Tomorrow With You: Episode 15

Brace yourselves, everyone, because this is one gripping hour that will pull you from one emotional extreme to another. Knowledge can be a cruel master—even though we know what’s coming, that doesn’t mean it’s any easier to see how those same moments in time came to be. If there’s any hope to be had, however, it’s the idea that heroism can be found in anyone, whether that person is a time traveler or not.


So-joon calls to check that Ma-rin arrived home safely, but he stops short when he hears Director Kim’s voice on the other end. We see Ma-rin unconscious and bound in the backseat of Director Kim’s car, and the man warns So-joon not to call the police.

Doo-shik runs up to So-joon and tells him that he knows exactly where Director Kim is headed. So-joon doesn’t wish to endanger Ma-rin’s life further and instructs Doo-shik to rescue her without her kidnapper knowing.

But doing so would require So-joon to face Director Kim alone, an idea Doo-shik is staunchly against. So-joon declares that they first need to hand over the memory card to the police, and vows not to repeat his future self’s mistakes and will put Director Kim behind bars today.

Doo-shik pulls him back saying that will only put So-joon in danger, but So-joon counters that putting off today’s dangers still keep them in peril tomorrow, so they need to take advantage of this opportunity. He entrusts Doo-shik to save Ma-rin because “you’re her father.”

So-joon swings by the office to hand off the memory card to Ki-doong, who has trouble wrapping his head around the idea that this could incriminate Director Kim for Se-young’s father’s death. The plan is for So-joon to grab hold of Director Kim first, then for the police to arrest the man.

Director Kim drives into the woods to take another car, leaving Ma-rin alone in the backseat. While Ki-doong listens to the conversation in Director Kim’s car on the day of Se-young’s father’s death with the police, Director Kim calls So-joon, who has already anticipated his call and his plans to meet at Namyeong Station.

It’s at this moment Director Kim reveals that he planted a bug in So-joon’s house and knows that So-joon is a time traveler. He’s angered by the idea that So-joon became successful from knowing the future whereas other normal folk like himself had to work to the bone to get to where they are.

So-joon isn’t deterred, gravely telling Director Kim that he can shed light on exactly what will happen to him: Director Kim will get rid of him and succeed in running away… however, he won’t let that happen today.

Director Kim is encouraged by the tip-off and demands that So-joon bring him the memory card. He reminds him that Ma-rin’s life is on the line—even if he were to be captured by the police, he won’t confess, and Ma-rin will freeze to death.

Doo-shik arrives at the patch of woods just as Ma-rin comes to. He breaks a car window to unlock the back door and carries her on his back. She weakly asks who he is, and he cries, “It’s Dad.”

So-joon is told that she’s safe while he gets on the next train at Namyeong Station per Director Kim’s instructions. Ki-doong and the detectives also get on, hoping to grab Director Kim in that ninety-second window between the train’s departure and So-joon’s disappearance. Ki-doong confidently marches forward… only for the cops to tell him to stay behind. Hehe.

So-joon has to head in the other direction when Director Kim instructs him to meet him in the middle of the train. But then he remembers that his past selves traveled to this day, so he turns his head… and sees his past self gasp in shock. So-joon thinks to himself: No, you’ll only complicate things by being here.

He keeps running while his past self runs in the other direction, zooming past the pair of detectives. Seconds later, another one of So-joon’s time traveling selves runs past, and the detectives give chase. Oh no!

This means So-joon is all alone when he approaches Director Kim, whom he greets with a right hook. Director Kim charges at him, and the frightened passengers move out of the way. So-joon kicks the man down, hollering that Director Kim has already failed at life so he’ll never be able to beat him.

So-joon tells Director Kim to live with nothing, be it friends, family, money, or honor. He catches Director Kim’s oncoming attack and slams his face against the door and lands a punch before being pinned onto the floor.

He tries to grab Director Kim by the throat, but the latter has a stronger hold on him, suffocating him. So-joon hits Director Kim’s head with a nearby tablet and sends the man flying with another punch.

As soon as he has Director Kim pinned to the floor, the man retaliates by stabbing So-joon in the gut. So-joon clutches his bleeding stomach as the lights flicker off. He passes out and disappears.

Ki-doong and the detectives burst through the crowd moments later to find Director Kim still crying. He’s immediately apprehended. Looking at the bloodstained floor, Ki-doong crumbles because So-joon is gone.

At the hospital, Ma-rin comes to just as Doo-shik is about to leave. She weakly asks, “How did you know I was trapped there… Dad?” He suggests that they talk when she’s doing better, and shakes his head when she wonders if this is a dream, adding that she’s never seen his face so clearly in a dream. “It’s not a dream,” Doo-shik breathes, holding back tears. “I’m sorry.”

The younger detective from the train walks in hoping to speak with Ma-rin. He’s ushered outside by Doo-shik, who introduces himself as Ma-rin’s father and asks what happened to his son-in-law.

Much to his surprise, Doo-shik accurately guesses that So-joon disappeared on the train and asks the detective to come by tomorrow. Meanwhile, Ma-rin is unable to get a hold of So-joon and texts that Director Kim has been arrested and that she’s at the hospital with her father.

Doo-shik reenters the room awkwardly, and Ma-rin explains that she was texting her husband, whom she can’t get in touch with. He lies that So-joon is at the police station for questioning, and smiles to hear that she and So-joon had a happy marriage. She again asks how Doo-shik found her, but he says they can take their time to chat now that they’ve found one another.

Over at the precinct, Director Kim admits to murdering President Choi and Se-young’s father, but argues that the police have no proof that he injured or killed So-joon. Uh, you didn’t notice everyone recording everything on their phones? He’s cut off mid-sentence by Ki-doong, who kicks him down and has to be dragged away.

Doo-shik arrives at the hospital the next day to find Ma-rin’s bed empty. She leaves behind a note explaining that she went home and asks Doo-shik to call her so they can talk.

Ma-rin returns to an empty house and is confused when the police call to follow up on So-joon’s missing persons report. She can barely keep it together while she gets dressed, then calls Ki-doong and asks in a trembling voice if the police are wrong about So-joon’s disappearance.

She goes in for questioning, telling the older detective that her time traveler husband will reappear again. She doesn’t see this as any different than his previous trips, adding that So-joon even disappeared before her very eyes once, but he came back.

Ma-rin says her husband is currently at a different time, and is convinced that he’s receiving medical treatment in the future they can’t imagine at present. Her conviction leaves the detective dumbfounded, and he asks Ki-doong and Se-young if Ma-rin often spins strange tales about her supposed time traveling husband.

Se-young’s eyes widen at that, and even more baffled when Ki-doong reminds the detective that they saw two more So-joons on that train. Shown the remaining futuristic items left at Ki-doong’s place, she now understands what big secret So-joon and Ki-doong kept from her.

Ki-doong apologizes for keeping her in the dark for years, and she looks back at him, saying that she heard that he beat Director Kim within an inch of his life. Choking up, Ki-doong says he didn’t, but he definitely wanted to, even if doing so would’ve put him behind bars.

He apologizes again as she hugs him, but she says she never would’ve been able to deal with her father’s death if Ki-doong wasn’t there for her. She hopes So-joon is all right and Ma-rin isn’t too worried, and Ki-doong hopes Ma-rin isn’t running around looking for their missing friend.

But that’s exactly what Ma-rin is doing, walking up and down the train, looking for So-joon. She waits near the platform at Namyeong Station, tears threatening to overwhelm her.

Ki-doong later sits down with So-joon’s lawyer and learns that So-joon had made preparations in advance for the company. He tearfully realizes that his friend knew the dangers but got on that train anyway like a fool.

Remembering that So-joon once asked to meet him at his house tomorrow, December 3rd, he calls Ma-rin to let her know that she can meet So-joon from the past. He says they can let that So-joon know all about Director Kim and possibly change their present and future.

The doorbell rings seconds later—it’s Doo-shik, here to tell Ma-rin that So-joon won’t return. He explains that he’s known So-joon for years and he too was on the same subway train that crashed in 2009. Doo-shik: “It was there that I saw you.”

Back on March 25, 2009, Doo-shik was selling toothbrushes on the train. So-joon’s father was kind enough to buy some, and Doo-shik saw So-joon and Ma-rin bicker in the next car. He got off at Namyeong Station when they did, his voice caught in his throat as he uttered her name over and over. And then they all saw the subway explode together.

Ma-rin realizes that her father must be the other time traveler So-joon was speaking of and the man who brought them together. Doo-shik nods, and says while this may be hard to hear, So-joon won’t be able to return.

She asks why her father can’t travel to the future to find him and see if he’s all right. Tears imminent, Doo-shik says he already tried looking, but So-joon is gone. He tells her that she needs to move on, and tears spill from Ma-rin’s eyes.

She asks how her father expects to process all this information, especially when he showed up out of the blue for the first time in twenty years. He has no right to tell her what to do after claiming that he once saved her and brought down her entire world in minutes. “If you were able to see the coming days, you should’ve saved So-joon, not me,” Ma-rin cries. “If you knew everything, why did you leave So-joon be?!”

Gun-sook jolts awake in the middle of the night in So-ri’s apartment, still frightened by the idea that her husband is a murderer. She worries that her husband might come after her too, and asks So-ri to run away with her.

She’s startled at the sound of an incoming call, and So-ri encourages her to pick up. It’s Ma-rin, who instructs Gun-sook and So-ri to keep So-joon’s disappearance secret, even from her mother.

It’s a brutal night for Ma-rin, who goes back and forth from crying alone on the couch to sitting there blankly in silence. She heads to Ki-doong’s place the next day, and Ki-doong is already determined to tell So-joon everything in hopes that will change things for the better.

But Ma-rin is here to tell him that she won’t be here when Past So-joon arrives. She believes that letting So-joon know about Director Kim’s evildoings in advance will put further strain on that relationship and put So-joon in more danger.

She instructs Ki-doong to lie and tell Past So-joon that his marriage soured and he left the country, and that it’s best that they break up. She shares how So-joon once told her that they were never fated to meet, and his original future to live his life without her changed when he went out of his way to meet her.

Ki-doong tells her not to blame herself, saying they can use this opportunity to their advantage. But Ma-rin cries that So-joon knew of his own disappearance and still disappeared, and this is the only answer she can see: putting things back in their rightful place as soon as possible.

She asks Ki-doong to advise So-joon to end their marriage because she thinks this is how she can save him now. So when Past So-joon arrives at Ki-doong’s place that evening, Ki-doong does exactly as Ma-rin asks. Man, it sucks that you’re doing this.

Ma-rin walks home, unaware that Past So-joon sees her and follows behind her. She runs from the drunk man who recognizes her, and Past So-joon watches her go back inside. She lays on the couch, telling herself that she should’ve just seen Past So-joon today.

As Past So-joon waits outside, Ma-rin gets a text from Ki-doong, who writes that Past So-joon came and went. He’s also learned that So-joon must be alive because his time traveling self is only able to travel to a future time where he’s still alive. Clutching the phone to her chest, Ma-rin breathes a relieved sigh.

One month later. Mom makes herself pretty to meet up with Doo-shik again. She smiles expectantly when he pushes a bag of gifts toward her, only to harrumph when she sees that it’s full of Duck Ramyun. LOL.

Doo-shik approaches the next topic with caution, gently saying that it seems Mom has lied a great deal about him to their daughter… like how he was the one who chased after her when she was twenty years old. Pffft.

Mom says that was true, to which Doo-shik reminds her, “Noona, I was seventeen back then. I couldn’t even graduate high school because of you!” Omo. Then Mom says he was the one who lied about his age. Omg, this is so great.

She says it’s tiresome if Doo-shik plans on rekindling things between them by bugging Ma-rin, but he swears he’s here because he’s worried about their daughter. He gets upset when he hears that his wife hasn’t checked in on Ma-rin, who might be feeling lonely being apart from her husband.

Ma-rin looks back at her photos with So-joon wearing matching pajamas with fondness. She gets a call from her mother and lies that she’s too busy to meet up. She opens and closes the front gate to add some legitimacy, and promises to call back later.

She then checks the mailbox and sees a letter from So-joon addressed to her. It’s the same letter So-joon wrote back in October 2016, back when she didn’t know that he was a time traveler and they were happy.

She smiles as she continues to read the rest of the letter we never got to hear: “Even if I were to go back in time and had to choose again, I would… choose you. I hope you don’t forget the happy times we had. Your husband, So-joon.”

Ma-rin heads up to So-joon’s office, belatedly realizing that So-joon could one day read an email she has scheduled to send for the future. She writes her response to his letter written by the seashore. She wonders if he’ll see this email one or two years into the future or perhaps even much later.

As she thinks back to happier times with So-joon as they snap silly photos of themselves, she writes, “Even though I told your past self to break up with me, I’m waiting for you who has traveled to the future. Even if it takes one or two years, I’ll be waiting. I’ll wait, trusting in the time I love you, remembering our times together, dreaming that I’ll see you again, praying that wherever you are that you aren’t hurt. No matter if you’re ten, twenty, or thirty years into the future, I’ll be waiting here. I love you. Your wife in January 2017, Ma-rin.”

February 2019. Se-young and her coworker swing by the gallery to congratulate Ma-rin on her upcoming photo exhibition. Ma-rin leaves her to look around, and we hear her voice narrate another scheduled email, one where she wishes that So-joon was here to see her photo exhibition. “Where are you right now?” she wonders.

The answer: a woman takes out a load of laundry to the patio… that looks like Ma-rin and So-joon’s house. Inside is So-joon, lying in a hospital bed, hooked up to machines.

His finger twitches and he opens his eyes.


So exactly when are we? And who is the woman we see? We know that So-joon is only able to travel to a time when he’s still alive, and I could’ve sworn I saw So-joon and Ma-rin’s wedding portrait still hanging in the living room, along with some toys outside. Does that mean Doo-shik’s story about Ma-rin and So-joon has a happily ever after and get to grow old together get to come true?

Once So-joon’s disappearance came to the forefront, I did wonder how the story planned on tying in that plotline to the ultimate event So-joon had been dreading: the traffic accident on March 25, 2019. Even if So-joon were to disappear in the present (which he did), I knew that he would have to return somehow. But what I don’t yet understand is that if So-joon does open his eyes to a happier future, that could change his whole attitude coming into the traffic accident in 2019. There were so many cars involved in that accident it’s hard for So-joon to be absolutely sure that he was to actually die that night, and we’re operating under the logic and possibility that his future changed completely when he met Ma-rin.

Thus if his original future meant dying on March 25, 2019 because he lived a life without Ma-rin and his alternate future by being married to Ma-rin means living past this date, we can actually say with some assurance that So-joon’s life has changed for the better, not just because he gets to live for longer, but because he has someone to spend those extra 20, 30, or even 50 years to live with. It’s possible that So-joon never tried to travel to a future date past March 2019 because he thought that that traffic accident would be the death of him. Even when he disappeared in 2019 and reappeared in 2016, he and Ma-rin weren’t yet together. So if actually staying with Ma-rin ensures a brighter future, he could at the moment of his disappearance, travel to a point in time beyond that date.

Even though I love the idea that Doo-shik played matchmaker between So-joon and Ma-rin, his interferences have seemed to hurt rather than help. For a man who had been holed up in his small apartment for years trying to trace So-joon’s movements and actions, his main motive over the years was to put Director Kim behind bars. It pained me to hear the man who once told So-joon about his possible happily ever after telling Ma-rin that So-joon wouldn’t be able to return… though now I realize that this frantic Doo-shik we’ve been interacting hasn’t been wearing glasses. It’s such a tiny detail, but could we be dealing with a different Doo-shik now than the calm and collected man we saw in the beginning of this series? Man, this show really is making me entertain some outlandish theories based on possibly groundless details.

Still, I did like how Doo-shik reached out to Ma-rin and her mother in the time So-joon is away. I cracked up a bit too much when he defensively called her a cradle robber, and I do wonder if he kept on trying to check in the future to see if So-joon is still there. Although would he even know when to travel to? I did like how some of the minute details were tied together this episode, from So-joon turning back to see his time-traveling self to Se-young finding out So-joon’s big secret and how So-joon’s disappearance was kept under wraps.

Even though we knew that it was Ma-rin’s idea to lie to So-joon from the past, it still killed me to hear her make the suggestion and hear Ki-doong say the words again. A part of me wishes that she scheduled that email to herself earlier to try and stop herself, but I can understand her deep sense of hopelessness that would drive her to think that was the only solution. My heart filled with joy once she read So-joon’s letter, however, and how that gave her a new determination to wait for the man who’s lost in time. Her response was simply beautiful, and I can’t wait for them to be reunited so they can make some beautiful babies together.


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Ahhhh we're almost at the end of it...

It seriously broke my heart to see Marin taking the subway, walking up and down the stairs, and waiting for Sojoon. Remember how she desperately asked Sojoon before not to take the subway? She said it's because she doesn't like him going to a place (or time) where she can't find him. I find that really sad. Like where do you go? Where do you look for him? He's not even in this time. I can only imagine how lost and broken Marin would have been.

Ohhhh nice catch, gummi! I honestly never noticed the glasses. Dooshik wasn't wearing them in the first 2 episodes but he has them after that. Not quite sure when he stopped wearing them again but during the time he was wearing them, Sojoon met ahjusshi (not sure which timeline ahjusshi) a few times and he didn't have glasses on! I'm so confused now.

By the way, the full OST is out! I'm currently listening to it from my melOn app. I think mnet has it and probably all the other music sites as well.

Thanks for the recaps, gummi! Will patiently wait for tomorrow's recap (with you). Heh.


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The full OST is also on Spotify. Gah, so happy! I can now go marinate my feels while listening to the OST lol


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I'm getting sentimental listening to Kim Feel's With You. It's my favorite among the three. I just keep on crying whenever it hits the refrain.


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"marinate my feels" - perfect description, wandergirl! I'm really surprised with the use of music in this drama. How the heck did they get away with having only like 3 songs and an instrumental. Seo In Guk's "Flower" is my favorite


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I also thought there were only three songs and one instrumental, but as I was listening to the whole soundtrack yesterday, I realized there were other instrumental music used throughout the drama! It's like I had a mini reel of scenes playing through my head, lol. I'll have to marathon this someday just to spot the music. And to swoon over our OTP of course!


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I like how there are three consecutive tracks titled Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. I agree about the mini-reel! They've been playing nonstop in my head.


i do not understand at all why so-joon had to go confront director kim. with ma-rin safe, with the police physically in the subway to apprehend him & them having the black box card evidence... WHY did so-joon have to be there??

there's a lot in this drama that i enjoyed, but there's also a lot of strange things that don't make sense to me. however since this one is directly related to the main plot & is driving the last two episodes, i find this one the strangest.

it's like they want to make so-joon into some hero for "going even when he knew the dangers" ... but he's actually an idiot because there was no reason for him to put himself in danger...


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My thoughts exactly. All he had to do was not get on the train, but let the cops know that Kim Yong Jin got on the train. Then his past selves woudn't have gotten on either...


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I suppose he needed to make sure He's seeing Yong Jin with his own to eyes. He's the bait after all. I'm guessing it would have been too much to risk for Yong Jin to escape. Yong Jin is too volatile. He could come back anytime to haunt them. He probably didn't think the guy would stab him so out in the open anyway. Then again, the writer should have done a better job laying that part out. Just as Marin went home before she was kidnapped--- I mean So Joon could have instructed her to go to Ki Doong's house but then she went home because there was something there that needed to picked up urgently, ORRR... the writer could have simply shown Yong Jin evading so joon and secretly following Marin anyway.

Seriously the kidnapping part was all messed up. Writer-nim needed to watch more action flicks.


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I agree. I was practically jumping up and down when So-joon sent Ma-rin home in a cab. My first instinct was to stick together and take her to the office with lots of people around. Director Kim wouldn't have been admitted. Sheesh. This was too close to "too stupid to live" territory.


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Ever since first episode, I have always loved the relationship aspects​ of this drama. I always finished each episode in awe of what I just saw on-screen. As others have already mentioned, this drama is a contemplative one, a meditative one. This drama is like no other for me. So, I was thoroughly disappointed with what I saw in this episode. The focus on logic and plots is more pronounced in this episode. And logic is not this drama's forte. That's why I was so mad with Episode 15.

The one shining moment was, of course, all the scenes Ma-rin and So-Joon together enjoying their married life. This episode should have stick with that.


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I totally agree!
I must say, this was the weakest episode for me yet.
Nothing much happens. It was a little UNDERWHELMING. We were shown everything we had already seen from SJ's time-travelling, and while it was insightful and at times jarring to see how it all came about...it just felt like a filler episode, a preamble for what’s to come. All the while I was expecting SOMETHING to happen, I was wondering where SJ is and what happened to him.

However, I was very glad SJ contacted the police and did not confront YJ alone. It emphasized what a dangerous person YJ is. Although this just makes SJ's prior decision to send MR home alone seem even more stupid, but perhaps he wasn’t entirely convinced of what YJ is capable of, and he needed him to do something extreme like kidnapping MR?(or is that just my suspension of disbelief).

Anyway, for me, the highlights were that a) Kim Yong-Jin was arrested and b) the last few minutes where there's a time jump to February 2019 and c) finding out SJ had survived in the future, but was in a coma.

This episode also raised more questions about time-travelling mechanics and made it more apparent that (as a lot of people have already pointed out), logic is the biggest weakness in this show. e.g MR's noble idiocy card of telling past SJ to break up with her, because she thinks it will "save him". But if past SJ does break up with her and that eventually changes the future to him not getting stabbed...doesn't that still technically make So-Joon ABSENT from her life IF they break up? Yet in the current timeline, MR is begging for SJ to come back to her. How many timelines are there actually? And do they all change if one is altered? UUGHH these time-travelling antics make my head explode every time I think about it.
I wish there were more concrete rules to the fantasy side of this show.

PS: I loved that beating YJ received in the train. He completely deserved it. Also, I don’t know what this makes of me, but I find violent SJ extremely SEXY? Anyone else :)


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Episode 16 will you a clear explanation as to why Marin reacted that way to past So Joon...the plot is really complicated.


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I feel like the timeline is always changing. Every trip to the future, even if it's just to the train changes the future. SJ's frequent trips to see why he disappeared was really the reason why he disappeared. the cops were distracted by the other SJ's running around in the train.

I also found MR's noble idiocy frustrating. But I was also fascinated by her trying to influence the future in her own way by influencing the past, so it's not just SJ who could influence the future.

I wonder if MR was begging SJ to come back to her even if it's not in the way she has left him. Or at some point she realized her noble idiocy did nothing to prevent SJ from going missing. If it worked, the future/present would have immediately changed after KD and MR told SJ to break up with her. But it didn't, hence it didn't work. She made those decisions out of misguided guilt, not remembering that SJ had told her that in the future she had dissuaded him from continuing their relationship.


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Wow great observation on Marin trying to make changes by communicating with the past. It might have been frustrating for me to watch, but it's her own way of trying to exert control over her own future and unload some of the burden on Sojoon, who's always felt like everything is on him to make a change.


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Oh, So Joon. I wish he went straight to Ma Rin in the hospital and left the police to do their job. He walked straight into his demise, provoking Director Kim like he wanted to fulfill the prophecy.

I know it's some plot device and we will all hopefully get to the happy ending we all want. I love So Joon and Le Je Hoon's portrayal of him (he did so, so well in this episode and so did Shin Mina), but So Joon keeps being stupid. :(

I have to note though, it's interesting how Past So Joon was somehow influenced by Future So Joon's relationships - like how Ma Rin instructed Ki Doong to tell Past So Joon to break up with Past Ma Rin in an attempt to protect and save Future So Joon. Of course we all know now that that didn't happen and So Joon chose to stick it out with Ma Rin, death or no death in the future. We thought it's his time traveling self that keeps messing up the future, but it turns out that there are other players in the future timeline hoping to somewhat dictate his safety and his future.

It's confusing and brilliant when I think about how the writers mapped out the timelines for this story. I don't know how it will all end, but I'm excited and hopeful for the last episode.

PS. Is December 3 the night when So Joon waited out in the cold and Ma Rin stayed up all night waiting for him? That beautiful scene of her in the past and him in the future. And now we know that Future Ma Rin was also apparently waiting and yearning for him in that timeline. Gahhh. This series.

PPS Lee Je Hoon and Shin Mina look so cute together in that part of the episode where they were doing all the lovey-dovey couple stuff. My heart cannot handle it!!! They can definitely pass as a real life couple (...and then I remember Kim Woo Bin, haha).


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I admit I'm guilty, but I may or may not wish that Kim Woo Bin isn't with Shin Mina in real life...sigh...what has this drama done to me?


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I know! Usually, I'm like "reel life doesn't not equal real life. get a grip!", but holy moly, didn't expect them to have such chemistry. My favorite Shin Mina coupling has always been with Lee Jun Ki in Arang and the Magistrate. Sometimes I get so stuck on a pairing, I have trouble see the members of the pairing with other people. But wow, that Shin Mina and Lee Je Hoon pairing! So swoonworthy!


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Yep it was that same night. I gotta say the romance is nailed well on the head and the chemistry of the OTP carried the show all throughout. I just actually finished episode 16 and I still like it. It's a very placid drama. So much like a cup of tea. It's not overly intense. It would have made for a great dramathon.


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Thanks for the recap gummimochi!

I love how you are trying to make sense of the show with your theories. This is one of the few shows that keeps me engaged and I don't totally go on autopilot.

I appreciated how many things were answered in one way or another in this episode. We got answers for some of the "why"s. Even though we know what happens, we never really knew why it happened. Thankfully, one of this show's greatest strengths is the journey from point A to point B.

I still don't like Doo-shik all that much btw.


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I have watched the last two eps of this drama, and all I will say is that despite my frustration with some aspects of the plot (especially the changing the future aspect) , I overall still really enjoyed this beautiful drama. So Joon and Marin have a place in my heart, their relationship was so painfully sweet and it overcame the test of time...I won't say more, because I would spoil the last ep. I'll add more in the recap of the last ep.


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I was about to comment on the same thing. If I just close my eyes to particular aspects of the plot, Sojoon and Marin are perfection.

This is one of the first dramas where I feel this dissonance between 2 really well written characters brought to life by amazing acting and chemistry, and a poorly developed plot. Usually the strength of the plot directly correlates with how much I get on board with the OTP. But here, even my frustrations with the story, and in turn, sometimes the actions of Marin and Sojoon, still made me root so hard for this couple. It's strange. Some of it could be attributed to the simple fact that the two look amazing together and their chemistry is off the charts. Some attributed to the fact that their characters were so real in their flaws that I saw my own experiences in them (not the time traveling part, hah). Some of it could be the fact that despite our writer's flaws in knowing how to handle time traveling, she knows how to depict all the implications time traveling may have on a couple REALLY WELL.
So instead of trying to figure out all my questions about how this hole time traveling works, I think I'm going to just try to appreciate what I do love about this drama- moments with Sojoon and Marin!!


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I know what you mean. Part of me is particularly annoyed at the writer for not thinking several plot drivers through, especially all the ones revolving around the kidnapping and such. Seriously. Seriously. Seriously. If the characters were bound to act stupidly then a small stage could have been set for it. That's the only ire I have against the drama. It's so small but it affects the totality of it. I was so willing to put this one on a pedestal already. All that symbolism, the parallelisms, the growth arcs for ALL characters and couples in the drama--- it's all excellent. Don't you just love that Ki Doong and Se Yong's love story is so well-fit against the OTP's? As well as Gun Sook's and hey, maybe even Doo Shik's and his ex-wife's. There's a tasteful way exploring the knots between these individual relationships that renders the drama introspective for the most part. Until of course logic falls apart and willpower takes a backseat as though submitting to fate is all there is. It's kind of annoying. Truly. But then again, Lee Je Hoon. Shin Minah. Yoo Soo Joon and Song Marin. I guess it's all I ever really needed from this drama. This remains to be one of the sweetest and most romantic, and I mean romance in the way fiction writers would technically refer to it, dramas I've seen in a long time. It's agonizingly sweet, painfully delicious... ah, I wouldn't mind watching it on marathon anyhow. But I still seriously wish they could edit the loops better, then this would fall as one of my most favorite dramas of all time.


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It’s so small but it affects the totality of it


...But I still seriously wish they could edit the loops better, then this would fall as one of my most favorite dramas of all time.

could not agree more!

after I watched ep.14, I had been wondering how far the Show could mess its story. I even thought it should have been cut to shorter number of episodes before another plot hole was found. Glad that when I looked back to the 1st episode, I managed to feel all the love I had for the show all over again, especially the main characters. thus although it is far from perfect, the Show gets special place in my heart.


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oh no, I messed up the quoting part! Sorry marry!


Sokay. ♥


Sweet&Sour, Sparkzy, rlaralahssi, and Hellobeautiful you guys nailed it. There were at least 4 plot points that were simply just stupid. However the character development, the writing for their relationship, the connections between the characters, and well thought out occupations made this drama shine. It made me happy and Shin Ma Rin is now one of my top K-drama heroines.


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This is a hella sad episode for me....
Especially when So Joon follow Ma Rin.. Oh my god...
I almost felt the sincere feeling of Ma Rin... The feeling of being so close yet so far... Imagine missing someone that you love so much and he is right behind you.. The feeling of wanting to touch him but you fight with of your might...


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My heart broke when Ma Rin is just screaming sobbing at her father to go save So Joon instead of her.

And second when she was reading Past So Joon's letter. Loll I cried and got melancholic but she was smiling and getting all positive.


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After suffering through Noble Idiot So Joon for an episode, now they're making us relive Future (now Present) Ma Rin's noble idiocy as well? Thank goodness Ki Doong was in his right mind to tell Ma Rin not to blame herself, even though he still went through with it at the end.

It was hard for me to feel the raised stakes because we've already seen the future. When Doo Shik insisted So Joon was never coming back and Ma Rin ought to move on, I know he was alive and well on March 25, 2019. Like Ma Rin, I assumed So Joon rematerialized on a train in the future where the passengers saved him, and he's currently being treated in a futuristic hospital. Short of getting amnesia, there's no way her husband wouldn't return. Wouldn't someone have recorded his stabbing and subsequent disappearance with their phone, which would expose his identity?

Doo Shik's backstory was pathetically anticlimactic. Why was a time traveler even selling toothbrushes? It was such a letdown that Doo Shik didn't mastermind their meeting. If not for his long-lost daughter, he would've died had he not gotten off. He couldn't have not know about the Namyeong Station accident.

Thanks a bunch for recapping, gummimochi!


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"Doo Shik’s backstory was pathetically anticlimactic. Why was a time traveler even selling toothbrushes?"


But doesn't it raise the question of if he even WAS a time-traveller by then? Because if he was, why would he be on that train? As you said, there's no way he couldn't have not known about that accident.

It's never really addressed how DS got his own ability, and we were left to assume he had them much earlier, hence him leaving his family, because his saw his daughter's bleak future and was trying to save her all this time.

If not, that would mean he also got his ability after the Namyeong accident. So why did he leave his family? Just a bad father?

I still don't like him.


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I thought he wasn't a time traveler at that time, but he was saved at the same time that So Joon and Ma Rin were saved, and he got the power to time travel then (during the same time that So Joon got his power to time travel), and that would also explain why DS was not very successful in changing things or helping So Joon out, because he was learning about the future in a similar manner to So Joon (so he didn't see the whole picture either). The last episode convinces me of this as well.


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Yeah, I immediately reckon as such too. The toothbrush scene actually made him a bit pitiful as a father. He was really helpless, and it doesn't seem that he wanted to avoid Ma Rin, on the contrary he seemed shocked to run into her. Like, he's finally meeting with someone he misses all this while.


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Yes that was my reading as well. He got his powers after the accident.

Doesn't explain why Sojoon and Dooshik were the only ones who got their time traveling powers though, because by that logic, Marin and everyone else who got off that train should have gotten it too.

Also doesn't explain why he left his kid and wife if he loved them so much. Also I thought Dooshik was sending money to his wife and kid without fail every month? Did he do that selling toothbrushes?


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I wonder how the chemistry would have flown if it was Lee Min Ki that got So Joon's role? Though the dude's sexual assualt charges just won't hit it off for me. But what would have happened to this drama if Kim Woo Bin were offered the role?

In any case, I love Lee Je Hoon as So Joon. So much forever in his eyes. I also just realized he hasn't done so many dramas. AIGOOOOO. I have a bad crush on Le Je Hoon. Someone give me movies of his please :'(


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I think As much as i love Kim Woo Bin in UF, this role wouldn't fit him. Lee Je Hoon has that tenderness aura that hard to explain, something suit the mood and tone of the drama more. You are just melt into his calmness. But he is also enable to go intense when require. I can picture Lee Min Ki in this role. But the point is Lee Je Hoon is just more suit haha.


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"Melt into his calmness" is absolutely accurate. And his aegyo is so irressistable. He is truly husband material. And I love his voice TT. Serious withdrawals right now.


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I swear that soft voice really make me melts. Like who wouldn't? It's a sin a man can has a soft tone. You will fall for his seduction. I wouldn't blame Ma Rin to fall for him instantly lol.


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I would have to hear them say the name "Marin". The sound of Lee Je Hoon saying her name is a delight.

I think Lee Min Ki and Kim Woo Bin would have too much of a cool, charismatic guy vibe for this drama. All the cast members auras seem to match perfectly except for Director Kim.


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Me too! He's so perfect for this role. Hope he signs up for more melo, romance stuff like this so we can all fangirl over him haha!


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Lee Min Ki would've rocked the role, also... he has great chemistry with his co-stars!

but i just LOVED Lee Je Hoon's portrayal, from beginning to end!!


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His mission is no longer to make Marin save but KYJ get caught. It's all make sense to me if you analyse every soon Jon action during KYJ confrontation. He know he will disappear. But he take a risk. Subway is one of the easiest way to caught someone. You have time to caught them in subway until the next terminal. He is doing all planning carefully in order to avoid his dissapearance. Too bad KYJ change the place they are supposed to met, and his other self divert police attention so his timing is mess up even more.


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You know, I actually thought So Joon was pretty smart in this episode. Unlike the other times when he tried to change the future, he planned ahead and took precautions.

You could tell he knew he was screwed though once he saw his past selves running about. Poor guy.

I have to say—the confrontation with him and KYJ in the subway (and the fight choreography) was really well done, and made me extremely emotional despite already knowing how it would end. I also found LJH yelling at KYJ that he would basically live as nothing, weirdly attractive...


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Well for me it's always like that. He start to plan something, but before then, he forget he can't control someone's desire and what they will gonna do. It's something he totally forget there is something out of his control. Now he start to learn his lesson, too bad he seems too late to realise there is something that out his control, like suddenly police attention divert when they saw his other self. And it makes them arrive too late.

Yes i agree with you, KYJ and SJ confrontation need to happened. I already dread waiting epic scene to happen between them.


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This episode was a frustating watch. I kept hoping for some kind of small twist that will change all the things that were originally about to happen and that will give us a different outcome. But, I am glad we got some answers, like how doo shik is able to time travel and why ki doong told so joon to break up with ma rin. It pained me to see that ma rin was the one who suggested that idea but it makes sense that him being alive and physically present is more important to her than them being together. The montage of scenes of them being together was just lovely. The last two screencaps are the reasons why I love this drama and why this couple will be one of my favourite OTPs.

Now, off to watch the finale. Thank you gummimochi for all your wonderful recaps and for choosing to recap this drama. :)


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Y'know, now that we're in the future where we finally see how things unravelled from before... I can actually relate to Ma Rin's noble idiocy. Because she's come after a long thought process, and the only conclusion she can finally arrive at is to undo all sequences of events. Beginning from the start. I mean, if it were me, with an almost foolishly persevering husband, I'd do that, too (he knows the consequences dammit, but there he goes according to fate). She's only making sure he's alive, no matter what. Keep in mind that she doesn't yet know the rule of So Joon can only come to a place where he's alive.

But it still hurts to see her lying for his sake like that.


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Ohh man I knew this would happen but hoped so much it wouldn't...and the following episode after this @.@. Gahhh I'll just wait for the recap for that. Too much feels...


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Thanks, gummimochi, for your recap and interpretation. It's been a long, and at times confusing, haul. I appreciate how you've puzzled out the twists and quirks in this show. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who is thrown for a loop so often.

From the get-go I've found Ma-rin's mother to be an obnoxious person. I really cannot stand her. And now that I've learned that she's the one who preyed upon underage Doo-shik, I'm really disgusted with her. Gross. Revolting. Reprehensible. Not only was she a cradle robber, she's assassinated his character for decades. Grrr. Can I just give her a one-way ticket on a train to nowhere? Pretty please? Back in the real world, my hat is off to actress Lee Jung-Eun for so effectively bringing this loathsome character to life.

I completely missed that little detail re: Doo-shik's eyeglasses. Oh, well. You can't win 'em all.

Finally we learn why Ma-rin insisted Ki-doong tell past-visiting-future So-joon to break up with her. Seeing her puzzle her way to that conclusion was both heartbreaking and logically illuminating. Now I understand why Ki-doong was so utterly bummed out when he delivered the message to So-joon.

On an up note: I love the OST and the instrumental music in this show.


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I've found Marin's mother annoying a lot of the time as well. I really want to the real story of how the parents met. It seems like Doo Shik lied about his age when he first met her, but when she did find out he was only 17?

I don't mind her editing his character since he did abandon his young family. If he wanted Marin to know his side of the story, he should have stuck with his family. I hope the character assassinations are somewhat innocuous like "he fell in love with me first" or "he has hemorrhoids a lot".


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I've finished the last two episodes and I still don't understand why only Sojoon and Dooshik are blessed/burdened with the ability to time travel. Like, what's the deeper meaning/theme of it? I should have thought that Sojoon would lose his abilities to go to the future after avoiding his and Marin's death.

Also, why did Dooshik leave his family in the first place? Is it every explained? I might have zoned out at some point.

Also I was looking forward to seeing the scene from an earlier episode where past Sojoon calls future Sojoon on his fated-death day and future Sojoon looks super sombre and says "it's too late now, enjoy the time that you have with Marin" before cutting the line. How does this scene cohere with the final ending?

Overall, I really LOVED the chemistry between the mains and did not mind the pulled-out plot. Now I have to find something else to look forward to every weekend.


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I think that maybe because Marin was indirectly responsible for saving both their lives that day at the train station, and both are connected to Marin (one became her husband and one is her father). So both got this ability as a way to try and save Marin 10 years later? I don't know, but that's what I am coming up with.


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Just read this after making my post below. I think that's a great reason that I can get on board with.

Another one that is related is that Dooshik and Sojoon are getting a change at redemption-- Sojoon from his guilt of being a bad son, and Dooshik from leaving his family. They're able to find new meaning in each of their lives through Marin.


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Ahh these two interpretations make so much sense! I think the reason I didn't think of it was because I refused to believe that Dooshik did something bad on purpose (i.e. leaving his wife and daughter) and so the concept of "atonement" didn't play out in my head.


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