Oh Hae-young Again: Episode 10

There are times when the right thing to do is wait and let things happen as they will, and times when you need to step up and make things happen. The trick is knowing when, and doing the right thing when it’s time for action. With Do-kyung’s visions growing more and more ominous, the moment has come for him to make a decision — will he let life decide his future, or will he make his own fate?


EPISODE 10: “On my way to you”

Needing some space to think after kissing Hae-young, Do-kyung visits the playground where he and his father (cameo by Lee Pil-mo) used to play and talk together. They had a very close relationship, and Do-kyung especially loved to ask his dad questions about sound.

Dad had told his son that he loved sounds because they disappear. He’d said that when you realize that things don’t last forever, you don’t waste your energy on useless things. Little Do-kyung hadn’t quite understood, but he’d remembered those words.

Hae-young goes back to her parents’ house, and sits in her room frowning at her silent phone and reliving that kiss in her mind. She finally snaps, screaming at the phone, “How could you kiss me like that and not even call me?!” Never accuse this girl of being out of touch with her emotions.

She takes out her aggression on the laundry, phone in hand just in case, swearing that she won’t call Do-kyung first. She hollers to Mom for more laundry, and Dad begs Mom to just give her something, anything, to wash. LOL, Mom starts taking clean blankets to her half-insane daughter.

The phone finally rings but it’s Tae-jin, and Hae-young’s face actually falls. She declines his offer for lunch, and now it’s Tae-jin’s turn to be disappointed.

Mom finally demands to know who’s the cause of Hae-young’s behavior — is it Tae-jin, or that neighbor guy? She threatens to kill Hae-young if she dates either of them, but Hae-young just says she’s going out.

Dr. Park worries when Do-kyung doesn’t show for his appointment, and goes looking for him at home. He says that today he’s just Do-kyung’s friend, not his doctor, and sits to explain his theory regarding Do-kyung’s premonitions.

Dr. Park thinks that this has something to do with how people perceive time. We think it moves in a straight line, past to present to future. But in his theory, only the body is constrained by time, and the mind is able to move freely. So the body moves forward in time, but the mind can shift fluidly back and forth.

It’s his guess that Do-kyung’s body is, right now, in the middle of experiencing a car crash. The shock of his body dying is causing his brain to flit around in time, looking for the woman he loves, Hae-young. That’s why he keeps seeing her and only her — he’s not seeing the future, but remembering the past just moments before he relives it in his mind.

Do-kyung listens very carefully, asking a few questions, and gives the theory serious thought. He imagines himself lying in the street covered in blood, his body dying while his mind searches for the one person he wants to see the most in his last moments. His conclusion: “You’re a weirdo, right?” ~PFFT~

But the idea that his body may be dying right at this moment shakes him, though Dr. Park says that there could be another explanation. He promises to hang in there with Do-kyung, and help him figure this out.

Do-kyung runs into Drunk French Soo-kyung on his way home, but he walks right past her. He asks if she’s coming home, and she trails behind him, muttering that her life is too pathetic for her to live through it sober.

She can’t stop thinking about waking up in Jin-sang’s bed, and when he runs into her in the street it becomes clear that he doesn’t remember anything, since she snuck out before he awoke. He does a cute little “congratulations” song and dance, and tells Soo-kyung all about a guy he knows who would love to marry a woman like her.

He turns and starts peeing on the street right in front of her, not so sober himself. Soo-kyung yells at him and he turns, nearly getting her wet, ew. She yells at him to be more respectful, even if he doesn’t see her as a woman. She runs home screaming, “I’m a woman!” and we see that Jin-sang was only pouring out his bottle of water, ha.

Once home, Do-kyung tries to drink away his worries about this terrifying theory of Dr. Park’s. Hae-young cancels another date with Tae-jin, claiming that she has to work, and goes out with her friend Hee-ran. She tells Hee-ran about everything that’s happened, including the passionate kiss, but whines that Do-kyung hasn’t called her since then.

Hee-ran thinks that he’s just dealing with his bouncing from one Oh Hae-young to another, and cautions patience. She’s sure he’ll call once he comes to terms with the idea. But Hae-young doesn’t understand it — she can’t hold herself back, so how can he do it so easily?

Later that night, Hae-young stands in front of Do-kyung’s house, practically vibrating with wanting to go and find him. She fights with herself over whether to go to her own place, and she wonders to herself how Do-kyung can hold back like this if he likes her. She ends up leaving and going back to her parents’ house.

After several beers, Do-kyung still can’t get Dr. Park’s words out of his head, that he’s somewhere dying right this moment and wanting to see Hae-young. He closes his eyes and hears a loud crash, and opens them again to find himself lying in the street, blood on his face and pooling under his head.

He sees Hae-young walking confidently through traffic, her arm in a sling, in the vision from the first day they met. Back in reality (or is it?) his eyes fly open again, and he’s back on his couch, safe and sound.

In the morning, Do-kyung knocks over his coffee mug, and something about it makes him feel uneasy.

Hoon goes to visit An-na at work, where she greets him with her usual shrill enthusiasm. She’s over the moon after reading his script, declaring it amazing, and urges him to show it to a producer as soon as possible.

The other Hae-young visits Chairman Jang, her mother’s ex-husband, and he asks about her ill-fated engagement to Do-kyung. She clams up at his questioning, though he says that he’s only curious since he’s about to marry Do-kyung’s mother.

Though they aren’t blood-related, his having two stepchildren who nearly married each other could become a point of gossip, so he wants to confirm that it’s really over. Hae-young says that it’s over, though the expression on her face tells Chairman Jang that it’s not for her, and she admits that she still has feelings for Do-kyung.

She thinks to herself that she really thought that it would be over once her emotional wounds healed. She remembers a time when just the sound of her voice was enough to calm him to sleep, and the sweet memory has her crying.

Hoon takes his script to Hee-ran, who promises to read it and get back to him. He asks her to keep this a secret from Do-kyung, who’s been especially moody lately.

Do-kyung’s mother orders him to Chairman Jang’s birthday party against his will, warning him not to bring a cheap gift. Do-kyung thinks that two marriages should have been enough for her, and takes offense to the idea that he needs another father at his age. He mentions that Chairman Jang is notorious for cheating, which makes his mother stomp off in a rage, screeching that it’s not true.

Do-kyung is nearly mowed down by his own employee as he steps off the curb, and his newfound horror of car accidents makes him overreact. He stops for a coffee and sees Hee-ran reading Hoon’s script, and it doesn’t appear as though she likes it.

He joins her and asks about the script, ignoring her big fat hints about Hae-young, and Hee-ran remembers her promise to Hoon and asks Do-kyung not to mention that he knows she’s reading it. She does say that Hoon’s writing level isn’t up to par, and that she regrets agreeing to read it because it wasn’t worth going behind Do-kyung’s back.

Do-kyung takes it to reads himself, and yeah, it’s bad. When Hoon comes home, Do-kyung asks who else has seen the script, angry that Hoon is still trying to be a scriptwriter after so many years of rejection. He says that he’s at least trying to teach Hoon his business so he’ll have a career he can be proud of.

Hoon says that he still wants to try, and Do-kyung flings the script at his feet, calling Hoon’s writing embarrassing. That angers Hoon, who says that worse scripts are made into movies all the time, and being embarrassing isn’t the worst thing in the world. He snarls that Do-kyung is the one who can’t stand being embarrassed, but Hoon himself can live with embarrassment if it means living his dream of being a writer.

Do-kyung hollers back that he can’t stand seeing Hoon belittled, and begs him to just learn sound direction from him. With tears in his eyes, Hoon says that even though Do-kyung thinks people respect him, they actually badmouth him behind his back. So what’s the point of all that pride if they’re going to do it anyway?

An-na is beside herself on Hoon’s behalf when she hears what Do-kyung said about his script, and she’s ready to go kill that jerk right now. Hoon has to physically hold her back from storming off to confront his brother.

Do-kyung goes for a walk, Hoon’s words that people are talking about him anyway mixing with his father’s statement that you shouldn’t waste energy on useless things. A flashback shows us Do-kyung’s and his father’s close, loving relationship, as they talk about the sounds that Dad got from visiting the DMZ once.

When asked, Dad had said that his favorite sound in the world was his son’s voice. Awww. Do-kyung’s mother (cameo by Lee Yu-ri) had come home drunk, complaining that her husband preferred the company of his children to his wife, accusing him of using his job as an excuse not to come home.

Dad takes little Do-kyung on one of his trips to record sounds, this time to a high cliff overlooking the ocean. He warns Do-kyung not to play near the edge, telling him to listen for the sound of a butterfly’s wings.

A strong wind tips one of the microphones over the edge of the cliff, and Dad lunges for it. When little Do-kyung turns around, his father is gone. He creeps to the cliff’s edge on hands and knees, but he can’t see anything.

He runs all the way to the bottom of the cliff and finds his father lying on the beach, blood covering the side of his face and pooling under his head. Is it me, or isn’t that the exact pattern of blood we saw on adult Do-kyung in his vision?

Little Do-kyung has to run to the nearest farm and drag a tarp all the way back to his fathers prone body, and he somehow manages to pull his father to their car. That mighty little boy pushes the car as far as he can, late into the night, until he collapses with exhaustion. He climbs into the car and begs his father in a small voice to please wake up, and that’s when help finally arrives. But it’s too late.

Little Do-kyung had gone back to their favorite playground, and screamed into the sky, “Why did you leave without asking me? Why?? I will never leave, ever!” And as he relives these memories, adult Do-kyung runs circles around the playground, trying to exhaust himself.

When he finally does call Hae-young, just seeing his name on the screen starts the waterworks all over again. She yells for him to say something when he doesn’t immediately speak, and he says just two words: “Come here.” Hae-young angrily says that she’s not that easy, but his next words completely disarm her, remembering how she’d wanted to hear them so badly. “I miss you.”

He’s crying now, and he says it again, “I miss you,” and Hae-young literally runs to him. When she finds him they both go a little shy, but their faces show how happy they are just to have reached an understanding, without even needing to discuss it.

After a long, adorably awkward moment, they just walk, and Do-kyung’s face splits into the biggest, most beautiful smile ever. Eventually Hae-young breaks the silence, chiding herself for being so easy that she comes whenever he calls, and asks what else he wants her to do.

Do-kyung asks for a hug, looking scared that she might reject him. But Hae-young easily wraps her arms around him, and he returns her hug, and they both close their eyes like they’re finally home.

They go for a drive, where Hae-young jokes that she’s so easy, she doesn’t even care where they’re going. Do-kyung teases back that he’s glad she’s easy, and she threatens to kill him if he changes his mind. He promises that he won’t, and Hae-young lets loose a loud cheer. So cute.

They go for a walk on the beach, and Hae-young asks when Do-kyung started liking her. She guesses it was when they first met, but he shakes his head no. It was when she admitted to voting for herself for class president. Her courage to reveal such an embarrassing thing is what made him like her. Ha, Hae-young launches into a whole long list of embarrassing things she’s done, and her stories have Do-kyung laughing freely.

They stop to eat dinner, and Do-kyung pours himself a drink for once. Hae-young tries some aegyo on him and gets shot down, hee, and the grill reminds Do-kyung of that awkward dinner with her parents. Hae-young was embarrassed, but Do-kyung remembers it more fondly, because her mother had put a piece of meat on his rice.

It’s a very maternal gesture, and he was touched, not having a very loving mother himself. Hae-young promises to put meat on his rice any time, and starts filling his plate with grilled oysters.

Do-kyung watches her for a while, smiling at her determination to make him feel loved. Suddenly he jumps up, turns her chair around with her in it, and plants a big old kiss on her. They make out like teenagers for quite a long time, not caring if anyone sees.

Jin-sang stops to say hello to Soo-kyung as she walks home, showing off his fancy new suit. He does a little dance and she can’t stop staring at his booty, and has to struggle to shake off her fascination. He boogies off to a party, leaving Soo-kyung to cringe at her newfound attraction.

She runs into the neighborhood ladies who walk young women home after dark, and frightens them into walking her home for once. Ha, they look more scared of her than any potential attackers.

She invites them inside for juice, ordering them to sit and drink whether they want to or not. Out of nowhere she asks them how many men they’ve slept with, and she shyly admits that at forty-four, she’s only slept with two and a half men. A half??

Her problem is that, once she sleeps with a man, she falls in love with him. And now she’s slept with Jin-sang, and she feels doom looming over her, hee. She rants that of course it only makes sense to have a relationship with someone she’s slept with, but why does it have to be that womanizer Jin-sang? In a fit of anger, she chases the neighborhood ladies out the window.

Hoon and An-na go drinking, where we learn that Hoon and Do-kyung are actually stepbrothers. They’d met when Hoon was six and his father had married Do-kyung’s mother, and he’d followed Do-kyung around for a week until Do-kyung told him to go back home. And now they still live in the same house.

Hoon decides that he will agree to live with An-na, sure that the news will make Do-kyung angry and looking forward to it. But An-na says that now that she knows they aren’t blood-related, she thinks Do-kyung probably reacts so strongly because he really does love Hoon.

Apparently, drinking turns Do-kyung into a giant cuddlebear, and Hae-young starts to entertain thoughts of a nice cozy motel room. But he’s already called them a driver, so Hae-young argues that a room would be much cheaper than a ride back to Seoul. She’s flabbergasted that he’s not thinking along the same lines as she is after such a romantic day (not to mention all the kissing), but he totally misses her point.

Hae-young looks like she could kill the driver with her brain when he overhears her complaints about the cost, and offers a deep discount. Dude, you’re not helping! Unwilling to admit that she really just wants a chance to jump Do-kyung’s bones, she’s forced to submit to the drive back to the city.

She shoots eye-daggers at Do-kyung on the ride back, and he says that women shouldn’t sleep in motels anyway, proving that he knew exactly what she wanted. But being the gentleman he is, he says that he wants their first time to be at a nice place. Next time.

That mollifies Hae-young, and she snuggles with Do-kyung and they both nod off to sleep. He wakes in the morning, back in the city, and smiles to see Hae-young still sound asleep with her head in his lap. He gently pushes her hair behind her ear, and shields her eyes from the early morning sun with his hand.

He thinks to himself, “Let’s go. Let’s go all the way.”


First of all, I just love that the show allows its characters to be real people, who think and talk about sex as if it’s a natural part of life, and not something shameful. I love how open Hae-young is about wanting to sleep with Do-kyung (because if she was being all coy, we wouldn’t buy it anyway — have you seen the guy??) and that he obviously wants her too, but he wants their first time to be special. Their kisses reflect their natural chemistry and attraction, and then, wonder of wonders, they actually talk about it! Seeing them have a frank, open discussion about wanting each other, and making plans like actual responsible adults, is very refreshing. Just wanted to get that out of the way.

This theory that Do-kyung is dying and seeing his life flashing before his eyes has definitely occurred to me (and to many of you, I know), but I admit I was hoping for pretty much anything but this. If this turns out to be the truth — and I’m going to go with it being true until the story tells us otherwise — I suppose there’s hope that Do-kyung is only dying and not dead, and that he still can be saved. I think that Do-kyung will slowly learn that the visions aren’t necessarily unchangeable fact, and his attitude towards them is already changing. At first he just passively watched them happen, and now he seem to be actively doing things to make them happen. In the last episode he was clearly watching for the moment when he’d seen himself kiss Hae-young, and there were several times when he looked to see if she had blood on her lip, knowing that she would when they finally kissed. He actually looked disappointed when he would see there was no blood, but when they fought and he finally saw it, it was like the signal he needed to finally do what he’s been wanting to do for ages.

So now that Do-kyung is starting to anticipate his visions, it’s my wish that he goes one step further and finds a way to actually alter the events before they happen. Maybe he can even go so far as to stop his accident from happening. At the very least, it’s possible that he has enough time to avert total disaster, and while he may not be able to avoid his accident completely, he could do something to mitigate the severity of what’s going to happen to him. I’m sort of wishing into the wind here, but I’m really just desperate for someone to find a way to save his life, and with us only being at the midpoint of the show I hope there’s enough time for that to happen. I’m hoping that the key to all this lies in the blood pattern on his face, which definitely looked exactly the same as the blood pattern on his father’s face when he fell off that cliff. There’s a connection here, once I can’t quite figure out yet. But whatever it is, I feel like if Do-kyung can solve the puzzle, he can change his own fate.

Speaking of which, it’s no wonder that Do-kyung is so reluctant to talk about his father’s death. Aside from being the one parental figure he could count on for love and security, the way his father died had to be extremely traumatizing to such a young child. It shows us that he was a very emotionally strong and determined boy from the beginning, the way he saw his father’s need for help and just did what needed to be done without hysterics. Despite being unable to save his father’s life, Do-kyung was a pure hero, and it explains a lot about why he feels he has to be the stoic, strong one in the family now. He’s already a natural caretaker and an old soul, and no doubt when his father died he felt he had to be the head of the family, given how unreliable his mother was even back then. It’s no wonder that he has a hard time letting go and allowing himself to be led by his feelings, especially since the one time he did that, it backfired on him in the most painful way possible. It’s nothing short of miraculous that he’s able to open up to Hae-young now.

The problem, which I know is going to come back to haunt them both sooner rather than later, is that Do-kyung still hasn’t told Hae-young about his part in Tae-jin’s incarceration and their subsequent breakup. I do think that he made a terrible mistake, but it came out of an unfortunate misunderstanding, and I believe he regretted it long before he ever met our Hae-young. He only intended to mess with Tae-jin’s finances a little, it was never Do-kyung’s goal to ruin his entire life. But no matter how it was meant, the truth is that he only has Hae-young now because he managed to break up her impending marriage, and she’s going to be heartbroken when she learns the truth. With everything Do-kyung has going on right now, I don’t blame him for grabbing onto happiness while he can, but that’s no excuse for keeping Hae-young in the dark.


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i was going to post this for ep 9 but i went on db and wow ep 10 is already out. other oh hae young is a little manipulative... i tried really hard to like her at first but she's the kind of person you don't want to get involved with in real life. like, it seems like she's trying to guilt trip do kyung into being with her.


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Manipulative and seemingly uncaring of how negatively our Oh Has Young's life had been affected by her. If she were really the sweet girl she pretends to be, she would have told all her admirers to be nicer to our OHY. She would stand up for her at work. But she never says anything.

When I say she pretends to be sweet, I don't think she even knows herself that she's not. It's all part of this protective persona she's created.


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Something that's been niggling at me: what did other OHY do that those girls wanted to best her up so badly?


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Maybe if you are bff with the most popular girl in the school you might get noticed? yknow everyone wants to stand out a lil bit


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@Starnger the girls wanted to beat Pretty OHY, not Normal OHY. They probably didn't know that they got the wrong OHY. And during the flashback you could clearly see that they weren't really bff


I guess it's just because she is pretty. The one who beat her up first probably got dumped because her boyfriend was "in love" with OHY.
(Pretty OHY)


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oops sorry I didn't see the correction. I think that's what bullies do, they find you the thorn in their eyes, they would definitely release all the anger. (cross-referencing School 2015 where Kim So Hyun being a victim only because she is an orphan) Bullies are unreasonable, because they think they control the school, they probably feel they need to 'teach her a lesson' for her to know her 'place'. oh you know bullies and their turf.


But I think that the show's been fairly clear that she's not the sweet girl she pretends to be. Not because she's manipulative, but because she's so terrified of people hating her (which ties in with her abandonment issues) that she feels the need to constantly be nice to overcompensate. I agree with you that it's a part of her protective persona, but I think that's precisely why she isn't manipulative. She wants so much to be liked that she never rocks the boat. Like, I know our Hae Young gets the brunt of it from other people, but I don't think the other Hae Young has it too good either. That boss of theirs calling her 'aegi' in the age-metabolism game and the way he constantly treats her is so cringe, he's always almost borderline harassing her, but even then she's conditioned herself to be okay with all of it because her issues run so deep. I feel like she's an interesting character.


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Agree! She did irk me a bit in episode 9 because it felt like she had some unconscious manipulation going on. Almost as if she, herself, didn't even understand that she was using Our Hae-young's weaknesses to her advantage. But I still ultimately think she's really interesting and I'm pulling for her growth.


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I can understand! Personally, I thought she wasn't being manipulative, because the show made it clear that she was drunk by the time she called DK in the bathroom, so it probably loosened her tongue and made her say stuff that even she knew was petty (she acknowledged it herself as well later, saying that she was acting petty).

I think the interesting thing is how the OHY-OHY dynamic gets sustained through external factors-- like OHY 2's metabolic age being 21 is not her fault (as it seems sometimes, like a "why does she always come out on top" sort-of way), it's just indicative of a healthy lifestyle, but it's also understandable why OHY 1 would take that as a personal affront, esp since people keep making fun of her in comparison. But she would have been equally happy had she been 21 and OHY 2 been 42, just like OHY 2 was happy about it too, esp obv because she too has insecurities re: OHY 1, now with DK's interest in her.

Her calling DK or asking him to play ping-pong etc., may not be shining character moments, and they may be indicative of her being petty or trying to get him back without admitting it, but it just seems like that's such an ordinary human thing to want or do. Like DK acted like she was way over the line in assuming that he was with OHY 1 only because they had the same name, but she's not entirely wrong, his initial interest in OHY 1 WAS because of her name. In fact, he actually tried to sabotage what he thought was OHY 2's wedding to the extent that Tae Jin landed in jail, because he was both angry and jealous, and that is how he met OHY 1 and which informed all their interactions right from the beginning. But he pretended that she was overestimating her impact on him, which is also very human. And we understand him and all his actions. So I honestly don't see why OHY 2 shouldn't be cut some slack for not being the most favourably inclined towards OHY 1 because she wants DK back, when we can understand DK's revenge plan.

That's what's so lovely about OHY 1, imo, in that she's not embarrassed of embarrassment (as this episode too aptly pointed out.) It's not that she won't be petty or jealous or irrational, but she's openly jealous and petty and irrational. She doesn't mind coming across as those things, or leaving herself vulnerable to judgement, while people (like both DK and OHY 2) usually prefer putting a good face on their basest emotions and pretending they don't exist to keep face, or pretending like they have the upper hand. I can completely understand DK's enamour with OHY 1's willingness to share her embarrassing moments, to not try and maintain an image or hide her weaknesses as most people do.



Oh, thanks for reminding me that she was drunk! I do remember, when many viewers were calling her out for her loose tongue regarding our Hae-young's parents many episodes ago, I also thought that she came off the way she did because she was drinking. I also think you may be right about her letting herself be a little petty. And, really, it's only that bout of drunken pettiness last episode that really bothered me for the first time, probably because I'd cut her so much slack. But I do get how Do-kyung was the only one she could really say those things to and I did notice how she recognized her pettiness herself.

I also realize how tired she must be dealing with our Hae-young's treatment of her because of the external factors you mentioned. I think, the more OHY1 resents her, the more OHY2 tries to put on a good face because she feels that, with all OHY1 has gone through because of her, she should always act exceptionally 'nice' towards her. The problem is putting on a good face all the time when someone is clearly unhappy with you for such deep-seated reasons just makes that person feel like you aren't listening or responding genuinely to their pain. My favorite moment from OHY2 this episode was when she finally stopped smiling and, for the first time, asked our Hae-young something equally unpleasant to her face. Everything you said about OHY1 not being afraid to be openly jealous, petty, and irrational is right on the mark so I was ecstatic to see OHY2 finally drop the facade and fight back.

Regarding her & DK, I'm actually not bothered much by her actions there either. I think a part of her wanted to believe the ping-pong games would give them closure, while another part of her was hopeful that spending time together may lead to a second chance. Which is pretty much how all people are. This episode she finally came to terms with what she actually wanted from him, right as she realized she likely wouldn't be getting it. I'm curious to see where they take her character from this point forward.


I feel like the other Hae Young's only human. She's not trying to sneak her way into Do Kyung's life, she's genuinely just trying to get over him-- although I don't think it's unforgivable if she's petty at times, and if she clearly wishes that Do Kyung loved her like she still does him, and if she's hoping that spending time with him would bring that spark back. She's not deliberately trying to hurt them, but she would be happy if Do Kyung liked her better than our Hae Young. That to me is just human nature.

I mean, this episode made it pretty clear that she wasn't being manipulative, she was pretty open about her situation-- in telling her ex step-dad about how she's in an unrequited love with Do Kyung and it's over for him. And her crying in the car was also real; she's lost a lot too, and it did seem like the relationship she had with Do Kyung was sweet. I feel like we sometimes hold our female second leads to impossible standards. After all, our Hae Young is flawed too, she can be petty and jealous as well. That's what makes her a great character, and I think that way, the other Hae Young is also so well-written, because she too is a flawed, real person. She's no villain and she's no saint.


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Thank you Zoe.


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Well said


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totally agree with you zoe


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yes to all of this


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Good assessment! I agree!


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Perfectly articulated!


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I guess I got the feeling that the other Hae Young envied our Hae Young for just the things that she did not have in her life foremost supportive loving parent. She might resent our Hae Young same as the other way around. Would be interesting to see her perspective of their past life toghether. Add in the fact that Do Kyung also ended up liking our Hae Young best, well we will see.


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she's definitely trying to make do kyung go out with her again. like that ping pong bullshit before just makes me so mad- people like this in real life exists and its just so sad. Of course, she had her reasons for not making it to the wedding, but if you knew the consequences of your actions, adult up and face them. Don't try to go around them to get it your way life doesnt work like that :(

EP 12 recap here! https://ktarashy.wordpress.com/2016/06/08/oh-hae-young-again-ep-12-recap/


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Yay !!!


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For the kiss ???

... bec it was awesome !

And then made even more daebak by OHY's "expectations" for later on ! lol


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for many more kisses of out OTP!!!


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Can someone sent that mom to afterlife? She brings nothing good for her children.
And dokyung, you should come clean soon before it comes back to you.


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*Calling Shaman Hong Joo of MoTW to come and collect mom's soul into a jar*



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hahahhahahahha! but even putting it in a jar is dangerous. she could come back in 17 years and ruin other people lives.


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Hilarious ^^


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Omg Do-kyung's backstory with his dad broke my heart. Poor kid went through something no one should witness


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I couldn't stop crying, and can't even rewatch that scene. :<


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Heart breaking...chongmal


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very sad indeed :(


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Heartbreaking. He must have been traumatized.


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Episode 10 theory. The blood from the accident is too similar to his father’s death to be a true vision. So my current theory is that the emotional scars of his father’s death and the advice indelibly inked into his brain (‘let emotion pass you by’) caused Do Kyung to link his deep feelings for Oh Hae Young to that trauma. When he’s turning away from his love for her, his brain (‘survival instincts’) tries to shock him out of it by bringing back that trauma from his childhood with the visions but with him in his father’s stead.

In fact, I still think his visions of her (and in general) is something in his brain (mystical or not) that is trying to trigger him out of his self-destructive loner path. So he originally had visions of her because fate/instinct recognised her as someone he needed, but his trauma (and the wrong he’s done her) convinced his intellect that he’s undeserving of her. When he tries to push her away, his brain gives him vision of his death because without her he’ll live as if he’s already dead inside. I like the idea that they’re fated to be (I know it’s a kdrama trope but it’s one that I like when it’s done well).


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@Lola Very interesting. Me likey.


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OMG I hope you're right and he doesn't have to die. Great analysis, Lola!


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I do agree with you. I do think that he is incapable of love , ( according to what his mother said to pretty OHY , hence she ran away on the wedding day) and this might be related to one parental figure whom had died and he was traumatized from the experience. He already cried while missing her.


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Cool theory!

I hope the show can explain a good reason behind his visions.


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Ooh... What an interesting theory!


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I like your theory. Especially the parted where they are fated. That even thoihh it was bad he screwed up her marriage. She was meant to meet him instead of being that girl that walk passed him in the street.

I believe he never really open up himself to his siblings or the other hae young. He has not let himself heal. Thats why the episode was very meaningful in showing us his pain as a young boy who lost his dad to the carefree laughing him we see as he lets himself go our hae young.

I hope episode 11 continues to show him opening up to Hae Young. So far Hae Young was the one whose always open and frank to him. She even admitted she started dating the ex fiance to stop her from throwing herself to Do Kyung. I love her courage


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this is something that I've been thinking too.
i do think the vision mean that they were fated to be together. his brain is constantly looking for her.


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I noticed that too...i felt it was too similar.


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My theory is exactly the same!
I've come to think that whenever he is doing something that is holding him back from being happy (or sees something that is upsetting) then he gets these visions of him dying. So instead of emotional pain he feels physical pain.
I do think it's mental and his brain is trying to tell him to finally start living his life.


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This is a very interesting theory, Lola! Your theory would mean the psychologist is a real person in DK's life.

If his visions are truly flashbacks in the dying moment, then the psychologist is more than likely a made up character in DK's brain -- some part of DK's id acting as a guide trying to make sense of hid life.

The psychologist is developing into a very interesting character. He starts out being disconnected from and bored with his patient, but slowly gets hooked by DK's narrative and comes alive. Now he's an active participant, to the point of shedding doctor-patient relationship and desiring to be a friend. I can see the wheels turning (the actor is doing a splendid job!) in his brain. If he turns out to be "real" he's probably beginning an epic paper of his theory to publish in the various scholarly psychology journals. But no doubt his peers will label him a weirdo.


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My friend actually told me, the psychiatrist was evolving from being a Doodle Artist into a real Psychologist. HAHAHA I DIED LAUGHING


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My theory is the accident visions started from the moment OHY was by Han river and curse him (or anyone he doesn't like her) for not liking him. I know she did not really mean it, but she was really frustrated of him denying his feelings. So I believe the vision is the result of PDK denying his feelings as well as his guilty conscious toward OHY. Therefore they might change as he starts to show his love to OHY.


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Something I thought of to support your theory --> PDK didn't start getting visions until after our OHY and Tae Jin split up! So once she became available, everything started screaming at him to go towards her. Fate!


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so HAPPY for our couple ! YAY, love the scene when they walk together, and the huge smile on their face says it all.
they deserve to be happy, finally. TVN is killing it, making a drama that is both funny and touching.I pray for a happy ending. Eric better not fess up until they are married or else the shit is gonna hit the fan.The director is amazing, the way he shot the kiss in the last episode is epic. And all the actors are amazing,Hwaiting


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I couldn't get used to smiling Do kyung! Those eyes of his are still shadowed by misery even when he's smiling. On the contrary, I want him to come clean to Hae young as soon as possible.
Park Do kyung please do so, Oh Hae young would surely be furious but then she'll be by your side again cause she's easy like that and loves you a whole lot.


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Waiting until they are married to tell her would be terrible. Marriages need to be built on trust and not telling her that he ruined her wedding would be a huge withholding of information that would probably strain their marriage. He needs to get it out their ASAP before their relationship gets too far. I want them to be happy too but the longer the waits the more betrayed and angry Oh Hae-young will feel.


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I totally agree on them being honest with each other! Even as a drama, this show really portrays hae young and do kyung like real people with needs and wants and they're not afraid to tell each other! I can't wait til next week's episodes!!


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I'll admit, I was a little disappointed when she got out of the taxi and they ran to each other but stopped short. It was so obvoius that he needed a hug, it felt a little bit like a cop-out even though their smiles at each other spoke volumes.

But to have Do Kyung outright ask for the hug minutes later, and seeing how much courage he had to build up to make that request, made the intentional, long, requested hug so much better than an impulsive reunion hug would've been. This show is perfect.


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I was hoping for another jump-hug , when our OHY got out of the taxi. Oh well..


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Haha! I want the next jump-hug to be initiated by him!!


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omg I hope the jump-hug vision that he saw will happen and he be like open his arm for her as she walk down the stairs, and they went for a date happily. omg maybe it will happen soon. omg i need to call the writer omg pls make it happen!!! :o


yaaas, tho I think when they resist each other for a bit was quite cute, like they can't really be upfront want to hug each other just like that so they take it slowly, until Do Kyung just heck with all the seashell I'm kissing my girlfriend!! ugh love it. I need more of this happy moments before any conflict come knocking on the door pleaseeee


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Me too. I want ep 11 to be a angst free swweet episode that do kyung and hae young can enjoy as a new born couple


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Did anyone notice how beautiful Eric mun eyes during that scene, sparkly, we can tell how giddy he was to see Hae Young just by the look in his eyes.


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OHY was following Hee-Ran's advice and letting him make the first move. If she'd engaged in mind-reading and rushed into his arms, he would not have had the opportunity to ask. He's not much of a talker and is very self-contained, so I see learning to ask for help, etc., as an important developmental task for him.

Kate & Anna McGarrigle - Dancer with Bruised Knees


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Yes he needs to be honest with her for obvious reasons. But he also needs to tell Tae Jin the whole truth and properly apologize for what he did to him. I keep thinking that if Tae Jin finds out what really happened and what is happening now he is going to be the one ramming his car on Do Kyung.


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ahh it's here yay thanks!!!

So many feels that I don't know where to begin so I will just put it simply that I just love the complexity of this drama! There are so many factors, so many problems that our characters are facing -- I love the intricacies of how this drama has been written

And I was super pleased about the Lee Pil-mo and Lee Yu-ri cameos :D


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I stopped biting my fingernails ages ago. But while watching this episode I just couldn't help it.

When PDK swung OHY's chair around for yet another tongue action, I thought the world would go up in flames.

At the risk of sounding sleazy, I just really want to swan dive Eric the beast.

OHY and PDK, we need more.


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I love this girl! The last part where she was disappointed to not 'sleep' in the motel had me laughing in stitches. She knows what she wants and expresses it so. She's so unlike almost every other heroine. Way to go, girl!


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Before I watched the episode, I saw the screenshot of her disappointed face looking at the last motel sign on twitter, and immediately had a heart attack thinking that Do Kyung's accident had happened. It looked late at night and her face was visibly distressed so I was really fearing the worst.

Imagine how relieved/shocked I was that she was really just sad she wasn't getting laid, lol. ? ? ?


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LOL!!! I loved that part.


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I liked her quip when DK said they'll get a nice place for their first time, next time.

"When?" :-D :-D :-D

Our OHY can be insistent!


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Love your explanation of Do-kyung. That's why I always read the recapper's comment section before anything else. Thanks for the recap!


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me too.


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Love it. Simply love it. Let's go all the way!


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Yes, I was thinking the same when the camera focus on his father's pattern of blood. are they going to tell us something because that were the same one as DK's pattern of blood when he had vision of his accident. please tell me something. but if its true that DK will have an accident and lying there I kind have a hunch that it will has something to do with later on when HY found out about DK involved with her ruined marriage to be. I hope they can make it come some way and wont be so heart broken. by the way, this pd really gave us not just one but two hot kiss. imagine what will they show for the make up part if ever HY found out and they kinda broke up..one heavy hot make up please.


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I have the same hunch with you about when that crash is going to happen.
In fact i think HY's ex-finance is going to be the one that engineers the crash!
But that blood pattern recapper mentioned today suddenly gave me a light wave. Rmb how in secret garden the body switching shenanigans were ended up with a nice visit from the protagonist'a dad? What happens if DK's father "intervened" to make sure DK would be ok? Just like how little DK tried to save his dad? (:


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That pattern on his dad's face could answer why DK is having visions of HY. I just hope it leads to a happy ending and not a tragic ending.


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Guh, DK's eyes when he watched HY prepared the food is killing me. There was the sadness, heartened, yearn and love mixed in those beautiful eyes.

Why do I sense a heart breaking episode(s) is coming our way?
Can't the writer and Producer just give us all lovey dovey (DK) and crazy over the top romance (DK's sister and brother) for the remaining episodes till 18? *wishful thinking*


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I do too. While I am happy seeing Do-kyung and Hae-young finally embrace their feeling to each other, I can't help for not feeling sad watching episode 10. maybe the 'undertone' or something, but there is sadness written all over the episode


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This might be a highly unpopular view, but you gotta give Do Kyung's mom's props for recognizing that "pretty" Hae Young would not have been the right fit for her son based on her family background from a broken home.

Mom, witch as she is, was in her own way looking out for her son. She recognizes that Do Kyung too, grew up without real maternal love, and his father died early, so he never really had the unconditional parental love and affection that our Hae Young enjoyed growing up. This created a huge void/vacuum in his life which I'm sure he only recognized when he sat to lunch with HY's parents and saw how they interacted, when HY's mom put a piece of meat on his rice.

I can see that when everything is settled, Hae Young's parents would most likely shower all the love and support they have for their daughter to him too, and adopt him and his siblings. Heck! They'd even adopt his staff too!


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Mom probably did what she did in order to get close with Chairman Jang. Their marriage was an obstacle to her plans and she had to do something about it.


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Then again, was evil mom already angling for Chairman Jang that long ago (1 year plus)?

IIRC mom discovered Other OHY was the Chairman's step-daughter only when other OHY gate-crashed Mom's disastrous lunch date with her beau and his daughter. She proly stopped the marriage to secure her bankroll or as suggested above, was actually looking out for her son (as implausible as that may sound).


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DK could probably use his visions to advantage. Remember when he saw a vision of the sign board crashing onto Jin Sang's car and told him to park his car somewhere else... And also when he uses the signboard in his vision to look for HY... Perhaps, if the car accident was indeed gonna happen he could perhaps prevent it In some way or another. Or maybe his greatest fear is that he would end up dying like his father. Since he seems to be following in his fathers footsteps (work, life philosophy and all). The trauma ans grief must have been too much for him to process as a child. HY might actually be an agent of his healing journey.

Then again being psych trained, I must say that that is one of the weirdest psychiatrists one could have. Totally crossing professional boundaries and scaring patients with his theories that he's not even dead sure about. So annoying.


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Wanted to add also that many people with unprocessed grief and trauma often reexperience traumatic memories... These reexperiencing and hallucinations can feel very real to them and may cause panic or anxiety attacks. Might explain why DK feels like he's actually dying or crashing.


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Like PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?


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Hey, at least the psychiatrist has been unprofessional from the start - he's consistent!

I liked the psychiatrist's explanation, partly because I was worried he was going to say the entire show is a dream/flashback for a dying Do Kyung and I never believe characters who voluntarily suggest they're imagined. But it's very interesting to think that an event in Do Kyung's later life is somehow screwing up his timeline with strongly-felt memories that are punching holes in his chronology.

Either way, I'm up for the spec-fix ride. It's the nice contemplative suspenseful kind, makes you think.


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I'm tempted to think that because the psychiatrist said it that way, then that is not going to be the real reason! Haha but yeah he has been consistently bad in a comical way!


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I was hoping someone would mention the psychiatrist. He is sooooo weird. I wouldn't have expected him to be on board so quickly in the first place or just provide a theory I don't really believe his profession would have endorsed. It was just sooooo weird to to me that he would do that. I agree with a prior comment that at least he is so consistently inconsistent with his profession. When he prefacedhis theory with I didn't want to mention this to anyone in the profession becausethey would think I am weird I forgave him and the writer just a little bit... hahahaha


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Sorta reminds me of the mentor guy in Being Erica


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Lol, I like the shrink as a soundboard for Do Kyung and find his investment in trying to figure out the reason for DK's visions kinda cute. It also makes me happy to see a drama show a character in therapy so regularly and have it be kinda normalized.

But as a actual psychiatrist? Yeah, he's terrible.

Like he really should've prescribed DK an anti-hallucinogen at this point.


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What an episode!!!??????


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I love it that Hae Young is the talkactive one and Do Kyoung is just being there, all smile and sweet.

Whatever the theory is, i hope it's a happy ending.


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Aha! I knew all that talk other Hae Young was spewing about her wanting closure was all a farce. And it just further proves to show how vastly different she and our Oh Hae Young is. Hae Young wouldn't have pretended she wanted something else. What you see is what you get with out girl and you would think that after other Hae Young had broken Do Kyung's heart and Do Kyung had told her to stop fake smiling, she would have realized that that Do Kyung now wants honesty. She left because he went along with her fake pretenses while all the while being aware of the deep insecurities she held and now, she thinks what... she can continue to pretend and the guy who saw into her soul the last time would fall for it all, all over again. Please!

I know the angst is coming soon. And I know it's going to hurt, and I'm terrified that our Oh Hae Young would be heartbroken. But I'm also pleased because I know this coming rift can only be mended by Do Kyung which would mean he would have to come running to our Hae Young. He's the one that would start chasing after her, especially because he gave the 'let's go all the way' talk to himself at the end of the scene that was quite similar to our Hae Young's 'let's love all the way' talk to herself after she tossed her pre-wedding photos into the lake and walked back with a new lease on life. That talk was what made her pursue Do Kyung with the shame of rejection and I hope that Do Kyung is prepared to do the same. Nothing would be as thrilling for the whole world to be able to see (I'm looking at you other Oh Hae Young) just how crazy in love Do Kyung is about our Hae Young :).


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Love your comment. That helps me to deal with the nervousness of the upcoming angst when shit hits the fan.

Like you said its always been our Hae Young voicing out her feelings, acting on her impulses and running towards Do kyung. I hope too he would moved mountains and seas to mend her broken heart and proved to her hes serious and into her regardless of their exes or her name.


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Ha ha.. having DK running after our OHY post her heartbreak of learning his role in her cancelled wedding will be a materialisation of her spite-wish for DK to one day, be crying because of and over, her.

When our Hae Young first cried out that wish a couple of episodes back, I wondered how that will come about and now I see a possible scenario. DK has to pay the price for being so mean then! :-D


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now I really want to slap Do Kyung's mom
and give him warm hug

since the genre of this drama is mystery romance
I guess there will be a time slip or different dimension as the plot twist


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Thank you for the recap Lollypip :)

Even more than the kiss scene in this episode, I loved how he looked at her leading up to that kiss...I found myself rewinding to see the look in his eyes quite a few times....Sigh my heart!!!

The story with his father was heart wrenching and I thought it was a little too much for a young child to endure...no wonder his character is the way he is....so many questions concerning the blood on his face at the scene of the accident and the blood on his father's face when he fell off the cliff....

in ep 9 when he experienced the vision/hallucination he was driving and felt an impact like his care was rear ended yet he is lying on the ground...how does he get there...do they remove him from the car after the accident happens or does he get hit by the car as he is crossing the street...which reminds me of the scenes where OHY crosses the streets hoping to get hit by a car and die...soooo many questions...I cant wait for ep 11 I will end up rewatching all the episodes...

also has anyone noticed the symbolism in the way he dresses? I will go back and see when this started but in most of the episodes he is dressed in all black...

another symbolism that has me thinking are the cherry blossom petals we see them a lot from the beginning of the show....

Its going to be a long week waiting for Monday/Tuesday that's for sure...cant wait to see everyone's thoughts and comments


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I was wondering why the cherry blossom petals have been so prevalent throughout the show, other than looking really pretty on screen. They definitely have some heavy symbolism that goes along with the themes of the drama.

The cherry blossom represents the fragility and the beauty of life. It’s a reminder that life is almost overwhelmingly beautiful but that it is also tragically short. When the cherry blossom trees bloom for a short time each year in brilliant force, they serve as a visual reminder of how precious and how precarious life is.

The cherry blossom is fundamentally a symbol of love and joy. It is believed that the cherry blossom promotes love and spiritual awareness. But the blooming period of cherry blossoms are short, leading to an instantaneous flourish and sudden death. Besides its associated with mortality, they can also represent the graceful and readily acceptance of destiny and karma.

Sounds like our Do Kyung right? Note the petals falling on his bloody figure in his vision as well.


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... or maybe because it's the season for the flower to blossom, so they use it because it's pretty?


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This is why I love the comments section on this website : reading into the details really does help one to further appreciate the show!


About the cherry blossom petals, I was thinking that it means the accident will be happening soon ( since the drama sets in spring). I haven't had any thought about symbolism


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(long time lurker, first time poster!) :)

Thanks for the recap. I was actually unsure what I thought of this episode, but for some reason the recap helped me organize my thoughts and I'm back on the - I love it train. I am hoping for more happy and hilarious hijinks now that the couple is together. Took long enough! But of course now, the big thing will be clearing up everything with Tae Jin (dang he's a cutie, too bad all this had to happen to him).

My theory, which I'm thinking isn't accurate anymore with PDK (I really think Lola above ^^ is on the right track), is that PDK and our Hae Young are in an accident together, he gets his head hit (hence the blood), but our Hae Young is hurt as well and that's why he clutches his heart. Meh, not sold on it, but it was a thought. I also agree that when things are bad with our HY, the visions are more violent.

And I have to talk about the kiss(es). They are doing them right! Whether or not you agree with the lead up to the first kiss, or not, it was HOT! And I'm glad that they showed it again! But for me, the very end when they just hugged was the bit that got to me and made me blow out a slow breath. Not gonna lie, if a guy kissed me like that and then clung on, yeah - I'd be toast.

Loving this drama! :)


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"When you realize that things don’t last forever, you don’t waste your energy on useless things."

These words are the and Do Kyung's belief that he could die at any moment make his motives and change in actions clear. When have little time left in life, what is truely important becomes clear.

He doesn't want to waste his precious time away from the women he truely and ardently loves.

He may have been on the precipice of telling her, untIll he came to the realization of his impending death.


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**these words are the reason and motivation that make DK change his behavior of avoidance and anger and cause his to run to the one that he loves*


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I was actually so happy he didn't become the Noble Idiot and push her away, but instead called her to him and decided to be with her even if he did end up dying (which, the doctor dis say it's possible it's not true). This drama is doing so many things right.
Also, I hope Do Kyung realises that just because he is in an accident and seriously injured, doesn't mean his death is written in stone. He sees/hears an ambulance in his vision, so hopefully they get him to a hospital on time


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Yep, and what triggered it was Hoon's outburst about there being no problem in doing embarrassing things.

It's basically YOLO by now, and it's a good thing in this case because they're finally together.


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Is it wrong that even though I thought this might not be the right time for them to get together, I was cheering super loud when Do Kyung called our Hae Young and asked her to meet him?
They are so sweet together and totally meant to be and even though he hasn't come clean yet, they're so good for each other! I mean, I don't remember Do Kyung looking half as happy in his relationship with other Hae Young as he did in the five minutes they showed us with our Hae Young. They balance each other out so perfectly.
All these theories posted here are all so interesting, it makes me even more eager to know what the real explanation is. I loved the doctor's theory about the mind being able to move back and forth distinct from the body. Fascinating theory for the show aside, I think it makes an interesting basis for a novel! *anywritersaround?*
Love, love, LOVE this show!


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They're totally an example of meeting the right person at the wrong time. They both were at the lowest points of their lives when they met. And while we've seen how good they can be with each other (sweet kisses, quiet tending to each other's wounds, serving as a confidant for one another) we've also seen how they can NOT be good for each other as well (secrets, withholding feelings, explosive fights...)

They're really, really messy. But a beautiful mess indeed. It makes me hope that they can grow so they'll be good for each other all the time.


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I agree with you 100% ^^


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Where is my preview for episode 11?? No other vision other than the dying scene as well. NUU what's gonna happppens. bed scene? yeah? the editing team did this on purpose. *laser eye stare* *imitating haeyoung's stare for the driver* *at least there is a new bts*



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Thanks for posting a link!! I've been struggling to try and find the BTS stuff!


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no problem!! love to share it all with yall.


And here is another one with eng sub, not sure you watched it yet but aaaww I swear Eric realllly loves Hyunjin's comical acting and when they show the scene where she dance, he said he love it! *screams* *otp ship sailing forever*


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I dont usually ship actors together. Their first press conference they looked quite distant. Then i saw the bts. They really warm up to each other. The part where Hyun Jin i might touch some part of your body when filming the carry him to bee part. And Eric quipped me too.. Cause im drunk. So funny. I hope they would spark in real life n date


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The episode's length went over the amount of allotted air time. That's why there was no preview. It's driving me crazy not having at least a hint about what's gonna happen!

Though I read *tiney spoiler* that episode 11 will be when DK tells HY about his involvement in TJ's jail time.


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OMG noooooooooo. please don't break up. PLEASEEEE


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Darn no subs but thanks again!


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This channel actually provide eng sub but I think you have to wait for a few days for them to upload the subbed vid


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thank you for sharing the link :D


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OMG, Tae Jin. ?

Crap, I'm scared. Someone sub please.


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omg now i have a bad feelin that tae jin or hae young is going to kill do kyung. Hae Young did say if Do Kyung had a change of heart she would kill her...


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OMG, they're teasing noble idiocy. The preview usually teases things in a different way, so I hope the writers don't go through with it.

I have faith. Please fight for her, Do Kyung.

At least it's not the fact that he's hiding his mistake that's giving Do-Kyung pause, but that he's going to die.


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sigh short-lived dating period. i'm sad but i still want monday to come faster!!


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Thank you!


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Thanks for the Ep. 11 preview link.

The subway scene looks like it's from the episode when SK and TJ fought. OHY told DK he looked cool, but didn't ask him how he got all beat up, or he didn't answer. I think she's going to grill him now.

It also looks as if TJ is going to find out there's more than one OHY when he tries to see his ex at work, and meets NOHY. He'll remember that DK told him it was a mistake.

I suspect TJ's primal therapy session occurs after he finds out that OHY is dating someone else.


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I just watched preview eo 11 T-T and it's already full if sadness~ I dont want to think and wondering what will happen to Park Dokyung anymore. Im enough with 10 episode xD let's just end this drama at 10


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if someone told me this would be the ending of this series i would believe it. i mean its just perfect with Hae Young sleeping on Do Kyung's lap in the car riding into the sunrise. feels like the beginning of a happy life for our OTP.


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oh hi, I'm back if anyone still hanging around~ back with THE LONG AWAITED EP 11 PREVIEWWWWW *SCREAMS*




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What I am afraid at is the fact that Tae Jin may retaliate after knowing about Hae Young and Do Kyung. Like coming to Chairman Jang and breaking off Jang's and PDK's mother marriage (which is something OHY2 might really do).. Then PDK's mom will definitely be against OHY1-PDK.

Makjang! Lol

Ok, I will be just watching the story unfold. With our unpredictable writer, there's no use in thinking about what might happen.


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OMG then this drama gonna have a series of cancelled weddings loop. And it's really 'Marriage not Dating' spin-off that the writer kinda parody him/herself 'Divorce not Marriage'.


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Don't you just love not knowing what will happen?


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Yes ! i love that this drama is unpredictable.


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Yes! The writer is good in twisting the plot twist. Re: OHY2 Terminal Illness.

So expect some twist with regard to PDK's accident. I just can't imagine what will it be. I hope it's something my heart can take.


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Kisses in kdramaland have gone a loooong way. Proven by this series. Call in the fire department.

Seriously, though, I love this series. Every character is just so true to themselves. Hae Young's parents belong with the Ssangmun-dong bunch as the best drama parents, ever.


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Well, actually KJH and YEH did an excellent job in LTM few years ago. It was so hot, and aired by regular TV (SBS) not cable. So, to my pov it all depends on the writer and PD how they want to execute the kiss/bed scene in their drama.

But yes, agree with you, let's call in the Fire brigade.. ^^


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What will happen if Eric paired with Yoon Eun Hye in romcom drama? XD


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...Explosive! ^^


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Am I the only one who thought the cola kiss wasn't all that?
I think I just don't like prop kisses in general.


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You're not the only one. I felt the cola kiss was...meh. And I was super distracted by the fact that everything was going to be so sticky. And what a mess to clean up later.


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No, you're not the only one. I myself love the kisses they shared after the karaoke rather than the cola kiss.


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That entire cola-kiss scene all I could think of was "sticky, you're going to be all sticky. And that's going to take forever to clean. You'll find tacky bits of the floor for weeks. You might get ants. Are your faces sticking together yet? Oh god, now I need to shower because I feel sticky-by-association."

I really hate any sort of food-related foreplay that does not involve putting food directly into your mouth. Whipped cream? Slimy residue. Chocolate sauce? Sticky. Honey? VERY sticky. Fruit? Still sticky. Champagne? Actually I don't know with that one, but the problem is that you'd have someone lick champagne off you and then spend the next ten minutes wondering if it's going to get sticky.

Cola is just the worst, though.


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I really think kissing shouldn't involve simultaneous mouth-to-mouth contact+food.

The 'toast kiss' in Pinocchio, or Lady& the Tramp-style noodle slurping, is fine - but please, drama gods, never subject us to a repeat of anything like the Iris 'candy kiss', it just looked uncomfortable and unhygienic. Those are NOT words that should come to mind when you're watching people in a drama kissing.


LOL I just googled this cola kiss scene and it looked soooooo sticky. Soda was everywhere. Hell of a mess to clean up. >w<


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Eh. The kiss outside the ramen house in Pinocchio was hotter. Haha!


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Shocking, considering how Park Shin Hye's involved. XD


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the fact that there's even any kissing in kdramas nowadays proves that traditionally conservative korea has come a long way, let alone something like THIS. haha

i grew up in the 90s, became a teen in the oughties, and i think it was hard to see any kissing in kdramas in general. i think it shifted a little beginning in the early oughties, but it was still all fairly chaste. it's not so rare to see racy stuff in kdramas these days in my opinion...


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Lee Pil Mo is so freaking cute. He was cute in Pinocchio, cuter in School 2015 and he's the cutest here.

I was hoping we'd get a little bit more of cute dad and son and drunk mom but noticed a Special Thanks message to Lee Pil Mo and Lee Yu Ri at the episode end. Argh, next time.


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I only saw Lee Yuri as that crazy dying doctor/single mom in Superdaddy Yeol and seeing her do a villain this time was great, even if it was just a few seconds.


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The last time I saw Lee Yoo Ri is in Jang Bori is here. And man, she nailed her villain character in that drama.. I think the PD choose her to play Do Kyung mom in the cameo is a good choice (:


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i loved their cameo, i hope we'll get to see both in flashbacks again.


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I love LPM in that passive way where you don't realize how much you love him until you see him and think "YOU! I'm so glad you're here!!!"

I would totally watch him as a lead, he's great.


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I feel the same!


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I am so glad that some of you here like Lee pil mo..he is such a great actor...very much underrated!!!


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This is the first time I have laid my eyes on Lee Pil-Mo. The way he was interacting with that kid.. I was like "This is the kind of guy I wanna make babies with!!!"
So gentle, kind, physically affectionate and fun with his kids.. And those eyes!! Man, I could stare into them all day...


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You need to watch Emergency Couple! I met and fell in love with Lee Pil Mo there. He was second lead and made me root for him as end game. Loved him in that drama!


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He is currently working at Happy Home( Family), a weekends drama. He is a kind of villain or I would say an antagonist in the drama.


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I found him in You are my destiny(?) And kimbum's drama xD


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Same here! I always thought that Song Ji Hyo's romance with her ex there was rather forced; I was totally shipping her and Lee Pil Mo.

Now Song Ji Hyo and her "ex" in The Ex-Girlfriend's Club was totally cute. XD

Let's play six degrees of separation. XD


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as much as I enjoyed the happy moments in this episode I am preparing myself for the impending DOOM...they were just soo happy together and have great anticipations for the future...They are riding back home and I have a feeling they will find all hell has broken loose when they get there...I feel like this happy moment was short and fleeting...Like now that they have finally found each other...something is going to happen to give them a shock of reality


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Dang, I was not prepared for this recap! LOL *reads*

I actually didn't know who Lee Yu-ri was, but her voice sounded just like the actress playing Do Kyung's mother in the present.

The final father & son scene was so heartbreaking. I cried a lot for little Do Kyung. Can't believe he had faced such an ordeal. And omgyes, I also noticed the blood pattern on his dad was the exact same on adult Do Kyung!!!! That is just not a coincidence.

DK's "I miss you." was powerful. And it was touching when he asked for a hug. I'm glad he is not holding back from loving our OHY. Their 2nd kiss was super hot and wonderful. It looked natural. I loved that whole scene with her teasing him and him watching her so intently.

I was happy watching them being a cute couple that I admit I forgot about Taejin and the DK had a part in ruining his business thing. But bottom line, DK only convinced one supporter out of so many to withdraw. He didn't actually plan for TJ to go to jail. And the main point is TJ should have told our OHY the truth before their wedding and see how they could overcome the problem together. I know DK still needs to reveal his part in this mess, but I hope our OHY will be reasonable after her initial shock/anger. Let's not have this part be dragged out please.

And I really hope this drama has a good, happy ending. Not sad. Not bittersweet. No deaths please. I would like to see DK take action in changing his visions to prevent his possible death/serious injury.


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Dk convince one that is the biggest investor , that pretty big, it's not a small or one person but the main investor


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Still, it is just an investor. Commercial mishaps caused by an investor pulling out does not normally result in one ending up doing jail time. Serving jail time means there were criminal elements involved in the events leading up to that jail time. With phrases like 'fraud' and 'opaque business transactions' thrown in in describing TJ's situation in the earlier episodes, him serving time cannot be faulted to DK. DK may be faulted for the financial ruin, but not for TJ's incarceration. That must be attributed solely to TJ's own conduct, which the show has yet to reveal, if it at all will.

Then again, this is kdrama where fraud is thrown around a lot and people earn jail time for what are mostly commercial dealings between private citizens. Fraud in kdramas are not always fraud in RL.

Likewise, it was not DK's fault that Our OHY was hurt the way she did by the cancellation of her wedding. That was TJ's choice, to call it off and for the stated reason of coming to hate the way she eats. To me at least, the way one eats is a mannerism that can't really be changed, like the way one walks, for eg. It's so inconsequential a trait that for it to be pivotal to the cancellation of your wedding, a monumental event in one's life, is really the straw that broke the camel's back. It is already bad to have your wedding cancelled at the last minute, but calling it off for that reason really, really, pile on the hurt.


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Exactly. He wouldn't be in jail for fraud if he didn't do something.

Do Kyung didn't even have to make sure each individual case was pulled.


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And oh..oh..

As a Beanie had pointed out in ep 9's thread, despite claiming financial ruin, TJ is rooming in nice living quarters, not some dilapidated dingy hole with peeling walls as the cliche drama trope has us expecting of bankrupted chars.

And he dresses well too! :-)


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The marriage and the bussiness is 2 diff thing.
What I said is what DK did by the investment thing is indeed big.

It's not a random I took your candy prank but I said to the candy store to not let you buy any candy anymore, with side effect on people who knew you and the candy store.

The marriage fall is on both TJ and OHY.


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That's victim blaming. That's like saying when you get stabbed it's partly your fault because you didn't fight back.

Hae Young has huge self-esteem problems. Tae Jin should know that. She won't fight Tae Jin's decision and instead wonder why she's not good enough. It's her personality, she also did it to Do Kyung when he rejected her.

Tae Jin deciding that he'll do it to Hae Young means that he really didn't care how it would damage her.


Thank you Anna for being surprisingly mature in that one scene telling hoon that dk must have really cared for him.

Also, omg, Eric, ?


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YESS! I was surprised that Anna given up the plan to kill Do Kyung, cause she realized that it just meant Do Kyung really cares for his lil brother wholeheartedly. For once, she's the mature one in this relationship<3


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I think people underestimated An Na. She's wild but clearly self assured/confident in who she is. I always thought she was the mature one.


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True. I did underestimate her and before this, I thought their relationship was all she cared about like they're living in a bubble. haha. but great to see facets of this character that are aware of other people.


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I agree with u immensely about Anna! Hoon is so lucky to have her as his gf actually!


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Yes anna may seem like a childish girl but she's actually very mature and a great girlfriend. She encouraged hoon to go with his movie script and realized how much DK loves his brother !


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didn't like the bit she encouraged hoon to record the wrong coast again though, because that's just really insubordination and being unprofessional. but i blame hoon more for that.


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Perfect decision making skills would make her boring and honestly unreal. She has her flaws.


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Cant wait Anna and Hoon live together xD


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Things I love -

The hot kisses, when our OHY and PDK are together, when OHY and her parents are on the same screen, the tension in the script about what the heck is going on, the mature - friendly chats between crazy sister and the crazy romeo friend of PDK.

Things I am having problems with -

The over-emphasis on dramatic comedy of the sister - I think the character is slightly overdone. I am beginning to get tired of all the French talk, the drunkenness, the hair and all the silly behavior (supposed to be comic relief - I don't know..) between the crazy sister and crazy romeo friend. When he danced that booty dance, I thought it was going for far too long...

But here is the thing though - Despite my annoyance at what the heck is the writer making these two characters/actors do, I am rooting for them to get together. I think it will be cute.


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The child scene was just ..... i couldn't watch it. No wonder he is the responsible one in the family of crazies.

Maybe that is why he fell for OHY so fast. For the first time there is someone he can lean on. Emotionally. She is so open and generous with her love, how could he not be fascinated ?


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It was a bit too much trauma for a child actually and some superhuman ability. I wonder if it was exaggerated thought in PDK's mind or just the script.

I mean, a boy pulls the body, puts him in car, pushes the car all the way to streets....I was like - what am I watching here? Do I believe it?

Then I simply told myself - The point of all this is to tell the viewer that he had traumatic experience when his dad died. So, I ignored the nature of the extra-extra-extra ordinary nature of the trauma and focused on the intent.

Sometimes, not getting too caught up in details make one enjoy the drama more. Because if I take that seriously, then I would hate the writer. What the heck is that anyway?


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Its possible and scientifically documented.


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I think it's not too far fetched. There's a story from a journalist with a picture from WWII Japan.

A boy in his early teens had survived the atomic bombing of Hiroshima where his entire house was burned out. His parents had both died and so did his baby brother.

The picture was of him barefoot carrying the half-mangled corpse of his brother on his back. He walked several miles without crying just to bring his bro to the nearest crematorium. All so that his baby brother will have a decent burial.


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I just came across an article about that few days ago, I got teary eyed reading. Wonder if he still alive.


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That is freaking terrible!!


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First of all I'm loving the kisses and deep looks our main characters are giving and the way yearning just leaps out of their eyes. And I was shocked and impressed at how young Do Kyung handled his father's accident and death. That took some serious determination to move him.

But...did anyone else feel that the pacing of this episode was a little off somehow? I mean, it was good to get some more backstory especially regarding the father's death. But the flashback scene felt a little long in places. Having just coming from an episode that finished with a steamy kiss and the focus (I thought) on their feelings for each other, it seemed a little out of place - tonally - to watch Do Kyung agonize over memories of his father for half of the episode - something we'd heard nothing of before - rather than thinking about our Hae Young. I know there was some connection between his father's phrase about impermanence and his decision to reach out to her, but it still felt like an abrupt shift of focus to me.


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Has the episodes extension been confirmed? I wonder if they needed some filler scenes. I also felt the childhood scenes to be unnecessary long.


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18 episodes it's confirmed and posted. I figured they stretched the childhood scenes and shifted some comedic ones in to fill it up.


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I actually appreciated the show taking a step back after the turbulence of the last few episodes. It balanced out episode 9 nicely for me. I get that the flashbacks were long, but Do-kyung's father has had such a huge influence on him as a person and I do think the show has been very subtly building up to the reveal of their story & relationship. Yes, it wasn't a focal point, but it was hinted at that there was more to his father's death.

Frankly, I loved their interactions so much that I didn't feel the length all that much. We see so much of Hae-young's awesome parents (as well as many more flashbacks of her in school) and I really wanted to get to know the father that seemed so important to DK (especially when he's played by Lee Pil-mo!). I also hate when dramas show a childhood trauma without making me feel for the people involved or giving any context to the relationship.

"Once you accept that things disappear, you don't waste time on useless things"

If you ask me, his thoughts focusing on his father this episode made complete sense. For the past few episodes, Do-kyung has been struggling with all these uncontrollable emotions pulling him in contradictory directions, to the point where he's coming apart at the seams. Episode 9 led us to his breaking point, when he finally gives into his feelings for Hae-young, but letting in those emotions right at the moment he realizes he could be dying soon? His father's words are so important for everyone in life to come to terms with and they're certainly the ones that I would be thinking about if I was struggling with the possibility of my imminent death.

You see, I just love all the complex factors that lead to Do-kyung finally reaching out to Hae-young for good this episode: his fear of disappearing, Hoon's incisive words, AND, most importantly, his longing for her. When you think about it, Hae-young is actually the catalyst for all this introspection and I believe the writer was purposeful in making us feel the separation between them while he went through this process. In fact, had the episode not progressed this way, I don't think Do-kyung accepting Hae-young's feelings (without full disclosure) would have felt as 'right' as it did.


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Wow, I loved your analysis and breakdown of this episode. It was very insightful.


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Argh... the show kept me at the edge of my seat at every scene! I kept wondering if DK would make it through or when the car incident would happen . But I'm also guessing that it won't actually happen.


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When lee yu ri appeared as the younger version of the evil-mom-to-rule-them-all, I did a double take cos for once it's believable. She really nailed the mannerism and way of talking. She should hold master classes for all actors who need to act as older/younger versions of characters on how to nail it. That way us viewers won't have to take huge pinches of salt everytime dramas do the time jump thing (almost every saguek made me cringe when they do the time jump)....


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So agree.
I never realize that is Lee Yoo Ri playing mom untill the special thanks rolled in. And I can't believe that's not the voice of same person. All of her mannerism are spot on.


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damn, Lee Yu-ri's amazing - like Vini, I didn't even realise that was her until the end credits roll, I just wondered where they'd found an actress who nailed Mom's entitled malevolence and ability to poison the air, so well.


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I watched it unsubbed the first time, so I had to use my cursory knowledge of Hangul to look it up in Korean Wikipedia.


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Wow! Even putting aside the hot kisses (not too far aside!), everything about this show is so great. I care enough about the characters to either love or dislike them, the pacing is on point, and at the end of each episode I just want to time travel myself to next week just to find out what happens (according to Dr Park it's all happening "right now" right?!)

I just hope against hope that the Writer has enough understanding of the mythology they have created, for the visions to actually make sense at the end. (Yeah I'm looking at you, the wormhole that appeared between Earth and Another Star somewhere in the vicinity of episode 21!) I hate it when they make up a fantasy premise and then explain it away with some dumb half-ass resolution that contradicts the rules of the universe THEY MADE UP!

Do Kyung being alive and happy with Our Hae Young will be the bonus that makes it all worthwhile. Looking forward to more of both Hae Young and Do Kyung's development in the next 8 episodes, just don't leave the resolution to the last 30 minutes please!!!!


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*claps hands* Yaaaay for all the kisses!!!

After episode 9 I was totally expecting the DOOM TRAIN to hit, so I'm glad that we got a little reprieve and got to see our couple happy for at least a little bit, cause it feels so, so long since we've seen them both smile.

Still, among the cuteness, I still felt that there was an undercurrent of sadness to their happy moments. I was really happy to see Do Kyung finally open himself up to his feelings. But their beach date almost seemed like a dying wish. Like when a parent is about to die and they just want to see all their kids happy together for one last time. Do Kyung giving in to his feelings felt like him accepting his death but saying "Hey, at least give me this one moment with her. Please."

Oof, I love this couple so much it makes my heart hurt.


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"Is it me, or isn’t that the exact pattern of blood we saw on adult Do-kyung in his vision?"

I noticed that immediately and since there seems to be a hidden meaning behind a lot of the things this show does, I have a feeling his father's death is connected to at least that one vision of Do-kyung lying in a pool of blood. And omg, how cute is Do-kyung when he smiles! I don't even remember him smiling like that in flashbacks with the other Hae-young (who btw I cannot stand). The chemistry between the two leads is crackling. ;)


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The chair-pulling thing before the kiss reminds me of Eric's chair-pulling scene in ep 3 of Discovery of Romance. But no kiss in that ep!


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We can say the kiss after the chair-pulling thing is an upgraded version for the scene in Discovery of Romance. And heck, it was acted by the same actor. LOL


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Is that drama good? It's been on my PTW list for so long, and I've been contemplating whether to watch it or not.


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Honestly, I can't really say the drama is REALLY good. It's a nice watch because the drama did portray couple/ex-couple relationship in somewhat realistic way.

But then, you will be constantly frustrated with the female lead, as she seems like she cannot make up her mind, whether to choose to be with Tae Ha (Eric) or Sung Joon's character (doctor something2 which I forgot his name, entirely).

And it took bloody 19 ep for her to come around. Thank God the drama end up with somewhat good ending..

ps. Eric and Jung Yumi did really look sweet together, especially in their flashback scenes.. Like tooch-achingly sweet :)


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sorry the drama only got 16 episodes. hehe.


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I cannot finish this drama because of that reason i think she took too long to make up her mind. I only have 2 episodes left but I just don't care anymore.


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The actors did what they could but honestly the script dragged out waaaay to long. It was a great show but they should ahve made som real choices and lived with consequences. I console myself with Kim Seul Gi.


yes its a little slow though but its worth a watch. jung yumi and eric have great chemistry


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the chair kiss is already a trademark scene for Eric xD


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another great episode. and i love the scene when DK and hoon were arguing about embarrassment and everything.it got me teary at one point. and actually, i have come to really like hoon's character as a whole in this drama especially in relation to explaining DK's emotional and painful past.

what ever the theory is to DK vision, at this point i don't care. *hypnotising myself that he will not die. and no one will* (ok. maybe his mom. but no one else)


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I dont think his mom will die, usually antagonists are immortal in kdramas.


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I was crying when he finally said the words that Hae Young wanted to hear the most, "I miss you."

I love how this show challenges the gender stereotypes and that the couple casually talks about intimacy, like any couple in their 30s should. And how Hae Young knows what she wants and she goes all in when it comes to the people that make her happy. Oh Hae Young is a breath of fresh air from all the shy, innocent and spineless characters in most dramas.

Please come sooner Monday.


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so nice to see Lee Pil Mo cameo (because he's such a douche in his role in currently airing Happy Home) as the sweet, loving father!!


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he was kinda stiff with his son in Happy Home so it's nice to see him a doting father in this one.. i really heart him


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I felt like the scenes in the last two episodes were quite choppy. While 7&8 seemed rushed, the most recent pair cut quite strangely in many places. Hm.

The two of them are very cute though. Dokyung just staring at her with these lovelorn eyes before going in for the kiss, haha. The first moment in a very long time I actually had to clap my hands over my mouth in case I squealed out loud watching a drama. (I HAVE JUST BROKEN UP WITH MY BOYFRIEND THIS IS VERY UNHELPFUL, SHOW.)

Hoon and Anna's scene was perfect, as was between the brothers, and Lee Yuri as the mum.

I expected Noh Hae Young to try to sabotage the relationship when she met her father, so was strangely surprised. I'm expecting Things Will Happen at the birthday party though.

Thanks for the recap.


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It's probably the extension. Once announced they had to immediately shuffle scenes and thread some new ones to make sure there is enough stuff in the can for later episodes. Things should hopefully even out.


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I've noticed that some scenes were filmed the day before or few days before the drama was aired.


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There are a lot of things I wish to say for those two love birds but just like the scenes of their first meet after Park Do Kyung ask her to come because he missed her, I lost words!!!

I feel sad since Park Do Kyung is going to 'dying', I feel sorry for Seo Hyun-jin since she doesn't know yet about PDK's mistaken revenge. But I also happy and thankfully about their confirming hearts.

IF only they meet in the past and don't have to experience being dumped by their fiancee but just like people said we will meet wrong person before meet the right one.

Can't wait Monday... Last but not least thank you for recaps LollyPip-nim^^


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"IF only they meet in the past and don’t have to experience being dumped by their fiancee but just like people said we will meet wrong person before meet the right one."

I said the same thing and my friend said that the entire drama would never be happened then xD SAD fact


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I just loved how Do Kyung bury his face into Hae Young's neck everytime they hug. That's just so romantic.

Also, Lee Pil Mo and Lee Yoo Ri!! They did a great job and they seem like a good match. Can we get a daily drama with these two next?


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I like that they don't do those fake old cliched need to show my face when we hug so the girl had to turn her face the other way towards the camera. I find it really try hard for a screen time because when they change the view from the taller person, the position is just so wrong, it annoyed me. I'm glad they just don't care about their screen time and go naturally into the act. Love it love it. I LOVE THEIR HUG SCENE! thank you pd-nim :>


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Dammit. I have so much to say about this episode but I don't have my laptop right now and I'm going to be so busy over the next 24 hours!

Just...that "I will never disappear!!!" just about destroyed me. That child actor playing DK put in a really powerful performance! This certainly explains a lot about why he was so serious about never leaving other Hae Young and why he was so devastated when he was abandoned without a word by her in return. I think, for both his father and him, declaring the sound of someone's voice or heartbeat as their favorite in the world is pretty much the ultimate sign of love. Both other Hae Young and him expressed sentiments like these towards each other and I do think they truly loved each other. But they didn't help each other to grow into better people or to face their past pains the way our OTP does and that makes all the difference.

Great cameos from Lee Pil Mo and Lee Yuri. LY only had one line, but she nailed the mom character. Loved the acting by LPM and child DK when she ruins their moment, and they both communicate with their eyes and laugh off the unease. Perfectly displayed how similar he is to his father, even at such a young age.

I really like where this episode ended up, for reasons I will explain when I don't desperately need to sleep (and rewatch their hug scene this episode 1 more time...).


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yeah, the child actor playing Do-kyung really nailed it - it's so easy to see how that kid grew up to become adult Do-kyung (a sign of both good writing and good acting, extra impressive from a child whose age is still in the single digits).

Their hugs are amazing, the perfect mix of comfort and craving closeness. I abused the rewind button on those even more than last ep's kiss, and that is saying something!


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I'm sensing someone might get pregnant...Do Kyung's sis... I remember her holding a feeding bottle in one hand and a champagne bottle in the other in the promo posters. Loving every 'couple' in this drama - yes even DK's mum and her rich suitor. Everyone deserves a happy ending.. Maybe even Pretty Oh Hae Young and TaeJin can get it on together who knows... This drama is crazy that way!


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Oh hey, I just went back to see the posters because of what you said and !

I wonder how they're going to manage that in eighteen episodes?

Perhaps there's going to be a year time skip after the accident and everyone parts ways (Haeyoung betrayed after finding out what Dokyung and his friend did to Taejin, but realising she doesn't love Taejin anymore/never did), and it's going to be quite early on (in comparison to the last ten minute add ons of other dramas anyway)? ....... Ooh, now I want this. I want the climax to be at the mother's boyfriend's birthday party! By the end of ep 14 at least!

Now I'm excited for this (other) future.


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Looking back at the poster..


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Omg I think you are right!!!!!


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That's exactly what I thought, considering the milk bottle in promotion poster and metabolic age scence she is definietly pregnant. I like the fact that she has to stop drinking...and he has to start take responsibility after finding that she's pregnant ?


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A bit out of the current comment track
I just want to wish a bit happiness for Tae Jin and he better off not having any relation with any of the lead.
I think the commenter can't say anything about TJ here without getting the angry "but he broke HY jst bc if his pride" replied.
Am I the only one think the break up is mutual??
His lame excuses get accepted!!!!
What I see is OHY taken that opportunity bc she also didn't have faith for the marriage, she does love TJ at that time but not that much so she believe his lame reason to cancel a wedding, who cancel a wedding a day before before anything to build up??
Then I can see how TJ choose that way for more than just a pride, I am tired talk about that perspective.
I knew do kyung is the preferred male here, despite being eric or not. But the only thing Tae jin did is being irresponsible in handling his marriage decision and he deserve a second chance while OHY deserve the explanation. Then they can understand each other with no baggage after.


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He told her he couldn't stand the sight of her - how was our Hae-young supposed to fight that?


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No, what I mean is that she believe that reason, how can she believe it just bc of that??
That's unreasonable.
With she didn't resist that means she also has doubt in he marriage, maybe even more that him.
She accept that mean the weight of broke the marriage also fall on her


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But he told her that to her face.

Our Hae-young isn't a mind reader, how is she supposed to look past his meanness and see that it's motivated by noble idiocy, and reject it? In a relationship, all you have to go on is the other person's actions and words, and Tae-jin's words were pretty clear.


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Idk what you agree and disagree bc, it's not that I think she need to know all but she didn't even detect something wrong or the changed in behaviour. Is that bc she didn't love him much or she trust him that much??

her silent acceptance and not questioning how he can said that harsh word after they almost married pretty much an acceptance to broke the marriage on both side.
They both agree for doing that. So it's not fair to put all the devil on tae jin when OYH deep down also agree with that. He is wrong but she also agree with that


If you insist then, maybe our HY could resist TJ's lame excuse to break off the marriage and still came to the wedding hall and got stood up at the altar in front of everyone. I think rather than having to bear that kind of humilitation, she chose to accept TJ's breaking up with her.


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the reason I find it mutual bc even after the marriage is off, she didn't go search for him or question his behavior.

It's not that I want her to get stood up but her way of accepting it is too easy and all the devil blame is still in TJ. The way of break up is all on him but they not marriage esp in heart is on both.

At least she can think it's out of character or look at his office to know he still alive or not. She accept they are not fated and move on. Which mean, not married to TJ is not that bad to her deep down in her heart.


She saw Tae Jin's lawyer friend at the bus stop and he said TJ was doing well (even tho he was still in prison at the time.) That sent her on another drinking binge. She didn't need to go find him at the office.


She had insecurities about the marriage. Was she good enough for this Level 1 guy?
He laid a couple whopping insults on her. He didn't think he loved her enough and he didn't like to see her eat.
She was stunned and got up to leave but she did stop right before the door. TJ did not take the opportunity to stop her.
She had 24 hours to convince her family to cancel the wedding. She was terribly embarrassed and accepted the rejection but made it her choice. If she had told her parents the truth that she got dumped, they would have tracked him down and gotten the real story.
Wedding cancelled and she's the "bad guy". She was depressed and nearly suicidal. I don't think she ever considered looking for him because she was ashamed.


Why should push Hae Young and Tae Jin together while she's in love with another man? That's not logic. Han tae Jin of course has the second chance as long as Oh Hae Young wants him to get back. Otherwise...NOPE!


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If you really read my comment.
I didn't put them together, I even said he better off alone.
People put OHY as the 1st priority, I agree, but just as example in your comment, it's like you can't even plead in TJ behalf in comment section since he hurts OHY heart-comment will always replied for pinpoint his mistake and his dead-weight for not acceptable in anything.
Ofc it happen if she is content, but even I prefer it will not happe.
I just want to said that people criticize TJ too much bc "our" OHY get hurt despite whatever happen in his life.


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How do you accept a guy that tell you such an insult a day before your wedding day? Who can stand not feeling embarrassed when you're insecure of your appearance?

I think her reaction is understandable, as I am an ugly woman can relate to her retreat.


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My comment is about the break up as mutual.
With her accepting the outrage insult without insult him back or crush his home or actually asked someone about how he is changed a day b4 marriage mean... she-deep down feel that there's something wrong about the marriage.
It's one day, people who believe on their partner will really go straight to ask since it gonna happen tomorrow.
How she accepted his bad timing with lame excuses actually mean she is not ready too IMO.
I even agree if she want to punch him that day, how she believe that mean she didn't understand him that much. She just retreat and agree, can't she see something wrong with his action?
They both not ready but only TJ get too much undeserve hate.

And again just like your comment. Tj side pretty much okay for not explaining since he broke OHY heart no matter what happen to him.


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Break up as mutual?

He didn't even give her a chance to say anything. The main point was he wants to end it right then right there. Using the bartender tutorial guide on how to cut off a relationship.

She actually did find it weird so she ask why he wants to break off the marriage. She felt it might be her fault, and from her eyes you can see she wants to correct it but Taejin just said to her, yes it's your fault, it's your face, I can't stand it, so get lost. She walked out, expect him to hold on to her but he didn't. 2 chance given to a man who promised her happiness for the rest of their life. But he went to jail, even if she wants to argue, who can she argue with? unconnected phone calls? He just disappear. He could have said he gone bankrupt but he chose not to because he doesn't want the whole world to know.

She wanted to die. She was drunk almost every night because she was truly heartbroken. Does that still does not show how much she loved him?


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The break up is mutual since she accepted the reason.
She drunk is bc she thinks she get dump but she doesn't even find out the real reason (we can blame this to the plot)
She feels humiliated rather than loving him as I see.
Yes TJ is wrong in his way but with her way on accepting it also mean the seed for break up already there. How she 100% believe that reason is also fall on her.

If she loved him that much then she let go of him too easy for another new man available... But that too harsh to define her right??/


Yup, I also think that both Tae-jin and Hae-young were not truly ready and desperately want a life together. Their breakup was too easy especially because we were shown that their relationship were pretty good before the breakup.


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I totally get what you are saying. How many times did DK say he didn't have feelings for OHY and she argued back that yes he did. I would've expected more passion and fire from OHY when TJ said he didn't want to get married - if nothing else, then a fight to understand and some real anger too. Anything but resigned acceptance.

We do know that OHY didn't believe that she was in the same tier of people as TJ, so maybe she always thought something would keep the wedding from happening (or from being successful) because she wasn't good enough? Or maybe she knew that here feelings were not really that strong? Either way, I think maybe deep down, the breakup was more mutual than it first appeared.


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I don't completely disagree with what you guys are getting at. But I also think Hae-young herself has already recognized that she played a part in things not working out. I posted this before, but this monologue from Hae-young in episode 3 is really important in understanding just why she was so different with Do-kyung:

"When I think about it, I’ve never given myself one hundred percent to love. I was always cautious and nervous. I worried if I liked the person more. Let’s not do that anymore. If I meet someone I like, I will love him all the way until I get dumped. I’ll never turn around crying because I was told to get lost. I’ll hold onto the man and not let go, even if I get beaten up."

I think this drama is making an argument for how mindset & letting yourself be vulnerable can make all the difference when it comes to forming a lasting bond with someone.

That said, no one should be expected to be as fearless when it comes to love as Hae-young is with Do-kyung. At least, not enough to bear the hurt of her fiance telling her he doesn't have the confidence to love her the day before the wedding. Most anyone with esteem issues would have reacted her way to Tae-jin's comments and they don't deserve blame for the relationship ending. Hae-young's insistence with Do-kyung comes from a new-found resolution within herself not to let her esteem issues hold her back and that's certainly inspiring, but shouldn't be considered a given.


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Yes it is mutual. The moment the two of them agreed to break-up it becomes mutual, regardless of their feelings. I disagree with the "What I see is OHY taken that opportunity bc she also didn’t have faith for the marriage" comment, she was shocked by the rejection and insult on how she eat (yeah i take it as an insult and it was lame). Different people handle rejection on different ways, she handled it on her own. IMO whether it was love or pride behind the decision of Tae Jin for break-up is irrelevant now, he made his choice and OHY is already inlove with PDK. And yeah Tae Jin and OHY needs a proper closure, we will probably see it on coming episode.
( I've been a lurker here since the start of Another OHY and this will be my first comment.. so please take it easy on me :D)


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I think she our Hae Young realized she didn't really love Tae Jin that much after the fact. I remember she said in one episode that the next time I fall in love, I'll go all in and hang on.


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I think that was on episode 3, when OHY said she had never given 100% in love and was always cautious and nervous.


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Welcome to the comment train! Don't be afraid to post!


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Still feeling like fanning self whenever remembering the pojangmacha kiss, gahh, my heart is burning indeed! The moments that led to that kiss is so cute, how Do Kyung just keep watching our Hae Kyung until he couldn't just hold it back anymore *melt into a puddle of goo.
The death of his father is definitely scarring Do Kyung a lot, wondering whether he felt he it is somehow his fault coz he couldn't get help quick enough. Guilt is such a crippling emotion, and he was so young too. Can understand if he is reluctant to give way his affection, coz people he loved left him just like that, and coz once he considers someone as "his", he will protect and take care of them however hard is it (like still taking care of despicable mum).
Was hoping for some layered back story on mum like for other characters, a bit disappointed that she was just bad and promiscuous from the beginning. Freud will have a field day with Park siblings, for sure. Do Kyung thinking he isn't capable of love, and Soo Kyung feeling like she has to be faithful to the guy she slept with. Hoon is somewhat normal, must be because noona and hyung practically raised him.
Wondering whether since Do Kyung feels he is dying anyway, he wouldn't need to tell the truth to our Hae Kyung. It's going to be so bad if he just gonna keep mum, coz Tae Jin is so not going to just disappear. But after this episode, feels a bit better coz am sure our Hae Kyung already now how much Do Kyung feels for her.
Uh so hot! *still thinking about the kiss


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Hoon is normal because he doesn't have that tanuki as a biological mother.


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Wait, what? I thought Hoon and DK shared the same mother, it's their fathers who are different. IIRC Hoon told Anna that mom married a man with the same surname to make it seem that he and DK are full siblings. ?


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DK's mom married Hoon's dad because they had the same surname. Hoon was not DK's mom's child.

If they were both children of Huh Ji Ae, then they would have met when Hoon was born, not when he was 6.


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Ahh.. that's right. I just realized that they are not blood related. I just swallowed the subtitles and didn even think about it xD


They're not blood-related at all, as Hoon said in his conversation with Anna.


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Oopsss... My bad. You're right. I missed that Hoon first met DK when he was six. Didn't think things through. (Hmmm... have I ever?) ?

Hey, maybe that there is evil mom's redemption arc - taking responsibility for a step-son and keeping him as part of the family. Even if she's not living with them now. One can only hope....


Hoon also said that he met Dokyung at the age of 6. I think that meant that he was not in anyway blood related to Dokyung and Sookyung? I actually suspected that they were not related before because of the 'kyung' syllable in the older two's names, but Hoon is just Hoon. I notice that some (not all) Korean families name their children with common syllables...


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Oh wow, a lot of replies on Park siblings parentage. Thanks Kuromitsu for pointing out Hoon's not blood related at all to bad mom (ok, maybe she's not promiscuous, just gold digger), i was confusing the fact. Hell, i even wrote the wrong name for our girl and it's the drama's title for goodness sake. It's all because of the kiss, seriously. Totally blaming the hot kiss for my brainmelt!
On a side note, am lurking on ep 10 recap coz haven't prepared my heart to watch newest ep. So dreading the angst T_T


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I have a question, in his vision of the accident can he see himself laying on the ground or does he only see it through his eyes? Because if he can see himself laying on the ground then why doesn't he just get rid of the clothes he is wearing in the vision?
Thanks for the recap Lollypip. I truly enjoy reading all the theories, but I will admit that I am a bit lost and some of them just go over my head XD.


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that would be cool but i think it will still happen even if he wore other clothing haha. well if what the doctor said is true and he is current reliving his life while in a coma


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