Bride of the Water God 2017: Episode 8

Finally, some answers! Of course they only lead to more questions, but at least we’re learning more about our characters and why they do the things they do. Ha-baek is getting answers too, which lead him to a discovery that could change the very nature of his quest to become king. It all depends on how he handles the situation, especially without his godly powers to help him.


In a dank, dark cave, a young child in filthy rags picks up a dead leaf. He takes a bite out of it, then shoves the whole thing in his mouth. He scoops up a whole pile of leaves and runs back into the safety of the cave.

In the Realm of the Gods, 2,600 years ago, Ha-baek has been studying how the humans make more humans. He asks the high priest how gods are made, since they don’t have babies even when they do all that fun human baby-making stuff.

Coughing, the high priest says that gods just come into existence, but nobody knows who created them. Ha-baek complains that that’s too ambiguous, but the high priest says that it’s the humans’ place to try to make sense of gods and the world around them, but “gods are just gods.”

Ha-baek follows the high priest through a waterfall portal, where they find Bi-ryum and Mura waiting for them. The high priest continues that some gods have borne children by borrowing the bodies of humans, which results in a being that is both human and godlike, and has eternal life.

Bi-ryum and Mura find the idea abhorrent, but the high priest tells them that such a creature does exist, the child of a human woman and a male god. He says that such children aren’t gods because they grow and change like humans, but that they aren’t human because they have godlike powers. They are an existence “that is not welcomed by either gods or humans.”

Ha-baek perks up when the high priest says that those powers aren’t beneficial like the gods’ powers are. Gods’ powers help them protect nature, but half-gods’ powers are destructive, since their divine element is fire.

Bi-ryum asks if that makes them stronger than Ha-baek, looking excited by the idea, but Mura protests that it’s not possible. The high priest says he doesn’t know, and Mura and Bi-ryum storm off, bickering as usual.

The high priest reassures Ha-baek that it can’t be true, since he’s fated to be king. But Ha-baek doesn’t look convinced.

Ha-baek asks the high priest if half-gods are good or evil, and the high priest had said that it depends on how they use their powers. If they use them for good, they’re good, and if they use them for evil, they’re evil. Or if they use them for strange purposes, it means they’re strange.

Later, the three young gods discuss the matter. Bi-ryum thinks that when the high priest said he didn’t know whether half-gods were stronger than Ha-baek, it was as good as admitting that it’s true. Mura reminds him that it means they’d be stronger than him, too. She tells Ha-baek to avoid them if he ever runs into one.

Ha-baek denies being scared, since as a god, he has eternal life. But the high priest says that a god can be forgotten by humans, and once that happens, they are no longer a god. He tells Ha-baek not to worry too much about half-gods, since they live in hiding, and he would recognize one the moment he saw it.

Back in the present, Ha-baek whispers in Hu-ye’s ear, “I caught on to you.” Ha-baek says that Hu-ye’s mother lived and died as a human, while he father has eternal life. He shows Hu-ye the bloody rock from the divine gate, snarling, “This is your blood, isn’t it?”

Unable to hide his reaction anymore, Hu-ye begins to shake, but So-ah interrupts and tries to pull Ha-baek away. He asks if she knew about Hu-ye’s true identity, but she just thinks he’s the CEO of the hotel. Mura arrives to apologize for Ha-baek’s behavior, giving Hu-ye a chance to escape.

Ha-baek orders Mura to stay near Bi-ryum while he clarifies something. He stares angrily at So-ah, who truly has no idea what’s going on.

Hu-ye goes to his office and looks at all of his photos and awards, signifying years of trying to pass as human. He realizes that when So-ah said she knew people with powers, she wasn’t just joking around, and he starts to sweat nervously as he realizes that she was talking about Ha-baek. He looks angry as he thinks to himself, “Yoon So-ah…”

As So-ah drives away, she wonders what Ha-baek meant about Hu-ye’s true identity. Meanwhile the gods get together at Bi-ryum’s penthouse, and Ha-baek says that the high priest was right — he knew that Hu-ye was a half-god a single glance.

Mura yells at Ha-baek for confronting Hu-ye when he doesn’t have his own powers. Ha-baek says that he needed Hu-ye to give himself away, because he’s sure he has something to do with Joo-dong’s disappearance.

Bi-ryum has been silent, but as he drives Ha-baek home, he reminds him that he has no evidence. Ha-baek accuses him of being too human after all his time in this world, but Bi-ryum smirks that since Ha-baek and Mura make him an outcast, he has to keep up using human methods.

He says they need to confirm Hu-ye’s identity, then sighs at the coincidence that he’s close to So-ah. He offers to find out how they met and what their relationship is, but Ha-baek orders him to leave So-ah out of this. Bi-ryum argues that the gods’ servant belongs to all of them, so he needs to protect what’s theirs.

Ha-baek snarls that Bi-ryum has no right to think such things and asks if he feels entitled “because it was the Sky Kingdom that made Nak-bin forget human foolishness.” He says that the Water Kingdom forgave Bi-ryum’s king, but they didn’t forget what that king did.

When he drops Ha-baek off, Bi-ryum calls after him that it was Ha-baek who dragged humans back into all of this. He says that even if So-ah is a loyal servant who doesn’t go to Hu-ye’s side, Hu-ye is probably curious about So-ah’s relationship to Ha-baek.

Bi-ryum says that Hu-ye may even feel entitled to use the gods’ servant, too. But he adds in a snarky tone that his senses have dulled from being in the human world, so he’ll let Ha-baek handle it alone.

Still worried about Ha-baek’s reaction when he finds out she’s selling the land, So-ah tries to tell herself that it’s her land to do with as she pleases. But she can’t stop thinking about Ha-baek saying that he’ll be thought of as the king who couldn’t protect his land.

A sudden clap of thunder startles her, and we see that it’s Bi-ryum, snapping his fingers and creating lightening in a fit of temper. Mura calls to yell at him to knock it off, but he says it’s his warning to that half-god. He’s still angry that Ha-baek brought up whatever his king did, and he snaps his fingers again.

Ha-baek waits for So-ah at her office and tries to ignore Sang-yoo’s whining about him being here. He warns Sang-yoo that he’s making a mistake if he thinks Ha-baek won’t lose his patience, which does nothing to stop Sang-yoo’s yapping as he claims that So-ah has a boyfriend.

Finally So-ah arrives and they go to her office. Ha-baek says he’s here because he wants to go home together, which nearly makes her spit out her coffee. But as they walk home, he explains that he just meant he wanted to drive Mura’s car. So-ah points out that it’s not very godlike of him to pout just because she already promised the car to Sang-yoo.

Ha-baek asks if she really has a “boyfriend,” having looked it up online and discovered that it would mean So-ah is dating someone. He segues into asking if So-ah has such a relationship with Hu-ye, and she stammers that of course it’s not like that.

She says she’s sorry for not taking better care of Ha-baek, and promises to take him fun places and feed him good food, and even buy him clothes. She calls it her early farewell gift to him, admitting that she’s doing it to make herself feel better.

She takes Ha-baek to an amusement park, where hilariously, everything terrifies him. He screams so loudly in the haunted house that he frightens the actors playing ghosts, then insists on riding the roller coaster over and over to conquer his fear.

So-ah ends up dragging him off the ride, literally, and when he mutters that it’s not right for a servant to push her king around, she fires back that it’s not right for a king to put his life in danger for silly things. Ha-baek calls her cute, which flusters her, though she definitely likes it.

So-ah wants to ride the banana boats, which she’s heard are relaxing, and Ha-baek asks if shes stressed over money again. She says it’s that, and because of her father, which reminds Ha-baek that she asked him to help her meet her father just once.

So-ah says for the millionth time that she hates Korea and wants to reset her life. Ha-baek notes that she seems much better than when they met, but she says that doesn’t matter since he’s leaving. Awww, did she just admit that he’s the reason she’s happier?

She quickly changes the subject to ask what Ha-baek said to Hu-ye earlier. Ha-baek says that he told Hu-ye not to make moves on his woman, but the way he says it is a bit vague, so So-ah is unsure if he’s being romantic or just possessive of his servant.

Neither of them notices Hu-ye watching them from a short distance away. He recalls So-ah saying that she made the mistake of relying on someone she shouldn’t have, because they’re going to leave. She’d added that that “person” isn’t really a person, and now Hu-ye connects the dots.

Ha-baek wakes the following morning just in time to see So-ah leaving for work. He thinks about So-ah saying that he’s someone with important things to do, so it doesn’t matter to him if lesser beings disappear. He calls her to invite her to go home together again when she’s off work, then hangs up on her, heh.

Chairman Shin rejects yet another of Jaya’s get-famous-quick schemes when he realizes it means she’d be modeling skimpy bikinis. He orders her to forget becoming a Hallyu star and go to work for Hu-ye’s Block World shopping mall. Suddenly Jaya realizes that Hu-ye is the one trying to buy Chairman Shin’s land, and she shocks her grandfather by agreeing to handle the sale.

It’s mostly an excuse to talk to Hu-ye, who’s distracted and completely ignores her when she goes to see him. She touches his arm and he jerks away violently, saying he’s too busy to talk.

She turns to Secretary Min, who pretends he didn’t see her, and chases him down to ask what’s wrong with Hu-ye. Jaya says she’s here because she’s in charge of the land sale now, but Secretary Min says that the hard part is done and all they have to do is sign the contract.

Jaya starts wheedling again about Hu-ye’s strange behavior, insisting that she’s not asking because she likes him or anything. But Secretary Min says that she does like Hu-ye, because she acts exactly like the grade-school girls at his church who ask him for advice.

Sang-yoo spots the amusement park tickets sticking out of So-ah’s wallet and asks who she went with. She refuses to discuss it, so he snaps that it better not be Ha-baek. After he leaves, So-ah moons over the tickets, remembering Ha-baek calling her his woman.

She tries to escape Sang-yoo’s pestering and ends up running into Hu-ye in her lobby. He asks for a psychiatric evaluation, citing a sleep disorder that he blames on his personal past.

With difficulty, he admits that he never knew his mother, and that his father treated him as if he were a monster. He’d named him Soo-chi, which means “disgrace,” and kept him locked up for fear others would find out about his existence. Hu-ye’s voice hitches as he says that one cold winter night, his father cast him out.

In flashback, we see a teenage boy fly through the divine portal to land on the human side. Oh how sad, Hu-ye was the boy we saw surviving on dead leaves. Young Hu-ye bleeds from the mouth, and some of the blood drips onto a stone just outside the portal.

Hu-ye tells So-ah that the darkness was familiar, but that the air was not — it smelled different than where he’d been locked up his whole life. He says that he doesn’t know where that place is, nor does he want to.

The boy flees the divine gate, as Hu-ye narrates that he was so scared, he could only think of getting away. He’d seen a ray of light and followed it.

Hu-ye stops and stares at So-ah, analyzing her expression, which doesn’t show sympathy, contempt, or fear. He determines that she’s not “one of them,” but he wonders how she can know who they are if she isn’t one of their kind.

So-ah snaps Hu-ye out of his daze, and he smiles and says his story has a happy ending. He tells her that someone saved him that night, and so he was able to become a good human being. He tells So-ah that they even gave him his surname, Shin.

After his session, So-ah reminds Hu-ye that he once said he wants to be a good person, and that he contributes to society for that reason. She says that she understands what he meant now, and apologizes for mocking his sincerity when he said it. She means every word, but something makes Hu-ye freeze up.

As he walks away stiffly, So-ah thinks about the person Hu-ye said saved him. Something about it bothers her, but she waves off her suspicions.

The minor god who never speaks, Jin-geon, reports to Bi-ryum (whose hair is blue again) on Hu-ye. Mura tells Bi-ryum that his associating with minor gods is why Ha-baek hates him. Bi-ryum notes that Ha-baek hates him for numerous reasons and starts up the car, saying that they have to see one’s true feelings in order to understand them.

Hu-ye is still shaking from So-ah’s apology when Secretary Min calls him about an upcoming appointment. He heads to his meeting, unaware that Bi-ryum and Mura are watching him.

Bi-ryum says that they need to see if Ha-baek is right about Hu-ye. Mura is against the idea in case Hu-ye is human, but Bi-ryum questions her faith in Ha-baek and snaps his fingers.

A nearby car starts and aims itself at Hu-ye. Another snap causes the car to accelerate, and Hu-ye sees it bearing down on him. Bi-ryum eagerly awaits the results of his experience, but an instant before the car slams into Hu-ye, Mura throws out a hand and the car spins away.

Hu-ye never moves a muscle, but he finally sees Bi-ryum watching him. Bi-ryum gives him a smirk before following Mura to ask why she interfered — does she have feelings for Hu-ye? Mura snaps, “It’s because of you, you jerk!” She asks him what he’d do if Hu-ye is human, reminding him that their job as protector gods prohibits harming humans. Breaking that rule would get him banned from the Realm of the Gods.

She asks angrily why Bi-ryum is so out of control, and he actually looks chastened for once. Mura calls Ha-baek to tell him that Hu-ye will be on the alert, so Ha-baek calls Bi-ryum and tells him to set up a meeting.

So-ah is busy over-analyzing Ha-baek’s invitation to go home together, alternately swooning and telling herself that he just wants to go for a drive. Yeom-mi bursts into her office, dying of curiosity to know why she can’t read Ha-baek’s fate.

So-ah explains to her friend that he’s a real live god, but Yeom-mi looks at her like she’s lost her marbles. However, she does angle for a meeting — only she doesn’t mean Ha-baek. Cut to: Yeom-mi making moony-eyes at Namsuri as he clumsily paddles a boat to shore. HAHA, someone has a crush.

Ha-baek lets himself onto Hu-ye’s land, and Hu-ye soon finds him. Ha-baek says that he’s surprised that Hu-ye didn’t contact him first, and Hu-ye replies that if Ha-baek recognized what he is, then he’s either the owner or the future owner of “that place,” though he refuses to show Ha-baek respect. He says that he doesn’t care what they think of him in Ha-baek’s world, but that he doesn’t want to fight.

Ha-baek replies that he doesn’t care either, but that he needs to check something, and that if he’s right, then Hu-ye must prove he’s not a monster. He lunges at Hu-ye and rips open his shirt, revealing a glowing mark on Hu-ye’s collarbone.

His suspicions confirmed, Ha-baek asks why Hu-ye is wearing Joo-dong’s mark, screaming, “Where is Joo-dong?!” But Hu-ye yells right back that he doesn’t know him, asking why he has to explain anything to Ha-baek.

Ha-baek says that this is the mark of Joo-dong and the Earth Kingdom, which Hu-ye can’t possess. Hu-ye snarls that Ha-baek must not have heard about his power, and Ha-baek yells that he doesn’t know if that power even works on him.

Mura calls out and Ha-baek suddenly flies backward, though it’s unclear if it was Mura or Hu-ye who did it. Mura tells Ha-baek to go before he’s humiliated further.

The tension is broken by a small voice calling out to Hu-ye — it’s the little blind girl (who I just realized is the same girl who asked about the gods in the first episode. Strange.). She asks Hu-ye if someone is here and he tells her no, glaring at Ha-baek and Mura until they leave.

Once alone, Mura tells Ha-baek that he has nothing to prove to them. She apologizes for losing the god stone, asking him to wait and let her and Bi-ryum solve the problem.

When it’s time to head home, So-ah fidgets, thinking about Ha-baek. Sang-yoo pokes his head in to remind her that it’s her mother’s memorial day, so So-ah rushes home alone to cook up some ceremonial offerings. She’s so unsettled that she knocks a hot skillet onto the floor.

Ha-baek hears the crash as he’s arriving home, and he goes inside to find So-ah curled into a ball crying her heart out. Gently, he asks what happened, and So-ah sobs that nothing is going right because of the gods.

He accompanies her to her mother’s grave, where she jokes darkly for him to be careful because sometimes her mom tries to come out. Ha-baek rolls his eyes, then waits while she bows and greets her mother. She apologizes for coming empty-handed, blaming it on being possessed by a water ghost (and earning another eyeroll from Ha-baek, lol).

They sit in the grass together, and So-ah tells Ha-baek that when her father abandoned them, her mother was so full of rage that she drank every day, then she died of liver cancer. So-ah admits that she despises her dad, but she also despises her mom, and that she thinks they were both selfish people who put themselves first.

She asks Ha-baek if he’s ever done anything that made him embarrassed. He quickly says he hasn’t, but So-ah admits that she’s regretted a lot of things. She says she was embarrassed once, but that it was so embarrassing that nothing since has embarrassed her.

She tells Ha-baek that she blamed her father for her mother’s death. She jumped into the river to get revenge, but it was so cold that all she wanted was to get out. She saved herself, but she says that she hasn’t been able to swim since then.

She cringes in embarrassment, then says that she’s glad it’s dark (so Ha-baek can’t see her crying). Ha-baek says she should be relieved he lost his powers or it wouldn’t be this dark. He makes a gesture that usually summons bright water fireflies, and So-ah teases him when nothing happens.

He tries again, telling So-ah to look with her heart. This time a tiny blue light appears, then several more. So-ah is enchanted by the twinkly water fireflies, and Ha-baek watches her as she smiles.

Later when they arrive back home, So-ah asks what Ha-baek meant when he asked her to go home together. He says he meant he’d pick her up, but that she was gone when he got to her clinic. He waves her inside imperiously, then she listens as he goes to the roof.

So-ah knocks on the interior door to his apartment and asks if he wants to go home together tomorrow, since they couldn’t today. She repeats her promise to take him nice places and feed him good food, and Ha-baek smiles the tiniest little smile as he agrees.

The next morning she brings up the land sale to Namsuri, asking if selling it will interfere with Ha-baek becoming king. He says it probably won’t, and she tells him that Ha-baek said that there are those in his world who are always on alert for an opportunity. Namsuri tells So-ah that the king of the Sky Kingdom once tried to steal Ha-baek’s position by committing an evil act. But then he nervously says to forget he said anything and runs off.

At the clinic, Sang-yoo complains that they’ve had no calls at all today. But instead of her usual pessimistic acceptance, So-ah tells him to pass out business cards and update their blog.

She instructs him to make another loan request of Bong-yeol’s father (the patient who tried to drown himself and was saved by Ha-baek — his father is a banker), then asks if they’ve gotten any calls about Korean leopards. When he says they haven’t, she grumbles that even leopard poop disappears when you need it.

She goes to tell Hu-ye that she’s changed her mind about selling her land. He asks why, and after a long pause, she blurts out, “Because of leopard poop.” HA! So-ah makes a big speech about being a loyal Korean citizen who cares about conservation, and Hu-ye says he’ll hold a meeting to discuss it.

As So-ah leaves, muttering about having been possessed by a water ghost, the water ghost in question calls her. They confirm their meeting place in a few minutes, and So-ah gets on her way. From a balcony over her head, Hu-ye looks down darkly.

So-ah uncharacteristically helps passers-by as she waits for Ha-baek on a busy corner. She opens her map to Vanuatu and tells it that it will have to wait, because she has things she has to do first.

Eventually Ha-baek gets out of a taxi across the street, and his eyes light up when he spots So-ah. But then he seems to see something that alarms him, and he breaks into a run.

As So-ah watches, Ha-baek races across the street and towards her, a look of fury on his face.


What? What did he see?? This show and its cliffhangers are going to be the death of me. I’m guessing that So-ah is in danger once again and that Ha-baek is determined not to be too late to save her this time, but with this show, who knows? It’s probably just some kid about to drop his ice cream cone. Or certain doom, same difference.

Just when I was starting to become convinced that Hu-ye is a bad dude, he goes and tells So-ah about his nightmarish upbringing and I can’t help but feel sorry for him. It’s not his fault how he was born, or that legend caused his father to treat him like a monster. Anyone growing up under those circumstances, then being thrown into a strange world to fend for themselves, is going to be more than a little messed up. And it’s no wonder Hu-ye wants so badly to be human considering how his father, a god, treated him. I wonder though, who does So-ah think saved him? And why did So-ah’s apology shake him so badly?

I’ve said it before, but I’m still loving how naturally Ha-baek and So-ah are growing closer, and how they both just flow with it instead of going the usual route of denying their feelings. They haven’t admitted it to the other yet, but they both seem to accept their growing relationship pretty gracefully. I particularly like how they influence each other in positive ways, bring out the best in each other without altering the other too much. Ha-baek is really changing for the better, softening and becoming more understanding, but without losing that godly arrogance that makes him so essentially Ha-baek. And his imperious ways are still funny, though as he acclimates to the human world, it’s more endearing than annoying like it was at the beginning.

And So-ah is changing too — she’s also still herself, but as Ha-baek has noticed, she’s a happier, more relaxed version of herself. She has all of her same worries and concerns, but something about having Ha-baek around to rely on is helping her to let go of some of her anxiety and become more engaged with the world around her. Even as she tells herself not to get too attached because he’s leaving, she can’t help but swoon when he calls her “my woman,” and his promises to protect and help her are hard to dismiss. Even Mura said that once Ha-baek says a thing, you can trust that it’s true, and I think that So-ah senses that.

I can’t help but obsess about Joo-dong and why he called Mura and Bi-ryum to the divine gate all those years ago. Could it be that he found the rock with Hu-ye’s blood on it and knew that it meant a half-god was in the human realm? But then Mura’s stone was lost and everything went wrong. So how does Hu-ye wear Joo-dong’s mark when he claims he doesn’t even know the guy? I do love when a show manages to keep its secrets without projecting them too soon, but this show sometimes feels like it’s all secrets and very few answers.

So once again, we’ve been left with hints and clues that open up even more questions as to Ha-baek’s past. I like that the Realm of the Gods has a rich backstory, but I do wish that the drama would show us instead of telling us what happened in disjointed drips and drabs. My favorite part of this episode was when we got to see Ha-baek, Mura, and Bi-ryum in their own world, learning something new about those who populate it. Can we have more of that please, and fewer conversations with confusing references to people and events we’ve never heard of before?


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I love it! It's cheeky, it's fun, it's got a bit of heart and a lot of questions regarding all the mysteries! Each episode just gets better and better. I loved seeing the tension between Ha-baek and Hu-ye.
And Hu-ye seems like a nice guy on the outside, but boy is he scary! But I love that there's also that side of him which I want to see more of. I don't know if he's the villain, but if he is then I do love a good villain!


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And Lim Ju-hwan can deliver a delicious villain.


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Oh yes, he is superb in Oh My Ghostess. He can deliver a delicious villain that we sympathize and pray for. Strange aren't we?


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I am this strange, I even enjoy a well acted psychopath. Pity me, I judge myself.


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I think that he is not a villain yet but I think Gong Myung's asshole character is going to push him the wrong way and make him flip to the dark side. As far as I'm concerned, the sky god is the villain already.

Though, it's possible the fire demigod did something to the earth god already (maybe self defense killing him?)


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Don't know, too little information. But Muras jealousy makes me uneasy. And Hu-ye seems more scared then anything, which might make him more dangerous.


Omg yesss .. watching him in oh my ghostess gave me chillsss all the way


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I'm hoping he's not a villain. I want him to be someone who could have been monsterous, but decided to be good. And continuously works hard at being good. I like that we can see the scary underneath, but I want him to continue to make the choice to be kind.

Of course, it will probably turn out that the nice guy is a cover, or Bi-ryum will goad him into giving in to his monster, or something else sinister. Dagnabbit, I can hope, though!


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... Or being forced to be bad. As long as we have seen, Ha-Baek and Bi-Ryum have been attacking him. If they continue to do so, then he will be forced to defend himself.


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I'd also prefer that Hu Ye was not a straight villain. The guy is scarred and extremely powerful, so it is expected that he might make wrong decisions and cause problems... But he also wants to be good, so I hope in the end he takes a better path and finds happiness :)


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Till now with the bits we saw i see him more like wanting to be left alone and live in peace...More like,"u treat me nice i will give nice in return,u harm me i will harm you as well"...To be fair the Gods were never nice to him,starting with that joke of so called father and even Haebek and Byrium are acting high lashing at him and for all we know all the things they do might look like trying to harm him when he didn't do anything,can't really alt him for snapping sonner or later...At least Moora is there to keep them in check because those two are quite impulsive...


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You wanna bet his dad is the sky god who tried to usurp Habaek's succession?


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But he has the same mark as Joodong. His hobby also made me think that his an earth god like Joodong. You're theory is very,possible though because in the manhwa, he's the son of something similar to a Jade emperor. Of course, the drama and manhwa doesn't really have a lot of similarities except for character names.


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I love love love Habaek and Huye's interaction! Tension is real, man. More please!!


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Too be honest I found Shin hoo ye and Bi Ryeom character alot more interesting to follow than Habaek and Yoo SoAh. I don't care much for their romances, In fact I think I prefer Shin and Yoo to be the end game just cuz they have alot more in common than you realize but I don't really like Yoo SoAh character that much as well I found her character to be kind of bland and it hard to understand her...cuz she can be abit bipolar at times. (Hopefullytheirmoretoohercharacter) I also don't necessarily care whether Habaek becomes King or not but more rather concern that all them stupid GODS provoking Shin hoo ye to walk a dark path in which I hope he doesn't. It's understandable where their fear is coming from but it's wrong to judge someone to be evil/monster when he hasn't done anything wrong, especially just because he was born a demigod, its wasn't his fault to be born that way and even so his Father (god) hated him for being born when in fact his father was the sole reason for his existence. Thats why when Habaek calling him out like that, it kind of leaves a bad taste in my mouth...and with the whole issue with the disappearing Earth god, hopefully Shin hoo ye have no involvement in it...if he does then he have his reason I suppose... (mostlikelyhisfatherbeingthereason)


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I disliked how Ha-baek treated Hu-ye. It was highly dismissive and disrespectful. He seemed to make such progress, and now - flop. The story is both good and confusing at this point.


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Me neither! Poor Hu-Ye. I was pretty peeved to see HaBaek treat Hu-Ye like he was trash. I know it seems to be a prejudice that the gods hold towards demi-gods because they fear this unknown entity, but still, it didn't feel good. I was hoping to see HaBaek more enlightened. I get the feeling that HaBaek and Bi-Ryum's attitude will turn Hu-Ye evil. He's endured so much abuse and it wouldn't be a surprise to see him lash out if he feels like he's being attacked.

I felt like the only god I liked for today was Mura. Never thought I'd like her. The way she considered Hu Ye could possible be a normal human and protected him felt pretty goddess-like.


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My thoughts too!! I hated the gods' treatment (except Mura's) of Hu Ye. I wanted to tell Habaek, "He hasn't done anything, please be fair and don't automatically treat him like trash!"

I understand that our sympathy comes from the fact that we have seen Hu Ye being nice and reading humor books and all. I just hope the gods become more benevolent, or at least fair, and give him a chance. He has been trying, guys. ?


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It is interesting to see this Drama giving a portray of discrimination and stygma. Hu-Ye hasn't done anything wrong yet he has been labeled as a villain only because his procedence, not by his actions.

A nice touch of deepness in this sub-layer.


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Habaek is a king. Arrogance is his birth right. Considering how he treats everyone else, I don't think this should come as a surprise. Also, Hoo Ye's existence is something of an abomination. It is not accepted and rare. Thirdly, he saw Joo Dong's mark on Hoo Ye. It is natural for Habaek to be even more suspicious of him, considering the circumstances.


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True. I still didn't like it.


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As much as i understood why he acted like that and even more being a God and a King aka arogance galore i still consider the way of approching this issue wrong...The only level headed one was Moora...


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Yes, i agree with you. Plus, they just know abt the legend. They never knew abt his story, how he has been caged and abused by his father. They didn't know that he is trying hard to be a good human (if he is). Only moora have known him, that is why, like us, she pity with him and doesn't want to hurt him. Like moora, we know how he is, so we tend to protect him. But habaek and biryum doesnt know him, they only know the legend plus with habaek suspicious of him involved in joo doong case, so it is not surprising to see how he reacts towards him. It's normal.


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Evn though I understand Habeak being suspicious about the mark, but couldn't it be because Hoo Ye's father was a earth god. Its the mark of earth Kingdom too right...


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I think HaBaek's reaction to HooYe was pretty much understandable though. So far, we know that JooDong has been missing since that night BiRyeom and MooRa last saw him, in that same place where HooYe's blood is, that half-gods have destructive powers and HooYe somehow has JooDong's mark on him. I don't think it's prejudice in as much as all these factors together do cast HY in a very suspicious light.

HB, BR and MR were all pretty much in character with their reactions actually. HB is head-on confrontational, BR takes things to the extreme as usual and MR's priority are always themselves. Ok, to be honest, I was pleasantly surprised to find that she actually cared for BR too (Yay for my shipper heart, I'll take all the scraps I can get lol). I'm liking MR the more we see of her but I also think it was pretty clear that she didn't save HY for HY's sake but because of how much trouble BR would be in if HY was human.

I'm so curious about their backstories, what the sky king did and how BR factors in on it. Because BR and MR have both lied to HB before but HB isn't wary of MR the way he is with BR. Which suggests something more, I think. There's also something to BR's troubled reaction to HY's identity when he first finds out... or am I just putting too much into it? In any case, I'm enjoying how things are coming along.


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Good point regarding all the factors putting Hu Ye in a suspicious light!

But I am still hoping that Hu Ye is not secretly evil right from the beginning, harboring plans to seize Habaek's throne.

That would make his character somewhat flat.

I prefer the idea that he is a traumatized demigod just sincerely trying to get by. That would make him a more three dimensional (if not tragic) character.


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Agree with your reasoning with Habaek's confrontation treatment of Huye (I wouldn't call it dismissive, disrespectful or prejudiced). Habaek has met Huye several times but he only became aggressive when he realized he's "true nature", it so happened that he got the blood-stained stone that only a demigod can cause the the same place that Joo Dong was last spotted. Of course, he'll be hostile. Plus, Huye has Joodong's mark. Still, I hope they would portray Huye as a multi-layered character though from the preview I think he'll be evil soon :( :(


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am still here for that back story, am here for these three and their strange dynamic since the day ha-baek said he will always be trustful of mura as everyone needs someone like that in their life who is always on their side ...

for me the more I see of her and them together, the more I want to know ...


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I have to say this episode didn’t captivate me as much as the last couple. I really wanted them to hype up Hoo Ye’s story a bit more before they told us he was a half blood. I feel a little betrayed since they hyped up that we would get to see more jealous Habaek, but instead it was just Habaek covering up what he said to Hoo Ye. I wish these two were a little more honest with each other since we are already half way through this story.

I’m also a little disappointed that there seemed to be so little character development between all the leads. I was really hoping on some good love triangle shenanigans. Hopefully, that is still to come.


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This show is one of those that get better with every episode. I binge watched episodes 1-6 over the weekend and was sort of forcing myself to watch episodes 1-4 cuz I had no other dramas to watch but once it got to ep 5, I was hooked! So many questions, character developments, cute romance!


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Well, now the mystery and plot thickens and I'm still invested and confused at the same time. Yes, more focus deities' mythology. I'm satisfied that I decided to give the show a chance than dropping it off like hot cakes. That flying whale in the background sky though ... is so unexpected and amusing.


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This show is finally picking up. I hope So-ah stops acting stupid and finally starts to really trust Ha-baek


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Slow clap for the villain that is Hu ye (Im Joo hwan).
But please, Kdrama Gods, can you refrain IJH from playing baddie?
I know he's good playing baddie but #ImJooHwanForLeadRole2017


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I love his acting here! He always gets me by being a sweet guy in the beginning and then slowly showing his true, sinister self as the show progresses. I do hope that ue doesn't turn out to be a villain; just a misguided person who's finally trying to fit in with the humans. But I'm nervous that the gods are actually provoking him...


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Can we even fault him for faghiting back as the way they treat him when he never did anything to them and his identity is not his fault...Frankly if he ever attacks them they had it coming,arogance should be payed...He was treated like that by his so called father and after he finally started making a palce for himself on the human side(and we really saw him trying to be part of it and be good),they yet again come like they own the place and treat him like some lowlife...


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I loved him in Tamna the Island! It nade me sad that after he got back from the military, he mostley got villainous roles, buT I'm just glad he continuously has works we can see:)


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Im Joo Hwan plays the lead with Kang So Ra in Ugly Alert. Very very nice drama. They both nailed their roles.

Incidentally, in Ugly Alert his younger brother recently played the lawyer Eun Hyuk in Suspicious Partner. Played a lawyer in that role as well.


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I agree, I want to see him lead too...Kdrama Gods make it happen


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This show!!! It's so stunningly beautiful that it takes my breath away with each episode. But then at the same time, it leaves me completely confused. Urgh! So many questions answered and so many questions left in their wake. Now I will spend the rest of the week obsessing about who Joo-Dong is (is there any possibility that he is chairman Shin? Do gods suffer from amnesia?!!!). I still think though that Hu-Ye was probably rescued by So-Ah's father because it seems to be the sort of thing So-Ah's dad would do. Or if we go with the typical kdrama trope of they knew themselves from when they were younger, it might have been younger So-Ah herself who rescued him, hence she was the light he saw and Hu-Ye can't place it yet. But at the same time, it has been centuries since Hu-Ye was thrown into the world of man so it might not be So-Ah but maybe one of her direct descendants?

Anyway, watching this drama has me a bit thankful that the old gods are going to be replace by this present crop of gods in Ha-Baek, Bi-ryum and Mura because the old gods all sound like absolute douches! (seriously? Why deride the child for something his a** of a god-father did? And of course most of the half-gods will use their powers for bad. Who wouldn't if you've faced that amount of anger and abuse as a young? Abuse breeds abuse. And pain gets repaid in paid). But once again, I am so loving this drama so far and still keeping my fingers crossed that our gods and So-Ah and even Hu-Ye (if he turns out to start making decent and good choices now that he's finding a friend in So-Ah) all get a happy ending


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"...it has been centuries since Hu-Ye was thrown into the world of man ..."

Do we actually know this? Could
Hu Ye have been cast into the world just a couple of decades before?


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I think you're right because according to the story the demigod does not have eternal life and grows like a human.


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Oh, and I thought it was 'grows like a human' but DOES have eternal life, begging the question of what happens when they reach extreme old age? Gah, this show is so confusing ?. Like LollyPip, I'd like some MORE ANSWERS, please.


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Yep, confusing! :D


"...it has been centuries since Hu-Ye was thrown into the world of man ..."
I thought I missed this being mentioned when I watched the ep but it seems that everyone is just as confuse. Huye's clothing (or lack-there-of) as a child does seem like centuries-old. But that is only bec he's god-father despises him, right? Ah I want answers asap!


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i think it is decades ago, means like 20,15, 13 years ago since he is just a child/teenager when he came to the human realm. What i can understand from the sub, a demi-god like him would aged and experienced death like human but he will always be reincarnated giving him immortal life too. To make it simple, he died but he will live again.


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Didn't he explain that he lives a human life but is reborn over and over. It least that's how I took what was said and shown...


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Write a comment...
looooooove it


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Maybe Hu-ye is Joo-dong's son? It may be the reason why Hu-ye has his mark and it may also be that thing that he was going to tell Mu-ra and Bir-yum about.
Still, Hu-ye is giving me chills and I feel like he wants to lath onto Soo-ah but he's afraid to do so now because of the gods around her. Well, with what he has gone through, he may be traumatized to come near them.
And I just love Secretary Min and Jaya's interactions. I kind of like them to be together.


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This was my thought as well. Hu-ye doesn't say who his parent is and for whatever reason, no one has asked.


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Since having a demigod is considered "abomination", I think the 3 gods we know cannot imagine any god they know doing that so they prolly assumed Huye is some minor god's son


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I want to think that Hu-Ye was Joo-dong's son and maybe some other god (the one Hu-Ye knows as his father) kidnapped him and abused him.

Or another wild theory: what if Hu-Ye was really Ha Baek's son who was kidnapped by the abuser?


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I am loving Im Joo hwan!! He is such a good actor that it's believable that he is both bad and good!! HuYe is so pitiful and my heart aches for him!! Why would the human woman/God(HuYe's father) have him knowing the legend!! That is cruel right there!! How can a father not love his kid, whether he is a monster or not!! Dear Gods, please keep your hands off human woman unless you can take responsibility, RESPECT and love the kids they bear because of you!! ( Yes, I am looking at you Ha Baek!!!)... He is definitely falling in love with SoHa!! So he better think twice before he does anything!!


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LOL'ed :) at your comment directed to HaBaek... maybe future babies half human/half god?


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I'm hoping that when they both see how messed up HuYe turned out Ha Baek and SoHa will bring up their kids with loads of love.


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Now that you mention it, didn't they say for a god to impregnate a human, they have to "borrow" a human body? Meaning, it couldn't "accidentally" happen. The god will have to knowingly possess a human (or whatever they call it) and willfully impregnate a woman.
I don't think Habaek will do that just to have children with So Ah. He can just immortalize So Ah and they live together in the Water Country. No need for children :)


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I thought borrow human body meant borrowing a female human to impregnate. Since their only bodies cannot give birth. So this abomination they deem is something only the male gods can do?


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Apparently, So Ah wouldn't be the first woman he fell in love with. In episode 7 Moo Ra was whining, telling him not to fall in love with a human woman AGAIN. Soooo.... I bet the Nakbin that was mentioned or th woman with the Shim surname is the himan who lives in the water kingdom, Habaek fell for her, then she married her country's king and "betrayed" the gods. Maybe that's why Habaek was shaking with anger when he was telling SoAh this story.


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Loooove this episode...oh boy..habaek has really soft heart and the way he makes so ah happy again with the fireflies success to kill me...his gaxe is tender at that scene and the way he look at her..i'm dead...this episode is just Daebak.....super like it...love it...


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I'm enjoying trying to piece together in my mind the puzzle this story presents with all its secrets.

That little blind girl is the biggest puzzle piece of all to me.


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It's all giving me a bit of a headache, to be honest. I'll just blame that on the summer heat and wait for next week's episodes. ?


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This was my favorite episode thus far! I love how everyone's acting has improved. Krystal was quite good this ep. And Bi ryum looked so good in the past. So many mysteries. Only part I don't like or understand is Jaya and chairman shin. Also the preview showed a distasteful action by hu ye. Why is he suddenly turning evil, is he feeling threatened? And I hope So ah gets a more active role next ep, it was adorable to see her nearly keel over with her feelings but gurl u better put them to work next ep!


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Maybe the person that so-ah suddenly thought to have saved hu-ye before dismissing the notion was her father. I'm still confused and still want more mythology and world of the gods. Maybe more godly, mystical and enchanting costumes as well, I'm currently underwhelmed by how the gods are dressed in the realm of the gods and I don't feel that it was set in the past, like 2600 years ago. It could be because I imagined how pretty the hanboks and costumes of the gods would be while reading the manhwa.


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So Ah's memorial meal meltdown scene = me, everytime I cook.


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Ah, you're not alone. *pats back*


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Girls, let me join the party.


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I think I was correct in episode 7 thinking Kim Tae Hwan, from the Chinese drama "My Amazing Boyfriend," plays the silent minor god Jin Geon, because he's back! Poor Jin Geon with his frozen, shattered tongue.


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It really was him? Ok?


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I recognized him in episode 7 and was wondering why he plays such a minor role in this drama. Being a lead in a C-Drama doesn't afford you the same in your own country?

I also realized that I have never heard his actual voice (given the dubbing in Amazing BF). Is there something unusual about Kim Tae Hwan's real voice?


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Haha, that's a good point! Maybe it's an inside joke?


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So fun seeing him here! ?


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Well, now that both HB and SA fall perfectly in sync with their attraction, with picking up/going home together, a walk in amusement park, a fireflies date in the cemetery and swoony 'My Woman' declaration... shan't they up the act and step to the fun part? You know... the fun human baby-making stuff? ^^


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The elephant in the room is that they might actually make a baby--what then, if Ha Baek and the other gods consider the child a monster?


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I am comforted by the fact that the High Priest didn't categorize demigods as automatically evil. They can be good, or bad, or weird, as they choose to be.

Hopefully, should new baby demigods be born to Habaek and So Ah, the gods will have adopted a more open-minded view of demigods.


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Is the high priest a god, too? Maybe a minor one?


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I think so.... That would allow him to live with the gods in their realm. Maybe a god of wisdom of sorts???


I wonder what if Habaek and So ah has a baby , and people started to call that baby" a monster", and I feel like Habaek gonna eat them alive >___<


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My heart goes out to Hu Ye. What horrible abuse he suffered as a young child! To be treated and made to believe he was a monster by his own father.

No wonder Hu Ye asked So Ah last time whether she thought he was a psychopath. His efforts to prove himself a good human are probably countered by the belief deeply ingrained into him that he is bad. :(

I also wonder about the automatic prejudice of the gods against him. Will the gods' prejudice -- their automatic assumption that given his nature/lineage, he is bad -- trigger Hu Ye to yield to his "destructive nature"? That would be ironic, and sad, considering that Hu Ye seems to be trying very hard to be the opposite of his "monstrous" nature. (Especially considering that it wasn't his fault he was born to his parents.)

On a lighter note, i was sooooo amused that they put NJH in a roller coaster. Yet again. ? I can imagine naughty glee abound as directors and writers conceptualize "NJH + amusement park rides" into their shoes. ?


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That's the problem with not knowing anything about someone (only rumours). They immediately think of him as a threat. We get scared of the unknown. That's why Mura's reaction was different from the two. She knows Hu-ye and has interacted with him for a long time. She doesn't have as much prejudice against him being a demi-god compared to the two gods.


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There was so much information flying at us from all directions in this episode, that I couldn't even absorb it. I feel like I'll have to rewatch.

Hu Ye didn't know that the land he is trying to buy from So Ah is the Gateway of the Gods--that's interesting. Is Hu Ye the child of Joo Dong, and that's why he bears his mark? Did Joo Dong find the rock with Hu Ye's blood and then run away, afraid of his powerful offspring who might want vengeance?

Before we found out that Hu Ye is a demigod, I thought he might be the god of earth, because of the way he's always taking care of trees. But if he's the son of the god of earth, that might make more sense, because the other gods didn't recognize him.

Wh saved Hu Ye in the first place? Was it So Ah's father?

I, too, want to know why Hu Ye had that weird reaction to So Ah's apology. He looked liked an android malfunctioning--it was disturbing.

Ha Baek is going to have to get over his horrible prejudice against demigods, if he is going to pursue a relationship with So Ah. What does he think will happen?

That godly prejudice is awful and virulent. It's exactly like finding out somebody you know and like is actually racist. How can you think that way?


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I thought the same about him being a god of Earth before!


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What made me realize he wasn't Joodong was when he lit the caterpillar on fire. The earth god wouldn't harm one of his creatures


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Ohhh, that makes sense.

I keep forgetting we were told that gods aren't supposed to hurt their creatures, since Bi Ryeom seems so dangerous to humans...


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He posseses the power of Fire that's why the Gods fear him,or at least the one in the Legend...


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Him setting the caterpillar, an earth god's creature, on fire (if Joodong is really his dad) is also Huye showing that he hates his dad (i wouldn't blame him with all the abuse). I think So Ah also thought the one who saves Huye was her dad (or something her dad might do). With Huye's expression when So Ah apologized, I though he felt touched? Bec nobody's treated him like that before. Very respectful, apologizing in judging him, and he realized that So Ah didn't tell on him to the gods. He didn't seem disturbing to me. Or maybe I like Im Joohwan too much haha.


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I think it was more like he realized she wasn't one of them,i mean i think he can't fully recognize other deities and he realized So Ah aside from not being one of them in more than one meaning(judging and being hursh and being a deity herself)...I think he expected to be treated the same way or with repulsion after she knew about his backstory yet when he didn't see those signs he truly was moved and became even more curious about her and why she is with them...
I think he just uses his power as a means to defend himself and those he cares or thinks are weaker and be harmed(u see how the little girl was frightened and said the bug harmed her),deep down he might see himself in her and he does what others didn't,give a hand...


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What worries me is his extreme overreaction: he didn't have to set the caterpillar on fire. He could have just brushed it off. Despite his tender protectiveness to the little girl, there's something unbalanced there.


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It could be but i don't think he had much thought into his action at all,based on his reaction he was pretty much into raw survival instinct mode and the flame acting as a anti harm preventing mechanism that went on at his action...I don't think he can control his powers when he feels really threatened(and the fear he has deep down in those seconds) or trigered,i think that power acts on his own in some moments


Me too initially! Before it came out that he's a half-god. I actually thought he might have been Joo Dong but didn't know why none of the gods recognised him.

And given some of his very frank conversations with Secretary Min, where he talks about "humans" in third person, do you think Min knows his secret?

I'm rooting for Hu Ye though. He seems like he's been trying very hard to live meaningfully like a human and I don't want stupid prejudices to turn him wrong. Reminds me a little bit of the step-brother in Legend of the Blue Sea – people who tried even when their hands were tied, but eventually overwhelmed by prejudice.

I feel like there are so many characters now whom we need backstories for:
- the blind girl whom Hu Ye seems quite protective of
- the missing adoptive parents of Hu Ye / Ja Ya, especially if they're not the same people who saved Hu Ye
- Bong Yeol who's obsessed with UFOs and meeting Obamas (since he could actually see the ripples around Ha Baek)
- Bong Yeol's internet friend, the woman he swears is the real deal
- So Ah's dad
- Joo Dong
- the real story why So Ah's family was bound to the gods


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I'm sure ?, Habaek's trademark/words "my woman" is my weakness in this drama >__<


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We just got a bunch of more questions than any answers. I'm willing to wait & see them unfold, but one thing bothered me, why was so ah's mom alive? According to that curse-bond, aren't the spouse are supposed to die after the servant is born? Why are so ah's both parents alive? Or did i hear it wrong???


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Can we see more of habaek's power since everyone is claiming him to be the strongest, & the 2 times we got a glimpse of his power was rather awesome.

And the epic #Godlevel misunderstanding between HB & HY is unnecessary methinks... They were raging at each other for no reason -_-


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Re Habaek's power, how was he able to summon water fireflies?

Hasn't Habaek lost his powers? How was he able to make those smooth moves in that scene with So Ah? ;)


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I thought they were using their imaginations, maybe?


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He told her to imagine it


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I thought it all related to the "a god exists because humans believe they exist. And they're no longer a god of humans don't believe in them thing".

She believes he's a god and that he's capable and so he can use his power.

Thinking this way makes it very meaningful why he has to go down to the human world. He has to realize he actually can't exist without them.


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"those smooth moves in that scene with So Ah? ;) " hahaha XD
It seems His powers seem directly proportional to so ah's need, he can use them only when she wants/needs him to...maybe that's what they tried to show us today...


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So Ahs mom is dead..

there was even a whole scene about it in this ep.
The memorial meal meltdown + her and habaek went to her burial site and had a conversation, scenes.

And we dont know if So Ahs dad is alive or dead either because he has been missing...


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But the curse said the spouse would die right after the descendant is born, which is what I believe fatcat is referring to!


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I think @Random (see Comment #35) has an interesting theory on that. Perhaps it is the mother and not the father who is the servant of God, in which case, So-Ah's biological father passed away a long time ago, and perhaps Joo Dong (the father she thought was her real dad) was raising her (along with all those orphans). It would also make sense if So-Ah's father/Joo Dong disappeared on that night he called Mura and Bi Ryeom to the heavenly gate....

Oh, who am I kidding?! I'm just as confused and lost as everyone else watching this drama...... but I'm still hooked and waiting for next week! #addicted


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Ooooh, that would be an interesting spin -- So Ah was after all also one of the "saved orphans" she disliked growing up.


Fantastic theory!


Heyyy, I like that theory--although that makes for a very twisted relationship between So Ah, Hu Ye, and Joo Dong. Step-siblings? Both hating dad/step-dad?

And it would be awfully ironic if Joo Dong abused and cast out his biological son, only to "adopt" lots of orphan humans. :/



This is the *real* Jamie, the one who uses paragraph breaks, right (cf. MLSHR comments)? ;)

Haha...it would be twisted...although I'm certain k-drama has done worse.

Is it really ironic, though, IF (and I'd like to stress the speculative nature of my theory) Joo Dong is Hu-Ye's father? Perhaps it is his penitence or his desire to find his son again, remorseful of what he did. After all, if you want to find the lost son you threw out of the divine world into the human world, wouldn't you go looking amongst the other orphans?



Yup, it's me! I feel like it's been a looong time since MLSHR--it's so nice to see you again!

I do like your theory a lot, even if does not ultimately come to pass: it has that twistedness I associate with mythology, with layers and layers of sometimes conflicting stories by different authors piled on top of each other, sometimes adding unexpected resonance.

I can't wait until next week! Let's all speculate some more!


Interesting theory...
But maybe I missed it in the recaps, is joo dong so ah's dad???
If its true then How did I miss this part?! O.O


Jio Don being HY's dad was something I thought too because he doesn't seem to fit anywhere else in this puzzle & has been totally absent from the screen. Who knows what he's up to...


*joo dong
Gosh what have I written...stupid autocorrect!


Yes that's what I was referring to , thanks for making it clear pickledplumtree , I didn't state that very clearly


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Hey @fatcat007!

I am *speculating* that the mysterious Joo Dong (the protector god of Earth) is Hu-Ye's real father and So-Ah's stepfather (although So-Ah believes that he is her biological father).

I'd like to stress how very speculative this is. I don't have facts to point to, only bits and pieces I'm stringing together to form a (somewhat) coherent picture.


Oh, got it. I understand now its your speculation, I just thought I missed it somewhere in the show. That's an interesting theory though, now I understand why you guys were saying it'll make the relationship between HY & SH twisted, because that'll be kind of fauxcest....?


There are theories going around that Joodong might be So-ah's father and the descendant was the mom. It would make sense for Joodong not dying right away because he is god. But I don't know anymore because Hu-ye has Joodong's mark suggesting he might be dead. I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. Too many mysteries!


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And it seems Joo Dong can't be So Ah's father otherwise So Ah would have been a demigoddess too and Habaek would have easily recognized her right away.

So that still leaves us with the question of why didn't one of her parents immediately die in accordance with the family curse?


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In the next episode of Bride of the Water God.. *plays dramatic preview music*


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That's exactly what been eating me, how did either of her parents not die(the one who is fr that cursed family line) when she was born?!


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Haha I loved reading your ideas and also your struggle with that post!


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What does Ha Baek see that alarms him so much??
If its another truck of doom, then ??


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Probably Man of Doom aka Hu ye standing right behind her...


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I think it was Subway.


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Hey guys, I'm a silent reader but I have this theory that when Haebak landed on earth, he lost his coordinates for where the god stones were. Maybe they were in her pen? She was looking at them when he started to run towards her! And I know they mentioned in the earlier episodes while they were looking for the coordinates that Sohas eyes couldn't recognize them as the gods are only ones who can see those things!


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That's what it kind of looked like from the shot. That he saw her looking at the map.

But then there was also a guy standing in the background while she was helping people and he looked at her like he was stalking her. Wonder which one it is.....


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Now that you say it, that makes sense and it fits the story. She was looking at the map when Habaek fell from the sky so the coordinates might have passed to the pen...


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As for the reason of So Ah being shaken by Hu Ye saying someone 'saved him', I think his phrasing might've reminded her of her father with him off to 'save the world'.


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This was a great ep in general, but Im Joo-hwan's acting was a privilege to see.


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This drama is so confusing and annoying at times, yet I yearn to watch the next episode. Please give us more back story and not just drip drip info!

For anyone who's watched Suspicious Partner, I find Hu-ye a much more sympathetic character than Hyun-soo. As others have also pointed out, Ju-hwan is killin' it here!


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Lol, I love your name considering Hades is like Hu-ye in that he's seriously misunderstood and he became a monster because everyone kept telling him he was. Anyway, I do love Hu-ye more than Hyun-soo, just because Hyun-soo was complicit in the crime but Hu-ye is just trying to be normal but these jerky gods won't leave him be.


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Did anybody notice that the little girl also had the same mark that Hu Ye has? Its on her inner wrist. I noticed it when HY held her after talking to Habaek and Moora. So many questions!


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Whoa! I wonder if she is/has to do with Nak Bin!


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Hmmm...is there really something there, there?


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If that's the case has Joodong been running around making babies the past 10 years? Haha


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Bride of the Water God 2: Uprising of the Demi-Gods ?


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Maybe there is a answer to that marking and doesn't really mean he is their father


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I think earth god king IS his father not joodong...joodong is on the same as moora and biryeom, they're not into those thing.


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So during the roller coaster, I was thinking it would have been funnier if he'd ridden it with a stoic face. Then came the scene when he's hysterically screaming he would defeat it and I acknowledged they played that perfectly! So funny!

I loved the mythology lesson scene. It was interesting and beautiful. Did anyone else notice how the high priest mentioned that the gods are not born, but then said, "You were born to be king!" I wasn't sure if that was a script slip-up or a translation thing.

Glad Hoo Ye does have some depth and layers here. Poor guy. I liked how the high priest talked about how they could be evil, good, neither, weird, or anything just like anyone else. Though: Could Joo Dong be Hoo Ye's dad? Hmmm!

And I though I missed something when Hoo Ye was very shaken at So Ah's apology. And maybe she thinks her dad helped him? More hmms!

I enjoy Yeom Mi + Nam Soo Ri!

And lastly, the end cliff hanger made me grumpy! Come on, show!


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Oh! And I also thought it was interesting that Hoo Ye was NOT all knowing. He didn't know they were gods at first, or her connection to them, or that she was always talking about Habaek, or who Habaek is, or the situation with the land.


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He's just a poor, frightened guy trying to fit in and not get hurt.


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I think only habaek recognized those thing...its emperors power.


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Maybe they meant he wasn't born as in came out of a womb but he was brought about (as in the universe converged and created him) to be king?


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This show has me all confused, but there's one thing I know and it's that these gods are a bunch of jerks. Just leave Hu-ye alone. Bi-ryeom is a huge asshole but Habaek calling him a monster is right behind Bi-ryeom. I'm kinda suspicious of Mu-ra's intentions concerning Hu-ye though. I don't know, something feels off. There's no way she doesn't know, or at least suspect that Hu-ye isn't completely human but she saves him twice.
Anyway, I hope Namsoori gets the loveline because he's such a sweet man.


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This bugs me too, why didn't MuRa recognize HuYe all this time? I guess because she's a "lesser god"? Oy, too many rules and not enough explaining with this show!


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yes. Mu-ra isn't the one who lost the godly powers, but somehow she couldn't recognize Hu-ye as a half-god when Ha-baek could ?


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The high priest told Ha-baek that it was his station as the future king that would allow him to recognize a half-god when he saw one :)


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So Hu Ye's darkness has been activated by Ha-baek


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Hu Ye might give up trying to live as a good person and decide to live up to Ha Baek's worst expectation of him. He's got a huge psychological and emotional trauma to overcome from his childhood, and he was doing the best he could until Ha Baek showed up.

Ha Baek won't leave him alone and nothing good Hu Ye has done on earth will change Ha Baek's mind. To Ha Baek, Hu Ye is a monster and that justifies any treatment of him. That kind of threat of further torment might be enough to break Hu Ye and cause him to lash out. He seems pretty fragile.

At least, that seems like what the show is telling us, at this point.


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I really hope in all this mess So Ah will come between and just say what we all consider about the way HaBaek and the other Gods treat him and at least on this stuff take his side to make at least Ha Baek see he is in the wrong of the way he thinks and treats him...Really hope So Ah will be the one to "save" Hu Ye and show him that there still is kindness and make him her friend,i think as well really needs someone to really accept him and show him that he isin't a monster just because he is different


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I think its about time that So Ah's character be the savior. She's been a damsel in distress since the beginning and in the preview of the next episode there it is again. I hope the writer gives her another dimension soon, since its become predictable and boring.


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Yes I agree.. while many of the scenes are pretty, I do feel the development is kinda disjointed.. and YES gosh too many "he said she said I heard".


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Call me shallow, but doesn't anyone else think Nam Joo-Hyuk is super hot looking in his full god regalia and with that blue hair!!!! I think part of the reason I am enjoying this show is because I can just stare at his pretty face! LOL! But seriously, all issues aside, I am really enjoying this show.


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I also think that all three Gods/Goddess look superb on their God-ish outfits... ok, especially HaBaek (honestly, MuRa looks like a real goddes on her human clothes!)....oh that (those) hair(s)... I hope HaBaek can show his godly appearance to SooAh ....and also maybe SooAh could have a MuRa's style/wardobe sometime?!?! pleaseeeeeeeeee jaebal!!!!!!!!!!


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On a side note, but talking about hair... does Bi Ryeom hair colour changes according to his mood or am I just imagining and viewing things? (and probably overreacting too!!)


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Yeah i also think it's something like that..One day is blonde another grey


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Yes!!! And I never thought I'd personally ever have this opinion on a guy, but gosh that handsome man wears eye make up really well!


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Oh yeah!!


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I also like the blue hair and the eyeliner, hehe!! He looks gorgeous in it. :D


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At the end I think I saw something shining on the tree.Are those the co-ordinates? Was this the reason habaek ran?Or was it my imagination ?
I must rewatch it.Has anyone else noticed it?


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XD I'm throwing around guesses too. I dont know what to think of with this drama.
So many secrets UGHHHH


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I was thinking the coordinates could have been transferred to her Vanuatu map.


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This is what I was wondering. And if Habaek is running because she had the map opened and so he saw the coordinates?
But then a I thought he looked angry, so I couldn't interpret it.


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I have been thinking of something crazy.
the moment SoAh dad disappeared could time wise match with the moment the three gods came to the human world. if so... what if SoAh's dad died shortly after she was born and the man she knew as her dad(the one taking care off everyone and everything) is the Earth God? is there mention of HuYe's dad always guarding him?
if he disapppeared around the time the Gods came to human world...then it would explain why wanted to meet Moora and ByReom urgently and those lights HuYe saw as he escaped could have been the God Stones thrown into the Human World. maybe SoAh-s dad was not her real dad but the Earth God and he went missing to deal with his half god half human son and then the fight and escape happened. at the same time with Soah drowning
what if SoAh actually died when she jumped in the water and the Earth God disappeared to save her ? or what if the 3rd God rock was used to save her? since it could not have been that easy for a young girl to get herself out of Hangang River after such a jump.
so many theories and while I know many do not make sense.
also... is the little girl Huye's daugther or his little sister?
what if NakBin was Huye's mom and the dad human...the same dd the gods punished and the descendents ? what if Huye and SoAh are somehow related?
i am probably making no sense but this is what happens when a drama throws around so much information. it gets people imagining all sort of things


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I don't know if this is a spoiler or not, but according to the manhwa, I can say that Nak Bin is no Hu Ye's mother.

And also that Hu Ye and So Ah are not related. (according to the manhwa anyway)

However, the writers of this drama have a different plot than the manhwa so i can't be sure what they're cooking up with the rest.


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yes.. the manga seems to be very different so I suppose that gives me even more room to come up with strange ideas


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I have a feeling that Soah's Vanuatu map contains the coordinates.
In the first episode when Habaek came on earth(human land) before Soah fainted she was looking at her Vanuatu map holding it up towards the sky.
Even when Soah and Habaek went back to the place where Habaek seemed to have lost his coordinates, Habaek was searching for it while Soah was sitting in the same place and looking at her Vanuatu map.
Also, Habaek mentioned that humans wouldn't recognise the coordinates even if they were in front of them.
It's just a guess that the same Vanuatu map also contains the coordinates.

(Also I have a soft spot for Lim Ju-Hwan so disliking him as a villain in this series will be very very hard)


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My favorite part of this episode was how uncomfortable the high priest looked when Ha-baek kept talking about the birds and bees and how humans make babies lol


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That was pretty hilarious!!!


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Maybe So-ah was thinking that it was her father who saved Hu-ye back then. I can't imagine the elder Shin going around forests at night.

Aha! Now it makes more sense why So-ah jumped off the bridge. All this time, I thought she jumped after her father left for missionary work but it was actually after her mother died. That makes more sense because by then, she's left alone and her anger (and longing) for both parents must be overwhelming.


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Also, @lollypip So-ah didn't want to ride banana boats. Ha-baek asked why she wanted to go to Vanuatu. He thought it was called "banana boat" because that's what Sang-yoo calls it. Lol.


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the recap also mentioned that "Habaek notes that she seems much better than when they met, but she says that doesn’t matter since he’s leaving". He actually meant that he himself felt much better than when they first met, thanks to cars & smartphones. then So-ah replied that it doesn’t matter since he’s leaving.

sighs, how i wish it was the recap version i watched. haha!


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I will admit that I didn't like Hu Ye's background story. I thought that he might be the earth god/spirit or the fire god/spirit (which would've made the story more interesting). However him having a human mother and a god father, and then being hidden and mistreated by his father who was ashamed of his existence and then kicked out, is so much like a chaebol fathers in drama. They could've been a lot more creative with his story, but no they had to go down the cliche route.

Also Habaek in the amusement park, was just a weird sequence for no reason. I understand that they probably wanted to insert some humor into the episode (maybe also encourage Soah to face her fears in the future?), but this time it just felt completely out of sync with the flaw of the story (fish-out-of-water antics should be dropped at this point in the story's progress).

For me the show has been improving a lot, especially starting with episode 4 to 7, but episode 8 was a disappointment. But I continue to really like the Habaek/Soah interactions. Did Habaek's powers come back in that moment at her mother's grave, and he gave Soah those pretty fireflies?


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lim ju hwan is reprising his previous character in oh my ghostess- the creepy villain, evil on the inside, but tries to portray himself to be good on the outside, with occasional bursts of evilness shining through lol. and so-ah is forever a damsel in distress in almost every episode- she almost dies and has to be rescued each week lol.


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Yes I agree haha

I think, good on the outside, evil inside is now a trademark character for lim ju Hwan.

It reminds me of oh my ghostess too haha


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I don't connect with So Ah for some reason.
But it's funny how she manages to get into trouble almost every week xD

And I find Moo-ra to be cute and the most sensible out of the trio gods.

Crystal's role reminds me of her role in Heirs as the possessive/jealous girlfriend/friend.


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I don't connect with Mura, I just find her sensible at this point of the story and I'm starting to like her, after she started out acting like an annoying 14 year old brat.

However I do feel for Soah, because her character reflects many of real life people's struggles (even If I haven't had her struggles). I also love how vulnerable she is with Habaek, it's like her mask just falls off when she is with him (even as she's trying to not get attached to him). I also love how patient and gentle Habaek is becoming with her, he too is getting attached to her. There is something very sexy and sweet about their interactions.


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Well, i don't care if i get a damsel in distress story as long as i can see habaek's power or habaek's protective side or habaek's worry. tbh, i never thought her character is a damsel in distress. she had been living well all this time,but it seems like everything goes wrong when the gods appear. i would rather called it fate. plus, she is a helpless human and the others is a powerful gods. who is she to surpassed those gods? or simply, who is us, human, to be more better than gods?


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Im Ju Hwan switches from sweet to sinister in the blink of an eye, it's unnerving. The sweating, the violent recoil from Jaya's hand, the twitching at So-ah's comments - it shows him disintegrating fast from kind human to a darker, violent individual inside. Will he be able to reign in his dark side? Even when he was talking about his father's abuse earlier, it was unnerving that he could talk about it with a smile. I am a huge fan of Im Ju Hwan, loved him in Tamra...check it out, guys, he'll break your heart in it.

I was expecting a back hug, could have sworn I saw it in the preview, but there wasn't any back hug between Habaek and So-ah. Oh, well, maybe next episode. Back hug in episode 9, kiss in episode 10, bed scene in episode 11, and baby Habaek in episode 12?


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Oh the last few lines cracked me up ???


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Thanks for the speedy recap, @Lollypip, and your insightful recap (as always)!

Woah! Well, Hu-Ye as a demi-god is an interesting concept. It’s hard to know if he’ll become to primary villain for the Show. They are certainly couching him as the outcast: neither fully god, nor fully human - rejected, isolated, held in contempt - yet trying so hard to be perfect. Is this all to become perfectly acceptable? Who really rescued him? So-Ah seemed to think her father might have. What is Hu-Ye’s relationship with Joo Dong?

Who is the female human Habaek fell in love with? How are the Shins and So-Ah related since they are meant to be the servant of God? Also, how does Jaya fit into this if the curse of the Shins if that they are only allowed one heir per generation, but it appears she is supposed to be the heir? Is it going to be a “switched-at-birth-in-order-to-protect” So-Ah twist?

But, I would agree with @Lollypip, you don’t quite trust Hu-Ye. He’s honestly too good to be true. But, at the same time, with such an abusive background, can one be surprised at such ambivalence in a character? I would agree with @Itenoria that to condemn a child upon actions out of his/her control (i.e. his/her existence was decided by the god & human who would become parents) just leads to very bad consequences.

Hu-Ye, if nothing else, would be a living example and challenge for Habaek and So-Ya, should they really decide to be married, about how to raise their own children. I think So-Ya even mentions the legend of Habaek and his progeny.

It’s interesting that the high priest thinks that fire is a destructive force (I suppose traditionally it is thought as such), however, it can also be life-giving (i.e. warmth). I wonder if Hu-Ye will be redeemed, and his power be re-imagined into being used for good. However, I feel this could go either way - after all, fire needs air, fire destroys earth….but water destroys fire. Who shall win?


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Our gods and demi-god could get an idea or two from Captain Planet and the Planeteers. Unity in diversity is good, fellas! ??


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Ha! Agreed. @fgb4877 was completely correct in saying the way the gods are treating Hu-Ye is discriminatory, and certainly unfairly so.

I have to wonder if the writers/PD-nim considered that to cast Hu-Ye as an outsider because he is a demigod could be seen as a commentary on interracial marriage and children. I wonder if that is a controversial topic in South Korea.

This kind of reminds me of Harry Potter were Snape is the half-blood prince, with a witch as a mother and a "Muggle" as a father.


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Speaking of Harry Potter, Hu-ye feels like Voldemort too. Voldemort was also a half-blood whose mother and grandfather hated him because of his father, and it had bad consequences on him. This is one of those times I believe that monsters are made, because while Tom Riddle (and Hu-ye) are imbued with the power to hurt, their circumstances dictate how they actually use that power. Hu-ye hasn't hurt anyone so far, that we know of anyway, but Tom Riddle turned the power and the hatred inwards and ruined himself.


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"How are the Shins and So-Ah related since they are meant to be the servant of God? ...Is it going to be a “switched-at-birth-in-order-to-protect” So-Ah twist?" Wow, great catch: somehow I missed all this in the confusion of Shins and Shim Chung and servant curses: the family that adopted Hu Ye are supposed to be the servants?! The demigod was adopted into the servant-of-the-gods family? And could So Ah actually be rich?

"...So-Ya even mentions the legend of Habaek and his progeny." That's right, she did! I assumed she would be the mother, then grandmother, somewhere in the future (if time and god legends work that way). Then Ha Beak will definitely need to get over his pure godly self.


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But the high priest says that a god can be forgotten by humans, and once that happens, they are no longer a god.

Reminds me or Terry Pratchett's discworld books where Gods are created by human belief and wither away without believers. Of course, he had divinities who are more relevant to human existence than plain old Earth, Air, Fire & Water. Like Eater of Socks (who hangs around in the laundry room) and the Oh God of Hangovers.


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Reminds me *of*

Meanwhile, I'm trying to imagine how happy the ladies here would be if they could call into existence their very own Nam Joo-Hyuk/god just by believing in him.


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You mean that's not a possibility in real life? *stops clicking her ruby red heels* ?


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Small Gods is a very funny book. :)


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The Oh God I suspect could attract quite a following among Korean office workers.


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The fantasy and mystery is interesting enough to keep me going, but I totally agree that each episode leaves even more questions than answers! This show is seriously turning into that annoying friend who wants to tell you something which peaks your interests, and then don't feel like telling you anymore, so you're left with a WTF face and ask yourself why you still love this annoying person.

I enjoy the romance development and everything about Habaek. He's like the ONLY character that moves the story forward (okay, that's just my biased and frustrated water ghost speaking). I love how he didn't hesitate to confront Hu-ye. Did anyone else feel rage to the point of destroying anything nearby when Mu-ra interrupted his confrontation with Hu-ye?! (BOTH TIMES!) Ugh, so frustrating! This is why I think Habaek is the only thing that moves the plot forwards. Okay, enough rage...

I'm excited to learn more about Hu-ye and hope to NOT be disappointed because this drama still has so much potential! I'm also really enjoying Bi-ryeom's story. That poor boy just wants some affection from Mu-ra. How much more mischievous does a sky god gotta be for this goddess to notice him?


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I see biryeom getting jealous at every guy mura's being nice too..poor him.


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Mu-ra's bitch-face seemed to fit in better in this episode - more other characters who deserve to be bitch-faced at would be my explanation. Or maybe I'm just getting used to it.


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Ok, I'm getting more and more hooked. The show pace is a bit slow, but I enjoy the mysteries and the growing relationships...Habaek and So Ah are adorable, when she asked for a date through the door...ahhhh! so cute ?
My guess is that Hu Ye is Joo Dong's son. He's trying to be good but he has a dark side, so it is possible that he has to do something with Joo Dong's disappearance. Also, it looked like he felt touched by So Ah's words; for someone like him, having someone that he can trust and be understood is very important, so maybe he started to feel greedy and jealous of Habaek, and wants to kidnap So Ah? It does not really fit Hu Ye's character, so I'm really curious to know what happens and why So Ah is in danger...
Regarding the romance, I can't wait to see a bit more of progress. It is obvious that So Ah and Habaek are attracted to each other, but it seems that they want to restrain themselves since they are so different, and not like two people would be different, for them is a world that separates them. Anyway, I found very beautiful the scene where Habaek was looking at the butterflies and then called So Ah to tell her that he would walk her home. Was he pondering what is like having a human lover?, So Ah has to be beautiful but ephemeral in his eyes...in any case it seems that he decided to go ahead. ?


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I'm very pissed off at the gods for discriminating against Hu ye because he's a half breed. He didn't ask to be born, has suffered greatly from his godlike father, has only used his power for good and is trying hard to be a decent person. So I'm really pissed off at Bi Ryeom and Habaek for provoking him. I stand with Moo at on this one. I'm afraid their constant prodding of him is going to cause him to snap and then everyone is going to say "Aha! We were right all along, he's dangerous".

And although I think Habaek and Soah are cute and I love watching them together, a part of me wonders if Habaek even considers what his end game is. If they fall in love and marry, or end up making a child, that child will be very similar to Hu ye who he despises. If he goes away, he'll leave her broken hearted. So I wonder what type of HEA the writer is planning with this story.

I suspect Joo Dong, the missing god, is very likely Hu ye's father. Why else would they have similar markings?


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I think huyee's father were earth emperor not joodong bcoz joodong is on the same boat as moora and biryeom. They're like guardian god, which role is more of taking their country stuff in human world and the emperor's stone. They're not on the same level as god's king. I think his father is the one who tried to snatched habaeks crown as emperor...and his caused of failed is bcoz of huyee..and joodong's been missing might has something to do with him bcoz theyre from the same country.


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Wait, I thought it was Sky Country's king who tried to take the crown? Didn't Ha Baek imply that to Bi Ryeom?


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At this point i really want to see how strong Habeak is. Biryeom seems to be scared of Habeak power as he ask if the 'being' is more powerful then Habeak


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1. Joo-Dong is Hu-ye's father. That's why he has Earth Kingdom's mark. Maybe Joo-dong called Bi-ryum and Mura to confess about Hu-ye existence.

2. or Hu-ye kill Joo-dong with his Fire power and steal his mark. Perhaps Joo-dong find out his real identity and Hu-ye kill him to keep his secret.


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