Seven Day Queen: Episode 14

I’m sort of amazed that it’s Episode 14 and this show has yet to disappoint me. The romance moves me more week by week, the stakes are as high as they come, and our characters are refreshingly bold and proactive no matter how dire the circumstances seem. I don’t want to jinx it, but do you suppose that it might just stay awesome all the way to the end? I mean, I had my hopes, but now I’m starting to actually believe it…



The second Chae-kyung recognizes Myung-hye as the woman who kissed Yeok, she begins to wonder who she is and whether she’s here for the secret will, and more importantly, what she means to Yeok. But she accepts Myung-hye into the household as a maid anyway, albeit with a grim expression.

Yeok comes looking for Chae-kyung when he hears that his mother came by, and he’s startled to see Myung-hye in his house, greeting him like they’re strangers. Chae-kyung introduces her as a new servant, all the while giving Yeok the hairy eyeball. Dude, she’s testing you. Say something!

Yeok is too stunned to say anything, so after the tense introduction, he grabs Chae-kyung by the wrist and leads her away from the house, intent on finding someplace where they can rest at ease.

Chae-kyung pulls away and complains that he’s hurting her, and he realizes he’s been holding onto her with a death grip and stammers an apology, seemingly for more than just the wrist-grab.

The queen dowager tells Minister Shin that she’s decided to honor her late husband’s wish for Yeok and Chae-kyung to be together, and that from now on she’s going to do everything she can to help them be happy. To that end, she claims, she’s set the date for them to sleep together.

She says that with a child, they will truly be inseparable, so that if something happens to one of them, it will happen to the other. That sounds an awful lot like a threat. Minister Shin counters with a warning of his own—that neither of them should cause harm to the other.

Yeok brings Chae-kyung to her parents’ house and tells her to stay here for the day. She doesn’t want to and asks if this is supposed to be for her benefit, but Yeok says it’s really for him, because he would feel better knowing that she’s here while he takes care of some things.

Chae-kyung hesitates out in the courtyard, not knowing what to tell her parents about why she’s here, but her mother runs out to greet her happily. Aw, I missed that carefree smile on Chae-kyung’s face.

The ministers gather in court and gossip about someone being killed yesterday, but no one will dare go to the king to find out who died lest he kill the messenger too. Yeonsangun arrives and says he only came today to give out a prize.

He turns to the vice minister of the interior and says he so enjoyed the minister’s recent writings about the king’s late-night hunts that he’s decided to give him a new title, and demotes him to a low-ranking civil military office.

Yeonsangun tells the minister to accept whatever he’s given by his king—that way, he’ll keep his life. Everyone files out silently in fear, but Minister Shin stays behind and offers to go speak to the king on the minister’s behalf. The others tell him to stay out of it, fearful that Minister Shin will end up getting demoted too.

The corrupt vice minister of war interrupts to say gleefully that the king allowed him free use of the military to hunt down the Snail Brides who tried to get him exiled, and the principled vice minister of the interior exclaims that the military is meant for national defense, not personal revenge. Minister Shin discreetly offers to lead the military investigation, which the vice minister of war is happy to hand over to him.

At the pawnshop confessional booth, a man says that there’s a new pawnshop in town that functions exactly like this one by offering rice in exchange for information, but only about one thing: Snail Brides. Damn, that’s smart. And then we see that information get passed along to Minister Shin.

Minister Shin looks ragged when he arrives home, but he lights up the instant he sees Chae-kyung, and they sit down to a warm, happy family dinner together. Mom chatters away incessantly, and Dad just smiles and points out that their daughter can’t eat because Mom is asking so many questions.

Yeok goes to see his mother too, but he’s there to put up a fight. He demands that she get Myung-hye out of his house this instant, but the queen dowager argues that he should be protecting his friends and his people.

She points out that Yeonsangun claimed Chae-kyung and her father as his people, but Yeok argues vehemently that Yeonsangun is wrong about that: “Chae-kyung is MY wife and MY family!” The queen dowager thinks she can’t be trusted, but Yeok says he’ll bear the consequences of trusting her, and tells his mother to leave Chae-kyung alone.

Chae-kyung’s head is swimming with thoughts of Yeok and Yeonsangun fighting, and her mother assumes she’s anxious to be apart from her husband because they’re newlyweds. Chae-kyung can’t stand the idea that Yeok might be in their house alone, and she darts up to run home.

Yeok isn’t there, but Myung-hye puts on a bright act in front of Chae-kyung and Nanny sends her to go fill the bathtub. Myung-hye uses that as her chance to let two men inside the front gate, and then she brings flower petals and tries to stay while Chae-kyung bathes.

But Nanny orders her out, so Myung-hye reluctantly walks out and tries to peep into the bathhouse through a crack in the wall.

Yeok comes home just in time to catch Myung-hye spying, and he drags her around the back to plead with her to get out. He says he’s already spoken to his mother, and demands that she leave. She claims that she’s not doing this because she wants to, and says tearfully that he has no idea what she endured to protect him, thinking of Yeonsangun’s interrogation.

Yeok says he knows how much she does for him, which is why he’s not outing her identity, but she argues that he’s doing that for himself. He admits it and begs her to go. Man, I almost feel sorry for her. Almost.

And then… Chae-kyung comes around the corner to listen in. Ack! Myung-hye says that Chae-kyung might have the secret will tattooed on her, but both women are shocked when they realize that Yeok already knew. In flashback, we see that Seo-no’s father had told Yeok exactly where that secret will tattoo was.

Chae-kyung walks away, uneasy on her feet, while Myung-hye argues that if Yeok doesn’t comply now, Chae-kyung will be in even more danger. She makes it clear that there are other people forcefully checking women’s bodies for tattoos.

That terrifies him and he tells her not to dare, but she warns him that it’ll be his fault if her uncle and the queen dowager resort to other methods to get the will from Chae-kyung. Myung-hye says that leaving it to her is the best way to keep Chae-kyung safe, promising to only watch her. Is that why you needed two burly hit men? I think not!

Once alone, Yeok fumes and wonders what on earth he’s doing to Chae-kyung, while Chae-kyung storms back to her bath and climbs into the tub fully dressed.

Nok-soo tells Yeonsangun about the queen dowager suddenly setting the date for Yeok and Chae-kyung to sleep together, which is the last thing Yeonsangun wants to hear. But then she shares her suspicion that Chae-kyung might have something to do with the secret will.

Myung-hye drugs Chae-kyung’s tea and sets a table in her room, and then she and her hit men take posts all over the room and lie in wait.

Chae-kyung comes out from her bath and is immediately wary of Yeok standing outside waiting for her, but he swears that he wasn’t trying to peek or anything.

He insists that they have to keep up appearances because the servants are watching, and picks her up to carry her to his room. Thankfully that means that Myung-hye’s plan is thwarted, because Chae-kyung never arrives in her room.

Yeok tells Chae-kyung to get some sleep, regretting that she didn’t stay at her parents’ house tonight to get some rest. He’s about to leave her alone when she says they’re supposed to sleep together per his mother’s orders, but he tells her they can wait.

“Aren’t you in a hurry? For the secret will?” she asks, her face stony. He goes rigid as she asks if he’s going to keep pretending not to know, and then she turns her back to him and begins to take off her clothes.

Yeok realizes that she’s known all this time, and he averts his gaze. But she tells him to look and asks in a shaky voice if this is what he wanted from her. He finally turns to look at her, and then his heart sinks to see two fresh burn scars where her tattoo used to be.

In flashback, we see Chae-kyung shaking with a towel between her teeth as Nanny took a scalding iron to her flesh, both of them crying uncontrollably. Yeok thinks, “She knew, and she was carrying that bitter fate all alone. While I was pretending not to know so that she wouldn’t be hurt, she was in pain alone.”

He swallows back his tears and asks Chae-kyung how long she’s known, and she asks if that’s important right now. She says she can’t endure any longer, pretending not to know, not to suspect, not to be shaken. She cries that she must’ve been naïve to think that her love and her trust could change his mind.

“Even if you had approached me with ulterior motives, thinking that you would change, that you would have been shaken tens of thousands of times, that ultimately my sincerity would win… that was foolish of me, wasn’t it?” she says in tears.

He calls her name but she growls at him not to call her that, and he’s taken aback by her coldness. But then she adds, “When you call my name, my heart melts. I am fooled.” She says she tells herself again and again not to be fooled by him, but then she finds herself hoping against her better judgment that she misunderstood somehow.

She asks Yeok point-blank, “Who are you? Why did you come to me?” She cries that he has so many things to explain to her, but Yeok can’t say a word. He just walks around to look again at her back, and as he reaches out to touch her scar, he breaks down in tears.

He falls to his knees and cries, “I’m sorry, Chae-kyung-ah. I was wrong.” He says in between sobs that they’ll go live in the countryside like she wanted, but she turns to him and says the saddest thing of all is that now she can’t trust his words. She tells him to ask her for the secret will instead, but that just makes him wail harder.

Outside, Myung-hye finds two pairs of shoes lined up outside Yeok’s bedroom and cries.

Yeonsangun scoffs that the queen dowager is planning to use Chae-kyung and throw her away, and yet Chae-kyung still foolishly chose Yeok over him. Nok-soo urges him to get to her first, before the secret will falls into Yeok’s hands.

Chae-kyung returns to her bedroom and sinks to the floor, crying all over again as she thinks of Yeok’s promise to run away with her.

Deputy Commander Park doesn’t waste an opportunity and goes to meet the former vice minister of the interior who was just demoted in the hopes of luring another supporter for the rebellion.

The Snail Brides go out for another rice run that night, and they don’t seem to notice that Minister Shin has gone undercover as one of them. He blends right into the group easily with a mask on his face, and then when policemen show up in the streets, they even lead Minister Shin right to their secret tunnel entrance into the pawnshop hideout. Worst security ever.

In the hideout, Yeok contemplates the rebellion chart and thinks back to earlier, when Chae-kyung had asked him why she should give him the secret will. She’d asked him for a reason why he should be king.

The boys return, and it’s not until Minister Shin is standing in the middle of the room staring at Yeok and the rebellion chart that they realize what a stupid mistake they’ve made. They draw their swords but Yeok tells them to back down, and Minister Shin says he came alone… for now.

Minister Shin says it wasn’t hard to trace the Snail Brides’ activity and to lie in wait to join them, and he urges Yeok to stop. Yeok doesn’t back down and says that their work won’t end as long as the king’s tyranny continues, and Minister Shin argues that his true motive isn’t heroism, knowing that he’s doing this for the throne.

Chae-kyung looks sadly at the twig binyeo that Yeok gave her as a wedding gift and thinks back to their happier days, and how she’d asked Yeok earlier that night if he had to be king, if he couldn’t just live as a prince.

Minister Shin supposes that Yeok will continue to be reckless despite being discovered tonight. He says that there will always be places to hide, but that there’s only one place to rest his heart. He warns them that the Snail Brides will be targeted very soon, and gives Yeok an ultimatum: break up his crew and go live with Chae-kyung in the country, or leave her. Minister Shin says he won’t allow his daughter to be the wife of a traitor.

When Minister Shin turns to go, the Snail Brides surround him with swords, and Yeok shouts at them to withdraw. They argue that trusting Chae-kyung is different from trusting Minister Shin, but Yeok declares that his father-in-law would never let innocent people die, and that he’ll take responsibility for this. He commands them to back off, and they let him go.

Minister Shin is far less imposing in the privacy of home, where he shakes in fear from what he’s just discovered. Someone arrives to see him from the palace, which further worries him.

Yeok sits deep in thought over Minister Shin’s words about the one place to rest his heart, and remembers Chae-kyung declaring that it’s her choice to trust him. The boys return and worry that they can’t just let Minister Shin go like that, but all Yeok says is, “Why didn’t anyone ask me why I had to be king?”

They answer readily that Yeonsangun has lost his heart for the people and become a tyrant who’ll stop at nothing to keep absolute power. When Yeok is king, they argue, all citizens will become his people and he will protect them, because Yeok is someone who always protects his people. Yeok lets out a heavy sigh and asks, “But what if I can’t protect the person I cherish most?”

As he thinks of all the danger Chae-kyung doesn’t even know she’s facing, someone breaks into her bedroom and gags her, and they carry her off in a palanquin.

Yeok tells his friends that he’s rewarded Chae-kyung’s trust by putting her in that hell of a house, and to make things worse his mother has sicced Myung-hye on her. That prompts Seo-no to wonder if sending Myung-hye to prison was the queen dowager’s doing as well, and Yeok demands to know what he’s talking about. Seo-no says she was there in Chae-kyung’s prison cell to watch and make sure she didn’t talk, but Yeok knows better and says that’s not all she went there to do.

He storms out furiously, only to find Chae-kyung’s bedroom empty in the wake of her kidnapping. He grabs Eunuch Song by the collar and screams at him to talk, and Eunuch Song squeaks out that it was a royal order given by Secretary Im.

Myung-hye comes to the pawnshop looking for Yeok because Chae-kyung has gone missing, but Seo-no is there to confront her instead, and he asks with disappointment in his voice if she really faked her identity to get close to Chae-kyung and went to prison to kill her.

He says he told Yeok everything, and asks if she was planning to kill Chae-kyung in a pinch this time too. She turns away from him before her tears spill out, and Seo-no says he pities her. Well that makes one of us.

Minister Shin arrives at the palace, where Secretary Im warns him gleefully to choose his words wisely in front of the king because his neck is on the chopping block. Yeonsangun asks how long Minister Shin has been deceiving him, already convinced that he’s been consorting with the queen dowager against him.

Yeonsangun accuses him of knowing Yeok was alive before he did, and asks if he knows what Yeok is planning. On his knees, Minister Shin admits to suspecting that Yeok was alive, but insists that he never meant to deceive the king.

Yeonsangun’s tone turns icy as he asks if Chae-kyung has a tattoo on her body, and says that if the location of his father’s secret will is tattooed there, it means that Minister and Shin and his father have been plotting to make Yeok king for twenty years.

Minister Shin swears it isn’t true, but Yeonsangun says he can’t trust him anymore. On cue, Secretary Im says he’s brought someone here to put their doubts to rest once and for all, and Nok-soo leads Chae-kyung into the room. Outside the palace, Yeok races to get to her.

Chae-kyung asks Yeonsangun if getting rid of the secret will is what will put his mind at ease, and he says that it will make his position secure and nip Yeok’s ambition in the bud. Minister Shin argues that his daughter knows nothing, but Yeonsangun says that’s what they’re here to prove. He turns away and his voice gets uneven as he orders Chae-kyung to be undressed.

Chae-kyung resists and fights Nok-soo off, and Minister Shin tries to go to her, but is blocked by armed guards. Chae-kyung snaps at Nok-soo to back off and not lay a hand on her, but Yeonsangun tells her to continue.

Finally Chae-kyung declares defiantly that she’ll do it herself if the king must see with his own eyes before he’ll let her go. She begins to undress, when Yeok throws open the doors and screams, “What are you doing?!”

The guards turn to him, but he disarms one swiftly and takes his sword, and stands in front of Chae-kyung protectively. He turns to her and says quietly that everything will be okay now, and she worries about what he’ll do.

He gives her a silent nod of reassurance and squeezes her arm, and then declares that he’s brought his brother a farewell gift. Yeok reminds him that his wife asked for permission to go live in the countryside, and Yeonsangun says sarcastically, “But you have to become king!”

Yeok fires back, “I’m different from you. I will not hurt the person I love to become king.” Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Yeonsangun’s lip quivers in fury and he comes down from the throne to cut Yeok down with his sword. But before he can reach him, Yeok unfurls a scroll in his hand. Omo! It’s the will!

He holds it out in front of him like a shield and declares it the command of the late king, and everyone’s jaws drop to the floor. Yeok reads it aloud, and it says that when Yeok comes of age, Yeonsangun is to relinquish the throne and support him.

Yeonsangun laughs bitterly up at his father in the sky and then snarls that he’s going to kill them all. Minister Shin blocks him, and Yeonsangun turns to Chae-kyung with pained eyes to ask if she really gave the will to Yeok and not him.

He sounds like a little boy as he asks Minister Shin if he really intends to make Yeok king, but Minister Shin firmly declares his loyalty to Yeonsangun, as always.

Even Secretary Im stops Yeonsangun from going on a murderous rampage, saying that all they have to do is cover this up, but Yeok says that won’t be necessary. “I only need to take what’s mine,” he says, and repeats that he and Chae-kyung will go live in the country.

Shock comes over Yeonsangun, and Yeok says that heaven must really choose the king, because Chae-kyung did have the secret will, which he says was the last chance that heaven bestowed upon Yeonsangun, and proof that heaven still had hope for him—hope that the people would stop waiting for the faceless Snail Brides to rescue them, and that the king would rule righteously. He says that it’s Chae-kyung who wants that more than anyone.

We flash back to the moment Chae-kyung had shown Yeok her tattoo. She handed him the secret will, and then asked if he couldn’t give his brother one more chance to rule well. She made him promise that until he could give her a reason why he must become king, he wouldn’t use the will to take the throne.

He’d asked why she was giving it to him then, and she said that because he was risking his life, she wanted him to use the will as the ultimate shield when he needed it.

In the present, Yeok says that’s why he’s planning to give Yeonsangun one more chance. He declares in a booming voice, “I, Grand Prince Jinseong Lee Yeok, accept the late king’s will and accede to the throne.” Wait, what?

Everyone panics at the sudden twist, but then he concludes, “…And now I abdicate the throne to my brother.” I think my heart attack just had a heart attack.

Yeok shouts at the historian to make sure he got all that, and the historian blurts, “Yes, your majesty!” addressing Yeok as king. Eep! Yeonsangun looks at the historian like he wants to rip his tongue out. The brush is shaking so badly in his hand, I don’t know how he’s going to write any of this down.

Yeok tells Yeonsangun that this is his answer, and then leads Chae-kyung away.

But Yeonsangun refuses to let them leave and breaks their hands apart and puts a sword to Yeok’s throat. He says he won’t permit it, but Yeok just calmly says, “Kill me. Even if you do, you won’t get what you want. Even as a ghost, I will be with Chae-kyung.” Damn.

Yeonsangun looks over at Chae-kyung and sees the way she’s looking at Yeok, tears in her eyes but overflowing with love. His hand goes limp and he lets the sword fall.

Yeok takes Chae-kyung’s hand and they march out.


Wow, that was some great stuff. I swooned about five times in that one scene, mostly because I was so shocked by Yeok’s move to sacrifice the throne for his love. I just didn’t expect it, knowing that he does have to become king someday, so despite wishing all this time that he would be the kind of man to choose love over everything, I thought he couldn’t. But this is really the best of both worlds, because maybe down the line there will be a different choice to make, but right now in this moment, he gets to be the romantic hero and lay down everything to be with Chae-kyung. I mean, is there anything better than a hero who would trade his kingdom for the woman he loves?

He’s got some impeccable timing too, because I was so mad that he didn’t speak up to defend himself when Chae-kyung was asking him to assuage her worst fears, but this twist more than made up for it. Despite all the doubt that Myung-hye brought between them, I was so glad that Chae-kyung chose to confront Yeok directly, brave and direct as she always is. The scene where she shows him her tattoo was a nice parallel to the one where he showed her his scars, and it highlighted the lovely way that they take on each other’s pain by thinking of what they had endured to get each scar on their bodies.

It seemed so fitting that she would just give Yeok the will and let him decide his own fate, the way she’d taken charge of her own life and burned the damned tattoo right off of her skin. At every turn, Chae-kyung always finds a way to actively make a choice rather than be a victim of circumstance, refusing to even be stripped bare in front of everyone when she could choose to do it herself—outwardly the same, but ultimately so different.

I know that in the end Yeok won’t be able to turn his back on the people and that Yeonsangun won’t take this final chance for what he should, but now Yeok has earned Chae-kyung’s trust the proper way, and maybe someday she’ll be the one asking him to be king. It’s sad that Yeonsangun won’t bear out her trust in him as a ruler, and I fear that losing her now is what will break him completely, but I was cheering when Yeok opened Yeonsangun’s eyes to the fact that nothing he could do would separate the two lovers, not even death.

Naturally this makes me terrified that now Yeonsangun will make it his sole mission in life to separate them even if it costs him the throne, because he’s a scorched earth kind of a fellow and not likely to just accept Chae-kyung’s happiness with Yeok. Sadly he’s even come to distrust the only person who loves him unconditionally—Minister Shin—who actually seems to love him more than his own father did, and truly believes in his capacity to be a good king. It’s truly tragic that fear of betrayal, not even actual betrayal, is enough to undo every good relationship in his life.

But what Yeok proved today is that he makes good on other people’s trust in him, while Yeonsangun drives away those who are most loyal to him. And that isn’t fate or circumstance or anything else—it’s just their true character, and the difference between a king who loses all his people trying to keep his power, and a man who would throw away all his power to keep his people.


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That final sequence was so incredible that I found myself wishing our three leads could just be in every scene together. The show is never better than when they're all facing off!!! And if I wasn't in love with Yeok before this episode, I would be now...that abdication moment was just about the most romantic thing I've ever seen. I know we're in for more horror later, but I am hoping beyond hope that we'll at least get a few happy scenes with Yeok and Chae-kyung before the heavy hand of fate falls again.


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When that final scene ended I spontaneously started clapping. Just me, all alone, giving a round of applause. That's how good this show is.


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I did too! My parents were staring at me like I'm crazy.


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Omg, I'm cracking up because I did the exact same thing! I legit stood up and started slow-clapping before I completely lost it and started running around my room, waving my hands in the air. Hahaha, this show makes me crazy and I don't even care!

A drama like this deserves this kind of celebration.


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Which should I start with first? Seven Day Queen or Suspicious Partner?


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Start with Seven Day Queen but watch Suspicious Partner afterwards to take the bitter taste away. (Bitter because the former is a tragedy)


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SDQ all the way.


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Yes! It gives me such satisfaction to see Yeok makes the wisest decision for the sake of the woman he loves! How I wish the drama could stray from history this episode onwards and give us a happy ending.


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Same, because I'm really afraid now. I read some thing on Wikipedia about the history of this story, and it's so sad. I cried reading it and thinking of the love that yeok and chaekyung had for each other, even though this story isn't entirely real. So I really really reeeaaaly hope that this kdrama isn't going to have a sad ending because I will end up crying so much.


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Similar to the scene of episode 13 where all three leads were together. They have such good chemistry, you could feel the tension and the emotions through the screen. Its like you get soaked up in the moment and cannot even react to all the awesomeness going around at once. I honestly haven't felt this moved by the acting in so long. I get chills.


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This show never cease to amaze me, it seems like every week it gets better and better.

The saddest scene was Yeok crying his eyes out when he sees her burnt skin, my heart. I'm so, so glad Chaekyung and Yeok decided to come clean with each other, now the truth is all out, they can finally be honest with each other. (Maybe they'll finally consummate their marriage next week, hah.)

Not sure how the queen dowager, MH and Minister Park are going to take this when they find out Yeok "gave up" the throne for Chaekyung. Won't this make Chaekyung more vulnerable? They probably want to get rid of her soon.

Chaekyung's parents are so lovely as usual, not sure how I'm going to take it when they all die in the end... I'm half hoping this drama will have a not so tragic ending, fingers crossed.

And somebody please give LDG a best actor award end of the year?? I mean??


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LDG freaking deserves a daesang for this. He makes me hate Yeonsangun, pity him, understand him, get scared of him, all in one scene!


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I really like the scene when Chae kyeong comes home, greet by her mum and the scene when the 3rd of them talking while she is eating,

the dad banter about chae Kyong can't eat cause her mum keeps asking questions and chae kyeong compliment her mum's cooking. It just so normal and happy, Idk if we can get it again.

Chae Kyeong mum is the also the sunshine of the family, yes she can be so hard to her but she also treated her with care when nothing happened, she is there for his husband and even she doesn't involve as much as her husband and chae kyeong, she neutralizes the tension and she keeps them together.


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Queen Mother, Minister Park et al I worry about them as well. I have a feeling that they would now start doing things behind Yeok's back and not keep him in the loop until the very end.


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I feel sorry for all those who haven't watched this amazing sageuk. I admit that I wasn't so ecstatic in watching it and I just did randomly try the first episode and then drop it. But I just can't seem to get enough until it's now episode 14 and I'm still waiting for Wed.


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Me too!!!i'm also can't keep my worrying when i watch Shin's family having dinner together.It's look like their last dinner together with that happy environment.Innoncent family that have ill fate with the king!
On the side note,i really wish everyday is wednesday and thursday so i can always watch CK and Yeok.Please let them have their consummate with peace next week!hahaha


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This show is so great that I'm mad at it. I want it to be worse so I won't be so pulled in for the inevitable heartbreak, but it just keeps blowing my mind with how awesome everything is.


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"My heart attack just had a heart attack" pretty much sums up how I feel about this episode.

This show... how does it keep on getting better and better this late in the game? The last confrontation is so heart-stopping, with all three main players showcasing some truly powerful acting. Yeok's commitment to Chae-kyung drives home how devastating their eventual separation will be, now that we've seen them weather through some truly earth-shaking stuff.


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"their eventual separation" I keep forgetting that or better said I want to forget that. Part of me wants to believe that they will stay together but then I am reminded that history is not on our side and I don't know if my heart can take it.


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Perhaps Yeok can arrange regular meetings post-dethronement? Ugh I don't want them to give up on their love!


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Is this show "that" good? I am marathon girl, I wait until it ends, always. So I won't end up dying counting hours for next eps. Haha I feel so lucky hasn't touch this


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Trust me, this show is that good. It's a tragedy but there are moments of levity that brighten the show. It's amazing. Easily my favorite show of the year.


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I WAS JUST SCREAMING HALFWAY UNTIL THE END. This is one of the drama couples that proves episode after episode how it is not fate that brings couples through struggles but their mutual decision to be together. Yeok and Chae-Kyung are. so. awesome.

Knowing Yeok, he surely will come up with a plan in case Yeonsangun does not make good on his last chance (we all know he won't)


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Yeok was amazing in that final scene. He felt absolute remorse for everything he put Chae Kyung through. That he was willing to throw away his kingdom to make Chae Kyung happy. Well done Prince Jin Seong!

My love for this show only increases every episode. And I fervently wish that Yeok and CK will have their happy ending against all odds.

I particularly didnt like that Dowager Queen and MyungHye are plotting against Yeok and ChaeKyung. In my mind, if you truly love a person wouldnt you want their happiness?


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I think it just like what yeonsangun had said to them before,

they want their past glory to come back, of all, they want the power and it so happens that they also love the person who will deliver that to them.

It's a bonus for them imo, they will always gonna looked for their glory day again [family pride] and the queen always wants her son to rule the land.

It isn't just about his happiness but also their happiness [which is important for them] so they put all their card to yeok because they know yeok's position is enabling them to reach that.


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I keep trying to think of ways this won't end in tragedy, while still keeping true (ish) to history. Like she's exiled but he goes on weekly "retreats" to see her and gives Myung Hye nothing but the side eye their whole marriage. Or his third queen (after Myung Hye dies quite young) is actually Chae Kyung in disguise. Or maybe he brings in a masked doppelganger (cameo by L) to rule in his stead and runs away to the country. I will take anything at this point.


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I can go by with chae kyeong in disguise or born again identity,

come on, we don't have fingerprint or DNA identification in saeguk


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"Or maybe he brings in a masked doppelganger (cameo by L) to rule in his stead and runs away to the country."

LOL. Maybe you could write some fan fiction if the ending of the drama is too hard to bear. After all, we'll need something to lessen the blow.


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Oh I like the idea of how Chaekyung comes back in disguise as the 3rd queen. But I kind of doubt it though, Queen Munjeong was power hungry and ambitious, very different from Chaekyung.

Maybe Yeok can fake his death at the end and be with Chaekyung.


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Well this episode sealed my awe for this show! ?
The acting chops of the stars of this unbelievably underrated drama are just so realistic that the drama is REALLY HEARTWRENCHING and BITTERSWEET to watch. I just pray that the writer does some changes in history to satisfy us, viewers, with the ending we wanted for Lee Yeok and Chae Gyung-ah huhuhu i love you Yeon woo Jin Oppa!!!


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seriously! I thought I'll have heart attack several times watching this ep.
daebak daebakdaebak!!
i cant stop cry watching the scene where CK fearlessly confront Yeok. so much heartbreaks but so badass!!
chaekyung is hands down my favorite heroine EVER!!
and Yeok.. last episode i was just one inch from throwing him under the bus and rolled him over with several times. He just don't deserve CK with so much pain he gave her!!
but.. well i guess he make it up a little in this episode eh? Daegun is really daebak in the end. when he said : just kill me then, even as a ghost i will be with chaekyung-- i screamed a load in the middle of the night!!! of course! as expected from chaekyung's prince!!
for once i didnt care what yeosangun feel this ep. Yeok is all i can see, like chaekyung he3


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Yessssss, that line! "Just kill me then. Even as a ghost I'll be with Chae-kyung!" Those were the words I desperately needed to hear from him and I didn't realize how much until he said them. Love how it also called us back to the mistaken-for-a-ghost arc.


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Despite CG's scar scene and her watery eyes when heard those words from Yeok in final scene, I haven't once have tears in my eyes. Damn I'm waiting for more harsh, heartbroken moment in this drama. Please writernim, do give us more heart-wrenching most memorable scenes in next eps ?


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hahha omg can i pls borrow ur strenght and heart,..i cried a lot until my eyes got puffy ...i dont know what i will do in episode 20--i think i would need therapy after it


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I can't believe dramaland giving us such an intresting heroin specially in a sageuk! In one hand I want Chaekyung leave both men alone and go live for herself, on the other hand the final scene was love! They are so in love (or how can someone don't like Chaekyung) I want her at least have 1-2 year happy life with Yeok.


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Nooo I hope she doesn't go to live for herself. Even though it happened in the real history. In the real story Chaekyung goes to the mountains and Yeok ends up marrying Myung hee. So I hope it will be a happy ending and that Yeok and Chaekyung stay together.


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I never expected this drama to be this good. I know most of the actors and have seen their work so I knew that acting would not be the problem of this story. What I didn't expect was such an amazing plot! I really hope they can carry it out until the finale.

And can I just say the character I least like in this whole drama is MH. She's definitely the most selfish one out of all the characters. I feel like it's all ME ME ME with her. She has so much entitlement that even during her sad and scary parts I feel absolutely no pity for her.

At least the Queen Dowager acts the way she does because she's looking out for her son, not simply because she wants him to become King.


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Ahhhhh, I just watched it and my feelings aren't even sorted!!! The show really got me with that reveal at the end. At this point, I just expected we were excruciatingly approaching their inevitable downfall as he garnered the thrown without being able to protect her from all the threats in the process. I fully admit that I wasn't sure for a moment if we'd get very much more swooning from Yeok if his hesitance and duplicity continued, so I'm so happy the show has him make a decisive step towards protecting their future. I couldn't help but notice that he finally came to these conclusions through Chae-kyung's guidance and hope he understands how much stronger they'll be as a unit, sharing their burdens.

This show has twisted my expectations of it at this point and now I'm so much more eager to see how Yeok will be lead back towards the throne, as he finds his true reason to be king. I was always bothered by much of that happening off-screen at the start of the adult portion and wanted more of his motivations explored, beyond his revenge for his brother.

I also always felt the Secret Order made things easy for him (well, maybe not easy, what with all the danger, but you know what I mean), so I was so thoroughly impressed by him readily rendering it useless by abdicating the throne immediately. What an effective way to prove his loyalty and protect Chae-kyung all at once.

I hope we don't get back to the throne too soon and get to enjoy some lovely, peaceful, and ordinary wedded bliss between our pair. This is what's happening, right Show? After that ending, I can't contain all my hopes!!!

Thanks for the awesome recap, GF.


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love this dramaa so muchhh ! <3 love yeon woojin and park min young !


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Holy crap. This show just keeps getting better and better. If it manages to keep this up all the way till the end, it might become one of the best shows of 2017 for me & so criminally underrated!


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this episode was total KILLER for me...

but so much happened/was revealed... i just want the two of them to find a way to be together and happy... but... that's not this story, is it.

whether or not this drama is accurate to historical records, i care not. i am loving this story as it is being told/played out thus far. this drama is my most current crack and favorite...


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Can somebody please check my pulse? Am I still breathing?

I just finished the episode and I'm still shaking. This is just so good. I don't know what to feel. Like for real, I'm trembling!

Everything that happened in this episode, I did not expect. It was like being bombarded by twists left, right, up, and down. The last scene was nail bitingly intense. I totally forgot to breathe. I'm still taking deep breaths right now to keep myself composed. It's frustrating because there's no way out. Even as Yeok gives the throne up to his brother, Yeonsangun is now way in too deep to stop. It even drives him crazier because if the two leave, they will be happy and Yeonsangun does not want that. He wants to drag everyone into his hell.

I'm trying so hard not to be bothered by ratings but this episode... Oh god. Everybody needs to watch this drama. It's a masterpiece and they're missing so much.


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After 6 years being a reader in this site..this drama manage to make me write the first comment

Eventhough we already know the ending but the journey itself is awesome.
every episode so far never disappoint me and unpredictable

Kudos to SDQ team..
hopefully kbs will award this 'underrated drama'


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hahaha, this drama also make me commented on my account,
I made it earlier in case I need to comment and yeah SDQ make me comment.


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OMG!! This may be my favorite epsiode!!! TBH, I never expected that I would be as invested in this show as I am now!There were so many great scenes in this episode which highlights the character of our leads.

Chae-kyung: bold and fearless and rising to the occasion whenever she is at cross-roads. The way she confronts and challenges Yeok was so heartbreaking that I couldn't even see properly due to tears in my eyes. The courage she displayed in front of Yung in the final scene and her show of dignity and refusal to be man-handled!! (*standing ovation*) Simply no words to describe her awesomeness and spirit!!

Yeok: He was contemplating and guilt-ridden the whole episode and finally stepped up in his confrontation with his brother. His declaration of accepting the late king's will and naming himself king seriously sent chills through me. No wonder, the historian instinctively addressed him as 'Your Majesty' earning the ire of Yeonsangun. I loved it when he chooses to give up his right to rule for a chance at happy life for his loved one, even when I know that histprically, he does become king in the future.

Yeonsangun: He finally realized that he can never truly destroy the love between Yeok and Chae-kyung. If he acted manic and unstable this episode before that, I am truly afraid for our leads and the court and all of Joseon.

I cannot stress this enough but the acting from everyone is stellar. I am going to need a bucket of tissues for the finale!


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so many things happen and I just put my hand together cause it just great.

Of all, this drama gives me the satisfaction of many feelings.
When I heard Chae Kyeong confronted Yeok about the tattoo, I was screaming "knee in front of her, said sorry, just say it!!",
yeok goes to her back and it makes me sad but then he kneeled and say sorry,
thank you the writer, thanks a lot.

I read several times that this particular period of kings is not a good time,
yeonsangun is a tyrant and look is a puppet king but now, even if Idk that fact from the start,
I totally buy it now,
all I see in this drama is
1) a super paranoia king who do good to no one, who kill people just because of his bad mood, who sleep with many women and neglected his queen.
Yeonsangun only is shown to be kind to chae kyeong and he even hurts her, physically and mentally,
he has never been a good person unless it's childhood flashback or he is with chae kyeong.
2) a young prince who has no reason to become a king except revenge but used as.
He just so happens to be the prince that being mistreated, he is not someone that portrayed from the 1st as a courteous king or want to be a king before chae kyeong confronts him.
He is a good person and can be a good king but in this drama, all the time, I see everyone putting him a reason to be a king without asking if he is ready, know the reason or know how to be a king,
yeok is hardly making any connection to the minister or even start initiating decision because he doesn't even sure about his way.
3) a heroine that knows sincerity and when she opened his eyes, she knows what she wants and how she wants it.

Still, I predict that the reason yeok become a king is because of his promises and to stop his brother.


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Nooooo Chae Kyung-ah, you're not supposed to give the secret letter to the good guy until 20 episodes later. :(

Joking aside, I love love love the parallels of this show. The scars and now the twist of the throne. Dayum, this is probably one the best written romance saeguk ever made. And YWJ, This episode he's truly shining, I'm sorry for doubting you previously.

I think it's crazy that 'similar' scene can be written differently in Ruler, which is a prince-rebel who gave up his throne for the one they love but in 7DQ, Yeok gave the throne back to his brother because Chae Kyung wanted him to give Yeon one last chance to be a sage king and this reasoning is satisfying logically and emotionally for me, though we all know better that Yeon will waste this chance and dials up his crazyness after the couple leave to countryside. And now his thirst of women suddenly makes sense (in the context of this drama) because he wants to find a replacement of Chae Kyung.

Show like this doesn't deserve 4%, I hope it fares better overseas, like in China or Japan and catapults everyone's fame because they deserve it.


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The last scene was heart stopping alright, but if the writer added CK slapping Nok Soo and Yeok slitting the neck of Secretary Im after accepting the crown that would have been pure perfection. Kidding aside, I have nothing more to ask for from this drama. Just continue whatever your doing, we are here for the journey however sad it may be. Kudos to this drama!! Actors and production team, Daebak!!


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Whenever the Queen Dowager or Myung-Hye say that they act to protect Yeok, I just want to say: Honey, NO. Literally NOTHING they have done or said since Yeok returned has EVER helped him. At BEST nothing happens, at worst people DIE (if Myung-Hye had told Yeok about the fake letter first, they would not have fallen into the trap and they would have arranged a better, more thought-out father-son reunion. Her going ahead indirectly caused the man’s death).
And I mean, I sympathise somewhat with Myung-Hye. As I have said in another episode, she is the protagonist of another drama; the sad love interest who has to watch her love marry another who will only bring disaster for him, and she is proud and does whatever she thinks is best without having to defer to a man. However, because she is NOT the protagonist, nothing she does works, her motives are not as pure and protagonistic as she might think, and in the end, I agree with Seo-Noh that she is just pitiful or even pathetic at this point. Same with the QD, who do not seem to realize that she is being so obvious that everyone knows her intention, and the King's squad conclude that CG has the tattoo. Good job, QD.

And I’m surprised nobody STILL has called out the previous king for his cowardly idiocy. Yes, YSG might have showed irredeemable signs of a bad ruler already when he was a child, but that does not excuse the king for planning a secret will that is hidden away for years after his death. If he truly, truly did not want YSG to be king, he could have chosen other sons who were older than Yeok and thus the king would have an idea who could be better candidates. But no, the year Yeok is born, he starts planning for him to become king, but that is not enough. He will not tell ANYBODY about this plan, and hides everything until literally his last minute alive. Because hiding a secret will until the son turns of age, in which by that time his oldest son might have against all odds (caused by the king’s own neglect and favouritism) become a good ruler with the support of the ministers.

I mean, nothing of that happened, but there are several ways the king could have gone about to dethrone YSG and crown Yeok as crown prince while he was alive, but instead he was probably too scared or ashamed to face his choices. I know not everything is his fault – YSG could easily still become a tyrant – but it bugs me that nobody has called the previous king out yet. The closest we got was CG wondering why the heck he gave HER that difficult task.

I honestly hoped that the secret will would be a plot twist, and that the will was actually a letter that encouraged YSG to be a good ruler and a better father than he was, as he realized he was a crappy one. That would make it even more awful when YSG in the end does not change his ways, even when he realizes that his father did not want to force him through a secret edict to abdicate. Or give us more flashbacks to show why YSG absolutely could not be King...


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yeah, I can see how myung hee is a protagonist of another drama.

the setup for her character can be a perfect heroine journey, it makes this drama better if I think that way cause usually, the girl with chae kyeong set up, who has the high position and loved immediately by the hero get all the end of the stick in the story.
Usually in this set up, that myung hee is the heroine, they portrayed as greedy and always get to have everything on her way like the queen in Moon that embracing the sun.

I think the letter could go both ways cause at this point, I think yeok will still do the rebellion with or without the letter as he had said earlier when they haven't met seo no any father again.
Rebellion is something that has a better chance to be seen as good things if it succeeded when a past king is a bad person and with or without the letter. It already justified by yeonsangun bad behaviour.


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After this episode I actually find the previous king an absolute twat. Unknowingly pitting his sons against each other, dragging unknowing victims (Chae-kyung and her family) into the process whose only crime probably is that they are loyal to the royal family to a fault and the only ones who have been more of a family to a love-starved son than he'll ever be.


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PMY really good in choosing her project this time ( now I know what she meant in her interview about doing another sageuk drama). CG is far from normal damsel in distress, plus she is willingly to confront with anyone rather than being deceived/accept the fate. The arc of this story is superb from the beginning although low percentage of rating in SK ( well, like many drama that I love also low in rating but Quality OVER number for me ?).
Apart from her, LDG promised to bring how crazy Yeonsangun can be and potrayed it as his best project ( glad he pick right character for 1st sageuk). I cannot bring to love or pitied him as we know how real history were written. May he continue to shine after this great drama.
As for YWJ, he just get another fan from Canada ?. He is awesome although we know his real character is a pitiful King ( in terms of 1st love ).Yeok-ah...you win the last battle ???. You were once ghost before ( although you are not die at that time) but hell yeah, show it to the king who is the real winner of first love ???.
Hats off to all of you PMY, YWJ and LDG. Best sageuk this year 2017 ?


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Seriously I want all 3 to win an award this year. They all deserved it. Can Yeon Woo Jin and Park Min Young be given the best couple award too. Their chemistry is off the chart... the way they look at each other melts my heart. Daebak!!!


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Im pretty sure they will.... I want them the grand awards, not just the mere average awards... And it it's too much to ask, an international awards!!.. Cause this one is world class top notch acting!!
I never cried on a crying scene by an ACTOR, but YWJ nailed it!!... you moved me prince yok with tears!!


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This show is ripping my heart out.How can I like the king, Yeok and Chaekyung all at the same time. They all became one with the characters that I think Im gonna be afraid of Lee Dong-dun. And Chaekyung remain true to her honest character. She was just so sincere. I want to hug her. And the love of Yeok for her is just so heartbreaking. I told myself to prepare for heartache but this is just so beautifully painful.


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Omo upon omo! Tbh I am quite reluctant to watch this show because the conflicts are so intense and the choices made can be so heartbreaking. I always watch the other shows first before I brace myself~ I love how the writer convinced me of Yeok's choice to choose love when just a few episodes ago he was all about being king and revenge. Nothing slip shod about the build up to his big decision which helps the viewers understand and be swept off our feet at the same time. Just wouldn't you want someone to love you like this, giving up his kingdom for you ?


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Yes, the decisions of the characters make sense.


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Omg this show. I die like 5 times each episode.


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Yeok fires back, “I’m different from you. I will not hurt the person I love to become king.” ❤❤❤❤


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LDG should romance PMY in another sageuk down the road! No chance in this one cos YWJ takes the cake for sacrificing his kingdom for his love (at least for now).

One of the rare shows (even rarer cos it is a sageuk!) that got better and better over time. The screen explodes when the three leads are in one frame. Love Shin papa, mama and nanny too.

Chae Kyung did not have much of a choice. She went with her heart and hang on to the belief that Yeok will do what is right. This is the last chance for Yeonsangun - who sadly will become even worse - knowing Chae Kyung is out of his reach. All 3 of them are stuck in a sad circle of life. The last episode will probably break my heart into a million pieces.


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This show is so good that I find it a pity that it is not doing as well as other shows in ratings. I love everything about this show, from the writing to the acting to the directing to the editing to the music to everything! Its such an example of how the parts come together to form an awesome whole!


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Thanks for the recap, girlfriday!

I truly did not foresee Yeok's instant abdication. What a great twist! I'm so glad that Chae-kyung got through to him -- in no small part because of those fresh burns on her back. Well done, Writer-nim, with that flashback to Seo-no's father telling Yeok about the tattoo -- only to have Nanny burn it off at Chae-kyung's behest.

As for Myung-hye, I know that she's a pawn being used by Yeonsangun and the Queen Dowager. Still, I loathe her sense of possessiveness towards Yeok, and her collusion with the Dowager to marry him. Between this show and MY SASSY GIRL, I'm suffering from terminal exposure to Joseon Horrid Scheming Female Syndrome.


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Gahhh this ep was sooo good! Our heart attacks will probably be having even more heart attacks next week...


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Excuse me I can't see anything right now the world is so blurry because of my tears.

This is definitely The. Best. Sageuk. I've. Ever. Seen. In. My. Life. So. Far. Argh!

I mean everybody knowssssss and they faced it heads on! How cool is that! I hate prolonged misunderstandings soooo freaking much and this show never plays with that kind of trope so I was surprised and content and happy.

Can this show goes on forever?


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I love every time Yeok and Yeonsangun fight. Gosh, the last 10 minutes are superb. I want to go there and beg not to touch YeokKyung. They just want to live an ordinary happy life, why is it so hard? ㅠㅠ
The scenes between Yeok & Chaekyung in Yeok's room made me cry a lot. The bgm song perfectly matches.


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Since everyone is already commenting about yeok and chaekyung, I'm just going to ignore that and talk about my concern of Yeok's decision to give up the throne. You must not forget that other than the Queen Dowager and Myunghye, Yeok's friends are also risking their lives for him to be made king, and for him to just give it up like that... While I believe that they will do their best to understand, especially Seono, there will some backlash from them. Just look at poor Seono who lost his father because of the fight for the throne, he hasn't even let himself grieve yet because he has put all his hopes on Yeok being king so that his father's death won't be in vain and that he will be able to bury his father with his grandmother. But now all hope of that is gone, and I know he will most probably be devastated. Out of everyone, I believe that Seono has actually suffered the most. He lost his family at a young age, his father went away and he had to fend for himself, then he gave his life to Yeok knowing that he could die. And finally just as he find his father again, he dies. He's spent the last few years of his life serving the prince so he could become the king and now that purpose is gone. What else does he have in his life other than that? Nothing :( So out of everyone my heart goes out to Seono the most who's been quietly suffering this whole time...


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Based on the preview, this is something that will come up, especially as Yeonsangun inevitably grows more and more tyrannical.


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I meant Yeok turning his back on his ambition for the throne (and presumably Snail Bride). It will come up in the next episodes based on the preview.


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he means the king will become more angry and start hurting people mercilessly especially yeok's loved ones


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There's no way Yeok can escape from this, he has to take the throne in order to survive and save the people of Joseon. The sad part is he will lose Chaekyung while he's doing that ?

I think next week Yeok and Chaekyung will really become husband and wife due to their shared understanding with one another


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I just wanted to ask out of curiosity. Is there any special significance about putting two shoes like nanny did? There's drama happened to have sort of these scenes too. Why did myung hee cried?


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I suppose it means they consummated the marriage and are truly living together as husband and wife.


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MAN! My heart literally stopped beating during the last scene. Especially the part where the scribe calls him "CHEONA." OMGGG

Anyways, I love Yeok so much in this episode and CG became my all time favorite heroine and PMY is now my all time favorite actress

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this portrayal of Yeonsangun, because it makes it so believable why he would be a tyrant and eventually be exiled although history only claims him as "mentally ill." It's ironic how in ep 1 it was HIM who wanted Yeok and CG to marry and move to the countryside ( and to destroy the letter). Now that he got what he wants, he’s even more angry because he can't stand losing CG to Yeok. TBH, he deserved this because he tried to play games with yeok and CG. He even waited for nights thinking CG would run to him and say that she hates yeok (all because he didn't understand what love means). But this backfired didn't it? He really is the cause of his own downfall. Now, if Yeonsangun does change, then Yeok has no reason to be king anymore and he can live happily with CG. But sadly, he will become worse. I'm so terrified because I know Yeonsangun will not take that last chance but instead will try to tear them apart further and go full tyrant mode even if it costs him his throne. Then, the rebels might have more reasons to get rid of him and replace him with Yeok. Plus he doesn't seem to want the throne at all anymore. He just wants to be acknowledged by the one he loves,CG and to get rid of Yeok. He is truly a tragic character because all his decisions alone in the future will cause his downfall. And by that time, not even the excuse of "my father didn't trust me" will work anymore, since CG literally gave him the last chance to prove his father and everyone wrong that he IS capable. But knowing Yeonsangun, he won't. So I believe he deserves what comes to him in the future.

Or can we clone CG so everyone can be happy and sane?


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“Kill me. Even if you do, you won’t get what you want. Even as a ghost, I will be with Chae-kyung.”
That is the best line I heard in 2017??????????????????????


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The delivery of the line was soft almost like a whisper but it dealt a huge blow to Yeongsangun. Yeok was telling him that he knows who Yeong really wants. its CK, but even with his death, he wont allow it. Swoon!!


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Well damn! I admit, I totally ugly cried this episode. If last episode was Park Min-young's ep, this ep definitely belonged to Yeon Woo-jin.

I think this episode highlighted pretty well that Yeok's "weakness" doesn't stem from fragility or a lack of ambition, but rather his love and devotion to Chae-kyung (and her family), which is constantly being threatened and exploited by the people who rely on him to carry the weight of the crown. (Yeon Woo-jin displayed that conflict beautifully both when he was with Chae-kyung, and during the confrontation with her father.)

Whilst others see it as a given that the responsibility is his to shoulder, I love that Chae-kyung was the first person to question his motives as to why he wants to become king. In that respect, I don't see his love for Chae-kyung as being a weakness, rather he's beginning to claim it as his strentgh, especially with the way he powerfully declared his loyalties at the end of the ep.

Such a great episode!! Then again, which episode isn't?! Oh, and I'm totally loving how every episode keeps me on my toes! I honestly can never predict what's going to happen next or how the episode's going to end. The tragic ending is a given, but how we get there is wonderfully crafted under layers of wrapping. Never thought I'd look forward to angst like this, ever!

Thank you for the recap, girlfriday! x


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Oh no.. now i got to wait for another week.. ???


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Oy Show, you’ll be the death of me. But in a good way of course :P

I wonder if the show’s ratings will pick up next week since SP and Ruler just ended. I hope that the domestic viewers will learn to love and appreciate this drama because of the excellent acting, writing, and directing.

SDQ team fighting!


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Wow, what a great episode. Especially towards the end when everything culminates and lands. Goes to show what a difference is made when the handling of the What, When and How information/scenes are well done.

I love Chae-kyung for making Yeok question himself. Because what started this whole throne dilemma is the broken love and trust between Yeok and Yeon. Yeok's belief that Yeonsangun attempted to assassinate him leads to revenge and later also a moral push once he's aware of Yeonsangun's tyrannical ways. But is revenge and a better ruling of the people a good enough reason to take the throne? Is it worth changing what made Yeok fall in love with Chae-kyung in the first place and ruining their relationship? Is his becoming king absolutely necessary?

So thank god Yeok gave up the secret will. Yeah, he's ultimately doing it for Chae-kyung, which kyaaa, exemplifies his love and respect for her. Especially since he's sticking his neck out in giving Yeonsangun a second chance as king. I love how she's their bridge in fighting for a world where Yeok and Yeon can trust and potentially love each other again. She understands Yeon is the way he is from a lack of love in his life and I think her father understands that too. I wondered why Minister Shin continued supporting Yeon despite witnessing the worst of him when he seems to hold strong moral values. Shouldn't going against the last king's will be wrong then? Yet it seems he also can see a world where Yeon can be a good ruler as long as trust, love and support for him exists. He's willing to be one of those people and is sticking to what he believes is right rather than what is decreed and I have to respect him for that.

This show continues to make me feel conflicted about Yeonsangun. He's despicable but I understand why and can see the possibility for a positive change too. His pain and tragic trajectory is killing me.

Despite knowing the end, I can't help but keep rooting for Chae-kyung to succeed in her love, protecting her family, and re-establishing Yeok and Yeon's relationship. Can't a girl lead an ordinary life and have it all? D':


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Now I know where Chae-kyung got her attitude, well well well way to go Daddy Shin! It is understandable why the previous king trusted him (but seriously the previous king is just an absolute twat). Ugh.

At any rate, whilst they have shown us Myung-hye's pain this time around I still can't feel for the girl (and I actually feel bad that I can't feel for her, if that even makes sense). The reason being is that she does things not because she believes in it but because she wants to be repaid. Had it been Chae-kyung who saved Yeok's life and Myung-hye his first love I think Yeok would still have fallen for Chae-kyung since she does things because she thinks it is the right thing to do so. She never pressured Seo-noh for repayment back when they were kids even when it was treasonous to hide a fugitive. Clearly she does good things because she feels it in her bones that doing good is the right thing repayments be damned. But others especially those ministers who at the moment are only displeased with the king because he demoted them and not because they think the king is bad, are the last people who would think like Chae-kyung does. This, among other things makes me worry for Yeok and Chae-kyung. The people around Yeok are hardly to be trusted because it is as if they are only there for the spoils the minute they become victorious. Seo-noh was the only one who thought of the marriage not as a tool but of two friends being together, and he is the only one near Yeok who believes he will do what is right, since even his two best friends only think of him subconsciously as a replacement to the king since he's a Grand Prince. Other people just think of Yeok and Chae-kyung as means to an end. Hateful as he is, I couldn't help agreeing to Yeonsangun's words that Chae-kyung will only be used then thrown away.


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Should i just stop watching till this episode? Because i'm okay. This episode just pure beautiful?


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Noooo...you have to wait for the lovey-dovey scenes between our main leads now that misunderstandings are resolved. Will we finally see their proper first night???? I know I'm doomed for heartbreak in the end but let me happy for now.lol


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That's my question too, when is honeymoon night happening ahahaha????? I savour first these happy lovey-dovey moment before it ends. Arggg, this show is really the death of me! So painstakingly beautiful and admirably awesome!!!


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i have the habit of stopping before the final week - mostly to preserve my sanity especially if show is known to have a bad/sad ending. i'd treasure all the happy moments up to that point and create my own "and they live happily ever after" in my head. more so cos Kdrama's ending usually disappoint and/or head scratching. i'm still 50/50 for next week ..


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Oh dear I do that as well! I do that for almost every drama I've watched except 6 Flying Dragons, sometimes forgetting that I haven't actually watched the final since the lead-up is almost always better than the ending.


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For years I have to put with sageuks hooking me in the first few episodes and getting boring/messy in the middle that I ended up being dissatisfied. This includes even highly popular dramas (looking at you MDBC and Ruler). But this, this is your no ordinary sageuk. As girlfriday said, this drama has yet to disappoint even though we're only a quarter to the end.


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I take back what I said earlier about Yeok being weak & indecisive. The last scene in this episode revived my faith in him that he really loves CK above the throne! ? He was willing to die just to protect her. Yeon Woo Jin has now become one of my fave actors. Didn't know that he has this much depth & emotions in his acting. I think all of them deserves to get awards for their acting. This is officially one of my fave saeguk dramas even if the ending is tragic.

Is it just me or is their chemistry with PMJ off the charts. I would think he was really interested in dating her! ? Actually I really want them to date in real life. Hope it happens. ☺️


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You're not alone dear. I'm seriously rooting for WooMin couple. Think they're a good match. Yes please date her!!!!


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Fantastic recap. Thanks GF!


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LDG is totally rocking this as Yeonsangun... I can't help but pity him, how he changed from a king that seeks absolute power and absolute power only, to a king who realises that it is more important to be the man of the one woman he so loves... Yet by the time he realises this it is all too late! This is all his doing but to me he is, at the heart of it, still a tragic and pitiable person


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This is my all time favorite drama this year. Everything is amazing. I wonder how he will become king now that he said he is letting yungbhave it. Am still rooting for the cinsumation scene


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I'm thinking his people especially the Queen Dowager and the Deputy Commander will make their moves without Yeok's knowledge and he will be forced to take the throne against his will, that is, if writer-nim decides to follow history.


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I legit giggled at everyone's reaction when the scribe addressed Yeok. Hehe. Poor guy. ? And Yeok is indeed perfect for Chae Kyung coz he's the 30-second King (in this episode at least). ?

All my corny jokes aside, I cried with CK and nanny when they were scorching the tattoo. I was like "Ack! I think I said I wish Chae Kyung burned the scroll, not herself!" It was, however, a powerful scene. It showed how Chae Kyung took control of her life and it made sense that she encouraged Yeok to do the same by giving him the scroll. And take control he did. Absolutely loved it!

This show gives me life. Episode 15 come sooooon!!!!!


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My kdrama life will be hibernating for several days until Wednesday comes. I'm feel sooo blessed to be watching this drama since it's the one I've been waiting after years of mediocre shows (no matter how popular they are). Since I heard that this drama is not performing well in the domestic ratings, although I feel bad for the cast and production because they're doing a fantastic job, I can't help but feel more sorry for those people who haven't watched it. It's a divine blessing from the kdrama gods which only comes in the rarest of times. Who knows when we will have a show as well-written, well-directed, and well-acted like SDQ????


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i always counter my weekly 7DQ withdrawal with The Best Hit and all the subbed varieties i can find over the weekend. im a bad crier, will take a while to calm my swollen eyes


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Same! I always wonder how I'd survive the week until the next episode. I usually prefer watching dramas after their run, but this show even made me watch it raw and join the conversation here on Dramabeans. Changed my life, I tell you. ?


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Agreed. In a sea of dramas, only a few make me go so crazy over them. Interestingly, they were the dramas that fly under the radar, unnoticed gems. It's sad that such wonderfully made dramas are often not watched by many.


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It would have been great if this episode was the finale and "they rode into the sunset and lived happily ever after ". Unfortunately, history and life records otherwise and even Yeok's grand exit cannot stop the tragic events that are about to unfold. I personally thought the exit was too unrealistic and too saccharine, but it makes for great drama, which is what counts here.

The true villain of this story (I'm talking of this story, not history of course ) is Yeonsangun and Yeok's dear papa because he set up a chain of events that caused one brother to go mad ruminating on his past injustices and perceived slights and for both brothers to forever be at odds with each other.

Myung hee is trying so hard to kill Chae kyung.... hmm... the irony is that Chae Kyung outlives her by many decades. Well, Myung hee did give birth to the next heir so that must be a consolation of sorts, if I understand the history correctly. I wonder how much of real history will the writer weave into the story from this point onwards?


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YES. Bu god I don't like the previous king AT ALL and we never really even met the guy.

Because look, IF the problem was that he somehow clearly saw that, no matter what he did, Yeonsangun would become a bad king, he could probably have done something else to stop him from ascending. He could say that, as son of a criminal, he could not be ruler, and give the crown to another son. Instead he planted the seeds for his secret will within the year Yeok was born, with the obvious intention that only he would find the scroll because of the marriage. He then seems to have spent most of his time with Yeok, completely ignoring Yeonsangun.

And, ignoring modern family standards and morals, that was a TERRIBLE move of him as a KING. Although the crown prince has his scholars, should not the king be actively grooming him for the role that nobody else really knows how to do? Only the king knows how to be king, so why did he ignore the crown prince?

I'm not saying him being more involved or never making that will would change anything; maybe Yeonsangun would still become hedonistic and tyrannical. But, at least in this show, it is obvious that, from Yeonsangun's memories, the king ignored him in favour of Yeok till his last breath; from Yeok's memoeries, YSG STILL cared for Yeok as his younger brother and they played around, till the king told him to give up the throne for Yeok, which broke YSG's trust in Yeok. The people living in this drama do not and will never know if YSG would be a good ruler. But as we saw the first six episodes, he does know how to manipulate and control the ministers in his own way, and when someone he loves gives him genuine advice that he can relate to ("You love your mother, why don't you try to be a wise king, so you can proudly honour her?") without taking his presence and power from him, he does show that he can be a good king. I think even history shows that the first years of his rule he was good, until he went bananas. Setting aside that the show just kinda forgot about him trying to be a wise king, the drama seemed to deliberately show that his parents' absence was what planted the seeds of his insanity.

And honestly, as much as I love the show and I love the actor's portrayal of YSG, if the father's horrible decisions that don't make any sense in-story, are not explained or at least called out, I'd be surprised and disappointed. Of course us modern viewers know that YSG will be a terrible king and if we went back in time we would try to stop it, but the king? Just what did he hear or witness to make him be so against YSG? It couldn't JUST be about the deposed queen, right?


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Idk when exactly I heard this but it definitely on the ep before,
someone says that the reason the late king pick yeok is because he has more supporter so his reign will have much stable power than Yeonsangun.

I agree that his method to yeonsangun is really bad, he feeds into his insecure mind for a long time but someone says and seo no father also says that the decision is made as the king, not the father.

We saw the direct result today, the only people yeonsangun has in chae kyeong father, that wicked minister who just want a revenge but a corrupt one and no other people. His mum is not in the palace anymore and it seems like he has no other back up outside of the palace, example : his uncle, military power or someone. His power is that he is a king and a lone king is not ideal, especially that in his mind, chae kyeong is yeok's bride.

Even if yeonsangun hadn't crazy, the queen dowager has her own intention to outrule yeonsangun from the start because many queen dowager wants their "son" so the lineage for the next king is still theirs.
Not to mention myung hee and the minister, Idk if snail bride is actually yeok's idea and how long other people have waited for the Queen Dowager regime. I guess it's not always who is the king but who is the family in power.

So imo, I've heard the reasoning before, even if not a lot that it because as a king, yeonsangun really lack support besides his queen [who apparently isn't that much powerful than the Queen Dowager] and minister Shin.

I still hope they'll give another flashback explanation,
6 ep left, that's a lot of time for this drama.


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Speaking of Myung Hee, base on history, she will die after8 years of being queen. Call me bad, but I find some sort of karmic satisfaction that she stayed with the king only for almost the same number of years as CK (she has 7 years with Yeok) and ironically, it was her son that made things better for CK so she was able to live until 71. This got me thinking that Yeok might have talked about her that's why on his son's first year of reign, he immediately made everything better for her. ☺️


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On that note, I don't mind seeing them old and grey as long as they still end up together.


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Wow. Another superb episode and the ending was electric.


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On a lighter note, anyone noticed that YWJ eyes are now the same size? I won't deny it, I was a bit distracted by his eyes in the early episodes when my sister pointed out that they're not the same size. Thankfully, his other eye was healed already.


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oh I totally forgot that he got injured while filming...so that's what people meant by his wonky eyes haha


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