
Healer: Episode 14

Oof. It’s a wrenching episode, taking us on a roller coaster ride of wild emotional ups and downs. Our hero has to grapple with some weighty, nearly unbearable, burdens, struggling to make sense out of the insensible. Thankfully for him, he isn’t as alone in the world as he thinks he is—and thankfully for us, roller coasters have upswings to counter the violent downs. Up, up, and away!


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Teacher dies. Jung-hoo arrives at the station in time to see his body being wheeled out to an ambulance, and his knee-jerk reaction is to charge at the scene furiously.

Dae-yong and several buddies are thankfully on hand to hold him back, though it’s a struggle. He flings them aside a few times, but they manage to prevent him from being spotted and drag him out of sight. It’s a good thing, too, because Detective Yoon just misses spotting Jung-hoo, keeping Healer undetected for the time being.

Dae-yong blocks Jung-hoo’s path to the car, and Jung-hoo slumps down against it, suddenly weakened. He reels, physically winded.

Then he gets in the car anyway, shoving Dae-yong aside, and drives off. Gah, not in that condition!

Min-ja is just as devastated by the news, and answers Dae-yong’s call with a heavy heart. But she pulls herself together to address the problem of their rogue Healer. So she puts in a phone call to Moon-ho, not bothering to introduce herself; she doesn’t need to, because the second she drops Teacher’s name, Moon-ho’s all ears.

Jung-hoo storms into the hospital with a single-minded goal, and his rage provides a tunnel vision that makes him think nothing of beating down the poor doctors who get in his way. He gets to the morgue efficiently—but once there, he hesitates, trembling in trepidation.

As soon as Moon-ho arrives at the hospital, Detective Yoon recognizes him and stops him to ask a few questions. Moon-ho’s got bigger concerns right now, but he can’t just shake off the curious cop.

Jung-hoo enters the exam room and has difficulty approaching the body, his hands shaking as he draws back the sheet. One look at Teacher’s face is all he needs, and the tears spring forth immediately, even as he says, “It’s not true, right? I remember how you played a trick on me last time just like this, you know. So get up. Teacher.”

He asks pleadingly, but reality is slowly setting in. Slowly, Jung-hoo sinks to the ground in a crouch.

Detective Yoon leads Moon-ho down to the morgue, and along the way they encounter the unconscious orderly in the hallway. While the detective calls for help, Moon-ho hurries forward to the morgue ahead of him—but when he arrives, the exam room is empty.

Moon-ho moves to draw the sheet over Teacher’s head, but pauses—this must be the first time in over a decade that he’s seen his hyung’s face. He wells up with tears.

When the detective asks how he knows Teacher, Moon-ho replies that this man was like family to him. Tears dripping down his face, Moon-ho leans over the body and promises, “Hyung, I’ll take care of this now.”

His reaction to the supposed Healer’s death naturally makes the detective wonder, and I’m hoping this doesn’t signal complications for Moon-ho… even though it totally will, right? Detective Yoon calls for reinforcements to beef up his investigation, and anticipates that they’ll have “guests” dropping in to get Teacher’s statement. They’ll have to set a trap.

As Jung-hoo drives off, he thinks back to earlier days with Teacher, such as the time he’d proudly presented Jung-hoo with home-cooked birthday soup (which did not go well). Then there was the time Jung-hoo had presented Teacher with his high school equivalency certificate and “won” a promised briefcase from the Teacher (which was full of porn, HA).

A car overtakes him on the road, then screeches to a halt in front of him, forcing Jung-hoo to stop. Jung-hoo tries to drive around it, but Moon-ho literally puts himself in front of the car, then grabs to hold Jung-hoo back while explaining that a woman called to tell him he’d be coming this way. And that he’d be out to kill.

Moon-ho blocks his path with his body and pleads, “Don’t do it! Don’t! You’d become a murderer because of bastards like that? Why?!” Moon-ho continues to try to stop Jung-hoo, who keeps knocking him aside, not giving up even after receiving several hard blows. Jung-hoo isn’t so far gone that he’ll seriously hurt Moon-ho, though, and stops himself from delivering a severe punch. Moon-ho gasps out that his teacher wouldn’t have wanted him to do this.

Jung-hoo asks in frustration what he has to do, and Moon-ho’s promise to figure something out isn’t good enough—he needs something now. He bursts out that he’s like this because there’s nothing he can do, so he demands that Moon-ho tell him something.

Moon-ho yells back that he’s felt this way for the past twenty years, fighting the frustration of being unable to do anything. Oof, you know, that is a very good point.

“So just give me a little time,” Moon-ho asks. “I’ll find a way.”

But now Jung-hoo turns the blame inward: “I called Teacher here. He didn’t want to come, but I called him. I made him talk about things he didn’t want to talk about, and got angry when he did. And because I was angry, even though he was here for the first time in eight years, we didn’t eat a single meal together. But that damned old man…”

Jung-hoo’s really struggling, and Moon-ho tells him to go ahead and cry. Instead, Jung-hoo bellows his frustration, then gets back in his car. Moon-ho blocks his car door and swears to take down every single evildoer and make them pay for their crimes, asking Jung-hoo to trust him.

Jung-hoo asks, “How? Aside from stopping me, what can you do?” Moon-ho doesn’t have an answer, and he finally steps back. Jung-hoo drives off.

Moon-shik receives reporters at home for an interview, now that he’s a mayoral candidate, and Myung-hee keeps up appearances as the loving wife in front of the cameras. But her face is stony when she listens to Moon-shik giving his interview, as he laughs how it’s both his strength and weakness that he’s exactly the same on the inside and outside: “I can’t hide a thing!”

Young-shin is puzzled when she can’t get a hold of Bong-soo. The boys were at her place all night working, and he supposedly only stepped out to go running, but never returned. Reporter Yeo points out that Bong-soo has a habit of running away in fear at nighttime or at dawn, and speculates that he must’ve seen something that scared him off… insinuating that Young-shin spooked him with her behavior, ha.

He and Editor Jang look at her expectantly for an explanation of what she did to run him off, but she doesn’t have to give one since Moon-ho arrives to explain Bong-soo being absent today.

Young-shin proposes to Moon-ho that they interview Moon-shik, saying that she’d like to tell him directly that they find his past shady so they can get his response to it. The problem is that he might decline a request for interview, so she asks Moon-ho to pull some strings, since he’s his brother.

“From today, he isn’t,” Moon-ho replies, startling her. “I’ve decided that Kim Moon-shik and I are not brothers. Not anymore.”

Despite the surprise, Young-shin doesn’t ask questions, saying merely that she’ll try getting the interview on her own. She admits to a particular interest in the wife, having read about how amazingly close the spouses’ relationship is. She allows that Moon-ho knows his brother and must have good reason to consider him unfit for office—but perhaps a man who is so devoted toward one woman all his life isn’t all bad. At the very least, she’d like to meet the wife and draw her own conclusions. Moon-ho agrees to think about it, which she takes as a positive sign.

She asks if he talked to Bong-soo, and he just says that he must be out with a cold. Young-shin starts texting Bong-soo, but deletes each attempt. First she asks “Bong-soo-ya” if he’s sick, and then she asks more formally, “What is your name?” Finally she sets the phone aside, not texting after all.

At her desk, Min-ja sets a shot of soju before a photograph of Teacher and asks him to wish her luck—she’s about to resurrect some long-dormant superpowers. Then she gets to business, unleashing her full hacker skills on her keyboard, which soon goes detected by the police department. Detective Yoon races to his terminal to get in on the action, recognizing the hacking pattern, a look of gleeful anticipation on his face as he counters.

Flashback: Min-ja is the lead cop on a stakeout, with a young Detective Yoon weathering the brunt of her rebukes as she outlines the importance of the case they’re working on. They have to wait for a warrant to be issued before charging in, but until then they have to make sure their targets don’t catch wind and delete their computer files.

While they’re waiting, Min-ja takes a call with her irate husband, who screams, “You call yourself a mother?!” It’s because she won’t leave the stakeout, although Detective Yoon overhears and urges her to go, because her four-year-old is in the hospital after yet another surgery. Just then the warrant is issued, and Min-ja orders her team into action, choosing work again.

In the present, Detective Yoon springs the trap. But Min-ja outmaneuvers him, freezing the system while she downloads the files she needs.

This hack brings back more painful memories, and the next flashback shows her husband accusing her of not being a mother, because she wasn’t there when her child died. Making things even worse, her police boss issues orders from above to cover up the case and delete those hard-earned files after all.

Well, it’s no wonder she quit the force after that. Ajumma raises a sardonic toast to Teacher and drinks.

She hacks into the Healer pad to tell Jung-hoo that she got Teacher’s recorded statement, which sounds to her like a message meant for Jung-hoo. Jung-hoo watches Teacher’s video, where Teacher says that he never gave too much thought to the jobs he took on, but ought to have. If he had, those thoughts could’ve been his signboard, directing him where to go when he felt lost, warning him of cliffs or construction ahead, or to turn around.

When asked whether he murdered Go Sung-chul on commission, Teacher replies that he doesn’t accept those jobs:

Teacher: “If a person kills another person, they become inhuman. You should die a person. That way, you can reunite with those people you want to see again, those who left before you. There’s one thing I regret: I should have quit from the start.”

That’s when Teacher turns away from the detective and faces the camera instead: “Give it up. Go live with the woman you love, raising two kids, a dog, two cats, a few goldfish. I should have.”

Shaken and confused, Jung-hoo can only ask in a small lost voice, “Why?”

Ajumma advises Jung-hoo to honor Teacher’s dying wishes, and offers to make him a new identity, or to solidify Bong-soo’s. But Jung-hoo says heavily, “It’s too late. She already knows everything. Who I am.”

Then he corrects himself: “No, not everything. She doesn’t know that being with me will bring her pain. That it might even kill her.” He ignores ajumma’s barrage of questions, saying that there’s nothing he can do but sleep.

So he sets out unplugging all his computers, pulls the battery out of his phone, removes his watch and ring, and heads for bed. Checking out of life for the time being.

Moon-ho drops by the ABS station, and although his former boss Min-jae is still peeved at him for the press conference stunt, she agrees to a chat. Moon-ho apologizes for putting her in a bad position, then explains how a close hyung recently died, and that he thinks he knows who killed him. Then there’s another guy who used to be close to him in childhood, who has been out of touch for three days.

Min-jae’s understandably frosty with him and tells him impatiently to get to the point. Moon-ho’s answer is a bit surprising—that she is the only name saved in his phone as a friend, and today he’s here to talk to a friend. “Because I have nobody to talk to.”

Min-jae notes that despite Moon-ho’s image as a fearless figure, she knows he’s actually the opposite: “You only ever fight when you won’t get hurt. You run away when you meet someone frightening, using an appropriate excuse.” She tells him it’s nothing to be ashamed of, however, “Since we’re all like that.”

Young-shin and Jong-soo get busy working on the Moon-shik story, and in between interviews she tries to track down Bong-soo at home using his resumé address, which turns out to be nonexistent. She sends him messages chiding him for skipping work when they’re short-staffed, her voicemails going from concerned to stern to threatening, warning that he’s missed his forgiveness window.

But by the fifth day, her voice is scared as she sits in the dark, asking, “Did I… do something wrong? Is it because I said I would wait that you can’t come? Should I have said I wouldn’t wait… that you shouldn’t worry? Should I cancel what I said?”

ABS schedules a talk with Moon-shik as a live broadcast, and Moon-ho decides to use that as Someday’s next broadcast. As soon as Moon-shik answers a question on air, within the next ten minutes, Someday will counter that answer.

Of course, that requires them to know what questions will be asked. But Moon-ho knows his brother will only answer questions that have been prepped in advance, and turns to his spy, asking if he’d like to be a double agent. Jong-soo would NOT, thank you very much, but really, there’s no refusing. He nervously agrees.

Moon-ho finds Young-shin still huddled in the dark, and she jumps up guiltily. He asks for her phone, and she assumes she’s in trouble and promises not to make any more personal calls on the job, only to have him punch in a number—it’s Myung-hee’s. He gives permission to use his name in asking for an interview, and Young-shin excitedly hurries off to make the call.

At home, Myung-hee heads into her husband’s empty office and tries opening his desk drawers. They’re locked shut, to her disappointment—but she catches a glimpse of something mounted to the underside of the desk. A button.

She presses it, and bookshelves slide open to reveal the secret space behind it, where the hidden TV screens are mounted. That’s when she gets Young-shin’s call, and more surprising than her request is the news that Moon-ho is her boss at Someday—all this while, she thought he was still at the broadcast station. Wow, she has really been kept cut off from the world.

Myung-hee’s also surprised that Moon-ho would have given her number to a reporter, as he knows that she doesn’t meet people. But she likes the sound of Young-shin’s voice and asks for time to consider, and Young-shin thanks her enthusiastically.

Min-ja sends Dae-yong on the rounds to track down all of Jung-hoo’s vehicles, trying to pinpoint his whereabouts. But everything looks untouched, and Min-ja deduces that this means Jung-hoo isn’t moving at all, which suggests he’s holed himself up at home. Dae-yong offers to go in person, but Min-ja says that even if she showed up there, she couldn’t get inside without Jung-hoo’s permission.

Next thing you know, ajumma charges into the Chae family cafe (yesssssssss) like she owns the place, ordering ajusshi to open half an hour early and demanding a female server. Haha. I love how she doesn’t explain a thing, and just lets them think she’s a weirdo.

Min-ja imperiously motions Young-shin aside to take her order, and Young-shin complies, despite her bafflement. Once Young-shin sits down, ajumma asks if she recognizes her voice, and repeats her words from her previous call to jog her memory.

Young-shin gasps upon recognition, suddenly alert and pelting her with questions. She says that Bong-soo’s been unreachable for days, her worry obvious.

Ajumma asks for her phone and links it to a device, fiddling with it as she tells her that Bong-soo’s been immobile for six days, probably not eating. She’s certain he won’t let her in, which leaves one option: to force him to open the door himself.

Understanding what she’s getting at, Young-shin asks tearfully, “Is he… okay? Is he not okay?” (I notice she’s now calling him “that person”—her way of referring to the Healer—instead of Bong-soo.) She grabs ajumma’s hand and begs her to tell her where to find him.

Ajumma notes Young-shin’s vehement reaction and replies, “I had to see your eyes.” Then she hands her back the phone, all the information there at her fingertips.

Young-shin follows the directions to Jung-hoo’s building, her lock-picking skills coming in handy in getting past the first locked door. She heads up the elevator, through the dilapidated warehouse floor, up some crumbling stairs, and to a seeming dead end. There’s nowhere to go from here, but the signal on her phone indicates that this is where she should be.

So Young-shin starts tapping on the walls and calling out for Bong-soo. Getting no response, she pulls out her tools and finds a stethoscope, using it to listen through the wall… and then she hears something click. A sign dangling on the opposite wall moves, and when she moves it again, the wall springs open.

Cautiously, she steps inside the inner lair—and there he is, in bed, looking half-dead.

Young-shin races to his side, and as she reaches to call for an ambulance, Jung-hoo’s eyes slowly open. She tells him gently, “Bong-soo-ya, I’m here.”

He sighs, “Daebak.” Which, all things considered, is hilarious. He reaches his hand out to touch her face, wondering at this dream. He murmurs that he’s cold, and at that she climbs in bed with him and cradles his head in her arms. It’s incredibly sweet. And as she holds him close, he snuggles into her side.

Some time later, he wakes up, alone in bed. Young-shin comes up holding a ladle (and are those his clothes she’s wearing?), holding it out for him to taste.

He struggles to get up, not at all happy to see her. She disregards his displeasure and informs him that she’s put in a personal day at work and intends to stay till tomorrow, and that he’ll eat her cooking whether he likes it or not.

He tells her wearily that this is no place for her, and that she should leave: “Forget this place, and don’t come back.”

His demeanor is cold and uninviting, and Young-shin looks at him intently and asks if this is the real him. Bong-soo didn’t talk like that, “But you’re a little scary.” She informs him that it’s dark and late, so she’ll leave tomorrow if he wants.

Ignoring his surliness, Young-shin sets him up comfortably and presents him with dinner. His mood darkens further as he grabs Young-shin’s things, thrusting them at her and pushing her toward the exit.

She whirls out of reach, refusing to leave, and he’s frankly too weak to do much else. Staggering closer, he asks in exasperation, “Why do you have so little fear?”

She replies, “I’m not afraid of you.” He points out that he’s hiding more from her than she could even guess, and she answers, “I don’t care.” He fires back, “Are you an idiot?”

“Don’t send me away,” she says. “If you send me away, you’ll cry forever.”

He says bleakly, “I could get you hurt.” She shakes her head, full of certainty: “No, you won’t get me hurt. Never.”

He struggles with himself, then grabs her wrist to drag her out. But she stops him, turning him toward her and pulling him into a hug. “Don’t send me away,” she asks again.

Jung-hoo’s face crumples in tears, and then he buries his face in her neck and grabs tight.

She holds him like that for a long moment, and then pulls back to wipe his tears from his face. She kisses him.


So many things to write about, and they’re not even about that kiss! (Although, eeee, that kiss!)

I was really happy with where this episode took Moon-ho—even as far as yesterday I wasn’t sure what direction he would ultimately take, but today solidified his place standing alongside the Healer. I know he’d declared his intention to work together in the last episode, but it took seeing his old hyung cold and dead on that slab to finally cut the cord, and to realize that his brother had in fact crossed the line fully, that he couldn’t spare him from justice. I don’t think he was necessarily waiting for his brother to redeem himself, but he had enough hope that he wasn’t so far gone.

So now that he knows Moon-shik would (and has) killed, he’s finally ready to take the stand he’s been waffling on taking for the past twenty years. Moon-ho really is the linchpin in this entire story, because even now he possesses more information than anybody else, and it isn’t until he makes the decision that our mother-daughter reunion can start on its path. I suppose if he had had his brother’s ambition his kind of masterminding might be an ominous thing, but as Min-jae rightly points out, Moon-ho is actually rather timid. Good-intentioned, but lacking the courage to fight the big fight.

I guess that’s why he needs Healer and Young-shin on his team to see through the final takedown of the Elder. And while it sucks to have Jung-hoo so shaken by the loss of Teacher, it’s the perfect narrative catalyst to bring them together—because till now, they’ve shared the general stance of being anti-Moon-shik, but differed in their personal motivations. Jung-hoo doesn’t care about the Elder beyond what he does to people he loves, so he isn’t swayed by Moon-ho’s appeals for greater justice. Now, though, Teacher’s death provides a link, and I’m excited to see how these two work together from here on out. One brotherly bond may be severed, but who says another one can’t be formed? (As for the baddies, we’re still unclear on what exactly the Elder does, but based on what we know thus far, I’m imagining a shadow society of elites who manipulate all aspects of society to benefit themselves—I’m thinking Kishokai of Gaksital, for instance.)

I loved how the show depicted Jung-hoo’s reaction to losing Teacher, which felt real and raw, and bolstered by acting that totally made me cry along with the characters. There was an immediacy to Jung-hoo’s grief that I found powerful, and am so happy to see Ji Chang-wook become this character so wholly.

More than the kiss itself (although again, eeee!), I was moved by Jung-hoo’s reaction to Young-shin’s stubborn insistence on staying with him—the anger, confusion, fear, and eventual acceptance. Most of the time, noble idiocy in dramaland arises when a character pushes someone away “for their own good” in a situation where that angst is unnecessary, hence the idiocy part of the term. But it’s not noble idiocy when the reasons are credible, and it makes perfect sense that Jung-hoo’s reaction to losing one of the last loved ones in his life is to shut down entirely, especially when he blames himself for that death.

The heartbreaking thing is that the Teacher did totally die for him, indirectly; I don’t think he knew he was going to die, but you get the sense that Teacher would willingly do it again and feel it was worth the cost. He wasn’t able to protect the baby bears through the end of their lives, but he made good on his promise by protecting them through the end of his. But to Jung-hoo, all he sees is that people around him die, and that’s devastating in a twofold way: first, he costs good people their lives, and second, he then has to live in a world where they’re dead.

So he’s become deathly afraid of building any sort of meaningful relationship, because every time it burns him, it cuts deeper and deeper. Yet in comes charging this girl who refuses to let him bully her away, informing him that she will stay put, and refusing to accept his fear of hurting her. Moreover, she isn’t about to let him sink into self-ruin, and insists on taking care of him. Young-shin is totally badass in all the best ways, and she just keeps getting better.

I love how he sees her next to his bed and sighs that it must be a dream, and only in his half-conscious state does he allow her to come close. Despite the fact that they totally got to snuggle in bed together, I appreciate that the scene wasn’t sexy in the least, but more poignantly sweet, letting our damaged hero find some comfort while his guard is lowered. When he’s fully awake, you can see how much he wishes he could believe her while his head warns him not to… but thankfully for all of us, there’s only so much denial you can handle before you cave and have to accept it already. (Accept the truth, kisses and all!) Somehow it feels fitting that he gets to be with his girl against the backdrop of his imagined paradise, ’cause I think he’s doing just fine where he is in his reality, once he finally allows himself his honesty.


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Ugggh the way he whimpers 'I'm cold' my heart broke into a billion pieces uggggghhh


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omg yes :( it was so sad I actually cried this episode. first time crying on healer since misaeng ended. :( please someone give ji chang wook an award for his performance and his real tears :(

oh my heart...


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I second that...Ji Chang Wook's acting is faultless here.


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his acting...stellar....so sad


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yes his acting has been on top throughout this drama but he really did a great job this episode


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I 3rd that. I was really impressed (more so), with his acting in this ep. The vulnerability he showed as SJH, not only emotionally, but also physically were very palpable. One could feel his pain, his grief, his fears, his despair, his loneliness and his longing. There was just something that was expressed (strongly to me), when he would crouch down (at the hospital, by his car, in his place), as if he wanted to disappear from the world, and leave all this pain behind. He was making himself small, and he looked like a lost small boy in that posture. You know an actor/actress is really good, when they make you care so much about a character, you don't see the character as a character, but as a person who exists. JCW is doing that in this drama.


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totally agree with everything you said ivory. two thumbs way up


Yes yes yes just like you said i care so much for JH as if i know him personally. I don't even considered JH a character anymore because i keep worrying for him. For example, when he got hurt in ep 12, i was literally praying the whole week that he would be ok. JCW is so amazing like wow


Thanks Ivoire, you've taken the words right out of my mouth (fingertips).

For the last few eps now, I haven't thought of SJH being a character but an actual person. I don't know what it is about JCW's acting... I can safely say this is the first time feeling this way while watching a kdrama.

Alot of Soompi-ers are squealing about the ending, but for my part, I thought the sweetest moment was when CYS gathered him into her arms and just held him. And that moment when she wiped his tears away *OMG* i bawled like a baby



Gawd, that moment was so sweet. All the cuddles. The snuggling! The words of comfort!

Shoot me, shoot me now! I'm good as dead anyway.


I totally agree with you. I don't usually cry in front of a drama, but that scene when he's at the police station and just collapses against his car... It broke my heart.
I like your analysis "when he would crouch down, as if he wanted to disappear from the world, and leave all this pain behind. He was making himself small, and he looked like a lost small boy in that posture". You expressed it just right.
Seriously, I didn't know JCW before Healer, but I'm totally glad I'm on board !


ivoire, that is exactly what's make him stand out among the pretty boys in Kdrama... even among people like JoonWon.. Lee Min Ho.. LeeJunKi...its just diff.. at least you be attracted to his good looks, as like in Bachelor Vegetable Boys, you awe in his beauty but forget him afterward.. but here, you wake up to acknowledge that he has perfected the craft so much, he became the person so in depth, till you know very well.. even if the show ends..when he take on another role, the feels is not the same.. you still loved JiChangWook... but you desperately will miss Bongsookie, its just not the same anymore.. a normal actor acts... a smart actor awe... a real actor felt and lived....
Healer's Jungho is such one.



Seriously! when he crouches down by his car right after the ambulance leaves with Teacher's body, you can practically FEEL his hands and face go numb with grief-you can see his body shutting down in protest. In denial. In pain.

JCW Isn't just a pretty face-he's a phenomenal actor with a firm grasp on his character and his character's motivations and life experiences.


Agree! JCW is by far an excellent actor who are capable of communicating every subtle nuance of emotion. Many ppl compare Healer with CIty Hunter. But imo, Healer is better than City Hunter and JCW is part of the reasons why. I definitely vote for him being a better actor than much more famous Lee Min Ho.


Typo - who IS capable.....


re: people comparing JCW with the pretty boy LMH.. (no offence to LMH FANS)... OKAY, i do admit , at any given time, LMH is mesmerizing and luminious as his looks stand out, and not that he cannot act at all.. well, he can acts... many started to act better as they grow longer in the industry.. yet few create life into the character they act, until viewers can temporary forget their actual identity .. i was watching KBS drama award at kbs half an hour ago.. i saw my past idols like Lee JunKi, JoonWon, as shining as before... then, i realised on thing...
while all these stars has grown more charming by the days.. while they take on new roles, you can't help still remembering they are exactly their own "self", eg. lee junki as they act in Gunman in J, and JoonWon is exactly Joonwon has not shake off his joonwon identity in Tomorrow Cantabile ...
ji changwook was once like that, in warrior BaekDongsoo.. you remember he is JCW as baekdongsoo appear on screen...
not to discredit all the fine actors i mentioned above, just that the roles they recently put on, is not as fine as what JCW shake off... JCW shake off himself in HEALER...and become JEONGHOO the moment he appear on your screen.. you forget you are watching JCW when HEALER appear.. when JEONGHOO fluttered and choked his tears, reduced to a pile at his Teacher side at Mortuary, you felt Jeonghoo is crying, not JiChangWook crying...
that is called "becoming" a character,.. not just acting. THUS, i say that Best Actor award given to LEEjunKI should be worthy for Jeonghoo , who make us forget jichangwook for a moment at the mortuary.


@Mary of Bethany

I also agree that JCW needs to win a Best Actor Award. I'm sorry for the LMH fans because it may seem like we are attacking him but we are just comparing and contrasting. I saw that LMH won excellence award for Personal Preference and Faith. I didn't think those were the most worthy awards for those particular performances but that's what comes with fame regardless of him actually being able to act in a great way or not because he was popular. JCW won excellence award for Emperor Ta Hwan (which was a phenomenal performance on his part) where he probably could have won a better award for that role. And I hope Healer wins some awards in 2015 because of Healer for the exact reasons you have given.

He submerges himself into a character and you forget that it's acting. When he appears on the screen, we are thinking, "oh, that's healer, that's park bong soo, that's seo jung hoo" instead of thinking "oh, now JCW is healer" and so on. And that's the kind of impression I have not been getting from other actors after witnessing JCW in Healer. So I agree with you. I think Lee Jun Ki deserves his award. He worked hard for it and I personally like Lee Jun Ki. I think JCW didn't win that one because Healer only aired a few episodes and he was still just Healer and there was not much depth to his character yet. Now with the new 2015 starting with his phenomenal acting skills...he for sure deserves best actor award.


its Monday. am back to my "Bongsookie" persona here in workplace.. kinda "act holier"/ "act dumb"/ "act nobody". just want to blend in. don't we all are... that's is why, we can identify with bongsookie .. just like Yeongshin, to say that she is madly infatuated with healer, rather that she is in fact unknowingly fallen for bongsookie, the simple sympathizing listener. only at nite can we escape into our 'healer" act, whacking people on webs... i used to whack arabs / Jews at middle east papers.. talkback.. am a little "known" there in past ... "Middle east re: Israel" was my playground / arena / sanctuary... (whatever u may call it) until.. "Healer" destroy my peace. thus i desert my own batcave, pop on the wagon and join you noonas.. for the ride of my lifetime. till mid Feb when that "Armageddon" arrive, till then, let's just enjoy sending a signal to Healer Production team, of how much we were healed. this wounded Healer can't even heal himself. Do we actually beleive in healer? i believe in Saviour of the World in soul, in sense of save our soul over sins.

no healer can heal the physical world, we just heal one soul at a time beside us, just like jungho and yeoungsin healing each other...and that's enough.


me too, was a leejunki fan... watched all his ijimae, something about dogs and wolves... even the 2 weeks thingy. but with leejunki,, it is clearly acting.. loud mesmerizing acting, a stare, a sneer, a smile, he charm you thru and thru.. you just enjoy him doing his repeating "leejunki thing" thru out every show.
so is Joonwon my another idol.. with Bridal mask and Bread Love Dream.. its swoon factors oozing..
list can goes on with Kim Soo Kyun another ailen conquering small screen....
but JICHANGWOOK is diff with Healer... i don't find jichangwook in healer, when i do actually find jichangwook in 5 fingers, Baek Dong soo, Bachelor vegetable boys...
jichangwook shed off jichangwook, and healer is healer.

that is the different, with what JCW delivered here.


think by show over at feb mid.. i may take a break for kdrama... so dried up emotional ... kinda of my own of mourning the "passing" of the show...felt if i continue to swoon over other show.. i will be "betraying" junghoo.. stupid huh? anyway was tunning in to watch other kdrama past few days... just lost all appetite... die already.
healer just kill my desire over ALL DRAMA.


but problem is .. the ratings on web seems indicate that Healer fall behind Punch and whatever that JangGuk thingy... both are "i couldn't be bothered" stuffs.. so how can healer rating be third... i conclude rating are silly, not true, demoralizing. orchestrated by some big shots up there probably .



kindly open to see new stills of the Healer being healed... very sweet shots.. enjoy.
(sorry, that i pop in here.. too lazy to stroll down...)


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kbs just killed me with this ep 15 i died watching. everyone prepared to die watching. if not, don watch ep 15


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I'm seriously happy that Ji Chang-wook is getting all the attention that he deserves now. Honestly, he's the only reason why I started on this whole 'Healer' thing. I've been paying a lot of attention to him since years ago back when he's still pretty unknown. It's just amazing how far he has gone now.
Like what everyone is saying, I agree that his acting here has been so stellar that he doesn't look like he's acting. Healer is a real person here and we're all absorbed into the his world.

This show has been so awesome I don't have any other word to say. Except maybe, IS MONDAY HERE YET?


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Unfortunately, it is still wednesday :(

Usuallly I'm done with drama's as soon as the main couple get together. Right now though, I'm getting my gear ready to fight alongside our awesome 3 to cut down elder MS.


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It's Thursday now! Usually I dread time passing faster (cos you know that you're getting older each day) but now all I want is Monday and Tuesday.
Kinda regret that I didn't wait for this show to end before I started it, in that way I can just marathon all 20 episodes. But if I do that, I can't join the fun of discussing it weekly with fellow beanies here. Ah dilemma.


Yup! He really deserves some awards for his acting in Healer. The prior projects he got did not really have amazing scripts for his characters to shine. But this one single drama brings out every single brilliant element of him as a real actor. But I was told he's to be enlisted very soon this year. So, we have to wait about 2 more years to see his performance again.


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Thanks Javabeans, for tiding us over with a recap--can Monday come sooner?!? Little Muffin, I agree with you on watching JCW from his earlier dramas until now--and boy has he developed into an amazing actor. First saw him on Smile, Dong Hae, and didn't think much of him. On Empress Ki, his was the character I liked least. But here in Healer, WOW! It's like re-discovering him all over again. This IS the role for him; it brings out every ounce of talent, charisma, and physicality that he possesses in a role that showcases them all (now if we could just hear him sing--he also has wonderful singing voice!). I also wondered if it was a mistake when it was mentioned that he was currently doing a musical, but in ep. 14, he looked totally exhausted and drained--befitting the condition of the grieving Healer. Love how only in his weakness could he accept YS--and how gratefully he succumbed to her stubbornness. Those tears were amazing!


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While you are waiting for monday to come why you check out healer making on youtube.... its daebak???


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Yes!Yes! that was the hug, no holding back this time coz she knows how much he needs her to be there for him now. Beautiful backdrop for a love kiss, it was there for a reason. can't wait for next week's last two eps.
I hope I don't get hit by a bus or something before I get to watch the finale.I'm being ominous but whatever. This episode though laced with sadness with the Teacher's passing, in the end, there's always something to warm the heart.
That better be a long kiss next ep in continuation. c'mon, just a little fanservice,pls, pretty pls.. That's all I ask a sweet but scorching hot kiss! What?


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May the kdrama gods hear you and give us that scorching hot kiss!!! **squees**


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Got news for you. Next week is NOT the finale. We have three more weeks to go. Healer's a 20 ep drama and we're only at 14 now.

Sawrry. Or not? :-)


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Awwww, 20eps?? you just made me happy :D


I am Sori 4 interjecting here but d sawry had me in stitches . From You from another star (Cheon Song yi) was hilarious



something to savor before jb recap come out.
i am super restless today, cannot work at all.



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I love coming back in here and rereading all of the previous comments after having watched Healer a bazillion times (no, seriously, I'm not kidding...LOL...I still haven't moved on and it's been over a month). I especially love seeing comments like this one where we are wishing and hoping and begging that we get some more fan service in the next episode after being left with such a sweet cliffhanger. And because this is our future selves coming back to the comments, we already know what is going to happen and we can't help but squeeee at these comments. Or at least I can't help it. Eeeeeee! Adelaide! Your wish will be granted 10-fold and then some. I hope you prepared yourself.


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I hope and pray that Bong Soo's character won't disappear from now on. :(


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@Turkish Rose
I actually like JH more than Bong Soo. It's so sexy, cuz he has has that badass but vulnerable side to him.


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Azfih I love Jung hoo's character a lot, more than Bong Soo. But I love all the moments his dorky side bright into the show. I feel if that is taken out, the show will solely be more drama which I don't mind personally, but I'll still miss bpngsooki :(


That's true. Bong Soo was a great character. I'm gonna miss the scenes where he alternates between the 2 too!!! This show should be 50 episodes! LOL Then we would have had more Bong Sookie :(


Hello azfih ! Hoping you having a good day !

I have been looking forward to your comments to the episode( basically the last 10 mts) and swooning with you!

And yes once again, we both think the same. JH is the one I like the most ! Its like parts of all plus a vulnerability, hotness, a rebel streak and such LOADS OF Heart!
During rooftop confession, when Young Shin was saying you sounded like some other person, I felt that was more Jung Hoo than Bong soo.


Hey Divyrus,

It's great talking with you.

Unfortunately, fell asleep while waiting for the post. Woke up to 800 comments and by the time I read through them what needs to be said was said LMAO

Have you seen the JCW/ Healer rotating header? I know. *swooning right beside you*

It's saturday for me! YAY! 2 more days till Healer is out agaaaain! Cant wait!!!


His voice breaking while Young Shin's cliniging to him was damn real feels! Daebak!!


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I haven't cried during any episode of Healer either, but there were so many scenes throughout episode 14 that brought out the tears :'(

There were two really poignant moments for me when I watched this (though there were definitely more than two):

1. When Jung Hoo was recounting all his memories with Teacher during the car ride and he felt so suffocated. Like Ivoire said, I could feel his emotional pain and the weight of it pressing down on him. Agh the pain ...!

2. When Young Shin pointed out the stark contrast between his Bong Soo persona and Jung Hoo's actual demeanor. I do believe that he is a little bit of Bong Soo, a little bit of Healer all wrapped up in who he actually is, but I loved the way she brought about this gentle confrontation and acknowledgement. I'm not the biggest fan of Park Min Young, but she and her character are awesome in this drama!


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One of my chest-tightening moments for this ep was when MHo was looking over Teacher's dead body at the morgue. Specifically when he held Teacher's covered arm and with tears running down his face, said that he'll go it alone now. His anguish was palpable then. That was the first time in the show that I connected with him. Before this, to me, he was just a threat to the OTP. Now, I'm fully convinced that he will fight the good fight.


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Unlike many people who watch Healer because of JCW, I am here because of Park Min Young. I noticed her when she was in City Hunter and started to like this actress.
I like her not because of her cute face, but because of her dedication to her work and honesty to the public.
Park Min Young deserves more recognition from us. :)


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Hello JWC7987

I started watching the show for PMY too. I have always liked her (for her pretty face too, as shallow as it sounds!), but also for her ability to be bubbly, sad and cheerful which kind of connects to me instead of being annoying.

Not that I am going at actresses who do this, but I hate when the make an actress purposefully ugly to make a statement when we KNOW she is really pretty, like in Mi Rae's choice, or may other dramas where you see the hair and you're like WTH?

But yeah, I def recognise PMY for the actress sge is.


oh.. was never into PMY. basically find most kdrama ladies leads very "acting cute"... never "don't like"her... just kinda of "she is okay only"....
then "POP" goes Healer, she excelled herself, she is boyish at times, natural, blunt.. very "mothering"... not pretentious... mmm.... already liked her and followed her at instagram and twitter... hope she becomes Mrs Ji one day.


by time Jb come out with ep 15 recap.. comments may exceed 3307 comments, the record by Healer ep 12.. so we can witness to Healer being the record comments breaker... so how can healer rating fall flat below punch... i don't fathom . and i couldn't let this rest. anyone can come out better rating? and now we are having almost 2980+ comments... way surpass other drama on DB.
boy i hate ratings !!!!


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actually that uncontrolled weeping scene as he drove away from morgue after witnessed for himself, the actual cold corpse of his beloved teacher,,, that very scene is well articulated, well delivered, beyond what some handsome face hunks can do.. they just yelled, and wept big chunk tears, .. making big sops.. but JCW kept it simple but real... the morgue plus driving away swept scene well deserving KBS AWARD.


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I'm just re-reading all the old recaps because I need SOMETHING to occupy my mind before Monday (only two left...sad...) and just wanted to add a little comment. That scene when he was driving and recalling all the sweet moments with Teacher, and what Teacher did for him (after all, Teacher was no parent and he probably had no idea how to raise a child but he did the best he could) - the way he was crying and wiping his tears was like a child crying, just kind of sobbing and wiping their tears away. Just reminds me of what YS said about JH being a 13 year old kid... based on all the trauma he faced as a child he probably has some of that childlike vulnerability in him. I think JCW's acting has been phenomenal and really carries the show. He understands his character very well and is able to portray all the subtleties that make his character resonate with the audience. I'm impressed.


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That scene... First I was laughing at his 'daebak' and then he does this and I'm close to tears...

Ji Chang Wook seems like the next actor to go on that list of actors who are good at making me cry with them :D


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The live-shooting, concurrent w his musical, has run him ragged. That thin face, heavy eyelids, paleness, all fit in so well with the look required for this ep too.
I almost believe that he himself is suffering from lack of food, drink and sleep.


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I thought about this too. He looked SO tired especially in that ending scene.

I was actually a bit shocked to find out (this weekend) that he was doing the musical like... HOW?! I can't even function properly with less than 7 hours of sleep...


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He was doing the musical for about 4-5 hours (incl.before n after musical) then went back to filming site to film ep 13 and 14.. That's why he didn't appear much on ep 14, only in the start and at the end.


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That makes sense. I was wondering why I couldn't see his face as much during this episode. But it fit in well with the story line which is good!


OMG....really they are live shooting now?!? that's terrible...


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Teacher's death was just fantastically done - sometimes a show kills of a character needlessly, but this worked.

Firstly, I don't believe that Teacher went into this thinking he'd end up dead. He was reacting quickly to a rapidly-deteriorating situation, and once he was in police custody, it really did seem like Ahjumma and Jung-hoo were concerned but pretty sure he'd be okay. I think TEACHER thought he'd be okay - right up until he felt an itch in his throat (I don't believe he'd have offered poisoned food to detective Yoon if he'd suspected). Kdramas tend to do a lot of grand-gesture sacrifice, and this felt smaller and more heartfelt, like Teacher didn't intend for things to happen this way and he would've preferred to survive, but when he realized he was dying his last efforts were to protect Jung-hoo.

Ahjumma's deep and quiet grief that leads to her eventually opening up to Young-Shin, Jung-hoo's panicked lashing out and then total withdrawal, and even Moon-ho's horror were fallout from that that in a way that Moon-shik (or creepy Secretary, who well may be working alone) couldn't have forseen.

I love how much attention this writer pays to the idea of waiting. Young-shin's father waiting for her to come hold his hand, Young-shin waiting for Healer to open up, Ahjumma waiting to actually see the look in Young-shin's eyes before handing over the partial key to Jung-hoo (note she didn't make it a cakewalk, Young-shin had to prove her worth in breaking in).

And then Moon-ho, who seems to have been waiting all this time for the one piece of evidence to break off from him brother, and here it is - the thing he really can't deny. Especially effecting since Moon-ho seems to want to play an uncle role to Jung-hoo again, seems to actually love him, and now he sees how his brother has managed to orphan Jung-hoo THREE TIMES: father, mother and now guardian.

Just a really well-written show, especially on a death ep that could have been used as a cheap catalyst.


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Whoops - not sure how this ended up here, wrong thread.


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@ Miranda,
I really love your analysis. Thank you for it. So that white thing that JMJ put on CYS's phone was a partial key to SJH's place, really? Oh sorry, what was I thinking? I just realized you didn't mean "Key" as in real key that we use to open doors.


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The white thing looked like it was a USB drive of some sort, loading a tracking device onto YS's phone. So Ahjumma gave her a way to find him, but it doesn't look like she gave her the full set of directions - YS had to take the initiative to break in herself.

Which I think is kind of cute: when princesses are rescued from towers there are always obstacles in the way that make the champion prove their worthiness. In this case, YS proved she had what it takes in both devotion and intelligence.


That's about all that ahjumma had on the location of SJH's lair. In the previous episode, Teacher took a long time to find the "key:entry" to SJH's place.


Love your analysis and totally agree. I feel like there are so many layers to this show that actually make it feel deep. You can enjoy Healer for what it is, an action/romance/comedy/drama that actually hits all of the right notes (for once—good lord, so many dramas tank!), or look deeper and realize how well thought out and thorough Song Ji-Nah and the director worked in fleshing the storylines out. I’m so drawn to Healer in a way that I don’t recall except with Yoon Eun-Hye’s Coffee Prince, because of so many elements that make it feel real. In particular, how Healer pays attention to the little details, and the show’s minor characters—Jong-Soo, Min-Jae, Papa Chae and his sidekick. So many times shows don’t pay attention to details and exposition and they become static filler, fluff that isn’t interesting, but I’m so darn invested in all of them! This drama is also so so SO beautiful and grounded in a human way, yet gives that kick with fun thrill. On paper (and the previews) the story seems unbelievable but there’s something about the way Healer is painted that makes me think everyone exists in real life. Dammit, can someone find me a Healer?


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@ CatCh,

I so love your post, especially because you have expressed some of the reasons why I love Healer so much. I LOVE details, and as you said, this show pays attention to it, and I feel that every character is given an opportunity to shine, really. Even the Elder, who does not have a lot of scenes, (to me) has a presence, when he comes on. Like you (maybe you felt that way?) I didn't know what to make of Healer on paper. I was not even going to watch it. And I am so glad I did. Also, as you said, one could watch it for entertainment, or look for the deeper meanings and layers. And to me, every actor/actress here is doing a really good job, even the side characters.

There are so many nuances in this drama, one really has to pay attention. I love how writer SJN, the PD,and the actors bring to life their characters, and the story. I love that the 80s and 90s feel like the 80s and 90s in the drama (the clothes, the lighting, the hair style, the mood, etc...). I love the musical choices made for this drama, and how and when they come into play (in scenes). Do you watch this drama with headphones? You really get the quality of the pieces chosen, both with lyrics and without. And yes, their world feels real, these characters feel real.

I loved that you said this, "In particular, how Healer pays attention to the little details, and the show’s minor characters—Jong-Soo, Min-Jae, Papa Chae and his sidekick," because I noticed it too. The bromance between KMH and Jong-soo (I love), in the way JS told KMH he had missed him, when he 1st came to Someday News. I love Papa Chae, who can be rough on the outside, but is a total softie. I love his sidekick, and the way he walks to work in the morning (and singing), LOL. I love how he yells "Hyung" when he panicks, LOL. You can tell writer SJN knows these characters, and the PD and the stylists make sure they look the part (Dir. Hwang's hair, Yo-Yo and his crazy and scary hair cut, ajumma's hair and outfits, etc...).

I also loved this, " This drama is also so so SO beautiful and grounded in a human way, yet gives that kick with fun thrill," and I agree. I loved lines like when SJ said, "whether my business card says Someday News or Monday News, it will not get me in" (when they were trying to go to the press conference by the politician). That was a witty and funny line to me. Do you remember that line? I too, am also very invested in the characters in this drama. After I have watched an ep., I often feel full, as if I just had a meal, really. I think it is the emotional beat of the show, that does that to me. Oh Healer, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways.


I agree with you. Just the other day I was telling my friend how good this show is (She's gonna watch it when it's finished, since she's a busy reporter (foreign policy desk) and can't have such a great long-week distraction at the moment.) and I told her the only other TV series in which every single detail felt so right and made the relationships so palpable was Coffee Prince (actually, I connected it to the fact that there was a woman involved in both, here the writer is female, in Coffee Prince, the director). I have many favorite TV shows I always re-watch. But where relationships and DETAILS are concerned, Coffee Prince tops the list (and now Healer, so freaking GOOD!).



I mean these many comments wont flow out for a random show with one sole focus or even with everything that is so thrilling.

Only a show as layered and as heartfelt as this could spark such a character discussion and get into our heads and not let go!

Its like we could go on and on and on forever about the show and wont run out of things to talk about! Its been a long while since I felt about any show.


you cannot be more right than all that u have said. so true. some show just thrill you with pretty faces, and you yearn for the final kisses.. then what else.. things return to normal.. and you on the wait for the hunk to act in another show, and you chase after that show, whatever will do, whatever role will do, as long as u can awe at his handsome face again.. then u make yourself believe that "it because he can act well.."nay.. you know well you are looking at the actor, same actor, in diff roles only.
then along once in a decade or century, you come across a role that shake you to the core... this Healer is such, that make you crave for even fan commentaries between fans, to know more about the characters, about the thoughts of the charcters.. its not anymore about who or what is Jichangwook... yes. i mean it.. even if he act in another role, awesome role... i will still awefully misssed Healer and Bongsookie... am not so looking forward to see a :Bongsookie" face acting as another role.. you get what i mean? it Jichangwook that acts in another role.. not Bongsookei, not Healer....
and this is how successful, how thoroughly Jicahngwook beget ParkBongSoo.....
PARKBONGSOO (note: not jichangwook), what have ye done to me?
and that leaves me hopelessly doom... even if very soon jichangwook will take on another oscar worthy role.
woe is unto me.


IMO, the Teacher's wasn't that sad because we didn't really know much about him and his relationship with Jung-hoo until those flashbacks in this episode. I thought his death worked though since he died protecting Jung-hoo. I was surprised that this episode didn't reveal more about how the Teacher was murdered.


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I think it was enough for me to know that Teacher had stepped up when absolutely everyone else in Jung-hoo's life fell away. He wasn't perfect, he was often incredibly annoying for Jung-hoo to deal with, but without Teacher Jung-hoo would have been a teenage dropout with massive anger issues.

I actually liked that the realization of his poisoning led Teacher to change his method. He starts off the show as someone who deemphasizes Jung-hoo in most ways, and once you see Moon-shik circling, it's possible that Teacher has purposely set up as many obstacles as he can to make Jung-hoo inaccessible so he won't get found by Moon-shik. Even when they're at Double S, Teacher pointedly won't talk about Jung-hoo when asked directly and only talks about his own actions (in creepy bear-song talk).

It's only once he's poisoned that Teacher starts actively connecting himself to Jung-hoo, and does so by thoroughly claiming all of Jung-hoo's crimes as his own and sending a message DIRECTLY to Jung-hoo via video. When you think about it, Teacher could've told someone immediately about the poison and had a chance at surviving, but he clearly made the mental calculation that preserving Jung-hoo was the more important use of that time.

That's huge. This poor guy, who lost his friends and his future in one swoop, came out of prison and took it upon himself to raise his friend's kid. And then he protected that kid to the end. His methods may have been bizarre, but he did what no one else had done and stepped up.



I was one who was angry at the teacher for not rushing to emergency ward by himself and trying to be alive for sake of Jung Hoo. But his message in the video made me understand why he would choose it.

When he mentioned, tehre are people on other side to meet, I got teary eyed. We all were talking about Jung Hoo, Moon Ho, Moon Shik and Myung Hee - on how much they lost and are suffering.

But I got a feeling teacher suffered most of all. I mean, he is the only sane one among the 5 to live. He is the only one who lived to see two of his best friends die and have one be suspected of it and one to be married to that suspect.
And with nothing that he could, he did the only thing that made sense. Raised Jung Hoo with care and affection and protected till end.

His statement on how there is a stone in his stomach that twists when he sees Jung Hoo makes so much sense now. To see him daily and be reminded of his best friend whom he was unable to protect or avenge or get justice for!

I am sure teacher, young shin's father and Jung Hoo's father are playing on the other side like old times!!!!


Interesting how you mentioned waiting. Did you guys know that ep 13's title is 'I'm Waiting?'


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Oh really? I didn't know that. Thanks for that info.


Ha, I also did not know that.


yeah... i missed out YS dad... kind of funny, that in this show, tis the fake dads and moms that shaped and mould the main leads lives.. not actually their actual dad/mom. its not even a real foster parent in JungHo case, but all these ajumma and ajussi just linger long in their lives, nag a little, scold a little, ajumma wasnt even physically present to pull a blanket, serve a tea... yet all these ajumma ajussi warm the leads hearts... didn't jungho teased ajumma, "you wouldn't be angry with me, over a day".. and he goes pout...mine o mine.. o wait, i was gona talked about YS dad right. got carried away with AJUMMA , my new favourite. back to YS DAD.. yes, he lika a dad i myself never have, how i long for a dad, that tells me, its okay to wait, because he also wait for me, that he allows me to let my heart go hurting, because it part of that growing up, part of that process, that darkness before the dawn.. he will tell me, wait, because "you comes to me" remember i didn't choose you, i just wait.. many times, i don't choose who we shall loved, we wait, the right one in GOD'S will shall come in the right timing.. .. even so when you found someone, you still wait, ... oneday, he will comes... even if he don't come, the process of waiting isn't that you don't gain anything... you becomes............. dare to love is a "becoming" process....
a good dad, will tell me, wait, don't run, wait.. wait.. wait... (maybe he was waiting quietly also,)...............


Agreed that the Teacher's death was well done and provided one of the better plot devices for death that I have seen. In confessing that he was the Healer now absolves JH from being pursued by the authorities for criminal trespass and theft. It would have satisfied the bulldog detective (a conspiracy theorist) because he would be convinced that Teacher was indeed the Healer and hence was silenced for what he knew.

That said, the combined acting from JCW, PMY and YJT were fantastic. I don't watch korean daily series nor do I watch the 50-episode series because often-times there's so much over-acting and hysterics that I literally cringe. I watched this episode raw then waited for the recap and even with my extremely limited korean, the raw episode was well acted and executed.

Finally, how awesome was Ahjumma??? Absolutely love her!


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Agreed! Ahjumma(Kim Mi-Kyung) was awesome in Master's Sun, Heirs, and in this role. I plan to watch her dramas. Too bad all the leads except YJT clearly had plastic surgery. Their acting skills and the story writing is so good that I would be entertained without their "anime" like looks.


@chngthengteng I don't think all of them had plastic surgery except JYT. I don't think you should assume unless it is proven.


I meant YJT


@ Miranda
Orphaned three times - you are spot on. Yet our Jung Hoo is so resilient in living and loving despite his losses (except for the last straw)... I hope KMH lives up to his promises.

I remember tamra park kyu crying alone in the little hut. The tears that Jung hoo shed while grabbing onto CYS is no less moving.

As he withdrew and slept through his misery, he unwittingly brought the rest of us into his own world. Yes, it's pretty remarkable acting.

I am down with flu and cough since last night but guess what, this show brought me comfort. The warmth and the hope. The death of teacher was tragic and appalling but the unconditional love dished out by those who died and still living is enough to revive a broken heart.


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I totally thought that someone would die in order to get Jung Hoo fighting for greater justice as you said, but I was betting it would be Moon-Ho. I never thought it would teacher.

I actually watched it raw with no subtitles but DAMN, I cried so HARD watching Jung slide into gut-wrenching worst kind of despair, you know the one, where grief is so big and so over-whelming that you just check out and don't even care anymore about anything else.

I LOOOOVE the way young shin broke into the secret hideout. And the snuggling (awww, I was so glad that she was there for him) was the sweetest thing ever. And that kiss, the way it was Young Shin that kissed him first, and has her eyes closed and her hands around him. NO WIDE-EYED WALL KISS HERE, KIDS. WOOO.

Minja's back story was sad also, I mean, I had no idea what it was because I had no subtitles but after this recap I was like DAMN. That's some dark shit right there.

OH HEALER. YOU SO AWESOME!!! *cuddles series and all it's characters*


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a fine show, deliver lines that haunt you, not just from the main leads' mouth, but also from the sidekicks, formed strong characters with flaws yet oosh endearing raw emotion, ajumma hiding behind her scenes, yet reaching JH in her ways far beyond what some moms did..and she understood him... wil always remembered her telling teacher, "truth is, its not him that left people, he never leave, its always people in his life leaving him...." he was made orphan, again, again, again.... and he willingly made himself orphan for the sake of his mom...
that scene is one of those scene that layed the foundation for my "eternal love" for this character, out of pure unadulterated heart ache, for him. what a sad sad boy.


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@ Mary of Bethany, Miranda, Shuerei, Ivoire, Catch

Well said! You have articulated and analysed the show's characters so well. +100


I agree with many points raised though I think that Ahjumma would not expected YS to break in by herself. She has no knowledge of YS's abilities. Even JH did not know how good our girl is. I think that Ahjumma expects YS would be able to somehow get JH to open the door for her, because she knows the depth of his feelings. However, wuli YS is so badass that she can brave her own fears and use her own skills to go in and rescue the prince from himself. You go Girl!


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LOL at your comment. He looked so real as someone deprived of food and energy for many days.


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Yeah, I was about to scream at her to hug him and make him feel better and before even the sentence was formed in my head, she did it!

Gotto love her! I love this writer for handling her character so naturally!!!!


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The only other work of the writer I have seen is Faith so I am not overly familiar with her writing style. I am hoping there will be more twists (nothing makjang-y though) as to what happened in 1992. I am wondering if Moon-Ho's involvement was more than simply remaining quiet. Did he perhaps, inadvertently, cause the accident? Then in an effort to protect his little brother Moon-Shik was forced into the situation to make the deal with the Elder, with the added "benefit" of also getting Myung-Hee? Hoping the remainder of the show still requires us to figure things out and not just a linear take down of all the baddies. So very impressed by JCW and YJT. This is the first drama I've seen either of them in. Started Empress Ki because of JCW. Only 15 episodes in but seeing the bumbling prince I thought, 'hey it's Bong-Sookie in emperor's clothes'.


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Hey Halo, thanks for pointing out the writer!

I never knew she as the same one as Faith. That drama had some serious issues despite my love for it. I wouldnt have expected Healer from such a writer. She has been fantastic here so far!

And like you, I also started Empress Ki because of JCW and almost 38 episodes over, they got on hold because I dont have time for it with my Life, work and Healer right now! :P

But Man, if that Drama was not ADDICTIVE. That is one drama made perfect for a marathon!


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I think Faith experienced "Executive Meddling" as well as extensive pre-production issues and musical casting. I read her wiki entry and actually the writer is a huge industry vet with massive early success and unfortunately later projects with big budgets haven't turned out the stellar ratings expected for them.


@ Alessar,
About this, what did you mean here, about "musical casting?" "I think Faith experienced “Executive Meddling” as well as extensive pre-production issues and musical casting."



Divyrus! I am marathoning Healer too! Wow! We really do think and do the same. My life is taking over my Drama life LOL, so i couldn't watch the whole thing, but JCW is killing it in that. I had to almost quit the drama so many times because I couldn't take his puppy sad eyes. His eyes really does some voodoo spells on me LMAO.


@ Divyrus
Wow u understood teacher. While indeed there was a chance to save himself, he probably knows the chances were slim. I think he did mention there was not enough time during the interrogation...

His approach and sacrifices were markedly different than city hunter's dad who raised him for revenge. So I supposed that's something our Healer can cling onto.

In many ways, our OTP are so alike. Both orphaned through similar circumstances. Now I realized why Healer show is aptly named. All the characters require healing. Teacher wanted reconciliation with his dead pals. Ahjumma refused to abandon SJH to compensate for her lack in the past. Both SJH's mom and Myung Hee also need to forgive themselves especially the later over the loss of her daughter. KMH certainly seeks redemption for the sins of omission - not doing the right thing. And our OTP needs healing from their pasts to walk into a new life.


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That was really enlightening. I'd never thought of the series name Healer in that context before. I can see where that makes perfect sense. Thanks for bringing that out!


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am very grateful to be walking this journey with you gals.. savouring this few weeks.. discovering more characters that moved us to our core... what a fine show, that showed us how many such ordinary people (not only the main leads) doing very extraordinary act in the fine moment that calls for their courage, their sacrifice, their trust.. to wait call for courage.. to trust call for sacrifice, ..to weep even call for giving in ... to keep silent when you think you deserve an answer.. willing to give and to receive again, even if you may hurt or be hurt.. even ajumma has to overcome her grief and stop mourning because there is a clear urgent need to save the boy that has almost become like her son.... a fine show moves you as you discover courage, faith, quiet sacrifice in little unsung roles, just like the unsung heroes that quietly lives among us in real lives.
beside thanking Jiwchangwook, for allowing us forgetting he is JCW for a while, we must thanks the writer for writing in many characters that makes you want to become such a person yourself, or desire to have such a mom, such a friend, such a mentor in real life.. (not just talking about having the main cast as your life-line in real life.) among the awesome shows that provide dream-mates, and shape our emotions,
Healer, is in another league already.


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@ growingbeautifully, yimmi, divyrus, miranda, Mary of Bethany ... and the rest of you...

Your guys are daebak! I thought I was done with tears after numerous times of watching Healer episodes. But your words had me crying silly again. We may be strangers but that's how awesome Healer is - connecting us via thoughts and tears, appreciation and analysis ...

When CYS shared how she was "betrayed" in the past (possibly friends/classmates), it must have been a big big thing.... No Facebook, Twitter, female/male confidante until our beloved PBS came along..

Perhaps that's why we resonate with the underlying emotional thread of this show. It's like experiencing our very own fears, hurts and hopes through the characters. And dramabeans is like our PBS platform *grin*


john 15:13.
well said.


I always found teacher mysterious and that made me curious about him. It wasnt until his parting message to Jung Hoo that I actually could see the glimpse of the man he was.

About our OTP, usually I am not a big fan of fate of past bringing about the future and lives entwined from start, such stories feels it was put together to make story telling. But here, it feels so natural and real, that I can almost imagine two lost souls searching for each other!


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@Divyrus, yeah fate is usually a big theme in kdrama but like you said, in this show it works. Though CYS's childhood was traumatic, what shaped her, loving adoptive family, ex-convict friends, even her backstory with JH as kids, actually "prepared" her for her relationship with adult JH (lock-picking skills, learning to trust, and so much more that I can't articulate but they're there). I know it's a drama, but the writer did think thru these details and they're so naturally integrated in the story, it totally works.


@ divyrus

Oh how true. Well said. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.

The teacher did not reveal his true purpose to SJH for not thoroughly investigating the death of his pals, he gave it up to care and mentor SJH.

Yes I agree their childhood past was not exploited to justify a love connection. SJH was initially fascinated with CYS queerness and she was awed by the mystery man. But eventually their love was a solid product of the inherent kindness qualities in both of them...she saving suicidal girl, searching for him, nursing his wounds and he rescuing her, listening to her...


@Ottoke and @Shuerai

I was rewatching clips from first episode again last night and realized how slowly the writer has put in the connection. From the way the slept together holding each other hands as kids, to playing in moru moru island !
Imagine if things had not gone bad, they probably would have become each other's first love during teens. And its ironic that, even after all that mess, now the found each other and being each others last love!


More than the teacher, I have been pulled to the photograph in a very personal way. On how quickly perfect things can unravel and become a mess. On how it couldn't be mended again. Friendships have that way of getting lost in time and life sometimes.

And since teacher was the only one alive who knew exactly what went on and how it all came down, I could guess how hard it must have been! And that never drove the point home so much until his confession on meeting people the other side !


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@ Mary of Bethany @Divyrus @Ottoke and @Shuerei

I love reading and sharing thoughts with you too!! Keep them coming. I look forward to lots more. :)


*smiles and waves* I'm so grateful to Dramabeans that I got to meet someone as nice as you and everyone here to share the Healer love with! Hope to see you around on the threads sometime!:)


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@ yimmi
I am a bit of hermit - like healer. Your kind words crept into my bedroom and all is well again...my flu healed instantly thanks to you awesome girls


Me tooo?


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argh... this is bad... so so bad... I have Ji Chang Wook running in my head 24/7... Does any body here have a magic potion or something to trade places with Park Min Young?


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Wow. 1,680 comments. I better start watching this.

@Ninjjambbong, I'm sorry I had o use your thread, I'm using mobile and I'm too lazy to scroll all the way down. :)


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Welcome Kyla, whatever thread you use is fine .... enjoy the show and come back here and tell us how you feel about it. :)


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By now is should be awesomely over 2400 comments. .. not so much of 2400+ curious cats postings once, but many are regulars daily returning to this arena, for daily feeds, daily supplements, For we are all some sorts of Healer in our own work places. None in our workplaces know we re Mary of Bethany , Shuerei, or Growing beautifully, Ivorie ...etc. we are
Multi identity , seeking escape like these. .. dramabean the source of Moro Moro island for us noonas... many of us not exactly squeaking teens. ... thus explained why this drama uniquely begotten 2400 over comments.


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@ Mary of Bethany
I love to read all your stuff and I even went back to the other girls' comments on previous episodes. In the process I learn a lot. We may not be known to the world, but we share the same thoughts and process. You may be an unsung hero in ways you may never know. We may seek refuge in our own Moro Moro island but we can still pray for the world. This show taught me that:
1. Forces of Darkness - KMH and Healer are fighting foes that's far too formidable and unpredictable. KMH is so right to say that another will replace the Elder/evil. It's a lot like what we are struggling against: enemies of betrayal, fear, injustice etc. What chances do we have?

2. Forces of Light - We are all here cheering our leads on coz we want them to triumph over evil so badly. Perhaps the show is expressing that the truth shall set us free - from darkness and evil. Helping those in afflicted and abused. Reaching out to those in need and in pain. Exposing lies and evils. It's the little we do that will help to push darkness back to where it comes from. That's what all the characters are doing. The journalists play their part. The dads tried their best. The moms protect. The children carried the legacy. Yes there are casualties but Teacher knows the afterlife reward is there - light and love on the other side waiting for him.


@shuerei. lol. u indeed sound very "Lord of the Ring".. ..many times, the darkness ahead lies far too long,, and far too many sunk into that darkness... sometimes many died without seeing that light. the process is what make it count.. the willing to hold on the fort, while many mistaken, in silent, just because it is the right thing to do.... is what make it count. many don't know. but my Maker knows. and when i reach that end of the tunnel. if i see my friends, i see my friends. at least i can sure i will see my Master's smile. even if i may not see the light while i am alive, or die while fighting. many did just that, died fighting.
oosp. teacher did that.


JCW is so awesome in this episode and this drama totally rocks. There is so much depth and each episode is compelling.


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sorry for riding on comment no. 1, but i just want to say that i think this is the most number of comments i've seen in a drama. or am i wrong?

2,581 comments and counting...


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HAHAHA.. wrong.
earlier Healer ep garner about 3K or 4K comments.
that was AMAZING.
fact that we can bare our soul, honestly, without pretense. under "fake" identities, ..or should i say, not fake, but the identity we dreamed and wish to attain.. and be allowed by JB and GF to yak at their backyard. .. nice.

yes, go marathon the whole Healer, and find out yourselves, why is it so unique, like none other.
welcome abroad.


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Gosh ...almost one hour away from KBS healer airing. I am afraid they gonna be depending all the time on the bus (in the ep 15 preview) but now with the sofa stills, looks like they gonna have lots of sweet skinship session... Meow!!!


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JUST WATCH FINISH... HAHAHA... you just gonna watch yourself.. and come back here atter finish... aint gonna spoilt it for you. time just stand still for an hour just now. which never happens in my past kdrama craze history.
am speechless already.
this changmin is seriously as matching as
"adam and eve" to me, like they are born, created to be together, predestinated to be as ONE>


I loved this show!


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Me too i just love this drama... i think its going to be one of the best dramas this year....
The kiss scene and the emotions were just AMAZING!!!! I hope it doesnt end here and the kiss scene continues...


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That's what I'm hoping for. That that kiss continues in the start of episode 15...I need some more cudly moments with those 2...

Their chemistry is absolutely off the charts.

The way she turned him around and brought him into her arms; and the way he just gave up and went naturally; you can feel that he just needed that human touch.

And the way he just cried and she cuddle him more deeply; dry his tears then kiss him.

He just could not fight her anymore and just gave in.

It was beautiful how the person that a min ago she was saying was a little scary, but deep inside she knows that he's just a lonely person who needs love; and so she was not afraid to take care of her man and see his vulnerability and soothe his pain.

I wonder how these 2 practice these kind of scene to make it come out so naturally perfect.

Unbelievable actors JCW and PMY...take a bow.


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I just love it when the hero (always head-strong, tough and brave on the front) cries, breaks down in complete surrender in the arms of his beloved in times when he is weakest.

It goes to show that a woman's love is truly powerful that it can bring back a broken man into the hero that he is. He becomes strong again and is able to fight with better resolve, not because he needs to protect his woman (I've always found this as a weak incentive to fight), but because he knows that no matter what happens, she will be there. Just as strong and just as able as he is.


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Broken heroes put together by woman's love ( the tried every drama formula of kdramaland ) has never felt so beautiful or real or passionate.

Same old convention, told in such a nice way that makes you go crazy like ever.


Very well said...you convey my exact feelings with a much better choice of words...Thank you.


Sorry..my above reply was adressed to Chesens...her anylysis of my thoughts was spot on....


unless, of course, the hero is the woman which is also very much possible :)