Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju: Episode 16 (Final)

There’s such a bittersweet joy in sending your children off to become adults, and that’s exactly how I feel, seeing this show end. But all baby birds must leave the nest, and it’s time for Bok-ju and Joon-hyung and all their friends to spread their wings. It’s been a nearly perfect journey from beginning to end, delivering love, laughter, and tears, and enough kisses and cuddles to keep us going for a long time to come. SWAG!

EPISODE 16: “Spring again, youth, and us”

Settled at the Taereung National Training Center, Bok-ju calls Joon-hyung to wish him goodnight. He tells her he’s improving his swimming times , eager to earn his own place at Taereung and join her.

Bok-ju says that she misses him, her friends, and her father’s fried chicken. Growing sleepy, Joon-hyung promises to run by Bok Chicken tomorrow and check on her dad for her.

Bok-ju tells Joon-hyung that her time at school feels like it was a dream, now that she’s at Taereung. Joon-hyung doesn’t answer, and she realizes that he’s fallen asleep and complains that she feels like she likes him more these days. Awww.

Joon-hyung heads over to Bok Chicken the following morning as promised, and finds a sign at the entrance closing the restaurant temporarily for personal reasons. He calls Uncle Dae-ho, and learns that Bok-ju’s dad is in the hospital undergoing tests to prepare for a kidney transplant.

He visits Dad, who wonders why he’s going to such lengths if he and Bok-ju are just school friends. Dad’s surgery is scheduled for the day of Bok-ju’s upcoming competition in China, so he asks Joon-hyung not to tell Bok-ju about it and worry her.

Joon-hyung gets a call just then, and barely stops himself from saying Bok-ju’s name when he answers. He says that he’ll call back when he’s done “training,” and hangs up on her. She wonders why he seems not to want to talk to her lately.

A couple of her new Taereung sunbaes ask to see a picture of her boyfriend, so Bok-ju pulls up a few on her phone. They exclaim over how handsome he is, and one girl snarks that it’s sure strange that such a good-looking guy doesn’t answer when she calls.

She tells Bok-ju that most athletes who come into Taereung with significant others end up breaking up, and that you can tell when it’s going to happen by the signs. First, you can’t get in contact with them. Then when you do, their answers are short and cold. Eventually, they ask to break up because they’ve found someone new.

Bok-ju argues that Joon-hyung is just in training, but the girls laugh that it’s lunchtime, so that’s just an excuse. Considering his looks, they give the relationship two months, because surely the girls will be all over him now that Bok-ju is gone.

While hanging out with Seon-ok and Tae-kwon, Nan-hee takes a call from Bok-ju. Bok-ju complains that she called Joon-hyung but he said he was in training, and Nan-hee tells her that can’t be true, because Tae-kwon is with them right now.

The girls confront Tae-kwon, demanding to know where Joon-hyung really is. Tae-kwon tells them that all Joon-hyung said was that he had somewhere to go, and they suspect it has something to do with a woman. Tae-kwon insists that Joon-hyung would never cheat, so the girls vow to find out what’s going on.

Dae-ho takes Joon-hyung into the hospital hallway (OMG Joon-hyung’s goofy grin every time Dae-ho calls him “nephew-in-law”). He asks Joon-hyung to come back for a couple of hours tomorrow so that he can spend some time with his girlfriend Kim Seul-gi, the sassy delivery girl. Joon-hyung agrees and heads home.

He tries to return Bok-ju’s call on the way, but she doesn’t answer. Shi-ho finds him and walks back to the dorms with him, though Joon-hyung says he doesn’t want to and attempts to send her ahead on her own.

Shi-ho says that she’s been seeing the therapist, and that she’s interviewing for coaching jobs. She asks if he’s able to see Bok-ju much, aware that it’s difficult to date someone at Taereung, and Joon-hyung sighs that he’s starting to resent his country.

After practice the following day, Tae-kwon contacts Seon-ok and Nan-hee, and the three trail Joon-hyung to see where he’s going. They follow him (super obviously) as he walks, determined to catch him with a girl, and fail at being casual when he feels like he’s being watched and turns around.

Still, they manage to track him all the way to the hospital without being caught, and gather at the hospital door once he goes inside. Seon-ok recognizes the name on the door, and Nan-hee cringes when she realizes that it’s Bok-ju’s father in the room, not a woman.

They peek in and get caught by Joon-hyung, who glares at them angrily all the way back to school. He’s especially upset with Tae-kwon for siding with the girls in thinking he was cheating, and the girls admit they were just worried because Bok-ju was upset. Joon-hyung calms down, and makes them promise to keep Dad’s secret.

Bok-ju finally answers when Joon-hyung calls again, and they both pout that it’s so hard to talk because they’re in training. Joon-hyung says he’s busy for a few different reasons, but stalls out when Bok-ju asks what kinds of reasons.

Bok-ju asks if the truth is that he has the time for her but not the heart, and Joon-hyung looks horrified at the idea, but she’s called away by her sunbae before he can answer. Joon-hyung complains to a picture of Bok-ju that hearing her voice only makes him miss her more.

Bok-ju twinges her back injury again in training, and her coach worries that it’s not getting better. She sends Bok-ju for treatment and tells her to take the rest of the day off and spend the night at home, which Bok-ju gratefully accepts.

Tae-kwon calls Seon-ok, says nervously that he has the day off, and asks her to go to a movie with him. She says she’ll call Nan-hee, but he stops her and clarifies that he only wants to go with her, dropping to banmal to make his meaning clear.

As they walk to the theater, Tae-kwon tentatively takes her hand, and Seon-ok looks up at him with wide eyes. But Nan-hee comes barreling at them and Seon-ok pushes Tae-kwon away violently (by the face, hee). Cornered, Seon-ok invites Nan-hee to the movie with them.

After getting treatment for her back, Bok-ju decides to visit home before seeing Joon-hyung. She calls her father, and Uncle Dae-ho fibs that Dad is in the bathroom, but he and Dad both jump when she says she’ll be home in a little while.

Nan-hee sits between Seon-ok and Tae-kwon at the movie, who both look miserable to have their first date thwarted. When Nan-hee nods off, their hands meet in the popcorn in her lap, and they send each other the most pathetic faces.

Dad panics at the thought of Bok-ju seeing the closed sign at the restaurant, so Dae-ho thinks fast and calls Joon-hyung. Joon-hyung rushes over to the restaurant and just barely manages to stop Bok-ju from seeing the sign, and pretends that it’s total coincidence that he just happened to show up at the same time she did.

He grabs her in a desperate hug when she tries to go inside, acting so weird that Bok-ju asks if he’s done something wrong. He says he just missed her and drags her off to eat.

He doesn’t think it through very well, and soon Bok-ju is glaring at him over a basket of… fried chicken. PFFT. She’s suspicious of everything he says by now, even though he tries to be adorable to distract her.

Bok-ju finally blows up, and asks if Joon-hyung has been flirting with other girls while she’s been gone. Joon-hyung says he doesn’t have a death wish, but he looks guilty as sin when he fakes a stomachache to answer his phone.

Of course it’s only Dae-ho, letting him know that he and Dad are on their way home and need him to stall Bok-ju for thirty more minutes. But Bok-ju is sure he’s talking to some girl, and she sneaks up on him while he’s still on the phone. HAHAHA, his face, he’s dead meat.

Joon-hyung shoves Bok-ju back to the table, swearing that he wasn’t talking to anyone she knows. He lies that it was an old school friend, but she heard enough of the conversation to hear that he was being too respectful to be talking to a schoolmate.

Joon-hyung turns accusatory, and asks why she’s nagging when they haven’t seen each other in ages. Bok-ju decides he must have been talking to a woman, and demands to see his phone. Joon-hyung plays keep-away, which just escalates the situation.

Bok-ju insists that he should show her if he has nothing to hide, while Joon-hyung hollers that she should trust him. Eventually she backs down, saying that her increased training has made her sensitive, and Joon-hyung sets his phone on the table and swears that he hasn’t even looked at another woman.

Her bluff works, and Bok-ju snatches his phone. Joon-hyung chases her around the restaurant as she tries to pull up his call history, squawking about privacy, and Bok-ju gets fed up and leaves.

Joon-hyung follows her out, but Bok-ju is in a righteous fury, though she admits that she hates feeling jealous and petty. She yells that she feels stupid for being so excited to see him, and storms off.

She walks home, grumbling the whole way. She stops short when she gets inside the restaurant, and sees her dad wiping tables with a mask on, while Dae-ho inexplicably fiddles with the fire extinguisher. Way to look completely weird, guys. Luckily Nan-hee and Seon-ok show up after having also been called by Dae-ho, and they do their trademark “swag!” move, which Dad and Dae-ho awkwardly imitate.

Dr. Go sits in her office gloomily staring at her phone, obviously disappointed when a knock on the door is just her nurse. The nurse says that “that person” must not be coming tonight, though Dr. Go swears she’s not waiting for anyone.

She carefully hides her reflexive grin when she hears Jae-yi’s voice after all, and mutters that she was not waiting for him. She says she already ate when he asks, but he dimples at her and asks if she’ll go with him while he eats.

He smiles while Dr. Go stuffs her face, and she fibs that she got interrupted while eating earlier. He takes out his phone and starts talking about other restaurants in the area they can go to, and Dr. Go suddenly jumps up and leaves.

Jae-yi catches up to her and asks what’s wrong, and she lets loose on him. She says she came all this way to get over him, but now she finds herself waiting for him every night like before. Jae-yi reaches out and hugs her, surprising Dr. Go.

He says that Seoul is lonely without her, and asks her not to tell him not to come. She nervously asks what he means, but he just asks, “By any chance, do you like Messi?” Aww, that’s adorable. Dr. Go smiles at him and he opens his arms, and this time she steps into his hug.

Bok-ju spends the evening with Seon-ok and Nan-hee, and kicks her phone grumpily when Joon-hyung calls. They ask if she’s grown tired of him already, and she complains that men don’t stay loyal if you aren’t right next to them.

Joon-hyung goes to the restaurant, worried that Bok-ju still won’t answer his calls. He reaches for the door, but Bok-ju’s dad bursts out, scaring the poor boy half to death. They sit down inside, where Dad asks what Joon-hyung did to upset Bok-ju. Joon-hyung just says it’s a misunderstanding.

Dad asks if he’s a good swimmer, and about his parents, and Joon-hyung is honest that he was raised by his aunt and uncle. But he explains that they raised him with a lot of love so he grew up well, and Dad scoffs at him saying that about himself.

Dad asks what Joon-hyung likes about Bok-ju, and Joon-hyung’s eyes go all soft. He calls her warm, and says that she has a way of warming people’s hearts, and that she’s had it ever since she was young. Dad says she gets it from him, and Joon-hyung enthusiastically agrees. Recognizing that this young man truly loves his daughter, Dad warms to him just a little and smiles.

Dad and Dae-ho send Bok-ju back to Taereung the next morning, and the moment she’s gone, they rush Dad back to the hospital. But Bok-ju doubles back for something she forgot, and sees the closed sign back up at the restaurant.

A friend of her dad’s stops by and asks Bok-ju when her dad’s surgery is scheduled. It’s news to Bok-ju, and she calls Uncle Dae-ho to ask where he is right now. He lies that he’s at the restaurant, just as she walks into Dad’s hospital room.

They sit Bok-ju down and tell her everything, explaining that they just didn’t want to worry her before her first big competition. Dad begs her not to be mad, but she says she feels bad because he always knows when something is wrong with her, but she didn’t suspect anything.

Bok-ju promises to win the gold medal for him, as long as he comes through his surgery okay. Dae-ho tells her how Joon-hyung helped them stall her yesterday, and Bok-ju realizes that Joon-hyung was acting so strange because he was helping her father.

She waits for him outside the swimming pavilion, and throws her arms in the air in supplication when she sees him (and HA, he jumps like she was going to hit him). She rattles off a complicated apology, saying that she’s sorry for listening to her Taereung sunbaes without evidence.

She explains that she’s just uneasy because he’s so handsome and has a great personality, and Joon-hyung is all And? Bok-ju continues that he’s a good swimmer and a good kisser, then says she’s done when he asks And? again, hee.

Joon-hyung takes Bok-ju back to Taereung, and pouts that it seems extra close today when he wanted to spend more time with her. He looks into Bok-ju’s eyes and tells her that he’s totally fallen for her, promising never to look at other women. He tells her that he’ll be there for Dad’s surgery, so she won’t have to worry.

He tells her to just focus on training and bring home the gold medal. They play the You go first, no you go first game, and Joon-hyung keeps sending Bok-ju on but refusing to let go of her. So cute, these two.

Bok-ju follows through on her promise to focus on training, while Joon-hyung cheers her on by making Jenga towers of her favorite sausages and sending her pictures. He texts tips on taking care of her back and sends updates on her dad, and makes a wish in their toad fountain for her success.

Finally it’s the day of the competition in China, and Bok-ju mentally prepares for her turn to lift. She gives herself a silent pep talk, telling herself that she has many people at home loving her and cheering her on. She tells herself, “Kim Bok-ju, you can do it!”

At the same time, Joon-hyung and Dae-ho wait for news of Dad’s surgery, and breathe a sigh of relief when he comes through it just fine. They turn on a live broadcast of Bok-ju’s competition, and clutch each other nervously as she takes the stage.

Her old Haneul weightlifting team is also gathered to watch as Bok-ju steps up to the barbell. She lifts the weight above her head and holds it, grimacing as she struggles not to move, and the bell rings and she drops it to the floor.

Her teammates all jump up screaming, and Joon-hyung and Dae-ho bounce in their seats, as Bok-ju raises her arms in triumph. Behind them, Dad opens his eyes and smiles a tiny, proud smile.

The airport is packed with reporters when the team arrives back in Korea, but Bok-ju scans the crowd for one particular face. When she sees him, she leaves her team and pounces on Joon-hyung, and they hug as if they aren’t being watched by the entire country.

Two years later.

Joon-hyung walks with one of his Taereung sunbaes, both wearing their national team jackets with pride. Aww, he made it! His sunbae reminds him that he has to go or he’ll be late for his own graduation, and Joon-hyung yelps that Bok-ju is gonna kill him.

Bok-ju, Seon-ok, and Nan-hee gather with their old weightlifting sunbaes, dressed in their caps and gowns. Coach Yoon makes one of his trademark awkward speeches, and he and Coach Choi do a high-five, showing off their couple rings. Finally!

Bok-ju looks in her locker for the last time, then it’s time for a little graduation fun. The girls dance down the line of their classmates covered in their training gear, then have to run the line again while everything is yanked off them. HA, that looks fun.

The hazing continues over at the swimming pavilion, as Joon-hyung threatens his hoobaes not to toss him in the pool fully clothed. Tae-kwon shows up, dressed in his army uniform, and helps them dunk Joon-hyung then gets thrown in himself.

After the graduation ceremony, Bok-ju and Joon-hyung formally introduce their families to each other, though apparently they’ve been sending each other fried chicken and vitamins through the kids for a while now. Jae-yi teases that it feels like an in-law meeting, and Bok-ju congratulates him and Dr. Go on setting a wedding date.

After a round of photos with their friends, Bok-ju and Joon-hyung take one last walk on campus. They go to the toad fountain then the track, reminiscing about all the times they spent here. They make a bet about who will win the most medals at the Tokyo Olympics. So cute.

Joon-hyung grows serious, and asks Bok-ju, “If I win a gold medal, should we get married?” She says cheekily that she’ll think about it, and tells him to train hard if he wants to win that medal, starting now. She runs off to the middle of the field, and he follows her when she says she won’t marry him if he doesn’t.

In voiceover, Bok-ju says that everyone has a youth, a time that’s all the more beautiful because it’s awkward and clumsy. It’s a time when you’re not afraid of anything because you have nothing to lose, and you’re excited because you can have anything and everything.

“Age twenty-four, my youth. Although I’m still uneasy and nervous, I’m perfect, without needing anything else.”


I don’t know when I’ve ever finished a show feeling so satisfied, yet so sad to see it end, but this was just about the most perfect ending ever. As much as this was a show about young adults experiencing love for the first time, it was also a story about growing up and becoming independent. It was so true-to-life in that the problems faced by Bok-ju and Joon-hyung were vital and important to them, but are issues that many young people their age face. Sick family members, fighting with friends, struggling to move from childhood worries to grown-up concerns like what to do with your future — these are things so universal that we’ve all been through them at one time or another. Watching Bok-ju and Joon-hyung and their friends navigate their new adult world felt nostalgic to me in a way that only the Answer Me franchise has been able to do, reminding me of what it was like to be young and scared but also excited about the future.

It’s so rare to come across a drama that hits every single moment perfectly, never experiencing that late-stage slump that plagues even the most well-written shows. But Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju never flagged, never bogged down in angst or unnecessary side-plots, and somehow managed to keep its energy and lighthearted bittersweet tone from the very first scene to the last moment of the finale. It never dragged out misunderstandings, and the characters always talked as soon as possible whenever anyone was upset. Not only did that avoid the audience being forced to spend several episodes frustrated at easily fixable situations, but it also allowed the show to cover so much more ground because it didn’t waste time stringing its characters along for no reason.

This is one case in which I completely don’t mind that everyone got a nicely wrapped-up happy ending, because for once, all of the characters pretty much deserved one. This show was such a feel-good journey from start to finish, and it’s gratifying to see each person learn, grow, and get what they deserved, which is a happy future. And I love how even though the show is primarily about first love, most of the time the kids (particularly Bok-ju) put friends and family first, such as Bok-ju deciding to visit her father before calling Joon-hyung. She never dropped her family, her weightlifting dreams, or Nan-hee and Seon-ok to spend time with Joon-hyung, and in fact consistently chose those things even when Joon-hyung wanted to be together. My only complaint (and it’s a very small one) is that they never really learned not to keep secrets from each other — even in this final episode, Seon-ok and Tae-kwon chose to invite Nan-hee to the movies rather than admit they were on a date, and Dad spent most of the episode lying to Bok-ju about having surgery. But it wouldn’t have been as realistic as it was if everyone were perfect, and overall I felt that all of the characters experienced a lot of growth and maturing and always had their priorities in order.

I can’t express enough how wonderful I thought the acting was in this show, and not just in the case of Lee Sung-kyung and Nam Joo-hyuk. I’ve said multiple times that they’ve both convinced me that they’re much better actors than they’ve had a chance to show until now, and I predict very bright futures for them both. But they aren’t the only ones who impressed me, and I found myself tearing up with Uncle Dae-ho, laughing along with Nan-hee and Seon-ok, felt my heart breaking for Shi-ho, and aching for Jae-yi and Dr. Go to finally be together. Fairy was just so perfectly cast all around (though I was disappointed that Jo Soo-hyang’s nasty rhythmic gymnast was slowly written out — she could have been such fun as Bok-ju’s snarky nemesis), and it showed in the way every scene seemed to shine and never felt superfluous.

I could honestly go on and on about what a wonderful drama Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju is, and never run out of positive things to say. But I think I’d be preaching to the choir, so I’ll just say how lucky I feel to have been able to recap this sweet, almost-perfect little show. It’s quickly made its way to the top of my list of favorites, even replacing my adoration of Louis and Bok-shil as my favorite drama couple of all time (though they’re still a close second!). Joon-hyung and Bok-ju just feel like the perfect couple — loving, unfailingly adoring of each other while still being honest with each other when needed, never forgetting to put the other first and make their love a priority. Their youthful romance will stay with me for a long time to come, and I think I’ll be coming back to visit them over and over, whenever I need a reminder that love is, above all, something to always be cherished.


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Thank you sooooo much for the recaps, LollyPip! Your love for the show made us love it even more.

Hopefully they will keep doing more rom-coms like this and Shopping King Louie, which show you can have a drama without 5 episodes of angst in the middle.


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I love this drama so so much! I cried my eyes out watching this episode and cried even more after reading the recap. Thank you!


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I'm gonna miss this show so much. Thanks lollypip for the recap's. The ending was simple and good. I just wanted more of Seon ok and Tae Kwon.


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Soo sad that this suwaeggg drama is coming to an end. lee sung kyung and nam joo hyuk should be together irl. Forever bokjoohyung shipper. ???

But just a little, very very little disappointed because they didn't really use the dokkobi(toad) bok joo made for joon hyung as his charm during tournament And Jo soo hyang was underutilised (she was great in WAY school 2015) But but i am very happy, very excited and going to watch it again. And again. And again. And AGAINNNNN LIKE FOREVAH omg ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


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I'm still not ready to watch the last episode. I know it will be bittersweet for me. This is one of the dramas that gave me feel good moments and I don't want it to end yet...


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Jung Joon Hyung is my ideal type. He is the most perfect drama boyfriend ever. He is like the nice guy that actually got the girl!

I will miss all the swag friendship and can we get season 2 for Seon Ok and Taek Won? That is an interesting pairing right there!


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What a lovely show to remind all to appreciate and live your youthful life full of vigour. Both the lead actors has shown they got something in them with the right role.

Positively cheery show, although as a fan of sports, it is fairly certain all sportsmen have their ups and down, I believe Bokju and joonHyung will work their way through it.

it is great that most of the characters were truly well developed and get to shine in their scenes.

Thank you show for delivering a lovely sports and romance drama that was a joy to watch.


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Supremely grateful farewell to Weughtlifting kim bok joo. I would be honest that is a lowkey epilogue. But to begin with it never tried to generate needless angst or over dramatic.
And joonhyung seals hi,self in the hall of fame as best boyfriend/ future husband material.
His patience is almost saintlike and he didnt even flare up at all when bokjoo misunderstood him.
The best part of the epilogue for me was bokjoo appa and joonhyung's interaction. Showed how far he has come from that weasel looking kid who ate the oysters to this rrliable friend of bokjoo who took care of him when he was in the hospital and then that heartful conversation when you know your daughter has met this guy who values her and she the gem that she is. It answered bright and clear to joonhyung shes that person that brings warmth to him. Rewind to episode 1. That guy who seem alittle cold alittle indifferent but perk up and lit up when he found bokjoo.
The best part of the proposal for me isnt the ending scene. It was when joonhyung promises bokjoo that he will take care of appa the same way kimbokjoo would. Essentially that means he will look after him like he is his dad. Nothing was ever to far fetch right till the closing, we've been promised a bright beautiful future where our otp is still very in love very committed to each other and their dream as athletes.
I wish it wont take too long that we will meet another drama like WF that has the heart, has sincerity and natural love line. Please hear me drama gods


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Final fmv on this couple https://youtu.be/B25U9wuK9vs to say my farewell


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I love that conversation too!

It was as much how Joon Hyung described Bok Joo as the look on his face as he was doing it. Nam Joo Hyuk nailed that scene.


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Thank you so much, Lollypip, for recapping this show so wonderfully. After years and years of watching korean dramas, i can say without a doubt that this is my favorite.

I loved how they stayed true to Bok-ju. Even when her hair grew longer, they didn't give her a glamorous make-over but just kept it in a simple ponytail. I hear people saying that they don't want to watch this drama because they don't find the lead girl pretty (How could they not??) but in my opinion, this drama goes beyond relying on visuals. It's the heart and feels of this drama that captivated its audience. WFKBJ SWAAAG!!


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I want to take a minute to talk about the actors.
Im so glad Lee Sung Kyung and Nam Joo Hyuk's first major lead role is with each other. Its a project that they will rem and cherish for life. If you see the bts where they both cried you know they have form an attachment with the show the characters and the drama too has garnered both nods at mbc awards.
Also the bts showed their actual kiss was longer and hotter. In one of he shots LSK even dives in her hand into NJH hair. I also saw another still of them sitting and kissing. How i wish those werent edited out.
It would probably take awhile before these two coupld be casted together again but im really curious aft like 2 years garnering more experienced when they two reunite for another drama it would be reaaalllllly epic. I pray that happens..


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yes !! BTS of the kiss scene is longer and hotter ! How can they cut that part ? haha


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Oh what an amazing show this was!! Totally SWAG!❤
My Wednesdays and Thursdays are never gonna be the same again!? Thank u dramabeans for praising this show and introducing me to such lovely characters.
This is definitely one of the dramas that I'm going to remember for a long time.

Oh SWAG couple I hope u grow old together bickering along the way and living a happy happy life!??


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this drama is totally awesome till the end.
it is inspirational & has lots of shared lessons on life's hardships, ambitions, dreams, school & family.
love it till the end!


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They are such a good couple!! I hope they get together in real life!


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I agree! This is the best drama I've ever watched. <3


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I love the aunt (and the actress playing it!). That's what my mom would act when I look like I want to ask forgiveness from her but just too awkward (or embarrassed?) to start! And an absolute yes when BJ said to JH that he just needs to give his 'mom' a tight hug to be forgiven, because that happened (in my case, at least). And the smell of a mom too, it is special, and only her own children can notice that kind of smell and feel familiar and warm at the same time. Ah, eomma, saranghae...


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This drama is so adorable that I want to squish it. Thank you drama, for being such a cute, heart warming drama without all the usual drama cliches.
Hats off for the OTP. They really have undeniable chemistry, i can tell they are also having fun when filming. Maybe because they come from the same agency, that they are not awkward around each other.
Love love love this little gem.


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Kudos to the cast!
That LSK is good, I have known that since her crazy batshit performance in CITT. I can see she is extremely expressive and gives all in her acting. She just needs a good breakout role to elevate to lead actress status.
My surprise discovery here is NJH, as he is never on my radar before. His role as the perfect boyfriend is so perfect, I can't wait to see more of him. I hope that he has the versatility to carry different roles in his future dramas.
A shoutout to Nan Hee and Taek Kwon actors too, they were really good and made their roles unforgettable.


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Ah this was such a well wrapped drama. It was nothing flashy (cue in: your super rich chaebol oppa with super car and million inheritance trying to swoon a girl) yet I find all the characters and moments in this drama to be endearing and heartwarming :")

NOOOO... I'm not ready to say goodbye to you guys.. can we have farewell party first *sob sob*

now, gotta search my own Joonhyung at every corner in this universe


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GOODBYE WEIGHTLIFTING FAIRY KIM BOK JOO! TT I'm not ready to say goodbye. I want to see Joon Hyung and Bok Joo getting married, having kids and growing old together. They will be together for the next 10 years/20years/forever. We all know it because they are perfect for each other and they resolve their conflicts without allowing it to affect their relationship.

I watched this show with absolutely zero expectation. And it ended up exceeding all sorts of expectations. I don't even know how to express my love for this cute little drama. I don't even know where to start. I guessed I started falling in love with this drama when Bok Joo asked Dr. Jung if he likes Messi. At that very moment, I found myself cringing in awkwardness for Bok Joo and yet laughing at the same time and appreciating the fact that the scriptwriter has made use of the small details in the lines. Week after week, I watched this drama without fail, witnessing their character growth and falling in love. Wednesday and Thursday will never be the same again.

I never wanted a boyfriend so much before. I am happily singe but this drama just makes me want to find my own Joon Hyung. :)

Thank you Lollypip for the recaps!!! I truly enjoy reading them and thank you for your hard work!!!


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Watching Weightlifting Fairy was like having that full course dinner at an untested restaurant:

When you arrive at a restaurant and they showed you the menu and you're not so sure whether you are going to like them. The names are not that familiar, the food listed are not really your favourite.

Then they serve the appetiser. Ok. It was nice and sweet. Right there hitting your taste palette.

Then they proceed the main course. Surprisingly, it was delightfully delicious, even when you've had the food elsewhere before. You realised you liked it more with every bite. And it's growing on you. You digged in and every bite seems unforgettable.

You started to get nervous by dessert time. What if the dessert would not complement what you had so far? You've been to countless places where thery serve great food but not so great desserts. It could be too sweet, too greasy or too lame.

When the dessert arrived, you took the first bite and you know it's going to be perfect.

And you went back home grinning and smiling, with that warm, satisfied feeling.

Thank you Weightlifting Fairy, for giving me such a delightful and memorable 'dining' experience. You might not be popular, nor had that famous chefs, and your menu seems normal, but YOU REALLY SWAG. I would definitely visit again and would wholeheartedly recommend you to others looking for the same experience. ❤


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Delicious analogy :D

May I add that the food is totally wholesome, natural and unpretentious? It's rich but not greasy. Sweet but not cloying. Deceptively simple but yet as you chew, the flavors explode in your mouth. Easily digested, makes you glow and adds a skip in your step.


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I was looking for a like button somewhere around here when I read your comment. ? So true!


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Loved this! So swag! WFKBJ is one restaurant that I'll keep coming back to.. Next time I'll order a Joon Hyung, to go.;D


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One for me too! Hahaha. Been watching cuts of Ep 16 over and over again plus all the bts and the ost and the comments and the news..haha


OMG such amazing analogy ! Swagggg !


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Beautiful piece of writing!!


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Thanks for the recap, Lollypip! Agree with everything you said. This is one of the best shows I've seen in a long time. I loved everything about it - the cast, directing, writing, OST. Just perfect, even the behind the scenes videos. It is so rare to fine a drama that is consistently awesome from start to finish. This one will be frequently rewatched, and I hope to see Lee Sung Kyung and Nam Joo Hyuk together again soon, even if it's just photo shoots. They both surprised me in this show and made me a fan. I love that they are such good friends in real life too!

Now what am I going to look forward to on Wednesdays and Thursdays? Missing 9 looks very Lost-esque, but certainly won't give me the warm fuzzies like this show does.


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LollyPip has said all of my thought with her words. So wonderful i think i can't let go of this drama yet... thank you LollyPip for the hard work for these past months! I'm so grateful i chose this drama to follow ㅠㅠ

I hereby declare that this is now my most favorable drama! The most relatable one and just like you, i'll be coming back to this drama whenever i need a reminder that though life will throw you so many unexpected things you'd still have family, friends and dreams that can help you to continue your journey... i'm forever grateful to this drama

I'm crying now ㅠㅠ


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Adding this to the list of dramas great for rainy day or lazy weekend marathons.

This show has remained heartwarming and consistent in its story-telling and production quality, but I also enjoyed a lot of the visuals in this episode:

--When Jae Yi and Ah Young both hugged outside the restaurant, I was sort of invested but mostly wanted to know if there was a woman’s version of JY’s fantastic blue coat.

--BJ’s unique style at the international competition (loved the ponytail and headband) showed her swag and confidence were back in full force, and I felt like the look reflected that she was truly comfortable in her own skin.

--And in the graduation scenes, I was amused that the show just gave up on hiding how hot everyone is. BJ’s dad and uncle both got new hairdos (or have become evil chaebols). Nan Hee’s hair was finally liberated from pigtails and Seon Ok got to show off her runway strut. And of course in the final shots the show acknowledged that their leads are actual models and stepped up BJ’s and JH’s coat and trouser game.

BJ and JH are definitely one of my favorite k-drama couples and though they are young, I am totally on board with the idea that they will be married in the future (which really does not help the piece of me that ships NJH and LSK).

Thank you for all the recaps and thanks Beanies for all of your insights on the show!


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LOLed to your comment - thank you for a good laugh!


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I am overwhelmed by too much and too many emotions.

Recaps Thank you @Lollypip for your wonderful recaps. I found myself nodding so often to your insights and smiling once again when I read your response to those swoony or squeal worthy moments. Not to forget - thank you for posting this finale recap earlier. You must have known that the WF community here are about to burst with anticipation.

WF Beanies Thanks to your unbashful compliments and undying love for this drama, I checked out something which otherwise wouldn't have appealed to me.

Drama There's so much written of this drama which I won't repeat here. I just want to say that people who dismiss this drama as some light - read "no substance" stuff suitable for viewers who just love simplistic romance - read "immature & unsophisticated relationship" can't be more wrong.

I've said this before and it bears repeating - a simple story can be just as awesome, as profound, as touching as a 'not-so-simple' one. It's not the complexity, the twists or the dramatics that reels in the viewers. It's the characters and the way the story is told that make it work.

Actors This cast is nothing short of wonderful. I want to sing praises of everyone but I must say this even though it's been said so many times - Lee Sung Kyung and Nam Joo Hyuk! Without them, this drama might be a totally different one.

I totally agree with Lollypips that they have very bright futures ahead of them.

My biggest revelation is Nam Joo Hyuk. I'd watch this drama over and over again just to see his expressions. I would have never guessed that I'd swoon at his marriage proposal. Both of he and Lee Sung Kyung were so subtle yet great at showing how they matured in the 2 years jump. And when Joon Hyung popped the question, I was frankly surprised at how manly he looked all of a sudden.

I wish them all the best and hope you will have many successful projects in the future.


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Watched the final scene BTS and their final goodbyes to the viewers. And I don't know why I was so emotional. I didn't know what they're sayin, but I'm quite happy to see the all the casts and crews look like they're having fun while filming.

Thank you so much!!! You all give me such a great happiness❤❤❤


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I just watched it....gaaaaah! I feel like crying along with them.

I've never followed these actors. From a couple of the BTS and the wrap up party, Lee Sung Kyung looks just as bubbly in real life while Nam Joo Hyuk seems more serious.


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He's a real Busan SangNamja in real life. Hahah, he even denies JiSoo's skinship advances on their Bromance episodes. Lol, it was so funny.


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He does seems more serious in real life.

Also I laughed out loud when Bokju showed Joonhyung pictures to her senior at Taereung and they didn't believe her saying that it's internet boyfriend. Because I remember what Nam Joo Hyuk said few years back (when he's still just a model) that girls used his pictures from instagram and said that he was their boyfriend because he has the perfect boyfriend look.


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IKR! I felt soooo happy and warm inside seeing how much the crew enjoyed each other and they seemed genuinely happy to have worked together and filmed this. I guess it's true what NJH said in one of his interviews, they didn't mind the low ratings so much because they strive to bring the best to the table. I really hope they know how much we love this show!


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i could never understand why this drama didn't hit the marks in Korea.. I feel like inviting all the cast members and production team of this drama and have a SWAG celebration here!

I love this drama and it's going to be hard to top this.

Can't wait for their next projects


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?????????? I can'g believe it ends now!!! Something will be missing next week. I won't have something good to wait for.

This drama gives me so much feeling - like I'm back to my 20's. I laughed, cried, giggled, and felt giddy along with the drama. I can't get enough words to say how awesome this drama is (though i'm wondering where Ki Seok is... He might be choosing to be a reaper over a swimmer lol).

I feel like there's a void now in my heart ??????. I'm going to miss misss miss miss this drama. Thank you for recapping. I really really really enjoy the ride. ❤❤❤


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This show was just perfect. I'm so sad to see it end but heartened to see it bow out in the most wonderful way. It never flagged, even after the leads got together - the post get together scenarios were realistic and kept me interested throughout.

Thank you Viki subbers who made it possible for me to enjoy this show, Lollypip for recapping (added squee time) and fellow beanies with whom I could share my love of the show with. I'm so glad I wasn't the only one.

I'm sad it has low ratings - if there's someone here able to convey our love & appreciation to the cast & crew, please do!


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Finale. WHAT?!
Oh no, it’s really, really over. How can a show makes you feel sooo satisfied and empty at the same time?
WFKBJ is a rare show that gets better. Every. Damn. Episode.
Even the airport part where BJ runs to JH (without waiting for her turn to be congratulated by the officials…) which I’m sure is cheesy had it been done in other shows, worked here for me.
I just felt they could have inserted more “I love you” in words…
I love the ending. I miss them already. OST playing in my car makes me miss them more.
Lee Sung Kyung and Nam Joo Hyuk, I am now a fan.
I loooove the BTS kiss! *me dead after watching*
Writer-nim and PD-nim, I will also look at your other works.
Bok Joo and Joon Hyung – best OTP ever.
WFKBJ – Sweeeeg!
Thanks Lollypip for the recap and thanks fellow beanies for an amazing ride, I love you all! SWAG!


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Delightful drama from beginning to end. So sad that it's over, but I'm happy to let go knowing that once off screen this couple will continue being the happy loving couple they are.

My Wed/Thurs are doooooomed!!!!!!


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Thanks Lollypip for the great recap! You've nailed it girl! I believe what you've said is what most of us feel. WFKBJ is definitely one of the best kdramas out there. It's full-packed and so real. As an international fan, I really got to wonder why it's ratings are so low despite its great quality. Though I'm glad I came across it.

The show got its spotlight on a cool and brave heroine who fought real and relatable battles. Not to mention that Bok Joo is so adorable and pretty and Joon Hyung..need I say more? ?

On top of that, they were able to package different love forms; the father-daughter (I love it when Mr. Kim insisted that Bok Joo is pretty despite wearing sweats), the mother-son (when Joon-Hyung was teasing his mom/aunt about the smell of her hair), the BFFs (the rooftop hug brought me tears too), the brothers (that baseball moment), the team (all for one and one for all during their hunger strike) and the most anticipated first love (the warehouse kiss!) ?

I even insisted that my sister watch this drama. Haha. What amazed me even more was how Lee Sung Kyung owned up Kim Bok Joo. Man, she's totally different. I'm loving her now as an actress!

I also so love the OST! As much as I wanted to sing along with it, all I can do is hum since I can't understand the language without subs. Haha.

All in all, the show was worth the while. Kudos to the WFKBJ team. Definitely SWAAAAAG! ???


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Here's that adorable final BTS. I love how the entire cast and crew pile together on the field at the final filming!!



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I've been watching this repeatedly yesterday. It's so perfect.


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Thanks for the link! Lol at the guy behind them who couldn't hide his smile while our couple does their scene. Loved how everyone looked so happy and not tired at all.


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I found myself delaying watching this final episode knowing it would be the last. It was beautiful. I never thought I would find another drama that could touch my heart as much as Reply/Answer Me 1997 did. Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo is truly a masterpiece. Bless the writers and producers and cast and crew. Thanks to everyone who could appreciate this gem ohgosh. The OST is helping with my withdrawal symptoms. Everything about this show was perfect arrrrghhhh.


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*couldn't even type my username properly this show has wrecked me T_T


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omg, this is the cutest thing I've ever read.

All hail the power of WFKBJ and LollyPip's reviews ?We're all dissolved in happy tears.


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Just watch the recent BTS/Making film guys. Just watch it. Lol.

This is no. 1 on my list. Yes, it doesn't have that complicated and creative plot. It's too normal. But the happiness that it gave me was so much. These two will always have a place in my heart. I think i will rewatch this over and over until i can get over it.

I wish LSK and NJH well on their next projects.


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I love the shows final message..

"We thank the immature but eager 21-year-old youths and the viewers."

"Dear youths living in the present, you're SWAG!"


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I was legit tearing up during that final credits. It's such a curious case how you are happy and sad at the same time. Like seeing your kids marry and knowing they're leaving you now, and that is coming from a 24-year old who has been single for I can't even remember how many years now. Show what have you done to me? Do something! Season 2? DVD Director's cut? Anything!


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I'd be in seventh heaven if they cast LSK along with NJH for that manwha remake. Then again, there's a high chance it wouldn't be the same as watching them as Bok Joo and Joon Hyung. They are just too perfect as those characters. Then again, I would love to be (and all those skeptic of NJH's acting) proven wrong.


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I started watching this show and did not expect to love it as much as I did. It was massively underrated and I wish more people got to enjoy this gem of a show! Watching Bok-ju's journey was such an exciting, heartbreaking, and uplifting experience. It was so refreshing! And I am satisfied with the last episode. I do think we could have focused a little more on Shi-ho because towards the end they kind of threw her to the wayside but I enjoyed watching the final episode nonetheless. It was a great send-off for such wonderful characters.

Lee Sung-kyung did such an amazing job as Bok-ju! I loved watching every minute she was on screen. Nam Joo-hyuk in turn really knocked me off my feet with his portrayal of Joon-hyung. He completely surprised me with the depth of his acting. These two are definitely actors to keep an eye on! And like Lollypip said, the whole cast was amazing. They all worked hard to make this show great and I enjoyed watching them as well! Thanks for the incredible journey Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju! You warmed my heart and lifted my spirits week after week. I am sad to see you go.


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Thank u for the recap LP, this drama is just everything I need/wanted longed to c in a drama land. Never thought I would love a drama as much as this, I have learnt a lot abt life from this drama n more from all the commenters expressing diff views n perspectives!!
Even tho there will be other dramas that will be my fav for that time period, I confessed with all my honesty that WFKBJ will always b the overall my top fav drama!! Will miss them so so much!!!
This drama makes me wanna fall in love n experience all the lovey dovey of been in love aaahhhhhhh but I might never cus it's gonna be a real hard to find a JH
Thank u WLFKBJ n wish all the cast well?????????


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The ending of the drama was nice :) but i just hope that they add the story of seon-ok and tae-kwon in the end. ?


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Not gonna lie, this 50+ hear old lady teared up when I turned off my tv after this episode. It was a perfect ending to a wonderful drama that may have very well jumped to #1 on my list. I'm so happy for these sweet kids but gosh, am I going to miss them and their silly, sweet adventures. They totally made me relive the excitement and embarrassment of first falling in love - the writer, director and actors totally nailed all of the nuances.

And I agree with LP about the error of lying but it speaks to the character of the people in that the lies were mostly done out of care and concern for others. I know, intent doesn't necessarily justify the deception, but haven't we all done things just like this at least once in our lives?

I thought I was sad when SKL ending, but I'm really done in now. Thank you, Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo, for a most enjoyable drama experience.

And ps. You can tell what an awesome drama this is simply by the length and feelings of the posts here. :)


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I mean what do I watch now to fill wkbj spot? I'm so sad. This will definitely be a drama I share to newbies and one I watch when I'm feeling down. I hate the feeling you get after finishing a good drama. Never experience this with American shows.


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Ah, the pitfalls of American Shows, 129 seasons later there's still no ending in sight. Yep.


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Aww...what a beautiful ending.

Thanks for the recap btw.

I didn't planned to live-watching this drama in the first place. Yet upon reading all the praises for WF from fellow beanies here I ended up marathoning 10 eps. And agree with all of you...this is a underrated drama. I love its simplicity yet powerful narratives on youth and all of its sweet moments.

I'm sad to see this drama end. I'm surely will rewind all the episodes to visit our Bok-joo as well as her family and friends.


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still sweet and caring until the finale..
I love this drama so much. I am sad that it ended but I am very statisfied with the ending..
Weighlifter Fairy Kim Bok-joo, at first I had no intention to watch you, but surprisingly I got hooked by your charm.
thank you for your sweet and meaningfull story..
and thanks dramabeans for the recaps..


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Thanks for all your recaps and comments. I enjoy every moment with this drama.


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So Sad that this had to end!!! THIS WAS PERFECT!!!! This topped the year for me!!!!

I will miss Bok Joo and Jeon Hyeong!!!!! I will watch this over and over again this cold winter just to feel warm!!!!


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What a heartwarming little show. I was smiling when I was watching the show ended. I wish I had that shiny youth like Bok-Joo and friends, and of course the sweet boyfriend Joon-Hyung.


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In todays world where words are used so loosely; I say it and mean it with all my heart that I LOVE this Drama and now that it's over I MISS it so much like there is an emptiness in my heart.THE FEELS while I was watching it Ahhhhhhhhhh <3 Thank you so much, Lollypip for the recaps and the beanies for all the insightful comments. You made me watch this drama at first place - so darn thankful for that. I will cherish the way this drama made me feel.

Kudos to the PD, Writer, The cast and the crew for capturing the youth like we experienced it. NJH -LSK made me fall in love with them so hard. Amazing job <3 <3


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I love this show! And I'm so glad NJH got a great ending to his character's love story than the one in Scarlet Heart. :D Anyway, I watched this show right after my shift. I brought my laptop to work with me and found a like-minded colleague. We locked ourselves in one of the meeting rooms and just squealed like college girls (well, because this is a college romance).

I agree with everything the writer said. This really did hit all of the good spots. I'm looking forward to more dramas from our leads, the second leads, their friends and everyone else, especially the writer/s and director. :D



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It took me a whole day to finally watch the last episode. I just didn't want it to end so I've been stalling myself. But of course, even good things has to end. Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bokjoo made me feel so much emotions that I've never felt for a long time towards a drama. I was happy from beginning to end. Happy, satisfied, and more.

I admit to being very negative about this show during it's early stages. Lee Sungkyung is an actress who I really like but I didn't think she can pull off a weightlifter character. I also thought that Nam Joohyuk is just a pretty face whose acting is just so-so. I'm so sorry, Joohyuk! I take back my words!

I'm so grateful for the whole production team and actors for giving us such a wonderful and heart warming show despite the pressure of low ratings. I never felt the disappointment or them being discouraged by it. Instead, they continued on putting all their effort for the drama and that's highly commendable.

Thank you LollyPip for the awesome reviews! It's always a great accompaniment to a drama like this. Ahhhh~ I will miss this drama and will probably watch it again when I need a dose of cute and hope. Bye, Bokjoo-yah~ Bye, Joonhyung-ah~ If this noona never gets married, it's your fault. SWAG!


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Your last line though...??
It's funny if you think about it..their relationship should actually be considered "normal" right? I mean,isn't that how true love works? Yet we live in a world where honesty and goodness is so rare that it is considered a "miracle" and not the norm! Makes me a little wistful. I'm glad that this show was made so that younger girls without any dating experience will now know better than to confuse abusive behaviour for "love" as many shows sadly portray. More power to sweet leading men please!


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A perfect ending to a great show. As usual, I had a silly grin on my face watching BJ and JH. For once, I see a kdrama couple that could actually have a lasting relationship in reality. Most kdrama couples would not make it past 3 months in reality imho.

The writing, pacing, directing, acting, kisses, friendships and music were pretty much never perfect. It was a simple story told with lots of humor and grounded in reality. Otoke, what do I do with my wednesdays and thursdays now? My happy vitamin is done.


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Gosh, everybody and Lollypip has summarized this drama and our feels about it so well that I don't know what else to add. Just that Bok Joo and Joon Hyung has surpassed the k-drama perfection trope and will live in my heart for a long, long, LOOOOOOOONG time to come. <3

Bok Joo x Joon Hyung = SWAG! Saranghayo <3


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This drama was so amazing! I'm sad that it got such low ratings, but I'm so happy I was able to be a part of its fanbase. Everything about it was just so perfect.

While watching this last episode, one thing in particular that I realized that I really liked about it was that it portrayed receiving counseling and visiting therapists as something totally okay and normal. I'm glad to see the stigma attached with therapy slowly being changed and showing to people around the world that it's okay to visit a therapist! Kind of random rant, but I really appreciated that about the entire show and I realized that as I was watching this last episode!

Thanks for a fun ride Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Ju!


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Writer-nim, do you like Messi? TT-----TT

Dear dramagods, we need more of this swag-a-licious party like this one that just ended..!! you will listen to our plea, right? amen!


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+2! Swag-alicious indeed!


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My forever pick up line. My friends and I will have a blast on that little inside joke whenever I come across someone I like and ask them if they perhaps like Messi?


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