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Healer: Episode 19
by javabeans
Only one more episode left! Are we all going to be okay tomorrow? Heck, are we all okay today? Today's episode is, in true Healer style, is full of both...
Tags: featured, Healer, Ji Chang-wook, Park Min-young, Yoo Ji-tae
Healer: Episode 18
by javabeans
Strap yourselves in, folks, it's a roller coaster of an episode, running the entire emotional gamut—there's plenty of cuteness and laughs, but with only one more week left, we...
Tags: featured, Healer, Ji Chang-wook, Park Min-young, Yoo Ji-tae
Healer: Episode 17
by javabeans
We've got fun and thrills in store for us today, with the central Scooby gang united in purpose and out to pull off a caper. I love caper plots. It's...
Tags: featured, Healer, Ji Chang-wook, Park Min-young, Yoo Ji-tae
Kolorful Palette: Perfect pair [Healer]
by Fanderay
I've been out of town for a few weeks, but I told myself very sternly that when I got back I would make sure to check out all the new...
Tags: Healer, Kolorful Palette
Healer: Episode 16
by javabeans
Is that the "oh shit" face you're wearing right now? Because it's mountain after mountain for our Healer, whose every step forward is dogged by setbacks that land him in...
Tags: featured, Healer, Ji Chang-wook, Park Min-young, Yoo Ji-tae
Healer: Episode 15
by javabeans
Sweet! It's a breath of fresh air to be able to sit back and bask for a while, because I dunno about you guys but I could use some recovery...
Tags: featured, Healer, Ji Chang-wook, Park Min-young, Yoo Ji-tae
Healer: Episode 14
by javabeans
Oof. It's a wrenching episode, taking us on a roller coaster ride of wild emotional ups and downs. Our hero has to grapple with some weighty, nearly unbearable, burdens, struggling...
Tags: featured, Healer, Ji Chang-wook, Park Min-young, Yoo Ji-tae
Healer: Episode 13
by javabeans
Big movements ahead! As fun as it was to watch Bong-sookie being jealous of himself, it's time for life to step it up and throw bigger frustrations in his path,...
Tags: featured, Healer, Ji Chang-wook, Park Min-young, Yoo Ji-tae
Odds and Ends: All hail the power of the squee
by javabeans
girlfriday: So, what's up? javabeans: The comment count, that's for sure. I don't know if you've noticed, but since I get emailed every time a comment is posted, let's just...
Tags: conversation post, Healer, Odds and Ends
Healer: Episode 12
by javabeans
One of these days, I'm going to run out of words for this show, because I will have used them all already to tell you that it's worked its weird...
Tags: featured, Healer, Ji Chang-wook, Park Min-young, Yoo Ji-tae