Legend of the Blue Sea: Episode 7

I love this episode. It wasn’t until today that I came across an episode of Legend of the Blue Sea that I’d want to re-watch just for kicks, but this one is hysterical and moving all at once, with the funniest turn in the romance yet. It’s an entire episode about jealousy, filled with double meanings and characters making fools out of themselves for love, just the way I like it.



Joseon. After being separated by the greedy mermaid-hunting Lord Yang, Dam-ryung searches high and low for Se-hwa, but finds only his friend’s body at the bottom of the cliff where he fell.

Se-hwa waits for Dam-ryung to find her in the cave, and finally someone approaches with a torch… but it’s Lord Yang’s men, here to capture her.

Dam-ryung brings his friend back home, still alive, but the doctor says he might not be able to recover from this. Dam-ryung clutches his friend’s hand, knowing that this happened because he was trying to help Se-hwa for him. His eyes harden in determination.

Lord Yang acts contrite over his people bursting into the mayor’s compound and making a fuss the other day, as if he wasn’t the one to send them. Dam-ryung remains detached and plays along, and asks about the rare tangerines that can only be found at Lord Yang’s inn.

Happy to brag, Lord Yang says that they can’t be found elsewhere because they’re so expensive and he gets them directly from Tamra. That’s exactly what Dam-ryung wanted to hear, and he informs Lord Yang that the shipping merchant who died on the beach had one of these tangerines on him.

An autopsy revealed that the merchant had been poisoned after all, and Dam-ryung deduces that his last meal was here at this inn, where Lord Yang served him tangerines and poisoned liquor. Lord Yang plays dumb, so Dam-ryung angrily calls his officers inside, and they present the poison found in Lord Yang’s quarters.

Lord Yang and his gisaeng companion Hong-ran are both hauled out like criminals, and Dam-ryung raises his sword to Hong-ran’s throat to ask where Se-hwa is. She pretends not to know what he’s talking about, igniting his fury, so Dam-ryung simplifies the matter: either she remembers where Se-hwa is, or she dies right here.

That gets her talking, and Dam-ryung finds Se-hwa tied up and battered in Lord Yang’s storeroom. Next to her is a large basket with countless pearls inside, one for every tear she’s cried. Wow, that’s an effectively heartbreaking visual.

Hong-ran tries to turn the crowd against Dam-ryung, as if he’s been bewitched by a mermaid who only brings curses and death. Enraged, Dam-ryung takes the basket of pearls and throws it into the air at the crowd. Hong-ran cries for her pearls as everyone scrambles to pick them up.

Dam-ryung caresses Se-hwa’s face and says, “I’m sorry that I came so late.” She sheds more tears at the sound of his voice, though she doesn’t have the strength to open her eyes.

He picks her up and carries her in his arms, and as they approach the water’s edge, he says in a shaky voice, “You liked hearing about my dreams, right? In my dreams we’re reborn, we meet again, and we’re together. You come to see me from the ocean of a faraway land. I don’t remember you, but in my heart I already love you.”

She doesn’t respond. Dam-ryung struggles to hold back his tears, saying, “Se-hwa, won’t you listen to more of this story?”

Present day. Joon-jae asks Chung to confirm something for him at the bottom of the bunny slope where they’ve just crash-landed. He hesitates before asking her to repeat a phrase, and finally says, “I love you.” The ski slope’s snow machines take that as their romantic cue to let it snow, and Chung gets her immaculately timed first snowfall confession. Not understanding that this is the phrase Joon-jae wants her to say, she asks excitedly, “Are you mine? Do you surrender? Did you lose?”

He gapes, and Chung falls back on the snow giggling as she admits that she was going to surrender first when it snowed, but she never imagined he’d beat her to it. She asks again if he’s hers now, and if that means he’ll believe anything she says. Joon-jae doesn’t know what she’s talking about, and Chung repeats what he taught her about love back in Spain—that she should never confess her love because it meant losing to the other person, becoming his, and leaving herself vulnerable to being taken advantage of. In flashback, we see that he’d said it as if love were the worst affliction known to man, while she listened with stars in her eyes, thinking it sounded wonderful.

In the present, Joon-jae scoffs, “Who told you that nonsense?” Heh. “A good person,” she replies. But Joon-jae only fixates on the fact that it was a guy, and he huffs jealously, “He’s a wacko. He’s crazy. If he’s throwing you lines like that, he’s a materialistic player.”

He asks nervously if that guy treated her well, and Chung says he covered her with an umbrella when it rained and held her hand when she was alone. He bristles at the handholding part and says that a guy would do anything to seduce a girl. Chung adds that he made her ramyun, and Joon-jae’s eyes bug out. She means literal ramyun, of course, while he’s thinking of ramyun as dating code for spending the night. He stammers, “Ra- ramyun?! He asked you to eat ramyun too? That jerk’s insides are black!” Chung innocently defends Past Joon-jae, which only makes him more jealous. I lub this.

He clarifies that the “I lo- you” was a prompt for her to say it, so he could confirm something. Without hesitation, she says sincerely, “I love you.” It throws him, and he just starts to walk away. She chases after him chirping that she can do it again, and he warns her not to.

When they get home, Nam-doo assumes they went on a date, and Tae-oh gives Joon-jae another death-glare at that and stomps off to his room. Chung is only happy to hear that going skiing totally counts as a date.

Joon-jae tosses and turns in bed that night, and finally calls out, “Top Room!” The second Chung’s door slides open, his heart starts beating wildly just at the sight of her. Oh you’ve got it bad. He insists that this is just because he can’t sleep and has stray thoughts running around in his head, then asks, “Are you still seeing him?” LOL. He refers to this “other guy” as Ramyun, and she admits truthfully that she is still seeing him.

That obviously upsets him to hear, but he covers it up with a laugh and asks what Ramyun looks like. So Chung looks right at Joon-jae and describes what she sees: “He’s pretty. And his eyes are sparkly too.”

Joon-jae decides that Ramyun sounds like a dandy, and she ought to be especially wary of guys like that: “What’re you going to use a pretty boy for?” Uh, I can think of a few uses.

What Joon-jae really wants to know is, “Did you say those words to him too?” He gets flustered all over again when she asks, “I love you?” And she thinks back to Spain, when Joon-jae had warned her never to say it, and she said it to him almost immediately.

Chung answers truthfully that she did. Aw, Joon-jae is genuinely hurt and says that she must say things like that easily to just anyone. She argues that he isn’t just anyone, and Joon-jae gets pissy and sends her back up to her room.

He gets petty and adds that it’s good news, actually, since he was worried that she liked him and it was starting to feel burdensome. Uh-huh. He tells her to do well with Ramyun, and she counters that she will, because she came here to do just that. Joon-jae: “Great! How thrilling for you!”

Chung reluctantly returns to her room and shuts the door, and Joon-jae flails in bed, annoyed that she’s here to make time with this Ramyun guy.

Late that night, a car swerves violently down a twisty mountain road and crashes into a tree. At the same time, Joon-jae has a dream about Dam-ryung running through the forest, wearing the jade bracelet, and then discovering his friend’s body at the bottom of a cliff.

He wakes up with a start and wonders what kind of strange dream he’s dreamt. He recognizes Dam-ryung’s friend in the dream as Ajusshi, aka Dad’s faithful assistant Manager Nam, and decides to try calling.

It was Ajusshi’s car that just crashed in the road, and from the passenger seat, hit man Dae-young checks Ajusshi’s bloody body. He declines the call from Joon-jae and deletes the car’s black box memory card before leaving the crash scene with a smile.

In the morning, Joon-jae’s father gets the call that Ajusshi is in critical condition after a drunk driving accident. Stepson Chi-hyun immediately glances at his mother as if suspecting her, while she just calmly eats her breakfast and offers to accompany Dad to the hospital.

At the police station, Detective Hong goes over the Ma Dae-young case with his team. The higher-ups don’t seem to like the idea that Dae-young is the killer in all of these cases, namely because it makes them look bad since he escaped their custody. His boss wants him to focus his energy on catching that con artist who impersonated a detective instead.

He’s referring to Joon-jae, and the chief complains that the aquarium workers nearly made a fan club for the handsome fake detective, and Detective Hong hilariously argues that he and Joon-jae look alike. We cut straight to the handsome mug in question, busy forming a plan to con Shi-ah’s sister-in-law Jin-joo. Nam-doo lays out the plan to have Joon-jae meet her twice, once on the road in a minor fender-bender, where he impresses her with his suave demeanor and business card, and then again at the seminar where she’s headed.

Before they can get any further, Chung interrupts to ask what they’re doing, and the boys jump up and say they’re headed to work. They hem and haw at her simple question about what work they do, and Joon-jae launches into a very fancy roundabout description about how they help people recognize their wrongs in cases where the law doesn’t quite do its job, and redistribute wealth for the good of the country.

She asks if he’s a civil servant, and Joon-jae can’t quite lie so baldly about that, so she concludes that he does work more impressive than civil service. Chung beams proudly and says, “I knew you would,” and Joon-jae seems a little shamed by the hero worship.

Joon-jae catches Nam-doo looking at him like he grew a second head, and wonders aloud why he’s suddenly making up excuses for Chung. Nam-doo agrees that it’s super pathetic of him, and offers to make up an occupation with a more positive connotation than con artist.

Detective Hong and his team return to Joon-jae’s neighborhood, where they pick up on Dae-young’s markings outside each door, as if he’d been looking for something. At the same time, Chung steps out of the house, and Dae-young is around the corner, waiting to follow her out.

The cops are just a few yards behind, but a ringing cell phone tips Dae-young off and he starts running. He manages to duck inside a store and come back out in a different outfit, while the cops run after a different man in a black cap.

None the wiser, Chung happily goes dumpster diving for new clothes.

Chung’s little mermaid-voice-hearing friend Yoo-na gets bullied by her classmates, who gang up on her after school. One little girl in particular is a horrible little snit, and she tells Yoo-na that she’s too poor to go to their school, and that her parents being divorced means that she won’t be raised properly. (Are children really this nasty so young? I’m a little traumatized.)

They shove each other until Yoo-na is on the ground, about to be pummeled, when Chung shows up and grabs the evil snobby girl by the scruff, holding her way, way up in the air. Chung makes her promise not to bully her friends anymore.

The little girl goes crying home to mommy, who turns out to be Shi-ah’s sister-in-law Jin-joo. Ah, that explains so much. Jin-joo storms out with her precious daughter instead of going to her seminar, which puts a wrinkle in the plan the boys had imagined.

Yoo-na thanks Chung for saving her, and Chung asks her what divorce is. The little girl explains that divorce is when people who loved each other split up, and Chung is shocked to hear that people fall in love and then fall out of love. Ever the old soul, Yoo-na says that all love changes, and Chung is disappointed to hear that people can live together without love.

Yoo-na says it’s why she studies so hard and goes to tutoring even when she doesn’t want to—because she’s afraid that her mom’s love for her will change and she’ll send Yoo-na away. Awww, no!

There’s a tap on the glass, and Chung looks up to see Jin-joo staring her down through the convenience store window, with her daughter in tow. Not one to back down, Chung just finishes her yogurt calmly and comes out for round two.

Jin-joo is all prepared to out-mom her, except she’s too distracted by Chung’s perfect I-just-rolled-out-of-bed-looking-fabulous tousled hair, and her seemingly irreverent mix-matched couture. She even mistakes the two separate shoes that Chung found in the dumpster as a collaboration between Chanel and Dior, and barely resists asking about them.

Chung just declares that she’s Yoo-na’s friend, and she’s not going to stand by if anyone bullies her. She reminds Jin-joo’s daughter of her promise and leads Yoo-na away, and Jin-joo calls out for her to stop… and then asks where she gets her facials done. Pff.

Jin-joo tells her not to lie that she’s just naturally gifted with perfect skin, and Chung thinks back to doing mud packs with her mermaid friends out at sea. She answers, “Not Seoul. It’s really far,” and struts away.

The boys lose their chance to run into Jin-joo today when she decides to stay home and tweet about those shoes she’s dying to find. Nam-doo splits off from the others to go elsewhere, and as Joon-jae and Tae-oh are about to get in the car, Joon-jae’s mom rounds the corner towards Jin-joo’s house and spots them.

At first she just pauses curiously at the sight of Joon-jae, who’s wearing sunglasses. But when he takes them off, her face goes pale and she runs after the car. She’s too late to catch them, but she wonders if it’s possible that she just saw Joon-jae.

In the car, Joon-jae asks Tae-oh why he cons people for a living, when he could use his talents for anything. Tae-oh simply says that it’s the only thing he’s good at, and asks Joon-jae (who has to yell at Tae-oh to call him “hyung”) why he does it then.

Joon-jae says that’s why it’s the people you meet that matter, and he flashes back to the winter of 2006, after he had left Dad’s house in search of Mom. He posted a notice online asking the whereabouts of his mother, and con artist Nam-doo had approached him posing as a private investigator. Innocent Joon-jae handed over all the money he had in the hopes of finding Mom, which Nam-doo happily took.

After being conned out of his life savings, Joon-jae doggedly spent the next two weeks crouching in the street just waiting for Nam-doo to show his face again. He finally reappeared to con some other woman with the same act, and Joon-jae jumped him and demanded his money back.

Nam-doo fed him and was so impressed by Joon-jae’s persistence that he suggested working together. Joon-jae pointed out the flaw of small-time con men like him, who invested too much time in scams that never paid well. It was Joon-jae who said that they should be conning the filthy rich, because there are countless people with pockets so dirty they could never report their money stolen.

Nam-doo’s eyes lit up, and Joon-jae promised that he’d only work with Nam-doo until he found his mother, and could afford to buy her a house. Back in the present, Tae-oh points out that he can afford a house easily, and Joon-jae says the problem is that he still can’t find Mom.

Nam-doo takes Chung’s X-rays to a doctor friend and asks him to confirm that the X-rays are of the same person’s leg. He finds out that a fracture like this takes 12 to 16 weeks to heal, and that it would be impossible for someone to completely heal in a week.

He shares this with Shi-ah, who thinks it’s scary and wonders if Chung really is a zombie. Nam-doo agrees that there’s something more to her than just personality quirks, but doesn’t know what to make of it. Shi-ah gets called back to the office when her co-worker calls with a discovery: They’ve confirmed that the owner of the artifacts they’re working on is named Kim Dam-ryung.

Nam-doo freezes when he hears that name, because he’s seen it on that jade bracelet that Joon-jae got from Chung. He tucks that fact away curiously, and smiles to himself as the wheels start turning in his head.

Chung wanders over to the river looking for a snack, and takes her shoes off to go diving for fish. She prepares to jump when a coast guard (cameo by Jo Jung-seok) grabs her arm and prevents her, thinking she’s trying to commit suicide.

He insists on helping her up, when suddenly they lock eyes and a strange moment passes between them. They both look shocked, and then he backs away from her and nods ever so slightly. She does the same, though no words are spoken between them. Are you two… communicating telepathically?

He brings her back to the coast guard office, and when Chung starts to look at him intently, he asks her to speak words, saying that he’s lived here a long time and has nearly forgotten that other language. Could that be mer-language?

The coast guard is shocked to run into a mermaid in the middle of Seoul, and Chung says she’s just as surprised to meet a merman here. Ha, you are a merman! He gapes when she tells him she was about to go diving for food because she’s hungry and has no money, and he shows her a bag with pearls inside.

Chung says matter-of-factly that those are their tears, and the merman alerts her to the fact that these are worth money here. She doesn’t understand why, but he just tells her it’s true, and demonstrates how to collect them by sticking the plastic bag handles over his ears. Hahahaha. Never leave, Jo Jung-seok!

He advises her not to waste her energy on little tears, because the big pearls are worth more, so she’s better off holding it in till she’s got a good cry. He adds that the pink ones are worth the most, and Chung recognizes those as happy tears. The merman says there’s not a lot of opportunity for happy tears while living among people.

Chung plans to cry lots and give all the pearls to Joon-jae, and tells her new merman friend all about the man she likes. She describes Joon-jae as an impressive man who serves his country, and then we cut to Joon-jae reading a book called Scamming With Neuroscience. The merman flips out when he discovers that Chung isn’t just up on land for a vacation, but here to be with a man she loves. “Do you really not know anything?!” he asks. Uh-oh, I’m not liking the sound of this!

He asks how long she’s been up here (a month), and whether Joon-jae likes her back. She says it’s one-sided still, and the merman can’t believe she’s so hopeless as to just come up on land without a plan. “This is why I tell every fish I see to call mermaids and tell them never to follow their love up here!” he shouts. Chung says she never got the message, and the merman mutters that their goldfish brains must’ve forgotten halfway there, heh. It cracks me up how seriously he’s delivering this dialogue.

Chung asks why it’s so bad to follow her love up to land, and he tells her to listen up: “You’re terminal. The moment a mermaid leaves water and comes to land, your heart starts to harden. Even if your legs aren’t terminal, your heart is terminal. There is only one way to keep you breathing and your heart still beating: the love of the person you love. His love keeps your heart warm and beating—it’s the only way.”

Crap. Well that explains how Joon-jae rushing to her side seemed to bring her back from the brink of death. The merman tells her to hurry and return to the water while there’s still time, and asks what Joon-jae said to her to make her come all this way and risk her life.

“Did he ask you to date? Get married?” he asks. Chung: “He asked me to eat tasty food. And see fireworks.” The pity in his eyes is unmistakable. He asks if she wants his help, and gives her another tip: “All human men are jealousy incarnate.” She doesn’t know what jealousy is, so he tells her that it’s “the fastest road to love.”

He offers to help and thinks that a makeover would be ideal, so first, they need to make some money. Cut to: Mermaid and merman sitting side by side in front of the TV with bags hooked on their ears, watching Master’s Sun (featuring Gong Hyo-jin and made by this PD, for maximum meta). Of course he watches dramas to make tears!

After getting decked out in new (hilarious) duds, they ring the doorbell at Joon-jae’s house, and the merman introduces himself like he’s Chung’s boyfriend and asks Joon-jae to take good care of his “jagi” while she imposes and stays here. He says he was a little concerned to hear that she was rooming with a bunch of guys, but after seeing Joon-jae in person, he feels that he can rest at ease.

Joon-jae’s jaw drops about five times during that whole introduction, and he laughs in disbelief and shoots back, “You’re at ease? My face isn’t really one that puts people at ease,” he snipes jealously.

The mer-couple ignores him and makes plans to meet tomorrow, and the merman tells Chung to wear her hair back tomorrow so he can see her pretty neckline. The second his hand reaches up to touch her hair, Joon-jae’s eyes narrow in anger.

When she starts preening, Joon-jae has had enough and pulls her inside, but she runs back out to tell the merman to go first. They argue about it back and forth until Joon-jae snaps and yells at her to come inside, and even then the merman makes a fuss over seeing her one last time and snapping a mental picture just in case he misses her. Chung does the same to him, and Joon-jae grows livid. This is so great.

He finally slams the door in the merman’s face. Nicely done, merman.

Joon-jae’s father goes to visit Ajusshi in the hospital, and Ajusshi’s wife wonders if this was a deliberate attack, because her husband wouldn’t drink and drive, and go so far from home. Stepmom tells her not to leap to such conclusions, but Chairman Dad seems unsettled, like he might agree that something about the accident is off.

That night, someone creeps into Joon-jae’s room while he’s asleep and roots around for something. Joon-jae tackles the intruder to the floor and Nam-doo crows that it’s just him, and he admits openly to wanting to peek at the jade bracelet.

Joon-jae knows something’s up, so Nam-doo fills him in on the strange coincidence between the Dam-ryung who owned the artifacts that Shi-ah is working on, and the Dam-ryung whose name is inscribed on that bracelet. He says they could be two different Dam-ryungs, of course, but if not, that bracelet could be worth far more than they originally expected.

Joon-jae tells Nam-doo that he’s holding onto that bracelet with the intention of returning it to Chung when she leaves, and the only reason he isn’t giving it to her now is so that Nam-doo will leave her alone. Nam-doo thinks he’s being weird lately: “Do you suddenly want to be a good person or something?” Joon-jae tells him to get out with a stone face, and Nam-doo laughs it off, but his expression hardens on his way out. Joon-jae thinks back to his strange dream, where he saw himself in Joseon wearing that bracelet, and he wonders why all this bizarre stuff is happening ever since he met Chung.

The next morning, Nam-doo and Tae-oh are wowed by Chung’s fashion upgrade when she shows off a new outfit, but Joon-jae just yanks her ponytail out, insisting that it’s winter and too cold to wear her hair back.

Nam-doo likes the skirt, but Joon-jae tells her to wear pants, and when she points out that he bought it for her, Joon-jae spits back, “Did you think I bought it for you to wear? I bought that for you to hang in your closet! Just because they’re clothes, do you have to wear them all outside?” Everyone looks at him like he’s crazy.

At the table, Nam-doo praises Chung on her chopstick skills, and she pats her mouth with a napkin proudly. She’s about to say that she has plans to go out today, but Joon-jae cuts her off and tells her to clean the house to earn her keep. Tae-oh offers to do it instead, but Joon-jae pulls rank and says that Chung has to do it, insisting that she can’t step foot outside the house until everything is spotless, obviously wanting to prevent a date with the merman.

The boys head out while Chung starts cleaning, but Joon-jae forgets his phone and heads back inside. At the same time, Chung looks longingly at the pool as she cleans, tempted to go for a swim. She holds herself back a few times, but in the end she dives in and enjoys the feel of the water, sighing that she feels like she can live now.

She thinks back to a conversation with the merman, who’d asked why she thought mermaids were on the verge of extinction. “Because we don’t change,” he said, “people change, but we’re dummies and don’t change, and get betrayed.”

She asked if people change, and he said that they do—even the woman he loved, who promised she’d love him her whole life, changed and left without looking back. He says that’s just their reality. He’d warned her to be careful: “There is no human on this Earth who can accept our kind as we are, and the man you love is no different.”

Joon-jae walks into the house and stops to stare in the direction of the pool. He gets closer and closer, and just as Chung pops up to the surface, their eyes meet and she gasps.


Right after the merman drops Chung off at home, Joon-jae comes back out and asks what he does for a living. His face falls when the merman says he’s a civil servant, adding that it’s a very stable career for taking responsibility for someone. Joon-jae is further cowed when can’t answer the same question thrown back at him.

The merman asks him to take care of “our Chungie,” and Joon-jae gets huffy again and shouts, “WE will be fine!” The merman leaves with one final thought: “It seems like you’ll always have time and chances, doesn’t it? You don’t.” He turns to go, and Joon-jae mutters in annoyance that he’s trying to act cool in front of him.

But that night Joon-jae falls asleep with his laptop open, the browser on a website called “Becoming a level 7 civil servant.” Aw.


That was such a good cameo. This show tends to use its cameos well, but Jo Jung-seok’s was so effective that I wish he could stick around to play the merman for a few more weeks. Okay, then I’d probably get really angsty about him being a real romantic rival, but the jealous reactions from Joon-jae would be worth it. I couldn’t get enough of the whole jagi act they put on and the faces Joon-jae was making as he watched them. There’s really nothing better than jealousy to kick a romance in the pants, and I thought the development was well-timed for where we are with the couple, with Joon-jae in denial but obviously struggling with his feelings. He might not have meant the “I love you” the way he thinks, but he sure did feel something when she said it back to him, and when he thought she was running around saying it to Ramyun. It’s nice to have Dam-ryung commenting on Joon-jae through his dreams too, like even he can see plain as day that Joon-jae already loves her and doesn’t know it yet.

I thought the self-jealousy was funny when it happened in W–Two Worlds, but it’s even more hilarious here, where the hero has no idea he’s got amnesia and is jealous of himself, like a moron. It pairs so perfectly: Chung’s very innocent, very literal character says the simple truth, and Joon-jae’s twisty wordsmith character interprets everything sideways and thinks that he’s gaining the upper hand by talking smack about Ramyun. I love that he thinks he’s being clever, because that foolish pride makes him really relatable and endearing. And now that he’s starting to care what Chung thinks of him, and how he appears to the outside world as a suitor, it gives him more depth. The jealousy and fancy description to cover up his shame about being a con artist was one thing, but when he started to actually research becoming a civil servant, I swooned.

We gained some traction on the mythology front as well, especially with the merman cameo. His character answered a few lingering questions concerning Chung’s personality and intelligence—turns out, not all mermaids are as dumb as she is, and most of her traits are due to her personality, not her species. I think it helps a great deal to know that even the merman is shocked at how quickly and easily Chung fell in love, and how little she knew before taking the leap to walk on land for that love. So she’s innocent and sheltered even by mermaid standards, and didn’t know exactly what she was getting herself into, or any of the rules involved. I fully expected a terminal diagnosis for her, given that mermaid lore always comes with fatal consequences, but again it makes a huge difference when we get it in concrete terms like this, that she will actually die on land without Joon-jae’s love. It’s a little nebulous, this love-as-life idea, but it sets the stage for some grand romance to come. I mean, his love actually gives her life? It’s almost too on-the-nose, but you also can’t argue that it won’t be narratively effective down the road.

It’s simple, but I like the setup that mermaids are known for their unchanging love, and humans are known for betraying that love. It sets Dam-ryung and Joon-jae up for the very big task of overturning convention, and I get the sense that Dam-ryung’s overwhelming regret might become the catalyst for their reincarnation, leaving Joon-jae to finish the story the right way. And by right, I mean happy! I sincerely hope that Chung asked the merman how he’s still alive if the love of his life turned her back on him—there is a loophole, with a very cruel choice down the line, yes? And a loophole within that loophole?


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Jeon Ji Hyun! continue to rock my world !!!


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Also, Lee Min Ho must forever do comedies. Idc anymore. I dont wanna see him in any other genre if it isnt comedy


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Here Here. I second this !


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One is of the same opinion :P

Adore him in his comedic scenes. Even in Faith, where he was deadpan serious around a crackling Kim Hee Seon, his reactions always made me laugh!


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Low key... I really like to see him in other stuff...but comedy really suits him ?


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As of I know Jo Jung Seok will still be in ep 8 and see him dying. He said that love is running out thus his life is running out too.


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So there is no loophole? Ohno.


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I have no access to spoilers, but I completely expect merman Jo Jung-seok to be the father of our little telepathic neighborhood hagwon attendee.


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Miranda, that's what popped in my mind too.


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If so, it might explain why merman is still alive on land. If survival requires the love of a person they love, a daughter should qualify.


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I second the "daughter's love is enough" notion.


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Yes plz! I want to start 'Save The Merpeople', campaign now.
How sad that they die because we humans are selfish. Our beloved Conmen(2) can join me and redeem themselves too.

Jo jung suk show us some pink pearls!


What if.....the kid Chung protected was his daughter? And his 'loved' one (mother) betrayed him by divorcing him? Haha just a wild idea


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i think so too. that child surname is lee and the merman also a lee




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OMG that would be the cutest (and most heartwarming) thing ever


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Ohhhh this would explain so much! Good call.


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Let this be true!


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Me too! That would be interesting. I want more of jo jung suk


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I would love that. It's good reading this to see people who thinks the same.


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That would explain why the little girl was able to hear her when Chung was in an accident.. and also during the Joseon era scene.


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Oh la la please make this work writernim


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Yes! The parallels, because I remember in the Josean time they mentioned that in the past a man had married a mermaid in the village before. Maybe the little girl is the same as the one in the past whose father married a mermaid? Wait but then the parents role are switched, gah this folklore...


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I love this theory.

He said he cried a pink pearl once. Who knows, maybe the happy moment that brought him to tears was the moment when Yoo-na was born.

Plus, it's weird that he hasn't leave Seoul yet when the woman he loved already left him. Maybe he stays for Yoo-Na.


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1000 times yes!


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this is such a good idea to wreck my heart. but i am looking forward to the possibility since this kid can hear shim's inner voice.

but i am wondering about the mermaid's curse. how can they make babies without kissing? so they can make love without kissing? that would be so frustrating then


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They choose to erase memories, so some kisses erase them and some kisses don't.


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How could any girl decide she doesn't love him because he is a merman? I mean, he is Jo Jung Seok for goodness sake.


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The mermaids crying into their plastic bags was too hilarious ? I enjoyed the episode but I wish they would kinda speed up the plot


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But California is getting rid of those plastic supermarket bags with handles :(
Glad I have a stash, so if I meet a mermaid I won't be out of luck.


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Very smart of you to have a stash of supermarket plastic bags. Either that or move out of California. It's gonna secede anyway. Just saying. :-)


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Hey we just gotta get the mermaids on the the reusable bag bandwagon, it's better for their home aka the ocean anyways ??????


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Trust Jo Jung Seok to make anything and everything so much better. The drama just got loads more interesting with his appearance (and exposition)! And his jilted, possibly-dying merman character finally spiced up and enlightened the mermaid mythology the show has been stingily giving in very small doses. Now I’m positively somewhat hooked!


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I agree, loved this cameo.


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I was legit about to give up on this drama (not that it's bad but the beginning of this ep was dragging and not enough interest to keep me invested) until Jo Jung Seok came onscreen and nailed his cameo so well, I about died and went to k-drama heaven.
Ugh, just when you think JJS cannot outdo what he's done, he proves you wrong. LOVED his character so much I wish he actually was a fixed cast just to have jealousy matches with JJ all drama long!! So sad.. maybe in another alternative world. What a great example of a cameo done right (I'm looking at you Yoo Ah In in DOTS)!


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Yeh, that Yoo Ah Inn cameo in DOTS was a big nuthin'. He played an annoying dweeb. This JJS cameo is Perfection:)


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I was genuinely beginning to enjoy this show more, even before his appearance. But his cameo was so wonderfully & effectively written that it really did suddenly take everything to another level for me. Not only was it hilarious and informative, it worked to up the stakes in so many different ways. The jealousy, the revelations about the tragic fate of mer-people loving on land, and, finally, Heo Joon-jae taking strides towards getting his life together.

Cracks me up that we were all joking about Lee Min-ho being the merman instead of JJH, but now we get to have Jo Jung-suk, the merman! I love it! That said, I'm pretty sure the show is hinting at him being Yoo-na's dad (awwww!), but all this talk of heart's hardening has me really worried about how his is holding up now that his lover left him. Ugh, don't tell me this cameo is going to break my heart.


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I'm checking this episode only for JJS. He's fabulous and now I gotta check this out from the first episode. The look and the voice of JJH when she said to LMH, "Pretty," God, I remember why I love her.


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I love the whole Jo Jung-seok cameo. And his makeover rocked! I laughed so hard when he showed up in his Hwa-shin get-up and looked totally amazing. And of course he'd cry to Gong Hyo-jin getting together with So Ji-sub in Master's Sun, hahaha.

Chung needs a friend around. Can't Jo Jung-seok keep on appearing here and there?


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Seconded! Trust Jo Jung-seok to make a show a million times better just from a 10 minute cameo LMAO. I was on the verge of dropping LotBS but I'm glad I didn't for this episode. :')


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Ok, that was the best cameo ever. He just captures every scene he is in and owns it! His dialogue, this expressions, omg I almost died laughing! How he could play such funny lines with dead seriousness. He is such a great actor, his cameo really made this episode. I wish he were a regular!

That scene with the ridiculous plastic bags... LOL and his comment about how little pearls are useless so just hold it in for some big sobs LOL~!! I don't know if any of the other cameos could top him. I thought Cha Tae Hyun was awesome but this... just awesome.


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Seriously, just having him on the screen was such a treat! He really is such a scene stealer. It ain't even his drama and he literally grabs your attention and has you laughing in 10 minutes.
Also, self-jealous is such a treat!


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Jo Jung Suk is love!


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He is ♥ I just loved how smoothly they were able to reference JI in this + including GHJ too!


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Yup the Goldfish reference was so on-point! ?


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Tell me about it ! :D


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He made a brilliant cameo!


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Yooho! Finally the love story begins..

JJS- this has to be the best utilization of cameo.. ( I totally hate the ones where guests appear only for sake of appearing in one frame).. they were so cute (JJ and JJS)

Is that the end of joseon love story??

Evil mother is truly evil.. and i guess she has a bigger role in separating real parents and son from his mother. Also, I am starting to feel that maybe my theory of LMH having some kind of merman gene may not be so valid anymore. Nothing supports that claim anymore..


The newly rich lady.. her character is so funny.. and even the goliath version of JJ in front of kids

Seriously! korean cosmetic is something else.. how come none of these women age. Anyone knows of a good set of products for normal skin?

Is it just me.. or did the mismatch high heels co-ordinated with the frilly dress actually look nice.. or was it just JJH

However, best part of that attire, the belt aroudn her waist.. has interesting prints.

i LOOVE yellow dress


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Is it just me.. or did the mismatch high heels co-ordinated with the frilly dress actually look nice.. or was it just JJH

@ez I am sure it's just JJH.. I thought if the belt were no prints it could easily be a trend...haha... somebody (stylist) must have worked really hard to create that ensemble to make it look like it came out of dumpster.... lol...

How come she finds the long jackets and perfectly fitting shoes everytime?


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I totally agree. Like his cameo wasn't wasted. In fact, thanks to him, SC won't live like a beggar anymore and would also be aware of the pros and cons of coming to land.

No, it's not the end actually. I had read somewhere that Joseon love story would go parallel with the modern day story for all 20 episodes, to signify that the bond between Se Hwa- Dam Ryeong that led to the bond between SC and HJJ.

Haha, the dress. Even Jin Joo was so astonished. JJH carries every dress with elegance.


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Is it just me or does Jinjoo (the actress playing her) look like an older version of Son ye Jin?


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I don't know, I feel like his mom was a mermaid. She left him to go back to the water because the father started to love someone else and she knew she would die being on land. And maybe after a while once she has gotten over her love she can go back to land without the risk of the heart hardening. Anyway, just a theory still but I agree with you that there is still some hope that his mom is a mermaid also.


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*patiently waits for subs* On a positive note, this is the first drama from Lee Min ho that I have liked. I don't know what it is but I feel very attracted to him and love the story line


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subs have been out for long now.. some 6 hrs ago


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Omo, somebody pleaseeeee keep him here!!! ?????? ?


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Jealousy Reincarnate.

JJS + JJH = Hilarious


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Just one long word.


Okay, one more word.



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I definitely agree with you there. Hearts were in my eyes the whole time, and laughter coming out of my mouth. i definitely love this show now!! And like girlfriday said, his jealousy and fancy talk was one thing but when he started to research how to become a civil servant, i totally swooned. I'm starting to understand the huge love for Lee Min Ho. I am loving him here!!! And of course, love love love Jun Ji Hyun!! Jo Jung Seok was amazing, I loved his cameo more than any other. I wish he would stick around as her merman friend..


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Hoe Jun Jae is LOVE ❤???? Love this episode so much. Lee Min Ho nailed the emotional scene in which Dam Ryung is carrying Se hwa and talks to him. I was moved to tears. I Think Lee Min Ho is doing a very good job in both comedy and sad heavy scenes. ???
I really want our OTP have some more romantic and kiss scenes. ???? JJh and LMH have great chemistry.

Lee Min Ho is always handsome. BUT BUT in this episode he was so exceptionally handsome. The scene he is wearing simple black clothes and talking 2 Chung in his room and Chung says "He is beautiful", the camera zooms on lmh. He is really beautiful.


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He is indeed!


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So... the mermaid's heart stopped beating at the ER because she's running out of time? but then her heart started beating again... which means... Joon-jae has already loved her back?

But, why the merman's still alive if the woman he loves stopped loving him?

Anyway... Joo Jae-sook is sooo good that I really want him to stay in this show


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Pearls & JJS will never be the same.


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I laughed so hard when I watched that scene. He could even pulled off that scene with that poker face. And when the two of them watched the show together, getting ready to cry and collect the pearls with plastic bags hanging in front of their faces....I DIE.


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JJS is best.. how could he deliver those ridiculous lines with such a straight face...


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You should see him Architecture 101. Same serious face saying ridiculous stuff lol! Gotta love him!


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Thank you for mentioning Architecture 101. I was wondering what to watch when I finished JI


"You have a time limit.
The moment that a mermaid leaves the water for land, her heart starts to harden.
Even if your legs don't, your heart has a time limit.
There is only one way you can continue to breathe and keep your heart being on land.
It is only possible when the person you love, loves you back."

Kyaaaah! I love that meaningful Jo Jung Seok cameo.

"Jealousy is the fastest path to love."


Is it too much to ask if he would just have another scene with Jun Ji Hyun as mermaids underwater?
That would be 10000x more hilarious!


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As soon as I found out he was a merman, i was hoping we would get a glimpse of his past when he was a merman. Oh the laughs we could have had. ??


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OH pleasepleaseplease drama Gods, i want to see JJS as a merman! ??



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Someone out there had the same idea.



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HAHA. Oh, please let this happen. Honestly, I was expecting to laugh, but that look actually works great on him. Lol, but seriously. They can't cast him as a merman and not show us how he looks.


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That's just pure beautiful! Let this happen!


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HAHAHAHA, please let this happen!


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Muahahahaha, that's fantastic! And also one of him putting on a facial mask! Please let it happen!


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I marathon this yesterday and damn, this episode is one of the best!

The cameo was just pure gold! And FINALLY some explanations about the mermaid land.

THAT skin care too LOL!


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Honestly, I thought Lee Minho was ruined forever by the disaster that was Heirs but I'm back to being a believer with this drama! <3 And I've always loved Jeon Jihyun but TBH sometimes I find it hard to immerse myself in what she's playing just because I keep seeing her as the Sassy Girl, but not in this drama.

Sometimes whe you have two big stars with super strong presence the chemistry gets lost, but like with the DotS couple, Minho and Jihyun's chemistry is totally doing it for me. They only need to look at each other and I SWOOOOOOON.

Also, jealous Joonjae is so entertaining. And Jo Jungseok's cameo is the Best. Cameo. Ever. So glad this drama didn't get stuck on the mermaids-only rut and got a merman who can not only be Chung's mentor, but also be the one to get Joonjae jealous. Awesome! <3

I honestly had plenty of prejudice towards this drama and considered it overhyped, but if it could keep this up and not go into trainwreck mode towards the end, it will probably be my favorite drama of the year.


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+1 to everything you said.
I initially had such low expections for this show but this episode has me on board for real.
LMH is doing everything so well - happy, sad, jealous(can't beat JJS at that though,but still). This is his best performance till date for me.
JJH is showing her real calibre only now and i'm loving the toned down mermaid antics
JJS is simply love. God, that man just lights up my screen. Coudn't stop smiling seeing him there. Stay please, we'll give you enough love for your immortality.
The little girl's profound wordly advice just blows my mind everytime and the actress just totally sells it.
This show is getting better and better. And i'm enjoying the new depths its taking on.


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I'm liking Lee Min-ho's Joseon scenes quite a bit. The part where he was carrying Se-hwa and telling her about his dreams was beautifully done, and his expressions were on point.

Jeon Ji-hyun is just gold as Chung. And Jo Jung-seok is love as the merman.


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This episode was so great; it was just comedy gold! Loved the merman's cameo by Jo Jung Suk which added so much more understanding to the mermaid mythology while also providing so many humourous moments. The modern day storyline is certainly poking fun at the mythology, especially when it came to the pearls. The "click, click, click" sequence was so funny. Jeo Ji-hyun is just such an excellent comic actress and I'm enjoying her performance so much.

The plot is also thickening as we see that Joon Jae's half brother is getting increasingly suspicious of his mum, who's really ruthless and all out for blood. Nam Doo is also getting closer to the truth on Shim Chung's identity and the connection with Dam Ryung is being established by both him and also Joon Jae. Things are getting exciting! Have shared more of my wife's and my thoughts on my website.


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Haha Joon-Jae. Jealous of himself and jealous of Jo Jun-Seok. Priceless.


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Best cameo ever. I just LOVE Jo Jungseok's acting, and also that "no no no" song. I want him to stay but then I'm afraid I would ship Cheong with him more than I ship her with Joon Jae. Jun Ji Hyun and Jo Jungseok should act in a rom com maybe someday.


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YEEEEESSSS!!!!! +100000000 on this.


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If mermaid hearts have an expiration date, how has Jo Jung-seok been on land—long enough to forget mer-language (lol) and maintain a job—when he came up for love as well?

Nam-doo is totally a Shady McShadeSter. I'm expecting ~betrayal~


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Maybe his wife(?) Only recently knew he is a merman and leave him after that.


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I believe he's our little girl's dad so the love between him and his daughter is keeping him alive. He mentioned only crying once out of happiness. That's probably when his daughter was born.


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Jeon Ji Hyun's so awesome... the crying for pearls scene with the merman! hahaha


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Why are tears that turn into pearls not a thing that happens to humans??? To think of all the would-have-been pearls I've shed in my life while reading novels and watching dramas!

That cameo may very well be the best thing that's happened to me this year in K-dramaland. I really hope Jo Jung-suk sticks around for a while.


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Then pearls would have been worthless


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Then pearls would have been worthless. Also, it will be inconvenient. Imagine crying emotionally and pearls will be hitting your neck and legs/laps, distracting you from your crying. :( :(


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LOLOL! I'm imagining it!

Then it would be very dangerous to walk since we'd slip on pearls all the time. But we'd have found the best use for plastic bags with handles ever!!! :D


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haha @lee boo I didn't think of the fallout from having too many pearls in the market. :(


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That s very visually hilarious?


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This was such a great episode! I laughed SO HARD at the mermaids crying pearls while watching Master's Sun, they're such a delight! To be fair, I cried while watching that particular scene in that drama as well lmao.

The step-mom is evil and super annoying, I have a feeling that the assistant will survive so I can't wait for him to expose her so justice will prevail!!!

Also, I don't really care for his group but how handsome and talented is Jinyoung? His moments during the drama are always my favorite. Super babetown.

Jun Jihyun is next level. Even dressed down, she's stunning but when she was wearing that yellow D&G ensemble, it was unreal. She's great Scorpio representation, I'm proud of our mutual Scorpioism.

But I'm thoroughly enjoying this drama and that scene with the mermaids going through their skincare routine? So relatable, that's definitely me when I have on a sheet mask and some rose tea and lavender macarons, preparing to watch LOTBS.


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Ayy, add one more proud Scorp to this list ;) who wouldn't want to be associated with the kind of careless glam she manages to pull off?

I imagine those mermaids are using some sort of pearl-coral-seaweed-seasnail-starfish mask :P Oh, and sunscreen.

Also, rose tea and lavender macarons? Where do you get a steady supply of awesomenesses like that?! Sounds heavenly.


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Yesssss another Scorpio ??? I'm always cheering for my fellow Scorpios, I wish you success on all of your future endeavors!! And you're right, Jun Jihyun is the epitome of glam and sophistication, nothing can dispute that fact! She just possesses that certain je ne sais quoi.

"pearl-coral-seaweed-seasnail-starfish mask" sounds lovely and full of beneficial ingredients for the skin! Where can I obtain some of that?! @skincare companies... get on it! This will be the next trendy "super product" lmao.

It's very delicious, one of my favorite indulgences after a busy day. I'm sending you some through my macbook screen, anything for a fellow Scorpio! ?


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Ohhhh, that scene of Master's Sun. I was a wreck for a week even though I knew everything was going to be okay. GHJ's crying just destroys in that scene. Lol, so it really was the perfect one to use for pearl-making.


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I watched the drama yeeears ago and still get war flashbacks from that scene. Like you, I was aware that everything would be resolved yet that didn't prevent me from crying an entire ocean. Now if only we could cry pearls just like mermaids, that would be ideal. No need for me to purchase pearl earrings, I'd just make my own!


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I read the recap before I watched the show, but I knew immediately what episode of Master's Sun they had to be watching. Great show.


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I am falling in love with Lee min ho once again.I love his character here.This episode is epic and jjh is hilarious.love the cameo too.


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The cameo was so great!

Also, this might be a leap, but could Jo Jung-seok be the little girl's (the adorable one who Chungie helps in this episode) father?

That would explain why the little girl could hear mermaid language? She's half human, half mermaid! And the girl's parents are divorced, which explains why Jo Jung Seok said that humans change.

Loved the episode! Can't wait for tomorrow's- hopefully LMH finally learns she's a mermaid.


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OooOoh, I like that theory ?


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ohhh i like this theory too! but that would mean jo jung-seok would be making another cameo! is it a cameo if he makes another appearance?


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It's been confirmed that he'll be appearing in episode 8 too so it's very likely that we'll be getting some closure for his character's story. Some cameos can actually last for quite a few episodes.


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Jo In Sung appeared in many ep of the 12ep Dear, My Friends and he was billed as cameo. ?


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I dropped the show but I might must watch this episode to see the awesomeness of jo jung seok.


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The best cameo i've ever seen. Has anyone done better?


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This episode was so good! The hour went by so fast. These are my takeaways...

1. I need Jo Jung Seok to have a recurring role. Chung needs mer-friends!
2. I really would watch the sageuk version of this story. It would be so freaking awesome.
3. Joon-jae being jealous of himself is as hilarious as it is foolish but I love it! I was cackling with glee during those scenes and especially when he met merman!
4. Nam-doo is real shady. I really want to see the sageuk version of him now. And the fact that he conned a kid and turned the kid into a conman let's me know exactly what kind of person he is...


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Okay, this may sound far-fetched but I'm starting to think that Nam Doo may be the present day reincarnation of Lord Yand and Shi-ah as his concubine. It doesn't have to be same faces, right? So far, they have been showing us parallel characters but what if the villains are somewhat reincarnated into a different body. Nam Doo has some of the characteristics of Lord Yang, being greedy is the most notable one.


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But Lord Yang seems to be reincarnated as Ma Dae Young in present times....


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I also thought Nam Doo was being established as a friend, but it seems like there's a parallel being drawn in this episode with both Lord Yang and him eating tangerines. It also seems like Nam Doo will be willing to backstab Joon Jae when the chances arises. I love that the Joseon and modern day storyline parallels are not so neat..


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I think you're right. This episode definitely drew parallels between Lord Yang and Nam-doo. I wonder if this is why we haven't seen his Joseon doppelganger yet either...


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Yup, up until this point I thought Nam-doo was being set up as a friend in all this, but this episode changed everything. He was very shifty, both in the past and now. I don't trust him one bit.

Good thing Shin is on Joon-jae's side in wanting to protect Chung.


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Who was Nam Doo in the past? I thought Ma Dae Young is Lord Yang's reincarnation and JJ's stepmom is the pearl-harvesting concubine?

I also think that Nam Doo doesn't want JJ to change his conman ways so maybe that's why he reacted that way when he asked JJ if he wants to be a good person. Not surprised if JJ will still feel wary of him even after so many years. He conned JJ after all. I also don't trust him, especially in the earlier episode when he gave Shi Ah money.


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Me either. And I can definitely see him not wanting to let Joon-jae go. Especially since he was the one to glo up his con act. If it wasn't for Joon-jae he wouldn't be where he is today. I'm glad to see that Joon-jae doesn't fully trust him because Nam-doo is in a prime position to stab him in the back.


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OMG, cameo of The Centuryyyyyy!!!!!!

So happy about it, just cause it wasn't a wasted cameo thats so blink-and-you'll-miss it, one wonders if it was necessary at love. And though I havent watched Jealousy Incarnate(yet), I loved the JJS reference, toped with a Master's Sun shout out, and you have gold! It was Epic, so Epic! One of the best cameos i've seen ever!


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LOL at the self-jealousy. I love it very much in W tow worlds. we ladies do like to watch men act childish and cute when jealous.


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Can hardly wait for the next episode. I enjoy watching Legend of the Blue Sea!!!


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44 comments already, and not ONE beanie saw that hair tie grab as a nod to Heirs?

I know so many of we beanies loathed that drama, but COME ON...am I really the only one who made that connection?

Right down to the same reason...showing one's neck to all those "other" men is not something the male lead can abide.



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Maybe because we have erased the memory of that horrendous drama from our mind?


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exactly. all i really remember are the little owl pillows and thinking they were cute and debating if i should get one too.


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I.. I gave up on that show half way through. And I consider myself something of a Lee Min ho fan regardless.

Definitely some memory erasing happening there, can't remember anything about this show besides LMH looking bored and PSH looking annoyed all the time.


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. . . the horrible terrible sweaters and everyone looking too old to be in high school. Oh, and the fan wars. Those are my memories of that show.


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Literally me. I cut that show off right quick so all I remember is them being exactly as you described, haha.


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Lily, I noticed that too. I was like, "Wait, that's The Heirs!!". At least this time, he grabbed the hair tie because he didn't want SC to look pretty.


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Actually, the music score played during that hair-tie-grab scene was from Boys Before Flower. LOL.


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I remembered !

Me, Me, Me!

I watched and liked Heirs better than BOF.... Kim Woo Bin, people...! So i remember that Cha Eun Sang hairband tug...PSH's mane was so gorgeous there too... it ever got slo-mo'ed...lol but I agree that it wasn't the best drama evaaaaahhh lol of course


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I totally forgot to comment about this but I heard at least TWO Boys over Flowers Background Music for this episode.
One was when whey were still in the snow and the second one at when she was wearing that yellow dress/coat.

Does that make me weird?



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Yes. I noticed that too


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No. I noticed them too.


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Most effective use of a cameo ever. I was afraid their jealousy plan would totally backfire, since Joon Jae could pettily kick her out of his house under the guise of "Go live with your boyfriend if you miss him so much."

Nothing an amnesia kiss can't fix, but I predict Joon Jae won't find out this soon. Hopefully, Chung can think on her feet tail and lie, "Don't come closer. I'm swimming naked." She looks like it anyways from her chest up.

Thanks for the recap, girlfriday!


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Wow todays episode was so much fun thanks to JJS cameo


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Did anyone notice that Joon Jae most likely thinks that JJS is the Ramyun guy now? HAHAHA I think it's a pretty nice throwback to how Hwashin asked for ramyun in JI!


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Hehe, actually, because I already knew about his cameo, as soon as they started talking about the Ramyun Guy (lol, who technically is Joon-jae himself) I was like, "ROFL, Lee Hwa-shin is going to be her pretend Ramyun Guy, isn't he?" It was totally a perfect throwback. Oh JI and the endless ramyun-love symbolism...


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Thank you so much for this recap, GF!

I didn't know "ramyun" has another meaning! Well, there you go, I learn everyday, thank you!

This is a laughed-out loud episode, with Jo Jeung-seok around. My goodness, the way they harvested their own pearls hahaha! I also love jealous Joon-jae who's actually researching to be a civil servant! Love him!

It also made me think why the merman is still alive despite his love losing her love for him. Is there another girl? But mermaids and mermen only love once and that they never change. Is he permanently human now? How?


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Total contrast to what happened with Se Hwa during the Joseon period. It was really heartbreaking seeing all of the pearls in that huge basket.


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Hi! I've just finish watching this episode and I am glad the recap is already up, because I had some weird thoughts:

- So, excluding the times she swam in the see and now in the swimming pool, and taking in consideration that last episode (or the previous one) she was scared of chaebols throwing water at her... she never washed? Because it is not just "she never took a shower", but "water never touch her skin".

- Doesn't it look at times like a MV? the main character looking straight at the camera while smiling and moving in slow motion. There was a specific scene in minute 35 when the thought came to mind, though there were plenty of scenes like that. I am not sure how much I like them, but I don't like being aware of them.

- And then, mermaids have a deadline to get the person they like to liked them back, if they do not get that love their heart turns into a stone or sth like that. I don't know how metaphoric that is, but what about JJS? His woman left him and he is still around... It left me confuse.
I confess, the idea of worrying your whole life about the possibility of your husband leaving you because it would mean your dead sounds scary and would give me a horrible pressure. But if mermaids can keep living after divorce, then whatever, even if they stay together their whole lives (as they will, this is not a drama about divorce ^^), living would be much more enjoyable and stress free :D


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PS: Every time I see Shin Won Ho looking with puppy eyes at uri dear mermaid my mind leaves the drama momentarily with the angry thought: Lee Min Jung was younger, and you were 20! Hope one day I will let go. Mermaid, give me a kiss!


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- Nope. I don't think she washed...(or bathed or showered) in all this time... but I'm not grossed out by it cos. A. She has been in water all her life...maybe it takes some time to dry out or sweat or get dirty... methinks
B. It's winter. Too cold to wash regularly I would say...

- The state into the camera look tends to add some gravitas to dramas...as a viewer... I peer right back at them and wonder what they could be thinking... something brilliant or crazily evil is what it usually is though...

- Their hearts harden yeah...but maybe it takes awhile... or if you are still around...maybe your partner is not completely OUT of love with you yet... or another person's love is keeping you hanging in there... plus merman is a coast guard or some such... maybe he goes in the water regularly to maintain an equilibrium in his status...half man, half fish lol.


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Merman would probably be a great asset for search and rescue for someone who'd get lost at see. He'd prolly talk to all of the fishes, dolphins and sharks.


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Not sure if this helps re: the not showering thing but they've shown her wet before (like after the dunk in the aquarium) without her turning so maybe it's only when she's submerged?


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Dear Show,

You rock, don't ever change!

<3 Always,
Regular Human Viewer


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Jo Jungseok is the best thing that happened to this drama. Can we keep him around longer? He's totally the girl's dad, which explains why she can hear Chung. She's half mermaid! It's really sad that the reason for divorce was him being merman. I kind of want to see him back with his family. Pleaseeeeeee

I'm so glad ahjusshi is at least not dead yet. I really like him. As for the Joseon story, I wonder if we'll get a glimpse of Namdoo in there. He played a big part in what Joonjae has become and he seems really fishy (HA!). There has to be some plan going on between him and Siah.

Ahhhh... I'm so ashamed of myself for not recognizing Jiran Hyungnim as the detective. So so ashamed.


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This episode was perfection! The drama keeps getting better and better!

I notice a lot of us on here have already mentioned how much fun it was to see JJS cameo and Heo Joon Jae's jealous reaction and taking a stab at himself without realizing, but I one scene that seems to have been overlooked was the during the past when Dam Ryung carried his lifeless love, Se Hwa, in his arms. Am I the only one whose heart ached while watching them? Here and there, I come across comments that says Lee Min Ho cannot act. I'm wondering, are we watching the same thing? Because he absolutely nails his role!

I also love that the writer explained why Sim Chung and Heo Joon Jae are drawn to each other in the present time. I know we can all assume that their past love is so strong that God has given them another chance to make it right, but I appreciate that the writer actually makes Dam Ryung address it.


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That scene, along with the throwing of the pearls in the marketplace, effectively set the stage for the entire episode and it's part of why I was already responding to the show differently by the time the cameo happened. I hope that enchanting ost is released soon. It's my favorite so far.


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Me too! Love the sad mermaid ost since first hearing it in ep six. It's enchantingly haunting. Can't find it anywhere despite trying. Sounded like Jang Jae In to me. Does anyone know for sure?


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Now I really want a drama with Jeon Ji Hyun and Ju Jeong Suk as main OTP next time~

A very effective cameo.


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"Are children really this nasty so young? I’m a little traumatized."

Yes, yes they are. If you've ever been a target of school bullying, or know someone who was, you'll know they can be much worse. Sadly, adults aren't any better.

We see plenty of snide remarks in internet comments, and even on tame sites like dramabeans where people aim to be respectful, there are still plenty of snide ad-hominem remarks to be found, whether on commenters or artists. Is it any wonder that those tendencies get reflected in real-life? And children learn from parents and adults like sponges.


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This came out 3 days ago and went viral with international audiences. Shows you how nasty adults can be to people who are different and whom you can bully.



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I saw excerpts of that clip on my twitter timeline. >__< Some people were shocked as if all Korean people were just like in dramas, but I say it's progress compared to a few years ago. -___-"" Korea is still a very homogenized country.

If you look at an episode a few years back, they told the African man it was not a concern. How would they feel going to other countries and getting touched on your face and hair by strangers????? People are not like pets at the zoo.



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Another story about racism. Good things the comments shows it's starting to change. ^___^ Racism is not exclusive to an specific country by the way. >___< Happens where I live too.


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I watched that video too. It's so heartbreaking.


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It's sure is heartbreaking. How can people think to excuse racism and being inconsiderate to others? Making others' life uncomfortable because of your own ignorance and prejudice is not enough. now u have to justify it.


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Yup, children can be so scary. I remember when I was in elementary school, I and my friend was bullied. My friend was raised by a handicapped single mom and she's one of the sweetest girl I've ever met until now. The bully keep saying something like, "Her dad left her mom coz she's handicapped!" while in fact he passed away because of illness. That was so low of him to attack her family aspect. I wouldn't believe it came from a little kid's mouth if I hadn't hear it myself.


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@gabobobobo wow. thanks for sharing. one thing that bothers me is when people tell others that it's character-forming/strengthening, when in fact, the scars received as children as the most traumatizing.


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Never thought I could love JJS even more. Best cameo ever! Plastic bags will never be the same again. :D


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this episode w/jo jung seok's cameo and the jealousy bit, aigooo..... this just makes this drama in my TOP FIVE, just for that.
: )

so fabulous, this ep.......


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those black plastic bags from the convenience stores... here AND in south korea when we visited last year.....

: D


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eek! jo jung-seok cameo was GREAT. a merman pffttt.

no offense to lee min-ho, but i thought jo jung-seok had far better presence and impact than lee min-ho has had in the entire drama so far. i'm sorry! lee min-ho is still only serviceable for me; he doesn't shine either way. but i was actually INTERESTED in jo jung-seok's scenes, and it was like a breath of fresh air.

i'm still finding the kid—sorry, GUY—playing young joon-jae to be really good. i commented this before, but again, i find him to be a cross between kim soo-hyun and kang ji-hwan, though he doesn't resemble either of them outright. the overall vibe is more kim soo-hyun though.

i was really struck by his face when i first saw him—he's got that boyish charm, but it seems so expressive. if he can really act and this role is not a fluke, then i feel like he could do really well for himself as an actor with the right roles.


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If other good actors nail a drama character to a tee (say, PBG) or mould into a character perfectly (say, SIG), JJS's gift is elevating his characters and the drama that he's in.

Maybe it's because he's a musical actor? His screen presence is no joke.


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I saw Kim Soo Hyun in him immidietly, and it is not his first role, he has been praised for his acting for some time already


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"lee min-ho is still only serviceable for me"

THIS! To put it in roles perspective, it's like LMH is just doing his job whereas Jo Jung-seok excels at his job.

You should watch young Joon-jae in My Love Eundong in ep 1. There's this one emotional scene and his acting was so raw, his role is definitely no fluke.


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Joon jae jealous is sooo cute


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I'm saddened that it's taken for granted by even such young children, that people will not be committed to each other. To hear little Yoona express her fear of her mum changing and leaving her just broke my heart. It might be like that for many children of broken families. How to trust again.


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It would be wonderful if some adults realize from this show that kids can feel like this after divorce. They carry a fear that they'll be the next one who gets left (like a spouse) if they do something wrong. It makes them old before their time, like Yoona.


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Okay am i the only one who noticed the Boys over flowers instrumentals at the beginning of the episode and in the scene where Joon jae lost it over Chung's clothes?!!!! Ah! Nostalgia! brings back happy memories

oh and when Jo Jung Seok and Chung were watching Master's sun!!!! It was hilarious!

But is it just me or are the writers really obsessed with Ji-sub? His almost in everything their watching! But then again i don't mind...... i love watching his 'pretty' manly face and his 'sparkly eyes'.....
*sigh* :D


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JJS is definitely a better actor than Lee min ho but Lee min ho has more screen presence than him.That is why i watch all his dramas including the crappy ones.


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Not for me. JJS wins hands-down on both counts, though I am liking LMH quite a bit here too.


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It's a sad thing to say and I'm so sorry LMH, but it's JJS for me too. If only he can be an official part of the cast..


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Yes. JJS simply got 'it'. He pulls you in with every scene he does. I think it's in his eyes and his body movement. He is in total control of every part of his body and uses it to his advantage. Such a complete actor. Can't stop raving about him.
LMH, as much as I like him, can't even come close and never will.


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I beg to differ. Lee Min Ho is a great actor and that's why he continues to maintain his spot as one of the most sought after actor.

I like how you already concluded that Lee Min Ho does not come close and will never come close.

Enough said, it appears you already have preconceptions of him that you're unwilling to change. If the majority of people agreed with you, his career wouldn't be where it is today.


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LMH got what the masses love. He is tall, is handsome, has a certain standing. That is what is popular and why he has a great career. But actingwise he is only mediocre and there is no real development over the years in his acting, that's why I lost hope.
I totally get why he is as popular as he is, I like him, too, but being popular and loved and being a really good actor are different things, don't you think?
There a lots of GREAT actors out there who will never achieve his popularity and marketability, but who still will always be better acting than him. E.g. Park Hyuk-Kwon, Jang Hyun-Sung or Bae Sung-Woo come to my mind. All coming from the stage, trained from scratch they worked hard to get where they are. JJS got the same background, but other than them he got the looks, too, although not the height. He is multi-talented, sings, dances, plays guitar, and acts incredibly good.

LMH will most likely make the most money out of this group, but I'm sorry, the best actor he is not.


Agree to disagree. I've seen various other good looking and tall actors, whom I will not name, who cannot establish a career as big as Lee Min Ho, so it proves that looks don't do it all. I never said Lee Min Ho was the best actor, but he does very well for the character he is given in this drama. He manages to shine even next to someone who is a legend and given a character that is more intriguing from the get go. He may not have stood out to you, but I think he was able to reach a pretty wide audience that didn't want to give him a chance to begin with, especially within these last four episodes. I'd say he isn't the best actor of all time but who is? He definitely takes ownership of his characters in this drama though. In terms of development, he has definitely improved over the years, and he has a long career ahead of him; he will surely continue to improve. I wouldn't underestimate his abilities too much.


Jo Jung-seok began his career in theatre and that gives him a definite advantage. No disrespect to Lee Min-ho, who's a decent actor in his own right, but the difference is pretty obvious.


I actually adore LMH (not enough to watch BoF or Heirs) and I think he's always managed to be consistently good in his dramas and he's so pretty! Some of my all time favorite dramas (CH, Faith) are LMH dramas. But in terms of acting talent and screen presence? Hell, I think even LMH would admit that JJS just has it in spades.
It doesn't take away from one actor or making him less of a person to admit someone else is better. But seriously, JJS has managed to grab the viewer's attention with even the smallest scenes and work as a minor or side character in the past. That's something not a lot of actors/actresses have in them.


Jo Jungsuk deserves the Daesang for that cameo alone.


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