I Remember You: Episode 16 (Final)

We finally say goodbye to this gem of a drama, and while I Remember You’s ending might have lacked that emotional punch to the gut that I was thirsting for, it does tie a satisfactory bow on most of the plot points — and I say most, because some are intentionally left open-ended. Some close on a happy note, some end on a sad note, some evolve into an endless wild goose chase. But yunno what — that’s reality, and life goes on.

EPISODE 16: “I Remember You”

Hyun is still passed out from his sudden onslaught of memories. In his slumber, he realizes that all the cards that Min sent were scenes from the day their mother passed away. In his flashback, the two brothers are playing Scrabble with their mom when the doorbell rings. Mom goes to answer the door, and the visitor is a criminal Dad arrested, here to take revenge.

Mom falls on the ground bleeding as Hyun takes Min to hide under a table, then sees Dad’s work bag, which has a gun inside. Venturing into the living room, Hyun shoots Mom’s murderer in self-defense, and the recoil knocks Hyun out. After hearing the gunshot, Min emerges from his hiding place and sees Mom, Hyun, and the murderer all unconscious on the ground. In the aftermath, Dad covers it up, and while Hyun lost his memory of the incident, Min didn’t.

In the present, Hyun wonders if this traumatic experience was what caused Min to develop psychopathic tendencies. He jerks awake, and as the truth sinks in, he blames himself for Min’s situation. Ji-an notes his anguished expression and automatically jumps in to reassure him that whatever he’s blaming himself for, it’s definitely not his fault.

Min’s earlier words that he was born like that click into place, as Hyun realizes that Min was trying to comfort him. Min wanted Hyun to believe that his psychopathic tendencies were not caused by the murder of Mom and the criminal; he was merely born with it. Hyun breaks down in silent tears at the realization that Min didn’t want Hyun to feel guilty, and Ji-an grabs him in a hug.

Outside the room, Min overhears their conversation, and regrets sending those clues to Hyun.

The rest of the team interrogates Eun-bok, who stubbornly refuses to spill the beans about Joon-young. Eun-bok apologizes for murdering Chief Hyun, but Myung-woo just explodes that they want information about Joon-young. Seung-joo takes the softer route, and tearfully asks if Joon-young was more important than them.

Putting Hyun back to sleep, Ji-an heads out to chat with Min. Going in for a hug, she gently tells him that it’s never right to harm another person, and that people have to take responsibility and reflect on the wrongs they have committed. Even if Min doesn’t understand why his deeds are wrong, he should still own up to it, for Hyun’s sake. If Min chooses to run away from his punishment, Hyun will have to escape and hide with him. When it comes to that, neither Min nor Hyun will be able to be happy. This strikes a chord with Min, who recalls Joon-ho’s question if a happy ending was possible for both of them.

Min asks why it isn’t possible to cover up his crimes, since he only hurt bad people and it’s all in the past. Ji-an replies that as a police officer, she can’t ignore it. In the end, Hyun would be in a very tricky position, stuck between the two of them.

The mood is somber back in the police station, as the three investigators mourn the absence of Eun-bok. They wonder how much he must have been abused for him to think of Joon-young as his savior, and blame themselves for not knowing about his difficult past.

Ji-an visits Joon-ho to inform him about Eun-bok’s arrest. He feigns ignorance, but she tells him to cut it out, listing all the people who were harmed by him — her father, Hyun’s family, Eun-bok, Chief Hyun — but he justifies things by saying he never murders without reason. He only got rid of adults who abused kids, and used a bit of violence to eliminate a bigger threat.

Appalled at his words, she admits that while he had a painful childhood, there’s no way she can overlook all his crimes. He asks what she wants, and Ji-an takes out a gun, declaring her intention to off him. But she refuses to shoot, since doing that will reduce her to his level, and that will only serve to further hurt Hyun.

Joon-ho mutters that he actually liked Ji-an and never wanted to get rid of her. Frightened, Ji-an aims her gun at him, but he walks towards her, unfazed. Disarming her, he twists her arm painfully and shakes out her handbag to find her phone recording their conversation.

He moves to delete the recording, but she tries to wrestle the phone away from him. Grabbing her in a choke hold, he wonders what he should do with her. Ji-an baits him to kill her, since she’s confident her team will hunt him down and arrest him.

Team Leader Kang rushes in to save the day, and Joon-ho pretends they merely had a small tiff. Team Leader Kang came with the intention of reasoning with Joon-ho, but realizes that he expected too much. Joon-ho notes that everyone looks at him like a monster, and Team Leader Kang merely tells him to look at his own reflection.

As they leave the house, Team Leader Kang and Ji-an mention that they were both scared out of their wits, and Ji-an explains that she went alone because she wanted to see Joon-ho’s true self. Having thought long and hard about how to atone for his father’s sins, Team Leader Kang says that he has no other ideas other than apologizing on behalf of his father. Ji-an brushes it off lightly, since there’s no such thing as guilty by association in her book.

Her gracious response causes Team Leader Kang to stare at her in a mix of respect and gratitude. “I liked you. Because I was able to like you, I was glad.” He gives her a small smile, and then walks away while holding back tears. Aw. Back at home, Joon-ho coolly inspects his reflection in the window.

Hyun wakes up and offers to make dinner for Min, but Min already beat him to it. The brothers sit down to enjoy Min’s home-made food, although Hyun merely picks at his rice. Noting Hyun’s distraction, Min once again assures Hyun that it’s not his fault he turned out like that. Besides, Hyun’s reaction was in the name of self-defense. Hyun thanks Min for his encouraging words, and Min can’t help but recall everyone’s words that their reconciliation has only burdened Hyun.

The next day, Seung-joo has found two of the kids that Joon-young saved, picking up from Eun-bok’s previous research. A man and a woman are brought in for interrogation, but both vehemently deny any knowledge of Joon-ho/Joon-young, although the man does take extra interest in the present-day photo of Joon-ho.

Joon-ho visits Hyun, and proposes that they run away together with Min. He reasons that Hyun is unable to arrest him, since doing so would implicate Min as well. Thus, staying put would mean even more suffering for Hyun.

Slowly walking over, Hyun puts his hand around Joon-ho’s neck threateningly.  He says Joon-ho can do whatever he wants to him, but he’d better not mess with Min. Joon-ho merely gives a creepy smile in return, and having overheard the entire exchange, Min leaves without making his presence known.

Back in his own home, Joon-ho finds Min waiting for him. Joon-ho pretty much defies Hyun’s words and attempts to rope Min into leaving as well. Min doesn’t want to be separated from Hyun for a second time, or to continue being lied to by Joon-ho, but on the other hand, staying with Hyun won’t result in a happy ending either.

The investigative team is at risk of being disbanded, and Team Leader Kang declares to his father that he will do everything he can to protect his team. Deputy Chief Kang chafes at being addressed formally by his son, but Team Leader Kang merely says that Dad is childish for avoiding responsibility for his mistakes.

Min asks if Eun-bok has revealed Joon-young’s identity, and Hyun has confidence that he will do so soon. We cut to this heart-wrenching sequence of the team members taking turns to visit Eun-bok, each showing their love and concern for him in their own way. Although he tries to keep his poker face on, it’s telling that Eun-bok is incredibly moved by their words.

Hyun tells Min to ignore anything that Joon-ho says, and he agrees. Min then quietly asks what Hyun’s doing tomorrow, and Hyun takes the hint and answers that he has a looooot of time on his hands. Barely holding in his grin, Hyun brings up all the date suggestions that Min rejected before. Ha, and now, Min wants to do all of them.

They decide to take a walk in a park, and Min looks wistfully towards a couple taking selfies together. Hyun asks if he wants to take a photo, and Min first says he doesn’t like taking pictures before adding, “But you can if you want to.” So. Cute.

Their first attempt is not so successful (Hyun: “We should probably smile.”), and the second is equally bad as the two plaster on forced awkward smiles. But by the third time they’re finally grinning for real.

While walking alone, Joon-ho is approached by the man interrogated earlier. Just as Joon-ho recognizes him, the man stabs at Joon-ho with a knife, though Joon-ho’s quick reflexes allow him to prevent any serious injury by grabbing the knife with his hand.

Taken aback, Joon-ho claims that he saved the man, although the man shouts that no matter how terrible his parents were, he would have preferred to live with them anyway. This seems to resonate with Joon-ho on some level as he walks calmly away, right past his attacker.

Back at home, Hyun’s danger radar pings when he realizes that Min has been in the shower for way too long. There’s no answer when he knocks, and it turns out that Min is at Joon-ho’s place. He has come to end things with Joon-ho, and internally apologizes to Hyun for breaking his promise.

Min proposes that both of them disappear together, since they are both burdens to Hyun. Min repeats his promise that his last murder will be Joon-ho, and tells him to think of it as the price to pay for separating the brothers for 20 years.

Swiftly grabbing a knife from the kitchen, Min goes it for the kill, but is quickly deflected by Joon-ho. The two wrestle to the ground, and while Min manages to grab Joon-ho from the back, Joon-ho gains the upper hand and punches Min to the ground.

Joon-ho picks up the knife and stabs Min in the gut. Hyun rushes over, late by a few seconds, and sinks to his knees when he sees Min’s injury. He tries to keep Min conscious and Min thinks to himself, “Hyung, for 20 years, I hated you, I missed you, I waited for you, and I watched over you. That was the entirety of my 20 years. You were my everything.” And Min goes limp.

Desperate, Hyun tries to administer CPR, but Joon-ho matter-of-factly says that it’s useless. With lasers shooting out from his eyes, Hyun punches Joon-ho, and eventually manages to corner him in a stranglehold. But at the last moment, Joon-ho’s friend whacks Hyun on the head and he slumps to the ground, going unconscious.

He wakes some time later, and Ji-an voiceovers that Min had disappeared, just like Joon-ho’s corpse-less murders. WHAT? Nononono, say it ain’t so.

The team watches Eun-bok’s interrogation, where he confesses to stealing Joon-young’s fingerprint documents and burning them. He agrees to give testimony to Joon-ho’s deeds, and inwardly apologizes to Joon-ho.

Somehow, Joon-ho seems to know of Eun-bok’s betrayal, and turns on his phone, which the police pick up on. He makes a call to Hyun, and the two meet up. Joon-ho wants this chance to make an official farewell, but Hyun has one remaining question — why was Joon-ho so obsessed with him from the start?

Joon-ho replies that everyone had always treated him with contempt, but little Hyun had merely called him “different,” and for the first time in his life, he felt understood. Hyun was the kid Joon-ho wanted to be, while Min is his current alter ego. Chuckling at the irony of it all, Hyun muses that the one word changed his whole life. He states that there’s only one reason that he’s not killing Joon-ho at the moment, and asks for Min’s return, even if it’s just the corpse.

The police make their way to their rendezvous point by tracing Joon-ho’s cell phone signal, but find nobody there. All that’s left is Joon-ho’s phone, and he disappeared after that.

Hyun stops by Ji-an’s house three times as promised. On the last visit, he lets her know about his plans to leave for somewhere, but doesn’t go into details. And then Hyun disappeared as well.

One year later.

Thanks to Team Leader Kang’s efforts, the investigative team has survived, and they even have a new maknae to tease. Seung-joo still makes frequent visits to Eun-bok in prison, and it’s nice to see them keep their hyung-dongsaeng relationship.

On her walk home, Ji-an regrets not stopping by Hyun’s place once more, so that he would have to visit her three more times before disappearing. Team Leader Kang and Myung-woo pay a visit to Indebted Friend, aka “Dave’s ahjusshi.” Friend says that Hyun hasn’t contacted him, although the three immediately start discussing their dinner plans. What, are they BFFs now?

Back at work, Ji-an stops by Hyun’s old desk, and feels a sudden sense of longing for him:

Ji-an: “There are days when familiar places suddenly feel unfamiliar. On those lonely days, I think of you, Lee Hyun. If you think about it, we met because of Lee Joon-young, as children who’d both lost their fathers to him. When I think back, even in the worst situations, there were good things that happened — we got to meet each other. But if we hadn’t lost our fathers to Lee Joon-young, if such a thing didn’t happen to us, would we have met? I think we would still have met.”

In her fantasy, little Ji-an would have fallen for Hyun at first sight, while he’d tell her to get lost. Min would be with them, and they would grow up together. They would hang out and have fun, laughing at Ji-an’s disgruntlement at their liking of foreign movies without subtitles. They would even have guests come over from time to time — aw, it’s the team, with Eun-bok too, and Myung-woo finally calls Hyun “David.”

She’s woken from her reverie, and the team is called to a new crime scene, only to find that someone else has gotten there first: Hyun, coming back full circle to their first meeting. He reprimands them for being late, and launches into the details of the murder.

Myung-woo cuts him off, and Team Leader Kang marvels that Hyun’s still the same rude guy. Seung-joo goes in for a hug, but Hyun is quick to shove him off. It’s Myung-woo’s turn and he opens his arms wide… but Hyun just observes that he has aged. And finally, he gets to Ji-an, who returns his small smile with an icy stare.

Yesyesthankyou Min is alive, huddled in his hospital bed, as Joon-ho’s friend arrives to inform him that Hyun left just awhile ago. We get a glimpse of Hyun’s visit, where he was relieved to see that Min’s alive. The woman gives Min a present from Joon-ho — a new identity. In essence, he’s giving Min a choice: Live as Hyun’s brother but pay for his crimes, or remain hidden for the rest of his life. Interesting.

On a walk with Ji-an, Hyun says he knows apologies are not sufficient to make up for his sudden disappearance. Ji-an is burning with a thousand questions about his past year, but knows that he wouldn’t answer them anyway. She asks if he was chasing Joon-ho, but he answers that that’s what he’ll be doing in the future.

After Joon-ho had disappeared, Hyun had finally recalled the words Joon-ho said to him when he was a kid. “You can become as you wish. You can become like me, or you can become the opposite of me. There isn’t just one door. You can leave through the front door, or the back door.” He thinks to himself that he pities Joon-ho a little, but will not understand or forgive him.

Ji-an warns that if he plans to disappear again, he can just leave for good right now. Thankfully that’s not his intention, and she can barely hide her happiness at his answer. He asks if she missed him, and she shyly nods.

Pulling her in for a tight hug, Hyun goes in for a gentle kiss. They pull away and smile bashfully at each other, and then Hyun holds her face in his hands, and swoops in for the winner. Thank you drama gods.

At the hospital, Min is pondering his choice. He makes the decision and he leaves the hospital with a smile — empty-handed, the envelope (and new identity) left behind.

As Ji-an and Hyun walk hand-in-hand through the streets, Joon-ho walks past the couple. He voiceovers, “Hyun, I’m going to disappear now. So, come and chase me. Don’t give up, and find me.” Hyun turns back to see Joon-ho’s retreating back and thinks, “Don’t worry. Wherever you hide, I will definitely find you.”


Phew, what a packed last episode. In this episode alone, I counted two stabbings, three disappearances, two choke holds, two grabbed collars, five hugs (one denied), two confessions for our cute heroine, and one amazing mind-blowing kiss. All in a day’s work, I would say.

I Remember You was one of the few cases where I actually had no clue what I wanted for the ending, and trusted wholeheartedly in the writer to score the home run. I do wonder if Jang Nara’s scenes had to be cut down since she got into an accident on the day of filming, although I must say, her lips are definitely working. We’ve all had our fair share of disappointing finales, and while this one didn’t culminate in an emotional high on par with the reunion scene in episode 12, it did leave a sweet aftertaste. Certain scenes started feeling repetitive — Joon-ho just wouldn’t let go of his plan to live with the brothers, and people just kept going to his house to get injured. I also had expected some questions regarding Min as the mastermind behind all the crimes to be cleared up, but it seems that the show has just left us with clues, allowing us to connect the rest of the dots in our imagination.

This episode did a lot to clarify Joon-ho’s state of mind, which was previously an enigma. We finally understand that his obsession with Hyun didn’t stem from their uncanny similarities, but that Hyun was the first person to give him a break from the monster label. Because of that, Hyun held this special place in Joon-ho’s life, and it was a powerful moment when Joon-ho confessed he wished he grew up like Hyun. I expected something more concrete for Joon-ho’s character than another round of catch me if you can, but I recognize that the writer intended to leave it as such. Now that Hyun has found his allies, Joon-ho stands alone, which is a relatively different ballgame from what this show started out as.

I do wish we got to touch more on Joon-ho’s “vigilante” movement and his 20 years with Min. It would have been fascinating to see more of the other kids he saved, but I do understand the time constraint. Although the attempted murder by that man was a little out-of-the-blue, it did work to drive home the point that Joon-ho’s methods don’t carry through his good intentions. Like Ji-an said, even if most of the kids are grateful to Joon-ho, there will be one kid who begs to differ. That possibility never hit home for Joon-ho until that attempted murder, and Min’s attack added salt to the wound.

But gah, what’s up with the fake-out of Min’s death? Given how atypical this drama is, I actually wouldn’t put it past killing off one of its best characters, although that would leave Min’s redemption untouched. I do see the left-behind envelope as Min choosing to confess to his crimes, but more so to live as Hyun’s brother, and I’m impressed with how the writer crafted Min’s decision. It would have been too neat and unrealistic if Min suddenly had an epiphany of his guilt, so it’s actually fitting that it’s the identity of Hyun’s brother that pushes him to take responsibility. At the end of the day, Hyun remains the one who can get through to Little Bro and pushes him to fight the good fight and walk the higher ground. No doubt Min isn’t fully redeemed and “normal” as of yet, but that’s precisely why Min’s decision is merely the first step onto that path. And even if we don’t see the end, we know that it’s happening.

Bromance and romance are really the two sides of the same coin, although he romance did take a back seat for this show. For good reason too, because most of the development and angst were in the brothers’ lives. Of course, the show did a good job of giving us a heroine worth rooting for, who actually had a life and career outside hugs and kisses. Ji-an was active in her unwavering faith and support of Hyun, and her overall badassery for her puny size always won me over. It makes sense that her relationship with Hyun wasn’t earth-shattering and life-changing, because in her ideal world, all she wanted to do was be together.

Despite a few minor gripes I have, I Remember You remains a very well-crafted drama. Right from the start, the tone and the story was consistent and well thought-out, and every single scene had meaning behind it. The earlier cases served as a reflection of the main characters’ own struggles, and the show did a fantastic job of highlighting how alike the characters are, yet worlds apart. Despite the overall dark tone, it was balanced with humor and character quirks that were smartly incorporated without disrupting the flow.

It’s disappointing that the ratings were so dismal for such a well-produced drama. Park Bo-gum was especially outstanding; his split-second change of expression from smiling to resentful is forever inked in my mind. He and Seo In-gook nailed every scene they had together, and all the longing, heartbreak, and adoration they had for each other hit me straight in the heart. Their story was rather far-fetched for anyone to identify with, but those two sold it so damn well.

All in all, I Remember You will go down in the books for the drama that kept me so engrossed in the whole ensemble, right down to the last sidekick. I like that the takeaway from this drama is that you always have a choice in life. The show was populated with complicated characters and equally complex criminals, and set a high bar for future psychopathic thrillers. How would I rate it? 15 points plus alpha.


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IRY rating: 15 points plus alpha.

I totally love how you rated this drama! I Remember You is definitely one of the best dramas in 2015, and I still can't believe it didn't manage to get the recognition and loves in terms of ratings. The show is finally coming to an end but undoubtedly hard for us to say goodbye. Looking forward to another awesome drama from the whole team!

Thanks for the recap, ladies!


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Yeah, I cannot understand either. The show had everything: good writing, suspense, awesome acting, even the cinematography and aesthetics were outstanding. Maybe not perfect but certainly I find it fresh and different. And the actors made me love them all. Min, Hyun, Ji An, Team Leader...awwww! I will miss them all.


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I still wonder who sent the email..


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Yes, this was an interesting unexplained bit... my take on it was that Min by some devious means, managed to use the police email system to send that email to Hyun. He included in that request for help, the photo of the scene of the crime, committed by his 'friend' and client, Yang, with his painting in it and the hyacinth, to lure Hyun back to Korea.

In one of the much later episodes, Joon Yeong asked Min what he intended to do after calling his brother back to Korea... so I'm thinking this conjecture above is right. :)


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I am really surprise that the writer of I Remember You managed to give us a happy ending. I loved every minute of it. As you mentioned, I dreaded Min's death and i'm happy to know that he CHOSE to turn himself in even if he doesn't understand what he did wrong. He knows that life with his big brother even if he has to be imprisoned is better than life without him. I loved how Ji-An pulled Min for a hug, he needs love and affection not only from his big brother, but from those who know what he has done and still care for him as a person. One of the best dramas in my book!!!


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Im probably the only one who CRINGED at that Jian hug scene. so not comforting at all. rather desperate ..truly. you say ''he needs love and affection'' *laughs* yet she was telling him to step out of Hyeon's life..... please. so contradictory.


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I have always had a love for well fleshed out characters. I would gladly read a 100 page txt teasing out their thoughts, aspiration, background and kinks. Because the characters make it alive for me. Put a bland character against the most eye catching and thrilling plot and it wouldn't move me, no sir.

So I love that this drama has given me not only certain standouts but nearly an entire cast of characters to care about. They never faded into the background, they were always there supplementing the major players and their ideologies.

Dramas come and dramas go, and rarely do I find one with enough meat on its bones. And I wouldn't call its themes fluff, merely meandered upon and then thrown away. As an audience we are growing more sensitive to disingenuity. I truly hope more dramas are made which can tackle various themes and rebel against the rut of chaebol/brainless evil MIL and their machinations to stop the OTP.

As a viewer I feel glad when there is more than just an OTP to cheer about! ;P

Going into my fav's list, right next to IHYV(another good genre masher and my gateway kdrama)


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The background of this story is a whole thesis on behaviourism and psychoanalysis on its own. I agree with you on the usual tropes, lazy writing and our decreasing tolerance (at least in mini-series) but it's almost impossible for more kdramas with that kind of perception, especially after poor ratings domestically. Since primary audiences are not interesting, major networks will be rather hesitant about producing similar projects. In cable we trust, though...


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After almost a year long drama slump "I remember You" was such a joy to watch. If there ever was a drama, that need an extension, than this was it. It's was so well acted and written, you didn't want to miss it and didn't want it to end.

I was very satisfied with the end, I just wish we had two or four more episodes ...


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@Imzadi, I see what you mean. Low ratings didn't affect the plot as a whole but rather slowed down the pace and the initially genious editing towards the grand finale. 20 episodes might have prolonged suspense and our "sweet" agony.


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I've loved the show all the way till here, but I must say, I'm quite disappointed by the finale.

I should be kicking myself for it though. I've voiced hopes for a season 2 before, in the form of Min and LJH arrested and providing analyses behind bars a la Silence of the Lambs. I don't know if KBS took all our requests for Season 2 so seriously that it derailed the whole story setup and charged episode 16 to this open-ended format that takes a LOT of liberties. It's not quite makjang, thankfully, but it's totally not what I Remember You has been in terms of pacing. Don't get me wrong - I still appreciate the actors acting their heart out in this episode, and I'm sure Writer-nim is very talented. It's just that this episode's story lines feel kinda forced.

I can *get* that somehow Min and LJH got away. The 'perfect' crime setup which echoes LJY's M.O. appropriate, and still somewhat believable. But a lot of the stuff after that just don't make sense.

And can someone explain to me why Hyeon has to feel guilty about the day's events affecting Min? It's not his fault the criminal came after them. It's also not his fault he shot his mom's murderer, because frankly, that guy was already looking for the kids after doing away with the mom - it's just pure self defense. So why the self-beration? For passing out so that he couldn't sit and reassure his brother? He can certainly feel pained for Min, to witness two deaths and his unconscious self all alone, but definitely not guilt. And why did dad have to cover up the incident? What's there to hide? No one did anything wrong, other than the damn criminal.

I don't get the time jumps at all. First of all, Hyeon must have found out something important during his 'chat' on the bench with fugitive LJH. How is it that he still found time to slowly 'pass by' Ji-an's house three times before disappearing for a year to track down his brother? And when exactly did Min wake up and have that convo with Creepy Lady? After the whole damn year? While Min's injury must have been serious, since it's his second stab wound, I don't think it'll result in him being unconscious for a whole year, such that he never had a conversation with his waiting brother. But it's also somewhat *light* because Min was able to walk away fine that same day of the conversation. How long has Hyeon been watching over him? When was that "thank god you're alive" statement? *If* LJH told him that Min is safe with him and available for visiting on the sly... I doubt Hyeon would have waited at least three days to uphold his promise to Ji-an, before going after his on-the-brink-of-death brother. I mean, he loves her, but he also knows which is more urgent/time-sensitive.

And what's with the sudden pally-wallyness? When did Indebted Friend become pals with Team Leader and Sunbae? I'd understand if they were there only to bug for info about Hyeon. Or even to use Indebted Friend's secret investigative...


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I have to agree... although I can't say I'm quite disappointed with the finale, you've pointed out several holes and questions I had, especially regarding the timing.
And where was Min--in a mental hospital? Physical rehab? In a private ward paid by LJH? Also Hyun's "thank God you're alive" then the next scene with him in the same PJs and the creepy lady giving him the envelope with the new identity... the timing of all these things makes me crazy.
However, still loved the series overall... best damn drama I've seen period. I can't even bring myself to guess how many I've watched, loll.


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These are valid questions that I'm confident would never have come up if the editing team had a bit more time. (I am still so bitter about this live-shoot thing)

1) Hyun's guilt

Hyun was self-blaming because research has found that while some psychopaths are born with a glitch in their heads, most are produced out of a traumatic, usually bloody, experience from childhood. Min started dissecting animal bodies after the mother's murder and Hyun believes that his killing the intruder triggered Min's desire to kill.

MY TAKE: as a child, Min must have understood killing to be justifiable seeing that his Hyung did it for him, plus Min himself would also have wanted to kill that very intruder again and again. Note that while young Hyun coped with the trauma by dissociation (losing his memories), Min lived with the very same memories unable to forget. The only coping mechanism for Min's young brain at the time must have been to receive that killing is okay. Young Hyun may have consistently warned him not to, but after Hyun (Min's ultimate hero) was taken from Min by his father and then later by Lee Joon Young, the trauma of the abandonment would have been too much for him and had easily triggered the broken Min's thirst for killing.

Hence all in all, Hyun blames himself and the situation. Though, both kids are just essentially victims of circumstances.

Personally, I would have rather had that the mother was a psycho herself who attempted to kill both kids (thereby pushing Hyun to defend his little brother and himself by killing the mum), which would push the argument that Min is born a psycho, since the condition can also be genetic. Hence, the argument born a killer. But it would not have made the ending possible, where Min chose to rehabilitate himself and "go through the front door"


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@ riarallahssi

I like your comment very much, especially about the coping mechanism. One forgot and it's possible that for the other the mechanism was that in the process of remembering, he emotionally had to find killing acceptable. I'd really like to have a psychologist comment on this too. :)


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Wow, that's a really interesting theory, and seems pretty sound. They should have added 1-2 more lines into the conversation to flesh out Hyun's 'reasoning' this way! Thanks, @riarallahssi!


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@ riarallahssi...

This is THE big question about "The two wolves". Psychopathy might be related to physiological brain differences, hence the "I was born this way" line. 20 years ago Psyhiatry was not where it stands today as a well-respected science worldwide; especially in countries like SK. Therefore I'm sure their father was not on the same level as Hyun in terms of academic standards. Sociopathy, on the other hand, tends to be formed by dysfanctional environment. Clinical differentiation, though, is not always easy nor obvious.

IRY expolred the "grey area" of Psychiatry, within its limits, of course. But it was astonishing, at least to me, how it raises multiple difficult questions. I was not used to that; k-dramaland products are mostly brain-dead fun (that does not apply for most cable-TV projects, imho). KBS left me speechless this time...

BTW, psychopathy as a genetic disorder is inherited. Sociopathy is not.


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Thanks for this!

I was initially convinced that Psychopathy and Sociopathy were two very different things (BBC Sherlock convinced me), but there were a few comments back here that argued that both things were essentially one and the same, or at least asked about it while posting a googled reference too so I started having my doubts.

Still, technicalities aside, I love that the consistency of the nature vs nurture argument was at play even towards the end. The drama started with "Is Hyun the real monster?" until it unfolded at "Was Min born or made a monster?" That they chose to answer the question at the last episode is quite a deft writing touch. It kept me glued.

The writers made me realize my love for tragedy too as I was sooo convinced that Min was born one, even assuming that the parents were born psychos since they were so flawed at parenting. It was this particular rug that got pulled off under my feet. Hah. Not that I didn't appreciate the relatively hopeful ending, too. Though I think this was why a few of us were initially underwhelmed as it ended because previous episodes have conditioned us to prepare for the worst.

Somehow the final episode whitewashed everything. I was into the darkness of the drama so deeply and then by Min's bright and sunny forward march to the right thing, it shook me off and just tells me that it doesn't always have to be THAT hopeless. It was refreshing in a sense. The comic relief and the romance helped me buy into the optimism too and since the comic relief and the romance had been there since the beginning, I couldn't see it as a cop-out.

It was a delightful ride for me in the sense that it plunged me into darkness, nevertheless still showing me that it can still be good despite it.


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Which brings me to:

2) Min in a Rehab (and the bench chat that preceded it)

"I don’t get the time jumps at all. First of all, Hyeon must have found out something important during his ‘chat’ on the bench with fugitive LJH. How is it that he still found time to slowly ‘pass by’ Ji-an’s house three times before disappearing for a year to track down his brother?"

To answer your question, yes, most definitely. In that bench conversation, Hyun asked LJY to "return" Min even if it was only the body. I believe that LJY responded to that very request by telling Hyun exactly where Min was. Thereafter, Hyun says goodbye to Jian.

We were shown through a sloppily edited flashback, which again could have been done better. But in that flashback, Min was thinking back to the time Hyun first found him, which is presumably a year before that time he was presented with the brown envelope.

I believe there was an implication that the ghost ahjumma is a psychiatrist. Note her passive, slightly indifferent conversations with LJY. LJY treats her exactly like a psychiatrist.

So, I believe that after taking Min's body from the scene, LJY took him to the hospital, first to physically recuperate. But then later, as Hyun found Min, he was already confined in a psychiatric facility. So, the final scene where Min walks away from a corridor represents him leaving his psychiatric issues just as well. Such treatment is possible, since Min after all was not born a pyscho, though severely mentally broken.

Also, note that LJY only stabbed Min once. As a medical examiner and serial killer, I believe LJY knows the human body to a tee, therefore very able to deathly injure Min without killing him.


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The sudden friendliness between the three must have definitely intended to be a comic relief, and also to implicate that Hyun (Min+LJY) could not be found despite efforts. Not that I'd take their word for it since they're not so competent at that department, but the art gallery guy is relatively competent so... there...

Aish, really. All of this would have been very self-explanatory had the editing been more pretty. I'm so bitter because all it really needed for this drama to hit perfection was just another week or day more for editing. I'm convinced a couple of days more for editing would have been just fine. It's like I almost won the lottery but got the last digit wrong.

Director's cut please!


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Thanks for your feedback, very interesting. Especially the idea of "Min must have understood killing to be justifiable seeing that his Hyung did it for him, plus Min himself would also have wanted to kill that very intruder again and again.". That does explain a lot.

Interesting that the astute adult Min, who was clearly very educated, seemingly hadn't come across that idea. After all, he responded to Hyun after the reveal that he was right, he did want to kill him.

My husband last night came home and said 'ok what do we have to watch and I said 'well, not really anything... I'm kind of having withdrawals from IRY with a lot of others online. He said, yeah, I think we should watch it from the beginning. This series is packed very densely with psychological and behavior data, so I could easily see a second or third watch.

Thanks for the response... I was just venting, really, so appreciate the clues to watch for again :)


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I love the drama so much but i'm actually so afraid to rewatch. I feel like it will hurt again. Hahaha. But I so badly want to have a copy of the DVD just to spot a lot of stuff. Like i missed the reference to the god Janus. So that's why Hyun talked about greek mythology with jian by the stairs and also Min and Hyun discussed it in earlier episodes. I was only able to spot it because of comments in DB. Really, this drama is so inlaid with references that I feel like it needs to be discussed over and over. This is why my withdrawals are so bad right now. This is crazy. A drama has never done this to me before. A book, yes. But not a drama.


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@ riarallahssi

Very astute assessments of the situation. I appreciate you sharing your insights with us.


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That idea of Creepy Woman as a psychiatrist is definitely something to chew on. On one hand, it seems a bit of a leap of faith, but it would fit in with the angles you suggested, like LJY's conversations with her, and her access and confident manner at the hospital. I guess her moral compass is pretty grey though, to let LJY continue with his 'work', even though she felt survivor's guilt from his massacre at the family home. Or, like Eun-bok, her sense of morality was compromised by what LJY has done for her...


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I'm not sure that the lady was a therapist too. I totally just had faith that she was. Since Kong Hyo Jin in It's Okay It's Love sold the role of being a therapist with issues herself, I became even more convinced that it could be the same for the ghost lady. Oh, but can you imagine what a beautiful premise she can be for season 2? Ahhh... season 2. I can already see Eun-Bok and the ghost lady on the list of characters. She can really be anything though...

I appreciate that the drama has given a lot of discussion points. It helps me remember it more.

(Oh god, I'm replying to everything. Do I need someone to talk to about the drama, or what??? So Sorry!)


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riarallahssi dear.
you are sooooo hilariously funny. hahaha... (referring to your "i'm replying to everything.... comments). huh, its Sept now, are you healed by now? guess we all need the Ghost Lady as our psychiatrist.... we "NEED TO TALK MORE" about IRY!!!!
like yourself, i too, "secretly" envisioned a Session 2, with Ghost lady as an important supporting role, and we need to see LJY get his healing, his second chance, (not so much a "anthony hopkins style Silent of the Lamb with his romancing Moore.) i guess i wish to see LJY having a softer side, see him comforted by the one and only person who knows him, and empathised him. somewhat i was always fantasizing some 'saving works" should be done by the Ghost lady with LJY. he deserves that.
of cause, i also wish to see Min healed and given a second chance in loving someone other than his brother, after completed his sentence for few years... then becoming a curator at some Art museum and fall in love with some young artists... whatsoever...
watching this drama shattered my moral compass, fixed in a dilemma often, as much as i wanted those mentioned above for our cares and feelings that can grown thru those 8 weeks, somewhere deep within, i know in order to live a meaningful normal life, a simple life and be able to fade into the vast human sea, you got to come clean, else its your loved ones that suffers, seeing you, still wade into your pool of uncleanse past. we can only reach the shore when we unload our blemish past and dump them into the sea, cleanse ourselves, living nothing behind. Min, needs that. So did LJY.
“we took our oars and were going against the current, however we were always swept down to the past.”


The "genious" pack of three must have intended to show the three possible ways: the slight sociable genious, the psychopath and the sociopath. I believe Min is the most dangerous one but with some minor possibilities of treatment (given his age and the endless affection he receives from his brother) while LJY is damaged beyond repair. Last but not least, Hyun is not so functionable as other young people of his age due to his ( probable) high IQ - even as a child, he was different, he couldn't play games nor have fun properly while he took it upon himself to act as a caring mother to both his father and brother (after their mother's death)

So, LJY was right: there are options and choices for Hyun but probably not for Min, if he was left alone with LJY. That's why it was essential for Hyun to be constantly by his little brother's side. In the end, did Min make the right decision was because of Hyun's endless love and devotion. (not quite possible within just one yeart though, scientifically speaking).


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That's very true. That one year later thing has been nagging at me because one year is far too little. Would it really have made much difference if it were three or so years? They could cut Jang Nara's hair or make her wear a wig if they wanted.

But because I love the drama so much, I'm actually willing to have biased predispositions. Hahaha. Sue me. No, but seriously, I suppose whether it was a year or more wouldn't have had much difference. I'm not convinced Min is well after a year. I'm sure he's not. But as it is for most people with medical psychological conditions, dealing with the illness is a lifetime process. Though, I do know that it's possible to find a suitable illness-management plan within a year so I'm thinking Min just found his. Also, I'm convinced he went on ahead to be with Hyun so I wouldn't worry so much anymore. :)


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@ osmanthus tea

You have valid points. I understand your disappointment with parts of the finale, but most of it was caused by the live-shoot and rushed editing.

Considering the alternative, things could have been worse (especially for Jang Na-Ra who was in a car accident on the last day of filming). The choice between a wrecked finale caused by untalented and poorly cast actors as leads and a lazy writer phoning it in determined to screw over and enrage the audience (which has happened before) vs. talented actors, screenwriter, and a plot concerned with how events are related and a narrative of sustained tension for the majority of the drama (which is what IRY showcased). I think we got off easy.


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@August: hmm but hasn't it been live shoots for quite a while? Kinda just wondering why only this episode was affected. And my quibble is more with the sudden changes to the storyline, rather than things like scene transitions...

I didn't realise that JNR was in an accident though. )= Yikes.

Don't get me wrong, I still dearly love the show, and I reckon it's my favourite of all the K-dramas I've watched so far! But like @riarallahssi mentioned, it's just a case of 'this show was so close to being perfect' disappointment. I only hope that this ending means we are gonna get season 2. More of the A team, please!


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Yeah the editing was relatively a blunder compared to the editing quality in its previous episodes. It would remove all of the doubts had it been done with a bit more finesse and a few more scenes (particularly with Hyun and the Ghost Lady).

I was following Instagram photos and I could still find real-time tweets and Instagram fan-cams for live-shoot at around 4PM to 5PM. The drama friggin airs at 10PM! And maybe they have state-of-the-art machinery but I know for a fact that movie-rendering alone can take an hour or so. Plus travelling time from location, so the editors had what, roughly 2-3 hours for editing???? Suicidal! Not enough time to review that material. Plus, well, knowing that it's the last episode, they may have slightly gone lazy since there was a wrap-up party with booze waiting for them beginning 9PM. Haha.


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Art imitates life. In this case, the 2012 SBS drama The King of Dramas. It's stood the test of time. Years later the question "What Would Anthony Do?" is frequently asked.

I think it was in episode 1 or maybe 2 with time ticking away and filming of the last episode was still in progress - a few hours before the episode was schedule to air that day. Limited for time and the broadcast deadline steadily approaching, the delivery driver gets into an accident. Down to the wire, Anthony commandeers the motorcycle and delivers the tape/video to the studios for broadcast airing.


I was really satisfied with how the drama ended, I believe it's my first time that I'm happy that a drama ended while yet having a remaining stories to tell! I loved all the main characters and even comeos!:D So I think, for me, it was one enjoyable drama!:)


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Thank you for wonderful recaps.


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Finally got the time to watch the last two ep, yey! Have to admit that the finale felt a bit uneven. All those stabbings and fake-deaths made my head spin, but didn´t leave a bad taste in my mouth either, because, well, THANK GOD that Min actually didn´t die, though I still don´t know why we even had to go there. That fake death did also disservice for the long forgotten romance, because, frankly, the jump from stabbing Min to Ji-an waiting for a whole effing year was jarring and I had hard time focusing, which was sad, because I liked both the romance and bromance in this show.
Even with a bit too loose of an ending, I´ll have fond memories of IRY, especially the bittersweet tone spiced with funny and cute moments that sometimes simply left me marveling: "How did you do that, show?"

Big thanks for the recappers!


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i think i'll got teary eyes everytime i hear the ost.... that song is so beautiful and sad..


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exactly and they play it always when its min and hyeon and is even SADDER. that song is so emotional, reminds me their tragic story

try watching that OST song with hyeon/min fan videos on youtube and you'll be bawling


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Here to thank the recappers for the excellent job done. I really love reading and re-reading your recaps and insightful comments as they enhance my understanding and viewing of the drama.

When 1st watching it raw, I was a little underwhelmed by the conclusion but after watching it with subs, I find myself mostly satisfied and understood what I think the writer is trying to show. It's been a fantastic ride and I really love a great story that is tightly written, well casted and acted out. PBG gained a new fan in me. The director did a great job as well.

Many thanks to those who pen their thoughts in the comments. The show lends itself to deep contemplation over the nature over nurture debate, particularly the concept of evil and vigilante justice, human nature and psychopathic/sociopathic tendencies and I really enjoyed reading the thoughts of everyone.

love 15 plus alpha.


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I have not bought any kdrama before. Does anyone know how long it takes for the drama go on sale for purchase?


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So Min actually laid in hospital for one whole year? And did they explain who was the one who sent email to Hyun asking him to go Korea in episode 1? Did I miss this part?


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i don't think so, because hyun wears black shirt when he was visiting min, i think it was before he disappeared..


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But when that lady handed Min the document to change his identity, he was still in hospital right? That was one year later?


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That makes two of us. Oh well.


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Yep the envelope scene was a real-time scene one year later from the time Hyun arrived crying in a black shirt. I believe Hyun crying as he found Min "so you're here" was a flashback. Hyun went there after his bench-talk with LJY (and three visits with Jian) thereby implying that LJY told Hyun where Min is during or after that talk.


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@ riarallahssi,

I am a little bit confused when Lee Hyeon said that 'You were alive' when he visited Min at the ward. Decided to rewatch bench-talk scene again and I feel sooo ignorant T_T. Thank you for clearing up my confusion ^^


I will remember you, I remember You :3
Thanks for the epic ride with such memorable characters, the best bromance ever, and a bittersweet yet hopeful ending.
I'm so happy to see the many comments here on DB (302 whoa), because this drama deserves more attention, viewers and love! I hope the cast, writers, PD and crew all know just what a gem they have produced despite the low ratings. I hope they get the recognition they deserve :D
I'm now a true Seo In Gook and Park Bo Gum fan, oppas fighting *squee*


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maybe theyll reunite in reply 1988 since PBogum is gonna be there and Seo was in reply 1997 , a cameo maybe. (btw this hyeonmin bromance beat the one Seo had there with Hoya haha)


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Uhm was it ever mentioned what indebted friend's debt was? I''m super curious


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I dont think they mention that


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and I am sooo watching Reply 1988 just because of Park Bo Gum <3 I started to love In Guk because of Reply 1997.


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I'm going to miss this show :(
It's hard to come by a good drama like this...


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15 points plus alpha!!! finished watching all the episodes in a day and its worth it. I love everyone in it and for sure seo in guk, jang nara and min (what's his name?) gain a new fan.

am wondering what drama should i watch after this. >.<


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This wasn't the best episode compared to the consistent ones previous but I think they did a good job giving us the best and most realistic ending despite live shooting time constraints. In the beginning I was just really curious about the chemistry between the leads then read two recaps to get the gist of the plot before committing to watching it all the way through and I wasn't disappointed.
I wasn't really a fan of SIG until this drama. I knew he could do comedy really well but I think TKF (I have yet to watch it) and IRY brought the serious side to his acting ability and I really liked it. The same thing with JNR. I got tired of the old candy girl characters the kdramas always have but like a lot of people said CJA is the best female lead ever! Last but not least, Park Bo Gum! I liked him in CT but absolutely fell in love with him in IRY! He's come a long way from when he first started and this drama was just the stepping stone. I wonder if Reply 1988 will be any good.
I haven't had the feels for a drama like this in a long time. This show was a breath of fresh air! It was surprisingly different. I'm really going to miss this drama. It feels like I'm saying goodbye to a long time friend. =( WE'LL NEVER FORGET YOU "I Remember You"! <3


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There is no words to describe how much I adore this drama. Every episode had a terrific cliffhanger that causes the week to seem like eternity. This drama has all elements present that makes it such a good one: good actors actresses, cast, writers and the entire production team. DAEBAK!!! Low ratings or not, it is a fantastic, tear-inducing, heart-tugging drama I will always re-watch. I love your drama recaps as well, please continue writing for upcoming dramas :) They are really detailed and the small paragraph of your own thoughts at the end is awesome, because it helps clarifies some ambiguity. :)


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A really great show. I even liked the ending and thought it suitable. I think for a show like this that brings up all these topics of what makes a monster, are monsters made or born, hope and hopelessness, family, love, and even redemption or forgiveness of others and the self...open is the way to go. I can see this getting a second season. There is so much more to discover and explore with the characters.

I interpreted the 1 year time jump as Hyun looking for his brother. I never expected Joon Ho to kill Min; just like he only knocked out the young girl who brought him food long ago, he wouldn't hurt the one person who's been with him through so much. I'm pretty sure as a the Dr. he is, he would know exactly where to stab you so that you don't die. He took Min and hid him and Hyun went to find him (I'm sure Joon Ho helped...he's the type) and spend time with him as well. It's a suitable ending that he wants Hyun to still chase after him. He'll keep the connection any way he can.

Seo In Guk and Jang Nara were wonderful in this and the writing and editing of the show was top-knotch. I'll definitely be keeping my eye out for more from this writer and PD team and hope that they team up again in the future and get the ratings they deserve. But even if they don't, I'm sure they just got themselves a bunch of loyal viewers. Thank you for all the recaps. This one was really special.


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Hey guys, I am so happy to see that this thread is still working, almost a week after the show got over!

I have a question: does the show ever explain how lawyer jung's (min's) boss/mentor (the judge?) found out that hyun might have forgotten(as a defence mechanism) about another murder in his life (thus foreshadowing the revelation that comes out in ep 15- 16)? Also, they never explain why Min finally kills him either. Min later on has been shown as killing only people who abandoned their closed ones, but how does his mentor fit into this category? Moreover, was he even his mentor, or just an employer. He did seem to know an awful lot about both Min and Hyun.


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I've also wondered how Prosecutor Shin fit into all this. I could have missed it but I don't think they explained it, at least explicitly. At one point I wondered whether there a sponsor relationship with Min and even LJY. Think about it...they're both without parents or family after he takes Min... so how do they get to the position of medical examiner and lawyer? That's a lot of schooling, aka money, and just where did that support come from?

So earlier in the show I thought it might be Shin supporting them, as a sponsor to promising young people? I don't know; it was never explored further so I guess not. Both Min and LJY are very intelligent, so its conceivable they went excelled in school and received scholarships? But again, that's purely conjecture.

So it's an open question, as I see it. Likewise the connection to Shin's story about the boy killing his friend by 'accident' -- the way Shin looks knowingly at Min after the story suggests a deeper relationship between them. While not a deal breaker for me... still loved this drama... it would have been nice to have some further clues on questions like these.


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@LarryMimosa The sponsor relationship is what came to my mind too but then Min went ahead and killed Prosecutor Shin without much of a plausible reason(killing him just beacause he was telling Hyun something that Hyun really needed to hear is kinda contrary to the basic desire of Min for his brother to remember). All it did was momentarily help create a degree of suspense as to why and what is happening. That angle wasn't even needed much in a show which already had the suspense thing down to a tee.

It wasn't a deal breaker for me either(this show has already become one of my all time favourites), but now that the show is finally over, and the euphoria is dying down a little, some questions that need some explaining keep arising at the back of my mind. It would have been really brilliant if the writers could address each one of these issues, but I guess 16 episodes is a very short time to do everything. I so wished this show had 20 episodes, or got an extension (like so many other shows did). Hoping for a Season 2 is asking for too much, i guess? :P


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Probably. It's a network show where ratings are king, so I can't imagine it in S. Korea. Nor the US to be fair... assuming it's probably the same where you're from.

However, it is ironic, isn't it, that a show that easily could have been extended to explore more of the plot points in depth can't earn an extension, whereas many dramas I really liked had a wth extension... even this writer's Protect the Boss, which was a lot of fun, but the extension wasn't a plus... just took away from the nice pace of the story and their relationship


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Nah. I am from India. We don't even get a Korean channel here.

I haven't seen Protect the Boss (Is it very good?) but even SIG's King of High School got an extension, which was fun-yes, but not anything extraordinary. And it's last episode was kinda superfluous.


I loved Protect the Boss... great chemistry among the leads, funny plot and characters, Grandma's funny, Wrestler Girl is funny, the second lead is someone you'd actually want to be friends with. And Ji Sung, what a talent. He plays someone with OCD type behavior and copes with his father's expectations to take over the company.

In fact, someone said in a previous thread... or maybe this one, it's getting a little long, lol, that "SIG has delivered another memorable character" to us to remember/savor, whatever. That is very similar to Ji Sung... you really remember his characters. Not every actor can do that. (I see Moonbeams' comment below that SIG's characters leave us with new terms... nicely put. True of Ji Sung as well.)

Re ratings, I meant your domestic ratings. If an Indian show gets poor ratings, I'd imagine there gets poor ratings I'd imagine it's axed. I guess that's an "Insert any country here" statement here? So a season 2 is fairly uncommon for a show with mediocre or poor ratings. But sometimes it's how committed the network is to the show... I believe Parenthood on NBC here in the U.S. was in danger of not continuing into a second and even a third season but NBC stood behind it and it gained momentum and ran for six season. It definitely had the credentials, not only with the cast but the fact it was created by Ron Howard, the director.

Sorry, I seem to replying to myself...I guess there's not a comment back to the same person commenting to you? Anyway, it's for you, lol.

[Off topic, one of my lifelong friends, my college roommate, is from India--grew up in Bangalore and also Kerala]


Oh never mind, it's where it should be :)


@LarryMimosa I haven't seen any Ji Sung show, sadly. I think I'll have to check out some for sure then, starting from Protect the Boss. (On a completely different note, i love his wife Lee bo young in I hear your Voice).

All you said is so true about SIG. I have seen all of his dramas, and he is awesome in everything. I think I finished Reply 1997 purely because I wanted to keep watching him act (the who-is-the-husband trope got old too fast). High School king of Savvy was a pure SIG show all the way!

I am from New Delhi. The shows in India sadly get good ratings, even if all the shows are basically about the same thing- family politics. I wish a show gets cancelled here but it never happens! :P. No wonder, i am looking at other countries for entertainment.


Yes! Thank you for the recaps! I loved this show, too! :)


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350 plus friggin' comments for less than 5% ratings, WOW!

Hope the production team recognize this love rave from international viewers and acknowledge with all their heart that we love I Remember You!

Anyone interested to leave a comment for IRY on its official page, please do share your love here :)



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Thanks for the link! I might stalk that page and keep sending comments asking the producers to come up with a Season 2! :P.. Already 366 comments here, and the discussions are still going strong after a week!


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@asmara, @obsessed much
I tried leaving a comment on KBSWorld site about this for that reason... to let them know... but when it asked me to register, I was asked to give my social security or passport number. And on top of that, it wanted proof, i.e a picture of the passport or whatever documentation.

I thought I was hallucinating, thinking nah, it can't be true that a Korean network wants my U.S. SSN or passport to comment can it? But I tried it again and couldn't continue until I did, so abandoned it.

Unless I missed something during the registration process, it seemed a bit of an invasion of my privacy, especially for something that wasn't a purchase/official transaction.


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@LarryMimosa Really?? It just asked me to login from one of the social networking sites- so i used facebook. Don't try to register with them, i guess. And anyway they have only a 250 character limit. Hard to gush about Hello Monster in such few words. I still tried to do it! :P


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@LarryMimosa, oh really? I just logged in using my facebook account. It's under the comment column, you can choose if you want to log in with your fb account or other accounts. I don't think we need to register to that site. I hope you make it. I already left 2 comments and some replies haha


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Every time I see a 'sign in with FB' I keep remembering the hassle I had it not tracking my Words w Friends activity, posting moves etc. on my timeline. I know it can be addressed with privacy settings but since they keep changing I tend to avoid it. Also, I get annoyed with the 8000 lb gorilla knowing everything about me (and marketing that info), so avoid log ins to other sites, plus put fake info in to my own acct when I can.

No I'm not a Luddite, have worked in the technology industry for a long time, but see how privacy has been comprised over the years through various technologies; social media is just the most current.


@LarryMimosa I never thought about this whole online spying thing! But, yeah, it does sound like something one should keep at the back of mind at all times. However, doesn't it take away the fun of doing things with freedom. But I guess safety comes before fun, right?


i'm sure it is 366 + comments now, but still i came back here for read all of your comments. That how i love this show.


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I think I understand why Min thinks that he shouldn't have to pay for the killings he did. Just as he saw his brother killed the intruder who killed their mother as an act of pure kindness and love for him, he might have deducted the situation as something acceptable and NORMAL. In that premise of believing that a person's motives justify his/her actions (Hyun killing the intruder vs Min killing people who abandoned someone, AKA bad people) it follows through that when he grew up, he still firmly believes this notion. And as Hyun was never questioned, punished or had to 'pay for his actions' (Jian pointed this out when she gave Min a hug and explained things to him) eventhough Hyun was a kid or their father covered it up or Hyun erased everything in his mind entirely, Min cannot wrap his mind around this concept because he was just operating under the same motives mainly (eliminating bad people, though he had elements of punishing ONLY those he deemed 'bad people' so there's that)

This thread feels like home that you keep coming back to after a hard day's work, talking and interacting with people who share your interest and give insights on their take on things. This drama brought a lot of people together and it should be applauded for that reason as well, but of course, never forgetting the actors, writers and the whole production team.


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Probably another reflection of good old dad's less than stellar parenting skills. Horrible tragedy, but even with Hyun forgetting, I'd want to believe he'd find someway to address morality of killing versus self-defense in some fashion.

Yes a bit like home, true. I've never had this experience from any drama, although there were plenty I've liked and thought were outstanding.


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I keep checking this thread too. I guess it's the depth of intellectual discussions it has been able to trigger. No other korean show has made me think so much about the characters and their past. I mean usually all I take from a kdrama is the adorable love story and the freakishly cute/hot actors. I mean don't get me wrong, I love these things and even Hello Monster has these in plenty, but a girl needs more :)


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I read your comment last week and thought yeah, these are good points, nice analysis from the character's standpoint. When you look at it this way, I too can understand why the adult Min felt that way as well.

When I reread this today I couldn't help but think not of Min's viewpoint--a DRAMA character--but those of many commenters when you watch episode 16 on Viki Talk about getting into the heads of people! I know the age of commenters probably skews younger, but was frankly appalled reading all the comments reading the justification they had for Min. Vitriol at Ji An for "interfering" with the brothers when she confronted Min about taking responsibility for his wrongs (if not from his own conscience, for his brother)--"leave them alone they just found each other"; "go way, Min is changing/feeling remorse". Except most comments were more viciously written.

Did these viewers miss something? Yes, he's pitiful, felt/was abandoned, but um, what about the NINE PEOPLE he killed (at least) and their families? In real life, even though people show remorse, apologize, whatever, they're STILL punished legally. As they should be, since we live in a civilized society, where right and wrong is distinguished, and there's punishment for the evildoers.

I'm hoping it's just the emotional attachment for the drama character that spilled out into the comment section. It makes me cringe thinking this would be the actual attitude of these viewers in real life.


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@ Larrymimosa,
this, a plea in defense of Ji-An. (like yours.)
Back in ep 9, Ji-An reached out to Min for the first time, “then you go acknowledge it first and talk to that person, and don’t just wait to be remembered, “This is who I am, and why don’t you remember me?” all you have to do is honestly ask.” Like a real sister, JA counsel rightly. If given a chance, Hyeon will counsel the same thing, which should be the right attitude of Min right at the beginning, then nothing like 9 lives should be taken at all. Instead, look how Min eerily replied: “No, it’s like a game to me.”
Then again, Ji-An bravely tried to prick Min’s conscience at LJY house, “…for your Hyung, help him… you need to free yourself from him.” Last but ain’t least, after Hyeon cried himself to sleep at ep 16, she hugged Min like how his eomma will do if she’s alive, “A person hurt another, is wrong in any circumstance, One must realise that it’s wrong and repent, one must take responsibilities… even if you don’t understand…Just do it for your Hyung, if you run, your hyung have to run with you… he’ll have to hide with you. It’s hurt me to say this to you… neither you nor your hyung will ever be happy.” “ But many anti-fans (from some other sites) irked on the fact that she said she can’t pretend nothing happened, saying she sought discord between the brothers. Hyeon who has a high sense of justice, who refused to be a monster, can’t continue to act as if nothing happen. Remembered back in ep 9, he told JA, he (then) feared that Min is alive, that what he guess will be true. To Hyeon, to have a living Monstrous cold-blooded brother, is worst than having a dead pure kind brother. His heart will be profoundly rejoiced to have Min beside him again, but to find Min in such a inhumane state is worse than living with what LJY did to him. Hyeon has this inbuilt compass in his heart, when he was a child he by his own will, entered into a church and prayed often, implying that he believe God’s presence, and that this Creator will judge him or anyone one day.

We must always remembered that JA is a cop, and she is very capable of fighting criminals welding knifes (remembered ep 8, where she caught the teen psycho who thought that his father’s murderer was actually his dad? Also, she put on a good fight against the psycho who kidnapped her ) Some wrote that they find her annoying in venturing into LJY house twice, aka as a death-wish to challenge LJY “taking for granted that Hyeon will save her”. Actually she can shot him on spot, and blame it on self-defence, but “if I become a Murderer like you, then Hyeon’s heart will be broken.” Knowing that more than her been hurt by LJY, Hyeon will be broken if she turn a Psychopath. By end of ep 16, everyone knows that without the fingerprint, DNA samples, photos, without solid witness, no one can really cuff LJY up. So the only way is to dig into his lair… and tempt him to leak on himself (using her “recording” on mobile). She knew in...


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... She knew in Hyeon’s heart she is “IMPOSSIBLE to calculate in number” (plus alpha), how will she ever think of throwing herself in danger and expecting the prince to fight the dragon. After watching K-dramas for most 10 years+, my conclusion, this Ji-an and that Oh Ji-An (Healer) is two sides of a coin, a Special Collection Gem of a Coin, outshine many hunks in K-dramas even. They trusted their men, waited for their men, spoke up for their men, bulldozed into their men when they weakened, lift up their men, became the refuge and shoulder to cry on… and make their men smile so naturally. I will not really seek after SIG or JNR future shows, or ship them to be together…
but I will remember Ji-An and her Hyeon.


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dear all.
i wouldn't move on.... still linger with me post-IRY syndrome... so i wander to others recap sites like noonas over forks, thoughts rambles, crazy ahjummas, couch kimchi,... just to indulged in that "after party" feels...
mmm.... i migrate back here.... dramabeans feels like home, with you guys.
had not been writing posts (most of times not been replied doesn't matter any way). but like all of you, a HUGE MASSIVE thanks to all of you, who still linger here and posts....)
your posts are like daily supplement that i need, after a weary day, i just lurk here, and indulge in whatever you write...
please keep coming back here once a while
was really hoping the Crew or the Casts like SIG or JNR, or the writer or producer know English and do read what you guys wrote, if they ever read and understand, their hearts will be warmed and gratified that we knew what they are trying to say, we knew their hard works, and we appreciate what they did, above all the junk that other channels chunk out.... oh, YongPal... ha that one.. pretty tall Yoon Won is one of my favourite hunk (the other is Ji changwook and Jo Hyun Jae, SIG not even in this list) ... but i just can't identify with Yoon Won's YongPal... no, i need a stronger and deeper and layered characters to stir my sleep before i go to bed and when i waken....
SIG's Hyeon has this ability to ache your heart to sleep....
i will always remembered the scene he pounded his chest in agony over realising Min's identity. ....
i thought Bongsookie (Healer) ruined me,... ahha... SIG resurrected me... LOL.
please post more, Larrymimosa, steady, obssessmuch..asmara... etc... all precious ones here.


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@Mary of Bethany.. I truly understand what you are saying. I have become so obsessed with this show and SIG and JN and everyone else. I have been almost forcing my friends to watch this show, just so that I have more people to talk to about this wonderful gem of a show. I really hope the same team comes up with a season 2 or something with a similar story-line.

And I too loved Healer a lot. I actually began watching YongPal because the stills looked a lot like Healer. But obviously, its nothing in comparison yet.

Also, thanks a lot for mentioning my name. I have never commented on this site, except for the last 2 episodes of I Remember You. Your comment just makes me wanna comment more on different things, as someone out there is reading what I write. :)

This thread has has truly become something like home. I always feel so happy when I see the no of comments keep increasing every day!


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I really liked Healer... great chemistry, acting... definitely one I'd rematch. Hmm good suggestion. But it's IRY that has ruined me for dramas. I'm watching Yong Pal and am enjoying it... lots of action and intrigue, and Joo Won is really great, but he doesn't have the meaty, layered script to work with. I'm not so sold on the chemistry w KTH yet, although admittedly she's just starting to act after the coma thing.

And while YP's ratings are great, yay for them, it doesn't compare to IRY, where the plot is so well thought out, the characters are layered, the pathos is intertwined so skillfully with the comedy, and there are real life questions to ponder outside of the story. That's not typical for a lot of dramas.

I love seeing IRY's increasing fans on Viki ... now 1500 over HS... and continuing comments with high praise for the show. In fact, read the comments here, on Viki and other streaming sites, soompi and other blogs, heck even AsianWiki -- so many people say it's either their top drama pick for 2015, one of their top dramas ever, or actually is their all time favorite. It's actually startling, and a great testament to a show that struggled with ratings despite its quality in script, acting and production.

I'd be shocked at a second season but hopefully enough writers, producers and networks monitor these and other sites to prompt them to offer great content.


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I am liking Joo Won as Yong Pal. I actually am thinking of watching his other shows like Bridal Mask just because he is so good here. Yong Pal is good enough but i am not crazy about it yet. I also didn't like the sudden development of feelings between the lead pair. Is it just because she is pretty and in a pitiable condition!?

Anyway, I really believe like you that I Remember You has ruined me for other dramas! :)

414 comments! This thread should be included in the "top posts" section on this site!


@ Larrymimosa, Obsessedmuch, GB...
mmm... inspired by your talks re: Healer, i went back to my "first love: aka. Healer" and indulged a little, shocked to find Healer ep 20 has sealed 10296 comments.
occasionately i still wandered onto Moru Moru Island Blogspot.... guess those who has not seen Healer, and liked IRY, should try Healer.
do not want to compare Healer and IRY, its like comparing apples to oranges.... but one thing merged both, they both have luminous Ji-An. Both Ji-an, are of a diff league, from the huge chunks of pretty faces, and damsels and cute things in many brain-dead but good-feels dramas.
watched Bridal Mask, because of BM, i liked Joo Won a great deal, went on to see Good Doctor and YongPal... but still Joo Won needs a good "Ji-An"like female lead to soar high, like what Youngshin did for Changwook, and how Ji-An propel SIG, as much as we all swoon over Min, its always Ji-An that bring out that tears, and wipe that tears, and make him smile.....
Joo Won shined like Superman in BridalM, kissed his belle at Yong Pal.... nice to awe at,
but still, Healer, and IRY ... the best.


Hi mary of bethany

I'm still re-watching IRY even as I move on to other shows. Healer ruined me for the feels that I cannot find elsewhere and IRY has ruined me for the depth of character development and analysis and the richness of the symbols and clues.

I hope to see you on other threads before too long! :)


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know wat? i went a'healing at Healer sites last night... and remembered you and all the SG healerites .. best of it all.. whenever i see that cinema scene, i remember your fan-video.... its kinda warm feels....after almost half a year gone....
received my Director blueray... still yet to dare to open and watch.... am keeping it intact, felt like once i watch the Blueray finish, i will lost everything and nothing else to "keep me going".... this is how much un-Heal i am now.
was a bliss to see all familar giants like yourself, who graced the Heater DB Holy ground, your posts... and oosh... namedx... o namedx that giant thread this IRY sites too.
just pretty faces like Joo Won, and Lee Junki, Lee minho can't do much, if they are not paired with some girls that can have layered characters, not perfect but trusting, strong, ballsy, patience,... and well written deep characters.
have been around dramaland for a long time, (since Princess Hours...etc... can guess my age yeh)... nothing like Healer (and this IRY) ever moved me to yak on DB...
thought i will be sealed in that Healer cocoon, guess hyeon and his chest pounding scene, Ji-An and her moral compass (her hugs, her unfailing courageous reminders, her reading his minds....) bring me out of that cocoon.
GB, continue to "do your homework" (reading some background) and shine elsewhere... "Fighting"! :D


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I love the way SIG's characters leave us with new terms. Thank you very kamsa for a 15 plus alpha points show!


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I'm SIG huge fan and I'm dancing happily from the moment they started shooting to the wrap up party. His Lee Hyun is phenomenal. Stunningly different from his real life persona and his previous roles, though it might be closest to his Lee Hyung Suk role in Savvy.

I know he's not as lucky as other actors with same/less potential, so I'm happy his getting more recognition from his long long humble start. It is evident that he is a male lead material with strong potential. Hope he gets the recognition and projects he deserves.

Maybe put him together with Park Bo Gum again? That would be awesome eh. Those hot brothers. Gosh...


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@asmara yes please maybe in reply1988, PBG is there so SIG can do a cameo <333 i hope. BoGuk fighting.


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IRY was surely a jem indeed... i am a big fan of this series.. hope in future they made its sequel with same cast because the actors were so much imersed in their characters that it will be hard to see different actors in the roles in future... ( i am just hoping that they would make its sequel either , even i don't know they will make it or not... lolzzzzzzzzzz


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Guess i am a bit too late but would still want to leave my footprints here!

First of all, thanks so much rejoycie, reading your recap while listening to the IRY OST is such an enjoyable moment for me especially i am still having serious withdrawal symptom..... and 380+ comments! I guess IRY is really loved by overseas fans (despite the painful local ratings sob sob)

I have never adored a K drama for such a long time but IRY is really one of a kind! Despite the a-bit-too-open-and-lack-of-tension finale episode for me and some flaws (my fav ep would be Ep.12), IRY remains very well crafted from the plot to the characters and most importantly the messages. Most crime-solving thrillers focus more on cases and thrills but this one really give new depths to the characters and throw us thought-provoking questions like Nature vs nurture, Evil ones doing good deeds etc. It would be great if we could have at least 18 eps to clear more mysteries as I am as curious as Jian, what happened to Hyun during the 1-year disappearance and how did Min spent his 20 years with his beloved 'sam-chun' (I was so curious from the dinner scene when Min casually said 'yes we talk about murders during dinner sometimes...') etc. But good that the director did make some explanation on the catch-me-if-you-can ending, hope we are having more info like this from the Director's cut DVD (bought already!)

Speaking of the characters, I would like to quote from earlier comments: 'Park Bo Gum blew me away' (with his performance), I have never noticed this guy before but I think he is definitely someone to look out for since he's only 22! From the evil killer to the loving brother, this guy really shows his versatility which is much more than just a pretty face. As for Jang Nara, I am never a fan of her but i love her since IRY, while I appreciate that Jian is a female lead that 'defies stereotypes', I also love how JNR seems defying stereotypes by choosing this role too, it proves that she is not someone who could only play the candy-girl roles but also other distinctive roles as well! And SIG omg, I have only seen him from 1997 but am seriously considering picking up the High School King one, this young man has progressed so much and I am his acting-fan now lol love the side characters as well, especially the indebted friend, the scene while he is facing the killer-suspects is priceless!

And while I started this drama to see the JNR-SIG loveline (dont ask me why the poster just attracted me that way haha), this turns out to be the most low-key loveline in recent drama world, but even this relationship is only occupying little screentime if not tiny, you could still feel the caring and love within our lovebirds, not in a cheesy but more in an understanding way, how valuable and special is that? I guess most people said my thoughts on the bromance already, this bromance part is never in my expectation but I keep repeating the brothers' 'confrontation' scene...


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I guess most people said my thoughts on the bromance already, this bromance part is never in my expectation but I keep repeating the brothers' 'confrontation' scene just because it is so good... My another favorable scene would be when Jian giving Min a hug at this ep, even our Min might not be able to understand what Jian said at the moment but I hope at least he could feel some warmth from his 'sister-in-law', this kid needs some hugging T.T How I wish these 3 youngsters could live together happily ever after like what Jian had imagined...

Will always remember this 15+Alpha-rated show lol

P.S. Having a season 2 would seem too far but as IRY is produced by CJ (might be another production department but still the same family with tvN & OCN right ^^), could we cast Min in Bad Guys 2? Please, drama GOD =D


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What's Viki Talk?

I hope so too, that the commenters just feel a strong attachment to Min's character that they are actually throwing stones at Ji An (cmon, of all of them, she has the highest tenacity in keeping her moral compass intact despite her backstory)

I think I just understood Min from that angle, you know with having rewatched the episode for the nth time :) It closely connects to a comment by "ian" from before about Eun Bok screaming 'what do you know' when confronted by Seung Joo. Because as what "ian" pointed out, the reality is it is very easy to judge as an outsider when one has not lived other people's hell. Min's being made to believe that his idolized brother abandoned him and left him for dead (aka under the care of LJY). Loneliness really is a killer. It hit Min hard. And that one confession he had when he was about to die summed up his whole existence. He tailored his life on that idea and that emotion. Plus no one really educated him on matters like these things (though he's a lawyer, right? Hmmm)

It is just freakin tragic, Min's story. And the what if's come rolling in. If he hadn't gotten into the car, if only he grew up with Hyun, if only their dad was a competent psychiatrist. The writer is astounding, really knocks my wind out in amazement. Being able to create characters as deep and intricate as Hyun, Min, LJY, Ji An, Eun Bok, Planning Officer, list goes on. Even the cases for the week characters, 15 points plus alpha.

I still keep coming back to this thread and of other episodes, rereading the recap and other comments. It still feels like home, even with it having ended weeks ago.


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Ha, haven't been back here for a while, but it was a typo or autocorrect--it was supposed to be "Viki--talk about getting into the heads of people.: I was going to correct it but thought you might figure it out or not see it since my reply was so late.

Yeah, I think you're right, Ji An did have the most defined moral compass guiding her, and stepped up to confront people when they needed it. That is the definition of a true friend/true partner. But the vitriolic comments about her when she dared confront Min, wow.

I loved Min's character--PGB was stellar in the portrayal, and yes, I also believe--in fact know from very painful personal experience--that people don't know what something is like until they've experienced it. The writer is fantastic, you're right, in fleshing out all the characters, not just the leads. Early into he story she directly and indirectly painted Min for us, a young child traumatized and disturbed, to the point where he was killing animals. Without external guidance to nature a moral compass, and being raised by a psychopath, I guess that loneliness/abandonment defined him. Despite a good education, I guess.


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LOL! Welcome home! :)


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@Mary of Bethany

You guys! You all truly warm my heart. I do not know how to reply to the original comments so I opted to do so here, at the end. I hope you still see this. ?

Do you guys recommend watching Healer? Can it match the intellectual and emotional roller coaster ride of IRY?

I have seen a quote by Bjork that goes something like

"There are certain emotions in your body that not even your best friend can sympathize with, but you will find the right film or the right book, and it will understand you"

It kind of reflects how I am with IRY now. Funny how that turned out. And I feel like you guys are one of the reasons that is making this thread feel like home. I genuinely hope that we can continue to connect and share like this even after our beloved drama is long finished. I feel like you all have a beautiful mind. Take care always and let us wish with all our hearts that IRY will win many, many much deserved awards.


Haha ? I thought that was the case but I ended up clarifying it. Your insights and way of thinking is amazing BTW. Cheers!


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@steady Healer is a must watch. I can't really say that it matches the intellectual intensity of IRY but it definitely gives you the emotional punch. And the female lead is as ball-sy as Cha Ji An. It's a different genre altogether- its a romantic thriller, not a psychological one like IRY (there is some similarity with City Hunter, but its a lot better than CH). But, I guess I can safely say that you'll definitely like it. What I am basically saying is this show will surely "understand you"(in Bjork's words).

You know I am trying not to watch IRY again as it will further ruin me for other shows. Since IRY, I haven't been able to keep going with a show after first 2 episodes (except YongPal). So I am basically without any shows to watch!

Certainly hoping IRY gets many much deserved awards! And thanks a lot for mentioning my name! It definitely motivates me to comment more. Let's keep talking on this thread. :)


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@steady, yes, watch Healer. It's really a great ride--good action, intriguing back story and great characterizations. I consider it PMY's best role. Ji Chang is badass, funny, sexy and hurt all rolled into one, and what a fantastic portrayal of Cyber Ajumma by Kim Mi Kyung, who basically stars in every other kdrama made. And romance with a big payoff. It's great. IRY is my favorite but Healer is up there.

Yes, replying can be confusing. I can now respond to the right posts, but found I couldn't explain it just now. Perhaps it might be a good time to go to bed, lol.


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hahh.... you liked kim mikyung... mmm...me too. she gave me the exact "cyber ajummas" felts in Yongpal, infact she moves me more than Joo Won in Yongpal... hope she win some supporting award at year end for either Healer or Yongpal....
great story writing don't just give cheesy lines to OTP, to charm their fans, great Writer, spend effort in crafting depths into supporting roles beside the OTP, just like in Healer, their ahjummas silent stare into that giant frame when JungHoo yak about his helplessness ache you, Teacher last smile asking Junghoo to search for 3 goldfishes, 2 dogs, 1 cats at moru moru ache you, ... for IRY. Ji-An gaze as Hyeon slept on dreaming about Min ached you, the most unexpecting lines aching you came not from the OTP, but from LJY, “… I wanted to see what kind of adult you would become when you grew up… you can become a person like me (ghey mul), or you can become a person completely opposite of me, there isn’t just one door, you can leave by the front or thru the back door.” if only dad said that to Hyeon and LJY, and not LJY saying, LJY will not do what he did, Hyeon and Min will not suffer whatever they suffered. as much as i wanted in my conscience for LJY to be tried and serve sentence, i ached for him too. and his line above happened to be one of my best in the drama. i felt more for LJY, then MIn (oosp, i striked some sensitive chords out there... no offends to Min-Hyun shippers.)
Healer's touching lines moved me, in IRY, its the unspoken lines transpired by glares and gazes of JI-an and Hyeon and LJY that moves me.


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Yeah, Healer-ya!!! Well conceived and well delivered! :)


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@steady dear.
before "Healer", there was nothing.
that's that for me,... how should i put into words about this thing called "Healer" and the OTP crazes? i guess you should google for yourself, try dramabeans Healer sites, and moru moru island,
try :

am working now. wouldnt reply. will try reply you tonight.
one words, there were many "giants" that thread this sites which were once blessing the Healer sites, amazing writers like namedx, growing beautifully... etc.
talk 2 ya tonight.


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healer DB (ep 20 final ep) is currently running at 10296 comments. its madness (with a mega smile! we all contributed to that madness once...)
Healer isn't so dark and layered in "intellectual intensity" as IRY (as Obsessedmuch mentioned), but both begets flawed but achingly beautiful characters, thoughts provoking lines, and strong chemistry between leads like matching gloves... we may argue SIG and JNR status like noonas romance... but in IRY, i don't find any issue with that 6 yrs age gap.
they moves, and speak and shared silent so comfortably, as if they know each other since 20 yrs ago (Huh... i means SIG n JNR).
JCW and PMY the same, strongly recommend be healed at Healer after IRY.
(then, come back to IRY, if there are nothing worthy still...)
i am going strong at IRY again at ep 11 now. will go back Healer blueray set by IRY ep 16. Both Healer and IRY deserve that much from us, at least from me. a re-watch, and more re watch.


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re: Healer again. .... pardon me.
in fact i keep checking myself, what in healer that mesmerized me... was it really JiChangwook and Parkminyoung? nay... i watched his Five Fingers, his Vegetable Bachelor boys.... nothing stirred thus far.... it actually more than just a craze over the OTP. then, i realised, its a fix of flawed, very down to earth, simple, far from perfect characters, but sincere, passionate people, at times hurting each other, at times silently supportive.... Healer don't have great storylines, no hero saving the country theme, no dark plot, no controversy lingering, no climax shocking climax, no great inspiring educating "Lession to be learnt", but somewhat... a line here there, just strike your heartstring, ached your soul... for the first time in your life from your heart, you really wish how beautiful if these people were real (of cause they are not), and you allowed yourself to wish your life will be worth it, if ever you know there are such people living in the world elsewhere, or if only you know someone like that ahjummas or that youngshin dad. a fine show bring out the beauty in small roles, not just centred around the OTP, its delivered stirring lines from some ajummas, some uncles, some dads, some colleagues...
just one line from Chae young shin:
“… if I opened up my heart, someone would come and scar it, still I was ok with it, because if you have even one person you can truly trust, no matter how often you get stabbed in the back, you don’t get that hurt”
Healer is of another League, another realm, among legions of feel good dramas and look good casts. its just not about Jichangwook ... in fact i stop looking up his news already, he is Not Junghoo. And,....
IRY, somewhat not far from that realm.
at least, Hyeon's weeping scene, pounding his chest, and some of his aching lines with JiAn delivered as much.
“Media exists to diagnose and HEAL the diseases of this world.”(from Healer).
i don't think Media can heal the world, world problems too complex for that, but a simple line from Ji-An(both Ji An)can inspire me to do that right thing when the moment calls for my courage... a memorable line can do just for some of us. Both Ji-an can inspire me, to "become" the me that i should be. while we do not enjoy that kind of earth shattering love like our OTP, we too can dream that somewhat if given a chance, someone out there with the same situation, may enjoy such soul stirring relationship... if there are people that can love like them, how beautiful.


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OMG, chingus, you are still here! Awww this makes my heart warm! Love it.

@mary of bethany, thank you for mentioning my name. I think this is the first time other commenter mentioned my name and I'm very happy haha... This makes me understand more why people love DB more than other recap site, imo. The fantastic recap, the depth of discussion, the intelligent commenters, the sweet fangirl commenters (like me hehe), DB just excels. Coming to DB feels like coming home and see a bunch of good friends in such a cozy atmosphere over coffee and warm discussion.

So I just finished rewatching IRY last night, as a whole series. Its uncountable how many times I watched particular scenes that I love. Depending on the mood, whether I want to watch the romance, the bromance, the comedy, the angst, the warm moments, the intriguing psychological story, IRY has it all, complete in one packed series.

Rewatching the series I feel like I have more understanding on the story. I keep saying "ah, that's why he/she reacts that way" or "oh, so that's what it means". Knowing how the story ends didn't reduce the excitement of rewatching it at all.

If watching it for the first time gives you the suspense and the what-happen-next excitement, rewatching it gives you more opportunity to savor the layers. It gives you more time to ponder and think deeper on the meaning of each scenes. I keep hitting the pause button just to give my self more time to understand more on each action by the characters and to feel more.

That said, IRY is really a well thought drama with a meaty plot and multi layered characters to a point that watching once is not enough. You will always find something new while rewatching the series.

I must say, I watched this initially for the romance because I just love SIG and couldn't miss anything with him on it. And who could deny the sizzling chemistry from that couple poster. So I was more into the romance part.

And then the story got thicker and darker that I couldn't avoid to be amazed at the brother history. Hyun and Min story is so heart tugging. And SIG and PBG really nail it. From the way Hyun smiles forever lovingly to Min and the way Min keeps getting closer to Hyun regardless his distant facet, you just fall for them.

I'm not there yet to savor the psychological part. Maybe its the power of Kdrama to successfully weave a dark psychological story with a heartwarming romance and bromance that I don't pick up the psychological aspect yet. Still, now every time I watch psychological movies, I keep getting the IRY vibes. I guess IRY will stay long in my head lol.

Oh chingus, I have so many things to say in my head but I must admit that my English skill is not helping haha. That's why I love to read the recap and your comments. It's beautifully worded and so true. Thank you for all the sharing for this beautiful drama.


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+10 + Alpha


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@asmara I am re-watching it too!! And you have said everything that I was trying to say below in reply to a comment. I never noticed the hints the actors dropped with their acting in the earlier episodes as to who is Min and Lee Joon Ho. But now that I am watching it again, its very obvious who everyone is. And even knowing this doesn't take anything away from the brilliance of this show!


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@ObsessedMuch, Ikr, I used to love western movie with all that suspense thrilling scenes and plots but here in IRY I just in awe with the beauty of the journey of the plot while revealing each stories of each characters. I savor the story, then the meanings, then the acting, then the music, then hit replay button haha

@Growingbeautifully, can we write that +Alpha thing in other recap too or it's better to keep it exclusive for IRY? haha We all just need this 15+Alpha drama.


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yes, .. i still remembered the thrill when someone reply me, when i yak at Healer sites, about half a year ago... its awesome, that someone, at least one understand you, not just understand, but also agree with you, not just agree, but bother to reply u to encourage you.
fight on,and write on, some times even if no one reply, remember, for the sake of the great writing, the great production, the great acting, they really deserve that much from us... whatever we writes may be a drop at the ocean of fan-waves, seems nothing to the fandom,, but its a lot of little droplets of water in the ocean that made up the huge occean... happy to be contributing to the Voice of admiration that pour at their feets. its great to be a small part of this greatness.
at times when people don't agree with you, do not be discourage, just tell yourself, we all, agree to disagree... then everyone moves on to other dramas...( i went on to crazy ajummas, thought rambles, noonas over forks ....etc to see what they wrote about IRY... but, only DB felt like home.)
maybe down half a year later, i may wander back.. just like those at Healer sites, still going strong. at 10200+ comments. a great story and strong chemistry and fine acting deserve us to go back and savour even one year later. Healer do deserve, IRY also. somewhat, hoping that SIG or JNR or PBG or CWY read what some of you wrote, and be encourage by some fine writers out here... in fact some of the very excellent writers here were from the Healer-realms... oosp , i better go sleep, 1am now. when i don't know what i am yaking, ... means i better stop now. ... GOD BLESS.


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Mary of Bethany,

Thank you :) your words is really sweet. It really feels so good to watch and have a great length of discussion over our fave drama. Hope you have a good sleep and God bless our hearts deeply in love with IRY.


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I Love this drama so much that i download it from web in 720p now.. to watch it again and again in future... this drama is a GEM it is a MASTER PIECE.... must watch drama... 2015's best of the best production.. with awesome actors! should come with a sequel after sometime in Future with same actors...


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+ the Alpha thing


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Yup, I'm still rewatching IRY! Still good + alpha!!! :)


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A sequel would be truly awesome! This drama has so many potential to develop.

Like, a sequel on Hyun and Ji Ann trying to catch LJY and his kids. Of course with the help from Min while Min is being imprison. They can make it like a case per week format involving the inmates and outside criminals. And writer can still flesh out the psychological layer on the development of Min's personality and Hyun and Ji Ann's relationship. The bigger story would be catching LJY while questioning whether each of LJY kids are in a better position or not after they met LJY.

Is this too much to ask for Kdrama gods? I would love to see the future of Hyun, Ji Ann, and Min. Each of them has a very strong characterization thus it is easy to move them in any plot since it's less work on writer's shoulders in deciding each character's action.

Uh, maybe it's really the time to move on before I turn my self into a very amateur writer and write far from quality fanfic for my self haha


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@asmara i second your opinion :)... and Yes, @ LarryMimosa & Growingbeautifully drama was really awesome + alpha.. :)


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Then I'll make time to watch Healer since you all recommended it ? thank youuu

I hope you find other shows to watch soon, something as engaging as IRY or Healer. ? I'm like you, trying my hardest not to rewatch IRY again. ?

Still lost on how to reply to the right posts ? might also be a good time for me to go to bed as well. Heh. ?

Hello there! ?

Still feels like home. I am finding that I cannot say it enough. I'm becoming like a broken record. Noooooo ?


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Hi @steady

You may like to try something lighter like Twenty Again to help you out of the IRY-less doldrums. :). It's promising so far.


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@steady I lost the battle with myself and started watching IRY all over again and I am loving it more and more! :P

I can now understand some scenes which i earlier almost ignored. While I was watching IRY for the first time, the waiting period of 6 days made me almost rush through the episodes but now I am watching it at its own sweet pace and I am loving every moment of it. What I took earlier as a suspense thriller has now turned into something where I know what will happen next, but i am still awed by it. It feels like a worn out old favourite book :)

If you have any good shows in mind, please do suggest :)


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I, too, intend to watch Healer after hearing so many rave comments on it. It got more than 10K comments on its final recap and is still increasing. Wow. That's amazing. You people in DB love it so much.

Is that the only recap with that extraordinary number of comments? Then I have to prepare my self. Not ready yet coz my mind still linger in Hyun's world. Every time I sit in front of my computer I ended rewatching IRY. TT

Imo, this is the most mature love line for SIG with his female co-star. He played high schooler twice so its more like a hot sizzling love line. Yes, he had love line in his saeguk drama but uh, it felt like In Guk is the only one who built the romance. I like his romance in Master's Sun but it wasn't truly developed.

Here, Hyun and Ji Ann relationship is so mature. Hyun knows to what extent Ji Ann is capable for. Like, he didn't help Ji Ann when Ji Ann was taken to hospital for the first time. He didn't visit Ji Ann while Ji Ann is back to hospital. But when Ji Ann's body is found, he knows that Ji Ann needs him even though Ji Ann said she prefer to go home. That moment when Hyun just took Ji Ann home in front of the other team members, oh so gentle and manly.

And Ji Ann is not pushy at all. She knows when she has to wait, to stop, and to be bold to Hyun. I love it that at the beginning Ji Ann always kept a distance from Hyun whenever Hyun patted her head or touched her shoulder because she didn't want to over think Hyun's affection. But when she truly recognized her feeling, she went for it, and got that fish kiss haha Still then, they just took it casually. Ji Ann knew Hyun had another priority and she just waited, without even asking it. She just knew.

Uh, if only I could say it better. I just love that they respect each other and don't make a fuss for nothing. Say what your heart want to say. Not, say what you need to say.


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Sorry. I meant "Ji Ann's father body". I need to take a break from IRY. Before re watching it again.


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"It got more than 10K comments on its final recap and is still increasing. Wow.''. Asmara, you do realize that half of those are Mary of Bethany and Obsessed Much, right? :). You know I never followed Healer here on DB but a few weeks ago happened to look at the final recap and was startled at that many comments. Then I ran across a podcast from that timeframe, the "Healer Special" (which, I assume is all about Healer. Doh). No shortage of love for that show, it is good.

Yes, I totally agree about the mature love line... don't discount yourself, you've said it beautifully. It is mature, patient, building, caring. A hot romance is great, but I so prefer the slow build up where those gentle touches--holding hands, brushing back the hair, patting her head... makes me swoon every time I see it. Love, love the romance in here, so organic, so unlike typical kdramas. Because of its understatement, and obviously because of the wonderful bromance, I think a lot of viewers underestimate how important that relationship is to Hyun. Yet JiAn is critically important to him being ready to recognize the reality of his past and the present Min. Nicely said.

One show I just started rewatching--and forgot how awesome it is--is Two Weeks... such a great show, fast paced suspense but such heart. My husband is still a bit neutral after the second episode, but I predict he'll love it (if not I'll make him). If anyone hasn't seen it, I'd highly recommend it.


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Hi @LarryMimosa, aww thank you for not giving me discount on that haha.

Ah, so Mary of Bethany and Obsessed Much are really that much in love for Healer. Even half of 10K comments is such a great dedication. I think they should join "Spill the Beans".

Healer is on my next KDrama list after this after-party feels for IRY ended. Hyun, Min and Ji Ann just won't let me go. I ended rewatching it again for the third time and up to ep 8 now. Oh God.

I can't lie, I often imagine what if Hyun and Ji Ann ever comes into a hot romance phase. If only head patting and hands holding elevated us that high, where would we go then if they ever passes that level. Yes, we have that kiss but idk why it gives less impact haha. I heard it's the last scene so they just wanted to wrap it up.

I love it when Ji Ann hugged Min. It really gives me a sister-in-law feeling. It's so touching and endearing that Ji Ann took off her cop hat and acted like a big sister to Min. It made me squeal coz it also showed the growth of Hyun and Ji Ann as well. Ji Ann acted as Hyun's couple. I know some ppl irked on that but to see how much Hyun and Ji Ann relation has developed is so sweet.


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@Larry Mimosa and @asmara.. While I am surely an unabashed fan of Healer, I have never commented on any site for any other show! I have actually just begun this whole commenting thing purely for my undying admiration of IRY.
So, sadly, I have not contributed even one comment on the Healer thread! But now that I know of its popularity, I am thinking of going there and giving one or two to immortalize my name along with other die-hard Healer fans :P


@ObsessedMuch, ah my mistake then, sorry :) but glad to know that I'm not the only one who decided to jump into this pool of commenting and posting things on IRY world. This drama truly brings out our passion eh since only watching is not enough. We just really need to share this gem. :)


@asmara IKR? I want others to watch this show and then talk to me about how they love it! Just so I can affirm my love for IRY!


“Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him.” (Proverbs 26:27), the scripture delivered by Hyeon who found no comfort in his vengeance, towards the malicious father wailing his demised son (victim of his own spiteful plotting, ep 7.) Then Hyeon remembered Ji-An’s assurance that he’s not a monster, but what did he just accomplish?
Hyeon, knowing he was different from other kids was bad enough, killing mom’s murderer scarred him, Min’s secretive monstrous acts worn him out, dad’s suspicious led to incarceration (instead of seeking proper therapy by psychiatrist for him) add further chills to the tormented child. Yet Min’s testified falsely to dad against Hyeon doesn’t matter to him, as long as Min need not be confined underground, he’s willing to sacrifice for hope that Min will grow up normal.
Doubting himself that he has the monster traits grafted within him, he judged himself daily & practiced self-control persistently, but was profoundly tolerating to those he loved. By ep 9, Hyeon started to suspect his Min was the lurking cold-blooded monster, “Right now, I’m afraid that he might be alive, or my guess might be right.” To have a dead but unblemished brother, is better than a living but unrepentance sick brother. To finally discover having one that in fact did ever killed 9 humans is shattering. Yet there is a rare gift in Hyeon; to be able to empathise with “the forsaken ones”, in the likes of Min, LJY, & Lee Jeong An (the “a flower by road side”). Because his love for Min, he will make sure Min can live as a human clean to see his Creator, whether not Min understand what it means.
He quoted the Proverbs above is evidence that this lad does know his Scripture, since it’s an uncommon bible verse. This drama did something out of norm, prompting that we will ultimately be judged by our God the Creator, whether you do believe God does exist not? That past 20 years, by his own freewill, he seek God’s strength as he went to the church to pray… knowing that he need to suppress that bad wolf within.
“…Avenge not yourselves… vengeance is mine, I will repay…. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” (Romans 12:19-21) which is a more famous scripture, should be an aptly response to the verse that Hyeon quoted above. The Gracious God is against us avenging ourselves, and He will avenge us His children. His vengeance often turn the evil’s devices on their own heads by their own craftiness. The blindness of malice when we plot in vengeance against those who injured us, it is against ourselves we injured. In the sight of God, by provoking him against us, we then injure ourselves. What goes around, comes around.
3 Questions:
1. What if the criminal doesn’t believe in presence of God? What should be his Measure of Justice? Does the Law of the country alone sufficient to judge? What if the very country he resides in, has very loose laws? If there are no strong enough evidence to have...


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3 Questions:
1. What if the criminal doesn’t believe in presence of God? What should be his Measure of Justice? Does the Law of the country alone sufficient to judge? What if the very country he resides in, has very loose laws? If there are no strong enough evidence to have him incarcerated? If he fear not God? What is justice?
2. Is Mercy more important than Justice? Is there really a necessarily to judge sin as completely white and black, shouldn’t there be tones of grey? What if the criminal was borne out from some childhood traumas and bad upbringing? What if the criminal sincerely think he is not wrong, as he is mentally ill? What if he is normal but has already repented in heart? What if it was already a cold case many years ago, can he not go to some deserted island and live a quiet life forever?
3. If Victims were actually all bad guys? Should we just forgive the murderer if the victims killed are all baddies, which are unable to be judged by laws? But who confirm that the victims are really bad before they were killed? In cases when the killing of a victim (who has threatened but not really hurt anyone yet) can benefit many, can someone be justified in killing him to save many?

I like us, to look away from main casts, to take a peep at the 9 lives that were taken by Min. But even if there is Only One life, each is precious in God’s eyes. Whatever bad things they once did to anyone, they shalt leave behind a trail of sadness by their demises. They were after-all some mother’s beloved children, some brother’s beloved brother/sister, or some wife’ beloved husband. Should we carry out private penalty if the Country’s Laws is unable to incarcerate them? No trials given, execution secretive, and corpses just vanished without even ashes for the loved ones to bury. Even if that evil victim was an orphan without any single friend/kin to mourn his passing, even so let the Law of the Country judge that one, and let him faced his Creator one day and suffer hell eternity.

“… for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me... For I delight in the law of God after the inward man:” (Romans 7:18-22). Ultimately, the Law of God is what helps us feed the good wolf within. Ji-An’s doubts that “I’m the same monster as LJY” revealed his deepest fear & hurts, Ji-An whom he thought will trust him, also doubted him? As he almost transformed into one at ep 16, only show that he has gone such a great job in past 20 years curbing that bad wolf within. Then we found Hyeon (who trusted in the good wolf in everyone) sat serenely at the same bench as LJY, he overcometh and let LJY go, not just because he wants back Min’s (alive or dead), but he was hoping LJY may feed his own good wolf too. Just like when Ji-An thanked him for stopping her own “bad wolf” from...


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I still have one question here. You are right that Hyeon almost became monster on ep16 when he believed Min was killed by LJY. I just wonder why he would kill LJY. In the past 20 years he worked so hard to control himself not to become monster. Even though LJY killed his father and took away Min, he never wanted to kill him for revenge. However, on ep16, he almost killed LJY and became monster. If not stopped by the lady, Hyeon already became monster now.


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I think it is a normal response from Hyun. Even a normal people will be lost his mind when he see a killer...psychopat who killed his father and kidnapped his brother for 20 years, now in front of him and just killed his brother.

For 20 years Hyun never try to find LJY and take revenge because he lost his memory. He more felt guilty because he think he is the reason his father killed, than hate to the the killer.

But when he know the truth..., he even curse his adoptive mother to life in hell for lying to him about LJY and never looking for Min!

He killed someone for protecting his brother even when he still a little kid, it is self defense. What the different now? That is the killer of his father standing there, and just stabed his brother to dead. I'll be confused if he not do anything to kill this person.
Forgiveness, it's not come in mere of second, you know.


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Thanks for your insight. I got your point here. I do understand why Hyun got anger and lost senses when he realized Min was killed by LJY. Everyone does in this case. I just wonder if not being stopped by the lady, would Hyun really already killed LJY and became monster eventually.


OO I forget Hyun say this at the last episode, that he pety LJY a little, but..., he will never forgive him and understand him.
He is that harsh to LJY.


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“… for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me... For I delight in the law of God after the inward man:” (Romans 7:18-22). Ultimately, the Law of God is what helps us feed the good wolf within. Ji-An’s doubts that “I’m the same monster as LJY” revealed his deepest fear & hurts, Ji-An whom he thought will trust him, also doubted him? As he almost transformed into one at ep 16, only show that he has gone such a great job in past 20 years curbing that bad wolf within. Then we found Hyeon (who trusted in the good wolf in everyone) sat serenely at the same bench as LJY, he overcometh and let LJY go, not just because he wants back Min’s (alive or dead), but he was hoping LJY may feed his own good wolf too. Just like when Ji-An thanked him for stopping her own “bad wolf” from seeking vengeance, and he told Ji-an that its she herself that stop “it” herself, not him. Same case, he must be the one making the effort to stop that wolf himself, by the Spirit in him in us, we can. Thus, it’s Ji-An again who trusted in the good wolf in Hyeon, that will bring out that good wolf in him. Having Ji-An as his daily moral compass, his “most precious one” beside him, daily inspiring him, to feed the good wolf, till one day you meet your Creator.
Cometh what may? What each of us needs, just like ep16 that last scene, is a “Precious One” walking besides….


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"he told Ji-an that its she herself that stop “it” herself, not him"

I love this scene. Hyun trusts and believes in Ji Ann. He never takes any opportunity to look better in Ji Ann's eyes. These two, really, just two grown ups walking side by side, only giving, never asking in return. So beautiful.

I will always remember this beautiful romance from Hyun and Ji Ann. More than other romances that leaves us a strong sweet memories, Hyun and Ji Ann is inspiring. I Love Them.

And I'm so happy to meet you awesome guys here. Dramabeans could be my another addiction with potential of obsession haha. Would be happy to see you in other threads.


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Sorry, but i fell your impression of Hyun little bit overkind. Don't know to put it into word. But, It's look like Hyun is a saint in your eyes...
Hyun not a bad person, but he also not a saint.
He clearly said that he will never forgive and understand LJY. He said that too to his adoptive mother. In my opinion, he is a realistic person who still can hate the peoples who hurt his cherised persons (Jian and Min). He is more human than what you described him.


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Is anyone here a fan of the British series Sherlock (Bennedict Cumberbatch). If you are, have you noticed that first two episodes of IRY were similar in style to Sherlock(the messages, codes and clues displayed on screen plus many more). I actually got hooked to the show because of those similarities. Sherlock + Kdrama romance seemed like a perfect combination. Later on, i think, IRY let go of that style, though it maintained the similarities in Hyun's character which is very close to a Sherlock Holmes type.


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I haven't watched Sherlock but I agree with you that IRY seems to slowly let go of that style with Hyun's thinking deduction animation. Could it be because of the live shooting system and they didn't have enough time for it?


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Yeah that's quite possible. Plus, they had so much content to be inserted into only 16 episodes.. Maybe that kinda animation would have taken up more time that the show couldn't afford to give.


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Loved Sherlock, especially being able to watch all there "seasons" on a weekend visiting my niece in the wine country. So funny how diff that is than what I'm used to in the US. IRY you definitely gave off a Sherlock vibe, but honestly I had forgotten some of the animations you mentioned--I'm planning on buying Sherlock at one point so will look for that. But yes, good point, Asmara, that the live shoot system might have changed those aspects in IRY.


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Ah! All 3 seasons in one day would have made the day perfect then! :).. I have done that too with Sherlock!


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Don t get me wrong, I did like Min, and I really enjoyed the two brothers together. I think you re right that Min went with the purpose of sacrificing himself, and would have been happy with Min surviving if it didn t feel like the story was zigzagging in every direction for no reason.


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Although this show is a rarity in that no episode felt like a waste of time and everything was incredibly engaging and kept me wanting more, I felt that the ending was a little lacking. As rejoycie says, there's none of the heartbreak I was dreading but looking forward to at the same time. Although most of the loose ends were successfully tied and there were no alarming unanswered questions, I wanted to be left tears and uncontrollable emotions. That said, I have been left with a hunger for more Seo In Guk (that mole, the smirk!!!!) ;)
All in all, thanks to all for this fantastic drama :D If anyone wants to see some more angsty bromance with a touch of romance, I STRONGLY suggest watching Ouroboros (a japanese drama). Although there isn't much of a seo-in-guk-level eyecandy, that ending...


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"emotional punch to the gut I was thirsting for"


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@ikie many people were not too happy with the ending. For me, it wasn't what I was expecting but it was pretty good in its own way. The only problem it created for me was that it left me craving for a season 2 or even an episode or two more! Seo In Guk is REALLY hot! And I completely agree about the mole and smirk- they are irresistible! :)


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Hi guys, I'm still coming back here hehe. Still having the urge to talk about this beautiful gem with its forever gorgeous male lead, my number 1 bias, SIG. Yeah, I need to grow up. Sadly, that is never going to happen. Not for SIG.

But I'm happy to say that I'm ready to move on. Yay. Just finished watching it for the 3rd time, countless MVs, non stop lurking here and there for recaps and reviews. Now, next drama, please.

That said, I'll always bring this fond memory of having a blast while watching IRY. Hyun, Ji Ann, dan Min will forever be in my heart. Especially for SIG and JNR, thank you for giving me Hyun and Ji Ann.

The plot might not moved based on the romance but still, it shines so bright and I'd love to give credit to the brilliance of the writer and the outstanding acting by SIG and JNR.

This drama never spoke the obvious and as a viewers, I am delighted to be part of its journey. Thank you my 15+alpha drama. And thank you to all beanies here, Larry Mimosa, Mary of Bethany, and ObsessedMuch. Happy watching whatever drama you're watching atm.


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@asmara Hii :) This thread has become a little slow right? But I am sure that over the months, if and when people watch IRY, they ll feel the need to comment and share their love for this brilliant show! I am going to keep coming here off and on, and commenting.

I have finally begun to move on too! (A little only). I am watching Liar Game right now, which is quite brilliant (and the villain from My Love from the Stars is in it). But I have to say- I tried many shows after IRY but none were good enough as my mind was full of Hyun, Ji An, Min and everyone else.

I too want to thank all of you who made my IRY obsession(which actually is the reason behind my username here,btw) seem enjoyable. Let's meet on other threads too :)


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asmara dear.
yeah... am still here, like ya. still lurking here.
have not been posting, cause worry my much writing do irritates people at times.
actually, i had already gone thru TWICE the whole 18 ep.
the second times, i was writing notes, wanting to do a "Plea in defence of Cha Ji-An" worthiness project.... Due to work stress, i couldn't do much in the night.
why "cha ji-an"? because i read far much critics against her, nothing against Min, just wanted to speak on her behalf... guess Jang Nara herself may not even know the anti sentiments arose against her by Team Min.
please do come back a while. the craze of IRY somehow will dies down, when new dramas are churning out by weeks. its inevitable, but i believe, years later, it will still uniquely means something to a small handful of us. actually was trying to read, what does IRY meant to the Main Leads like Seo InGuk andJang Nara and Park BoGum... hope IRY is unique to at least one of them, as something really stands out among all other dramas they acted in. means IRY felt unquely special to them, not just one of those projects and move on. when Healer was finished, Park MinYoung said, her Chae YoungShin is her best role now, "someone" she loved as her best acted character,.... so did JiChangwook always said even now that JungHoo made fans like him before .... hope Lee Hyeon will be remembered by Seo InGuk, not just by us. so will Ji-An be treasured by Nara.
i am greedy right?
was still watching YoungPal (my idols Joo Won, and Jo Hyun Jae acting)... but i couldn't follow a show just because my "idols" acting it... jsut like i didn't start IRY because in the beginning i found Seo InGuk not very handsome (please don't kill me).
so, let's once a blue moon wander back here ep 16, to see whether others who watch IRY much later than us post anything.
my experience: i left Healer ep 20 at about 3000+ postings at dramabeans... i move on to other dramas without "any soul".... aimlessly, then found IRY half a year later, ... when i return to Healer ep 20, it's about 10K postings.
who knows how many will IRY touches as months goes by.
so, "fighting"!!!!!


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Ok, so I haven't been here for a while... early September is a hard time of year... but seeing your comment, Asmara, "whatever drama you're watching atm " I thought I'd recommend one to you, Obsessed Much, Mary of Bethany, Kafanyu, since we all obviously appreciate quality scripts/writing/production -- Yoona's Street.

I can't believe I started watching it, 50 episodes and all, but needed to lose myself in something these last couple weeks. I had seen a few comments here and there how good it was, but the length always gave me pause. Then I noticed Yoona's Street was nominated in the Seoul Drama Awards for best screenplay; Along with IRY and Misaeng, the latter I believe won. But YS is fantastic.. and very underrated I believe. During the first few minutes I thought 'this is going to be good' -- great acting, wonderful production quality, quirky and endearing characters who invite you to live in their world.

I'm only up to episode 17, but it is one that keeps you wanting to see the next. Which you have to remember if you're delving into this long of a drama, lol. Anyway, just thought I'd mention it.


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@Larry Mimosa It feels so nice when I see new comments have been added! :)

Thanks for the recommendation. I have not seen any kdrama with 50 episodes till now but if you are suggesting it, it must be good :)


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No one's going to see it back here but.... gah, this was a wonderful drama. Absolutely wonderful. It's been weeks now and I still can't move on...


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@kafanyu You are not alone! There are many here who still miss this drama :)


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loving something is a great experience, that benefit the one who lloves, more than the one been loved.
loving an idol, or a character in a drama...is a beautiful walk too.... to treasure a character, even if its fiction.. itself is a walk.. how many of us can truly say when we loved our friends, we are loving the real "them"....
its perfectly fine to "still can't move on"... many friends may call us addicted.. or crazy... never....
Lee Hyeon and Ji-an (or Min to many)... deserve that much, to be "REMEMBERED".
this show is about rememberance, and choosing "To Be" what we should be or what we want to be.
there will be people many weeks later, randomly saw the drama too late, and regret never join in the wagon-fun while it was running....
so there will be people who see what you post.


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@Mary of Bethany "loving something is a great experience, that benefits the one who loves, more than the one been loved"

Such a beautiful statement. And so very true! :)

And i am sure we are crazy in many people's dictionary but who cares, right! :D


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Oh that is so beautiful! Yes to that. I am delighted to feel the love to IRY. Call me crazy but I still think about IRY every time I watch other dramas.

I'm sure you already know that SIG and JNR and IRY writer are nominees on Korea Drama Award. Even just being nominated made me happy. This means that the KDA committee recognize and acknowledge IRY's quality compared to other higher rating dramas. Some nominess are being bashed as unfair and unjust but I hope this doesn't reflect the poor quality of the award.

SIG might has a strong competition on his category imo, I don't know on JNR, while on IRY writer sadly I think Misaeng writer will win. I love IRY but I must admit that Misaeng is flawless.


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I had not seen this nomination for KDA yet; cool after the script and SIG were nominated in Seoul Drama Awards as well.

I actually had this conversation w my husband about Misaeng and IRY...he loved both but said he liked IRY a bit more. Perhaps it's just fresher in his mind, since we both marveled when we watched Misaeng at how the scriptwriter was able to create a relatable world within a banal environment, where main and side characters come to life, and deliver such deep life lessons using baduk as a backdrop. I mean, business-oriented dramas are not to everyone's taste, but if you think about the industry and jobs Misaeng portrays...gah, it is genius.

IRY script is fantastic as well, delving so deep into moral and behavioral questions, teasing out a wealth of nuances in psychological and sociological issues. I just wish every drama could deliver like these two. Yoona's street is up there with them... fantastic writing.


“and people just kept going to his house to get injured.” This made me LOL. This whole show I was like, why do people just keep going over to the psychopath serial killer’s house for a visit when they know he’s a psychopath serial killer? That seems unsafe.


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Ji-An went alone to his house trice.
the first time, she went without knowing his identity. infact she was sort of wandering around with the towel wrapped around her head, panic over where to pass time after escaping out of the window. its only on the way to LJY house, then she pieced the jigsaw together and started to suspect LJY.... as a cop, she knows its her duty to dig further...
esp when she discovered the Hidden Room on her first visit, she knew someone needs to enter into that room to retrieve whatever evidence possible before LJY destroyed them. Knowing Hyeon's ability to accomplish whatever he aimed to do with anyone, esp LJY's obseession with Hyeon, she knows that night when LJY met with Hyeon was that golden opportunity. we must always remembered that she is a cop, she's not just some belle or heiress waiting for her hunk to take all the risks... before fighting on LJY, she has been chasing knifes flashing criminals... she said herself to Hyeon that its common to get bruises when she went for Arresting missions.
as for the final trip down when she went taping his conversation, i found it fine to lead LJY to leak himself, only things is she shouldn't aim the gun at LJY when he turned around to walk away.. she should jsut provoke him by words... the only thing i have against Ji-An throughout the whole drama is her unbalance approaches toward Min and LJY. while she was profoundly patience to Min, and counsel Min. she was dagger sharp with mocking and hurting words every single times she met him after her father's corpse was found. guess, LJY's evil crimes was on a personal ground, hurting her more directing, than Min's evil crimes, she empathised with Min as "forced into evil passively".


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kikidee, please see posting 142 for what i wrote about Hyeon.
regarding why Min went suicidal terror act into LJY's lair. i guess, Min has already "lost it" by it, out of his hopelessness, and his guilt that the drawings he sent to Hyeon made Hyeon rememebered his past and ended in much misery. Min realized himself as he witnessed Hyeon's facial expressions (a few occasions) when Hyeon's was anguished over Min's cold-blooded reactions over deaths of certain people, he realised Hyeon was helpless over Hyeon's own sense of righteousness, that Hyeon has the responsiblilties to arrest Min, but Hyeon kept silent and was tempted to allow Min to move on... Hyeon was tempted to suppress his own justice... Min knows that Hyeon can never be happy as long as Min doesn't pay for his crimes, yet Min knows Hyeon will be miserable if he has to singlehanded cuff him. So out of his helplessness of continuously hurting Hyeon, not because he felt repentance. He seek suicide terror mission.


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regarding why Hyeon went to confront LJY... he knew from the beginning of LJY's Obsession over him, even when he chided LJY, he was much in controled of himself... the only times he totally lost it was when he suspected Min may not be bathing, and has secretly went for a suicidal terror mission to "terrorize" LJY... he has no choice but to stop Min, so he banged into LJY's lair was a rescue mission, he's turning into "hulk" was a natural result, not Hyeon like any of us, do has a evil human nature in us, which will only surface when our deadliest weakest nerve is triggered, and its up to individual to overcome that deadliest moment of our life, to succumb to senses or suppress and let our Creator give us justice in His Due Time. was hoping Writer actually will let Hyeon himself controlled himself, and stop himself from killing LJY. that's my idea of perfect ending.


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@mary of bethany, lol at your confession on SIG, I won't kill you haha as much as I'm that close to worship him, I'm fully realize that SIG is far from Korean standard of handsome man. Still, I love him to pieces for that. That strong arms on Lee Hyun's tight shirt haha ups sorry.

It's blue moon now, so I'm back. I'm watching Healer now, up to ep 6. I like it. The big story made me hooked. Still trying to feel the leads chemistry tho. I'm sure it'll come. I put trust in all of you and Javabeans haha

And forgot to write before that IRY has more than 20 friggin' drinking time! Mostly tea. Wew writer nim and PD nim sure love to see our psycho and friends hanging out sipping tea together eh. Add that with dinner time, cooking time, and lunch time haha Leave that delivery/fast foods to other villains ha.


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@asmara I noticed the amount of tea, drink, food times too!! It was almost repetitive. They were always doing one of those while talking!

Healer will get you in the end, I can guarantee it! I have till date not seen a person who saw that show and didn't like it (this has sadly been the case with IRY).

It would be difficult for SIG to win the KDA. Even the writers of IRY have a lot of competition. Still, at least our favourites have been nominated. This proves that our obsession with IRY was not without any reason. :)


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huh,,,, actually, after that scene when he start "sleep over' at Ji-an there,, the sleeping together on the floor scene.. and that climax scene, when Jian confessed that she don't think he is a monster and requested for real partnership.. then asking for a movie.. and he wouldn't hide his genuine amusement, and smile.. i just loved it when he smile a REAL GOOD GENUINE SMILE. not the smirk or mocking kinds. a real good hearty smile. it is then, i start finding SIG has one of the most charming smile. he must smile then his whole facade change and tingle and glow. i stopped calling him ugly, and watch my show in silent, my family members asked, "why ugly, still want to watch?" i simply ignored them, urrgh.. don't disturb me, too timid to admit, he is handsome when he smile, afterall.
so, i retrieve my ignorant words, .. LOL. sincerely.
and ever handsome or not. His chest pounding scene, seriously deserve that nob from Best Actor Nomination, at least MUST BE NOMINATED, IF NOT WIN. if he dont win, at least Ji chang wook should. hahaha, i am, shamelessly, cheering for these 2.
shameless, and proud. LOL.


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I am late to the party- just finished all 16 episodes 10 minutes ago!

Almost missed out on the drama (too busy catching other shows) but Seo In Guk (i fell in love with him in Reply 1997- didn't finish that drama, but still fell for him) and Jang Nara (she is a natural WHO JUST DOESN'T age) caught my attention.

It is a little early to say but i think this gets my vote for the best drama i have seen in the past two years. I Hear My Voice is a close contender. This sort of thriller-romance is just right up my alley.

I like every single person in the cast, and i think the brotherly love is super touching. The romance between Cha Ji An and Lee Hyeon is full of sparks but it is the slow-to-sizzle, super cute kind of sparks and really fits well!!!


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@j56 Better late than never I say! :)

IRY surely is an awesome show, though I can't truthfully say this is the only show I loved recently. I am a fan of I Hear Your Voice, along with other gems like Healer, Pinocchio and My Love from the Stars.


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j56, Obsessedmuch,
LOL...i am also a fan of I hear your Voice. think that is the Queen of Noonas love story.
and i totally don't feel the age gap any problem between Lee Bo young and Lee Jongsuk.... but IHYV didn't draw me out of my cocoon to post on dramabeans like Healer and IRY. i just amuse myself reading in silent.
Lee Jongsuk makes every females actresses who acts with him look truly like they are the only one true love, when he cries over them... Lee JongSuk is one hell of a Best Male Crying Scene Actor.... hahaha. but i have given my hear to JiChangwook's Park Bongsookie. too bad lah.
j56, you won't be the last one here. there will be many other late comers as well. a good show will draw late viewers, not matter how late.


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@Mary of Bethany You are absolutely right about Lee Jong Suk. He makes us believe that all of his leading ladies are the most beautiful women in the world. He just knows how to bring out the chemistry. He should be given an award just for the fact that he taught Park Shin Hye how to kiss! :P

But for me, the Best Male Crying Actor should be jointly given to Kim Soo Hyun and Jongsuk! They just know how to cry and still look amazing! :)

I just realised I love sooo many K-actors that I cant even chose one over the other- SIG, Ji Changwook, Lee JongSuk, Kim Soo Hyun and Kim Woo Bin!


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Jongsuk's Su-ha makes every noonas in the world (or every ahjummah) think that "there is nothing wrong with noonas love, infact noonas love is HOT."
at least, Lee jongsuk's Su-ha tears makes you want to wipe it off every times,... it vulnerable, the perfect mate for every noonas... and boy he kissed very passionately, as if every kiss is his first love, at least he makes you believe that.... hahaha.
but i still ardently love my bongsookie from Healer.
huh... think SIG can do as well... but SIG's gift is not displayed well here in IRY... so sad.
loved kdrama's kisses, very intense, but pure.... till you almost believe and hope that OTP must be the only OTP in the world at that moment, Jichangwook and Jongsuk and SIG can make you ship the OTP and make they really go marry Park Min Young (bongsook), Lee Bo YOung (for jongsuk), and Jang Nara (for SIG)... that you think in your heart, Jichangwook, don't you dare kiss another girl after park min young... i'm obsessed right?
their "skill" are so passionate, but none of the 50 shades' flirt...
(if you think i "talk dirty"... hahaha... do read the posts of Healer ep 15, 16, its hilarious-extreme. the noonas there are simply awesome when they talked about "these things".


huh.. typo error "the girl he kissed".... what i typed wrongly sound very wrong...LOL


I have no problem talking about kisses! After all, we all should agree, we eagerly wait for those kisses in the dramas we love! I think the concept of "pure love" is what first drew me to k drama world. It was like the 90's Indian movies (dunno about the innocent love timeline for American movies).

I dunno much about noona love. Most of the actors I love are my age or older. But yeah Jongsuk makes it look like the most amazing love story :D


For IRY, Healer, and You're All Surrounded fans, I just found this,


Enjoy!!! :D

Yes, I'm fully aware that the competition is strong for SIG on KDA, I don't know the other nominees but I def recognize the one from Misaeng and he's good. Still I'm having my fingers crossed for SIG to win. Never lose hope till end right haha

@ObsessedMuch, that drinking and eating thing while talking is one of the consistency this show has from the beginning till end. Just like the case per week, they also have like tea time per ep haha And that interrogation scene as well like in every 2 ep. I like it. It really has potential for season 2 with this kind of style but sadly I know it's impossible given the circumstances.


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Hahaha Yup... Ill be hoping for an SIG win till the end. And if Jang Nara and the screen writers win then that will be beyond awesome! :)

I enjoyed the link you gave. Thanks :D

And all we can do is hope that the circumstances you mentioned change and IRY comes out with a 2nd season. I mean, a girl can dream atleast :P


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asmara,you make my day.. where did you find this hilarious piece. i don't really hook on You'r surrounded. but having IRY and Healer on the same boat is heavenly enough.
massive thanks.


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ikr, I just found it while searching for IRY MVs and I love it! It would be super awesome if KBS be so kind to us and make a cross over of IRY and Healer even just for one special ep.

A badass detective, a hot genius profiler (ehem sorry I feel I must add "hot" there haha), a sassy reporter, a high skilled night courier, and the lawyer/convict? Lee Min, now that would be super interesting. I'd pay to watch that. I can imagine how Lee Hyun will be pissed to see there is another "annoying" Ji Ann haha


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‘Sorry’ isn’t going to be enough, right?” “are you going to disappear without saying a word, if so, you can leave forever right here.” “I let you off easy this time”
“I wanted to ask what happened, what you did and where, but you’re going to say not to ask you, right?”
“I missed you.” (Hyeon)…. “mmm…(means okay)”. (Ji-An)
“A lot.”… “mmm…(means okay)"
this confession of "missing you" completes the kissing scene afterward, give it depth, and makes them "deserve it" so much.
Another fine moment, where lesser words portray deeper emotions, simple words replaced cheesy romantic lines. Just let Hyeon’s deepened eyes talked, as he smiled in appreciation that she understood. We too gasped a breath of contentment. she understood as a cop, her loyalty and integrity required her to press him to face his reality and conscience, yet she is still holding it in, waiting for him to take initiative to persuade Min to own up n come clean by his own free will. She in her way trusted that he will do the right thing at the right time. Amazing as to the depth she knew his empathy towards LJY, so much that Hyeon’s pity is sufficient to rein in to his unforgiveness and inability to fathom LJY. Many started to ask, why didn’t she questioned whereabout of Min during the periods when Hyeon visited her 3 times, there are silent unanswered “truth” on the part of Writer’s times limits, not so much of limitation on JiAn’s characters. While waiting for a year, she hang on to the faith in him, what is a year, compared to the 20 that has gone, when she knew him not that thorough, and loved him not so deep.
KBS sites translate him as asking “I Missed you” instead of the common sites translation of asking “you missed me?” and she shyly answered,mmm as “yes”. This is a better translation which portray his frankness, and his willingness to face her unreserved, selflessly, raw and sincere. “I missed you” is as deep as “I love you” but with a sense of aching and very refleshing. Love this line, one of my best Line thru-out my drama watching history.
I Missed you. Missing makes our Loves mature, and sacrifice while missing him/her, makes a person receive much more than he gives. Missing her, completes him, makes one desire to live on, live well, to meet one day
Because Hyeon knew, while he basked in the temporary sunshine of brotherhood, she remembered him still, waited and trusting, missing him… a lot, a lot. Its always JiAn selfless love that heals him, when he learn to love, he knows his good wolf lives.
its Sept 20, and i am still here. i am ruined.


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OST “Remember” Dear Cloud, Part 1

Protect yourself from disappearing, When things get hard, remember me.
I really wanted you, So I hope you’ll stop for a moment and look at me.
I can’t stop, I’m afraid, I can’t control myself, what do I do?
Look at me, remember me.
this song is like a dialogue between Hyeon and Ji-An.
the Song starts as, Hyeon was challenged to come back to face his darkest past by someone from his past. As Ji-An appears, traces of his past, a familiar girl from his past trigger him to start remembering the frozen times, as that Partner from his past, urged him up to face himself fearlessly. Will this girl helps him to find “someone”? Not just his past that he wants to forget, but him-Self that he wants to forget, when his Good-Self start weakened, he feared his Good-Self will disappear, its take Ji-An to ask him to ‘protect himself, look at her, remembering he is not alone’, don’t let the Good-self escape and run, look at her who trust him. When he can’t stop escaping , can’t control, look at her, and work together to fight the Bad-Self within, remember there’s still someone who cares for him, and trust him. When in the end I still can’t control myself, when I can’t stop in the end, what if I am truly a bad one? No, look at me, remember I trust you. Stop, just look at me, remember I care. a beautiful OST will speaks thru-out the whole song, piece the whole mood from ep 1 to last ep, non stop, unchanged the plot, and provide the missing piece of jigsaw that fill in the unsaid dialogues, and the lyrics will make us understand those moments when the Main OST are not speaking and are silent.


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Not just you mary of bethany, I'm still here too. Yes, I feel I'm ruined too some times but I also feel blessed to be able to enjoy this beautiful show and to carry it with fondness every now and then.

While SIG love line in Reply 1997 is hard to beat, their chemistry was really a blast, here in IRY SIG love line is deeper I guess. I love the way SIG and JNR portray Lee Hyun and Cha Ji Ann. And you've said it so beautiful, mary of bethany.

I love their scene just before Hyun showed Ji Ann the basement of his house, Hyun didn't want to talk and said to just let it go. But Ji Ann said she can't do that because "you already reach out your hand". That is beautiful. This girl knows when she has to wait and when she has to pull him out out of the darkness. I love it.


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@Mary and @asmara I am still here too! :D

And I love this OST (Dear Cloud). Its perfect for this show :)

Asmara, I loved the chemistry in Reply 1997 too but I didn't really like the actress nor the character she plays much. Here, Jang Nara gives me a character and acting that I can idolize. For a change, I loved the lead couple individually too.

Even I can't believe that September will soon end but I am still here! My love for this show keeps increasing with every passing day.

By the way, this is 495th comment! We are soon gonna reach the 500 mark! Yay to us :)


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yeah... yeah... i loved Dear Cloud's Remember dearly.
i always believed that when KBS produced IRY, the plot only focus mainly on SIG and JNR, and the song Dear Cloud's "Remember" was chosen to represent SIG and JNR, not Min and Hyeon. so i have a little arguement with someone earlier on, when she said i spoilt the "remember" song by saying its for Ji-an, i couldn't be bothered to refute her. so when i start seeing people making their own version of MV of Remember using clips of Min and Hyeon as the OTP... sorry, i am not so into "Bromance over romance".
so i literally rewatch the whole 16 ep, to prove to myself, the original plot, the original aim of the
writer from ep 1 is always Hyeon, and his JiAn as the one that helps him to remember he can feed the good wolf, and be what he chose to be, not give in to "i am born like this". Dear Cloud "Remember" original MV that came out at the earlier stages, has always Ji-an acting with Hyeon, she's the one that protect his good wolf from disappearing.


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So I'm curious again about the conversation before the kiss. MaryofBethany I thought the same about it as more of a statement, not a question. Even his inflection seemed to support it being a statement.

But I've read comments in several places, purportedly from Korean speakers, that it was a question, that he was asking her if she missed him, missed him a lot. Even Rejoycie supports it here "He asks if she missed him, and she shyly nods."

So do you speak the language and is the translation just wrong in the video? I would really like to know because the way he asks doesn't sound like a question at all. And frankly kind of a dumb question after he's back after taking off for a year.


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LarryMimosa, hi., allow me explain.
i usually don't just watch raw on laptop online. i also subscribe to this KBS World main channel, thru my local Paid TV channel movie pack, i can watch KBS, MBS, SBS dramas LIVE channels.. eg. i can always watch KBS award in real good times LIVE every 31 Dec mid night.
all programmes like realities show or news or Live broadcast show are all in korean languages, some without interpretation.. only those shown like a week ago or so, then they will translation with Eng Sub.
i watched most IRY ep steam raw first, then watch a second time with either Dramacool...etc.. then finally i wait about 2 weeks for the actual week translated by KBS themselves to churn out at my home mega TVscreen. i trust their own translation more than those translated by dramagalaxy...drarmacool.. proven by healer too, that sometimes what dramacool, good drama....etc. translated are much diff from the real experts at KBS. you may correct me if i am wrong though. i stand ready to be correct.
what i read twice from the actual KBS World channel on my subcribed Paid channel.
you already knew i was obsessed with Healer, one thing i learned from chasing Healer was, i watched Healer thru many download sites, some times diff sites can offer different meaning in the crucial lines between OTP. so i was frustrated when i found that KBS World main Channel has diff translation of what my OTP said from the various diff viewing sites. so i decided to trust whatever KBS World translated instead.
do correct me if i'm wrong. i spend bombs subscribing to diff channels that exclusively show KBS, MBS, SBS originally shows monthly.


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ok,,, tell you what, give me some times, one of these day during teabreak, i try to smuggle a korean noonas into my office to listen to that last scene, hopefully she don't leak on me, my "sanctuary" is quite 'holy' here, cannot leak i am ardent kdrama fan.
will let you know which version is correct, GOD willing.
gotta sleep. good nite. sweet dreams of SIG to all.


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i have lots of korean students at my college, but i just can't leak out that i am die hard Kdrama fan. i will "lost their respect" here.. hahaha. and i don't read korean, jsut occasionatetly stun some korean boys when i leak some korean vocab for fun....
but for me, this line "I missed you" translated by KBS World themselves, show a more depth to the total unreserved surrender of his passions for Ji-An. it really mean something to have Hyeon reveal in your face, he missed you. its as good as "I love you". yea, from a once proud, self sufficient, indifferent, blunt Hyeon, to say he missed someone, not just asking her, does she missed him... of cause he knew she missed him, but he needs her to know he missed her... that the point. if KBS really translated correctly. i think that scene worth a whole lot different in another light already. when he said, i missed you ,,, she nob, mmm... means a yes, i know... then saying just "yes" to a question, "do you missed me". what she felt will be greatly different. tis a confession of himself, than just his acknowledgment of her feeling only.


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Ok, got it. I just watch it when it comes out on download sites like VIKI or Dramacool, occasionally GoodDrama and lastly DramaFever (onerous advertising). But I agree with you, I'd trust KBS World translations over others, since they're the channel airing it. And the first time I started questioning it was reading a random comment somewhere saying he doesn't ask her if she missed him, he said he missed her. The person added, "and yes, I'm Korean.". So it makes more sense in the context, and yes, in the fact that it was significant given his proud/blunt/indifferent nature.


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