
Healer: Episode 15

Sweet! It’s a breath of fresh air to be able to sit back and bask for a while, because I dunno about you guys but I could use some recovery time from all the weeping and heart-wringing I did before. And with the plot continuing to speed along, I actually find myself able to enjoy the cheeriness more, because while I love romantic fluff (and would happily take tons of it, angst-free), you don’t always want it to happen at the expense of development, because then it feels like filler. Better to get adorable cuteness and forward movement in one fell swoop!


Just – “그대 때문에” (Because of you) from the Healer OST [ Download ]

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So, that kiss. As Jung-hoo finally stops pushing Young-shin away and kisses her, it intercuts with memories of their first one on that rooftop, finally bringing together those two identities into one.

A short while later, we see two mugs side by side on the table, two sets of shoes intermingled on the floor, and two people lying in bed next to each other. Okay, the drama didn’t show us anything, but just knowing that they got an offscreen bed scene makes me happy enough.

Jung-hoo contentedly watches Young-shin sleeping, and looks adorably disgruntled when she starts to turn away from him in her sleep. He slowly slides his arm under her shoulders, and as she turns back into his side, he cradles her with both arms, going back to sleep with her head tucked under his.

When she wakes up, the spot next to her is empty, and she stretches awake… and finds Jung-hoo still looking down at her from the other side. They smile bashfully at each other, and then he ducks under the covers to join her.

Another cut later (yay! Y’know, I’m just going to be happy for them that there’s so much need to presumably cut), and Young-shin towel dries her hair after a shower. Jung-hoo takes over the task, and for a brief moment her eyes are covered by the towel, her mouth exposed, not unlike it was during their rooftop kiss. Ha, he goes in for one, only to have her inadvertently interrupt him by pulling the towel, and she catches him staring.

Later as he watches her yet some more, he envelops her in a hug and thinks, “I thought it was a dream. I don’t usually dream much, and wondered why this one was lasting so long.” As Young-shin tends to his injured arm, he can’t keep his hands to himself, touching her head and cradling her in his lap, adding, “So I kept needing to confirm whether it was real, or maybe not. And then I would think, Is it okay for this to be real?

He really can’t leave her alone for even a second, needing to hold on every moment, even when she’s doing something as mundane as cooking. He hovers around, dangling over her shoulder, and when she pushes back for some room, he just sneaks a kiss. And you know, she doesn’t really mind that so much.

He insists on walking her out, and she waves goodbye and boards the bus… only to have him step onto the bus at the last minute. He pulls her into the last row and squeezes her into the corner, loath to let any opportunity to be together pass him by.

Young-shin concedes to let him tag along for just one stop, but she can’t really pretend to be annoyed for very long and they cuddle some more. So he gets off at the next stop, and they wave goodbye for ages as her bus pulls away.

Back at home, Jung-hoo logs back online and talks to Min-ja, saying that he’s getting confused between real and fake, particularly since Healer work requires him to take on fake identities. Every time he steps out into the world, he’s been somebody else, “But when I’m with her I have to be real.”

He pauses to wonder, “But the real me? What is that? Does that exist?”

Ajumma just grumbles that he’s thinking too much, and that he shouldn’t: “When you think, you cause trouble.” Jung-hoo thanks her sincerely, to which she responds by totally ignoring him, because we know she’s a gruff ol’ teddy bear. And when Jung-hoo heads out “to find the real me,” she sighs that it’s time for a switch. She must mean Healers.

When Moon-ho arrives home, he’s surprised to find Jung-hoo waiting for him with a conciliatory six-pack of beer. Moon-ho’s glad to see him, and says he was worried.

He asks if Young-shin knows about his identity, and Jung-hoo says she figured it out. He’s thinking over how much he should tell her, but she isn’t asking any questions. Moon-ho catches on with a smile: “You like Ji-an. That’s why you can’t tell her—who she is, who her father is, or about your father.” Moon-ho asks for his understanding since that’s how he was—he liked Myung-hee and Ji-an, and therefore couldn’t tell them what he knew.

Jung-hoo gets down to business, saying that he wants revenge for Teacher’s death, and to clear his father’s name. He also wants to know when he can tell Young-shin her mother is alive. Moon-ho readily agrees, but wants to wait to tell Young-shin until it’s safe for Myung-hee—so, after they’ve accomplished the first two goals.

Jung-hoo doesn’t argue, and asks what method Moon-ho has come up with for taking down their evildoers. Moon-ho replies that he only has one way: “The method used by your father and Chae Young-shin’s father, the method I’ve only imitated my whole life. Do you want to try it with me for real?”

They drink to it, and Jung-hoo adds that Moon-ho was right about him liking Young-shin: “Just know that.” Moon-ho just smiles knowingly.

With that, they get to work. Moon-ho debriefs Jung-hoo on the facts: Moon-shik began working for the Elder in 1992. He struck out on his own years later, and the Elder sent him Secretary Oh, who’s got a few false identities, including that of a lawyer.

“The relationship between those two is quite interesting,” Moon-ho says, describing Moon-shik and his secretary as the two sides of a coin. With Secretary Oh carrying out all the dirty work, Moon-shik gets to keep his image pristine. Moon-ho notes that sometimes it really seems like his brother believes he’s done nothing wrong, like he can’t remember, and that’s why Moon-ho was fooled for so long.

That certainly seems true as Moon-shik arrives at the hospital to deal with Teacher’s funeral arrangements, calling him a dear friend and wanting only the finest. He looks genuinely bereaved as he carries his friend’s picture, as though he’d had nothing to do with his death.

Dressed in funeral black, Jung-hoo slips into the hospital to get to Teacher’s ashes first, leaving a box in place of the one he takes. He sees Moon-shik leaving the hospital with the decoy ashes, telling his Teacher that he couldn’t leave his remains in those hands. Jung-hoo promises to scatter the ashes in the South Pacific that Teacher liked so much.

At the Someday offices, Moon-ho directs his staff on their next broadcast. Thanks to their double agent Jong-soo, they’ve gotten their hands on Moon-shik’s prepared question list for his live television speech. Jong-soo has fed back information to the enemy that Someday is preparing something big, to coincide with Moon-shik’s broadcast. They predict that Moon-shik’s side will be beefing up cyber security in anticipation.

Moon-ho instructs Young-shin to talk with Detective Yoon as planned, and assigns her to work with a freelancer while Bong-soo is out on a leave of absence.

So Young-shin heads out to connect with the contact, and wouldn’t you know—there’s Jung-hoo, waiting to meet her. He greets her as though it’s their first time speaking, and finally provides a name: “I’m Seo Jung-hoo. I’m the freelancer who will need your help today.”

She repeats his name a few times, trying it out. “Seo Jung-hoo. Seo Jung-hoo-sshi. Or just… Jung-hoo-ya?”

I love how readily they fall into banmal (we can thank Bong-soo for making it so easy), and he apologizes for taking so long to get to this point. She smiles and says, “We finally meet,” and he smiles back at her.

And then she adds that he deserves a few blows anyway, and kicks him several times. Ha, I think he got off easy, all things considered.

They pull up to the police station, and she asks if he’ll disguise himself in order to go inside. He replies that his method is to use whatever is at his disposal, depending on the situation, and then clips a miked barrette into her hair. He tells her to say something, and she barks into it loudly, “I miss Park Bong-soo!” Don’t we all.

Jung-hoo follows Young-shin into the station, keeping his distance to make it look like they’re separate parties while she checks in. Then as soon as she’s granted access, he acts like he’s with her, which gets him past the checkpoint.

He has to leave her while she meets with the detective, so Jung-hoo issues advice like a nervous mother hen. When he starts to explain how to react if danger were to befall her, Young-shin points out that she’s in a police station, surrounded by police officers. With that, she joins Detective Yoon, having agreed to exchange information: He’ll tell her about President Hwang’s death, if she tells him about the Healer.

Jung-hoo continues upstairs for his own mission, disguising himself in a police uniform, and can hear over Young-shin’s mic as Detective Yoon excuses himself to work on a network server change that they’re kicking off in fifteen minutes. Ajumma realizes what Detective Yoon is doing and barks out a string of curses, calling him crazy.

Apparently her last hack must have pushed him to extremes, because now he’s decided to shut out all access to the police network from the outside. Yes, this blocks her out, but she’s offended in principle too, since it makes it impossible for the police to access their own network from outside the physical station.

Jung-hoo reminds her that that’s not her problem, and they return to the task at hand. She directs him to find any computer terminal to use as their entry point to the system, and it’s important to get in before the server reset in fifteen minutes.

So Jung-hoo caaaaasually sits himself down at a desk, trying to look as unobtrusive as possible. But his attempt to log in turns up an error page, and Min-ja deduces that even if all the police computers have been cut off from outside access, Detective Yoon needs at least one access point, and it’s bound to be his own computer. Time’s ticking.

When Detective Yoon asks Young-shin for her intel on the Healer, she thinks fast and admits the truth about meeting him. Then she gasps dramatically, pointing out the door. That’s him! He’s here!

Excited, Detective Yoon follows as she runs down the hall, zooming right past Jung-hoo, directing the officers far, far away. On her way out she marks Yoon’s computer by flinging her hat onto it, then surreptitiously motions for Jung-hoo to find that desk.

Jung-hoo heads into the cyber office and sits down at Yoon’s station. A few keystrokes later, he’s granted ajumma access. He’s out before anybody even notices.

Young-shin leads the cops all the way outside, at which point she stops in confusion and admits that she thought it was him—you know, this guy she has a crush on. HAHA. I’m so embarrassed for her even knowing she’s lying, and the look on Detective Yoon’s face is priceless.

The detective dashes back inside, not even noticing as Jung-hoo walks past him on his way out. Jung-hoo sternly lists all the violations she’s just committed, like interfering with police duty. She sighs heavily (“I know, it’s what I get for meeting such a boyfriend”), before dissolving into giggles: “This is such fun!”

She runs back into the station while he gapes in disbelief, though I notice the word he gets hung up on is “boyfriend.”

Moon-shik receives confirmation that Jung-hoo did in fact arrive from Russia recently—at least, the customs logs check out. But Secretary Oh has photos of “Bong-soo” taken by their police mole, from before Jung-hoo’s supposed arrival in the country. This just convinces Moon-shik that Jung-hoo is the Healer, and that he’s got the skills to change customs records.

Secretary Oh then plays the recording of the recent phone call between Young-shin and Myung-hee. Of course you’re tapping your wife’s phone.

Moon-shik confirms that Jung-hoo grew up without parents, and Young-shin grew up surrounded by ex-convicts. “So they never learned to acclimate to society,” he says, deciding that it’s his “duty” to step in. Oh, like you’re doing them a favor all of a sudden, Uncle Moon-shik? This man sure has a gift for reframing the truth for his needs.

At the station, we finally get an ID on the police mole who’s been feeding information to the bad guys. Ajumma gets his name, Park Ki-jung, and sends it along to Jung-hoo, who can’t shake his nervousness at leaving Young-shin at the police station, not after Teacher died there. But Min-ja warns him to stick to the plan.

Resuming their chat, Young-shin describes her Healer encounters to Detective Yoon. Her story is mostly true, but in light of recent events he’s now eyeing her with skepticism. Ajumma asks her to stall a bit longer, and Young-shin goes on, somehow making the truth sound silly and inconsequential.

Detective Park gets an alarming text from an unknown source, attaching a photograph of his meeting with Secretary Oh. His home address is listed, upping the creepiness.

Jung-hoo arrives at that apartment and gains entry. There’s a family photo inside but no family—they’re in Canada. Jung-hoo links the computer for ajumma to search, and proceeds to look around for clues.

Jung-hoo finds the important documents hidden in the toilet tank, which contains bankbooks under a false name. There’s also a vial containing a drug. He snaps photos, which then get texted back to Detective Park, who howls in frustration as he speeds home.

Moon-ho receives the same photo texts, including the log of bank deposits. He calls Detective Yoon, who’s still sitting with Young-shin, and offers up a deal, dangling tantalizing information as incentive for the police to cooperate. He says he knows about the Healer (the Teacher version) and wants to catch the person who killed him, and forwards the damning texts to the detective. Basically, one of their own is taking money regularly from the enemy—he’s a mole.

Detective Yoon bolts out of the office, gathering his team to go after their mole, Detective Park. Moon-ho offers to hand over all his information, with the condition that they be allowed to cover the case and broadcast the arrest. Which is asking for a lot, since the police would be exposing that a police officer murdered someone while in custody.

Unable to get in touch with Detective Park, the cops head out for his home next. Already Jong-soo’s on hand to film the action, while Young-shin grabs the mic to begin reporting on the scene.

Detective Park arrives home and sees that his valuable documents have been taken. He calls Secretary Oh in a panic, who stops him to ask suspiciously, “Which phone are you calling from?” He disconnects.

Detective Park grabs a suitcase and starts packing. Seconds later, Jung-hoo comes at him from behind and easily subdues him, wryly noting the futility of fugitives who stop to pack instead of just running.

Outside, the detectives and our reporters screech up to the building and race inside. The reporters get left behind at the packed elevator, so Young-shin just reports from there on the fly, interviewing the detective who’s been left behind.

When the cops get to Park’s door, they find a trail of Post-It notes with arrows drawn on them, leading them to a set of keys. Inside, the evidence is laid out neatly on the kitchen table. Healer is so helpful! Either that or he doesn’t trust the cops’ intelligence, which, frankly, doesn’t seem an unwarranted fear.

Another arrow points to the router, and then in the other room, they find their colleague, bound and gagged and shamefaced.

The reporters film his arrest as he’s loaded into the cop car. Jung-hoo joins Young-shin in front of the building and asks, “Miss, do you have some time?” Young-shin all but rolls her eyes and asks ajumma via her hairpin mic not to teach him such corny dialogue.

Ha, and poor Jong-soo finishes filming and turns around to find that he’s been ditched again. I so want Jong-soo to be able to watch the Healer drama after everything’s over, so he can finally see just how much he’s been missing all along.

Flashback scenes take us back to 1980, focusing on Teacher in his role as the motorcyclist diversion while his friends broadcast out of the truck. Moon-ho narrates to the camera the story of friends who were targeted for daring to expose the truth ignored by the media, and how Teacher spent eleven years in prison for that crime.

The Someday broadcast connects dots, painting the picture of a Teacher who had known dangerous things about important people, and died in custody.

Moon-ho outlines the monthly deposits made to Detective Park’s accounts, and the recorded call from Park to Secretary Oh gets played, which is pretty damning with the mention of them “catching on” and needing to run.

Moon-ho makes the link between Secretary Oh and Moon-shik—and then connects both men to the Teacher kidnapping. They even show the CCTV footage placing Moon-shik at the scene of the kidnapping on that day. Damn, he’s done his homework. Kudos, Moon-ho.

Watching from home, Moon-shik fumes and heads up to see Myung-hee… who happens to be watching that very broadcast. It’s only now that she realizes her old friend is dead, and Moon-shik fumbles to explain that he didn’t tell her because he didn’t want to upset her. She won’t look him in the eye and asks him to leave her alone, and all he can do is step aside. She closes her door in his face.

She turns her attention back to Moon-ho’s broadcast as he says that there are too many people who suffer unjust deaths but don’t merit so much as a mention in the newspaper. “Even if we can’t tell all of their stories,” he says somberly, “we wanted to tell at least one of them.”

Once again, his staff is pulled into his thrall, as Moon-ho concludes, getting a little choked up, “We remember you. To let you know this, we made this broadcast today. Thank you for watching with us.” Once again he bows his head to the audience in sign-off.

Damn, Moon-ho is good. He has a way of speaking that makes people sit up in awe, and it puts a tear in my eye.

Young-shin and Jung-hoo watch together, cuddled close, with Teacher’s ashes sitting on the table before them. Young-shin asks whether Teacher was a good guy, and Jung-hoo shakes his head: “Nope. He was a perverted old man.” She smiles and notes, “But you still liked him.” Jung-hoo says yeah.

She comments that he’s got a lot of good people around him, listing off ajumma and Teacher: “And me too. Of them, I’m the best.”

Jung-hoo holds her tight and thinks back to Teacher, and what it was like being instructed by him, and exasperated by him, and abandoned by him. But even that doesn’t have the old sting anymore.

Moon-shik calls Moon-ho that night, and as usual, their tones are both artificially light while both of them are fuming underneath the surface. Moon-ho pointedly addresses his hyung formally as mayoral candidate, saying that “we” have only just begun, noting that Moon-shik doesn’t have an “us” to refer to.

On the contrary, Moon-shik says patronizingly that Moon-ho’s still young, and that he does have an “us.” He describes his side as being held together by a sense of collective survival, where even though they’ll fight, they’ll stick together. Moon-ho’s team, on the other hand, is held together by nothing substantial, calling Moon-ho’s entire mission a flimsy justification.

Moon-ho struggles to tamp down his anger when his brother asks if “those kids” have faith in him. Moon-ho warns him not to mess with the kids, no matter how low he sinks.

Moon-shik returns, “Isn’t it you who messed with them first? They grew up okay—why stir them all up? I hear you still have nightmares. Shouldn’t it be enough that you suffer like that, and not make the kids do it too?”

Moon-ho asks if he can take this phone call as a declaration of war. Moon-shik chuckles that Moon-ho was the one to issue one first, via the broadcast.

In the morning, Jung-hoo wakes up in bed (sadly alone), and reaches for his phone. But as he calls Young-shin, she picks up another call, giving him the busy signal.

It’s Myung-hee, who asks to meet and invites her to the house. Young-shin accepts happily, and rushes out of the house, where she’s greeted by a driver with a fancy car. Seated inside is Moon-shik, who makes it sound like he’s here on his wife’s errand. Uh-oh. No no no. Bad!

Young-shin tries to decline but is persuaded into the car, and he comments on her not driving herself. She admits to having a fear of it, and supposes that it must be linked to some kind of childhood trauma. Sometimes she dreams about being on a dark road at night with cars zooming past her, and that’s a tidbit that makes Moon-shik’s face cloud over.

Then he slaps the smile back on and has his chauffeur drive on.


It was only a small glimpse, but I found one of the big intriguing moments of the episode to be the comment that Moon-shik doesn’t seem to view himself as culpable—and that he doesn’t even seem to remember sometimes. I don’t know if Moon-ho means that he just acts that way convincingly, which is entirely possible, or if there’s actually a deeper kind of psychological dissociation going on in Moon-shik’s mind, but I find it a fascinating prospect. It certainly fits in with what we’ve seen of his character thus far, where he so cleverly twists every situation to suit his needs at the moment.

We saw it several times in this episode alone, such as how he first sighs about “those children” being left to live wayward lives that he must now step in to intercept them from… and then later tells Moon-ho that the kids grew up totally fine and blissfully ignorant, and that Moon-ho would be the evil one for shaking up their peace for his own selfish ideas of justice or whatever. Both times I felt like he was totally talking crazy talk, but making it sound chillingly sane. In fact if we hadn’t seen him swing from one extreme to its opposite in such a short period of time, I might even think he believed himself when he was making all his justifications. Funny how he’s really the one with the flimsy justifications, but he manages to project that onto his brother and make it sound plausible.

So in that context I do cut Moon-ho some slack for his earlier inactions, because Moon-shik is a master mind-manipulator. My question is whether he manipulates himself while he’s at it—does he allow himself to fall into the illusion, or is he always in control? I’m not sure, but the question is intriguing. In any case, I believe Myung-hee is the key to understanding, because she’s been his reason for hurtling forward, however misguidedly. Now that she’s on her way to fracturing that bond, he’ll soon be adrift and then we’ll have to see what happens.

Speaking of adrift, I did love how quickly our main couple fell into step with each other, once they got past the whole deception-lies-denial part of the relationship. It’s gratifying to see how much Young-shin means to Jung-hoo not just as a romantic love interest, but as a symbol for so many other aspects of his identity. And you know what’s better than a hero with secret identities being tortured by his various facades? A heroine who gets a total kick out of the skulking, and proves to be a handy partner—she’s way more fun being an active participant than the object, or the damsel needing rescue.

I love that Jung-hoo’s puzzling over the question of who he is, when all along he hasn’t bothered to think of it. His core persona has meant just as little to him as the disposable disguises he adopts for each job, and that speaks to his emptiness in not having a reason for living. He has no idea of who he is, and no reason has existed to prod him into figuring it out, because what did it matter?

His primary motivator for wanting to find himself may be Young-shin, but I appreciate that it’s not just about romance here. I think of her as something of an anchor for his lost soul—not necessarily saving him single-handedly but providing a crucial point of reference, a guiding light that will lead him to himself. Because while I love them in love, I find it significant that they are both in need of figuring out for themselves who they are and how they fit into this world—it’s less of the you-complete-me mentality and more of them spurring each other to complete themselves, so they can be together as whole people.


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Wow, I keep trying to figure out something to write about this episode. But I just can't. It's just...it's too...I love it.

But seriously though. I tried to write when the recap first came out and just couldn't really form thoughts, partially because I hadn't slept in 24 hours, but mostly because this episode is too awesome for me to even know what to write about.

All I can say is that even with all the precious scenes at the very beginning, my favorite part was still their 'date'. LOL, I love how he tries to let her in on his Healer activities, in order to show her what his life has been like and make her a part of it. And I love it even more that all she wanted was Park Bong-soo, all like, "who is this guy suddenly so in control? I just want my hoobae back!!!" That is, until she got a taste of how fun it is to have Healer for a boyfriend (Omg, has anyone mentioned how cute they are? LOL a thousand times now? Okay, just checking).

But anyway, I really enjoyed getting to see her hear the interactions between Jung-hoo and ahjumma first hand because the moments between them, for us, have been the most telling so far of who Jung-hoo is. For much of the drama, whenever Jung-hoo is interacting as his true self, it's with ahjumma. So it's nice to see Young-shin getting to hear some of their banter and witness for herself how they work as a team.

Thanks for the recap! Your commentary at the end is great and perfectly captures how I felt about much of what happened this episode.


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Hi Chandler! I see you have resurrected yourself is no longer a "ghost" (your UN is back to normal) lol.

Their dates are always so unconventional! First, the literal 'blind date' and now an undercover date. Gah. I love this couple. Love you writer-nim for not sticking to the usual!


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*and are no longer

Argh. I keep making typos. I swear I'm not doing it on purpose! Haha.


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Haha, the next episode is almost here so I had to come back to life once again!

I know! They are so winning together :D


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@ Chandler and Omomo

+100 their becoming Team Healer with Ahjumma and their fun 'work' date. I wish there could be lots more, although with 4 episodes and an interfering MS, that may be hard. :(

Wow, now thinking about it, I'd really love for a Special where the whole episode is just about them on 'working' dates and getting the better of the police, while providing them with missing information. Fan fiction, anyone???


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Oops..only one more hour to go.... Let the craziness begin... I will be homeless soon because of you healer !


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Oooh, I'm back and just in time to settle in and catch the next episode.

Who's watching live streaming tonight???
Anyone else?

We have 40 minutes to GO!!!!!


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Can't watch as I am driving back home..but will be here to read your live feed ;-)


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I am :D LOL I should really be catching up on sleep...but I can't resist!


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me2 ...This time I absolutely cannot wait for the subs :D


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Just loaded up the page ready for live stream! Never done this in my years of watching kdrama...Healer is driving me crazy (and I'm loving it!)


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Hope streaming works for Healer...


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me! off to watch!


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Unfortunately it's not night for me. It's just after lunch time! But I'm hoping now to catch the last half hour! Eeeeeeeee *biting on nails*


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the first part of the ep was d'awwwww (and also eeeeee :D)

the second part was kind of comedic... which strangely i think i don't appreciate as much as the angst...

and the ending... well, not too much suspense, because if KMS does something to her, lol, she has a whole host of bad bear guys to protect and/or revenge her. it better not be revenge, lol, we're 5 eps from the ending :D

Jh bounced back rather fast after teacher's death and the depression... then again, he had a biiiiiig support lol. so to speak :D this might be the first drama i watched where they're so explicit. i KNOW what they did under that blanket lol and they definitely weren't stopping at holding hands :D

and that's perfectly okay with me lol.

can someone please clue in the police on what's happening? i don't like the detective, but he's kind of pathetic. if i were him, i'd question YS until she told everything, she can't keep a secret. and that also provided JH a reason to become bear-cub protective lol.

soooooo... next KMS will threaten JH and so YS will leave him - and his broken heart - til the next time they meet (about 5 minutes after she leaves him via cell message lol).

i bet on that :D


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Hi, anyone on KBS2 streaming now? There's a popup when I click 'On air'. From my understanding of Korean, seemed like saying it's not available now!


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I facing that too now :( If this does not work in the next hour, it's going to be sooo sad.... I'll just have to comfort myself with the subbed Ep 15 instead :) .


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Yeah, I'm noticing that. I've gotten that message before, but then I clicked on it again and it worked. Now, it's just not. Hmmmm...


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I rushed home from work today just to watch live streaming, hope it will be good by 10.


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@Nee @GB @Chandler

I caught the live steaming of ep 16 on my android device via the app olweb.tv. Video quality was good. You can also get it for your desktop apparently, but you'd have to disable your ad-blocker to view content. Haven't tried the desktop version myself though.

I know you try to view the show through the official portal to help boost the ratings, but ........ if all you want is to just watch the streaming, then you now know there's another option for you.

For the live streaming of ep 17 perhaps?


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Thanks patinalee! This is another alternative we can try. :)


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Is anyone having trouble with the streaming tonight? Last night it connected immediately, but not tonight!!! *worry worry*


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Having problems as well. It worked well last night.


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Yup, yup .... well it is miles away and the underground cable or whatever means it is sent around the world could be affected by something or other. *sigh* There's only Dramabay then for me. Can't find it on YouTube which might lag a lot too and have problems with MyAsianTv.


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Try DailyMotion or Dramabay. The quality of the video sucks but hey, at least you will be able to watch it :D. I can't wait! :D


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KBS1 etc. are all working. It's just KBS2. Wonder why...


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yup. kbs2 doesn't work... :(
but last night, i have watched it on youtube.
the screen was a little closer but it was continuous.
i'll be watching here again today since i can't access kbs2.



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Heard it is because the program right now does not allow online stream rights. It should be available for Healer.


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Okay, I was thinking that might be the case.

*fingers crossed*


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yup. can't access kbs2. though i did partly last night.


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"Moon-ho’s team is held together by nothing substantial, calling Moon-ho’s entire mission a flimsy justification."

Actually, Moon Shik used the word 명분, "cause" (like in "Moral Cause", "flag to die for", etc.): I think he meant to say that the motivations of the "rice grains sticking together" (maintaining their power positions, not being held responsible for their crimes, not losing their money and so on) are more solid than a "mere" idealistic purpose.


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Can't I just hold on for a second ( even if it's hard to do so ) from all the CUTE in this episode...........It's really overwhelming :) :D
Because I have a question to ask , maybe I didn't understand something...Is it really that Ajumma is going to replace Healer? Maybe my translation was not right, but it would be so BAAAAD if she is actually thinking of replacing him......... Don't know, that part was confusing for me..Someone, please, explain kindly..

P.s Thx again for the wonderfull recap, JB


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I don't think she will replace him :D. She mentioned that to the Teacher before thou, but I don't think she is serious. It's probably because he is a bit off with his thoughts and not exactly focused on job. :D

Ahjumma likes him and will probably miss him a lot. So I doubt she will really replace him. At least not at this point.


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I wouldn't mind if he's replaced (I'm assuming by the motorcycle girl...can't remember her name). I think it's time that he is able to settle down and have a real life with Young-shin (kids, goldfish, and all). I bet he'll stick to being her journalist sidekick.

I think it will be a bittersweet moment though because ahjumma does truly care for him, but she does have a business to run.


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@ J.P Bojana and Crysta

Yes, that's my take on it too. With his relationship with YS and his wanting to be true to himself and not always phoney, it's possible that this Healer persona will be compromised. She will want an 'impersonal/objective' Healer to do the job. On the upside, once they are no longer boss and subordinate (although the way they speak doesn't sound like it), they can get to meet up as friends, without that impersonal distance that Ahjumma requires.


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Hi all, unfortunately I won't be able to watch the live broadcast with everyone since I have a family birthday dinner for my niece. So I'm gonna just once again post last minute instructions for new beanies who would like to watch the live airing as well :)

1) when it’s almost time to air, go to their website http://www.kbs.co.kr/

2) At the top left hand corner, next to the KBS logo, there should be a tab called “On Air”. So click on the drop down arrow.

3) This should give a list of channels currently airing live at the moment. Click on “KBS2″ tv which should then pop up a new window.

4) This new window should have the player there and at first you shall see a few ads but then it should get to the drama right after.
I hope this helps. You can have a go at it now if you want before Healer airs (just note another program may be on instead).

Also apparently it seems Chrome browser works well as I read previously that safari didn't work. Remember to have your Flash Player updated to the newest version too. Good luck! :)


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Hi @Bongsookie,

Do other Korean Tv channels have live streaming websites?


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Hi @helkwo, to be honest I actually don't know myself since someone else taught me about KBS (i love that person for it :) ) But I guess it's worth to look around :)


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Help - anybody else having problems getting onto KBS2 live right now? It was easy yesterday - now a window pops up with a message i can't read and the page goes blank - have tried many times! I'm on Chrome. Can't figure out what's wrong!


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It always does that when I'm on my phone or tablet but it always works fine for me on laptop. I'm not at my computer right now but currently on my phone in car going to my niece's house. So really sorry I can't be of much help :(


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I suspect it'll get even worse when the end is near and everyone will be clamouring to watch it live.
I bought a subscription for iOnAir just to watch this without any interruption.


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check if you have adblocker on. I couldn't stream it until i disabled the adblocker for the page.


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KBS2 is working now!


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Yay :)


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Nevermind - I got it!!!!! what a relief!


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Oh yay! That's good news :) have fun watching!


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Yo ro bun, it's working now! It's ads time now.


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Have fun ..Let the spazzing begin


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It's starting any min. now, but I almost dread it, cos we know what MS is gonna tell CYS, and she'll be shocked, and poor J Ho will be so bumped out!
Kim Moon Shik, I hate you!


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kbs website is working now


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There is so much I like about this episode beside the obvious. Many little details:
- Young Shin sleeping holding Jung Hoo’s arm like she did in her childhood and like she did with Bong Soo. She doesn’t know that but Jung Hoo does.
- How cross Jung Hoo gets when Young Shin turns away from him in her sleep and the way he rectifies the situation
- The towel kiss that didn’t happen and the way he looks at her in that scene, in fact just in general the way he looks at her
- Young Shin trying to figure out Healer’s dream island (I wonder if he told her anything about it yet)
- Dancing ajumma
- Jung Hoo who once told Moon Ho he never drinks with anyone showing up at his apartment with a six pack (His visit wasn’t just the beginning of bromance but also Healer’s acceptance of Moon Ho’s method for uncovering the truths – which must be due to the evolving nature of his relationship with Young Shin and him wanting to stay clean to have a future with her)
- His smile after he tells Moon Ho he likes Young Shin
- Jung Hoo not leaving the Teacher’s ashes to that creep Moon Shik and talking to him in the car.
- Moon Ho sending Young Shin to Jung Hoo without telling her who she is meeting
- The very pleased with himself smile on Jung Hoo’s face when he approaches Young Shin at the bridge
- Jung Hoo, aware that Young Shin didn’t ask him anything even though she must have a lot of questions, deciding to reveal her his real name and asking whether there is anything else she wants to know
- Young Shin hitting him exacty like he predicted to ajumma (I thought she wouldn’t treat Jung Hoo as she does to Bong Soo but the girl is very consistent :))
- Young Shin already missing Park Bong Soo and the way she shows it to Jung Hoo and Jung Hoo’s reaction to this (He has to make an apperance at work! He has to!)
- Jung Hoo’s initially ridiculous looking anxiety of putting Young Shin in danger in the police station the very legitimate reason of which he explains to Ajumma later
- Young Shin enjoying listening in to Healer and Ajumma’s conversation (must be interesting for her to get an insight into how he operates)
- The expression on Jung Hoo’s face when Young Shin tells the detective she met Healer
- Young Shin having fun with this spy work and Jung Hoo’s reaction to being referred to as her boyfriend
- The arrow post its Healer left for the cops
- Learning that Jung Hoo must have told Young Shin about Teacher and her sharing his sorrow
- Seeing Jung Hoo wake up wearing the sweater Young Shin wore when she stayed over

Any many more I cannot remember now...

What I disliked:
- Crocodile tears of the two faced Kim Moon Shik, in fact anything and everything about Kim Moon Shik


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And also I think Young Hoo’s existential crisis of finding the “real him” is rooted at Young Shin’s question of “Is that the real you?” when he was telling her to go away.


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@ Moonbeam

I also chose several of what you have here as my favorite moments. Add to that ...

- The introduction of Jung Hoo as himself and how YS repeated his name until she came to the informal Jung Hoo-yah.

- Like JB said, I love the fact that Eternal Love was played for the memory of Teacher with Jung Soo

- When Jung Hoo woke up alone and tried to call YS, he was wearing the shirt that she had worn... like he wanted to be enveloped in her still

- YS using her 2 fingers to indicate 2nd time she met Healer, when talking to Det Yoon - she held them up twice at least repeating 2X or 2nd time, with a similar look on her face and in a similar way that PBS had done with her when he said 2 tablets

- Poor Jong Soo abandoned again LOL!

I liked Ahjumma's dance but I'm wondering what happened to her nice hairdo. Was that just a wig? She looked so sophisticated and gorgeous with that hair. Frizz is funny and appropriate but I liked the elegant look on her.


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@Growingbeautifully and @Moonbean : you girls said everything I loved in this episode ! Just one more thing maybe :
When JH turned YS to face him when she was sleeping, he took her arm and put it around his waist, as if he wanted her to be as close as humanly possible. Swoon >.<


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Oh ooh *swoon!* Got to re-watch! Any excuse to re-watch! :)

BTW, I know they shoot one scene from several angles and over several takes, so I was trying to figure out whose hand it was next to YS's head in this scene. At first I thought it was his arm or hand then from another angle, he had his hand propping up his own head. So, it was YS's own hand?


I loved that moment too Lu.



You mean before or after she turned? Before she turned he was resting his head on his bandaged arm that was in between and she was holding it with both her hands.



Thanks Moonbeam!! :)


Moon-shik arranging Teacher's funeral was very aggravating! He is a total psychopath, can't be anything else. Glad Jung-hoo was able to take Teacher's aches with him.


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babes any of you grinning to yourself walking outside today listening to "When you hold me tight" on loop? HANDS UP IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN


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Although it is trying to stream, the lag is terrible. Oh well, ... back to Episode 15 it is! :)


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Same here. Terribly slow. Will wait for sites later. The raw ones should be up after 2-3 hours of airing, right?


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any streaming link for ep 16 in youtube? the usual channel was closed :/ i've given up on the official one


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I want a happy ending for the Healer. (He deserves it.) So show, if you're going to go crazy and start killing everybody off, tell me now, so I can stop watching, okay?

Seriously, if Kim Nam-gil was playing the Healer I wouldn't have even bothered.

I love Nam-gil's acting. But I'm not gong to get invested in any character he plays unless the director shows us a "no death clause" before the show starts.


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How dreadful, can't believe not a single stream window works for me now. Could've used that amount of time for episode 15 instead.

The new episode will be uploaded on Viki any minute. It has better video quality.


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Hi there everyone, I watched this episode live, then I watched it again without subs, then with subs, read the recap, and will watch it again many many times, because I really, really love this drama.
I've been watching kdramas for quite some time now, my list of watched dramas is pretty long, and I have few dramas that are in watch again category.
But for some time now I didn't come across a drama that would made my heart flutter, and then came Healer.
It delivered everything I was hoping for and more, the bar is set really high now and I seriously doubt that I will come across another drama that will have even half of what Healer has. What will I do without you? Stop, I don't even want to think about it.
It's really great to come here after every episode and read all those great comments.
This past weeks I was buried with my exams and still have some of them left :( so I couldn't be here as much as I wanted, it's not easy to study when all I can think of is uri Healer.
And let me just say, what a wonderful episode, thank you writer-nim for writing those scenes. Those first 10 min made me melt.
But that ending left me with a bad feeling, oh please let it be just a feeling and nothing more, I don't want something to happen to YS, MS is another thing I wouldn't mind if something were to happen to him, or even better let me do something to him, I'm sure I will think something really appropriate for him *evil laugh*


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LOL! My response to you went to Comment 179!!!


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Oh no...streaming has stopped!!!


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It's funny .... it stops and then when I open another window and try again I get the ads again and finally it starts. But it was a start stop start stop thing. I only caught the last half, more or less ...less actually. But nevermind, the raw will be up really soon.


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I think we caused the stream lag. Remember when it was easy to watch at least 75% of the show without interruptions. *shakes head*


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I feel like I'm searching for landmines every time I go through the comments section and trying to avoid spoilers LOL.

Anyway I can't stop smilingggggg!!!! I was kind of worried that this episode would be all fluff and no plot, as so many dramas are wont to do after the couple reaches this stage, buuut thankfully Healer makes me as giddy as ever ;; There's really no other word for it; this drama makes me SOSOSO GIDDY. Tbh, some kdrama couples start to fall flat for me after they get together so I'm super happy that they're just as adorable as I hoped they would be. \o/


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This is just to remind Newcomers that DB is a Spoiler free zone.


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Those who just watched ep 16 and want to talk about it, Please be mindful not to Spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet.


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Thank you for this. I am now actualy hesitant to read the last page of Healer recap thread, for fear of spoilers. Drama has just 4 episodes left and I really want to watch the remaining episodes without getting spoiled first. :)


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@ sephora013

Welcome back and you know you're in the right place since we are the same. Totally ruined by Healer so that it's hard to watch any other show without comparing it to Healer, can't concentrate on much else but Healer and we would prefer nothing bad happens to our OTP. That said, it would reduce the tension too much if absolutely nothing happened so we expect that something will and that the show will still go on at it's wonderful pace. :)


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The annoying KBS2 bad stream with too much pixellation and jerky stop action cutting off many words sure added to the intense build-up and my stomach is in knots…..now I have to find a site that will stream 16 smoothly to watch again before subs later today. What an amazing drama!!


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Anyone else getting the most annoying but also the funniest commercial ads instead of Healer? There's one featuring Cheon Song-yi eating fried chicken while dressed like a movie star that she is, that I just loooove. Gah I miss her.


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@ Fab

I'm sad ... could barely catch the show and no funny ads. Le sigh!


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SIGH indeed. We all got so excited and full of anticipation just to be disappointed in the end.

But let's cheer up, the episode will be available for free viewing any time soon. :D


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All I got last night on kbs2 was a kid grinning at me, not even moving LOL
I was soo happy when I got an ad, after a blank screen for almost an hour, but then the ad froze the grinning boy, mocking me :-D


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I have cup noodles beside me and I'm off to watch ep 13 of Healer... I feel like I can do this for a week in a row because HEALER IS MY NUTRITION

And today at work, I was playing Healer OSTs non-stop. Enthusiastically bobbed my head to them while my teaching colleagues secretly judged me.


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Hi Edeline
You're in Singapore, aren't you? Have you seen the Comment 17.2 and 17.2.1? @ Rainerust and I are thinking of having Singapore-based Beanies meet up for the Fan Project. You interested?


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Yup I am :) Wow I see! Count me in, definitely. Is there anywhere online where there's a group chat to arrange the details or something?


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Hi Edeline
I'll put us all on Whatsapp to chat but I need to get your mobile number first. Please email me at [email protected]. Read ya!!!


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show us some pics!


I'm so envious of you guys in Singapore. Wish I was there.
Have loads of fun, folks.


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Wish you were here too @Kaddict!!!


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Thx Wendy.
Take pictures. Share them.


Hello KDaddict! Really wish that we as Healer fans can stay in contact after the drama ends (which I really don't want to imagine...)

Okay it's 12.20am and I've to be up early tmr. Back to work :(


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Have fun girls! Hope you get to meet up soon.


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Hi folks! Here is the YouTube video on episode 16 :



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myasiantv and dramacool has better picture quality


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Thanks so much @Dani! ;)

Will try those websites!! ;)


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And episode 16 is also available on Dramabay! ;)


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@ Kay

Thank you my dear, I'll be heading for Dramabay now too!!!

BTW, I've the same message to you as to @ Edeline
"Have you seen the Comment 17.2 and 17.2.1? @ Rainerust and I are thinking of having Singapore-based Beanies meet up for the Fan Project. You interested?" :)

Enjoy the show! I'll be with you in spirit :D


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@GB ;)

Hi there, GB dear! ;)

Thank you for the offer for the meetup. I'm interested definitely! Let me know when and where we can meet up! ;)

Enjoy the show too! I'll be with you in spirit too! ;)


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If you haven't done so, please email ( [email protected] ) me so that I can send you the info ... we have to choose where to meet and when ... a tall order for us busy folk!!! LOL!


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and here comes trrrrrrouble!
i'm gonna need a lot of fluff to soothe my wounded soul after that ending

ps: jung hoo got balls of steel, just saying ;)


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Message to Beanies in Singapore

Have you seen the Comment 17.2 and 17.2.1? @ Rainerust and I are thinking of having Singapore-based Beanies meet up for the Fan Project. Will you be interested? If so, please email me at [email protected] :)


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I think my favourite scene is when JH gets in the bus with YS at the last minute, which showed that he just had to see and hold her one more time! <3<3 Gosh my heart can't take all of this, one of these days I might faint for real...


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KMS, KMS, what would be rightful punishment for his sins?


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For starters take away all of his possessions, as he loves "owning" things.


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He needs therapy to recognize that what he is doing is wrong, then he can feel the brunt of the punishment meted out to him. It's kinda useless punishing someone who is just going to be indignant about it! LOL!


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LOL that's true.


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I think, take away M Hee and he can definitely feel it.

We've never seen those two in the same bed, not even wearing anything that resembles sleepwear in the same room. Is he so nuts that just keeping her in the same house and holding her hand give him the Highs?


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gaahhh this episode!! too much sweetness!! >.<
i wonder if my expectation for romance dramas is leveled up because of Healer... i mean, this OTP is sooo precious. Chae Young-shin is the healer for healer Seo Jung-hoo :D

and have anyone noticed that Young-shin has started to become Bong-soo ver. 2.0? i don't know if it's just me, but i totally see it in ep 14, when Jung-hoo grabbed her hand after waking up, she goes, "oooooww that hurts" just like Bong-soo's way to reflect pain. and in this ep, when Det. Yoon was questioning her about healer, she explained the times when she met healer, in a way that's totally copying Bong-soo. aigoooo :D

and whoa... ep 16... what a roller coaster ride @.@


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I am watching ep. 16 raw now. Anyone can tell me, when did JH realized that he loves YS? in which episode? I would like to re-watch that episode just for the sake of reminisce it.


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Realized ep 8 .... Confessed ep 10.... The sentence " I like her" he told in ep 12......

I wonder they would ever say those magical words "I love you" or saranghe???

I mean they confessed, kissed, slept, YS declares him as boyfriend still never told that, not even I like You, which is generally used as a ladder to reach the stage to say I LOVE YOU in kdramas :P


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Thanks Fantasy, the answer is more than I asked for, I have been re-watch from ep. 1 (that I did not watch in the beginning) this morning. I guess they don't need those words, 'saranghe'. it's all over those two love birds on ep. 15. I love that JH was so clingy to her, when she was cooking breakfast. But, for the sake for Kdrama formula, maybe they will eventually say those words :D


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Actually your question was direct but their affection so gradually increases that I cant just pin point it... It's like a colour drop in water , you cant notice the moment it starts to mix with water but u can see it's slowly disappearing in water.

Why I love this pair so much??? Because YS and JH seem to fall in love with each other everyday in a new way :)


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I have to admit that I never been so in to a drama before (just very few) but usually I am a silent reader. This drama made me want to engage and discuss haha. I, for one, love MH. I think he is sexy, mature man (it's an age thing on my part) haha. But, I really, really enjoy JH and YS love story. Their chemistry, gosh, I almost believe that it's all real. The hand gesture, the looks on their eyes, the body language. It's all just too beautiful to describe. Now that I am depressed about ep.16, let me re-watch that ep. 8, 10 and 12, then 14 and 15, and just forget the ep I just watched just now and waiting that next week would be better.


Isnt like and love the same in Korean? Sorry I dont know the language but someone said it is the same word.


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My take on the word 'chua-hae' is that I am attracted to you or I like you and sometimes can be said between 2 people without romantic connotations.

'Sarang-hae' means I love you. Again need not have romantic connotations but it is a word used only between persons ie not people with objects but person to person.

Any Korean speakers can clarify further or correct me, I will be grateful!!


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Praying to God to give me a positive preview of ep 17 ... Plz plz plz plz ....... Come on only 4 episodes left, ending should not be rushed :(


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I am waiting too, keep checking dreamingsnowflakes if she has made any preview


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WOW... This episode really really really made a beautiful view for me to watch...made my heart stop and enjoy the romance between our leads. And Ji Tae really really a beautiful figure to see... :-) I prepare my self for the storm come away. Healer .. Hope the rating will up up up till the end episode..Fighting..;-)


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omg..... the feels tho... this is like the best korean drama ever!!! JI Chang Wook forever <3 I have a real bad feeling about the next episode.... *chills.. I simply hope this drama goes on and on. *sobb


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My fav moments in this ep:
- Her shy/bashful smile when she woke up and caught him staring at her so tenderly, then diving under the covers to hide from him. SO ADORABLEEEE <3
- How he stole a kiss from her in the kitchen to stop her from getting annoyed from his clinginess!!! And his delicious smirk after that when she punched him and smiled cos she can't hold it against him AT ALL.
- When JH was talking to MH and the conversation ended with "You're right. I like Chae Young Shin. Just so you know." And he couldn't stop the smile that crept on his face as he said her name. [What was the method they were talking about, btw? Reporting MS's crimes to the public?]
- JH and YS working together!!!! Awesomeness to the max! Love how she's able to think on her feet. She matches him in every way - the perfect partner. Partners in love and in crime, oh yeahhh. And his fixation on the word "boyfriend". When he was like what..boyfriend?? *smiling to himself like a loon*
- The broadcast was PERFECT. I was cheering Team Healer all the way. Kim Moon Ho sshi, you have my respect!!

One word to sum up this episode: SWOOOOOOON.


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Love your summary of all these swoon-worthy moments! And there's another one right at the start! Where Healer gently placed YS's head on his arm and cuddled her gently ;) ahhhh the feels. As I said, there are not enough ovaries to explode.


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Just want to check I'm with all of you and tell you that while waiting for ep 16 subs to appear later today I decided to check out Healer's main ratings competition, Shine or Go Crazy episode 1. Now, DON'T YELL AT ME! I'm not cheating on Healer…it's just that Jang Hyuk has been my very favorite actor up until Ji Chang-wook…and I just wanted to see what was going on with this ratings battle.
Don't worry. There's not much anyone can do to push Healer ratings above Shine and Go Crazy because that show will grab attention across the age groups. There's action, humor, romance, fantasy and history all rolled into one - so it's no wonder that Seoul and the Nation are tuning in to watch the current early episodes. Trust me - I'm madly in love with Healer. SAGC is a totally different show but one you will all want to catch up with when our Healer finishes….waahhhhh :((


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Honestly, Healer actually does have really good competition. Punch sounds like it's shaping up to be quite the fantastic show and I've always been planning on watching it myself once I get the time.

And Shine or Go Crazy does, like you said, seem like it's a show that could easily attract a lot of people with it's early episodes.

This is why, even though poor ratings break my heart, I'm at least glad that the shows beating Healer are good shows.

That said, I'm really hoping they can get 1st in the next 2 weeks...


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I haven't seen Shine and Go Crazy but the show has Jang Hyuk so it's no surprise viewers are tuning in, and to be fair, Punch is a really good show. I watched its first 4 episodes before I got reaaally addicted to Healer and put it on-hold. So yeah, Healer is really up against 2 solid shows.


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Too many comments to read through (as always but that's a great thing) so I'm sure what I'm saying here has been said before. But he was just too cute being clingy Healer in love. I busted up when they panned on his face resting over his shoulder as she cooked. That's one man in love! Totally whipped!

But another solid episode. And after last week's gut wrenching episodes, opening with the giddyness of Healer in love repaired some of that brokenness and grief. Who doesn't want to see a happy Healer?

So now I'm waiting for YS and her bio mom to meet. But I'm reallllllly waiting for Ahjumma and Healer to meet! Their relationship is too awesome to just keep it a split screen one!


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I love how JCW is so humble and polite. And his fans hahaha! If we were there, I don't think we'd have been able to keep ourselves in one piece, no? All JCW would see is a massive puddle of goo-ish caramel ;)


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he is so nice to his fans
he always talks to them. i have seen many fancams of him taking their pictures and talking to them, even shaking their hands.
JCW is precious


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How to sleep tonight.. How to live tomorrow and pretend all is well? How to work..

I am sorry.. really sorry.. But.. but.. i need to.. to.. to.. i don't know.. Sorry..


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same here azack77!!!


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I loved this episode.. waiting for 16th now!!♡♡


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I think Moon-shik must be suffering from *gasp* Dissociative Identity Disorder! HAHAHA
The trauma of seeing the love of his life mangled like that and his friends dead must have caused it.
Another theory is that he could be like Snape. The ultimate double agent.
Sorry folks, but the villain is just not villainous enough. I don't know if I should blame the actor or writer for this.


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I think it is because he's not the ultimate villain. He's been a really well-behaved puppet for the most part. I think once Elder comes out and is fully exposed we will get our really evil mastermind.


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Jcw and pmy. .Please get married already! !♡♡♡♡
have cute babies and settle in moro moro island. ..


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This drama is too much for my heart! Ironically, it's called Healer when all it does is give me chest pains.

Still, bring on the pain! I want more! Thanks for the recaps javabeans~


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Wow, this drama continues to amaze me. How the heck am I supposed to wait for ep 17. I know that ep 15 was great but I must say, I loved ep 16 too. I love the lovey dovey moments too but to see how the couple recovers from finding out secrets about each other and are still able to be together really strikes me right in the heart. That is the beautiful essence of their relationship and I love where it is going. I don't like it when writers write all the lovey dovey stuff about a couple's relationship and then when one bad thing happens, all the trust is gone and then there is a whole list of misunderstanding and they are apart for a long time before they come back together. We don't get that with Healer. We get a genuine real relationship! These writers really know how to make us wait. I love everything about SJH and CYS's relationship. The level of trust...I hope that continues. The level of warmth, the amount of safety and love is just too much for my heart to take.


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i know the first minutes seem to be everyone's favorite, but my special moment is YS giggling all excited over being part of such a fun outing (at the police) because of her boyfriend :D
and said boyfriend's reaction is priceless too :D

the second favorite is YS calling out in pain over missing bong-soo-yah lol. i hear you girl. we're all there with you :D


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