The Liar and His Lover: Episode 11

Though our two lovebirds have comfortably fallen into their new romance, tensions are still running high as Mush & Co. try to secure their own place in show biz. Unfortunately, they weren’t entirely prepared for what would happen after stepping into the spotlight. It’s a cutthroat business out there and, as they’ll learn from their sunbaes, you just have to find a way to trudge through it all. But what happens when it becomes far too much to handle?


After Han-gyul admits how much he likes her, So-rim smiles against his back, saying that she liked him from the start and likes him even more now. That makes Han-gyul stop the bike as he gently takes her hand and turns around to face her. And then, ah, that kiss. Not gonna lie – I squealed louder than I should have.

So-rim quietly enters the house and tiptoes her way to her room, but she jumps to see Jin-woo waiting in the living room. He narrows his eyes and questions why she was out so early when everyone else peeks their heads from their rooms. (Whoa, hold up – did Shi-hyun just come out of Soo-yeon’s room?)

So-rim insists that she was taking a walk by herself just as Han-gyul comes waltzing in, and the others smile suspiciously. And then Chan-young waltzes in, which just confuses everybody. The three lie that they all took separate walks.

Crude Play and Mush & Co. pack their things and head to the cars to return home. Before Han-gyul can lead So-rim to his van, Chan-young glares at the smiling couple and grabs So-rim’s hand.

He pulls her away from Han-gyul and says that he has to talk to his band on the way back. So Han-gyul and So-rim reluctantly go separate ways.

It only takes about a minute in the van for the boys to start accusing Han-gyul of being with So-rim that morning, which he fervently denies. Instead, he turns it around to Shi-hyun and Soo-yeon, questioning how close they’ve been acting lately. Shi-hyun denies that just as hard, heh.

At the same time, Jin-woo is accusing So-rim of walking with Han-gyul. So-rim clams up, so Chan-young jumps in and says he saw So-rim actually walking alone. That pleases Jin-woo, though So-rim stares at Chan-young, surprised by his save.

Jin-hyuk and Yoo-na attend a meeting to discuss the Music Sketchbook lineup, though Jin-hyuk is hardly listening. He thinks back to his conversation with In-woo, who had rejected his offer of publicizing his stolen songs: “Because someone will get hurt.”

After the meeting, Yoo-na asks if Jin-hyuk is spacing out because of what CEO Yoo proposed. She reassures him that she would never leave Sole since she feels so at home here. He wonders if that’s thanks to Han-gyul, and she answers that it’s thanks to Jin-hyuk for recruiting Han-gyul in the first place. Jin-hyuk mutters, almost to himself, that he’s no longer sure if he brought Han-gyul in or if Han-gyul tumbled in on his own.

CEO Yoo meets with In-woo to see if he’s thought about putting out an album with her. He doesn’t think his music will sell, but Yoo tells him to let her worry about that. She’s sure she can make it happen since she also likes In-woo’s music. With a smile, he gives her the okay.

Jin-woo and Gyu-sun scurry home, but So-rim hangs back to ask Chan-young if he saw her Han-gyul this morning. He cuts her off and says they should hang out for a while longer. He leads her over to a railing to admire the view, sighing that he doesn’t get much leisure time like this.

He says that in exchange for achieving a position people work so hard for, they have to give up the simpler things normal people get to have. “People always want what they can’t have,” he concludes as he looks at her.

With a strained smile, Chan-young asks if she’s dating Han-gyul. She gives a shy little nod and apologizes – she couldn’t heed Jin-hyuk’s orders because she liked Han-gyul too much. His voice now hard, he asks why she had to like Han-gyul of all people. She apologizes again, thinking he’s upset that she lied, but he just waves it off.

He assures her (or himself, really) that it’s okay since her relationship with Han-gyul doesn’t change the fact that Mush & Co. is his band. He reminds her of their three-year promise and shows some relief when she nods.

Once So-rim gets home, she gets a call from Han-gyul (who’d been saving pictures of her from the trip while waiting, hee). She says that she got home late since she was talking to Chan-young, though she doesn’t divulge about what since he’d asked her not to tell Han-gyul that he knew about them.

To her surprise, Han-gyul doesn’t pry her for more answers. He sweetly says that he’ll only listen to her and trust what she says. Then he goes on to say that he’s totally getting his driver’s license so that she doesn’t have to ride with Chan-young anymore. Ha! He may be trusting, but his jealousy is still strong.

Gyu-sun excitedly tells Se-jung about his trip, handing over his phone to show her pictures. But when he bends down to tie his shoe, he doesn’t see her quickly find the code to hack into his new phone.

She returns to her computer to access the rest of his photos, and she’s thrown off to see Han-gyul included in them. She recalls him being the boy So-rim seemed so close with and wonders if he’s the band’s manager.

Se-jung travels over to Sole the next day, just in time to catch Han-gyul buying snacks for the Mush & Co. trio. Gyu-sun waves her over, though as he talks to her, she strains her neck to get a better look at So-rim’s mystery boy. Gyu-sun calls out Chan-young’s name as he arrives, snapping Se-jung back into focus.

As they all head back inside, Se-jung can’t help but notice Chan-young doting on So-rim, making her mouth form an irritated frown. She at least hangs back while the rest of them go to the practice room. Han-gyul tries to follow them in, but Chan-young quickly shuts the door and urges him to go on his merry way.

Chan-young knows Han-gyul just wants to hear So-rim sing, and he suggests that Han-gyul stop being so greedy. He heads inside, making sure to wave Han-gyul off through the window.

Han-gyul almost goes in after him, but seeing Chan-young’s smile as he overlooks the band performing stops him. Han-gyul turns on his heel, cursing under his breath.

So-rim comes into school the next day to discover that photos of her and Chan-young have surfaced online, along with rumors of them dating. Se-jung angrily confronts So-rim about this, demanding to know why she’s messing around when she already has a boyfriend. So-rim rightfully says it has nothing to do with her and hurries off to meet with Soo-yeon.

Se-jung watches her go and then pulls out her phone to log into her Twitter account. Ah, crap.

Soo-yeon assembles the trio to settle the matter, and though So-rim is afraid she’s just ruined their image, Soo-yeon assures her that the company will take care of it. But when So-rim goes off alone to read the online comments, she’s shaken to see all the angry remarks from Chan-young’s fans.

A hand shoots out and grabs her phone, and she looks up to see Han-gyul. He half-jokes that she should be looking at him instead of her phone, but she just asks if he’s mad about the rumor. He takes her hand and reminds her that he only trusts in what she says. However, he does warn her that these kind of incidents will happen again and that she’ll most likely get hurt.

“So just trust in my words and listen to me,” he says. “You’ll do that, right?” So-rim nods with a smile. From afar, Yoo-na watches this exchange with a dejected look.

Jin-hyuk calls Chan-young in to inform him that they’ve handled the rumor. Just to make sure, he asks if he and So-rim really have no special relationship. Chan-young confirms that they don’t. “Not with me,” he mutters, which Jin-hyuk notes.

Soon after, there’s another rumor quickly spreading online. Se-jung had posted all of Gyu-sun’s photos from the trip, claiming that Han-gyul is So-rim’s real boyfriend. And now everyone thinks So-rim is a two-timer.

Jin-hyuk and his team can’t figure out how all those personal photos got leaked (Se-jung posted with a private account), but they immediately take action, changing their passwords and making sure to protect Han-gyul’s identity. But there’s one more problem: among the photos, there was a video of In-ho playing the drums.

Gyu-sun admits to Soo-yeon that he did take the video as well as all the photos, but he never showed it to anyone outside of Mush & Co.’s chatroom. Assuming his phone must’ve gotten hacked, they check to see the PC that it’s connected to. Gyu-sun laughs dryly, clearly recognizing the username. Gyu-sun tries to rush out on his own, but So-rim and Jin-woo insist that this concerns all of them.

They call Se-jung out to the school that night and confront her about the account. Se-jung tries to play dumb, but So-rim tells her not to lie anymore. She understands that Se-jung hates her but thinks that hurting their band just to hurt her is wrong. When Se-jung still won’t fess up, Gyu-sun steps forward and reveals that he knows she likes Chan-young. “That’s why you hate us, right?” he says.

Se-jung completely breaks and yells that they’re all so annoying – why do they get to have it all when they don’t even study or work hard? Why do they get to be close to Chan-young? “So what is it that you want?” a familiar voice says from behind.

Se-jung recognizes it as Chan-young’s, but she’s too scared to turn around. She tries to escape, but Chan-young demands that she look him in the eye. She slowly turns around, but she can barely look at him before running away.

Gyu-sun goes after her and grabs her arm, but she pushes him away and yells that she never liked him. Gyu-sun says that he knows – but still, he wants to stay with her. So when she bursts into tears, he just takes her in his arms. Oy… He really is too sweet for his own good.

Jin-hyuk rounds up Mush & Co., Han-gyul, and Chan-young, amazed that they’ve all gotten themselves into this mess. He tells Soo-yeon to confiscate the band’s phones and to have them placed in a dorm where they can be watched. He then asks to speak with Han-gyul and Chan-young alone.

He firmly states that the two are no longer allowed to see So-rim. They try to argue, but Jin-hyuk throws back that they handled this all wrong – Chan-young shouldn’t have been so careless in public and Han-gyul shouldn’t have made his relationship with So-rim so obvious.

Grandma is horrified to see So-rim getting so much negative attention on the entertainment news, though she quickly shuts it off when So-rim arrives. So-rim keeps a smile on her face, though she reports sadly that she’ll have to move out for a while.

Since So-rim has to leave tomorrow, she and Grandma get right to packing. A thought strikes her, and So-rim lies her head in Grandma’s lap, suggesting that they go out on a little date before she takes off for the dorms.

At home, Han-gyul listens to So-rim’s track of “I’m Okay,” happily scrolling through her pictures. In-woo sneaks up on him and asks what he’s looking at, making him jump. In-woo wants in on the happy train and asks that he let him listen to the song. Han-gyul hesitates before saying he can only listen if he doesn’t make any comments.

In-woo doesn’t see why not, so Han-gyul explains that it’s because his dad isn’t just anyone. He admits that he’s grateful to his mom for making him so different from In-woo.

But to Han-gyul’s annoyance, when it comes to the most important thing – music – they couldn’t be more alike.

“Gyul-ah, I think differently,” In-woo says, walking over to Han-gyul’s poster of his K persona. “It’s fine if you resemble me in other ways, but I really hope you don’t resemble me when it comes to that important thing.” Once In-woo leaves him alone, Han-gyul finds himself staring at his K poster as well, his eyes heavy with emotion.

Now all packed, So-rim pulls out her beloved Jeje for some comfort. She tells Jeje that it’s tough with everyone criticizing her and then mumbles that she misses her mother. As she rests her head on her pillow, a tear escapes her eye.

The next day, So-rim takes Grandma out to have some fun in town. They have a blast playing games and eating street food, but when So-rim runs off to grab some change for a crane machine, she gets noticed by some students.

The students don’t even try to keep their voices down as they laugh at the supposed singer who’s two-timing Seo Chan-young. Each word is hit after hit for her, and at a certain point, their voices seem to fade. So-rim’s hand shakes as she turns to look back at Grandma, who definitely heard the whole thing.

So-rim immediately pulls Grandma out, but Grandma stops her, saying she left her phone inside. She tells So-rim to stay put and heads back, marching right up to the mean students. She demands to know if their parents raised them to speak so harshly, but they just dismiss her and walk away.

Grandma turns around to find So-rim, who’s mad that she confronted them when she should’ve just let it go. Grandma tries to apologize, but So-rim runs off into the crowd, leaving Grandma behind, struggling for breath. Oh no! Please don’t be sick!

Thinking better of it, So-rim runs right back to Grandma and pulls her into a tight back hug. She cries that she’s sorry and that she was just upset. Grandma turns her around and assures her that it’s okay to cry or get angry in front of her.

Once So-rim is calmed down, Grandma sends her off with Jin-woo and Gyu-sun, watching them run off together like the three dorks they still are. In their new dorm, Gyu-sun nudges Jin-woo, telling him to go for it with So-rim since Han-gyul won’t be around.

Jin-woo is surprised, since he thought Gyu-sun liked Han-gyul. Gyu-sun does, but he says that Jin-woo is his friend, so of course he’d root for him. Jin-woo beams and high-fives him. And then he hilariously leans against the doorway and asks So-rim if she needs any help. Oh boy. This should be fun.

Jin-hyuk visits CEO Yoo to apologize for the recent scandal, though Yoo just finds it amusing. She tells him that she’ll be keeping a close eye on So-rim during the Music Sketchbook performance, making him uneasy. Meanwhile, So-rim’s grandma starts feeling woozy as she works outside and collapses on the street.

Jin-hyuk finds Chan-young next and asks if he has any other songs besides “Shiny Boy.” Chan-young is offended, but Jin-hyuk says that the song has already dropped off the charts and that they need to give Mush & Co. a boost.

Chan-young retorts that he knows what Jin-hyuk is thinking, but he won’t back down. Before Jin-hyuk can answer, Soo-yeon bursts in with news of So-rim’s grandma. So-rim rushes to the hospital, her friends and Chan-young close behind. According to the doctor, Grandma fainted from shock and exhaustion, but thankfully, she’ll be fine after a day of rest.

Soo-yeon sends Jin-woo and Gyu-sun home and then makes sure to text Han-gyul the situation. Chan-young, however, stays with So-rim in the hospital room. He watches her face, telling her it’s okay to cry at a time like this. So-rim looks down at her sleeping grandma and says that strangely, she can’t bring herself to cry. She wonders if it’s because she’s too scared.

Chan-young places a comforting hand over So-rim’s and notes that she feels cold. He goes out to get her a warm drink just as Han-gyul runs into the hospital and locates Grandma’s room.

So-rim is shocked to find Han-gyul suddenly standing in front of her and she barely gets out his name before her face crumples in tears. He doesn’t say a word – he just pulls her into a tight embrace and lets her cry.

Behind them, Chan-young slides the door open, only to slide it closed after seeing the two together.

Han-gyul stays with So-rim all day, holding her hand until she falls asleep by Grandma’s side. He untangles their hands and places a blanket over her before heading out, where he finds Chan-young sitting in the hallway.

Han-gyul tells Chan-young to go on home since he’ll be staying with So-rim, and Chan-young practically rolls his eyes. He wonders why Han-gyul should care if he worries about So-rim, to which Han-gyul responds that he has every right to care: “Tell me. Who are you worried about? Your singer? Or Yoon So-rim?”

He promises not to interfere with Mush & Co., so he wants Chan-young to promise not to interfere with his relationship with So-rim. Chan-young heaves a big sigh and stands up to face Han-gyul, asking why he should do that when Han-gyul has already messed up everything else for him.


Chan-young, I like you – I really do – but you’re making it harder and harder for me to want to defend you and your increasingly unreasonable actions. In fact, I find it ironic that Chan-young is always warning Han-gyul to keep his personal feelings out of business matters when Chan-young is doing the exact same thing. His determination to keep Mush & Co. as his band with only his songs and his guidance hinders the trio’s chances of growing as musicians. It was nice to see him excited to have something apart from Crude Play, but he’s almost acting like a child who refuses to share his toys. And that just bothers me – that he views this group as a shiny new toy that Han-gyul can’t have.

But now that he knows that Han-gyul has officially “stolen” So-rim away from him, he’s only gotten more obsessive and territorial. It’s clear that he does like So-rim as a person (it’s hard not to love her), but I honestly believe that if he liked her on a deeper level – like Han-gyul and her friends do – he would find a way to be fine as long as he could see that she was happy. That’s the one thing I can appreciate about the noble idiocy trope. A noble idiot will step back if they believe the one they love will be happier without them or, in certain circumstances, with someone else. In retrospect, it may be stupid, hence the “idiocy,” but we often tolerate it because it’s still a rather sweet and selfless act.

Thankfully, Han-gyul eventually understood that he made So-rim happy and rightfully took advantage of that. Then we have Chan-young, who, lately, only seems annoyed with her happiness because it doesn’t include him. Or more specifically, because it includes the one person he can’t stand. And that way of thinking is just unfair of him. For one, Han-gyul does have the right to be greedy. He’s So-rim’s boyfriend now, and after spending so much time repressing his feelings, I’d say he’s earned his right to be a little greedy with her.

Chan-young’s one saving grace in this episode was telling Se-jung off. Being a top idol, I’m sure he’s had his fair share of sasaeng ordeals because he really put that girl in her place. The way I see it, there are adoring fans and then there are straight up obsessive fans. Referring back to my point earlier, Se-jung falls into the second category simply because she disregards her idol’s happiness. That possessive quality that sasaengs carry only shows that they’re in love with the concept of their idol, not the actual idol. Let that sink in, Chan-young – I just compared you to Se-jung. I want to hate Chan-young’s character like so much, but like Gyu-sun did for Se-jung, I just get the urge to hug him. He seems to be getting more desperate with every episode, and I fear that if he doesn’t let up, he may truly ruin himself.

But it was So-rim who really needed a hug (and thank goodness she got one). She’d been warned time and time again about the negatives that come with celebrity life, but she couldn’t quite understand what that was like until she was living it. Becoming an entertainer means putting your name and face – your entire life – out there for the world to see. And just as Han-gyul said, it can be brutal. Crude Play has been in the business for years and it still gets to them. Heck, the pressure even gets to be too much for the supposedly suave Jin-hyuk, as we’ve seen when he’s in the presence of CEO Yoo. So I can only imagine how tough it is for a couple of newbies like Mush & Co.

Amidst all the pain and suffering of our favorite puppies, I was surprisingly pleased with how easily Han-gyul stepped into his new role as So-rim’s boyfriend. He’s proving to be a great support system by showing so much trust and in turn, asking her to trust that in the end, everything will be okay. When he says things like that, it’s hard not to believe in them. Just don’t take Grandma away from So-rim, Show. That’s where I draw the line.


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Woohoooo its here! And I am on time to catch it!! Double yay!!


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@sailorjumun Thanks for the recap
Also, this is exactly what I feel too-

I want to hate Chan-young’s character like so much, but like Gyu-sun did for Se-jung, I just get the urge to hug him.


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And you're first too. lol.


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I know! I am so surprised by this! I was literally the last one in ep 10 recap! Lucky for me that the recap was posted right at the moment I opened the DB page! :D


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It's like I can never tell when these recaps are going to drop off. The hours are always different each time.


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Different time and add to that different timezones...my god i refresh it sooo many times only to find that there are 400 comments already!


@sungjong Thank god we are still in 130s zone for this recap.. Soon, we will be in 400s :P


@sungjong @obsessedmuch I don't think the comments are going to surpass 300. They'll reach 300 at most. I've been lurking from the beginning, and the usual comment counts for this is usually in the 200 range. People got crazy excited last week because of the kiss and confession. I don't expect the comments to reach those kinds of number again any time soon. I mean, that's like Strong Woman/Moonlight numbers.


@satinder Understandable... I was just very excited to see so many comments last week! The comment thread which was usually too full was Moonlovers! now 800 comments for each episode was a lil too much! :P


@sungjong about timezones, at this time most of Asia is asleep, so perhaps there will be a surge of comments when they wake up? I don't know if this drama is popular in other countries. I know a lot of taiwanese friends like it.


A good way to know when they come is to look at the footer where you can see what the next recap will be. Though I'm one to talk, being 300+ comments late.


Well, we're already on DB's front page, as the top post in "Most commented" section. So not shabby at all for an underdog drama.


@obsessedmuch My limit is usually 600 comments. By then, I give up on reading.

@Satinder If you compare the number of comments here to SWDBS, we might actually be similar. A bit surprising but it makes me happy.


We should do a "first to comment" meme! lol


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Someone already did it! I don't remember who!


Went back and checked who did it- it was @ally-le


First one! I got lateee! :(


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Hehehe... It's alright... if I know you, you would still be here till the last comment so it doesn't matter that you were late :D


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I'm nothing if not doggedly persistent! :D


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Good for you ;)


I love how we're both lurking :D


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I know! Can't seem to go away from this thread and sleep! :P
And I am literally not doing anything else... just refreshing the page for new comments!


Yay! Thank you for the recap! I've been waiting all week, hehe. This show grows on me more every week.

Random points: Mush&Co's friendship gives me cute butterflies. The 2 guys helping her carry her luggages, and then KS egging JW to take his chances with SR in the dorm because he thinks JW is the best? Their friendship is adorable and precious. Also, SY's such a gem - she genuinely cares for them, and she also calls HG at the hospital because she knows he has a right to know. Two thumbs up for SY!

On Chanyoung: "Why HG of all people?" - this irks me because it just seems that CY views SR/Mush&Co as a trophy that he's competing with HG to win. It could be anybody that SR liked (Eg. JW), so long as it's not Hangyul. I've practically lost all empathy for CY. I still understand his motivations. But I think there's a fine line between understanding and empathizing, and justifying everything he does just because I understand how he feels. So nope, CY's out of my good books for now. He doesn't like her so much as he likes the idea of using her to show that he won HG in something.

He asks why he can't stand in HG's way when HG's always stood in his way (don't play the victim card anymore, CY, when you're all victims in this industry) - it tells me that he's doing all this to get back at HG. I mean, yes, he does have the right to step in between HG and SR, but do you want to be that guy, CY? The one who steps between 2 people who are perfectly happy together and tries to tear them apart, just because?

Honestly, I always say in my comments on other recaps (like M2M and SWDBS) that we shouldn't give characters so much flak because they're human too and not expected to be perfect, so I wonder if I'm being too harsh on CY just because I don't like him as much as I liked characters in those other shows. Am I being biased? I've been understanding of CY and justifying his actions but this episode seemed to cross a line for me.

On SR/Grandma: I think it's horrible that they have to face the harsh reality of being a celebrity so early on, and especially more so because of SJ. That makes me so mad. Those high schoolers who said "she's a celebrity, get used to it or quit"? It just makes me sad that that's how the reality is. Audience think that it's ok to trash a celebrity just because they put themselves on the public stage to be seen, with the view that "they should be expecting it", but they forget that celebrities are all human too. Whenever I see people leaving nasty comments about how they hate the actor/actress... I wonder if it gives them some sort of vindictive pleasure to put the celebrity down. I can imagine how painful it must have been for Grandma, who lived her life thinking of SR as the best.

On Han Gyul: For all his acclaim as a composing genius, I find that HG is still the insecure little boy who looked up to his father's music - which is why he...


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I am so with you on the lovely friendship between the trio of Mush & Co. They are all lovely together!


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Even the Crude Play members...they are lovely together....The drummer (In Ho?) especially...They are constantly trying to placate both Chan Young and Hang Gyul and so hardworking...oKay Sunbae and Shin, you need to be together


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True! This show is seriously #friendshipgoals <3


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yes, yes, and yes!


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Yes, I totally love that they do that! InHo is great and I wish ChanYoung would give his hyungs at least a fair chance... :(


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Yes! I love how JinWoo's entire face just totally LIT UP when KyuSun told him how he supported him! Just <3.


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Yeah, but brother has to know he has no chance. It is painful to watch Jin Woo flail about.


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But in other dramas, it's usually the best friend who gets the girl in the end. The girl likes some other cooler guy, and in the end, she realizes he's wrong for her, and it's the best friend who is right for her. Haha.


Is it wrong that this noona loves his flailing? :3


I suspect Soo Yeon is secretly enjoying it too.


Ahhh my novel of a comment got cut off again.
On Han Gyul: For all his acclaim as a composing genius, I find that HG is still the insecure little boy who looked up to his father's music - which is why he finds it difficult to accept any comments Dad might have regarding his composition. He's afraid that Dad will think it sub-par. I find it heart-wrenching that Dad said "I hope you don't take after me in music" while looking at the poster of the masked K on the wall, because he doesn't want HG to be hurt like him. I'm sure Dad has been hurt before in the past while commercializing his music, and now that he sees HG going down the same path, he will most definitely not want HG to face the same things he did.

on Kyusun: What sorcery possessed him to meet with SJ even after he caught her pocketing his phone? (Ok fine - that sorcery is called puppy love.) Poor thing, having to find out that your girlfriend's the cause of the scandal, and still caring for her to want to stay by her side. I'm glad SJ got a wake up call though because she should realize that her petty little ratty actions wouldn't have made CY like her more.


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I don't think it's sorcery so much as compassion. At that moment, he could see how much pain she was under. Granted, the pain was by her own fault, but it was still real. And he wanted someone to be with her at that moment to comfort her.


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Eeks I meant the time he met her, after he caught her pocketing the phone the first time, not after she got scolded by CY! I get that moment, and I think KS is sweet for it, but if I'd seen someone stealing my phone... it would be the end of that person, lol! So I can only assume it was pure puppy love that made him continue to "believe" in SJ and meet her again.


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Ah I love the small Dad/HanGyul moments! They're heart-wrenching and so honest and raw!! Its so obvious how much Dad loves his Gyulie and how much HanGyul has internalized his hurt. I just...love them so much!

Yes, I was mad at KyuSun for going after SeJung too. :( But that just shows how sweet he really is.


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I <3 pops!


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Hangyul and his dad really move me but I have to say all of the credit goes to hangyul for that. Hangyul thoughts about his dad really tugs at my heartstrings because we know the kind pain it's caused and also the way it's shaped him - especially in his music career. I can't say that dad creates the same feels for me. It's not that I don't like dad so much as he's still in this super wise/mysterious level that I don't find to be accessible. Like why did he ultimately let the other guy take all his songs? Does he have a soft spot for the CEO that's romantic? He goes back and forth from being someone who's riddled with guilt towards hangyul and being someone who's so wise that he can reprimand hangyul for his life decisions. I think it makes sense that he can feel both ways- I think I'd like to see a little more vulnerability on dads part where he really shows he cares about hangyul beyond him just saying that he does? Maybe someone can elaborate and shed more light on this.


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What the dad said, that it was okay that HG took after him for everything except his music shows that the dad, too, feels pain about how his life has turned out. Maybe not bitterness, but definitely pain.

As for why he let the others take his music, I believe he said he was kicked out? He's probably the type to run away from a fight rather than confront it. Always wanting peace and conceding, even if that means losing. It's something HG hates.


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Maybe it's because I've watched E12, but I think Dad is hurting in his own, silent way. HG just finds it easier to voice it out loudly that he feels that Dad was used, and that justice should be served. But Dad... I don't see it as him backing off from a fight, I see it as him knowing that it's pointless. What would he stand to gain from letting the truth be known and hurting everyone around him? Would some people praise him for doing so? Sure, maybe there would be people who would praise his songs, and flame those who had stolen it away from him - but to Dad, this small gain doesn't justify the hurt that a lot more people will feel. And in that sense, I think that Dad is being more mature than HG. He just can't be the Dad that HG wants him to be, because he and HG see so differently on this aspect. I'll probably write another novel for this in my comment on the next recap, hah!


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To me, when CY said a little sadly, but accepting, that Mush and Co is his, I felt for him. I even understood when he accused HG of being greedy for stepping into the producing (the same way HG accused him of being greedy for stepping into the relationship). And I even understood why he felt threatened since Jinhyuk was just about to tell him to use HG's song. I even felt sad for him when he saw HG hug SR, because it's only human to feel jealous. But I don't like it that he's always so competitive.


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I try to feel for him, and I do understand that it's a nasty feeling to always feel like you're just a replacement and not good enough. I think CY's just struggling to find his place in this industry, along with bearing the burden that he was just a replacement for HG in Crude Play. And for that, I've been understanding of everything he does.

But I disagree completely with his actions. It's one thing to struggle with your inner emotions, and it's another thing to hurt others while doing it. He's not the only victim in this vicious industry; HG's been equally hurt by JH. I dislike that he only sees his own hurt and expects everyone to understand, when everyone else (including JH) have been burnt before. I bet a stake is driven deeper into Crude Play's hearts every time JH tells them that they're not good enough to play live.

But, I guess everyone is fighting their own battles. It's like I want to comfort CY and tell him that things are going to be ok, but at the same time, I can't like him anymore, argh!


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I guess the reason why he can't see others' hurt is because in his eyes, they're at a "better place" than him, especially Hangyul since he's doing what Chanyoung wants to do, and owning his own music. The grass is always greener on the other side.


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Lezah, well said. Everyone is struggling at some degree. But they arent taking it out on others like CY.


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I don't like how he keeps comparing what he has with Sorim against what Sorim has with HanGyul. It's totally incomparable. Instead of making the best of his own situation he's pining for the kind of relationship that Sorim can never truly give him. I think that's irrational and very petulant of him.


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I complete agree. No one's going to say that Chanyoung deserves Sorim or what he's doing is right. In fact, he's made jealous decisions, been a jerk, etc., but he is by far the most complex and interesting character in the drama. He's close with his bandmates, but once Hangyul comes into the picture, he becomes dissapointed and sad. Also, he genuinely likes and cares for Sorim and Mush&Co, but he feels everyone else wants Hangyul to take over, and that's actually true. It's really sad that he feels like he doesn't have a place or doesn't belong. Its not that im rooting for Chanyoung and Sorim, but rather that I want to see scenes where he does confess and she does agonize over it, but shes the one who truly brings him back. People jts dont understand sometimes


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Oooh. I love your comment. Very well summarized. I don't ship Chanyoung and Sorim either, but I like his character as a well-written and complex character. I want to say more, but that would be spoiling episode 12. But basically yes, he keeps being torn between what he wants (crude play and mush and co) and what he feels like people are taking away from him. So he's never able to fully enjoy any moments. It's sad if you think about it.


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Thank you. Someone underatands. I don't like it when they make him out to be some bad guy thats a pervert (trust me, I've seen stupid comments like that) and cares only for himself. Like ep 12 shows, he genuinely loves his band mates and loves mush and Co and wishes the best for them. It's just that everyone that he's close to seems to like hangyul a lot more in his eyes so he further gets upset. He really likes sorim, I can tell, but why are people so upset over that? Get over her bc she has a bf? Is it really that easy to get over someone you like and appreciate? Especially in this case, where sorim is the only one who truly appreciates his music and who he is when no one else does. I understand where he's coming from.


I understand where he's coming from too. I get that people dislike his immature way of dealing with hurt feelings, but he definitely has reasons to feel hurt. And I don't expect him to be the most mature one either, he's the youngest of Crude Play, let's not forget that. Of course, i would want him to mature up by the end of the drama, but I don't like it either when viewers reduce his complex character as just pure evil, or dismiss his sincerity. It's people dismissing his sincerity which brought on his inferiority complex to begin with.


"why are people so upset over that? Get over her bc she has a bf?"
I'm not upset because he likes her, and I'm not saying he should get over her because she already has a BF (I know how painful a one sided crush can be). I see your point, but what people are upset about isn't the fact that he likes her - it's the fact that he does manipulative little actions on purpose to try to break up her relationship with HG. It's one thing to admire her from the side, and it's another to try to snatch her away from the person she likes.

I think CY has a huge inferiority complex when it comes to HG, and I don't blame him. It's probably been built up over these 5 years. People seem to prefer HG over him. This may sound harsh, but to give CY some tough love, he needs to reflect and think about why exactly people always seem to prefer HG over him. Is it because they honestly do, or is it his inferiority speaking? If it is the former, then perhaps he needs to think about why and make some changes. If it is the latter, then I do feel bad for him, but he needs to get over it and give the others a chance. They genuinely care for him and you can see it through their interactions. It's just that the moment HG steps in/CY gets dealt another blow, he goes off onto another spiel of "everybody hates me, everyone loves HG, urgh HG".


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I do agree with what you're saying. It's just that the comments and hate towards Chanyoung is really unwarranted. Yes, he's been a jerk sometimes and his inferiority complex, while saddening, hasn't made improvements. However, to go as far as saying that you hate him and that he's a total idiot for liking Sorim is way too much. It's people like those who don't really know what's going on. You can tell by his actions and eyes that he really likes Sorim and wants the best for Mush&Co. To some blind people, it may seem that he only likes them bc its his band, and that may be partly true. However, you can tell throughout the drama that he has come to really care for them and wants the best. Also, you're right. He is close with the other bandmates; there's no denying that, but what's saddening is that once Hangyul comes in the picture, he feels small again and feels like he's not wanted. It's false, but I can see why he thinks that way. There's two scenes in the next ep that really shows his sadness and his grief over this. I won't list them, but damn, after those scenes, I could really feel for him. In the end, he might be my favorite character in the series (after Sorim of course) simply because he is the most complex character in the series and with the most potential for character growth.


Why should she agonize over him? She is in love with another dude, and always has. She has no doubts about where her heart is, and has made it perfectly clear to everybody.


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"Chan-young’s one saving grace in this episode was telling Se-jung off. "

Really agree with you on this! CY's lost all his good graces with me, unfortunately, but I'm glad that he really reminded SJ that her actions were selfish and childish, and would do nothing to make him like her better. The fact that those words came from CY's own mouth to a sasaeng fan like her would have had much greater impact. At least it tells me that CY does care about Mush&Co to a certain extent, even if I don't like his other actions.


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He was scary when he was telling SJ off. Though I was glad he did, I kept telling to myself that I wouldn't want to be on his bad side


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Yes! He exuded his idol presence in telling SJ off.


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He was TOTALLY cool there! For a moment I actually went- this is the second lead we want. So cool and calm and suave!


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But that's the thing! It doesn't shoowww! He says that he cares but his actions speak therwise! He's letting his own personal agenda with HanGyul get in the way of the betterment of his band.
And yes, agree. I loved when he told Se Jung off.


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Hold up, why are they redeeming Snake Se Jung? I was popping champagne when Chan Young mercilessly owned her (Producer of the Year), but not even two seconds go by before Gyu Sun is consoling her and assuring her they're not broken up. I dgaf if she cries. Somebody please slap some sense into that boy. I had reached the point where I wished Se Jung would hurry up and drop the bomb because I couldn't stand to watch Gyu Sun get the wool pulled over his eyes anymore. At least he was keenly aware of Se Jung's delusional crush on Chan Young, since her study room desk is plastered with Chan Young posters. As if we needed more proof that Se Jung never listens to Gyu Sun, he clearly said "our manager NOONA," yet she still inferred Han Gyul was Mush & Co.'s manager. I freaked out at Gyu Sun's leaked video of In Ho playing the drums. I am in a constant state of fear that Crude Play will be caught.

I normally hate Jin Hyuk, but I was completely on his side today. So Rim was absolutely at fault. Jin Hyuk clearly warned her not to date, yet she gets herself a boyfriend the day her band debuts. It annoyed me when So Rim was distractedly looking for Han Gyul instead of focusing during practice. The vicious online comments against So Rim due to her dating rumors with Chan Young were very realistic (though I was amused at Chan Young having so many fanboys). Jin Hyuk had previously reminded Chan Young that his fans were unhappy at their idol being "used" to promote his hoobaes. Then almost as soon as their CEO gets done talking about So Rim and Gyu Sun's love lives endangering their band, Gyu Sun and Jin Woo conspire to hit on So Rim while she is away from Han Gyul in their dorm. These kids never learn. Mush & Co. is so screwed. Soo Yeon deserves to get reprimanded, too. She and Chan Young had an obligation to tell Jin Hyuk about So Rim and Han Gyul's relationship. It's not about ratting them out, it's about giving Sole Music a preemptive strike. Jin Hyuk was blindsided. At least CEO Yoo is all "no publicity is bad publicity."

"Why can't I get involved between you and So Rim?" Because she doesn't like you back. I love how Han Gyul sees right through him. Such a perceptive hyung. I also love how Han Gyul says everything with a smile on his face, which probably pisses Chan Young off even more. How was Chan Young even allowed to wait for So Rim by himself all night in the hospital after being admonished for brazenly going to the Han River with her?

Forget what So Rim, Jin Woo, Han Gyul, and Chan Young were doing up so early, what were Shi Hyun and Soo Yeon doing in a room together!? We're going back to that, right? They can't leave us hanging like that. Many thanks for the recap, @SailorJumun!


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"Why can't I get involved between you and So Rim?" Because she doesn't like you back.

(hope I did this block quote thing right)
Yes, exactly! Is there any reason, CY, that could be more convincing than that? Why would you waste time and effort into trying to break up a happy relationship?

I agree with you that Mush&Co tend not to follow the rules that the company sets but I'll attribute that to a lot of naivete. I don't think JW or KS have any realistic expectations of what it is to be an idol, besides the "cool" factor they get from being "celebrities". If they were any more realistic about it, KS wouldn't have continued hanging out with SJ, not when she'd pocketed his phone the first time. They're just... so innocently... young.

But speaking of which, clearly CY doesn't seem to care about the company's rules either, since as you pointed out, he somehow waited at the hospital for ages even though he had just been reprimanded for hanging out with SR. I don't know what possessed him to go out with her in broad daylight either. For an idol with such a large fanbase, CY sure moves around in public easily. He has his own car that he takes off in all the time; I don't see any of the other Crude Play boys doing that.

And squeeee yes I wish we had more of SY-SH scenes.


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Hi! Can you tell me how to put this quote thing?


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You write blockquote and /blockquote between those pointy arrows that are on the same keys as comma and period! Then whatever text you want between. (: Hope I'm making sense!


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figuring it out


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I don't mind that we're giving a chance for Sejung to change. She's just a young girl after all. Plenty of people have done worse things than her and changed for the better.


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Yes, I agree. SJ does deserve a second chance. But, I wanted her to suffer more. Not because I'm sadistic (Lol), but because she should learn her lessons well before the redemption comes in. Sometimes, when we shelter our loved ones, it does not help them grow.


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I think the shock of CY hating her can count as suffering at her age. She probably only knows how to study, and CY was her only escape from that. It must have been crushing, and hopefully, a wake-up call.


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I wonder if that is the end of Se Jung's shenanigans.


@mrchuckles but what else could she do, she has been outed already and gyusun now knows about her hacking.


@Marina - right, that is what I am thinking too. But this writer has a better imagination than I do, and they made a point of not breaking up SJ and GS. But I have a feeling they will redeem her and those two will become a real couple.


yes, It'll be nice to see her actually like Kyu Sun....because he is definitely worth it


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Ah, I get your point about Sorim dating Gyulie but honestly I don't really care at all. What they have is a beautiful, innocent, amazing relationship - it gave Sorim wings (granted a lot of hurt in the process, but even flying takes a few tries). I love how they constantly push each other up, instead of pulling down. I love the trust! And I love how Sorim sang Shiny Boy for HanGyul that day. So I'm not really bothered with the business aspect, but I figured Jin Hyuk is savvy enough that he *knows* what's happening between them at that single confunded glance back when Gyulie burst into the debut hall. If he didn't personally do anything about it, then I suppose he saw no harm? Not sure, tho.


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"Forget what So Rim, Jin Woo, Han Gyul, and Chan Young were doing up so early, what were Shi Hyun and Soo Yeon doing in a room together!? We're going back to that, right? They can't leave us hanging like that. "

-I swear we better get a flashback to that scene if something really happened between them that night. They have little enough screentime as it is. We don't need important relationship development like that happening off-screen, Show!


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Well, I'm more interested in how Yoon and Inho were cozzying it up close to each other in the morning. Did you see how they were wrapped around each other? lol.


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Yes...they are always so very cuddly.. Its cute


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Haha! I definitely need more of them too!

Since they kind of seem like a pair (whereas SH/HG seem closer), I'd love to see more moments with just the two of them. We only seem to get them in the group setting, except for some rare occurrences.


Probably something along the lines of SY texting SH with "Quick! SR thinks I'm asleep and snuck out with HG, come visit!" The rest I'll leave to a better fan fic writer than me. :)


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I believe Gyu Sun said "our manager hyung and noona" if you listen carefully.


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I hear "Crude Play hyung-deulie-rang, uri manager noona-rang, uri set ireoke man." Where does Gyu Sun say "manager hyung"?

Who is Mush & Co.'s manager hyung? Unless he was referring to Crude Play's manager Jun Seok, who is adorable by the way. He's younger than Crude Play, calling all the Crude Play boys "hyung."


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Looking forward to Jin Woo's attempts to capture So Rim's heart haha.

Gyu sun why are you so nice to her. Broke my heart when he found out that she was using him and he still stood by her. It was kind of satisfying for Chan Young to see Se Jeong when she was showing her true colours but at the same time I did feel a little bit of pity for her. She just needed that to snap her back to reality and how it affects the people around her.

I felt sympathy for Chan Young at the beginning because he just seemed a little lost to me. He was just wanting the acceptance that Han Gyul gained so easily but the way he seems to keep competing with Han Gyul is pissing me off. What do you want??? Why do you try to take Han Gyul's place but then want be completely different to him at the same time


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I am sure Jin Woo's attempts are gonna be hilarious! I do hope they don't just become a scene- filler though. I would love to see his story move a little forward, even though that might include hurting the little puppy when he realizes that So Rim won't love him back.


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He looked so hurt when he thought Sorim and Hangyul were together in the morning, and looked so happy when Chanyoung said they weren't.

Is it just me, or did it look like Sorim was just about to tell him the truth in the car before Chanyoung interrupted?


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I think she was. Sorim can't lie to save her life, that precious girl. <3


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Yes, I was annoyed with Chanyoung when he did that. It put Sorim in the position of lying to one of her besties and doesn't allow Jinwoo to move on...yet.


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I totally agree, we haven't really seen much of him so I'm excited to see what personality he has to bring. I kind of want to know a little more about the other crude play members too, is that too much to ask haha?


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Agree with this! I felt like the Crude Play boys did get more individual moments and lines this week, but it made me realize that I'd like a lot more of it. I think the writer has done a pretty good job of balancing screen-time between characters, but now that Se-jung's wreaked her havoc, I hope we can focus even more on the ones we care about.

I would honestly love if this could even be a little more like Shut up! Flower Boy Band, in that we get lots of one-on-one moments between the different band-mates, instead of just focusing on the Han-gyul/Chan-young dilemma.

But I know that this show is juggling a lot more story-lines, what with MUSH&CO's debut, the romance etc., so I know that really would be too much to ask! I just love Crude Play, hehe.


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I love Crude Play too, but I'm glad that we also got time to focus on the adults like HG's father with HG, CEO Yoo with HG's father, CEO Yoo with Jinhyuk and Yoona's relationship with Jinhyuk. The relationship between all characters are intricate, which i appreciate. Normally in youth dramas like this, adults are just an after-thought, so I like it that they're in the story as well. It makes it different from other dramas.


There's only 5 more episodes to go as well:( I'll be happy if they show just one more story line just for the crude play boys <3


@mollyswari You forgot the Jinhyuk-Crude Play boys dynamic. I find it interesting how he acts both like their guardian, parents, scolding them, taking care of them, but also like all parents, he also constrains them without realizing it.


@Ezekiel Parents usually brings misery to their children by imposing on their children their own ideas about what's the best for their future. In their pursuit for what is best for the future, they forget the happiness of the present and how important that is for their children.


@mollyswari your comment illustrates how this drama gives dimensions to their characters. CEO Yoo is not just CEO, but also a woman. HG's father is not just HG's father, but an artist, a friend, and a man. Same with JH, he's not just a rival to CEO Yoo, but also a mentor, a boyfriend, etc. I love it.


Shut up! is one of my favorite shows too (and the songs were so good too); they really did develop the friendship between the member. Hoping we'll get more of that in the last (booo!) 4 episodes.


YES! Super hilarious! I love his wonky expressions whenever he see's someone making a move on Sorim! :D


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Yeah he always like- "OMG one more person to fend off" :p


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Jin Woo's feeble attempts at "Woo-ing" SR (see what I did there?) are comically cringe-worthy (and not all that unrelatable).


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"Woo-ing" Loooool. Good one.


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Thank you for the recap!

--So...Soo-Yeon is the MVP again. And while everyone was grilling So Rim and Jin Woo and Han Gyul, did no one really notice that SY and Shin Hyun were standing in the doorway of the same room?! Really nosy viewers want to know!

--Ugh Chan Young, way to coerce SR into lying to her friends. Just when I think I understand him and admire him for moments like defending his group against Se Jung, he pulls some gross manipulative moves at Grandma's hospital bed. Now is not the time to measure how much further than HG you can pee in the snow. But at least I don't have to worry about second lead syndrome.

--While the SJ storyline allowed us to see Mush&Co act as a team, I'm just plain annoyed at how irresponsible Gyu Sun is with his phone around her. You saw her steal your phone once and she's been gaslighting you about your memory! SJ is a hateful, spiteful little brat and I hope hugging her was purely an act of kindness and not reconciliation.

--Here's hoping the angst isn't ramped up from now until the last 15 minutes of episode 16.


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Oh man! I didn't notice that SY and Shi Hyun came from the same room, and only realised it when @sailorjumun mentioned it!! Going back to check that scene!!


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I did! and my only hope was ...o my dirty mind...wish whatever you are thinking happened


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I was like noooooo.... I want all the details, you can't just skimp over the good parts! Show, show me more! ?


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Oooh I went back and checked and sure enough they came out of the bedroom together! And he was walking in awkwardly too like he didn't want everyone to notice her behind him... But it was such a fleeting moment! They should have focused more on them!!


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LOL, I thought he was pretty sly too, taking advantage of the commotion So-rim and Jin-woo were already causing to draw attention away from their...questionable circumstances. They both just walked out casually and closed the door behind them like it was nothing out of the ordinary lol. No wonder I didn't notice!

Btw, I just love the look he gets in his eyes whenever he thinks the others aren't looking. He'll always gets this giddy, mischievous look and what's better is that he always tries to catch Soo-yeon's eyes so that she can share it with him. It's adorable.


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Oooh I have noticed that look! Isn't it too hot to handle? And she always answers that look with a shy, naughty smile! I so wish this guy gets an offer for another show soon, hopefully with meatier parts. I am so ready to watch him being the second lead or something..



Yeah, especially in this episode! She seemed so pleased with herself :)

I honestly find both actors for SH and SY to be so charming. I'd love to see more of both of them. Part of the reason why I need more of their characters in this show is because I know how unlikely it is that two newbies like this will ever get to work together again & they just have such great chemistry. Hopefully they both have successful careers ahead of them :)


WHAT. How did I miss this?! I love them. And I missed this?! I feel like I've failed myself somehow.

Well, goodbye, commenting on recap. I'll be back later. I have very important things to attend to...so I can, you know, comment on this episode properly ;)


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I glimpsed it at first watch - paused - backtrack - watched again - paused - and squeee!!!! ?


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KS's much more kind than I'll ever be. If I find out that someone has been hacking into my phone and trying to mess with my memory... well. I can safely say that a hug will be the last thing on my mind. I would have been much more satisfied with him just breaking it off with her, because obviously her feelings for him have never been genuine. (And she said it so clearly to him, too, to make him go away).

Sigh. Guess it shows how sweet and naive KS really is.

CY's been manipulative the whole show long, so I'm not even surprised by his moves any more, but I can't justify them any more.


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I used to sympathize with CY but he actively chooses to act this way. We have seen HG and the rest of the band try to grow but he just wants to throw a pity party.


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100% agree. I'd say cry me a river, build a bridge and GET OVER ITTT! -.-'


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Yes i want episode 16 is full of bliss of HK and SR's relationship and success for mush&co and Crude play.


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Agreed agreed agreed! That silly one-sided competition of ChanYoung is just plain idiotic at this point.


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Love Soo Yeon. She is the definitely MVP.


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I love Sooyeon's little smiles when she's in the know.


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Sooyeon knows everything and she's always so cool and collected. She'd make a fantastic CEO. When HG's dad said CEO Yoo used to watch his band all the time I instantly thought of SY watching Crude Play...well, mostly SH.


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I can't be the only who teared up, and I mean literally, not figuratively, in that scene with grandma when Sorim ran back to her and she comforted her granddaughter?


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*raises hand* I did too!


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Me too!


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These kids who were speaking bad about So-rim reminded of all those knetz who say dumb shit like "you're a celebrity you should be used to hate comments" as if celebrities aren't people too.


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I love how So Rim ran back so quickly too after she realised she was wrong and didn't try to leave things longer than they had to be


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She's a total sweetie! <3


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Me too! Me too! I love how Sorim-i just totally turned around and ran like the hounds of hell were at her heels and backhugged grandma because I LOVE HER EVEN MORE NOW! <3


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I did! Damn those onions at 1 am! ?


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This show totally made my day. Had a busy day overnight at work and got piled with more stuff to do. Finally got back home to these adorable people and from the first 5 min I already had a big grin on my face.

Chan Young, I feel for you, when you are all puppy dog cute and earnest in front of So Rim, but you have no one to blame but yourself for getting caught by the paparazzi, and since it's clear So Rim isn't interested, shouldn't you be a man and back off? Plus, why aren't you working hard to try to write another song? If you wanna be a songwriter, you got to, well, write songs!

Han Gyul really surprised me by being the steadfast one this episode. He didn't let So Rim's interaction with CY faze him at all, and he took the ultimatum to stay away from So Rim pretty well, he just decided to be cute and stare at her picture at listen to her voice and smile like a loon. Adorable to the max! I think he really meant it when he said he wouldn't interfere with Mush & co, he always seems so sincere nowadays. but sigh, I wish CY wouldn't disregard So Rim's feelings and insist on fighting for her. Not gentlemanly mister!


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If there is one thing Chan Young does right, is that when he's with Sorim, he's always gentle and kind.


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Yes and no. I'm not sure if he picks up on all the signs that she finds skinship with him awkward, but certainly they are there. And I'm not sure if coming between Han Gyul and So Rim's relationship is necessarily kind to So Rim either, simply because I don't think he would be a better choice over Han Gyul. but yeah he can be cute when he is smiling and sweet to her.


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I think what boraflok means is that he always listens to her with understanding and kindness when he's with her. He's never mean or harsh in demeanor.


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He is very, very nice to her, but I think he tries to insert himself into her relationship with HG too much, and she's too nice to ask him to stop. Like when he's touching her hand/wanting to talk to her alone and all... SR looks awkward and a little unwilling. But I think she chooses to believe that CY is just being a nice, caring producer oppa.


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But he's becoming pushy! he totally grabbed her hand in order to prevent her from going with HG..and well the next episode ending scene.


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in this episode, he was ok though. The grabbing hand was not over the top imo. It's better than grabbing the arm or wrist.


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I didn't realize Chan Young drove Mush & Co. to their MT. I assumed all of Crude Play rode in their own van. Chan Young was probably fuming the entire drive in. I'm surprised he didn't exit the freeway early.


I saw him close the van door for Sorim and I admit I'm weak for those gentlemanly stuff. I still don't like him for her tho.


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He looks kind on the surface, but in reality he is just pushing his own selfish agenda. So Rim's feelings and desires are not his priority. He has been withholding information and tricking her into promising to be with him musically, by not revealing that her crush is K. And, since that day, he has been manipulating to get her away from the man she loves, forcing skinship to the point of making her uncomfortable, and holding on to her when he knows that for her career, singing a K song would be the best.
Sorry but that's not kindness, and it's surely not love.


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Yes, I'm loving the absolute trust! Gyulie is awesome!


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I want a gyulie plushie which is very squishy ! ^_^


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Petition for a K's plushie, as well as Mush and Co plushies


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Lol, would the plushie be scary with a mask like "Silence of the Lambs"?


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@dramaninja I want me a squishy cutie gyulie plushie plus a fandom of teeny beanie plushies ?


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Tell me now, where do I need to sign up?


@dramaninja DB should make 'em! Isn't DB going to open up an online store soon? Or was I just imagining that info? ?


Gosh, that scene of him listening to her voice while staring at pictures of her.... Word of advice, don't watch this couple while exercising.


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getting caught by the dad was the best.


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Lol So were you doing that ??what happened? You found that no calories burnt because of all the 'sweet'..p


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No, I almost passed out because the cuteness was making me breathless.


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I swear this show has given me enough sugar for several years!


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On Han Gyul, is it me or did he not only looked so sincere, but he also speak in such a gentle tone to SoRim after they became an item? I don't know if something is playing with my ear.


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Also on a side note I was wondering what happened between Shi Hyun and Soo Yeon too on the retreat. Have I just missed something completely haha, apart from that game where they had to pair up? (Not that I'm complaining of course)


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I mean, they were smiling to each other in the car... What's up with that?


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I want the details show!!


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Definitely, some drunk confessions or more ? But, no, I want in on everything.


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It's probably because they were in the same room together alone when Sorim went on a walk.

That was my favorite​ scene. It was subtle, but I see them.


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I've got my eyes on you two (said in the non creepiest way possible)


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Yes its here and I am here too!! Did I like Chan Young earlier ? Yes. Is it possible to like him now ? NOPE...Chan Young you are just like your crazy fan girl...possessive and thinking of your ends. No business taking her out on the bridge just so that you could have that freedom that you lost


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I was so annoyed that Chan Young did that too when he should have known better, being an experienced idol


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I don't really blame him for that one actually. I pity him. His small impromptu bout of freedom in a long while, and he gets stalked by paparazzi. His mind was probably still reeling from discovering that HG and SR are dating too. And SR was the one who followed him for a conversation.


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That's the point... I am sure in his long career he has had plenty of burning moments...and this has happened with him earlier also...remember when he was buying cake for So Rim...wasn't that immature?


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I'm going to blame the culture rather than him at this point. He hasnt done anything wrong. He just talked to someone else by the river, perfectly innocent. The press is making a scandal out of something completely innocent. And the crowd are bashing something that shouldn't be bashed in the first place. Sorim and Chanyoung are the victims of both the press and the media. It's sad that society and fans reverses that and blames them while acting as the victim.


Just when I thought the Third Lead Syndrome died, they had to revive it. Haha.


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Hahha... I am not on that ship! But I feel for that boy! He is so pure! <3


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and I thought all he could do was get angry....on a second thought...who's training him on this antics...could it be uri Kyu ? :P


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Lol... no I think that's all him because Kyu usually looks at him with a "what-in-hell-are-you-doing" look! Like, you know, "do better" :P


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Gyusun always rolls his eyes.


Only Kyusun is on that ship. EVERYONE can tell HG and SR are into each other.


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I love JinWoo. Hilarity is going to ensue, but a puppy love will die soon. Ottoke? :O :D


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haha there is even such a thing called third lead. Poor boy has finally understood SR is with HK.


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@Sakin your comment deserves a meme. ?


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Oh my this episode made my bawl in the middle of the night. I love SR's halmeoni to bits. That date they both had was near perfect, minus those mean high schoolers.
Speaking of those High Schoolers, tgeir dismissive attitude of SR's feelings made me want to slap some sense into them. No matter what you persume about a celebrity, they are humans at the end of the day. They live, feel, react, exactly the same way as we do. In this Internet age, it is so easy to hate on someone and speak whatever your heart desires, that people seldom exercise caution and even though some realise the power of words spoken and written, they still indulge in spreading hate. It can make or break people.
The fact that this Show dosen't shy away from these harsh realities surrounding the entertainment world, especially in SK, is what I love about it. Kudos to the writers!


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People feel entitled to make celebrities suffer out of jealousy. Because celebrities get to do what they can't, they feel like they have the "right" to be mean to them.


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Yes. When one of them said, "then she should just good", how many times have we heard that argument. Yes, their trade entails criticism, but hard is it yo criticise someone constructively? We needn't always praise and glorify them. But, we need not destroy them with our words either.


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The thing is there is a difference between maliciousness and genuine criticism.


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Yes, what grandma told those kids was such a good job. It was like the show spoke through her to all the haters.
I especially like that line about about being raised with the hope that they don't see anything bad, so why do they want to live with having bad feelings for others.


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What a wonderful way to phrase that! I'm loving that scene even more now. :)


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That scene made me wish I was there with halmeoni so I could cheer her on. ? One of kdrama's most supportive and most loving grandmas.


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Watching this ep made me realize how much of a gamble it was to cast Joy as Sorim. Sorim has more emotional scenes than anybody else, and she's doing such a good job (that hint of a tear just before she slept tugged at my heart). Anyway, I'm glad the gamble payed off.


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It's almost like this role was made for her. Every time she cries, I remember her weeping on Sung-jae's shoulder when their stint on WGM ended. She's always been my favourite out of all the Red Velvet girls and her as So-rim brings me so much joy.


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That last episode of WGM of Sung Jae and Joy made me love them. Especially Joy, i adored her so much then and she has voice to sing anytime she wants than other idols in WGM.


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Custom designed for girl. I'm so glad they took her on. <3


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Oh so true! But she has proved all the nay-sayers wrong! I mean haters will still be haters, but people who just generally didn't like the idea of idols acting in general are recognizing that she has got talent!


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Unfortunately, that's not true outside of Dramabeans. There continues to be a significant number of comments, sometimes a majority of comments, talking about how awkward the acting and plot is.


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Anyone who watches and knows good drama when they see one, will tell this drama is a one of the better dramas.


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Yes this! I know this might not be everyone's cup of tea, but some of the bashings this drama gets verges on ridiculous. Like either we are watching completely different shows or you have really not watched this at all!! I understand how people don't want idols to be cast but as long as the drama is good, what exactly are you complaining about??


@DramaNinja Yes, it makes me sad when I read comments bashing this drama, 12 episodes in. Why would people still watch something they already judged as ridiculous?


Oh really? I am happy in my little world of Dramabeans then :)
Also, I wonder why? Because it's not like we here at DB love every single show that comes out and we are not even paid to comment positive things! We all just genuinely love this beautiful show...
Anyway, everyone has different tastes.


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it's because Dramabeans is in general, quite isolated from the kpop fandom, which can be incredibly vicious. The fact that Joy, an idol, got cast gave people a lot of prejudice going into the drama.


Right? We can't all be wrong about this show. And I totally love "watching" the show in real time alongside all the Beanies.


@kayak where do you watch the show real-time with Beanies? I would love to watch it with beanies too.


@hin I think @kayak meant that we all watch it and then comment and discuss our feelings in the recap threads... So it is like watching and enjoying the show with fellow beanies.. 'Real time' because we are all watching the show while it is still airing rather than marathon-watching it after it ends (which I am going to do anyways :P)


Maybe Subway should pay us for the positive comments LOL. Imagine the beanies doing PPL and stuff hahaha


Thank you for the recap!

Regarding CY:
Haven't we met real people like him, those who think the world should understand only their pain and theirs alone? The sad thing about this is that they will eventually implode from their own blindness and their refusal to look beyond themselves. At some point they have to decide to change their own attitude instead of others changing for them. He still has 4 episodes left to redeem himself. ?


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oh no... only four.... CRIESSS. Not yet, I'm not ready.


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Love how you phrased that!


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only 4 episodes left. I love this drama.


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Only four episodes, but 5 recaps left, guys. :)


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Yey! ha ha


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I swear to god Show, if anything happens to grandma I will hunt you down and let you listen to Sejung's btching all day for the rest of your life.


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Hahhaha..... Hear Hear!


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And I just need to add- the reason I love this show is how quick the conflicts are resolved, and how they don't give us unnecessary angst.

Like with So Rim and her grandma- she ran off but almost immediately turned back. Now they could have milked this and made grandma collapse before So rim could say sorry, but they didn't!

Also, Se Jung's crazy antics also got resolved well in my opinion, with her being put in her place but still having her friends around her (Gyu Sun is still too good for her though!)

And Han Gyul and So Rim dating- we don't have to wait long for everyone to know- plus we get cute adorable Soo Yeon as their fairy god mother in the meantime. Haha.

So yay to lots of progress, enough angst and feels to make the story addictive, but not want me to tear my hair out in frustration. ?


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Yes!! Even with Crude Play. They get pissed off with each other? No problem, let it all out and then they're good to go again. It's one of the things I appreciate most about this show. I hate unnecessary angst and all that noble idiocy stuff, it makes me tear my hair out and I want to retain all my hair while watching dramas... (otherwise I would have no more hair, given the number of dramas I watch every week).


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There are some dramas I'm currently watching right now, and I don't get why anyone does anything. In this drama at least, I might not like what some of them do, but I know people who does stuff like them. Some other dramas have characters that are just plain stupid.


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Yes to everything! This drama doesn't drag things out. We get on arc after another. it's so refreshing.


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Totally agree. How much of this is due to the original manga material? I haven't read the manga so I don't know.


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But there has been plenty of adaptations of acclaimed mangas which turned out terrible.


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Yes! Not to mention perfect pacing, intriguing characters, solid plot and just pure freaking amazeballs cast! :3


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The pacing is completely just right. This is what happens when the writer has everything planned out.


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It's probably because the manga is already finished. But you're right, the writer knows what she's doing.


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I want to know what happens at the end of the manga! :o


Kyu-sun is such a nice puppy gosh, him saying he wanted to be there for Se-jung after everything she's done just warmed my heart. She doesn't deserve him.


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By the way...new ost....Yoona song and the very First song is out!...I don't like the Yoona's song that much


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I like Yoona's song actually. Both of them, though I like the Night song better.

Because I've seen other people ask in previous recaps for the song, here they are.

Crude Play "In Your Eyes"

(It's the song Shi-hyun rapped in the bar with Han-gyul at the piano)


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Yoona's Counting the Stars at Night


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Yoona's Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow



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Official playlist with all the songs except for Peter pan



This is great. Im listening to the playlist while reading the recaps and comments.


I like Yoona's songs too. New Crude Play song In your eyes is so good.


When the entire Sountrack is sung exclusively by the cast... <333333


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I also request one song by Lee Hyunwoo please!! I loved his song in Feels So Good for Moorim.


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I want this too! I feel like I've heard his recorded versions of his songs as the bgm in certain scenes so I'm hopeful they'll release at least one of them.

I'm especially certain that a heard an acoustic version of I'm Okay with him singing, but I can't find the exact scene when it played. I think it may have been in episode 9 though.


There is one 'It's okay' version, isn't there?


After seeing someone post this link in the Hip-hop webtoon post of Lee Hyun Woo rapping, singing and playing piano live, I definitely want him to participate too


I really like the OST he did for Secretly Greatly in the movie with kim soo hyun.

It's honestly one of my fav ost songs.


YES! Absolutely second this! ^^


I also like Feels So Good. I heard it recently, and it's my jam.


Watching this clip of LHW slaying his live performance reminds me of some people complaining in the earlier recaps about how musically untalented the cast is.

Joy knows how to play the piano and learned to play the guitar for the drama. LHW knows how to play the keyboard apparently, and has participated in multiple songs both as a rapper and singer. Gyusun knows how to play the drums, and Jinwoo knows how to play the guitar. Chanyoung also knows how to play the bass, and Yoon is an idol and multi-instrument player and knows how to sing. Shihyun too can sing well and can do all the expected idol things, and so does Inho who knows how to sing and rap, and also took lessons for drums. Yoona is a musical actress. And of course, Inwoo plays the guitar and sings. I don't know what more those people were expecting. Really.


Kya amazing. we want more songs since we have 4 episodes left.


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I love Counting the Stars at Night. It really suits Yoona's voice. And I especially love the beat!

I can see why she had a slump in her career with the other song though. It doesn't suit her as much and is more of a typical ballad, though it is a pretty enough song. Just not very memorable.


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Oh I love In Your Eyes! I wish someone would color code the lyrics? I cannot tell which boy sang what part. :D


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I'd love live with in your eyes to see which boy sang which part.


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Maybe we can have a concert like Dream High with live performances and find out directly?


Yes because I can tell which parts Shi Hyun sang because of his distinctive voice but I'd love to see who rapped and who sang that pretty chorous! *Whoooaaa~~oohhh~~!! I wannatalk to you!*


That's why we need MVs!


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Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow is the song I didn't know how much I needed in my life until it was released. This was the song Yoo Na struggled with the high note right before cheating on Han Gyul. It's my new favorite OST.


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Yes, agreed. I am liking this song so much...


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This song was so effective in today's ending scene between Han Gyul and Chan Young. It was played over the preview, so for a split second, I thought this was the song So Rim was going to sing at Music Sketchbook.


It feels like main ost of saguek romance drama kk.


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I like all the songs. Especially the ones produced by K, they are so addictive. It made the whole drama world even more believable. It made me believe that HG is a genius. Not just a character where we are told he is good.


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I like Si Hyun and his sunbae's relationship, can we have more scenes of them. Please, more is less. Btw, is she a trainee under sole music, because the guys call her sunbae but she is more like a staff there.


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She's their school sunbae.


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Fave moment: Kyu Sun egging Jin Woo to flirt with Sorim and Jin Woo totally, epically failing at it. Props to him for stepping up his game, tho. :D I swear these three musketeers have an awesome friendship.
Fave moment: Han Gyul finally standing up to Chan Young about him getting in between Sorim and him.
Fave moment: JinHyuk finally reaping the fruits of his totally idiotic decision to go with ChanYoungs song. It was a crappy business venture and he’s now paying for it. He practically axed his own foot off.
Fave moment: Sorim crying in Gyulies arms and ChanYoung burning to a total crisp by the door. I neither like him, nor sympathize with him anymore. He’s just being a giant baby and a terrible producer. Shiny Boy was as mediocre as they can be and he isn’t even making a move to write a better song. That’s incredibly entitled of him and made me lost any and ALL respect I had for his character.
Fave moment: Yuna rushing to gloat to Gyulie about that scandal and instead walking on him comforting Sorim-i about it.
Fave moment: When Gyulie told Sorim that if she has time to read that hateful stuff then to just look at his face instead.
Also fave: when sorim stood up to se jung about her and chanyoung being none of her business. I was so proud of my puppy.
Best scene of them all: Everyone figuring out that SeJung was the hater and ganging up on her! Kyu Sun why you went after her? I love you but I don’t like how you comforted the snake again. It might bite you again, dummy! T___T
But then Grandma and Sorim had the cutest date and I had so many feels about that too. My heart broke for grandma who was hurting for her only granddaughter and my heart hurt for Sorim-i who was trying to protect granda from everything insidious and just…
I especially loved that small scene when Sorim brought out Zeze and just totally deflated and missed her mom with those shiny tears in her eyes – I was so done because that girl is just too pure for this ruthless world.


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I seriously hope Yoona is not regaining feelings for Han Gyul, we don't need anymore people standing between them. To be honest though, even if she did try to get back with him, I feel like she's the type of person who would do it just to spite So Rim. She's shown that she's capable of it when she sends So Rim the wrong signals


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I don't think Yoona is regaining feelings for Hangyul. Just feeling a bit bitter he wasn't like that with her.


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Same. I'm kinda rooting for her relationship with Jin-hyuk to work out not just because I want her to stay sway from my OTP but also because I kinda feel like I really like them together. Nice contrast between this couple and our OTP, So-rim told Han-gyul she was on his side no matter what but Yoona can't even take the side of her boyfriend nor does she make a move to comfort him before chastising him for his foolishness.


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I kind of like that Yoona is like that though. She doesn't let her boyfriends get away with venting on her.


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I like her like that too. I just think it was a nice contrast.


I like that Yoona is not the typical second lead. She's very perceptive, but not outright vicious. She looks out for herself, and can be petty, without being completely hateful. She can also be very cool at times.


I think she's not putting enough effort in her own relationship tbh. She's mildly sardonic and incredibly entitled when it comes to Jin Hyuk. This makes me sad. :(


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Yeah, I really just want her to mature in more aspects of her life because she has promising moments when she shows herself capable of doing so. She just always follows with moments that disappoint me. I'm still hopeful that she will ultimately have a satisfying character arc though.


I think she should support and understand JH. But she left without hesitation when he said he is struggling. That left me really girl?


I think she's just jealous of what HanGyul has with Sorim. I think it makes her feel inferior because she never, say figuratively "tamed her man" and the fact that Gyulie changed so much for Sorim just sets her on edge. I understand, but I don't like - as with most things in this wonderful little gem of a show. :)


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I wonder what were JH's motivations to manipulate the situation so that CY's song would get chosen. Did he want to make a point to CY that he wouldn't succeed as a producer, and that he should continue with Crude Play? (Assumably, JH knew that Shiny Boy wouldn't be a huge success, and that HG's song would definitely have been moer successful).

SR's too pure for this ruthless world, yes, but I think I would like to see her character develop into somebody who's a bit more... mature? Does that make sense? I'm not saying that her being so pure and innocent is a bad thing per se, but becoming more mature and realistic about the way other people work/behave/manipulate can only benefit her if she's in this industry. And I think we see that from her in this episode - she stands up to SJ regarding her and CY's behaviour. If YN tries to manipulate her again, I hope SR stands up for herself!


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What I like about Sorim is she might be nice and trusting, but she has a spine.


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And she always stood up for herself, even with Yoona.


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hope she stoop up for herself with CY soon.


But, CY hasn't given her any reason to stand up to him yet. At least to her, he's always been supportive and understanding. He was even accepting, albeit reluctantly, of her relationship with HG.


Definitely! She attacks with pure, unadulterated honesty. :D It's her weapon of choice.


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I am very impressed how she keeps her relationships with HG and CY separate. And HG also doesnt pester her about her friendship with CY. They behave so well with each other....respecting privacy and each others choices


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I like that she was not going to let the high schoolers get away with badmouthing her. She was just about to talk to them when she saw the grandmother and stopped herself.


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He said he wanted Sorim to trample over that song. Sorim is too kind to trample over anything, much less CYs song. I think he was feeling caged about Yuna's song in those moments; and he let his feelings cloud his sound judgement?

Yes, I do believe Sorim is growing up in her own way, and I love how she's not leaving important parts of herself behind in the process. :) <3


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Sorim has a good head on her shoulders. I have no doubt she'll grow up beautifully.


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I might not be able to table this properly, but I think JH wanted K to produce Yuna's song that's why CY manage to produce for Much & Co. It wasn't so much of he really wanted CY to do it, but the only solution he had for the moment. On his point of view, of course he wants all his artist to do well. Yuna is losing her popularity and CF. A song produced by K would help her spring back. Mush & Co. Still has a long way to go. CY might not have that unique talent but his popularity is enough to make them not fail too badly along with the help of CF. He can always trick K to produce for them after he is done with Yuna's song. CY is used as a temporary tool. His intentions were pretty clear during the call he informed CY is selected as the producer for Mush & Co. He said one of his 2 motive failed so he at least need to have the other one. K can't possibly be producing both at the same time.


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Lol, well. This is one of those awkward moments when the next episode made me feel too many feelings and now I have no idea what to say for this one, hehehe.

Aw, but Grandma was the best thing ever this episode (while Se-jung was the worst thing...but we don't need to talk about her). She already broke my heart with her passionate defense of So-rim. But then the show just had to add her collapsing, ya know, just to make sure we weren't already in enough pain. It was horrifying to see someone as good-natured as So-rim go through what she did this episode and then to nearly lose the person who supports her the most...she just really needed that hug. I'm so glad Han-gyul was there to give it to her. He really is becoming a great support to her as well. And I love that he does so without exerting control over her life, unlike Chan-young. He lets her make her own decisions, without trying to steer her in any one direction and that's something she needs right now when she's feeling so much pressure from others.

I have so much to say about Chan-young, but I just have to wait until episode 12 when I can really say all I need to say.

Thanks so much for the recap!


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Hangyul is surprisingly turning out to be the best boyfriend ever, after that shaky start with Sorim.


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Right? There's always been an attentiveness to him and I've always felt he had the potential to be very gentle based on some of their sweeter, early moments, but I never expected this. I think growing up too fast in the industry had the effect of making him very jaded and on edge so he could be quite the jerk at times, but he really is a very sweet boy at heart. Especially now that he has So-rim there to inspire him to be a better person.


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He always put Sorim's well-being first, which is why he's able to bring out that sweet side of himself. Sorim has that quality to make everyone around her want to protect her.

Instead of fighting, Chanyoung and Hangyul should realize that they have one thing in common and unite over Sorim, like how they played together for her during the audition program.


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I love how sweet he really is. I wonder if So Rim will ever learn that she actually has his umbrella?


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IKR? For some reason I was sure he was gonna flail so hard in the beginning but he's rock solid and I love the show all the more for it!


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Hangyul looked very mature this episode. (It must be the effect of the long coats. Ah, Goblin influence.)


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I feel the same about ep 12! It just blew me over and I can't wait to talk about it! I had already almost forgotten this episode but the recap helped me recall the major things!

See you in the next recap! :)


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There were quite a lot of cute and nice moments this episode in fact. <3


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There sure were.. and I remember them now but when I first saw the recap, I was drawing a blank on this episode because my mind was full of ep 12!


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I loved how they held hands and he just gently put the blanket on her when she fell asleep! I loved how Dad caught him mooning over her pics while getting inspiration for new music! I just simply love all of the little actions through which he tells her, "I *do* love you! You changed me. You're my goddess now!" :D


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She's totally his goddess, isn't she? He looks like he's in paradise whenever Sorim is involved.


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Total paradise :) Even when just listening to her voice and looking at her picture! That was one of my favorite scenes too.


Right? It's like his world brightens up a little when Sorim shows up (or even texts/calls)! <3


I agree, the episodes always blur for me and I'm worried that I might give a spoiler by accident. Too many things to discuss


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It's the reason why I don't comment on TLAHL recaps usually. They always come days later when I can't remember. But after last week, i didn't want to miss the fun.


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Im a lurker too. But the enthusiasm of TLAHL commenters, especially the regulars (you know who you are), always makes my lurker self want to join in the fun too.


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I am not technically a lurker but i am not a regular in TLAHL threads either... But yes the enthusiasm drew me in! :)


It really is a lot of fun when everyone gets so passionate about commenting like this :) Still so glad I caught up so I could be a part of it :)


I find this thread just SO MUCH FUN! I love how everyone just joins in collaborative fangirling/fanboying! And how we totally hash out all of our Feels and compare notes! :D


Personally, the reason why I love TLAHL comment thread is because of how light it is. I go out of it feeling giddy and excited rather than with a headache.
Sure, we have interesting discussions about Chanyoung's character, and the ethics of what Jinhyuk is doing. But they're not heavy discussions like debates on feminism and what's life and all that. It's just like watching the drama, breezy, light, fun but still deeply engaging.


I have a bone to pick too. But gotta wait till 12.
And it is so fun to be here with all of you!!


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Currently out of town for a vacation but I couldn't resist to write my thoughts.

- Can we talk about Sooyeon and Shiyun getting out of the same room?!?!?!?! Why what how?!?! I need details like mad!

- I love how Sorim can't tell a lie. Just that, people around her lie for her so she just go along with it. She was ready to tell the truth about Hangyeol to Jinwoo and Kyusun but Chanyoung beat her into lying for her and she felt uncomfortable. Chanyoung made her feel like she's doing something wrong and I hate how he's doing that to Sorim.

- Chanyoung was irrationably out of line all over the episode. His intentions weren't clear and I think he's confused himself of what his intentions on Sorim. Or maybe this is about his misplaced jealousy/insecurity on Hangyeol. He should be mad at his CEO not on Hangyeol. He's always started the fire between the guys. Idk why he don't see that. Also, how irresponsible was he as a producer? He didn't have any other songs prepared for his artists?!? Like why are you a producer?! I sided with Jinhyuk all along in that scene. He's being possessive and he's hurting his artists instead of helping them grow. At least do your job.

- Kinda bummed on Sejung's arc. She got away with her actions too easy. I was expecting some more coz it's an existing problem in S.Korea's entertainment industry. They have no firm law on how to handle sasaengs coz they are mostly minors. At least I think she's out of the picture, maybe?

- Grandma and Sorim's date warms my heart. Pains me that these unfounded rumors resulted to grandma collapsing. Grandma is the only family left for Sorim so I don't want her to go. ?

- About Inwoo, feels like he lost all hope about his music so I want that album to happen. His talk with Hangyeol showed he wanted his son to succeed in his music and Hangyeol respect his dad as a musician. Their relationship is complicated, at the same time, fascinating.

- Hangyeol and Sorim's hug was full of emotions I kinda shed tears myself. For once she didn't cry because of Hangyeol and instead she cried because he was there and took comfort.

 - I can't take Chanyoung seriously anymore on his scene with Hangyeol. Chanyoung can practice what he preach tbh "Don't stick to something that doesn't fit."

Thank you SailorJumun for the recap.


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Hangyul's conversation with his father was to me, one of the more emotional moments this episode. It was subtle, but you could feel a wealth of unspoken things between them. They might be on speaking terms, but there's still a lot left to resolve.


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Definitely. You can see all those repressed hurt and accusations from Gyulie in his sometimes barbed words, and you can see how much In Woo loves his baby boy!


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his comment about how he's glad he was born with nothing like his father, but still took after him for his music shows how conflicted he feels. It's so sad and beautiful at the same time.


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love that father-son talks.


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Yes, Sorim is really bad at lying. Her impulse is always to tell the truth, and she has to learn to lie to be in this industry. It's hard. Jinhyuk and the entertainment world keeps asking her to lie, and even lie to herself about her feelings (to break up with Hangyul). She's clearly not comfortable doing that.


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Thank you for the recap! I knew this would be an "angsty" episode especially after the ball of fluff and rainbows and unicorns that is episode 10! Man, the scriptwriter really likes going all out on her character arcs -- like in episodes where Hangyul faced so much angst (Dad leaving, big fight with Crude Play and even having to repress his feelings for Sorim because of Choi), I guess its Sorim's turn to be the punching bag. Like in one episode, she gets a dating scandal, a two-timing/cheating scandal, gets attacked by Chanyoung's fans and gets a fervent anti-fan like Sejung, gets her phone confiscated and confined to a dorm to be monitored so she can't see Hangyul and the worst, grandma collapsing! I guess this writer believes that when it rains, it pours! Poor Sorimie.

I did love a lot of moments in this drama, Hangyul is totally stepping up his game! I love how clear he is now about his feelings for Sorim and how he justs lets it show. The phone call where he says he'll trust only her and that he wants to get a license was so cute! But he was completely #boyfriendgoals when he didn't blow up over the dating scandal and even comforted Sorim. I am totally loving this version of Hangyul best! I've always felt Sorim liked Hangyul more but since episode 9 up to this, I'm really sold on the Hangyul being head over heels in love with Sorim as well. Team HanRim for the win!!!!!

Also, I loved the Mush and Co moments. They're so cute! I like how Sorim beats up her guy friends and how they tease her. I like them facing Sejung snake together and how neither Sorim nor Jinwoo blame GyuSan for their scandal. I wish we had more friendship scenes with M&C and also Crude Play. Those moments are gold.

Another favorite this episode is how Chanyoung handled Sejung snake. *cue applause* I love how appeared and shut her down. His "turn around and look at my face and see how I'm looking at you" was epic! The cold and disgusted look on Lee SeoWon's face was so good! Loved how Sejung got crushed by her beloved oppa. Also, say what you will about Chanyoung's unreasonable possessiveness with Sorim and his humongous complex with K but I have no doubt about his feelings of caring for M&C. He truly considers them his band.


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"but I have no doubt about his feelings of caring for M&C. He truly considers them his band."
Yes, imo, he might feel possessive of Sorim, but he feels much more possessive of Mush&Co (where Sorim is included) as a musician.


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The license moment was cute, especially when he stammered that Shihyun was lying about him getting directions wrong.


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Aw, yes! So cute! Gyulie is LOVE! <3


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Gyulie Gyulie Gyulie Han Gyulie


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Gyuliee-yaaa~~~!! :D <3


Is he as bad a driver as his twin Taekkie?


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Oh man the similarities are increasing :D


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Poor cast. Everyone had eye-bags and looked like pandas this episode. They must be exhausted.


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Just 4 more episode to go! I'm both excited and infinitely sad about it! :(


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i know right?? it's like 2 weeks to the end and omo part of me is excited to know how it ends for everyone, but the other part of me is like- but but what am I going to do for my weekly fluffy goodness and spazzing session when it is over??


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Chanyoung buddy...


Get over yourself and your heartbreak and start taking positive rather than negative steps to fix your relationships. IT’S NOT HAN-GYUL’S FAULT THAT SO-RIM DOESN’T LIKE YOU. I used to pity you, but I honestly kind of relish every time their happy relationship gets slapped in your face.


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I loved how he totally burned to a crisp when Sorim-i hugged and cried in Gyulies arms!! :D


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And yet he still asks HG why he can't butt in!!!

Where's a facepalm emoticon when you need one!!


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Jinwoo is finally jumping in on the action... a million years too late, but I'm rooting for you just the same! Hee.


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His jealously does take form in hilarious ways, looking forward to see some more haha


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I laughed so much when he strutted in and asked Sorim "Is there anything I can help you with?" and she just said "Nope" and then, he stammered "Rea... really?" Haha.


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He's such a puppy. :D


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In a dream I had the other night, Inho and Yoon are in Jinhuk's office telling him they've fallen in love and want to move to Canada together. My wish for more screentime for these two made me a fanfic writer!


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Hahahahaha.... What if the drama went that way and made them gay??/


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While we all are talking about Shi Hyun and Soo Yeon coming out of the same room, we could also talk about Inho and jinhyuk coming out together too! :P
And anyway, fanfics are amde for slash pairings in kpop world. Atleast that is what I got from all the comments on youtube with people wanting members to just kiss each other :D


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Ahahaha imagine this; InHo and Joon reading slash fanfics of themselves on the internet. :D


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This reminds me of that scene in 'You are Beautiful' when the boys are reading fanfics about themselves! :P
I wonder if members of kpop bands actually read stuff written about them! Heechul
of Super Junior definitely reads many! :P


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wouldn't it be disturbing to read other people writing sexual fantasies about yourself?


@cheng cheng True! It must be weird as hell... But also a sign that you are popular? I dunno though, having never stanned anyone from any kpop groups


Cheng Cheng: It would not disturb Heechul one bit.
obessedmuch: He's probably the one writing stories, with himself as the object of desire of course!


@ysbee Hahaha, with Heechul, anything is possible :D <3


I wish they'd include this in the show! :D


@zgs1994 wouldn't that be considered plagiarism though?


Inho and Jinhyuk? Do you mean Yoon?


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Oh yes, my bad! I meant InHo and Yoon


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Haha. Otherwise, that would be an entirely new drama. "Secret Affair" the more scandalous version.


Lol! Haven't watched Secret Affair, but I get the joke :D

P.S. Your name sounds Indian. Are u?


Oh wow! Write it for us! :D


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Am I the only one that feels that way?

I know everyone loves Gyusun, but is it strange that I'm really upset that he constantly tells Sorim to diet, and talks about her shoulders and face and whatnot?


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I think that's brotherly teasing? Mine used to tease me like that ALL the time. :3


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They're really close. Don't take it the wrong way.


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I suspect it's a joke cause she likes to snack and female idols are probably not allowed to eat.


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I'm surprised I haven't seen many comments saying things like how jealous people are of Sorim (or Joy) for being surrounded by so many pretty boys. lol. Usually in reverse harems, that's all the kind of comments I see. Like "I wish I were her" or "She's so freaking lucky" etc.


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I think it's mostly because everyone loves SoRim so much that we can see why anyone (or everyone) would be attracted to her... So jealousy doesn't raise it's ugly head in this case :D


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I mean even I want to join her group of white knights. My sister and I were talking about IU today and we were flailing at how much we need her in our lives. I feel the same way about So-rim, I want to be her big sister, her mom, her friend.


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I want to be her friend and big sister too.


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Ditto! I also want to tuck her in my pocket and protect her from all the bad stuff in the world.

If this is us; imagine how HanGyul must feel for her! :D <3


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Chan young too, let's not forget that, as much as we dislike him.


Commenting again to say THAT I LOVE THIS THREAD SO MUCH! :3


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me too. I am very happy for this drama receiving this much attention in dramabeans where people actually loves and watches and understands what is good drama.


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It's a wonderful community! <3


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It's so positive too. There are barely any negativity or infighting.


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And when someone negative shows up, they get smothered by all the positivity! :D That's my fave part!


I don't stay in other posts as often, so I'm not sure about this, but it seems like there are also more upvotes in TLAHL posts? I usually just read the recaps and browse through comments for other dramas, but i comment on here, and give upvotes too, because I read all the comments.


@Greenlamb The upvote function is a double-sword. Because I can upvote, I revert to staying a lurker instead of commenting.


@Greenlamb Yeah I was noticing the upvotes too... I think many people here are like me who just go around upvoting almost every comment cuz I agree with everyone about how lovely this show is! <3


Nadu! To all the beanies here my infinite love ?


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Mine tooo!! *showers metaphorical hershy's kisses*


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Teddy bear gyu sun went after sejong! I ll never be able to do that!

Regarding chan young, I was starting to think he was becoming the male version of the second female lead we all don't like, until that last scene. I felt bad when he saw that so rim was able to cry in han gyul's presence. So, he must have felt heart broken that the one person he had come to trust doesn't feel the same way about him. Still, I wish he would stop coming between our OTP on purpose and just respect so rim's wishes and stop thinking that crude play and han gyul (and almost everyone in his life except for mush and co) are against him. He is the one breaking his own heart.


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"He is the one breaking his own heart."

This is the only reason why I don't hate him entirely. Unlike other villains in usual dramas, we can tell that on his face whenever he talks to Sorim, or looking at Crude Play as an outsider, that his heart is breaking. Then, I remember that he's just a young lonely boy in his 20s, with no family support, in a world of wolves, trying to find a career for himself and seeing nothing real about him, not the friendship (this is where he's dead wrong), not the music.


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Yes, when he truly embraces that friendship,from thereon it is only bound to get better.
The Crude Play trio also seem to only have that going for them and even though they are stripped off of their dignity, they still spirits are not broken and they continue to struggle to break free in a positive manner.


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I demand a wholesome Crude Play of 5 by the end of the drama.


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You know, there is a possibility that Chan-young will break off from Crude Play by the end of the drama, but be at peace with his decision.


@zeopriou No!!! I want a Crude Play of 5!!!!!!! *throws tantrum*


wonder what would it look like? Also writing music is more important for HK than doing events all the time with boys? wonder how show tackles this subject.


I feel like Chan Young likes to blame others for the decisions he's made... Joining Crude Play was ultimately his decision was it not? Yet he blames every one around him for the choices he made and the way he's handling Mush & Co is just sad... He should be doing everything in his power to help them bring up their popularity with good songs but instead he's bringing them down.. ?


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I don't think he blames people for making him join Crude Play. He blames them for never really including him. Every time he feels close to them, he discovers something that puts a distance between themselves again.


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I guess that's true but he definently blames Han Gyeol for lots of his problems..


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yes, wrongly, I might add. Instead of blaming Jinhyuk for giving every composing opportunity to Hangyul and not giving him a chance, he's blaming Hangyul for wanting to snatch his Mush & Co. He shouldn't blame Hangyul for wanting to compose for Mush&Co as well. They might be "his band" but Hangyul should have a go at it too, to be fair competition. I understand why he feels like Hangyul is taking everything away from him, but he needs to mature up and own a bit of responsibility as well. The blame goes both ways.


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Exactly! And this might sound harsh but his music isn't as good as Han Gyeol's, what Mush & Co needs is good music especially since they're just debuting... Its not like Han Gyeol isn't deliberately trying to sabatoge Chan Youngs career


Yes, so agree with you. CY should learn to take the loss like a man. Crude play needs good song and good leader. Him trying to lead them with turtle speed, they arent gonna make it in that cut throat business where idols and singers debut weekly. Even popular one are fighting at music charts and even i root for another, get sad for other bias.


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I love the dialogues in this drama. They're really good at displaying the maturity and complexity in all characters.

For example, that dialogue between Jinhyuk and Yoona shows that Jinhyuk too, struggles with his own insecurities. He might be the head of a label, but he also struggles with trying to survive in the industry, not knowing whether he's capable of it, always afraid that his artists will leave him. He's going about it the wrong way, trying to keep them but driving them further away. But it humanizes him.


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Yes, I adore how there's no aloofness. We, as the audience, can always interpret how the characters feel even when they don't say it out loud!


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the actors' faces are all very expressive.


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They all do a super good job - especially the greenies. <3


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The veteran actors are also great. Inwoo, Jinhyuk especially.
I also think Sorim, Yoona, Hangyul, Chanyoung, Shihyun and Sooyeon are also good with subtle facial expressions.


It warms my heart whenever So-rim and Han-gyul interact with each other, whether the situation is happy or sad. The relationship feels so solid when it's like that. And they can be so ridiculously adorable.

I was also surprisingly pleased at how trusting Han-gyul has become. Well, it makes sense given how honest So-rim tends to be, and as a response to his early bevy of lies.

Ah, I just want to take our precious So-rim and wrap her up and away from everything terrible... oh, how much life has changed for her and Mush & Co. I really hope she holds on to herself as much as possible despite the negative aspects of fame. I think she's strong enough for that, and with Han-gyul by her side.

Chan-young... when he told So-rim to not tell Han-gyul about their chat, I couldn't help but hold my breath for when he decided to drop that information for his own gain. At least the scandal came out before he did, but that does not bode well for his trajectory.

Reflecting some more on Chan-young, did he have any friends before Crude Play? It seems like he didn't, given how he's holding on as much as possible in such an unhealthy manner. Sigh.

Shi-hyun and Soo-yeon are also super adorable but there isn't enough of them! Ahhhhh!


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I just love how Joy has embodied Sorim's character. <3


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The thing with Sorim is she never forgets her priorities, which is people. She doesn't forget her grandmother, even in her pain and hurt because of her career choices, and it's the reason why she can't give up on Hangyul for her career either.
It's why she's different from Chanyoung. No matter how bad things goes, she doesn't take it on other people, and when she does, she apologizes right away.


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About Chanyoung. From what I understood, his family were classical musicians who were against his career choice, so I assume maybe his old friends were also into classical music? In any case, it's hard to keep your old friendships intact when you're a celebrities because normal people don't understand your struggles. I guess the closest things he has to friends now are people within the company.


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If his old friends shunned him for his career choice too, I can't blame him for holding on this hard even if I would like him not to. It's like, does he have anyone he can confide in? He's bottling everything up and feeding bitterness into bitterness, which results in these ugly actions.


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There is a video on youtube where real-life idols talk about how their friendships suffered


Your discussion reminded me of it.


Stray thoughts... I wonder if Han-kyul's relentless pursuit for musical perfection (and Jin-hyuk bending to his whims) resulted in removing session musicians that Chan-young could have been close to.

Pair that with Jin-hyuk rushing to debut Crude Play, and then Crude Play completely consuming and upending Chan-young's life... no time to make friends other than with the bandmates.

Not that I'm absolving Chan-young for letting his resentment fester. Just brainstorming the different variables to see if this could have been avoided... but then I guess we wouldn't have the drama that we have now, ha.


@carmen-yu What should have been avoided was the way Crude Play started. With Jinhyuk forcing Hangyul's hand, rushing Crude Play's debut, and not easing Chan Young's entry into the band. He could have made the announcement separately, and given time for the boys to work it out. He could have given the boys a lecture so that they included Chan young a bit more when they started. The hurt from exclusion right from the start is the beginning of it all.


Ooh, I forgot about his family's musical background. Good point!


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Yes, that is true, thank you. So-rim does have a surprisingly strong understanding of herself, given her age. She pushes forward with a confidence that I certainly didn't have at her age, and she is steadfast (perfect word for her; Steadfast So-rim!) in her beliefs and her priorities. (take that, teacher from way back that attacked her upbringing; Grandma raised and loved her well!)

I guess I'm afraid of the company trying to control her/Mush & Co. beyond what she would tolerate, and the potential consequences behind that.


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YES, the grandmother really raised her well. I don't want her to give up on her career for music, but if the company pushes her too far, maybe she'll decide it's not worth it?

She reminds me of Nodame from Nodame Cantabile. Talented, but perhaps not with the temperament to be happy in this world. She's very unlike that musician who stole Inwoo's music. I guess he's an example of how that world can change a person


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I hope she gets the best of both worlds. She deserves it. <3


She most definitely deserves it. If anyone deserves happiness, it's Sorim. I hope the screenwriter and director recognizes that and gives us a happy ending.


Absolutely. I love how she prioritizes her relationships above everything else. <3


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I love HK is always working not mopping around.


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Yes, one more wonderful thing about the Show, everyone is just doing their thing. Makes a very believable watch.
And I think one of the main reason CY mopes around a lot is also because of this very reason, JH cuts him too much slack. He would be better off bonding with his CP bros than wallowing in self pity elsewhere.


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So CY is a jerk because he's bored? That might actually make sense. He barely gets to use his potential, and doesn't even need to practice. Boredom leads to frustration leads to drama.


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This show is one thing that make me so desperate because each person in this drama doing exactly desperate thing but true to their character and exactly make me can't hate them!


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YES. Exactly.
Characterization is so consistent you can't hate anyone really.


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right on. We get them on their good side and bad side. We pity and we applaud each one of them.


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Can Beanies explain to me the conversation between InWoo and Yoo in the morning breakfast place?

Especially that part about how he might not understand that she will do everything to sell his music? I mean, I could sense there was a conflict in there, but I couldn't tell all the underlying messages going on.


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I take it that he won't be understanding of her methods for "selling music." But I liked how shy she got after she told him that they had at least one thing in common, that she loves his music.


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They were talking about their world view in general. About how for IW music is everything and hence he would do whatever for it, including giving up his own songs, family, etc.
For Yoo her Company/her selling music, is as equally important, and IW asks if she would do anything for it, and she says Yes. But, IW can't quite get onboard with the idea that Money per se is CEO Yoo's passion. For now their only common ground is IW's songs which they both love.
It was interesting how CEO Yoo let that "we are completely opposite, maybe that's why.." hang in the air. Maybe that's why they are attracted to each other??


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Oh, thank you so much for this comment. I had a vague idea of what their conversation meant, but you put it in much clearer words.

I'm a bit confused by Inwoo. He seems to be aware of CEO Yoo's attraction to him, but doesn't seem to act on it, except sometimes, he does things that could be interpreted as leading her on. But then, he denied everything when Hangyul asked him? So I'm confused.


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Yes, these free spirited peeps are the ones who are most difficult to figure out. He has me confused too. In that sense I really pity HG and CEO Yoo.


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I'm confused too; is he hoping for a chance again with CEO Yoo? Maybe he doesn't want to hurt Han Gyul because there is regret that he didn't marry CEO Yoo instead (but then we'd have no squishy HG).


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Is it just me who thought that they used to date (or atleast both of them were nursing one sided crushes on each other) back in the past?? Because a few episodes back Inwoo was talking about how she used to always come to their practice wearing those high heels and making a noise, and then she came back after a long time as the president of the company- and then CEO Yoo replied that in the meantime he had already married someone.

That was a very poignant moment for me.
Though, it is quite possible that I was reading too much into it!


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I read it that way too. Because then he started talking about missing the shoes that are most comfortable.


@kayak Right? That was definitely flirting!! He was basically saying- "I am the comfortable pair of shoes that you will miss, so don't throw me away"


Yeah, there is definitely something going on between those two. When IW turned down JH's offer to release an article stating his music was stolen, IW said it was because he didn't want people to get hurt. I think it would hurt CEO Yoo a lot as she was in charge and let it happen. So I think he is protecting her at his own expense. I also think that is why JH was hoping IW would agree to it - to hurt CEO Yoo.


Honestly, I don't hate Chan-young's character. However, since he didn't get So-Rim, it seems as if he is getting to possessive- almost like Mush&Co is only his toy and no one else can touch it. Besides that, the rest of the couples are simply just so lovable.


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Yes, he treats as if Mush & Co is the only thing he has now, which is partially true, after he finds out he has no chance with Sorim on a personal level. He looked almost tragic when he told Sorim "No matter what, Mush& Co is still his" as if trying to comfort himself. And right after, he wanted Mush&Co practice time to be just for himself, not Han-gyul. So I think you're onto something there.


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I know right. Since he couldn't win So Rim's heart, it seems like he wants to prevent others from working with Mush&Co too. It is selfish in a sense but given his position, I see how he is set apart from everyone else. Han Gyul has his So Rim and looking back, he was an added member to Crude Play. I think that he wanted something of his own, but by doing that, it doesn't benefit anyone.


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Yes, the problem is he wants something on his own, but things keeps getting in the way, and the more he gets thwarted, the more extreme and desperate his actions become.


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When you put it like that, I do understand your point. I guess because of his nature or anyone else's, he is more bold and decides to try to protect her even more. So, it does make sense although it doesn't help Han-Gyul.


Was it just me, or did SR look uncomfortable when CY said, "No matter what, Mush & Co is still his"?


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I love what In-woo said about sharing your happiness with others with your song.
What Han-gyul told So-rim about being afraid of others hating his song in episode 2 or 3. It seemed too emotional to be completely a lie. It seems true that he is insecure about his music, despite his genius, so I'm glad his father told him he shouldn't care so much what others think. Because it's his own sincerity speaking.

On another note, anyone notice how the bike wavered when they were kissing? Han-gyul was going for it. :)


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But doesn't that make it even worse? It is precisely because his sincerity is in his songs, that he's so afraid of other people judging him. They would be judging his "true" self. I get that you shouldn't care what others think of you, but it's easier said than done. For example, HanGyul told Sorim not to care about what others said about her, and just listen to him. But she still cried anyway when she thought of those comments. With her grandmother, and also on her bed.


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On the kiss, he was either "going for it" or it was so dang impossible to hold the kiss for that long while barely touching lips. Ha ha.


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That is so true. When he swooped in for the kiss, it seemed like he was in an uncomfortable position. Like you said, I think he was just boldly "going for it."


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As someone who loves to analyze things, I love how the writer structures this drama.

For example, that ending scene was a nice mirror to the scene in front of the practice room. How Chan-young responded to Han-gyul's accusation of being greedy "Just because you're greedy doesn't mean everyone else is." It makes me believe that he was on the verge of giving up on So-rim as a man, when that might have changed and provoked him to continue on.
It's interesting how Han-gyul, the known producer, has somewhat given up the claim on Mush&Co as a producer in return.
But their claims are not equal, and Chan-young knows it. Because he's not the better producer, so his hold on Mush&Co will always be shaky, while Han-gyul's hold on Sorim's heart is as strong as ever. And that's the difference between them, and I have no doubt, the reason behind why Chan-young always acts as if everything is about to get taken from him at any time.


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Good point about CY. actually episode 12 made me reconsider some of my annoyance at him (slightly), but holding my tongue till the next recap!

You are right and CY really hasn't found somewhere he feels like he belongs to, and his sense of self worth is super shaky.

I blame JH completely and utterly for mismanaging them all- unhappy and insecure stars under you isn't going to bring you long term success, its just going to blow up at some point.


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I totally blame JH. JH really messed up Hangyul, Chanyoung and the CP boys. :( He's been manipulating them, belittling their abilities even causing CP/Chanyoung/Hangyul to become isolated from each other (use of session musicians, always talking about Hangyul's talent as a producer and Chanyoung's talent as a bassist) instead of allowing them to grow as a band and as individuals. Worse is how he drops the bomb so casually (i.e. announcing CY replacing Hangyul in the band so suddenly without CP talking to Hangyul first). It caused so much damage especially to Chanyoung and Hangyul. So while I hate Chanyoung's actions, I understand him and I just want to give him a hug.


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A lurker reporting for duty. I have been a reader on DB for a while and it takes the liar and his lover to bring out of hiding, makes me look forward to Monday's and Tuesday's like I have never in my life. I think Chan young and jin hyuk will soon shoot themselves on the foot with the way they are going. The only thing that can save Chan young right now is for the crud play boys to call him and K together to say whatever they have in mind or rather fight it out of which I am sure Chan young is the one with the real issue ,since Hangyul does not even know they ate both in a competition which makes Chan young so pathetic. And can the drama God please give me a drama with soonyeon and shin Hyun pleeeaseeeeeee.


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So glad that so many lurkers are coming out to express your love for the Show here! Yes CY does seem rather pathetic infront of HG now, since HG has grown and matured up so much since when we got to know him. On the other hand CY seems to be on a downward spiral. HG almost pities CY now and wants to step back from MnC, but CY keeps wanting more. But my heart does go out to him, i.e., whenever he is not interferimg eith our OTP.


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His interference doesn't hold much weight against their love in any case. Everything he does is futile, which only fuels his frustration and resentment even more. It's a vicious cycle. Sigh.


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Welcome!! Hope to see you again soon. ;)


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i look forward to Mondays like i have never before too :)


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Loved that moment when Sejung ran after Sorim to yell at her about Chan-young, who point blank told her "You have nothing to do with this, so I'm not going to tell you"



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Oh, another good moment was how Gyusun and Jinwoo were so supportive of Sorim even after the scandal. They could have blamed her for "ruining their careers." But instead, Gyusun nudged Jinwoo to say something supportive. I love their friendship.


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Sorry for the spam. I just thought of another moment. When the class found out about Sorim's scandal with Chanyoung, one of their classmates said "But, isn't Sorim dating with Jinwoo?"
That must have made Jinwoo happy. I wished we could see his face then.


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I loved this one particularly too. Uri SR is definitely not a pushover. She holds her ground well, whenever required.


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I kept refreshing Dramabeans for the recap. Of course, with my luck, the moment I decided to go to sleep, not long after, the recap was uploaded. Now, I'm super late.


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Oh, where are my manners. Thank you SailorJumun for the recap! I can't believe we only have 2 more from you. I'm in denial.


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Dont worry we are here to spazz.


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Hahaha happens to the best of us :P


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I'm continuing to fall deeper in love with this show, but I'm having issues with our two male leads. I just feel like Han-gyul is so inconsistent and I don't really understand him...thankfully he's getting better as time goes on, but we're already on episode 11 and I'm still not feeling any sort of connection to him. Until recently, he kept being nice to So-rim and then immediately following that by hurting her. I guess he has SOME justification, but I just feel no emotional connection to him. I reeeeaaaallly want to like him, but I just feel...meh.
Chan-young on the other hand, for absolutely no reason I like him significantly more ?? My brain sees how horrible he can be, but my heart loves him to pieces. He makes a little more sense to me, because I understand how he'd become so obsessive over Mush&Co. He's finally gotten his chance to diverge from Crude Play and wants to find his place in the industry after being treated as a replacement his whole career. I'm just cringing on how he's going about it, and how he's treating those around him. However, I think that if anyone besides Han-gyul stepped in to help with Mush&Co's production, he'd have less qualms about it. But because he's been treated like specifically Han-gyul's replacement, he's desperate to finally outshine him in something. At least he's consistently horrible (even though it's mostly unintentional), whereas Han-gyul kept jumping back and forth between horrible and lovable up until last episode. I'm going to need a little more time to understand Han-gyul.

On a more important note: Jin-woo is The Most Pure and must be protected at all costs.


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Haha. Seems like you have a bad case of SLS, which is ok. :)

To defend Hangyul, rather than to think that he's switching back and forth between being horrible and good, think of it as him struggingly between his side as a perfectionist musician, which he knows tends to hurt everyone around him, and the side of him that is sweet and like Sorim. Once he heard from his father that Sorim said, no matter who else doesn't know, she knows he doesn't lie to hurt people, he decided to let go of his fear that he will hurt Sorim, and focus solely on the boyfriend side.


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Sorry, my thoughts ran faster than my fingers. What I mean to say, is that once he decided to let go of his fear of hurting her, and of focusing on his musician part and insisiting that she needs to sing for him, once he decided to let go his obsession with music and free his relationship with Sorim from the musical aspect of it, there was less conflict between them. And that stems from the fact that Sorim sees him more than just a "composing machine," she loves him no matter what, when everyone else just scolds him for being horrible and sees him for his music first.


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that's where you can tell a drama is really good. Even though the antagonist could be hateful, he's also just vulnerable enough that you can't hate him, and some even feel for him.


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I am loving HK-shi as much as SR haha. flaw and all.


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First off, I don't condone CY's actions or what he's done. I think that a lot of the time he pushes the blame onto HG for what happens, even when it's not HG's fault. While I am not rooting for him and SR, to some extent, I do feel for him. He was originally supposed to play for HG (if I'm not mistaken), and then HG asked him to be part of the band because he was better at bass. But even so, there was some resentment there towards him that resulted from HG's decisions. I think he has been working really hard to get Crude Play to acknowledge him, but he knows that the "Crude Play" they want is one without him. Because everyone has always chosen HG over him, I can see why he would have this inferiority complex of sorts. I wish he would see the bigger picture though. I get that SR is the first to acknowledge him and his music, but if he truly cared about her he would want the best for her, instead of wanting to monopolize Mush & Co. I hope there will be some growth for him in the remaining episodes!


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That's the danger of wallowing in self-pity, you can't see the big picture then.
When I had depression, even though I knew it wasn't "that bad," it still felt horrible. I couldn't look forward to the future no matter how much rationally, I knew I had to. Instead, my mind kept getting me back to how horrible I was feeling right then. I knew I was giving my family a hard time by not being able to control how I felt, but I couldn't help but focus on "me, me, me and my woes" first, rather than on other things.

I'm sure Chanyoung doesn't have depression, but if I was to project my feelings on him, I can understand why he's obsessed with his feelings rather than look at the big picture and see that the issues are bigger than himself.


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I definitely agree with that. I think as a viewer who can be more objective about the situation and his actions, it's easy for me to say that he needs to see the bigger picture - but it's very different when you are actually in the situation. I think that is why I really feel for CY's situation, even if I don't agree with what he is doing.


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That's the beauty of watching dramas... You can judge characters with a different standards. Honestly, if my life was a drama, people watching me would probably be cursing at me for how stupidly I behave. I can be as petty as any second female lead out there.


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Actually, now that I think about it, Chan Young's arc is one of those in this drama that would sorely benefit from a good dose of everyone-sit-down-lets-talk-this-out.

You are completely right in all your points but the sad (and frustrating) part for us viewers is that I wish he would open up about his insecurities to his other band mates, and talk to them. They do care about him, even if they are closer to HG. CY needs to stop trying to replace HG (because he can't, and shouldn't) and find his own connection and place with them, and tell them that he feels like a replacement too, so that they can all work towards getting stronger, rather than self destruct. I hope he will by the end though! once we ride out all this angst. ;)


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It's not that easy to open up about deep hurts though. And I mean, open up sincerely and completely, not the kind of passive mumbling Chanyoung has been doing.


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Moments like the one where So-rim talks to "ZeZe" and then just cries quietly to sleep is why I love this drama.


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Sweet moment for innocent Sorim.


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Did anybody else interpret the fact that Sorim told KyuSun that the person Sejung dislike was Sorim herself, not Kyusun, as a way for Sorim to comfort KyuSun? I don't know. It's just the way she said it made me think she said it to comfort him. That his girlfriend didn't dislike him, just her.


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Thank you SailorJumun for the recap.

I feel like this drama keeps getting better.

I loved, positively loved, every single Hangyul X Sorim moments in this episode. From their phone call after the MT trip, to when Hangyul was there to comfort Sorim after her scandal, to when she just burst in tears when she saw him at the hospital. They really are relationship goals, especially when they're both so young.

This would almost make me wish we didn't have to see Chanyoung, but I'm really rooting for him to get over himself and be happy. I find myself being engaged in his personal struggle, yelling at the screen for someone to wake him out of his misery and let him find what he wants. Instead of comparing himself to everyone and be miserable.


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I admit, I'm kind of in awe of how solid they seem already despite their rocky start, young age, and odds stacked against them. What amazing strength from such a new, inexperienced pair of lovers! They just get more and more delightful.


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I've recently gotten into this drama and I love it. So much better than what I expected from all fronts, whether it be writing, music or acting.
Sorim and her family and friends are love.


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Chan Young!!!

I'm bummed that in a drama about a Liar and the Lover - said Liar and Lover gets 3 short scenes - the morning meet (which shouldn't really count cos it was again about CY being in your face!), the scandal aftermath talk and the hospital - sweet no doubt - but fleeting.
And the bike kiss doesn't count cos that's last week's tally!!

How I wish this drama took the 1% of Anything route - there can be still conflict and manipulations and machinations - but at least let the OTP be the main focus!.

I'd prefer to have scenes where SR and HG talk about the things CY does and why and how they want to deal with it going forward, especially after the van-block, Han River hijack and the scandal (CY I'm looking at you and I'm not 100% convinced you did not intend for the scandal to happen).

I'd like SR and HG to talk dating strategy too after JH's dressing down and having to move into dorms.

I mean come on the OTP are in an industry where scrutiny is no joke. Surely HG, being in the business for some time, would have things to tell SR. Also HG still needs to work through his conflict/feelings regarding his Dad. And his issues with CP and especially CY!! Can't we have SR helping, encouraging, supporting him in all this? She is already besties with his dad and the CP boys are all fanboys!. I'd like to see that she stands up for her music and influence CP to also be proud of themselves.


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OK - I'll stop here for now otherwise it will lead to a full on rant which would include 12!!!!!

Need ep 12 to release!!! ?


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Yes, I need episode 12 recap to say everything I need to say.


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Also, everything you said about what needs to happen makes me think..can they be resolved in just 4 episodes?


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from the preview, you might be getting what you asked for.


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haha. at times i also wonder is this drama called The Liar and his love or CY and his pity party? But i think those extra arcs with other people helps this drama so likeable for other viewers maybe? Still our OTP needs more time i hope they get in last 2 episodes at least. Becoz by the formula of dramas, it is really time to gets and intense and angsty.


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Funny you mention 1% of Anything, as I'm rewatching that right now and loving it even more than the first time for exactly the reason you mentioned!

I do get that this episode was supposed to present a realistic separation period for our couple and I certainly bought in to it completely. This is a rare rom-com drama with really interesting conflicts for the whole ensemble!

Just, that is, as long as it doesn't rely too much on Chan-young's immature tantrums. Can he be flawed in his approach to managing So-rim and M&CO? Uh, yeah, because for a second lead his struggle to fit in to the band and find his place within the industry is pretty gripping and I'm interested in his growth. But when they have his more petty emotions take over like this, with no positive steps forward in sight, it becomes really frustrating. Especially when his wallowing comes at the expense of our leads' happiness!

That's why I completely agree about wishing some scenes were spent on Han-gyul and So-rim finding little ways to communicate with each other. Like through Soo-yeon for example. That could have been very sweet and another way to strengthen their relationship during the period of separation. I definitely feel like they have a lot to address regarding how they plan to overcome obstacles like this in the future.


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You said it. CY's struggle to find his place or rather to understand his place would have been a great growth arc for him - his discovery and self worth and his relationship with CP. Instead we get irrational CY who is so fixated on what was said when CP were all so young and immature.

i feel that CY has been made to be really irrational - maybe the writers are aiming for a breakdown - I don't know. His fixation on SR being taken by HG - I don't know where it comes from. From ep 2 or 3 - I can't remember - when SR hummed HG's song - he'd heard directly from SR that she had someone she liked. And she even named him - Kang Hang Gyul. She has never wavered from that - her entire body language changes when HG is around!.

Coupled with the fact that after the MT - his qs about dating was answered with a resounding yes by SR - his words to HG and his skinship and actions around SR is just wrong and no amount of "poor CY" is going to excuse ungentlemanly irrational and entitled behaviour.


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Off to watch 1% before I get on the soap box again!! ?


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