Oh Hae-young Again: Episode 9

Loving another person means more than just caring for them — at times it can mean letting them go for their own happiness. But is it right to make such a decision on someone else’s behalf, without their knowledge or consent, and is it really for their own good if it causes even more heartache?


EPISODE 9: “The wind blew in his heart”

Do-kyung experiences yet another vision, of himself grappling with a furious Hae-young. She’s screaming and attacking him, and he has to physically pin her against a wall to make her stop. Being so close, and with tensions running high, he succumbs to temptation and kisses her.

Still stinging from Do-kyung’s rejection, Hae-young goes to work overcompensating, greeting everyone in a voice that’s too shrill and too perky. She even holds the elevator for the other Hae-young and greets her cheerfully — and honestly, it’s kind of terrifying.

Everyone in the office get the results from their physicals and report their metabolic ages, and Hae-young gapes to see that hers is forty-one. But when she hears that a game later will give an advantage to the person with the highest age, her competitive spirit kicks in and she gets excited.

Mom is busy threatening Tae-jin’s mother on the phone, ready to get naked and go beat the crap out of her son (why she strips when she’s angry I don’t know, but it’s hilarious). She refuses his mother’s suggestion that they try to get Tae-jin and Hae-young back together, and Dad looks ready to back her up if needed.

There’s some sort of office party later, where everyone’s metabolic ages are announced. Hae-young is sure she’ll win, but she loses out by one measly year to Soo-kyung. And to add insult to injury, the other Hae-young’s metabolic age is only twenty-one.

As the “youngest” she’s asked to sing, and all the men cheer while our Hae-young and Soo-kyung both pout. Our Hae-young gets a little too drunk and hollers for her to shush right in the middle of her song, which makes the boss angry, and he forbids our Hae-young to talk anymore without his permission. Not that she obeys.

Sung-jin’s metabolic age is forty-three, and when Soo-kyung catches him giggling at her age, she invites him in a honey-sweet voice to talk banmal with her. Don’t fall for it, it’s a trap!

Our Hae-young just sits glaring at the other Hae-young (who’s calling her “unni,” which makes me want to slap her), and she orders her to change her name. “I’m going to be the only Oh Hae-young in this world!” She decides that the other Hae-young’s new name can be Bit-na (Sparkle), and assures her nastily that she’s not just saying this because they’re playing a game — she means it.

Hae-young grows genuinely angry, drawing the attention of her coworkers. She mutters that the other Hae-young is sly, wondering why she came back after dumping Do-kyung like she did. Voice rising, she says that Hae-young should have stayed hidden after doing what she did.

She’s screaming by the time she gets to, “Why did you do it??” The other Hae-young turns it around on her and quietly asks why our Hae-young canceled her wedding the day prior. Oh crap, our Hae-young forgot about that in her anger and drunkenness, that she’s accusing the other Hae-young of doing what everyone else thinks she also did.

Do-kyung’s excessive perfectionism angers a veteran actor when he insists on re=recording a scene’s vocals, and the actor confronts him. Do-kyung stands his ground, insisting the actor’s pronunciation isn’t good enough, and his employee has to drag him out before fists start swinging.

He takes a call from the other Hae-young, who’s canceling their ping-pong date for today. She chirps that she has the youngest metabolic age out of the whole office, unaware that our Hae-young is in a stall listening in. Then she goes on to tell our Hae-young’s age of forty-one, and now I really want to slap her.

She tells Do-kyung about our Hae-young ordering her to change her name like it’s an amusing anecdote and not something our Hae-young feels strongly about, and luckily Do-kyung ends the call there. Our Hae-young sits in the stall horrified, having heard her rival revealing her innermost insecurities to the man who just rejected her.

We see in flashback that our Hae-young had been bullied in school for having the same name as a popular girl, including vicious beatings. Nobody had cared when she’d gotten hurt falling down the stairs, because she was the “wrong” Hae-young.

Now she storms out of the bathroom stall absolutely furious, and screams right into the middle of the party. She calls the other Hae-young out, ready to beat her to a pulp, shrieking that she’ll let go of all her grudges if she can squash her, just once.

She actually charges at the other Hae-young and clutches at her, but Soo-kyung jumps up onto the table and knocks heads with our Hae-young. Our Hae-young passes out cold, so Soo-kyung and the other Hae-young take her to Soo-kyung’s house, since Do-kyung knows where she lives

Do-kyung comes to take her home, though she’s yelling that she’s supposed to go to her parent’s house. She bites Do-kyung’s hand and takes off, only to immediately crash into a wall, hee. Do-kyung has to practically hogtie her to get her into his car, but he finally manages it.

The other Hae-young tries to cozy up to Soo-kyung, calling her “unni,” and getting corrected to “Director Park” right away. Jin-sang sees them out the window and calls Joon over to see the other Hae-young, then stomps outside determined to kill her right here and now. It doesn’t last long, and he’s struck dumb by the pretty and her trilling “Oppa!”

Next up is Hoon, who also falls victim to the other Hae-young’s charms even though his actual girlfriend is right there. Not that that matters, as An-na even goes a little starry-eyed by Hae-young’s looks.

Soo-kyung orders the whole sorry lot of them back inside, but they’re still there when Do-kyung drives back up with Hae-young still in the back seat. Haha, he just heaves a sigh and drives away again. When Jin-sang realizes that Do-kyung is trying to get Hae-young back to her place, he ushers everyone inside.

Do-kyung stops for some medicine for Hae-young’s scraped knee, but she’s still passed out. His hand shakes when he reaches to apply the ointment for her, nervous to touch her bare skin, and he ends up chickening out. He covers her bare legs with his jacket and looks at her face for a moment, and remembers his vision of her face right before he kissed her — she’d had a split lip.

He answers a call from the other Hae-young, who’s waiting at his house for him to come home. When he says he’s at the office she offers to come there, so he goes back to his house, without our Hae-young. Where is she?

The other Hae-young tells Do-kyung what happened at the party, and she says that it seems like Soo-kyung is protecting our Hae-young. Do-kyung just says he needs to get back to the studio, so the other Hae-young gives him his ping-pong paddle and asks when he’s going to meet with her.

Do-kyung doesn’t think this is a good idea, and explains that he understands why she left him, so that’s enough. He doesn’t feel the need to leave things on good terms, but Hae-young presses the issue, so Do-kyung just leaves without saying more.

Our Hae-young wakes up in a fancy hotel room, just barely remembering being led here. She waits until she hears someone enter the room, ready to fight anyone who wants to hurt her, but it’s just Do-kyung with more medicine. When she sees him, she screams, “I almost jumped out the window!!” HA.

Do-kyung is in no mood, and he explains that he only brought her here to avoid his family, not to sleep with her like she thinks. Hee, she’s disappointed, and cutely asks if they can do it just once. He looks tempted for one moment, then tosses the medicine at her and leaves the room.

He storms right back to tell Hae-young that she’d only be embarrassed if they slept together here, and yells at her to get her life straight. She was so drunk she didn’t even remember who brought her here.

Instead of going home, the two drive to the river and watch the sunrise. Hae-young breaks the news that she’s moving back home, feeling weird about living next door to the guy who rejected her. She reminds Do-kyung that he said he’d pay the security deposit, and he just says it will take a little time.

Jin-sang asks Soo-kyung over breakfast (in French, ha) if she’s gone to see her ex yet. They have a whole argument in French, in front of Hoon while he just looks like a confused puppy, until finally Soo-kyung slams off into her bedroom.

Despite her objections, Soo-kyung does screw up her courage to call her ex later. They meet on an overpass, and HAHA, this is the guy she’s been pining over so hard? They walk without saying a word, and go to their favorite restaurant.

Jin-sang is having a difficult time finding a place to spend the night with his married honey, and he reluctantly agrees to take her to his place. But her husband is there waiting for them with an ax, and soon Jin-sang finds himself stripped to his skivvies at his mother’s front door.

When she answers, he screams at her to shut the door, mostly so she can’t see the sign that’s been tied to him saying “I’ve messed around with a married woman. How have you raised your son?” HAHA.

He goes back to Do-kyung’s place to get drunk and dance with his reflection in the mirror. Soo-kyung comes home as drunk and disheveled as always, and says that the ex has moved on with his life. Jin-sang invites her to join him, and they decide to drink until at they pass out. This sounds like a Very Bad Idea.

Definitely bad, but highly amusing. They drink, and dance, and invent weird circus-like tricks, then drink some more. Okay, it’s just looking painful at this point. And so, inevitably, they end up in a naked tangle of arms and legs in bed together.

Soo-kyung wakes first and does the Crawl of Shame back to her own room. Jin-sang doesn’t seem to remember anything, and wonders why she’s acting weird when she scuttles past him on her way to work. The horror of it all finally hits Soo-kyung at work, and she kicks everyone out of her elevator so she can scream in peace.

Tae-jin’s mother vents to him about Hae-young’s mother blasting her, while Tae-jin tries to hold his temper and fails. He’s furious that his mother went to Hae-young’s mom without talking to him first, and he orders her not to do anything else, just stay quiet until she goes back to the States.

He goes back to his place and nearly calls Hae-young, but can’t bring himself to do it. He remembers a waiter telling him that the best way to break up with a woman was to tell her she smells bad. He’d refused to do that, so the waiter had suggested he say that he can’t stand the way she eats.

Tae-jin had gone with it, and now he regrets ever saying it. He does send Hae-young a text asking why she told her parents the truth of their breakup, which she doesn’t answer. She thinks to herself that it was because she wanted to cry, just once.

Tae-jin is waiting when Hae-young gets off work, and he offers to take her to eat. Hae-young smiles wryly, wondering how she could possibly eat in front of him, and says that she doesn’t want to see him again after this.

He gets scared seeing her walk away, and blurts out, “I was in jail! I was arrested the day after we broke up.” The truth is that he could have gotten arrested during their wedding, and it would have destroyed her family, so he broke up with her to avoid that. He knew she would have waited if she knew the truth, so he had to make sure she really would accept the breakup.

Tae-jin’s mouth quivers and his voice is weak as he says he’s sorry, and Hae-young breaks down. She flings off his comforting hand and walks away, shaking with sobs. She wails all the way to her parents’ house, and screams out the whole story to her shocked parents. “He did it because he wanted me to be happyyyyy!!

She has a good cathartic cry while Mom hugs her, saying that she already knows her daughter is wonderful and precious. Dad asks why Tae-jin was arrested but Mom just barks at him Who cares?? Mom and daughter cry together, both relieved that she wasn’t truly rejected.

Do-kyung spends the evening haunting the street outside his place, hoping Hae-young will come home. He even hangs out in her apartment, and almost texts her to ask if she’s coming home tonight.

He ends up listening to the recordings of her talking to herself on the night their situations were switched, and she’d waited up for him to come home. His mouth quirks up just a little when he finds a recording of her calling him “honey” for the benefit of a deliveryman, betraying how much he likes the sound of it. He stays up all night, listening to Hae-young’s voice.

Hae-young stays at her parents’ all night, and in the morning Tae-jin calls her to say he’s coming over. Mom says absolutely not — whatever his reasons, dumping her the day before their wedding wasn’t right.

Do-kyung finally shows up for ping-pong with the other Hae-young, but she doesn’t win as easily as she used to. She thinks he’s gotten better, but Do-kyung says he hasn’t played since they broke up. He refuses her offer of a meal, and says that he won’t be coming here again.

He tells her that he’s really okay, and could even smile and greet her happily if they met on the street, just like she says she wants. He thanks her for making the first overture, but any more than this would be strange.

On the drive home he finally calls our Hae-young, and says, “Let’s go home.” he pulls up to her parents’ house and says he has something to tell her, and he almost smiles when she comes running… but his smile fades when Tae-jin follows her out.

Tae-jin gets in his car to leave, and instead of talking to Hae-young, Do-kyung leaves. This time it’s his turn to be rear-ended, but when he gets out of his car, there’s nobody behind him and his car isn’t damaged. But he’s hurt, and he bends over double, clutching his abdomen in pain.

A sound of screeching car tires, a loud crash, and Do-kyung finds himself lying in the street covered in blood. He wakes up later at home in his own bed, and goes straight to his therapist. Dr. Park has a sudden realization — he thinks he knows why Do-kyung is having these visions.

We don’t hear what he tells Do-kyung, who runs into Hae-young on his walk home. She says she’s going to start moving her things out today, but Do-kyung won’t even speak to her. She asks what he wanted to tell her last night, but all he says is that he’s got the deposit money ready.

When she asks if he’s mad, Do-kyung just asks in turn if Hae-young is dating Tae-jin again. She confirms that she is, which makes Do-kyung angry, to see her run back to the man who dumped her. She spits back that he forgave the other Hae-young after she broke his heart, but he says that at least Hae-young had a good reason besides her own pride.

Hae-young knows that Tae-jin values his pride over her, but right now, she just needs a man, any man. Even if he’s one who rejected her, she needs him to keep her from throwing herself at Do-kyung.

Do-kyung walks away, and Hae-young screams after him that he’s a coward. She chases him and starts thwacking him with her purse, re-enacting his vision to the detail. Do-kyung tries to stop her and she pushes back at him, fighting wildly, until he has to grab her and lift her off the ground to make her stop.

She bites his hand and when he lets go, she goes after him again. He yells and she stops, but when he turns away, she hits him again. He pins her against a wall in an attempt to calm her down, and in the scuffle she splits her lip — another vision. Do-kyung finally gets her to stop struggling, and they stare at each other, panting.

It’s a charged moment on all levels, and Do-kyung finally lets himself give in to temptation, and he kisses Hae-young passionately. She’s right there with him, kissing him back just as desperately, and his hands are everywhere as he drops his face into her neck.

But Do-kyung suddenly remembers where he is and that he has no right to do this, and he backs away, leaving Hae-young confused. Wordlessly, he picks up his jacket and leaves her standing there.

We back up to his conversation with Dr. Park, and now we see the tears in Do-kyung’s eyes as the doctor looks at him. Whatever he sees in the doctor’s expression scares him to death.


Wow. Even knowing what was coming, that kiss was powerful. It’s been building up for a long time now, and it was so intimate that it was hard to watch, like we were actually seeing a private moment between two people that we weren’t meant to see. I’m glad for Hae-young’s sake that she now has confirmation that Do-kyung does feel something for her, but I actually think he did the right thing in walking away. There are still too many secrets between them, and too much to be resolved before they can even think about being together.

Until now, I’ve been willing to give the other Hae-young the benefit of the doubt that she’s really a nice person who just doesn’t know how to relate to people other than by going overboard to please them. I figured her family life stunted her emotional growth, and she’s just innocently unaware of when she hurts someone, because she has good intentions. That’s what I was thinking. But now I’m starting to see that her little “innocent” comments aren’t so innocent, and I think she has a hidden agenda. I do think she was terribly hurt by Do-kyung’s mother’s words and by that recording, but that’s about all I’m giving her credit for at this point.

I did believe the other Hae-young when she said she just wanted to end things on good terms with Do-kyung, but when she started telling him private things about our Hae-young, I no longer believe that. Now I think that her doe-eyed facade is just an act, to give herself plausible deniability if anyone accuses her of playing dirty, she can just pretend she hadno idea her comments were hurtful. I think she knows exactly what she’s doing, and I think she’s angling to get Do-kyung back. She angled for more date-like plans the very first time Do-kyung showed up to play ping-pong – there’s no way this girl doesn’t have an ulterior motive.

I’m actually glad to see our Hae-young reaching her low point, especially when it comes to the other Hae-young. She’s got a lot of unresolved anger and anxiety left over from their school years, which she’s been squashing down for all this time. Her bravado masks a deep inferiority complex, and having the object (if not the aggressor) of so many years of mistreatment just for sharing the same name as someone more pretty and more popular suddenly pop up in her life and seemingly take away the man she likes is just too much. In a way, it’s good that our Hae-young finally snap ped, because now she can start to heal and rebuild her own self-worth.

To that end, I’m ready for Tae-jin to re-enter the story in a significant way, so that Hae-young can deal with her issues and move on. Do-kyung has been able to do that (though his “issue” can’t seem to leave him alone now) and I want Hae-young to get that same opportunity. I don’t think her crush on Do-kyung as it stands now is healthy, because she’s still got nagging issues surrounding Tae-jin’s rejection, so in a way it’s good that Do-kyung rejected her. Like I said before, they both need to step back, deal with their problems, and wrap up their past entanglements before either of them is ready to enter into a new relationship. Maybe once all that’s done, they can be together, but not as their lives are now.

I do think Do-kyung is further along in this process than Hae-young, though he’s still got to deal with his visions, and figure out why he’s having them exclusively about Hae-young. I’m scared of whatever Dr. Park thinks is wrong, because something about the visions, and the escalating side-effects Do-kyung is experiencing, are getting dangerous. He’s having physical as well as mental symptoms, and the fact that he seemed to pass out in the street and wake up at home in bed are downright scary. Whatever is wrong, please just don’t let it be something terminal… Do-kyung and Hae-young have been through enough, they deserve some happiness!


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OMG Thanks for the recap. It's my first time commenting on dramabeans because of this drama. THAT KISS! WAS POWERFUL OMG. I watched OHYA for Eric but I end up falling for Seo Hyun Jin ?


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Can stations use this kiss as a tutorial session for all actors who intend to do a kiss scene? I'll wager my money that if they do, the ratings drought will end.


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How to make out the right way should be the title of the video haha


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Omg. Another Oh Hae Young, daebak. TvN, mansae!!!!


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So, they should invite Eric Mun and Seo Hyun Jin as their tutor. And of course their direct demonstrations will give better results. lol.


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this should be exhibit 1, under case study: Oh hae Young have done IT!.. whereby every OTP should try to top this kiss.


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When I'm reading your comments guys, I was like Oh My God you sinful people!
That's a great idea! Lol


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Kisses done right by Eric!


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You made my day !! Thanks !! I can't agree more.
We need more real kisses not that thing they do as if they were just some random pieces of paper bonded by glue.

I haven't even watched the video yet but the cap made me shiver. I can't even imagine what it is to watch it in live. My heart will make some loops, i am sure.


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Pretty much the norm for cable dramas geared more to adults (and this is nothing compared to the make-out session in INR2012 - which was the 1st ep to boot).

The kiss here was reminiscent of the one in "Coffee Prince" - but public stations have to be more reserved w/ this sort of thing.


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I hear you. But for some reason, I never connected with INR 2012 and felt almost nothing from the make out sessions (don't get me wrong, they were anything but tame) but they didn't have the same resonance. And I feel like even Cable has been relatively tame nowadays.


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Nope. INR2012 didn't give any feelings like Oh Hae Young drama give. It just like they smooch because PD asked them to do lol.


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NOOOO!!!! I Need Romance 2012 kisses is nothing compare to this drama. INR 2012 never gave me butterfly feelings. And I don't like the leads characters in INR.

Please don't compare this drama with I Need Romance. This drama is HUGE.


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Oh no...please don't compare I Need Romance 2012 with this drama. I hate the female lead character to death and none of the characters were my favorite.

Yes in INR 2012 had many skinships, but I felt nothing. The actors were lack of emotions. But I got so much feels watching Oh Hae Young.

They should casted Eric and Seo Hyun Jin instead and I'm sure INR 2012 would be HUGE like Another Oh Hae Young.


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Overall, INR2012 had better writing - in particular, the supporting characters (girlfriends) - and esp. the 2nd male lead played by none other than Kim Ji-seok (maybe the best 2nd male lead character in a K-drama and performed so winningly by KJS).

KJS's character in INR2012 is just so better written.

Also, liked the girlfriends in INR2012 and even the Jr. writer who makes a move on Lee Jin-wook's character.

None of them were wacky, over-the-top annoying characters like in OHYA.

There were actually fun (due to the writing) moments btwn the girlfriends, Jung Yumi's and KJS's characters (as the new romance) and even btwn the JY's and Lee Jin-wook's characters (when they weren't fighting).

Was for the kissing scenes - was talking more about the physicality than anything else.

Of course, the emotional impact in OHYA was going to be greater as Do-kyung had been fighting his feelings and OHA had pretty much given up on him after having been rejected - whereas in INR2012, they were beyond a bickering married couple - having been 1st loves, so we saw their relationship at a totally different stage.

Speaking of JY's character, can see why some thought she was "annoying", but she was meant to be when it came to LJW's character.

But that's the same criticism that people had of SHJ's character in LE2 - but likewise she had a reason to act like she did towards Yoon Doo-joon's character - but neither were bad people, just had issues/flaws (which made them more like real people).

Speaking of JY, like Eric's character in DoL better as well.
Yes, that character has his flaws as well, but he had something else (such as charming moments) as well.

Here, the character of Do-kyung has been nothing but gloomy except for maybe 1-2 occasions.

Can totally see why he would have fallen for OHY#1 - who can actually bring some excitement to his life (unlike his fiancee, OHY#2 who tried to be the "perfect" GF).

The writing for OHYA is average at best (really can't think of any memorable lines), but Seo Hyun-jin's performance is worth watching it alone.


I Need Romance 2012 was nothing other than annoying romance with the two timer female lead. The main actor was pretty bland and not good at comic roles.

In my opinion Oh Hae Young Again is HUGE compare to this series. The writing, the acting, the cinematography even the OTSs are superb (in fact, almost OSTs of this drama doing well in several music charts in Korea).

Oh Hae Young Again has two phenomenon lead actors who can act even without skinships. Not to mention that Eric did very great job in his 'silnet actings' with his eyes. And I think Seo Hyun Jin is more natural actress compare to Jung Yu Mi. I always find Jung Yu Mi more annoying than funny in her roles.

So, please don't compare this drama with I Need Romance series.


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I Need Romance 3 was very good though.


Yes! That KISS! It was so hot that I peer over my bed only to see my husband snoring away. Dammit.


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Same over here lol


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God bless cable.


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This kiss is huge, like it was sheer force, but oh so passionate.

They hugged and I am just a puddle of mush.

Holy cow Eric. The man has game.


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Eric has been always perfect in kissing e.g. see his first elevator kiss in Que sera sera. But this kiss was very intimate and intens.The way his hands were touching OHY waist was super hot. I wish this will become a new kdrama kissing trend.


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An industry-wide apology for all of the sterile, bug-eyed fish-kisses they've made us endure over the years? Full body contact! Reciprocation! Hands on the small of the girl's back! Gasping! Neck-nuzzling! Full embrace! A fricking wall!

Please make this a trend, dramaland. Please.


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THAT HUG. That hug just turned everything from a moment of senseless passion to one of vulnerability and relief and I loved it.

I swear if he had just pulled away after kissing her, I would have felt much more frustrated at him. But that heartbreaking squeeze he gave made all the difference.


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This exactly. The hug was what finished me off - it was a lovely way to show just how much he craved her presence and closeness. It's absolutely gorgeous.


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Crave is a great word use when describing how he kisses her. It's like he is is a thirsty man and she is a well. The way he wants her is so base and primal and she is always inviting him to drink of her and be filled. I love that she cares for him without holding back and I want him to do the same. But the sadness of their story is they he is guilty of "ruining" her wedding. I find myself having mixed feelings about that though. It's always in the back of my mind that it a super huge red flag that Tae Jin did not tell her the truth of why he broke up with her. So maybe it's a good thing that they didn't get married... Anyway, I hope that is resolved soon cause I want to see more kisses!!!!


One passionate, truly-reciprocated kiss >>>>>>>>>>> all the multiple cuts and angles, eardrum-shattering OSTs (thank you to the PD/editors here for choosing an OST that isn't actually competing to make itself heard over the kiss and actually goes with the scene) and fancy camerawork every other drama up till now has used to signify the momentousness of a kiss.


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that was the best part even, like no loud obnoxious music swelling in the BG or constant replays and 360 camera spins and eleventy diff angle shots going THIS IS THE KISS!!!
like even a good kiss an be ruined with that cheesy and OTT nonsense. (altho it makes a mediocre kiss look utterly ridiculous haha. all that fanfare for a peck on the lips???)

but this was so raw and sensual and intense. i was like fanning my self and after i needed several cups of cold water. most of which i poured over my head. NE WAY. what a good scene.


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Lol , bug-eyed fish kisses.. (park shin hye kiss) Its soe hyun jin should be given the credit..


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Your comment ?


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Miranda, I'm completely on board with you! :D It's like we've been cheated of so much all these years!


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I think nobody can ever forget this kissing scene like ever. THE REVOLUTION OF THE KISSING SCENE OF KDRAMA. ALL HAIL TVN!


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TvN has done longer kiss scenes.


"An industry-wide apology"
Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! :o

Well said!!!!


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I'm mentally going through all the open-eyed, limp arms, fish-in-a-bowl look type kisses we have had to endure ... in every freaking drama

I can count on one hand the dramas that convey passion well


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Even worse, with one finger.


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One finger? Oh man. XD
Luckily there are also at least a handful of good kdrama kisses that pops into my head (mostly cable dramas of course :-P )


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Marriage Contract also had a GREAT one!!!
How often do we get to see the woman's arms go up around the man's neck and shoulders right away????????? This was perfection!


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Marriage Contract came to mind as well as Oh My Ghostess! The latter had me swooning :)


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... coffee prince was pretty damn good on the kiss department too. And that scene when she came to his apartment... real passion between adults!


Eric give great kisses in Que Sera Sera and Discovery of Romance too.


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the kiss in QSS was a lil too rough for me tbh. also he looked like he was trying to eat her face. it was in character for the drama and stuff but yeah. now his DoR kiss, i did like. i liked all of that drama. im still surprised at how many ppl DIDNT like it.


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Dicovery of Love is my most favorite kdrama ever and the only one I can watch many times. People didn't like it because the story is so real and all character are gray, no standard black and white kdrama character or prototype candy heroin.


Mmhhh... The next level of TVN dramas? Hehe.


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I loved it so much, and I'm just adding this comment so the comment count increases and that makes me happy!!! (kiss kiss yess)


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I'll join you.


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Hoo! What a kiss! Steamy doesn't even begin to cover it. This episode was another great one. Usually when characters embarass themselves I'm cringing to the point of not being able to watch. Not so with Oh Hae Young, I think it's because she owns it. She knows its not the right thing ('Just let me squash you once') but since she can't win no matter what she does, then at least be honest! I loved Soo Kyung stopping her, because I think No Hae Young was right and it was more about protecting our Oh Hae Young than protecting 'pretty'.

I like that 'Pretty' is not perfect nor is she evil, she's still angling for Do Kyung and is trying to show how much 'better' she is than our Oh Hae Young (failing of course).

Had to 'pssh' to Jin Sang and Hoon (and An Na) for falling under 'Pretty's' spell, but at least Noona is there to save the day!

Who else thought that Do Kyung was tempted in the hotel room? In fact I'd go so far as to say disappointed? Lip check - no cut, no hot make out session = damn we can't bang.


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Ooooh, Do Kyung was so tempted. I love how the drama keeps showing us how physically attracted Do Kyung is to Our Hae Young. Often dramas will diss about the heroine's looks and it kind of happens here too, by comparison with Other Hae Young. So I just love that Do Kyung loves Our Hae Young wholeheartedly, body and soul.


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There is no way anyone is dying by the end of the drama. NO WAY!! i didn't sign up for any of that-and i don't think anyone did.

and spot on about pretty hae-young not so innocent intention. i never felt sorry for her for some reason, i do feel sorry for tae-jin, but not pretty hae young. and this episode gives a perfect explanation for that. i have no problem if she wants to start again or what not with do-kyung, but to act or pretend that all she intent to do was 'to finish off on good terms' makes her no different from the stereotypical 2nd female leads. (i was literally clapping on the scene after they finish off the pingpong game)

(and i know its probably the workspace culture in korea or something, but what is up with the people in her company..arugh!!!)

with 8 episodes left, i hope the whole 'i put your fiance in jail cause i mixed up your name with my ex' drama will come to unfold soon. cause i really need to get over that angst, and watch with ease how their relationship go from there and also the do-kyung's vision

in the mean time, i'm off listening to the osts on repeat


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Those Do Kyung visions scare the hell out of me..but the writers have been pretty good with trolling us...so I'm holding on to hope that no one dies...If someone dies or is dead....I swear!!!!! I'm DONE!!!!


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I really hope he's not. I also did not sign up for this. I am all for dark and sad drama, but not for one with terminal illness.

I hope my feeling is not right. Just no.


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The cruel me actually repeated that scene where the other Hae Young was rejected by DK cause it felt so satisfying. I knew the other HY always has that extra intention of wanting to get back with DK, which would've been fine except that she didn't care at all about our HY even though the other HY told her they were (DK and our HY) seeing each other. It's like according to the other HY, it's her given right that DK is with her instead of with our HY.


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Powerful is right! That kiss was amazing, one of the best kisses--if not THE best--I've ever seen in a drama. These two have chemistry that is just off the charts!

I, too, agree that No Hae-young isn't as innocent as she puts across. I know people like her, the sweetest-seeming but actually oh so fake, and while I do sympathize with her regarding Do-kyung's crazy mom, I really don't like her. I almost can't stand her.

This show is just so captivating. (Already watched ep 10 because this is my current crack!) I am actually glad it got extended because it means more time with these fabulous characters. I have confidence the plot won't meander around due to the already pretty tight storytelling. Gah, can next Monday come faster?!


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I am so glad everyone recognizes the fact that we have been cheated all these years....we should boycott all FAKE KISSING K-ACTORS AND ACTRESSES and support those who give us the real deal!!!

ITS A KISS FOLKS.. you are suppose to be in love so bring it on!

I guess Eric Moon will not be on that list!!!


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now now i wouldnt go so far as to blame the actors for all the garbage kisses we get in kdramas. it can be the PDs fault too alot of the time, either in terms of direction or how they chose to film the scene. plus lbr cultural factors can play into it too and sexism. also let's not forget the Heirs thing where a male actor thinks its ok to "steal" a kiss from a female actor. (and i wish i could say thats the only time i ever heard that happening). which would ofc lead to awk or weird looking kisses.
DB should have a 10 best kdrama kisses lit sometime. there have been in other good ones, but none of them compared to this one for me cuz it was the most natural looking (plus no wacky camera angles or loud BG music) and the excellent build up to it. uwu


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The Reply Series (THE tvn show, basically) is another one with great kisses. Even with a very young Eunji in '97, there was nothing unfeeling or dead-fishy.


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I'm expecting more awesome kisses from them in each episode. Episodes 9-18 of Another Oh Hae Young will take all the slots for the "10 HOTTEST KISSES in dramaland EVER" if that's the case.


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For a second there I thought you're writing a fanfiction - that smut! Then I watched the video of the kiss, wow that was super hot!


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Omg that last scene where Dokyung walks away really made me appreciate Eric's acting.

Anyways, I really hope the writing brings about Haeyoung's "true healing" or a proper resolution to her inferiority complex rather than glossing over it by handing her a boy. In terms of the other Haeyoung.. Iunno.. I feel like the show might be pushing for the "even though the other Haeyoung is prettier and more successful, deep inside, she is just like our Haeyoung" angle..


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Eric acting was suprb in this episode...


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With this pace I have actually started to worry that the last two episodes might be a filler. And am I the only one who thought that it was a little selfish of Hae Young to think that Tae jin preferred his pride over her? I don't think that's the case, he cared about her that is why he thought it was better for her to leave him-a man who is going to be imprisoned for a very long time, rather than telling her to hang in there-that would have been selfish.


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I don't know I thought the pace went back to what it was. While episode 7 and 8 were a little too fast. So I don't have any worries.


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I agree..found episode 9 and 10 a bit to slow than the prevoius ones...


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I agree...especially with all the flashback scenes on episode 10 and still not real insight of how our Oh Hae Young and Tae Jin used to be..I think we have a clear picture of Do Kyung's relationship with Oh Hae Young "pretty" now but not much of Oh Hae Young 1 and Tae Jin's relationship


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I think they deliberately avoiding it because showing more of their moments would make do-kyung more sinful and also OHY moving forward too early... It will backfire on the story... Its safe bet by leaving it to viewers imagination...


But if Taejin dated Our Hae Young for idk how long, but enough to want to marry her, he should know that Our Hae Young's got insecurity, especially for being a victim of bully, not popular and not pretty enough. He should know that when he says that it would just hurt her more than anyone else. He actually kinda know it that it hurts, but he still do it anyway which I think he is being really inconsiderate of her feelings.

And he seems to forget that he said it when he got out of jail and asked her to eat with him. He should think before he speak.


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Love how you worded it!


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I wouldn't have problem with noble idiocy ... much ... but i hate it when someone uses the weakness of a loved one (who revealed it in confidence) to hurt/humiliate them


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I'm inferring from our OHY's comment about putting Noh Hae young in her past after hearing she left the country, that she didn't tell Tae Jin anything about her or the insecurities she faced because of her.


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well, from our point of view that is true. Though, if you're sensitive enough, you'd realized it. Like how Do Kyung knows Other Oh Hae Young insecurity of getting abandon.

A lil off the subject we are discussing. Why Our Hae Young never realize Do Kyung actually knows a lil bit too much about Taejin's situation? Like they are not friends relationship nor Our Hae Young told him before. He just said it out loud, that Taejin was bankrupt. Weird???


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Yes I caught that too...Do Kyung had a slip and mentioned Tae Jin's Bankruptcy to Oh Hae Young during the argument...I think she will recall that moment at a later time...I think in the heat of the argument it didnt register in her mind....


A court case would be a matter of public record, so it may have been reported in the media.

I'm more concerned that NOHY's father might say something about the "favor" he did for DK, or that NOHY will hear some scuttlebutt herself.


maybe.. but how would he knows his name or even how he looks like. lul ops, i just can't get over it.

ughhhh I swear Do Kyung has got like 1 million mistakes that he's gonna pay for it in the upcoming episodes. He just landed himself in some series of karma. ugh somebody save Our Do Kyung


I have a feeling that maybe what Taejin and Haeyoung had wasn't as real as her connection with DK. Maybe she was never too truthful with Taejin - I mean seeing how long her hair was, she wore heels and pretty dresses with him. She also acknowledged that she thought Taejin was too good for her (just in terms of specs) - maybe she knew that and was portraying a different side of her (more reserved, feminine etc...) instead of being her true self. It seems to me that their relationship was based a lot more on comfort, they've been together for quite a while and they know each other well. It just doesn't seem like they have the same connection as HY and DK.


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Yeah, but that's a terrifying precedent in someone you're planning to marry. First he tells you you repulse him and calls off your wedding, but then down the road he doesn't tell you that the home loan defaulted, or he lost his job, or that he's got pancreatic cancer.

Tae Jin didn't actually give Hae Young a choice. He lied, he deliberately hurt her in a way that would stop her from asking questions, and he didn't trust her to make informed decisions. And he doesn't seem to regret it. That is not a guy you want to build a life with.


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Let's get one thing straight show, our OHY never loved Tae Jin. He was a first class suitor interested in her. I have been asking how she never actually fought for her relationship and this is the only answer.

Do Kyung has no right to question our OHY's decision to go back to her ex when he know the circumstances. How dare he? He's not even being upfront about his role btw. I'm finding it really hard to root for him, and this coupling because I think they are glossing over a major obstacle.

Tae Jin didn't pick his pride over her. He picked her happiness over his. Was he wrong? Absolutely. But it wasn't about his pride. It was about her.

While I think Noh Hae young is passive aggressive with the comment to Do Kyung, our OHY looked like a mean old bully at that work party. No one there knows all her high school struggles, maybe not even Noh Hae young. What was wrong with confronting Noh Hae young in the bathroom right after the phone call? I'm sorry I thought she was out of order there. And her constant battle, conversations since being rejected by Do Kyung proves that while she LOVES Do Kyung, she never felt the same way about her ex.


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I totally get that Tae-jin acted from noble motives, by not 'letting' our Hae-young throw herself away on a man who was about to go to jail..... but he lied to her, and in executing his noble idiot gamble, hurt her tremendously - and definitely far more than if he'd just told her the truth and let her make the decision for herself.


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You know I don't think you're wrong about any of your comments but I think it leaves out the motivations of our leads.

Yes, Oh Hae Young would've looked like a bully to the rest of the work party but she's already treated badly even when she doesn't do anything, simply for having the same name (and former connection) to 'Pretty' Oh Hae Young. What's the difference if she finally gets her issues off her chest? It's not actually going to change how anyone (like the boss) treat her? They already treat her terribly, so why not let her drunkeness exorcise some of the angst she has remaining about No Hae Young?

You're right about Do Kyung he has no right to get angry but that's the bittersweet point. He knows he has no right to be angry, but he's angry because he loves her and he's starting to realise it and he doesn't deserve her! It's self-hatred directed at the person causing the self-hatred. She's the person he can vent to, who else does he tell his feelings to? She can take him at his worst and vice versa. That's why they work

Anyway loved your points, just love our OTP more! :)


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Yeah, I wouldn't necessarily call Do-kyung's behavior a sign that the writer or drama as a whole is glossing over the mistakes he's still making. In fact, I think it's a testament to the great writing that I DO still root for him, even after the writer veered off the expected road I had for him.

They're going for a messy approach, but I think the reason his tragic fate awaits him is because of the mistake that he still hasn't rectified and that the show isn't done exploring the consequences he'll face for keeping this from her. We'll see...


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Messy is what all real relationships are. Despite the drama tropes the thing I've appreciated the most about this writer is the consistent human approach to the relationships. No one has a magic time of it. Emotions are honestly convied as complex and messy.


Totally agree with everything you said! loving our OTP to bits<3


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@ Oshi
I do 100% agree with your comment. Messy relationship at start is very common in real love-relationship. When people are truly in love they can't always make the most moral choice. Even OHY who is very honest most of the time, cannot bring herself to tell the truth when other OHY ask about her relationship with Eric, because she's in love with him, so she pretend they are in a real relationship. That's what makes her a human. In a same way Eric cannot bring himself o tell the truth because he loves her and he doesn't want to hurt her...that what makes him a human.


I think some of her officemates(specially the girls) knows what she felt about ohy2 since she told them about her before.and also as an officemate you'd be blind not to see how the other guys treat ohy2 like she's some kind of goddess while treating ohy1 differently.so,i think they'll just understand that ohy1 had had enough


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Why didn't he tell the truth its not like she was some outsider... He was about to marry her..
Saving her family reputation... That doesn't even make sense.. Her family now being accused for raising an irresponsible daughter who canceled the wedding for no reason.. If he had the guts to tell the truth.. They could have found the way out together.. And she wouldn't have been so hurt by the feeling of being dumped....
I wouldn't say his pride got the better and he did that.. He just chickened out and didn't think through the things... And the glossing over things like he did because he cared for her is covering up his mistakes..


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According to drama-verse, though...Tae Jin saying that he's saving her family reputation actually makes a lot of sense. In drama-verse, ANY mistake what so ever falls upon a person would then be blamed to any family members associated with that person. Whether it's the direct family or extended my marriage. I don't know how true it is in real Korean culture, but I think that is beyond ridiculous.


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there is some truth to it definitely re SK culture. esp since it was PRISON afterall, but he could have asked to have the wedding called off and INFORM Hae Young about why and explain in detail the situation. esp since he apparently didnt do anything wrong to be so ashamed of, and was just struck with hella bad luck (or some random man's maliciousness from his pov). like i cant believe of all he ways he coulda handled that while keeping her and her family safe. (hes not in the mafia jfc) that was the one he chose. like, he hela chickened out. and he woulda been ok letting her think he genuinely found her too gross to marry for YEARS since he thought he'd be in prison for years. im just. it makes sense to cancel the wedding and i can understand if he still wanted to break up regardless of how patient or understanding she was. but going about it like that? cmon man. i got no sympathy. and DK has his own reckoning coming for HIS actions and role in TJ's imprisonment and how that ended up effecting HY (and ofc the fact he's been lying by omission to her this whole time). but i disagree with anyone who thinks that TJ's incredibly poor handling of his situation was in any way DK or tbh anyone else's fault but his own.


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It doesn't make sense that he was protecting her family - let's be real, his family is much richer which means they would have a bigger reputation to protect. And seeing as how his own mother didn't even know he was arrested - seems more a tactic to save his own pride. I feel like OHY would've wanted a man who would be truthful in face of imprisonment.


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i think TJ truly believed at that moment he was doing what was best for HY. and probably had he a clue how much it fucked her up, he woulda come clean right away but the point is regardless of what he thought, in his heart he probably was just not wanting to look like a failure. who lost his business and went to prison. a loser. cuz lbr, why would he choose to end it by making HER feel shitty about herself? and not the other way around?

if he was too chickenshit to tell her the truth that's one thing, but he managed to pick a way to break up with her that would cause maximum hurt to her while also taking very little effort on his part. vs any other number of ways he coulda gone about it. it was just so so poorly thought out. and it came back to bite him in the butt. regardless of how HY reacts when she finds out DK is a lying liar who lies. its p clear her feelings for TJ are o-v-e-r.


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The facts are as follows: instead of telling our Hae-young that he was going to jail and letting her make the decision about whether to stay with him or leave, he told her he couldn't stand her any more, dealt a body blow to her confidence, and caused her major hurt because somehow THAT'S preferable to letting the woman you love know that you're about to go through hard times?


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he could've told her so they can talk it through. he didn't have to tell her to stay with him, just at least tell her what's going on. it makes me wonder was he afraid to tell the truth to Haeyoung because he didn't want to be the one who got dumped?
but well in the end it doesn't really matter who did wrong / wronger, it's just about being the right person and both of them are not the one for each other.


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exactly how i feel. i can totally understand wanting to put the relationship on hold or break it off. and not having the wedding prior to impending imprisonment, is just smart tbh.
but lit nothing about the way he handled it, esp in regards to Hae Young, was right or mature or respectful or thoughtful!

Also he either said that in light of knowing her insecurities and said it anyway. which yIKES. OR he had no clue about those things, in which case, they werent really that close to start with were they? both signs point to him not being the best marriage choice. even if on the surface he was perfect.


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Excuses, excuses.

How much of what Tae Jin did was based on his own fears being projected onto Our hae-Young? He knows her and claims to love her. If that is true then he would know that the worst thing he could ahve done is reject her the way he did. He chose himself over her when given the choice between being honest with the women he loves or hurting her badly to save face.


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I think Tae Jin should have told her the truth. It's her choice whether or not she decides to stay with him. So I don't see his breaking up with Hae Young as a loving act. To me he did choose his pride over her and to protect himself.


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I love that the show acknowledges that he chose his pride over HY. And that HY is shown to be fully aware with the fallacy in his reasoning. Most shows would run with the noble sacrifice motive and explore no further. Just make him a sad puppy second lead, martyred at the alter of OTP.


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I do think that he preferred his pride since he ended things to prevent her from seeing him vulnerable and reduced in jail. Yes the whole, "not wanting her to wait" thing is a factor, but ultimately he did not want the girl he loved knowing he was going to jail. Tae Jin did not have to ask her to wait, only be honest about what was going on and he couldn't do that because doing so would ultimately be his embarrassment. Instead he let her think the way she ate, something she would do for the rest of her life and an intimate act in and of itself, was repulsive and disgusting enough to be the cause of a wedding being called off. I don't know about you but that sounds pretty selfish to me.

If he didn't want to hurt her he didn't have to, but he did so, knowing fully what the alternative was - telling the truth - and choosing otherwise.


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it's probably not her being selfish. but an expression of her being desperate. i don't know.

is it 16 or 18 episode? yeah i'm also afraid of the remaining episodes. i feel like this last one revealed so much. and it feels so rushed. i hope the show doesn't disappoint.


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18! I'd like to put my trust in my dearest god of ohy writer. no disappointment pls.


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THAT ENDING! Well now the co-captain's onboard, THE SHIP IS READY TO SAIL!!!

Anyway, I really hate it when Noh Hae Young badmouthing Our Hae Young in the toilet, that is so low. I swear she always wants to take over Hae Young. I swear I had enough of her. And now Our Hae Young did good for standing up against her. And everyone else should stop worship Noh Hae Young. Having a bad family background doesn't mean you can act like this to others. I was really sad when those bullies hit Our Hae Young. UGH.

Kinda irrelevant, but when is the Jeju business trip is gonna happen? The director said a month or sth if I'm not wrong.

Moon-Seo couple row!row!row the boat!!!!


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I enjoy the complexity of Soo Kyung as well. She's got Pretty's number, and Pretty is quite astute in realizing that SK was protecting our OHY.

I wonder who Soo Kyung's father was, a French mountain goat?


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The cool part is that Soo-kyung knows what's up with Pretty, entirely separate of our HY - she was wary of her from the minute she stepped in the office, and it's genuinely not motivated by jealousy or any of the typical motives people ascribe to an older woman who dislikes a younger one.

I'm wondering about Soo-kyung and Do-hyung's male paternal unit either. With a mother like that, they'd almost have been better off raised by wolves, but they seem to have come out mostly decent human beings aside from the emotional damage.


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well sorta a spoiler but we finally get to see some of DK's dad was like (in the past) in ep 10. and a glimpse of his mom back then too. as well as some other interesting family tidbits lol.
speaking of french goats, thats what Jin Sang sounds like anytime he tries to speak french. ITS SO BAD.


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Ha, ha. I thought I was the only one who thought his French was super BAD.


To my mind, his French is non-existent. Someone told him to sound nasal, and that's about as far as Kim Ji-suk's skill level goes. (Mind you, I love him as an actor, and in this role. The French, though, isn't happening for him.)

Ye Ji-won's French, however, is actually intelligible and pretty decent.


"French mountain goat"? lol lol lol That's hilarious.


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Actually I'm more curious why their mother is afraid of Soo Kyung. Her mom is sucha badass, so why she runs at the sight of her own daughter. I'm curious if Do Kyung and Soo Kyung have the same father, but I think the 'kyung' in their name kinda shows that it's the same father.


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If Soo Kyung is the noona and their mom is negligent/abusive, then it does make sense that Soo Kyung could basically have taken over the mother/protector role in the family.

Not overtly, which is kind of interesting - I mean, she seems to operate below the radar at both work and home. But clearly at some point she decided both that her mom wasn't worth it, AND that she would actively step between her mom and Do Kyung.


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lol DK momma is not a badass, she's a bully and a manipulative non parent. SK is the real badass lbr. but more importantly like Miranda said, SK was prob the de jure mother/protector of the family at least until DK and Hoon grew up at which point they can take care of themselves. and She ofc now has issues that make her need more caring of than not. Plus DK momma isnt young ne more, and if SK wanted to she could knock her the fuck out. but she too classy to do that u see. lol. So ...


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The way that the visions have progressed has been great. At first they were just previews of what OHY might do or say the DK witnessed, then it progressed to something she would do that he had to decide what his response would be, but I think this is the first time he actually MADE the events of the vision happen. This wasn't just catching a woman in midair, this was an active choice that he initiated.

Any does anyone else get the feeling that from the second he got that vision, Do Kyung was just waiting for the moment to arrive and almost looking for it? Almost like seeing the cut on her lip was the universe signalling permission to finally kiss her. It felt completely inevitable and the way he just went for it - yeesh that is a lot of bottled-up emotion right there, sir. It was like he went on autopilot, but the kind of autopilot that actually just bypasses all of the safety measures and releases the brakes.

(The only flaw in the entire thing is that I have no idea how OHY's lip ended up like that. It looked like a bloody potato chip got stuck on her. Did she actually rip a chunk out of DK's hand when she bit him?! That was not a split or graze, that was... like.. flesh from elsewhere. It's kind of haunting me.)


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well, she was flailing around a lot, does either of them wear a ring that could have caused an injury like that? I can't see any on her left hand, now you have me wondering too.


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Thank you for putting that into words! I kept swinging from "this kiss is so passionate!" to "what the Sam Hill is on her lip?! Weird" then back again.


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Too funny! A make-up artist failure there as it was a body part getting quite a work out in the scene and repeated takes. They should have gone with a tiny smear/cut instead of an abrasion. It looked like the Kleenex/ fake blood wounds my kids have tried.


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Yea in some sections you can see the split lip looks real and other angles it's kind of peeling off - it's a prosthetic that they put on but dries up fast too, takes time to put it back on. I'm guessing they didn't have time to do touch ups between takes and of course all that kissing would make it more susceptible to falling off. haha I am hoping they release a behind the scenes!


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"Any does anyone else get the feeling that from the second he got that vision, Do Kyung was just waiting for the moment to arrive and almost looking for it?"

- Oh, totally. During the fight, there's this moment when I swear Hae-young was going to walk past him after hitting him once, but he purposefully turned her around and engaged her again. I mean, he knew exactly where that fight was heading and yet it seemed like he was almost willing it to escalate and happen anyway.

The visions have often been about events he couldn't stop. And because so many of the ones he could stop involve Hae-young actively doing something, the only choices he's ever been given is whether to respond to her or not. It makes sense, given that much of the beginning centers on him trying to cut off their relationship. So I also loved that this vision had him taking action for once & that he still chose not to shy away from it. In fact, in this case, he probably used his past experience with his visions as a crutch. Because all of them have happened just as they're supposed to, he could probably even come to perceive his own actions as inevitable before they even happen.


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Agreed. He was subconsciously wanting it to happen. I think he was quite disappointed in the hotel room, when he 'had' to turn her down because it didn't match up with the vision in his head. I feel like he was anticipating it.


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Lol, I know! He's like, "Dammit, this isn't when I'm scheduled to give in to her seduction!" As if he was just waiting for his cue...


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HAHAHAH! It wasn't even supposed to be funny but I swear much comedyyyy for a melo-romantic scene


I am curious about something that maybe you could answer. Like you said most of his visions have been about things that he couldn't change or had control over, things he wasn't sure how they were going to occur. However he knew about the kiss he had the time and ability to change the future yet why didn't he?? He could have kissed her before that yet he waited until the moment from his vision, I wonder why.


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He's escalating. He's going from "It's inevitable" to "I'm going to make it happen".

The first ones were beyond his control, but as time goes on, he's actually consciously making his visions come true.


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This comment just gave me pause. I have this sudden vision of the show progressing to the point where DK deliberately chooses to die for someone else because he want's to change the inevitable....NOOOOOO !


Every interaction from the moment he sees her drunk in Other Hae Youngs car was ridiculously charged. Eric did a great job creating this sense of push and pull. He wanted so much to just give in but...

And then the kiss!


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Yes -- I got the sense that he was waiting for the vision to unfold. After all, we're talking about the guy who makes his living waiting for cues! And he's a perfectionist, so there's no way he would jump the gun.

As for OHY's hopeful proposal at the hotel, I agree that I could see the wheels turning while rewinding the vision and noting her split lip as a cue.

Hmmm, the lady doth protest too much, methinks, when DK turns back and tells her that it would have been an embarrassment to her if he slept with her there. Maybe this is really a pep talk to himself. In the past he has acted to prevent her being publicly humiliated (i.e., catching her running leap and spinning her around to face her co-workers, and going along with the charade, up to a point). He's acutely aware of her lifetime load of embarrassment and humiliation, and is loathe to throw another log on the fire, IMHO.


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This is why I love the DB comments, I never thought of the progression of his visions and you're totally right, he was totally anticipating the moment in this episode.

And about her busted lip, I was already wondering what happened to her when they showed it in his vision last week. So when the fight scene came up I paid extra attention and it really came out of nowhere. I rewatched the fight (and kiss ahem) a couple times to see where she could've hurt herself but it only appeared when she's against the wall, her lip's still fine in the previous shot.
So my only explanation is that the busted lip was included to signal him, yes this is THE moment from the vision where you're kissing her, don't even try to hold back lol.


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All of it you guys!
But man, I'm so scared the visions may have terrifying consequences. *lights candles


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So I rewatch after reading these comments about her busted lip. I saw that she was wearing watch maybe during their fight like she just flailing all over with Do Kyung, and accidentally hurt her lip.


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Another possibility is that OHY bit her lip.


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Hahaha eww, potato chip. xD; Her lip wound did look awful and strange... It was a bit distracting.


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That Kiss!! That was right out of our fantasies. But it was the hug that got me, it spoke of a much deeper connection. And I ended up crying when he parted, his eyes spoke volumes. His final realization that he hasn't been able to stop any of his visions from actually happening, so he will die. At least that is what he is thinking.


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I need to comment about plot and characters, but I just can't remember anything but the kiss. I expected a passionate kiss since it's tvN, but this one blew me away. You're right Lollypip, it's like we're seeing their private moment. Whew.


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hahahaha...im with you on this. I really want to comment but I dunno what to post, my mind is blank. I'd just keep quiet. That's better. reading the recap helps LOL.


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lol me too...i don't know what to say except that eric and seo hyun jin have such great chemistry no words can describe how good they look on screen together.


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While I enjoyed the kiss itself, I think that everything leading up to it was a bit uncomfortable to watch. It felt so violent and it was weird to see Do Kyung handle Hae Young like that. It wasn't okay (at least to me) Not just that but it felt like they were just putting all their anger at each other and everyone else into that whole confrontation and kiss and I don't want that. I want their kiss to be fueled by desire, not anger. Also, I wasn't too happy that Do Kyung just walked away leaving Hae Young even more confused. Yes, maybe he wasn't supposed to be there at the moment and he realized he was doing something "wrong" but it's not fair to Hae Young.
Other than that, I really am enjoying this couple and the drama. Also Seo Hyun Jin is everything.


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If all of your arguments/makeout sessions have that pattern, then no, it's not good. But, uh, the occasional times it happens in an otherwise even-keeled and romantic relationship can be pretty damn worth it.

If it helps, the kiss seemed less fueled by anger than frustration. He likes her but is being infuriatingly stoic, and she likes him but is getting no feedback. And it's clear that the kiss is extremely, extremely reciprocated even before it happens, so I thought they balanced it pretty well.


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ooooh boy, that kiss was indeed reciprocated, and how! Though the moment that really had me mentally going 'damn I NEED to rewind this' was the point when they're practically wrapped against each other and Do-kyung actually pushes away from the wall - UNF!


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Yep! If you can independently keep your center of balance during a passionate kiss, YOU AREN'T DOING IT RIGHT.


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but of course being plastered against your partner takes obvious precedence over being able to remain upright without aid ;)


I agree. This scene may be uncomfortable, but I also found it oddly refreshing. I get that any scene remotely violent brings into question the well-being of our characters. These last few episodes, in particular, have shown our leads at their lowest points. But it's important to remember that finally letting all your frustrations at each other culminate in one huge blow-out can give you both the opportunity to finally move past the things holding you back. It doesn't mean that fights like this one are healthy for two people in a committed relationship, but, for these two, who are navigating the difficulties of their conflicted feelings, a scene like this is powerful and even a little bit necessary.

But this is also exactly why I find the hug at the end to be so very important. The image of him holding her tight in his embrace after the kiss juxtaposed perfectly with the pose right before it, of him pinning her arms back away from him. They certainly channeled a lot of frustration and anger into that scene, but what it dissolved into was something tender & vulnerable and that speaks volumes of the importance of their raw, heated encounter.


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The relationship between the pair of them is built on this sense of vulnerability. Dk and Our HY are capable of such intimate connection. When they have been shown speaking to each other alone it's always so open. He drinks in everything she says and she spills out all the dark thoughts. There is never a point where it's cliched reaction. They act like themselves without changing to fit some weird mold or seem better for each other.

I think the discomfort was deliberately evoked. The struggle, kiss and the hug was a distillation of the conflict they were stuck on. It's a physical metaphor for where they are now. When you're in a relationship that is just forming sometimes the physical (a kiss, hug, touch, look etc) is the only way to be open to each other. The moment they shared was another way for the dam to break and the intimacy they share to force it's way out.


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I agree the whole scene leading up to the kiss was uncomfortable but I also felt like she did provoke him, she kept hitting him and hitting him and he had no choice but to calm her down and she just kept fighting him...Also is there any significance to the bites? she bit him when she was drunk and he was trying to get her in the car and then she bit him again before they kissed...perhaps Im just reading too much into it...but I thought it was a little bit odd


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I'm a biter too. When you're not as strong as someone and fighting you play dirty. I don't think there is much else to read into it.


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Shortly before the fight, didn't she say something about knocking down his walls? Her frustration with him escalated till she was attacking those castle walls, those stone battlements to just let her in.


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She kept hitting him on his back as if to say "don't turn your back to me and walk away" "I want to interact, even if it is only to fight" and "I can't just let you leave".
I think back to all those drama scenes where a couple is parting, even casually, and there is a back and forth about who turns to leave first. I always thought it kind of weird, an excessive courtesy. Perhaps it is played up so much because of the symbolism. You don't turn away from someone you love.


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The line was something like "I need any man I can find to keep from breaking down the brick walls and jumping you"

I'm sure it's more poetic when coming from a angry SHJ but I paraphrase.


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My thoughts exactly! Generally I don't like man handling women like that, exerting control over them, in this case the cuff-grabbing. And, it isn't fair for him to initiate and then end it like that, leaving Hae Young helpless and as confused as ever.

But of course that kiss was epic.


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Good to know others are speaking up/out about finding their fight scene uncomfortable to watch too. Only focusing on or going goo-goo eyes over their kissing scene(s) and chemistry thereby giving a free pass on some of the other questionable things transpiring and problematic patterns of behavior - is hard for me to do with this drama.

There are some telltale signs that are hard to glance over and pretend like it's not a big deal. Signs of dysfunction simply shouldn't be ignored and dismissed just because it's happening in Kdramaland vs. Real world/life. For instance: her possessiveness - telling Do-Kyung not to meet his ex-fiancée OHY when neither of them are exclusively dating/in a committed relationship together; vandalism/property damage - throwing a rock/stone through the window breaking it, immoderate drinking, etc.

Oh Hae-Young #1 and Oh Hae-Young #2 are their own persons yet both are flawed individuals dealing with personal insecurities. One having the burden of sharing the same name and constantly being mistaken for/compared to the other while growing up and the other avoids conflict at all cost and is emotionally sensitive about coming from a dysfunctional family/broken home.

Not at the point yet where I think "Pretty OHY" is worse than "Ugly/Our OHY." I don't have to hate one OHY over the other OHY in order to enjoy the drama. One can like and dislike certain aspects about both women. An interesting set of dynamics to watch: both ladies are reeling from their cancelled weddings; one is trying to bounce back from her fractured self and return to some semblance of living her life; and the other wants to mend a broken relationship because of her actions and factors related to outside (immediate family) interference. In both cases - for the intended couples - regardless of whether the reason for the cancellation was intentional or unintentional, the heartache and aftermath is due to a lack of open and transparent communication between the respective partners.


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Your comment is so well put, I couldn't have said it better myself. Noone is saying that 1st Oh Hae Young is perfect, but I do feel that her flaws are mostly overlooked/ignored. I can't help but feel that sometimes 1st Oh Hae Young lacks maturity in her actions. Attention is instead directed at 2nd OHY's flaws which I guess is in correllation with the show's universe (i.e. 2nd OHY is the center of attention).


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So true.. Everybody going hating 2nd Oh Haeyoung over her snarky comments (that first initiated by 1st Haeyoung) but everybody just let it pass if 1st Haeyoung is rude and act immature


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I really really really like that scene where the two Oh Hae Youngs were questioning each other on their failed weddings. We can see how different those two are. Our OHY was lashing out mostly for Do Kyung, while the other OHY was lashing out for herself. I've noticed something about Other Oh Hae Young a few episodes back but in this particular episode, the other Oh Hae Young really is, first and foremost, mostly concerned about herself. Her priority always seems to be her own happiness. When Do Kyung said they didn't have to meet, her reply was, "But I want to." How about what HE want?

I've always wondered what it was about Other Oh Hae Young that I didn't like. Because she's not outrightly mean. It's not even because of her beauty. After this episode, I realized, it's because of her words. She can't help her beauty. She was born with it. But she can choose her words. She talks so sweet but her words are so bitter and insulting, always with regard to Our OHY. She talks in this very sweet manner that people around her seem to miss the insult except Our Oh Hae Young. She uses her sweet words to get what she wants too. She's a nice mean girl.

On a personal note, this drama is making me relive old bitter memories. It was that scene in the bathroom, when Other Oh Hae Young was telling Do Kyung something she knows might be embarrassing for Our OHY but said it anyway. I legit cried almost the same time as Our OHY, because I remembered something similar happening to me back then, and it was so frustrating because I can't do anything or say anything so I just shed frustrated tears like Our OHY did. I had to take a break watching because Our Hae Young's frustration was so relatable. Just thinking about it now still makes me cry. There's a lot of good scenes in this episode, but that one stayed with me the most. Hey, drama! You bet your pretty scripts I'm rooting for Our Oh Hae Young to be happy. By herself or with someone. I mean, if I can't have a Park Do Kyung, at least she should!


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sigh, I think it happens to a lot of people in real life and I'm glad that this show point out the fact that because of someone being nice upfront, loved by all, doesn't mean that they are nice inside, and treat everyone equally nice. I believe they always feel superior to less pop people and always find a way to act saint while speak like devil. They should totally ban people from badmouthing in the toilet. Like seriously, how annoyinggggg

And I hope you become stronger just like Our Hae Youngie! Hwaiting!! :>


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Other OHY reminds me of the type of people I deliberately avoid.

Thanks! I've managed a good life far from drama and totally forgot I had frustrating moments like those until I saw that scene and it spoke to me on such a personal level. This drama just keep giving me the FEELS.


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Well, I kind abit like other OHY, But by no means feeling superior. We always positioning ourselves the right one, so we tend to look our self above the other, always the right one, a kind one, but miss the important think, that sometimes the way we act is bothering others. I think Pretty OHY is like that. Particularly If they are rarely get critics.

I kind get her jealousy on the phone , She is human.


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Jealousy ! Her face when do-kyung picked drunk oh hae young was priceless..
she deliberately called him to confirm he was not with our oh hae young..


I understand the jealousy. But I'm bothered by the fact that she chose to put our OHY in a bad light. She could have told DK that her metabolic age was 21, I think that's enough a statement that puts her in a positive light. She didn't have to add that our OHY got 41. But she chose to do so. I think that's mean. She didn't give our OHY the opportunity to tell DK herself. She could have told him in her funny matter-of-fact way. But the Other OHY beat her to it. I don't think it was frustrating for our OHY because DK knew, but because it was said in such a manner that compared to the other OHY, she's like an old lady. It's the way Other OHY said it that I have such an issue with.


I really think that she didn't choose to put Our Hae Young in a bad light.

From what I seen, Other is pretty socially inappropriate, and from her point of view Our Hae Young was having fun and enjoying the power of being a 41. And being socially inappropriate, she doesn't understand the significance of a high metabolic age to a female's psyche.

So she told the story not as an embarrassing story, but as an update on their only common friend/acquaintance at this point.


I hated No Hae Young since the very moment Do kyung had a flashback where she said Our OHY was plain and nothing interesting, and I think she said something about our OHY probably being in some kind of job as "plain" and "common" as herself.

Never got to see her as "good girl". This is a first class bitch and I would love to ruin that perfect face of her with a slap.


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Its good thing that both park siblings can see through her act and side with our oh hae young...


Yes. Other OHY are what I see as "fake nice". @royal I avoid those too.


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Thank you. I was wondering why I didn't like the other OHY.. she's so perfect that it makes me look like I'm jealous for hating her.

I never realize that it could be from her words.

Perhaps when she asked our OHY out for a drink, she already knew that our OHY will reject the offer and just did it out of spite.


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Other Oh Hae-young is practically a textbook example of passive-aggressiveness - I have some sympathy for her insecurities and the way she's built her facade of perfection so carefully, and I pity her for it.

But she still doesn't get a pass for walking out on the wedding, or for waltzing back into Do-kyung's life a year later with all the 'let's play ping-pong!'. She knows what she's doing, and I'm glad that our Hae-young isn't the only one who sees through her - the scales are well and truly off Soo-kyung's eyes too, even if she defends her to their awful mother.


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Other Hae-young is a passive aggressive bitxx!


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She's a nicer version of Dk's mother. She's someone he feels obligated to take care of out of pity. That's probably what fed her huge neurotic breakdown and why she fled. The knowledge that you are viewed the same way as the evil mom in law. Blech!


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Having said all that, I don't think Our OHY is a cut above the rest. She seems to have more issues than Other OHY (all that drinking!)


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That's the major issue of this show.. In every episode one or other character is drunk and doing some stupid things..


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I just assumed Koreans don't know what alcoholism is...


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This drinking problem!! So right! I wonder how their livers can take all of that.


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I was going to rant on the drinking, but you beat me to it so I'll chime in to agree.

I'm no teetotaler but over drinking is just plain awful unless one actually wants their metabolic age to be 10+ years older than their real age. Alcohol slaughters mitochondria through oxidative stress .... just a really nasty thing one should want to avoid.

The whole metabolic age scene taking place in a bar with everyone drinking I found to be extremely ironic. I was scratching my head if both the writer and director was trying to make a point. ???? If they were, I think it got lost among the noise of the plot.


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If that was the case shouldn't have Soo Kyung's metabolic age been waaaaay older. I think she says in episode 10 that she's 44, but her metabolic age is 42? With her get wuhzasted every night? I'm confused.


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Aw I still like Pretty Oh Haeyoung. Pretty Oh Haeyoung reminds me of my mom lol. Her voice is like honey, but she sneaks in little digs disguised as compliments. It used to piss me off, but as I got older I started to understand my mom more. Women are taught to always be polite and never raise their voice, this was her way of voicing what she really thought without being confrontational or 'causing a scene', it's whatever. I like straight-forward women like Our Oh Haeyoung more, but I also understand women who can't be.


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I like her too, but not as much as Hae Young.

The way I saw it, she didn't really intend to spill out our Hae Young's private life, it's just that at this point, she's the only thing (person), that she and Do-Kyung has in common. Everything else would be uncomfortable.

She was trying to make conversation in her own airhead way.


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I agree with your earlier post, too. NOHY and DK don't have much common ground these days, aside from OHY. Plus there's the whole socially-oblivious thing she's got going on.


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Hah! I just commented above about how I think she's a nicer version of Dk's mom. She's not evil but broken into a mold that makes it impossible for her to confront her darker impulses. It makes how DK views her even worse because he see's her the way he sees his mom. She is someone to take care of and pity for what she is. His love for her might be genuine but it's not what she wants. However she's to much the nice person to say out loud I WANT YOU TO LOVE ME DAMMIT!


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Thanks for the recap!

I have mixed feelings for this drama. I love the chemistry between the leads, I love our HY's character most of the time, and her family too.

But, there are things that I have became to dislike too. For one, I sometimes experience seconhand embarassment a lot while watching our HY scenes (like, why she has to create a scene all the time at the company?). I do not like Do-Kyung's poker face sometimes, especially when HY letting out feelings bravely (poker face or wooden acting?). And the comedy in this drama, is not my thing either. I also think that HY fell in love a little bit too fast, I mean, if she was my friend, I would want her to take a break. Last but not least, I cannot understand how Do-Kyung be the one who is hating tae-Jin. He basically ruined Tae-jin's life and now getting together with the women he loved. What Do-kyung did was terrible, and yet he is the one sending murderous gazes to Tae-jin.

Despite all of these, this drama has something that I am not able to express. It feels real. I felt connected to the characters somehow and enjoy watching it.


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You must be my spirit animal because you articulated a lot of my feelings about this episode perfectly.

I usually enjoy this show and leave each episode anticipating the next. But I found myself annoyed this time.

I love the chemistry between our OHY and Do kyung, but I wish the writing was better because I hate that Do kyung is being all self righteous about Tae Jin when he should be apologetic. That's someone's son, brother, cousin, etc. Things could have gotten really bad. People have been suicidal/homicidal for less.

I'm having a problem with the complete absence of remorse on Do Kyung's part for Tae Jin. I hope they do better with the writing because it's just been a little over the mid point, and I'm already getting a sour taste for the "hero".


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Yes, that also one thing that bugs me the most. Do Kyung's agression towards Tae Jin may have a reason (like, DK knows how much HY hurting because of TJ), but I still can't accept it.
The real victim here is Tae Jin. He lost his business and his fiance. Yes, he made a stupid decision by not telling HY his problem and chose noble idiocy road. But I think he really loves HY.
I hope we have some flashback of cute moments between HY and TJ in the past.


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I think part of it is because there is a cultural rule that says contrition is the correct response. The thing to remember is that he did show contrition. He made sure Tae Jin got out of jail and back to his life. Despite his aggression as you've put it he never hits Tae Jin but instead let's himself get beaten. He's angry yes but the anger is equal parts self loathing and anger at tae-Jin on behalf of Our Hae-Young.

I give the writer credit for the embarrassing scenes because before anything occurs the characters are subjected to some pretty horrible stuff. Each time that Our hae Young has acted out has been after she was hurt deeply. The bathroom, the rejection, the constant humiliation. I'm not sure if the way she acts is healthy but it's a step up form her high school years when she never spoke up at all. Remember that the other Hae-Young described her as a wallflower?


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Taking him out of jail does not make things right. Tae-jin has now a criminal record, a bad reputation, and living in shame because of something that he did not commit. Not to mention loosing the women he loves. In an alternate drama, Tae-jin could easily be the hero of a revenge story, and Do-Kyung would be the evil. No matter how Do-Kyung is angry at himself more than anyone, he should not show his aggression just like that. He has no right to even look atTae-jin in the eye. His attitude looks shameless to me.

But yes, I think you are right abou HY. She does whatever she wants, and it is good in a way. It shows that she has now the confidence to stand up for herself.


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Not excusing the unfair way in which Do Kyung ruined Tae Jin, but Tae Jin's business wasn't clean anyway, as Jin Sang mentioned.

So I think it's sort of a blessing in disguise that he was jailed when the business was just starting up. Having investors pull out of a business with shades of fraud isn't exactly evil or illegal as well.

It was still douchey, though. Not because he had Jang pull out of the business, but because he did it for the wrong reasons and ended up damaging an innocent person. If not for that, he doesn't even have to apologize.

One thing my brother pointed out to me, Tae Jin despite being supposedly bankrupt still lives out a nice hotel room and uses a nice car. Maybe it's superficial, but it may come into play later.


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It's been hinted at but considering all things it seemed obvious he's probably spoiled a bit.


Yes, he is, so why didn't he use it to end his bankruptcy. Use his parent's connections, or something.

The show implied that he didn't want his parents to know, but when it was gonna ruin his relationship with someone he supposedly loves, why did he still hesitate? Are his parents that scary?

So much is still up with that guy.


Prediction: Neither Han Tae-jin's business nor his past are clean, and he is not openly challenging Do-kyung for these reasons. Laying low is Tae-jin's MO, intentionally.


Maybe he took lessons from Mr. Trump who has filed bankruptcies several times but still lives in a nice NYC penthouse, has a fabulous estate in Florida and at least one private jet; a Boeing 757, not a teeny Gulfstream or Lear Jet. Filing bankruptcy doesn't mean you lose your personal wealth.


I don't disagree when it comes to whether his acts of contrition are enough to make up for his actions but he did show remorse. It was a horrible thing to do. I don't think it would be fair to characterize him as being unrepentant. Just as despite it all I don't think Tae Jins action were entirely without merit. I think the way DK acts might not be justifiable but it is an accurate reaction when considering the person DK is.


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Hmm, I feel having de javu with your comment "He has no right to even look atTae-jin in the eye." Character in another drama i've recently watched also said so. I think it was a culture-approved gesture about what should a wrongin' person behave to the wronged one, as showed by many previous dramas. I agree with you, that that DK's action was remorseless, inappropiate and excessive considering the circumstance. TJ's action that hurt Our HY's feeling didn't give him the right to do so.


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I have felt that some of DK's anger towards Tae-jin is due not only to Tae-jin hurting OHY but also because DK sees a little of himself in there too. When DK is yelling at OHY about how could she date a man who chose his pride before her, it seemed to me that DK has done that as well. (like him worrying how it might look for a man to date two women with the same name, etc).

Also, DK is embarrassed by the grave mistake he made in ruining Tae-jin and sometimes, to be honest, when I am most embarrassed about hurting someone, I react angrily towards them.


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I dont think he mind about them sharing the same name, it's just an excuse because of his guilt over ruining her marriage. So he kind of just want to push her away saying that.


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THE main CHARACTER of this drama is remind me QSS vibe... Doesn't afraid to take their character doing something extreme . I like that..... Angelic charaacter is abit boring in kdramaland, because it's already too much LOL. Thats why OHY char is just feels refreshing


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I think the main reason why our main couple is meant to be is because both our Oh Hae Young and Do Kyung have been completely honest about their personalities when it comes to each other. Tae Jin and Hae Young did not work out because Tae Jin was more concerned with his pride than his love, and the other Hae Young and Do Kyung did not work out because Hae Young was constantly trying to be perfect and Do Kyung wasn't exactly sure if he even loved her. Our Hae Young and Do Kyung have already exposed the imperfections of their personalities to each other, so I feel their bond is stronger and more "real".


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This is exactly what i think!


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Who's pretty Oh Hae young? Who's Han Tae Jin? I'm watching this drama 100% for Park Do Kyung-Oh Hae Young, and their hot chemistry. THE KISS!!! That's all.


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"it was so intimate that it was hard to watch, like we were actually seeing a private moment between two people that we weren’t meant to see."

I wholeheartly agree to every word. That kiss was worth the wait. I want behind the scene right now. Daaaamn


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Me too..me too.. wonder how many times the takes for this scene *pervy


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I saw a lot of BTS of this show and I didn't expect Eric moon to be such a prankster.. ( Who picks up ants to scare his stylist really...)
Playing do-kyung part like this.. He is an awesome actor..


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well if you watch Shinhwa Broadcast you'll be even more surprised that Park Do Kyung = Eric.


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Save Eric's actor image in your mind and don't watch any Shinhwa variety shows. He is a huge 4D troll xD. Super cute and funny, but also super weird.


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Wait how do you see all this stuff?? Still new to dramaland so I'm never sure where to go for it.


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Try Alicia PriSHCJ channel on YouTube. It has OHYA BTS with eng sub.


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Thank you!


Thanks for the pointer! I enjoyed watching.


Shinhwa are well known! And Eric the biggest prankster and troll!!
Love him, love them!!!


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I think the camera work really helped to make it feel so intimate and added to the "peeping through the bushes" feeling you got watching it. There was no dramatic 360° pan or close ups. It just felt like they had their two to three cameras in position and just told the actors to go for it.

I do wonder how many takes they did, lol ?. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a one and done thing.


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Long grammatically incporrect sentence that is a rant incoming!

Something I've been complaining about ever since I started watching Kdramas is the inability of editors to recognize that a long shot that shows body + movement as much as a face without swirly quirky movement is a gooood thing!!!


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If this drama went to the "dying" route then I'm going to drop it, even if it's good. Seriously. Because our leads have suffered enough and I need them to be happy.

I just hope that eveyone involved can be happy, even if Do-kyung and Hae-young are not going to end up with each other. I actually don't see why they have to be together because: Do-kyung had ruined Hae-young marriage to a man that she (must have been) in love with and if it's me I would never ever be able to forgive Do-kyung. Their chemistry is amazing but their past is just too dark and too emotional for them to just forget it and start a new life. I agree with Lollypip that they have to get treated for their past trauma first before they can even talk about having a relationship.

Aside from that, the kiss! THE.KISS! OMG, Eric can seriously kiss. I love the kiss! *is going insane*


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Seeing its from MND team.. I doubt that.. I hope for it to end with a crazy marriage..


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And if he does die I'll never watch another TVn mon-tue time slot shows..


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Ditto. If he ends up dying then I'll lose all my faith to TvN's romance. Crazy marriage ending like Marriage Not Dating is okay. It's fun :D


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Even in Superdaddy Yeol, in which a dead heroine totally made sense, they chose to end it on a high note.

I have faith.


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Ending in Superdaddy Yeol is cute and fun. I remember crying but smiling as well at the ending. I hope it will at least end up like that, but I would love it if Do-kyung not dying. It would be just too sad and I don't like sad ending D:


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I do love the idea, forwarded by the Doc a few eps ago, of the visions being important memories that Do-kyung's heart remembers before they've even occurred. I think it's pretty safe to say that Do-kyung will end up in a life-threatening accident and I think the trauma and loneliness + remembering all his moments with Hae-young causes him to send out 'pulses' or 'warnings' to his past self in the form of these 'memories'. What I've loved about the visions since the beginning is that Do-kyung always seems to feel some of the emotions his future self would feel looking back on those memories. It's a nice touch and one that makes me understand Do-kyung's trepidation whenever he engages further with Hae-young. All of these unexplainable emotions gave him a sense of the tragic fate between them before he even fully understood the extent of how far it would go.

This is probably the first time that I 'enjoy' a character wrestling with the possibility of an upcoming death. I do think the accident will partially be caused by the deception and I think even he must feel his impending doom must have something to do with the mess he's created. This beautiful, terrible mess that I can't look away from.

That said, I'm holding out hope that the writer has something even more complex up her sleeve! I'm intrigued by already being at this place in the story and really don't know what to expect at this point. But I'm definitely along for the whole ride!


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Oops...this was not meant to be a reply to this! Although reading your comment partially led me to writing my own so I guess it isn't completely unrelated, lol.


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Your thoughts is definitely insightful and I hope the drama will go at this route instead of having an easy ending or explanation about Do-kyung's vision. I feel conflicted because I love the show and didn't want to hate it D:


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I'm with the theory that says the visions are a progression. When we get to the "death" vision it will be about a choice he makes. Something like Will Farrell's choice in Stranger Than Fiction.


Was it just me or was the episode 9 really well built? It ran long but I felt like each scene built into the next really well creating this storm of tension in both Our Hae-Young and DK?


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Okay so normally when I come here I like to talk about either some of the symbolism or the nuances of the relationships that have been depicted in the episode. Because I think the way this show portrays complex relationships and the subtleties of the characters' feelings is outstanding and I really could probably write a dissertation about it.

But I got nothing for ya this week.

I've literally been flailing and waving my arms around in wild gestures at nothing for the past few hours. Because, duh, the kiss. But also, I have SOOO MANY QUESTIONS.

Is Do Kyung in a coma? Unconscious? Already dead? Why does he keep clutching his head/eye area? Does he have a brain tumor on top of whatever accident he's going to get in? How much of the events that we've seen are real? Are some imagined/dreamed? Are they hallucinations? If not, are they all memories? Is DK's shrink even real? Has the accident already happened or is it still to come? What the hell is the timeline for this show? I NEED ANSWERS.


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Exactly what I came to write! (thanks Callie!)

I have so many questions. Has someone scanned his head yet? Tumour? Coma? Are these flash backs ? flash forwards? Parallel universes? Past lives? Is he time travelling (hey you never know!)

But most of all I am trying to come up with a scenario where Do Kyung does NOT die so I can keep watching this show. My heart can't take any more if that's the end game!


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THIS!!!! I'm starting to wonder too...I cant even deal if Do Kyung is DEAD Im going to rely on the fact that they writers have been really good at trolling us and they will give us a good explanation for this....ep 10 gave me even more qns especially when they revealed what happened to his father but I will not spoil that here and will wait for the recap...


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Shouldn't that psychiatrist be sending him for a full body scan and physical? DK's visions are bringing on actual intense pain. He needs to be checked out!


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Who can analyze the complex relationships when we have so many freakin' questions?!? I keep trying to calm down and tell myself to just let the story unfold. But I want to know NOW.

I think there's more to it then him just being in an accident though. I feel like the accident, whenever it happens, must lead to something even bigger. Maybe his soul is stuck in a loop, reliving his time with HY until things unfold in a way that doesn't end tragically? And his most precious memories of her are his only warning? I have a bunch of far-fetched scenarios in my head that only make half amount of sense.


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OMG! If the writers pull off this kind of time-bending, inception-like concept I'd be mindblown. Unraveling the story arcs is already emotionally strenuous. Nonetheless, if the concept is more complex than your daily dose of rom-com, then by all means count me in to savor the intricacy! LOL


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Oh yeah!

I had a whole multi part thing about the other scenes and how they showed so much about the characters. It lasted all of 1 second into the kiss....holy crap the questions/the steamy!


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I've been asking myself the same questions. If this whole drama is something like "my life passing before my eyes" for DK, then how do the writers justify all the other scenes without him? Which makes me more hopeful that we really are being trolled. While it's creative, I don't like the idea that this drama could be a dying man's memories.


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Park Dokyung, you don't get to be mad and say hurtful things to our Haeyoung only to do something sweet afterward, you hear me?!! You are just as bad as Taejin, you know? Just because you two say or do something sweet and honest don't negate all the hateful things you said and did before. Neither will it erase the fact that you've made our Haeyoung's life very miserable. She has a say for her own life, so stop doing something in the name of her 'well-being'. guys.
End of rant.

The psychiatrist's diagnosis (or lack thereof) make me uneasy and worried about Dokyung's safety. Please, please don't turn this drama into a full-blown tragedy...


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ITA. Somehow Do Kyung gets away with so much because it's Eric, viewers are more invested in him as endgame, and he's the hero. I hate the double standard.

I'm having Discovery of Romance flashbacks except, I don't hate the heroine here, in fact I love her, and I'm still watching this.


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Again, the comments because its 'ERIC' appeared. sigh.

Park Do Kyung is good boy. He has trauma from the past due to his dad's death which effect his personality. He did huge mistake but everyone gets second chance. It will be double standard if Park Do Kyung can't have second chance because IT'S ERIC.


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I don't think so. There are many of us who didn't know who Eric was or had no opinion of him before watching this.

It's just a really well done drama where each of the characters (Do Kyung included) have us emotionally invested in their trajectories.


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I know people like the Other Oh Hae-young. They are the most frustrating to deal with because they have everyone on their side with their innocent act. But they definitely know what they are doing/saying when they make snide comments.


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Wow. Seriously. I don't even know where to begin with this show. All I know is that I'm so glad I'm watching it as it airs instead of binge watching it like I usually do with other shows. I swear I'd be dead from lack of sleep or something. This episode just about did it for me. The last few minutes were intense -- the argument and the way they were pushing and shoving each other was just so intense; you could feel the emotions and it felt. so. real. When she was hitting him and calling him a coward as he was walking away, ugh. Everything just feels so relatable. I was screaming out, "yassss, girl! You tell him he's a coward! Tell him he's a little b**ch!!! Knock some sense into him!"--cause come on, Haven't we all dealt with men who just DON'T GET IT? And then to top it off, he kisses her and just walks away?!? Everything about it was so intense and just felt so real. I hope this show doesn't disappoint me in the end, I'm too invested in this show to be let down.


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I'm really glad I'm watching it as it airs as well - I like having time to process all this awesomeness and would've definitely been a weird zombie if I marathoned this, like I experiencened something monumental and nobody else noticed.
I'm not concerned for the future of this show - even if it somehow goes wrong or below our expectations, the first half was great enough.


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I took a moment after that. ; )


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He brought her to THE suite in Secret Hotel! Of course, nothing good ever happens there...


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I and my friend screamed like WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING during the kiss scene bcoz they're so passionately and we cant control it xD
So they will kill the male lead? That would be amazing. Amazingly crazy sad story


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I don't think the coma/accident is real. But I wonder if Oh Hae Young is somehow related to it NOT happening. Like the universe is pulling Do Kyung towards Oh Hae Young because she can force him onto a path that doesn't end with the accident. And when he has visions of the accident it's when he's pulling away from Oh Hae Young.

That's my theory at least. Will wait for ep 10 recap to talk about the blood on the side of DK's face for obvious ep 10 reasons. No spoilers!


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I like that. His visions do seem to be more frequent/violent when they're not getting along.


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I like your perspective on Oh Hae Young being related to the accident NOT happening its like she is a warning or a sign especially with all her crossing the street and wanting to be dead by being knocked over by cars...but if not him would it be HER??? I sure hope NOT...all I know is if he were to die the writers would not make it that obvious...unless he already is or there is another explanation....like he's in a comma or something and recalling the past....

I was also going to mention the blood on the side of his face but will wait for ep 10...because spoilers...


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I had this crazy feeling like tae-jin is the one who caused the accident...
Look from his POV do-kyung made him bankrupt which lead to canceling of his wedding.. He slams his car.. Is dating the girl he was supposed to marry..


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The same thought crossed my mind. There was also the voice asking if he was ok...


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I really hope that's not the case. That would be too makjang for me.


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You bring up an interesting theory about Do-kyung's accident being related to pulling away from Hae-young. It's true that his visions often cause him pain at those points, even in episode 7, before the accident became the apparent cause for the pain. There are other points that I'd like to discuss, but I would also have to dip into episode 10 to do that so I will wait.


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yes! this would be an intriguing twist. crossing fingers it's something like that.


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ok beyond the kiss ... *focus* *focus*

how cute was OHY when saying why waste hotel money .. lets do something at least ! lol ... and DKY was at the end of his patience

and how painful was it to see OHY reach her breaking point at the party ... so now its all the way up, right ??? right ?


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Eric in a room looking totally conflicted and so wanting to jump her and she says that. I'm still not sure how he didn't just go nuts and scream in that moment.


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Whew. I was waiting like forever for the recaps here in DB! I've watched it subbed but I don't feel complete if I have not read DB recapper's comment yet.

I somehow feel uncomfortable watching our OTP's interactions lately. The KISS!!! The mega-watts charged stares and gazes. But it does not necessarily mean I hate it. Or in a negative way. I think Lollypip's comment about it being a real couple's intimate and private moment..

Like, in real life, you cannot watch a couple kissing passionately against the wall right? And THIS DRAMA ONLY PROVES US THAT OH HAE YOUNG AND PARK DO KYUNG ARE DAMN REAL COUPLE. LIKE COUPLE IN REAL LIFE. KUDOS TO THE DIRECTOR AND THE SUPERB ACTING. I feel like I witnessed a real life couple's intimate moment. >///<

About the visions... I won't speculate anymore. Writer-nim is so unpredictable. Haha. I will just enjoy every episode without thinking about what will happen.


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I want to see the BTS of the fight and kiss, because it was shot from so many angles. Must've taken a few hours atleast. :P

But seriously Kdramaland, this is how you kiss.
Jang Nara-Jang Hyuk taught Kdramas in 2014, Ji Changwook-Park Min Young in 2015 and Seo Hyun Jin-Eric in 2016. :P


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And intensity increases every year ?


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I agree. :D

Also I would like to add, that the fight before the kiss was in character. Our female lead screams in people's faces and throws stones at windows when she gets angry. Do Kyung's anger issues have already been widely discussed.

Though I can't imagine what she will do when she figures out Do Kyung's hand in her cancelled wedding. Hope he's wearing a helmet when she confronts him.


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Momma has first dibs.


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Forget a helmet. He'll need a suit of armor for starters... and whatever gear vulcanologists wear. It ain't going to be pretty when Mount St. Hae Young blows...


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But Eric and Seo Hyun Jin takes the cake. It's not just about the kiss, but intense, intimacy and feels..gosshhhh...


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So this is completely off topic... They are filming the Good Wife today at my son's school TCIS (Taejeon Christian International School). His classes finished yesterday so they have most of the campus available for filming. I got a picture with Lee Won Keun! He looks so different from his Sassy Go Go days, totally grown up. So excited!!!!!


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awww CRINKLES! So good to know he's in adult role territory now.

I really hope he gets more work after this, I believe he's signed on for a supporting role in a Kim Ki-duk film.


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He was very nice. Although his manager was telling everyone we can't take pictures with him, he said yes to a few of us. He still looks adorable even as a grown up.


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I think you'd mentioned they also filmed portions of Sassy Go Go at that same school.... most be a trip for him, returning to the same filming site for consecutive projects lol.

I definitely want to check out TGW for him, I must be one of the few people who actually thinks he'd make a credible lawyer.


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Wow, you have a great memory. They only filmed very limited scenes at TCIS for Sassy Go Go. Today, they pretty much went all over the school. They had a lot of extras posing as students, I think it was for a case not a flashback because he was not dressed in the students uniforms. The other theory is the scenes are related to the female leads kids. I'm just glad I got to see him, he really left a strong impression with me after watching SGG. I don't really care how credible a lawyer he will be, I'll just be watching the show for his smiles. I love living in Korea!


I know this is going to be heresy... But I'm not that mad at pretty Oh Hae Young in this episode. Our Oh Hae Young was insulting to her at the party and tried to hit her in the face. Our HY has criticized Pretty to DK plenty of times.

Was it a bitchy move to talk about HY and her metabolic age in the bathroom? Absolutely. But why would HY be rude to her face and expect Pretty to protect her dignity? It just seems hypocritical to me. Neither is engaging in fair play or willing to stand aside and let the other have the guy.

I find myself wishing HY could grow into her own confidence. I thought she was awesome the first few weeks- wounded but sassy and real. Seeing her episode after episode blind drunk, lashing out and acting embarrassing ... It makes me sad. Pretty can't ever make her pathetic but HY does it to herself by feeling inferior.


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Very well said!

I definitely think our OHY was a mean old bully and out of order. She should have confront "pretty" right there in the bathroom. With or without the phone call to Do kyung, she was very rude and inappropriate to "pretty".


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I agree!

To add to that, Our Hae Young was being happy about having a 41 metabolic age all night. From her point of view Our Hae Young was enjoying it.


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I've written about it elsewhere but I think Our Hae-Young is reacting (not very maturely) to a deep well of pain brought up. This doesn't excuse her reaction but I thin it's a step up from her wallflower ways when she was in HS. At least she doesn't shrink away!


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On one hand, I really want the recaps to come faster (but I understand the lag - the recapper also needs to wait for subs and has to formulate and type it and probably has no access to that fourth dimension) since this show has got me all twisted, riveted, confused and hella emotional (PDK's "I miss you" in the previews nearly killed me).

But it's probably better that we get to cool down a little before commenting because all I was able to do after this episode was stare into space and listen to the OST on repeat.


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....guess I'm the only one to perv and watch the kiss on repeat for a bit


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@Oshi , 37 times made me the biggest perv ever, I think


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No what makes you a perv is noticing that Eric is totalling sporting a woody post kiss and walking fun because of it.


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Lol! You notice that too?! I can't stop laughing..and blushing while typing this.


What?! Oh great...now the perv in me gotta go back and watch it again. #noregrets


At times I really value the comment section on DB because of insightful thoughts or interesting questions. At times like these it seems vital. Brb, gotta go rewatch that scene yet again XD.


I always knew Eric was a good kisser...anyone who hasn't watched Que Sera Sera needs to go and watch it stat....Eric never fails to deliver ~haha

On a side note - I have a feeling that the reason why Eric is having visions of Hae Young is because she might be the reason for his accident.....ultimately that's what it's leading up too....she has a valid reason to be incredibly angry at him once she finds out he manipulated Tae Jin's reason for being locked up....does she eventually put him in a coma or amnesic state....when he wakes up, does he forget all about her and go back to original Oh Hae Young again?


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I know things are screwed up in a major way, and both our Hae-young and Do-kyung have a lot of work to do on themselves...

but did anyone else rewind that kiss? Hands up if you did!


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"but did anyone else rewind that kiss?"

Is this a trick question? :-P


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Nah, I think it's rhetorical. A person has to be a saint to not rewind that scene xP


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Hands UP!!


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I never ever rewind dramas

but I had to rewind this kiss

no shame, no shame, it's just too hot


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No shame here...ive watched that scene so many times while waiting for ep 10 I started with the previews on tVN Youtube then watched raw then with subs and again...I plan to watch ep 9 and 10 again and again until next week's episode is out...im also listening to the OST none stop...thanks tVN for a great drama...


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I did ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


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I wanted to rewind that kiss but my 4yrs son was watching with me so i had to lay low and rewind it by myself later...,., hehehe


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I think the more relevant question in this case would rather be...how often did we rewind it? :-D


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*hands shoot up like a 3rd grade teacher's pet*


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I did *blushing


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That passionate hot kiss !!
Your recaps describe our feeling as viewer very well, thank you
Eric oppa..way to go !!


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My heart's beating ㅠㅠ The kiss is soooooooo SPARTA!!! BTS revealed how PD-nim in details gave instructions and Eric also Seo Hyun-jin took it seriously. Honestly, this drama deserve more than high ratings. <3

LollyPip-nim quoted: "Whatever is wrong, please just don’t let it be something terminal… Do-kyung and Hae-young have been through enough, they deserve some happiness!"



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Where are people seeing these BTS things!!

Help a westerner kdrama newbie out!


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I saw a lot of BTS pic posted on Soompi OHYA/Another Miss Oh forum. The kiss BTS pic are jjang! xD


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Oh! Oh! You have to watch their BTS videos!!! The whole cast is so adorable and hilarious. Soompi is difficult to navigate, but almost all their BTS w/eng subs are on page 110 of the OHYA forum.

Also, this recent one! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Dy7DYm5uY4


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Page 110 got it!


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This could totally be just a whack brained idea at 2:00 in the morning so do with it what you will...

But I've been thinking about how much this PD likes to present us scenes in a way that often allows the show to subvert whatever expectations we have about what will occur. And he often does this by presenting us scenes out of order. This is really obvious in Marriage Not Dating with the little vignettes at the beginning of each episode, often showing us the last few minutes of the hour, but without any context.

I've noticed that in OHYA, we often see events at the end of one episode, thinking that they happened in X,Y,Z order, only see them again in the next episode and it being revealed that they actually occurred in Y,X,Z order instead.
This had me thinking about the conversation Do Kyung had with his therapist in episode 5 where he quoted Einstein—saying that the distinction between our past, present, and future is just illusion (i.e. based on our perspective).

What if the order of the Hae Youngs' relationships with Do Kyung is actually reverse? DK has constantly been saying that the visions feel like memories, and was confused by how he could see our Hae Young when he hadn't even met her yet. If he had known her in the past, then they actually could be memories, and it would tie in to the early mention of deja vu.

Maybe he and our HY had a relationship that ended really badly. It would kinda explain how messy and volatile they act around each other if what we are seeing is actually the end of a relationship instead of the beginning. Depending on when the accident occurs in relation to his marriage with Pretty Hae Young, he could be realizing the feelings he has for PHY aren't true. The regret he feels when he sees the visions of Our Hae Young could be regret that he lost her because they couldn't work it out.

The more I go on the more crazy I sound, but you get the idea. I could be thinking about this waaaaaaay too deeply but I wanted to at least dump this idea somewhere on the off-off-chance I was right.


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OMG THIS!!!! interesting idea...and this is why I live for the recap and comments...THANK YOU


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Wow, this is ingenious though my brain kinda hurts now. lol


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.....my brain does not need more crazy thoughts but now I have another


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OMG, i finally found a comment touching upon his vision! i had the similar feeling due to that last bit of preview in epi 9. the doctors seems like saying DK is dying, and then his vision is actually his memory, and not premonition. maybe what we see now is like memory in memory? when he's seeing memory, we are brought into the past of DK and OHY.

and that car accident probably is as you said, the trigger to all this memory about OHY when DK is about to marry pretty OHY. so maybe, yes, it goes in a reverse way.

i'm so afraid that this is what actually happens as the plot thickens. hahaha. i don't want to see anyone dying.


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That kiss was amazing but the violence leading up to it wasn't. I had a hard time with Oh Hae-young smacking Do-kyung on the street. I get that the girl is passionate and extremely frustrated with the guys' weird mixed signals, but come on, a beat down on the street is just not really the right way to approach that. In the case of this show, it created some forward movement in the relationship by creating a highly charged close proximity situation. So I guess as a plot device it I have to buy it. But not cool as a message to send out about relationships (I guess one shouldn't be taking their relationship cues from drama land anyway!). Imagine when she finds out Do-kyung was the guy who messed up her wedding. Is she going to beat him up again?

In regards to No Hae-young, she is selfish and self centered. Even though she herself never bullied Oh Hae-young, she definitely has been witness to her mistreatment by others because of sharing the same name. So either she chooses to ignore it on purpose or it never crosses her mind that Oh Hae-young might be hurt by that. She has always been at the receiving end of positive reactions, that she doesn't stop to think of others. I did enjoy the blow to her confidence when after the ping pong game, Do-kyung explicitly told her that this was it.

Still totally love how Eric Moon plays Do-kyung and the chemistry between him and Seo Hyun-jin.


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"That kiss was amazing but the violence leading up to it wasn’t"
Well, that's why I refuse to call this drama a romantic comedy... The character's act tend to full of twist and at times act beyond normal, sometimes It's more like QSS kind of genre. I kind angry at times at director when handling a lighter tone, treat it like a romantic comedy while it's not despite have some comedy moment.

"But not cool as a message to send out about relationships (I guess one shouldn’t be taking their relationship cues from drama land anyway!)"
well the main character act in a drama can't always become a true drama message.


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I would like to see No Hae Young's perspective of what happened when they were in school...so far I feel like we have one side of the story...same with Tae Jin's relationship with Our Oh Hae Young I want to see more of what that was like...


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Glad there are others who feel my sentiment regarding the violence in the drama. It got me thinking if they're this violent in longing, like yes they had frustration but isn't this also a sign of what they could be like when fighting?

Exactly on point about Our Hae Young finding out the truth. Her whole world is going to break and I think by now we can all get a image of what she could be when the truth comes out.


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I just spent the past few hours refreshing the site for the recap.
Ugh, I love this episode. I had to watch it twice so that I can fully absorb the complexity of emotions that went through me during this episode.

I finally realized why I love to "Just" Oh Hae Young's character. It's because she's very honest about everything she feels. From her inferiority complex to the pretty and amazing Oh Hae Young, her frustrations towards Do Kyung's hot and cold treatment and the way she knows she should not cling to someone who rejected her.


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Same here I've been waiting and refreshing for this recap since Tuesday, I cant wait for ep 10 recap!!!


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This is the only drama this year that had me crying every single time the female lead or her family is in tears. Them feels is so strong I am really wondering why haven't the writer of this drama been more famous giving our better scripts (Alice be damned).
And that kiss. Haha been skipping around the Chinese and English channels and all of them (including translated Korean ones) are talking about that kiss.
Honestly hoping our Hae Young gets to see how awesome she is like just as she is. And am I the only one who wishes her and Noona will get an awesome sisterhood at the end of this?


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I'd rather have her and noona go to an AA meeting together.


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*high-fives Oshi*


But that might be too rational a course for them... The self-destruction saddens me.

I suspect that there's more to Noona's drinking than just her French fling. How was she affected by her father's absence? In light of Ep. 10, it will be interesting to see if that is addressed.


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After hearing so many good things about this show I finally caught up. Thanks for the recap Lollypip.

While I don't completely hate the other Hae Young, yet, I have to agree that she can be very inappropriate at times with her comments, whether she does it on purpose or on accident. The thing is that I kind of feel bad for her too. Sure she gets a lot of attention, specially from men, but not all that attention has good intentions, because let's be realistic all they want is to take her to bed and I am sure she is aware of it. I am sure she loved Do-kyung, he was probably the first man that didn't see her as a piece of meat, that took the time to actually know her and to hear that recording where he said that he pitied her, understandably destroyed her.
I have a feeling that she actually is jealous of our Hae-young, actually the Jealousy between the two is mutual, it can be noticed by the way she talked about our Hae-Young's parents. The other Hae-Yong didn't exactly grow in a very stable home.
We see the things from our Hae-Young's point of view and she isn't exactly a reliable narrator, we only see what she went through in school and now because of her name and she always blames the other Hae-Young when it isn't entirely her fault. She sees her as the villain so we also see her as that. But who knows maybe things will change in the upcoming episodes.

Oh man but that Kiss, WHAT A KISS!!!! :D


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"let’s be realistic all they want is to take her to bed and I am sure she is aware of it"
When you know their intentions are like that you avoid them not get along with them... That's where pretty OHY is getting things wrong... Pretty girls who lash out does not get that much attention...


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While that is true when a person has a low self-esteem they welcome any attention even the bad one. She has also probably subconsciously gotten to the point were she feels she has to be liked by everybody or she is nothing. "That’s where pretty OHY is getting things wrong… " well if the other Hae-Young is getting things wrong then our Hae-Young is also doing that. She craves and is jealous of the attention the other Hae-Young gets, even if it's bad attention.


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Our OHY is as flawed as anbody else that's why we can relate to her. What irks me about other OHY is how she categorize OHY as an unfortunate one, how she reveal our OHY undressing mom and her embarrassing moments in HS with their officemates I will be pissed off as OHY if someone did that to me.


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Duh, this episode is so touchingly beautiful. I love the mix emotions shown in the kiss, the touches and post kiss withdrawal. Unsurprisingly, I love watching DK's vulnerability and longing. It showed that he is just as human as his brother that experiences various emotions and succumbs to love in the end.


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I've been waiting for this recap and everybody's reactions like crazy in the last two days. First things first. I absolutely love this show. Love is an understatement for the attachment I felt for the characters in Ep 10. The kiss was "the kiss" for me after Marriage Contract. It was distracting( I looked like a fool ogling at my screen in a room full of ppl) and I felt like an intruder to a private moment even though they were the ones kissing in a street.
Still, probably because in my country its so abnormal to see a girl yelling in a street like our hae young, I feel embarrassed every time hae young loses control which is becoming very often now. I really feel she needs to be with herself right now. But then I really don't mind shipping Hae young and Do Kyung.
Do Kyung is not dying. No, he promised he will stay for ever.
I could really write a thesis right now. But I will end with wishing myself and other addicts luck in waiting for the next week. I'm sure with such great writers and PD, they are going to make an intricate plot that will give Taejin enough space and sail uri hae young's ship with Do Kyung. They look chincha kyeopta together.


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Now, I'm realized why Do Kyung can't really move on from Noh Hae Young...
I think because he sees Noh Hae Young was same as him, have something about inferior complex that not allowed embarassed himself. That's why Do Kyung accepted Noh Hae Young with a fully heart even there's pity feeling for her life.
But there's Our Hae Young who's stood up and brave enough to face each embarassed experience in her life, make Do Kyung thinks Our Hae Young was interesting. Instead his gulilty feeling, Do Kyung became falling in love and attracted to Our He Young cause he think that Our Hae Young could heal him and make Do Kyung become better and brave person in the future.


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That kiss....that stare....that pounding of heart! I am absolutely sold to this drama! The chemistry is off the hook! This drama..is solely responsible for my insomnia these days! Ha ?

Thank you Lolli for the recap.


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Hi, I'm new to OHY Again. I noticed that OHY Again is highly recommended by beaners and decided to give it a try. Goshh, now I'm sooo hooked and already marathon from episode 1 to 9! Eventhough it's already been halfway of series, but better late than never ^^v


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Welcome to the madness. You picked a good time. Share the kool-aid and get comfy!


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welcome to ohy addiction club! we are just entering the climax, and ship has yet to sail! (but soon!!) come on boardddd


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@ Oshi and Starnger, thank you for your warm welcome dear ^^.


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I just want to take a moment to say how much I enjoyed the complete turn around from trying to hide her metabolic age to trying to beat out Isadora for the crown of oldest. I adore the competitive streak. I just think it makes her so much fun. It makes me enjoy the 'secret' friend feels that Isadora has for Oh Hae Young, because I'm sure it's about recognising herself in Oh Hae Young.

Anyway while I wish that Oh Hae Young could be a little less embarassing in public, but I can't help but love how honest she is. I know it's cringey, I know in real life it would be so bad, but I feel like she taps into something real when she just lets it out. I want her to be a better person for her sake, but I can really relate to the feeling.


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I think I finally figured it out. Nobody is actually wrong in their interpretations of all four leads. Everyone is multifaceted and contradictory. Thing is, I don't care how horrible Oh Hae Young acts, because I like her, faults and all. Even the bad bits. Same with Do Kyung. I think its why even though I can have sympathy and empathy for 'Pretty' Oh Hae Young, I simply don't like her. As a person.

Ah. That's a relief. I love the analyses here. It makes me happy to rehash and dissect this amazeballs show.


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YES. Yes. This, just...yes.

I think some may fault the writing for not making it 'easy' to root for our leads, with all their faults and the many mistakes they've made (& continue to make), but I think it's amazing that my adoration for them just grows, the messier they get. That is impressive writing.


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You get a cookie and a bear hug!

The fact that you can dislike a characters actions and still enjoy them is a sign the show did it's job right. Not only does it make it more meaningful but it also makes it so much easier to connect. I keep being reminded of someone who once said that intimacy/friendship is knowing all the horrible shit you've done. I know all the horrible stuff Our Hae- Young has done. It makes it easier to like her because I know how terrible she can be.


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yep yep, i really like isadora. hahaha. 'secret friend feels' with OHY - i feel you! i think what pretty OHY said about it was true. isadora was actually protecting OHY.

and when he told the manager, OHY needed to fight for herself, i am all smile. i really think, she has a tough love for OHY. maybe bcos she sees herself in OHY? i don't know.


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I have a hunch that this drama has a sad ending.


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Do not jinx it pls.


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Oohh! Andweee!!


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(yeah i think so too)


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I hope at least it's a beautiful sad ending. PLS DRAMA GODDD


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But i want the Dirt ( brave) Hae Young to hurdle, push her way to catch Do Kyoung when he falls.


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