EXO’s D.O. to headline new web drama from director of Twenty

EXO idol member and actor D.O. (Unforgettable), aka Do Kyung-soo, has signed on to play the lead in a new web drama directed by film director Lee Byung-hun, who helmed the 2015 coming-of-age romp Twenty, starring Kim Woo-bin, Lee Junho, and Kang Haneul.

The title of the new web drama has yet to be determined, but the synopsis and scripts have been completed. D.O. will play a quirky college film school student with a bright, wacky personality whose extraordinary passion for film makes him stand out from the rest.

EXO’s D.O. has been steadily building up his filmography since his first role in the 2014 film Cart. He won the popularity award at this year’s Baeksang Arts Awards for his performance in the first love romance film Unforgettable and wrapped a leading role in the upcoming movie Brother. Currently, he’s in production for the movie With the Gods, which boasts an A-list cast that includes Ha Jung-woo (Tunnel) and Cha Tae-hyun (My New Sassy Girl). His last forays into dramaland were memorable turns in It’s Okay, It’s Love and I Remember You.

Anticipation for this new web drama is already high due to the casting of D.O., as well as the fact that director Lee Byung-hun is no stranger to portraying youth in all its messy and honest glory. Lee’s Twenty was aiming for American Pie/The Hangover kind of humor, but ultimately fell flat in entertainment value. Fingers are crossed for less cheap humor in his new project.

Once the female lead is cast, production will commence soon after. The web drama starring D.O. will be produced by Cheil Worldwide Inc. and is expected to premiere at the end of this year.

Via Daily Sports


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bright and wacky male lead, pretty unusual for a kdrama. although I bet with D.O. it might still come off as a little creepy. He just does creepy (or creepy hallucinations) so good


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Flower Boy Next Door maybe?


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yes, that was one of the exceptions.


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... I had no freaking idea that he's also in With The Gods with Ha Jung Woo and Lee Jung Jae. I am so late for this news freaking Do Kyungsoo !!!!! I am excited ! I love the plot of the webtoon.


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Please anticipate With God next year!


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American Pie/The Hangoverhumor in Twenty?? How bad is it on the scale of 1 to 5?
A bit off topic here, so let me add that DO is one of those idols that maybe definitely should act more. Both IRY and IOIL are my fave.


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If the scale places American Pie at a 5, then Twenty is a 2? It's mostly the fact that you'll be bored and (if you're me and love Kang Haneul, Kim Woo-bin, Lee Yoo-bi and Min Hyorin) desperately wishing you weren't that would make you dislike the movie.


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But i love Twenty. I didn't know it will be compared to American Pie, so i watched it with out any prejudice. I love it anyway. it's not that bad, really :)


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Oh no, I never liked American Pie, I'd rate it a 2 out of 5 which makes Twenty...a -1! It got me thinking about a combo of AP and Hangover in a Korean setting, and I can see how they can fail. An attempt at drunken college humor with KHN is worth it tho. (Don't read that one IMDb review!! Talk about prejudices smdh)


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I wish Lee Yoo-bi would come back to acting already, she and Kang Haneul together were my favourite parts of Twenty (I died at the scene where she caught him in his room and went to call their parents, and then demanded info on it - if you've seen the movie, you know what I mean)


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I honestly enjoyed it a lot and so did many critics, and it did pretty well in box office too, made more than double in sales than the cost of the movie too. I see why some people wouldn't like it but I personally disagree that it fell flat. Had a lot of fun moments.


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Huh. It's the first time I've heard of such a comparison. I personally really enjoyed the movie - it was dependent on the charisma of the individual actors and the way they came together, and they really delivered on that front.


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Twenty was really bad imo, I would give it maybe 1.5? And that's me being nice. As a woman I had really hard time to relate it to at all, and the whole movie was probably targeted to young men. Kang Ha Neul had the best character and his performance was really good. I hated the fact that the female characters were so flat without substance, but then it is probably following it's american counterparts and it's meant to be coming-age story of 20 yrs old men so...


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Agree. I stopped watching it 2/3 of the way thru it was simply not entertaining.


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He absolutely terrified me in I Remember You, even though he didn't have a ton of scenes. ^^ Kudos. I'm not familiar with his acting other than that however, so I'll be interested to see how this show is received. It sounds interesting, at least.


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He was definitely crazy creepy (or creepy crazy?) in IRY. I kept hoping for more scenes with him while at the same time wishing there wouldn't be any more lol.

He was really great in It's Okay That's Love as well, completely different type of character and yet he embodied it just as much. I think he should stick to acting rather than singing, which feels odd to say about an idol actor lol, but there's a first for everything I guess ;)


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But he has a really great voice too. And not just good in idol terms but really good as in "he could be having his own albums" level. It would be a shame if he stopped singing. :(


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Why not both? He certainly has the skills, and the interest, in both areas. Focus on acting and sing OSTs for them and for other dramas/films. It'd be awesome if he became an OST king that dominates the charts and a well-respected actor.


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I whole heartedly agree. The boy can sing so well and emotes so well too. It's a shame to stop either one. I've so much love for the boy. Am so happy to see him have a steady line of side projects apart from his Exo responsibilities. Also hope he gets rest.


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"Also hope he gets rest."

Yup. We don't need another Jisoo thing happening. While I'd love to see more of actors and actresses being great and on my screen a lot, it would be a crying shame to have them get hurt trying to appease us fans. On the other hand, I look forward to seeing D.O. out there more! Dilemmas of kdrama fandoms...


no way, his voice is way too heavenly to stop him


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Noooooo!!!! I just watched a 22 minute video on him singing English songs and songs with English lyrics. I watch Open Arms on a daily basis. D.O.'s voice is phenomenal.

Plus, EXOL for life came way before kdramas for life. I would die if he stopped singing.

I've got to check out these movies though. I haven't seen him acting since IRY. Kyungsoo's acting is great.


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Hello fellow EXO-L. I know I was like 'y'all don't want EXO disbanding right? RIGHT?'. I haven't seen him in anything since IRY either. He's going to have 3 films releasing one after another in the next 12 months though, so there's that. (One is a voiceover animation)

Pure Love (his movie with Kim So Hyun) was kinda slow, I gave up around half way. It was still a good effort, but it was like a really boring version of A Walk To Remember imo.

Anticipate Hyung, With God, and Underdog.


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Woah, did not expect a bunch of replies on that comment (but guess I should've, he is from EXO after all lol)!

I'll clarify what I meant:

I did not say that he can't sing. He's got a lovely voice. What I meant was that for once it's the reverse situation - where idols are usually much better at being idols, I feel like D.O. is better at acting. Idols wear themselves thin both acting and doing idol-activities, especially such a popular one like EXO, and if he had to choose one day, I wish he'd choose acting. Why? Because he's that good of an actor, not because he's that bad of a singer (and while his acting makes me feel spades, his singing leaves me pretty emotionless, but that's 100% subjective).

He might be one of the better idols at singing, yet I still think his acting is so freaking good if he had to choose he should choose acting. So it was meant to be a compliment about his acting skills, not a put down of his singing, but I can see why it'd come of that way (I was tired and not well when I wrote the comment, so I didn't think too much before writing it, my bad) :)


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I love his speaking voice as well, especially when emoting.

I agree with you on prioritizing acting > singing for DO as he is one of their best actors. Hope SM signs him up in more acting projects.


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Agreed, he's got such a great speaking voice too.

I hope they sign him up for more projects too, of course within reason and good health :)


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And idol groups don't tend to last longer than maximum into a certain percentage of the members turning 30 (and only few groups like Shinhwa and Super Junior even manage that). The whole concept of "idol" makes it hard to keep going when the majority starts getting older, less boyishly handsome and possibly thinking about marriage. Also, I know SuJu members have said that their bodies are often in pain after so many years of intense dancing, so there's definitely a limit there as well.

All this to say that there's a very real possibility that he will one day have to choose between a solo singing career and an acting career as his main focus. If/when that day comes I just hope he'll choose to focus on acting and give us lots of stellar performances to squee over :)

(Not just saying this because I don't follow EXO. I'm fully aware that the few Kpop groups I like probably won't last forever either and that EXO's huge popularity means they might have a long career as a group ahead of them - so please don't think I harbor any ill will towards them in any way :))


His singing is absolutely wonderful as well >< its really nice to see him doing great in both..


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As creepy as he was in I Remember You, he was utterly adorable in Exo Next Door. It was a much shorter project of course but there wasn't a drop of creepiness in that performance, just sheer adorkableness. So it's definitely not like he has a default creepy vibe or anything.


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I agree, I agree! He's lovely to listen to singing and speaking (mmmm).


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"...film school student with a bright, wacky personality whose extraordinary passion for film makes him stand out from the rest. "

Wait.... So, it's not his wacky personality, but his passion for film that makes him stand out? In film school? Really? Well okay then...

Chuckles aside, I'm definitely going to watch this. DO is such a good actor, can't wait to see him in hopefully a lot of dramas in the future.

Also, am I the only who's always felt that him and KDY could totally pass for brothers? I need that to happen in a drama one day.


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DO was really amazingly creepy in both IRY and IOTL. I am really looking forward to watching 'Brother'.

@Kaybee! I am here for song recommendations which you mentioned in the last Seo In Guk thread. I saw that last comment late and I guess you wouldn't have seen my reply there.


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Hi! I went back to have a look, gonna answer here then (:

What kind of music do you like to listen to? (both as regards to genre; rock, indie, singer/songwriter, ballads, pop; and as regards to things like a good beat, beautiful melody, awesome singing skills etc)
I'll see what I can dig up based on what you tell me and I either catch you here or in another thread (might be a bit busy the next few days) ^^

About the whole India-obsession I had - it's been a while now, but it was mostly history up until independence. The old non-colonized Indian culture fascinated me both on its own and the way it clashed with the Western culture due to colonization - and then of course when everything was in uproar and Gandhi came along etc. I also love the colors, architecture, nature, clothes and the way it seems like everyone is so full of life compared to the sometimes zombie-ness of my people lol. I used to read a lot of fiction that took place in India and to me there was just something so magical about a place so different from where I live.


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That's actually very interesting. We as Indians are obviously indoctrinated to love our varied culture, but I did not know that people of other countries were interested in India- and not just as an exotic locale, but as a living- breathing mystery :) If you don't mind my asking, where are you from?

About music- I really love melodious and soulful songs (like the Seo In Guk number you shared), but that doesn't mean I don't love peppy numbers- they just should have some meaning and not be loud. So I guess in terms of genre I would fall in ballad and pop category, not really a rock-chick.

See you here or in other threads :D


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I tend to get fascinated by things all by myself lol, it's not really a general fascination for people here. Like Kdramas - no one here even know what it is LOL. Sure, I'm from Denmark. So really a completely different culture in all aspects probably lol :)

Let's see... I don't have much time right now, but these are some of the songs that came to mind, don't know what you consider to be meaningful, but I think these are all melodious and soulful at least :) Hope maybe one of them or more may be to your liking or at least inspire you to find other Korean songs!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hsrsmwHv0A - Park Hyo Shin's "Wildflower"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swo_1ZvwcJ8 - Parc Jae Jung and Kyuhyun's duet "Two Men" (for some reason Kyuhyun isn't in the video and kind of weirds me out when Jae Jung mimes along to Kyuhyun's voice LOL, but the song itself is really gorgeous)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQ6wTmaEyL4 - MC the Max's "Wind That Blows"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdUiCJnRptk - K.Will's "Please Don't" (because.... Gukkie!!! ^^)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItDV9N2_1gU - Jung Yup's "My Valentine" (in case you're an LJS fan + don't know if it's meaningful, but it's just so cute)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQLndQKf8k4 - Drunken Tiger's "The Cure" - it's hiphop, but a very melodious and soulful song with no heavy beats

Since you like ballads I was thinking these soulful rock ballads might be something despite you not being into rock much?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDFlqBiZuiU - Yim Jae Bum's "Love"/"Sarang" (you might recognize it from the City Hunter soundtrack).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lH-G8_OiSQg - Lee Mi Ki "Becoming Dust", classic that probably every Korean knows as far as I've heard and really beautiful lyrics
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39FX15TC1v4 - Lee Hong Ki's "In The Rain"

This is just what I could think of atm :)


I replied, but don't know if it's still waiting for moderation due to all the links or if it's been deleted, so guess we'll have to wait and see if it shows up lol :)


Thanks a lot Kaybee.. I will listen to them all and will let you know how I liked them.


I'm such a flop, but who is KDY? ;A;


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KDY is Kwak Dong Yeon. He's been a favorite actor of mine for a while and people are finally starting to notice him due to his Moonlight Drawn by Clouds role, but he's nowhere near a household name yet, so no need to feel bad for not knowing :)


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Thanks for the great list...off to listen now!


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He was really good in PURE LOVE with Kim So Hyun!!


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Yass! Please get Kim So Hyun as female lead~


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This boy is capable enough to headline a normal drama, I believe so. I was convinced with his acting in I Remeber You & It's OK It's Love. He was also good in Pure Love.

Maybe he can do webdrama first. Among the idol turn actor that I like his acting.


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And hope he'll do a drama as supporting character or second lead after this... It's been forever watch him in small screen... I'm...


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Yay for D.O. oppa! I'm so happy he's doing so well, and he is fantastic!


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Yesssss more Kyungsoo! I really hope this opens the doors to more acting opportunities with established directors (sageuk sageuk sageuk), and I'll definitely be watching this.


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I didn't care for Twenty, it was boring to me, but I'll give this web drama a try for D.O.


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I wish he could sign a Kdrama but the live shoot thing can never work out for him, given EXO's overseas schedules He had a very hard time last year juggling between his film projects and EXO.

Very excited for this, because it's the first time he'll play a somewhat normal character. In IOTL he was an imaginary school boy, in IRY he was a psychopathic serial killer and in Unforgettable he was an awkward country boy (I never finished this one) In Hyung he plays someone that's blind, and in With God he plays a dead soldier. EXO Next Door doesn't count, that was such a waste.

I hope he gets an OST for this drama too, because we all need to be blessed by his honey vocals.


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Isnt he the boxer in hyung? :p


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I'm not sure what he is, I've been reading conflicting character descriptions all year about Hyung. So I'm only going to believe what Kyungsoo said in an interview which was 'It's hard playing a blind person'.


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He's a judo player in Hyung, but because an accident he lost his eyesight.

So he become a blind judoka


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There's still hope Kim Taeri as leading lady here mate~


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Nah, this boy can act pretty well. I'll watch.


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Can Eunji be the female lead? And then a Jo In Sung/Seo In Guk cameo


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These two are so deserving better than webdrama, but yes, webdrama still can do.


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Was twenty that bad Really??? In a criticism level I dont know but I laughed a lot while watching it. I also liked the use dark humour in it. Now after reading the comments, feels like i watched something else at all.


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I'm watching ' I Remember You' as a fallout from the unexpected love for Park Bo Gum, and I have to say, D.O. always impresses me with his acting.......just a multi-talented kid.


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Look, Twenty is good, wth man


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