Age of Youth 2: Episode 6

What would life be without a few complicated relationships? There’s always that urge to step aside and avoid them, but the Belle Epoque girls are starting to realize that that’s simply impossible. People come into their lives and people change their lives—it just happens. Despite how scary that can be, the girls are slowly opening themselves up to let a little change in. And maybe even a little aegyo.

EPISODE 6: “I am a miracle” #insearchoflosttime

Eun-jae comes shuffling out of her room into the living room, a pensive look on her face as she evaluates her housemates. She wants to ask one of them how she can get Jong-yeol back but hesitates, knowing how they might react. So she gravitates toward Ye-eun and quietly asks if they can talk alone.

Of course, Ji-won overhears this and suggests Eun-jae talk to her instead. She correctly guesses that it must be a boy issue, taking Eun-jae off-guard, and Ye-eun supposes that she’s about to ask how to get a guy back after a break-up. (They know her so well!)

Eun-jae asks what Y-eun did to make up with her ex when they’d broken up. Ye-eun frowns at that, recalling the time she’d tried to break up with him, then failed by bursting into tears and apologizing. Rather than admit to that, Ye-eun tells Eun-jae that the best method would be luring Jong-yeol in with some new tactics—something she’s never done before.

Looking at Eun-jae, Ye-eun can guess that she’s never once tried aegyo. She says that even Jin-myung has talked to her boyfriend in a cutesy, nasally tone. Eun looks up at that. “Yoon sunbae!” she exclaims, surprising everyone. “You have a boyfriend?” She never would’ve expected that and it makes her deflate a little.

Eun-jae claims that she can’t act cutesy, but Ye-eun tells her she just needs to practice. She waves all the girls over for one big aegyo session, starting with accentuating the face with the signature “V” hand gesture and winking.

Eun-jae gives it her best shot, but her expressions turn out way too exaggerated. She tries again, and the girls just shake their heads in utter amazement and slink out of the room. Eun-jae returns to her room to practice in front of the mirror, but it seems like a lost cause.

The other girls secretly practice their expressions as well, though Eun gives up after her first try and plops onto her bed with a sigh.

The next day, Ji-won begs Sung-min to join her adventure to discover her past. He doesn’t budge from his work station, so Ji-won has no choice but to put Ye-eun’s aegyo lesson into action. This terrifies Sung-min and he nearly hits her with his chair to make her stop. But the next thing we know, they’re both in his car, Ji-won jamming out to some tunes and Sung-min simmering with annoyance. HAHA. These two, I swear.

At Oh & Park, it’s announced that 82 percent of the company’s vote was in favor of disbanding Asgard. They’ll be keeping the top two members for potential future projects, but the remaining five (including Heimdal) will be let go. The employees are instructed to stay cautious and not let any information leak. Jin-myung looks troubled by this, especially when her sunbae sadly notes that it’ll be tough for the boys.

Ji-won and Sung-min drive out to her old elementary school, and as soon as they step inside, a woman greets them warmly and ushers them inside a classroom, saying that they’re late.

The two glance at each other uncertainly but follow the woman into the classroom anyway. A group of parents are in a group conference, probably about a conflict between their children, and parents introduce themselves one by one, some apologizing tearfully and others glaring at them.

When Ji-won’s turn comes up, she slowly stands up and says, “My name is Song Ji-won and… we came to the wrong place.” Then she makes an awkward exit, Sung-min close behind. However, the teacher up front turns around, recognition on her face, and goes after them.

The teacher calls out to them, having recognized Ji-won’s name; she was the teacher next door when Ji-won was in third grade. She’s curious as to why Ji-won came back, with a boy no less, and asks if they plan to get married.

Ji-won laughs that off, saying she’s still a student at university. Hearing that Ji-won made it to university shocks the teacher immensely, and she calls it the most surprising thing in her entire teaching career. The teacher recalls that Ji-won hardly ever talked—but sometime in third grade, she suddenly started acting out. She became talkative, yelled in class, and made up lies about alligators in the flowerbeds and snakes in the art room.

Ji-won asks the teacher if she remembers Moon Hyo-jin, and while she doesn’t, she does help them find out where Hyo-jin transferred. It’s in an entirely different county and Sung-min has had just about enough for today, telling Ji-won to take the bus. Ji-won pulls out another cutesy expression, which again makes him angry.

Meanwhile, Ye-ji shows Eun how aegyo is really done as they walk to the Belle Epoque house. She then asks Eun how all the undercover work is going—does she still plan on getting revenge? Eun insists that she is, but Ye-ji doesn’t buy it.

They run into Jang-hoon and sit outside the house with some drinks. Ye-ji starts firing off questions about when Eun and Jang-hoon started dating, and despite suspiciously answering differently at first, he smoothly covers and answers the questions satisfactorily.

Ye-ji asks where they go on dates, and although Eun cuts her off, Ye-ji asks suspiciously if they do their “dates” at home. She warns them darkly not to.

At school, Ye-eun eats lunch with her friends when she notices Ho-chang watching her from a few tables away. Her friends ask how things went with him, but Ye-eun merely says that he’s not her style.

It’s late by the time Ye-eun gets back and she runs as fast as she can inside the house, her phone ringing as she puts her hair up in a messy bun to look like she’s been relaxing at home. Eun and Eun-jae watch in confusion as Ye-eun answers a video call from her mom, acting as if she got home much earlier.

When she hangs up, Ye-eun drops her smile and trudges down to her room (letting Eun-jae get back to studying videos on more aegyo).

Ji-won and Sung-min arrive at the other school just minutes after they’ve closed up for the day. Rather than go home and come back all this way another day, they decide to wait out the night and try again the next day.

They try to stick it out by sleeping in the car, but Ji-won complains of being attacked by mosquitoes and begs to go to motel instead. Sung-min refuses, saying he has no money, and even when Ji-won assures him that she has enough, he sticks to his no. Ji-won raises her hands solemnly to swear with wide eyes that she won’t seduce him, lol.

But one look at the motel room and Ji-won gets a sly glint in her eye, and when Sung-min offers to let her shower first, she revels in the line, imagining it said in sexier circumstances. Though she does sigh that it doesn’t inspire any feeling when he’s the one saying it.

Sung-min leaves her alone to wash up so he can get them some food. Once they eat their snacks and recap what they know about Hyo-jin, Ji-won moves on to the bed, though he protests, telling her to sleep on the floor since he’s the one who had to drive all day.

She shakes her head and sprawls across the bed, refusing to move. If he really wants the bed, she says with a smile, they should just sleep together.

“Okay,” he says. “We might as well.” (*record scratch*) Ji-won’s suggestive leer suddenly drops and she goes wide-eyed when he starts to unbutton his shirt and joins her on the bed. He gets reeeal close, telling her, “You know, there are times when you cross the line…”

And then pushes her off the side. She scowls at him for being so petty but seeing that she’s lost the fight, she tries to get comfortable on the floor. Later, when she’s asleep, Sung-min peeks over to see her face. His expression is unreadable as he sinks back into his pillow.

Back at the house, Eun comes outside and finds Jang-hoon fixing his bike and trying futilely to scratch an itch on his back. She acts nonchalant as she asks if he can hang out tomorrow per Ye-ji’s request. He pretends that he’ll be busy, but Eun scoffs that he just naps all day. He looks at her with a smirk, teasing that she must always be watching him. Then he asks her to scratch his back for him, and despite her grumbling, she does, though she gets it over with as quickly as she can.

The following morning, Ji-won and Sung-min head straight back to Hyo-jin’s old school. Sung-min waits outside while Ji-won heads into the teachers’ office and asks if she can look into one of their former students. However, one stern-faced teacher firmly tells her that they can’t release students’ information without their permission. Ji-won tries to wheedle for Hyo-jin’s address anyway, and ends up staying in the teachers’ office all morning, agitating the teacher and whining that she misses her friend soooo much, lol.

In her room, Eun contemplates what she should wear and even considers a long skirt. But when she comes out to meet Jang-hoon, she’s wearing her usual casual wear. Jang-hoon notes that it’s not exactly date attire, and Eun fires back that he didn’t exactly dress up either. In fact, something about him is off…

Her gaze drops down to see that Jang-hoon is wearing shoes that make him taller. (It kills me that even with the shoes, he’s still shorter than her.) He averts his eyes, embarrassed, making Eun smile ever so slightly. Ye-ji walks up just then, satisfied to see what Eun is wearing. “I was going to kill you if you came out for a date looking pretty,” she says in that sweet tone of hers.

Ye-ji takes the happy “couple” to a water park for their date, and the three of them actually have a great time laughing and splashing in the water. Eun leaves for a bit go to the bathroom and when she gets back, she stops at the sight of Jang-hoon and Ye-ji still playing in the pool together.

In the middle of their fun, Ye-ji asks Jang-hoon if Eun mentioned her father yet. She can tell by his expression that she didn’t, and gloats that they must not be that close yet. Jang-hoon crosses his arms and says that Ye-ji must not have a lot of dating experience, telling her that girls only want to show their best side to guys.

It’s not clear if Eun heard their conversation, but something in her face changes as she continues to watch them, as if she’s afraid of something.

In class, Jong-yeol is concentrating on the lecture until his friend urges him to look over at Eun-jae. Oh lord… The girl is testing out her aegyo right then and there. She bats her eyelashes at him, trying to look as flirty as possible, but he just stares at her incredulously.

Once the lecture is over, Jong-yeol heads over to where she’s sitting. She smiles with hope, thinking her plan has worked. But he has that same confused look on his face as he hands her some eye drops. “It seems serious,” he says, referring to her eye condition. “You should go to the hospital.” He walks away, leaving her disappointed.

Ji-won stays at the teachers’ office until it’s time to go home, and even then, the stern teacher ignores her requests. She walks out, defeated, when one of the older teachers passes by and mentions casually that Hyo-jin’s mother’s surname was Namgoong, and that there are some Namgoongs in their town. Ji-won thanks her, but the teacher pretends she never said anything.

Now that she has something to go with, Ji-won heads out and finds Sung-min playing soccer with some schoolkids. She tells him that they should start with locating any Namgoongs in the town and seeing if they know Hyo-jin.

Ji-won is so preoccupied with how to go about finding a Namgoong that she barely registers a girl piping up, “He’s a Namgoong.” She waves the child aside and suggests that she and Sung-min head into town and ask any passerby if they know any Namgoongs. “He’s a Namgoong!” another kid chirps. Finally Ji-won hears the words, and brightens to have a lead. She offers the boy a ride home, but he tells her he was taught not to ride in cars with strangers.

So Ji-won and Sung-min drive sloooowly behind the boy as he walks home. When he arrives home, he brings out his grandmother, who comes out to talk to them.

Ji-won asks if the grandma knows Moon Hyo-jin, and the name immediately puts grandma in a defensive mood. She’s surprised to hear that name, asking if Hyo-jin caused any trouble, then insists that whatever it was, it has nothing to do with them.

Grandma claims she hasn’t seen Hyo-jin since she left home in middle school after her mother passed away. Ji-won asks how the mother died and Grandma barks that the mother just didn’t want to live anymore.

Ji-won asks for Hyo-jin’s address, but Grandma spits out that she wouldn’t know the address of someone who left in middle school. She grabs her grandson and returns inside, slamming the door.

As Jin-myung makes her way through the company, she comes across Asgard dancing in their practice room. She watches from afar, her eyes staying on a focused Heimdal. She thinks back to what her sunbae had said about the boys—what would they do after discovering it was the end of the road for them?

Heimdal catches her reflection in the room’s mirror as she turns away. He runs out to call out to her, but today he hesitates. Sometime later, Jin-myung returns to her desk and finds a memo: “First Fan Noona, rooftop at 7 o’clock.”

Jin-myung finds Heimdal waiting on the rooftop, and he asks if something is bothering her, though she doesn’t have an answer. He urges her to cheer up, telling her that he’s had his fair share of worries and has even come here to release frustrations. He starts to let out a yell to demonstrate, but stops when a crowd of young fangirls below look up at them.

He panics and crouches down, urging Jin-myung to do the same. But not even ten seconds later, Heimdal peeks over the side and sees that the girls aren’t paying attention anymore, so he and Jin-myung stand back up.

Unfazed, Heimdal tells her that he’ll let her in on a secret since she’s his first fan. He admits that when he’d messed up his debut performance, he’d thought about killing himself. Jin-myung looks up at him with worry, but he reassures her that the thought didn’t last long. He quips that if he died, however, it wouldn’t get reported on the entertainment news, and it would have felt so unfair to die and have no one even know. (That… Oof. This kid breaks my heart.)

Smiling at her, he says that he’ll tell this story on an entertainment program when he’s famous and that he’ll be sure to mention Jin-myung. She asks if he really thinks he’ll succeed and he chides her for thinking that way. “Don’t worry,” he says. “I’ll definitely succeed. The reason I haven’t succeeded yet is because I haven’t tried hard enough.”

Heimdal realizes how good that sounds and takes out a notebook to jot it down. He explains that he collects sayings, and reads some of them to her: “Dreamers don’t age” and “The sweat of exertion does not betray you.”

Jin-myung turns away, feeling worse. Heimdal tucks his notebook away and says that he should go. But first, he hands her a lollipop and tells her again to cheer up. He gives her one last encouraging “Fighting!” before running off, while Jin-myung stares after him, more conflicted than ever.

After the water park, Eun, Ye-ji, and Jang-hoon eat dinner together and then see Ye-ji off as she gets on her bus. Jang-hoon grumpily notes that the girls left him with the dinner bill, and Eun starts to pull out her wallet to pay him back. But Jang-hoon stops her and suggests she just treat him next time.

Eun mentions how cute Ye-ji can be, making Jang-hoon look up at her. “You’re cute too,” he says, his voice serious. Eun returns his gaze, surprised, but the moment is cut short when their bus arrives. Jang-hoon urges her to take the one empty seat, but she shrugs him off and lets another girl take it. As he scowls in annoyance, Eun sneaks another look at him.

On campus, Ye-eun notices Ho-chang again as he finds a seat near hers. She’s uneasy with his constant presence and tries to occupy herself on her phone when her friends arrive to pick her up. Her friends notice Ho-chang as well and offer to confront him, but Ye-eun insists that she’ll handle it. She heads over to Ho-chang’s table, keeping her eyes lowered. Ho-chang instinctively stands up as she approaches, his own gaze wavering.

Ye-eun asks why he keeps watching her—was he offended from their last meeting? Ho-chang can’t seem to find the words to answer her, so she starts to turn away. Panicking, he calls her back, making her whirl around nervously. Finally, he tells her to be careful, to not go to deserted places, or walk around alone. Then he picks up his stuff and hurries out of there.

Ye-eun’s friends ask if she’s okay, and she puts her hand up to her racing heart. She smiles and admits that while her heart might be going crazy, she’s okay.

That night, Ji-won and Sung-min make the long drive back home. Sung-min glances over at Ji-won, who’s been quiet the whole time. Still looking at her photo of her and Hyo-jin, she wonders aloud if this is the end to her big mystery. Will she ever find out what “pretty shoes” had meant?

Sung-min tells her that it might not be all that significant—maybe Hyo-jin really had just seen some pretty shoes. If it was something she really needs to remember, he continues, she’d remember it. So he suggests she just forget it.

Ji-won agrees to that and even starts to hum, but Sung-min can tell that it’s still bothering her. She looks out the window, narrating that she’s actually afraid. The two girls in the picture look so similar, but one of them experienced something she shouldn’t have, which caused rumors and forced her to move away.

And that probably caused her to lose her mother and move in with relatives who treated her badly. Even now, Ji-won thinks, that girl could be living a difficult life—while the other girl went on to live an ordinary, easy life.

In flashback, the two girls in the photo play, looking like the best of friends. Ji-won’s narration continues:

“These two similar girls. The same time, different lives—what is the difference between them? What is the reason their fates diverged? I don’t know what that reason is, but the thought came to me that it was something very small. Something very, very trifling. For some very small reason that nobody could see, my life could have spun off into a completely different place than it is now, and that thought scared me. And I’m also relieved—that it’s fortunate that that small reason was not mine. And, while feeling relieved, I felt sorry to that other girl.”

Once she’s back at the house, Ji-won displays the photo on her desk.

The next morning, Ye-eun returns to the house with a bag of groceries in cheerful spirits, and calls everyone to the kitchen. They’re all shocked to see that she went to the market all by herself, and Ye-eun announces that she plans on going by herself all the time from now on.

She smiles and says that she’s going to make them a special meal—she’s so grateful for all that they’ve done for her all this time. At that, the girls gather her into a big, warm bear hug, ecstatic that Ye-eun has come so far. Ye-eun gets them all to sit down so she can cook, but stops when her phone chimes with a text message. She reads the message and the energy instantly drains from her body. Oh no.

Ji-won goes over and grabs Ye-eun’s phone to see what’s wrong. Once she reads the message, her eyes widen. Ye-eun slowly turns to the rest of the girls with the same horrified look on her face.


We see all the girls during their elementary school days, as well as their school reports. Jin-myung happily participates in class as her report states, “Outstanding grades, has talent in arts and music.”

Eun has the boys flocking to her with compliments and chocolates as her report states, “Bright and cheerful, gets along well with others.” Meanwhile, Ji-won plays with a puppy in her backyard as hers states, “Very shy, not talkative, has problems making friends.”

Ye-eun stuffs her face with cake, her mother yelling at her to stop, as her report states, “Overweight, request guidance at home.” And last but not least, Eun-jae can barely look up when her teacher calls her name for roll call. Her report states, “Shows no drive in anything. Very little interaction with friends.”


No, no, no—I was not ready for this. The douchey ex-boyfriend was released from prison, wasn’t he? And just when Ye-eun was ready to start a new life for herself too. There’s honestly no telling what he’ll do once he’s free, but just knowing that’s he’s out there is going to send her into another spiral of anxiety and fear, and I’m not looking forward to that. It’s taken her a long time to feel safe again and that was only because she was surrounding herself with good people. She knew that things were okay again. But that look she gave the girls at the end tells me that this news knocked all her confidence down like it was nothing.

I wasn’t sure what to think about the ex when we left him last season—in an epilogue, he seemed genuinely pained with his actions. He seemed genuine when he said that he wanted better for Ye-eun. And for a split second, I actually believed him. But in his very last scene, he was clearly annoyed, maybe even angry, as he was forced to write kind, encouraging letters to Ye-eun while he was in prison. That one scene left me with such a bad feeling. He had a reputation for saying things to receive pity, only to mess it all up with his attitude and his actions. There’s no telling what he will do now. Will he try to contact her? Try to apologize? Or try to get his revenge? All I can say is that I’m dreading his next appearance just as much as Ye-eun.

Ye-eun might’ve been afraid of getting close to strangers, but I think to a certain degree, all the girls feel that way. They don’t want to get too close to anything or anyone new. Everyone is scared for their own reasons, but now that the people they’ve been trying to avoid are slowly getting past their barriers, they’re starting to crack. Jin-myung seems to warm up to Heimdal every day (and not just because of pity) and Eun seems to be accepting that she’s attracted to Jang-hoon. Still, the girls insist on keeping the boys at arm’s length. But Ji-won is the exact opposite. She’ll put herself out there and make friends with anyone that comes her way. You’d think it’d be nice to know that a quiet kid like her grew up to be so outgoing, but I think even she finds her transformation unsettling. Something happened that made her the way she is today. Something that changed both her life and Hyo-jin’s life.

On a lighter note, our maknae’s storyline just got ten times better. Now that Eun-jae (maybe) knows what she wants and wants to try to get her man back, her newfound feistiness is set in the right place. I think she’ll have a lot of work to do, though—Jong-yeol never could read her that easily; they always had to talk things out to come to an understanding. I always liked that about them, but it may make this rekindling of their relationship a bit difficult. First, Jong-yeol will be a little slow on catching up to what she’s trying to do. And second, he still seems extremely hurt from her breaking it off. It hasn’t been said yet, but I take it that Eun-jae didn’t exactly give him a clear reason for their separation. But Eun-jae took a big step this week and I’m proud of her. She might’ve failed on her first try, but you know what they say: Practice makes perfect.


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I love how Ji Won's attempts at aegyo start off passable, but then accelerate into some sort of jittery mess that seem more appropriate in a horror movie about possession.

And once again my heart goes out to Eun. Jang Hoon is killing is with this mostly-unabashed confidence in his pint-sized self - I was slightly worried about this loveline at the start, but he really doesn't seem hung up on her height (well, okay, the shoes). Some men absolutely cannot let go of it when a girl is taller than them and they have the weirdest, most defensive reactions. Jang Hoon is the opposite - he's just Jang Hoon and he happens to find a giant adorable, so he's going to go with that because he's Jang Hoon and apparently sees no reason why not.


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I love what you said about Jang Hoon, because I like him with his pint-sized body and his huge confidence, too. And I love that he can say things from his head to an awkward girl, catching her off guard because he's just Jang Hoon and he's going to do anything he wants.


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It's probably just me but Ji Woo looks artificial, like a Buffy-bot. It's really throwing me off. It's the way she smiles. But I am only judging from the screenshots.

And sorry this parthas nothing to do with the show but:

"...Hyo-jin’s mother’s surname was Namgoong, and that there are some Namgoongs in their town."

Okay so Namgoong Min's first name is Min? I thought he wanted to be different and switch first/last name placement.


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yup namgoong min's 1st name is min.


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The Ji-won❤️Sung-min shipper in me is too happy with the happenings in this episode!!! ???


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I'm jumping on this ship as well! ^^


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Sometimes, I feel this show is straight out of some very well written fanfiction. <3<3 I love these girls that much:D (Except maybe Eun Jae)


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Aww I hate to agree with you that we love these girls but we're excluding maybe eun jae, because she's ticking me off these 2-3 episodes. But she's definitely improving by knowing what she wants and not do the pity party fest anymore, and I'm ready to root for her onwards (I'm truly sorry for the people who had gone through breakups and resonate with her, but I don't think that justifies lash ups and making others feel so miserable around you too).


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i only watched the first season but i want to ask if Ji Woo and her Sunbae have a better love line/story this season??


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Last season was soooo much better when it comes to Eun Jae and her Sunbae's loveline.


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Ahhh I feel there is some confusion here.
Do you mean Ji Won? Then if so, yes, it is looking that way... or at least, we're all fervently hoping so.
Eun Jae and her sunbae is a different story...


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Ahhh song ji won how much do i love you. Also, will someone explain sungmin to me, because I refuse to come to conclusions based on his actions (but based on his actions he totally likes her lalala).

Also: janghoon's confidence is HOT. I agree with someone above that while he is slightly bothered by the height difference, it does not prevent him from liking her and telling her he likes her. It's super adorable and HOT I cannot even hahaha.

And lastly: we're never getting subs, aren't we? :(


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My opinion: Sungmin didn't like Jiwon back in Season 1, in fact I don't think he even liked anyone; he probably puts his studies or work above anything else considering how even when he takes time off from school, he still goes to uni for his work in school newspaper.

But he definitely cares for Jiwon since she's his bestfriend. For this season, I think he realizes that seeing Jiwon all sad, not being her usual self, bothers him. I can't really tell the direction the writer is taking with this couple since we don't know Jiwon's true feelings towards him yet. But if we judge based on Instagram's caption, & ship name on Youtube videos, they are definitely ending up together.


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I think that Sung-min did have some feelings for Ji-won in season 1, maybe just a little. There was a scene where Ji-won was sleeping on a bench. He saw her and looked at her very warmly...then he suddenly shook his head, as if to say, "Are you crazy? This is Song Ji-won!"


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When did this happen? I don't recall this.
I only recall that she did sleep in the clubroom and Sungmin did stare at her, but it's interrupted because she's awake and started joking about him wanting to kiss her while seeing her sleeping face lols


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It's in the last episode of season 1 if I recall correctly. She wasn't sleeping on the bench, she was sitting on it wearing a faraway expression because she was deep in thought. Sung-min saw her being in this very unusual state of gracefulness (because she's normally so extra) and found her "dateable". So he approached her sweetly and started to flirt but then she farted in his face and he gave up, LOL. So Sung-min's "feelings" lasted about two seconds in Season 1.


Yeah he definitely did. For me, the issue has not been if Sung Min HAS feelings but if Sung Min accepts his feelings for Ji-Won. He clearly cares for her but I just don't think he's ready to acknowledge that what he feels for her is something beyond friendship for some reason. Maybe it's because she doesn't fit into his idealized version of how a girl should be or act or maybe he's just to chicken. We'll find out soon enough. I am sure he will get there sooner or later.


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It looks like he's starting to accept it when he stared at her when she's asleep. But let's see


More specifically, he was looking at her and thinking that she's actually quite pretty, and even SAID something flattering to her - and then she dug out a wedgie, he walked off in disgust, and she followed him exclaiming loudly that she's amazed he could tell she farted too.

Sung Min could tip over into overt crush at any time, but I think Ji Won's feelings towards Sung Min are going to completely blindside her. She already loves him but hasn't even considered the romantic angle.


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Sungmin definitely likes her, and really cares for her until he notices her small details.

Imo from season 1, it started out as unconscious attraction to Jiwon as Jiwon sticks to him so much. Then near the end of season 1, he finally realised that and considered her as a potential romantic partner, before she bursted out the bubbles lol
In season 2, it seems like the attraction is getting stronger and he cares for her deeply, and it looks like he has some awareness of that, but he always shoves it aside.
But from preview of ep 7 though, it seems like something has changed from Sungmin, as it seems like he started to nudge Jiwon about her feelings for him (asking whether she'd like it if he dates the junior, teasing her about confessing to him), which I'm sure wouldn't be done by the old Sungmin. It's always been Jiwon who did that, but not Sungmin.
Perhaps the nervousness of sleeping in 1 room together with Jiwon made him give it a serious thought, so he finally decided to change things.


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I really wish that to happen.. though its common.. i feel that jealousy part will only make Ji-won realize the love for Sung Min.. Waiting for that..


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Sung min did get a little jealous when she almost went home with that boy at the club....i mean look at the way he practically threw the guy off Ji-Won when she fainted. I just feel he's not the kind of character that reveals a lot of emotion and i bet he might be even less likely to confess to her if he thinks there is any chance of rejection.


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I agree! I think he knows very well that he likes her, but he believes her every time time she says she doesn't feel anything for him. IMO he embraces her quirkyness (we've seen him smiling more than once at her antics) but he is probably afraid of rejection and he wants to protect their friendship.


Who knew so many of us can love a compulsive liar character this much and all of the credit goes to the writer and Park Eun-bi! I cannot wait to see Ji-won cranking up her antics even more fueled by petty jealousy.


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The shirt-unbuttoning was the first time Sung Min played on Ji Won's level. He's always been the straight man to her crazy kook, but actually matching her flirt-for-flirt is a completely new way for them to interact. And now he's seen how it unnerves HER, it's given him an interesting upper hand in their relationship.

She's used to shocking him, and he's extremely good at weathering the nuttiness. But now he's doing things that she has no set reaction pattern for.... It's going to be pretty great to see Sung Min mess with her now he's got ammo.


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It looks like it's gonna happen in the next episodes. I wanna see how the banters change if that's the case indeed


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In the last episode of season 1 Sung Min had few moments like this: "What's whit you? Why are you acting like a girl all of a sudden?" He touches his chest after she tries to convince him to help her to find about the results of an autopsy of Eun Jae's dad. Sometimes later: "She does look pretty, on the surface. She does have some cuteness about her too and we have good conversations... You are the prettiest when you are blabbering on." She just after that acts like a man with trying to pull up her underwear under her nice dress so : "I just had a super crazy thought about you, for just a moment."


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with no whit, sorry


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I love that we're looking into excruciating details about Sung Min's actions towards Ji Won, because let's face it, they're loveeee. I've been rewatching their parts from season 1 and 2, and they're so in sync with each other, fights and all. Rather than Sung Min's feelings (I'm positive that he likes her even from Season 1), it's actually more frustrating to see Ji Won and her ignorance towards Sung Min because from her words and daydream, she hasn't yet see Sung Min in that way. Girl how can you not love himmm?


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Same here! hahaha I have also been rewatching their scenes and yes, I do believe that he had some feelings for her at season 1, but they only appeared at the last episodes (for example, when he touches his chest after she done aegyo hahaha and when he sees her at the bench).

Something that I also noticed it's how in Season 2 he NEVER answered back denying that he and Jiwon are dating, a behavior that totally contraposes his Season 1 self. At the epilogue of episode 8, the one that has the boys, he straight up denies, looking annoyed, when asked if there is something special between them.

In Season 2, we can see more clearly Sungmin's feelings towards Jiwon in basically all their scenes together lol boy simply just can't hide it anymore. His affection is always expressed subtly: the way he pushed the boy who was leaving the club with Jiwon, how he looked concerned when she passed out, how he accompanied her and even carried her purse until she got home, how he noticed that she was not fine, how he joined her in thesearch for Moon Hyo Jin... ahhhh, I just love his character development! I'm very glad to see how the writer is doing it <3

What we need now is to see Jiwon finally seeing him in a different light. I think that if he acted more bolder, like he did in that scene of the motel, she will wake up. The problem here is that I don't think he feels confident enough to do it because of her usual playful teasing... but I think we are about to see a change on that based on episode 7 preview! Also, the way Jiwon looked at him when he leans on bed... She was surprised and seemed kinda nervous, but did not back off.

Friday, please come soon! I just can't wait for my otp AAAAAAAAH


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IKR?? Like wut the heck with the subs???? Not that I'm rushing anybody buy hurry up!


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Subs are out at dramafire now! I have to admit I watched Ep 6 first, of course, because of jiwon and sungmin. :):)


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My fav couples this season are Eun/JangHoon and JiWon/SungMin.... Eun is really really very pretty!! And JangHoon in love is also so good to watch...
SungMin!!!!!! You love her, don't you??? Why don't you just confess!!!


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I love the girls but props to the writer for the boys as well. They are given less screen time, but since they are well written they each have a unique personality/story and they really fill up the world of the drama.

Mostly I just love sung min. they are definitely heading toward a romantic pairing for him and jiwon, but even if they didn't he is literal friend goals forever. You have to be a real friend to drive someone without advance notice to random high school across the country to trace their long lost friend. I love that he is doing this because even if she doesn't say it out loud, he knows its important. ugh just sung min <3


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It just melts my heart that beneath all his grump just how much Sung-min cares for Ji-won. How he supports her (never intrudes ) when she confronted the Namgoong halmoni, how he listens to her in the quiet conversation in the car on the way back...how he notices the little thing like she is cold.....yes, uhg, just Sung-min!!!!


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Yes! Ugh, just Sung Min!


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A lot of people were worried that the second season will be about romance but the writer keeps on surprising us. I thought Heimdall and Jin-myung would be a pair but looks like they're going into another direction which I'm totally on board.


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I love this drama so, so much. I'm enjoying every single girl's storyline. They're so true to life. C'mon, as if we all haven't been there: either lapping up ~secrets~ to interest boys or scoffing at them, only to practise them in secret. Jiwon's aegyo /killed/ me, she's stunning and so cute help.

And the boys!!!!!! (... Other than the ex. :| :| :|) I love how we're exploring ways men can be involved in one's life: as friends (and perhaps something more), fathers, exes, potential interests, dangerous psychopaths, and ones that should have stayed a simple acquaintance and yet did not.

I know Yeeun's friends are side characters, but I really do appreciate how they've been there for her. It can be exhausting for close friends and family, even if, and perhaps because you do love them.

Thanks for the recap!


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Re ye eun's friends: i agree! I love that they're constantly there for support, and never seem to resent yeeun.


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I love that the writer makes sure that every girl does have a social circle and friends outside of Belle Epoque.

I just realized almost every comment I make for AoY2 begins with "I love the writer...."


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definitely agree with you about the male characters in this series and Ye-eun's friends. The way this show is able to give even the side characters a sense of actually having their own lives adds so much to the entire series.


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I am impressed for Ye-Eun's friends for being there for her emotionally and helping her through her PTSD. But more than that I am really impressed at how accepting they are of her interest in the very shy, very nerdy boy. Some girls can be so judgmental and gossipy about who their friends date but they appear so uncritical -even pushing Ye-Eun to get out there and get his number. I love them for this. I think this sets such a good message about what it means to actually support a friend. TBH their reaction to everything this season is so in contrast to what i expected out of them! I thought they were kind of snobby and might abandon ye-eun. Instead, they are even more understanding than they probably have to be.


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I think they're the same friends who helped Ye-eun avoid her ex post breakup last season and accompanied her to therapy. Ye-eun probably has lost some friends/acquaintances (remember those girls who only wanted to gather gossip and victim blame her?), but it's great to see she also has genuine, supportive friends who stayed. (I remember being surprised by it, then sad that I was surprised, because so much media depicts that kind of polished, pretty girls as shallow and backstabby).


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I was re watching clips from the first season and was so impressed when I recognized the two friends! I totally thought they would be fair weather friends first season, but it just shows my own prejudice. This season shows how supportive and protective they are of her, and I love the way this show depicts the importance of friendships and non romantic relationships!!!


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Thank you for the recap, now i can fully understand this episode. I've only watched raw. There is still no english subtitle...

Oh, Indonesian subtitle uploaded on subscene just now. Yay!


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My favorite pairing is Eun and Janghoon, they're so cute.
Eunjae is my least favorite girl, not because the change of actress (I can't compare the Eunjae's portrayal by the two actresses. I didn't watch season 1 and only read recap) but i feel too much secondhand embarrassment because of her.


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I can just watch Jiwon and Sungmin all day. He cares so much about her, and finally gets back at her tease today lol. Eun and Janghoon make an adorable pairing too. The height difference does not seem to bother him that much, and he just likes her for the cute girl he sees in her. Such a gem! Yeji kinda scares me though when she said she's relieved seeing Eun not dressing up for the date. I still don't get her kind of 'friendship' with Eun.


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I feel as if Yeji is a very toxic friend. Instead of encouraging Eun to be more friendly, she throws a drunken fit and gets jealous that Eun is no longer all to herself. I think that she is very selfish, especially when she told Janghoon that she wants Eun and him to breakup.


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Ye Ji is the utmost creepy, she's been weirding me out since she first appeared. She is so aggressively possessive of Eun & the way Eun sort of just allows herself to be manipulated kind of sucks. It seems like Eun feels like she has to adhere to Ye Ji's rigid expectations of her & is afraid of how Ye Jin will react if she doesn't. I am hoping that Ye Ji is just jealous & immature & just doesn't know how to deal with her feelings towards Eun in a healthy way - but right now she is really getting in the way of Eun's growth & comes off as not wanting her friend to be happy.


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I seriously love Park Eun-Bin. She is SO good with her character, omg! I never find her eccentric acting awkward, like ever, which is so difficult. Kudos to her!


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Also, I think it's so cute how Eun was really popular among her male classmates in elementary school. It just makes her character that much cuter. And maybe gives us some background/history about her?


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I love the little insights into each girl. They seem to be quite different from their childhood selves.
Jin-myung: we already know that she's intelligent, but that she is good in the arts and music??? Maybe she can help Heimdal!
Eun: She's popular with boys and rather feminine too! How and why did she change so much? Or perhaps she's hiding her true self.
Ye-eun: Overweight. Perhaps that's why she clung to her horrid boy-friend even when he was treating her horribly.
Ji-won: Very shy??? Not talkative??? Has problems making friends??? This is definitely not the Ji-won we know. Like everybody else, I'm really curious what made her change.
Eun-jae: Perhaps her assessment is the most unsurprising. But it does kind of explain why she can't let Jung-yeol go. And I'm glad that she has very good friends at Belle Epoque


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In Eun case, I think her reason of changing has something to do with her father. Because in a flashback, looks like her father used to braid her long hair. Having a long hair might made her thinking about the old days so she cut it short instead. And the boy's outfit to make her look chic and strong. Or maybe it all is just a drama in my head haha


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The epilogues are fantastic. They are filled with sometimes surprisingly insights about each character, enrich each characterization, and clarify their motivation. I look forward to these little gems each episode.


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I think Eun changed because she suddenly shot up in height. There was a question (from Jang Hoon or in a post-episode interview) about when she got tall, and I think her answer was something like late elementary school or middle school. It seems like when Eun suddenly shot up in height, she started acting and dressing less feminine because the boys around her didn't see her as feminine.


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i dont know - wasnt she taller than the boys in the epilogue? she was definitely taller than the little boy sitting next to her and I think she might have been taller than the 2nd boy too, and he was standing up!

I think all of this male attention is the reason that eun dresses more masculine. I think she's trying to hide.


I'm kinda hoping that they don't change Eun's style and don't have her current look be because of her trauma. I'd like to have a female character that just likes to dress more masculine for once instead of it being because they're dealing with something and having them dress feminine once they're "normal" again.


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I really want Eun's style to change because I don't think she LIKES being mistaken for a boy. It feels like she chose to dress like a boy to avoid calling attention to herself.

I know American women in Korea who have a terrible time finding shoes and clothes their size, and they're around Eun's height. So I can totally imagine that it's just easier for Eun to dress in male/androgynous clothing because they fit, and because no one is seeing her in a romantic light and she's pretty self-conscious. It doesn't help that Ye Ji seems to ALSO want her to dress like a boy, and is the stereotypical frilly girly doll type that would make any girl standing near her look less feminine anyhow.

If it's a choice to dress in a masculine manner, awesome - if you like ties and blazers and sports shirts, go for it and some women (like Amber) clearly have found their signature style in menswear. But I do not get that feeling with Eun. I think she wants to be able to be a visible girl in the world again and doesn't know how.


Park Eun Bin is doing an amazing job. Ji-won could have come across so awkward or forced if they had cast the wrong actress but instead i just find the character so endearing and warm. Ji-won has always been my favorite


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I hope by the conclusion of this season we will have the creation of the couples: Jo Eun & Janghoon, Jiwon & Sungmin, & Eunhae & Jongyeol plus Yeeun & Hochang. Please don't leave us hanging on these fronts Age of Youth!


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So many ships on the line!


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All of the sudden I have this image in mind of a crowded harbor with ship congestion and numerous fans on the dock waving signs which say "Sung-min & Ji-won Grump Flirt 4Ever", "Reach for the Star that is Eun, Jang-hoon", etc..


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"Reach for the star that is Eun" - Brilliant, absolutely brilliant



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Oh my god hahahah I just love your comments so much! Denifitely I'm on board of those two


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Soooo what harbor are the ships docking in and when? I need to know how much time I have to make my sign ?


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Haha, the harbor I now realize is the comment section of AoY2 recap and we have been making these signs in many of these threads! ⛵️?⛵️?⚓️???


I watched the episode raw twice, still cant find a subbed one.
Ji Won and Sung Min have a really special connection. I wonder how it started though?
this season seems to focus on change and ends. breakups, changes in relationships, disbandment, changed personalities.


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And good to see both an I Remember You & a Shut Up Flower Boy Band alumni in some good roles.


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Who in the dramaverse can beat Song Ji Won in wearing multiple clothes at the same time? Though, it matches her character in Age of Youth.


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I've always loved her fashion since season 1.


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I wouldn't wear her clothes personally, by the white dress with the thin flowery coat looked very nice! Then I saw her jeans, which looked odd under the feminine look, but just suits her personality. The wardrobe people are nailing her look.


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Haven't seen this episode yet because no subs and I don't wanna get spoilers so I'm not gonna look at the recap (yet) but I just finished episode 5 and it's 3:00 am and I'm very emotional 'bout it so I'm just gonna pop in here to say that I love this drama and my five daughters and I think this season might be even better than the first. Ok, bye~~


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I watched Ji-won's aegyo a thousand times.


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Me too ^^ chu chu haha


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It is so delectable and repulsive at the same time! Park Eun-bi is such awesome comedic actress. I want to think that beneath all that (hilarious) exacerbated and horrified look Sung-min is so tickled at the sight of Ji-won's aegyo.


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I'm pretty sure he is hahaha <3


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Not gonna lie, I actually thought her aegyo was pretty on-point before she got crazy with it. This is like a case of her actual persona making it impossible to pull off from the start, hahaha. I think it's probably more repulsive to Sung-min because she's disturbingly good at it, lol.


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I can watch Sung-min terrified reactions to Ji-won's aegyo and their bickering relationship for many more episodes, but I'm also looking forward to some development, especially now that Sung-min seems to realise an awakening of feelings for her. It's time for him to look into his heart and perhaps show that sincerity to Ji-won. God knows that girl needs more than just a few hints for her to do the same.


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(*record scratch*) Killed me man.. Seriously.. How cute & awesome they both can act.. In Love with this couple.. Ji-Won Sung-Min...:>


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Thank you for the recap, SailorJumun!

While the pairings this season have been snatching me (and everyone else because who doesn't love them?), Jiwon's backstory pulls the show the most this season!

Ji-won's narration near the end of the episode really got me crying. I've watched the clip on JTBC's Youtube channel a few days ago and reading this recap made me cry again. I admire her for being brave and trying to find out what happened to her and Hyo-jin few years ago although it can change her life now.

P.S. There's a looooot of supportive "boy friend" Sung-min moments in this episode. I love it.
P.P.S. Ji-won and Sung-min never denies that they're in a relationship. I love them! Hope they love each other too.


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Am I the only one who likes Eun Jae? haha I adored the original one, but I like the new one as well she's cray LOL. Ji Woo is doing a good job at re-creating her own version of Eun Jae. It's difficult this season as I feel Season 1 Eun Jae's spirit is somehow split between Ye Eun (her being afraid of others) & Eun (her cute side). Anyways I look forward to her crazy antics of figuring out herself, like she's always been lol.


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You are not the only one. I have come to terms that this is what the writer wanted Eun-jae to be after she has broken out of her shell. Less reserved and more crazy.


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I really like her! There's no real "perfect" way to take over a character that was played by someone else but I think she's doing a better job than people are giving her credit for.


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They have a good chemistry with Jin Myung, I love how they relationship on season 1 grow as time goes by per each episode. We'd love to see them together for the season 2! Much better if they do not change the cast since there is a lot of story need to unfold on each character.


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They have a good chemistry Jin Myung and Jae Wan, I love how they relationship on season 1 grow as time goes by per each episode. We'd love to see them together for the season 2! Much better if they do not change the cast since there is a lot of story need to unfold on each character.


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Huh? The cast has already been changed? And I think the chef boyfriend will do a cameo in this season ?


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What an epilogue. How have all the girls changed so much. Eun-jae's is particularly eerie - can we get back to her other story soon? Because I'm still not sure if she killed her Dad or not.


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same, feels like they purposely left it ambiguous in season 1 so i hope they do cover her father's death again.


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I knew that scene where Ye-eun came back from the mart seemed too happy for some reason! The preview too shows Eunjae being attacked? I'd expect something like kidnapping to get a guy more than just a few years tbh. Can't imagine the fear of knowing your abuser is free again, but at least we know Ye-eun has strong support.

Eun is always deferring her emotions, so it seems like she's doing that again with yeji and jang-hoon. Even with all the hints he gives Eun about liking her, she still seems un-confident in herself. The aegyo part was hard to watch lol! Eun-jae was laying the cringe on heavy (i commend her confidence) this episode and although we know she wants her ex back, we still don't know why they broke up!!!! Jin-myung and Heimdal's chat was so comforting for some reason, idk why but it just was?

It's so sad to see Jiwon in distress, but it's also good to see that her character gets to express some pretty deep thoughts thru the monologues. She fears that what she can't remember is awful, but she's still willing to find out. All these girls seems to be at the doorway of something challenging or intimidating and wondering if they should step thru or not. Even if we can't relate to their specific situations, we can relate to the way they react and their feelings. I'm really gonna need more than 12 epsiodes JTBC...


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Jin Myung and Heimdal's relationship so far is so much better than I ever expected. And surprisingly cathartic? I've always loved how the show has never really done lovelines in the traditional way, and the fact that at least two of the male/female pairings this season aren't even inherently romantic is such a refreshing surprise.


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i felt a bit iffy about the cast change (eun jae) seeing how eunjae has become after a year. and i am also a bit creeped out by the new actress facial expression.

and so i re-watched the first season. finding jiwon called out hyo jin in one of the epilogue interview was interesting. they must have really wanted to do a 2nd season even back then.


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I have a feeling that Ji Won's storyline may have originally been planned for season 1, but got cut out due to 1) 12 episodes and not 16 and 2) maybe being considered emotionally a little too much, on top of (SPOILERS FOR SEASON 1)

Yi Na's struggle with prostitution and her accident and Ye eun's kidnapping/abuse, as well as Jin Myung's brother and Eun Jae's father. That's really heavy stuff, and with Ye Eun already having a plot about an abusive relationship, maybe they thought additional child abuse was too much for twelve episodes. This season, Eun Jae and Jin Myung have had much lighter (as in less emotionally devastating) storylines (so far), so Ji won, who was the lightest part of last season, can take on something a little heavier/ more difficult.


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OMG KIM MINSEOK CAN YOU NOT? #completelyobsessed


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Ji Won's situation is worrying me a lot- she seems to have a psychologically textbook case of abuse/dissociation. She seems to have lost the ability to like (specific) individuals romantically and has an obsession with the concept of sex, although the actual reality of it has caused her to freeze twice in the last couple of episodes. She has repressed memories, and experienced severe personality changes and 'acting out' around the time the issue with her friend (her only friend, probably, from what we've seen and the epilogue) occurred. All of this is pretty textbook abuse victim reaction, and I'm worried that it actually happened to her (or both girls?). Lying about who the victim/ perpetrator was is actually pretty common in small children as well, because it seems safer... if my theory is true... ouch. That's an extremely tough storyline, for Ji won to realize that not only is she a victim herself, but that she may have ruined her friend's life inadvertently, not knowing better as a child. I hope I'm wrong, but I do believe that's where the story is headed.

Eun/ Jang Hoon / Ye Ji I really love, because it's such a good take on masculinity/femininity and what society expects of these ideas, and inverts the tropes really well:
1. Ye Ji, the extremely 'feminine' (by society's standards) friend, is likely a lesbian, while
2. Eun, the 'masculine' one, is straight, a huge idol/manga fangirl, and is gentle/afraid to hurt anyone, traits stereotypically associated with females.
3. Jang Hoon is shown doing very masculine things constantly (fixing things, lifting weights, at one point one of the girls says that it's good to have a man around the house), yet is lacking in height
4. But likes a girl taller than him (who looks like a boy) anyway, and over the more feminine Ye Ji (and other share house girls).

As for Eun, I sympathized with her so much, being extremely tall and athletic myself. She's probably been told by the world all her life that boys like cute, tiny and pretty things, and since height/body type is something pretty much impossible to change, she gives up. Why bother dressing like a girl when you know there is physically no way you can meet the societal standards of what you've been told a girl should look like?

This made her looking at Ye Ji and Jang Hoon playing in the water, the fact that she didn't try to dress up for her date, even her trying to pay Jang Hoon back at the end, extremely compelling. Ye Ji is, from what she's been told all her life, exactly what a boy should want. So why should Eun even try against her?

Just really, really well done and I think it will go in a really heartwarming direction as Jang Hoon helps Eun build confidence in herself.


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I really don't think it's going to be her that experienced the abuse, just because people who experience abuse don't typically have such upbeat personalities afterwards, even if the experience has been repressed. I think it's more likely that it happened to her friend, or she lied and told everyone something happened to her friend when it didn't, and then, in either case, she began to overcompensate for what happened by being overtly happy and quirky as a sort of distraction so she didn't have to think about it anymore.


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I think Ji Won may have witnessed the abuse, or her friend confided in her. She may even have been approached by the teacher and felt uncomfortable. And then I suspect that quiet Ji Won told the truth about what she saw/heard and that it somehow became a lie - either the administration, the art teacher or even her friend insisted she lied when it started to blow up.

And then that started a spiral where she talked all the time and lied extravagantly because the time she made an effort to speak up and tell the truth she was basically browbeaten into believing the opposite.


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I've been thinking the same about Ji Won - that or: Ji Won witnessed her friend being sexually abused, and told. We can already see this caused a lot of rumors, probably an investigation as well. Her friend probably stopped going to school immediately after, and then transferred altogether. A child, especially a lonely one, might internalize that & end up believing they did something wrong. As a result, she starts lying about everything in an attempt to "take back" what she revealed about her friend. Her repressed memories come from the trauma of witnessing her friend's sexual abuse.

The only thing I can't reconcile with either idea is that Ji Won's mom said she could not remember the girl in the photo. If Ji Won was linked to whatever sort of abuse occurred with her friend, her parents would definitely remember it.


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I feel like her mom did recognize the girl in the photo, but didn't want Ji Won to remember. Her mom never said anything about the personality change either, although the flashback shows her well aware and concerned about Ji Won's shyness.
I think her parents want to keep whatever it is from Ji Won, because she seems so happy and upbeat now.


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My theory is that her friend got sexually abused by the art teacher instead of Ji-won and it maybe related to Ji-won't shoes- for example, the teacher probably called for either one of them to follow him and Ji-won't friend went because it requires going through mud and they didn't want to spoil her (Ji-won's) shoes. That'll probably explain why her shoes are so heavily featured and her guilt- to a young child, it could seem, however illogically, that what happened to her friend was her fault.


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I was totally going to break down why I'm enjoying the love triangle so much, but you already did it for me! Yes to everything. It's so well-done and is one of the rare love triangles that actually says so much about the individuals involved and the roles they feel the need to fulfill in their society.

I also think it's headed in a wonderful direction. Because, while I've noticed Jang-hoon go out of his way to treat Eun like a girl, what I like more than anything is that it doesn't feel like he's doing that for himself to compensate for his shortness (ex. wanting her to sit on the bus), but for her because of the subtle hints of insecurity she gives off in this area when she brings up Yeji's cuteness over and over again. She doesn't expect to be treated like a girl and I can already see he's committed to turning that around, bit by bit.


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I'm so happy that Ji Won and Sung Min have more scenes together in this season. They're so cute together I wish Sung Min would confess and date Ji Won by the end of this season. They're my favorite pairing I can't stop watching videos about them on Youtube XD


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Ji Won and Sung Min remind me a lot of Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe. Anne had this unrealistic idea about what love was, and there was a pretty serious disconnect between what she thought she wanted and what she actually needed. It took getting what she wanted while also losing what she really needed for her to realize how important Gilbert was to her. Ji Won is so focused on sex and having it that she can't even picture what kind of guy she would want to have it With. She has no idea what she actually wants. She just wants it now. I'm positive that if she got exactly what she wanted, she would walk away from the experience dissatisfied. As for Sung Min, I think he begrudgingly likes Ji Won at this point while Gilbert just flat out liked Anne from the beginning, but begrudging or not, Sung Min clearly likes Ji Won. It's going to be heartbreaking to watch if the writers decide to take their relationship through the same general trajectory as Anne and Gilbert's. Cause that means there are some tears in their future. But as long as those are tears are promptly followed by smiles and kisses, I will take them.


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... and now I want to go re-read Anne of the Island.


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Same, I'm thinking of buying all the books of the Anne series. They were so good!!!


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Ahh Anne ♥♥♥ Do it! Buy them!
My mother... is a darling, and has slowly been collecting second hand copies over the years so that my sister and I can have a full copy of the series for ourselves.


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I LOVE Anne and Gilbert's love story and I also love how you connected theirs to Jiwon and Sungmin's


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How can a Show be perfect for the second time around????


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I normally cannot watch shows more than once without skipping so why do I watch this show 3 times, because I don't want to miss any details.
I watch it once raw, 2nd time - when the dramabeans recap is up and the 3rd time - when the subs are out. My favourite couple right now is Eun/Jang Hoon. The way they tease each other is so cute and I can't wait for Eun to fall for JH. After watching the subs for this episode, I became even more concerned about YJ, she is beyond possessive of Eun. When she asked JH when he was enlisting and she was happy it was in October so she they could break up, I concluded she was crazy. Am still not sure about the attraction part - either way Eun and YJ have a strange friendship. The actress playing YJ is pretty versatile, she was in Solomon's perjury and her character was a different type of crazy. I will start praying to the drama Gods for another season.


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Ji Won & Jin Myung are the reason I am watching season 2 of this drama. These opposite magnet poles are the main attraction. Somehow I just love the wacky live-wire JiWon; it's her antics that makes the drama enjoyable!


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Ahh show, why are you making me happy for Ye Eun then take it back at the end? Now, I'm worried about her and other Belle Epoque girls since they were all there to save Ye Eun. Her douchebag ex-boyfriend must be out for a revenge. Ugh.


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Yeah, I'm definitely thinking Ji-won's reason for lying so excessively either started with her telling about her friend's abuse and causing damaging rumors or perhaps with her words not even being believed at the time, only causing a twisted version of the truth. What I don't understand is how so many adults either don't know or are keeping mum about the whole thing with Moon Hyo-jin. If there were rumors about the assault, then certainly more than just the other children would have noticed. So, yeah, that part perplexes me, along with the parents. Ji-won's change occurred over the summer so perhaps something happened then that no one really knows about. Perhaps whatever she did say about it, has, over-time, just become one of the many lies she's told in their minds and so they don't consider it important.

I really need to go over all the details again. Luckily, the all the comments here are so insightful and detailed. I'm having so much fun reading other's thoughts that I've barely been commenting myself.


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Lol, huh. I was sure this was a reply to @melaza (on comment 28) but somehow it ended up here.


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I just re-watch ep 3 and there is a scene where Jiwon said to Eun that she is terminally ill but Ye-eun came in saying she is lying. Another scene is when Jiwon returned home and told Eun that she passed out that day however Eun didn't believe her and that caused a "ringing sound" in her ear.
I think what happened in the past is that Jiwon witnessed her friend getting abused and she tried to report it but no one believed her.


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I don't know, but I was thinking that maybe Ji Won was the one being abuse... her personality change, her habit of lying.. Her story is getting more mysterious. So far I'm liking this new season. Thanks so much for the recaps they are my lifeguard when in desperation waiting for the episodes to get sub ??


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Also even though she is always talking about sex she's afraid of it (ep 2 she went into shock and collapse)


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Eun Jae seems totally different now than how she was in Season 1, not sure if its the writing or the actress. Really not liking this new Eun Jae :/

Also, I wonder if Ji won suffered the same fate as her friend but chose to hide and forget it. Would be painful to watch such a happy and carefree character like her suffer


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my gd ye ji has become a really REALLY toxic and unhealthy friend. she went from being kinda cute to just being full on awful. i know eun isn't REALLY dating janghoon but if that's how your bff is gonna act when you REALLY get a bf, then cut her out. she's so controlling and awful and im sorta starting to hate her??

i really want to ship jinwon and sungmin but they seem really set on not being attracted to each other. not in the flirty way but dead serious. i really wanted them to get together but now im worried that if they get together it'll be random and abrupt bc as of now it's not like he's smiling at her when she's not looking or is lowkey soft about her. if anything it's like he knows something about her past that he's not telling her. and jiwon seems as far from attracted to him as possible as she's mentioned so many times.

im curious if there's a reason yeji got weird when she said to eun "you don't know anything about guys" and eun said "and you do?" yeji either had something fucked up happen to her that she doesn't trust guys and is why she clings to eun or there's more to her.

same with sungmin, is there a reason he's a virigin that runs deeper or is it really just a personal choice? this season seems really hung up on sex and relationships aside from jin myung i don't fully know if i like it yet.

i just know i miss yi na


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I think that Jiwon is the one who sexually abused but her friend willingly take it bcause of jiwon's personality that will be worse n even possible to commit a suicide if people know it .. then to hide they exchange their shoes to or somehow like that to change the identity..

Having that sexual abuse, jiwon tried to distort that memory with the nicer one by really wanting to have a sex because it's nice and never bad. But when she actually get it she was shocked or passed out like what she did in the club..
*sorry for my bad english
*first time ever to comment.. only because of jiwon


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*is sexually abused


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Loving this! I wish they could sub it faster. Favorite Drama so far!


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