Beanie level: Noble idiot

Since cooking is no fun for me, I’m impressed that Dae-Young whipped up something quick and easy at Sang-U’s kitchen with just 3 items – eggs, scallion and instant rice (and you don’t even have to microwave the rice first, just dump them in the frying pan) 👍🏼 Sang-U’s fridge looked like mine before I had children 😆

Oh no, is the bromance dead? Can they survive the jealousy and the hurt? 😔😢

And halmeoni, has no one ever told you, curiosity kills the cat!

#Let’sEat2 #S2E14


For beanies who loves to make gimbap, Dae-Young will show you how to roll a gimbap without breaking the seaweed part, since he has been doing it since he was 3 years old (or so he claims) 😉

#Let’sEat2 #S2E13


Time for Dae-Young to put on his smarty pants and enlighten us on Thai food 😆

#Let’sEat2 #S2E13


Happy weekend, beanies! If you haven’t decided what to have for your lunch/dinner, why not Thai food? 😋😋 Thai is one of my favorite food, the aroma and taste are intoxicating to the senses. I can have Thai food every day and not get bored.

Sang-U is the sweetest generous boyfriend ever but I also understand why Su-Ji felt burdened by his generosity. Due to her financial difficulties, she is unable to reciprocate and that brings out her feeling of inadequacy and inferiority complex. With Sang-U, she can’t be her usual self and isn’t it telling that after going through a traumatic experience, the first person she called was Dae-Young and not Sang-U?

#Let’sEat2 #S2E13


Compared to street food, molecular gastronomy is at the other end of the spectrum – super fancy and creative but like Su-Ji, I am unable to appreciate such fine dining. Give me street snacks anytime! Plus my wallet will thank me big-time (but maybe not my heart or my other organs 😆)

#Let’sEat2 #S2E12


    The concept of molecular gastronomy is just so weird to me.. I mean being so calculated about food recipes?! Food for me is all about familiarily comfort and love… ok now I sound cheesy. need to go to sleep! tata!


      Yes, totally agree! Food should be about comfort and love but I guess there are people who like to be challenged. For me, I like to get/taste what I see, like an apple tasting like an apple and not some other weird but interesting flavors, yes, I’m boring like that 😄

      Good nite 🌈 ? ! Sweet dreams


More street snacks! They look so delicious! I want!! Gimme gimme 😋😋

#Let’sEat2 #S2E12


Yes, my favorite part! Dae-Young educating the landlady and her kid on street snacks!

#Let’sEat2 #S2E12


This scene is hilarious! Introducing in slow motion, a series of street snacks with romantic opera music, and Su-Ji’s face full of wonder and joy. The screenshots below don’t do the scene justice

And how great is Sang-U by the way (and the writer, by proxy)? I mean you know yr friend tries to make a move on your girl but instead of holding onto that resentment and making the situation worse, he had a man-to-man talk with Dae-Young. Dae-Young was also honest about his feelings with Sang-U. This approach is so refreshing for a Kdrama. I am rooting for this bromance to survive, more than any loveline in the show.

#Let’sEat2 #S2E12


The great food debate between Dae-Young and Su-Ji. Here we go again……

#Let’sEat2 #S2E11


Another great food episode! I enjoyed going for outdoor BBQ with family and friends when I was young esply if I don’t have to do the BBQ-ing myself 😁

And their BBQ items are fancy – we normally just had sausages, chicken wings, corn and sweet potatoes and how great is South Korea – you can get your food delivered, anywhere, anytime 👍🏼

And poor Dae-Young! Grappling over his feelings for Su-Ji. But Dae-Young-ah, Sang-U is onto you! Let the love triangle and angst commence.

And omo…. Dae-Young’s friend/colleague and Sang-U’s colleague are having an affair 😵 how awkward but funny is that lil dance in the hotel room?

#Let’sEat2 #S2E11


Today’s episode is fun, we get to go on biking and hiking date trips, with some hijinks and subterfuge involved and poor Dae-Young forced into being a third wheel.

The show is trying to make us believe that the mysterious rooftop dweller Ju-Seung has some nefarious designs on Hye-Rim the part-timer but I am wise to your ways now, Show! And speaking of Hye-Rim, she is one smooth operator, massaging and cooking her way into getting a free night sleep at halmeoni’s place but I applaud her ingenuity and street smarts – I mean you need more than just a pretty face to get the boys to work on your behalf for free right?

Dae-Young and Su-Ji bickered their way through breakfast of beef tripe. Well at least they managed to reach a compromise by placing a pair of chopsticks to demarcate the line in the pan. So, what do beanies think – should vegetables be added to the beef tripe (Dae-Young’s camp) or not all (Su-Ji’s camp)? I am not a fan of animal intestines so I shall abstain 😁

#Let’sEat2 #S2E10


Today’s meal is brought to you by Noodles Tree Restaurant, where Hye-Rim, the part-timer works currently. I’m not opposed to PPL as long as it is integrated well into the storyline and in this case what better avenue to promote your food than a foodie show disguised as a drama 😆😆

Su-Ji in love is fun to watch whereas Dae-Young has become slightly grumpy after bring bitten by Su-Ji’s love bug 😂 I’m thrilled when I get the inside jokes in Let’s Eat 2, such as the Beast mention and Kwon Yul as Sang-U complimenting Kwon Yul the actor when Su-Ji and he watched The Admiral (the movie he starred in) for their first movie date. And we finally get to see the landlady’s hubby, whom Dae-Young mistook as a pervert.

#Let’sEat2 #S2E9


    How that kimchi glistens! chomp chomp


      The food look irresistible, don’t they? 😋

      Next episode is even worse, it took all my willpower not to run to the nearest Korean BBQ restaurant in the middle of the food porn 🙂


        Since there is no Korean BBQ nearby for me, my ramyun consumption spiked while watching Let’s Eat and Let’s Eat 2 🙂


          Lucky you! Kekeke…. Korean food is popular in my city and plenty of restaurants to choose from but most of the good ones are rather exy, especially good quality grilled meat.

          Speaking of ramyun, my consumption always spike whenever I am watching kdrama (which is way too often 😆) Why do they make it look so delicious and irresistible?


            Uhhh it is only justifiably so that I follow these comments by heading to the kitchen to make myself some ramyun with noodles and egg intact.


It cracked me up to see how frustrated Dae-Young is when people just do what they want when it comes to eating/cooking – in this case, how to cook ramyeon 😆😆

Pssst……I’m like Su-Ji when I cook my ramyeon 🍜 so pls don’t tell Dae-Young, I can’t bear to incur his wrath 😆😆

#Let’sEat2 #S2E8


Our guest star in this episode is strawberries! In many forms! Enjoy!

#Let’sEat2 #S2E8 #KoreanStrawberriesAreTheBest #Red&Juicy


    mmmm, yummmm! So pretty too!! (Btw, what is the top left corner white bun looking strawberry dessert?)


      They are very yummy aren’t they? I love strawberries and Korean strawberries are so sweet I no longer can eat strawberries that are imported from US. I wish I have W Two Worlds type power where I can go into my screen and steal the strawberry desserts right under their noses haha.

      I suspect it’s bun with fresh strawberry cream filling cut into two. Looks so pretty when they present it that way – maybe next time I will cut my bun with fillings just like that 😋


        Oh, I didn’t know strawberries in Korea were super sweet! No wonder they use them in so many desserts! At first I thought the white thing might be strawberry mochie ice cream! He he he. But I guess buns would be good too 🙂

        Wow, W-powers! That would be too hectic but awesome LOL!


          Strawberry mochi ice cream would be so delicious, yum 😋 My Korean friend organized a strawberry farm visit when we went to Seoul in December a few years ago and we picked strawberries fresh from the vine (plant?) and it was so good and yummy! We don’t have fruit farms where I live so it was such a novel experience. We even learned to make strawberry jam, like in Let’s Eat 2 which the kids enjoyed too.

          See how much I ramble when I talk about my fav things hee…..


            Haha, I think everyone is the same where they brighten up talking about their favorite things 🙂
            Wow!! Strawberry picking and jam making! This totally sounds like a scene that will show up in kdrama! So fun!!


    Just finished watching that and believe it or not, I gained 2 kilos from watching it. I had this urge to eat something (anything) whenever I’m watching.


      I believe you coz the same thing happened to me (still happening kekeke) 😩😩, I will munch anything I can get my hands on (and normally these are unhealthily snacks) but I learnt to appreciate food more and enjoy them.


What!?! Dating!?! Su-Ji & Sang-U!?!! That I did not expect, AT ALL!! And our Dae-Young, what’s going to happen when he discovers he likes her too? Can’t wait to find out.

But I rather have a happy Su-Ji than a heartbroken one. When she threw away her “eat one meal a day” diet and turned to comfort (super high calorie) food, I felt her despair and her despondence and understood her wanting to hide away from the world. Don’t we all have one of those days?

#Let’sEat2 #S2E8


It’s time for our food education, beanies! I have to admit, if someone did exactly to me what Dae-Young did to that poor woman, I would be quaking in my boots. Did you see how saucer-like and scary his eyes were? Chill, Dae-Young! But then again, that makes this show so funny, all those poor unsuspecting souls 😂😂😂

#Let’sEat2 #S2E7


For those who drank too much during the weekend, found another hangover cure, beanies! Courtesy of our resident foodie 😃

#Let’sEat2 #S2E7


We had oysters and crabs in the previous episodes and today’s guest is….drumroll ? please…. Octopus 👏🏼 👏🏼👏🏼

I enjoy this episode more than the previous one – there are a few LoL moments and even second-hand embarrassment, couple with some sweet scenes. And we learn that in addition to NO taking of selfies/photos of himself (wanted criminal, anyone?), our creepy rooftop neighbor is not immune to cleavage-showing pretty part-timer.

Oh, and the cat is out of the bag. Dae-Young accidentally blurt out to Sang-U about Su-Ji’s crush on him. Dum…dum…dum…dum…I can’t wait to watch the repercussions in the next episode 😆 Did I forget to mention that Su-Ji has a love rival for Sang-U’s affection?

#Let’sEat2 #S2E7


Anyone interested in making abalone porridge? Halmeoni will teach you how and even let you bring home some in a thermos for a steal – only KRW30,000! Actually it is rather pricey but it’s abalone and it’s home cooked! And you have to pay for the lessons. According to halmeoni, no such thing as free lunch kekeke….

#Let’sEat2 #S2E7


    Currently watching this one!


      👍🏼 👍🏼

      The food featured in this show is just so mouth-watering, I cannot not share with beanies 😄


        Totally agree! Not only the food, but their expressions as well
        (@ ̄¬ ̄@)


This episode focuses on how everyone tries their best to survive with what little they have, be it a struggling writer, a money-pinching landlady, a part-timer and our favorite insurance agent. I like how today’s meals tie to the episode theme of frugality and cost-savings. You don’t have to go to expensive restaurants to have fancy meals, you just need a dash of creativity and of course, Dae-Young!

#Let’sEat2 #S2E6