Beanie level: Noble idiot

Nothing beats home-cooked meal! I always appreciate home-cooked meals since I don’t enjoy cooking and always finding excuses to eat out (which is so unhealthy). Thank you, halmeoni!

Oh..oh…our hero is falling for Su-Ji – I don’t think he realizes it yet but the signs are there. And it seems Sang-U is getting curious and interested in Su-Ji after discovering her award-winning debut novel. But this episode seems slow-moving and less funny (or maybe I’m just tired). And yes, we learned more about our rooftop mystery man and by that, I mean how the heck he has so much money under his mattress? And can I have some?

#Let’sEat2 #S2E6


Ohhh…. how sweet, the tenants of Sejong Villa are having baeksuk for dinner tonight, on a rooftop no less! The chicken looks so tender 😋

I agree with Dae-Young – something is definitely off with the rooftop mystery man (aka Ju-Seung). He behaves suspiciously and a tad creepy. But I do find Ju-Seung’s interaction with halmeoni rather sweet (when he isn’t frustrated with her nosiness but then again, being nosy is a given for a halmeoni, isn’t it? Like a birth right hee… 😄)

#Let’sEat2 #S2E5


    Your screen caps are making me hungry 😂. Love this drama. I’m looking forward to season 3.


      Well well I’ve met my goal for today which is to make one beanie hungry kekeke 😆😆

      I’m looking forward to Season 3 too – food glorious food with my favorite foodie!


Cherry blossom!! So pretty and indeed romantic! I am not fortunate enough to live in a country where cherry flowers blossom so such sight fills me with longing and wonder.

Fighting Su-Ji! I see that there may be a glimmer of hope for you and Sang-U. The things we do for love (or in her case, more like low-grade stalking) 😆

#Let’sEat2 #S2E5


Yes, you go girl! It fills me with rage whenever someone thinks that we women deserve what we get for wearing clothes that they deem skimpy or sexy. Such antiquated thinking needs to be corrected.

#Let’sEat2 #S2E5


Lesson time, beanies! Let’s find out more about today’s dish, gegukji from our resident foodie, shall we?

PS I’m so happy I have no seafood allergy 😄

#Let’sEat2 #S2E5


    I just finished dinner but wow, am i getting hungry just by looking at these pictures! how can you stand when watching the show?!? :O


      IKR? I put on weight for the first season of Let’s Eat kekeke so that’s why I decided to do this for Let’s Eat 2 in the hopes that I’ll be too busy with the posting of and sharing the delicious food with beanies rather than thinking about eating, but so far, the show is winning 😆 Ottoke?


        Did you try cooking the food on the show? If its eating Korean yummy food, I might be fine with putting on some weight. LOL XD Keep sharing yummy photos ❤❤


          Haha, I’m a lousy cook so I don’t attempt anything that may cause stomachache on my family 😆 It’s just that when I see them eat all the delicious food, it makes me so hungry (even after having my meal), I will end up snacking and going to restaurants/cafes more to satisfy my cravings 😁😁

          PS sorry for the late reply, real life just interferes sometimes


            Yup, that right! For those of us that do not really know how to cook, we can only search for food to satisfy our cravings! For me its usually junk food though. LOL.

            PS its okay, I know how real life works. Hope you get to enjoy many more yummy food 🙂


    This is probably my favorite thing in this entire series. (I have an inexplicable fondness for both kimchi AND crabs–so this is like *mind blowing* for me!)


      Yes, so far this is my fav too!!! Coz I love crabs! I think for the other Korean dishes that I have seen and featured, I’m sure I can get them quite easily in my country but for this dish, hmmm… I doubt it so I guess I just have to go to Korea very soon haha 😂


        Question (game) on my fan wall if you wouldn’t mind participating! I love these posts, btw. Keep them coming!


          I played along!! Felt so old when I read the replies from the other beanies – didn’t even cross my mind that it would be illegal for them to date someone 13 years younger now 😱

          Anyway apologies for the late reply – been a super duper busy week and only had time now to check DB


Today’s menu: Gegukji – kimchi stew made with marinated crab! According to our resident foodie, the dish originated from South Chungcheong Province. I’m salivating!

I really like this easy-going Sang-U when he is alone with Dae-Young, his face softens, he smiles more and there is a mischievous gleam in his eyes. He was hilarious when he thought Su-Ji caught him and Dae-Young having lunch together. Kudos to the actor!

#Let’sEat2 #S2E5


Yes, I ❤️ it when Dae-Young starts on his food spiel! My favorite part of the show. His facial expressions are so animated and his enthusiasm is infectious! Makes the food even more appealing and delicious than it already is! And it’s true, the smell of Indian curry is just so aromatic. Whenever my Indian neighbor cooks her curry, the delicious aroma often wafts to my kitchen, making me drool ?

#Let’sEat2 #S2E4


    That moment where he’s just like “Hold up, what did you say?” and the expression of disbelief on his face over what he’s hearing is one of my favorite things ever.


Today’s menu: Anyone up for mouth-watering Indian food? The naan, the curry, the samosa, the basmati rice, they are to die for! Well, I know what I’m having for dinner tonight 😋

I like how Dae-Young, wherever he goes, brings out the best in the people around him. It’s heartwarming to see his positive nature rubbing on Su-Ji and I love his flirty relationship with halmeoni and his budding friendship with Sang-U (the love of Su-Ji’s life who couldn’t even make an effort to remember her name, also known as the second lead) Like Su-Ji, I’m envious that he makes friends easily. Some people are just a bundle of sunshine ☀️

And finally we get to see the mystery man living on the rooftop – I hope his story is more interesting than the S1 mystery.


Dae-Young and Su-Ji are bickering, as usual, over how to eat, this time, raw white fish. To each his/her own, I say!

This episode is comedic gold! Dae-Young giving relationship advice to Su-Ji and teaching her ways to win a man’s heart – he made them look so easy and effortless. However, Su-Ji’s attempts in implementing them are just ??? Fighting Su-Ji!

#Let’sEat2 #S2E3


    Seeing all your posts makes me want to re-watch it again. Especially since it’s now available on Netfilx!


      Glad to be of service! Kekeke… I’m also so happy with the influx of k-drama in Netflix in my region! At least for some shows, I can watch them legit and do away with spam adverts and viruses but a kdrama addict got to do what she needs to do to survive haha!


    Please screen cap the spam episode!


      😄 will do my best, Ally! 😄

      My plan is to screencap the delicious food featured after I watched each epi, however, it’s been rather slow going coz it’s school holidays in my part of the world and my kids won’t leave me alone kekeke….


I’m totally gonna do this the next time I don’t have my umbrella with me! Just need a cute Oppa to help carry it for me though 😂😂😂

#Let’sEat2 #S2E3


    I love the part-timer’s face LOL


      IKR? If I were her, I would be like huh?? I’ve only seen you like twice, what if you damage the umbrella? What if you never return it back to the store? What if my boss finds out and fires me, what if I have to pay for this giant umbrella that will cost me all my fortune 😫😩 I’m just a poor part-timer, looking for a chaebol boyfriend 😂😂😂


Happy Friday everyone! In case anyone is looking for a hangover cure after drinking too much this weekend, try this!

I still don’t like Dae-Young’s colleague (see there Su-Ji, I can’t stand him so I don’t bother to learn his name, get it?). While I’m growing fond of the other characters in the show, he’s growing on me too but like fungus! Eeeks!

#Let’sEat2 #S2E3


    Do they give cooking tips or is it just the eating?


      Nope, just lots of eating but there are tips on how to eat some food the right way (though not in all episodes). My screencaps don’t do justice to the food unfortunately 😅


If you replace “one chocolate cake” with “chocolates, potato chips and ice-cream”, that would be me and the story of my life!

Hey Su-Ji, if a guy can’t even remember your name after meeting you for the countless times, he’s not into you, girl! Chase someone more deserving!

#Let’sEat2 #S2E3


Today’s Menu: Oysters, anyone?

Episode Peeve: I can’t stand Dae-Young’s colleague. He comes across as a pervert and a boor. And invader of personal space. And clingy. And shameless. I know you are lonely in Sejong City with family back in Seoul but you don’t have to be so whiny about it and making a nuisance out of yourself, you know?

#Let’sEat2 #S2E2


    So, YouTube started suggesting to me all the eating clips from this drama (does it know I love food?) and I’ve been thinking of doing a rewatch…now with your posts, I feel like the universe is trying to send me a message.


      Yes the universe is sending you a message loud and clear 😄 Looking forward to your post, with a dash of snark, and peppered with wit!


        Ha, thank you I’ll definitely post something if I do a rewatch — that is if my keyboard doesn’t short out from me drooling all over it (or, more likely, me spilling food all over it).


          I can’t say that never happened to me (psst… it was orange juice, everything was so sticky! Eeeks)


            I now put a hand towel over my keyboard when I have ramyun while watching drama. It’s just better for everyone that way. And by everyone, I mean me.


    Just finished this and now starting Let’s Eat. I also just recommend this to my neighbor who is going to Korea next week for the first time! It should give him some ideas on what to eat while he’s there! Have a great watch! I never knew I needed a Dae Young in my life until this! Looking forward to Let’s Eat 3!


      Enjoy Let’s Eat! I put on weight watching that show kekeke 😆 I hope by posting all these delicious dishes, it can curb my cravings. It’s like cooking, you normally don’t feel like eating your own food that much (oh well a girl can always hope).

      I wish I have a friend like Dae-Young, who is so passionate about food – eating would be such a joy (but maybe not the gaining weight part). I’m also looking forward to Let’s Eat 3!


        And I’ve decided to spam text him all your pictures before he leaves the country! Hope you don’t mind! 😃


Anyone hungry for clam kal-guksu? With a side dish of pork wraps?

Episode Highlights: sassy and snarky halmeoni is ❤️ I want to be her when I grow up. Su-Ji talking to herself is a hoot. But I feel you, girl – how do you say no to good food?

#Let’sEat2 #S2E2


Today’s menu: food glorious food, Chinese style! I watched this episode just after lunch and I got hungry all over again watching them eat!

#Let’sEat2 #S2E1


What’s the fun of watching a foodie show and suffering by myself if I can’t share it with the rest of the Beanies? Enjoy the foodporn!

#Let’sEat2 #S2E1 #rawsquid


Now that School 2017 is ending soon (tell me it ain’t so) and only live watching Live Up to Your Name, it’s time to look into my drama watchlist! And I decided… drumroll pls…on Let’s Eat 2 🍱?🍜


I don’t know what I did but somehow I got into DB staging site! There’s a new feature – shop – and the kdrama fan in me is excited to see what kind of goodies are sold under Hallyu collectibles ?


    If the first picture is a thumb drive, I want one! I love thumb drives, esply cute ones!! Just take my money, DB!! 💸💸


      Silly me, it’s a portable battery! But it’s useful, so again, here, take my money DB 💰


    Ooooh! Now we know why there is a mysteriously disappearing shopping cart. Soon we will be able to buy goodies! Can’t wait to see what they have to offer 😁


    Thank you for sharing! I was wondering what the shopping cart was for and kept on clicking it but nothing happened. Now we know!


    DVDS??? I want DVD. Lemme at em! Also face masks. Also can there be keychains??


      I’d love to own some legit K-drama DVDs! I wonder how much it’ll be because I’ve come across K-drama DVD boxes that are hundreds of dollars. I adore Korean packaging, so if there are English subs, I’d be willing to break my bank for ’em.
      And YES to keychains! I want to flaunt my DB love anytime, anywhere. I’d be decked out in DB merch from head to toe. Lawl.


        hahhahahahah that’s right. Honestly I don’t know why it is so hard to get legit K-drama DVDs with excellent English subs. My money has been waiting for that moment. I want to hold those suckers in my hands and take them to my friends homes. I;d also like posters.
        Keychains are my favorite.
        hahahha head to toe? DB beanie, DB shirt, DB cute sweats? DB socks, and DB house slippers maybe? I maybe choose to create a comfy cute indoor kdrama watching outfit there…


          I splurged on some Goblin merch, and probably would’ve broke my bank for the Director’s Cut, but the blu-rays were going for $300+ and get this, no English subs–at all! I love the drama and would’ve loved to own the D-Cut, but man, I just couldn’t. I think even if there are subs in the legit DVDs, it might not be as good as the fansub ones.

          Ooh, yes. A Beanie beanie is a MUST HAVE and basically, everything you mentioned ^^ I want! DB socks! And shirts!


        Hello chingu! I haven’t you seen you at the fan wall recently – glad to hear from you ?


          Hey hi~! 😊👋🏼 Aw, thank you! I’m glad to be back. 🙂 Been busy with work lately and haven’t had much time to DB. I’ll slowly make my comeback soon. Hehe. You’ll see me spamming the BEANIES section again. Haha.


        Hi @chingu Have you been busy with work? DB shopping would be great. I’m writing my Christmas list now hoping it will be available here!


          Hi, vannerie! 👋🏼😊 Actually, yes, I have. 😔 Now that my lil’ sisters are back in school, I’ve been following their schedule and sleeping/waking up early and going to work and not having much time for intense DB-ing. ☹️ It’s okay, I’ll still manage to come on often. I’ve been in a very long-term relationship w/ DB, so it’ll be impossible for me to leave it for even one day (I’ve been lurking the main page). 😁👍🏼

          Ooh, sounds good! Maybe we can even vote on what kind of merch we’d all be willing to pay for and they can make it happen?
          Let’s save up until DB shop opens for business!


            Ah. That’s good. A lot of the students are cutting back too. I’m glad everything is ok and I hope work is interesting and not too stressful. I’m just psyching myself up to do a load of stuff before going to Corsica for a week. We are going to be really busy this Autumn so I need to put on my old project manager’s hat so we get everything done. 🙂


          Aw, thank you, thank you! While it’s not too interesting, it’s also not very stressful, so it’s okay. I’m hangin’ in there.
          Ooh, what’s in Corsica?
          Remind me again what you do? Wishing you all the best!


    Well done. I only had the cart with no shopping and that’s gone now.


      Yes, the cart is gone now from my screen too – maybe in the next update, the shop feature will be up and running, fingers crossed!


Now I’m craving for strawberry milk! Omo, is this a subtle PPL?

A black hoodie, and now this, well done Show, well done 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼



Oh, hello there Nanny! Happy to see Chae Kyung’s nanny still working hard in Joseon 😆

#LiveUpToYourName #Missing7DQ