I Remember You: Episode 16 (Final)

We finally say goodbye to this gem of a drama, and while I Remember You’s ending might have lacked that emotional punch to the gut that I was thirsting for, it does tie a satisfactory bow on most of the plot points — and I say most, because some are intentionally left open-ended. Some close on a happy note, some end on a sad note, some evolve into an endless wild goose chase. But yunno what — that’s reality, and life goes on.

EPISODE 16: “I Remember You”

Hyun is still passed out from his sudden onslaught of memories. In his slumber, he realizes that all the cards that Min sent were scenes from the day their mother passed away. In his flashback, the two brothers are playing Scrabble with their mom when the doorbell rings. Mom goes to answer the door, and the visitor is a criminal Dad arrested, here to take revenge.

Mom falls on the ground bleeding as Hyun takes Min to hide under a table, then sees Dad’s work bag, which has a gun inside. Venturing into the living room, Hyun shoots Mom’s murderer in self-defense, and the recoil knocks Hyun out. After hearing the gunshot, Min emerges from his hiding place and sees Mom, Hyun, and the murderer all unconscious on the ground. In the aftermath, Dad covers it up, and while Hyun lost his memory of the incident, Min didn’t.

In the present, Hyun wonders if this traumatic experience was what caused Min to develop psychopathic tendencies. He jerks awake, and as the truth sinks in, he blames himself for Min’s situation. Ji-an notes his anguished expression and automatically jumps in to reassure him that whatever he’s blaming himself for, it’s definitely not his fault.

Min’s earlier words that he was born like that click into place, as Hyun realizes that Min was trying to comfort him. Min wanted Hyun to believe that his psychopathic tendencies were not caused by the murder of Mom and the criminal; he was merely born with it. Hyun breaks down in silent tears at the realization that Min didn’t want Hyun to feel guilty, and Ji-an grabs him in a hug.

Outside the room, Min overhears their conversation, and regrets sending those clues to Hyun.

The rest of the team interrogates Eun-bok, who stubbornly refuses to spill the beans about Joon-young. Eun-bok apologizes for murdering Chief Hyun, but Myung-woo just explodes that they want information about Joon-young. Seung-joo takes the softer route, and tearfully asks if Joon-young was more important than them.

Putting Hyun back to sleep, Ji-an heads out to chat with Min. Going in for a hug, she gently tells him that it’s never right to harm another person, and that people have to take responsibility and reflect on the wrongs they have committed. Even if Min doesn’t understand why his deeds are wrong, he should still own up to it, for Hyun’s sake. If Min chooses to run away from his punishment, Hyun will have to escape and hide with him. When it comes to that, neither Min nor Hyun will be able to be happy. This strikes a chord with Min, who recalls Joon-ho’s question if a happy ending was possible for both of them.

Min asks why it isn’t possible to cover up his crimes, since he only hurt bad people and it’s all in the past. Ji-an replies that as a police officer, she can’t ignore it. In the end, Hyun would be in a very tricky position, stuck between the two of them.

The mood is somber back in the police station, as the three investigators mourn the absence of Eun-bok. They wonder how much he must have been abused for him to think of Joon-young as his savior, and blame themselves for not knowing about his difficult past.

Ji-an visits Joon-ho to inform him about Eun-bok’s arrest. He feigns ignorance, but she tells him to cut it out, listing all the people who were harmed by him — her father, Hyun’s family, Eun-bok, Chief Hyun — but he justifies things by saying he never murders without reason. He only got rid of adults who abused kids, and used a bit of violence to eliminate a bigger threat.

Appalled at his words, she admits that while he had a painful childhood, there’s no way she can overlook all his crimes. He asks what she wants, and Ji-an takes out a gun, declaring her intention to off him. But she refuses to shoot, since doing that will reduce her to his level, and that will only serve to further hurt Hyun.

Joon-ho mutters that he actually liked Ji-an and never wanted to get rid of her. Frightened, Ji-an aims her gun at him, but he walks towards her, unfazed. Disarming her, he twists her arm painfully and shakes out her handbag to find her phone recording their conversation.

He moves to delete the recording, but she tries to wrestle the phone away from him. Grabbing her in a choke hold, he wonders what he should do with her. Ji-an baits him to kill her, since she’s confident her team will hunt him down and arrest him.

Team Leader Kang rushes in to save the day, and Joon-ho pretends they merely had a small tiff. Team Leader Kang came with the intention of reasoning with Joon-ho, but realizes that he expected too much. Joon-ho notes that everyone looks at him like a monster, and Team Leader Kang merely tells him to look at his own reflection.

As they leave the house, Team Leader Kang and Ji-an mention that they were both scared out of their wits, and Ji-an explains that she went alone because she wanted to see Joon-ho’s true self. Having thought long and hard about how to atone for his father’s sins, Team Leader Kang says that he has no other ideas other than apologizing on behalf of his father. Ji-an brushes it off lightly, since there’s no such thing as guilty by association in her book.

Her gracious response causes Team Leader Kang to stare at her in a mix of respect and gratitude. “I liked you. Because I was able to like you, I was glad.” He gives her a small smile, and then walks away while holding back tears. Aw. Back at home, Joon-ho coolly inspects his reflection in the window.

Hyun wakes up and offers to make dinner for Min, but Min already beat him to it. The brothers sit down to enjoy Min’s home-made food, although Hyun merely picks at his rice. Noting Hyun’s distraction, Min once again assures Hyun that it’s not his fault he turned out like that. Besides, Hyun’s reaction was in the name of self-defense. Hyun thanks Min for his encouraging words, and Min can’t help but recall everyone’s words that their reconciliation has only burdened Hyun.

The next day, Seung-joo has found two of the kids that Joon-young saved, picking up from Eun-bok’s previous research. A man and a woman are brought in for interrogation, but both vehemently deny any knowledge of Joon-ho/Joon-young, although the man does take extra interest in the present-day photo of Joon-ho.

Joon-ho visits Hyun, and proposes that they run away together with Min. He reasons that Hyun is unable to arrest him, since doing so would implicate Min as well. Thus, staying put would mean even more suffering for Hyun.

Slowly walking over, Hyun puts his hand around Joon-ho’s neck threateningly.  He says Joon-ho can do whatever he wants to him, but he’d better not mess with Min. Joon-ho merely gives a creepy smile in return, and having overheard the entire exchange, Min leaves without making his presence known.

Back in his own home, Joon-ho finds Min waiting for him. Joon-ho pretty much defies Hyun’s words and attempts to rope Min into leaving as well. Min doesn’t want to be separated from Hyun for a second time, or to continue being lied to by Joon-ho, but on the other hand, staying with Hyun won’t result in a happy ending either.

The investigative team is at risk of being disbanded, and Team Leader Kang declares to his father that he will do everything he can to protect his team. Deputy Chief Kang chafes at being addressed formally by his son, but Team Leader Kang merely says that Dad is childish for avoiding responsibility for his mistakes.

Min asks if Eun-bok has revealed Joon-young’s identity, and Hyun has confidence that he will do so soon. We cut to this heart-wrenching sequence of the team members taking turns to visit Eun-bok, each showing their love and concern for him in their own way. Although he tries to keep his poker face on, it’s telling that Eun-bok is incredibly moved by their words.

Hyun tells Min to ignore anything that Joon-ho says, and he agrees. Min then quietly asks what Hyun’s doing tomorrow, and Hyun takes the hint and answers that he has a looooot of time on his hands. Barely holding in his grin, Hyun brings up all the date suggestions that Min rejected before. Ha, and now, Min wants to do all of them.

They decide to take a walk in a park, and Min looks wistfully towards a couple taking selfies together. Hyun asks if he wants to take a photo, and Min first says he doesn’t like taking pictures before adding, “But you can if you want to.” So. Cute.

Their first attempt is not so successful (Hyun: “We should probably smile.”), and the second is equally bad as the two plaster on forced awkward smiles. But by the third time they’re finally grinning for real.

While walking alone, Joon-ho is approached by the man interrogated earlier. Just as Joon-ho recognizes him, the man stabs at Joon-ho with a knife, though Joon-ho’s quick reflexes allow him to prevent any serious injury by grabbing the knife with his hand.

Taken aback, Joon-ho claims that he saved the man, although the man shouts that no matter how terrible his parents were, he would have preferred to live with them anyway. This seems to resonate with Joon-ho on some level as he walks calmly away, right past his attacker.

Back at home, Hyun’s danger radar pings when he realizes that Min has been in the shower for way too long. There’s no answer when he knocks, and it turns out that Min is at Joon-ho’s place. He has come to end things with Joon-ho, and internally apologizes to Hyun for breaking his promise.

Min proposes that both of them disappear together, since they are both burdens to Hyun. Min repeats his promise that his last murder will be Joon-ho, and tells him to think of it as the price to pay for separating the brothers for 20 years.

Swiftly grabbing a knife from the kitchen, Min goes it for the kill, but is quickly deflected by Joon-ho. The two wrestle to the ground, and while Min manages to grab Joon-ho from the back, Joon-ho gains the upper hand and punches Min to the ground.

Joon-ho picks up the knife and stabs Min in the gut. Hyun rushes over, late by a few seconds, and sinks to his knees when he sees Min’s injury. He tries to keep Min conscious and Min thinks to himself, “Hyung, for 20 years, I hated you, I missed you, I waited for you, and I watched over you. That was the entirety of my 20 years. You were my everything.” And Min goes limp.

Desperate, Hyun tries to administer CPR, but Joon-ho matter-of-factly says that it’s useless. With lasers shooting out from his eyes, Hyun punches Joon-ho, and eventually manages to corner him in a stranglehold. But at the last moment, Joon-ho’s friend whacks Hyun on the head and he slumps to the ground, going unconscious.

He wakes some time later, and Ji-an voiceovers that Min had disappeared, just like Joon-ho’s corpse-less murders. WHAT? Nononono, say it ain’t so.

The team watches Eun-bok’s interrogation, where he confesses to stealing Joon-young’s fingerprint documents and burning them. He agrees to give testimony to Joon-ho’s deeds, and inwardly apologizes to Joon-ho.

Somehow, Joon-ho seems to know of Eun-bok’s betrayal, and turns on his phone, which the police pick up on. He makes a call to Hyun, and the two meet up. Joon-ho wants this chance to make an official farewell, but Hyun has one remaining question — why was Joon-ho so obsessed with him from the start?

Joon-ho replies that everyone had always treated him with contempt, but little Hyun had merely called him “different,” and for the first time in his life, he felt understood. Hyun was the kid Joon-ho wanted to be, while Min is his current alter ego. Chuckling at the irony of it all, Hyun muses that the one word changed his whole life. He states that there’s only one reason that he’s not killing Joon-ho at the moment, and asks for Min’s return, even if it’s just the corpse.

The police make their way to their rendezvous point by tracing Joon-ho’s cell phone signal, but find nobody there. All that’s left is Joon-ho’s phone, and he disappeared after that.

Hyun stops by Ji-an’s house three times as promised. On the last visit, he lets her know about his plans to leave for somewhere, but doesn’t go into details. And then Hyun disappeared as well.

One year later.

Thanks to Team Leader Kang’s efforts, the investigative team has survived, and they even have a new maknae to tease. Seung-joo still makes frequent visits to Eun-bok in prison, and it’s nice to see them keep their hyung-dongsaeng relationship.

On her walk home, Ji-an regrets not stopping by Hyun’s place once more, so that he would have to visit her three more times before disappearing. Team Leader Kang and Myung-woo pay a visit to Indebted Friend, aka “Dave’s ahjusshi.” Friend says that Hyun hasn’t contacted him, although the three immediately start discussing their dinner plans. What, are they BFFs now?

Back at work, Ji-an stops by Hyun’s old desk, and feels a sudden sense of longing for him:

Ji-an: “There are days when familiar places suddenly feel unfamiliar. On those lonely days, I think of you, Lee Hyun. If you think about it, we met because of Lee Joon-young, as children who’d both lost their fathers to him. When I think back, even in the worst situations, there were good things that happened — we got to meet each other. But if we hadn’t lost our fathers to Lee Joon-young, if such a thing didn’t happen to us, would we have met? I think we would still have met.”

In her fantasy, little Ji-an would have fallen for Hyun at first sight, while he’d tell her to get lost. Min would be with them, and they would grow up together. They would hang out and have fun, laughing at Ji-an’s disgruntlement at their liking of foreign movies without subtitles. They would even have guests come over from time to time — aw, it’s the team, with Eun-bok too, and Myung-woo finally calls Hyun “David.”

She’s woken from her reverie, and the team is called to a new crime scene, only to find that someone else has gotten there first: Hyun, coming back full circle to their first meeting. He reprimands them for being late, and launches into the details of the murder.

Myung-woo cuts him off, and Team Leader Kang marvels that Hyun’s still the same rude guy. Seung-joo goes in for a hug, but Hyun is quick to shove him off. It’s Myung-woo’s turn and he opens his arms wide… but Hyun just observes that he has aged. And finally, he gets to Ji-an, who returns his small smile with an icy stare.

Yesyesthankyou Min is alive, huddled in his hospital bed, as Joon-ho’s friend arrives to inform him that Hyun left just awhile ago. We get a glimpse of Hyun’s visit, where he was relieved to see that Min’s alive. The woman gives Min a present from Joon-ho — a new identity. In essence, he’s giving Min a choice: Live as Hyun’s brother but pay for his crimes, or remain hidden for the rest of his life. Interesting.

On a walk with Ji-an, Hyun says he knows apologies are not sufficient to make up for his sudden disappearance. Ji-an is burning with a thousand questions about his past year, but knows that he wouldn’t answer them anyway. She asks if he was chasing Joon-ho, but he answers that that’s what he’ll be doing in the future.

After Joon-ho had disappeared, Hyun had finally recalled the words Joon-ho said to him when he was a kid. “You can become as you wish. You can become like me, or you can become the opposite of me. There isn’t just one door. You can leave through the front door, or the back door.” He thinks to himself that he pities Joon-ho a little, but will not understand or forgive him.

Ji-an warns that if he plans to disappear again, he can just leave for good right now. Thankfully that’s not his intention, and she can barely hide her happiness at his answer. He asks if she missed him, and she shyly nods.

Pulling her in for a tight hug, Hyun goes in for a gentle kiss. They pull away and smile bashfully at each other, and then Hyun holds her face in his hands, and swoops in for the winner. Thank you drama gods.

At the hospital, Min is pondering his choice. He makes the decision and he leaves the hospital with a smile — empty-handed, the envelope (and new identity) left behind.

As Ji-an and Hyun walk hand-in-hand through the streets, Joon-ho walks past the couple. He voiceovers, “Hyun, I’m going to disappear now. So, come and chase me. Don’t give up, and find me.” Hyun turns back to see Joon-ho’s retreating back and thinks, “Don’t worry. Wherever you hide, I will definitely find you.”


Phew, what a packed last episode. In this episode alone, I counted two stabbings, three disappearances, two choke holds, two grabbed collars, five hugs (one denied), two confessions for our cute heroine, and one amazing mind-blowing kiss. All in a day’s work, I would say.

I Remember You was one of the few cases where I actually had no clue what I wanted for the ending, and trusted wholeheartedly in the writer to score the home run. I do wonder if Jang Nara’s scenes had to be cut down since she got into an accident on the day of filming, although I must say, her lips are definitely working. We’ve all had our fair share of disappointing finales, and while this one didn’t culminate in an emotional high on par with the reunion scene in episode 12, it did leave a sweet aftertaste. Certain scenes started feeling repetitive — Joon-ho just wouldn’t let go of his plan to live with the brothers, and people just kept going to his house to get injured. I also had expected some questions regarding Min as the mastermind behind all the crimes to be cleared up, but it seems that the show has just left us with clues, allowing us to connect the rest of the dots in our imagination.

This episode did a lot to clarify Joon-ho’s state of mind, which was previously an enigma. We finally understand that his obsession with Hyun didn’t stem from their uncanny similarities, but that Hyun was the first person to give him a break from the monster label. Because of that, Hyun held this special place in Joon-ho’s life, and it was a powerful moment when Joon-ho confessed he wished he grew up like Hyun. I expected something more concrete for Joon-ho’s character than another round of catch me if you can, but I recognize that the writer intended to leave it as such. Now that Hyun has found his allies, Joon-ho stands alone, which is a relatively different ballgame from what this show started out as.

I do wish we got to touch more on Joon-ho’s “vigilante” movement and his 20 years with Min. It would have been fascinating to see more of the other kids he saved, but I do understand the time constraint. Although the attempted murder by that man was a little out-of-the-blue, it did work to drive home the point that Joon-ho’s methods don’t carry through his good intentions. Like Ji-an said, even if most of the kids are grateful to Joon-ho, there will be one kid who begs to differ. That possibility never hit home for Joon-ho until that attempted murder, and Min’s attack added salt to the wound.

But gah, what’s up with the fake-out of Min’s death? Given how atypical this drama is, I actually wouldn’t put it past killing off one of its best characters, although that would leave Min’s redemption untouched. I do see the left-behind envelope as Min choosing to confess to his crimes, but more so to live as Hyun’s brother, and I’m impressed with how the writer crafted Min’s decision. It would have been too neat and unrealistic if Min suddenly had an epiphany of his guilt, so it’s actually fitting that it’s the identity of Hyun’s brother that pushes him to take responsibility. At the end of the day, Hyun remains the one who can get through to Little Bro and pushes him to fight the good fight and walk the higher ground. No doubt Min isn’t fully redeemed and “normal” as of yet, but that’s precisely why Min’s decision is merely the first step onto that path. And even if we don’t see the end, we know that it’s happening.

Bromance and romance are really the two sides of the same coin, although he romance did take a back seat for this show. For good reason too, because most of the development and angst were in the brothers’ lives. Of course, the show did a good job of giving us a heroine worth rooting for, who actually had a life and career outside hugs and kisses. Ji-an was active in her unwavering faith and support of Hyun, and her overall badassery for her puny size always won me over. It makes sense that her relationship with Hyun wasn’t earth-shattering and life-changing, because in her ideal world, all she wanted to do was be together.

Despite a few minor gripes I have, I Remember You remains a very well-crafted drama. Right from the start, the tone and the story was consistent and well thought-out, and every single scene had meaning behind it. The earlier cases served as a reflection of the main characters’ own struggles, and the show did a fantastic job of highlighting how alike the characters are, yet worlds apart. Despite the overall dark tone, it was balanced with humor and character quirks that were smartly incorporated without disrupting the flow.

It’s disappointing that the ratings were so dismal for such a well-produced drama. Park Bo-gum was especially outstanding; his split-second change of expression from smiling to resentful is forever inked in my mind. He and Seo In-gook nailed every scene they had together, and all the longing, heartbreak, and adoration they had for each other hit me straight in the heart. Their story was rather far-fetched for anyone to identify with, but those two sold it so damn well.

All in all, I Remember You will go down in the books for the drama that kept me so engrossed in the whole ensemble, right down to the last sidekick. I like that the takeaway from this drama is that you always have a choice in life. The show was populated with complicated characters and equally complex criminals, and set a high bar for future psychopathic thrillers. How would I rate it? 15 points plus alpha.


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LJY's character, although he not understand about human feeling generally, but he love to interaction with people, and those he always make his own assumption and decition for other peoples.
While Hyun, Min and Jung doesn't genuenly like to interaction with many peoples.


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Horaayy... i get to the new page...???!!! Its twice already ...!!???


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Hello.. It has been so long since anyone posted here!

I have started mannny new shows. Jang Nara's One More Happy Ending was so much fun. Madam Antoine is good too. And Signal is already very interesting! My weekdays are full now beacuse I am watching so many current shows! Apart from these, I am watching CITT, Remember, Moorim School (though I have decided to stop watching it now).

Did you guys notice that the start ratings are gone? I miss them! I liked giving ep 20 of IRY 5stars every time! I think I had contributed almost 100 of those stars!

Anyway I hope some of you guys come back to check this thread. Have u watched any of the new kdramas?


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I just came back after watching Suspicious Partners (which I also thoroughly enjoy - the humor is crazy amped up!). Anyway, Suspicious Partners somewhat promotes I Remember You such that it makes me come back here to review the similarities and differences. It's almost as if where I Remember You is all grays with a dash of pink, Suspicious Partners is the exact complement with all its pink and beautiful dashes of gray. This writer has cut a fan out of me.


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happy 7th page, dear fellow IRY fans! happy to always have you here :-)

the star ratings are gone, why? it showed ppl that IRY was loved despite the low ratings and the recaps were even written before the star ratings was started. ppl still came back to put star on IRY. does DB decided not to use it anymore?

i only watched Cheese atm. i think im in love with Seol lol. the actress truly brings Seol to live in the most adorable way. speaking about Jung's creepy n ominous side, i wonder would it be more interesting if Lee Hyun was made as creepy as Jung? idk if it's SIG making Hyun more harmless or it's the directing not to make all those three psycho as ominous.

thinking about starting Six Flying Dragon but not sure. im waiting for Lee Sung Min's Memory n Saimdang, Her Story.

not really into funny romcom lately. but glad that Jang Nara's new romcom got warm welcome. seems like her OTP this time gets more supporters uh compared to her previous one with David Lee hehe

no news from Park Bo Gum?


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Here share with you guys the news of IRY Director's Cut DVD. Bluray is sold out



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When of my best korean dramas


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It sure is :)


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Hey guys, it has been so so long! I got a job so I am busy nowadays! And haven't been able to watch much either... But I will come back some days just to see how we bonded over a show :) <3


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@ObsessedMuch, congrats on your new job, dear! Hope you enjoy it!

@CC Chen, glad to hear that bluray is sold out. Indeed, IRY got so many likes regardless the low ratings. It always makes me happy to read comment like, "I've heard only good things from IRY!" from ppl who haven't watched it.

Another late review on IRY,

Really really OOT, I just bought a coloring book my self after watching Yoo Jung have it on Cheese in The Trap lol Look what kdrama have made me into.


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Thanks asmara :) And I wanted to buy a colouring book after I saw Song Ji Hyo colouring in an episode of Running Man, but yeah Yoo Jung too made me want to try it- I still haven't succumbed to that urge yet :P

And I checked the link you gave.. Good to read another nice review about IRY. And that page led me to this:


SIG looks adorably handsome, but somehow nerdy in these photos. Plus a lil bit of JI Chang Wook and Joo Won is also here :)


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Hi everybody, i'm back after a long adventure, CITT is the must watch drama for me now, and i'm preparing for Signal, just reading the recaps for Remember, One more happy ending and Flying Dragons.
I still miss Min. BTW Park Bo Gum will be in next Youth Over Flower with the other reply 1988's boys.
He is very famous now, and i think he considering one and more drama offer now. I still hope there is a chance he will in one drama project with SIG again.
And Jang Na Ra, back to her ussual character, sweet and cute. But i still prefer Cha Ji An.
I'm torn about Morim now, will i watch it or not, considering LHW in there, he is cute, PBG and LHW can become twin brother. The look a like, i always think PBG is LHW in "Blind", until i checking PBG's previous project after i watch IRY, i just realised that the cute brother who i thought LHW in "Blind" is PBG. But now, i can see they are different, and i don't feel the look simmiliar a lot any more. I think PBG's face texture is maturing a lot from his youth's face. But LHW's not really. He still look like a high school student.
Well both still cute and handsome, but i feel more growth from PBG for his appearence.
I pray some one who buy the IRY's director cut DVD, would share few of the content, somewhere.


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Hey guys, heard about the new SIG drama? I am so so excited! :D

Btw did u watch CITT last episode? It sucked! I mean how could a show so perfect till almost ep 14 become so bad at the end. I was screaming WTF to the screen!

Btw my new crush is on Jung Kyung Ho. He is such an amazing actor and so adorable in One More Happy Ending that I went and watched Falling for Innocence. Now whenever I find time, i will watch Heartless City

Anyway I think we will see each other on other threads, if not here :)


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Hi everybody, it's been a while to share news here

As die hard fans of SIG, you may aware that he already confirmed to play the role in OCN drama Police Unit 38.

And Park Bogum is also going to have a new project. He has confirmed to take part in KBS drama called 구르미 그린 달빛 ( yet to have English name ). I think he may play the leading role this time.



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Hi CC Chen, Isn't the name of the drama Bo Gum chose "Moonlight drawn by clouds"?

Also @Asmara and @Loveycat I heard about the earthquake in Indonesia. Are you guys alright?


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Thanks for asking, i'm find. I hear about the earthquake, but i not really feel it, i think the center of earthquake quite far from my city.
Wow, I miss this forum. How are you girls?
I'm waiting Police Unit 38.
Signal is soo.....GOOD. I love it! I hope Police Unit 38 is that good.
PBG's new drama, hmm... can't wait.
Anyway, anybody read the youth over flower in Africa's recaps?
I supprise PBG is such a kid!
He easilly cry and touched, and real life Taek. He is cute, but then when i think about Min, i can't imagine he is THAT Min. Wow..., i'm sure in real life SIG also see him as a little brother who he always need to take care and feed..HAHA..
PBG is really love to eat, his appetite is big.


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I have been watching YOF Africa! It's hilarious! I have just been able to find 2 episodes but PBG is so so cute! He really is Taek! He really is a brilliant actor because he was so convincing as the serial killer Min, when he a cute little puppy in real life :P


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I have started to watch Signal. It is really amazing. I highly recommend you guys to watch it.

I looking forward to Police Unit 38. But for PBG's new drama, the story seems doesn't attractive at all.

BTW, I've received IRY Director's cut DVD, but not yet available to unpack. I'm not sure how I can share with you guys in this thread


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Oh I would love it if you could share it! Or if you find a link of anyone who has shared it, do post it here.

I am watching Signal too and it's brilliant!!

PBG's drama doesnt sound too good but I will still watch it because of him :P


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Yes!! Signal is so GOOD..., my heart hurt for this 3 police who fight so hard for justice, and what thay've been through.
Their feeling for each other's happiness and well being.
Their misterious connection, respect and fond for each other.
Wow..., i breathless.....
Hope a happy ending for all of them.
Please... i need it.


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Anyone here nowadays?? It has been too long!

I read Asmara's 'Spill the Beans' and I wanted to comment there but I joined the party late and didn't know if she would read it.. But still @Asmara- you are not alone! I am a crazy Kdrama fan too :P

Is anyone applying to be dramabeans minion? Sounds so cool.

Also are u guys watching DOTS? Its not the best of shows but it is hilarious, cute and entertaining. Plus it always helps that they have a brilliantly beautiful cast. Song Joon Ki practically sparkles in every episode :D


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Hiii, Im still here, darn real life commitment making me away so long from dramabeans hehe

Idk that they published my spill the beans! Oh my gosh, thank you, dramabeans! I love you more! I miss you guys here. I just realized that among others, SIG is the latest on joining into a new drama. I found our hilarious Son Sunbae in Six Flying Dragons, just as hilarious. Did you watch SFD? It.Is.A.Masterpiece. Truly on the same par with Signal. And I just got into Memory ep 1 and 2 and guess who's there? The Hyun's Art dealer friend! Lol! He's a doctor there. Omooo... Gukkie, you're taking too long, indeed.

I haven't watched DoTS. I might wait until it finished. Atm it just Memory and planning on Tree With Deep Roots. Yea, such a sucker for a brilliantly written drama. IRY, I miss you.

@CC Chen, how I envy you! Do you have IG account or tumblr? You can share it there. Im not into FB now.

@loveycat, hi!!! #waves# I just joint SIG fans Line group, are you interested? We're making a Rice Wrath project atm with other fans from Philippine, Thailand, and Malaysia. Go find an.dra1806 at IG anytime you'd like to join us. We even have fanboy there omg!


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Oh on dramabeans minions, how I wish I had that skill. But then, I might ended up recapping only SIG's drama haha speaking on bias, do you have any @ObsessedMuch?


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@Asmara You didn't check the Spill the Beans column regularly? If I had sent a post, I would have been waiting everyday for a new post! :P

I haven't seen SFD or Memory. Should I? I am currently watching DOTS but it is for pure unadulterated fluff and Song Joonki's beauty.

My bias list is too long so if I became a minion, I might just end up recapping any and every show with SIG, PBG, Kim Woo Bin, Lee Jong Seok, Kim Soo Hyun, Ji Sung, Jung Kyung Ho(a recent fav after OMHE)... Ah the list is never-ending almost.. Oh and from the actresses I would recap shows with Jang Na Ra, Gong Hyo Jin, Park Shin Hye and Jun Ji Hyun :P


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Hi @ObsessedMuch,
Indeed you have so many biases lol. That's good. At least you don't have to wait long and suffer like me waiting for SIG's new drama haha.

I really recommend SFD. It never failed and kept me hooked through all 50 eps. Thank God I marathoned it, in a week, so I didn't have to suffer the wait each week.

Are you applying for the dramabeans minions? I wonder how dramabeans gets money from this. They sure get some right. They deserve that.

One post for Spill The Beans is one great acknowledgement for me with this kind of English. I waited for weeks after I posted it actually but then it was too long so I stopped. Oh thank you for telling me, dear. That news from you made my day. :D


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Not applying for the minions thing because I am sure it is a tough job and it might just ruin a perfectly nice show if one were to start analyzing it.. I am sure they earn some money- at least an amount that keeps them going day in and day out.

The pleasure was all mine in telling u about Spill the Beans :) I
had a great time reading your story :)

SFD is then gonna be next on my watch list.


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I'm touched that you guys still coming back here frequently, and like me still missing IRY. I'm not alone.

I have IG account, but seldom use it. Or I can share with you guys via email?

I'm planning to watch SFD. Some viewers described it as masterpiece. And I'm so much looking forward to SIG's new drama. Apart from it, I'm not so interested in recent kdramas.


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Hi CC Chen- it has been a long time. Good to see u back here. I am eagerly waiting for SIG's next too..

I want to re watch IRY because I miss it so much. Oh btw did u check out One More Happy Ending? It was really cute and Jang Nara was adorable in it with Jung Kyung Ho.

My mail id is [email protected] but I doubt if it can be shared through mail.


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Hi CC Chen,

Thank you for offering it through email but just like ObsesedMuch said Im not sure if we can share it through email. It must be quite big right. Is there a lot special things? Like more BTS? More NGs? Or interview? Ah I remember SIG, PBG and JNR had interview with the three of them. Is that for the DVD package?

On SFD, if you like royal politics, then it's a must watch. It is so great that I want more than 50 eps. I feel like I could watch 50 eps more lol.

PBG is doing saeguk for his next drama right? Wonder which sides of him he will pull off, his cute side or his creepy side hehe.


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Guys one of my comments featured on "Beans Of Wisdom"! :D It feels good to see my name featured :)


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Congratulation, ObsessedMuch!!! :D
Being chosen as Beans of Wisdom is one kind of achievement in this beanieland! And as a 'hilarious comment" that made people lol is the cherry on top. I always love comment that makes people laugh. And your comment is indeed so lol. I hope you still maintain a good image in front of your boss. Or maybeee... your boss need some kdrama dose? Hehe.


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Hahahha.. I survived that episode somehow. But in our country watching kdramas is not a particularly "cool" thing and many people just stare at you with a blank face if you tell them that u are a kdrama fan. So, at least in front of my boss, I am not gonna reveal that! :P.. At least for now , because it is a new job. But, perhaps later, I might try to make a kdrama fan out of her too! :)


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I don't know that there's not many Kdrama fans in India. I guess it's more popular in my country. Actually I just heard that Joo Woon visited my country few months ago to promote Yong Pal. How I wish SIG would come! Hehe.

I watched Indian movie last night, Airlift. Have you watched it? It's good. One thing that impressed me most though, Indian movie's consistency in inserting songs and dances at any kind of movie hehe. So unique and charming on its own. :)


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Not in India.. i think their are many viewers in Sub Continent who likes and watch K Dramas... but almost 99% don't like to reveal it... you don't know a person beside you also like to watch k dramas.. but they will not let you know.. they hide it because people will stare at them with suspicion as you said.. :)


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@dreamer Hello there! :D What you have said is so true! Btw are you a new IRY fan or have you come back to this page? Yours is a new username on this page :) And welcome here! Its always good to see a new name on this page :)


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Hi!! Well i am not a new member on dramabeans. As for IRY.. i started to look for it when i hear Jang Nara will be in it (i am a big fan of hers). so i watch it with original airing through streaming. i have my comment on this post also.. i think it would be on page# 1 of this thread... usually i comment rarely ..i just like to read others beanies comments rather than commenting... :) but yesterday when i visit suddenly, i was surprised to see that this thread goes too long... Surely!!The Drama was so much CAPABLE to have a thread this much long... :)


Oh Airlift is a good movie :) But I guess u would be surprised to hear that it was almost boring by Indian standards as it just had one song- dance, rest was just background music. It is common in India to have at- least 3-4 dance oriented songs :D We are gradually changing towards almost- no dance movies but it will be a long time coming. Plus I don't think we should lose our essential "Indian" flavour :) I love Indian movies, just not the Indian tele- shows- they are horrible!

Joo Won in Indonesia! Wow! I so hope that a day would come where K-drama stars would come and promote their shows/ movies here in India.


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@Dreamer Oh I watched it when it was airing too... But I liked this thread a lot as the comments were very interesting. Some of us somehow kept coming back to this page and so the comments increased :) It is obviously nothing in comparison to the Heale ep 20 thread which has crossed more than 10,000 comments!

I seriously loved IRY. And it introduced me to Park Bo Gum! I have watched so many new things just cuz of Bo Gummie. Now waiting for Seo In Guk's next project!

And good to meet a Jang nara fan too :D Btw if you are a Jang Nara fan then did u watch One More Happy Ending. It was hilarious and amazing. Plus I found the gem that is Jung Kyung Ho there! I do believe Jang Nara can have chemistry with anyone but it always helps that she chooses projects where the actors are amazing too!


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IRY is also my one of the favorite drama because of the story,directing, acting.. i started because of Jang Nara.. and ended up being the biggest fan of Seo In Guk and Park Bo Gum(specially) not to forget Choi Won Young( he was phenomenal as a psychopath).. the whole drama was a gem... Lee Chun Hee was also good... but i can't watch One More Happy Ending... as i am busy in my semesters... but i was following it on dramabeans.. but surely will watch it...


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15 + Alpha to everything you said about the actors. :D
I loved Seo In Guk already but Park Bo Gum and Choi Won Young were revelations. I am now definitely watching any and every show that Bo Gummie will be a part of.


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Hello all! Another one of my comment got selected for Bean of Wisdom. I know it might be a lil irritating that I keep sharing it here but on Dramabeans, this is the place where I have friends :)


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Congo.... :)


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Thanks :)


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Aww! Congrats dear ObsessedMuch! Please, share any good news from you at any time! :-) DB is a truly wonderful land but sometimes having a smaller circle like this feels more homey than the big party.

Seems that you catch up more kdramas than I do. Maybe its Bollywood time for me atm coz I watched Bajrangi Baijaan yesterday. It was SO GOOD. My mom cried. And I was mesmerized by the story.

Bollywood is really the best when it comes to cliches. Make that a thousand cliches in one movie and it still works! Even with the songs and dances lol.

Do you watch Neighbourhood Lawyer? It has good ratings. I wonder why. It's on the same time slot of IRY, right. Maybe it's KBS winning moment right now.

@Dreamer, hi there, Jang Nara fans! :-) I love her spunky Cha Ji Ann. She's definitely not that typical damsel in distress.


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Entertainer is the only show that I am watching right now. Somehow I can't chose what to pick up.

Haven't seen Neighborhood Lawyer but I have heard good reviews. KBS seems to be going so strong cuz of DOTS. Its really sad that our lovely show- IRY didn't get strong ratings. I mean I am not asking for 38%, but at least 15%! It surely was better than Signal (which I liked enough, which gained quite a lotta ratings.

I am so happy u are liking Bollywood. After all it IS from my country :) If you run out of Bollywood movies to watch, I can always recommend some. I have basically grown up watching these movies. And yes I can declare apologetically that I love the songs and dances. Otherwise a movie isn't so fun.


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whatever role she takes.. i am always going to like it... :)


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I love this drama, really enjoyed it .. I love the actors n actresses .. the romance n bromance n mystery


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Hello! I don't mean to crash what looks like a really fun and tight group of beanies, but I was invited to stop by via a post on my blog on IRY and would feel like a peeping tom if I just left after looking through some of the comments.

I just had a question regarding Joon-ho (and forgive me but I'm too lazy to read all 7 pages to see if it's already been asked). Do any of you have more insight as to why he acts the way he does? I've looked at the backstory back and forth and up and down, but that doesn't completely lay bare his thought process to me. Thoughts?

Also, what are your feelings on a season 2? They left the ending open enough... but I kinda like it that way, as a drama. If it was a book or manga, I'd be clamoring for more... but I don't know about as a drama. Not that they'd ever consider it anyway, but just hypothetically.


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Hey Cozybooks, thanks for stopping by. I was the one who had commented on your blog.

I think Joon Ho's behaviour harks back to the main theme of this show- nature vs nurture. In his case, both nature and nurture (or lack thereof) were instrumental in turning him into a psychopath. His birth was a result of rape and he was made to feel un-wanted from the moment he entered this world. I am guessing everything came together to make him into what he was. Plus, his claim that he mostly killed parents/ guardians of kids treated badly does reflect that that he has a method to his madness. Obviously, a little bit of mystery and lack of clarity are important ingredients in a show's story-line about a psychopath- because if we could analyse all that he does, then his character would not perhaps be a complete psychopath.

For season 2, I don't know anymore. I was part of the fan- base which was screaming and pleading for a second season because I was so much in love with all the characters and actors. But the story is the king, and if they don't have a good plot for a second season, then obviously there is no point in going through all the effort, even if they somehow manage to get the awesome ensemble cast altogether. I do agree that I was happy with the open ending too, because in my mind, I can imagine all sort of possible ends, and that is not necessarily a bad thing in a thriller.

Though I do feel that from the flashes of stories we have seen in Season 1, there is enough material for one more season. We could get to know more about Min's life, or even Joon- ho's past. And obviously enough episodes could come about how Hyun tracks more criminals, and perhaps finally- manages to cathch Joon- Ho. We could also see more kick-ass-ness from Ji-an. Basically every character in this show has a potential to be explored in more detail.

But as we all know, the ratings for IRY were dismal, to say the least. So I don't think the producers would want to spend more money on a show like this. But a girl can hope :)


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Yeah, I knew it was you (just didn't know if you'd want to be called out online, haha)

Thanks for the insight on Joon-ho, I think I get it more now. It's just hard because on the one hand he doesn't care about anybody, but on the other he wants to 'save' all the abused kids. Really, I think he's lying to himself. Aaah, such juicy characters, I love them.

I didn't watch it until way after it finished, unfortunately, so I don't know what all the ratings were like (just that they didn't do the show justice). Ah, such is life. Hey--if even Mrs. Cop got a second season, they should consider it. But at the same time I want to see more good shows with those actors. I don't know. Thanks for telling me about this corner of DB, though. :) You're awesome!


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Thank you :) I don't mind being called out at all.

I am actually quite looking forward to Police Unit 38 because of Seo In Guk. Plus I think I will definitely be watching any show that these 4 actors do. I actually watched One More Happy Ending for Jang Nara, Reply 1988 and Youth Over Flowers for Bo Gum, and the early episodes of Come Back Ajhusshi for Choi Won Young.

Hope to see you in other threads too :) It's always good to make friends on Dramabeans and then read their comments :)


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Hi Everybody!! Sorry it's a long time for coming back here.
It's just not easy to send my comment from my mobile. And as ussual...works..
Miss you all.
@ObsessedMuch i love your never ending enthusiasm for K-drama. Looks fun just for read your comment.

@asmara I miss you, looked like you find new enjoyment in watching India's movie :)) Your mom is so fun to can watch it with you. My mom usually not watching foreign movie, except mandarin speaking movie.

@CC Chen i love it if you can share some of the IRY director's cut DVD to me. This is my email [email protected] no need to much, just some of it's contents that you found interesting to share with us.

@Cozybooks Wellcome!! i'm happy there is more and more IRY's fans. And you also don't mind to come here and share more of your opinion to us.


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I also want to share what i watch for a while.
DOTS for now, little bit late, but i not regreat it. More fun and more adventure with no spoiler everywhere.

After this, i will follow it with Beautiful Gong Shim, Oh Hae Young Again and Mirror of the Witch.

and there is more worth to wait, Seo In Guk's Police unit 38, Ji Chang Wook's K2, Lee Jeong Seok's W–Two Worlds, Park Bo Gum's first Saeguk drama , Kim Ah Joong’s Wanted and Kim So-Hyun (girl)'s Bring It On, Ghost.

There is so many to wait.


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Hello loveycat :) It was good to see your comment. This thread has become very slow but it is still nice to have a place of your own in DB.

Did u guys watch Police Unit 38? I waited so long for SIG's appearance in ep1 but the director/writer basically nailed it! And I loved that they gave a shot of SIG's lips just 15 minutes into the show so that his fans would not get frustrated and will wait till his entry to judge the show! :P It is very interesting till now and SIG is so cool in it. I am still waiting to form my opinion but I am definitely gonna watch it for obvious reasons! :P

I am also watching Oh Hae Young Again (nice), Lucky Romance (Ryu Joon Yeol is killing it) and Master- God of Noodles (intriguing).

Too many shows to watch- too little time!


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Ahaha I watched that scene with SIG's lips and went "oh dear, all us thirsty ladies at DB just died."


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Heheh.. I know exactly what you mean. Heaven hath no mercy like SIG's lips.


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I don't mean to blaspheme, but I think I've just found a show with a more psychotic villain than Joon-ho. I'm watching the Chinese drama Love Me if You Dare, and oh dear gracious heavens it's good. I don't know where the great production value and acting and budget is coming from, but I'm not complaining. Have any of you guys watched it?

PS Is anyone else waiting on pins and needles for W: Two worlds?


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Me. I don't want to anticipate W too much but each teaser and plot tidbit is making me WANT it.


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Hey @mary I haven't seen you around this corner. Do you keep up with old threads? Also, are you an IRY fan too?

I love these little nooks and crannies in the DB world. It's like a space of your own within the internet.


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I don't drop by old posts on purpose but we try to watch the comments in case someone is being spammy or nasty. I notice the convos in old posts though. The chatter is fun to read. ^___^

If you need me to appear, just say Song Jae-rim 3x in front of a mirror at midnight on a full moon.


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Haha.. I have taken note of the magic words and will henceforth use them whence I need to confer with you on random important things. Though I have noticed that you take your own sweet time in appearing in SJR- related posts. :P

Off- topic, how cute is Song Jae Rim with his cat? I was re-watching his ep1 on We Got Married.


Me Me Me!! I want W on my screen ASAP. It sounds so interesting. Plus weekly doses of LJS never hurt anyone.

I tried watching Love Me if You Dare soon after IRY ended but somehow, because of the similarity of the theme, and a not so gutsy heroine (in the first 2- 3 episodes, also I was comparing her to Jang Nara), I left it soon. But there were many on this thread who really liked that show.


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Hah, weekly doses of Lee Jong Suk. That's my kind of medicine. If you someday feel the urge, I would recommend giving Love Me if You Dare another go. Jian Yao isn't as gutsy as Jang Nara, but I loved her all the same.

@mary I will also use the magic words if I ever need you. :)


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Then I will try to give it a go once this tsunami of "upcoming must watch kdrama" over.

Off topic, I tried Japanese, Taiwanese and Chinese dramas, but Kdramas clearly have the best quality of production. They are somehow innately cooler than others.


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Argh, why are electronics so expensive?? I'm looking into buying a computer for school and don't want to spend buckets, but... I also want a nice computer. Oh well.

@ObsessedMuch I too have noticed the incredible disparity between Korean and other asian dramas. I'm trying to be fairly objective too (allowing for some different style trends in the countries) but Korea's dramas just... seem better made. It makes me wonder about how prosperous the other countries' entertainment industries are (ie. how big are their budgets?)


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You know when it comes to computers, you should always go for the best one that u can buy in your stretched budget because it is not a product that u will get done with in an year. It would remain with you for a long time.

I dunno about other countries, but the entertainment industry in my country (India) has a big budget. But they end up spending it on the jewelry and clothes and shooting spaces, rather than on good quality cinematography. Plus it would be really desirable if they spend it on a good story, rather than utilising idiotic tropes over and over again!

Sorry, that was a short rant on the Indian TV industry and completely Off topic! :P


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I think this thread has finally come to a sand-still. It was inevitable what with the new and awesome SIG show. To all those who I met here, I Remember You <3. I hope to meet you guys on other threads of awesome new shows currently airing- Police Unit 38, W, Uncontrollably Fond, Beautiful Mind and possibly Bo Gummie's new show (did u guys catch the 'bombastic' trailer- PBY sure is growing into a sexy kid).

So for the last time and for others who might come to this thread after they watch IRY for the first time: I Remember You was a gem of a show and all the actors were amazing in it. SIG, JNR, PBG and CWY have gone down in my list of must watch actors.

Peace Out :)


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aww, well if you do come back--congrats on bean of wisdom! There's so many people over in the W recaps I felt a bit crowded (online? really?) so I came back here.

It was indeed a gem--and even more so for the people watching it. Thanks for letting me hang with you guys!


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Thanks @Cozybooks! And I totally understand the feeling of being crowded on W threads. There are just too many comments even before I watch the episode, and then it gets hard to read all of them. SO I prefer staying with the threads of shows which have lesser comments!


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I guess you don't come here often either. I came at the invitation of asmara who posted in a SIG related thread. I will catch you somewhere else and thank you properly :)


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You guys are still here! This drama and my other favourite Healer are two of my most beloved dramas. Sometimes I drop by because I just miss the awesomeness of the drama. IRY is always my top favourite ❤


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Drop by more often.. Or find us on other threads. Its always fun to talk to people you have talked to before! :)


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Gosh, it's really been a while!
@ObsessedMuch and others, I MISS You ^^.
I notice that @ObsessedMuch is really active in dramabeans hehe. I

must say tho that being active on the internet started to be exhausting. Maybe I'm not just that digital. Or I'm just getting older haha. Will continue to try to catch up definitely.

So actually, I'm learning video editing atm! I can dare to proudly say that fangirling truly can bring out the best of you lol. Not that I'm pro now. Here's a little treat for all of you here. Simply because we could never forget Lee Hyun. Enjoy!



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asmara!!!!! The video was wonderful! And I loved the ones with both SIG and YAI.. I have subscribed to your channel.. Keep up the good work! :D


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OMG discussion so long after this is nuts!


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Hey @redfox Welcome back! I can see you are a die hard SIG fan too!! :D


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@ObsessedMuch, awww you even subscribed to my channel, thank you, it still feels a bit weird tho to become one of those youtubers haha. Really, I just want to show people that I love this man so much hehe.

So happy that you also loved the one with Yoo Ah In. I haven't have a chance to say it in dramabeans but I was strongly impressed with Yoo Ah In's acting skill. His Bang Won is oh my God so good I almost believe he's really a lunatic. I'm not fangirling on him but I wish he could work together with SIG one day in a drama or a movie. Though I doubt that any network will have the money to pay them as leads.

Oh and congrats on your comments in Beans of Wisdom. I could say that you truly have the wisdom to be SIG fan haha. See you in SKL threads. Love.


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I have not seen YAI in anything other than Sungkyunkwan Scandal, and that was a long time back. One of these days I am going to gather the courage to take up that 50 episode drama and then I can join his bandwagon. Till then, I am happy to be a SIG, KWB and LJS fan! :P

See u in SKL threads :).. ANd hoping for more awesome videos :D


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I personally was very disappointed with the ending. Obviously neither Min nor Joon Young would ever "see the light", their brains just work too differently than other ppl. However Min was heavily conflicted over his brother obviously having a unsolvable problem with him being who he was, and I thought his decision to end Joon Young and himself together as very in character for him. I especially loved the part where Joon Young asked him whether his decision was bc he thought that something was wrong with them and Min answered "no" without thinking. He will not feel guilt for what he's done till the end even though he was ready to die so as to not inconvenience his brother.

Then, as if the writers feared that bad things would happen to them if they didn't at least bring one of the two to justice, he miraculously survived the attack of an ingenious killer who had never made a mistake killing and decided to turn himself in!

Luckily they did not destroy Joon Young 's character by throwing him into prison too.

It was all very nice till the little talk on the bank then somehow went down the drain to me in the last few minutes...

Thank you for the nice recaps again, if was very fun reading them!


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I'm soo late in discovering this gem but better late than never.
It was a very thrilling ride, with a lot of food for thoughts about human nature. And damn, I want season 2 to explore how Min kill his preys as well as LJY method of murder and how LJY cover up all those corpses.
How did they perfected their killing? How was Min's live with LJY? How did LJY "rescue" the kids and just how much those kids know/involve with him to protect him as their saviour?

In a sense, I believe LJY had given the choice to all those 'rescued' kids, since most of them probably ended up in orphanage or adopted. He free them of abuse, and let them decide their future, whether they let that trauma haunt them, consume them and lead them to commit crime or will they just choose to lead a life with moral. It's not like he teach them how to murder, he believed he just free them from abuse. Just like how he wished that he could have been save, but he was not. He was just saving himself over and over again with those kids.

So sad for LJY that his good deeds always goes the wrong way and there's no one willing truly reach out for him. Heartbreaking when he said what he hoping for was to live with Hyun and Min, those 2 were the only ones relatable to him, and he came to care dearly for.

In my opinion, perhaps LJY has always been lost all these time, he was wishing that someone will find him and remember him, because a person's existence lives in others' memories. The police basically erased his record, he took on new identity, yet he still longed for someone to remember him, and that person is Hyun, whom did not treat him as monster.

For Min, I think he will get life-time in jail. He chose to be Hyun's brother, so he decided to confess for his brother. It's not that he thought he was wrong but it rather, for his brother's sake, just as he lived 20 years for his brother, always watching Hyun. During that 1 year with Hyun, Min probably received and recognise how much Hyun love him, that Hyun will never abandon him despite his crimes. So after 1 year, Min decided not to be burden to Hyun anymore, by turning himself in. Like he said "[Hyun] stayed long enough with me, he should return home" which mean he knows Hyun has his own life too, not just living for Min, so he's in a sense, freeing his brother.

I love this drama sooo much, romance, bromance psycho are all on point. Love how we have a strong, capable female lead for once and no non-sense misunderstanding in the romance.

This is the drama I will always return to.

"Little do you know
How I'm breaking while you fall asleep
Little do you know
I'm still haunted by the memory
Little do you know
I'm trying to pick myself up piece by piece
Little do you know
I need a little more time
Underneath it all I'm held captive by the hole inside" - I think this verse kinda suit Min and Hyun but Dear Cloud song "Remember" is soo heart wrenching in representing the brothers'...


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Aww I like that people are still discovering the awesomeness of this show. 15+ alpha to your comment :)


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I'm sure this gem is being re-discover by a lot of people, due to PBG moonlight hit and also SIG in shopping king louis and police unit 38

seriously, it was such a beautiful hidden gem, I totally regretted not knowing it earlier and join the live watch discussion


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While the live discussion was brilliant, it was even more fun when we kept discussing it till almost an year later. That's the effect IRY had on us. This was the show that compelled me to delurk and that is why I keep coming back here.

And yes, I have seen IRY being suggested as a good show for new fans of both PBG and SIG. There are bound to be a lot of people coming to see the recaps :)


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mary? ma-ry... peoples are lookings for you on the latest What are we watching? thread. are you here, perhaps?

well then, bye.


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Hahha.. mary did say that we just have to say Song Jae Rim's name 3 times in front of a mirror on the full moon, so maybe try doing that on the next full moon (which is far away)!

Would just typing his name thrice work?
Song Jae Rim
Song Jae Rim
Song Jae Rim

I tried atleast.


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Came here to send a wish out to Seo In Guk (who would never see this) from this thread which is basically a tome in appreciation of his skills. So here it goes:
Happy Birthday to my most favourite guy in the whole world <3


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I'm stopping by because I was just missing I Remember You today, so you're totally right about this being a tome of SIG. And to say I hope he gets better quickly, and that the netizens are kind about it all (I heard it can get bad when it comes to enlistment?)

Also, I've been guiding my friend and roommate down the K-Drama rabbit hole, and I Remember You is next on the list. We're just finishing Kill Me Heal Me, and this seemed like a fitting followup. Different, but also soooo good.


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Song Jae-Rim, Song Jae-Rim, Song Jae-Rim! (Hoping to summon mary). I suppose the new format of the site makes it hard form less public corners with new comments being featured on the beanies page, so I should probably have posted this in the moving post so you'd see it. Still, I wanted to find a quieter way to say thank you, I can see you're still up helping with all sorts of IT questions. You're awesome! Get good sleep, don't burn yourself out! (Same goes for all the DB overlords still working tonight!)


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Look I do come back to this page often! And I guess with this new site, we at least are informed if someone is commenting on our comment!

Let's see if the "call Song Jae Rim's name 3 times" works in the new platform!


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I'm guessing not, I feel bad trying to call her when the site is so. Dang. Busy. But oh well, and I think they can all sense we're rooting for them!


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They surely can! Even I can see the overwhelming support and appreciation pouring in, and they are obviously more in a position to see it :)


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