Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

Another week, another Team Dramabeans check-in!

I’m feeling the lull now that this crop of shows has started to wind down, and even shows I’d enjoyed thoroughly are staring to lose their luster. Or maybe it’s just that I’m sick of being stuck in bed with nothing to do other than watch dramas. That probably doesn’t sound like much of a problem, but drama fatigue is real! On the upside, this makes me look forward to the upcoming crop of shows even more. The premieres can’t come soon enough! –javabeans



Age of Youth: The show has really picked up, and has now found a nice balance between its light and dark sides. This is a case where the characters are better together than they are individually, and the maknae couple in particular is a highlight — they’re so cute and awkward and silly in their romance.

Cinderella and the Four Knights: It’s a cute, light show, and just the type of easy rom-com that usually flies by for me. But either I’m not quite in the mood or it’s not quite as sharp as I’d wanted; it’s just a titch more immature than I’d expected. Though in a surprise twist, I actually like Ahn Jae-hyun in this — more than (gasp!) Jung Il-woo, which is something I never thought I’d say. But it’s early and there’s plenty of time for twists and reversals…

After the Show Ends: Ah! Is So-hee going to give up on Suk-jin? I don’t blame her, because he’s so frustratingly opaque and never gives her much to go on, and while I don’t think he’s doing it to jerk her around intentionally, that’s the effect. I want him to watch the broadcasts and kick himself in retrospect. (And maybe feel spurred to actually put himself out there.) I did enjoy how Bo-hyun sort of pressed Yura for some sort of a straight answer, and more than any declaration or denial, her stammering and flustered reaction seemed pretty telling.

Doctors: I’m so close to the end, but I feel like I just… can’t… get there. I’ve never made it to the last week of a drama and given up without seeing the ending… but somehow I don’t feel like this is a drama whose ending will change much.

W–Two Worlds: The show initially blew me over with its inventive story and what seemed like airtight mythology. Now we’re well into the show and have been thrown twist after twist, and I’m starting to see glimmers of cracks and I’m questioning the plot more — but even so, my liking for the show hasn’t diminished, because the characters have me invested. I’m just rooting for this couple to break through time and space to be able to exist in the same dimension together. Surely this can’t be an impossible request, no? (Don’t answer that.)

Uncontrollably Fond: The writer rewarded terrible Haru by making Jik like her back — this show is dead to me now. Worse yet, I don’t understand the main character’s angst. I could understand the first time he struggled with his feelings and had to push away the girl he loved, and even the second time. Now, though? It’s like he has amnesia and is reliving the same conflict over and over. Slowly. Painfully. He’s just going to suffer and then die, isn’t he?

Wanted: This drama has single-handedly justified all those jokes we’ve made over the years about the killer humidifiers running rampant in dramaland. It’s too bad the show couldn’t capitalize on its interesting premise, and the more we learned of the mystery and the villain, the less compelling it got. It didn’t help that Kim Ah-joong’s acting was so frustrating that it blocked me from caring.



Currently recapping: W–Two Worlds

Doctors: Still watching. Still bored.

Bring It On, Ghost: This show was an easy watch when things were light and fun, but I definitely felt the slowdown when the angst kicked up. I’m kind of sad that the drama isn’t as irreverent as the webtoon, but I’m hoping for a strong finish.

The Good Wife: I let myself get really behind on this one and finally had some time to marathon a bunch of episodes this week, and let me tell you—I picked a REALLY good week to get caught up. That was some payoff right there.

Age of Youth: Things got really fun when when the maknae roommate finally got a loveline with that adorable sunbae of hers. They’re so dorky and bumbling and bad at romance in the most endearing way; their love story makes my day.

Cinderella and the Four Knights: Why does this drama feel so dated? It’s an easy, frothy watch with a classic setup—plucky Candy meets haughty F3—but it feels like a drama that should’ve been (or already was) made ten years ago. Is it retro, or is it just old?



After the Show Ends: This series is an unexpected addition to my current overflowing watchlist, but I’m hooked (thanks for the rec, javabeans!). I hone in on the fleeting moments of probable genuine emotions mixed in the one-sided crushes, like how Min-hyuk just wants So-hee to look at him when she’s busy flirting with Suk-jin. And really, who could blame her when Oppa is courteous but also teases her about the smallest things? Not only that, Suk-jin claims that he doesn’t know a thing about fashion, and yet he wears a simple cashmere sweater with effortless ease and confidence. Man maketh hotness.

Wanted: I keep wondering to myself whether this show could’ve been better if the writing had held on to the big reveal for two more episodes rather than show its hand earlier than they were prepared for. What could’ve been a wonderfully complex conspiracy fizzles out by the finale with an oversimplified case that cost the lives of characters no one ever should’ve risked.

The Good Wife: I’ve barely scratched the surface with Episode 1, but I do like what I’ve seen so far. I’ll check back in at a future time to report (or rave) about Yoon Kye-sang.

W–Two Worlds: This show makes me question everything I know about my own reality — or rather, what I don’t yet know. Just like every other previous week, this week’s episodes were crazier than the last. I would say more, but I’m not sure if saying something will alter everything I’ve believed to be real. Oh, and stay strong, Su-bong — we love you.



Five Kids: Meh. It’s gotten draggy. Why do family and makjang dramas run longer than they have to? I’d be perfectly content with a tighter and shorter run if the main plotline’s conflict were sufficiently resolved. It seems like after the lead characters’ story arc is over, these types of dramas just go into rehashing not-so-important tangents just to fill up the remainder of their episodes.

W–Two Worlds: Hmmm… I’m really confused. I don’t think I’m smart enough for this show. So which universe controls which? How do the portals work? So if everything was a dream, does Han Hyo-joo go back in time as well in her world? Why aren’t there people looking for her when she’s missing in her world because she’s with Kang Chul in the manhwaverse? Rawr. I’m just so confuzzled. Someone help me — preferably Kang Chul’s real-world alter ego, Lee Jong-seok.

The Producers: With IU and Gong Hyo-jin both coming back to dramaland soon (Fighting Scarlet Heart! Fighting Jealousy Incarnate!), I thought that I would marathon this again. I loved it the first time, and it gave me even more feels the second time. Dear drama gods, please make more mockumentary style shows! At some point, they’re bound to catch on with the Korean audience.



Age of Youth: There’s something beautiful about a cucumber-worshiping perverted single lady teaching me to not judge people without knowing their circumstances in life.

Pinocchio: I started it to fill the Lee Jong-suk-shaped hole in my heart (thanks, Olympics). The fact that it’s such a great show is a pleasant bonus. Then again, it’s from the writer of Dream High, I Hear Your Voice, and Page Turner so I shouldn’t have been surprised that it’s populated with flawed but lovable heroines, and villains you understand, and “fake” families that are more family-ish than biological k-drama families. (I’m only on Episode 6 so please avoid spoilers in comments. Thanks!)

W–Two Worlds: I feel one with Crazy Dog when he celebrated the return of the thriller part of the manhwa. Even if I like romance in my shows and flailed at the cute in Episodes 7-8, it’s hard to concentrate on being happy when there’s a killer lurking out there. (Besides, I am tired of being teased that Chul likes #4 when he doesn’t deliver anyway. *pouts*)



Currently recapping: Age of Youth

The Good Wife: I was making sounds that only dogs could hear by the end of Episode 12. Everything about that final sequence was masterfully done, from the decidedly undramatic way Hye-kyung found out about Joong-won’s second voicemail, to the elevator scene (a nice callback, by the way, to elevator stalling scenes earlier in the series.) It’s so satisfying to see Hye-kyung stand up for herself and grab what she wants. Team Joong-won, forever and ever!

W–Two Worlds: I can’t get over how horrifying this no-name no-face villain is. Just when I thought he can’t get any scarier, he’s in Yeon-joo’s world with the ability to freaking teleport wherever he wants in search of his target? I’m so confused about the rules of the game, but the story’s still gripping and like nothing else I’ve seen.



Currently recapping: Age of Youth

W–Two Worlds: With this show, I see no flaws, I hear no flaws — I’m too immersed in sheer k-drama bliss. I actually have to restrain myself from spilling all my love for it into a 50-page essay. And I know very well that 90 percent of that essay would consist of Lee Jong-seok and his goddamn forehead kisses.

Five Kids: I can’t believe this show is already coming to an end. It feels like it was only yesterday when Mi-jung was manically cackling over Sang-tae holding her hand for the first time. Maybe we could get just a few more episodes of them and their adorable family? No? Okay…

Doctors: I think I can live with this one ending. Sorry, Doctor Hye-jung, but I’m ready to escape this hospital.


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I am so thrilled that Doctors is ending. I have never wanted a drama to end this badly before. I feel terrible b/c Kim Rae Won is a favorite but this drama was such a huge step backwards from Punch.


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Seriously -- Doctors, never in the history of Kdramas has a drama been so unecessarily long with so painfully little story to tell.


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Lyrics that remind me of this damn show!

It's over, isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it over?
It's over, isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it over?
You won, and she chose you, and she loved you, and she's done.
It's over, isn't it? Why can't I move on?


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It was over for me when they stopped showing ji soo I mean why would they do that? why? *sigh* impatiently waiting for his next drama


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Oooh someone's a Steven Universe fan eh? ;)


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I want to be a Crystal Gem so bad...


Omg, I just woke up with this song in my head yesterday! Had a Steven Universe marathon now that it's summer. Ahhhh!


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Doctors is like Heirs without the really bad English dialogue.


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I doubt if the cast or the TV station could care less, 20% rating they could care less what anyone thinks of their drama..money in the bank! And yet another mega hit drama for miss money maker..we going to get to see more of the same from her..joy....sobs


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True. I keep hoping that eventually the idol fans will get tired of empty dramas made for eye candy, but so far I don't see much hope for that.


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look's like korean fans only admire at eye candy,flower idol,minus twist story,but full mellow romance.sense of Story is number .......on the bottom,first thing is,does the star is an idol?,super duper beauty?and full of romance cliche scene



I raved about the first few episodes of Doctors and loved seeing PSH as a teenage gangster/delinquent. Imagine if this show had stayed with Hye Jung after she lost her grandma, and showed in depth the process of how she dealt with her grief, how she picked herself up and gradually overcame her struggles. That would have been a good show. Instead, it skipped over all that and became a bland version of Grey's Anatomy.


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We could have gotten more Ji Soo if this was the plot. My heart is now grieving for the what-could-have-been of this drama *Sigh*


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Same here, The other day I was talking with my sister and we can't quite wrap our head around what exactly is the plot. Such a strong cast and so little to do and so many wasted opportunity at coherent character growth and plot progression that is possible withing the given setup realistically. Ha Myung Hee is terrible, HS to this the writing hasn't improved.


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Seemed to me like Doctors was not much more than an idol/Pretty People showcase drama without enough story to get interested in.


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yes lea,me too, and want UF to end too,faster. Especially after I watch woo bin on white christmas...he has got sooo much potential as a totally bad a$$ character...that now I can't see him as a dying heroic joon young anymore. Also I wish my dream of seeing woo bin- shin hye together come true. Someday please, dear drama gods.


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That's the problem w/ romance-centered, night time "soap" dramas (and even the romance part tends to be cheesy/tacky).


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i had to go watch Woo Bin in the Technicians and Twenty (which I watched for Kang Ha Neul too WB always.
I dont care for crime or gangster type stories but if u dont hate it, then u shoulc check out Friend 2. Its p much just 90 min of WB being a bad bad man lol. (er anti hero? idk)


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GAH MY COMMENT GOT CUT OFF. lool it looks like gibberish now. w/e i wont re write what i wrote. the relevant bits remained. altho it was SJK *greater than sign* WB always. which was in relation to my comments about Nice Guy v UF.
i sure wish we could edit comments on this site man.


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I didn't care for Twenty, but I think I may have watched that scene where he salsas like 100 times. Didn't like his character, but that scene was mesmerizing.


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ditto to everything... such a waste


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I agree with you, they all started out good, but few episodes towards the end, I just want it to end period. Same with uncontrollably Fond, my fondness for the show is waning fast and just decide to watch the ep 19 and 20. I felt frustrated watching the drama, I like woo bin and Suzy, but it's just aagghhh!!


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Oh thank goodness - other viewers who dislike Doctors as much as I do - and have from the start. At first, it was the simply AWFUL forced music and comedy that had me cursing at my computer, then it just devolved into pure and simple...meh. This drama has actually made me dislike Park Shin Hye for the very first time. Even though she's obviously adorable in real life and is loved by all, I just have NEVER gotten whatever the supposed magic is about PSH. Now I feel guilty every time for inwardly complaining about her crumpling chin - about which she can do nothing! I never criticize someone for their looks, but Doctors has made me care so little that I feel like tearing everything apart. The redeeming value for me is wanting to see more Kim Rae Won and admiring JiSoo for his awesome head shaving scene (or did he copy that from the 1000% better scene in Marriage Contract? See...yikes....Doctors makes me find fault, not love. So sad.


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What do you mean by "crumpling chin"? Do you mean it as a kind of physical flaw or does her chin crumple when she cries? It's natural to look that way if it is the latter.

I have never gotten into PSH's magic as well but I tried very hard to keep as objective as I can, evaluating her on each project. After Doctors, I accept that she will never be my fave unless she change her acting style. It is not that she's bad but I just don't enjoy watching her. I didn't realize how negative I felt until I discovered Hwa Young in AOY. She is PSH's doppelganger but her acting is way more natural. At least it is to me.


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Hwayoung is like a combination of Park Shin Hye + Suzy in term of looks ( I don't want to discuss who is prettier than whom because it is irrelevant since they are all goddess) but one true fact, Hwa Young even she is still new is far better than the other two, in term of acting.


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Was there ever a drama where Park Shin Hye wasn't asked to cry a gallon of tears??


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@lunatic4kd It wasn't JiSoo who shaved his head. In fact, JiSoo hasn't been shown in this show since like ep5 or something. I think the actor who shaved his head is Kim Min Suk, who plays the role of Choi Kang Soo.


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oops, ObsesedMuch, just scrolled down to this one...I doubled up on this comment


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That's actually good! Because you explained how good the actor is, whereas I just gave his name!


This is really good to know. I nearly stayed with Doctors to see Ji Soo, and then dropped it as soon as I found out he's in another drama soon, with promises I'd go back to Doctors and FF to his scenes.

Maybe instead, I'll just rewatch page turner.


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Page Turner was goood! Not as awesome as I expected, but a fun short watch nevertheless. And JiSoo was gold in it!


JiSoo head shaving??? no...that didn't happen. That incredibly heart breaking and beautifully acted scene was done by Kim Min Suk who plays the sweet Kang Soo in this show and the sweet Gi Bum in Descendants. That young man has some serious acting chops. He pulls out all the stops and gives some gut wrenching performances. WHY is he further down the list in the stars of this show. He is the only one in it giving any real passion to his performance.


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@lunatic4kd.can we have,high five.same with you.Doctors make me praise,that I would never see PSH paired with my favorite actor again (doctor is the first drama,that I see PSH acting).


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So true..

I stopped watching it by ep 8 or 9..
And just like that.. missed it one day and that's it..never felt like going back to it..

and i usually can sit through all nonsense dramas


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same here. it keeps getting boring and boring. I watch every episode less than 3 minutes. nothing interest me in that drama. the romance is meh... the should just make it short drama like 6 episode is enough. 1st episode in I though its going to be different but its not.


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I would read that 50-page essay on W, SailorJumun...


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Comment was deleted


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...especially if much of it is about LJS and forehead kisses (and let's not forget #4).


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W two words is my life lately so i would totally read 5O pages too ;)


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Would be interested in reading that too. I'm totally into "W" these days. Couldn't get enough of LJS and his winks, plus the #4 which he's threatening to do...but when?


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Me too.

The other day I made a joke with friends that the reviews I wrote on W are better than the writing I did for my GRE, either vocabulary wise or logic wise.


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Read a 50-page essay? If you've been reading the comments after the recaps, you'll be there soon. Just lots of co-authors.


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I went there yesterday and it was 564 comments long. I wanted to read the theories but ended up totally swamped. And I echo Cipher's comments. Some of the posts there presented way more coherent arguments then I've seen in critical analysis essays.

One major reason why I read W's recaps comments. The viewers actually discussed the plot lines. I must have missed the swooning over the lovelines. There were way more theories about how the story is probable.


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Because the twists are so twisty so we all band together and try to make sense of it all.


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lol same. im still gradually making my way thru the 500+ comments for episode 9.


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C'mon guys, we'd read anything about W. Heh.


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This is apparently a good crop of dramas, but I'm not watching any right now. I was enjoying both Age of Youth and Good Wife but I dropped them both and now I just don't have the urge to continue watching. At least not Good Wife. I really like Nana's character, and I want to see Lee Won-geun more but that's about it. I'm just not invested in the Tae-joon - Hye-kyung - Joong-won triangle. Jeon Do-yeon's new hairstyle doesn't help too. LOL.


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It's uncanny, but I also stopped watching after the episode of the haircut! I loved her old look. It was austere, as befitting a superstar like her. At first I thought her hairstyle made her look like she was all forehead, but it grew on me. I also love her clothes.


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Totally get what you mean about all the forehead lol but it really made her look sophisticated and professional. The new fringe just kinda makes her look frumpy. Though I guess its something when she ties her hair up.

I've dropped it for now but will pick it up once the series is finished most likely.


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I guess it bothered quite a few people.


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yeah, I mean no offence to the good wife's fans but this drama make me bored. at first because of everyone keep telling its good so i start to watch it but then I keep ffwrd it, their trial is the worst. just hate to see tae joon. glad its over next week..hope new drama will be more interesting.


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I've come to the conclusion that when a show is too good, I'm just going to be a ball of stress waiting for it each week, so I will decide to wait until it's about two-thirds into its run to pick it up again. W has become this kind of show for me. Ironically since I stopped watching it, I'm catching glimpses of comments like the ones above that make me think I have done the right thing. W sounds like it's headed into Inception territory. My sanity is thanking me for proceeding with caution!


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I was doing exactly the same thing... waiting for a couple of week to pick it up again, but ugh sometimes the wait can be unbeareable, so i'm suffering from W withdrawal symptoms so either way my sanity is being ruined - or at least what's left of it XD- by W two worlds. This drama give me headaches hehhe but in an awesome way, like the time i was watching the movie "Primer", such a brilliant film that you need to watch more that 4 times hehhe to be able to fully understand what actually happened (it's about time travel). I think is the same with W, you need to watch each ep more than once... btw I'm still thinking about the meaning of the corpse from han river that was wearing a ring... I'm wishing writer-nim will give us all the answers we want before the final episode.


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Gah. Don't do it!!! I made that mistake with Six Flying Dragons. Now I'm getting absolutely no sleep, since I can't...stop...watching.


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Hahaha I bet that would be me when I get around to watching that.

That's the thing about watching completed shows. Hard to resist watching one episode after the other.

I'm liking W a lot, but I'm ok with watching other shows to pass the time. ^^


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Omg, you will totally lose sleep if you marathon W. It's so addictive. Part of the joy for the unbearable wait is reading recaps on things i overlooked, reading comments from other readers to rehash and reason our theories together. Or swoon over LJS :p


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The ball of stress doesn't even begin to describe the mental strain one gets when watching W.


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I actually want to watch W in marathon mode when it's out. I'm following it now week to week, but it's a total different viewing experience when you binge something because you can follow threads through that you never saw before. I suspect it will either collapse entirely under its own logic weight on binge watch or really shine. We'll see.


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Make sure to have some redbull and tylenol on hand.


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This is what I do for all dramas. I wait until they are done or almost done airing before I start watching them. Then I don't have to wait when an episode stops on a bad cliff-hanger or I can binge watch if the drama is really good. Only problem with this is I can't discuss things because people have usually moved on to new things by the time I get to watching shows. I also need to stay away from possible spoilers.


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Age of Youth is still my favorite these days but this show has got to stop giving the audience such a good cliffhanger then starting the next episode with a totally unrelated scene.


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Yes! This is so true. Sometimes I start the episode and I'm like ??! what happened to the life threatening situation we left off at? I mean I'm HAPPY that everyone survived but it's a bit confusing and it takes the wind out of the cliffhangers when they sort of become anti climatic each time.


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Rightly Said. Then the previous episodes scenes aren't even properly solved. Episode end and the event related to the scene gone too. Where is all the happening. I just ignored it and thought of it as a work of art from the director like happens in 1st 5 minutes of the show when Discovery channels starts to play.


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I also think it's probably to maintain the show's lighthearted air, each episode has got to start with the mundane daily life of the girls. The director probably wants to avoid any association with makjang.

But then, since there's no better explanation, I'm gonna assume the Truck of Doom ran out of gas and Yina fell into a rabbit hole and got transported all the way to Belle Epoque.


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The truck of doom froze and Yina became aware it's just a kdrama so she was able to run away to safety.


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The truck of doom forgot that it was on the wrong show. It *poofed* away and made its way back to W.


Poor truck is getting overworked...


Can we please talk about this week's episodes of Age of Youth? Arguably the best one-two punch of the series, gosh I laughed with joy, cried sorrowfully, squeed in delight, swelled with pride and all sorts of other emotions I can't list.

The performance, oh the acting powerhouse that is Han Ye-ri. This is why she's my absolute beloved actress. I love her even more than Jeon Do-yeon in The Good Wife (and that's saying something). She made me sob uncontrollable ugly tears even when she's smiling and trying her damnedest to hide her own tears. WHY IS THAT???

And Ji-won and Sung-min...they're so CUTE together I sit up whenever they're on screen, enjoying every little interaction they have. Someone here coined the term "Exasperatedly Fond" couple before and it's so apt.


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I love her acting and particularly her voice!

This may seem very shallow but I'm also mesmerized by how pretty Han Yeri is as Yoon Jinmyung. She doesn't have the glamorous or cute look but her cheekbones, full lips, and steely gaze are to die for.


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I just stopped at your comment and had to agree with you. I just love watching Ji-won and Sung-min. I didn't expect I would crave for their interactions, at first I didn't really care about them, but Ji-won grew on me little by little (so did Sung-min consequently. I like the actor in this kind of role).
She's an interesting character, surprisingly wise. We actually don't know much about her, has she no secret? We've seen a lot of her roommates stories, but not much about her. Makes you wonder if there's more than meets the eye.
It's sad they don't exactly have many scenes together. That's why it seems they will develop at a very slow pace, if they ever become a couple of course.


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Currently watching W and Age of Youth. I'm not comparing them because their feeding two different monsters within me. I love both dramas with flaws and claws.


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I'm also enjoying W and Age of Youth, also for totally different reasons. I love W's deconstruction of dramatic structure and drama tropes - it's as much a show about the writing process as it is a thriller or a romance. It may or may not wrap things up coherently, but it's great fun. In Age of Youth, I love the relationship dynamics between the housemates, the fact that the women are always front and center, and the off-beat quirkiness that brings back memories of Mixed Up Investigation Agency. It's very grounded in the real world but it's not quite realism.


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...as much about the writing process as it is a thriller...

So true! It's a lot like You From Another Star, in that way. A masters course in storytelling.

Loving how the storytelling is also breaking the fourth wall. How the writer is using the narrative within the story, to speak directly to the audience.


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I totally agree. The meta is a blast, as is the detailed examination of the interplay between creators, creations and consumers. Given that the idea of who "owns" a work is such a hot topic these days, its fascinating to see those debates played out literally.


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W gives me a good headache while Age of Youth gives me a warm heartache.


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Lets hope (fingers crossed on one hand, running rosery beads on other, rubbing rabbit foot from big toe) that next batch of kdramas will be better. 2016 is letting me down! ?


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I do not know what you like or don't like, but 2016 has been generous for me. Mostly cable dramas.

Signal, Cheese in the Trap (despite its ending), Six Flying Dragons started my 2016 with a bang.

Mirror of the Witch's production value is worth watching. Dear My Friends and the current Age of Youth are filling up my slice of life drama requirements.

Page Turner is a lovely short drama. W - Two Worlds is cracktastic.

I still have to finish Task Force 38 and Master: God of Noodles; both are satisfying even if I do not get to see their ending.

So I had a pretty good 2016 so far.

If those were not your dramas, I'm surprised DoTS or Lucky Romance did not satisfy you. Or Bring it On Ghost.

I wish you the best for the rest of the year. Wish us luck that Moon Lovers, Moonlight, and Jealousy are worth our next three months.


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Yes compared to 2014 & 2015, this year's dramas have been much much better in general.


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i agree, 2016 has been a pretty good year for dramas. especially considering how i think the last fewyears have been fairly lackluster. was it 2014 or 2013? one of those years was particularly bad, so bad i remember writing a comment about it in one of the year-end reviews—because there were so few dramas i wanted to pick for my top 5! 2015 was an improved year, but 2016 is definitely better. loads better.

there's been a fairly steady stream of high profile projects. not all of them have delivered (like cheese in the trap), but a lot of them were good fun for a good chunk of their runs. and jeon ji-hyun's drama comeback is still coming up!

but of course, all of this is completely subjective :)


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2016 is actually the first year since 2012 to really satisfy me, though there have been some draggy sections.

Age of Youth, W, PU38, OHYA, Signal, Six-flying Dragons -- it's been a while since I've had this many personal favorites.

The Good Wife, Dear My Friends (haven't finished this yet), Mirror of the Witch, Bring it on, Ghost, Ms. Temper & Nam Jung-ki, Beautiful Gong-shim, Beautiful Mind & a few others are also pretty satisfying watches, some being more flawed than others.


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You're not alone :( Signal was okay, but Age of Youth is the only show I've really liked so far this year. I don't have anything I'm particularly looking forward to, either.


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@gelai @chandler @juniper I am very picky. Lol. All the dramas, I watch for few ep and see if it's worth my time. Finished only handful. Some dramas start out so strong and they fizzle out (CIIT, OHYG, PU38, MIOW). I think writers run out of ideas. Signal was the best thru and thru. Can't count SFY as it was more in 2015 but finished entire 50 eps.


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Pinocchio <3 I lived for Dad's inner monologue, so hilarious.

- Still stuck on Doctors ep 03, didn't feel like picking it up again.
- W is insane but so addicting. Kim Eui Sung is such a great actor.
- Finally started Six Flying Dragons out of curiousity, and ended up binge watched 16 episodes in 3 days. Yoo Ah In & Kim Myung Min are amaaazing.


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I love the Dad! I LOL every time his words come back to haunt him "My daughter is the most beautiful and precious thing in the world" *cue Park Shin-hye in ratty old jacket, munching snacks stuffed in the hood*

Also the faces he makes, you see his internal struggle calling Dal-po "Hyung" XD


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ohh I have watched 6 and half episodes of Pinocchio and i'm stuck there with Let's Eat 2 with 15 and half episodes.

Father imagining that bred-eating scene is top fun.


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I was so hard laughing at those scene. And everytime i remember those scene makes me smile ears to ears.... miss inha father so much. He is funny. Especially whn he found woman hair at dalpo place. LOL!!?


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Inha's dad secretly lives for the drama xD.

Proof: he exposed corruption at work then went out with a bang, divorced successful wife to live in the countryside, got an "older" brother that is a kiddo, then let his imagination run wild where his his kid and his "hyung" are all lovey dovey.


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Pinocchio's was great..but it had too much drama..like a gallon of tears...


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Pinocchio's storyline*


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Strangely I didn't really mind the drama. Although I have to admit, once hyung's storyline is finished the intensity level went down a little. But overall I enjoyed it very much.


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Last month I went home for two weeks and it was my first time off from work in 1.5 years. I ended up binge watching SFD and my family got exasperated with me lol.


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IKR! Sleep is for the weak when binge watching SFD.
I'm on ep 20 now and I didn't do much of anything this weekend except showering and SFD watching. I even eat in front of my laptop. My husband is this close to hiding my laptop away lol.


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Dad is awesome! And so is Gramps! I love the Choi family. Well I love everyone in Pinocchio basically lol


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Pinocchio is a favorite of mine! I'm still 3/4 through but I am already sure it's one of my top 10 dramas of all time. I watched it for PSH and it introduced me to the guy and now I'm watching W because of the guy in Pinocchio and now I'm addicted. SOML


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*peeks through both hands to avoid W spoilers.*

I honestly wanted to watch but I couldn't pull away from Giant. It will be more fun catching up to W when I end my Giant marathon though. :D

Reading about Doctors makes me happy I didn't bother trying. The plot didn't sound spectacular at the onset and right now I'm in the mood for spectacular and not the run of the mill romcom. I miss Squad 38 by the way. I think about it every once in a while. :(


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Hmmm. Maybe I'm the minority but I've been really happy with the 2016 dramas so far. (Except for Doctors which is the first drama I've dropped after reaching more than half way ?.) That being said I'm relatively new to drama watching so maybe my standards aren't very high so it all feels fresh to me.

I am watching kdramas W, AoY, Cinderella and enjoying them very much and very very excited for Moonlight on Monday! And I guess if I'm ever bored I have School 2013 which I'm slowly savouring.

Hope the other Beanies will find shows that they like soon!

And get well soon Javabeans! I'm concerned that you are still in bed and hope you are recovering well. Physiotherapy is great for the back so if you haven't found a good therapist do give it a try! (I have back problems and when I found the right therapist (some specialise in spine/back) she helped me get about without so much daily pain) Take care! ❤️


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I've been watching dramas for 6 or 7 years now and I'm actually quite happy with this year's crop so far. Six Flying Dragons was extraordinary, and other shows like Age of Youth, Pied Piper, Memory, W, and Signal have been or are strong as well, even if I've personally loved some more than others. I usually don't watch many currently airing shows but there have been a lot of interesting ones to choose from so far.


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Friend's can I ask something different from this forum?.Did anyone in here have watch Hong Kong drama?.actually,before become fans of k-drama.I am fans of HK drama especially tvb HK.but this time,tvb drama quality is so so so down.just a few,can make me want to watch it.that why I turn away,to see k-drama.


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I've been quite happy with this year's dramas as well. Signal, Mirror of the Witch, Bring it on Ghost, and W are my top picks, but I've also enjoyed DotS (before the sheen wore off near the end), Dear My Friends, and Ms Temper and NJK. I'll dive into Six Flying Dragons as soon as I work up the courage to try a 50-episode drama, but I've heard only good things about it.

2016 has its fair share of disappointments, but I've also finished more dramas than I've had in a while. Dramaland must be doing something right.


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This year so far is better than last two years. Not all show managed to catch my eyes, but there are plenty of options to watch. This year also we had a comeback of top stars like SOng Hye kYo & Song Jong Ki (DOTS), Park Shin Hye (Doctors), Jeon Do Yeon (The Good Wife) and we will have Jeon Ji Hyun & Lee Min Ho too. Not to mention about the comeback of Lee Young Ae at the end of the year (or early next week), so I think we do have plenty of choices this year.
So far my fave of the year are Signal,Beautiful Mind and Age of Youth (maybe W too).

School 2013 was so good, love the bromance.


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Forgot to add, Ms Temper and Nam Jung Ki also in my fav list.


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Awww, I think I share SailorJumun's devotion for Lee Jong Seok forehead kisses, haha!! It is difficult to imagine that they could have chosen someone more appropriated to impersonate a webtoon hero. He's so sweet and charming that I get lost in his allure while watching W. Maybe this is why I am not that stressed trying to catch the meaning of all the twists and surprises, I just go with the flow while enjoying LJS smile ? and the supercute pairing that he makes with HHY. Well, hope it keeps being as entertaining and engaging, even if it does not make sense at all :D

And I see I am not the only one a bit disappointed with Cinderella...anyway it is not that bad as a light entertainment and I agree with Javabeans that Ahn Jae-hyun is more compelling so far than Il-woo. I found myself rooting for him to get the girl in the end. That would make a nice twist. Or even better, the secretary could get the girl, so far he is the one who is treating her the best and I loved how he cooked for her :D

Apart from W, there are not many things to catch my attention these days. I am waiting for Park Bo Gum to come back and grace our screens again, and also the lovely IU...too bad that Kang Ha Neul is not the main lead for Scarlet Heart, I really think they would make an awesome pairing; he is getting hotter by the minute lately, not to mention his good acting skills, I need to see him as main lead soon. *-*


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Somehow i am enjoying Cinderella and the four knights, although the plot is so chlisé and nothing new. I keep wondering why i watch this until i knew I've finished whole episodes.
It's like eating popcorn or potato chip or MSGed snack in my country. Familiar taste, not really good for body but i eat it anyway.


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Same here. I was just in the mood of watching some Cinderella story, so I'm totally satisfied.


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definitely my feeling too,
I hope it won't turn melo,
there's enough melodrama in Ji won and hye jin


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Oh me too,
Ive been thinking to dropping it but still i saw it until the end.
And then i saw ep 3 and 4, and omg i fall in love with hyun min and hae won.
Their chemistry is no joke!

Just like Javabeans said i have no idea i could love Ahn jae hyun more then Jung il woo...


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i second javabeans,ahn jae hyun is really performing this time, I am trying hard to attend to JIW's character,but he's acting like a drama queen most of the time, :S. Also if anyone has noticed this,the background music is too princess-y,and hae won has this tendency of falling into the arms of the guys around her all the time..And four knights,for the love of God lol. Could not they come up with any other way to torture us? I almost felt like I'm in the middle of watching 'Twilight' with two edward and two jacob and a bella-esque hae won. With a horror, it's now coming to my mind that kdrama has forgot the very thing they used to excel at,traditional fluffy rom-coms.


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Honestly? I just want a strong ending for the dramas in their finale week. I heard that Cheese in the Trap and God's Gift had especially terrible endings, and judging from the recappers' comments I'm afraid Wanted might be heading in that direction.

And a quick question - is Heirs that bad? I thought it was popular for some reason, but the only thing I'm seeing is a lot of negative reviews on it, some from my friends. I haven't watched it, but if it is terrible I'm just hoping Doctors doesn't fall into the same fate.

Definitely going to watch Age of Youth once college starts - it will most likely help me through trying times.


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Quick thing I forgot to mention - Ah Jae Hyun's character wasn't the main lead??? After seeing the first two episodes I totally thought he was who Ha Won would end up with! Shoot, I don't want to fall into Second Lead Syndrome... And I pray that Hye Ji doesn't form an ugly rivalry with Ha Won too, but that's probably unlikely.


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There are quite a few of us (me included) who are dangerously close to second lead syndrome. Lol. But I haven't watched episode 3-4 so maybe it's gotten better ?


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I'm already shipping them..so what the hell..

*raises hand*


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I seriously cannot stand another minute of Hye Ji! The walkout queen has overstayed her welcome. But it looks like she and Hyun Min are destined to find themselves back into each others arms. I'd rather he be single, honestly.


Well, ep 3 and 4 made me love hyun min more...


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Heirs? Good for the eyes, bad for the brain.


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"Good for the eyes" is subjective :D

Remember Kim Tan's Sweaters?


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And Rachel's weird bangs?


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Love is the moment.......


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Goodbye to ears?


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LOL . I really like guys. This is really funny XD


Heirs wasn't just bad, Heirs was an insult. And to this day I have no idea how I endured those 20 very long and wasted hours. If anyone plans to watch it, I'd suggest to watch it with some friends because you'll need someone to rant to and to play drinking games with (of course only if you're of age ?), like have a soju shot at every starring scene, when "love is the moment" is played, every time PSH cries etc. ?


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I think most people who watched Heirs (and hated it) like to pretend it didn't happen lol.


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I think you should try Heirs. Who knows? You might like it :) Many did, it's just that majority of people here didn't.

For me, it was so bad that it was entertaining. Try a few episodes and if things don't make sense, go read dr myri blog. They are insanely funny in Heirs recap, there are even bonus posts on Kim Tan's Fashion Crimes.

I am not sure if Doctors is any danger of falling into the same category as Heirs. I think fans of Doctors will argue that their show has more substance. Heirs forever ruin LMH for me and it happened again with Kim Rae Won. I'll find it hard to watch their subsequent dramas. That was perhaps the most negative thing about watching those two shows.


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I think Dots and secret garden are better than heirs, if it's any help. But if you do make it till the end, i remember someone did a very interesting fanfic screen caps story of heirs, school 2013, Pinocchio mashed up together, super hilarious, lol :p


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I agree with you guys on Cinderella. The show might have even been a big hit if it had aired 7 to 8 years ago. This just isn't the time for such shows. People have moved on. However, it's not even that bad if you need popcorn tv/entertainment. Plus yeah AJH is acing it surprisingly. His chemistry with PSD is the best and JIW is somewhat uncomfortable and so is his role.


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hahaha. now I get it why I got wierd feeling watching cinderella. if it was me 7 years ago watching this probably make me go swoon but now make me cringe. but I like ahn jae's in here. he's the one make me enjoy it instead of ill woo and I wonder why?


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I stopped watching Doctor's about six episodes in, it felt lukewarm despite all the hype put into it, and the childish second lead seemed to detract from the story rather than adding to it. It was less a development in character and more a distraction in whole. I raise a teenager, I have little patience for that sort of thing!

Now W.. I see a lot of people get confused about the supposed rules to how the villain works and the way the world intervene. I may see their point but I can't get over just how much I'm in love with it despite the roller coaster it has me on. The cruelty of falling in love with Kang Chul and continuously being exposed to his attempts to out himself, let's count.. two suicide attempts, one when she was in college and again when he became self aware. Oh, and the rooftop, let's not forget that. Plus having to stand there and accept what he told her, that all of those problems wouldn't have existed if he hadn't met her. Oomph, no wonder she was so quick to agree with his plan, even if it did come off as kind of selfish and one-sided on his end.

Yet I understand why he thought what he did, I was just not expecting him to execute it so quickly and leave her to deal with the emotional fall out on her own. Han Hyo-Joo conveys that sort of emotion very well, from when she stood there and accepted his words on the roof top, to when she was continually barraged with glimpses of him after wards. They remarked that it was an endearing look, and it really looked like she put her heart and soul into those stares, as someone continually tortured by a tantalizing apple that keeps bending just out of reach. Rather than sympathize with Kang Chul, who did what he thought best to keep everyone safe, I rather root for Yeon-Joo to figure out how far her influence in the manwha world extends and to take the 'story' by the reins -- for real this time -- and show up everyone who doubted her capabilities as the main lead.


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I feel really conflicted about W that deep in my heart, the most logical way to have a good ending in W is to have them in separate places, just run like it before,
make nothing happen,
the universe in both world seems to dislike the idea of them being together,
but I believe they'll have their own way to overcame that, still, the normal thing is to live as it before


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I'm with you 100% on W.

I, too, think that Han Hyo-joo portrayed her vulnerable heartbreak well. I am not quite understanding where all the comments on her lack of emotion are coming from, especially in the crying scenes. When I cry (and I've done this aplenty), it's because of private grief which I can no longer keep under control. I doubt anyone watching me at that moment would be moved to sympathise with me, it would be more along the lines of 'what a great big noise she's making'.

And, yes - 'I rather root for Yeon-joo to figure out how far her influence in the manwha world extends and to take the 'story' by the reins - for real this time - and show up everyone who doubted her capabilities as the main lead' - yes, yes, yes! Or, to modify slightly - I want them BOTH to work together to resolve the situation, in true partnership.


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I was teary eyed watching Ep 9 of W especially the scenes when HHL stared so longingly at LJS. You can see the pain and heartbreak in her eyes.


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Oof, Kang Chul's choice was one-sided and selfish? When he sacrificed the free will, autonomy, self-awareness, and chance at true love and happiness he worked so hard to assert the past seven episodes, just so that Yeon Joo and his friends would stay safe and whole? I wouldn't call that selfish.

There's a reason Writer Song had him kill himself to kickstart the time rewind: because, symbolically, what he was sacrificing for her safety amounted to committing suicide for her. He's back in the hamster wheel now, willingly becoming her dad's puppet again. (Or he was, until our Evil Plot Device started acting out. :) )

That's not to say I'm not also totally feeling for Yeon Joo. HHJ is killing it, and I completely feel her pain. (Those sobs after he hands the ring back! I cried with her :( ) But I have to disagree that KC's sacrifice was selfish, when he gave up so much to keep her alive.


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between all the dramas I'm watching, age of youth is the best! I just cant wait for the next week and the next awkward romantic scenes. Can't believe its going to be over next week..


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PU38: Even the special episode was better made than those I've seen from other shows, narrated by our most hated villain Commissioner Ahn who was quite adorable here. *gasp* ? If you've watched the drama, don't miss this.

The Good Wife: Oh.My.Gawd my ship is sailing, haven't watched this week's episodes yet, let me stay in delulu land a little longer.
And I'm so glad it's not a one woman show anymore. I enjoyed the focus on HK but we have way too good supporting characters (and actors for that) to have them just standing around in the background.

Age of Youth: This show is everything, it makes you laugh like a loony, cheer as if it's your own success, so angry you want to punch something and cry as if you're going through the pain yourself. And you're experiencing all of this within one hour...in.every.freaking.single.episode!
And not gonna spoil but ep. 9...Oof, that was some powerful stuff. And I feel like a very proud unnie. How can this end next week? ?

Cinderella: Here's some cheese, on top of more cheese with a side of...what else, cheese of course. ??? The BGM would probably make Park Do-kyung want to puncture his eardrums, it's sooo in your face it cracks me up.
I'm team secretary btw, who cares about spoiled or moody chaebols if you can have a decent guy with those cooking skills. ?

Second To Last Love: This is the third drama where I've heard that Bombastic song, what's going on? ? And I see the trend of A-line skirts with a row of buttons has also taken over SK now.

Five Kids: up to ep.14, I didn't know So Yoo-jin and Ahn Jae-wook before this and I really like them in here, theirs and the Sung Hoon - Shin Hye-sun pairing are all I care for.

Doctors: Ok dramaland, I've had enough of self hair cutting scenes this year. ? Did you hear me?
Anyway I love the cast but have to admit it's about time for it to finish. Hardly any drama can justify a run of 20 episodes (unless your name is Misaeng).

Bring it on, Ghost: HJ ah, how can you say BP's not your style? ?
Ok, now even Kim Hee-won had his cameo, next week's SHJ, where's YDJ, goddammit.

W: Well thanks a bunch, show. I just got over the hand out of screen thingy, now you give me faceless dad. You just don't want me to get a good night's sleep, don't you?
I wonder if all kdrama characters who have served their purpose and are about to be written off also go through what So-hee experienced? Now I feel bad for them. (And I was just asking about a character's purpose in this week's BIOG recap ?)

Uncontrollably Fond: Uncontrollably Appalled
How dare they make him like her?! Somebody start a petition right now! #savenohshik
Noh Eul, you better take your brother and BFF and run as far as you can.


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Oh, how could I forget this...
YoF Iceland Ep.7. Definitely my fav season of the YoF series (only haven't seen the Peru one) and the only one where I loved all of the guys. There's never a boring moment with these 4. Now I pray for a Ha-neul and Jung Woo cameo in Jealousy Incarnate. ?


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I liked YOF Iceland the best of the YOF series also (I have seen the Peru one). Yes loved those 4.


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@fan, where did you watch the Peru YoF? I only saw 2 episodes, I think.

And yes for the YoF Iceland those dorks are the cutest!


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I watched YoF Iceland last week, haven't watched Peru nor Africa, and tried to watch Laos, but I don't know if I will go on past the second episode. I think that's mostly because of what you already said, Iceland is funny and cute every minute of every episode. They were so lovely that watching it became such a nice experience and I will probably watch it again. That's why, getting to know the 4 stones before watching YoF Laos made everything look and feel dull. Sigh, I just adore the 4 stones.

I agree with everything you said about Age of Youth, it was a surprise for me. Though in many episodes I couldn't help feeling down (this drama is at some points extremely sour) I am really happy for giving it a chance.

Cinderella...as many others said, it feels like an old drama, has a cliché plot, but also is okay to pass the time. I watch it and probably will till the end, but sometimes I can't help but find it boring. I'm not aware of every drama that tvn has aired throughout the years, but just thinking about the Reply series, Misaeng, Dear My Friend, and others, I'm surprised they chose this kind of story. But maybe that's just me.

I watched the japanese version of Second to Last Love, so I'm still not sure about this one, but it's okay so far.

I realized Doctors was not my cup of tea, and dropped it after watching 3/4 of the first episode. Misaeng ❤️ My favourite drama ever. 20 episodes that touched my soul.


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I dislike behind the scenes but 38 task force's extra episode is quite good.

Sung Hee had to play -ve role initially but later writer changed the story. I was like wow.
Secretary aka the butler is the best character and guy there for now. We don't what kind of human he is. He is just everyone's Hyung. He should live upto this title and i hope he never tries to harm your cousins.

Haru and Noh Jik is a filler - Time waste. Better spend some time on Gook Young and his sister.


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The 3rd episode totally solidified Yoonsung being a dreamboat. He's supposed to be the 4th knight, might as well make him her knight...


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Yes, Secretary is soooo dreamy. I want him to cook for ME.


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Ha-won can have the chaebols.. I'm keeping Yoon Sung (secretary) to myself..

And the truck of doom failed me this week! It should've ran over Hye-ji. It had one job!!!


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It's not truck's fault, he was honking like a madman but didn't even try to slow down a bit, Ji-woon ruined it and had to play savior. ?


That's my point! The truck of doom never makes its presence known. Never. It should just appear randomly gaining a speed of at least 140kph before impact. Seriously, how could the truck of doom forget that?


One more for Team Secretary! He's a bit too much of a "chairman says", but he smiles! So there must be person inside that suit. And he cooks!


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The secretary is the only one I actually find attractive. I adored AJH's character in the later part of MLFTS and there are times where I find him somewhat attractive, but he doesn't really do much for me... And the other two do absolutely nothing. And the secretary is the sweetest guy, I'm kinda sad we all know they won't end up together...


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I think Kang Seung Woo is not bad choice either,
he has a job, nice and he will not always follow
"the chairman's order"

but tbvh, dating Kang Hyung Min is the best, when you break up, you can ask for some money, start your business and he'll not even have a hard feeling for you if you do that, he may occasionally visit,

then marry someone you like


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Good point. So: date Hyunmin, marry Secretary.


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Now that's the perfect plan. As soon as I saw the secretary cooking, I thought, he's the real keeper.


And kill Kang Jin woon. Wait are we playing...?


There's a special for PU38?!?! EODI?? WHERE??? *runs around like a headless chicken trying to find it*

*calms down a bit* Ahem.. Pardon me. Could anyone please direct me towards the location of said drama special?


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The usual streaming sites like dramafire, dramacool etc. have it. ?


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YES - DramaCool has it! Watching it right now.


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Thank you both! For some reason I didn't know of the existence of dramacool O:


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There's also a recap of the PU38 Special Ep (courtesy of @owl and her lovely blog): https://cimiart.wordpress.com/2016/08/16/38-task-force-episode-17-recap-special!


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PU38: hahaha, LOVED the fact that Commissioner Ahn narrated this, with his little comments and jokes. And Seo In Guk and Ma Dong Seok behind the scenes? The Bromance Is Real.

Age of Youth: I was gonna say: "This show is life!" It is, it's what I live for, it's slice of life, it's suspense/romcom/action/insurance fraud all rolled up into 5 winsome girls and one epic drama!

Cinderella: I'm on whatever ship Secretary Lee is on!

Bring it on, Ghost: Excited about the upcoming SHJ cameo. Oh, my OHYA feels!

Uncontrollably Fond: Noh Eul should've run off to the US ages ago, and taken Jik with her!

W: I am watching it. I am very much watching it! But if I start raving/ranting here, I might not be able to stop myself.


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The special episode for PU38 was so funny! that play fight scene at the playground between MDS and SIG was super adlibbed (like we guessed)! I'm never one to watch specials, but this is worth watching just for all the funny BTS material :-)


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I will heart javabeans forever for what she said about Haru and Jik.


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Drama of the Week - Age of Youth. I consider Age of Youth best drama for the 2nd half of the year.

Cinderella and the Four Knights - Highly illogical. Sometimes funny and witty but can't be taken seriously. bad characters setup. Forced skinship and forced romance. I like Sky House and its architecture.

Truck started to beat the horn 50 meters from Hye Ji but driver can't pull the break. TRUCK-Kun the famous hero of Japanese and Korean media.

UF - i'm neither a masochist not a sadist but this show makes me both S and M. I want to punish each and every character. Want to see them cry tears of blood but at the same time i want punch all of them and put some sense into their inactive brain.

Though Music is good + Joon Young's house is damn good + PORORO is back.

W - Two Worlds is superhero action with the same music. Exciting + wtf moments+ logical but lacks heart. You just don't feel any kind of attachment towards any character at all.

Let's Fight Ghost - sweet pass time and Kim so Hyun + ost 5

Second to Last Love - average pass time.

Pinocchio Made me emotional and i started to like Park Shin Hye and then watched 3 episodes of Doctors. Thankfully i left the ride of Doctors Porn at the right time.

I don't know why people call Cheese's ending bad when that ending was good one. If show is bad then all 16 episodes are bad.


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Yes! The external architecture Sky House and the grounds around it are awesome!

Can't say the interior does much for me, but I guess they have to make it look like a chaebol playground.

Can't wait for someone to find out Ha Won's sleeping under the desk, and go get her a kids circus tent or something to sleep in.


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I stopped watching W for now because it's getting ridiculous for me. I'll just read the recaps until everything made sense to me.

Age of Youth is definitely my no.1 drama now. It's quite addicting and the story is so simple i'm having so much fun.


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I think W has become my ultimate crack drama. The last time I remember being this involved with the cliffhangers of a kdrama were around episodes 6-9 of Secret with Ji Sung and HWE.

And regarding the pacing of the show. I think it's really the break in between episodes because of the olympics that we've seen the show become so hyperbolic. If you watched the show like I did, episode 7 with 8. And 9 as a stand alone, it wouldn't be as jarring, since the even number episodes always seem to resolve the new rules, in narrative by Kang Chul or Yeon Joo. So I'm waiting on episode 10 to air, to fill in the cracks some people are seeing in the rules to the world.

some people are complaining about having too many flashbacks i would complain about other dramas but W needs them to make the context clear. Some people definately dont pay attention to all the details. And flash backs are seeming too frequent because episode 9 and 8 wasnt suppose to be aired in the same week.


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yup, I agree that W is indeed different because of the aired ep,
not all audience is paying all attention while watching live,
someone can cut them by messages, calling someone, pick up someone, sudden meeting and many things can happen in between,
that's why the odd number episode needs to replay some scene,
not everyone is in drama forum and if they got lost, they may not read the drama forum either


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Agree. Plus, I'm someone who pays attention to all the details, and so far I've actually anticipated a lot of the twists (I guessed KC would get amnesia in the middle of the drama back in ep 4) - not in such a way that I'm bored, just saying the show has remained logical imo.

The problem with dad giving his face to the killer is that the two worlds aren't as septerate as you'd think - when they used OYJ's hospital as a template, the manga hospital became an EXACT replica. When OYJ became a 'character' in the manwa, the real OYJ actually physically changed, becoming vulnerable in the manwa world. Also, think about it- OYJ exists as both herself and is a character in the manwa. So dad's decision to make the killer have his face had unforseen consequences. I think it happened when it did because that's the moment he 'became' the killer. Like Harry Pottet becoming the child of the prophecy because Voldamort saught him out, the killer's identity was cemented as dad's doppelganger when he was anounced as the killer on live tv. Because the worlds are connected, this caused him to literally 'recieve' dad's face. Which is freaky as h*ll, imo.


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Yeah, team Joongwon all the way. But I especially want super team Hyekyung+Dan back. It's just two things that I ask of you show.

No-face is becoming one of my favourite evil characters. Dude knows what he wants.

Speaking of faves, JIWON honey, never loved someone without some kind of traumatic back story. Cheers to being you.


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Doctors - Will probably catch up from ep. 13 onwards when I have time. Just became lower priority for me since Jisoo's exit and not much plot happening.

Uncontrollably Fond - Just got caught up on this past week's ep's. This is more bearable than Doctors. A lot of conflict seems unnecessary and the same kind of indecisions seems to be recurring. I guess I just want this to wrap up.

Bring It On, Ghost - I quite like the leads and CS-IR's antics and loyalty. So, it's been an enjoyable watch. Plus, evil spirit in HS creeps me out and I just wanna know what really happened all those years ago to HS's dad, BP's parents, and HJ.

W--Two Worlds - This show teases, no shocks, my brain every week! And I love it!! LJS-HHJ are lovely together and it makes me root for them. No-Face killer and faceless Dad are officially two of the scariest things I've ever seen in dramaland. I heart SB so much! He represents how we feel and react when watching this show.

Cinderella and the Four Knights - An easy watch and though the tropes are familiar, and the usual formula of Candy and Flower Boys are there, I'm liking the series so far. Mostly, it's cuz I like PSD as HW and her strength + spirit got me on her side since ep. 1. AJH is great as well and I like his character more than JIW's. It does give off the feeling that AJH is lead since I enjoy his scenes with PSD more. JIW's character just bugs me right now since he's being a jerk and he only cares about his own feelings. LJS is a pleasant character and seems to be the most considerate out of the cousins. Love CM as the bodyguard. Most enjoyable scene was him eating with HW all 3 boys' fave foods.

Old shows: The Producers and Pinocchio were both awesome!! Enjoyed them thoroughly cuz of the cast and plot.

Anticipating these premieres:
Moonlight Drawn By Clouds - Bogummy and Kim Yoo Jung cuteness! Can't wait!

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart: Ryeo - Pretty princes! Bring it on! High expectations! And bonus: first two ep's will air on day 1 followed by third ep. on day 2! Hooray!

Fantastic - Jisoo puppy, love that you're everywhere these days and will fill 5 of 7 days of a week!


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Ah, Javabeans I hear you. Why did the writer reward sulky, pouty Haru with awesome Jik? Really smh!

Sorry UF, I really can't wait for you to finish. It's one thing if conflicts are caused by genuine obstacles, but when they are caused by the characters' repetitive stupidity then it becomes very frustrating and painful to watch. This show hasn't diminished my love for Woobie or Im Joo hwan but I'd be hard pressed to watch this writer's dramas again.

And Cinderella and the Four Knights can't even qualify as retro. It's just old. Dated. And should have been made 10 years ago in the era of BOF. JIW seems so angry. Maybe he's angry that he has to act in the damned drama.

After watching ep. 3, I'm not surprised none of the Big 3 networks picked up the drama, I'm just surprised that tvN did. I'm still watching it, though liking it a lot less and hoping that the PD could ease off the slow mo. We get it, we don't need constant slow motions to point things out.


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+ 1000 at JIW's anger. I bet you're right. I'd be angry too. LOL


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Lmao @the JIW comment...yeah, poor guy's probably asking himself why he has to shoot stuff like this when so many of the other 87ers (or even younger) are hallyu stars already.


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Doctors - I like the show and like funny scenes between Yoon Kyun Sang and his uncle and Rae Won. But still I cannot buy the romance between Rae Won and Park Shin Hye as I cannot stand to love story between teacher and teenager. My mind didn't accept thier relationship.

Uncontrollably Fond - this show wastes Kim Woo Bin talent. The story is dead but I add Kim Woo Bin to my list as good actor.

Happy Marriage (Japanese drama) - I was excited when I found my favorite manga becomes drama. I though it will be as good as Hana Yori Dango. The cut all the funny scenes ( the shopping chapter was the best) and rather the show becomes romance comdey it becomes just drama with tiny romance without any funny scences!


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I started watching Happy Marriage and then went back and read the Manga. I am very happy that many of the Manga scenes were cut. A lot of the Manga's "hilarious" scenes, at best, can be called sexist. At worst, we can flat-out say they're misogynist.


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Yes, I agree with you about using "misogynist". I consider this as the main flaw in the manga but the things become better as the manga progresses. The writer herself did apologies for many sexual harassment scenes. What I like in the stroy is how the couples doing their best to compromise and stay together while they are facing problems.


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Question to all lovers of W.

Who's the second male lead in this drama? I get that Lee Tae Hwan is listed as second lead, but the Soo Bong character has more scenes, much more impactful scenes than Lee Tae Hwan's character. Is this another attempt by the writer to subvert tropes?


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Dad is the second lead. LOL


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Yes, Dad is the ultimate bad writer villain of the show and the second male lead.


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also the real OTP shipper,
why he has to make that mistake again?
because that make the OTP can meet again,
see . . . . ?


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Dad's magical drawing tablet has more scenes than Lee Tae Hwan's character. Poor dude.


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I nominate no-face because that's his consolation prize of having no-face.. Well techinically he stole a face now, so let's give it to daddy oh!


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Whats funny is that when the show first started, I thought su bong was just a side character and Lee tae hwan was gonna be 2nd lead. But now, its LTH who feels more like a side character (even crazy dog gets more scenes!).
Maybe no face is the 2nd lead, and is battling it out with YJ for Chul's attention ha!


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doesnt cinderella and the four knights basically have the same plot ( with a few character changes) as that jdrama with horikita maki? Atashinchi no Danshi? Except that was actually funny and more entertainng to watch than this


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You are absolutely right. I hadn't thought about it, but it does have the same plot. I just hope Cinderella and the Four Knights can up its game. I love JIW too much to see him in another crappy show.


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Currently watching
Coffee House: still on episode 6. Am so rooting for the assistant's developement and her boss and want the publishing president to ditch her ex,though can't call him a heartless jerk and is quite funny how clueless he is to their exasperation.
Master's Sun: on ep 7. Seo In Gook's sharp jawline.Kim Yoori's adorably harzodous CF with the frying pan and fire effects and all!
Last: ep 6. NOOO!! Ahjussi chairman,don't faze out now! No 2 and Mi Joo,you two are sweet! All the suits!
Finished watching:
IRY: still reading comments on finale recap,am that unwilling to let go! So many feels!
Liar Game: am nunb. My nerves have been so wrung out that I don't know what to feel. Do I cry? Laugh? Jump excitedly? Swoon? I don't know!
Marriage Contract: just finished watching this today. All I can say is,I want to be a better person. I want to love and be loved. My mom said to make 'tea' cause its cold and I couldn't stop blushin and giggling naughtily!*spoilers* that hand sliding up the leg. SMELLNIG SALTS


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"Kim Yoori’s adorably harzodous CF with
the frying pan and fire effects and all"

I don't think anyone understands what that scene did to me. I died over and over again. It was so ridiculous and hilarious.


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Yeah,that was the scene that immediately endeared her to me. She became quite adorkable.


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Coffee House, huh, almost forgot about this drama. I love the little cat caracitures in the beginning of each episode. The assistant puts up with a lot of boss crap but I remember how much I liked how the ending resolved some things...no spoilers!


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Age of Youth -

Think I may have to move AoY past the AM/Reply Series as the top "slice of life" character driven drama - don't know why some don't care to watch SoL dramas as the romance is better (more believable and less cheesy than in romance-centric dramas and the comedy is often better than in comedies/romcoms - both have excellent writing, but AoY (probably also due to its relatively limited # of eps) is more "compact" and concise and doesn't have the "bloatedness" of AM/Reply (which I don't mind subjectively as I love spending time w/ the characters, but objectively can see where things could have been tighter or cut out).

Along w/ checking out PU38 writer - Han Jeong-hoon's other works (such as "Bad Guys"), will have to also check out Park Yeon-seon's other projects.

Just a shame that a hack writer like Kim Eun-sook gets the mega-ratings and industry accolades (which are pretty much based on popularity/ratings and not actual quality - esp. when it comes to writing) and not writers like HJH or PYS (who get ratings, but more limited due to their work primarily being for cable and have to be satisfied with the praise from critics) - KES is really the Michael Bay or Joel Schumacher of K-drama writers.

JTBC needs to seriously consider doing a sequel of AoY or better yet, make it a series like AM/Reply or INRomance.

For the latter, could have Park Hye-soo return as the returning student with a bunch of new housemates w/ new background stories, but also have the other girls (who have graduated, etc.) show up from time to time (whether individually or in various group form).

BIOG - my concerns about the underlying background story not holding up seems to allayed and still continues w/ the light fun.

And while the romance part has certain limitations on it, despite it, is better done and more believable (the way the characters come to know and fall for each other) than many other romcoms (such as OHYA or pretty much any of KES's work).


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Oohh, I wouldn't mind AoY being a series with different characters each time and a few cameos. You hear that jTBC! Get to it.


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I totally agree. They should do male version of Age Of Youth too.


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AGE OF YOUTH -- this one deserves to be capitalized for emphasis. Hihihi! This is a standout drama. It surprises me every episode, and I'm surprised that it still gets to do that after 9 episodes. This is probably my drama of the year, if its last three are as excellent as the first 9 episodes.

Han Ye Ri is pure awesomeness. My two favorite scenes came from her. But what I'm grateful for the most are the other young actresses being given a story and a character they can be proud of. It's difficult, from what I've read, to be a lead in a drama. I'm so glad they were given that chance here and prove they can be. More power to them.


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Still rooting DOCTORS and feel so sad towards the ending. Cant get enough jihong & hyejung romance scene. ?
How come cheesy hong hong hong bcme serious boyfriend hong hong hong? Kekeke. Please show us your cuteness hong saem!

W- i love this show but im not that smart too. I feel lost since yeonjoo's father bcm faceless. In real world, did the other dimension cn affect real world like... that?
But cant drop this show to cz i love the tense here. *But cant drop realistic & logical too, i rely on writer...


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Producers: Hilarious

Descendants of the sun: skipped 97.01% of the drama.

Doctors: Let it be over already.

UF: I see people talk about it. Not watching or reading the recap. I only check youtube for the kiss scene. Sue me ( ˘˘̯)

W: But..b....but......but.....I.....I....no....What?...but why?.....How....how..h...how..

Bring it on Ghost: The girl is in charge now and Bong pal gets to do the chasing. No greater joy

AoY: Everyone's talking about it, now I have to go check it out. Damn you peer pressure ( ˘˘̯)

Can't believe beautiful mind's ost been buried in my subconsciousness, I find myself mindlessly going "Like dirt, on my hands".... (˘̩̩̩⌣˘̩̩̩)


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ooo hahaa @goodytwoshoes I think that only me repeat the mv of BM from you tube a hundred time,and make me feel like I need to take korean language tuition now.


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W : yup, I am on board,
wherever and whenever you are

Cinderella : Ep 4 is the best so far but then this is like fanfiction that just meant to watch without thinking too much because the logic is just simple, beside park so dam is just so adorable,
if you asked my ship, I am down for Hyun Min x Ha won or Yoon Sung x Hawn, but the ship is not that big of a deal when you have heroine so cute, living so hard but still didn't hate the world or being overly emotional,
then I think this really reminds me of Atasitachi no Danshi which I believe may resolve just like that drama

I feel like that W and Cinderella is my top Combo Entertainment at this moment,

When I watch them one after another, it just feels satisfying,

btw did anyone saw that TIL about Chi-Mek in MLFAS issue got to the front page of Reddit,
their comment on it is so fun


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W - That's it. I'm sorry. But we're done. Over. F I N I S H E D.
Why you ask? Well, maybe you should've made your characters less one dimensional and not turned into a horror show. And maybe you should have had a better soundtrack and made your plot twists a little less obvious. Sorry, but this just won't work, it's better to end it now than prolong the pain. I was going to say, "It's not you, it's me", but we both know that wouldn't be true...

Cinderella - If only your male leads were a little more interesting, if only I found them attractive, if only your BGM was better, if only you had an actual plot that made sense. The beginning of our relationship was all happy rainbows and pink clouds, but your fun and upbeat personality only goes so far. I'm afraid you're boring me and I have a date with another show. Sawry...

PU38 - I love you. Why did you have to leave me? Was I not cool enough? Slick enough? Smart enough? Did I neglect you too much? I'M SORRY, PLEASE COME BACK! *cries into pillow while trying to eat chocolate chip ice cream with giant soup spoon*

My Love From the Stars - I know you left me a while back, I know it's only going to hurt my feelings to go back down memory lane, your beautiful alien-face is just going to break my heart all over again, your dramatic actor's personality is going to make me laugh then cry, I know it, I do, I really do, yet... I do love you so and even though memory lane is not as sweet as the first time round, it's still such an awesome ride. Aaaaahhh, why do you have to leave again so soon?

Queen In Hyun's Man - I'm beginning to think that your family isn't for me. Just like your dongsaeng, you're boring me. You're too one-note and I never really did like you from the beginning. I only went out with you out of curiosity because everyone kept saying what a catch you are. But really, we both knew this wasn't gonna work from the moment we met. So let's just call it quits now, before we waste any more time, okay?


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Wow. Out of any complaints anyone could have about W...The soundtrack?????? I mean, I adore the show but I've heard that others found it fast or slow or don't get the world-rules or whatever....but the soundtrack is seriously the most gorgeous and best timed soundtrack I've ever heard on a drama

*so confused. Sometimes I think I'm watching a different drama than everyone else is...*


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There was just this song in one of the recent episodes that really got on my nerves lol. Otherwise The OST's not bad, but I'm not blown away either. The pacing I actually find perfectly fine and I don't find the world-rules confusing, but there are just a number of other things I dislike about it. I SO wanted to love it. Comics, Lee Jong Suk, meta, sci-fi, Lee Tae Hwan, Lee Si Un.. I SHOULD love it, but sadly I don't. I was willing to keep watching until the end though, but faceless killer creepiness means I'm off the train for good.

About feeling like everyone's watching a different drama than you, I've actually had the same feeling, just reversed - it seems everyone loves it while I don't lol. I think it's getting very mixed reviews so far?


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Ah, that makes more sense. I do like most of the insert songs, but specifically I was referring to the score and how well it's been used. I was watching Cinderella & 4 knights the other day, and in comparison the sound direction is so poor and jarring. Some of the inserts are even really good, but how they are used is terrible. Or like Healer, which had AWESOME score/insert songs...but really overused the loud/dramatic pieces. In comparison, W is really killing it with the score, and hasn't been overdoing it with the insert songs.

Actually, UF- which is losing me on most points - has good solid music use as well.


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I'm starting to wonder if the sound direction of Cinderella is done so bad deliberately to enhance the cheesiness of the show. Either that or the sound director just hates his job. Lol It's so jarring especially in ep.3 that it's become entertaining to me. ?


@Harukogirl. Yep, Cinderella has the most horrid OST. It's truly appalling, especially the timing and volume! In general there are a lot of annoying OSTs drama-wise and I do agree, W is by far the worst offender, it's just that one song that bugs me like crazy. And since I can't remember anything else about the OST that means it didn't impress me - that's it's not jarringly bad, but not that interesting either.

@angiyea. Maybe it's someone who wanted to be the next Mozart but got "stuck" with musical/sound directing of dramas just to earn money lol.


I might be the only one here that has the guts to say that I think Cinderella and the Four Knights' soundtrack is dope.

Unlike the deafening "love is moment" track used in The Heirs, we're presented by 2 upbeat tracks which really plays into the mix of the scenes. It's not Oscar worthy, but hey, it's a Candy fluff drama afterall.

It lightens the mood and not dampens the scene which should be the case. They make those sound effects really jarring and I think it's intentional because it adds a comical effect to certain scenes and so far, it works.

That just might be the dose of cheesiness I need in my life.


Also, from what I've seen, the response to W is pretty much positive - like 90%. That said, no show is universally loved, I totally get not understanding the hype on something - I couldn't get past the 2nd episode of Heirs and really didn't get the love for several other popular dramad as well, like Your Beautiful. On the other hand, I loved Personal Taste, which a lot of people didnt care for. Meh, you like what you like :-)


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I couldn't get past the first five minutes of Heirs LOL! It's just so awful. I feel like I should try again though, just to know what everyone's talking about.. And with you on You're Beautiful, not even Hong Ki could save that drama for me. In general I do tend to not get the hype on a lot of shows. Secret Garden, DoTS, BOF etc, and love some of the less talked about/with lower ratings like The Lover and IRY. It's not always the case, of course, but I've noticed a tendency lol. Personal Taste was pretty awful for me, but I did love the premise of the show and some of the early episodes. I think it just didn't live up to my expectations.


+10000 on the soundtrack.

One of the reason I love W is because of the music score/BGM and how the music director is not compelled to have songs from the OST on full blast in Every. Friggin. "Moments". They really chose wisely in inserting the soundtrack into the scenes.


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Exactly!!! I recently rewatched Healer, and as much as I love it I started to find the music usage very distracting. And I loved all the music, too, unlike, say BOFs horrible ost


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Correct me if I'm wrong but I think I've read in a comment of the earlier episodes that the sound director of W is also the one who's done Signal? And that show was also perfect in that matter.


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Yes, the same music director. Which explains the great choice of score/BGM in both dramas.


It's just that one song on W which they keep playing that annoys my ears to death. If I find the title, I'll chime back in..but man...that song just destroys the moment...


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The one that plays during the prison kiss in ep 7, right? I'm sick of it myself, thankfully it doesn't pop up too often but when it does, it's a total mood-killer.


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Bingo! Damn, I hate that song.


I actually like that song that plays during the kiss a lot, although in episode 7 it felt off for me. It's Park Bo-ram's song that bothers me sometimes, especially with the overplay in episode 8-9. I LOVE the instrumentals though, so I'm pretty shocked by the soundtrack criticism. The recent ending song has also been fantastic.


@Chandler - oh yeah. the Park Bo-ram song is another one - it's everything I hate about kdrama OSTs. I mean, it's supposed to be a sad scene because they've separated but all I could think was 'oh god, PLEASE shut that noise off!'

W has done really well on its instrumental OSTs so far, those are perfect and fit their scenes beautifully. Too bad some of the ones with lyrics don't live up to it. It's like they come from a totally different and much more conventional (boring) drama.


Yes! That's the song! The Park Bo Ram one! Thanks for mentioning it, didn't know what it was called. It completely ruins the rest of the OST for me.

@Chandler. Honestly, I just can't remember the instrumentals which means I wasn't impressed. And none of the sung songs do anything for me; despite my love Jung Joon Young, not even his song is making me clap my hands like the tiny toy monkey does his cymbals LOL.


Is it too much to ask from the writers to give eevvven a tinnny bit of character growth to Haru in Uncontrollably Fond? Please. Pleaseee she is such a brat and keeps getting what she wants (i.e. Jik this time around) which just probably reinforces her idea of I-get-what-I-want attitude. Why Jik? Why?!? And dont even get me started on her mother. Talk about taking creepy level obession with a man to a whole new level. I mean manipulating his love life from a young age, controlling him by faking sickness in hospital, ruining her own son's life by getting him to marry a complete and utter psycho so that her husband's secrets remain secret. (Maybe mom actually likes the psycho-finacee because they share the same level of crazy obession with men.)


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Also, the character of Jung Il Woo (my one true love irl) looks like he just needs a good cry and a cuddle. Like I am sure the writers want us to believe that he is broody by personality (e.g. leaning against a wall rather than sitting down on one of any sofas, riding a motorbike and being all sharp-tongued alllll the time) but it keeps coming across as he just needs to have a cry. Really. Damn writers have no idea how long i have been waiting for a new JIW drama and when they finally give him one..its this.
But why tho?


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Jung Il Woo Character is really childish,
Idk if it because he is a lone wolf or pissed off by hyun min but the character show so much despair while the girl, ha won who kinda have the same hard life as him is not that down on life,

i think the contrast between ha won and ji won is the one that make ji won feels so weird imo.


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Oh yes! I was so happy by how well Ha Won and our Cinderella got on despite the misunderstanding. Really that is so rare in kdramas where the two female leads have a respectful and non confrontational conversation. Gaash but i agree with you. JIW's character is just so empty in terms of personality that I cant seem to really empathise with his past or care enough to want to know about it. I am more curious about what happened between Hyun Min and Ha won. Which is so weird for me because JIW is love JIW is life.


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Whoops got that confused, I meant how well Ha Won and Hye Ji got on with each other despite the misunderstanding over Hyun-Min. Pfft of course Ha Won gets on with herself.


On the contrary, I actually happen to like JIL's character.

He's a lost boy with dadjdy issues, he thinks his chivalrous but he's really a jerk, he can't let go of the past, he cleary cannot handle his emotions, he's messed up, he's got the worst chaebol hair and style, he's childish, he's sympathetic but insentive. That's like the perfect character that has enough space for growth and that's what I want to see on this show; Regardless on how they do it and if they plan to use every trope in the kdramalaw book.

Viewers had a lot to say about his lack of personality and I think that's really part of his character. So I'm all in to find what his character will mold into.


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it not that I dislike him, preview for ep 5 looked promising but he seems so childish in taking many information despite thinking that he is better or above anyone.
He has room for improvemen just like everyone else but his scene more often feel out if the place, he has this revenge sad theme that doesn't match to anyone beside hye ji.
I think it better to have some funny moment or him being happy since imo his life is not that miserable, we don't have flashback or anything that make hin more dimensional at this moment.

On ther other hand, ha won who just as miserable as him is living brightly as she can, not complaining that no one remember her birthday, even hyun min who has mom issue and afraid of commitement is more flesh out at this week ep.


Well...that's Kdrama afterall!


You are right. By making him so...empty they have a huge chance to allow his character to grow and learn to love and understand what it means to have a family. However, it makes no sense that he is so rude to Ha Won all the time despite being the only one out of the three cousins to witness first hand why she may need money. I mean if nothing else he should at least have some empathy with how Ha Won must have felt at the crematorium. His character is moody for the sake of being moody.
Well at least it isnt a four way confusion about who she might end up with. It's always the jerk with the golden heart anyway and never the easy-going or potential bff type of guys like the secretary and Kang Seo-woo. And I think they have dropped enough hints about Hyun-min having some lingering feelings about Hye-Ji as well.


Like someone mentioned, I’ve been happy with the 2016 dramas so far (It will be hard to pick one best one at the end of year).

What I've watched this week-

Doctors: Yep "Still watching. Still bored" Glad Kang-soo is ok, but overall eps were Meh and I missed In-joo.
Bring It On, Ghost: Bong-pal is best bf. Loved new development with HJ not being ghost.
Uncontrollably Fond: Frustrated on that shopping spree. Staying for KWB.
W–Two Worlds: I just watch with my mouth open with no expectations. Love.
Wanted: Liked it overall. It was thought-provoking show with society issues. Reminded me of Piped Piper because culprit was also a victim (I enjoyed PP better). Too bad it was meh on (motherly) emotional side (can I blame KIm Ah-joong), but I was impressed with Lee Moon-sik who I felt really invested in his role.

Five kids: Episodes feel "just to fill up the remainder of their episodes", still I enjoyed this family show without much Makjang. Mi-jung(love the actress too) is my favorite character.
Age of Youth: Yi-na fighting! so sad for Jin-myung! ugh That manager. We need Hye-sung(BIOG) for his neck breaking skill!
The Good Wife: oh my, this is not Korean show. Dan is best assistant-so capable and so devoted- what's her secret?
Cinderella and the Four Knights: agreed with JB comment "more immature than I’d expected" How many fall/catch trope were used in one episode?

Thanks to Olmpics, I had extra time and watched J-drama Bloody Monday, Ouroboros(WTH ending- reminded me of 'Devil'), and TW-drama Prince Who Turns Into a Frog(classic romcom, tw version of Fantacy couple), and re-watched some 'I remember you'.


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Yup, thinking of starting an offical tally for each episode of Cinderella to count the number of times she falls and is caught by one of the F4 in slow-mo. You know, for science reasons. I will propose a hypothesis that she will end up with the knight with whom she spent the longest amount of time in slow-mo. I will write up a manuscript and have it published in a journal that has the most impact in the research world.


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What was the count this weekend? It seemed pretty high. If I still drank, this would be a fun drinking game.


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In my pseudo-profsssional opinion, no average human is capable of coming out of that game alive. But for science reasons, further laboratory testing is suggested. *pops lab coat collar* Do not try at home.


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You really made my day xD What a wonderful idea, please do that.
I guess falling in love is not about getting to know the person, having good conversations, but falling in slow-mo into his arms.


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Our preliminary results suggest that Ha-Won spent the most time in slow-mo with Hyun Min. However, through our prior knowledge we can assume this is so that the writers can build that ship up so its tearing down at a later stage would be more effective. Again, these are based only on preliminary data.


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For Ouroboros, I did not saw that ending coming.
He had Ueno Juri right there! why did he choose the other road??


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Ouroboros... :((((


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Yeah what's his name who plays Kang Hyunmin in Cinderella is great. Can you tell I wasn't really a fan? But his acting is good. Fits the vibe and feels natural. Not to mention there is this sizzle of chemistry whenever he is with EH. Jiwoon on the other hand is just THERE. His actions; even if he pulls EH over- just falls flat. I did skim watch the Japanese version and thought it was boring. Cinderella is kind of passe but I am still addicted to it.

But man- can Hyunmin get the girl? Even his lipstick gloss colour looks better than Park Bogum's during the press conference. PBG is adorable but why does that actor playing Hyunmin have such good looking lips. And I am not saying it for pervy reasons.

Basically if this post is starting to sound unlike my normal critical comments about plot holes- it means the actor really surprised me. All I know is his family name is Ahn and he is married to GHS. And I didn't like his previous projects. But him and EH- are a good fit. And Cinderella- all I could think of was that renting Sky House must have used up the budget. There are so few cast members every week.


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It's Ahn Jae Hyun- Kang Hyun Min
Cheon Seong Yi little brother in MLFAS
Vampire in blood,
New cast for Journey to the West Season 2
and Jandi .. . I mean Go Hye Sun's husband,
a former model on Lee Jong Suk batch (as I remember)
29 y/old

ooh I am surprise that I knew quite a lot about him


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Jeepers you do ?


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oh... you caught me,
it's time to run,
ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ


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And he also had a cute bromance with Park Jung-min in You're All Surrounded. (I also have no idea why I know so much about him lol)


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Me too! I'm suprised I watched that many dramas with Ahn Jae Hyun. I've watched him in all except CA4K(currently reading recaps,first time live reading recaps).


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Is anyone watching Second to Last Love? The setup was a little bit silly, but it hit its groove in episodes 3 and 4. The leads have sparkling chemistry, and I enjoy seeing characters who are a little bit older, with all the baggage that entails.


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I watch. heh I love when they do/talk something relate to drama (because female lead is drama PD).In ep 5, "Which drama will get top drama award?" "Seven flying dragons!", "YoungPil" and Kim Hee-ae said "No, Mr. Cop" lol


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To answer tineybeanie's question regarding W, no she didn't go back in time in the real world. If she had we wouldn't have had the scene were she bought the books and was cutting the scenes between her and chul and the doctor wouldn't have been happy that W was back with the original plot.

I am currently watching W, Age of Youth, and Cinderella and the four knights. I am also impatiently waiting for Scarlet (Please be good!!!!)

I agree that the plot for Cinderella is cliche and dated but so enjoyable. I am a sucker for this kind of stories and once in a while they are not to bad. I was actually looking at Japanese dramas recently because I wanted to watch something fluffy and my friend recommended by"Good Morning Call" which I am also currently watching. Dramas recently have become a little more complex, although they still use the same clichés, so once in a while I like to watch a show were I am not constantly studying the characters and the circumstances. I sometimes enjoy shows that are more of a mindless watch, were I can just curse at the characters for being jerks and cheering or -_- at the main character's actions.


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I also love good morning call,
it wasn't new trope like you said but there is something happen each episode and they actively trying to solve it that waiting for 3/4 episode.
It is cute and and move in a good pace, perfect for sunday morning imo


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I agree it does move at a good pace, I am currently in episode 4 and so much has happened. I am happy some of the things are taken care of from the very beginning.


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I was wondering why I can't say outright that I love C4. You crystallized it perfectly in one word: dated.

Reasons why I'm still watching:
1. Park So Dam, who is cute and spunky as Eun Ha Won;
2. Ahn Jae Hyun, who appears to be a surprisingly more animated actor now that he's married (dear goodness, he was an automaton in pretty much everything he appeared in before this.).
3. Their interactions together. I'm still not convinced that he's not endgame.
4. Potential BFF interactions with the maknae.

Jung Il Woo is annoying me here. He can't even make the "Kojo" cute (mental image of So Ji Sub). But damn, we all know the trope. The lead becomes attracted to the cold, laconic brother because of a seemingly shared/similar backstory. I wish this show could be groundbreaking by breaking that trope.

W. Loving the thrill and twists. Still feeling the the HHJ's acting is wanting. Still drooling over LJS, his acting, and his broad shoulders/ mole below his right eye/lips/height/etc. Lol.


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Ahn Jae Hyun was cute in MLFAS, I tried watching Blood for him and couldn't watch past few episodes. meh.
I really hope he gets the girl in Cinderella because I am loving the chemistry between Hyun Min and Eun Ha Won.


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AHJ's hero worshipping of DMJ was so adorable and I totally cracked up after finding out that he is actually older than KSH but had to call him hyung in the drama.


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I know! He looks so young for someone who's already done military service.

Also my favorite moment in MLftS? ET phone home. Lol.


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It doesn't ring a bell. I need to go re-watch that scene.


When he made that index finger connection with Kim Soo Hyun a la ET. After Do Min Joon's bender. XD


@Erratic Aah got it :D


W -- Been keeping up with recaps but haven't watched eps 6-9 yet. It's cracktastic but so hyper and twisty-turny that I'm afraid my head will explode if I'm left with yet another crazy cliffhanger. I'll probably do a catch up marathon in another week or so, and by then it'll be the last home stretch.

Let's Fight, Ghost -- Marathoned up to ep 9. Really like it! Getting total Oh My Ghostess vibes from our baby-faced villain. Keeping up with recaps, so I'm devastated that we've got the amnesia trope going on. Will wait to catch up until I know Kim So-hyun's memory is back fully, because she and Taecyeon are absolutely adorable together.

Cinderella and Four Knights -- Total fluff, very cliche, but the lighthearted popcorn drama I need right now. I really hope Park So-dam's character doesn't lose any of her spunk, because I'm quickly getting tired of her getting all moony-eyed whenever one of the boys gets up in her face. Still, all the bickering is pretty entertaining.

PU38 -- Finished! Whew! What an amazing show! I was perfectly satisfied with the ending, even though it wasn't happily ever after completely. That epilogue though with Ma Dong-seok's Bad Guys character--!!!! I watched that scene over and over and over, it was hilarious. I HAVE NO EXCUSE NOT TO WATCH BAD GUYS NOW.

I saw a thread going on up there about how great/not so great 2016 has been for dramas. I've been very satisfied with most I have watched:

Signal - favorite drama of the year so far
PU38 - second favorite
Oh Hae Young Again - got draggy toward the end but was overall terrific
Gong Shim - not enough plot for 20 eps and that ending was stupid, but the ship was adorkable
Cheese in the Trap - great until the disappointing last few eps
Entertainer - forgettable, but Ji Sung is a great actor
DOTS - not worth all the hype but still very enjoyable
Lucky Romance - Ryu Joon-yeol was the only reason I watched this train wreck
Remember - War of the Son - stellar acting and so much crying on both my and Yoo Seung-ho's part

I dropped Moorim School (I love Hongbin but oof, that show was ridiculous) and Wanted, and never got past the first eps of Jackpot and Doctors (not sad about that after hearing everyone above). So while there have been some bumpy shows, overall 2016 has been pretty good for me!


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Okay.. W completely blow my mind when the no-face killer take father's face. Is it father's punishment because of lack identity of character? I hate bad writers but that this no-face-now-father's face killer scare me so much. Hyun Jo have to rule something or maybe Su Bong.. But someone have to pull something to him!


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Five Children — so much annoy. The pilot is too immature and so much makjang to drag (they hope rating can reach 40%?). When I look again, i see this writer is the same writer with Because It's The First Time. And they also band in Vietnam (that means Five Children was sold in Vietnam, but i don't know that time they will air). The male lead is cancer? Eh... I will drop it. Why I have to wating right now to drop? I should do it soon.
Age Of Youth — so much love for it, why it too short, and I watched ep 8, what about secret that Eun Jae is hiding. they will solve in final ep?
The Good Wife — love the speed, so much people in my country want Hye Kyung get back together with Tae Joon (!?), they think Hye Kyung shouldn't date with Joong Won because she stills not divorce, and the name of this drama too. LOL, with out shoulder of Ji Tae, Tae Joon just a terrible man.
Wanted — If they don't show the murderer soon, the final ep will be so interesting. But stills good, fighting, writer, i will wait for your next drama.
C4 — LOL, I watching this drama right now, It's so funny. But I really hate Jung Il Woo (and his character), his acting so bad and his character so bad too, i love Ahn Jae Hyun more, his character so interesting and refresh (in this drama). I love grandpa too, about the second female lead, she so annoying, is she a callgirl? He keep arround 2 male lead, so annoying.
I'm thinking about drop Police Unit 38, so much cancer in this drama.


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So desperate to watch After the Show Ends, especially now that's it's being reviewed so well. Anyone have any leads on where to watch it with English subs?


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Me too! I've been hunting for it but to no avail.

I'd like to see whether anything happens to ABH and Yura. They look like they'd make a good pair! Pity JB and GF aren't recapping this :(


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As the saying goes, "You can't make pudding without stale bread."

For a shows plot that has been overused, critically bashed, dated and sometimes forgotten, Cinderella and the Four Knights's efforts in making use of the plots predictability somehow makes it still bearable to watch.

So it started off with a slew of favored drama tropes - the chaebol(s), the bad boy, the sweetheart, the damsel, the lost love, the handy dandy secretary, the cheating, the money, the power, the cars, the toys, the big house, the small house, having no house, the death in the family, the clash within families, the separation of families, the birth secret, the birth secret bombshell slap, the walkouts, the chasing, the marriage, the contracts, the one that got away, the one who's running away, the push and pull, the tears, the fake tears, the chaebol coats of disaster, the poor girls backpack, the smartphone switch and the infamous truck of doom. Now while we've seen all of those a million times, this show still makes it refreshing enough to still live through each trope filled moment.

I can't say that it's stellar acting from all sides, but Park So Dam and Ahn Jae Hyun reignited my shipper quest and my frustration for giving into my let-the-second-lead-have-the-girl wish. It takes me back to yes, 2010; Those years where everything just seemed so light and easy. And I guess that's what this show wants us to have, a feeling of nostalgia; reminiscent of the good ol'days. It's a show that makes you try to laugh and cringe and relate. So while it's efforts seem dated and unoriginal, the mere fact that they used all the basic elements of a kdrama and still get their audience to laugh, cringe and relate clearly states that the formula works.

And that's your stale bread right there, a proven formula even when used countless times, it still is the main ingredient to your beloved pudding.


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Awwww Yoyo,that was beautifuly written.


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Some drama names in themselves are so boring...they don't incite me to watch.

The Good Wife? Blah..
Cinderella and the four knights !!Yawn..
Doctors..as if we hadn't had enough of them already..seriously!


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With W, I don't think any of us are truly attached to the characters per se (hard to be, when one half of the OTP is literally made up) - it's plot-driven, and I've been holding my breath from Day 1 because the plot has always seemed thisclose to falling off the edge of a cliff. Now I wonder if it has.

I also agree on Cinderella and its outdated feel. I wish Park So-dam was in a better project, or that dramas like this were not stuck to the ironclad rule of the biggest star who signs up is the one who gets the girl.


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Well, I, for one, am fully attached to our OTP. I cried a lot for both of them and my biggest wish is KC and YJ will have a happy ending. And I know many others are just like me.

I also have full trust on the writer to unfold the story in the rest episodes.


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I'm actually surprised at the confusion about W because it always seemed to make sense to me. The plot IS supposed to fall off the cliff - that's the point. Yeon-koo, Kang Chul, and Dad try quick fixes (i.e., resurrecting Kang Chul, the all-a-dream retcon, the "happy ending") that don't work as it should due to unexpected variables such as people literally disappearing into thin air and the Killer exerting more power than anyone expected. I watch the drama expecting the unexpected, and so far it's meeting that one expectation and enthralling me with the meta (glorious, glorious meta).

I am fully attached to Yeon-joo as our POV character because she's the one gets thrown for a loop - a lot of loops - and I'm along for the ride. Han Hyo-joo isn't perfect, but she plays Yeon-joo with such zest that I got infected with her enthusiasm.

I first got attached to Chul by proxy, but I fell in love with the character during his confrontation with Dad. The moment during episode 8 where he questions why Dad boxed So-hee (and everyone in his world) into a specific role got to me. Chul is such a quiet, introspective character under all that showiness, but what he says counts. I felt sorry for him when he says to Yeon-joo that he and his fellow manhwa characters are human too.

I did notice an increased reliance on flashbacks during eps 8/9, but I blame that on the drama's flow being interrupted by the Olympics. They should have shown 3 episodes this week.


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Can we take Ji Won & Sung Min from "Age of Youth" and make them leads for a future "I need Romance 4", their chemistry is just too good ><


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Ooof, the drama fatigue is REAL! Especially after you've watched a satisfying series and just want to decompress for a little while. I haven't watched an entire series in over a year. I started watching a new series last week.

I'm currently watching W and Cinderella and Four Knights. I am absolutely invested in the characters of W, I ALSO want that happy ending they keep saying there should be, and while the rules of each dimension confuses me I am in it for the long haul. I started watching Cinderella because I was pretty sure it wasn't going to inflame me like W. I do find it mostly underwhelming and somewhat trite. Only very miniscule gems stand out to me: Hyun Min and Ha-Won when she gets sassy. But it's early, who knows? Actually, I think I'd drop it for a more interesting series but I'd watch the end just to see who ended up with whom.


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I miss Squad 38 soooo much. I can't wait until Shopping Louie so that I get my SIG back. T____T

Ghost: Cute. And I anticipate the next episodes.

W: My fav after 38. I feel like I'm the only one sometimes not being confused by what's going on. We intially have a world where pple can travel back and forth into a comic book/webtoon, so I don't find everything else they've thrown at a us a stretch. The real world was never one which followed laws of physics anyway.

Uncontrollably fond: I don't have a problem with jik x haru. Haru is a spoiled brat, but she hasn't done anything so far that shows she's a lost cause. Plus, they look cute together.

Four knights: a mix of atadanshi, hana yori. absurb, but right up my alley. the only thing that grates me a bit, is the self-righteousness of the heroine. I dont mind a justice warrior, but she's a bit too self-satisfied with her own judgement.

doctors: im not here for the romance. just for the small moments between all the side-characters. but it's enough to pass time by.

rewatched queen inhyun (man forgot how addicting it was), healer (forgot about jcw's crazy appeal), in the midst of rewatching producers and pinocchio. if you're asking why so many rewatching. it's because

I'm going crazy from missing it. T___T


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I forgot... also finished rewatching shining inheritance. that drama feels a lot more dated than i thought it would, but still addicting. and finished rewatching Hello Monster again. man, i can't seem to get over squad 38 at all. I might watch answer me 1997 next. lol. Rewatching JIN (japanese version, of course), and it's still good, even after all this time.
I feel like I haven't slept these past two weeks, but I just miss squad 38 so much, I am this compulsion to fill a hole. either that or wallow during free time.


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@trisha I am trying very hard not to watch all these shows again as I have all of those shows lined up to be re-watched when SIG goes to army! I will definitely be spending the next 2 years with AM1997, IRY, Squad 38, High School King of Savvy, and Shopping king Louie. I might also add healer to the mix cuz JCW would be in army too!

The Squad 38 withdrawal symptoms are real. Very much so.


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I have to disagree about Haru. She flicked water at Eul, whom she'd never met, then flung money on top of Eul's dad's memorial food and drink, and lied to her own dad about the situation. That shows me she's a pretty awful person.

Also, I can't remember the last time I saw a K-drama actress as unattractive as the one who plays Haru. The actor playing Jik is gorgeous, so even in the looks department, I think it's a horrible match.


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