Tomorrow With You: Episode 8

Love, love, love. One thing I enjoy most about this show is its use of poignant character moments which make me believe that love is the most complicated and wonderful emotion a human can share with others in this world. Seeing our couple so happy puts a smile on my face, even when So-joon is a clumsy (but adorable) husband who has to learn the tough lesson that love requires active participation, not passive compliance.


In the hospital room, So-joon claims that he tarnished his parents’ last moments with him by disappointing them when he got off the subway. But Ma-rin disagrees, telling him that they were probably relieved that their son evaded death.

So-joon tearfully says he hated himself whenever he found himself thinking about that night. He had tried to hide his survivor’s guilt by doing good deeds like fulfilling his parents’ lifetime dreams, but he still blames himself.

Ma-rin reassures him that the accident happened to occur on a night when he was young and immature, but he’s still a victim who lost his parents. Wiping away his tears, So-joon asks to change topics.

She apologizes for reopening old emotional wounds, and So-joon says this is all he can tell her. It’s true that there’s a big secret he’s been keeping from her, but he asks her to wait with the knowledge that it’s something he can’t tell her just yet.

“For how long?” she asks. He muses, “March 25, 2019?” He says they can go to the fireworks show that will take place that night, and afterward, he’ll tell her everything.

When she asks if it’s something worrisome, he vows never again do something he’ll come to regret later like leaving his parents behind in the subway crash: “So trust me.”

Ma-rin is discharged from the hospital the next day, but instead of heading straight home, they stop at the subway crash memorial so she can pay her belated respects to So-joon’s parents. She smiles when he suggests all the usual phrases a wife says to her in-laws, like promising to be good to their son and not making them worry about him.

Once he steps away, Ma-rin hops on his back, and he twirls her around before setting her down again. Cute.

Ma-rin can’t stop smiling at So-joon when they return home because she feels like their relationship has gone through a rebirth. She has this strange yet nice feeling that nothing but good things lie ahead for them.

She’s thankful when So-joon promises to do better, and she cheerfully announces that she won’t stay in the smaller bedroom anymore. “Of course not,” So-joon replies. “You sleep in the master bedroom, and I’ll take the smaller one.” Perplexed, Ma-rin thinks to herself, You want to keep using separate rooms?

He tells her she shouldn’t feel burdened about staying in the bigger room, which makes her question whether or not he thinks they’ve made up. But she keeps a smile on her face as he says he knows things aren’t resolved just because he shared a bit of his past with her.

When he says he knows a woman’s feelings are more complicated than a man’s, she finally speaks up, replying that the difference can’t be much when both men and women have the same limbs. He asks her if she’s heard of a “touch-me-not,” and she answers no, asking, “Is that a snake? Is it venomous?”

She tries her best to be attentive as So-joon tells her about the touch-me-not plant, whose sensitive leaves fold inward when touched. He promises to treat her in the same careful, patient manner and wait for her signal to “sleep together [hapbang]—… I mean, sleep in the same room [hanbang].” Hahaha.

He pinky-swears on it, and Ma-rin awkwardly laughs that there’s no need to get it in writing. With that, So-joon retires to the smaller room and praises himself for being so considerate. You’re an idiot.

Conversely, Ma-rin laughs in disbelief at her new nickname, and scoffs to learn that she’s been compared to a sensitive plant.

Doo-shik, meanwhile, surveys the land near the city of Jangho, where Director Kim desperately wants him to invest in. Upon hearing that Director Kim doesn’t plan on leaving his position, Doo-shik showers him with flattery and sets down a bagful of cash—along with some extra bills—as a deposit in exchange for working with him. His only condition: that Director Kim resign from MyReits.

He carefully reads Director Kim’s face and pretends to call it all off, but Director Kim agrees and thanks him for the opportunity. In his car, Director Kim darkly vows that So-joon’s era is now over.

Ma-rin wakes in the morning with an impressive bed head. She stumbles over to see So-joon, fresh out of the shower and giving himself a pep talk in the mirror to look his best for his “Touch-Me-Not.”

She quickly washes up, and when he sends a text to check if she’s still asleep, she pretends that she’s just woken up. Convinced that two can play at this game, she grabs an alluring all-black outfit and emerges from the bedroom looking perfectly made up.

So-joon, however, is dressed in athletic apparel and asks if she’ll be wearing that for their morning workout. She coyly asks what he means by “workout” and he brightly says they’re going jogging. He won’t let her off the hook today, and she alluringly asks if they can’t think of anything to do… inside. Rawr.

But he says they can only jog outside and gets her to change. They go for a brisk jog uphill, where So-joon declares that they’ll do this every morning from now on because it’s good for her health. She finds that odd since she’s never seen So-joon break a sweat, and she worries that he might die from such extreme and sudden changes in his lifestyle.

She says she likes things the way they are without So-joon overexerting himself just because he wants to be a better man. But he says she can run faster if she has the strength to speak and enthusiastically picks up the pace.

Later, Ma-rin confides in So-ri at her piano academy, commenting that So-joon is too good to her lately. So-ri wonders what’s wrong since her married friends have told her that when they were newlyweds, they were getting busy day and night.

Ma-rin covers her friend’s mouth in case any innocent child might overhear them, then scolds So-ri for thinking that newlyweds always give into their carnal desires. She’s surprised by how her usually demure friend gets super enthused when talking about sex, and So-ri explains that it’s because she’s single and lonely.

“I’m lonely too. Real lonely,” Ma-rin says, sighing. All she wants is for her and So-joon to sleep in the same bed, but the problem is that So-joon has suddenly become oddly innocent and sincere.

He’s like a freshly ironed shirt she can neither touch nor stain, but she feels too awkward to jump his bones when she was the one who initially refused many of his advances. Afraid that Ma-rin and So-joon might be one of those couples who never sleep together, So-ri advises her to drop subtle, but noted hints. Ma-rin: “Like what?”

While Se-young tells her co-worker that it’s true that she’ll be quitting her job at Happiness, Ki-doong points out that So-joon hasn’t been in touch with her lately. So-joon is quick on the uptake and remarks that he’s caught on to Ki-doong trying to pretend like he didn’t care when he actually did: “Your heart couldn’t resist?”

So-joon says,”so you really liked [them],” which Ki-doong hears as “so you really like [her].” He says Se-young is still his friend, but he’s confused when So-joon responds, “But you shouldn’t have done that to my babies.”

So-joon is talking about his precious, futuristic sneakers that Ki-doong would dare to wear in front of him. He tells his friend to take them off right now, proceeding to bend down to grab him by the ankles, saying these are “his” over and over again. And that’s when Secretary Hwang walks in, sees them in a compromising position, and awkwardly sees himself out. LOL, I love it.

That’s when it occurs to So-joon that Ma-rin’s question about whether or not he’s dating Ki-doong can be traced back to Secretary Hwang, who mutters to himself that So-joon’s feelings are much deeper than Ki-doong’s.

So-joon approaches the secretary, but before he can question him about what kind of thoughts the secretary was entertaining, they’re joined by Director Kim. Now So-joon has a better guess as to where it all began, and invites everyone—including the director’s wife—out to dinner.

So when Ma-rin arrives at the restaurant, So-joon tells her that they’re here to meet the person who started the rumor about him and Ki-doong. She asks how he knew it was her frenemy Gun-sook, and he laughs, “You just said it.”

He intends on teaching Gun-sook a lesson at dinner, where Gun-sook asks how their newlywed life is going. She tries to fish for mentions about any marital conflicts or misunderstandings, but much to her chagrin, the couple smiles and says that they’re wonderfully happy.

So-joon even cuts his steak to give to Ma-rin, adding that he doesn’t want her to lift one delicate finger. Ma-rin launches into a coughing fit at those cheesy lines, and Gun-sook looks like she’s about to choke on her food.

When Director Kim excuses himself to take a work call, Gun-sook wonders how the newlyweds first met. So-joon and Ma-rin meet each other’s gaze, and he replies, “It was fate.”

He says he was awestruck at first sight, wondering how someone could be this beautiful, sexy, and cute. Worried that he might be taking it too far, Ma-rin encourages him to take it down a notch, but he laughs that she’s being adorable.

He loves being married to her every single day, and when Ma-rin excuses herself to go to the bathroom, he offers to come with. Pffft, now you’re just being clingy. Now that they’re alone, his sweet tone turns dark as he tells Gun-sook that he’s so in love with Ma-rin that there’s no way he’d cheat on her… with a man, at that.

He assures Gun-sook that he’ll take good care of her friend, so she can stop making fun of Ma-rin.

Speaking of whom, Ma-rin can’t help but giggle at all the overtly cheesy things So-joon said at the table, though she admits that it feels nice. As she leaves the bathroom, she overhears Director Kim telling someone that he’s already got So-joon’s biggest investor on his side.

But she gets caught when So-joon calls to check in on her, and she pretends to have gotten lost on the way back. Director Kim doesn’t fully believe her when she says she wasn’t lost for very long, but escorts her back to their room.

She tells So-joon about that call during the drive home, adding that it gave her an eerily bad feeling. But So-joon reassures her that she has nothing to worry about—Director Kim is a good, hard-working man. He tells her not to worry, and she wonders where he gets that confidence of his.

Director Kim calls Doo-shik to inform him that the investment will go through soon now that they’ve secured their last investor. He agrees to leave MyReits, and Doo-shik reminds him not to forget that this is a key opportunity for him.

Once they hang up, we finally learn why Doo-shik has been actively approaching Director Kim: He saw an aggrieved Director Kim at a construction site sometime in the future… where Se-young’s father lay injured beneath metal poles and bricks. In the present, Doo-shik muses, “So-joon mustn’t find out about this.”

Meanwhile, Gun-sook sees her husband drink more liquor on his couch, laughing about how his day will soon come.

Back at home, So-joon finds Ma-rin’s workbook about how to live a happy newlywed life. As he flips through the pages, he envisions Ma-rin writing notes in the booklet which doubled as an informal diary.

He laughs at one note stating that they’ll have nothing to argue about, and another declaring him as the best. Slowly but surely more of those entries capture her growing suspicions about him, and one reads: “I married a strange man. No, I shouldn’t be suspicious of him. But… does he actually love me?”

Ma-rin sits at her vanity, wondering why she still feels so empty when everything in her life is seemingly perfect: “I’m so happy, but why am I not cheerful?” Remembering So-ri’s advice about giving subtle, but noted hints, she decides to give that a try.

Ma-rin heads out to the living room, where So-joon quickly hides the workbook. Joining him on the couch, it’s her turn to bring the aegyo, and when he searches for the remote, she grabs his face in her hands. Heh, so much for subtle.

She tells him to look only at her, reminding him of how he said he couldn’t take his eyes off of her earlier. So-joon gulps, and she lets go of him to go for a hug instead. He freezes and awkwardly pats her back upon request.

He wriggles out of her grip and offers to fetch some beer, and she says she doesn’t want to be drunk when they do it. So-joon: “Do… what?” She then says her legs hurt and asks for a massage, but So-joon offers to call in a professional, then carefully inquires if this is an attempt to seduce him.

She soberly tells him no, and he laughs that he would never touch her if she didn’t want him to, and that he nearly misunderstood her intentions for seduction. She flatly says that isn’t the case, so So-joon apologizes and tells her to be careful of the beast inside of him.

He runs away, stopping short of the master bedroom door before hurrying into the other room to watch videos on touch-me-nots.

Ma-rin, however, takes her frustration out on the pillows and tries to find her calm through exercise. Inside his room, So-joon cries that he’s still a man and it’s too hard to hold out… only to tell himself that he must because he’s a gentleman.

Ma-rin accompanies Se-young’s father out to the construction site where Happiness is building their newest and biggest housing complex. Oh no, that’s where we saw Director Kim and Se-young’s father in the future! When Se-young’s coworker sighs that it’s all thanks to their biggest investor, she and Se-young’s father giggle over how he’s unknowingly talking about So-joon.

So-joon ignores a call from Ki-doong because he’s out with Se-young. She says he should feel honored that he’s being told before her own father, and announces that she’s leaving in a month. He wonders why she’s in such a rush, and when he learns it’s for another job in Japan, he grills her about how safe that job placement is.

She mutters that it’s too bad she can’t move any further away, but So-joon doesn’t pick up on that and encourages her to leave with a light heart—if things go south, she can just come home.

Se-young gets his attention like she’s about to confess something big, but then she switches gears and asks if he’ll finish his food. She still thinks of him as the boy she grew up and shared everything with, but says that So-joon tends to talk about the past like it’s nothing: “Then what becomes of our memories?”

So-joon then heads over to Ki-doong’s house, which is now installed with security cameras in every corner apart from where Ki-doong sleeps. But his buddy hates the idea of being watched and asks if So-joon suffers from voyeurism.

He has no interest in So-joon’s interaction with his future self on December 3rd, but So-joon reveals that it was Future Ki-doong who advised him to end his marriage. “But I don’t think I can do that,” So-joon says resolutely. “Even if our relationship sours or we break up, I won’t have any reason to run away.”

Ki-doong asks why his friend would run away, and So-joon replies that’s why he’s installed these cameras. He also needs Ki-doong to save the footage in a folder that he’ll refer to in the future: “Because at the very least, I’ll know what happened here.”

So-joon intends on checking if his plan has worked by traveling to the future, but he doubles back to ask if Se-young has told Ki-doong about her moving to Japan. He has Ki-doong organize the bon voyage party, and he reminds a speechless Ki-doong to keep updating that folder.

Poor Ki-doong is on the brink of tears as he looks at a photo of him and Se-young. He ignores her call, but ends up hanging out with her anyway. When she makes him pick out a pair of sneakers, he grumbles that they’d be perfect for So-joon, and she says she’s here to buy sneakers for him.

Ki-doong asks if she’s heard something from So-joon, but Se-young is tired of him bringing up So-joon’s name and tells him to pick something. He walks off when she disapproves of the style he picks, and she gives him until the count of three to come back.

He adorably runs back before she can get to three, and peevishly adds that he isn’t grateful, though admits he is when they leave the store. He declines getting dinner since he already knows she wants an opportunity to tell him that she’s leaving Korea, and that these sneakers are a goodbye gift.

She asks why he didn’t mention anything sooner, having picked up on his angry remarks all afternoon. He angrily tells her that she can just leave now that he’s said his farewell—did she expect him to be moved because she bought him some shoes? Aw, Ki-doong.

Meanwhile, So-joon travels to the near future but discovers that Ki-doong has only logged footage up to October 2016. Still, So-joon takes any footage he can with him, giggling that the future is literally in his hands.

He stops at a store to get Ma-rin a snack, but no one’s there, so he heads right back out… as Future Ma-rin walks past him and stops in her tracks. Carefully, she asks,”You’re… not the Yoo So-joon I know, are you?”

At his silence, she realizes that he must be from the past and affirms that she knows everything about his time travel. So-joon says that must’ve been a shock, and picks up on how cold she’s being to him right now.

She says nothing, which has him wonder if he made her this way: “Why did things get so bad between us?” Future Ma-in says their feelings for each other fizzled, but So-joon takes back his question, saying that he isn’t curious.

He says her future will change too—she’ll wake up and feel like nothing has changed and he’ll still be by her side. “You won’t remember that we met here, and the fact that you hated me won’t—”

Future Ma-rin cuts in: “Are you still doing that? We should never have met in the first place. You and I weren’t fated to meet, but you forcibly changed the future. That’s why this happened.”

“How much do you know?” So-joon inquires, and this time it’s Future Ma-rin who gives him some advice: End things with her as soon as he returns to the present and put her life back the way it was.

“I don’t want to,” So-joon replies. “I like you. I’m so afraid that you’ll change like this. That’s why I’ve been tiptoeing so much around you lately… in case you’ll come to hate me.” His voice breaks as he tells her, “No, in case you get hurt. I’m just careful about everything.”

“But even then… I’m happy. I’m sure that I like you, and I’m certain that I’ll keep liking you, but I’m telling you this because you’re talking to me as if you don’t remember any of it,” So-joon finishes.

Future Ma-rin wipes away her tears and says she remembers, if only for a moment. “That moment…” So-joon answers, “is everything to me right now.” She has one last bit of advice: If Se-young hasn’t left for Japan, So-joon should stop her from leaving.

So-joon returns to the present when he finally reads a string of texts from Ma-rin, who’s been waiting for him for hours to pick her up at the construction site. He races down there, and his worries only subside when Ma-rin cheerily instructs him to sit by the fire.

She explains that she called him down here to see for himself how his donations have helped build this future housing complex. She knows he wouldn’t have come unless she was a bit dramatic, and So-joon melts when she smiles at him.

He’s relieved that Ma-rin is fine, and she happily shares that she’ll be taking photos during construction for a photo exhibit later this year. She’s happy to work in the family business like a good daughter-in-law, then handles a potato she roasted just for him.

He asks to see the photos she took today, but while she doesn’t have any of those, she shows him the one she took during the move-in ceremony.

He pauses at the photo of the happy elderly couple, and she hopes that they can grow old together like them. So-joon turns to her and sadly says he had the same thought.

Ma-rin finds marriage completely fascinating, given that they were strangers a few months ago. She’s amazed by the idea that So-joon will be there when she grows old, and wishes that she could take a time machine to see what they’ll be like as an elderly couple.

“If you were able to travel to the future, what would you want to do?” she asks. “Stocks? Win the lottery?” And then it occurs to her that he could see what areas of land would be profitable. Oh hon, he’s already done all that.

He reaches for her face, wiping away the non-existent tears while thinking about the Ma-rin he saw shedding tears in the future. Ma-rin thinks he’s cleaning her face, and he sincerely tells her that she’s pretty and cute, adding, “I wish every day were like today.”

The happy couple jumps a foot when they return home to find Mom cooking up a storm in their kitchen. So-joon happily looks at the spread, takes his very first bite… and freezes. Ha, so terrible cooking runs in the family.

Both Mom and Ma-rin look at him expectantly, and when So-joon says it’s delicious, Ma-rin says it’s okay to be honest. Don’t be honest. Don’t be honest.

Instead, So-joon says Mom’s cooking is just like Ma-rin’s, and both women protest simultaneously. Mom: “Is she that good of a cook?” Ma-rin: “Am I that bad of a cook?”

Ma-rin then asks if Mom will be staying the night while sending her hints to say yes. She takes her mother upstairs, clarifying that this isn’t an invitation for her to stay with them forever.

Mom spreads out on the soft bed, only to start crying once she’s alone. She takes out a photo from her wallet and speaks to it, saying, “We were her parents but could do nothing for her and just put her through so much.” She happily cries that their daughter now lives in a lavish house, thanks to their wonderful son-in-law.

Ma-rin rushes downstairs before So-joon can head into the smaller room, noting that they have to keep up appearances while her mother is here. Ahaha, so you let Mom stay so that you and So-joon would sleep in the same bed? That’s kinda brilliant.

So-joon agrees that they have no other choice, and follows her inside with a tiny pump of his fist. Lol. He lies in bed in a rigid position and bids Ma-rin, his “Touch-Me-Not,” goodnight.

Both of them take a breath, and when So-joon accidentally touches her hand, Ma-rin tries cuddling up to him and he turns to his side. Stop fighting it!

So she turns the other way too, but then gets up, unable to take it anymore. So-joon rises, startled, and she says she’s thirsty. I bet you are.

She gets out of bed and grabs her hula hoop to work out her, er, frustrations, and So-joon emerges, wondering why she’s suddenly exercising now. He says they can work out in the morning, but Ma-rin says she likes doing it at night.

When So-joon leaves her to it, Ma-rin decides that she’s had enough and bluntly asks why he’s so dense. She’s given him plenty of hints, but if he needs a clear-cut sign, he can get a pen and she’ll get it in writing.

He obeys the command literally, and turns back a second later, smiling at her. She asks if he’s toying with her when he was caressing her face a few hours ago, and So-joon giggles.

“Then… you like me, right?” So-joon asks cautiously. She returns, “Was there ever a time I didn’t like you?”

He says he wanted to hear her say it, so Ma-rin tells him: “I love you. I’m not curious at all about that secret you can’t tell me. I’ll just… love you, no matter what. I love you, Yoo So-joon!”

She drops the hula hoop and invites him to have his way with her, then rushes up to him to kiss him. He deepens the kiss, and they head back inside, their bodies still entangled together.

Upstairs, at the edge of Mom’s bed, the camera zooms in on the family photo of herself, Ma-rin, and her father… eep, it’s Doo-shik!

As So-joon and Ma-rin giggle and kiss in the bedroom, we hear So-joon wonder in voiceover, “Could we be as happy tomorrow as we are today?”


What a wonderful week for So-joon and Ma-rin. It’s so enjoyable to see them so happy now, knowing that they have broken through the emotional floodgates that guarded their hearts for so long. Hearing So-joon’s deep sense of survivor’s guilt and misguided disappointment broke my heart, and I’m relieved that Ma-rin was there for him in that most vulnerable of moments to reassure him that his parents would’ve been so glad that their son continued to live admirably.

I loved how honest he was to her about the walls he had built to protect himself from those fears, and that there was a huge secret he was keeping from her. It was a big step for his character’s development, though this still means that at present, Ma-rin is unaware that she’s married to a time traveler. Given the circumstances in the previous episode, it makes sense that she wouldn’t have taken his confession seriously, but I do appreciate that she loves him enough to trust that So-joon would tell her in his own time.

Even with this step, So-joon is still quite dumb when it comes to keeping the spark alive in a marriage. I loved the reversal in this episode where So-joon acted like the pure, innocent lamb while Ma-rin did everything short of taking a cold shower to stop herself from jumping his bones. Funnier yet was Secretary Hwang’s arc of mistaking So-joon and Ki-doong’s bromance as forbidden love, and I was so satisfied when So-joon used that very idea to teach Gun-sook a lesson. I have to say I was initially confused when So-joon was suddenly so chaste, since his courtship with Ma-rin was fast and furious, but now we know his actions were embedded in fear that he and his wife would grow distant.

When he ran into Ma-rin in the future, it hurt to see him speak so earnestly about being able to change her current reality. Part of me is so happy that they’ve made up in the present, but my fear grows with every passing day that So-joon doesn’t tell her the whole truth. I do think that her knowing the truth is only one facet of the bleak future that hasn’t changed, since there are other gears in motion. We know that Ki-doong stopped keeping a video log mere weeks after So-joon’s request, and I’m guessing that it largely has to do with how he found out about Se-young leaving through So-joon, his best bud and his crush’s crush. I can’t stop thinking about how everyone, including Future Ma-rin herself, has told So-joon to end his marriage, and if the future plays out like So-joon had originally seen it, we know that he’ll continue to fight for them.

And thankfully, he isn’t the only time traveler caught in an ongoing battle with time. We now have confirmation that Doo-shik is Ma-rin’s father, which only makes me more intrigued about his character. I do believe that Doo-shik is still trying to help So-joon by leading Director Kim astray, but I’m worried that he has underestimated Director Kim’s ambitions and his plan will backfire. Though I’m still confused as to how Doo-shik’s time loop works, it was both nice and unnerving when Doo-shik said that his daughter and son-in-law lived happily ever after. On one hand, that leaves the possibility that Ma-rin and So-joon could have a happy ending, and yet there’s the other more frightening idea that Doo-shik only said that because he was hoping to change their bleak future.

Now that we’re at the halfway mark, I feel like both Ma-rin and So-joon have come a long way already and learned some important lessons about one another. But if there’s one more piece of advice I’d want to give So-joon, it’d be this: When it comes to expressing love for your wife, manners maketh idiot.


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Everyone has told Sojoon to end the marriage....except for future Sojoon, who asked him to try to make it work out. Which is both interesting and heartbreaking.

Oh well, I'm just gonna focus on the cute while we have it! As this show seems to be saying, you gotta appreciate the present!! Thanks for the recap :)


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Derp, of course!


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Ohhh nice catch. I've always thought that Marin loves him so much more but when I think about it, maybe Sojoon has fallen deeper. Even Future Marin told him to break up with her but his Future Self (even on the day of his death!) told him to make things work put with Marin. My heart ㅠㅠ


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I wonder if that's the case. Does future Marin not love Sojoon? I do not think so....she seems hurt and betrayed, and those are feelings that are amplified by love. The more you love someone, the larger the betrayal...I don't even think she hates Sojoon, based on how she reacted to his present-self. Maybe a love-turned-to-hate type of thing?

As for future Sojoon...yes, it is totally heartbreaking. I didn't realize how sad a detail it was until a few minutes after I posted this, and now my heart really hurts. Perhaps everyone tells Sojoon to end the marriage because they blame Sojoon for what happened. And perhaps future Sojoon tells present Sojoon to try and work it out because he also blames himself for everything, and thus thinks only he can prevent everything?

I have no idea. All I know is, everyone in the future seems 100% done with Sojoon, while future Sojoon seemed....so sad and desperate and lonely. Oh, Sojoon, pleasepleaseplease let things work out with Marin!!!


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Oh, I forgot to add (sorry): I like to think both Marin and Sojoon reached the point where they were equally in love with each other (like in this ep!) and that they both retained their feelings for each other after...whatever catastrophe splits them up, and that's why Marin is so angry at him. But that's probably just my shipper heart, praying for the best even in the worst scenario ;;


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The more you love someone, the larger the betrayal

This is why am so afraid for the fall out. Him being a time traveler wouldn't her, but discovering the fact that he approached her just so that he does not die - just to save him and her, and that he never loved her before wedding. All these are gonna hurt her bad. I can see her leaving him as well, at least temporarily. I wish that is the reason why he disappeared.


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I'm afraid too.

I mean, she even declared she loved him so much she didn't care what secrets he had, but to learn that one of those secrets is that he didn't even love her all that time, that could be the one thing that shakes her faith in him. Especially since that sort of revelation is packed with all sorts of implications. It reveals quite a bit about the kind of person he's been all these years.

The thing is, though, she now knows a lot about why he's become so jaded. She knows the real him a bit better now. So if he could convince her of his love in the present moment, it's possible she would be able to move past it. It would be another moment when she would have to let go of the past and focus on the present, but it may not be as simple as that.

She did seem to acknowledge that what they had was real (on both sides), but what scares me more is how fleeting it apparently was for them.


Exactly, all their interactions are what gives me hope that they are meant to be. Not every marriage starts with love, but where the love is constantly kept alive and cared for by both in a relationship - that's what succeeds.
I feel Ma Rin knows enough to understand him and forgive him, but its not gonna be easy. I feel there will be a fall out, separation and ton of angst after which they get back together again. I just wish they both have many more moments like in this time episode before that inevitable fallout.

Any relationship once we have moved on from it, it becomes fleeting. Its sad but it's true. No matter how strong it was or no matter how much love was there, when it ends and time goes by - it becomes the past.


While So-Joon's intentions of marrying her were indeed not out of love- but because he did not want to die, aren't we overlooking the fact that by choosing to marry her, he also (potentially) saved her life? I feel like this should count for something, even though from Ma Rin's perspective, it might be hurtful.
And i'd like to think that the fact he even chose to save her in the first place indicates that he was developing some sort of feelings for her. Even if he himself didn't realize it.


All I know is, everyone in the future seems 100% done with Sojoon, while future Sojoon seemed….so sad and desperate and lonely. Oh, Sojoon, pleasepleaseplease let things work out with Marin!!!

While I too would like to see him work things out with Ma Rin, I think your point about everyone else being done with him is just as, if not more important. If he can't have a healthy relationship with Ki Doong, then I have little hope for him with Ma Rin. I don't think he really understands how important his relationship with Ki Doong is and what it would mean to him if he lost that, business aside. What makes matters worse his Ki Doong's unrequited love who is interested in So Joon. If So Joon remains captain do nothing or oblivious, I think that might be the straw that breaks the camel's back. It would suck if the show doesn't address this.

One of So Joon's biggest problems at the moment is his hubris. It is a serious impediment to his growth and maturity. This may have been created or amplified by his ability to time travel. We have seen him time and again go to the future to make gains or fix problems in the present. As we all know by now, the man needs to take the difficult road and live in the present. He really needs to get his hands dirty. He made a good started with Ma Rin when she got admitted to the hospital, but he has so much more to go. And let's not forget Director Kim.


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I'm so curious as to what could have transpired that would get Marin to say that. A few episodes ago, Ki-Doong made it sound like Sojoon abandoned Marin and that it was best to not reach that point. But from this episode, it looks more mutual.


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Does she hate him? I don't think that's the case. She looked so sad...very similar to how she looked when So Joon saw her previously looking so despondent walking to their house alone in the future. We've seen how she looks at him when she's angry at him, but here, it almost looked like she was avoiding his gaze because it was too painful.

Am I the only one that has faith that So Joon actually didn't choose to leave Ma Rin? I feel like his disappearing act will be a result of a time-traveling mishap rather than because of a fall-out between the two.


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Definitely, I have never stopped believing for a moment that his disappearance is a result of him getting caught up in his time-traveling. Dooshik's disappearance is a foreshadowing I think. Also, when Sojoon saw Marin in the future right after the car accident, Marin grasped his hand and said "Don't leave. I'm scared." That could have been because Sojoon once disappeared all of a sudden before, and Marin was scared he would be gone like that again?


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What if future Ma Rin's words were borne out of guilt than hate? What if something bad happened to So Joon because they met ? Because Doo Shik, Ma Rin's father, meddled in So Joon's life just to save MaRin, his daughter? What if future Ki Doong said those things to save his friend?

P.S. I kind of have this, er, fantasy where present So Joon does the naughty with future Ma Rin. I don't know why.


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Exactly! The revelation that Doo-shik is Marin's father and that he's been orchestrating everything for her sake could really impact their relationship, especially if it comes on the heels of those future consequences and the time-traveling revelation.

I mean, that would be horrible for Marin to feel responsible in some way because of the actions of a father she hasn't even seen all these years. Especially when you consider that So-joon was the one who followed his lead. But it may be impossible for her to do when the seriousness of the consequences are taken into account.

P.S. ROFL, I actually can't blame you for that. Their chemistry in that scene was off-the-charts. I wrote below how hard it would be to deal with a time-traveling ex-boyfriend because of all the feelings the past (and so not an ex yet) boyfriend would bring up if you ran into him. Still, if the naughty would happen, it might just be worth it ;)


@chandler LOL wouldn't it be convenient? MaRin gets to express her love to so joon anyhow, regardless of circumstance. It's like never having broken up at all! i wonder though if that's like cheating?


HAHAHA. I was actually just thinking...how would Future So-joon feel if he caught them? Would he feel so betrayed by Marin and his past self that he'd forget to leave the room instantly and then both So-joons end up disappearing and that's our tragic ending?

Lol, that theory just took a ridiculous and morbid turn, but now whatever the writer has in store will definitely be better, right?


The thing is...that's something he said in his last moments. I can only hope that Present So-joon keeps those particular words from Future So-joon on his mind and doesn't let himself become disillusioned by...whatever it is that causes their separation (likely having to do with Se-young and her father?). Because Near-future So-joon may have lost some of his resolve and may even be the one to pull away, which would explain all the regret the defeated So-joon had in those last moments before the accident.

I guess this would be the one time I'd want him to really take that possible future, of him feeling regret in his last moments, to heart so that he doesn't give up on trying to be with her simply because "it was never supposed to be". I hope he knows that every single time he approaches that accident, he'll end up regretting not trying to make things work.


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I really hope that's what he does. Fights till bitter end to what he wants and believes in irrespective of how future might turn out. Till last week, it pained me that he made effort in relationship just because he learnt it may break up in future.
Only this week, am getting hope. He decided to stay and figure it out together with her. And also decided to be really patient and considerate.

And am actually worried about future So Joon. We know he disappeared, but we never found for long. I don't think present So Noon tried either. What if he just disappeared and never came back? Do they still die in that timeline? Or if the future So Joon did come back in 2018 or 2019, why didn't our present guy try to contact his own self later in future?


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I actually have no idea now whether the Future Yoo So-joon that had all those regrets would be in the same state of mind now that things have changed. Because, at the time, he had supposedly cut off his relationship with Marin completely. I just assume that, just like he regretted not being in a relationship with her at all in that timeline, he would still regret not working things out with her if they got together and split up again in this one.

Something that struck me is that he was still in a state of despair and hopelessness in that other timeline, which makes me wonder what consequences he suffered just from interfering in her life the first time around. His regret about her also makes me wonder whether he would have naturally fallen in love with her anyway, without even being by her side, because he seemed to only focus on her in that moment before the accident.


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When future Marin told So Joon that they were never meant to be, that was the line that made me think that it was him (his future self) who had broken up with her. Even if he told her about his time-travel, there would be no need to tell her something so hurtful. However if he wanted to breakup with her, then that would've been the perfect line to use. Anyways like you said, I hope that present So Joon doesn't walk in the footsteps of his future self, and can fix things and alter their future.


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I had the exact same reaction. Also the way she asked "You're not the So-joon I know?" almost immediately. Definitely leads me to believe that the So-joon of that time is acting much differently than our So-joon.

Actually, that would be such a hard aspect of dating a time-traveler, now that I think about it. You break up, but then the past one that's still happily in love with you comes to torment you by bringing up all these old, buried feelings. I mean, jeez, that would suck.


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Yep, message received!

SJ I trust you not to break MaRin's heart (and ours!).


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I'm just curious about this writer. The level of insight this writer bring out is just astounding.


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Hard to believe this is the same writer that brought us Dream High 2 ???



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I'm impressed too. It could have something to do with her just getting more power to write the dramas she wanted to write. Then again, I'm not sure just how horrible DH2 turned out to be.

I remember hearing that Full Sun was pretty good for a revenge melodrama. Not quite a show people go around recommending, but satisfying enough. It's actually been on my list simply because of Jo Jin-woong.


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Everyone has told Sojoon to end the marriage….except for future Sojoon, who asked him to try to make it work out. Which is both interesting and heartbreaking.

If we go by TV tropes, one possible explanation is that Sojoon has to sacrifice himself to save her.

So she and his friend's desperately don't want that, while he would support it.


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That's exactly what I'm going with. The involvement of Doo shik in the equation strengthens it. To Marin, none of it would have happened if Doo shik didn't meddle with So Joon's life. I'm guessing Doo Shik took the picture at Namyeong inside the train in the attempt to save his daughter's life. So Joon was luckily the one who just happened to be there. It's not fate thay drew them together, it's Doo Shik's desperation. In fact, I'm willing to bet Doo Shik "transferred" his time travelling skills to So Joon all in the attempt to continue saving marin This would be more than enough reason for Marin to distance herself from So Joon, especially because she has grown desperately in love with him. Making So Joon leave is an attempt to save So Joon.

However, if you please allow me to go by this theory, it becomes apparrent then, too, that both MaRin and So Joon were destined to day in that train wreck anyway. So for So Joon, it's just a matter of using whatever time that was given them as an extension to be happily together. If they're both destined to die again in March 25, 2019 anyway, then why not stay in love until then? I hope Ma Rin actually sees that them being apart isn't going to solve anything nor extend anybody else's life. And what good would any life extension be anyway if they're going to be miserable without each other? Romeo-and-juliet-ish. In the process, as they stay together, they actually end up having babies, which alternatively changes their fate.... and then Doo Shik's statment about having babies comes into fruition. I really do hope the whole drama is just a recollection by Doo Shik. So in effect, the drama gods have in fact already given clues of the actual ending from the very begginning. Well, that's hoping the dramagods will go by my hopes for a happy ending. Fingers, legs, hair, back, neck crossed.


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Hul... just realized this. Literally everyone asked him to end the marriage right away, even Ma Rin... but his future self said hold on to her. I do wonder how this plays out. This drama is so heartwarming and calm I'm feeling content just by watching it :)


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Lol, I am usually on the wrong theory train. So be right this time, I actually jumped.


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I cast a VERY wide web of theories early on so basically i had no chance in being wrong. You can't be wrong if you propose all of them


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Loll ! I like the attitude


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I wish that this drama would receive the ratings it deserved. I love Strong Woman Do Bong Soon as well, but I wish the love would go around... ㅠㅠ.


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They're in different timeslots. But the poor ratings make me sad. TWY does seem like one of those dramas where you can't just jump in, so it's hard to get new viewers. And for people who thought about watching TMY, they may be hesitant to watch a drama whose ratings are falling week after week.

If it gets no love from the domestic audience, I hope there is enough love from the international audience for this drama to appear as a success on their resumes.


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Its more of a contemplative drama rather than cute. And also the realistic portrayal maybe scaring people off. Which is exactly was bought us all in. Taste is indeed subjective.


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I'm betting the storyline confuses a lot of viewers who'd rather watch dramas to kill useless thoughts. I have this theory that whatever fiction that requires excessive thought processing and internal reflection generally scares most viewers off.

But my god this drama is cute. I really see why they call it a romcom. I actually reaaaaaallllly like it.


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YO! me too because this drama is too unique and the chemistry between the two leads is amazing


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Arghh this show. How I would kill for that moment when Sojoon in the present confesses his affection for Marin, because while we still doubted him up until the middle of episode 7, it's become clear to us how much he in fact cares about and is fond of Marin.

On the other hand, I think I'll be devastated when Kidoong turns his back on Sojoon. Their friendship has been nothing short of wonderful, and to find Kidoong at a tipping point where he finally caves in to the jealousy and resentment toward Sojoon would absolutely break my heart.


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I always feel uneasy the more we get close up scenes of Kidoong with a sad face. He definitely cares for Sojoon and is a true friend but then the show keeps on dropping hints as if he's going to betray Sojoon. Why did he stop saving the cctv logs? Why did he tell him to break up with Marin? I hope it's not because of Seyoung because I like her when she's just her and not a jealous girl. There's so much more to her character than that so I wish they won't highlight it.


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I really hope there's more to Seyoung than what we have seen so far of her, because at the moment, I honestly don't care for her character. That scene where she was eating cold noodles (?) with Sojoon where she reminded him of how they grew up together and used to eat from each other's bowl felt kinda manipulative on her part. Was she trying to guilt-trip Sojoon? Also, how ignorant could she be of Kidoong's feelings for her? And to break his heart by telling Sojoon first that she's leaving for Japan? I'm not a fan.


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I saw that scene in different way.

To her, time didn't stop. Things did not change much in her life. She grew up with him and even in their adult lives, they continue being friends. So she sees him as 30 years worth of a person.

Whereas for So Joon, his life became upside down after accident. He literally can see future. His past became one of guilt on disappointing his parents. He became a completely new person. And unfortunately, Se Young never noticed that until he married. Her fault was being stuck in the bubble of her love for him with the past she had. Life and time changes differently for everyone and suddenly you realize your best friend is far away from you than you ever could have guessed.

Both the soju scene with Ki Doong and her meal with Seyoung - I see it as her finally seeing who So Joon is today. I see it her as getting over him. I see it as her understanding, her old friend has been gone for many many years.


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I love your thoughts on this and how you bring the concept of time into this. You tie it in very nicely.


Time maybe the most difficult thing to define in life.



I wish the SeYoung-Kidoong story arc sets off sooner to spring more cuteness to the drama. Maybe future MaRin's plea to get present So Joon to working on making SeYoung stay will inadvertently positively impact all of their lives. Maybe So Joon will finally get to see that KiDong actually loves Se Young and make him make her stay. Hopefully.


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That LJH's acting when he confessed how much he love Marin. God... Look at that eyes. If only all male lead in drama land can convey that kind of affection to their female lead. LJH put so much heart into his char it's pain me the rating is not doing well.


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I'm with you on the ratings. I just hope tvN doesn't do anything to the script or try to reduce the no. of episodes etc because I need all the angst in its ENTIRETY.

Anyway, back to Lee Je Hoon's acting. He's absolutely one who can emote. I have seen a couple of other actors who convey just the most swoon-worthy looks in their eyes when they look at their leading ladies. Among them are Jo In Sung (It's Okay That's love), Gong Yoo (Coffee Prince & Goblin), and Jo Jung Suk (Jealousy Incarnate). Lee Je Hoon is rising fast on that list though, for sure. Honestly I wasn't all that impressed with him after Signal (apparently a lot of his lines were pre-recorded separately, which was why his acting felt really overboard and out of place at times), but this drama definitely convinced me of his capacity as a leading actor. Now I have to decide whether I want to watch Bleak Night...


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You definitely need to watch Bleak Night soonest possible. You gonna fall harder dude.


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I haven't any problem with LJH in Signal, in the contrary, i love love love him there, because he's so earnest. He does put so much heart in his character, I quote Kim Sung Kyun, LJH's a fool for acting.


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You have to watch it! It's gonna be bleak (pun totally intended), but the movie is really good and LJH is spectacular in there.


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I've just seen it. Now what do I do with these shards of my heart... T_T


You can watch his adorable 30-minute movie with Yeon Woo-jin to cure yourself!


I still haven't found where I can watch it online ? any suggestion?


This drama...what can I say besides how much I like it...I loved the last sequence when SJ/MR finally made up, the kiss and how she told him that she loved him and that she doesn't care about his secret. However I really still can't get a handle on So Joon's character, with Ma Rin I feel that she is insightful about certain things and naive about others, and wears her heart on her sleeve, but with So Joon I still can't really figure him out.

I feel that he really likes Ma Rin at this point, but at the same time it looks like he has several sides to him. In this ep for example, I saw him be a sweet goofball husband trying too hard to please his wife, and I saw him be a mature and mysterious man. I also can't decide if he was teasing her this episode by misreading her signals, or if he really was trying to be extra careful. His smile at that last scene before they kissed tells me that he was teasing her and playing dumb. So who is So Joon really? Sweet and simple or mature and mysterious? I think maybe a mix of both?

Can I also just say that I loved the scene when he met future Ma Rin and told her that he wouldn't give up on them, and the scene after that when he gently touched the face of present Ma Rin (she was confused at his gentle touches), and it looked like he was wiping future Ma Rin's tears from oblivious present Ma Rin's face, that was such a wonderful scene... and the way he gently and tenderly looks at oblivious and sweet Ma Rin during that scene made my heart flutter. Can I also say that I love how Ma Rin was trying to send signals to So Joon that she wanted him in her bed? It was too cute.

Also we finally know that Ki Doon is Ma Rin's father as other posters had guessed. Now I have a theory as to why So Joon and Ma Rin might separate in the future, but I'm not sure if I should share it or not (what if I'm right and it becomes a spoiler?). I will only say that in my theory it is So Joon who will leave Ma Rin, and not the other way around, and that is why future Ma Rin looks so heartbroken. However I really hope that present So Joon with his added insight (even though he is still trying to figure out what happened in the future) will not follow the footsteps of his future self.


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Oops I meant Doo Shik is Marin's father not Ki Doon lol. I also hope that So Joon will not ignore his business, he needs to kick Ki Doon out. I feel that So Joon is careless with his business because he knows that even if he loses money he can make it up again with his future time travel, but I still don't want him to fall victim to Ki Doon's schemes. I think that Doo Shik is taking care of the Ki Doon angle though, and he is helping So Joon without SJ knowing it.


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Last comment, geez it seems like I keep remembering things about this episode, when Marin asked So Joon where he learned to be so cheesy, I was like "he learned it from you cheesy girl!"


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oh gosh I am mixing up the names of the supporting characters to epic proportions here. I didn't mean Ki Doong in my above comment, I meant Director Kim (he is the one who So Joon should kick out...) LOL :D


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Let's say I was definitely in squeeing mode this episode because I loved all of the love going around. But also agree with you Sweet&Sour that I was a little thrown off by Sejoon's change this week (although I loved it). He went from all - I don't think you needed to know crucial information about me to calling his love a "forget me not" and practicing mind control so that he could remain a gentleman. Such a 180!!

He's totally heads over heels for Ma Rin and I'm allllll for it.

But my heart totally broke when future Ma Rin said that Sejoon had forced the future, and that they weren't destined to be together at all. I wanted to say- what?!?!? But you loooooove him so much in the present?? How can you say such things? Again, it puts me in super anxiety mode. I'm always feeling so scared for this fragile couple.


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Loved all the scenes you pointed out. I've actually rewatched them several times since airing. "Made my heart flutter" is the perfect description of how I feel about this drama. It's a drama that makes my heart ache too. Omg, that part where So Joon was telling future Marin that she won't remember their meeting since he was going to change their future. That longing, and that sliver of uncertainty and fear. I wonder if that's what got future Marin to hint about not letting Se Young go to Japan.

I loved SJ teasing her at the end. I think he was extra careful in the beginning - so careful that he overcorrected and convinced himself that her overt hints were the result of his lust clouding his judgment. He may not have been completely sure until he got a clear "yes" from her rant about signs. I love how this show depicted both members of the OTP trying to deal with their lust in this episode, especially the part where Marin goes "I'm so thirsty". I said the same thing gummimochi wrote in her recap ("I bet you are"). *eyebrow waggle*


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I agree, it is not that he was dumb about her signals, it is that he wanted to hear a clear "yes" from her.


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So who is So Joon really? Sweet and simple or mature and mysterious? I think maybe a mix of both?

I had all the same questions before this episode. But now, am sure. He is just a nice guy who is not used to asking people for help. He is someone who has always had to figure everything out on his own. Looking as third person, yes he is mysterious. But looking at him, knowing his life - he has a very complicated life and he would rather make things extra complicated all by himself rather than sit and talk about it. That sounds like a ton of guys I know and it makes me mad, lol. :D


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"I also can’t decide if he was teasing her this episode by misreading her signals, or if he really was trying to be extra careful. His smile at that last scene before they kissed tells me that he was teasing her and playing dumb."

- I watched this episode raw first and I found myself asking the same questions. However, when I watched with subs I felt like his conversation with future Mar-in illuminated a lot about him this episode. I think he really was trying to be careful. Perhaps now that his feelings are growing in earnest & he's seemed to realize his happiness is contingent on her being with him, he really is becoming a bit clueless when it comes to navigating his relationship with her, trying to be a gentlemen/perfect husband when all she ever wanted was him. This is actually a refreshing change from the master seducer he was when he was just trying to get her to marry him for some larger purpose.

The problem was he was so focused on treating her perfectly that he failed to notice her signals and take the initiative to become intimate with her again. I think his smile at the end was because he had just realized how hot and bothered she was and that genuinely made him happy. I believed him when he said he had no idea she was feeling teased all that time. I guess, their fight + future Mar-in actually had him feeling insecure about her feelings for him. I actually really enjoyed seeing this kind of vulnerability from him, however misguided it was.


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I was extremely confused and frustrated with his "Swoony Boy turned Perky Virgin Flower Boy" switch in this episode, but I like the way you explain it. I'll go rewatch the episode; maybe I'll like it more then. <3


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I find that this episode is extremely enjoyable to re-watch :) I noticed so much more than I did the first time.

Like when he says "Be careful of me" before dashing to his bedroom like a complete idiot, ahhh, I just love it. Even though it was frustrating, I really enjoyed the tension building and seeing him attempting to put emotional connection first, even though he failed since they were clearly not on the same page, lol. I guess I like that he's still struggling to figure out how to be a husband, but his mistakes now actually come from him earnestly trying.


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Your explanation is very good, however I think that he noticed her signals but was being extra careful. So he basically didn't want to make any moves unless she clearly told him that it was okay. This is proven to me in the scene when she was trying to send him the signal, and he asked her if that was her yes to them sleeping together? Then she got flustered and backtracked.


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You're right. I think he noticed her signals then, but I guess what I'm trying to get at is that, while So-joon before would have caught those signals and immediately taken the lead, this time he's actually being cautious to the point of second-guessing himself for once. He's not as assured as before because he actually feels nervous of taking some sort of misstep and losing her. I think part of the problem was that the moment he felt he had to blatantly ask her whether she was seducing him, her backtracking probably confused him further.

So I don't think he really knew for certain that she was sending him signals until the end. After that wonderful conversation you mentioned at the construction site, I'm not sure how he couldn't think physical intimacy was on the table, but her confession about not finding him dependable may have shaken him more than I thought. In a certain sense, I'm glad he made re-establishing emotional intimacy the priority, even if he was terribly misguided.


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Yes it did look like he started second guessing himself because he was trying to be as cautious as possible, and didn't want to do one misstep. Unlike before when he quickly slept with her to get to the end result of marrying her and having children with her, in order to alter their futures.


@sweetandsour The glorious point of that would be that this time, he's doing the things he does simply because he likes her and not just because he wants to save both their lives.


wow you give me a whole lot different perspective about SJ! ???
I feel like watching those scenes all over again while reading your on point analysis about him.


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I loved that scene so much. His smile at the end was the most adorable thing. And can we talk about their kiss at the end?

Like I loved how shocked he is to have heard Marin say that she loves him. I feel like he knows that she does but because of his prior visit to the future Marin he's starting to feel insecure, so when present Marin declares her sentiments for him and kinda exclaims at him "when did I not love you" it really hits home for me. He seems to have this sense of relief and disbelief that he's being able to hear those words from her.


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Yeah, I think her confession in the future that their love was fleeting probably freaked him out a bit. He's been taking her feelings a bit for granted all this time.

She's said and implied her love to him on several occasions. On one of their dates in ep 4, he even said "me too" but I hardly count that because it wasn't a weighted moment. This declaration is on another level though because she said it so passionately despite all the hardships they've been through and the revelations about him hiding things from her. That's the stuff that makes love true.

I loved the kiss too, especially how dazed he was from her confession when she initiated it! He pretty much melted in her hands. I find it adorable how Shin Mina often smiles as she kisses (while still managing to participate more than most actresses). Then when they broke off and smiled at the end and he stroked her arms, I just about died.


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On the contrary, I actually understand So Joon very much. I think it's easy to overthink and see him as a mysterious person because he has kept so much about his time travelling and his feelings about his parents' death but without those two complications, he's just an immature kid. Mainly, I think the most important aspect of the drama's story arc is So Joon's character development from being an immature kid who skips on volunteer work to becoming a grown man who would do anything for his wife, his family. (i love how the drama constantly refers to a marriage as a family). Anyway, he has grown in leaps and bounds beginning with acknowledging his pain. Sooner rather than later, I'm betting we'll start seeing him make mature decisions, like actually really working for once.

Dear drama PDNims, please at least make So Joon a responsible working person at one point. IDK. That really matters to me.


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I can't tell you how happy I was when Marin put him to work in episode 7. Lol, he was SUCH a kid about it. He definitely needs someone bossy in his life who knows how to put her heart into her work, even if it hasn't yielded the most success. In these ways, Marin is actually a far more well-adjusted individual than him.

This really makes me hope that one of the important trajectories is So-joon growing into a hard-working man by the end of this, especially when it comes to Happiness.

But then all the cryptic, future people talk about him disappearing and I get nervous, lol.


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Best episode so far!!!
I can understand SJ fears
MR too, i feel sad for her in future
Aaaa :( I thought this drama is tagged romcom

But i dont mind it
Still love this drama <3


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THANKYOUUU FOR THE RECAPPP!! I've been waiting the eps 8 recap !!! Really curious why ma rin tell so-joon should stop se young for leaving....is there anyone have prediction about this?


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Ooh, I simply thought that's because her father is going to get fatal injury at the construction site. I didn't read too much into that.


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I'm guessing her departure can mean Sojoon's friendship with Kidoong becomes estranged.


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I actually also thought that maybe that alluded to something happening to his business (because of Doo Shik's vision of him getting injured at the building site, which looks like the Happiness project, which Se Young designed.)

Maybe I just refuse to even consider whatever alternative interpretation the script writer wanted the viewers to have LOL!


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I've been camping out here at dramabeans for this recap since morning. Thank you, gummi!

So where do I start? It's just amazing all over that I can't pick one thing to talk about. Hmm... My conclusion after watching this episode is that Lee Jehoon needs to be in more rom-coms and just be cute forever! He's so cute and awkward and attractive. Ugh. Someone pass me a hula hoop!

A lot of us already expected Dooshik to be Marin's father but that reveal was still good. I wonder if Marin's mom knows about Dooshik being a time traveler. Did he disappear after she found out? It doesn't seem like she has bad feelings towards him. Did he get his time traveling power after he disappeared on them or was it like that even before he met the mom?

The actor playing Director Kim is so good! He has this subtle evil vibe to him. I just can't predict what he's going to do. Maybe later on, Gunsook will play a big part to help Marin from whatever her husband is planning against them. They don't like each other so much but at the end of the day, they're still friends.

How do I survive a week of work until Tomorrow With You's next episode comes out? I always wait for subs because I watch with my mom but I don't think I can stay away from raws this time...


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yeahh me too...totally dying for the next eps and really not focus to do my job (sounds exaggerated, but It's really true) lol hahhaa


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I'm looking forward to Saturdays and Sundays now, when subs are out. Just have to survive with this week's cute dose. Chin up @earthna!


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Thanks for the recap gummimochi. For a drama that doesn't get that much love in Korea (based on the ratings), it's nice to find that we have this community here for fans like me to express our thoughts and love.


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Also, I've been looking up Tomorrow With You online (just can't get enough!) and found out that the name of the actor playing Kidoong is also Kidoong! Like they just used his real name! I've always thought he looked like a "kidoong". Turns out that's just him. HAHAHAHA


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HAHA, it does fit him so very well!


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I am going to name my kitty Kidoong in the future.


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Haha, I found that out the other day too! Love it. I find his name adorable. Lol, I'm happy they kept it the same. I know they do this in some sitcoms, but just randomly in a drama like this, it's kinda funny, but perfect for this particular character.


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I love the way he is falling in love with her...
My heart, be still!


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Also, why do I have a strange love for all the side characters? Even Director Kim >_>... There is something about his voice pitch and the way the actor acts him... I just cannot hate him. He is not outrightly wicked or malicious... I do not know how to place it.


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yes yes, you are not alone. I feel casting is pitch perfect.

The actor who plays director Kim is so good, that if you saw the show through his eyes - you would also be cheering on him to leave So Joon and start his own business. He does not need to be in a place where he is not valued.

I feel like I could see the show through every side character and I will have a different perspective of this world. Through KiDoong, Seyoung, Seyoung's dad and even Ma Rin's mother.
I really didnt like her for long time, but her tearful scene this episode humanized her so much. Her guilt, her happiness, her relief, her mistakes.


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I agree with this. Actually, something I appreciate about this show is that whatever Director Kim does in the future will kind of be a result of So-joon's own careless actions. He's been so focused on his marriage and preventing his death that he's been completely oblivious to what a danger Director Kim could pose to the life he's living now. No matter what horrible things Director Kim does in the future, there's no denying that he's worked a lot harder than So-joon over the years. But, because he lacks the ability to see the future, he has little to no success. I actually can't blame him for being frustrated.


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Even before Ma Rin came into his life, he has been treating director Kim badly. No matter how much he knows about future, he shouldn't have made light of his employee's hard work.

I hope director Kim is a smart guy and figures out of shady teacher is. And also I have no idea why Doo Shik would mess up So Joon's business if they are family!


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Still trying to figure out Doo-shik. I want to believe that what he's doing is trying to prevent something negative for our couple, but HE seems so nervous about what he's doing most of the time that I don't think he even trusts himself. Which means that I can't trust in his actions being the 'right' ones. His intentions may be in the right place, but he could be causing more problems than he's solving.

I just really want to know what his deal is. Why did he begin living this way?


ikr. I love Director Kim's voice actually lolz. I would like to see his hair grows more and without suit. well maybe in another drama. Director Kim's voice is actually kind of sexy that I can't resist ? hahaa.


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Because Director Kim could be us. That hunger for power and money. That's why, I can't really hate him YET. But if he did kill Sabu (Se Young's dad) and he does nothing, I'm gonna hunt him down.


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I can't believe how much I giggled throughout this eps. But it does feel like calm before storm, cute before raining tears. Especially since everyone is still so hell bent on So-joon divorcing Ma-rin as soon as possible.


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Ahh I'm in love! Alternating between squeeing over the romance and bracing for the mountains of heartbreak looming over everyone.

Normally, I don't pay as much attention to sexual tension as opposed to emotional connections and such, but wow -- it is palpable between these two. After finishing this episode, I felt like I needed a turn with that hula hoop, or else an icy shower.


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I agree about the sexual tension. Usually, I'm more into camaraderie and emotional connections, but daaang. I also love how Shin Mina is only a few inches shorter than Lee Je Hoon- makes it easier for them to kiss and just wrap themselves around each other. And I think the filming and writing also helps build that tension. It all feels very intimate and makes it feel like So Joon lying about soot on our faces and using that an excuse to touch us.


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I know. Who knew Kim Je Hoon could be SO GOOD with sexy time :) I think the chemistry is also heightened for me because it comes along with all of the other stuff- the disappointments and the misunderstandings. It's so real that it makes the feels feel so REAL.


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If they had not given me the payoff with kisses this episode, I would have had to find a hula hoop for myself, lol. Thank goodness, they ended that sexual tension.


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YES. The sexual build up in this drama is STRONG. I think it's really even more appealing because the sexual desires are grounded on a very deep emotional connection and not just physical libido. I admit I felt a little bit queasy on the thought of them doing the deed already on the first night of dating, but I also thought that was important so that the drama could point out that sexual tension, even if relatively less emotionally grounded was already strong and active between them even at the onset. Now, though whewwwwe. rawr. I think the hottest lovemaking is especially when they're on the same emotional wavelength. Arghhhhh. Since the ratings are down anyway and all, can the drama at least have one veeeerryyyy steamy love scene? The kind that's most essential to the OTP. kkkkkkkk. *evil grin*


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I love when Ma Rin said to the hula hoop, "Must you be the one wrapped around my waist tonight again?" My mind immediately went in the gutter.


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Don't forget the "I'm thirsty." It was so awkward to watch with my mom.


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why you watching this kind drama with your parents.


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Lol. We bond through kdramas every weekend and she really liked Lee Jehoon in Signal + Shin Minah in Gumiho. I thought she'd like this one too but I never knew it would be like this when we started....


Was there something innocent she meant?

I mean, gutter is the only place I could think of here. :P


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Yup, that was definitely a line specifically crafted to take viewers straight to the gutter. Really no way around it ;)


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not to mention their already sweaty skin, his gulps, and her ooohs and ahhs because it was "too hot". Mayh goooooodness. I felt so bad for him trying to keep himself cool with all those mimoss videos. HAHAHA. so incredibly frustrating.


Shut up, Future People, stop telling Present So Joon to break up with Ma Rin! What exactly happened between them in the future!? Instead of urging him to end their marriage, can they not tell him how to fix it? Or is everything beyond repair? This doom and gloom is scaring the bejesus out of me. I'm afraid Se Young's father is fated to die despite Doo Shik's attempts to intervene, and Future Ma Rin wanted to prevent Se Young from regretting not being with her father on his deathbed.

Ma Rin frustrated me today only because she could've ended their dry spell with a simple yes. "Are you seducing me by any chance?" "Yes!" No need to play coy. Although, it’s 1000% So Joon's fault. Kkot-soonie is a flower, not a plant. I fully assumed he was trolling her until he patted himself on the back for being respectful. C'mon, nobody wants a gentleman; give up the goods! Kudos to Ma Rin for taking matters into her own hands by setting up their lovely fireside date (though So Joon was right; she is fearless for waiting at a construction site alone at night) and inviting her mother to stay the night as a pawn. I want you two to be as happy tomorrow as you are today, too!

At long last, confirmation that Doo Shik is Ma Rin's father, and he was helping So Joon all along by luring Director Kim to leave MyReits. After our time travelers reconcile, perhaps So Joon can help reunite father and daughter. Poor So Joon; both women in his life can't cook. He was so looking forward to his mother-in-law's cooking, too. At least that roasted potato was tasty.

I love how So Joon shared his feelings with Ma Rin in the hospital. He has suffered from survivor guilt for far too long. Hopefully, they can heal each other. This drama is going to be the death of me. A big thanks for the recap, gummimochi!


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Se Joon's attempts to being a gentleman and Ma Rin's attempts to be coy also had me pulling out my hair, although I was simultaneously very entertained.

Se Joon- how thickheaded can you be?!? Ma Rin gave you allllll the signals in the world.

On the other hand, Ma Rin- how did you hold out for so long?! There were so many scenes where I would have just hopped into bed and snuggled up to Se Joon like nothing had ever happened. Pride- is it that important?


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Ha ha, I know right!? Am glad she hold out I felt, it gave me satisfaction of seeing him thinking of herself before him. However misguided and wrong he is, this is the first time he has been patient and taken things slow - the old So Joon would have jumped to babies by this point.


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totally. I wish they won't ever hold themselves up next episode. I need those newlywed do-it-anywhere honeymooney stages you know. Besides, Marin needs to be able to tell So Ri that yes newlyweds can tend to get kinky. kkkkkk.


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too much chemistry. they could pass for real couple in true life. i am addicted to this drama. it's like a chocolate that is bittersweet.


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Thank you gummimochi. And thank you everyone. I love reading everyone's thoughts about this drama. It's fascinating isn't to read them, isn't it?

That's what this drama does to me anyway.


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Damn, this drama. I was all set to have romance/kisses post their make up last episode, but then the show decided to withhold it from me like Mimosa.

I was laughing so much at first, then started scolding So Joon as the biggest idiot, then started doubting his intention, got mad at him again and when he met future Ma Rin saying how much he is careful so not to hurt her - my heart melted.

He is such a typical guy! And when he asked her so meekly, does she still like her - it pinched my heart.

I have seen so many kdramas where we start wishing for guys to be like that in real life, but this is the first show I remember where I can see a real life guy on my screen.

So Joon is a typical guy and an idiot, but he is in love. Am sure of that finally this episode!!!


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Is it weird that I was kind of glad they withheld it even as I was watching? It constantly gave me hope that the episode would end on a happy note and I lovvvved all the tension building between the two now that the feelings are really mutual!


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Na, I was positively grinning like a fool seeing both these idiots act so needlessly considerate around each other. Its best that they withheld it. The slow building of feelings, combined with figuring things out, spending more time together, and also present So Joon meeting future Ma Rin - it was all perfect set up of events to get to their happy night.


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Call me sadistic or whatever but I just love it when guys are breaking apart because of their love for the woman. Just look at those eyes, it hurts SO good!


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I dont think its being a sadist. Its just a perverse satisfaction is seeing them suffer like us.

I guess that is being a sadist, oops. Guess I am one now.


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HAHA We all have that little sadistic creature in us. I'm definitely guilty.


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And I've always love guys crying, it marvels me. I wonder how do they wring those tears, what are they thinking.


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I know! It's just... there's something about guys and tears, really.


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Hahaha. And there's something about guys that NEED to watch mimosa videos to get their minds of hapbang. hahahahhahahha. Ahwww meeehn. Where are all the Le Je Hoons and Yoo So Jooons hiding?


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count me in ><


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Thanks for the recap!

The last 10’ of this episode got me squeling real hard because our OTP is super adorable. I lost count rewatching it.
It took me more than once re-watching that last 10’ where I caught SJ making a silent yes-fist before he entered their room. I loved how restless both are…when they finally were in the same bed. The tense was real lol. I also LOVED SJ’s 'knowing' smile after MR told him about the sign. I swooned even before they just started to get /in/ there (I closed half of screen bcs it was too intimate for me lol)

The moment before MR’s mom went to sleep was really touching. ‘She doesn't have good parents but she has good husband’ ouch.


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a "yes-fist"?!?!? OMG I HAVE to rewatch it now! ha ha ha ha


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If SJ could travel back into time, im hoping we will get a scene of future SJ spending time with presently in love Ma Rin. Maybe future SJ will miss their past so badly, he'll travel back in time to meet her to relieve their happier days


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ya know... i've been rewatching each episode twice, trying to figure things out, look for clues...

then i started rewatching the last couple of eps more for all the CUTE... they are so cute together i love watching them, over and over again. but it just gives me goosebumps in anticipation of the next couple of episodes - because anytime it gets this happy, it is a precursor to the change in fate...


*off to rewatch ep 8 before next week's change in pace*


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I love, love, love the scene between So Joon and future Ma Rin.

“That moment…is everything to me right now.”

Wow, compare that to the guy in episode 2 who couldn't take his friend's break up seriously because he knew he would cheat on the girl in the future. Ki Doong's words of wisdom about the present being all we really have come full circle. While I wish that So Joon could give the same earnest declaration of his feelings to Ma Rin in the present, I love how the show used his visit to future to affirm just how invested his is in the present now.

Part of his mind is always going to be worried about March 2019, and while the message of the show seems to be to stop worrying about the future and live in the present, I don't really blame So Joon for not being able to do that 100%. However, I like how instead of using the future to try to fix what's to come, it's become a motivation for him to stay invested and resilient in the present. I found his lines to Ma Rin...that she would wake up with him at her side again, without any memory of being hurt or hating him...so wistful and romantic, yet somber. It sounded like a fairytale.

Idk, but something about that scene was just so beautiful. With the future style of cinematography and the instrumental in the background...it felt very sweeping despite being just a simple "shot-reverse-shot" scene of dialogue.


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I cried reading this and I completely agree. This director has a way of making the simplest thing so beautiful and meaningful.


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That scene was truly everything and most certainly my favorite scene of episode 8 (and boy was there a lot of competition especially with that last scene and Ma Rin's declaration and final pounce!)


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YESSSSSS. That line was the one I've been waiting for. I love how he's beginning to realize how much the present moment can matter when you actually let yourself grow attached to it. For him to rebel against the overwhelming sense of doom in the future by actually focusing on being present with her now, just one day at a time, now that is a huge step. And I can't wait to see where it leads!

I also love how that scene was filmed. That instrumental brought out all the emotions of the scene in a very subtle way.

I'm really hoping next episode will have him openly telling her how he feels about her, at least before things get more complicated. He's always found ways to work around saying the words and I just want her to hear them so badly. That "You're very pretty. You're cute.", with that look in his eyes, was a great start. I love how they connected that moment back to Future Mar-in and her tears. Just beautiful.


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I share the same feeling with you Callie.
The "That moment…is everything to me right now.”

And when he wipes the tears of present Ma Rin.

Ah… This show makes me fall in love just by seeing the two being in love with their raw, vulnerable, vivid emotions.


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I also particularly loved that scene in episode 7 when instead of travelling to the future to figure how to fix things between him and MaRin, he stayed, instead, in the present to be a husband and to really start talking to her. Uri So Joonie totally became a man then. The look on his face at that moment made me want to slow clap.


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Half of me wishes the writers will take the irony route and do the thing where the viewers know what is happening or will happen, and we watch the characters fumbling trying to fix it. The other half wants to ride this mystery out with so joon, since it knows there will be so much more heartbreak this way haha.


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This is how the love and romance story should be madeeeee.!! I always thought only in the hand of veterans / experienced actors the romance will be believeable and I think I am right. SMA and LJH are both not veterans yet but they have enough experiences and talents to make all those romance alive. Partially the writer and PD are did the good job, but the actors played important role to convey the emotions. I am glad this is not typical romcom, i dont mind with some comedies but I am all in to invest in the characters more and their emotions.

Maybe I am late to fully invested but I am so looking forward to see next episode. I just done watching epi 8 and now I am so thirsty for more!


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I can understand how the show is not everyone's cup of tea but am so glad many of us are enjoying it so much.

I agree with you 100% - this is how love and romances should be made. I really hope ratings are not the reason for such stories to not be encouraged anymore.


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The love. Their love. I was all in, in that future scene where So Joon explains he likes Ma Rin so much and is just desperate and passive in the present (and future) to hold on to her and never have hurt her or have her turn cold on him. That scene, that scene. Their acting.....Let me love them forever. Give me the next episode now and man are people truly missing out on this gem of a drama.


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I love how every episode gives me OTP OTP OTP. This is truly how romances should be made. This is definitely the go-to drama for satisfying romantic needs.


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It is sooooo confusing. All aside: if he just stop going into the future! He doesn't even have to. Except for the part avoiding death 3 years later....


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He is curious and he can't understand why he would leave Marin in the future. Why is everyone telling him to break up with her? I completely understand why he's doing this because if I also have the power to go to my future, I won't just be sitting around doing nothing.

About avoiding death, I've been thinking about that. Would his fate really change by just staying at home instead of driving? Would he not die? If that's the case, then would that make time travelers almost immortal as they can just avoid their death every time?

I hope the writer would touch on these questions and give us answers before the drama ends. Otherwise, it would be quite incomplete.


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Has anybody else mentioned how much So-Joon's time travel is like our real life time travel?

He goes to the future, like we do except more slowly, every day.

He can't go to his past.

He can't go farther into the future than when he dies. Neither do we. Except for the occasional zombie or ghost :)

So far at least, he seems to have as many problems and screw-ups as we do with our time travel.


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I hadn't seen it that way, but you're right ?


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Wow mindblown?


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So true. Which is why I've always said this drama and all it's time travel, the time travel is simply life. It's life and it's meant to be lived which is what So Joon is learning and now trying to do.


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Loving this drama!

Question: Has So-Joon ever said "I love you" to Ma-rin? Did I miss it somewhere?


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Not yet~! He hasn't said it yet. Marin has always been more aware of her feelings than him so it makes more sense for her to say it first. I bet they are withholding it until he finds it out himself, the gravity of how much he loves Marin.


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Thanks earthna :)


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I think bad things start happening to the people around them as some sort of cosmic correction. When he met future Ma Rin, she said they were never supposed to meet and she blamed their estrangement on his manipulations of the future.
It looks like Director Min is going to hurt Se Youngs dad and also do something to the company. If the business fails, that will adversely affect Ki Doong who is supporting his poor family with his job. He will also resent So Joon when Se Young leaves for Japan.
So far, he does not seem to be on the right path to future happiness with Ma Rin. They may have to split up and stay apart as a kind of reset until fate decides to bring them together again if ever. Sad


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Ohhhhh you might be right! There has to be consequences to this. There's no way he's just changing whatever he wants for free.


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Maybe that's the price. Se young's dad passing away. And his friendship with Ki Doong? Maybe those are all the consequences of him meeting her and altering her fate.
And if So Joon knows all these, he probably would not have messed with future in first place. Which might be why Doo Shik is acting so suspicious. He wants his daughter to live, he doesn't care if So Joon's people are affected.


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Se-young's dad passing away and pretty much every other price he pays could even be looked at as consequences to his behavior before Mar-in came along.

It'll be interesting whether the show directly ties it to their specific fate together or not. So-joon has always been a little callous about how his time-travel affects others. He says he's never interfered much with others lives, but he hasn't realized that, in helping himself, he has affected people within his sphere...and made enemies. But maybe directly interfering like he has with Marin is the final transgression that causes all this to happen?

I think you're definitely on to something with Doo-shik. I thought this myself, considering he wanted to keep So-joon from going to the future and essentially from seeing that Se-young's father will die soon.


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Since episode one I have always laughed at So Joon being all "I have no concern for other lives so don't ask me about your future" and I"m just like "dude your future is tied to so many people and their futures!"

So Joon can never really quit his travels because there are so many lives other than his own so reliant on his travels. So Joon's business which also is Ki Doong's lively hood and is also that of Se Young and her father's and is also the reason why his parents dream of Happiness exists (MyRetis funding/donations keeps them affording to build houses) and speaking of MyRetis, it is how Gun Sook and her husband stay employed and semi-rich (same for secretary Hwang and many others).

So Joon's life is a 6 degrees of separation to many lives not just his or Ma Rin's. He's one dude that really can't afford to be selfish (because he literally talked all these people into trusting their lives and livelihoods with him). I can see the future doom and gloom and "break with her/me" if some actions of "I love this girl and I would sacrifice anything for her" messes with the lives of those many that surrounds them.


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Talk about reverse character! Lol SJ you've got to be the densest man (albeit honest to himself) alive ! I can't believe he even patted himself over being a gentleman lol .

And that crying scene where he was so frustrated at not being able to take MaRin, you did that to yourself SJ, but I enjoyed your ridiculous agony, I was in stitches.

And another fave would go to MaRin punching cushions like a punching bag. Poor girl, I'd be that way too if there's a dense LJH in front of me.


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"When it comes to expressing love for your wife, manners maketh idiot."
i'm in love with this phrase!
quoting Kingsman but not really ;)
Thanks a ton for the recap <3


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"When it comes to expressing love for your wife, manners maketh idiot."
i'm in love with this phrase!
quoting Kingsman but not really ;)
Thanks a ton for the recap .


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Gee whizz, this episode emptied by tear tank.


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thank you for the recap!! ^__^

love love love this drama and OTP!! So Joon is dumb but an adorable dummy and I really loved how he told future Ma Rin how much he loves her and will keep in loving her and is doing everything he can to be by her side in the future and she won't hate him and loved their last moment wen he wanted her to tell him that she likes him and she told him that she loves him!! they are making me so emotionel and I keep crying because of them!! I really hope their future change and become a happy one with them growin too old together!!


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i think they started this drama with wrong plot, why they should be death in the very beginning episode, while some of viewers still in heartbreak with goblin ending episode (eun tak death). and they put this drama in wrong time, it hard to watching this drama with your parents. with that intimacy and sexy scene,no wonder they get so low ratings.


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Great recap of an outstanding drama


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Long time reader, first time responder. This drama, I can't help but chime in.

I'm wondering if it's because of noble idiocy that future Marin told So Joon to break up with her. Maybe she felt like it's her fault somehow? There's definitely more to it than her falling out of love with him since I don't think that's the case.

Director Kim also has a much bigger role in this, esp. since So Joon found his name in the journal and he was at the accident site. I hope he'll grow more suspicious of him and start doing something to prevent the fall out. So many wheels turning, too long to wait!


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I think Ma Rin is pulling a nobel idiot too. Girl is obviously still in love with him but something happens that has her believing her being in his life is destroying his life (and that of those that surround him) and wants want him to correct what was never suppose to be, for his own good.

When we think on all that we know. It adds up to Ma Rin noble idiocy.

1. We know that she waits for So Joon in their home (well for a time that is) in the future to come back to her.

2. Is she still doing that now? I mean she's in the same neighborhood as where they live...I think she's saying these things for his benefit and doesn't mean a word of it. Tears don't lie.

3. She still keeps the March 25th, 2019 meet up promise. In the beginning of the episode So Joon has promised to meet up for the fireworks on March 25th, 2019 where he'll explain everything. In episode 4 we that is what Ma Rin is doing (both are headed int the sam direction) in 2019. How much does she truly no longer lover this man and wish him out her life, if years later (going from what we know 2-3yers) she still keeping promises and coming to see him.

I smell a noble idiot move. The only question is...WHY!?!??


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I wasn't sure if they were both on their way there on March 25th other not. But why would So Joon still head there if he knows they'll die on the way? Or maybe he doesn't think she'll go? But he knows the future. That parts still a mystery to me.

And I think maybe they find out who Doo Shik is and that's why she's acting like a noble idiot? DS has been manipulating things behind the scenes, Director Kim ends up accidentally killing Se Young's dad because of DS's meddling, and Marin feels like it's all her fault since he was doing everything for her. True noble idiot style.


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So Joon is his own undoing. He was actually headed to Namyeong station to "put it all on the line one last time" and happened to see Ma Rin "by chance". But he's his own undoing.

Had So Joon never been to the future and seen the fireworks and accident of March 25th. So Joon never would have in the present told Ma Rin to meet him there on that date meaning Ma Rin would have never been on the sidewalk, So Joon would have never seen her, and the accident wouldn't have happened.

So Joon did it all to himself. Again I think the boy is in a loop and all this has happened before and will happen the same and things meant to happen do happen.


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I was actually thinking the same. Just as when he saw in the future that he'd get married with Marin. Which apparently still happened in the present. That's why I'm quite skeptic if he can really change the future by changing the present. Coz it seemed like his actions and the circumstances still lead to the same future. That part made me sad thinking of the heartbreaking ending.

Next point is that, if ever Marin would know that her dad also messed up with So joon's future, she might be guilty of it thus pushing him away. This drama is quite tricky and I love it that it invokes curiosity and critical analysis of the scenes.


@yongspring @Lin

I agree that So-joon's sense of hopelessness in the future leads one to believe that he somehow knew that nothing he could do could change the outcome at that point. And that really worries me.

But, in that future, he hadn't "worked things out" with Marin and that seemed to be his last hope for changing things. I'm not certain he asked Marin to meet him on March 25th in that timeline because they supposedly had never gotten together. (Or had they? Maybe they got together down the line anyway, even without that particular trip to the future driving So-joon forward. And then broke up later, thus explaining that So-joon wanting to work things out with her so badly. Who knows, lol.)

That said, I still think Marin ended up on that sidewalk in every timeline, even before So-joon interfered with her life. So I'm not sure we can pinpoint his actions as the cause of that, but I am starting to fear that they could be futile in changing the outcome.


Oh man. The start of this episode wrecked me. The way he looked at her when she said he is victim, too. That was the first time it seemed like someone earnestly said that to him, knowing his guilt.

And then his plea for her to wait for the time of secret reveal. That was such a step forward and so beautiful. I teared up when he said 'we will look at fireworks all night'. It is such a beautiful, heartfelt wish. Just...

Also that teasing, but honest moment at the memorial.

I genuinely laughed about how they AGAIN misunderstood one another with the making-up and room issue. But what a long way has So Joon come, to think that his honesty can't make up for all wrongdoings. (He's obviously not taking in account how loving and kind Ma Rin is.)

The mimosa comparison is somehow the best and cringyest thing at the same time. He still doesn't know her well enough to know that hearing you're overly sensitive, no matter how that's said, is kinda... Well, not something that makes woman pleased necesserily. Especially if it involves not sharing the bedroom. (Or at least her, since she has some major Thirst for him.) Ahaha.

Still, he is so earnest in his wish to see her happy, you can't get mad at him. Their monologues in the bedrooms are just hilarious.

It seems Mister really wants to protect So Joon's company.

Annnd then all my seriousness went out of window as I laughed out loud at So Joon's morning antics. Her over-dressing was no better. Ahh, they're hilarious and the cutest in their clumsy navigations of relationships. (When they're not heartbreaking.)

The excercise bit had me cracking up. (Also the sputter after 'you die if you change too much suddenly'... Ma Rin, you have way with words, ololol.)

Honestly, So Joon has NO middle ground, ahaha. He's either in one over the top ditch, or other. And his consideration still has ways to go. But it's gold to watch.

The scene in the office, though. 'Omo'. I have nothing else to say.

Gotta love Ma Rin's smile when So Joon said to have revenge on the 'friend'. Though their play of happy newlyweds was actually pretty awkward, it was still endearing ("Calm down."). Gotta love that first meeting story. Considering how she thought he was hitting on her... It works. (Though he rebuked it so much in the following months.)

The Mister and So Joon have too much faith in people, though, thinking the Director will not cause any harm/go against what he's said. Sigh.

The book & seducing timing was unfortunate. That face-grab, though!! Some of most powerful cliche words from male's mouth put in Ma Rin's... Ahh, I squealed. Too bad they didn't lead to desired result. Because So Joon is sometimes SO AWKWARD. He is either Smoothest Realtor ever or Most Awkward one. No-inbetween.

Ma Rin, shoulda just said "yes, I'm seducing you hubby." Didn't your book tell you to be honest? ;) At least it's obvious it affected him appropriately. "I'm running away...


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cause my self-preservance is at the limit." (Teary So Joon about putting himself in doghouse is one of most hilarious things I've seen.)

One thing I absolutely love about this show is how it wastes NO screen time. Even the meal with So Joon's friend enforces a thought of memories/past into his mind that he then brings up in the future. The feeling of characters really interacting and affecting one another is so real in this drama.

Also, I was so right Ki Doong loves the friend. Dang, it was predictable and yet, not less heartfelt. I ship them. Or just ship Ki Doong with happiness. One of my favorite support characters ever, somehow. He's like the Good and Goofy Main Lead, except sadly in supporting role. I wonder if Se Young's departure is what causes rift between Ki Doong and So Joon, and the reason why CCTV is backed up only to October.

I love how So Joon actually calls Ma Rin Flower even when he's on his own. And man, that meeting in future. To think that Future Ma Rin heard his confession first, to see the pain his sincere feelings caused her - because she loves him still and the bright days are so vivid in her mind.

"Are you still doing that?" seems to imply, again, that things go most wrong when he is actively trying to change past/present, instead of living in it. Because, despite her words, I don't think a changing future in general is at fault, but how he goes about it.

I teared up when he talked about his feelings and fears, of being careful, yet happy. You can see how learning to be honest with present Ma Rin just transfers to even this situation. I feel like "that moment is everything to me right now" line from So Joon is somehow a huge, emotional foreshadow.

away cause my self-preservance is at the limit." (Teary So Joon about putting himself in doghouse is one of most hilarious things I've seen.)

One thing I absolutely love about this show is how it wastes NO screen time. Even the meal with So Joon's friend enforces a thought of memories/past into his mind that he then brings up in the future. The feeling of characters really interacting and affecting one another is so real in this drama.

Also, I was so right Ki Doong loves the friend. Dang, it was predictable and yet, not less heartfelt. I ship them. Or just ship Ki Doong with happiness. One of my favorite support characters ever, somehow. He's like the Good and Goofy Main Lead, except sadly in supporting role. I wonder if Se Young's departure is what causes rift between Ki Doong and So Joon, and the reason why CCTV is backed up only to October.

I love how So Joon actually calls Ma Rin Flower even when he's on his own. And man, that meeting in future. To think that Future Ma Rin heard his confession first, to see the pain his sincere feelings caused her - because she loves him still and the bright days are so vivid in her mind.


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Welp, messed up the posts, sadly. Wish I could delete or edit.


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Thanks for the recap!! You know I've recently started watching k-dramas again and this show has really captured my attention. There are only one or two dramas that I constantly rewatch throughout the years and I already know this will be one of them! So many sweet moments!

Anyways so after watching this last ep I've come to the conclusion that the future is constantly changing with every action So Joon (and Do Shik) take. Remember what Do Shik said about his daughter who dies in a car accident and how he changed her life? I think that was ultimately what changed everything for everyone's future! He made So Joon interested in her to save her and now they are married. Their marriage is the cause of Se Young moving because of her jealousy (another future changed). Se Young moving has something significant to do with another change in the future (maybe her father's accident at the construction site?). Everything we see in the future now is different from what was first shown in the beginning of the show. So Joon is constantly doing things differently to "fix" things in the future and at the same time Do Shik is doing the same thing as well!! Do Shik changed everything when he put So Joon in Ma Rin's life and he's also seeing the consequences of that. He's working in the background to "fix" things too. His own advice to So Joon to live in the present comes from his own experiences.


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Oh this is another perspective! Though there have been instances which the future he saw still happened despite him doing something about it. Like he'll get married after 3 months and his past (present) self happens to go to the present (future)

But remembering Doo shik's remark way back in ep3 or 4, this may have a point. And how he saved Marin's life is still a pending question.


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I love Tomorrow With You.
I love Shin Min Ah and Lee Je Hoon.

I just have to make a fashion comment being the fashionista that I am (Not). Why in the world are they dressing Min Ah in those hideous flared short pants? She has a beautiful curvy body and those pants do absolutely nothing to enhance it. Sometimes I can't pay attention to the scene because I can't take my eyes off of the ridiculous look of those pants!
If that is the next fashion trend then count me out!


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Correction: I like the high waist. Muffin top control.


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ahahhahaha if she dressed any better, I don't think Mimosa videos would work at all for So Joon. Really, he'd be dead by now already.


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Dear drama, before you drop the angst bombs, please please please please please please please make the first 45 minutes of episode 9 about the two of them not getting enough of each other as newlyweds. Cough. Cough. PLEAAAAAAAAAASSSSSEEEEEEEEE.


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I. Can't. Hold. It!!
I promise myself that after ep 6 i won't watch it because i can't stand the wait for the next episode. Also i'm such a scaredy cat. I'm afraid to what will happen to our couple. Yet i keep comeback here to dramabeans and keep following it till episode 8. I just couldn't stop. I'm in the midst of wanting to stop for a while because i'm scared of the angst but i'm so curious to the bone for next episode. I regret i watch it now. I should wait it till finish. Akkhhh the thrist!!!
Anyway, that campfire site is legit romantic. The most romantic scene in this episode. Do you guys see those eyes? Those eyes? That , my fellow fellas, is a whole new level of act. I mean So Joon eyes speaks lots of his feeling he experienced by now. His love for her, his worries for her, for their future...
I'm so sold. Solid lock on. I love this drama!! If things going like this. This drama will take the top three on my list.
But but how about next episodes coming i'm to afraid to follow. I won't stand if there will be separation... I will cry a river... Guaranteed 100%...

P. S. Those kiss scene... Aahhh.... I'm melt to the bone.....


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Loving this drama -

I just can't stop thinking about this show - and this episode. I woke up this morning thinking that maybe Director Kim murdered Se-young’s father, making it look like So-joon did it - thus everyone thinks So-joon killed Se-young's father. This would explain the somber mood, why everyone keeps telling him to break up with Ma-rin, and why he fled the country.

Love the leads - wonderful acting and chemistry.
Love the writing - really poignant moments and good relationship advice.

Totally agree with the fashionista comment and those horrible pants - is she too tall and they can't find pants to fit her? Very distracting.


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Oooh nice theory. It would also be possible if MaRin got pinned for it and SoJoon took the blame instead. Personally I feel the murder angle is too makjjang but Director Kim and Gun Sok had been decidedly planted in the story arc at the onset so let's see where that goes. I hope that whatever blood spill will be for the better of the drama. I would just really hate it if an already strong romance-slice-of-life drama goes down the drain because of a murder subplot. I'm worried that it might somehow feel like a misplaced pimple.


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I feel like if Sojoon didn't approach Marin, he was destined to be with Seyoung. Maybe the future wants a reset. But I still want Sojoon to defy the future and end up with Marin.


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