The Liar and His Lover: Episode 15

There are the smiles we know and love. They’ve been severely missed, and thankfully, they’ve returned just in time for finale week. (Augh, it’s almost over… Say it isn’t so!) With all of their insecurities now out on the table, the folks at Sole Music are opening themselves up to change. And even better, they’re finally opting to face that change together. So from now on, no matter what happens, no one will have to walk alone.


At the sight of So-rim, Han-gyul instantly breaks into gut-wrenching sobs, and he falls into her arms, saying that everything would’ve been fine if only he didn’t exist.

In the hospital, In-ho is tended to by his mom, and her loving words cause him to remember what Han-gyul had said after his confession. Han-gyul had promised not to tell the other boys and then ordered In-ho never to pull something like that again – because he and the boys weren’t the only ones who cared about him.

His emotions crashing back in, In-ho tells his mother that he’s sorry, though he can’t bring himself to say why. He merely surrenders to his tears, silently accepting Mom’s embrace.

Han-gyul cries that he’s made things so much harder for his friends and that it’s killing him, but strangely enough, he still wants to pursue his music. He wonders if he’ll be able to do better from now on. So-rim wipes his tears away and assures him that he will; she reminds him that she’ll always be by his side no matter what happens.

She pulls him into another hug, her own eyes filling with tears as she tells him never to say that everyone would be better off without him, “Because I can’t live without you.” He promises that he won’t and squeezes her even tighter. Jesus, we’re only five minutes in and I’m already a sobbing mess.

Chan-young sits at home, staring at a new song he started for Mush & Co. and thinking back to his conversation with Jin-hyuk. He’d told Jin-hyuk that he couldn’t trust him and that he wouldn’t tolerate being used anymore.

Shi-hyun calls him and Yoon out to reveal what CEO Yoo had said about taking over for Jin-hyuk. For now, they agree not to tell In-ho until he’s out of the hospital.

The next day at Sole, the security guards inform Jin-hyuk that Han-gyul had checked the CCTV footage. After viewing it himself, Jin-hyuk immediately confronts Han-gyul, who lies that he’d been looking for a lost flash drive. Jin-hyuk tries to pry the truth out of him, but Han-gyul ends the conversation there and leaves.

While Mush & Co. are chatting, So-rim gets a text from Han-gyul to meet. As she scurries off to the roof, Gyu-sun compliments Jin-woo for not freaking out. Then he pretends to spot So-rim and Han-gyul hugging, making Jin-woo whirl around and shout, “Kang Han-gyul, that son of a—…” (LOL.) He chides Gyu-sun for messing with him.

So-rim finds Han-gyul and is glad to see that he’s feeling better. He apologizes for showing her that side of him, joking that it was very unboyfriend-like of him. But in all seriousness, he was grateful to have her there. They both smile and start to lean in, only to break into shy giggles.

She invites him to the little get-together she and her friends are holding for their last day at the dorms, and he gladly accepts. Then he sneaks a quick peck on her cheek, making her (and me) squeal in surprise.

Soo-yeon finds Chan-young with Shi-hyun and suggests he go see Mush & Co. since they’ve been worried about him. Chan-young notices Soo-yeon and Shi-hyun suddenly acting veeery close and smiles, saying that he’ll give them some privacy.

He finds Jin-woo and Gyu-sun in the practice room and apologizes for being so MIA lately. The boys are just glad to see that he’s okay, though they are wondering if he’s still their producer. Chan-young frowns in confusion, so they elaborate that they know the company only favors So-rim.

Chan-young admits that he only favored So-rim too, but now things are different. He’d always liked the sound of a band, which is why he joined Crude Play and why he wanted to produce his own band. And then he met Mush & Co., he adds with a smile.

After leaving, Chan-young spots So-rim and Han-gyul in the corridor being all smiley and handsy, and he immediately hides out of view. He laughs sadly to himself as he watches them go.

Meanwhile, CEO Yoo informs Jin-hyuk that it’s been decided that Sole Music will be shut down, meaning he’s out of a job. So she wants him to join Who Entertainment as a director, and his first task is to fix both Crude Play and Mush & Co.’s images. To her surprise, he just quietly accepts her orders.

Soo-yeon drives Mush & Co. back to the dorms for their party. So-rim reveals that she has a surprise guest, and funnily enough, Jin-woo and Gyu-sun invited a surprise guest as well. Ha, I like where this is going.

Han-gyul and Chan-young are about to leave for the party when Jin-hyuk calls them both into his office. The boys eye each other curiously, and Chan-young even mentions that whenever the three of them are together, bad things happen.

Laughing, Jin-hyuk can’t exactly deny that. He tells them about CEO Yoo’s plans of merging Sole Music with Who Entertainment, giving them a fair warning that it’ll be quite chaotic. He asks for Han-gyul to think about where to go with Crude Play from here and for Chan-young to reconsider staying with Mush & Co.

Afterwards, the two boys go their separate ways, both saying they have somewhere to be. Chan-young reaches Mush & Co.’s dorm first, greeting So-rim and asking how she’s been. She replies with the same “joke” Chan-young once told her, saying she hasn’t been well since she couldn’t see her oppa. After an awkward beat, they all burst into laughter. Although, So-rim admits that she really did miss Chan-young.

Just then, the doorbell sounds, and So-rim reveals her own special guest: Han-gyul. And he’s carrying the exact same cake that Chan-young had brought (I guess they really do think alike). Chan-young laughs, “You again?” and everyone breaks into smiles, more than happy to celebrate with two cakes.

As everyone walks home, Han-gyul and Chan-young hang back. Chan-young defends his presence at the party with the producer card, making Han-gyul turn to him – is he willing to be their producer after all? Chan-young is still somewhat uncertain, so Han-gyul tells him to go for it: “Because your songs make your performers happy.”

He knows just by listening to Chan-young’s song that he wrote it with the perfect balance for Mush & Co. as a group. Han-gyul admits that that’s something even he has difficulty with, and he wants to write songs for every member of his band, not just one. “I’m going to do it properly now,” Han-gyul concludes.

Chan-young tells him to do just that, and they smile. So-rim turns around and takes the opportunity to snap a picture of them together, which also snaps them out of their friendly moment. They argue over who gets to walk with So-rim (“I’m her producer!” “Well, I’m her boyfriend!”), and she just grabs the both of them so that they can all go together.

Once at home, Chan-young takes Han-gyul’s encouraging words to heart, remembering all the times Mush & Co. were happy to have him as their producer. He comes to a decision and starts working on his second demo again. Yay!

Chan-young makes sure to tell Jin-hyuk of his decision the next day, promising never to change his mind. He is curious, however, as to why Jin-hyuk changed his mind when he was so obsessed with only making music that sold before. With a sigh, Jin-hyuk says that after taking a step back from it all, he was able to see a little more clearly.

Chan-young wastes no time in announcing that he’ll continue working with Mush & Co., and the trio are just as ecstatic as he is. He promises to keep the band as his top priority and to never leave them alone – the same thing he had promised So-rim when they first got signed. The promise sounds so much different when it’s for the whole group.

Jin-woo and Gyu-sun jump up to buy celebratory drinks, leaving Chan-young and So-rim alone. Feeling giddy, So-rim starts singing “The Road to Me,” triggering Chan-young’s memory of their first meeting.

She doesn’t remember singing the song then, but Chan-young does, and he figures he’ll never be able to forget it. He says that at first, he liked her voice, then he liked her trust in him, and now he just likes that he was able to meet her. He assures her not to feel sorry for him, though – as long as he doesn’t say it’s over, it’s not really over.

All the Crude Play boys join In-ho at the hospital, where the mood is rather light. Chan-young totally puts Shi-hyun in the spotlight by revealing his new relationship with Soo-yeon, getting a big reaction out of everyone but a dazed Han-gyul. When Shi-hyun asks why he’s so out of it, Han-gyul says that he’s been thinking that they should stop using session musicians once In-ho is discharged.

Han-gyul: “I’m being sincere. All this time, I thought I was responsible for all of you. Rather than us walking together, I thought that I had to carry you until you reached the level that I longed for. So I didn’t let you play the music you wanted, thinking that was the right thing for me to do. And you all knew I’d been wrong all along. But you held it in for me. That’s why from now on, I’m going to create music that we can all play together. Instead of the sounds I come up with in my head, I’m going to use songs that all of us can enjoy.”

He assures the boys that he’s serious about this, and they smile, saying that they already know. Despite their joking tone, they all seem moved, particularly In-ho.

Jin-hyuk tells Yoo-na about his new position at Who Entertainment, and she notes that he’s telling her as if he’s asking for her approval. She asks who he’s trying to make excuses for, but he’s unable to answer.

In-ho is released from the hospital the following morning, and he gets ambushed by Crude Play and Mush & Co. the second he returns to Sole. With an amused grin, In-ho pulls Soo-yeon toward Shi-hyun, and Mush & Co. gasp to discover that they’re dating.

Unfortunately, they can’t goof off for too long. Crude Play is sent in to CEO Yoo’s office, where they learn that they’re still holding a press conference this week. Seeing their shocked faces, she assures them that they won’t have to play live.

To Han-gyul, it seems like a bad time, but Yoo sees it as a good time, especially since their fans’ focus has shifted due to In-ho’s accident. That may be so, Han-gyul answers, but what are they supposed to do if another scandal breaks out later on?

Yoo believes it’ll all be fine as long as they’re careful, but Han-gyul disagrees – as long as they use the session musicians, there’s no guarantee that this kind of incident won’t happen again. Either way, he’s decided that he won’t create music this way anymore.

When Yoo points out that the quality of the music will be made obvious, he says they’ll just have to wait until they’re ready then. As for the press conference, they’ll have to think about it. Yoo is taken aback by his firm tone and can only glance at Jin-hyuk in disbelief.

After the meeting, In-ho pulls Han-gyul aside to ask if his sudden outburst is because of him. Han-gyul merely says that they can only go so far when it comes to covering up their lies.

He gives In-ho a warm smile, reminding him that he’d said he’d take care of this. Just above them, Jin-hyuk listens intently from a balcony.

That night in his office, Jin-hyuk can’t shake off Han-gyul’s words. Remembering the CCTV footage of In-ho, he heads over to Han-gyul’s place for some answers. Han-gyul figures that the both of them might as well know, so he reveals the truth of In-ho’s sleeping pills and what In-ho had intended to do with them.

Han-gyul is close to tears as he continues that his friend was so afraid of playing live – of destroying the band – that he’d actually considered getting into an accident. Jin-hyuk is completely floored to hear this. Han-gyul turns to him, stating that they should never forget that this happened and that they’re the ones who need to take responsibility.

By the time he retreats to his car, Jin-hyuk is drained from this sudden discovery. He thinks back to the very first time he approached Crude Play and had them shouting in delight at the sight of his business card.

After he’d gotten Chan-young on board, he’d told the boys to fake their playing so they could get Han-gyul’s song out into the world – they could improve their skills later on, he said. In-ho had asked if they would really get to play in the future, and he’d promised that they would, making the boys look awfully hopeful.

The memory gets Jin-hyuk choked up, but he quickly pulls himself back together and drives over to Yoo-na’s place next.

Jin-hyuk notices that Yoo-na took down her very first album cover, and she just shrugs, saying she looked like such a baby during those days. Jin-hyuk, on the other hand, says that he found her very pretty.

But he saw the potential for her to be prettier. To be a better singer. To be a better star. He saw that potential in her, Crude Play, and Mush & Co., which is why he started all of this. “I didn’t start it to ruin you guys,” he says, his voice filled with regret.

Tired of waiting, CEO Yoo decides to take matters into her own hands and announces to the public that Crude Play will indeed hold a press conference.

The Crude Play boys gather at the bar, feeling as if they’ve been trapped by their superiors yet again. Han-gyul sees this as their chance to come clean and start over, though the others are still a bit wary.

So Yoon speaks up, saying he’s worked so hard up until now, but because of their lies, it hasn’t felt worth it. But if they reveal the truth, he’ll be able to put his mind at ease.

With that said, they all place their hands on the table in agreement. In-ho would prefer that Chan-young stay out of it since he plays his own music, but Chan-young just slams his own hand on top of theirs, unwilling to step away. Yes. No one’s getting left out this time.

Later, Han-gyul meets up with So-rim, and they take a stroll outside. He tells her that he and the boys are going to acknowledge the accusations. With a strained smile, he says that it might be a long time before they’re able to perform again. So-rim sweetly back-hugs him, not caring if anyone sees. So-rim: “You’ll still write songs, right?” Han-gyul: “Of course.”

The boys inform CEO Yoo of their plan the next day, but she just scoffs, thinking they’re being completely irrational. Han-gyul insists that they can’t just cover a lie with another lie. Yoo heaves a big sigh and gives them one last warning – they can do whatever they want, but it will surely cost them their chances of ever playing again.

One by one, the boys wander up to the roof to brood, only to laugh when they see that they’ve all ended up in the same place. Together, they silently gaze out at the view.

Han-gyul joins his father at the bar (and I love that they have similar thinking positions here). He starts to wonder if revealing the truth is really the right thing, especially since In-woo was the one who had said the truth could hurt people.

In-woo suggests he give his son some fatherly advice – if he talks as if he knows everything, it’s because he’s scared to admit he’s wrong. He’s been acting this way for years and he’s still scared to change, so he believes that Han-gyul should make his own choice.

Later, the boys mentally prepare for the press conference in their separate spaces, an obvious sense of dread and sadness in the air.

And before we now it, Sole’s team is setting up for the reporters. CEO Yoo calls Jin-hyuk to make sure the boys won’t misbehave, and he vaguely replies that he’ll make sure they say what needs to be said (I hope you mean what I think you mean).

He finds the boys waiting out in the hall and hands Shi-hyun the scripted apology. Before Shi-hyun can get a word out, Jin-hyuk encourages them to say what they want to say.

The boys are surprised by Jin-hyuk’s words, but they’re able to walk into the room with a little more ease. The five of them take their seats and face the reporters, while Jin-hyuk and CEO Yoo watch from the back. Soo-yeon and Mush & Co. are in the back as well, here to support their boys.

As practiced, Shi-hyun takes the mic and speaks for the band. But to Yoo’s utter horror, he completely dismisses his lines and admits that the accusations toward everyone but Chan-young are true. The room erupts into a series of camera flashes and astonished murmurs.

Shi-hyun continues that they are deeply sorry for their actions and that for the time being, the band will be going on hiatus.

CEO Yoo turns to Jin-hyuk and fires him right on the spot before storming out. He merely brings his gaze back to the boys, clearly having already accepted his fate.

The boys file out of the room, ignoring the various questions being thrown at them. As Han-gyul sees them out, he looks past the sea of reporters and straight at So-rim, who gives him a small, encouraging smile.


I must admit that every time I leave an episode of Liar, I’m rendered speechless. Each episode has seemed to top the last, and this one was no exception. There’s something very special about this drama in that it knows exactly how to package those key moments and deliver them perfectly for us viewers. We came to know every character so well that we could understand their actions – whatever they said or did fit incredibly well with how their personality was supposed to be. That’s some phenomenal writing right there.

When Jin-hyuk’s whole world started crashing down on him, the way he dealt with it made so much sense with who he was. In a way, he was almost like a teacher having to accept that perhaps his students knew better than he did. But once he came to his much-awaited realization, he didn’t scoff and roll his eyes like an adult who couldn’t bear losing to a bunch of kids. He was never that kind of guy, which is why it was always so difficult to straight up hate him.

It was always hinted that he truly cared for these kids, and we got to see his true feelings for them when he made the heartbreaking confession that he never intended to ruin them. And in true Jin-hyuk fashion, he didn’t let this realization hinder him in any way. At the end of the day, he is a businessman, but it feels like he’s finally found the right balance of business and passion. I’m not sure what will become of him now that he’s jobless, but I trust that this writer has him – and everyone else – covered. I’m feeling just as tense as Jin-hyuk looked during the aftermath of the boys’ press conference, but I think Han-gyul was right: This was the direction they all had to go.

This has most definitely been a writer’s piece, but I can’t exactly say that the drama would be as enjoyable without everything else it’s offered. I didn’t think I could love these characters any more than I already did, but each episode kept building them into such wonderful people. The writing, the chemistry, and the overall feel all came together to make it just right for me. I have my favorite characters, but honestly, everyone is the heart of this show. I can’t imagine the drama without any of them.

I carry a lot of praise for the more experienced actors like Lee Hyun-woo and Lee Jung-jin, but I must also applaud the rookie actors. While they weren’t anything spectacular, they were able to bring so much heart to the show. They all had very natural chemistry with each other, making it a super easy and enjoyable watch. I hope to see this entire cast in many more projects in the future – preferably together again, but hey, I won’t be too greedy. I loved that this little rom-com was so much more than a romance (though that was arguably my favorite part). It explored various ideas of friendship, partnership, confidence, self-worth, and hard work, just to name a few. It started off very cute and bubbly, but I didn’t expect it to touch me on such a deeply emotional level. It wasn’t perfect, and the characters certainly weren’t perfect, but that was part of the reason why we loved them so much.

Lastly, I feel like I can’t sign off without thanking every one of you beanies for showering the drama with so much love. The sheer positivity that continued to radiate from the comments only increased my love for the drama tenfold. Let’s hope that this precious gem closes happily and gives every one of these characters a proper send-off. Crude Play, love, kill, die, aja!


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First comment yay!


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Haha. Congratulations!! I wanted to be first so bad. I saw the recap when it had zero comment, but whenever I tried to get into the page, it wouldn't let me. T___T You have me.


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Yay! Congrats!! I'm still here early, I'll say in first 100 comments. Not bad.


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I made it exactly 400 comments later! ?


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Same here! lol >.<


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Haha. That's also an achievement. Congratulations to you both!! I made it close to the 500 mark, so you're 100 above me.


Congrats. It's lucky indeed.


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Congratulations! You beat the competition. :)


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Isn't it so much fun? ? Congrats!!


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It is!


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I read in the rule of dramabeans, no writing on First comment. Anyway congrats hehe.


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Every week, I find that this drama is able to tackle another problem/hardship of each character. I love that this week they were able to really dig into JH and his motivations. He was depicted as a cutthroat businessman for the majority of the time, but I feel near the end they were really able to bring out his love for music, and the Crude Play boys. I love that even though he was one of the people pressuring them to use session musicians, that he supported them with their decision to come clean. That's probably one of the best things about this drama - each character has so many layers, and nothing is black and white. So sad to see it coming to an end! As always, thank you for the recap ?


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I think Jin Hyuk's redemption worked so well, because they lay out the foundation for it so early on. He used to be a pianist (I think, not sure anymore) and it was also mentioned several times how he had two conflicting sides in him - the businessman and the music lover. So in the end it just felt like him returning to his roots or perhaps just giving the music-side in his personality more room and space to breathe, allowing for a more compassionate and relaxed approach to his artists. It's like if CEO Yoo and HG's dad's personalities were both put into the same body and thus constantly at war, just like those two people are, until JH decided to fully put one of those personalities before the other.


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Oh I love what you wrote about both CEO Yoo and HG's dad being in one body. I feel that JH is more like CEO Yoo than HG's dad, but he shares their love for music. But then, CEO Yoo also loves music. She just think of ways to sell it best. HG's dad is not concerned with selling but being free.


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@kaybee senpai is always supwr eloquent with her descriptions and yes totally agree about JH!


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Now that you mention it, CEO Yoo is the staunch businesswoman on one end of the spectrum, while IW is the passionate musician on the other end. JH has been like a pendulum swinging back and forth these two personas throughout the episodes, hence his redemption in this episode is neither forced nor unexpected. As what @sailorjumun has written, this writer-nim has built up the characters' motives and layers in each episode that whatever choices they make later on feel organic to the story. Back to JH, my heart broke for him when he admitted that all he wanted was for his artists to shine through him, and not to be ruined. ???


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Yes totally! My heart was cimpletely shatteref for himnit was like reality finally slapped him in the face hard and he had to start picking up the pieces in order to atone for his mistakes. Great writing and great direction and ofc superb acting. ?


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The acting was not over the top, but you could feel all the regret and disillusion. It was superb.


JH is the epitome of starting with pure intentions and idealistic dreams, and ending up in cynical ambitious greed that makes you forget your dreams.


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Jinhyuk's realization about what business made him to do these kids were one of the highlights of the episode. I know people didn't like him a lot, but I never disliked him.

He took responsibility in the end, and got fired, and I'm so proud of him.


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Me too, so proud.


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It's funny how we're proud of a fully grown man as if he was just a puppy. lol


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I'm proud of him tooo


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Yes we were always led to believe in his inherent humanity and relatablility so his redemption was the absolute best. ?


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So proud of JH's decision to finally choose one side and stick with it! Since he was the one who discovered the Crude Play boys, I'm sure he must have felt proud of them for growing so much so far, and having to continuously force them to use session musicians must have hurt him, because he had been the one to see their potential. He knew their backstory of being friends in a band who'd dreamt of performing live, and JH must have felt guilty all these years as well. As much as CP felt guilty for lying to the public, JH must have also felt terrible for forcing the boys to live like that.

I'm so glad that he supported their decision to admit the truth even if he knew it would cost him his job!


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He saw their potential, but I personally think he forgot about it. Remember in the early episodes when he said they didn't need to make any efforts as musicians and just be "stars?"


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Once they became stars everything happened so quickly that it became easier and easier to just keep using the "easy" way to keep the band afloat.


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You also have to put their schedule in consideration. I know how busy celebrity life can be, it would have been hard for them to find time to improve.


JH was an amazingly three dimensional character. I think he lost hsi priorities because he got drunk on sucess and that is probably where his end began.


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I half agree with you. I think rather than having gotten drunk on success, he lost his priorities trying to preserve and protect that success.


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And in the midst, forgot that it was more important to preserve and protect the artists behind that success. It might seem like one and the same to protect the success for the artist, but they're two different things. Protecting one doesn't always mean protecting the other too.


Right? He was always in the greys. His drive made him want for more but he always appreciated good music. I love how CY pointed out how he didn.t understand JH's motivations any longer. It was a nice peek inside his head.


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Who knew CY would be the one with the wise words to wake JH up when we started this drama? The growth of each character is so satisfying.


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Seriously.... you wrote so much and yet you are 2nd to cmt.... (*giving you a glare*..... then.... tell me how do you do it ???????)


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lol. That paragraph looks to be about 150 words at a rough estimate. If you type in the average speed of 50-70 words per minute, that takes you about 2-3 minutes. With practice you can do it!


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Practice make perfect


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I'm a speed demon ?? haha. Practice makes perfect!! I also just so happened to open the page when there was 0 comments. I'm normally late to comment ??


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The opening scene made me cry again. Seeing HG break down like that was heartbreaking. I'm so glad he went to Joy, no words were needed - just her being there while he was able to come clean about how he felt was enough?

Jin Woo you are too adorable. Haha you were doing so well at being mature until Gyu Sun tricked you. (Is it bad that I want to see more jealousy from him?) Old habits don't change that quickly?

Chan young ah, I'm so proud of you for putting aside your feelings for So Rim in this ep. I could see that he genuinely cared about Mush & Co and their future together. It was just lovely to see him get back into a more friendly relationship with HG, I want that surprise picture that SR took of them too!!

Crude play, you guys are so great together. I can't stop smiling when I see you all joking around with each other. It's such a down to earth friendship❣


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I agree with everything you said. It's great to see everyone just coming together and just being there for each other. To be honest, I think Chanyoung still likes Sorim, based on his words and actions, but what's important is he accepted that Sorim and Hangyul are in a relationship and that he shouldn't come in between them. That's the difference; feelings don't go away that easily. I also liked how easygoing Chanyoung and Hangyul are now; they put their past arguments and hate aside and really hit it off. To be honest, Sorim played a big part in that, and I think that's why her character is so vital. Also, it's great how Chanyoung regained the confidence to be the producer for Mush and Co again. It's sad this drama ended; need a season 2 right now.


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Yes, I think Chanyoung still likes Sorim, and Sorim knows he still likes her? Or I'm misunderstanding what he's saying to her?


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Oh and I don't think that he's stopping because he doesn't want to come in between them, he's not that noble. It's more because it's not want Sorim wanted. And he always does what Sorim wants.


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"he's not that noble"
He totally makes these little faces and you can tell lol


@kayak Jinwoo takes the cake though for the little faces. His aren't even little. He's plain sulking, even after having "matured" up.


Agree about CY not being noble! Lol. He was respectful of SR's wishes, that's for sure. And I'm glad that the show didn't make him into one. He's not anymore pushy, but neither is he a doormat.


Lol @ He is not that noble! That's so true! He still likes her but knows that she doesn't and will not reciprocate his feelings! Same with Jin Woo.. I think they will both always love her and she will always remain the "girl who got away" for them! But they are both smart enough to know when to stop- all because So Rim is a lovely mature girl who has her priorities straight!


@klurker Agree. I'm glad the show didn't make him into the typical too-good-to-be-true noble second lead. CY is much more interesting like this. He never went far pass the limits and wasn't pushy, but he's not meek or apologetic about his feelings either, while being considerate of the girl. That's a great balance to have in a Second lead.


Yeah Sorim knows that Chanyoung likes her. That was shown about 2 or 3 episodes ago. There was no definitive ending to Chanyoung's feelings in this drama so we can assume that he still likes her and Sorim knows that. He's saying he's still not over her, which is being honest. And true, he's not that noble, but he's still a great character with amazing character development. I do agree that he won't do anything that Sorim doesn't want, which goes to show how much he cares for her.


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In my opinion, he's the most interesting character in the drama.
His psyche is the most complex one, so maybe that's why people find it hard to understand him and like him.

Sometimes, I had to go through a bit of mental exercise to stop getting myself angry at him.


I don't know if Hangyul and Chanyoung really hit it off. They always seem to begrudgingly like each other, but at the same time, there's a sense that they don't like each other either? I don't know how to explain it, it's just how I feel looking at them.


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It's like love-hate relationship haha


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or hate turned love. So there's some vestige left, but it's more for the sake of fond memories than actual hate. It's almost a funny thing at this point.


I think it is a mixture of respect and envy. They both know that they are not as good as the other in specific things- like Han Gyul knows that he will never be as good a bassist as Chan Young and CY knows that no matter how much he tries, he might never be able to reach HG's brilliance in composing/producing. Add to it the mutual love for So Rim, and the tension sure increases!
But at the same time, they have been together for too long to not acknowledge that they are both great people and genuinely care for each other...
In short, they have a very complicated relationship! :P


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Agree! And I like it the way it is! Lol. I've known of people who are in the same kind of relationship, who can be nice and civil toward each other but with some amount of tension stemming from awareness of each other's strengths and weaknesses.


@klurker Such people always make for good stories... I wish I had people like that around me so that I could analyze their complex emotions up close...


Well said!!! How come all Beanies are so smart, it's unfair. I also feel like Chanyoung and Hangyul. Everyone around here are smart and eloquent. Your comment just officially made you the Hangyul to my Chanyoung. Just kidding.


Hahahha @gusdk Chan Young is equally awesome so I will gladly be Han Gyul for you.. May our bro(wo?)mance be awesome but may we not fall for the the same person like these two did! :D


@obsessedmuch good luck with that. With so many yummy drama actors... what are the chances both of you won't fall for at least one same guy. Ha.


@newsbff I have chosen Seo In Guk for life so I guess as long as @gusdk stays away from him, we will be alright! :P


Right? Gyulie breaking down in Sorim's arms was just too heartbreaking yet SO RIGHT! I love how they're so solid! They've literally seen each other at their worst yet still are together. My love for the OTP is so real! I'm projecting it on HyunWoo and Joy. I ship it so hard. Please be real? ?


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I'd be happy if it is real kk. Maybe i will ship Hyun Woo with his next leading lady, i dont know haha. But Joy&Lee Hyun Woo are so cute together.


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I don't think I'll ever ship the with anyone other than each other. I could never watch either Hyun Bin or H Ji Won in anything other than Secret Garden because they were the ultimate OTP back when. :P


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oh, you are so loyal. Ha Ji Won is my ultimate fav actress. I ship her so much with Jo In Sung since their What happened in bali. Hoping they could reunite one day.


@urnaa I don't ship HJW with anyone because I ship her with myself. Haha


My favorite moments of the drama too. He is crying and talking. It is rare in dramaland right.


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It's my favourite too! I even counted how much they hug each other in that scene lol ? I'm so glad the writer gave us many of the main couple scenes together because I miss them so much for the last 2 episodes before this.


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So how long did they hug each other?


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Communication and reliance at its best. Honesty is the always the way to go dramagods


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Ha.. but then we wouldn't get Liar Game. LD


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HG crying in SR's arms is my new aesthetic! ?


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Ah I loved it too.. For me, the overall new trend of male leads crying, expressing their emotions and seeking comfort/help from the females around them is amazing. It hints at a change in the male-female dynamics and I am really loving it!


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Agree! What I love more in that scene (as well as in the crying-in-Sorim's bosom scene) is how Sorim was all calm and consoling. She didn't preach or nag. Despite being younger, she becomes a pillar of strength when her boyfriend is breaking down.


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Oh yes! She is such a mature little girl! I am quite in love with her character!


@obsessedmuch Mature, yes! But not world-weary and still refreshingly full of youth and innocent. I'm so in love with her too.


Same, she didn't offer any false hopes or promises which is so easy to do when you comfort people


Yes, she's an absolute gem! She's quietly supportive without being preachy or fake. I luff her!


I also really want to say that props to the writer for making almost every character who I came to dislike (with the exception of possibly Se Jeong) become people who I could forgive and start liking again essentially.

With Jin Hyuk and Yoo Na's characters I was pretty close to really disliking them but these past two episodes have really turned my opinions about them around.

I also forgot to say thank you for the recap SailorJumun?


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I was also surprised about Jin Hyuk and Yoo Na! I was irritated with them to no end. That's the magic of this drama and how it builds the characters into layered people who, yes, are sometimes greedy and selfish and petty, but ultimately good people.


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I was never irritated too much with Jin Hyuk. With Yoona, I couldn't like her, but I couldn't dislike her either, because she has that no-nonsense thing about her I admire.


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Yeah I like that she's pretty straight-up.


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She also stands up for others. Like I know a lot of people didn't like that she proposed a dating scandal with HG, but I think she was genuine about it, and truly wanted to take the heat off SR. She knows how hard it can be and she thought she could handle it better, having been longer in the industry.


It also helps that she's literally "pretty." She's so gorgeous I get a bit fuddled just looking at her. It's enough distraction I find it hard to find the mind to get irritated. I'm a woman by the way. But not immune to admiring beauty when I see it.


Agree! I love that writer-nim didn't make her into an excessively manipulative, whiny second lead. Instead, she does her job with passion, she says what's on her mind, and even though she got jealous at some point she didn't get derailed over these emotions.


She's always upfront even about her pettiness so i guess we can relate as the audience? She was a cool character overall. ?


Agreed never loved so much Yoona but never hated her.


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The writer is phenomenal.

I don't like Se Jeong, but even her, I still have hope that after that lesson, she would have learned and improved herself.


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I'd actually forgotten about Sejung! I wonder if she did learn from it. Being humiliated in front of your idol has to do something to do, I hope.


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*to you


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More than being humliated by your idol, I think Gyusun's hug and good nature might have had a bigger effect on her change, if she changed.


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I'll miss Gyu Sun and his pure heart - after his kind heartedness I hope she reflected on her actions


She's still young. When you make mistakes when you're young, you tend to learn more easily from them than in old age.
I hope I don't offend anyone who is old here, I'm old myself. It's just my observation.


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I'm on the older side, and I admit to it. I'm not offended.


Agree. She will look back on thosd moments when she's older and think; "well, i effed up pretty bad, didn't i?" ☺


Hope she learned her lesson. Or else it is pitiful to live her way, always coveting thing other has. She has so much thing herself, beauty and grade etc...


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This writer has broken stereotypes. She/he took a prickly jackass hero amd made him relateable. Then she/he took a total candy heroine and made her likeable and not frustrating at all. She/he murdered the cr@p out of noble idiocy and she/he gave meat to the story with awsome side characters. I love him/her.


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So true! The writer is called Kim Kyung Min btw but I am not sure if that is male or female name... The original manga was written by a woman and I think props to her too for creating a solid structure for this writer to work on!


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I wonder how the originial mangaka thinks about the drama? Is it being translated in Japanese? I hopes so, I hope she watches this.


@gusdk The manga already has a Japanese version (I think it is a movie though)... It was quite popular it seems cuz many people were vary of a Korean remake as the original Japanese version was a favourite.. And I think that like we get English subs on streaming sites, Japanese subs might be available too...


The drama will air in Japan on Mnet Japan, so it will be exposed to the Japanese audience. Let's hope the reception there will be more warmed than in Korea. Though it's doubtful, because of how much it differ from the source material.


Yes, she totally made this drama so likable and so different from previous dramas.


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Me too. I actually started liking Yoona a few episodes back when she didn't show any signs of wanting to come between Han-gyul and So-rim's relationships but this episode was when I was truly able to forgive Jin-hyuk for all the things he had done, the moment after he realized and choked up in the car. I really wanted this couple to work out as well and I shed a few tears for them in the finale.


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I expected Jin Hyuk to cry, but it's more touching that he didn't do you agree?


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Me too, I was more touched and impressed that he didn't cry because it was keeping in character for him. A man who never lets his pain keep him from what needs to be done..


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Most of the crying scenes went to Sorim and Hangyul for some reason. Is it intentional?


@phuong, I feel like everyone cried their fair amount though.


@ed ladhki

(by the way, why did you write "Thi is" in your username. I was trying to type it and thought it odd.


Inho tears were heartbreaking, but Jinhyuk's tears were all the more significant because he's not the type to cry.


@hamlukan, The "Thi Is" is part of my username. Ek Ladhki Thi is a Hindi phrase meaning "there was a girl" and it's the opening line from one of my favourite songs from one of my favourite Indian movies, Mohabbatein. I hope that explains it.


@rushda29 Well, I learn something new everyday! :)

Did you choose it on purpose to make a wordplay?

Mind sharing a link to the song and-or information about the movie?


@marinaq, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tTyDQ0l48S8
The movie is about a couple of couples, Mohabbatein means Love Stories in Hindi. This song is about a girl who was crazy in love with a boy her father didn't like.


When u mention mohabbatein, suddenly i miss shah rukh khan hahaha..


I love Indian movies about love stories.


I am always pleasantly surprised at Hindi movies being discussed in kdrama threads! I remember once asking @rushda29 (Ek ladki thi..) if she was an Indian because her username is :D


I liked that they showed us bits and pieces of the early years between Crude Play and Jin Hyuk so we could see how far JH had come from his original mission, but did not necessarily have to devote whole episodes to flashbacks. I hope the writer gets more work.


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The flashbacks in this drama managed to convey years of history in mere seconds. They're very effective, way too effective sometimes. I wished we could see more.


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I would give a bit of the credit to the director and editing team for that.


Indeed, the director and this writer are both great, the director for bringing out emotions in the subtle ways. The rookies do shine because of him.


Oh I wish we could see more flashbacks too! And not just Crude Play but the Mush & Co. kids and Yoona! All those flashbacks had me wanting to know a little bit more! The flashbacks almost deserve a whole another story- like a prequel! (Oh but my heart hurts just thinking that Han Gyul and So Rim would not be together in that imaginary prequel)


@obsessedmuch Aw... I was all on board with the flashback idea until you mentioned that HG and SR wouldn't be together. That's a sad thought.

The flashback definitely deserve their own little drama though. Even young Yoona's story and journey to the current Yoona looks interesting. How much confidence she gained by getting recruited by Jinhyuk. No wonder she fell for him later on. He's such a meanignful person in her life (on a shallow note, that Yoona's wig tho.)


What the hell is that downvote for????


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Anyway, sorry, I was just a bit confused because I saw nothing in your comment that would cause a downvote.


Lol, thanks for your indignation @phuong H! I saw the downvote and wondered myself. It's definitely not the weirdest thing I've written


@kayak I'm so confused by people at times. You can't even say it's not the weirdest thing you wrote because there's nothing at ALL weird about it.


@hamlukan, thank you for reminding me that this is the nicest comment thread on the internets.


Maybe someone accidentally downvoted like I did to someone's comment a while back. Lol. Whoever you are, you can upvote the same comment to negate the downvote. ^__^


i too think that was accidental down vote. I did that once and fixed instantly.


Lol.. that pulled me out of the focus of the the earlier comment thread suddenly! Probably a mistake! I have heard many people talking about how their hands sometimes slip while checking DB on phone.. Or maybe they didn't realize that they were pressing the downvote instead of the intended upvote..


Me too! I hope the writer gets another work VERY soon. Can't wait.


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I actually want her to get a work not so very soon. She needs time to work carefully on her next script. Quality is better than speed :)


Right? I think those tiny moments carried so much impact. It showed us how all of them actually started out - they had good intentions, but life threw them a curveball that smacked them straight in the face! So very human!


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So very everyone. Perhaps why we care so much about them.


Forgave JH when he said he wanted to make them shine more not to ruin. I never truly hated JH, that might be something with Lee Jung Jin, or how writer intended him to be


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Both probably. The writer always wanted us to forgive him in the end. And they casted LJJ to make sure it happened. :)


Yes Yuna was really getting on my nerves but now evwrything makes sense again. ??


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Loved when Hangyul stole a peck on the cheek! I was squealing! Same when Chanyoung caught on to the fact that something was going on between Sooyeon and Shihyun. Those two were so adorable when Sooyeon was trying to act professional in front of others while Shihyun tried to get into her space. No time to be shy now! You've both got years to make up for!

Also, was anyone else worried when Inho dropped whatever he was holding at the start of the episode? It seemed like the storyline was heading into the direction of showing that actions have consequences and that his accident may have possibly ruined the function in his hand for good! So glad it doesn't seem to be the case. However, it's good that he realizes how selfish he was acting to those who love him by considering to take those pills and driving.


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Omo, when Chan-Young tried to leave Soo-Yeon and Shi-Hyun, and Seo-Yeon was stopping him. I was dying because there in the background was Shi-Hyun peppily waving Goodbye. Replayed that scene a few times, no lie.
I was terrified by that In-Ho scene too!


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For me, what broke my heart was Inho's fingers. Did you see how much damage drum practice did to his fingers? It broke my heart as if I was his mother tending to him instead


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I just noticed his finger after reading your comment


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It broke mine too! And I really like that they gave a moment to In Ho and his mother! This show does not shy away from giving side characters their due!


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Yes, it takes skills and wisdom to give precious airing time to seemingly "insignificant" characters. It's so worth the investment if done right.


I need a separate drama for Sooyeon and Shihyun! The chemistry between them is off the charts and intense!

Scratch that - even behind-the-scenes videos of those two would be enough for me! I just need more content from these two.


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In the behind the scenes, there's surprisingly some chemistry between Sorim and Shihyun. The way the looks and takes care of her. I don't know, it looks like he likes her.


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That guy could seduce a brick wall.


@kayak or seduce someone against a brick wall.


@Rika, who knows, maybe that brick wall could play the second lead in SH and SY's spin-off show.


@kayak lol. That's better than having an actual second lead. Those two are two precious to have it ruined by someone butting in.


@kayak and @rika Hahaha... You guys are killing me! I need a spin off with stat!


@kayak and @rikafusing. LOLing so hard at yoir on point description of SH's seduction value


@zhangni link to the Sorim-Shihyun bts please? Lol. Thanks! ^__^


Would we get a director's cut perhaps? Is the drama popular enough for that? Anyone knows?


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I mean DVD of course.


Give me all the extras!


Yes that peck was so absolutely adorkable! He just swooped in just - SMOOCH! So. Cute! *dies from squealing*


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Lol! I had to replay that scene a few times just to make sure I wasn't inventing it! :p


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Such a good drama! watching this drama is like assembling a beautiful puzzle. Each episode revealing a bit of the picture and the closer we get to the last bit the more beautiful it becomes. Everything just fits perfectly. At no point in this drama have i thought well this doesnt make sense. I understood each and every character and all of them had their own part to play their own stories to tell.
Han gyul and soo rim: we havent been able to see a more romantic side of their relation ship so far ( due to their circumstances)but what we have seen is compassion and understanding that is so just good to see. They have become each others pillars and that just makes me happy. Their relationship is like a warm snuggly blanket. So cute. I am gonna miss em :')
Chan young: i really dint like the way his character was going few episodes back but i had hoped to see him mature and get over his insecurities. He didnot disappoint. I loved how his character grew (like other members of crude play) and i loved the fact that none of it happened off screen. We were there through it all.
Jin hyuk: ihope you do better in future
Ms yoo: i have lost all hope for her. May be in woo can change her?
Gyu sun and jin woon: You cuties! I am goona miss gyu suns younger version.


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But CEO Yoo as a business woman is really effective though. She has to do what she has to do, and I wouldn't say she was bad really. Just that her philosophy doesn't fit with the boys' philosophy. I think she sees lying in the industry as a necessary evil, and in a way, she's not wrong.


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I don't think CEO Yoo is wrong, she is business woman anyway, isn't the one start lying to the world, she isn't intend to, but the lie is done and open it up will blow her company. She just do what she need to do, so even that is wrong i can't said that is evil.


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She's not evil, but I think as a higher up, she probably could put a stop to the lying if she wanted to. Instead, she allowed Jinhyuk to pull off the lie as the parent company. So she has her part of guilt in this too.


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I don't think President Yoo can be changed and actually, I don't think she really should. Yes, she may be ruthless when it comes to business, but that's what makes her a good businesswoman. I'm not defending her actions, but rather I see whatever she's doing as a more realistic view of the world. I doubt In Woo can really change her much, because she's been living by her own set of principles for so long and it would be unrealistic for her to really do a huge change. Plus, she has shareholders/investors/employees to answer to and she's just doing what she needs to do to keep the company profitable.

But yes, maybe she could learn to consider how others felt before bulldozing right over them. Afterall, being a good CEO includes taking into account how your employees feel while working for you.


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CEO Yoo has so much responsibility to keep the company afloat and the shareholders happy, she doesn't have the luxury to consider "delicate" scruples and sentiments and find that immature. From what I've gathered of her, she's very utilitarian in that way.


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President Yoo is a kick@ass lady! I love her drive! I love her ambition and I love how she doesn't let anything stand in her way. At the same time she's not purposely sabotaging - she just takes advantage of already present opportunities!


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She's just very focused on one objective: producing successful acts for her company.


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True! And in reality, people like her do become successful in the trade because of such cold, calculating traits. She has to because that's what the job requires of her.

What I appreciate about how her character has been written is that she remained consistently tough and business-minded all throughout. She didn't jump ship for the sake of getting a happy ending. She's quick to think and really convinced me that she has been in the industry for a long time that she knows how to work the media and fans to her advantage.


I meant that i have lost hope for her to have better relations out side of work. As a business woman she is amazing but i feel sad that she might be left alone. But i guess that doesnt really affect her as much as it would affect me in real life.


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I believe it affects her all right. You can tell how lonely she truly feels, how much she craves for companionship, when she's with Inwoo.
But it's too late for her to change herself and change paths. She just has to find someone who can accept her as she is.


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I think she's confident in her strength and maybe once in a while she may long for something intangible but at the end of the day, her company is her baby and she feels quite alright with that.


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Yes, her company is her baby. It's a bit sad and admirable at the same time.


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Instead of "Crude Play, love, kill, die, aja!" how about "Crude Play, love, music, play, aja!" No killing (unless it's killing a performance in front of a sold out audience) and none of that dying stuff you can find a catchy way insert " . . . . at age 95" in there.

Go, fight, win!


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Hahaha. I think it's an expression to kill something, meaning like to do it super well?


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loved the boy's bromance


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And reluctant bromance is the best kind of bromance. You know you want to be friends, Chan Young and Han Gyul!


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reluctant bromance really is the best kind of bromance!!
It's cute, infuriating, frustrating, and infinitely satisfying when fulfilled.


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Agree! ^__^


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Thank you so much for the recap!


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Love your avatar.
It also fits your comment.
It gave me the impression you were giving a kiss to SailorJumun as a thanks for the recap.


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I was! If i can give all db staff kisses i would! ?


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Omg can't believe this show is ending. Seems like it went by so fast. Nice seeing how unified the kiddos are in the final few episodes. Definitely not quite the case in the beginning! :D Loved the layers to the drama and character development!


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Mush & Co were always unified though!! But they had some trouble in the middle.


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It always seemed like 3 groups.

Hangyul, Chanyoung, and the three other boys in their own group.

And it might still be like this sometimes, but they feel more unified for sure.


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It's more complex than that.

You have the Hangyul and Shihyun, the natural leaders
Yoon and Inho
Inho and Chanyoung

Hangyul and the 3 boys with childhood memories.
Chanyoung and the 3 boys with Crude Play as professionals memories.

Then as you said, Hangyul the producer, Chanyoung the real bassist, and the rest of the band as fake players.

Within the five friends, their relationship is more complex than "just friends" because of many variables, on top of differing personalities. It's what made this drama so interesting.


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I will watch and re-re-re-watch it x times! <3


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Woah! The recap came earlier than I expected!! I was just about to go to sleep! Thanks for the speedy recap @sailorjumun!


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Same here! I can't believe I actually caught the recap before the comment-count was over a hundred lol!


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I didn't, again. Sigh. ;-)


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Hehe. That's ok. You're still here!! It's not about how early you're here, it's about how late you go. :D


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I mean how late you stay.


Ha ha, very true :-D


@caitlyn and you're still here lurking!! That means you win the race for who's last, which is the more important race as hamlukan said. :D


Same! It just happened to coincide with my lunch break! I thought I read the number of comments wrong at first lol


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Same! It's too early here. Like 4am too early. ? I'm about to go to work. Can't join the party until I get off work. ?


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1. 2 minutes in and I am crying... 10 minutes in and I am giggling! What are u doing to me show!?! (Seriously, someone give Jin Woo and Gyu sun their next roles already! They are so cute!)

2. Give us more sneaky little kisses please! So adorable!

3. Poor Chan young had to see two couples being lovey-dovey! I feel you Chan Young-ah!! #singlelifeproblems....
At the same time yay for more sexy chemistry between Shi-yeon and Soo-yeon!

4. "You again"- Chan Young, why are you even surprised any more? None of us are! :P

5. That 5 way hand-on-hand was brilliant but my favourite scene was the 5 members just coming together on that terrace and looking at the dusky sky. They are really #friendshipgoals

6. Bad-ass Kang Han Gyul is sexy! But bad-ass Crude play is sexy times 5!

This was seriously the best episode of the whole show (and I am saying that after watching episode 16).. We saw the boys literally growing up before their lives! I am so gonna miss each and every one of these characters!
Looking forward to reading all the comments once I wake up!


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Good night!!!

And I can think of countless episodes where I'm both crying and laughing, and it doesn't even feel jarring. I don't know how the show does it.

Episode 16 was my favorite because I was the happiest there, but 15 had me emotionally.


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Me too. My cheeks hurt from smiling but my eyes burned from the tears. When the credits rolled I was done, I couldn't even see the screen through my tears.


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Awww.. Poor you....

Did you rewatch it to see things properly? hehe.


Oh yes! Bad ass Crude Play is sexy 5 times. They were so hot all suited up and ready to take on the world. I had to pause and look at each one of them till I was satisfied ?


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Also that 5-way hand on hand and tge rooftop scenes were amazingly touching and handsdown my favourite CR moment. Alongside the stolen peck being my fav Gyulie-SR moment!


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My fav CR moment is next episode.. but ssshh. No spoiler yet.


Isn't the recap early by several days??? Or my memory is failing?


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Yeah it's early..


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It was early by a day.. it usually comes on thursday, my time, but came late wednesday night (or Thiursday morning)


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Was SailorJumun too hyped up she wrote the recap faster? This was a good episode.


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Quite possible ;P
And yes, a very good episode!


faster than festerfaster? kk just teasin'!


@klurker lol I didn't get the joke for several seconds there. :D


Same! I thought I would wake up to 200+ comments lol. But only 80 here. That's still early for me! Yay!!


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Me too! I saw the recap and was like well maybe I'll be in the first 300, lol!


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I think we're lucky because a lot of people from the comments seem to have trouble commenting.

I experience a bit of a lag (maybe 30seconds to 1 minute) for the comment page to load sometimes, but nothing major luckily.


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Yea, that happened to me too. It took me to the error page as well. Thank god my comment didn't get deleted. It was still in the reply box and I could send it again.


I sometimes have that problem too. But that's nothing compared to the lag at times. It gets better if you wait a dozen of hours or a day.


I got here at the 400 mark and typed comments on my phone like a crazy while my boss gave me the side-eye. :3


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The things we do for Kdramas...#notanaddict#


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So many favorite moments this ep:

1. Han Gyul telling Chan Young that he's a good producer for Mush&Co... Because, awwww ^^ Chan Young's smiling so much more now, even at moments like this and I love it! He's slowly gaining more confidence while admitting to past mistakes and that really becomes him.

2. The boys spilling the beans in public. Even if it was predictable, it was really satisfying.

3. Jin Hyuk being told what happened to In Ho. Because, YES, he absolutely should now and learn that his actions has consequences.

4. Han Gyul crying that it was all his fault. I just wanted to give him a squishy hug and tell him that he's so young, he can't be blamed for the original decision. He wasn't even legally an adult yet.

5. Is it just me or wasn't it in this ep, just not in the recap - when Soo Yeon tried to stop Shi Hyun from telling Chan Young about them and he let out that "mmm" lol. That was such a chemistry-laden moment, I honestly care more about their romance than SR+HG at this point in time :P


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I also find Soo-yeon and Shi-hyun's romance more compelling then So-rim and Han-gyul. It's probably purely their chemistry, because while SR+HG are cute together I don't feel their romance as much.


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I love SR+HG's relationship, because they actually use words to communicate lol, but the chemistry was never completely there. SY+SH has killer chemistry though, they just weren't given as much space in the script lol. I kind of want a spin-off with these two, it would be so much fun and like a more adult version than the cutesy, innocent romance in TLAHL hehe :P


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I want a spin off where all the single boys of Crude Play get their girlfriends. It would be interesting too, because in Korea, their relationship would be "forbidden" and forbidden relationship are always crack material.


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I think some of it is the age thing too; So-Rim is so young and innocent that it would have felt squicky to have that level of pent-up chemistry (at least to me, a certified noona).


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I agree. I love their innocent romance. It was more about building a relationship with them, than building attraction.


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Yup from the beginning they were careful to show Han Gyul and being respectful of her and not pushing her.


@kayak but that only makes me want to wish for a sequel more!! So we can see Sorim getting used to skinship and getting all his proper kisses where he doesn't have to hold back. And she'll give back just as good as she gets. Who knows, she might even make him blush for a change.


Haha @hamlukan, how do we know we just haven't seen her be a little more like Shihyun?


@kayak Sorry, I'm interrupting your conversation with hamlukan, but I got confused by your mention of Shihyun in this. Why bring him up again?


@Rika, oh I meant that Shihyun is usually the one initiating contact and being flirty with So Yeon, so I was joking that maybe when no one's looking So Rim acts the same way. (And you're not interrupting. This place is a cuddly free for all, lol).


@kayak Sorim seemed shy even during private moments, which is why I loved how she sometimes puts her head on his shoulder. It's such an intimate gesture.


Oh, definitely! That's a big part of why their romance wasn't that geat chemistry-wise, I think. Even if she's been legally an adult the entire show (as in, 18), she acted very much like a teen in the beginning and wore a school uniform, which could've easily made their romance feel a bit wrong if they weren't careful with the, eh, chemistric moments :P


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Hangyul was always careful when treating her too. And it's clear that she's not ready for more hot and heavy things. She gets giddy just holding hands and doing sweet things. Don't forget, this is her first love and relationship.


I have a hunch that it is the production team's decision to not let Han-gyeol-Sorim's chemistry sizzle too much that it heads to Shihyun-Sooyeon level. There were teeny instances in the show when it seemed to me like Lee Hyun-woo is holding himself back on purpose (we know how hottt he can be when he wants to! ie., phone booth scene and c'mon his kissing scenes in Moorim!). ? Joy has also proven that she can summon her inner fox (though she almost immediately clams up after lol). So ... I think they intentionally did not go there although I wish they sorta did. Lol. ???


@klurker I wonder if Joy being an idol has anything to do with that decision? I don't mind too much, although I would have preferred the alternative. Objectively, it fits their romance and Sorim's character.
I just want Lee Hyun Woo to unleash his all. And Joy to experience it. Oh well, perhaps in another drama.


@chaimaa It must be for all of those reasons *sigh* perhaps in another world, in another drama, we'll finally get to see that. As they always say in TLAHL, meeting 3x is fate. I hope Lee Hyun-woo and Joy meet in dramas again and again, to top off the charts with their sizzling chemistry. Lol :p


Shi Hyun has sexy written on his eyes and smile! I too am more invested in their story.. And I really can't wait to see Sung Joo get a more prominent role in his next project!


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Hehe that's quite true! And yes, would love to see him in a bigger role!


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He's always played Shi Hyun with this mischievous twinkle...even in earlier episodes with HG.


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Yes! He did really well in this role, I definitely look forward to his next drama


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Hi there, where is that picture of Hongki from? An FT music video? You've inspired me to do the same, use Hongki as my profile picture. Hee.


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I think it is from the MV of their song "puppy".. I can't wait to see @kaybee get excited talking about Hongki and supporting your desire to use him as your profile picture!


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Hehe yep, it's from the Puppy mv!

@ys, well then, off you go, find yourself a profile pic kk ^^


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Jeremy Hongki will always be my favorite, though his debut song will always remain the best for me, even if he doesn't like it as much.


@gusdk Tbh I don't remember much from You're Beautiful. It wasn't until FTI came out with their I Will album that I got interested in the group. I love rock he.

Well, he did say not too long ago that Lovesick will always hold a special place in their hearts, because it's what helped bring them where they are today. So even if it's not their music style, they still care for the song it seems :)


Speaking of Hongki, I'm so glad he got a spot on Sukira.


@Sakin Me too! Or technically, it's Hongkira now :P I just wish more eps got subbed. But it's mostly fans of the groups that visit that sub, since FTI fans are more sparse.


Ah, Puppy, that nutty song. Well I added a picture to my profile but it only appears on the profile page. Maybe the site needs a moment to handle the cuteness.


@ys, LOL, cuteness overload :P

I think it just needs to process it, the same thing happened when I put up a profile picture ^^ Have you tried logging out and logging in again? It might fix it.


@ys Try re-uploading the photo... That is what @mary usually suggests when beanies face the profile photo problem.. Or you might just be right and the site takes time to handle the cuteness! :P


Thanks kaybee and obsessedmuch. I did both, logged out and back in and re-uploaded the picture. How do I look?


I see you! Or rather Hongki :b Glad it worked for you!


Somehow, SY and SH's romance does more for me than SR+HG. *guilty look* I don't know, maybe the show stopped focusing on SR/HG's relationship too long ago, because it seems to have taken a bit of a backseat since there aren't any more conflicts between them, just warm squishy scenes of them being super sweet to each other. But for SY and SH, there were just so few scenes that I kept wanting more... and more...

I also love that HG told CY he's a good producer because awww I know CY's always looked up to HG even if he felt that he needed to compete with him, and it was such a sweet moment. Getting praise from a hyung you admire is confidence-boosting too for sure!


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Oh, I didn't see it from that perspective, of getting praise from a hyung you admire. Thank you for pointing that out, it makes that scene even better than it was. I sometimes forget that Chanyoung is younger, he doesn't always act like it.


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Yeah, it suddenly stopped focusing on their relationship and started focusing on the boys' instead, somewhere halfway I think? I don't mind at all, but it does mean that their romance got far less interesting.

Exactly, I loved how proud he was to be praised by his hyung, it was so adorable ^^


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That's ok, they had a good run in the beginning. How their love came to be is still one of the best things in this drama. :)


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Yeah when han gyul hyung said he want to see the m&c that chan young produce, i think its give impact to chan young decisions to be producer again


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I honestly care more about their romance than SR+HG at this point in time

Soo Yeon and Shi Hyun honestly have more chemistry than So Rim and Han Gyul. Puppy love just doesn't do anything for me, while Soo Yeon and Shi Hyun's adult relationship makes me giddy. After the boys' press conference when So Rim gave Han Gyul a comforting smile, I wish we got that comforting smile from Soo Yeon to Shi Hyun, since Shi Hyun as Crude Play's leader was the one who had to tell the room of reporters the truth and probably feels the worst.


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I'd chalk it down to age, but tbh I've never much for the puppy kind of love, not even in my teens. Mature relationships are so much more fun and interesting to watch unfold on screen. Aw, yes, a little gesture like that from SY would've been really nice! But hey, at least we actually got a loveline with them and it wasn't left in the dust!


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I think for me, SR and HG are like the stable, happy, content Mom and Dad couple while SH and SY are the hot teens in the throes of wild passion. :D


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Lol! Give SR a few more years and ... ?


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Erm, erm, I'll be right b


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Oh shit, I got cut off. I was on mobile and the site seemed to be lagging terribly.
Anyway, I became a huge sobbing mess somewhere around the 1-second mark, no really, I was bawling my eyes out. Then I laughed, and then I squeed, and then I clutched my figurative pearls out of fear and anticipation. This drama has been a journey and I might not make it to the finale recap party because I will probably be late due to work. I just want to say how happy I am that every actor played the character they played. Even if SM had wheedled Joy into the role of So-rim, I'm glad that Joy became one with the character and took me on a journey with her. I'm glad Lee Hyun-woo didn't get discouraged by the prospect of being typecast when he decided to play Han-gyul even though he played a musical genius just recently in Moorim School and he gave this character his all. I'm glad Lee Jung-jin, Choi Min-soo, Im Ye-jin, and Park Ji-young didn't mind that they would be acting with a bunch of kids and rookies, but gave their utmost to their roles filling my days with so much pleasure. I'm glad Lee Seo-won, Jang Ki-yong, Shin Je-min, Song Joo, Song Kang, Park Jong-hyeok, Lee Ha-eun, and Hong Seo-young didn't get daunted by all the big names and veterans and fulfilled their roles to the best of their abilities. I'm grateful to the director Kim Jin-min and the writer, whose name I can't seem to find, and everyone involved in the production f this drama. And I'm also grateful to the recappers and all the beanies that made this drama's comment section a haven. THANK YOU VERY KAMSA!!!!


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P.S. Lee Hyun-woo has really beautiful fingers.


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Do you remember any close-ups of his fingers? I didn't notice them unfortunately.

I have a weakness for men with long pianist-like fingers.. are his like that?


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Yes Hyun Woo has nice fingers..juz goole his name and view his pictures.


In the scene when he and his dad were thinking about stuff in the bar, all I could stare at were his fingers.


He's a beautiful boy. I luff him. :3


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me too. This drama made me his fan, i was a fan before too.


Why does your comment sound like a goodbye? I'm crying. there's one more episode!!!

And Han Gyul is so different from his Moorim's school role though. Right?


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He is but I feel like before the drama started, the announcement made it seem like he was playing Shi-woo 2.0


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The initial Hangyul from the early episode was as prickly as Shi woo though.


Hopefully he got to feel like he could do this character justice? I heard Moorim School had episodes reduced right?


@kayak, yeah it did. It made me sad because I was really enjoying that drama but the reduction showed badly with how everything got rushed.


Such a shame, I heard he could give Shi Hyun a run for his money in terms of the kissing department. ^_^


@kayak, that and his chemistry with Seo Hye-ji was no joke.


Yes, the drama got cut from 20 to 16. I didn't watch it yet, would you recommend it for me. I want to see more of Lee Hyun Woo because I will be missing him for sure after this.
I know it had horrible reviews, but I'm fairly tolerant unless the show is very very bad.


@josie63 Objectively, it wasn't a very good drama but subjectively it was one of my favourite drams last year. I would recommend it but you might not like it.


I love moorim school too.. and i dont know why the rating was low and was cut from 20 to 16 ep only.. but still lee hyun woo did a great job in his character.. i like his martial art part, so charm haha


I actually finished moorim school and fast forwarded a lot and only watched Shi Woo and Soon Deok scenes mostly. He acting was good and he was just as beautiful as he is in The Liar and his lover. Only story of the drama felt was kinda of strange in Moorim school.


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Hmmm i'm kinda agree halfway with u @urnaa the story quite strange.. and i admit i do sleep few times while watching moorim school.. mybe becoz lee hyun woo, so i'm loyal till the end.. but still worth watching it with shirtless hyun woo n his martial art skill.. i think i'm crazy ?


Hey, if SM shoved Joy into the role, that had to be some coincidence that Sorim fits Joy to a T. They could have shoved her in another role that fit less. Which is why I don't get how loud the accusations are tbh


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I can't believe that this show is going to end so soon. After everything that had happened, this episode really showed them coming together to face the dreaded moment when they finally speak the truth. All the characters have developed so well that I don't know what I'm going to do when they leave my screen. Jin-Hyuk even realized how much hardship he caused them when he really had no intention. It hinted that he truly cared and did not want to hurt them as much as he did. As for Han Gyul and So Rim, things are going pretty smoothly and I think their relationship is at its peak. From now on, they will always be there to support the other. Also, I love the Shi Hyun and Soo Yeon couple. They have so many years to return the love that they couldn't give during their misunderstanding. Sometimes, I love watching them even more than our lead couple. Hopefully, they will close this show with an even better episode than all their previous ones which was already amazing. For the team: Hwaiting!


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You didn't watch episode 16 yet? Wow, you have more patience than I do. Haha


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I think Jin Hyuk had some plan in the beginning for all for them, but forgot in the process of trying to get by in the present.


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I'm claiming Crude Play the bromance of the year. I love them so much! ?❤

(It's 4am here omo. I will be back for more! ?)


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What about Gyu Sun and Jin Woo!!! Their bromance though.


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Their bromance is on the way there. Hehe. But Gyusun and Jinwoo must be without Sorim! Mush&Co. forever! ?


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What if their future girlfriends and wives get jealous of Sorim though. #doseofreality


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No reason to - SR eyes are fixed only on HG and HG alone. Always has always will.


@madkdr But that wouldn't abate a woman's jealousy. Women can get jealous very easily. Just the fact alone that she's close to them could cause conflicts and insecurity. Especially if they find out Jinwoo used to have a flame for her.


SR is like Mush and Co's mother hen, so I imagine that she will do the same for Gyusun's and JW's future girlfriends. Lol. HG would cook for them, while SR would be cooing over them nonstop. Lol. ? Omo, why do I want to see HG and SR in those roles now? lol


@klurker Rather than a mother hen, I have more an image of her being the nagging tough talking but affectionate friend. Haha. She doesn't seem overly gentle with GS and JW even if she turns into mush with HG.


Im amazed at the amount of comments the drama gets


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Not that many comments yet though. It's just 100 right now, which is normal recap numbers. :)

It's the last week, maybe it won't be as high as usual.


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@josephina, are you challenging the beanies here? they'll do it, lol.


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lol. I think a lot of them are saving for the last episode.
I have a feeling it might explode then, where we can talk about all the spoilers. In this one, everyone is so vague about what happens. It's funny how we're all walking on eggshells trying not to talk.


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I have to remind myself of what happened in which episode. But yeah, we might break the internet with the last recap.


I'll be there for the next recap too. I don't usually comment a lot, but I don't know why, I have this urge to comment as much as possible for this last week. It's as if I wanted to say everything I needed to say before it's over.


Actually i hv forgotten ep 15 after i watched ep 16 hehe.. so to comment for recap 15, i hv to rewatched ep 15


Is it an amazed good? Or amazed because you don't understand it?


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Probably one of my favourite episodes in this drama! I love how 'wholesome' the conflicts are and how we are made to care for every single character!

Also love how badass everyone was in this episode :P


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Also, Shihyun and Sooyeon are so cute together!!!


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To be honest every new episode is my favorite episode. How does the Show do that?!


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My theory is that it's because it builds everything up. So the more you build up, the bigger the outcome?


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Yes! And guess what, my favorite episode is the last episode. Heh ?


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I might have to go back from the beginning and rewatchign everything to decide. It's too hard to choose just one.


I think I liked your wall comment where you said everyone was badass.


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Wow once again, I found this episode moving and also heartbreaking. I can't believe this series is over; this has been an amazing drama with a great cast. I want more episodes!
First, Hangyul really showed much character development this episode. He realized what wrongs he had committed, and at least from now on, he wants to write songs with the whole band in mind. That's a great improvement from who he was before. Second, Sorim was cute (Joy is always cute) and a comforting appearance for many of our broken individuals today so that was great to see. As for Chanyoung, I liked how he stated that he's not over Sorim yet. I don't about what everyone else will think about this, but I think he's being honest. It'll be difficult to just forget about these feelings, and as you can see based on his actions and words, he still likes Sorim. However, he accepted that he won't be able to have her. Also, the fact that he decided to go along with Crude Play showed how loyal and how much he truly cares for his bandmates all along. As for CEO Choi, like past character developments with Chanyoung and Hangyul, he showed us as well. He realized what wrongs he had done, and now he wants Crude Play to be free and make their own decisions. Although he's not a likeable character still, he regained some of that likability in this episode. Overall, once again, a great episode.

On another note, is it just me or does there seem to be quite a bit of adlibs in the drama, especially between our main three leads? I honestly feel like sometimes, it's Joy and Lee Hyunwoo just being themselves, and that quick kiss seemed to be a genuine surprise that wasn't planned as well. There were also past moments between Sorim and Chanyoung that didn't seem part of the script and they just were themselves for a short moment. It was to the point where I thought both of them truly liked Joy; that's how believable it was. Then again, who wouldn't like Joy?


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If I found me a guy that loved me the way So-rim loves Han-gyul, I would break my never getting married pact and hubby that boy in a heartbeat.


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I will rejoice with you when that happens! That means you've found your So-rimmish love! Lol, was that even a proper adjective? I don't care, as long as you're a happier-than-happiest Beanie! ?


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Yes, I think a lot of the fooling around seems to be adlibbed.

Every time the boys of CP, or Mush and Co are together.

Or maybe it's just good acting? I'm not sure.

It seems a bit too playful to be just acting. I can't think of any specific examples though (if other Beanies can help me out here?).


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I'm curious Jason, since you mentioned Joy is cute... are you a Joy fan? Is it why you watched this drama?
I don't know many men who watch this, so I'm curious. And I'm so glad you decided to, because your comments are some of my favorites on here.


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I statted this drama bc of joy. I am a fan haha and like red velvet. But I stayed not only bc of joy but because the drama was addicting and made well. I also liked the other characters like chanyoung and hangyul as well.


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Glad to hear you liked it. Sometimes, men have too much pride to open their mind to this kind of drama, and even if they did, they wouldn't admit to liking it. You've done both, so well done!


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Just letting you know, I'm not that old. Let's just say I'm currently an undergrad student. I think I'm an year or two younger than Joy so it's not crazy that I liked her and enjoyed this drama. I know several guys my age that enjoyed this as much as I did. I mean it was totally worth watching.


Nah... I'm a bit older than you are @jason-chung but I still remember guys your age. They were so full of bravado and pretense, they would die rather than admit they liked anything remotely soft like a romance.


True! @rikafusing (Rika) I always take time to read @jason-chung's thoughts because not only are they detailed (and usually itemized) but they're also raw and honest (pretty much like SR's persona). ?


@klurker I agree. Jason's thoughts are always raw, but also often so well reasoned and supported you can't help but acknowledge his points even if you disagree.


Oh, I agree with you. It's only realistic for CY to continue having feelings for SR, because after all he spends so much time with her, and feelings aren't even something you can switch on and off with a click. What I'm pleased about is that he's accepted that she's happily in a relationship with someone else (and that someone is his good friend), and he's decided to take a step back and just be a good oppa/producer to her. For that, I'm proud of him.

I think a lot of scenes in dramas are ad-libbed, actually. I watched quite a lot of SWDBS behind-the-scenes cuts, and was surprised to find out that most of the hilarious scenes that I'd enjoyed were completely ad-libbed. Same for Goblin as well. I think some of the actors mentioned that majority of the actual acting in a scene is ad-libbed by them and not in the script (maybe the script just has the basic lines and they can add onto it). I see some of them describing other actors as fantastic actors because of their ability to really absorb a scene and ad-lib accordingly. So I wouldn't be surprised if many of the scenes in this show are ad-libbed as well.


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I think ad-libbing also allows the actor to be into the role more realistically, since it requires them to put a bit of themselves into it. It makes it more natural.

I wonder if the scriptwriters would get offended to see their script being played around with like that?


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No, I don't think so! From the BTS, it looks like the directors really like ad-libs because sometimes they can be really good, which is why the final product often includes a lot of ad-lib scenes. I think scriptwriters probably just have a general direction of what they want the character to say, and then it's up to the actor? It would be really interesting to learn more about this!


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In Hollywood, you have to strictly adhere to the script, unless it's written explicitly that adlibbing is required. It has to do with legal matters too. Of course, there are still many adlibs in Hollywood movies, but in general, you tend to follow the script rather strictly. Perhaps in Korea, it's different? Each episode is like a play, and I can't imagine having to write one play each week. It would be too much work. So i assume a large chunk of the script could be just descriptions of what happens.


Ahhhhhh madness!!!! It's early, hehehe! My prayer worked, @sailorjumun got a kiss AND a wall slam that had both me and Shi-hyun very hot and bothered, LOL.

No, seriously though. I don't think it's going to be very long before those two wake up in the same room again. There's a surprising amount of sexual tension there! Now I'm wondering what happened that last time...i guess just drunken banter?

I want to talk about more important things like the press conference that was so scary and so satisfying all at once, but I have a baby niece to babysit (the only thing in my life more adorable than these puppies!). I'll be back!

Thanks for the wonderful recap, as always :)


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Oooh yes! Congrats @sailorjumun for getting the cute kiss and the sexy wall slam! You finally got to see some action while writing the recap :P


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Haha. Your baby niece should know the enormous love you have for her then, that's stiff competition she is beating. :)


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Damn it. Why does it always happen to Liar recaps. I couldn't log in forever one hour T_____T At least there's only not that many comments. I'm guessing a lot of us can't get through.
*off to read*


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My favorite moments:
- When Chan-Young caught on to being the third wheel and tried to leave, Soo-Yeon was stopping him and Shi-Hyun was cheerfully waving goodbye.
- The group Crude Play decision hand grab thing (I teared up).
- The scene with Han-Gyul and In-Woo, where all of their little mannerisms copied each other.
- So-Rim grabbing the two boys together
- Crude Play on the roof.
- And finally, Crude Play fessing up and the press conference. Powerful.


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The hand grab was my favorite too. I liked that it wasn't just putting hands together. But just squeezing each others' hand tight. The feels.


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Yaaas the hand grab!! When they squeezed each other's hands, my heart squeezed too:')


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Who else expected them to do the usual chant. I was waiting for them to all put their hands up and cheer or something. So the hand grab came as a surprise and made it even more touching.


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Before I start... Best header picture ever SailorJumun!!


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Oh, and thank you for the recap!!

where are my manners, really. I just got so excited for finally able to comment.


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Do you think festerfaster will be able to top her tomorrow and come up with a better picture? She has lots of material to work with.


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I don't know about the header, but I think festerfaster will use the last group shot as the last picture. Let's see if I'm proven right or wrong.


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Awww will miss this so much. So sad it ended already!


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So many things I want to say, but first things first: how did Chan Young do that reverse Michael Jackson pose??
Also, I love how all the Crude Play boys are all on the same page now, with no more misunderstandings getting in the way of their friendship. The romance in this show is great, but all the friendships are the ones that really make me feel all warm and happy inside! One last episode, I'm really not ready to say goodbye:'(


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Hahaha... he was real;y fighting against gravity there for sure!


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But in the romance, there is also friendship right?


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The friendships in the romances make them extra aww-inducing ?


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I'm a romantic. I prefer calling friendship in romance "soulmates."


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(Anybody else getting the timeout message? I tried for nearly 40 minutes before this worked???)


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I got them too. And it took 1 minute for my comment to load.


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I asked my brother who is in a different country than I am, and he said he could load the page fine. I'm guessing it's geographical? Because I get the same lag every recap until at least a few hours later.


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Same problem. You just have to try until it gives. Too many people just give up.


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Oh my god. SailorJumun's last line. I legit am crying. I'm really crying badly.

I can't believe these are SailorJumun's last words on this drama. It doesn't feel real, and yet here I am, crying. Thanks for making me look ugly


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How is it episode 15 already? O___O Where will I find the time to start and catch up before it finishes T___T


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Wow, mary!!! You haven't started it yet???? Why?

And find the time somehow, it's going to be worth it!!


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Are you by any chance THE mary?? The one that use to take care of this site? I'm sorry, with the new layout, I don't know if that's your icon or not.


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I'm still trying to take care of it... XD btw, can you try re-uploading your avatar? It used to be bugged but the uploading feature is supposed to be fixed now. :(


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Love your icon. That guy is a hoot. And I'll forever not get over the fact that he got to his butt grabbed and then didn't even get the girl who grabbed it. Justice for the butt!


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Oh, and thank you so much for making this work. Without you, I'm pretty sure @javabeans would have her hands tied and be helpless and everything would be messed up. Haha. You don't get enough credit for holding this together. Without you, no recaps.


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How do you get time to manage all the technical stuff and then watch dramas?????


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Haha. Time passes by way too quickly. Before you know it, YEARS have passed.


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Is that how Jinhyuk and the boys have felt? That years passed by and nothing changed? And I'm guessing decades for CEO Yoo and Inwoo.


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The lag is terrible, I almost gave up reading this and wanted to wait to come here tomorrow. But I pulled through because I wanted to thank you SailorJumun as soon as possible. It's your last recap after all, and I have loved every single one of your recaps.

Thank you so much for writing them with love, we could feel it too, and the love spread around and made this fandom what it is.


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So... I've been briefly browsing through the comments, and why is everyone talking as if this is the last episode? lol
There's still one more!


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Practice makes perfect.


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lol. True. By next recap, we might be so over the mopey goodbyes, all we'll do is throw the party and go crazy instead.


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Yup! Or perhaps it's like how some celebrate big holidays. They start off several weeks early, then drag the celebration on. lol!


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Or long weddings. Please save me from them. Everyone around me loves long weddings. lol.


Almost everybody's already watched ep 16 and is going through withdrawal :)


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I'm still not ready yet to be honest. It doesn't feel real.


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Yes, we are. That's why we're here reading and commenting on the recaps lol. Denying that it's over.


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We better. This is our last chance to be here. Next week, even if we wanted to, there would be no new recap. Sigh.
Better make the most of it before it's over. Just one more.


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Gosh, i dont do withdrawals just go onto other dramas. But I am sad that drama is over. I loved this drama so much and OTP.


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Thanks for the recap. I agree with everything you said. I cannot believe I have come to love every single one of these characters. I don't know if it's the writing or the directing or whatever else and I can't exactly pinpoint why but I have enjoyed every single episode of this gem of a show. Such a shame this wasn't as big in Korea. I also hope that we do get to see all of them again in another drama. I'm going to miss all the characters - sad already.


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It's isn't even big internationally to be honest. Lots of dramas currently airing get more attention than it does. Even My Secret Romance.


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DB is one of the rare places where this drama gets the spotlight. Other places have dismissed it before they even gave the drama a chance. It's so sad.


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It is interesting though, the official OST MV on Youtube for the first song Yeowooya has over 3.5 million views. That can't just be us watching it over and over can it?


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Yesss. This was so good.
Some random thoughts:
•What was with Chan young's pirate blouse? He looked like he ran in from Shakespearean times. I was so relieved when they put him in that maroon sweatshirt.
•I regards to Han Gyul not driving: if you and So Rim weren't already meant to be, CY would have won her over eventually because you'd keep showing up late to parties cause you had to carry cake on a bus.
•Yoon's reaction to the dating news was the best
•HG stating in no uncertain terms that they should play until they are ready was hot...yet adorable. Lee Hyun Woo is too cute.
•I love that SR was wearing a baseball hat and the one being forward and back hugging HG while he was the one wearing the more revealing sweater; so much collarbone there HG!
•I loved the montage of goodbyes to this version of Crude Play as the boys knew it; it fit with the somber mood of the press conference and the black suits, with Shi Hyun decisively lighting the funeral pyre.


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CY might have been late meeting Sorim, but he's early for every other thing. In real life, he could have won, with his car alone.


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I love this comment! His car was so sexy.


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Ha! I love public transportation too but sometimes I was like Han Gyul this guy is driving her around in this red sports car and you're busy taking two transfers and then walking 1/2 a block to get to her.


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Call me shallow, but if the same situation happened to me in real-life, I might really switch boat and fall for Chanyoung and his car instead. :P What can I say, being driven around is good temptation. :P


I'd prefer Han Gyul and his bus. Actually when we were dating, my husband and i walked everyday. Used bus and taxis many years and only got a car when we had 3rd child.


Don't forget the hair. "Protect CY's hair" must be a slogan by now. Lol.


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TLAHL should have been marketed as "Protect CY's hair" maybe the ratings would have been higher then. lol

(and I swear I'm not following you. I just happened to want to reply to a comment and it always happens to be yours. lol)


lol @chaimaa It does happen sometimes, with other Beanies even. I think it means we're up at about the same time right now when the other Beanies are probably snoozing. lol!

Re: CY, I heard his character isn't well received in other forums, too bad. For the life of me, I cannot understand all the hate this great show has been getting from other sites. >.<


@klurker Prejudice. People put this drama in the box of silly badly acted cheesy fluff and never opened their mind to otherwise.


Also, my manners: thank you @sailorjumun!


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I did think the outfits were maybe over the top. They were too-funeral ish. It's not like anyone died, unless it's symbolic?


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Partially they had to show they were really sorry but they also were "killing" off the Crude Play they have been presenting to the public for 5 years.


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They were all so solemn. Like you said. But I loved the little moment between CY and HG when they met each other. Having a shot of the two of them in the suits is worth it, regardless of the reason why they wore it. Ha.


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Usually when scandals break out, celebrities tend to wear dark colors to show that they're repenting...


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Some celebrities are still very fashion conscious when that happens, and it always makes me laugh to see them dressed somber, but fashionably. Others just look like they walked out of bed.


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Hush, CY would never just roll out of bed. He was even wearing a tie.


@kayak who says you can't have ties in bed? *runs away*


Ahahahah @boraflok!


lol you naughties.


Remind me again... what was Yoon's reaction? Sorry, episode 15 seemed liked ages ago...


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I forgot, but I feel like he looked like a winky-face emoji. @hamlukan, I will do the responsible thing and watch the episode again. ? Best homework assignment ever.


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If homework assignments were like this, students would all do it voluntarily.
Watching is like studying. IF studying was fun. Ha.


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I think he projectile spat the seeds of the fruits they were having onto Shi Hyun :P


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Pfft. I wonder how the actors felt about that.


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Not a lot of seeds and I don't think it even reached Shu Hyun, but it was funny nevertheless!


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You know you are at a TLAHL recap when even deleted comments have upvotes :P


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LOL. TLAHL recaps are an upvotes fest. And I love it. I upvote myself. There are too many comments so sometimes it's speedier to upvote, plus the positivity is contagious.


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Hahaha... yes! The positivity is definitely contagious!


I said last week that the last OST would be released, but I was wrong.

This is truly the last.



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A cover of Sung Si Kyung "Road To Me"

I love how soothing and comforting it sounds in Sorim's voice.


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Her lower register is love. I get small goosebumps when she starts.


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Personally, I love her falsetto. When she changes register. It sounds so pure and clear. Like a fresh glass of water.


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And as always, here's the official playlist with all the officially released songs and MVs.


For the last time for real this time.


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Save for Peter Pan of Crude Play. I don't know why they don't have an official video for that song. It's really good.



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You are awesome, @pianoman! I will miss your OST and playlist links! ☺️


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Thank you!


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Thank you for always posting the music on here.

I love all the songs.

Even Shiny Boy, when everyone says it's bad.


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Please, please, please..."both" does NOT take the definite article in English - that usage is an ugly Americanisum. It's as wrong as qualifying "unique" you cannot be a little unique or very unique: unique is unique period.


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But why can't unique be a little or very? Sorry, I don't understand do you mind explaining?


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Oh, and if Americanisum is bad, are English? Or Australian or from New Zealand or Ireland? Sorry, I'm just curious. :D


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I have heard this before and I understand your confusion. People who say this are those who follow the traditional dictionary definition of unique: meaning one of a kind. That is, there is only one, singular, and it's unlike anything else. With this definition, it doesn't make sense to qualify the word 'unique', because something either is unique or it isn't. For example, you've likely gotten a notice from a company before that says here is your "unique ID number".

However, as people who study linguistics know, language evolves. Many people, and updated dictionaries, will acknowledge that the word can be used to mean "special", typically with a positive connotation. Also uniqueness can be defined in many ways. Therefore, I personally think it's fine to use a qualifier depending on which definition/context you're using the word in.


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I totally didn't realise I wrote that much until I saw my comment posted here! Got carried away. Hehe.


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Wow, you're so smart!!!

I don't know if I understand it though, so let see if I don't understand it right:

let's say your ID number is

it's unique

and someone else ID number is

and another's ID is

They're all "unique" numbers, but it makes sense to me to say one resembles the other more, so less "unique"

Or if all ID numbers are 5 digits units, but one ID number is 3 digits unit. They're all individually unique, but the one with just 3 digits is more unique?


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Hmm not exactly. Think of it as two separate definitions of 'unique'.

1. one of a kind; there is only one; singular
2. special, unusual, different

For things like ID numbers, you would use the first definition. It's an absolute. It either is unique or it isn't. It's like how you wouldn't say someone is "a little pregnant." Either you are or you aren't. We're assuming that there are no other IDs like these ones. They are all one of a kind, thus they are unique. The 3 digit ID and the 5 digit IDs are all one of a kind. Given this, the 3 digit one cannot be more unique, because the 5 digit IDs are each just as much one of a kind.

Hope that clarifies it. I would say you would only use qualifiers if you wanted to use unique with the more informal 2nd definition. For example, you might say a dish has "very unique flavors".


@dooleygongshil wow. How do you know all of this?

This is truly impressive. I'm not even sure my English teacher would be as good at explaining as you are.


@hamlukan Hmm...I'm something of a book nerd lol. My favorite class was always English in school. I guess I just picked some stuff up along the way. ;)


@dooleygongshil when there's some people who "pick up things along the way" enough to be a grammar buff, and here I am, can't even pick up proper english or new vocabulary.


I am American, but I happen to agree. I didn't realise this was an Americanism, but thinking about it now it does seem like a very common mistake in American English. I do frequently hear people here say "the both of us".


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Is it wrong to say the "both of us" ? I didn't know. Should we say "the two of us" instead?


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Yes, typically you would say "the two of us" or "both of us". "Both" almost acts as the article in "both of us" so to add "the" in front of it is technically redundant. For example: "She talked to the both of us" vs. "She talked to both of us". But it's very common now to add "the", especially in spoken English. Nbd.


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In English the definite article "the" is never put with both doing so is a fundamental grammar error but it is a common place Americanisum ... one of many instances giving rise to the statement (re English and Americans) two peoples divided by a common language!


Either the internet in my lab is terrible, or the lag is coming from this site. I'm still here early though!! 100 comments.


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Second to the last recap for this drama huhuhu ?

- Hangyeol knows he hurt people through his quest for perfect music. Jinhyuk and even Chanyoung said so in the past episodes but the blow that Inho almost did to save Crude Play was too much that he totally broke down and ceded to his faults. I'm glad he's starting to see through his faults. Taking responsibility is not going to be easy, I hope he pulls through with Sorim and his friends by his side.

- I've mentioned this before already, Hangyeol and Sorim's relationship is admirable. It takes total trust and honesty to be a comfort to another person. I love it when both seek for each other whenever they need comfort. Their hugs on that opening scene. ❤

- Jinhyuk's decision to give up Sole Music N when he realized that he's harming his artists I think was the right decision. Letting Ceo Yoon handle Crude Play business wise, will be great with the right terms I hope.

- Bromance of the year goes to CRUDE PLAY. Every interaction this episode makes my heart burst. I'm so proud of them for coming out of their lie and do whatever that makes them happy. I love them so much. ❤ (I love that night scene at the rooftop! That silent moment speaks so much without dialogues. Just Crude Play together is enough. *clutches heart*)


- That "I'm Okay" piano version before the press conference is so good! What would I have to give to for them release it?! *wails*



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What do you think is the reason Hangyul and Sorim's relationship is so trustful? I mean, I love them together, but I'm trying to pinpoint on what made them trust each other that way, it's not easy for couples to be like that.


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I feel like it's because Han-gyul can truly be himself around So-rim. She's told him countless times that she's on his side no matter what he does, she gives him great advice an example is when she told him (before she found out he was K) that making music that makes other people happy is not something to be afraid of. It is so easy for Han-gyul to take advantage of So-rim's immense affection and dedication to him, I mean the girl never wavered once even when he hurt her feelings, but I feel like Han-gyul also realized that she was being truly genuine with him and didn't just want to use him for his perfect music like everyone else seemed to want to do even Yoona.
Apologies for the run-on sentences.


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It must not be easy to be the one who invests so much more outwardly in a relationship like Sorim does. It's rare to find someone like that in real life. We're all a bit guarded when it's love.

Hangyul made sure to treasure her feelings after messing up in the beginning.


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Yeah, this is so true. I mean she is brave in the first place to admit her feelings for him knowing that he does not feel the same way. Hangyul was definitely taken back by her fearless attitude. He did reject her quite a lot in the beginning but he did fall for how genuine she was with him and she opened his eyes to a lot of things that he did not want to see. She did change him.

But yeah, if I were her and the way Hangul rejected her a lot of time, I would have given up in the first try.


@fathima-anverdeen She was never very pushy about her confessions though. She just stated them as fact, as if that was the most natural thing in the world.

I also think he fell for her because she saw good in him when everybody else didn't.


Also to add to that, she never let him use her. Remember the time he said to her he would not give the song that he wrote for Sorim to Yoona if she sang it, and also if she didn't, he would not see her again. She said no to that out of her loyalty to Chanyoung. Its things like that makes him trust her a lot, but she never wavered no matter how much she liked him and kept on continuously liking him despite his 'ultimatum'. Its like he knows she would never take advantage of him and use him for his genius musical ability.


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@fathima-anverdeen That's because she's very principled. She knows what's good and what's wrong. And she's gentle but firm in her beliefs. She's no pushover.


Totally agree with what you said. Sorim has always been straightforward with Han-Gyul. Especially with her feelings. Also she had shown that she trusted HG - the apology scene where HG said SR could ask him anything and he would answer - and she only asked one question and that was enough for her.


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I've always wondered where her trust was coming from though? Her love of his music?


Good point.

I guess - it's probably her nature? She's a straight talking kind of girl - maybe she expects the same in return. So far, HG has been quite straight with her - except where he lied (oxymoron much!!! ?)

What I mean is - initially he lied about who he was cos he did not want to be taken advantage of - plus he was the mysterious K! Then his other lies were to his mind - to spare her - thus her comment that he never lied to hurt.

Other than that I do think HG had been quite frank with her - my memory is jumbled with all the good feels.

Hmmm - as someone said earlier - got to go re watch and figure it out - best homework ever!


@madkdr I'm definitely going to rewatch this drama. We've learned so much about each character over the course of 16 episodes, I have a feeling I will be able to notice many things I've missed out on the first time. And as you know, it would be a shame to miss out on any kind of details in this drama. They're all precious.


Josie63, about trust, I would say that Sorim gives the benefit of the doubt and chooses the see people in their best light. In that sense, she's very trusting. But she's not gullible and can be quite perceptive. She has a good understanding of people, because she sees the core essential of them, and saw good in Hangyul, a good she loved. And she trusted that good. As for her ability to see good in people, I don't know how to explain it. It makes sense to me that she would have that ability, being good and surrounded by good people herself. That would make her a good "good people detector." Am I talking nonsense here? Ah, meolla.


I really hope someone could answer me. I've been wondering if any of the boys is actually playing their own instrument for recording? I saw their live concert and saw some of them seems like playing but some are not. Not sure though.


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They all learned how to play, and all of them played their instruments live at the concert (which one did you think didn't play live? All their guitars had chords attached)

But I don't think they were the one who played for the official released songs. That was probably session musicians.


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Thank you, i'm really glad if they play for real. It just the opposite of what happen in the drama.

As for the live concert, at some point while performing i'm okay, notices In Ho just holding his drumstick while Gyu Sun is playing. Same goes go Chan Young and Han Gyul, not sure whether they are really playing.


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It's because there are two drums. So Inho played during the part where Crude Play sang, when Sorim came in, it was Gyusun's turn to play (it would be chaotic to play two drums at the same time, unless you're in a marching band).

ChanYoung knows how to play the bass for real, in a behind the scenes video, he said he was learning all the Crude Play songs to play in the scene, and I know Hangyul (Lee hyun woo) knows how to play the guitar and piano and drums. I don't know about the bass though.


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In another BTS video, Gyusun played the drums for Sorim.
And in the Vlive of Crude Play, the boys said they played the instruments all.
And in an interview of the musical director, he also talked about how several actors played.


Thank you all for the answer. I tried but couldnt find any article or video on this. Or perhaps i miss it coz there is no eng sub. Can you share the link? Really wanted to see the boys playing for real



Let me see what I can find. It might take a bit of time.

So far, I found an article about Seo Won and others playing. I know Joy also learn how to play the guitar, and already knows how to play the piano.



Crude Play Vlive (might want to download it and adjust the subs timing yourself)

I'm giving you these links since it looks like Zhangni isn't back here yet. :)


Hyunwoo playing piano at the end of the video


And sorry, I've got to go soon so I can't find more clips for you, but Hyunwoo can play a little guitar (and I guess he learned a bit of bass for the drama), and Yoon was from Lunafly and can play several instruments.


Ok. Found vlives of Song Kang where he played guitar


and fun vlive of hong seo young where she plays the drums horribly for good measure
I know that's not what you asked for, but whatever, I'm on a sharing spree. :P

ok, really gotta go now. :)


@mollyswari Thank you so much. Really appreciate ur effort, thank you guys.

Sad that the drama has ended.


@mollyswari Thanks for all these links! I hadn't caught up with all of these so I am gonna go have fun now! :)


Thanks @mollyswari I went through the link to your forums and browsed through, and there's an additional Lee Seo Won interview you missed.

It's in the Liar's thread instead.

Read the interview, it's nice. The comments in there all hate Chan young though (sad face)


This episode made me feel like a proud mother, everyone's stepping up and taking responsibility and taking care of each other. Chan Young's finally grown up and is looking at the boys with their own value and Jin Hyuk is finally doing right by Crude Play. *tears*


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I think what made me come back to this drama for again and again (aside from all the squee-worthy stuff and the friendships) is the fact that I couldn't really not care about the characters even if I wanted to. Other dramas all have a few characters that I could shrug my shoulders at, say "meh, whatever" and even pretend they don't exist in the drama. TLAHL made sure I cared. Whether to hate them, to dislike them, to be annoyed and frustrated with them or to love them, like them, laugh and cry with them, and simply feel content watching them navigate the troubling times in their lives. I think this is magic right here. I'm not going to lie and say I love every single one on this show. But I'm going to say that I cared (CARE...#notoverstillindenial). I cared about So rim and her relationship with her grandma. I cared about In ho and his mother who lived him. I cared about Han gyul and his awesome dad who somehow always triedto stick with his principles. I could go on about every character and say I cared for them. Even characters like Jin Hyuk and CEO Yoo and Yoo-na could have been the typical "bad" people we are supposed to hate. And hate/dislike we did, but we were always shown that they are real people and that it is possible to like them again the next day.
I don't want to say this show has come o an end. I'm glad that all the Beanies here will still be discussing TLAHL.

This is for TLAHL and the feeling and emotions it gave us. This is also for TLAHL and how it got all the Beanies together. It's okay, guys...

It's ok, I’ll stand here
In the time we spent together

Whenever you want to see me
You’ll be able to see my smile. ~Joy

I'll forever think of this drama and smile. ??


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#notoverstillindenial too.

I think we care because all characters feel real and not cartoonish. And other characters cared for them, as much as they cared for the other characters, even if they made the wrong decision while caring for others.

It's ok, I’ll stand here
In the time we spent together

Whenever you want to see me
You’ll be able to see my smile. ~Joy

I'll forever think of this drama and smile. ??

Quoting this for no other reason that it touched my heart. I will also think of this drama and smile, and it's beautiful how this drama, by making all of us smile, managed to connect us all.


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Aww yea, glad it did. I love this song and I thought it seemed suitable for the current situation we are in. Yes the drama is ending/has ended. But we will always remember it with a smile and positive things to say. Someone of us will probably rewatch it when we are in drama slump haha. But we'll definitely remember how we Beanies got together and shared our thoughts.


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It all feels a bit sad to think this is over, save for one more recap.

I almost want to run away from the recaps for that reason alone. It feels a bit empty.


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I know. I keep wondering how long it will take another drama to grab all the Beanies attention and swarm around the comments lol. Because last time that happened was during Healer...unless I'm mistaken?
It takes a special drama to do that.
*prays for more special dramas*


@ravennightstar Reply 1988, Moonglith, Moon Lovers, W- Two Worlds, Strong Woman all had a lot of comments, if I remember right.


I think i'm gonna miss u guys


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Same. You guys have been awesome. Much too awesome. It's unfair to us to be so awesome and leave. We'll never be able to get over you. And yes, I'm comparing you to a crush/lover.


It's my honor ? @sakin so you choose between ruler or suspicious partner? I didn't start both yet.. mybe we can share our thoughts again in other drama


Oh God! This song has been playing in my head all day. At work, I would randomly catch myself singing this song and smile. It's never going to be over for me.


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I know right! I only know the first few lines and I'm singing it repeatedly hahaha. Such a good song!!


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All the songs from the soundtrack are ear worms. I play them on repeat and don't get sick of them after 2 months of the drama.


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Hahaha. *listening to Crude Play's Peter Pan right now*


HAHA omg I was listening to 'im okay' song right when I read this! <3 <3


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Ah your comment is gold! 15+alpha for you <3


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IRY squad.


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Hi 5! :D


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Who's comment? Lolll


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Hahaha... Yours obviously! Your original comment at no 38! I miss the old numbered comments which made it clear who we were replying to even if it went something like- :D


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I miss that too. I used it a lot to make sure the comment was replying to what I thought it was replying to.


OHHHH. I seriously had no idea lol. Sorry...that's why I replied late. Didn't know which comment you meant. And thank you:D
Yea, those numbers would've helped!
That's why I try to write @name so they know who the comment is for.
Of course, I forget to write it most of the time lol.


@obsessedmuch See, I forgot to write your name in my previous comment. HAHA


@ravennightstar Ofcourse you had to forget the name just when you were talking about it! Hahhaha :D


I gave up commenting on episode 14 after two hours because of the timeout and lag but I knew I had to comment on episode 15 no matter what, because it would be SailorJumun's last recap, and I had to say goodbye. It took two hours, but I'm still here and I made it!

Thank you SailorJumun so much. You have been wonderful, and we wouldn't have been able to love this drama as much as we do without your words to lead on all the interesting discussions on the characters.

People hated Chanyoung. Some people loved him.
People hated on Sorim and others defended her.
And people used to get so irritated with Hangyul.
And Jin Hyuk. And Yoona.

And people changed their minds (unless I'm wrong and they didn't?) over the course of the drama, thanks a lot due to the recaps, and all the commenters who shared their differing point of views, and came to listen to each other.


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I want to save my last words for the last recap, but tell me I'm not the only one who cried when all the boys were in their room looking at their memorabilia?

That was the most touching moment to me, more so than the press conference, or any other moment in the episode.

Are other people like that too?


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I rarely cry in dramas so no tears, BUT I'll say it was a really emotionally charged scene for me too. I felt like they were looking at the memorabilia, knowing that there might be no future for Crude Play (depending on the response they got from admitting the truth), and I think they'd mixed feelings about this whole thing.

They must have been happy to a certain extent over these 5 years of being together, and yet they were guilty and ashamed of their lies as well, and finally they were going to be free from all that guilt. It must have been an overwhelming moment for them. It was for me too.


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Perfectly described.

Do you not cry in dramas at all? Has there been any dramas where you cried? What is the usual treshold for you?

I wouldn't say I cry easily, but when I cry, I can bawl out sometimes.


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It's odd because I normally cry very, very easily (used to be a complete crybaby when I was younger, how embarrassing, hah!) but not when I watch dramas! I don't usually "cry", but there are scenes where I get some tears in my eyes. No straight out crying though, if that makes sense. I think scenes involving parents somehow have the tendency to make me tear up more, or those scenes with close friends passing away (usually in sageuk?).

I did tear up though in IH's scenes last episode. He showed his desperation really well.


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I'm the same!! I cry in scenes with parents or friends. They're the easiest to relate to.

And with parents, I cry both when it relates to a parents' love and sacrifice, as well as in scenes where it involves the child's view. For example, in Reply 1988, I cried when Deoksun talked about unfair treatment with her father and that she wanted attention too. Anyone with siblings can relate to that feeling. It's petty but real.

I have another category that makes me cry, which is unfulfilled or uncertain love. When you love someone so much, but don't know if that love will ever be returned back.

Another example is finality. For example, "adieus" in dramas.

Nevermind, I guess I cry more than you do.


i like crying when watching dramas. Coz it is a easy to way relieve stress.


I sob and heave when I watch dramas. In life, I'm the opposite. Barely ever shed a tears. We're opposites!


Dramas I really enjoyed watching are slice of Life type of dramas. I cried in Misaeng, cried in Answer Me 1997 and 1988. I cried in dramas about old friends (Dear My Friends) and young friends (Age of Youth). So, this should not be surprised I cried in this drama. It happened in Episode 14. It was about the unrequited love of Jin Woo. That was heartbreaking for me.

So, yeah I cried a lot. But because the drama made me care about the characters. I was invested with their journey. TLAHL is one of those dramas. This is a gem.


I want to join this crying party too! :P

I cry more easily while watching shows than in real life.. I think it is mostly because I do not cry easily in real life that I cry at the drop of a hot in shows. I achieve catharsis quite easily. Some of the shows for which i have bawled my eyes out- TLAHL, I Remember You, Answer Me 1988, 1997, My love from the stars,and I hear your voice... I am sure there are many more, but these were the most memorable ones..


@drawde2000 We share the same taste for many dramas. I saw your list. The only one I strongly disagree with is Police Unit 38, but hey, nobody can agree on everything.

I cried the most for Jin Woo too. And this is a gem. I almost feel sorry for people who can't see its worth, because I want to share those feelings it gave me to everybody. But I have to accept not everyone will feel the same.


@obsessedmuch Crying Party. Hahahaha. Since when is crying a party. :P

I cry more easily in the dramas too. In life, I put an emotional shield to hurt less, but I don't do so for dramas. Sometimes, there are emotional scenes though, that leave me cold, and I question my sense of empathy. I just don't like feeling emotionally manipulated. But when a drama makes it organic, like the ones you listed or this one, it works.


@sakinban You can encounter such crying parties only on DB :P

And yes, organic emotions are really important to eek out sympathy from me!

It can all depend on the actor too.. He/she can make a totally emotionally charged scene lackluster by a lack of skills or could make a sub-par scene shine with emotions (I keep the last category mainly for Seo In Guk- not to say that he is given any bad material to begin with, but he just KNOWS how to emote to hit right in the feels)


To me, it's not just about how organic it is, but also in situations where you feel like the tears are coming out either subconsciously, or it's something that cant be helped. Some pain that comes deep from within and swells up and overwhelms the character. Those scenes gets me most.


I cry when han gyul cry.. even i cry when jin hyuk didn't cry.. i think i must like cry a lot when watch drama.. northen limit line, secretly greatly, DOTS, goblin, w-two world, moon lovers..


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Secretly greatly was worth crying. I mean... what kind of ending was that. I'm still traumatized.


Yeah me too.. the ending really tragic


That awkward moment when I didn't know episode 15 recap is here.
I love this drama, like I actually very much love this drama. It made me cry, ? laugh, blush and go awwww. I love all the characters and I don't know how to get over them.
I have re-watch it more than 5times and even make my friends that doesn't watch Korean dramas to watch and they ? it.
I can't thank the writer enough and to the recappers, a very big thank you. I have been watching k-dramas for the past 3 years and I have never for once commented on any even though I love some to pieces ,so I don't know what this drama did right to make me delurk and I don't wanna know.
A big thank you to all commented, I totally enjoyed reading your comments from beginning to the end, thank you, thank you.


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Tell me your secret. How did you manage to make your friends watch kdramas. I want to do that too, but I don't know how to lure them in. I would appreciate some hints from people who have experience.


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I cant do it either


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This drama made you care and happy, that's what happened. :)


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Gotta say my favourite scene from this episode has got to be the scene with all the boys putting their hands in promising to stick with one another. Legit made me got all smiley like a goofy child >///<


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I gripped at my heart rather than made me smile :(

Although when Chanyoung just put all his body flat on the table and put his hand on the pile, that made me smile. He just looked adorable, like a child for once.


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I know... The situation that they were all thrown in made them have to grow up so fast so it is nice to see them act like teenagers (like the scene of them hiding from In Ho when he got back from the hospital that was suber duber cute >////<)


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I love all their scenes in the hospital together. I grew up with not a lot of friends like that so watching this is like living vicariously.


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When Chan Young was about to put his hand on top of theirs and In Ho asked him to reconsider because they didn't want to drag him down with them, I screamed, "Noooo! Just as you all were getting close, don't make Chan Young feel like an outsider again!" Thankfully, Chan Young didn't retreat back into his shell and insisted on joining them, career be damned. They can't do it without their maknae.


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If I was Inho, I would also tell him to consider though. Not because I consider him an outsider, but because I wanted to protect him. Just like with the bass for Real Crude Play. Hopefully, that's also the message Chanyoung took from that.


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Exactly, and honestly I think that is the message he got from that tbh


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He smiled in reaction, so I think you're right. But he's so complex I have a hard time figuring out what his thoughts are. No wonder his hyungs are all afraid of himi a bit.


I know I died a little on the inside. All I could think was "oh no it's gonna happen again..." But I guess it shows how much Chan Young understands the others now. He knew that In Ho was meaning it with love and rather than pushing him away they want to push him upwards.


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I wished the drama was longer so that I could get more CY with the CP boys. He just warmed up to them and now the drama is over :(


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I know! their relationship with one another was beyond adorable and shall be very much missed


Gosh this recap is early!!

Need to rush for work, so I'll just say-

Episode 15 was hands down my favourite episode! The feels all culminated to this point and exploded when the Crude Play boys decided what they needed to do, and did it, regardless of the consequences. Feel like a momma bear and am so proud of them. ❤️

Till later! ??‍♀️


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Comment was deleted


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Come back with your comments! I will be waiting for it.


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Work is mad! Finally had a chance to read sailorJumun's awesome recap. Let's do the cheer one last time next recap ok?? ❤️

This episode was hands down my favourite because it was the epitome of the journey of growth for all our characters.

Han Gyul's worry that his passion for music was taking over his life at the expense of his and other's happiness. Remember that heartbreaking scene where he believed his songs (and him) only brought pain to others? ? and that is only self worth is linked to the songs he can write.

Chan Yeong's insecurity that he was always second best, an outsider looking in but never belonging, a replacement and stand-in. That his skills as a producer would always be compared to Han Gyul and come up short. ?

Jin Hyun's confusion and denial that he had lost his direction and purpose as CEO. Business over music? Over happiness? Money and success over all else? ?

Crude Play members In Ho, Shi Hyun and Lee Yoon always worrying that their deepest darkest secret would be revealed, that they would be seen as frauds, that their passion and love for music would be overshadowed by their initial greed for success and moment of folly. That they are more than just the faces of Crude Play and nothing else. ?

In-woo for not being there as a dad, for disappointing Han Gyul both as a father, and a musician. For not being a success and role model in the eyes of his son. For his son not understanding the decisions he made in his life ?


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Haha. I'm sorry, I can't even read your comment because I'm too busy being happy admiring all the pretty hearts.


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LOL. when emoticons distract more than help. haha.


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Why do you always write such perfect comments. There's nothing more to add. Did you ever think of a career as an analyst? lol.


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Lol. Awww thanks @sakinban! ❤️
Honestly there are only a few dramas (non medical) I've been able to say a lot about- Moonlight Drawn by Clouds and Liar. Both are filled with ? and lots of ❤️! ?


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why medical dramas in particular? are you interested in them more? or do they have more materials to analyze?


Nvm. I just clicked on your blog link so now I know. Busy busy life.


Oh and if you want to hear me ramble more, I actually have a blog I (very) sporadically update. But sadly there isn't much gushing in it for Liar because I saved all my squees for the recaps here so I could have lots of people to spazz with ?

You can check it out if you wish, (sorry for the shameless self promotion!) and say hi! I'm still very worried I miss out on replies here unless they are on my fan wall because I can't always recheck the pages as often as I'd like, cuz well, real life. Heh.



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There's nothing shameful about self-promotion. :)

I'll give recommendations once the TLAHL party is over.


All these heartbreaks got their ending this episode-

Han Gyul finally has found self worth and balance in his life, new found respect for his dad, and insight as to how to be a better producer for his band. Healed friendships, with determination to make right his wrongs and peace with himself and his past mistakes. ❤️❤️❤️

Chan Yeong finally belongs! He realizes his value and talent as a producer, his strengths, he has finally overcome the huge chip on the shoulder. And his wistful acceptance of So Rim and Han Gyul's relationship almost brought tears to my eyes. Don't worry puppy! Lots of noonas here want to hug you! ❤️❤️❤️

Jin Hyuk has crawled his way up from the bottom and it takes courage and strength to admit ones mistakes and be a man and take responsibility to do the right thing. He's not my favourite guy, but he has gained my respect. ❤️

Crude Play Puppies finally can start afresh, truly as one band. They could all get the load off their shoulders and believe in themselves as musicians again and even though they had to bow low, they can hold their heads up high from now on. It's ok Puppies! We all love you and and so proud of you for doing the right thing! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ also, that scene when they surprised In Ho after coming back from his injury- cutest thing ever!

In Woo finally got to be a dad, and Han Gyul finally can empathize with him better about his past decisions. The father-son heart to heart talks ❤️❤️❤️

Essentially the whole episode was one big bundle of the best types of feels possible and hands down and up and sideways my favourite episode. It really felt great to see all the characters blossom and become better people, the type of people we knew deep down they could always be. It was to me, the nearest perfect penultimate episode ❤️❤️❤️


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Love your conclusion and exactly how i feel.


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✋️High five Chingu!


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Your entire comment is just 100% pure awesomeness. How you do it every episode makes me mad jealous.
It's so awesome, I just want to repeat it. Let me see if I can put it in concise form.

HG: self worth, balance, new found respect dad, CP producer insight ++, healed friendships, responsibility + peace

CY: belonging, producer value, CY rooftop wistful acceptance *cries*

JH: admit mistakes + responsiblity => courage and strength = respect

CP: fresh start, one band, unburden load, self-worth musicians, bow low w/ head held high, PUPPIES.

IW: dad, son understands him, father son talk +++++

Episode: People's potential good finally realized.


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Oh this was my favourite episode too! And your comment is love! <3 (not commenting from my phone so I don't have the pretty hearts)


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Yay for like minded Beanies!

@obsessedmuch you are everywhere! I'm so jealous and also in awe of how you manage to be so much on DB, I don't think you ever miss a reply! Plus you gotta share your leveling up secret- I've been a Noble Idiot for too long, I need to escape my fate! Lol. Though I think that's my own fault for not being around DB and the fanwalls enough. Haha.


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Hahaha.. I am addicted to DB.. but you will see less of me after the ep 16 recap! I usually keep checking my comments in case i get a reply so that might be the reason why...

I don't know how I keep levelling up, but I think I had an early start as I was active since day 1 of this new site, so I usually cross levels earlier than other beanies... Most of it might just be because of TLAHL recaps though- too many upvotes could be the key.. Oh and I have had long conversations on my wall... So that might be a factor too!
P.S. I love your comments! :)


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And here I am.. just happy to be a Water Maid. lol.

About 99 % of my leveling up is due to TLAHL recaps alone. I've been obsessed with the drama for the past few weeks.


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The levels get successively stranger! my favourite really was Candy! :P



I see your reply!! XD

we all want to be a Candy and get the chaebol of our dreams! LOL. Though actually for me my goals are to be a eunuch in drag.... Like Ra On in Moonlight and get my Prince Yeong. hehehe


Amazing comments!


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That flashback with Jinhyuk and Chanyoung. That was before Chanyoung was called in to be Hangyul's replacement right?

That was just Jinhyuk asking Chanyoung to play the bass for the record track right?

It was a bit confusing because it cut straight Chanyoung making an unhappy face playing with the boys.


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Yes, that flashback was Jin Hyuk recruiting session musicians for Crude Play's debut track. Chan Young was just as happy here as he was in the flashback in Episode 1 when he eagerly said to Han Gyul, "If you tell me what you want, I'll do it."

It was bad editing to cut straight to Chan Young's "unhappy face," but the main takeaway was supposed to be Jin Hyuk falsely promising the boys would get to play live in the future.


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Those flashback proved what I thought from the beginning. That Chanyoung started with a pure heart and love for the music, and somehow got roped into an unpleasant situation he never asked for (with his bandmates being fake players, and ostracizing him to boot).
It's why I always understood his attitude, even when people hated him in the comments.

What I took away from Chan Young unhappy face was to show the contrast between what Chan Young truly wanted to do, and what he ended up doing because of Jin Hyuk. He wanted to play good music with his bass. Because of Jinhyuk, he became a stand-in in a pretend band instead. And that trauma stuck with him all his years. It's why he couldn't get rid of the thought of himself as a stand-in.


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Ill be sad to see this little gem go! I came into it expecting romantic fluff, but I'm so glad it was more than that... This show really made use of all of its characters and despite its flaws I can't applaud it enough for wanting to tell a whole story. I'll be checking out this writer again!


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A lot of us expected romantic fluff. The other stuff came out of nowhere and took us all by surprise I think. Tell me if I'm wrong.


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I almost missed out on this recap and skip checking back. I could swear the notice below was for Whisper and not Liar. I probably confused it with last week.


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I swear the bottom next recap notice was whisper but I must have been confused. My mistake almost made me miss the recap, and I wouldn't for the world.


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Oh, so sorry for the similar comments.

When I typed in the first one, the round circle just kept circling around and loading and wouldn't update, so I thought the comment work and opened another tab to type a new comment. So sorry.


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I swear I waited for at least minutes before writing a new comment. Should I wait for the loading to go through for more time? Anyone can tell me? I don't want to make the same mistake again.


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I don't know. Sometimes, for Liar recaps, just wait for it to load slowly and the page will update itself. Don't refresh before that even if it takes minutes.
Once, I was patient and did an SMTown Superstar song and by the end of it, the comment got through :)


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The waiting time for lost comments is unpredictable.. I once waited for one hour to see my comment appear magically! :P


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I don't think she's just talking about lost comments though. It's also about the loading time. It happened to me before too. This page and comments takes minutes to load. And only my extreme love for the drama would make me go through it. Usually, I'm the first one to complain when my internet doesn't function at the ultimate speed. I can't even imagine the internet dial-up DSL days feel so far ago.


Wah... This is early. I'm so glad I decided on less sleep or I would have been late to the party. I'm cackling because a couple of my friends on social media are sleeping right now. And they're so going to regret missing the recap release. Hahaha. You know who you are ;)


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Yes! Han-gyul promised to make music that will fit with each band members' style playing their instrument.
This rom-com is such a feel good drama for me. It's not just having the lead stars' romance but also how each of the characters in Crude Play and Mush&Co jive with each other. I hope the show goes on till we see Mush&Co playing on their own concert and Crude Play getting back their feet.


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I wish for that too.

I want to see a sequel where Jin Hyuk struggles to set up. And we can see Crude Play aftermath with the scandal, how they dealt with it. And maybe explore more Crude Play and Mush and Co interactions. And a story about Inwwo and CEO Yoo.


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I feel like describing this drama as a feel-good rom-com might do injustice to its depth. I don't mean to dismiss rom-coms, I just feel like this drama has gone beyond that.


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With all the emotional ups and downs, it was great to see everyone communicating with each other. Not that it was ever a real problem with this show. All the bonds were re-inforced in this episode: Crude Play, Crude Play and Jin-hyuk, Han-gyul and Chan-young, Mush & Co. and Chan-young, In-woo and Han-gyul, Jin-hyuk and Yoo-na, and so on. It's just so lovely to watch.

Crude Play together as five ♥♥♥♥♥ Even though their future appears kind of bleak... but still, I had to cheer when the truth was finally revealed! And then wait with bated breath for the aftermath, because of course the episode had to end there and CEO Yoo is definitely not going to take this lightly.

So-rim's reaction was so freaking adorable when Han-gyul swooped in for the surprise peck. I had to pause and silently scream at myself, then replay the scene (and repeat). Same with when Soo-yeon tried to get Shi-hyun to back down and he had that content smirk on his face. And (to a smaller extent) when the boys were hiding when In-ho returned to the company. They hid really well! I totally didn't notice them the first time around.

So-rim's constant vocal support for Han-gyul still brings tears to my eyes. Such a beautiful relationship ♥♥♥

We haven't seen much of Yoo-na as Crude Play took the forefront, but at least she's calling people out.

Ahhh, it's almost over q___q Thank you so much for recapping this lovely show, SailorJumun! And thanks to everyone else for their comments of insight and excitement! One more TLAHL party to go!!!


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Seeing you list all the bonds makes it even more amazing that the drama managed to squeeze in so many interactions in one episode. Heck, some other dramas can't even get on relationship right.

Someone should make a chart of all the relationship in this drama and write a caption for each. It's so complicated. lol.


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@zhangni it would probably look like one of those maps that airlines print to show you where they fly


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Aha. Not only that, each of those lines would have a legend box big enough to contain entire essays. Even the less exposed relationship between Yoona and Jinhyuk provides enough material to write essays on it.


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I was squeeing at all the leaning and fake out these two were doing!! I mean just lean in already!!!!!

But all the touchy handsy reaching out to hold each other moments and the tucking hair behind ear thing was worthy of replay!!!


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Their chemistry is incredible. Like you said, they were so handsy, it felt as if they were physically magnetized to each other, unable to be apart.


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Some people said they didnt have chemisty. i am like WHUT? They have amazing cute and lovable chemistry, which can instantly turn to hot chemistry if they wanted. Just Joy is being extra careful with her image and havent given proper kiss scene.


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I saw lots of comments about how they lack chemistry too. Not all chemistry needs to be hot. I thought they had hearts in their eyes.


Oh my gosh, yes, I almost forgot about Han-gyul tucking in So-rim's hair!!! Granted, it was right before the even more squeeful (is that a word? it's a word now!) surprise peck but I was definitely squeeing about that. Really, at this point the squee factor is dialed all the way up in all So-rim and Han-gyul scenes.


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Definitely boyfriend act. Felt so naturally.


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I bet squeeful is going to land in the oxford dictionary one day. You're ahead of the times. :)


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