
Healer: Episode 18

Strap yourselves in, folks, it’s a roller coaster of an episode, running the entire emotional gamut—there’s plenty of cuteness and laughs, but with only one more week left, we can’t rest too assured in momentary comforts. We’re never far from the undercurrent of unease that runs throughout, reminding us that there’s just enough time for one more big fight. And that’s sure to be a doozy.


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Backing up a bit, we see how the tape made its way to Moon-ho’s broadcast, rather than into the Elder’s hand. Aha, so it was Dae-yong who got to the charnel vault first, and she finds a box tucked in the back containing the real tape. She swaps it for a decoy, then takes it to Moon-ho directly.

Moon-ho listens right away, then calls Jung-hoo to inform him of its contents. As they’d known, Seo Joon-seok wasn’t guilty, but moreover, he wasn’t even initially a suspect. He’d gone to the police to report Gil-han’s murder, with photos as proof. Thus the tape isn’t a suspect statement but a witness statement.

Jung-hoo has to pull over the car to process the good news, and he and Young-shin smile at each other.

Moon-ho thinks the tape is enough to take to broadcast, and tells Jung-hoo to come back. Jung-hoo asks Young-shin what she thinks, and she’s of the same mind as him: They’ll see through the original plan.

So now we resume with Jung-hoo capturing the Elder’s face on camera for all the nation to see. A bodyguard blocks the Elder from view, but Jung-hoo jumps into reporter mode (with some of Bong-soo’s demeanor) and starts asking a question. It goes ignored as the Elder leaves the room.

Jung-hoo has a few seconds of broadcast time before the guards close in on him, and calls out, “These people must work for the Elder! I’ll ask you a question! Surely you wouldn’t use violence and beat the reporter who came to interview the Elder during a live broadcast?”

His glasses and wallet are confiscated, and then the Elder returns to the room. Upon confirmation that this guy is a reporter named Park Bong-soo, he asks, “Didn’t you say you were the Healer?”

Jung-hoo laugh-stutters, “I-if I said that, ha ha, I was told you’d meet with me.” Gah, I am so glad Bong-soo is not real, because he would not be long for this world. The Elder says he’d talk if Bong-soo were the Healer, but if not… Jung-hoo guesses, “You’d k-kill me? But I don’t wanna die.”

He asks if “Grandpa” really is the Elder, and the Elder replies that he didn’t need to broadcast his face in order to ask that. But Jung-hoo counters that Gramps kills people who bother him, and he couldn’t have that—this is their way of posting a “Beware of dog” type warning sign.

The Elder crouches to meet Jung-hoo’s eye level and calls him child, asking who he is. Jung-hoo replies that there’s a man named Seo Joon-seok among the people Grandpa’s killed: “I am his son, Seo Jung-hoo. Grandpa, when you kill people in the future, you ought to think of their sons or daughters.”

Outside the house, Young-shin waits impatiently with a camera, trying to urge the police officers with her to intervene. But the police can’t do anything without proper authorization, so Young-shin just starts filming right there. There’s not much to see, but it’s enough to show police officers stationed outside the Elder’s house, and Moon-ho turns over the broadcast to show the scene. Within moments of it airing, the guards restraining Jung-hoo inside back off.

The Elder invites Jung-hoo to sit, offering Jung-hoo a drink that gets refused, and lighting an incense stick like this is some kind of polite visit. Jung-hoo has dropped the wimpy act and faces the old man defiantly, sneering at the Elder’s description of his side as “working to save people.”

The Elder explains that there’s the “us” who protect people, and the “them” who receive their protection: “Young man, which side do you want to be on?”

Jung-hoo is unimpressed with the Elder’s talk, but… wait, why are you fading and your senses dulling? Gah, it’s the incense, isn’t it? The Elder starts to blur in his eyes as the old man says he quite likes Jung-hoo but won’t wait long for his decision.

Jung-hoo tries to clear his head through the smoke, and then sees the stick and puts it out. Oh thank goodness. But the drugs have done their trick and he falls over, unconscious. The Elder leaves him in slumped in the room.

Back to Seo Joon-seok’s witness statement, which we see in flashback. Joon-seok sits dully in front of the detectives, emotionally traumatized from Gil-han’s death, and explains that “they” call themselves Farmers. As a trio, he and Gil-han and Moon-shik had been chasing the story for the past year when they received information about a planned truck shipment, which they took to mean slush fund movement.

Joon-seok describes the “farming” that this group does: They view the country as their field for the plowing, sowing money around to reap all sorts of benefits—political, legal, financial.

Young-shin finally gets tired of waiting and bursts onto the Elder’s property. She finds Jung-hoo starting to stir, trying to shake off his drug-induced stupor. She asks worriedly, “Why are you always sleeping when I see you?” He replies, “You always wake me.” Pause to aww.

She offers to take him to the hospital, but he asks to sleep a bit, resting against her shoulder and holding her arm. He asks, “Our fathers were very close, weren’t they?” Since he didn’t get to see the broadcast, Young-shin says that their fathers were loyal to the end, and recounts the events that we see in flashback.

1992. Moon-shik drives the car as the three friends follow the truck in question, and the mood is lighthearted with bickering and laughs. They think the task will be a simple matter of snapping a few photos showing the money handoff.

Upon arrival, it becomes evident that the situation is more serious than they’d anticipated. One truck contains large metal paint canisters, and another is filled with apple boxes containing massive sums of cash.

Gil-han wants to see inside the paint canisters, while Joon-seok holds him back. Gil-han just quips, “What are they going to do, kill me? A reporter?” But they accidentally knock over a bin that alerts the others to their presence, and Gil-han offers to divert them while Joon-seok gets to the paint cans. Before his friend can protest, he runs off and is quickly followed.

Joon-seok grabs a canister and runs back to the car, where he alerts Moon-shik to the danger. He tells Moon-shik to prepare for getaway, then heads back to get his friend.

When Joon-seok makes it back, Gil-han is already prone on the ground, his head bloody. Moon-shik arrives just in time to grab him back from going after the Farmer guys, but Joon-seok wells up in righteous fury. He starts snapping photos openly, and Moon-shik forcibly drags him back to the car.

The car escapes, and Joon-seok explains in his statement that he was on the run for days, and eventually found out what was in the paint cans. He explains that it was chemicals used in construction projects to weaken steel, and as soon as he reveals this, men in suits burst in to stop the proceedings.

Young-shin wraps up the story, and Jung-hoo sighs, “It’s over. The homework. For Teacher, Father, and you.” He’s free to leave the Healer behind, and Young-shin praises him for a job well done, Jung-hoo rests his head in her lap (…but… the Elder’s house…) and asks, “Living like other people—is it hard?”

“Let’s try it, living like other people,” she says. He asks, “You’ll be with me, right?” And she replies, “Of course.” He sighs that that’s enough, and closes his eyes to sleep some more, taking her hand in his.

Myung-hee prepares a nice dinner for her and Moon-shik, and her outwardly pleasant attitude puts him in a good mood. It seems she’s watching for his reaction as she tells him of watching Moon-ho’s broadcast and asks about what he didn’t tell her. He answers that he hadn’t been holding back from her, admitting that he’d suspected Joon-seok all these years, and the broadcast has allowed him peace of mind knowing that wasn’t true.

Myung-hee doesn’t like that answer (well, it is a blatant lie), and I wonder if she’d been hoping he’d respond differently. She keeps her pleasant face on, but looks meaningfully over at Ji-an’s birthday spread nearby. I do hope her suspicion extends to that story too.

Moon-shik retires to his study after dinner, and his mind flashes back to his first encounter with the Elder. And now we see what happens next: Moon-shik accepts that deal, and gives a witness statement to the police that he saw Joon-seok killing Gil-han. Interestingly, the first statement is given while he’s bloody, terrified, and shaking. The second time, Moon-shik is resigned and dead-eyed.

But by the third time, he’s crisp and alert, confident in his lies as he says that the money triggered Joon-seok’s greed. When Gil-han refused to keep it, Joon-seok killed him.

In the present day, the memory doesn’t even stir a pang of regret as he sits there, idly eating Ji-an’s birthday cookies, soul unruffled. Or maybe absent.

In contrast, over at the cafe, Young-shin and her father eye that cookie with reverent anticipation, both bummed to see that it broke in transit. Young-shin feeds Dad the first bite, and they marvel at the taste. Then Dad asks when she’s bringing “that guy” over, and she initially feigns ignorance (“Which guy? I kinda have a lot of guys”).

Dad tells her to drag him over, then sighs that of all the men, she had to pick one so weak and frail, always ready to cry at the drop of a hat. She dies laughing.

When she gets to her room, she’s startled to find Jung-hoo already here, having climbed in through the window and all ready for his hugs. She pushes him back to arm’s length and lays down a few ground rules about how to live like other people, which includes using front doors. And meeting her father to get his permission to date, which makes him grimace. Also, on his girlfriend’s birthday, he should give her a gift.

She holds out her hands expectantly, and Jung-hoo fumbles to come up with something. He gives her the necklace from around his neck, and she points out that it would be nice to get gifts that are new and wrapped. He tries to make it better by pointing out that his necklace has a tracker in it, but that just sounds worse, lol.

Young-shin lets him fasten it around her neck, and he asks, “Can I hug you now?” He grabs her in a hug without waiting, and she kicks him. HA.

He looks hurt as he asks why she keeps pushing him away, and she reminds him that he wanted to live, and love, like other people. He asks what this is, and she says, “This is… a little different from other people.”

Jung-hoo decides he can do things in the proper order, and tells her to wait. She agrees, telling him not to take too long. He notes the key points—father, salary—and she heads to the door to show him how to use it properly, only to turn around to see that he’s already left via window. Siiiigh.

Adorably, Jung-hoo then barrels in through the cafe doors, psyching himself up to get this over with. But the longer Dad stares at him blankly, the more his nerves falter and Jung-hoo mutters to himself that he can’t do it. He stammers to Dad that he’ll come back next time, and I love that he’s really not too far off from wimpy Bong-sookie after all.

Pickpocket Ajusshi enters just then, blocking Jung-hoo’s exit, and Dad slowly wraps his hand in an apron like he’s getting ready to inflict some pain. Jung-hoo says nervously that he’s here to give his proper greeting and get permission.

Young-shin hears noise and hurries downstairs, where she finds Jung-hoo in the study with Dad and ajusshi. Jung-hoo sends her pathetic pleading looks while Dad warns her to stay out of this.

Dad starts with the cafe kiss a few days ago, and just thinking of it spurs violent impulses. Ajusshi intervenes: information first, then kill. Ajusshi takes over the interrogation and asks how far they’ve gone, and thankfully Dad shoves him aside because I’m not sure that’s an answer they want to hear.

Dad asks if that soup was any good, and Jung-hoo answers that it was delicious. You’ll recall that Young-shin had called Dad for recipe instructions from Jung-hoo’s pad, and now Dad knows that Jung-hoo was the friend needing nursing all night long. Ajusshi has to hold him back while Jung-hoo darts around the room trying to avoid a beating while blurting, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

Making this even better is the fact that while sounds of destruction come from the office, Young-shin listens from outside eating ice cream. As you do.

The mood takes a darker turn, however, when later that night Secretary Oh makes his way inside Moon-ho’s apartment. This can’t be good.

At the paper, Editor Jang alerts Moon-ho to postings on the Someday message board that offer information from witnesses who’ve met the Elder. It’s unclear whether these tips are legit, but Moon-ho instructs his staff to look into them, and they’ll follow up on anything that sounds promising. Editor Jang points out that they’ll be understaffed, which is Moon-ho’s cue to introduce their new employee: Jung-hoo, or rather, Bong-soo, who is heartily welcomed.

While the team congratulates him for his intrepid undercover work, Young-shin tells Moon-ho about Jung-hoo wanting to live like a regular person, which Moon-ho notes isn’t the easiest thing. Young-shin quips, “I think living like other people means not knowing what you’re doing. What’s so great about that?” She adds that Jung-hoo’s done being the Healer, laughing that she thinks he got fired. Yay for ajumma.

Moon-ho informs her that Myung-hee asked for an excuse to meet Young-shin again. As they talk cozily, Jung-hoo shoots Moon-ho the side-eye and steps right between them, just like old times. Aw, jealous Bong-sookie.

Young-shin starts to narrate an explanation about a friend reentering mainstream society, and we see Jung-hoo adapting to civilian life. He struggles to remain awake all day at work, which she compares to being a wildcat—awake for the hunt, sleeping otherwise.

When his first paycheck comes in, Jung-hoo calls in to ajumma to ask how much it was, shocked at the paltry sum (“But… I worked a whole month!”). He even wonders if he should pick up some side jobs, but ajumma reminds him that he quit being the Healer and wants her earset back. Then she screams at her screen—not at Jung-hoo, but at the hapless newbie who can’t do a simple task right. Ha, is she training the new Healer?

It’s Dae-yong, who’s in plain view of all the car black boxes around her. Dae-yong complains that there’s no street in Seoul without parked cars, and ajumma barks, “That’s why your hyungnim flew around on rooftops!”

Young-shin’s voiceover comes from her conversation with Myung-hee, and she laughingly describes how this guy is a teeny bit older but acts thirteen, which is why she has to look after him. Myung-hee guesses that she likes him, then leans right in to brush a crumb from Young-shin’s face and touch up her makeup, their rapport already comfortable.

The day arrives for Moon-shik’s live broadcast interview, and at the last minute, Moon-ho receives the alarming news that Moon-shik arrived at the station and announced that he’d be deviating from the script. This is equally disruptive to both the broadcaster and Someday, but it’s worse for Someday, who’ve lost their opportunity to counter Moon-shik’s interview replies in real time.

At the station, Moon-shik just tells Min-jae, who’s interviewing him, to ask whatever she wants. The Someday team gathers to watch, and Moon-shik starts by deftly fielding questions about whether he’s able to manage Seoul when he can’t even manage his brotherly relationship.

Moon-shik speaks openly of Moon-ho’s current activities opposing him, but invokes his own reporter past. He identifies himself as a member of the pirate broadcasts that have garnered Moon-ho so much popularity these days and even pulls out that photo to show on air.

Calling himself a journalist who once fought for the freedom of media, he says that he has to take his brother’s activities in stride—because that’s what he fought for. God, that’s infuriating. Moon-ho watches with a sour expression, and is forced to cancel their planned broadcast, given the direction of Moon-shik’s interview.

Myung-hee’s reaction is similar, full of impotent anger, and Young-shin takes her hand as they listen to Moon-shik talking about how the press frankly has too much freedom these days, and in order for that to happen, those in power have had to sacrifice a lot. Oh, boo-hoo for the rich and powerful.

Then he takes out the old suitcase full of cassette tapes belonging to Moon-ho—so that’s what Secretary Oh was doing lurking in his apartment. Jung-hoo has to jump in to keep Moon-ho from physically assaulting his television as Moon-shik proudly shows off the tapes and the old Healer zine as treasured memories. His smugness is maddening.

Myung-hee watches bitterly as Moon-shik explains the meaning behind Healer, proclaiming the press as a force that identifies and treats society’s pains, and he just takes credit for everything like a goddamned hero. Moon-shik turns to address the camera/the public, saying that he worked to protect the media, and will now turn those efforts to protecting the city of Seoul, “as well as this country’s freedom, democracy, and order.”

Myung-hee cries to Young-shin, “I’m sorry.” Young-shin doesn’t understand why, but holds her mother in her arms as she cries.

Sitting grimly after the broadcast, Jung-hoo offers to steal back the tapes, which shouldn’t be too difficult. Moon-ho points out that he’s given up his clandestine errand-running job, saying that he’d like for Jung-hoo to live normally. “But… are you okay?” Jung-hoo asks. He looks over at Moon-ho and says in joke-relief, “I was really scared you were crying.”

Moon-ho returns, “I almost cried.” Jung-hoo asks if that’s because of the stolen tapes, and Moon-ho just tells him to buy some more beer and come over, because he’s got a lot of things he wants to tell him and Young-shin.

Our Double S Guards make a reappearance, although it’s to get shoved to the side as the operation gets taken over by Jeil Newspaper’s Manager Ahn. I suppose he IS more effective than Sang-soo, who finds his office taken over by the brusque newcomer.

Min-ja has her eye on Double S and notices the movement, as does Dae-yong, who’s staking out the building. They watch the Jeil team leaving the office, and Dae-yong wonders why they’re here. Ajumma merely replies that she’s making the Healer a retirement fund, and it involves the thugs who followed him after the ex-cop died. It’s likely that one of them was the killer—but why would they be affiliated with Double S?

Dae-yong photographs the Jeil team, and the closeup of Manager Ahn’s face niggles at ajumma’s memory. Where has she seen him before?

The Someday staff stays late working their way through the Elder tips, which are mostly duds. Moon-ho looks exhausted, but rather than take a break he’s preparing for things to start soon (…more things?). He’s not sure when or how they’ll come at them, but he knows to expect something.

While the staffers doze, Moon-ho finds Young-shin sleeping in Jung-hoo’s lap, clutching his arm. He notes that the couple is being pretty blatant, and Jung-hoo informs Moon-ho that she can’t sleep around just anyone. “What about you?” Moon-ho asks. “I’m not just anyone,” Jung-hoo replies.

Jung-hoo asks about Moon-ho fighting the Elder now, and wonders if that puts Young-shin in danger. Moon-ho doesn’t know, and asks if Jung-hoo would like to take her away someplace far, where it’ll be easier to live as a normal person. Jung-hoo admits that he’s hesitating over the idea: “I think it’s because of you. Leaving you on your own and going away just the two of us doesn’t feel right.”

Moon-ho touches hand to heart and half-teases that he’s touched. But Jung-hoo says seriously, “I can’t be without her now. So if it’s for her, I could throw you away.”

“That’s okay,” Moon-ho says readily, smiling. Ack! Stop doing things that make me scared for you!

In the morning, the attack begins. In a flurry of activity, Moon-ho is hit with legal documents, including a summons by the prosecutors’ office. Then a team is sent from the National Tax Service, acting on the report that misuse of funds were used to buy out Someday. Fuming, Moon-ho can do nothing while they confiscate everything.

It looks like they’re going after Someday big-time, and Editor Jang wonders to Jung-hoo whether his wife’s current business troubles could be related. Her restaurant was hit with a health inspection and enormous fine, and the timing makes him wonder if there’s any connection. But he shakes his head, telling himself there isn’t.

Later that evening, Moon-ho pulls into his parking garage, with Jung-hoo and Young-shin not far behind, armed with beer for a friendly visit. The second Moon-ho opens his car door, he’s ambushed—gack! Noooo, not Moon-ho!

His attackers drug him with chloroform. Their cars peel out moments later, just as Jung-hoo’s car drives in. That strikes Jung-hoo as odd, and the moment he sees the dropped camera in Moon-ho’s parking spot, his sense of alarm spikes.

Jung-hoo connects to ajumma right away, asking her to track Moon-ho, and gives Young-shin the choice: come with him or wait in Moon-ho’s apartment. She guesses that fighting is likely and quickly gets out of the car—better not hold him back. When he tries to escort her upstairs, she waves him off, and he’s pressed enough to hurry out after Moon-ho. Uh-oh. I have very bad feelings about all of this.

In the getaway car with an unconscious Moon-ho, the Elder’s minions find his cell phone and hand it off to a motorcyclist, who drives off in other direction. Crap crap crap.

Jung-hoo therefore follows ajumma’s instructions following the wrong vehicle, while Young-shin waits for the elevator to Moon-ho’s apartment. Someone joins her, and she nervously looks up… at a smiling, smarmy-faced Secretary Oh.


Well that’s certainly not a face you ever want to see, especially when it’s looking so gleeful. Secretary Oh should never be happy, because only bad things happen when he’s happy.

What a great (and terrible!) episode of turnarounds, coming off last episode’s euphoria of Team Healer pulling a fast one on the bad guys with such aplomb. Then there was all that relationship cuteness, and moments of warm humor, and promises of the future… and bam! We slam into a wall of darkness and unease. Dramatically, it’s fantastic. It’s just, as a viewer, I don’t know how much my nerves can take. I just care too much about these people, so sue me. *cries into cornflakes*

I was a little surprised to see the Elder storyline settle down so quickly after the live broadcast ambush, because while I knew that he would regroup later, I didn’t expect him to just… vanish and let the characters be happy and safe. I suppose that lull just makes the attack more painful when it comes, but it also serves the purpose in giving us a glimpse of life after Healer-dom, which I didn’t realize I wanted to see so badly until we saw it.

That’s not just because I want to see Jung-hoo normal and happy, but because there’s a thread of sadness woven into this concept of being reintroduced to society that I really appreciate. It’s amusing in the moment to see Jung-hoo’s reintegration foibles in a comedic light, but it also hurts the heart a little when you consider just how much of an impact his isolated life has had on who he is as a person, and how he reacts to the most ordinary of circumstances. It’s funny to call him thirteen and laugh at how he goes through windows, but then he asks in a plaintive voice why Young-shin is keeping him away from herself, and the reality comes crashing in: He doesn’t actually know how to react. He doesn’t have social graces. He’s always tired because he’s never had to be a functional adult.

It’s therefore just as saddening as it is amusing to see Jung-hoo struggling to adjust to mundane life, especially since this current life isn’t too different from what he did the first time as Park Bong-soo… it’s just that the first time, the job was the afterthought, the B-sides to Healer’s super-fly action movie A-story. This time, he has to live the B-sides as his main life, and the beauty of that is that this humdrum ordinariness is actually the goal he wants. Once he gets used to staying awake for a full workday and answering phone calls he doesn’t want to, that is. It might take a while, but thankfully, he’s got the rest of his life to figure it out.

I find myself flip-flopping on Moon-shik with every twist, and I suppose that indicates that he’s been very well-drawn on both sides of his character, because both of his extremes feel credible. Yesterday I saw him in a more sympathetic light, but today he went back to pissing me off, albeit in a good way because he’s showing more complexity and shades of his darkness, not just going back and forth between stark white and black. His interview was brilliant and infuriating in equal measure, and showed once more his gift in taking the truth and using it to shape the narrative he wants to present.

Nothing he said in the broadcast was false, and furthermore, you get the sense that Moon-shik truly believes his explanations of why he was acting for a good cause. He’s not just a good liar; he may be self-delusional about his motives, and that makes him a very dangerous character. It’s almost sociopathic, his ability to convey earnestness and truth in a way that’s just wrong. The Moon-shik of 1980 didn’t seem so bad, and the Moon-shik of 1992 (even after the accident) also appears well-intentioned and loyal. But there’s no getting around the fact that since then, he has made choices with his eyes wide open and is warping the past to bolster his actions in the present. That explains why Moon-ho and Myung-hee reacted with such frustrated rage, because he’s just too good at twisting facts into his version of the truth.

The explanation of the Farmers takes us in an interesting direction, shifting the story away from the personal injustices and into a darker well of institutionalized corruption. This is something Writer Song does particularly well (and reminds me of Story of a Man, in fact), and by the time we get to this part of the story we’re deeply invested because of the connection to our main characters. (As to the particulars of the case: I’m not 100 percent sure I’m understanding correctly, so correct me if I’m wrong, but the scene witnessed by Gil-han and Joon-seok showed the Farmers involved in a massive payoff that involved the willful use of bad construction materials. It turns this into a more dangerous issue than politicians merely stashing away illegal funds—that’s a bad enough thing, but at least not a direct threat to public safety.)

But on to Moon-ho, whose fate isn’t looking so good right about now. To be honest, I was never convinced he’d make it out of the drama alive, but the more he integrated with Team Healer, the more positive I thought his chances were for survival. On a symbolic level I argue with myself that it works better to keep him alive, as a survivor of this cyclical series of events that began in 1980; his internet broadcasts carry echoes of the old rebellious spirit, and because of his age he has always been smack-dab in the middle of the two generations, acting as a link but never quite belonging to either group. So he isn’t necessarily bound to the old tragedy, and I feel like an argument could be made for him being the way to break the cycle in the new generation.

On the other hand, recent episodes hint at his willingness to hurtle headlong into the fight without concern for coming out of it alive, and he might just go down fighting. It’s a lovely contrast to his earlier apathy, where he lived because he wasn’t dead, not because he had any great motivation to stay alive. Now that he’s discovered a passion to keep him going, surely the writer wouldn’t be so cruel as to snatch that away from us/him, would she? (Worried side note: She totally would be that cruel. It’s kind of why I love her writing, and also feel pain because of it.)

And perhaps viewed symbolically from the other side, it’s possible that the message for Moon-ho is that it’s more meaningful to live with purpose for a short time than to exist indefinitely without purpose. That links him closer to the older generation, most of whom met premature ends but whose lives were, as far as we can judge, well-lived and well-loved.

Aghhhh, basically I think this means that Moon-ho could live or die and either case is supported thematically and symbolically, and now I’m just scared. Don’t die, Moon-ho! Please?


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Whoa~ wow *totally speechless-again* It goes from tense and thrill to revelations and resolution of the 1992 case then straight to cuteness overload that left me grinning and spazzing and hitting the rewind to rewatch the adorable scenes... Then I realize that it feels too peaceful, too lull after our Healer Team pulled off such an elaborate stunt against our bad guys and it dawns on me that they are preparing for their counter attack.. And with the ending full of suspense we are set for finally week.


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*finale not finally


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With only 2 episodes left, will we witness the making of a real hero? Would JH become a social injustice fighter?


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Am I the only one super worried about the incense that was given to JH????? It seems that he's constantly sleepy after inhaling it...... :( Don't die JH!!


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Yes, I wondered about that also... why would elder drug him, and why just leave him there.... it didn't make sense, and the writing is too tight in this series to leave such an inconsistency. They also flashed then to KMS being pressured under the bright light, and I thought maybe there was a brainwashing element going on.....


@ Cindy
A legit statement. Transforming into the real Healer. Taking on the legacy of the 1992 group. That will wrap up the theme of the show nicely. Good thinking.


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Thoughts: last two episodes. will surely miss this but I can always watch it again from the beginning.
I hope the writer won't kill off Moon Hoo, a lot of people died already, and what for just to wring more sympathy from us, maybe Moon Shik would be the one to go coz there's no other dramatic exit for him than that, jailtime is too mainstream.

so happy to see Park Bong Soo in this ep, really for me he is the much cuter version oof the Healer. I wont try to guess as to how the last two eps would end and what life is there for the ex-Healer, I am trusting the writer on this one, just one request - give some more sugar,please?!

ah,yes, whoever casted those five friends' younger version did a good job, except maybe for Myung Hee's younger version coz that girl had big eyes and doesn't really resemble the lovely,older version. But the four guys? spot on for the teacher's younger version, and those three younger version of Moon shik, Seo Joon Suk and Oh Gil Han- total eye candies!

Is that Park Si Yeon up there? picture-perfect!


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I also hope the writer doesn't kill off Moon hoo, too. It's too cruel to gothat way because it seems to show us that the moment Moon Hoo wants to have a purpose to live his life, he gets killed because of that. I hope he and the lady sunbae reporter end up together.

When the camera keeps focus on the plate of cookie Myung hee madewhen Moon sik is eating, I have a thought maybe she would poison the cookies to kill him and kill herself. Although it's not her false, but she's indeed the main reason why Moon sik has gone evil. So I think kill off her makes more sense than kill off Moon hoo.

I also hope that Jung hoo and his team bcome freelance Healers, not for money but for justice. Whenever there's injustice in the society, there will be Healers to fix it


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That is a great idea! Healers for justice!


'I hope he and the lady sunbae reporter end up together.'

I don't really hope that, I never really liked her that much. Because unlike Moon Ho, she didn't have the sass of a reporter, she just always went along with everything the upper people told her and completely believed their sh...

And then again I can't blame her because she just doesn't seem to knew it better, but Moon Ho did.
And yes, this actress is so pretty, my eyes hurt looking at her. But they look good together and Moon Ho having found happiness in what he does and a friend/lover would be great. I so want him to be happy.


@ Adelaide
I agree, the eyes and complexion of younger myung hee were different. Maybe people change when they grow older? Also, bound on wheelchair, she rarely goes out to the sun. I am "pale" now compared to times in junior high.


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Omggg I freakin loveddddddd this episode. DAEBAEK :) :) :)


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I don't think normal life suits Jung-hoo, it seems too boring for him.. on the other hand I like that dae-yong is having her chance to be Healer replacement because that's what sshe was griping about from the start of the series, wanting to do a bigger job that deliveries.

Frankly I don't want Jung-hoo to leave Healer life completely and Young-shin seems to enjoy going undercover/taking part in Healer job. In short I don't want Team Healer to disband.


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Yay!!! Thanks JB!

Note: For the FANS PROJECT please refer to Episode 17 Recaps, Comment 7. There's too much to move over here and anyway, it's about deadline time so .... :)


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Have emailed you :)


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Hi @Havens, Yes, and I replied to you under Ep 17 recap and added you to the group already!! :)


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Nobody sent in anything so far HAHA looks like our video cut is gonna be as ready as it gets. We should just IG the link to JCW...


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could someone link what u guys did? I would love to see it too!!!


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Hi. Please please please, could you show us what you SIN Beanies did? Should be v fun, dying in curiosities to know? You gals re act out a scene? Parody ? Should be nice to make them laugh or be touched , since most of the lead casts will be shroud in shadows of impending ending n "disbanding". Hope your stuff can comfort them n warm their hearts.


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Hi Mary Bethany
I think we'll release it on the Ep 19 and/or 20 Recaps thread, after we've sent it off to the FANS PROJECT. :)

I hope you and everyone who sees it will have a fun time (with feels LOL!). Keep watching out for the FANS PROJECT sub-thread to see the link. :D


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Splendid. Will watch out. Read somewhere (Weibo?) that Min Young mentioned saddened n doing the count down. Poor girl. Hope some of your works do mentioned her or dedicate to her also.


Been tapping my feet, pacing around my room or just staring into space... that’s how I was after watching episode 18. A basket case! That’s what Healer did to me!

Oh this show, after giving me such a happy first half (I was literally rolling in laughter at the Father-Son-in-law “confrontation”), it breaks my heart for our Moon-Ho and then, lets it race in the final minutes. Oh my loves - Moon-Ho! Chae Young-Shin! who will our Seong Joon-Ho save first, and how can he, if he was led in a merry goose chase??

And tell me! Just tell me, how can I survive the next six days with this hanging over my head??


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I didnt even enjoy those, I knew this was coming!!!!

I want him to live so badly!!!!


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For some reason, I feel like something like JH saving MH and then realizing that YS had been in danger far too late will happen. I mean, he's already going to save MH so I really don't think he'll be able to save both. And hopefully, the writer won't make it so that he chooses which one to save (though that is also pretty likely) because that is basically the equivalent to saying "hey, this life is more precious than this life" which is just terrible in every way. I mean, I suppose that JH considers YS more important but I also don't think he's the type of person to totally abandon MH just because of that. Anyways, my point is that I really just want them to live their lives out, the three of them as extremely close friends (and, of course, the couple), and grow old together---the way that the original gang never got to do.


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Don't forget...YS has the necklace on that has the GPS. All she has to do is press it. I don't think JH will have to choose.


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@ shell
Smart! I forgot about that. Also, I think she should just whack him - bruises, scars, lots of blood ...
And is he the same guy who caused Myung Hee's accident? I wonder with his mechanic skills...


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I have this bad premonition that he will have to choose, especially when I think back on specific times in this episode. Telling her why the necklace is better than something else because of the GPS, the conversation where he says if he has to pick he's going to save her not MH, and then both of them being in trouble. I don't want it to happen, but I feel like it's coming, so I'm bracing myself for it. I want them to have the happy ending the older ones didn't get, but I can also see the beauty in MH facing up to his life of only doing so much by sacrificing himself, too. Who knows? But I've loved the writing so far and whatever happens, I'm sure it will be great TV.


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Forgive me for saying I’m not too fond of this ep, cos in it, our good guys get the short end of the stick.

1st and foremost, Jian and J Ho’s fathers died of amateurism and foolhardiness!
They had been following this gang for a year and half, and should have known they were dealing w serious crimes and criminals. You son’t go to such a stake-out as if you were going on a picnic w your best friend. There was no sense of impending danger, just a sense of adventure and righteousness. You most certainly don’t fight and struggle w your best friend a few yards away from the goons in the middle of a hideout. They didn’t even have a car or driver. You don’t get a guy who had no vested interest in your big scoop to be your getaway driver. So it was a task that was bound to fail from the start, and they were the ones who set themselves up for failure.

Jian’s father was esp. naive when he said: "I’m going to lure them away. They aren’t going to kill me; I am a reporter!" Wrong!
If they had run together towards the car, and have M Shik drive away, they’d live to fight another day. But such is the foolishness and foolhardiness of youth and idealism.

So when all is said and done, to the extent that I understand those guys, I don’t begrudge the writer for building a whole drama and tragedy on these guy’s mishap. It’s easy to judge them w objectivity and an advance in years over their, but in their place, at that age, that was what they were like. Tipping over that barrel was like missing a step and falling onto a train track.


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That foolishness and foolhardiness of youth and idealism was what established so well in first episode. Thats how they defined themselves. They reveled in that rush of adrenaline!

And they never were untouched by tragedy or violence, just normal kids growing under tough times sticking to each other and finding purpose.

I can make a argument saying they never touched so high up in the ladder so they didnt know its going to that dangerous, but you are right, I did a facepalm when that barrel was tipped over. Like this whole chain of events is started by that!


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@Divyrus and @KDaddict That youth and idealism you mentioned was exactly what made them such good and resilient reporters during a time when freedom of speech was so repressed. Without it, they wouldn't have had any motivation for fighting the system. It takes quite a lot of gut to do what they did.

When we're young, we all have that invincibility complex. That's what allows us to do some pretty stupid stuff but also makes us face our fears and deal with things in a manner that "adults" would deem as foolhardy. However, I think they did what was right and they risked their lives fighting the injustice and corruption of society which is laudable.


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Dear all.
Even though the spirited Five ( minus one) were chasing the case for a year, but the limited info they got by far only revealed dirty money laundering. If not the very cautious n calculating Moon shin will never agreed to chauffeur them, yes. Their guts n drive n aspiration as re plausible , but they lack the calm n wit in sudden turns of events, while the second Gen Healer does begets the gift of applying n make good used of whatever things on the spot to help or camo. Our lives sometimes are moves n been strengthened thru trials because GOD provide silly but sincere people like these 5 along our road. While I will not want my husband to do what the 2 goons, I will be very touched to keep as closed buddies if I have such as friends. If ever I have such buddies behind my blind sides, I may even dream that I want to be given a chance to " Just go for it, come what may!!!" That is why we watch dramas, to be moved and believe there are such silly but beautiful people around me, the unsung heroes.


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@ kDaddict, divyrus, dramapenchant, Mary of Bethany

I love your thoughts on this particular thread:
1. This episode was bit dry for me. Maybe it's a pre-withdrawal symptom with Healer show ending soon.

2. They were naive. They lacked cunning. And clueless what evil looked like. Moon Shik survived coz he was shrewd, desperate (to keep Myung Hee alive) and ...he had tea with d-evil.

3. Healer show and your comments reminded me of the protest in a Hong Kong. Youth and idealism. The older generation may not understand them but it's hard not to emphasize with their struggles - fighting for a place in the university, competing for work, saving up for the rising living cost etc.


Shorten, good provoking thoughts as u linked the Genesis Five to Hong Kong Protest, then recall u the Tiananmen Square incident ... Storms n exposures n inspirations , lead to blood shed, exiled, jailed, family ruined, then ... NOTHING. lives goes on. Voices miles, pioneers confined works over sea, decades gone, leaders replaced ... Euro American leaders confined to friend China... Just like moon go said new leader will raise up. And just like jung hoo said, when that time comes then we handle one at a time. Some times the fruits of labour may not be seen by this generation, but it for a down history luminous n inspire out next.


@ Mary of Bethany

1) I think the writer takes on a tough theme - to set up our heroes against a very formidable force/kingdom of Power and Wealth. By weaving loyalty and love embedded in a group of journalists she is highlighting that truth and love are virtues to overcome the dark forces.

2) It takes time, wisdom and humility to find our blind spots. The writer highlighted their lack in their haste to chase the lead. What if Teacher was with them during that fateful day, would the tragedy be averted? He had the right skill set and insight.

On the contrary, KMH, SJH and CYS having suffered losses are more guarded. Let's hope that truth, love, patience, wisdom and humility will win against opposing forces.


@Divyrus @KDaddict @dramapenchant that foolishness whatsoever in the earlier episodes is done when they are trully young. as in maybe their 20-s, when KMH still crying over spilled milk. but the tragedy happened in 1992, when they already had babies (KMH in highschool?), so its like about 10 years later, isnt it not young anymore? its just silly and irresponsible.


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I dont really remember the starting episodes but wasnt teacher at that time being arrested and sentenced 10x years for their journalist activities, taking the blame? So how these clowns are being so carefree thinking it's one big game?


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Jail is one thing; death another. Teacher was arrested by govt. employees and still alive; so I imagine they thought the worst that could happen to them would be being beaten up and their camera destroyed. You can still be idealistic and naive after becoming a parent. (More experience than I need in this area.)


I feel like there might be an overarching theme to their foolishness and why their death was more important then them just dying because they were being stupid and had no common sense. Maybe it will come out in episode 19 and 20 about how far the corruption they witnessed will go? I have no idea where 19 and 20 will go but we know the Elder is not happy. So hopefully we get that in the last two episodes since the Elder was obviously planning their attack while the Healer team was thinking it might be partially over.


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I think it was a mistake in the direction. The writer wanted to show them in the same light as real-life reporters who fearlessly go to war zones. Her scene must have said "daring reporters stumble on a massive story and lose their lives while covering it". The director went wrong in setting the mood for the scene and creating the incident which led them to being caught.


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Scriptwriters are way more precise than that. They (usually) will have the entire action sequence explained especially key moments that are essential to the plot and some will even give direction on how someone should say certain lines and such. She would have had the whole scene explained including barrels falling and whatnot. The director could have taken liberties still and the mood would be his responsibility but otherwise their job is more on framing the shot, camera angles, length of shots, acting direction, and such, not story control.


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Take for example the most recent cases re:ISIS of Syria. The middle east was ongoing even before Arab springs which turned out to be Arab Winter. And lots of Aids workers, medicals staffs, reporters went into the heart of war zones, believing that as long as they bring money, aids , and link to some officials organizations, even learn to speak some Arabic, verbally sympathize with cause of the freedom fighters , the terrorists won't do anything to them, thinking they are not soldiers but journalists n medicals workers right? But truth is, ISIS started journalists. Most people who stand on the fence, or provides some helps, always think the sharks or lions will not eat them, they are not enemies after all right? And the journalists always has this noble indignation that even if they are to die they don't mind fight to evil. Problem is , if they really plan well, they may not have to die, to die glorious but wasteful is easy, to live in in dignity and righteousness is harder and more effective for the cause we fighting. Journalists always think it won't happen to them after all, do you know how many thousands of them gone missing and are kept silent by authorities. What these 5's is are common, esp when they only realised the depth of their sleuthing when it's too late. Even ahjumma was asking to delete file closed case, so what even if they present any photos or documents, to be effective means lots of planning n patience.


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i agree with you. when i watched raw last night, *meaning i only rely on their gesture to understand the story* KMS is actually the one that show maturity. i mean those late fathers didn't look like they do this job out of the reponsibility for their work, or that they have responsiblity to feed the babybears at home. as you put it, they rather do this dangerous job for fun and look amateur.

i somehow feel bad for everyone they left, including KMS.


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Wooah earliest I've ever posted.


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What an awesome episode we have here!

So far, Healer has given us pretty much what we wanted:

1) Park Bong-soo is back!

2) CYS met her mum and even though she didn’t know the truth, she treated her like she’s her daughter

3) In-law session! Jung-hoo finally faced his greatest fear

4) Moon-ho in danger, but now of course we hope that he will be ok. Don’t kill him please T_T

Next week is going be to be epic! Finale is hereeeeee


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But what about the mom?
Now that she knows the Elder killed her husband and her daughter (she thinks) is she just going to sit quietly in her wheelchair and do nothing?
She does have access to some money.


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I'm sure she's not sitting down quietly and she'll find out about Ji-an soon and they will have a lovely tearful reunion.

And of course Moon-ho and Jung-hoo will stay alive and they will gather together for some great family bonding (with CYS's dads too).
All is well and happy for our Scooby Gang! (please writer-nim!!)


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What if Myung-here's injuries were not sustained in a car crash. What if she was being so badly beaten by the Elder and co. to extract information that she sustained a head injury and spinal cord injury. What if Moon-Shik acted as he did to literally save her from a fatal beating. And then abandoned Ji-An not because he wanted Myung-hee for himself, but because it was safer for both women? Has there been credible car-crash flashbacks yet?
PS still think Moon-Shik is a douche but...


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@ Helenya
Had the same thought as you about KMS and JiAn. He probably knew JiAn's life would be threatened by the Elder. After all with her father dead and MyungHee crippled, they would depend solely on him so he had no reason to abandon her. Letting her go missing and pretending she was dead would save her from the Elder's killing zone. He couldn't tell MyungHee the truth coz she might blurt out in front of Sec Oh...well that does not absolve his other sins though. But at least the thought that he didn't meant direct harm to JiAn provides a tiny hope that KMS may resort to do the right thing in Ep 19/20.


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Park Bong Soo's back yo! I've missed him so much. Writer-nim really has heard our prayers! We even got the scene of YS reacting of JH acting as BS!

And on a side note, I'm glad BS's back because I love his outfits. His style is much better than JH's :P


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Lol yes cos all JH wears is black. PBS actually has color in his life!! So telling isn't it?


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Not only colour, but colour-block cardigan and a TIE, can you believe? I can't believe this guy owns a tie, and a mop!! Boy, he really is trying to rejoin the human race as a regular Jo. LOL


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It is the cutest thing I swear! I love PBS so much (although I seriously think JH has trouble living as PBS for reals cos he's asleep in the day pretty much all the time LOL).


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i've always wondered how he kept that huge place clean coz it's hard enough for me to manage my own little space haha


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Periodic cleaning binges I suppose? Remember how his table will be littered with food leftovers and how he piles up the trash (and empty cans)?

Now that he's got a girlfriend, the cleaning-up just gets done more often! :-D


@ siesta
I am having same problem. I shifted from tiny space (cleaning ok but cramped) to a large place (everything not ok). I remember SJH had a large trash can so I bought a few large baskets in the weekend. Now I know why we love Healer so much coz we can identify with the little things about the show unlike some chaebols living in museums or castles with maids and gardeners.


@patinalee Haha, yes the boy needs to clean up after himself if he wants his girlfriend over for some sexy time


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Hooray! Park Bong Soo as intrepid (in a Bong-Sookie way) ace reporter!


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I am so glad Bong Soo is back <33
I think they knew we all missed him.


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Whoooaa.. here comes the racap.. thankyou so much JB..
i love this episode too..
so much cute scenes *squeee*
2 more episodes left *tear*
♥ Healer ♥ Ji Chang Wook


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Great drama. Thanks for recap!


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There are some things I don’t get in this ep, maybe cos I’m a cautious person who believe in Prevention is better than cure, and Being suspicious is defensive and self-preserving when you are engaged in a fight to take down the Lion.

I wouldn’t sit across BIG BAD when he lights an incense stick, knowing full well that he was skilled in the use of poison for killing.
I’d say: "Excuse me, I’ve TB and am allergic to smoke", and put that out pronto. As alert as Healer is, I don’t get why he’d let that slip.

I don’t get why CSY doesn’t have the cops help her carry J Ho out of the lion’s den, and instead sit there to have this long chat of the broadcast she just saw. It had me scratching my head nervously the whole time.

I don’t get why K M Ho would continue to keep those tapes in his living room, once he has declared war on M Shik, and M S on him in turn. Some things r better kept in a vault when you have worthy opponents.

I don’t get why M Ho thinks that his office or his person is safe. Why aren’t there guards on duty outside the office and around him? Guards wouldn’t be able to keep the agents out, but it’s not agents I’m worried about when the tape is being delivered, or when they prepare for the broadcast, or when he goes home alone late at night. I’d have loved to see the Healer trainee and her gang be hired to stand guard.

Good guys often underestimate the depths that bad guys sink to protect their interests. But after everything that M Ho et al have uncovered about the Elder, they shouldn’t be making this mistake.

But then I'm just complaining cos our good guys are winning in this ep, YET!
Please just win and don't Die, any of you! Esp. not out of stupidity, carelessness or foolhardiness like the dads, ok?


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Stupid typo: Sorry.
our good guys areN'T winning in this ep, Yet!


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While I do wonder how JH and YS can be comfortable being in the Elder's lair, even when the lion is not in his den, having the police in close proximity to JH, much less helping him out of there is NOT a good idea, what's with his composite and all that....


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@ KDaddict
Yeah that's a bit too relaxing. That's probably the key factor that I find this episode a little lacking. Though they probably saw all the bad guys leaving the compound - if I were CYS, I wouldn't spare a minute longer in that weird place. As for SJH, I think he should have been suspicious of the incense.

KMH does appear to be a bit lax on his personal safety and belongings. Knowing that the Sec Oh was released he should have taken some security precautions.

I am very irritated at KMS. Surely by now he would have garnered some resources eg some bullets or bulletproof measures to protect his wife and brother. The fact that he let Sec Oh roam freely in his house after killing his good pal is unthinkable. KMS is overconfident - that creepy eunuch could probably harm his wife!


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I was scratching my head too when the Elder just left JH in the room, sleeping. Spoiler: don't let JH died by poison like Tahwan died in Empress Ki! I can't take more heartbreaks.


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Well, I think the reality is that it's obvious that he's protected in that situation, at the very least. Because if he ended up dead in the Elder's home, it would have made things much worse for the Elder.


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That is only logical the elder didn't touch him then. Why he let the situation escalate and spiral out of his control is beyond me. I wish they would DO something. The villains are being pretty mediocre here

starting from the elder down to the incompetent SS goons.

i mean, why be always one step behind? they only respond, never try to prevent

any harm done to their position. It was obvious from Mon Ho's first broadcast

in someday news, that when he cut ties and left his prestigious job he meant business.

so they should have taken steps, for example...sully his good name.

Mon Ho's power is in his good name as a journalist.

All they have to do is bribe and coerce his colleagues to testify against

him or use some made up material, describing him as someone who uses the information

to blackmail the influential (sometimes fabricating evidence he publishes)

and publishing articles only if someone doesn't pay up, while using the

twice murder suspect, the healer, in his shady dealings and so on.

publish a few well-written articles and interviews... plant money...

they wouldn't even have to prove anything; the public will never again listen

to moon ho and he'll probably need to leave the country.

(which is great, from the POV of the elder, as he stays alive,

so his bro can be a mayoral candidate/future president and live quietly.)

...but no, what do they do instead?! Kill teacher INSIDE the freaking

police station (a desperate and incompetent act if i've ever seen one) only to put any detective with more

than one brain cell on the right track.

so i hope against hope our villains will collect their wits and present us with some real challenge..


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ELDER can easily take down JH any times, be it that room or later on.. keep in mind that this kind of Mastermind mafia father take pride in taming gifted wilds and owned them. Mafia boss always believe there is nothing they can not buy or own, in worst scenario just kill what you cannot keep in the end. ELDER was impressed with healer, he may even think of need healer to counter MS, Knowing MS Will be a threat in future.


But those tapes are technically not worth anything or damaging to anyone. They just have personal value to Moon-ho, so he wouldn't think that he would need to lock them away. They were only stolen for MS to twist the past so that he'll look good.

I do feel like they could have taken better precautions, but I can understand not doing so as well. You can't live your life in fear of someone coming after you. They knew the risks and probably figured that they could confront whatever came around (they are able to take action by having ahjumma track him even though that doesn't work out).


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based on JB's recap i think lighting an incense stick when a guest comes over might have been a cultural thing? like maybe it's not such a strange thing to do esp in a house that traditional

i was actually a bit confused why elder put JH to sleep and not do anything to him but i guess they just drugged him to make their grand escape? seems like the house was totally empty when YS and the police came barging in


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@siesta It seems like elder didn't hurt JH because

1) He still thinks that JH can be of use to him and can persuade him over to the dark side (Oh hell no, old man)

2) He just wanted to knock him out so he could leave without getting followed

3) It's not like he was going to hurt JH with YS & the police right outside. Also, it'd probably be pretty suspicious if something happened to the Someday News reporter right after showing elder's face right?


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Under normal circumstances w normal ppl, yes. Lighting an incense and pouring out tea to welcome your guests. But with the Elder? Nothing can be regarded as normal w this wicked old man who doesn't operate within normal cultural or legal bounds.


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I think JH could only think the drink could be poisoned, incense smoke could effect both... That's why he could not get suspicious about incense , I suppose. Because he was conscious otherwise he would take the drink.

The tapes were really not harming to anyone, they just had an emotional value. Moon Ho might not even think that they could be used like those. And he was too busy with his broadcast and they had upper hand then. Is it not more humanly that when you are in an advantageous stage, you become a bit careless?????

And the guards???? Well I do believe that guards can be taken care of in any country :P

And the long chat well it's a drama, moreover JH was not that sick and basically they are out of danger... Ha ha :D


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The minute I saw that though I was all like, shoots The Elder probably had the antidote in the wine didn't he?! And he offered it to JH knowing full well that JH's wouldn't drink it cos he would be suspicious of the drink right?! That's why the incense knocked JH out but the Elder just breezed out?!

Also I do think its ominous that the Elder just let him be after knocking him out, I feel like they are revving up for something more (deeper and badder) than before...


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Yup, that's definitely what happened there.

I actually got worried for a second by Elder's words, saying that he'll only give Jung-hoo so much time. Like, maybe the incense still has an affect and he needs to come and accept a drink from Elder in order to survive...LOL just a thought. I don't actually think they'd go that far (or would they?!!?).


@ Rainerust & Chandler - For the love of ..... ! I just figured Elder was immune like Inigo Montoyain in 'The Princess Bride'.
Now I have to worry about an antidote!


@Rainerust: The smoke from the Elder wasn't poison. Are there antidotes for sleeping gas? I was thinking that the Elder somehow that the smoke from the incense would only blow in JH's direction. Even if this was true, it should have been explained.

@KDaddict: "I don’t get why CSY doesn’t have the cops help her carry J Ho out of the lion’s den."
Yeah I agree. It did appear that JH wasn't in bad shape, but she couldn't know for sure. He could have been poisoned.


@united hmmm not too sure about wind direction, seems like if it was incense it would get diffused in the air...which is why I reckoned the antidote was in the wine, because he drank it and was fine while JH didn't drink it and obviously succumbed to the incense. Probably just a guess but that's how it works in most of the Chinese martial arts dramas I've watched too haha.


The incense stick has a meaning opposite to that of the drink that was offered. The drink is an offering of goodwill, it means “come join us, be our friend”. The earlier scene of the Elder and MS pouring each other rice wine demonstrates this. The incense stick, on the other hand, is a warning. Its smoke may at first seem innocuous enough but can soon knockout even the Healer. It shows that if you dare oppose the ‘farmers’, there will be repercussions, perhaps in ways that leave no trace, just as the incense smoke soon disappears.


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Wow! Love the deeper meanings you came up with there. Very thought provoking.


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Thanks javabean!


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The actor who plays Secretary Oh is so good at sending chills down your spine. Wasn't he the evil mastermind in The Face Reader?


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He's soooo creepy in this show but I'll always remember him as the lovable grandpa in Hong Gil Dong :D


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He was SO creepy scary in Face Reader. That head tilt still gives me shivers. Eep I'm picturing it now!


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I'm sure I've seen him in other dramas, but this role for now is overshadowing any other memories of him acting anywhere else.


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He was in Joseon Gunman as the big scary bad guy in the background too! And he also had the creepy head tilt in Joseon Gunman.


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I am so pleased with the trajectory of this drama. This is probably the only drama i am willing to watch raw first, and I have no regrets. Definitely one of my top 3 dramas so far and I've been recommending it to all my fellow drama watchers :)


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Totally agree--this is the only drama I've ever watched raw. I'm waiting to have my family watch it to make sure it ends well, though.

There have been too many dramas I adored that blew it in the last couple of episodes.


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So true. No weak Last scenes like in City Hunter please.


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I know...I recently rewatched City Hunter (because of Healer!}. What a strange, ambiguous ending.

A City Hunter ending for Healer might look like this:

JH ends up going to that blue tropical island all by himself to recover from whatever disaster is about to befall the team. YS will take care of mom. MS will go to prison. MH will have a poignant funeral where the cynical exgirlfriend will cry and say "i'm sorry."


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Hahaha, I think I'm gonna have nightmares tonight after reading this.

Sure hope the scriptwriter doesn't pick up on your brilliantly terrible idea


Same here. Raw, then recap, then subbed, then subbed again, etc.


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So true with me as well, the only drama I have watched via live broadcast...raw...recapped....subs....then recapped...then re watched so many times and I am not complaining I am actually very happy!
And this is the only drama I have spent long hours of drooling...commenting...drooling....watching....drooling....commenting....

Not to mention grinning...screaming.....spazzing....screaming....jumping for joy....

Great drama I will remember quiet a long long time


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Wow that was really fast. Thanks, Javabeans. But won't read your recap nor comment yet. Waiting for English subs - so antsy based on the raw.


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I am a little sad about the rating. Could anyone tell me why? Our small group of people here has different taste from Koreans? Or Punch and Shine or Go Crazy are even better? I actually don't care but I'm just thinking of the cast and crew.

Thank you so much.


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because nobody is dying from brain tumor in this show


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Or suffering from amnesia, memory loss, or a severe life threatening illness.


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Oops. Forgot about Myung Hee with the "illness" part. I'll change it to "terminal illness" instead.


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But, but, but.... nagging again. You have any other explanations, Omomo?

BTW, thank you so much for your work. Love all the banners. You're so talented. I can't even pick a color, let alone putting them all together and make it look fantastic. I am so proud of you and JCW every single time I see them. hehe.


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I didn't mean that everyone has to like the show. Hope you understand my feeling...


@m - Other explanations? Hmmm. The show doesn't have a love triangle? There are no 3rd, 4th parties? No nagging parents? Haha.

Yup, I totally get you. It's just that weirdly, Koreans (esp. the Ahjumma demographics) have an affinity for makjang and melo. Well. That's their taste and not ours.

And thank you!!! I am honored. :)


To be frank, I would not worry. The ratings are doing ok and all three are holding up with each other around 10-15%.


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But, but, but....

Sorry to be so such a nagger. I just think it's such a good show and it's bugging me why....


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I had the same thought toO!


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Thank you, Katon =)).


i dont watch punch but i do watch SOGC while waiting for healer. and it was healer-ious. (pun intended). lol.
no. it is nice to watch, somehow light, with a lot of comedic touch by jang hyuk. but the story kinda draggy, like if you compared to healer fast pace, their ep 5 story would be in healer ep 2. without janghyuk (and ohyeonseo), this drama kinda nothing. so yeah. it seems the stars are matters.

healer for me still better tho. shame on you SK!


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same here,healer deserve more than punch n so on, the drama is well made


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I guess first 3-4 episodes kinda confusing, people quit that's it. Not all people love action movies, unless lee min ho in it. I love action, suspense with little romance, I'm not into full romantic comedy or drama with lots of crying games name one of it Angel Eyes, or high school little kids stuff like Heirs. Maybe Koreans love idols ? Lee Min Ho, Kim So Hyun, Lee Jong Suk etc.. Before Healer, Ji Chang Wook wasn't quite idol yet , Empress Ki brought me to watch Healer because I loved his performance so much . Well, I guess now he will become real idol.Healer, I think the story is awesome, kuddos to writer and producer, I hope they don't mess up the ending, like God's Gift. I love that drama except the ending. That's one also very popular Kdrama in US but not so high rating in Korea.


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NO NO NO NO JB! You are totally preparing me for his death right ???

You are supposed to be eternally optimistic! That's what I love about you !


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@divyrus I know right. I kept saying JB is preparing her mind for wats to come. I don't ve a heart for dat. I dont.
I just want a happy ending,especially for JH. He has suffered a lot due to ppl leaving him....A LOT.


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Totally agree! It didn't even enter my mind that Moon Ho could die till Javabeans mentioned that. (Many,many times) I hope she is just over preparing because I thought it might be his brother's goons taking him off somewhere so he couldn't interfere anymore/save him from the elder. I'm still ticked because I wanted Teacher and Ajumma to go off to an island.


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This week I hate you show. I really do !

You know I couldn't enjoy one happy moment here because I know its coming? And I was waiting for it to come and was prepared for worst and still , even though it wasnt the worst which you showed(none of them are hurt as of now) but still I am on pins and needles !!!!!!!!!!

I can't do it show, I can't go back enjoy Bong Soo , or OTP moments or the bromance or the awesome daughter-father scene or the budding daughter-mother bonding!


I was totally fine with him sacrificed like 4 weeks ago, but now the kids need their uncle !!!

Don't you make that camera scene as farewell ! Don't you dare go there!
Don't you dare !!!


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SJN avoids cliches right? And KMH sacrificing himself would be the most obvious cliche right? So when she avoided every cliche in the book, she won't really negate by doing this right?

The more they showed KMH this episode, the more I got scared.

I need to believe he will get out of this alive !


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What I fear even more..... Is that instead of moon ho dying after all this foreshadowing... Is one of the other 2 baby bears dying............... :(


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I think the show is setting me up for this twist as well! They make us think that it is MH whose going to die, but with all this talk about JH and YS 'normal life', and even that scene where JH says I will leave MH if it's for YS, isn't it ironic that he leaves YS alone to save MH, and YS gets kidnapped?

It's all VERY scary. cannot handle.


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I think, KMH will be get out of this alive, because as evil as KMS, he will never let elder kill his little brother, right?
The kidnapping just for make KMH disepair and can't do anything while KMS's election.

Remember KMS once said that Myung Hee and Moon Hoo is his weekness, and if something happen to them, his injure will be so severely, he can die from it.

And the elder also acknowledge this, KMS too important for them. I think killing KMH will just make KMS rebel to them.

And for Ji an, because Myung Hee already meet her, i also think that KMS will just kidnap her for stay by Myung Hee side, and life just like he made Myung Hee life this all years. (But i not sure if the kidnapping is elder's order)


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But you could argue that all heroes/good guys live never die no matter what is a cliche too (all bad guys can't aim a gun, the good guys come just in time, etc.).

But, yeah she better not kill MH! I could live with injured but alive.


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What a way to go into finale week right?!

We're all on pins and needles but let's trust uri writer-nim. *positive thoughts* *breath in-breath out*

Right, I was basically waiting for the other shoe to fall throughout the entirety of the episode. The first half was so cute and filled with lovey-dovey moments between our couple and it almost felt like it could have been the finale. But of course, happiness in dramaland can't last for long :(

We should start a campaign: "Please bring Moon Ho back"


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When he started clicking the picture, I went nuts!!

I had a flash forward where YS and JH have that photo of them taken by MH in a frame in their house !!!

Its like the final pic he took!!!!!!!!!

*silent screams start again*


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That scared me too :(


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Yes, why was he taking pictures? Commemorating his time at Someday because he wasn't going to be around?


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I believe he knew that his Someday Team would be disbanded, and so he wanted something to remember them by. But it could also be a foreshadowing that he won't make it... *whimpers*


OK, I am avoiding comment 19 and all responses when I revisit. Y'all are really making me worry now.


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I'm going to cry if they kill off Moonho.....

but I also hope they don't go for the batman ending....
You know how batman went to one place and realized he was tricked and instead of finding Rachael he found Dent.... OMGAHHHH

If YoungShin dies... ohhhh nope. that would not be good b/c that would destroy JungHoo's path for a normal life.... but then again....
if he is forced to choose...... between moonho &youngshin... KYAAA... mah gawd this is hard.

I hope Moonho doesn't sacrifice himself or something like that... please do not let that one scene be a foreshadow.... I do not want....!


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Yes! Please don't die Kim Moon Ho!! You have found your Ji-An.. you can stop having nightmares and start to live your life again!

Majority of this episode was so warm and sweet that the ending came and hit me like a truck. From MS's broadcast till MH's kidnap my head was spinning (figuratively and literally since I was having a had headache HA).

I wasn't done savouring the cutie moments btween our OTP and now we are faced with the possibility that JH will have to make the same choice MS made.

I don't want!!!


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Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! Pardon my french, but with a cliffhanger like that, I just had to let it all out!!

Oh my, how's JH going to save either one of them if he's being led away by that damn cell phone? Ajumma needs to get on the street cctvs pronto to look for where MH's car is going!! Please let them both live. I'm weary though because JH did say that he would basically save YS if it came down to a choice between MH and YS, which is obvious and MH understands, but still. He's uri samchun!!!!

I'm praying that MH was just a bait to lure JH away from YS and YS's the actual target (hear me out here) since then only one person is technically in real danger and JH can at focus his attention and save her.

Ahhhh, this show!! So darn amazing!!! <3


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NO NO NO!! Dont make JH choose between her and MH!!

Its gonna crush him!!!

Am just saying NO a lot! I cant function!!!!!!!


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Yes its gonna crush Jung Hoo if he has to make a choice!

He's suffered enough already all his life, and now he's supposed to become a "killer" of either his samchung or his destiny??





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We all know which way he will swing - he told MH already that given a choice he would always go to CYS first, and MH AGREED with a smile. If that's not foreshadowing I dunno what is!!!!


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@dramapenchant great point. This reminds me of the earlier scene when moon ho was taking a picture of young shin sleeping holding bongsooki's arm. Bongsooki told moonho that if I had to choose I would choose young shin to protect. So I'm assuming this was a foreshadow of what was to come of the ending right? :(


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Let's also think of the Ost lyrics...that should tell us something...


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@ dramapenchant

Love your French! :-D

But it's MHo that the baddies have to take out. He's the prime mover behind Someday's campaign to expose the truth regarding MS.

As for JH, the Elder wants him in their camp. JH's not a public threat to MS, he doesn't have what it takes to expose MS' facade to the general public.


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I just hope that quote from Young Shin where she says "why are you always sleeping when I see you?” isn't some awful foreshadowing of our hero. If jung hoo doesn't make it till the end tables will be flipped!!


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@juhee omg **gasps** you could be totally right. But at least when he responded to her, he told her at least I have you always awaken me from that sleep. I'm hoping it's not gonna pull an 'that winter the wind blow'ending on us :(


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completely agree... I'm crossing my fingers and toes hoping that the ending would be a based in reality, non-ambiguous and hopefully sweet (or bittersweet ill take what I can get) ending.


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I swear he's gonna die, isn't he? I went ARGHHHH the minute I saw the baddies kidnap him, and THEN I was screaming at JH to please let CYS stay by his side when he peeled away after MH, and THEN Sect. Oh turns up and I'm all, ohhhhhh craaaaapppp.

On one hand, it's really great to see that the abilities of both sides are evenly matched (the baddies aren't all goons) and there's a constant state of oneupsmanship...but it's terrible for the state of my heart! I'm always biting my nails and being all NOOoooOooOO!

I'm glad the Farmers plot line was so intricately woven in - it gave greater impact simply because we care so much for all the characters and we are now as invested in the truth as they are. It works, narratively, as a punch, and also as a reflection and contrast to what the characters are going through today. I have never liked MShik (what a terrible person he is) but again in this episode you see how he went from lying against his moral conscience, to lying in a resigned way, to embracing the lying. It's almost like he works through the different stages of change (hate/guilt, resignation, acceptance) and you can see how it's shaped him into being that person he is today, who twists the truth and shapes his reality into what he likes. So scary, but sooooo layered.

And YES the return of PBS!!!! I miss Bong Soo!! He's so cute and sweet in this episode (HAHAHAHA who else died when Dad asked if the soup was nice, and he naively said, yes delicious and then Dad exploded?) and it was heart wrenching when he said he wanted to live like 'other people do' but he clearly had no idea how other people lived.

I also hope Myung Hee realizes that Ji-an isn't dead (c'mon put those sleuthing skills to good use!) and that they both live to reconcile tearfully and happily. C'mon let everyone live!!!!! Even Moon Ho please!!!


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Why isnt a single person giving me even the teeniest bit of hope that he may Live!??!?!?

I never liked him in first place now I really dont want him to die!

Someone give me hope!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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@Div...the hopes are slim, my friend, the hopes are slim. So much foreshadowing, and then he took those photos...and then he said he didn't mind being thrown away for YS if JH had to choose... TELL ME HOW HE SURVIVES ALL THIS FORESHADOWING?! lol


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Totally laughed so hard when he innocently replied to Dad's question.

JH is such a BS in front of Dad! HAHA


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He is so totally a dork. I loved it when he barged in and then realized that he maybe didn't really want to confront Dad and get permission...and then was blocked from his escape route by Coffee Ahjusshi LOL! The neck cracking and fisting apron thing cracked me up so hard!


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No! No! No! I won't believe it until I see it...*whimpers*

Yes, the fact that our villains also have some game keeps us on our toes which is great, especially leading up to finale week!

JH/BS' lack of social skills and knowledge about what it really means to live like other people always breaks my heart. He's been so lonely but fortunately, he's found reason to live, rather than simply exist, through YS and their unconditional love for one another. Please show, let them have that dream teacher wants for them: two kids & pets, while uncle MH babysits :D


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Yes, with me watching them having those two kids & pets. On my screen. But with Daddy Chae babysitting. Let MHo be with Min Jae, somewhere. Can't have the kids hogging all that love for themselves, can we? Uncle MHo needs some loving of his own too! :-D


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@patinalee That's true. I don't really care though, as long as MH lives!!!


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About myung hee finding out about ji ahn , don't you think it was suspicious the way she kept saying 'I'm sorry' to her? Or the way she said I won't get sick any more to Moon shik?
I'd say she found out already.


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@Saema Yeah, when she was apologizing, I thought she knew, but then, for finding out that her long lost daughter is alive, her reaction was rather calm in comparison. Maybe she was apologizing for her husband? Idk :D


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I this idea that maybe Myung Hee knows Moon Shik is lying during the interview because she was the was who handed all those tapes to Moon Ho. It would be logical that Myung Hee was the original keeper of those tapes since Moon Ho was still young then , teacher (forgot his name) was in prison and Moon Shik has always been their reluctant driver. With the bad blood between the brothers, she knows Moon Ho wouldn't willingly give those tapes to Moon Shik.

Oh well, i'm getting ahead of the story.. Lol


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i think she was saying sorry coz she knows YS and co were fighting the war against MS and exposed his lies? and now all their hard work were being foiled again by her husband


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Yay, thanks so much! So much to love about this episode!

Oooof. The flashbacks. Honestly, these were the ones I was waiting for, and while they were much like I always expected them to be, man did they still get me. It may have been short, but I straight felt the Seo Joon-seok-Oh Gil Han bromance and even Moon-shik too (though definitely to a lesser extent with him considering everything).

The cast for the older generation has done such a wonderful job of making me care for them, so much that I actually wish we could have seen more and I very rarely feel this way about backstory. I really do think this must have something to do with SJN’s heart-tugging power because there isn’t anything particularly fresh about the conflicts the five-friends and now Healer 2.0 face, but something about the raw, hopeful energy the characters bring to the struggle just gets me.

The drama has been great about being economical, yet affecting with their flashbacks, but still I enjoyed the characters so much that I could have actually really gotten into seeing more of their lives. Healer’s father, especially, had me balling this episode. And, to be honest, I’ve gone back and forth on Moon-shik. He certainly doesn’t inspire the feeling Seo Joon-seok does following the murder of their friend, but damn. What he went through, that kind of torture. Once he broke, I mean, there was probably just no going back. And that’s sad. Yet the things he’s done now, and this episode especially make me so angry.

I’m right in believing he had nothing to do with Moon-ho right? Because I’d love it if his brother being in danger could be the one thing to bring him back, but this is the one part of the episode I’m not clear on yet :/ If he had something to do with Moon-ho, then I stop crying for him right now.


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Ya it could go either way cos we all know Sect. Oh technically reports to the Elder rather than MShik. It's actually sad how MShik gets cut out of the reporting structure. I'm hoping that he doesn't know, he finds out MH is in trouble, JH realises CYS is in trouble (c'mon that necklace, put it to good use) and JH goes after YS while Moon Shik does the decent thing for once and SAVES his brother! He has to balance the scales right right right????


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If we say it enough times, it wont happen right??? He wont die , right?

I mean he grew around such awesome friendship, there must be a little bit left inside right? Somewhere? Where he ends up saving his brother?!?!?

Right? RIGHT?


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@Div I'm gonna go RIGHT RIGHT with you cos I hate the alternative. It would be so satisfying if MShik died instead of MHo - cos otherwise I would seriously hate MShik for life if he caused everything to go bad, and he still thinks he is being decent!


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Way back, I predicted that Moon Shik would die saving his brother Moon Ho and Myung Hee, the love of his life, in a final act of redemption. They are his self-described weaknesses. The death of them would be the death of him.

Now I'm not so sure, given his delusional twisting the truth for his own definition of reality.

I want the Elder and his gang of farmers to be brought down, but how in just two remaining episodes? I want Bong Sookie and YS and Moon Ho to all work happily at Someday news as reporters. I want a happy reunion between MH and YS. No good guys dying, please! Maybe Ahjussi and the ex-cons can save YS while JH goes to save MH. All of the foreshadowing was just to throw us off, right???


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I agree. Up until this episode I always thought Moon Shik would sacrifice himself for his loved ones, but that bit with him blithely chomping on cookies while remembering how he sold his friend out was too chilling. I think his actions have always been reprehensible, but I thought there might be some humanity left...I don't think so anymore.


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Yes, I love the use of flashbacks in this drama. Not overwhelming and just gives you enough to slowly piece the story together. Love the cast. Hope we'll be seeing them in other dramas in the future, especially young MS and young Teacher.

Man, when MS went over to the dark side, he went completely. The change in his demeanor as he was recounting the events was frightening. Like he almost actually believed what he was saying was the truth. Maybe the psychological trauma of the event and the torture really did a toll on his memory.

I really don't think (hope) that he had anything to do with MH. Secretary Oh and elder do things without telling him, for "his own benefit". Kind of like noble idiocy but without either, and it's out of pure evil. Let's hope this will be a game changer when he finds out something almost happened to MH since I'm still not going to believe that MH dies or anything until I see it!!!

@Rainerust As soon as JH gave YS that necklace, I knew we were going to have another YS in trouble scene. Please use it (after saving MH maybe? Please.)


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I dont think YS would use it that quick! She knows MH is in danger and JH is occupied, am not saying she is gonna act like a idiot, but she will wait and see how far things are going, maybe???

And right you are on that flashback, they are so well written that you feel their warmth and fun and happiness, which makes it even more cruel when its snatched from us.

I never thought this entire thing would be just because they couldnt keep themselves quiet!!!!


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@dramapenchant what I'm worried about is cos YS knows that JH is going to help MH and she would be worried about distracting him so she would likely try and stall as long as she can so that she gives him enough time to help MH....or she might think about it and refuse to use it and try to get out on her own! Hopefully she has a way to contact Ahjumma for help or something! Maybe Daeyoung can come save her. Or maybe she can find a way to outwit Sect. Oh! ...whatever, she better stay ALIVE for the rest of the drama so I can see them make babies, with dogs, cats, fish and UNCLE MOON HO PLS!


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@Divyrus and @Rainerust Knowing YS, she's most likely going to put MH's safety ahead of her own and try to stall/run away without letting JH know about her situation. She's a fighter, this girl.

Ha, knowing how fond ajumma is of YS now, let's hope she's been keeping an eye out for her and will send back-up.

MH and YS both need to stay alive. I want a big happy family by the end of this show.

And yes, can we SEE them make babies please? Still waiting for the steamier bed scene here.


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i think ep 15 was as 'red' as we're gonna get it ;)
this ain't cable


@ dramapenchant

Hahaha.........re: making babies. Much as I want to see it myself, me thinks you're dreaming the impossible dream here. :-D


@siesta and patinalee Don't burst my bubble guys! You never know with this show. Surprises around every corner. :P


I agree! The older generation, I love them so much too . And Seo joon seok's carefree smile - I really really like it. I hope he's cast in something nice soon.
About Moon ho, I have this strange feeling that he's being restrained by Moon shik for his own safety! Wouldn't that be a nice twist?


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i wont admit to how many times i watched the PBS vs dad+ahjussi confrontation.

when dad asked whether the soup was good i actually shrieked at my screen "that was a trick question don't answer it you big idiot!!" haha

i still wanna see ahjussi sic his posse on BS lol, he got off too lightly imo. he needs to grovel a bit more ;)


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When ajusshi asked how far they've gone, I was chuckling because he DEFINITELY would not like the answer to that! :D

Also, how hilarious was it that YS was just chilling outside, eating ice cream while her boyfriend was getting chased around and beaten by her dad and ajusshi. So great.


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lol notice that when ahjussi asked that BS' eyes automatically slides over to Dad "er..." xD

he kept saying he didn't really do anything though which makes me wonder, did they really not do anything that night??

YS was enjoying her ice cream /and/ the show haha


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They did it. End of discussion!

And it's not like he was going to tell the truth. If he admitted to sleeping with their precious daughter (twice!), that would have basically been asking for the death sentence. Dad was sooooo angry that they kissed before marriage, imagine if Dad knew YS and JH were rolling around JH's bed, girl on top? ;)


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or maybe he meant it in the sense he didn't really do anything much because she was doing all the work *winkwinknudgenudge*


@ dramapenchant

Girl on top? You sure? What about the previous comments that JH must have been rejuvenated - that he's the man's man? LOL.

Regardless. I'll just take it that someone WAS on top! :-P


@siesta LOL *hi 5*


I am laughing so hard reading all of your discussion on YS being on top because JH was sick for 6 days and had no energy. And that he returns the favor the next morning when he watched her sleep, with such satisfied look on his face. Imagine, if she really did all the work, why shouldn't he look that proud of his girl in the morning :)))))


"When ajussi asked how far they've gone.."
I was so afraid that J Ho being his socially challenged B Sook self would answer truthfully and nonchalantly, and thereby give Dad a heart attack, and get himself and CYS in deep doo doo.


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when JH got into YS's room and she was like,'we need to talk'.
his response got me laughing,'let's talk on d bed'.
I was like dudeeeee stop watching too much NatGeo wild.it's not good for u. :D


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@mellina National geographic and all of their scenes of wild animals mating must have influenced his thoughts on relationship :P

But I was totally rooting for him when he suggested they go to her bed. The man needs some loving LOL What has it been, like a week since their last rendezvous? ;)


@mellina and dramapenchant,
Ya, I laughed too when he just wanted to get her into the bed. Who can blame him tho. Why does even that sound cute coming from him? We are so hopelessly gone.

And, NatGeo is ALL he ever watches! Hey, why is that not good for him? How else are they gonna get their 2 or 3 kids, etc.? Hee.


heyyy natgeo was probably the only thing getting him those 2 kids since teacher apparently failed in bringing him over to the dark side lol




hahaha, I laughed so hard with the NatGeo comment! it makes JH look so horny! I. can't. even. hahaha~ XD


what i thought was interesting was that YS said nothing happened and made a face like they were reacting over nothing.
I loved when he is like lets go to the bed and talk and he get wanting to touch her.


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Dad is a lawyer after all, you can do no wrong with him haha


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Oh, God. They're going to make him choose, aren't they? Either to save Moon Hoo or Young Shin. JH did say, "if it's for her, I can throw you away?"

If it was me, "I'd aim a camera at the legal team confiscating the newsroom, stating facts and wondering why they're under investigation now after all the 'elder and omega' news they've been reporting. "

It is sad that JH doesn't know any social graces, and traditions, like the way he didn't know how to respect the dying (the soju thing sprinkling and saying a few words) etc.


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Well, they could have done that, but I dont think it would have got them that far!


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Read a beautiful Korean review on ep 18 on Healer DC and I just have to try to translate and share. A lot of meaning can be found in "sleeping" in this ep... This is not a full word-for-word trans and all credit goes to the OP.

Title: Ep18 The reason they can't fall asleep

/Omitted/ [Recount of JunSeok's story from his perspective - beautifully written but cut for lack of time]

JungHoo feels relieved when he realises the truth he set out to find - his father did not kill anyone. The homework his Teacher set has been done. He falls asleep on YoungShin's shoulder - without thinking about why his parents and Youngshin's parents lived the way they did, "tiredly", "difficultly".

He says he thought about it when asleep, he wants to try living like other people, a normal person. Will it be difficult for him? Will she be by his side while he tries?

He tries his best to live a normal life, as Bongsook, but it just puts him to sleep. And "the others" won't let him rest - The very existence of JH, YS, Moonho... The ones at risk of "waking" the world, the ones with "bear" DNA- The "farmers" have to root them out and get rid of them.

And that's why JH and the rest can't live as normal people, they can't remain silent when they see the world's tears and deaths, they're made to go out to "hunt" (note: the word YS also uses to describe JH as a wild cat who just sleeps when not hunting)....

And this is why JH cannot live as others do, but as "himself". He asked Ahjumma after sleeping for 6 days.. Who am I? The real me?
And he told YS as BS, "I can live the way you want me to". But these questions were wrong from the start - JH has to live as HIMSELF.. Living as the world does just puts one to sleep. Like Teacher in his last words, the world needs signposts.. and JH is the one to make these signposts...

And so JH wakes from his sleep. One of the reasons JH has to live is to be by YS's side. And to do that, it's NOT that JH can't live as himself, as the Healer, but that he has to be himself in order to protect YS. As one who can't sleep and fully awake. As who he IS.

Just like how his father sought to wake the world, to tell the world not to shut their eyes to the truth, JH has to wake. To protect Moonho. Just like his father who couldn't just run away from his friend who was killed in front of him.

JH has to become the person to tell the world that has shut its eyes against the truth that it has to wake, to arise.



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Thanks for translating.

That's a beautiful analysis on the significance of "sleep" in this episode!! :D


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Thats really well said.

Even though I missed Bong Soo, I didnt like him adopting a persona again, I was hoping he would rejoin the world as Jung Hoo.

Cuz thats who he is. Thats who he must be to know what he wants to do as part of normal life.


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whoa! Great analysis! I'm speechless at how everything is link together!


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And just another note to show how tightly this story is written: Remember when Bongsook just joined Someday, there was at least one or a couple of scenes where he's trying to make coffee but he didn't even look like he liked it... He was probably trying desperately to stay awake XD


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Thank you for translating. That was a great analysis, I didnt even pay attention to all those details.
Let us know that there is so much depth in the drama that we are no able to comprehend.


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Thanks for sharing. I love how insightful everyone is and it enriches the re watching experience for me after reading most if not all the comments!


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@qhmmi that was so well said. I loved the analogy or the similarity they they put forth comparing Jung Hoo as a wild cat that sleeps while he is not hunting. If we recall in the beginning episodes there is a great empathise put on Jung hoo saying that the only thing he watches everyday on his tv is that of a wild cat hunting, and trying to live in the wild. I believe there is a great significance on this.

Beautifully written and the comparison is so put together, when adding the clues from earlier episodes. It seems to be that Jung hoo simply cannot live in our world, his job is that of the wild cat, protecting it's loved one's from harm. :)


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So, does this mean we'll still be seeing JH as Healer for a long time to come? I don't mind, so long as YS' with him. :-)

But if JH breaks up with or keeps YS away, to keep her out of danger, then I'm going to get pissed. Really pissed. I don't want a CH ending. :-(


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W-O-W! I'm speechless at the turn of events in this episode.

Like I've been saying for the last 100th time, this drama is just getting better. It's beyond expectation and anticipation.

MS is really one creepy phycho dude, who is just sick to twist the truth into HIS truth. Totally see why MHee and MH's reaction to his interview. They are flabbergasted at the person he's become.

On the other hand, I really hope JH will continue as healer. The mundane office live does not suit him at all. And I believe YS would agree to that.

And of course, the meeting of the parent. I laughed so hard at the scene. It seem there is a bit of BS in JH isn't it?

Only a week left till the drama ends. I have no idea how I'm gonna survive when this ends.


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MH and JH's convo in the break room while YS was sleeping was a foreshadowing- JH blatantly stated that he would not hesitate to abandon MH if YS needs him. and now he has to make that exact choice.

rather convenient that JH gave YS a tracker necklace just before the cliffhanger hmm?


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Dearest JB,

I blame you JB, totally. Its completely utterly your fault. If not for your giddy excited recaps, I would never have even thought to watch this show. I had not even followed any news or even trailer for this show before. I never knew JCW before. My life was peaceful. I slept on time, worked sincerely, kept my appointments, hung out in weekends.

Then, YOU had to write those awesome recaps ( Mind you, it was just your opening statements that I read ) , made me wanna watch it , and literally FEED my FEELS and OBSESSION with your ever so awesome recaps and the amazing community you have given us here. Which then grew into such a big thing due to the SHOW being SO FREAKING PERFECT with each passing episode without letting me down.

That's when it started, lack of sleep, mistakes at work, missing appointments, being shut in during free time to rewatch, comment, and tracking multiple gifs for same scene.

And then the one percent of reality I had, THIS EPISODE TOOK IT AWAY.
I mean we knew it was coming from mile away, I knew they are gonna torture us for that ending week but for God's sake, AM GOING MAD here !
I knew this was going to happen halfway through , I knew it ! I knew it ! But !

I haven't been this obsessed over a FICTIONAL character's life since Harry Potter !!
And I blame you !

Sincerely, your fan

PS : Promise you will stay with me no matter how this ends and even after it ends ! You can't let me suffer here on my own !


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Case well-stated Divyrus. Done in by JB. I was in similar situation. Not knowing JCW in particular; only to recognise him as villain in the Fingers drama which i flitted in and out of for the main lead guy. Was intrigued by YJT more because of his accomplishments (film director). Then got caught in the magic of the story and acting and this community. It is indeed a unique situation for me. I'm not into social media, but maybe i should get an IG as JCW seems to speak to fans through that medium. Will he continue doing so? Was he as active when he was doing Empress Ki?

One more week...


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This is exactly what Ji Chang Wook has done to me. I've never wanted Instagram in my life but I went and got it. In fact, he's the only one I'm following. Talk about destroying my social media resolutions.


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Hear, hear!


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exactly my sentiments! it was also javabean's opening statements that got me curious. though I feel a mild regret, I'm pretty happy I got to watch this drama while it's hot.


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We're into the finale week!!! OMG only 1 week left and it's all done and dusted! :(
So great having Park Bong Soo comes back to Someday News.. I always find it funny how he always so sleepy during the day... Hahaha

Now, JH must save YS and MH... I hope ahjumma, Daeyong, or even Someday News team will somehow help Healer to save the two.


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healer plz save them both !!! and you be safe too... oh only 2 eps !!!!


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First..Thnx for the recap...
Second... I understand Healer need to retire, but, I don't want him to retire till episode 20! Why this sudden ? What is the point in letting go "healer"persona, when the danger is still very, very close.. He has his whole life to adjust * hopefully*
I dont know if I am making myself clear( please, forgive me all Beanes , it's because I lack sleep and from shock, ofcourse)...Other then that , I had no problem with this episode, I kind of expected it..It's culmination before the end...


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Thx jb. Awesome episode gain.
I don't know why but I cried at the conversation between moon hoo and jung hoo about JH doesn't want to leave MH alone but chooses YS over him coz he can't live without YS... This is just so sad...
Maybe Elder wants to make JH the next MS, since he said that he likes JH :(
How can I make it till next Monday !!!


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i wonder if JH will ever come clear to YS' dad about his real name and profession and how they met? if dad went berserk at him being Bong Soo.. well, he would definitely not go easy on JH


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Well, he could start with, oh, I don't know, "I've saved your daughter from thugs (before hugging her for the first time) and risked my life scaling an elevator shaft to save her again (LOL before kissing her for the first time...)." On second thought, that just might not be enough...


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that is SOOO true!!!.. i really hope YS's dad gets to see JH in action


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Oh yes! I totally hope there's an awesome reveal within the last 2 eps with Pops witnessing one of his awesome action scenes!


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and be totally gobsmacked coz he was complaining about YS picking the wimpiest guy out of all guys out there haha (i totally lol'd with YS when he said that..if you only knew..)


YAY!! Been waiting for the recap!! Thanks!

Watched this ep raw last night and didn't understand a thing! LOL! But just looking at the pretty was enough for a good night sleep after! Ahaha!

This ep was awesome! But i hope that JH doesn't give up his 'healer' jobs! Maybe work full time like a normal civilian and take side jobs as healer. Just seems like such a waste of skills!

Ohhh the OTP moments! *SQUEE* soo cute! I love that they're back to normal!!

I can't say this enough but mondays and tuesdays will never be the same... Once Healer is over, Mondays will return to the most dreaded day of the week! :(


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Even JH offered to take on part-time jobs as healer. Ajumma, please let him! :D


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I love the choice on the part of the writer to wait and tell Seo Joon-seok’s side of the story, not through the broadcast, but through Young-shin telling Jung-hoo. It was so characteristic of them, how he couldn’t care less about watching the actual news and she had to relay everything to him as he barely stayed awake. How much do I love that him sleeping is a running gag? LOL like some kind of nocturnal animal from one of his wildlife documentaries.

I kind of really like that Jung-hoo isn’t having this whole revelation about helping society etc., when he’s always been a character that looks out more for himself and those he cares for. It makes sense that, though I’m sure he respects what his father did, he wouldn’t want to endanger those he cares for for the sake of the people when he knows first hand what it’s like for a family to be destroyed by entertaining such grand aims. Still, another favorite moment was him feeling an obligation to help Moon-ho and go the extra mile and take down Elder for good, even if it meant endangering his happiness. It took Moon-ho being in danger for him to finally take the leap, but it was still rewarding to watch.

But anyway, back to the other scene! There was something soft and nice and comforting about Jung-hoo finding out the truth about what their fathers lived and died for through that scene. I actually especially loved that it took place in the Elder’s room, a place that had such an ominous, intimidating feeling throughout the whole drama because him and Young-shin being in complete peace there completely disarmed it. I love the whole atmosphere of the scene. There were still battles to face on the horizon and yet, in that moment, you could truly sense the feeling that the most important battle for him, to heal their parent’s past, to gain a chance to live a normal life, was done. And, for that reason, they could just chill there, letting it sink in. I don’t know why I dug it so much, but I did.


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The man's not use to functioning during daylight hours. I did love that line from YS about how she always finds him sleeping.

It was so sweet to see that JH has genuinely grown fond of and protective of MH now. Let's hope MH will still have the chance to tell JH and YS all those stories he was planning to over some drinks.

I actually really like that aspect about JH. He's a family man and he goes to great lengths to protect the people he loves. He treats others with respect and does them no harm which is good enough. There's no requirement that he has o risk his life and the lives of his love ones for the whole of society in order to be a hero.


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I like what you said about the Elder's room, i had thought it was a bit strange before.

And Junghoo is totally learning to relate to others. Before he said almost everyone looked the same to him, he had no interest in people, and he wanted to live alone on his island. I'm glad he's opening up now. Even worrying for Moonho! For being so isolated and lonely most of his life, we can see he's really a kid (puppy!!!!) with so much love to give.


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Yes, I love that he hasn't had this grand revelation about being a hero and whatnot as you said, because it does fit with his characterisation. The only thing Jung-hoo really wants right now is to live a normal life, and it makes sense, when you think about how he's lived most of his life as a fugitive. You get the sense that in the end, underneath all that Healer glamour, he's really just a normal guy who wants to live a normal, quiet life with his loved ones.


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Ack, the calm before the storm!

Please, Show, don't kill MH ! Please don't kill him, please don't kill him, please don't kill him, please don't kill him, please don't !!!


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If that's the calm, I don't know what the storm is going to be like.


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you really dont want me to function normally, do you?

This show has exhausted me in all the best ways!!!


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In all fairness, I don't think you, or anyone of us, are or will function normally for the next 6 days, whatever @dramapenchant say or not say. Fact of life.


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Yes. It's a fact of life since I've practically going to work this week in zombie mode with Healer's soundtrack on rewind nonstop in my head.


I made the mistake of watching this episode over lunch at my work desk. And now I have a half eaten lunch staring back at me, indigestion and a cliffhanger to deal with (notice how work is not even in the formula anymore)


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Hi Sandii I did that as well, my food is half eaten I am staring blankly on my computer and I have the saddest half day of my life ???

I really don't know what will happen to me after Healer ends???


Still hoping Moon-Ho will be alive and start a new meaningful life. I just didn't want him to have the same fate as the prosecutor in City Hunter. Their characters and circumstances are the same, but hopefully Moon-ho will survive. Finger cross!!


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I am worried about this too, definitely getting echoes of the prosecutor, right down due to the ex who still carries a torch for him. Ugh I still haven't recovered from his death, Moon Ho would be traumatizing!


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I totally thought of Kim Young-Joo in City Hunter. Moon-Ho happily taking pictures of his staff totally reminded me of Young-Joo's happy reconciliation with his ex-wife and slow-mo over-the-should exit in City Hunter.


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moon-ho can't die,pls writer-nim.
he has come a long way to help d kids.Don't take happiness away from him.
To me,I felt MH and CYS weren't d target but JH. I think d elder wants him.
Last episode,I tried telling myself Moon-shik ain't bad.He just became bad due to circumstances but now..I dunno Wat to think anymore.boooo!

inasmuch as I want JH to be normal,I want him to be healer,to expose bad guys(not steal for bad guys or for money).Living as bong-soo?*scoffs* he won't survive long. CYS and MH(even ajumma)know dis.

my heart aches(lesson learned for other shows.watch for pleasure) for JH. if anything happens to MH or CYS...*gets bad thoughts away*


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In the scene where JH lies on YS's lap (awww), was it just me or did YS make this weird grimace when JH asked if she'll be by his side as he lives his life like a normal person? It was brief but she almost seemed quite sad.

Well, maybe she's sad at the fact that JH hasn't lived a normal life up to now?


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OH NO. @dramapenchant, Don't go there. Not even for a split second.

If the unthinkable happens, even in the cowardly way that its writer handled City Hunter, I'll swear off KDs and start to take up knitting as a hobby!


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@KDaddict Haha while sitting in a lair, making kimbap and hacking into CCTVs?


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yes i noticed it too :(


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Don't die Moon-ho ahjussi! It's just too cruel. ???


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please please please please please please don't kill off MH, drama gods! although all my drama senses are telling me it looks bad right now. there was way too much foreshadowing in this ep, especially given MH's convo w/ JH about him being ok w/ JH picking YS or MH and his taking those pics of all his employees at someday. gahhhhhaluhflaiuhdlfiuhafd. can't wait until next week.

also was so anticipating the flashback of what actually happened w/ JH and YS's fathers, and we finally got the story. it broke my heart when JH's dad ran in and did what he knew to do: take pics of the scene and of YS's dad on the ground. also loving the development b/w YS and myunghee, and as others have said, i feel like YS's presence brings out a stronger myunghee (whereas before, she just seemed like a pretty, nice woman suppressing a lot of her self--who we know once was quite rebellious and sassy and full of personality, just like YS).

as noted in the recap, MS is so complex, and i love that we finally have a bad guy who is so gray scale and makes me feel confused w/r/t how i feel about him. when i see the initial resistance he put up, it kind of makes sense, given how his past self used to be so timid. but of course he crossed way too many lines. but he seems to genuinely believe that he made all the right choices, and i think calling his present-day self soulless actually is the perfect description / explanation for the discrepancies between the different aspects of his character.

again, a terribly frightening ep for our healer crew (i knew things were too quiet and that the transition to "real" life for JH was too fast!), but still an amazing ep. every ep of healer has delivered beyond expectations. this seriously is one of the best dramas i have ever watched. absolutely worthy of the crazy dramabeans fandom :) heard about it from a friend and marathoned all 18 episodes in 48 hours. all i can think about is healer . . . can't wait until next week.


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Yeay, another one bites the dust - in a good way.


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I'm speechless alright....
Not sure whether I can hold it in until next week...
*Hold it in..... *NOT I CAN'T HOLD IT IN


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Ep. 18 sure had its ups and downs. I remember Daddy Long Legs Moon-Ho's convo with his reporter ex-gf about him running when the stakes become high. Moon-Ho has grown from that to really fighting for a cause. I'm just sad that he might end up dying. I mean, not for KMSs down fall, but to protect the 5 friends and the babies (SJH and CYS). I'm also scared of what Secretary Oh might do to YS. If anything happens to YS, JH will go crazy. Anyways, thank you, JB, for another amazing recap!


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I've just done reading the recap. so awesome...n the thing about trying to adjust to normal life, i really get the feel...it saddened me so much..n i really am worried about moon ho...please make it so dat nohting bad happen to him...please...


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The last scene was scary .... Secretary Oh with that look on his face! Don't die Moon Ho! I dread the next episode and sadly this show ends next week! :(


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Pleaseeee...pretty pleaaasee...
Begging youu not to make Moon Ho die... :(
*holding back tears as i read JB comments*


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Moon Ho is going to die. Sorry folks, as much as I'd hate to see that, it's pretty inevitable. They foreshadowed it already anyway: who will you save: Young Shin or Min Ho. Or can our super human Healer save both? I loved that they showed JH being so bored in the "real" life. He's Healer, he can't do "normal" life. And what's "normal" anyway. I hope the show has JH continuing on as Healer but a moral Healer who truly works to "heal" society's pain/hurt /injustice!


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Can he also have a family w 2 kids, 3 dogs, 2 cats, and some goldfish? Plz show.


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That'd be pretty awesome if he did - but of course, still being Healer that is. By the way, shouldn't he have enough money saved up to retire rich? 64% saved to buying an island can't be chump change.


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Well, I'll definitely argue that him getting the family he's always wanted is MUCH more important than continuing as the Healer. (I have all the tears I've shed over his loneliness as proof!!!) But I agree that I'd like him to continue as the Healer also, in some form...perhaps one that has him helping with the broadcasts and protecting reporters from the corrupt that threaten them? Maybe he'll only take paying jobs, not from the highest bidder, but from the people who truly need his help?


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i see ahjumma taking a hefty chunk out of it as her fee for all the things she did for him outside 'office' hours lol


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@Grnapple31 here's hoping YS saves herself. Our girl's badass, she can do it. And JH's probably a millionaire. He just wants the experience of working a regular, daytime job. :D

@Chandler YES. He can take on the tagline of the original Healers and apply it to his job. That would be sweet, along with the assistance of team healer!

@siesta Ajumma loves him. That's why she had DY tailing the Double SS guards since she wanted to give him a nice "severance" package :D


His money can help Someday.


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But maybe all that foreshadowing allows for a really awesome twist?? IDK man i get why Moonho could die but instead of just outright killing him I want to see how Moonshik reacts when given a choice to save him?? Or rather an opportunity somehow, to go against the Elder.

And i would totally prefer it if Junghoo gets to continue being the Healer... I just can't see Bongsoo continuing in the office, I mean, have you seen his camera filming skills?

I feel the writer wants to say something about societal "normal" here as well, like for many it entails just putting to sleep their curiosity, not fighting for bigger ideals and just closing their eyes.... Like they said, there will be other and more "Elders", Junghoo just can't be Bongsoo forever. I'm glad he's given a chance to be "normal" through his happiness with YS and her family though.


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Well said. Me likey.


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Lol at the camera filming skills, where he was just filming CYS feet and the feet of the guy that was being interviewed instead of their faces LOL that seriously cracked me up. This episode had so many goodies!


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i thought it was on purpose to hide the informant? i mean even he cant be that bad


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I agree with you. It was done purposefully to keep the identity of informant hidden.


I thought he had fallen asleep on the job! LOL!!! He doesn't seem to care too much about work ethics! :D


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Thank you for restoring my sanity. Since comment 19, it's been a huge minefield devoid of any hope for Moon Shik and my mental stability, with few gems (26 & 28 were especially nice).


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I think JH would definitely continue to be a healer in the future, working with the Cyber team to crack some curly cases. The Cyber team is dying for JH's help.

The disgruntled double S guy may hopefully help the healer team. It would be difficult to fight such a sophisticated Elder network without MS turning against the Elder. MH's death (hope not) could be the trigger.


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