Oh My Ghostess: Episode 14
by girlfriday
It’s a rough day to be Sun-woo, because there’s hardly a moment for him to process his complicated feelings before a new bomb gets dropped in his lap, which could very well implode his whole family. It only took fourteen episodes, but we finally have our three leads sleuthing their way towards the truth together, and whaddyua know—they make actual progress in the mystery.
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After reuniting outside ajusshi’s restaurant, Sun-woo and Bong-sun sit on the swings at the park, and he asks why she named her blog You Are My Sunshine. She’s surprised that he even knows about it at all, and instead of admitting that he’s a fan, he just acts like it’s obvious that he knows everything about her.
He wants to know who Kyung-mo is and why he took a hit from the guy, though he says he doesn’t mind so much since it was a weak hit and he found out where she was staying. Bong-sun explains that Kyung-mo is Soon-ae’s kid brother, and that he must’ve been drawn to her when she was possessed.
Sun-woo scoffs that she’s made fools of a lot of guys, and wonders aloud which one he himself was drawn to—Bong-sun or the ghost? Well, that’s the question, isn’t it? He asks about some of the moments they’ve shared, and she admits forlornly that they were all with the ghost, except for the bike-thief-catching.
She confirms that the sex-crazed version of her was the ghost too, and he sighs that he feels like he did something wrong without knowing it, like he somehow cheated on her with a ghost. He admits that her sudden change in personality did draw him in, and that he was always so harsh on her in the past because he identified with her passive nature so much.
He acknowledges that he fell for the ghost and her epic aegyo, and Bong-sun says quietly that the ghost unni genuinely liked him too. She’s startled when a different ghost passes by in front of them, and when she tells Sun-woo what she saw, he crouches near her, complaining that she felt the need to share.
He’s so scared that he jumps when she puts a hand on his shoulder, but he quickly grabs onto it and declares, “I’m never letting go of this hand from now on! And I’m not saying that because I’m scared.” Hee.
Soon-ae collects her thoughts and heads to Dad’s place to talk to Bong-sun, and hides when she sees her arriving hand-in-hand with Sun-woo, looking like a happy couple. Bong-sun doesn’t want to go back to Sun, so he agrees to look into somewhere else for her to go, and reluctantly sends her in.
Soon-ae is waiting inside and chides Bong-sun for going outside when she warned her to be careful. She shares her recent discovery that Officer Sung-jae is somehow involved in Eun-hee’s hit-and-run case, and that she’s possessing a police officer to get more info. Soon-ae: “But you’re still my favorite body, so don’t be jealous!” Ha.
They agree not to tell Sun-woo until they know for sure if it’s true, both worried about how it’ll affect Sun-woo and his sister. Bong-sun asks if she’s okay, and Soon-ae waves off her concern, insisting that she has more important things to worry about, like her death, to be mooning over Chef.
Sung-jae mulls over what he knows so far about Soon-ae and Bong-sun, and wonders where Soon-ae has hidden herself now. He glances over at his locked drawer, and gack—he notices that the lock has been fiddled with. He opens it up and finds the diary still inside.
Sun-woo comes home and looks up the Sunshine blog again, wondering if maybe it’s named Sunshine because of him. He calls Bong-sun acting like he’s just checking to make sure she turned her phone on like he ordered, but ends up lingering on the line long after she’s fallen asleep.
The assistant chefs want to hire a new maknae to handle the workload, and Sun-woo agrees to let them interview and hire someone new. Joon is the only one to speak up against the idea in case Bong-sun comes back, but the others say that they could just have two assistants then.
Soon-ae returns to the police station but finds Sung-jae’s drawer unlocked and the diary gone. His partner Officer Han is especially on edge as he awaits the lab results from the evidence he found, and practically jumps out of his skin when Sung-jae approaches. I really wish you’d be less obvious, because Sung-jae looks like he’s onto you.
The assistant chefs hold job interviews for a new maknae, and ugghhhhh, it’s such a rampantly sexist set of interviews, I can’t even. Suffice to say, they hire a hot girl purely for her looks, much to Joon’s dismay (thank goodness one of you isn’t a Neanderthal), and then of course it goes fantastically awry once they put her to work.
She can’t touch snails because they’re gross, she actually thinks it’s okay to call Sun-woo oppa, and talks on the phone during her shift. Sun-woo explodes and tells her to get the hell out of his kitchen before he starts swearing at her, and tells Min-soo he’ll no longer be interviewing anyone. Really, it’s your fault for thinking that guy could be trusted to pick an employee for their skills.
Sun-woo immediately calls Bong-sun and begs her to reconsider taking her job back. He takes a second call from Sung-jae’s partner Officer Han, who asks him to meet over an urgent matter concerning his sister’s accident. He asks Sun-woo not to say anything to Sung-jae about this, which alarms him.
They agree to meet, and Officer Han heads over straight from the crime lab, where he’s just been given proof that Sung-jae was the one who attacked him in the parking lot. He sniffles back tears as he drives, and Sung-jae radios him to ask where he’s gone. Uh-oh.
When he’s stopped at a light, suddenly his passenger door opens and Sung-jae hops in, dressed in his all-black killing uniform. He picks up the envelope in the seat and gives the creeeepiest smile ever, and the next thing we know, the police car is tumbling down the side of a cliff as Sung-jae watches from above.
Officer Han’s phone rings as Sun-woo waits and waits, and Sung-jae lights the evidence on fire.
After getting word of what happened, Sun-woo runs to Officer Han’s funeral in shock and disbelief. Sung-jae is there, of course, taking care of his partner’s loved ones.
Sun-woo is about to tell him that they were going to meet today, but remembers at the last second that Officer Han warned him not to say anything to Sung-jae. He keeps his mouth shut, thank goodness, and seems to become wary of Sung-jae.
Medium Unni is worried as well when she learns of Officer Han’s death from Mom, and realizes that all of these events are connected to Eun-hee’s accident. Sun-woo heads to the restroom but hangs back for a second when he sees Sung-jae at the sink, and it sends a chill down his spine when Sung-jae whistles happily and flashes a smile in the mirror.
Bong-sun and Soon-ae are convinced that Sung-jae killed his partner, and decide that it’s time to tell Sun-woo what they know.
Eun-hee is emotional over Officer Han’s death and worried that something bad will happen to Sung-jae too, and Sun-woo tries to reassure her.
Bong-sun calls to say that they need to talk, and when she arrives at the restaurant, she tells him that the ghost is here with her. Sun-woo backs away and looks around fearfully, but invites Soon-ae to sit down at the table, cautiously offering her a chair.
Bong-sun tells him that they think Sung-jae is responsible for his partner’s death, and that all of this is due to his involvement in Eun-hee’s hit-and-run. Soon-ae believes that he’s tied to her death as well, and asks Sun-woo to recover her diary because there must be evidence inside.
Sun-woo is floored, but he admits that it isn’t unbelievable. He tells Bong-sun about Officer Han wanting to meet with him just before dying, and he heads out for a drink on his own to clear his head.
He still can’t reconcile the Sung-jae he’s known for three years with the person who’d commit those crimes, and he thinks back to the moment when Sung-jae saved his sister from killing herself, and how happy she was when they announced their engagement. Sung-jae was always the picture-perfect loving husband from the start.
After some soju, Sun-woo can’t help himself and returns to the funeral home to see Sung-jae. Sun-jae walks him out and says he’ll probably be here all night, and Sun-woo stops to say that he and Eun-hee depend on him a lot. It’s abrupt enough that it raises Sung-jae’s suspicions, though he responds in kind, and that they’re the only family he has.
Sun-woo comes home to find Bong-sun waiting for him on the stairs because she was worried about him. He asks what she’d do if he were drunk—piggyback him? She says she would, and he laughs that getting a ride from Stalker (the dog, heh) would be better.
Bong-sun worries that he’s going through such a difficult time, and he sighs that the bombs have been dropping nonstop lately between her and Sung-jae. She coaches him on finding some inner peace, a life lesson she learned from Kung Fu Panda.
He laughs at first, but when she says earnestly that she’s been through a lot of rough things in her life and that finding inner peace has helped her cope, he listens intently. She tells him that all things—happy or sad—will pass, and he says that it’s a relief that she’s by his side.
She stretches out her arms and offers him a hug, and he jokes that her personality has changed—is she possessed? She assures him that she’s Bong-sun, arms open wide, and he melts into her hug with a sigh. She pats him on the back and tells him that everything’s going to be okay.
Sun-woo goes to Mom’s house early the next morning and makes sure that Sung-jae won’t be coming home before he asks Eun-hee and Mom to make him breakfast. He hurries into the study to look for the diary, and finally finds it in the secret suitcase.
But ack, Sung-jae has decided to come home to change clothes before work. Thankfully Eun-hee requests his help opening a jar in the kitchen, and it’s just long enough for Sun-woo to put the room back as it was and rush off. Mom is confused since Sun-woo’s the one who asked for breakfast, and Sung-jae watches curiously.
Bong-sun takes Dad up on the offer to stay a little longer, which makes him happy since it’s like having a daughter around again. Bong-sun says that her parents died when she was young so she has no memory of her father, but would’ve loved to have a dad like him. Aw.
She asks cautiously why Soon-ae might’ve killed herself, when she looks like such a happy person in all her photos. Dad sighs that he doesn’t understand it either. His biggest regret in life is not answering the phone that night—he missed a call from Soon-ae the night she died because his battery was dead.
She left him a voicemail with no words, just some indecipherable sounds, and to this day he can’t bring himself to delete it. He steps outside when a visitor comes by, and Bong-sun looks down at his phone. Listen to the message! Do eeeet!
Sun-woo and Bong-sun go to Medium Unni’s house to meet with Soon-ae, who asks to see her diary. Bong-sun takes out Dad’s phone too, which she poached for the message that Soon-ae left, in the hopes that it’ll be another piece of evidence.
Sun-woo asks Bong-sun to include him in the conversation and tell him what the ghost is saying. Medium Unni thinks that’s too bothersome to do and tells Soon-ae to possess her instead. Yes, please.
The instant she’s in Unni’s body, she looks over at Sun-woo with adoring eyes and calls him Chef, and he tries not to be totally weirded out by all this. They flip through the diary and Soon-ae stops them at the number 2368 that’s scribbled on the last page, and all she knows is that it’s unfamiliar to her.
Bong-sun plays the voicemail that Soon-ae sent to Dad the night she died, and it’s a series of beeps. Sun-woo figures out that the sounds are from a phone keypad, and replays it until he gets all the numbers: 535-2368. They assume it’s a phone number, but the number doesn’t exist when they try calling.
Soon-ae berates herself for not being able to remember her own messages, and Sun-woo tells her not to strain herself to remember, belatedly tacking on a polite ending because he doesn’t really know how to address her anymore.
Bong-sun contemplates the number and asks if one of the fives could be the letters for oh [five] instead, which could make it a license plate number. Sun-woo high-fives her and Soon-ae feels a little left out when they leave her hanging, but she says she’ll possess the police officer to look up the license plate.
Sun-woo walks Bong-sun home and wonders what happens if that license plate ends up being Sung-jae’s, and hopes that they’re wrong. He’s nervous about leaving Bong-sun here and asks if she won’t come back to stay with him at Sun, but Bong-sun doesn’t want to leave ajusshi so abruptly.
So-hyung is at the restaurant when Sun-woo returns, and he tells her that he has to quit the cooking show for personal reasons. She half-jokes that she’ll just have to lose her job then, and he’s too distracted with worry over Eun-hee that he just thanks her for getting him out of it.
Soon-ae heads to the police station, but finds Officer Kang wailing on Sung-jae’s shoulder over his partner’s death. Soon-ae waits impatiently for her to separate herself from Sung-jae, and possesses her when she comes outside to dry her tears.
She heads inside and goes straight to the computer to look up the license plate, though she has to try a number of passwords to even get past the login screen. Eep, she’s acting so suspicious around Sung-jae, it’s making me nervous.
She finally gets logged in and hurriedly types in the license plate number… and Sung-jae’s car registration pops up. She closes all the screens and rushes outside to call Bong-sun, and tells her that she must’ve tried to leave Sung-jae’s license plate as a message before she died.
She asks Bong-sun to tell Chef and agrees to meet later, but as soon as she hangs up, Sung-jae approaches from behind and muses that he didn’t know Officer Kang had taken such an interest in him.
He heard everything and asks why she’s so curious about his car, and when she tries to walk past him, he grabs her by the throat and leans in menacingly: “Who are you?” She struggles to breathe, and then suddenly Sung-jae’s phone rings, and the melody brings Soon-ae’s memories flooding back.
She flashes back to the night of her death, when she witnessed Eun-hee lying in the middle of the street after Sung-jae hit her with his car (twice? I think he rolls over her a second time, which… shudder). And then later when she’s lying on his bathroom floor, his ringtone is the last thing she hears before dying.
Officer Kang passes out, and that forces Soon-ae out of her body. Sung-jae shoves Officer Kang aside and smiles as he looks past her: “You’ve appeared at last, Shin Soon-ae.” Aaaaaaaah ruuuuuuun!
This episode can’t really compare to the emotional payoffs of the recent episodes before it, but it was necessary to move our plot forward, and frankly I’ve been waiting and waiting for the show to focus on Soon-ae’s death. The mystery has taken such a backseat to the romance that it almost felt like an hour spent catching everyone up on what we’ve already suspected for quite some time. And it’s another instance where I would’ve preferred to let Sun-woo be conflicted for a little longer—his disbelief-to-acceptance turnover rate has been on hyper-speed since Episode 13, which does make the last quarter of the show feel somewhat rushed. Ultimately it’s fine because we’ve known for weeks that Sung-jae is evil and that he’s running around killing people, and I can’t argue that our good guys haven’t wasted a lot of precious time focused on hormones instead of crime-solving.
Now that we’ve confirmed the likely scenario—that Soon-ae witnessed Eun-hee’s hit-and-run and Sung-jae killed her before she could say anything to cover up the first crime—I’m more curious about what possessed him to save Eun-hee from killing herself and then of all things, to marry her. Is there some kind of sick satisfaction in having her believe that he’s her savior, when in fact he’s responsible for her greatest tragedy? Or worse, does he actually love her, and did he orchestrate all of it in order to make her feel indebted to him? I can’t tell with him because his violence seems random unless he’s killing specifically to cover up his past crimes. It’s horrible to think that Soon-ae might suffer twice at his hands, but this time I trust Sun-woo and Bong-sun to come to her rescue.
It was great to finally get Soon-ae, Bong-sun, and Sun-woo in a room together, partly because we can actually move forward in solving the mystery when they put their heads together, but mostly because of all the awkward lingering feelings that are still unresolved between them. I really appreciated Sun-woo’s honesty today, because the whole picture really is more complicated than him falling for just one or the other—he’s cared about Bong-sun and worried about her from the start, but admits that it was her sudden change in personality that made him look at her differently, and he fell for Soon-ae. The fact that he doesn’t know how to separate the two, or that he worries that he cheated on her inadvertently, is enough to ease my concerns with the problematic love triangle.
Sometimes all it takes is having the characters voice my concerns out loud to each other—they don’t have to come up with a pat answer, but I do need to know that these things bother them, that it’s unclear where his feelings begin and end for Soon-ae, and that both Sun-woo and Bong-sun are worried about the kind of relationship they can build on their rocky foundation. But they’ve already demonstrated how supportive and loving they can be, and how much Sun-woo can’t stand to be apart from Bong-sun, and how much that affection builds up her confidence in turn. She’s become so bright and full of life, and now she’s the first to reach out to him and offer comfort and warmth, whether he’s afraid of ghosts or scared for his family, and he’s the one begging her to take her job back because no one else is as good. You’ve come a long way, Na Bong-sun.
- Oh My Ghostess: Episode 13
- Oh My Ghostess: Episode 12
- Oh My Ghostess: Episode 11
- Oh My Ghostess: Episode 10
- Oh My Ghostess: Episode 9
- Dramabeans Podcast #29
- Oh My Ghostess: Episode 8
- Oh My Ghostess: Episode 7
- Oh My Ghostess: Episode 6
- Oh My Ghostess: Episode 5
- Oh My Ghostess: Episode 4
- Oh My Ghostess: Episode 3
- Oh My Ghostess: Episode 2
- Oh My Ghostess: Episode 1
Tags: featured, Jo Jung-seok, Kim Seul-gi, Oh My Ghostess, Park Bo-young
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51 Dramajjang
August 16, 2015 at 8:00 AM
Heol daebak! It's amazing how no one said enough about officer Han's death, but is more conflicted on how the writer shoved aside So-ae's love story since SW find out of the ghost existence. The girl got other priorities right now, no time to mourn over love.
To me this ep. has really closedodt of the question marks. As DB stated and agreed to100%. I greatly appreciated SW's honesty, this is more complicated than the big picture. You have to remember this situation is eerily creepy to him, he has always called BS by her name, not So-ae.
My only issue is that I thought the writer saved officer Han to at least represent as a witness somehow, but to turn around and totally kill his character after coming from the brink of death is a bit much.
What I hoped for though is because officer Han was high jacked for having his hands on solid proof last time, it is different where he is able to mail or forward copy of the material to SW at the same time, since he's the 1st person he called.
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August 16, 2015 at 9:25 AM
Yes I do too hope that officer Han learned from the first mistake! Make copies everyone!!!!
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August 16, 2015 at 1:07 PM
Man I was half expecting him t come back as a ghost tbh! Because he died so suddenly in the middle of his mission.
Also you'd think after being attacked the frst tme he'd taken care to hide his evidence away better but unfortunately he only thought he was after a bad man. Not a man possessed by an evil ghost...
I do wish more people would discuss the mystery because I still want to know what possessed (heh) SJ to marry EH after he tried killing her and then killing SA. Like why not just let her jump off the building? Creeper marries her instead? Yeesh.
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August 17, 2015 at 6:46 AM
Wow, Officer Han coming back as a ghost would be sooooooooooo cool. But alas, looks like selective ghostery. I guess some sudden deaths just move on without looking back.
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52 Midori
August 16, 2015 at 9:00 AM
What about the huge plot hole at the end of this episode? If SJ killed SA, then how did she write a partial clue in her diary and leave the voicemail for her Dad?
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August 16, 2015 at 9:29 AM
Good point! I can only think that Sung Jae found out SA was a witness long after the hit and run. Hence the number written down in the diary. Maybe SA managed to think fast and call her dad after a hit, or hiding in the streets running away from SJ? Ok im suddenly getting sad thinking of this. Poor girl.
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53 CaroleMcDonnell
August 16, 2015 at 9:09 AM
Oh my! I like this drama!
The writer is realy skilled at doing new interesting things inside a specific genre. And she balances everything so well. I did find the sudden transformation to thriller..complete with dairy caper-- a bit jarring but no writer is perfect and at its subtle basics this drama was a mystery from the very beginning. Balancing ghost story, romance, and mystery all at the same time is difficult. So kudos, writer! Seriously loving the realism of the fallout/consequences. Every character is dong what they would naturally do, not what we've been brainwashed to believe drama characters would do.
If Soon Ae got killed because she was trailing her beloved Officer Choi when he did the hit and run, then she must have spoken to him about it..maybe to tell him to turn himself in. Or maybe she saw the license plate on the car and decided to bring it to the police station. When he saw the evidence in her hand..he had to kill her. Which must've been hard because he knew of her crush on him..or not.
Not sure if the hit and run was purposedully done or not. It might be there is a body sharing going on in Officer Choi. For me, the ultimate mystery is what the heck is going on with the rightful owner of Officer Choi's body. Will he be freed at last when Officer Choi is exorcied? And will he have to pay the consequences of the evil spirit's crime? Or was he dead and murdered at the point the evi spirit entered? Did the evil spirit enter because the body was empty --at the right moment when that was possible because the original spirit was leaving-- or because the spirit was there and weakened and needed help? How complicit is the original spirit of Officer Choi with the evil spirit in his body? I'm also wondering where origina evil spirit came from and why he was hanging around. No real backstory on that spirit.
I do like it that the spirit/officer choi said no one has a right to take his life. Is that the truest thing Officer Choi ever said? Is the evil spirit within him a suicide?
I do worry about Soon Ae's entering folks bodies. So many people have died in dramas because of main characters..so i should get used to that..but when it's a ghost, the feeling of the ghost's responsibility for the deaths become really stronger. It just fees even more intrusive.
Thanks for the recaps.
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August 16, 2015 at 10:39 AM
I thought the shaman lady said at one point that evil spirits like to latch onto already evil people. If I have to guess, the real Sung Jae is fully aware of his actions and the evil spirit just serves to intensify his already evil nature. Evil spirits are different from regular ghost in that they are just pure evil emotions instead of incorporeal beings who can still talk like Soon Ae.
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August 16, 2015 at 5:20 PM
I thought they latched on to folks of the same "frequency." Whatever that meant. And the adopted kid was just shown as oppressed, not evil. I'll have to ponder...cause what does it say about adopted children? And the shaman said officer choi's destiny was to live as a recluse on a mountain.
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August 17, 2015 at 4:23 AM
he was caught trying to smother the baby of his adopted family....i think that's evil enough. and yeah, the shaman did say that evil spirits latch onto already evil people- she said that's the reason why bad things happen, they're all caused by those people. i also agreed with your theory about evil spirits not having a personality but merely being a dark energy that intensifies their evilness, judging by the fact that it was shown as a faceless black shadow in the flashback. i thought they're one and the same now, but i've been confused for the past few episodes now because of his knowledge of ghosts. soon-ae also saying that he's different now from how he was in the past, and that there was sadness in his smiles sometimes but he was a good person is also confusing too. i guess it was just that she couldn't really see him for who he was back then, right? since he was already possessed and evil by then.
hopefully they'll explain all this in a satisfying way in the last episodes about how this whole evil spirit possession thing works.
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August 17, 2015 at 5:41 AM
I think you're wrong about what happened with that baby. You're being like the parents who want to see this young adopted kid as evil when the actual facts are unclear. I didn't see him as trying to smother the baby. I saw a situation that was unclear and which could have been misunderstod. If I see a child with his hands near another child's face, I don't immediately assume attempted murder is going on. Worst case scenario he was tempted to smother the baby. And even then he didn't seem like he was actually going to do it. But it seemed to me that he was just curious and wanting to touch the baby and his adoptive parents assumed something. He was cast out because of an assumption because his adoptive parents didn't love him. The sin in this situation is the parents. How can they have raised a child for 15 years and not loved him?
August 17, 2015 at 7:06 AM
it's been said several times before that the evil spirits latch onto "shady people"- which means that sung-jae before being possessed fit that description. also, i don't think he was raised by them for his full life, pretty sure it was only a few years- although of course, that doesn't excuse their neglect. the drama did focus on how they neglected him, but the situation with the baby is still unclear. we'll get his life story in full later, i guess. i feel zero sympathy for the character at this point though, possessed or not, and regardless of his pitiful upbringing.
August 17, 2015 at 10:44 AM
I guess the big question here is if Sun Jae is fully/partially aware of what he is doing or has the evil spirit completely taken over his consciousness. In any case, there are only 2 episodes left and I am starting to worry that they will not have enough time to explain/show everything satisfactorily. What will happen to Sun Jae and how will this affect Eun Hee? Will Soon Ae's father and brother get a satisfying reunion before she ascends? How will they handle Sun Woo and Soon Ae's goodbyes? I am preparing myself to get short changed on the ending.
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August 16, 2015 at 12:49 PM
So what is in store for Sungjae? Will he just die?
Even if people say that he was already twisted before being possessed, I still do not think that he should be considered guilty for the actions the evil spirit. Others point to the fact that he was about to kill his adopted parents' baby as an example of his evil nature. We do not actually know what he would have done, as his father walked in on him and cast him out. I don't know what he would have done at that time. We can't condemn him for something he didn't do.
And when the evil spirit possessed him, it was when he was most vulnerable. So yes, there may have been a darkness to him, but I think it was in large part due to him feeling unloved and abandoned. We can't judge him now, because we have only witnessed his possessed body in action.
I wish the show wouldn't kill him off, but what would happen if the evil spirit were to be exorcised? Is anything there of the original Sungjae?
I posed a bunch of questions about his character in an earlier episode recap. So far, I think that two of those questions have been answered. I just think it would be too easy to kill of his character or justify his punishment/death because of the brief glimpses we got of him prior to his possession. I hope that what I am trying to say makes sense.
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August 16, 2015 at 12:50 PM
Oops, sorry Carole. I meant for this to be an individual post, but I submitted it as a reply instead.
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August 16, 2015 at 5:23 PM
I swear! This month I've seen three dramas that make me wonder if Korea's attitude toward adopted children is stuck in the old age. It would be really annoyng if the writer portrayed the plight of an adopted unloved chid by making him aign himself with a murderer. I think he was just touching the baby..and the dad went ballistic.
Anyone else think there's another spirit floating around or in people other than the two we've met?
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August 17, 2015 at 11:55 AM
Yes, I agree that the scene with the baby is not enough to conclude that murder was on Sungjae's mind.
I think it would be too easy for the show to kill off Sungjae's character or to justify his character's punishment because he was "evil" before the possession. Not only easy, I believe that it would be terrible.
But I wonder if we won't get a satisfactory conclusion for his character's arc with just two episodes left.
"Anyone else think there’s another spirit floating around or in people other than the two we’ve met?"
That's a good question. Do you have any characters in mind?
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54 light
August 16, 2015 at 9:46 AM
I think Sung Jae married Eun Hee to make it the perfect crime. Who would suspect a loving husband, an officer, to marry a crippled ballerina? A part of me wishes Eun-Hee to have a huge role in Sung Jae's fate. Am wondering why he wished to kill her in the first place.
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55 Peridot
August 16, 2015 at 12:50 PM
So what is in store for Sungjae? Will he just die?
Even if people say that he was already twisted before being possessed, I still do not think that he should be considered guilty for the actions the evil spirit. Others point to the fact that he was about to kill his adopted parents’ baby as an example of his evil nature. We do not actually know what he would have done, as his father walked in on him and cast him out. I don’t know what he would have done at that time. We can’t condemn him for something he didn’t do.
And when the evil spirit possessed him, it was when he was most vulnerable. So yes, there may have been a darkness to him, but I think it was in large part due to him feeling unloved and abandoned. We can’t judge him now, because we have only witnessed his possessed body in action.
I wish the show wouldn’t kill him off, but what would happen if the evil spirit were to be exorcised? Is anything there of the original Sungjae?
I posed a bunch of questions about his character in an earlier episode recap. So far, I think that two of those questions have been answered. I just think it would be too easy to kill of his character or justify his punishment/death because of the brief glimpses we got of him prior to his possession. I hope that what I am trying to say makes sense.
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56 hanny bobo
August 16, 2015 at 5:37 PM
there is a flaw here. why officer han die and yet he did not appear as ghost and pair up with soon ae to hunt down sj.
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57 Hannah
August 16, 2015 at 5:49 PM
What a fantastic episode. Can't wait for the last two episodes. What piqued my interest in this particular episode was the officer's ability to suddenly see Soo ae. This is because the officer couldn't see the ghost earlier on when Bong Sun was almost hit in the hit and run.
Can anyone please emphasize on how that's suddenly possible? Thank you in advance.
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August 16, 2015 at 8:39 PM
That's what is bothering me too. In the past when Soon Ae as a ghost goes around her neighbourhood. She recognises Sung Jae and is close enough for him to see her as she watches him, and he never saw her. Now he can see her.
Same thing about getting evicted from Bong Sun... at first not and now no problem.
Same thing about moving objects..... We need explanations of the logic dear Writer-nim!!
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August 17, 2015 at 6:52 AM
I think the moving of objects is a learned skill. Not sure about the mechanics of possession eviction, though.
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August 17, 2015 at 6:50 AM
There is a scee rom Officer Choi's POV in the car when he tried to kill Bong and we --the audience-- see Soon Ae. At that very moment, Officer Choic says, "Soon Ae is the ghost." I was confused when that happen. I thought... "Is he seeing Soon Ae right now? Is this windshield POV his POV as well as ours?"
If he saw her then, then seeing her as she left the lady officer's body was the second time.
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58 GrnDrgns&Appls
August 16, 2015 at 7:33 PM
HOLY CRAP!! This drama just took a turn for the serious!!! Soon Ae! Get away from him!!
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59 GrnDrgns&Appls
August 16, 2015 at 7:39 PM
A part of me kind of wishes this drama would've stayed as a romantic comedy. The murder mystery and psycho killer storyline is great and I enjoy it, but I wouldn't have minded just a light-hearted true rom com.
JJS and PBY have such great chemistry together that it's been a bit of a shame to see them apart from each other so much in this episode, and probably the remaining episodes as they try to resolve the various murder issues. The whole serial killer bit could have been a whole drama by itself, and this drama would have been just fine with just the rom com conflict all the way to the end. I mean, it's not like a love triangle with a ghost isn't sufficient to be a central plot point all on it's own, right?
Perhaps I just stress easily and can't handle the creepy psycho killer cop bit...
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August 16, 2015 at 8:36 PM
Maybe you came into this show expecting and easy to watch rom-com with light feels and now find yourself in thriller territory? :)
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60 dramadreamer
August 16, 2015 at 8:49 PM
i think chef likes both BS and SA. Like he said, he is so confused he is not sure if he likes the manic or introverted version. i enjoyed SA's interations with chef more tho. because her lively personality was able to draw him out of his shell , where BS and Chef are more similar in personality - introvert and intense. but i guess, like it or not, he can no longer distinguish between the 2 anymore and since they both "look" alike, he has grown to love BS in all her moods ! SJ is seriously psychotic and i think the finale wil probably have some sort of exorcism over SJ to force the evil spirt to emerge. So that SJ and EH will live happily ever after! coz this drama will have a happy ending!
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August 17, 2015 at 7:00 AM
The drama showed him differentiating between the two as he sorted out his feelings. He knows the different personalities. We all like people ho seem to have all kinds of traits. Some traits we love, some we tolerate, some we pity, some we are embarrassed by, some we find stressing. Chef loves Bong's traits, mostly because his type is the little lost puppy. When heroine was "manic" he assumed that was his puppy suffering and he pitied that. But at the core, he likes sweetness and light and true aegyo. And his physical type is Bong. Bong and his TV friend are very similar in many ways. And his inability to talk to a girl he really loves shows his feelings for shy types. He was pretty stressed by the ghostess during their encounters although she did affect him in some ways. But in all true love triangles, somebody's gotta go.
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61 Chesens
August 17, 2015 at 6:08 AM
I'm still optimistic that the Show will end well.
We've seen other shows with plot holes but overall, we still enjoyed the entire run. To me, K2H and You From Another Star had moments that were questionable but in the end, they are both well loved dramas. I mean, we watch these shows for the entertainment, right? It's good that we have this platform to discuss, dissect and analyze the show to bits but let's not go to the extreme where we bash each other and hold someone else's opinion against that person.
C'mon Beanies, what are we here for then if not to share our love for drama? ☺️☺️☺️ Inner peace!
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62 raineday
August 18, 2015 at 9:37 PM
For those asking about Shrek Pasta it os basically a spinach based pesto. Here is the recipe ...
1 16-ounce package of spaghetti
1 cup toasted pine nuts, a small amount reserved for garnish
4 cloves garlic
2 cups basil leaves, washed, one reserved for garnish
½ cup parmesan cheese (optional), plus a small amount reserved for garnish
½ cup olive oil
½ cup vegetable stock or water
salt and pepper
Boil water and cook the pasta. Meanwhile, toast the pine nuts in a frying pan with a pinch of salt. When they turn lightly brown put them in a blender with the garlic, basil, parmesan cheese and olive oil. Add a ¼ cup of vegetable stock or water and blend until smooth. You may need to add a bit more stock or water to get the consistency that you like. Add plenty of salt and pepper to taste. Serve topped with toasted pine nuts, a basil leaf and parmesan cheese.
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August 19, 2015 at 6:22 AM
Thanks @raineday
However, is this a silly question ? .... how about the spinach??? Is it only in the stock or don't we have to blend spinach in to to get the color at least?
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63 jybz
August 20, 2015 at 4:58 AM
am i really the only one who feels like shin soon ae deserves more? sigh. her character is so perfect and for me she seems like the real heroine in this drama. its really unfair to see that bong sun will end up with chef while soon ae completely vanishes from chef's mind. i feel like they do have a special bond, even more than between chef n bong sun. it is such a waste really. they developed this two character's relationship only to throw it away. and now chef is scared of shin soon ae and only thinks of bong sun.
it makes no sense for chef to completely ignore the ghost after all they've been through. yeah fine maybe chef does like bong sun from the beginning or whatever, but it is shin soon ae that he fell in love with. its completely different. and as far as im concerned, shin soon ae is the one who lives a tragic life and making a BIG sacrifice. not bongsun. she has to ignore her feelings for chef, she has to act like everything is her fault, she has to act fine even when chef completely forgets about their moment together and act like she is not hurting seeing them both together. she is such a strong character maigodddd.
everyone is going on how pitiful bong sun is bla bla but hey she is still alive, she has so many more chances to change her life and stuff. i dont expect for soon ae to end up with chef cus yeah she is dead, but to say that bong sun is more pitiful than her is just ughh. all i want is for chef not to ignore her and their memories together, and hold them preciously. i want them to have an honest interaction with each other now that he knows the truth. i want him to see and remember her as shin soon ae and not bong sun. i want the writers to show that their bond was real and not just some medium for bong sun n chef to open up to each other.
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64 Cagnes
October 16, 2015 at 7:01 PM
Love this drama!
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