I Remember You: Episode 16 (Final)

We finally say goodbye to this gem of a drama, and while I Remember You’s ending might have lacked that emotional punch to the gut that I was thirsting for, it does tie a satisfactory bow on most of the plot points — and I say most, because some are intentionally left open-ended. Some close on a happy note, some end on a sad note, some evolve into an endless wild goose chase. But yunno what — that’s reality, and life goes on.

EPISODE 16: “I Remember You”

Hyun is still passed out from his sudden onslaught of memories. In his slumber, he realizes that all the cards that Min sent were scenes from the day their mother passed away. In his flashback, the two brothers are playing Scrabble with their mom when the doorbell rings. Mom goes to answer the door, and the visitor is a criminal Dad arrested, here to take revenge.

Mom falls on the ground bleeding as Hyun takes Min to hide under a table, then sees Dad’s work bag, which has a gun inside. Venturing into the living room, Hyun shoots Mom’s murderer in self-defense, and the recoil knocks Hyun out. After hearing the gunshot, Min emerges from his hiding place and sees Mom, Hyun, and the murderer all unconscious on the ground. In the aftermath, Dad covers it up, and while Hyun lost his memory of the incident, Min didn’t.

In the present, Hyun wonders if this traumatic experience was what caused Min to develop psychopathic tendencies. He jerks awake, and as the truth sinks in, he blames himself for Min’s situation. Ji-an notes his anguished expression and automatically jumps in to reassure him that whatever he’s blaming himself for, it’s definitely not his fault.

Min’s earlier words that he was born like that click into place, as Hyun realizes that Min was trying to comfort him. Min wanted Hyun to believe that his psychopathic tendencies were not caused by the murder of Mom and the criminal; he was merely born with it. Hyun breaks down in silent tears at the realization that Min didn’t want Hyun to feel guilty, and Ji-an grabs him in a hug.

Outside the room, Min overhears their conversation, and regrets sending those clues to Hyun.

The rest of the team interrogates Eun-bok, who stubbornly refuses to spill the beans about Joon-young. Eun-bok apologizes for murdering Chief Hyun, but Myung-woo just explodes that they want information about Joon-young. Seung-joo takes the softer route, and tearfully asks if Joon-young was more important than them.

Putting Hyun back to sleep, Ji-an heads out to chat with Min. Going in for a hug, she gently tells him that it’s never right to harm another person, and that people have to take responsibility and reflect on the wrongs they have committed. Even if Min doesn’t understand why his deeds are wrong, he should still own up to it, for Hyun’s sake. If Min chooses to run away from his punishment, Hyun will have to escape and hide with him. When it comes to that, neither Min nor Hyun will be able to be happy. This strikes a chord with Min, who recalls Joon-ho’s question if a happy ending was possible for both of them.

Min asks why it isn’t possible to cover up his crimes, since he only hurt bad people and it’s all in the past. Ji-an replies that as a police officer, she can’t ignore it. In the end, Hyun would be in a very tricky position, stuck between the two of them.

The mood is somber back in the police station, as the three investigators mourn the absence of Eun-bok. They wonder how much he must have been abused for him to think of Joon-young as his savior, and blame themselves for not knowing about his difficult past.

Ji-an visits Joon-ho to inform him about Eun-bok’s arrest. He feigns ignorance, but she tells him to cut it out, listing all the people who were harmed by him — her father, Hyun’s family, Eun-bok, Chief Hyun — but he justifies things by saying he never murders without reason. He only got rid of adults who abused kids, and used a bit of violence to eliminate a bigger threat.

Appalled at his words, she admits that while he had a painful childhood, there’s no way she can overlook all his crimes. He asks what she wants, and Ji-an takes out a gun, declaring her intention to off him. But she refuses to shoot, since doing that will reduce her to his level, and that will only serve to further hurt Hyun.

Joon-ho mutters that he actually liked Ji-an and never wanted to get rid of her. Frightened, Ji-an aims her gun at him, but he walks towards her, unfazed. Disarming her, he twists her arm painfully and shakes out her handbag to find her phone recording their conversation.

He moves to delete the recording, but she tries to wrestle the phone away from him. Grabbing her in a choke hold, he wonders what he should do with her. Ji-an baits him to kill her, since she’s confident her team will hunt him down and arrest him.

Team Leader Kang rushes in to save the day, and Joon-ho pretends they merely had a small tiff. Team Leader Kang came with the intention of reasoning with Joon-ho, but realizes that he expected too much. Joon-ho notes that everyone looks at him like a monster, and Team Leader Kang merely tells him to look at his own reflection.

As they leave the house, Team Leader Kang and Ji-an mention that they were both scared out of their wits, and Ji-an explains that she went alone because she wanted to see Joon-ho’s true self. Having thought long and hard about how to atone for his father’s sins, Team Leader Kang says that he has no other ideas other than apologizing on behalf of his father. Ji-an brushes it off lightly, since there’s no such thing as guilty by association in her book.

Her gracious response causes Team Leader Kang to stare at her in a mix of respect and gratitude. “I liked you. Because I was able to like you, I was glad.” He gives her a small smile, and then walks away while holding back tears. Aw. Back at home, Joon-ho coolly inspects his reflection in the window.

Hyun wakes up and offers to make dinner for Min, but Min already beat him to it. The brothers sit down to enjoy Min’s home-made food, although Hyun merely picks at his rice. Noting Hyun’s distraction, Min once again assures Hyun that it’s not his fault he turned out like that. Besides, Hyun’s reaction was in the name of self-defense. Hyun thanks Min for his encouraging words, and Min can’t help but recall everyone’s words that their reconciliation has only burdened Hyun.

The next day, Seung-joo has found two of the kids that Joon-young saved, picking up from Eun-bok’s previous research. A man and a woman are brought in for interrogation, but both vehemently deny any knowledge of Joon-ho/Joon-young, although the man does take extra interest in the present-day photo of Joon-ho.

Joon-ho visits Hyun, and proposes that they run away together with Min. He reasons that Hyun is unable to arrest him, since doing so would implicate Min as well. Thus, staying put would mean even more suffering for Hyun.

Slowly walking over, Hyun puts his hand around Joon-ho’s neck threateningly.  He says Joon-ho can do whatever he wants to him, but he’d better not mess with Min. Joon-ho merely gives a creepy smile in return, and having overheard the entire exchange, Min leaves without making his presence known.

Back in his own home, Joon-ho finds Min waiting for him. Joon-ho pretty much defies Hyun’s words and attempts to rope Min into leaving as well. Min doesn’t want to be separated from Hyun for a second time, or to continue being lied to by Joon-ho, but on the other hand, staying with Hyun won’t result in a happy ending either.

The investigative team is at risk of being disbanded, and Team Leader Kang declares to his father that he will do everything he can to protect his team. Deputy Chief Kang chafes at being addressed formally by his son, but Team Leader Kang merely says that Dad is childish for avoiding responsibility for his mistakes.

Min asks if Eun-bok has revealed Joon-young’s identity, and Hyun has confidence that he will do so soon. We cut to this heart-wrenching sequence of the team members taking turns to visit Eun-bok, each showing their love and concern for him in their own way. Although he tries to keep his poker face on, it’s telling that Eun-bok is incredibly moved by their words.

Hyun tells Min to ignore anything that Joon-ho says, and he agrees. Min then quietly asks what Hyun’s doing tomorrow, and Hyun takes the hint and answers that he has a looooot of time on his hands. Barely holding in his grin, Hyun brings up all the date suggestions that Min rejected before. Ha, and now, Min wants to do all of them.

They decide to take a walk in a park, and Min looks wistfully towards a couple taking selfies together. Hyun asks if he wants to take a photo, and Min first says he doesn’t like taking pictures before adding, “But you can if you want to.” So. Cute.

Their first attempt is not so successful (Hyun: “We should probably smile.”), and the second is equally bad as the two plaster on forced awkward smiles. But by the third time they’re finally grinning for real.

While walking alone, Joon-ho is approached by the man interrogated earlier. Just as Joon-ho recognizes him, the man stabs at Joon-ho with a knife, though Joon-ho’s quick reflexes allow him to prevent any serious injury by grabbing the knife with his hand.

Taken aback, Joon-ho claims that he saved the man, although the man shouts that no matter how terrible his parents were, he would have preferred to live with them anyway. This seems to resonate with Joon-ho on some level as he walks calmly away, right past his attacker.

Back at home, Hyun’s danger radar pings when he realizes that Min has been in the shower for way too long. There’s no answer when he knocks, and it turns out that Min is at Joon-ho’s place. He has come to end things with Joon-ho, and internally apologizes to Hyun for breaking his promise.

Min proposes that both of them disappear together, since they are both burdens to Hyun. Min repeats his promise that his last murder will be Joon-ho, and tells him to think of it as the price to pay for separating the brothers for 20 years.

Swiftly grabbing a knife from the kitchen, Min goes it for the kill, but is quickly deflected by Joon-ho. The two wrestle to the ground, and while Min manages to grab Joon-ho from the back, Joon-ho gains the upper hand and punches Min to the ground.

Joon-ho picks up the knife and stabs Min in the gut. Hyun rushes over, late by a few seconds, and sinks to his knees when he sees Min’s injury. He tries to keep Min conscious and Min thinks to himself, “Hyung, for 20 years, I hated you, I missed you, I waited for you, and I watched over you. That was the entirety of my 20 years. You were my everything.” And Min goes limp.

Desperate, Hyun tries to administer CPR, but Joon-ho matter-of-factly says that it’s useless. With lasers shooting out from his eyes, Hyun punches Joon-ho, and eventually manages to corner him in a stranglehold. But at the last moment, Joon-ho’s friend whacks Hyun on the head and he slumps to the ground, going unconscious.

He wakes some time later, and Ji-an voiceovers that Min had disappeared, just like Joon-ho’s corpse-less murders. WHAT? Nononono, say it ain’t so.

The team watches Eun-bok’s interrogation, where he confesses to stealing Joon-young’s fingerprint documents and burning them. He agrees to give testimony to Joon-ho’s deeds, and inwardly apologizes to Joon-ho.

Somehow, Joon-ho seems to know of Eun-bok’s betrayal, and turns on his phone, which the police pick up on. He makes a call to Hyun, and the two meet up. Joon-ho wants this chance to make an official farewell, but Hyun has one remaining question — why was Joon-ho so obsessed with him from the start?

Joon-ho replies that everyone had always treated him with contempt, but little Hyun had merely called him “different,” and for the first time in his life, he felt understood. Hyun was the kid Joon-ho wanted to be, while Min is his current alter ego. Chuckling at the irony of it all, Hyun muses that the one word changed his whole life. He states that there’s only one reason that he’s not killing Joon-ho at the moment, and asks for Min’s return, even if it’s just the corpse.

The police make their way to their rendezvous point by tracing Joon-ho’s cell phone signal, but find nobody there. All that’s left is Joon-ho’s phone, and he disappeared after that.

Hyun stops by Ji-an’s house three times as promised. On the last visit, he lets her know about his plans to leave for somewhere, but doesn’t go into details. And then Hyun disappeared as well.

One year later.

Thanks to Team Leader Kang’s efforts, the investigative team has survived, and they even have a new maknae to tease. Seung-joo still makes frequent visits to Eun-bok in prison, and it’s nice to see them keep their hyung-dongsaeng relationship.

On her walk home, Ji-an regrets not stopping by Hyun’s place once more, so that he would have to visit her three more times before disappearing. Team Leader Kang and Myung-woo pay a visit to Indebted Friend, aka “Dave’s ahjusshi.” Friend says that Hyun hasn’t contacted him, although the three immediately start discussing their dinner plans. What, are they BFFs now?

Back at work, Ji-an stops by Hyun’s old desk, and feels a sudden sense of longing for him:

Ji-an: “There are days when familiar places suddenly feel unfamiliar. On those lonely days, I think of you, Lee Hyun. If you think about it, we met because of Lee Joon-young, as children who’d both lost their fathers to him. When I think back, even in the worst situations, there were good things that happened — we got to meet each other. But if we hadn’t lost our fathers to Lee Joon-young, if such a thing didn’t happen to us, would we have met? I think we would still have met.”

In her fantasy, little Ji-an would have fallen for Hyun at first sight, while he’d tell her to get lost. Min would be with them, and they would grow up together. They would hang out and have fun, laughing at Ji-an’s disgruntlement at their liking of foreign movies without subtitles. They would even have guests come over from time to time — aw, it’s the team, with Eun-bok too, and Myung-woo finally calls Hyun “David.”

She’s woken from her reverie, and the team is called to a new crime scene, only to find that someone else has gotten there first: Hyun, coming back full circle to their first meeting. He reprimands them for being late, and launches into the details of the murder.

Myung-woo cuts him off, and Team Leader Kang marvels that Hyun’s still the same rude guy. Seung-joo goes in for a hug, but Hyun is quick to shove him off. It’s Myung-woo’s turn and he opens his arms wide… but Hyun just observes that he has aged. And finally, he gets to Ji-an, who returns his small smile with an icy stare.

Yesyesthankyou Min is alive, huddled in his hospital bed, as Joon-ho’s friend arrives to inform him that Hyun left just awhile ago. We get a glimpse of Hyun’s visit, where he was relieved to see that Min’s alive. The woman gives Min a present from Joon-ho — a new identity. In essence, he’s giving Min a choice: Live as Hyun’s brother but pay for his crimes, or remain hidden for the rest of his life. Interesting.

On a walk with Ji-an, Hyun says he knows apologies are not sufficient to make up for his sudden disappearance. Ji-an is burning with a thousand questions about his past year, but knows that he wouldn’t answer them anyway. She asks if he was chasing Joon-ho, but he answers that that’s what he’ll be doing in the future.

After Joon-ho had disappeared, Hyun had finally recalled the words Joon-ho said to him when he was a kid. “You can become as you wish. You can become like me, or you can become the opposite of me. There isn’t just one door. You can leave through the front door, or the back door.” He thinks to himself that he pities Joon-ho a little, but will not understand or forgive him.

Ji-an warns that if he plans to disappear again, he can just leave for good right now. Thankfully that’s not his intention, and she can barely hide her happiness at his answer. He asks if she missed him, and she shyly nods.

Pulling her in for a tight hug, Hyun goes in for a gentle kiss. They pull away and smile bashfully at each other, and then Hyun holds her face in his hands, and swoops in for the winner. Thank you drama gods.

At the hospital, Min is pondering his choice. He makes the decision and he leaves the hospital with a smile — empty-handed, the envelope (and new identity) left behind.

As Ji-an and Hyun walk hand-in-hand through the streets, Joon-ho walks past the couple. He voiceovers, “Hyun, I’m going to disappear now. So, come and chase me. Don’t give up, and find me.” Hyun turns back to see Joon-ho’s retreating back and thinks, “Don’t worry. Wherever you hide, I will definitely find you.”


Phew, what a packed last episode. In this episode alone, I counted two stabbings, three disappearances, two choke holds, two grabbed collars, five hugs (one denied), two confessions for our cute heroine, and one amazing mind-blowing kiss. All in a day’s work, I would say.

I Remember You was one of the few cases where I actually had no clue what I wanted for the ending, and trusted wholeheartedly in the writer to score the home run. I do wonder if Jang Nara’s scenes had to be cut down since she got into an accident on the day of filming, although I must say, her lips are definitely working. We’ve all had our fair share of disappointing finales, and while this one didn’t culminate in an emotional high on par with the reunion scene in episode 12, it did leave a sweet aftertaste. Certain scenes started feeling repetitive — Joon-ho just wouldn’t let go of his plan to live with the brothers, and people just kept going to his house to get injured. I also had expected some questions regarding Min as the mastermind behind all the crimes to be cleared up, but it seems that the show has just left us with clues, allowing us to connect the rest of the dots in our imagination.

This episode did a lot to clarify Joon-ho’s state of mind, which was previously an enigma. We finally understand that his obsession with Hyun didn’t stem from their uncanny similarities, but that Hyun was the first person to give him a break from the monster label. Because of that, Hyun held this special place in Joon-ho’s life, and it was a powerful moment when Joon-ho confessed he wished he grew up like Hyun. I expected something more concrete for Joon-ho’s character than another round of catch me if you can, but I recognize that the writer intended to leave it as such. Now that Hyun has found his allies, Joon-ho stands alone, which is a relatively different ballgame from what this show started out as.

I do wish we got to touch more on Joon-ho’s “vigilante” movement and his 20 years with Min. It would have been fascinating to see more of the other kids he saved, but I do understand the time constraint. Although the attempted murder by that man was a little out-of-the-blue, it did work to drive home the point that Joon-ho’s methods don’t carry through his good intentions. Like Ji-an said, even if most of the kids are grateful to Joon-ho, there will be one kid who begs to differ. That possibility never hit home for Joon-ho until that attempted murder, and Min’s attack added salt to the wound.

But gah, what’s up with the fake-out of Min’s death? Given how atypical this drama is, I actually wouldn’t put it past killing off one of its best characters, although that would leave Min’s redemption untouched. I do see the left-behind envelope as Min choosing to confess to his crimes, but more so to live as Hyun’s brother, and I’m impressed with how the writer crafted Min’s decision. It would have been too neat and unrealistic if Min suddenly had an epiphany of his guilt, so it’s actually fitting that it’s the identity of Hyun’s brother that pushes him to take responsibility. At the end of the day, Hyun remains the one who can get through to Little Bro and pushes him to fight the good fight and walk the higher ground. No doubt Min isn’t fully redeemed and “normal” as of yet, but that’s precisely why Min’s decision is merely the first step onto that path. And even if we don’t see the end, we know that it’s happening.

Bromance and romance are really the two sides of the same coin, although he romance did take a back seat for this show. For good reason too, because most of the development and angst were in the brothers’ lives. Of course, the show did a good job of giving us a heroine worth rooting for, who actually had a life and career outside hugs and kisses. Ji-an was active in her unwavering faith and support of Hyun, and her overall badassery for her puny size always won me over. It makes sense that her relationship with Hyun wasn’t earth-shattering and life-changing, because in her ideal world, all she wanted to do was be together.

Despite a few minor gripes I have, I Remember You remains a very well-crafted drama. Right from the start, the tone and the story was consistent and well thought-out, and every single scene had meaning behind it. The earlier cases served as a reflection of the main characters’ own struggles, and the show did a fantastic job of highlighting how alike the characters are, yet worlds apart. Despite the overall dark tone, it was balanced with humor and character quirks that were smartly incorporated without disrupting the flow.

It’s disappointing that the ratings were so dismal for such a well-produced drama. Park Bo-gum was especially outstanding; his split-second change of expression from smiling to resentful is forever inked in my mind. He and Seo In-gook nailed every scene they had together, and all the longing, heartbreak, and adoration they had for each other hit me straight in the heart. Their story was rather far-fetched for anyone to identify with, but those two sold it so damn well.

All in all, I Remember You will go down in the books for the drama that kept me so engrossed in the whole ensemble, right down to the last sidekick. I like that the takeaway from this drama is that you always have a choice in life. The show was populated with complicated characters and equally complex criminals, and set a high bar for future psychopathic thrillers. How would I rate it? 15 points plus alpha.


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Thank you, I Remember You for a phenomenal ride. I'm honestly grateful to having been able to see a show of such calibre and intensity. I've gained new appreciation and respect for all the actors, staff and crew involved. Especially Bogummy.

Seo Inguk's gained a new fan in me. This is honestly the first of his shows that I've seen (save one episode of the King's Face) and I was blown away by his level and intensity. The man really breathed life into his character and I'm glad that Lee Sangyoon didn't take this role, because as much as I miss Ha Woojin, I'm glad I got to meet Lee Hyun instead.

Jian remains one of the best heroines I have ever seen, right up there with Oh Rijin and Oh Jian. I'm incredibly grateful for this show's writer having made her so strong, warm, kickass, forgetful, clumsy and caring. I love Chief Kang Eunhyuk and the rest of the team who only ever treat Jian like a sister and an equal and made the team a family.

I loved the low-key, angst-free (how rare is that?) romance and the painful redemptive bromance. But I love Park Bogum most of all, who elevated his show to new heights and made us all wonder if we were psychos. He made me feel, ache and fear for his character in a manner I thought only Jisung could do and is the main reason why I’m having such a hard time letting go of this show. He has phenomenal talent and I can't wait to see where he goes next.

Choi Wonyoung was deliciously sinister and it sure is going to be strange seeing him play a jackass of a husband in Twenty Again. And the man certainly is fine. I can't wait to see more of him.

I had so many emotions rattling about inside my head after this finale that I just spilled it out on my blog. I honestly wrote over 12,000 words in my series review so I've split it into four parts
The team:
An analysis on psychopathy, Hyun, Min and Lee Joonyoung:
A squeefest over the (b)romance:
And my first ever bit of fanfiction on what happened afterwards (it's an I Hear Your voice crossover as well):
It's in Min's perspective and I'd honestly love to know what you guys think of it. I hope I've remained true to the story and its characters and that this can sort of serve as an epilogue for those still weeping over Min (like me *sobs*)

Finally, I'd also like to thank all the subbers and segmenters at viki, and everyone at soompi and over here at dramabeans who fangirl over the awesomeness that is this show and make the comments thread feel like a second home. I seriously have a case of farewell blues for this show...


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And thank you so much rejoycie and dramallama! You guys are awesome! 15 points plus alpha for sure!
I Remember You, Lee Min, Cha Jian, Lee Hyun, I seriously love you. I'm grateful to have met you all!


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Rejoycie, u said "It makes sense that her relationship with Hyun wasn’t earth-shattering and life-changing, because in her ideal world, all she wanted to do was be together."
Shalini, u mentioned "Jian remains one of the best heroines I have ever seen, right up there with Oh Rijin and Oh Jian."
many thanks to you both, and all who truly see Ji-an as the diamond in the rough, very real and sincere, the anchor that reminds Hyeon to steer towards the truth.
OST: “Protect yourself from disappearing, when things get hard, remember me, I really want you, so I hope you’ll stop for a moment and look at me.’ At first thoughts, this sound like Min asking for Hyeon to stop and remember him. … but as we ponder deeper, not hard to discover its Ji-An the clear small voice always in Hyeon’s head, “protect yourself before you disappearing into self-denial / self-deceiving, before you lost your-Self, when things get suffocating, stop by 3 times or more, remember me, look at me….
“I can’t stop, I can’t control myself, what do I do? Look at me, remember me.” Yes, when you think you can’t stop, you can’t focus, may lost yourself, look at me and remember. As Much as Min needs you to remember him, to save him. You need to look into yourself, “you can become a person completely different, you can become as you wish (not a monster).”Since childhood, Ji-An persevered and chased after him, the Voice Over in his head, that steer him back to feed the right wolf and become the Person he should be.”
Going thru the whole 16 ep again, you can count how many times he smiled at a simple outburst from her, you can see the process whereby he gradually defrost before Ji-An, one ep after another. He came to Ji-An and asked her, what happened during those frozen times when he returned Korea, why? Because he knew, Ji-An remembered him, she was his hard-disc and memory bank. Like I said, with Min, he was the caring father that Min lost, indulging in “giving”, with all Min’s devotion towards him, knowing Min can die for him even, but still Min wouldn’t understand him as much as Ji-An did. But with Ji-An, he can be himself, did he not asked Ji-An when she slept, “if I ran away…” his unfinished sentence was, “if I am disappearing again, made me look at you, remember you, bring me back when things get hard…”
from that time under the bunker, when Ji-An hug him after he revealed his self-reproach that if he didn’t leak about Min, LJY may not take Min,… when Ji-An tightened her grid on his hands as he broke down in tears while Min undergo OP after the stabbing… when Ji-an passed by his house after his awakening that Min has evolved into LJY cold blooded beyond redemption, when Ji-an hugged him when he recalled his memory that he might be the source of Min’s psychopathic tendencies…. All these crucial moment when he broke down, he found solace in Ji-An. By looking at Ji-An, then can he fed the kinder wolf, and chose the right door, remember how to be the kind of person he should...


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Hyeon, Ji-an and their Min,
i will remember you, we all will, fondly.


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completely agree.


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Truly Hyeon, Jia-an and Min...Love U <3


I cannot believe this drama is over already. OH MY GOODNESS THIS EPISODE MADE ME CRY SO MUCH. I can honestly say that this drama had risen to be my favorite drama of 20155 so far and one of my all time favorites. I could not get enough of this drama, it made me question so many things about psychopaths and monsters and the characters were incredibly well played by the actors. I'm always happy, impressed and satisfied to see both Seo In Guk and Jang Nara in dramas, but this is the drama that I think they played their best characters.
I am also especially impressed with Park Bo Gum, for making me extremely internally conflicted about my feelings about a murderer. I cannot believe how convincing he was as both the innocent-looking little brother and the cold killer. I think the balance between his good trait and his psychotic killer traits was so well portrayed that I found myself rooting for his happy ending as well, something I would have never imagined that I would feel for a killer. Throughout the entire drama, Min always said that he was born a monster. and I too was under the impression that monsters are born and not made because we always have a choice even in the direst of circumstances. But the situation in this drama (however dramatic it may have been) made me realize that influences such as psychopaths like Lee Joon Young on young children like Min would have been impossible to overcome by himself, especially since he misunderstood his brother and was under the impression that Hyeon had abandoned him. Now I feel more open-minded about people in general because you never know a person's story though what you hear and through their actions alone. As much as it killed both me and the chances of a quicker happy ending, I'm truly glad that this show stuck to its central morality and always made clear that murder in always unjustified no matter who it is and what the circumstances were, UNLESS it was truly self defense such as what Hyeon had to do to save both himself and his brother. So, no matter how much I may have wished that they would just let Min off the hook because his actions clearly showed that he was changing and was beginning to walk on the right path of morality, I'm glad that he ultimately made the right decision in the end and chose to turn himself in. I read a comment about this drama about how Hyeon should have just arrested his brother and that just because he is incredibly cute doesn't mean that he isn't a dangerous murderer and I just wanted to make this point. There was literally NO evidence, that was one of the main problems that the characters unfortunately never got to solve.


The complexity and thrill of this drama astounded me sometimes because I was expecting a flawed police procedural drama because that was all I had ever seen so far. On of my favorite aspects of this drama was Cha Ji An, who most definitely became one of my favorite female heroines ever. Not once did her philosophy about life and justice change, and she was never too dramatic or overly emotional or weak willed throughout the entirety of the drama and I admired her for that. Jang Nara played her wonderfully, and I was also happy to see the fight and spirit in her character, especially during her fight scenes. I'm also happy that she wasn't coy about her feelings and that she didn't allow her initial impression of Hyeon to hinder her or her job. I think her character is an exceptional role model because not only was she a smart police officer with a strong sense of justice, she was never perfect and also gave into her emotions and conflicted internally like any other human being.
Seo In Guk is an actor I've always liked and that I probably always will like because he has a way of making me feel several emotions at once without any words. I commend hid acting in this drama, I felt as if the raw emotion he felt for his brother was palpable and the bromance in this drama was hands down one of the best I've ever seen. (I hope it wins best bromance of 2015 in the Beanie awards). Even the secondary bromance in the Special Police force was very emotional for me to watch because they, as well as many of the characters in this incredible drama, were victims of cruel circumstances and I dearly wish that we got a few more minutes of the possible future of their world without the influence of Lee Joon Young, and I feel as if that would have made an excellent rom com on its own.
CHOI WON YOUNG YOU ARE A SCARY MAN WHEN YOU WANT TO BE. I was creeped out by him even without the creepy aspect, both he and DO/Kyungsoo played the character of Lee Joon Young perfectly to a tee to the point where even I felt slightly sorry for him and his sad backstory, but not so much you know cause he was a murder who raised and malevolently influenced another to murder. I was thoroughly impressed with him as well and I'm glad I'll be seeing him in Twenty Again, even if he plays a douche ex-husband/teacher lol.


The uniqueness and freshness of the somewhat open ending of this drama was surprising because I was expecting and (dreading) Min's death and I was excited at the prospect of the team finally capturing Lee Joon Young. I think this drama exceeded my expectations as a whole and due to the unexpected ending. This episode took the cake with playing with my emotions because I definitely cried several times, even when it was supposed to be happy. I cried when Min began to realize that the chances of an immediate happy ending with his brother were minimal as Ji An hugged him like the older sister he never had. Even though he probably didn't understand why his actions were wrong, my intuition tells me that one day he will. (I'd like to believe in a world where the drama lasted forever so I can make some assumptions about their future). I cried when he finally admitted out loud that he knew he couldn't be happy with his brother as he sat with Hyeon at table and I cried that as they ate food Min ate, he tried to convince Hyeon that the way Min turned out and the crimes he committed were not Hyeon's fault. I bawled when I realized that Min was preparing a final goodbye with his brother as they walked in that park (I most definitely screenshoted the selfies they took because HOT DAMN that smile though). I was hysterically crying throughout the entirety of the last fight with Lee Joon Young and I ran out of tears watching Min "die". I also teared up when Hyeon asked for Min's corpse and when Min smiled as he walked to the police station to turn himself in and live as Hyeon's brother. THAT FAKE OUT NEARLY KILLED ME DAMMIT ARGH I WAS FOOLED COMPLETELY. I also cried when the show decided to let us know that Min was alive AND I AM SO GLAD HE WAS because now he can start his life again by doing the right thing and turning himself in.
I am sad that they never got to catch Lee Joon Young in the end, and while I'm very glad for the open-ending because it gave the possibility of a season 2, I'm sad that it would probably never happen because of the low ratings in Korea (which seems to be a trend recently). I am glad though that the few people watching this drama seem to appreciate the efforts and complexity and awesomeness of this drama. The one character I'll never understand in this drama is the woman involved with Lee Joon Young. Oh well. I guess birds of a feather block together. All in all I thoroughly enjoyed this drama, I loved the bromance more than anything else, I kinda wish there were 20 episodes in this drama so that we would have had more happy scenes but that's okay.


This is the first drama I've seen Park Bo Gum in and I'm extremely impressed, and I will most likely watch Reply 1988 solely for him although I think I may be in pain if he doesn't get the girl (Chilbongie-syndrome) IS HE THE SECOND LEAD OR NAH. I am a bit skeptical of Hyeri after Hyde, and I'm hoping she got casted for a reason because I wasn't impressed after Hyde. Thank you rejoice, dramallama, and Lollypip for recapping this awesome drama!


Remembrance calls for responsibility, choose to be the kind of person your heart knows you should become.
Remembrance direct your future, mould your True Self in future.
Remember to feed the right wolf.
With Ji-An, he can: Remember what he was, what he should do now, choose to become what he should be.


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Hey mary of bethany- Hi.. Couldn't reply you on 15 ep recap so replying here. Thank you for welcoming me here. Sure, i will comment more often now. I too am a big healer fan but isnt the actress really good? I found her amazing and thought she must be really good at acting. And i wish some of these actors read our comments and realise how thankful we are to them for doing wonderful dramas. As credit rolls, i just want thank them for being so good.


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yes. during that Post-Healer era, i was lika "lost-it", so limbo for very long.
actually i've just received my special Blueray collection.... just wouldn't open and re-watch... hahaha. to me,its like "holy-ground", wanted to drag my "post-Healer craze longer"... if i re-watch Healer, will sort of have nothing to long for any more.... knowing both Park M.Y. went on to China for further work, so did J.C.W... just wouldn't link Park MY and Ji C.W. to my Bongsookie and Youngshin...
actually many at this Beannie world, are both Healer and I.R.Y. died hard fans.
and both Healer and IRY flop at korean viewing rates... funny hah?
i used to like Ijimae and Bridah Mask... but i never really loved the female lead like the way i loved Youngshin and Ji-An.
mmm.... 2015 is a good year of discovering beautiful characters in female leads, not just male leads.
pancchi, FIGHTING!!! :D


I've loved the OST a lot, but your words made me appreciate that song even more. (=


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@ osmanthus tea,
this song really ached me greatly from the beginning, don't really understand why... as the story goes, the subtitles followed by the lyrics below really reflex the thougths and desperation and helplessness... so agonizingly beautiful...
I believe this song was written for Hyeon and Ji-An, as Ji-An is asking him to hang on, when things are hard, don’t run away, look at her, remember who he was, remember there are people who cares, who wants him needs him.
and his inner voice in desperation, pleading he can’t stop, he couldn’t take it further, he don’t trust himself… things that he subconsciously do not wish to remember is haunting him, so if I ever ran away, help me to focus on you, and remember us, we can go thru together.
then the unexpected moving development and fans response shift the focus to Min, and add another side view: Min.
as unto Min, who plead with Hyeon, remember him, if only he can remember him, Hyung the only one he needs…. help him to stop.
but, I would like to believe this song was written before the story developed layers into Min taken a deeper role.
So, view it from the sense, the theme behind this song reflect the original theme of the whole plot at the Genesis stage, before the Writer change the plot.
that's why most of the MV you see, mainly have Hyeon and Ji-an only.
but needless to say, the added twist of Min into a deeper meaning, make the whole song more aching, in another direction.
a splendid song, does help to stir our senses after we off the laptop, the song will stir in our sleep and mess with our head while we work .


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dear amel and Jibun1, (part 2)


the "Remember" OST that SIG shared, started with scenes from his early childhood with Ji-An started stalking him thru neighbourhood, then stalking follows at cafe up to his returns back Korea from US, then their first face to face meeting at crime scene, his hotel-room bickering, the pre-post lecture bickerings continues, then OST continued to divert to dad, memories on how dad mistaken him, and finally the ill fated encounter with LJY, the one guy who told him what his dad should be telling him, about choosing to become a different person, not as monster, choosing the right door,dad's demise ... OST CLOSED with the adult Hyeon stared at the childhood Hyeon on the stair, remembrance are not just painful, but bare responsibilites, and choices to choose the right door.
this is the theme about the whole OST.


dear amel & jibun1, (part 3)
sorry for a lengthy comments.

as much as i may have wanted the OST to be solely about the OTP, (even as i said i am not fanof Jang nara or Seo in-guk )
this series of OST, mainly
Dear Cloud's "Remember", Ben's "Hug Me", and Hong Dae Kwang's "It Shows", mainly depict the sweet moments of Hyeon and Ji-An link of past to present, how they grew to know each other character, acceptance and finally fall for each other..
but the most precious of these OST, in the part which they are trying to bring out the Choices in life, the responsibilities in becoming the Person you know you must be, the on-going daily work in self-controling your inner Self, not to be the monster inside you, ....
and most pain achingly, remembering those who past on in your life, treasure those still living beside you, hoping and waiting for those may in day returning to you.
Life is such.
actually i grew to love the original title, "Hello Monster". Hyeon and Ji-An both has this beauty and weakness in their ability to accept the monster in others, controlling their own monster, and helping their loved ones to overcome their own monster in that crucial moment, ep 14, ep 16.
OST, in the beginning was never about Min, just that along the way, down the weeks. producer discovered the storyline behind Min is a very good way to explore the character and bring out depths. thus more OST were produced by fans featured Min in OST songs.
you saw those realities show that interviewed the main leads, SIG and JNR, infact mostly focus on SIG and JNR, occasionally even trying to bring out emphasis on Lee Cheon Hee (Kang) even, while Min's Park Bo Gum was mentioned once a while only.
like i say, i like Park Bo Gum since Bridal Mask.. . its really not against or about PBG.


dear amel and Jibun1, (part 1)
Seo In Guk, and esp Park Bo Gum will be extremely delighted that their works inspired such great passion in yourself and many others to love them to such depth.
esp Park Bo Gum surely deserved a Best new Actor award, if not a Best Actor award from KBS. given that his was a breakthru from his usual candy high school roles. (huh, i am not jang nara's fan, btw)
allow me to share the whole lyrics of "Remember"
"How could it be? When I look at you, Faraway memories come back to life.
It’s always like that, When I look at you, I see the Lost memories from you.
It happens even when I try, when I’m in front of you, memories I want to forget, come back to life.

Protect yourself from disappearing, When things get hard, remember me.
I really wanted you, so I hope you’ll stop for a moment and look at me.

I can’t stop, I’m afraid, I can’t control myself, what do I do?
Look at me, remember me."

i have always been trying to search for the official OST, not the usual ones that many fans created, but the MAIN official ones, they are the ones that carry the main original theme, or original plot as to what Producer or writer actually wanted as in the beginning state when they plot the whole show.
found this at Seo In-Guk very own facebook sites, he shared this MV mix on June 29, you may go see yourself to verify.


most of the OST shared, including Dear Cloud's very own officially "Remember" from start to end, featured mainly Hyeon and Ji-An.


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agreeee :))) i will always remember this show and those incredibly awesome actors <3333 kudos to all the staff for their huge efforts and hard work despite the ratings , wish them all the success in the future finally we "international fans" are so grateful and happy with this drama ^_^


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oh please please please dont ruin that OST with saying its about JiAn, the OST its clearly ABOUT THE BROTHERS. Its even shown on PBoGum's twitter, he EVEN quoted the lyrics himself about Hyeon and Min, really... I know you entitled to your opinion, but I HAD to say this, that song is about the brothers;
Jian was more of a 4rd lead in HelloMonster. her story was about stalking, and thats how -close- was her role.
And I wish the jannara bias people would accept she wasnt as important as the psychopath and the brother.

Her best is FTLY ..thats about it.


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I couldn't agree with you more.


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i agree, the main theme of this show is the brothers. the lyrics fit how desperately bogum wanted to be remembered by his brother. even if the lyrics can also apply to jang nara's feelings towards seo in gook, that's just cos the show is about remembering, and she is part of that too, but the most heartwrenching memories were between the brothers, their whole lives were deeply affected by their separation, they lived in pain and longing. the OST MV may feature jang nara and in gook, the varieties may feature them, that's just because she was a much bigger star than bogum was then.

the romance was sweet, but the brothers' pain shook and broke my heart.

did this show not do well in ratings? it's so gripping, one of the best k-dramas! if it were released now, i am sure it would be super popular.


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And to add on, if you read the full lyrics, it applies to how in gook felt towards his brother too, he wanted to find him, let his brother know he wanted him, share his life, and be there for him. when bo gum was being cold, he also wanted to be remembered. he would of course have memories of his brother when he looked at him, whereas his memories with jang nara were just those few.

How could it be?
When I look at you
Faraway memories come back to life

It’s always like that
When I look at you
I see the lost memories from you

Protect yourself from disappearing
When things get hard, remember me
I really wanted you
So I hope you’ll stop for a moment and look at me

I can’t stop, I’m afraid
I can’t control myself, what do I do?
Look at me, remember me

It happens even when I try
When I’m in front of you
Memories I want to forget come back to life

Protect yourself from disappearing
When things get hard, remember me
I really wanted you
So I hope you’ll stop for a moment and look at me

I can’t stop, I’m afraid
I can’t control myself, what do I do?
Look at me, remember me

Protect yourself from disappearing
When things get hard, remember me
I really wanted you
So I hope you’ll stop for a moment and look at me

I can’t stop, I’m afraid
I can’t control myself, what do I do?
Look at me, remember me


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I agree that Park Bo Gum is wonderful;
and that Choi Won Young put in a good turn.

But may I add that D.O. has been so artfully, skillfully, unexpectedly creepy in the best way. It was D.O. who brings Joon Young to life for me. After that, watching the grown-up villain played by Choi just seems like a much watered-down version.

More power to D.O.!


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i must agree as well. D.O. has burrowed his way into my pay attention to list since It's Okay That's Love (whatever it was called).


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yes, DO is liken unto the Younger version of Anthony Hopkins, which can be found in James McAvoy or Johnny Depp (if they do a western version of IRY)...
the younger ones must be spirited, fearless, charisma, oozing appeals... while the aged one must be more layered, mellowed, deep....
D.O. is already stirring awareness, before many turned to Min.
this Drama did something good for everyone.
it brought some actors (like SIG or JNR) already very good to new heights, and sealed their signatures by this act, and it highlighted some very outstanding tomorrow stars... and it reminded us, there are matured supporting stars (not a few) that are worthy to be appreciated, in the likeness of Choi WY's LJY.
glad i didn't dump IRY like the rest of SIG's works, i regretted now i dump his past acts. (think he start morphosis by the "King's Face")
i am rewatching the whole 16 ep. again. think SIG, JNR, and PBG deserved that much from us.


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I read you, I read you!!! Fantastic fan-fic!!! Loved it totally. I left a comment at your page. :)


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angst-free romance...

now that you said it, I think it reminds me of the japanese dorama romances. They often have the same kind of low-key and smooth development, so that when IT happens it's just natural. I like that because its realistic.

Speaking of realistic. I remember DB and GF talking about how the two leads just don't seem to have any chemistry at all, which I agreed to. But by the end of the series I thought they had chemistry. They just stayed so true to their characters that forcing chemistry would have been wrong as well...so in the end, the fact that their kiss felt natural was a sign for their chemistry - they just didn't act it to the max.


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isn't our real life something like that?
one must understand that, not every drama must be given a "Healer's Bongsookie-Youngshin frenzy treatment"... by ep 15 of Healer (with 5 more ep to go), they literally "reach climax", yet we were still hunger for moooore, never stop.... not saying that Healer is shallow or pale in content or fifty shades (actually i will fight anyone who said such). just that, this IRY is completely different, the two couples are completely different. i actually didn't expect SIG to carry such intense mallowed passion controlled "teasing" to such depth.... its literality "say less to tell more, its lesser tears, lesser shoutings, lesser laughters, lesser touch, lesser kisses... everything is lesser to heightening effect".... so much so, that every ep, we wait for a little baby-spoon feeds, when they leak a little of their fondness, we squeeze, when they hug, when hold hands... even when they just stare right into each other... we started to imagine what they were thinking.... (those who gone thru Healer's hand-porn, should know what i meant)
so, SIG and JNR is really capable to, act lesser, to portray more, they just allow their eyes to do the talking sometimes, i remembered that scene, where Ji-An told Hyeon he should not think that he is a monster, he is not.. then he pulled her closer, and asked her to look at him when she confessed,,, then he started to look deep into her... wow... THAT MOMENT, just time liken to frozen ... i guess that was the moment he "Found" her.
i am Old-School, i always loved ardently those moments when any OTP just stared loving into each other soul, silent...........


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Loved every bits of it,the good stuff and the little bad stuff to it,loved the cast A LOT especially Seo In Guk and Park Bo Gum and Jang Nara and the OST...hope the writer will come next with an amazing script like this,one o the best dramas this year for sure


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Yeah thanks for thee recap. Been waiting for it and to hear people's opinion on the final episode.

And also, this drama has made me see Jang Nara in a different light. In an outdoor active sort of way. Did she really do all those action scenes and running?


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She did! You can see her running over and over in the BTS here /watch?v=WUCoSIykwTY


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<this drama has made me see Jang Nara in a different light

Me too! Going to keep an eye out for her future projects now. Same for Seo In-gook too (whom I never paid much attention to) and Park Bo-gum too of course.


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Yeah, she runs fast! It must be exhausting for her shooting those running scenes!


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she has many action during this drama, I wonder if it her or not, the punch and the kick she gets must have some pain at the moment


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Thanks. Am going to miss this drama and the cast. ;-(


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And brings me back to ny horror at some of the parenting scenes. Forget about a killer kidnapping a boy and there was no national manhunt. I am also horrified that the father did what amounts to imprisoning his son. And leaving firearms around.

And isn't it considered sort of a child abuse to have a mid look after an adult? I didn't find it touching. I just was thinking if you're a widower then hire an ahjumma not expect your son to be the caregiver.


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Yes I agree. Papa leaves a loaded gun with safety off within easy reach of children. He prefers to cover up the murder rather than take responsibility and provide counseling and therapy for his kids. No wonder Min develops issues. And then Papa has the gall to wonder if his child is a monster!?! Dude, you made him into one by not providing help in time.


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Not to mention that the father Lee Joong-Min's profession was in field of psychology. The scenes early on hint at maybe a counseling or clinical psychologist. No excuse for the dad. He should have known better and behaved in a more responsible way.


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He ignored when Joon-Ho told him the truth about his life, too. I don't think he was a very good psychologist, either. But maybe him being a not so great dad was sort of the point. Joon-Ho didn't make things better for the kids by killing him and taking Min.


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Did we even watch the same drama, people? "Papa" leaving his gun behind saved the brothers' lives. Why blame Min's issues on his brother instead of blaming the killer who came to murder mom and kids? Min should thank his brothers' fast reaction.
So. All the serial Robin Hoods (they only killed bad guys and girls) are still alive and free to kill again, but, hey, we got the kiss. Nice ending, show


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I loved this show. It was one of the better ones of this year. That being said, the last episode was disappointing in terms of explaining back stories of the brothers. No one is blaming Hyun for Min's issues, other than Hyun himself. I am actually blaming the father for Min's issues. I feel Hyun should have also blamed the father for shirking his responsibility towards his family.
While I can kind of understand robinhood thieves, I can never condone robinhood murderers.


It was pretty evident that Min is going to turn himself in, so he can still be Hyun's brother (mirroring Eun Bok's relationship with his team). And while Min says he only killed bad people, the kid who came to stab Joon Young makes it clear that "bad" is not a good enough reason. Ji An also tells him directly that it's not enough that they were "bad", it can't disappear like that.

Joon Young is still free, but that was going to be a complicated arrest: they don't have fingerprints or bodies or even a paper trail. It's all Eun Bok's testimony at this point. The only reason they're getting Min behind bars is that he'll walk in and admit he killed people.


meighy, exactly. papa didn't do his homework, and ignore DO, when DO did opened up himself and pour to Papa... he didn't revealed that he was beaten, counting one-two-three-.... and instead Oboeji Lee told him, his "mom, uncle, grand-pa" are all imaginary characters.... WHAT-DE!!!
if papa did his homework and reach out to D.O. i believe D.O. came to his house, mainly to see Hyeon, not to kill him, may be just to take Hyeon away, he has no intention to take Min away even in the beginning, he simply ask for Hyeon. and abeoji Lee is the one who revoked D.O. that no one ever will get to see Hyeon, meaning Hyeon will be locked up like D.O.


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For a professional the worst possible choice was to burry his child in the basement instead of seeking for long-time treatment. He absent-mindedly forgot his bag and gun (a strong indicator of a dork, right?) and we can get that, a bit reluctantly though, but what about his unacceptable mistake as a therapist? Unless he is traumatised himself by his wife's vicious death, that man was one unfit doctor ( as a father he just made a desperate attempt and it's not easy to judge on that one!)


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I JUST LOVE IT, i adore everything about it, me encanto el show y mas aun la relación entre hermanos, se veía tan real y sincera, realmente solo faltaba que se dijeran te amo hermano...aunque me molesto la idea de el lapsus de un año (por que hacen siempre eso los dramas?) me encanto que ella no se desespero y que al final sin decírselo, entendiera que tienen una relación,
Espero una segunda temporada con muchas ansias en mi corazón, ojala la tv estadounidense tomara esta serie para hacer un show.
Bueno adiós y te extrañare muchisimooo


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Thank you for great recap!
I hope they left the door open for I Remember You 2!
I really didn't know how I wanted it to end either but over all I was pleased with the tie up of the drama. I like unanswered questions because they allow the viewer to dream. I am sad to say good bye to this amazing drama!


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I also welcome a season 2!! Maybe we can concentrate a little more on the romance as well then. Real shame about the ratings


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Yup! Or I'll be glad as well if they'll do a Youtube Special Edition just like what happened to Playful Kiss :P :) All my love for Bogummyyyy~~ <3


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I'd a love a season 2 as well. I need more Min and his adorable smile! I actually wrote an epilogue of sorts, of what I think could happen in the future, because I was just so overcome at the end of this show. http://unstoppablesun.com/2015/08/13/i-remember-you-series-review-part-4-the-future/
I'd really love to know what you guys think! :D


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Beautiful, i was near tears can't stop smiling. Its really beautiful. You have given me closure,the ending is perfect, its sweet, heartwarming and gut wrenching at the same time.Did i mention beautiful ☺ i could just hug you.
If only there was one more episode for your perfect ending.
Thanks shalini for the great work.


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I'm impressed. Your fanfic has turned me into a fan of yours. I love your writing style; it tugs at my heart. I ditto what @Klava said: beautiful, sweet, heartwarming. Congratulations!


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Oh dear, what a piece of epilogue you wrote! Thank you.
It's so beautiful, like @Klava said: "You have given me closure,the ending is perfect, its sweet, heartwarming and gut wrenching at the same time."
You successfully make me weep over again.


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Thank you for the recaps of this wonderful drama, ladies!

This drama is a rare gem. It shines this year. What a story they wrote, what a cast they have, what a... Guh! I still can't get enough of Hyun, Min, Joon Young and Ji An.. I want more story of them, but sadly it bid adieu on me. Now I'm experiencing bad drama withdrawal.. I'll Remember You, drama!


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Uhh, why this post ended up here? Sorry.


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@Shalini, I already left a comment in your blog, but I'm going to repeat it here anyway :-D
You wrote a beautiful ending to this great drama! I love your writing! It surely gave me the closure I badly needed, although I also need a second season!!! LOL!! I miss the brothers on my screen :-(

I'm sure you'll have a great future ahead of you as a writer. Good luck!


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Thanks for the IRY fix


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Left a note on your blog... great job envisioning a redemptive future. You're quite talented.
I've honestly never read a fanfic before--guess it took something as great as IRY to inspire me. Thanks for this.


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That epilogue was so satisfying, I wish they'd make a special episode out of it. Well done, Shalini.


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Thank you so much everyone! I'm so glad you liked it :D and so grateful for writer having given us such wonderful memorable characters !


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Yes! Season 2 pleeeeeeeease?

Cable stations, yes?


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I wanted to cry when it said finale. I seriously hope there is a second season, ratings be *amed! But until then reruns to catch all the nuances I missed. Thank you so much for the recaps!!!


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Thanks, rejoycie. This was one heck of a drama for your Dramabeans debut. :-)

I cried nearly throughout the whole episode, at everything. I even felt badly for Joonyoung, he was called a monster and then 3 people tried to kill him. I cried at Eunbok's storyline also, and Jian's fantasy of what could have been. And Min's death, and redemption. Actually, everything.

One thing I loved about the drama and especially the main characters was the lack of unnecessary melodrama. When Min was telling Hyun it wasn't his fault about Min being a monster, Hyun just said calmly, OK, thanks, Min. It was so much more touching without all the hysterics that could have happened in that conversation.

Anyway, this will definitely go down as one of my favorite shows ever, along with Monstar and Firefly.


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That was one of the things that really made this show shine: at every turn where they could've drawn things out or had someone react in an over-the-top manner (counter to their character), they didn't. They stuck to the core of the drama, they stayed true to the characters, and they didn't get distracted trying to pad out the story or play out the clock.

There were so many moments when I thought "oh, crap, and now she's going to go silent and there's going to be a misunderstanding" and then Ji An (or whoever) would calmly pipe up and just say what was obviously on her mind. Refreshing!

I hope this writer gets another show soon and maintains this sort of quality.


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I have been refreshing for this recap for a while now. I maranthoned this series this week and my my have I enjoyed it. Can't remember the last time I had the privilege to watch such well developed and fleshed out characters and such a spunky lead actress. You could understand and empathise with even the worst type of people/psychopaths and that is not an easy feat for a writer. Great acting for the most part overall, and I loved that all the side characters play an important role. I love that the romance was not a central driver of the plot (and in fact felt forced at times), but I loved the slow sweet nature of the romance. One of the best dramas this year. Many thanks for the recaps!!


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Me too!! I have been watching this all week and so glad I got to watch the finale with everyone.

Okay so Seo In Guk was delicious as usual but my gosh, Park Bo Gum is like the most cutest man-puppy ever.

I will remember you show, I really will!


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Well i have nothing more to say about this drama... i have all writen about it in the comments section of episode 15 as i can't control my emotions after watching last episode ... lol :) .... this drama was awesome.. rocking .. superb... i hope and think that they should consider IRY sequel as what i get from the last scenes.. hyun will try to find joon ho ... and joon ho also want hyun to find him... that will be surely spectacular...All were awesome.. lee chun hee , jung nara , seo in guk, park bo gum , choi won young. and also thanks to the supporting staff and all the people behind this amazing production who made it possible to be the best drama of this year ( as far as i am concern) :D I WILL always REMEMBER YOU... :)


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Never knew abt park bogum.. but i think i like him.. he indeed a new rising star to look at! Plus is it me or you guys find a similarities between lee hyun woo and park bogum? Haha..
Anyway.. I'm not actually a fans of seo inguk.. but if i like the drama it doesn't matter who the lead are.. I'll watch for sure..so! Seo inguk, i know him from reply 1997 and he is indeed good! And lee hyun character suit him.. it make him much more handsome than usual.. and for jang nara.. i like her.. esp her character.. cha jian absolutely one of my favorite heroin character ever! Need more character like this for a lead actress please.. and thanx dramafire for this recaps..~


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just had to reply you because u said about the similarities btw lee hyun woo and park bogum! omg so i was not the only one that noticed it hehe...hyun woo is one my fave k-actor (my bb boo seriously LOL) since i watched him in Master of Study. When I watched bogummy in this drama in early episodes, i've been saying and ranting in my twitter that Bogum is the Hyun Woo taller version LMAO.
And heck yes, now bogum is in my fave k-actor list too haha. Both same age babies, both so damn fine and talented, cant wait to see more growth from them! <3


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About Lee Hyun Woo and Park Bo Gum, not just you.
Lee Hyun Woo mention it in one of his interview.

this what he said about Park Bo Gum:
"Many friends told me that they saw me on movie 'Blind.' I thought that was strange, because I did not participate in the film, so I watched it. Then, I found out that my friends thought Park Bo Gum was me."

"That is when I saw him for the first time, and I was very surprised. I even sent a photo of him to my mom. I got to meet him in person for the first time at a university event."

"It might be because of our resemblance, but we grew close very quick. We also have very similar characters. I will always cheer for Bo Gum."

Ha ha ha... even Hyun Woo him self get surprised.


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I'm waiting for a smart screen writer to write a drama for twins starring this pair. :D


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I'm waiting for a smart screen writer to write a drama for twins starring this pair. :D :D


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Love this show, i only wish the open end meant it was coming back for season 2 but thanks to the ratings i don't think thats even an option.It's a shame because this show has been good and consistent from day 1 and i have to say as much as i loved Mask,t wasn't consistently good and some days it was really bad, see episode 19.
I really thought this was SIG best work, he was perfect for this role and kinda hawt, which i have never thought him to be,maybe its the genius brains or the great wardrobe. Its the first time I have ever thought about men's wadrobe but i was constantly going, wow, that shirt or sweater is really nice.Min had some great sweaters as well in these last episodes.
Back to the show,Yay they kissed,but honestly i really didnt care, i was content with the hand hold.what i do want to know is why he left for a whole year only to come back without an explanation, did u find min after the a year of chasing or have you been by his side all along and he took a whole year to recover. Because that ending was kinda choppy, maybe it was the editing but something just want right.I'll accept it anyway because you have been very good, you're allowed a mistake.
I am happy that Min didn't end up in jail which is very weird given the number of people he's killed and i really don't mind they didnt catch Joon ho,he's just so sad. Just stop killing and we'll be cool. I may need to reflect on this, sympathising with murderers isnt right,right?
How would i also rate this show,20 plus Alpha ? You have my heart.


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LOL about the sweaters and men's wardrobe!
But you're right they were nice.


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They were REALLY nice ?.
If i could I'd buy my younger brother Hyun's whole wadrobe.
Maybe he'd love me like Min loves Hyun hehe, it would be cute to have a brother like that,but only in dramas.Real life would be super akward if he tried this and I'd probably punch him to release some of that goey cheese,infact he'd beg me to punch him.?


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What makes you think Min doesn't end up in jail?

He left "new identity" (and his chance to escape) behind in the hospital, to give himself up at the police station. That's how I interpreted anyhow. I guess it was a left a bit open to interpretation – but I think it's clear enough from the left-behind episode, Ji-an's conversation with him (and hugging him) that I think touched something in him too and the "foreshadowing" with Eun-bok – who ended up in prison himself, but wasn't left alone as he is visited by Seung-joo all the time. I see this as what will happen with Min – his brother (and maybe even Ji-an) will be there for him, even though he'll be in prison.


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Same here, pretty sure his final walk out was to go and turn himself in. That's part of the genius of this show - it doesn't need to finish its sentences, so to speak. We know.


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Yes, exactly.

I actually thought it was quite neat how they did it, especially with the parallel scenario with Eun-bok. That tells you exactly what will happen, no need to repeat it.


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episode = envelope

[maybe i just need to go to bed!!! almost midnight here...]


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@alua you giving JiAn too much of a credit for all the ANNOYING things she did when talking to Min, to me that was unnecessary , she prolly just made things worst, Min made his decision based on what had happened AFTER a year, her freakin talk just made him go and kill again so to stop being a 'burden' for this brother, to me she was pretty unreal, desperate and selfish, sometimes people forget they are brothers, its a kdrama, but blood is thicker than water, you should see the perspective of family being involved in such serious situation. It's not just about taking them by their hand and hand them over to the police. If that would have been the situation Hyeon wouldn't have dealt with any shit he did from ep13-to 16
he chose to earn Min back first before letting bad blood seep in between the brothers, that would have been plain ridiculous.

I just assume Min decided to face what comes for living as Lee Min, not exactly turning himself in just -right away-, because a serial killer would serve life time in jail. Also, Lee Min is Hyungs brother, Lawyer LSHo was his identity for 20 years while being a killer, that could have been another detail no one has thought of, Lee Min is a new identity in some sort of way but then again, Min just needs to be in jail for the sakes of many people here just wanting a lame ass-predictable kdrama ending with a female smooching on a male lead.

agree with @klava feels about the chopped/incomplete ending, I was thrown off with all gaps in that last ep. I wished it was better.


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I don't think it's what Ji An said that make Min try to kill LJY. It is LJY's word about happy ending is not possible for the brothers and his continuesly effort for make them both escape with him that make Min want to kill LJY.

Min is a lawyer and he aware that he is a criminal, and it's true that his murdering people is a burden for Hyun, Ji an just teach him to see it the right way.

It's just Min is too lost to understand that it is his wrong doing that burdened Hyun, not his existence. LJY manipulate his mind just like what he doing to their father and that Planning Officer Head. LJY want to Min back to him that he make Min think his brother will be more happy without him.

Ji An is a normal people with her normal way of thinking, just want to tell him the truth. she doesn't know that LJY already said that things with just slightly different way with different purpose.


"I just assume Min decided to face what comes for living as Lee Min, not exactly turning himself in just -right away-, because a serial killer would serve life time in jail. Also, Lee Min is Hyungs brother, Lawyer LSHo was his identity for 20 years while being a killer, that could have been another detail no one has thought of, Lee Min is a new identity in some sort of way but then again, Min just needs to be in jail for the sakes of many people here just wanting a lame ass-predictable kdrama ending with a female smooching on a male lead."

Min turning himself is not what many people here wanting to happen so that happen. Many people want to him never killed people to begin with.
People assumed him to turning himself to pay his crime, because it's said in the drama, when Min got the envelope/ new identity. He say it in voice over that LJY give him a chance to choose " Live as Hyun’s brother but pay for his crimes, or remain hidden for the rest of his life ".


@Alua, @fishfingers (? awesome name)
You are absolutely right, it makes more sense. I was just so relieved he was alive, i just assumed he was walking off into the sunset ? ? and would maybe show up to be with his hyung once in a while.But that didn't make sense to me as Min cant be without his hyung.
How did i miss it ? Its what the show has been hinting at all along, The brothers can't be happy unless Min turns himself in.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention guys.I don't mind this as an ending either, it's just now i feel its unfair, if Min is in jail,i want Joon Ho there too.So season two?
Which reminds me, Joon Ho's lady friend, why are you helping Joon ho,are you crazy and what are you guys? was this answered during the show.


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You know there's still a small chance that he didn't go to to jail and he and hyung just lived happily ever after-open end.
Still,I like @shalini 's ending the best.


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Nah, not very likely. It's been made very clear that Hyun would not live happily with his brother if he did not take responsibility for his crimes. Hyun knows that what Min did is wrong (this was repeatedly emphasised, including in the awkward dinner scene when he got upset about how JH and Min calmly talk about murders over their kimchi jjigae and rice) and that such deeds must be punished (jail). It is what has caused him immense suffering – from the moment he realised that Lawyer Jang is Min and what all that implied – but his sense of justice did not evaporate with that realisation. If it had, he would have run away with Joon Ho and Min, or even with just Min.

Plus, Hyun will live with Ji-an, who gave them a temporary reprieve because she understood Hyun needed that time and because she hoped that Min would turn himself in (I think that's exactly what she said a few episodes ago: that her preference would be that Min would give himself up).


I'd have to say, I like @shalini's ending the best too.


I must be missing out! I only read good comments about this drama.


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I came late to it, definitely worth the watch!


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You're missing out, i think its the best thing since Its okay it's Love and Healer. Started late too,had no intention to watch it but after reading the recap of episode 9 let's just say i didnt sleep that night.
The stupid ratings are the only terrible thing about this show.


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WOW... I can't belive the show is over... I'm sure this is gonna be my favourite drama for a long time... I loved everything about the drama, the plot, the cast, the love, the angst, the humour and even the ending that left us thinking.... I would love to rewatch the show again.. and not just once....
Seo In-guk, Jang Na-ra, Choi Won-young, Park Bo-gum... Hats off to everyone......


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Aah, I have to get ready for work, but jus HAD to write a quick something: I LOOOOOVE THIS SHOW!!! And Min didn't die! *happyface*

Ok, done. I'll rant later. ;-)


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Min didn't die, AND is turning himself in (which was really the only way to get him in jail, as his crimes were perfect), AND Hyun can visit him all the time! And who knows, he might get some sort of consideration in sentencing for turning himself in and being kidnapped by a psychopath. Maybe.


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" five hugs (one denied)" Actually it happens only in Ji An's dream ^^
There is no doubt that Min wasn't monster to the begin with since his world resolves around his brother after witnessing hyun killed someone he believed that hurting others for a reason not wrong. (Did they even cared for their parents that was kinda off) Mother's death was nightmare for Hyun. But for Min it was only memory he held onto till the reunion with his brother. So just like rejoice pointed out he basically wanted to change for Hyuns's sake so in a year how much did he progressed is still ambiguous.
On the other hand just like I thought LJY is just monster. I know that there is no way he would understand what's parents means for a child and he basically wanted create other doors(choices) for kids. But again as far as we know three of them became cold blooded killer so what? There is no way I can say he had good intentions. You hear me dude? It was simply self hypnosis to deny what you are.
let's not think about how come they didn't manage to catch him. Hyun haven't even tried yet because of Min. Since he promised he will it's sure thing he is confident Min is going to make right choice. That's why he seemed sad even when he was with Ji An and he said he won't disappear anymore. So it may seem open ending but if you fully grasped the characters you can see it is not ^^


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'let’s not think about how come they didn’t manage to catch him. Hyun haven’t even tried yet because of Min. Since he promised he will it’s sure thing he is confident Min is going to make right choice. That’s why he seemed sad even when he was with Ji An and he said he won’t disappear anymore. So it may seem open ending but if you fully grasped the characters you can see it is not ^^'


I couldn’t agree more. 15 plus Alpha..haha^^


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I came away thinking that Joon Young is right: he and Min were born the same type of monster.

The difference is that while Joon Young had no one to look up to and no one protecting him, Min had his older brother to look up to for the start of his childhood. Min's most painful event is being "abandoned" by that brother, and it guides the rest of his life. When he's reunited with Hyun and realizes that he wasn't abandoned and that even when Hyun knows he's done truly terrible things, he can't quite get over the fact that Hyun still wholeheartedly protects him and fusses over him and worries.

Min is a monster who knows he's a monster and doesn't like it, because he knows that being a monster both disappoints Hyun and worries him. Even if he doesn't quite get that even killing bad people is wrong, he can basically think "what would hyung do?" and follow that compass and he'd be okay. Sadly, he spent 20 years with Joon Young's compass instead.

It was a great contrast, though: two born psychopaths, but one who could have probably stayed law-abiding and even now will attempt to redeem himself.


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Yes you are right Min had Hyun, that's because (not that's why) there is huge gap in those twos nature.
Before talking about Hyun's influence, I have to accept Min is able to love someone and that's what makes him different from a monster. His mannerism driven by his emotions. For a start he has Hyun but as long as he doesn't learn to love others do you think he can change? I am not sure that he won't start to kill again if Hyun dies beforehand. See it's actually unhealthy to depend on someone. He needs to be alone that's only way he can impose moral compass step by step. We all love them together of course but I highly appreciated writer separated them in the end.
On the other hand LJY was very logical and calculative compared to Min. He just did what is right to do. Based on his past experiences. He believed some parents are disturbing for kids future. Of course is nothing wrong with turning into monsters if you are born to be one. Yes he did say there is lots of possibilities but that's without parents. Since he doesn't get humans are emotional he didn't even considered Min would change with Hyun's help. Maybe he regretted it but not enough to give up on his life. Since he is selfish to the core ^^


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I think if Hyun died Min would still not kill people... unless someone caused Hyun's death, in which case all bets are off.

The thing is, Min's a psychopath. The show went out of its way to highlight that when talking about the Planning Officer's murder, and Min wasn't just okay with it, he thought she should have suffered more. Psychopaths don't HAVE a moral compass to start with, they need to use someone else as a proxy. Hyun is Min's proxy, and he hasn't been with Hyun long enough to seriously know what is okay and is not okay with Hyun's compass - again, he looks right at Hyun and says something like "is that not okay?" when he realizes Hyun's reaction to his Planning Officer speech is a little off. He genuinely doesn't know when he's saying/thinking something abnormal.

Hyun can set that example partly during jailhouse visits and fine-tune the borrowed compass, but "don't kill people" is a wide enough directive that I think Min could stick to it after Hyun's death. Especially if Ji An is still around and keeping an eye on him/acting like a sister.

And can we just note how fantastic Ji An is? Hugging a serial killer because he kind of needs it and then saying very difficult things to him? She's been amazing this whole time, not many women would roll with the whole "your long-lost brother is a totally terrifying psychopath" thing but she's gone out of her way to reestablish that relationship between the two of them. And then hugged the psychopath. That must be novel for him.


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Yes, this drama could have lacking in many ways without her. Some considers her as something extra :D As for me she was in the middle of show being all hyperactive and straight ^^ Rather than fantastic Ji An was very realistic and only character who viewers can relate imo. She sure has flaws which she already has been aware all of it. That's why she was someone I would want to be friends with. Extremely well done. It's not likely male leads to win awards I hope Jang Nara Unni does^^


Yes, she's a fantastic character. That hug, that enveloped him without condoning, fearlessly saying what was needed, was so great. Love the character this writer created, and Jang Nara plays this so convincingly. Even after her long career, I'd bet she is honored to have such a quality script and character to convey.


thank God, finally found someone in you gals (Miranda, Wow,LarryMimosa,,,) that can see Ji-An for how worthy she is.
Ji-An, doing what Min’s eomma would have said to him, “…think of doing this for your kyung, if you run from it, your hyung must run with you to protect you… he have to hide with you. Having say this pains my heart terribly, but if that happens, neither you or hyung can be happy.” But many anti-fans (from some other sites and recaps) focus on the point which she later said regarding her can’t ignore and will continually investigate the case, and hyung will have it very difficult being in the middle, so rise up some who protest that if she rest the case, then Hyeon won’t be torn in between, claiming why must she said that to Min… jin-jja, really?
Hyeon has this inbuilt compass in his heart, when he was a child he by his own will, entered into a church and prayed often, implying that he believe God’s presence, and that this Creator will judge him or anyone one day. This conscience has been guiding him to feed the Good wolf inside him all these good 20 years. So this conscience will make him miserable if he covered up Min’s crimes even if Ji-An will not pursue the case. Even if she ignores it, the rest of the Team will continue to investigate the case, it will not be a cold case shelved. So did some who wrote in other sites that they find her annoying and reckless in venturing into LJY house twice, once to dig into the secret room, the second as a death-wish to challenge LJY “taking for granted that Hyeon will save her”.
I beg to differ in opinion, that by end of ep 16, everyone knows that without the fingerprint n any DNA samples, photos (which was supposed to be burnt up in the fire), and without solid witness, no one can really cuff him up. So the only way is to dig into his lair… and tempt him to leak on himself (using her “secret recording on mobile).. I don’t really think she, being very clear that in Hyeon’s heart she is “IMPOSSIBLE to calculate IN NUMBER” (plus alpha is like unto beyond 100% infinite), how will she ever think of throwing herself in danger and expecting the prince to fight the dragon. Don’t we forget she is a cop, she single handed fight the psycho who kidnapped her, remember? This Ji-an and that Oh Ji-An is two sides of a coin, a Special Collection Gem of a Coin, outshine many hunks in K-dramas even.
at any time, i am up to for both Ji-An defence against their anti-fans.


@ Wow, & Miranda.
Massive 'WOW" to you 2. Sincerely.
jang nara was never on my list of "must watch". seriously we are not talking even about Jang Nara, but the Cha Ji-An that she has created.
thru-out this period, i keep having this problem reading postings of people thumbing her down, from many sites. of cause there are plenty who learn to treasure her, but there are loads who found her "stealing" scene times from Min. like what Wow said, she has flaws, because she knew it, and Writer make her so real, we can identify with her. in fact, at any given times, i will want to be someone like her, flaws but sensitive to needs of her loved ones, brave to stand firm and remind her loved ones to face the ugly truth, know when to keep silent and wait when her loved ones just need times, ... at any given times she can be the sister that i wish to consult with in late night, the best friend i would like to show all my weakness to and yet not been laugh at... there are even people who said, they don't mind OTP not given happy ending, as long as Min got his... WOW.
I think, if anyone really truly deserve a happy ending, its Hyeon, and Hyeon's happy ending can never be fulfilled without Ji-An in the midst. you just needs to go thru the whole 16 ep again (i am presently doing that), you can easily lost count of the many times, Ji-An said something funny (and genuinely, naturally), and Hyeon softened into a smile, you find that at that intense scene, when Ji-An confronted him to reveal who Min is, saying she heard everything he said night before,.. he was all tensed up, even until he brought her to the "dungeon" to listen to the tapes, .... then her "freak... low-life" swearing brought that smile to his tensed countenance. i guess, thru-out Hyeon whole life, not even Min, or dad, make him feel relaxed and be himself. with Ji-An, he learnt to let go, and smile, not just smirk.
i won't go chasing after Jang Nara future works, but i truly loved, at any given time, stand up to defense the character Cha Ji-An.


“On those days when I am lonely… I think of you, even in worst circumstances, there are good things that happened, since we got to meet each other. But if we didn’t lost our fathers to LJY, then would we have met? I think we still would have met, I think I would have like you from the first moment, and we would have all grown up quite well, for me with you and with your brother.”
Ji-An was grateful (so did we), that all in all, there are goods that cometh out of these unfortunately circumstances, ability to meet and fall in love with each other. It all started with “but what if” LJY mom wasn’t raped, LJY will not end up been abandoned, he will not massacred whole family (less one), he will not meet abeoji Lee, he will not kill both Hyeon and Ji-An’s abeoji, dongsaeng will not be ran into LJY’s car and tempted him to kidnaped him, dongsaeng will not bring out his potential to perfection as a serial killer, and all in all, we will say, then they won’t met and fall in love. But she added: “I think I would have like you from the first moment” which is the most unchangeable truth inspite of all the “but what if”. She will love him from first sight, he will ask her to get lost inspite of his cold demeanor, he will be moved and gradually love her back.
we actually had a glimpse of this scene in real “life”, at the part where Ji-An visited Hyeon, Min was sitting on the stair, and Min smiled shyly at Ji-An, you can see a trace of happy to see her, and Ji-An smiled back, then Hyeon, Jian and Min smiled at each other. The spilt moment, you know they actually can stayed together, helping each other to overcome each other’s monster within them.
and they will still grow up together, she will be the added sister that guide Min together with Hyeon, and help to feed Min’s good wolf within Min.
i am re-watching IRY,
enjoying every single moment, remembering them.


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".. the part where Ji-An visited Hyeon, Min was sitting on the stair, and Min smiled shyly at Ji-An, you can see a trace of happy to see her, and Ji-An smiled back, then Hyeon, Jian and Min smiled at each other. "

I love you to mention that.ヽ(´▽`
I think Min is not that "crazy" in his love with his brother actually.
Everybody said that Min's love Hyun in the kind of obsession. But really from early episode his jealous to JiAn never that great for him to want kill Ji An.
It's Ji An who hate him first, because he is helping the first muder Yang. He did interest in Ji An because her close to Hyun.
He said that Ji An is a second person who interesed him after Hyun! So basicly he is put Ji An in the people his like, just in another level than Hyun.
About the attack to Ji An house? I don't see it as he try to off Ji An because jealous, it's because Ji An really annoyed him with her hate to him and it is his manipulation way to get her acknowledge him.

Min is capable to love a person who his brother love, as long as that person not hate him and his brother NOT abandon him.
That is my observation about Min attitude to Ji An.


Aaah. It's over. Thanks so much rejoycie, for the great recaps and insights.

I found this episode almost pitch-perfect. The way it wound down, wrapped up, and left things open. It sort of reminds me of the tone of the ending of School 2013: even after the curtain falls, their lives go on.

I legit cried when they killed Min. I almost couldn't carry on, and then I was dying because no one was reacting to him being dead! God I was so so happy that he lived. I squealed. And his ending was PERFECT. I loved it. Sorry to anyone who thinks "liking a murderer" is just wrong...but I fell in love with Min. His desperate desire to have his brother back, to be happy with him, and how lost he was after Hyun found him. Argh. So perfect.


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I totally feel you, fishfingers! Min stole my heart (and the show!)


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You and I had the same reaction to Min's fake out. I started crying and was loosing patience cause no one was telling me exaclty what happened with him! I couldn't really concentrate until he was shown again.


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Yeah, I also fell in love with Min. He was a lost puppy looking desperately for his hyung's love, so it was hard to hate him. Plus Bogummie has this sassy attitude, as if he was not hot enough already...

I felt conflicted about wanting a happy ending for him. This show did it well, building complex evil characters and making us see the story through their eyes. I wonder if we would have liked Min if instead of seeing the cute we could have seen him killing people.
At least the end suggested that Min would turn himself in, so I can have peace of mind now. :)


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I was happy with the ending. It was sort of open but giving us enough to fill in the picture. Which I sort of preferred, because having every little thing spelled out to the very end is like you're not trusting that your viewers have some intelligence to put the final pieces together. But this was a clever show that respected its viewers too. Dunno, that's how I feel.

I feel a bit smug that I have another 10 episodes to watch still, as I started watching from ep 11 on.... so I have plenty to look forward to! ?


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Was it just me or did anyone else think 'this is the moment they're going to kiss' during the scene where the brothers were taking a walk and taking selfies?
That moment just felt so intense and romantic that my mind just went there. No im not into fan fic its just these brothers really love each other and you feel it, Jang Nara is obviously the third wheel,if there was ever a season two i would expect to see min jealous if his hyung and ji an are being all lovey dovey and we would not be surprised.
Oh this is the first show that ive seen that has actual bromance between brothers.They have now pushed woo bin and lee jong suk from school 2013 bromance to second place in my book.


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Rejoyce your recaps are really good, you dont skimp over the details which i love.Great job,you're really off too a great start because even your first drama is awesome.


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I didn't think they would kiss, but I was wondering if Hyun would throw his arm around Min's shoulders. It felt right that he didn't, though.

That entire sequence was so sad, with Min basically setting up his last day with Hyun. It's not spelled out in the show, but I think that Min's visit to Joon Young had two objectives: either he would kill Joon Young and then vanish the two of them forever (never seeing Hyun again), or he would basically execute the exact same plan that Ji An had: get Joon Young to kill him, and then the entire police team would descend on Joon Young and get him for murder. Either way, he'd never see Hyun again, so this last day was important to both have and remember in photos.


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Honestly, this is the best bromance I have seen and its is very very heartfelt and gooey. I surely hope that Min will find his happy ending with Hyun even behind bars. They deserve to be together forever from now on. When Min had an inner monologue about Hyun being his everything for 20 years, something broke inside me. It's hard to explain how much I fell in love with Min's character, his tragic life and overall his never ending love and devotion for his Hyung-ah... cries...

I hope another drama would pop out that has the same understated and organic romance like Hyun and Jian's romance.

I Remember You is now one of my all time favorite Kdramas along with Gakssitaal and Healer-yah.


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I LOOOOVEDDDDDD THIS DRAMA!!!! <3 I wish there's more of this....
The entire cast was amazing! And yes, props to SIG, PBG, JNR!


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Yes to all the above. 20 plus alpha, indeed. Loved most of the writing and all of the cast. (I was a fan of most of the guys already, but have become a big fan of Jang Nara.) Anyone else voting for SIG as the next Sherlock Holmes?


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"SIG as the next Sherlock Holmes?"

+15 Alpha


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count me in :)


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I am a bit disappointed in the ending because I expected it to be more tragic.

What I though the endings could be:
Min dying and Joonho dying
Min dying and Joonho going to jail (Hyun has to deal with not killing out of revenge)
Min going to jail of his own accord and Joonho being free
JiAn having to bring in Min to jail (with Hyun's encouragement)** preferred ending

All of these would have been sad for sure (I do like Min afterall) but I feel he needed a proper ending that dealt with his past crimes.

It's fitting within Joonho's character to give Min the option of new identity vs. turning himself in (his motivations were good) but the lack of resolution for Min AND Joonho felt pretty anticlimatic. Neither felt any remorse either.

THAT BEING SAID, I found the rest of the series to be amazing - very tightly written and acted by all the cast! - and I was super glad the plot was thought out and did not change based on ratings. I really wish it had better ratings. Based on the story, I expected the ending to be somber and tragic in keeping with the rest of it, but even without that, it was consistent and didn't alter my overall perception of the series too much. Would recommend+++.

I also wonder if Jang Nara's accident changed anything at all, and although it would have been better if she could have gone to the hospital, she's a real trooper for having gone on. In general I found her acting + character the best (especially the character!! we need more like these) though immense credit to Park Bo-gum too (and everyone else).


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<Min going to jail of his own accord and Joonho being free

That's what happens.....


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Sorry should have been clearer but I meant seeing it happen and then seeing the fall-out/reaction as opposed to inferring it from the ending. I was more interested in the "after" I suppose then the actual jailing.


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See, I really like that they didn't it spell all out but just hinted at what would happen – what happens to Eun-bok, is what will happen to Min & Hyun. They just saw no need to repeat these scenes with different characters.


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I sorta thought it would go White Christmas (don't want to spoil just in case), BUT I'm happier with the ending as it was. It was an ending that told you it wasn't over...

But that said, I don't think there'll be a second season like some people want, not with the disappointingly disappointing ratings.


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I was actually expecting a darker ending too, but I can't say I wasn't pleasantly surprised at how it ended. I may even prefer this whitewashed ending.

The way I see it, the writer had a choice between insisting to the viewer that life is always tragic (thereby: killl off min, LJY commits suicide, etc.) or the writer could say to the viewer that life can be hopeful (thereby: give Min the chance to choose, which was our ending.) It think I also prefer the latter. In conclusion, I love you drama.


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I totally agree. I would have rather had Min die and Joon Ho going to jail or both dying as they kill each other. It is tragic but it is also a form of justice. I wanted Min to be redeemed but it really bothered me that Joon Ho got away. And I HATED that scene at the end where Hyeon notices him and smiles. Ugh. I loved the show as a whole though. And you're right about Park Bo Gum. He made a serial killer who we could feel empathy for and root for.


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I quote from @Alua's comment below (Comment 29.1)

"In fact took the last scene as symbolic: I don't think the characters actually walk by and see each other, and just keep walking on without doing anything. Rather it's a scene that indicates that Hyun & Ji-an know that Joon Ho is out there somewhere (and maybe right close by), and Joon Ho knows that Hyun & Ji-an are there, going after him until they find him."

So I feel we do not need to get our panties twisted up in a bunch over the smiling walk-away of Hyun and Joon Yeong... it was the show taking artistic license by bringing these people together in time and space when they probably were miles apart.


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15 points + alpha! To @alua & @GB :-D

I also thought the last scene to be symbolic and ready to reply and comment about it, but then I read your comment, @GB, quoting @alua saying the exact same thought I had! :-)


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Great minds think a like! 'Great minds', are we all LOL!


Happy Ending: What is the “Happy” in a Happy Ending? Does it imply merely “staying together forever” at all cost, inspite of not facing truth?
Will he be happy if Min choose to run away with him forever to some Island? Min may be happy even up to this stage, as he still cannot fathom the needs to face justice, and righteousness be served. God instil in us the sense of justice and righteousness, when He created us in God’s image, meaning He put His character of knowing what is truth and desire for truth and love and fear of facing God in us, whether or not when we grew up we chose not to believe in a deity. Hyeon will be forever lost, if he run away and look at Min alone for the rest of his life.he cannot smear his conscience that Min ultimately has to face his Creator and stand judged (Hyeon was a Catholic since young, remember he went into a confession box.)
all hail to the power of Fans Service, and the amazing strokes of pen, and the award deserving talent in castings, that we can allow ourselves the temporary blurring of vision, that Killing baddies is not so bad after all, and what if the killer themselves truly kill from a good heart.,. and we almost welcome our "Hecter" (as in "Silent of the Lamb") closure with LJY walking retiring at some Europe or Jeju island.
like i say, with remembrance cometh knowledge, and responsibitlies.. and the free will to choose what is just and righteousness. Remembering, not just relating to the past, it motivate what you choose to be in future.
Min, do remember, and choose to come clean, i wish one day, he realise he should do it,not so much for Hyung, but to be right with himself, to face his Creator, the same creator who created those whom he killed, and felt for those victims still living, mourning those he killed.
while aplaushing Min for excellent performance, we cannot overlook the essence behind the theme, does the End justify the means, does little act of evil to remove greater evil justify? does an innocent heart who truly know not he sin justify the kiling he does (while innocently thought he did save the world by doing so)....
happy ending, will not be truly happy, if Just and Righteous is not met.
kudos to Writer fro provoking all these thoughts in us.
Hyun, Ji-an and Min, even LJY, thanks for the beautiful 8 week walks thru. i will remember you all.


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This drama was amazing, one of my favorites this year.

Thank you for the recaps!


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I like the ending of this show! haha if only the writers of the previous show of kbs with the same timeslot as this have the sophistication and creativity to do an ending like this

IMO The ratings are flop because the viewers are wary of kbs after the ending of the show before I remember you. I dont even want to remember the name of that show.

The viewers dont have the energy to choose their channel and just decide to watch it online. Why give them ratings if they dont care about their viewers demand? Just stick watching it online. Thats how traumatic it was.

What I am dissatisfied maybe is only one ... the pacing? it was too slow for me in the beginning ... it might be because of the editing ... usually thrillers have fast pacing and scarey loud background music but this one lacks it. haha they mostly choose romantic songs over scarey songs and sometimes they dont put some soooo it was too silent >.<

What I like about this show in general is their plot, characters, action scene, great acting of the actors and actress anddddd their cinematography (itssss pretty and some are creepy especially when LJY look at his face in the last ending ... the 2 face dont look similar... creepy) and lastly the well crafted open happy ending!

I am quite satisfied with this ending sooo I will love to see a second season ! I want to know more about LJY and his army!


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My absolute favorite of 2015! I wasn't sure how I felt about the ending at first but I like the open-endedness. It shows that life goes on. You don't always get the bad guy but if you keep moving forward one day at a time, you can still find a measure of happiness. I am so glad that Min survived and I was proud of his decision to live as Hyun's brother because that's all he ever wanted. The relationship between the brothers was a highlight, and while SIG and JNR were exceptional as always, Choi Won-young was a highlight, but the absolute best was Park Bo-geum. He blew me away as Min. They couldn't have picked a better actor to play Min. Sweet, hyung-loving lil' bro on one side, cold-blooded murderer on the other and PBG played it masterfully. I will definitely be watching out for him in the future. All in all very happy with this show and terribly sorry to see it end (and sorry it had such low ratings since it was crafted so well). On a side note: it's interesting that Choi Won-young was in my 2 favorite shows this year, this one and Kill Me, Heal Me. Yet, he played drastically different roles. It's almost difficult to see him as Secretary Ahn from KMHM after seeing him portray a psychopath so well. I guess I didn't realize how versatile he is. Looking forward to the future projects of all the actors. IRY, you will be missed. :)


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Choi Wonyoung is just fine. And we'll be seeing him onscreen in just two weeks in Twenty Again! The man needs to rest! But boy does he get me hot under the collar so no complaints there :P


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Yeah Park Bo-gum got a lot of praise in this show (deservingly so!) but I thought Choi Won-young did very well too. It's hard to make bad characters likeable and multi-faceted (without forcing a redemption arc down our throat) but both the villains managed to wring out empathy from me (even in Joon-young's very twisted way of "doing good". I don't agree with his methods but he was genuinely puzzled when people were hurt by his actions). A lot of credit to the writing/directing, but definitely to the acting as well :)


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i LOVED S.I.G. and J.N.R., even adore little puppy PBG, ... and to be fair, it is the dark horse CWY that should bag any award... at least give him the supportive award, jsut like i will at any given time , nominate that Ajummah of Healer to win a Supporting role award.
CWY has rised his own bar! he will not on my list of "must see hunks"... but he deserved to stand the podium at Dec 31 KBS award.


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one note: while applauding CWY's unblemished flawless acts as the uncanny psycho, i do NOT accept that he can walk free, just like i am mesmerized by Anthony Hopkins' Hector, and almost hope he can romance Julianna Moore, i cannot condone what evil he did...
mmm... Writer's Pen are amazing things, it doesn't just write, it paints , it paint the black into grey and whitewashed it, and we all still find it refleshing.... esp if an outstanding actor develop what the pen can do.


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All I can say is Show, THANK YOU! Despite the disappointment in the ratings, you did not fail to disappoint your solid fans! You did not waver in your plot, you gave your best in each episode and did better as it got closer to the finale. Good work to the casts, PDnim, writers-nim and the crew!!!

Looking forward to this team again in the future because they make such a great team!


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First off, rejoycie thank you for your insightful recaps, so helpful.

Alpha+1+20, +Alpha, I agree. Commented a few episodes ago that I thought this was going to be my favorite drama ever...and even with a bit editing issues with the end of the last episodes, I must say it did not disappoint. What a joy to watch.

Fanflippingtastic writing, thought-through and executed with intensity, suspense, heart, humor and pathos. Well-crafted characters you care about, even the minor roles. And a bromance among the most touching I've seen. What a feat presenting this level of a show in the current Korean drama industry. This writer is on my radar; thank you!

The acting was superb, seemed like everyone was at their very best. As an actor, I can imagine how exciting it is to work with this level of scripting, production and direction... certainly an impetus to give it their all. Kudos to you all.

Yes, to whoever said it's probably Seo In Gum's best role...compelling, intense and sexy, both mind and man...he nailed it. Looking forward to his next project--what a talent.

I don't know a lot of Jang Nara's early work so probably have mischaracterized her as primarily playing this types of characters in BabyFaced Beauty, Fated, etc. Those characters are fine, but can get repetitive, so yay for her, getting to play a spunky, badass sprite with determination and heart.

Along with so many here, I'm blown away with Park Bo- Gum's portrayal of Min, and the craft of this young actor. ... what a career lies ahead of him. Great, heartfelt scenes with SIG... loved, loved, loved the bromance.

Choi-Won-Young, omg, what a performance... compellingly creepy, perfectly oblivious to how others might view him...great look into the mind of a psychopath. And some damn funny lines you had..." speed dating?". LOL, still laughing.

Loved the special task team...Team Leader Kang, Myung Woo, Seung-Joo, Eun Bok. Again the writer's skill let each of these actors shine.

Finally I found myself loving the ending being somewhat open-ended. My husband at first complained that he felt that the script faltered a bit, that Min, JoonHo/JoonYoung weren't getting the expected punishment. But like others, I think that would wouldn't have fit so well with the theme of the show--choice. Loved the message of that conversation between JoonYoung and little Hyun--
"You can become as you wish. You can become like me, or you can become the opposite of me. There isn’t just one door. You can leave through the front door, or the back door.” And complementing that, Hyun's reaction of pity, but no forgiveness nor understanding.

Such a wonderful two months watching this gem...a big thanks to KBS for supporting it and everyone who was involved


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<Finally I found myself loving the ending being somewhat open-ended.

Me too. I think it fits very well with this show. And it's an open-to-interpretation that is well written and confident: in itself, and in its viewers whom it trust will know to make of it. It's not some light-weight rom-com that delivers a kiss, wedding, first pregnancy etc. on a silver platter so we can be 100% certain of how exactly it all plays out. We've got enough clues to know what will most likely happen.

Joon Ho may have escaped for now, but Hyun will forever be hunting him, until gets him. As will Ji-an, who'll keep looking for the evidence until she has it all.

In fact took the last scene as symbolic: I don't think the characters actually walk by and see each other, and just keep walking on without doing anything. Rather it's a scene that indicates that Hyun & Ji-an know that Joon Ho is out there somewhere (and maybe right close by), and Joon Ho knows that Hyun & Ji-an are there, going after him until they find him.


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Yes, amen to this. This scene is so misunderstood, of course it's just symbolic.


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I think people are just so used to being told everything clearly in dramas – or not being told something because the writer has conveniently forgotten something (i.e. bad writing/plot holes).

But there are dramas that don't do either of those two things, that use other tools – subtle symbolism, parallel structures – and that thus ask their viewers to use their brains a little bit.

No one got away unpunished here. They will find Joon-ho and there'll be huge difference next time they catch him: they have Eun Bok now to testify that he is Lee Joon-young.


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Seo In Guk + Park Bo Gum = Seo In Gum
I know it was a typo slip but it was very cute nonetheless *blush*


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Hahaha. Nice catch!


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I thought i was the only one who noticed it.haha ^^


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" BoGuk ' it is. OTP in this drama tbh. By just being brotherly brothers. Thy take the cake anyday.


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IRY is 99 plus alpha.
my 101 plus alpha is Healer.
i am ruined by HEALER, my sight has been altered foever by Healer, my First Love. but i still managed to love IRY, am surprised.,, oosp.


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Oh, and even though it was overshadowed by the bromance the last part of the show, I really enjoyed the slow-burn romance stemming from the building trust. Very realistic and touching. I guess overall lack of demonstrativeness keep some from feeling the chemistry among the leads, but I loved this type of portrayal, where a brush of the hair or hand hold says so much. Love love loved it.


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yes, because it is "slow burn", it is very touching, strike our heart string. the noona- age gap obviously doesn't dampened the chemistry between Nara and S.I.G., you almost believe these 2 person is real, and a smile from SIG at Ji-An, and you... "thank God, he was been understood... thank God, he can finally weep in front of her".... we are thankful she is there everytime he was breaking down.
Do you miss me? (remember me?) he asked.
thus, Hyeon fulfilled his promise of 3 “passing by”, by the last, he left a Hope that she can hang on while waiting again…. So when Ji-An slapped “if you plan to disappear again, you better leave immediately now”, he stiffened his face sensed her hurt, knowing she means “don’t you dare to disappear again”. Esp when she revealed she understood that she needs to press him to face his reality, and conscience, yet she is still holding it in, waiting for him to take initiative to persuade Min to own up n come clean by his own free will. Amazing as to the depth she knew his empathy towards LJY, so much that Hyeon’s pity is sufficient to hold on to his unforgiveness and unability to fathom LJY… because Hyeon pined his heart, knowing while he basked in the temporary sunshine of brotherhood, she remembers him still, waited and trusting, missing him. Does he not miss her a lot, as she missed him?
ahhh… that kiss? Not because we look at it thru lustful eyes, instead we found gratification that Hyeon (as much as Ji-An) has finally earned THAT (Hyeon will never be Home and be himself, until he found Ji-An). Did we not for sake of shipping Brotherhood, wilfully ignored how many times when he was worn out, drained after facing off LJY and controlling himself before a vulnerable Min, that he can only break into a smile by a simple word or gesture from Ji-An. So-far, only Ji-An can make him relax and be himself, she is also the home where Min should be in one day, after he served his sentence. Ji-An can help him to steer Min towards feeding Min’s own Pure Good wolf, that one day Min will choose Goodness for himself, not just to please Hyung. Was glad KBS can finally surpass herself, by writing no more third party and triangle relationship (jealous ex girl friend or evil fiancé) that make the OTP breaks up …. Min as a Threesome with the OTP, is a refreshing breath of air, in a chunk of dumb dramas.


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The slow-burn was appreciated, especially as it meant that Ji An was not as compromised as she may have been if her romance with Hyun was hotter or faster: she was able to be a professional and retain her focus, with a nice second layer of the deepening relationship with Hyun.

When Ji An told Hyun she was giving him time with Min but would eventually have to pursue as a policewoman, she was saying that from a very strong position. She wasn't looking to be begged for time, she wasn't negotiating, and she wasn't worried about how this might impact some future romance: she was just stating the facts in a sympathetic way. And with Hyun being a logical and rational guy, it probably made him respect her more.

They seemed to speed by all of the silly slapstick misunderstandings and bickering within the first handful of episodes. After that it was her respecting his incredibly complicated backstory, and him respecting her police work, and the two of them just really really liking each other and finding peace in each other's company. The small things they did for each other could've been done for friends, but then the way they kind of wordlessly deferred to each other and coordinated unconsciously made it clear they were connecting on a deeper level. After that, it was just natural to open up more and more with the lover-stuff.

I would love to see this kind of romance again. It doesn't have to be the central theme of the show, and maybe does better when the romance ISN'T carrying the whole storyline. It was lovely.


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Great cast and a lot excellent acting! The drama was fun to watch.


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I hope they get awards. Many, many awards.


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just have this feeling... that the rest may or may not get any awards... but PBG will. KBS always bow to fan service. bot not pretty PBG doesn't deserve, he truly well do. but reality is ugly. they gonna distribute all the different awards to diff dramas... Best Couple may go to JCW and PMY, but Best New award may likely goes to Park BG... you just scroll thru all the Beanie recap postings, and many others, like Noonas over fork, Thougthrambles, crazy ajummahs...not hard to understand why Puppy eye Park will bag at least ONE award.
mark my word, he will. *(but CWY should win Supporting role)


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Speaking of awards...I was thinking of that again while taking Mimosa on a walk, lol...are there any "independent" awards in Korea? Awards given by the large three network awards--MBC, SBS, KBS--are great... who doesn't want to see your favorite show, actor be recognized? But they seem decidedly self-serving, most often recognizing their highest-rated shows and most popular actors regardless of the comparative quality of production and acting (stand up and take a bow, Hundred Year Inheritance and Heirs). Or worse it's an "Everyone's a Winner" night.

I read here and there about The Baek Sang Art Awards Grand Bell Awards and Blue Dragon Awards and wondered if they're more likely to recognized excellence in the craft, both production and acting--over popularity. That seems to have been the trend in US awards over the last decade, recognizing films and performances that didn't have wide distribution or big budgets. Not that we're the beacon of independence in this area... obviously personal influence and money talk here as well.

Just curious to see how likely it is IRY be recognized for it's excellence. Because I want to be like Miranda "I hope they get many awards. Many, many awards"


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Loved this drama!!!
Can't wait for the whole cast to return in new projects.
Especially jang Nara,Seo in guk, and park Bo gum.
Love this show!!!


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Thanks very much Rejoicie for your good recaps and great analysis. You've done a wonderful 'job'! And it's your first time too... so I look forward to reading more of you in more recaps. :)

Aaaah what a wonderful show!!! It has brought together seamlessly all that I feel are cardinal virtues in a drama: writer, producers, directors, actors who are committed to their craft and not out to only for ratings or money, OSTs that are beautiful and appropriate to every scene, great camera-work, balance in the crime and love story / in the melodrama and humor / in giving us a mystery and timely reveals AND to me one of the most important virtues... great respect for the Viewer.

I can never praise this enough in any production, and I'm so happy to be able to praise this here for I Remember You.

Thank you Production Team for giving us 120% of great drama viewing, of things to think about and discover about ourselves and our attitudes, of seeing how redemption can be offered even to the 'hopeless' and in the process, hopefully changing our world for the better. Kudos for the nuanced acting, lovable layered characters and overall team work that made this year of drama viewing so worthwhile! :)


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Enjoyed EVERY epone of the 16 episodes which is somwhat raw for me as i tend to skip one or two episodes of other drama when they get repetitive.

The drama was cleverly done. I so enjoyed how most of the reveals are handled and i had to pay close attention (especially when watching it raw) when watching every episode..

Loved the cast - they did a great job and the production team too.

Intersting drama and i have been pondering myself on some of psychological questions they posed - 'monsters' born or made, Stockholm syndrome with Eun Bok, how love/caring is so essential to a healthy psyche, etc.



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It pained me whenever PBG was on the scene with those desperate hopefull eyes looking for a way to have a happy ending with his hyung . He did an splendid job for this drama along with JNR ans SIG . I really enjoyed this drama.


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I (try to) wax lyrical over something that I appreciate.... just have to express it nowadays (when previously I was mostly a mute and less analytical viewer).

What is So Noteworthy and speaks of thoughtful writing:
1) Prefiguring... This show knew exactly where it was going and where it wanted to end up from the start. No scene was wasted and nothing was rushed. I love how Eun Bok pre-figures what the future holds for Min (the one we are more invested in). I love how it is shown that the love and forgiveness, constant offering of relationship and good treatment of Eun Bok wore away his 'loyalty' to Joon Yeong. The police team, like Hyun, did the one thing that among alternatives, was difficult but the most correct thing to redeem their friend. Most so, because he remained 'Friend' and did not become 'Monster'.

Eun Bok who had known mainly abuse and seen Joon Yeong as a savior he should repay, could understand why even a savior should take responsibility for his evil deeds, when offered forgiveness and healing while taking responsibility for his own. While on one hand I felt that the killing of Planning Officer Hyun was not necessary (the fingerprint papers could have just be stolen and destroyed), it brought Eun Bok to the level of Min, so that we can see the parallel of how over time, because of the love and acceptance of his brother, because he was not labelled a monster and he was given a choice instead of being forced, he could choose to a more difficult path of taking responsibility that would lead to long-lasting happiness.

I imagine that, that prison would see numerous visits by Hyun and Ji An for Min, and that they would be as touching and hopeful as the visits by Seong Joo for Eun Bok.

While like Hyun I cannot totally accept or 'forgive' Joon Yeong, I still feel for him... In his misguided way he 'cared' for children. Surprisingly for a psychopath he tells his friend that his heart was torn when he heard a child's cry. In his own way, he had honor. He did give Min back to Hyun, he did have Min cared for, he did give Min a choice... it is sad that his desire to be remembered by Hyun does get fulfilled, but only in this way, that Hyun will definitely find and catch.

I wonder: Since one of the most inspiring things with Joon Yeong is that he also did give Hyun a choice... which door he would use ... without it being explicitly stated, I feel he finally gave Min a choice as well ... so that when Min made that decision to end it with Joon Yeong in that final fight, JY understood what Min needed and stabbed him enough to have him lose consciousness, so that JY could say that he died and it could become another "corpse-less murder". I look at that expression on JY's face before that stabbing and it was somehow calculated and meaningful.

I like how in our imaginations, Joon Yeong continues to evade capture and Hyun and Ji An retain their focus. And I like how Min walked out of that nursing home, full...


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And I like how Min walked out of that nursing home, full of hope and purpose with a smile (that was no longer creepy) on his face. :)


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Me too, its amazing how a smile can be so different


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It's so good to fangirl with you over such a wonderful show again growingbeautifully-nim :) I love your insight, admiration and appreciation for this show!


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Hi Shalini! Same here, same here. I need more time so that I can go over to your site and read you. I will somehow! Thanks too for your overflowing love for this show that flows into beautiful prose. :)


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Hi @GB! So you noticed the not creepy smile as well! PBG is indeed a fantastic actor!


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Yes, that smile really got me. Park Bo Gum is able to create different 'concepts' with his smiles. The happy kid smile, the creepy psychopath smile, the adult hope-filled smile,.... ? ? ?


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And don't forget the tree smile! Lol or that goes into the "happy kid smile" category? :-D


Very nicely thought-out growingbeautfully (so funny to use these names... mine are my animals' names!). Really I hadn't thought about the prefiguring.

I also felt like the writing was very purposeful and nothing was wasted... and what a treat to watch the writer's craft shine with acting/directing/production/everything done so well.


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Hi @LarryMimosa

You can call me GB :) Are Larry and Mimosa cats?


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Right, GB, much easier :)
Orange kitty and a German Shepherd/coyote mix.


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I didn't consider that Joon Young may have deliberately injured Min to an extent where he was salvageable, but you're right - he had the medical expertise to judge what he was doing, but without swift intervention Min certainly could've died, so it's clear that Joon Young had to have whisked Min away to get treatment. Maybe this was one of his plans all along? He was certainly worried about the brothers being reunited, and he's not a stupid man: he might've seen that Min might try this, and already had a plan in place ("stab him in the spleen, he'll pass out, bring him to get fixed here, give him a new identity...")

Who knows, he may also have been wondering if Hyun would pursue Min (or Min's corpse) or just be happy to continue without him. Joon Young is VERY curious about Hyun's reactions to pretty much everything.


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I was playing around with the idea that Joon Yeong may have had some of this planned. For some reason, the lady friend was already in his house, as if waiting to 'help' out at the right moment. She came out just in time to keep Hyun from becoming a killer and to help get Min to medical treatment.

I felt that Joon Yeong could not entirely predict what Min or Hyun might do, but he had a contingency plan to work with if an opportunity arose.

I'd like to believe that he wanted to somehow make it up to Min for separating him from Hyun, by giving him a fresh start and the same choice that he had mentioned to Hyun. :)


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Actually it all started with the man who raped lee joon-young's mother


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Yes, it started with that rape and the very unhealthy attitudes of shame, guilt, blame that the whole family and community who supported those attitudes had and brought to bear upon a child that could have been 'normal' enough.

I have so many 'If onlys...' for Joon Yeong and Hyun. If only he had a good family, or failing that, if only the interrogation room door was locked and Hyun never met JY, or if only Hyun's father was a better dad and psychologist ... etc, etc... there are lots more :)


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Phew...everyone made it to the end.

So Hyun did played a part in Min's psychotic nature. Does that mean Joon Yeong did read Min wrong?

The ending hmmm, it was a bit cliche but i was happy enough with it, its sad that the two brothers have to separate again, but at least each of them have the consolation knowing that the other would live a somewhat "good" life. It's also comforting to me to know that Joon Yeong's affections for the two boys were genuine. Well in his way anyway.


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I wonder how many years would Min be in prison for?


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I heard that in Korea, confession alone can't make a person guilty (They have to have firm evidence), and this law was made to prevent incidents like when police got the confession by relying on violence/torture during 70-80s. In Min's case, there are guys who transported and dumped the corpses, and bank account they can trace, but they are all circumstantial evidence I think.
I am just saying this because I hope Min survives.


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I don't think Joon Young read Min wrong: Min himself says he thinks he was born that way. Sad that adult Min realizes that Hyun will blame himself, and goes out of his way to assure Hyun that's not the case, and even regrets sending the cards.

As a side note, how heartbreaking is it that little Min experienced TWO home invasions? When he chirped "a bad man has come to kill us!" in the flashbacks, I thought he was being weirdly dramatic, but he was actually speaking from experience.


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Yes that thought struck me when I saw the flashback. And those incidents were not that far apart in time either. I had the impression that after the mum was killed, they moved to the house they still have ... it was dated as 1996 and the father was looking for Hyun to help unpack their stuff after the move, and found Hyun burying the dead animal.

So the question is, did Min start killing animals immediately upon his arrival in the neighbourhood (unlikely, I feel) or was it really just a random dead animal that Hyun found. (At the same time, there was someone going around killing animals, the police said).

Anyway, just realising that Min has experienced people entering his house to kill a parent twice in his short life, really brings out the pathos. It also may explain even more, how attached he became to his brother whom he saw as his protector. When Hyun could not reach him, Min really felt abandoned. It's interesting though that Min in the car did not show fear of the bad man who had come to kill.

The other thing I wondered about, was what it showed that Min was manipulating how his father thought about Hyun. Not only did he allow his father to think that the Janus drawings were Hyun's, he even told his father not to trust hyung. This inadvertently added to the father's motivation to separate Hyun from the world, and backfired on Min who was resentful that his father took his brother away from him. There might be no other meaning in this than that the story had to make Min seem 'not right' from an early age, but I was wondering.


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Great insight GB!


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“Hyung drew them. but don’t tell hyung I told you. But don’t trust hyung. Dad”: the angelic Min claimed 20 years ago.
mmm... was glad you noticed that.
because of this revelation, i believe Min's devotion towards Hyung isn't as flawless as we all think. while the dead animals may Not be his acts, what about the arson that dad spoken of (“Bedwetting, arson, cruelty to animals”: the freaking dad) and Min jolly knew why dad kept Hyung at his dungeon, he just need to own up and "rescue" Hyung.... but i do have an idea why... somewhat he is quite cracked up in his mind-set, portrayed by his truly "innocent" understanding as he defend himself to JiAn that "as long as he killed bad people, and there is no reasons, why can't everyone leave it alone?"... with all his expertise in his attorney work, yet he somewhat cannot understand in a personal level, what is Justice and Truth, what is "playing God", so he might just do not know that he was the very one that cause Dad to doubt Hyeon as a ghey mul (monster). arson and excessive painting Janus is very worrisome. i do paints when i "was young".. all kind of things. i don't obsessive paint One Single kind.
and even if he did went thru tramaus of mom's demise, one cannot contribute that to cause of psychopathic tendencies, Janus twin is like an addiction and obsess over your conjoined twin.... even if LJY may not appear,. if both grow up normal, Min may ends up jealous of Hyeon's future wife...


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mmm.... i actually have nothing against Min.. i too, cried over their heart wrenching confession when they first met. ... and i said to myself over that scene..."hah... SIG has finally met his par, a strong contestant for the coming KBS award.... "
so, nothing against Min. just dislike the many chants against JiAn from Team Min,,, while Team JiAn mostly loved Min and can see where they comes from... we just hope many will see where she Ji-an comes from to....


oh,,, was watching ep 14 just now.. kind of like that scene, where JiAn came visit Hyeon (after that birthday cake sharing incident), and Min was sitting on the stair, and he got up, smile very naturally (a little awewardly) at Ji-An, and Ji-An smile back, and both Hyeon and Jian and Min smile at each other, i kinda like that idea, that this will be the kind of scene Post Ep 16, the imaginary Season 2, where LJY behind bars, and Min served his years, and they transform into the Kind Of Person they were originally meant to be.
at least, a slight short second, not just in JiAn dream, in a real scene, three of them really smile very comfortable at each other.


@mary of Bethany I've got to skip some of your comments because they are the weirdest!

Sure look into the drama but the fact that you are clearly a JNara bias cracks me up. I personally hated Jian's guts in last episodes and if many viewers did too, it's because of her role merely, not because of JNara, and if so then let them be. But from there to start giving all credit to Jian's role like if she was some sort of savior angel or 'the hyunbin' to secret garden or the 'so ji sub' to Masters Sun in this drama...REALLY bothers me. You seeing too much into it. Her role was a third wheel. Period. Blood is stronger when comes to bonds in this drama, I think it's pretty obvious how Min took over the drama as LJY did, killer or not Min had came first for Hyeon in the drama, so what if his brother did? Can't people HANDLE the fact a male character was more memorable , protagonist, (even shipped) than the female role? So obnoxious
Just don't try to make this drama or the OST all about JiAn because it's not. Bothered me a lot, Dear Cloud 'I remember you' is clearly a song for the brothers. It's shown on the series whenever they reunited and actor ParkBGum had even quoted lyrics to Hyeon and Min scenes on his official twitter.
JiAn actually didn't add anything to the story. I've seen many people saying her role was out of place & I agree. She was third fourth lead in Mr Back too. So what?
If you need to feel JangNR as the main shine in a drama go watch FTLY and get your bias together.




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Ah yes. The Final Recap. I'm grieving that the drama is over despite the very good note it ended in. So much has been said about the drama already, no need to repeat it.


*Some points:
I liked the pace. It really reminded me of the movie Argo, such that if the story were water, it started as placid room temperature, heated up with every episode until it was boiling hot off its lid and then tada! Drama over. Not. Fair.

Further, the intensity of the actors all aligned parallel with the plot. The heights of Hyun's emotions were perfectly aligned with the pace of the drama. Good writing. And at that peak where Hyun was literally about to kill off LJY, which is the highest peak of the Drama for me---Seo In Guk showed yet another final layer to Hyun: a monster Hyun that is very capable of killing with his bare hands. It was a notch a higher than Hyun's other emotional outbursts. Good acting. Good directing. (Special shoutout to the lady with the frying pan for saving him from himself.) Sadly, the editing wasn't able to maximize the material (dang liveshoots) but I can sense that it was intentional. That said, deeply looking forward to the Director's Cut.


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"Seo In Guk showed yet another final layer to Hyun: a monster Hyun that is very capable of killing with his bare hands." yes, i believe even if lady with frying pan didn't knock him off, he will end up like Ji-An, knew that voice inside him, and will not kill LJY, he will choose the right door, and be the kind of person LJY yearn to be, becoming oppposite of LJY.
Hyun’s past 20 years was living in remembering dead dad and brother (presumed dead because being lied to), he was mere breathing but not living, remembering only dad and brother…. (In his own words: “because those times are frozen times to me” at ep 11.) Until the Conjoined twins painting stirred hope that Min is alive. So he did remembered Min, its Himself and Ji-An that he forgotten.
Then along comes a stalker, and finally he has a reason to stop, so as he planned to disappear, he knew he will “go somewhere for a while”, and will need to go “HOME”. Did not Min himself also understand, when he said at the hospital that hyung “stayed long enough with me, so he can go visit HOME”…. Because Hyeon’s home is where he can finally feed the good kind wolf and choose to be Himself, and leave thru the front door (according to what LJY hint to Hyeon just before the sinister saga)…. To Hyeon, Home is not home, until he can face himself… he has been in self-deceiving since reconcile with Min, but the Home that he temporary enjoy will not promised True Happiness, as long as he cannot face his own conscience, and cannot face Ji-An. When did we started to blame Ji-An for becoming the lighthouse that always shined Hyeon the truth way, that Hyeon should go? Utopia, however awesome, is not Home. That Utopia, which was not meant to be, pictured in kind Ji-An’s dream (since Hyeon’s disappearance), was that sittingroom where three of them sat watching TV). But that will not be possible, until Min comes clean with facing the Devil within and rid it once for all. i was glad, writer didnt give in to Fan Service, but let Min choose the right door himself.
LJY himself giving Min another door to choose at the closure.
i am gratified also that show ended with Hyeon remembered LJY words, showing that LJY also have faith that Hyeon will chose to be the Person LJY himself desired to be, and can't be, LJY himself believe hyeon will chose the right door.
with Ji-/an at his side, always reminding him, to remember to look at the right door. she will help Hyeon to lead Min to look at the right door when the threesome find their Utopia when Min serve his sentence,
i will missed this show, a lot.
will remember Hyeon, his jI-an and his Min, for a long long them.


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I loved this drama as well. Fascinating and thrilling yet also heartwarming. There were two things about the finale that bugged me. When Team Leader interrupted Joon Ho choking Jian, he didn't arrest him right there. They just left his house. To me that is a blunder on the part of the writers because they could have arrested him for assault. They knew he was a serial killer and now he physically threatened a cop. WHY WOULD THEY JUST LEAVE HIS HOUSE? Also, the very end where Joon Ho is just walking down the street and the couple pass him and Hyeon looks back and smiles. C'mon! This is not some cyber thief who stole money from them. He is a serial killer who killed both their dads! Wouldn't someone notice him on CCTV? I was annoyed. Unless they in fact have another season, then I will be okay with it. :)


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TL Kang did not arrest Joon Yeong because Ji An did not want it to go further. At that time, there was no confession from Eun Bok yet and they had no evidence to say JY = Joon Ho.

The 2nd time, Hyun spoke in the future tense because he had to give Min time to make a decision. If Min either disappeared or gave himself up, then Hyun could go all out after Joon Yeong. :)


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@Growingbeautifully, @Rachel

I agree with Rachel. This episode had a whole bunch of people walking through LJY's door. And irrespective of the fact that they had no proof to connect JY to JH, he could have been arrested on the spot for assaulting a person. Yes JH could have argued witch hunt, but at least that would have been some progress in terms of getting closer to arresting LJY. The team made no effort AT ALL. Inspector Kang actually went to "reason" with him, a serial killer. LOL!


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My take on the letting JY go at first was that Ji An did not want to press charges and on top of that, they needed Joon Ho to be arrested as Joon Yeong and not just as Joon Ho for assault.

In real life, I'd agree that Joon Yeong is dangerous and should be put behind bars quick, but in a kdrama where villains have no end of accomplices or in this case, is shown to have a certain code of honor (he does not kill without a reason, even to save himself) where he actually asked Ji An what he was to do with her, it gets nicely murky and grey again. The police needed to give Joon Yeong more rope to hang himself. It's just that he never made the kind of mistake that let out more rope LOL!


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Yes, I agree with @GB on this. They have no proof that Joon ho is LJY. The only proof (on paper) that they had (but lost) was the fingerprints documents that was burned and flushed in the toilet by Eun-bok. All they can do is probably force him to confess himself, and I doubt he would do that while he's behind bars (as Joon ho).


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More of what is Noteworthy about his show:

2) Even the smaller side characters are not forgotten. The only character who has been abandoned is Ji An's aunt. I think she only made 3 appearances in all. The other questionable figures are the non-appearance of Joon Yeong's family... whether they really exist is never told to us.

But I love how the remembering includes so many others who could have been forgotten.

Indebted friend is no longer the gigolo or stalker to Myung Woo and is now Dave's Ahjusshi and gets to have bromance with Myung Woo and TL Kang.

Myung Woo is not lonely now with a housemate in TL Kang and has not gone blind dating that we can see LOL!

Seung Joo and Eun Bok continue as brothers

And the whole team moves on, gets a new maknae and life continues. Just the way life really does.


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+1 and your prefiguring comment on Seung Joo and Eun Bok bromance which showed a glimpse of what Hyun and Min would face, i love reading that. In a way we are shown what will happen to Min without actually seeing it.


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Oh, that reminds me -- they never told us what Indebted Friend was indebted for. I'm so curious, maybe that's for Season 2. :-)


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Yes, I also would like to know what he was indebted for, but the charm of this drama is that I'm okay without knowing. Indebted friend doesn't feel like just a plot device or something the writers were going to go somewhere with, but changed their minds - it feels like a quirky little mystery.


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I wrote for myself that if there could have been another episode of wrap up, I would have liked to know:

1) what Hyun did for indebted friend

2) why Joon Yeong's friend is loyal in spite of seeing his evil ways

3) was Joon Yeong's family real or fake



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Yes to all that! I'd also like

- more flashbacks on Min's time with LJY. I belive the LJY did care for Min, in his own twisted way
- how LJY even learned how to plan his massacre. I suppose Creepy Woman snuck him a lot of books, but I doubt books on dissections or chemicals to hide corpses were all that readily available... and where did he get the contacts and money to escape with a kid?!
- why little Hyeon said he killed his father in the confession box
- what's the deal with the first murderer (with purple flowers) and Min
- the real story that Prosecutor Shin was talking about


@osmanthus tea

1) "more flashbacks on Min’s time with LJY. I belive the LJY did care for Min, in his own twisted way"
Yes, this would have been great... and it was commented and I agree, that it was probably not that Joon Yeong brought up Min to be a killer, but that he was managing Min who already had the propensity to be dangerous by the time he met Joon Yeong. It would have been nice to see this.

2) "how LJY even learned how to plan his massacre. I suppose Creepy Woman snuck him a lot of books, but I doubt books on dissections or chemicals to hide corpses were all that readily available… and where did he get the contacts and money to escape with a kid?!"
I'd like to know who would have helped hims so much and why. And how did he get educated enough to be a Medical Examiner.

3) "why little Hyeon said he killed his father in the confession box"
Hyun we see will take the responsibility upon himself, for things that others do... he did this when Planning Officer Hyun admitted that she had not searched for Min. Hyun said it was his fault because did not even search for Min at all. In the same way, his telling Joon Yeong his secret, led to his father being killed, so he took the blame.

4) "what’s the deal with the first murderer (with purple flowers) and Min"
The actual first murder was that of the boys' mum. Their mother was stabbed and blood sprayed on the purple flowers in their home. It was a very graphic memory and was used by Min to get Hyun to respond to him. But Hyun had lost his memory.

Since Min had tried to get Hyun's attention by sending cards with pictures of their toys/things with 'blood' paint spattered on them (similar to what they had in the room when their mum was killed) but it had to effect, Min upped the ante by sending pictures of a real murder of a woman with purple flowers at the scene and he made sure his painting of the 2-heads appeared in those pictures as well. He was using his 'friend' to kill and send a message to Hyun, as if from the police department asking for his help, to call him to S Korea. He was wondering why no one had ever searched for him and wanted Hyun to know that he was around.

5)"the real story that Prosecutor Shin was talking about"
Was this about one boy killing another and saying it was an accident? I had the impression that he was talking about something Min may have done but I'm not sure. They both had that knowing look in their eyes as if they knew what it was referring to.


Rachel, good point about the choking... it could have been assault, so yeah, a bit of unreality there. About the ending, @Alua made a good point, which clarified what I was thinking, that they really didn't see each one another:

"In fact took the last scene as symbolic: I don't think the characters actually walk by and see each other, and just keep walking on without doing anything. Rather it's a scene that indicates that Hyun & Ji-an know that Joon Ho is out there somewhere (and maybe right close by), and Joon Ho knows that Hyun & Ji-an are there, going after him until they find him."

Great insight and I believe she's right on.


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"How would I rate it? 15 points plus alpha."

Even the recap+comment ended perfectly. Nice closing line. *thumbs up*


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The best show in 2015! Thank you rejoycie for a great recap. The romance is slow building and just right. Loved the bromance and appreciate all the cast esp. Naragukboogum??


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More of what is Noteworthy about his show:

3) Choices
I felt that this last episode was the episode of choice... how do we want to be remembered?

Although the most obvious choice that we are invested in is Min's choice, the more compelling ones are Joon Yeong's.

He chose to save children, he chose to kill Hyun's father to save him but he gave Hyun a choice in how to grow up without the stifling influence of that father.

He wanted a sense of family (maybe really having a family in the US) and a relationship of understanding with psychopaths like himself. His last choices in the show was whether he wanted to be remembered only as the one who broke up families or the one who could let go of his own vision of family and release Min to make his own choices.

I love how in the choices they make, the characters have shown their growth. And that this has been shown to us as plausible and therefore hopeful even in real life.


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This turned out to be a monster of a text. Be lenient with me, please.

Well, hello together.

Till now I kept my lurker-existence and was satisfied with just reading the comments, different opinions and predictions. But now, after the last episode, I want to add my two cent as well.

As much as I appreciate unexpected twists and incidents this episode left me with more than the usual amount of questions and the impression there is a significant lack of logic. Therefore and as a hobby-author (usually in German) I allow myself to get somewhat hypocritical in the following.

To start off with it, this series was extremely well written and carried out. I can’t tell how much I love it, the story, the cast (Park Bo Gum, you’ve ignited a long gone-out sparkle in me. Thank you!), all the people behind the cameras. Luckily, there is no arrogant rich society. Also nowhere bitchy females around. What a relief! Instead we’ve got mostly authentic characters. Mostly, because it’s still a drama thus the characters are exaggerated in their behavior but still believable in their actions. And then the psychological aspect! Brilliant!

Episode 16 was quite predictable first. Not surprising considering the events happened before. Also the kid who attacked Lee Joon Young didn’t come unexpectedly (for me). It made just clear not all the kids were happy after being „freed“ by LJY. And it distracted us one last time from the crucial confronting scene Min/Hyun vs. LJY. Whereby I come to my first point of critique.
When Min went limp Hyun’s reaction surprised me and in my opinion he fell visibly out of character.
What I know is, Hyun was under heavy stress. Who’s not, when a loved one allegedly passes away in your arms? But … when that happens as here, isn’t the first thing you do to check whether the person is still alive? Eyes rolling back and going limp is never ever the same as dying, no matter how bad the injury looks like. Min’s wound was even less bleeding than the last time he was attacked. It just seemed Hyun accepted Min as dead, and that is psychologically not possible. The first thing people do is to deny the loved one died. That’s natural and instinctive. They usually shake the unconscious/dead person, or they try to detect the heartbeat with laying an ear to the chest, though Hyun should know better, as intelligent and usually cool-headed as he is. He should have checked for a pulse and breathing after Min lost consciousness. Instead he did a few helpless chest compressions additionally on the wrong spot. I literally screamed at the screen at that point. And usually I don’t do that. It bugged me to an unexpected high level how the writers let Hyun act. It appeared to be inconsistent to his character. He is very erudite. He must know how to do CPR. In that situation it’s crucial. Then, to make it worse, he listened to the distracting and for him provocative words of Lee Joon Young and attacked, leaving his most loved lying on the floor...


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He gave his little brother always the highes priority. Why, of all situations, not here? At that point it even doesn’t matter Min was dead or alive. Hyun’s reaction was simply out of character in my eyes.
Yes, I know it was necessary for the plot to continue its devilish plan to keep the audience’s heart rate high and the tears rolling. And it kinda worked for me too. But the damage was already done and my confusion rose with every minute no one asked questions about Min and his whereabouts.

Then, the next occurrences. Apparently Hyun did not report the death of his brother because LJY called shortly after the attack and met him at the bench, to show him his still alive brother. That’s so far understandable. But after that, it became again confusing. How much time went by, when he passed by Ji An’s house three times before disappearing himself? Ji An herself didn’t know what happened the night Min confronted LJY and obviously she didn’t visit the brothers in their house for a while, although she spent a lot of time with them before.
LJY however, meanwhile an identified murderer, disappeared instantly after the incidence. So, shouldn’t the team search the house from LJY thoroughly for evidence? Shouldn’t they have questions toward Hyun and Min, as direct neighbors and anyway involved into the case? On top of that, bloodstains aren’t easy to remove, especially when you are in hurry. I’m sure some of Min’s blood was at the wooden floor. Traces of a fight must have been there too. How, in the name of all drama-gods, do they investigate?
These might have been minor questions on the cases happened before. They were to support the storyline, so I was okay with that. But this time our beloved main characters were affected! This show supplied us always with a pleasant amount of details. Where did they go the second half of the finale?

Why Cha Ji An didn’t ask Hyun about his brother after they met again one year later? I know she isn’t the pushy type, but to ask about a person that important seems to be legitimate. Perhaps they just didn’t show us though.

Finally, Min’s choice to remain himself. Either he is ready to hand himself in, or he want to continue the bromance with hyung, what is fine but surely short-lived, since his past will catch up and he’ll find himself in the same conflict as before, minus the direct influence of LJY at least. Or not?

Unfortunately this wonderful drama left me with a feeling of emptiness and some disappointment. Not the emptiness of withdrawal which occurs often after a good book or a well made drama like this one, but much more the urgent wish to know where the decisions of the characters will lead to. An open end isn’t a bad thing. It leaves it to the imagination and creativity of the audience to assume what possibly happened after, as rejoycie mentioned. But here it throws us shamelessly back to a point, where the imagination might not be enough to bring it to a satisfying end. I demand...


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... answers! I want to know what Min is going to do! I want to see, how Lee Joon Young is involved in their lives again. I want to see more of this drama!
I request a season 2!!

(Sorry again it’s so long that it had to be divided into 3 parts.)


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Regarding the police not investigating thoroughly, i put it down to their incompetency lol. This is the same police force that as Growingbeautifully pointed out, did not even bothered to lock the interrogation room door where Joon Yeong was when Hyun first met him. The same force also who casually tried to cover up Chief Hyun's mistakes to save their own image... yep incompetency.

On the other hand, the investigation probably was carried out but it's left to us to deduce how it went about. To console myself, yes, i put it down to incompetency.


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I wrote a reply to this, but I guess I didn't submit it???

Anyway, I love your attention to logical detail! I did feel a bit of a hole as Hyun sat there accepting of Min's death. It was as if he just knew that he'd die. He did do a CPR..

Actually, mostly, I hold the editing accountable for the way the latter half of the episode went. Even the BGM there wasn't fit to a tee as in their previous episodes. There was a high note that went amiss and then the silence that stood by the choking scene became less effective. Still, the raw material was all there. It was just a matter of mixing and re-mixing. Even the way LJY was stabbed by one of his kids was off key in transition. I could sense the scenes getting choppier towards the end.

But, although I know it's pathetic to be this way, I really do blame the live-shooting system. They were really still filming a good 5 hours before airtime and that's like suicidal to the editing team! We've seen what they're capable of so I'm convinced it was lamely a misfortune..

This is why, I badly hope and pray they'd release a Director's Cut. PLEASE!!!!!


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Seriously? 5 hours before airtime? Sweet Jebus, that would explain quite much! I wonder how many of the editing team suffered nearly a heart attack ... I know Koreans often and are used to work under pressure, but this?
Thanks for pointing out. I didn't know this not-so-unimportant detail.

In case they release a Director's Cut, how it will be available? Will it be streamed online as well? Because that's the only source I have.
Thanks in advance if you know this too!


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I'm afraid it won't be streamed online. I'm afraid it won't even be subbed! Stuff like these are pretty expensive in Korea and are released 1-2 months after the drama, so many ENg sub teams don't cover it much. At least, I don't know any. But for some reason, I have enlisted for the Director's Cut preorder and their staff have been keeping in touch but not promising English subtitles though TT

If you're interested, there's a whole campaign going on. The text is mostly in Korean but if you feel like it, here are two links. You can also email them if you like.

[email protected]


Okay, I thought live shooting meant they finish shooting 1-2 days before it goes on air. Not the same day. That would explain a couple of things...


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YES. this is exactly how Kdrama filmed their dramas.. and not just that. they really changed their original plot, make the writer re-write the scenes, cut scene, add scene, change plot... all kinds of things.. which means ONLY ONE Good thing, we Fans some times can be "VERY POWERFUL", we prayed all we want and plea and write direct to KBS or SBS, and some times, they may even change some scenes to make us happy. .... but it common knowlodge that, oft times, toward the last ep, it get choppy and sloppy, and "certain details" or characters needs to be "sacrificed"... mmm... thank the LORD, Jian and Hyeon still got their Rewarding kiss, and Min will owned up himself, and we got a glimpse of that Utopia world where three of them will live normal life together, likely Min and Hyeon will gang up "bully" JiAn together.... kudos to the Writer, that he/she choose the right salad to mixed into a delicious blend. a bit of everything to satisfy diff people's desires, be it Team Min or Team JiAn or Team LJY... ahahah. and we all can move on to watch some stupid sleeping beauty / hunk doctor or some Joseon princess ....etc.


@mary of bethany
How you know they changed the original plot? Do you have a secret source (then feel free to tell me!^^), or do you know someone who has inside informations? I'm just curious.
But it's at least good to hear, we, as fans, have perhaps a slight influence at the story, as long as you go with the majority opinion I guess.

What do you think? Do the people involved into the production read comments like ours, too? I mean the English ones. I wonder if they even have the time. But of course it would be fantastic. It gives us the feeling to be less at their mercy.


When a coroner and experienced serial killer who just stabbed your brother says "there's no point, it's useless" I can imagine that overriding any hope that your dead-looking brother is still alive. Hyun is somewhat used to taking Joon Ho's word on medical matters - if Joon Ho wanted to kill Min (and he did seem to want to) then he would know exactly where to stab. If anyone is in the place to tell Hyun there's no hope for Min, it's Joon Ho.

As for the CPR... I used to be a massive critic about this too, but I kind of wave it away as dramatic license now. It's shorthand for "this person is almost dead!" Also if you do CPR properly you literally snap ribs, which is something you generally want to avoid in co-stars.


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Actually I had the exact same idea first. LJY aka LJH is a pathologist, of course he knows everything about human anatomy. And under other circumstances Hyun would have every reason to listen to LJY. But meanwhile Hyun knows LJY is a man full of lies. I can't imagine Hyun would fall to his words any more. But in this particular situation I think the words were placed by LJY tactically to distract Hyun from Min before he realizes little brother is still breathing. (Though that's the point I say Hyun's OOC.)
I'm quite sure LJY didn't intend to kill Min. He loves that kid in his own twisted way. He just wanted to stop him (drastically though), perhaps with the idea to get Min back for himself later, while Hyun thinks Min is really dead this time.
Eventually all we can do is to speculate. But I love to discuss the differences we observed and what the motives might be. It's fun!

Oh, to perform real CPR would be a bad idea of course!
Seo In Guk looks strong enough to easily break some of Park Bo Gum's rips. Not exactly what anyone want. ;)
It just bugged me it looks so helplessly wrong. He at least should imitate the correct moves. As an actor he surely can perform it the right way.

I know I'm hypercritical with this episode. But I only tend to be like that when something is done very well and the few negative (for me) protrudes are disturbing the overall flow. At last but not least it's all about authenticity.


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I've actually had to do CPR onstage before, and it's surprisingly hard to do convincingly! You either have to place your hands in the wrong position, or you have to bend your elbows, or you have to do this weird thing where your shoulders don't move and your body does... CPR is so rigid (lock hands, lock elbows, straight down vertical pressure) that there's little room for faking it, and if you do it wrong it's instantly obvious.

Of course, my OTHER comment there would be that Hyun jumped into CPR way too quickly (did he even check for a pulse?), but live shoot, shorthand, blah blah. I'll forgive it.

I do get what you mean about nitpicking dramas you like - I do that too.


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What a show.

Thanks writers, pd's and the actors who strive hard to deliver this beautifully poignant story despite the ratings. This is the kind of drama that I will remember and treasure for such a long time.

Thanks for the recap ladies!


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Ah late to read the recap today, so many comments already! Anyway I just want to share this analysis from Soompi about the ending...

One korean review made a point i really like, that this drama is not about the good guys chasing the bad guys and catching them, but about CHOICE

Why did Hyun disappear for a year? why did he not tell ji an what he was doing?

What he did ultimately led to Min making his choice to finally break away from Lee Joon Young and be the real Lee Min, Hyun's brother, and be with Hyun

If you think back to ep 15, or beginning of ep 16, Min was realising that 'a happy ending' looked more and more impossible

He felt he had to choose to go with Lee Joon Young or Hyun, but with both of these options, never once did the choice of turning himself in cross his mind. It just didnt make sense to him. In fact, he didnt evne see the need to break away from Lee Joon Young

That's what Ji An made clear when she was talking to Min. She said that it would get harder and harder for Hyun stuck in the middle, overlooking Min's crimes but knowing that Min needs to be responsible for his crimes. Ji An explained to Min that it's not right to harm anyone, and that one needs to reflect on their wrongs and pay the price, that even if Min doesnt understand, just try to think about it for Hyun, otherwise the 2 of them cant be happy. At this point in time though, Min still did not even consider turning himself in because it didnt make sense to him, having been raised by Lee Joon Young. That's why he chose to kill Lee Joon Young, to make himself and LJY disappear. He didnt understand that was not what Hyun wanted, he thought it would be better for Hyun if he disappeared.

I think that's why the one year Hyun spent with Min was important. During that time, Hyun and Min caught up on the 20 years they lost and it was through this time that Min understood that Hyun wouldnt be happy without him. And over this time, Min slowly started to change. Hyun kept feeding the good wolf and Min changed. Even though he was offered a new identity by Lee Joon Young, choosing that would mean he was choosing Lee Joon YOung and his old ways, and Min decided to not take the new identity and chose Hyun instead, and went to turn himself in. The smile he had on his face as he headed off to the new start, because he knew this was what Hyun had wanted. What a big chnage!!!!

In this sense, LJY lost to Hyun because he had thought that it wouldb e impossible for Min to change, since during his critical period, he was influenced by LJY. And this is where the choice bit is important. If it was a typical kdrama, LJY would be caught, or he would have killed himself or something along those lines. But if we look at this drama as a drama about choice, the ending tells us your future depends on your choice. Min made his choice, he was not bound by the way he was born or his past experiences. What a victory!

And it is with this...


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...perspective we can consider LJY's ending. It's true he's still on the loose, but to LJY that's not perhaps the most important thing. His obsession with Hyun, as he explained was because he thought Hyun was the only person who understood him. We can see that LJY doesnt think what he did was wrong, he said he always killed for a reason and he did it out of good will but slowly his world is collapsing because all those things he thought he did for good have been turning against him. People he thought he did a favour to have turned on him and said, NO YOU ARE WRONG - Hyun, the child he saved who tried to stab him, even Eunbok has turned on him. Min's decision to change and turn himself in would be a big shock to LJY. Even though we dont know, we can sense that LJY's world in the way he sees it is collapsing. He tells Hyun to keep trying to find him, but ultimately this will one day lead to his demise as he realises more and more that everything he did was wrong.

It's not your conventional crime drama ending but a very good one for reflection and more deep thought.


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See part 2 over at the next page :)


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Lee Joon Young actions and his gradual realization his deeds led to more suffering (though I doubt a person like him would ever be able to understand this fact totally) is a great message to the audience. Hopefully some people really learn something of it.

Yes, there are various ways to interpret the end. Surely it's closer to reality how the drama left us with pretty much open questions and the insight about choices and what they create. It is how life goes on. Regarding this I totally agree.
But my entertain-hungry side wants a second season. I really would like to know what happens next. Not in my imagination, but from the same crew, the same actors. It's a pearl of a drama. I'm sure the writers would be able to create another season coequal to this one.
Oh, so much hope ...


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I really wanted to see the one year Hyun spent with Min, feeding the good wolf in Min (more than Hyun's kiss scene) and how Min changes.


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ME 2.

I hated the fillers with unnecessary -cha- iffy relationship
not to mention she looked like his aunt... SIG might be 28 but he still looks quite young..for this actress.. she is better off with jang hyuk-age- line of lead actors.

KBS shouldnt have casted a female actress before finding the male lead first! (I know they offered the role thinking LEE JIN WOOK was going to be the male lead...so yeah... he could lead ok with JangNR's age... but NOT Seo. He is still a highschooler+young adult in my mind.

Oh well, wanted more Hyeon Min scenes at the end. BOGUK chemistry was daebaaaak the best in this drama.


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Thank you rejoycie for always with us till the end. I love to have you here. Definitely you deserve a 15 plus alpha too.

Reading your comments made me miss this drama a lot despite it's only 3 days ago. I have said a lot in soompi and I'm kinda speechless now. This drama really took away my breath and blew me away. Now that I'm fully blown away, I don't want to come back to the ground.

Yes, the ending was lacking but given the strong storytelling and tight writing since ep 1 to ep 15, we could only forgive and remember the great and amazing execution of the drama.

Still, I don't wanna touch the ground. I want to reminiscence and savor every bits of I Remember You. The gorgeous portrayal of Lee Hyun by Seo In Guk, the eerie creepy twisted psycho Min by Park Bo Gum, the spunky yet so full of heart Ji Ann by Jang Nara, the funny Team Leader Kang, my forever source of laugh Son Sunbae and Mr Na Bo Sung, that dark Lee Jon Young by CWY and DO, even all of the baddies, I will remember you.

And standing ovation to the writer and PD-nim for delivering such a beautiful drama to us. The power of the story is wonderfully captured by the PD and the cameramen. Beautiful breath taking scenes are countless. Heart wrenching and heart warming moments and dialogue are everywhere throughout the drama. It really is an unforgettable roller coaster I never want to leave.

I won't say goodbye to this drama coz I know that I will rewatch and will still get the feelings. And I will never say goodbye to Seo In Guk. This man stole my heart once again as Lee Hyun.

Now, sobs time, hukz hukz...


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