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2016 Year in Review, Part 7: Editors’ Picks
by DB Staff
Another year has come and gone, and while I am more than happy to put 2016 behind us and look forward to greener pastures in 2017 (they'll be greener, won't they?), we...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Age of Youth, Dear My Friends, Descended From the Sun, Entourage, featured, IU, Jealousy Incarnate, Ji Sung, Jo Jin-woong, Kim Go-eun, Kim Hye-ja, Kwak Dong-yeon, Lee Kwang-soo, Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo, Moonlight Drawn By Clouds, Seo Hyun-jin, Signal, The Good Wife, W–Two Worlds, year in review, year in review 2016
2016 Year in Review, Part 6: Hoobae minions’ first rodeo
by DB Staff
And now comes reviews from the newest members of our minion army, our Hoobae Minions, who've all pitched in to help make this year our best yet. It's been amazing...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, 1% of Anything, Age of Youth, Beautiful Mind, Come Back, Ajusshi, Dear My Friends, Descended From the Sun, featured, Jealousy Incarnate, Marriage Contract, Ms. Temper and Nam Jung-ki, Oh Hae-young Again, Signal, The K2, This Week My Wife Will Have an Affair, W–Two Worlds, year in review, year in review 2016
2016 Year in Review, Part 5: Sunbae minions weigh in
by DB Staff
This has been an eventful year for Team Dramabeans, as we've steadily grown in numbers from years past. Now that we've got so many staffers aboard, we're playing with the...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Age of Youth, Beautiful Mind, Dear My Friends, Descended From the Sun, featured, Jealousy Incarnate, Marriage Contract, Mirror of the Witch, Moonlight Drawn By Clouds, Ms. Temper and Nam Jung-ki, Oh Hae-young Again, Police Unit 38, Signal, The Good Wife, Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju, year in review, year in review 2016
2016 Year in Review, Part 4: Embracing the modern age
by HeadsNo2
It's funny how December has now become synonymous with our Year-End Extravaganza, and has all but replaced Christmas in my list of inescapable winter events for a good five years...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, 1% of Anything, Age of Youth, Beautiful Mind, Cinderella and the Four Knights, featured, Jackpot, Mirror of the Witch, Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo, Moonlight Drawn By Clouds, Oh My Geum-bi, On the Way to the Airport, Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim, Signal, The K2, This Week My Wife Will Have an Affair, Wanted, Woman With a Suitcase, W–Two Worlds, year in review, year in review 2016
2016 Year in Review, Part 3: A drama for every day of the year
by girlfriday
Is there such a thing as too much drama watching? Because I swear that last year around this time, I vowed to myself, with javabeans as witness, that I would...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Age of Youth, Bring It On Ghost, Cheese in the Trap, Dear My Friends, Descended From the Sun, Doctors, Drinking Solo, Entertainer, Fantastic, featured, Goodbye Mr. Black, Jealousy Incarnate, Legend of the Blue Sea, Lucky Romance, Marriage Contract, Mirror of the Witch, Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo, Moonlight Drawn By Clouds, Oh Hae-young Again, On the Way to the Airport, Police Unit 38, Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim, Shopping King Louis, Signal, The Good Wife, The Man Living in Our House, Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju, W–Two Worlds, year in review, year in review 2016
2016 Year in Review, Part 2: The doctor is in
by javabeans
Every December, I'm hit with a simultaneous feeling of anticipation and dread at dusting off our Year in Review series and taking a look back at the year as a...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, 1% of Anything, Age of Youth, Beautiful Gong Shim, Cheese in the Trap, Cinderella and the Four Knights, Come Back, Ajusshi, Dear My Friends, Descended From the Sun, Doctors, Drinking Solo, Entourage, Fantastic, featured, Goodbye Mr. Black, Legend of the Blue Sea, Lucky Romance, Mirror of the Witch, Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo, Moonlight Drawn By Clouds, Neighborhood Hero, Oh Hae-young Again, Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim, Shopping King Louis, Signal, The K2, This Week My Wife Will Have an Affair, Uncontrollably Fond, Wanted, Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju, W–Two Worlds, year in review, year in review 2016
2016 Year in Review, Part 1: The Bean Count
by javabeans
It's Bean Count time! For those of you who missed its inaugural post last year, the Bean Count is a fun exercise for our staff, where we get to show...
Tags: featured, The Bean Count, year in review, year in review 2016
2016 Beanie Awards: Vote for your favorite dramas of the year
by girlfriday
It's that time of year again, to kick off the annual Dramabeans Year-End Extravaganza, filled with reviews, Editors' Picks, the Bean Count, and more! First up are the Beanie Awards,...
Tags: Beanie Awards, featured, year in review, year in review 2016
2015 Editors’ Picks [Year in Review, Part 11]
by javabeans
We're finally here, at the end of another Year in Review series! We warned you it'd be long this time, but hopefully you all made it through with us. We...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Answer Me 1988, Awl, Byun Yo-han, Choi Won-young, Editors' Picks, featured, Healer, I Remember You, Ji Sung, Jo Soo-hyang, Kim Seul-gi, Last, Oh My Ghostess, Park Bo-gum, Park Bo-young, Persevere Gu Hae-ra, Punch, Sassy Go Go, Six Flying Dragons, Warm and Cozy, year in review, year in review 2015, Yoo Yeon-seok
Sweet heroes and fierce heroines [Year in Review, Part 10]
by Saya
Looking back, 2015 has been a really generous year for me in dramaland. Thanks to the overlords' wicked sense of humor (or maybe just a belated sense of self-preservation…), the five-drama...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Angry Mom, featured, Healer, I Remember You, Sassy Go Go, Twenty Again, year in review, year in review 2015