Park Eun-bin joins EXO’s Kai in web drama Choco Bank

Are web dramas the future of scripted content and Hallyu, or is the industry just trying to make fetch happen? It’s hard to say with SO many web dramas in production these days, but so few of them breaking out of the pack to be very memorable. Well, I don’t suppose I have any problem with producers experimenting and putting out more content, and giving actors more work. I just want dramaland to hit upon how to make them to really work with the short format, which I think it’s still figuring out.

Choco Bank is the name of one web drama currently in the works, which started out by casting EXO idol Kai in a leading role. It has now cast Park Eun-bin as his co-star, and promises to depict a fresh romance and youthful struggles, centered around its two twentysomething leads. Choco Bank both appeals to my love of puns and makes me groan at it, because it’s a super literal title: The guy’s name is Eun Haeng (eun-haeng means bank) and the girl’s name is Ha Choco. Geddit? It’s both cute and lame, but it makes me smile.

In the story, Choco is a bright, cheery young woman who runs a chocolate shop. Of course she does. Frankly I’m disappointed that Eun Haeng doesn’t work at a bank; instead, he’s unemployed and aiming to enter the workforce. The two meet in a chance encounter, and Eun Haeng ends up working with Choco, facing every situation that confronts him with determination.

I may be the opposite of the web drama’s target audience in that I know very little about Kai (readers, enlighten me!), but am perking up in interest about Park Eun-bin, because she is a really talented young actress with a promising career ahead of her, and I love her even if I haven’t loved her shows quite as much (Secret Door, Gu-am Heo Jun, Operation Proposal). I do think her skills are put to better use in nuanced, serious roles, but this sounds like a light, cute turn for both leads.

Choco Bank is planning to release online and on mobile platforms in mid-February.

Via Sports Donga


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Hmmm...seems all Exo members are crawling into the drama world.


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God saves us all!


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Let's make a prayer circle. LOL


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I'm an Exo fan but even I don't want them to act cos, well, seriously, if it's not DO, they're just gonna embarrass themselves.


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because they know being an idol is short lived. they better start looking for a career with longer life span.


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Better milk out that $$$ when they can - wont blame them tho.

In saying that, DO was really good in I Remember You - such a chilling performance, I reckon he was even better than the adult actor playing the same character.


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Agree. I'm not an Exo fan so I don't follow them and when I watched IRY, I didn't know that DO is idol at all. I seriously thought he was a trained actor like the rest of the cast. Such a chilling and convincing performance. :)


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Right, he was fantastic. But so was Choi Won-Young as the adult version. Both were great and I think the role was choice for any actor.


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I don't mind D.O getting more roles, he's an amazing actor. But the rest are just meeh to me.


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You guys are a riot. But seriously, thank the Lord (going along with this theme) that a lot of the idol actors are being cast in the short format. Because some can be excruciating to watch in a longer drama along seasoned actors. Better to let them get their feet wet in the short format along with other newbies and some select veterans, and the wheat can be separated from the chaff. Ha, I could go on with this theme all evening!


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"Frankly I’m disappointed that Eun Haeng doesn’t work at a bank..."

I ROFLed tbh.

The title is more lame than cute. I'm really not fond of web dramas tbh, most have such weird pace and storylines. I just wish they'd cast more idol actresses in it and have the real ones do dramas instead. But that's just me, maybe it'll turn out awesome and make Park Eun-bin more recognized.


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yeah, there's something rather wrong about the fact that the likes of Kim Ji-won, Kim Seul-gi and Park Eun-bin can't get lead roles in anything other than web dramas, while far less talented actresses scoop up Big 3 lead roles all over the place.


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To add another one, Kim So Eun. I still cannot believe she did a web drama few months ago, even her partner was a member of EXO.


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Yeah seriously it should be idols in the web dramas and actresses in the real dramas, not the other way around.

Obviously some idols like Eunji/Sooyoung etc are good, but others....


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i wouldn't put my money on kai's acting skills even as an exo fan. he's a talented but dancer but im not sure of his pursuit of acting. i'll be happy if he proves me wrong but i still wouldn't count on it


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But he expresses himself very well on stage...down to the minute stuff..Hope he does that before cameras as well


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Why oh why is she not leading broadcast dramas? Not even throwaway rom coms?!


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Hmm bad management? You don't need talent to make it big, you need a good company.


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Kai is my favorite member of EXO. He's absolutely adorable and I hope he pulls this web drama off. It's only 6 episodes that will be 10 minutes in length. I'm happy he's branching out from dancing to try something new.


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I agree! Kai is very hardworking and I don't think he would start acting unless he was prepared to put his all into it, so I'm anticipating how he'll do.


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I'm not a fan of most web dramas. I think I just struggle a bit with the very short episodes. Seems like things get cut short when things are just starting to happen. I would prefer if they did longer episode with less overall episodes, but that's probably just me.


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I have no clue on his acting skills but I can enlighten you about Kai as a person!

He is an adorable puppy of a human and an amazing dancer and I can't think of a single person who doesn't like him.

And that's the gist of it, haha.


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Think of me. ;D


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I actually like web dramas, if they're done well. The short format means there's less chance for all the stuff I hate cluttering up an otherwise good drama, like needless angst, repeated flashbacks, potential in-law meddling, or second-lead issues. It cuts out everything but the good stuff, like eating only the icing on a cake. I mean, most of the time, I've also seen web dramas that suck.


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I dunno why we don't see more of Park Eun-bin. I liked Operation Proposal and thought she did well in secret door.

General i am not expecting much from a kpop idol also presuming this is his first acting stint?

Will see how it is.


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The only EXO member who seems to have acting talent is D.O (according to what I've read). Now I don't know what the other members worth but I'm not i' the urge to know.


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what's wrong with kai, s eyes...


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I think he had some sort of eye infection recently :/


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Are they really good web dramas?


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Secret Message with TOP and Ueno Juri was good for most of its run. Kinda fizzled out towards the end. I really enjoyed the web drama Seo In Guk and Wang Ji Won did a couple years ago, "Another Parting." I didn't finish "Love Cells," but what I did watch was promising. Other than those I've been pretty underwhelmed by Korean web dramas so far.


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Just finished watching High-End Crush, 20 episodes, 15 minutes each. It was a fun watch! :)


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Be Arrogant, Twenty Years Old and Love Cells were all really good.

and of course, Splish Splash Love was spectacularly good.


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I also liked One Sunny Day


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Splish Splash Love :DDDD


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Well, splish splash love isn't really a web drama. It is more like a drama special. But yeah, that was really good.


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It is a web drama. It was released first on web (Naver) then aired on MBC.


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Splash splash love is my most favorite kdrama of 2015 - even though it is (unfortunately) the shortest of them all.


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Why Park Eun-bin whyyyy. Oh well, she's only 23. Lots of time to do good stuff in the future.


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I became a fan of Park Eun Bin after Secret Door because this girl can definitely act. Would love to see her in tv dramas more. I guess would watch this one for her.


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Is Choco a pretty common Korean name? I remember the little sister of the hero in Innocent Man (?) had that name too, and I just thought it was a nickname, but now, this girl has that name, too.


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I personally do not like EXO much and Kai is not a strong singer at all (IMO), but he is a really gifted and charismatic dancer--maybe it is his previous training in ballet. It will be interesting to see whether his ease and charisma in dance can translate to acting.


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I haven't seen Park Eun-bin since Operation Proposal!! I like Kai in his group Exo. He's charismatic when he dances. Lets just hope he's a decent actor....lol.


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And here I thought Nice Guy's Choco would be the last one. Still reminds me of a dog's name.


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I am going to pretend that this casting news didn't happen.


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Me too.

I did the same too when Kim So Eun acted on web drama with a member of EXO as well last year. I didn't even watch it, just see few clips and pics posted on social media.


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A video of Kai very clearly and succinctly saying the n-word surfaced a few years ago and since then I don't have much to do with him. I mean, I never did, because I don't care much about kpop, but I he's definitely on my is-not-fly list. He gets made fun of a lot in his group because of his 'dark' skin, so I don't actively hate him and mostly feel bad for him, but I will certainly be missing this and anything else he puts out.

(I'm not going to look for active links to post here, because that's a burden I don't want to put up with, but a quick google might set you right.)


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lol choosing not to forgive kids for being ignorant when they were young. I think that says more about you than you think. as for the skin tone thing, it's something done among friends. It's akin to my friends jokingly picking on my short height. My height is as much a combination of genetics and environment as Kai's skin tone is but I don't see myself bothered by it. Kai himself uses it to describe himself on shows which to me means he doesn't have any insecurities about it, as he shouldn't. Why should he be bothered if they tell him his skin tone is darker than the other members' and thus not like the average? It's the truth, not a lie. And if they say his skin is black (as in the literal color) why should he bother when it's obvious with anyone with eyes that it's an exaggeration? I think it's super selective of people to take these things out of context and overlook so many things that we say that are similar.


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I think when you grow up in a country that has no history of slavery (by that I mean of a different ethnic group, it's not like they did not have their own version of it but it was all based on social class) and very little racial diversity (and thus less racial oppression and abuse), the n-word is something you mostly associate with hiphop lyrics, and unless someone takes the trouble to educate you on racial relations in the US, for example, or you spend enough time in the country to realize what it is really like, there is no way you'd be aware of the weight that the word carries. I say it because I came to the US having grown up in a pretty homogeneous country and despite having seen TV shows that portrayed racism and oppression in America I had no idea what things were like until I had spent a few months here. I also was not aware of just how insulting using the n-word was unless you were African American. Just saying. This certainly shows he's ignorant (like most people are of other faraway peoples and cultures). But I don't think it is enough to show that he is racist or insensitive. He may be, but there's no way to know.


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I don't have any feelings about Exo and dread their acting, and your decision to avoid Kai's work is for your own reasons which I respect.

But generally, do you really expect people in every country to be aware of what is insulting in every other country? Korea has a lot of hip hop music but not many black people, and do we really expect an idol of all people to be taught or know about all this? I heard the word so often in rap lyrics, I didn't know till recently that non black people saying it was not OK. There should be more awareness but obviously some individuals don't know.


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You guys seem to be jumping through hoops trying to defend this fellow. You're allowed to like him, but let's not play these games, you guys.

1. Korea has been exposed to black people since WW2. Many Koreans know, like many people with access to the internet know, how black people feel about people who are not black saying the n-word.

2. Colorism has absolutely everything to do with racism. Mocking someone for their skin tone is not okay. The reason people with darker skin tones are looked down upon is that historically, darker skin meant you worked outside in the sun all day, like a servant . . . or a slave. That's as true in Asia as it is in America. In historically, people have not been systematically killed and oppressed because of their height. Comparing the two is ridiculous and insensitive, and I wish you would stop.

3. I specifically said I don't hate Kai, but I won't be watching or supporting anything he puts out. What part of that statement came across as inviting you to explain his actions or defend him to me? I saw the video, I did not like it, I don't support him. You can tell me that I don't know if he's racist or not, but the fact is that I don't have to support someone who I perceive as racist. You can't tell me how to feel about it.

In summation, colorism is real, google is real, and if you would go ahead and do that instead of trying to convince me of something I will never be convinced of, this conversation would be a lot more productive.


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Also, I was going to let this go, but @pigsnout, did you really think that saying you didn't know that the n-word was offensive before you moved was a good point? Could you please explain to me how? I'm just confused by it, every time something like this comes up.

Let me please just tell you, regardless: if you had access to rap songs made by black artists, then you had access to black books and black literature. You chose to listen to the music and enjoy the culture, but you didn't choose to listen to the struggle and thoughts of black people. You wanted to have the fun side of the culture without engaging with the history and politics of the culture. And you think saying that is proving a point? How? Ignorance is not an excuse, especially in the internet age. It's not that you didn't know what the n-word meant to black people, it's that you didn't care to know.

p.s. - Once again, I'm not going to go find the video and post it for you, because it is potentially triggering. But it's not a simple matter of him saying "what's up, my n*gga" like some of these other idols get caught saying. It's much, much worse.


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@hello - I said I respect your reasons for not watching him, but you seem to be determined to take offence at something I never even said. I never moved anywhere and I live in a country with no black people, but you seem to think I should automatically know or be curious about the things that cause offence in your country?

My English is not that good, and I am not sure why you insist I had access to black books and literature just because I heard rap songs sometimes on our radio/TV channels. I heard the word often in those songs so I thought it was just insulting slang like 'bitch' or other words and took no more interest in it, I don't like swearing in songs. Google only happens if you get curious about something, otherwise you don't even know that there is more to find out or related subjects. And I don't even understand what you are saying about wanting the 'fun' side of the culture, hearing some rap songs on a TV channel means you have to go and study everything about it first? Then do we have to study Korean history and politics too because we watch dramas?

I also don't understand what you mean by triggering but I belive you if you say the video is bad. Obviously you were offended when I said I don't know no one but black people is allowed to say the word, and I apologise for that but it is the truth. I never knew until last year when that Azealea white rapper got made fun of for being racist and having plastic surgery , that her saying the word was not OK the same way that a black rapper would be. And all that was explained only in English, which at least I can read easily.


I'm sorry if I made you feel like I was attacking you. I was specifically talking to you, but also using the general "you" to discuss the prevailing attitudes towards black culture. When I said "you had access to black books and black thought", I meant the internet is full and free for anyone and everyone. There are tons and tons of resources to better your understanding. If you have no interest, that's your perogative; you seem not to be interested in black culture at all, or at least very minimally. That's all well and good, but kpop and kpop idols piggyback off of black culture to an almost absurd degree. Even if you're not interested, they should be. People who want to immerse themselves in a culture should do it all the way, taking the good with the bad and the easy with the very hard.

As for studying Korean history and politics because we watch dramas, I will freely admit to being a giant nerd and studying up on modern Korean history from the 1920s-on. I believe it gives me a deeper understanding of the culture and helps me contextualize some of the attitudes in dramas that used to puzzle me. Also, it's fascinating in and of itself.


He's my favorite member of EXO and I was not aware of this incident until now. After seeing the video it actually took me a few times to catch it but it does seem like he said it.

I obviously am not okay with the use of that word nor do I think it's true that he doesn't know what it means. I do think we have to account for a certain level of cultural ignorance. They aren't often exposed to people of other races and think nothing of saying such offensive things when they are such an ethnocentric and homogenous country. That being said, I still don't think it is okay. I absolutely am not justifying it.

However, as far as I know he has not had any other incidents of doing this sort of thing (at least in front of a camera). I love BTS but Rap Monster has had several incidents of this nature to the point that it is clear that he is not listening to the fans that are hurt by his actions or just does not care.

I just think it is a bit ridiculous to write off everyone who does anything remotely offensive, but it is of course a personal decision as to whether or not one feels the need to do so. I just wish South Korean media would learn to better address these incidents or that celebrities would at least learn to watch what they say in front of a camera/audience.


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That was a very reasonable response. I'm not a fan of rap monster either, for the same reason. The reason I don't pay attention to either of these idols' output is because there's no point in becoming a fan of someone who is clearly not a fan of you or people that look like you. I say this because every time something like this happens, what could really make it better is a single, sincere apology. Instead, what we see is fans making excuses and dead silence from the idols themselves. I understand a degree of cultural ignorance, but it's a global village, y'all. We're put into contact with idols the same way they are put into contact with us. Not one apology has been heard yet, so... welp.


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The incident with Rap monster in July he should've apologized for. But people handled it so badly that I'm no surprised he didn't. Instead of explaining to him the entirety of why it was wrong and then telling him to apologize they just went crazy.


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I can't tell any of the EXO boys apart, except for Do Kyungsoo, who i've seen in IOTL and IRY.

EXO has started to break apart, what with three members always out. So it's not surprising that first Baekhyun and now Jongin are getitng into acting. Hope they surprise me, and can be as good as Kyungsoo.

I've never seen Park Eun-bin act before, but if she's being placed in the same category as Seul-Gi, So Eun and Ji Won then she's gotta be good. Looking forward to see her act.


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Kyungsoo was shockingly good in IRY. I had not expected it at all.


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He was pretty good in It's Okay That's Love too. For an idol who made his first acting stint in a drama, I thought it was impressive.


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Kai is EXO member, he is good at dancing,
idk about acting, maybe the roles fits he and he bring lots of viewer, like a lot of them


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Im absolutely going to watch this one..
Im not an exo-L but seriously this kid has those aura that drag you down..
he's so lovable ._.


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EXO Next Door was a cute/fun/web drama


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Besause SM drama always flop now they producing web drama only!


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