Park Shin-hye name-dropped for tvN drama Chicago Typewriter

Park Shin-hye (Doctors) surfaced in today’s news as being approached for a new tvN drama titled Chicago Typewriter—but before you get too excited, it looks like this wave of news is probably premature, so take with applicable amounts of salt!

We don’t know very much about the project yet, as little has been disclosed, but the project is newsworthy for being the follow-up drama by writer Jin Soo-wan, of last year’s addictive melo Kill Me, Heal Me and 2012’s monster historical romance The Moon That Embraces the Sun. Almost as soon as the initial wave of news hit mentioning Park’s name, however, Park’s management, S.A.L.T. Entertainment, came out with a statement saying that she had not received an official offer for the project.

It seems likely that it was a premature report, perhaps meant to raise the project’s profile as it heads into pre-production. The script for Chicago Typewriter has yet to be completed, and the production plans to decide on the cast after it’s completed, with the goal of commencing filming in mid-January. (I am agog at that schedule.)

Still, it’s worth noting that tvN intends to put Chicago Typewriter in its Friday-Saturday night timeslot following next year’s anticipated time-traveling romance drama Tomorrow With You, which follows currently airing blockbuster The Lonely Shining Goblin. It’s been a pretty successful timeslot for them, boasting lots of buzz and prestige projects and garnering solid ratings: In 2016, it was host to dramas The Good Wife, Dear My Friends, and Signal.

Perhaps the cable station is banking on the strength of the production team; writer Jin has proven herself a hitmaker, while the director, PD Kim Chul-kyu, was behind dramas On the Way to the Airport, My Beautiful Bride, and Emergency Couple. Chicago Typewriter will premiere in March.

Via TV Report


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Looks promising, hopefully it's better than Doctors, which was so boring imo.

She said she wanted to do more action though, so not sure she will do this.


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It could be a very active typewriter?


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I can see the vicious carpal tunnel sub-plots now. Or maybe the typewriter is our second lead?


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And the sidekick will have to be the piano from Cheese in the Trap.


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Chicago typewriter is the name of a kind of gun so it can be a action drama. Who knows?


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Ooooohhhhhh, good point!


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Chicago Typewriter is a name of a gun, no?


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its a fictional special weapon used in resident evil :)


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it's a SUB machine gun, make of that what you will ?


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'Chicago Typewriter' was a euphemism for the famous Thompson Sub-machine Gun (aka Tommy Gun) popular with Prohibition-Era Chicago gangsters.


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Doctors was not boring.

Do you know what a Chicago Typewriter is? Google it. If it lives up to its name should be a lot of action.


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Interest officially perked. Is that what they meant for the title to indicate? I'm curious about plot descriptions now!


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Her agency denied it.
she is filming silent till next month
so from the agency n schedule is not match


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I think it's still possible. Filming this drama will start on January, so probably after the movie she jumps right to the drama?


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It'd be unlike her to work continuously...
She barely had a little break after Doctors before start filming her movie.
If she accepted this role that means she would work 3 projects back to back... Very unlike her
But if it's a good project she probably would


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Idk.she is still filming in january
actually i like her in fbnd,pinnochio,doctors(draggy in mid eps)
She has a potential but work with s***writer is her agency weakness lol


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What do you mean by "she has a potential"???


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Her agency said that she has not received any official offer. But, I believe she has received the synopsis.....read that somewhere...


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She is still filming her movie Silent until next month..
I don't think she have time to do it anyway but she deserves a better project than Doctors...


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Aaaa high five!!!!!


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/high five/


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Agreed, even if she pulled off that role


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It's worse that she pulled it off the role yet they only credited the male lead...


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Ikr.. that always happens with, I think, with a lot of female leads


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But I want her to do tvn dramas again. Her last one from here is still my favorite project of her.


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Me too! Flower Boy Next Door is my favorite PSH's drama, followed by Pinocchio.


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Dokmi role was still my favorite even I like Inha and Hyejung too


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So if based on her agency, she is not even being offered with this drama yet, but it's already on news and even being posted here, therefore I believe the premature report is authentic since DB always have a reliable sources, right? Maybe they already has her in mind, but the official news will be released after the script is completed.

Whatever it is, it is good to see how TVN has growth throughout this years, and lately some big names are in their project. Great to see that, as long as the quality remain the same and still give chances for underrated actors in their drama as well ;)


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I really hope that she gets more meatier roles and dramas with better scripts and production. Her best dramas to me were FBND, Pinocchio and Tree of Heaven. Her agency seems such a small one to me, so lets see how much they can affect to the course of her career. Also, I kinda wish there would me no romantic plotline, am I the only one?


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Her agency is super small... Without her I don't think they could survive
Besides I don't think they could help her much either basing on the works their other artist got. All the offers she has was likely because of her star power alone
But she is very loyal... She isn't going for better agency anytime soon...


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She can act for sure, feel like she's the haruka ayase of kdramas, but it's sad that she keeps getting mediocre scripts.


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I actually agree with you. She has a lot of potential and she is capable of showing nuanced performance. She keeps receiving mediocre scripts and that kinda ruins her performance for many people. It’s not like people are offering her dramas like Signal any day. And @haha, I think so too. Her own star power and connections are taking her further imo. There are a lot of mediocre or same level actors/actresses who get really great drama offers, because of better/bigger agency i feel...


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Out of curiosity

Who earns more. PSH or Suzy..
star power wise?

PS: was reading some comment of Ok Taecyon's.. and verbatim " Who will not fall in love with PSH"..

and that makes me super curious.. what is she like in real life for everyone to fall for her left , right , center ( not necessarily in romantic way)..

Park Hae jin - introvert - spoke super highly of her

OK Taec - cofident arrogance and extremely westernized (mean both traits in a good way) - speaks hihgly of her

LJS - playboy.. and extremely smart and charming - speaks highly of her

CNblue lead - fun, extrovert, sporty - they obviously get along well

Woo bin - for a man very particular about women - obviously praises her like no tomrw..

Curious very curious..

PSH lessons: How to make everyone happy


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First of all why do you need to compare 2 female stars?
Secondly, aren't all you questions are out of topics?
If you want to get to know her I think google can help...


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a) I want to compare 2 female stars for the same reason comparison happens and exists in the world..

b) No they are not out of topic.. its PSH

c) Either you chose to build in inline comments that I never wrote or intended.. or else you are being sensitive for no reason..

How exactly will google help with my exact enquiry... don't tell me google has come up with new technology to ring everyone up and miraculaousy ask for their opinion


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A.for me shin hye
b.as far as i know she is bright,mature,simple,down to earth,easygoing and not picky about friendship


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Sometimes some people can get extra sensitive for no reason.


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These kind of questions have big potential to bring fan wars from the place when many actresses aren't favorite...


I always wonder who will be her bf or husband. That person really the lucky man ever! ??


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These kind of questions have big potential to bring fan wars from the place when many actresses aren’t favorite…
The article is about her project... but sure!
PSH is known to be down to earth, kind and smart and get along with everyone... You can find it easily...
And take it as I'm sensitive. Many girls got bashed here from other girl fans or shippers ... Maybe we don't need to provide a reason for them to do so?


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I wondered the same thing myself. What is so special about her that makes guys like her a lot. Like that Darren Wang from China confessing her as his first love. I loved her in 3MAD with Taecyeon and she even said something like how can we fail when we do things well together. That is a reality show and they got to see each other for real. She stays friends with all the guys she has worked with and that says a lot of her. Maybe that is why she is in the friend zone with a lot of them. Anyway, she is a beautiful person inside and out. Wish her the bestest in the year 2017..


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I'm sure it's her that friendzone them...
It's the guys that usually talk about their affection for her. PSH doesn't usually talk about them as much.


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LJS is a playboy?? I'm not very sure about that....


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Not sure if he is a playboy but he flirts and is quite touchy with everyone...


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I read another rumor say, Hajiwon will be the lead.


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Ha Ji Won will be a cool choice if this is an action drama.


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I rather think it's not as fun since she has been doing action since forever but her last drama...


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It'll be nice seeing PSH in tvN.


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Honestly, I would love it if PSH should take a break for a while to not repeat herself too much in acting. Even in her career, she did well at some projects, she is repeating too much recently. Her face expression is one of the most being repeated. I accidently opened two of her dramas at one time on Tv and on tablet, and what I recognized was she was the same in those dramas. Then I tried to watch her othet dramas (those after You are beautiful), she hasn't been changed or I could say that she hasn't improved. It seems to me that this girl has reached her limit and being stuck there. Her recent dramas got successful (if may we say so), in my view, not due to ner acting.


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I think she's a good actress but to me her roles always the same, in doctor she was great at a badass gangster, stopped watching afer eps2.


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Hmm sadly some people know her since youre beautiful.
Hhm i think she has different face expression.the problem is she always play innocent girl since youre beautiful.
Like u, i wanna her take a break for drama stick in movie even tho she just supporting role(movie have many character than drama n have solid script)
ps:And yeah some people confused between good story n good acting.when drama turn good people think it because good acting.and when drama turn bad people think it because lack acting.
many good actor/actress who stuck in s***drama,and they labeled cant acting
oh my comment too long lol


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Your comment reminds me of the hate she got due to Heirs character and blamed on her acting while it's she wasn't given anything to do with her character.


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This might be a very unpopular opinion, esp. on here, but PSH made the best out of Cha Eun Sang, who wasn’t even that bad before she came back from California. That drama was full of shittier characters and acting but PSH got the most hate.


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Yeah I think she did her best which what the character was given too..
People were just annoyed about her crying all the time but that's what the she was asked to do...
They are often confused between acting and the character...


cannot be more agree with you H4


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In my opinion, she has reached her limit and I don't think she can improve her acting to be any better. Before anyone being sensitive for no reason, this is not some hatred towards her.. I'm not her fan but I won't avoid her drama without any good reason.But based on what I saw her from her child days, she is good in certain aspects for e.g she is good in crying scenes while in some aspects she can be mediocre or bland. I don't know if she can do sageuk, as I I remember she only did Royal Tailor as her sageuk but it was not impressive. That's why I always see her as young Choi Ji Woo, both have some limitation but they are still good actress depends on the role and script. Viewers probably love to see them on the screen as well, that gives advantage for them.

I think she should just stick in roles that she can do, without trying too hard to do any better. That way we will probably enjoy her screen presence more.


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Lol the funniest thing is she played mature char when she was young,and play teens char when she is adult(thellrs) her agency cant managed her so well(imo)

Oh no. she should improve,she hasnt played many char/genre in film ,she still 26yo.


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I think her agency is one thing, but with her current status now as one of the biggest stars in 20s and she may the only sucessful actress in 20s (without taking any idols into consideration) , don't you think there will be many offers will come to her without her and her agency working so hard to find those offers? So it is up to her now to choose roles that she want to act. She is not in the state that needs to do every single jobs offered like some other actresses who need to bear with some crappy shows because their choices are limited, but not in her case, i think she has the advantage to choose her script. Even she doesn't do a drama every year, fans will not forget her and her comeback will be more anticipated. That's her status privilege.

Well she has been in this industry from her child days, and imo I don't expect her to be better than now based on her recent projects (of course it will be great if she can improve and surprise us with some amazing performance in the future, who knows?).


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Umm maybe thats why she is loyal
well im sure she got offer.
True ,fans (include me) always anticipated her project good or not lol
yep yep who knows


I'm sure she has more offers than other actresses but it doesn't mean she gets all kind of the offers.
One thing is most of young lead actress's roles are quite similar and serving as love interest for the guy.
And the producers are often offers similar roles that actors/actresses have been successful playing.
PSH wanted an action role for over 3 years and play rich role but she only got a bit of it in Doctors.
She doesn't get all the offers she wants as you expected unfortunately. But she got better than others. At least the beginning of Doctors was about her character.

She didn't work for a year and half after Pinocchio. She doesn't work as much many people claim... But her fans always want to see her more.


Don't forget she has established as one of the biggest actress in her generation with all the crappy drama that other actresses are taking now. Heirs for example?
She has paid her due and I believe she has more offers than others but it has just started probably 2 years ago...


Since you guys are her fans, I am better not arguing with all of you,. I just stated my opinion since I have seen her from long time ago, not merely because of one or two projects.

And that's why I also said although imo she has reached her limits, she might surprise us in the future. And with her current status, she can get more choices, and it is now up to her to choose wisely.


Lets just say she is a STAR and you are not. And that has a lot to say for her. She is who she is and I am not as you say being sensitive. I was always told if you can't say anything nice about someone don't say anything. Mediocre? Bland? Hmmm She has been acting since she was very young tell me that again when her next drama or Silent is not a hit. It is a good thing you are not her fan.


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She is only 26. Isn't it too early to say she has reached her limit?
Sure she isn't the best actress but she has strength and weakness just like many other actors. All actors fits certain roles better and so do she.
But if she keeps sticks to roles she can do and won't take challenge people here will bash her again for doing the same thing.
It's hard to please everyone


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The thing is, the same thing, that she has reached limit in acting, can be said about other actresses/actors too. She does 1-2 projects a year and last year no projects and she comes back with a sleeper hit. Weak script writer and director, whose first main project was Doctors, so she has proved herself in this drama. Yet, people say that she is on too many projects, well duh it’s her main job! And the limit thingy, a lot of actors that are worshiped on here don’t get the same comments at all. Like Jang Hyuk is same in every single drama yet no one comments about that. I get the notion that just because it’s PSH only she gets this types of comments in casting articles.


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People are easily confused... She has many popular projects and they somehow ending up watching them.

It's not that she has many projects. I mean LSK, JSM and YKS have had 2-3 projects this year yet no one say anything.
Leading stars like Janghuk, LJS and JW are working non-stop but yeah she is taking all the jobs and offers when she doesn't do a drama in a year and half...


I don't know if she has reached her limit... she showed a mature side in Doctors, so much that it was boring to watch and I was actually hoping for some of the dorkiness of her previous characters to crop up. (That must have been the most boring hospital in kdrama land).

In Flower Boy Next Door she really made me feel for her in the first half, where she was reclusive and so vulnerable. It took a dancing panda for her to get out... and then she became boring.

Pinnochio was ok for me, but the characters left no lasting impression, except grandpa.

So yeah, her projects since You are Beautiful haven't helped much either. Maybe action is actually a good choice at this point? Her voice tends to annoy me, so the less she speaks the better, hehe.


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It seems like you have problem with the scripts rather than her acting...
It's out of her or any actor's control how the 2nd half of the dramas will be like


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Yes, that is what I was saying: I think better scripts would help her achieve her potential, she hasn't reached her limit.


Expressions from 1 person can't really change even if they play different characters...
Only very few actors could do that
And whatever reason you said but Doctors focused on her in the beginning and the rating went up at that time. People love to discredit the girls here. No wonder more dramas focus on the actors and actresses don't get many good characters.
And PSH only take 1 drama in 1 or 2 years when many people take project back to back... but she should take break because you don't think she is good enough?
Well too bad. It's her job and I'm sure her fans want to see her


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I actually think her acting has improved a lot since YB. But she has her strength and weakness just like many other actors. The problem is even her roles are different but they are stay in her safe zone.
She only has stepped out bit by bit from Pinocchio and Doctors.
And it's funny how people said not to credit her acting but they would actually blame her when it flopped?

Acting doesn't really affect much in rating. If the drama is good people will tune in to watch even if acting wasn't excellent. But for Doctors the script isn't that great it was the cast that made the drama. People tuned to see PSH and KRW. And it was her performance in the beginning of the drama that helped the ratings but people love to downplay her success here.


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Can i have Ha Jiwon & Park Shinhye together in an action project?


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Oh, that would be fun! They could be some kind of action-packed secret agent team.


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Dont jinx it
Kim hye soo,jeon do yeon included


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I think they really going to cast her, or she get involves to this drama (just like Lee Bo Young).


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Omg! I waiting like crazy for her next drama. Anybody watch Movie "Hyung" yet? How was it? Really just a plenty of reviews about the movie. Looking forward for her next drama/movie! It is good to her about her charity news lately. Such a kind & good person she is. Good for you Park Shin Hye! ??


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OMG I've been waiting for a PSH drama.
Doctors is so boring I stopped watching after the high school story ended.


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Can we have Park Shin Hye and Kim Soo Hyun as the leads? I always wait for the pair to have the same project. They will be a good match.


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Yes! Reunion of Kim with METs writer too.


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They said the lead is popular in both China and Korea. PSH and KSH fit the bill. If they got cast together it'd be another monster project next year.


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I'd die happy if that ever happens. I've been waiting for them to be cast in the same project since forever.
They seem like such cute friends irl, I'm so interested in seeing their on-screen chemistry.


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Yes that would be great! Or mybe with Song Jong ki? Hahaha ???


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I wonder if Chicago typewriter is a rom-com. It would be nice if I can see Ji Chang Wook and Park Shin Hye as a pair on screen . :)


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Seems like an action project tailor made for Shinhye. She really excelled in action, emotional scenes ...Doctors/FBND/Pinocchio

It's a tight fit since she is busy filming Silent and the shooting for drama is expected to start mid January 2017...... it will be back to back project. From Doctors to Silent to CT if it materializes....

It will be tough but if she finds it appealing enough...one never knows

Chicago typewriter is the name given to a sub machine gun used by gangsters from Al Capone's days in Chicago. It sounds like typewriter when in use hence the name.

From this i infer that it could be an crime/mystery action or action-rom melodrama or all of them.
Waiting to see how things unfold....it should be soon since filming starts mid Jan.


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Can I get Lee Joon Ki with Park Shin Hye in the drama??


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Maybe PSH will help him with his rating curse... She usually brings good luck for her costars


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Well I don't know if Kim Rae Won, Lee Min Ho or the adorable guy from Pinnochio needed much luck or PSH but she certainly doesn't hurt with the ratings. I don't think I'll give her all the credit though.


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I didn't give her all the credit though...
But she often brings luck to her costars... JGS and JYH got big after working in You're beautiful. LMH got biggest in China after working with her too. KRW get the ratings the hasn't in a long time and was introduced to many new fans with Doctors too... Even her 2nd lead usually got promoted to leading status after working with her like KWB, KYK and YKS etc...
I said she bring good luck and it happens quite often. That doesn't mean I give her all the credit...


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Well how about we say it's mutually beneficial. I think she is definitely a star that makes bank, but in equal measure to her co-stars. I would say Kim Woo Bin should thank the writer who actually gave him one of the most interesting characters in that drama.

I like PSH; she seems to have a good head on her shoulders but if she's in this business long enough, she'll no doubt have a rating failure or two come down the pike. But I think she'll always go with a story that she believes in, and I just like that about her.


I think you missed the point... Success are made by everyone's effort. I never credit her for all her projects success...
What I said is PSH often bring good luck to her costars, not all the time but, often, as I have listed some above. Even with rating failure like You're beautiful it was JGS and JYH's biggest hit to date and made their name... KWB definitely needs to thank KES but he is just happened to one of the case of her 2nd leads besides JYH, KYK, and YKS who got lead roles or make it big after working with her. Please ame other actress with the same repeated case if you don't agree with me

There are some actresses have that luck like that to their costars like SHK, Yangmi, Ariel lin...There are more in Taiwan, China but not that many in Korea. These actresses don't have to be best at acting or the most talented but they just have luck on their side or have the IT/buzz factor. It's not an absolute case but happen more than a few times....

I don't think it's hard to understand about good luck charm with credit all the success... And you might not aware but even kmedia made news about it and KRW even said no actor in Korea industry doesn't want to work with her. She is one of the reasons he signed with Doctors and he was very happy with the result.


Please name***
And in this case, LJK hasn't had much rating luck since he came back so I said maybe PSH could bring him some luck if they work together.
Some people are super talented and work super hard but they just lack a bit luck to be successful...
If Moon lovers were doing well in rating, LJK would be one of the Daeksang nomination just like KRW.
I also saw many of his fans wishing him to have better luck with his leading lady and some want her to work with Shinhye too.
I really don't think it's a big deal like you made to be... Bye :)


KWB was on radar far before working with PSH or KES. He had School 2013 success, when he appeared in The Heirs with excellently played character. With two successful dramas in one year he was bound to blow up.


@Naive he was as huge even without leading any drama... You can't deny Heirs made his name along with his movie Friend 2...
And again I don't credit his success to PSH. I'm saying that most of her 2nd lead became big or start leading after working with her... KWB is one of them. No need to get offended :)


I hope you realize I'm not dissing PSH. I am being very complimentary to her and KRW is right, anyone would be happy to work with her. I just think he brings as much to the table as she does. He's a big star and had Punch as his last drama but DC re-introduced him in a rom/com for an audience.

It's all good; we probably will just have to agree to disagree. No problem.

With regard to LJG, Joseon Gunman actually got respectable ratings to the point the station extended the drama. It gets overlooked because international fans tended not to take to it. He definitely is an actor who seems to run up against tough competition even when he has solid dramas...Two Weeks is one of the best action dramas ever but it goes up against The Masters Sun. I am not a big believer in luck/bad luck...I just think it's a bad time slot and it is what it is. This has happened to him time and time again and if working with PSH can help alleviate that, I'm all for it because he does work like a crazy man.

One thing though...I really don't remember but I thought You're Beautiful was actually a hit drama. I don't remember that being a flop but ratings etc tend to fade for me over time.



I don't think you are ditching her at all... But you didn't understand my point. I agree that both KRW and PSH contribute to the success of Doctors and KRW was also nominated for Punch last year. But with Doctors he was become a lot more popular with a lot of CF loves calls that he hadn't had for a while, even oversea meeting. That's why he was so happy... I remember they call it's his 2nd peak. He definitely didn't have that during Punch even many think it's a much better drama.

I don't think we disagree because I agree with you but it's like we are talking about 2 completely different topics... I never disregard other stars contribution...My point is PSH has some luck charm that make her costars shine and doing better somehow... It's not only her main leads JGS, LMH KRW but 2nd leads JYH, KWB, KYK even her female 2nd leads like Lee Yubi and Lee Sung Kyung... And t's not just one time but many times. That has nothing to do with what she is bring to the table...

I follow LJK and none of his drama after enlisting was fully successful. I couldn't remember much about Joseon Gunman even they reunited after a long time. 2 weeks is probably one of his best recent drama but MBC didn't reward him or it anything..

You're beautiful was a huge online hit that made the cast name but it was the underdog rating in his home country. You might not care about rating but it determine the success of the actors especially in Korea.

Anyway this will not go anywhere if we keep going so let's stop here.




Yep, I think we actually agree quite a bit but what little we disagree on....it is best to move on. Merry Christmas.


TV rating index isn't the sole indicator of success. With more than 50% of the viewers don't watch TV anymore but move to streaming, CPI is another indicator used Korea which is also conducted by Nielsen.

At Lee Joon Gi's level, what matter most is the script and the character. I first saw him in Moon Lovers, what can I say - I am just in awe of his acting ability. He needs those two elements to make use of his full potential and at the same grow as an actor. How he interprets the character Wang So in that drama was just brilliant.

For an already established actor with high level acting & martial arts skills, versatile and a master of method acting, what he needs is a leading lady who can match his ability. She can be a face but must be equally talented.


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*She can be a fresh face*


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What do you mean by "she can be a face"??


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the amount of excitement seeing Shinhye in Chicago Typewriter acting wid actors, the likes of KSH, SJK, JCW, LJK is interesting. how much more if it happens.

Shinhye is slowly but surely building her drama repertoire. She was brilliant in melodrama such as STH, Tree of Heaven & FBND. However, she proven herself in romantic comedies too such as YB, HS. She's slowly taking up mature roles such as Pinocchio & Doctors. Silence is a drama thriller.

hope she can get her action project soon which many of her fans are anticipating as well.

Whatever she plan next, im sure she aims for improvement. She stated it herself in past interview. She wouldnt settle for anything less.


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Have to wait patiently until PSH agency official response. Its not like they denied it. My bb is super busy already with her pretty packed schedule yet she's not the type that would reject the offer when she received a love call from the writer and if its action genre the possibility of her picking the project is huge..


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I like her just fine and would love to see her in an action drama. I liked Doctors in the first half and thought she did really well with the "gangster" part we were promised before the story just went pffft.

I don't know if she can do this with her schedule but hopefully for the right genre, she might give it a go.


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The fact that this is TVN makes it promising! I hope the synopsis gets gets released first before she confirms I hope she takes her time and chooses wisely... Because doctors was good and then it get underwhelming


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"I will focus on film SilentWitness until early next year "(Thalia_Walls) sportsq.co.kr/news/articleVi…

If she means early January then there may be a chance she maybe available and tempted to do it ....if the character to be played is challenging enough.
she has to be offered the role first ....lol.


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Let me have some hypothetical fun imagining her costar IF she does get to do this drama ( offered and accepted ?)

The popular names dropped earlier are....
1: Kim Soo Hyun...Now who wouldn't want this pairing. He has not appeared in any drama last year, great actor, good at action, popular, will look perfect together, both friends too.....Hallyu pairing
2: Song Joong Ki.....another good fit in every sense with all above criteria here too.....Hallyu star
3: Kim Woo Bin....Many still awaiting to see them paired together establishing that their chemistry in Heirs was not a fluke.
4: Lee Jun Ki...seen him use sword and in action. Wow! Very agile quick footed. Beautiful voice. Another great actor with a charismatic screen presence.
5: Ji Chang Wook....unfortunately out of contention with commitment in a drama.

6: Lee Joong Suk....booked
7: Yoo ah In: charismatic actor who can own any role
8: Seo In Guk: Really like him. Reply 1988/Squad 38...he is so good. His smile....:)
9: Park Seo-Joon: only seen him in She is pretty and as a presenter with Shinhye but he grew on me with time.
10: Park Bo-Gum: naming him last is only because he is 3 yrs younger else who wouldn't love him
11: Ryu Jun Yeol: have heard rave reviews of him as an actor and he costar with Shinhye in Sikent witness, has good rapport with her...

Phew!.....that was fun ?

Ahjusshi's next time... :)))


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I am currently watching Gunman in Joseon. This is one amazing drama. The producers looked like have rounded many amazing actors for this drama. Well NSM, her acting was probably all right for modern drama but I don't think it was cut out for saguek esp Gunman. In saguek drama, I realised actors have to be really good to be effective in this kind of genre.

I have read PSY was offered with NSM role. I wonder how she would have done it if she had accepted that role. I was not satisfied with NSM performance, I wondered if PSH would have done it any better.


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Gunman in Joseon could have been the first LJG-PSH pairing if she had accepted the role offered to her.


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Lol it reminds me to koala article.some ljg fans won't it be happen.maybe because the heirsphobia kkkkk
The royal tailor was her first saeguk.but it just film and she just had limit screentime


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