
Healer: Episode 15

Sweet! It’s a breath of fresh air to be able to sit back and bask for a while, because I dunno about you guys but I could use some recovery time from all the weeping and heart-wringing I did before. And with the plot continuing to speed along, I actually find myself able to enjoy the cheeriness more, because while I love romantic fluff (and would happily take tons of it, angst-free), you don’t always want it to happen at the expense of development, because then it feels like filler. Better to get adorable cuteness and forward movement in one fell swoop!


Just – “그대 때문에” (Because of you) from the Healer OST [ Download ]

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So, that kiss. As Jung-hoo finally stops pushing Young-shin away and kisses her, it intercuts with memories of their first one on that rooftop, finally bringing together those two identities into one.

A short while later, we see two mugs side by side on the table, two sets of shoes intermingled on the floor, and two people lying in bed next to each other. Okay, the drama didn’t show us anything, but just knowing that they got an offscreen bed scene makes me happy enough.

Jung-hoo contentedly watches Young-shin sleeping, and looks adorably disgruntled when she starts to turn away from him in her sleep. He slowly slides his arm under her shoulders, and as she turns back into his side, he cradles her with both arms, going back to sleep with her head tucked under his.

When she wakes up, the spot next to her is empty, and she stretches awake… and finds Jung-hoo still looking down at her from the other side. They smile bashfully at each other, and then he ducks under the covers to join her.

Another cut later (yay! Y’know, I’m just going to be happy for them that there’s so much need to presumably cut), and Young-shin towel dries her hair after a shower. Jung-hoo takes over the task, and for a brief moment her eyes are covered by the towel, her mouth exposed, not unlike it was during their rooftop kiss. Ha, he goes in for one, only to have her inadvertently interrupt him by pulling the towel, and she catches him staring.

Later as he watches her yet some more, he envelops her in a hug and thinks, “I thought it was a dream. I don’t usually dream much, and wondered why this one was lasting so long.” As Young-shin tends to his injured arm, he can’t keep his hands to himself, touching her head and cradling her in his lap, adding, “So I kept needing to confirm whether it was real, or maybe not. And then I would think, Is it okay for this to be real?

He really can’t leave her alone for even a second, needing to hold on every moment, even when she’s doing something as mundane as cooking. He hovers around, dangling over her shoulder, and when she pushes back for some room, he just sneaks a kiss. And you know, she doesn’t really mind that so much.

He insists on walking her out, and she waves goodbye and boards the bus… only to have him step onto the bus at the last minute. He pulls her into the last row and squeezes her into the corner, loath to let any opportunity to be together pass him by.

Young-shin concedes to let him tag along for just one stop, but she can’t really pretend to be annoyed for very long and they cuddle some more. So he gets off at the next stop, and they wave goodbye for ages as her bus pulls away.

Back at home, Jung-hoo logs back online and talks to Min-ja, saying that he’s getting confused between real and fake, particularly since Healer work requires him to take on fake identities. Every time he steps out into the world, he’s been somebody else, “But when I’m with her I have to be real.”

He pauses to wonder, “But the real me? What is that? Does that exist?”

Ajumma just grumbles that he’s thinking too much, and that he shouldn’t: “When you think, you cause trouble.” Jung-hoo thanks her sincerely, to which she responds by totally ignoring him, because we know she’s a gruff ol’ teddy bear. And when Jung-hoo heads out “to find the real me,” she sighs that it’s time for a switch. She must mean Healers.

When Moon-ho arrives home, he’s surprised to find Jung-hoo waiting for him with a conciliatory six-pack of beer. Moon-ho’s glad to see him, and says he was worried.

He asks if Young-shin knows about his identity, and Jung-hoo says she figured it out. He’s thinking over how much he should tell her, but she isn’t asking any questions. Moon-ho catches on with a smile: “You like Ji-an. That’s why you can’t tell her—who she is, who her father is, or about your father.” Moon-ho asks for his understanding since that’s how he was—he liked Myung-hee and Ji-an, and therefore couldn’t tell them what he knew.

Jung-hoo gets down to business, saying that he wants revenge for Teacher’s death, and to clear his father’s name. He also wants to know when he can tell Young-shin her mother is alive. Moon-ho readily agrees, but wants to wait to tell Young-shin until it’s safe for Myung-hee—so, after they’ve accomplished the first two goals.

Jung-hoo doesn’t argue, and asks what method Moon-ho has come up with for taking down their evildoers. Moon-ho replies that he only has one way: “The method used by your father and Chae Young-shin’s father, the method I’ve only imitated my whole life. Do you want to try it with me for real?”

They drink to it, and Jung-hoo adds that Moon-ho was right about him liking Young-shin: “Just know that.” Moon-ho just smiles knowingly.

With that, they get to work. Moon-ho debriefs Jung-hoo on the facts: Moon-shik began working for the Elder in 1992. He struck out on his own years later, and the Elder sent him Secretary Oh, who’s got a few false identities, including that of a lawyer.

“The relationship between those two is quite interesting,” Moon-ho says, describing Moon-shik and his secretary as the two sides of a coin. With Secretary Oh carrying out all the dirty work, Moon-shik gets to keep his image pristine. Moon-ho notes that sometimes it really seems like his brother believes he’s done nothing wrong, like he can’t remember, and that’s why Moon-ho was fooled for so long.

That certainly seems true as Moon-shik arrives at the hospital to deal with Teacher’s funeral arrangements, calling him a dear friend and wanting only the finest. He looks genuinely bereaved as he carries his friend’s picture, as though he’d had nothing to do with his death.

Dressed in funeral black, Jung-hoo slips into the hospital to get to Teacher’s ashes first, leaving a box in place of the one he takes. He sees Moon-shik leaving the hospital with the decoy ashes, telling his Teacher that he couldn’t leave his remains in those hands. Jung-hoo promises to scatter the ashes in the South Pacific that Teacher liked so much.

At the Someday offices, Moon-ho directs his staff on their next broadcast. Thanks to their double agent Jong-soo, they’ve gotten their hands on Moon-shik’s prepared question list for his live television speech. Jong-soo has fed back information to the enemy that Someday is preparing something big, to coincide with Moon-shik’s broadcast. They predict that Moon-shik’s side will be beefing up cyber security in anticipation.

Moon-ho instructs Young-shin to talk with Detective Yoon as planned, and assigns her to work with a freelancer while Bong-soo is out on a leave of absence.

So Young-shin heads out to connect with the contact, and wouldn’t you know—there’s Jung-hoo, waiting to meet her. He greets her as though it’s their first time speaking, and finally provides a name: “I’m Seo Jung-hoo. I’m the freelancer who will need your help today.”

She repeats his name a few times, trying it out. “Seo Jung-hoo. Seo Jung-hoo-sshi. Or just… Jung-hoo-ya?”

I love how readily they fall into banmal (we can thank Bong-soo for making it so easy), and he apologizes for taking so long to get to this point. She smiles and says, “We finally meet,” and he smiles back at her.

And then she adds that he deserves a few blows anyway, and kicks him several times. Ha, I think he got off easy, all things considered.

They pull up to the police station, and she asks if he’ll disguise himself in order to go inside. He replies that his method is to use whatever is at his disposal, depending on the situation, and then clips a miked barrette into her hair. He tells her to say something, and she barks into it loudly, “I miss Park Bong-soo!” Don’t we all.

Jung-hoo follows Young-shin into the station, keeping his distance to make it look like they’re separate parties while she checks in. Then as soon as she’s granted access, he acts like he’s with her, which gets him past the checkpoint.

He has to leave her while she meets with the detective, so Jung-hoo issues advice like a nervous mother hen. When he starts to explain how to react if danger were to befall her, Young-shin points out that she’s in a police station, surrounded by police officers. With that, she joins Detective Yoon, having agreed to exchange information: He’ll tell her about President Hwang’s death, if she tells him about the Healer.

Jung-hoo continues upstairs for his own mission, disguising himself in a police uniform, and can hear over Young-shin’s mic as Detective Yoon excuses himself to work on a network server change that they’re kicking off in fifteen minutes. Ajumma realizes what Detective Yoon is doing and barks out a string of curses, calling him crazy.

Apparently her last hack must have pushed him to extremes, because now he’s decided to shut out all access to the police network from the outside. Yes, this blocks her out, but she’s offended in principle too, since it makes it impossible for the police to access their own network from outside the physical station.

Jung-hoo reminds her that that’s not her problem, and they return to the task at hand. She directs him to find any computer terminal to use as their entry point to the system, and it’s important to get in before the server reset in fifteen minutes.

So Jung-hoo caaaaasually sits himself down at a desk, trying to look as unobtrusive as possible. But his attempt to log in turns up an error page, and Min-ja deduces that even if all the police computers have been cut off from outside access, Detective Yoon needs at least one access point, and it’s bound to be his own computer. Time’s ticking.

When Detective Yoon asks Young-shin for her intel on the Healer, she thinks fast and admits the truth about meeting him. Then she gasps dramatically, pointing out the door. That’s him! He’s here!

Excited, Detective Yoon follows as she runs down the hall, zooming right past Jung-hoo, directing the officers far, far away. On her way out she marks Yoon’s computer by flinging her hat onto it, then surreptitiously motions for Jung-hoo to find that desk.

Jung-hoo heads into the cyber office and sits down at Yoon’s station. A few keystrokes later, he’s granted ajumma access. He’s out before anybody even notices.

Young-shin leads the cops all the way outside, at which point she stops in confusion and admits that she thought it was him—you know, this guy she has a crush on. HAHA. I’m so embarrassed for her even knowing she’s lying, and the look on Detective Yoon’s face is priceless.

The detective dashes back inside, not even noticing as Jung-hoo walks past him on his way out. Jung-hoo sternly lists all the violations she’s just committed, like interfering with police duty. She sighs heavily (“I know, it’s what I get for meeting such a boyfriend”), before dissolving into giggles: “This is such fun!”

She runs back into the station while he gapes in disbelief, though I notice the word he gets hung up on is “boyfriend.”

Moon-shik receives confirmation that Jung-hoo did in fact arrive from Russia recently—at least, the customs logs check out. But Secretary Oh has photos of “Bong-soo” taken by their police mole, from before Jung-hoo’s supposed arrival in the country. This just convinces Moon-shik that Jung-hoo is the Healer, and that he’s got the skills to change customs records.

Secretary Oh then plays the recording of the recent phone call between Young-shin and Myung-hee. Of course you’re tapping your wife’s phone.

Moon-shik confirms that Jung-hoo grew up without parents, and Young-shin grew up surrounded by ex-convicts. “So they never learned to acclimate to society,” he says, deciding that it’s his “duty” to step in. Oh, like you’re doing them a favor all of a sudden, Uncle Moon-shik? This man sure has a gift for reframing the truth for his needs.

At the station, we finally get an ID on the police mole who’s been feeding information to the bad guys. Ajumma gets his name, Park Ki-jung, and sends it along to Jung-hoo, who can’t shake his nervousness at leaving Young-shin at the police station, not after Teacher died there. But Min-ja warns him to stick to the plan.

Resuming their chat, Young-shin describes her Healer encounters to Detective Yoon. Her story is mostly true, but in light of recent events he’s now eyeing her with skepticism. Ajumma asks her to stall a bit longer, and Young-shin goes on, somehow making the truth sound silly and inconsequential.

Detective Park gets an alarming text from an unknown source, attaching a photograph of his meeting with Secretary Oh. His home address is listed, upping the creepiness.

Jung-hoo arrives at that apartment and gains entry. There’s a family photo inside but no family—they’re in Canada. Jung-hoo links the computer for ajumma to search, and proceeds to look around for clues.

Jung-hoo finds the important documents hidden in the toilet tank, which contains bankbooks under a false name. There’s also a vial containing a drug. He snaps photos, which then get texted back to Detective Park, who howls in frustration as he speeds home.

Moon-ho receives the same photo texts, including the log of bank deposits. He calls Detective Yoon, who’s still sitting with Young-shin, and offers up a deal, dangling tantalizing information as incentive for the police to cooperate. He says he knows about the Healer (the Teacher version) and wants to catch the person who killed him, and forwards the damning texts to the detective. Basically, one of their own is taking money regularly from the enemy—he’s a mole.

Detective Yoon bolts out of the office, gathering his team to go after their mole, Detective Park. Moon-ho offers to hand over all his information, with the condition that they be allowed to cover the case and broadcast the arrest. Which is asking for a lot, since the police would be exposing that a police officer murdered someone while in custody.

Unable to get in touch with Detective Park, the cops head out for his home next. Already Jong-soo’s on hand to film the action, while Young-shin grabs the mic to begin reporting on the scene.

Detective Park arrives home and sees that his valuable documents have been taken. He calls Secretary Oh in a panic, who stops him to ask suspiciously, “Which phone are you calling from?” He disconnects.

Detective Park grabs a suitcase and starts packing. Seconds later, Jung-hoo comes at him from behind and easily subdues him, wryly noting the futility of fugitives who stop to pack instead of just running.

Outside, the detectives and our reporters screech up to the building and race inside. The reporters get left behind at the packed elevator, so Young-shin just reports from there on the fly, interviewing the detective who’s been left behind.

When the cops get to Park’s door, they find a trail of Post-It notes with arrows drawn on them, leading them to a set of keys. Inside, the evidence is laid out neatly on the kitchen table. Healer is so helpful! Either that or he doesn’t trust the cops’ intelligence, which, frankly, doesn’t seem an unwarranted fear.

Another arrow points to the router, and then in the other room, they find their colleague, bound and gagged and shamefaced.

The reporters film his arrest as he’s loaded into the cop car. Jung-hoo joins Young-shin in front of the building and asks, “Miss, do you have some time?” Young-shin all but rolls her eyes and asks ajumma via her hairpin mic not to teach him such corny dialogue.

Ha, and poor Jong-soo finishes filming and turns around to find that he’s been ditched again. I so want Jong-soo to be able to watch the Healer drama after everything’s over, so he can finally see just how much he’s been missing all along.

Flashback scenes take us back to 1980, focusing on Teacher in his role as the motorcyclist diversion while his friends broadcast out of the truck. Moon-ho narrates to the camera the story of friends who were targeted for daring to expose the truth ignored by the media, and how Teacher spent eleven years in prison for that crime.

The Someday broadcast connects dots, painting the picture of a Teacher who had known dangerous things about important people, and died in custody.

Moon-ho outlines the monthly deposits made to Detective Park’s accounts, and the recorded call from Park to Secretary Oh gets played, which is pretty damning with the mention of them “catching on” and needing to run.

Moon-ho makes the link between Secretary Oh and Moon-shik—and then connects both men to the Teacher kidnapping. They even show the CCTV footage placing Moon-shik at the scene of the kidnapping on that day. Damn, he’s done his homework. Kudos, Moon-ho.

Watching from home, Moon-shik fumes and heads up to see Myung-hee… who happens to be watching that very broadcast. It’s only now that she realizes her old friend is dead, and Moon-shik fumbles to explain that he didn’t tell her because he didn’t want to upset her. She won’t look him in the eye and asks him to leave her alone, and all he can do is step aside. She closes her door in his face.

She turns her attention back to Moon-ho’s broadcast as he says that there are too many people who suffer unjust deaths but don’t merit so much as a mention in the newspaper. “Even if we can’t tell all of their stories,” he says somberly, “we wanted to tell at least one of them.”

Once again, his staff is pulled into his thrall, as Moon-ho concludes, getting a little choked up, “We remember you. To let you know this, we made this broadcast today. Thank you for watching with us.” Once again he bows his head to the audience in sign-off.

Damn, Moon-ho is good. He has a way of speaking that makes people sit up in awe, and it puts a tear in my eye.

Young-shin and Jung-hoo watch together, cuddled close, with Teacher’s ashes sitting on the table before them. Young-shin asks whether Teacher was a good guy, and Jung-hoo shakes his head: “Nope. He was a perverted old man.” She smiles and notes, “But you still liked him.” Jung-hoo says yeah.

She comments that he’s got a lot of good people around him, listing off ajumma and Teacher: “And me too. Of them, I’m the best.”

Jung-hoo holds her tight and thinks back to Teacher, and what it was like being instructed by him, and exasperated by him, and abandoned by him. But even that doesn’t have the old sting anymore.

Moon-shik calls Moon-ho that night, and as usual, their tones are both artificially light while both of them are fuming underneath the surface. Moon-ho pointedly addresses his hyung formally as mayoral candidate, saying that “we” have only just begun, noting that Moon-shik doesn’t have an “us” to refer to.

On the contrary, Moon-shik says patronizingly that Moon-ho’s still young, and that he does have an “us.” He describes his side as being held together by a sense of collective survival, where even though they’ll fight, they’ll stick together. Moon-ho’s team, on the other hand, is held together by nothing substantial, calling Moon-ho’s entire mission a flimsy justification.

Moon-ho struggles to tamp down his anger when his brother asks if “those kids” have faith in him. Moon-ho warns him not to mess with the kids, no matter how low he sinks.

Moon-shik returns, “Isn’t it you who messed with them first? They grew up okay—why stir them all up? I hear you still have nightmares. Shouldn’t it be enough that you suffer like that, and not make the kids do it too?”

Moon-ho asks if he can take this phone call as a declaration of war. Moon-shik chuckles that Moon-ho was the one to issue one first, via the broadcast.

In the morning, Jung-hoo wakes up in bed (sadly alone), and reaches for his phone. But as he calls Young-shin, she picks up another call, giving him the busy signal.

It’s Myung-hee, who asks to meet and invites her to the house. Young-shin accepts happily, and rushes out of the house, where she’s greeted by a driver with a fancy car. Seated inside is Moon-shik, who makes it sound like he’s here on his wife’s errand. Uh-oh. No no no. Bad!

Young-shin tries to decline but is persuaded into the car, and he comments on her not driving herself. She admits to having a fear of it, and supposes that it must be linked to some kind of childhood trauma. Sometimes she dreams about being on a dark road at night with cars zooming past her, and that’s a tidbit that makes Moon-shik’s face cloud over.

Then he slaps the smile back on and has his chauffeur drive on.


It was only a small glimpse, but I found one of the big intriguing moments of the episode to be the comment that Moon-shik doesn’t seem to view himself as culpable—and that he doesn’t even seem to remember sometimes. I don’t know if Moon-ho means that he just acts that way convincingly, which is entirely possible, or if there’s actually a deeper kind of psychological dissociation going on in Moon-shik’s mind, but I find it a fascinating prospect. It certainly fits in with what we’ve seen of his character thus far, where he so cleverly twists every situation to suit his needs at the moment.

We saw it several times in this episode alone, such as how he first sighs about “those children” being left to live wayward lives that he must now step in to intercept them from… and then later tells Moon-ho that the kids grew up totally fine and blissfully ignorant, and that Moon-ho would be the evil one for shaking up their peace for his own selfish ideas of justice or whatever. Both times I felt like he was totally talking crazy talk, but making it sound chillingly sane. In fact if we hadn’t seen him swing from one extreme to its opposite in such a short period of time, I might even think he believed himself when he was making all his justifications. Funny how he’s really the one with the flimsy justifications, but he manages to project that onto his brother and make it sound plausible.

So in that context I do cut Moon-ho some slack for his earlier inactions, because Moon-shik is a master mind-manipulator. My question is whether he manipulates himself while he’s at it—does he allow himself to fall into the illusion, or is he always in control? I’m not sure, but the question is intriguing. In any case, I believe Myung-hee is the key to understanding, because she’s been his reason for hurtling forward, however misguidedly. Now that she’s on her way to fracturing that bond, he’ll soon be adrift and then we’ll have to see what happens.

Speaking of adrift, I did love how quickly our main couple fell into step with each other, once they got past the whole deception-lies-denial part of the relationship. It’s gratifying to see how much Young-shin means to Jung-hoo not just as a romantic love interest, but as a symbol for so many other aspects of his identity. And you know what’s better than a hero with secret identities being tortured by his various facades? A heroine who gets a total kick out of the skulking, and proves to be a handy partner—she’s way more fun being an active participant than the object, or the damsel needing rescue.

I love that Jung-hoo’s puzzling over the question of who he is, when all along he hasn’t bothered to think of it. His core persona has meant just as little to him as the disposable disguises he adopts for each job, and that speaks to his emptiness in not having a reason for living. He has no idea of who he is, and no reason has existed to prod him into figuring it out, because what did it matter?

His primary motivator for wanting to find himself may be Young-shin, but I appreciate that it’s not just about romance here. I think of her as something of an anchor for his lost soul—not necessarily saving him single-handedly but providing a crucial point of reference, a guiding light that will lead him to himself. Because while I love them in love, I find it significant that they are both in need of figuring out for themselves who they are and how they fit into this world—it’s less of the you-complete-me mentality and more of them spurring each other to complete themselves, so they can be together as whole people.


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Good god, this show just went straight for my heart. Fan service indeed. This episode deserves my standing ovation and astounding, never ending clapping.

Oh! Did I mention I have yet to watch with english subs??? But that doesnt even seem to matter much anymore!!

I love you, Healer!!! Can I just wrap you and all the feels up and keep you as close to my heart forever?!??!?!


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The feels, the feels, THE FEEELLLSSSS!!!

Thank you javabeans for the recap.... now I'm off to read it, gush over it and relive this episode!!!!


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dear Mr Ji Changwook, please marry Park Min Young immediately, go find your own moro moro island, both of you don't act any more. unbearable to think that i must watch you kissing othe girls, or Miss Park kissing other guys.
we don't mind not watching both of you any more.. just go joint in holy matrimony and have 2 or 3 kids with Miss park.
huh. sweet javabean, please convey this message of utmost urgency.


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I agreeee so much with this.

Changwook sshi and minyoung sshi... go for it please.

Maybe take a break from the entertainment industry for 2-3 years, buy a house overseas away from the prying korean media..... start your family..... and make lots of money from CFs in the meantime.

You can continue acting when you get casted for mommy/daddy/ahjumma/ahjusshi/other roles that don't involve kissing other actors/actresses...

Like Yoo Ji Tae's role in Healer maybe???? Lead characters with minimal lovelines.


T_T my heart. the feels.


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Make babies too! Hohohohoho




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@ Mary of Bethany
I can't wait for what you suggest to happen.

PMY told the media she wanted to fall in love, marry and have kids. I dunno what JCW is waiting for....

Their chemistry is nuclear!!!! Help us - Save us - we are totally bombarded by Healer Atomic Love.

By the way, did they really do it? I have been rewinding the scenes - slippers, coats, etc.


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Nuclear is the right word for their chemistry.


I think they did it..but its kinda very subtle, very korean style. which i almost worry they go 50 shades which suggest by some nice sisters here some days ago. afew tell tales sign,, jb mentioned the couple cup together, slippers ... and the clothes she wore in bed is different from the one she did the teary kiss... huh... like someone else suggest if "nothing happened", likely junghoo will sleep on the couch. so think they make it modest, and "fast forward" to leave all to our imagination(which is better than raw uncut version, which leave bad after taste.) i notices sometimes after the high peak when director put two leads thru and "cosumation",,, then the writer just kill off one in the end... which something i bloody don't wish to see. because after the peak, it always downhill...
so i rather they keep whatever red love till last ep. agree?


@ Mary of Bethany
Hahaha I take back my words. Couch. What was I thinking??? Maybe I was analyzing too much / coz she seemed pretty "neutral" after the overnight bed sharing...

Anyway, gonna get myself brand new pillows with white covers and sheets exactly like our pair are sleeping on...looks like a zillion bucks to me...
Now just need to get a SJH as well *pray**pray* ... Happy looking everyone...

SJH face is priceless. It's like he got himself the one and only girl in the world. And look at how she is looking, analyzing and contemplating his island. And he was looking at her instead of the island. As if she is the island. She is all he ever wanted. He could watch her, drink her and live in her the whole day.

And she knows the island "the large poster" means a lot to him ...

@ Wendy
*Whimper* *trapped in healer reality*


@Shuerei, I love what you said about Young Shin being Jung Hoo's "Island."


hi, you healer-ites
@wendy, minh anh, krispykream, shureri.
echo that a zillion times, have many little changmin running around jeju island little seaside hut .... just thinking about ... "i can depart from this world" already...huahahaha...

well, seriously, i thinking of stopping kdrama for a while, really couldn't think of seeing jichangwook kissing another girl, or minyoung kissing another hunk... it feels like Junghoo or youngshin committing adultery yeah? and kinda unfair to impose this on them... since he perfected the act of kissing n intense glare n 'whatever u can imagine"...he will "commit more " in another drama....
wow.. that is abomination plus desecration plus unpardonable....
...(oosp.. what am i saying?)
to be serious, actors and actress shelves lives are limited, there are tons of new faces emerges yearly, if jichangwook really seek to serve army this year, he is seriously calling for an end to his career, he is 29? by time he checked out, he'll be over 30... given minho kinda of role, mature and lesser kissing scene... huh, not bad huh?
but, its thru, while you are at your golden age, stay in sunbeam as long as possible, its just take another younger hunk given another illumious role (not necssarily can act better than you, just mean some flashy smile and loads of advertisating, and break in china market.. ... ) BOOM!!!! NEW HUNK OVERTAKE YOU.
see, leeminho is not longer leeminho.... the no. ONE podium changes faces by the day...
Ji Chang wook, now serious talk, act all you can while basking in sunshine of your golden age illluminated by Empress Ki and Healer,,,, then seek to go serve Army, then bring a girl to your JEJU island, and sell some Starbuck korean style... while you are famous, your starbuck will draw fans too... and let MINYOUNG be your lady boss aT STARBUCK....
don't drunk in the thoughts you can survive long in kdrama arena.. no hunk can, not even ailen Do MinJun, he is age-less, can teleport, can freeze time, he cannot freeze his Number ONE spot at kdrama podium.
Mr Ji, seek your own moro moro island.
consider Miss park (this is a bonus)


so funny


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@ mary of bethany

As you are in Singapore, I'm asking you if you read Comment 17.2 and 17.2.1 below. I hope you read this and will know about @ Rainerust's idea to meet up for the Fan project. :)


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oh, scary thoughts.
i am like healer, like remain faceless. (huh, because this place i am in, in this "holier than thou" sphere, alot of people "know" me.....)
like remain bongsookie.

(regret leaking i m in Singapore actually. )
kay, will go 17.2 see-see look-look.


Right on. Young shin became that island. Actually island is an metaphors of non existence, when one desire to go got lost en' island ... they simple want self existence denial, sick or given up on human comfort / dependencies .. glad you also noticed that he was all looking at YS instead of that Moro Moro (by the way, Moro Moro translated as "unknown " ).. all he desire after in past when to be unknown, untouched, unfeeling, it's not even money that lure him as healer, healer is faceless, no moral, no aspiration, not the typical " because my father was killed so I seek revenge as masked man". Healer is just a natural process when he was aimless. And hoping at END of tunnel, he disappear further away from the jungle of chimps, leopards ... Moro Moro is self existence extinct...not realisation. Just sink deeper in abyss. When YS become that Moro Moro, he found a reason to live. If she wants, he started to find himself, sad enough which us the SELF? Just like he asked her at rooftop, he will become the SELF she delights in., as long as he can''' which SELF, does it matters ? We are actually what we really are at work places or school? Nope, not even home.
Or are we really who we wish to be.... who is that ? The tragedy of self realisation of 21century leopards surviving in concrete jungle.
like junghoo asked,


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It's HERE!!!!! ohmy gaaaaaahhhh!!! I am so giddy. Thank you dramagods for all the cute moments today.


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Ohhh cuuute


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5 stars!


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Exactly....those 7 minutes were heaven....i watched the 1st half of the drama 10 times now..... hope they have more kissing scenes....


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Chae Young Shin!!! is that what your father sent you to Bong Sookie's house to do?

Poor girl had to learn to cook just because of him. she can only cook 3 things remember? but because he has to eat, he'z got her whipping up different meals thought by her ignorant father.

plus did anyone notice she was clutching his injured hand in sleep?? i just love it when she does that. *there's to not being able to sleep with someone else in the room....talk less of the same bed*


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I know...shouldn't we have had a scene with Dad cross- examining YS? Maybe Dad should have invited himself over to "help" take care of Bong Soo.


WRITER can really read my mind, like what the main lead in i can hear your voice, did... read our needs.
i was wishing pa pa chae can witness their comfy act, or at least stared in some horror over "what this dumb wit do to my baby?... stop what is HE DOING NOW>.."
AND WRITER just give me that ep 16.
i am old fashion, always hope pa pa will accept and give blessing to relationship, and love the boy.
bravo. sweet nice understanding WRITER.


nice unique thing about this drama.. is it don't revolve around JUNGHOO AND YOUNGSHIN alone..
its add character and emotion to how the sidekicks, the papa, the ajumma, the ex convicts, the sunday boss,,, even one day detective joon.. .it make them look like your everyday aunt uncle, mom dad.. .scheming colleagues... and amid all their flaws, you grow to like them more..
this drama bring out the little planets around, not just planet earth and his moon... nice to know ajumma worries, papa chae listens, teacher watching your blind side.... even that little girl who drove junghoo around will fight to stop him from doing stupid things.... all beautiful common creatures in everyday life.
do we need a drama about ancient heroes that save the country stop wars, or super doctors , super heroes...
we just simple heart warming plot,
like this !


Sooooooooo true..........
I've never been so giddy ever in my life as I was while watching this episode.


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Loving Healer!!! It's the best. I hope JCW & PMY get together in real life. They have AWESOME chemistry!


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I haven't watch with subtitles ever. Everytime there is a long dialog, I intensely try to figure out what it is.



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oosp... i betta don't watch their drama anymore after this, love changmin couple so much, till it unbearable to watch jichangwook with another girl, or parkminyoung with another guy...
huh.. am i the only one like this,, thinking of not watching anymore drama.. and recycle this healer forever and ever and ever...


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@ Mary of Bethany
That depends - I like PMY a lot in Sungkyunkwan - so she has my votes for JCW...
Yeah it's gonna be tough to watch them with others
Didn't JCW said he was dating someone in 2012/2013... Oops sorry


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this is the moment, not just you are tested, but your “only eternal love” is tested, can she trust you, against all odds and evidence, against her own hurt, her own revelation that you did hide things from her…
this is the made or break moment….
believe CYS will not act like the typical Korean Belle, wailed and sulked and crumbled… angry, doubting, reject…. whatever whatever….
Hope our unique CYS rise above that.|
as he is willing to stay beside you once, asking you to consider him,
will you stay besides him, against what your wit tell u.
3 things you need.
trust, trust. still trust.
CYS, consider that.
(this is what i posted on couchkimchi).
just like to share what i trusted in CYS, and the excellent writer who created her.


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i also loved parkminyoung for the below comment.. unlike you, i didnt start liking her even at cityhunter, nor Sungkyunkwan... but i liked her punky, courageous, blunt, unpretentious, trusting, character. not flawless, but genuine.
jcw dating someone... (don't know what to think about this)
must remind myself, JCW is not junghoo.... bad bad reality huh.
tat is why , i am stop watching kdrama for a while.
was watching pinochio.. nothing against the main lead who cry better than most leads, ( liked him in i can hear your voice).. .but liked choi Dapo... but that when pre-healer era

then Healer was borne... and i found all other drama blent, tasteless, emotionless.... i just switch channel from channel.... dull dull dull... Healer destroy me. (aka my alliance with kdrama, my expectation of kdrama, my dependence ...whateve whatever)
even if Joonwon appear in repeat of Bridal Mask,.,, watch watch .. i switch away to CNN, BBC... my family stare in disbelief... told me "then i buy you 45 inch for what?" (refering to NEW TV)...


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Did I mention before that I LOVE Healer? Oh right, I've said it a thousand times before.. Well let me say it again I LOOOOOOOOOVE HEALER!! And I've fallen in love with Healer ALL OVER AGAIN in this episode!!


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we loooooooooooooooove HEALER!!!


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tho, as happy as i was watching the episode i suddenly felt fear. i can smell my fear. like something awful is gonna happen in the next ep, and i dunno if i can handle it! (shivers! lots of shivers!)


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This is definitely the calm before the storm. I sense danger ahead. And I'm scared for tomorrow.


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I agree that there's a storm ahead and I'm worried. I can't believe I've read a few comments (on the previous Healer recap) that it's gone down in ratings! HOWWWWWWW????????

I love this show so much!!!!!!! So much that I'm commenting way more on these recaps the YFAS which I also loved!!!! But I love this moreeeeee!!!!!!


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IKR! the competing show is good too, better i think, in the technical aspects. but it doesn't give me the feels, so to speak. i watch punch with my brain. but this, it's all heart. i hang onto Jb's recap to make sense of the story facts. but when i watch healer, i just empathize, and cry and gag with my anger... and of course, i squee. a lot. haha! so to hell with the low ratings! Healer is #1 on my list! NUMBER 1!!!


Healer totally snatched up the #1 spot on my favorite dramas and its sad that it doesn't receive the recognition it deserves!!

I'm a lurker who doesn't comment much even for dramas i love but healer is the only one drama that makes me want to post a string of enlendless comments..

I scanned through the recap of Punch and it doesn't aappeal to me in the least. I just felt cold while reading through Punch and for me its not drawing any emotion from me while for Healer I'm all emotion from start to finish and that's from watching raw episodes, what more if i watch it subbed.


I am worried too. I am scared YS will 'hate' JH. They will end up in sad moment, and hate-love relationship. :(

YS will trust Kim Moon shik intrique. She won't trust Kim Moon ho again. Lot of thoughts and guesses for upcoming episode.

I'm gonna check dramacool to see the next episode.

With anticipation. :'(



"the calm before the storm......"?

Hardly. This episode is anything BUT calm.

The first ten minutes has already created a storm and it's not likely to abate anytime soon. :-D


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i second that @Patinalee :D

Wreaked havoc in my heart!


Oh yeah, me, too. At first I was all, "Squeeeeeee*! So much skinship! Look how happy they are-especially him! And he's working with Moon-ho! Bromance for the win!"

And then I thought, "Oh, crap. Something very bad is about to happen, isn't it?"

Well, I suppose one should expect that. So long as our OTP ends up together and no more deaths, unless it's someone bad. You hear me, TPTB? No more good guy deaths!

* I'm probably way too old to be squeeing, but that's what this show does to me.


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Just let the storm comes....

Because I'm holding my breath and waiting for the time when all the ex-convicts uncles will come together under Commander Papa Chae's to save the day.

Hahahaha...can't wait!


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i also sort of thinking the writer will put the ex convicts to good usage. she wrote them in not just to prove appa's generosity only.
think ex convicts plus Sunday plus Minho, PLUS DETECTIVE YOON (which i still count on) to help Healer clear his murder suspect identity.


The first 5-10 mins I was grinning from ear to ear i felt like my face is gonna split in half.. And all the spazzing and squeeing totally drained all my energy.. When the high of the romance started to subside and our OTP are going back to reality I started to be scared because per dramaland rule its the calm before the storm. By the end of the episode i'm scared out of my wits for our OTP especially Young-shin, Moon-shik is SCARY!

Its such a roller-coaster ride.. A very enjoyable roller-coaster ride and that my friends is THE Healer Effect.


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poor youngshin! poor us! omo, just a few hours more... good luck guys! watchin' the next one with beer in my hand! would have liked somethin' stronger but there's work tomorrow! ugh!


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Me, too. So excited then so scared. What will happen next? I'm a coward. I usually don't want to know until it's all over but this show is going to make me suffer and I have to find out in real time or as real as it gets what happens to our OTP and Moon Ho and everyone else.


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Me too.. I don't watch a drama before the series ended but with Healer I just need to watch it NOW! So i've been watching the raw eps 5ge reading the recaps.. Healer just ruined my drama watching habit..


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First comment? really?


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LOL, one moment, there was no comment. I go to the comment section and there were 11!! In a nanosecond, I kid you not!


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And in a blink there are 25!! My goodness, this blog is exploding like crazy!


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Half an hour later, 112 comments!


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ep 14 already exceeded 3000 over comments.
record breaker is it? i did not really know ep 15 posted, still yaking at ep 14.. javabean and girlfriday should be writer one day. maybe they should start writing fan fiction and spin off some Healer 2. hahaha.
was it reach the peak, it will goes downhill. so worried that it's downhill time.. and please for our eternal happiness.. don't let junghoo or yeoungshin die or any sort of sad ending or "no ending kinda ending" which kdrama are so fond of ... ijimae and bridal mask ending just make me want to boycott kdrama .


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Hehe All this competition to be first to comment. I think you guys pushed Iviore to stop posting. lol

Anyways! Heart to Heart represent yo! Makes skinship here look like a handshake! lmao


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Ivoire! Where is she? ?
sigh. people get bullied into not posting.


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ivoire went couch kimchi.
still loved ivoire,
ivoire, come back here.


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to all who missed IVORIE'
this is what she wrote:
"I have been having recurring computer and internet problems since last week, which has made it very challenging for me to even respond to many of the comments (left to me) from last week on DB (and I really wanted to :-( ). And I haven’t been able to participate this week in the recaps’ comments as well :-( We didn’t have access to the internet since 1pm today. And it is currently 8:50pm. I couldn’t even watch ep.15 and 16.

I am glad and I feel honored that people do remember me, and that they miss my writing soooo much. I do love to write, as you know. Please tell everyone I say “Hello!” and that I am sooooo sorry I was not able to do a (proper) dissection of the kisses in this week’s episodes. I should have been there, especially after the analysis I made of the kiss in ep.8 :-) I will probably write there again (on DB), however, I am not sure when."


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I luv how Jung-Ho nestled Young-shin back to his arms when she turned as she sleeps...and I luv that she comfortably just snuggled back after.

I luv the way Jung-Ho tried to kiss Young-shin while her eyes are covered... And I luv that she knew and made a more intimate gesture by letting him just stare at her eyes..

I luv that Jung-Ho can't keep himself away from Young-shin
- nuzzling his face against her neck and shoulder every chance he gets (I lost count how many times he did that. )
- running his fingers into Young-shins' hair.
- touching and sweetly patting her head.
But I luv that she just lets him do all that to her while she admire his island. While she cooks for him. While she tends to his wound. Without saying a single word...

I luv how tight Jung-Ho back-hugs Young-shin.. Engulfing her into his arms. And I luv that she just lets him and holds back his arms as tight.

I loved it especially.. when Jung-Ho stole a kiss.. but Young-shin ends the kiss back.

And I Soooo luv it more when Young-shin was there for Jung-Ho while they give justice to Master teachers' death. Physically. In action. And emotionally. By giving him comfort when he needed it most.

Ahhh. I just luv luv luv this couple. Not so obvious is it??!!


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Love. Love. Love.



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I love YS.

I love YS for loving JH unconditionally. Without asking what he was doing, or how he got hurt, or why he was doing what he did, or even for his name. Not that she doesn't want or doesn't care to know. She was just giving him space to tell it at his own pace. In the meantime, she's giving him all the love that he's never known.

I love YS.


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@patinalee THIS.


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and to think the guy that has the overly clingy and needy syndrome in him was pushing her out of his house JUST the night before....

Bong Sookie *tsk tsk tsk tsk* you always had it in you. Six days of grief and fasting were dissolved because of one girl in just one night.

Eye bags GONE, chapped lips HEALED, sagging shoulders STRAIGHTENED, appetite RESTORED!!! only Chae Young Shin did that!! she'z a miracle worker.


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He was holding back tears and dry sobbing as he tried to push her away, w the very last resolve that he could muster.

CYS called him out on that BS:
If you let me leave, you'll be crying the rest of your life.

So damned spot on!


+10 deezle!

Loved how fast he "recovered!" Squeee!

Btw, saw the bts of this, man they looked like they were freezing! Kudos to both of their acting!


you're right @Patinalee. she's all that.

and i am fervently praying that she will be as understanding and forgiving when she finds out that he withheld the truth about her mom. she's gonna be shocked and pissed at first, no? ugh. i hope this big reveal happens tomorrow!


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this is the moment, not just you are tested, but your “only eternal love” is tested, can she trust you, against all odds and evidence, against her own hurt, her own revelation that you did hide things from her…
this is the made or break moment….
believe CYS will not act like the typical Korean Belle, wailed and sulked and crumbled… angry, doubting, reject…. whatever whatever….
Hope our unique CYS rise above that.|
as he is willing to stay beside you once, asking you to consider him,
will you stay besides him, against what your wit tell u.
3 things you need.
trust, trust. still trust.
CYS, consider that.
(this is what i posted on couchkimchi).
just like to share what i trusted in CYS, and the excellent writer who created her.


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Our healer likes to cuddle,loving the fact that he's the clingy one in the relationship, Empress ki vibes anyone. Im liking it all.if anything was to be different, I'd like it if atleast once she initiated the cuddling because it seems he's more into her,than she is into him but I'm boxing that thought and throwing it in the Han river.
Anyone watched or watching Warrior Baek dong soo, it's the first time I've thought a man has a nice smile and Ji Chang wook smiles alot in it.
Off to repeat this episode again, to watch me some cliNGing. The ratings must be through the roof,hope it's first.


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Okay back to being slightly serious. Describing this drama gets harder and harder as I get more and more lost in this world where I feel the emotions so tangibly. Jung Hoo trying to confirm Young Shin's existence in his apartment was so understandable because he's been so alone almost all his life that having someone next to him is somewhat of a foreign concept. SO MUCH KISSING AND HUGGING MY HEARTS A SQUEEEEEE. I am so happy that Jung Hoo is on his way to recovering the pieces of his heart that broke when Sabo/Teacher died. And this is one of the many reasons that I love CHAE YOUNG SHIN. And also, can I say that the scene with the ashes made me cry? :'( I missed Jung Hoo's smiles... THEY ARE SO LOVELY TO SEE. Her dancing was perfect. And how he revealed himself was perfect too. Everything in Healer just is to me and its kinda insane XD HER HITTING HIM WAS THE BEST SHE SHOULD HAVE HIT HARDER JUST KIDDING. And I love how he basically got jealous of himself when she got jealous of Bong Soo xD And can I just say that Young Shin is brilliant? :D

P.S. Ahjumma's dance was DA BOMB xD



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+1 for everything you just said! And - with all that hugging, kissing, & skinship in this episode, I personally feel like Park Min Young is one of the luckiest girls in the world right now! Wow!!! Great job KBS2 for an amazing first 5-10 minutes in this episode! Daebak!


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I was laughing so hard when she busted out with "Singin' in the Rain"!!!


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Me too. The song will never be the same again. Kudos to Ahjumma and her Gene Kelly moves. And it's so awesomely clever and appropriate - The last time she was singing "Some" when they were dealing with the ambiguity of their relationship, now she's singing "What a wonderful feeling I'm happy again" because JH is THAT happy.


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@ Crysta, whimsicalnet

Thank you for noting that. "Singing in the Rain" completely escaped me! :-P


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Ha! describing it is hard. If I wrote the recap for this episode, it would be some thing like : He walked away. He laughed. Javabeans is amazing ❤
Yes! I love Chae young shin. She calls herself the best too. Haha


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Its like everything came together so perfectly right??

I mean I was kinda angry at him for not telling his name even after they slept together , I wouldmnt have enjoyed the moments again and again if he had just kept silent.
But the way he just went and introduced himself, that meeting was so full of anticipation even when they have been together all night.



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@ divyrus
Did they eat the apple?
She was wearing different shirt so I wonder..hmmm


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As had been pointed out at the last thread :

- Watch carefully at the moment when she she stretched. Just before they dived back under the covers...... :-D


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Ok, I've rewatched that like 10x and still can't figure out what to look for. What am I missing!?!


@ Ottoke

Grey coloured clothing item, exposed when she partially threw back the sheets. They then dived back under the sheets.

Although unclear what item it was when first shown, a bit later she wore grey pants during the hair toweling scene. So, 2+2=4, yes? :-D


@ Ottoke

To make your life easier, try this: -



@patinalee, I wanted to watch it badly when you pointed it out earlier, but I was in school. Rushed home to check it out, and then saw the "item" - it was there all along! Thanks for the tip and the link!


ahh.... thingy is "what was HE wearing".... was so cold right, but why almost wearing nothing....

what we can see on screen is not important actually, most important is apple was eaten.. and i perfectly happy with that.


AHEM...i go one step further... (against my usual self, writing this).
sshh...sshh...shhh...(she woke up, felt empty side, stretched, and arm touched him at her left... wait, her right side drop off shoulder.. revealing. .. she didnt wear b* in that sleep...) if she sleep immediately without "eating apple for supper") why she not wearing b*?
that was a completely diff set of clothes she wore in teary kiss, which she should be wearing b* inside right?
oosp (sgghhh... when did i condescended to writing THESE?)


clothes were on d floor....just that the camera captured them for less than a brief second..(just before showing the shoes)....


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Yes! I thought so too. Blurry grey blob could've been his sweats that she had borrowed earlier. Which means her pants came off on the way to bed. Couldn't tell what the blurry blob to the right was though. The cut to the shoes was too quick for me to figure it out.


I WILL GO BACK AND WATCH... can't watch here at library.


again, i repeat the same request stated at ep 14... SOMEONE PLEASE TRANSLATE THESE COMMENTS INTO KOREAN , and email to ji chang wook...
will give anything to see the look on his face reading this and what written by healerites at ep 14


Love love love reading your comments about 'apple being eaten'! Pwahahahahaha

I am going to rewind those moments and risk depleting my data quota this month.... And still have ten days to go... *aaarrghh*


I know, right? So my question is - since Someday Boss Moon Ho announced that Bong Sooki is on " leave"...since he transformed himself into Jun Ho, that means he is not going back to being his "scaredycat" self?


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LOL Divyrus. Has it beaten seemingly everyone's OTP QIHM? Because even though I never got into that drama 9(and I watched it) it seems to be everyone's favorite OTP.



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You know its just not kdrama land , its like literally EVERYWHERE I KNOW

Of all the books and shows I have watched, Never has a OTP BEEN AS GOOD ON SCREEN AS IN MY HEAD


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you're right i cannot stand it QIHM *WAS* **THE** go-to OTP but erm this ep just got TOO SEXY FOR MY SHIRT

(and PMY's too. clearly)


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Amen to that ;) I was smiling through this whole episode. My sister said I look like a cheshire cat LOL


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That's quite a mighty challenge!


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tough to beat, this one!


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This otp is very different from the ones in other kdramas. You're right, about being ruined.? I loved it when she helped him. And her laugh, she had so much fun . ^__^ also his adorable smile at being called boy friend. Also while she was cooking :He was just So cute. He's like my four year old sister plastered to my mom while she's cooking. It can get annoying haha


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Yeah ! I think thats part of his appeal to all of us.

He is not the typical cold or lonely hero, he is just a little kid at the end. Not eating, pestering all the time!!!

I just love their love!


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Even though I loved QIHM enough to make it my username (not changing it due to consistency), I think this OTP is my new favorite. And god, how I love his smiles and his head burrowing into her shoulder. AND THEIR KISSES <3


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QIHM used to be my #1 kdrama of all time and have the best OTP in my book of kdrama addiction.. Now Healer SNATCHED up QIHM's place from my heart, though its still on the top of my list but not #1 anymore which I didn't think was possible until Healer came.


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Hmmmm... might get flamed for this... but I still rate the QIHM OTP as my #1. At the end, the QIHM OTP developed an epic fate defying can't-live-without-you feel, which is not quite present here yet. Though with 5 more episodes to go, who knows?


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You got a point. Now how will we enjoy other KDs and KD couples after this one?
Time to start worrying?


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Truueee. I fear I may never be able to enjoy other OTPs again after this one. JH AND YS HIT ME RIGHT IN THE HEART. THEY CONSUMED ME, WHOLLY.

K-Dramaland is looking sort of bleak for me after Healer ends. *laughs mirthlessly*

Haven't watched QIHM so I have no idea how the otp for that one was, but a lot of people are saying they're the otp to beat. Looks like JH/YS are very tough contenders?


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please watch it. the chemistry is... ooof! combustion, really!
tho, Healer otp is the best so far! :D


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Maganda rin Omomo, the chemistry's really good too, but I think our Healer couple just elevated what OTP is to a whole new level. And for me the biggest reason for that is JCW.


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Yes, our Healer couple is THE OTP.

And I'd put that to both JCW and PMY. it takes two to tango, after all. :-)


precisely, was watching pinochio, just felt NOTHING..
watching Bridal mask repeats... watching some SPY advertisements... switching channels to channels.. then was peeping into what-so-great about PUNCH? ... just emptiness, drought, numb... no feel.. I END UP watching CNN, BBC...
then i off TV,
guess will be that for a long long time.. post-healer era.
cannot imagine watching JCW kissing another girl, whether is it Girl generations kinda belle, or PMY kissing LMH..
just felt lilke adultery committed.

i am ruined.


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Y'all can take all the good things the world has to offer, since all I need in this life is THE clingy Healer.


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absolutely perfectly clingy! this Junghoo guy will make many ladies want more from their man, i daresay. tsk tsk. wherefore art thou, hunky badass clingy man???


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In our dreams.


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sigh. sad but true :(


@hawoojinruinedme guess your trip to korea is cancelled and @dramapenchant glad you wont need to fund her ticket..

money saved; squeeeee moments satisfactory, EVERYONE is happy


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I know!! everything turned out great!!! Haha this show. seriously. ugh. Dead.


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@deezle Haha the scene was perfect! :)


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I NEVER ever thought CLINGY as a positive word.

Now that seems the sexiesttttttttt


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"I NEVER ever thought CLINGY as a positive word."
I learnt today that it depends on Who is being Clingy and what he is like.
Only if he is Healer, Jung Ho, aka Bong Sookie is it a positive word.


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Word. Especially if this wonderful guy sneaks kisses when you get annoyed at his clingy-ness. Yes please.


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This. Yeeees!!! So hoooot. So sweeeeeeet. So deadly too, tbh. I died several times. and then several times again.


tho tbh it's still going to be pretty annoying haha


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I'm willing to suffer being annoyed, if it's him.


I want Jung Hoo to bring out a little Bong Sookie when they get into lovers spats. Imagine staying mad at his adorable bumbling face.


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And all that aegyo! No one can stay mad at that!


I loved when she was pouted for Bong Soo~ I can just imagine her ignoring "Healer" and complaining to "Bong Soo"




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Hot damn, Jung Hoo kisses and cuddles like there’s no tomorrow!!!

That smouldering sta..that tight embra..that slow and tender kis...the morning aft…that sexy “come hither loo..that passio..ah, I can’t eve..it’s hopeless; words fail me.

Thanks Javabea… Healer-yaaaaaa….



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u better rise from the dead tomorrow. heeeheee


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I'm not sure whether I'm still alive or not, but I'm definitely ready for tonight's episode! I barely slept a wink last night due to replaying the initial 10 minutes of ep15, after which, it was on constant loop in my friggin head. I have that scene memorised - every minute detail. Sigh, I may as well take a leave of absence from work whilst Healer is still airing...how can anyone take work seriously after watching ep15 in all its glory!? Beats me.


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healer's the only serious thing right now :D
like cancer serious. sigh.


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Lol.love your comment. Totally how I'm spazzing out.


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Kept on rewinding and rewatching the first 8 mins!!! THEY'RE SO ADORABLE!!! Clingy Healer is the best.


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Thank you JB for the recap!

I love this show so much.
Goodness, instead of healing, this show is gonna be the death of me.
They did move a bit fast though....WELP. I'm not complaining ;)


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Maybe they just cuddled all night long?


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no friggin' way! :D


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the way he stared at her from the side



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I think we all did! No shame! :D


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That is the appropriate response! Lol


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I never progressed past the first 10 mts for more than half an hour when I was watching RAW!!!

As dramapenchant says, no shame!!!!


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No shame indeed. I'm rewatching it for the 999th time now.


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Yesss....!! Absolutly no shame for me to...??


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This episode has completely turned me off real life for the next few days. I literally sat in front of the computer for a few moments after this ended, dazed, apprehensive, on the edge of my seat, still tingling from the earlier fuzzies and spewed out of a whole mass of words onto my wordpress. I’m probably not even making any sense, but the words won’t stay put in my being. So here goes. Dear Healer, I am so in love with you, it isn't even right. Firstly, you don't exist. Secondly, even if you did, I'm a boring second year university student, not some adorable sassy reporter with smarts. Let's not go into the thirdlies. Suffice it to say that the things I want to do to Seo Jung Hoo are likely illegal in all 51 states of the US and 10 provinces of Canada. And this is coming from someone who unfortunately still owns her upside-down-A-minus-a-slash card. I just sort of adore the man. That look in his eyes is so very smitten and happy and damn toe-curling. Let's not even get started with that business with the arm. And the fun times under that blanket. Every Monday and Tuesday, sees me glued to the screen, taking two-three hours to watch an hour-long episode, rewinding, sighing, drooling, shrieking with laughter like a madwoman, fuming with rage that I'm still single, you get the drift.
If you were expecting my usual detailed analysis on characters, events and their motivations like in Liar Game, here's to disappointment! Because my brain has long ceased rational function, and coherence went out of the window the moment I saw him cuddling her. I am dead, you hear me? This is my ghost presently typing these words, cackling like a madwoman (mentally cackling, my family won't take any more of the real stuff). I love these two. I love them together. They're pure gold as a couple and feed off each other in the best of ways. I loved it when he tried to dry her hair and got...distracted. Jung Hoo, you're obsessed. Who the hell knew he was so damn touchy feely, and cuddly. Big, tough Jung Hoo makes the world's most adorable teddy bear. I want one. Okay? Hear that fate? What do I do to get me one of these? If it involves being the long-lost daughter of a woman whose husband was killed by her present husband, and means that I need to get my stuff stolen and dumped into a public bathroom sink by said sexy Healer, then I'm game. Not that I would lose my present family for the world...of course...not. I love how much Yeong Shin enjoys being a part of the Healer gig, and even aids out JMJ and JH with cheerful aplomb. This episode was a squeefest of epic proportions, from justice being served to the evil minion, to Healer's warm self-intro (YS’s dance!), to Kim Moon Ho's smile, to the cuddles! Add to that the fact that Jung Hoo can’t seem survive without touching Yeong Shin at least once a minute and I’m a happy camper. MOAR CUDDLES NOW! Get away from her KMS!
Extended thoughts: http://unstoppablesun...


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And did I mention Kim Moon Ho? Yoo Ji Tae commands the screen so effortlessly, even Yeong Shin pales in comparison when they’re in the same room, somehow you just gravitate towards Moon Ho. I’m not sure whether that’s Yoo Ji Tae’s natural aura (holy moly ravioli, how to do the cast and director function if so!) or if he’s channeling his character that brilliantly (even then, holy moly the fellow is brilliant). So much perfection this show, I honest'y can't even.
Extended thoughts and muchas screencaps over at: http://unstoppablesun.com/2015/01/27/the-very-cuddly-healer-and-episode-15/


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Ah, Shalini…I like the way you think and write and imagine. When I was your tender young age, we had nothing like k-dramas to show us the RIGHT way of love and truth and honor. And we certainly had nothing like Healer. NOTHING. This drama is the perfect alchemical mix. It is pure gold. Aren't we lucky to be receiving this gift? Thank you for your post. I filed all the way through - and felt your FEELS.


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And @shalini - you're SO SO right about Yoo Ji Tae! Ain't he something'? The man is gorgeous and intense and deeply talented after years as one of Korea's top movie stars. This is maybe his second only drama and the last one was ten years ago - I think? Whoever put this cast together deserves the medal of all medals. That person has SOME kind of intuition for magic. Best thing about Yoo JiTae? He's a new dad. His baby son is six months old…so when he goes home every day from filming he walks into his loving family. Can you imagine that man holding his baby? Gahhhh! If you want to see lovely JiTae in real life, tune into Happy Together, filmed in December. I love that show. It's an hour of sweet, mellow, serious and funny JiTae. Enjoy!


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Happy Together + YJT? *pricks up ears, trots off to watch*
Thanks for the tip @lunatic4kd!


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That visual was incredible. Hunky Yoo Ji Tae with a six month boy. I am so dead. Can't wait to see him on Happy Together. Should have thought of seeing him on variety shows. I'm so curious as to what he's like in real life.


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Agree absolutely re your observations about YJT/Moon-ho. I fangirl over the OTP and I like JCW a lot, but my fixation is YJT, who I discovered in this show. Maybe because am an ahjumma much older than JCW, my kind of male specimen is YJT--mature, man-of-the-world kind of guy. Brilliant actor/director.


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Ditto. He commands my attention when he is on screen. Really talented actor and director.


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Enjoyed your extended thoughts. You write well and also thanks for the numerous screen caps. You can never have too many.


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Shalini, beautiful words! Made me laugh and nod my head in agreement.

YJT is mesmerizing! I find that he never rushes his delivery, his emotions, though seemingly controlled have an explosive quality to it, it's hard to explain. And I find that I always react to it at the gut level. I also love how he flirts with Min-jae! His teasing vocal intonation and mischievous expression is just daebak!


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@ottokke can't agree more than what you already said here about YJT! Something about his delivery in this drama is very captivating. Well measured and calculated, compared to the more impulsive healer. A nice balancing character for our hero.


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You said it. I have the same "firstly" and "secondly" as you. But I have a thirdly - i am.immensely enamoured with Ji Chang Wook's hands. Yknow, I just want to fly to Korea right now and shake/hold/touch/do whatever to his hands. I want my own Healer!!!!!


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Yes, the hands, the hands.

Healer is drama of the year, hands down (pun intended)


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Squeefest of epic proportions is what would describe this episode so perfectly!!!


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THIS /\!!!!!!! You stole the words right from my mouth,though I doubt I can write as well as you!! Where the hell can I get a clingy Healer!!! Oh God please please send one my way I need peace in life!


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"Suffice it to say that the things I want to do to Seo Jung Hoo are likely illegal in all 51 states of the US and 10 provinces of Canada."
Honey, I died of laughter after reading this part! And you're so right on the other points. I had to go out for my daily walk after I watched this episode and came straight here to read the recap/ comments after taking a shower.
THE WHOLE TIME I WAS WALKING OUTSIDE, I kept thinking about that "look in his eyes" after YS wakes up and stretches and finds him on the other side of the bed, and I couldn't stop smiling. I bet everyone walking past me thought I had gone crazy, but I simply couldn't stop (totally grinning like an idiot), I was so happy with that scene and that look which was delivered so expertly (Those kinda tender looks totally exist, I've experienced them first-hand with my husband:)))) And the word that really nailed it for me was "possessive". It's so great that he's so possessive of her, in an adorable way, not the aggressive kind. I totally love this show. God, I wish it could go on and on forever!


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I'm just saying if I had a boyfriend right now and he wasn't one 1/10th of what healer is,after watching this episode I'd dump him.


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Another solid episode. I was actually really surprised by how much “skinship” there was in this episode… very rare for a Korean drama to have so much touching. LOL. Not that I’m complaining, because it was buckets of swoon. It caused me a little heartache seeing how clingy JungHoo was to YoungShin because he was alone for most of his life… living in isolation… but being so completely accepted by her brought out that he actually has so much love to give and he was starving for that affection and attention. I hope that they are happy together for a long time!

PMY is so cute in this drama! I loved seeing how well they worked together in the police station and it was super cute how she was loving it!

Previews for episode 16 looks so good… can’t wait!

But seriously… what’s up with the viewership ratings? Last week’s episodes were SO GOOD that I thought SURELY the ratings would be up… but it actually dropped! What’s going on, Korea!? To anyone watching both Punch and Healer… is Punch really that good…?


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Yeah :( I saw the ratings and I was so disappointed. :( :(
This drama deserves MOAR Korea do you hear me, MOAR!


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How come it can go down????

Like seriouslyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Yes, Punch *is* that good and appeals to an older crowd. But I think the real ratings story is how Shine and Go Crazy has surged beyond 12% in Seoul this week to take the #2 spot... could be the first big hit of 2015.


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Oops, not 12, meant 11%.


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oh wow. I didn't know about Shine and Go Crazy. That's a huge ratings jump from last week for that drama.

I guess Healer just got stuck in a very competitive time slot. That's unfortunate because the drama has been so addicting and good so far... =(


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At least Healer has created a storm among international viewers. After ep 15 aired, my Twitter, FB, Tumblr and Weibo have been on fire. Everyone is talking about Healer, changing their avatar pics to JCW and PMY. On top of that, JCW has been constantly rank first in the Naver and Weibo popular search chart.


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Shine and Go Crazy is a Sageuk drama and it stars Jang Hyuk - who is on the top of the top of the heap as a popular actor in Korea right now, especially when he's in a historical drama. I think that the audience got drawn off by that fact alone. It doesn't mean they don't love Healer - it's just that few people wanted to miss the first parts of Shine and Go Crazy. They'll be back for Healer. I'm a HUGE Jang Hyuk fan, so I understand where they're coming from. I just feel lucky that we have delayed subs and can replay things so easily when we want to. Healer is IT for me right now - but I will jump over to SAGC after Healer lets go of my heart!


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But the first 2 episodes of SOGC had Jang Hyuk in them and flopped ratings wise. It remains to be seen whether the huge bump today is sustainable but I personally think that SOGC is going to be a hit.


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It makes me so sad. I really really wish they knew how much we appreciate the drama and all its amazing ness. I would actually be willing to give monetary contribution to watch it.


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Same goes for me.. i wish they knew that international fan have been going crazy for Healer. They are doing splendid job on potraying their characters that i can proudly say that this is the best drama i have ever watched that can twist my heart in so many ways! I've seen enough korean drama that i feel i had enough of them until Healer came along. Though most dramas failed to exceed my expectation, i still put some hope n here it is finally, one drama that speak to me. That i can finally say dat i actually have once watched a drama that worth every second watching!
All of the casting are superb especially the OTP. I wish in any way i can tell that we are here for them. I really do. This is my first drama with JCW in and i'm practically drooling right now. I've seen PMY in city hunter n SKKS and boy has she grew up. I've never liked the heroin so much as i get jealous of them but CYS is my biggest bias now.
If only they would date for real!


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thanku dramabeans for recaps ...


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Lovely, lovely JB! Thank you soooo much!

What can I say ..... Intense happiness and relief and satisfaction....my overpowering feels. At last our puppy who has been hurt a myriad times and been lost for the longest time has been found by the only friend who could not only pick her way into his home and feed his body, but break through his defences and heal his heart. At last I see that sweet, handsome face looking relaxed, happy, even more youthful than he has ever done since he has been the Healer.... and so in love!! I swear, he wears his heart in his face and eyes and hands ..*think think swoon*... what am I saying? ... really through his whole body.

Never did I (we?) dare to expect a resolution to his self-blame, isolation and secrecy to be one that would be so full, so complete, sooooo satisfying, as this ... what the fantastic Healer Team has given us. How can we thank you enough PD-nim, Writer-nim and staff and crew and actors for such a wonderful OTP development and in such a natural way. Thanks and kudos to ALL!

And even better .... our hopes for a Team Healer to emerge as we mentioned in last Ep’s comments has been fulfilled. How wonderful to see Moon Ho, Ahjumma, JH and YS, no longer working at cross purposes and alone but together. There’s even more togetherness that is possible and I’m so hopeful that they all do meet up face to face and get to smile at each other – I’m thinking most of course, of Jung Hoo and Min Ja. Is it ironic, or what, that YS who never knew Min Ja existed, has already seen Min Ja who has cared for JH for years, but that JH still hasn’t!!!

Events keep moving so fast and so much is being revealed but yet, and this is the wonder of this writer, more is yet hidden so that we have lots to look forward to. And that cliff-hanger ... fortunately we have another episode tonight, or I’ll explode!!!

But!!! .....we may not/cannot even bask in the afterglow of a wonderful love-filled episode for long. I’m guessing it’s the time in the story when we are scarily going to be going head-to-head against Moon Shik and probably Elder. My tummy is in knots!!! Team Healer, fighting!! Stick together, believe in each other, don’t let the bad guys divide you!!!! *wringing hands gritting teeth*
How to work? How to think? How to wait?????


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Oh my gosh, we totally have the same worries. I'm so on edge for Team Healer at the moment because that piece of information regarding JH's father and YS/Ji Ahn's father is a potential time bomb waiting to explode, and I really hope it doesn't go off in the next episode, or even if it does, that YS continues to stick by JH. They need unity at a time like this not angst. I'm honestly so nervous and excited for ep 16!


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@ Shalini

My dear, what you say, absolutely! I've got to prepare some important stuff now but all I can do is sit here with butterflies in tummy and no attention to spare on anything else!!!


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Someone should have warned CYS about KM Shik. That should be MHo's job since MS is his brother. In addition to shaking MS's hand from CYS's shoulder in his office that day, he should have added one sentence afterwards, "Beware of that guy or Don't believe a word he says". If he didn't do it then, at least do it after the latest phone call from his brother, which declares war between them!
It's an impt omission, and will prove detrimental to their side --->more angst for a few eps.


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@ KDaddict

Precisely!!! We were saying that ignorance/withholding information is more a bane than a boon and this is one case in point. Did all that they (YS and JH) did about finding out who killed Teacher never drill down to the fact that Moon Shik was involved? Why does she not know? Or is it the case that she knows but again is taking one of her gungho risks? *stomach starting to churn again just thinking*


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Doesn't seem like she knows.
She knows he as this big media mogul. She is on her way to his house to interview his wife, and is ecstatic about the permission. He shows up w the offer to give her a ride to his house. How can she refuse, UNLESS she knew ahead of time how dangerous he really is.


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You just Had to put that one word in BOLD, eh? WHOLE. As if we'd miss the significance of that one part, unmentioned and unmentionable.


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LOL!!! Me protests: I was *not* thinking of just 1 part. But everything taken together as a whole, you know, WHOLE??? ... My mind was way above ... the errr.... Drool Level of the Pool .... we're still in the gutter but we don't have to be down deep in the depths, right? :D


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Wow, the recap is here! Thanks JB!

Just watched English subbed version (I watched the KBS2 live streaming last night) and now this. Daebak!

Will now read and comment later. Hi Beanies, hi Healer fangirls, hi one and all. Am so happy!


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After much debate and as we did not get that much response, we seem to have decided to jump on the Soompi Fan Project bandwagon instead of doing something on our own. The Soompi project is to send Email to the Healer Team which is organised under different Chapters. Read more about it below…. Among the things we can send are fan-made videos, memes, jpegs, fan fic,...

From comment 31.5 Bojana suggested: “Well I think that making a fan video is the best idea!!! Sending food needs a lot of coordination and work, I don’t think there is so much time left to do it. But a video made by fans could get their attention and at least make them laugh :D.”

And from comment millionstars: “okay guys since we wanted to do a project as dramabeans’ healer fans but since we’re doing it through the soompi project, here’s what i propose: According to the Int’l fan project info page, one of the thing we can send in the email is a 5 min(max) fan video, so why don’t we put together videos from all the beanies here and send it as ONE video? ? ? how does that sound?”
@ rainerust (as you offered before) are you still ok to help in fanvid coordination (as there’s not much time left) if anyone is willing to make and send vids? To make many videos into 1 DB fan vid???

Please reply to this Comment and indicate here Want To Send Video if you want to make your own for this DB project or indicate here Can Merge Video into 1 if you have the expertise to do this and can help.

Unfortunately I’m not techie enough to do the task so WHO can HELP?? If you prefer to reach me privately (all I can do is help you connect to each other ie, I’ll pass your email addresses to each other to help this along, if you agree) please email me at: [email protected].  We have until Healer ends to send in our stuff to Soompi. Just 2 weeks *nibbling nails*


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I can't help with putting it together but I'd want submit something to a healer fan vid :D


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Since I don't re-check threads that often, if we are doing it, you can email me (I hyperlinked with my username).


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Not sure if you will recheck this thread, but if you do - your email doesn't show up even if you hyperlink via DB as it clearly states that emails won't be published LOL.

I created a special email account for the DB project, but my comment is awaiting moderation (so am not sure if it's the email address that I added in it that has caused the moderation as this is not usual) ...so just in case, the email is
healer.dbproject2015 at gmail (and hopefully this bypasses the whole awaiting moderation thing).


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Yeah I can help to coordinate - can do basic video editing and overlay of music (unless someone else who is better at this would like to offer?).

I've set up a separate email account for this project: [email protected]

Send in your videos or Dropbox links (if you upload your vid to Dropbox) to the above link - try to keep your slice within 20 to 25 secs or less; I might cut as needed if it's longer though. Send in the following:
- Parodies (dances e.g. CYS or Ahjumma dancing)
- Favourite scene takes (e.g. Coffee Ahjusshi + Ahjumma?? the rooftop kiss, if you can coerce your other half into doing the scarf/hat thing with you LOL)
- Your love messages for the Healer team (production or otherwise)
- ...and if you want (and are brave enough) bloopers are OK too. I like including bloopers at the back of all my videos LOL.

Can folks please send in your stuff/slices by 1 Feb 2015 6 pm my time (which would be GMT+8) - I'll need some time to edit it, and am hoping to put up the link for y'all in the Ep 17 recap AND send it in to the Soompi Forum (deadline is 10 Feb so it's fairly tight).

For info, the link to the fan project that Soompi is running is here: http://forums.soompi.com/en/discussion/2025904/healer-international-fan-project

GB - shall the Singaporean fans see if we wanna get together to do one slice? ;)


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@ Rainerust

Wonderful Rainerust!!! I was thinking about that... was wondering if I should suggest that we in Singapore could get together and do something.... and I'm glad you did.

OK SINGAPORE-based BEANIES who read this... shall we meet up? ... Have a fun gathering and brainstorm what to do for the fan vid?

If you'd like to and don't mind leaving me your contact details (email and mobile number) to [email protected], we could have a What's App group and discuss where to meet etc.



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Mememe! Singaporean signing up! LOL I'll email you @Growingbeautifully


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Great! you'll be the 2nd person. I'm so chuffed/elated. Read ya soon!! :)


meeting up sounds so fun. if only i was in Singapore too :(

thanks in advance :D
ill definetely Email you something before the 1st.
now, i just need to go convince(force tbh lol) my very shy friend to be in the video with me haha


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@ millionstars

Wish you are here too! :)


hi Healer-ites (what soompi called their owns)

i lock in.

meeting no. am scary timid cat.
but let me know what i can do.
no special skill actually except yaking.
and tons of moral support to you Healerites/ Healerists.


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@ mary of bethany

No problem, .... we're just opening up to those we know are in the right location :)

Read ya later!


The amount of cuteness in this episode scares the shit out of me.


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Not that I'm complaining, but I think I got a cavity from all the sweet!! ^^


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ugh, why @thetofurkey why? I hadn't thought of that. WHY??????? They better give me more cute in the next episode so I can imagine YS and JH in candyland, so I can survive the next week.


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Yes, the impending fall-out! :/


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I never thought it that way!!!!!!!

We have a load of angst waiting, arent we???


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@ azfih and Divyrus

Yes, indeed we do!! Angst time is likely upon us. Thus my nail biting (Above comment!) ..... *still nail biting*


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exactly my thoughts
but i think i can handle some angst thrown my way now only if, and just only, if our otp gets to be together at the end of the day


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As long as the angst is well-done, I'm actually all for it. Writer Song, I'm trusting you here!


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I'm just hoping our OTP can handle the angst as a team. That the news of her father and his father doesn't break them. Because there is more to good drama than *great misunderstandings* and we deserve better. I'm with you that they have my trust but I've got my stink eye ready.


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Definitely we deserve better than mis-comm and misunderstandings leading to idiocy. So far so good! And I hope the production team continues to honour us viewers with the respect they have shown so far. :)



Especially since one of the reasons why JH (and fans) love YS so much is because SHE STAYS when he pushes her away or when others stay away. She instinctively knows that he's a good guy and would never hurt her.

If they don't weather the upcoming storm together as a team, I'm going to be so heartbroken (but let's pray it's the good kind of heartbreak? If that's possible). And JH will feel abandoned once again, which is a big no, no.

Stick-eye commence!


I was having palpitations the entire episode because I kept being anxious about the fall-out. I do feel it's coming.


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Sub-thread: LOVELY LINKS

It is hoped that this sub-thread brings together a list of the links you sweet Beanies want to share with us.

There were heaps of links in the Ep 14 recap but they are scattered all over LOL! So it will be hard to locate the ones we might like to remember. If you find links to gifs, jpgs, sites, vids, etc that you like. Please feel free to add them here! :)


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i don't know what to expect~ X'D Bed scene, Pervert Junghoo, Hottie Junghoo, Clingy Junghoo are around in my mind.. how this guy smiling for Youngshin just make me dying.. how happy he is when Youngshin said "Boyfriend" really make me giggle.. Ji Changwook-Park Minyoung daebak!! Their chemistry really like BOMB for us!!



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I like how this bed scene was done compared to others in KD-land, where we were always shown 2 bodies wriggling under a cover.

Here, they snuggle at night. Next shot, it's morning. And post-coital bliss!

So much more classy, and sweet.


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Couldn't agree more! ;)


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you are so true Kaddict...so loved the bed scenes, subtlety sensual in all aspects( i suddenly have the urge to change my own bedsheets and pillows into an all white ensemble ) hihi...


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Hallelujah! We got an implied bed scene (but way too much clothes on for my liking :p )! See, all of that gutter talk in last episode’s recap was totally justified!

Still, that bed scene was so sweet. I absolutely adored the way JH looked at YS while she slept *swoon* and when he gave that little smirk indicating round 2 was totally about to happen! Rawr.

Cracked up at JH's face when YS turned and faced the other side of the bed LOL (yeah wrap her up good in those muscular arms)

Lastly, Jung Hoo is so adorably attached to Young Shin! It was adorable and funny but to think the reason why he can't believe this is reality is rather heartbreaking. He's been abandoned way too many times!


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You know when the camera panned to the shoes and them in bed, I jumped in MY bed silently screaming for a moment "THEY ACTUALLY DID IT"

Man, the gutter our mind was in, its totally justified! Its like the writer manipulated us with a exact will they -wont they scenario!!!!!!


And yeah, his background voice wondering whether its real and if its real, its okay is actually really hearbreaking and sad


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I am dying to hear your thoughts!!!!! I know you said, after the deed is done, the rest wouldnt have that much effect. Which is true in a way

BUT HERE, I found each look and each touch so passionate and hot compared to the ones beforeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


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So you know what, I might just have to eat my words!

The deed was done (or implied) so tastefully, leaving much to the imagination, that I actually don't mind! Yiheeee. You never really know how much you like something until it happens. Lewl.

On that note, remember some of us joking about Jung Hoo's inability to 'perform' because he might lack the strength?

Well, I now give JH the 'Best Performer' award and YS as the 'Best Supporting Performer'. *cackles*


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and notice how fast he bounced back from near death to this glowing energizer bunny? xDD YS is magical


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Magical aphrodisiac apparently.


@dramapenchant if only i can bottle some of that to deal with post-deadline zombieness haha

nevermind, if only i can bottle *him*


probably the porridge that Young Shin gave him that night had some ginseng or something like that. kekekekeke...


If you could bottle either that magical aphrodisiac or him, it wouldn't heal your post deadline zombiness. if anything, it'd turn you into a nymphomaniac, by giving u a lot of "oomph" in a certain area, just like it did him, not that you'd mind, sister.


@siesta If I could bottle him, I'd be alert and ready, alway.


Absolutely, that GLOW (both him and CYS...although, did you guys notice, CYS was considerably more worn out? *cough cough* I wonder who did all the work? Heh.) and can I say I just thought that JH was pretty much just being a huge warm fuzzy blanket the first 10 minutes? He was just draping himself all over CYS! It was pretty hilarious. And CYS, I must say, has wayyy more patience than I do - if it was me, I'd have been smacking him to get out of my way more than once!


@Rainerust didn't we already establish which position they did the deed in? ;)

I'd take him over a regular, plain old blanket any day! Haha you know YS was using alll her power to NOT smack him!



Ever wondered who was on top? (Wiggle eyebrows) :-D


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Oh my. Must you really ask me that?

*ponders* *nosebleeds*

I get embarrassed just thinking about it lol. I can't do this.


"The deed was done (or implied) so tastefully, leaving much to the imagination, that I actually don’t mind!"

Imagination, eh? Where's a fanfiction when you need one?!

Calling all great writers in here, a fanfiction pretty please? Hahahahaha


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@Omomo I was never worried about his performance LOL and he proved it by having a second round! Strength can be found, always, as long as it's for some sexy time. ;)


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@ divyrus, kDaddict, dramapenchant, omomo, siesta

Anything happened? My worthless eyes are deceiving me... they don't seem to be doing much before/after hugs and kisses.
They really did it? Did they? Did they not?
One thing for sure CYS's porridge and kisses revived our Healer


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Hhahaaa!! Was Young Shin wearing the Healer's clothes the morning after? It seemed like it


well if going by the usual kdrama logic they definitely did stuff.. clothes scattered about,sleeping together with less clothes on, all the skinship happening etc



Reposting -

-As had been pointed out at the last thread :

– Watch carefully at the moment when she she stretched. Just before they dived back under the covers…… :-D


They wouldn't be that giddy and touchy feely if nothing happened. If not THE DEED ITSELF, then perhaps some heavy foreplay or an intense make out session. ;)


Oh dear innocent girl! You are running with an older, experienced crowd. Beware. We may lead you astray.

And YES, as sure as morning follows night, they did it. Off screen. You couldn't see anything cos they didn't show u anything. It's all in connecting the dots.


@ KDaddict
Me me innocent? Ha! If not for the amazing CYS I would have packed "the girl" on the next plane and take my spot next to SJH. Hehehehe

I just want a guarantee - are we gonna get junior CYS and/or junior SJH in 9 months....???

@ patinalee, siesta, omomo, kDaddict
Where? Where? My eyes have betrayed me
I have been replaying many scenes till 5am - overslept, missed a few calls...
Yes. Yes. I received your orders and shall rewatch the s-p-e-c-i-f-i-c scene!
*salute to all of you*

Look at his singlet. He took off his while she puts on new sweater... How does this work?? Arrrghhhh scream *going bonkers*



See my response to Otokke at :-P


He is sooooo clingy I love it! Such a squee inducing episode I cannot even--GAH.


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Oh thank goodness. I've been exploding Twitter but I needed my beanies to truly get all my squees out. HOLY CRAP THAT EPISODE!!!!


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You guys!!!!! I think they are trying to kill us with the first 8 minutes of this show!!!! I haven't squeed so hard for a couple in dramas in forever! I love the skinship! It's like he can't get enough of her!!!! Gosh he is adorable! Healer oppa has spoilt all men for me!!! What's a girl to do now?!?
Side note: I think today is the day, y'all break dramabeans lol. I think the comments are going to explode after tonight!!


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It is so sad ( more like bittersweet? definitely sweetness overload!!!!!) the way he can’t bear to be apart. He must have been so lonely his whole life without hugs and kisses and any human contacts... *swoon* gosh! It is insane the way I could feel for his character! I really really loves CYS also. She is so cute and amazing at the police station!

Every new episode just keeps turning out to be the best! Thank you, for the amazing recaps!


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How is the online rating of Healer?


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Apparently not at the top. I iz sad. If only we can do something to change dat. :(


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YASSSSS! I only got to see the first 30mins but it punched my feels so hard LOL pls tell me why YJT and JCW are great at their characters?? Srsly. When they're both on screen together, I can't help but fangirl lolol


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Oh, the squeeing, the spazzing, and the flailing that was done by me!!

I kept grinning and sighing contentedly!

Ji Chang-wook in this episode looks like a guy absolutely in love & completely besotted with his lady love!! AHHHHHHH...


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First they attempted to murder me last week with that freeze frame kiss
Then this week, they started the slow death with replay of that snuggle, the dialogues and the full kiss.
As if am still breathing and alive, they continued in morning with him LOOKING AT HER TENDERLY WITH THAT EYES,
And just to make sure I don't ever survive , just to eliminate the slightest of chance of my life existing, they show HIM with THAT eyes moving her ever so gently to his side and snuggling AGAIN.
And then when she wakes up, he looks at her with THAT EYES , so that CPR won't work on me.
And for all our curious minds in gutter on showers, they make him dry her hair.
Then follows THAT almost kiss and THAT STARE with that towel so that emergency wards are useless.
And when am finally realizing that am dead and need to fight to stay alive, they have her cooking, being domestic and HIM not being able to stop hugging ALL THE TIME, just when I think I have a 0.000000001 possibility to survive, he swoops in for ANOTHER KISS followed by THAT SMILE.

And when I am finally declared dead with cause of death marked due to too much hotness and feels of a OTP, they HAVE to show a bus scene with them waving and being SO FREAKING CUTE.


I am scared of my kdrama self now, how the hell would I ever able to see any OTP anywhere and believe it when I KNOW ITS NEVER GONNA BE LIKE HOW ITS WITH YOU ! HOW WILL I EVER MOVE ON !!!!!!


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That full kiss shot is where it's at. So tender yet passionate.


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idky but the stolen kiss sets my heart aflutter even more <3
such a smooth move..befitting of a thief


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Befitting of a thief it is!

I love how its so natural to them!!! And how much they both seem to enjoy each other!!!!



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I died guys, my soul is typing this from Healer heaven. Too much squeeing and excessive heart palpitations caused my death


You took the words from my mouth!! I had to pause and re-learn how to breath cause i had forgotten how to do it!! Just THE BEST DRAMA and THE BEST EYES (and lips, and hands, and......)


Yeah JH sure is smooth for a loner-guy who's never had a girlfriend before.

And that stolen kiss... no wide eyed shocked look from our female lead, YAY TO THAT!


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Ruined you are and I am!!! Totally and completely ruined .... can there ever be another drama (and I'm not limiting it to kdrama but any drama in the whole world after this) romance to top THIS ONE???????


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You are right on that GB!!!!

Its like this love story works so great and perfect on SO MANY LEVELS and when they look so good together and are so happy next to each other, it just slays me!!!!

I mean, I always resonate with JB what she says about stories. Being full circle, short and complete. On how less is always more.

I collect stories a lot, every book I read, every shows I watch(whatever the language), every movie I watch, every blog I read, every song I listen to, I love a good story. I often feel so much sense about my life in stories rather than anything else.

And thats why its so awesome here. This romance wouldnt work THIS much, if not for the story and amazing writing!
And the writing wouldnt work so much, if not for such awesome actors and sizzling chemistry with comfort and love.

Its just the right proportion!!!! Its gonna take too long for me to find a story that tops this one!!!!


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It's so surreal that I had a class on public speaking just yesterday and I was talking about how much I loved stories, cos they immerse me into another world and help me make sense of my own world..

And here it is, the perfect love story.


I love this writer so much. Seriously, it's like she's reading what we're writing and fulfilling all our dreams!!!!


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Hush now, dear Divy... the whole HRUSG is here to support you... err, no... because we're all dead now and yes, Healer deprived us the any possibility of coming back to life!

*still a wandering-soul-polaris, just like @Ghost of Chandler

BUT... a HAPPY-giggling-street-dancing-stone-kicking-wandering-soul-polaris!!!!


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You know what makes this all more infuriating???!?!?!?

Its just planned cold blooded murder!!!! There is no way around it!
I mean the freeze it at exact right moment and make us go into gutter for a week, chiding oursleves for being naughty and finally settling down to that cant possibly happen, I mean its a kdrama right? They would take it slow. Cuz the punch after that would be slightly missing then.

then BAM, they hit us with that!!!!!!!!
Its like they exactly knew what would kill us and put the plan in motion so painstakingly one at each time!!!!!!

A perfect murder.


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LOL @ myself, am giving a dramatic arc like its a Agatha Christie Novel.



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@ polaris and Divyrus

LOL! New post-Agatha Christie novel "Death by Kdrama!" LOLOL!


BTW in 65.1.1 next page we have named 3 of our Drool Pools, .... Swoony, Moony and Looney. Take your pick ... as you ... er ... become .... mostly apparitions.


I can't wait to see u together with me in heaven. LMAO


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I doubt we would be too glazed over in heaven reimagining our OTP and knocking on poles, on each other and falling down!!!


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quick...pass the wookie gum gum all around ^^


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Are we out of Camel Cricket flavor again????!!!!! *slumps out*


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Camel cricket flavor? HAHAHA I actually didn't know what they were, camel crickets really look scary.


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hi Divyrus, you are so hilarious describing how you went literally dead in the first 10mins of the show! so creative of you! so funny i love how you put all those words together to describe all what we have experienced in this last episode. you have captured all our thoughts!

Healer has indeed ruined us! i have never experienced this kind of drama addiction in me entire life of watching kdrama (3 years) . this show literally crippled me to do my normal routines, i should have been happily sleeping at this hour but here i am frantically tinkering typing and drooling for all those Healer JCW PMY comments / entries.
whar shall i do Healer?????


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at looong last. I cant believe how many times i refreshed looking for this.

Tq tq tq


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Can writer Song read my mind or what? When I saw the preview and Young Shin called Jung Hoo by “Jung Hoo-sshi” I was praying that she’d call him “Jung Hoo-ah” like she did for Bong Soo since the latter sounds way more intimate! I’m sooooo glad I got my wish!

And on that note, how sweet was it that Young Shin misses Bong Soo and asked Jung Hoo if he’d show up again. Her sad cries for Bong Soo totally cracked my up though! “Bong Soo-ah, Bong Soo-ah, Bong Soo-ah…” *sniff sniff* But did Jung Hoo just ignore her because he was jealous of himself or what? And did I hear Jung Hoo call Young Shin by “Young Shin-ie”? Awwwwww.

@Divyrus OMG we got the after shower hair drying scene, except it was Jung Hoo drying Young Shin's hair instead!!! See, anything we hope for comes true apparently!!!


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Yes totally, I think we should keep making more wishes!

And am 100% sure Song Ji Na stalks DB. I mean there is no other way that could explain, how she can give such perfect fan service while staying in align with the story and making us giddy and touched as same time!!!!!!!!

And yes to her calling him in banmal. The entire sequence while he introduced himself to her, I SQUEEDDDDDDDDDDDDD SO BAD.

I mean they have already done it, but still that meeting was so significant and so real that I JUST CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE.



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Yes. Lets.

Right?!?! A pet peeve of mine is when COUPLES call each other "name"-ssi. It sounds so formal!

Ahhh, and the way he tells her his date of birth and if she'd like to know anything else was so sweet! He really wants to meet her as the real him.


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Exactly! I squeeed at SO MANY MOMENTS.

Especially in the car, when she asks sadly whether Bong Soo wont be here anymore and her missing him!!!!!!!

GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH How can a love story with 3 different characters of a same person be so perfect!!!? Healer, Bong Soo and Jung Hoo

We all have been talking who we like more and who he actually is for weeks now, finally realzing he himself doesnt have much idea who Jung Hoo is!!!!!
This is one awesome writing!!!


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This is how all love squares should be like!


yes again Divy...i really like that scene so sweet as well and did you notice how handsome and gorgeous JCW is? what's wrong with this guy he is almost perfect in all aspect arg!!!!!!


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now to get her to call him oppa at least once more lol


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*shivers* especially thinking back to the first time she used it.

(I actually think "Jung Hoo-ah" is so much sweeter and him calling her Young Shin-ie is awwwwww)


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I was kinda puzzled with JH's inexistent reaction to YS asking for Boong Soo. What does that mean?

Boong Soo deserves closure, at least.


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i think he's equally puzzled by her missing bong soo lol
like, "isnt bong soo.. me?"


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Lol Agreed, and I almost felt a tinge of jealousy.


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U nailed it ... isn't bong Soo...me?

Poor girl is trying to adapt to the serious and clingy version of healer/bongsoo


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Love how before he refused to drink with Moon Ho--he doesn't drink with just anyone.

The conciliatory beer was a great symbol of his growing trust in Moon Ho, and people in general.


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I love their bromance so much! Although I heap the praises on JCW, it's because it's kind of established that YJT is fantastic!


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@mel and @dramapenchant

I squeed at that scene to!

Cheers to Jung Hoo for finally having a drink with someone and starting a friendship!!!!!

His attempts at normal life and making friends is just so heartwarming!!!!!!

And did you notice that little smile he gave when he admitted he likes Young Shin.

Just like a giddy school boy in first love!!!!!!


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@Divyrus So heartwarming!!

That smirk was so cute but yes, also totally childish, like he was making the statement to MH "you better stay away from her because she's MINE" :D


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Thats how I viewed it too!!!

Am so glad they scraped the love line with Moon Ho! Him being the uncle taking care of them works the best!!!



Seriously. Am glad too that they scrapped any hint of a love line between MHo and YS. The way MHo touched-up YS' hair at his apartment after the elevator rescue scene really pissed me.

Now, me happy. Very happy. :-D


It is indeed established that YJT is indeed fantastic! We know how he commands a scene just by standing there without doing anything.

The reaction to Healer is like a coming-out party for JCW. Some knew, some didn't that he has been a reliable actor, but few knew that he's a great one, with such range, intricacy and depth. That's why everyone is wooing and ah-ing over him after each ep of Healer.

OK, OK, I concede there are also other reasons.


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What other reasons? *blinks innocently*


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Let's see. Let me put my thinking cap on.

Innocent reasons? Hmm.....
Can't think of any.
Found out that I Lost my thinking cap somewhere along the way of watching Healer.


cute cute cute.
I will savour dis episode so much cuz I know dat ma heart ll be broken in d next one.

Dude was able to perform after 6 days of Starvation. He's Superman.
sabu-nim's box of pleasure helped. I'm sure he would be watching from heaven saying, "That's my boy right there". LOL.

How cute was he being all clingy?awww.
if dat happened to me in RL,i ll push him away


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@ mellina

LOLOL! You naughty girl you!

But you know what, I'd push super clingy sweetheart away too!!! LOL

But in this case, it is truly understandable why he was like that and so it is acceptable and he should get more ... moar.... MOAR!!!!


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okay, i kinda get what CYS might be feelin with this clingy JH. I remember exactly, during my newly wed day, even when i hear my hubby click the door and found me where i was hiding, lol, and i said "not agaiinnnnn" LOLOLOL.

off to watch healer now, KBS wont do me any favor, i can't open it, so i only relay to my olweb.huhu


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Teacher would be *so* proud xDD


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Haha! Teacher would be so proud! That's why I need to read comments, I didn't even think of Teacher and you made me think how right you are! Why didn't I think of that?


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Great post. He did learn from the best. Not so much in cooking, but in another dept.

And to think that we worried for him!
6 days of no food and No water!
Superman indeed!



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ikr, and we even planned to send energy drinks.
aigoooo tsk tsk.


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Saved our money!!!! LOLOL!


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lordy YS wouldn't even get to go home at all if we did manage to send those energy drinks


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She doesn't want to.

Appa, I'm in heaven. Ain't never going back to that single bed again.


LOL @Kaddict!!!! Your comments are gold. "Appa, I'm in heaven."

Sabu-nim's learning materials must have been great, for him to be so smooth. Snerk.


Omooo! You're a GEEENIOUS! Didn't think of Teacher LOL. Really, Jong-hoo is superman, but thats just because of CYS. Lucky girl!!


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I sometimes think how do JCW and PMY feel when they saw these scenes??? I mean we all know shooting is really tiring and they need to take 5 minutes shots several times and have to act, after taking a shot they call cut and take break so they may not able to feel something, just work. But when they watch the full scene after editing, what they feel " ohh we really act well"

I wonder if they even 5% of what we are feeling now :P


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My thoughts exactly, Fantasy! It's like they have an on and off button for the real and reel life... Specially for PMY, she must be an ice princess to NOT feel anything for JCW... She might have saved a country in her past life to be with such good looking guys (even if it's for work, who would have mind having those stares and hugs around you oh and kisses too)


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so, i can't say anything coherent right now about this episode except that i watched it raw at work. luckily i was alone because i totally screamed not once but i don't know how many times. on the drive home, i must have looked like a crazed person because i would alternate between laughter and screaming.

healer you have ruined me.


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So boring. I watched 1/3 of it and stopped. Probably will stop watching this one now.


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Bye Felicia


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no need to have our permission dear, u can stop whenever you want :)

Bye :)


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Bye Bye Bye.


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Ciao. Go...go!


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You are HEALERious :D


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If you would kindly name the one that are not boring to ur eyes please.


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No, katon. We don't care. To each his own.


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Cheers, Gogo. I got bored with it, too.


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Before anything else, THANKS JB AS ALWAYS! :D

"I think of her as something of an anchor for his lost soul—"

"...it’s less of the you-complete-me mentality and more of them spurring each other to complete themselves, so they can be together as whole people."

Exactly. These two people finding each other and helping one another grow is such a beautiful thing to behold. That's what makes me so invested in their relationship. It's healthy, and with plenty of give-and-take from both sides. :)

Now for the gush of emotions. My goodness. Those opening scenes. Had my mouth hanging open in a mixture of disbelief and giddiness the entire time. My mind was simultaneously accepting and rejecting what was happening right in front of my eyes because A) MY BODY WASN'T READY FOR THAT, B) it's like watching all my fantasies come to life, and C) wow show, you actually went all out, huh? I want to shake PD-nim and writer-nim's hands so badly.

I swear I am capable of making intelligent comments sometimes. But right now, I just... I can't function properly... I can't.

Jung Hoo and Young Shin. Holy boloney. I thought I couldn't love the two of you as much as I already do. Thank you for proving me wrong.


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They're perfection.

So have you decided to give in to the dark, naughty side? ;D


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Aigoo. Don't push me, haha! I'm precariously dangling at the edge of the cliff as we speak. If we get just one more insane skinship scene after the overload in this one, JUST ONE MORE, then I guarantee I will be plummeting faster down the gutter before you can even blink. :D


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Okay, well I'll wait for you at the bottom of this cliff then. (It's gonna happen)


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Here you are Omomo!!!

I just left you a comment on top asking you on your thoughts on the bed scene!!!

Dont worry, my mind isnt functioning either. I havent seen the episode with even subs yet and I cant even process any of the comments here that doesnt involve the first 10 mts!!!!

I would come to it, but rught now I just want to



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Already sent my reply. ;)



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RECAP RECAP RECAP! Thanks for the recap! I loved this episode so much omg, i want to cry because so much feels. The beginning of the episode. Is the most satisfying drama scene. Ever. I've never seen so much cuddling in a drama before if at all. Writer-nims are the best!!

Now to the nitty gritty stuff, omg you know that we're getting towards the end bc in the preview Moon Ho told Young Shin that her mother was alive. And the last scene of the episode antagonized me so much, Young Shin either has no fear or is really stupid or probably both. When she knows this man is dangerous, 'yeah it's a great idea to get into this corrupted man's car and let's do some story telling while we're at it'. I just--can't even.

I'm also curious what's the next episode is about because of the preview shows Jung Hoo insanely grabbing this guys' frame and shouting something about telling him something so that Ahjussi can live? Who's Ahjussi? Curious and curiouser..


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Finally!!!! I've been holding off from all sorts of spoilers for 15 until the subs come out (I'm a spoilerphobe) but somehow I couldn't resist the temptation to look at Tumblr gifs and I was just like heck it! Raw episode it is! So rewarding and so sweet! ON THE BED! But nothing is comparable to the hand porn. I don't think I will ever be satisfied with any hand holding unless they're like Healer's and Young Shin's :(

On a side note, I've never commented once on dramabeans, not once in 6 years and now here I am, posting something because of Healer! I was late to the party, started only last friday and only really got interested from episode 6. Honestly, I was pulled in by the crazy number of comments, thinking there had to be something good to warrant such attention. And boy, was I wrong! There was more than good, so awesome, so hot, so passionate and so mysterious all in one! I wanted to save episode 14 for yesterday so I could reduce my waiting-in-agony time but again, temptation, that bitch. I slurped it all up, leaving me with more than 29h to the new episode. Cannot describe how I felt like dying waiting for the new ep, and how hooked I am that I'm thinking of healer EVERY SECOND even though I have to pay attention in lectures. And I spent this 29h watching BTS (replaying like, oh, 100x?) and reading through the thousands of comments on dramabeans, nodding in agreement and laughing at all of your hilarity.

Save me, someone, oh Lord. Or heal me, Healer.


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Btw, thanks so much javabeans! I've been refreshing the page so much hahaha. First time ever since Secret Garden!


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Great post @shingshing ! Is your name, by chance, influenced by that wonderful OTP in I Need Romance 3?.. That drama has been my favorite romance up to Healer.


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Yeah, I wondered about that too.

INR3, shingshing? :-)


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@lunatic4kd and patinalee

Yes you both are right! I loved that pairing. I wanted my own Goguma then, hahaha. But even he wasn't able to delurk me, unlike Healer ;)


Welcome Shingshing!!!

Thats the thing about Healer. It works on so many levels enough to draw out longtime lurkersssssss!!!!!!!!1


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Hi Divyrus!

Thank you :) Yes, I saw that several lurkers have been delurked because of Healer ;)

Anyway, I loved reading your comments and I think you write really well! Found myself nodding in agreement with things you said. And other times, you were just pure funny hahaha!


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About the ratings (8.7%), who do I have to talk to (or beat up) in order for the ratings for increase? *le sigh*

*positive thoughts* *positive thoughts*


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This is great hahaha


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Reposted from Ep 7 recap. Originally posed/translated by @jov.ie


Apparently, the Korean viewers are as perplexed as us about this ratings business


Naver: ‘Healer’ Park Min Young-Ji Chang Wook, Confirmed their feelings for each other…Dropped to 3rd place in ratings

1. [+120, -2] Truly upsetting. Once I saw the ratings, I knew something’s not right
2. [+119, -2] The ratings are weird for this one. But everyone around me is going crazy for Healer… they have to watch the Mon Tue broadcast for sure
3. [+110, -5] Heol… This can’t be…
4. [37, -1] How do they conduct ratings exactly…Everyone around me is going crazy for Healer.. Ah geez.. Ji Chang Wook fighting !!!
5. [+37, -1] The reason why I go home early is because of Healerㅜㅜ This is upsetting but still, be strong Actor Ji^^
6. [+36, 0] Exactly why??????It’s so fun. Why ?????!!!!!
7. [+37, -1] Do they take ratings with a machine or something? Don’t just survey some specific household but confirm it with people who are watching Healer all over the nation!!!! It would definitely be more than 15% !!!!!!!!
8. [+37, 3] I think it’s because it was delayed by 10 minutes…ㅠ That’s probably why the rating’s like that today~~


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Thanks @Omomo. Glad some Korean fans are as shocked as we are.


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^ typo: Reposted from Ep 14 recap.


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WTF!!! The ratings can't be right...I am just floored that it could be going down.

I do hope that Healer team doesn't get discouraged by the rating, because they must know that the show is popular internationally.

Healer fighting!


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Thank you for beautifully written recap as usual, Dramabeans!

I cannot stop smiling during this episode! Kyaaa!! Squeee! Oh, my God!

On second thought, I will write my comments after I can deal with the romance and get into the action plot...

I'll be back in a moment


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I am too intrigued by MS. He seemed truly troubled when YS mentioned the trauma in her childhood. I can believe it may have not been his choice or it does hurt him to abandon her. Either that Ji-an holds a key to what happened and it's impt that her memory stays locked

Love it that the story keeps us guessing. And the plot progresses each episode finely despite even having fan service. And it's fan service done right. Like JB I like how it shows that JW needs YS in finding himself. He's clingy because he is so starved of self worth and love. And now he has YS and he is more than motivated to join MH in his mission.
I believe the next 2 episode will focus on YS, once she knows the truth, it tests her belief in both JW and MH. And when she comes around, the healer team is complete.
Nice storytelling.

Lastly thank you drama, for the rare OTP decent kiss and the revelation of sharing the night (ahem as 2 adults) and not some crap abt being in bed in full winter wear and talking through the night. (Yeah it so happens in real life? No way) lol


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I am with you with this feel of progression and a fan service done right. Usually, when the OTP gets together, there is two episodes of showing them being lovey-dovey, while the other plot lines are stalled and simply fillers. "Healer" manages to up the game almost in every plot line. It gives a clear picture of where we are, in global and personal level of the story.

A nice storytelling indeed...


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the recap is hereee.....thank you so much


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So thankful to the writer who gave us all the snuggles, the kisses, the bed scenes (multiple!), the back hugs, the cuddles in the first 8 minutes or so! Tasteful cuts by the PD left so much implied and the looks between our OTP! It felt so right and just made me grin the entire time. So much love!

Then I began to fret that this is K-drama land and so much loving inevitably means angst and danger and separation are sure to follow. I still predict Moon Shik will ultimately betray Elder and all of his secrets in an act of redemption in order to save the lives of Moon Ho, Myung Hee and Ji-An - his weaknesses. And he will die in the process. 5 more episodes!

KBS - please make more shows like this. Despite the ratings. This is a great show! Thank you very kamsa!


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OMG, all that fan service went right to my heart! I already loved Healer an unhealthy amount, but this episode alone took that to new heights >.<


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I've lost for words, just when i thought it couldn't get better, Healer once again proved me wrong. Such an amazing, mesmerizing, fantastic, beautiful and lovely episode ever. Every single minute is precious and intensely good. I simply love it to the moon and back.

OPT's lovey dovey moments are beyond anything i could've asked for. They kissed, back hugged, cuddled, and even ehem...They give me so much feels . They make me smile , they make me laugh , they make me cry and I cant even. I'm so weak. And thank lord there are actual REAL hugs and REAL kisses and man SO MUCH SKINSHIP OMG. SO SO MUCH IM DYING GOOD FREAKING BYE.

And i adore how Mr & Mrs Healer teamed up to solve the case, it was so chill and brilliant. Seriously, I could probably write a 10k length essay about this particular episode and it still wouldn't be enough.


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@Mint, thats what the show keeps doing right??? Keep proving us wrong that it could be better!! I mean its 15 episodes only 1 episode and 2 weeks to go!!!!!

Am fully prepared for the pace and feel to falter a little.

Show, Prove me wrong!!!!!!!!11


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Loving that Young Shin is now a part of Healer’s operations now. She’s the robin to his batman. But she supposedly chased after a CRUSH?!? LMAO And her detailed story-telling of her encounters with Healer. The look on Detective Yoon's face, both times, was priceless!

And yes Jung Hoo, you are her boyfriend now! ^^

I really liked the way our Someday News team ended up reporting on Teacher’s death. Nice way to deal with Teacher’s sacrifice. Glad Jung Hoo has Young Shin to lean on (eeer, back hug) now.

P.S. Anyone else swoon at JCW’s “hmmm” w/ head nod (reminiscent of the roof-top confession). JH’s so completely smitten with with YS it freaking adorable. That bus scene. That smile. Nuff said.

P.S.S. Moon Shik needs to freaking stay away from our baby bears!


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@ dramapenchant

Me! I loved that head nod! Loved it before and still love it now. The most gorgeous nod followed by that delicious smile and the long, direct look right in the eyes .... *swoon* - my favouritest way for anyone to confirm something as "Yes!"


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When did this 'nod' happen? I seem to have missed this detail.


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It was during the bus scene. Real brief but swoonworthy nonetheless! :D


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I missed dat too! Need to watch it again tonite.


True, that broadcast was so nicely done. I wasnt moved that much by their first broadcast, but this, starting from the tap in 1980s to his actions now was so nicely done.

I felt so so so so happy for Jung Hoo that he started getting closure. I liked that how Young Shin doesnt solve everything magically, she just helps him on his path to closure.

And yep, everytime he nods his head, I give a sigh!!!!! Considering all that happened before, its strange that the bus scene also made me SQUEEEEEE!!! Like its the first few episodes of a OTP and am seeing them travel together.



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That was a very nice tribute to Teacher. Moved me a lot more than their first broadcast too. :)


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J HO can't stop worrying about CYS. While she just fake complains,
"Sigh, too bad I have such a boyfriend (so I need to do these things)."
Then charges ahead w real enthusiasm,
"Wow is this ever fun!"

Love her spirit!

She did well detaining and distracting the detective! Even ajumma approves.


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Yes, I love that imp in her. Taking it as fun, pulling a fast one on the cops!

Reminded me of her pulling another fast one on JH, in her kitchen. The onion juice incident. :-D


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so, who said jung hoo could not perform after 6 days of starvation? xDD


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@ siesta

@ mellina did above... I just replied to her! LOLOL! Naughty us!


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haha i totally didnt see that comment before posting.. i guess great minds think alike!


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Seo Jung Hoo is my new ideal boyfriend!! :D


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Then you'll have a hard time finding sb to match that ideal.


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@ kanz

Well we all have some ideal or other, but you know right, people can be as loveable as they are, even if they don't fit that ideal. :)


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Preach it sister! :D


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Well, of course it's just my ideal... We won't know how and to whom we fall in love right?
But SJH is already complete boyfriend material.. somewhat protective, caring, understanding, handsome, kind-hearted n love skinships too :D


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I'm actually very grateful to the heavens that my dating days preceded my KD addiction. Otherwise it'd be hell to find a guy who compares favourably to any drama hero, even remotely.


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YES this. I would be ruined forever. Thankfully I'm married and had my kdrama moments IRL with no Healer to compare to at that time.

Goodness knows I would have just compared every potential boyfriend to Bongsookie and conclude "nah this won't do.. I need my JCW".


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LOL, I'd had the same declaration in the last thread. I don't know how I'll find anyone to match now.

Seo Jung Hoo, why are you so bent on ruining my life?


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Lol! I feel the same too. I'm turning 23 this year yet have never found the right guy yet. Well actually I never bothered with dating since I grew up in a strict Asian family and parents never allowed for dating until I finish my studies. But during that time, I got addicted to kdramas and have not met anyone who I liked yet....now Healer comes along. Gahhhh JCW and all previous biases of mine, you're ruining my life too! Haha


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