Oh Hae-young Again: Episode 12

Everything gets turned on its head in this episode — what we thought we knew has unexpected layers, and both friends and enemies aren’t always what they seem to be. It just goes to show, the truth is determined by the person telling the story, and even those who think they know everything can be woefully out of the loop. The true danger could very well be coming from an unexpected direction.


EPISODE 12: “Wish you misery once you leave me”

Hae-young’s mother is worried about her daughter, who just lies in bed, unresponsive. When Hae-young eventually gets up to take an entire jug of homemade wine to her room (with a ladle, ha), Mom tells Dad that she has no idea what’s going on this time.

Do-kyung and his team take come recordings of screeching car tires, which actually looks like big fun. Hoon instructs the funny coworker (whose name we finally learn is Ki-tae, ha) to tell Do-kyung some jokes to try to snap him out of his mood, but Do-kyung doesn’t even crack a smile.

Hae-young kills two-thirds of the jug of wine before finally passing out, and when she wakes she tries some dance therapy (hee, that song sounds familiar). But this time it’s not working, so she flips through the radio channels listlessly until she comes across a radio show. A “wise sage” is on the show, giving advice.

Hae-young calls in, and tells the host how she was always compared unfavorably to a girl she shared a name with in high school. Her voice starts to shake when she gets to the part about Do-kyung, and how he accidentally ruined her life because he thought she was the other Hae-young.

Jin-sang just happens to be listening in his car, and he immediately recognizes Hae-young’s story. She cries to the sage that she doesn’t know whether to kill Do-kyung, or… The sage tells her to go to sleep, then when she wakes, to eat, and to keep doing that until she’s able to move on. Well, that’s not even remotely helpful.

Hae-young argues that it’s not so easy to just forget everything that’s happened, and even the show host looks embarrassed. Hae-young is so angry she forgets herself, and screams that she wants to kill “that man and Oh Hae-young!” Whoops. And oh noooo, Hae-young’s mother also overhears the radio show and recognizes her daughter’s voice.

The hosts hilariously keep repeating her name (to remind each other not to say it again), and soon the whole city has heard her story. Hee-ran warns Hae-young that their entire high school chat room is talking about it, and tells her to turn off her phone.

Even Mom starts getting nosy phone calls from Aunt wanting to know if this is the real reason Hae-young’s wedding was canceled. Mom just hangs up on her, and slams the door in her face when Aunt shows up at the house looking way too pleased about Hae-young’s heartbreak.

Things are just as bad at work, with everyone who knows both Hae-youngs gossiping and taking the other Hae-young’s side. Finally Sung-jin bellows at everyone to stop, and asks how they would feel if it were their little sister going through such embarrassment. Okay, he’s my hero.

Even the other Hae-young looks miserable as she tries to ignore all the tittering from her coworkers, and she refuses to answer any of their questions. Soo-kyung shows up to confront her, saying that all of this happened because she disappeared on her wedding day. She tells Hae-young, “Have some remorse,” and sails back out again. Soo-kyung is my hero, too.

A small crowd of neighborhood ajummas gather outside Hae-young’s parents’ house, and Mom goes out to angrily defend her daughter. She says that Hae-young may be crazy, but she would never hurt another person, no matter what she said on the radio in her upset state.

Mom goes back inside and screams at whoever Dad was talking to on the phone about this whole mess, while Dad’s eyes grow big and round. Oops, that was his mother. Hae-young pretty much hides in the bathroom, shaking with humiliation, and Dad actually recoils when he sees how terrible she looks.

Meanwhile Jin-sang updates Do-kyung on the whole nasty business. Hoon and the rest of the guys laugh over the recording of the radio show, until they realize who it was talking, and they rush to delete it from their group chat room before Do-kyung hears it. Ki-tae tries to get into Do-kyung’s phone but it’s locked, and Do-kyung is all I’ll delete it. Pfft.

Mom brings Hae-young something to eat and reassures her that everything will be fine, though she asks why Hae-young didn’t tell her the truth sooner so she could do something. Woman of action, is our Mom. With difficulty, Hae-young makes herself eat, for Mom’s sake.

When Mom goes back out to the living room to cry, Hae-young follows her and gives her a sweet backhug. “Mom, I’m sorry.” Mom cries that they shouldn’t have given her such a common name, and yells at Dad for not letting her use one of the fancier names she liked. Aww, poor Dad.

She urges Hae-young to give up on Do-kyung, worried that Hae-young could get hurt even more if she doesn’t. Hae-young’s respectful silence tells her that that isn’t going to happen, and Mom whaps Hae-young upside the head and yells that she should want to rip Do-kyung to pieces. “If you still like him after this, you’re the biggest idiot in the entire world!”

Hae-young just says in a tiny voice, “I know.” But she can’t help how she feels.

Jin-sang and Do-kyung are outside talking when Soo-kyung stumbles home drunk and French again, and she stops to say that for the first time, she’s disappointed in Do-kyung. Then she gives him a big hug, and tells him to cheer up. Awww.

Jin-sang asks why she’s not beating the crap out of him like she normally would, seeing almost jealous over how nice she’s being to her brother. Soo-kyung just says you shouldn’t yell at someone who’s truly done something wrong, because he’s already in enough pain.

Jin-sang sighs when Do-kyung says he hasn’t called or spoken to Hae-young, asking again if he really likes her or not. But Do-kyung admits that he wouldn’t know what to say, and Jin-sang makes a brilliant suggestion: “’I love you.’ Wouldn’t that be enough?”

Do-kyung says that he would only be saying it to calm her down, but Jin-sang wisely counters that saying “I love you” is always the right thing to say.

When Hae-young finally turn her phone back on, she has many missed calls, but none from Do-kyung. She doesn’t know that he’s standing outside her house, and he finally calls her just as she turns her phone back off.

Do-kyung’s mother shows up at the house and has the nerve to accuse Hoon of freeloading. She complains that he’s not even related to Do-kyung and Soo-kyung, but Soo-kyung says she’s closer to him than her own family. Mom’s here to announce that she’s getting married tomorrow, but she only wants Do-kyung to come to the wedding.

Hoon tries to stay vague when Mom asks why Do-kyung isn’t answering his phone, but really all she wants is for him to reimburse her for the gift she bought Chairman Jang. She promises that once she’s married, she’ll have tons of money and they can all live in the lap of luxury, but Soo-kyung says they don’t need her help and yells at her to take care of her own life.

Mom just grabs Soo-kyung’s face and whines that she’s looking older than her mother these days, and tells her to get married before it’s too late. She delivers the harsh words like a concerned mother, but it’s clear she’s intending deep insult.

Jin-sang follows Soo-kyung to the bus stop and tries to cheer her up by saying that her mother just says things without thinking. He says that she and Do-kyung are nothing like her, both taking after their father, honest and sincere. He rides the bus with her (he lost his car while drinking again), and gets a bit jealous when she falls asleep on a random passenger’s shoulder.

Jin-sang tries to pretend he doesn’t know her, but the bus driver brakes hard and Soo-kyung barrel-rolls all the way down the bus aisle. He’s impressed when she shoots a leg out and catches herself on a pole by her high heel, and he shields her face and hustles her off the bus before she can be any more embarrassed.

She doesn’t appreciate his help though, and snaps at him, saying that she saw him staring at her just like everyone else as she was rolling down the aisle. She passes out on the sidewalk, and Jin-sang thinks she’s faking it for a minute before realizing that she’s really out.

He takes her to the hospital, hovering like a mother hen, but the doctor says that it’s not her frequent drinking that’s causing her to feel terrible… she’s pregnant. Jin-sang lets out a nervous laugh before he sees Soo-kyung’s shocked face and settles down, unsure whether he should congratulate her or not.

He assumes it happened when she saw her old love one last time, and fusses at her for being careless. He says that he’s always careful so that he doesn’t get himself in these kinds of situations, and loyally tells Soo-kyung that it’s the guy’s fault for not being prepared (showing her his pockets and socks full of “just in case” condoms, which is ironic since Soo-yung knows he’s the father).

Soo-kyung doesn’t say a word, and shoves Jin-sang away when he tries to console her. He runs off to get the doctor, and she sits there whining that she can’t even remember it happening.

Tae-jin has also heard the radio show with Hae-young telling their whole sordid story, replaying her admission that she fell in love with Do-kyung. He has dinner with his business partner and tells him all about it, still assuming that Do-kyung somehow arranged everything to trick Hae-young into falling for him. He tries to call Hae-young but her phone is still off, and something about his expression (and his business partner’s, for that matter) makes me very nervous.

Hae-young moves into the anger phase of grief, and bursts out of the house with Mom yelling after her, “Bite his butt off!” She heads to Do-kyung’s house, where he’s sitting in her area of the apartment, listening to the little music box he gave to her.

She’s surprised to see him there, but he just says he came over because someone knocked on her door to deliver something, and starts to head to his place. Hae-young asks if he’s not even going to ask if she’s okay, but Do-kyung already knows that she isn’t. She agrees that she’s a wreck, and that she can’t sleep because she’s so angry, but also because she misses him.

Do-kyung slowly turns, and hesitantly approaches her to hug her. Hae-young accepts it and hugs him back, but it’s not a reunion. Do-kyung tells her to curse him now, then move on with her life. If she wants to call him later to curse at him more, he’ll pick up her calls every time. “You can torture me. Do whatever you want.”

In answer, Hae-young asks if instead, he can see her until things get easier for her. She agrees that they should end it now, but she can’t do it — if she breaks up with him out of anger, she’ll regret it forever. So can’t they date secretly for a while and then break up?

But Do-kyung says he’s sorry, but that it’s only right to end this now while he’s the only bad guy. He offers to drive her home when she’s ready, and goes back through the door to his place. He looks back to see Hae-young crying. She angrily storms out soon after and refuses his ride home, and takes the bus alone. The next day, Hae-young moves out and back to her parents’ house.

Do-kyung puts in an appearance at his mother’s and Chairman Jang’s wedding as requested, where the chairman’s daughter Young-joo sees him. She goes to talk to him, noting that her father’s fifth wife is the worst of all of them. The chairman sees the two of them looking unhappy, and reminds Young-joo that no matter how many wives he has, she’ll always be his true master.

Young-joo goes to Do-kyung’s mother and comments nastily that her father gets bored easily, and when he does, it’s her job to give the most recent wife a hard time. She picks a fight, and the new wife gets kicked out. She’s just letting Do-kyung’s mom know, so she won’t be surprised when it happens to her.

Mom admits that she spent all her previous husbands’ money, implying that she plans to do the same to Chairman Jang. Young-joo wonders at the sudden deaths of both of her previous husbands, which finally seems to get under Mom’s skin. She reminds Mom that she’s a doctor, and if her father dies she’ll make sure to discover if any foul play was involved. Mom pastes on a cheerful smile, but she leans in close to whisper malevolently, “I’ll kill you first.”

Do-kyung watches their interaction closely, pounding down glasses of wine like water. Once his mother leaves he approaches Young-joo and orders her to go apologize, dragging her by the wrist to his mother and yelling, “Apologize now!” He’s gone too far, and in the scuffle Young-joo and his mother end up in a physical grapple.

Once things die down, Do-kyung’s mom takes him aside, angry at his behavior. Do-kyung is exhausted and begs her not to live like this anymore, and she misunderstands that he’s still angry that she spent all of his late father’s money. She screams that this marriage is the only way she knows how to get that fortune back.

Do-kyung scoffs, saying that it’s okay not to have the money — he hates the mother who only wants money. He screams back that he didn’t hate the mother who didn’t have money, and leaves his mother crying.

Young-joo demands that her father do something about Do-kyung, and he has an idea. He calls in Tae-jin and his business partner, who bow to the floor in front of him, and Tae-jin promises to do his best at whatever has been asked of him while looking like the cat that got the cream.

We finally learn what it was that caused Tae-jin to go to jail — back when he was out of the country for business, his partner was illegally boosting sales by taking out secret loans and buying their own product online. It was this knowledge that caused Chairman Jang to pull his investments, and the night he met with Tae-jin to tell him, was the same night Jin-sang and Do-kyung saw them at that bar.

By the time Do-kyung made that bet with himself and asked the chairman to revoke his investment in Tae-jin’s business, it had already been done. Everything would have happened exactly as it did, even if Do-kyung had never said a word. Interestingly, Chairman Jang had agreed to do Do-kyung the favor, not telling him that he’d already decided.

Now he tells his daughter that he would never have withdrawn millions in investments just on Do-kyung’s request, and sends his minions to see what Tae-jin is up to. He must be eager to get revenge on the man he thinks ruined his life, and Chairman Jang intends to let him get it.

That night, Do-kyung sits in Hae-young’s empty apartment, dying to call her but too scared to do it. He finally texts her, but only to ask for her bank information so he can send her the security deposit he promised when she first moved in. She calls him, and asks in the saddest voice how he can so easily break up with her, when she would have done anything for him.

All Do-kyung can say is that he’s sorry, and Hae-young cries as she wishes him unhappiness. “I hope you cry every night. Every time you think of me, I hope you break down. I hope I die of depression thinking about you, and I hope you feel guilty for the rest of your life.” From the way Do-kyung is sobbing by the time she hangs up, I’d say Hae-young will get her wish.

The following day, Do-kyung goes to a field to record some sound alone. He lies in the grass listening to the wind and the swaying wheat, and everything slows as he has a new vision. This one is different — it’s his mother, crying and pleading with him to beg Chairman Jang’s forgiveness.

He sees Tae-jin, smiling and friendly, saying that somehow they ended up with the right people. Then a man who says that his father owned the house he wants to buy. Jin-sang in Hae-young’s apartment, which is done up like a studio as Do-kyung’s father used to keep it, who asks if he’s heard from the woman who used to live here. Do-kyung hears his own voice saying, “Why would she call me?”

Then Hoon asks about Do-kyung’s recent blind date, then Soo-kyung mentions that one of the Oh Hae-youngs left her company, and asks which one he thinks still works there. Again Do-kyung hears his voice, saying that he doesn’t want to know.

And finally he sees Hae-young, walking toward him with a stony look in her eyes. She passes by without a word, and Do-kyung finds himself standing in the street, uncaring and unmoving when a car strikes him down.

His visions and real life all blend together into a memory of one thing: Hae-young. As Do-kyung lies dying in the street, he says over and over that he’s sorry. His eyes close for the last time, and he finally says the words: “I love you.”

Back in the present, Do-kyung realizes what his visions have been trying to tell him all along, that losing Hae-young is the thing that will send him towards death. He sits in his car and sobs, then he makes a decision, and drives like a bat out of hell back to the city.

He calls Dr. Park and says that he doesn’t care if he dies, but he refuses to die with regrets. “I will go all the way to where my heart takes me.” Dr. Park cheers him on, and Do-kyung hits the gas, not caring about anything but getting to Hae-young.


Oh no. That last vision seems to explain it all, and it’s every bit as horrible as I feared. The way I interpret it, the vision is telling Do-kyung that he and Hae-young will break up for good, that he’ll be alone for a while, and that eventually he’ll run into Hae-young again. She’ll ignore him, and the pain of that rejection will cause him to either walk into the path of a car on purpose, or at least see it coming and not care. I had assumed that Do-kyung’s death would be a pure accident, but this final vision appears to be warning him that his death will be voluntary — he’ll be so heartbroken over losing Hae-young that he won’t want to live anymore. It’s not that dying will tear them apart, but the fact that they’re torn apart that causes his death.

It makes sense then, if we’re still working within Dr. Park’s theory, why Do-kyung is seeing visions of Hae-young as he lies dying… because losing her is the reason he wants to die. It’s so much worse than I imagined, but it also gives me hope, because if losing Hae-young is what aims Do-kyung towards his death, then it stands to reason that making things right with her could save his life. It’s not too late, he still has time, if the cherry blossoms are a hint that he has nearly a year before the accident.

I’m glad to see Do-kyung finally decide to take action, because while I like his character quite a lot, he has a tendency to be infuriatingly passive. He just lets things happen and does little to try to effect or change them. Even when he saw the vision telling him that he was going to kiss Hae-young, he just waited until he saw her cut lip before he actually did it despite having plenty of opportunities. It’s time he stopped letting his visions send him into a spiral of inertia, assuming that they’re going to happen and just accepting it, and actually did something to try to change them. I like that he’s finally decided that, even if he can’t change what’s going to happen, at least her refuses to die without telling Hae-young how he feels. I’ll be right there with Dr. Park, cheering him on.

Urgh, this has been a difficult couple of episodes to watch. So much pain and heartbreak, and though we knew it was coming, I didn’t expect it to hurt me so much. You know all the parts of a drama have come together perfectly — writing, directing, story and actors — when you feel nearly as invested in their pain as if it were happening to someone you know in real life, which is exactly how I feel about Do-kyung and Hae-young. Their heartache is so real and raw, and it’s just plain painful to watch. This show often makes me feel like I’m peeking in on a couple’s real romance, almost like I’m not meant to see it because it’s so personal and private, but I care about these characters so much and want to see them happy. I know this phase is important, because both Do-kyung and Hae-young still have a long ways to go before they’re ready for a relationship (both individually and as a couple), but it’s just so, so hard to watch.

It was a relief to learn that Do-kyung’s request to Chairman Jang made no difference in all of the events that harmed Hae-young — if he’d never done anything, all of this still would have happened. Tae-jin still would have gone to jail, he still would have cancelled their wedding, and Hae-young still would have met and fallen for Do-kyung. It doesn’t take away the fact that Do-kyung did wrong by asking Chairman Jang to withdraw his funding, but it does remove some of the guilt of what he did, to know that it would have all happened without his interference. But now I’m eager for Do-kyung to know it, because Chairman Jang seems to have an agenda. He had a weird look on his face when he allowed Do-kyung to believe he was working on his request to pull his funding, and now he seems to be setting up Do-kyung and Tae-jin for some reason. Whatever it is, I’d love to see Tae-jin and Do-kyung team up to bring him down.


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Thanks for the recap Lollypip.


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And thank you Lollypip for noting that Soo Kyung is the absolute best, because damn, she is. And the actress playing her is knocking it out of the park, from bizarro to vulnerable. She's arresting.


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I'm way more impressed by the actress then the character. I hope she get's more roles especially in films. The stuff from BTS and her work on screen make her seem like a consummate professional.


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She's making something of the character that I don't think is on the page. That scene with her mother? A dry read of that likely comes off as a mean mother-daughter chat, but she made it something that contained real anguish, like she's been so disappointed by her mother for her entire life that it's just a permanent bone-deep ache at this point.

As acted, SK seems like she has no expectation that her mother will ever change, and that the extinguished hope is incredibly painful and carried around with her all the time. As the oldest child in the family Soo Kyung would've shouldered that burden and set a lot of the patterns for her siblings - it's likely Do Kyung is partially following her lead with Hoon too, keeping him in the family and defending him.


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Absolutely. The actors interpretations of Noona have been miles above what is written. In the hands of someone with less skill the depth of character would never be shown. Wat I wonder is how much of it is the writer/director and how much the actor?


Her defending of Hoon was touching.. If I followed correctly Hoon's Dad is also dead (that explains why DK is so protective of him).
I love this show where it has Oh hae young family is filled with parental love.. Do-kyung has awesome siblings backing him up..


That's very impressive. I'd earlier thought SK is somewhat messed up, but ultimately, she's only very sensitive and connected to her emotions. I love the look she gave to the mother, the long standing disappointment is on point.


Yeh Ji-won has worked with the writer before, I believe. I do think some of it is written/directed, but that she's the kind of actress that only has to be told once what her character is about to nail her scenes with no help necessary. Honestly, after watching Mixed Up Investigative Agency, I'm not surprised they have her to add depth to this role that could easily come off as comedic relief.


She's amazing in the BTS, I was so suprised by how accurate she did the mini stunts and movements. Like when she kicked the bottle out of OHY's hand in one go. Apparently she used to be a black belt I think she revealed in one of the BTS.

I'm so glad she's a grounding rock for her family. The bond they share is so strong regardless of wehther they are fully related or not.


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And the best thing is that she ad-libbed almost all of her awesome parts. If this role was played by someone else she'd be just a forgettable side character.


I've been saying since the beginning how impressed I was with the cast they got. YJW was the major reason.


I knew some fishy about how easy CEO Jang take out his investment. And it was so irrational just because of Do Kyung take his money out then Tae Jin went to jail? HA. I'm 100% sure Han Tae Jin isn't clean. The way he kneel to CEO Jang seems suspicious. Perhaps, CEO Jang will use him to destroy Do Kyung. BUt who cares, everything is clear now. So I can happily rooting my OTP.


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That old man is terrific. I'm about to feel bad because he is going to marry that selfish mom, but it turns out they deserve each other. He use dokyung as scapegoat, making dokyung feel bad for things he didn't do, and let that misunderstanding happen. I wonder what could be a good payback to him. Slipping from the stairs? Slipping in near pool and no one happened not be around? I suddenly want to see him in hospital.


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Jin Sang already told that Tae Jin's business is shady before. I think same as CEO Jang as well. But I'm sure Tae Jin really love Hye Young though. Now, I'm happy Hae Young didn't marry Tae Jin.


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Just want to add, even his mom didn't know he went to prison. This guy is really something. I hope when Do Kyung knows the truth, it's his time to punch Tae Jin's face.


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To be fair. Dk already punch TJ in the face. Without reason and he did it 1st.


I was thinking maybe Chairman Jang thinks that Do Kyung is similar to his mom that only wants his money. I thought he likes him as his future son though but as I see it. He doesn't fully trust him.

I just hope that Do Kyung will learn the truth about Chairman Jang's motives and well let karma ruined him.


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I don't think Chairman Jang likes ANYBODY. He brought Tae Jin to the bar to stick him with the bill for an expensive bottle of liquor, having already pulled his investment. He cut Pretty Hae Young off kind of coldly. He doesn't much care about how his daughter views his parade of wives, but constantly gets her into hair-yanking throwdowns with them like it's a sport. And I think he's been playing Do Kyung's mom from the start (not that I was bothered by that, since she was clearly trying to play him).

My impression is that Chairman Jang likes money, and likes controlling people with money. And that's pretty much it.


I think Chairman Jang will withdraw all his investments in Do Kyung's company, beacause he hurt his daughter who posses the same character as her dad.

I found interesting that mum finally broke down and is kind of blaming herself for her first husband death and Soo Kyung was so brave to tell her that they don't need a rich parent, because they're doing fine on their own.

Evil Chairman Jang will swap the cards of our characters and will stay untouchable spoiled child playing the greek gods games. Somehow I wish mum would poison them both - the daughter and the dad. I'm getting evil as well :-(


My thoughts exactly, they both deserve eachother in the end. It's such a smart twist to have the real cause for all this is because of someone else's greed. However if there wasn't the initial spark, as you guys have mentioned Tae Jin doing shady business in the beginnning then maybe none of this would've occured.

Dk is still guilty, but not as guilty. I'd like to believe that this experience as shown in the end of the episode makes DK more stronger in his resolve to love. You only live once as he says.


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The real culprit is han tae Jin's partner. He is the cause of hantaejin's downfall. Poor han taejin he even doesn't know how to pick a decent person tobe trusted to begin with. On the other hand, I hate han taejin for the way he treated her own mother. His kind mother want to propose ohy for him by meeting ohys mother, only to get shout by him. That poor mother said to ohys mother that han taejin is traveling after the breakup.but in the reality han taejin is in prison. Didn't his mother know about it or hantaejin was lying to her mother this whole time? I'm so glad that ohy didn't get married to him.


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True, that's what I understand from the drama, so the reaction from other viewers make me confused. Tae Jin is innocent. The business is shady because of how it was ran by his despicable partner. Not him.

As for his treatment towards his mother. I think it was because he was frustrated with his situation, it was heat of the moment thing. Tae Jin's mother doesn't know the real situation. There is a scene about Tae Jin don't want is mother know about what happened. I don't think other people know about it.

The story makes me think a lot about life. The wretched partner's action affected so many lives, same goes to Do Kyung's mother meddling. They hurt many people because of their greed. It also makes me wonder if there is any of my choices that has affected people negatively. I hope we all can live unselfishly.


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TJ's partner is the main cause, but I do wonder if TJ himself did anything shady? If it's as black and white as gyugu presumes then I've read the situation wrong. That was my initial thought too, but a part of me can't help but think he might've stepped into that area a little too for his business...


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yep. Han Tae Jin lied to his own mother saying he was "abroad" when he was really in jail.
& he yelled at his own mom because he didn't want her butting into his relationship with OHY. i think he wanted to be the one to settle things with Hae Young and her parents so he could come clean about why he broke up with her.
i would be frustrated too if my mom did that. LOL


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Fast forward to lovely-dovey happy scenes please? It's only 2 episodes of sorrow and misery, but my heart breaks so much seeing both Do Kyung and our Hae Young surround themselves with guilt and sadness. I just want to see them happy again.


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Most dramas would likely fill the following episode with angst but ends it with cute and fills the next one with...RAWR? But with OHYA, almost all of my guesses and predictions were off.


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According to the article people have been passing around next week is a much happier set of episodes. However I'm 100 percent sure I'm going to dislike whatever Jang and TJ do...especially from a narrative perspective. I appreciated the character driven story. I really hope they don't do something dumb to pull away form that.


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I'm concerned for the direction of the TJ, Jang plotline too. I just hope it doesn't take away from the show's charm.


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But it's spookily accurate sadness. Getting into the shower with all of your clothes on because you are just DONE WITH IT ALL? Oh man, I have done that.

In fact, with the risk of outing myself as a lunatic, I identify very strongly with OHY. The dressing ridiculously when your emotional turmoil is too much to contain? Check. Sleeping all day? Absolutely. Showering and then just sitting there soaked? Yep. Calling your ex and calmly stating how horrible you hope he feels? Uh, definitely.

If this were your typical makjang I'd be disconnected and probably bored, but instead I'm laughing with spooky recognition at the same time as feeling so horribly sad for everyone.


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Really like ur comment. Exactly like how i feel. The way she acts, i ve done that all. I m watching this with pain. Her pain that i can relate. Thats why we re so tangle up with this drama!


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Most of the behavior (the non violent stuff Our Hae Young does) is not out of the realm of possibility for someone suffering from a breakup/depression/emotional shock.

I love that they portray it without any flourishes. It's stark and real.


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I know, some people criticize the outlandishness or selfishness/pettiness of the characters' thoughts and actions, but for a lot of them I just like "Nah man, same."

Maybe we're lunatics or maybe we're just more honest with ourselves?


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I haven't called any radio shows while drunk on home brew, so at least there's that. I have however DEFINITELY called my poor sister, who tried to give perfectly good advice and got yelled at for her trouble because honestly I was just looking for someone to commiserate about the unforgivable behavior of my vile ex (at least, that was the mindset at the time).

Luckily my sister is not a radio host, or I'd be in trouble.

I think we're just the opposite of someone like Do Kyung, who bottles it all up and deals with it internally. If we kept it inside, we'd explode and possibly level the immediate vicinity. Letting it out in bursts of nuttiness is far healthier (meanwhile, the Do Kyung internal types tend to look just fine right up until they experience a total meltdown that seems to come out of nowhere, or which literally takes them out of commission for a while).


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Really? I thought Do Kyung's type is a typical one, because I was a lot like him! I tend to close my heart, and honestly I don't even know how to let go of myself. Because of my inability to trust other people and let myself loose, I did big mistake 5 years ago, lost someone precious to me and regretted until now. You could say, words like "I miss you" and "I love you" is really hard for people like me to say.

So seeing our Hae Young so free and expressive feels alien to me. I guess, that's the part I envious of her, because she could say something she truly feels, with no holding back! She tries her best, and whatever happens she could move on with no regret.


@doubt_no_more : me too... I'm more Do Kyung type than Hae Young... Several people is just hard to honest >it's just not that easy


I'm also the one to bottle up and cry alone... I closed off so much that only my mother can tell if somethings wrong.. Other than that I'll pretend to be normal and divert my attention to work/dramas....

Only once I cried at corner outside my home in rain..and yelled my heart out at a concert... That's the most OHY part in me...


@doubt_no_more my thought is exactly like you

I felt more relate to Do Kyung
I am an introvert who tends to be a listener rather than a talker. I Iet out most of my feelings (happiness, anger, disappoinment, everything) in the form of writing. So I understand Do Kyung's preference to be quiet and holding in his feelings and his thought all by himself

Sometimes I wanted to be able to express my feelings just like Our Hae Young did. But people might think I am a crazy person if I act like Hae Young in real life.

That's why I love to watch dramas. It's like an alternate way to make my wish/imagination comes true.


Because we are women. Ladies usually act like OHY the first week (month?) after break up. But men often suffer quietly and deny their sadness for a while after break up. Their breaking point usually happens 2-week ( 1-month) after break up specially when they feel their exes have move on.


@agree and @keiru

exactly me... Even when I watch drama, when I feel sad I just can't cry in front of the presence of others. But when I watch alone, I just cry to death. I am so Do Kyung, can't say too cheesy words like I'll miss you even to my BFF. I just kinda feel so weird and forever sad internally and alone, will never tell anyone ever the fact that I'm sad or depressed. Just ugh. so relatable to Do Kyung, tho I'm a woman :< I hope you find the courage to be happy DK.


HAHA! Thank god, you guys. I wrote a comment last episode about how I identify with BOTH are lead characters and since both of them are crazy in everyone's eyes, I wonder what that makes me, lol...


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our* (i should probably be sleeping right now)


I've always thought it was how realistic they seem that was part of the dramas charm. Everyone sees bits of themselves somewhere in this drama. While most females would at lesat identify themselsve a little with OHY. I know I'd personally like to act like OHY in how open she can be, but in reality I'm more like DK who holds everything in.


I'm very similar. Oh Hae Young reminds me a bit of the self I wish I could let out more, while the many aspects of me that are like Park Do Kyung continuously hold me back (sometimes in good ways, sometimes in bad ones).

It's weird, but I think, by taking these characters to extremes, they make me feel a little more comfortable with myself and my ability to bounce back from things. If a character as emotionally stunted as PDK can take control of his life and happiness by changing his perspective than it will really mean something to me. Just as someone like Oh Hae Young really learning to love herself in the way she needs to to continue to 'live out loud' without 'acting out' will really mean something to me. I really think the drama is trying to pull this off and, if so, I'm very very happy.


yeah i relate to both. in diff ways for diff reasons. but there is a strong feeling of empathy for each of them, and sometimes even other OHY. i feel bad for other characters and can care about them without necessaringly empathizing to such a level but with our main couple i really do! even tho i wouldnt do half the things either of them have done cause im too self conscious to show so much of my "weaknesses" so to speak. i dont like looking like a loony lol but thats why i admire our OHY so much! and lbr i think thats what DK likes about her too. he practically said as much.
i cant be as relentlessly pleasant as other OHY tho. cuz my temper is atomic and i'd have ripped DK's mom's wig off if she tried to come at me the way she did OHY. like i prefer to look/stay cool but im the type when i DO let go...hoo boy.
so yeah i feel a bit with everyone's pain/struggles even if alot or most of it isnt something i have done or would do/act on.


Feel you there, girl!


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Interesting. I thought people will resonate more with DK, because I do. I guess people cope with their pains differently, and no one's better than the other


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I completely agree. A lot of skeptics out there but for those who have been through tough breakups and heartbreaks - you know this is real.


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Yes the pain is so so real for those who've experienced it at least once. I found myself aching along with OHY and DK in so many scenes.


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Am I the only one that do enjoy the show as I did in the beginning?


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AUGHHHH!!! He said it. He finally said it. Now he just has to say it to HER. Please let nothing happen until he gets to her!!!

I felt so emotionally drained after watching this episode, I had to go and listen to some happy music to pull me out of the funk I was in. But honestly, I can't get over how GREAT this show is.

OHY1's family continues to be the BEST parents ever in the world. How cute was the dad when he was holding the doll, and how heartbreaking was the moment the mom was asking for her daughter to trust her to share her troubles with her.

PDK's family dynamics got to me too. When Isadora gave her brother a hug... That moment was so sweet. I'm glad that they gave us a reason to hate PDK's mom a little less... That she feels guilty for losing her first husbands fortune. That obviously does not negate ANYTHING that she's done, but it shows just how much of a tragic lifestyle she's chosen to live.

And PDK and OHY1's interactions continue to be the best part of the show. Even though they didn't have many scenes together, the ones they did have together were electric. They have to end up together!! Have to! If PDK really is reliving his life after getting into an accident, I'm going to be really confused as to what is "real" and what is not. I'm slightly hoping that other people's guess that he doesn't actually get into an accident is true, but until then... I'll trust these writers!

I hadn't thought of HTJ and PDK working together to take down evil chairman... But now I'm all for it! Bring on the bromance!!!


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I think the vision were set for him to believe he would survive the accident and to away only regret pushing hae young because of it..
Forget all he is going to her & that's all I care...


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yeah I'm with you on the happy music.

Mostly Disney music and stuff form the new lion king soundtrack. Anything else just made me cry.


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All of the visions he had at the field are related to the people around him. It used to be only OHY & Jin Sang but now he had visions on his family as well.

The visions imply that things are not going great for OHY & PDK. Eg he's going on blind date & OHY ignoring him on the street. What if it was just an action? He's just putting an act infront of other people but still secretly try to date/woo OHY?

For example the scene where OHY ignore him. I'm hoping that its not actually a sad scene..


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Lollypip's theory on Do Kyung's vision, that losing Hae Young would be the reason for his death, is certainly interesting. I never thought of it that way but I like the theory a lot, gives Do Kyung a greater deal of autonomy and agency on his part to change his life. In the last scene where his string of visions appear, it was apparent that Do Kyung was being shown his future without the presence of Hae Young and how meaningless his life was without her. I didn't link his accident to him being so heartbroken over losing her that he'd walk into traffic, I just presumed it was an involuntary accident that happened that wasn't an indirect consequence of losing Hae Young. Do Kyung's future visions were obviously so powerful to spur him into action to want to make the most out of his life while he had the chance, which includes keeping Hae Young by his side. He at least now recognises that he has the power to actively change his intended fate and perhaps avoid his intended death.


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I also realized that in his last vision, the director used grayish palette instead of the usual lovely pinkish palete with its dreamlike quality. It show us very clearly what a bleak life he will live if he let Haeyoung go back to her ex-fiance.


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I was also suprised by Lollypip's theory too, didn't see it as motivation for him to do something with his life. I was actually quite confused with how he's suddenly seeing everything. If this was the direction they are going with the show, then I'm all for it.

The filter was very different, it seemed a bit like a horror movie flash back instead.


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Don't you go flip flopping like a broken light do kyung ah! And the car that hit him,, isn't that han tae jin's car??


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TaeJin's car is taller than that. Although, it is white like that.


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If it's a KIA car I'm just gonna laugh.


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I'm not sure whether KIA should feature so many of their cars in this drama. I have the urge to run in fear whenever I see one now...


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Hahahhaha....I just died from this comment.


It does look like a Kia car... ...


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It is indeed a KIA white sedan...LOL. I went back to ep. 8 when htj first saw ohy at the bus stop ?


I feel bad for Eric whenever watching all these crazy car scenes - he was in a really bad accident where he was hit by a car driven by a stunt driver so I have to imagine it's stressful for him!


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Not sure if it's just me but I'm kinda getting numb from seeing him get hit by the car so many times. The surprise effect is waning off me, though at the end when he said "I love you" that did hit really bad.


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Thank you so much for taking one for the team and watching the last 2 eps. I don't think I could watch them. They sound so painful. And I cringed reading about her radio indiscretion, won't be able to handle watching it. I think I'll tune in for next weeks eps. It can't get more heartbreaking, can it? Right? Right?


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Nooooo! you said the words. Now you've done it ; )


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OMG, reading about it is only one tenth of the pain and cringing. Poor Hae Young :(


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Where is Tuesday when I need it?
Was cheering PDK on along with his psychiatrist but could he please slow down a bit.
I just couldn't hate PDK before even when we all thought he was the one who ruined HTJ and I sympathised him more upon learning the truth. If only he didn't drink and listened to JS to start revenging.
Confucius said it right "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves".


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Inappropriate Psychiatrist is currently being inappropriate in wonderful ways. Yelling Braveheart-style at speakerphone? Fantastic.

I cannot get over how perfectly the production team and writers are weaving sound editing (the profession) into the story. In any other drama it could be boring - here it's meaningful.


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Tell me about it, I was mesmerized at how beautiful he looked lying down consumed by the green fields amid the blowing wind.


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It will be more perfect if Hae Young lying beside him :)


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Ooooh, that needs to happen!


Now I want that in one of the future episodes.


There's nothing like a little roll in the Hae-Young...

*cues "Second Hand News" by Fleetwood Mac*


I love that moment in the field and the scene was shot so beautifully.


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"Braveheart-style" hahaha ? omg I was cackling during that scene, that's the perfect way to describe it.

Inappropriate Psychiatrist is a really sucky psychiatrist but actually kinda a really good friend.


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It was the perfect cringey friend fist pump style encouragement.


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You know what? I've always loved Inappropriate Psychiatrist. Always. And here was no exception.


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DAMMIT. Well, I think about OHY this episode...and perhaps revealing my name once again on DB isn't such a big deal, lol.


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That psychiatrist is the best! I love how he even gets kinda teary during his yelling. Empathy on point


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“Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves”. This is why I love DB..
You can get lot of insight...


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You'll know a lot of quotes if you're a fan of Criminal Minds like me.


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Speaking of Criminal Minds - did you see the announcement that the agency who did Descendants of the Sun is going to do Criminal Minds?


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Wha....t, seriously? Never heard of that. I'm worried.


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How in the world are they going to do this? Criminal Minds is one of the most brutal shows on milquetoast CBS...


OCN could pull it off but our profilers from CM are one of a kind especially Reid and I loved the early seasons when Gideon was still around.


And.. Next episode Park Do Kyung will fight for his love while our Oh Haeyoung tries to move on.. What a twisted~~~

I'm glad that Park Do Kyung won't just give up for that damn vision and he decided, "I'll go all the way to where my heart takes me,"

Obviously.. To the flower road to our Oh Haeyoung.

Thank you for the recap Lollypip-nim^^


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Thank you for the recap Lollypip!

This is my first time leave a comment in DB and wow i just want to express how this episode really hurt me. I bawled and cried a lot untik my eyes hurt. I don't remember when was the last time i cried when watching romcom.

I cried because i feel soooo bad and sooo sad towards DK and our HY. But i also cried because i'm so mad at people's reaction towards HY's broadcast. It's a very sad and tragic story for me and the fact that people are laughing and making fun of HY is beyond my logic. I'm happy that at least our HY have a supportive teammates who's on her side and could protect her.

i hope the next episode won't be too sad just like this. I dunno if i could handle anymore sadness from HY and DK's story ㅠ.ㅠ


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Sorry! I am not getting your name right LollyPip! I think I will just call you LP! Like JB and GF!


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That radio reaction drove me insane. Do people really do that? It's horrible! I mean really? Someone's marriage is broken up because of a name and they think that's funny? Especially when they know the people involved....dear god.


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Believe me dear, there are many people like that. Especially those who hear news about people they're not close to.


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It's the social media thing. We would laugh at funny things without thinking if the feeling of the persons involved especially if (s)he is unrelated to us.

This is particularly true in my country as we have prank segments on radio and the joke can be overboard sometimes.


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Yup! Its source material for gossiping..I've seen this for real.. I always ignore because small talks are only amusement of small people in there boring life who can't do anything themselves..
They have exaggerated them in this series through all possible ways like office, friend circle and neighborhood..But people like these do exist..


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This seems unrelated but the whole radio situation reminds me of the Madison mistress website revelation. A hacker got into the website and revealed all these details on men who were cheating with women contacted from the site.

In Australia two radio show host thought it'd be funny to ring up a woman and tell her that her husband was revealed to be part of the list. The lady immediately broke down on radio live, and the backlash was so bad. Stuff like public humiliation does happen, and it's sickening to know there are those who would think it's funny because they are unrelated to the people themselves.


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SERIOUSLY?! That is so horrible. How could they think revealing something that heartbreaking live is remotely okay?


People do that. I always had to remind myself, no one will sympathise with me because they don't know how it feels. Not even your closed ones. I just have to pull myself together, and not expect too much from people.


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oh my sweet summer child. how little you know of people if you think that reaction isnt almost exactly what would happen in real life. people love gossip, and someone else's misfortune will make them feel better about their own. it staves off boredom and allows them to commiserate with others over a common target of derision. to name a few reasons react with such amusement at this sad scenario. i mean its the same reason funny videos often involve someone hurting themselves. (its not the same as laughing at someone's life falling apart v laughing at them slapping themselves in the face with a giant salmon by accident or smth but the point stands imo.)


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I have never minded slapstick because it's embarrassing but momentary and happens to everyone. However when your talking about a persons entire life being destroyed by misfortune it starts to become seriously grim...It freaks me out just how much people can be terrible. Reminds me of all the stuff I read about the actress Choi Jin-Sil and what happened to her. Koreans are brutal man.


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The irony of her last drama's name....



The schadenfreude in this episode was appalling to me, too. Especially that of OHY's nosy aunt. Grrr.

And what is it with a radio station to not use a 7-second delay for callers? Oh, right, OHY would miss out on another arrow of outrageous fortune if she'd been bleeped. In this case, she did it to herself by speaking under the influence. It may actually be a good thing in the sense that facing the consequences of her actions might motivate her to change her self-destructive behavior. She may not be far from hitting bottom after this radio fiasco, and that is ultimately a good thing.


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So it wasn't really Do Kyung's fault ! Thank God, now I can live my life in peace. But wait, there's Tae Jin's incoming revenge..


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I know! What an unexpected twist!
The writing is terrific here, almost like a novel - the audience is no longer omniscent here but as Lollypip says but is also subject to the main lead's POV. And suddenly we're watching a makjang where a chaebol parent screw someone over except the execution of it is very real and you've probably seen someone with a higher position done something cruel like this before especially after you start work in the corporate world. *chills* + a lot of crying.
I've never seen a drama paint out so vividly the mechanics of what a real relationship feels like (but maybe I should watch less Hollywood and more European art films). That mixture of intense hate and longing when relationships have gone through mileage and circumstances is really hard yet somewhat therapeutic to watch it on screen.
It's hard to talk about the unglamorous side of an authentic human life lived to the fullest.
It's not a side that looks well put together infact it can be downright ugly, 'embarrassing' and makes you look a fool.
There will be a**holes who'll laugh at you like what the drama showed, which happens in my experience, in Asian cultures that especially use shame as a behavioural shaping tool. That fear of shame and consequently, failure, shapes a majority of people who live life 'safely' and live life "high and dry" and therefore they are less empathetic of people who fight for what they want. I suspect though there's an element of fear or jealousy - like how dare that person go fight for what they want? Of course they'll fail, people should just stay where they are even though they're miserable and complain your ears off. Then there are those who are well-meaning and sympathetic, but if there aren't clear solutions, people aren't comfortable "staying with the problem" and you.
Part of it, I think has to do with media which shows real life as peaches and cream so I'm glad at least someone out there isn't shine a light on our innermost tussles or complications.
I'm seriously glad this drama is getting accolades and airtime (is sadly reminded of Bubblegum) and also a step in changing perceptions anywhere it airs to not be afraid to be 'embarrassed' like Do-Kyung *giggles*

Sorry, it turned out this long.
Thanks for reading, whoever! Guess the drama really provoked too many feels ha.


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It's not just Asian society. It's any society that basis itself on the idea of community and family before all else. There isn't a lot of room in a world like that for people who choose something different because there is no place for that. Everyone fits just so. If you don't accept it then you have no place and must be removed/ostracized. People however are not like perfectly shaped archetypes.

It's why being gay muslim and bengali sucks balls. At least I live in the US!


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Well said @Oshi! Im glad you're in the U.S. too!


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I feel cheated with the director jang revelation.

If the bussiness just go side way on normal scene and TJ knew it's all in his partnertship, things may turn out differently not the same as the show suggest.
He can tell his family, he may tell OHY and he will not taken off guard and go alone in the dark hating the wrong person or used as writer driving force to do anything and they may still going with the marriage.
He will not so negative on DK for having OHY now because they are unrelated.
But then do kyung is troubled individual cause he indeed wish it to happen and he did asked it. Didn't care about it and start his entanglement with OHY because her relation to TJ and that pity relation.

I feel like the stories want to give DK a lighter way out to make him innocent which for me actually going againts the story.
What I get is DK suddenly has no fault in the TJ bussiness and viewer need to feel sorry for accusing him after all the past ep.
But then DK as individual never make me root for him and instead I am buying his redemption and 2nd chance story.
Everyone make mistake that get 2nd chance here., OHY to love again, TJ to learn the honesty, OHY2 to hold on (well she has many thing but let settle at that) and DK for not doing selfish thing which didn't happen??
It's cruel to make him feel so guilty but I never really connected with him blaming himself that much. Especially when TJ also get the idea for break off the marriage because blaming his incompetence for not seeing hiw this happen.
Fr me it's okay if it happen because of DK so he can show new light of hope to fix things since that's life is.
TJ now is like a plot device to make OTP meet, argue and getting back because there actually nothing now between OHY and DK. So is this the end?

Ps: dramaland can't let go of chaebol old man villain theme, it's okay to be young and wild....
I just watch the ep so this is really a raw observation, can't believe the recap is here


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TJ isn't the tool for making OTP become real. TJ was shady from the beginning. Check episode 1. It's clear Jin Sang told something shady about his business.


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Tbh there's nothing to connect OHY1 and DK without making TJ suffer or ruin his bussiness without involving DK.
OHY, DK and TJ is stranger, OHY2 didn't tell much about OHY to DK either.

If they meet without DK supposedly ruining TJ bussiness, will their story start??, will DK take give that much of attention for OHY? Hardly that way in this story


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Actually it doesn't need to connect. It was fated that ohy moved to dokyung house by herself after being kicked out from home and then falling in love with her neighbor during her stay. The most memorable moment of ohy for me is when she said to dokyung I'm sorry your pain become my consolation.


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Then the question is will TJ break off the marriage if he didn't caught in the dark and will he lied that bad without having TJ bussiness got ruin for unknown reason??
I think sanchez thinks about TJ situation when the investment pull out. Like getting F when you know you at least get B then can't cope up when your mom asked after school.

Without DK involve in TJ, they may marriage and OHY didn't need to move or they may break up but he may not selling a fake lies since he aware "it's bussiness to bussiness decision" not random action or even a begged lame wish that get accepted. He may have time to think and tell OHY since in the flash back he didn't know why dr. Jang pull out the investment. Kept in the dark and sudden cauggt and I remember he need to asked PDK for the answer.

It's like knowing your bike is broken when your dad take it rather than loosing the bike suddenly and ask your neighbor for the reason.


Htj didn't even know pdks existence. He know about it from jinsang who try to help him to be released from prison. It is htjs own decision to break up with ohy because he fear that his bankruptcy will harm ohy. Just look how he treat his own mother, that says a lot about him.


I think the reveal was so that there can be a time loop. DK doesn't make the decision to ruin TJ's business. He still goes to jail because of his shady partner and breaks up with HY. HY and DK still meet and can form a relationship without guilt and secrets hindering them.

DK's redemption really lies in whether he'll know that choosing not to ruin TJ will still allow him to be with HY.

Does he choose to take the higher ground and not ruin TJ but lose HY in the process, or does he make the immoral decision because it will allow him to meet HY instead?


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Isn't DK don't want to start the relationship and hold on to her because he thougth he played a big part on that?

So he'll allow himself with HY when he knew it wasn't because of him.

I think that's the story give away


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This is what I thought in episode 4 when we got a different version of the hug at the end. That 'vision', if I recall, made him feel as though she were telling him to stop being unhappy, that they should be happy together. I think that vision may have been a glimpse at would could have been since it gave him a more positive feeling. Either that, or it just got me to consider this same theory at the time, lol.

I think it works because, in that scenario, he'd still try to avoid her at first because of her name, but they would eventually connect over their broken engagements and move on more naturally. I personally think DK had a pretty strong attraction to Hae-young that guilt heavily obscured and that their relationship would have happened anyway. I'm not sure, in this scenario, whether DK would retain his memories of events in this timeline or not.

I actually discounted this theory a while back, but...the next episode is, in fact, titled "Even if I turn back time, I would meet you again". So they may just go there, although I'm wondering whether I might rather have them save their relationship in this timeline.


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I don't mind the idea of this being a time loop and DK and OHY have an opportunity to get it right without the spector of DK being responsible for breaking up the TJ/OHY wedding. I just don't want this drama to end that way - with us seeing them meeting for the first time again. I've been through too much with this pair for that to happen... *Gets worked up and throws self on the floor, kicking and screaming... I want to see them end happy in a big embrace declaring their undying love for each other!!! *covers eyes with arm as tears trickle down cheeks. /ends tantrum

Sorry, I guess I'm still not over the last 2 episodes...


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Oh definitely. If it does happen, I want it to happen soon so that we can enjoy the hilarity & sweetness of watching their courtship begin all over again, and continue all the way to the big embrace declaring their love.

I feel you, I need next week already.


Oh god, my brain flashed to this will be the open ending. the two of them meet again in a time loop at the end but with better circumstances....god dammit if the writer does that to me. I enjoy Kdramas because of the closure you get form the endings as much as anything else. Don't mess this up!


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I do think this is a bit of a cop out, because it forced us to love our leads for all their faults. Now the big thing that Do Kyung had against him, wasn't even his fault in the end.

I don't need an evil old chaebal in the story. It was strong enough on its own merits.

But this is what we've got so we've got to roll with it now.

I hope that Do Kyung can win back Oh Hae Young before it's all revealed.


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I like the Evil Jang twist because it basically weaponized Do Kyung's mom. She is going to lose it.

And Do Kyung did still intend to have Jang pull his investment, so the reality isn't out of line with his intention. DK was horrified to realize his request had resulted in a cancelled wedding, bankruptcy and jail time, but the fact is that the pulled investment on his request still could have done that. So DK still should feel pretty bad about himself, it's just Tae Jin's motive for revenge is defused if everyone knows the background (though TJ would probably still go ballistic because of Hae Young).


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Oh, also: if Jang gets rid of his wives in the way described, then that probably means Pretty Hae Young's mom was sent off in the same way.

If that's true, then Pretty may be the key in telling everyone that there's a difference between the face Jang presents to the world and his backroom machinations. She's got a much, much deeper knowledge of Jang than Do Kyung (who has no interest in him and made a drunken request) or Tae Jin (who is completely blinded by the possibility of funding.

Since Pretty is quite smart, I'd love to see her be the one hearing the favor/revenge story and pointing out the flaws.


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This will make OHY2 has more roles ^^


Redemptive moment for Bit Na?

I'm still gonna want to hate her but I will choose to accept this interpretation which I don't think will happen.


+1 awesome pretty can be the key here...
Somewhere in my mind I think chairman Jung's evil role came into picture because of shows extension...
I actually think it's pretty decent way to keep conflict till the end of the show...


But Barbie is so self-centered and just wants to be liked by everyone that it would be out of character if she tells others what kind of man the chairman really is. I mean up until last episode she's still eager to meet up with him occasionally and had to be actually told by him that it's awkward and they should stop seeing each other.

Unless she gets some serious character growth in the coming episodes which will take the writer some work since her character has been steadily going downhill in the past episodes I really don't see that coming but we shall see.


Oh god I hope so! I feel like im the only one left that doesnt despise her (im sure im not the ONLY one i just feel outnumbered man)
they did the work to flesh her out as a person so now i wanna see her DO something other than infuriate OHY by existing and throwing herself at DK. and her finding a way to get revenge on Jang AND on DK's mom. would be kind of amazing tbh. and i want her to do/get something just for her and that has nothing to do with DK or OHY. just smth for her so we can see her finally grow and change and fly off to greener pastures by ep 18. (conversely i care v little about where TJ ends up. i dont hate him i just...dont...care)


I rather have OTP that accept each other past and move on than realize there's no fault in their action in the past (which I believe still have fault).

But you are right, gotta roll with what we have.

Now it seems like TJ is at fault for undeserve revenge.
It's gonna be a twist if he move on but yeah I think TJ will be the bad guy for a moment to make the revenge happen, realize he is wrong and trample Dr Jang with DK and then let OHY with DK.

So his arc still doesn't need him to forgive the one who framed him but to payback... Hmm
I think I speculate too much


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I feel like that is to easy. TJ is supposed to be an intelligent business person. he can't be that stupid not to suspect there might be more reasons behind Jerk Jang's machinations.


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We have to wait for later episodes to choose that.. Whether taejin becomes Jung pawn against do Kyung or sees through him and fights with DK..


I don't know, he might be intelligent but I am afraid that right now he would be too consumed by his emotions to think clearly... Additionally, Dokyung's actions has made the whole situation with Taejin worse (I am still pissed off with the crashing car thing), that I wouldn't be surprised that Taejin would take the bait if Chairman Jang offered one.


honestly the reason given before the "reveal" never made any sense to me. why WOULD a billionaire old guy who hadnt even married DK's mom yet. decide to alter or consider ANY business decisions on DK's request? esp when DK has zero hand or knowledge of business. he wasnt like manipulating facts and using a position of authority (like if DK was a businessman for example) to convince Jang of doing something. Jang immediately was like OK Buddy! and DK was naive enough to think that worked. i mean....i just dont get why NO ONE at any point in the story stopped to think about how little that made sense. but to the drama's credit i honestly forgot about that and was drawn into the OTP's struggles which are way above and beyond any past misunderstanding re TJ and his bad luck.

but now that it was point in the spotlight again, for them to FINALLY reveal that Jang is True Culprit. and he's a cunning opportunistic man who knows how to make money. (which is not at all contradicted by Jang's scenes in previous episodes) puts everything in a new and much more REALISTIC light. and it was the one point of wtf for me in an otherwise very grounded drama.

so yeah its not a cop out at all. esp since ultimately OHY isnt mad about him "ruining" TJ or the jail thing but because she thinks he loved/loves other OHY this whole time. and he's being closed off over it cuz of his OWN baggage. the thing with TJ has been an excuse/catalyst more than anything for them rather than the true crux of their issues. so this reveal changes NOTHING cuz DK still did attempt to do what he was accused on the account of other OHY. the fact that he had no actual bearing on the proceedings, is rly only a comfort to DK. TJ will still have gotten fucked over (just not by DK) and OHY will still feel hurt/unloved.
so yeah Jang is a horrible man but he's STILL not the real reason OHY/DK are struggling. and even after this whole thing is straightened out they may still need time to really be on the same page once and for all. but that's why this drama is so great! imo


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I don't think it was a cop out at all. It makes more sense to me. I thought it was so ridiculous that a smart business man like the chairman would just pull his investment just because his gf's son asked him to. It's clear he's not out there to impress DK's mom. She's the one trying hard to impress him and make him happy all the time. I really kept wondering why he would just listen to DK for now reason. This reveal actually makes more sense.


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The connection between DK and Our Hae Young existed in plenty of ways simply because of Bitch Na. All this did was illustrate that the destruction of the marriage was a giant disaster that DK involved himself in.


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But they just classmate who share the same name?
DK didn't knew her or get introduce by OHY2,
Ruining TJ is what make DK try to open up and be there to her, also indirectly (part of it, even if small) make her to move out.
A little they knew they have something going on later.

It gonna be different story if they meet without TJ story linked on them since what I really like is how TJ life get affected and affected them by small screen time interaction.


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I was thinking about her PD friend, the place she moved into, Noona etc etc etc. There are plenty of ways they could ahve crossed paths. This was just the most disastrous.


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They can meet without TJ involve with them but the angs will not be there, therefore TJ feels like the plot device.

For people that invest to the story, I can see that perspective too.


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I think DK's mistake is to learn to love and open his heart and not hold back to put his pride aside when it comes to love...in addition to his other "mistake" at least that's how I see the whole point of the story is...all his visions go back to this...especially his final visions and all the advice he's been getting from those close to him, his father, his brother and JS

My connection with his character doesn't come from his part in breaking down OHY1's wedding to HTJ and being remorseful about it but with his growth as a person as the story develops, with how he deals with all his conflicts..


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We got a lot a new information regarding the visions this week. Any new theories? :D :D :D

I think I read the last scene a little differently than Lollypip. It actually gave me hope that Do Kyung could avoid the accident. I know that the visions have always had a dream-like quality to them, but the way that Do Kyung sees his death always seemed extra surreal. And there's some inconsistencies.

Like we've seen him see himself just passively standing in the street before getting mowed down by the car. But this episode they also seemed to show us a first pov shot of him getting thrown out of a car as well? Is he crossing the street when he's hit or is he driving?

Lollypip and others have already mentioned the similarity b/w the blood pattern on DK and the one from his father's death, and the possibility that this could be DK projecting his father's death onto himself. The way he seems to be just standing there waiting to get hit makes me think that he may also be projecting Hae Young's lack of concern re: traffic onto his death as well.

All of this makes me think that the vision isn't depicting his inevitable death, but is serving as a warning instead. He saw how his life would be without Hae Young in it, and instead of accepting it as an unmovable fact like the rest of his visions, he chose to actually fight against it.

But this leaves me confused about the rest of the visions, because they all occurred exactly as DK saw them. So does he really have the ability to see the future or are they all memories like we've thought they might be? Maybe what DK saw was as Lollypip said and his death will be out of grief from losing HY, but in this timeline he can avoid it by fighting for her instead?


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I'm not at all convinced that the blood pattern is anything significant - it's an easy way to telegraph "this guy's dying!" and if I'm recalling correctly, one of the initial visions had the emphasized sound of DK's blood dripping into his ear, which was very spooky and feels like a totally different origin from dad's head injury.

Personally I wonder if DK is seeing the most probable future, but not the inevitable future. So unless he starts getting into gear and derailing things, changing things, he's going to end up hit by a car with no Hae Young in his life. One of the main themes with Do Kyung has been.... not passivity, but certainly no impulse to take action (verbally or otherwise). He lives very much in his own head, and even with the visions has been just waiting for them to come true.

I'm hoping the next episodes are him taking initiative and trying to avert the future he sees in the visions. He's had no motivation to do so before because most of them were intriguingly of Hae Young, but now they're awful and he has a strong motivation to start acting instead of observing.


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I think the last vision sequence supported DK's shrink's theory that right now, in a parallel future, Do Kyung is lying on the street after his accident, thinking about everything that got him there, and his memories are being transmitted to present day Do Kyung as visions of the future. They filmed the three parts of that sequence differently, so the first part was what Do Kyung of the present was seeing and at the same time, in the future, he was being hit by the car, which was the second part. The third part was Do Kyung after being hit remembering Hae Young and all of those thoughts went back in time and appeared to present Do Kyung as visions.


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When Dokyung said to Jinsang that there are no words appropriate for his situation, I got a feeling that he always thought really low about himself even before all this tangled relationships. And now he was even more disgusted by what he did to Haeyoung's life that he thought his words and concern worth nothing. He always said he was sorry but he never ask for her forgiveness or even tried to explain why he did what he did. It's like he believed he didn't deserve that chance to paint himself in a better light. He didn't understand that in his effort to save Haeyoung from a 'lowly b*tard' like himself, he hurt her more and more. And to think that Taejin's bankruptcy actually got nothing to do with his revenge other than a very, very bad timing and a really crafty investor... While I'm glad that now I can fully root for his relationship with Haeyoung, I'm also worried about chairman Jang's involvement in Taejin's upcoming revenge. Crossing finger that it has nothing to do with Dokyung's accident.


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That right there. Self-hatred, fear of rejection/love and inability to see his own self worth. Remind you of any girls you know? They really are a match made in heaven :)


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I think that's definitely what explains his behavior ever since the reveal. As soon as he saw how much he hurt her, he felt like he wasn't good enough to take responsibility for her or even seek forgiveness. And, unfortunately, that's what hurt her most of all.


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Thanks for the recap Lollipip!

Ok, I'm going to believe that this show is about changing fate! Stay positive! If he can see the future he can change it! I remember watching a kids cartoon about fate. And it pretty much was about how you have a predetermined fate, but depending on how you go about things you can change your fate. This little bunny girl was told by a fortune teller that she would win the contest. So she didn't try hard and got lazy thinking she is going to win anyway. When it was time to judge, she didn't win. She went back to the fortune teller and accused him of lying. But he told her that she changed her fate when she stopped working hard. Anyways, I hope DKY realizes that too. Your present actions will shape your future. So yes, live now and work towards what you want. As they say, make things happen, don't let things happen to you. And yes, I am ready for some happy times! And ecxited about a little JS! I actually really like his character with all his flaws he is pretty good! Now a little DKY would be great too!


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I actually didn't really need Chairman Jang to be the bad guy, but I guess it allows our Hae Young and her family (most importantly) to forgive Do Kyung. Chairman Jang appears to be lining up to become the series big bad and again I don't think this show actually needed that. It's complex and interesting enough without some mustach twirling bad guy stirring things up in the background.

Do Kyung's mum is still terrible, and I don't believe that she's marrying rich men for her children. Particularly since she doens't seem to like any of them.

Do Kyung had no right to manhandle his new step sister but as we've come to see he has unfortunate tendencies to get physical (as do so many of our characters).

Loved the co-workers, mother and friend sticking up for Oh Hae Young. For real, who delights in someones pain so much? Glad they put people in their place. Also LOVED Soo Kyung's 'show some remorse' to other Oh Hae Young. So perfectly apt.

Poor Oh Hae Young, I literally gasped out loud when she utter the words Oh Hae Young on the radio. I felt sick for her.

My frustration levels at Do Kyung reached an all time high this episode. Stop saying sorry and tell her how you feel. I took some pleasure in seeing him bawl after his conversation with Oh Hae Young, but I wanted to shake him so bad. Tell her!! So I was very happy to see the end scene. Go Do Kyung, make amends, get the girl.


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DK most likely took out his pent up frustration relating to OHY agaisnt his new step sister. He's usually not physical and quite level headed, the alcohol must've also contributed to the situation. I saw it as the last straw when his mother was being insulted even on the day thats meant to be celebrated. Maybe a part of him also hated the way his mother succumbed to Chairman Jang and his family.

I realised this is the first time I've seen male leads cry so much, it was very satisfying to see his tears come out. After all the tears OHY cried, DK needs to let out a waterfall too.


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I just want to mention, while yes PDK did drink (his vice for getting the courage to do something dramatic) and did drag his future step-sister to apologize (a K-drama trope of a man grabbing a woman by the wrist), remember that the step-sister just accused his mother of killing his father. I believe PDK believes HE killed his father so saying that to his mother was like turning a knife in his heart.

The step-sister implied she looked into the deaths and should have known that the father died around PDK, which makes her comment in front of both of them so much crueler. She DID deserve to apologize.

And I have to admit, PDK's mother is still loathsome, but I liked that she reacted to the comment and admitted later she felt guilty losing his father's money. She still doesn't understand what it means to care for a person other than monetarily, but apparently she does "care" for her children.


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Yea although DK's mom does love her kids it's a twisted form of love, or maybe she just cares alot only about DK? Who knows it doesn't alleviate how horrible she is.


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I think the vision of DK being hit by the car was followed by falling after impact and rolling on the road before he is seen covered in blood. Don't think he was driving..... Also, after he was lying on the ground, someone (a man's voice) said "are you ok?" or something... Seems rather real.

Agree that everything he's seen of the future in dream-like fashion actually happened (except for the jump-hug in an earlier episode from Hae Young outside their house where she was running down the steps towards DK), but his own car accident is shown as rather real, not dreamy at all. There is no hazy lights or fluffy visuals. He saw himself looking stunned/stoned and lost (expressionless) at the opposite side of the road being slammed. I'm really worried.....


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Yeah, the car that hits him is not his. It's also not HTJ's. It's probably just a random car/driver, although I'm not sure anything is random in the writer's eye.


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there is that coffee bottle scene...which he see's a vision of it fall but it never actually happened...he actually saw the vision after the fact


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This show is quite nice and I am loving it a lot. But I think that somehow our enjoyment of the show gets fueled by the knowledge that so many people on Dramabeans are enjoying this show.

I dunno if I made a lotta sense here, but what I mean is that yes, the show is an interesting rom-com-fantasy but I might not have enjoyed it so much if I was not part of the DB community. But it does make me wonder if I am doing right by a drama if I am affected by the views (favourable or unfavourable) about it. But then again it's not like this thought is gonna stop me from reading recaps and comments on DB.

So I guess more than the show itself, I am thankful to the DB world for coming up with interesting insights into the characters and the story.

Our OHY is kick-ass and unlike any Kdrama heroine. She is so realistic that it almost hurts. I don't know if I like Do Kyung but I do love that the show isn't forcing us to like him, unlike other kdramas.


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I think the show do force us to love Do kyung, especially by this revelation.
But not all people take that side and voicing up here.


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Even if Do Kyung really was the one who sent Tae Jin to the jail, I still love Do Kyung character. He's so pitiful person with full of regrets. He falls to someone that he know he shouldn't. He still back up his terrible mom. He teach his brother sincerily. And he took bad advice from his bestie Jin Sang. He even can't do anything towards pretty Oh Hae Young after leaving him in the altar. So, knowing him clean, makes me love his character even more.


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Ya, I said that knowing him clean add up to make people love him more. Even to people who has this bad feeling before to love him about his past action now can love him without much baggage

The show portrayed him that way now, to get much love.

It just here, in the comment section, there's people who didn't hate him because of the investment (it can't be that easy logic), didn't resinate to his wish/asked dr.jang and this revelation still didn't make them like do kyung. Also they are voicing their opinion.


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Me too, I felt like it was a terrible terrible spur of the moment decision, fueled by an equally irrational friend. I don't think he's a very bad guy, I think he treats people around him well , that made them love him despite his coldness.


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I like that you mentioned this:

"Me too, I felt like it was a terrible terrible spur of the moment decision, fueled by an equally irrational friend. "

I am glad someone else noticed that his "friend" was actually instigating some sort of revenge. What a pity.


What the show encourages is discussion and difference of opinion. Everyone has an idea about how to view the characters actions and in one light or another they are valid. DB allows us to share and read those views which is hwy the popularity. I love shows like this. Some dramas are just there to be watched but this one is more interactive/engaging!


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? I began to watch this show because it was on just about everyone's list on the What We're Watching thread. But after the first episode, I was sold on the series, with or without a place to read and share with others. It's a really good drama on its own.


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+1 about other people's views affecting your opinion of the show. Sometimes I wonder that same exact thing, but I try to look at everyone else's view objectively and then come to conclusions on my own.


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Me too :)


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I totally agree with LolliPip about feeling their relationship as if it were happening to someone I knew. I looked away during their 1st kiss scene. I felt like they needed privacy. ?

On another note - this episode was painful.??


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I don't know how but this drama gets me in heart in all the episodes..
I didn't expect the truth to be revealed in this much scale to everyone but it makes sense...
Even with the whole world against.. Hae young and do Kyung a has a pretty solid team of friends and family to defend and comfort them..

So Kyung defending hoon and do Kyung defending his mother showed how much they care for their family even if they are good or bad...

Chairman Jung's involment was surprise but it's totally retaliable because it was fishy from the start with 5 wives and knew do Kyung's mom was after his money yet he was marrying her.. It's believable that he was a hidden sinister from the start..
At least we have a big baddy to vent our anger on... To be honest it was frustrating as a viewer to accept this all as a mere coincidence of names.. Other oh hae young had less involment to take the whole blame and the burden was all on do kyung's shoulder... Now we can whole heartedly cheer for our couple(that hug killed me & I was in tears).. Yay! Let pass the sorrow and head to happy episodes...


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Honestly, I don't think the fact that Chairman Jang was going to pull the investment anyway changed anything to me. It only explained why Taejin got into jail (evil business partner, and not himself being shady on his own) and it made him look even more pitiful. It certainly didn't change my opinion that Dokyung was an asshole to ask Chairman Jang to do it. Then again, I never believed from the start that Dokyung was the reason he got into jail anyway. Even though Chairman Jang was a big investor, him pulling out his capital should not lead to other investors doing the same and suing Taejin-the reason for that lied in his own company (which we now learnt was due to his own business partner) and not due to Dokyung's involvement. So yeah... I don't think this relevation completely absolved Dokyung's mistake (still petty, still stupid, and I totally suggest sobriety because nothing good ever happens when he drinks... Actually I would suggest sobriety to EVERYONE in this show...). And well, I feel nothing but pity for Taejin for being the gullible dude he is I guess? Chairman Jang had always been shady from the first time I saw him, so it doesn't really shock me either that he's manipulating both Dokyung and Taejin to his advantage, but him pulling out his investment was actually a reasonable business decision so I can't blame him either for that.


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At 1st I thougth DK suggestion trigger Dr. Jang to look for loopholes in the bussiness and decide to run the investment rather than believe in TJ. Dr Jang looks like a competent bussinessman whether he is a nice old man or not.


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It was a sound business decision on Chairman Jang's part. He's a manipulative sneaky rat, but he's competent businessman. I have to admit I didn't really think why Chairman Jang would give in so easily to Dokyung's request to pull out his investment (I should have, considering he doesn't look like a warm-hearted old man who would fulfill his future stepson's wish out of love or something), because I thought he was just so rich that it was no big deal for him to do so.


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Yeah, I should have consider to not easily believe in rich old people in drama land.


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At least this gives him more dimension and he's not just some brainless businessman.

Quite a twist to the story, as it adds another pebble thrown to create the water ripple.


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jang already made up his mind that he will pull his investment money from TJ before DK asked him a favor in the bar.in fact,Jang was waiting for TJ to come meet him up in the bar so that he can tell TJ in person and DK was still not in the bar yet and didn't know of TJ's existence.


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Drunken mistakes :there are lot in this shows..
Ruining someone's business, blabbering on live radio, getting pregnant, even as silly as loosing car and mobiles..
On bright side At least So Kyung will quit drinking as she is pregnant now...


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Agree with you so much, kirri.

Whether DK actually caused TJ's downfall or not doesn't change the fact that he *tried* to ruin TJ.


Here's a scenario:

Let's say I shoot a girl for dating Song Jae-rim. But turns out another SJR fan shot her a few seconds before I did (so I didn't kill her after all). AND it turns out that the girl was evil anyway: a sasaeng who was planning to kill SJR and stuff his body for her Oppar Collection.

Does the fact that she didn't die from my shot make me a good person? No. I still wanted to hurt her for personal reasons.

Does the fact that she WAS evil after all make me a good person for trying to kill her? No. Her guilt and my guilt are not mutually exclusive things.

I do not feel sorry for being angry at DK all this while. And I will not feel sorry for pitying Tae-jin based on everything that happened in the past. I don't even blame him for seeking revenge now. If he was the lead in this, we'd be screaming for DK's blood. (Now Chairman Jang's blood.)

If Tae-jin becomes an avenging rhino in future eps and run DK over, then he will be guilty of that. And that's when I will get angry at him or that particular action.


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>If Tae-jin becomes an avenging rhino in future eps and run DK over, then he will be guilty of that. And that’s when I will get angry at him or that particular action.

I afraid this will be the road the show choose since the OTP in DK and OHY while totally forget about making TJ have a little more layer,

almost all HTJ scene is him after the fallout and bad decision, not who he is before,

It just stroke me that a guy who choosse noble idiocy and blame himself will be a bad guy who ruin people lives when he supposedly comes into reflection, ep 12 show a bit of chill side when he said, "but she loves him"


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DK not being the reason for the investment pull-out did not absolve him from the fact that he did ask for the request. Had the Chairman not have any earlier intention and had he proceeded to it because of DK? It'll be the mess we see now.

And true, I think I have enough drinking scene and plots out of unconscious decisions.


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Man this show is too real and raw at times. The tension and grief during the hug scene and phone conversation were so palpable, I felt as if I was experiencing it along with the characters myself.

Little things I love this episode:

1) HY's vulnerablitly asking DK to stay with her despite the pain he's caused her.

2) DK holding onto HY's hand after the hug.

3) Soo Kyung saying she was disappointed in DK, then hugging him.

4) Mama Oh's stoic but emphatic "Bite his butt off!"

5) Soo Kyung stopping her barrel roll down the bus with a high kick, and the fact that she was wearing ridiculous high heels while doing so.

6) Jin Sang hiding her face with his briefcase and her purse.

7) The whole field scene with the interspersed visions and flashbacks was beautifully done. There's been a lot of crying the past few episodes, but seeing Hae Young staring DK down with steel in her eyes, and then walking past him was the moment that actually made me get teary eyed.


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Agreed, those moments were awesome! I just loved how Mama Oh knew our OHY was on her way to do some damage. :P Mama Oh for life!!

And that phone call where she tells him to be miserable... oof. yeah got to me too. And it was made even poignant considering he was sitting in her empty apartment.

One thing I've noticed throughout the show, is that he always was going into her apartment. He constantly went through the door. She only went through once, that first time. For some reason, I just love that little detail. And it's really bittersweet that he spends time in there knowing she won't be coming, just to be around her.


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I love when Jin Sang hid her face with his briefcase and her purse! It's sweet and thoughtful. Jin Sang is like a teenager who is all fun and joking, but really has the best intentions to people close to him! Albeit his helping are not necessarily mature and reasonable all the time.


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I don't know why but by making the failed investment caused by Tae-jin's bussiness partner and not Do-kyung, I feel like they're giving us the easy way out to forgive Do-kyung of his past action. And this disappoint me actually. You were watching 11 episodes with Do-kyung thinking he actually caused Tae-jin's fall, angsting over it, just to be told in episode 12 that it's not his fault after all. Just, what?

And I'm actually in the minor who's tired of our Hae-young pathetic outburst when it comes to Do-kyung. She wished for people to die, and even wishing herself to die, just to make the man she fell in love with felt guilty. Really? Where's the feisty Hae-young that I love in the earlier episodes? It's like when she fell in love with Do-kyung she got robbed of her personality as well, and I have to admit that I hate it.

I think that we're going to have the usual ending rom-com with Hae-young and Do-kyung live happily ever after (since none of the failed bussiness is Do-kyung's fault) and that he's not going to die because he finally (finally!) take some actions.


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From the very start, Do Kyung was completely shocked that the pulled investment could result in the domino effect that occurred, so I'm okay with the Jang twist. Do Kyung still did a bad and petty thing that he should feel bad about, and as an entirely separate item he should feel bad about what he's put Hae Young through by not being honest once he realized the circumstances. But Tae Jin's imprisonment was always a crazy outcome for a petty move, but this new revelation doesn't get DK off the hook for being an ass.

As for OHY... I remember breaking up with someone once and then staring at myself in the mirror, convinced that I looked evil, like the terrible guilt I was feeling was evident on my face. I've also gotten into the shower fully-clothed before, because everything is just THAT TERRIBLE. So Hae Young's actions are ringing all sorts of recognition bells for me. Pathetic? Maybe... But when you are that in love with someone (and I do mean WITH someone), and then it ends, it's like entire pieces of you have been amputated. Important pieces, internal ones that do vital things. And this is the person who you told your deepest secrets and allowed them to see you at your silliest, so it's very very hard to draw back into the "appropriate" boundaries immediately.

Unfortunately I think Do Kyung's probably missed his window - Hae Young has given him multiple chances and he's frozen her out each time, so she may have had enough time to weld that window shut.


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Took the words right out of my mouth.


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True Words.. Just makes me mad @ DK for being such a thick head..


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Maybe you're right or maybe I'm just that invested in the show before, because I remember thinking how they're going to bring it to a happy ending since there's so much angst and I sincerely felt sorry for Do-kyung. But now that we all see actually he has no direct involvement in the ruined bussiness, I'm just, I think, disappointed. Because it's so easy for everyone to forgive Do-kyung since he didn't actually cause Tae-jin's bussiness to fail so he's actually innocent (though the act of wanting revenge is actually an evil act that no one should do, no matter the reason).

I know. I experience heartbreak too. But I don't wish for people to die, I don't wish for the person who hurt me to suffer because of me. I watch my friend got cheated by her boyfriend but she still stand strong and she live her life to the fullest. She didn't even think ill of her ex-boyfriend. She said let the past be the past and this is what I see in Hae-young in the earlier episodes and that's why I can connect with her. But now that she somehow had changed, I've lost contact with her.

But I guess it's still a drama that I know I'll enjoy despite everything.


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"I know. I experience heartbreak too. But I don’t wish for people to die, I don’t wish for the person who hurt me to suffer because of me. I watch my friend got cheated by her boyfriend but she still stand strong and she live her life to the fullest. "

You dear sir/madam are way nicer then me. I've wished for the death of plenty of people and genuinely wanted someone to suffer as much as I have. I am not a saint.

OHY being detached when it comes to TJ is more a sign of her self hatred then anything else. She completely thinks she wasn't worth as much as him so TJ dumping her was something she says she expected. I think the depth of her anguish/vitriolic words when it comes to Dk show's just how much more meaingful he is to her then TJ was.


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I got lied, I got cheated, and even got left behind by someone I have a relationship with for more than 10 years when he suddenly married someone else. I was dumbstruck since I'm sure he's still planning to get married to me, but all the while he's been planning that wedding with someone else. So yeah. I suffer a lot but I think that make me stronger. And this is the reason why i started watching K-dramas, to make me happy haha.

I hope Hae-young find the answer to her low self-esteem in Do-kyung. I just want the two of them to be happy even if they don't end up with each other


Actually, my interpretation of her anguish over HTJ vs DKY was that with DKY she's hurt not only by the fact that she loved him but she was vulnerable to him and opened up to him her darkest secret but then she came to find out that he is the one who "caused" that and didnt say a thing the whole time while she was being open and vulnerable to him and also that it was because of OHY2 someone who has been the source of her pain her whole life



I agree with you. It's why I used the word meaningful rather than love. The intimacy and openness is what drew her to him. Losing that when he kept this secret from her just ripped her apart even more.


@Dee @Oshi

Exactly. I feel like this revelation has shaken the core of their relationship in such a big way because she put so much of her trust in him and, not only has he turned away consistently, he also betrayed that trust. I'm really hoping to see Do-kyung taking huge strides towards rebuilding that relationship with her.


Even if DK gets off the hook for the business failure, that doesn't absolve him of being silent to Hae Young when he clearly thought he was responsible for the most painful event in her life. That will still remain a huge problem because it's about perception and secrecy and honesty.

I also don't think she actually wants him to die, but it's a way of saying "this is how badly you've hurt me, that I could even think these things, and halfway mean them". I also have a friend who got cheated on by her husband, while pregnant - she left him, but proceeded to set up the most mature and calm co-parenting situation I've ever seen, even when the ex was being a total moron. Not just a front for her daughter, she genuinely meant it when she let go of resentment.

She's a saint among women and the gold standard for having revenge by living well, and I admire her greatly - largely because I know I would absolutely, 100% not be able to pull it off.


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GOSH! That ex-husband is just so awful. Your friend is seriously amazing.

I hope Do-kyung's lie will still be the main problem and not get it resolved instantly. I love our characters, I care for them, and I sincerely wish for them to be happy. I hope the ending will be a good one.


*sending virtual hugs for Miranda and your friend and harunomasu* You guys have suffered a lot


Agree with everything.

"Unfortunately I think Do Kyung’s probably missed his window – Hae Young has given him multiple chances and he’s frozen her out each time, so she may have had enough time to weld that window shut."

- This. I'm seriously wondering how things are going to play out next week because I have no idea how Do-kyung, the guy who doesn't know how to communicate worth a damn, is going to work his way past her defenses, even with this new-found resolve. All that speeding is not going to make getting through her door any easier. While he needs her in his life, I'm not sure she needs him right now. I want her to want him again for the right reasons and I'm excited to see how Do-kyung's changed behavior could bring this about. But, with all these raw emotions between them, I'm not sure how he'll be getting the chance. I'm really interested in what the writer has planned for them next week.


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i was too invested in the drama, sort of "living in the moment," to think Do Kyung might not have had as much influence as the show initially made him out to have. i feel a lot better about him now but i wouldn't have minded the angst i had for them going on a little bit longer--horrible i know. (meaning i didn't really want the reveal so soon) i'm sorry! i just can't help it! now that do kyung has been given an out, i'm trying to decide if i'm feeling cheated by the reveal or not. still thinking...

i'm feeling like this is the beginning of the end, where my interest in a drama starts to falter and the drama starts to go downhill. it begins to loose it's sparkle and so forth. I was surprised i made it this far without already being overrun with those feelings. i need this drama not to disappoint at the end. i hate good dramas that are ruined because of horribly written endings. please let it end with a bang...


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Even though this show is breaking my heart and causing some serious tears, I love this show!


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me too love this drama ❤


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Sometimes I wonder I love it too much.. The amount of time I invest is insane watching, re watching , waiting, reading recaps & almost 300 comments , and commenting.. even BTS and Osts... Its crazy right?


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I'm glad I'm not the only one displaying this irrational behavior... :)


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That's the best part. I just wish we could congregate somewhere and do the happy watch together dance. I do it for a twitch show about D&D so why not kdrmas lol


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Like an online simulcast event or offline gatherings in different cities?
Hmmm, folks at Dramabeans, worth exploring?


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I'd love that. I know kconn and things like that exist but an online gathering would be such fun.


Count me in as another CRAZY!
I re-watched so many darn times I forgot to sleep sometimes and now suffering from insomnia ^^


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I have just finished catching up with the whole drama so this is my first comment. So far everything is so brutally honest it hurts, and I love all of our characters.

I'm still waiting for Dokyung to actually know how to handle his feelings and deliver his thoughts because Jinsang's words from the last ep (or last 2 eps?) still lingers in my head. He asked, "Do you even love her?" and when DK replied with, "Can't you see that?" he immediately snapped, "I don't! You never say it!" I'm sure DK was taken aback, but he still hasn't realized how important JS' words was. But in this ep we can see him slowly taking control of his life, of his visions, and that's a very good start. Haeyoung only wants to love herself, and having Dokyung saying he loves her will help her. A lot.

I also have something to say about Taejin. I know he seems like a selfish guy who only cares about his ego and his business, but from these recent episodes I honestly don't see that. The first one he approached after he got out of jail was Haeyoung, and I think he was sincerely crying for her when he found out that there's another OHY (and also for himself, but hey he's been screwed up badly, he had the right to do that). His anger toward DK is understandable, and now I'm waiting for them to team up and go against Chairman Jang together.


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Also, I wonder if it would take Dokyung THAT long to actually start 'moving' if the drama didn't get extensions. I was getting seriously upset at how stubborn he was. Plus, tbh, I don't really like the way Chairman Jang got into the mix. So after all these conflicts and tears and heartbreaks, the resolution that we get is that this happens because of an old man with too much money. Dokyung still HAS to feel guilty about his actions in my opinion, he still has to repent. I don't know how, but I hope the show won't make it too easy for him, even though I approve his decision to start taking control of everything.


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I'm pissed at the chairman Jang stuff but I could see it coming a mile away. They had him built in early on and the writer has been good at setting him up as a dick.


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If he is move on that easy, than he is not feeling guilty at all...


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anyone else crushed by what happened with soo kyung? i've grown to really like her. i hate the way her mother treated her and then to also be thrown that damn curve ball!!!! argh!!!!! it doesn't have to be tied in a neat bow but i think she deserves something happy, befitting of her struggles. i feel like if she decides to become a single mother, she'd be bomb at it. i can't see jin sang growing up in a matter of 6 episodes to take on this role nor harboring any feelings for her any time soon.

on another note, we see jin sang as such a ladies man and with his condoms placed all over the place he doesn't seem to be ready for "adulting" any time soon but what i've appreciated about him is that his depth of understanding situations is so expansive. he doesn't seem to be given enough credit because he's such a playboy. when words pour from his mouth, they seem like excuses used to escape the consequences of negative actions. when he said "i love you" is always the right thing to say, he truly meant it. i think that was one of favorite lines from this episode because of how he said it.


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imagine how Dokyung would react to his bestfriend knocking up his sister though HAHAHAHA


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Oh god this also need to be in the makjang check list...
Friend knocking friend's sibling - check


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hahaha i can't wait to see JS reaction as he was laughing at her not knowing that the kid is his LOL


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DK putting the coffee cup down and rolling his sleeves... JS terrified.. and Hoon hides in corner.. Till So kyung comes to rescue by rolling and high kick..hehe

As much as they drink and do stupid things every character in park household have their own level of maturity including Hoon... (When they become serious)

I bet the first words of the baby born will be in french..


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First words in french comment makes sense to me! Hahaha


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Please let it have the moms accent...at least then it owudl make sense.


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Omg!! Yaassss.. hahaha
JS is likely in for a beat down from him. The siblings are not the most affectionate but we know they love each other and stand by one another.


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Minus the drinking and rather odd over-attachment to men she's dated (she's strangely still quite sweetly innocent at her age) I want to be her.
Bloody hell, she's gorgeous, super kick-ass cool and has great fashion sense ~

I wish she did ban the mother from the house and both hers and Do Kyung's life. There are some people who are just too toxic to allow around, blood relations or not.


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Look I think people misinterpret maturity. Jin chooses to be the kind of guy who sleeps around. This is not a mark against his maturity. This is his choice. He isn't doing it because he can't be an "adult". He does it because he wants to. Jin is perfectly capable of understanding relationships and functioning as an obviously successful lawyer. I think he's just fine. The same as Noona being a functioning executive at a company while having a terrible personal life.


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Yup. Everyone sets their own standards for themselves and it can be unfair to judge other people's maturity by your own measuring stick.


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I've seen in few dramas where the female become pregnant and the male doesnt know at first and continue to become an asshole.

She will then decide to have the baby alone. The male will eventually realize that the baby is his and will follow the path of redemption & adulation.
I'm looking at you Jin Sang.

Cue Dal Ja's spring.


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this show is growing on me jahsvdavsdgavsd now my wednesday-sunday is devastating because i have to wait for the next episode. Seriously tho, kudos to Seo Hyunjin that could bring such a raw and relatable character. I mean, her character could be easily hated. I would hate her character if it was other drama and if it weren't for Seo Hyunjin, but she just make the emotion so real that I feel the pain with everything this episode is giving me.

Talking about Dokyung, good thing he decided to go all the way because I would gave up on him if the next episode he would go all sorry again. And dayum, that 'I love you' on his last breath just tore my heart to million pieces lshbkcusvdkugsvdkuf (combined with the vision of Haeyoung greeting him with smiles and laughter) DAMN.

I ALSO LOVE HOW THIS EPISODE FINALLY SHOWS SOOKYUNG IS DEFINITELY ON HAEYOUNG'S SIDE! (I'd use other haeyoung for the other haeyoung (?)) But is it me or something is missing? I mean we don't know exactly why she is fond of haeyoung? Like the way she protect her secretly and everything?

Anyway pleeeaaseee just pleaseeeee give me happy episode next week :'

ps : I heard the production team is CONSIDERING an OST with both Eric and Seo Hyunjin /SCREAMS HISTERICALLY/ YES PLEASE


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OMG! YES!!! I hope they can find a good song though...


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The music has been on-point so far so I think they could swing it. AWWWW, this would be so adorable if it happened.


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I'm sorry but I don't like seeing what Dirt Hae-young did in this episode. I wish she'd stop drinking already. I feel like she bought all the embarrassment she faced in this episode upon herself. If she'd just tell everything to her mother in the first place instead of drunk-calling a radio station...sigh.

Also, Lollypip seems to be sharing the same thoughts as knets - they also commented that getting together with Hae-young is the way for Do-kyung to avoid his impending death.

I like the scene where he's laying on the field and seeing his Hae-young-less future in his head, and then that single tear. That scene is beautiful. I feel as sad as him in that moment, when he sees how empty and obvious his life would be - occasional talks about Hae-young from nuna and Jin-sang, mom desperately hanging onto Chairman Jang and Hoon telling him to go to blind dates.

I'd never really thought about how Do-kyung seems to not care that he's standing in the middle of the road. Now that I look at that dying scene again, I realized that he seems to have lost all his desire to live, and as he said "Sorry, sorry, I love you" before his last breath I realized he's lost his will to live because of Hae-young.

@Gadis above mentioned that Do-kyung seems to think he doesn't deserve Hae-young and I think that's true. That's why he has been holding back a lot when he's with Hae-young. I hope he comes clean with Hae-young soon. If he truly loves her, he needs to be honest with Hae-young and leave it to Hae-young to make her own decision - whether she wants to stay with him or not.

One more thing I want to point out in this episode - I don't know whether it's a plot hole or just me not understanding the story or it's a mistranslation - is what Jin-sang said to Do-kyung when they first see Tae-jin in the pub. He said "Isn't that the man you see in the picture with (Pretty) Hae-young?" But then Pretty Hae-young seems to have no idea who Tae-jin is at all. I think the man in the picture with Pretty Hae-young in Paris was not Tae-jin too, he looked different. Can anyone comment on this?


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"If she’d just tell everything to her mother in the first place instead of drunk-calling a radio station…sigh."

Honestly her mom is more erratic than Hae Young sometimes, so I'm not so sure that would work. Hell, Hae Young opened up to her today and got smacked in the head within 3 minutes - Mom is not exactly the subtly supportive type of parent, she's more likely to try to control HY's behavior in some sort of proxy way. Ordering her who she can and cannot see? Yelling at her and hitting her? I do like the mom, but you can absolutely understand why Hae Young doesn't open up to her with this sort of issue, it's like priming a bomb.

And Jin Sang might be mistaken, I didn't think the man in the photo was TJ but we didn't get a great look at him... Then again he does travel a lot, so who knows? Could just be a tragic false conclusion.


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Despite how much I like Mama Oh she is the kind of person who never feels in control. The reason she hits and does all the crazy stuff is how incredibly sensitive she is. Every time something happens to her daughter she bleeds. Despite how violent her reactions she is clearly someone who feels deeply. I think a lot of Hae Youngs reticence in sharing with her mother has to do with avoiding giving her pain then any kind of violent reaction.


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I appreciate your reply. However, getting hit by your mum is definitely better than getting humiliated nation-wide. Just my opinion though. Ah, but if it is really a tragic case of mistaken identity I'd really hate Jin-sang for it :( Why did he has to push Do-kyung when he's not even sure who's in that picture himself? Gah.
I want to add that everyone seems to hate Chairman Jang but I think the business partner is more deserving of the hate, since he kept Tae-jin in the dark about his shady practices, and thus the reason that Chairman Jang took out his investments in the first place.

Chairman Jang is one interesting character though. Eventhough he knew that Mom is after his money, he went ahead and wed her. And when his daughter is offended, he sets out to put Do-kyung into more misery. I guess he only love the Mom, and doesn't care at all about Mom's children.


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Hey, if the options are a) hit by mom and b) national humiliation, obviously you choose a). But OHY was aiming for c): just try to survive until you can figure out what to do about this man you love, who apparently also ruined your life and hid it from you, and maybe come out the other side okay.

And I do not think he loves the Mom. I think she amuses him and he's going to play with her for a while, then discard her. To a certain point I think he enjoys her gold-digging ways because he's playing dumb and foiling her at every turn, and it's a game he enjoys. If she were to actually get some money of his through a route he hadn't adequately blocked, I think he'd treat her just like Tae Jin - cut her off at the knees.


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Ah I am not saying she has only 2 options like how you put it. Yes, she's trying to get over her crisis, but I just wish she'd be cool headed before making that call so that she doesn't make mistakes like accidentally revealing her name.

I love your theory on why Chairman Jang married Mom. He seems like a smart/objective investor - once he sees a red light, he'll cut his investment right away, coldly. I can see he'll do that in terms of personal relationships too. I mean, he seems to have very good relationship with Pretty Oh Hae-young but he coldly cut all ties just because he's marrying Mom. Mom needs to wake up fast though cuz she seems to think that she got Chairman Jang under her palm but I think it's the other way round!


Does this mean other oh hae young grabbed a random person in abroad who happens to be tae-jin for a photo???
That might explain why other OHY was so surprised when she met tae jin first time...
That also explains why DK concluded revenge even without doing background check....?
This is one hell of a coincidence ??


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If you go back to the previous eps, the guy with Not Hae-young in Paris wearing shades had a similar build and facial structure with Tae-jin. But it's a different guy.

Just similar enough to make it possible that DK and JS who never met TJ or Not Tae-jin will confuse the two.

I think the guy in the pics was just an extra. (I just checked those pics the other day cos I was confused too.)


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Aw man, if this is really a case of mistaken identity I'll be really pissed off with the writer grrr


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I think the man in the picture with Pretty Hae-young in Paris was not Tae-jin too, he looked different. Can anyone comment on this?

I was wondering about that, also, so I rewatched episode 2. The guy in the picture is definitely not Tae-Jin. He doesn't look like him facially, and his build and height differ, too.


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Ah, man - I don't think TV shows should be allowed to do that to me. I'm an emotional wreck every time I finish an OHY episode these days. I'm in severe danger of dehydration via excessive crying. These characters are so real and raw that it always gets to me. I think I'm in need of a light-hearted trip to the beach myself.


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I'm in need of a Duckling Squad.


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I've never wanted Monday so baaad as much as I do right now!
Park Siblings (Soo Kyung & Do Kyung) hang in there both!!!


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I don't think that we learning that Do-kyung wasn't actually completely liable for the pull-out of investment from Tae-jin's business is meant to absolve him nor a kind of cop out:

(1) He was not really absolved because he still did have the thought of asking the investment to be pulled out. But if we are to be technical here, his accountability extends only to hoping ill on a person and it actually happening. The real accountable person will probably Chairman Jang but I do personally believe that him pulling out his investment is a logical business decision considering that it was indeed reported that Tae-jin's partner was doing some shady backdoor negotiations. Business will always be dirty, especially investment ones. Jang is not necessarily evil at this point, though I worry that he might end up shitting on everyone, which please, no. I don't want it to be another chaebol manipulating people. We've had enough.

(2) It's not a cop out precisely because all the clues have been there all along. In episode 1, it's been already mentioned that Tae-jin's business is shady--it can be just the partner, or probably him as well, but nonetheless it is already established that it was shady. And already laying out that it was shady naturally should lead you to a certain thought: there might be a chance that it's not really Do-kyung's fault. The problem is that people were so hung-up on the idea that Do-kyung is the one who ruined the business. We are led to believe it (and a lot of anti-Do-kyung are so used to adopting it in order to defend Tae-jin) which is why it suddenly feels like a cop out. But it's not, and a lot of these people probably missed the possibility of that deliberate loophole in the story where someone as huge in investment as Jang can't possibly pull out an investment in business on a whim, and just because of a request of someone he's not really close to. Again, it's all been out there, some people just select what they believe in.

The repercussions of this revelation would depend on how Do-kyung will take it and handle it. I hope that it pivots him into the right direction. I don't want it to seem as a kind of entitlement to freely love Hae-young again. In fact, I really loved that at the end of this episode, he chose to go to her and pursue her. He's going to her even with all these guilt and face whatever it might bring him as long as he's with the woman he loves.

That says a lot about a person, and I certainly believe that this show is never meant to make us love these characters unconditionally nor blindly, but to love and cheer on for them despite everything. Flaws and all. Hate can only take you so far, you know.


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It's the same with the folks battering Our Hae young about her violent outbursts. Did anyone miss the point that's been hammered by her friends/family since the beginning that she has been acting completely out of character for months since her wedding broke up?


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I also have a bit of disapproval about Hae-young's action in the last couple of episodes, but not because I don't get where she's coming from because I do get it. It's only because I feel that she can do better than that, and that some of her decisions are getting a little too out-of-hand. However, it's that point in a character that I really liked best because it's also a promise that there is a change that's about to happen to her: she can be a better person than she is after all that's been going on. I guess it's just a matter of how some people take on what they see on television. Some people are probably not as comfortable that it's something that happens in real life, and some are probably open and understand that it does. Some people like me gets the structures of the story and the highs and lows of characterizations, so I get Hae-young both on the fundamental and personal level.

I don't excuse her on the things that she obviously does wrong, and I wish that she also learns that they are wrong :)


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I agreed with everything you said and you articulated it far better than I ever could.

I am attached to Dokyung, but I don't think this relevation absolved him either. He still had that ill-intent regardless how the events actually unfolded and he still should be remorseful for that terrible decision.


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I think he feels remorse, but he's expressing it in the wrong way. I expected it since he really has some anger management issues and is quite stunted in expressing himself. This is why I'm okay with him being separated from Hae-young for some time to rebuild his life and make it up to the people/things he somehow affected and move on as well for the betterment of himself :)


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@Jyc & @kirri

Exactly. It doesn't absolve him, but I love, from a narrative stand-point, how the character that even wished ill on someone was forced to take responsibility for it because of the guilt he felt. He hasn't, perhaps, made amends in all the right ways, but the fact remains that this guilt has wrecked him.

I feel like this drama is teaching me not to even wish ill on my enemies because if they end up suffering what I wished upon them, then I may just end up feeling horrible (like in Page Turner?).


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I loved that you mentioned Page Turner.

I totally agree that this does not absolve him nor would PDK nor Our HY think it would, but it may allow certain people like Our HY's parents and friends forgive him.

As for Our HY she's just waiting for him to show her that he loves her (more) than he loved Other HY. The ill thought/action alone hurt her as she's been Other HY's "whipping boy" since she has known her. And the thought of someone she loves making her a whipping boy by thought or reality is what hurts her so much.

JS is right, saying I love you is always the right thing to say


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Good point about it making the people around them more forgiving of the situation.

Though I doubt the Oh parents will take a liking to someone who lied to their daughter for so long. Aw man, remember when they loved him? Dude has really messed it up...

So he better make it up!


Why was Page Turner not a full drama....god Ji-Soo was amazing.


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I know! I adored him as that character. Too precious for this world...


Thank you for saying what's on my mind but could not fully express


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Honestly I was surprised so many people thought it's a cop out since we've been questioning since ep.1 what really happened bts that sent Tae-jin to jail coz we all knew that just a withdrawn investment was way too weak as a reason and as you said we've been told from the beginning that there's something shady with that business and this episode just gave us the answer.

And like you said it's still out in the open how Do-kyung will react once he finds this out (and I have hope that the writer won't make this completely makjang).


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I think many commenters have their doubt on TJ real business but the lack of development in the story telling except the logic "how that's so easy?" make people feel like they just choose to blame it on the old man,

When people accepting the male lead realization and redemption but they showed that it actually have no connection, it left a letdown feeling

it's okay if DK is that bad guy at the start,

I think many people actually assuming DK role is bigger than that, not that he completely innocent in the practical thing since he already has ill-wish


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Actually, it's wrong to blame it on the old man. Again, it was as any rational decision as far as business goes.

It certainly is NOT easy on Do-kyung because he still has a conscience to deal with. The fact that the ill-intent he wished happened nonetheless is already a burden on its own. Mental scars are more difficult to forgive (by others and even the self).

It's not a cop out. It was a totally valuable development in the story.


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your last paragraph is everything. ??


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First, thank you LP for the wonderful recap and DB for the forum in which to discuss all this.

Plenty of people are going to offer some great insight into the characters and what is going on and after I wipe my tears here is something that's been rolling around in my head. DK feels to me like the classic suicidal introvert. In fact I'm pretty sure I've done everything he has done in less intense situations and ended up in a bad spot.

1. Bottled Up Emotions
2. Ignored Issues
3. Chooses to Suffer in Self Punishment
4. Low Self-Esteem
5. Fear of Accepting/Giving Love

Dk Is literally punishing himself over and over again. His fathers death, mom's behavior, Bit Na, Our Hae Young. His reaction is always self punishment and withdrawal until finally he just burns out.

All this is leading to my thought that his death is a suicide. He walks into the street and lets a car hit him. he chooses to do that because of how broken he is.


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In the last couple episodes, I think that I related more to Do-kyung in that it feels exactly like some of the things I went through (and is still going through) in life. I connected to him because I do know what it feels like to just have everything bottled up inside--where you're angry and couldn't just get it out. It's mostly an inward suffering, and it's something that I get. Not a lot of people do, but maybe not everyone has ever really been through that phase.

I do hope though that the vision is not an actual suicide. It just somehow feels romantically dramatic and quite inconsistent with the show. It has definitely turned melo and painful, but I don't think that suicide will be a fit to it. I'm still hoping that it's something psychological and in his head, coming up every time he turns away from Hae-young. Kind of like a symbolic "death," which is actually just a "death" from having let go someone.


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Perhaps I misspoke. I think suicide comes in many forms. Sometimes just choosing not to live or fight to live is a kind of suicide. I think DK reached that stage. he numbed himself to all his pain and one meeting with HY spiraled him to the point where he didn't even struggle against death because it hurt so much to live.


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It definitely does happen in many forms and I think you're completely right that, while DK might not have reached the point of actual suicide, he certainly had given up on living and loving. The thing is, before meeting Hae-young, he had already been living dully for quite some time. Through her, he was able to experience happiness again, but experiencing that with someone only to cause them this much harm. Damn. You can see why doing so would cause him to retreat when he has no one to blame but himself.

At the beginning, Hae-young said what she wanted most in life was death after she walked through traffic with his wallet. But she had so much faith in her inability to do so that she emerged unscathed. I wonder if he was testing that theory himself when he walked aimlessly into that street.


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letting things get bottled up and getting suffocated by it is my default too.. and yeah, not a lot of people get it.. but at least i know now some few here do. not a nice place to be in but sometimes it's just where you get stuck at.

here's wishing all DKs watching this drama to find strength (and someone?) to have a way to let go of our inner sufferings and breathe properly again.


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Your comment is always on point


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I agree totally and think you nailed DK completely. He has been so full of remorse and self-loathing that makes it hard to watch. But I'm watching and hoping he will get it together. Now back to the crazy psychiatrist for some real therapy!


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Watched the subbed video yesterday but it always elevates the experience reading the db community's take. ?

We have the same heroes for the ep lollypip! Thank you noona for hugging do kyung and for talking to other oh hae young the way you do.

That male colleague defender had consistently been my hero. He could be the lead in another slice of life tvn show.

Please keep do kyung alive, show! I am already in tears just seeing his memory/vision.


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Oh God, LollyPip, your theory just got me goosebumps.

When I read the recap, I was like "Aaah... so that's what Dr Park meant by his theory in episode 10." I didn't get it first but you seem more expert than Dr Park. Reading your comment and honestly, I'd never thought that far. I just think that when he's dying later, he's just somehow thinking about her, maybe regretting what he has done. Maybe because I haven't watched the episode myself that I can't get what the vision really means.

So thanks a lot, your recap and comments really explains everything I don't understand in the first place. You're really good in interpreting what the visions really mean. Seriously when I read your comment, I was like "Wow, she's (I always think that you're a girl) really great, even better than Dr Park."

And of course we're hoping the same way. I think Do Kyung has finally realized that he could change his own future, so he made that decision. Despite all of the heartbroken, injuries, they deserve to be each other. Hopefully his choice will make a better ending of this drama... um I mean the writer's choice haha.

Keep up the good work, LollyPip. Two thumbs up for you.


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Chairman Jang, that sneaky old man has played us all.
I'm so furious and confused, why did he do that?
And he has the nerve to try to take revenge on our Do kyung.


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Thankfully there is Beautiful Gong Shim to wash off the terrible misery these episodes put me in. It seemed as if I could feel how ashamed hae young was of her own weakness or how heartbroken and guilt ridden DK. Happy episodes please


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Suddenly while watching this episode, the time Do kyung finally can say 'I love you', I want a confession scene that can be more than how kim jung hwan's conffesion made me feel. Because uri hae young really deserves it.


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I like her guts for calling out Do Kyung & making the first moves. But I think I had enough of her calling herself 'easy'. That 'easy' in her takes away the blame from Do Kyung & put them onto herself. Heartbroken et al, it's crazily complicated but she has done nothing to cause this entanglement other than having a common name, and it's time to move on. Given this situation, if I'm in the same shoe, I can't possibly go on with Do Kyung, no way. It would be interesting to see how the show plays out...


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There were some good moments this episode but mostly I remember my frustration with the characters. Watching Hae Young mope was painful...not in the "oh I feel for you" way....more like the "if you're so unhappy, the get up off your butt and do something about it!" way. I would have preferred more angry yelling at Do Kyung cause at least she'd be doing something and interacting with him.

It feels like it took us two episodes to essentially end up in the same spot: with Do Kyung resolving to do something about his feelings.

My other problem is the pregnancy bit. Was it really a necessary addition to the story?


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I don't think the pregnancy is needed but it add the makjang trope list.


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Well, the pregnancy part is not something shocking though and apparently it has been planned since the beginning

They even hinted about it in Jinsang's & Soo Kyung solo poster...


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As makjang as the pregnancy part may seem I'm glad that they're showing that drinking yourself into oblivion can have severe consequences and did not cop out like in previous instances, e.g. Our Hae-young walking across busy streets without looking but still staying unharmed, waking up in a hotel suite not knowing who she's there with etc. etc.


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Pain overload :(... I skip watching 11-12 eps until the next episode airs. I don't think I can handle 2episodes of tears.


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-Loved that even after all that fighting they hugged and were holding hands while talking.. shows just how much they care about each other despite everything.

-I honestly wasn't expecting that it would turn out that Do Kyung didn't cause it all, but its a welcome revelation. And I'm eager to see how this plays out when they find out.

-I just adore Do Kyung and the Doctor's bromance <3

Hope we can get ep 13 preview soon.


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Just when OHY1 was finally in a happy place - it didn't last long and Do-kyung really is an imbecile when it comes to emotions and relationships.

Which brings me to wonder why OHY1 sees in DK in the 1st place. Y

Yeah, there were a few instances where DK did something nice for her, but most of the time, he was his sullen self.

Can see why DK has fallen for OHY1 - even w/ all the bad things that have befallen her, OHY1 has this fun/adorable side to her and she has been really open to DK about her hurts, etc. where OHY2, while seemingly a nice girl, is the type that really isn't interesting, esp. since OHY2 was trying to put up a facade of having had the "perfect life."

But other than being in a pitiful state, can't see why OHY1 would be so head over heels in love w/ DK (one would think that if she really had been in love w/ her fiance, she would have struggled more w/ her feelings after she found out that he had broken things off to protect her, even if misguided in the manner, and that her ex-fiancee was ruined and placed in jail for no reason of his own).

That part/equation of OHY1's feelings don't hold true for me.

Thought as the show went on that I'd like DK better, but that hasn't occurred.

He's a bit of an arse-hat at work, he can't even do the obvious when it clearly was expected of him (say "I love you"), ruined his mother's what probably will be a very short 3rd marriage (regardless of the fact that SK's mom is superficial, shallow and a total gold-digger - there was no reason for him to ruin her wedding; he simply shouldn't have gone in the 1st place then) and is the type to seek revenge (for a hurt of the heart) by trying to ruin someone financially so that the person ends up going to jail (even if action had been taken prior).

Overall, not a real appealing guy.

While Eric's character in DoR was also a self-assured (if not cocky) work-aholic - at least he had his charming side (where I could see women falling for him).

Aside from OHY1 and her parents (and her bestie - a minor character), none of the other characters are interesting or appealing - and their story-line are just silly or annoying.


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I won't argue with any of the points you ahve made. your opinion is your own. However I can share what attracts me to Dk as a character/person (other than the obvious fact that he's friggin Eric)

DK from the outset despite his introvert nature reaches out to Our Hae Young. I think back to the scene with the two of them at the bar. They have a conversation where he just lists to her. I know that seems small but it's huge. When was the last time another human being genuinely listened to what you had to say? When he interacts with HY he always takes that extra step even when he's afraid to. There is this immediate intimacy brought on by just HY presence near DK. People ragged a lot on Erics acting but I wonder how many people missed how he subtly shifts the body language in every scene with SHJ. It was something you picked up pretty quickly as his interpretation of how much Hy disturbed DK in a good way. The other thing that makes him attractive is he doesn't just talk. he does things. Even if they are stupid things from our perspective he acts when he doesn't let his fears overwhelm him.


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Do-Kyung is like an upgraded version of her father.

Quietly reassuring. And Do-Kyung is actually successful. There's also a lot of physical attraction going there, I suppose.

Then there was that time when they first met and they were kindred souls.


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Do Kyung also was successfully inhibiting himself from revenge until Jin-Sang prodded him into it.


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Thanks for the amazing recaps and lovely comments lollypip!


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Out of topic. I really like Eric's eyes. It's round and bigger than usual korean. And his tall bridge nose too. Is it me but I think he doesn't really look like korean. Does anyone know whether he's mixed blood or pure korean?


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Eric is full Korean and there are other Koreans who have that type of look (but granted, not a majority).

As looks go - Eric is about a couple of notches below actors like Kim Sung-soo, Oh Ji-ho, Song Seung-heon, Go Soo, Ji Jin-hee, etc.


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Sorry, what do you mean by that? Honestly, I like Eric more than other actors that you mentioned above. He gives me American vibes. SWAG!!!


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For me, Eric is better looking than them. He's like mix of Asian, African, American and Latino. Very unique yet very handsome. His face structure is so rare to found.


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There is just something about his Aura...when I first heard about him before watching his drama's I didnt see what was so appealing about him...but after I watched Que Sera Sera, Discovery of Romance and now Another Miss Oh...he is just UGH Sexy, I think it's his body language and of course those eyes...there is just something about the way he carries himself that's sexy! Its not only physical features...as Anna says...Swag!


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almost forgot his irressistable smile


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And I think he has one of the best lips shape among actors. It's big bonus that he's also great kisser.


I saw Eric's younger pictures. But I like him more at this age. I like him because he looks like his age. Many korean looks younger. That's why I said Eric reminds me a lot like American actors. They're getting better looking when aging lol.


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It's a male thing for which I am grateful. Men look best in their mid 30's early 40's. You're not as pretty but you become this better self. You lose the trappings of youth but haven't quite aged into obscurity. Don't ask me about women. I don't look at them so.


I 100% agree, his body language and his mimic and his intense acting plus the way he kisses and touches are what makes him the hottest k-actor ?


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He's 100% Korean! Couple of shows have also asked him the same question but he really is Korean (may I add that he's natural too?). And I completely agree with you about his eyes, they are really wonderful.


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Does it make me an extremely salty person when I admit that I googled to see whether his atypical look isn't due to surgery? XD
Not that there's anything wrong with getting PS but it just makes one (or maybe it's just me haha) skeptical whenever I see unusual facial features on East Asians. (And I don't just mean having double eyelids or a high nose bridge/small nose but if it looks too pronounced if that makes any sense.)
Sigh, this is what happens when you watch way too many kdramas and know that so so many people has had some works done.


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And what do you think after googling? I personally believe that he's natural mainly because he and his group members were pretty frank about it (half have had something done, half (including him) haven't) and he pretty much looks the same in his childhood pics with double eyelids and his nose. xD


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He looks natural to me, too.
Though I do believe that nowadays most people in the entertainment industry get at least minor things done which don't require putting yourself under the knife (and are probably not even considered as PS in SK) since cosmetic procedures are so advanced now.
But hey...if I were living in SK and have the financial means I'd also at least get some skin treatment which makes it look flawless, poreless, firm etc. :-D


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It's cultural. Korea expects surgery while other places want perfect natural features.


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I think he's 100% korean. Have you seen his dad? He looks kind of handsome man when he was younger. I mean aging gracefully kind of vibe. I think Eric inherited his handsome looks from his father. Heh.


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I can't relate to this show same as marriage not dating ,seems this director's work is not my cup of tea...so much drinking and drunk people do odd and inappropriate things over and over ,clingy heroine with low self respect.....


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I really love this drama. The character and the plots are so real and its hurt so good. It is really awesome that i had to watch all the available subbed interview, bts and pictorial to fill in the emptiness i've felt while waiting for Monday. Truly, only Another OHY can erase my Monday Blues that never fail to revisit.

Dear Monday, i never knew that one day i've hoped for you to come by sooner and sooner.


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Sorry ..., but none of these bastards deserve her. And she needs to recognize that she deserves better. I like this show but it's pissing me off ... Her fate was the plaything of someone else's, intensional or not ... I can not for the life of me see how she could rebound so quickly into the arms of a person she now knows purposefully ruined her life and hid it from her.


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I'm not sure whether anyone has mentioned it here. But isn't it seriously hilarious that, technically, if Do-kyung hadn't asked Jang to take back his investment, he would never have felt guilty about it and sent out Jin-sang to convince investors to drop their charges? ROFL, technically by attempting to seek revenge, he just set himself up for saving this dude that was already screwed. Tae-jin has no idea, but he should be happy he was targeted.


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Ha, I haven't looked at it from that perspective but you're totally right...oh the irony. XD


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I think people saw it from Tj point of view because if DK didn't ask, he'll understand why he got juggled up,

not random noises/reason and strange clue,
it becomes just business


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People want TJ to win the girl. I just want TJ to get nekkid...more realistic anyway.


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Yes, where is his angsty "I just got out of jail and my girlfriend won't talk to me anymore" shower?


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Right? There's likely to be more angst in his future, so maybe it's not too late... *goes off to do a rain dance shower dance*


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I miss marriage not dating. feel like watching it again.

actually feeling better knowing that it wasn't Do-Kyung's fault the marriage was called off. but just wished it was all out in the open.

I guess chairman Jang has a score to settle for the way Do-Kyung treated his daughter??


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