Park Hae-jin up to reprise Yoo Jung role in Cheese in the Trap movie

Is this the Best Idea Ever, or a disaster in the making? I honestly couldn’t tell you.

A movie adaptation has been announced for Cheese in the Trap, with an offer out to Park Hae-jin to return in the Yoo Jung role. Does this mean we’re going to get the reboot that could salvage the bitter taste left by the drama? Or should Park Hae-jin just walk away entirely from the franchise? After all, despite a very strong early push, the tvN adaptation ended up a bit of a fiasco — the series itself had its charms, but its curious behind-the-scenes troubles did unfortunately overshadow its strengths.

On the upside: This time, webtoon writer Soonkki has been invited to participate in the production process. (She’d been consulted in the drama’s early stages, but had been cut out of the loop toward its latter half, and was frank about her discontent with that.) She is currently in contract negotiations; she would not be writing the screenplay for the movie but would be involved through the final stages of the project. The movie will be handled by film producer Lee Dong-ho, who did the movies Introduction to Architecture and Inside Men, and his newly established production company.

It’s obvious why you’d want Park Hae-jin back in the role; he was fans’ top choice for the drama and widely acknowledged to be the perfect Jung (many say the only Jung), plus he has tons of public support and sky-high popularity right now. And he could be tempted by a desire to do the project service this second time around and fix what went wrong in the drama.

On the other hand, I don’t know if a movie is really necessary — given how the drama ended on a sour note (not necessarily that the plot ended badly, but in terms of viewer satisfaction), it may be better to just let go of it now and let fans take solace in the ongoing webtoon. If the movie weren’t a big success (which would be a tall order for any project), wouldn’t it feel like rubbing salt in the wound? Do we need to suffer twice? Or is the possibility of a fresh reboot enough reason to give it a try?

Via Sports Donga, Osen


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Please walk away from it... I pretended CITT ended at ep 8.


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Haha! CITT ended at episode 8 for me too. It was downhill after that.


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up until ep 12, it's still a good drama,

Overall this is a good drama for me, compare to others usual trendy drama. Directur know what he is doing, the only that make it waste is inho storyline... but not disaster..


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Seriously this crap continues for more hours no need..... it ended at episode 12 with jung confession and back story....

I want to forget this I even stopped listening to ost ..it was the most disappointed series of the year for me...


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The drama was good for the first 12 eps to me too.


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Same for me as well. CITT was only 8 episodes long lol!


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I pretended Inho storyline never exist.
God, the bitter taste is going too strong, even now.


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Same goes for me.


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My thoughts, exactly


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me too... CITT ended right at ep 8 after that it was only disaster and downfall!!!


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db, his agency just released a statement that he declines.

I'm torn. He really is the best Jung the adaptation can get. But on the other hand I wanna tell him to stay away from any cheese....

but he's the perfect 3D JUNG... I'm so sad he's declined.





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Really, where is that statement? Currently the official statement is that he got the offer and hasn't decided.


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One of the naver articles, someone posted it on IG (sorry can't copy and paste the link by phone)... but the agency said he will reconsider his decision if the movie is made after the webtoon has finished and soonkki is involved in the production...


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The English is mistranslated. The Korean says, "Offer received, but acceptance not confirmed." It is not a confirmation of rejection.


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Thanks XDD
Shall wait for the next info. He'd better be very careful this time -_-"


Idkk about this but I hope it does well.and does better than the drama that everyone was disappointed.


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I'd decline if I were him. Frankly, the risk is too high.


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couldn't agree more. And I too scary to experience disappoint if the movie goes wrong while he take the role Jung XD


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.......nope. please let this be a joke


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Walk away. Start fresh with a dffrnt gente and character altogether. He deserves that


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Oh god, decline, decline! This is a no-win situation. It's way too soon, he was already right at the top of plausible age ranges, the rest of the cast likely wouldn't be there, nightmare scenario.

The amount of public sympathy he's got right now means he can do pretty much anything he wants, and there is absolutely no need for him to return to the role. He has much, much brighter prospects.


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Wow, I am surprised they have the balls to even offer him the role. But I'd be even more surprised if he considers it let alone take it up. He isn't reliant on Jung as a character to prove his chops - at least I hope he isn't. It's time to move on to better projects and leave the whole Cheese franchise behind. He came out a winner, why risk that for a movie version of something that should really start collecting dust in the shelves now?


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But imagine if he wasn't the first choice and wasn't considered. Knetz would(probably) set fire lol.


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Yeah... no.


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He should decline. Disregarding the obvious reasons such as how the drama ended on a sour note, and that he's already done the same character, there's still the problem of condensing everything into 2 hours, which I don't believe is possible. I'm not big on CitT as a source material anyway. Drama maybe but the plot is way too bland for a movie.


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Kinda ot but can people cool it with the rampant webtoon adaptations, like do scriptwriters not have original ideas for dramas anymore, or can production companies take more chances on original plots as opposed to these constant adaptations?

Also, CITT didn't even have a compelling enough plot for a drama, much less a movie people have to pay to go see.

But, I guess I am looking forward to seeing the Fashion King realness with this one.


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SKJ also supposedly got an offer to reprise his role.
What is this


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The production company has said only Soonkki and Park Hae-jin got offers.


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I'm curious too.
Is it real or another mediaplay from his agency...


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If SKJ and piano are casted... its just a no..


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Deja vu? (Bitter laugh).
I really hope that is not true.

Not that I'm hating on SKJ (I'm not blaming the actors for that mess) but I can just imagine the reaction. -_-

As he is a fan of the writer and webtoon, I can see the allure of wanting to do it right but he should make sure to have a solid script and contractual promises to follow said script. Otherwise, no.


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I should clarify that I meant PHJ by "he".

But honestly, I think it may be too soon for a reboot.


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Yup. Too soon
But I more on 'no/decline forever' camp
Tempting, I understand that but I wish he just forget about Cheese and move on tho better things


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I really wish him to reject this offer, just walk away. pick any good thing but this. Please.


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Personally I think he should talk with the webtoon writer. I believe he is a fan of hers, so if she if she is more involved and wants him, I have no problem with him taking the role. Especially if that is what she wants.


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The webtoon writer hasn't got a great track record with adaptation though, has she? I've never understood why netziens were so solidly on her side in this entire fiasco - it sounds like she sold the rights with really muddy conditions, then got specific about the conditions, then got upset and took things public.

She's a webtoon writer, not a scriptwriter or director or in any other way involved with film. I have no idea why her word would count much in this transaction, other than her saying "I want PHJ to play the role" and withholding permission unless he does. But there's absolutely no guarantee that she could do ANYTHING to prevent the exact same events from happening. She just doesn't have the knowledge or clout.


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Hmm, I doubt she sold anything. The web-toon is still not finished and you can give someone permission to adapt your work without selling it away.

And the article says that she is going to be a part of this film, so yes she would have a say in how things go in the film. They would definitely take her opinions into consideration. You don't really have to have any knowledge or clout; she'd be the staff's reference for how to proceed.


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She may not have sold copyright, but she certainly sold something - the reports said something about there being an agreement that the end of the series would be different from the webtoon, and clearly that meant extremely different things to the drama team versus the webtoon writer.

If she's going to be a writer on the film, then yes she's got a say. But there is a long, long history of authors being discounted during filming. To be honest I was extremely surprised the drama team changed things up when she started publicly complaining, because it felt like project suicide; the fans made it clear they wanted an extremely faithful rendering of the webtoon, and then the writer says the ending isn't different enough? Personally I would've weathered the storm with the writer and just kept the show on track. By trying to accommodate one individual (who apparently didn't make her desires crystal-clear in the contract) they derailed an entire production.


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I usually dislike movie, but if both Soonki participated fully and Park Hae Jin reprise the role.. I'm in.

While Kim Go Eun and Seo Kang Joon did a good job on the role, I don't mind if the choose another actors.


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More mess? #NoThanks


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No to a second helping of Cheese? I think quite a lot of people will agree with you here.

I'm open to it as long as it's Gouda (pun intended..sorry, please don't shoot me :p).


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Apparently soonkie is only going to sign on if PHJ is the one who plays Jung. Please just walk away. This is a mess waiting to happen. It's way too soon. Pleaseeee, I'm pleading. Say no. Please. Just concentrate on your next drama.


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If they are really doing this, I hope they get all new fresh casts.

I want to say someone like Park bo gum who is also amazing in playing dual personality kinda role would be good, but we probably won't ever get to chance to watch a Kmovie in eng sub anyway so for all I know CITT only exist in dramaland, however messy it was.


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They should make the movie version a straight-up thriller instead of a romcom.


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What makes "Cheese in the Trap" addictive and unique, is that it is a romance/thriller in the cloak of a slice-of-life drama with some comedic tones. So to take the romance out, would negatively effect the story, and what makes it unique.


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I never saw the webtoon as a romance (even though it had a romance element) but a psychological thriller, so.


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Agreed, a straight up psychological thriller, and make the romance more like a plot device rather than dominating the theme...
when the tone goes psycologial thriller, the drama is more exciting to watch


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They should have it be from Jung's perspective to give the story something different from the drama/webtoon that could pull viewers in. A semi possible sociopath trying to navigate how to be "normal" when he is surrounded by the very opposite.


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Ugh i don't know, this idea smells a lot like trouble to me :(

Park Haejin aside, 2 hours won't be enough to cover Cheese story, it is too complex and too bland i think for movie medium. I agree this is tall order.

With all the mess, why they can't just wait until webtoon finished? At least the story will be out in the open and it's ok to make a movie after that u.u


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Idk, I think you can tell it in 2 hrs. I mean Marvel and DC does 2 hr movies based off of tons of comic book canon. It's how you slice the story, I think.

Leave out a lot of the side villains, make the story focus more on Jung + Seol and family relationships/childhood influences (I'm including Inho/Inha in family here).

What timeline is involved in the making of a Movie? I was assuming the webtoon would be finished by then? No?

I have no idea. Just judging by Hollywood standards where a movie is like, 2 years from initial talks to the release?

We may be over our CITT PTSD by then. ?


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That's the idea too. The article said Soonki will be joining the process so maybe it will be heavily focused on Jung?

This cheese ptsd is sooo gonna take a long time to heal tbh lol. While the webtoon is in the fourth season which said to be the last one, maybe best to stick reading webtoon instead ?
I do think the movie will take long time until it's out but longer and Park Haejin is not going to be younger too so *shrugged*


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Agreed but I'm personally open to a tragic ending (but maybe that is just me in the minority).

CITT can take a page out of Six Flying Dragons for a good bittersweet ending. In fact, take a whole book out on proper story telling. (That book I threw at the Drama maker's heads ?). Ha!


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My first reaction to just reading the headline for this post: What!?

Going to read it now (and the comments, fun!), but what the what? This is really happening?


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I'm still bitter and disappointed and thought what a lost opportunity. They could of had a spin off with the Baek sibling story line. Maybe they will do the movie where it starts where the show ended similar to how they did 2 movie specials with no dame. The best franchise ever. If only the Korean version didn't get so messed up.

I'll hope for the best and expect the worst regardless of what happens.


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heajin, soonki or whoever 'injured' in citt should just decline and walk out. whats the use?


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if i were him, i would accept just to be able to get some closure. but it's more practical that he doesn't. i hope they only extend offers to him and no one else from the drama, especially not kim go eun. my opinion of her dropped after that one post she made which implied she was criticizing park hae jin for voicing his discontent.


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Really? What post? :/


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i meant interview but she did make a post about it on her instagram which she later deleted. read this whole page (the words where it sounded like she was blaming park hae-jin were later edited out of the interview and some people are trying to stay maybe it was mistranslated or she didn't mean it that way but there's no way something like what she said could be better) http://forums.soompi.com/en/topic/347417-drama-2016-cheese-in-the-trap-치즈-인-더-트랩/?page=677


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Thanks for the link!

I don't like what she said, assuming it was indeed a statement she made. In fact, it seems like a misconstrued opinion of the entire situation. It is true that PHJ became the subject of public sympathy and that's one of the main things people will remember from CITT. But the original complaint was that the drama was heading so off course from the webtoon. That's what people had a problem with, it was so obvious to the viewers.

I still don't find it a problem that he spoke about the situation, though some might disapprove of it. To me, PHJ wasn't making it about himself. The character and story was so important to him that he deliberated on it, making the production team agree to stay as close to the original work as possible, and then agreed to sign on. Making comments about the drama (a huge risk in itself) was because he felt the production team wronged the webtoon writer, the character he played and the entire story was ruined. For a character like Jung, it is crucial to get some sort of backstory on him, so the viewers can really understand him. And not just think that he's a sociopath. All of that got lost because of the decisions of the production team.

But maybe KGE liked where the storyline was going? She must have approved it :/ It's her opinion, though I'll never agree that PHJ was the cause of distraction from the drama. The viewers picked up on the mess way before he even commented on anything, and they brought it to light.


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I almost want this to happen, but no. It'd be a disaster. Even if the movie itself turns out to be great out of the context of all the drama from the drama (hehe), it'd just be too strange to see PHJ reprising his role, torturing to love a girl who isn't KGE. And it's highly unlikely that they'd get the entire cast, or even most of the main actors, to come along, adding to the weirdness. I'm sure he'd feel awkward about it too. He's already made it clear that he disliked how things turned out with the drama, so I'm pretty sure he'll decline if only to get it all behind him.


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If they decide with the original cast then showing what happened after would be great, if there's an entire new cast (with or without PHJ) then we'll get a remake instead?


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What?!!! Nooooo......its too soon. My wounds are not heal yet LOL.
I love PHJ, but I think he should concentrate on other projects. I don't think another CITT project will do any good for him.


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A big No, don't wanna be burn twice.. is all I am saying. .


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There is an old Chinese saying "a good horse does not eat old grass ". so for the love of mankind, or for the sake of dramafans, PHJ Oppa:

Just (don't) do it.


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I'm not even sure if this is a good idea or a bad idea?

1. The drama casting was great because of the bond they'd share. I doubt the whole cast will be included.

2. It's too soon for a Movie adaptation. You can clearly see they want money from PHJ because he's popularity skyrocketed even if the drama went downhill.

3. I'm not even sure if I will give this a try.


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I hope they only tell the story just focus on one topic in CITT that cover the overall message from the webtoon. Might be took a plot that haven't been told from the drama. This time take a story from Yoo Jung point of view is good too. The drama itself is fine and already cover the overall message, might be lack that kind of punch and detail compare to the webtoon, but still a good drama for me


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I'm in a dilemma too. On one hand, I want him to decline because it could be a stinker, especially if the female lead is not Kim Go Eun. Can't imagine anyone else in this role. On the other hand, I don't want another actor to butcher the perfect Jung that was chararacterized by PHJ....

I'm still bitter over the drama. It could have been PERFECT.


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This certainly didn't go well the first time around. I wouldn't do it if I were him. I wouldn't be too keen on jumping into something that burnt me before. That chapters over, let's move on.


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I'm still not entirely sure how I feel about this (and almost thought it wasn't true when I first saw the news, because I just did not think this would ever happen!), but if it does... I really liked Kim Go Eun as well as Seol and many of the other cast members - I'm not sure how to feel about changing around the cast for this movie, particularly when so many of them did such a great job in the drama (Park Hae Jin included, of course). I know that it's good to have change and to include new people but I wonder how much that would change the overall atmosphere and persona that was created by the cast in the drama, that really give CITT its flavour and charm.

That being said, as much as I loved Cheese in the Trap (yes, was disappointed with the last few episodes and the ending, and the later half development in some areas), do they need to make it into a movie? Is that too much? There's definitely two sides to it - either re-make it into a movie and (maybe?) rectify some of the unclear/unexplained bits in the drama, or re-making it won't add much since there was quite a bit that wasn't fully explained in the drama anyway. I don't know... I guess we shall see what happens. I'm still so surprised that this might be a thing though!


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I think it's too soon..

A refreshing conclusion/ending is all I want if this happens..

Meanwhile, the tVN drama I really want to have a movie version (aside from Season 2) is Signal ..


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My weekends haven't been the same since the end of Signal.


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Me too!


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Signal movie version is gonna be so cool though. Even cooler if all three actors are taking the part haha


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I loved A101 and I've read mostly positive reviews for Inside Men so clearly this producer knows how to pick good (and B.O. successful) projects, not to mention movie crews. My interest is piqued.


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I don't know how they could possible fit the complexity of the Enron characters into a movie or if t could do them justice. I stopped watching the show after ep 12 due to forewarning but I would liked to have a good closure. I can't see anyone other than PHJ as Jung and can't think of any actor doing him the same justice, but I would still say it's better for him as an actor to move away from the project and onto better things.


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I'm having mixed feelings about a movie version of Cheese in the Trap.. Shall see whether Park Hae Jin is taking up this offer or not first.


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What are they thinking? ! If Park Hae Jin does this movie, it will be only for his mental satisfaction to play Jung once properly. There is no need for this, just turn it down. Romcom movies never make that much money in Korea anyway.


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Agree with most of you here, NO to this project please. Let that stay in the past. Besides, Park Hae Jin already won Best Actor award for CITT in the recent cable tv awards, let that be his closure.

Maybe Soongki was really dismayed with how they trashed her work that she was even considering a movie version and quite too soon after that whole CITT debacle.


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I guess I don't share most people's opinion here as I wouldn't be against him reprising his role as Yoo Jung sunbae. It might look weird to do a movie adaptation considering we just got out from the drama version (and it sure offered some drama).

However, Park Hae Jin was definitely the perfect choice for the show and I feel like him doing the movie would be a great way to finally do justice to his character and finally show what he wanted to show in the first place.

Yet despite being okay with him being part of the cast I really hope no one else from the original cast will be offered a role...aside from my bitterness over the rest of the cast, it will be weird if everyone actually reprise their role. Might as well use what has already been filmed and make a movie instead.


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I'm actually okay with Park Hae Jin reprises his role, but I share your sentiment that no one from the original cast apart from PHJ should be cast. Personally, PHJ is the best Yoo Jung or maybe the only Jung. And he had gone so much troubles in recent months that I wanna him to repeat the role and satisfy himself, this time via a movie.

Or yeah, they could just make a movie with entirely different cast altogether.


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If this is to be made as a movie;

1) Hope we can see it more on darker side for YJ. We need to see his character's development. PHJ is the only one who can be YJ.

2) The adaptation should be made more darker. It can be heavy and not so light.

3) Accept if KGE to play Hong Seol. KGE is Hong Seol

4) No piano involves again.

5) Please just make Baek siblings as side characters only.

If the writer do a good job in adapting this in a different way than the drama itself, I am anticipating for it.

They should just forget to make this a movie if they gonna repeat the storyline same as drama / or tend to do it as a romcom.


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Agree. The movie would be better telling the story about Yoo Jung's life before Hong Seol, or his life after the breakup with Hong. That would give plenty of room for creativity and improvement.


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I've been wanting the CITT staff to re-edit the drama, lol, and show how it should go. The web-toon fan in me wants a do-over but I wouldn't blame PHJ if he was just like "nah" and left it at that.

Would love to see it done right though and if the film crew think they can, cool. But also I dunno how they could in 2 hrs. That would require some reel magic.


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Idk why I feel like I better not to hear this news,
I mean do they have enough material or they gonna make it like the drama special version ?
and I don't think it's good for PHJ to accept the offer,


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okay, so I'm torn! I want him to take it but at the same time I don't! For me, he's the only one who could really pull off Jung, he is the only Jung, without a him a CITT adaptation will NOT be the same! but after what he went through and all of BTS controversies, I don't know!

I love Park Hae Jin, and I'll be watching whatever he's in, I just want what is best for him!


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I died laughing. CITT, the gift that keeps giving...
/proceeds to sing "Let it go"...

Anyway, I'd love a movie version ONLY after the webtoon ends, and with an entire new cast.


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No... No. please do not let this happen. We do not need a movie adaptation of this. A 2 hr movie is not enough for all the character development necessary.

These people are so concerned about whether they could but they should question whether they should! (the answer is no)


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Upon seeing the title of this post, I thought, The heck?! I'm still not over the mess that happened in the show's last few episodes, along with all the public problems Park Hae-jin had with the show. It's too soon to do a CITT remake/reboot, and I sincerely hope PHJ turns the offer down. He's the perfect Yoo Jung, yes, but this is some bad energy that needs to be moved on from. There is no real need for a movie, and if they do indeed go ahead with it, I hope they get a completely new cast. PHJ doesn't need to reprise this role, he's a great actor who should move onto new projects.


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My sentiments exactly. I can understand taking it if he wants to have one last chance to play it properly with a story that's closer to Soonkki's and without a PD playing havoc with the script, but for his own sake I hope he declines.

Anyway it's just an offer, he is not the one who asked for this and neither has he confirmed.


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I don't agree that CITT went downhill because Jung wasn't given much exposure. CITT went downhill at ep 15 and 16 when the production team tried to salvage the drama by listening to PHJ fans than standing by their creative plan. Instead of taking control of the creativity, the production allowed to be taken controlled.

Why some people can't admit that BIH was a better and more interesting character than Jung? Why some people can't admit than SKJ had shown better performance in that drama than PHJ.

If I were PHJ, instead of being bitter about the CITT fiasco, I would rather objectively evaluate what went wrong, learn, move on and make sure to choose a better project.

Reprising the 'Jung' character would be a suicide in his career. He should move on and choose better roles.


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I don't mean offense to PHJ and his fans. He is a good actor but not CITT. I don't also mean any offense CITT fans. But out of my curiousity and I was extremely intrigue abouy it, I was even bothered to download the app just to check the webtoon first hand. It was all right but it wasn't as great as some people perceived it to be. Even in the webtoon, I still don't find Jung to be main character material.


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Why can't admit? More like people don't think BIH is a better character, nor SKJ did better than PHJ. Why must people admit things they really don't see? People already saw CITT went downhill from episode 8 onward when they pushed love triangle too much and the lead role was nowhere to be seen. 'People' as in general drama viewers and webtoon readers. NOT everyone complaining was PHJ fans.

CITT is a webtoon adapted to a drama. Jung is the main character, not Inho even if he is a crucial character also. In the drama, it was as clear as a day that PHJ was cast as the lead role. Then he was reduced less than a piano, and you say he's being bitter lol.


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Don't do you think because Jung didn't work? For me the Jung character was lackluster as a character to begin with and it showed in PHJ performance. He did well as a Jung but nothing was inspiring about his character that's why he was outshown.


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I think you are yye one being biased here . The drama faced criticism from the webtoon fans more than the PHJ fans. It was quite visible that even a piano was getting more screen time than the the main lead. CITT was always about jung and never about inho. And the very reason of failure of this drama was cos the "creativr team" pushed inho character too much into tye story. He ws never meant to be tye lead. I think SKJ's fans should take it easy it was never about who supported whom. It was always about creatives destroying the best pausible drama ever.


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Your opinion is of the minority and most people were outraged by the lack of Jung. He wasn't the only one being "bitter" about the "fiasco". In fact, he spoke out after things had blown up. The viewers and the webtoon artist herself complained and rightfully so.

Jung lackluster? Because I saw it the opposite way. The drama started off with loads of potential but it got lost because of a faux love triangle that got interjected midway through. I will even say that BIH's character was wasted because of this mess. He could've been interesting, but he turned out to be a regular love-starved, weepy second-lead. And that's my nice way of putting it.

Yes, Jung was the star of the show because the show was about him. Who is he, why does he act that way, why do all these people have different perspectives of him. It was about not jumping to conclusions. It was about working out imperfect relationships. It was about learning to understand each other. I'm sorry if you didn't find that to be intriguing enough, but to me, that is what I was watching the show for. I adored the show for sticking close to reality. When you start with a premise, you should stick with it.

I've only read a little bit of the webtoon so I had no attachment to it. This is the opinion I picked up early on, only through watching, before reading any complaints. Jung was not outshone. The drama deliberately manipulated the viewers using very formulaic tactics to get us to sympathize with BIH but most of us did not fall for it.


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Seol (Kim Go Eun) was the star of the show and everyone else was secondary. Like Min-Soo, and Young-Gon, Jung was just another weirdo in the long line of weirdos that Seol had to maneuver around.


Thank you! Agree completely!


The Jung character didn't work for me either largely because they showed Jung as petty and vindictive (setting a stalker on a girl for looking at you wrong in one scene) then trying to make him child like/innocent and lovable in the next scene it just didn't work on me. They should have made Jung a dark character that you could feel sympathy for (bad parenting etc) than tried to explain all his darkness away and made him lovable/understandable.


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The problem with this drama, it lost its focus. They are supposed to develop YJ & HS's character, but end up focus on love triangle. (Not to mention about BIH & his piano).

Viewers esp the webtoon readers expected something else because they know what is the webtoon all about. If it only about love triangle, why even bother adapted webtoon. They should just write their own story. This is the biggest regret especially among the viewers and the writer herself.


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Didn't you think Jung didn't work out. Jung was lackluster as a character to begin with and it showed in PHJs performance. He did probably well as Jung but nothing inspiring about his character, the reason he was outshone.


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I'm honestly surprised you thought Jung was/is a lackluster character. I suppose we all have our opinions though.
I would tend to think it is just not your cup of tea and leave it at that. There are times I don't get the appeal of a character or show despite ppl raving about it and I just figure that for whatever reason, show/character just didn't speak to me.


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Double wasn't intentionl. It was an error on my part.


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*double post


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"CITT went downhill at ep 15 and 16 when the production team tried to salvage the drama by listening to PHJ fans than standing by their creative plan"

You do know that this drama is pre-produced, don't you? PHJ also claimed that they were many scenes filmed but not aired.The problem with drama was lost on its focus after epi 8. Not only YJ's character but also KGE's character.

"Why some people can’t admit that BIH was a better and more interesting character than Jung? Why some people can’t admit than SKJ had shown better performance in that drama than PHJ."

Did YJ & BIH are same characters? I can imagine many others to fit BIH but not so many can fit YJ. BIH is just typical second lead character which I dont find interesting, but he has his own charm as a second lead. SKJ's acting is yet to be the same level with PJH, and not the same level with KGE too.

You may not understand about the fuss of this drama. It is not only because of PHJ's less screentime & exposure compared to SKJ. And this also not to judge who are better in acting or who had shown better performance.


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Agree to disagree but I would stand by my opinion. The Jung character was not inspiring at all. Even the 'Seol' character was the same. Two characters were so dull. What an awful combo!

Lead character being outshone is 'such as life' could happen.

I would also stand by my opinion the SKJ outshone PHJ in that drama. 'Such as life'

I wish PHJ the best in his next project. I would stand my opinion that reprising his role in CITT would not be a good career choice unless if he would further wants to waste his talent.


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Joining the praying circle for PHJ for the best in his next project and forget this crap. For KGE too. What a wasted talents.

I would stand in my opinion SKJ is not in any way outshone PHJ and KGE. The only luck he has because he has too much screen times. He is just typical second lead drama, but good for him because finally he is recognized as an actor. I was surprised to see him in CITT because he improved compared to his previous dramas. Just give him the light weight roles, then he can nail it.


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The production could still re-edit what they had before airing.


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Thing was then why did they portray Jung as the main character in the posters in the first place (the poster pic with just Jung and Seol)? They could have made it with 3 of them in it to make it more ambiguous? (Though honestly I never felt that it was a really strong love triangle Inho was just family.) The drama just didn't fuse the main characters together well enough like they were all different dramas although they were supposed to be intertwined. Jung scenes suddenly became like the commercial after his internship started. (Or I just get misaeng vibes from those scenes oops)
I guess if the whole cast feels regretful about the drama and wants to redo it as a movie it's worth a try? If not there's no point.. A brand new cast can redo it many years later (maybe as a taiwan drama??)


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PHJ should move on from this franchise. He deserves better roles at this stage of his career.


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I don't agree that the acting quality was off in this drama. I think most of the actors did a really great job. I do however agree that the controversy was grossly overblown and frankly childish. It's only a webtoon after all and much more important works of fiction have been altered and redone countless times on film. I think it's unfortunate that Seo Kang Joon is still receiving hateful comments about his role when he should be celebrating it's success. It was a ratings hit and it did prove he could pull off a big role. Now he's having to sue people for continuing to harass him over a television drama. It's just silly.


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I do agree with you. Most actors did really well. I may have said SKJ did better and outshone PHJ because of their respective characters. I don't know how the webtoon followers view these characters but for a drama, Jung, the character is less inspiring and boring. Jung and Seol; these two characters have the same vibe, too cold for a main character. Even how good KGE was, she wasn't able to make her character likable.

The stalker was even more interesting and the actor who played the character did pretyy well too.

On the other hand, BIH, he has more heart. He was a character who struggled yet retained the warmth for humanity. SKJ did a fantastic job for this character. I give him credit for that. Though I feel sorry for him for the hates he is receiving which he does not deserve.

For PHJ, he totally deserves a better role.


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i enjoyed the drama until I started seeing all the comments. I wish I had just watched and not bothered reading any of the controversy. it was frustrating to see so many people getting bent out of shape over a television show. As for the two actors I'm not a huge fan of either one. I don't find Park Hye Jin or Seo Kang joon very attractive or that great at acting anyway. Everyone thinks they're both so good looking but I fail to see it. I can take either one or leave them. Neither are a big draw for me when choosing which drama to watch.


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If you'd rather objectively evaluate, then how did you arrive to the conclusion that Inho is the better and more interesting character? Or that SKJ performed better than PHJ?

I'm not taking sides. It's not really that I dislike Inho or SKJ or that I love PHJ. But CitT wasn't about Inho or his piano. And, okay, let's say Inho was more interesting(imo, not more but he was before he was overexposed), giving him more screentime because of it is "the production allowing to be taken controlled".

(Most?)Cheese viewers are disappointed because the drama lost focus. Wasn't it about Seol and the mysterious Sunbae, Jung? Wasn't it their story, apart and together? That's why most haven't gotten over it.


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Yeah .. it's been said over and over again about why people disappointed, but some people don't just understand. Before I watched CITT, I've read the webtoon until half of it and read people's comments about it. I always skipped Inho's parts in the webtoon since I never found him interesting. Plus, there were not many of them to begin with. Jung-Seol's relationship seemed 'small' ..but became bigger and sweater for me. That's why, I was so annoyed when they made the love triangle bigger and , instead of focusing the story of Jung-Seol, they added the scenes of piano.

Drama Inho was made more sympathetic than the webtoon, because I liked him more there (in the first place, when the story was still okay). People who didn't read the webtoon couldn't notice that, of course.


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I found BIH was better in the drama. How? That's my preference. Even if he was a disturbed and lost person, I can feel the warmth of him as a person.

Jung? How can he be better? He is just evil and manipulative. He was cold inside and out. Usually you like someone who appeared to be cold outside because that person was actually very warm inside. But Jung was just plain cold. Or was Jung supposedly a nice person inside? Sorry I did not feel that in PHJ's performance.


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Having said that, PHJ deserves a better role than from this teenybooper story.


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What you feel is like a book lovers frustration when her favourite book is adapted into a movie which doesn't deliver exactly what's in the book.


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