The Liar and His Lover: Episode 14

When this show breaks your heart, you can be sure that it’ll heal it again with hugs and kisses. After the most conflicted characters in the story hit rock bottom, there was nowhere to go but up. However, the journey is both painful and poignant. While Chan-young and Jin-hyuk deal with the fallout of their actions, Han-gyul finds out exactly how badly his years of passive compliance have hurt his friends. So-rim reaches her own point of realization as the music she loves threatens to separate her from her friends. Ultimately though, both bands have ties of friendship than run deeper than any amount of anger or resentment, and that’s exactly why we love them.


Han-gyul rushes to the hospital and finds that In-ho is in surgery. Shi-hyun tells him that while In-ho’s injuries weren’t life-threatening, he fractured his arm. Later, the doctor tells them that In-ho won’t be able to play drums for the next six months.

When In-ho regains consciousness, he sees the whole band in his room watching him with concern. The boys and Jin-hyuk sit in the waiting area and wonder how the accident happened. The band’s manager apologizes for not taking better care of In-ho, though he knew he was operating on very little sleep.

Yoon feels guilty for letting In-ho drive back alone last night, saying that he had been uncharacteristically stubborn about it. Chan-young points out that they should just be grateful that In-ho is still with them.

As the news breaks on TV the next morning, Soo-yeon calls up Shi-hyun to ask about In-ho. Mush & Co. listen over her shoulder, asking if they can come visit. Shi-hyun tells them not to, since reporters were hovering in the lobby. Gyu-sun feels awful that a video leaked from his phone caused all this trouble.

When the police come to take In-ho’s statement about the accident, he says that he must have dozed off for a moment due to lack of sleep. This matches the evidence already gathered by the police, and since In-ho didn’t injure anyone, they reassure Jin-hyuk that no charges will be pressed.

CEO Yoo calls up Jin-hyuk and asks if In-ho had been driving drunk. She’s astonished to hear that In-ho had been suffering from stress-induced insomnia for the past week and tells Jin-hyuk to cancel the press conference and bring the boys to her office.

Once off the phone, she thinks over the matter and immediately makes a call to a reporter she knows. She spins a tale of malicious rumors hurting the pride of musicians and causing them so much stress that they lost sleep for days.

At her office, CEO Yoo tells Jin-hyuk to release a statement after In-ho feels better and says with relief that the incident takes the focus off their scandal. To the boys, she says that they no longer have to explain themselves, and they look at her with bewilderment. When everyone gets up to leave, CEO Yoo asks Crude Play’s manager to stay behind. What is she cooking up now?

Han-gyul finds In-ho’s mother outside his hospital room and coaxes her into having lunch with him. Over food, she admits that she hadn’t called In-ho often so that he wouldn’t sense her concern, but now she regrets that she hadn’t asked to see him. Han-gyul is taken aback at this, since In-ho had told him that his mother had wanted to see him the night before.

Mush & Co. sit listlessly in the practice room, wondering what will happen next for them. With Chan-young gone and no one talking to them, they feel powerless over their own futures. So-rim tells her friends to focus on practice for now.

As Shi-hyun, Yoon, and Chan-young head out to the hospital, they see Mush & Co. practicing, and Shi-hyun suggests they stop by to update them on In-ho. Chan-young makes up an excuse to avoid going in with them.

At the hospital, all the Crude Play boys gather around In-ho’s bed, refusing to leave his side. They tell In-ho that the press conference was canceled and that they won’t have to perform live anymore. When they turn on the news, a reporter talks about the band, adding that In-ho’s insomnia was caused by the scandal.

The report includes an interview with their band’s manager, who confirms that In-ho hadn’t been sleeping for days. Yoon wonders when he had time to give that interview, surprised at this turn of events. But In-ho just looks calmly at the TV and says that maybe this will make the public more sympathetic to them. Everyone looks at him in surprise, while Han-gyul watches In-ho with a blank face.

Just like In-ho said, the public turns favorable, and the next batch of articles written about the band are a lot less critical. CEO Yoo shows these to Jin-hyuk and says that this isn’t the first time she’s cleaned up after him. She announces that she’ll be personally speaking to all the artists he manages at Sole Music. At his protestation, she asks if he wants to stay in his position after everything that has happened.

Walking out of her office building, Jin-hyuk thinks back to every hurtful word he’s said to Crude Play. He remembers how he cut them down when they tried to talk to him about playing their own music, and then thinks of In-ho saying that he couldn’t sleep for a week. He rests against a pillar, emotions welling up inside him.

CEO Yoo arrives at Sole Music to talk to Mush & Co. She listens to them perform “Shiny Boy,” then asks for another song. Soo-yeon says that they haven’t been able to practice “Waiting For You” enough, so CEO Yoo asks the boys to come out, and for So-rim to sing.

At that moment, So-rim realizes that she’s at a crossroads. CEO Yoo’s own words ring in her ears: “You’ll have to make a choice.” So, she insists that the boys be allowed to play, even though they’re imperfect. Giving her friends an encouraging nod, she sings Han-gyul’s song.

CEO Yoo compliments them on the song and smilingly tells So-rim that they’ll be talking soon. On her way out, she asks to speak to Soo-yeon. Sitting on the roof together, Jin-woo observes that CEO Yoo had been angry at them. So-rim tries to reassure them, but Gyu-sun interrupts that she was annoyed by their playing.

Soo-yeon comes out with their phones and tells them that they only have to live together for another week. They look at each other with concern and ask why. Soo-yeon just says that it’s CEO Yoo’s orders, but she’s clearly uncomfortable with this development.

Han-gyul visits In-ho at the hospital, and finding him alone, he offers to peel some fruit for him. They joke around, until In-ho says that so long as his hand stays out of commission, they won’t have to perform to prove themselves. He tries to laugh it away at Han-gyul’s serious expression, but Han-gyul asks him not to make light of this again.

He also asks In-ho about his plans to visit his mother on the night of the accident. In-ho laughs that he must have been really tired, since he can’t remember what he told Han-gyul. Han-gyul doesn’t look like he believes him, but his dad arrives just then to lighten their mood.

Later, as In-woo and Han-gyul walk down the hallway, he asks Han-gyul if he’s all right. He’s talking about the proxy musician scandal, and Han-gyul asks how he could be all right when he had been using his friends to get his music out, just like his dad had once told him. In-woo tries to say that he hadn’t meant his words as a criticism, but Han-gyul asks him not to say anything more for now, since he has a lot on his mind.

At the end of their break, when Mush & Co. heads back in to practice, So-rim excuses herself to make a call. Jin-woo follows her to listen in, while Han-gyul stands on the hospital’s roof and thinks about the puzzle pieces around In-ho that were creating a disturbing picture in his head. When So-rim calls, he tells her the truth — that he suspects In-ho of having orchestrated the accident.

At her confusion, Han-gyul starts to apologize for talking nonsense, but So-rim stops him and says that he can tell her anything. “Even if I can’t give you answers, I can be by your side,” she tells him, promising to be with him no matter what. Jin-woo hears this with a grave face, then turns and leaves.

When So-rim gets to the practice room, Jin-woo asks who she called. At her hesitation, he berates her for keeping secrets. When she asks if she doesn’t have secrets of his own, he looks at her and says that he keeps a secret so that they can stay friends, while she keeps a secret for someone else’s sake.

Jin-woo’s frustrations coalesce as he yells that he started to play the guitar for her, but now, no one wants to hear him play, and she’s drifting away from him. He storms out of the room just as Soo-yeon arrives, and So-rim can only watch, unable to follow him.

Back at their dorm that night, So-rim asks Gyu-sun what was going on with Jin-woo. Gyu-sun doesn’t want to tell her, so he just says that she’s being very thick. Jin-woo ignores her as he leaves the house to take a walk, but thinking of his agonized outburst from the morning, So-rim follows.

Hearing her call out, Jin-woo starts running, but her voice reminds him of the first time they met. It was at their school’s playground. So-rim and Gyu-sun had come up to him to ask him to play with them. (Omo! Little Gyu-sun is a tiny replica of older Gyu-sun!) He had been reluctant, but So-rim had smiled and called out his name.

In the present, as So-rim calls him again, Jin-woo slows down and turns to face her. While present-day So-rim looks up at him with remorse, Jin-woo thinks of the laughing younger So-rim who had coaxed him into playing with them.

So-rim asks if he’s very angry with her and admits that he’s right. She kept her relationship with Han-gyul a secret because she was afraid she wouldn’t be able to see him otherwise. She pleads with him to understand, because she really likes Han-gyul.

With his eyes fixed on her face, Jin-woo asks what’s so great about him, and So-rim just says that being with him makes her happy and makes her smile. He nods and says that he forgives her then. Memories of So-rim laughing as she sped down the road on her cycle flood him, and he says: “Because, I… I like your smiling face.” (Oof. Right in the heart!)

Grinning at her relief, he tells her not to make that ugly face, since he’s only friends with her because of her smile. She lightly punches his chest, and he laughs. Gyu-sun watches them from afar, shaking his head at the sudden maturity in his friend.

Jin-woo walks So-rim back to their dorm, then tells her that he’ll be back after buying some milk. Out of her sight, Jin-woo wipes away his tears. Gyu-sun catches up with him and compliments his friend on being awesome. Jin-woo just cries about how much he likes So-rim though, and the two friends end up sitting at a park.

Jin-woo declares that now that he’s a man, he’ll become unemotional. Gyu-sun says that there are other women in the world besides Se-jung and So-rim, but Jin-woo cries out, “Not for me,” which embarrasses Gyu-sun. Hahaha. He turns to Gyu-sun and says that he’s the only friend he has in the world. Gyu-sun sniffs that it’s the same for him, and the boys hug it out. (Is it just me, or did they almost kiss? Hee.)

When they get back to the dorm, the boys refuse to talk to So-rim and shut her out of their room. Pfft.

CEO Yoo meets Shi-hyun and talks to him about holding a press conference, so reporters can see In-ho’s injury for themselves. He asks why they’re talking in the absence of Jin-hyuk, and CEO Yoo tells him that Jin-hyuk will be stepping away—she’ll be handling Crude Play from now on.

He gets back to Sole Music in a thoughtful mood and collapses on a beanbag. When Soo-yeon comes in, he tells her that he might have a fever. As she checks his temperature against hers with concern, he laughs at her for being gullible. Soo-yeon about his teasing, and he confesses that he’s just furious.

When she asks if he’s all right, Shi-hyun says that the leader of Crude Play has to be all right. Soo-yeon points out that she didn’t ask the leader of Crude Play, and Shi-hyun smiles sweetly at her. Then his brows furrow as he remembers a similar moment in their past. He says that they were preparing for a festival together, and when he was lying down, Soo-yeon had come up and asked if he was all right.

Soo-yeon remembers that day too. Shi-hyun had been lying on a table with his eyes closed when Soo-yeon came into the room. She had touched his forehead, smiled, and slipped a note into his jacket pocket. She looks at him now with hurt in her eyes.

As he begins to speak, she gets up to leave. He catches her arm and tells her with frustration that she’s confusing him. “Sometimes you look so pretty, and sometimes you just look cold. I don’t know what I can do to make you love me!”

Soo-yeon looks at him in surprise, but he says that she was like this in high school too. “I thought you liked me, but then you turned so cold that I couldn’t even talk to you.” Soo-yeon is completely taken aback. She argues that he was the one to reject her feelings by throwing her letter in a trash can.

Shi-hyun clearly doesn’t know anything about a letter, and when she says that she’d put it in his jacket, he says that he’d lost it on the day of the festival. (Is that the proposal meant for Shi-hyun that Yoon received? Did Yoon take Shi-hyun’s jacket by mistake?!)

Shi-hyun starts laughing at the utter silliness of their misunderstanding, but Soo-yeon is just hurt. She thinks of all the wasted years and turns to leave in embarrassment. Shi-hyun catches her hand again and pulls her close. Cupping the back of her head, he pulls her into a kiss. Eeeeeee!

CEO Yoo takes Yoo-na to a shoe store and buys her everything she likes. She talks about Yoo-na joining Who Entertainment, and when Yoo-na brings up Jin-hyuk, says that there will be a change in management, and Yoo-na should think about what shoes she’ll be most comfortable in.

On a roll now, CEO Yoo visits In-woo at his music bar to ask him to start working on the album. He plays out an impromptu song in answer: “If you squeeze your feet into shoes that don’t fit/Your feet will hurt/Why not just take them off?/Am I supposed to stand the pain?” (Pfft. These two and their shoe metaphors.)

CEO Yoo offers to have Han-gyul examine their contract if he can’t trust her, but In-woo says that that’s not what Han-gyul wants. Yoo argues that Han-gyul is more worldly than his father thinks: “Look at Crude Play. A truth that can hurt a lot of people should be kept silent. Your son is taking advantage of that too.”

In-woo doesn’t look up from his guitar, but he disagrees. “Those guys still have a sense of shame… sunlike us.” CEO Yoo looks away, unable to argue.

Han-gyul can’t stop thinking about the night of In-ho’s accident. He remembers how In-ho used to be in school before they debuted. When the gang was huddled over a laptop, second-guessing themselves before sending a demo of their song to an agency, In-ho had clicked “send” while the others were distracted.

Clearly nervous himself, he had still told Han-gyul that when you’re uncertain, you should stay positive. The boys had clasped their hands in prayer then (while Shi-hyun muttered the lyrics of song, ha).

Present day In-ho had a different philosophy though: “Who knows? They might feel sorry for us and cut us some slack.” Han-gyul recalls this, along with how shifty he looked when Jin-hyuk had asked him if he dozed off.

Han-gyul visits In-ho in the hospital and finds Mush & Co. visiting. So-rim instantly brightens up, and In-ho teases her about it. Everyone notices how tense Han-gyul looks, and when In-ho says that there’s no need for him to be worried, he snaps. “Why do you look so okay?” he asks In-ho, pointing out that there is plenty to be worried about, not the least of which is his injury.

Han-gyul leaves, and So-rim follows him out. In-ho asks their manager to give Han-gyul a ride. Outside the hospital, So-rim catches up with Han-gyul and asks what happened. He tells her that he can’t get certain thoughts out of his mind.

Before he can say more, their manager arrives with the car, and Han-gyul agrees to take the lift. During the car ride, he finds out that CEO Yoo had arranged the interview with the reporters that had swung public sympathy their way. He also finds out that the manager had bought him sleeping pills on the day of the accident. With mounting worry, Han-gyul asks his manager to take him to Sole Music.

Jin-hyuk sits in his office thinking about CEO Yoo’s intentions towards Mush & Co. It’s clear that she’s only interested in So-rim and doesn’t want “another Crude Play” on her hands. It’s then that he gets a call from Yoo-na, but he doesn’t pick up. She looks at her phone and thinks back to Jin-hyuk telling her that he has too much on his mind having to try to protect what he thought was already his.

Chan-young is working on “Shiny Boy” at home when he gets a call from Jin-hyuk. When he reaches Sole Music, he’s reluctant to sit down, but Jin-hyuk promises that the conversation is important. He explains that CEO Yoo wants to disband Mush & Co. and train So-rim separately. When Chan-young asks why he’s telling him this, Jin-hyuk says: “I think you’re the only producer who can lead Mush & Co. without breaking them up.”

Han-gyul visits the security control room in Sole and asks to see the CCTV footage of the night of In-ho’s accident. He finds what he’s looking for — the moment when, by the vending machines, In-ho had thrown something away to hide it from Han-gyul as he approached.

Han-gyul dashes to the room with the machines and finds a strip of sleeping pills exactly where In-ho had thrown them. He heads back to In-ho and tells him that he just wanted to see him. With a sad smile, Han-gyul says that he just realizes that he’d never had a fight with In-ho. Because In-ho suppressed his feelings, none of them ever gave a thought to how he’s dealing with things.

In-ho tries to shrug it off, but Han-gyul asks why he did it. “Why did you drive while on pills?” In-ho denies it, but Han-gyul pulls out the strip he found and tells him that it was captured on CCTV.

As Han-gyul gets angry, In-ho finally yells back that he didn’t take the pills. He admits that he thought about it, tried to do it, but Han-gyul had come in at the right time. He didn’t go through with it, but the accident happened anyway because he was so distracted.

Han-gyul isn’t satisfied, wanting to know why he would consider taking the pills at all. In-ho says again that Han-gyul should forget everything, since it all worked out in the end. This frustrates Han-gyul as he shouts that driving on pills could have killed him, but In-ho shouts back that it was the only way he could stop the live performance.

Han-gyul is stunned that In-ho would go to this extreme because of the press conference, but In-ho says that they would have been exposed since he can never play as well as his proxy drummer. Han-gyul argues that they would have just paid the price for lying, but In-ho cries that he didn’t have the courage to ruin his friends with his own hands.

With that heartbreaking confession, In-ho gives in to tears, and Han-gyul envelops his friend in a hug. Han-gyul apologizes and promises to take care of it: “I’ll take responsibility, so don’t worry anymore.”

So-rim sits in her practice room thinking of Han-gyul’s tense face at the hospital. She gets a call and immediately leaves to meet Han-gyul in the recording room. He’s sitting there alone, thinking of his friends when they first started out. At So-rim’s arrival, he completely breaks down.

Instinctively, So-rim hugs him as tears pour down his face. Holding her tightly, Han-gyul cries that everything is his fault. “I hurt everyone.”


How does this show do this to me? I want to hug every character here — even the ones whose actions have caused the most misery. It’s not a drama I would scream from the rooftops about, yet I don’t remember the last time a show made me feel this happy and content. It’s the people that populate the story, I suppose. They are horrid and wonderful, helpless and powerful. And every one of them has a journey I want to be a part of.

We’ve been told repeatedly that Han-gyul’s decision to go along with Jin-hyuk’s methods has hurt the band, yet the truth of that has never hit harder than today. Han-gyul spent the entire episode worrying that In-ho was suicidal, but the truth of the matter is that In-ho has lost all confidence in his ability to play the instrument he loves, and Han-gyul is directly responsible for that. For years, he told his bandmates that they aren’t good enough, that all they have to do is hand-sync, because their own music isn’t worth listening to. When he didn’t say it in words, he said it in his actions.

We can blame Jin-hyuk for being money-minded and shortsighted, but he was never friends with the Crude Play boys. Han-gyul was. Yet, just like Jin-hyuk, he only thought of how to cover up their flaws, not how to encourage them to be better. The heartbreaking part is that Han-gyul did it while believing that it was the only way he could debut with his friends. But it’s an excuse a green musician in the industry could use, not an experienced composer who knows the ins and outs of how this world works. Before today, I don’t think Han-gyul ever really understood how badly his silence had hurt his friends.

Which brings me to CEO Yoo’s sneering comment to In-woo about Han-gyul being worldly. When Yoon had protested against lying to their fans, CEO Yoo had silenced him by pointing out how many people their “truth” could end up hurting. It was the same argument that Jin-hyuk used to shut the boys up when he’d found out about their “Real Crude Play” videos. It’s an effective argument, and one that has merit. But it’s also a clever distraction from the boys’ real questions: Is it right to take credit for skills they don’t possess? Is it right to lie to those who admire and support them?

It’s clear that CEO Yoo understands this well. She also knows that her emotional blackmail on the boys would not work unless some of them wanted the status quo to remain. Han-gyul is particularly guilty of it because he only saw the scandal that could harm his friends, not the danger of a lie that was already eating away at them. CEO Yoo may think that Han-gyul went along with their plans of denying the lie because he was jaded, but I think he did it for the same reason he has done it before — he thinks it’s the best that he can do for his friends.

Those friends have had enough now, though. And I was glad to see that Chan-young isn’t the only one done with the way things have been until now. Yoon and Shi-hyun have both clearly reached their own turning points. And while In-ho is scared now, I believe that he just needs the support of his friends and a chance to show what he can really do. That’s the way Han-gyul can really help his friends, and now he finally understands them well enough to have their back in the fight to come.

This episode was chock-full of beautiful moments that warmed my heart. A long-awaited one was Shi-hyun and Soo-yeon’s confession. How characteristic for these two to have loved each other for years, all the time believing that the other doesn’t reciprocate. I’m convinced that this is the confession story Han-gyul was telling So-rim about, and someone needs to box Yoon’s ears for delaying that kiss for five whole years!

The other one, of course, was when Jin-woo realized that he likes So-rim too much to make her sad. That boy is seriously bad for this noona’s heart. For all my initial whining about this show’s editing, Jin-woo’s memories of a laughing So-rim intercutting with the sadness of present-day So-rim was beautifully done. And that walk with Gyu-sun, when all of Jin-woo’s maturity fell away, and he wept like a little boy! The end of a puppy love has never been shown in a drama with more sympathy, I think. Even as the two boys cried over their failed first loves, I never loved them more.


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This drama makes me root for everyone, and that's a first ❤️ Can't believe we're saying goodbye soon!


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In 2 days, it's going to be the last time we can watch Liar and Lover live guys. I'm not ready!!!!


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I can't believe this drama is ending in 3 days.


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And we just got a Si Hyun-Soo Yeon kiss, I want to see more of them now that they're past their misunderstanding ??


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Double date!


YES. That kiss! Definitely a highlight for me. Hope to see lots of cute from them next week.


I want to see the same for our main OTP! Lol! ?


But I want a SorimHangyul kiss (a hot one!) and a cute date to boot! :D


Time (and episodes) really flies (fly) when you're having fun ?


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I don't want to let this one go. Wails!!


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What is with this recent trend of dramas getting better and better in the latter half??
Makes me extra sad to let go!


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And hoping the trend will continue! ?


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Oooo, I'm now wondering what other dramas are making you feel that way lately?


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For me, it's with Chicago Typewriter. ^__^ I hope it keeps getting better as it moves on to the second half.


Un like last year that everything became boring at the later half..


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Exactly. I mean we just got to the semi-resolution of the scandal. I actually want more scandals ?


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I believe this drama is one of the rare cases where it would benefit from an extension. The pace has been perfect, so it's not about lacking coherence, but because each minor character is so richly created, I wished we had more time to explore each of their backstories more.


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Agreed. I can watch these puppies and the meanies for like 50 episodes. That way we'd hear more songs from Han Gyul, watch Crude Play go on a world tour, see Mush & Co. do CFs ?


Yes! More songs please!


I want to know more about all their past too. You can tell the backstory has meat, but you only get to smell it. I want to eat it too!
I never think extensions are a good idea, even if I demand it out of emotions. But this time, an extension is intellectually reasonable.


mmm... meat smell. haha.


haha. Meat smell. It makes me crave for some Korean barbecue. Some beef brisket, some samgyupsal or pork jowl, some kobe beef too. Yum.


Indeed! I want more bickering, and more poignant moments. I want to see our Mush & Co puppies debut and receive much love from a growing fan base (or at least see GS and JW practice their asses off until they become good enough to play live with SR). Or if they choose not to pursue music professionally, I want to see these puppies settle happily in their non-celebrity life. ?


@klurker You're making me wish for what can never be. Crying.
It's sad, but I really truly want all that. I want to see their journey, navigating the industry, the ups the downs. I want to see Jinwoo and Gyusun find their own loves. I want to see Mush & Co interact with other artists, some rivalries, some friendships. Ah, what should be, but can never be, because of those darn ratings. Crying forever.


@allend Yes, the show still has a lot of rich stories to explore #indenial I am.


I agree with you. I'm satisfied with what we've gotten so far, but this drama could benefit from the extension because we could explore even more characters. It's such a waste of rich characters to just know bit and pieces when we can have the whole story.


I agree. This is the kind of story that can go on and on as we follow along their success story in the industry (or if not in the industry, their story with music). It's all about the characters, not the plot anyway.


I'm not ready either! Denial, here we come.


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I just wanted to give everyone a hug in this episode. Even CEO Yoo, I pity her. I don't understand why she does those things, but I must admit she's clever!


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Her priorities are shares and shareholders. So when there's a problem, her goal is to take it away, in this case, Jinhyuk's bad management.


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I cheered when CEO Yoo feigned concern to the reporter on the phone to gain sympathy for Crude Play. "Woo-hoo! Spin it, woman, spin it!" In a show with so many geniuses, CEO Yoo is no doubt a genius businesswoman.


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I really like her!


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I live in a wonky time zone, and the subs come out around 3-4 am every monday (or is it tuesday?) and I always set up an alarm to wake up and watch this even though I can never concentrate on work the next day! :D This is what this drama has done to me. <3


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Same here. The subs come at around 2-3 am but I keep myself busy with studying so that I can watch it as soon as it comes. It helps that I'm not required to rise early though.


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You're back!


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I refuse to call this drama fluff.


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Me too. Some of my favorite dramas on earth are fluff. Like Sassy Go Go, Shopping King Louis, Splish Splash Love, 1% of anything. I love fluff.
This is not fluff. This is just... a knife to my feels.
I'll die happy.


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I love fluff. But this drama isn't fluff, and I also love it ❤️


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But it's a cute knife! You won't die.


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"a knife to my feels" is just the perfect way to say it. I love this drama so much i really just can't believe it's ending soon. If only an extension is possible. ???


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Nope, it definitely isn't.

It just hurts me so! And I love all the characters, each and every one of them.


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These last couple of episodes have all been so emotional and hitting us in the feels. It just hurts so good!


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Did a makjang fan say so ?


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lol. I actually love makjang, but this drama made me cry three times in one episode, while some makjang dramas can't even manage to make me cry once in their whole run.


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Makhang's exercises my eyes from excessive rolling. While this drama, I pause to absorb the feels because I don't want to miss anything, not taking my eyes anywhere away from the screen.


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Hahahaha. When people ask us what we're doing and we're watching dramas. We can say we're "exercising." We just won't say what. *wink*


I like to think of it as a thick blanket: seemingly soft and fluffy at a first glance, but surprisingly weighty and with enough coverage to snuggle deep within it, leaving you feeling warm and satisfied.


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I'm impressed, very smart and accurate metaphor. Thumbs up!


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Or can it be a shoe that fits us all? Lol at the shoe metaphors c/o Inwoo and CEO Yoo


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I'm still not sure I understand that metaphor fully actually.


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Sigh. I know. From the way people were speaking, I assumed this was like B-grade Disney movies, if not C-grades. Fortunately, I decided to watch it recently due to that Javabeans' paragraph on What we're watching and it's not anything cheesy or fluffy like those Disney movies. It's even less cheesy and fluffy than the best Disney movies, I don't know what people were talking about.


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IKR. All the hate directed towards this drama so unreasonable, I think all the negative attentiom is due to idol-Joy's casting. It is ironical because then this Show goes on to give it right back to all those haters. This drama is not fluff, it's not a rom-com, this is a heartwrenching feel good tale of nostalgia, heartbreak, misunderstandings, love and a lot of growing up which is accentuated each step by some great music! I don't even know what genre to specifically put this in.


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A love story about music and musicians <3


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Or it's a "musicians' love story with music."
It's as much about the love they have for each other as the love they have for the music.


@V-min and the musicians also love each other through music and because of music. So this should be called a love story through music.


Never! This is hardcore emotional stuff (of dreams)!! :D


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I was so happy to see Soo-yeon and Shi-hyun get together. Their relationship has intense chemistry.


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I LOLed at their misunderstanding. That they had for years. Like, LOL ?


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I know- true facepalm moment. I was like- all of this angst and holding back because of that?! Come on now!!! But it makes them cuter in my mind.


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Oh yes, too cute ?❤️ And i want more of their cute!!!


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I know! If they had just liked each other and confessed it would have been so easy, but then there wouldn't be the phase of them trying (and failing) to pretend they didn't like each other at allllll. Which totally just made them so much more adorable so I guess I'm perversely grateful for their six years of silliness hehehe.

Now I'm excited to see how they act in their new-found couple bliss!


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Isn't it cute she tried to confess with a folded pink note though?


It was seemingly so silly but so real. I think we all had stupid misunderstandings.

But because of it, I think it's so much more satisfying when they realized that they don't have to hide their feelings anymore after all this time.


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It's funny how simply they resolved the misunderstanding, without making it feel unrealistic. It was stupid, but not unbelievable.


When Soo Yeon almost walked out (before Shin Hyun wisely stopped her), she looked so mad like, "Are you saying we could have been making out all this time?!"

Chorus of Beanies: Same.


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I'll be honest, my mind went more to the "Oh god, we've been so stupid" but the making out train of thought is infinitely better.


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Same ?


Soo Yeon and Shi Hyun kiss
Everyone else: hurt, confused, or sad
yea ima letchu finish but *replays kiss scene*


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Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt.


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Seriously! Every moment between them you can feel the tension. They have a magnetic chemistry where you can't draw your eyes away. We NEED more moments between them, but there are only two episodes left! T_T


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Exactly my sentiments. Can we get an extension please???


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Yes, I know it's impossible, but I'm not ready for this to end. Besides, there's so much I want to find out about their past, and so much of their future I want to live through the drama with them.


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I think my neighbors heard my squee for miles.


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I'm still squeeing.



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Squee. x10000


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When this scene came out, I squeed like crazy while slapping my husband's arm and he had this deadpan look on his face the entire time. LOL


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Pffft. I'm laughing just trying to picture it. It could be a meme.

You watch the drama with your husband?


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Yes, I do! And he loves this show just as much as I do. ? The range of audience this show reaches is all kinds of amazing.


Although he pretends not to squee cause then there'd be two of us squeeing and our kids might think we've totally lost it. ?


I actually loved their kiss better than HG and SR.


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It was more adult. HG and SR was more like children's peck of affection.


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Yeah, SH even managed the cool-guy thumb-on-face maneuver. I could never pull that off.


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Is it difficult to pull off? Why?


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I'm just not cool enough. I'm just trying hard not to bang teeth.


@mrchuckles lol You're a funny guy.


It was also just more satisfying. Especially since we're all like, "FINALLY!"


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I just loved the way he pulled her back and gave her THAT look right before. You know, that "you're not getting away from me this time" look, hehehe. So hot.

The other kiss was adorable and sweet, but this one had six years of longing behind it. That's pretty hard to beat!


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And there wasn't a wrist-grab was there?


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Jinwoo and Gyusun. YOU TWO ARE KILLING ME. They really stole the show this episode. It was the first time my heart broke for Jinwoo because I really understood how much he liked Sorim. The part where he said he started up guitar for her really made me sad. And when he dropped Sorim off and said he had to go get milk, and his tears started - my heart crumpled up like a tissue. It's ok little one, noona is here for you!

But of course he didn't need my hug because his best buddy Gyusun was there to save the day. I just chortled when I saw the two of them drinking their yogurts like it was soju and came stumbling in like they were drunk that night... And Jinwoo swearing off girls made me smile and shake my head... Young love is rough.

Friendships like this only come once in a blue moon. Usually, dramas console me by giving unrequited puppy love hints of a new love (think Kim Seul Gi for the uncle in Weightlifting Fairy...), but honestly, I'd be perfectly fine here with Jinwoo and Gyusun's friendship.


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My favorite part of the JW-GS drinking bit was when they said "Do you drink it for taste?" as if they were talking about alcohol.


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I think I just cried at the 'milk'. My innocent babies.



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I cried before they even started crying. I cried the moment Sorim called out to Jinwoo and he turned back and looked at her.


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Ya me too! The very fact that SR persistenly ran behind him and JW actually turned was so touching and then the childhood parallels.. Then he starts crying, I was a total wreck. Who knew the hour had come that JW would make me bawl.


and I felt it was more touching that they both had tears in their eyes when they spoke to each other, but the tears didn't fall. It was as if they were unaware of the tears when they spoke to each other, the tears was just an involuntary manifestation of the concern and love they had for one another. The moment between them felt more genuine.


I love how KS insisted there were other girls out there and JW insisted that there weren't... And then they said they were going to drink all night... With yogurt, hah! They're just adorable. Who needs girls for now when they've each other? And then how they ganged up on SR afterward? Too cute.


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Honestly, I knew it was just supposed to be a cute/funny thing but it was a little hard for me to see them slam the door in So-rim's face --especially when that flashback, while effective in making me feel for Jin-woo's broken heart even more than I already did, also drove in just what an open-hearted, supportive friend she's been, even from such a young age. So it was somewhat disappointing to see them relegate her to 'girl' status, when she's so much more than that.

Haha, I get they're supposed to be getting over their irrational first loves so it was supposed to be a petty little moment, not to be taken too seriously, but it still made me sad for So-rim. Maybe because I've seen her sticking by them so resolutely in recent episodes? I get that she's the one with the new bf and all, so I'm cutting them some slack for excluding her, lol.

That's why, even though they were a highlight of the episode, it was In-ho who stole the spotlight for me.


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Even in a group of friends, sometimes, between genders, there are just some moments where friendship between men are just different and need their own space.
If you know Harry Potter? I think it's like Sorim is Hermione, and Ron and Harry are Gyusun and Jinwoo, and sometimes have moments where they have their alone moments.


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awesome analogy.


Sorim pulling through for Crude Play and insisting they played with her, not only that, but she was encouraging them and leading them along when they struggled to play the song.. it just makes her such a good friend. I hope it proves people who questioned her friendship wrong.

Inho stole the spotlight for me too. His fear of screwing up was so relatable.


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The most heartbreaking moment for me was the super brief flashback Jinwoo had of their past. I didn't know a few seconds could make me tear up like that. There was just so much emotions packed into those moments, so much history, so much love, so much heartbreak. It just overwhelmed me.


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The little yellow-jumpsuit Mush & Co were really cute.


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I loved the bicycle part better. I don't know how to describe it, but I could feel the love Jinwoo had for Sorim in the slow-motion moment she came up to him smiling.


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And it wasn't even cheesy as it could have easily been. It was just fresh and beautiful.


I loved this scene so much too!! And our cutie pie gyusun running alongside them, albeit, a little awkwardly.... these three <3


That scene hit me right in the feels. When he said, all he wants to see is her smiling face - gahhh, young love sure is simple and so beautiful!


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It sure is. Jinwoo is such a cutiepie it breaks my heart to see him cry. Kyu Sun is the kind of best friend you would want by your side for every heart break. Loved the getting drunk on milk/yogurt? part.


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Bonding of Sejung and Sorim (not even comparable) too! I guess Sejung was introduced not just for the scandal, but so that Gyusun could relate to Jinwoo and console him better.


@gusdk So Sejung was there all alone so the Jinwoo wouldn't be the only dumpee? That's both cruel and brilliant. :D


I mean "all along" not "all alone," though I wouldn't mind if she was all alone until she change.


Most heartbreaking moment was just Jinwoo putting on a brave face. You could just tell his heart was in million of pieces when he looked at her, and yet he still loved her and put her first. My feels can't take it.


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He had So Rim to himself all these years, and had all the chances in the world to get the girl. But he didn't ? And I want to hug him ???


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He waited too late. The moment rivals showed up was when he decided to act. Talk about bad timing!


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I rewatched flashback scene few times too.. the way jinwoo looking at so rim on bicycle really shows that he likes her..


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How can he help it, when she smiles just so at him?


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Joining the Jinwoo lovefest/noona-free-hugs offer for our puppy Jinwoonie right now! Ugh! Honestly, reading the recap made me feel so much feels again and because I'm a sadist, after reading all your comments especially the bike scene, I rewatched that part all over again. Ugh. I teared up. The flashbacks to their childhood and junior high days (when Sorim came towards Jinwoo with a smile on a bike, I could really feel Jinwoo falling in love with her with the way his eyes were just focused on her face) added so much depth and history to Jinwoo and Sorim's relationship that I felt Jinwoo's heartbreak all the more. It killed me when he said, "I forgive you" because "I like...your smiling face" and when he finally, accepted the fact that Sorim is in love with Hangyul. I'm so happy Gyu-san was there for him. Ugh, my puppy! I wish noona can give you a hug!

Btw, Knetz are just as shook over the Jinwoo and Sorim scene. I got curious about the Knetz reaction to episode 14. I got directed to a Twitter site run by a Joy fan who kindly translates comments from Naver. The Jinwoo x Sorim story really resonated in Korea -- the scene (Sorim and Jinwoo's talk and the flashbacks) trended really well and was even featured on the main page of Naver and it also got so many comments and likes. Jinwoo even got called, "the nation's handsome one-sided love icon", LOL. If you're interested, here is the link:

https://twitter.com/applejoy903/status/860473221266628608/photo/1 -> click View once you get to the Twitter picture to see full post.


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That fan is heavily biased though. She liked Chanyoung and Jinwoo a lot more than she ever did Hangyul. lol


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Many people hated Hangyul in the beginning before his confession. Love can change anything.


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I'm tearing up because of our puppies and their failed first love. Its unbelievable! #sniff sniff........wahhhhhhh?


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I love that HG's go-to move when he gets in trouble is to either work on his music or call his muse Sorim.


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SR is now HG's comfort zone. Hell yess!!!


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someone @prosecutorsunshine mentioned her comfy bosom last recap :P


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You ladies... And here we get unjustly called the more perverted sex. The Y chromosome doesn't monopolize owning perverted thoughts quite obviously. Ha.


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Hahaha! Hello @marina -- thanks for the tag. I can't believe it took all the way to comment #63 (my comment) for someone (ehem, me) to mention that scene! I get that Sorim was providing comfort and all and the gesture is meant to look even maternal and protective but I mean, I was squirming a little bit because Hangyul's face was resting in her bosom! *nervous giggles*

I recall rewatching that scene in TVN's Youtube and there were several comments (mostly from Joy fans) who were going like: "Lee Hyun Woo must have saved a country in his past life". LOL


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I'm really curious to enter Hyunwoo's mind during that scene. What must he be thinking. If we thought of it, him, as someone who was much closer to it, must have thought it too. Giggle.


Lol! I always laugh when that line ("X must have saved a country in his past life") or its opposite ("X must have betrayed his country big time in his past life") are used in K-Dramas. :p


Same!!!! I mentioned this a few episodes ago, So-rim and Han-gyul's relationship is such a nice contrast to Yoona and Jin-hyuk's relationship. All So-rim needs is a call and she's there for her man and all Han-gyul needs is to look at her and he's there for his woman. Meanwhile Yoona thinks of Jin-hyuk and I feel like she does love him a lot but he can't even let himself take comfort from her. It's sad for the both of them because they aren't at that level of trust and comfort despite knowing each other for years and Han-gyul and So-rim have that in the span of a few months.


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Han-gyul has changed so much in such a short time. Remember back when Sorim was just happy to receive one indifferent text from him? Oh how times have changed.


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True when he said he need so rim in his life..


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I call this the The romantic professional workaholic. They exist after all <3


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only in Dramaland.


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Shhh. Let's us dream a bit.


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SY and SH together at last.


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Think pretty much everyone was waiting for this moment, yayyyy


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Everyone and their mother. My mother too. She doesn't even watch this one with me, but even she knows how much I've been waiting for it. Haha.


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haha and husbands too. I have been telling there is amazing drama that i havent been this enthusiastic for a long time and how it is being loved in dramabeans but not in ratings.


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how cute. live a happy married life <3


We can sit here and play the blame game all day.

- It's Han Gyul's fault for wanting perfect music and anything less than perfect is unacceptable.
- It's Jin Hyuk's fault for replacing Crude Play with session musicians in the first place and implanting the idea of "perfect music" in Han Gyul's head.
- It's Jin Hyuk's fault for making Crude Play think their playing will never be good enough and are doomed to hand-sync for the rest of their careers.
- It's Crude Play's fault for shortsightedly recording their videos in their own Sole Music practice room and uploading them as REAL Crude Play.
- It's Se Jung's fault for taking advantage of Gyu Sun's naivety and stealing his phone password.
- It's Gyu Sun's fault for letting Se Jung take advantage of his naivety and steal his phone password. Twice.
- It's Se Jung's fault for delusionally believing Chan Young Oppa is hers and leaking Gyu Sun's private video to get revenge against So Rim.
- It's Han Gyul's fault for treating his session musicians like crap and indirectly causing Session Guitarist Hyung to spill the beans on Crude Play's secret.
- It's the adults' faults for manipulating high school kids.
- It's In Ho's fault for foolishly taking matters into his own hands.

At this point, it's useless to blame one person. It's everybody's fault they're all in this mess.

Wait, was In Ho trying to kill himself to stop their performance? @SailorJumun thought Chan Young was contemplating suicide yesterday, which never even crossed my mind, but In Ho's heart–to–heart with Han Gyul today sounded like he had given up on life. These boys keep recklessly sacrificing themselves for the band. I had suspected drugs too because In Ho was so skittish when he ran into Han Gyul, but if he had taken pills, the police would have detected it since they checked him for alcohol.

I know Crude Play and Mush & Co. are currently drowning in scandals, but the scandal to end all scandals: "Crude Play's Leader & Vocal Dating Mush & Co.'s Manger." Hallelujah! I couldn't be happier Shi Hyun and Soo Yeon are finally together. My OTP of this show. I wish we got some background on the progress of their relationship, though. After dodgeball, they suddenly became close even having late-night rendezvous at the office, but we were never shown what happened between them. More specifically, what happened between them in Soo Yeon's room during their MT. I'm glad Shi Hyun has Soo Yeon to lean on through this possibly career-ending scandal. I can't wait until the other boys find out about them.

Just as I finished praising So Rim for being quick on the uptake with Chan Young's feelings yesterday, she was slow to read Jin Woo's heart today. Aww, Jin Woo Puppy! I felt his pain right there with him. So Rim's got two boys confessing to her in back-to-back episodes with both boys quietly getting over their feelings for her by themselves. I love how Jin Woo and Gyu Sun were drinking...


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I love how Jin Woo and Gyu Sun were drinking Yakult because they're too young to drink beer. Baby Mush & Co. was precious. It is so true when Jin Woo resented, "Nobody tells us anything." I'm sure the boys know the reason why they're moving out of their dorm is because CEO Yoo wants to break Mush & Co. up.

Chan Young looked really adorable meekly leaning against the glass door in Jin Hyuk's office not wanting to go in. Chan Young truly is the only candidate fit to produce Mush & Co because he always has their best interests at heart. He loves their band, and they love their producer. A huge thanks for the recap, @festerfaster!


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YES! When Jinhyuk said Chanyoung was the only producer he thinks would be able to lead Mush & CO without breaking them, I didn't realize it before, but it just clicked at that moment how true it was.


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Is that why CEO Yoo asked them to move out of dorms? I was confused at that part...


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I can't blame Sorim for being slow, when she's probably saw him as a brother all her life, and he's never been "nice" to her the way a boyfriend was nice. He was always nagging at her.


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@panshel From what I understand (please correct me fellow beanies), In Ho was supposed to take sleeping pills, but he changed his mind because HG suddenly appeared behind him and gave him assurance that everything will be alright. Same assurance he gave to the group for all these years. So the accident occurred because In Ho lost his focus on driving, not because he has given up on life. At least that's what the subs translated lol.


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Yes, you're right. Inho was about to take the pills, then HG's comforting words changed his mind. But he was too distracted and stressed when he drove, and during a moment of neglect, he drove over the border.


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Yeah, that's right. HanGyeol's real worry came from the thought that InHo DID really consider getting into an accident, and it sounds suicidal to me too.


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I don't know... I think he knew there was a risk he could have died, but it didn't seem like he wanted to die necessarily. Just cause a stop to the live conference by putting himself in danger.


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Yeah, it may not necessarily be suicidal in the classic sense. I don't think he ever really explicitly thought things like "I want to die". BUT he has stressors in his life so great that he would rather put himself in a life-threatening situation than face his problems. So it pretty much has the same implications.

Ultimately, I think he was looking for whatever escape possible. Mostly, to get injured, but, with the kind of recklessness he almost displayed, it's clear even death would have been preferable to performing -- that is before Han-gyul stepped in and gave him the words he needed to hear at just the right time. I'm happy he was resilient enough to realize that putting himself in harm's way was not the answer, even if it didn't manage to prevent his over-stress from causing the accident.


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Between some Beanies fearing Chan Young was suicidal yesterday and us fearing In Ho was suicidal today, I think we're just overly protective of these boys and always fearing the worst. This entertainment industry has broken them and left them so unstable, I worry for their mental health.


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Hopefully they can recover, and use their experience to guide Sorim so she won't have to go through that. Just trying to imagine her suffering and being broken like that breaks my heart.


@ChaimaaF Not just So Rim, but all three of our Mush & Co.


I'm sorry, I was supposed to make an interesting comment about how In Ho's circumstances felt amazingly real to me but every time I rewatched and read the recap all I can think is 'HOLY SHIT!! THEY KISSED! CAN U HEAR ME SCREAMING CRYING DYINGG ASDFGHJKL THAT KISS!!!! AAAAHHH!! GODDAMN SO FRICKIN HOT FRICK!!'


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ME TOO because I totally wasn't expecting it at all. I REPLAYED THAT SCENE. Many-ahem. A few times.


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Dont worry, you are not alone. lol :D


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Lol, whenever the recap and all the comments here get to overwhelming for me...i just go replay this scene for a bit hehehe, before venturing back in!


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Hahahaha girl we are with you. That moment was a major squealing moment, I was smiling at my laptop like a fool for ages


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Lol, this episode had my emotions all over the place. From sadness at the situation with crude play and the intense squeeing because Shi-hyun and Soo-yeon are finally on the funking same page and then straight-up ugly crying because of Han-gyul. It's ridiculous what this drama does to me.


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It makes us overwhelmed with emotions, but doesn't overload us so much it feels forced. It all feels very natural even when so many things are happening at the same time.


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I agree, the show is messing with my feelings, I was in a daze after I watch the episode, I don't know for sure what the highlight is for me. ?


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When an episode is so good, the long awaited kissing scene between Shi-hyun and Soo-yeon isn't even the main dish.


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EXACTLY. I'm like...should I just write one comment spazzing about them first? No! There's just too much other good stuff! Now I'm ready though:

Oh dear. These two. Seriously?! They are both such fools, but I don't even care because I'm too busy being grateful I got to watch their adorable, bantery flirtation play out over the course of the drama. I can't believe they had such a silly misunderstanding, but it does remind me a bit of one of my own hapless romances in the past, heh.

Six years though. And it took them this long to get it together? Lol, well, they certainly have to make up for lots of lost time ;) That kiss was a great start!


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Now you've got me curious about your romance. Heh.

6 years of flirting, then Soo yeon turning cold because she thought Shihyun rejected her, and Shihyun getting confused with her behavior. It makes me laugh just thinking about it.

But also makes me relieved Shihyun never gave up "to make you love me" (talk about swoon-worthy words)


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Thank goodness for the recaps here. The subs I got were along the lines of "what can I do to make you like me?" but this was much swoonier. I want to see more back story of confused Shihyun


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That's what I saw too. Dramafever subtitles, argghh!!


@drawde2000 after picking up some korean throughout the years, you just start to realize how completely off dramafever subtitles are. They're not really a translation, more like paraphrasing. I use viu subs for TLAHL.


I don't think they were in touch the whole 6 yrs. SY stated to HG that she was a newbie to the company so I think she'd only be back in his world for a short time. But yes, I'm so happy they are finally "together" :)


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Ooh good point. So was he pining this whole time without being able to contact her?


AHHHHHH. This episode! Lol. I can just feel how this recap is about to burst into flames because if I'm this passionate to write about this episode now, everyone must be!

I'm like Cinco de Mayo, what?! It's the day the last TLAHL recap of the week posts!

Now I think we all need a big group hug and cry for that ending! What a long time coming. I think Han-gyul has probably known deep-down for a while now that the consequences of his choice weren't worth it, but In-ho almost self-harming just out of fear and shame was probably the final blow for him. I applaud the writer once again. I loved how she managed to touch on such a serious topic (especially one that was so prevalent in the Korean entertainment industry) without letting it go completely there -- because I could have seen that destroying Han-gyul. But, quite wonderfully, the writer had the narrative sense to make Han-gyul's words last episode the helping hand necessary to keep In-ho from making such a devastating choice. I enjoyed that twist because it was something I really didn't expect after the car accident actually occured. I'm glad that the revelation of In-ho's possible self-harm was quickly subverted by the revelation that Han-gyul's words of encouragement were actually enough to keep him holding on. Now, it's time for them and all the Crude Play boys to escape these lies once and for all. Because now they know that they could truly be fatal.


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Your last line was such a rallying call. I need everyone to get together and just pump each other up and say WE CAN DO THIS. It's also not lost on me that Mush and Co is headed down the exact same road as CP- we need everyone to rally and make sure our three little ones also avoid the mess that CP is now in. We all need to rally on that point too!


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M&Co are actually at a worse place than CP. CEO Yoo is about to throw away both GS and JW, while all the CP boys were staying together.


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" I'm like Cinco de Mayo, what?! It's the day the last TLAHL recap of the week posts! "

LOOOOOL. Our priorities.


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I also love the juxtaposition between Hangyul's words in the present and Inho's past words of showing optimism when they sent the song and Hangyul was nervous.


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i love that last moments the HG broke down and ugly cried with him. still tearing up everytime i watch him.


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I love ugly crying. It gets me right there so bad.


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On Soo Yeon & Shi Hyun: "Sometimes you look so pretty and sometimes you look so cold. I don't know what I can do to make you like me." Ahhh!! Kiss! Kiss!!!! I'll be honest and guiltily admit that I ship SY and SH more than our main couple, but I think that's because the plot has moved more onto the Crude Play conflict rather than the HG-SR relationship, since HG confessed to her some episodes back. They're just too cute (and SH is so handsome?).

On In Ho: Ooof, my heart is in pieces. Let me try to reorganize it. I know HG felt so guilty that his selfish desire to let his music be known resulted in IH becoming like that, and I felt so bad for HG. But when IH finally let his feelings out? I teared. A couple of recaps back I mentioned that CY was not the only one in Crude Play feeling resentful - the hyungs themselves must have been fighting their own battles. (This is not meant to call CY out - I just thought that some comments were harsh by saying that the hyungs hadn't helped CY with his feelings.)

This scene solidified that for me: they must all have been battling with the shame of having to lie to the public and the knowledge that they would never be as good as the recordings. It must have been so stressful for them, especially for IH who was always the peacemaker and the one who bottled up his feelings. Ultimately, the phrase HG said to JH rings in my head, "how much more do [they] have to give up to satisfy [him]"?

On Jin Hyuk: I find Dad's comment to President Yoo interesting: that Crude Play still has shame left. Is it that leftover shame that keeps JH from flipflopping between businessman and artiste? We can see he feels guilty because he knows IH might have gotten into an accident on purpose. If that is the case, can we truly blame him, even if it has resulted in poor management? I don't like what he has done/how he has hurt the boys, but I find myself unable to blame him or even feel angry. This is because I believe that if President Yoo had been managing them, they would have been hurt as well.

But at this point, I just want to see our boys all happy and smiling and laughing together. Is that too much to ask for? Please make it happen, show!

On Mush & Co: How precious is it that JW forgave SR because he treasured their friendship more than his hurt feelings? He understands that she's not obliged to like him back, and he took it in such a mature way. Also, KS running out to check on them and following JW to drink yogurt? They're just too precious for words. T_T I also think it's super adorable that in a normal "let's drink all night" scenario they would be downing soju but they ended up drinking yogurt.


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Yes, I believe his indecision is his inability to turn on and off shame at will. So when others attack his kids, his conscience returns, but when he does it himself, he's so focused on business, he doesn't realize how he neglects them. Like a parent too overworked to notice his kids, but then defend them when others bully them. Makes sense?


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Yes and I think it's sad that he gets called out on it because it makes him a lousy businessman.

I feel so sad for the Crude Play boys because they just keep getting guilt tripped not to reveal their secret that it's become such a traumatic fear for them now. To the point that IH contemplated getting into an accident just to stop the press conference. And now that Yoo wants to take over their management, I'm worried about how much more badly she will hurt them.


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Yoo taking over management has me biting my nails. Jinhyuk was "weak" so he was easier to handle and talk to. Yoo just bulldoze over people.


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Inho getting scared and doing something reckless reminds me of young students panicking when they're unable to do an assignment or test and trying to either pretend they're sick, or actually getting sick to get out of it. Except the failure of the assignment for Inho is not a failing grade, but the destruction of not only the band, but also the reputation of their company with all the employees and shareholders at stake.


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He really felt more like a schoolboy in that hospital than a young man. It was heartbreaking.


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I just want to give Inho many many many hugs and listen to him practice his drums all day


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Inho should receive a huge from every member of Crude Play, or even better, Crude Play should get into a long, tight group hug.


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Yaaay I am early , 8 comments so far.
What got me in this episode :jin who crying with kyu sun and drinking soju together, now they have grown in to a man
Springfield telling him who why he liked gyulie.
In honor crying on gyulie's shoulder
Gyulie making funny faces at in Ho's mother
In Woodstock, gyulie and in Ho fighting over the alcohol his father brought to the hospital
Shin Hyun kissing soon yeon... I have been patiently waiting for that
And lastly , that heart breaking tears if gyulie on sorim's shoulder. I actually cried with him. Gush, this drama really made me come out of my shell.


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"now they have grown in to a man"

I've got to say, getting drunk over yogurt declaring they will be completely emotionless from this day onward has to be one of the most unadult things I've seen any "men" do. Adorable though. :D


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It's ok, they can stay cute and babies for a few more years.


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Wow! I'm really impressed by the complexity of the characters and the plot. I found this episode to be the most tear-inducing. Particularly the scenes in which Jin woo realized his childhood crush didn't love him back! Ah! Growing pains!!

Kudos to the drama for showing that first loves do not necessarily have to be the one true love - like most other dramas out there ?. A childhood crush, could just be what it is - a childhood crush.


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If only Junghwan in 1988 had a moment like that, I would have felt better. Jinwoo is Junghwan, with a drinking buddy, and spared several years of useless one-sided love pain.


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I knew someone would mention Junghwan of R1988! The Jinwoo story did remind me of him too -- especially the since both boys have the same tsundere personalities and the part about keeping silent about their feelings because they don't want to lose the friendship. Ugh. My feels are erupting all over the place again. It reminds me of Junghwan's line about, "Love is about timing". Jinwoo missed his timing as well. *sobs*


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Junghwan tried really hard though. Jinwoo barely had time to try anything except keeping rivals' at bay. lol


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Before Jin Woo could even make a move, he had two formidable rivals pushing him to the end of the line. ?


@panshel It's okay, because Jinwoo will grow up to be just like those formidable rivals, and push out another new mini-Jinwoo.


@chaimaa lol now you make me imagine a much older JW giving love tips to a high school senior like a boss. Lol


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I think he always knew she didn't love him back, but it was this episode where it truly sunk in that he had no chance and was too late.
Giving up on something you love is always hard. No wonder poor baby cried.


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Remember when he said he had a secret he kept from her for their friendship's sake? I think you're right, he always knew. He just hoped and got his hope crushed once and for all. *tearing up all over again*


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This drama is the death if me. This drama literally made my cry and then swoon and then cry again and then warcry, my gosh, this is the best rollercoaster ride I've ever been although I really never been into one!!!

This episode got all the feels and I really wanna thank the scriptwriter for making all of the characters very well written with own story that everything they do somehow you can understand and can't hate anyone fully at all!!!

I am really bitter right now although I normally don't care about ratings but this really makes me sad that they sleep on this very well written drama.

I think since this is supposed to be a youth feel drama and somehow the angst nowadays is thriller or fully passionate romance that they sleep on it, little they didn't know this is even one of the most mature stories compare to other supposed to be adult stories.

I really like that I never feel that the plot has been absurd just to keep the story going. I am amazed that on how in just one hour with so many characters but still the writer manange to put everyone and you feel that they all human and not just a character in a play. I feel like they are really in an au and kudos to the writers and director (I love when the shot is being shot from where the character stand and then pull away to left, like you're being also carried away with the characters thoughts and feelings that kept in) also with the actors, I'm so very very happy.

I like how every minute, every shot, every little action has a meaning and I never felt any thing that been astray, like from the start to end there's a reason why it was shown and why the characters reacts that way.

I am so sad that this is going to end soon. I am not ready yet. I didn't mean to downgrade any dramas. I just really like this show.


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I think (and I actually like this drama so don't kill me guys!) that the reason why this doesn't get very high ratings is because it's not a fast paced plot with humour or an exceptionally interesting storyline that most people would be attracted to. It's well written with very well thought out of characters for sure, but at its core it's a youth drama that's full of heart, and of the struggles that these young people face. I think that's not really a genre that many people would instinctively be attracted to. I personally only really hopped onboard this drama after giving it a second chance and pushing beyond E2.

Because it's full of such good emotions it's not a lighthearted and easy watch. I watched SWDBS before this and absolutely loved it even though the writing was terrible. It was an easy watch and the cuteness kept me going strong. MXM is driving me nuts now because it's killing me in the humour department and the action packed scenes are so adrenaline filled for me. Although it's really not doing as well here on DB as compared to TLAHL.

The main difference I see in TLAHL is that it's relatively slow paced and the plot isn't extremely unique, which could be why it's receiving low ratings. People don't bother giving it a second chance.

Just my personal opinion, please don't kill me TLAHL lovers! I love all the shows that I actively comment on, but some shows just seem to hit the nail on the head more for me.


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@lezah If I may add to this, I just talked to a Korean fan base of Lee Hyun Woo baby. They are aware that the ratings are not that high because of its timeslot in Korea. It's being aired there at 11pm. And she also admitted that she cannot give a good evaluation lol.


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Does she not like it?


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Unfortunately, yes they don't like it that much... I don't want to ask further questions because I am afraid that my choice of words will be offensive to them... but I admire that she took an effort to use a translator app so she could understand what i am saying and convey what she wants to say in English. That is so thoughtful! We know some Koreans are not that good in speaking and writing English so i was touched by her effort. ;)


That's all right, we all understand what you're trying to say. It's not surprising, but still a shame that not as many can appreciate this. A well-written drama like this doesn't pass by dramaland often enough to afford being ignored like this. Oh well, fair is fair.

I've also been guilty of ignoring gems of dramas based on them not being "my genre" before, only to regret it afterwards so I'm not that surprised. Just sad for the cast and crew, especially the writer, that the quality of their work isn't appreciated by enough people.

(about Man to Man, I see it getting considerable love on DB no? I see lots of comments and fan walls posts loving it, except for the female lead...)


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Agree! It's sad when something that's quality gets low ratings but I can't begrudge the fact that for those other shows that are more "popular" in terms of ratings, I do find myself scrambling to watch the next episode once it comes out. There must be something about them that makes people want to watch it more, though I can't quite figure out why. Probably the whole lack of major humour (it's not a rom com anyway)/action plots. But well, I guess there's no accounting for preferences, so it's good that at least TLAHL is getting love here!

(Oh I meant relatively! The amount of comments here is explosive compared to MxM! And I also find it sad that there's hate for the female lead because I love her in that show haha.)


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When a show is "easier" to watch, it means to me that it less effort and when I don't feel like exerting myself, they're the ones I go to. Most people watch drama to relax, so it's natural they tune in the "easier" shows.
Think of it as people going to fast-foods because it's easier, even if they might prefer food in restaurants.

In any case, I'm glad I exerted some effort for this drama. It was worth all the analyzing in my head, the thinking of all the characters and show afterwards. Because my efforts weren't betrayed, and my thoughts led me to appreciate the drama, rather than despise it.

I love the female lead for the show too, but I dont know if it's because I'm biased or not. I've loved her since New Heart.


Don't worry, we're all friendly here. There's no reason to fear voicing your opinion. :)

As much as I hate to admit it, you have a point. I wouldn't quite say that the plot is slow moving. Something always happens, and I don't find many boring moments. But the plot itself small-scale and can't compete with murders, spying, etc.


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You're as much part of the TLAHL family as anyone here, if not more, given your amazing contribution to the contribution. I'm sure no one would mind your little bit of honesty. :)


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contribution to the discussion.

what's with me and typos today. I guess it's the rush I have to got through all comments and making me type too fast and screwing it up. Jinhyuk, I can finally understand you! lol.


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to go through, not to got through.

this is getting embarrassing.


Hah, there are just those days when my fingers can't do anything but typos either!
And thank you, that's sweet of you to say! I just wanted to be careful in case I offend someone, I know fans can be a bit defensive about shows they like (I mean, hey, if someone comes at a show that I love, I tend to go all crazy too lol).

I just have tons of fun discussing the show here, it takes a lot of stress off university!


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Yes, what I love about this comment section is that it's a relatively stress-free place. Most people on here are positive, so the overall energy of the recap post is positive too. It's a good place to detress. Best of luck with uni, try to enjoy it while you can, don't stress too much about it. Just like your other lower schools' experience, it's not as big of a deal later in life as you think of it right in the moment. :)


Best comment ever!!!

I agree. I didn't expect to cry this many times within just one episode. And then also squee and laugh.
And the shots are beautiful. The director really has an eye for them.


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*Jumps in queue to hug Crude Play Mush and Co Puppies first*

The FEELS! It's so lovely that the side characters got to really shine this episode.

?In Ho got his special moment- breaking my heart in the process as he believes himself to be the weakest member of Crude Play.

?We got a kiss between Shi Hyun and Soo Yeon (*rawr*)

?The Puppiest of Puppies Jin Woo has his heart broken, but luckily has the bestest of best friends Gyoo Sun by his side. Who knew drowning your sorrows in milk/yogurt drinks was a thing?

It hurts so much to see how much the Crude Play boys love each other than they are all trying to take responsibility for the current outcome. But once they get over this (and they will!) they will be tougher, better, faster, stronger! Gosh is it really ending next week?!


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@michykdrama Hi! How did you made your letters in bold? Thank you!


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Comment was deleted


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You need to put {b} before the words you want to bold and then {/b} at the end. But change the {} to the pointed brackets. I can't type the pointed brackets here because they won't appear, my words will just become bold. Hope this makes sense!


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Yup i get it. Thanks!!! Can i ask another favor??? How did you put those cute icons??? I want to have those on my next comment so it wont look dull and boring to read huhuhuhu... Thabks @michykdrama !!!


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Oh I just use my phone- haha. Nothing special this time sorry. I don't know how to type emojis on my comp. But I'm so often on DB that alot of the time I'm using my phone anyway ;)


@michykdrama Oohhh. I'll just use my phone then. Thanks so much!!!


This episode was all about Feels. I was angry, devastated, squeely and grumpy in every 10 mins. My roommates knew I was watching kdrama. And every minute i was just dreading that just two more episodes of this delightful show would be left! Not ready at all! But then I want tobsee good things happen for CP MAndC really really soon. I guess this comment is quite incoherent..but its quite late here...


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Haha. Perfectly coherent to me. It was like you were describing me.


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Can't beat me. My kid woke me up at 220 am and that's when I posted my comment. LOL. Totally a drama and DB addict I am! ? And you were totally coherent!


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Hahaha. I'm giving you a drama-addict medal for this one.


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The Crude Play boys right now are still wobbling because they still don't have enough confidence to band together and state what they want. I believe once they unite, maybe under HG's genius-producer card, they might have a chance.


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Drinking your emotions is milk/yogurt is so much kinder to the liver than drinking soju, plus you don't have to worry about the taste. I'm a teetotaler, so I'm definitely using the milk/yogurt solution whenever a situation drives me to drink.


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I'm using ice cream.


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Preferably dark chocolate gelato please! My poison of choice. ?


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Most people would be disgusted by this, but mind is coffee ice cream. Or tiramisu works too.


I also like raspberry ice cream.
and also rose ice cream.
and mango gelato.

And I need to stop before I reveal how often gobble ice cream up.


@newsbff I love coffee ice cream too, with expresso chips.

Otherwise, I'll go for chocolate mint.


Real chocoholic here. Chocolates and dramas. I am happy camper.


Since we are talking about favourites...

I also love anything that tastes like nutella, or ferrero rocher... omo. To die for.

Plus a good strawberry. not the artificial kind, but the kind with real fruit and creamy ice cream....

... and now I'm really really craving dessert.


Let me add my own comfort food.

Mousse cake. Pear.

And speaking of Ferrero, Roca Almond is TERRIBLE for your teeth and weight, but you can't stop eating them.

Lindt Pyrenees are also the best commercialized chocolate ever in my opinion.


other suggestions for gelato ice cream:

Orange Flower

Comfort food:
Bananas with the laughing cow cheese
Rice with peanuts

I know it sounds bizarre. Trust me, when my husband first made me eat those, I also thought he was not quite right in the head. But it's actually quite delicious.


I love strawberry and vanilla ice cream, but always order almond gelato, and if available, peach or plum or apricot flavor.


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May I suggest rum flavor? It's delicious.


Rum and raisin is love!


Thanks for making me hungry peeps.


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I know right.... I just had lunch and now I want dessert XD


@michykdrama But you practically started the flavor discussion. Haha. Btw, I'm team #darkchocolate as well ;)


I don't remember the episode but in one of the earlier recaps.. i asked for suggestions for CP fandom name and if you guys haven't come across this.. the most preffered suggestion was FOODIES. The entire comment section was randomly spilled with food cravings that I had to dig for some midnight snacks by the end of commenting. Lol. Here I see it again, history repeating itself. How and why is our brain wired this way?


@Dramaninja Survival instinct. We need to eat to live. We live to eat. And when we eat, we're happy. So Food = Life = Happiness = Obsession. Very much like dramas.


@greenlamb Ahh.. I see. Then, food = happiness = dramas.
Makes sense


I know it's not dessert, but jokpal (pork feet) is so yummy.


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for non-dessert, I'm craving mcdonalds fries or hasbrowns right now.


I use lattes and/or Dr. Pepper.


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I love Dr. Pepper much more than Pepsi or Coke. Sorry not sorry.


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@recsagitt yes, coffee is life!


I can see myself get drunk on coffee.


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@allend Coffee is life. ❤❤❤


LOL This thread just turned into "Let's talk about our food addiction"

My favorite gelato flavor is Tahitian Vanilla by the way.


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Im loving this comfort food thread hahah! Can I suggest wine and ruffles for those who are partial to alcohol lol my guilty pleasure of choice


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Do you mean truffles?

I'm more of a liquor in chocolate kind of gal.

My other comfort food would be butter biscuits or butter cake. Madeleines too.


Liqueur, not liquor.


Creme brule goes very well with alcohol. Not red wine, but champagne or white whine or liqueur.


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How about both coffee and ice cream. Cafe Liegeois. Or an affogato.


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I had to google that. Yummy.

I love a good irish or swish coffee with some good whiskey in it.


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... and the Best Use of Emojis in a Comment Award goes to ...



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@jiaariane also uses lots of emojis in her comments. I love it. Their comments are so colorful.


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There wasn't too much chanyoung in this episode and I think that's fine. What was important in this episode was inho and the accident, and how everyone, especially hangyul, reacted to it.
In all honesty, this was p depressing ep for everyone involved, with everyone blaming themselves.
Also, the 3rd lead?, Jinwoo, gave up on what was a long crush knowing that she liked hangyul too much. Chanyoungs episode yesterday was really great, especially his scenes with sorim, since she realized he liked her before he confessed. Sorim doesn't know about jin woo but maybe that's for the best.
Also, when jinhyuk told chanyoung that he's the only one capable of leading mush and Co, I realized what he's referring to. While chanyoung might have started bc of sorim, he grew attached to the other two boys as well and he cares for them as a whole as well as liking sorim. He's the only one who can genuinely take the whole group, and I'm happy he saw that.
Tbh I want more scenes of chanyoung with sorim.


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This may sound harsh, but CY's less exposure is a breather for me. Lol. I'm so sorry beanies.


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Really? But his hair is so great. Maybe just have him sitting in the back as a visual?


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I love his profile. I can look at it all day.


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Haha we'll inexplicably have him sit in profile with his hair done, out of the way in the background while "serious discussions" are being had by the other characters.


Why am I thinking of Johnny Bravo with this hair conversation? Lol! I imagine CY flicking his hair ala Johnny Bravo. ?


@klurker the moment I saw you mention Johnny bravo, chanyoung's face totally replaced Johnny's face almost like photoshop in my mind!! wow. Haha.


Gosh, same for me too. I enjoyed this episode without CY so much. @wheeza


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Thank you dear! *virtual high five*@urnaa you are also in Soompi right?


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yes i am there on the liar and his lover thread.


Count me in. Good hair and all aside, there are also other characters and their stories that are important so I'm happy that those didn't get forgotten.


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Also, Hangyul's pursuit for the perfect music might not go well with JW and GS. Hangyul isn't used to dealing with imperfect musicians and as a genius instrumentalist, Chanyoung might be a good tutor to the boys.


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I meant mentor, not tutor. I guess he could tutor too? lol.


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The scene between Jinhyuk and Chanyoung felt so satisfying. It was like "Finally. He's getting some much needed acknowledgment"


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How cute was Jinwoo and Kyusun in this episode! They wallowed their sorrows and broken hearts with yoghurt drinks. ??? Come to Noona, Jinwoo. Forget Yoon Sorim and come to me instead ???


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I have come across many many noonas ready to take him...you have company, sister:p


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lol. That's not creepy at all. XD


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I'm so ready for this..


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We can all coddle him and gyusun together :P


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So trying to preserve Mush & Co by giving CY back the reins, does that mean JH is finally learning? Might be too late though.


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I think losing everything this episode has in a way made him more calm than before. Like you have nothing to fear once you've reach rock-botton, so the panic is taken away, and he can be more rational.

It made me sad he couldn't let himself rely on Yoona though.


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Yoona isnt being help when her boyfriend is tired and troubled is maybe the reason she lost HG.


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She tried to call him though, he just rejected her call.


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And also, to be fair, he was a horrible boyfriend. So the fault here lies with him rather than herself. She was the one who needed the support at the time, and he was unable to provide it for her. I still don't approve of how she broke up with him without warning, but Hangyul definitely was part to blame in how their relationship went. He lost her when he was dumped just as much as she lost him.


@satinder agreed he wasnt the best bf. But Yoona tried to understand him more and listen, she could have changed him like SR. Men is like a child at most times. And who opened more their heart wins at the end.


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also Yoona left JH too, when he tried to talk about his concerns. Now JH wont pick up when he is struggling.


She didn't really lose though? She let him go and went to someone else. It's not really a competition here.


I think it's a bit dangerous to give so much of the emotional burden to the woman, and give that much slack to the man. In the relationship between HG and YN, YN was the one with the professional problems, and I think it was HG's role to understand and listen to her more, rather than the reverse. Gender shouldn't matter here.


I might say this episode is one hell of an emotional rollercoaster ride for our cast, especially for CP boys. But with a good development for SY and SH yesssss!!! This is a really long post… Bear with me please, as this is my first time to digest the parts of an episode which I think is critical.

*SY and SH: You twooo!!! <3 <3 <3 We didn’t see that coming!!! It’s funny though that it took them 5 years to realize their confession fiasco. So for those who have a failed confession in the past, please iron it out now before it’s too late. ;) But I love the fact that even though SH is already popular (he can get any girl he wants), his affection for SY never changed, and so is SY. She remained loyal and supportive to SH because she likes him, and also to CP boys because she believes on their music.

*HG and IH convo: Okay I cried buckets for these two. IH has this ‘chill’ attitude, that’s why he never gets into an argument with HG. He’s like a sponge to the group; absorbing all of the issues when one member of CP gets into a fight with another and even acts as an arbiter for them. But little did the boys know that IH carried all those worries inside of him, and thus made him anxious and stressed-out when they found out that they will perform live. I cannot blame his decision to take the matter into his own hands; that’s how selfless his character is. This convo showed us what IH is really thinking throughout this time and his suppressed feelings. I have read somewhere here that CY is a walking time bomb, looks like it’s IH. We viewers didn’t anticipate that.

*HG: I want to give the ‘Noble Idiot of the Year’ award to our Gyulie… seriously babe, I know you feel the responsibility for the band because of guilt, and this motivated you to create a perfect music for them, but can you please share your burden to CP boys? Yes I know their hands are already full, but at least let them know your thoughts. Actually I also don’t have any idea how HG will take the responsibility; he is just their producer/composer. If there’s one person/people that needs to take the full brunt of this mess, it should be JH and Sole/WHO Ent. JH, c’mon be a man and own it!!! Ugh. I loved Hyun Woo more because of this scene.

*HG and SR: Thank God their relationship is rock solid… I have qualms earlier that they might break up, but their deep affection proved me wrong. I’m glad to be proven wrong every time lol. The moment he broke down in tears on SR is something that really hits me right here *points to mah heart* It’s rare for a man to show his weakness to a girl, unless she has his utmost trust. SR should ‘relish’ that moment, because it’s HG’s way of saying ‘You don’t need to say anything, I will get over this because you are here by my side’. HyunJoy shipper present!

*JW: JW, you’re still young, come to noona lol. I know you won’t be able to forget SR for quite some time, but come to think of it: There’s someone better than SR, believe me. You thought SR will be...


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*JW: JW, you’re still young, come to noona lol. I know you won’t be able to forget SR for quite some time, but come to think of it: There’s someone better than SR, believe me. You thought SR will be your first and last, but if you would just open your heart and the possibilities, you will realize there are so many amazing women out there. As I’ve mentioned on my past comment, this show clearly portrayed first loves on many facets. If SR’s first love is requited, unfortunately for his best friend, it’s not.

*Please allow me to compare the last OST for Japanese movie (Chippoke Na Ai No Uta – A Tiny Love Song) and TLAHL (Waiting For You), because somehow these 2 songs have a peculiar connection to each other. I know it’s purely coincidental, but you know, I’m a sucker for ‘hitsuzen’. *spoilers on the movie ahead*
Similarities: Both songs are ode of confession. Both songs are sung by the female lead. Both songs played a pivot role for the progression of the relationship of male and female lead.
Differences: While the two songs are ode of confession, they were conveyed on a contrasting situation and intention. Chippoke was sung because of Aki leaving Riko, but Waiting For You was sung because HG wants to get close to SR and that he will wait for her. Another major difference is the feel of the melody. Chippoke has this melancholic melody (please let me know if I perceived it wrongly), while Waiting For You is upbeat and has a euphoric melody.
Addendum: Interestingly, both the female leads for J-movie and K-drama are both new to acting when they are casted for the role, though Ohara appeared on a very minor role in a J-dorama. Ohara Sakurako is actually a singer like Joy. ;) kbye. *runs into a corner*


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It's rare to find someone like Sorim, but you're right, there's someone better for him out there. Because Sorim doesn't love him and that someone better will (me, jk).


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I like the way you compare the songs..


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Anyone care to share a link to wheeza's song? Her writing got me interested in listening to it.


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Here's the link to the movie scene where Aki and Riko played the song. I recommend you watching the Japanese movie tho. Worth it! Hehe


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Sigh, japanese copyrights makes it almost impossible to find quality clips on youtube. Thank you for sharing.


@jackgu here is the link for the english translation of Chippoke Na Ai No Uta:

And here's for Waiting For You:

Thank you for your interest. :)


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I love Chippoke na ai no uta from the japanese movie ost the most. The song lyrics was full of emotions. Especially when Aki and Riko were playing the song as goodbye. *my heart*


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No OST song can top Chippoke na Ai no Uta for me. Ohara Sakurako's voice gives me chills.


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I love A Tiny Love Song (Chippoke)! For the definitive couple love song -- I like it much better than Waiting for You (don't get me wrong, I love WFY but Chippoke resonated more with me).


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HG was amazing in the last scene with in ho and soo rim. I teared up( which is a rare for me). I am just happy soo rim was there for him i cant even imagine what hed be like if he were alone ( before he met soo rim) i am sure JH WOULD have manipulated him some how :/


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Watching ep 13 and 14 makes me so glad HG has SR in his life and met her by chance. Imagine if SR hadn't been there for him when all these problems went down?? How much more difficult things would have been for him without her emotional support. I don't even want to think about it. The thought of HG having to suffer under all that pain and pressure without Sorim just hurts.


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Without SR, I'm not sure that HG would have opened himself up enough to really see the whole picture. But, I share @urnaa sentiments, I love them together and LOVE Gyulie!!!


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So many things happened and all are precious moments. Happy for HG to have SR. I love Gyulie to pieces.


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Lord, the lag is terrible. I'm betting ton of people are trying to get into the recap. T__T


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I don't know if it's my phone or the website, but even typing my comment lags. I'll be typing my third word, but barely the first word shows up. I'm getting a lag with deleting letters, too.


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Did you try to type on a different app and just paste your typed comment to the comment box?


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That's a great idea! I sometimes type stuff up in my Memo app. And here I was thinking it was time for me to buy a Producer-Chan-Young-given-Mush & Co.-debut-gift Samsung Galaxy S8.


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I heard the phone was great, I'm thinking of buying one too. I'm not too much of an Apple girl so...


@Cesta B I'm totally an Android girl.


Android all the way!


Very often a show starts off strong, full of promises of love, story arc and character growth. Most times they disappoint you and you end up making your own version of ending in your head.

And then there is TLAHL. It feels like each episode was building up in momentum to have the characters learn, love, live, make mistakes and grow up. I have never been this satisfied with every single character in a drama ever. They all have a purpose, they all have their own path, own mistakes to make and own lessons to learn.

*Slow Claps* You deserve it, Show. I saw you just for time pass, but now you have slowly taken my heart and twisting it so!


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It's so rare to see a drama get consistently better each subsequent episode.


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There's nothing useless in the drama. *slow claps*


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well said. this drama rocks till ep14 from the very start. How rare is that. We get solid first half or last half. Or good childhood, boring adult parts or vice versa. Here i say amazing...


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Wow, what a great episode for Jinwoo. I'm a sucker for childhood crushes, but those scenes and transitions were done so well. I feel like Jinwoo's crush wasn't necessarily a huge part of the story, but in those few minutes they were able to make me feel like I had watched them grow up together. I love that the drama is progressing steadily without resolving things easily and quickly. It feels like it is really taking its time to resolve everything naturally.


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I feel like Jinwoo's crush wasn't necessarily a huge part of the story, but in those few minutes they were able to make me feel like I had watched them grow up together.

I don't know how this drama does it. It doesn't show much, but when it does, you focus your whole soul on what it wants. All the side characters, like CEO Yoo, Jinhyuk, the father, Jinwoo. They all have short scenes, but their scenes still leave a strong emotional impact.


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i am sucker for childhood first love. Here JW's love is one sided. So i dont get too invested, their friendship is beautiful though.


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I was really proud of Jin-woo. Up until this episode, I kinda wanted to smack his upside the head every time he opened his mouth. I'm glad he realizes he can't force a girl to love him and the best thing to do is just move on.


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It was such a sad scene...and then throught the episode whenever things were going downhill, the background score was 'its okay', ...jinwoo is a such a good best friend...


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Through out, i meant. Also, baby Kyu Sun looks EXACTLY like big boy Kyu Sun. Adorbs.


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Ikr! It was soo cute!


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I know, I noticed that too and thought, WHAT IS THIS SORCERY?


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It took me 10 minutes to get into this page. I did it! Hopefully, this comment will not timeout on me.


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You are here. :)


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This drama has me obsessed! It so good! This episode was amazing.
-han gyuls light bulb moment when he realised what his quest of perfect music has really done to his friends.
- shi hyun and soo yeon love that scene. Atleast some one is having romantic moments amongst all this mess.
- i think soo rim and indirectly chan young have made han gyul realise that a good producer doesnt just produce perfect music he produces good music thats perfect for his band.
- ms. Yoo may be giving the boys a wake up call but she was a total enabler and some times the reason behind the huge mess that is crude play.
- both bands have such deep meaningful friendships. That i just wanna hug them all.
- watching mush and co go through all that crude play has previously gone through is a giving han gyul alot of insight into how they all got there.
I am just so sad and excited gfor the next weeks episodes. My stomach is in knots.


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Hangyul's light bulb moment was the most heartbreaking. I can't decide whether Inho's raw fear or Hangyul's raw guilt was the most horrific to watch.


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Exactly! But that moment was really necessary for him to realise what his action ( though he was being manipulated by JH) had caused


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You know what I love the most? Even though his own heart was breaking, he had to be the strong rock to support Inho breaking down. It made it doubly painful.


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Maybe I shouldn't use the word "love," it makes me sound sadistic. haha.


It's okay @zukin coz i love that scene too.. he had to be strong support for his friend eventhough his in pain.. han gyul hwaiting!!!


The last time I was this obsessed with a drama was with Weightlifting Fairy


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Yes, that's an appropriate comparison. Ironically, they're both underrated gems. This one might be even more underrated, because it is getting much more hate outside of Dramabeans while WFKBJ was well loved in general.


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This drama is giving me so much feels, and I'm so obsessed with it. The fact that it's a music drama is the cherry on the cake.


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It's giving me the same feels but different. I'm not sure how to explain. They don't have much in common but they make me feel the same.


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It's strange, because even though people say this drama is more for teens, and the characters are younger, WFKBJ is a lot cuter thematically. This drama is just as good, but different. One would assume from the young characters it would be the cuter drama but it's not.


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While it's a relief that the attention to Crude Play has lessened in negativity, it's very frightening to see how easily the media and public opinion turns. And it might not be much of a relief to the Crude Play members, depending on what happens next. Like, do they prolong the lie, do they tell the truth, do they keep going on, do they push through the consequences? They don't want to continue lying, but if CEO Yoo keeps pushing... they're really better off not under her management.

And oh boy, are the consequences rife in this episode. I wonder what happened to Jin-hyuk that he ended up seeking the fastest way to put music out into the world. What exactly was the rush back then? At least he's trying to make good with his second chance. I really really want Mush & Co. to work out, even if I'm not sure how it'll happen.

Oh, our Mush & Co. darlings! Gyu-sun and Jin-woo were precious. I snorted with laughter when they decided to drink away their feelings with their decidedly non-alcoholic drinks and then returned rambunctiously to the dorms.

I was on pins and needles as we walked through Han-gyul struggling with himself as he put together the pieces. My thoughts (and probably Han-gyul's) were a barrage of "no, In-ho wouldn't do that" and "In-ho, why" and "In-hoooooooo". The fact that a few words from Han-gyul turned around In-ho's decision is telling to how much In-ho was craving Han-gyul's support. If the accident had been any deadlier, I would have been a total mess on the floor. I mean, I'm still kind of a mess with all the feels going on, but at least I'm mostly intact in my pool of emotions.

SHI-HYUN AND SOO-YEON!!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥ I completely forgot about the proposal that Yoon got! Such amazing attention to detail. Like seriously, I'm completely amazed and it's delightful.


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I think the rush back then was he was just starting his label (sub-label) and trying to prove himself to Chairman Yoo, CEO Yoo's father.


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Thanks for the reminder! I can definitely see a younger Jin-hyuk trying his best to prove himself, I mean, even up to now he's been doing that. Sadly, it gives him the tendency to be reactionary to the pressures of the industry and going for short-term solutions that come back to bite him.


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To be realistic, the lifespan of bands in korea isn't that high, so he could have gotten away with it. lol. Or maybe the lifespan of bands in korea isn't that high because most companies do crazy stuff like Jinhyuk to survive.


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You might have a point. Management tends to drain their talent they become unhappy and that's how bands disband.


But if they're not under her management, who would want to take on a group with an image of lying who cant' even play their own instruments?


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To be honest, I don't really know how they can arrive at an ideal solution, at least to remain in the public eye. They can keep lying and remain under CEO Yoo' s management to continue making music while suffering under constant paranoia and feelings of inadequacy, or they can come clean and fall under public ridicule. If CEO Yoo doesn't support the latter, that essentially dissolves the band as it is. If she does support it, it would be a major loss for the company and still might result in dissolving the band.

And maybe quietly dissolving the band known as Crude Play to the public is the way to go. Start from the bottom again. Rediscover their passion for music together. It wouldn't be an easy path to take but it would at least sit right in their hearts.

A softer approach might be to take a massive break while still under management, if CEO Yoo would allow it. It would still sweep their past lies under the rug and they would fall out of the public eye as some other hot new band replaces them, but the time they get now would make up for the time they lost when they were rushed in the beginning.

Essentially, most of my possible solutions in favour of Crude Play is to stop being in the public eye for a good chunk of time. Would love to hear other possible solutions!


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Or maybe Jinhyuk will break away from WHO corporation, and set up his own indie company and invite Crude Play over one they reconcile?


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Did they show us the clip where Yoon got the note that Soo Yeon was supposed to give Shi hyun ?


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Doesn't matter in the end, episode 16 will have you satisfied with what's shown of the couple.


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This was my favorite episode!!


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Mine too. I loved previous episodes, but this one exceeded any expectations I had for the drama, and the expectations were set up quite high after spending 7 weeks with it and knowing what it can deliver. I didn't expect this kind of emotional punch after emotional punch tbh.


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Mine was Episode 13, for having all the issues explode in one episode. This one, Episode 14, though is the most emotional for me. Thank Jin Woo, In Ho and Han Gyul for that.


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Yes, episode 13 was a master display of a balancing act. This one relies more on tugging the heartstrings. Both of them were done very effectively.


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This is my favorite episode of TLAHL as well - the defining episode that made me irrevocably fall in love ? with this under-rated gem. Sure, I squee so much when in previous episodes they had their fun at the seaside retreat, the swoony bicycle ride, that kiss, etc. But there is something about coming to terms with your unrequited first love that just breaks your heart, the painful confessions that you are never good enough and the long-awaited (6 years!) love confessions that just tugs at my heartstring. This show is just ?


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Same, I fell in love with this drama this episode. I was already in love before, but this one made sure of it. It sealed the deal.


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Sealed the deal - exactly this ?


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(Is that the proposal meant for Shi-hyun that Yoon received? Did Yoon take Shi-hyun’s jacket by mistake?!)

Wait, when did this happen?? What episode?

I’m convinced that this is the confession story Han-gyul was telling So-rim about

And this?!


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When Sorim was falling asleep on the phone, Hangyul was telling her high school stories.


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*goes back to watch it*

Hahaha, did Hangyul know it was Sooyeon who wrote that letter? If so, WHY DIDN'T HE OR YOON SAY ANYTHING? Or did Sooyeon not make it obvious that it was her in that letter? This misunderstanding just makes me LOL.


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See, when I first heard that story, I thought Han Gyul was saying that a fan couldn't tell the difference between the two of them - now I want to hear the rest of the story!


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which epi ?


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early on in 12


Why does this drama have to end so soon? As In-Ho's case is resolved, I just realized how much pressure all the characters are under, that it even led one to take pills. Seeing how Han-Gyul thinks it is all his fault, I feel that So-Rim has to be there for him right now. Since they were not truly playing, the boys never demonstrated their own music skills. Han-Gyul's silence hurt all of them and now he is feeling the regret for it. On a happier note, Shi Hyun and Soo-Yeon finally had their first kiss. i can't believe everything took that long. Then, it does make sense due to the misunderstanding between them. Also, Jin-Woo finally became more confident although his love with So Rim never worked out. It was these little moments certainly warmed my heart.


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Why on earth does it have to end? I dont think we are ready yet!


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Yes, like Hangyul said to his dad, he was complicit, and even looked down on them as musicians. He didn't realize how much he hurt them and how wrong he was. It must have been horrible to realize how much your friends were suffering because of music, when music was what united the friendship.


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I'm not ready too.. will feel empty after this.. any suggestion for next drama for me?


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What do you usually like? How about upcoming dramas, any that interest you?


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Upcoming dramas? Hmmm.. i watch my secret romance and man to man too.. but just to fill my time until monday for TLAHL.. how about you @verania


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I would also like some recommendations too! @verania


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well, I'm not verania, but I'm interested in the upcoming drama with Kim So Hyun and Yoo Seung Ho.


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Tq @silverp.. owh so you're talking about ruler right? It's remind me of goblin ?.. will be in my list.. and i just check upcoming drama and i think suspicious partner and sassy girl trailer quite interesting too


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The conclusion is... there will always be something to watch. Most often than not, the problem is that there are TOO many dramas to watch.


I was actually looking forward to that because of Yoo Seung Ho @silverp
I just saw some teasers and the story is kinda interesting.


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With In ho crying in HG's arms, HG in SR's and Jin Woo finding solace in Kyu Sun...ofcourse SH and Sunbae finally in each other..I am just happy everyone has a shoulder to relieve their burden on..


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The friendships really drives the drama. Everyone is in a mess, but they're in a mess together.


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Real life is catching up to me these days that I couldn't camp out for the threads these past episodes. Glad I can finally back!

I have many thoughts about ep 14 on my mind actually, so much that I can't actually pin point to any of it. So many things happened and everything is amazing, but then I kind of forget every scene after watching Shi-Hyun kissed Soo-Yeon. All I can remember is my victory fist and happy giggles because my ship has finally sailed.


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welcome back! make sure to leave your thoughts once you sort them out. if you can, that is. the kiss is pretty powerful distraction.


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" I don’t remember the last time a show made me feel this happy and content. It’s the people that populate the story, I suppose". This! Thank you @festerfaster for a wonderful recap that managed to put everything I feel for this drama in just the right words. I came in relatively blind to the source material and only watched the movie after reading negative comments for the first episode or so. Although I did enjoy the movie, for me this too is a very compelling story, maybe more so cause we get to take a deeper look at what drives these characters. We may not always agree with their decisions but so far none of them have flipped 180 with no good reason. I can't even remember which episode was my tipping point but as the weeks have progressed this has become the reason I look forward to Mondays. Its


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I am left feeling so warm and fuzzy (and frequently frustrated) at the end of each episode. It really is a good way to start the work week. As mentioned in previous comments/recap, its so rare to see your leads be perceptive of second/third leads, actually talk things out and trust each other and to see friendships and love both be equally central to driving the story. I even love how Jin hyuk and CEO Yoo are portrayed as jaded people who can be ruthless in not a very makjang kid of way. I look forward to their interactions just to see if Jin hyuk can break out of this vicious cycle of being reckless trying to prove himself to her and just digging a deeper grave instead. I hope to see him find a way to save himself and just do something for either Crude Play or Mush&Co without thinking of just the money/office politics.


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I was trying to figure out what made me enjoy the corporate machinations in this drama compared to other rom-coms where I just want those scenes to get over with. And you're right. The villains are not makjang villains.


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No one is truly evil or truly stupid in this drama, even when they make humanly stupid or cold-blooded decisions. This is the opposite of makjang, where everything is on the extreme end, whether stupidity or evilness.


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There were so many negative comments early on. I'm so glad this drama managed to turn it around, at least on DB, which is where it counts.

To me, the tipping point, was the introduction of Chanyoung into the story. The conflict he brought up kind of made every problems in the story be more apparent, whether it was about friendship, romance, or ambition. And made the story become more interesting.


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I wrote in Open Thread, right before the first episode aired that I will watch drama because the trailer was appealing to me. But that I will not be reading recaps of the drama because the comments were so harsh. It was scary to read them then.

It has changed tremendously. Thank goodness. Writers and PD proved many wrong.


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I was reading past recaps, and for sure, many people have changed their minds or others dropped the drama so things sure have changed. I'm glad @SailorJumun and @festerfaster were steadfast voices of strength and support despite all the criticism.


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What made you change your mind and start reading recaps? Just curious. :)


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Oh shoot! I feel like I'm too early to be here. lol. I need to go to work again so I'll just need to say one thing. I think I found my ideal type. It's Shihyun! Somebody pick me off the floor. I couldn't handle the kiss!


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Haha. I think we're all on the floor with you. You'll have to find someone else besides us to pick you up. Hee.


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Am i the only one who thinks han gyul is the MOM of the group? The way he is always feeding them when they get together and the way he was looking after in ho today? He even scolded his dad for bringing alcohol, lol! He is also used to taking responsibility for them and making decisions that he thinks are best for them. Like most parents.


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He's totally the mom. Why did I never think of that before? Oh god, now I won't be able to take that thought out of my mind. It's kind of hilarious in an endearing way.


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Me tooo.. han gyul omma lol


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That scene at the hospital with HG's dad, best alcohol PPL ever. His dad keep cracking me up, he doesn't give a damn about anything or anyone.


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Hahahaha! Yes!!! And do you remember on Ep 10 how he scold CP boys because all they want to do at that time is to go somewhere when supposedly they should be preparing for their next album lol.


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Haha yes. He just came in and started to casually peel off those fruits for IH. It was so sweet and endearing. He cooks CPs hangover food and even nags them all the time. The boys also are scared of him whenever he gets mad. He is the mom alright.


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Only in this drama that Im getting a timeout error which is so annoying it deserves a meme of its own


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I know right? it's so annoying. I want to reply to everyone, but it takes over a minute for a comment to load.


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Hey, at least you could log in. I couldn't log in for forever. When i could, I commented as much as I can in case I got kicked out again. haha.


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Here we go! Here we go! Everyone has been waiting for this.

Yes, Jin Woo, it's going to be ok as long as you've got a friend like gyu sun. That's someone to never let go of.


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"That's someone to never let go of."

He knows. He knows. Did you see their awkward bear hug? They didn't want to let go of each other either.


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That fumble slash hug was adorably awkward.


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Thank you @festerfaster!

So many thoughts:
•When Shi Hyun was alone in that room, I was squealing the whole time because I knew that talk with Soo Yeon was coming. Which begs the question: why weren't you already making out in that room during the retreat?!

•Han Gyul can be such a workaholic but I love that he honed in so quickly on what In Ho did. And when he hugged a sobbing IH, I loved HG even more. HG is the sweetest, even more so when he behaved like a scandalized mother hen when his dad brought liquor to the hospital.

•When I saw Jin Woo drowning his sorrows in yogurt drinks it made me glad I am an adult and can have real booze on a bad day.

•It's been rough but I'm actually super interested to see how this pans out in the last two episodes. I trust the show is going to blow things up so that our heroes are making music but not selling their souls for it, and I can't wait to see everyone play and create music without that giant cloud over their heads.


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We need to know what happened with them in their room at the retreat!! They can't just let us see the two go out of a room together, and not tell us. come on!


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Hangyul can be dense when it involves work, but the same attention for detail in his work also makes him a great and perceptive boyfriend as well as friend when he puts his mind to it. And it has been bothering his mind all episode.


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"I can't wait to see everyone play and create music without that giant clouds over their heads"

Same fam, same. Even if it has to be done without the fame, maybe that's the price they (and I) will be willing to pay to achieve that. I will miss CY's sports car though, so hopefully they'll get both fame and music.


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"I will miss CY's sports car though, so hopefully they'll get both fame and music."

Lol. Well hopefully they saved some of their money and paid off their cars before they have to start their music careers over.


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Expecting young boys to save money when they got famous at a young age... I wouldn't be so optimistic. Hangyul looks like he splurges through money with no care. I love his studio-flat, but it looks expensive to me.


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In-ho is killing meeeeee! I'm really glad he played a major role in this episode, and I hope they continue making episodes centered around specific members of Crude Play or Mush&co outside of Han-gyul and So-rim. Can we please have more episodes with Crude Play's and Mush&co's adorable friendship? They're all so precious and have successfully drowned me in feels. I have been destroyed.


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I want an episode of Crude Play and Mush and Co together. We've got bits and pieces of the two group, but not enough!


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@zukinii I want a collaboration for CP and Mush&Co!!! Im asking for too much isnt it?


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The drama keeps talking about a Yoona & Crude Play collaboration. Screw that. Mush & Co & CP collaboration would be so much better.


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I've heard so many different versions of "I'm Okay" in the background now (even a Yoona version, I think?) that now I want a version of them all singing it together lol.


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I heard a version I thought was Yoona's version too. But it sounds less youthful than Yoona's voice so I'm not sure.


Reading the recap and festerfaster's comment made me cry all over again! This episode is so heart breaking.


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Who knew this drama could give us so many emotions when we started?


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And here I thought episode 13 was emotional... the joke's on me.


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How does this drama keep topping itself? I dont get it.


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What's great is actually having confidence that ep 15 and 16 will continue that trend...because, after all this pain, I'm expecting some serious payoff next episodes!


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yes 14 got us real emotional. cant wait for 15. 2 more days left.


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Hahaha the fact that Han Gyul's dad brought whisky for In Ho was so funny. Him and HG definitely reversed roles in that moment lols.

The end of the sweet one sided love from Jin Woo made me tear up. When So Rim was going on about why she liked Han Gyul my heart ached for him. The way he put away his love for her bc she was happy also pulled at my heart strings, he was so mature about it, why aren't more drama characters like this? Gyu Sun, you were such a good friend in times of need (not that I ever doubted you) to pretend to be drunk with Jin Woo ?

Shi Hyun and Soo Yeon!!!!! Yes it's finally happened and I know there will be a million comments about but who even cares. I feel like they would be the type of couple who are always there to pick each other up and they don't even need to talk to be happy in each other's company.

So glad that In Ho didn't actually take those drugs but I could empathise with how guilty HG was feeling even though I don't think it was his fault imo. I'm just happy that SR was able to be there for him when he was crying his eyes out☹️


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Gyusun is almost like the teacher. He knows everything that is going on, and has to clean the mess up. Haha.


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Teachers would complain. Gyusun doesn't even complain, the angel.


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Chanyoung's words of love for Sorim were "It's not your fault"

And now, Jinwoo's words of love for her are "I forgive you."

You could tell how worried she was, she was getting teary, and he couldn't handle it, so he gave her the words that would make her smile again. Even if the words he wanted to say were "I love you."

Chanyoung not confessing had my heart, but Jinwoo is even more admirable for handling it the same way because of how young and how much longer his love has gone on. Bravo.


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Didn't think I would get so invested in this drama (first half for me was totally meh) but the recent episodes are so good! The writing is great cause it made me care about every single storyline and character arc!


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Aren't you glad you stuck around and gave this drama a chance? I am. :)


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The first half wasn't exactly meh for me because there has always been a delightful energy to this show that I find enjoyable, but it never had me anticipating how emotionally involving it would be. To think it actually sticks with me all through the week like this! I definitely think this is a drama that proves just how important it is to have an engrossing enough plot to actually improve with each episode. This is something easily possible when you have a whole ensemble of characters with their own stories to tell!


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Very true. Despite it's raw charm at times, the energy it gave off always carried it through the more bumpy moments. There was always that feeling of youth that everything is going to be okay and that ultimately, life is beautiful.


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Good job, Jang Kiyong who plays Inho!


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He shone this episode! I was starting to wonder why the most experienced out of Crude Play was left with the least lines... My bad. He ended with the most emotionally heavy scene.


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*experienced actor


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I had no idea he was the most experienced, but I definitely know now! The acting in this show isn't amazing or anything, but every actor has had moments when they've really shone in their role. I love that.


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It's not that difficult for him to be the most experienced, given that all the others have nothing or next to nothing in their resume. lol. However, it's true that if you look at his wiki page, he has been acting for a long time.


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Hahaha, this is very true!




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I'm sorry guys.. i think my little son also want to join the parties ? His my partner everytime i watch TLAHL.. but he's dont know how to read yet..


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LOOOOL. This is hilarious.


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A party for all ages.


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And here I thought you were left with NO WORDS to explain your feels about this episode. haha. Because my comment would be the same as that. I can't explain my feels. Just %*&#$(@*Q&@$*(@&$*#&Q$*@&(8 T___T T_____T T____T


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Ahaha, that's what I thought too!


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"How characteristic for these two to have loved each other for years, all the time believing that the other doesn’t reciprocate. I’m convinced that this is the confession story Han-gyul was telling So-rim about, and someone needs to box Yoon’s ears for delaying that kiss for 5 whole years."

I must have missed the memo.

When did Yoon ever receive a confession ???

What confession story did hangyul tell soorim about !!!

Please someone explain to me !


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See comment 29 :)


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Gee Festerfaster you have a terrific memory


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Recapping the drama might have remember the details we, plebeian won't understand.


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Wow, so fast, thanks for the recap. Didn't want to be late to the party again.


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Unless they really screw it up in episode 15 and 16, I'm calling it. This is the best planned-written drama of 2017 thus far!!


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But what if they do screw it up? I'm scared.


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Let's have faith to our writer-nim. For sure he/she won't spoil our happiness. I just wished for more skinship for HG and SR though. ???


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I'm nominating for best balanced drama! (I know, it's a made-up category. Sue me. :P )


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I always have to remind myself to thank you for the recap :)

Lol. Also, this is totally random, but I thank you for that perfect screencap of the SH-SY kiss scene! I don't even know why, but there's just something so hot about that moment right before the lips meet, hehe. So you did very well picking that one ;)

And now I'm feeling bad for SailorJumun because she missed out on the kiss scene AGAIN! Let's pray for kisses from both our couples in episode 15 :)


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Oh god. I didn't even think about @SailorJumun Poor girl. She missed out on the kiss scene. Again. @festerfaster must be rubbing her hands together cackling.


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It's official. The drama gods don't find me worthy enough. You win, @festerfaster. You win!


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Awww... @SailorJumun The drama gods have already favored you by giving you this wonderful drama to recap if it's any consolation. You're more than worthy.

Maybe you'll get lots of kisses for episode 15? Don't give up hope!


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Lol no worries -- I'm letting it go. :P As long as our puppies get a break from all the heartache.


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SailorJumun following the example of Jinwoo and being selfless on behalf of our puppies. :D This is her version of "As long as I see you smile..." with a little bit of Chanyoung in this, by giving up her fight for the kiss. :D


lol I know this is mean, but I can't help laughing. Poor SailorJumun. It's ok, it's ok. Next time, just ask for the even-numbered episodes. :D


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Haha. I wonder what kind of victor @festerfaster will be. The gloating kind? or the consoling kind?

I'm betting on gloating.


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Hint, if you want to win your bet, just bet it on our characters' happiness, and festerfaster will have no choice but to go along. *evil laugh*


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@newsbff You know me so well. =P


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Haha! Don't give up, @sailorjumun ! It's not over yet ;)


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Yes, it's not over until it is over. She still has one episode.


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Thanks so much to both @festerfaster and @sailorjumun for you wonderful recaps. I love this show and look forward to your posts each week!!!!


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i think we are gonna see one kiss between HG and SR that tops SY- SH. Reason why i think once SY-SH lips met, camera pulled away and we didnt see much. That is maybe show is prepared better kiss for us and didnt want SY-SH kiss shadow our OTP kiss. This is just my prediction.


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You're making me dangerously hopeful.


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NOOOOooo!!! Don't jinx it! Now i'm going to be very disappointed if they don't make use of LHW's superior kissing skills on Sorim!


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what is the point of making this drama if they end with peck that 3 years old can give. haha.


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You mean what's the point of having LHW in a drama and not have a kiss scene only he can do. hehe


@pthao oh yes! LHW's kiss! haha


The liar and his lover means there should be kiss haha.


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I want to thank Drama Gods for introducing this drama to me. But most of all, for making me a happy happy fan where I don't have to go and complain about how wasted my Lee Jung Jin is in this drama. In fact, no one in this drama gets neglected. I'm so glad the acting potential of everyone gets to be used and there are acting moments to shine for everyone, whether newbies or veterans.


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Yeah, I wasn't sure about him being cast as a "side character" in a youth drama like this, but the drama more than proved that it deserved him in the role. It's honestly the best drama he's been a part of since Bottom of the 9th.


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He doesn't have lots of scenes, but when he does, the spotlight is on him and the script is well done enough it lets him use his acting skills. The character of Jinhyuk is very interesting, he has material to work with.


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I'm really looking forward to what the writer has in store for him next week now that he finally seems to understand just how much he's messed things up for these boys -- and now Mush & Co. too.

He's been set up perfectly for some redemption next week, even if he definitely won't be able to compensate for all the damage he's caused. But I'd still like to see him showing his potential for helping his stars to thrive -- something I'm sure he used to have before he lost sight of what's truly important. He still has the admirable quality of trying to keep groups together, rather than tear them apart, it's just that he's managed to find his own ways of damaging them in the process. If he could just learn to put his artists first and encourage their growth, he could finally achieve the success he's sacrificed all his better qualities for.


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I think what always made Jinhyuk a character with potential for being redeemable, is that he could not only spot talent, but also cherished that talent. Those feelings will lead the way back for him, because like you said, that desire to protect what is of true value will bring him back from the pursuit of making money. In a way, he's like HG in his single-minded pursuit for success. Both of them forgot the importance of people along the way. But if HG can find his way back, so can JH.


@jojola Exactly! Putting Chan-young back in charge of Mush & Co. was his first step in the right direction!


He totally own his character, love him in this drama.


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