Legend of the Blue Sea: Episode 10

Big episode! It’s got my favorite new thing, Drunk Joon-jae, and his cousin Honest Joon-jae, both of whom are kind of inept and adorable. Also gratifying to watch, because sometimes you just need to hear the obvious stated. It’s especially refreshing to have truths come out just when secrets were threatening to dominate and turn the story on its head.



Joon-jae comes face-to-face with the centuries-old portrait of Dam-ryung, and recognizes the words written there—they’re the same words that Dam-ryung told him when they met in a dream: “If you are me in the next life, even when you wake from the dream, remember this: Everything is repeating. The connections made here are continuing there, as are the ill-fated connections. Protect her from the dangerous ones.”

As Joon-jae reads the words, we see Dam-ryung, in Joseon, writing them down. Dam-ryung sends the painting in a chest to his family’s house with the request to bury it there, and to keep it unopened even if something were to happen to him.

Joon-jae addresses the portrait as thought it’s Dam-ryung himself, wondering about the dangerous person and the woman he mentioned. “Who are you?” he asks. “Are you really… me? Not a dream, but really me?”

Shi-ah bangs on the door, and when he steps out of the room, she grabs his arm and whines about being scared of the blackout—right as the lights flick on. Muahaha. Joon-jae pushes her off, then tries to prevent her from going in to take a look at the painting herself, saying that it’s late and they ought to get going.

She’s keen to take a look at this “Joseon man who’s as handsome as an idol,” though, and beelines for the painting. Her jaw drops as she immediately recognizes Joon-jae’s face, though he feigns ignorance when she points out the resemblance (“What, like everyone with big eyes and good looks resembles me?”) Pretending he doesn’t really see it, he just says he’s better-looking.

She can’t let it go of the uncanny resemblance, though, and suggests that maybe Dam-ryung is his ancestor, and that Joon-jae’s interest in the man was unconsciously stirred by his genetics.

Joon-jae changes the topic by asking her to keep this visit a secret, saying that he’s researching something and would like for only her to know about it. Flattered, she agrees.

The weather is stormy, and across town, a loud crash of thunder wakes murderer Dae-young. Looking haggard, he wonders why he’s dreaming these dreams, muttering that they make him feel rotten. Well I should hope so, if you’re dreaming about all the rotten things you’ve done.

Chung waits up for Joon-jae, bothered by how late he’s staying out with Shi-ah. The minute she hears noise below, she practically jumps down the ladder and confronts Joon-jae, reminding him of their house curfew and his own words to not bother coming home if she was going to violate it.

Joon-jae laughs that the curfew only applies to his squatters, not the owner of the house, and that if she feels wronged by it, she can buy a house and make up her own rules. He flops onto bed and relaxes into it… and then turns his head to see Chung shooting eye-daggers at him.

Joon-jae tells her to stop glaring at him like a scary ghost, and Chung retorts that they’re her eyes and she can do whatever she likes with them: “They’re my rules. If I’m mad but have nothing to say, I glare.” He asks why she intends to just keep staring, and she fires back, “Because as much as I couldn’t see you before, I want to see you now!”

Aw. He just tells her to do as she wishes, warning that she’ll make herself dizzy. Chung squints and rolls her eyes experimentally.

A thought strikes him, and Joon-jae asks about the time Chung was hit by a car and had a dream while lying in the emergency room. She’d said then that he took her hand and saved her life, and he asks for details.

Chung’s mind replays that vision—the moment that Se-hwa and Dam-ryung had clasped hands after he’d had her released into the sea. Joon-jae tries to prod her memory, asking about the time period and whether he’d been wearing old-fashioned clothes.

But Chung says that she doesn’t remember anything, likely because she can’t explain the mermaid context. Joon-jae accepts that disappointedly and tells her to go to bed, and Chung leaves in a flash, glad at the reprieve.

She goes so fast that Joon-jae feels put out, grumbling about how she’d just declared that she’d stare at him all night. “She spits out words without any sense of responsibility!” he complains.

Safely in her room, Chung feels her pounding heart, noting, “This is what it feels like to lie.” Still, she’s relieved that he didn’t hear her “real voice,” as in her mermaid thoughts.

Joon-jae dreams again that night: of Se-hwa kidnapped and bound, sitting with a basket of pearls, and Dam-ryung apologizing for coming too late. He wakes with a start and heads out to the kitchen, where he finds Nam-doo having a midnight beer or five. Joon-jae joins him and sighs about how he’s been feeling strange lately, and Nam-doo asks, “Do you know what you should think of as the strangest? Chung. Don’t you think she’s strange?”

Joon-jae laughs it off, but Nam-doo tells him not to brush it aside—she may be beautiful and sweet, but she’s definitely strange. Nam-doo confides that he’d had another doctor look at Chung’s leg X-rays, who was sure that the broken bone that should have taken six weeks to heal was perfect in one. Nam-doo points out that Joon-jae would normally find it strange too, if not for the effect Chung has on him.

Then Nam-doo holds up the pearl he’d swiped from Chung’s stash, asking how a girl with no job or skills could amass so many to sell. Joon-jae’s mind flashes to the dream he just had, and Se-hwa’s pearls.

Nam-doo adds that Joon-jae can’t remember meeting Chung in Spain, and Joon-jae’s mind flashes to more scenes he can’t place—him buying Chung shoes, taking the jade bracelet. Nam-doo reminds Joon-jae that he was keeping Chung around to find out what happened, but he seems to have lost interest.

Joon-jae asks why Nam-doo is curious about all that. Nam-doo replies in his half-joking tone, “I’m afraid you’ll become a good guy, when I just barely turned you into a bad one with some use. After meeting Chung, you keep wanting to be a decent guy and it bothers me. If you do, you’ll leave me.”

Joon-jae scoffs at that, while Nam-doo adds that it’s a fun mystery that he’s intent on unraveling. Nam-doo leaves, and Joon-jae says with some determination that he’ll have to be the first to find out who Chung is.

At the police station, Detective Hong presents his boss with a new theory about Dae-young. Looking at his prison record reveals mostly assault charges, springing from anger management problems, but there’s one year (1988) when he engaged in a rash of robberies—and only at one shopping mall. His guess is a woman was the cause.

Convenient cut to Stepmom, who notices Chairman Dad struggling to grasp food in his chopsticks, missing because of his eyesight. He complains of dizziness, and Stepmom hands him his pills (don’t take them!) and urges him to rest today and leave anything important to her (nooooo) and his secretary. Chi-hyun doesn’t voice his concerns, though he clearly has them.

Chung’s young friend Yoo-na finds breakfast pre-made for her, her hard-working mom already out for the day. Yoo-na reads Mom’s note about going to academy today, looking sad.

Chung returns to the claw machine to claim her pink octopus, and fails yet again. Yoo-na finds her here and asks why she is so intent to win that particular toy.

Chung wonders why she’s here, and Yoo-na admits that she played hooky today; she didn’t have anywhere to go, but remembered that Chung said she lived in this neighborhood.

Chung asks how Yoo-na knew she had to get that pink octopus, and Yoo-na replies, “You said it.” Chung is confused, since that wasn’t a voice Yoo-na could hear, but Yoo-na says she heard Chung psyching herself up all the way down the street.

Joon-jae comes up to Chung’s room, but finds it empty. Spotting the jar of pearls by her bed, he wonders where they came from, and also why she intended to sell them to give that money to him—he’d never asked her for any.

Nam-doo makes a phone call to scam target Jin-joo to keep her on the hook, saying that his boss is quite busy and that she shouldn’t get her hopes up, but that he’ll keep trying to get her an opening.

Mid-call, Joon-jae comes tearing out of his room and running from room to room, looking for something (or someone), though when Nam-doo asks if he’s looking for Chung, Joon-jae pretends he’s looking for Tae-oh. Who, by the way, is right there. (Nam-doo: “Are you a real con artist or not? Why are you so bad at lying?”)

Chung arrives with Yoo-na in tow, and Joon-jae runs over to scold her for not keeping her dead phone “fed,” appealing to her love of food to make it sound like her phone gets sad and hungry. Of course, precocious Yoo-na steps up to correct his misuse of words, hee.

Joon-jae asks why Chung has such odd friends, from a beggar to a grade-schooler, and Yoo-na replies, “Ajusshi, you’re unemployed.” Pert little thing.

Joon-jae blusters, taking offense to unemployed and ajusshi, saying that she’s wrong on both scores. Yoo-na says plainly that “unemployed slacker” is apt when referring to someone who sits at home doing nothing while normal people are at work, or lying around watching TV (like Nam-doo) or playing games (Tae-oh).

Chung asks, wide-eyed, “Are you an unemployed slacker?” Joon-jae protests, a bit lamely, and avoids her eye as he replies that he’s a freelancer, and it’s entirely possible to work from home.

Chung agrees, and uses Joon-jae’s words to explain to Yoo-na that he’s working “even harder than a civil servant” on behalf of the nation. She tells the girl to grow up and be like Joon-jae.

Joon-jae actually blurts, “You can’t!” To cover the slip, he adds, “Do you think just anyone can be like me?”

Nam-doo wonders if the little girl is on winter vacation already, and Joon-jae says (with way more shock than you’d think is appropriate for a con artist), “You’re playing HOOKY?”

The adults sit Yoo-na down, and Joon-jae insists that she has to keep going to school, even though Nam-doo reminds him that he dropped out (and later got his equivalency). Chung asks if those girls are bullying her again, but Yoo-na explains that her reason for ditching school is because she “gains superpowers” at school, which makes Nam-doo burst out laughing.

Yoo-na explains how she becomes invisible, and nobody sees her or talks to her. That’s why it’s okay if she doesn’t go, and nobody will notice anyway. Joon-jae eyes her sympathetically as she says she’s different from the other kids, based on where she lives and how she only has a mom. “Don’t people dislike people who are different from them?”

Chung thinks to herself, I’m different too. If he finds out I’m different, Heo Joon-jae will hate me, won’t he? Joon-jae looks over at her—omo omo, can he hear? He looks surprised when she thinks, He’ll leave, won’t he?

Yoo-na asks, not realizing that Chung didn’t say it out loud, “Why are you different, unni? And why would the ajusshi Heo Joon-jae hate you if you’re different?” Joon-jae’s mouth drops in shock.

To the others, it sounds like Yoo-na spoke out of nowhere, and neither Nam-doo nor Tae-oh heard Chung say anything. They figure Yoo-na imagined things, and Chung nervously grabs Yoo-na’s hand and takes her to her room.

Bewildered, Joon-jae confirms with the boys that the didn’t hear Chung say those words, then lies that he didn’t hear anything either.

Chung sits Yoo-na down to test whether she can hear her thoughts. Yoo-na parrots back Chung’s thoughts exactly: She came here from a faraway place, and feels lonely because she came for one man and left everything else.

Chung tells her not to tell anyone, because she can’t have Joon-jae disliking her for being different. Yoo-na promises.

Joon-jae hears that Manager Nam has woken up, and rushes to the hospital to see him. He can’t move or speak, but Joon-jae assures the wife that he’ll get better. It seems that Ajusshi can hear and think, though, and his eyes well up with tears, making his wife suppose that he wants to tell Joon-jae something.

Ajusshi’s wife sees Joon-jae out, and asks hesitantly if he’s had news of his mother. It turns out that Joon-jae’s mother has called Ajusshi occasionally in the past, but had asked her to keep it a secret. Ajusshi’s wife doesn’t have much information about Mom’s whereabouts, and says that all Mom did was ask after Joon-jae. The wife had assured her he was fine, leaving out the part where he’d left his family.

Later that night, Joon-jae nurses a beer in his room, and when Chung pokes her head out of her door, he tells her not to come down. “Okay,” she agrees, while climbing down the ladder. Hehe.

She joins him in his room and recognizes alcohol from all her drama-watching, noting that it makes people laugh and cry and sprawl out on sidewalks. Joon-jae says that’s what Nam-doo gets like, pouring on the aegyo and drunk-dialing exes and insisting he’s not drunk, which has earned himself the nickname of Dog Nam-doo. Joon-jae says that Nam-doo never learned how to drink properly, and boasts that he’s not like that—he’s disciplined enough to enjoy drinking while controlling himself. Oh, we’ll see about that.

Chung asks Joon-jae to teach her how to drink, and that doesn’t seem like a bad idea so he sits her down and pours her a beer. She’s chugging it down before he even starts with any tips, and he tells her she’s doing it wrong: Drinking is about the cheers. He clinks her glass with his.

Chung proceeds to request cheers after cheers until she’s resting her head in her hand and asking her octopus jerky plaintively why it’s so dried. “People are so cruel,” she wails. “How could they grill you, tear you apart, and dry you out? It’s so pitiful!”

Joon-jae points out that she’s crazy about sashimi, but Chung counters, “They’re different! To me, octopus are like dogs are to you humans!” Joon-jae asks, “You humans? Aren’t you a human too?”

Chung replies, “Nope. I’m a mer…” And then she stops, blinks, and is perfectly sober again. Joon-jae’s amazed at her sudden recovery, while Chung is eager to clink glasses again.

A few drinks later, it’s Joon-jae who’s tipsy—he sounds totally normal, but doesn’t realize he’s repeating the same speech about how he’s able to control his drinking perfectly, and how she’s lucky he’s the one teaching her, because he’s able to control his drinking perfectly, which is why she’s lucky he’s teaching her. And on and on.

Pretty soon, his head is tilting and he’s laughing for no reason. He points his finger all around the room like they’re at a bar and declares that nobody’s going home tonight. Chung points out that they’re already at home, but he just points at her and sing-songs, “Especially you. You can’t go. Don’t go.”

He addresses Chung as he picks up his phone and complains, “I told her clearly, if she’s not at home, she has to stay by my side. But she doesn’t listen.”

He calls, and Chung’s phone rings across the room. But when she gets up to answer it, he orders her to stay put—and then complains when Chung doesn’t answer her phone. Omg, he’s adorable. Dork Joon-jae, move aside, Drunk Joon-jae is my new favorite!

Joon-jae calls again, and Chung tries to sneak away to answer it, only to have him order her to freeze. He gives up on the call and moves to take the seat next to her—and then he pulls her close in a big hug, exclaiming, “You can’t go!” She assures him that she won’t, and decides that alcohol is the best thing on land.

Still holding her close, Joon-jae mumbles sleepily, “Don’t go. Even if we’re different—no matter how different we are, I won’t leave you.” He falls asleep on her shoulder, and Chung says, “I hope that’s not a lie. I want that to be the truth.”

In the morning, he’s massively hungover. Chung explains to Nam-doo that he was teaching her how to drink for the first time. Nam-doo says he could have taught her, and when Chung reminds him of his Dog Nam-doo drunk habits, he says that Joon-jae learned to drink from him. Hee.

Chung asks if words spoken while drunk are lies or truth, and Nam-doo says it could be either—but in Joon-jae’s case, it’s all lies, and she should just think of that conversation as “talking to a puppy—all nonsense.” Aw. She takes that in disappointedly.

Time for the next step in the Jin-joo con, as she takes in her dog 500 to fix his wagging tail, which Jin-joo swears is a sign of some problem because the dog is too “chic” (“Like me”) to wag it out of sheer happiness. Ridiculous lady is ridiculous.

Jin-joo perks up when Nam-doo drops by with 900 and asks if he’s made any headway into getting her a meeting with his CEO Kim. Nam-doo acts apologetic in his rebuff, saying that CEO Kim is booked solid for every meal. Jin-joo pouts and wheedles, and hands Nam-doo a gift of handmade doggie kibble, asking for good news next time.

Hearing the update, Shi-ah repeats her belief that it’s a scam, though Jin-joo argues that no scam artist would play this hard to get. Joon-jae’s mother interrupts the conversation to make a request that Shi-ah separate her laundry to make her job a bit easier, and Shi-ah flies off the handle, pointing out that she’s higher-ranked in this household. “Are you my mother-in-law?” she exclaims.

Joon-jae’s mother just says in her placid way that she agrees with that sentiment—she doesn’t want to be Shi-ah’s mother-in-law. Heh. I love her retorts. Shi-ah whines at Jin-joo to fire her, but Jin-joo can’t until after she’s hosted the wealthy CEO to dinner.

Then Nam-doo calls with the good news she’s been dying to hear, and schedules that dinner. The next day, Jin-joo’s all aflutter with excitement as she decides what to wear, and Joon-jae’s mother hilariously gives her backhanded advice (“Don’t you think that looks shabby? But wear it if you like it”).

Jin-joo grouses about how she ends up doing what the housekeeper says, but has to admit she’s never wrong, which makes it extra annoying. Nam-doo calls Jin-joo to give her “tips” on how to act around the CEO, feeding her nervousness to impress.

Jin-joo’s husband Dong-shik admits to misgivings about Shi-ah’s comment that it’s a scam, but Jin-joo insists that Shi-ah knows nothing of the real world. She warns him not to ask too many questions or appear old-fashioned, and Dong-shik assures her that he won’t pry for information to the man’s face; he’ll do it behind his back.

Joon-jae and Chung get dressed to the nines and head over, and Joon-jae reminds Chung for the umpteenth time that she can’t use his real name. Nam-doo glosses it over as just a part of doing business.

Jin-joo, Dong-shik, and daughter Elizabeth greet the guests at the gate, on their best behavior. Jin-joo pours on the pleasantries in an effort to appeal to Chung, given how they clashed last time over Elizabeth fighting with Yoo-na. Chung tells the little girl to be good to Yoo-na, while Jin-joo falls all over herself kissing up to Chung.

And then, Shi-ah arrives home. Aieeee!

But at the last second, Jin-joo sends Shi-ah to the store to pick up a last-minute item. Oh you’re going to drag this out until I’m a nervous wreck, are you? Fine then. Challenge accepted.

The men exchange business cards, and Dong-shik sneaks off to check that it’s legit, calling the Tokyo-based office. He’s greatly relieved to hear that the CEO is in Korea, though not too bright not to consider that the number is fake to begin with—it’s just Tae-oh on the other line, after all.

Jin-joo fusses over the food made by the housekeeper, confident that sincere home-cooking will appeal to the CEO. The group makes small talk, such as CEO Kim’s marriage plans, and Joon-jae says they’ll tie the knot abroad next year. While Chung doesn’t reply, she does look at Joon-jae uncertainly, maybe even dubiously.

When Joon-jae bites into one dish, he’s hit with recognition and compliments it, saying that it’s similar to a dish his mother used to make. Jin-joo’s thrilled to hear it and calls for more, which brings Joon-jae’s mother out. She doesn’t see Joon-jae’s face, though, and he doesn’t see hers either. But he does pause at the sound of her voice, turning to catch a glimpse of her back.

Shi-ah pulls up in front of the house, and Tae-oh recognizes her with alarm. I can’t believe you worked on this con for so long and didn’t realize this was her family, you dolts. He jumps out and intercepts Shi-ah at the gate, and thinks fast to explain why he’s here and why he needs to talk to her.

She says she has important guests over and starts to head inside, so Tae-oh grabs her by the shoulder and blurts, “I love you, noona!” LOL.

That, at least, calls for a more serious talk, so they relocate to a cafe, where Tae-oh keeps his head hanging waaaaay down in mortification. She totally buys the story, and sighs at the dilemma because Tae-oh knows how she feels about Joon-jae. She tells him that there’s no crime in loving, and clucks over how thin his face has become due to his supposed lovesickness.

She asks if she can leave now, and he shakes his head frantically. She sighs at how awful this is, when she only has eyes for Joon-jae, feeling all sorts of gratified pity for Tae-oh’s crush on her. Meanwhile, Tae-oh sneaks off a text to Nam-doo, telling him to leave quickly because it’s Shi-ah’s house.

Thankfully the VIP dinner is in the dessert-and-coffee stage, and Nam-doo whispers the warning into Joon-jae’s ear. They get up immediately, citing a last-minute emergency, sending Jin-joo into a flurry of panicky questions about whether they did anything wrong.

Joon-jae manages to get out of the house moments before Shi-ah pulls up, thankfully. Tempers are high when they get home, and Joon-jae yells at Nam-doo for not doing his research properly.

All the while, Chung has been quietly taking everything in, and when Nam-doo says they almost got caught, she picks up on that and asks what they almost got caught for, and why it would have been trouble. Joon-jae won’t meet her eye.

She thinks, Heo Joon-jae, are you a con artist? Are you a bad guy?

Joon-jae hears it, and his head swivels in her direction. He thinks of her earlier thought that he would hate her if he knew how she was different. Chung asks, Was it all a lie?

“Yes,” Joon-jae declares aloud. “I’m someone who lies. I deceive others and earn money. Yes, I’m that kind of person. That’s my secret. What’s yours?”

They stand there with eyes locked, ignoring a confused Nam-doo in the background, and Chung thinks, My secret is… that I’m different from you. That I’m a mermaid.

The shock hits Joon-jae, who thinks of the drawing on the vase of the mermaid kissing a man, and of seeing mermaid Chung in the aquarium tank. If you know who I am, you’ll be shocked and hurt and scared of me, Chung continues. You’ll leave me. So I want to do my best and not be found out. Wait, does she not realize he heard her?

Chung heads into her room, and Joon-jae tries to get all his whirling thoughts in order. He checks with Nam-doo about what he just said, but Nam-doo says they were just staring at each other silently. Wait, was his confession in his head?

Chung stares at her jar of pearls—it’s fuller now—and clutches at her heart. Joon-jae stares at the picture on Dam-ryung’s vase, hearing Chung’s confession repeat in his head, and recalling how he felt like he was the man in the picture.

Suddenly he’s hit with another memory fragment: sinking in the sea, someone swimming toward him, that kiss.

Joon-jae goes up to Chung’s loft, worried when he finds it empty. He hurries out of the house, remembering Dam-ryung’s warning of danger and the threat of Dae-young on the loose. As he sets out to looking for her, he sees visions from Dam-ryung’s life, with his encounters with Se-hwa mingling with his own with Chung.

He breaks into a run as his head floods with more visions—Dam-ryung and Se-hwa’s handclasp, and the story of how a young boy fell in love with a mermaid and heard her voice. And how mermaids have a special ability to erase themselves from a human’s memory with a kiss.

Memories from Spain come back, filling in more blanks of how they met and grew close and fell into the ocean together.

Suddenly, his revised memories change—where Chung had erased herself, now his mind puts her back and his memories return to their original versions. The last one to come to him is the underwater kiss, and Chung saying, “I love you.”

Out of breath and reeling in shock, Joon-jae stands in the middle of the road, grappling with the truth.


What, no epilogue? Aw, come on! For a show I liked less, I might not care, but I often want more at the end of these episodes, and the epilogues feel like I get to steal a little extra story for myself.

I’m pleasantly surprised that we have the truth out already—I know Joon-jae’s been having niggling feelings and memory flashes all along, but I thought they’d draw it out longer and am happy to have the realization made now. Now that he knows, our story can’t help but take a turn, and as much fun as it is to watch Joon-jae dancing around his feelings, it’s more exciting to have him see the full picture now.

In the version of this story that ends at “mermaid falls in love with human,” I’d worry that we don’t have enough story to take us through the remaining episode count, because the question of whether the human will accept the mermaid’s love is always that last phase of the conflict. This isn’t that story, though, and because we’re also in a mystery where a whole other timeline is running concurrently with this one, and where multiple lives are at stake, it feels like we’re advancing to the next phase. Learning of her mermaid nature isn’t the ending here; Joon-jae still has to figure out what his alternate-life self is trying to tell him, while that alternate self has to figure out how to save his life using this portal to Joon-jae.

I absolutely loved Joon-jae getting drunk and showing Chung how he really felt. It may be partly denial that keeps him from being able to be more forthcoming when he’s sober, but I think the denial is ebbing away, and his reluctance is more a general discomfort with expressing himself, rooted in his childhood abandonment. In flashbacks it’s never seemed he had much trouble showing his love openly, but after moving in with his father and stepfamily, he retreated into himself and has been afraid to put himself out there, because what came back was usually hurtful. So Drunk Joon-jae, aside from being just plain hilarious, was a relief to see because it’s a relief to see him being honest and just saying what he feels, in a way that recalls his happier self.

I find it interesting that Chung, who’s never had trouble making her feelings known, is the one who’s closing off now out of fear of rejection, just as Joon-jae’s coming to acknowledge his. I can’t deny that I miss the boisterous, no-filter version of Chung, but I can’t blame her for being protective, either. If only she knew it wasn’t necessary; I was excited when he started to hear her inner voice—while we still don’t know why Yoo-na can hear mermaid voices, she’s always been able to hear them, so I count that as something native to her being. With Joon-jae, it can only mean that he’s fully in love with Chung now, mirroring the boy of the legends, and as such I thought it was a really lovely way to get him to learn the truth: Just as she worries that he’d never be able to accept her, he comes to love her enough to enable himself to discover the truth on his own.


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This show keeps getting better every episode!!! <3


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Totally agree!! I'm so excited for next week's episode. I'm just worried that we're going to have a period of intense angst or something because there are still ten episodes left! lol


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I've decided to just be dead for the rest of the week until Wednesday rolls around. I might wake up on Monday morning to check if the preview has been released. But other than that ---> x_x


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No precap, no epilogue, no teaser, no spoiler= How will I live? :'(


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Seriously!!! Love those epilogues.Time to go and rewatch.


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I felt cheated that they did'nt give us an epilogue. Something, anything was good enough..How do we wait for a whole week now?


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I was sad there was no epilogue and was like, "Ehh? No epilogue?!". I think my cat gave me a weird look, haha. Hopefully there will be epilogues for next week's episodes.


Haha, yes, cheated and it's unfair!

Epilogues are one of the primary reasons why I love Park Ji Eun's writing.


Plus that green sweater that drunk Joon Jae was wearing has gone on my list of absolutely awesome sweaters, next only to Seo In Guk's pink sweater in IRY.

Yes. I am weird. I sometimes love sweaters more than people. It's all S. Korea and it's awesome winter clothes' fault though.


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Really? I honestly thought, ohhh this episode is where they're trolling us with sweater references to Heirs! because that black split sweater before the chartreuse one was a piece of work as well.


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After a certain point I just learned to ignore all the lee min ho line of sweaters/or used to it by now.. still the black split sweater was not that bad...


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I came here wondering how long it'd take people to complain about LMH's sweaters. Turns out it didn't take long at all, just 1.3.1 comments.
But then look at his bestie is wearing. How come no one mentioned the velvet tracksuit with a big sequinned star in front, or the green sweatshirt with tropical birds? Are they really better than LMH's sweaters? I can't help but wonder why ppl here don't diss them.


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Because it's LMH
He wears those fugly sweaters and we still swoon.
This is a scientific question that needs to be answered



That's the thing about being handsome and famous...

Half of the people on earth are gonna love you, the other half are gonna hate you, but they'll all thinking about you...


I'm not saying those commenters are hating though... I'm just saying that Lee Min Ho are so handsome and famous that everything about him tends to draw more attention than it's supposed to be...


Actually, i like Nam Do velvety ,,, with embroidery also i'm not sure if we are talking about the same thing
i confess that i was holding on till LOBS finish airing but what broke my resolve is the velvety thing ....
I'm dying to find out which brand is it.. My curiosity is killing me


This is cracking me up.
Erm I actually do like the velvety embroidery bird thing that namdoo was wearing ? ........ slink to one embarrassed corner...


green sweatshirt with tropical birds

Thank you! So that's what it was! It looked like some kind of long-sleeved mutation of an aloha shirt I once had. ;-)


Honestly both their outfits in that scene made me think of two limes. JJH as an overipe lime and LMH as a fuzzy lime. Why does the stylist hate LMH sometimes?


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Bwahahahaha! "Over ripe lime" and "fuzzy lime" is so apt!


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loved the apple green sweater on lmh too! he can pull off almost anything i guess.i woudnt be able to take my hands off him if i was there.


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I'm not hugely obsessed with LMH or anything but I do like him.

And for some strange reason throughout this episode I just wanted to touch his face. That sounds really creepy but his face is so good-looking, apparently I just want to touch it LOL.

He's one of those actors whose looks I can admire without making me want to turn into a puddle of goo whenever I watch him on-screen like some other actors. I feel a very detached admiration for his face lol


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I love how well he can pull off almost any style. My only issue is the sandals. Just no. But everything else visually looks nice. As for his acting, I'm really enjoying what he's doing. LMH, fighting!


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I wasnt bothered by the flashy green sweater either. The material made it look comfy and cozy. I'm more bothered by the big pants and coats that SC kept wearing.


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Same! I know that she's not worldly wise enough and all..but her outfits are sometimes extremely distracting.


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Agreed!! Best episode so far!


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Exactly! I have faith in this writer and she doesn't disappoint. I'm glad I didn't lose my patience (plot-wise, the first few episodes felt so slow) and keep watching it.


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I couldn't agree more. this show keeps exciting me to the extent where i want it to never end.
Is that wrong?


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Great episode.
Joon jae faced many challenges:
He is looking desparately for sc.
He needs to and want to protect sc.
He has to hide the fact of sc being a mermaid from everyone to protect sc.
He needs to prove to sc he truly loves her..as joon jae tends to hide his truth feeling.
He is the target of attack by stepmother.
He is deeply hurt by his father but he still loves him in his heart.
He has not found his mother whom he misses alot.
He is also the search target of the police.
He needs to find the culprit who is tarhgeting him and sc.
He kept having dreams which affexts his sleep

Many things for him to take care. Hope he could handle them well


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The kid is the daughter of the mermaid man who died


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I don't think so. We saw the ex of the merman and it wasn't her mother.
But I'm wondering if she could be a descendant from Dam-ryung and his mermaid ?


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Yoo-na is the same kid in the Joseon period that could hear Se-hwa's thoughts when she was trapped in the pond. The one who's brother and other kids were throwing rocks.

So she's not Dam-ryung's and Se-hwa's descendant


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Yes totally. The writer is daebak. I choose this over goblin boring plot. Goblin is good in the beginning only to deteriorated more each episode.


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This episode was great and I think is going to be the turning point where the plot really just takes off! I'm really enjoying this drama.

I want to know why Joon Jae started being able to hear her mermaid voice! I thought that was so cool when he heard her worrying about him leaving her and then how vulnerable he was about it when he got drunk. It's cool to see Chung helping to open him out of his shell of (justifiable) insecurities that he has about love and relationships. He's been acting all tough but she's really helped him show a bit more emotion and drunk Joon Jae was a good example of him losing that shell, haha. Although then Nam Doo told her that everything he says while drunk is a lie! haha.

Also, he's basically got all of his memories back! And not only his own memories, but is getting all of Dam Ryung's memories too! I can't wait for next week to see what happens when he finds her.

Also, Tae Oh having to say that he loves her in order for her not to go inside was one of the best scenes of the episode!! hahaha.


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I think he started to hear her from the time by the river. I watched that scene over again and when she asked herself should she go, she didn't say that out loud. At least it didn't look like it.


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Very good point. Yeah the riverside scene was good, deftly and subtlety done for us to guess whether he actually heard her inner thoughts. With her back facing him, he couldn't see her lips so he may have thought she spoke aloud.


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I rewatched the scene of drunken HJJ. I guessed she already knew he could hear her thoughts, the moment he clarified that he won't leave her even though she is different...

Confronting him telepathically confirmed her fears right away that he is the second person who is privy to her inner voices.


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No, that part about her being different and he hating her for that had already been told aloud by the little girl.


Yes that's right! I wondered how he could hear what she had said from so far away. I thought his hearing her seemed unrealistic but he heard her thoughts! Totally missed that.


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I think the filming crew just placed him too far in the scene lol.
As also in the beginning of this ep when she lied to him about her dream he wasn't able to hear her inner thoughts then though?
Maybe Lil girl awoke his power xd


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The guy acting as Tae-oh (Was he the one who acted as Krystal's boyfriend in Heirs?) should act in more dramas. He is so good, with barely any lines to speak. Hope the director has included more scenes of him in upcoming episodes. There must be a reason why his past avatar hasn't yet been revealed.


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Nah, Krystal's boyfriend was Kang Min-hyuk from CNBLUE. This is Shin from Crossgene (he was also in the drama Big with Gong Yoo).


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He was in Big with Gong Yoo in it... and Lee Min Jung.


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And am having one hilariously eeeevil thought that because of that fake confession, Shi-ah begins to see Tae-oh in a new light and so she starts crushing on him. Ah! The look on the poor boy's face when 'noona' tells him she accepts and will reciprocate his love.


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Bwahaha! Omo! This image is hilarious!


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I agree. Goes to prove just how self-absorbed she really is.


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Haha! Omg, this would be awesome!!


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That would be amazing! I would like to see how he would get off that shoe! ;)


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Talk about "taking one for the team"! His goose may already be flambéed...

Tae-oh might be able to escape her clutches if someone conveniently reveals a photo of him in drag... but it would be his nuclear option. Muahaha! ;-)


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That would actually be really funny if that were to happen because he was literally dressed in drag for like 5 seconds of the show. So for them to use that would be hilarious because it was so quick.


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I agree! That, and Jo Nam-Doo with his little dog looking for organic doggy chewing gum. Best laugh yet!


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I love the unexpected scenes in episode 10: the moment LMH / JHH heard her inner voice. His initial and confused expression when he heard her at the same time with the little girl.

Then the second time, as he was confronted with her inner myriad of remarks from disappointment to self rejection. I thought LMH did extremely well here, his instant reaction of pain and shock. Followed by the quiet moments of revelations, one after another. Each tensed moment was delivered with trepidation, raw and restrained, in ways that words could not do so.


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This drama, this role of HJJ and this particular episode makes me believe that LMH has to, HAS TO, win a Grand Prize somewhere. Anywhere. But he has to.

That desperation, shock, confusion and anxiety that he portrayed at the end was marvelous.


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You're kidding right? He was in the role but can't see why that would win him a grand prize.


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That's what we discussed previously. Even at Soompi.

Why not? When KSH could get so many awards for Producers (I am a bigger KSH fan), then why not LMH, when he can get it for Heirs? Awards usually go to popular choices. Yes, given that Song Joong Ki and Lee Jong Suk (I loved him and want him to win too) are tough competitors.

At least, this role is almost at par with Kim Tan and Baek Seung Chan.


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Agree with your comment, KSH can win so many awards and Daesang for Producer why not LMH for this drama. He is excellent here acting in a wide range of roles e.g. comedy, saguek, angst, sadness, drunkenness, jealousy, loyal lover.

This reminds me of LMH being nominated for the best new actor award for his movie Gangnam Blues. LMH finally only won one of the various awards for that year. I saw GB and two of the other movies with best new actor nominations. I thought LMH was really good. Anyone who says LMH can't act should see GB. Yet the other young kid whom I thought was just decent won that year. The movie was not even widely shown.
I compared with the previous year where Mickey YoonChun had won almost all the awards for best new actor for the movie Haemoo where he was in a supporting role only. I saw Haemoo and I did not think he was as good as LMH in GB. He was in a boat that was dark most of the time. He was just a sailor trying to save the life of a illegal passenger and fell in love with her. There was no real opportunity to shine in a mediocre role. Yet he won 5 or 6 awards. The movie Haemoo was outstanding and the main actor was a veteran and excellent because of that YooChun got the bulk of the new actor awards for a mediocre role. It seemed so unfair. LMH worked his heart out for GB and to me he performed amazingly.


I heard a lot of positive reviews about GB. It's really good, isn't it?

Well, based on your reply, it seems good to me. I will surely watch it.


Exactly. Why can't he win?

I still don't know why KSH was given so many Daesangs for Producers. I mean he's great and all. But so many daesangs? 1-2 is understandable.

Someone has to win it from SBS. It's okay if it's JJH. But in the male category, LMH could. Although it's great that KBS has Song Joong Ki and MBC has Lee Jong Suk. SBS should also have Lee Min Ho.

Also SBS had only 2-3 hit dramas. KBS took the pie.


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Oh, yes. Great point.

I missed out that Song Joong Ki, Lee Jong Suk and Lee Min Ho are on 3 different channels. Hah!

I am sure about the former two winning their own channel's highest award. But LMH, well. He gets some competition from JJH because she's great as well.

Maybe Excellence award would do.


Fanaddict, +100

That's a great reply. Great justification too.


Song Joong Ki winning a Daesang any day is undisputed! Guy can act his ass off!

KSH is awesome too! I love The Producers whereas most of my pals don't.. . Hehe!

LJS is love! SERIOUS love!

The thing is LMH's popularity is not because of his acting ability and that sorta gets him sidelined often on the awards side of things!

But he's really hitting it out of the park here... one can hope, I guess.


@Affie, we meet again. Haha!

Yes, SJK deserves the award. I felt so sad when he felt depressed for not winning some award recently. He's also my favourite.

He cries like a baby. Aww. :'(

Really, I WANT WANT LJS to win. He deserves it. Ahh, when he shot the gun and when he was being lovey dovey- he killed it with Kang Chul.

That's the problem. He's still regarded only as "Handsome". He was regarded so even in my dictionary till LOBS happened and saw the "actor" in him.


Yes @Aniloh! LMH in LOBS is the best thing to happen to him after BOF! His popularity really isn't in dispute... just his ability to act... which gosh... LOBS is sure showing he can!

It's always so nice to read you, lol


@Affie, aww, thank you for your words. <3
I really feel we both have same opinions regarding LMH. Haha!


Aggie, aniloh
+ 100000000

Kang chul should win. And Ho Jun Jae should share the award with him.

I am conflicted. I love Song Joong Ki but I think KC was a great character and HJJ makes me laugh...hmmm


Sorry typo
Affie (wave)


Why not?
Lesser people have won them

and I differ in your view that he is "just into" the role. He's shining through at this moment.
It's probably not epic material yet but he's doing pretty good


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He acts with a little exaggeration at times.


No, he is not over acting. This time, I am sure. Sure enough to stamp it around. That. LMH is not overacting.

Maybe your opinion, but he's at his best.

Idk why people feel that most of the time. "His looks overshadow his acting"??? That's crap. I mean he's a handsome actor. That's it.

I really think he's at par with KSH- his direct contemporary.
KSH just was lucky enough to have too many bombastic dramas under his belt. If LMH had all his dramas straight away super duper hit, then he would have had been considered an actor.

Well, Faith and Heirs were just....bogus. Personal Taste didn't click with local audience. (I liked it. Never encountered a drama of that type till now). City Hunter was fine. But not grannnnndddd like Moon Embracing...


Exactly, @Fanaddict.

I loved Personal Taste. Also my 1st K-Drama, it was still better than so many bland dramas that I have watched. And yes, haha, never encountered that type of a storyline again. Hahaha, I enjoyed it.

City Hunter and Healer suffered the exact same fate. Exact. So-so locally, blockbuster internationally.

Faith-I will never watch it. I haven't watched it nor will I ever.

Heirs- Idk why I watched it.

Boys Over Flowers- well, he's still known as "Boys Over Flower guy", just like Leonardo is still known as "Titanic guy" in some countries. Lol!

Whereas KSH has Moon Embracing Sun, with one episode coming in one of the highest rated episodes of any Korean drama,

pan-Asia blockbuster My Love From Another Star,

locally and internationally popular Dream High and



To be fair, I went back to watch those scenes again especially the drunken bit and the last chase after SC. Hmm...I think he a-ok but I still see LMH acting as HJJ. Let's say his acting has improved and I've caught him in almost all his shows. But I just can't rave based on his acting. Plus he has no chemistry with the female lead for this one. So I politely differ with your view and stick to mine.


I respect your view, sesame. :)

And that's the beauty of our conversation, you know. Where's the fun when everyone would agree to one fact?


I think I know what overacting is.

Hwang Jung-eum in Kill Me Heal Me for the first 8-10 episodes.

Aaaaa, it was cringe worthy, the way she used to react and dance and become hyper and stretch the mouth for each dialogue. Thankfully it was toned down later.


I think everyone agreed to HJE's overacting and probably that is why she toned down. But yes, she was overacting.

But I cared less about her because there was Ji Sung and he was just more than enough.


Agree with @sesame, Lee Min Ho is an ok actor, but ok actor does not translate to award winning actor.


Min ho deserves the grand prize.
Is performance is superb. He has portrayed dam ryeong and joon jae with his meticulous acting skills, abilities and deep emotions.


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Min Ho is not nominated for SBS grand prize. Jun Ji Hyun is.


Any award would do. :)


Agreed with calieb.
Min ho acting in gangnam blue was excellent.
He acted wholeheartedly.

Felt sorry for him din get more of the new actor award.

Nonetheless he is perfect to many fans


Second you. There are times I find him a liittle exaggerated and other times reacting more in the 'feminine' way than masculine way ( always brings to mind Suzy whenever he does that).


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At least, at SBS awards.

At least, Excellence award.

He could, he would. When he could for Heirs, why can't he for LOBS?

LOBS>>>>Heirs (for me at least)

Fighting, Oppa!


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Of course, LOBS is way better than Heirs. For international audience mostly.


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The role may seem easy. Playing a good looking guy with a heart of gold. But let's see some of his best moments in LOBS

1. Trusting the unknown as he reached out to SH's outstretched hand on the boat

2. Gushing at praises. His eyes sparkles truly like SC claimed.

3. Putting SC first at the cliff. Lying and caring, jesting and fearing at the same time.

4. Chasing her away but tracking her, paying dudes to give her self esteem

5. Searching for her in desperation. Anguish and shock over her death.

6. Playing daddy long legs for her seafood noodles

7. Grieving over her suffering as he carried her away from the kidnappers

8. Gawking at her beauty and going Prince Charming, fitting shoes on her twice

9. Skiing and skidding ahead with arms outstretched and saving her.

10. Scolding and dragging her away from JJS.

11. Rushing to her at the riverside. Despite his own injuries.

12. Cooking and garnishing for her

13. Gawking and grinning like a fool at her beauty again and again

14. Facing himself in dreams and in reality

15. Hearing her thoughts and realising that others don't...

16. Hearing her thoughts and responding to her, in shock and in silence

.... anything I missed out?

LMH made every scene in LOBS, unique and memorable.


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I love how you describe HJJ. Makes me want to re watch the show from the 1st ep.. I love LOTBS so much. It brings tears, laughter, happiness, smile on my face.. I equally love HJJ and SC charactrers. They complement each other. Such a sweet couple.


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Yes they sizzle on screen. Great to watch them as a couple. Wish they can brush up on their kissing skills though. It s a liittle unconvincing with him only kissing at her chin and then stop right there. Seems awkward.


Oh yes, the scene were it looked like they were staring at each other but were communicating telepathically. It looked soooo good.

Like, now, they don't even need words.


i have hope that there will be some serious lip locking in the coming episodes. there must be.

or i will really throw a fit.

dont waste lmh's kissing abilities please director nim. god, i envy suzy so much. rawr.


I really thought kdrama land had finally moved on and dropped the eerily still and frozen, no-movement-of-lips kissing! SMH.


This is one reason why I love tvN dramas more. Aigoo, they are so bold and realistic.

Be it Oh My Ghostess or Oh Hae Young again or other dramas.

There's that difference between paid and public channels.


Uhm -- I think the chemistry between was just ok. To me, I can feel that both of them are acting. Their chemistry is nowhere close to JJH and KSH's in My Love from the Stars.


Awesome list! @Shuerei


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Good answer. It will thrill LMH to bits.

Yes, this is not a really difficult role as that of Ji Sung's character in Kill Me Heal Me. But this is not easy as well.

The scene where they were communicating telepathically looked so surreal. It needs finesse.

Had it been easy, then any idol actor could have had done it. But Park Ji Eun says that this role was specifically written with LMH in mind.


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Oh man, KMHM had a very very difficult role. 7 different personalities. Idk who else could have had done it. I heard that Lee Seung Gi was considered for the role and even Hyun Bin. HB could have had done it. But LSG...

Oh man, cut it out. All my favorite actors are actually actors, not idols. Established, loved and celebrated actors.

Not many idol actors become great kind of. Some don't know why they are acting but still keep coming because of popularity like for instance one actress (whom I won't name) who came in a drama in July that was pre-produced.



And haha, I think I know her. That actress (whom I won't name) also happens to be in a messed up relationship with the lead of our drama. Haha!!


Omo, eotteokhe ara? :O

Are we communicating telepathically too? xD


wow, +1000

the ending was the best.cant wait for the next episode.

i wonder if the next 10 eps will be all about jj protecting sc from being captured. i would like atleast 2 episodes of lovey dovey before the angst. please.


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Totally agreed of the excellent performance of min ho. He looks perfect too


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The second scene with him hearing her thoughts was so well done, both with the acting and directing. The tension in that scene was palpable!


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Ya i was so glad that we could had access to their inner thoughts, else would have reacted in a much more crazed manner than Nam Doo! Their expressions were so raw, kudos to LMH(personal opinion- he outshined JJH)!
After being in a love-hate relationship with this actor, wherein one can just not ignore him even at his worst. He is giving this show his best, and actually carrying this Show majorly with dual role(?)!


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Loved his quiet realizations too. Absolutely fantastic how they are peeling back the layers for him to figure out on his own how crazy the story of what is going on really is. Enjoying the solitude of his realizations as well. Creates so much anticipation for when they connect, eeeee!


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Agreed with grace.
Great episode


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Heo Joon Jae just got 10 episodes jam packed in about 3 minutes. How massive would that headache be?

But he did what even Dam-Ryung wasn't able to. He remembered her! And hears her voice! Dam-Ryung hasn't yet, right?


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Maybe it has to do with the fact that Joon Jae never had another love interest that took him away from Chung whereas Dam-Ryung did? I'm just trying to think of what's different between their two scenarios.


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having an arranged marriage having another love interest


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having an arranged marriage *is not* having another love interest


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You're right. I didn't mean to phrase it that way. I meant more that it was something that caused Se Hwa to separate from him.


The difference is that Dam Ryeong is like a grandfather, who has experienced everything first-hand.

Joon Jae is like a grandson of DR, who is being warned about what "could" happen to him since it has happened to DR as well.

There was no one to guide DR directly. The only think he knows about is the existence of HJJ in future and the exact time of his death and the danger that Se Hwa would face in future as Shim Cheong because Se Hwa was never reincarnated, she kept on living for 400 years.


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That's a good point! I didn't ever think about how at this point we have HJJ being helped out wheras DR wasn't.

Also, do we know that Chung is the same mermaid as Se Hwa? Unless I've forgotten something, I feel like we haven't had that answered yet.


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DR guides HJJ now.

Yes, SC is same as Se Hwa. Because in the initial episodes (and also in the summary), it has been said that she waited for 400 years for Dam Ryeong to be reincarnated and mermaids only love once.

She too kept on living like Do Min Joo kept on living for 400 years. Same analogy!


If SC/SW is a 400 year old mermaid then ... another mermaid would have wiped out her entire memory...


Yes, and then that could explain her clueless behavior.

According to the merman, mermaids ONLY die when their loved one doesn't love them back. DR loved her a lot.


OMG, @AniLoh...

That's my thought as well.

Mermaids only die when they aren't loved back. Their heart becomes stone. Yessss! That solves a bit of the puzzle in my head.


I don't think Shim Chung is the same mermaid as Se Hwa...

I think it's been said here a couple of times


@ AniLoh
According to the merman, mermaids ONLY die when their loved one doesn’t love them back. DR loved her a lot.

I thought that this rule was only applicable if the mermaid/merman is living on land, and that is why the merman urged SC to go back to sea so that she could live on normally, without depending on a man's love.

In other words:
- in water = normal life
- on land = needs to be loved for the heart to go on


Yes, and supposing that is true, @halfmoon, then it might fit the theory. Because otherwise how are mermaids supposed to be reincarnated?


Yes it's confusing if Se hwa is the same shim cheong, not a reincarnation. Because se hwa seems so elegant but shim cheong is funny and foolish even. And she didn't recognize joon jae as dam reyong. She loved him because in her eyes joon jae cared for her.


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But that's what everyone's speculating. Maybe her memory was erased. I mean, we still have 10 more episodes to go.

I want to know what happened in Joseon era to Se Hwa as well. That can give a clue.


Aniloh, you've made a good point.

Also, I was thinking does Chung's ability to erase memory applies to her as well? If she wanted to erase some part of her memories?Like she said to JJ, she can forget well. In the morning after their kiss, she looked so calm as if nothing happened. So, that part made me thinking did she meant what she said?


@Aniloh...if for some reason.. .Shim Chung is still Se Hwa...then I'm willing to go with your theory that some amnesia might be at play here...for the simple reason that if she can erase other peoples memories then she can probably erase hers too


Supposing Se Hwa is not SC, then how do mermaids reproduce? Reincarnation would mean reproduction in some way. How is that possible when mermaids love only once and Dam Ryeong died young?

And SC is the "last mermaid" on earth. So, can Se Hwa also be the last mermaid?

Ahh...molla molla mollaaaaa. My head would start aching then.


Just like how fishes reproduce. Through eggs. Okay, no well. This is fantasy, anything could be possible.

But yes, that's true. Biologically speaking, some fishes have span greater than human beings. But again, biologically speaking, fishes are sexual animals. They can't reproduce asexually.

Now even I am going mad...>_<


And shim cheong is not the last mermaid. They showed plenty of other mermaids in the past episodes, not to mention a merman even . And yes they have different coloured tails. So can't be the same person I guess.


I think it's pretty clear that they are reincarnations, I know the show description says she's the same mermaid k-drama blurbs in English are ALWAYS terrible--it's like if somebody who didn't speak any Korean or English watched one preview and then wrote it.


@mamadrama: Haha, gotta revisit biology again. I honestly don't know who the male partner could be when Dam Ryeong died really young.

@Aries: Probably. Good point! But then how can a mermaid remove her own memory. Supposing this is true, why would Se Hwa employ it? Was she sad to leave DR? Or did she witness DR's death?
In fact, that could explain a lot about SC's curiosity regarding that old mother's request of not removing her daughter's memories because the mother was ready to live with those memories, even when they hurted.

@undeadgoat and @Sha: I agree totally with both of you. It's hell confusing.


Not really sure if Chung and Se Hwa are the same mermaid though. The color of their tails are different.


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Everybody's been saying about how SC and SH have different color tails. I think just like HJJ is not KDR, SC is not SH. The modern counterparts are likely reincarnations of the ones in the past.


Yes, one of them has silver and other golden, right? Something like that. Not sure about who has which coloured-tail.

But if they are not same, how can mermaids have kids then? And how long do mermaids live?

Then what was that merman saying that mermaid die only when they aren't loved back.


Se-wa''s taIL was gold. Chung's tail was white/silver.

I'm going with the reincarnation theory. When Chung was in the hospital, she told JJ that she had a dream of him saving her - like it was something new. Much in the same way that JJ started having dreams of the Josean time. When JJ asked her for more details about the dream, she lied, because she was in her mermaid form in the dream when he was saving her.

I agree with the others, that Se wa and Chung have different personalities. Even if her memory was erased, her personality wouldn't have changed from a wiser elegant SW, to an adorably funny clueless Chung who didn't know the mermaid rules of a mermaid coming to land as the merman told her.


I don't think they're the same person because in the first episodes they showed that mermaids also grow up . The first meeting between DR and SH was when they were children and they grew up simultaneously and together


I like the theory her memory was erased by other mermaid. But if that's the case I can see more problems coming. Because if I was HJJ I would always think she was in love with a memory and not with him by itself.

I also think there is the chance that she isn't the original mermaid, but that her soul also reincarnated and that hey need to wait 400 years until they reborn in the same time period.


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I prefer the reincarnation theory versus an amnesiac immortal mermaid. While I thought another mermaid might possibly erased her memory, that might not be the case especially with Jessa pointing out the two different colored tails.


Like Shuerei, I would also love a reincarnation theory anyday over the amnesia theory.

But even if it is reincarnation or amnesia or whatever, SC was always the first one to like HJJ. How did she know that HJJ was DR in the 21st century? Or how did she feel attracted to him?

She's in love with him since the 1st episode. She followed him because of that analogy of "mermaids loving only once".


Aniloh, I like your grandpa-grandson analogy. So JJH is "downloading" what DR has experienced...and having that privilege, he was able to do some things that DR could not do or to a greater degree: higher frequency, higher resolution (greater visualisation) ....


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Haha, yes yes. HJJ is downloading it all at full HD mode. Lmao!


I'd like to point out that Se Hwa cannot speak. Her mouth moving and speaking is just an illusion. It is in fact, Dam Ryung hearing her voice.

Recall in episode 2 when KDR met SH at shore, he hears her voice but he sees it as though she is speaking. He isn't aware that he is actually hearing her voice. Cluelessly, he questions her whether a human can hear mermaid's voices. She replies that a boy once loved a mermaid and he was able to hear her voice. The boy himself, is KDR.


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Very astute observation. I am still not very clear on that part...

The ability to hear the mermaids' voices was probably their "connection" established when she first saved him as children... and by SC in Spain. Though it doesn't explain how the little girl could hear her, perhaps she had the gifting, inherited from her forefathers who may have had some connections with mermaids.

With other humans, See Hwa can speak, she exchanged words with his friend in the cave.


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We never seen the little girl's mother. She should be the daughter of the merman (bets?)


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Don't think she was? There was a scene of a bank teller shutting off her phone while she was talking to a customer - that was Yoo-na's mother, if I remember right. And she wasn't the same actress as the merman's ex.


I rewatched the scene where Dam Ryung's friend saved Se Hwa and I still believe she is not speaking by voice. When he first asks her, is she hurt anywhere? She nodded in response. He then asks her if she knew who he was, she nodded in response again. He then reveals to her that he is Dam Ryung's friend. Only then did he begin to hear her voice. I believe that sincerity and displaying oneself as unharmful and trustworthy in a true nature will allow you to hear a mermaid's voice. And I've described way down below in this comment section somewhere, but to me, the reason why mermaid are able to hear each other's voices is because they are trustworthy, kind hearted creatures. Therefore, fully displaying their thoughts and emotions to each other is ok. On the other hand, humans cannot do the same because we are greedy, selfish, and evil. If we know a of the existence of mermaids, we will torture them and exploit them. Therefore, they were constructed to have defense mechanisms against us. However, when a man truly loves, cares, or feels sincerely towards a mermaid, he is given the ability to hear their voice. It's as though it is a gift from God for loving such a unique creature, and not taking advantage of them. I wish I was better as explaining through writing, but I hope I somewhat got my point across.


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Very good analysis! I think you are spot-on.


Joon Jae constantly had Cheong following him and asking him weird questions like "When you plan to like me?". He also had (Deja vus) a chance to recreate their scenes that happened in Spain, together again in Korea (like the shoe fitting). This naturally aroused his curiosity and led him to analyse the mysterious thoughts in search of solutions. Plus he practises hypnotism which helps his subconscious memories resurface. So he was able to recover the lost memories.

Neither was Dam Ryung skilled in neurotics nor did he make promises with Se hwa, that would have her following him to his home and keeping incessant company. After DR got his memory erased, SH din't pursue him like cheong does.


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He won't need cold medicine this time! Where's the aspirin? ?


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I think when HJJ remembered the memories of past and present, it seemed as if both DR and HJJ memories merged together. Since DR lives in a alternate parallel universe, maybe DR is not just seeing flashes of what happened, but knows large chunks of the modern love story. It is almost like he is getting updated of the events in HJJ life as and when HJJ comes to experience it himself.

This could mean that it was DR's memory of the future that HJJ saw and actually not his own that was wiped out by the mermaid.

This could also explain why DR cannot remember any of the wiped out memory too.


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Alright I'll say what people are thinking... I don't like Namdoo he feels very wrong. Like the part when he said Joon Jae keeps trying to be a good guy and he hates it cause Joon Jae will leave that rubbed me the wrong way so hard like wth dude you only keep him cause he is smart and helps you earn money you're a user more than a friend
Also I want that preview now I need it


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Ahhh I feel the same! I'm so worried that whatever Namdoo is doing to dig up dirt on Chung is going to be really bad.


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He seems more like that evil murderer's son than Joon Jae's stepbrother (also forgotten names forgive me I have the ills). He is so cunning and a taker he will deffo use Chung for pearls I know it. I had no faith is his character like in episode 3 he moved into Joon Jae's house cause he thought Joon Jae would have died. I bet he stopped looking for Joon Jae's mother or he never looked to begin with


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I also worry that Nam-doo will figure out that she is a mermaid somehow and become a villain. I'm just unsure of how he'll react if he does find out.


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Honestly, I don't want him/Si Ah to become direct antagonists.
And I want that murderer to become the sole villain.

But Nam Doo is greedy, cunning and very selfish.


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yeah & it's clear there's a reason they haven't showed us nam-doo's doppelganger yet! i feel like his character is gonna go in a bad direction (the betrayal kind)


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Ahh I TOTALLY agree with this! That speech he had about Joon Jae leaving him... I get the bad feeling that he's even worse than Sung Dong Il in either timeline, that he was the ultimate reason for the danger. Of course, that would put a damper in a otherwise wonderful bromance... But yea the two boys closest to Joon Jae are the ones that haven't appeared in the alternate timeline yet.

Now that Joon Jae knows, I hope the storyline doesn't start going away from their relationship!!! There's still so many episodes left!!


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Ever since he started feeling suspicious over SC, I started thinking ND would be bad news. The fact that he was not in the the past timeline just makes it scarier, because while MDY is dangerous and all, we've always known that he's evil in both worlds. But ND is different; we aren't that privy to his motivation and the direction he's going. I'm bracing myself for when he jumps ship and becomes totally evil.


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I have been saying that right from ep 4/5. Step-mom is villain 1, so some assume step brother is evil. I, on the other hand, think that the twist is Nam Doo being the evil one.

Shi-ah is actually funny when she is with Tae-oh ? She is really dumb and babbles all the juicy information to people without being aware she is being used. Or she may become a sidekick to villain Nam Doo.


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Oooh. That would be a a good twist. But so far Shi Ah is shown to be too blisfully unaware. Like, he doesn't even know that Nam Do is a con artist, right? Makes me curious as to how far their relationship goes. She can't know him only to get close to Joon Jae, but he doesn't know who she is either (who she's related to and where she lives). So how come Nam Do can be so unaware if he's done research on Jin Joo, and how did they meet and why do they still hang out? Can't wait for the story to unfold.


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Oh yes! I don't trust Nam-doo at all. I figured he didn't want to let Joon-jae go especially since he helped him construct a way better scam. He needs Joon-jae. And why haven't we seen his Joseon counterpart? I bet the answers to his true nature lies in the past.


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I think it's safe to assume that not everyone in Joon Jae's life is a reincarnation of individuals Dam Ryung know in the past.


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I think Nam-doo's arc will be like he betrayed or almost betrayed Chung and Joon-jae, but in the end his conscience will win and he'll do the right thing...


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Me too! He does warn HJJ of his suspicions, he seems selfish but how far he will go for that, we have to wait and watch. The show is intentionally misleading us on several fronts-
The step mother
Murderer Ma
Nam Doo
SHi Ah
Step brother
Tae Ho(it cant be just me)

DR plese give us some clues on this dangerous man ! I for one dont buy that its murderer Ma at all


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I'm keeping a pretty close eye on the Joseon scenes, waiting for Nam Doo to pop up.

What threw me a bit was that the husband of the scam target showed up as the Joseon painting-burier. In the past, he was clearly a faithful enough retainer that he actually did get a painting buried in the backyard, even though DR sounded nuts. So I'm curious as to what that means in the present, where he's a somewhat inept embezzler.


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I think that rich couple won't end up at the dark side or play any important role. Their characters reminds me of Cheon Song Yi's Mom. She's very materialistic, snobbish, shameless, and using her own daughter as her cash cow. However, nothing big happened to her. She just eventually became good.

I gotta feeling that the rich wife will end up as Joon-jae's mom BFF.


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I agree I don't think they are an important reincarnation. I remember they had an epilogue scene where joon jaes mum was bossing them around and the couple said to each other one day if we are together again in a future reincarnation we would be the boss instead which is what is shown in the present time.


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I wanted to post my thoughts on this drama thus far, and I am reposting something I wrote on another platform. This episode is by far the best episode!

The relationship between HJJ and SC was meticulously written with intricate details in mind. It is so well constructed to the point my mind is blown away at how much time the writer seems to have put into every word and learning lessons HJJ taught SC thus far.

Up until this point, I have never questioned why HJJ had to be a conman of all things. I assumed the writer thought of it one day and slapped it onto HJJ to give him an interesting background. However, I now realize that only a conman would have fit perfectly into the missing pieces of this story, and so, it is only completed with him there.

There is a saying that goes, "it takes one to know one."

It is both fortunate and unfortunate that SC had to learn from the best deceivers. The good of it being HJJ knows a liar better than anyone and, therefore, he taught her well to stay away from guys who aren't necessarily the best people. The irony in it is that he has taught SC to love anyone but someone like himself. The bad of it being that she was inevitably drawn into committing fraud with him. Way to go! "Teach a kid how to lie," said no one ever.

I'd like to highlight that while HJJ is a conman and he deceives people, he isn't necessarily the bad guy in their relationship. It's true that from the beginning, HJJ was never upfront with SC about his "occupation," which may look like he purposely lied to her from her end. However, to give him justice, he never deceived her into falling in love with him. In fact, he told her many times to not fall in love so easily. He warned her of the worst that can result from falling in love with the wrong person, which in his case, is anyone and everyone.

The beauty in it though, is that they both learn and grow from each other, both changing simultaneously but towards opposite destinations. Somewhere along the lines, they will meet in the middle, which is the state of awareness and precautions everyone should be at in life. HJJ will learn to break down his barriers and allow someone to enter his heart, to love and protect her like nothing in this world. SC will learn that love isn't just one way, and definitely not rainbows and butterflies. In fact, we have already witnessed their progression and growth throughout the 10 episodes we have seen. Because of the depth that this particular section of the drama presents, SC's openness and innocence contrast HJJ's walls and deceitfulness beautifully. Who would have ever guessed mermaid meets conman would be such a beautiful and compelling love story.


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I'd also like to draw attention to a few lines from episode 8:

"The easiest thing in this world is for a person to disappoint someone. Even if you like someone just by appearance, you'll be disappointed quickly; that's what people do. There is no love that overcomes disappointment. So a person liking another person is the hardest thing." -HJJ

“For me, loving is the easiest thing to do. Even if I try not to, I love anyway. Even if I wanted to feel disappointment, it doesn’t happen. Love wins all.” -SC

These two characters, from the outside, appear one-dimensional. To them, it is this way or no way. But when they fall into contradiction, it is, easily, the most amazing transitions. Two episodes later and we witness HJJ beginning to sail into the vast blue sea, where things are unfamiliar and unknown but he is willing to risk for love. Of course we haven't witnessed any major jumps just yet, but he is definitely not at shore as of this moment. Similarly, we witness that a mermaid's inherent nature isn't a straight path like mythology has passed down. A mermaid's heart to love wholeheartedly and to love only one may still be true, but the course of that love doesn't always follow the rainbow path. Just like love can hurt, love can disappoint. To love means to experience all that comes with it, the good and the bad. While SC confidently countered HJJ, she falls into disappointment two episodes later. I am actually quite happy to see that she is able to feel other types of feelings towards her love. Up until before this point, it seems like she would jump off a bridge (into anything but an ocean/water source) if he asked her to. Therefore, it's good to see that she doesn't always agree with him, which also goes to contradict HJJ's saying, "If you love someone, you will believe everything they say."

It's hurtful when they both finally woke up from the one-dimensional world they painted for themselves. It's one of the most painful experience to realize the person you love isn't who you thought they were. In our case, with time and determination, we can stop loving a bad person. In SC's case, she can never stop loving him. (Don't you worry your pearl tears SC, HJJ is a great man.) Next to that, disappointing and letting down the people you love is something no one wishes to experience in life. For HJJ, he wasn't able to realize until after he disappointed her. A conman a decade in the making will not change over night, especially if he doesn't know yet how much he loves her. What I like most though, is that HJJ knows what he is doing makes him a bad person. He has a heart and can very easily define what is right from wrong. And it's amazing to see how he gets embarrassed at himself in front of her, and he suddenly finds more reasons to stop what he does. I would like to witness HJJ get rid of his "occupation" for the sake of SC. The writer has already foreshadowed it, correct? --> civil servant.


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On another note, I love that the writer has shown the progression of HJJ and SC's relationship and made them fall in love without any subconscious memories of the past surfacing in broad daylight. This means that they both found and loved each other again, inevitably, like fate. I much prefer this route than to have them love only because they remember their past. The nice added element is that after they begin to love each other, KDR actually succeeded in tapping HJJ into subconscious awareness. HJJ loves her now but he will love her more, to the end of this world, after. Because he has always loved her...

I am happy where we stand now, every card is displayed on the table now. So what will happen from here on out? I am curious to see.


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I loves mythicalove's analysis.
I loves the storyline.
The first 10 episodes are funny but i think the next 10 episodes would be more serious.

I hope this drama viewership will improve tremendously.

Fighting Min Ho and Ginna and all actors , actresses, script writer n director.


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I like your analysis.

I think Joon Jae has it in him to be a good civil servant. Although since he dropped out of school and all that, will he be able to pass the exam? Like, SK's civil servant exam is like the most difficult after university entrance exam, right?


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By kdrama logic, he should go to jail for some time first


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Omg the ugly sweaters are back on LMH ? On the bright side, the plot is finally moving along and I can't wait for the next episode


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Like someone said before - its to help you visualize taking them off !


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Yes!! I'm very excited that the plot is finally moving forward. It's been a bit stagnant the last few episodes. I'm just worried that we'll have a long period of angst though :P


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I thought the sweaters look good on him! He can pull off anything!


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I agree with this point.

The sweater made that drunk scene look cuter, at least to me.

Such sweaters give the impression of being cuddly. Coochi coo types! >_<


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I agree that it makes the scene and Joon Jae a lot cuter. Though, to me it seems a bit out of character that he'd wear something so neon-like. But I think he's definitely worn questionable shirts before, in Spain. That said, I know squat about fashion, so I'm definitely not a good judge here.


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He wears great jackets and coats.


Yes agreed that min ho could pull off anything on him


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Woah! And here I was singing praises about that green sweater! Different strokes for different folks :)


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No. You are not alone he looked so good ?in that green sweater without being gaudy. Only few can pull off such bright colours without looking like a clown.


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Totally agreed that the green sweater looks good on joon jae.

Min ho acting on the drinking n drunk scene was so apt too


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Since joon jae can hear her, it means he loves her, why is her heart still hurting??


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Maybe it needs to be made official with some super cliche kdrama confession?? lol. I'm not sure! That's a good question.


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Maybe its not her heart hardening but she's experiencing heartache for the first time ?? When she lied she said "oh this is what it feels like to lie "..so maybe she feels human emotions much more exagerated manner, as its all new to her and hence she was disappointed in her love for the first time, it hurt her deeply still.


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Judging from what we know, her merman friend's heart hardened even though his ex-lover still loved it. It's not a matter of whether they love the mermaid but a matter of whether the mermaid emotionally feels loved. Therefore, though HJJ has fallen in love with SC, SC's heart is not aware of it and she does not feel loved. This explains why the merman passes and why SC's heart continues to harden.


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Still loves him*


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Very good point @mythicalove !


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Ah, that's an astute observation.


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I'm still confused about that part too.

I thought he saved Chung from death before... doesn't it mean he has loved her already? But why her heart is still hurting?

Or is it because love is not enough, and physical contact like holding hand is also needed here?

Why is it so hard for a merpeople to stay alive? Its life is literally depend on the one they love.

Gah... Being a merpeople is suck... Poor creature...
And being loved by a mermaid sure is such a huge burden... You have to love it back otherwise it'll die and you'll know it's because of you.


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Sc seems to not feel it yet thats why.


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LMH is awful at playing a drunk man ... Lol .. Except that I actually liked this episode a lot .. And I was riveted by the last scene with LMH running on the streets and getting flashbacks of Spain and history ... Goosebumps ...


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lmaooo i couldn't stop thinking that either! i don't think i've ever seen an actor play drunk so badly.
2 things lee minho cannot do in dramas:
1. pretend to be drunk
2. speak english


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I like drunk joon jae!
It's not bad acting, it's dorking adorable! -


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LMAO!!! Why you had to do LMH like that?! But you're right. I didn't mind the drunk scene but his English is hilariously bad.


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when that iconic "disgusting shit" line from episode 6 was making the rounds as a vine on repeat i sent it to so many people & everyone (native english speakers, koreans who speak english as a second language, etc) asked me "what is he actually saying?" lmao

but, maybe that was an artistic choice in his defense lmao


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Like sawwwrrryyy lol


Hehe... maybe someone in UF cough cough ... I remember reading a lot about the acting in that scene - none good.

I didn't mind it so much myself - LMH was kinda funny - but it was a odd drunk scene. Some parts were cute though.


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LMAO OMG! YOU'RE TOO RIGHT. i can't believe i forgot that one. i blocked many UF things from my memory.

maybe they practiced their drunk scenes together...

i didn't really mind it either but i can't say it didn't take me out of the scene because my brain definitely went "that drunk acting is pretty awkward" haha. the scene in its entirety was funny tho & ultimately worked even tho i felt that way!


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Hm... I'm trying hard to think any male SK actors who didn't emigrate to English-speaking countries, who speak good English. (So we can eliminate Taecyeon, Lee Phillip....)


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jang geun suk is pretty good. im siwan is really good & has studied english for so long but he hasn't had any opportunity to use it in dramas as far as i know hahah. lee jun ki seems to be studying english SO hard & he sounds good too! i didn't think song joong ki was terrible in DOTS, but not amazing.

that's all i can think of off the top of my head but i'm sure there's more!


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I happen to think his English is way better in this show lol


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for me i'm judging the actors on what i know about them. if they haven't ever discussed studying english, had english lines in dramas, or attempted english SNS posts then i'm judging less.

lee minho often gets parts where he should speak english in dramas, he has posted complete paragraphs on his facebook & twitter in english - tho now i'm pretty positive it isn't actually him haha... & supposedly went to the philippines to study english last year! that's why i judge him more harshly haha.


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I dont think he studied English in the philippines last year or ever for that matter. Never heard any news about that.

But you have to give it to him, his english has improved since Heirs.


He was only planning to go, right? Or is it already over?

Whatever it has improved a lot, comparing it with Heirs Ep 1...haha, that was just...hilariously flat.

But not many Korean actors could speak the "descent" type of English, right?

The one English that actually caught my attention was of Krystal Jung's, but oh well, she's half-American (according to wiki).
And a few idols.


The drunk scene of joon jae was so well done!


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But he's awfully cute... control control control


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Because he had to lose "control" that way. HJJ is not a good drinker as it is.


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I find HJJ awfully cute.

I do not know what translate as good drunk acting but it looks fine to me. I do not drink but i've encountered a few ugly drunk antics which i rather not see again in my Kdramas. So yes i take awful drunk acting anytime.


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I don't drink and have never been around drunk people so I can't really say. But I'm curious, how do people act when drunk? Is it like all these dramas have shown me all these years? People have different drunk antics, but are they always that bad (unhinged, uninhibited, choose your adjectives)?


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One distinct drunk scene was in My Name is Kim Sam Soon. Ahh, it was ugly man. It was so hilarious that I don't want anyone to be like Sam Soon while drunk.

Idk honestly, but in real life, either they keep blabbering or lose a bit of control or simply fall asleep. But going mad or becoming dogs, well, I haven't seen it yet. But it must be a bit true.


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Min ho's acting is excellent in lotbs. Including the drunk scene.


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The drunk scene was cute in a neat manner. Compared to other Kdramas where the drunk person laugh-cries and performs drunk antics in a loud voice, this was pretty nice.


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I agree! The others with the wild puking, screaming and aegyo, esp when the actresses do it, turn me off.


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Fully agreed the deunk scene was well done


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You are right. Subtle is good!


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How gorgeous is Jun Ji Hyun?! Her make up, the designer clothes she wears, she's so beautiful :-)

I also want to know why Cheong doesn't have any recollection of Se Hwa? Or she is again another reincarnation of her?

Can't wait for the next episode!


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I think that she is a reincarnation of Se Hwa which is why she doesn't have memories. She didn't know much about the human world when she met Joon Jae in the beginning of the drama so I think she was a new mermaid and not Se Hwa.


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I was thinking the same! Is she the same mermaid or not? Because Chung never mention about DR when she first met JJ. Isn't she at least surprised to see the similar face? Or when she met killer DY. Someone also mentioned that the color of Se Hwa tail and Chung tail is different. I'm so curious!


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I don't think she's the same mermaid

They don't even act the same.
Cheong is more naive and seemed "young" while see Hwa is matured and quiet

Damn so even reincarnation, mermaids reincarnate to mermaids. Poor merman, wanted to reincarnate and return as a human do that he can date many girls and don't have to love one person for one life. I miss merman!!


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Dam Ryung wrote in that portrait something similar to 'History is repeating itself'. So Cheong is reincarnation of Se Hwa.


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Well..... I have to say that I am quite convinced since the start that SeHwa is Cheong..... We never had any hint about the lenght of a mermaid lifespan... I was even more convinced with the way she reacted when HJJ asked her about chosun flashback..

Or is it me alone thinking that they are one and the same xD


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You're not alone in thinking that. My theory is that KDR returned SH to her family, but before he left, he asked one of her mermaid friend to erase him from her memories. Why? Because he knows his death is near. The sudden change of her tail color may have to do with age. She has lived so long so maybe the color faded.

Or am I crazy to think that? Lol.


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But SH has to have had been lobotomized to change that drastically from elegant to completely, uh, I can't find the word. The memory-erase doesn't change personality, right?


We do have a hint about their life span . I think mermaids grow normally just like humans because in the first episodes they showed that SH and DR met when they were children and grew together and at the same time


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What is this bad fate shared by Lee Min Ho, fuzzy sweaters and Sesame Street? First it was Cookie Monster now it's Kermit.


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I don't understand why they must give him those ugly sweaters!!!

Perhaps it's like we can't sell these colors

Oh yes give this to LMH, he'll look good and the sales will pick up

Hell no - guys, no one will buy it! Stop giving him ugly clothes!!!!


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Hahahahaha, this comment had me laughing so hard!

Poor LMH, people still have gotten over the ugly fluffy pink sweater he wore in heirs. Now he will be haunted with the ugly fluffy green sweater for the next decade.

To be fair to him, I still found him adorable in this particular scene.


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Yes very adorable in the drunk scene.

The lime sweater - dont think it is that bad? It actually looks good on joon jae


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Take a bow, Lee Min Ho!
This episode belongs to him and HJJ as a character.

The cute drunk HJJ, the desperate and shocked HJJ, the concerned HJJ and the HJJ who can hear the mermaid's voice. LMH, this is your best role. I am extremely sure about that.
Yes, CH was great, but this role is the destined role for LMH.

I loved this episode. I can't wait for the 11th episode. No precap and no epilogue...arghhhh!!!

50% done. Can't believe it will end soon. :'(


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Yes totally agreed.
He has worked very hard and hats off to him


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No truer words have been said. LMH has completely immersed himself in his dual role. It's a sight to behold.


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I know!! I don't want it to end :( lol


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@min and lorenhaze: Yes, agreed.

@Rasonic: I really feel upset. 5 more weeks and done! And then I will cry. :'(


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To add on , dam ryeong is totally different from joon jae.
Min ho has really done excellently in this drama.

He has expressed so well with his eyes, facial expression and body language. Great job.

Yes while looking forward to every wed n thur..it will mean the drama will end soon..
Feel upset that it will be ensing soon


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Lmh ,I like u in this drama...love this episode


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Yea this is a BIG episode.... and now, I have more questions than answers.

I must have overlooked some scenes of Dam Ryung hearing See Hwa's inner thoughts ... were there?

I noticed that JJ and SC acquire more abilities than their Joseon counterparts. JJ hearing her inner thoughts loud and clear. And SC with super strength powers versus a helpless SW. A divine empowerment, bestowed upon them to face new challenges?

So did JJ speak aloud on his lies?

And how did he get his memories back when Dam Ryung could not?


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maybe it's almost like how species evolve over time to adapt? LOL. mermaids were helpless in the past so they adapted some skills to keep them protected from others. & joon jae evolved in order to change the past from repeating?


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i'm really curious what triggered joon jae's ability to hear her "real" voice...
i would definitely love it if they explained why some character (like yoona) have an innate ability & others (like joon jae) can develop it.
i really am enjoying & fascinated by the fact that joon jae & dam ryung are linked in such a way. it feels like a fresh idea even tho the manipulation of time is not really something new at all. this episode definitely has me dying for next week to come quickly!


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Yoona can hear Cheong but Cheong can't hear Yoona?
Or is she just not listening?


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I think mermaids can only hear other mermaids/mermen. Like they hear one another.

But they definitely can't hear humans. But these 2 special cased humans could hear her.


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i think this is a little confusing because they didn't clarify some things.
when she met the merman, he said that he didn't remember speaking that way well which implied it was like a totally different language.
so i think for yoona & joon jae it's like they understand a foreign language but can't speak it. if they can't speak it, then there's nothing for cheong to hear.


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It might be because the mind speak thing is something only merpeople can do, so they can send to humans. But with humans they don't have the capability to mind speak thus can only receive and not send.


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I think Yoona is an innocent little girl so she said aloud eveything that came to her mind and she also doesn't know that hearing SC inner voice is a special ability and not many others can do that. What i mean is Yoona doesn't hide any inner thought for SC to listen.


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Now I don't know about you, but if I had spent that much time looking for my mum I'd follow every clue no matter how small it was. But not our Joon Jae. "Oh, this food tastes exactly like how my mum used to make it. Shrug". "Hey, that voice sounds familiar. Shrug". Show, my scalp cannot take this much hair-pulling.


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Maybe he was too aware of his con game to go off completely .


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I'm totally feel you JB. No epilogue?!!! I wish for more..even 1minute is enough.
I think Chung didn't realize Joon-jae can hear her thought. And I do wondering what things initiated his ability to hear Chung's mind. Did he already love her?


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Okay i just believe the story has finally started ,a very good episode that is making me want more!
I am happy joon jae is the first to figure out about our mermaid's secret thanks to the clues he got from dam ryung and that drunk scene was just too adorable,Jjh and Lmh are killing it.


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I love LOTBS.. HJJ oppaa, why so cute? Wednesday, please come faster..


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During the entire end scene where JJ was running I was just waiting for him to get hit by a car (potentially driven by Dae-Young) and get amnesia or some other generic drama trope, so I'm so relieved that the drama writers didn't go down that road LOL


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Can't have truck of doom (or car of doom) hit a vital actor/person in drama more then once.


Or can you…..


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you're not the only one.. i enjoy that scene however at the back of my mind i keep thinking that a car or truck of doom is going to hit HJJ and cause him amnesia


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I was more worried about that evil murder villain popping out any time more than Truck of Doom ?


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I was thinking..whomever decided to place him in the middle of the road during that intense scene is sick AF. Seriously, I felt so scared that he'd get run over any minute. Thankfully it didn't happen, but there's still episode 11. Acckkk!!!


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Joon Jae, if you could just step out of the middle of the road and move just a bit so you could experience those lost memory flashes in a safer, less threatening spot where that lunatic could not suddenly run you over with his truck of doom - I'd be very delighted.


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You are, indeed, a crazy noona.


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Lol! @crazynoona

This is exactly how I think too!


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I can't help feeling like this drama would have been soooooo much better if they hadn't played with the format and started with Dam-Ryung's entire backstory. The problem is, the first few episodes were good but not very impactful, which was what kept this drama from being superstar. If they had begun with the tragic backstory first and announced Dam-Ryung's goal(to warn Joon-Jae of the future, or something) then there would actually be stakes right from the beginning all the way up to the present day, and the tension would be 10+ throughout. The entire parallelism mystery might have been diminished a bit but would still have been held, if Joon-Jae had been getting flashbacks of the past and freaky warning messages in his head.

So when I look at this episode, with its dramatic reveal, caution, humor, and romance(although I still don't care a whole lot for the con subplots), I feel sad that the beginning isn't up to par with the middle. And, for the first time, I saw what Lee Min Ho can do with serious, shocked, and multi-faceted expressions too. He's been good at them but not superb, so the ending of this episode really struck the feels in me when he went through 10 different faces at once.

The episodes have been getting better and better, and today, it's finally at what I fully expected from this drama from the moment it aired. Sorry for having high expectations from the offset, but you proved you could do it, show, so don't mind me for criticizing those early episodes once I see these newer ones.


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10 different expressions -
1) he had a headache
2) he was panting and out of breath
3) he had flashes of his memories in Spain
4) he had flashes of his past life
5) he's looking around for her
6) he needs to see where he's running?
7) he's worried for her safety
8) he's thinking she's a mermaid???!
9) he's realizing shit I was that person for the past???

Any last one ??


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+ he finally realized that SC is the one who whispering 'I love you' in his dream


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Ahh yes the I love you

I'm sure there's more than 10 now!

Any more expressions? LOL

Take a bow LMH, that scene was impressive


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+ he desperately want to meet her because a lot of things to say, maybe he wants to hug her?

+ he scared he might lose her right after he realize she's the woman he loved and still love until today

suddenly I feel sad while writing this..


I don't think it has hit him yet that the ramyon guy he was jealous of was himself. So he hasn't had the 'face palm' / 'duh' reaction yet.


Also. He's thinking ...

This is unbelievable! I've got to be dreaming... my past self and I have loved a mermaid as our ultimate destiny...



Ye min ho had an impressive performance in that last scene.
It was overwhelming.
So many new discoveries which are shocking and unbeliebable!
On top of that he was so desperately wanting to find sc as he was so worried for her!

Can't wait for ep 11 and wish wednesday comes soon!


10. And he is totally panic thinking that he might too late again.


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might be too late like DR. ?


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Had it been the case, they couldn't drag out the story for full 20 episodes and keep the audience entertained simultaneously.


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I believe this drama has different way to unfold it's story. The production team hopes curiosity will hold viewers, the intensity increases gradually. It's because they believe in their stars power. I dont mind at all, because this way I can enjoy more LMH and JJH on screen. Their interaction and love story are everything. Be patient and enjoy the show.


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How I would describe LOTBS,

"A drama that requires patience at the beginning but when it comes, it will be so worthwhile."

Up until this point, I'd have to say it gets better and better each episode. It has not failed me on thag part. Episode 10 is the episode that made me say, "I knew all along it was going to be this good!"

Now writer, please continue to do well. Please do not disappoint. Give us an even more epic second half! Thank you! :)


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I agree with Julz to an extent...

The sageuk story could have taken the first half and given DR the drive to reach out to HJJ in the present...

Wasn't that what happened in Rooftop Prince?

I still like the show a lot... but the consequence of them taking the less familiar route of co-mingling the past and present stories... made its narration less chronological and slightly haphazard...thus less engaging cos you couldn't dive into one story entirely ...
...only in bits and pieces. GAhhh! All the somewhat-missed greatness lol


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I have to add that I am really an advocate of taking LOBS on its own merit. And it can certainly be discussed without incessant comparisons to YFAS! That actually gets my craw! Seriously does... LOBS can and should be allowed to walk on its own two legs.

Needless to say, LOBS is already in my 95th percentile of kdramas I think have great stories! And LMH 's portrayals are just bae ...(no pun intended) ...here!


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What a dramatic and powerful ending that was with the truth coming out for both Joon jae and Sim Chung and our mythology getting built up more concretely.

I like that the story has become not just about Sim Chung's existence but now it's also about Joon Jae discovering his connection to the last.and hopefully that's also going to contribute to him turning away from his conman lifestyle.

I do have many lingering questions which I have shared on my blog entry here: http://wp.me/p7U37n-1ej

There seems to be a lot going on suddenly with JJ now being able to hear her voice and even with all his memories flowing back. These are strange to me because even Dam ryung did not appear to have these powers and he was clearly completely in love with Sae Wa. I hope these get explained soon!

Even more importantly, I hope the show further explores what it means to Sim Chung that JJ is a conman. It does somewhat break her romantic vision of him because now she realizes he's been lying to her and that his words cannot be trusted. Does that also affect her love for him?

Absolutely fascinating developments and I can't wait for next week...


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DR could hear Sae Wa voice. Remember Episode 2 where they met again at the shore, she said there was a boy who loved mermaid and could hear her voice. She was obviously talking about DR. Also she communicated to him when she was captured and asked him for help in her mind. He heard her voice without realising. JJ ability to hear mermaid voice and memories were triggered because they already there in his subconsciousness (of course also because JJ loves SC)


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Awwww I love drunk Joon Jae
He is just sooo adorable!
This episode is great
The scene between joon Jae and Chung - where he can hear her - the feels!!!
I like it that we are not going the typical - am I going to love the mermaid because she's different etc

Love the present and past interaction
Let's save DR!!!! Pls!
If the show can pull off a signal vibe - will be epic!

Lee min ho is doing a swell job the last few episodes. Honestly beyond just a pretty boy (which of course is a big bonus) I enjoy his acting. The run at the end - those emotions on his face - well done LMH!


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Yes, we need to save Dam Ryung! He is working hard to help Joon-jae and I hope Joon-jae can help save him.

And this was Joon-jae's episode for sure. He has been stealing the spotlight these past couple of episodes.


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Agree with JessA that this is Joon jae's episode and he has been stealing the limelight for the past few episodes.Sim Chung has been more quiet in recent episodes.


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Where can I find a subbed version to DL? I DLed one that said it had subs, but there weren't any. Thanks in advance.


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Try downloading the subs from subscene.com. They uploaded the Viki subs a few hours ago.


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is he running randomly at the end or did I miss something? Shouldn't he stop to think where she might be? I kept thinking, go to the river!


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or check his phone?


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Also , I don't know
It's pretty cold too, shouldn't he grab a warmer coat?

Perhaps it was just grand to see LMH break into a run. I mean, it was pretty emotional. Running jolted his memories wahaha


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He probably will check his phone after reeling from shock...


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I'm glad all of the cards are on the table. Once Joon-jae gets over the shock of his returning memories and hearing that confession he wasn't suppose to hear, we can move on to what's important.

And I knew he could hear her 'other' voice. During the scene when he went to go to the river to get her because he thought she was hurt, I figured it out then.


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Ahhh yess. I remember that scene!


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So now that he knows her secret for yet a second time, will SC do something (kiss) again to make him forget - will she even know that he can hear her? Will he be able to counteract it if she did?

History repeats itself so hmmm...

What is be his mom's role in all of this- why did she have to leave him so coldly and disappear? Simply due to the father remarrying - normal kdramas issues or is there something more? And what more do we know about Shi Ah and NJ's relationship? Who is conning whom? He seems to not know SA's background at all? Not even knowing where she lives?

Cant wait until the next episode.


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Did HJJ manage to remember what Dam Ryung could not recall? Did he remember Dam Ryung's erased memories?


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Does anyone know what the song is called that is played at the end of episode 10? When Lee Min Ho is remembering her at the end? I can't find it anywhere. TY!!


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Where did u watch ep 10


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Hi, you are either speaking of

"Windflower" by Lee Sun Hee


"Someday, somewhere" by sung si kyung

They have both been released. You can do a quick search on YouTube and you will find it there.


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Both songs are amazing! They fit the scene so well! Especially the one by Lee Sun Hee.. the feels ??


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i think yoo na is dam ryung and se kwa's daughter that's why she can here there thought


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I think Yuna is a half mermaid. Since she's living with only her mom, her dad (most probably a merman?) probably left them?? So that's prolly why she could hear Shim Chung even earlier on even though she's not 'in love' with her.


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I think you probably meant descendant. :-) She could be a descendant of our Joseon couple orrr she could be a daughter of another merman.


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Yoo Na's past counterpart could hear Se Hwa too, so it's only apt that she (maybe as an incarnation, just like Joon Jae and Sim Cheong, but that's still up for debate) carries that ability over to this timeline.


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I thought so too but she is way too young to be their daughter or do mermaid age differently and slower? I think she is Dam-Ryung and Se-Hwa's descendant.Maybe the descendent he had with his unnamed fiancee? Since Dam-Ryung could hear Se-Se Hwa's thoughts maybe Yoona inherented that skill. Was she adopted ? If she was then that's a plausible theory.


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legend of the blue sea rocks, I feel like LMH is going to run away with this drama


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i agree. I never enjoyed LMH's acting this much, not since City Hunter.


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I just realized it's the same PD as City Hunter. Aside from a good written character, I think this PD brings out the best of LMH.


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the best in*


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Too many questions! Please throw us answer crumbs!

I feel overloaded by the flashbacks though. Except for the last scene, I feel like they're being overdone. Or was it just the way they get edited?


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It's at this point that the drama is leading ahead of the audience.
Before, it's like we know what's happening but the characters don't know it. it makes the reveal slow and the story stalled a little

Now we are all on one page
Will DR die or how will he die?
Can JJ save him?!!
Can JJ make sure Cheong will not get hurt?
Why is there this connection to the past?
How did he suddenly hear her thoughts?
Why is her heart hurting? What kind of loving back it means to stop this hurting?
How come he remembers everything now? If the mermaid kiss can wipe off memories, what brings them back?

Ohh these questions.
Don't fail me writer. There should be rules in the fantasy drama universe - I hope she has them thought out. (Think "w" - the rules can't keep changing)


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I understand that and I know we have lots of time to deal with stuff but if questions just keep on getting piled up, it gets confusing. Also, at first I thought that mermaids can hear each other's voices so the girl must be part mermaid. But oh, now Joonjae can hear her too. What kind of rule is this now? idk. It just keep on changing and it confuses me. I hope the writer answers everything and gradually drop concrete hints instead of just dishing it all out in the last episode. I do like the show and I know the writer is a good one. It's just that it bothers me a bit.


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I get u on this.

Maybe the rule we believed is incorrect. They can hear the mermaid inner thoughts only if they feel genuine affection? Yooona definitely likes Cheong
Or it could be something entirely different.
I don't know. It must be shown why this is happening or I will be disappointed

I think we can trust this writer.
If it's from someone who writes yongpal / k2 , I'll be wary. (Sorry but the story is ridiculous for those 2 dramas)

I'm also interested in what connects the past to the present.


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If I didn't remember wrongly, in the earlier episodes (first or the second one), they mentioned mermaids can communicate with each other through their thoughts, and normal human can't hear these thoughts UNLESS they're in love with the mermaid/ merman. Hope i didn't remember it wrongly!


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So right now it seems like the first time JJ heard her "real voice" was that "I love you" when she kissed him underwater? If it really means that he's fallen in love with her, then he fell in love with her right as he saw her true form, but she kissed him to make him forget because she thought that he would hate and fear her mermaid-ness. So ironic! So tragic! Such a poor understanding of human love! Is it next week yet??


The writer has established very clearly since episode 2 that humans are able to hear a mermaid's voice if they love them. And I highly doubt the little girl is half mermaid. It's simply she was born with the special ability to hear a mermaid's voice, or the fact that SC and her have an automatic connection so that is why she is able to hear SC's voice. In addition, not just simply when you love them you can hear their voice but perhaps, more so when your feelings are sincere towards them. It's as though God created mermaids as these sacred creatures, hauntingly beautiful with special abilities, but hard for humans to love and accept because they are different. Mermaids are kind hearted, loves easily and wholeheartedly, and trusts like none other. It is only when they mix with humans, they become stained with "nasty" human traits. In a way, mermaids are special compared to humans. But because they are not evil like humans, they are at the brink of extinction. Humans are greedy so if they learn of a mermaid's nature, they will strip them of their pearls or cut their tails for oil. Therefore, only when a man comes to love or feels sincerely towards a mermaid, he will hear her voice. My explanation is that the little girl has always felt bad towards SH while her and her friends threw rocks at her. She may have felt guilty and sad for the mermaid. Therefore, she acquired the ability to hear SH's mind. In the future, SC and the little girl had an automatic connection right from the get-go, therefore, she can hear SC. In addition, she is an innocent child whose feelings are likely to be sincere, since her personality and true nature has not gotten spoiled by the world. In HJJ's case, he has grown to like SC, and his feelings for her are sincere. That is why he is now able to hear her.


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Simply putting it, mermaids are trustworthy creatures with a kind heart, therefore they are able to hear each other's minds. Humans, on the other hand, are greedy and evil. Imagine if we could hear each other's minds. The world would cease to exist. Sad, but the truth. A man who opens his heart to love these beautiful creatures is truly a kind hearted person with a beautiful soul. He will not exploit her, torture her, or kill her for money. That is why they can acquire the ability to hear a mermaid's voice.


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Loved this episode! He knows. She knows. "Control, control, control."


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these dramas always makes sure......... to keep me on the hook

cant wait for the next week


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LMH is so cute and really really good in this drama specially his eyes expression is perfect. When he cried my heart is broken and when he drunk I laugh as crazy it's so real because I already witness some men drunk like that, they keep smiling and then fall asleep, but some men swear and even hit other people. To me he tried his best and win a lot of people's heart in LOTBS.


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I thought the fluffy apple green sweater looked good on lmh, i could just wrap my arms around him and hug him all day. sheesh control. control. control.



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Things I loved

Yoona coming back

Jin joos impending con

Secrets out!

Yay! Love


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Hey Beanies

So i'm confused, i thought chung heard JJ thoughts, and he heard her reply ... right !!!
Because if she didn't hear him confess about his secret (being a conman), why would she think about her own secret ?!
Also i think JJ didn't realize that they were reading each other mind till nam do pointed their glaring contest / silence.


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and chung hadn't realized the mind reading, i think she thought that he was actually talking to her. the same way JJ thought when he and yona heard her thoughts.


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Does anyone know what the background/score/instrumental song is called that is played at the end of episode 9 and intro of ep 10? And the time when LMH is surprise when he heard that Cheong is a mermaid in episode 10? I can’t find it anywhere. Thank You!!


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Jun Ji Hyun is of course gorgeous and her outfits have been on point no matter how crazy, but I am mesmerized by her delivery of lines and the use of her eyes. They're so on point. I seriously just watch her the entire time (although Lee Min Ho is finally catching some of my attention with his acting and character arc). I especially love the way she changes the way she speaks, and changes her tone and volume. I'm sure good actors are supposed to do these things, but I have never been so appreciative until her expression of this character. She really does feel otherworldly yet simple, dim and old-soul all at the same time. Total girl crush!


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Agreed! She has been fascinating to watch.


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Guys during the initial promo interviews it was made clear by JJH that the mermaids are not the same.
Now for the things I enjoyed-
1. The random close ups during the early scene where SC confronts JJ on his bed, lol

2. The reversal of the drunk scene- this time it was the guy being cute! And it showed in his eyes, too

3. LMH looked so hot when he went for that lunch date. Yum. He actually looked good this entire ep, first time Im feeling the attraction.

4. Loved JJ's expressions, first when he heard her voice for the first time and the one at the end, I could feel his hurt and betrayal.

Wow, so it was mostly LMH for me this ep. While he might have been a bit lackluster in the beginning he has surely caught up and improved by bounds! Cant wait for next ep.


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The thought has occurred to me that Dam-ryung may not die in the obvious way... but might simply exit the pages of history a la Kim Boong-Do in QUEEN IN-HYUN'S MAN.

Who's to say that only merpeople permanently leave their abodes to join their human loves? Perhaps there's going to be some predictable cosmic event that permits a human to transmute into a merperson, and Dam-ryung knows it (because he's also aware of the power of memories and "earnest longing" bleeding through from a certain plastic surgeon in Goryeo!). To a caterpillar, entering the chrysalis is the death of that earthbound form... whereas from the butterfly's perspective, it's the beginning of existence as a being who flits on zephyrs...

* envisions LMH as Joseon merman swimming off into the sunset with Se-Hwa *

Re: the identities of reincarnated Joseon characters, gender is irrelevant, IMHO. Focus on their actions in the past and present which indicate their tenor of soul. I suspect that Nam-Doo, who has seen the younger Joon-Jae as a meal ticket from the get-go, and who quickly homed in on Chung's pearls, will turn out to be Lord Yang's evil gisaeng. Both want/ed to keep their marks in thrall to be milked for all they're worth... although Nam-Doo has been a lot more low-key about it up until now.

Cha Si-A is anything but subtle about carrying a torch for Joon-Jae... and strikes me as Dam-ryung's wife who died young.

I'll be hanging by my thumbs until the next episode. Ouch! ;-)


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Wasn't the gisaeng also the younger version of Joon-jae's stepmother though? Which would make sense to me because in both lifetimes, the gisaeng and Lord Yang, and Stepmom and Daeyoung, had a connection to each other and worked hand in hand to get rid of Dam-ryung and Joon-jae. Nam-doo and Dae-young aren't connected to each other.

Shi-ah... gonna love it when she realises the housekeeper is Joon-jae's mother, ha. I agree she's probably Dam-ryung's wife.


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wow what an episode, LMH my boy, my respects, he was so good in this. Drunk JJ was cute and sweet, it kind of broke my heart to hear him say "don't go" to SC so many times, poor man has abandonment issues.

The scene were they are staring at each other came out excellent, you could feel their anger & tension, and the last scene of JJ running after SC, bravo lobster team!!! (i hope SC took her phone)

Can't wait for the next episodes, we are in for a ride, JJ still needs to find his mom, the deal with his dad and the evil step-mom, and so far the killer is after JJ only, will he try to go after SC at some point.??

have you guys noticed how the evil step mom always wears a pear necklace???? can't be a coincidence


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"You know that drama you like, The Crown Prince's Woman?"

Besides messing with titles like "Princess's Man", that sounds like almost every Saeguk ever

Rooftop Prince
Moonlight Drawn By Clouds
Hwarang ? (haven't started it yet)
Moon Lovers ???? (didn't watch it, so...)

Replace "Crown Prince" with the modern equivalent "Chaebol Heir" and it's every kdrama ever :)


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I'd like to reflect a bit on the concept of TIME.

Dam-Ryung tells Joon-Jae that 'everything repeats itself'. BUT isn't he contacting Dam-Ryung so that bad things won't repeat in the future? Similarly, Dam-Ryung's visions of Joon-Jae's present make him take certain actions, like burying the portrait. It's not too far-fetched that once he learns of the circumstances of his death, he might try to avoid it?

In other words, are we dealing with linear time, or parallel worlds?

As mentioned above, this does seem reminiscent of Queen In Hyun's Man, where the hero kept going back and forth between past and future, affecting his own destiny... but nothing else ... in Lobster we have characters communicating across time in a more complex way. I'm liking it much more than the (scarring) resolution of the reincarnation theme in Rooftop Prince. Legend of the Blue Sea has so far given us a thoughtfully constructed story. I'm officially excited to see where it goes now.


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*contacting Joon-Jae (getting my doppelgangers mixed up) :P


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I didn't find the resolution in Rooftop Prince scarring at all... emotional? Yes...

Lee Gak coming into the future righted his past destiny and even that of his future doppelganger.... everything got to be redone and be at its proper place... which is usually the case with these time?traveller themes...

Only neither DR nor HJJ is traversing time in LOBS....sigh


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Lee Gak didn't get a happy ending, and the girl ended up with his doppelganger. In that sense it was scarring for me, because I wasn't sure who exactly she loved. It's a tiny niggling thing, because it's probably one of my favourite shows ever.

I just like that Lobster is going further and questioning the nature of time and time-bending itself.


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Rarely see the appeal of Lee min ho but there was something about that ugly green sweater...he looked so handsome. Maybe it's how adorable drunk joon jae is. I wished Chung would have got drunk so they could have been silly together. Also, the new ost by Lee sun hee is just stunning. I loved the way they presented joon jae getting his memories back, and with that ost...hardly even thought about how stupid it is joon jae just running about like that (doesn't he have her GPS tracked?)


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Well, my thinking went through the following process:

1) 'Oh oh, it's fluffy Heirs jumpers again'
2) 'This one is apple green... not bad.'
3) 'It's really not ugly at all. Plus he's drunk smiling.'
4) 'He looks like a big plush toy. I wanna hug him.'
5) 'It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!'

Deep thoughts, I know.


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Hahahaha, you nearly had me rolling on the ground laughing! This is hilarious! I went through the same thing Hahahaha.


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This sin't really from this episode but is anyone else suspecting JJ's mother of being a mermaid? I know she survived her husband leaving her but by that time she had a son who loved her unconditionally out there . . . Whatever it is, I cannot WAIT for Shi Ah to find out that the ajummah she mistreat's is Joonjae's mother! They laid it on so thick this episode that I thought everything was actually going to be revealed!


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I guess this series look alike rooftop prince..


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Wow this drama is getting so interesting.....
Drunk joon jae is so cute.....
I don't know how i am going to wait patiently until next episode
Hope this show turns out great in the end....
Its good upto now wish it to be the same and improve much in the upcoming episodes......


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