Tomorrow With You: Episode 11

Being married to a time traveler isn’t easy, but it warms my heart to see Ma-rin try her best to make their marriage work anyway. It turns out that knowing more about the future isn’t always an advantage nor does it mean that our characters are ever prepared for what might lie ahead of them. But the hardest lesson of all lies with our resident time traveler, who has yet to realize that his constant trips to another point in time means that he’s always leaving someone behind.


At the police station, So-joon is livid when Se-young’s father’s death is ruled as an accident. He’s told the body showed no obvious signs of struggle and there were no CCTV cameras in the area. Additionally, Se-young’s father was known to perform routine site inspections, and tracking his phone’s GPS revealed that he stopped at two construction sites that day.

So-joon doesn’t understand how that’s possible, since Ki-doong and Ma-rin were at the first construction site but didn’t see Se-young’s father. Although Ki-doong is wary about agreeing with the cops, he has a harder time accepting the idea Se-young’s father was murdered.

To that, So-joon argues that despite their best efforts to prevent the tragedy altogether, Se-young’s father still died on the same day and time, albeit at a different location. Ki-doong says this is a hard time for him too, but he thinks So-joon is acting out of guilt, not reason.

They’re interrupted by Ma-rin’s arrival, and So-joon says he has to go to check on something. Knowing that he means a time-traveling trip, she asks, “A year from now? Or two years?” She reminds him that he isn’t a cop and they should go home, but So-joon leaves anyway.

After Ma-rin learns that she and Ki-doong could’ve passed Se-young’s father at the first construction site, she’s asked if she saw a strange car there. She replies there was one, but she didn’t find particularly anything off about it. Although Se-young’s father’s death is hard on her too, she can understand So-joon’s desire to pinpoint a culprit since he’d be able to place blame on a human versus fate.

Later that night over drinks, Doo-shik claims Se-young’s father’s death was an accident. But he’s still upset that So-joon suspected him, and So-joon drunkenly mumbles that Doo-shik definitely knows something and he’s keeping it a secret.

Doo-shik steels himself before telling So-joon that his future could be even bleaker than he thinks. He wishes So-joon would stop trying to figure out the future because trying to stop the inevitable could make things worse. So-joon asks why Doo-shik bothers to time travel so often then, and he’s told that he’ll find out when the time comes.

It’s because Doo-shik acts like an all-knowing oracle that So-joon can’t trust him, though he’s told it isn’t any better than trying to solve every problem with time travel like he does. Frustrated, So-joon tearfully asks if he’s supposed to let things happen even if he has prior knowledge then.

They’re both bumbling drunks when they finally exit the pojangmacha, and So-joon tells Doo-shik to butt out of his future. Doo-shik angrily yells, “Do you even know who I am?!” But So-joon doesn’t hear him and hollers that there’s nothing in this world that he can do nothing about.

“I’ll ride the subway to the very end,” he declares. “Why? Because I have to save Ma-rin. Even though I know, you want me to let it happen like [Se-young’s father’s death]?”

Crying now, he continues, “She’s the only family I have, the only wife I have… my woman. I’m supposed to protect her to the end. If I don’t… I’ll be so sorry.” Doo-shik pulls him into a hug and apologizes, and now I’m crying.

At home, Ma-rin scolds her mother for eating here while she waits up for So-joon, who arrives home completely wasted. He cries into Ma-rin’s arms before planting a kiss on her, then nearly does the same to Mom. Lol.

Ma-rin eventually gets him on the bed, where he drunkenly states that he’ll forget about Se-young’s father’s death, only worry about their futures, and protect her no matter what. He tells her to trust him because he’s confident in securing her happiness, and Ma-rin says she does.

Ki-doong brings Se-young a care package, which he offers to bring inside. But she thanks him for stopping by and asks him to relay her gratitude toward So-joon and Ma-rin. He says she can still ask him for anything and asks if she still plans on moving to Japan.

Se-young replies that she’ll need to reconsider since her mother is alone now, which prompts him to suggest that she stay put. She says nothing, and Ki-doong suggests they forget that he said anything.

Gun-sook is out at a club with her girlfriends, and she points out a guy on the dance floor to seduce. Little does she know that the man she’s grinding with is none other than Secretary Hwang, and they both jump when they recognize one another… and continue dancing.

They stop at a convenience store to sober up, where Secretary Hwang swears to take the knowledge of their encounter at the club to the grave. Gun-sook asks if work has been stressful for her husband lately since he’s easily irritated and suffers from insomnia, and even brought up the topic of Vietnam.

She encourages the secretary to tell her everything—is her husband at risk of getting fired? Secretary Hwang swears he doesn’t know a thing and went to the club to blow off some steam. Gun-sook says she was there for the same reason.

While So-joon suffers from a killer hangover the next morning, Ma-rin suits up, having resolved to make sure her husband remains healthy and diligent. She’s upset to hear that So-joon doesn’t remember any of his drunken ramblings, though he argues that he couldn’t have been a rowdier drunk than she usually is.

He asks what it is he said, and Ma-rin replies that he asked her to make sure he didn’t miss work and promised to do as told. She ushers him into the bathroom to get ready, and he hilariously responds in sobs.

She insists on driving him to the office, though she grips the wheel tightly and keeps turning on the windshield wipers instead of the turn signals. Heh. She finally pulls up to the office hours later, and she smiles that it’s better to be late than absent.

She sends him off with a word of encouragement, and as he slides out of the car, he tells her that he’ll be fine. He still looks a bit green to her, which So-joon explains is from the four-hour long commute. Before he goes, Ma-rin forbids him from disappearing by taking trips into the future.

At the office, Director Kim overhears another employee confront the executive who whispered into Ki-doong and Secretary Hwang’s ears, DIRECTOR WANG, for starting the rumors about Director Kim and the Jangho project.

Approaching the man, Director Kim offers to discuss Director Wang’s own suspended project over lunch, an invitation the latter accepts with caution. So-joon arrives just then, and both of them extend their condolences and apologies for not attending the funeral.

Once So-joon leaves, Director Kim explains that the funeral was for the head of an organization named Happiness, which prompts DIrector Wang to ask how he knew that piece of information.

Ma-rin is stopped at a traffic light when Gun-sook calls to invite her out to lunch. She practices her Vietnamese as they eat, and Ma-rin asks if she’s here to brag about an upcoming vacation to Vietnam.

Gun-sook makes Ma-rin swear to keep a secret, though Ma-rin replies that there are enough secrets in her head. She reveals that she and her husband are emigrating to Vietnam, but she doesn’t know why her husband is so insistent on it.

She asks Ma-rin to put in a good word for Director Kim with So-joon, hoping that will keep them here in Korea. She thinks So-joon doesn’t like her husband, but Ma-rin says that’s not at all what So-joon thinks. Ma-rin empathizes with Gun-sook’s woes, and they both agree to talk to their respective husbands sans the mention of Vietnam.

So-joon is about to leave the office when Ki-doong stops him to ask where he’s headed off to. Apparently his new best bud Ma-rin asked him to keep an eye on So-joon, who is adorably jealous of their budding friendship. Divulging that he needs to get final confirmation on Se-young’s father’s death, he travels to the police station two years into the future.

He runs into the detective he spoke with in the present, asking him there were any additional leads or conclusions drawn on Se-young’s father’s case. But then the detective recognizes him as the CEO of MyReits, adding that he was reported missing two years ago. Uh oh.

The detective follows up with another officer, claiming that he just met So-joon, who is still currently report missing. When asked if So-joon was wearing out-of-season clothing or acting strangely, the detective answers that he appeared perfectly normal.

They run out to check… and just around the corner, So-joon realizes that his disappearance may not have been of his own accord.

He sneaks up on Future Ki-doong outside the office later that evening, and the latter asks haltingly, “You’re… here from the future, aren’t you?” Dang, even those words are heartbreaking.

Still, Future Ki-doong is happy to see him and insists on sharing a meal together, but So-joon is more curious about his disappearance. He calls Future Ki-doong out on his former lie that he broke up with Ma-rin and left the country, and demands to know what actually happened to him.

“I don’t know,” Future Ki-doong admits. “You traveled to the future and you aren’t back.” He doesn’t know whether So-joon won’t or can’t return, and he lied to So-joon because Ma-rin asked him to.

He may not know exactly why, but surmises that Ma-rin could’ve wanted her old life back. What he does know is that Ma-rin hasn’t been able to move on and is still living at their house, alone.

But So-joon is unable to take Future Ki-doong’s words at face value either, and Future Ki-doong confesses that he felt he had to lie because he thinks it was better if So-joon and Ma-rin hadn’t gotten involved in the first place.

He grabs So-joon to ask him directly whether So-joon’s disappearance was ever part of his original future. He’s given it a great deal of thought and has since concluded that it must’ve taken place because So-joon tinkered with the future. “Marrying Ma-rin was never in your original plans,” he reminds him. “But you did in a hurry and now your future has changed.”

“Are you trying to tell me that I should live my life the way as it was intended?” So-joon fires back. Tears fill Future Ki-doong’s eyes as he pleads So-joon to consider what will be best for him and Ma-rin by putting everything back in their rightful place.

Afterward, Future Ki-doong calls Future Ma-rin to tell her about the encounter, saying that he didn’t tell the time-traveling So-joon the truth about Director Kim. He thinks they should tell him because So-joon is aware of his upcoming disappearance now. But she dismisses the idea, adding that So-joon wouldn’t be able to stop “that event” even if he did know.

She still believes that she and So-joon never should have met in the first place, and if they had just broken up “then” that “the terrible thing that happened to So-joon” never would’ve happened. “Because this all happened because of me,” she croaks.

Future Ki-doong can’t tell if they’re doing the right thing, and if what they are doing will save So-joon. But he hangs up abruptly when Future Se-young arrives… with their wedding invitation. Well it was about damn time.

In her empty home, Future Ma-rin sheds tears and tells herself that she’s doing the right thing in order to save So-joon. She looks to their wedding photo, which is still hanging on the wall.

We learn that Future Ki-doong told So-joon that Ma-rin still goes to Namyeong Station every few days, hoping to catch a glimpse of him. Furthermore, So-joon and Ma-rin’s joyous time together will come to a close in less than a month—must So-joon risk his wife’s endless sorrow for temporary happiness? “Go back and break up with her.”

So-joon returns to the present with a heavy heart, and Ma-rin drives up to their home, chirping that she was out practicing her driving skills all day. She thinks she’ll be great in three months’ time and be able to drive her husband to work, but then So-joon cuts her off mid-sentence with a kiss, followed by another, and then another.

They head out again for a late-night driving lesson, where So-joon repeatedly tells Ma-rin to trust him and his instructions. But Ma-rin is a ball of nerves and clutches the wheel, saying that this isn’t at all romantic like in the movies, where the woman sits on top of the man’s lap in the driver’s seat.

So-joon says that’s illegal, which prompts her to tease why a law-abiding citizen like him would kiss her in the street. He instructs her to change lanes again and praises her when she does so successfully. She yelps like a mix of a happy puppy-kitten-human, woofing and meowing, and So-joon confesses that he’s wonderfully happy whenever they’re together.

They park by the side of the road, where Ma-rin asks how So-joon manages to time travel. “The subway,” So-joon replies. He pops out of the present exactly 90 seconds after the train leaves from Namyeong Station, not far from where the subway crash took place.

What’s more is that he can determine when to travel to, and understands that it sounds unbelievable. A flashback gives us a glimpse into one of So-joon’s early trips with Doo-shik, when he guffawed at how they traveled to the year 2015 and swore to become rich.

He and Ma-rin later sit at a cafe, where she points out how unfair it is that he’s the only one who can time travel when they both survived that incident. So-joon admits that he doesn’t quite know either, and they chuckle at how riding the subway is an inexpensive way to travel through time.

Promising that she’ll become a better driver, Ma-rin asks if So-joon can avoid taking the subway from now on. She wonders if they can’t live their lives without knowing what the future holds for them, to which So-joon asks, “Aren’t you curious about what will happen to us?”

But Ma-rin points out that his trips to the future means that he physically won’t be here in the present. She doesn’t like the idea of him being somewhere she can’t find him, and it worries her that he might unexpectedly disappear someday. “When I think of you being gone… it feels so distant and like I’ve been left behind,” she adds softly. “So don’t go somewhere I can’t find you.”

So-joon says he has to go, giving her a chuckled affirmation that he still needs to survey land in the future. She says he can just work hard every day, but he gives a playful, stubborn answer that he’ll go anyway, teasing that the future has so many fun things to offer. His cheery tone thinly masks the impact of her words, and Ma-rin asks if he has to be so stubborn.

Sometime later, Ma-rin stands outside of Namyeong Station, thinking of So-joon’s explanation of how he travels to the future. She’s determined to try it out for herself in case she needs to follow him into the future because she believes they should face whatever happens to them, both good and bad, together.

So she takes the train headed to Seoul Station, counting down the seconds. But she arrives at her destination safe and sound.

Still, Ma-rin tries again and again, trying to trigger the jump by running down the subway car and jumping in place. Her multiple attempts leave her exhausted, but then she sees So-joon getting on the subway at Namyeong Station.

She hurriedly gets on and confronts him in between subway cars. He closes both doors and warns her that he’ll disappear soon. Ma-rin tells him not to go, but he says time traveling is out of his control once he gets on the train. He manages to tell her “sorry” before disappearing before her eyes.

Ma-rin starts to cry while So-joon reappears in the future: March 24, 2019, the day before their tragic accident. So-joon tells us in voiceover that he traveled to this day to see how Future Ma-rin was doing, and smiles when he sees that she’s a good driver now.

He enters their house, which is still adorned with their wedding photos. He enters their bedroom, thinking of how Ma-rin occupies this house alone in the future. He chuckles to see that she still has the futuristic robot vacuum, and picks up a brochure for Ma-rin’s photo exhibition which opens on this day.

He heads to the gallery, where he overhears two women talking about how they think the story that So-joon is abroad is just a cover. According to them, So-joon has been missing for over two years now, and the exhibit is full of photos of him.

So-ri finds Ma-rin looking at a photo of So-joon and asks if it isn’t time for her to forget So-joon and live her own life. “How can I forget him?” she asks. “I have no idea whether he’s dead or alive, or where he is.”

She sighs that it would’ve been nice if he would’ve been here for the opening of her photo exhibition, and they exit the building together. Ma-rin says she has somewhere to be, and So-joon follows her to Namyeong Station, where she stands, waiting, just like Future Ki-doong had told him.

“Why are you standing there, not knowing what will happen tomorrow?” So-joon wonders to himself. He then heads to Doo-shik’s apartment and yells at the door, asking what happens to Ma-rin tomorrow. He asks if she’ll die, continuing to wait for him, and asks for his help. “Don’t you know everything that will happen tomorrow?”

Just then, he’s approached by the current residents of this apartment, and it occurs to him that Doo-shik doesn’t live here anymore. He returns to the present, shedding tears and holding back on choked sobs.

He walks down the stairs and finds Ma-rin waiting for him in the same spot she would continue to wait for him in the future. He asks why she waited up for him without knowing when he might return, a question Ma-rin takes as is: “Because I was worried about you.”

“Don’t wait,” So-joon responds firmly. “I find it burdensome.” She’s insulted by that response, not knowing that So-joon’s statement speaks beyond the present moment. But he follows her out as she marches past the subway crash memorial and stops in her tracks.

She cries, “You disappeared before my eyes! We were holding hands and you disappeared. Didn’t you think of how shocked and worried I might’ve been? How could I not wait? I was worried to death.”

“No matter where I go or how late I am… you can keep living your own life. Why are you so hung up on this?” So-joon returns, tears welling up in his eyes.

Ma-rin reminds him that it hasn’t been that long since she found out that he’s a time traveler. She’d worried sick about him and haven’t even had the time to think about how they should live the rest of their lives: “Don’t you worry about how confusing this is for me? Don’t you see me beside you?”

“So what would you like me to do right now?” So-joon asks. “What must I do… that would appease you?”

She asks him one final time not to leave her and disappear before her eyes: “I’m so scared and feel so uneasy… and I’m so worried.” She doesn’t feel confident to continue to live this way, and So-joon replies, “Okay, let’s do that then.”

“I think it was my mistake to marry you,” So-joon states. “Let’s… reconsider us.”


Don’t tell me this means you’ll try to break up with Ma-rin without considering what she has to say in the matter. Quite plainly, So-joon’s approach to problem-solving has remained consistent throughout this series, in that he learns that something go wrong in the future, goes back to the present to try and fix it, then travels back to the future to see if it worked. It’s hard for me to find fault in that approach, since I can easily see myself following the same logic if I were in his shoes. And yet, I so wish he could understand when his best buddy and time traveling mentor implore him to seriously think about the compounded effects of his decisions and actions.

His distrust in them isn’t groundless, of course, since Doo-shik has kept many secrets from him and he learned that Future Ki-doong had lied to him as well. We were right to question that something was up when Future Ki-doong had told So-joon to break up with Ma-rin, and now we have confirmation that it was because both he and Future Ma-rin knew much more than they were letting on. My heart dropped the instant Ki-doong asked if So-joon was from the past, and a future where So-joon is missing feels awfully empty. At the very least, it warmed my heart to learn that Ma-rin and Ki-doong remained good friends, and that they were both working together to try and find So-joon, wherever and possibly whenever he is.

It’s hard to say where Doo-shik is in 2019, so Future Ma-rin is our anchor in trying to figure out what could’ve happened by this date. Both she and Ki-doong know more about Director Kim than So-joon currently does, and she feels a sense of guilt toward So-joon’s disappearance. She does seem to think her words relayed through Ki-doong and to So-joon herself is the best decision in possibly bringing So-joon back, which makes her the noble idiot even before So-joon returns to bring up the possibility of breaking up in the present. This time, it’s Future Ma-rin who’s keeping So-joon in the dark about what lies ahead of them—while she knows it might not prevent his disappearance from the subway, she has a shred of hope that it might save him, and in extension, them.

I’ve always found it interesting how Ma-rin has subverted the classic drama heroine trope time after time in this series, including this episode where she’s the one who insists on driving her husband to work, and is determined to keep them together. I like how she’s taken it upon herself to use the time given to her to be helpful and chase her husband in the event things go wrong. I absolutely adored her attempts to jump to the future in the subway, and my heart broke when he did disappear before her eyes to travel to the future.

Although I particularly don’t care for Gun-sook as a frenemy, I am getting worried about her living under the same roof as Director Kim. Neither she nor Director Kim have popped up in 2019, which has me wonder if they really did emigrate to Vietnam. Not only that, I fear the day she will find out about her husband’s actions—as much as the wedding was a front for her to fulfill her personal life goals, I’d be hardpressed to believe she has no affection for her husband. I’m honestly afraid of how fall Director Kim might fall and who else he might end up hurting.


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I'm so confused right now. In that I could not completely understand why SJ wanted to break up with MR now but he was just so smitten a few episodes back. But, with your input gummi, I'm trying, really, to understand him.

If someone can offer more POV, I'd be happy to know more. xD


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I think it's because SJ felt terrible that future MR continued to wait for him, even until the day before she died--in a way, kind of "wasting the remainder of her life" on him when he had been gone 2 years at that point (and remember, SJ has yet no idea why he disappeared or whether he could've done something about it had it been involuntary). It didn't help that KD said something to the effect of, "What's 1 month of happiness to a lifetime of despair?" in the hopes of leading SJ to think that the longer he stays, the harder it will be for MR when he disappears, which is true to an extent. Recall that SJ did say it "burdened" him that she was waiting for him when he tried to break up with her.

tl;dr Noble idiocy, on both future MR and present SJ's ends.


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I think he was also trying to honor future MaRin's wishes.


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That's how I read it as well.
Just when you think a future of MR being in a wheelchair and then getting killed a few years later was miserable, you get one where she was rescued by SJ, married him, waited for him for years in such a sad state, and then got killed.

Ugh! the universe is intent on making MR's life miserable!


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Ugh! the universe is intent on making MR’s life miserable!

When you put it that way, all I can say is poor Bap Soon. Then again, it's not like she had no control over some aspects of her life.


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And I think communication in the present plays an important role in this whole noble idiotic move.


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I guess if things keep happening the way they are now, so joon disappears one day ( I guess this is the terrible thing that happened to Him that future ma rin mentions) and ma rin keeps waiting for him to return, unable to move on. To save her from that kind of life, so joon is breaking up with her now.


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I reaaally don't mean to be rude but have you been watching the show? like all the episodes? because he's been told to divorce her for like 6 episodes now. And he never wanted to do it because he felt like whatever was it that goes wrong he can change it later. He loves her so he doesn't want to. Dude at least tell me you watched this episode at least? He had to observe his wife wait for him at the subway (something she does often and has done for 2 years at that point) even though he might never come back, and he watched her doing so on, what he knows, is her last day alive. Of course he wants to spare her the pain!


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I watched the show and I just wanted to ask people their opinion about So Joon's intentions. I've got my own theories and interpretations but it's fun to read other people's opinion too.


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Nooo not the noble idiot move !

And I thought he'd travel less now that MaRin is in the secret as well, and she's so us, telling him just to simply live in the present. That heartbreaking cry MaRin did in the subway, ooof.


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Noble idiocy all around. I knew future Marin was being a noble idiot but now So Joon too? If he disappeared from time traveling maybe he should listen to Marin's advice and STOP TIME TRAVELING! Argh...such unnecessary heartache. This drama started out with such a good premise with a nice mystery but now it feels like it's spinning circles around the same premise without even a step forward in trying to figure out that Director Kim is the killer or the events that really lead to their deaths. The cute moments keep me watching but the dumb choices are so frustrating.


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It's not 100 % noble idiocy. he is also abit hard to consider get rid of his habit to goes to the future


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I think he's addicted to time traveling. He can't stop himself from tinkering with the future and the allotted time available to make changes is getting smaller and smaller. It seems the pathways are already set and nearly unchangeable. In my mind, splitting up may be the only way to reset their future. They may be able to get back together if they can survive past Mar 25th, 2017.


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If the future is that you and your loved one would die, you'd get a little obsessed too.

He doesn't believe in predestination. But with the chairman's murder, he had to wonder. Since it seems like the universe? the future? was intent on having the chairman die. Is everything predestined? How much of a role does free will has on one's future? Can free will beat predestination? Is every action that he takes leading to some sort of self-fulfilling prophecy? And is doing nothing a form of action in itself?

I'm sure his head is about to explode!


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The problem with So Joon is that he doesn't neatly fit into a K-Drama mold in my opinion. Well, this is more of a good thing in that it keeps you thinking about what drives his decisions.

If the future is that you and your loved one would die, you’d get a little obsessed too.

If he could go into the past, you could bet your bottom dollar that he would try to save his parents at almost any cost. In that vein, having the ability to time travel has been his major problem solving tool he has become dependent on. It's become part of his everyday it seems. Hence, it really wouldn't be farfetched to say that he's become addicted. What is somewhat annoying yet totally understandable with the future here is that his actions and decisions have yet to be truly altruistic in that he is still worried about himself in the whole equation--who wouldn't be. What's interesting to see though is how Ma Rin is become less of a means to an end and more someone he truly cares about.


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On the other hand, I think he is quite motivated by altruistic intentions. There's a part of me that interprets his actions as coping mechanisms to the "why did I survive the Namyeong accident?" question.

It has to be naturally psychological for him to need to process both the fact that he survived the accident and that he was given the gift of time travelling. To me, when he started happiness and let it exponentially grow, the same with MyReits, he became a pillar of sort to everyone around him. He literally changed lives. even though he said at the onset of the drama that he doesn't like to meddle, he does, i.e. giving Kidoong's sis that graduate school money and insisting that Se Young works for Happiness. His frustration with his friend who was eventually going to cheat in the future showed how much of a hands-on dude he can really be. He's a bit of a control freak and that's understandable given that he really can see the future. I think it's all a by-product of the hey i survived and I can time travel too equation. He must be wondering what he's still alive for and going altruistic is as natural as it gets, except his altruism still feels frustrating within the bounds of marriage. Well, marriage. That's what it always is, frustrating. But hey.

So anyway, with all that background plus his deep sense of need for Marin, it must drive him really nuts that he can't do anything about the so called death.


i'm also convinced that he has accepted his death pretty much until Do Shik possibly influenced him to save Marin's life. He must have been convinced he'll die until that one fine day when he decided to interfere, again, and save Marin's life which eventually resulted to him marrying her, and then falling madly deeply in love with her.

So I think some of the most pressing questions of the drama are:

1. Can love change fates?; or
2. Is love fate itself?; and then
3. What becomes of love when death suddenly becomes part of the equation?

The presence of the opportunity to love nor the capacity to time travel doesn't necessarily obliterate the power of free will. So Joon had to input Marin's getting hit by a car on his smartphone. That was a conscious choice. So regardless of the answers to the above questions, the true power of "choice" resurfaces. Choice is what changes lives and it affects both fate and love. The true nail-biter is whether or not it also affects death.


Oh finally!
As much as I got frustrated over SJ's decision, given his background story, personality, and everything I really can't blame him for those sucks and dumb choices he made. Also the way he tried to solve things. All he had over 7 years in his life was going back and forth to the future and it has been solving almost all of his problem. So I don't really see why he couldn't also see going to the future would not solve this problem.
And honestly I've been on K-drama run before this one (3 dramas in a week, like monday to saturday full of kdramas phew..) and I stopped after those dramas ended. And finally, this one's something different! Stupid choices, noble idiocy, love-driven self-hurting decision, but still in a corridor of realistic people with real personalities, real way of thinking. I mean we all would go SJ wouldn't we?


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Is it obvious that I have been camping out here? :D

It seems to me that time traveling is an obsession to Sojoon now. Or maybe a sort of comfort? After he found out that he can time travel, he based all his present actions to what he sees in the future. To him, it's the only truth, something that he can be sure of. So to tell him to stop doing that, I can imagine him feeling lost. I'm also frustrated that he just won't stop going to the future but it's consistent to the personality we've seen from him.

That scene with him and Dooshik wrecked me so bad. He's just so broken and desperate. When he said, Marin is the only family he has now, I just cried. Then there's Marin asking him to not go to the future because whenever he does, he's not here in the now. That hurts so much because it's true.

Also, I'm so happy that Seyoung and Kidoong are getting married in the future! It makes me think that what if Sojoon was able to keep Seyoung's dad from being killed, would Seyoung still leave for Japan? If she does, would she feel the same way for Kidoong now? It seems that she found comfort in him while she grieved and that built up her affections for him. So if they saved Dad, does that mean that Seyoung and Kidoong wouldn't get married? Positively speaking, some things still worked.

TWY has always been heavy to watch so I'm grateful for having Secretary Hwang in this. His comedic timing is amazing.


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To think this was supposed to be a romcom at one point. And you're so right on the obsession. When he was telling Marin he can't stop, he reminded me of a struggling addict. He just can't seem to stop and that's what's going to hurt his relationships.


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well To stop something you continuously get used to, it will take time to break it for real. It will be unrealistic and out of character if he get rid of that habit easily without struggle.


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I think I would be more sympathetic if he showed some attempt of trying to stop. That's why the scene of him disappearing in front of Marin was so much more tragic. So far he knows he disappears while time traveling and Marin (and even Kidoong) have practically begged him to stop but he refused. It would be more realistic to me that if he loved Marin, he would try not to travel even if it's just until after the reported date of his disappearance. Yes, he would struggle and we would see him during this struggle. He may even regress and return to the subway but at least he attempted to be mindful of what Marin said in the present. Marriage is also about listening and working together. Right now it's just Sojoon making his own decisions.


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Ma Rin is also abit hard to consider break her ties with happiness, and it's still working until now, why not SJ? he doesn't take that advice so far because he is just doesn't find time travelling is dangerous and doesn't get ma rin's fear. he is already seven years doing this and nothing bad happen to him.


But then to me it seems more like he's "addicted" to the idea that he can still save Marin and that the only way to ensure so is if he keeps checking the goings on in the future. The silent look on his facr in that coffee shop tells mr that he has to travel because he needs to save her.


I think so joon was obsessed with time travelling in the starting. But now when he told to ma rin he couldn't stop going to the future, I thought he was lying. Now I feel like he is going to the future to try to save ma rin.


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This is what I feel too...I just wish both Marin and So Joon didn't make decisions based on noble idiocy, even if the reason is compelling.


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I love the acting at that scene. When he played stubborn like a kid insisting to continue no matter what because of the "land" and he has this smile. Yet his eyes were wavering and the smile hides the truth of his stubbornness to keep traveling was because he wanted her alive in the future.


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I wasn't concentrating on his face during my first watch because I watched it raw. Watching it a 2nd time while keeping your comment in mind, I realized how well acted that scene was.


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That scene when SoJoon was crying and saying Marin is his only family. oof! I cried too.

In the beginning knowing the future was fun and it seems like "well, why wouldn't you want to know the future? I'd be curious?". But man...knowing the future is much worse than not knowing at all. Sometimes, I'm like "well, if the future is making you miserable, stop visiting it and stop making these dumb decisions in trying to fiddle around with it". But for me, the future is something that is vague and intangible. But for SJ, the future is as real and tangible and possibly set as the present. MR's looming death is as real as if she is dying during the present.

And if a higher power had bestowed on you the power to visit the future, there must be a reason and wouldn't the reason be to change the future?


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Lol..You are right. Just stay home..


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Hahaha. If we had you solve the problems this show puts forward we might end up with a series that's half as long. But yes, communication is one of the villains in this show. Everyone lies, some tell half truths, and everyone thinks they know what's best for others.


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Anybody noticed here how the other detective asked if So-joon was acting strangely & wearing out of season attire? I think in the future, he might've known something. But how it was unleashed was still a question mark though. That's another thing that interests me.

My heart breaks in the particular scene where So-joon disappeared right in front of Ma-rin's eyes. It was horrifying to witness and I am with Ma-rin who anxiously waited for him to come back. And it's become her habit. One thing is sure though, that he disappeared when he went to the future, because Ma-rin is still waiting for him to go back.

I can actually relate with So-joon trying to break up with Ma-rin. It scares him that she'll live her life waiting for him to comeback without knowing that she'll die the next day. If I were in his shoes, the instant reaction is that I'll try to break up with her and let her live her life without me. We know that by this time, So-joon is deeply in love with Ma-rin that's why he's hurting so much.

But then, what's with Kim Yong Jin affecting their lives? I mean there's nothing extraordinary about him, unless he has some sort of super powers too (and I hope it won't turn out this way coz I'll laugh hard).


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I noticed that bit about the detective too. It's a wild one but I'm guessing the detective must have reviewed so many cctv footages in his quest to look for so joon and must have encountered several past so joons during that search.


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i picked up on that, as well!

don't quite know what that means, but the cctv concept/theory makes sense, that someone is noting his appearances at odd times wearing unseasonable clothing...

still can't figure out how this is going to work out -- which is what makes this drama so GOOD!!! if it were predictable, it'd be totally boring!


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Well, it is simple. If your husband disappeared and you are certain how did he disappear, what would you tell the police? Of course it is his peculiar habit in the area where he disappear and likely to make appearence.
Marin could just tell them that So Joon has a certain habit that makes him jump in the subway and never made an arrival to his destination. And then coming back to the prior station with clothes from the wrong season. Weird habit. The police would just accept it as an important pointer to find him. No one should tell anyone else that he is actually time travelling.


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Perhaps the detective is another time-traveler? Who knows? As far as the show is concerned, it hasn't established that only SJ and Doo Shik are the only time-travelers.

And also... I was thinking that since DS seems not to be around in 2019 (for whatever reasons), what if he just transferred his duties of watching over SJ to that detective? Perhaps he was still busy visiting the future in hopes of finding a way to save MR and SJ.

But then who really is that cop that he would get involved in all this?


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I find it sad that some people are dropping the drama because they find it slow, convoluted, and "going in circles," what with MR and SJ's constant clashes, and the paucity of info about March 2019, and SJ and DS's connection. Might be just me but, from a story-telling perspective, the roll-out of conflicts makes sense narratively especially since episode 6. It did get a little slow from episodes 9-11, but actually once an issue was resolved they never really did come up again. It's not as tight as I would like it to be, true, but you can tell that everything was written with intent, i.e. No matter how trivial a scene appeared it always, always provided necessary information to push forward at least one of the story's threads. I think the way conflict introduction and resolution is handled in TWY is quite methodical and follows a pattern, actually (and maybe that's why some people find it "boring," because there's a certain element of repetition). If someone made a list of the conflicts SJ and MR (+DS, other characters) set up from the beginning they are each being addressed sequentially.

Although there are also other plot points that remain unresolved at this point (i.e. Was MR passing out when SJ saved her further evidence to the fact that the future cannot be changed, only altered? Was DS bluffing when he said he saw his daughter with 3 kids? Why did present SJ disappear when he didn't make it to the subway, and what is its relevance to the plot? Why did SJ disappear and yet was present in the intersection to die with MR on March 25, 2019?), I'm willing to hold out for four more episodes just to see if we get intellectually and emotionally satisfying answers. Probably because I'm too invested in MR and SJ at this point to bail out.

I wanted to bring this up because so far I've been enjoying the drama but I've noticed that the reactions have been mixed lately, and I wanted to know if it's not just me being crazy/if others have similar or other thoughts re: story-telling, writing (others have better insights on the plot, characters themselves, so I'll leave that to them). Wondering if anyone has insights on these haha.


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This was beautifully said, and it's not just you! I'm loving the contemplative long shots and the way these characters interact and surmount challenges. They seem so real that I can understand why audiences would find it too heavy to watch, but it definitely isn't poor writing, acting, directing, editing, or music choice. Everything is so spot on and utterly heartfelt. I find it miles better than Goblin, honestly.


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I wholeheartedly agree...this is way better than Goblin.


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Wow!! I totally agree with you. I thought I am the only one enjoying this drama way more than Goblin. This is most underrated drama. I love this drama to the bones. I think this drama has deeper meaning than what it shows. I learned a lot from this drama. It felt really realistic for me


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Haha. It's interesting that there are realistic and relatable elements in a show that's driven by fantasy. Ma Rin and So Joon's relationship is interesting because it's different from the norm in Dramaland--they remind me of our SKL OTP in that way. They are both deeply flawed characters who love each other and who both make a ton of mistakes along the way. It also doesn't hurt that they act that a normal couple with the amount of skinship on display.


I think people are expecting too much from it. They want explanation for every single thing that's happening. Some might be overthinking. I'm like that too. I want explanations but for this drama, I've learned to just go with the flow. It all makes sense to me because the characters have their own personality and their actions just follow that. I understand why Marin, Sojoon, heck, even Director Kim, are doing what they are doing.

I agree about your point on the "repetitions". It seems that some people just see that as them fighting, reconciling, and then doing that again. However, like you said, they are taking it in strides. Every argument, they learn something new about each other. They grow.

People have different opinions and I've kind of accepted that Tomorroww With You is just not for everyone. Still, it's quite frustrating that the things I love about the show are exactly the same reasons why people are dropping or just not watching it.


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Well not everything single detail has to be explained in our face and make it obvious to audience. they give us a clue, we are the one who have to figure out the purpose of every scene.


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I agree with you. Some people expect an explanation for everything, or they expect them to come faster. It's about people's taste and expectations for a drama. As you said, the ones that enjoy TWY are the ones that go with the flow, appreciate the beauty of their scenes, their development as a couple... I understand it could be slow for others, but I honestly don't feel like "nothing ever happens". Maybe it's because I watch TWY interested in it as a whole, not just waiting for the plot to be resolved.

Me too, everything they do, decide, makes sense to me, every character is accordingly to their personalities. SJ and MR fights were necessary and they don't tire me, because they get to know each other better thanks to their discussions. If they don't talk they won't ever know what the other thinks, feels.

I'm not so sure about the noble idiocy concept. I'm not of the opinion they're being noble idiots. I understand where they're coming from. If I were SJ probably I would also try to break up.


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Actually I'm convinced that the sense of repitition is actually inherent to the drama. Do you remember the restaurant proposal scene with the flower couple where they literally walked around in circles inside the restaurant only to find themselves back in the same spot? I think the narrative stayed true to that motion and I adore the consistency. I agree that it may look frustrating at face value but the depth of their arguments, although rooted in the same causes have consistently changed.

For example:
Fight one - not going home, which was resolved when he opened up about his past (his parents)

Fight two - asking her to leave happiness, which was resolved by him telling her he can time travel

Fight three - asking to reconsider marriage, which I fearlessly predict will be resolved when he admits that the future holds dreary things for them both.

The cause of the argument is the same but the growth in their relationship is exponential. Their bond is simply growing deeper and deeper.

My only ire against the drama is that the logic tends to get tangled up into a mess. I mean, why can't So Joon temporarily migrate with Marin to wait March 25, 2019 over? Anyway, he did try to send SeYoung's dad to Japan. I suppose that sort of mess is the collateral anybody has to pay for a time travelling drama but as for the artistic taste, the poignance of the drama, the script, the music, I reaaaallly reaaaally like it. It's definitely very sweet for me.

This is the kind of saccharine drama that hits it well for me. It's so romantic it makes me want to get married. I like it best because it doesn't ground the romance on overt gestures of cuteness. I think it's most romantic because it's grounded on realistic interactions and conversations-- stuff real couples do and go through. I like this kind of representation of love. It really isn't all passion and cutesy memories. It's albout fights and livid conversations and painful attempts to connect with each other, failing once, twice, and trying repeatedly like you were never ever tired.


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wonderfully said! I was also thinking about the repetition and the circling theme too. Even at the still shots at the end of every episode move in circles, which was one of the things that caught my eye about the drama. And with time travel - the idea of causal loops is there.

I also love how the romance feels very grounded. There are misunderstandings and disappointments and an investment in trying to overcome them because you love each other that much. When I view my friends' romantic relationships. The ones that looked constantly rock solid from day #1 - there have been a few times when I've been shocked to hear years later of a fight or a moment when it didn't seem like they were going to make it.
I'm sure there will be many moments when they argue over very serious matters, fight, cry, ignore each other, converse, compromise, make up, and then end up the better for it.


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Beautifully written! ♥

The realistic potrayal of their marriage and love is what I love about this drama too. Like the conversations they have (except for the aegyo parts) where he peels fruits and she tells him of what she learnt about marriage from books. When she asks him about his past relationships and when he tells her that they ll start dating from now. These all seem like such everyday conversations that any couple might have, I love it.

It is not the usual kdrama type of love which is extremely cute to watch but we all know the chances of it happening in anybody's life are slim. That's why I feel people including myself love to watch those dramas because they provide us an escape from our regular boring lives. But this drama is somewhat realistic despite the time travelling aspect. Its nice to see dramas of these kind once in a while too. To make us see that all relationships require commitment and love throughout our life to make it work. That there is no such thing as a happily ever after but I sincerely hope that our OTP stays alive, tackle problems together, have arguments, be adorable the way they are now and grow old together. That would be my happy ending for them.


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Couldn't agree with you more. Changing character in real life is hard. I have seen it time and time again that this circular pattern of painfully-slow but dynamic change is real. Honestly, I think what frustrates viewers is that its not following the common pattern of change one would find satisfying in a drama. Perhaps this is just too real.


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Totally agree with you!!! Thank you for stating all of that. That's exactly what I am thinking. That is life you know, you fight, you made up and then new problems come up, you find the solution later. Moreover for the newlyweeds. I think it is totally logical that Ma Rin and So Joon argued a lot, because they only know each other for short period of time. This drama teach us how to love each other selflessly, putting in each other as priority even before ourselves. That's exactly what So Joon trying to do. I think So Joon done everything the best he could've think of. If I put myself on So Joon's shoes, honestly I don't even know what to do. It is too much for him to bear too. It takes a lot of courage and of course selflessness. But I believe, in the end, love will win all the way.


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Hear, hear!


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Thank you very much for everything you said. I can't agree more with your insight over their fights.


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Since I've gone this far I'll probably stay for the finish, but I wouldn't have started if I had known. I thought the premise sounded great, but....

If only I had a way to jump ahead and read the year-end reviews so I could know which shows were worth watching, then jump back to watch and post comments for new episodes :)


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for me, it's rate lower because the story makes our actor suffering from sad to much. so far I can understand what Future Ma Rin did. She want So-Joon came to the future in order to avoid him know what Mr. Kim did. But unfortunately, Doo-Shik finally pulled So-Joon to knew that Mr. Kim betrayed him. That's the point, when other tried to save him, the other put him in danger. Looks like, Doo-Shik will be die. Can you see the calendar which he was marked. There is an end of his circling. May be that day he will die or something dangerous happen to him. Actually he tried to change his destiny too. Like So-Joon did. But unfortunately he mess it up.


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I don't think the poster meant any harm with their post. It seemed more like a morale booster for those who are sticking with the show than it was an attempt to decry it's critics.


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Please correct me if I take your comment in the wrong way,
but I feel like you were just assuming things that might not be the case.
The poster was just expressing her/his concern and the admiration towards this drama. (I need her/his clarification to validate this) I believe the poster wasn't trying to 'guild trip'. I don't find any negativity addressed to those who 'dropped or put the show on hold' in that comment above. The poster also didn't seem to 'pity others' as you're assuming. The whole post is just about the stuffs found in the drama which are the opposite from what you see. And that's okay. There's no problem with that, right? :)
I haven't seen a direct/indirect attack to anyone in any TWY's recaps, people here are civil so far.
(For the record, I like to read different opinions. It makes me think more objectively. I don't think those who disagree with my opinion are trying to convince me to move to their side. Oh and the 'biggest flaw' you mentioned, I think most people here have noticed that too).


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I love the fact this show takes time to enjoy little moments. It's very "Zen-like."


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I don't know what it is about this couple, maybe its the way they are acted or its the way the scenes are directed or the music or maybe its all of these things together. But, this couple always gets me hard. My heart ached When so joon cried that ma rin is his only family, it fluttered when he kissed her in the car, it hurt when they argued in the final scene. This OTP makes me feel everything they are feeling.

But, what I don't get is, before it was believed that them getting married will change their future for the best and now everyone is believing that them separating will make both their lives better? Aaaahh!


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I love their moments together. It's much more believable than your typical OTP's. I also feel like the skin-ship moments weren't just done for fan service, but also to portray a realistic couple who just happen to be affected by time travel.


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Ugh, I'm so mad So Joon noble idioted. That he gave in to the dubious future warnings and broke up with Ma Rin in the present. You're better than that, So Joon! I already had a sinking feeling when he acted standoffish upon his return from the "other world." I like how they showed us why Future Ma Rin waits by the stairs.

Ma Rin hit the nail on the head when she admitted, "I worry that you'll disappear and you won't be able to come back." If someone tells you you'll disappear after going to the future, wouldn't the obvious thing be to NOT go to the future? Too bad at this point the future has become an addiction for him. I can't take Lee Je Hoon crying. So Joon choking back sobs on the subway killed me. Likewise, when Doo Shik broke down and cried with his inconsolable son-in-law. I empathized when Ma Rin unconsciously shed tears after So Joon disappeared before her eyes. The reality of her husband being a time traveler must have really hit home at that moment.

I swoon every time So Joon cuts Ma Rin off mid-sentence with a kiss. He can make the most ordinary situation romantic. At least Ma Rin was testing out her driving skills on his Range Rover and not his Porsche.

It was so good to see Se Young smiling. I laughed at Gun Sook practicing her Vietnamese. I have to confess, when I saw Gun Sook and Secretary Hwang at the convenience store, I thought they were there to buy condoms. ?

A big thanks for recapping, gummimochi!


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me too re: GS and Secretary Hwang! I thought they were going to have an affair!


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Ack! This guy is terrible solving problems, he's so hang up on the future that he practically doesn't live in the present anymore. He thinks he's preventing the unfortunate future, ignorant to the fact that he's doing exactly the very thing he is trying to prevent.

Yes! The show is about a time traveller(more like a-future-traveller) but maybe, if he payed a little attention to the present.....


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In MR's case, he was able to prevent her from getting hit by a car in the first episode and she seemed to make it through the next three years without being in a wheelchair. But in the Chairman's case, he noticed that everything he did to prevent it sort of lead to it. So with these conflicting results, what is the right decision to make?


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it's because with chairman's case Doo-Shik was involved too. So there was another variable. It was different from Ma-Rin case. I thought Doo-Shik was trying to save himself, trying to change his destiny too. He knew he will die, may be because of Yong-Jin. See the circling of his calendar end in the end of month. Maybe that was time he will die..Heehe, I feel like a detective already. And I send many comments on this thread *pardon


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I agree. When he saved Ma Rin he was by her side and that is why he was able to save her. But in the case of Se Young's father he went to the future to wait for an article instead of being there close to the person in danger and keep away from the danger zone if possible.

And now he's breaking up with Ma Rin, suposedly for her own good.
Like someone said, he's living in the future and making dicisions based on what he saw or heard from the future.

Now. Like Ma Rin said, if So Joon though of her first and heeded her request, don't you think things could be a bit different?


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For some reason, I don't believe that So-joon disappeared when he went to the future and never came back. It suddenly struck me in this episode that Director Kim has something to do on So-joon's disappearance, and if that's the case then its almost certain that So-joon will be killed by Director Kim and his body was never or not yet found after 2 years. Dorector Kim is certainly capable of doing such a deed, he already killed once, what's to stop him killing again and becoming more calculative and careful in disposing any evidence of his crimes. His behavior is becoming mor unhinged by the day and that makes him a loose canon ready to destroy the lives of So-joon and Ma-rin.


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I also think he'll be killed or at least hurt. The only thing that doesn't make sense, if that is the case, is how come Sojoon was there during the March 25 accident? He looked fine and was driving his car when it happened. It appeared like he was still nowhere to be found the day before.


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and that my friend is why I'm even more convinced that in this latest version of a future So Joon sacrificed himself to keep Marin alive. And i'm convinced Marin is likely not going to die on March 25.


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I think that in the original timeline, So-joon did not disappear and died with ma-rin on the same day and time on march 25 but that future changed. The first change in his future is when he went to the future and learned that he married Ma-rin, he tried to resist that future by cutting ties to Ma-rin. Then he saw the future where future So-joon asked him to try and make his relationship with Ma-rin work and saw the accident happen and Ma-rin asking him not to leave her that made him determined to save Ma-rin. With So-joon constantly doing things in the present to change their future, that future ultimately changed to where So-joon disappeared leaving Ma-rin alone and I also believe that Ma-rin won't die the next day in the current future So-joon saw.

*Sorry if I messed some of the events.. and hope you understand what I wanted to say.


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Don't worry. I completely understand what you meant. That helped me a lot. One question answered! Thank you!^^


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I don't think So Joon is killed. If he truly dead even two years after his disappearence, then how could he visit march 24th? He should not be capable to time travel over his time of death.


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U got a sharp eye here! I also thought that he won't be killed. Maybe Doo Shik will sacrifice himself for the happiness of the two.

And since I'm so obsessed with the next 2 episodes, I think I gotta learn from Yoon So Joon. That I shouldn't bother myself thinking so hard about the next episodes and their future because it's already making my head explode. And that I should just enjoy the few remaining episodes. Hahahaha

But still, just like Doo Shik, I hope they get a happy ending or at least spend their remaining days full of love. And So joon will not disappear.


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Sometimes I wonder if he's maybe trapped in 2020 completely enjoying life with Marin. With a baby on the way too.

In that scene where Future Marin was waiting at the subway and past So Joon was right behind her watching, I just wished So Joon would hug her from behind. I wonder how that would make Marin feel. Kidong was already so earnest, imagine what it was like for future Marin to see So Joon outside the store! For sure she must have wanted to just hold him.


That will hurt so good if that happened. I am also waiting for some scene where Past SJ and Future Marin met and actually there is a skinship or hug scene where both are crying for their doomed future. I know it will be very sad but if these two are the actors I bet it will be very beautiful yet heartbreaking.


My heart broke with yours, Gumi, when Future Ki Doong pleaded to have a meal with Past So Joon. He was so desperate to have him back in their lives I could taste the grief lingering within him. Heart-wrenching jinjja.

Oh and Marin watching her husband disappear right before her eyes: It almost felt like death. It's exactly like that moment when life passes and dissipates in front of us. Anybody who has lost a pet would know. Imagine having to go through that pain repeatedly every time your husband rides the subway. It's one thing knowing the ones we love are a mode of transportation ticket away, it's another knowing that we can't go where they are. It really is like death. Wasn't it so poignant that time travelling in this drama is anchored inside a subway and yet it echoes so much the pains of dealing with death? The drama is exactly about people leaving our world. And Marin trying to follow-- if that wasn't a prelude to noble idiocy, then what is?

I know the drama is losing fans. I for one have relegated it from the must-download drama category to just watch-online. The drama is littered with narrative inconsistencies but it's heart-wrenching all the same. The hues and tones, the music is so well put together that I can easily move past the logic that can't add up. I'm captured by the focus in emotional bearings. All of the emotions of the characters in the drama are delivered with so much poignance that it becomes a deep, introspective watch. I love the focus on relationships.

oh and one thing I noticed:

He enters their house, which is still adorned with their wedding photos. He enters their bedroom, thinking of how Ma-rin occupies this house alone in the future.

The future has been changed. Note that in previous episodes, So Joon's March 25, 2019 included a house emptied of wedding photos. That's no longer true in this new future hence Mar 25, 2019 could really have already changed. Note that she's also now driving a car when in the previous March 25 future version, she was trying to hail a cab (if I remember correctly).

I'm guessing that Marin must have learned that So Joon may have sacrificed his life so that whatever it was that prompted her Mar 25, 2019 car accident couldn't happen. I'm also making a wild guess that Doo Shik may have also already died hence the apartment with new tenants.

Last 4 episodes!


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If I were as hung over as So-joon seemed (which hasn't happened in decades), I don't think I could survive a 4-hour car ride.


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Thanks for the recap gummimochi!


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I actually hope that the couple can change their destiny, life happily ever after. So-Joon need to open up his eyes wide to Doo-Shik weird act, Future Ma-Rin and Ki-Doong did. Imho..He must travelling much than before to knew what happened.. I'll keep watching the till the end. Pray for happiness end hard. ?


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*the show


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Thanks for the recap, gummimochi!

I'm still wondering what the deal is with Doo-shik and his manipulations. His hiding Director Kim's involvement in Se-young’s father's death rubs me the wrong way. He seems to think that ignorance is bliss. If I were working with an axe murderer, I'd really rather know so I could head for the hills. Why is it that only Doo-shik and So-joon are time travelers? -- Maybe there aren't supposed to be answers to these questions.

I think I have to sleep on these two episodes and let them marinate in the back of my mind for a while.


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Longtime lurker here, but I finally caught up to the latest episode so I'm gonna leave my two cents here:

I have a feeling So-Joon will do the disappearing act to protect Ma-Rin from Director Kim. Maybe somewhere within this October 2016 timeline, it will be Ma-Rin who will figure out that Director Kim was the person behind Mr Shin's death all along. And because Director Kim is crazy unstable these days, what's to stop him from going after Ma-Rin... And we all know how So-Joon will do anything to protect Ma-Rin.

Maybe he'll find this out when he travels forward, steps in to protect her, gets hurt and ends up getting stuck in the future. Who knows, maybe even Doo Shik will be in the picture too and HE will try to save So-Joon, that's why he's missing in the 2019 timeline.

Then fast forward to the date that everybody dreads, I'm holding on to the hope that it will be the date that, instead of So-Joon and Ma-Rin dying at the same time, it will be the date that they'll get reunited. Like the future catching up to the present?

Idk, ahhh this kdrama is making me crazy (in a good way ofc)! Love, love, love this show, especially the two leads. They have so much chemistry!


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The one pricking stick that bother me all these times about this time travel convo is always the visit of past So-Joon to the present So-Joon in episode 5. Is So-Joon actually visiting himself in his own story and timeline? Or is he actually jump into an alternate universe based on the decision he makes right now? Is time linear like in Butterfly Effect or is it branched like in Orange?

And then after replaying So-Joon’s every future-visit scenes so many times, that I almost pop my eyeballs out in order to take a better look at every details in his house’s interior before I convinced myself, that time indeed branches in this story. Of course, what I would try to explain in here is just a probability.

Let’s say that the real So-Joon right now is the one we’ve been following from episode one, and call him So-Joon A to avoid confusion. He tend to interfere with incident in the present that would actually changed the future. This later bring us to the first alternative future at the deathly March accident before So-Joon knows about Ma-Rin at all. With Doo-Shik curious propaganda towards this accident, So-Joon then made his very first conscious contact with Ma-Rin and help her from accident. From here on, So-Joon A made several different attemp to alternate his future with her:

1. After his nice gesture towards Ma-Rin (cough gave her umbrela cough) So Joon A visited the future to found out that he is already married to Ma-Rin. His house interior is full of wedding photos. Even his walpaper, bed sheet, and sofa are different. In this universe, So-Joon A’s decision brought So-Joon B in the future to married to Ma-Rin.

2. After freaking out over the sudden marriage, he broke things off with Ma-Rin. This decision brought him to the alternative universe where So-Joon (now C) doesn’t marry her. We can see that his house’s interior is turning back into his originals. The sofa is not changed yet. So does everything else.
3. After he found out that Ma-Rin is a fellow survivor like him, So-Joon A visited the future again where he talk to So-Joon (could still be So-Joon C or D, so let’s just settle with D) that looked and sounded devastated over the gate. At this moment, the alternate universe he visited is still having the same outcome. He doesn’t marry Ma-Rin. But from the look at it, we could suggest that this time So-Joon D is already in love with Ma-Rin. Again, the house’s interior would show us how the house is empty from Ma-rin’s touch. In here, He still wondering what is his relation with Ma-Rin all along.

4. After Doo-Shik suggested him to marry Ma-Rin, So-Joon A visited the future again. In this alternate story, So-Joon (now maybe So-Joon E) is visiting the intersection where him and future Ma-Rin supposed to be dead. There is no house’s interior I can reference myself to. But seeing So-Joon E asking So-Joon A to work things out with Ma-Rin, I think even in this universe So-Joon B doesn’t marry Ma-Rin either.



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With this pattern we can make a hypothesis that timeline isn’t actually linear where every decision would change a single future. Every decision present So-Joon made now not only would change the future but also produced the new version of himself. There are billion kind of So-Joon in this hypothesis. All kind of So-Joon is born from different choices So-Joon A made at every timelines. As I also do believe that in this hypothesis, every future So-Joon that he visited all these times, is actually not him. They are just the projection of what So-Joon A would become after he step into the path of timeline he chooses whenever he made a certain decision. The real So-Joon would always be the one that made decision in the present. If he followed the time of events like the future himself projecting, then the future would set as so. But if he abandoned that time of event and made an alternate decision, he would also abandoned himself from that projection’s path of timeline and producing a new kind of So Joon. So Joon C would never marry Ma Rin. So does So-Joon D and E. So-Joon E would always be dead. But we would never know about So-Joon B’s future, because So-Joon A had already abandon this future projection of him.

This is the only theory I can come up with to accomodate the fact that there is exist the past So-Joon (A’) that can make a visit to the present So-Joon (A), but couldn’t ripple any of the event in the present time with his decision in his own timeline. If past So-Joon can make attemp 1 like in the explanation I wrote above, and meet the present Ma Rin like how Present So-Joon (A) meet future Ma Rin. How can the present doesn’t change if past So-Joon (A’) took attemp 2??
The answer would be, that So-Joon A’ actually jumped into So-Joon A timeline after billion chances of making the exact same decision with So-Joon A. And after watching the projection of his decision, he turned back to his own timeline and makes his own next decision. Every decision So-Joon A’ made in his own timeline would’t interfere with the original So-Joon A’s timeline. He would just simply jump himself again into another alternative universe where his decision match the projections.

A’ ---------------- A’
A ---------------- A
B ---------------- B

I could be wrong, I could be just thinking too much. But if I were wrong then I have to force myself to agree that the visit of Past So-Joon is merely a plot hole. And that would make me sad. But if I were right, then I would be sad all the same. Because no matter how much we wish them for a happy ending, there are hundreds of timelines where another So-Joon exists but die without even knowing Ma-Rin or even fall in love with her...

I hope I made sense... --_______--


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I agree with you. Couldn't write it any better than you presented.

In short, whichever the decision So Joon is, most likely it will affect the future. But just as the same, the future won't change. The ending will still be at the crossroads where they will meet an accident. It will depend though if they will survive the tragedy or not.


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I used to think that things that are fated will happen eventually and that Sojoon can't do anything about it. But then I realized that maybe his future is changing every day. He only sees his future at one point in time. Who knows if that future will change if he decides to do something else in the present? He rarely travels to the future of the same day and time. Hence, he doesn't know if there are minor changes in one particular future that he has seen before. Like say if I decide to stop eating chocolates now, my future self would lose weight but since I decided to keep my love for chocolates, then my future self would gain weight. This example is not even close to Sojoon's situation right now but I'm trying to make it as simple as I can. I'm not even sure if I'm making sense. lol.

But yeah, I think we're making our own future and a particular timeline can change depending on our day by day decisions.


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This episode continued in having great moments. We don’t all have the perfect relationship, or better yet, we don’t have typical relationships. It’s then that it hit me, this drama reminds me of Shopping King Louis in that way.

K-Dramas and the teaching to drive scenes. These shows make it seem like changing lanes is the hardest part of driving. At least the show references the absurdity of other shows with the same trope--sitting in the lap to learn to drive. I liked the indicator and windshield wiper mix up. Some cars have them in inverse.

I also loved the red ginseng moment. I didn't quite believe our hapless heroine that it's good for hangovers, but it turns out she was right. It also turns out that google says it can be used to treat impotence. Hmmm...anyways, thankfully I now know what's in those packets--I've been trying to figure that out for the longest while.


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Hahahaha XD that ginseng moment was definitely a product placement but you're interpretation of that scene made the scene more adorable and fitted to the show instead of simply putting an advertisement. +100


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Thanks for the recap Gummimochi!

I love your take on Marin. This episode made me love her more after I felt frustrated with some of her behavior lol.


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I honestly don't consider any of their actions noble idiocy. It makes sense why Soo Joon would want to break it off and it's understandable why future Ma Rin would want to break it off. From Soo Joon's perspective he's been told by multiple people that he should break it off with Ma Rin and that nothing good lies in their future together, of course he would want to spare her from that kind of misery. There is the idea of communicating the issue with each other but I think he's at defeated stage, that no matter what he does to make their relationship work, it'll always end with her waiting miserably and dying in the end. That's not the future any person would want for their loved ones. It's the same idea for future Ma Rin, she doesn't want him to suffer so she lies and keep information hidden from him. Now are their actions smart? No, of course not but honestly in a bleak situation like this, I wouldn't be able to make smart decisions either.

Rather than a rom-com, I've always seen this show as a couple tumbling through the rough roads in a relationship. If you take away the time-travelling aspect, there's a lot of problems in their relationship and I feel their problems hit close to a lot of people (maybe part of the reason why the ratings are low). I've always seen this show as a couple coming through their problems with a new outlook, stronger bond and understanding for each other. Both Ma Rin and Soo Joon have shown they can solve their problems if they listen and allow the other person to enter their world but with the time-travelling aspect dropped into it, it turns their world upside down, makes talking to each other a lot more difficult and it's harder to understand where each person is coming from. They're still having trouble trying to navigate (honestly who wouldn't) but every time they fight, it's a path way to a stronger bond and love. And I love that.

Welp. A block of text... oops


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+100 well put and whole heartedly agreed. I'm guessing the noble idiocy will turn out to be an inescapable choice. But of course, I'm still wishing that they leave the country while they still can. Seriously.


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Okay, hold up. I just finished Episode 12 and I'm trying to get my feels around the fact that we've got four episodes left... Am I the last one to realize that the last episode of the series actually falls on March 25?! ?


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no you're not. no you're not. I want to talk about episode 12 too but for now I'm going to focus my juju into dreaming their three kids through until it comes true.


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Count me in!


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And something will happen at exactly 9:15pm KST that night.


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If teaching Bong-soon to change lanes was such a struggle, did So-Joon maybe disappear because he couldn't face teaching her to parallel park ?

Too bad he can't bring a self-driving car back from the future.


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