Lucky Romance: Episode 1

Yay, it’s cute and funny! Huzzah. I was scared that MBC’s new romantic comedy Lucky Romance might not live up to expectations, but the series is off to a strong start, with endearing characters, a snappy pace, and a good balance of humor and heart from both our leads. It’s written and directed with a flair for comedy, and the tone was right on the money. All great things, which has me excited for what’s to come.

The series premiered in first place at 10.3% ratings, while Entertainer came in at 7.5%, and Master—God of Noodles brought in 6.8%.



A well-dressed man pulls up to a ritzy nightclub and pulls on sunglasses. It’s dark, so it’s clearly for looks. Inside the club, a woman in a glittery gown struts down the hall and wonders why the huntsman saved Snow White: “Because she was pretty?”

As she thinks this, she stumbles in her heels and all the nearby men rush to help her. We see then that she’s not a guest here, but a cocktail waitress. Just as she’s about to walk past the man in sunglasses, another server calls out her name. This is our heroine, SHIM BO-NUI (Hwang Jung-eum).

The man in sunglasses enters the Good Luck casino and sits down at a table with a little smirk, and casually places down a million-won chip. At the same time, Bo-nui changes into a janitor’s uniform and pulls on pink rubber gloves. Filthy rich and dirt poor. Check, check.

As Bo-nui mops the floor, she wonders why the fairy godmother gave Cinderella a pumpkin carriage: “Because she was good?” She decides that all of that is crap, and those girls got happy endings because they were fated to be princesses from the start.

She says that pretty women beat out nice women, and rich women beat them all. Bo-nui pauses to pray to the heavens for some luck of her own, and the screen splits between her and the sunglasses gambler. He cleans up at the Blackjack table by counting cards and doing math in his head, while Bo-nui has to clean up the men’s restroom and mistakes a balding man for her boss.

She pauses to check her fortune today, and her phone app tells her to beware because she’ll meet her enemy in the east. Bo-nui has an enemy in mind that she’s hoping to run into, and she mutters to herself that she’ll get interest plus expenses when she finds this person. Maybe that boss she’s looking for?

A crowd has gathered around the sunglasses gambler, whose name is JE SU-HO (Ryu Joon-yeol), and at one point he abruptly stands up and declares that the bystanders can keep his winnings and just walks out.

A balding man chases him down for a handshake, wanting a bit of luck to rub off on him, but Su-ho says none of it was luck—it was all brains. (It runs counter to his name, since jesu means luck, though the word is most often used to call someone a luckless jerk.)

From a distance, Bo-nui wonders if the balding man could be the boss she’s looking for, and chases after them with her janitor’s cart, running at full speed down the hall. Su-ho turns to look at her and immediately does the calculation in his head for how fast she’s hurtling towards them and how many seconds he’s got to dart out of the way…

But it does him no good, since the cart veers sideways and slams right into him anyway, pouring her entire mop bucket of disgusting bathroom water alllllllll over him. She’s shocked when he immediately gets up to offer her a hand like a gentleman, only to watch him reach past her outstretched hand to pick up his sunglasses. Wah-waah.

Bo-nui apologizes and offers to pay for his dry cleaning, but Su-ho just continues on his way without a second glance. It’s a relief he’s not assy—just entirely disinterested in her. It’s morning by the time he’s heading out of the casino, and he hurries to a hotel with no time to stop for a shower.

A staffer greets Su-ho as “Director,” and he interrupts two programmers who are currently freaking out about a bug in their game, called Genius II (cameo by comedians Park Sung-kwang, Heo Kyung-hwan). Su-ho waves them aside and fixes the bug in no time at all, and then takes them to task for not being able to fix it.

His assistant says they’ve been up for three nights straight in preparation for their big launch, but Su-ho is unimpressed, because he doesn’t need effort—he wants results. To him, saying you were up three nights to do their work is boasting about being an incompetent programmer. Eesh, he’s obviously a hardass, but he says his company name Zeze Factory with pride, like they ought to know better that effort alone isn’t enough to cut it here.

One of the programmers is impressed with Su-ho’s skills, while the other is bitter and angry, and about to do something about it…

Bo-nui packs up after her last shift at the casino, which turned out to be a short-term job she took to try and track down her old boss, a gambling addict who ran off with her pay.

Su-ho finally gets a moment to change out of his soiled clothes, but as he remembers his assistant’s enthusiasm over how many reporters would be at the game launch, it starts to mess with his head. He imagines hearing camera shutters, and flashes back to being a five-year-old child genius, made to do math problems on television, surrounded by lights and cameras.

It must’ve caused panic attacks, and he has one now, as he’s flooded with other memories, more violent: other children looking down at him, then teenagers, laughing and tormenting him, and then someone falling in water.

Su-ho sits in the shower, waiting for the panic attack to pass, and then once he’s settled down he takes a packet of medicine. His assistant comes with by with clothes, but Su-ho has disappeared on her, so she calls his best friend HAN RYANG-HA (Jung Sang-hoon), another pun name on hanryang, meaning “playboy.”

Ryang-ha says that he sent Su-ho to a casino last night, so he should be feeling great right about now, after firing up his brain. But it’s not much comfort to Su-ho’s assistant, who needs him for the big product launch.

Bo-nui heads to a park filled with small-time gamblers playing streetside games, still searching for the boss who ran off with her money. She comes across a man on a park bench with his face covered, mechanically reciting a string of numbers. She scares the daylights out of him, and both Su-ho and Bo-nui are surprised to recognize each other.

She assumes he lost a bunch of money at the casino and is down in the dumps about it, and when he refuses to take her money for dry cleaning, she shoves a talisman in his pocket before running away, insisting that it makes her feel better to give him something. He tries to tell her he doesn’t believe in that superstitious junk, and watches her go like she’s the strangest woman he’s ever met.

She turns back to tell him that he has the face of someone whose body is stronger than his mind, and advises him to work hard. Su-ho gapes and leaps to his feet, blubbering, “Body over mind…? What? I’m Je Su-ho! Zeze Factory’s Je… mega genius Je… Je Su-ho…!” But nobody’s listening to him anymore. Heh.

Bo-nui finally tracks down her delinquent boss in the middle of trying to sell his car for more gambling money, and takes the wheel to drive them back home. Su-ho’s assistant DAL-NIM (Lee Cho-hee; is she named “moon” because she’s spacey?) is beyond relieved when he returns to the hotel, but she keeps the second crisis under wraps, and doesn’t tell him that the other programmers have quit and bugged the game just in time for the launch to fail.

Panicking, Dal-nim calls her friend Bo-nui and begs her to come help out. Huh, is she a programmer on top of being a cocktail waitress and janitor? Bo-nui refuses, calling Zeze the enemy, which Dal-nim knows only too well. Nothing works to convince her, until Dal-nim blurts that she’ll pay quadruple the money; Bo-nui swings the car around in an instant.

At the same hotel, world-class tennis star CHOI GUN-WOOK (Lee Soo-hyuk) arrives for a press conference, accompanied by his sports agent HAN SEOL-HEE (Lee Chung-ah). He’s returning to Korea after a long time spent abroad, and is met with adoring fans.

Bo-nui finally finds her friend Dal-nim in the hotel and immediately starts putting on a big bunny costume. Wait, is she here to play a mascot? This was the emergency? Bo-nui says it’s for protection, like Zeze has bad juju or something.

Meanwhile, Su-ho braces himself in preparation for the product launch, but when he peeks out at the audience for a second behind the curtain, he starts to see and hear a distorted version of them, all pointing and laughing at him.

He can feel another attack coming on and rushes to his dressing room, only to realize that he accidentally threw away his pills back in the park when he was tossing out the talisman that Bo-nui gave him. Uh-oh.

Bo-nui actually does sit down at the computer to fix the bug, though I still don’t know why she’s specifically dressed as a bunny to do it. She’s got the computer surrounded by little mounds of salt (to ward off evil, I presume), so it’s clearly to do with her superstition.

She gets to work un-hacking the hack, and out in the auditorium, Dal-nim bites her nails as Su-ho comes out onstage. He seems to have gotten his stage fright under control, and says he’ll demonstrate Genius II himself. He reaches up to his tablet to start the game, and Dal-nim covers her eyes…

But just in the nick of time, Bo-nui fixes the bug and the game launches like it should. Phew. It’s not until after she’s done that she looks at the live feed in the auditorium and recognizes Su-ho and puts it all together.

Su-ho continues with his presentation, when suddenly the screen changes to videos of tigers, and the game disappears entirely. Dal-nim flails and reporters rush the stage, and Su-ho’s friend Ryang-ha tries to block them from snapping photos. One ajusshi gets up to leave during the chaos.

Su-ho has managed to get this far in the presentation because he had earplugs in, and when he takes them out, the onslaught is too much and he faints right there on the stage.

When he comes to, there’s a giant bunny staring down at him. Bo-nui the bunny checks to make sure he’s okay and then gets up to leave, but Su-ho runs after her and grabs her by the bunny tail (hee). He gets hilariously handsy with the bunny to try and stop her from leaving, thinking she’s a corporate spy.

I seriously can’t tell if he’s trying to hug her or wrestle her, and in the tussle she ends up falling on top of him. In the end Bo-nui kicks him in the nuts to get away, and Dal-nim runs up with an ice pack that she had intended for his head… and offers it down there instead. LOL. Su-ho gasps that they have to seal the exits and catch the bunny.

Out in the hotel lobby, sports agent Seol-hee overhears the reporters gossiping about the big fainting incident in the next auditorium over, and at the mention of Su-ho, she goes over there looking for him.

Bo-nui waits at the bus stop with her giant bunny costume on either side of her, and trying to carry the unwieldy thing makes her miss the bus. Thankfully someone pulls up to offer her a ride—it’s the ajusshi who was at the Zeze presentation and walked out.

Bo-nui greets him happily and knows him as the 01 Chicken ajusshi, and he chides her for not ever coming back after she quit her part-time job there. He thinks she went on to a nice salaried job, and she gets quiet at that. She shrinks back even further when her phone rings with a series of texts asking for her late rent payment and putting holds on her credit card.

After getting the full story, Su-ho isn’t fully convinced that the bunny wasn’t in on the sabotage with his angry programmers, and to help prove her friend’s innocence, Dal-nim agrees to put Bo-nui on speakerphone when she calls. Bo-nui asks when Dal-nim is going to pay her for today’s work, and when Dal-nim tries to get her to say she wasn’t doing something nefarious, Bo-nui asks if Je Su-ho is accusing her of being a spy. Chicken Ajusshi turns to look at her at the mention of Su-ho’s name.

Not realizing that she’s got eavesdroppers on either end, Bo-nui rambles on about how Su-ho is probably one of those rich famous people who get so lonely and stressed that they become violent, and muses that he’d have to be a major jerk to have his employees sabotage him on the day of a launch.

It cracks me up that Su-ho doesn’t reveal himself despite stewing in anger, and that he bothers to type out a note to Dal-nim on his phone, to have Bo-nui come to the office. But Bo-nui refuses, saying that she’s not even going to fart in the direction of Zeze anymore. Pfft, Su-ho looks so bewildered to be talked about in that way.

Tennis pro Gun-wook arrives at a residential neighborhood and smiles fondly as he looks at a small apartment building, which he remembers being a family home when he was a kid. His agent Seol-hee wonders why he wanted to come here, but he assures her that he’s not going to cause any scandals and ushers her off to a meeting so he can be alone.

Gun-wook passes by movers hauling stuff out of the building, and heads up to the roof to take in how the view has changed over the years.

Down below, Bo-nui gets dropped off by Chicken Ajusshi, and rushes to stop her landlady from moving all her stuff out into the street. The landlady says it’s already been months since she’s paid her rent, but Bo-nui begs her for one more chance because she has to live here: “I can’t leave this place. Someone will come back here.”

The landlady finally caves and gives her a few more days, and Bo-nui thanks her. Gun-wook watches all of this passively from the roof, but when he hears Bo-nui’s name, he lights up to realize that’s Bo-nui down there, and that she still lives here.

Gun-wook runs down to see her, but she gets another alarming phone call—this time it’s the hospital, and she starts out asking for more time to pay her bills, but whatever she hears on the other end sends her running. By the time Gun-wook gets downstairs, she’s gone.

The Zeze Factory offices look like a high-tech playground, and the crew is shocked to find out about Su-ho fainting during the launch. He storms in and tells everyone to back up everything and put things on lockdown, and do whatever it takes to find the programmers who sabotaged him.

Su-ho turns out the lights in his office, and unsurprisingly, even his bed has a remote control that pulls it from behind a hidden wall. Are you also Batman?

Bo-nui is seized with fear as she runs to the hospital, which is intercut with a memory of her running the same way once before, drenched in rain. She gets to the hospital and takes a deep breath before looking inside a room, where doctors and nurses are rushing around trying to revive a girl.

Tears spill out of Bo-nui’s eyes as she begs quietly, “Please, save our Bo-ra. Please save our Bo-ra.” She stays huddled in the corner just saying that over and over, until the doctor finally comes out.

It’s good news for now, since they were able to stabilize Bo-ra, who must be Bo-nui’s little sister. Bo-nui thanks the doctor and promises to repay the overdue hospital bills, but the doctor gently suggests taking her sister off of life support.

It’s been two years since she’s been in a vegetative state, and he says that she can’t continue to hope for a miracle when the prognosis is so bad. But Bo-nui won’t give up hope, and says with tears streaming down her face that Bo-ra will wake up; he’ll see.

As she thinks back to happy times with her parents and her little sister, Bo-nui narrates that her parents’ favorite song was “Sad Fate,” and wonders now if that’s why they had such an unlucky daughter like her.

She flashes back to that day when she ran to the hospital in the rain. The doctors were anxious to get Bo-ra into surgery and waiting on her to sign the papers, and Bo-nui was wrecked to see her little sister being carted away, covered in blood.

As she sat outside on the hospital’s curb, a fortuneteller saw her and sighed that her fate was sad—that her parents had already passed away when she was young, and that she was about to hold another funeral soon.

That was enough to convince her to seek out the fortuneteller for a reading, and though she looked slightly wary at first, he saw that she’d always killed things around her. Bo-nui said that was always true—every plant or animal that was hers ended up dead, and after a while she was such bad luck that she became an outcast at school.

He even saw that her parents had died clutching a present for her, and a flashback shows the aftermath of their car accident, with tickets in hand for a concert Bo-nui wanted to go to. So she followed the fortuneteller’s crazy advice—to spill nine drops of blood on her sister’s favorite clothes, burn and bury it deep in the forest, and do 108 prayers.

Afterwards she ran back to the hospital, where the doctor said he tried his best, but Bo-ra’s heart stopped during surgery. But suddenly a nurse came running out to tell him that Bo-ra’s heartbeat had returned, and Bo-nui was convinced that the fortuneteller had saved her sister.

In the present, Bo-nui goes back to the fortuneteller to beg and plead for him to do something, but he says it’s miracle that Bo-ra lasted this long as it is. But Bo-nui refuses to give up on her sister and says she can’t live without her. Feeling bad for her, the fortuneteller sprinkles some salt on the table to try and find a solution, and discovers something that intrigues him.

He asks ominously if she’s willing to do anything. She says yes, so he tells her, “Catch a tiger.” Bo-nui: “Are there any tigers in our country? I don’t think there are…” The fortuneteller calls her stupid and clarifies: “A man born in the year of the tiger!” He tells her to spend the night with a man whose zodiac sign is the tiger, or else Bo-ra dies.

Bo-nui leaves thinking that it’s too crazy to be real, but she also knows that the fortuneteller has always been right up until now, and can’t shake the feeling that she has to listen to him. Yeah but… sleeping with a guy to save your sister?

That night, Su-ho goes for a bike ride to clear his head, but all he can do is think about all the articles and comments online about his public failure. People seem happy to cut him down to size and watch him fail.

Bo-nui has apparently spent the rest of her day getting hammered, because she stumbles down the street with pink cheeks, stopping at every tree and lamppost like it’s a man, asking in all seriousness, “What’s your sign?” She’s the cutest drunk.

She calls out, “Are there no tigers? Where are all the tigers?” Just then, Su-ho happens by on his bike and she yelps in excitement when she sees him approaching. She screams, “You!” and he comes to a screeching halt in front of her.

His eyes widen to see her running straight for him… only to have her zoom past him for the giant stuffed bear that’s been tossed out to the curb. She sits down to have a conversation with the bear about how old he is, and that’s when Su-ho recognizes her from the casino and the park, and thinks she’s crazy.

He catches her just as she’s about to fall, and she looks up at him and goes, “Why is the lamppost talking?” He tries to walk away from her, but now it’s her turn to get all handsy and refuse to let him go.

She literally holds him by the ankles and practically strips the sweatshirt off his back while trying to hold him there, all the while demanding to know, “What’s your sign? Are you a lamppost, or a tiger?” He’s so bewildered, and doesn’t know what to do.

When she pulls them both down to the ground, he finally just answers her question: “I was born in the year of the tiger! ’86, year of the tiger.”

That gets her attention right away, and she clutches his shoulders and stares at him with purpose. And from her perspective, he morphs into a tiger and growls. LOL.

In a short epilogue, we rewind to the fortune of the day that Bo-nui read on her phone, and scroll down to the part she didn’t see—that said she’d meet an unexpected nobleman who’d help solve her problems.


More than just liking the characters and the setup, this was a good first episode—it was very economical in setting up story and characters, giving them solid motivations, and launching us into the main conflict right away. It shouldn’t seem hard, but so many dramas don’t manage to do all that in the first hour, and it often takes at least two (sometimes four) episodes to get me invested and get the story going in earnest. Now granted, some of it is stock characterization, and we’re used to the cues for a hardworking, plucky Candy heroine and a genius rich hero. But I was pleasantly surprised to find that they weren’t just the lazy stock versions of those character types, and that Bo-nui was smart and capable, and that Su-ho was (1) an actual boy genius, not just dramaland’s version of smart, and (2) not an ass. Okay, he’s probably a terrible boss to work for, but he’s also endearingly nerdy, self-conscious, and bad in a fight.

Most of all, I’m glad that we get clear motivations for our characters, especially with Bo-nui, whose excessively superstitious ways make sense once you realize how it’s all tied in with her guilt and her desire to save her sister. The way it comes together makes me relieved that it doesn’t matter if I don’t believe in luck—she comes to believe in it because it’s her only shred of hope when all else is lost, and that, I can understand. I don’t like that the fortuneteller feeds into her guilt by saying she’s actually so unlucky that she causes death around her (this isn’t Mirror of the Witch!) but I can see how she needs to feel like she can change something, because otherwise her sister’s fate is entirely out of her control. In that, her illogical superstition makes perfect sense.

Su-ho’s character background isn’t nearly as strong by comparison (probably because he was altered from the original webtoon character quite a bit for the drama), but I warmed to him when I saw that he was actually really hampered by his panic attacks and stage fright, and that he cares very much about proving himself because he pours all of himself into his work. That’s relatable, and I especially like that he cares what Bo-nui thinks of him, despite it not mattering (yet). Hwang Jung-eum really carried the emotion of the episode, which isn’t a surprise since she’s so good at that, and though Ryu Joon-yeol mostly got to play the straight man to her hilarious antics, he showed some moments of comic potential too, so I think they’re going to make a great pair. By the end of the episode, no matter how absurd the setup, I was ecstatic that she’d caught herself a tiger. I think I’m going to enjoy watching her tame him.

We’re also going to try out a new feature where we grade each episode of a show, because we had some requests from readers to add this to our recaps. Lucky Romance will be the testing ground for that, so let us know as we go if that’s something you like and want us to keep doing, and we’ll try it on other shows too. We’ll be grading a show against itself (so, keeping in mind what it’s trying to be), as well as against a general standard for good dramas (because being the best episode of a middling revenge show doesn’t automatically earn you an A—I’m looking at you, Mr. Black).

Episode Grade: A-


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I read that knetizens were not exactly thrilled with the show. Nothing bad, they just found it predictable. I'll have to agree with them on this one, but I'll watch it because I'm a sucker for cute romances.


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knetz are never pleased


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Don't dismiss Korean viewers. We grow up watching dramas, so we have been exposed to more storylines than maybe some foreign viewers have.

This drama so far is pretty good for transitions and directing quality. But the story does contain a lot of already used elements. I know I'm tired of poor main girls who suffer until she meets the superior hero. Korean girls are super hard working; my friends and I went to good universities and we have a good working professional life today. I personally want to see more capable and smart girls in dramas. Junyeol oppa's character is also too familiar to me. 200 IQ with childhood trauma~~ It's pity they make a good actor adopt such a predictable role.


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Umm... so you weren't impressed with BN when she did that computer hacking-unhacking thing?

I found her to be a strong and competent female lead and it was so refreshing to see that she was a professional in a field not related to the liberal arts. Not that I have anything about the liberal arts, mind you - it employs me. It's just that we seem to have too many harpists and graduates from French art schools in kdramas.

She might be poor, but it's not due to her being useless. She's had to pay hospital bills for her sister for two whole years. That's admirable, not clichéd.

And as for the male lead, I have to say, I've never seen one hyperventilate and faint on stage, or crouch and cry in a shower scene before. I found it all so refreshing, and that seems to be the general consensus amongst my colleagues who (since apparently you seem to find this a relavant point in commenting on a drama) attended the best Korean universities and are leading very productive professional lives.

Actually, the one problem I had with the drama was that the editing was a bit off - some of the scene transitions were abrupt. And the sound technician needs to do a better job.


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I usually don't like to comment but I do believe your comment about knetz was uncalled for. Without knetz, there wouldn't be any dramas nor kpop. Knetz can be intense but that is also why these actors and idols have crazy popularity, fans, projects, cfs, etc. If actors and dramas only had fans overseas, they would not be cast or produced in korea. Also, without the support of knetz, they wouldn't have enough popularity to even be known overseas.


Whoops, that was meant to be in response to lea. My apologies, dukdam.


If you havent seen protect the boss (Jisung, Choi Kang Hee, Jaejoong and Wang Ji Hye), you should watch it cause i think you'd enjoy it. Its good in the sense that the hero is not perfect, and has mental illness too (panic attack) which that time was refreshing, and the comedy was awesome too.

The heroine can be frustrating sometimes and the show by no means is perfect but at the time the drama was something different so i really like it. Still one of my favourite drama.


As someone who works in programming and analysis, I love the show for HJE's character. She can be a ditz, but damn is she competent. I think that's the best thing about the drama so far.

It's really so rare to have a show that's not predicated on having the female be in the field of fashion or something similar. Always found that so vapid about dramas, but I guess that's what they think sells to the female audience.

I want to see more awesome computer work from Bo-Nui.


I thought the directing was the weakest. It was average everything: cinematography (w/ a few exceptions), editing, music and storytelling. I really wished they would've re-ordered their cuts/storytelling differently.

But I did have some favorite scenes:
- Bo-nui in a rabbit suit scuffling with Su-ho.
- The last scene of Bo-nui endlessly grabbing Su-ho.

The continuous cuts back to back in these two scenes made them funnier by the minute.


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musicnmelody ( sorry Ican't reply to your post because there is no reply button under it so I'm replying to the following comment)

I watched Protect the Boss and I like it a lot but the lead in that drama was not like the lead in this drama.

Yes they both had panic attack but this does not mean that people with panic attack are all the same.

In fact there is a big difference: while JSH has no confidence problems in his work CJH worked hard during all the drama to prove his value.

This need to compare must be a new trend but I think it's really boring since kdramas is full of clichè and stereotypes.


Even if she's smart, she lacks common sense. When she has unpaid bills and an urgent financial need, she works odd minimum wage jobs instead of getting a high paying job as a programmer?


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My understanding is that in Korea, you don't get a job in a field just because you can do the job (in any country, really). In a tech oriented country, jobs in programming seem competitive, and she doesn't seem like the type to have the money to a SKY school. I would think that all this is assumed to the average Korean viewer and so they don't bother elaborating on it.


I love her character so far, but I agree.

Heck, the entire premise of the show makes her out to be stupid. You're an engineer, why the hell are you believing in a darned shaman? Logic, girl, logic.


I think her working in various jobs has something to do with the way she uses fortune-telling and predictions to see whether following a particular path is going to provide her with good luck, or not.


Im sorry, I cant get over how ignorant this comment is. 'Get a high paying job as a programmer'... Like jobs literally just fall from the sky. Look around you, do you know how many people end up not doing what they wanted / what they studied in school? You do what you can to survive. Say what you want about this character... but do not say she is not smart or resourceful. That is very ignorant and shows you live in a pampered privileged bubble.


Their comments are actually way more positive than most of the ones on here. Kkuljaem just translated the responses for the first and second episode.


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Well they also compared it to DOTS before it even began airing and later to Another Miss OH and also some weird fight broke out involving somebody from Girl's Day who should've been cast instead or not, something along those lines. As long as people tune in to watch it live, I will be thankful.


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I miss out on so much of the gossip. Someday I will read Korean...it's easier with bangla/hindi stuff (I have aunties who dish)


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From one Bengali to another I assume, I fee ya sister. Hangul is easy to be honest, I wanted to learn it but had to stop midway because real life got in the way.


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Yeah i saw some of those comments... but that particular article was released literally 10 minutes into the show so I would take the criticism with a grain of salt... Articles released after the show are getting good responses now... I, myself didn't find it too bad either (hopefully 2nd ep is better!) :(


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The rating came out pretty decent, Hope that keeps up. I actually really ended up liking the 1st episode, but with the recent blunders in past/recent dramas' later episodes, I will take that with a grain of salt and not expect TOO much hopefully! lol


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The comments I read said something along the lines that the epis


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Oops, got cut off! Anyways, they said that the episode started off sad, but the last five minutes or so were comedic and that they were expecting tomorrow's episode to be fun, which is the same vibe I'm getting from this recap. I'm holding off on watching until tomorrow, but fingers crossed for a new crack drama!


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I agree with them on this one. It felt like episode 4 when I was just about half way done, so yeah definitely predictable.
But having said that it's just the first episode. I'll definitely give it a try, maybe not for the story but definitely for the actors.
P.s. I have a feeling Lee Chung Ha and Lee Soo Hyuk are gonna be wasted in this drama.


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Ah, You guys recap it....

The drama ive been waiting for months finally airing...
And its cute and funny yet its touching too...
Hope its gonna good until the end.
Lucky romance fighting! Ryu Jun yeol fighting!


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Ah, btw is it a new feature?

"Episode Grade: A-"


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Yeah I notice this too! I hope they apply this to all the recaps.


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Why? Honestly curious.


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I believe the writer explained the reasoning behind it in the comment section.


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Dramabeans used to have a star rating feature right? When everybody could rate each episode up to 5 stars. I wonder why they suddenly got rid of it one day.


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I think it was related to the website, like it would start crashing or so? Similar to the whole thumbs up and thumbs down situation. It caused too many problems for the website, as things kept going wrong so they eventually removed it.


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I really love the pilot episode, That rabbit OMG, she kicks in the right place, LOL, JE SUHO'S JEWEL HAHAHAHAHHA


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Firstly, it's here, it's finally here! ????? lol Secondly, ok how do I say this? In a way this show gave me exactly what I wanted but in other ways it was a bit different-but that in fact made it better for me. Reading the descriptions for the web toon Bon-ui being told to sleep with a man born in the year of the tiger bc a shaman tells her she's supposedly going to die seemed a bit shallow, but the twist in the drama version that she wants to save her sister because she believes that she herself is the cause of the misfortune in their family really gave the show the emotional weight it needed. Like girlfriday said, Hwang Jung-eum really carried this episode. She was especially good in the hospital scenes. I'm loving the chemistry between her and Ryu Joon Yeol and from the looks of the preview she has great chemistry with Lee Soo Hyuk's character as well. I'm just so happy the show is finally here! ???


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Hwang Jung-eum doesn't screech in this one! I'd vowed to stop watching after Ep 1 if she was screaming and screeching, but she didn't! HOORAY!!!

I like that the show is giving the bad-luck thing serious weight. It sounded flighty at the beginning, but that shaman is dead serious, and her entire history backs up the idea that she's just a karmic sinkhole. Which seems terribly unfair, but at least that part isn't being played for comic relief, which would have made Bo Nui too shallow to take.


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YES! Pretty much what you said. I also like that the whole bad-luck thing, and even RJY's character' being a genius and the subsequent panic attacks are being taken seriously. It really keeps the characters from being superficial.


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Yes, Yes yes! I really thought Hwang Jung-eum was WAY over the top in Heal Me Kill Me and She's So Pretty (which was basically the same character). The only thing that got me past that what her emotional beats which really she excels in.

Her portrayal of this current character seems just the right mix for her and I'm happy to see her progress as an actress.


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I don't want to sounds as defenders but she accept the drama barely a week/2 week before they shoot it and she just finish another drama at the time,

I think people judge her too harsh when she apparently has such a little time to prepare,

KMHM casting is rocky when they just can film with full cast 2 weeks b4 it aired


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Ahhh, yay. This is so good to hear! I had a very busy, rough day and I'm so excited to finally kick back and check this out!


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I couldn't finish watching it before, too distracted by all those close up shoot.aybe I will try to watch it again after reading recap for eps 2.


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I couldn't finish it too... May be because HJE portrayal of characters feel same for me since secret, kill me heal me, she was pretty and even this all are humble and hardworking with different haircut.. For once I want her to be sassy, outspoken, classy, confident character.. I couldn't pass even the narrative part... I'll give it a try again (sorry for the rant ?)


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She did once, in Incarnation Of Money, she is quiet sassy punk and very outlaid chasing her Lee Kang Seok


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I've managed the first hour, but I busted out laughing at the disoriented camera work. I just hate it when they do three repeated take on a simple action to dramatize it.


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I like episode 1. The pace was so fast. I am a little bit worry whether the next 15 episodes will have enough story and those future episodes won't run out of steam. Je Su Ho's character is so mean on how he treats his employees, but he's also too real. I can see my past bosses in him... Bo Nui's character is likeable. I definitely want to know more about them. I hope the next 15 episodes are getting better too.


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LOVE! Can I just say that I had really really low expectations for this show, I really just expected that same old set up with cutesy scenes thrown in the middle, but this show amidst the humor shows a surprising amount of depth, and depth is something which I always connect so easily with and appreciate, rather than the show relying on caricatures of characters, or superficiality. I absolutely love how both the leads' problems seemed so genuine and not just contrived to create sympathy and tension. I honestly think this is one drama I will probably stick with because so far, it definitely hasn't fallen into that predictable bracket, maybe it will in the later episodes, but for now it seems safe.


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sorry to say, watched ep 1 and "lets out a deep sigh" - didn't find it neither funny nor interesting. HJE'e breakout role was in Secret and she has been taking roles that are silly, Ditzy, overacting type. Can't believe it got 10% rating. Wow, just wow.


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The 10% rating is quite believable tbh. Thing is, this is Ryu Junyeol, everyone and their mother are still hoping his happy ending somehow. And the fact that the other dramas at the same time slot aren't something like DoTS helped too. Half of that 10% rating are probably the result of people checking it out. I'm not saying it's bad tho. It was okay but Entertainer also got this kind of review on its first ep but it's doing okay now, not amazing, but good enough to get more than 5% rating.


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not everyone love tearjeaker or makjang. and she did 2 mellow in a row before and noone said anything.


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actually jung eum wanted a melo or less rom com but all she was getting offered were rom coms after she was pretty.


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come to think of it, there's no melo drama laterly broadcasted. well, probably Wanted (Kim ahjung, UTW) will be mellow..not quite sure. another drama is either saeguk or romcom or teenager drama. s


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i usually like my dramas to balanced, i really do love watching rom coms but sometimes it feels all to familiar if things arent shaken up. im not too fond of teen dramas, but i think arbitrarily fond looks more mellowish, maybe W will be more toned down then lucky romance,idk is that a rom com. im looking forward to Hwarang,im not too much into saeguk unless their fusion, the last one i watched and liked was Sungkwunkwan scandel.


Lightly, Ardently will be a melo.

I avoid melos and sageuks anyway, so more of these are good for me.


I expected the ratings to be that high and go higher. She's a known hit maker and there's nothing else on. He's trendy too, so it'll do well.


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What? That was a promising start?????

Ha ha ha...


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Just finishing my post....

It was terrible!


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@df100 IKR. HJE acting drunk at end, so cringeworthy. Poor girl doing many jobs to support family and meets rich awkward guy. Seen that many times. She needs to stay away from romcom for at least 3 yrs. she can kill it in Melo though.


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I think to be fair, she is a capable person, as seen when she could program, and her being "poor" is not the central theme here, nor is it a glaring difference highlighted in the show. Her entire focus is on believing she has bad luck, so she needs to follow whatever that shaman says to save her sister, which in this case is sleep with a guy in the year of a tiger. Yes, she is poor, and yes, he is rich, but that is not ALL they are. That's one differentiating point that sort of sets this drama apart from the gazillion rich guy/poor girl dramas that I have seen so far. If this premise will be properly followed or build up on properly, it remains to be seen, but for now it has started on a right note IMO.


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she did 2 mellow, ENDLESS LOVE and Secret before KMHM and SWP. people always have short memory when it come critisme.


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I think we have seen a lot of her recently and since this character plays to her strengths in over the top comedy and melo, everything feels too familiar. She is actually a good actress. I have more trouble with the character than her as actress.

I wished they did not make her character soooo...

'I shall go into mens bathrooms while they use it'....

'I will then unclog toilets'....

'I will run with all my trash paraphernalia into hero and douse him in all that grossness'...

'Then I will meet him again and get over-involved with him because I am kind of strange that way'

'Then I will wear rabbit suit while sitting alone in a room trying to hack stuff'

'Then I will be the one he sees when he wakes up in a rabbit suit and will have funny fight'

I mean....How much slapstick can you handle in like 30 minutes?

This is not actress problem though. It is writers problem.


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Too many coincidence in one hour... I totally get where your coming from.. It shows the writer's incapability to string the events properly...


Some of the things you said are kdramas clichè and if you watch more than 10 dramas you're bound to see them over and over again:

"go into mens bathrooms"

"I will meet him again and get over-involved with him because I am kind of strange that way"

It's the way they use these clichè that it's important and so far I'm fine with how they used them:

1) she was a cleaning lady so it's believable that she entered the bathrooms.

2) of course they will meet everywhere, it's a kdrama and in dramaworld this "coincidence clichè" is the starting point for 90% of the leads, sometimes it goes as far as making 2 strangers live together (this does not mean that the world is so small that you'll keep getting over-involved with the same person over and over again... sadly... I'll love to get over-involved with a handsome man :p)

Anyway what I don't like ( but can't avoid since I'll keep watching and loving kdramas) is when the poor girl gets involved with the rich guy and start working with him even if that makes no sense, at least this time they are both programmers so the "coincidence clichè" will not be absurd.

And about the rabbit suit, it was funny to see a pink rabbit hacking a computer... not something you see everyday :D
Based on the preview the pink rabbit is just the first costume she will wear so I'm waiting for the next one :))


Omg that was hilarious. I needed a summary of episode one before I plow through the recap since I might not watch this. Your comment did the trick and sounds funnier than the episode combined.


Agreed dramafan100. It was NOT.


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I am going to spend too much time on this drama I just know it. Solid start. I love everyone already.

Also, it really is refreshing to see a "regular" man face on TV. Ryu Joon Yeol gets my attention so much more than the usual pretty face.


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"Yeah but… sleeping with a guy to save your sister?"

Oh man, in a heartbeat.

...not that you would ever, ever EVER tell her that. Can you imagine your sister suddenly confessing that she slept with that guy from the bar to save your life? Noooo no no. So yes to sleeping with a random guy to save your sister's life, absolute no to making her live with that information in her head.


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That's a definite 'yes' to sleeping with a guy, especially over her first thought of CATCHING AN ACTUAL TIGER!


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And trivia,
Dal-nim is the author of the webtoon's name.


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All I want from this show is cute & funny, and so far it delivers. I'm surprised by how much I've already come to like both of our leading characters--I hope that doesn't change with time.


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I super love the first ep. I did not understand any words they said but the characters especially the two leads were well written and RJY and HJE played it realistically that it felt like I'm watching it as subbed.

I don't care about the knetz reactions, first, because I'm not korean, second is, I'm watching it based on my expectations not others.


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I don't know, maybe it is because I watched it with no subtitles so I had no idea what was going on but I'm giving the show another chance before deciding because I just love the two leads too much to give up so easily. And the premise just sounded too hilarious..
And I have to admit, HJE looks good in this show.. She doesn't took bad with the hair cut, and I liked some of her outfits...
We'll see what happens!
Please be good show! We have all been waiting for you a long time, for then you to end up bleh.
Fingers crossed!
P.S yay! This show will be recapped!!


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Ryu Junyeol acting as Junhwan who's trying to act as a pill-popping genius about to get his cherry popped by a noona with a twin haircut :'( wish they wrote his character differently and didn't cash in on his 1988 image. I KNOW he's a great actor, but this role is so poorly written it's practically a caricature. And the female lead! Wish Lee chun-ah was the lead instead.


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+1 She was great in Flower Boys Shop with great comic timing. I'm still trying to "like" HJE. She didn't screech in Ep1, so I hope it stays that way..


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let him have fun. he already casted in two very heavy movie. he just want to act comedy so people wouldnt think he only act as heavy and serious role.


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I agree with you, he said it himself at the presscon yesterday that he's just happy to be on TV again and enjoying his time doing this drama without thinking too much about overcoming his (successful) previous role and drama.


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probably because I didn't have high expectations, but it was pretty good! I don't like how they changed it so much from the original webtoon, but it was still funny and I think today's ep will be better than the first one. I don't know why there are lots of people who's hating on the drama though..


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I enjoyed the first episode. It was balanced with human and the angst. Love Hwang Jung Eum's hair cut and Ryu Jun Yeol was so cute. Of course, I also couldn't help but think of Jung Hwan when watching the episode but not in a 'his character is a copy of jung hwan (i don't know how people can get such a vibe from one episode) but more in a reminiscent "aww RJY has his own drama now' and just thinking back to crying for hi in R88, lol. i like his character here so far though, he seems warm compared to usual leads in drama :)


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After reading javabeans' synopsis of the webtoon, I really wish the drama had followed the webtoon. Was Bo Nui's backstory this tragic in the webtoon? I dislike how Bo Nui is "selling" her body in order to save her sister. Despite the fact that Bo Nui's two potential partners are attractive, if Bo Ra were to wake up, the guilt she must feel knowing her sister made this sacrifice for her. Meanwhile, I would have easily accepted Bo Nui's motivation to be purely out of superstition if the story were set up as lighthearted and zany, not life-or-death and serious.

Moreover, I wish they kept Su Ho as a miser, instead of another genius rich hero (with a bed in his office!). I was looking forward to Ryu Joon Yeol haggling for discounts. However, I am thrilled Bo Nui is a computer genius, too! Genius heroines are endangered species in dramaland. Nonetheless, I like the cast a lot. I think Su Ho is going to be the heart and soul of this drama opposed to Bo Nui. More like Kill Me, Heal Me and Cha Do Hyun, than She Was Pretty and Kim Hye Jin. Gun Wook seems very intriguing as well. Frenzied Dal Nim is adorable. I've loved Lee Cho Hee since School 2015.

Many thanks for the recap, girlfriday!


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iam upset that he's rich too. i wish he's a usual cheapskate...that way would be more funnier and more humanis.


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Geniuses are in abundance in Korean it seems. lol


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yeah, him being a cheap skate could have been a new refreshing element. they did change some stuff in order to be able tell the story for another 15 eps, i read in some interview


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Um from previous news I got the impression that the hero from webtoon was landlord of bo nui's place? So that part also got omitted I guess? It would have been fun seeing Su Ho going mad over rent.Also I wish kdramas stop using second leads when they are not necessarily needed,like in this one.I liked the bickering,rapport between the two main leads a lot,so maybe they could have done without the secondary love arc,or maybe they could have romance of their own..but anyway the drama started great.I expected a rom-com,but this is more a story,and at times a serious one too,when bo nui was reminiscing her past,it helps that she has a motive,though curious to know what was her real intention in the webtoon. I did find HJE great again,no matter how people do not like her acting,it's funny how they still find time to describe which parts they didn't like.Yes she does rom com often,but I think each time they're quite different,and the character speaks more than the actor herself,so I have no problem seeing her being a typical k-drama poor,hard working heroine,the added bonus is that she's also a brainy one,and her reason for not working in a highly skilled gaming office,and choosing to be in a rather small one,was also quite quirky hahah. Okay sorry for bringing spoilers here,but I am hoping like master's sun the drama would keep getting better.But yeah,the direction and editing team could try to up their game a notch,maybe.It would definitely help.


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The first episode actually didn't seem to be that fulfilling. I feel like there should've been something more exciting, it didn't live up to my expectations somehow for the first episode, but I will keep watching it, but I really like the cast!


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It dawned on me that luck and fortune, fate and guilt is what make kdrmas kdramas. Those things are by and large missing in anything in the States and I might add are unfamiliar to me. It's these foreign elements that make kdrama after kdrama so intriguing, delightful, and at times maddening to watch. So far so good with Lucky Romance~


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Awww...this drama turned out so much fun than I expected. Hwang Jung-eum is nailed it as well as Ryu Joon-yeol. Love them both. I really sucker for rom-com and I think this one might become my other crack aside OHY again.
I wrote few weeks back on how I would watch both Entertainer and LR. But as far as I LOVED Ji-sung, I couldn't stand to watch more after 3 episodes. I found out that it wasn't the same case with LR, I love all the cast and the first episode leave me with good impression and ended up wanting more.


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The good news is that;

she needs to find a man. the man needs to be wooed. There is strong motivation that is life or death. She is perfect for it.

So, I have a feeling that everything goes up from here.

Then there is LSH - looks like he knows her already. This extremely cute guy (I am biased to LSH model looks - I adore his pictures), is going to reconnect with her - it looked like she was a pleasant memory for him - so that is there. A hot international Tennis star who looks like a model, who is interested in her.

+ this awkward, rich, rude guy she is supposed to end up with anyway.

Wooing is always fun.

So, despite the first episode, I will watch at least 3 more episodes before making a final judgement.

First impression terrible. But happy it can't get worse.


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Thanks for the recap!

I was not going to watch this show until the female lead turned out to be a coder too. I liked the twist they made on the generic poor, hard-working and sometimes bubble-headed woman character by making her actually a capable person.


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I will watch this tonight. I don't wish for more; I just want to watch something who can make me laugh, after a long day at the office.


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*ignores all the negative comments*

I loved this episode. Finally I have something to watch. I cant wait to see how her and Tiger's crazy hijinks will unfold.

Ahhhh super satisfied with this drama.


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Why they changed RJY character from the webtoon...that way it could have been more fun to watch....anyway, it's only ep 1...let's see what happened...hope for the best.....


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yes...#sigh..cheapskate guy would be more fun than genius guy. but if he's cheapskate he would be more junghwanie..this genius suho is not tsundere. he's antisocial than tsundere.


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Right.. i really want see how je su ho in RJY face arguing with staff for getting discount.. if writernim can also make his character as cheapskate although he's CEO,it must be fun.. CEO arguing with mall staff to get discount..can you imagine that..hahaha


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I too wished to see cheapskate guy more than genius guy. But I think they've scraped off the cheapskate plot when he entered that casino and gave away his winnings. I don't think cheapskates would do that. Maybe they didn't want it to be to similar to the webtoon (god forbid it turns out like CITT) so I'm hoping it gets better.


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That was fast. Thanks, girlfriday!
I'm stopping myself from reading the recap. I have to watch it first. Subs, come faster please!


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my main thought the whole episode was that ryu jun-yeol is a sexy beast. there was a part of me that was fearful that his charms were limited to reply 1988, but i was happily reassured right from the get-go. and THAT VOICE. i think i find it sexier than lee soo-hyuk's, which really is saying something.

thing is, he looks really young. not babyish young or anything, but maybe a little young for the character? a little young-looking when paired with hwang jung-eum? he's playing his age though, so i guess he just looks young for his age. lucky beast. lucky sexy beast.

the show itself... i agree with some of the commenters above that aspects of it felt familiar. i didn't find much of it that felt hugely fresh or original. i wasn't irreversibly sucked in. but i did find it a lot more entertaining than entertainer's first episode. reserving full judgment till after the first 4 or 6 episodes though.


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he played his age, but HJE's character age in the webtoon supposed to be 32 while HJE is really 32. but then the drama change her character being 26..so thats why it doesnt really match..
so in the webtoon, Je Suho is younger than Bonui but in the drama its the other way around.


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Why would they change the ages up?

I admit, I was surprised when I learnt that BoNui was actually 32 (since she's so crazy with the superstitious stuff and I link that to younger people) but it would have been much more interesting to see a crazy 32 year old woo someone younger that her just because he's born in the year of a Tiger, hah, than see her with someone older.


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wait rly? where did it say she was 26? no offense to HJE. she doesnt look old at all but 26 is def pushing it. esp next to RJY who looks younger than he is. he looks more underemployed 28 yr old vs 32 year old professional but i think the game designer/tech genius works in this case since they tend to skew young and have a different look/vibe from the usual big company CEO.


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Shoot... I wasn't gonna watch this, 'cause I'm not a fan of either main actor and the teaser looked uninteresting to me, but... he's a math wiz! I loooooove math genius characters, 'cause I loooooove math. And it's got Lee Soo Hyuk... Who's probably gonna break my poor lil heart as the second lead, but who cares, it's LSH! Also, haven't really watched anything with the main leads yet, except for 1,5 episodes of She Was Pretty, so maybe seeing them in this will make me change my mind?


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Just finished and it was fine, but nothing special so far. Liking RJY way more on screen than in pictures though, he does have a certain charm and seems to be a decent actor. HJE is as meh as ever for me though. LSH's character seems like such a guy *sigh* Second lead syndrome approaching fast...

Don't know if I'll keep watching, will give it a few more episodes. After all I didn't start loving Entertainer until several episodes had gone by that left me kind of frustrated, yet now I can't wait for the next episodes. The sick sister plot device is dragging it down a bit. Think it would've been enough with Soo Ho's trauma-thingy, no need to add something as depressing as a comatose sister.
I completely agree with other commenters who think they should've kept it more light.


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Hahaha! *like such a NICE guy, not just such a guy *tears of laughter*


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[AHEM, talking about tiger, RJY was born in tiger year]

Let the tiger hunt begins!

(Not the tiger that live in the jungle, I mean)


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The first episode didn't impress me, but i will keep watching, maybe it will get better later

i find that she have to sleep with a man To save her sister is so lame, what kind of way is that, I didn't read the webtoon but i find it not convincing and ridiculous


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Why couldn't they have kept it light and zany, rather than a life or death situation. It just doesn't gel. Pick a genre and stick with it !!


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Throw the kitchen sink and whatever sticks adjust for?


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agreed. i like it enough to keep going but i was rly not feeling the MELODRAMA bits like...my first reaction to finding out her sister is in the hospital should not have been a massive eye roll but that's how it went down. give me comedy or give me...well not death. i mean Oh My Ghostess managed to mix funny with dark but it felt alot more well integrated then.
hoping for a good drama, the ingredients are all there!


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I think it's just the portrayal.

Oh My Ghostess was also a life or death situation (more existence or non-existence), but THAT was light and zany.


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The first episode didn't really wow me, a lot of it felt kind of... familiar and stale.

I did love the little bits of our main characters together, so I'm hoping their chemistry will elevate the writing, or maybe the show just needs to find its footing. Shall keep watching for now!

When RJY said he was born in 1986, I was like "oh he's in his mid-twenties, so fresh and young!" when I realised that he's two years older than me and... now I feel old.


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Okay so I was kind of late to get on the Reply 1988 bandwagon, so prior to watching the show, I couldn't understand why everyone was saying Ryu Junyeol was so hot. That was until I starting watching. There is something about his voice and when how when he smiles his eyes become tiny and his smile covers his whole face. It's pretty freakin' adorable.

Here is to hoping he has plenty of reasons to smile in this drama.


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i really like his average guy cuteness/appeal. like boy next door, more accessible feeling than the usual flower boy or model boy (ala LSH which sint a dig at him btw). kinda like Byun Yo Han. altho RJY def doesnt have BYH's level of charisma but few actors do tbh. but yeah i didnt get to see R88 yet so this was my first experience with him acting. i like what i see so far. tho i never minded his looks to begin with. he does have a nice voice tho ;)


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Solid first episode, as long as Hwang Jung eum doesn't start her "shrieking disguised as comedy" routine. It was kept to a minimum this episode. If she plays this a bit more understated then I'll be able to follow along. The whining and shrieking that she employs in so many of her dramas is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Ryoo Jun yeol is playing it exactly like I figured, the straight man. Of course we have a relative in a coma, of course our heroine is about to be evicted, of course she's set up to have not one but two successful attractive guys in love with her. Nice start for a Krom com. Shouldn't be hard to follow along. Don't miss an episode because you might miss Ryoo Jun yeol when he finally cracks a smile.


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I am cautiously hopeful after watching episode 1. My personal opinion is that I don't see Ryu Junyeol as romantic lead material. I never watched Reply 1988, so I don’t get his appeal. Hoping this drama changes my mind.


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Hey guys, I haven't managed to watch the full episode yet but as a reader of the webtoon I guess I knew they wuld change it quite a bit by having the second leads as their first loves.

For those of you who are wondering if Bo-nui does it for her sister, its the same as the webtoon so the drama didn't change that.

Also if you read Chinese you can read the official translation here

It's annoying how they have different webtoons for different languages. As the English version doesn't have it translated.


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Also I guess I also prefer that in the webtoon he is just a normal worker not CEO makes it a lot more relatable i guess but I will carry on watching it for ryu jun yeol.


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i didnt read the webtoon but i woulda liked that alot more. and it seems way more in RJY wheelhouse. I do very much appreciate that he wasnt BORN into wealth and isnt a chaebol. but instead presumably earned at least some of what he has now via his skill/intelligence. and he's more prickly and anti social (for very understandable reasons) than flat out asshole dickbag.
Also his being a huge nerd is kinda adorable negl. he has a p diff vibe for sounding so typical on paper. i do fee llike game/tech CEO fits RJY alot more than some kind of old money SK modern day prince or w/e would have. i suspect his more normal but cute guy look is part of that. (i was happy his look in the casino was some kind of one-off and his day to day outfits are like...comfy n lowkey. like p regular dude stuff haha)


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I think Ryu Junyeol did great with the character the drama gave him but I just wished they had stuck with the original character from the webtoon! He seemed more relatable and comedic than the same genius, rich male leads.


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I really enjoyed the first episode! Looking forward to this one!


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I watched this mainly because of RJY! But why is LSH getting in to me more than RJY in this drama? Argh! don't want to experience 2nd lead syndrome again! I was ok with the first episode but I was cringing so hard during HJE's drunken scene... it's just soooo cringe worthy...maybe I'll just wait for the drama to end and watch it...from now on I'll just read recaps from here!


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Unsurprisingly, mediocre.


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Ok so I know that HJE's acting is not everyone's cup of tea. I completely understand why because I do agree that she portrays her characters far too similarly. However, I was unaware that she attracted so much hate for that alone. It seems a bit unfair. The first episode was not perfect but I did not expect it to receive such negativity. Even before it premiered, people were rating it as 1 out of 10 on MDL.

Maybe I'm bias to Ryu Junyeol but I did enjoy the episode a lot. It was different than what I expected and seem to be promising a fun, funny and cute romcom with interesting characters. It was the first episode of a drama that made me burst out laughing in a long time.

Of course considering the bad streak of dramas that I've had lately, I am proceeding with caution and we'll give it time before really forming an opinion. But so far so good.

I hope people that have yet to see the first episodes won't let themselves be influenced by the negative comments. Especially if they are a fan of romcoms or of one of the actors.


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Most romcom k-dramas nowadays are boring, repetitive and uninspired and sadly this one points to fall in the same recycled category. Next.


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Definitely most rom-coms on the big 3 networks. It's become abundantly clear that their focus is churning out dramas for ad revenue and to fill up empty air space. It's like they hand the writers a checklist of mandatory cliches to include in the script. This is all in the face of their target audience audibly complaining about the tired plots and cliches.

They won't step it up till audience dissatisfaction really starts to hit their pockets.


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Honestly, I worship RJY but the plot feels really stale with this one. I'm still hoping RJY will make his character memorable if nothing else works for the drama. And Hwang Jung Eum isn't as annoying in this one...looks pretty adorable with that haircut.


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Aaahhh I thought it's only me who wanted the original cheapskate ordinary working man to be the hero's character. #sigh


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I'm quite amused because I see I am more or less opposite to everyone else here: not feeling RJY's appeal that much, but I am a big fan of HJE and I will check this because of her. She is very charismatic and her dramas are always enjoyable.
I found this episode just ok. The storytelling was not that good in my view, sometimes it was not clear what was going on, and they were cutting things so you had to assume a lot: like when Bo Nui is leaving the fortuneteller's and suddenly she appears totally drunk at night. I can connect the dots but a good script should have tied the scenes better. The comedy was good though, and as I said before, because of Jung Eum. I will keep watching and, fingers crossed, the script will improve a bit in the coming episodes :)


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it was kind of boring. and so many usual tropes


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