
Healer: Episode 19

Only one more episode left! Are we all going to be okay tomorrow? Heck, are we all okay today? Today’s episode is, in true Healer style, is full of both setbacks as well as successes, mixing in the payoffs with new threats to carry us into the finale. We’re delivered into, out of, and into new troubles—and while the immediate future remains a question mark, I leave this episode feeling hopeful and optimistic. Don’t crush my hopes, Healer!

(I love the interplay of black and white in this top image, and the framing of their bodies—while possibly unintentional, the interlinked arms makes me think of yin and yang, its two halves balanced with and against each other.)


Son Seung-yeon – “보이지 않아도” (Even if you can’t see it) [ Download ]

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When Jung-hoo realizes that Moon-ho’s been kidnapped, he heads off immediately to find him, leaving Young-shin behind to wait in the apartment. Unfortunately, she’s got a visitor, and he comes with bodyguards.

Jung-hoo arrives at the empty Someday office, where the sound of a ringing cell phone draws him to the studio. He answers.

The voice at the other end addresses him by name and as the Healer—it’s Jeil’s Manager Ahn, who has taken over the Double S Guard control room, and he watches Jung-hoo via the cameras in the studio. Manager Ahn states his intention to hire the Healer, which Jung-hoo flatly rejects.

He hangs up and heads out the door, but stops in his tracks when the TV screen flicks on, showing live footage of an unconscious Moon-ho in a locked room. The cell phone rings again.

Jung-hoo’s first impulse is to chuck the damn phone in anger, but he holds it together and answers. Manager Ahn tells him to hand over all the informant tips that have come in to Someday from Russia. Clock’s ticking.

Young-shin, meanwhile, finds herself cornered by Secretary Oh and his henchmen. He sits her down in Moon-ho’s apartment and waits while holding a small case. Young-shin tries to engage him in chitchat, which goes rebuffed, then casually touches her necklace and turns on the tracker.

Jung-hoo links ajumma to an office computer and asks her to find the relevant information. She points out that it won’t be there, because those computers were already confiscated—they must not have found what they were looking for. Hence this trap.

Ajumma informs him that Young-shin just turned on her tracker, but he’s not worried because they’d agreed she would wait in Moon-ho’s apartment. Ack! He assumes it’s nothing.

Then he remembers that one phone tip that came in, which Young-shin answered when he was too sleepy to take proper note. He thinks back to that call, and while the caller spoke Korean, now he recognizes that there was Russian in the background. He finds the device that recorded the calls in a desk drawer, returning to the cameras to show Manager Ahn.

He plays just the beginning to confirm this is what they wanted, and Manager Ahn replies that he’s passed the test. He assigns him to a second mission and sends him a text, to be read on camera. Jung-hoo reads it and laughs mirthlessly.

On the other screen, he sees Moon-ho stirring awake. Jung-hoo calls Manager Ahn crazy and tells Moon-ho that he can’t comply with the threat, and that Moon-ho will have to secure his own release. He heads for the exit.

But then, Manager Ahn plays a different feed—it’s Young-shin with Secretary Oh, and Jung-hoo’s gaze sharpens as Secretary Oh opens his case and takes out its contents: a glass vial and syringe. Agh! They planned this one out pretty cleverly.

Ajumma tells him to stall, because Dae-yong and her backup guys are on the way. But Manager Ahn only gives him ten seconds to decide, and Jung-hoo grits out his assent. He takes out that message and starts reading: “My name is Seo Jung-hoo.” Ah, crap, it’s a fake confession, isn’t it?

Manager Ahn stops him to direct the scene, making it so it doesn’t look like Jung-hoo’s being fed words over the phone. Gotta look natural, you know. Then he orders him to begin again, and Jung-hoo complies, raging on the inside while he confesses to killing ex-detective Park Dong-chul behind the church.

Mid-confession, the laptop turns on in Moon-ho’s room, and he watches Jung-hoo taking the rap.

Once that’s done, Jung-hoo demands that they follow through with Young-shin’s release. She’s been confused this whole while, and is further perplexed when Secretary Oh just packs up, excuses himself, and leaves with his henchmen in tow.

Jung-hoo demands to know what they’re after, and his screen switches yet again, this time connecting him to the Elder. The old man congratulates him on a job well done, and gives him the new deal: Jung-hoo will work for him, and the Elder will care of the people he loves. The confession he recorded will never have to see the light of day if Jung-hoo goes along with this.

Ah, then he uses familiar words: that all Jung-hoo has to do is “close his eyes once,” which is what he’d said to Moon-shik on their first meeting. Now I wonder if he’s got additional blackmail on Moon-shik, in case the initial threat to Myung-hee weren’t enough.

Moon-ho is allowed out of his locked room and led to a gathering of media bigwigs, over which his brother presides. Moon-ho asks if this is all Moon-shik’s doing, and gets back the reply that this happened because Moon-ho pushed too hard: “Do you know how hard I had to work to save you guys?” Hm, I wonder if there’s some truth in that, and this was the alternative to having them all die. Or maybe he’s being delusional again.

The VIPs raise a toast to Moon-shik becoming mayor and Moon-ho being given Jeil Newspaper to run. Hyung advises his brother to smile, “if only for Jung-hoo’s sake.” Moon-ho is livid, but can’t do anything about it.

Jung-hoo rushes to Moon-ho’s apartment, by now secured by Dae-yong and her team, and finds Young-shin inside. He holds out his arms, and she charges into them, sniffling.

He can only get out a ragged, “If you’d been hurt…” and she realizes that he was more scared than she was. He makes sure she’s unhurt, then sits her down to say that he’ll be unable to continue in his normal-guy life for the time being. I’m so worried he’s going to take this burden on alone, but thank god he tells her everything—that he was blackmailed into a false murder confession, and that he has to join the Elder.

She’s outraged, and realizes that she was the source of the blackmail—now her encounter with Secretary Oh makes sense. She cries that he shouldn’t have made the confession, but he just holds her close, then promises that he can’t work for the Elder. She threatens, “Don’t you dare. I’ll go in and drag you out.”

But that means he needs to go on the run and stay away from Young-shin for now. She wants to do this together, but he isn’t willing to make her an accessory and a fugitive.

She asks, “But… how can I see you?” They both know she can’t, and he holds her consolingly.

The brothers retire to Moon-shik’s study, and Moon-ho pleads with his brother to let Jung-hoo go—he isn’t someone who can be ordered around, and he fears that Jung-hoo will end up hurt. Moon-shik chuckles that Jung-hoo will be taken care of by the Elder, and that this is actually good fortune, because the Elder will cover up everything for him and lavish him with things he couldn’t dream of having on his own. “Like you?” Moon-ho asks.

Moon-shik smiles, “If he turns out like me, he’d be a massive success.” That smile slips when Moon-ho points out that betrayal and murder were part of the process, and Moon-shik says defensively that he didn’t kill his friends. Maybe, but Moon-ho counters that he made them die miserably all the same—and also made Moon-ho lie for him.

That makes Moon-shik glance uneasily at this bugged photo frame—ah, so he does know of Myung-hee’s spying—and he warns Moon-ho not to go too far. Moon-ho’s face twists as he explains that he still has that nightmare, where he told the detectives that Gil-han and Joon-seok fought often over money.

Moon-shik tries to end the conversation here, but Moon-ho continues: “What about Ji-an? What did you do to her? How could you say a living child was dead—”

Moon-shik grabs that photo frame and rips off the bug.

Myung-hee opens her eyes in bed. Next to her is a laptop computer, and her eyes fill with tears. Yay, she knows!

Min-ja finally identifies Manager Ahn, recalling that he was involved in the last case she worked as a detective. As Jung-hoo follows him around town, Min-ja fills him in on Jeil’s “special investigation team” and how they’re involved in fishy activities. His thugs were the ones who attacked him at the church, and they’re working with Double S at the moment.

Jung-hoo follows Manager Ahn to an unknown building and slips inside his car, swiping his black box chip. He supposes this may be Ahn’s secondary home base and, by way of confirmation, kicks every car in the parking lot to set off their alarms, sending the owners hurrying out to check on their vehicles. A few familiar henchmen are among them, and now he knows which van to sneak into, swiping more black box memory chips.

Min-ja tells Moon-ho that Jung-hoo’s goal is to find the true killers in order to render Elder’s blackmail invalid, but he’ll have to act quickly before the Elder catches on. He’s also left a message for Moon-ho, requesting that he keep Young-shin busy at work.

Young-shin is doing just that, keeping her chipper attitude in place, and Moon-ho passes along the message that Jung-hoo’s fine. She asks if Moon-ho will take the offer to run Jeil, and he says that he’s tempted to—he could bring along the Someday staff with him, even.

She asks if he’d be able to continue the work they’ve been doing here, covering the 1992 story, and he says it’s unlikely. So she asks if he can finish this story before leaving, because she promised Jung-hoo to cover his share in covering the story. She adds hesitantly, hopefully, “If we do this, wouldn’t the Elder—that crazy old man—fear us just a little? I’d like if he did.”

He asks if she isn’t scared after being targeted by them, and she admits that she is: “But those people are like zombies. So we have to fight. If we just stay put, we might get bitten and turned into zombies too.” She makes a cute zombie gesture that makes Moon-ho laugh.

Her comments revitalize him, and he gets back to work planning the next broadcast. He tells the team that it won’t be an entertaining report, but it’ll make the Elder hurt by digging into how he earned his money. At the crux of that issue is the 1992 anti-rust paint incident.

Moon-shik isn’t pleased to hear that Moon-ho’s staying put at Someday and that Jung-hoo is on the run, since that means they’re still resisting. He has Manager Ahn wait one more day, after which they’ll hand over the confession to the police. He sighs that it’s a waste of Jung-hoo, for whom the Elder had hopes.

Jung-hoo gets to work identifying the Ahn’s henchmen, starting with their fingerprints. Dressed as a pizza delivery guy, Jung-hoo follows one thug into the bathroom and purposely bumps him so that he touches the mirror. He drops a soda can in front of another guy, who helpfully picks it up for him. Their prints don’t match any in the police database, but Jung-hoo recalls with certainty that Park Dong-chul’s killer swung a pipe with his bare hands. Those prints should be in police files, which means he hasn’t gotten the right guy’s prints yet.

Ajumma asks where he’s been sleeping at night, and he answers that he doesn’t like being alone because it spurs him to think too much. So he’s been going to places surrounded by people.

That night, Young-shin tries calling Bong-soo’s number, but finds that it no longer exists. Hoping that perhaps he’s out there watching, she peers out her window and deflates in disappointment to see nobody around. Turns out he’s at a PC room, watching Young-shin’s videos on the Someday site.

Moon-shik sits down to breakfast in a great mood and compliments Myung-hee’s cooking. She thanks him for always eating her food happily, and for taking care of her these past twenty years. There’s something in her tone that takes the smile off his face, and she reminds him of what she said when she agreed to marry him—that she couldn’t be his woman, but he’d said all he wanted was for her to be next to him. She thanks him for that, too, because she had nowhere to go and he made a place for her.

She tells him Moon-ho’s on his way to pick her up, and that she’ll be staying with him for now. Moon-shik asks with difficulty whether he did anything wrong, which is laughable to the point of pathetic. He prods her to tell him what she means to do, and she says, “My daughter Ji-an must be alive. I have to find her.”

She declines his offer of help, telling him she’s sorry: “I can’t trust you.” He protests feebly, and Myung-hee asks outright why he lied that Ji-an died. He stammers that she died—that everyone said she died.

Struggling over her tears, Myung-hee says, “I understand now. All this time, I tried really hard. But I understand now why I couldn’t love you.”

He begs her to hear him out, that she’ll understand when he explains. But Moon-ho walks in now, and Myung-hee asks him to take her away. Moon-shik crouches before her wheelchair pleadingly, and she takes his hands and removes them from hers.

Moon-ho brings Myung-hee to the Someday office for her interview as a former pirate broadcaster. The staff greets her with a hero’s welcome, and they thrill in excitement when she calls herself a huge Someday fan. Myung-hee asks Young-shin if her boyfriend is here, and Young-shin confides that he’s not here because he’s fighting the Elder. She complains, “That crazy old man likes my boyfriend—he wants him to work for him! He was totally low about it too, blackmailing him!”

Myung-hee asks if she means fighting literally, and Young-shin defends her boyfriend using his fists, ’cause he certainly can’t just sit there and let the old fart hit him, can he? She speaks animatedly and makes cute fist-fighting gestures, and through the window, Moon-ho smiles to watch them chatting.

Jung-hoo lets a couple of Manager Ahn’s henchmen “capture” him, and they bring him inside to the others. Jung-hoo says that he figured picking them off one by one would have taken too long, and this way he can take down all five at once. With that, he launches himself at the goons, and while he takes a few hits, he manages to dispatch them all.

Ha, then while they sprawl on the ground in pain, he goes around collecting thumbprints from the guys he hasn’t gotten to yet. That’s a telltale sign, though, alerting the baddies that he’s out to track down the killers instead of merely being on the run. Manager Ahn suggests that taming Jung-hoo isn’t likely, preferring the option of sending him to prison. He also reports that Healer’s hacker partner “seems to have taken the bait.” Wait what? Noooo, ajumma!

Jung-hoo makes his way to the riverbank, wincing in pain while he tends to his swollen ankle. He wonders what Young-shin is doing, while she wonders the same from the safety of the office. She tries Bong-soo’s number again, and gets the same message.

Addressing him in her thoughts, she tells him of her mother coming to the paper and how she’ll have to introduce him to her sometime. “No, do I have to introduce myself to Mom first?”

Dae-yong arrives at the river to collect the evidence from him. Jung-hoo addresses Young-shin in his thoughts too, saying, “I’m a little confused. I can fight as much as necessary, and the more I fight, I learn how to win. But Young-shin, right now I’m not sure who I’m fighting against.”

Moon-shik is alerted to Moon-ho’s latest live broadcast, which picks up the story from the 1992 deaths. Moon-ho reports on that fake paint, which was designed to do the opposite of its stated purpose: Rather than prevent rusting and corrosion, it sped it up. They air Young-shin’s interview with the foreman of a construction crew, who mentions a bridge he worked on—he’d applied that paint to it, and it collapsed before it even opened.

That construction company had been on the verge of bankruptcy, and was then acquired by a different company for a dirt-cheap price—a company whose majority shareholder was Omega Investors. Myung-hee interviews about investigating them with her fellow reporters, describing how there were suspicions that Omega would purposely ruin companies with accidents or rumors, and then an Omega affiliate would buy it up.

Moon-ho explains that the head of Omega Holdings was recently featured on their broadcast, and goes as far as to identify the Elder by name: CEO Park Jung-dae.

Detective Yoon returns to his car and finds the door ajar and a laptop open in the passenger seat. He turns it on, and ajumma logs on to greet him. Aw, does he actually have a crush on her? (She grumps that he’s probably still single and he perks up, saying she must’ve been thinking of him all these years.) But she’s got important business to discuss, and sends him a photo of Manager Ahn, asking if he remembers the guy.

Detective Yoon recalls the case: They’d been investigating allegations of Omega Holdings laundering money, and there’d been a genius-level hacker kid there (Ahn). Ajumma informs Yoon of the fingerprints she’s left for him, which belong to Park Dong-chul’s real murderer—the current suspect is a frame job.

Detective Yoon keeps trying to interject sentimental comments about how long it’s been and how they should meet in person, but ajumma briskly moves the conversation along. She tells him that if they’d wrapped up that case properly then (I’m recalling the order she was given to cover up the investigation), at least four lives would have been saved: Go Sung-chul, President Hwang Jae-gook, Teacher, and Park Dong-chul. She directs him to cross-check the prints with the pipe and tells him to call if he needs to contact her, having left a phone for him.

He sputters ineffectually when she hangs up abruptly, but cheers up to see the phone next to him. You big doof. But it’s understandable, since ajumma’s awesome and I’d totally have a crush on her too.

While ajumma gets to work on the black box footage, Jung-hoo parks outside Double S headquarters explaining that his ideal scenario is to track down the confession tape and erase it, starting with searching this office. Of course, charging in to grab crucial blackmail material is hardly wise, and ajumma grumbles more colorful epithets describing what she thinks of the plan (the words “puppy fart” are used). But he knows it’s rash, and resigns himself to waiting.

But as ajumma copies the data from the memory chips, one of them triggers a signal in Ahn’s headquarters. Crap, that must be the bait. He works on tracking the signal and orders all available guards to go after ajumma.

Jung-hoo sees the small army of guards rushing out and tells ajumma that he’s going into the office while it’s empty. He easily evades the stray guards in the building, arriving at the control room undetected.

Jung-hoo just leans over the guard’s shoulder, then sits right down next to him and plugs in his phone to link in ajumma, leaving the guard totally stunned. He asks the guy where everyone went running to, threatening to deliver pain if he doesn’t talk.

The guy says, “Hacker Healer.” Alarmed, Jung-hoo calls out to ajumma and reads the address on the tracking map, asking if that’s where she is. She gapes, “How’d you know?”

Jung-hoo tears out of the building and drives off like a madman, while ajumma packs up her station hastily. She grabs the necessary hardware first, then pauses to see all the sentimental knickknacks hanging there. Nooo, just runnnnn! You can knit more when you’re safe!

Manager Ahn’s troop arrives outside her building as ajumma’s heading out—and at the last second she disguises herself in layers of clothes to look like a harmless hobo. The guards run right past her, but one knocks into her and a hard drive falls out of her bag. Crap crap crap. She keeps walking, but Yo-Yo sees the drive, senses something weird, and chases after her.

He grabs hold of her, just as Jung-hoo flies in, thank god. Ajumma pepper-sprays Yo-Yo while the other guards hear the commotion and head their way. Jung-hoo shuts the doors on them and looks at ajumma for the first time in surprise: “You’re ajumma?” Haha. What a way to meet.

They run off together, and make it safely away, phew. Jung-hoo drives them to the river, where he casts such curious looks at her that she threatens to tear out his hair if he looks at her again.

He offers to take her home, while she apologizes for leaving behind the black box chips. Aw, it breaks my heart a little every time somebody tries to talk normally to her and she just brushes it aside to focus on work. Jung-hoo just tells her that he’s figured out now who he’s fighting, and says that it was so boring just going around collection minion fingerprints. He turns to her and asks, “Wanna do something more fun with me?”

She scoffs that she won’t do anything without pay, but he tells her it’ll be really fun: “I’m the Healer. Try trusting me.”

The next day, Young-shin arrives at the airport carrying a bag, and both Jung-hoo and Moon-ho join her, looking equally travel-ready. Then Ajumma joins them too, completing Team Healer, and the four of them strut off together.


Woohoo! I sense a clever plot in action, and anything that gets our team united and purposeful gets me excited. If tomorrow were any episode but the finale I would be very worried, because I recall the last time Team Healer came together and executed an awesome plan, which was swiftly followed by a hefty counterattack. But I actually think that because we’re so close to the end, and because of the nature of our story at this point, it doesn’t make sense to go out sadly. When the drama started I could see it going either way (happily or tragically), but based on where we’ve come thus far, tragedy doesn’t make sense. Purely from a narrative standpoint there isn’t the time to do that kind of emotion justice.

I’m not saying that Healer must end on a happily-ever-after note with perfect conclusions for everyone, but it’s a well-written show that must end satisfactorily. Thinking of how deeply Teacher’s death affected everyone, I can’t imagine treating anybody else’s death with cursory concern. We can’t dive off the deep end with one episode left and resolve everything satisfactorily, right?

See, so logically, dramatically, practically even scientifically, the story just dictates that we have to get a happy ending. Right? I’m totally not clutching at straws, right?

True, there were definitely hints of unease running throughout the episode, which were too purposeful to be throwaway details (and this writer doesn’t do pointless details)—like Jung-hoo’s injured ankle, or the references to Jung-hoo’s inherent untameability, which make me think of his affinity for nature documentaries and the reference to him being like a wild cat. Oh wait, now I’m remembering that the leopard went down fighting with a broken leg. Crap! Now I wish I hadn’t remembered that. Is it too much to hope that was a coincidence?

I did love Myung-hee’s reaction to finding out about her daughter, because it proved (as we’ve all felt) that she would be strong enough to handle the news. I don’t think the brothers’ concern was exaggerated and I can see why they wanted to veer on the safe side, but it’s gratifying to see her accept the truth and resolve to deal with matters. I even really respected the dignified way she said goodbye to Moon-shik, which may be the best way to send off his character. I’ve felt torn about him all drama long, because while he is definitely in the villain column in my book, and doesn’t deserve to have excuses made for him, he was such a humanized villain. His rationales, while often twisted or misguided, had an internal logic that I could follow even when I disagreed.

And while keeping a woman essentially hostage and treating her like an extravagant toy is hardly the kind of love that’s healthy or desirable, it is a form of love that Myung-hee acknowledges, and I believed her when she said she was thankful to him for all that he did for her. She could have railed on him with all the fury in the world and have been justified, but her generosity even in leaving him gives me satisfaction—not for him, but for her future, that she’ll go on to have a happy and healthy life free of bitterness.

Most of all I love Young-shin’s zombie analogy, which was both cute and entirely fitting to the occasion. Moon-shik took the “if you can’t fight them, join them” approach, deciding that it’s okay to slide down a slippery slope as long as you don’t fall all the way to the bottom. So what if you give up a little bit along the way? It’s better than fighting painfully every step of the way not to give up an inch, isn’t it? Yet calling the opposition zombies is an efficient way of illustrating the all-or-nothingness of integrity: You’re a zombie or you aren’t, but there’s no going halfsies about it. And if I have to die at a zombie’s hand, I certainly want it to be while fighting life and limb every second, rather than lying there in despair, waiting to be devoured, trying to console myself with the thought that zombie life isn’t really all that bad.

So we fight, because the alternative is no alternative. And if you have an awesome team of friends with whom to fight alongside, all the better.

Bring it on, finale!


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Sub-thread: FANS PROJECT
There is still time to send something for the book for our beloved JCW. Go for it!! Deadline Valentine’s Day (how apt) Feb 14, 11.59pm.



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Singapore Healer Fans @ Dramabeans Project
Have a good laugh and hopefully lots of feels …. Here is the link to the Singapore fans’ fanvid for Healer… please watch and tell me what you think of it. :D



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this episode was amazing, can't wait for tomorrow's episode. Hoping for a happy ending to our obsession. :) Thank you always for the ending recaps jb :)


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OMG, i just watched it!you guys just AWESOME!!!!!they'll love ittttttttttttt for bits ^^

and ah, i wonder which one is who? tell me tell me :) and whose the dude?lol, his expression though, i got goosebump, LOL

you gurls are just daebak!!


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@Doc GB

Waahaha! Daebak... Singapore beanies!!! Woohooo!

I wonder if I guess correctly who the Doc is... hmmn!

Can you please list down your names, then we'll guess who plays who?! kekeke... :)

Congratulations, guys! You made us all beanies proud! *applause *applause


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I'm sure you can tell which is me. The only Ahjumma in the team LOL! It was a hoot as you can tell.

Well not all those who appeared in the video are on DB. I will give you some screen names and some abbreviated names.

@Wendy's husband
Location: @GB :)

The major work of shooting and editing was done by Rainerust. Thanks heaps @Rainerust and Singapore Beanies!!! So good to have worked/played with you and to have produced a video for our Production Team and DB to laugh their heads off, over. :D


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@ growingbeautifully

Singapore is close by. Would love to get together one day. I watched the episode without subs. Javabeans recap leave me in tears. I am not the sort of person to cry easily when I watch dramas or movies. I don't even watch winter sonata... I read some postings elsewhere wondering why Healer has so many fans. I have been reading Dramabeans for the past two years and this is the first time I follow a show without subs and the first time I posted in dramabeans and I love all of you here. Thank you Javabeans for your timely recap. Thank you Healer for bringing us together like this. Thank you God for a wonderful world...


Hi Shurei
Nice to know that you're nearby. Where are you exactly?

Yes, this is the first and may be the only show that I've watched on live streaming, raw and then with subtitles. These last 2 episodes have been very full of feels for me. Laughing, shouting, crying... How was it for you?

Keep coming back to Healer's Ep 20 recap to meet us Beanies. We'll be camping there for some time. We'll also be on other recap threads and on OT. So look for us there! :)


@gb the video was DAEBAEK , I must say great acting skills, loved it to the max . GO SINGAPOREANS HEALERS ,:) :)❤ ❥ ♡ ♥ ღ ɞ


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this was awesome <333
Thank you for sharing


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Awwww, you guys did an awesome job!!! I had the feels, plus giddiness. LOVE IT!! So who's who?


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That must be so much fun to make. Wish I could be a part of it.


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That was awesome GB !

Credits to all of you !!! So so so so awesome !!!

*passes hugs around*

Go Singapore beanies !!!!/


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OMG that was sooooooo adorable!! Really awesome, the Healer team will love it!!


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Hahaha thanks everyone for the encouraging comments!!!! It was extremely embarrassing but great fun to film. :D and yeh the poor chap is my husband, who was roped in (by force) and has no clue what the drama is even about.


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@wendy omg rofl that's hilarious, poor guy was forced into it, but he looked totally in the part, you guys rocked :)


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Awww that was so cute and nicely done! Kudos!


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Omgoooosh! That was just daebak, I can't stop laughing!

Great job, gals! (And a guy!) :D


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Well done, Singapore beanies! Really well done. And you managed to string along non-healerites. Great acting too. You went for it and got a great result. When JCW comes to Singapore, I'm sure you'll be recognised.


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@gb and all the Singapore beanies

Loved it! Whoa - true Healer love.


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HAHAHAHA I just managed to steal a spare moment from work to finally check the DB site (and of course the recap's already up and has 300 over comments)...

It was great fun to produce the video, I'm glad everyone enjoyed it! We tweeted the video link to the drama team, but not sure they got the link - it'd be nice if they get to see the video. If y'all on Twitter or Weibo, pls help us to RT and tag the drama team! :)


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oh wow this is daebak indeed! Solid work folks! Please send our Singaporean love to the team!


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@SG beanies

Just watched your video: DAEBAK!


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@GB - you look super sweet! Daebak Singapore Healer Fans!!!

Great video!! @Wendy you even convinced your hubby to do it! That is some love like JH and YS!

Love all the little messages - you girls rock!!

AWESOME!!!! Thanks for sharing the love from all of us beanies on Dramabeans!!!


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haha this is amazing!


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In the words of JH, DAEBAK. it's brilliant! Brought a big smile to my face, you all did such a wonderful job! Thumbs up Singapore HealerBeanies! <3


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Loved it!


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Great job!!


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dear Singapore beanie
Many many thanks, you girls do us Singapore fans proud... jsut wanna say this, i am "literally stealing times" during work to leave this message. only finish watching your video this morning... type a super long comment to thank you girls, and finally got the whole comment deleted when trying to type the password thingy.. got so frustrated..

but must really let you know the part you chosen, the cinema hand entwined part is super perfect... the unique thing about Healer is the way wirter make it, very little skinship in beginning, not many words exchanged, but a touch, a look tells all emotions.

your hand holding was just perfect, exactly got the feel.. when i first saw the beginning part,,, my heart was worrying that you girls go parody and make jokes out of it... and boy is it real sensitve and touching... the hands holding moment was slow and "Young Shin" facial expression was mixed of gratitude and awe .. remind me of Min Young... and i chuckle over Jung Hoo ... very very very hilarious choice... to really get a guy ..wendy's hubby? nice guy to be willing to play along.. not many guys or boyfriend willing to "compromise"... normally they super jealous over their girls' crushes....

a zillions thanks, that you do singapore proud, at least now Team Healer will know Singaproe although very small, our fans are sincere, and each of us willing go extra miles... and you all can write Korean... hahaha. very talented group.

please let us know at Ep 20 recap when they reply about your video clip. hope your clips will warm their heart, since now everyone over there, will start missing Healer, including Min Young and Chang Wook... even writer Song?

GOD BLESS your video to reach all of them successfully, and bless them to have time to watch.


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I have set up Healer Fan Page at Dramabuzz.com forum website. Help me to add your favorite scene photos, Gif’s and fan movies! Let’s make it big. And don’t forget to vote for the drama of the month there!


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I did mention that I would be working on a video about the mugs in Healer. Well, after watching the KBS live broadcast of Epi 19, I was so fired up that I was able to produce it. Of course I hardly slept.

Not sure, though if this can still be emailed to the Healer team. I'll send it, though, to the JCWKitchen fans project. Maybe Soompi's, too.

Anyways, here's the link to the video in Dropbox. Hope you like "Healer Magic: Teleporting Mugs".


Will appreciate your comments. Kamsa very much.


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@ dramabliss
Wonderful!! @dramabliss, that was a great video! I was smiling throughout and laughed out loud at the cyanide reference and the word play on mug. Liked the music that went with and the screenshots you chose. I really love it! Thanks for sharing.

It looks like you trawled many episodes to screenshot those mugs and coffee moments!!! This is really a labor of love. I'm sure the Production Team will want to re-watch it as I did (3-4 times) and have a good laugh that their props have raised those questions in international viewers. They will enjoy it and appreciate your love. :)


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Thanks for this fast response. Can you help send this video to the production team through the email you created for them? Appreciate it much.


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OK Sent it on. I hope they get it!!! It's too good to miss. :)


Wow! You did that in a few hours? I'm in awe. And to top it off, it's quite funny. I'm sure the Healer team will it mugleficent, too.


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correction: Healer team will find it mugnificent, too.


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@dramabliss Great production! You have shown how creative Filipinos are. and tech savvy too. and of course, funny. cheers


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@dramabliss - Loved your video!!

Great eye!! Please send it - they will be amazed at your detailed and cute video. Thanks for sharing!!


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@Growingbeautifully, @Emi757, @merry, @jcw_mesmerizing eyes

Thanks, guys, I have panda eyes at the moment but it's all worth it--because you like it and share my love for Healer.

@Growingbeautifully thanks for sending the video to the production team. Will send it to the other JCW and Healer fan projects.


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Awww that is just awesome! It's so good and just plain genius! I am positively sure the team behind Healer will love it like we all do here. ? ❤️


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ohmygodw!That video you made is just, MUGNIFICIENT as you said lol! love it love it

so actually, i've also made 1 video, and i already sent it to the Fan project too. This is the first ever video i've ever made in my enitre life, monday the morning i googled around a bit and tried to figure how to make 1, and have them sent it by noon, so quality wise is just laughable, lol, but i hope they could feel my earnest:



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You learned so fast - yeay for showing our love for Healer. I'm sure they'll enjoy it.


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This was an awesome video of all of our beanies love for Healer!! Love the song selection and all of your cute messages!


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Love this. chronicle of our journey in Healer-landia with the beanie community Well done, @redsun. and for your first try at video this is daebak! I can imagine what really great things you'll be turning up with with practice. Go go go... do some more....


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This is great! Kamsa very much, @redsun, you are a daebak spokesperson for all of us Healerbeanies. That was awesome for a first attempt at video making. Fighting!


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It's great! You did such an amazing job in showing our love for Healer. Thank you! Now I wish I had taken time to make a video. Ha


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Pretty polished, I couldn't even tell that it's your first time making a video! You had a concept, and you went with it. Really good job!


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Ang galing, @dramabliss! Wow, the super zoom feature is awesome! Now I want to go back and watch those parts. Totally missed those tiny details even after several re-watch.


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First!!! Yay
thanks JB.


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Thanks JB!

I thought i wasn't going to see Junghoo's captivating smile today... but thank you Dramagods!

What a thrilling episode! Can we even sleep tonight?


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Omoooo! It's here! Kamsahamnida JB! :D


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Sub-thread: VOTE for JI CHANG WOOK

Favourite Actor Poll. For Ji Chang Wook, he’s currently in first place here …”


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It’s redsun’s ghost typing, i just recently had a body-out-experience after watch the ep 19 completely with subs. I might be lurking around here for sometime you know, i know lotsa pour soul get antsy for tonite final episode

Thankyou JB for the awesome recap!off to read :)


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thousands of poor souls are gonna be wandering after tonight, i dunno how am moving on after this!


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Sub-threads: VOTE for JI CHANG WOOK continued…
Top Ranked Artist Vote (in Korean)


Instructions: Scroll down the page to find Ji Chang Wook on the 4 or 5 row from the bottom. The positions sometimes change a bit.

Click on the radio button, it will turn blue, scroll down to the long blue Vote button and click it. You’ll get a confirmation message. That’s it! You can vote once a day.


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First of all, I would like to thank Viki for a miraculously super fast subbing. It was 1 PM eastern time when I checked the site and it was 99% English subbed!!! Eh, what? I called in sick from work today and so THIS show became truly my healer! I was screaming and jumping throughout the hour! I was all ready to watch it raw, but an all subbed show is a gift from heaven!

Oh Healer, how much do I love thee? How sad was it that Jung-Ho had to act alone for a while. But then, thank you Writer-nim and PD-nim for exceeding this fan heart’s expectation! His epiphany at the end of the episode that there is really no reason to work alone, I was like, “oh hell, yeah!”

I love that targeting Ahjumma just worked in flushing the hacker out of her lair. Funny, how that backfired on the bad guys. Now she’s out in the open and will fight alongside our core Healer team! Our Healer team is finally complete. Yey!

I am soooo looking forward to tomorrow’s finale! It will be a bomb!!!


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They were lightning speed fast! Subs were complete like 5 hours after broadcast which is just WOW! Last time this happened with final week eps that I can remember were YFAS + Gaksital!

Well he wasn't really working alone since he was still connected with ahjumma but yeah it sucked... Team Healer is just so much better as four! That strut at the end of the episode was EPIC by the way =)

I squeed so much when they finally met! It was about time^^

As much as I'm looking forward to the finale (just don't kill anyone we love show!) I also don't want to say goodbye T_T


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@ wits
I watched without subs and very grateful to Javabeans for recap. I thought I was not gonna be emotional but myung hee and moon Shik were really top class supporting cast. I wonder for a second how myung hee could be so loving in their interactions if she didn't love him. Then I realized she never professed she loved him all the while. She cared for him and perhaps even grown to love him but she never fall in love with him. So she was right. She must have sensed something off and held her heart closely guarded for all these years. And yet she is thankful to him ... What could he possibly say....


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I saw the preview on the final episode and I have been on pins and needles waiting for this recap.

I already miss Healer and its got 1 more episode left :'(


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Sub-threads: VOTE for JI CHANG WOOK continued 2 …

Top Ranked Drama (in Korean)

Same goes for dramas, vote for Healer (it’s at the bottom as well with a picture of Chae Young Shin as its poster, if you can see it because I can’t!)


Click on the radio button, scroll down to the long blue Vote button and click it. You can vote once a day.


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Also if you have a weibo account you can vote in Baidu

He is very close to first place


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The parts I replayed the most this episode was, for once, not between Young-shin and Jung-hoo but those between Ahjumma and Jung-hoo. They are so cute together, meeting each other for the first time!!

I have a huge girl crush on Ahjumma now. Such a great actress! And so underused in other dramas...


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I love her so much too. Her character in Plus nine boys was really really funny too. She swore a lot xD


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She's so great! I especially loved her in faith. Wish they had shown more of lady choi in that drama. Loved that character so much


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Yes, I loved her as Lady Choi in Faith too. I have seen her in many dramas but this is her most memorable role for me yet.

And Faith was written by the same writer no? Song Ji-Na is she? It seems she creates strong women characters and really caring lover-leads (case in point, Healer Jung-Hoo and General Choi-Young). Love this writer.


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i'm rewatching Faith atm and lady choi is pretty much the ahjumma in healer. they're both smart and capable and sassy esp to their charges lol


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She is also great in 'heirs'. It would be better if the 'hacker ajumma' would be more realistic... aside from the character, which is brilliant, as a hacker she sux. dont get it why it took so long to catch her. SMTP is not a safe enough protocol and any cyber worth his money would get a copies of those mails sent to healer and found the idiot who thinks she can get mails regularly from that mobius domain without being found. I thought better of s.korean dramaland... couldnt their IT come over and give a few tips to help write 'hacker ajumma'...?


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you think she should've used SSH instead? haha
i've come to expect the barest minimum of technical correctnes in a kdrama.. a suspension of belief is always needed when watching a drama anyway.

i remember in an earlier ep someone said that anyone trying to trace the email account gets re-routed through multiple servers before ending up on their own, so if nothing else, ahjumma got that covered lol


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@lolla i also luuuv that particular scene too!!! JH needs to reconfirm is just way too funny! "you're ahjumma?you're goin around with that outfit?!" ten millions lols!!


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i love that scene!

and the fact that she just chucked her bag at him, cursed and left it to him to take care of the situation! so much trust built over the years despite the fact that it's the first time they're meeting face-to-face.


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It's kind of sad for ahjumma to leave her lair....and her knittings( I finally noticed that they are all in child's size, perhaps they are all for her lost child ???)


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Have not seen the episode yet, waiting for DramaFever. But if what you write is the case (child size beanies), it would be an astute observation ... and also very sad.


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@ cingdoc
Yes indeed. She knits everyday and it's so heartbreaking that she never forget the son or "left" him. I think it was likely she chose not to turn up in the hospital because she must have known or informed by the docs that her son was headed for a fatal operation. After all it was the 4th surgery....
What makes her a real awesome person is how she valued the lives and loves of people around her despite her own loss. Jung Hoo is one lucky chap to have ahjumma.


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Yes, it's sad about her child. What probably happened was that she's a true professional- she's on an important case and she just couldn't leave( not that she didn't want to go to her sick( dying) child).
She pretends not to care , but we all know she does and how she dotes on her " adopted" child... Woori Healer


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Yea! The 'meet up' between JH and Ahjumma is definitely the highlight of this episode. Oh so awesome I'm loving it :D

And that walk at the end... omg.. just when I thought I couldn't love our scooby gang more. Why are they so cool.. whyyyy...

This show may not have the best plot but I definitely think it has the best characters. I'm seriously gonna miss all of them...


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Hi @lolla!

I too loved how they played out JH and ahjumma's first meeting!


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Sub-thread: TRANSLATIONS from the Korean

In Episode 16 Recaps, we had some links to interviews/pages in Korean. Now thanks to sweet, generous @helkwo, we actually have the translations for these … in Ep 16, Comment 379. and following.

Just to let you know in case you’re interested to know what has been going down in Korean. :)

Thanks a million @helkwo!!! :)


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I was thinking, you know how all 20 scripts will be included in the pre-order DVD set?

It'd be great if we could get translations on the unaired scenes or how scenes were originally intended....


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Sounds good, but that's just hella out of works! if only i could read korean


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@Growingbeautifully Any time.

@dramapenchant I am not planning to buy the DVD set but I love to have a go at translating it if means that I get to read it!


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ok posting this article that has high comment counts for the last episode, if anyone would be so nice to translate ^^


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translate the comments ^^


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I don't wanna say goodbye to Healer yet.. or EVER! I'm still in denial that its ending is near, I wanna know what will happen in the end but at the same time I just don't want it to end.

It will be hard to fill the timeslot Healer occupied and my mondays and teusdays of kdrama watching will never be the same. I will be eagerly waiting for this writer's next project!


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The battle between good and evil:
Evil in this show is a paradox: genteel, yet deadly. On the one hand I was under-whelmed by the bad guy as in the case of Elder quietly running off in Episode 19, and on the other I felt I could not under-estimate this enemy that managed to get 6 persons killed, 1 maimed and 1 originally good person, working in cahoots with evil. That was until I remembered that evil is insidious, and this is true to life! Evil is more often not about indiscriminate maiming or killing, but about corrupting good people. In this story, it goes further to using them as pawns and tools for a greater evil. The aim was not to hurt Moon Ho or YS, but to lure JH into position so that he would take on the crimes of others to protect his own, sully his own soul, become Elder’s minion, and slowly have his conscience debased and deadened. We have seen this happen to Moon Shik.

Now that the enemy has been ruffled up enough to take the fight into the open, this will be the downfall of the evil that has existed and prospered behind nice facades, a strategic error on the bad guy’s part? (Not sure) With the attack on all fronts, since Moon Ho, Young Shin and Min Ja even are now directly affected, the ranks have been chosen (Yay!!! Myung Hee’s on the team!) and a proper offensive can at last begin. All to be carried out and resolved in one final episode!!!

How good was this Episode from a viewer’s perspective? We’ve used the word, DAEBAK so many times! Well, who does not like a story where the mistreated underdogs finally win out against the baddies who’ve hurt them. The poetic justice alone would have made my day and satisfied viewers.

However this story offered more than just that pat solution. It offered us hints of the greater good that could be realized if good people overcame their own weaknesses and came together to fight the bad, instead of going it alone. It gave us broken people and flawed relationships with the keys to unlock all hearts. Then it proceeded to use those keys in the lives of each character, opening doors with an invitation to take the chance come out or let others in. To the degree that each person chose to accept the invitation, was the depth of their redemption.


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Moon Shik was give the chance with Moon Ho and blew it. Myung Hee took the chance with Jung Hoo’s mum, Ahjumma with Yoon, Teacher with JH, Daddy Chae with YS and of course YS and JH with each other.

And the beauty of this is, that this is life. This is what we face in the countless decisions we make each day. To be able to choose to invite others, or to discern what is right and accept the invitation of others. To choose to be the keys for good, or not.

For me, I shout ‘Daebak’ out loud, because my hopes and wishes have been fulfilled:
- Myung Hee breaks from MS and joins Team Healer,

- Ahjumma is forced from lurkdom and finally, comically, almost literally, slams into Healer (what an unexpected and yes, fitting way to meet one’s employee for the first time! LOL!),

- Yoon is given a pep talk by Ahjumma and is brought onto the periphery of the team.

- Even Sang Soo is a bit conflicted as he listens to Anh’s instructions and threats. Might he be the little cog that helps tip the scales for Healer?

Who’s left now: ah yes, I also have hopes that Daddy Chae and Coffee Bay Ahjusshi, plus all ex-con ahjusshis have a chance to enter the fray. But the best part of this episode? Team Healer led by Jung Hoo, walking with confident strides, with each joining up and forming the ranks, no hesitation, no fear, resolutely looking ahead to the final fight TOGETHER! Team Healer Fighting!!!

The icing on the cake will be when Myung Hee and Jung Hoo’s mum reconcile and Jung Hoo can introduce Young Shin to his mum. How great an ending that would be! (You know what, I wrote this ending before I saw the subs!! So maybe this is going to happen!!!)

Oh yeah, we can also add in the kids and pets, but maybe that will be another story? :) :D


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I saw the subbed version (thank you Viki!!! super fast today) and it was Young Shin who was thinking to herself that she wanted to introduce her mum to JH, but first she had to introduce herself.

Conversely and fittingly, I was thinking of JH introducing YS to his mum: Daddy Chae, Myung Hee, Mum, JH and YS ... what a nice complete family circle that would make. :D


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I love the scene you just described above, GB! I am waiting for jung hoo's mom to be shown too. She should know that her husband's name was cleared. I haven't gotten over that scene in episode 13 where she cries after he leaves.


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@Doc GB

Thanks Doc... daebak to the highest level! *applause

May I add... I really, really wish to see JH and YS childhood photo sleeping. It would be very nice if JH's mum can show it to the both of them, then they'll realize that they are really meant to be together...


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That's a nice idea. Yes, JH's mum has that nice collection of photos since it was Jeon Suk who was the cameraman. He would have taken lots of kiddy pictures. Another one to wish for and hope that the Writer-Nim can incorporate into the last episode.

I hope she replies to my email. :)


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I saw this episode raw and I thought to myself where are the action scenes? Then I read the recap and your observations about how evil is not the overt violence but the more pervasive subversion of our morality with the choices we make in our everyday lives. Just like Elder said, just close your eyes once and the world is different.


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Yes, I too was wishing for more action. I wanted more kickass stuff from Dae Young too. However, consistently, the evil in this show as exemplified by Elder was out to "make zombies" (a name well put by YS). He only killed those who refused to become zombies, became troublesome or could be used as scapegoats.

He wanted more minions like cards in a pack that he could place at the proper time in his game. Moon Shik was a good zombie. He closed his eyes to his conscience very well. But YS and JH are made of sterner stuff and in spite of being under threat refuse to close their eyes. Moon Ho was forced to close his eyes once, but fortunately, that did not make him want to keep them closed, so he would be the wildcard.

I was thinking of the card game analogy, because on the 2 mugs in Healer's home, there is a motif of a heart with a crown on it's head on each mug. As if JH and YS are the King and Queen of hearts, but fortunately, they can still refuse to play in the hand that Elder wants to deal. :) In fact, they are taking their places as players around the table, and not as cards on it, with Moon Ho and Ahjumma, and maybe even Myung Hee to shuffle the deck. :D


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Ahhhh, beautiful, beautiful analysis, as always @GB! I am in awe of how you're able to find these connections and verbalize them coherently! Thank you for sharing your thoughts!


I know that season 2s in dramaland are not necessarily a good thing since it always have the potential to ruin the original drama.. But I really would like to watch Healer and Young-shin working together in missions 'cause their AWESOME working together and I will watch a 2nd season just to see that happen. Or maybe a Healer Movie with a heist/caper by the Team Healer won't be so bad as long as it have the same characters and cast..


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Ahjumma/Jo Min-Ja representing for all the knitters and crocheters out in the world.

Ahjumma/Jo Min-Ja cleans up nicely. Of course Kim Mi-Kyung has proven this time and time again elsewhere in kdramaland with her other roles in Plus Nine Boys, The Master's Sun, Faith, Babyfaced Beauty, etc.


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Also in Heirs.. Love her character in that.. She makes mute and deaf character be awesome!


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I'm getting this urge to write Kim Mi Kyung an email and tell her how awesome she is as Ahjumma. Seems the deadline is tonight 10pm Korean time!! :D


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I've already wrote one fan letter and some sketches to Kim Mi Kyung ahjumma as part of the project *raising hand XD

I'm so giddy it's not even funny *it's after lunch here and I wrote this with concentration that rivals working on a new project at work


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OK, I wrote that email to Kim Mi Kyung. So happy to have such a kickass Ahjumma in the show. :)


I fell in love with KMK's awesome acting since Tamra( Yay, Team Park Kyu!!☺️☺️) I just love her Hacker Ahjumma to bits....


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Noticed and liked her first from the drama The Legend... Gahh! Did i just reveal my age?


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Ahjumma! I almost had a heart attack when they discovered her lair; but ended up bursting in laughter (at 5am, while everyone was asleep, to the astonishment of my dog who barked at me in surprise) when:

- she went back for her kimbab roller - I knew she won’t forget that veritable treasure!

- she waddled out like a pregnant duck!

-she sprayed the goons with that chemical - gah she’s sooo awesome!

- JH kept checking her out!

What an awesome reveal! I LOVED IT!!!


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@Ottoke That kimbap roller LOL I'm just glad ajumma didn't stay after to take all of her knitted items (which looks like she made for he deceased son? *tears*)

But I love that Jung Hoo kept looking at Ajumma. So cute. I really love their reluctant loving & bickering mother-son dynamic.


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Sadly, ahjumma is closer to Jung Hoo than his own mother since he lives as The Healer in secret.
But yes, I love their Mother/ son dynamics,too.


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Aww. I rewatched that scene and it did seem like most of her knitting are too cutesy (and kinda small) for adults. It could be for her son *tears*


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@dramapenchant, that was the first time I noticed that she had a shrine of her knitted items. Awww, that's what she was doing with all of her knitted projects! Really good details in this show.

It's funny how in every drama I've watched, Kim Mi-Kyung is always in charge. Even as a maid in Heirs, or a lady-in-waiting for royalty in Faith, she was in charge. Hahaha, wouldn't it be funny if she was really a mild-mannered person in real life? Like JCW being a bad-ass Healer, but really just an adorkable person in real life. LOL


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i thought she was wearing all the knitted stuff she made in layers that's why she was walking funny but lol at her run
and JH's comment "you're seriously going out in that outfit?" killed me again


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Omg! I'm so glad!! I was screaming NoOo not AHJUMMA! And my computer crashed so I came racing here to find out what happened. I'm heaving a huge sigh of relief! Everything in the world is good now. Whew!


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Waaah, that was the wrong time to have a computer crash! Nerve wracking!!


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Ikr! I was grateful for the recap and the comments here so I could breathe again! I'm gonna miss the Healer threads and all the people I've met here because I'll probably go back mostly to my lurking ways but thank goodness for all my fellow Healer Beanies! I had someone to share Healer with thanks to you all!! Not...that this is... goodbye just yet... 1 ep. To go:(


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Ahjumma is a great character. Appreciate the details that went through in creating the depth of who she is.


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Am dying to read the recap, but before that I have to say this !

'I love the interplay of black and white in this top image, and the framing of their bodies—while possibly unintentional, the interlinked arms makes me think of yin and yang, its two halves balanced with and against each other.'

And this is why dramabeans is as awesome as it is!!!! For such nuances that only you find!!!


*now runs away to read the recap*


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True that! JB rocks! And Dramabeans is the best k-drama blog ever!!!!


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And this is why dramabeans is as awesome as it is!!!! For such nuances that only you find!!!"

Hear, hear! *claps*


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Greatest kdrama of all-time!


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what the??!!! your name @shitty hunter totally crack me into chuckles!mwahaha


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Okay, so the slo mo power walk that a few beanies suggested in the episode 17(?) recap has been shown to us. AAAAAAAAAH. I scream-squealed when I saw that. I don't think we need any more proof that some one from the production team has been reading our comments - whoever it is, thank you so much! For giving us everything we asked for.


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*taps foot* still waiting for steamier bed scene (or neck kiss...whichever really....)


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Exactly!!! Why is that so much of what we asked for comes to pass? Can Writer-nim write in so much so fast or was it all in the plan all along? I should write an email to ask her. LOL! :D


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Guess what! I really wrote to Writer-Nim and asked her. Let's see if she replies. She will have to get it translated back and forth from Korean maybe, or she may know English. I hope for the best!!! ;)


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Methinks she can read/speak English well. Read somewhere that sometime back she took a four-year hiatus from writing and lived in New Zealand.


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Thanks @dramabliss, that's good to know! :)


@Saema, I think I missed that reference...(didn't get to see that in recap 17). Did you mean that part when he ran in the hallway?


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Healer continues exceed expectations (how is this possible?!?!)

How awesome was it that Jung Hoo just told Young Shin straight up that he was blackmailed? No silent suffering or noble idiocy when it comes to this couple. They talk and deal with problems together as they arise.

Also, that look he gave her when she asked why he would confess to murder spoke volumes. It's because of her. *swoon*


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Swoon~~~the way he looks as her. Aaah.


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The way he sighed in relief over and over again, while looking at her!!! *double swoon*


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@Saema @GB

Then he kept asking if she was touched, pushed, dragged, or anything... that even YS laughed for his over-protectiveness...

*triple swoon... and squeeee!

*me want Jung Hoo for myself!!!


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Ah yes yes yes!!! I love how we are reassured every episode how strong this OTP is.


( How awesome was it that Jung Hoo just told Young Shin straight up that he was blackmailed? No silent suffering or noble idiocy when it comes to this couple )
yeah ~~~ i love that sooo much aigoooo <3 <3 <3


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indeed.. instead of running away or leaving the ones he loves, he chose to tell all the things... i love this kind of relationship and this OTP makes it better. no 'i will leave you for your happiness' scene.. ugh.. im tired of that kind of storyline.. they fight and deal with the problems together.. i just love this couple!

btw, the preview is about junghoo has the gun and aaaaahh.. i just hope, we'll get the happy ending. cuz i just love this couple. i dont want season 2 or others, just a happy ending for this couple and moonho. that's it :)


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Woah! Been waiting for this! I felt so sad that I don't even want to read everything or watch anything before Healer ends but I couldn't resist lmao.

"Trust me, I'm the Healer!"
Can I just cry and trust you writernim to give us a great ending? I love all the casts so much that I wish they were all real but no ㅠ ㅠ. It's going to end today and my heart is not yet ready. Healer, please save me xD


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It's here! It's here! Now I'm going to somehow last till tomorrow (when the subs are available in my region for the finale) and glom the last two episodes together I don't think I could take the waiting for the last episode. What an awesome show. Thanks javabeans for bringing us along on this super ride! I wasn't even going to watch this show but your excitement reeled me in! Thanks again!


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It's "Doble S", JB, not Double S. Don't anger uri Sang-sookie!


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Manager Ahn is the competent one.


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I liked it when it was "Doble S" because it showed Sang Sook wasn't the brightest bulb in the bunch. It could be seen as an intentional detail when the sign was spelled incorrectly. Correcting the sign, instead, merely shows that the production realized its mistake and corrected it. So much for character exposition through background props. Was that giving the drama too much credit?


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How do I delete this? Sorry for the accidental double post.


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I know, right? I laughed out loud too!


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I liked it when it was "Doble S" because it showed Sang Sook wasn't the brightest bulb in the bunch. It could be seen as an intentional detail when the sign was spelled incorrectly. Was that giving the drama too much credit?

Correcting the sign, instead, merely shows that the production realized its mistake and corrected it. So much for character exposition through background props.


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I miss "Doble" S... It's Sang-soo's company name, after all. Btw, the could've called it "Missing U" guard instead. Haha...

I missed Young Moon-shik and Hottie dad, Seo Jung-seok this episode. Hope there's a happy '90's ep tonight...


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LOLOL!!! "Missing U" Might sound too sentimental LOLOL!


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Hi @growingbeautifully. I'm a staff member of Healer International Fans Project. I just saw your contribution. Thank you very much.


LMAO ded at "missing u" xDD


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Haha yeah, they already fixed it and it's now "Double S"


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I love that !! Hahaha!


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Nice catch on the Yin and Yang part! Totally didn't think of that! ;)

"See, so logically, dramatically, practically even scientifically, the story just dictates that we have to get a happy ending. Right? I’m totally not clutching at straws, right?"

All my YES-es! Come on, show, you wouldn't be called HEALER if all you're gonna do is KILL us by giving us a tragic ending!

*prays for a happy, satisfying end*


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First off @Omomo I love all of the changes you've made to you name recently. "healer-fied". LOL True that.

Let's trust writer-nim on this. :D


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On tomorrow's recap, I'll be changing my name to "Omomo is Six Feet Underground." :D


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@dramapenchant and Omomo is Healer-fied

Oh you people are so funny! As if the show wasn't fun enough, now we've got each other to laugh over it with.

Thanks so much gals!

Yes, I agree, with a name like Healer, the show cannot possibly go the way of Viewers doing some great violence to themselves and their viewing devices and leaving us unhealed!!! A happy ending it has to be. :D


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Not at all, thanks to YOU for always making me smile with your posts! And to all the daebak healerious Beanies! Kudos! :D

JCW, you said that this is a drama that gives 'healing' to its viewers, right? SO YOU CAN'T DIE. Not JH, and not a single one of the good guys!


This is it. This is the first drama I’ve felt compelled to comment on after all of this time lurking. Judging from past comments I’m not the only one in this boat; I just wish I’d joined the party sooner!

I am so, so relieved that Moon-ho didn’t die. I could have seen the narrative go either way- I’m sure his death could have been poignant and effective- but I’m ultimately happier with this direction as I don’t feel that he *needed* to die. There’s already enough intensity and conflict as we come to the end of the drama. Ajumma’s close call was probably the most nerve-wracking part of the episode for me!

Moon-shik’s comeuppance was past due and satisfying, but I felt surprisingly emotional when Myung-hee finally confronted him. I think Moon-shik really felt that giving Jung-hoo over to the Elder was in all of their best interests, since I’m sure he’s had to delude *himself* into believing that siding with the Elder has been beneficial to him. If he's still a player in the next episode, I'm curious to see how he reacts now that he’s lost everything he’d thrown his morals away for.

My favorite part of this episode has been seeing everyone come together, finally! (Lmao at how the Healer/Ajumma meeting went down) TOTALLY HYPED UP FOR THE FINALE but at the same time I don’t want it to end… :D :( :D :(


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@Darling Welcome!!

Moon Shik is so delusional. When he asked MHee what he did wrong, I totally face palmed. Like really dude, you can't think of *one* thing you did wrong? Not a single thing? Really?

But his reaction after the fact was a lot calmer than I would have expected.


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I thought so too! I expected that he would throw the usual dramatic tantrum, but he seemed to be expecting it.

I've been dreading this week. My Mondays and Tuesdays won't be the same.


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It's almost scarier that he's so calm.

He seriously doesn't think he's done anything wrong and is just going about his day as usual. No remorse whatsoever.


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Yes, I'm so happy the writer didn't choose to kill off Moon-Ho!!


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I'm glad you've delurked. Yes, Healer seems to have healed the lurkiness in several of us LOL! We seem to not be able to contain ourselves and need this outlet to comment on how terrific this show is.

What you mentioned were also the bits I noted and liked. It's so great when the storyteller gets the balance right between suspense and comedy. Laugh out loud wonderful!! :)


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Agree with everything said here!!

Myung hee had a wonderful measure of strength in her confrontation (that neither of the brothers expected) and it felt emotionally real. Even when she looked so deathly broken on her bed. Maybe it's true that compared to actually losing her daughter she can take anything if it means her daughter is actually alive instead....

I think that's how she's holding on and I can't wait for her to find Youngshin. I also hope that's some plotline left where she can be totally badass on Team Healer too.


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Welcome! :) Also, a delurker for the first time!!


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So close to the finale... I'm still in dilemma whether hope the finale comes as soon as possible or later, coz it means the end of Healer. End. Fin.

Team Healer is so awesome!!! Based on the preview we will have action-packed story again.. So sad the ratings went down this episode. :(


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yah.. the ratings!!! grrrr...


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Team Healer 2.0 united and strutting through the airport like they owned the place made me smile big time.

What a wonderful ending to an episode, with the promise of big things to come. ^^

And that little look and smile exchanged between YS and JH was adorable. They're so smitten with each other, it's pretty darn adorable.


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Thank you JB!!! That last part is pure awesomeness.The Healer team slays! I love that zombie analogy too. I'd like to think that it alludes to me (and maybe the rest of us) of what we're gonna feel like inside after the finale. I probably won't be able to sleep tonight with all the anticipation and at the same time I can already picture several sleepless nights this week wondering where that part of me has gone. That has how Healer has deeply impacted/ruined me.


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Spot on! It'll be The Walking Dead Dramabeans version in here once Healer ends.


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JB is so fast, even faster than her fast self this morning. Woo!

You guys are pretty amazing. A mere 15 mins, and there are already 40 comments!

I love that nobody died in this ep!

M Ho and CYS get off without and scratch and easily, bcos the Elder never meant to harm them, but only wanted to use them to blackmail J Ho into a false confession to beat him into submission!

I Love it when J Ho walked into the goons' office, wanting all 5 of their finger prints all at once, cos it's too much trouble for him to get them one at a time. LOL.

I Love it when Ajumma get to call J Ho 'You little Smut" to his face, and he in turns can't stop checking her face out, as if to see if she has 3 eyes. LOL.

I love it when M Hee says goodbye to M Shik, telling him to his face that she never loved him, despite their 20 year marriage, and now she knows why! LOL. So Satisfying.

I Super love it when CSY tells M Ho she thinks the Elder and his ppl are like Vampires, n she doesn't want to be bitten by them, by going to that cushy job they are offering, cos then she'd become a Vampire like them. That'a girl, CSY!



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"I love it when M Hee says goodbye to M Shik, telling him to his face that she never loved him, despite their 20 year marriage, and now she knows why!"

@KDaddict, ouch! For a guy who has loved her, obsessed over her maybe, pretty much all of his adult life, that one statement must have been like a knife, thrust in his heart, and twisted a dozen times. For once, it was so good to see his suffering expression instead of his usual smug and smirky face.


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How can a guy in a plain black overcoat be so damned HOT??
I ask cos I don't understand.


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Because the guy is Ji Chang Wook. And Ji Chang Wook is hot as hell.


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HOT as hell is right.

And where the hell were u last night when we were talking after watching it live?

Was looking for you and missed u, buddy.


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I was deep asleep by then. Zzzzzzzzzzz

Unfortunately, I can't live watch :( since that would be like 5 AM my time LOL


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his pheromones is so potent it can travel through binary numbers lol


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What a statement! I LOVE IT!


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Because JCW pulls it off effortlessly. There is no other explanation needed. ;)


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Because he is JCW utterly beautiful, gorgeous, hot, and sexy!!!


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I am SO happy with this show! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! It's got everything I could ever want in a drama.

I can't think of a show in any language I've enjoyed this much.

I love you, Healer drama!!!!!


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Thank you for the recap!

Yay we got a power walk! And on a shallow note: Min Ja looked great and I coveteth Young Shin's trench coat.

I don't know why, but it never occurred to me that JH had never actually met MJ until now. Makes it that much sweeter that he's had so much faith in her.

I can't believe it's all ending tomorrow. I'm still nervous it could end badly for someone (coughMoonHocough). But I can't wait to see how such an amazing show takes its final bow.


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I Love that when Ajumma has to make a quick escape, she looks up at her bulletin board full of her knit pieces, and say a quick longing goodbye.

It takes all of 1 sec., but it adds so much to the char and to our viewing experience (as opposed to another drama which shan't be named, that is wasting a Super big name, but the directing and writing are using screen time to no good effect).


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i saw on soompi that someone translated posts from the writer and Adjumma knits for her child that died

after knowing that when i saw that scene it really hit how important they were for her


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My heart broke a little for Ahjumma's knittings. Awgh.

And awgh, Det. Yoon! Can't believe he's still completely whipped with Ahjumma all these years. Hahaha.

"Just trust me. I'm the Healer." Nice throwback from episode 1. This is exactly what JH said to Go Song Chul (did I get his name right?).


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Oh yes. I LOVE it that Det Yoon has been carrying a torch for Min Ja ssi all these years. That guy has good taste. Here is a guy I can ship w ajumma, but SHE'd Still be on TOP.


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I'd be all over Ahjumma too, if I were him. She's gold.


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My hackers ajumma-detective ship better sail or else... It's great to see Det. Yoon be this genuinely happy for the first time in the drama. It only took us 19 episodes, but hey, one has got to work hard for Queen Ajumma. Det. Yoon, bring on the cute!


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I'm so happy to be reading all these posts! OK fellow Beanies let's hear it for our Ajumma....Hip,hip hooray "We love you Ajumma!". I love all your quirky ways, your fashion sense (lol),your sushi rolls, the fact that your so smart and always stay one step ahead of the bad guys, like a hidden guardian angel, and how you have been taking care of Healer all this time. I even wondered if any of the many sweaters Healer wore weren't maybe knit by her as well. In so many ways she has knit a net of protection around Healer and was there for him even when he was away from the world in ways she wasn't not for her own child. You make such an awesome team and what a refreshing character and hero .It's been such a joy to watch!


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I am glad she's out of her lair! As a person who had back surgery (me), I was actually worried for her back, LOL. I mean, she just pretty much sat all day, that is so not good. Now she gets to walk around, strut her stuff.


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[“Just trust me. I’m the Healer.” Nice throwback from episode 1. ]


And yet look how far our Healer has come. He's not doing it for money any more and he has a trusted, loving team.


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There are tons of things to say and spazz about and go nuts about and analyze and squee about !

But right now I have only one thing to say !


I can't remember having such fun in a kdrama EVER!


Your recap says everything!!!!!


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Is anybody else rooting for the Det. Yoon and Ajumma pairing? I think they would be adorable. :D


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It's so obvious he still has left over feelings for her. That call was really cute and his reaction afterward was funny and telling of his feelings for her as well.


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How he kissed the phone afterwards! I was like, "aw man, you are so whipped!"


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He was so cute he suddenly looked like a teenage boy! Kyaaa! New ship = Hacker OTP!!!


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BEST LOVELINE. Ajumma + Detective Yoon. Omg. When he kissed that ratchet old flip phone, I just about died.


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Ok. I will refrain myself on watching it today. I will wait for tomorrow's ending. I cannot wait.


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why refrain your self, jeff? You could still spazzing with us here, right now! that'll be a little ease to the pain of WS


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I don't want to wait. I want to watch it all at once.. hehe


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CYS looks so pretty in that outfit!
Team HEALER, fighting!

huhu.. i'll miss you so much show!!!


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More than the outfit, I think it's the makeup that is different at the end.


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i think it's the hair. her bangs got side-swept completely off her face


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It was totally the hair.

And honestly, wasn't a fan but who cares when we had the team together? :D


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My heart is painful so much when I won't see JCW anymore after ep 20. I think this drama will have an ending that we never expect. I don't think it will be sad, but maybe it'll be bittersweet.


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Fight! Bring it on Team Healer!

I was disappointed in the video confession blackmail threat, though.

This has been an extremely well-written series thus far, and so this kind of... (childish? amateur?) threat doesn't seem too likely.

"My name is Healer and I was on the grassy knoll?" Why even bother? As if people are that stupid.

Other than that (tiny inconsequential detail that has no real impact on the whole series except that it is going to annoy me every time I think about it because they could have done it in exactly the opposite way*), I'm totally excited about the ending.

* see, what they should have done is just have the grandpop evil dude just call up healer and say, "ok, you win. you leave us alone and we will leave you alone. you get your girl, the girl's sunbae, the girl's mom, everybody. we will leave everybody alone for all time. all squares. but to guarantee that you will leave us alone, we need you to do one thing for us. then we're good." THAT'S how you trap the Healer. Not with this fake video confession thing that wouldn't hold up in court, wouldn't mean a thing to anyone.


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Yes, I agree. That bit does feel very anticlimactic, and like u said, stupid. But a writer is allowed 1 mistake in a series, as long as it is NOT killing off the lead.


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See, THEN, what happens is the Healer knows its a trap, but he still has to try, because in the one off chance that (1) maybe the offer is real, (2) even if the offer is a trap, then there will be an opportunity to trap the trappers, scooby-do style.

AND, at the same time, the evil grandpop and company will be counting on the fact that the trappees are trying to become the trappers, and so they lay their own groundwork at the same time......

.... making for one exciting leadup to the ending.

And not this silly "Oh, they got me on video saying that I killed the dude, so now I am as good as convicted."

That said.


This is one fantastic series. I would have posted more comments, but whatevs.

Thanks JB for sharing your love with us!


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but the Elder clearly wanted Healer to work for him ala MoonShik, not just let him go. IA the confession video was rather blah all things considered but maybe they're running out of airtime to be building that much of a story?


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That would've required another 20 episodes of story to resolve I think but I agree with @samsooki that it could have been more exciting...but argh as it is, this drama already has me on tender hooks when I watch it, so perhaps it might be a good thing after all?!

I can't believe this is ending. I don't know what I'm going to do after Healer ends sigh.


ditto. I rolled my eyes...


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That video part felt lazy to me too.
But I think in this drama's world that video would be enough to convict JH for murder. Apparently bribing prosecutors and police to making innocent people guilty is a cake walk for the Elder. He just needed a nail to hang his frame on so to speak.


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My biggest pet peeve for movies and dramas is lazy writing.

Once you set the stage and ask the audience to swallow whatever the alternate reality / universe looks like, then, fine, I accept it.

But then the inviolate rules of thermodynamics, quantum mechanics and basic Newtonian physics MUST be allowed to rule the day, along with common sense.

For example, I don't mind that Rambo can shoot and kill scores of bad people with a machine gun tucked under this arm. I accept that he has supernatural aim and the ability to hold a M60 chain fed machine gun still as it is firing.

I accept it. Fine.

But what I will not accept is his unlimited bullets. In Rambo II, Rambo probably went through thirty boxes of ammunition, weighing a few hundred pounds, and yet, Rambo kept firing.

Similarly here, I am perfectly fine with the bad guys having near unlimited money, Ahjumma being able to hack into every CCTV anywhere in the world, with Healer being able to knock out guys with a single punch, etc.

But, common sense says that a recording that he says that he did it, with no chain of custody, no context, no verification and no confirmation, is not admissible in any court as evidence, in Korea or in the United States. Of course, in Korea, suspects (when arrested) can be held temporarily until trial (and certainly the police and investigators can use the tape as a breadcrumb that leads them to the killer), but that video tape would never make it to trial. Pretty thin. And pretty lazy.


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I watched it without subs...again, of course. Man, that was an awesome episode. I love it when Healer comes on screen doing his bad boy thing.His encounter with ajuhmma was the best. That was freaking hilarious and the perfect way to meet someone after 8 years. I love CYS and SJH's relationship. They just tell each other the truth (aside from hiding her identity) which takes other dramas 12 episodes to resolve one small and unreasonable misunderstanding. Yay! Awesome drama in all sorts of aspects!


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Javabeans you aren't suppose to freak us out about the wild cat! My only counter argument is that the leopard was alone and JCW is not now. So, if they were going to mirror that incident then maybe JCW will get hurt but his team will swoop in and save him??


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@Crysta an excellent point.


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That's exactly what I thought! For a moment when I read JB's comment I got scared and then I realized he wasn't alone anymore and maybe That's the point the writer was making .All the people who were in the shadows and unconnected now have others to depend on, so yay! I expect a happy ending!


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When will the last episode be aired? Thanks


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Well, for me it might be subbed in seven more hours but it really depends on where you live in the world. You might be a lucky one that can watch it by this afternoon, but generally sometime today/night. Happy Watching!:)


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Thanks JB for the wonderful recap. At this point, i'm totally running out of words to describe how much i love this show. And this episode is just WOW...I can't believe it's the episode before the last one. How many dramas can keep up the pace and make so good at this point? Not many but SJN is doing it rather fantastically! I really couldn't breath throughout the whole episode *Checking my own pulse to see if I'm still alive* Yep, I'm still alive. But at this rate not for long because looks like tomorrow will be even more intense and sad.

I'm glad that JH is very up front with YS about what happened and what will happen to him in the future. He told her that it will be difficult for him to live normally as he needs to fight elder. And then YS just goes "how am I going to see you?" BEST OTP EVER.

Also nice to see Healer back in action, but it hurts me more to see Jung Hoo alone and missing YS badly. BUT the highlight of the night!!!! Jung Hoo meeting Ahjumma! How he rushed there immediately knowing Ahjumma is in danger, getting there just in time and when he asked if she's ahjumma?! There was this little awkwardness between JH and Ahjumma!!! HAHA SUPER CUTE. And to see them talking side by side like this, finally!!!! And how JH reacted and kept looking at Ahjumma.


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@Mint Yay for being alive. You can't flatline until after tomorrow's episode at least ;)

I've totally exhausted my vocabulary when it comes to talking about this show.

I loved that in the midst of all this chaos, YS is most worried about being by JH's side and just seeing him everyday. He's her first priority.


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@dramapenchant: but i'm afraid i won't be alive for long as the withdrawal symptoms is slowly kicking in hic.....Healer is such a life ruiner T____T


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@Mint Seriously, the withdrawal from Healer is going to kick my butt.


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Wow! I love, love this show and had high expectations right from the time the teasers were released. Am happy that it has been thrilling and captivating, there has never been a dull moment all through these 19 episodes. In fact at the end of every hour I think ... what, the epi ended already?!!

Loved the good moments between all the 'good' people and Myunghee was superrr. Ajumma/Healer were awesome ...

Looking forward to Team Healer tackling their last hurdle and keeping my fingers crossed the team stays intact and all the good guys and gals get their happy forever.

Thanks JB for the recaps and your comments!


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I just cannot... this magnificent drama is ending!

How I love that everything is linked from YS & JH's dads in 1992, Ahjumma's last case as a detective in 2000 and then Gu Sung Cheol's video in 2014. This shows how long and deep Omega has been around. Their roots are deep and hence very powerful. And now this is really the showdown. Like what JH said, Elder should have given more thoughts to those victims' offsprings as they are the ones that will bring him down from that throne of his.

And how do I love that JH tells YS EVERYTHING! That he recorded a confession tape, he was coerced to join Elder but he will not do that, that he has to be on the run so he cannot be with her. That he also warned her against calling him and going to his house for the fear that she will be implicated as an accomplice. How many dramas have we watched whereby the hero makes the "ultimate" sacrifice by being the most hated jerk to the lady he loves just to spare her from "pain & suffering". No such thing here!

I'm glad SJN writer-nim said that this is a piece of work with no regrets and obstacles which makes me very hopeful that the ending will be a satisfactory one.

The drama's pace has always been consistent. It doesn't drag nor does it glosses over some issues like they are important as life & death one minute and then miraculously resolve in another.

We are now so spoilt by Healer, what comes next???


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i swear i must've CACKLED for 5 minutes straight after JH's run in with ahjumma (i thought she was wearing all the knitted stuff she made so she wont leave them behind lol)

when he saw her for this first time
his face. HIS FAACEE xDD

i could watch a mischievous JH and cranky ajumma bicker all day and still be entertained lmao

the last scene (WE GOT THE SCOOBY GANG POWER STRUT YEAH!), how on earth YS could go from wobbling around in heels to strutting confidently in those stilettos just in a few eps lol


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Ji Chang Wook, the man with 1000 expressions.

Love JH and Ajumma together.


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ikr and the mother-son bodning in the car is all kinds of squee haha with him sneaking looks and ajumma being cranky as usual and his adorable laugh <3<3
i'm kinda sad they only met this late in the game

i'm curious why he asked where's her house tho.. wasn't the warehouse her house?


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We know that, but he doesn't know where or how she lives.


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He doesn't know anything about her - how she looks like, where she lives. She only knows her as his job contact.


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JB: "Only one more episode left! Are we all going to be okay tomorrow?"

The answer is NO. No, we are not gonna be okay. We'll be camping on Episode 20's recap for ages, wandering like lost souls devoid of any purpose in life with no more Healer to look forward to. LOLOL. :D


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@Omomo That sounds about right.

I'll go ahead and pitch a tent right next to you then.


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I might camp at all the recaps. Frankly, this is a drama I could have written pages and pages on but it came at such a time that I can barely watch it. I couldn't read most of the recap comments. I am thinking of rewatching and reading at a better time and enjoying it again and again and again.


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i'll just be floating by peacefully and occasionally letting out wails of misery


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I'll haunt Ep 20 in particular but also other recaps from time to time :D Call me @GhostingBrazenly Heheheh!


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Thanks for the recap Javabeans!

Haven't watched episode 19 yet but may I say that there is still so much I want to see!!! It's good to see the baddies get caught and punished but I love the people who populate this drama and would rather see more of them. In fact I want that more than a lengthy resolution to the Elder problem.

Couple of the things I wanted to see the most were Healer and Ajumma's meeting and Young Shin and her mom's meeting. From what I gather the first seems to have happened. The second happened as well but I mean them meeting with Myung Hee knowing she is her daughter. But I'm pretty sure the final episode will give us that. Another likely one is some sort of happiness for Moon Ho and Myung Hee.

Rest of my wishlist includes (and I am not hopeful at all, since I feel like we will spend most of the time with action):

- Jung Hoo introducing Young Shin to his mother
- Jung Hoo spending time with his brother
- Young Shin introducing Jung Hoo to his mother as her boyfriend
- I want Dad who asked Young Shin why of all the men she chose the scaredy cat Bong Soo to learn that Bong Soo is actually the mighty Healer
- I want Myung Hee and Young Shin's dad to meet
- I don't want a wedding scene or anything like that but what I would love to see is while our married reporter couple are chasing stories together Ajussi and dad taking care of their troublesome kid who is climbing all over the furniture and jumping here and there Healer style at the cafe and for dad to complain about Healer and echo Young Shin and many others by saying he misses Bong Soo.

Let's see how many of these I will get?


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Yes on all those.

I don't want a wedding scene but a proposal would be really sweet.


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With a tracker ring? ;)


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haha HE would


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Imagine him trying to sell *that* to Young Shin. She loves him but a girl's gotta draw the line somewhere!



Not that he would need a tracker. The guy sticks to her like gum whenever he can. I imagine them working as reporters in the future (his Healer skills and experience would help him greatly in that career) so they will be working together as well, I doubt he will be away from her for long.


@dramapenchant Madam this is made out of *real* diamonds


Or a matching set?


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Perfect! In fact, considering his tendency of disappearing without a trace he really is the one that needs a tracker!


Haha! If they continue in this line of work (she has the skills) instead of reporting I fully support matching trackers.


PS. We all know ratings don't mean much but I am sorry to see this series had such strong competitors. I'm not yet into sageuks and would like some romance in my drama as well so neither of Healer's competitors are my cup of tea. My worry about the ratings is what if it discourages similar style dramas? Also I wish the production team received the rewards for a drama I enjoyed so much. I think I can safely say at the moment this is my favorite drama ever and I'm sure it will get rewatched a lot. I wish the production team knew that since the ratings don't indicate this.


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Healer has over 100 million views on Sohu TV (China) plus all our love. ^__^


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I know, I still wish it had more. It is such a good drama, it deserves more...


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Ratings schmatings. Bleh.

They production team seem pretty satisfied thus far. I think they do know they're very well-loved overseas. Or so I hope!


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*The production team


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I hope so too! What's more amazing about the production team and the writer is that they did not sacrifice the story to rack in the numbers during its middling run, ratings-wise. Most dramas, i think, sell their souls in the process, throwing quality and logic out the window for the sake of fanservice and in the hopes of attracting more audience, which may be done, with the live-shoot system and all. I loved that Healer didnt give a damn about the ratings game and continually churn out awesomeness episode after episode. They be like, "we have a story, and we will be faithful to it regardless whether or not the korean audience like it."


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"Most dramas, i think, sell their souls in the process, throwing quality and logic out the window for the sake of fanservice and in the hopes of attracting more audience."

Good point there, @hawoojin&healerruinedme! I have dropped some dramas that I have enjoyed during the 1st half but got illogical during the final stretches. Having been burned in the past, I usually dread the last quarter run. But I am so pleased that this production team stuck to their story, ratings be dammed! This drama, though nerve wracking at times, was truly a joy to watch!


PPS. I have a feeling we will rewind a bit in the beginning of episode 20 to see how they made the plan and all came to the airport and then get into the action. That's also why I don't think we will have time to see all we want to see.


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tbh if i were YS i definitely would've grabbed the glass vial and either crush it under my heel or throw it against the wall. knowing what she did about sec oh i totally expected her to do something instead of just sitting around, and that glass vial might've just bore a warning skull sign with poison in all caps on it


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Is it just me who cried when Ahjumma hesitated about bringing her knitted stuff? I was like "so that's why she keeps on knitting!" I thought she was making it for her child who died. :(

And ohhh that leopard reference. Why did you tell me javabeans why!!! Oh gosh, last episode tomorrow. I'm totally not ready!


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yes i read that on soompi
the writer posted some background info on her blog and that was one of them. If you notice one of her knits it is a stuffed animal, it looks like a child's toy ;(


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And all the clothes are small.


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It's such a small detail but it says so much about how the writer thinks of her characters. I love it when the writer does that.


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