I Remember You: Episode 13

Hey guys! I’m filling in here for one episode, and boy am I excited. I Remember You is such a great drama — I’ve very much enjoyed watching it up to now, and I’m thrilled to get a chance to weigh in. This is a very thoughtful episode, focusing on questions such as whether or not hope is better than knowledge of loss. And what would you do if given the opportunity for revenge? Would you throw away your own life for a chance at vigilante justice? At least one of our heroes is faced with just that choice, and their decision may surprise us all.

EPISODE 13: “What choice would you make?”

Realizing that mafia boss Jo Yong-woo may not be targeting himself, but Ji-an, Hyun makes a frantic call demanding to know where she is. Suddenly feeling nervous, Ji-an whirls around, but there’s only a man who walks past her with a vacant smile. Hyun makes her more nervous by demanding she stick to open streets and letting him know where she is every moment, and he tells her that Jo Yong-woo’s girlfriend was killed while they were on the run.

This means he has to admit that the killer is targeting those Hyun cherishes, and of course Ji-an focuses on the word “cherish.” Hyun just hangs up on her, which is so cute, and Ji-an gets a bit smiley and giggly before she slaps herself back to reality. And then goes right back to giggly.

Hyun has another realization and calls Lawyer Jung, who ignores the call. He leaves his empty office, but at the elevator he suddenly finds a knife at this throat. Eek! The man holding the knife urges Lawyer Jung into the elevator with it, and the doors close.

This must be Yong-woo, and he takes Lawyer Jung to an empty room in the building. Lawyer Jung actually smiles at the thought that he’s one of Hyun’s cherished people, but he murmurs to Yong-woo that he’s mistaken. Yong-woo ignores him and calls Hyun, inviting him to come watch his little brother die.

While he’s busy talking, Lawyer Jung takes advantage of his distraction and quickly attacks, easily holding his own even without a weapon. Hyun hears the scuffle and rushes to the office building, while Team Leader Kang and Myung-woo find Ji-an. They tell her that Hyun went to see “some girl named Min-ah,” but she remembers Hyun calling for “Min-ah” in his sleep, and realizes that he’s found his brother.

Still grappling with Yong-woo, Lawyer Jung is stabbed in the stomach, and he’s bleeding pretty badly by the time Hyun reaches the building. He collapses, and Yong-woo grabs a piece of rebar to impale Lawyer Jung just as his girlfriend was killed. Thankfully Hyun finds them, and distracts Yong-woo.

Yong-woo says that ever since his girlfriend died, he lived looking forward to his revenge on Hyun’s father — but then he died. So shouldn’t that debt be paid by his sons? Hyun just laughs in his face, and says casually, “Kill him.”

He tells Yong-woo that he’s misinformed… he never looked for his brother for twenty years, or even remembered him. Why should he care what happens to him now? If he kills Lawyer Jung now, Hyun says he won’t even care all that much.

For a moment, it seems as though Yong-woo is falling for Hyun’s reverse psychology, but then he smirks that Hyun’s act just proves he chose the right person. He pulls his arm back to stab Lawyer Jung — and is shot in the arm by Ji-an. Yong-woo makes a run for it with Ji-an hot on his heels, while Hyun rushes to his brother.

Ji-an follows Yong-woo out of the building and down the street, but he manages to circle around behind her. He gets close enough to grab her, but Team Leader Kang shows up so Yong-woo slips into the shadows. He slinks away, but soon he’s joined by an ominous shadow.

In the ambulance, Hyun clutches Lawyer Jung’s hand and fights the urge to burst into tears. He waits anxiously while he’s in surgery, and Ji-an joins him to apologize for losing Yong-woo. He asks her how she knew where to find them, and she tells him she had a hunch when she found the picture she took of him with Lawyer Jung in the background. Hyun smiles at the proof that his brother really was watching him.

Ji-an asks if Lawyer Jung is Hyun’s younger brother, but he deflects, asking if she’s okay and telling her that they aren’t sure if Lawyer Jung will make it. Ji-an assures Hyun that he’ll definitely be okay. She silently takes his hand in support, and Hyun finally cries.

Team Leader Kang finds Ji-an in the hall and tells her that Yong-woo escaped, and he starts to ask her what happened but stops when he notices her haunted expression. Apropos of nothing, she tells him that she doesn’t like being a cop, and thinks to herself that she’ll have to arrest Hyun’s brother someday.

To Kang, saying she’s just feeling whiny for getting beat up yet again. He doesn’t look like he believes it, but he plays along. He tentatively invites her to let him know whenever she’s having a hard time, and he’ll try to help.

Hyun hovers over Min when he gets out of surgery, and he’s asleep from exhaustion and still clinging to his hand when Min finally wakes. Min frees his hand and reaches out as if to touch Hyun’s face, but pulls back at the last moment.

His shields slam up when Hyun wakes, even in the face of Hyun’s overwhelming relief that he’s okay, and he answers Hyun’s questions with short snappish responses. Hyun assigns Indebted Friend to watch over his brother until Yong-woo can be found, and interestingly, Min doesn’t object.

Indebted Friend objects very strongly, because he recognizes Lawyer Jung as one of the possible murder suspects he was investigating. Hyun says he’s asking a favor, and Indebted Friend whines back, “I’m asking you a favor not to ask me a favor!” Hee.

He introduces himself nervously to Lawyer Jung (Hey, he has a name! It’s Na Bong-sung), but Jung smirks that he knows who he is, because he’s been watching him. But he thinks to himself that it’s really because he’s been watching his hyung. Awww.

The team needs to figure out which phone out of the hundreds that were in the area at the time of the homeless man’s murder was Jo Yong-woo’s, so they can track his location today — it’s a daunting task. Hyun actually cringes when he admits that he already has Yong-woo’s phone number. The other guys’ bellows of irritation are hilarious, ha.

They track Yong-woo’s phone to the same abandoned building where the homeless man’s body was found, but it’s deserted. Team Leader Kang notices a length of rebar suspiciously sticking straight up out of the ground, and when Hyun calls Yong-woo’s cell phone, a ringing comes from under the rebar. Found him.

The team uncovers Yong-woo’s body enough to confirm it’s him, and that he was pierced by the piece of rebar, the same way as his girlfriend and the homeless man.

Joon-ho shows up at the hospital, and Indebted Bong-sung recognizes him as another murderer candidate. Lawyer Jung isn’t any more interested in talking to Joon-ho than he was Hyun, but Joon-ho tenderly brushes his hair off his face and says this reminds him of the past. He’d often stayed up all night when little Min had fevers.

Lawyer Jung finally speaks, to ask if it was Joon-ho who gave his information to Jo Yong-woo. Joon-ho asks in turn if Lawyer Jung doesn’t like that Hyun is looking after him, since he’d wondered about his hyung’s feelings towards him.

He smiles that Lawyer Jung’s curiosity is answered, and Jung snaps that Joon-ho’s curiosity is answered as well. Is Joon-ho saying he did it for Lawyer Jung’s own good? Joon-ho starts to deny it, but he’s interrupted with a question, “My hyung… did he really abandon me?” Joon-ho says they’ll talk when he’s recovered.

Lawyer Jung recalls Hyun’s making him promise that if he kills anyone, it will be him, and tells Joon-ho that he’s been thinking. If he kills someone one last time, “It will be you, Uncle.”

The tense moment is broken by Hyun’s arrival, and Joon-ho insists on leaving them alone. Hyun notices a wound on Joon-ho’s hand, which Joon-ho claims is from doing yard work. He says he took care of Hyun’s tree while he was at it, and mentions how well the trees have grown while Hyun was gone, with a pointed look towards Lawyer Jung.

With another pointed look, Hyun says he’ll take care of his own trees from now on, thankyouverymuch. Joon-ho says he feels disappointed, but Hyun retorts that since he didn’t ask him to look after the tree, he feels no need to express gratitude. The tree in question just smiles at that.

We go back to Yong-woo in the alley, being trailed by a large shadowy person, and now we see that it was Joon-ho. In the morgue, Joon-ho contemplates the body. He’s joined by Hyun and Ji-an, but Joon-ho says the body is so bruised that he won’t know the exact cause of death for a while yet.

Hyun smirks that according to the injuries, all sorts of modus operandi were used, as if the murderer wanted to hide his identity. When Joon-ho is all Oh is that so?, Ji-an notes that it’s strange that a skilled doctor like him didn’t think of that already, earning funny looks from both men in the room.

Ji-an guesses there won’t be any DNA on the body, since the murderer is obviously skilled, though she muses that in the end, he’s still just a murderer. Once they’re out of Joon-ho’s earshot, Hyun rounds on Ji-an, and she admits that she thinks Joon-ho is Lee Joon-young.

Hyun starts to tell her she shouldn’t antagonize Joon-ho, but she stops him — if Joon-ho really is Joon-young, then he already knows of her suspicion, since she told him about her father. Hyun asks why she’s provoking him then, and she says she’s showing him she’s not scared. Unable to say anything to dissuade her, Hyun gives in.

The team is stuck for ideas on why Yong-woo would have been killed with his own revenge method. Ji-an actually posits to Hyun that maybe Lee Joon-young killed him (and I love how the show hangs a lantern on the “crime of the week” format, when Ji-an says they’ll eventually see all of the world’s murders as done by Joon-young, HAHA).

Hyun hasn’t asked Lawyer Jung about Joon-young yet, because he didn’t want to push him too much. He’s noncommittal when Ji-an asks if he will someday, and Ji-an sighs that they’ll need Lawyer Jung’s help if they’re to prove that Joon-ho is Joon-young.

Ji-an confesses that when she first became a cop, she looked up Joon-young, discovering that strangely, his fingerprints matched another criminal’s. Somehow, his fingerprints were erased from the system and replaced with someone else’s — so even if they find him, there will be no way to prove it’s him.

Hyun huffs in annoyance, then has a sudden memory of holding Joon-young’s hand when they told their secrets. He thinks to himself that there’s a way to tell if it’s Joon-young even if it’s only a one percent chance — but he can’t quite put his finger on it.

Team Leader Kang calls Ji-an and Hyun back to the station, wanting to hear Hyun’s take on Yong-woo’s murder. Hyun gives them the quick-and-dirty version, but in his haste, he accidentally says that Yong-woo went after Ji-an because he was trying to kill the person most dear to Hyun… and everyone in the room goes all Whut??

Hyun tries to spin it that it’s just that she’s the only person he knows in Korea… other than them, who score pretty low on his Care Meter. When they’re done squabbling over who has the highest score, they wonder why Lawyer Jung was the one who was ultimately attacked.

While making his exit, Hyun runs into Deputy Chiefs Kang and Hyun, and he tells them about Joon-young’s fingerprints having been switched. Kang writes it off as a simple clerical error, but Hyun clocks that this means Deputy Chief Kang knew about it.

Deputy Chief Kang plays dumb, and Hyun says he didn’t expect an immediate confession. He asks Deputy Chief Hyun what she did with the real fingerprints, since she wouldn’t have erased them, and her awkward silence says it all. He gives her one last chance to do the right thing, and she says she just wants a chance to explain — she’s been in Hell since Joon-young escaped, too.

He doesn’t believe it, since she gained so much information from Joon-young that benefited her career, and informs her that she won’t be seeing understanding or forgiveness from him. As he turns to go, she says she saw his ad in the fishing magazine and asks if Joon-young answered. He snaps that yes, he did, and that he was someone close to her.

Outside the door, Team Leader Kang listens in, and wonders who Joon-young turned out to be. He’s nearly caught when Hyun storms out, but Myung-woo (kinda romantically) swings him around the corner, muttering that if you’re going to eavesdrop, you’d better be quick about hiding.

Hyun visits Min, who’s picking dejectedly at his lunch, and just quietly sits and starts feeding him. Min objects but loses the battle, and submits to Hyun’s brotherly attention (keeping up his grouchy face but looking more childlike than ever). Hyun smiles at the opportunity to care for his little brother.

Hyun takes him out for a walk and asks him about inconsequential things, like whether he cooks or eats out, and what he does on days off. Min is a loner, and Hyun says he was like that too — but the past tense doesn’t escape Min, who says he’s got someone now. Hyun says Min’s is past tense too, because he has him now. Oof.

He admits that he bought his current identity from someone who didn’t need it anymore, and Joon-ho must have done the same because he meets a homeless man and asks if he didn’t used to be Lee Joon-ho. The man doesn’t answer, and Joon-ho leaves him a drink before he goes. Back at home, Joon-ho marks a spot on a map, then wraps the map along with a card in a gift box. Hmmm.

The team celebrate Ji-an’s birthday with cake and gifts, but they’re interrupted by a delivery, and everyone looks a bit nervous. They hold the deliveryman until the gift is opened, and it’s the map from Joon-ho. Ji-an recognizes the marked spot as being her old neighborhood. She asks the deliveryman if he saw who sent the gift. He says a kid brought it for delivery, and a now-serious Ji-an tells them to let him go and get a cadaver-sniffing dog ready.

It’s Min who tells Hyun that today is Ji-an’s birthday, and he gives Hyun grumpy permission to go. His little smile when Hyun decides to stay with him is so sweet.

Right at the marked spot on the map, the dog alerts to a buried body. It’s been there long enough that only bones are left, and Ji-an finds an old pocket watch with a photo of her and her father when she was a child. That’s the worst birthday “gift” ever.

She struggles to hold back her tears as she tells Team Leader Kang that this seems to be her father. She remembers telling Joon-ho that sometimes it’s kinder to tell the family that their loved one has died, to stop their painful hope, and how he’d said he always thought hope was better until now.

Team Leader Kang briefs Deputy Chief Kang on the situation with Ji-an’s father, and it seems to be news to Deputy Chief Kang that Ji-an’s father was one of the guards who was there the night Joon-young escaped. Team Leader Kang says that if Ji-an’s father was killed near the time of Joon-young’s escape, there’s a very high chance that he was innocent.

Team Leader Kang says he’s going to make this case his priority. As he’s leaving he starts to ask his father something, but he decides that Ji-an’s case is more important than whatever he was going to ask.

Ji-an stares at the watch with her father’s picture, and her teammates hardly know what to say to her. Hyun finally shows up and asks what’s happening, and his face falls as Eun-bok explains. Myung-woo gruffly tells Ji-an to just cry, but she only says quietly that for twenty years, she’d wondered how she would react if this day came. Hyun takes her to his place, telling her to stay for just today.

Lawyer Jung is discharged from the hospital, and I love that he calls Hyun to let him know. Joon-ho invites him to stay with him for a while, having already gone shopping for healthy foods. He calls him “Min” for the first time and says he’s his family, though Lawyer Jung doesn’t look as though he enjoys hearing it.

Ji-an remembers the day her father took the photo that’s in his pocketwatch, and relives other memories of how close they were. She tells his picture that she doesn’t remember the last time she spent with him, what they did or when it was. She apologizes that she didn’t remember, because she didn’t know it was the last time. Hyun finds her just as she’s breaking down, and holds her in his arms while she sobs.

Later, Ji-an remembers Dae-young (the young man who avenged his mother’s and sister’s deaths) asking her if she’d met the person who killed her father. He’d told her that, until she looks them in the face, not to assume to know how she would react.

She says to herself now that he was right, as she pulls her gun out of her bag. Just next door, Joon-ho and Lawyer Jung are arriving at Joon-ho’s home, and Ji-an’s face takes on a hard cast as she strides determinedly out the door.


No, Ji-an, don’t do it! I don’t think she will, because it would be horrific if she succumbed to the urge for revenge while she’s still in the throes of raw grief. Hopefully Hyun isn’t far away, and has time to stop her. Fighting violence with violence isn’t the way, and she knows it, she’s just hurting too badly right now to think straight. Find her and stop her, Hyun!

The best thing about this show, for me, is the relationships and how dynamic they are. They grow and change, break and mend, shift and ground. The cast is so amazing and the chemistry between everyone is so strong, that I find myself caring more about the relationships than anything else. I especially love Hyun and Ji-an’s growing friendship, more even than the tinges of romance that are starting to crop up. We as drama-watchers are used to seeing a man and woman fall in love onscreen, but what we see more rarely is watching a man and woman fall in like, and I love how Hyun and Ji-an are genuinely growing to like each other.

It’s interesting because, though Ji-an knows so much about Hyun personally, she’s never spent any time with him… so her emotions when it comes to him are a real surprise to her. And he, of course, disliked her on sight, so his gradual reluctant shift as he grows to care about her is really very fun as well as sweet. But I almost wouldn’t even care if they fell in love — though I know that’s where they’re headed — because seeing them become best friends is so satisfying all by itself. He doesn’t even seem that reluctant anymore and is getting more comfortable with the idea, as if their caring for each other is the most natural thing in the world. He’s even letting her comfort him, and comforting her in return.

But more dramatically, Hyun and Min’s evolving relationship is killing me quite dead. I’m a sucker for a good bromance, but when it’s true brothers involved and their past is so woven through with hurt and betrayal and guilt, I’m toast. Both of them are in such pain and so damaged, and want so badly to reconcile, but are finding their own emotional scars difficult to move past at this point. What’s worse is that neither of them are truly to blame, but were too young at the time of their separation to really understand what happened, and that’s carried into the present with such weight that it’s heartbreaking.

I love Min as a character so much, because while he’s undeniably an evil murderer, he also breaks my heart so easily. He can be so creepy and ominous one second, then a few seconds later he’s a lost little boy who just wants his hyung to love and protect him. I want so badly for him to repent and be redeemed, but can someone who’s killed at least nine people ever really be redeemed? It’s difficult to hate him when he’s finally letting Hyun be a brother to him, and he looks about twelve years old as Hyun attentively takes care of him. His tiny happy moments when Hyun chooses him, especially over Ji-an, just rip my heart out — deep down (well, not even really that deep down) he’s still a child who idolizes his hyung and wants him to love him the most. I want to hope that finally receiving his brother’s love will cure him of his murderous tendencies, since he only ever killed out of feelings of abandonment. How great would it be for Min to be healed by the knowledge that Hyun never turned him over to Joon-young, and has always loved and missed him? But you can’t just gloss over nine murders with a little brotherly love, and I fear the show won’t let him off that easily.

Joon-ho/Joon-young on the other hand, is such a mystery, because there are times when he appears to have compassion and empathy. His gift to Ji-an was horrific, but yet it was an act of mercy, at least from his perspective. She’d told him that the neverending, painful hope can sometimes be worse than knowing the truth, and so he gave her the gift of the truth. In a way, it was a caring thing he did for Ji-an, by giving her closure from her twenty years of agonizing hope.

But don’t get me wrong, Joon-ho is in no way less of a monster because of it. Even serial killers have friends. He’s still a monster, and no doubt about it — he’s just a complex monster who, on some level, does have his caring moments. He raised little Min after all, and even admits to spending nights nursing him back to health when he was ill, and caring for him. There seem to be people who can get through to Joon-ho, and make him care about them. I believe that he cared about little Hyun too, as something in their first interaction led him to believe that Hyun wanted his father dead, so he took care of it. Then he actually raised Min when he had no obvious reason to do so, and while I have no doubt there was an element of “raising the next generation of monster” about it, I do see flashes that he actually cares about him (killing the man who tried to kill Min not least of those things).

What I love about this drama is that it’s unpredictable, and actually makes us wish for things that are most certainly impossible. There’s no way that Min will be cured of his psychopathy, and allowed to live a normal life with his brother. And yet it feels as though there are more surprises in store for the audience – at a point in a show when I’m usually ready to discover all the secrets and wrap things up, I’m actually wishing we had more time with these characters to learn even more about them. It’s exciting to feel as enthusiastic about a drama at the end as you felt at the beginning, and I can’t wait to see where it all ends.


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was reading in Psychology Today a study which showed that Psychopaths can be empathetic, but it is not their default mode as it is with most humans. I think LJY is a prime example for this. He has chosen to care for the Lee boys, Ji An, the ghost lady, and the kids he "saves". He actively had to choose to care for them and empathize with them.

I love that this show never gives us characters that flat or without dimension. Even the killer of the day is given a back story and a level of complex reasoning. It is very impressive that the writer has taken the time to flush out the nuances AND continue to have the story flow in a very natural way. Also kudos to the Director for being able to see the writers vision and convey that in visual form.


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+10000 Alpha


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+ 15 + Alpha :))


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thumbs up + alpha :D


Two thumbs up + LOL + Alpha! :-D


LOL +alpha!


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Look what the show did to us. Love + alpha!


Remember the time Ji An and Team Leader Kang went to Hyun's lecture to speak to him? He gave them a queue number 2 and 3 respectively. Now that Ji An is a + Alpha... she must be practically number 1 :D




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Yes absolutely! I love that even the murderers can be considered sympathetic persons, although we will never condone their evil acts, we sort of get why they killed.

The fact that we can ask still... would Joon Yeong/Min and the other killers we've had in this drama have become killers if only their childhoods had been more life-giving.... and that we wish for Min at least to be given a chance to redeem something more of his humanity, speaks of the strength of this writing and character development and portrayal.


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Psychopaths actually understand human nature very well and can read people easily but the way they think is very different from most people. Their way of caring isn't bound by what we adhere to so we can fit in society.

I love the show's message that there is evil and good in everyone. Good characters also have evil sides to them and evil characters also have good sides to them because in reality, that's the truth. We're not black and white beings. I find it unbelievable in most dramas when one character is so good and pure and innocent or one character is pure evil just because. This dramas characters have different sides to them and it's only a matter of which side they show you.

Like LJY said, even Jian's father has his evil side. But we sympathize with Jian and his father's death because we're seeing the drama through Jian's eyes. But from the eyes of LJY, Jian's father was simply the police officer who abused him and hurt him like his family did all his life. Killing him was the natural thing to do. Wasn't it the accomplice who asked Jian's father to ride with them? He wasn't supposed to be in the fake ambulance and the escape would have worked either way. So maybe LJY wanted Jian's father to come with them and told the accomplice so he could kill him as revenge for the abuse.


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I've seen it referred to as "learned altruism". If a psychopath can be guided to see altruism and working within society as beneficial, then some of them will adapt. The psychopaths we hear about on TV are the ones who have gone off the rails completely and see crime as the fastest and most efficient way to fulfill their needs/wants.

I love that Min is hovering on the edge between the two. It's clear that Min had some extremely troubling patterns as a child - not just the animal-killing, but the manipulation of their father not to trust Hyun. But he also clearly worships Hyun, and Hyun DOES have a moral compass. So if Min had stayed with Hyun, would the desire to live up to his brother's expectations have guided Min onto a generally law-abiding path? Did his life with Joon Young cause him to pick up Joon Young's completely skewed vision of humans and the world?

For Joon Young's part, he may not realize there's a choice. He can probably pick out kids with those tendencies easily, but he may not realize that those kids don't HAVE to grow up as empathy-free psychopaths. His own experience just makes him assume that if you're like him, you're going to kill people. So while Hyun would have expected Min to NOT kill people, Joon Young just assumed he would, and poor Min was too malleable to make his own choice in the matter.


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Well said, Miranda


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You know what's really sad? There's a chance that if Min thought Hyun was looking for him, or at least thought Hyun was missing him rather than had given him away, Min might not have murdered anyone so that when they were reunited he'd be able to tell Hyun he hadn't killed anyone.

By telling Min specifically that Hyun had abandoned him, Joon Young removed the obstacle for Min's antisocial instincts.

Of course, on the flip side, how insane must it be for Min to confront a brother he thought had abandoned him and find out that A) he wasn't abandoned, B) Hyun is pretty sure Min's been murdering people C) Hyun loves him so much that he's going to overlook all the murdering for now and stick to him like glue, even though Min could kill him and D) has in fact diagnosed why Min's killed people and now asked that Min kill Hyun if the urge strikes. Min's head must be spinning, this cannot be how he thought a reunion would go. And it's also probably why he's spending a lot of his time questioning Joon Young.

It's impressive that Seo In Guk is playing Hyun with very little conflict in the Min scenes, and by that I mean he doesn't show fear or doubt or mistrust or any negative emotion that would relate to Min or his behavior. He plays Hyun as almost suicidally wide-open when it comes to Min, and honestly that's the only way this would work so well, because it really makes Min's acceptance of his mothering reasonable. Hyun is so completely unguarded with Min that it negates any suspicions Min might have had of Hyun or his motives. It's so intelligently structured, written, played and directed - honestly, when you think of this show, there are so many places it could've gone horribly wrong and it never has. Amazing.


as I understand it in a very simple way, is often people like min know very well they not normal and do not think or feel as a normal person, thus they often latch on to a person to be thier moral compass, if that person is again in simple terms, a good person then min could indeed grown up and not become a killer as Miranda says just beacuse one is born like min it not for certain they become mass murders.


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For a broader term, it's called "learned behavior". As children, we grow up fitting in to society's mold. That's how we learn which is right and which is wrong. We reign in our primitive impulses because society tells us we shouldn't. We learn this at a young age. The reason why psychopathic tendencies are seen at around this age is because children's behavioral patterns are still being molded. There is less restraint and more self indulgent. But these impulses get trained as we grow up. That's why children who show symptoms can control these urges with proper guidance and even grow up to be functioning adults. However, as adults, the psychopathic tendencies manifest in different ways albeit in a more sophisticated and controlled environment. Because they've "learned the behavior", they're simply circumventing the rules. This is why there are psychopaths who come from seemingly normal backgrounds. The tendencies were there as children but they grew up learning to control them and are only able to realize the feelings when they become adults ie when they become more in control of themselves.

LJY and Min didn't grow up under normal circumstances. Already exhibiting psychotic tendencies, they grew up without "learning the proper behavior." If Min grew up with Hyun, even though he did have the predisposition to be a monster, he would have learned how to curb those impulses and channel his energy to fit in to society's mold. Same with LJY. If he grew up in a normal family, he wouldn't have nurtured the psychotic part of himself.

LJY, all this time, has only been looking to belong. If one person, even one person is able to understand him and get to him, it would have mattered to him greatly. Instead, everyone around him is quick to label him as a monster because they don't understand how his mind works, and that label has only proven itself to manifest in his actions.

You never anger psychopaths. You don't goad them and try to be smart with them because they don't operate on the same rules as we do. By treating LJY like Hyun/Jian/Min are doing, they're only serving to push him and back him up into a corner to commit more crimes.


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Yes I was rewatching Episode 1 and this episode and inadvertently found myself feeling sad for Joon Yeong too. In the end he just wanted a family of sorts, of others like himself or of those who could understand and accept him. What you say above answers the question about how 'monsters' can be born or made or both. In the first place, there should not have been the label, 'monster' that a person might live up to or would have had a hard time to avoid. It became so much easier to merely react to the label rather than to understand the person who was labelled.

So now we brace ourselves for a difficult ending where it is evident not everyone or maybe no one can have a happy ending. :( :)


Very nicely explained Ian, thanks.


+1 million plus alpha plus BIG LOVE


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NO! I do not want this drama to end :(
I am so in love with the bromance here, did everyone see how genuinely happy Min was when hyung was right by his bed? And when Min was about to caress Hyun's face but pulled back when he stirred awake? Ahhhhh it certainly is heartbreaking but super sweet at the same time <3 I love these brothers so much I hope for their everlasting happiness!


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This is definitely one of my favorite bromances, I think second only to that in School 2013. And oof, Min. Breaks my heart in all sorts of ways, which isn't something you usually say about a killer.


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wow!!!! I wrote the same thing about the bromance in my comment, 2nd to school 2013 :)


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Go Nam-soon + Park Heung Soo 4evah!


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Same here. Ramen selca FTW. XD

i think both bromances are tied in the first place in my estimation. :D


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Never have I seen someone so happy to be called a tree.

And good for Hyun, never missing a single chance to emphasize that he never abandoned Min. He'll say it straight out, he'll say it subtly, he'd probably say it in dance if he thought it would make a difference. Hyun might not be able to fix Min or erase his past, but there's a chance that Min will want to live up to Hyun's expectations enough not to do terrible things.


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Lol the tree part was adorable


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Well, I'm worried about Min wanting to fulfill Hyun's expectations and dying while trying to protect him :'(

I cannot believe how concerned I feel for the future of the serial killer here. I bet this was done on purpose by the writer: who can resist an abandoned, loveless child that seeks his brother attention that badly, on top of being utterly cute? And then they add the sweetest bromance...they are paving the way to give us a huge heartbreak.
But anyway I love how this show makes one think about good and evil, and how things change depending on whose perspective you consider.


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I love the tree's smile :-) adorable..


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LOL! The branches lit up very sweetly!


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lol at your comment :)


I agree with Miranda, the tree metaphor was Adorable.


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"We as drama-watchers are used to seeing a man and woman fall in love onscreen, but what we see more rarely is watching a man and woman fall in like, and I love how Hyun and Ji-an are genuinely growing to like each other."

Amen, Lollypip! I love Hyun and Jian's conversations, very direct, respectful, no playing games, no 3-episode long misunderstandings. I wish more drama writers could work in these kinds of conversations (heck, I wish real life held more of these kinds of conversations).

I love the bromance also, but it's so heartbreaking because there's almost no way this can end well for them, and the writer so far has shown too much integrity to turn around and say, "Just kidding! Min didn't kill anyone!" however much we might hope...


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OH. THAT's what I've been loving about this series so much (or, one of a multitude of things): the lack of long misunderstandings. How refreshing is that? The conversations between Hyun and Ji-an are just great. They don't always say everything that they're thinking, but I haven't been screaming for them to USE YOUR WORDS.


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I like that their growing relationship is largely based on voluntarily reaching out. So many "romances" are based on pursuit or demands, but in this show the affection arises out of one person genuinely wanting to help the other. You do that out of fondness instead of passion, but the responsiveness of deep fondness can lead to all sorts of things.

The bromance is both weird and lovely. It's amazing that they've basically acknowledged that Min has killed many people and could kill Hyun at any time, but Hyun has said it's okay and he's also let Min know that he's not going to press him on the murders, and that clears the air for mending the deep-down broken stuff. Min looks like such a little boy in those moments, and Hyun's expression is nothing but love, amazing casting and acting.


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Another well thought out comment, Miranda. Two thumbs up. :)


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Miranda - I have to second loveprevail's comment, you provide such insightful and thoughtful notes about this drama.

I would love to see you recap a drama. If you have an interest, I think you should definitely reach out to dramabeans team. ^^


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Honestly, it's because I like this one. I would be no good recapping something I dislike, unless you're in the market for withering sarcasm and frustrated wailing. When I turn on a drama, I TURN - I'd be run off by angry townspeople with pitchforks.


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Ha, I'd LOVE some withering sarcasm and frustrated wailing on some of these dramas!


Yes, this is So Refreshing in a Kdrama. Slow, building of a relationship, trust and wanting to care for the other that can lead to other things. Love it.

For sometime I've been thinking of Pride and Prejudice, especially after Hyun closed his fist self consciously after JiAn told him he's not a monster and shook his hand. It's my favorite Jane Austen book, which I read repeatedly when I was young.

Then I fell in love with the movie and sexy Mr. Colin Firth Darcy...oh that brooding arrogance and social ineptitude. Kind of like Hyun...clearly superior intellectually yet can't/won't let himself open up to others. Yet it's Ji An, like Elizabeth, who challenges and softens him. This is my all-time favorite romance narrative--a relationship built on more than just feelings, growing in mutual caring and understanding.

Someone here or in Soompi mentioned that the writer obviously has a love of the classics, and I agree. Will seriously be watching for upcoming dramas from this writer--awesome, intelligent storytelling that keeps getting better every episode.


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+10 I love, love, love Pride and Prejudice!

Nice parallel that you've noted here. :)


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"but what we see more rarely is watching a man and woman fall in like...their caring for each other is the most natural thing in the world. He’s even letting her comfort him, and comforting her in return." yes, blnmom, like you, i also shared same sentiments with what lollipip said.
loved a slow gentle stream kind of relationship that borne out thru long period of friendship, loved the bestfriend developed lasting love.
I realized; …. less may be more.
….. second doesn’t mean loss.
….. sharing is blessing itself.
….. giving is rewarding.
In this era where we usually wrap ourselves in layers of shields n armors, we do not ever weep before anyone. In this ep alone, we are blessed to see Hyun willing to crumble in vulnerable tears when Ji-An held his hand in assurance. Likewise, Ji-An erupted uncontrollably when Hyun enveloped her in his arms. The older we get, the harder to shed tears, not even infront of our loved ones some times. And these 2 so naturally breaks before each other.
Ji-an needs not fight or jealous with Min . It’s her way of loving Hyeon.
and Hyeon does deserve to enjoy diff kinds of love with Ji-an and Min.
someone mentioned if both ji-an and min fall into the water, who will Hyeon save?
I guess many started to hint “Min”…
but I guess, Hyeon may actually save Min, but jump back into water and be with Ji-An is she stayed there….. agree? Ji-an doesn’t mind too, this is the thing I loved about her, she actually will say, “I can live with that”.


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Same sentiment


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Yes, kudos to the writer and director for being really professional about this production. They knew what they wanted to create and they stuck to their guns. Everything falls into place, for all that we see now, there were instances of hints and clues to help us along. I like how unlike other shows, we are not strung along with filler or red-herrings but we are being shown respect. We are given a chance to think and guess along with all the evidence and to enjoy being right.

No silly tropes, no unnecessary cliches, just good tight writing and amazing acting. Love this show!


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Soooo true! The casting needless to say are just amazing...but combined with the director and writer/s that are really capable? Awesome!


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I second that! also how refreshing it is that nothing is only black or white?! it's for the very first time that I like one drama so much I decided to purchase the dvd when it comes out.


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I read comments in a forum about this show and a lot of people wants a happy ending for the brothers ... but for me I don't think its entirely convincingly possible ... but if people really wants a happy ending the only thing I can come up with a natural ending will be that Cha Ji an becomes a "somewhat monster" too like them. (killing LJY perhaps so her hands will be tainted by blood. Creepy but happy ending)


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I will accept the Pinocchio ending; Min ending up in jail for life and Hyun regularly visiting. That's about the happiest I can come up with...


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Yes, that's the best case scenario. But, the sad thing about it is that Hyun sacrificed himself as a child in order to not have Min locked up -- all these years later, Min will have to be locked up after all.


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I think both Min and LHJ are going to end up dead. The shows been pretty consistent about people not being able to escape the consequences of their actions. Everyone's who decisions led to the death of someone else, even when and especially those who didn't actually kill anyone personally, is dead.


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Oooff, this scenario is what I feared the most. Or the "Hyacinth" shall die just like the myth. T_T

For the first time, I wish the writer of suspense drama is inconsistent, just like romcom.. I better stock up tissue for next week then.


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Forever lock up? No freedom? No Free will? When he just learned that his hyung did not abandon him, I dont think he will just surrender and be contented to frequent visits with his hyung in the prison cell. I also dont think Hyun will have the heart to hand his brothers to the cop without a fight. Life in prison is habitual since Min is a psycho he might get bored and kill his neighbor prisoner there haha it will be a life with LJY 2.0. Pretty much boring life because precious Hyun is not there by his side.


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That would be my preferred ending too but like @Cooler I suspect Min is going to die, probably taking out LHJ in the process.


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yes., only when you paid for your sin, then you can live your life afterward with your head held up high... even if no one can find evidence, or by laws you may not be jailed... yet Min will never be truly happy once he come to realised Hyun didn't abandon him, ... the only way for Min to "live" again, clean n fresh, not just to have Hyun with him, but to serve his time in jail, then she can move on in life and shed his snake skin forever, to take on humanity and less monster-identity, he gotta be cleanse . no other way. and both brothers need to repay evil by good. not killing evil Doctor Death, but allow him to serve his time Life sentence in Law of the Land, and allow God to remove LJY in His timing. then, when Min can stop himself from killing LJY, then Min can stop shed off the monster snake skin.


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But I really cant see Min surrendering his self to the police. He feels dead when Hyun is not there with him. I also think he doesn't believe in "sins" since he is not religious. Only Hyun is since we saw him read "though shall not kill" . Min is not even interested and understand about a simple story book about the wolf. If Cha Ji an will be a monster too is the only thing I can come up so the brothers can live together (like I said killing LJY. She can plead it as "self defense". If they have a proof that this doctor is really the escaped psycho killer I think the judge and public will easily believe them ) or after taking care of LJY (either brothers can take him out and be alive after) both brothers can leave Korea but Hyun must leave Cha Ji an. She will then go back from finding clues of the brothers whereabouts just like what she did with LJY . Its not boring for me and the viewers will be on guard because psychos do live in this world. so better watch out lol


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This drama...it's all going to end in tears


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I'm definitely going to shed some when it's over. Because I never want it to end.


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This drama is sure going to end in tears. Lots of them. There is no way it can have a happy ending. I think both the brothers are going to die and Cha Ji will have the team leaders (he's showing his interest in her a lot).
I love the plot and all that going on in here but one thing that rankles my brain is that we all these psychopaths in the heart of their judicial system! There is the Chief, the Planning Officer, Min the Lawyer, the young investigator who killed the PO (Phew I didn't expect that twist), the Autopsy doc who does all the autopsies!!!...seriously!!!
Where are the background checks and how did they enter the system? They got in easy..I mean. That bothers me. These are supposedly should be upholding justice and here they are going around killing person after person....This end will be BAAAAAD!


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It would probably be better not to talk about stuff that happened in episode 14 in a recap of episode 13. Some people will not have watched it yet.


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Sorry!! Will keep that in mind.


@Hipployta and @insomniagirl

I think so too. I can imagine Hyun's tears actually. It will be so painful (yet so hawt! LOL!).


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Lollypip, I am a sucker of bromance too :) and it is the 2nd best bromance I have seen since School 2013

Forget the psychopath Min for a moment, I will really be happy to have a younger brother like him (huh... this is the 1st time I want a good looking actor to be my brother !!!!!). Min can just make me to care for him, I want to be Hyun sometimes and want to feed him, dry his hair too LOL !!!! :D

But then Damn he is a psychopath killer :( :(

Btw I think Min has chosen his side already, he wants to kill Joon Young not Hyeon... yay!!


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LOL! First time you want a good looking actor to be your brother! Well, yes, me too (or my son perhaps?) but he has to be much less creepy :)

I do so like his hair without that centre parting. So much more natural and boyish and much more good looking. :D


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The center part hairstyle is the same one that LJH wears. Oddly, in kdramas, guys hair styles seem to mean far more than the women's hair.


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I have to hand it to KDramas for giving hairstyles more meaning than necessary. In a later episode, he does sport a different hairstyle whenever he's spending quality time with his brother. I prefer him as a teen with bangs who lounges with books than a slick, creepy lawyer...


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You might be on to something, when Hyun found out Lawyer Jung was Min and his brother killed 9+ people he had flat, sad hair for two episodes.


i'm on the fence regarding that one. the last person he's going he's going to kill doesn't necessarily mean that Min wouldn't be killing anyone before he does the other guy in. -.-'


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I still maintain that Joon Hoo, in his twisted mind, thinks that he's doing the right thing. I think he collects abused children and giving them the ultimate power back to them by making them take other people's lives. A family of serial killers. There was a scene when Ji An talking about the easily susceptible girlfriend of the guy who kidnapped Ji An, saying that she might have been normal if she didn't meet the scumbag but Joon Hoo questions her conclusion, that maybe a seed of violence was already inside her and that 9 out of 10 people who placed in the same experience would choose different choices. The fact that she chose violence and murder speaks to the crazy girlfriend's nature. I always sense that Joon Hoo was kind of offended by that, as if he felt the sting of accusation. I think he really doesn't think he destroyed whatever chance Min and his other children's at a normal life. I think he does genuinely cares for them in his twisted, strange way.

What you said about not minding if Ji An and Hyun don't end up together and just be friends, that's how I feel too! It's amazing just watching them come together in trust and friendship and comfort. Speaks to how well the writers craft the characters.

The brothers' relationship is so, so, heartbreaking and PBG nails the sinister and innocent quality of Min so well. And why do I think that we will get more moments of Min grumpily refuse Hyun's care and then we cut scene to Min being cared for by Hyun? That would be hilarious.

Still Min is a murderer, or since we don't see him murder anyone, at the very least a procurer, I'm thinking that he will work with Ji An and Hyun to kill JH and ends up dead as well. I mean it's the only way you can have him exit gracefully.

Hyun's Care Ranking System is hilarious and familiar 'cause that's how I tell my friends how much I care for them.


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It's like the three of them are on a sliding scale.

Joon Young is a psychopath with no real understanding of morals, so he does stuff like sends Ji An her dad's corpse as a gift and genuinely thinks it's a kindness. Min is a psychopath who understands morals and is probably aware that he's not supposed to do this, but was raised by someone who saw other humans as either useful or killable, and he had his own motivating event that pushed him over the line. And Hyun is capable of thinking like a psychopath and might even be one, but is moral and overcomes his natural tendencies and has learned over time to be altruistic.


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Couldn't have said it better. Another spot on comment. :)


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This episode Joon Young's "gift" really got to me. As twisted as it seems, it really was a priceless gift. My late brother was missing for nearly a month before his body was found, and the torture of not knowing, of swinging from hope to despair and back, was the WORST thing I've ever experienced. Knowing is better, even if the outcome isn't what you'd hoped for. Yes, it's a perverse "gift," but, in my opinion, Ji An will be incredibly grateful for it later.

I just love how much this show makes me think and reflect. Love this writer!


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The entire arc was just so beautifully set up. For Ji An to tell that specific story, and for Joon Young to respond as he did, set the stage that this might happen. And you can tell from Ji An's expression as soon as that box arrives, she knows what this is. She knows it's the answer. But of course to get the answer from the person who created the problem in the first place is horrible.

I'm sorry to hear about your brother, not knowing is painful. I'm of the same mind that knowing is better, but sometimes I feel like it's getting the choice to get a sunburn every day of your life, or having to run through a burning hallway once. When faced with the burning hallway, even though you know there's fresh air and green grass on the other side, you still know it's going to be incredibly painful and there will be burns that take a while to heal and you might not make it to the other side. Still, I'll usually choose the fiery sprint over the sunburn, because if you do make it through the hallway you will have future days that involve no burning sensations at all.


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You put it so well, Miranda!




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JNR as JiAn was amazing in this episode. Going after the murderer, comforting Hyeon, indirectly confronting LJH, uncovering her father's grave, with all of the sorrow and anger that followed, JiAn's character was truly tested and performed admirably throughout.


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Omigosh, yes. I watched this episode multiple times but I could only watch JNR's crying scene once because it was SO good. It made me cry so hard.


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she finally break down and cried bitterly, in her Home, with Hyeon around, anywhere is Home.
and into Hyeon’s arm, she wept louder. She is not a damsel in distress, waiting for prince to rescue. Only this very ONE time we find her break down uncontrollably. She may yack nonsense, do something stupid but brave, she taunt the evil ones, she yelled at Hyeon oft times… but she never allow herself to cry. And this is the Only time thru out 16 ep.

JNR best performance in her entire acting ministries. i always treasure love relationship that grow out of true friendship, means both start as mere friends that fight, hurt, misunderstand, doubts, .... friends that truly know each other in their most frank and sincere form.


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The way her face just dropped as soon as the Quick Service guy showed up - she knew what was coming, and she knew she'd set it in motion. Poor Ji An.


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I also have to note how damn refreshing it was to have Ji An take it straight to Joon Young.

The way both Joon Young and Hyun looked at her when it was clear she was getting in on their little doublespeak game was both alarming and amusing, because they totally thought only the Three Psychoteers were playing that game and Ji An just busts right in on it. It was also interesting that Hyun's expression made it clear that he was worried she was getting out of her depth.

And THEN it was really nice that when he confronted her, she gave her reasons, they argued rationally for a couple of seconds... and then HE LET IT GO. No "do what I tell you!", no "You don't understand what you've done!", no "I can't protect you!" He just listened to her reasons, obviously didn't like them, but treated her like an independent adult with her own purpose and motivations and agency.

I am going to miss this show SO BADLY when it and its well-formed adult characters who are capable of conducting mature interpersonal relationships are gone.


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That's why I root for this OTP. Rarely do I ever find a man-heroine in KDrama who lets the girl go be badasrsh. That has to be true love. If not, true friendship.


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Didn't mean to alter Hyeon's gender preference with that typo.


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OH SHIT IS GOING DOWN. That's what popped inside my head when I saw Ji An and Hyun at JH's doorstep to have the most awkward birthday cake sharing ever.

JH's face, I think he was somewhat taken aback at the way they showed up. And the conversation in between, the innuendos and doublespeak was so very delicious.

BTW, am I the only one who had the thought, "Ha, they'll think Min and Hyun are a gay couple" when the cops wondered about why Min was the one the psycho-of-the-week went after.


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Good call. Haha!


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guess too many people are so swoon by the bromance factors, that i guess, Ji-An deserve her fair shares of some lauding n praises.
who say three-some is not possible, she can live with Min in Hyeon’s heart, and she beside him,
someone mentioned if both ji-an and min fall into the water, hyun may save Min after all.
but I guess, Hyeon may actually save Min first, but jump back into water and be with Ji-An is she stayed there. Ji-an doesn’t mind sharing Hyun, this is the thing I loved about her, she actually will say, “I can live with that". she is simple and easily contended.
a beautiful heart, both she and the other Ji-An of Healer are so self-giving, that i guess, for a long time in Kdramaland, you may not find their equals in kbs, sbs, mbs... from High Society to Yong pal...


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Oh you put it so beautiful!

That is what on my mind when I desperately wish for second season. Could Ji Ann lives with Hyun and shares Hyun with Min, and how the three of them grow and being twisted in these complicated love-between-brothers and love-between-man-and-women with their own dark past and scarred heart keep haunting.

Gosh, such a dream to have the second season. Just want more Hyun, Ji Ann, and Min.


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Well, this episode answered my questions about the flashbacks, that they have been a mixture of memories that Hyun remembers and has forgotten, because we were shown young LJY telling and showing little LH his pulse secret but that present Hyun doesn't remember this secret (yet...in Ep 13 to say).

Onto to the bromance, speechless! Wish PBG and SIG will do another project together ♥♡♥♡

And more than JAxLH loveline, I also agree how great that their friendship is blossoming beautifully aside from the romance. I wish more dramas would also establish the leads' friendship with their lovelines.

Best drama ever!


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Yes, more projects together please! I think SIG/PBG have amazing onscreen chemistry--bringing out the best performances in each other--both so talented. And they clearly enjoy working together, from this BTS of Hyun feeding Min in the hospital. Hilarious! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8q6GxZDkME

Also, I'd never seen PGB in a drama before (dropped Tomorrow Cantabile just like I dropped the Japanese version... don't get the hype). So I couldn't understand why he looked so familiar and then realized I saw him in a clip from the 2014 KBS drama awards when SIG won one of the best new actor awards. His acceptance speech was great... fluid, so humble... and they did a cut to an actor listening intently with what seemed like admiration. Went back and rewatched it and it was PBG. Will be watching for more of his work... great young talent.

And yes, that's no hyperbole--best drama ever.


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Now I understand why that feeding scene just cut into when all the plates were eaten instead of showing SIG feeding PBG. PBG must've not been able to control his laughter :P


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Woah... They showed a clip of PBG then? Seriously?! Cool! Well wasn't that ominous? That was wayyyy before Hello Monster was even in the pipeline! That's really cool. Now I wish I had a copy of that video.


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Yes, it was last New Years Eve (my birthday!). Here's the clip -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yi28x8rJsrg. The best new actor presentation begin at 5:30..


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Thanks for the links @LarryMimosa! That was fun. It's nice to see the actors being themselves... and so un-psychopathic LOL!


Thanks for the link! I watched this before, but I only noticed PBG after you mentioned it. He looked very appreciative. Aww... Now I'm shipping their off-screen bromance too...


HAHAHA that bts!! it was exactly how imagined they would be when i watched that scene lmao.


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the bts actually made me wonder, is it min or hyun that finished all the food? because SIG seemed to be stealing bites as they're filming..lol


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Both crumble at the awkwardness...heee!


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Thanks for the great recap lollipop. I am so obsessed with this show.So refreshing to have a kdrama with no misunderstandings and Nobel idiocy!!
I agree with the comments above that this show is going to end in tears.I hope the writers don't cop out and give a happy ending to Min.
"We as drama-watchers are used to seeing a man and woman fall in love onscreen, but what we see more rarely is watching a man and woman fall in like, and I love how Hyun and Ji-an are genuinely growing to like each other.”---PERFECT! I love the looks and gestures between this otp, they always manage to convey so much more.

I am so sad that there are only 2 eposides left..can we have an extension precondition season please.


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Also, if the ratings will not give this drama justice, fingers crossed IRY wins lots of awards ♪♪ Especially the prod team! Of course, the cast definitely deserves awards, but the prod of this drama is just near flawless!


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Thanks so much LollyPip!!! That was a good recap.

One point though,... I believe in a previous episode somewhere, over a corpse in the morgue, Joon Ho did call Lawyer Jung, 'Min' and so his identity was confirmed for us before.

I agree that now the show is about relationship and I find it just as compelling as when it started and was about finding out who sent the email, who or where Joon Yeong was, and discovering the murderers. I'm glad that we are focusing on the people now and I hope that we do get to see even psychopaths able to change, become better, experience healing and even be happy. However, I believe that the only resolution for Min and Joon Yeong will be painful (for us and Hyun...). I believe that Min will prefer to carry out that one last murder and that rather than turn himself in, he might disappear or kill himself.

I too am perfectly happy to just see a growing affection and friendship between Hyun and Ji An. That, I feel is the true sign of growth for them who were suspicious and antagonistic towards each other before. Any romance is just a bit of icing on the cake, but not even necessary.

I'm still trusting that this writer and director will keep us on the set path of deeper people development and relationship development and give us an end that is not trite or necessarily easy but consistent with the tough questions being asked. How does one live close to a murderer of one's family member? Does family relationship trump justice? Is revenge ever justified? Does doing something nice even if one is evil, make one less evil? Does being born more likely to kill and being brought up to regard killing as ok justify the killing of bad people? Is it OK to be a friend of an evil person? Can caring for an evil person redeem them?


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+1000 JNR is brilliant as CJA. I thinkI will be comparing every future kdrama heroine to Ji an!!


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I will keep fingers crossed, though, that this will end as well as it has been doing these past 14 episodes because there have been many dramas that just sink in literally the last 2 episodes.

Chaebal, Writer-nims and PD-nims! Hwaiting!


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Thanks for the recap LollyPip. I've enjoyed watching I Remember You/Hello Monster and its progression up till now too. Glad to finally see the ratings increasing (albeit still rather slowly & gradually).


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Better late than never! :) I trust it is an indication that the viewers of S Korea are becoming aware of the gem they have in this show.


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Maybe because High Society was over? Lol


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Haha, yes I thought that too.

Although this would be hard to just pick up on this late. Someone would have to have to TIVO it all along, or marathon the previous episodes online. Too dense a story and too intense character development throughout to jump in on episode 12 or whatever.

Seriously after reading the ending recap of High Society, I'm glad I never bothered. Seemed like majority of commenters were complaining about script, acting, lead's chemistry etc. Been there, don't that. More dramas like IRY!


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Yes! Its kinda hard to just jump to episode 12 without tuning in the previous episodes and gain sudden interest. The great things about IRY are the story and characters development that writers-nim and PD-nim built from first episode which domestic audience prefer not tuning into.
I hope the big 3 endorse more drama with great quality. Nowadays, seems like all the good drama was come from cables.


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"Hey, he has a name! It’s Na Bong-sung"
if my memory serves me right, Indebted Friend's name was already mentioned when he met '3 points' in the Care Meter in a resto during the Stalker Crime of the Week.


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Lol! "Three points"! *hearts*


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Every single person involved in this drama is fantastic - actors, writers, production team, everyone.

I absolutely love that they're not relying on hot emotions to fuel the drama: passion, rage, betrayal, lies, jealousy, lust, etc. Instead they're using deep love, regret, fondness - the sort of emotions that ache and last.

And the characters are so well-written and acted! Hyun slipping about Ji An and the expression on his face - just slightly pursed lips and a tiny eyebrow hitch before he smoothly moves into his cover lie with Ji An chiming in! Min being referred to as a tree and liking it, and clearly loving his hyung even though he's being icy. And Ji An's heart breaking as soon as the Quick Service guy shows up.

Another, weaker show would've spent the entire episode on Min's hospital stay, but just as that storyline settles into a groove we get Ji An's dad unearthed. And they pair together perfectly as they become markers for Hyun taking care of the two most important people in his life. Just unbelievably well-written.

I have full faith they'll wrap this up right, and would love for the director and writer to team up again. And for this show to get ALL THE AWARDS.


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Another thing I really like about this show, is that despite the 'dark' subject matter, it brings in humour and warmth effortlessly. I find myself laughing out loud (even when watching raw and not understanding all that much) at the friendship of trust between Hyun and Bong Sung (indebted friend) and their interactions, at Ji An's girly reactions, at Team Leader Kang's and Myung Woo's expressions. It all feels organic and right, not manipulated or out-of-place. :)


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Right! Because life, gosh even funerals are funny rather than the packaged uber intense melodrama. Such is life! That's why this drama is sooooo tasty. I really really enjoy it and it doesn't bore me because of predictability. It's minutely predictable at some points but the exposition is always delightful and I really love it.


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yes, this is what i love about this show! it shows the right amount of levity in very serious moments or situations. almost a throwaway scene but it lightens the mood, something to thank the writer for...


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"...they’re not relying on hot emotions... Instead they’re using deep love, regret, fondness – the sort of emotions that ache and last." Miranda, said ye.
spot on!
solid relationship that grew from daily interraction, and trust, as both went thru pain together, yet both are willing to really face each other in their most natural self (literally, see each other without any make up, dirty faces right in the morning....) and we behind scenes, gotten so used to seeing them living together, that i was saddened when Ji-An left his house.
like what you said, "the sort of emotion that aches and last"... we tuned on at the beginning of each ep and wait for some signs of "closeness'... and felt "blessed" whenever Hyun slip a little about "cherish person", leak a little about how he felt to team cops... we reach heaven with contentment when he hugged her... so i said, as much as everyone who said that Happy endings means Hyun must have Min...
i guess, Hyun can only be complete, with Min at his left as a brother, and Ji-an at his right, as his bosom left companion.
didn't anyone notice, even when Hyun was in his weary state, it was always Ji-an's words or action that brought a smile to his face.... remember that scene when he brought ji-an to his underground bunker to listen to Doc Death's tapes? only Ji-An and her "silly" rantings can brougth that smile to his face.
another incident when ji-an recited all the events regarding his past returns back Korea, he smiles in acknowledgement and gratitude to her, the depth and length she spend in trying to know him.
he knew, no one except her, did so much for him.


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Totally agree with your point "Hyun cannot be completed without anyone of them Min and Ji An". Ji An could make Hyun smile and relax. I always believed that if Min finally been dead, Hyun would not stay with Ji An for happiness, as for his own punishment. Thanks to the writerNim, who had given a relatively happy ending to Min. Otherwises, both Hyun and Ji An could not have happy ending as well. tye three of them were bound together.


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Thank you for your recap. I still have hope that Min is not the killer of 9 victims. But i think he is at least an accomplice to the murders. Min i think scouting and help disposing the bodies.


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Unfortunately I think he's killed at least some of them. He might get a little leniency because he's a kidnap victim who was raised by a murderer, but there are too many pieces that link him: the port worker who recognizes his voice, the double-eyed signature drawn on the victims, the apparent purpose behind the victim selection. And then there's Joon Young inquiring after the parents who let their son be beaten to death - he didn't sound like he'd ordered something, more like an interested observer.

I really, REALLY don't want Min to die, though it's obviously very possible. At this point I'm not even sure if I want Joon Young to die. I just want everyone who kills people in prison, where Hyun can visit them.


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that is really the worst nightmare ever, if Min die. But after watching this week's episode, somehow I also have the feeling that he's going to die in the end.


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I wasn't surprised that Min/Lawyer Jung was targeted. In the last episode when Hyun received that envelope with the threatening letter and photos, the camera showed a similar envelope in Min/Lawyer Jung's house. Plus Joon-ho's crypics words about criminals knowing more than people think kind of told us that the criminal knew about Min's connection to Hyun, and Min himself suspected that Joon-ho was the one who told him.

And seeing Joon-ho and Hyun argue over Min/Lawyer Jung all the while referring to him as a tree and then Min's cute smile, I really liked that scene.

Now while PBG killed it as sweet, innocent Min just wanting to be loved by his hyung, the episode belonged to JNR as Ji-an. Her crying, her saving Hyun and Min, and just her general awesomeness just blew me away.

P.S. Hyun, HURRY UP and remember the clue about Joon-young's nonexistent pulse!


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This show keeps getting better and better. Agree with other commenters above, I think we will shed some serious tears at when show end for whatever reason.
Please Ji-an, don't cross the line, don't fall to that temptation. I know, its such a worst birthday gift to her, but at some point (like LollyPip said) it give a closure to Ji-an's hope for her fathers return. [SPOILER] Just as LJY's point of view. He think his act was a kind gesture to end Ji-an pain. [END]
Lee Hyun interaction with Min bring serious heartache to me. I know Min have to take responsible for all things he had done, and I hope writer-nim will do it in satisfying ways. For now, let me have the heartwarming interactions between brothers. It shows Hyun's efforts to break and reach into Min's hearts little by little. He want to give Min a new environment to grow.
I love when they subtly talks about some things, like LJH take care of Hyun's trees and Hyun's reply. They all know about the meaning behind, but the sentences were delivered in eloquent way. All the cards are not in table yet, lets wait for the reveals. Keep the good work shows!! Too bad, domestic audiences didn't give much appreciate the shows deserved. Not all internationally well received shows get the same hype domestically. I hope the productions team get some recognition, give them award juseyo!


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This is the first Korean drama I've seen that I genuinely think should be brought over and tried in the US wholesale. (Or the UK, since the US would just screw with it to try to make it last 24 episodes with the possibility of multiple seasons.)


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I still think God's Gift - 14 Days is adaptable to the UK and the US (probably more so for cable and not necessarily the big 3 stations).


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I agree he genuinely thought he was giving her what she wanted, but I also think he timed it so that Hyun would have to choose between being with her and taking Min home from the hospital. He wanted Min to see Hyun choose Ji An over Min and also bond with his kid. Multitasking psychopaths, eh?


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I can see your point. Never thought that before. You're right, maybe one of his reason was to test another relationship's Hyun have. LJY sure is one of the best antagonist characters written and played so far.


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I think Min is really the Hyacinth is this story and not Hyun. I am hoping that he will not die but instead be put in a mental institution. Like insanity plea. As for LJY, well there is no hope for him anymore.


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This episode is just perfect in mixing emotions. Almighty Hyeon broke down in tears is perfectly pictured by SIG. And I just realized his hand was trembling (after watched it 2nd times), then finally Ji An held him.
And I love the bromance! ♥
I can't hate Min when all he got is those puppy eyes looking for his hyung's attention and care.
I'm looking forward for Park Bo Gum's acting on Reply 1988. Maybe Seo In Gook can give him advice on those series. hehe


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Oh yeah! SIG will probably do a cameo, like they did for 1994! That'll be awesome. Although, I guess SIG can't play his original character Yoonjae, since he wasn't born yet in 1988.


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I am very afraid of watching Reply 88 just because 94 burned my drama watching self. But if SIG makes a cameo, I swear I'm watching at least that episode. Park Bogum is really getting on my list quickly too. For sure, I'll be checking out his future works. If there won't be any burning for 88 then yeah, I'm watching it.


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SIG as cameo in reply 1988? Yes, please! I would love to see that, Yoo Yoon Jae with his wife and their children haha oh such a happy fam!


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Yes. I'm looking forward to Park Bo-gum in 1988. Suddenly, I have a slight interest on the third Reply's installments after burned out by 1994. SIG..cameo juseyo!! And please....no more who-is-the-husband play!!


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Saw the trembeling hands too, very well done.


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Park Bo Gum and Park Shin Hye could be twins or siblings...they have the similar nose and lips (curve)...also their eyes expression is same but someone said that Park Bo Gum is Park Bo Young's younger brother (their eyes are also same...) which I doubt...

BTW, I love the drama more towards the end.
Things are getting pretty interesting...


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I'm such a fan of this rare smart, well-written, beautifully acted show.

It asks so many questions, so intelligently. Nature vs. nurture: Would Min have become a "monster" if he'd spent his life with Hyun instead of Joon Ho? I know Joon Ho conveniently thinks he's got nothing to do with it and that it's a matter of personal choice--as he told Ji An in the hospital. But, those glimpses of Min's sweetness combined with his adoration for his hyung combined with Hyun's determination to steer his brother on the right path are really haunting. What could have been...

The weight of responsibility on Hyun's shoulders from the time he was a little boy, from feeding and caring for his dad and little brother to trying to protect Min from getting locked up, and the grace he's always shown--SIG just does such a fabulous job of conveying that. It crushes my heart into tiny little pieces.

And this relationship between the two leads is a breath of fresh air. No game-playing, no lies, no damsel in distress. I think they're my favorite couple in dramaland.

Thank you to the writer and the director for this gem of a show. I hope more folks in Korea discover it.


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JNR was brilliant in this episode.

There's one thing that really bothers me about this show though. The guns. I mean, I'm pretty sure the police don't bring their guns along in backpacks. We've only seen Cha Ji-an use her gun and she always seems to have dug it out from nowhere (like magic). And her gun disappears after she uses it (magic again). LOL.


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I'm pretty sure no police would touch a grave with no gloves either, at that...or how come the head inspector had to scramble for HIS gun back in what ever episode with the pyscho boyfriend-girlfriend while he was fighting that big guy (did he keep his gun in his bag too?) Yeah...not perfect when it comes to detail depiction of police work and stuff...but story wise? This is one heck of a story teller, imo.


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That's why I appreciated that SIG used a pen to check out the skeletal remains of LJY's mother when they found it in the basement. Either SIG had enough presence of mind as he considered his acting detail, or the Director had enough sleep that time.


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They do get a bit sloppy with the details from time to time and with the overall story being so darn great, I sometimes just can´t help but to get a little greedy and wish for some more accuracy. But seeing that at the end of the day I keep thinking about what it takes for someone to end up as monster and not, let´s say, disappearing guns, then my greed is luckily of the forgetful kind.


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Gosh, I'm deeply in love with this drama!

Big hug for Lollypip for recapping this ep. I love everyone recapping, commenting, singing praise, and crying for this treasure. Truthfully, I'm kind of sad seeing other drama got more comments but reading all of your positive comments here really feels like an oasis.

Don't we all sad that this drama will end in only a week? It's weird, the more it reaches the end, the more I want more. I don't want this to end.

If only I could wax poetic about this show. Sadly, I couldn't. Be darned my english skill, grrr. What is left is singing amen non stop to all of your beautiful praises for this gem.

SIG and JNR could forever stare lovingly at each other.
SIG and PBG could forever pat endearingly at each other.
And Lee Joon Young could forever life far far away. Sympathy? Empathy? Hell No for my romantic OTP and bromance OTP.


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Ji-an was great in this episode. The scenes with LJH sets up the next episode for the actor playing him to have his moment in the sun as well. I do like how all the main actors have been given ample opportunity to show their skill. Kudos to the actor playing him, but Min is still a SERIAL KILLER.

I know I'm beating a dead horse, but all the cutesy adoration for the character just makes me want to scream, so Imma beat this horse until the show is over.

One complaint. I find it hard to believe that the ENTIRE station, every officer, wouldn't have been ready to go H.A.M after what happened to Ji-an in this episode and what happened to her and Team Leader Kang in previous episodes. But maybe that's why the show is better, they're not wasting money on extras.


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I found myself skipped parts of recap with Joon-ho in them. The guy is creepy........ We all knew the bad person but now we would like how the story will be concluded


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I just continue to love this drama!! Thank you so much for the recap!


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DOes anyOne know which phone jian and hyun uses which model?


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Its the newest LG G4.
The power of PPL in drama lol. I buy my first Samsung Galaxy Note solely because it used in King2Hearts. Thanks God now I'm maturing lol


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da** PPL!!

but i like the G4 cover / casing colors though, lol. The funny thing, Min and LJY use the same brown cover. is it coincidence or might the color have any relation with the character?


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I don't know about that. Maybe because Ji-an have a lot of spare cover since she got plenty of them on her birthday lol.


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Oh im waiting for xperia z5 compact but i liked the cover for lg thanks


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Thanks for the recap, LollyPip!

After reading your comments and the rest above.. I'll just stock up tissue for the anticipated weep-fest and heart-clenching ending.


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This story really is something to think about real life. In everyone's heart there's always the good and bad side. That kid story where which wolf won is the one you feed is a perfect description of it.
For the first time i am loving the bromance relationship rather than the couple. It tinge your heart on how much these two have trusted each other from the beginning of their life it got twisted only till LJY came. But the probability for Min to change is high same as Hyun hopes for him to change/understand his brother is equally awesome. It made me think that LJY existence and understanding of the sufferings that people go through was really twisted. If i see it in another point of view LJY have never understood the meaning of being taken care and love by people. No one ever did show him from the start except for that one person who bring food to him when he was young and that not even love it just responsibility for that girl to do those things. LJY twisted thinking didn't start from nothing it was develop by people whom he was with during the time that he was supposed to be love and cared regardless of his background. Its a cliche when Min said that LJY did a good thing despite that it came from evil purpose. Like when he let that girl live and yet witness that gruesome morning. Was it really an act of goodness when she let her live but be a witness of the gruesome morning. It's a deeper thought that it seems LJY have different understanding of good and bad things, although i may say that his bad side is really high considering that he's obsess of wanting Min, Hyun and him as family. But then only these two people could also understand him.
Min will probably go to jail unless he will be killed by LJY while protecting his brother Hyun.


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Thanks Lollypip for the recap. i've been waiting this since i know maybe some recapper have been busy with the Kcon. That why i'm so curious if this is going to recap and Thank God it is.

I know i must be ready for something bad happen to our Min. but seriously i have more symphaty just for him (though also with LJY, but in Lee Hyun range is kinda like 3 points minus alpha, so basically he is lower than Son Seonbae, lol). Min such a lost boy living in the lost world. He need moooorreee loves to feed his good inner wolf. And the person that can make change in him is only his hyung. But i'm afraid he doen't have much time since we only have 2 eps left.

Show, give me a proper ending please. how much i adore all of the character here. even the small part Mr. Na Bong Sung.


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One thing which is not related to the plot.

I had high hopes of SIG singing the OST in this drama, but now I know that's not gonna happen. I can't say I'm not disappointed. His acting career definitely outshines his singing career, but I also love him as a singer. What a pity we couldn't his voice in one of the OST sound tracks


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Yes, that would be fantastic if he sing one of the OST. But SIG has said before that it might be too much for him to cast as the main lead and to sing the OST. It's him being humble imo. Could it be that in Korea you have to be more thoughtful? Maybe I'm wrong. :)


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He has done 3 consecutive projects in acting. I miss him as a singer sometimes, because he is the character when he acts but he is the truly himself when he sings. Well, I can only hope he will release a album or at least a single after this show ends


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@Miranda...just had to say your comments are so articulate and beautifully worded!!


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+ 15 plus alpha :)


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I did a very nerdy thing of copying and pasting her comments in one file so I can re-read them later.


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+ many many!! The awesomeness of Miranda's comments totally deserves to be a thread on its own. Loved your thoughts!


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Thanks! Helps that the show gives us so much to think about, and so rarely screws it up with plot holes and inconsistencies.


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Great idea @sue!!?


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My heart was broken when min try yo touch hyun's hair. I love every scene between hyun and min, the bromance is so great. But sometimes i really really want hyun to hugging min and let him cry or whatever. Please, give our dongsaeng a hug, a warm one. I know he have to pay his sin, but i hope he never lost his brother again. Park Bo Gum steal my heart with his acting. Creepy, smart, lonely, cutie, then creepy again ah. And this is seriously the best project from SIG and JNR for me.


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Ah... I was forgot to mention how I love when Ji An come and shoot the guy, in a very perfect timing, and she also try to catch him of course, since she's a police heee. Where we can find the heroine that save the hero('s brother) like that? Aaaah this drama deserve some awards.


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Who needs ratings? I've seen countless horrible dramas with high ratings.

What I hope for I Remember You is recognition from award giving bodies.

Chaebal, KBS Awards......Korea Drama Awards...Baeksang Arts Awards!


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what I read about Psychopaths/sociopaths have low EQ
Especially in regards to FEAR.

young min - shows fear by escaping upon seeing LJY
young hyun- did not fear LJY

adult min- shows no fear
adult hyun- shows fear if his brother and cha ji an is harmed

Thus, I think Hyun killed his mother but he did not remember it. No one knows it but Min.

"The most important person for me is hyung. I want to be like hyung" said Min. Min holds the "memory of the act of killing". He tried to imitate his brother by mutilating the animals and burying it.

The father might have not accepted that one of his sons did it and since he is working closely to criminals, he concluded that it was a work of a serial killer. Thus putting the blame and framing LJY.

About Hyun and Min's mother. The writers gave out examples in previous episodes of women/mothers who neglects their children and are somehow capable of violence.

If I am correct then this explains the weird fascination of LJY to Hyun.

Their lives are quite similar.

So if Hyun cannot remember that he killed someone. Is he still considered a murderer? What he knows is he is living as an abiding citizen ... Their was no memory in his head that he was a bad person. So can he admit he did it? It won't be genuine because he did not remember it. Thus if there is no witness and no evidence, Hyun is innocent.

Of course, this is just a theory :-) Don't mind me. Just want to add my thoughts ...


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If this is true then Hyun and Min would be together in prison or in a mental asylum. That would be sad but at least they will always be together from now on. Yeah TOGETHER.


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Lol it is not trolling...Hyun definitely not blameless about Mother's murder but he did not kill I am sure. Firstly his father had been doubting him to the begin with that's why he assumed hyun was the one doing terrible things not min. Actually Min have had accurate reason to kill that dog he wanted to draw it you can see it in his drawings. Also another thing I already said this before but Hyun's motherly attitude is out of guilty-sense. My theory is just like he walked through to the interrogation room fearlessly where LJY was in, back then he just brought some criminal to their home who killed their mother out of nowhere. It its not the case their is no reason she will shout them to run away. As a result trauma caused memory loss.


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I didnt think that Hyun was the one who did the killing. But I can see your point, makes sense.


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Thanks for the recap! I really enjoyed watching this drama. I love the OTP and bromance of Min and Hyeon. All actors are amazing.


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First of all, can anyone teach me how tk reply to other's comments?i clicked the button but nothing happened..i iz sad.

Second, hyun ahhhh~ can u please fix ur dongsaeng's hair? I admit he looks childlike n very cute pouting with bowl hair but when he wears his hair centreparted i feel like slamming my laptop down. ?

And pleaseee...recap for epi14 asap as i have a lotttt to spazz on. ??????


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If you're trying to reply on your phone, it's hard. I used Desktop mode and tried and the comment still did not go to the right place. However no problem on a computer.


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Haha, I laughed when you wrote that Hyun couldn't quite "put his finger on it." Because JH has a pulse you can't feel...


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I think I have been lucky. I have been so wrapped up in the intelligence of the show I have not cried so far. Everyone have been spot on with their deductions I really do not need to comment. The next episode did me in. I wanted to hug someone for being adorable idiot, cheers for support, loving the intelligence, pat someone's head for trying to be considerate, and ahhh in understanding. I am so buying this drama when its becomes available for purchase.


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It may not have a DVD version if the pre-order thingie doesn't push through. Have you placed a pre-order? Though I haven't sent in an email yet too though... I forgot about the link thing.

Does anybody know where to find it?


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Oh here it is. I actually found it by effort. Hah. Talk about addiction.



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Loved these last two episodes and the smart dialogue that draws you in on some of the deeper questions of relationships and the nature of being a 'monster'.

Your recap totally captured everything I was thinking and I'm with you on your exposition on Min.

The scene where they banter back and forth about tending to trees was the best.

All the actors are so well cast and gripping in there roles. Bo Guem is really making mark as Min and its great to see Seo In Guk transform himself role after role.


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i have this horrible feeling that min is going to die. i had the same thought a few episodes back, but this time it felt twice as horrible because his bromance with hyun has become so heartbreakingly adorable, and i really really want to see them get their happy ending together, even though it seems highly unlikely at this point. the only other alternative is for him to spend the rest of his life in prison, and i can't reconcile his character with that kind of outcome, so the only other way, as a lot of people have already mentioned, is to kill him off. :'( omfg, i need to remind myself constantly that this is a serial killer i'm crying over LOL.

also it just occurred to me that next week is the last week waaaahh. the plot ramped up so much in episode 14 that i forgot that we only have two episodes left, even though it still feels like there's enough material for 20. T____T


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by kdrama rules, if you get stabbed and survive, high chance that you will not be killed.
but then, with this show,. it may flip all expectations


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Thank you for the recap, Lollypip!

I´ve run out of words, but it´s ok, because people on this thread still know how to use them to express how great IRY is. Simply a pleasure to watch and a pleasure to read the comments afterwards. Can´t believe there are only two ep left!


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I hope Min won´t stand in front of the gun to save Joon-ho, all I say
I watch this inconsistently, since I have little time.
those brothers are just so frigging darling. Min has to pay for his crimes of course, and it is Hyun´s job as a hyung to tell Min he must take responsibility. But I also hope that in the end they will have a long life ahead as brothers. Min doesn´t deserve to die imo, and more than that, Hyun doesn´t deserve to lose Min (again)-

but you saying he is killing you dead is too much meta


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