Tomorrow With You: Episode 6

Keeping the spark alive won’t be easy when the secrets our hero keeps threaten to drive a wedge in his most important relationship yet. So-joon might have good intentions when it comes to keeping his loved ones in the dark, but he’ll soon learn that trying to adjust the present for the future isn’t the way to make a marriage work. Having his and hers is a cute idea for some things, but it can easily spell disaster if he means to live his and her separate lives.


Ma-rin walks home feeling proud about the fine man her husband grew up to be, and at the same time So-joon races to Doo-shik’s apartment, but nobody’s home. So he leaves behind a note explaining the dark future he saw in 2018, one where he was long gone.

“There was something strange about you,” So-joon writes. “March 25, 2019. My last day. Now the future me who could’ve told me how Ma-rin and I could’ve avoided the accident has disappeared. First, I have to find out why I disappeared.”

He finds Ma-rin waiting for him outside their house, though she says it still feels like the house belongs to him. He jokes that he should add the name Kkot-soonie on the mailbox.

Later, Ma-rin pulls So-joon in front of the TV to watch a news story about a donor who has been giving anonymously for twelve years running. She’s impressed with how anyone could remain so tight-lipped about doing a good deed for so long, and thinks he’s too modest when it comes to donating to charity.

Those people are like a real-life Batman in her eyes—just like how the Dark Knight protects Gotham, those philanthropists protect their country. So-joon has heard enough, and Ma-rin fawns over him as they retire to bed.

He’s half-asleep while she keeps questioning why Batman always worked so hard in protecting his true identity: “Why would people hate bats?” Bats could be quite cute, and while they dwell in caves, having wings and feet makes bats a friend to both birds and rodents.” Lol, what?

So-joon agrees as much: “I have a hard enough time understanding you. I don’t know why I have to understand bats.” Her point is that Batman needn’t live in such secrecy; she feels sorry for him because he must get lonely. If he had a wife, surely he could tell her that he’s also Bruce Wayne by day, right?

So-joon snores in response, and doesn’t answer when she asks if he’s really asleep or pretending to. Tucking him in, she whispers, “You could tell me.”

Later that night, Doo-shik returns and reads So-joon’s note with a heavy heart.

The following morning, So-joon tries wriggling out of a personal photo shoot with Ma-rin. She pouts that he once stood as a model for her and asks if things have changed now that they’re married.

He concedes to be photographed, and the next thing we know, he grumbles, “I won’t do this.” Hah, they’re at the supermarket, and Ma-rin pops out from behind him and instructs him to act natural.

Avoiding the camera, So-joon asks if this is an attempt to make him go grocery shopping with her. He eventually gives in to her demands and strikes up a conversation with the fishmonger, and Ma-rin finds his inability to differentiate various types of fish downright adorable.

He’s much more familiar with ramyun, though, and despite feeling awkward in front of the camera, he tries out different poses and faces for Ma-rin. He cringes in embarrassment, and when she doesn’t put down the camera, he asks what she’s doing. Ma-rin answers: “Just… seeing what you look like. Watching over what man I’ve staked my life on.”

Holding out his hand, he adorably asks her to stop snapping photos. She puts down the camera to tell him how she once told a photographer that she pursued photography to prove that what people see on the surface isn’t everything. Everyone has a part of themselves they keep hidden, and she wants her photos to capture their true selves.

She shyly says she wants to keep taking photos of him. Looking at her lovingly, he points to his lips and puckers up, but when she takes the bait, he pulls away, teasing, “Were you always that easy?”

At Happiness for Humanity, Se-young is the only one who voices dissent towards Ma-rin’s portfolio, which is full of pictures of So-joon. Little does she know that Ma-rin can hear her on the other side of the door, so she feels awkward when Ma-rin enters moments later.

When Se-young voices her concerns to Ma-rin directly, Ma-rin doesn’t shy away from the criticisms. In fact, Ma-rin quotes the organization’s vision statement, arguing that her portfolio reflects the idea of a happy home filled with loved ones, like her husband. She plans to focus the commemorative book on the people inside the homes, rather than on the houses themselves.

She catches Se-young shaking her leg and advises her to stop lest all her blessings fall away.

So-joon is on the train headed to the future when Ma-rin calls with good news: She’s using her talents for a good cause by working with Happiness. Noticing the lights turn off above him, he quickly tells her they can talk about it at home and literally poofs away.

Ma-rin is upset that her new job didn’t elicit any reaction out of him, but she’s invited to have coffee with Se-young’s father. He thinks it was wrong of him to tell her about So-joon’s connection to Happiness before So-joon did, and Ma-rin carefully reveals that she didn’t know about So-joon’s parents either.

She understands that it’d be difficult for So-joon to talk about his family, explaining that they both survived the subway crash. She guesses that none of So-joon’s friends know about So-joon’s parents’ deaths if she only found out today, and Se-young’s father awkwardly nods in agreement.

So-joon returns to Ki-doong’s abandoned home in 2018. Unable to get through to Ki-doong, he sends a text asking his buddy to call him. He waits for hours before finally giving up.

So-joon narrates that it took three years for him to master his ability to time travel. He’d usually restrict his trips to once per day because of the physical side-effects, but today he had no choice but to make multiple trips if it meant finding out when things began to go awry.

So So-joon works his way backward from 2018, traveling back and forth, and after many failed attempts, he finally returns to a furnished house. He checks the vent again and finds his journal. An entry reads: “Ajusshi’s identity? Why did he teach me about time travel? Why did he approach me? Director Kim.”

Speaking of whom, Director Kim gives his secretary the night off while he conducts a secret meeting with… Doo-shik? What in the?! Evidently Doo-shik has called himself one of Soo-joon’s investors, and he asks for permission to lay all the cards on the table.

Poor Ki-doong has to tell his apologetic mother that finances are too tight to send his younger brother to grad school. So-joon catches the tail-end of that call and asks why Ki-doong’s future self ignored his calls.

He knows Ki-doong wants to live as normal a life as possible, confessing that he was desperate to get a hold of him today. But now he’s got a massive headache and wants to rest his eyes, and Ki-doong asks how long he plans on keeping Ma-rin in the dark about his biggest secret.

Ki-doong thinks things could be even better if she knew, and So-joon could package their future together in a pretty bow for her if she gets too curious. And now So-joon finally admits that his future with Ma-rin isn’t all that great.

In his car, So-joon muses that he thinks he disappeared less than three months from now, on November 30. “Why could I have disappeared and left Ma-rin behind?” he wonders.

As soon as he heads inside, Ma-rin asks where he popped off to earlier. He nearly trips over a futuristic robot vacuum which Ma-rin is fascinated by. While they get ready for bed, she asks why he didn’t say anything about her working for Happiness.

He says it’s because he thought it was a contractor position, and while that’s true, she wants to keep in contact with Se-young’s father. She plays dumb when he asks if Se-young’s father made mention of anything else, but he quickly drops the subject.

She gives him an opportunity to tell her anything, so So-joon posits, “What would you do if I disappeared one day?” Ma-rin says she’d wait for him—but why is he asking? Turning towards her, he says, “Let’s live together for a long, long time. Even if we’re angry, disappointed, or get sick of one another, stick by me like we were born as a set.”

“If you were to disappear one day, I might lose my mind,” he tells her. Swooon.

When Gun-sook whines over Ma-rin’s absence at their friends’ outing, the others are quick to catch on that Gun-sook harbors an ulterior motive. They don’t believe her excuse that she’s trying to patch things up between her and Ma-rin, and Gun-sook points out that practically no one knows anything about the MyReits CEO.

According to her sources, So-joon became rich overnight, and no one knows how he pulled it off.

Elsewhere, Ma-rin blushes when a Happiness employee formally addresses her as “Photographer Song.” Se-young invites her out for a drink, and the mood is, well, awkward.

Every time Se-young tries to establish that she doesn’t feel awkward around her, Ma-rin cuts her off, saying that it’s the same with her. Se-young brings up that Ma-rin must have a bone to pick with her, to which Ma-rin replies, “You hate me.”

She even noticed that Se-young has her number saved as “Bap-soonie,” and points out that it was Se-young who wanted to speak plainly. She’s used to people hating her, though she notes the relational distance Se-young sets between them. She claims not to be curious about people who hate her, and sips her wine. Se-young pushes past her frustration and extends a hand to clink glasses.

The camera zooms in, then zooms out as So-joon arrives at the wine bar hours later, only to find Se-young alone, plastered and surrounded by empty bottles. He’s surprised to see her so drunk since she usually has a high tolerance, and she hides her face because she doesn’t want to see him.

So-joon entrusts her to Ki-doong when he arrives shortly afterward. Se-young is a rowdy drunk who can barely walk, and Ki-doong sweetly lends her his ear as she gripes about Ma-rin.

But then she mistakes him for So-joon, asking why he married Ma-rin. “Aren’t I better?” she asks drunkenly. Though Ki-doong laughs, he seems concerned because he’s never seen Se-young like this before.

Thinking that she’s still talking to So-joon, Se-young asks him, “So are you happy with her? Do you love her to death?”

Ma-rin miraculously finds her way home, and when nobody’s home, she thinks So-joon is playing hide-and-seek with her. She hugs the robot vacuum, which disappears beneath the couch to fetch a dropped coin.

She bends down to chase it and finds a magazine from the future whose cover features a new president of South Korea. This is how So-joon finds her, trying to discern between what’s real or not.

He snatches the magazine out of her hands and quickly tells her the headline is positing a what-if scenario, even arguing that the exclamation mark is really a question mark. But she’s convinced that she’s read it correctly, and So-joon resorts to scolding her for scaring him because she’s imagining things.

“Are you scared of me?” she asks, slurring her words. “I’m scared of this country.” He decides that it’s time for bed and scoops her up and carries her away. A thunderstorm brews outside, and Ma-rin wakes at the noise. She shuffles over to the door, then sends a dark look at a sleeping So-joon: “Why did he lie?” Geez, that shade of red makes it even scarier.

She mulls over the situation in the living room, convinced that she wasn’t imagining things. But she can’t be completely certain, and as the storm rages behind her, she thinks about all the times when So-joon accurately predicted the weather or when he explained away strange objects as products in development.

Pieces of the night start returning to her, like Se-young drunkenly telling her that So-joon has no friends who work in research and development. She jumps when a barely awake So-joon appears—he finds her sudden use of jondae weird and tells her to come back to bed.

Ma-rin tells So-ri about the magazine she found beneath the couch—she tried to be understanding that her husband is a businessman, but she can’t shake off the feeling that So-joon is keeping something from her. “Maybe he’s more like Hong Gil-dong than Batman.”

She’s afraid to bring it up in case So-joon is leading some secret life where he’s doing good deeds. But she’s even more upset to hear that Gun-sook has taken a personal interest in solving the mystery that is So-joon’s success and his hasty marriage to Ma-rin.

Ma-rin admits she’s been having doubts about So-joon too, and agrees that it doesn’t hurt to directly ask her spouse what’s going on. She sends him a puzzling text, asking which fictional hero he would save from drowning: Hong Gil-dong or Batman?

He ignores it and is called up to the roof by Ki-doong, who asks why he sent Ki-doong’s family money behind his back. Not wanting his friend’s charity, Ki-doong promises to return the money and warns him against ever doing this again.

So-joon doesn’t find it a big deal, but that’s the very issue, Ki-doong states—while that’s easy money for So-joon, he finds it an offensive gesture. Rather than acknowledging his error, So-joon laughs and makes light of the situation, which only stresses Ki-doong more.

So-joon says he meant well because he couldn’t ignore his friend’s plight, and after chasing him for a hug, he asks his buddy for a favor: to meet at Ki-doong’s house on December 3rd. He knows Ki-doong doesn’t want to know too much about the future, but there’s something he really needs to ask him that day: “Please be at home that day, no matter what. I’ll explain everything then.”

That night, Ki-doong circles December 3, 2016 on his calendar. So-joon travels to that date to meet the future Ki-doong, who has been expecting him. And So-joon comes right out with it: “I disappeared.”

Future Ki-doong knows that’s why So-joon came to see him today, and reassures him that his disappearance isn’t related to an accident. He explains, “You left for overseas. You broke up with Ma-rin.”

So-joon can’t believe that his marriage to Ma-rin was always rocky, and asks, “Did she find out that I’m a time traveler?” Future Ki-doong doesn’t know what exactly drove a wedge between them, but apparently the future So-joon suddenly left one day. Furthermore, their marriage was never officially registered.

Future Ki-doong has no idea where the future So-joon went, but So-joon counters that he has no reason to leave Ma-rin. Ki-doong advises him to return to the present and break up with Ma-rin while he still can, for both their sakes.

Ma-rin waits up for So-joon, hoping to have a serious talk tonight. Mom insists on staying the night (and pfft, she wears a hairpiece?), while in the future, So-joon discovers that he’s missed the last train.

He walks through the snowy streets and looks at his phone, only to realize that no one would be calling him at this time. His feet take him down a quiet street, where he sees the future Ma-rin walking alone.

He trails behind her and watches as she narrowly avoids an oncoming scooter and falls. A drunkard offers to help her up and recognizes her as Bap-soonie, and Future Ma-rin heads inside the house. While So-joon stands outside their home in the future, the shot beautifully blends into Ma-rin waiting for him outside in the present.

So-joon doesn’t return home in the present until the following morning. Annoyed, Ma-rin heads in the opposite direction when she sees him approach, and he chases her down.

He swears he didn’t stay out all night on purpose, but she coolly replies that she doesn’t want to pry into his privacy, and skips away.

He sticks to her like glue when she comes home, swearing that he passed out drunk at Ki-doong’s place. But Ma-rin tells him not to give excuses because she’s trying hard to stay out of his business. She suggests that they can have one of those marriages where each spouse freely lives their own lives.

Speaking of which, she proposes that they put off making their marriage official on paper, a statement Future Ki-doong warned So-joon about. So-joon asks if they have to go that far because of one mistake he’s made, and Ma-rin says she agreed to work with Happiness; she’ll be away next week for an on-location photo shoot.

He remains silent, so she repeats herself, adding that she knows he was the one who re-established the organization. He says he thought it wasn’t necessary to bring that fact up—if he really wanted to keep it a secret, he would’ve deterred her from working there.

“But I wished that you had told me,” Ma-rin replies, “because I thought I was someone who was important enough to share that [fact] with.” She says there are so many things she wants to know about him, but can’t bring herself to ask him because she can’t help but think that he’s keeping something from her: “Is this all I am to you?”

“If I kept something from you, it’s probably because I didn’t want to hurt you,” So-joon says in his defense. “Because nothing good can come from you knowing.”

That indicates to her that there is something then, and So-joon says nobody can be completely truthful. Eep, that’s not what you want to say right now. “Could I know everything there is to know about you? I can’t, and that’s the same for everyone,” he adds. Ahh! Stop, stop!

“But what’s important is that in my head… we’ll live happily together… for a long, long time!” he stutters. The words get caught in his throat, and he yells, “I’m only worried about what lies ahead for us!”

She wonders why he’s getting so angry and overcomplicating things when she’s merely upset that he’s keeping secrets from her. To her ears, he sounds like he doesn’t want any added stress from her when he’s working so hard at the office.

She walks off, and they retire to different rooms. It’s only now that So-joon sees the stream of worried and frustrated messages that Ma-rin sent last night. “I did come home,” So-joon pouts. “I waited outside in the cold.”

Elsewhere, Gun-sook tries to persuade her husband to move anywhere in the world in so long as it’s cockroach-free. Director Kim reminds her that no such place exists, and wonders if her sudden desire to move is because she can’t handle losing to Ma-rin. Reassuring her that he’ll keep his promise to make her a CEO’s wife, he thinks back to his dinner with Doo-shik, who had promised to invest a large sum with him rather than with So-joon.

Later, So-joon notices Ma-rin on the swing and tries sending an apology text with a cute emoticon. Aw, I love that he has her saved as “My Kkot-soon.” But Ma-rin won’t have any of it and calls him out for trying to be cute. He tries to convey his sincerity with another emoticon, and it totally backfires. Lol, he’s so terrible at this.

He barely gets through his third attempt before Ma-rin writes that this is no matter to be resolved over text. Defeated, he shrinks away. He comes downstairs and apologizes in person, but Ma-rin is in no mood to talk.

She notices him shuffle towards the door and asks, “Where are you going?” When So-joon murmurs he’s just going to pop out for a bit, he sees Ma-rin yelling at the robot vacuum instead. “Where are you going?! There’s no dust there! Why do you do things your own way!”

He has no idea those words were also meant for him and heads out for some fresh air, and finds Doo-shik huddled in a corner. Instead of greeting him, this Doo-shik hides his face. Oh, could this be an accidental encounter with one of Doo-shik’s time-traveling selves?

Realizing he can’t avoid a conversation, Mystery Doo-shik says that he came to see how So-joon was doing, and acknowledges that he read So-joon’s note.

Ma-rin, however, wonders what’s taking So-joon so long and pops her head outside, only to hide behind the gate when she sees the two men talking. She overhears Mystery Doo-shik affirm that he did tell So-joon that his life would reset if he got married and that everything in his future would change.

Soo-joon: “But now I think my future is even more messed up than before.”


Gah, damn you cliffhanger! We’re on the edge of one of the most anticipated moments of this series, where Ma-rin finally finds out about So-joon’s ability to time travel. I wouldn’t be surprised if this conversation is how Ma-rin finds out the truth—straight from the horse’s mouth. If in the event that So-joon’s last line here is the only one she does overhear, however, I’d think that would only add to the many misunderstandings that have stacked on top of one another.

And while big misunderstandings are the bread and butter of drama conflicts (which can sometimes be frustrating), they feel naturally sewn in here because of the often confusing way Ma-rin and So-joon communicate with one another. More and more we see that So-joon is so caught up in what might happen in the future that he fails to see how that overcomplicates the present—the only time Ma-rin, his friends, and everyone else can see. His fear of a dark future blinds him to an understanding of why his new marriage would already be on the rocks, and his clumsy attempts to make up, whilst adorable, aren’t enough to patch things up with Ma-rin, who simply wants to hear the truth from his own lips. He may think that he’s protecting her by remaining tight-lipped, but much like how he secretly sent money to Ki-doong’s family, his good intentions alone aren’t always what his loved ones need.

I have no reason to doubt Future Ki-doong’s words about how So-joon’s marriage to Ma-rin failed, but I do wonder what he means by advising his friend to end the marriage while he still can. Ki-doong might simply want to save his friend from heartache or perhaps he knows something else he can’t bring himself to break to So-joon just yet. In terms of their friendship, I fear the day when So-joon will think he’s done another good deed for his friend, only to realize that the act will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. He may have met up with Ki-doong in three months’ time, but his friend is long gone by 2018.

Lastly, I have to wonder which Doo-shik So-joon is currently speaking with, since present-day Doo-shik would be in casual clothing and evidently 2018 Doo-shik looks drab and exhausted. I’m inclined to think that this is an accidental run-in, given that this Doo-shik wanted to avoid contact with So-joon. I hope that our hero realizes soon that this may not be the same ajusshi who claimed to have gone on vaycay, or maybe he’ll have to learn things the hard way.


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So Joon. He’s smart, funny, and mysterious. But he has a lot of secrets. He’ll disappear from time to time, be hard to contact. And then one day, he'll never come back.

So Joon has unilaterally decided Ma Rin is on a need-to-know basis, and there's nothing she needs to know. He founded Happiness? Nope. How his parents died? Not a chance. He's a time-traveler? Forget it. When Ki Doong revealed, "You broke up with Ma Rin," did he actually mean "Ma Rin broke up with you" because this isn't a marriage; this is barely a relationship. Who knew Ma Rin's years of "practice" would pay off? She always retains that 1% of sobriety to even be able to differentiate between an exclamation mark and a question mark. I'm bracing myself for the traumatic fallout next week. So Joon better grovel for forgiveness to the point of hearing "bogoshipo" and "saranghae" coming from his mouth.

It's becoming more transparent that So Joon genuinely likes Ma Rin. Fretting over not coming home all night, protesting sleeping in separate rooms, apologizing with emoticons -- these aren't things the old nonchalant So Joon would waste his time over, so at least he's learning to compromise. When Future jilted Ma Rin fell, I wished they showed Present So Joon worry and hesitate to help her up. The boys are stereotypically oblivious about Se Young's longtime crush, but can a woman's sixth sense tell Se Young is in love with her husband? We got sexy Lee Je Hoon yesterday (wink plus lip bite) and cute Lee Je Hoon today (whiny with a shopping basket on his head). I'll take every Lee Je Hoon please.

A big thanks for the recap, gummimochi!


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That "I did come home. It was cold." And the pouting was too much for me. I don't know if I can make it through the rest of this with my mind right. Can they not be adorable so I cen return to my conspiracy theories without getting distracted?


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Ah, that shot of them outside the house in different timelines was so beautiful and poignant. Hnngggggg.


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It was beautifully done indeed.

Ive read some other comments about how So Joon is now at boyfriend stage but i honestly think he's passed that and as someone said before maybe more in love wih her because he knows more about her.

That she can in my opin so easily and so early on put up a barricade because of one night made me think yeah he's gone for her but not her for him.

I understand her frustrations but Kkot soonie should know that that frenemy is a real piece of work and to listen to the poison she spews would be trouble and foolhardy.

Clearly that marriage book was a waste of time. We really hear what we want to sometimes though. It is so unfortunate that she chose that moment to have spectacular hearing because of course she would think he means her and their marriage.

I wish that the opening scene for next week would be her cussing him out for that instead slinking into a corner by herself and lettig her imagination run wild.

I felt his desperation and dare I say love this episode.

Whole weekend ive been saying the korean public probably going out and missing the times because this drama is so good. They cant really be snubbing it.

Such poignant moments ????


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I agree with your comment on the frenemy. Shouldn't she know by now that you don't keep poisonous friends around? You dump them!


That she can in my opin so easily and so early on put up a barricade because of one night made me think yeah he’s gone for her but not her for him.

Wait, are you saying he loves her more than she loves him because I have to come to Ma Rin's defense. She has every right to be mad. Her husband stayed out all night; she was worried sick. He didn't even have the common courtesy to let her know he was okay. Obviously, we know why he couldn't come home and why he couldn't reply to her texts, but she doesn't know that. Because he never tells her anything! I thought she explained her reasons very articulately. It hurts her feelings to realize he keeps secrets from her because when you're in love with someone, you normally want to share everything with them. But being a time traveler's wife is not normal. I don't think she overreacted at all.


As someone who's been married 25 years, I can tell you that whether it was in the first few months of the marriage, or yesterday, if my husband did not show up at home overnight without a word and without answering calls or texts, he'd better be in the hospital. Worrying me like that and then just sauntering back to the house in the morning is going to be a HUGE problem. And emoji texts wouldn't cut it with me either. It's a big deal to Ma Rin and she's totally within her rights to be angry.


I have no problem with her ranting about it and making as huge a deal out of it but the barricade for me is the putting up of a communication block and moving out their bedroom. How is that really supposed to help the situation.

Moving into a different room? A bit much no?
Ask what you want to ask. Thats better than thinking about asking not asking anything at all and getting frustrated because you arent getting answers.

Yes at this point unbeknownst to him i do believe he is more in love with her. He knows her because shes a talker and shares everything. Has shown him the many sides of herself. He's come to like those idiosyncracies but for him she loves the shell he has presented. His fault of course but subcobsciously and as a result of her frenemy she has realized on a deeper level that something's not adding up and she doesnt know who he is really.

He was cold before. Really! going to 2018 to get ramyun cuz she asked spells a man gone for his lady to me.



Hear! Hear!
I share your opinion.

And I'm restless during commute so I'm re-reading everything on this thread. I need to find better uses for my free time.


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I can see your point, but I don’t quite agree. If it was just one X on the list that So Joon has done wrong and Ma Rin noticed, I’d be with you, but there are too many drops in a cup that’s starting to overflow. It just stacks up to become a real issue.

Someone made painfully accurate bullet point list of all obvious red flags that are troubling Ma Rin about her husband:

• So Joon keeping secrets-potential DECEPTION.
• So Joon staying out all night without calling – appears to be DECEPTION.
• Mr. Shin Se Young’s dad, revealed So Joon’s parents died in the subway accident, not the car accident So Joon stated – DECEPTION.
• Se Young drunkenly revealed So Joon doesn’t have friends in research – DECEPTION.
• So Joon tried to convince Ma Rin she was still drunk and the future publication revealing the presidential election results was a “what if” – DECEPTION.

There’s also the matter of how he’s been pushing toward marriage, the fact it turns out they truly barely know each other. What’s more, she DID try to bring up Happiness multiple times and received no reaction from him. And his response to her being open about it, even if it was during angry confrontation, didn’t help the matter.

No, she was not entirely logical in the confrontation scene, but she was absolutely human. If you have been sitting up entire night (after days of already being troubled), contemplating all that feels wrong about your relationship and the man you love, who effectively locks you out of his life beyond bedroom, it’s hard to keep a cool mind/reactions. His responses hardly helped, being quite quizzical. I understand her, as someone who also has minimum relationship experience, reacting wholly as she did, to point of 'moving out'.

I will never be quite over the swings/balcony scene. We see Ma Rin smiles a little at the messages, but there’s still too much of ??? between them for her just to give up on the matter, like So Joon would like.

Besides, Ma Rin has her own insecurities and issues due to past. She overreacts, over-analyzes, over-worries. Because she’s been abandoned by people who should stay by her side too often, or they turned out to be completely two-faced. I can see why it would take her a day to cool down and some proper conversation with So Joon. Unfortunately, the situation escalated due to overheard talk between her husband and his mentor.


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You are right on everything.

This is a guy who has barely had any relationship and now he is suddenly in a marriage. And being in need-to-know basis works for housemates but marriage is more than housemate with lifelong contract. He has to yet learn to be a proper boyfriend to become the husband he needs to be.
And as you said, I really need to see moments of his jealousy, pettiness and him missing her. I need him to live that angst!

And the striking thing about this drama is, despite all the time travelling fantasies and future selves - the main leads are infinitely relatable. He just could be any guy on the streets. Same with her. They just work together so beautifully. Their quiet interactions are to die for! And I so love that there is no ost in most of their scenes!

Se Joon is love! <3 I can't believe this is the same guy in misaeng ( who I really didn't like for most of the first half of the show!)


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I always think that So-joon was only now step into boyfriend role, while Ma-rin already immersed herself in the wife role. It just didn't match, and problems bound to happen. Hopefully he'll learn about it soon, and not in a too-painful way.

Btw, I think you are confusing Signal with Misaeng.


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Exactly. The imbalance is so clear to see that I keep getting extremely nervous. And am unsure of this whole relationship.
Then they have these quiet moments where they talk and share genuinely, you can clearly see them discovering more about each other and just respecting that. It brings me back to rooting for them, and I just feel like so-joon. For them to live together for long long time. Working it all out and living as if they are a set!

Ah yes, my bad. Its signal ! I just finished watching Misaeng last week only, maybe am in aftereffects of it, lol !


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Haha. And I thought you were confusing Im Si Wan with Lee Jae Joon.


Na, Im Shi Wan twisted and tore me into pieces throughout last week. I cant ever confuse him with anyone else ever! :D

And its true, I really found it hard to follow Lee Jae Joon in Signal. The story and other characters hooked me in. I felt at start, anyone could have played that character. Thats why am extremely surprised here, he literally won me over in a jiff!


To add more confusion. Just a little trivia.

Lee Je- hoon was offered the role of Jang Geu- Rae in Misaeng. He was PD's first choice. He declined. And that went Im Shi- wan.

After the success of Misaeng, Lee Je-hoon accepted the role in Signal when the same PD asked him. It would have been stupid of him if he didn't accept.



I have actually been thinking about how uncanny his resemblance is to Im Si Wan and that he would have made a great contender for Jang Gu Rae.

To think that I've repeatedly been thinking how Kim Woo Bin would be perfect for the role of So Joon without knowing he's actually Shin MinAh's boyfriend.

In the end, I'm happy that Lee Je Hoon gets to be So Joon because there's so much music in the way he acts with Shin Minah. It's very harmonious. That or the directing team is pure genius. This team hasn't failed me so far, except this is the first work they did that's more mellow than funny.


Beautifully said.

He has to yet learn to be a proper boyfriend to become the husband he needs to be.

I think he also needs to learn how to be a better/proper friend as well which would help him on many fronts. Hopefully as things go by he will become wiser for the wear.

They just work together so beautifully. Their quiet interactions are to die for! And I so love that there is no ost in most of their scenes!

Their sweet interactions are probably my favourite part of the show. The leads play their parts so well when it comes to this. The apple peeling, and bed scene of the previous episode, and the grocery and fallout scene of this episode were so good! And thanks for pointing out the not having an awkward as hell song come in to disrupt a scene. This show is so well produced, edited, acted and directed.


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Yes the fallout scene. It was written, acted and directed so perfectly. It felt so real. Take out him being time traveller, still that scene would work with any couple in this whole world where one just races ahead looking into future while other just wants to live a life together now.
It worked so beautifully. There was just enough beat and a pause with extreme silence as background - for us to get engrossed into.

Am curious on who is the director!


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The director is the one who did High School King of Savvy and Oh My Ghostess.


Can you beanies tell me how you are quoting the previous comments?

I guess I have been lurking for too long!


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Type blockquote in before the comment, then after the comment.


Sorry, my formatting didn't work. >_<

Type blockquote in less-than () before the comment, then /blockquote in less-than () after the comment.



less-than and greater-than symbols


Thanks a lot Panshel!! <3


In case you want to do other kinds of formatting.

i is for italics
b is for bold
q is for quotations, but it doesn't really do anything special that you using quotation marks yourself would do other than making them grey I guess

I never tried the others but I guess I could try them here while we're on the topic

mark is for highlight
del is for strikethrough
ins is for underline
sub is for subscript
sup is for superscript

just be careful with what you put in before and after because you might end up with the whole thing going a bit crazy. Hope that formatting above worked for me. lol.


lol. I guess the only other html tag that works from what I found online was strikethrough.


And the striking thing about this drama is, despite all the time travelling fantasies and future selves – the main leads are infinitely relatable. He just could be any guy on the streets. Same with her.

I completely agree, this is such a slice-of-life drama even with the fantasy elements. Its contemplative feel makes the characters so realistic.


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Yes thats the word. And I like that they are not overdoing it. They show a dash of it, let us get into it and move right on to the next bit. Its just the right bit.


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I also like the slice of life description. It's quite apt.


The first paragraph. I heard it somewhere. :P


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Argus' advice applies to more than just soldiers. ;)


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Freaking awesome DotS reference!


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I laughed so hard at the Argus reference I hate you! Lol.

But seriously, I don't think Sojoon has realized the gravity of everything he's doing to Marin--marrying her in haste, wanting to have children, keeping secrets from her. That's why I'm fifty-fifty whenever they're together. They're cute and all, but my heart bleeds for Marin who is being kept in the dark. It's like, she was the only one who was keeping the marriage when she wasn't the one who wanted it in the first place. Also, I can't wait to see their falling out. Not only will the truth be revealed, but it will also make Sojoon realize all the mistakes he made and the things he took for granted.


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Did you read it in Argus' voice? ?

You're fifty-fifty, whereas I'm one hundred-zero. I'm hopelessly in love with So Joon, so much so that I'm terrified he'll inevitably break Ma Rin's heart and mine.


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LOL on the DOTS reference


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It's just a brilliantly written show.


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This drama is soo much fun.
But it kinda sad that the rating is quite low since they have a list start with great chemistry here.
Honestly I wish the chasing part is longer. I mean when they still in dating phase.
We only in 6 episode so I wonder how they gonna fill the remaining episode. Hope it will be more fun and entertaining like the beginning


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I was waiting to pick beanies' brain about this episode but there weren't any comments yet ? AH time zones! I find so-joon and ma rins relationship highly intriguing. At times he seems like he genuinely loves her and at times he can't seem to stand her...quite confusing


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Their TV news-watching scene is the perfect example. I wanted to slap him when he told her to talk prettily. It gave me blood-boiling flashbacks to Director Kim berating his newlywed wife for shortening "honeymoon" and making Gun Sook repeat the whole word twice like a two-year-old. And it is the worst to be compared to that disrespectful man.


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So Joon is basically the type of person you are seen alot in real life. They are seems not to care and unromantic. But don't have any doubt with their feeling.


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I swooned soooo hard at So Joon's words in the teeth-brushing scene! Dang it, that boy knows his words! His tender serious moments are making ME fall hard for him, let alone Ma Rin.

And for Doo Shik, there's a red alert coming on. This doesn't look good, I wonder if he's playing him from the very beginning, even goading him to meet Ma Rin, when his very insistence is the sole reason to what's in the future.


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I know right!?

He says the exact right words for someone so inexperienced in relationship. And that's what makes it more swoon worthy! I can't wait for him to go through all the angst of separation.

I don't want them to break up but I really want him to need her and miss her so desperately - so all this swoon worthy lines make it extra meaningful!


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I kinda flipped out during the toothbrushing scene because I didn't know if he meant it in terms of his own self preservation or because he truly loves her. I want to believe that he is truly beginning to care, but I'm still in the "he's all about self preservation mode" mode atm.


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Am flip flopping so often between both.
One moment, am like you are so selfish and all you want to is live. Best example would be when he was talking about having baby. I flipped out, I mean its another life not a means to end for you to live till old age.

And the next scene, Ma Rin said it all so perfectly and voiced out all genuine concerns - and then I could see his light bulb go on ! Where he realizes the foolishness of his thoughts. On how Betting on life and fate of their kid so that they can live for long time is such a stupid thing to do.

In such moments, am back on his camp. I believe he likes her, respects her and genuinely cares for her. But he has never in his life had to think about how his actions might affect other. He is so used to being the lone wolf, making all decisions that he never has had to think about the collective life of everyone around him. And Ma Rin is the perfect person to make him see the other side.


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I love the subtleness of this drama, especially when it comes to So Joon and the things he says to Ma Rin. I think it's genius on the writer's part and it makes so joon such a complex character. He's not lying to her, he tells her the truth but the truth has double meanings. It's so easy for somebody that is in the dark like Ma Rin, or even the audience if we choose not to read into it, to take it as something romantic and cheesy (Ex. I think I'll die if I don't marry you). Swoon worthy, def not meant to be swoony. I think at this point he genuinely does care for her, I don't think he's in love with her yet (and I appreciate that from a realistic point of view), but there is definitely potential. I don't think at this point he's being selfish in the sense that he wants to save himself. He is desperate because he wants to save them both. I think his concern for stems from the fact that they have this shared experience where she saved him, they have a connection, and now that they're married he's growing to care for her. If only he would stop worrying too much about the future and enjoy the present with her.

I totally agree with you on So Joon being a lone wolf. It makes me wonder if he's aware that the things he says are coming across as romantic to Ma Rin...Yes, he has omitted the fact that he's a time traveler and knows a version of their future, but can we really assume that when he's being honest with Marin he is choosing his words to keep her hooked?


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But almost everything that comes out of that boy's mouth, he means literally.

If I don’t get to marry you, I think I’ll die.

Stay by my side, so that I can protect you. Entrust your future to me.

If you were to disappear one day, I might lose my mind.

After all, he witnessed it. Future So Joon irrationally gave up on trying to cheat death and drove to the fatal intersection prepared to die.

So you never know if he's being sincere and that's what's so frustrating even while I'm swooning.


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So you never know if he’s being sincere and that’s what’s so frustrating even while I’m swooning.

I really cant wait for him to start missing her and actually feeling the pain. He needs to realize how much love matters!


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I think the part where he found out he left Marin to go abroad and was pretty much like "why would I do that"? was a good complement to that beginning episode when he didn't care one lick about his friend's pain over losing his girlfriend because he foresaw them getting together and later, that friend ultimately cheating on her. He ignored his friend's present feelings and acted like a know-it-all jerk about it.

Now he himself is reeling from learning about his future 3 months from now. Not sure if it's because he left the country, but the phrasing seems to indicate that he broke it off with Marin instead of a mutual breakup or Marin kicking him out. He became that asshole who failed at keeping the relationship intact. I think So Joon genuinely cares about Marin and wants to be married to Marin forever.


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My thoughts exactly! He chose his words very carefully - every time he's forced to express his love in words, he literally talks about "living together" (not dying). It seems like he doesn't have extremely romantic feelings for her at these times (or maybe is not aware of it)


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True! That's why I said he knows his words, he carefully structured them, in the prettiest way possible but also not lying one bit. It's all shady, and I took it all with a grain of salt.

But it doesn't help that the way he said is totally swoony and the words gah !


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But his actions say otherwise. Seriously, the word "Bap" banned from MyReits and Ramyun from the future. Let alone the frustration because he "did come home last night." None of that has anything to do with him being able to fix the future. And he responds a sweet "me too" to her "I'm happy." The guy is in the sack. Big time.


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Correct me on this one:
Read the following

I think people are confusing the future him with present him. You are linking two very different personalities and timelines. They are not related.

Timeline 1: SJ never saved MaRin and she lost her legs (wheelchair scene)
Travel 1: SJ goes back and saves her

Timeline2: SJ saves her... and marries her
Travel 2: When he time traveled to learn he married her, shower scene

Timeline 3: SJ refused to marry...
Travel 3: Life has reset again, he was not married to maRin as he comes home to his bachelor pad in future... ALSO it is IN THIS TIMELINE.. that he goes to the accident site.. and get to speak with his future self.. who tells him to make it work with maRin

So, this future guy is NOT MARRIED to MaRin

Timeline 4: upon listening to what future self said,SJ MARRIES MaRin
Travel4: Now that future guy does not exist anymore.. he doesn't.. now the new problem isSJ moving aboradbecause of ajushi

And like i have been saying this for a while now, once SJ realizes that ajushi is MaRin dad.. he will feel manipulated. Right now he thinks ajushi is looking after him... but then he will realize it was never about him.. it was always about MaRin.. and SJ never got to live his life on his own terms..

And that feeling will stink..if i were there.. no matter how much i loved the other person.. i would want to leave and go away.. because what love if it wasn't out of free will (ofcourse you may come around after some time.. but there is always going to be that phase of doubt)


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The only trouble with your outline is that Travel 2 shows up in Timeline 4. Otherwise, I agree with your summary. So, do we think that Timelines 2 and 4 merged somehow? Or that So Joon is in a causal loop, and that Future So Joon from Travel 3 wasn't married to Ma Rin because he left her to go abroad, not because he never married her to begin with?


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It doesn't merge as per the story.. but it does..

basically timeline 2 is what happened.. and then he decided he didn't want to marry and timeline 3 happened..

THAT is when he met his future self who asked him to make it work with marin

and then he decided to marry..
and timeline2 came back as timeline 4..

Moral of the story:
The man SJ spoke to in 2019 before the accident.. doesn't exist anymore


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I still feel all timelines are still merging into one.

In the 2019 crash scene, his future self tells him to work it out with that woman.
How do we know whether they had married or not?
They might have been married and then separated. And when future self says, no matter what he does nothing will change. That's what it means. He listened to his future self and tried to make sure that doesn't happen while inadvertently that's what happened.


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It has been told in ep 5 , during the narrative beginning that the So Joon who looked devastated and drive to the intersection just to die in the future, DID NOT get married to Ma Rin.

But the timeline is too confusing and overlapping. I don't think this writer managed to write the two timeline neatly. The Signal writer made it clear that what happened in the present caused by the changes in the past which could only be change because the one in the present told to the person in the past and it could or could not be changed depend on the the person's ability to make it work. But this writer has flaw.
But So Joon goes to future the other time, he found himself getting married to Marin but after that kinda break up between them, he goes to the future again and find that he doesn't married to Marin. Things get confusing because the rule are not clear. If the Sojoon who didn't married to Marin doesn't exist anymore, why does this scenario come to play only after Sojoon went to the future where he find himself getting married to Marin. How could he go to different futures? I can't seem to understand the concept lol after writing this I scratch my head even more.


See, even in the latest timeline, they did not get married. It seemed to me that So Joon of accident 2019 was carefully watching MaRin from afar, hence his being there at the accident site. We can't know for sure that he stopped observing her after he disappeared in Dec 2016. So in a sense, the timeline is still linear. What if there's really no such thing as defying fate? What if, even with all his time travelling skills, he's just going through the motions of pre-destiny anyway? What if learning to time travel is in fact part of his fate?


To put my above-mentioned case forward, I would like to present the case of how he started to call her Kkot-soonie. He never would have known the right nickname to drop had he not been to the future. And wasn't that nickname such a pivotal factor to MaRin's decision?


They are not legaly married yet because non of them registered their marriage. They had their marriage but until they handle their filled up and signed registrations forms to the state they are not officialy considered married. It works like this in South Korea I think.


I have a question:
why does he need to do this whole marriage thing again? Aside from the fact that Ahjusshi tells him? If he can save Ma Rin from the truck accident just by yanking her away from the truck, wouldn't it just be enough for him to get them away from the accident on the day it's fated to happen? Like why this whole charade, etc., etc.? Obviously there would be no story if that was the end of it, but I fail to see the logic here.


Or maybe it is like those choose-your-own-ending book, where some choice could lead into the same event, but still end up with different result. So maybe because So-joon decided to marry Ma-rin in both timeline 2 and 4, both led to past So-joon meet with present Ma-rin. But since he has different motivation and urgency for his marriage, it could be the thing that led them to different ending (they both died in timeline 2, while in timeline 4 So-joon abandoned Ma-rin).


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While I do love this drama, I must admit I get confused sometimes. Just reading your 4 alternate timelines and reading Amilia's comment about Travel 2 showing up in Timeline 4 is confusing me. I think I would need to map/write it down to visualize it and understand it @_@


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Flashpoint ?


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i'm with you on this one thus by sticking close to you ;)


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RE: Timeline 3

So Joon may have cut ties with Ma Rin, leading to him seeing his bachelor pad again, but it is during that trip that he learns that she was the woman that indirectly saved him from the subway accident, which makes him pursue her again. He then sees the accident and is asked by his future self to "make things work with that woman." It's hard to decipher the exact cause and effect with this one. Did learning that she was the woman from the accident lead him to marrying her? Or was it seeing her on the stretcher and him vowing to save her that did it. I personally believe that he could have been married in 2019, because while he may have felt regret at not being able to save their lives, without the history of falling in love with her and it all falling apart, there's no reason for future So Joon to be that dejected—tearing up at the sight of her and spending his last moments just waiting to die.


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aww.. you just pointed out something super pignant to me..

how dumb of me to not recognize it..

A man who has all his life been trying to run away from death and chose to manipulate people and situations around him to safeguard his future.. CHOSE to die away just like that because he knew she was going to die..in that moment..

how deeply did he fell in love with her!.. and how..or why..

you just made the drama super tragic from being just tragic


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That he CHOSE to die...wow...

No matter how cute the drama gets, I always feel that dark undertone and I guess it's because much like So Joon I can't get over the fact that they are going to die in three years.

Which makes me wonder, what if the lesson is not that living in the present can save their lives in the future, but rather you should live in the present because we are all going to die anyway? because we are all beings-toward-death

I'm seriously getting Heidegger flashbacks from college.


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Nicely put. Although, I still much prefer the concept of them having mini kkot soonies. We never know. We could all just be lead to the same linear arrangement but what if instead of tragically driving to where she was about to die, he decided to call and beg her to meet up somewhere away from that accident site instead? Having foresight can have its perks.


I had similar thoughts. I assumed future SJ tells past SJ to work things out with MR and looks so miserable because he realized it was better to live a life with love in it. Especially when it appears nothing else he does changes their fate of dying that day.


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I do wonder now though if Future!SJ meant "work things out with her" as in "get married with her" or "work things out so the marriage won't fail". What if Future!SJ did marry Marin and they divorced/separated/he disappeared, which is what Present!SJ has found out will happen in a few months?

Since last episode, I've been curious about how much of what SJ tries to change actually changes.

I know SJ did save MaRin from a future/life of being handicapped so there is change. But in terms of saving the both of them from the 2018 accident, I wonder how much really changes? Like in travel 2 when he learned he's married to MR 3 months after his present timeline and tries to change that (which works in travel 3) but now we realize that he still did marry her 3 months after and travel 2!SJ still ran into her.

What if Present and Future SJ are still on the same timeline/direction? How much of what Present!SJ has done has already been done by Future!SJ?


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I am afraid you are right.

Other than the timelines where he did not save her, I feel rest all is same.
Maybe everything the present self is doing, the future self has done already. That is why he keeps saying no matter how much he tries, nothing will change.

Maybe the actions are different but the outcome is always gonna be the same.


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IMHO there are 3 timelines here:

1. So-joon didn't save Ma-rin. They ended up dying in a car accident.

2. So-joon saved and married Ma-rin. The ending is not known.

3. So-joon saved and didn't marry Ma-rin. They ended up dying in a car accident.

When So-joon refused to marry Ma-rin, the timeline was switched from 2 to 3. And when So-joon changed his mind due to his future-self advice, the timeline was switched again from 3 to 2 (I guess that's why the event where the past So-joon met Ma-rin could happen. Had So-joon been in timeline 3, this event would've been canceled out).

However, there's no guarantee that timeline 2 will lead into a better ending. He could get the same result anyway. Maybe in the end, we'd still see the same event where the present So-joon talking to his past-self with the same exact dialogue his future-self had. The only difference is while the future So-joon was full of regret since he didn't marry Ma-rin, the present So-joon was full of regret since he broke up with her.


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There are no timelines. His life is one long time line. So Joon isn't changing anything. He hasn't been changing anything. He's simply modified how things happen. He's modified the way things happen, however, what's meant to happen is happening.

So Joon -and ahjussi- are trying to control things beyond their control, not theirs to control, and are causing this domino effect of doom. He (So Joon) is trying to master everything and is truly a master of none and in the process is self sabotaging his own life instead of living and enjoying the here and now while he's still got it. Let me explain.

What we know of a life in which So Joon never interferes: Ma Rin gets a car accident and is hit by a baby truck of doom. She is paralyzed. She lives a life of misery. Three years later, she dies. Ma Rin got hit by the car in 2016, three years later and her death would be 2019.

What we know of a life in which So Joon has interfered: Ma Rin isn't hit by baby truck of doom, she is not paralyzed. But still Ma Rin gets into her car "accident". The same time the alarm on So Joon's phone goes off for the car accident. So Joon hears and we are shown a car came towards Ma Rin, she got shocked, fainted in the middle of the street, and was sent to the hospital. What is meant to happen (Ma Rin and a car accident) still happens. So Joon has now modified fate, but key ingredients of a person's life that has to happen (for whatever reason) are still happening.

Okay so, So Joon has married Ma Rin thinking he's changing their fate. We however know that a car accident occurs in March 2019 and one or both of them die. In original time line we know Ma Rin dies in 2019, so what has changed...it's just modified. The journey may be different but the destination is the same. Even now with marriage Ma Rin is still experiencing misery because girl is lonely as get all in her marriage (my lawds her true companion and BFF at home, is an inanimate vacuum cleaner). We also see the So Joon will disappear and it looks like Ma Rin is sad and waiting (but she doesn't wait forever).

By the time March 2019 comes around and that fateful car crash occurs. Ma Rin has stopped waiting and left the home. I believe that is why in episode 3 or 4, we see lonely, sad future So Joon sitting in his home that is free of wedding pictures and knick knacks of Ma Rin. I think by then he has come back from his little disappearing act (the whole disseverance reeks of noble idiocy to me). When he, future So Joon talks to present So Joon and tells him not to try so hard.

I believe it's because what So Joon has done (leave Ma Rin) to try to prevent this thinking it will save them, doesn't work. When future So Joon is driving and sees Ma Rin, I believe that's the first he's seen her in three years since he left her/disappeared (hence the look of longing and regret). Also future So Joon was driving to Namyeong station to "bet everything on this last chance to set things...


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(continued) right". Then future So Joon sees Ma Rin and is shooked and implores present So Joon to "make things work with that woman." Which now knowing what we know, is a warning a message "stop messing with the future. thinking on the future. coming to the future and focus on the now you have with her." Maybe the thing that kills your marriage and causes your misery is to the future and the time traveling, but you and your inability to live in the now and appreciate and nurture that now!

The future means zilch because it wasn't even saving Ma Rin that changed their fates. It was the umbrella. Giving that umbrella touched Ma Rin. That is what resonated with her and began the feels that lead to acceptance of pursuit and marriage. The umbrella. After that is when he goes to the future and there is marriage, because again somethings are destined and will happen. Ma Rin and So Joon are destined and have been so since the accident 10 years ago. So Joon can modify the way they get there, but them and marriage was always suppose to happen.

Re-watch ep 1 and that train ride scene where Ma Rin thinks on the accident says some lovely things about what awaits her future/what she's destined for and then low and behold time traveling back to the present So Joon pops up behind her, glaringly giving up that answer. So for me this is all a loop. These things have all happened before and will happen again and they key to stopping it all and getting it right is to SO JOON-AH LIVE IN THE NOW, THE PRESENT! NURTURE AND BUILD YOUR FUTURE ISN'T OF LETTING IT BE TOLD TO YOU AND YOU SELF SABOTAGING AND LIVING IN SELF FULFILLED PROPHECIES!


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*is not the future
* giving us
*instead of

It's just a life. So Joon is living a life. He hasn't even seen everything of his life. He doesn't know everything and only think he knows. Yes he's only been taken to March 2019, but that doesn't mean he doesn't live and there isn't more of life after that. Even with the time traveling, it's life. Like all of us have ideas of where we are going, and the things we'll do, and we may even see it all. But how we get there (if we get there) is all on us.

"The journey is the reward" So Joon. Live in and enjoy that journey before the freaking reward is taken from you


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Hmm.. interesting.. does make sense at a level..about things happening as they are meant to happen


John and Mary die. John and Mary die. John and Mary die. So it's best to just enjoy the story while it hasn't ended yet. Come to think of it, we're all dying anyway.

I love your piece. +200


OMG!! I had posted a similar theory as you in Ep 3 recap. Comment #43

I'll repost it here:

I feel like Sojoon is in a time loop sort of thing. Everything he is doing now in the present and about to do, Future Sojoon has already done. We think Present Sojoon is changing the future, but I reckon Future Sojoon went through exactly what Present-Sojoon went through/is going through. Future Sojoon saw his future death, tried to find out about Marin, saved her from the mini truck of doom, saw his future marriage with her, cut ties with her, saw his future without Marin, finds out she’s a survivor of the subway explosion like him, gets told to have a baby, clings to Marin, courts her and marries her. Because we have seen Future-Sojoon at his depressed state (speaking to Present-Sojoon through the intercom), I believe the past (the viewers see it as the present atm) has already been set and nothing Present-Sojoon does will change it. Once Marin finds out the truth, she will be heartbroken and will leave Sojoon. I also believe their car accident is set and won’t change. What is unknown (so far) is what will happen between when Future-Sojoon told Present So-joon to try harder/make more effort with Marin and the pile up car accident. When the viewers catch up to that point in time and Present-Sojoon talks to Past-Sojoon and remembers this very conversation, I am hoping this will give him courage to do something himself, rather than depend on Past-Sojoon to “change” the future so that even if the car accident happens, they will survive it together just like they survived the subway explosion.

So, to add to my theory. Maybe it is not Marin that leaves Sojoon but Sojoon who leaves Marin. Or their marriage breaks down and they separate.

The reason Sojoon cannot travel past March 25 2019 is not because he has died but because it hasn’t happened yet. March 25 2019 is where the present will continue and the viewers are just seeing the past at the moment and will catch up.

Future Dooshik thinks Marin and Sojoon will die, not that they have died, and tries to correct/change it by traveling to the past.

Why do I feel like the Dooshik we’ve been seeing since Ep 1 is actually Future-Dooshik? He tells Sojoon he is going abroad because he plans to return to his present-time (2019). He may think he’s accomplished his mission after seeing Marin get married.
I am trying to think outside the box and I feel like because we viewers are in 2017, we automatically think 2019 is the future, but who is to say that 2019 is not the present for our characters?

It would be crazy if Dooshik cannot travel to the future and is only traveling back and forth in the past. Same with Sojoon. He is only traveling back and forth in his past.

I think I am messing with my own mind, GAH #headache.


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My theory is pretty much this but I believe ahjussi is future future So Joon (no one agrees with this and it's fine cause I flip flop almost every other episode) and has been traveling to the past to to make allowance/pace a way for whatever future he knows is to come or can come.



Nah. sorry I can' take that. So Joon is too handsome to be Do Shik.




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I agree with everything you said except, we don't know Ma rin died. I think we are basing this off what Do-Shik has said, but So Joonnever sees Ma rin die, since he can't go past that date for all we knowMa rin survives the accident. Hell So join could also survive and just loses his abilities,but thats more far fetched ha.


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I have always believed and still believe that neither Ma Rin nor So Joon die that fateful day. I believe there is a way and has happened that both live and get a happy every after. Now how that comes to be (what Sp Joon has to do to get it to be has always been So Joon and aghussi's "mission" if you will (yeah u think they're in a loop). Honestly that how is what keeps me watching.



I'm on board the happily ever after too. it's that hope that we're living for. And I somehow think March 2019 will merely mark the conclusion of his time travelling benefits. Unless, the writers decide that death would be a more poignant ending, which I'll only accept if they show substantial togetherness for the couple, especially a peaceful acceptance of their faith. But I thought they're selling this as a romcom, and i doubt romcoms like to end in death.


*fate as opposed to *faith

dang autocorrect.


How can I be SO in love with Lee Jae Hoon? I do not understand it


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There is something about this man in a white shirt (sleeves rolled up), or in a leather jacket... or in pajamas, or in any colored shirt... or in no shirt at all. I pity myself the day I see this man in a shower scene, I am gonna combust into flames and obituary will read 'The excess sexy from LJH oppa's choco abs engulfed her from the inside out'.
Also, can we talk about how many times I swooned? That scene in the grocery store? I took like 150 screenshots. Every second in that scene was precious! And hot! And swoon worthy. And the way he said 'If you disappear, I might go crazy'. Somebody, Call 911. I flatlined.
Also, you goddess of a woman, Shin Min Ah!! How is she so adorable and utterly sexy at the same time? Is it the dimples? Could it be the dimples? And what universe did Kim Woo Bin save in his past life to deserve her?
Also, can we talk about their chemistry??? *sigh *drinks entire pitcher of water


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You really put my incoherent thoughts to words!
He is so damn hot. There is something about the way he acts where I can find something to read every second ! Be still my heart!

And it doesn't help that he keeps wearing these white shirts!! Can we please have a shower scene, PD nim!?? ?


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I am torn between desperately praying for a shower scene and hoping we never get a shower scene, because GIRL! I am barely surviving. The thirst is real anytime he is on my screen. And that is when he is clothed...


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The guy is totally brimming with charm. His smile really does it for me. And he's soooo sweet!


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She got cute dimples and sexy legs.


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I hate that this show has broken with the male topless scene at the beginning of a series trope, especially given how fit Lee Jae Hoon is.

The guy is an amazing actor though. He is able to bring so so so much nuance to his character: immaturity, sensuality, aegyo, darkness, strength, protectiveness, and duplicity to name a few.

Min Ah is also really good here as well. Everything just falls into place in this drama. I really am finding hard to understand why it's so polarising.


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"The guy is an amazing actor though. He is able to bring so so so much nuance to his character: immaturity, sensuality, aegyo, darkness, strength, protectiveness, and duplicity to name a few."



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How much do I have to pay in order to have Ma Rin's portfolio?

The photo with the grocery basket is too cute it's a crime!


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and the meaning behind those photos is really endearing <3

The guy who said 'ahh so this person is her husband?' and some good comments about MR works made me giggled. Did he say that to help SY's dad to promote MR? I love the ahjussi and that guy already for teaming up for MR haha.


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I squealed over how cute it was. But did you notice when So Joon was throwing his tantrum with the basket over his head, Ma Rin had put her camera down to placate him, so there's no way she could've taken that picture?

And I bet Se Young kept Ma Rin's portfolio under the guise of "as our photographer, all your work belongs to Happiness," so she can fawn over his photos forlornly. Get over it, girl, he's married now!


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Arghhh ! I finally binged the show over weekend! And WHY WHY WHY ! I need moar episodes!

This couple is killing me. Just the way they talk, move around each other, their eyes... Damn ! So real too!

Off to read the recap! This Monday is for me to catch up with recap and comments!!


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Scenes I cant get enough of:

1) The teeth-brushing scene - Gawd, so everyday and full of awkwardness, so real and beautiful. The scene was perfect enough with both trying to give other chance to speak. But when So Joon says his confession of going crazy, my heart stopped.

2) The apple peeling scene - Another gorgeous everyday domestic scene. Just the way they both talk. I love it how Ma Rin constantly talks more about herself and makes herself vulnerable and I also love how he takes it in ever so slowly processing it over and respecting what she says. He has to learn to do it back. Relationship is a two way street!

3) Ma Rin rushing to hospital to see him after he is found unconscious in subway - I know this scene is not in this episode, but I HAVE to talk about it. I loved the whole sequenece, there was no over the top dramatic music - but both their relief was so evident. I especially loved So Joon's dialogue on how he feels he should have been hurt because it feels wrong to have her worry so much and he is all fine. On how he feels guilty for even letting her worry over no reason! I dunno why - I loved that line so much.

I have more scenes to talk about, but I guess I need to go to work :D :P


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I can't help but wonder if the soundtrack team for this show was heavily influenced by Nodame Cantabile. Ep 6 featured Rhapsody in Blue and Rachmanioff's 2nd concerto as bgm, while previous episodes have had Mozart's Pathetique, all of which were prominent pieces in the Jdorama.

It could be just a coincidence but it's a pretty neat one, given how this show feels like a Jdorama at times.


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I've noticed the scores as well! I was surprised to hear Dichterliebe, op. 48: Im Wunderschönen Monat Mai during the last episode, this drama is combining romance with my favorite genre of music, I'm in love!


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Me too! Nodame was my gateway drug, and any reminder of it makes me smile. ??


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However, I do find it irritating on MaRin's end to force SJ into "telling her things"..

Its charity..its his parents dream..those friends and acquiatances have been in his life for years..

If he wants to tell you, he will.. you can't go on harassing a person and nagging them to tell you..

Maybe the fact that he is the prime donor is so important to him that he doesn't want to shout from the rooftop..

Original marin's approach to married life is sensible.. this current marin is plain irritiating..


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i can totally understand why you'd find her annoying! however, i do find her realistic. marin said the same things to herself ("it's hard to talk about" " he'll tell me when he's ready") but she has all these people putting doubts in her brain. she can brush off gun sook but her other friends in this episode think so joon is strange too, she sees how those other couples interact at the stores, & seyoungs dad is like "wow he didnt even tell his wife he started happiness!" after all these situations it would be strange if she didn't start to doubt their relationship because it makes her human.
many people mentioned that marin & so joon are both pretty inexperienced with relationships & we know they rushed into this marriage. we know marins family situation was messed up & so joons parents both died. they don't have models to follow for a healthy adult relationship, so they only know how they "should" be acting from what other people tell them!


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but she can't expect much. They've only really been together three months whereas se yong and Ki doong has known him their whole lives. She's got to accept this but since of course she married him she's entitled to knowing more but she has to do some asking. Suppose their limited time frame requires some jump starting on the getting to know you, and given that So Joon is bent on keeping things, then bring on the arguments.


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i get where you're coming from. & i definitely cringed when she said "ki doong & se young must not know either!" but that was the only time i was truly judging her haha
otherwise i understand her frustrations because it's not just that so joon is keeping some things from her... hes literally keeping /everything/ from her. so even tho shes prodding him & trying to give him openings, even "getting to know you" stuff isn't really happening. he just makes jokes & dodges most questions. but i'm enjoying how repeatedly incompetent he is at hiding things from the future & also explaining them away LOL


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I found that wrong too.

She cant expect his friends to not know about him more than she does. They have been with him all their lives.
But I feel subconsciously she knows, and its just her defense against the hurt that she does not know.

I understand they are very young in their relationship and she cant expect much. But when you love someone, you would want them to share important things to you. More than starting the happiness foundation, the fact that he became orphan in the same accident they both survived, she understands that he cant talk about it. He could have told her some. I get his reluctance but he is in wrong when he thinks he doesnt ever have to talk or share about it.


Because So Joon literally doesn't recognize for himself that he actually cares for this woman for more than just their future, he gets a free pass. He'll get around to honesty once he realizes: good gracious I really do care for this girl and I never want to be parted from herl! *fingerscrossed


I got confused too on how she drew that conclusion on Se Young and Ki Doong. Does she not know that the ahjussi is Se Young's dad? That their obviously close family friends? Does she not know that the three of them have been longtime friends? I get that she doesn't know exactly when SJ's parents passed away so the three of them being long friends might not have factored in with her but I think it would've been clear that Se Young knows if her dad knows.

On the other hand, while I understand why SJ couldn't/didn't tell her about how he's parents died in that train accident too, I feel like he should've at least tried to tell her when she started working with Happiness. Since we, and SJ, already know how much Se Young's dad can talk.


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I think if we didn't know So Joon's secret and his POV, we would have found him annoying for keeping such secrets. The time travelling secret and how he knows the future, I get it. But stuff like when/where/how his parents died, "researcher friends" that no one seems to know about except So Joon, and especially his involvement in Happiness - it seemed too strange for a guy to be keeping that a secret unless there is something nefarious going on with their deaths and his involvement in Happiness (murder? money laundering? revenge?). Marin is reacting pretty realistically to a man who either keeps a lot of things secret (and so carelessly that it raises suspicion) or feel like nothing is worth sharing so non-secrets end up appearing like secrets.

My advice for So Joon is to share one new thing about himself each day to build intimacy - could be something as innocuous as favorite Pokemon or favorite dance move.


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I absolutely agree, it broke my heart when Mom asked her when was So Joon's parents' death anniversary and Ma Rin had no idea. Those are her parents-in-law for crying out loud. Doesn't she deserve to know to properly prepare their death anniversary ceremonies? How guilty Ma Rin must feel having visited the subway crash memorial everyday, yet having never known she was commemorating her in-laws. To add insult to injury, she doesn't even know which picture is theirs. What happened after So Joon returned with the ramyun and saw Ma Rin at the memorial? I really wanted them to meet.

I love your suggestion. They can call it "So Joon's Show and Tell."


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Well, I understand Soo Joon. To be honest I feel uncomfortable with the way Ma Rin want him to share his parents date. Even if you think she deserve to know. It's such a sensitive issue and bring a scar to his wound. It's not easy to talk to. He might be already sense she has already know about his parent but don't want to talk it.


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"Original marin’s approach to married life is sensible.. this current marin is plain irritiating"
Although it's hard to believe, but i'm with you on this. I love Marin for her sensibility, but she is too sensitive(?) in ep.5&6. I understand why she behaves like that though, the situation and all (or maybe the hormone? lmao). Hopefully this is not the cue for a downfall of strong female lead to become irritating-candy like I often loathe in other dramas :v


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(it's hard to believe...by me...because I didn't know I would ever find MR irritating. She's like my current favorite FL among other characters I see in recent dramas).


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Oh god. Watching this drama makes me to get married ASAP. LoL.


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Hahaha I agree! Their cute quiet moments are making marriage out to be not that bad. Haha this coming from me who doesn't get excited about the idea of marriage!


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No no no, do not go down that road! We wont get Le Je Hoon in Real Life! :D :'D


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Been married for 14 years, and I agree with MaRin when she said "I think people just want to keep this to themselves. This is so much fun!"


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Aww you lucky girl (I presume) ! Have a long happy marriage with cute kids :)


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Hahah.. Same here. I also want to go get married immediately watching them.


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So-joon is right. You can't learn life solely from the book. Ma-rin is the living proof.

Where do all the lessons about how to communicate with your husband go? LOL.


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Communication is a two way street, and he as a lot of growing up to do in that department. Most of the time when we see their good moments is because Ma Rin took the initiative and put herself out there. She constantly makes herself vulnerable and at times he plays with that vulnerability a little too much.


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I'm not saying that So-joon is without any fault here. I just find it funny that when it comes to life, theory is one thing and practice is another.


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Ah... Where do I even start? I don't understand how some people say that not much happens in this drama when my head is so full because of it.

My heart totally dropped when Sojoon said that he's doing all this for them to have a good future. My gosh, Sojoon! This is what we've been telling you so many times now. Your life is getting screwed up because you focus too much on the future instead of living your present life. Makes me wonder where he exists. He's not living the present, he's trying to forget his past, and he's too focused on a future he hasn't lived yet.

Though honestly, it's hard to fault him at that. Even I think a lot about my future that sometimes, I forget to treat my family better now. Because of excuses like "I'm working hard so we can have a better future", we tend to disregard our loved ones. Ahhh. This is giving me a headache. It's not black or white.

That scene where they were both waiting outside but in different timelines was so beautiful and bittersweet.

Now, let me just cry in a corner listening to the beautiful OST sang by gorgeous Seo Ingook while waiting for Friday to come. Thanks for the recap, gummi! I live for this nowadays.


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"I don’t understand how some people say that not much happens in this drama when my head is so full because of it."

So true. I wish there were a way for me to time travel to March 25th 2017 so I could find out what the hell is happening here. Every episode leaves me with more questions than answers. I'm so frustrated (In a good way).


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yeah I just get headache because overthinking about this drama...and really dying waiting for the next eps omoooo!!


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Well said.


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Was reminded of this quote.

"Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better take things as they come along with patience and equanimity." --Carl Jung


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What you said is true and I can relate to everything you said. The drama is very relatable and somehow is reflecting my life right now which made me become so invested in both So-Joon and Ma-Rin.

This is the part you said that really got me: "Even I think a lot about my future that sometimes, I forget to treat my family better now. Because of excuses like “I’m working hard so we can have a better future”, we tend to disregard our loved ones. Ahhh. This is giving me a headache. It’s not black or white."

Gosh, this drama is my life right now and Friday seems to be so far away.


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Totally agree, especially in the current world where everyone is also easily distracted it's hard to forget our current existing moments.


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I think the main thing is that So Joon has never used going to the future to figure out the "why" before. He's just always gone there for the answers and didn't question it. What land will be successful for developing? This one. What clothes will be the top trend next year? These ones. For the first time in his time-traveling life he's gotten an answer he doesn't like: "You disappear"..."You run away"..."You leave Ma Rin behind." And he needs to figure out WHY but he doesn't know that the future can't give him that answer, only the present can. I do believe that he truly wants that long lifetime of happiness with Ma Rin, and finding out that doesn't happen scares the hell out of him. But by fighting a problem that doesn't even exist yet he's creating a multitude of new ones that are happening now, that need to be addressed now. If I can give So Joon any credit this episode it's that even before Ki Doong tells him that disappearing was supposedly his decision, he wonders why he would ever leave Ma Rin behind. Because he doesn't want that to happen. I found his "All I think about is our future!" line both heartbreaking and endearing because, god, isn't that both your hubris and achilles heel.

His main worry seems to have shifted from him dying, to them dying together, to "Oh god, I abandoned her." However I don't think he realizes that he's making her feel just as alone right now by constantly ducking in and out of timelines and evading questions that may make her realize that marrying him may not give her the happy ending she's been dreaming of. 

I think instead of counting his chickens before they've hatched, So Joon's problem is trying to glue the shells back together before they're even broken. 


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Callie, just wanted to say that I love reading your thoughts on each episode!

And I agree, I think his main motive is still to preserve his life (I don't blame him, I'd attempt to alter my fate if I had his capabilities. And like him, I cannot stand not being in control of my situation, haha) but he's incorporating Ma Rin into the narrative, this character development! Yet he needs to realize that he's doing more harm than good and his actions are inadvertently leading to his new doomed fate (this sounds so dramatic).


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it's not fair that I tried so hard to put together a response to your comment and that I lost it all due to a bad mobile connection.

Trying again.

I neeeeeeeed for So Joon to be upfront and head on about being in love with Marin. Only when he's honest with himself about this will he be driven to a point of desperation that prompts him to tell Marin the truth. I thought he was pretty sincere when he said he'd go crazy if she disappeared so I'm assuming he's close to admission. Here's to hoping the next episodes will include that. Afterall, the sequencing of this love story is so unconventional and out of the usual drama sequence already.


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He does everything out of order though, right? So he's bound to only realize it when she's gone... ?

I know it sounds weird to say, but I think that So Joon thinks that what he's doing right now is the right thing to do to love her. The future is the most important thing to him—it's what feels the most secure in his hands. The past is something he'd rather forget and the present is just tangent towards the future, so what does it matter?

But he doesn't have any security in this future, and it seems to be collapsing more and more every second. He needs to know that their future is secure before he can fully love her in the present, but his actions are chipping away at their chance of a happy ending piece by piece.

If he couldn't time-travel, if he knew that he would die in three years and could do nothing about it, he'd probably spend that time loving Ma Rin to the fullest capability that he could, but it's their fear of repeating their past mistakes (him, dying without closure. her, falling in too deep into something fleeting) that prevents them from doing so.


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"He needs to know that their future is secure before he can fully love her in the present."

It's amazing how that very line applies to all wary lovers out there. So many people tend to never get into relationships unless it's secure and So Joon is a bonafide symbol of that. The very irony of So Joon's story is that despite knowing that there might not be a happy ending, he is throwing himself into the relationship anyway in hopes of giving it an alternative happy ending -----which is exactly what ALL people who dive into relationships anyway do: they hope for happier endings, so they give it their best shot. The irony gets more ironic because despite So Joon's time travelling skills, he's actually in the dark about what his future with Ma Rin will be anyway, because his fate was changed. So, in essence, he's just a regular lover who doesn't know what needs to be done to make things right.

So I guess, the point of the story would be that there's simply no knowing about the future. Regardless of time travelling skills, uncertainty will still brood over the horizon. There's just that choice of whether to love or not to love.


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Agreed. So Joon's greatest flaw, and perhaps the reason why I can't trust him, is that he's only motivated by what he sees in the future. All of his actions, while swoony and amazing... all are built on shaky foundation- so I can't help but not fully like him as our hero.

One moment he doesn't want to die, another he doesn't want Mari to die, another, he doesn't want his marriage to not work. It's a constant moving target. I want our hero to have a more principled motivation than just- I want to prevent this bad thing from happening. I thought for a while we were going to go with the arc of- what is this destiny/fate between the two? But this storyline, or at least So Joon's motivation to figure this out has been dropped too quickly. Hopefully, it can either be picked up soon, or I need So Joon to stick with one thing that motivates him.


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I think the change in his motivation is to show his arc of becoming less selfish. He goes from only caring about saving his own ass, to realizing that he also wants to protect her, to wanting to ensure that not only do they have a future where they're both alive, but that the time in between is happy as well.

He's not interested in a future that doesn't involve Ma Rin anymore, and I think that speaks volumes.


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I think that's the intention of the writers- but maybe it needs to be executed differently? We don't get enough of these changed motivations showing up in his actions in the present. I acknowledge that he makes a bunch of decisions headed in the right direction for sure- like deciding to marry Mari or making efforts to be a good husband to her. But either it's moving too fast and I need to see these scene develop before my eyes for me to believe them, or alternatively, he just hasn't changed very much at all, and just makes rash decisions/has strong immediate convictions based on what he sees in the future.


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That writer's intention you mentioned works though, at least for me.
I didn't like SJ at the beginning because he was too self-centered, and his attitude towards MR was really irritating. But he slowly grows on me. His goal changed over time, but it's getting to better place. I had said this in previous recap that there are rooms for improvement, for him to become a better person, and like everyone here I'm so looking forward to see the fun of him being the one who suffers (lol).



couldn't agree more


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'His main worry seems to have shifted from him dying, to them dying together, to “Oh god, I abandoned her.” '

THIS. My heart skipped a beat and my stomach got all twisted. I found this the most heartfelt moment of this whole thing - his freakout was not about himself or her life but 'them' together.
How can they have been apart. I love thats what freaked him out.

"I think instead of counting his chickens before they’ve hatched, So Joon’s problem is trying to glue the shells back together before they’re even broken."

Exactly, I want him live in present with conviction. Cuz thats all he has.


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Well said, Callie! I agree with the ideas that you have laid out. I especially liked the "what" vs "why".

As a side note, I find myself asking "what happens next" and for the first time, I'm actually getting anxious about what happens in a drama.


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Oohhh My, Callie. That was beautiful. Thank you.


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that was an amazing analysis of his character !!! Thank you!


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First: a big expression of gratitude for the recap. I think I have a veeeeery bad crush on Lee Jae Hoo right now.

I hope that So Joon's desperation to keep her (that he'd go crazy) if she disappears from his side finally translates to him telling her about his time travelling skills. Who knows what that would do to their future? Unless future Marin already knows he's a time traveller and that break up was consentual--like a noble sacrifice because why would future Marin still be waiting and living in their house if it involved some sort of betrayal?


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Good question. Marin wouldn't accept the credit card or go in the house after finding out about SJ's parents. I can't see her staying in the house after "We're over. I'm going abroad."


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I, too, have a very bad crush on Lee Jae-Hoon. It's been going on since Signal and I can't seem to break away from it. This drama is not helping 'cause he is saying all the swoony things.


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I am trying to really like the plot but I just feel frustrated. I like So Joon and Ma Rin but I don't see why they are together. I just keep thinking after episode after each episode just tell her the truth and together both of them can change their future.


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THIS. It's like he keeps going into the future and seeing disaster and thinking he needs to avoid it, but he's 100% blind to the fact that to prevent his wife leaving him, he needs to develop an actual relationship with her NOW. She wants so very much to have real marriage that it's almost painful to watch, and yet I'm not convinced that he gets it at all. I think he likes her, but I'm convinced he's in love with her, and she wants to be in love with him, but he's over and over cutting her off and refusing to let her in. Meanwhile, I want them to talk to each other. I want them to be on the same team. I want them to go down the same rabbit holes and brainstorm and work together to figure out how to have a better future. I think there would be plenty of tension still. I mean yes, the character arc seems to be him getting selfish and learning to have actual relationships with other humans (seeing as he's a terrible friend, too). But I feel like we really need to see some action in that department soon.


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It's frightening that in a way, So-joon is creating that problem by himself. Just like what @EZ said above, I believe that future in this drama is something changeable, depending on the decision people make in their day to day life. I think So-joon can have his happy life with Ma-rin if he live in the present, make precious connection with people around him. But by consistently doing everything in order to prevent certain future happened, he inadvertently create that very future himself.

I'm afraid of what will happen now that So-joon's worry has shifted to the fact that he will abandoned Ma-rin. By doing everything he can to make sure they'll stay together for a long time, but without the right motivation, I'm worried he'll only speed up their marriage problem. Or even create a worse version of their bleak future.


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I haven't watched this episode yet but reading the recap makes me laugh and curious at the same at time already. The mystery in this drama is really riveting. I have been watching Signal again in order to cure my separation anxiety with Lee Je Hoon every week when Fri and Sat passes. But reallyI hope they dont re-edit this one. I hope the rating rise up too just so the actors and director and writer and everyone in the production team of TWY receive more credit to their talent.


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While these recaps are awesome, and I look forward to reading them, this is one show where I would really want to watch and read as opposed to just reading. The way it's presented and the acting is just too damn good. Moreover, it's the little things from the the change in expressions, to the overall mood that really make this a gem of a drama for me to watch. Hope you get to watch it soon.


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I hope So Joon realizes that regardless of how many times he attempts to alter his fate, it will always lead to his demise because his actions are affecting the present (which results in changes in the future).

As for Ma Rin, I just find her so endearing. She can be sensitive at times and even immature but I really admire how she she's so trusting and supportive. She wants to work and doesn't want to depend on her husband financially and she's also so sassy! Compared to So Joon who doesn't reveal anything about himself, she's very vulnerable and open about her feelings and her life, it's interesting to witness the parallels of their characters.

Also, the """friend""" and her husband are so obnoxious oh my goodness. Every time I see them, I get annoyed and I am not looking forward to their antics in future episodes.


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On a lighter note, I hope So Joon's car makes more appearances in the drama... it's gorgeous, I'm obsessed!!!!!


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I think it's a Jaguar, F-Type maybe? Surprised it wasn't a BMW.


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You're right! I saw something about it on IG, my favorite cars are always Aston Martin or Maseratis (part of the reason why I liked Goblin so much, they have impeccable taste in vehicles) but this car is so striking. And in my favorite shade... heart eyes


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Yes white car, his white shirt. A sexy car for a sexy man! ;)


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Hm .. did Sojoon's light grey coat disappear when he came back to the present?

I remember he wore it to the future. Then when he arrives home to Marin waiting outside for him, he is no longer wearing a coat.

I went back to the end of Ep 5 to check. Seems like the coat disappeared somewhere between when he poofed back to the present in the train and when he was walking (to his car, I'm assuming) and saw Marin in the distant looking at the memorial.

Well .. poor coat. I liked that coat.


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He always brings a backpack so he can take a spare outfit since he could arrive at different season when he travels to the future. Ahjussi taught him that. He usually takes off his coat/jacket or put it back on when he's about to take the subway.


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In an earlier episode, the ajhussi time traveller told him to always carry clothes for summer or winter with him, so maybe that coat is in his backpack and came out when he travelled to winter?


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Ah~~~~ The coat is in the backpack! That makes sense. Thanks for the clarification, nchoe & toomanycolours.


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Or...this is a different So Joon, from a different timeline?


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I have no reason to doubt Future Ki-doong’s words about how So-joon’s marriage to Ma-rin failed, but I do wonder what he means by advising his friend to end the marriage while he still can. Ki-doong might simply want to save his friend from heartache or perhaps he knows something else he can’t bring himself to break to So-joon just yet.

I'm actually suspicious about this. Something about the way Ki Doong was in that scene was weird. He looked very uncomfortable. I'm thinking the shady business with Doo Shik and Director Kim has something to do with it. They look like they have their eyes set on toppling So Joon's business. I fear that Ki Doong may be put up to something by them since his family's well-being seems so highly hinged on it's success. Doo Shik was manipulative at best before but now it seems that he's taking actions that will directly hurt So Joon and his relationship with Ma Rin. If he learns that Ki Doong is in on So Joon's time-traveling, I fear he may use him to exploit that.


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Me too. I couldn't trust Ki Doong there. I keep feeling like he was put up to it or something. His eyes were shifty and nervous. Either he was forced to say that or his affection for Se Yong is making an impact. I really think he was quite hurt when Se Yong kept thinking he was So Joon.

(GAH! I'm confusing Lee Je Hoon's name with So Joon's name.)


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I'm with you guys. There was definitely something off about him in that scene...like as if the words he said about leaving Ma-rin as soon as possible were planned out by someone else.

I even had a thought that Future So-joon was behind it, haha. I don't know what to believe with this show!!


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That's perfectly possible--That future So Joon put Ki Doong up to it. After all, it was So Joon himself who set the date. So in that line of thought, we can say that Future So Joon was warning past So Joon to break up with MaRin soonest. Gah. it's like a constant battle with present So Joon vs Future So Joons.


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Thank you for saying this because I'm there with you in wondering about Ki Doong. I hadn't thought about the shady business with Director Kim - what you said makes sense.

(I had wondered if it had anything to do with Se Young and her feelings for So Joon. It seemed to me that Ki Doong just realized Se Young's feelings for So Joon as Ki Doong took her home while she was drunk. Then we see him ask So Joon to talk in an rather abrupt manner - I thought it was going to be about Se Young but it was instead about the money. I was thinking maybe Ki Doong was jealous or that Se Young does something spiteful to cause Ki Doong to act sketchy in the future meeting. But after reading your comment, maybe the original (current timeline) scenes were showing us how clueless So Joon is about relationships, even with his friends, and also to tell us about Ki Doong's money/family issues.)


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I also though Ki Doong was angry at So Joon about Se Young, both because Ki Doong sympathizes with her hurt feelings and because he secretly has feelings for her and is jealous of So Joon.

That could feed right into him feeling angry/jealous about So Joon's "superiority" and general obliviousness in matters of money and pride (giving money to Ki Doong's family).


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I was thinking Sojoon might be the one who told him to lie to his previous self, but you guys are making it even darker.. TT

I love that this drama really makes it hard to predict where the story is going..


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So-joon doesn’t find it a big deal, but that’s the very issue, Ki-doong states—while that’s easy money for So-joon, he finds it an offensive gesture. Rather than acknowledging his error, So-joon laughs and makes light of the situation, which only stresses Ki-doong more.

Whenever he acts childish like this I'm reminded of the train scene with his parents in the second episode and how immature he was then. In some ways he hasn't changed much.

He may think that he’s protecting her by remaining tight-lipped, but much like how he secretly sent money to Ki-doong’s family, his good intentions alone aren’t always what his loved ones need.

In situations like these, most times the only way to learn is the hard way. My biggest concern with this show atm is the inevitable dark times that will come, how it will come, and how long it would last for. Everything is slowly leading up to that and I just hope its not too much of a downer for too long.


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"Whenever he acts childish like this I’m reminded of the train scene with his parents in the second episode and how immature he was then. In some ways he hasn’t changed much."

I thought the exact same thing. His approach to life almost seems too flippant. He's not grounded in anything. I suspect Mari will be that grounding figure for him... and while I'm in love with the romance, I still can't trust this man just yet b/c he has a long ways to go in terms of growing up and living for SOMETHING.


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So-joon is in such deep doo-doo at the end that it probably doesn't matter that he could have avoided one problem near the beginning...
...When Ma-rin calls and he's on the subway but says he is at work, and she wants to go see him there -- next time just say you're on a trip to check out possible real estate investments. She's less likely to want to come by. Also, not technically a lie, for those who are scoring.
If she still wants to visit, claim your destination is hard to get to, and so far away it feels like a different time zone :)


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Also- Hong Gil Dong or Batman? Pfft... Our poor Mari is so off-base!

Let's try- self-serving Lee Jae Han Hyungsa-nim :)


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I am sooo looking forward for the time when he has to grovel and beg for forgiveness and woo her and explain things to her ? He has to do those things already in this ep and being so bad at it I am high-key enjoying this

In the meantime, WHAT THE WHAT IS GOING ON WITH AHJUSSHI? If he is Marin's father, it doesn't make sense why he sets So Joon up with Marin only to ploy things behind his back with Sojoon's employee. Her (alleged) daughter is married to him which means her life could be endangered if something bad happen to Sojoon. I just can't theorize anything that could explain this :/

And Ki Doong!! He seems so fishy when they meet at 3rd of December; distanced, avoiding eye-contact, suspicious suggestion to break up with Marin. Ugh.

It does seem weird how things can change so drastic in the span of few months. But his tendency to keep visiting the future may mean that it's what exactly going to happen. Which means he has to change his routine in order to change his future. But he is drunk in time-travelling already so ?


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I'm pleased with this so far. Excited for the following week :)


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Something's been bothering me. Was ahjussi lying when he told So Joon that he dies on March 25th 2019? Why does So Joon believe that he didn't survive the accident? Myabe he believes it because he can't travel past that date. What if there's another reason that he can't travel past that date?

I love some of the lines in the show are so true and are good pieces of advice!! My favourite is when Ma Rin says she doesn't care about people who don't like her. It's true.. no use hanging around negative people.

And some of the scenes that don't have music.. and just the actors gazing at each other or floating through the scene.. so beautiful.


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At this point, So Joon has no reason to doubt Ahjussi, so he takes his word at face value. Moreover, So Joon did disappear from the "other world" at 9:15 PM, which ought to imply that he died... albeit he just rematerialized on the train tracks in the present. I'm more inclined to believe that Ahjussi is lying about Ma Rin dying at the same time on the same day because So Joon has never witnessed it.

Except that Ma Rin hangs out with the most negative person of all: hair-pulling Gun Sook. Even though Ma Rin did admit their frenemy-ship was based on pity.

I want someone to gaze at me like Lee Je Hoon gazes at Shin Mina. ?


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Q: If you are a time traveler and you know you and your wife are going to die.. if soemone suggests that a potential way could be to give birth to a baby..

Would you do it?

This is 2017 and you are to die in 2019.. if on the odd chance you die, the child will be 2 years old..with only his maternal grandmother to take care of it.. and we know how that granny is..

Isn't it irresponsible of them or SJ to think of having a baby to save himself


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I suppose the idea was that if they had babies, all of the timelines would be off. Having the baby in the circuit would most likely mean, perhaps, being at home at that time instead of being on the streets because they have a child to care for. That was the idea. The actual "what-if-we-died-anyway" scenario never occurred to So Joon until MaRin pointed it out... and then we got that warm and gooey hug on bed. ^^ Guffawwww---


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omg, all these theories are making my head hurt -- and i haven't been riding the subway numerous times today... tho i wish i could, so i'd arrive on next FRIDAY....

*pacing impatiently*


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Yup. Pretty much this.


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Thanks for recapping, gummimochi!

Doggone. Just when I thought I'd gotten a handle on TWY, it wriggles out of my grasp. Have to rewatch this episode.

A burning question is bugging me. If one of the major premises is true -- that Ma-rin lives in the past while So-joon is too future-oriented -- then why is the title TOMORROW WITH YOU? If the main message is "Carpe diem" (literally, "seize the day") and live in the now, shouldn't it be TODAY WITH YOU?

*scratches head*

I'm beginning to wonder if we haven't been totally trolled by Time Traveler Ahjussi. Maybe he's not Ma-rin's father after all. Seeing him meeting with Director Kim creeped me out.

Seeing the breach between So-joon and Future Ki-doong was a major bummer.


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I assumed it meant that they both still wanting to spend their tomorrow with each other (after SJ dumps her and/or MR turns cold to him.)


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I think Ahjussi is Ma-rin's father and he is trying to save her. Also I believe that Director Kim or his wife will somehow be responsible for Ma-rin's death (maybe the crazy friend runs her over deliberately to revenge her husband's work problems or something). This is why Ahjussi is trying to lure Director Kim away with lucrative prospects of starting his own company. And also in the end of this episode he was lurking outside their home to get a glimpse of his daughter.

On a side note, I can now see how marriages fail. The show is demonstrating exactly how poor communication in marriage leads to ruin. Or how you should not take your life partner for granted.


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and this is exactly how his real identity will be revealed to SJ ( as he has found in the diary to check for connection between ajushi and director..which would lead him to find abt ajushi's relationship with marin)

and the moment SJ realized ajushi is marin's father..hell will break lose.. trust will be shattered..heartbreak..and he will flee to abroad.. or getting stuck in time travel like ajushi is..

there must be a reason why ajushi can't go back to his wife


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Ahjussi is freaking me out on that last scene. He is downright creepy, guys. And I still can't understand why So-Joon trusts him so easily. After this episode, I can't trust everyone in the future (that includes Doo-Shik) except for our leads.


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He doesn't necessarily creep me out (lol, he even had me laughing in the last scene when he kept running into the pole). BUT I do find him suspicious and don't trust him one bit. I definitely think it's about time for So-joon to start finding some answers on him.


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I don't know if anyone has mentioned how brilliant the writer is for making Ma rin a photographer. Photographers capture moments in time. You are required to hold still and be in the moment while the photo is taken, which is what both Ma rin and So Joon need to do. So Joon needs to forget the future and live in the present/moment and Ma rin needs to forget the past and live in the moment. Much like a photograph that captures the ugly and beautiful, in order to live or have a photo taken you must be present. Brilliant and kudos to the writer


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I love that metaphor. :)

This is one of the reasons why I love reading here. The beanies are so intelligent and such good writers! <3


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December 3rd is my birthday, haha. What a bummer that it had to be such a sucky day for everyone involved, even keeping Present So-Joon stuck there and causing a marital spat. You'd think I'd be happy that there were apparently two Lee Je-hoons in existence on my last b-day...


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Has anyone posited the theory that the person who took the photo of Ma-Rin in the subway before the accident was Doo Shik? I think he was the one who saved them both in the first place.


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Because it wasn't So Joon who took the photo, she only thought he did.


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I don't understand why he doesn't just go back in time a day then? Like Groundhog's Day, just repeat those bad days to make it good.

He already knows he won't return in the morning, so then go back in time and arrive at night and then leave before we comes back.


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So Joon can't go back in time. He can only go to the future and then back to the present. As far as we know, it's not possible to go to the past with his current subway route. Unless Doo Shik is withholding the method of going back in time from him.


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I actually think that it is refreshing how he can't go back to the past. A lot of time travelling stories revolve around changing the past to change the present and not much about how seeing the future will ruin the present.

A lot of time travel stories that deal with the future usually end up with the characters staying there.

It kind of reminds me of how self-fulfilling prophecies play out in a similar manner. Like how characters become obsessed with a prophecy of the future and end up creating that exact same scenario....it's a bit ominous for So-Joon and Ma-Rin though considering that most self-fulfilling prophecies end up being tragedies.


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Tell her! Tell her! Tell her! Tell her! Tell her! Tell her! Tell her! Tell her! Tell her! Tell her! Tell her! Tell her!

She gave you the perfect opening when she was talking about batman.
Then again when she finds the magazine!!

Tell her and let her help you. Let it be a cute, us against the world drama and let her be an ALLY!

If you don't do this soon, show, I'm gonna do something drastic. (And I know where you live. . .Korea!)


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This drama is getting better and better. I thought of dropping it but the show keep getting intense and warm.

I tend to understand Ma Rin and So Joon more the realities and this drama make me felt more real than most of the dramas outside since the struggle is real than more angst we ever presented in korean drama.


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Just dropping by because I just read that Ki-doong's real name is still Kang Ki-doong. Keke


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When I saw the present him watchin her felt sooo lonely in the future waitin for the future him to come home... I just want to scream to the present him "Hug her, Sojoon ah... she need you, she's waitin for you"
Akhh God.. this show make my brain hurt >.< but I love this pain..


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I noticed there was SJ's black car at the scene where MR waiting SJ in front of their house. Then, it changed to SJ's another car, the white one, when MR's and SJ's different-time waiting scenes were put side by side. That white car wasn't there before.

That aside, I think this drama has been doing good with all the elements that make it to be one of my fav current shows. All those theories above from Beanies are interesting and insightful! As much as I love to make my own prediction too, I am reminded to the time when everyone was having deep analysis of W, and at the end some questions remained unanswered. It got worse when there's an interview with its writer which made us disappointed more. My point is...I just hope this show's quality and intricacy will be good until finale...because I have invested myself to this more than I ever thought I could be.


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I am more nervous about that poisonous frenemy Gun-sook with her viper-like husband. Those two are sure made for each other. They scream danger ahead alert to SJ&MR.


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I have so many feelings about this drama and your recaps just help me sort them out.
This is the first one I watch while it’s still airing (I’m new to dramaland and typically always watch any show seasons after they’re done), so I get to experience the suffering of waiting between episodes like never before, and it leads to a lot of over-thinking, apparently!

I keep thinking about how So Joon obviously treats marriage as life-time thing, from the very beginning. It’s comforting to me, to think that even when he had just first buds of feelings for Ma Rin, he is never seen considering divorcing her after their fates are changed and just paying child support, which shouldn’t be problem for him.

Even later, he wonders ‘how I am supposed to eat like this for rest of my life’ and considers sending her to cooking academy. In episode 6, when he asks her again to stay by his side, it’s not just his concern for the messed up future – he truly wants that long, long happy life with HER that he speaks of when Ma Rin confronts him later on.
Perhaps it is culture mentality thing, though? I have not really witnessed any divorced couples in dramaland yet.

In any case, the issue is that So Joon has no relationship experience and he appears to think that just good intention is enough to make everything work out. He’s in for a harsh wake up, dragging Ma Rin out of her rosy-glass state as well. In fact, we already see it happening during later half of ep. 6.

His sad puppy walk from the balcony made me bitter-sweetly grin. He is genuinely upset she’s angry with him and has no idea how to fix it. He is used to relying on his charm and winning smile to skip over issues (as we see him do it with his friends) and now faced with the Womanly Skill to twist every word/intention back on him, he’s just genuinely lost.

I am glad the drama actually openly tackled the issue ‘so focused on future you neglect the present and mess it up’ with the confrontation after his night out. Perhaps, this is what his futureself meant – do whatever you can to be happy with ‘that woman’ in the moment, without the thought of looming future. Only then you can fix it. If you try too hard, then you will never do it. Why cannot the futureself and futurefriends be less cryptic, though??


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