
Healer: Episode 19

Only one more episode left! Are we all going to be okay tomorrow? Heck, are we all okay today? Today’s episode is, in true Healer style, is full of both setbacks as well as successes, mixing in the payoffs with new threats to carry us into the finale. We’re delivered into, out of, and into new troubles—and while the immediate future remains a question mark, I leave this episode feeling hopeful and optimistic. Don’t crush my hopes, Healer!

(I love the interplay of black and white in this top image, and the framing of their bodies—while possibly unintentional, the interlinked arms makes me think of yin and yang, its two halves balanced with and against each other.)


Son Seung-yeon – “보이지 않아도” (Even if you can’t see it) [ Download ]

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When Jung-hoo realizes that Moon-ho’s been kidnapped, he heads off immediately to find him, leaving Young-shin behind to wait in the apartment. Unfortunately, she’s got a visitor, and he comes with bodyguards.

Jung-hoo arrives at the empty Someday office, where the sound of a ringing cell phone draws him to the studio. He answers.

The voice at the other end addresses him by name and as the Healer—it’s Jeil’s Manager Ahn, who has taken over the Double S Guard control room, and he watches Jung-hoo via the cameras in the studio. Manager Ahn states his intention to hire the Healer, which Jung-hoo flatly rejects.

He hangs up and heads out the door, but stops in his tracks when the TV screen flicks on, showing live footage of an unconscious Moon-ho in a locked room. The cell phone rings again.

Jung-hoo’s first impulse is to chuck the damn phone in anger, but he holds it together and answers. Manager Ahn tells him to hand over all the informant tips that have come in to Someday from Russia. Clock’s ticking.

Young-shin, meanwhile, finds herself cornered by Secretary Oh and his henchmen. He sits her down in Moon-ho’s apartment and waits while holding a small case. Young-shin tries to engage him in chitchat, which goes rebuffed, then casually touches her necklace and turns on the tracker.

Jung-hoo links ajumma to an office computer and asks her to find the relevant information. She points out that it won’t be there, because those computers were already confiscated—they must not have found what they were looking for. Hence this trap.

Ajumma informs him that Young-shin just turned on her tracker, but he’s not worried because they’d agreed she would wait in Moon-ho’s apartment. Ack! He assumes it’s nothing.

Then he remembers that one phone tip that came in, which Young-shin answered when he was too sleepy to take proper note. He thinks back to that call, and while the caller spoke Korean, now he recognizes that there was Russian in the background. He finds the device that recorded the calls in a desk drawer, returning to the cameras to show Manager Ahn.

He plays just the beginning to confirm this is what they wanted, and Manager Ahn replies that he’s passed the test. He assigns him to a second mission and sends him a text, to be read on camera. Jung-hoo reads it and laughs mirthlessly.

On the other screen, he sees Moon-ho stirring awake. Jung-hoo calls Manager Ahn crazy and tells Moon-ho that he can’t comply with the threat, and that Moon-ho will have to secure his own release. He heads for the exit.

But then, Manager Ahn plays a different feed—it’s Young-shin with Secretary Oh, and Jung-hoo’s gaze sharpens as Secretary Oh opens his case and takes out its contents: a glass vial and syringe. Agh! They planned this one out pretty cleverly.

Ajumma tells him to stall, because Dae-yong and her backup guys are on the way. But Manager Ahn only gives him ten seconds to decide, and Jung-hoo grits out his assent. He takes out that message and starts reading: “My name is Seo Jung-hoo.” Ah, crap, it’s a fake confession, isn’t it?

Manager Ahn stops him to direct the scene, making it so it doesn’t look like Jung-hoo’s being fed words over the phone. Gotta look natural, you know. Then he orders him to begin again, and Jung-hoo complies, raging on the inside while he confesses to killing ex-detective Park Dong-chul behind the church.

Mid-confession, the laptop turns on in Moon-ho’s room, and he watches Jung-hoo taking the rap.

Once that’s done, Jung-hoo demands that they follow through with Young-shin’s release. She’s been confused this whole while, and is further perplexed when Secretary Oh just packs up, excuses himself, and leaves with his henchmen in tow.

Jung-hoo demands to know what they’re after, and his screen switches yet again, this time connecting him to the Elder. The old man congratulates him on a job well done, and gives him the new deal: Jung-hoo will work for him, and the Elder will care of the people he loves. The confession he recorded will never have to see the light of day if Jung-hoo goes along with this.

Ah, then he uses familiar words: that all Jung-hoo has to do is “close his eyes once,” which is what he’d said to Moon-shik on their first meeting. Now I wonder if he’s got additional blackmail on Moon-shik, in case the initial threat to Myung-hee weren’t enough.

Moon-ho is allowed out of his locked room and led to a gathering of media bigwigs, over which his brother presides. Moon-ho asks if this is all Moon-shik’s doing, and gets back the reply that this happened because Moon-ho pushed too hard: “Do you know how hard I had to work to save you guys?” Hm, I wonder if there’s some truth in that, and this was the alternative to having them all die. Or maybe he’s being delusional again.

The VIPs raise a toast to Moon-shik becoming mayor and Moon-ho being given Jeil Newspaper to run. Hyung advises his brother to smile, “if only for Jung-hoo’s sake.” Moon-ho is livid, but can’t do anything about it.

Jung-hoo rushes to Moon-ho’s apartment, by now secured by Dae-yong and her team, and finds Young-shin inside. He holds out his arms, and she charges into them, sniffling.

He can only get out a ragged, “If you’d been hurt…” and she realizes that he was more scared than she was. He makes sure she’s unhurt, then sits her down to say that he’ll be unable to continue in his normal-guy life for the time being. I’m so worried he’s going to take this burden on alone, but thank god he tells her everything—that he was blackmailed into a false murder confession, and that he has to join the Elder.

She’s outraged, and realizes that she was the source of the blackmail—now her encounter with Secretary Oh makes sense. She cries that he shouldn’t have made the confession, but he just holds her close, then promises that he can’t work for the Elder. She threatens, “Don’t you dare. I’ll go in and drag you out.”

But that means he needs to go on the run and stay away from Young-shin for now. She wants to do this together, but he isn’t willing to make her an accessory and a fugitive.

She asks, “But… how can I see you?” They both know she can’t, and he holds her consolingly.

The brothers retire to Moon-shik’s study, and Moon-ho pleads with his brother to let Jung-hoo go—he isn’t someone who can be ordered around, and he fears that Jung-hoo will end up hurt. Moon-shik chuckles that Jung-hoo will be taken care of by the Elder, and that this is actually good fortune, because the Elder will cover up everything for him and lavish him with things he couldn’t dream of having on his own. “Like you?” Moon-ho asks.

Moon-shik smiles, “If he turns out like me, he’d be a massive success.” That smile slips when Moon-ho points out that betrayal and murder were part of the process, and Moon-shik says defensively that he didn’t kill his friends. Maybe, but Moon-ho counters that he made them die miserably all the same—and also made Moon-ho lie for him.

That makes Moon-shik glance uneasily at this bugged photo frame—ah, so he does know of Myung-hee’s spying—and he warns Moon-ho not to go too far. Moon-ho’s face twists as he explains that he still has that nightmare, where he told the detectives that Gil-han and Joon-seok fought often over money.

Moon-shik tries to end the conversation here, but Moon-ho continues: “What about Ji-an? What did you do to her? How could you say a living child was dead—”

Moon-shik grabs that photo frame and rips off the bug.

Myung-hee opens her eyes in bed. Next to her is a laptop computer, and her eyes fill with tears. Yay, she knows!

Min-ja finally identifies Manager Ahn, recalling that he was involved in the last case she worked as a detective. As Jung-hoo follows him around town, Min-ja fills him in on Jeil’s “special investigation team” and how they’re involved in fishy activities. His thugs were the ones who attacked him at the church, and they’re working with Double S at the moment.

Jung-hoo follows Manager Ahn to an unknown building and slips inside his car, swiping his black box chip. He supposes this may be Ahn’s secondary home base and, by way of confirmation, kicks every car in the parking lot to set off their alarms, sending the owners hurrying out to check on their vehicles. A few familiar henchmen are among them, and now he knows which van to sneak into, swiping more black box memory chips.

Min-ja tells Moon-ho that Jung-hoo’s goal is to find the true killers in order to render Elder’s blackmail invalid, but he’ll have to act quickly before the Elder catches on. He’s also left a message for Moon-ho, requesting that he keep Young-shin busy at work.

Young-shin is doing just that, keeping her chipper attitude in place, and Moon-ho passes along the message that Jung-hoo’s fine. She asks if Moon-ho will take the offer to run Jeil, and he says that he’s tempted to—he could bring along the Someday staff with him, even.

She asks if he’d be able to continue the work they’ve been doing here, covering the 1992 story, and he says it’s unlikely. So she asks if he can finish this story before leaving, because she promised Jung-hoo to cover his share in covering the story. She adds hesitantly, hopefully, “If we do this, wouldn’t the Elder—that crazy old man—fear us just a little? I’d like if he did.”

He asks if she isn’t scared after being targeted by them, and she admits that she is: “But those people are like zombies. So we have to fight. If we just stay put, we might get bitten and turned into zombies too.” She makes a cute zombie gesture that makes Moon-ho laugh.

Her comments revitalize him, and he gets back to work planning the next broadcast. He tells the team that it won’t be an entertaining report, but it’ll make the Elder hurt by digging into how he earned his money. At the crux of that issue is the 1992 anti-rust paint incident.

Moon-shik isn’t pleased to hear that Moon-ho’s staying put at Someday and that Jung-hoo is on the run, since that means they’re still resisting. He has Manager Ahn wait one more day, after which they’ll hand over the confession to the police. He sighs that it’s a waste of Jung-hoo, for whom the Elder had hopes.

Jung-hoo gets to work identifying the Ahn’s henchmen, starting with their fingerprints. Dressed as a pizza delivery guy, Jung-hoo follows one thug into the bathroom and purposely bumps him so that he touches the mirror. He drops a soda can in front of another guy, who helpfully picks it up for him. Their prints don’t match any in the police database, but Jung-hoo recalls with certainty that Park Dong-chul’s killer swung a pipe with his bare hands. Those prints should be in police files, which means he hasn’t gotten the right guy’s prints yet.

Ajumma asks where he’s been sleeping at night, and he answers that he doesn’t like being alone because it spurs him to think too much. So he’s been going to places surrounded by people.

That night, Young-shin tries calling Bong-soo’s number, but finds that it no longer exists. Hoping that perhaps he’s out there watching, she peers out her window and deflates in disappointment to see nobody around. Turns out he’s at a PC room, watching Young-shin’s videos on the Someday site.

Moon-shik sits down to breakfast in a great mood and compliments Myung-hee’s cooking. She thanks him for always eating her food happily, and for taking care of her these past twenty years. There’s something in her tone that takes the smile off his face, and she reminds him of what she said when she agreed to marry him—that she couldn’t be his woman, but he’d said all he wanted was for her to be next to him. She thanks him for that, too, because she had nowhere to go and he made a place for her.

She tells him Moon-ho’s on his way to pick her up, and that she’ll be staying with him for now. Moon-shik asks with difficulty whether he did anything wrong, which is laughable to the point of pathetic. He prods her to tell him what she means to do, and she says, “My daughter Ji-an must be alive. I have to find her.”

She declines his offer of help, telling him she’s sorry: “I can’t trust you.” He protests feebly, and Myung-hee asks outright why he lied that Ji-an died. He stammers that she died—that everyone said she died.

Struggling over her tears, Myung-hee says, “I understand now. All this time, I tried really hard. But I understand now why I couldn’t love you.”

He begs her to hear him out, that she’ll understand when he explains. But Moon-ho walks in now, and Myung-hee asks him to take her away. Moon-shik crouches before her wheelchair pleadingly, and she takes his hands and removes them from hers.

Moon-ho brings Myung-hee to the Someday office for her interview as a former pirate broadcaster. The staff greets her with a hero’s welcome, and they thrill in excitement when she calls herself a huge Someday fan. Myung-hee asks Young-shin if her boyfriend is here, and Young-shin confides that he’s not here because he’s fighting the Elder. She complains, “That crazy old man likes my boyfriend—he wants him to work for him! He was totally low about it too, blackmailing him!”

Myung-hee asks if she means fighting literally, and Young-shin defends her boyfriend using his fists, ’cause he certainly can’t just sit there and let the old fart hit him, can he? She speaks animatedly and makes cute fist-fighting gestures, and through the window, Moon-ho smiles to watch them chatting.

Jung-hoo lets a couple of Manager Ahn’s henchmen “capture” him, and they bring him inside to the others. Jung-hoo says that he figured picking them off one by one would have taken too long, and this way he can take down all five at once. With that, he launches himself at the goons, and while he takes a few hits, he manages to dispatch them all.

Ha, then while they sprawl on the ground in pain, he goes around collecting thumbprints from the guys he hasn’t gotten to yet. That’s a telltale sign, though, alerting the baddies that he’s out to track down the killers instead of merely being on the run. Manager Ahn suggests that taming Jung-hoo isn’t likely, preferring the option of sending him to prison. He also reports that Healer’s hacker partner “seems to have taken the bait.” Wait what? Noooo, ajumma!

Jung-hoo makes his way to the riverbank, wincing in pain while he tends to his swollen ankle. He wonders what Young-shin is doing, while she wonders the same from the safety of the office. She tries Bong-soo’s number again, and gets the same message.

Addressing him in her thoughts, she tells him of her mother coming to the paper and how she’ll have to introduce him to her sometime. “No, do I have to introduce myself to Mom first?”

Dae-yong arrives at the river to collect the evidence from him. Jung-hoo addresses Young-shin in his thoughts too, saying, “I’m a little confused. I can fight as much as necessary, and the more I fight, I learn how to win. But Young-shin, right now I’m not sure who I’m fighting against.”

Moon-shik is alerted to Moon-ho’s latest live broadcast, which picks up the story from the 1992 deaths. Moon-ho reports on that fake paint, which was designed to do the opposite of its stated purpose: Rather than prevent rusting and corrosion, it sped it up. They air Young-shin’s interview with the foreman of a construction crew, who mentions a bridge he worked on—he’d applied that paint to it, and it collapsed before it even opened.

That construction company had been on the verge of bankruptcy, and was then acquired by a different company for a dirt-cheap price—a company whose majority shareholder was Omega Investors. Myung-hee interviews about investigating them with her fellow reporters, describing how there were suspicions that Omega would purposely ruin companies with accidents or rumors, and then an Omega affiliate would buy it up.

Moon-ho explains that the head of Omega Holdings was recently featured on their broadcast, and goes as far as to identify the Elder by name: CEO Park Jung-dae.

Detective Yoon returns to his car and finds the door ajar and a laptop open in the passenger seat. He turns it on, and ajumma logs on to greet him. Aw, does he actually have a crush on her? (She grumps that he’s probably still single and he perks up, saying she must’ve been thinking of him all these years.) But she’s got important business to discuss, and sends him a photo of Manager Ahn, asking if he remembers the guy.

Detective Yoon recalls the case: They’d been investigating allegations of Omega Holdings laundering money, and there’d been a genius-level hacker kid there (Ahn). Ajumma informs Yoon of the fingerprints she’s left for him, which belong to Park Dong-chul’s real murderer—the current suspect is a frame job.

Detective Yoon keeps trying to interject sentimental comments about how long it’s been and how they should meet in person, but ajumma briskly moves the conversation along. She tells him that if they’d wrapped up that case properly then (I’m recalling the order she was given to cover up the investigation), at least four lives would have been saved: Go Sung-chul, President Hwang Jae-gook, Teacher, and Park Dong-chul. She directs him to cross-check the prints with the pipe and tells him to call if he needs to contact her, having left a phone for him.

He sputters ineffectually when she hangs up abruptly, but cheers up to see the phone next to him. You big doof. But it’s understandable, since ajumma’s awesome and I’d totally have a crush on her too.

While ajumma gets to work on the black box footage, Jung-hoo parks outside Double S headquarters explaining that his ideal scenario is to track down the confession tape and erase it, starting with searching this office. Of course, charging in to grab crucial blackmail material is hardly wise, and ajumma grumbles more colorful epithets describing what she thinks of the plan (the words “puppy fart” are used). But he knows it’s rash, and resigns himself to waiting.

But as ajumma copies the data from the memory chips, one of them triggers a signal in Ahn’s headquarters. Crap, that must be the bait. He works on tracking the signal and orders all available guards to go after ajumma.

Jung-hoo sees the small army of guards rushing out and tells ajumma that he’s going into the office while it’s empty. He easily evades the stray guards in the building, arriving at the control room undetected.

Jung-hoo just leans over the guard’s shoulder, then sits right down next to him and plugs in his phone to link in ajumma, leaving the guard totally stunned. He asks the guy where everyone went running to, threatening to deliver pain if he doesn’t talk.

The guy says, “Hacker Healer.” Alarmed, Jung-hoo calls out to ajumma and reads the address on the tracking map, asking if that’s where she is. She gapes, “How’d you know?”

Jung-hoo tears out of the building and drives off like a madman, while ajumma packs up her station hastily. She grabs the necessary hardware first, then pauses to see all the sentimental knickknacks hanging there. Nooo, just runnnnn! You can knit more when you’re safe!

Manager Ahn’s troop arrives outside her building as ajumma’s heading out—and at the last second she disguises herself in layers of clothes to look like a harmless hobo. The guards run right past her, but one knocks into her and a hard drive falls out of her bag. Crap crap crap. She keeps walking, but Yo-Yo sees the drive, senses something weird, and chases after her.

He grabs hold of her, just as Jung-hoo flies in, thank god. Ajumma pepper-sprays Yo-Yo while the other guards hear the commotion and head their way. Jung-hoo shuts the doors on them and looks at ajumma for the first time in surprise: “You’re ajumma?” Haha. What a way to meet.

They run off together, and make it safely away, phew. Jung-hoo drives them to the river, where he casts such curious looks at her that she threatens to tear out his hair if he looks at her again.

He offers to take her home, while she apologizes for leaving behind the black box chips. Aw, it breaks my heart a little every time somebody tries to talk normally to her and she just brushes it aside to focus on work. Jung-hoo just tells her that he’s figured out now who he’s fighting, and says that it was so boring just going around collection minion fingerprints. He turns to her and asks, “Wanna do something more fun with me?”

She scoffs that she won’t do anything without pay, but he tells her it’ll be really fun: “I’m the Healer. Try trusting me.”

The next day, Young-shin arrives at the airport carrying a bag, and both Jung-hoo and Moon-ho join her, looking equally travel-ready. Then Ajumma joins them too, completing Team Healer, and the four of them strut off together.


Woohoo! I sense a clever plot in action, and anything that gets our team united and purposeful gets me excited. If tomorrow were any episode but the finale I would be very worried, because I recall the last time Team Healer came together and executed an awesome plan, which was swiftly followed by a hefty counterattack. But I actually think that because we’re so close to the end, and because of the nature of our story at this point, it doesn’t make sense to go out sadly. When the drama started I could see it going either way (happily or tragically), but based on where we’ve come thus far, tragedy doesn’t make sense. Purely from a narrative standpoint there isn’t the time to do that kind of emotion justice.

I’m not saying that Healer must end on a happily-ever-after note with perfect conclusions for everyone, but it’s a well-written show that must end satisfactorily. Thinking of how deeply Teacher’s death affected everyone, I can’t imagine treating anybody else’s death with cursory concern. We can’t dive off the deep end with one episode left and resolve everything satisfactorily, right?

See, so logically, dramatically, practically even scientifically, the story just dictates that we have to get a happy ending. Right? I’m totally not clutching at straws, right?

True, there were definitely hints of unease running throughout the episode, which were too purposeful to be throwaway details (and this writer doesn’t do pointless details)—like Jung-hoo’s injured ankle, or the references to Jung-hoo’s inherent untameability, which make me think of his affinity for nature documentaries and the reference to him being like a wild cat. Oh wait, now I’m remembering that the leopard went down fighting with a broken leg. Crap! Now I wish I hadn’t remembered that. Is it too much to hope that was a coincidence?

I did love Myung-hee’s reaction to finding out about her daughter, because it proved (as we’ve all felt) that she would be strong enough to handle the news. I don’t think the brothers’ concern was exaggerated and I can see why they wanted to veer on the safe side, but it’s gratifying to see her accept the truth and resolve to deal with matters. I even really respected the dignified way she said goodbye to Moon-shik, which may be the best way to send off his character. I’ve felt torn about him all drama long, because while he is definitely in the villain column in my book, and doesn’t deserve to have excuses made for him, he was such a humanized villain. His rationales, while often twisted or misguided, had an internal logic that I could follow even when I disagreed.

And while keeping a woman essentially hostage and treating her like an extravagant toy is hardly the kind of love that’s healthy or desirable, it is a form of love that Myung-hee acknowledges, and I believed her when she said she was thankful to him for all that he did for her. She could have railed on him with all the fury in the world and have been justified, but her generosity even in leaving him gives me satisfaction—not for him, but for her future, that she’ll go on to have a happy and healthy life free of bitterness.

Most of all I love Young-shin’s zombie analogy, which was both cute and entirely fitting to the occasion. Moon-shik took the “if you can’t fight them, join them” approach, deciding that it’s okay to slide down a slippery slope as long as you don’t fall all the way to the bottom. So what if you give up a little bit along the way? It’s better than fighting painfully every step of the way not to give up an inch, isn’t it? Yet calling the opposition zombies is an efficient way of illustrating the all-or-nothingness of integrity: You’re a zombie or you aren’t, but there’s no going halfsies about it. And if I have to die at a zombie’s hand, I certainly want it to be while fighting life and limb every second, rather than lying there in despair, waiting to be devoured, trying to console myself with the thought that zombie life isn’t really all that bad.

So we fight, because the alternative is no alternative. And if you have an awesome team of friends with whom to fight alongside, all the better.

Bring it on, finale!


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I'm sure all of us are hyped with the grand finale.

Still, I want to wrte a few things in honor of dear Myung Hee.

I always had the question at the back of my head for the past 19 episodes how this woman coukd have ended up marrying the sick and pathetic Moon Shik. We all know it was because he was all that she had left (and Moon Ho), but still!

I am glad and very satisfied that the show has resolved that issue for me. Right from the start, she already made it clear to MS that she may not love him the way he does. That she will never be 'his' completely. That, in a way, makes MS more pathetic than ever. And it explains why he is strongly justifying his choice of being in the side of Elder because he has to convince himself every day that that choice got him Myung Hee. He considers that his success, his trophy wife.

Notice that he keeps addressing her as 'my wife'... i have to give my wife her medicine. I have to put my wife to bed. As if saying it gives him the satisfaction of validating that she is, in fact, his wife despite the absence of intimacy. Hell, I don't think they even consumated the marriage!

What's more satisfying to me with this confirmation from Myung Hee that she never really loved MS (not as a man, at least), is that it proves that she isn't a push over and that she is a strong and grounded person. She did't marry him because she eventually 'loved' him out of proximity and convenience. She married him for companionship. And she was transparent about it from the start. Her love for Gil Han has never wavered. And I admire her for that.

I love how she left MS, with sincere gratitude but firm and resolved saying outright 'I don't trust you'. Again, I admire her for that.

Thank you, Show, for adding this bit for Myung Hee.


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Very well said , the trust was never there .... Myung hee came across as a very strong level headed person .. In spite of being physically blocked !


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Thank you for that lovely analyses. I just love love Myung-hee and I couldn't be more happy for getting her own happy end. It's save to say that she never fully trusted MS which is just really sad. She never got her closure regarding the loss of her husband and daughter. Everything combined have held her back from fully recovering from that horrid accident.
This writer did such a great job in developing admirable female characters. Song Ji-na, thank you very camsa!


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M Hee is great in every way as portrayed by Do Ji Won, which is another reason we need ep 21, to show us how she works with the Healer fab4, and have a new life w CSY, w YS's dad by their side.


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ANDHWEEEE!!! *kwangsoo style* This drama cant end... it absolutely cannot... What do I do with my life now? Its funny how im as social as Jung hoo was in the beginning of the show at the moment... GIMME MORE OF HEALER! :(


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WOW Viki subs are already at 56% and seems to be increasing by 10 percent every 5 minutes!

Can't wait for the end.

Ep 19 was the perfect build up. Thanks for the recap JB!


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Yeah! Cannot wait!


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The Best Drama Ever!


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Wow, viki's sub is on turbo mode!


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Viki is at 69% eng sub! It going quick! Yes!


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Wow wow wow! Awesome, Viki Healer team!


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Now at 82%!!


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From sanika, whose in charge wit the INTL Fan project of soompie!:

"I think we can make this a thing. EVERYONE Online .--------
Write a reaction post, Screenshot it and sent it to the email [email protected] with the Subjust - Final Reactions!
I will make it into a new folder......
Come on Healerites ........One last time !

c'mon beanies. Let's flooding the mail box!!!


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Email sent!


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Done sending


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Hobo-hacker ahjumma and Junghoo :D



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Min-ja and JH are a great duo, their meeting was overdue. I am still gushing over how natural their interaction is, just like over the headset. <3


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they're sooooooooo cute! <3 <3 <3


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Viki is now at 75%!!


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Yeees. It really does look like I won't be getting any sleep tonight till I get to watch the ep w/ subs. Thank goodness for Viki! They're rocking it!

Who cares if I have class early in the morning tomorrow (technically today), right? :D


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@Omomo same here!! I'm waiting for Viki to finish subbing then I can watch it through Hola on my phone :)


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I'm actually in bed just waiting to watch this episode with subs. I'm one crazy beanie *sigh* Healer what have done to me??


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Looooved that ending scene. It should have come with a caption "because every secret mission starts with the main characters strutting off together looking like supermodels out of a magazine."


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800th comment.... Nighty night beanies... ?


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You up yet? Time to spazz.
(In between periods of making pretence of working.)


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Kdaddict i love your new name ... ha ha ha ha ha yeh you got it right its 8.35 am here and in college already and i am so pretending to be working....


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Just finished the last episode raw. I'm turning to an ugly mess now.
Seriously guys, i admire those who can coherently type their final thoughts on the episode/the series because i JUST CAN NOT (yet)!
My mind can't process everything yet probably because it's still in denial stage that HEALER just ended!



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Another serious denial state patient here. Im just going to rewatch previous episodes for the rest of my live and just pretend that healer hasn't ended yet. Oh what am I saying? Pretend? O_o dont be stupid.The first episode only just aired today. whats this talk about pretending that its not finished? O_o


Yes ive lost it. I think its safe to say that im suffering from serious a healer addiction. :'(


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OMG Viki is now at 91% eng sub! So excited to see the subs soon!

Thank you Viki!



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That's really fast! Thanks for the constant update :) I've been refreshing this page every few minutes to check for your newest Viki update hehe


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Hahaha! It is now at 94%!!!!


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Yay so excited! At this rate thinking just another roughly 30 minutes more til 100% I think :D


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I already started watching! :)


Looks like I got home just in time! Thanks for the update. X


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Hahaha!!! Viki subbers are faster than Usain Bolt running for a bus! :D So cute, love the Healer community! <3


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Not trying to be a downer ... but ... two words ..."God's Gift"

No matter how awesome a show is ... God's Gift taught me to always be prepared or a crappy finale ....


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Fate being the key subject in God's Gift, it was not completely surprising how they came to solve the mystery; fate is no child's play. I am convincing myself here that Healer is a different kind of show. Watched it live but missed the last -crucial!!- 15 minutes. Now I am biting my nails from nervousness and excitement.


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How I wish to go back a hour ago, so I can watch the episode again !

Or not be able to see the last 5 mts, which would mean for me the show has not ended !!!!!

I have fallen way deep into the pit!


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Ow sweetie, don't beat yourself over it, I suggest you just go and start watching it from the beginning, I promise it would be just as fun. There's still a great recap coming our way, which is the icing on the cake. *HUGS*
Healer is leaving a hole in our hearts, it will never be filled which is okay really. How many of us can say they've watched the perfect kdrama? Not many, but we did!


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Am sad.

I knew I would miss the show. But I didn't expect myself to be THIS sad.

I didn't realize it before, how much I am in love with this show!
I swear I didn't know !

And here I am, sitting dazed and empty and with no coherent thoughts.

Obsessions, craziness and addiction come and go. But love, that is everlasting.


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You mean love is "eternal"? ;)


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Yeah am realizing that now ! Its eternal !


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@divyrusis a mess

I know the feeling! I woke up at 3 am this morning and thoughts of the finale just popped up sibce then i havent sleep and now i am off to work with Healer on my mind....nothing really is in my head....the show has rendered me speechless evev motionless at most time!

Oh Healer what have you done!


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Hey folks! I'm not reading comments right now to avoid spoilers, but after the Ep. 20 recap is posted I'll be coming here to delete spoilers about the finale, just as a friendly warning to you all!


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JB, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the comments. Everyone has been behaving pretty well and have avoided spoilers - other than our general euphoria over how much we love the final episode and ALL of Healer.
Thank you SO MUCH for all your hard, amazing work. We love you and appreciate you like crazy!


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Yeah, I have not been spoiled yet, so everyone's been good! Hehe!

Thank you everyone and JB!!


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Ha, I guess you got freaked out by comment count !

Last 3 pages are only spazzing and crying JB!

I don't think Anyone has mentioned anything spoilery unless if you include people giving group hugs and post healer therapy! :P

We are well behaved beanies !


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Spoiler Alert! Leia is really Luke's sister ... I'm told there was no tongue in the kiss ... but still ... ewwww ....


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Oh JB thank you for putting up with us grazy fangirsl! Hope you won't find any spoiler. Keep up the great work!


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Hi JB, I've been trawling here and so far, so good. We've been good Beanies!!! :)


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JB this is a spoiler free zone...which has apparently turned into a spazzing and ranting spree....


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Oh, I hadn't put together the connection between the story of lion and it's broken leg and JH foot injury. It's a great way to tie the reality of what happened with the lion and the simile that JH is like a wild cat. I'm just really hopeful that JH and the Healer gang are able to get out of this alive now. I wasn't as worried about JH dying, but now I'm a bit nervous.


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Viki is at 99% eng sub!! Happy Watching the finale!! :)



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Loved this episode as always, but it felt so short!!!
I have the feeling I will not be satisfied with next episode, it will be too short and I will miss to see more of our dear characters living their happy ever after...most likely I already have withdrawal symptoms...not enough Healer :'(


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Don't start about the withdrawal pain Elena.
Every episode is been equally fantastic and fulfilling...but it's so addicting at the same time, leaving us yearning for Mondays and Tuesdays. Man I'm going to miss those dearly Mondays...:'(


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I think the sole problem with this drama...is that it's satisfied me too much to ever fully satisfy me. It's like I'm a spoiled child. I enjoy each and every moment between the characters SO much that I never feel like I don't love an episode and yet, I always feel like there's more and more and more that I want to see. I feel like I could watch it for 100 episodes.


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I woke at 4 in the morning dreading morning dreading episode 20 and before the first two minutes of the show I was grinning like an idiot.My mom though I might have had Pseudobulbar affect then halfway through the episode I started crying,and after the drama I can't stop crying
I don't think I can stop until a few hour later
I might have to stay as a recluse for a few month to blend back into society
(Jumps into pre-dug grave)
If anybody's looking for me (well my spirit)I'll be here a few months
Davichi-Don't Say Goodbye
I saw your trembling lips for the first time
You try and you try but hesitate to say something
Just like the lyrics from a song- sad predictions come true
No, it can’t be- it’s not- it can’t be
You already left me, your heart has left me
Even your body has left me as well
I don’t know how to hold onto you- someone please tell me how
* Please don’t say those words tonight
Why did you leave me?
I’m so hurt, my heart hurts- tears are rising
We can’t say goodbye yet- don’t open those lips any wider
Don’t say goodbye
At your cold words, I sank down
As if the world crumbled down, tears fell
If this moment passes, if this moment is over
We will be separated forever
I love you, I love you to death-
Don’t leave me
* repeat
I don’t know what separation is- I’m just upset
I have so many stories, so many memories-
My heart is ripping
We can’t say goodbye yet- don’t open those lips any wider
Don’t say goodbye
Don’t say goodbye


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Speaking of your lurking spirit, I've mentioned that I'll be a lurking ghost in Ep 20 recap ... @GhostingBrazenly :D


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Just watched ep 20 and my life is now officially over...


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@ millionstars...

Best comment...Lol...


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@millionstars!! Hahahahaha!!! LOL!!! ;)


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I am seeing some ppl on my tlist starting to watch Healer now that it is over and they are all experiencing the Healer addiction effect ^^


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@nutella that's awesome they are beginning it, but the experience of watching healer needs a group of people that you can share your thoughts and happiness with, if only they watched it live with us lol :)


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I just got my second ever JCW banner, leaves page open forever ^^


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I have yet to get one! :(


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Young-shin sure has a lot of nice coats and jackets for a girl with only one kabang. She looks awesome in the trench coat and with her bangs swept to the side.

I just can't believe this is the last day... WAAAH!


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@risa lol I know it was mentioned before, but at least she looked nice in them right? She gotta look cute at least for healer to take notice ;)


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and wow!just wow!Last night i was marathoning the raw on viki. take some beauty sleep, and bam, wake 4 hours later, all is done 100%!People are really taking some doping or what?

Show, already missing you,show. I'm about to rewatch again like now. Hell with house chores, RL, appointments, dead line coz i'm so dead by now. I need my dose and i need my cracks. Wait me show.


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Good morning and Good grief!!! LOLOL! What a name change. Forever, huh??? Hey, we're sure to discover other gutters to inhabit you know, don't just stick to this one! LOL!


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For me there is only one gutter in the world.
If there exists other gutters out there, this is the one to rule them all!


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Second you @KDaddict! The one and only, lol


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Good morning to you, @GB honey! It's ray of sunshine outside, the wind blow softly on my cheeks, it supposes to be such a good day, really.

But then i feel so empty, i waved goodbye to my hubby and kid with half smile,just felt the urge to rush back to my PC, staring on the PC again, and hugging this screen tightly, i'm a loon, i'm doomed. and this is just preliminary symptoms, i know. never had this bad before, oh, GB. Forever will be.

well, unless there's another MIRACULOUS thing to be discover later,LOL, i don't mind leave my healer gutter, but like other statement that everyone has been made,this show has really set the bar super high, and it's gonna be hard to beat up.


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@redsun, @gb, @kdaddict and the guters lol where is it cause I definitely need to join, man are we gonna be so sad without it, ughhh :( Healer is totally a void that cannot be replaced. :(


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Hahahaha!!! Your new name is Heal-arious!!! ;)


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i need to vent out @kay! unless i'm goin to be a complete Cuckoo :P


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I'm not of any use.
Wake up. Watch. Comment. Watch. Spazz. Grin like a loon. Happy to have watched. Cry when watching, of happiness, of sadness. Worry that it's now over.
With RL, Just going thru the motions.


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aaah, don't we all like that @KDaddict! That's when this HRSUG comin handy ya know, we could do the massive spazz and grief together, right @GB?


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Wave to you, sister in the gutter.


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i was waiting for you in the gutter my friend @redsun .... hi5


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Y hora que va pasar con los lunes y martes muy agradecida con todos los resumenes, en realidad fue un gran drama lástima que allá en corea tuvo muy baja rating pero para nosotras fue una delicia unas bellas canciones una increible trama lástima que solamente falta un solo capítulo


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My daughter is like - what is going on with my mommy - I was clapping my hands and hollering and stomping my feet at the end of episode 20. And this was just the raw version. Ugh, so bittersweet since it's the finale and looooooove this show so much that I, too, don't want it to end, but just, oh so uplifting and just no words, just so.


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Just finished watching subbed version. I am slain! Just so.


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lol, my sentiments exactly @emi757! i was the same too, while i watch streaming yesterday: i clapped, i laughed, stomped on my feet, cried hard, everything, everything!my hubby eye sided of me, lol


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I don't know what I would have done if I had no outlet for my enthusiasm (actually squeeing and spazzing and just I'm too old to do this but I'm doing it anyway fangirling over JCW - there, I think I've finally admitted it) did I even write that?


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@emi757 welcome to the crazy fandom and fangirls, simply put we are all not little teenagers, believe it or not lol, but nevertheless, we are squuing like we have never done ;) so lift your head and be a proud healer and jcw addict ;)


i am on IV...


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Funniest moments that came to my mind:

1) According to one of the Anh's goons, JH had simply gone to Anh's goons' office and just *asked* for their fingerprints! LOLOL! "What kind of crazy guy is this!" JH brazenly answers, "It'll take too long if I do it one by one, so I might as well just come here and get the prints of all 5 of you at one time."

2) YS to Myung Hee: "You can't meet my boyfriend now. He has to fight against Elder who blackmailed him." LOL! what a way to explain bf's absence to one's mum. I can just imagine my parents faces if I said that to them!!!

3) JH to Min Ja while about to run for their lives: "You're Ahjumma??!!!" "You actually go around in that outfit???"

4) JH in bathroom: As he dusted for fingerprints the dust he blew made him cough!!! And he got annoyed LOL!

5) Min Ja to Yoon: "You really need to get over me and find your own woman!" And Yoon kissed the phone she gave him! :D

Ep 9 was a great episode. Always getting better!!!


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Yes! Ep 19 :-) was a GREAT episode!

I laughed at all of the moments you mentiones above, especially no 3 hahahaha

Oooh how I love this drama. I'm hugging Healer the drama, now...and will not let go..


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everything ....gahhhhhhh..i am left with no more words to describe my emotions ...


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@gb favorite moments,omg lol makes me want to rewatch :)


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"It’ll take too long if I do it one by one, so I might as well just come here and get the prints of all 5 of you at one time." THIS! HAHAHA. oh healer-ya.. you're too awesome. hahaha!

and 3) JH to Min Ja while about to run for their lives: “You’re Ahjumma??!!!” “You actually go around in that outfit???” = hahahahaha! i died laughing.. they're just too cute together. :D


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Just no words for the love.
That's what LOVE is all about.
It's beyond description.
You just know it when you feel it.
Now…the many friends I have wanted to turn on to k-dramas are going to be HEALED of their resistance.
Forever and ever.


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It is official!

Healer is :

that I cannot help but be ADDICTED to,
turning me into a forever ADDICT.

Me - a Healer-forever-addict.


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Time for a name change, my friend? ?


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From now on, just address me as @kayhealedaddict ;)



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Typo? Should be "r" instead of "d"?


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Ooops! My bad...

I am @kayhealeaddict ;)


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Not "kayhealeraddict"?


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Hmm...@kayhealeraddict is a bit more difficult to pronounce.

But yes, I agree it should be that.

So hello, everyone, I am @kayhealeraddict!! ;)

Thank you, @KDaddict!!

Btw, your name has been changed but my computer does not show the character in between @KDaddict and JCW.

What is it? ;)


It's a happy face with hearts for the eyes.
Doesn't your WP have Special chars for emoticons?
Does your computer show the emoticons in other monikers here?


@KDaddict, unfortunately no! So many other characters in the names do not show on my computer!! Help! How do I get the computer to show??


If you cannot type emoticons, then you can't show them. You may need to add them to your WP in that case.
Otherwise, you've to google your WP program and look for the keys to bring them up or install them.



You too!



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It really is unique and hilarious that this show brings out the happy crazy in us.


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@pastmidnite!! Hahahaha!! I love your changed name @pastmidnite's shell!! Hahahaha! ;)


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@kay @KDaddict

Healer took my soul with it. Now I feel like an empty shell :-(


@kay you you you..... sends hugs from the guttery heaven .....


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Thank you so much for the hugs, @Sumee!! ;)

*hugs for you back*


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@kay lol sounds like a tongue twister for kids :D addiction it is to all those about to watch :) :)


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Tongue-twister because Healer has left me in all sorts of twisted emotions that I am only now trying to untangle them.


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@kay love how Healer brought out the artist and poet within you ,;)


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Chang Wook ah,

When is your next drama?
Have you decided?
When will it start shooting?
What is it about?
Who is your costar?
Will you be playing 14 personalities all by yourself?
When can we see it?
We know you need some R&R, but We MISS you already.
Come back. Soonest.


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mwahahah, we all such a CLINGY fan, aren't we @KDaddict?


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To me, CLINGY has always been a dirty word. But Healer and J Ho have taught me that it isn't. Hence, Clingy we've become.


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@KDaddict sorry to keep you waiting ..but he is stuck with me ......


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Welcome back!


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Those where the exact thoughts whirling in my mind right now @KDaddict hihihi :)


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woke up this morning to find viki is 100% subbed wowza.
went to DB only to be greeted with my fave JCW banner

ji changwook and a big fluffy white bed will forever be my ultimate OTP <3<3


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That's brilliant.
Oh yes. I totally second your ultimate OTP. So much better this way.
Mine too.


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what i'd pay for a JCW rolling around a fluffy white bed to be delivered to my house. i need to recruit Healer!


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mwahahaa, chuckling hard at this @siesta! come to join me in the gutter :D


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@siesta lol that's like the greatest otp. I swear can't wait to go back and just watch him in those scenes on his bed washing up from ahjumma'a voice lol


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and his lair was conveniently so cold he has to bundle up in fluffy comforters *cough*perfect cuddling environment*cough*


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@@siesta more coughs, snuggling with someone, or just turning on his bed. You know which scene I loved on his bed,? When young shin had found him first in the warehouse...when she first hugged him, and he cuddled with her in his cold place, but him and that comforter was puree perfection :)


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The DB banner that is showing on my computer is JCW with a smouldering, intense, super-sexy look in his eyes!! *melts*


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I haven't gotten even one JCW banner these 2 days.


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ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....squeeling ..
I think no one is paying any attention to their work today ..
i am laughing like an idiot right now ..thank god my lecture starts a little later other i will be in a deep deep mess ...


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more power to the Healer team...amen


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daebak! <3


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♥ ❤ ❥ ❣ ❦ @Divyrus, @Growingbeautifully, @kay, @kdaddict, @redsun, @sumee, @saema, @bongsooki, @polaris, @patinalee, @rigby, @teru, @meniscus, @Annabelle, @@nutella, @AnnaAkana, @siesta, @pastmidnite, @Lunatic4kd, @snickers, @fab, @latewatch, @omomo, ottoke, @skyofblue, @whimsicalnet, @dramabliss, hwaiting, crysta, chandler, Giegie, anythinggoes, dani, roopoo, and all the other great beanies whom I have not mentioned♥ ❤ ❥ ❣ ❦ :)

I just wanted to take a moment, and say how truly honoured and touched I am too have met all of you. It was such a pleasure for me to laugh with you, and even squee with you. Thank you guys for always managing to put a smile on my face. I love you guys. I've never been so much involved in an online community, but so glad it was with you guys. I loved the analytical discussions, it was so astounding. Love and hugs. Thank you guys, I'm not sure if there will ever be another show that will unite us again. But I hope we can always I'm touch. **bows humbly ** ♥ ❤ ❥ ❣ ❦


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@turkishrose shares the feeling... lets get back in those friday threads or any of the healer recaps
i have an idea lets get stated from episode no1..as there are a fewer comments and its always easy to identify over there ..i am gonna miss you all ,what crazy fandom we all are having ..
hugs to all of you


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Yes, That's what we've been saying: meet up again, while rewatching, starting w ep 1.
See u there.


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@sumee totally agree, maybe we can always meet in the earlier threads on Mondays and Tuesdays? Add though we are watching live. Lol nvm I think it might be hard considering once you watch one episode, very hard not to marathon the whole at once :) ;)


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aww... it was a pleasure to meet you too and everyone else!
i've never been involved in something like this before.
and i'm glad i did, because it's soooo much fun! i can't help but laugh and squee and be so giddy like a teenager. this community is just awesome!!! you're all daebak!!! :)


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@Anythinggoes, yes we laughed and squeed together, and they were the best moments of watching LIVE this amazing show♥ ❤ ❥


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Isn't it the best feeling, n we all feel this way!


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@@kdaddict yes best feeling. And I'm so surprised girl that you have been a loyal healer fan since day one. I just noticed your comments in episode 1.. ;) Daebaek


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He had me at his very FIRST leap over a roof.

Yes, yes. It was love at first sight.


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Love you too, @TurkishRose and all of you. Let's all do what we can to stay in touch. Can you imagine what a party it would be for all of us to get together? If you ever read comments on DramaFever I am Luna2626. AH…..how am I going to let go of this amazing experience and this community?


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@Lunatic4kd that would be an awesome party, if we can meet, and talk and literally scream ouloud? And the best part? If we actually invited jcw as a guest speaker..omg..just the thought made my heart skip a beat lol ;)


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I find myself tearing up just thinking about everything we all have gone through together. In so many ways, think about how Healer has healed boundaries and crossed borders. THIS, my friends, is what true cultural revolution is all about. Think about the Renaissance. What we are all experiencing through k-dramas and k-pop and all of it is only the tip of the iceberg of the message we ALL must carry to the world about the astounding art coming out of South Korea. I have started writing a mainstream article (I am also a published author with a national best seller) about how I believe that the brilliance of the art forms coming out of South Korea now will create a revolution that will UNIFY North and South Korea eventually. How can anyone on this planet be denied access to this joy and this love? That is just WRONG. Healer and JCW and the writer and entire staff have sparked a powerful voice in me and an unstoppable purpose to spread the word. You are all with me. And I love you all.


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@Lunatic4kd you go for it girl with your freedom and unity speech ;) amazzzzzzing speech if only north Korea saw jcw and healer, they will unify quickly lol ;)


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*gives a tight hug*

I am so glad to have met each and every one of you here! I have been part of online community but never like this across all ages!!!

Am so so so so thankful to DB !


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@Divyrus same here sweety, a beautiful community and beautiful show. Big hug back at you ;)


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Aw yes, it's been so wonderful connecting and discussing with all of you. I can't even remember what it was like to comment on this drama way back at episode 7. Ever since we all started going crazy for this drama, it has made watching so much more meaningful and fun. Just a completely unforgettable experience here on dramabeans to add to an already unforgettable drama.


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@Chandler enjoyed it tremendously with all of you, and hope we can meet again in another great drama❤ :)


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TurkishRose ♥JCW❤ sweetheart!! ;)

Awwww, thank you so much for your truly lovely words! ;)

I am so touched! ;)

I feel exactly the same way (which I have mentioned in episode 18 recap-thread).

I echo every single word you said.

Thank you so much for your priceless contribution in this wonderful community with your wonderful insights, thoughts, opinions and squeeing along with the rest of us.

I love you too! ;)

I hope we can keep in touch in future recaps! ;)

Thank you once again for having made this ride so rich, joyous and memorable with the rest of the Healer-lovers. ;)

Take care and God Bless you! ;)

*bows humbly*


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@kay **Virtual hug ** for your beautiful and always sweet words. Can't wait to maybe one day meet again on another great drama❤ :)


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@TurkishRose ♥JCW❤

A big "Thank You" to you and everyone else. I thoroughly enjoyed our interactions.

I'm still kind of puzzled by the meaning of "squee." Not sure what it is but pretty sure I don't do it. Still, "watching" all of you has been fascinating. Hope another drama will capture you soon, if you so wish.


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Thank you @TurkishRose! Like you, I have also not been involved in an online community before, and I am pleasantly surprised with how welcoming everyone is. This has been a very positive experience and I want to thank you, @TurkishRose, and everyone else, for the laughter, the camaraderie, and the most importantly for being such a nice and friendly group of people, accepting everyone's input and making new people like me feel welcome! Thank you again!


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I've been meaning to get all new bedding for years. Just checked out Bed Bath & Beyond Store today and they have that fluffy white bedding that will be perfect to go with the high-resolution photo of JCW I have ordered to be printed in a 3' by 6' format to hang on the wall…..hmm….er, maybe should rethink that before people come over??? :))


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Where can I order one of those? Not the bedding. The 3' X 6' photo. I'd like one Over my bed, on the ceiling.


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I'm going to have it printed at a photographer friend of mine and I'm also going to do a JCW drawing. He has brought out the artist in me…what I have always meant to be and am best at. Forget this corporate world!!!


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@Lunatic4kd if you do draw it, please show it to us, I'm sure it would be DAEBAEK :)


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@kdaddict lol would your hubby be ok with that portrait of jcw right on top of your bed? Lol :)


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It's either that or post it over the headboard. I prefer looking up at him while lying in bed.

Oh hubby. Forgot about him. He wouldn't like it, right?
Scratching head to find an excuse or a threat. I'm a resourceful woman. I'm sure I can come up w sthg, in time, when my brain begins to work again.


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@kdaddict rofl omg I'm in stitches. Would love to hear your excuses to your hubby and how he reacts..lol if it works, maybe I'll try it on my hubby ;)


Absolutely love the first encounter betwwen ahjumma and healer. I repeat it so many times. I love this drama so so much. It's been a while since I religiously following recaps, forum, watch it raw, sub, and better sub, and even live. I am not sure why the rating in Korea is so low. This drama deserves so much much more. The cast is so great. And boy.. Ji Chang Wook. I am a fan now!!! What a Healer !


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The ratings aren't really that low. They've been managing in the high 8.7 ish range. A show is a hit if it goes over 10%. This is not 10% but it's high enough that it would be considered a moderate hit but not a total loss or a super hit (like Empress Ki which ended in the 34% range). The good thing for JCW is that it's apparently a super hit in China. And his acting in Healer has been highly praised so I think Healer will actually be a pretty successful drama for JCW and the gang. Point of comparison: the drama You're Beautiful was a moderate hit (but not a mega hit) in Korea but internationally it was a phenomenon and made PSH and JGS's careers.


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Love everything about the drama, SJN, director, our perfect OTP that ever graced Kdramaland, Yoo Ji Tae- I bow in reverence with your screen presence, Ahjumma-the coolest ever, the rest of the drama team, JB and my international beanie family! Lots of love from Southeast USA. :)


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sending more love to you @hwaiting ....


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Love reading your posts:) night everyone:)


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i wish they would make a Healer movie! i mean the premise is so movie-worthy what with our scooby gang of a thief,a hacker,2 reporters,minions and a bumbling detective. not to mention the big baddies


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@@siesta I would totally love that and I wish it ends with the wedding and life after marriage. They are just tooo cute for words :)


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I agree, the characters are so well-developed and likeable. Don't think there are many out there like this team.


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oki nothing gets better then this ..i just postponed my lecture for 15 mins so that i can spazz with, reply to all my healer beanies.....
knock me down with a feather .... i have had it so bad .... ..so bad i am not even making any sense any more ...
see you all once my sanity comes back a little .....


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@sumee omg lol your DAEBAEK with our healer addiction ...it's literally EUPHORIA ;) ;)


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@Sumee, you are such a cool professor! How can I meet one like you? My professors I highly doubt are Healer addicts :)


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I just noticed that there are 780 of us on DB right now. Are most of us on this thread?


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Whoops now it's 864


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Haha Healer's finale is probably what's drawing in the large influx of readers. I noticed this too and was like DB must be really popular now! :)


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I totally didn't expect for Ahjumma to be in danger. I grabbed tissues in preparation, but thank goodness Jung Hoo saved her. T.T

I'm scared about any finale spoilers so I'll just end my comment here and check back later. xD;


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@cocoboo lol don't be scared, no one of spoiling anything yet ;)


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I refreshed the page. Saw the new recap is up, with 21 comments. Hurried to click on it.

Turns out it’s the recap for Heart to Heart.

Lately, I’m reading anything that starts w H as Healer. The mind plays tricks on us. Tricky bastard.

And then I went and posted this comment on the Ep 18 thread, like a complete fool!


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@kdaddict lol such a healer moment ;)


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hello what an end!!!! wowwww and lool at ahjumma using korean curse words for russian language "chekiya" looooooooool


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OMG @KDaddict

I totally did the same! Hahahaha
I was opening DB on my phone, and only saw the He part, got so excited and clicked it right away!



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while waiting for the recap of episode 20.. i want to look back on this episodes.. this is also a very daebak episode!
i was laughing out loud when JH finally met MJ! they are sooo cute. haha. and when JH couldn't stop looking at her.. finally.. they met!!! and just how badass JH is.. i wish i could have a boyfriend who can fight as awesome as you.

healer fighting!!!

it still feels so surreal that healer just ended.. separation anxiety!!! :(


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Recap 20 is posted :)


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This episode had some serious stomach turning angst. I spent 30 minutes preparing dinner, sat down to eat and watch ep 19, and after only about 3 bites I literally lost my appetite and couldn't eat as I watched JH forced into making that crazy confession. WTF show! Ugh! I'm sure our great writers will find a way to resolve all this but it's episode 19! We only have 1 more episode! It's not enough time to fill it with enough sweetness AND resolve tricky plot points! I think I'm getting an ucler...


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I can safely reassure you that the finale and ending will really satisfy you. You don't have to worry, I am so happy with this show and even til the very last episode it never disappointed me in one way or another. Javabeans have watched and recapped the final episode as well and she us very satisfied with it too. I can't wait until you're caught up :D

Best. Show. Ever ❤


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This is too surreal, I can't hardly believe that this drama has just ended. I'm still in denial mode and although I just read ep 20's recap, I still can't bear to comment there yet. Don't want to let myself think it's over :(

So I'm hanging out here in the meantime ❤


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ust finished ep 19 but i just can't start ep 20 yet :''( i downloaded it but i keep replaying ep 19 all the time :/ i feel that watching the last episode would be " the end " of this beautiful dream i've been living since the first episode :'( the end of fun,romance,suspence,cliffhanger of every week :'( and i just can't stand going back to cruel real life :'( i can't bear a life without healer's sweet moments,it won't be easy to go back to reality where there is no wait for healer :( aaah this syndrome is the worst ever :''( i wish this show stay forever !! why lovely moments end so fast ???!!! :''( this drama made me experience a lot of things for the first time !! it's a pure LEGEND for me and i hope it gets a huge international success even if it was soo underrated in korea coz it deserves the best ^_^, i will always love healer and will never forget it , i will always watch its episodes when i need a good refresh time , it will remain my best drama forever <3333 and it's a promise ;)


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