The Liar and His Lover: Episode 7

I didn’t think it was possible, but this show just keeps getting better and better. The cute fluff makes a strong comeback in this episode, but as usual, we still get plenty of heart to leave us extra satisfied. While one of Han-gyul’s relationships continues to blossom, another is compromised. All I know is that if there were ever two misunderstood people capable of at least understanding each other, it’d be Crude Play’s own songwriter and bassist.


Everyone is anticipating So-rim’s band to perform – Teacher Bong’s class watches from the school while Grandma and friends watch at home – when they realize there’s no sound coming from their TVs. At the studio, the crew runs around in a panic trying to figure out what’s wrong, unaware that Jin-hyuk pulled the plug.

Things are going according to plan, but the heavy silence scares So-rim, and she can’t seem to find her voice. Just as Han-gyul quietly says, “Sing,” from where he stands, So-rim faces the audience and opens her mouth. The crew is still confused though – no one can hear her. Ack, the microphone isn’t on! Jin-hyuk orders the technician to turn it on, and finally, everyone is able to hear So-rim’s voice.

She starts off a little shaky, but taking in the encouraging smiles from Han-gyul and Chan-young, she sheds her fear and grabs the mic with intent.

Her friends – as well as Han-gyul and Chan-young – follow her lead, and as the music swells, So-rim completely falls into it and just lets loose, jumping about the stage as she sings. CEO Yoo watches from afar, shocked that the rookie Jin-hyuk had downplayed is the same girl on stage.

The band finishes their song successfully (with So-rim’s classmates and neighbors rejoicing in their respective spots). So-rim’s eyes automatically find Han-gyul’s and they beam at each other, which Chan-young takes notice of.

Once they all reconvene backstage, So-rim apologizes to Jin-hyuk for losing. Jin-hyuk tells her not to worry about it since there was a fixed winner from the beginning. They all decide to go out for dinner to celebrate a job well done, though Chan-young has to leave for shoots. He makes sure to lean in and pat So-rim on the head before leaving, ruffling Han-gyul’s (and, of course, Jin-woo’s) feathers a bit.

Later that night, Han-gyul takes So-rim and friends back to their neighborhood by taxi. Gyu-sun makes a point to drag Jin-woo away and urges Han-gyul to walk So-rim the rest of the way to her house. Hee.

Once they’re alone, Han-gyul tells her that she performed well, especially since he knows she was nervous. So-rim insists that she wasn’t nervous because she remembered how much Han-gyul trusted his music, and she chose to trust in that. With that said, Han-gyul sincerely apologizes for lying about his identity and promises to repay her by telling her anything and everything she wants to know.

And while So-rim does want to know everything about him, like the kind of girls he dated, a part of her fears his answers. So she only has one question for him tonight: Do the lyrics to “I’m Okay” represent his current feelings? She asks this remembering that he’d written the song with Yoo-na in mind.

Understanding what she’s getting at, Han-gyul smiles warmly and responds, “No. They don’t.” So-rim returns the smile, pleased with his answer. They part on a good note.

Back at Sole Music, Jin-hyuk is reprimanded by the head technician for causing chaos during the broadcast. But when CEO Yoo saunters in and asks why he’s overreacting, the tech leaves them alone. CEO Yoo turns to Jin-hyuk, wanting to know who arranged their elaborate plan. Jin-hyuk doesn’t say anything, so she assumes it was all Chan-young’s doing. And now she’s curious to find out more about the relationship between Chan-young and So-rim.

Han-gyul literally skips home after dropping So-rim off, but before he can head inside, the Crude Play boys pull up in their van and kidnap him so they can have their own little party at their bar. And, boy, do they party hard. (I see you having fun there, Chan-young!)

Shi-hyun asks Han-gyul if he won the war with So-rim, to which he responds that there are no winners or losers here. “The other person has no desire to win,” Han-gyul slurs, thoughtful. “When the other person has no desire to win, I can’t win either.” Shi-hyun figures he’s just spewing nonsense because he’s drunk, but an eavesdropping Chan-young seems to think differently.

At school the next day, the entire class fawns over our trio, gushing that they totally killed it on stage. Even Teacher Jerkface comes in to compliment So-rim and ask for a picture. Later, Se-jung keeps the compliments going as she walks with So-rim. She sneaks in a question about Chan-young (I guess we know who her bias is), wondering how close they are.

So-rim’s phone starts ringing before she can answer, and Se-jung excitedly grabs it out of her hand, thinking it’s Chan-young. When she sees it’s just So-rim’s grandmother, she pouts and stalks off, leaving So-rim confused.

Jin-hyuk is very happy to hear that the video of So-rim’s group performing is gaining popularity and tells his team to get them prepared for debut before all the hype dies down. Soo-yeon asks if they should let the public know that “K” arranged the group’s song, but Jin-hyuk hesitates, recalling CEO Yoo’s assumption that it was Chan-young.

However, it turns out that CEO Yoo has already done her research and discovered that it was Han-gyul who made the arrangement. Though she’s taken aback when her assistant informs her that despite this, the staff still listed Chan-young as the one responsible.

Jin-hyuk stops by Crude Play’s place – where nearly all of them are still hungover, lol – and pulls Han-gyul and Chan-young aside. He tells them that they’re planning on releasing the song So-rim’s band performed with Chan-young’s name attached to it. Jin-hyuk insists that it’d cover up the mishap backstage, as well as excite Crude Play’s fans.

Chan-young turns to Han-gyul, hoping he’ll reject to the idea, but on the contrary, Han-gyul’s fine with it – he never wanted to be credited anyway. Still, Chan-young says that he’d feel dirty stealing a song he didn’t arrange. Han-gyul’s face falls. To make matters worse, Jin-hyuk makes a snide comment that Chan-young should be happy to get a song from the Kang Han-gyul he so dearly admires.

Jin-hyuk’s joking, but Chan-young can see that he came to inform him, not ask for his opinion. He tells Jin-hyuk to do what he wants and gets up to leave. Han-gyul quickly goes after him, telling him to pay Jin-hyuk no attention.

Han-gyul: “He’s not like that because he looks down on you. It’s because it’s better if you—…” Chan-young: “I know. I know that I’m easy to take advantage of. So stop talking.” Han-gyul sighs in frustration as Chan-young takes off in his car.

Han-gyul rejoins the other boys, who figure that it’s Jin-hyuk who always makes things complicated for them. Shi-hyun asks why Han-gyul didn’t just reject the idea. He says it’s because he’s really okay with it, since it could be a big benefit for So-rim’s band. “When it comes to Yoon So-rim, I want to be a better person outside of just music.” The boys stare after him, realizing that their friend is far gone at this point.

At home, So-rim is all smiles as she thinks back to Han-gyul’s face at the performance. She gets the urge to call him and, to her delight, he answers almost instantly. They both light up to hear each other’s voice, with So-rim even saying that she’s come to a realization: “I can’t stop my feelings just because I want to. So I’ve decided to nurture those feelings well.”

She’s about to ask if he has any time, but he jumps in to ask first, suggesting they meet up this weekend. “Why?” she asks eagerly. Han-gyul can barely contain his smile as he replies, “Just… because I want to see you.” They agree to meet up and then playfully argue over who should hang up first. When Han-gyul finally does, they both have their own separate squee sessions. Oh, you adorable puppies, you.

The weekend arrives, and Jin-hyuk and Yoo-na start it off with a meeting with a separate company to discuss their promotion for an anniversary special. The company’s representative clearly has no interest in re-signing Yoo-na, so she speaks up to suggest a collaboration with Crude Play. That definitely piques their interest, but Jin-hyuk is more upset at the fact that this company plans on signing groups from Who Entertainment instead.

Jin-hyuk marches straight to CEO Yoo’s office to confront her about this, but she won’t be moved. Instead, she offers him a proposition: She’ll take care of Yoo-na if he hands over So-rim. Jin-hyuk starts to argue, but CEO Yoo hits him with the fact that it was really Han-gyul who helped So-rim’s band out. And after noticing so many people jump to take care of this girl, she wants to have her.

But Jin-hyuk isn’t willing to let So-rim go so easily; he asks if So-rim would still be able to debut. CEO Yoo chides him for even worrying about a rookie when he should be concentrating on saving Yoo-na’s career.

Meanwhile, So-rim is fussing over what to wear and recruits Grandma to help her choose. So-rim sighs that she wants to look nice for Han-gyul, but Grandma scoffs that if he has a problem with what she wears, she should just bring him home so Grandma can properly punish him.

She settles on an outfit and heads out to their meeting place, where she spots Han-gyul peering into a window as he fixes his hair. She smiles and stands beside him to copy his actions until he notices her.

She’s excited to spend the day with him, but he just now realizes that he didn’t come with a plan; he’d just wanted to see her. So-rim suggests they do something special and asks what he likes to do.

Next thing we know, the two are sitting in a bus. So-rim wonders what it is he wants to do, and Han-gyul bashfully admits that riding the bus is what he wanted to do – it’s his favorite activity since he can listen to people’s voices. After so many years songwriting for Crude Play, he’d gotten used to Shi-hyun’s voice, so he enjoys doing his research this way when writing for a different voice.

So-rim notes that besides them, the bus is completely empty. (Ha.) Either way, she says, she likes it better that way.

Deciding to take advantage of the moment, So-rim hesitantly rests her head on Han-gyul’s shoulder. He asks what she’s doing, though when she lifts her head, he not-so-subtly inches closer. But to make things more clear, he tells her to continue what she was doing. He doesn’t have to tell her twice – she goes right back to nestling her head against his shoulder.

Crude Play holds a press conference for their new album. It’s going relatively well until one smug reporter asks if they really played their instruments for this album, pointing out that they must’ve been too busy to get in any practice time. Shi-hyun answers around this question, which the reporter calls him out on. So Chan-young looks this reporter in the eye and says, “Yes, the recording is really us playing.”

Chan-young continues that the only reason they hesitated was because it seemed like such an obvious question. That gets the press laughing, but the rest of the boys shift uncomfortably in their seats.

As Han-gyul and So-rim have dinner, the TV behind them starts advertising Crude Play. So-rim gasps at how cool Chan-young looks, which inevitably brings out Han-gyul’s jealousy. He stretches his arms out to block her view but completely fails since she ends up pushing him aside anyway, heh. He scowls at the fact that she still fangirls when she’s practically co-workers with Chan-young now.

Han-gyul says that the boys aren’t how they’re perceived anyway – in fact, they named themselves Crude Play to make a point that they weren’t a glamorous band.

Hearing this makes So-rim curious as to what it was like when Han-gyul was in the band. When she says that she’d like to see him play with them, he gets fidgety and reminds her that they have Chan-young now. “You and Chan-young Oppa can just play together,” she suggests. Han-gyul smiles sadly and wonders if a day like that could ever come. Well, that just hurts my heart.

On their walk back, a cyclist nearly runs into So-rim, and Han-gyul instinctively holds her out of the way. They both get flustered by his sudden embrace, but Han-gyul keeps the clichés going – he notices So-rim’s shoelace is untied and bends down to tie it.

It’s all very sweet and romantic until Han-gyul glances up, his face right in So-rim’s skirt. She panics and kicks him in his misters, sending him flying to the ground in pain. Ha! Omg, I’m dying. And apparently, so is he, because when So-rim runs off in embarrassment, he can barely stand and his voice cracks as he calls out her name.

CEO Yoo happily chats with her company’s chairman – who also happens to be her father – though her smile disappears when Jin-hyuk shows up to join them. Jin-hyuk tells the chairman all about the new band he’s working with, earning him a few glares from CEO Yoo.

Yoo-na calls Han-gyul out to propose the collaboration with her and Crude Play. She asks that they let go of their personal issues and work together. Han-gyul flatly refuses, saying that she can work with Crude Play, but she shouldn’t expect a song from him.

Offended, Yoo-na wonders if it’s because he dislikes her voice now. Han-gyul thinks back to So-rim’s performance and says no: “It’s because there’s only one girl I want to sing my songs.” Yoon-na asks who this girl is, but Han-gyul merely apologizes and takes his leave.

After meeting with her father, CEO Yoo commends Jin-hyuk for hamming it up at dinner. Even so, she says, she plans on managing So-rim and adds that another one of his girls will be left heartbroken. Jin-hyuk turns to her in surprise.

Back at home, So-rim smiles at her tied shoelace only to cry out in horror when she remembers the aftermath. Grandma finds her on the floor whimpering that she must’ve been crazy to do that. In his own home, Han-gyul has a burst of inspiration and gets back to working on his song for So-rim.

The next day, So-rim and her friends present Jin-hyuk with their decided stage name: Mush & Co. They explain that the ‘mush’ is for So-rim’s mushroom-like hair. Jin-hyuk laughs, but he thinks the randomness of the name does fit their group. Soo-yeon pulls Jin-hyuk aside and asks if they should really post the article about their debut without telling them, but he just shrugs and says that it’s more fun that way.

When Chan-young stops by the company and takes So-rim to an empty concert hall to catch up, So-rim wonders why she feels lonely and scared when in a crowded hall, yet completely fine when it’s empty like right now. Chan-young looks at her all too knowingly and states that if you don’t have anyone by your side in a sea of people, it can be the scariest feeling. He surprises So-rim by elaborating that he feels this way on stage.

In flashback, we that the boys were, in fact, upset to discover that Chan-young would be replacing Han-gyul in the band. Though they eventually accepted, when they came to debut, Chan-young noticed the boys smiling and waving to Han-gyul in the crowd. The four friends were in their own little world while Chan-young was off to the side, alone. That’s why, he tells So-rim now, that he’s always wanted to have his own band – his own place.

He needed someone who could believe in him, which is why he’s so glad to have So-rim by his side. He hopes that they can continue to believe in each other and holds out his hand. So-rim hesitates, but sensing Chan-young’s sincerity, she takes it.

Meanwhile, the rest of Crude Play films their next video. But In-ho’s head is swarming with thoughts from the press junket, causing him to drop his drum sticks. He tells the others that they should just stop now. Though Shi-hyun sadly agrees, he still thinks they should at least master “I’m Okay,” if only for themselves.

Afterward, Shi-hyun finds Soo-yeon, needing someone to confide in. He tells her how embarrassed he was before, since everything but the band’s appearance is fake. Soo-yeon assures him that she’s always leaving behind nice comments on their secret page, and he smiles, saying he already knows. Aw.

Han-gyul pulled an all-nighter finishing “Waiting for You,” and that morning, he gets a text from Jin-hyuk telling him to do an online search for Mush & Co. So-rim gets the same text and discovers that her group is all over the news with a surprise debut. While her classmates freak out, So-rim looks rather uneasy. After seeing the same news articles, Han-gyul immediately calls Jin-hyuk, angered that he rushed the group’s debut.

Jin-hyuk optimistically says that the group doesn’t have to worry – they just have to meet expectations. Han-gyul asks if he really believes that. He says that he does… if a certain songwriter takes care of them. (You sneaky fox.) Fuming, Han-gyul grits his teeth and hangs up.

Jin-hyuk’s really got him trapped now. After contemplating his newly finished song, he comes to a decision and heads out to meet with So-rim.

As he suspected, So-rim is a bit apprehensive with her sudden debut. She wonders if she’s truly capable of singing an album that people would actually buy. Han-gyul assures her that she’s fully capable and that he’s willing to help by providing her debut song. He whips out his earphones so she can give it a listen.

But barely two seconds into the song, So-rim pulls the earphones out, uncomfortable listening when she already promised she’d work with Chan-young for the next three years. Han-gyul points out that it was a promise and not a contractual agreement, but So-rim insists that Chan-young was serious about it. She can’t break that promise.

We see that Se-jung is a contributor to the nasty comments on Crude Play’s secret video account – she furiously types one out as she eats with Gyu-sun.

Se-jung’s eyes gravitate toward Chan-young in the restaurant’s TV and, after a moment of thinking, she turns to Gyu-sun and asks if he wants to date. Oh, come on, don’t mess with Gyu-sunnie’s heart!

CEO Yoo comes barging into Jin-hyuk’s office and tosses a pile of papers his direction. He picks them up, his eyes widening to see news articles speculating that the “fake” Crude Play videos are actually Crude Play. “What are you going to do now?” CEO Yoo asks menacingly.

A dejected Han-gyul walks home, but the sound of music snaps him out of his dazed state. Sitting right across from his front door is a man quietly strumming his guitar. Han-gyul can hardly believe his eyes as the man looks up and smiles at him. “Father?” Han-gyul gets out.


Another great cliffhanger. I’ve been anticipating this father-son reunion ever since So-rim first encountered In-woo singing on the street. The guy seemed so hesitant at any mention of Han-gyul – even saying he was afraid of him – so I’m extremely curious to see what’s been holding him back all this time. Is he ashamed of what happened in the past with his music? We might’ve seen Han-gyul hurt and angry about this in his childhood flashbacks, but clearly, the boy does miss his father.

I’ll be looking forward to how his father’s presence mixes things up because it could very well be exactly what Han-gyul needs. He looked like such a lost puppy in that last scene and it reminded me that before all the chaos that entered his life with Crude Play’s debut, he was already a lonely kid living without his parents most of the time. I’m sure somewhere along the way, the absence of his folks caused him to lose his way, giving us the songwriter we know today.

But it does seem like Han-gyul is slowly finding his way again, with So-rim as his guide. I love that the two are finally in the same place because now we get to see Han-gyul act as giddy as So-rim, and it’s twice as sweet. It’s so sweet that I swear I’m going to have a mouthful of cavities before we reach the finale. The show really does crank up the romance to an eleven when it matters, but it’s not afraid to send us back to reality. Because, yeah, the cliché of bending down to tie your lover’s shoe would be awkward, especially if she was wearing a skirt. I know it was comedic relief, but I still appreciated the slight realism there.

Things may seem all hunky-dory on the surface, but with so much conflict engraved into this story, I think we’re in for another bumpy ride. On top of Crude Play’s secret being discovered and our newly named Mush & Co. being debuted out of nowhere, the tension between Han-gyul and Chan-young is only getting tighter. It’s strange because the deeper we get inside Chan-young’s head, the more he starts to feel like your average first lead type – the troubled, misunderstood loner. Han-gyul is obviously that first lead type too, but in a very different way.

Despite their differences, their individual feelings of loneliness both root back to Crude Play. Han-gyul was traumatized by his separation from the band, while Chan-young was traumatized by his separation from the friendship. I really wish Chan-young would just open himself up to the boys and release the years-worth of anger and resentment, but I can see why he’d rather keep to himself. He craves the companionship, but he came into the band knowing there was already a strong bond between the four boys, and a bond like that is hard to just waltz into. If only he stopped to think that maybe Han-gyul is going through similar suffering.

But then again, perhaps So-rim can be that bridge that brings them together. It feels like Han-gyul is already halfway there, but with Chan-young’s inferiority complex in full swing, I fear that he’ll only run farther away. I’ll just have to wait until that day when the two can stand as the two bassists for Crude Play, just as So-rim imagined.


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Oh, the shoulder puffing / popping (not sure what to call it) on the bus was so cute!! Loving the number of squees this show induces. :)


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Yep...totally enjoying the fluffy squee-worthy moments that this show continues to churn out! But I was so ready for some conflict and seems like that's what happened in these two episodes. The characters, all of them I think I pretty well written. Chan Young for e.g. is a wonderfully fleshed out character. He isn't bad or the typical second lead. He seems to care about music ( a lot ), So Rim (a lot again) and his band mates as well (surely, now?)...and the actor also I think is adding layers to the role with his acting. He knows what he is capable of dong and has respect for Han Gyul as well. This is my wishful thinking but I really want to see some bromance between Chan Young and Han Gyul.
Okay, I also like the equation between Me. Choi and the President of Who Entertainment. Yay Underdog! It's thoroughly entertaining to see the Choi be a complete ass yet so mindful of his people. I want all episodes. Now. and the complete OST!


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But my ultimate favorite is Kyu Sun. He is pure gold.


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the only thing I dislike about gyu sun is not gyu sung but his horrible taste in girls.


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I think he's a cute guy but maybe cuz he's a little chubby the girls have not paid any attention to him before now. So of course he's going to get hearts-in-his-eyes blindness real quick.


Re: Alessar. Awww. Gyu Sun is so cute, he deserves for the girls to like him too. I would choose him over the guys I know for sure.


Kyu Sun is my Bae-bae!!!! I love his squishiness so much. His dimples are super adorable and I love that he looks like a Teddy bear or a panda bear.


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his cheeks are so squishy <3


All the characters are well-layered, and you know if you wait for a few episodes, their story will keep coming out and you will understand a bit about them more. Among all the characters, I'm the most curious about Chanyoung and Jinhyuk's psyche. They're bad, but with a background for being bad that most humans have felt before.


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There are already some small bromance moments between Han gyul and Chan young. But same, I want more of it, and this time, without any tension left. I'll be fine if they fight it out all they want as long as by the end of the drama, Crude Play is OT5, not OT4.


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Whatever-its-name complicated relationship between Chanyoung and Hangyul is my favorite of this drama.

The strong bond between the original four makes Chanyoung feel left-out. He always sees himself as an outsider, someone who plays only for and in place of Hangyul. He seems reluctant, however, he acknowledges Hangyul's music so much that he can't refuse to play. He keeps quoting Hangyul's music makes him like tiny particle. This inner conflict has stressed him out for a very very long time and caused him to long for his own place. Thus he is very persistent about Mush & co.

Little did he know, the very reason Hangyul steps down from CP is no other than Chanyoung's incredible skill. Like Hangyul said, Chanyoung fingers can sing. As a music genius, it is impossible Hangyul for not noticing that Chanyoung is way better bassist than him. That's how the decision is made. However Hangyul is too music-minded. He kinda lacks of common sense, so occasionally he offends Chanyoung without himself knowing, and when Chanyoung has such fragile delicate maiden heart.

In the end, the core conflict between Chanyoung and Hangyul is music itself. Chanyoung feels inferior to Hangyul. Hangyul feels inferior to Chanyoung. Both of them think the other party is heavenly talented, and both also fail to see themselves as equally talented person. How can this not be so intereeting?

And like you said, bromance between them is highly appreciated. But this is so climax material, I wonder if we can get some bromance before last episode.


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I REALLY hope this class president-creepy girl will have some bigger role in future episodes, because at this moment it feels like she is stealing time from Crude play or Shihyun/Soo Yeon


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I hope she crawls under a rock and stays there. Don't mess with poor Gyu-sun's heart! She clearly only likes him know that he's (semi) famous, and sees him as a way to get to her oppa crush. So, no, I don't want her to have a bigger role, unless it is to see her getting painfully crushed down to the gutter where her manners are.


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This show doesn't seem to waste characters (which I admire) so unfortunately Se Jung will most likely be the source of much trouble for our band.


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The only GOOD thing she could do (before aforementioned rock-crawling) is at least realize that Chan-young was never a part of "The Real Crude Play"'s internet videos, and therefore he really does play the bass.

But then she needs to leave. Possibly pelted with rotten produce from grandma's store.


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Yup. She totally will. Don't worry, your wish would be fulfilled.


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Fingers crossed!


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Unfortunately, she'll be around for quite some time and will likely cause trouble (not just break poor teddy bear Gyu-San's heart) as she seems to be following her manga character closely. But I do join the sentiment here that I wish Sejung crawls under a rock and stays there. The scene with Sorim when she walks out after seeing it was Grandma calling and not Chanyoung and the scene where she asks Gyu-san out to date her still makes me LIVID. Ugh! Such a snake!


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I was so mad that she forced Sorim to show her the phone call. And when she stomped off because it wasn't a Crude Play member. What a horrible person. It astounds me that the characters don't seem to yet realize or at least have a feeling of how toxic she is. Dump her, shut her out of your life because she is only trouble.


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I wanted to do something to her when she forced So Rim to show her the phone call. When she comes up in my screen, I find myself doing something else. ?


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If she is living through the purpose of the original character, she definitely will cause trouble. Gosh. I already hate her. -_____-


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--This is super petty but I could watch all
day a supercut of Jin Woo and Han Kyul's matching "I will burn this place to the ground" faces whenever Chan Young shows So Rim extra attention.

--I almost died during So Rim and Han Kyul's date. I thought it was going to be adorableness with some drama ending the date on a sour note and instead ended in hilarity. She's wearing the type of skirt you can't fit shorts under (raise your hand if you wore a uniform in school) so he should have just let her tie her own shoes. And good for So Rim for instinctively kicking his ass. There are political machinations in play at the entertainment company that will hurt her and her friends but at least we know she isn't completely street dumb.

--Love the little characterizations of the supporting cast. The Crude Play puppies are so cute at play (which made me feel for Chan Young and how alone he feels). And I loved Grandma leaving So Rim out on the foyer while she whined; you know that's not the first time it happened.


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Yeah, I thought her skirt was a bit short for him to be tying her shoes for her and sure enough, Bam, right in the baby-makers. Haha.


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i could see it happening when his face was just an inch away from her skirt when he was tying her shoe laces. it was still a hilarious sight to see though HAHA


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i live for jw's jealous face.


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His jealous face makes my day. I love this kid! In fact, I love all these young actors! All the characters feel really fleshed-out and the actors are doing such a great job, especially since many of them are newbies!


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Gyusun too is a newbie with Jinwoo and they're doing a great job both. (And Sorim is a newbie too of course)


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Ha. Me too...but I don't get Jin Woo...I don't think he is romantically inclined towards So Rim...It seems more of protective attitude ..Han Gyul sshi on the other hand, you have it pretty bad boy! Up your game because now 's coming your time to go to So Rim. And, why not? He has the best competitor for So Rim's heart in uri Chan Young oppa.

The kicking was hilarious and so very needed.


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Oh, Jinwoo 100% has a crush on Sorim. If you look at his scenes thinking he likes Sorim, it explains all his reactions and actions.


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In another drama, Jin Woo would have been Yoon Jae and So Rim would have been Shin Won from Answer me 1997.


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"--This is super petty but I could watch all day a supercut of Jin Woo and Han Kyul's matching "I will burn this place to the ground" faces whenever Chan Young shows So Rim extra attention. --" YESS PLEASE! Can we make that happen ??


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I wish. I enjoy GIFs but cannot make them. :)


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I can do the gifs. Do you mean a complilation of all their jealous faces though? LOL Because that may take a while!


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oooh can you? Well at least KHG's jealousy faces.. he looks sooo adorable when he's jealous :D


@ash yeah but it might take me a while. I'll post them when im done. Maybe tml or Sunday. ?


@michykdrama you are awesome. (But no, it does not have to be all the faces, I'm only slightly ridiculous, lol.)


He probably thought she couldn't stoop down comfortably to tie her shoelaces because of the skirt... but then BAM.


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I want to hug So Rim for keeping her promise. Chan Young already has no one but her, he would fall apart if she deserted him, too. Chan Young reacted exactly the way I expected him to react to Jin Hyuk's proposal. In fact, exactly the way ANYONE would react. No self-respecting person would be grateful at being forced to take credit for someone else's work. If the public finds out -- and I can see CEO Yoo leaking it as payback -- it would ruin his career.

So Rim's performance of Your Days made my heart grow three sizes like the Grinch. She is such an underdog, feel-good story. Teacher Bong smiling like an idiot was me. Han Gyul's eyes welling up with pride was me. I had predicted the camera would pan to Session Musician Chan Young onstage and lamented the fact that Bong Trio would have an unfair advantage by having a Crude Play member featuring. Yet they still lost --
obvious proof the show was fixed.

I envy So Rim's courage in how she is always unabashed at confessing her feelings to Han Gyul. Their empty bus ride was delectably sweet. I wanted him to say "I found it (a voice I like)!" when she started humming Peter Pan. Despite that, I felt Han Gyul offering his shoulder to lean on is sending mixed signals if he has no plans to accept So Rim's feelings. I was relieved they never acted awkward with each other after their "fight." So Rim was back to her old, bubbly self when Han Gyul walked her home from the taxi. I love how So Rim kept unintentionally making all the boys flustered. As soon as Han Gyul bent down to tie her shoe, I noticed her skirt was at his eye level. Then again with Chan Young immediately backing up once he realized how close they were in the empty auditorium.

I hate to say I told you so, but it was only a matter of time before Crude Play got caught. They were practically begging to get caught by calling themselves REAL Crude Play. I was waiting for Chan Young to answer the reporter's question since it wouldn't be a lie coming from his mouth as he does play his own instrument, but Chan Young shooting daggers at the reporter was a bonus.

Even while knowing the backstory of how Crude Play was formed, the flashbacks were still brutal to watch. Where was Han Gyul when Jin Hyuk broke the news? Shi Hyun, Yoon, and In Ho deserved an explanation from Han Gyul directly. Knowing that they all get along with each other now -- partying and drinking the night away -- helps soften the blow, but it is incredibly difficult to heal from emotional scars like that, especially during your formative teenage years, so I fully understand why Chan Young acts as standoffish as he does.

Many thanks for the recap, SailorJumun!


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Love how you can see Chan Young's face light up whenever Sorim assures him of her promise. Please don't break his heart. At least not this early.


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I also loved how she kept her promise despite the fact the other party was her crush. Not many people keep promises these days. So good to see that the show did this and also goes to show the good character of So Rim. On another note, I am REALLY loving this show. It reminded me on why I love kdramas so much. I hope it stays that way till the end.


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i really like how innocent and pure they made so rim. she's not annoyingly stupid, but just pure and straightforward and totally lovable. you can just tell from her face what she feels, and even if you can't, she'll tell you and express herself honestly. i missed this kind of heroine. I'm not even sure we've had those a lot.


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Part of me was like, No, Sorim, sing his sooooong! But the other part of me was like, Yes, Sorim, keep your promise!


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Me too. I was soooo proud of her for keeping her promise despite her feelings. Yeah for So Rim.


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@panshel. I beg to differ. So Rim shows her naivety by clinging to an unfair promise extracted from her by Chan Young, an older guy with worldly experience. Manipulating So Rim like that shows Chan Young does not have her best interests at heart, particularly as the first 1 to 3 years can be "make or break" for a new artist. Despite no credentials as a producer or songwriter, Chan Young has arrogantly grabbed onto a young girl as a means to his own path.


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But does Soorim see it that way? You have to see this at her poiny of view, and we all know she has no malice on her body and usually sees the good in every person. In a place where she was so new, it was Chanyoung who welcomed her and told her he'd help, anybody in her place would be grateful for the security of his words. Now the shade on that promise is not Soorim's but on Chanyoung. He's the shady one.


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I agree. And @GedSkaiKru - I do agree on the welcoming part, but I do think that he did that with an agenda in mind as he knew very early on that HG had a relationship of sorts with SR.
SR keeping her promise with CY is just her character and I can see why she did - but CY limiting that promise to an exclusive promise to work with him and only him is purely selfish and manipulative on his part- to one up HG. If he truly had SR's best interest at heart only - then he should be willing to allow SR to work with the best - HG and any other songwriter out there. He could have still retained producing rights, which allows him to dictate basically every step of SR's career. HG has a proven track record as a hit songwriter. Surely CY's song could still be part of the album they are producing! SR keeping that promise of letting CY produce I have no problem with. CY being selfish to the point of not caring whether it hurts SR's debut due to his own misguided insecurities and selfish desires - I have major issues with.


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Look, I don't ship SR with CY. I don't even LIKE CY. But I think people have been exaggerating the effect changing producers had on her debut. HG might have been a better songwriter, but CY isn't bad himself, and he's the bigger star with better public recognition. It's not like giving her his songs will ruin her debut. He had a good song, he's talented in music, and wrote a song specifically to fit her. He called dibs on producing her way before he knew HG was involved, and called dibs because HG refused in the first place, and took care of her before he knew HG was involved as well. The fact that he produces her will be an advantage to both. She gets to use his name, his song, which again, isn't bad, and he gets to find an alternative in his career for Crude Play. I can't blame him for telling HG to butt out. Getting away from HG's shadow and influence is his purpose. HG getting involved nullifies the effect. It would be no different, he would still be under the shadows of HG, still would be unable to break away from having to depend on HG, just like how Crude Play depends on HG. And he wouldn't be able to establish himself out of Crude Play's image into a producer's image. The credit will go to the "genius," regardless of his level of involvement. Especially when JH is so HG-biased to start with. For the first time, he's able to have an independent project on his own. Doesn't make sense for him to want other people, especially HG butting into his project. It's never pleasant to have another one butting in something important that you do, no matter how better they are. It wouldn't be yours anymore. In his point of view, this is a project between SR and himself, HG butting in would take away that. Again, I don't like CY either, and I agreed with all the complaints about his weaseling out of telling HG the truth about SR. But I don't feel it's fair to expect him to yield his project away, or talk as if getting him to produce SR means risking so much. SR and her friends were thrilled he was producing, they liked his song, and even HG liked his song. He has a good song. A


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The snooty classmate kinda worries me. I feel like she will do something that will either one of the trio. Also, I'm falling for Chan-young. Why is it that Second Leads have this pull on me no matter if they're the nice guy or the bad guy. Ugh my heart is already breaking for him. Can I just have all the second leads if the female lead don't want them? Can I join this love pentagon??? I know female leads are not entitled to love the second lead no matter how nice they are but..... okay so I completely went of the topic but nice episode! Haha


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if u have the second lead, u'll have to fight against tons of other girls who have SLS. Might not be a love pentagon but a love gazilliongon.


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I don't know why, but I'm not into CY. I thought the actor was pretty cute (really reminded me of Yoo Seung Ho/Yoon Kyung Sang!!) but I don't like CY's character the more I watch? He claims to care for Sorim, but I see his actions more of an emotional ploy to get what he wants. Like when he found out that she knew HG, he went ahead to make her promise to work with him for 3 years, knowing that she was his chance to break out of Crude Play, and knowing that she would want to sing HG's song after she heard it. I think he also knew how she would be the type to keep her promises. I like how he shows his vulnerable side, because it shows the motivation for his actions, but at the same time, I can't seem to like him. It's strange!


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I don't think you're meant to like him. Just understand him.


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Ah, it was just a reply to a comment about SLS and explaining my opinion about why I don't have SLS in this show! Actually, I would like to like/really hate (or at least feel strongly emotional toward) all the characters in a show, because that's what keeps me watching. I feel like even if I understand CY's feelings, I can't justify his actions and that makes me dislike all the scenes where he appears.


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can crude play please be a real group TT ahh i am way too invested in all the side characters in this show but i just can't help it omg. I love lee hyunwoo-joy but i can't help but feel so bad for chanyoung even if hes getting between them because he's so wounded and i want him to be able to find his own happiness too. I really really hope the next 8 episodes will stay just as fluffy and not let angst take over ? btw thanks for the recap!!


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I also wished it'd all be fluffy but we know we're still in the calm before the storm part. Sigh.


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well, no pain no gain. all the characters are written to have room to mature up, so I guess if we need to get growing pains for a happy ending, I'll brace myself to weather through the storm. Not going to be easy, but hopefully worth it in the end. :)


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I like that all the characters are somewhat flawed, but still likable enough you root for them to iron out those flaws.


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Man, great conclusion to the cliffhanger. I must have watched the opening song sequence like 15+ times. This show really has its hooks in me.


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I rewatched it a ton too. the music in this drama is awesome.


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The opening sequence is just so rewarding after a week of waiting! It was worth the wait and then some. I got chills in the song performance and then got so much warm fuzzy feels that my heart felt like bursting. The song was excellent and this is my favorite musical performance in drama.


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My favorite part of that scene was when Sorim started to dance-skip around the stage. She looked so happy I felt ecstatic too.


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And she looked confident. I think because Han Gyul was there supporting her. :)


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For all of you who want to rewatch the scene, here's the tvn official clip :)


I really love the intro music building up the moment. It feels so epic.


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Watch the offical music video for that song. It doesn't have the background noise from the drama & we can hear her vocals more clearly. I put my speakers on high volume and just appreciate how clear her voice sounds, especially during the first minute.


The link includes the playlist for all official music videos for the soundtrack of TLAHL. I thought people would like to listen to the full soundtrack like I do.


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My bad, the official playlist is missing one song. The official CJEN account doesn't have Crude Play's Peter Pan in their channel (why??).

Here's Peter Pan. I prefer Crude Play's It's Okay, but Peter Pan is a bop too.


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Is it me or the video only works when I click on link and it takes me to youtube directly? But it doesn't work with the embedded video, just the link...


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I'm talking about the first video, the second one works fine :D


It seems you can't emb playlists so you just have to click on the link and go to youtube. :)


ME TOO! i legit started tearing up (tears of joy ofc) when she started singing and gaining her confidence and when all her classmates & grandma were watching proudly! that song is also so beautiful~

and totally agree with sailorjumun, this show is indeed getting better and better! i only watched the 1st two episodes and thought it was a bit slow but came back to watch the rest and it's so good now!!


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Ah, thank you so much for this recap *sigh of relief*, I thought it was dropped off the Recap list, but here we are! I've had time to write my thoughts beforehand, so long post ahead! Sorry 'bout that.
First, hats off to the Directing, after rewatching due to lack of anything better to do, I started noticing small things I wasn't able to catch before and I'm really pleased with the details they placed in the series. There's that time when Soorim was singing on stage for the TV competition (btw, is this KPop Superstar Parody, 'cause lol the shade they threw in ?) her hand holding the mic started shaking and overcame it by putting her other hand on the mic. I like the symbolism there.
Second, I really applaud the writer of this series for her/his maturity. You can really sense it in how well the characters handle situations; they actually talk to each other! Well except for Jin Woo who has good reasons to keep his feelings in. I think a new era of emotionally stable KDrama leads is upon us, thanks KDrama gods!
The character development on HanGyeol in this episode is really commendable; somehow, Lee Hyun Woo managed to make this originally brooding character really adorkable. Lol at destroying that shoe-lace-tying cliché, it's so hilarious.
I must say though that Chan Young is such a compelling character to me that I am more drawn to him or at least his character arc as of this moment.
Soorim, you go girl! Alpha points for her unfailing honesty and straightforwardness, we don’t actually need to hear her internalize because she wears her heart on her sleeves and she says what’s on her mind, almost all the time. I love it! And her loyalty to Chan Young! What makes it even more precious is that there are no romantic feelings involved (yet, at least). I believe that Chan Young too, is finally seeing a friend in her, someone he can belong too, which he always felt like he isn’t in Crude Play. I really wished their friendship will remain platonic instead of going to love triangle territory. I don’t mind getting HanGyeol jealous though, sue me.
The office politics is a thrill for me to watch. I don’t know who will get the upper hand ‘cause both Jin Hyuk and CEO Yoo really are, at this point, equally cunning and controlling. And I can’t root for any of them either, because they can be really mean sometimes, Jin Hyuk to Chan Young and CEO Yoo to Yoona.
That poker-faced classmate though, I want to ship her somewhere very far because I smell something fishy about her, urgh! And I know Kyusun will get hurt, to me he’s a baby panda that deserves to be protected. Unfortunately, this scenario is realistic ‘cause in real world, opportunistic wolves are just about everywhere.
If I might also add, I’m totally shipping Si-hyun and Soo-yeon, sparks fly!~kkeut


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Your comment is gold. It was a bit hard to navigate through the wall of text, but your comment made it worth it. i was nodding along nearly everything. Thumbs up!


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Thank you. I've put paragraph breaks in there but they disappeared and I was really mortified by the end result. ?


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No need to feel mortified, I read your comment and smile throughout. I love how excited you sound, it's exactly like how I am when I'm watching this show.


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I miss paragraph breaks too, lol. I've thought about writing Twitter style but that would involve 20 posts.


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Agree that LHW makes HG really adorkable!! I'd originally thought I would feel turned off by the fact that he lied to her a lot, but somehow he's too cute for me to care. Agree with you on most points except for CY! (I find that comments here are on two extremes regarding him and sadly I'm on that other extreme side, haha!)

The thing is, we see CY having fun with the other Crude Play boys, which means that they do accept him as one of them, and that they do see him as a friend too. True, they do ignore his feelings sometimes and consider HG over him, but it seems only natural - they've known HG for way longer than they ever knew CY, and I doubt that their friendships will ever reach the same level. They started off on different grounds to begin with. I wouldn't go so far as to call CY overly sensitive, because I understand how it feels to not "belong", but at the same time, I can't agree with his manipulations behind HG and SR's backs.


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I'm not going to defend Chanyoung's manipulations, as they are really questionable, but I think I can relate to how he feels, on a personal level. Imagine a classroom, and the teacher asks the students to group themselves and there's one kid who's chosen last because she's too quiet, or for whatever reason, if you were that student how would you feel? Because I was that student, and it's an ugly feeling. They chose me because they have no choice, but if they had a choice I bet that wouldn't be me. And even when you are already in the group, with these kinds of thoughts it gets even harder to participate. I'm not like that now, but feelings like that are hard to forget especially if yiu are constantly reminded. In Chanyoung's case by JinHyuk. I get his desperation to start new, like a new school or a new semester, personally. I hope he can overcome it, as he's really talented.


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I feel like most people have been through that scenario, though I don't want to make any overarching assumptions. I've been that student before and it's happened at least once every year (I take a lot of modules in school, with different project groups for each module). In fact, I've had it happen to me publicly in front of seniors from many batches when I was in an orientation camp and it was obvious I was only chosen because I was the last person left. I'll agree that it's not a nice feeling at all, which is why I try to understand how CY feels. Especially because he's always seen himself as a replacement for HG, and this inferiority makes him see himself as not belonging to the group. It makes him want to show JH/the world that he's not just a replacement. He's probably letting that inferiority overshadow everything else he does, and it's probably built up over time and really accumulated. I agree with you though - relating to CY's feelings is possible, but I can't justify his manipulations. I don't hate, hate him, but I can't be on his side either.


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Ikr, someone commented this above, and it's perfect description for his character. We're not supposed to like him, just understand where he's coming from.


I agree, the writer is showing her maturity through the characters.


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wow radiant office recap was just released and this is here so fast. thank u!!!

I think I'm in love with this drama.


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Hee hee! This episode was so high on the cute! The primping in the mirror! The bus head-on-his-shoulder scene! Cavity and diabetes inducing sweetness! <3 (I admit i squeed)
I did gifs: you can see them on my fan wall and download them so you can stare at Han Gyeol and So Rim being adorable and in love while you wait for Monday to come ;) Sharing is caring!


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Ooh! Thank you for the gifs!


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You are welcome! And now I must sleep.... I was waiting for the recap and it came just before I was going to bed so I couldn't help but read and post something. Collapsing now! Enjoy the gifs! <3


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I know that we're supposed to like Chan-young, because he has that quality of a damaged hero with severe case of loneliness and inferiority, but I couldn't find it in myself to like him. I really dislike how he make Sorim promise him to only sing his songs for the next three years. If his song is good, then okay I could understand. But it's not, and in this episode we could see that Sorim could sing better when Han-gyul arrange the song to match her voice. But maybe that's just me being silly. I hope Sorim also realize that keeping the promise is good, but when you yourself have your own doubt while singing the song, better not singing it at all or it won't come from the heart. Love the scene where the two cute puppies go on a date. They look so good together. I wish I could see more cuteness from them before the angst kicks off


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I agree. I get why he made her promise that and that it stems from his own insecurity, but he's toying with someone else's life. He may be confident, but he's never actually written or produced anything before, so it's quite a lot to make someone promise to stake their career on exactly that.


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Yes, this! I have a lot to say about CY, especially in his actions in the next episode, but I can't get over how he's just manipulating SR. The show makes him seem like he's supposed to care about her but he's just been very manipulative from the start, because he knows she could be emotionally guilt tripped to keep her promise.


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I agree, the 3 years thing is a bit too much. But, like SailorJumun said, chan young has inferiority complex. And he already knows that so rim likes han gyul so before she could go to his side, he made her promise that she would sing his songs only. Which is him basically manipulating her. It all boils down to him thinking himself of as a replacement and hence his desire to create his own path is strong, so he needs so rim on his side to become a producer because without her there is no mush and co. So, now all this make me wonder, if he even likes her or just likes her voice. But, I think the fact that she wants to keep her promise to him will help him overcome his insecurities and that he will start truly caring for her.


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Agree! I think Chan Young is using her alot and his motives are much less pure than Han Gyeol who genuinely likes her and wants what is best for her. Chan Young seems to want to capitalise on So Rim's talent as much as possible to further his own cause and to prove himself better than Han Gyeol. It's not about who So Rim is, is that Chan Young wants her all to himself for his own purposes. (or at least how I see it :))
Which is why, I'm firmly in Team Han Gyeol.


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I am in team han gyul too! But he has some growing up to do too, lol.


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I'm team Han Gyul too, but the way I see it, Chan Young sees her more as his only ally, than someone he just uses. He's definitely attached to her and chose her as his ally because he likes her and knows he can trust her the way he can't with no one else.


@Melania Exactly, she's the first person he could trust, and talented enough he can work with.


@Sixfoxes don't forget she's the one who gives him hope because of that trust and talent!


Yes definitely HG has major maturing to do. He too has issue to work through like those with his Daddy and this major chip on his shoulder that his only worth is in composing/arranging/producing music. But I like that he seems to want to change, and that the catalyst was So Rim. And because she makes him want to be a better person, he wants to do things that are best for her too. I really liked the line he said about them being opponents that both sides don't really want to win- it's because they are both hurt but at the same time want the other person to be happy. Boy is truly love sick! (I hope I'm coherent, I didn't sleep much last night! Lol)


@michykdrama I agree with you. All things you told makes me want root for han gyul more. But my problem with him is that he always seems to choose music over people and in the process he ends up hurting those people. I just want him to choose both like so rim said she would. I don't know if that is possible. But, I agree so rim is the catalyst for his change. That line was beautiful. And you were totally coherent. Hope you get to sleep more tonight. :p


@imbuk Yeah I am waiting for something to trigger HG to realise that he is more than just a music writing machine and therefore have to confidence to make decisions that don't put music first. And I do do do hope that it's So Rim who is at the center of it. He really needs to address the insecurity that his self worth is directly related to his composed works. I feel that he took the first step when he agreed to let CY take credit for his song for So Rim, because he felt it was the better decision for her. I hope he will slowly move that mindset over to his friends at Crude Play so that he doesn't treat them like just a way to promote his songs. Crude Play want their friend back, not Producer K.


Yes you say it so well! Even though HG did lie to her at the start and doesn't seem to reciprocate her feelings as much (for now), and ever since CY did the whole "promise me 3 years" after finding out that she knew HG scheme, I've been firmly in Team HG. Notably, HG does want Sorim to sing his song because he obviously knows her voice will lend greater heights to his song, but you can tell he wants her to succeed as well (by rearranging the song, etc.) CY, on the other hand, just sees her as a means to further his own ambitions. Team HG!


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I totally agree, glad I'm not the only one who's not in CY's corner! I really haven't fully trusted him from the beginning, even though I can somewhat feel for him, he really does need to quit projecting his troubles on everyone else and take responsibility for himself, he just has a lot of growing to do. And I just don't like his jealousy & resentment, that's a problem only he can fix within himself. And he has manipulated situations to his advantage and the truth to get Sorim on his side, somewhat being deceitful with her. I'm really mad at the whole "3 year" thing, I think that's ridiculous, and something Sorim should not feel pressured or expected to do, promise or no promise. That was too much to ask, especially from someone who is so inexperienced and has no idea what direction she wants to go or what sound or songs she wants to sing. It's all about him and what he wants to be successful. Again, I think he is taking advantage of her naivety & goodness, whether knowingly or unknowingly. I just hope she won't continue to feel obligated to be his martyr at her own expense or desires.


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You explained what I'm thinking about, in better and clearer words! Thank you. I agree with you, because the song that he creates clearly not for sorim, but more about expressing his feeling and talent. That's why I can't seem to root for him no matter how hard I tried. Because he didn't have sorim's well being in mind, but it's like he wanted to take the girl that han gyeol discovered and make her famous with his song to make han gyeol angry/jealous at him


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I share the same thoughts and feelings. I can't seem to root for CY. I don't understand his angst. Why so insecure when it was his choice to be a stand in in the first place?


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I feel like Chan Young's victimizing himself a lot. It's not exactly rare that a new member suddenly replaces another, right before debut, and when the others have been trainees together for years, they can be just as close-knit as Crude Play. There are even members who join years after the group's debut, replacing someone, and who have to deal with literally thousands of antifans as well as feeling like the odd-one out - and even have to deal with being the hoobae in their own group.

And it's not like Han Gyul actually corrects him. He acknowledges CY's skill and I only remember him seeing correcting the other Crude Play members. The other guys aren't isolating CY, he's isolating himself. Of course, he wouldn't become as tight with them as their childhood friend is, just over night. What did he expect? But he just gave up right away and resented HG despite the opportunity he'd been given from him...


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Or maybe not. It's obviously difficult for him to fit in. The difference are galore. He wasn't part of the childhood group. It's not as if Han Gyeol left and then he joined the group. He was a replacement so that Han Gyeol could do 'greater' things. He is the only one playing his own instrument...so obviously, the other members cant connect to him very well because of their own sense of inferiority and then Choi's stinging words...he's not talented enough ..so should take whatever he is being offered


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Agree. As you said on one side he cannot connect with the rest of the band - which obviously makes him more of a loner. And then by being a replacement and facilitating KHG to do greater things, and having to limit himself to the music KHG creates means that he's unable to do his own thing, explore his own talent and create a name of his own. That is probably very suffocating for him. I feel his pain ?


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But we haven't actually been given any info on whether or not Chan Young has actually been limited by others, music-wise. The CEO may not be too keen on him working solo on a debut act (since he's got no experience and it's risky), but we don't know what would've happened if he'd asked to write for someone else, who was already established in the industry. To me it just seems like he's only doing it now, because he's gotten fed up with everything and is now desperate enough to try and break free. Which is understandable and fine, he just shouldn't gamble with a group of teens' career-possibilities. And that's essentially what he's doing. That's where he loses me completely. Because he puts his own feelings over someone elses' chance at a livelihood, and in a society where lots of people can't go to college and end up with crabby jobs with low wages for the rest of their lives.


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But at the same time HG was told that he was completely untalented at playing the bass. And he acknowledges that CY is better than him at it. It's partly CY's own insecurity keeping him from connecting with the guys. After all, when they play on stage, HG isn't part of it that, so CY has that (very strong) thing to connect with the others. HG doesn't go on tour with them, doesn't go to interviews, shows, etc, while CY is out actually travelling and living with them. In reality HG is perhaps the more isolated of them, as he sees much less of them and has to bear all the responsibility of creating hits for them. For months on end he's got no one to look after him and say hi to. He doesn't resent CY replacing him in his band with his friends, which he might as well, going by the logic of why CY is being so unfriendly towards HG. He's got a huge problem with pride and insecurity, but that is his problem, not the rest of the world's. It won't change no matter what the other's do, because it stems from himself. The music industry is tough. People will always be there to tell others they aren't talented. And yes, that includes songwriters, CEO's etc. It's not an artistic playground, it's an industry.


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While Hangyul doesn't resent Chanyoung, it might be because he has more freedom to do what he loves. He dictates how everyone is supposed to do as a producer. Who plays, how they're supposed to play, what song to play, everything. Chanyoung most likely feels more like a puppet, which would increase the feelings of inferiority. Not that Hangyul is free from insecurity as well, it's clear he's affected about the bass-playing.


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I don't necessarily think he's not resenting the situation in some way. Hangyul just deals with the resentment differently, by throwing all of himself into something else. Because he has "left" being a bassist, his only other option is to produce, which he does so fully he's sacrificing everyone around him to do it. Chanyoung, on the other hand, probably finds less motive to throw himself 100% into being the replacement. He's not playing his own music, has to lie all the time because he's playing with fake members, and said members aren't his friends the way they are to HG. The difference between HG and CY is that CY lacks a satisfying outlet.


I do see what everyone is talking about. It just doesn't sit well with me that he's taking it out on everyone else even risking people's livelihoods and blaming others all the time. He bases everything on feelings and his inability to balance feelings with logic messes with people around him. I know a lot of people to whom really bad stuff has happened, like a gazillion times worse than CY's replacement/puppet-issues. They they could easily use these things as excuses to not take others into consideration, however they are among the nicest, most genuine people I know. They don't use others in their quest to feel better within, even when it could be excused the same way lots of people seem to excuse Chan Young. So I guess I'm just a little annoyed at his character, because he uses comparatively small reasons as excuses to be a jerk. I feel bad for him, because no one deserves to feel lonely and worthless. But I also think he's part of the problem and needs to grow up a bit. Thereby not said that HG etc don't make mistakes and need to grow up too, I was just focusing on CY in this post, because he's an interesting character to me.


@kaybee I get where you're coming from cuz I don't like Chanyoung that much either. I ship her with Hangyul because at least with Hangyul, he's focused on her. however, I do give chanyoung the benefit of the doubt that he's not being entirely selfish. to him, it's a win-win situation. i don't believe he thinks he's risking their careers, because in his opinion, her voice will carry them to success, not the song itself. so he wants her voice to sing his song, that way, she helps him escape, and on his part, he plans to dedicate all his efforts on her. i think he genuinely wants to help her for 3 years, it's not just him using her selfishly. i have a feeling he genuinely believes his song is good, and good enough. han gyul is better imo, because he might want to use her voice for his song like chan young, but it's purely music-motivated, not career-motivated.


Yaaa this!! I hesitated in a comment above to call CY overly sensitive about matters, because I know that it's not fair to say that when I'm not in his shoes. BUT I don't see the other guys isolating CY (clearly he has fun with them too). Even though they obviously care for HG, maybe more than they do for him, it's only normal given that they've been in a close-knit clique with HG for so many years. I feel like CY shouldn't be expecting them to accept him as one of them, because that seems unrealistic.

And another thing that kind of annoyed me was that he said he wanted to produce SR. Mr Choi however, obviously felt that HG would be a better choice. Cue CY shouting at HG that he should have made it clear to Mr Choi, in this whole "you said it would be mine but now it's not, you jerk!" attitude, which really struck me as childish. It's business, and it's a competitive industry. If your boss says that another person can do the job better, you either prove your boss wrong, or you suck it up. Not call said person and rage that "I should have gotten the role because you said you didn't want it". Or am I being too harsh here? :/


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I've felt like a didn't belong before, and it's not a pleasant experience. I went to a school where most were non-asians. Even when I had a group of friends, I always felt a distance between them and me. I was the scholarship kid. We joked around, played tennis together, ate lunch together, but I never felt like I belonged. It didn't go as far as pity, but there was a subtle yet insurmountable distance I couldn't bridge. So in turn, I was never able to give 100% of my heart into the friendship either. For years after leaving that school, I found it difficult to get genuinely attached to anyone. I made friends easily, but they were not "best friends." I always kept a distance. It's a habit I'm having trouble breaking even now. I have only one best friend currently. All my other friends are just "friends" I like, but cannot get myself genuinely attached to. I hope sharing this traumatizing experience could perhaps help you understand a bit better how feeling like an outcast feels like. I'm lucky that I have a naturally friendly personality, so I was never the "unpopular" kid. I was just not "in the circle."


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Firstly, a *big hug* because I can empathize with not feeling like you belong, having gone overseas for a year I met a lot of nice friendly people but due to cultural differences, it was hard to completely "click" and make long term friends. You can now click with all the Beanies here over our mutual love for kdramas ?

I think for CY everybody does feel sympathy for the situation he is in, as an outsider trying to break into a tight group of friends. And nobody thinks he is malicious or evil. For me what I disliked the most was that he is purposely driving a wedge between HG and So Rim even though he knows they have mutual attraction. (Actually this is also for the next episode, but I don't think it's much of a spoiler?) He is going out of his way to force promises out of So Rim and get her to reaffirm her commitment to him even though you can see So Rim is awkward about his forwardness. That is the bit I don't like, because So Rim isn't a prize to be won. It seems to me that he just doesn't want to lose to HG, more than he is really thinking that he is the better choice for her or that HG will hurt her.


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I'm sorry you had to face that! Being outcast is not an experience I would want anybody to go through. I went on an exchange programme last year in a non-Asian country and I felt the same thing. People were friendly, but there was a gap that couldn't seem to be breached. I was lucky enough to have a bunch of Asian schoolmates go with me, so that was good for me.

The thing is, I'm not saying that I don't really understand/sympathize with CY. I've been the outcast before, some years back in school, in a nasty case of cyberbullying (though I will admit I was at fault too). It was a difficult 2 years, knowing that friends were just being friendly just to be nice, but wondering if there was really just any genuine friendship. I'm also naturally very, very shy and quiet in RL, so it made it even more tough for me.

But I agree with what @michykdrama says! I don't think CY is malicious or evil. I just can't agree with his actions which seem more of an attempt to show that he is better than HG (in the example that I quoted above), because he always seems to just be blaming HG for Mr Choi preferring HG over him. It's not HG's fault. Also, the first move of revealing K's identity to SR was also an attempt to drive a wedge between them so that SR would feel more obliged to keep the promise between them. That's more of what I dislike about CY. Though I do understand what you mean and perhaps I should cut him some slack! Nobody's perfect, obviously and I can't expect him to be the "good guy" and to be "understanding".


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@Kevingu, First of all, I'm also really sorry to hear that you went through that and that it's affected you so much *virtual hugs* No one deserves to feel alone and left out! Secondly, it's not that I don't get the feeling of being an outcast. In fact, I know all too well. (I was going to share why, but it's honestly too much for me. Suffice it to say that you wouldn't want to switch lives with me, ever lol.) So it's not that I don't understand how bad it feels to be the odd one out, it's that I do understand, but feel like he gave up from the beginning and uses it as an excuse to manipulate and other questionable actions. And in my world there's never an excuse for dealing with your feelings in a way that hurts others, especially ones who weren't even involved in hurting your own feelings in the first place. It's just not acceptable. If it was just about Crude Play and HG, then it would at least be more understandable, but dragging third-parties into his mess made it really hard for me to like him. Even though I do feel sorry for him being lonely, it also doesn't seem like it's entirely the others' fault and it doesn't excuse his actions.


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Group hug! I've always been the odd one out too on most of anything because I'm mostly quiet and I don't really want to deal with anybody's drama except KDramas, hahah...when I was in school, it bothered me a lot, I'm always the last one they pick for group projects, or everybody gets informed we don't have class for that day except me, yep ugly feeling. But one day, I don't know I think growing up does that to a person, I just got comfortable in my own skin and it didn't bother me so much anymore. So let's pray to KDrama gods that ChanYoung get's his enlightenment and ends up getting more comfortable in his own skin.


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*joins in group hug with everyone* ^^ That happened to me too. And I figured out when it was everyone else's problem that made me the odd one out, and then learned to not care about that, and when it was actually something I contributed to. Because sometimes it is. I'd gotten so closed up that I never shared anything with anyone. Now I share most things with everyone and in return people really quickly open up to me. Hope too than CY gets more comfortable! :)


Awww...virtual hugs to everyone! Went through the whole outcast thing in high school, academically, I had merit and talent so I got put in a group by default but I was the one the group talked about or made fun of whenever my back was turned. I remember one time at the start of the semester, one of my "friends" commented about how it would have been better if my grades were lower so I could be swapped out with their cool friend who was demoted to Class B. That was the last straw. They were still my "group" but I knew they weren't really my friends. I didn't really belong so it was a terrible feeling. Maybe that's why I emphatize with Chanyoung's dilemma. Nothing is worse than being in a group solely on the basis of your talent/assets and not friendship.


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Thanks for the recap, SailorJumun. Agree with you, chan young and han gyul are alike but different too. Both of them wants to shine in what they do, that is why I think chan young is so intent on producing mush and co because he doesn't want to be remembered as the replacement. That is also why I believe han gyul couldn't accept someone else playing his instrument for him. So he decided to be a producer and not play bass anymore. If only, they both would put aside their differences, I think they could actually become BFFs.

That aside, I felt bad for Chan young, when he told he was lonely and I can totally believe that the other crude play members would have treated him like that because of their loyalty to han gyul. But, I think now they are ok with him only chan young isolates himself.

But my heart broke for the other crude play members, especially when in-ho looked so suprised when gyu-sun asked whether they don't play for fun. It's just that they have been trying so hard to be best musicians that they have started thinking practicing as an exercise to become better when in reality they probably started playing instruments because it was fun and they enjoyed doing it. Even though its a dream come true for being paid for doing something you enjoy, will making something you enjoy into your profession, probably reduce the fun of doing it a little? I don't know.

And gyu sun who I feel is going to get used by that nasty classmate who wants to see chan young. He is just so adorable, not to mention his dimples, I don't want his heart to get broken. He is like the male so rim, lol, innocent but slightly more mature.


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When In-Ho looked surprised at Gyu Sun's question, my heart broke a little too. It's so sad how none of the guys seem to actually enjoy their life, they're all so worried about being caught as fake, always being the replacement, other people stealing songs etc... And yes! Gyu Sun is adorable! And such a nice and straightforward guy, I love him.


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I know, right? This life is what they probably would have dreamed of when they started their band. But, now that is happening and they are popular and they have so many fans, but they still don't enjoy their lives. That is just seriously sad. I guess, because its not originally their music. I hope we get to see them start enjoying their music again. And that a album with their music gets released and they get recognised for the amazing band that they are with all their flaws. Or that they just quit the band totally and go around playing in clubs like they used to just like han gyul's dad without losing their love for music.


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Actually to be honest, IDK what's the best end game for the Crude Play boys. The will face hell when their playing is revealed fake and they are in hell because they are playing fake music. Which is it?
My heart is already breaking for them. I blame JinHyuk. SiHyun is right, JinHyuk always makes things difficult, but still, they owe him. Aaaah, show. Great work.


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In his singleminded pursuit of business, Jin Hyuk seems to forget that these are real people, with real feelings. He makes them succesful, but insecure and unhappy in the process. Which can be argued, isn't good business...


Jinhyuk's problem is that he sees an expiration date on everyone, and base his decisions on that. It can be argued whether it's realistic thinking or not, but it does nothing in helping extend the said-expiration date.


that was a reply to @kaybee's point.


@Greenlamb Exactly. He kept telling Hangyul and his assistant about how Crude play can't exist forever and that he should move on.


Maybe they should just do music for fun, as a hobby, and find something they're more talented at it to earn money on. Not everyone who enjoys music is meant for a career in it. I'm not sure anyone would want to buy their music, if it doesn't sound good. It's not like voices, instruments can't be autotuned. Lots of idols get a career in acting, variety or fashion on the side, they could try that as well. Or, like Seungri, go into business LOL. And Shi Hyun could just be a singer instead of a singer/instrumentalist. But yeah, I do worry for them. Especially since, if the world finds out, they're not likely to be forgiven. Even dramaland knetz are unforgiving lol.


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Ha ha. I guess both those scenarios I wrote or neither possible nor plausible even in dramaland. But i want an arc for them where they are content with their lives. Maybe something along the lines of what you said could happen. Oh, please let it happen.


My heart broke too when In-ho seemed surprised about playing just for fun. These Crude Play boys are incredibly hardworking and seemingly down to earth, but they are definitely lost in the focus and drive of being the best and keeping up their image.


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Can we have more Soo-yeon and Shi-hyun scenes??

Chan-young might be a good guy by telling Han-gyul to keep away from So-rim and stop playing around her feelings. But I feel like he's the one playing around her innocence. From telling her about K's identity to making her promise. That's just me though.


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SY and Shihyun chemistry is burning off the screen. It's like I'm watching another more adult drama.


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Exactly. THIS is the ship I'm on. It feels more mature since the two have known each other for years and obviously like each other but haven't done much about it. I love the puppiness and innocence and youth of Sorim and Han-gyul, but Soo-yeon and Shi-hyun are just crackling. I need more of them!


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And Sooyeon is the noona. Which makes it more mature and sexy.


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And looks like she's feisty too, clearly drawing a line on ShiHyun playing fire on that Real Crude Play videos. Yes, definitely crackling.


I loved seeing them together on the stairs, I almost threw my remote at the screen when those employees walked by and interrupted the moment.


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When Shi Hyun was playing keep away with Soo Yeon's phone, he momentarily put his other hand on the handrail, effectively wrapping his arms around her. It was brief but hot. I cursed out loud when those Sole Music employees interrupted.

Also, nice Song-Joong-Ki-Descendants-of-the-Sun cell phone catch there, Shi Hyun.


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My thoughts exactly neener on CY! Thank you for summing it up! I don't think he's all innocence!


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My vote also goes to Soo-yeon and Shi-hyun.


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I swear, the writer MUST have watched Joy and Sungjae's We Got Married Stint. A lot of the scenes fro this drama reminded me of what they did on WGM! Is it just me? LMAO


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I thought so too! There's the ddeokbokki date in the past episodes and the tying of shoe laces too!


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And I saw on twitter about the shoulder on the bus picture comparison. I haven't watched their WGM yet but it looks the same.


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I guess I'm in the minority here: I'm watching this, but for Crude Play and Crude Play only. The interactions between the band members, the relationships with Han Gyul and Chan Young, as well as with Choi, Ms. Yoo, the agency, with their fans and most importantly, their big secret that they don't record the music themselves (at least they sing it themselves?). And for the nice music.
I end up watching two episodes in the space of one.


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Is there anything cuter than hangyul dancing and skipping on his feet?? Gosh!


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I raise you a Hangyul the morning after a drinking spree with Crude Play boys, with bedhead, wearing an APRON and cooking. Hee.

Lee Hyun Woo was so so so cute there. I must have replayed the breakfast scene several times.


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He was like a mommy.


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Okay. I comply. This is definitely cuter.


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I really appreciate that So-rim kept her promise to Chan-young. I was fully expecting her to accept Han-gyeol's song due to her crush on him. Her rejecting it really gave me a ton of respect, and I admire her loyalty. I liked her before but now she's just gold!


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Are shoulder pads back in? CEO Yoo in that black shoulder padded ensemble. So scary...


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As someone who still owns clothes with shoulder pads... I would enjoy it if they were back. I'm only half kidding, I wouldn't mind bringing them out of the closet one of these days.


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Lee Hyun Woo is acting with a bunch of rookies, most of them are on their debut drama but I dont think Lee Hyun Woo stands out compare to the rest.


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The way I see it, it's like the rest of the young cast is doing well enough even if it's their first drama


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Exactly my thoughts. I think Lee Hyun-woo is doing a great job, and the rookie cast are just coming up to his level. It's probably due to their natural talent, a pretty good script so far, and a director who likely knows how to work well with greenies and get their best performances out.


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Especially SiHyun, the potential in that man. He carries himself well and I'm really sold that he's a superstar and his nuanced performance when he's a leader to coldplay, when he's a friend to HanGyeol, when he's flirting with SeoYoon, I love it!


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He does stand out thou... o.o
He is the reason I don't cringe when the rookies did bad and the only salvation everytime everyone else are going over the top.


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I feel like Hyun Woos micro expressions are on an entirely different level. He truly nows how to get into his character. On the other hand, the greenies ARE doing a pretty job, but for me Hyun Woo is still more experienced and better.


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I want to ask a question to some of you. I've been noticing that there is less controversy surrounding age in this drama compared to other dramas and I'm genuinely curious as to the reason why. So for those of you who aren't bothered by the age, could I ask you to share why? Personally, I've never been bothered much by age difference because of 1. family history 2. country culture but I realize that this is normally not shared by others. Is this drama different because 1. the original manga had her at 16? 2. other casts are young too? 3. baby-faced hero? 4. others?


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The reason I'm asking is because I've heard a lot about why people are bothered, but since this drama seems to be an exception, i wanted to ask why they're not in this case... It's not often we can hear from the other opinion so I'm taking advantage :)


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Maybe because hangyul doesn't act his age in the first place? ?
And in entertainment world, young artists are forced to mature ahead of their age. They have to survive in the adult's world much earlier. So Sorim practically would be forced to act like adult professionally. And her and hangyul are tied and converse most of the time in the most universal language ever: music. :")
Age doesn't count when we use this language.


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I think it is because there is only a 4 year difference between actors here.. It's when the actors have an age difference of more than 10 years that things start getting weird for most people.... I dunno about the characters' age but I am guessing that So Rim is somewhere around 18 and Hangyul is 25-26? So again, not a huge divide.. Also, yes- baby faced hero. I just can't see Hyun Woo playing an adult. He looks like a kid acting all mature rather than actually being mature. The other member of 'Crude Play' look older than him..


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I believe aside from Inho, everyone else is younger than LHW, how funny is that? Hahaha.


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Lol.. I think Lee Hyun Woo will have to go through an image makeover soon! He is too cute to be taken as an adult! He did look a lil older with grey hair in Moorim School but more is needed!


@obsessedmuch This drama is actually the first time I viewed Lee Hyun Woo as an adult. There are some scenes when he looks or talks to So Rim or smiles at her where I just feel like it was just "like an oppa."


@D I also see "oppa vibe" from him. And oppa vibes from Chan young, but Chan young should call Joy noona. kkkkk


It doesnt bother me because firstly, yes, Han Gyul looks young. Certainly it helps. Also, I don't look at age as an absolute thing- this drama shows them falling in love. It isn't about lust or manipulation or him taking advantage of her despite the fact that he is more senior than she is in the company. Why can't an older man fall in love with a younger girl? As long as he is willing to take the relationship at a pace that is suited to her age, I'm all for it. We can't control who we fall in love with, but we can control our actions that stem from it. Plus seeing Han Gyul with So Rim's grandma just melted by heart.
Now if you want to talk about a relationship that I feel is icky, its Yoona and Jin Hyuk. And its not to do with their age gap, but the fact that he is using her and his position of authority to manipulate her emotions and those around her. Are his feelings for her genuine? I can't be certain, but certainly he has made decisions not in her favour before just because it would be beneficial for himself or the company. That kind of relationship is the kind that I don't like and have an issue with. Regardless of age. My 2 cents! :)


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Well said! I agree 100%. Especially about the Jin Hyuk / Yoona part. IF he changes, he could be good to her, since he would be capable of being a strong source of support. But only if he changes.


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I have no actual answer to this question and it's such a great question BTW. Personally though, the reason why the age difference in this series doesn't bother me up so much like it did with Goblin (sorry Goblin fans) is because first, I am not really aware about HanGyeol's age IN the series, like it was never mentioned, it's petty, yes, sorry. But I'm like this in MBDC too. The age thing was never mentioned.
2nd is that the show never really sell these two together as 'sexually romantic'? I don't know how to term it, and it's quite ironic because there was an almost-kissing scene in Ep 3, but I could never see the show sexualizing Soorim that it becomes icky? Like it's more of Puppy Love. One you usually don't take seriously, unlike say, bride (again I'm sorry).

3rd, in terms of EQ, Soorim and HanGyeol is at equal footing and sometimes, Soorim is even more mature than HanGyeol.

4th, it helps that HanGyeol is not really quite there in the relationship. Like he's on the edge and is more focused on keeping her well being and protecting her than labelling her as his girlfriend.

5th he's really baby-faced. Yeah, petty me. ✌

Btw, now I'm curious, how old is HanGyeol in the series?


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By 'actual answer', I meant as a more of a psychologically correct theory or something.


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I agree with similar EQ making Han Gyul and So Rim a less for lack of a better term, icky, pairing. For someone who is supposed to have quite the dating history (implied with all the hit songs he has written), Han Gyul does not strike me as a player. In that montage of him getting dumped and slapped, I gather he may not know what he is doing when he dates. When he tracked down So Rim after school, he was flustered but could not explain why. It doesn't feel like he necessarily has the upper hand when he is with her.


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Good question! I was also wondering why there's no controversy. I'm usually not bothered by age differences. I think in this case another reason is probably the whole juvenile feel of the drama - as compared to say Goblin. And it probably also helps that KHG and the rest aren't portrayed as thaaat mature. For instance, KHG's relationship with Yoo Na was portrayed as a simple one - no hints of any physical aspect of it was given. But in the J movie, KHG's character is defined as a way more mature one with mature relationships.


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Well, the age gap didn't bother me because it wasn't that big for me. Sorim is 19 (as stated in episode 2) and almost a graduate while Hangyul is depicted as in his early 20's..24-25 if I have to guess as they were signed by Sole Music in high school (they were wearing school uniforms) and are already 5 years in the industry. Also, shallow of me but Hangyul has a puppy-like, baby face so I don't feel the age gap at all (also a plus Joy is 21 and LHW is 23 IRL).


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I find it a bit interesting too. We had a lot of debate with Goblin and High School Savvy about the adult/minor dynamics. Maybe it's because this drama isn't that popular so people besides the fans don't pay attention?


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in goblin, eun tak is much more mature and adult than so-rim. and kim shin also acted immature and was inexperienced with girls. and both eun-tak and so-rim are 19.
so my conclusion is that the difference is in the male characters. l


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Thanks for the recap @SailorJumun~
I had sworn that I won't watch this show! It had the all the makings of my kind of crack right from ep 1. But hell, oaths are meant to be broken. Specially, those that come in the way of drama watching!~~~
I am loving everything about this show! Also, Jin Woo making faces is always funny- he is like I had to deal with one competition but now two!! :P I see good things for this actor in future :)


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Give in to the crackiness!! If you have to fall for the addiction anyway, might as well do it when you can share the crack experience with everyone else. ;)


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Exactly! I am in this for the 9 more recaps! Gotta squee with like- minded people!


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Squeeing and crying together makes half of the experience honestly. Good decision.


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About Song Kang (Jin Woo), he's a model turned actor. It's his first role ever, so when he did the interviews, he was really nervous it was cute.


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Just gonna a little "Shi Hyun is my faveeeee character" comment!


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Whenever Shi Hyun does one of his smirks, I melt a little.


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My favorite scene of his is (Episode 3?) when Han-Gyul is looking for school uniforms on his phone and Shi Hyun just knowingly smiles, leans his chin on the table and tilts his head sideways like "Whatcha doing?" His friendship with Han Gyul entertains me so.


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For me, I really love it when he's having a conversation with drunken Han Gyul lol ? if Crude Play is a real band my bias would be Shihyun ?


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Joining the Shi-hyun fan club! Of all the boys in this drama HE'S the one I want all to myself, ha!


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A recap! Finally! I'm glad to see one although I do always feel anxious if this recap was dropped or not because it takes quite a bit of time to get published compared to other ongoing series. Nevertheless, I appreciate the recap as it helps me re-appreciate the episode, sometimes even more because I think this is my favorite episode so far!

First, the music was spot on. I'm so in love with this show's OSTs and Fox or I'm Okay, The Road to Me playing in the background (I can't count how many times in the series already) still feels fresh and very "squee" inducing. But I want to give special mention to Joy's version of Nowadays You Are/Your Days (Sorry, not sure of the title, I saw two versions in youtube and I shamelessly rewatch both so many times). I think its my favorite OST and seeing it in the drama, along with scenes of proud Teacher Bong watching and dancing along and Grandma's misty eyes and even Chanyoung having the time of his life onstage and Hangyul's shining eyes...I echo the sentiments of one of the commenters here...it's like my heart swelled 3x as big! The arrangement was so on point! I love how unadorned Joy's voice was except for the guitar in the beginning and then it becomes so upbeat! It was so good and Sorim dancing on stage was so cute and charming. I still rewatch this scene to this day. I love it. Such an underdog performance with so much heart. Glad that music in this show is just as bursting with heart as its characters.

Anyway, this episode for me is the best. Thank you Sailor Jumun for the lines you shared in the recap, I think Hangyul saying, "When it comes to Sorim, I want to be a good person outside music" makes more sense now. And thanks also for shedding light on Sorim asking if Hangyul's feelings are reflected in his songs, I thought it was weird wheb he said no and she liked it. Turns out it was the song, "I'm Okay" and if it is his current feelings.

I can't genuinely hate any of the characters because I understand them all (kudos to the writer for writing such self-aware characters). Even Yoo na, or CEO Yoo, I understand where they're coming from. BUT...Sejung (girl classmate) is just irredeemable for me. I think the final blow is asking GyuSan out just to get closer to Chanyoung. Looks like she's definitely following her manga origin. Sigh.

I just wish there was more of episode 7..like maybe extend the cute and happy and giddy up to episode 8..but again, alas! The writer doesn't seem to mind going at a fast pace. So I'm looking forward to how episode 9 works as well.


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I agree, the arrangement for Sorim's part 4 Nowadays ost is genius. It definitely makes it believable that Hangyul is as good as the drama says he is when the music person delivers. And as much as I love it's okay by Sorim, I have to say my favorite version is the Crude Play one. So much more sentimental. And yes, besides from Sejeong, I don't hate anyone else, not even the CEO Yoo. I don't like her, but I enjoy watching her scenes.


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Agreed. The Crude Play arrangement for It's Okay is the better one. Then again, it might have been done on purpose since "Hangyul" supposedly arranged it personally.


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Yeah, I always have to refresh on this day because I never know when the recap is going to drop.


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I'm an incurable lurker for years but I had to register and comment for this little drama.
Because while it might not be the "best" drama among the currently airing ones, it's my current favorite.... and also unfortunately the lowest rated drama right now. I feel like I need to do something to show my support. Haha.


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Oooh welcome to the commenting world! Lurkers just need that perfect show to bring them out of that zone!


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Another lurker reporting here! It makes me sad that this cute little pie is the lowest rated drama. It's like Weightlifting all over again. I might get stoned for saying this but I feel like Liar is a better written, executed, and overall drama than SWBS, save for the chemistry between the main couple. But that is compensated by the chemistry between every member of the cast. It feels like I'm watching a cohesive and believable little dysfunctional family. Makes all the scenes feel connected, rather than watching separate stories if you know my meaning. And besides, the chemistry between Sorim and Hangyul is nothing to sniff at either.


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Yeah, I get what you mean. Honestly, I still love SWDBS A LOT. Like A LOT. And when its episodes ends, the urge I have to watch the next episode is much stronger than the urge I have to watch L&L's next episode. But when the next episode come, I can't deny I'm HAPPIER when it's L&L. Because I just know I'll enjoy the full ride.


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I watch SWDBS too and I agree with your comment about the better writing. The cast is what ultimately left me hooked in SWDBS despite the frustratingly slow pace (love MinMin and BongBong to bits though) but in TLAHL, the pace is refreshingly fast and every episode moves a plot forward. Every character in TLAHL feels organic to me and I genuinely care for all of them (except Sejung, she can crawl under a rock for all I care) while the gangster plot and school delinquents plot left me scratching my head.


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I don't like the mother-father bullying storyline either. He's working, but why does he have to hide the money?


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for me, it's less about how fast the plot goes, but more about how all the characters aren't afraid to confront each other with their feelings. so it feels fresh and fast because the other one knows what the problem is. even if it might take time to solve the problem, at least they know.


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The chemi between everyone in this cast is really natural. No matter what the scene, I believe in the relationship between the characters involved in that scene. It's mad amazing how most of the cast are rookies.


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You're not the only one. I honestly left SWDBS on pause because, yeah, I prefer well rounded plots. I'd pick it up again when it's done, but for now my crack is on L&L.


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I'm a lurker too. It's sad how the ratings are low but people on dramabeans seem to like it well enough. It's all that matters. I hope the crew aren't too upset about the ratings.


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Does anyone know what is the response in korea from viewers who watch the show? I'm not talking about those who don't watch it, but those who do.. I haven't seen any translation around. It might help understand why the ratings are low :(


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I heard the early responses were negative to Joy's acting ability. Since I don't speak Korean, I just read subtitles and read expressions and it is great to me. I think Joy is doing an awesome job. But maybe if I was a native speaker, her acting would seem stilted or unnatural. It might explain why it is popular here and on the drama app I use.


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The comments for the recent episodes 4-8 have been positive. I'm korean-american and her acting is fine. I'm not completely fluent in Korean but I can speak it with my parents (that's my limit). I obviously listen to it better than I speak. Her diction is very good. A lot of idol-actors slur when they speak, but not in this case.


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Okay, I'm not gonna lie, I swooned when Hangyul said he wanted to be a better person where Sorim is concerned, and not just about music. And Crude Play's reaction was the cherry on the cake. I love how they exchange knowing and bewildered looks whenever Han gyul talks about Sorim. pwuahaha.


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What he said was so romantic. It's like a continuation from what he said before about not wanting to hurt her. And now, he just wants to help her even if somebody else gets credit for his work. He's got it bad.


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Oh my god I DIED laughing when Sorim just ran away after kicking Han Gyul in the nuts. She JUST RAN!!!!! lol.

Also, no one is talking about it, but I'm absolutely in love with Yoona's looks. She's so bloody gorgeous. Especially with the bangs off her forehead.


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I agree about Yoona's beauty. Her complexion is so clear I'm in awe at how pretty and rosy she looks. Sorim is very pretty too.


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Honestly, the make-up and styling in this drama is on point. <333333333


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I know, that was just awkwardly hilarious. I felt so bad for Han-gyul but good for Sorim, who essentially said "back off, buddy." And then ran the heck away. Ha! // And yes, Yoona is beautiful. Every time she appears I just think, Holy cow, this girl is gorgeous, what can I do to have her skin and rosy cheeks and long lashes? She rocks the short hair and dangling earrings.


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The cutest shot in this episode for me has to be the when where Sorim, Jinwoo and Gyusun sat next to each other and proudly presented their name "Mush&CO" It was adorable how they looked. Sooo squishy.


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When they proudly announced that it was 'Mush' because she won paper-rock-scissors. Lol. They are such kids.


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Thanks for the recap SailorJumun!

i really didn't like yoona previously, but after this week, i feel bad for her. we can tell how much in panic she is after they showed us more about her career going into the drain. i can understand how desperate she must be feeling. the industry is cruel. she's still pretty and young but is already considered as has-been.

i loved loved loved the cute date, with hyun woo's jealousy and all. and of course, how they turned the tying shoelaces trope on its head. like it went from romantic to hilarious real quick. hyun woo squeaking out so rim's name as she ran away. loool.

i'm also glad we got to know more about hyun woo's insecurity about leaving the band. like before, we saw him not wanting to play bass in front of chan young and it's clear there's more feelings there than i previously thought. especially when he talked about the past to so rim at the cafe. i wish we can learn more about that later on.

and now that han gyul has decided he wants so rim to sing his song and is getting competitive with chan young, its going to get exciting. but poor so rim in the middle...


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What I don't understand is why her career is going downhill in the first place. I know the CEO said that she's getting old in the first episode, but she's only 24 and the same age as the rest of Crude Play?


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1. She's a girl. There are male idols in their 30s still active as idols, not so much female idols unless they turned actresses. The entertainment industry itself doesn't have a lot of variety shows for females in general. Females idols besides a few groups have sales that go down over the years. Male idols sales are more stable. 2. Episode 1, it shows her concert was cancelled because of problems with her voice, she couldn't sing because she's losing her voice. 3. That damaged her image so with her age and everything in factor, she's been losing deals to younger more trendy artists.


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Sorim was super super duper cute this episode. I totally did her cringe fest in real life. The one she did when she laid on the doorstep thinking about how she kicked Hangyul.

And she's just the right mixture of bold forthrightness and shyness, like when she sneakily tried to lie her head on his shoulder. That was too cute.

My heart broke for the drummer when Gyusun asked him whether he ever played drums just for fun. He was completely stunned speechless. This is like Sorim coming into Crude Play's life at a time when nobody is happy, and I believe she's going to change everything by the end of the drama.


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the sexual tension between shi-hyun and soo-yeon is insane, i want mooore.

jin-hyuk saying chan young should be happy to be able to take credit like it's nothing makes me mad.

chan young patting so-rim's head and then later, looking away and waiting for her to hold his hand was too cute.

i loved the scene where all five boys got drunk together and were having fun. why can't it be like this all the time??? TT

everything about that date, from the asking out to the ending (lol) was awesome and too cute for words.

se-jung is a snake and can go choke herself for using cutie gyu-sun like that.


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the shoelace/skirt part was so fucking funny I died and then replayed it. at first i was like omg so sweet omg she's petting his head then LOL bye han gyul.

also side note i'm super annoyed by that one fake classmate, not only because she's supposed to be annoying, but that I also don't care at all for the minuscule amount of drama she's supposed to bring into the story


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My theory is that she is there to give Gyusun a story, and that when Gyusun's heart will break, he will have a fallout with the other two. He already expressed his doubt about riding on Sorim's coattails before. So when he finds out she wasn't going out with him for himself, it might be too much for his pride and he will feel hurt and angry.


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ooooh good point! and then he will ultimately grow because of it. and of course to provide some good ol' side cattiness and conflict between Sorim and Mr. second lead... can you tell I love the main pair? ?


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if they think of redeeming her eventually, they better make it convincing bc right now, I don't think she's redeemable at all.


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Not redeemable AT ALL. I kind of hope they don't try to make her sympathetic. She's using poor Gyu-sun, obviously has an ulterior motive. Grrr. I absolutely hate when she pops up because she has Trouble with a capital T written all over her smug face. // Wow, I got very intense just now!


Thank you for the recap!! Reading it made me relive all the feels again. I can't wait for Monday.

PS: Visually, this drama is so good to look at <3


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It's official, I love this drama. I didn't want to add another to the must-watch list, but I have no choice.

I particularly love how self-restrained and self-aware So-rim is. She might be young still, and inexperienced, but she's not without maturity. I loved how she prevented herself from asking all those questions about Han-gyul's past love life, saying she knew that she didn't really want to hear the answers to those questions, even if she was curious. Like, I wished I could have her self-restraint. And she's seriously cute.


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You know what I like best about her? She might feel shy and nervous, but she's not incapacitated by it. She's still as bright and friendly and playful as ever when she interacts with him. She doesn't let her crush for him dictate her personality.


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YES! It's difficult to resist something, even if it's bad for you. I like that she knows that no matter how much she wants the answers, the answers won't make her happy so she doesn't ask the questions on purpose. Such wisdom.


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Just going to take a moment and say that, though I thoroughly enjoy the main couple's trajectory, I'm deeply invested in Soo-Yeon and Shi-Hyun right now. Actor's chemistry always does a number on me, and I don't know if it's in my head at this point (because I really, really want it to happen) or if those two are just enjoying their scenes so much that energy is just oozing out of them without them knowing, but the spark there is making me stand up and pay attention. I know, they're a C story at best (even possibly a D) but it's a testament to the show's strength and execution that even secondary storylines are that radiant. I'm already writing fan fiction in my head about those two.


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I believe the chemistry is there on purpose. There is some teasing-flirting going on from Shihyun's side, and some secret-crushing on Sooyeon's side. I'm expecting a kiss scene between them. It needs to happen!


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kiss scenes please.


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Yes, it needs to happen and because it's TVN, cable everybody, I need a toe-curling one..pleeeease!


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About the lip-syncing, he believed it was the best decision to make because one, they were going to lose anyway; three, the song chosen by WHO Entertainment for Sorim to sing didn't fit her anyway; three, there was the risk of Sorim screwing up at the competition; so in conclusion, lip-syncing was less risky for their careers. It wasn't going to help Mush&CO's career, but it wasn't going to harm as much as screwing up live would. His rationale was: better make an unmemorable performance than make a bad first impression.


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I love the music in this drama (that song is addicting, and the opening number was so good), and I love it more for being well-integrated within the story.


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DUDE. I've been listening to "I'm OK" (both versions) non stop since I found them on Spotify! I'm so impressed over how good the songs are.


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Me too. When they said HanKyul produces hit songs, they weren't kidding around.


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Sometimes I wonder if we're watching the same show, fellow beanies. I know I'm a bit late to the party, but just marathoned my way up to episode 7 and it's been an incredibly frustrating watch - mostly because I *really* want to, but just can't warm to any of the leads! The only pleasant surprise so far for me is Joy, who albeit a little green, seems to have a genuinely sweet personality that gives So-rim her charm.

I appreciate how the show is trying to highlight the cutthroat nature of the jaded/greedy/profit-driven industry innocent So-rim is about to join. But everyone at Sole Music is self-centred, manipulative or even downright bratty in a way that doesn't make me want to understand their backstory. My biggest gripe is actually with Han-gyul and his sense of self-importance - who do you think you are, shouting at your director and even the company president?! I have no idea why his bandmates still put up with his abrupt, and even patronising attitude towards them. Ditch this non-team player pronto, Crude Play, his musical talent be damned.

Most importantly, I'm not even 100% convinced his feelings for So-rim are genuine, or if its just her talent he's in love with. I have nothing against Lee Hyun-woo's acting, but if the show can't convince me to fall for him, then how can I fall for the show? You have another 2 episodes to convince me, show, before I ditch you for good :'(


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Personally, I didn't have a problem with the yelling at Jinhyuk or CEO Yoo because he had cause. CEO Yoo was acting as if stealing his father's songs wasn't a big issue (which is, huge even). And for Jinhyuk, Hangyul is his best producers so he has the skills to back up his argument & music quality is super sacred for him & he cares about Sorim's career and feelings. Personally, I understood how upset he got because Jinhyuk was putting Mush&Co in situations where it was business first, their music last, in situations where it would not only do nothing for their careers, but where their music would be compromised (such as making lose on purpose in the competition, asking to lip-sync and sing badly, and debuting them in a rush when they haven't trained for long).


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By the way, I'm not saying he can't improve his manners, but I get where he's coming from.


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I get where he's coming from too, @Wun Vo - manager Choi and the CEO probably deserve to be shouted at. But I would *never* dream of screaming at my manager or boss disrespectfully simply because I disagreed with a business decision they made, regardless of how passionate I was about the issue at hand. Being a big-shot producer doesn't excuse that sort of behaviour either. If anything, this show highlights how fickle the industry is (see Yuna's fall grace) so regardless of how talented he is, he really should sit down with a good helping of humble pie before he loses favour with his superiors.


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The issue you address about HanKyul's personality is what I believe is the central conflict of the drama. I could be off, but from what I got, this drama is about how HanKyul getting upset about things he deeply care about is getting in the way of him having a healthy relationship with people around him (I don't want to say more, because episode 8 addresses this issue and it would be spoiler). The drama will be about how meeting SoRim and caring about hurting her will change the way he acts. This is just my opinion, but I think it makes sense. If he didn't have that personality problem, there would be no main conflict to the drama. If you noticed, HanKyul gets upset when two things are involved, aka his father and music. [perhaps the third will be SoRim when he starts caring for her as deeply as the other two] Music being the thing he cares the most about in his life. This is more than just a conflict with his superiors, this is a lot more personal than a professional opinion, it's what he breathes and lives by. The problem is that music sticks to his life in all aspects, so when he gets upset about music, he ruins all aspects of his life. Which is why he needs to change. But like I said, the need for change is intentional.


I wasn't going commenting on the recaps but couldn't resist. Dramabeans new system definitely makes it more tempting -- more dangerous too, poor my time.


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I didn't think much of this show at first... the songs were all I was in for, but I stuck with my "4 episode rule" and it just keeps getting better & better! I totally agree with you re: Chan Young. I can really feel his frustration, his inferiority complex, his resentent..... and at this point even though I know of course it's going to be HG in the end for So Rim,... it doesn't really matter. I just want all of them to be happy in Music.


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"I just want all of them to be happy in Music."

Basically me.


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I woke up coming here thinking I was early for the recap but I'm late -__- So many comments already?!

Thank you for the recap, can't wait to read all of it and the comments too. I need to eat breakfast first.


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Sigh. Nevermind breakfast, I can't eat in peace when I know there's a recap waiting for me. kkkk


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I was waiting for this recap to be up! Thanks for the recap!

- Ugh, that stuck-up looking classmate makes me so annoyed. While I understand her motivations (who doesn't want to know their idols IRL, right?) it comes across as such a nasty, two-faced way of doing things. Not to mention rude. She wasn't even close to Sorim before this - why would Sorim let her see her phone? Figures that she would have been the one leaving rude comments on their videos.

- Sometimes I don't even know who I should be annoyed with. Mr Choi, for manipulating the artists under him? Or President Yoo who's manipulating Mr Choi, which then leads him to do the things he does?

- I love how HG offered his shoulder up to SR in the bus. And that shoelace scene had me laughing my head off. They're too adorable for words. Squee <3

- Majorly ship SiHyun and SooYeon together!! Though my heart really aches for Crude Play. I think Kyusun's question of "don't you play for fun?" really reminded Inho how they've gone from playing music for fun to just... having to do it. They really, really want to be acknowledged for their playing (after all, their band stemmed from their love of playing music together) but because of how competitive the industry is, there's no way they can do that and still be popular.


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I don't know what to think of CEO Yoo. On one hand, she's hateful and petty, on the other, she's a product of the system, and hasn't done or said anything that was harmful to the business itself, just the "replaceable" stars in the business. She fixes up things for her business (sprinkled in with some rivalry for her father's attention). Sometimes it means stopping an article, sometimes it means discarding those who are has-beens.


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Exactly! The thing is, I can't bring myself to really hate anybody in this show because they're just behaving the way the industry forces people to behave. I'm sure she wouldn't have gotten her company where it is without being harsh/ruthless in some aspects. Similarly for Mr Choi - everyone's always tearing into him for only thinking about business and money, but from his perspective as CEO of the company, it's his responsibility to make sure the company stays afloat. So really, I can't even blame him for doing what he has to do. But at the same time, I sympathize with his employees who are just being manipulated by him. What a dilemma, ha!


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The ideal solution is keeping business afloat while keeping the artists and musicians happy. JinHyuk is a little too inconsiderate of the feelings of his artists. Being too considerate on the other can also bring in the danger of getting into the habit of bowing in to their demands at the cost of business decisions. Ah.. what a dilemna like you said.


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What I like about both CEO Yoo and Jin-hyuk is that they're both intelligent and quick on the uptake. They're not a boring obstacle to our protagonists, in other words.


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Truth, and both have different drama's they have to deal with, in a way JinHyuk and CEO Yoo are also grey characters. They do the dirty work to make sure their artists gets to work, but they hurt their artists by being too business-y. Plus their own rivalry. They are evenly matched.


Lee Hyun Woo oh Lee Hyun Woo <3


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Why am I always late for TLAHL recaps? ㅠㅠAnyways I love this episode with all my heart. Here are my random thoughts. Can't organize them in a cohesive paragraph. (^_^') And thank you SailorJumun for the recap!

I love Sorim's performance this episode! Dunno how many times I rewached it already. It was a feel good performance. <3 I love the new OST!! Is it weird I'm really into this drama for the music?

I really like how Hangyeol and Chanyoung have this on and off feud going on. I can't figure out their dynamics. Like, are they friends? Just being civil? Relationship out of respect? It's so weird but it works.

Hangyeol and Sorim's date is the cutest! I laughed so hard the moment Sorim accidentally kicked Hangyeol in the balls (he kinda deserved it though).

Actually enjoying watching Ceo Yoon and Ceo Choi outwit each other. Can we see more? I want more.

I pity Yuna. She's receiving the short side of everything. Business is cutthroat like that.

Kinda understand Chanyoung feeling alone all this time until Sorim. But sometimes I don't know if he's completely sincere in his actions with Sorim or if he's just flaunting in front of Hangyeol.


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re late: It might have to do with our different time zones to the writer time zones. // re: nice bullet points :) // re music: Music makes up literally more than half the time in the drama, so no, it's not weird you're in it for the music :) // re ChanYoung x HanKyul: I agree, their dynamics is very interesting. In one word, frenemies. I also find the JinHyuk x CEO Yoo interesting // re ChanYoung motivations: Possibly both. He's sincere about SoRim with SoRim, but it doesn't exclude his need to flaunt something he has over HanKyul.


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Am I the only one who liked Chan Young's sweet snail song more than Han Kyeol's "my friend" song?! And is that really rearranged, or a completely new song?


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And if she wants to keep her promise, why did she easily agree to sing HK's song for the show? And why did everyone agree that CY's song was "terrible?!"


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Nobody said ChanYoung's debut song for them was terrible. They all said it was good, fitted her voice, was commercial, but that the arrangement didn't have an identity. ----
The snail song is not ChanYoung's song. It's a song by Panic. It's a song he asked her to sing during her training/test-recording, and he listened to it later to get used to her voice. -----
The song people said was terrible was the song SoRim sang at the TV show. HanGyul arranged the exact same song they said was terrible into a new arrangement that would emphasize her voice. She sang the same song, just a different arrangement. That song is OST Part 4, a remake of the J.rabbit song.


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OHHHHH! I thought the snail song was CY's song! I thought they showed her singing it when she said she liked his song. If that's the case, I misunderstood. So we never actually heard CY's arrangement?? Got it! Thanks for the clarification.


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CY never arranged the song for the TV show. The initial arrangement and choice of song was by WHO Entertainment I believe. We heard CY's song for Mush n co debut three times so far. Twice, we only heard the intro with the synthetizer sound (once when he first personally let the three Mushes hear his songs after going to pick up SR at her house, and they said they like it ---- the other time when he heard JH play it in his office in the next episode). The third time was when SR sang it when she listened to her headphones and HK asked her to not sing CY's song.


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Uh huh. If you go to the 52'20''-52'30'' mark of episode 4, we can hear it's the same song as the one in episode 8. So I think you're right. http://dramafire.com/the-liar-and-his-lover-episode-4/


This drama has just the right mix of music, heart and romance.. all of my favourite things in dramaland <3


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I love how Han Gyul always tries to make the things right between him and Sorim. He makes an effort when Sorim is angry with him and he seems genuinely worried when he knows that Sorim is crying because of him. Eventhough the reason is mainly because he obsessed with Sorim's voice, I think at some points he really grows to care about Sorim. Chanyoung on the other hand, makes me feel like he only sees Sorim as a way to step out from Han Gyul's shadow.


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Here's my take on Chan-young: I agree that he's using So-rim and that makes him "bad." But I disagree that he only sees her as means to an end. Imo, she's probably the first person he met in ages whom he could trust and have a pure relationship with.


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The thing about Chanyoung is he's a pretty intriguing character :)) so it makes a lot of sense if everyone has a different interpretation of him.


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Chan Young is a really interesting character for me. He is genuinely attached to So Rim, believing that she is his way out of Crude Play and his loneliness/comparison to Han Gyul. Right now, even when he's not romantically attracted to So Rim, he uses his closeness as a leverage point against Han Gyul just to feel like he's beating him at something in his life for once. So as much as I sympathize with our little outcasted puppy Chan Young, I can also see how his bitterness has created his ability to be cruel when he wants to be. A fixed bromance between him and all the Crude Play boys as well as Han Gyul is the dream, but until we get there, it'll be an emotional rollercoaster trying to follow the different sides of Chan Young.


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Precisely. He's a grey character. His interest and affection for So-rim is genuine. He most likely feels a sense of kinship with her for being genuinely supportive and honest with him. However, his ambitions hinders him from being a "perfect" romantic interest since his affection is tainted by his intense desire to rise above Han-gyul.


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Yeah I'm not on board with CY at all, don't like his using SoRim to get what he wants and to get back at HG


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The bus ride scene was so sweet and mushy. *squee* And I really find "Mush and Co." really cute :)


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