Meet the imperial prince lineup in Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart: Goryeo posters

What is it about Lee Jun-ki dramas and beautifully cinematic posters? And yes, I know some of you have expressed a distinct lack of admiration for some of his looks in previously released stills, but we’ll have to just chalk that up to y’all being nuts because great Scott he is amazingly elfin, bloody, and beautiful and I’m pretty sure that’s empirical fact. Dirt, blood, gore, unkempt flowing tresses — I wouldn’t want things any other way.

Here are the latest posters from Lee’s fantasy-romance-sageuk drama, which now sports a new-and-not-really-improved title, Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart: Goryeo, because apparently the production couldn’t pick which title they preferred and decided that picking was for losers. Eh, just give us all of the titles! (Moon Lovers was the initial name; they changed it to Scarlet Heart to be closer to the original Chinese drama’s title, then added the Goryeo to make sure we knew this one was a different drama. In its current iteration, it looks like Moon Lovers is the main title, and Scarlet Heart: Goryeo is the subtitle, but I’m sure any combination will get the job done.)

The reason for the title change was to better reflect the themes of the drama, involving a 21st-century woman (IU) who time-travels back to Goryeo times in the midst of a total eclipse of the sun, causing fear and trepidation among everyone there. The moon becomes a point of connection for her and the prince with whom she falls in love, Wang So (Lee Jun-ki).

Lee Jun-ki’s character poster identifies him as Fourth Imperial Prince Wang So: “He didn’t want to become the sun, but he shone brightly.” IU’s, meanwhile, says, “I want to live, if I can’t change how I look…”

Kang Haneul plays Eighth Imperial Prince Wang Wook, whose poster says, “Love and power, I hold both in my heart.” Below that poster, Ji-soo is the Fourteenth Imperial Prince, Wang Jung: “Forever the youngest brother to his sisters.” Which, with his puppy-dog image, is about exactly right for Ji-soo. Thirteenth Imperial Prince Wang Wook (there are two Wang Wooks in the same family? That won’t get confusing) is Nam Joo-hyuk: “Full of grace and elegance.”

Third Imperial Prince Wang Yo is played by Hong Jong-hyun: “Dreams of being Goryeo’s owner.” EXO’s Baekhyun plays Tenth Imperial Prince Wang Eun: “Mischievous and high-spirited.” I hope not also a peeping Tom. And last but not least, Yoon Sun-woo is Ninth Imperial Prince Wang Won: “Possesses pride, greed, perception… and money.”

There are also a few teaser videos that have been circulating, though I’m still on the hunt for high-quality ones. They’ve been out for a while but I’m just getting to them now, because I’ve been laid up and I missed a bunch of stuff. Better late than never!

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart: Goryeo (what a mouthful) will follow Monday-Tuesday SBS drama Doctors and premieres on August 29.

Via Chosun


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All I can say is, give me the pretty!!!!!! I want me the pretty!!!! Pretty princes fighting for the throne and the heart of a woman. All the good stuff that makes us all swoon. Plus, Lee Jun Ki, all bloody and intense and pretty. Gah! Just the way I like him :).


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fights and bromance too...in heavy doses


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waaaoooow..... all theze hanzome hanzome men on my screeen. cant wait.....


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Everybody looks so good,dammit! But Lee Jun Ki is really something else, incomparable even. 'Guess we won't see him in any contemporary kdrama this year. Maybe next year? I would really love to see him in a RomCom for a change. What is so wrong with everyday clothes, LJK?
Why are you so obssesed with Sageuk?
Are you a reincarnate? Heehee...
Ji Soo, fighting!


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I think one of the reasons he keeps popping up in historical dramas is because it's his strong point; he can pull it off and look great in costume. Might be harder to leave that circle into modern roles when there are more competing for those roles.


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indeed just call the drama the drama of pretty faces and be done with it


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saw these on twitter and had a good laugh because all of the other princes look so shiny & pretty and then we have Lee Junki in all of his badass bloody glory, it's like: One of these isn't like the others. xD
I really like the posters overall though, they're really nice. I hope that translates to nice cinematography too (judging by the teasers, it looks like it will be a very visually appealing drama)


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hahaha I could not agree more.. that's the first thing that appear in my head when I see the posters too

BUT still, we can resist Lee Jun Ki. Cann't waaiiit


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Well they had to highlight the MC somehow.


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I don't


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I don't know if we've discussed this already. But whoa, those boys totally look like half brothers from various women. The eyes to nose and even the lips are great. The eyebrows and face shapes don't hurt.

Lookin forward to this family of brothers, even it I'm only really in for 3 of them.


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I hope they come with name tags


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Lol! I would prefer a function similar to tags. You tap at the guys face and his name appears. That will save a lot of my memory space


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I'll be able to differentiate Haneul, Jisoo, Jonghyun and Baekhyun. I might be able to find Joohyuk most of the time. Junki is lead so I should learn his face quickly. And then that just leaves the Ninth prince, whose nose resembles LMH's in this picture, so one day I'll get him.

But I'll probably never call them by their Wang _ _ _ name. Probably just their real names lol


I think I'll struggle most with 3rd and 9th prince since I don't know them or seen them in other dramas before. But I think if they're in a group together, I'd spend longer picking out 13th prince too. It's generally tough when they are clumped together.


Lee Jun Ki!!!! The poster is very stunning. can't wait ~~!


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I'm rooting for Kang Haneul! I hope he shows some great acting in this drama and elevates his career.

I loved the original chinese drama. All I ask from this remake/adaptation is that they take it seriously.
The original drama wasn't a success because of the beauty of the princes (I mean, THAT HAIR URGH). It was thanks to the strength of the plot and the commitment from the actors to make it believable.


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I'm not aware of the original one but i hope the heroine's character is not silly and just wide eyed ( as i saw in one trailer on youtube) amongst all these pretty princes. I mean i want her to be a 21st century girl who does not simply accept life as it was in Goryeo


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"....who does not simply accept life as it was in Goryeo"...well, in the original once she gives up on going back to modern time, there really isn't any choice but to make the best of it.

The original was good for me because the pacing was excellent, when I expected a tropey story it went a different way, and I like that all the main characters were flawed. Neither 4th nor 8th prince is perfect as they are men of their time in a nasty political situation. That really worked for me.

Hope the writer can switch up the story a bit and keep the pacing as good as the original.


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Lol true. You don't get to be a 21st lady in Goryeo. You have no choice but to conform to the traditions and rules of that era or die.

They have the two strong actors playing the 4th and 8th prince which were portrayed very well by Nikki and Kevin. I can see oppa and Kang Haneul doing more with these two roles (Goryeo style). The rest can just stand in the corner and look pretty.


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even if she cant change everything..i definitely would want to see her to shake things up a little


She may know the history and the fate of all the princes but she can't manipulate or change anything.
Shaking things up a little? I can see that happening.


In the original she kept crossing boundaries of protocol and propriety, so they gave her the nickname: death seeking second sister. But the character was portrayed as being very smart, so she learned and adapted.


Yeah, rules and traditions were far harsher back then so it was a survival tactic to conform. It's what I love about the C-version actually, that it wasn't so unrealistic where the main girl just defies and defies. She simply used her knowledge to survive and as a female, that's practically all you can do in that time period.


So here's expecting second lead syndrome. And third lead syndrome. And fourth lead syndrome. And fifth lead syndrome...


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I can relate to this! And all the eyecandies to last me lifetime :)


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Lol! I know! So many to choose from... O_O


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Just how many ships will sail with this one?


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Get in line, girl :)


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@pogo! I'm always happy to see you in comments. Not too familiar with this story. Who is the OTP?

And yes, I am already in line. :D


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I think everyone could pick their favorite prince and ship themselves.. Hahaha


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Betting on IU and Nam Joo Hyuk ship beside Lee Junki-IU


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All. So. Pretty. *wipes drool*

and ya'll can fight over Lee Jun Ki.

I'll just have Kang Haneul all to myself muahahahaha *wipes drool again*

I'm sane. I am. Because if I weren't I wouldn't be complaining right now about what they did to Baekhyun's hair. poor puppy in the sea of pretty...


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hahahahahah...meant to be evil laughter. But you are not having Haneul all to yourself..oh man why do I see heartbreak written all over his pretty face. And omo,,the fifth prince is so pretty!


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I will all bloodied to fight for Lee Jun Ki. My dreamboat.

I got to see the photo of an almost kiss between him and IU taken on the filming site but was not official release therefore the photo has been deleted off.

Am jealous and ready to take off my gloves and wrestle with IU for the rights to Jun Ki.


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Dibs on Jisoo!


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I know, I have major second lead syndrome, and Haneul as that just made it worse now :(

I guess everyone has their bias, but which one's the 5th again? I swear i won't rmb who's who, i'm just gonna call them Wang 3rd, Wang 4th, Wang 10th etc..


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There's no 5th in the Imperial Prince lineup so I guess they mean the 5th actor - Hong Jong Hyun, who looks flawless


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After Our Oh Hae Young and the other Oh Hae Young, will we get our Wang Wook and Other Wang Wook? Pretty Wang Wook VS Hot Wang Wook? Hot Wang Wook VS Hotter Wang Wook? Princey Wang Wook VS imperial Wang Wook?
Anyway, the father king in this drama has obviously good genes and little imagination!
Looking forward to the very very pretty!


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Wang Wook 8 and Wang Wook 13? Hopefully the show will provide better nicknames than I can provide because my second option is just calling one of them Bit-na and being done with it XD.

And the posters are always gorgeous because the power of Lee Jun-ki compels us all to appreciate his beauty, including the graphic design department ?.


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Or we can always go with scholar Wang Wook and magnetic Wang Wook? Or the Wang Wook we'll ship with IU and the one who will have Ji Soo's heart?


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I would totally double ship a romance Wang Wook and a bromance Wang Wook! ?


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While both their names are Wook (it's different name though when you conver them to Chinese character, it's just pronounced the same way), Nam Joo Hyuk will be called Baek Ah in the drama.


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That makes sense thank you. Taejo would not intentionally give his sons the same name.


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What are the translations of the two Chinese characters?


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Conspiracies, love, betrayal....there may and may not be many things in this drama, but I can say one thing for sure: They're freakishly hot.


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Y'all are raving about the princes while I can't get over how pretty IU is...


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Everyone will be looking at all the good looking guys, she may get forgotten


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Oh, I hope not in the drama itself. I haven't seen the original but isn't the heroine the heart and soul of the show?! That's what it sounds like from the descriptions.


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Haha,same case here. I really love the way her eyes convey so much emotion as well.


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I SAW! She's so cute and also funny how out of place her attitude is in Goryeo. XD No wonder the Princes can't help but notice her. I only heard bits and pieces of the BBJX drama but I hope IU also gets female friends in this version. :')


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Her poster is actually my favorite after Lee Jun-ki's & Kang Ha-nuel's. She is gorgeous here &, so far, I think I'm going to really like her character.


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She looks mature and beautiful indeed. She fits well in classical setting.


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Same lol. After Kang Ha Neul's, IU's poster is my favorite. I love the simplicity and sadness she portrays through her eyes.


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Looks like IU will be perfect.

That was the beauty of Ruoxis character. She started out as hilariously modern and inappropriate in the royal court. But as she slowly adapted to its culture for the sake of the people she cared about, she became deep and melancholy. A lot of her 'story' was portrayed without words.


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That is what I LOVED about the C-version. That her character development was completely evident throughout the series. She had to adapt and she had to conform or else she would die. Death was something that came easily as a punishment back then and it was a struggling moment for her to finally decide that she had to get a grip.


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I can't get over it either - she has an incredible, expressive face and the poster did a great job of capturing it.


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I'm glad they cast Kang Han-Na as her older sister (my guess). She is playing Lady Hae, Kang Haneul's wife.
(They were both in the sageuk movie "Empire of Lust" that I've yet to watch.)
She is a great actress and I'm looking forward to her relationship with IU's character. I loved the two sister's relationship in the original.


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Lol I'm really confused here. Kang Han-na is opa's future queen.

Park Si-eun is playing IU's older sister. I'm not even familiar with her and I hope she is good. I want to see some genuine sisterly love.


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Kang Han Na is KHN's full sister and half sister to Lee Jun Ki, whom she gets married to.
IU is two KHN's cousin.


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I figured that she would be the future Queen Daemok and she wasn't married to Wang Wook but Wang So.
This is so 3 kingdom era-ish where inbreeding was more common.

I know there is family chart somewhere but I'm too lazy to look for it.


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Pretty sure they said somewhere in character description, that the girl they cast as 8th prince's wife in this adaptation, is not IU's older sister but cousin instead. Which is a pity, because the sisterhood in the C-drama was a beautiful thing to watch. It was so touching. I do hope they at least still have a good relationship here instead of a typical, 'my husband likes you so I will hate you' thing.


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I love IU's poster as well.

Despite the initial hate that she got, I'm glad that she still took this role.


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yassss I know right <3


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So pumped for kkaebsong! He said in a recent Sohu interview that Wang Eun is very similar to Baekhyun (which is true, they're both bouncing bunnies)
I'm not expecting acting histrionics from him, but he has done a musical before, so he's not completely nugu. He's seriously cute in the trailer, and I'm here to support him, as well as Ji Soo my other bouncing bunny. Go boys!


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You scared me. KKAEBSONG!! (From 0:26, but the whole thing is pretty kkaebsong)



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I am seriously missing his dark makeup from Monster.


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I also prefer dark brooding Baekhyun. He lives upto his name: EXO's eyeliner. But we'll see more that side of him in the July concerts not to worry (:

He has matured a lot over the years, so Wang Eun is like a step back into his early days when he was more free-spirited. Or as he says, always switched on. Now he is half switched on half off.


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I'm the only one who dislikes posters? Idol stills not suit for sageuk. Nam Joo Hyuk, Hong Jong-hyun, Ji Soo and final idol not suit for sageuk. Their face too "flowers".
Why Lee Jun Ki always choose dramas the terrible cast, to make he acting better them? Why he don't try other genres?


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I don't think the cast are terrible. Even the scholar drama, casts are the saving glory of it. All his previous dramas have a good cast line up. The writer is the terrible. Watch his drama first (it all have various genre) before you react.


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Yeah I agree, Lee Jun Ki and Kang Ha Neul are good actors. Ji Soo is a rookie to watch, Nam Joo Hyuk is improving (although his role is important here), Hong Jong Hyun only gets small part here so I think it should be no problem. IU is pretty good as a female lead as shown in Producers, the other supporting actresses are quite unknown but not without acting chops.
The only idols are Baekhyun and Seohyun and I can't judge anything since I haven't seen their acting.
I think having good casts are important, but if the writer is terrible, no matter how good your casts are it's gonna be hard to watch.


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IA. Plus Baekhyun and Seolady's roles aren't significant enough to ruin the drama, if their acting sucks.

Ji Soo was amazing in Glory Day, I watched it for someone else but walked away praising Ji Soo the most. He has potential, lets give him a chance. IU was very good in producers too.


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@pigsnout : IU scandal? because she is dating Jang Ki Ha ? hahaha
seriously though, dating is not a scandal. its what normal people do. public seems want IU to be lovely little sister IU forever. She is grown up woman. and she can do what he want to do.
and her acting is fine. not stellar but decent.


I'm talk about NJH, Beakhyun, Jong Hyun don't suit for sageuks, even stills don't talk about their acting.
Talk about acting, acting of IU is big problem, she will easiy ruin this drama. I don't care too much about the acting of idols and models. They're not really important in this drama, but they seems like not suit for sageuks.


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Why does everyone say that IU's a bad actress? I've only seen her recent projects (Producers specifically) and thought she did a more than decent job. I can totally see her character coming to life in the trailers for Moon Lovers, too.

Technically speaking, what separates idols and models from sole "actors," then? I've seen idols and models who did amazingly well in sageuks and good actors who honestly did not suit their sageuk projects.

If people like NJH and Ji Soo are too effeminately flower-boy-faced to be in sageuks, what about Song Joong-ki or Jang Geun-suk, if we're going by appearance? I have my own personal opinions on NJH's acting that I will reserve until I see how he does in the drama, but Ji Soo is a terrific actor with great versatility and I have no qualms with his performance as of yet. Judging based on appearance usually doesn't accurately evaluate a person's acting capabilities. From what I've seen, there aren't any cast members who are taking away from the drama with personal acting issues as of yet, so I would wait until the drama airs to decide on that. They might be awful, but they might also be surprisingly good.


IU's acting is quite good, both from her previous dramas and these trailers.

If this drama is going to be ruined, it's not from the leads acting. I see knets bitching about IU in this drama but I got no trust in the opinions of ppl who criticise this girl for her acting but let much worse idol actresses go with just comments on how they are 'pretty'.


@Lindy I think people are calling IU a bad actress because she was getting hate in Korea for her scandal so they had to say something.

But before that everyone (knets, ifans ) was praising IU's emotional acting in Producers. Just look at recap comments even here, we loved Cindy.


IU is actually quite good. She was praised in the end for her roles in Dream High, YTBLSS, and Producer.

Anyways, the success of this drama will depend mainly on the quality of the plot. I hope this scriptwriter can deliver.


Jong Hyun has been in fusion sageuk before, I don't think he's going to be a noticeable problem.


Honestly, at the start of Producers, I was skeptical about IU's acting. But in the end Cindy (played by IU) was the only reason why I stayed to finish the drama even though it got amazing line of casts. I think the writer sometimes plays a bigger role in making a drama successful or not.


You just sound completely biased towards Lee Jun-Ki. While I can't say much for the others but I believe the role of the 10th prince (played by Baekhyun) would be hard to mess up. He's just an immature, playful character. He was pretty one dimensional in the original so it's kinda safe for him as he's never acted before.

IU's fine as an actress and she seems to do okay from what we've seen in the teasers. She's able to convey emotions, cry with convincing sorrow and doesn't have wooden expressions.

I'm pretty worried about the actor for 13th prince to be honest, I hope he can pull off being the ultimate brother and friend to her rather than seeming like a friendzoned puppy.


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wait did I miss something about the 3rd prince?
I don't remember if he had an important role, I remember what he did but it only for like brief appearance, is him the crown prince in this story?
and where is the crown prince/the 2nd prince in this story?


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If I'm not mistaken Hong Jong Hyun is the crown prince. So he's the villain one I guess, along with Venomous 9th Prince.
Don't forget they don't follow the novel too closely since the novel is based on Qing Dynasty while Scarlet Heart Ryeo is based on Goryeo Dynasty they would make some adjustment so it fits with the history.


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This going to be a bit more confusing than the original because of the way the throne was passed on from one brother to the other instead of their first born son.
(The result of the power struggles between Taejo's sons.)
There is a few crown princes too so it's a bit confusing.

The first prince (Wang Mu) ruled for 2yrs before he died. He is going to be played by (Kim San Ho).

The 2nd prince (crown prince Wang Tae) probably died early or killed etc. I don't see his name on the character list. There is no mention of Wang Mu's son Crown Prince Wang Je either.

The 3rd prince (Wang Yo) became the 3rd king after conspiring with his full blooded brother the 4th prince (Wang So).

It's a 20eps drama with no chance of an extension so they don't have time to accommodate every characters from the novel.


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I guess they are changing the history and make Wang Mu the 2nd and crown prince played by Kim San Ho.

In the original, the 2nd prince (crown prince) never took the throne. Goryeo's Wang Mu succeeded King Taejo and rule only for 2yrs.


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It's not a remake of the c-version but an adaptation of the internet novel. So it's evident there would be changes. They are adding more female casts as well. The roles of the princes seem to not have been shifted around too much. It's probably just politics that have changed.


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So much pretty! Will this saeguk make me finish one in awhile, so please be good. How's it not airing yet?? I hope it's at least pre-produced.


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it's 100% pre produced they've just wrapped up filming


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Heee! I'm just drooling over all the eye candy.

Can we just call Lee Jun Ki, prince of saeguks pls? :P

Kanghanuel! I'm just drooling. :P

The visuals just look super pretty. Plus, from the trailer itself, I like what I see of IU's acting.

But Mirror of The Witch kinda set my expectations sky high so I expect it to be just as good. :)


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Didn't really care for this drama much but after watching the teaser, it looks really good. I'm not a fan of harem/reverse harem but I think I'll give this a try and hopefully finish it because I have a problem not finishing dramas and Kang Ha Neul + Ji Soo being in this is a plus as well.


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Must be my leftover feeling for 8th Prince from BBJX but the moment I saw the posters, I knew I'm gonna choose Kang Haneul. Idk, I think among the brothers he has regal aura the most and the prettiest one in my eyes.
No question about beauty here LOL. It feels like Goryeo Flower Garden.. Hahaha


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Kang Haneul is love


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I love 8th prince too... care to share dear friend? ^^

Can't believe that KHN owns such charm and gravitas, he pulls it so well in that poster as the 8th.


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Sharing is caring, friend :)

Kang Haneul has always been so good in all the roles I've seen so far. And it's about time he gets male lead role, not just 2nd lead!


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8th was such a devoted man. Which is why I love yet dislike him at the same time. It was just sad when RuoXi begged him to chose her over the throne, knowing his fate, but he refused and said that going for the throne was all he had.


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While I really appreciate this more active 4th prince (especially since wasting LJK's martial arts skills would be a travesty and I don't care about it deviating from source material), I do worry that they'll make him so bloodthirsty that we cannot empathize with the OTP and you have to for the story to work. You have to feel that love in spite of all that follows. Fingers crossed.


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Show, if you don't meet my high expectations, blame these awesome promo materials.


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Haha, I also just finally got around to searching out a teaser for this a few days ago because I felt like I hadn't heard much about it. Now I kind of wish I hadn't watched it. I officially can't wait for it to start now! Even with four actors I love leading the cast (Lee Jun-ki, Kang Ha-nuel, IU, Ji-soo), I never let my expectations get too high for this. But it really does look like it could be pretty fantastic.

I really really hope this drama is as great as my love for Lee Jun-ki. Surely that isn't too much to ask?


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I really really hope this drama is as great as my love for Lee Jun-ki. Surely that isn’t too much to ask?

You and me both, may the drama gods hear our prayers. My early misgivings re: the writer and the folly of adapting Chinese source material to Korea remain and won't be dispelled until the drama airs and proves otherwise, but if there's any deficiency, it's not coming from the leads' acting or the visual element so far.


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Came across the posters last night before I went to bed and I squealed!! Been counting down for a while, so I'm super excited!! Already saw the trailer a while back since there was a press con/teaser unveiling in China. Anyway, I hope they have a tight storyline. I expect great acting from most of the cast. I like Lee Joon Gi in this rough/cold exterior kind of persona and IU looks so pretty. Our resident puppy maknae Prince Jisoo looks awesome and I'm hoping for lots of bromance with Nam Joo Hyuk and other siblings. LOL


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If only i can see Lee Jun Ki in Bride of The Water God as Habaek also, i will appreciate that, because Lee Jun Ki always look good in Korean hanbok or traditional outfit....but i think it was a dream...lol
He look so pretty and i hope i can know why in this story he must use a half face mask??


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Omg! Would love that. Have they confirm on the male lead yet? Hopefully he has a good rest before taking this on. But....maybe he should take a modern drama next? But he's so gorgeous in sageuks. I'm torn.


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From what i know Bride of Water God will have modern plot not saeguk fusion like the original manhwa, so all main character would not wear gorgeous saeguk outfit.
Until now, there is no actor/actress whom receive the offer yet. So that's why....i hope the writer would give him an offer because Moon Lover already wrapped filming and Bride of Water God also in the works to find actor/actress to airs 2017.


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I actually dunno how that will work out. One of the reasons why the manhwa is spellbinding is the fantasy/mythical/fairytale setting. The pretty robes, the lotus flowers, old days setting, palace on the clouds, river of stars, fairies, dragons, riding birds, etc. But Habaek in suits, whom people worship? Havent we seen enough of them in modern era (kdramas) being translated as chaebols?


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Yeah it doesn't make sense...I mean they were gods and immortals and she was a sacrifice. The whole appeal was the fantasy behind it and the beauty of the world.


Oh yes, please drama God, pretty please..
Now how I wish Korea will be adapted Beautiful Bones as well. *dreaming*


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When he was young, his mother using him for bargaing tool with king and she accidentally cut his face.

After she hate him and his face(scar) so he hide it


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Bride of the Water God will be a modern drama, so no hanbok :(


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That's why i feel sad but expecting at the same time, because i already read the manhwa and i fall in love with the outfit...
So just hope, the writer not ruin the original concept when the crew wants to make 100% pre-produce Bride of the Water God drama


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That would be so amazing of Jun Ki could play Habaek in Bride of the Water God, but alas it is not fated to be...let's hope they do a decent job with the manwha modern day adaption though.


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it looks perfect!!! and Lee Jun Ki looks is perfectly AWESOME!!! I can't wait for the drama to start!!!! :D


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DAYUM! Lee Jun Ki is so hot like he just took my breath away akdjskkdne


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Whoaaaa.... Those pretty princes rendered me speechless. They bedazzled me with those eyes, and looks, and lips, and... *sigh*

With those handsome princes parade through each eps, I'll forgive the drama if the story is not as captivating as BBJX. Oh, LOL. I'm shallow indeed.. ^^


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I think I have to eat my words about my earlier post criticising the styling, hairstyles and costumes. Suddenly they all looked great. Or is it the Lee Jun Ki effect?? He's alluringly intense and sexy. Woah. I'm not too hot for IU but they could have gotten some idol in the lead so I should thank my lucky stars. Love all the princes except for baekhyun? Not sure if he can act. Anyhoo I'm excited. Hope Jun Ki hit the jackpot with this role cos his last 2 dramas were letdowns although he was fantastic. It's difficult to save the drama if it has crappy writing.


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I'm a bit doubtful too of Baekhyun since I've never seen him act. But the role of the 10th prince in the C-version was preeetty one dimensional. I mean, he was just the playful, foolish, friendly, puppylove type. So it should be pretty easy to portray as he isn't much of a deep layered character


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I have seen the long trailer for this drama and I was amazed by the astounding cinematography. I hope they can do justice for the original coz the Chinese Version was really good in the emotional department.


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I completely agree. Honestly I hope they do well. I watched the original version and is good. But I have to admit I like the prospect of political turmoil and actual battles/ fighting that this version seems to include. And of course... LJK as the Dark Knight 4th prince ?.


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Such heavy, heavy emotions that were so completely perfect. So moving and touching. It would be a challenge for them to live up to that. Hoping they manage to pull my heartstrings though.


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I wonder what the English title will be once Viki and Dramafever get their hands on it.


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Sometimes DramaFever chooses terrible titles in comparison to Viki. "Doctor Crush" just makes me cringe for some reason lol.

I predict for some reason that DF will go with "Moon Lovers" and Viki will go with "Scarlet Heart: Goryeo". None will go with the full title because having TWO colons in one title is so ugly, lol. I guess they could do "Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart-Goryeo" or something like that but that's still so messy.


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Is Ji Soo filming Doctors and this at the same time??? Or is he away filming this, that's why I hardly see him in Doctors? Boohoo.


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Ji Soo was only a cameo in Doctors. The filming for Scarlet Heart:Ryeo has just ended, the filming had been going on for a while.


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OMG has it really ended? I'm just going to look forward to more stills and teasers then. Do you know where to find them? I can only rely on dramabeans to post them lol


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Lee Jun Ki is soooo gorgeous! I can't stop staring. So excited for the drama.


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In BBJX I was as torn as the lead actress in picking her man, but here I think Lee Jun Ki wins hands down. I think Kang Haneul is amazing too, and I really hope that they capture the camaraderie between the princes and the lead actress as well as the original did.


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Don't hold your breathe April, once you start seeing all the eye candies appear on your screen your heart might start going in several directions haha


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I think that was the beauty of BBJX. The way they managed their emotions and portrayal was key to the whole 'who to ship' thing. It was PERFECT.

I have to say though, from the teasers and such, I find it hard to believe that I will be able to see a romantic relationship going on with IU and 14th prince. He seems more....immature here, closer to the 10th prince's character. He was great in BBJX


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I have a hard time with sageuks, but I'll definitely give this one a chance. If nothing else, it's going to be gorgeous to look at.


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IU looks fantastic :) I'm already shipping her with Kang Ha Neul.


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Everyone looks fantastic. Props to my baby Ji soo especially for being in Doctors and in this. He's snatching up roles and hearts at the same time.

I have no real expectations for this drama or its content. It all depends on the execution of everything at this point because even with all this eye candy I still need solid content.


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LJK is very handsome and at the same time in posession of ethereal beauty. He leaves me speechless whenever i see him. And he just becomes better with age without seeming to age at all. I am definitely looking forward ro this drama. ????


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Ooooook. I don't even care anymore the plot. Just for looking at them every episode will be enough for me.
And can we just stop to say how much Kang Haneul seems exactly like it is his era ? I just find him perfect with that look, better than modern ones.


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I think something about Kang Haneul's face/bone structure would make him fit in in any era. He's pretty without being too, well, pretty.

He has a "classic" face, if that makes any sense at all.


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i'm sure you guys can follow my train of though with this but what ever happened to that park seo joon drama I mean we got character shots for those, what? 9 years ago? And now with this I feel like there's too many pretty merry men but that one isn't even out yet? And neither is this one??? How is all this confusing already?


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Both these dramas are 100% pre-produced. Scarlet Heart: Goryeo just completed filming. The reason we're starting to see more from this drama is because it's airing at the end of August.

It could be awhile before we see more from Hwarang (w/Park Seo Joon) because that drama isn't airing until December.


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Yes, it feels like absolutely foreeeeever until Hwarang ? but are there ever too many pretty merry men?


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My main concern is that they have a younger actor playing an older Prince. Naturally, I assumed that Junki would be playing the oldest of the princes, not his younger counterpart Jonghyun. I wonder how they intend to explain that or have explained that casting decision. Also are we going to get to meet the other 9 princes? Or are they just going to be mentioned in name only? Or did they die as children/infants during birth? So. Many. Questions.


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There are a lot of princes and you get to meet them pretty quickly if it is like the C-Drama and then they hone in on specific relationships.

I really liked the C-drama but it was a bit brutal in the last episodes and I found the ending to be lackluster so I am actually hoping that the K-drama improves on that.

I will keep my expectations reasonable as I'm a little worried about the writer.


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I quite liked the tragic ending simply because it was tragic. Everything these days seem to end happily and gets wrapped up all nicely. The emotions....so perfect. It was such great acting. I too hope the writer manages something nice because otherwise, pretty people ain't saving the shitty script.


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So so handsome! Can't pich wich one is the most handsome! Looking forward to this show, and most of all seeingLee jun ki back in my screen *-* I hope the story will be good! Please drama, be good!


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(IU looks pretty amazing too and so does my puppy Ji-soo, hope the drama's good, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BE GOOD)


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Oh wow.. the trailer looks good, reminds me of those big budget chinese production like NIF, so much pretty.
I guess that's the good thing about fully pre-produced drama. Now I just hope that the writing will match the pretty.

Honestly I really don't mind if the story deviates a lot from the original BBJX. As nice as BBJX was, I'm not really keen on comparing the 2 shows, so it'll be nice to have something different altogether even though we have similar character layout. I'm just gonna watch this with an open mind (no comparison) and yes, definitely rooting for Lee Jun-ki.

Now I need to save that poster as my new wallpaper..


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Honestly I really don’t mind if the story deviates a lot from the original BBJX. As nice as BBJX was, I’m not really keen on comparing the 2 shows, so it’ll be nice to have something different altogether even though we have similar character layout. I’m just gonna watch this with an open mind (no comparison) and yes, definitely rooting for Lee Jun-ki."
Amen to that.


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I don't really need a remake. BBJX was so perfect in the way they all portrayed their emotions and relationships that it would hard for them to live up to it but I believe in them!!!

This is an adaption of the internet novel and not a remake of the C-version anyways so changes are bound to be made. I don't get why some people don't understand that and are getting mad at changes that are becoming evident. ADAPTION. It would be better if it was different; more interesting and engaging that way.


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Will this one also end in tragedy like the original

How many episodes is this


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This will be a 20 eps drama. The original had 35 eps so I'm kind of worried that this might be all visual and nothing more.


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The original was 35 eps, but they were 45 min for each ep, so it should work out around the same as 20 1 hr eps.


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6hrs more is still a lot. That's about 3 more weeks.


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what? where? who said non-superlative stuff about the glorious Teacher? where is that bastard? *bumblingly messing around with a weapon or something*...nope, that´s just a feather. anyway... to protect *gets stuck in the bushes* to protect Teachers´...*steps in manure* eww... to protect.... ummm... say... I will be right back. *mumbling*: I need to study more. Help, Teacher!


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Saw the character posters on the web last night and freaked out. Then I came to Dramabeans this afternoon and freaked out some more. Goodness, handsome men sure are handsome. The trailer looks great, too. I haven't watched any historical dramas yet (does Splash Splash Love count since it was only two episodes?), but this one (and Hwarang that will come late in the year) I will definitely be checking out. Mainly because of those gorgeous princes. Mainly because of that...


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Uhm... Doesn't it look like some photos for the posters has worse resolution than others? Probably because of some odd editing (or filter)? Look at Ji Soo's and then look at Kang Ha Neul's. While Ha Neul's looks clean and sharp with just a little bit of editing to make it look more "drawn", Ji Soo's is just very unsharp and "blobby". If it weren't for this, I would ADORE these posters.


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The posters are so beautiful....they should have named it IU and her HAREM...such a fitting name in theme with the story..also the highlight teaser looks good,i for one loved it


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Daaaaang, those are some pretty, pretty young men.


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Oh freaking mother of dragon .lee jun ki what a beautiful specimen oh a human being

I don't make any sense ..who cares ..just look at him..can't contain my excitement


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I've always thought Lee Jun-ki looked really pretty in sageuks with his hair down. For some reason he does nothing for me with shorter hair or with it up (like it was in Scholar) but when it's a complete Mane of Glory he looks so ethereally beautiful.

Excited for this, as pretty as everything looks so far I hope it's more than just eye candy.


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Here's a ver of the long trailer w/ English subs:

I'm trying to keep my expectations reasonable for this. I'm almost done watching the original Bu Bu Jing Xin, and I really, really like it. It's both a lot darker and a lot more thoughtful than I expected, and I really hope this version keeps the thoughtfulness and the gorgeous melancholic tone. So far the cast looks fine and the cinematography looks great; what will make it or break it is the writing.


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The video got taken down... :(

I can't find English subbed versions ANYWHERE. Can anyone write a translated script? I can just time myself to read and watch at the same time lol


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