Beanie level: Water maid

Please be more than a pretty face and redeem yourself in the finale because I want to believe there’s more to your character than what we’ve been shown thus far


Something I’ve always been curious about sageuk garb: are there many pockets in the sleeves or do they tie stuff to their bodies?? How is it that people can always hide stuff in those layers?


    Yeah, I agree. Like how I want to hide my fats but the Lycra just wouldn’t.


    I’ve been wondering that too! They just pull papers and random stuff out of their sleeves or the front of their shirt (?) and I’m here wondering where I can get magic sleeves like that.


      Me three! It’s like, instead of a magician hat, they have these magic sleeves and I’m amazed every time they pulled something out. Hmm.. I’m going to ask my Korean friend the next time I see her kekeke


      Right? It’s so useful! No wonder people hardly carried bags unless they were embarking on some journey!


      And not just simple papers— a book! HAHAHA! I so wonder too.


    Regarding traditional Korean clothing, the Hanbok*, did not have pockets–in the sleeves or anywhere else

    Also, I’ve worn hanbok. It’s just like a big clothe so I guess people just keep stuff to their bodies, which is doable given the bulk of the outfit


      Also, I think its become a sageuk plot contrivance to always expect someone has something up their sleeve – literally 😂


      Oooo so like, you can tuck stuff in between the layers? They just fit snugly?


        You can keep papers, knives, whatever in normal sleeves pretty much like you can (if you want to) in a modern blazer, you just have to be careful in moving your arms. The one with the longer upper garment (for queens, concubines, etc), women keep their arms crossed so they can really hold something in their hands


    What’s interesting is how sometimes the people are running, moving the arms this way and that, or heavily involved in a sword fight ….. yet nothing falls out of the sleeves. Minutes later, however, out comes the secret document or whatever else that is of importance. Hmmm.


Eunji appreciation post (:


There’s really no hope for this guy, huh? How did their father raise the worst and best brother ever?


What needs to happen in next week\’s finale:
1. Rin being fine & out of the capital (can\’t imagine what Won will have to go thru if not)
2. San finding peace
3. King waking up & being the Dad Won needs


I realise belatedly this doesn’t tell us if Rin survives… HOW CAN I WAIT A WEEK AFTER THAT ENDING


WHAT IS THIS TRAGEDY?!! Me after the latest ep of TKL:


The only thing giving me hope rn is what HJH & Yoona said about the ending in his V app arrrghh finale next week i don\’t even know anymore


    What did he say? I just made the mistake of live watching and I need some hope!


      I can’t seem to post a pic in a reply so I’ll post the screenshots of the V app on my wall! But in retrospect, I realise his words doesn’t tell us for sure if Rin survives???


Rin is just putting on a show bc he has a grand plan to save Won right and all this going down is just part of his plan, RIGHT? OMG THIS SHOW WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME


omg what. so many things just happened in last night\’s ep of TKL I still have trouble wrapping my head around it all? WHAT A MESS???! Rin wasn\’t for real when he said what he did to the queen right


Just blessing your feed with the vocals queen’s new track ~




      IKR!! Her last album is a masterpiece!!


        I didn’t even know she had new music how terrible is that… *smh*
        Too many people to keep up with


        I tell a lie… I new about the Spring… but hadn’t listened to the whole mini album tsk tsk me


This scene made me want to re-watch HJH on law of the jungle.
And yay! Water maid!! Was wondering how long it takes to level up!


    Plan to watch his Law of the Jungle after I finished with the Kim Young-kwang episodes.
    Congrats for levelling up🎉


      Aw thanks! He is just so adorable in LOTJ <3 really need him on more variety shows!


Spoilery comment on the latest ep of TKL:
I did not wait 16 episodes for the first kiss in this drama to be a forced one. Also, our 3 friends really just need to sit down and LISTEN to each other TALK


    I wanted a passionate kiss between Rin and San and I was a bit disappointed to see a forced kiss. But I gotta admit, my heart was a bit happy to see this. Maybe because San was trying to push Rin at first, but she did embrace the kiss a bit at the end. I don’t know, my judgement might be misleading since I’m RinSan shipper.


      We’re in the same boat! Part of me was all OMG THEY FINALLY KISSED despite my disappointment that it happened the way it did. I can’t read her reaction as embracing it though. The BTS makes it seem like he actually kissed the side of mouth? He had to bend his neck quite a bit for that take.


        Haha which is why I said “a bit” because she stopped pushing him and just let him be? I don’t know, if she truly disliked it, she would’ve pushed Rin harder? Haha


    Totally agree, they do need to sit down and talk it out to clear all the misunderstandings. I am quite disappointed right now, 16 episodes are gone and there are only four episodes left until the finale. But evil power is still ruling over the good ones, and even the people who were allies don’t see face to face anymore. Watching this show is like watching a bridge sink under the water, and very dramatically so.

    I had enough with the plotting and that disgusting song in and his mistress. The guy is doing whatever he wants for his own gain, and using people, even killing them for his own desire. Would Won and Rin ever know it’s him who gave the order to kill the minister and not the queen? Do the writer even have any intention to disclose that important bit?
    And don’t even start with San, I had enough of the ambiguity till now, For some time now I thought she and Rin would be the end game, but now this sudden ‘red thread of fate’, what the heck, where did it come from?! Yes what she decides to do with the story is the writer’s creative property, but first off, it wasn’t her story to begin with, so if just for the sake of giving the main lead the girl, she makes Rin evil, I will have no choice but to drop it I guess. If after all these time, they drop San-Won on us, I would be done with the show lol.

    First Song In and his cohorts, and then Dan, who would do every thing bitchy possible while acting so innocent and proper in front of her brother and Won, and then each of her dialogues will end with, was it evil of me to do so? She isn’t as innocent as she looks and it’s coming on the surface for some time now. By crying and trying to look all forlorn, doesn’t make up for her rude and questionable attitude with San. I don’t see any redeeming quality in the show anymore, and now it feels like everything is just running around circles.
    Sorry for the long rant lol, hehe. I guess I didn’t realize that we have come a long way :/ and still there’s no closure on any of the storylines.


      There really is a lot to clear up in the few remaining episodes! The recap comments really help in enlightening my viewing experience, and I trust the writer to unite the narrative.
      I think Dan just doesn’t know what else she can do in self defence, since she’s always had people looking out for her.


Can someone explain this to me I really don’t get it?? Why did Rin do something so out of character? Or have I just been blinded by his charm so far? Am I missing something here? SERIOUS QUESTION!!


    My interpretation is that Rin knows that Won won’t let San go, so the only way for him to cut ties between Won and San is to make Won give up after seeing them together. I think Rin’s motivation to do that is the after-effect of what the King said about Won being the same as the Queen, which they won’t let someone go even if that person’s bleeding once they called them theirs. I think Dan also might say something that made Rin decided to kiss San as a way to cut the thread between San and Won.


      But why does Rin think Won will give up if he sees them like this? I’d like to think he knows his best friend well enough, but there’s already so much discord brewing between them at that point that I’m not optimistic as to Won’s reaction. I really want to know what Dan said to him as well. And also, is Rin just banking on Won’s trust in him to so daringly escort the king back to the palace with Song In’s gang in tow? I’m trying to understand his motivations but his lack of communication with Won recently bothers me.


        I feel like him kissing San is to make Won feel betrayed by it, so that he will despise both of them and won’t be holding them to be by his side. As for Rin walking next to the King, I understand his situation. No matter how loyal Rin is to Won, King is still a King and Rin is still a loyal subject to the King. So if King wanted him to walk next to him, though he didn’t like it because he knew it’s another Song In’s scheme, he still needed to obey King’s request. He also cares about the King and he knows that King’s in bad condition because of Song In and Boo Young, which is why he didn’t leave and tell Won about King’s condition, but stayed next to the King instead.


          Your theories are very reassuring! Thank you! Really needed to peer into Rin’s mind for a bit this episode. Yes, I agree his concern for the King is clear, and can only hope that Won will have sufficient faith in his best friend, and be patient enough to wait for his explanation.


    Yeah, I still have some hope left in Rin, that he’s not in song in’s place to be a CP himself, that he still has his friend’s best interest at heart. He did look at Won first, and then went forward to kiss San, so at this point, we can only make assumptions. I am curious what was going on in his heart, and what made him take this bold step, when San cleared his confusion already, that she wants to bid the prince farewell before going away. I hope he has thought it through, and not just doing it for winning San. Though have to blame the show for inconsistency, we saw already how sad San was when Rin was going away, looking all pale and fragile. And now she feels she has some connection with the prince. I have only to blame the writer for the weak links, and lack of resolution in the leads.


The real ship though tbh


Reliable Rin is reliable. His tenderness in this episode — bless this man


need the bts for this scene HAHAHA
But also really cool and unexpected how the show title was revealed in the plot! Excited!!


Is that tape over the brand on his shirt or


    Haha yes I’ve seen them do something like that on variety shows too! To avoid promoting brands that they aren’t doing PPL for


      Ah, I guessed as much. It still amazes me how concerned/wary they are over brand endorsements compared to celebrities from other countries!


      My question is why doesn’t the costume person just pick another shirt if the show doesn’t to want to promote brands?


She’s getting a bad rep for her supposed selfishness but at least she’s self-aware and admits it?


This came out of nowhere…? But if it means one less person on Song In’s side, I’m not complaining.