But here, watching Eun Tak doing that cutesy voice, calling him ahjusshi not to mention her sometimes immature antics, there's this ickyness feeling that I couldn't shake off. It just felt so wrong imo.


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But in most parts of the world, 19 is college student.. i think ET just joined school late..
19 is firs tor second year of college..

plus medically, a woman is fit to be a mother post 8.. so am not so psyched about the age difference.. its legally adult and that's all..

The swords are different.. the one is chest is perpetually stuck there..


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18 not 8


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ET is 19 in korean age. that means she may be 17 or 18 international depending on when her birthday is.


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exactly, korean age is 1+ .. because they age on 1st jan.. so she is 18 by intnl stnds.. legal still..

Also, it seems they are nearing december in the drama.. and ET is not even in 'love'.. so she would be 20 before anythign happens.. or 19 by intnl age


@EZ korean age is more complicated than that lol. so you are already 1 when you are born but then you are +1 on jan 1st also. that's why i said "depending on her birthday." it seems as if eun tak was born in december which makes it more likely that she's 17 international age - because if you're born dec 30 in korea then you are 1 & two days later on jan 1 you become 2 years old. thats why you can be up to 2 years older at some points in the year.


No,she's in third grade and almost graduate,so she is at least 18 in int age.And 19 is an adult in korea.


I mean she is an adult whether 18 or 19.
Despite being in high school,she is about to graduate and I don't see being in college will make any difference.Still 19.Still ADULT.


Hello ! I just wanna say that i love your blog !

And I wanna ask A question : The Book that Eun -Tak gave to Shin to reed , did the Book really exist ? Because I really Want to read it ?
( And i'm sorry for my bad english )


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it is really exist. if i'm not wrong, its written by poetry Kim In-Yook


Yes, the book is called 어쩌면 별들이 너의 슬픔을 가져갈지도 몰라 (The Stars Might Take Your Pain Away). It's a collection of poems by 김용택 (Kim Yong-taek)


I hope his books sells like hotcakes. He is brilliant , just like Kim Sat-gat from Moonlight. Too bad they didn't bother to use any of his poems in the show.


@girlfriday - thanks for the recap, and for info about the poet!

I was just reading through some english translations of his works(https://jaypsong.wordpress.com/category/kim-yong-taek/).

"...standing in front of me in the bright, shining light
that only someone who has passed through darkness can make."

The wistful tone of his poetry fits this drama so well I thought.


Any link where we can read this in English? Thanks in advance.


I'd love to read some poems by this author, but my Korean is not at that level...


I remember that book from one episode of 1 Night 2 Days, from when 1n2D members got mission to go to friends who lived alone. The book indeed sale like hotcakes--if my memory served me right--from 1n2d members' conversation with its author.
I remember it because the members fan boying over the author and said that every man beneath age 50 in Koreas have read or collect the books, yet the author still lived in rented apartment.


I said in my post

Drama: Even if eun tak was 70 there will still be a huge age gap. Also, she's growing up

Real life: KGE and GY age gap is not icky

But if it makes you feel icky who am I to judge


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And like I said in my comment, I don't care about their age gap whether in real life or in the drama. I'm fine with it. What makes me icky is the fact that she's a high school student talking about raising kids with the goblin, their honeymoon, and all those marriage stuff while still dressed in her high school uniform.

I'm ok if she's in her 20s because let's face it, he is 900+ y.o so u need to have another supernatural being to match his age. But, he looks like any other mid-30s man so if she can get rid of her uniform and mature a bit then they can be a match made in heaven for all I care.


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Him getting hearteyes while she plays on the light up zebra crossing really doesn't help with the ick factor.


I feel the same way as you! i keep hoping they'll flash forward to make her 21 (ok maybe not) but at least have her birthday next episode LOL


When I was ten, my best friend (who lived next door) and I were both in love with a TV star (who was probably in his mid 30's.) We were not aware that our infatuation was inappropriate.

ET has been told her whole life she is the Goblin's Bride. She's probably both feared this and fantasized about it, (because of her terrible home life.) It doesn't seem "icky" to me at all, that a high school girl (who was naive about love--remember, she's never had a boyfriend. And possibly never even had a friend,) would have unreal expectations about love, marriage, and raising a family.
It's her character. She is not a role model for how a young woman should be in real life. She is a fictional character, and her views, emotions, and actions make sense in the fictional world she lives in.


I don't get it why in love with a star who was 30s is inappropriate lol.I've been fan of several 30s actors when I was in elementary school.


+1 to what @clairie said.
I've mentioned this before. It doesn't mater what age he is, its her age that is the problem. And sure, legally she might be old enough, but as far as practical and emotional maturity is concerned, she is very much still a child.

The other thing being that she has been told all her life that she is the goblin's bride. Get told something often enough, and you'll believe it. We don't know if she has assessed if being his bride is what she really wants or is it something she has accepted as a fact of her life willingly or otherwise.

That fact, combined with her age raise some serious questions about consent.


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I kind of like the drama. But I can't get over her being of school age. It looks too much like a 35/40 years old pervert taking advantage of a lonely and lost teenager.
Big Ick factor.
Would have love it he had saved her, met her, gone and came back when she was adult. The way it is, I find her, a delightful child to adopt, not a bride to marry. Must be the first time I do NOT want to see any kind of skin-ship.


+ 100 to what the ladies are saying about Goblin's bride being a high school student.
It's not about being 18 and in love. And it's not about the age difference. Nothing wrong with with a man or a woman being older than the partner, as long as the said partner is an independent adult. It's the whole cutesy-uniformed-naive-virgin with no money being paired with an older-rich-and-powerful man angle. It feels wrong and unnecessary. Just like it felt wrong in the King of Savvy. Get them out of high school uniforms before selling flawed morals as love. What kind of audience are they pandering to? Gives me shivers.


1000+ this. It is not her age that is the problem. It is that they write her extremely young. She is a child that acts like a child. They haven't explained why it is necessary for her to be in highschool. The Goblin comes off as a creepy uncle lusting after his niece. It takes away from what could be a great drama. I am honestly still hoping they age her in terms of actual age and maturity.


If you speaking real life, actually KGE's boyfriend age is 5 years more old than GY


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I don't think the age gap is icky. GY whether in the drama or in real life doesn't look old at all. There are more older men in Hollywood who marry much younger women than KGY. I'm enjoying the drama too much to think about ick factors.


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Look the sword is clearly the same. The carving on the hilt is definite proof. The one in him is dirty and rusty, and the one he uses is shiny and well maintained. Ergo the one in him is the ghost of sword present and the one he uses is he ghost of sword past.


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I think the real issue here is not that ET is 19 y/o, but because she's still acting, talking and thinking younger than her age. When I was her age I stopped acting like a kid; I was in college.
If, for example, ET acts like Sunny at 19 I think most people will be more comfortable with her pairing with goblin


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I took that childish and immature side of her as her overcompensation of what she lacks. We saw ET in her normal daily life (with her aunt and cousins), she's not exactly the ET that's been hanging around the goblin. She's a gloomy kid, but when confronted by the idea that she's a Goblin's bride and she could be of value to someone, she immediately becomes this immature/childish and bright kid who doesn't want her candy to be stolen. We have to also remember that it's her first time having a serious crush on someone and I doubt she had experience with it before which explains why her relationship-handling is not really great.


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If she didn't have that bouncy, coltish personality, she would be an angry emotional wreck having had to deal w/losing her Mom and ending up w/and Aunt and cousins who abuse her and tolerate her presence because of her upcoming Insurance payout. Her personality has helped her endure and not become like those nasty girls at school.

The Gob has a well of silliness in him also, he just hasn't shown it to her; while Reap has seen gobs of it. Her youth and his wisdom of the ages balance each other out. The age difference is a big nothing. She is "of age", he is not being lecherous and their relationship is destined, it even has a purpose. There is no ick factor, unless, you are compelled to find titillation even where there is no intent and has no purpose.


Agreed. She's obviously a very smart and thoughtful kid who is like this for survival methinks. I love her.
I also don't really love that she's a high schooler, so I'm hoping to see a year or two lapse. But Shin is just 35 in my eyes, or.....is it 39? I watched on DramaFever, and some things were translated differently. Like I thought repeat said if Gonlin was scared he'd accompany him, not take Eun Tak....anyone else?


Let's talk about issues when she summons him while he is taking a shower.


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Opps sorry, thinking out loud.


*gets candles*


LOL. Goblin might get more hyper if that idea got to his head. He might never go to shower again.


Then that underwear song would make sense lol.


LOL......i definitely won't have any issues IF that happens!


okay..... what episode did Kim Shin (Goblin) say that??


I guess the writer chose a high school character for a reason. The way I see it, ET ways of looking at a "bride" title, or how she imagines getting married (having children, honeymoon etc.) is very child-like. It's a little bit shallow, I suppose, if you compare to twenty-smt girl's way of looking at marriage and being someone's bride.
And at least the writer acknowledges that physical 'age-gap' between them by referencing the goblin as her sugar daddy (according to her high school friend, and she actually refers to him as ahjussi all long. Imagine if ET calls the goblin 'oppa'.


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Or Daddy Long legs :-)))


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I dont rly mind the age gap, as this is not a normal relationship between two people and theyre not really at the romance stage yet. I think both of them are seeing each other as their potential savior, at least so far..

One is a highschooler, who sees ghost, who's technically not a real human. She was supposed to be dead first of all.. So in a sense, she's a mystic being too..

And goblin... is another mystical creature as well..

Girl sees goblin as her pass to a happy life, esp with how he has got rid of her aunt and get her a job and such~

Goblin sees her as the one who'll end his eternal life..

So, at least for me, age gap is not something i'm concerned with... yet...


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Maybe his bride was meant to be kind of a pure innocent like child. She is at that age of transitioning from a teen to adulthood.
I would love to see her out of high school already because they getting closer to that romantic stage.

A time jump at this point would be great. I hope he is going to change his mind about the sword and leave for a while. Let her finish college then return.


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But having wrote that, I gotta say Eun Tak's reactions to Shin is working much better for me than Shin's take on Eun Tak.

IMO there's something relatable and raw about her desperation to plunge into Goblin territory. At this point it isn't even about love (if her naive jokey pleas for a boyfriend isn't any indication). But rather the materialization of Goblin is her "grow up and make my fortune in the world" and "man's search for meaning" moment. Up until now her life has been a random-ish cluster of kdrama misfortunes, but she -- like almost all of us tbh -- is yearning for that ineffable "something" that validates her place in the universe. That trip through the Narnia closet door was everything. It was her escape, her adventure, the consummation of her heart's desires, and the potential for a pursuit of happiness. Even if she died and those scenes of her hopping around Quebec were but hallucinations crafted by her brain, that intense yearning KGE emits every moment she's staring at the Goblin would still be no less relatable.

Shin though ... is (to me) a massive failure in characterization and writing. It's a polarizing watch, because Gong Yoo's acting is A++++++ gold star forever love, and it just makes me side eye KES all the more. It's like she was so concerned giving Gong Yoo a swoon-worthy kdrama hero that she forgot to give him a well written character. Four episodes in, his identity is a house of cards; we get these weaksauce coffee house medium blends of everything:

1. He technically 'sinned' ... but not too much sin. Only because he was good at his job as a general and hacked down enemy soldiers with a sword
2. He's being punished with eternal damnation. But not too much damnation. He's still handsome, lives with style, has servants, and owns a freaking hotel.
3. He's a goblin ... but not too much goblin. More like Guardian ... or really: a messianic Jesus figure with almost unlimited powers (raise the dead, change the course of lives, walk on water, make gold...)

So here's the problem:

1. If his eternal damnation isn't even that bad, how am I suppose to empathize with his "wai am I still alive" angst? Now that he wants to live, it doesn't even feel like a strange ironic twist of fate .. because his existence was already better than 99.999% of people in all history.
2. If he can make gold and interfere with human lives ... then OMG where was he when people starved to death in famines?? the U.N. could use a few more gold bars. Why didn't he strike Hitler dead or liberate prisoners from labor camps? See the problem here? The writer gave him SO much power that he seems obliquely culpable in all that's wrong with the world because he technically has the ability to change lots of things.


LOL OOPS. Sorry @Klara, the above long rant is not a response to your comment, but just a rambling continuation of my comment below ( Clicked the wrong reply button!!


Witnessing a younger family member die before you is painful. Not being able to forget it is torture. Having to live through that not once, but eternally, is definitely the worst kind of punishment.


No need to apologize. Vent away. That's what the comment section is for.

"It’s like she was so concerned giving Gong Yoo a swoon-worthy kdrama hero that she forgot to give him a well written character."
I felt the same way about his character in Train to Busan.

Kim Go-eun has raw talents with range to go with it. I'm curious to see what she'd do with her character if there is a time skip.



Thanks for being so tolerant of my commenting faux-pas!! I was horrified because it looked like I was ranting off topic at your on-point comment.

But yes, I agree.. a time skip would be most welcome in my books. Because as much as Gong Yoo & KGE have this sweet, adoring chemistry right now, it still feels a bit like immortal uncle doting on his hapless kitten niece.

I like that Eun Tak is resourceful, scrappy, and intelligent. Give her a college education and some more life experience, I'm sure she'll give Shin a run for his money (not that she isn't doing that already).


What can be seen as weaksauce blend, can also be seen as others as a multifaceted character with complexities u know?



Yes, I absolutely agree :) What I wrote above is my personal subjective opinion only. I'm sure, unlike me, most people are enjoying KES's characterizations. The show's popularity and the ratings certainly reflect that, and I'm happy for the talented casts' success.


I don't know how pretentious (LOL) writer KES is, so I may be pulling nonsense out of my butt ...

But in the European arts and literary tradition, the young maiden has always been paired with ancient death. Part of it is the piercing provocation of the juxtaposition, as nothing seems to symbolize the full bloom of youth and beauty as a girl-woman. In the Divine Comedy, Dante's childhood love Beatrice is the one guiding him to heaven. The composer Schubert, suffering a nervous breakdown after realizing he going to die young, wrote a string quartet named "Death and the Maiden". Momento Mori images throughout the ages frequently pair maidens with skeletons and skulls, like Georges de la Tour's 'Magdalene with the Smoking Flame' and this interesting 18th c German thing:


Of course all of the above were created by Old White Men, so figures that they'd want their thoughts of death tempered by sweet young maidens lmao.

But at least from Shin/the Goblin's perspective, it's poetic in this 'momento mori' way that the literal hand of death comes in the form of young, lovely, spring-in-her-steps Eun Tak. It's like she's his Beatrice-- that representation of 'spring' in his winter years, the divine, and ultimate oblivion.


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I love this! That's so true about the juxtaposition of young and old in myth and how Death is normally portrayed.

This is an interesting comparison, like I wonder how Korean folklore interacts with those comparisons.

Dokkaebi are supposed to be inanimate objects, not people though, so I wonder if there's something special about this? Also I wonder if that plays into Eun-Tak's attitude toward the whole thing too. She's still very light-hearted about it, probably because she sees him as not serious?


She's 18 internationally (we saw her birthday in the drama). She's in her last year of high school and it looks like it's September or October in the drama so her final exams are soon..
If the time that passes in the drama is about half a year, she'll be a college student.


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Did you guys not pay attention to the episodes?

Shin came back to Korea in 1998 and saved ET's mother. ET turns 19 (Korean age) in the first episode. Shin moves every 20 years. It cannot be past 2008 in episode 1-4. It is not present day. There will be a time leap. ET will age at least 8 years until present day (2016). So can you all please calm down with these age gap comments and about how she's 'immature'.

ET's been through a lot. She's seen ghosts since she was born and has been called the goblin's wife since she can remember. She lost her mother on her 9th birthday and had to move in with her aunt to hide from the Grim Reaper. She spent 10 years in that abusive house cooking and cleaning. She's a loner at school and not even her teachers support her. She works to maintain top of the class and went to at least 20 chicken shops to find a job. She's adamant about going to college. I don't think she grew up spoilt or attention seeking and selfish at all. She finally has someone giving her affection, of course she is going to cling onto Shin. Shin is an ahjusshi to her, what else is she supposed to call him? Goblin-nim? She hasn't had the chance to act bubbly and be care free since before she turned 9. Give the girl a break.

ET was obviously made 19 on purpose. If she wasn't a teenager a lot of the plot wouldn't make sense - aunt and insurance money, bullying at school, etc.

The relationship between ET and Shin hasn't even been romantic up till now, how can you call it disgusting. ET and Shin give each other a new perspective on life, show each other a new world. That is their relationship at this point.

Yes, ET talks about raising kids and other cringey things. But she is a teenager. She's been called the goblin's wife since birth. She's not been serious about these things. As far as we can tell, she doesn't even have slight romantic feelings for Shin. For now, he is her hope. She doesn't know what she will do if he disappears. Her best chance is to cling on to him as the goblin's wife - which is why she keeps repeating it.

We will see ET mature. Give her and the show a chance. Pay more attention to the plot.


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If you want further proof that it's 2008 when ET is 19, go back and watch episode 1. They show the calendar - September 1998 with a red circle around the 13th. ET's birthday is Septemeber 13th. She turns 9 in 1998. 10 years later, on her 19th birthday, it is 2008.

There will be at least one time leap until present day, 2016/2017. She will be 27 (Korean age) by present day.

I hope this settles the whole 'the age gap is disgusting' comments.


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Nope, you're the one who isn't paying attention. The first calender at Eun Tak's birthday is a production mistake. Goblin saved her mother in 1998 so 18 years (international age) later is 2016. There is also a 2016 calender at the aunt's house. Plus, everyone is wearing modern clothes and using the newest smartphones (you can see Eun Tak's Samsung Edge when she uses the candle app).


The show is currently on our time 2016, dont know why some really think that we are watching 2008 timeline. Is all about math 1998 Goblin is back in Korea, save ET mom, ET is born 2008 her mom died on her 19th birthday she summon our Goblin for the first time so if we add 1998 plus 18 means 2016. In addition like some others have mentioned why everyone is wearing trendy current fashion, cars are the latest models as well cell phone and let also mentioned Ikon has just recently debuted so the show is current could there will be a time skip absolutely can happen how many shows have we seen last episode has a time jump.


I wish you were right but don't think you are for the reasons others have mentioned (I'm starting this drama late so by now you all know the truth about the timeline). But I do agree with you in that we need to get over this age-disgusting comment and just enjoy the show. What they're feeling now is NOT romantic/sexual love. It's more like a yearning for what they don't have - for ET the abused orphan, the goblin is like a benevolent protector with whom she can be silly, giddy and almost childlike - she was never allowed to be these things since her mom passed away. As someone else put it, ET has no one in this world and Goblin is her only friend, family, that one ray of sunshine in her otherwise sad lonely life. Her comments of "raising kids, going on a honeymoon" are all very innocent, delivered in a way not to be taken seriously. She says these things not out of genuine desire but because as everyone knows, that's what all married couples do. Korean is my mother tongue and I watch this drama without subtitles. It's VERY clear to me that these comments are innocuous, said without much thought behind them.
For the Goblin I think there are two things at work. A certain pull due to fate (she was born with that mark on her back and is the only person in over nine hundred years who could summon him at will) and her unbridled joy for things in life that he took for granted e.g. being abroad, eating steak, catching leaves etc. She too is showing him a new possibility/joy in what was presumably a very predictable life. So right now it's just a pull, a yearning for something that the other person represents. For this feeling to develop into a romantic/sexual love as we understand it, a time leap is required (maybe we'll go past 2016?). The conservative Korean society as I know it will not tolerate high schooler-ajussi romance on a prime time TV.


Yassss, P. I agree.


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Eh? If it's 2008, ET would be still be 10 years old lol. Maybe you need to pay more attention. It's present time. She is 19 years old.


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Just do a simple math, P.
Shin saved Euntak's mom (who was pregnant at that time obviously since Grim Reaper came to her death site carrying 2 cards) in 1998.
Euntak was born in 1998.
Euntak was 10 in 2008.
She's 18 by international standard when she met Shin the 1st time around.
So the show is currently set in 2016 where she's 18 / 19 in korean standard.
I agree on the age gap being not a problem.
He's like a century old guy looking like mid 30s going 40 (a super hot one though).
He can date a 100 years old granny and the age gap would still be too damn far lol.


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Yes, ET talks about raising kids and other cringey things. But she is a teenager. She’s been called the goblin’s wife since birth. She’s not been serious about these things. As far as we can tell, she doesn’t even have slight romantic feelings for Shin. For now, he is her hope. She doesn’t know what she will do if he disappears. Her best chance is to cling on to him as the goblin’s wife – which is why she keeps repeating it.
Yeah I think she can so easily talk about being a wife and raise kids because all these eye triggering ideas have not got into her head yet, she's still naive, I think and that's why is not hesitant to get to the point, due to inexperience and not having boyfriends in the past. I think we have people from all age ranges here, so may be everyone is talking from their own experience.


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I immediately busted out the calculator to calculate the timeline and yep, the story is indeed in present time.


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It's currently 2016

1998 > (Goblin saved ET and mom)
+ 18years > (ET's age)
= 2016

SMH. just HAD to show it. :p


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They will eventually catch up. They are still in 2008, right? Not 2016. He will still be in mid 30s look while she will be like 25.
BTW the lead actress who is 25 is dating a 42 year old actor in real life, acc. to wiki. Yoo is 37. Just 37. ;) He He.


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As many other people pointed out before, the current time in the drama is 2016, not 2008.


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I think everyone is missing the point as to why eun tak is 18/19...

Cause that's the age she and the goblin meet - he can't have her as his bride if she was a child, being that age makes sure that she isn't. She is mature and can make decisions by herself. The issue is that in our time, 18/19 means last year of high school, and the writer put int he high school drama to make us feel sorry for her .

Plus i really really really like it that she doesn't have a close friend or someone that she could rely on cause that makes Giblin all the more special to her.


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He hasn't even touched her yet. So far, he just enjoys her company. We don't know yet what may happen. Some time may pass and she will get older before there is any physical contact, so it won't feel so icky. It seems they are cognizant of the fact that she's too young for him at this point, since there's not even hand-holding.


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dont worry, the drama is still set in 2008. its going to move forward in time soon (im guessing in the next ep) and she will be 23!


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Have you seen episode 3? When Reaper took the doctor's soul, clearly he said the date is October 4, 2016.
And there's comment above said that the calendar when ET's 8th birthday was production mistake.


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I think the age gap can be forgiven here since our couple transcend the average rom-com couple. Shin seems to personify darkness, cynicism and sadness that comes with passage of time.

So naturally, the embodiment of his opposite is someone who represents optimism, love, light and is justifiably personified as someone youthful.

That's why I can see how the writer might've intentionally chosen this age gap.


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I agree...
If a mature woman (in 20s or 30s) acts youthful, eager, excited at smallest things, fantasy-like view on life, then she would be too naive and can seems to be stupid also.. then it's going to be frustrating instead.
That kind of character can only be found in young people.
Plus, there is no sexual attraction between them, yet.


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Right now in the drama they are in 2008, (in 1998 is when her mom died when she was 9), so she still has another 8 years to grow up to present day. I doubt he's going to be kissing her now, this is just the beginning of his realization of his feelings but he wouldn't act on it now. She is also too young and immature to understand. The drama will definitely flash forward to when she's in her twenties, which is a great thing because a high school senior and ajhussi kissing would cause an uproar.


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I completely agree with you. I love watching this show... the bickering/brotherly love between the grim reaper, the goblin, and his nephew (servant). I also like the goblin's life drama etc. I even like the brewing romance between the grim reaper and the resto owner. But... I just can't jump ship with Eun Tak romancing the goblin. I just can't.

I'm usually not one who would care about age gaps between two people... but there's just something about how Eun Tak portrays the character and how childishly she dresses and looks that just makes me feel bad watching the romance that the writers keep forcing between her and the goblin. I just can't take the romance seriously and it just makes me wish for the other parts of the story to be the highlight of the drama. Do they have to have romance between them? Can't they just be two people who happen to be each other's protector/savior/super hero... without needing to force it as romance/ love partners? Sigh.


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This show oddly reminds of this creepy movie --------->

EunGyo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jphHmAVTmmA

This show is an odd combination of You from another star and Sandman comic book series by Neil Gaiman.

This writer isn't exactly known for originality. 'Not really the first time Kim Go-Eun played a jailbait. :)



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I agree. The whole high school-act cutesy pouts are getting to me, especially when I can't stand such actions in real life. Perhaps the show needs to show her as a young student to show how much she's suffering in school, and the whole inheritance wouldn't work well if she was an older character. I do still feel the ick factor quite a bit these two episodes, and look forward much more to the scenes between the male characters. They are hilarious.


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I still get the feeling that she is lying about the sword ... How she knows the details - the ghost gang ??? ... Or something else ... But I think she is lying .. She just wants him to stay and be around him ..


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I think she is lying to stick around him, too!! It'll be more interesting if she is!! I am sure she is the bride later on but I think right now, it's believable that she would make it up to not be homeless. Survival instincts and all lol


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The ghosts never mentioned about the sword. And they can't see it. If they do see it, they are the brides then.


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Good point.

I believed her when she said she saw it, and I will continue to believe until/unless she forgets and gives him a hug. Or a back-hug, that would be awkward.


Only the bride could see it, aside from Goblin that is. So no one could tell her what the sword's design is.


She has already embraced him, after he saved her from the kidnappers and pulled her out of the half-car. She jump into his embrace when the car fell over and she was just weak from the whole ordeal.

The sword is not a solid object, it is ethereal.


I'm with Violet. Only the Goblin's bride can see the sword so no one else wouldn't be able to see it.


err *would've*


Speaking of back-hugs, Reaper-man pretty nearly gave him one too, when they were doing their whole "follow me through this door" thing.

I think Shin, and only Shin, can feel the sword. To everyone else, it's not real - or at least not on him. I suspect the physical sword is in the field of buckwheat flowers where it has remained pinned to the ground for 900 years.


Agree...ghosts cannot see the sword but ET (ironic name) can because she is indeed the bride.


funny, i've come across a couple of comments suggesting the same thing--that eun tak can't really see the sword. well, she convinced me (and shin) that she can indeed see it, so i'm gonna take her word, but i do notice how she always kinda hesitated to answer questions about the sword whenever shin asks her and she kinda even dodges the questions and changes the subject. idk. at first, i actually did thought that she knew about his sword problem bc the ghosts around her would've told her about the goblin's mission to find his bride to pull out the sword, but i guess not since she's never mentioned it.


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Ofcourse she can see it, otherwise how does she know, first of all, that it's a 'sword' in the first place? Don't tell me all those fairy tales gave her that valuable piece of information.


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ghosts can't see the sword. no one sees it but for goblin n his bride.. n she described the tiger on the sword .. also noting that no source of information (she admitted her research) mentions the sword..


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if she is lying (her straight up answers for not telling from the start do raise plenty of suspicion) then fairy grandmother might be the one behind this..

if that's the case we'll have a pissed off goblin who will make thunder & lighting..


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hmm. granny telling ET about sword.. that is an interesting possibility


I had the same feeling too. I was surprised that it was confirmed so early in the drama. To be honest, I was hoping she has not seen it yet and she will only see it when she finally falls in love for real.


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I think seeing it is one thing but having to pull it requires another. Love maybe?


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Or maybe he has to forgive Reaper and set things right between them before it happens otherwise what's the use of all these reincarnations from the past.


I do like where your thoughts are going. It can't be that easy, right? hehe!


I agree that seeing it and pulling the sword are 2 different things, for once we are too early in the drama, plus I dont think the gods that created Shim into a goblin will make it so easy for him to die once the bride is found. I think she needs to be truly in love for this to happen or maybe both needs to be in love which we are not there yet, goblin is starting to feel love and ET has a crush. Plus someone mentioned in another blog what if the ring might be needed. Another thought what pulling the sword does not make Goblin to die right away but she become mortal and means that he can die like any human and more faster than someone around mid 30s since over 900 years.


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I agree. I'm still not convinced that she sees the sword. I think the ghost gang knows about the sword the same way the reaper knows about it, like a well/common-known myth among the supernaturals. They are knew the goblin needs a bride, not suprising if they knew what for. Also,They need not see it to know its existence. However, if that is the case, why is she pretending she did not know


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...what will happen if she pulls out the sword? Also, this brings into question her morality as a character. If she's lying, then she's manipulating him, which is cruel.

I hope she genuinely sees it, and KES will show us a flashback of ET and goblin's 1st encounter where she pauses and stares questioningly at his chest briefly before talking to him to make this whole scenario believable...


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I kind of like that lingering feeling of not knowing for sure lol. It makes it interesting.


I am thinking how ET can distinguish ghosts from human is the key. Although the ghosts doesn't really look any different from humans in the show to me (unless you take into account shabby dressing and pale faces).

Remember how ET first thought he was a ghost? Maybe she saw the swords, realised he's dead, hence thought he was a ghost and berated herself for having made eye contact in an instant when they walked passed each other on the street in the rain. Or I could also guess that since ET is trained at not making eye contact at ghosts, she must have saw something shocking, like the sword, enough to gaze up and make eye contact.


@Sunshower - I like this perspective!



OMG. Your comment made me convince that ET indeed saw the sword. And like the rest is saying. She confirmed it when she saw the tiger.


sunshower: i think your comment made sense to me. at first, i was actually hesistant if she did see the sword but after reading your perspective, maybe she did see the sword then.


In the first episode, the queen mentioned by the king as Shin's significant other. She's his sister in the first place. I dont get why people confused about it. ?


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Subs in Dramafever told "kill his significant other (cue the queen) and relatives" maybe that was one source of the mistake. I usually prefer Viki subs than Dramafever tbh. ?


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The subs on drama fever are flashing way to fast. I don't mind subtitles a bit but it is making the dialog hard to follow and I hate that.


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None is not better than the other in the case of Dramafever or viki.The translators,obviously not being native speakers of English,are prone to make errors often.
I'm not a native speaker either,but did some English editing for viki and I know most rely on textbook English and are not familiar with colloquial speech.
They are mostly volunteers,not professionals,so we accept them as they are.


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I also think Grim Reaper is the king. Though the connection seems almost too obvious now that maybe the show will surprise us? :)


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This writer created secret garden which was gender bender.. there is a possibility of them reborn as opposite gender...


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Nice plot twist if Reaper used to be the Queen.... but what could be the sins committed by the Queen that her reincarnation (Reaper) and chicken shop Sunny are cursed by the old Granny?


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I am more interested in the second story line with the grim reaper and sunny. I really want to understand that granny and the price to be paid.


The Queen could have said or done something that made the King start to doubt the General, the whispering advisor took advantage and it lead to her entire family being killed and her brother becoming a goblin?


Very little has been revealed about the Queen. Who knows what's the backstory planned? That said, I'm very excited about the possibilities as well. They've clearly made clear Deok Hwa and his grandpa's roles, so the mystery remains for the three - the old lady/ lady in red, Sunny and Reaper.

What if Granny/ Lady in Red was the King or Eunuch? Haha


You know, there has been a lot of discussion about whether ET(pfft) can see the sword or not, whether he wields the same sword he was cursed with or not. What I wanna ask is that has no one but me noticed the obvious sword migration?
In the scenes when he was trying to pull it out of himself, it was in his stomach, in the opening credits it was in his chest but almost horizontal, when she pointed at it at the end of the last and at the beginning of this this episode, it was in his chest, but at an angle. Now I have this weird mental picture of him shifting it around like a gear shift for optimum placement.


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I noticed that too. It also occurred to me that when he was killed the sword entered in his back, but I didn't go back and check. He lived for some time after being stabbed. Not possible if the sword was through his heart. Now they speak of the sword as being through his heart. Since the creation of the goblin came about through the strong emotions associated with his betrayal perhaps the sword is more metaphor than real. But TBH I find it best to just let these things slide. It is fantasy and drama.


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hahahaha! i actually noticed that too. i do not even know what is the exact position of the sword and i am laughing at myself since i still notice the smallest details in this show. hah


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But the grim reaper mentioned in previous ep, that the king could be reincarnated as women too.

So may be the GR is the queen and sunny the king.... gender reversal!


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Then who is the Granny/Lady In Red that keeps popping up and interfering? The power wielding Eunuch? I really haven't figured her part out yet.


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She is the narrator so she has to be one of the Gods. Perhaps her job is to give these characters from the past another chance to make it right with each other so they can all rest in peace.


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I actually think she is Cupid or some god of love.


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@aami sure it's been mentioned that it isn't necessary for a person to have the same gender in each lifetime but that's neither here nor there.
However, we have also been told that you had to have committed a great sin to become a reaper, and the king is definitely the greater sinner of the two. We have also been shown that the king loved and dearly missed the queen after she died, so if he finds her again, he might shed tears of joy/relief.
Ergo the scales tip more in favour of them retaining their original genders.


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@Niyati remember though tgat our perception of sin and wrong is different from what the gods consider a sin. Shin himself was punished for his sin of killing thousands, whereas in our eyes he is a soldier and a general, and he was protecting his land with his life and killed in the act of performing his duties.

I personally don't think it likely that the genders have been switched, but it is quite possible that the queen too was a sinner in some sort of God-logic way.


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Sure, you've got a point, and it's very possible that you are right. But the way I see it, in that case Shin is the bigger sinner. He was in the battlefield and a participant in the carnage. There is nothing to indicate that the king was. So then shouldn't shin become a reaper? And even in that equation the queen still remains the innocent one. She didn't do anything, she wasn't even killed for something she did, but for something her brother ostensibly did. And her decision to die rather than choose between husband and brother might be considered downright noble by some people.
The way I see it, shin got punished as a sort of divine power struggle. He killed people with divine blood and couldn't go scottfree, but he had divine blood himself and was only protecting king and country, so he was given a chance for redemption. The king on the other hand acted like a complete ass, so his reaper punishment fits.


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You make a good point - and concurrent with this logic, Shin has received the worst punishment of all - the inability to forget his pain. At least the Reaper has amnesia.


Some possible clues that Reap is the queen rather than the king:

They focused on two things as the queen was dying...a single tear flowing from her eye and the green jade ring.

It was Reap who was brought to tears at the sight of Sunny, and it was Reap who was inexplicably drawn to the ring, almost as if he was being called by it. Sunny just swooped in somewhat carelessly and snatched it. She didn't seem to have the same fascination for it as the Reaper did.

On another king/queen related subject, I think the king committed suicide out of grief for killing the queen (or at the very least, died in mental agony over her death and his part in it). The obsessive number of queen drawings the Goblin found in the king's chamber seem to point to that. He died alone and lonely.

Which may be why Sunny is still alone and lonely?


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We'll what you're saying is very possible. But think about this, like I previously mentioned, and you noticed as well, the king clearly and deeply grieved the loss of his wife. So if he finds her again he is more inclined to shed a tear at the sight of her.
Sure sunny didn't react as strongly to the ring that belonged to the queen. But both king and queen are likely to have a strong sentimental attachment to it. We know Sunny is completely human. The reaper has been a supernatural entity for nearly a thousand years. Sunny might have forgotten her past life completely, but with his powers maybe somewhere deep down he remembers. Or maybe those tendrils of memory are additional punishment.


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Thought as well that the grim reaper could be the king but he stated that he was saving money for the last 300 years which made me think he became a grim reaper only 300 years ago...and that seemed odd. I guess the king already sinned terribly by betraying shin and killing the queen etc. and should be a GR for way longer than 300 years. No?
Sunny does seem too flamboyant to be the wise queen who wanted to be in control of her fate, no?
And when Sunny wanted to buy the ring the Grandma was saying that both will pay a high price...that seems odd to say if these two really are the king and the queen who already seem to have paid a high price (queen got killed for her loyalty to her family and king is a grim reaper that forgot his past and longs for his memories, no?).


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That's a really good point, the timeframe for the grim reaper doesn't quite match. Unless the reaper means he's been one for more than 300 years?


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#3. is a very good point

though the lack of chemistry between ET and Goblin is very concerning...it keeps pulling me out of enjoying the last episode...had more chemistry with the actress that played the sister and amazing chemistry with LDW *sigh*


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GR was Queen
Sunny was King


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More and More of this stuff. I wonder about this writer.

Sandman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhA0GVi_N4E


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I think so too! I have his feeling that there's something connecting GR and sunny and maybe that's it. They were the king and Queen their previous life.


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I dont think he will die, I think he will be mortal and live to be 1000 years old


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I like this drama a little too much! Maybe it's cos it has been awhile since we see Gong Yoo in a drama (BIG never happened, right?). HOW DO WE SUPPOSED TO WAIT A WEEK AFTER THE PREVIEW THEY GAVE US???


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When Gong Yoo get out of his car wearing sunglasses, I hope my future husband would be as cool as him.


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ahahaha i was like "nononono get back in there! do not create a scene!! eun tak, gooooo!!" but yeah, shin is super duper cool and sooooooo handsome w/ the sunnies! but while i loved the song that played (i loved it most when it played during their first encounter in the rain), i thought it didn't fit w/ the scene, which was more comedic to me, rather than dreamy and romantic.


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That moment was a CF! He looks so sooo good!


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Ha! My thoughts exactly, definitely a CF for his Armani sunnies!


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Time: 04.25pm.
Cause of death: Excessively magnificent slow-mowes.


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Ohhhh that moment was.... enchanting. I usually cringe whenever actors tried to look cool for this kind of scenes/slow-mos but Gong Yoo does it so effortlessly that I feel like my heart was going to burst. He is a very fine man indeed!


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Me too! I'm surprised I did not cringe at the slow motion hehe! And I also did feel like my heart was going to burst. Maybe because Shin is a wonderful character. He's not the cool jerk kind of character. This kind of character tends to have such scenes of getting out of a really fancy car and have all women swoon at them.


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I replayed that scene too many times. I went dead every single time. Gong Yoo's awesomeness in sunnies is the cause of death.


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we're having the same thought on that scene. I think I fall for Gong Yoo once again after coffee prince and finding mr.destiny.


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@Maryam, at least, you can still hope.
My fate is already sealed (-_-;)


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Aww please be careful not to talk about the preview. (I know you didn't say what it is, but I'll just leave this warning here in case someone replies with a spoiler.)


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Honestly, Big happened. Haha. Long before I became more observent in kdramas, I watched it due to the initial set-up and while it was a satisfying show to me, it left me hanging at the end. If I remember correctly the ending involves rain and of course, umbrella I'm not sure if it was Gong Yoo's hand holding that. ???


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Lmao! It started out so well. But if the writers didn't set up the rules in a drama fused with the supernatural/magical genre it'll be hard to tie up the loose strings in the end and you get a crappy finale lol!


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I knew he was hot.. he looked even more amazing in that scene...


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so go watch his movies, then. I´ve seen 2 this year.


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Unfortunately, this show doesn't really grasp my attention, except for the second male and female characters.

I couldn't wrap my mind in an age gap relationship which would be a social issue in reality.

Hence, out of its 60mins, I watched the drama for less than 20mins, since I skipped all Eun Tak's related scenes.


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Are you talking about the 939 - 19 = 920 years age gap difference?


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lawl, exactly!


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Right?!? What were they thinking?
Age gaps bigger than, oh, 600 years or so really squick me out. lol


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Hahahahaha, why is the age gap such a huge issue on here??? This is a fantasy drama. So, I think it was kinda expected?


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LOL, +1!


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No human age will ever change that HUGE age gap. HAHAHA


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Agreed. Even Do Min Joon and Chun Song Yi are 400 years gap.


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And hello, why are we not talking about the age grap from LOBS then? The mermaid is also living for centuries I guess, so no need of protection for our young conman? Boy is only 28, compared to the 200+ ahjumma? :\


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there is no huge age gap in lobs. the mermaid of the present day is also a reincarnation.


The age gap is very twilight .. but better looking. I also wish like many others that she wasn't a high school student. What difference would it have made to the story if she was high school vs college student? I guess the school bully plot lines might have to be modified a slight bit.
i don't mind much when I watch the show because the actors themselves are closer in age (hell every actor pair is closer in age than the 900+ year age gap these two have) and I mostly ignore the high school part (until it shows up in the story)


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It also matter with aunt story line and if she is not under age, she can get an apartment under her name to live & all I don't have a home doesn't matter...
Right now her character comes out as inexperienced if she was a college student it would have been immature & hard to understand....
I also don't like her being a HS student but I can find reasons why they opted for this...


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ET is held back by her aunt because she assumed ET has a hold of her mother's insurance money bankbook and she can only receive the money after she turns 20 which is the legal age in Korea. The aunt said it if I remember correctly. I think that's why the writer decided to write her as a high-schooler.


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the actors are not really close in age though. (kim goeun is from 91 while gong yoo is from 79). she's closer to sungjae than gong yoo lol


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No need to be snarky. I'm pretty sure she's referring to the difference in maturity. He's a grown 30 year old man, and she's still in high school at 18/19. He's obviously been through a lot, even if you don't include the 600 years. It doesn't help that he is characterized as an ajusshi, and he treats her like a kid sometimes.


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I think we shud try to put ourselves in her shoes.. Imagine being a 18-yo who is an orphan, has been bullied since young at school and at home, and can interact with ghosts and other mystical beings.. and suddenly you meet this other mystical creature who you have been long told are your groom..

I mean, its not like the goblin is gonna get her pregnant and go away.. Or if he's gonna steal all her money and leave..

So in that sense, i could understand why, even if the age gap is a focus, consent is not the main concern.. Like the writer intends the age gap and clearly she has been emphasizing on the large gap too, but the problem that she wants to raise isnt consent issues.. I think...


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Goblin may be 939 yrs old but he is somehow naive.ET is more worldly though.


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I really don't understand this whole age gap issue

Also "bride" for e goblin is not even a proper bride. It's just Euntak that is finding her life purpose as "goblin bride" and therefore feels that finally she belongs somewhere. Esp since she has been told that maybe millions of time since she is born.


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Exactly! What I see whenever Euntak says "bride" is: one, she's trying to rile Goblin up on purpose to annoy him; two, to finally have a purpose and to explain all the supernatural things that happen in her life; three, to finally have someone to depend on.

In my mind, bride here isn't a literal bride, since the purpose of the Goblin's bride is to basically end his life. It's a mythical, fairytale concept meant for supernatural purposes, not how we would define bride today!


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It's not really the age difference between ET and the Goblin, not really about the age gap issue... some actors/actresses are able to create characters that have such strong chemistry that people overlook the age gap.

Maybe it has a lot to do with the lack of chemistry between the actress playing ET and the actor playing the Goblin.


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I think you're doing yourself a disservice by not watching the ET and Shin scenes. Have a little faith in the writer and director. They've been spot-on with everything else so far...trust them to factor the "high schooler" element into the plot in a responsible way. By skipping out too early you're not allowing yourself to see the evolution of these characters and/or become emotionally involved in their trajectory.


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Ikr? I think all these days I have been forced to think about only 'age gap' and sugar daddies and sorts, since what is the hot topic of discussion in this thread. May be people who are champion of eun tak ( like me lol) we should gather together and spread the love. And talk about her positive points lol.


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*since that is the. Sorry about the typos.


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Some interactions are just not interesting or fun to watch... and ET and the Goblin's interactions (for me) are just that so I skip those.


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I did that too. I skipped parts where Eun Tak and the Goblin are romancing each other. I also prefer the romance between the second leads. I do like the show though. I wish they didn't make the relationship between Eun Tak and the Goblin "romantic" then it would have been better to watch. Sigh.


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My favor episode yet ...

The bromance is great ... When is it not ? Pfft ....

But I loved the conversation between the 2 leads ... When gong yoo is all yummy in a suit and in a contemplative mood and she is like - why didn't you call me ... So couplish ...
I thought the romance really picked up in this episode

Plus I love that there are no useless scenes ... Like the one about the boy the goblin saved ... It wasn't just to show that oh! Look he is a good hero ... It tied up so beautifully today. "People seem to think I owe them miracles and do nothing with their lives" .... So freaking true! That scene was amazing

PS : anyone notice the cute cartoon graphics in the beginning ?


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Love the cartoon!

The romance is icky to me. He's so much older, I know that he's immortal so he'd be older no matter what but thirties vs late teens. Ack


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I noticed! Hilarious!!


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Cute cartoon graphics? I didn't notice. In which part?


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In the opening of ep 3 and ep 4 ! They are portraying a scene from.past episodes. Cute!


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Ah... The opening was cut in my video version. Now I want to download the uncut version just to see this said cute cartoon graphics. LOL.


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Every time the three men share screen space or even two of them for that matter, it cracks me up!

Also the part where Goblin was sending off the lawyer was the best scene in this drama for me so far. Wow, how beautifully was that thought out and played. Each and every dialogue exchange just hit home.

I will forgive the drama for dragging sometimes if the keep giving us those classic funnies and full on heart at regular intervals.

Also, can't wrap my head around the age-gap debate. Firstly, it is a fantasy. Secondly, Goblin is in love? Yes. Has he acted on it at all? No. Ya, he gets dreamy eyed, etc But for a guy who has spent an eternity in gloom ET is a sunshine and i guess being his bride comes with its own magnetic attraction too! Also, i have a feeling that ET is no regular cady kinda high schooler. The show has been continously telling us about her intelligence and inquisitiveness and her heitation at certain moments are suspicious. I bet the writer is having many surprises up her sleeve about ET. Please don't dissapoint me Show.


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Agree...this is pure fantasy so I'm after cinematography and acting,not taking much time for theorizing because such an outworldly story lacks logical cause and effect relations of the real world we live in.


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Honestly... it's not even about the logic of the show... it's fantasy, after all, like you've pointed out. It's just there's just something that makes me cringe when watching the Goblin and Eun Tak... It's just a horrible feeling... I can't even feel happy for the two of them. I really, really, want to be happy for both of them... but I just can't jump ship. I'd rather that they act more like siblings with sibling love than "romantic love." I mean... I don't really have problems with age gaps... but I think it's the way Eun Tak portrays her character... there's just something about it that just makes the romance so cringey.


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I noticed! Now i can't 'sing along' the "content trend leader tvN" ?


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I have nothing against KGE but I can't grasp her character yet.

And I want more Sunny and Grim Reaper on my screen!


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This might be my only complaint about the show so far. More of Sunny and Grim Reaper please! :)


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exactly i feel like they spend too much time on Goblin with ETK that it kinda gets boring while Sunny gets freaking less than 10 minutes i think.The last scene for example took like 10 minutes and i kinda lost interest in it,i like it and its a good drama but they really need to give more screen time to Sunny(preferably with grim)


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I think I dont have any problems with the way ET is written (though tbe scene after Goblin and GR saved her and the way she demand for sth from Goblin irritate me sometimes). I think it's just ab KGE. The way she tries to be cute in front of Goblin doesnt seem appealing to me ;__; I think that when she's with Goblin, she should've been herself and all, but KGE's acting is like "she is ACTING, and her acting is good but it's so obvious that she's acting that I cant focus on the character". So the chemistry with Goblin turns out to be weakest among all, even weaker than ET-Sunny's chemistry :v I hope the director would let KGE act the way she wants because I love her character in CITT so much. She doesnt have to try to be cute T.T


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I'm for that too!!! More Sunny and Grim Reaper!!! =) They are both fun to watch. More bickering interactions between the Grim Reaper, the Goblin, and the nephew servant too!!!


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I’m having a hard a time with Eun Tak’s character and maybe the way Kim Go Eun plays the character or even both. Eun Tak acts very immature, and it is such a stark contrast to the Goblin's serious and melancholy aura. I love the candy characters - cheerful despite obstacles, but Eun Tak's cheerfulness comes across as childish. I know she is supposed to be in high school, and some young girls act that way, but I wish her character would have a bit more gravitas. I don't want her mopping, but at the same time, I don't want her to act like a child, knocking on doors and lighting tons of candles until she gets what she wants. It makes me cringe instead of feeling the romance. Or are we not supposed to feel the romance? Because then I guess I'm missing the point. Eun Tak's scenes, for now, make me want to fast forward, and I don't want to because Gong Yoo is doing an excellent job. I am not blaming Kim Go Eun. I am sure that's how the character is written. I just wish she would play it differently or the writers should've written the character a bit older. I am enjoying the drama. I love the myth and pathos, and I have so many questions, but that is good. I am engaged, but I just wish the writer would tweak Eun Tak's character a bit or make her older already. Am I being too picky? Maybe I'm getting old because I feel a couple of years ago I wouldn't have been that bothered by Eun Tak's character.


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Something about her rubs me the wrong way too. I'm getting annoyed by the way she talks, it's like she's trying to sound extra cute and baby-like, which just turns me off from the pairing even more. She keeps calling him ajusshi too. It just makes their age difference all the more glaring and uncomfortable. Calling your boyfriend ajusshi? I keep thinking of the little girl and Won Bin instead. I know Kim Go Eun doesn't normally sound this way. She was fine in CITT.

Please give us more sunny and reaper!! I'm so sad they're being underutilized. I love them.


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I find Eun Tak endearing, like she acts all strong and carefree but she is depressed and fragile and acts extra cutesy to cover that up. The fact that she is a highschooler icks me a little, even as I enjoy and ship the leads together which I think plays parallel to the whole they belong together but not just yet vibes we should be getting from them. I desperately hope there will be a timeskip to when Eun Tak is older. I mean not that I don't buy her to be 19, but that's why they got someone older like Kim Go Eun, right?


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I'm really hoping for a timeskip so thay ALL the age gap comments will just go. Also so Kim Go Eun can show a more mature side.

But Eun Tak, in her bright cheerful aegyo way, makes Shin happy. I like that.
They don't have that sizzling chemistry (i'm sure we're gonna get that from second leads), but they give me this warm happy feeling, almost like hot chocolate on a cold night.


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Yassss, Dana. You conveyed exactly everything that I feel. I love Eun Tak's pure innocence and cheerfulness. That scene near the end of ep 2 where she cried out to her mom on the pier shows that she has more dimensions than just a typical "immature", cheerful teenager. I'm all on board to watch the show slowly unravel her character's development. Just the way that she brightens up Shin's face. And that last scene at the crosswalk *sigh*. That was beautiful - age gap or not.


I want a time skip for the narrative's purposes. I think having thoughtful and respectful conversation about the characters' portraying, including age and behavior, should always be welcome. I respectfully disagree. I don't get the fuzzy warm sessions, at least not yet. I like this conversation, and it'll be interesting to know if viewers' age plays a role too. Is it because I am older that I don't respond to her character like other viewers? Or is it just about tastes, regardless of viewers' age?


@carter I agreed with you on this "That scene near the end of ep 2 where she cried out to her mom on the pier shows that she has more dimensions than just a typical “immature,” cheerful teenager." I think her individual scenes is what makes the tonal split so jarring when she is with Goblin. I feel the writer is trying to different dramas in their scenes together. Again, I don't want Eun Tak mop in all episodes, and I just want a bit, just a tiny bit, more sober and austere from her. I understand what other viewers are saying, that is a front, and that is why I think it's the character, how it is written. Two different tones.


Wow totally agree with what you said.


@Beesuzie I don't think being older makes me any less empathize with her character. I kind of see myself in her too a lot,lol. Also, laugh if you want, but I don't think I've grown up yet, I mean here I am, approaching thirty but still having mindless, stupid-ish thoughts, which any adult might feel not useful. I think eun tak is more mature than me? Since she wants to raise a family and have kids, while I still can't bring myself to think that way, and I won't even go to the kids part. I think some people are more mature than others, and for them it happens at the end of their teenage phases, or twenty's.
I find it odd that people constantly mention her childish acts, but then forget it that she doesn't do it with anyone else, except KS. For instance, when she's with deok hwa at the library, or in front of the reaper, she acts all different. Same goes when she's with her aunts and the two cousins. We can even see how she toughens up and gathers courage when confronting them, sometimes at the expense of getting beaten. Also, not to mention, walking in front of the neighborhood till midnight just so that she can skip the encounter. All these point at the fact about how strong she is mentally, not the opposite. Since she thought Shin is like the genie, who can bring her to the land of aurora..or who can held her hands and take her to any place in the world, and someone who can give her unconditional love may be. So that's why there's no pretense, in front of him. Sorry for the long rant lol.


@fay you are right. Some older people feel they haven't mature and same with young people, who regardless of their age, they have mature beyond their years. I won't laugh. I sometimes think, feel, and do things that are very immature for my age too. I respectfully disagree with you on this point "I think Eun Tak is more mature than me? Since she wants to raise a family and have kids, while I still can’t bring myself to think that way, and I won’t even go to the kids part." I don't think Eun Tak wanting to have kids automatically makes her a mature woman. I would believe that this is the opposite. This is why I feel the writer has a tonal dissonance with her individual scenes and with the Goblin. I agree with you on the examples you provide "when she’s with deok hwa at the library, or in front of the reaper, she acts all different. Same goes when she’s with her aunts and the two cousins. We can even see how she toughens up and gathers courage when confronting them, sometimes at the expense of getting beaten." Yes, she displays mature behavior when she is not around with the Goblin. My disappointment in the writer in this very point. For example, think about when the Goblin met with the young kid he helped back in Canada. This is what GF wrote "Shin asks why he didn’t write down the answer that he gave him for the math test he was taking the day they met, and the boy says that no matter how he tried to solve that math problem to get the answer, he came up with a different one every time. So he wrote down the wrong answer anyway, saying that it was a problem he couldn’t solve. Shin replies, “No, you solved it well. Your choice alone is the answer to your life.”" Goblin will help the humans once, but they the get greedy and want more help. This kid did the opposite. Mature for his age. However, when Eun Tak is with Goblin, her childish comes in full displays. She asks for money, she becomes needy and demanding, she wants things now and is not patience, like a child and she asks for material things when in fact the Goblin already helped her once. He gave her life and her mom. This to me is what is giving me two tones in the narrative. I love Kim Go Eun, I think she is a great actress, and I do believe she is trying to work hard with that the writer is giving her. I feel other actor might have made me hate the character right off the bat.


Re: Eun-Tak acting all strong. I totally agree, and when I watch her it makes me feel like I'm watching someone who's really, really good at hiding their emotions. She doesn't let the viewers in on what she's really thinking a lot of the time, either. Which can be frustrating, but I think I've seen enough of her more fragile side when she's alone to know that it's always there. So while the mood swings and sometimes random behavior is still odd, I can tell there's something behind it.

I think it's really telling how much of a front she puts up when you compare how she acts around Shin with the persona for school and the ghosts and every other audience. She seems very good at adapting to what the people around her expect. Not always the same as what they ostensibly want (like that crazy teacher!) But how they expect her to respond. Which makes the moments when she's all alone all the more valuable. I'm looking forward to when she feels comfortable enough around the Goblin to be really genuine with him. That will make for some heartwrenching moments, I'm sure.


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I'm one of those who is still warming up to her character.. but I also think there is more to it.. Because with all .. I want to marry you or I love you, she said so care free.. when she said what if I have to marry you now because I can see the sword.. I realized she was bluffing all this time.. just to get his attention.. ?
With all the crappy things going on in her life , shin might be the only one who is listening to her..so she wants to be around him..
problem is shin gives such serious reaction to her bluff that it causes confusion and not able to understand the characters


I thought I was the only one who felt the cringe with Eun Tak and Goblin's romance. I, unlike the other comments here... also didn't feel fuzzy or warm or anything like that with the romance... I just wanted to skip it all completely... which I did.

I don't think it's the age gap. I have never had problems with age gaps. There's just something and I just can't pinpoint it. I feel like I would have easily jump ship if the queen's younger self... was Shin's bride. Is it perhaps the character's portrayal that makes it cringey?


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I completely agree with your viewpoint. Eun-tak, the character needs some gravitas, something beyond the stock Candy character to make her suitable as a Goblin Bride.

Though the character is cute, there is an overdose of childishness and mood swings. I mean, that's just like any other 18-year old, but somehow in this show it just comes off as cringeworthy and unappealing.

This drama would have been nicer with a more poignant relationship between the two leads- from what I saw in the teaser, there was a seriousness to Eun-Tak's interactions with the Goblin. But till now the drama has not delivered on that accord.


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The way she acts around Shin is definitely different as her relationships to anybody else.
She's right now finding the answer to what she knows is her life purpose: she's expected to be her bride, so she delivers every theoretical expectation about brides-to-be: bearing children, living together, marrying... without feeling it or wishing it at all!! It's like a little girl, and he realizes it, too.
He's not falling in love with an adult woman but with a sensitive, innocent girl who speaks her mind all the time. A good person, the way he likes people to be.
Of course there's a time skip needed, this uneven pairing can't work out!!
And kuddos to Kim Eun Go, Ishes doing a great job playing this troubled but positive kid and I'm certain she'll be a wonderful Goblin Bride soon. Great actress!!


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I think I dont have any problems with the way ET is written (though tbe scene after Goblin and GR saved her and the way she demand for sth from Goblin irritate me sometimes). I think it’s just ab KGE. The way she tries to be cute in front of Goblin doesnt seem appealing to me ;__; I think that when she’s with Goblin, she should’ve been herself and all, but KGE’s acting is like “she is ACTING, and her acting is good but it’s so obvious that she’s acting that I cant focus on the character”. So the chemistry with Goblin turns out to be weakest among all, even weaker than ET-Sunny’s chemistry :v I hope the director would let KGE act the way she wants because I love her character in CITT so much. She doesnt have to try to be cute T.T


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i don't have a problem with eun tak, but i agree with you and do hope that we get to see her grow older and age more as the drama goes on.


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I get what you mean about ET. She does come off to me as immature, especially in this episode with her banging the door, lighting tons of candles, and insisting on living in his house. I could not grasp what it is exactly that she wants from Shin. I am ruling out love for now because it feels to me that it's all fun and games and fantasy-like for her now, or at best the early stages of first love. If seeing her likes this will give way for her to grow and mature (maybe a time skip) before our eyes, then I am on board with that.

Nonetheless, I find KEG as likable and doing okay playing ET (even though I personally think she can tone down the aegyo and still be very cheerful). I think it is how the character is written and not really KEG's fault. I like how we see changes in Shin when she's around. Their scenes together are quite nice.


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"I am ruling out love for now because it feels to me that it’s all fun and games and fantasy-like for her now." I think that's part of why I get pull out of the narrative. Goblin is selling me this bleak, tortured, melancholy, yearning, and I feel like I am watching two different dramas in one scene. I will continue to watch because so far, I like the story. I have questions and I hope the drama answer them. I also want to know more about the GR and Sunny.


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Like you... I continue to watch because I want to know more about the Goblin's story. I don't even need him to have a romantic story. There's so much depth in his story, alone. At the same time... I also want to know more about the grandma, who she is. I want to know more about GR and Sunny; their connection. I also want to see more interactions between GR, Goblin, and Servant Nephew.


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@cinna I don't think it rubs me the wrong way, yet. I don't feel annoyed, yet. But I do feel her scenes with Goblin pull me out of the narrative. I agreed with @SVLR. I wish her character will be a bit more suitable for the Goblin's character. I don't mind the age gap. I am old enough to know what is wrong and what is right, what is appropriate and what is not appropriate. To me this is fantasy, and I enjoy it as a mature woman. That is why I'm having a hard time grasping if its the actor or the character. Because the way Eun Tak acts right now, pulls me out of the narrative the own drama is trying to sell me, this epic, grandiose fantasy. I can't buy it, yet, when she acts that way. I do like reading the recaps because I get to read DB and GF insights and sometimes that made me rethink my stance. Maybe I need to do my GF did "But the more we see her through Shin’s eyes, the more she becomes lovable and thoughtful, and her brightness in and of itself becomes something to admire." See Eun Tak from the Goblin's perspective.


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+1 ...
I am so NOT digging with how her character is being shaped...many times in this ep she came off as materialistic, childish and her over the top bubbliness is just that...over...


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This is the worst episode for me so far. Possibly because nothing really happened and they dialed down Goblin - Reaper interaction and increased Goblin - Bride scenes instead. And no the issues I have with Euntak are not that she's too young it's the fact that she's damn needy demanding this and that from Shin which makes it super annoying and no not all teenagers act like that. And it doesn't help that KGE tries so hard to be cute with the way she talks and her expressions around GY when she doesn't seem to be like that at all with other ppl like YIN or YSJ. I do wonder if someone like Park So Dam could make this character less annoying since I enjoyed her performance as a high schooler I'm Cinderella and Four Knights with the two being similar age and all. Some ppl also pointed out to me in previous post that chemistry doesn't need to be sizzling and I agree that I wouldn't want GY to have a sizzling chemistry with a high schooler either but some kind of chemistry would be nice. At this point the only weakness in this series is the romance between Goblin and his bride which is a damn shame especially if it's going to take most of the screen time.


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But the main story is actually about a Goblin tries to find his human bride, so you might as well expect more screen time for both of them.


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I didn't like Park So Dam as a teenager at all she felt so cloying and annoying. uggghh.


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"she’s damn needy demanding this and that from Shin"

IA. this is the biggest problem i have with her character. i don't mind her being cheerful and bubbly and occasionally teenage-ish, but she's being too demanding that it comes across as rude sometimes. sometime i dont even know what she expects him to do. it's like she thinks he owes her something, and that just rubs me the wrong way. shin has done quite a bit for her, like putting her up in a hotel suite when she becomes literally homeless. even a regular teenager would've been extremely grateful by it but she just gets pissy at being kept waiting. waiting for *what*, exactly?


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I have no qualms about the age gap in the beginning. But this episode ET is so annoying, irritating and demanding. I can handle it for a few scenes, yet it kept on going and going like an Energizer bunny! She is acting like a spoiled brat ! Treating the Goblin like her genie who is at her beck and command granting her every wishes and desires! The worst thing the Goblin is falling in love with her!

All I do is just look at GY to ease the tension and the stress from listening to ET constant nagging.

To add to that there was hardly any scene about Sunny and the LDW. Been patiently for their second encounter.


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Been patiently waiting, sorry excuse the error....


I do not think she is too needy. She is still faithful to her character who went through 10 years of abuse by her family. She has nothing and I guess she was always dreaming that one day her prince would come and save her. She has been told for years that she is the goblin's bride so I guess she created some fantasies in her head (like a safe haven to escape to when all the rest was too much). She probably has a childlike imagination on what he could do for her...and sometimes I think she is just keeping it fun by saying she would like to be able to make gold bars.

She behaves in a more naive way when she is with shin but that could also be because she is still young and never had any relationship before. I assume she will grow as a character when faced with shin's bigger problems like the consequences pulling out the sword means or when the GR new special unit will catch with her.


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"She has nothing and I guess she was always dreaming that one day her prince would come and save her. She has been told for years that she is the goblin’s bride so I guess she created some fantasies in her head (like a safe haven to escape to when all the rest was too much)." This could probably help explains what she acts like a child with the Goblin. She has fantasies and probably doesn't grasp the weight of the situation. This is why I really hope we get a timeskip. She needs to develop a bit more as a character.


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I agree, I have read a few comments about how it is annoying reading about the age complaints but to be fair the show tends to mention it quite a bit here and there which keeps reminding the viewers she is young. Also it doesn't help like mentioned when you have scenes of her acting childish also she seems to be forever in her school uniform lol there are some moments when I am not bothered but other times I am taken out of certain scenes especially the supposed romance. I think Shin and ET have a good dynamic but I am not feeling the romance.


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Yes. The show doesn't help when they keep mentioning her age. I am glad they do though and I am glad the Globin acknowledges that. Like I said before, it is not so much the age gap as we know and understand this is a fantasy drama. I am all for fantasy. I just feel there is a tonal split. I like the drama and I agreed with you about their dynamic. Globin is definitely mindful and kind. I like that aspect. His character to me is a bit more weighty and I will continue to watch the drama to see how much the writer develops Eun Tak.


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What many people fail to realise is that not every one is mature. Not everyone can separate fantasy from reality. There are a lot of young, impressionable people watching this show. I personally know people who grew up reading Twilight/ Fifty shades and dreamt of a partner like those heroes. That would be really unhealthy in real life. And in some cases wrong. ET as a character may be mature but it doesn't help that she acts like a child with the Goblin. It's one thing to be cute. But not the way she acts in some scenes with him. Also the school dress. It's the portrayal rather than the intention. That's why the age gap is icky. Anyway that's what I feel.


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I've never had problems with age gap romance until this one. I just can't buy it. Sigh. Do I have to skip a lot of episodes? Sigh. It sucks too... because I like everything else about the show. Can't they just make it sibling love or any other kind of love... just not romantic love? Sigh.


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Are we watching the same drama? I don't think ET is as immature as you all make her out to be. She lost her mother at age 9 and said goodbye to her on her birthday. She listened to what her mother said and as soon as she got a phone call from the hospital she said 'I know, I'm coming'. She left behind everything that was familiar and kind and welcoming and had to go and live with her aunt and two cousins so that the Grim Reaper wouldn't find her. For 10 years we presume she's cooked and cleaned for them with no affection from them. She's shown to basically be a loner at school and bullied since young. She literally had no one to rely on. No real friends, no family, not even her teachers supported her. But she still continued on, she still worked hard and maintained her grades to stay top of the class. No one believes in her but many times it's been shown that she's determined to go to college.

From the day she was born she's been branded as the Goblin's wife. Ghosts have always pestered her about it, of course she's spent much of her life wondering who the goblin is and what it means to be a goblin's wife.

Since the day she turned 9, she's never really been allowed to just be a child. Her aunt didn't give her that right and she didn't have people to play with either. On her 19th birthday, she makes seaweed soup for herself and for the first time she actually makes wishes and blows out some candles (she didn't have birthday cakes growing up and after her mum died on her birthday she refuses to make wishes or blow out candles because 'no one would be listening anyway').

Think of her surprise when KS suddenly shows up and gives her flowers and reassures her that she will find a job soon and her aunt will disappear. It's literally a whole new world for her whenever he's around. She can finally be her happy, bubbly self and she's not punished for it. Of course she will cling onto him. For her, he is an escape from her troubles, a safe haven. What will she do if he disappears?

She must have visited at least 20 different chicken shops before she was given a job, but she didn't give up. She works diligently at the shop and is caring. There are many good points about her character. I think it's superficial to hate her because she acts happy and bubbly around KS. That's just one layer or her character. I don't think she's changed herself, it's just that she hasn't been in an environment where she could be happy and care free since her mother died and KS creates that environment for her.

I think she was written as a teenager on purpose. A lot of the plot wouldn't make sense if she was a college student or in her mid 20s from the start - her aunt and the insurance money, school and bullying, living situation and grim reaper finding her, etc.

I trust in ET. The age gap is not really an issue because for now, their relationship is not a romantic one. ET and KS bring out new sides of each other. I think they...


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I think they will show ET maturing and as she does, their relationship dynamic will change too. Have faith!


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"A lot of the plot wouldn’t make sense if she was a college student or in her mid 20s from the start – her aunt and the insurance money, school and bullying, living situation and grim reaper finding her, etc."

But when you think about it there is still a lot of the same plot points could have been used even if she was not a hs student. Bullying, bad family, living situation can still affect a college student/adult.


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And as some peeps have mentioned, these two are not regular people. They're more or less mystical beings (with ET seeing ghosts and her mother brought back to life when she was in the womb).


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So, so agree with this! I absolutely feel the same too..


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Yes. Agree wholeheartedly. Her being bubbly and all in front of KS does not encapsulate who she is as a person. People need to stop pigeonholing a character just by one aspect. Sit down.


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Thank you to everyone for engaging with me in thoughtful and respectful conversations. Everyone here deserves to provide their opinions. Just because it is pop culture, it doesn't mean we can't engage in a dialogue where all of us provide different perspectives. But please leave the "sit-downs" out. Let's agree to disagree in polite way. Thank you.


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Thank U 4 that. I dont c y that r complaining


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I completely agree with you in your assessments of Eun Tak's life. That is why previously wrote about how jarring her individual scenes are compare to her scenes with the Goblin. There is tonal split and dissonance that takes me out of the narrative. I will have and continue to watch in the hope that the writer fully develops Eun Tak. I want more than just Globin falling for her innocence and lightness and vice verse, her falling for him because of his stability.


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I love reading your comments! :)


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Can't agree more! I think every detail has a purpose...at least so far.


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For me... it's not even about the age... as I've mentioned before... I've never had problems with age gap romance. There's just something about the Goblin and ET that just makes it cringey for me to watch. I mean... you can say you like it... but there must be something wrong if a lot of people find it cringey too (and most don't even have problems with age gap romance either).

For the other comments... just because you don't see what others see doesn't make other people's comment less real. If a lot of people are pinpointing the same issue... there must be something in it... which the writers need to look into. (A lot of people don't even have an issue with the age gap... a lot can't even pinpoint the reason why... but they find the interaction between ET and Goblin cringey).


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Thank you! You've said all that are important to ET character.
I agree with you!!


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the way I see it is because eun tak wants to be treated like a kid and princess but act like she doesn't need that all to other people,
hypocrite probably too far,
she is fake but when people said she is act strong in front of him to fake her life,
it doesn't make sense,
he knew everything about her, no need to fake anything and he doesn't take her that seriously for more than a cute girl I probably interested,
she is way over her head and totally uncomfortable to root,
I just simply wants her to know her place and stop acting like she deserves it all,
yes she suffered, but moaching on the goblin is not how to earn the dignity,
also it's 4 episode and she never learns,


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Though I think "fake" is a harsh word, I have to admit that I feel this character is not 'real'. I mean this is a drama but I can easily root for a Goblin, a GR, a King and a Queen that I only see 1 minutes of them, but the way ET is written and KGE's acting is a bit off to me. Ok, I understand that she is a cheerful girl, she lost her mom since she was a kid and all, but I always feel like everything ab ET is made to make viewers sympathize with her (her aunts, her teacher, classmates..) She is a smart student, kind and cheerful and the only bad thing is a rumour that she can see ghosts, but how the hell would EVERYONE believe it?? The writer tries too hard to make her life miserable in a unbelievable way, and KGE tries too hard to make ET seems cute and cheerful. That is enough for me hzz


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You might be on to something. I never really thought about it... but now that you've mentioned it... I see where you're coming from.

There's this very stark contrast between the Goblin's story and ET's story. Whereas I felt submerge in Goblin's story and I fully empathize with his plight and emotional turmoil... I don't feel the same for ET.

It does feel like the writers were trying so hard to make her life really miserable... everyone bullying her, everyone making her life horrible, the teacher bullying her... etc. I mean... I guess that's what they are going for... that the whole world is going against her... but it just pulls off this very unrealistic story while on the other hand... though very fantasy like... the Goblin's story feels more organic, more real, and his pain feels more true.


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If Gong Yoo stares at me like that.. UGH. I can't..


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this drama makes me feel ALL THE FEELS! >_< (every. single. feeeeel...)

I was never a huge fan of the writer's works, but this drama has completely changed my mind. (*coughTHANKYOUGongYoocough*)
It's crazy and funny and sad and and and... just so freaking good. *also, don't really know why people be hating on EunTak. I think the actress portraying her is adorable and somewhat strange in a cute way. LOL

most importantly... i wish someone would look at me the way Gong Yoo looks at Eun Tak... or the way Deok Hwa looks whenever his grandpa mentions his credit card. XD


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"the way Deok Hwa looks whenever his grandpa mentions his credit card"

LMAO This so much! Deokhwa is too cute!

I'm also not a huge fan of KES dramas that I find it surprising that she wrote Goblin. It seems totally different form her previous works. I hope she holds up until the very end with her fantasy story. I'd hate to see this one crumble because so far it's good.


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This episode killed me. Despite the existential angst, the humor, the characters, the writing, the BGM.... everything made me smile.

That last scene was probably the most beautiful scene I've ever witnessed... Gong Yoo's voiceover coupled with Kim Go Eun's freshness really made the scene come alive. I felt like I was falling in love. The directing, writing, and acting really combined to create a masterpiece in that last minute.

The only part that made me sad was that we didn't see Lee DongWook and Yoo Ina interact. At first, seeing all the comments, I'd assumed LDW was the queen and YI was the king, but when YI said she preferred a king on a white horse, I'm inclined to believe that she's the queen and LDW was the king? Not too sure what's going to happen... which is another reason why I love this drama. I understand what is happening, but I have no idea what is going to happen. The writer really created the story perfectly so there's this feeling of content and urge to know more.

Here's to one more week of waiting...


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I totally agree, it is a gorgeous drama! It really captures the tone I wanted from LOTBS after the first episode (sad and haunting, but funny). And while the one show has become more comedy oriented, this one is still treading the line, really really well. It feels like I've entered a fairytale world every time I start an episode.


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LOTBS is funny but it seems more of a comedy now.
Prefer Goblin all the way.

And IA also about the wait...another week of waiting... :_:


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Euntak is annyoing.
Kim Eun Sook never change.


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For me the main female lead of KES is from "Ok she seems nice but I dont really care ab her" to "Can she be a little bit less annoying". This time ET is in the middle :v


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Just a word about eun tek ... I think her character was too cutish in the beginning ... But now its flowing very naturally given her supposed age and that she has basically grown with the idea is that she is the goblins bride ... And on top of that he turns out to be someone who actually cares about her welfare. . . how much she has longed for it ... Just look at it - she is dirt poor and given a suite to live in .... And after like 10 secs of joy all she wants is to talk to him .... She is so starved for affection ... And in ways he is too... So he gets shocked when she casually drops bombs like - I wouldn't mind eternity if I had you with me

I think kge is absolutely on point with her acting here ... I don't get all the brick bats she has been getting ....


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I choose to ignore the Eun Tak's "criticism". It's silly to expect an 18 yo to be mature and not...be a teenager. I think given her background, she is spunky and handling things waaaaaay better than she could be.

If she were mature and stoic and "strong minded" and whatever else to denote "maturity", I'd think she's a weirdo because that teenager doesn't exist lol

Like have we all forgotten the hormonal roller coaster of teenagers?!?


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I'd totally go crazy if my soon to be husband is as rich as him, not to mention his dorky charms. I really like how KGE potrays JET; it's refreshing to see. I used to 'refuse' her after CITT incidents and surprisingly, she eventually managed to pull me with a mass that is greater than Earth (lol). I never thought of her as childish and immature, but more like carefree and lovely.
I like her tone, I like her eyesmile; it was so endearing, I feel like I want to pet her.


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Omg Cheese in the Trap is when I first loved her. I am in an external love/hate relationship with that hateful/lovely show lol

I'd be listening to the soundtrack and cry over what could be ???


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This! I find KGE's portrayal of Eun Tak is so far on point. She's just a teenager with her confusion, being abandoned for years and now finally find her sense of life purpose.


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Yes! And the actress does a super job (I think) of showing the true sadness behind the bubbly smiles. This has to be so hard to do! I love the character and the actresses portrayal of her.


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I've also been pretty much ignoring all of the age gap comments. Honestly, I think KGE's portrayal gives Eun Tak a nice breath of fresh air.


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I AGREE. She's in freaking highschool. I didn't act like that around that age but her character is acceptable for teens.

Well, we can't force others to accept something they wouldn't.


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The highlights for this episode are

1. Drunk Goblin/Shin roaming around with Eun tak.

2. goblin going crazy , that he cant remember exactly what he said to Eun tak when he was drunk, and suddenly went bersek from the blurry memory of telling her about pulling of the sword

3. Shin coming out from his car in a swoon worthy way. Gong yoo, you are killing me here. Dude, why are u so handsome and charming?

4. The cherry blossoms , giving us evidence , that when goblin is happy, he bloom pretty pretty flowers. AWWW

5. The drama watching scene by grim reaper and Deok HWA. HAHAHA! Eun bi is hye ji's daughter!!!!! So grim reaper's watch dramas just like us normal humans and are very much invested in them? Welcome to K-drama obsessions Grim reaper

I was expecting a full one and half hour episode and got one hour instead, and i was a bit disappointed, because i love this drama so much.

It feels really sad story. A man who waited so long for his bride to come, and pull out the sword from his chest and he would peacefully leave this world and his pain would come to an end,but who knew, he would warm upto his bride so much, and she is now his first love and he wants to spend every second with her for lifetime,and he doesnt want to leave, now has to leave. It is so cruel and heart wrenching..

I think the granny/Samshin grandmother is there for a purpose, maybe she is there as a sacrifice to make Goblin to become human and protect Eun tak from grim reaper, since she is considered to be one of the missing souls, as she wasnt supposed to be born.

The way Shin was reading the book, and looking at Eun tak, was so heart breaking. He really started loving her, and he doesnt want to leave her. In his 939 years of life, he never met a girl, who is cheerful spirited, and optimistic despite her poor living condition and she is the one out there to protect him first, unlike him protecting or saving others. Finally he found his love, HIS FIRST LOVE, but she is also the reason he will DIE and LEAVE this world. How could he ask her to do that?


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I see many long, hideous ugly cries in my future.

Bring on the angst! I am ready for you, Show!!!!


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Aaaaaiiiiiee! I'm not ready! I want more cute first!


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I'm not ready for a sad ending too.
I wonder whether Eun Tak can be a goblin too, just like Bella Swan became a vampire.
By giving Kim Shin a back hug? *Creepy*


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What about aging as a normal human being.that will be the best HEA


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Ha. My thought on that scene: "this girl must've watched twilight"


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I haven't been reading as much of the comment threads as I should because it's finals week, but anyone wonder if the grim reaper might be the goblin's previous king?


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Yep! It's been suggested by a good majority of the viewers since the 1st ep!


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Eun Tek is adorable with flashes of maturity that's only known to those who struggle; and her Goblin is hilariously complicated. I am totes in for this roller coaster ride of a romance.

That poem is lovely.


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Love the poem too. Thanks for the translation GF.


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The last scene where she crosses the street as he narrates the poem was nothing short of breathtaking. The bittersweetness, the melancholy; all these emotions conveyed in a simple scene. This is what I wanted from this drama.


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Right?? It's something out of big budget movies, not a regular tv show. ❤️❤️❤️


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I loved the poem ... It fit the scene so so perfectly ... And it sort of puts their relationship in a more beautiful light ..


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I think their love is going to feel like a journey across time and space; and this is where it all started...Canada lol


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No kidding! Canada is going to see a decided up-tick in tourism after this drama is done! :-)


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i don't mean to take away from the beautiful scene, but was it just me that was so glad she didn't get run over and that she crossed the street safely and made it over to the other side in one piece? omg, i think i held my breath that whole time and it didn't help that they slo mo-ed it!


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Me too .... Me too .... Me too..... I kept waiting for the truck of doom ... And I was like goblin! Stop being poetic ... Focus ... She is going to get run over ... You need to be alert ..


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lolololol i knew it wasn't just me! ahaha, ikr!? "can you pls stop being dreamy and beautiful for like a min and make sure this girl crosses the street okay?!" jeez louise.


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When she started hopping back into the intersection I did an internal scream and thought "omg u dumb child now Goblin the Guardian will have to slice another car to keep you from getting killed."

But thankfully the maple country is a peaceful nation with fewer drivers of manslaughter bent.


We've been scarred by too many dramas.


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seriously. this is insane. future dramas, learn from this! ppl can cross the street and make it out alive! there is absolutely no need to have them ran over! it's so unnecessary, ugh. aha


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@Van - Haha! Too true ?


Absolutely. Scenes like this one would be ok if it weren't for every other kdrama ever. Since this show goes so meta with all the other kdrama references, I could almost suspect they did it deliberately to wind us up, but that seems a little out of character.


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I can't help laughing when reading this. Literally every single scene at the intersections in Kdramas makes me so nervous hahhaha


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lol I knew she was going to be fine because they were in Canada. Random cars aiming for the lone predestinarian on an empty road only happens in Korea lol

Seriously, when they jaywalk/run walk across highways they always make it, yet they always get run over when crossing COMPLETELY EMPTY STREETS!! Why?!??


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u rite. a part of me (the part that wasn't traumatized by kdrama cliches) knew she'd be safe, but i couldn't help it. and yep, idk why, i really don't, but you're right, it's always the seemingly empty roads/streets that has the truck/car of doom. whenever someone spots the other person on the other side and tries to get their attention or calls over to them and then proceeds to cross, i've already prepared myself for the worst. i'm just like, "hurry and cross!" so it def didn't help that eun tak took her sweet time, lol.


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I am terrified when anyone crosses the street in a drama, you never know.


HAHAHAHA ME TOOOO. I was panicking the whole time and had to rewind so that I could rewatch the heartfelt moment with the right mindset


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haha, i think i should do that--rewatch the scene.


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I love every chracter. I just love the progression of KS and ET's romance. The pace is great.
I really love how this drama is able to transport me into their world, that's why I enjoyed the longer episodes so much. I didn't want to leave.


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Was not inteded as a reply.


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Me too! But then I remembered we'd given our self-aware Truck of Dom (Tod) an identity crisis, so he's on sabbatical for this one. Hopefully.


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i guess ToD has finally been kicked out of its spot as the Harbinger of Death by Subway lol


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SAME HERE! Especially after the walk sign turned red and she was still hopping in the middle of the crosswalk. And then it flashed immediately to someone covered in blood. It turned out to be Goblin in the past, but for a split second, I thought the show pulled a LOBS and had a car hit the female lead at the end of an episode!


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Hahaha! This is what happens when you've watched too many dramas. ?

Seriously though, I'd really love it if there was a reaction video by kdrama fans while watching this scene. I'd bet they would all be clutching their pillows and holding their breath, all yelling, "Gah! Stop skipping and cross the street already!", "OMG! She'll totally get hit!". Non-kdrama would probably be all like, "Uhm. Why are they so scared of that beautiful scene???"


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I think Canada is constitutionally incapable of having a Truck-of-Doom. They're entirely too nice. Even their cars are nice.


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anticipation from korean fans.

watch out! It could be BigBigBig spoiler

Reaper's name is Wang yeo

First name of King who kill Kim shin is Wang
(It is historically true when Korea dynasty 918∼1392)

name of Yu In-na in drama is Kim Sun

she could be Gong You's sister(episod 1 Kim so-yeon)


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I don't think it's a spoiler that the Wang clan ruled Goryeo. That's why some figured out from the very first episode that the reaper was the king because of his name Wang Yeo. (Fictional but still the Wang family name gave it away).


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Well, if the queen was married to the king, wouldn't she be a Wang as well?


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From what I understand, women don't really take their husband's last name after marriage, especially with royalty in Korea.
I'm dying to know which one of our reaper-chicken shop owner duo is the king or queen. This show just loves false Easter eggs!


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No she would be called Queen Kim (her maiden name) if Sunny is her reincarnation.
After she died she would have been given a temple name / posthumous name. That would be the name that we would use to refer to her.

The reaper's name has to be the king's given name.


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I know some people find the age gap off putting, but I would so date Gong Yoo even if I was 19. <3



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It would only bother me if it's not well-done. In this case, both leads are doing such a good job that I don't think about it...just like I don't think about the fact that don't Goblins exist....


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I have no problem with it actually because I knew Kim Go Eun is 25 year old and Euntak, 18 year old student is just a character she doing. So, i dont find it any problem when she and Goong Yoo paired together. No real underage here. Hahahaha. Anddddd, Kim Go Eun is dating with a man that 15-17 years old older than her. I think that's why I find them attractive to be paired, no awkwardness since she have no problem dealing with a man that is much older than she is.


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First time while watching this drama I've got bored. Why so many useless scenes? Those goblin-bride convos could be cut by 2 and the result will be the same. I thought this drama is something new and fresh looking at first episodes, but last one proves that it is typical KES writing. And that car-school-dudeinsunglasses scene. So cliche and so KES. It's better to have more Grim Reaper - Goblin lovely fights.
I will give a try next Friday, but so far, drama, you're dissapointing me.


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But with the car-dude-sunglasses-school scene, at least they got the wardrobe right this time and no ugly sweaters were involved


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surprisingly, this drama reused many scenes and I became tired,
it's like they don't have many footage left and keep telling viewer the same explanation with a different setting to take screen time,
it still good but lot less enjoyable


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Unfortunately, I have to agree…I absolutely LOVED episode 1 and 2 however 3 and 4 have really reduced my exciting - mainly because we've got a lot of fluff scenes without actual progression of the story.

For example - in this episode - we knew from end of episode 3, Eun Tak see's the sword - from that moment at the beginning of episode 4 to literally the end - we moved no where.

So we find out Grim Reaper likes to watch morning dramas, Goblin gets easily drunk (and likes to blab) - the only forthcoming thing we heard was him telling Eun Tak by accident about removing the sword. Sunny (who def needs more screen time!) had all of 5 minutes combined, 95% of which was spent wondering about Grim Reaper (and product placement).

I know there's a plot and it's going to be exciting once the ball gets rolling…it's just taking veryyyyyylong.


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BTW how is gong yoo flitting between so many emotions in a single episode ....

Stunned at the idea of death
Then completely comical about it
Then you have this amazingly poignant scene with the Paris boy
Then he goes all melancholic with ET
Best though would be drunk goblin who is endearingly sincere
Then having a freakout the next morning and hufffing and puffing with the besties
Then being a total dork and swinging water swords around
And finally that sweet romantic voiceover in the end

Phew!!!! ...... That's a lot of transitions in an hour ... And without going over the top in any ...


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Right, right? One of my favorites was when he was moping in front of the bottles of pills and explaining to Deok-wha why he's taking those meds. ???


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i want a goblin for Christmas..


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I want Sunny for Christmas :)


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I want LDW Grim Reaper for Christmas...
Not to take my soul away, but to take my breath away, and my heart... ^^


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Santa told me to send you this reply. Merry Christmas!

From my YouTube channel-
• LDW Dances (Hot Tango Scene): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-WQgr8pMls (3:18, 1080p)
• LDW Sings (for real!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCu2AzOflqs (5:04, 1080p)
From Gabi Bo's YouTube channel, a superb fantasy Tango Mashup-
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGC8_8x_zoc (1:22, 720p)


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I want Gong Yoo for Christmas.


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At first I found Eun Tak annoying too. But she grew on me. And she's only 19. A lonely, poor 19 year old girl who suddenly has a shot in life. I trust KGE can pull off contemplative, given some time.

And Gong Yoo, seriously, you have my heart. Always.


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I never had a problem with KGE since she sells who her character is, a 19 year old high school girl just wanting more out of life.


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I seriously cannot imagine another actress other than Kim Go-eun plays Eun Tak character. I love her work so far.

Yes, Gong Yoo is love.


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Yes, I absolutely cannot see anyone else being able to pull of Eun Tak's character. I'm actually excited to see how the show and KGE are going to portray her many facets and personal growth. This is only the 4th episode, so I'm keeping an open mind.


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Omg me toooo


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Me too. A lonely poor girl who has no support system, no parents, no friend, welllwisher or anything. So that's why her being nineteen seems quite fitting. And I feel there was this certain reason why writer made her exactly that age, probably cause if she had been 25, then it would mean she survived, the struggle and all. But then we saw how she had to force herself to live with that one man and two women , and how that worked out for her, so it's logical that we see her from nineteen. Also maybe I find this whole talk about age at this point a bit redundant ? Since I am Asian, I don't know why this is not unusual for me, but a lot of people here have been going on and on about saying the same things on every single recaps, so there's nothing to comment about except this one point then? There are certainly more to her cheerfulness and we see the glimpses from time to time. But one thing I feel is either you like a drama or you don't. So our reasons don't dominate the factors for favoring a drama.


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Finally!! It's getting tiring to read those comment bout not liking her acting and the age gap.

I find it ridiculous esp since no matter what her age it the age gap is Goin to be there anyway.

I love reading comments to see what other ppl insight about the character as well as plot points that I might miss. But having to read bout that complaint on every single recap is tiring.


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I've been a fan of Gong Yoo since Coffee Prince but then he left for army and came back doing movies (no that certain disaster drama did not happen lol). Glad to see him back on the small screen and he is killin' it.


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Although I did feel that the pacing was a little off this episode and was hoping for more after last week's big reveal, there was still much to enjoy in this episode.

I liked how the theme of "waiting" is being established in this episode. All our characters are asked to wait for each other at some point or waiting for each other to respond. Taking this to another level, our main characters have also been waiting for answers, for something to make sense of their lives. And Eun Tak and Goblin has finally received some answers, but that opens up more questions.

Eun Tak, after having suffered through many years of hardship, was waiting to know that there's a greater being out there, and Goblin appeared to give her such comfort. Goblin has been waiting all 939 years of his life for his bride, and now that she's finally appeared, he doesn't know how to react emotionally and struggles with it. There's such humanity and humour to our supernatural beings here that makes them so relatable and real.

Everyone loves that final sequence with the poem and I loved it very much too. The selection of the poem was so perfect because it's beautifully ironic that our Goblin, a supernatural being who is above the natural laws of this world, finds himself drawn into a love that is expressed in terms of physics. It's nice to see Goblin finally smiling and opening himself up to the possibility of joy and love in his life.

Am really hoping we get more of Reaper and Sunny's storyline soon because there's just been too little of them thus far!

Have shared more of my thoughts here on this episode https://kdramaanalysis.wordpress.com/2016/12/11/the-lonely-and-shining-goblin-ep-4/


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Yeay for just an hour broadcast !

I love that poem in the end, simple and romantic. Are you only falling in love for the first time, Goblin? I thought the Queen was somewhat his love?

And how I sigh watching Gong Yoo in this episode, so good-looking!


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She's his closest kin.


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Subtitles in the version I watched:

"Most importantly, I wondered if you're financially stable".
Guess she hasn't seen the gold bars yet.... Did she forget about the hotel in Canada? Anyway she has her priorities right :)
"You didn't say anything mean to her, did you?"
(Thinks back)
"I choose death. It'll be easier that way."

Best banter ever !

Later, good thing the old guy is dead, or climbing all those stairs would kill him :)


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omg, the stairs comment! i was like "awww" when the old man transitioned into the boy. i loved those type of editing and scenes! it's so smooth and beautiful and goblin does it so well. i love this drama's little twists and reveals.


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Also in the version I watched, the policeman said the gold bars were made by Bank of Korea. But lettering on the bars said "UBS" and "Switzerland".

So, anybody else see a version with different subs, or did the show just mess up?


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@Lord Chobol

Thank you for mentioning this! When I saw the gold bars I screamed a little because that's my bank ? I was wondering if they were going to say it's from Switzerland but then they mentioned the Bank of Korea and I got confused...


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No, that was part of the magical reality. Just like how they started out that scene with all their memories intact, only to watch them whisp away at the end.


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I am mentioning this evrywhere just in the hope it coems true..

I want granny to be God's bride.. because you know.. you can't go against your wife.. if you want decently cooked food and a warm bed to sleep in.. :P

and Granny doesn't seem to hate any of the four leads..

G: I said, end the punishment
God: yobo, but i have to set an example
G: exactly of what?
God: you know how humans react following their fickle nature
G: Fickle nature, are you the one to talk..
God: But yobo,
G: Couch for a week.. and I said i like the goblin and GR.. so you do the paperwork and free the souls
God: But yobo
G: No 3 meals a day cooking for you. Only soups and americano
God: But Yobo
G: No americano
God: No americano.. but yobo
G: No soup!
God: I concede..

"Goblin.. take that damn sword out and live as human"
"GR: drink the tea, forget it all.. and just move on as human"

"Head of the GR association: get rid of the missing person form"

"Yobo, americano....


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God: "Yobo, americano....

G: Did you just kill the merman???
God: I.. no i didn't..
G: You are threatening the mermaid??

God: No wait
G: No americano
God: Soup?
G: Are you rewinding the timeline for signal season 2..
God: Should I
G: read my face
God: huh!.. announcement is around the corner..

God: What is this?
G: subway

God: "muttering to self* Small mercies..


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LOL! I just choked on my rice.


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I love this drama sososososo much. It's been a while since a show has gripped me this thoroughly, and I am on the edge waiting to see what will happen next! AHHH my Gong Yoo love truly knows no bounds <3 <3


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Seriously. So many comments about age gap...

Even if she was 70 years old there will still be a HUGE age gap between them.


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*SIGH* seriously. -.- I swear not an episode goes by without half of the comments based on their age gap.


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yeah, ppl are still not over that. haha, i can imagine the same comments in the last episode.


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She should be 937 years old or what, as a female goblin from his era.


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Hahahaha. Bless you for that. May you be rewarded with goblin's gold for that golden comment of yours.


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Does that really make a difference? I don't get all the hullabaloo around it.
Anyway loved girlfriday's comment on eun tak..especially this part..
"It’s almost too simple that the sunny character is the perfect foil for the gloomy one, but when we see just how much sunshine she brings into his life, written all over his face like that, it’s hard not to think that there’s something magical about the marriage of darkness and light, sadness and love."


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the problem is not the age gap but how the character act..its childish.it feels wrong when you meet someone who live for 900 years.i think it look like fans meet an artist.i dont blame KGE here but i blame the director and writer to make her act like this.but i still give her chance to grow and change for another episode.

by the way.episode 4 so far was a little bit letdown for me. plot was kinda slow but the preview give me a hope.given the potential to be amazing( I Love how episode 1-2 feels like a movie and Story move fast)and then turn into cheesy love story.with supernatural as a background.hmm well i still love other aspect in this drama so i forgive the romance part from main lead.hope i can make it till the end :v..(:


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the problem is not the age gap but how the character act..its childish.it feels wrong when you meet someone who live for 900 years

I felt quite the opposite actually. That may be because he has lived for that long, and he has so many experiences and insights on life from the events in his life, he just doesn't need a charismatic, or intelligent smart type woman as he has seen it all? As he says himself, he doesn't need a pretty woman, just someone who can pull out he sword, and in this case, it's her. I felt the character of goblin is tired from the burden of thousand years, so he doesn't need an intellectual to amuse himself. Besides, the whole concept of the show was union of a goblin and a mortal, and eun tak is quite an image of average human beings, an ordinary life with an ordinary background with the common mindset, hence her dialogues also revolve around money or part time job or having a bf, which is also how average people act. I think it's a deliberate act to write her character as she is, not just done on a whimsical basis.


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I like to respectfully comment on what you wrote "hat may be because he has lived for that long, and he has so many experiences and insights on life from the events in his life, he just doesn’t need a charismatic, or intelligent smart type woman as he has seen it all?"

I think this exactly so many are commenting on ET's age being so problematic. Kim Eun Sok, doesn't have a nice track record writing female/male characters. What the writing is telling the viewer is that is okay for old men to groom young teenagers into a relationship. Let's be frank, a 19 year old is not yet fully mature, there are some teenagers out there who are, but the reality is that many are not. This is what many find problematic.


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"What the writing is telling the viewer is that is okay for old men to groom young teenagers into a relationship. Let’s be frank, a 19 year old is not yet fully mature, there are some teenagers out there who are, but the reality is that many are not. This is what many find problematic."

Wish I could highlight your words... but may be due to westernized point of views, we are reading too much between the lines? Someone even said something like goblin being the suger daddy , which was really disturbing to read. I don't know but the way things are projected in some societies, now we're automatically directed to some kind of distorted mentalities like having a relationship where couples have large age gaps are ethically wrong or creepy...where the fact is in lot of societies people do fall in love to people who are older than them, even 10 years or more. I even have friends from usa who got married at twenties to someone in their mid thirties. So, I don't know how I should take these comments. Having an opinion is fine, but there are some beauties to innocent pure love, and attraction. I would still like to believe that this type of relationship exists, if not in real life as people tend to think, then in dramalands, let it be.


While its your opinion and you are entitled to it..
But i am quite perplexed if I should comment on the "Let's be frank, a 19 year old is not fully mature" part. So, i decided to respond to that..

I don't quite agree with that particular statement..
There are ample students in college (infact senior high.. 17+) who are quite mature and sensible...

And you will find 30 year olds.. who are immature and clueless about how the world works..

Personally, in real life too.. looking down upon a relationship and calling it out to have negative effects on society is a very unhealthy approach and akin to curbing others freedom ( it is same as telling a person of one cast to not marry another).. IFF both have attained legal age..

Love is love.. it happens.. even if its gold digging that for them as adults to figure it out.. heartbreaks happen in 'good' relationships too.. And if it is about use and throw of younger partner (specially if a girl).. that can happen with any man out there..

The focus should be on preotecting the innocence.. if there is a legal age , it is there for a reason...else if the world is so convinced that a 19 yr old is not capable of thinking for self.. then unanimously push the legal age to 25 or 30 as you deem fit..

Let people in love be in love in real life.. 20 yr difference or 2 year difference is immaterial if they are happy...

If a 14 yr old can't fall in love with a 40 yr old, why should a 14 yr old be allowed to fall in love with a fellow 14 yr old.. I have a problem with any 14 yr old being allowed to "explore"..
Become 18.. and then do whatever you want to do..with whoever..


My LORD! That offensive comment of yours:

"What the writing is telling the viewer is that is okay for old men to groom young teenagers into a relationship" there is NO EVIDENCE OF ANY ATTEMPT TO GROOM HER INTO ANYTHING. I'm sure there are many people in May-Dec romances who have bridged the age gap because their hearts guided them to that achievement. Do some young women become victims of dirty old men? Yes, but, I do not see any of that in this drama. This relationship is more of a May-September romance.

My feelings about the age difference are: she is “of age”, he is not being lecherous and their relationship is destined, it even has a purpose. There is no ick factor, unless, you are compelled to find titillation even where there is no intent and has no purpose in this story.


@RLD +100


"Someone even said something like goblin being the suger daddy which was really disturbing to read" but didn't the show itself mention this? That school bully when she saw ET with Shin. Some people are not bothered by it but some are, the show also tends to bring up her age so the age arguments and comments will still be discussed for a while.


I honestly don't think the writing is trying to harm young viewers by telling them old men can "groom young teenagers into a relationship." Nothing about their relationship is sexual. Much of it is them bantering and simply feeling happy around each other. And I doubt that the drama team would go heavily on the sexual chemistry route when they have REPEATEDLY commented on how young Eun Tak is.

I think this is a coming of age story for Eun Tak, with a young girl meeting a mystical creature that brings happiness and support into her life, and probably maturing and finding more stability and purpose as a result of Goblin.


Exactly!!! I think everyone is simply forgetting that she is 19 and wanting her to be mature and show some "gravitas" is a bit much. In fact i feel she is the perfect representation of the typical teenager. At that age you are often ruled by your emotions. Add to that the dude has lived for 900+ years and would be way more mature than her thus the glaring difference between them. I think the whole purpose of making her 19 is to show us a time in her life when she is lonely and in obvious need of support which makes her cling to the idea that she is the goblins bride.As someone said earlier if we were shown her life at a later age she would have most probably have passed through the trials making us miss a crucial part of her development.
She is an ordinary human girl who worries about things like money and getting a boyfriend so to me that makes her more relatable.


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plus that is exactly what goblin needs..

someone to run around and push him .. not bother with her own ego.. but shamelessly keep pestering goblin about relationship..

her being orphan sort of helps and provides that background of why she earnestly wants a trust filled relationship with someone.. how she is willing to go to extremes ( while not being his mother.. which a mature character would come across)..

she is fun, she epitomizes the vivacity of youth just stepping out of the door.. mesmerized by seeing how big the world is outside of the four walls of school and home..

A office going 25 yr old.. would not be the same.. she won't have that childlike wonder to mundane things that can excite the goblin and offer a 'different' perspective..

( and why not 17 but 19.. because for a kiss you don't want to run into trouble with the viewers :P .. get the legal age)



I'm glad ET is able to be childish around him with what she has gone through after moving in with her aunt. she is still a teenager..


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she act all needy and not giving enough good example of behavior yet the shows glorified that as how to attract this mature old man,

that's how I see it #,
Kim go eun doesn't do good,
she looks like acting as a child with mood swing cause she wants it all,
totally cater to young woman fantasy that if you suffered enough, you will get the reward without doing anything,
it simply on your fate,
you don't need to work hard to change your life path,
you don't need to find out your job or what to do in society,
you don't need to start settled you previous problem,
just run away and hide if your part time job,
just follow the hot mature man that loves you and dedicated your life to him cause ofc, he knows better
and you don't need a personality to work on,
you are cute that way and enough to be the princess,

totally a character to root/s


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I'm kind of scratching my head about your list because a lot of things that Eun Tak did indicated the opposite of her being a "princess" and wanting everything handed to her one a place.

She HAS a job and spent a great deal of effort looking for one.
She wants to go to college, despite her teacher telling her to forget about it.
She told Goblin that she wouldn't contact him anymore after hearing that he didn't think she was the bride. HE kept looking for her.

I could go on and on.

And who wouldn't hide if you knew that your aunt sic'ed debt collectors on you?? If goblin and gr weren't there, she would probably have ended up a true assault victim. Would you want to go back to that household???

The reason why she asked Goblin for things was because he outright told her he could grant wishes! Who wouldn't ask for things in that case? And look at the things she asked for: a job, to deal with her terrible home situation, and to find love. You can't get more realistic than that.


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+100 agree


all she did is said that and never actually delivered/executed in the story,
she never get accepted in any job except after the goblin give it to her,
ideally, there must be something wrong with her,
she doesn't have the money for college, that's the truth,
teens can say anything about their dream and what they want to cause what she wants is normal, I get it but did she ever learn, have we ever see her have real work to be a good student?
my problem is how the story constructed their ideal heroine with the "talk of independent" while acting like brats and glorified it with half good acting,
she is a pessimistic character that suddenly deserve it all cause only think of the solution and fulfil your fate is what she needs to do as the beloved bride heroine ,


She also like moved out of her aunt's initially to avoid the Grim Reaper


@Jools - I like your your reasoning - well thought out!


I know, right?

Nothing in the set up or theme merits this concern and once you accept it, you can move on to actually discuss the drama.

Remember GY played a high schooler himself in Biscuit Teacher and Star Candy to Gong Hyo-jin's teacher.
(Even though he is a year older than her IRL)


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and now, the wait begins...

thank you for the recap, gf!

i previously read about eun tak moving in w/ the goblin and grims, so i was surprised that it was really happening bc sorry grims, but i don't trust you. but then she just ended up being in a hotel room by herself, which is great bc she's not homeless, but so sad bc she's all alone. i was anticipating the chao that would ensue if she really did lived w/ the boys. is it too late for that to happen?

drunk goblin was hilarious and cute! i couldn't believe that he couldn't remember anything bc he was drunk! i wish he told eun tak the truth about the meaning behind pulling out the sword, but i understand why he's not telling her. i hope she finds out, though and we can all find out a way around his tragic fate.

grims continue to surprise me w/ his adorkable self! the fact that he wears his hat to mooch off the restaurant's tv to watch his drama is ridiculous and hilarious.


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I'm loving this drama! I haven't been this thrilled since W, and quite surprised this one is written by Secret Garden and Heirs writer.

I've been thinking for a while, about Eun Tak being a candy high schooler. If she's a few years older, and still with the same bright personality, I will cringe a lot because she will seem a lot more childish than she is now. Or if she is more mature than she is now, I don't think she will be the right person for our goblin, because you know, opposite attracts.

This is my opinion though. I also haven't warm up to the main couple as a romantic one. They still looks like uncle and niece to me. But I love Eun Tak as a character, so it's kinda sad to see many people who don't like her.


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If I were the goblin, I would fall for her character as well, not someone who's old enough. In his time (the kingdom era), ET's age would have had at least 3 children.


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Goblin can not go anywhere before he takes couple photos with the Reaper. Please.

I will not boringly repeat the king-queen stuff that way too many people do like they are the first to say it. gah, annoying. read previous comments before you think you´re a genius.

but if you all think Reaper was the king, why was his memory deleted? Because like he did to the abuser, shouldn´t HIS Reaper NOT give him the tea for him to remember all the horrible things he did? Or is the Tea THIS Reapers´ personal Thing? Like, others have other methods and priorities?

I find the Reaper community pretty funny and would like to see more of their competition for "clients" and petty jealousy.

I have a feeling that Lee Dong Wook laughing in one scene might have been an NG where he wasnt supposed to laugh ...
and are the Reapers clothes hanging in the air in his room?


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I will not boringly repeat the king-queen stuff that way too many people do like they are the first to say it. gah, annoying. read previous comments before you think you´re a genius.

Yes, but part of their deal is they won't read these comments either. Sigh.


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ahaha, i think deok hwa can get us a photo of grims and goblin together and heck, he'll probably ask eun tak to take the next one so he can squeeze in the pic w/ the boys, too.

and ha, i'm glad someone mentioned it bc i was kinda afraid to come off as mean but yeeeesssssss, the reincarnation comments grind my gears. i don't mind and in fact, appreciate theories, but bringing up the same questions can be repetitive.

you make a good point abt the reaper's amnesia = drinking memory-wiping tea, but doesn't make sense if we're going w/ the current tea logic. hmm... you're right, he should've not drank the tea and therefore, have kept his memories... great, another question added to the list!


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Maybe they want to share what they think first without having their own theory be affected by someone else's. That's why they post it without reading others. It's hard to un-see what someone else wrote and not let it influence your own ideas.

Personally, I like to read all theories and consolidate the strong points into one awesome mega-theory, if possible. But I also don't mind much when people prefer the other method.


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yeah, maybe.
but people will scroll over most of them


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oh btw I want Kim Seul Gi cameo here too - as a ghost


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i read that too fast and got excited that kim seul gi's cameo-ing! ahaha, that'd be hilarious to see her blabbing about shin and eun tak's relationship and following both of them around. man, i can already imagine shin getting impatient and snapping at her bc of her fast talking! aha.


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oops, sorry to get your hopes up! anh, just a wish unfortunately


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Yeah but I think that speculation about the Reaper makes his relationship with the Goblin all the more interesting. Partuclarly since they seem to really like each other. I've never been particularly wowed by Lee Dong Wook but he is winning in this. As is Gong Yoo.


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Or, someone could just take a picture of Goblin, and if anybody complains just say reaper is there too, with his hat on :)


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LOL. or Goblin could prove they have become allies /friends by taking a selfie and saying the reaper IS in there, no, really!!!


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I am still missing something here... KGE - I really don't feel your act?! really really something wrong here... you are there to deliver the lines which are all written to sound very brilliant, but your emotions are lacking... do you feel anything towards Shin other than plain talk??? I feel like fast forwarding you like everyone else... :-(


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sadly, I don´t really feel much from her either. at least it is a learning experience for her with some brilliant actors who are also effortlessly funny


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When I watched, my mind sometimes wandered; if only it is PBY who portrays JET, or KSG, or....


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Why WOULD she be in love with him already?!? She's just a teenager who is still too close to her tragic past and abusive relationships to have the wherewithal to feel true love.

If she did fall in love at this point, it probably wouldn't be a very healthy love.

As it stands, the reason you don't feel she has those types of feelings for Shin is because she DOESN'T. Her "I love you!" was so patently "just words" that we, as the audience, would be foolish to think her character actually meant it.

Instead, she sees him as a mythical creature brought to life. One that's been part of her own, personal "mythology" ever since she can remember. He's more like a genie who can grant wishes. And that the ghost's hearsay and her birthmark give her an instant connection to him make him, in her mind, her own personal genie.

Let them come to appreciate each other as people -- become friends, outside of either of them "needing" the other as a means to an end (BOTH of them!) -- before expecting a deeper emotional connection and/or being disappointed in the lack thereof.

I trust the writer to factor time, and time together, into their shared history before introducing a grand love.

We're only in the 4th episode, people!!! Give them time to evolve!


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I am really liking Goblin. It's not yet crack level for me, but it is so interesting. The plot has much potential for richness and I hope the writer delves into those. And it finally broke 10% in its second week. Congrats to the cast and crew!

For me the Goblin episodes aren't fast-paced, but they are also not draggy. I enjoy the little moments that are shown to us like the simple bickering of Shin and GM.

While I now love all the characters, the most winning for me is Shin. Gong Yoo plays him so well that I feel and see his burden for living for almost 1000 years. The last scene of him narrating while we are shown ET walking is just beautiful. It's not just because damn Gong Yoo's voice is so beautiful, but the meaning behind the poem and the look in Shin's eyes.

My only gripe since Episode 1 is the OST. I like the songs as they are. They are really nice songs to listen to, but the excess of English lyrics is kind of a turn off for me. Since this is KES the cheese is also overflowing which sometimes make me laugh rather than swoon, but those are just little things. I cannot wait for next week.


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Daebak to the last scene. The poetry. Director-nim, bowing to you. Only drama on my plate to savour fully Gong Yoo's offering. Don't know much about goblins. I think the lead actress is doing excellently. I'm convinced that she couldn't be any other age.I have a daughter who just turned 20, and it's that refreshing age really to challenge widely held conventions. Pushing and testing love. A breath of freshness. A 24 year old would be acting and not be that refreshing. It's her youth against goblin's agedlessness that's contrasted. Just wonderful.


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Agree - And part of the epic feeling is due to the stakes of life and death, not just realistically but metaphorically.

She is transitioning from the "death" of her childhood to the "new life" of her adulthood. And there is a tension also brought on by the fact that these two stand opposite of each other in so many ways - Eun Tak the picture of innocence and childlike naïveté unaware of so many worldly realities, firmly embarking on the beginning of her life's journey. Shin the picture of worldly wise, aware of so much suffering and pain in the world, getting ready to end a long and difficult life. In this opposition to each other, in this balance of light against dark, the stakes are more real - his real death, his real protection of her from the reaper who might cause her real death, but also of a danger that he presents to her - the death of her innocence that is a necessity of growing up and a necessity of her being the his instrument of death as his bride.

Once she pulls the sword, she will carry the weight of the responsibility for ending his life and that is no small task. The age highlights the problem that being a part of Shin's life means inviting pain and death into her own, and that will naturally destroy some of the child within her, making way for her birth as a woman. So Shin's life is tied to death.

I can see that the age difference is uncomfortable to many viewers, but it makes the stakes greater for Eun Tak - that by embracing her purpose and by becoming a bride, she is killing the innocence of the child within, and the threat or underlying subtext that a bride becomes a bride when she has sex with her husband just underscores death again - the death of her virginity. So there should be a hesitation when we see her excited to be his bride because we (the audience) know that she invites death into her life in so many of its forms.


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I love your analysis! It's been tiring reading people's complaints about the age gap. I was also concerned about it at first but after reading your comment, I think it all makes sense to me now.


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Thanks ☺️


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I should have mentioned though that unlike the Reaper who brings just death, Shin offers her the death of her innocence, but the birth of her maturity - and the birth of her finding her destiny.


@merry How did I miss this gem of a comment? I could re-quote whole of the passage! Yes, there's certain freshness to an 20years old right, they are unabashed and not daunted by struggles and conflicts in life.


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I would like to add how wallpaper worthy some scenes are.

This drama is so beautifully filmed.


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The poem at the end was so beautiful af.

the preview of episode 5 though, how can i wait a whole week for that????


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My feels exactly *tears*


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I love every chracter. I just love the progression of KS and ET’s romance. The pace is great.
I really love how this drama is able to transport me into their world, that’s why I enjoyed the longer episodes so much. I didn’t want to leave.


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I think KGE is doing a good job selling the character. I find ET real and cute.

A lot of enjoyable moments this episode and the scenes look gorgeous.


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I see that I am going to have to make an advent calendar every week for this show.


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That well lighted uniform of Reaper in the corner looks like someone is standing in the background. LOL.

That reaction of Shin when he saw Deok hwa sipping his yogurt overlapping with his image of Eun tak doing the same... Shin's emotional attacks are just priceless. ?


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Did Eun-Tak just asked if there was OPTION NUMBER FOUR?

If you know what I mean


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Y'all can forget about the age gap. This girl KNOWS OPTION NUMBER FOUR. RAWR.


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Hope everybody here watched W :)
I think W & Goblin mostly appeal to similar tastes, so anybody here who hasn't seen it now has a way to ease their suffering until Friday.


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OOOOHHHHHH ahahaha, i'm glad you mentioned "w" bc i would've never guessed it. ahaha, it's the "sexy bf/relationship" option, right? i remember watching that part w/ my mom. anyways, i ship them so hard but ppl are making me feel guilty for wanting to see more skinship from them bc of their "age gap." gosh, now I'M talking abt it! but i really can't wait for them to hug and kiss and have babies--in a few years, of course! ??


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I want it too van!! She's down so I am too. If "we're" gonna be all in, let's be all in (no puns intended)
plus without skinship it's less romantic. the music swells, they look into each others eyes annnnnnnndddddd nothing.
noooooooo fall into his arms, kiss or something!


Haha. Lol.


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I actually forgot about that! Hahaha! +1000 to you, Lessa.. XD


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If I were her sitting across from Gong Yoo, I'd want to know all of my options, too lol Can I touch, take him home, have him doing some shirtless cooking, what...?


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Oh my gosh! This. You just made my... early morning (late night?)


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I guffawed when she asked for option 4!


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lmao ikr i think KES is a secret W fan ;D i half expected her to hold 3 fingers up lol


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This show is utterly thrilling. I'm so in love. Hands down the highlight is the Goblin x Reaper friendship. They're so cute and I can't even imagine what is going to happen when we find out that Reaper is the King.

Oh Goblin, why are you so cute and adorably flustered about your highschool (still ew, stop her from wearing the uniform it's too real) girl crush.

Everything is so right about this drama (except for the highschool aged heroine).

And Eun Tak, my heart, so hurt and scared and brave. Age aside, I do love her. I think she's the weakest character in the show but I love how Kim Go Eun shows her bravado and barely masked fear. This girl has no one in the world except for him and this weird family their all slowly building.

I can't wait Sunny and Reaper to get some screen time. Sunny manages to make the most out of very little, she really is just so cool.


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When i watched last episode where ET cried for her mother in the rain,i really get now that she's really a good actress.but i don't think KGE suits candy roles.her acting cutesy with GY made me laugh.i can't take her seriously.she's good in melodramas tho.
So i thought she's a high school student and goblin is her sugar daddy specially everytime she ask for the 5,000dollars and it does made me feel awkward.how i wish she act like an adult.maybe already in college.but this is just my opinion.idk anymore.

other than that,i enjoyed this show so much.i love the bromance between reaper and goblin that i rewatched all their scenes together.


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I just can't believe I found my crack after what seems like an eternity. Crossing my fingers this stays good till the very end. Can't get enough of Gong Yoo >.<


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Another week to wait!!!!!! :(
My thoughts again:

Eun Tak is a much more complex character than what she shows. She is desperate for someone to aknowledge and love her. Since childhood she is been told that the one for her is the Goblin so....

1. She cannot see the sword but she is not willing to let him go so easily. She is a smart enough person who has taken care of herself for a long time so yes, shes done her research or someone told her about the sword( fairy godmother, reaper, guardian boy etc..) Thus, shes bluffing to keep him

2. The scene between Shin and the dead boy from Paris has DEEP meaning as Shin states at the end of their conversation that its his decison to stick to HIS FREE WILL and CHOICE (when he decided to write down the wrong answer in the exam even though he knew it wasnt the correct one) that gave meaning to his life.
We then have Goblin telling Eun Tak that same night that she is his last bride because he CHOSE / DECIDED her to be so.. which takes me to ....

3. She might not even be the bride. As much as I'd love for Sunny to be the re incarnation of the queen, she did say "she is meant to pull" and she has the feeling "shes been waiting for someone her whole life"

I'll stop now :) before it gets more complicated in my head, loving the show!!!


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wow.i love your theory for number 3.maybe eun tak isnt goblin bride and sunny is the bride.coz i think ET was lying about see the sword, from how she talk about it.seems like she knew it from someone.if that things happen it will more complicated next.its still 4 episode so i think that will happen as a main story


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ooohhh.... I like your theory! theories? :D


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Wow. I love all of your theories, and yes number 2 also made me question whether he can also make his own choice, about taking the right decision even if he knows the correct answer. I mean that's what we do in life too right. We know what's the ideal way to go but still take the route we choose in the end. So that leads to your conjecture no 3, yes sunny could be the bride, I also feel like she is this age old being waiting in this deserted cafe, for someone to arrive , all her life.
I also wonder may be the granny character is acting as God herself? I mean she seems more powerful than reaper..but also seems to have much knowledge about what will happen in their life in future, reaper and sunny. Also she tells Eun Tak's mom to pray fervently as a kind hearted god might hear her. So how did she possess so much power above the other gods right?


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Yes, i'd go for granny acting God, thats why she knows so much more than the other characters.
As I said, im loving everything about the drama, pace, acting, cinematography, and that final scene with the poem, soooooo beautiful!


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Yes at number 3! Since Sunny has appeared I got the gut feeling that she is the bride. If Reaper really is the King and Sunny is the re-incarnation of the Queen then it would be surely a punishment for the Reaper/King. In his previous life she lost his lover thanks to his own jealousy and envy now re-born she is destined to be the bride of the very guy he was jealous of.


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I had wondered that, too. I wondered if:

Sunny was the Queen who was in love with the general (Shim), but had to marry the King.

If Reaper was the King, and when Queen finally gets Shim as her beloved, the repeat will let her go, righting his past wrongs. It would explain one reason why the King was so jealous of the General amd why Shim said he was not womanizer when he was a general.

The young rich, yet selfish, Chaebol grandson (Hwa Deuk? - I forget his name) is the right age for her. He's the classic spoiled rich kid and she's the classic candy. They share the maple leaf, too. Also, he shows up in the fancy sports car at her school, so some ground work for the two of them?



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That's it. I'm fully in. I foresee lots of angst ,swollen eyes and towels to wipe all my tears in the future. Gong Yoo, just take my heart oppa. Goblin and Reaper are killing it!


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I got teary-eyed in that scene with the old/young boy from Paris. It was such a wonderful scene both visually and narratively. It's probably one moment that Shin must be happy about his immortality that he got to witness how well that small boy grew to a good man. Such a bittersweet scene.


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And, unexpectedly, I contemplated to myself watching that scene. "Have I made right choices? Have I chosen wisely? Is God proud of me of how i'm living my life now?" Ah. Im not quite sure about the answers.
It feels good though to watch a drama for its plot and the actors, but when I get the time to mirror myself while watching it, I don't call it a bonus. It's a gift beautifully warped to remind me about who I can be (or could have been).


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Been waiting for this recap all afternoon long, thank you so much! I'm officially on board with Goblin's boat. The plot is moving so fast that I am a little afraid of what comes next.

PS somebody lent phone to the grim reapper please!


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ikr!? i was expecting them to meet in this ep bc the previews that were shown in the last ep for THIS ep showed a scene of them meeting and him being awkward (haha), so there's yet another scene that was teased in the previews, but didn't appear in the actual ep. it's gotta be for the next ep, then.


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i wonder why eun tak kept asking for the 5000 won--does she have something she's been wanting to do w/ that amount of money? i wonder if it has to do w/ her mother... she brings it up/it's mentioned in like every episode, so i got curious that maybe there's a reason why she wants it. unless it's just for her to start a new life for herself.


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What if Eun-tak was just lying about seeing the sword all this time? lol


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But how could she have known even the details on the sword?

If she was really lying then she has got to be the best con artist ever. There is one thing to con mere human mortals but to con a god like goblin?

It would be something if he knew that she was lying and just went along with it because he likes her.


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From javabeans episode 1 recap: "On the hilt of the old sword is an engraving of a goblin’s face." Not a tiger. I thought it was clear to him (and to us) that she was lying. Did I remember episode 1 incorrectly? Was that a different sword?


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It was hard to tell exactly whose face it was.... there's room for JB & Eun-tak to disagree without either being a liar.

The important thing is there was a face. Lots of swords don't even have room for that kind of engraving on the handguard.


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Is it a Goblin? Just because someone recapped it as such doesn't necessarily make it so.

I went back and rewatched the 1st episode and it could easily be either an animal or a goblin.

Asian art, especially the more ancient variety, tends to be very distinct and stylized. Have you seen Lion Dances and/or Dragon Dances? Where multiple people mimic the animals while in costume? The heads are very similar. The lion dance has only 2 people in costume (4 legs) while the dragon dance has a train of people animating the dragon's long sinuous body. The heads, though, have many similar characteristics, all of which have similarities to the image engraved on Shin's sword.

Plus, Shin's sword was made long before he died and became a goblin. Having a goblin face there ahead of time would have been profacy, and I think the story has already demonstrated it's more about free will and choices.


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I was wondering if the writer decided Eun Tak's age is 19 because Goblin stays at a place each time for 20 years.

Just like in MLFTS, the immortal being (whether alien or goblin) has to get a legal change in identity (although I dont know WHY that is necessary since he doesnt interact with normal humans anyway...) because if he didnt do so, people will start wondering why he looks the same after 20 years. Which probably explains why he has to leave and move to a different country...

So in order for the story to be localised in Korea, he saves Eun Tak's mum (and thus Eun Tak) when he first came back to Korea (and was sitting atop the night billboard sign in ep 1) and has all his run-ins with her in the current story timeline before he is scheduled to leave Korea (20 years).


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That's a very practical point of view but the writer could have just as easily said he moves every 25 years. I think she's a school girl because that's a time when you're on the cusp of becoming something but don't usually have and end goal. Say she's 24 instead that's a time when you feel like you should know what you're doing with life. In both Career and love. I feel like a 24 yr old wouldn't have time to spend mooning and dreaming over a handsome goblin. An 18/19 year old is more likely to find that loneliness romantic. Still.when I see Eun Tak in her uniform I feel like I'm stealing her future a little bit by rooting for her and Goblin. It's not stopped being uncomfortable to see.


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