
Healer: Episode 17

We’ve got fun and thrills in store for us today, with the central Scooby gang united in purpose and out to pull off a caper. I love caper plots. It’s a dangerous game they’re playing, but our team goes all-out and heightens the already high stakes, sending the message to their opponents that not only are they not backing down, they’re willing to go on the offense. Bring it.


Ji Chang-wook – “지켜줄게” (I’ll protect you) from the Healer OST [ Download ]

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Jung-hoo runs from the scene of the crime—never mind the fact that it’s not his crime—and the image of him looming over the ex-cop’s body is foremost on his and Young-shin’s minds. It looks pretty damning, although we should all be grateful that the police don’t appear to have seen him.

At the scene, Moon-ho answers questions for the police officer and says that he and Young-shin were just passing by. The officer readily accepts their explanation.

Still reeling from shock, Young-shin sounds like she’s trying to convince herself more than anyone as she tells Moon-ho, “There would have been other people. There were, but I didn’t see them.”

Moon-ho ushers her into the car, but moments later she dashes out to retch in the street.

Jung-ho makes it home, where Min-ja informs him that the ex-cop, Park Dong-chul, died on the scene. He’s sure that Park was telling the truth about the tape of his father’s police statement, and tells ajumma about Park’s strange last words. In flashback, we see Park gasping out to Jung-hoo: “Three… nine… one.” It’s clearly important, but what the heck does it mean?

Adding to his problems, Jung-hoo has to deal with the fact that Young-shin was there. He throws his beer can at the wall in frustration.

At the cafe, Young-shin’s father and Pickpocket Ajusshi bicker about how to deal with the issue of their little girl dating. Ajusshi wants to bring Bong-sookie in for a sit-down chat, but Dad’s in favor of waiting until she’s ready to share.

Young-shin arrives with Moon-ho, whom she introduces as her boss. The men all bow to each other, and there’s a cute moment when Dad rises from his bow, but sees that Moon-ho’s still bent over and pops down for another one. Aw, Moon-ho’s being particularly respectful to the man who raised Ji-an all these years, and he asks Young-shin if they can’t share the full story now, “So I can pay my respects properly.”

HAHA, that sounds like he means bridegroom respects, and Dad struggles mentally to get the picture in order, wondering where Bong-sookie fits into all this. But before that gets too out of hand, Young-shin states without further preamble, “I found my birth mother.”

She tells him the facts as calmly as she can, about her birth mother being ill and her birth father having died, and gets increasingly teary-eyed as she apologizes to her father for not telling him sooner. But since Dad is the best dad ever, he just opens up his arms, and she steps into them as she cries.

Ajumma runs through all the possible meanings of 391, but they’ve got no leads. She notices that Jung-hoo’s not paying attention and guesses that he’s preoccupied with Young-shin and provides a common-sense and simple solution: Tell her what happened. Call her! She even logs off to give him some privacy.

Jung-hoo calls, and Young-shin nervously prepares a greeting before answering. But she answers just as he gives up, and they miss the connection.

His entry in her phone has gone from Park Bong-soo to Seo Jung-hoo, and now she edits it once again to read “That Person.” She doesn’t want to get him in trouble by revealing his name, and wonders, “What else should I hide for him?”

They both lay back in their respective rooms, having one-sided conversations to each other. She waits for his call, wondering if he’s okay. He, on the other hand, implores her to ask him everything she wants to know, so that he can tell her: “If you don’t ask, I can’t answer.”

Secretary Oh is let out of police custody, to his smug satisfaction and Detective Yoon’s aggravation. Thanks to his connections, he’s got lots of people vouching for his (false) alibi, and the police are denied a warrant. The police mole who’d poisoned Teacher is observing his right to remain silent, leaving Detective Yoon stymied for now.

So Detective Yoon goes to Moon-ho for more help, asking for an introduction to the very nice fellow who collected all that evidence and made the mole so easy to arrest. Moon-ho replies that officially, he has no idea what the cop’s talking about.

But Detective Yoon isn’t buying the act, and adds that there were quite a lot of people out and about looking for the dead guy last night—in particular a twentysomething young man wearing glasses and a hat with extraordinary fighting skills.

Jung-hoo makes his way to the dead cop’s room at a boardinghouse, which has already been ransacked, confirming that the baddies are in the hunt for the tape. He reasons that if Park kept the tape for twenty years but lived a semi-transient life, he wouldn’t have stored it here.

When Jung-hoo pulls out a bottle of soju from his pocket, Min-ja realizes he didn’t come here for the tape—he’s here to pay his respects to the dead. “This man turned out this way because of me,” he explains. Ajumma provides him with the etiquette for offering the dead a drink, and he follows along: sprinkle some, drink some, say something.

As Jung-hoo heads out of the building, he notices that he’s picked up a tail. He clocks the two men and the van that follow as he changes direction, and Jung-hoo asks Min-ja for suggestions on how to handle this.

But ajumma has some unsettling news to break, and leads with the warning to take a few deep breaths. First, Secretary Oh has been released. Furthermore, the tracker she planted on Young-shin’s phone is being used by an unknown source. Also, Young-shin appears to be heading for Moon-shik’s house, and Secretary Oh is there.

Okay, yeah that’s a lot of bad news to drop all at once. Jung-hoo grabs a cab immediately, and the stalkers’ van squeals out after him.

Young-shin arrives at the house to see Myung-hee, who is busily preparing a grand birthday spread for Ji-an, the sight of which makes Young-shin’s eyes fill with tears. She has to hold it together when Myung-hee smiles in welcome and takes the flowers from her, holding out a hand. She compliments Young-shin and calls herself a fan, and the tears spill over as Young-shin takes her hand.

To cover up her emotional response, Young-shin makes the excuse that she’s had a rough time lately and tends to cry easily. Myung-hee confides that she does too.

Of course, Secretary Oh’s around the corner to spy. He reports the scene to the Elder directly.

Young-shin shifts to interview mode as Myung-hee leads her to her room, and asks about her old pirate-broadcasting friends. Myung-hee sits her down in front of her photos and points out Teacher, and is surprised to hear that her husband already showed Young-shin this photo.

Myung-hee points out her first husband, and Young-shin hesitantly asks about him, concerned that talking about it will make Myung-hee ill. In reply, Myung-hee just hands over a call box and tells her to press the button if she gets ill, ready to talk anyway. Eager, even.

Young-shin asks if she can talk about the two friends who died in 1992. Myung-hee smiles up at her almost defiantly and says, “After more than twenty years, finally somebody asks.”

Secretary Oh has guessed that Young-shin came knowing the truth of her parentage, and warns the Elder that this is a volatile situation. The Elder reasons that Myung-hee will leave her husband once she knows the truth—and that would destroy Moon-shik. Since they’ll look ridiculous if they swap out their mayoral candidate again, they’ll have to protect Moon-shik.

And just as Secretary Oh is asking how to do this, he turns around and sees Healer standing right behind him. Ooh, chills. Great reveal.

Jung-hoo takes the phone out of his hand and says, “Hello, Elder. You’re the bad person giving orders to Mr. Oh in front of me, and Kim Moon-shiik ajusshi, aren’t you?” The Elder is so startled he can only gape, and Jung-hoo asks where he can come see the Elder to ask some questions.

In response, Elder just disconnects the call. Secretary Oh tries to inch away but Jung-hoo looms over him menacingly. Secretary Oh actually looks scared (not that I feel sorry for him) as Jung-hoo outlines his offenses, including killing his teacher and intimidating his mother. “If I let you live, you’ll keep doing this,” Jung-hoo says. “Killing people, hurting people, scaring people.”

Jung-hoo knows that police custody means nothing, and looks rather threatening as he tightens Secretary Oh’s necktie and muses, “If I kill you, I’d be doing a good deed, wouldn’t I?”

Upstairs, Myung-hee holds Young-shin’s hand and asks her to broadcast “our story,” promising to tell her everything she knows about that day in 1992. Young-shin readily agrees, but Myung-hee warns that it’ll be dangerous, because “the people who killed us that day are still alive.”

Young-shin wonders whom she means by “us,” and Myung-hee clarifies: “My husband Oh Gil-han, my friend Seo Joon-seok, my daughter Oh Ji-an, and me.”

Downstairs in the study, Jung-hoo sends books crashing to the ground, and Secretary Oh is practically beside himself trying to set the mess to rights. It’s actually funny in a pathetic way, and it prompts Jung-hoo to thank ajumma for preventing him from killing him—what a waste to become a murderer over such a sorry being.

Min-ja sends him the police sketch for the ex-cop’s murderer, and it bears enough resemblance to the Healer to know that they’re really going after him. Thankfully the sketch doesn’t actually look much like him aside from the telltale hat and glasses. Jung-hoo should really go for another look.

Jung-hoo finds paperwork on Moon-shik’s desk related to Teacher’s burial arrangements, which he first tosses away… until the three-digit number triggers a thought. He asks Min-ja what his father’s vault number is.

Myung-hee continues her recounting to Young-shin about that day in 1992: She was at home with her daughter, waiting for her husband to come home. Moon-shik called to warn her to run away immediately, because “they” were coming. So Myung-hee grabbed Ji-an and left home.

In the present, Myung-hee explains that “they” call themselves Farmers, because they believe themselves to be cultivating this nation through their efforts—planting crops, eliminating weeds, building their country. What an innocuous thing to call someone so pernicious.

Back to flashback: Young Myung-hee runs down the alley of their neighborhood carrying Ji-an, chased by men in suits. Myung-hee hides Ji-an amidst a pile of trash, under a covering. Frantically, she tells Ji-an to be silent and promises to come back for her. So Ji-an forces herself to be quiet while her mother runs in the other direction.

But these memories spark another episode and Myung-hee starts to convulse. Young-shin calls for the nurse and grabs Myung-hee in a hug, and even when the nurse takes over, Myung-hee makes sure to keep holding her hand.

While her mother is being treated, Young-shin makes her way down to the kitchen, looking at the birthday spread. She picks up one of the cookies and holds it close, full of emotion.

As she leaves the house later, Jung-hoo approaches cautiously, having waited by the road. The air is still strained as Young-shin explains that she just met her birth mother, and heard the story of how she was lost instead of thrown away. Myung-hee had been in an accident after hiding Ji-an, and when she woke up days later she was paralyzed. The last words she’d told Ji-an were not to make a sound, which must be why Young-shin didn’t speak as a child.

“I thought I was abandoned,” she says. “I must have been scared. That if I don’t smile prettily, if I ask questions they don’t want to answer, they might get sick of me. They might throw me away.”

“I won’t,” he promises her. So she asks, “Then can I ask?” He nods, “Of course.”

Young-shin asks, “Have you ever killed a person?” Jung-hoo answers no, and she says with a smile, “I knew it.”

With that, they fall in step comfortably, and now he shares his plan with her. Since he’s a murder suspect, he intends to find his father’s tape first, then the guy who framed him. Young-shin readily offers to help with that, although when he says he should see her Dad, that thought makes them both a little timid. LOL.

Then she sidles close to him and slides her hand into his pocket.

Moon-shik is called before the Elder, who informs him that missing persons cases are closed after five years—after that point, they’re essentially presumed dead. Moon-shik is startled when the Elder insinuates that he’ll make Moon-ho disappear without much fuss—despite his fame, people forget very quickly—and assures him that he’ll take care of his brother.

The Elder reminds Moon-shik that they’re about to kick off the next plan, and an ancient case can’t ruin their plans. Moon-shik understands, and repeats that he’ll handle his brother. At least this suggests he isn’t about to kill him, if the idea of Moon-ho actually disappearing upsets him.

Moon-shik is informed of the day’s events (and visitors) when he returns home, and is even aware that Myung-hee has been ordering listening bugs and calling Moon-ho behind his back. Far from being angry, however, he’s more worried that Myung-hee is upsetting herself and tells his secretary to leave things alone. He says things will return in due time, as though this is just a temporary blip.

Min-ja confirms that the number 391 corresponds to Jung-hoo’s father’s memorial vault, and how much do I love that the whole Scooby gang is in on the call? Moreover, they even seem to be enjoying the teamwork.

For instance, Young-shin pouts when Moon-ho suggests that she sit out this operation—she’d hold Jung-hoo back—but perks right back up when Min-ja counters. Aw for sister solidarity.

Jung-hoo cleans up Young-shin’s phone, then gives her instructions on how to act if he’s in danger of being apprehended (pretend not to know him). The show of concern is too cute for Min-ja, who chucks her headphones in disgust, though Moon-ho chuckles in amusement. I’m with him.

As they arrive at their destination and spot their pursuers’ van nearby, Jung-hoo makes sure she’s got the protocol for a fight: Close her eyes and wait while Jung-hoo takes care of it.

Jung-hoo and Young-shin walk by pretending not to notice the goons just sittin’ there in their car, staking people out, as you do. Young-shin pretends to primp using their window as a mirror, and while they avert their faces nervously, Jung-hoo sneaks around to spill tacks in front of their tires. Heh, so lo-tech but effective.

Jung-hoo instructs Young-shin to run, and she does. Then he knocks on the van door, opens it, and quickly snaps each of the goons’ faces using his glasses. Then he runs for it.

Dae-yong pulls up in a car and hands it off to Jung-hoo and Young-shin, who jump in and drive off. Back at the van, a poor goon crouches in front of his tires slowly picking up tacks, not wanting to risk a flat.

With the photos, Min-ja gets to work identifying the goons—and more importantly, whom they work for. She warns that it’ll take time, but the show is kind enough to let us know right away, taking us to a hi-tech situation room directed by Manager Ahn—the guy leading the Healer hunt for Jeil Newspaper. And all roads lead to the Elder.

Moon-ho receives a surprise visit from Min-jae, and her arrival has the office placing bets on her relationship to the boss. Most of those go to girlfriend.

Min-jae is in charge of ABS’s upcoming broadcast featuring Moon-shik, and has heard that Moon-ho is preparing his own corresponding broadcast. They both know that a certain Omega Holdings is Moon-shik’s financial backer, but she reminds him that he ought to know Omega is not to be trifled with.

Moon-ho recognizes the difficulty, but he isn’t cowed, and vows to turn Omega’s every obstacle into broadcast material. Seeing his stubbornness, Min-jae revises her earlier comment about Moon-ho only fighting when he won’t get hurt, saying that that’s the good method—it’s how you stay in the fight longer.

Moon-ho just replies with relish that these days he finds life quite interesting. In the past, he would wake up in the morning and sigh, “Must I get through another day?” These days, on the other hand, spur him on: “I think, ‘Great, what should I do today? What’ll the kids be doing?'”

Min-jae just looks more worried, saying that “those people” will always be above them, because regular people operate on common sense, but those in power are not thus bound. “You can’t win,” she says.

What’s scarier, the idea that she may be right, or the idea that he knows this? “But if I quit just because I can’t win,” Moon-ho returns lightly, “I’ll be embarrassed in front of the kids.”

Jung-hoo drives them to his father’s charnel house, while Dae-yong arrives at the Someday building and charges in to see Moon-ho without so much as a hello. The staff guesses that she’s another girlfriend, haha.

Jung-hoo and Young-shin make their way to the vault, and when Jung-hoo waves at the CCTV camera, knowing ajumma’s watching, Young-shin adorably sends her a hearty wave too. Despite seeing the goons arrive right behind them, Jung-hoo looks unconcerned and tells Young-shin not to look at them.

Jung-hoo reminisces about coming here with Teacher once, years ago. Affecting Teacher’s distinctive voice, he recounts his words: “Your father isn’t here. We don’t know where he is. But still, you should know which direction to direct your greeting. So let’s do it here, the greeting.”

And there it is: No. 391. Jung-hoo looks at the photo of his father’s smiling face and introduces Dad to Young-shin.

Dae-yong leaves the Someday office as abruptly as she came in, and Moon-ho announces to his team that they’ll launch their third broadcast shortly, based on the new information that just came in. They’ve gotta release it before anybody stops them, and the subject will be: The Truth About the Puppetmaster Pulling Kim Moon-shik’s Strings.

He already has one video prepared, and instructs his team to pull together a few more supplementary materials. Asked how long to prepare the broadcast for, Moon-ho replies that he doesn’t know how far they’ll be able to go. Hm, what does that mean?

Jung-hoo picks the lock to his father’s vault and feels around inside. Tucked behind the photo is a cassette tape, which he surreptitiously hands off to Young-shin, out of sight of the goons who keep a close eye from a short distance. She tucks it into her jacket and assures Jung-hoo that she’ll be fine.

Upon their exit, the pursuers close in on the pair. Min-ja gets on the phone and affects a hilarious girlish voice to send in a tip to the police: She heard gangsters planning to kidnap a girl with her own ears.

Interestingly, Jung-hoo adopts a Bong-soo-like meekness as he stammers to the gangsters, asking what they want. The guys demand the tape, and he asks naively, “If I give it to you, can we go?”

Seeing the patrol car pulling up nearby, Jung-hoo tells Young-shin to close her eyes, and she obeys. Quick as a flash, he knocks down as many henchmen as he can, then grabs Young-shin. He gets her safely to the police car, has her toss him the tape, and goes on the run. The gangsters chase.

Moon-ho begins his third live broadcast—so soon!—with the news of “one more lonely death.” He outlines the case of ex-cop Park Dong-chul, who heard the statement given by a murder suspect back in 1992, and links this broadcast to their previous one about Teacher, since the two key players were friends and pirate broadcasters. And curiously, Seo Joon-seok died while under police investigation, just as Teacher did.

Jung-hoo runs for a while, but finds himself (allows himself to be?) cornered and takes a punch to the face. Still in his Bong-soo-like facade, he chooses not to fight back, whimpering in fright instead. Promising to cooperate if they don’t use violence, he hands them the cassette case, which happens to be empty.

That earns him another punch, and now he cowers and begs to meet the Elder, offering this tape and also the “LA video” (featuring the Elder) in exchange. He also has a message: The Healer wants to join the Elder.

Moon-ho’s broadcast continues: At the time of Seo Joon-seok’s death, the newspapers called it a suicide, one prompted by guilt over killing his friend. But Park Dong-chul revealed a different story, and we hear it with our own ears as a recording plays.

It’s from Jung-hoo’s conversation with him at the church, and it looks like Min-ja is manning this part of the broadcast from her hacker station. Park explains the discrepancy in statements and the way he was stripped of his badge for reporting the breach of ethics within the police department.

Jung-hoo is dragged to the Elder’s home, his glasses taking note of each face standing guard outside. He gets shoved into a room to await the Elder.

Moon-shik is alerted to the broadcast and tunes in just as Moon-ho reveals that Park Dong-chul safeguarded Seo Joon-seok’s true statement. It’s awfully suspicious that Park died after talking about it, like somebody did it to silence him.

And then, Moon-ho pulls out a tape. Omo omo! How’d you get that, you sneaky magician.

But before proceeding, Moon-ho pauses, like he’s waiting for a signal. Min-ja also pauses with her finger over the keyboard, awaiting the cue. Then Jung-hoo looks toward the door and says, “It’s coming,” and she hits the key.

At that, Moon-ho resumes, saying that one of his Someday reporters has made his way to a particular home, belonging to a man called the Elder. Holy shit, are you going to broadcast Jung-hoo’s wiretap? That is ballsy, dude.

Oh, even better: There’s video feed, coming from Jung-hoo’s glasses. The broadcast captures the door opening, and Jung-hoo rises to his feet to greet the Elder. A guard darts in front of the old man to cover his face and whispers a warning. But it’s too late, the money shot has been had, and Jung-hoo smiles.


Yes, but how are you going to get out of there alive, Jung-hoo, tell me that! You impressed me with your tricksy maneuver, but please tell me an exit plan is part of the master scheme? Because I can’t see how the Elder is going to hear about this broadcast and not kill him, either to silence him or just because he’s pissed off.

But yes, it’s a clever plan, and one whose parts are hidden while you’re watching the show, only to come together at the last minute like a mechanism locking into place. At first I thought Jung-hoo’s plan was merely to get to the Elder, but upon looking back at the episode it becomes clear that the Scooby gang sprang quite the elaborate trap, and that every bit of it was choreographed. I’m assuming that Dae-yong must have gotten the real tape first, before she handed off the car, and what Jung-hoo took out of the vault was a decoy. You wonder why she couldn’t have just gotten it in the first place, except that getting the tape isn’t their only goal—it’s a twofer, and Jung-hoo needs to take down the Elder too. The tape on its own isn’t enough, and this is the only way he can get both.

The writing is quite tight in this episode, and even more so when you go back hunting for clues to how the pieces fit together. There are little comments strewn throughout that hint at the endgame, but only become apparent in retrospect, which I enjoy. If a twist truly comes out of nowhere, it’s not satisfying because we need to feel that it was a natural part of the story, not just some random left-field occurrence—you need to lay groundwork in order for a twist to pay off, but that always runs the risk of giving away the goal too early and ruining the climactic reveal. So I appreciate having clues built in that reinforce but don’t spoil the payoff, like Moon-ho’s fixation with the need to attack with a live broadcast. I thought, in the moment, that he was a bit obsessed with the live aspect of the broadcast—what’s the big deal with a live broadcast when you prepare the parts in advance? And then I saw that he meant holy-shit-live, I-mean-catch-you-with-your-pants-down-live, with the video feed coming in as it occurred, and suddenly his comment about not knowing how long the broadcast will take made a lot more sense.

I’m relieved that the murderer misunderstanding was resolved with relatively little angst, because honestly this couple has already weathered more meaningful angst. To subject them to this kind of misunderstanding would have felt overly simplistic given the lovely developments they’ve experienced thus far, and it’s therefore gratifying to have the situation cleared up with a simple exchange: Did you do it? No? Okay we’re cool. It’s instances like this that make me think that this couple will be fine as long as they communicate; the trust is there, but there’s only so much you can do when one side won’t talk.

Seeing Young-shin drawing Jung-hoo out of his shell and getting him to communicate with the world again is really one of the most satisfying growth trajectories for me. It isn’t that she’s teaching him to be a wholly different person, but more that he’s always been a caring, affectionate, thoughtful person, and his circumstances have forced him to shut that part of him down. So it’s an awakening of sorts, as the true Jung-hoo wakes up from hibernation and rejoins the land of the living.

A throwaway line (or is it?) line that felt sweetly meaningful was the way Young-shin changed her cell phone log to “That Person,” which is the vaguest of her myriad ways of referring to Jung-hoo. In this instance it’s specifically done to hide his identity, but I like to think it’s because it’s not so much his literal name that matters to her, but his place in her life as that person.

I find myself looking forward even more to Myung-hee’s eventual reunion with her daughter, because her attitude when speaking to Young-shin bespeaks a stronger woman than she is credited with being. I don’t blame Moon-ho for being afraid of sending her over the edge because her seizures are frightening, but I love how matter-of-fact she was about her illness and how little it stopped her from talking anyway. And it did seem that she reacted less violently with Young-shin around, which is promising.

The mother-daughter reunion brings to light another interesting point for me, and made me revisit the idea of Moon-shik’s culpability. We know he’s committed a number of crimes (and very willingly so), but Myung-hee’s latest flashback made me reconsider the possibility that he wasn’t perhaps as selfish or guilty in the moment as we have been led to believe. When we were told previously that Moon-shik made his deal to save Myung-hee, I assumed that he in joining the Elder, he got money and doctors and access to the best treatment, saving her life in a sort of roundabout way. But if “they” had gone after Myung-hee immediately after killing her husband, it sounds like she’d been marked for death—in which case Moon-shik literally saved her life. And in that case, it’s kind of like he sacrificed his soul for her life, which is a lot harder to condemn.

None of that is meant to absolve him of the crimes he’s committed since, which include having his former best friend killed, but it’s an interesting surprise to find reason to reevaluate a character at this late stage. It adds a shade of complexity to his motivations, and comes at a moment when I’d been ready to write him off as a plain villain. And that makes me happy.


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Really? 1st? Telling how much I was waiting for this. Thank you for the recap! I'm off to read an d be back to squee, squeal, 10000+ later.


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Congrats! :D


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THANK YOU! Muacks!

This is a good episode, but then there weren't any bad ones. It makes me truly happy to see the team working together and how OTP is truly an awesome pair and so well loved by many around them. I'm a little worried as we move towards all the reveals but I trust that writer-nim will finish this awesome ride wonderfully.

sob... I can't bear the thoughts of next wednesday... what am I to do with myself?


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Right you are on that ! There arent any bad episodes in Healer !!
Am not even afraid to say it out and jinx it, because Healer is way too awesome for that !

Just 3 more to go ! Healer fighting !!!!


@whimsicalnet and @Divyrus Let's stop talking about the impending end. I want to stay in denial for as long as possible ...

This is one of those rare shows where I trust that the writer has planned out her entire story beforehand. Otherwise, how could it be possible that each episode is better than the last? And as @whimsicalnet said, there hasn't been one bad (or filler) episode.


're:touching the taboo of " impending ends". The more are we engrossed in this journey with the " Scooby gang" the more we keep mention this taboo, our hearts dreads, while savoring every seconds squeezing every drop of juices out it hungrily. Yes we all be sad.
But just wonder the crew will feel even more saddened. And above all, the few main leads will felt " so damn rotten" ... imagined how much they themselves understand the mind set of the characters, went thru the trauma emotional, emerges themselves thru sweetness, joy, hope, fear, hurt, grief... as never week approaches .. and this week they are gonna filmed the finals. They must have feel real sucks. At least the 2 leads should have felt something, like part if themselves departing. I don't mean the " Changmin" thingy. I believed they will grew to love that wonderful character they are given to create, loved allowing themselves live as Jung Hoo and Youngshin, then only 2 more to go, and they cannot be JH and YS after next week. When they appear in all Healers fan meet or go over sea promote Healer, they will be themselves JCW and PMY , they won't be JH or YS... Poor thing, they must be feeling very sad but not showing to dampen other spirit.


@Mary Bethany

As someone who used to be in the performing arts, when you are truly invested in the role you are playing, whatever it may be, it is really hard to say goodbye when it comes to an end. I'm sure that it is true for the actors and crew. I hope they will be more happy than sad having brought to fruition this wonderfully loved drama and knowing how much we appreciate them.

Even us, as invested Healerites, I think we will go through the same when it comes. But it has been an awesome ride and while more dramas will come and go, we can always revisit the drama and remember the days of us squeeing and loving this drama together, armpit hair and all.

In case I forget to, thank you everyone here. Let's ride the 3 episodes together.


Agreed. There was none dull ep thru out 18 .. in fact I missed ep1/2 only started watching at 3, then was never disappointed with characters development or plot. Every episode had something touching that moved, or some lines that reached out n teach me things. But it's a Korean drama thing to flip flop at the end, some drama did fine then sucks and crumbled destroyed every foundation at the end, many just kill off the main lead or make couple part for some stupid noble idiocy reason, lika only when I give you sad ending then you all will remember the show , or know real lives must have tragedies ...kinda of craps.
Loved the part he poured soju at late Ex cop house, " he ended up like this because of me"... While he acknowledged his father some what caused all these misfortune upon others, he don't indulged in self pity, he seek revenge not just for himself, else he would have kill Secretary Ho. H4 just want tI stop his loved ones from being hurt because of him. Hope Writer Song finish her race ascended well to the peak, don't give me the crap by killing Young shin at the end. Bridal Mask kinda crap is unacceptable.


whimsicalnet yes, indeed, a big thanks to all who journey thru here, every indepth recaps and funny jokes add to the thrills, esp discussions on characters and touching moments, making re-watching the scenes better experiences, as i will remember what each of you said, and watch out for certain details... some times really hope the Main Leads know enough English and have times to read all these recaps comments and know the depth of our feelings towards them. there is a vast different between knowing just how many billions fans (just numbers only), and what exactly they said and expressed in heartfelt COMMENTS. because we sort of know they won't be reading , thus we dare to be "blunt and naked" in our comments, (including.aka armpit hair, hand porn.. esp whatever heated up after ep14.)
was thinking if they can read all these, should be very heart warming to them, knowing how much it affected us, motivated us...
what a journey.


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Thanks for the recap ??


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Let me join in on the squee-fest too!! Thanks for the recap @JB!


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One great episode! Daebak! Awesome! Best ever! But then again, we've said that before too! Thank you JB for the recap! Off to read now.


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And for the snips. I realised only while reading the recap and seeing the pictures that interesting positioning when mother and daughter were together - the mom on the coloured part of the picture, the daughter almost only black and white, holding hands. The way this show s filmed, makes me think about the meanings behind this.


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That is certainly an interesting detail to notice. Thanks for pointing that out - if only I'm a lit major then I may know the meaning behind this... but I think it probably got something to do with MS/everyone else trying to keep MyungHee in a more "peaceful/beautiful" side not knowing the truth. Because once you find out the truth and realised how dark it is then it'll no longer be as beautiful as it once was. The ugly truth will cause it to lose all its colour. YS on the other hand doesn't have colour because she now knows the dark truth, however, the whiteness probably suggests that it's to do with hope and peace (similar to a white dove) and how she will be the one to bring peace to Myunghee once the truth comes out. She's also a living symbol of hope that could help expose the truth. That's my take on that scene :)


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So many great moments in this episode! But before anything else, thank you thank you JB for posting Ji Chang-wook's OST "I'll Protect You". Even if I know very little Korean, my throat tightens up as I listen. This guy can emote - in acting, with his eyes (his eyes!), his voice, and even in song.

The show aside, I am truly grateful that I discovered this great thespian (actually JCW and YJT) who will now and forever be etched in my list of acting greats.

Now on to the show and my list of "I-love-it-when's". These are the small snippets - moments that may not have huge impact in plot or movement but nonetheless make this show super special.

1. I love it when SJH ordered CYS to "run!", she had to ask: "what direction?" Hah!
2. I love it when we are emoting along with CYS when she finally had the courage to confess to Dad that she found her biological Mom and we see pickpocket Ahjussi crying. Hilarious!
3. I love it when SJH gave a small wave to Ahjumma on the CCTV and Ahjumma waved back before catching herself, and then CYS stopped and waved so enthusiastically, but Ahjumma now simply smiled. These three are adorable!
4. I love it when SJH went to the dead cop's room knowing he will not find anything there but simply to pay his respect. And how sad that he does not know what to do and Ahjumma needed to walk him through it. Awww.
5. I love it when CYS said to her mom, "I just cry easily", and Myung Hee said, " I do too." Oh, they are so much alike! You can just see the thought in CYS' head: "so, I got that from you!".
6. I love it when SJH realized Secretary Oh's OCD tendencies and he was waving the book to drop it here, or there? And that discovery led him to say, this guy is not worth it - Secretary Oh is a sorry excuse for a human.

Now that we are nearing the end, I am truly scared for Moon Ho. I am fervently hoping and trusting SJN writer-nim that he will not be sacrificed for the sake of the story. Moon Ho is sooo ready to give it his all, he is willing to lay down his life for the sake of "the kids" SJH and CYS, so that the truth can set them free. BUT I really really hope he does not die. Please! These three need to live on and have their happy future together - as a family, with Daddy Choi, Ahjumma and Myung Hee.

Instead, I hope that Moon Shik will instead sacrifice himself to set things right. There is an interesting scene in this episode when Moon Shik seems to be in denial about the whole series of events. Things are escalating beyond his control and yet he said that Myung Hee will "come back to him". What a psycho!

The Elder said he will not change the candidate so he will instead eliminate everyone else around Moon Shik that prevents him from becoming a viable mayoral candidate, e.g., Moon-Ho, CYS, SJH or even Myung Hee. Well, if Moon Shik is gone, he is no longer a candidate is he?


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I love all the favourite moments you've listed there! ♥


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Omg, I love the new Jung Hoo/Park Bong Soo header! Thanks for the recap!


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You mean the PBS with glasses banner one? I currently have that one as my banner right now! Yipeee so happy :D


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Our faith in Healer and Young-shin paid off! It didn't go to the dreaded place of what we come to expect of kdrama clichés and plot line.. And Chae Young-shin is DAEBAK!! My kdrama heroine standards has been raised so high that it will be extremely hard to surpass.

I JUST have to gush at Ji Chang-wook's voice on the OST!! Waaahhh !@#$/^^&*@#$!! *spazzing-non-stop*


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@ Sophee

Totally agree with you about Chae Young-shin being a fabulous Kdrama female role! She is strong, clever and positive, traits that I love in anyone! She and KMHM's Oh Ri Jin are now one of the few top female roles I love in dramaland. Daebak.

Also, YES YES YES! I feeeeeeeeeeel you! Ji Chang Wook's soft and gentle voice ()#$&w%_w&^_(&^w_(#&%_qw^{@^tq{t%#)wq%)w$*rw$


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Ji Chang-wook certainly definitely need to release his own album and not just sing for OSTs.. I knew he was a musical actor but I didn't listen to him sing since recently. I was too busy looking at his face and acting to listen to his singing voice..


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Someone at soompi said that during an interview, JCW said that he will not be releasing albums because he likes acting much more!

Well, if that is so, PLEASE SING FOR ALL YOUR DRAMAs/MOVIEs honey!!


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@Jen @sophee

His voice ! I was lost in his eyes and now voice !

And I love that he loves acting more ! Between hearing his voice and seeing at his face , the latter would totally win !!!


Awww.. but his musical talent and amazing voice won't be utilized. Now I want him to take a great musical drama as his next project to utilize both his acting and singing. Put the musical actor in him on broadcast tv..



I was thinking I missed that!

Lets put him in a musical drama next! His voice, his face and his eyes.

Win-Win situation! :P


I want to be a devil here, who is better: JCW or Joo Won? They're both handsome, same age, have nice eyes, have the ability to act AND to sing. Hmph, can't decide. But I'm sure JW wins in the height department :)


used to mesmerized over Joon Won at Bridal Mask, (btw, Bridal Mask showin on KBS everynight right after Healer at Singapore here.) huh, but i wasn't tat craze over JW back then, i still was able to cruise thru other drama while in between weekly eps... and i would move on watching and right after BM, i went chasing other Joon Won's drama, like his "O-something Brothers", not completely missing Li Kangto, i was easily satisfied watching JW face elsewhere....
think this round is huge diff.. since beginnin of Dec, i simply couldn't watch anyother Kdrama from Wed till Sun, i switch off Bridal Mask after Healer (SIN KBS ep is 4 ep slower than actual)...

so, i will chose Ji Chang Wook (huh, i mean Seo Jung Hoo.)


@Jen I agree with you there sweety, if JCW won't be releasing any albums I'm just as happy if he sings for all his OSTs and movies. Just like Park Shin Hye, for all her dramas she has sang at least one song/OST for them.


@jen I hope he never stops singing because his voice is soo beautiful and soothing :)


JCW should stop from being awesome. I have a real life to live... hahaha


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Coby, I didnt realise until I saw your comment that somehow JCW awesomeness has got me so distracted and detached from my normal life recently lol! I think ive become totally obsessed with him.
Sad to have Healer ending soon but i guess thats good so my life can go back to normal!


Seconded to you...
Mesmerized by JCW voice, and face and strut, and all... Arrrrgh, ottoke...
how to live normal live after Healer is finish...



bwahaha oh lord that was funny! But I feel ya, he should stop being so awesome then Ill be able to finish off my thesis faster! :P


She's freaking amazing!!!

Standards raised.

JCW's voice is so soothing. It's gorgeous.


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Standards raises, definitely !

And you know what I so love about her ??? Its not she is different and has set high bar for sake of being different and for sake of setting high bar. Its that her straightforwardness comes from herself, as a insecurity on people abandoning her.
And PMY has done a fabulous job of portraying it !
The scene with JH, her hurt and relief is seen so much. Its not just JH who has the fear of misunderstanding and losing her, she has the same fear back.

Right from confronting him and letting him know about wanting to hug and kiss him , to waiting for that person, to going to him, to asking him to come back, to now asking what she fears he wouldn't like being asked !!! And that's what makes her real !

And that's what raises the standard for me ! She is real !!!


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@Divyrus YES!!! She's so relatable and real with fears, insecurities, hopes, desires and dreams that are understandable. She's so darn lovable and I love that because here, we can see why JH would love her. Not just b/c the show requires it.

I just love how functional and healthy JH and YS's relationship is. They like, actually trust each other and talk through problems. (Future kdramas take note.)


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This! 'because here, we can see why JH would love her. Not just because the show requires it.'

This is important to me in the dramas I root for. I don't stand for love at first sight or the uber cheesy saying that 'love doesn't need a reason' or love as a result of the 'damsel in distress' formula.

Unconditional love (except maybe from parents to their children) stems from a deep and solid reason. Such with our OTP, he sees her as a brave and strong person. Carefree and honest. Someone he trusts that will understand and take him for who he is. Someone who has led him to be a better person. That's why he loves her.

Love grows from inspiration. Seeing the other person as a reason to be good, to be better. And this goes both ways, man and woman. Kinda like how it was with Coffee Prince, K2H, Nodame Cantabile (the Jap version, absolutely one of my all time favorites). And sadly the one thing I didn't see in Heirs. I could't fathom why he fell her during that stint in the US. That's probably why Heirs never warmed up to me.


@Chesens +1



The way you put "love grows from inspiration" is so great. +100 from me :) That's the perfect kind of love, a love which not only completes you but makes you a better person. This portrayal of love is what makes it so realistic to me and brings me so many feels. Yes I also agree that The Heirs is just ridiculous and I did not for the life of me felt that the love was realistic in any way.


+100000000000000 :D



Yess! Well said, her straightforwardness makes her so real and relatable. she is just an awesome character to root for :D


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@Divyrus @meniscus totally agree with you girls, her character is someone you can relate to and not just another kdrama heroine who has nothing special about her, except all the make actors love her lol


Love Ji Chang Wook's OST....really nice song


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I love when JCW sings for an OST...so I can put him in my ipod and bring him with me while I walk the streets :D ....someone said something about not having a life?? mine has been taken over by him too XDDD


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@elena welcome to our life lol. I actually listen to it while I'm driving, doing the dishes, washing the laundry, cleaning the house, you can say all day any time :)


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JCW's voice is so enchanting and mesmerizing to the ears. I could listen to his smooth velvety voice all day ♥


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OMG, Chang-wookie's voice. |€|£^{+]€|£]£\$;&:$ ;_;

*words fail me*


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Words have failed me too sweety ♥♥♥♥


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REPLAY X 100000 :D


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I'm listening now...
Listening since JB attach it in her recaps.
listen his voice 10000000x, won't bored me. :D
Swoon over his voice, his eyes and lips :p


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I've replayed it probably more than 100 times already to the point of where I am able to sing the whole lyrics from memory despite not knowing any korean! And I'm sure I spot this song withing miles of hearing it anywhere, be it a restaurant or shopping centre (if only they play it where I live) :)


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@meniscus I'm with you, it's sooooo swoon worthy can't help it :)


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Thank you for the recap! I have been waiting for it since ages. I should have waited till the end and marathoned,… it’s too long to wait till next Monday. It’s been a while since I have been so immersed in a drama. :)


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Did you forget that there's an episode on Tuesday as well?


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Having an episode on Tuesday as well is the best part! 2 episodes in 1 week - better than the format of American shows lol


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@bamsa same here, I was thinking I should've waited until this drama finished airing and I have finished my thesis first before watching....but the temptation is too strong, I gave in...and not I'm struggling with this Healer addiction! GAH :(


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That's right, Jung-hoo-ya! You're in for some trouble from Dad and Pickpocket Ajusshi! (It's all out of love, though, promise)

Thanks for the recap! Healer is the first drama I have ever attempted to watch raw, and it makes me excited how much I can actually understand! I was never confident in my Korean before watching Healer :)


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Haha they're like her mum and dad. Ahjussi = the mother. LOL


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Please reply to this Comment if you want to make your own video for this DB project, AND send your video to @ Rainerust at email: [email protected]. She has kindly extended the deadline to 5 Feb (2 days time). So hurry and send in your stuff!!!! "Soompi Forum (deadline is 10 Feb so it’s fairly tight)"

“Send in your videos or Dropbox links (if you upload your vid to Dropbox) to the above link – try to keep your slice within 20 to 25 secs or less; I might cut as needed if it’s longer though. Send in the following:
– Parodies (dances e.g. CYS or Ahjumma dancing)
– Favourite scene takes (e.g. Coffee Ahjusshi + Ahjumma?? the rooftop kiss, if you can coerce your other half into doing the scarf/hat thing with you LOL)
– Your love messages for the Healer team (production or otherwise)
– …and if you want (and are brave enough) bloopers are OK too. I like including bloopers at the back of all my videos LOL.

For info, the link to the fan project that Soompi is running is here: http://forums.soompi.com/en/discussion/2025904/healer-international-fan-project

Stay tuned for more news on the Singapore Beanies' Healer Fans Video :)


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Re-post from Ep 16 (Comment 45.1 kanz January 28th)

“Healer International Fan Project”
Anyone here who are avid Healer fans, it’s your opportunity to send your messages, MV, fanfic, fanarts, etc of your own creation to us. We’ll get in contact with Healer production team too in Korea :)

See this poster:

or send your own fanart/fanfic/MV/fanmessage to: [email protected]


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If I just write something about the characters, say few pages. Acceptable not? Already on the writing. Just because it is long so dare not send out. I check Ji Chang wook kitchen fanbook sites, they limit to 100 words and only can mention JCW, cannot mention other character. Oops, I wrote about others too.
So if mine is few pages writings , and also mention CYS and ahjumma ... etc.Will you guys accept?
Wouldn't do videos or fan art. Fan fiction too short time.
Sorry. Sorry. I let u SIN beanie gals down.


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@Mary Bethany

Hi my dear, you can either send what you wrote to me or just submit your writing directly to the [email protected]. Those organizers there will decide on whether to accept or not. :)

Those of us who got together in Singapore, did so to make a video, so you don't need to 'go through' us so to speak. Hope you enjoyed your writing and the show. :)


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Just emailed u :D


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Replied to you email and added you! :)


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I'm in Singapore too :)


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Join usssss... LOL


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Whereeeeee howwwwwww


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@ Havens and Sandii

Hi Singapore Beanies

Some of us have got together already and are in a Whatsapp group. If you'd like to connect to us, please email me at [email protected] with you name and mobile number. It will be fun! :)


finally gathered courage, no confident, but sent the file, (just some thoughts)to Rainerust mins ago.
kindly let me know if didn't reach you gals. do let me know. will send again.
GOD bless speed in editing, and arranging all works collected. jia-you.
Let's walk the final steps cheering the OTP.


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Wow! First time watching this live this morning. What an experience! I totally love it, especially knowing that there are other beanies, around the world who are doing the same thing at the same time. Daebak episode! Now off to read to better understand what happened. Thanks for the recap, JB!


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Love your name, Ottoke!


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Thanks, owl! Awesome episode!


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You're is totally awesome Ottoke! :) I've never watched it live before but I am seriously considering for the final week. Problem is I have a few deadlines to meet....so should I?


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Healer Director's Cut DVD & Blu-Ray Pre-order Sale Started

Excerpt from Email from The Healer DIrector's Cut Team ([email protected]):
It is time to place pre-orders to ensure you get your DVD/Blue-Ray. "The release of Blu-Ray depends on reaching 1,000 pre-orders by February 25, and only 1,000 copies will be made, so this is the only chance to get it. The DVD will be released regardless of how many pre-orders are placed, but only the first 1,000 ordered will have a unique number assigned to each copy.

The details of what will be included in the whole package aside from interviews, commentaries, BTS and outtakes have not been finalized, but as we proceed with our negotiations, updates will be posted at http://cafe.daum.net/healerdvd under [Notice] in Other Languages."

"If you are interested in purchasing the Blu-Ray, place your pre-order at either Innolife or YesAsia and spread the word around. If the pre-order sales does not reach 1,000 by February 25, it will be cancelled and your money will be refunded.

If you have questions or suggestions about this whole process, don't hesitate to email us ([email protected]). For more updates, keep checking the [Notice] In Other Languages at our website, http://cafe.daum.net/healerdvd."


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How much is the dvd? My phone is being dumb and won't let me click the link...


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it depends where you are ordering it from (Innolife or YesAsia
Innolife I think is about ~$169+shipping for the DVD


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Oh wow...it's so expensive! I really want a copy but I wonder why it is so expensive?

It's still worth buying I think if it has subs too. I'd like the full content and BTS etc


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Regarding the cafe.daum.net/healerdvd site, is there an English version/translation of the site? Interested in ordering, but I don't understand Hangul enough to figure out what I'm looking at.


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The cafe has an english portion
if you go there you will see on the left hand side where it says "Notice in other languages"
The admin speaks English and it is very a English friendly fancafe. They have a Q&A for international fans. You can also talk to them through their twitter page https://twitter.com/Healer_1208

or email them with any questions. I hope this helps ^^


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Sub-threads: VOTE for JI CHANG WOOK
Here are 4 places to vote to show how much we love KCW and the Show.

Repost from Ep 16 (Comment 214 Teru January 30th)
Favourite Actor Poll
"...Got a few links for voting below – so please do vote and show our support…
For Ji Chang Wook, he’s currently in first place here ..."


He's still at number 1 with: 44.82% (4,952 votes). The 2nd place figures are at 27.98% with 3,091 votes, so JCW is way, way ahead for now!!! :D You can vote once a day.


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Sub-threads: VOTE for JI CHANG WOOK continued...

Top Ranked Artist Vote (in Korean)
Here Ji Chang Wook is ranked number 2 as far as I can tell without reading Korean, from the listing. Park Shi Hoo has 19% votes and Ji Chang Wook has 13%.


Instructions: Scroll down the page to find Ji Chang Wook on the 4 or 5 row from the bottom. The positions sometimes change a bit. Click on the radio button, it will turn blue, scroll down to the long blue Vote button and click it. You'll get a confirmation message. That's it! :) You can vote once a day.
Re-post from Ep 16 " 214.2 Teru January 30th
Top Ranked Drama (in Korean)
Same goes for dramas, Healer is currently second place (it’s at the bottom as well with a picture of Chae Young Shin as its poster)

Let’s help spread this across all social media to gather support. I hope JCW and Healer wins!"
Click on the radio button, scroll down to the long blue Vote button and click it. You can vote once a day.

Re-post from Ep 16 (214.4 nutella January 30th)
Star Ranking Poll

find: STAR RANKING POLL, click on comments, find Ji Chang Wook’s name and click LIKE.
Only clicking Like will count as a vote, comments dont count"


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Thanks very much for these links @GB!


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Also dont forget to vote here

One vote per day. He is in second place but


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i am having problems replying to this sub-group :(


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Thanks!! :D


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Sub-threads: VOTE for JI CHANG WOOK continued...

Top Ranked Artist Vote (in Korean)
Here Ji Chang Wook is ranked number 2 as far as I can tell without reading Korean, from the listing. Park Shi Hoo has 19% votes and Ji Chang Wook has 13%.


Instructions: Scroll down the page to find Ji Chang Wook on the 4 or 5 row from the bottom. The positions sometimes change a bit. Click on the radio button, it will turn blue, scroll down to the long blue Vote button and click it. You'll get a confirmation message. That's it! :) You can vote once a day.


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Serious? Park Shi Hoo?? Hmmm... he is not even in any k-dramas now...

SJH is back and PBS is back!!! I am really worried about the ep 18 preview... Looks like things are not looking too good for our heroes


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I was saying the same thing too! Like who the heck is Park Shi Hoo - I've never heard of him and his drama Alice in Cheongdamdong doesn't even have high ratings on mydramalist.com.... must be a lot of PSH korean fans voting for him out there.


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Sub-threads: VOTE for JI CHANG WOOK continued 2 ...

Re-post from Ep 16 " 214.2 Teru January 30th
Top Ranked Drama (in Korean)

Same goes for dramas, Healer is currently second place (it’s at the bottom as well with a picture of Chae Young Shin as its poster)

... I hope JCW and Healer wins!" Click on the radio button, scroll down to the long blue Vote button and click it. You can vote once a day.


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Thanks again @GB, just placed my vote. Healer is currently 3rd place after Pinocchio. Let's all show our support!!


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Oh thank god!!! I've been waiting for yet dreading this episode because I was really worried that last weeks ending would fracture the fragile budding relationship between our trio. But then I read the first few lines and it said '... United' and immediately I feel better. Not reading anymore as I want to watch the episode first. In a cab on my way to work. Can't wait to see this episode now. So excited!


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So true, I was afraid too that this episode will show the fragile relationships between the lead. and thanks writer-nim it doesnt.

So excited. thanks for recaps JB


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Likewise I was scared for this episode as well, but thank god writer-nim did not go down the typical cliche path that kdramas always do.


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Pickpocket Ajussi crying was so very sweet. Really liked the the scene when Jung-Hoo and Young-Shin met on the road. Reminiscent of the scene when he followed her silently in an earlier episode. I thought they were going to draw that out a little more. He was cautious and gave her the space she needed. Wondering if 3 episodes is going to be enough time to flesh out the Elder or will he just be a one dimensional bad guy without much further explanation. Whatever the case, waiting for the happily ever after for JH and YS on Moro Island. Or at the very least that they cobble together an extended family to include Hacker Ajumma and Moon Ho.


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Isn't it? Isn't it? Pickpocket ajussi!

Goes to show this writer and director doesn't have an oversight even w the smallest scenes, and the actor is fantastic!
I've known for a long time that SK has truckloads of wonderful supporting actors who have difficulty getting their moments to shine, and truckloads of lousy scriptwriters!


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Yes you are right, there are "truckloads of wonderful supporting actors". I keep seeing them re-appear in drama after drama. It's been wonderful that in Healer the supporting cast have all been value-added. No useless second lead (is that what they're called?) to interfere for the sake of interfering.


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Pickpocket ahjussi is such mommy haha! I love that he's playing a mother-figure to YS always taking YS's side of things :)


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I'm worried about Moon Ho. I've gotten the vibe that he won't make it to the end.


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Noooooo! Not him too!!!:(


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Me too! Especially after that talk with ex-gf..I just hope its a fake out and he makes it out in the end. Show, I wont forgive you if you kill any of my favourite characters!! *shakes fist*


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Happy thoughts ... happy thoughts.


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Noooooo don't say that! MH will survive. HE MUST!!



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Pickpocket ahjussi bawling = us crying while watching this scene


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Ok...ok....Now I can breathe....Till episode 18 arrives....Thank you JB for this recap :)
Must say, this episode was daebak :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


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Breathe? The bad guys will play hard ball with our nerves.
I wonder how well we can breathe after tonight's ep!


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dont remind me....


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it's DAE-to-the-freaking-BAK indeed! So worthy of all the hype!!



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Omg is CYS pregnant? Or was that just a response to the violence she saw? This show is killing me..


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i hope not
it would be really cliché


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LOL that would be too soon for YS to get morning sickness symptoms in just 1 day. It's impossible. More like she vomited from the shock....not prego :)


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She wouldn't get morning sickness that soon.


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agree - although I do want her to be pregnant with JH's first child hehe


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That's just a reaction to the violence, but mostly her mind & body trying to cope with the fact that JH was at the crime scene and is a potential murderer. She just couldn't physically take it.


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Yeah it's more like a reaction to violence and not the other cliche kdrama trope.


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Love this and everything about this show. That trap was probably the most elaborate one I have ever seen in a korean drama and THAT MAKES ME SO EXCITED!!!! GO SCOOOBY GANNNNNNNG! <3


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Yay! Thank you for this recap!

A show where a major potential misunderstanding is cleared up in one episode because people actually TALK to each other? Are we sure this is a Kdrama?

Oh, and Jung Hoo, Young Shin, Min Ja, Moon Ho, and Dae Yong all working together is just too much awesome to take. Seriously, we need a shot of them doing like a power walk or something.


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OMG I agree with you 300%. First drama I've seen in which otp misunderstands and back to otp in such a short time.


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I'm a newbee here and just got curious. Can you please tell me what otp stands for?


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OTP= one true pairing. Usually use to describe the characters you ship together (in this case CYS and Healer)


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Thanks ;) one true pairing...nice words! wish I could make OTP with JCW


OTP = One True Pairing


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Thank you too! ;)



Additionally, from what's been posted in answer to your query, you may want to look at these: -

http://www.dramafever.com/news/101-korean-pop-culture-words-you-absolutely-must-know/ and


and also DB's own extended glossary under Categories - scroll up and on the right.


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I love it. I think all dramas should learn from this OTP - see what communication can do for you guys? Live and learn!

The Scooby gang has got to be one of the most awesome teams in kdramaland so far (and yes to the power walk shot) and I seriously love how tight the writing was in this episode as it weaved in all the bits of them working together to take the Elder down. That Man is going down!


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I also liked how this episode was tightly woven with others. Like when she said this:

“I thought I was abandoned,” she says. “I must have been scared. That if I don’t smile prettily, if I ask questions they don’t want to answer, they might get sick of me. They might throw me away.”

It explained why she was hesitant to ask him about the murder. But it also revealed the underpinning of why - when she's in pain - she puts on an album and dances. And why she can never be mad for long.


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Well said!! it totally makes sense now. but that doesn't make her clingy, but rather she sees the good in people.


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@Gidget Absolutely agree. I love how each episode peels away or reveals the different facets of each character and how we slowly learn how they are put together, just as they discover that in each other. It makes the journey through the drama a lot more interesting and a lot more dynamic. No one here is one shade or one tone (except perhaps the Elder for now) and it just makes the narrative so much richer.


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That was well said! I was wondering why she was being hesitant. Didn't see it the first time around I watched it although I thought they just suddenly got along haha


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I agree they need a power walk like in "You're All Surrounded"!!


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HI FIVE! That drama has one of the greatest teamwork I've seen. This one beats it by 2x :)


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Don't you dare touch moonho oppa!
Don't you dare!!
He's not going to die ala prosecutor in city hunter is he? Yes it will make a good story great but *shrinks to the corner and cover my ears* noooooooooo


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Totally feeling you......


Or else!!!!!



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I have this ominous feeling about Moon Ho too! Andwae. No, no, no!

Let oppa have his happy ending too, PLEASE. I implore you, Song Ji Na-sshi!


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I join you!!!! Don't you dare touching that smexy man!!!!!


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Ooo let me join too!! He better not die, writer-nim ya hear me?!!!!!


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This! I have a horrible premonition, especially the way he was talking in this episode, that he's not going to make it.

Please, please, please, please let me have a happily ever after!!!!!


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same, especially that bit where he said he was starting to enjoy living again. AAAAH please don't let anything happen to him!! T^T


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Ahhh that scene like someone else mentioned paralleled with CH before the prosecutor died. MH better not die!!!! I hope Healer doesn't follow the typical route and kill off MH. Writer-nim can come up with a better twist...just no killing anyone jaebal!


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I wouldn't be surprised if that happened. His little monologue about how he recently looks forward to living was ominous


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I'm prepping myself up for it too but I hope he still doesn't die. *sigh*


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That convo w his 'Gf" is foreshadowing.
She warns and wants him to not ruffle feathers of the BIG BAD so he can't win.
He finds living this way invigorating!

And will have to pay the price. Won't he? Cos we know there is always a price to be paid for daring to go up against BIG BAG.

Sob, sob, sob.


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Oh God, let's stop with the ominous thoughts please lol. They've got me suddenly thinking about the ending of A Love to Kill, oh damn onions.


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@Azale are you sure it's the onions making you cry? ;)


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What? NOOO, not Moon Ho! Actually, not anybody!


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Actually, before teacher I thought MH would have died first, like a catalyst for them powering forward, especially since MH's life has been building around this, around his brother, around Myung Hee, around his dead uncles and aunts, once it's over...he said he was going to go away, as if he doesn't really know what to do....so I think, it's possible that he'll die. Thought, after teacher's death, his death wouldn't move the plot forward, unless of course his death would be the nail in the coffin for Elder and co, because MH is not an ex-convict like Teacher or an disgraced ex-cop, he's a star journalist, a public figure who has made noises about conspiracies and shady government deals.

Maybe, 20 years ago, people like that can disappear but now? With the internet and twitter and youtube and stuff? With people having social media, with opinions that can't be shut done (even when they should)?....Making Moon Ho disappear would be stupid.


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I've thought they'll go that route with him for a while now. They've been laying that groundwork since the start of the show.


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NO god noooooooo! please please NO! *not gonna believe it for one second!*


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gil-han... dead.
JH's dad... dead.
teacher... dead.
myung-hee... in a wheel-chair, seizing every time her daughter is mentioned.
moon-shik... getting his comeuppance soon?

we reached our quota of dead friends. and moon-ho wasn't one of the initial five anyway. i think the writer will find another way to go around the trope here. i hope so anyway...


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And how many more should die? I keep wondering why the good guys kept dying and the bad guys never loses. If there is one person that I hope would die is creepy OCD secretary!


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He cannot die!!!!!

Been so good watching his development in the story :(

This show is gonna be the death of me. Tues/Weds are write-offs for me cos of this


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YES! his character development in the show is one of the highlights. Please writer-nim, don't kill him off.


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Oh dear, I can't hold back my tears while watching YS confess to her dad about already finding her birth mom. And now I'm crying again reading that scene's recap! Best dad ever! And how great is ahjussi's reaction! Cried buckets! Great scene.

Ok, off to continue reading again. Tears gone now :-D


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I know! That scene had me in tears too, but then I saw ahjussi's reaction and I couldn't help bursting out in giggles! Hahaha that expression was priceless.


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@pastmidnite, Healerruinedbel

I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one tearing up too :)


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Hurrah Javabeans thank you, thank you, thank you!

Nooooo I am only halfway through watching Ep 17 subbed! You are so fast as ever, JB! I will come back later to read and comment again. :D


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I am just gonna go catch it with subs too!!!


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Awesome fun !

I was fully prepared for the episodes to take a somber note as the previous one and be full heavy but it picked up so much and ended in a high note with me fist pumping in the air!!!

Without subs, I thought I was the one who didnt understand what the scooby gang was about to do, but as I read the recaps, it was nice writing. The way moments were pulled together to that one moment!!!!

Bravo, Show ! And yes SJN!!!

None of my comments can go without appreciating SJN!!!


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I appreciate that despite the fact that we're treading on heavy material right now, the show still throws us all these comedic moments. The "girlfriend" fiasco with Moon Ho was priceless! Cafe Ahjusshi's funny crying face. Young Shin waving to Ahjumma to the latter's exasperation.

Never thought I'd hear JCW cry out "Blood! Blood!" again. EK Ta Hwan throwback feels. LOL!

I am also convinced that Moon Ho is the captain of Jung Hoo/Young Shin ship. UNCLE APPROVES VERY MUCH.


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And JH's impersonation of Teacher's speech pattern! Spot on! Precious.


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exactly... at first I thought something was odd with the audio :P :P , then I got that , he was imitating teacher :D


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And he did a great job of it too!


@fantasy and Omomo

I know right, it is so spot on! He truly is talented. When I first heard it I was like OMG teacher's voice!!


I was wondering all week why he wasn't using his Google Glasses to capture all the great confessions he was getting. LOL

And your comment..precious...along with JB's comment...tricksy... Is it just me or did anyone else think Secretary Oh was giving off a Gollum/Smeagol vibe this episode?


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ha!!!!! i just said that in another comment, without having read previous comments lol. he IS like gollum isn't he? so pitiful. so evil in a blink.

what does that make JH? frodo? lol. my favorite was sam though, and sam isn't heroic in the epic sense, but in the heart-warming kind. maybe aragorn lol?

and elder is sauron.

okay, now i feel like grabbing onto JH and saying "my precioussss" over and over. i swear i'm not secretary oh lol, i'll do it in a non-possessive manner too, after all, he's YS's man :D


LOL @Gidget good point, I was thinking his character reminded me of some creature but forgotten what that creature was and where it came from. It's from Lord of the Rings of course!!

"My preciousssssssssssss"


LOL @ uncle approves very much - he was totally steering them into collision! Right from the start! I love how he's been looking after them right from the start (from CYS's birth, even!) and that now, the driving motivator behind what he's doing is partly because he wants justice for all the injustice that's been caused, and partly because 'how would that look to the kids?'.


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Aw, I love it when he refers to them as "the kids".

It gives me this warm feeling of familiarity.


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I love MoonHo and the fact that he cares so much for the kids. It's they're his kids and family to them ♥


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This drama is never disappoint me!! Really.. day by day i just more and more in love with Healer.. plot, chara, tension are awesome!!! Romance, Action, Thrill, Comedy, Politic, awwww complete package!!


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Completely agree! this drama is daebak! THE complete package and top drama out there. It sets the benchmark for all other dramas to follow suite :)


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YES! the song choice ^^
I have been listening to it non-stop

still waiting on subs


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hehe same here :)


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Thx for the recap jb :)
Best episode ever !!!
Aww JCW voice in the new ost <3


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I find every episode is the best ever too ♥ this drama is too precious and rare to find these days. So many crap ones out there, this one is a hidden gem that finally got discovered and recognised by more and more people.


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And BTW, how awesome was our scooby gang four way conversation??!?!??

MOAR please , I want MOAR!!!

And I know they are hinting at some sacrifice by Moon Ho for the kids, but NO , Show, please dont do that.
You dont have to make us cry like that, we would do plenty of crying on our own!!

I just want these 4 to keep doing the broadcasting!!!! Moon Ho being the guardian!!! I so wanna see JH and YS fighting and YS going to MH to complain and all these random stuff!

Just now Moon Ho is happy, loving his work and being happy!!!

Please SJN!!!!!!!!


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That convo was the best, everyone in cahoots!


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I want more too! :D


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Oh no no no, you don't think SJN would go there and do that to Moon Ho??? It didn't even occur to me that would be a possibility, because I really like your idea of the "kids" bickering and needing Moon Ho to referee. I want to see that scene!!! It would be too precious for words!


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Nobody better touch uri Moon Ho samchun (sp?)!!! He's lived his life so filled with guilt before and has barely found a reason to live in JH and YS!! Let him be happy.

Like you said, I want YS to go to MH for counseling when she gets into fights with JH! How adorable would that be?


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Ha, I can imagine both of them heading on over to Moon Ho at different time, spilling their feelings, and then Moon Ho's like, "ya know, he/she just came over a couple hours ago and said the same thing."


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@Skyofblue Haha so true. He's become quite the confidante to both Jh and YS :) that's why we nees him safe and sound!


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Thank you so much JB, for another great and insightful recap+comments. I always find something new to learn about story-telling, acting, and kdrama just from your recaps and those mono-liners you sometimes throw in-between your recaps. Love them.

This winter has given me (maybe a lot of you viewers/commenters too) 2 delightful and heartful kdramas to squeel, feel, sob, cheer and shout about.

1. Healer
2. Kill Me Heal Me

Healer outshone all the rest of kdramas for me, at least for the recent 2-3 years I can remember. The acting was superb (my favs are JCW, YJT and all the actors/actress who acted the younger Healer 1.0 team), the story was unique (a night courier guy? with kickass skills and HOT looks? never seen one like this), and the execution tight and non-lazy. There is fun, there is sadness, there is revenge, there is excitment. This has got to be one of the most well-produced kdrama for a while.

I love JCW since Baek Dong Soo days. But my love for hims has doubled, trippled with Healer. He has proven and shown again and again how good an actor he is. For someone who doesn't have that many dramas under his belt, his performances in all his dramas are pretty impressive. You may not like the story of those dramas (melo, makjang) and you may even dislike his role (whinny weakling, baddie), but I guarantee you that JCW's acting makes him 1 of the few (very few) 20-something actors in Korea that can command respect with just his acting. If Ji Sung's KMHM rekindle my love for him as a 30-something veteran (ok ok gorgeous) actor, JCW's Healer deepened my love for him as 1 of the next-generation (ok ok gorgeous) actors who is capable of commanding presence & respect in movies, dramas and theatres.

Some people in another thread commented that JCW's eyes are so dull, or that his eyes only have 1 expression. HUH? Come watch Healer, you guys!! WATCH and see for yourself how expressive his eyes are and how his eyes alone can tell you a thousand stories without saying a word.

Go go Healer!


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Re your last paragraph:

I wouldn't worry about those who don't see JCW's expressive eyes. Ppl see what they want to see or don't want to see. When their heart is filled w love for another bias, they only see the good in him and none other.
Those comments aren't worth repeating IMO.


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Agree with you!

I supposed some of us will lose objectivity when it comes to our bias although it still pains me to see remarks like that ╯▂╰


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JCW eyes are among the most expressive eyes Ive seen in KDrama Land and Im always in awe at how he can do some serious acting with those. Whoever said that his eyes were dull probably wasnt looking.


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I haven't came across anyone who has eyes that are so expressive as JCW! Truly talented actor that guy is!


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So I don't get the person who said that his eyes are dull....I mean are they blind or what?? LOL


JWC's eyes are dull? Seriously? They must be kidding, right?


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One has to be pretty dull to call his eyes dull. IMO.


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Dullness is in the eye of the beholder then? :D
Seriously though, he is one of the actors who has the most expressive eyes. IMO.


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ROFL! haha


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One must be blind NOT to see the emotions overflowing from his eyes. Those eyes suck me in every... single... time! But I digress.


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Yeah, blinded by their LOVE for their Oppas. :D


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@Giegie that must be true, some fans are too blinded for their love their oppa....


They should be more open minded lol


His eyes? I'd call them soulful.


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@ gidget
I agree. Soulful. Melancholic.


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Yet, they can be mischievous, playful, sexy, longing, etc. whatever he wants them to be.
Dull??? HA.


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Cracked me up in ep 6 when he was on the phone with CYS and she admits to him that she has a crush on Healer then tells him she is comfortable speaking to him and that she feels like they are sisters. The look in his eyes then was precious! From Being touched and confused then giddy and incredulous. One of my favourite scenes!


Oh my, TOTALLY agree that his eyes are soulful!!

Love them and love the way they express his feelings!


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Oh perfect words. Soulful is the perfect description for those mesmerising eyes of his ♥


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Yes I was wondering the same thing too.. How is JH going to leave Elder's place in one piece? Just because it's a live feed doesn't mean Elder wouldn't dare to finish him off or simply make him disappear into thin air.

No matter how skilful a person is, Elder's house has a zillion minions to take Healer down!

Love the openness between JH & YS. Now I know why she don't dare to ask. I've always thought because she respects that his profession requires him to be "invisible" and that she trusts him 100%. I means she does, but then her worries steam from her abandonment, which I so appreciate because thinking that she was abandoned and then shipped from one orphanage to another, cum the physical abuse, I can understand why she is afraid of losing someone that meant a lot to her. So like what most people will think, by smiling prettily and don't ask questions is the best way to keep the person next to you.

Healer 2.0 is now officially formed and they sure work seamlessly with each other. Love that DaeYong is involved because she is THE 1 face that no one knows. Neither Elder ,MoonShik nor Detective Yoon know about DaeYong so she is like their secret weapon now.

Excellent episode that left bite marks on my finger! YES! I was literally biting my finger when JH went to Elder's liar and said "He's coming" and then the live feed and JH said "Hello" with that smirk look on his face!



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thanks for the recap, JB. Another great piece. @jusluvpink, i also love how you connected JH's response and assurance, "I am not like that.' with YS's 'smiling prettily and don't ask questions as the best way to keep the person next to you' as her way of explaining herself. And how everything clears up for both with this bit of conversation.

I thought the same way on the 'exit' that they may have planned. As MH once said to YS to protect her -- send her abroad or make her famous. So our gang thinks that once it is out on television, the villains would think twice about touching them. Well, there are degrees of villainy and I guess, poisoning and kidnapping would be their standard tools of trade. Dark clouds looming. It is good the next episode comes in a few hours time. Bring it on!!


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Yes, I also connected that to Episode 15 when she cried to Dad that she dared not ask questions or else that person may not leave. This consistency in characterisation is another proof of SJN's tight writing.


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Oooh good point about Daeyoung not being recognized by the baddies!! Hope to see more of her kickass skills in the next episode! :)


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yesss I would like to see her participating in more action too! She's a part of the gang so would like to see her more active. Or even I think would be great for a love line with that spy guy LOL


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Oh and how I love how Jung-hoo pulls his sweater up to cover his mouth! That scene when JH and YS are in their respective rooms, waiting for the other to call, it's in almost EVERY drama, but here imo it's executed perfectly. I can FEEL their emotions.

And him with his sweater neck covering his mouth like that...I'm dead.


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Such a lovely scene! SJN has a thing with writing beautiful phone conversations and voice overs.


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I love the juxtaposition between YS and JH side by side with the voice overs. That was so beautifully written that it felt like they really are having a convo with each other (telepathically).


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Been a silent Dramabeans reader until Healer...wow..it's just wow..Thank you for the recap!


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Great to see this drama got you to delurk like me as well :D


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This episode is simply DAEBAK. The way our OTP walking together on the road full of sunshine with JCW's song playing...sign totally swoon worthy. So glad there's no misunderstanding story plot device bs!!!

And It was so cool seeing Mr & Mrs Healer in action along with Moon Ho and Ahjumma. The last 10 mins was so intense that it had me on the edge of my seat screaming "NO you can't just stop here, i need moreeeee"

This show basically gives me everything i ask for and more. Whenever i see someone ranting about something, like how YS doubting JH, they address it in the very next episode. Big applause to Song Ji Na for this.


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Yep, there's no such thing as dragging out a conflict. Things get talked through and resolved. It's a wonderful thing. :D


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Hi 5! well said above - I applaud the writer for bringing us such a unique and awesome story. That OST was so sweet with the scene ♥


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YAY!! My OTP is back to normal and stronger than ever!!

WOO! For communication and understanding!

And HOORAY! For such an awesome episode! Mondays and tuesdays will definitely not be the same when Healer ends...


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This show and OTP has ruined me for all k-dramas to come. Song Ji Na is spoiling us with all the refreshing takes she's incorporating in the storyline. The lack of prolonged misunderstandings between the otp is such a breath of fresh air. I swear, in the next drama I take on, if I see witness some noble idiocy and fights that take AGES to resolve, I will drop it faster than a hot potato. And rewatch Healer to erase it from my mind. LOL.

I love it when a couple just TALK... you know? They have all these meaningful conversations, smoothing things out one steady step at a time. And they actually LISTEN to one another. Like a mature couple. So straightforward. It melts my heart.

Funny how Jung Hoo finds the prospect of talking to Young Shin's appa even scarier than being pegged as a murder suspect. Psssh. Priorities!


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*if I witness


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@Omomo ikr, communication is key in every relationship and it is more realistic for a couple to just talk it out and confront their issues. I hate when dramas drag on misunderstandings for so long. They get rather ridiculous quite fast.

Ha, who wouldn't be afraid of confronting their future in-laws if they had done something that shouldn't have been witness by their in-laws? JH is in deep trouble haha


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When they just talk...and the entire conversation only takes 16 words.


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Isn't that great? In just 16 words, the misunderstandings got resolved!


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I TOTALLY agree with you!!

Less time wasted on misunderstandings = more cute OTP moments = happy viewers!! LOL!!


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Agree! No misunderstanding would mean more important interactions between our OTP. It allows the team to work together more efficiently than having tension in the group.


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I know right! No stupid misunderstandings. Just honest sharing. Another thing is how they just *get* one another. Perhaps because of their childhood, they understand each other's loneliness and fears.



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They are perfect soulmates indeed. The two complete each other and equally need each other :)


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couldn't agree more --- all the writing in Healer makes sense and fun for the fans as well as the sadness, fear, of course.
And yeah, a quiet down even for the gungho YoungShin when the subject "talk to the Dad" came up.... Healer re watch value is really high in my book :) I'm not looking to the ending of this delightful Drama <3


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yep re-watch value would definitely be 10/10 for me.


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Will be trying something new in these remaining two weeks of Healer (Noooo!). I will gather all my determination and willpower to not watch the episodes raw, and to not read any recap before the subs are out. In this case alone, I tried my hardest not to scan through the ep.17 recap and went straight to the comments section, and lemme tell you, I would have cried if only I wouldn’t come off as weird and crazy. Im in the office, you see. Haha. Anyway, will be back here in the comments frenzy later after watching the subbed episode! Enjoy you guys!


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I legit don't know how I'm going to cope after Healer end. That is not a reality I can handle.


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Yes!! Me neither!! I guess I can just re-watch all the episodes all the time. But 20 episodes are too small a number for a lifetime. This is going to be an excruciatingly painful withdrawal stage. Or quite more aptly, the getting-back-to-reality-and-life-and-all-that-crap stage.


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I think we Healer fans need to all get together for a group therapy session and hug to deal with the withdrawal. *whimpers*


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Dramapenchant i like that!!!!


That's why I envy the S'pore gals so much. They can meet and cry together.
I envy Teru&Anna the most. KD-soulmates! What I wouldn't give to have one of those!


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I have hooked a friend onto Healer, but she has just started watching (is on ep 12 already however), started a couple days ago. I always have her to call and throw my feels to, thank goodness, but I don't know of people are going to understand my withdrawal.



Aww but the both of us also envy the Singapore girls as well - they're able to meet up as a group. I'm lucky I gotten Annabelle into this drama and she got hooked pretty fast to marathon it :) In fact she wasn't a Kdrama watcher at all until last year with my constant nagging that she decided to give City Hunter a try. That got her hooked hehe :P


I am mustering all my strength to keep myself from watching Ep 18 raw!


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I always watch the raw live, since I no longer have the patience to wait any longer for a new episode. That's what this drama has done to me :)


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I just LOVE this drama... It just makes me so gosh darn happy! I don't blame YS for being shocked at the sight of what she saw, as I believed that she would believe in him. I loved how they all worked as a team with Dae Young in the action too! Off to rewatch again as it was missing some subs but I usually rewatch it a hundred times anyway! Long live Healer!!!!


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I knew there wouldn't be a misunderstanding from YS since it would be so out of character for her. I'm glad to see that for her being hesitant at talking to JH was due to her fear of losing him if she asks too many things he doesn't want to hear - just like how she was abandoned by so many people in her life as a child.


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Glad we're still alive after the suspenseful, eventful ep 17.. I even feel the episode is shorter and time flies so fast while watching this episode..
Only 3 episodes left!! Here I wish none of the leads will die by the end.


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Swear, this episode didn't even feel like an hour long. Everything happened so fast! Dayum. I'm having so much fun.


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I know exactly what you mean, Omomo.


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Same here I feel like this episode was pretty fast. I marathoned episode 16 and 18 together. That really shows my enjoyment for the show for it to fly by so fast without even noticing that half of my day was already gone from just watching 2 episodes straight.


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I never thought of him as a villain. First, his best friends get themselves into a situation they can't manage, endangering all their band, the kids, and the woman he loves but kept silent about it all those years. (And he has no big dreams or high principles: I think he'd be perfectly happy managing the junkyard with the love of his life by his side.) And then, that scary man gives him a chance to save her, himself and his little bro. So he goes for it.


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Me too. My first impression of him was that he innocently stepped on a slippery slope when he decided to join the Elder's operation. And now he doesn't realize how corrupt he's become. The blood he's shed is actually on Secretary Oh's hands. And he thinks he's benefitting society by 'keeping the peace.'

But, man.... Were the subs right: Did Elder admit to killing over 30,000 people this episode? It kinda seemed like he did. Or were the 'disappearances' in the vein of the political purges and 'reeducation' campaigns of the early 1980s; and given as context for how insignificant it would be if MH disappeared?

Dude's got an awfully big farm if he's pulled 30,000 'weeds'.


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I dont think he meant that he killed all those 30,000 people. He just meant that like there are so many people went missing in a year(?), so if there is one more person (Moon Ho) goes missing (got killed), general public wont think much of it - they will treat it as just another missing case.


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@Wildfly, Gidget, Sun

I dont think MS is a bad person either. He was quite a loyal and quiet friend of this group. He seems weaker in character to me and it's not his fault that his friends got into a situation that went out of hand. Even MS got beaten and I'm sure threatened as well. If he doesn't cooperate then it's likely MHee would have died and his brother got killed disguised as an accident. Heck even MS would've been murdered too. So he did what he could to save the last two people he love and care for. He complied with Elder's requests and in return he has to be a loyal soldier to Elder.Over time I think his vision to what is right and wrong got blurred. He believed that what he is doing is protecting everyone but in fact it is not. I think MS's redemption would come when he realises that all that he's done have been the wrong choice and he regrets it.


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am i the only one having problems with the comments?


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What kind of problem exactly?

I can't submit comments from my laptop, always gives me a blank page after clicking submit :-( It's been like that for quite some time.

Have no problem on my phone, tho.


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i tried posting a few comments and they wouldnt show and then half an hour later they appeared :(


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Oh @nutella, you're not the only one. This happens to me too when posting comments. When comments gets hold up and appears later it means that it probably went into spam folder. remember how JB said that each comments goes through her email inbox? Well if too many links were posted or the message may seem like spam then it goes into spam folder and JB will have to fish those out. Hence the message "awaiting for modification" appears. That's what I think at least :)


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And thank you Javabeans for choosing JCW's song for this post! I LOVE that song sooooooo much!


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Yes thanks JB! This OST is great and I downloaded thanks to you :D


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JB-yaaa.. you recap are fab as song for today too..
it's relief that our OTP is more stronger now.. really love the whole story of this episode.. aaackk.. HEALER is sooo freakin' AWESOMELY DDAEBAKK..


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* the true Jung-hoo wakes up from hibernation and rejoins the land of the living *

And mops up after himself.



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IKR. Couldn't believe that he actually owns a MOP!!!


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Yes! I never thought I would squee at a guy mopping the floor LOL

I was like, OMG! The Healer is cleaning the floor with his mop! So hot! The guy likes his cleanliness! *swoon*


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I bet he only mops up so that next time CSY visits, she won't be repulsed.


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...until she sees that the only thing in his refrigerator is beer.

Maybe not repulsed, but it'd definitely be a roll-eyes moment.


haha after seeing all those rubbish he piles up, I though he never cleans but he does mop up after himself! Looks like we should give the poor guy more credit. Even the scene where YS and JH kiss - a lot of us thought he didn't shower/brush his teeth but SJN have written in the script that he has in fact washed himself up and gotten dressed before trying to push YS out of his house.


@ dukdam, all
That's a good one. The mop. How much all of us love this show. And how such little details make us love you even more.


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my kind of guy, willing to clean after his own mess. nice details


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it makes me fangirl so hard ♥


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When he threw the can to the wall, I was like, 'Dude, you shouldn't have done that! Coz you know you'd end up cleaning it later.'

And true enough! He mopped it himself! Nyahaha!


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Haha he mopped himself while talking to ahjumma too. Don't you love a guy who also multitasks?


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Thanks for the recap. I now understand better since I watched this episodes via live broadcast last night.

I really loved our OTP, they will not let any misunderstanding get in their way. They make it a point to talk and communicate. Loving each other is just an easy thing to do and that they do not make it hard for each other. Ahhh they are really madly in love. Again the "feels" of this drama. I just cant get of it. Too many feels, too happy, too warm. It's like i am falling in love again and again...WHOA


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If you really love someone and want to make the relationship work, you'll make an effort to talk through conflicts. Love should be easy. And it's obvious that our OTP really loves each other. They don't give up on each other easily. This I cannot say for other kdrama couples that let a slight misunderstanding get in the way. Healer-couple hwaiting!!! <3


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At then end I was so worried their plan was gonna fail since ex-Seoul mayoral candidate guy was running towards JH instead of Elder. But yas loving the suspense and action thank you SJN


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I was totally worried about that too, but thank god they got the actual Elder's face on camera. Phew!


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Ah, the birthday cookie wrapped in a napkin.

The tacks, so wasted. Where was the mega tire blowout of the van filled with da goons?

Best relationship fix up the mix up "Have you killed anyone?" "No." Nuff said.


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LOL right? What other relationship is that a question and answer? So simple yet also hilarious!


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Oh I agree with you! That scene where CYS confronted him was gold. I'm glad she trusts him. It was so sad watching him suffer alone. I'm they are back


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I guess writers didn't put in the fact that YS chooses to trust people more instead of doubt without a reason. She really does still trust the other 49 people even if she gotten betrayed by tht one person. Appa really taught her well to the point that it ingrained into her core personality. Her trust in other people is a trait of hers :)


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That was my favorite scene if this episode. I love how they don't overact, just perfect.


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yes no overreaction, just simple conversation to resolve any misunderstandings. I seriously love how she put her hands into his pockets afterwards too. She makes an effort herself to get closer to JH again :) Go YS! I love how she always takes initiative in things :)


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First off, JH finally called YS by "Young Shin-ah"!! <3 It's the little things, man.

Our gang finally all working together made me smile big time. But the best was YS and JH being adorable while ajumma wanted to them to stop and MH was smiling at their happiness.

YS's quite the sidekick. Checking herself out in the windows was hilarious. Also, the way JH just looks at her, thinking she's so adorable for being so into his line of work, and him always making sure that she's safe is swoonworthy.

Even ajumma has a soft spot for YS now! :D


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I want them to run some kind of a family-business of a Healer/Someday broadcasting gang, w ajumma and DY, w/o getting into too much danger. Is that like wanting to have your cake and eat it too?


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Yes please!! They really just have to keep doing what they've been doing.

With this show, I really don't think that's too much to ask... :D


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Oh yes please!!! I want that too hehe :D


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JH: I have to find out my father's tape
YS: I will help you
JH: I have to find out who framed me
YS: I will help :)
JH: and I have to meet your father
YS: That.....mmmmm......

LOL!!!! yes Jung Hoo ya that's the toughest job :P


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All prospective son-in-laws would fear meeting the parent LOL even uri bad-ass Healer.


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he needs to die first lol wait or is he referring to lawyer/barista dad?


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I want daddy cool to confront Jung Hoo for PDA :P ;) ha ha ha...


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The kiss goodbye...last episode.


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PDA = Public Display of Affections

Seriously where I'm from, I remember in highschool everyone keeps calling kissing and hugging in front of friends as PDA. And most of us will just tell the couple to get a room haha.

Anyway I hope that helps :)


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Thx. I was thinking:

PDA = Personal Digital Assistant, u know like a mini tablet, and,
When did J Ho do anything with Daddy's PDA?



Lol...it's certainly not that that's for sure haha :)


LOL!!! PDA I was wondering too!!!


Haha I thought of PDA - the gadget- too at first!


@ fantasy

Of course it'll be the toughest task. Meeting the girl's father always is after all, EVEN if:-

- JH had not acted without so much as a by your leave before, OR
- Had not hugged and kissed in front of Daddy,

it would still be a tough job. Sill, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, to get the girl. Just let me be there to watch it. :-D


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Ooh, so THAT was what YS and Mhee was talking about in MHee's room! I was dying to know last night! Thank you so much, JB, for your recap (I couldn't thank you enough) *hugs*

I'm gonna decipher every scene, aren't I? Hahahaha sorry y'all :-D coz this episode is SOO good. I can't resist. Okay, I think I should finish reading first, then comment LOL


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Sorry, changed my mind hahahaha I HAVE to say (ok, write) something now!

I also loved the scene between Secr Oh and JH. When Secr Oh turned around and saw Healer behind him, I nearly had a heart attack. Well, in a good way. (How would a heart attack be like that, don't ask me. It's what Healer does to you).

Then I'm almost ashamed to feel kinda sorry for Secr Oh when he tried to put the books scattered by JH back to shelf. How could a cruel, murderous man be so pathetic..and JH's reaction to Secr Oh is so priceless!


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I agree with you about the secretary. He might be the most pitiful character on the show. He looked so small in the scene with the books. At the end of the day, he really doesn't have any power and is probably going to take the fall for everything, since he is the main executer of dastardly deeds.


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Which makes you wonder Why the hell is be willing to do all that for the Elder.
I still say he loves the Elder. Hee hee hee.
Why else do they make him behave in such an effeminate manner?


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I want to hear the sentence Secretary Oh says after "If it's to protect Moon Shik...."


oh a secret love with Elder. I'm so up for that ship LOL ;)


Exactly! Sec Oh's reaction when JH starts throwing the books on the floor is epic.

He's like screaming in his head: "DON'T" And the way JH plays with him. HAHAH priceless.

Sec oh is really so pitiful. It's hard to believe that the man who is loyal to Elder and orders so many killing; is taken down by a couple of falling books.


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I was thinking the character was given a Gollum/Smeagol duality in this episode. And Healer's comment about being thankful he didn't kill him because he was so pathetic, was distinctly Bilbo.


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@Gidget that's such a good comparison. I like how you connected Sec Oh to Gollum character from LOTR :)


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Ahjummaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *squealing for ahjumma *I wanna grow old like ahjummaaaa *ahjummaaa is so coooool

Truly sorry for spazzing here XD
*singing I'm the best - 2ne1 ala ahjumma


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"I wanna grow old like ajumma".

Great sentiment. Isn't she one cool chick? OK, not a spring chick, but v cool chick, which is even better!


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Yes, and that's what makes me squeal even more about her, even more than when I see Young shin and Jung Hoo in a couple scene (there, I finally let it out in the open). Not that I don't squeal incoherently when our OTP is on the screen, but whenever I see Ahjumma I spontaneously react (mainly laughing or squealing at her expression).

There's no limit to her coolness, right? XD
The way the character is written and the way the actress playing her, that's just gold in my eyes. That's why now whenever I see a cctv hanging anywhere, ahjumma popped up in my mind.


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I'm so with you, Alinka.


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Is it just me or the moment when DY came to Someday and JS was staring at her (..for a bit too long) hinted that they might end up together?? Eee

Praying that MH will have his happy ending and praying that YS's retch was just that.

Super excited to see how JH's gonna get out of there. HE MUST CUZ THERES 3 EPS LEFT


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They would be such an adorable couple!


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Yea! DY would probably be bossing him around and they would replace otp's title as "the kids"


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Hehe those two are cute. I want to see this ship set sail too! DY and JS would make a perfect couple. I read somewhere that people are wanting daeYong to call Jongsoo , Jongsookie. As in a Bongsookie version 2. JongSookie ♥


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That gaping look he threw her on the stairs must mean something! Heehee. They would be so cute.


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ya...eotteoke...you must get there out alive.....***going ballistic*** ooops i forget this is kdramaland...sorry i got carried away....he he he he...luv it...


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hehe glad to know you're like everyone of us here :) we feel ya :)


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I absolutely loved the plot of this episode! Everything was so tight and neat.

When I tried to watch the ep raw (I miss so much. Maybe I should just be patient and wait for subs), I thought she was typing "geu sarang" into her phone. The words look so alike!

Also, isn't Healer just the most considerate? "Watch your feet," and "the door's closing, your legs, your legs!" XD I burst out laughing. So many good moments in this episode. I can't bring myself to think about anything else except the anticipation for tomorrow's installment!


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@ Volumnia
Same things got be laughing out loud! Consideration was not the first thing on his mind I think ... just wanted to slam the door on them and run off, but their legs got in the way! LOL!


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Ahaha I LOL'd too! It's kinda true to the Healer in many ways. Healer doesn't kill or hurt people intentionally :)


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