Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju: Episode 5

One of the best things about this show is the deliciously awkward secondhand embarrassment we feel for Bok-ju when Joon-hyung teases her, and there’s plenty of that to go around in this hour. He’s privy to her most embarrassing secret and takes great pleasure in tormenting her for it, and it’s adorable watching the two bicker for the upper hand. Bok-ju may be taking risks with herself for the sake of her crush, but right now the happy glow is what keeps her going.

EPISODE 5: “I’m happy to be a woman”

Bok-ju is horrified to see Joon-hyung in Jae-yi’s office, pointing at her and asking why she’s here. It gets worse when she realizes that he’s related to Jae-yi, but she thinks fast and says that she and Joon-hyung went to elementary school together. She pretends they haven’t seen each other since then, while Joon-hyung stares at her like she’s got her head on backwards.

Joon-hyung is even more surprised when Jae-yi tells him that this is the cellist he mentioned. He quickly sizes up the situation and goes along with Bok-ju’s fib for now, shaking her hand like they’re just now reconnecting. He leers at her as she tries to get her hand back, as if to say, “You’re in so much trouble now.”

Joon-hyung walks back to campus with Bok-ju, joking that at least she picked an instrument that suits her (cellos are heavy and require a lot of physical strength). He eventually realizes that she’s genuinely upset with him and asks why, when he lied for her. He wonders how long she’s been seeing Jae-yi, and guesses that if she were just there to lose weight she wouldn’t have lied about being a cellist.

It’s a short jump for Joon-hyung to conclude that Bok-ju likes Jae-yi, and she protests too loudly for him to believe otherwise. But he seems to almost admire the lengths she’s going to for the guy she likes, and asks if she’ll be in trouble if the other weightlifters find out she’s trying to lose weight.

Bok-ju asks Joon-hyung to keep her secret, and he zips his lips, agreeing that he has nothing to gain from telling anyone. Then he unzips them and says that he has no reason to keep it a secret, either. He smirks, saying that whether or not he tells depends on how she acts, and Bok-ju is forced to pretend she’s not furious with him for fear of what he’ll say.

Joon-hyung bikes off with a wide grin on his face, having gotten Bok-ju right where he wants her. Bok-ju makes it back to her dorm room and screams in frustration.

Joon-hyung plunks himself down next to Bok-ju at lunch the next day with a giant cheeky grin. He forbids her to leave when she tries to escape, then pretends that he’s much too tired to cut his own meat. He slides it over to Bok-ju, who’s forced to cut his meat while her friends wonder why she’s not cracking his head open instead (and ha, she stabs the meat like she’s imagining it’s Joon-hyung’s face on that plate).

He asks her to get him a glass of water, and even his friend Tae-kwon wonders why he’s making Bok-ju do it. But she does, knowing the consequences if she doesn’t, though the look on her face makes me think Bok-ju is devising creative ways to kill Joon-hyung with her mind.

Later her friends ask Bok-ju what’s going on with her and Joon-hyung, jumping to the obvious conclusion that they like each other. She denies it, saying that she just decided he’s not so bad after all. But her buddies know that something doesn’t add up, despite Bok-ju’s insistence.

Later, Joon-hyung spots Bok-ju on her way to another appointment with Jae-yi, and it’s so cute how his face lights up when he sees her. He follows her all the way to the clinic.

Bok-ju tells Jae-yi that losing weight is difficult, and he reminds her that it just takes time. He says that she must not have changed much since she was little for Joon-hyung to recognize her so easily, and they agree that Joon-hyung has changed a lot.

Bok-ju babbles about how Joon-hyung annoys her so much and how she wants to punch him… until she realizes that as far as Jae-yi knows, she’s only seen him that one time. Jae-yi mentions how Joon-hyung is even more handsome than he is, and he’s surprised when Bok-ju doesn’t agree. Bok-ju blurts out that Jae-yi is way more handsome, making Jae-yi blush adorably.

Joon-hyung shows up and Jae-yi’s next appointment cancels, so they decide to go to dinner and invite Bok-ju along. She tries to demur, but Joon-hyung’s veiled threat has her agreeing, for fear that he’ll tell Jae-yi that she’s really a weightlifter.

At the buffet, Bok-ju watches while Jae-yi helps a tiny girl load up her plate, and smiles at how sweet he is. He brings her some healthy foods to try, and Joon-hyung teases that this is why he’s soooo popular with the ladies, shooting a loaded glance at Bok-ju.

Joon-hyung dominates the conversation, making a big deal about how strong Bok-ju is and how she’d make a great athlete, and Bok-ju snarls that she doesn’t like sports. But Jae-yi remembers that she claimed to like soccer and Messi, and Joon-hyung latches onto that.

He recalls her friend Nan-hee hitting on him with her “Do you like Messi?” pick-up line, and looks annoyed at Bok-ju for the first time. Jae-yi steps away to take a call, and Bok-ju asks how long Joon-hyung intends to torment her. She nearly throws her glass of water in his face for pretending not to know what she means, but Jae-yi comes back and she shoves it at Joon-hyung’s mouth.

Jae-yi offers them both a ride to the dorm after dinner, but Bok-ju wants to get Joon-hyung away from Jae-yi so she says she needs to talk to Joon-hyung privately. Joon-hyung tries to escape her clutches and climb in Jae-yi’s car, but she’s strong enough to hold him back, ha.

He’s a little scared now, and he follows Bok-ju obediently. She offers him a deal — he gets to punch her once, and then he’ll stop dangling her lie over her head. He refuses, admitting that he quite enjoys knowing her weakness.

He says he’ll think about what he wants in return for his silence, and Bok-ju is stuck. He’s technically taking her deal, while still keeping her on the hook, and now he gets something else out of her of his choosing. Point to Joon-hyung.

When Joon-hyung gets back to his dorm room, Tae-kwon warns him that their swimming sunbae Ki-seok is out to get him for leaving swim practice early again. There’s an athletic competition coming up between departments, and Ki-seok plans to give Joon-hyung the most-hated event, lifting bags of rice.

Joon-hyung says he just won’t show up, since it’s not like Ki-seok could possibly hate him more than he already does. He asks Tae-kwon what his assignment is, and Tae-kwon looks uncomfortable as he mumbles that he’s the cheerleader. HAHA.

At practice the next day, Ki-seok confronts Joon-hyung about skipping practice. He forbids Joon-hyung from any muscle-building exercises (so lifting the rice bags will be even harder), and orders him to clean the pool by himself.

Joon-hyung’s ex-girlfriend Shi-ho stops him after practice to ask him out for pizza. It’s so sad how his expression slams shut the moment he sees her, and he asks why she’s doing this. Shi-ho says that she wants to try everything she can to get back with him.

Joon-hyung says that relationships aren’t like sports — effort doesn’t guarantee success. But Shi-ho refuses to give up, saying that Joon-hyung is the only thing she has right now. Joon-hyung tells her to learn to stand on her own, and not to expect someone else to solve her problems.

He says that he doesn’t want to go for pizza with her, and walks away. As she watches him go, she remembers how she used to wait here for him after practice, and how Joon-hyung would steal kisses from her. She says that she’ll accept any punishment he dishes out if it means they get back together in the end.

Coach Yoon gets the weightlifting team fired up about the athletic day, reminding them that they have the best teamwork of all the departments. He tells the freshmen that the weightlifting team wins first place every year due to their strength, endurance, and perseverance.

The rumor about sunbae Woon-ki changing his weight class sweeps through the gym, which is good news as it means the other students in his weight class will no longer be competing against him. The student who was fighting with Woon-ki last week, Sang-chul, seems particularly shocked by the news.

Woon-ki sits outside after practice, grinning at pictures of his new child (the real reason he skipped practice). Sang-chul offers him a conciliatory bottle of water, and asks why he would change weight classes right before graduation. Woon-ki says he wants to test his limits, but Sang-chul warns him not to jeopardize his health and to think of himself first.

That night, Tae-kwon wants to skip training and go play games, but Joon-hyung declines. He gets a text from Shi-ho asking if he ate and saying that she’s at practice, as if he didn’t just turn her down, and he ignores it. But the text makes him angry and he works out too strenuously, injuring his shoulder.

He visits Dr. Go, who teases that he must miss her because he’s in her office so often. Another text comes in from Shi-ho but Joon-hyung doesn’t even read it, and he tells Dr. Go to worry about herself when she starts to give him dating advice.

Joon-hyung tells her to take action if she wants to snag Jae-yi, because he’s really popular these days. She pretends they’re only friends but her curiosity gets the better of her, and she asks if Jae-yi is dating someone. Joon-hyung quips that she should get ready to turn on her signal, or she’ll lose her chance to change lanes.

Bok-ju is doing crunches on her bed when Shi-ho comes in and asks if she saw Joon-hyung today. Bok-ju asks Shi-ho not to mention him for a while because he’s giving her a hard time, but she refrains from giving any details. Shi-ho looks at her with suspicion, but doesn’t ask any more questions.

It’s athletic meet day, and Tae-kwon makes a lovely cheerleader, ha. Shi-ho asks him where Joon-hyung is, and he tells her that Joon-hyung isn’t showing because he doesn’t like his event. We see him at an internet cafe, playing games instead.

The first event is a game of dodgeball between the lady weightlifters and the rhythmic gymnasts. The gymnasts put up a good fight, and soon it’s down to just Bok-ju against Soo-bin. Bok-ju gains control of the ball and nails Soo-bin in the back of the leg, securing the first win of the day for the weightlifters.

As the rice-lifting event approaches, Ki-seok notices Joon-hyung’s absence. He orders Tae-kwon to produce Joon-hyung immediately, but his calls to Joon-hyung go ignored.

Shi-ho finds Joon-hyung at the internet cafe and wonders if he’s been too busy to read her texts. He says that he isn’t busy, but still didn’t read them.

Bok-ju runs into Tae-kwon while he’s griping about Joon-hyung not answering his phone. She overhears him telling Ki-seok that he can’t find Joon-hyung, and he tells her that Joon-hyung is avoiding his rice-lifting event. Bok-ju gets an idea, and uses Tae-kwon’s phone to call Joon-hyung.

He answers this time, and Bok-ju offers to compete in the rice-lifting contest on his behalf. In exchange, he has to stop teasing her about lying that she’s a cellist to Jae-yi. Aaand, point to Bok-ju.

The weightlifting coaches talk about the fact that the weightlifters can’t compete in the rice-bag-lifting event, because it wouldn’t be fair. But as long as the judo team beats the swimming team, the weightlifters will win the whole day, and continue their long-time winning streak.

The athletes line up in front of their stacks of rice bags, and Tae-kwon runs in to announce that the swimming team will be competing after all. Against Ki-seok’s objections he introduces their representative, and Bok-ju walks into the gym like a straight-up badass.

Her teammates aren’t pleased to see her there at all — if she wins the competition for the swimmers, the weightlifters lose the day and break their first-place winning streak. But Bok-ju is so focused on putting an end to Joon-hyung’s teasing that she turns all her efforts to the competition, lifting rice bags handily while her opponents struggle.

The swim team is thrilled, but when Joon-hyung walks in just in time to see Bok-ju win the rice-bag-lifting contest for the swimmers, he isn’t so happy. He looks ashamed and regretful, while Shi-ho watches Joon-hyung watching Bok-ju. She notes how upset he is over Bok-ju’s help.

The coaches buy the weightlifting team burgers to celebrate their second-place win. Coach Yoon does his best to cheer them up, but his pep-talk turns to a lament at the team losing for the first time ever under his leadership, and they end up feeling worse than ever.

Coach Choi doesn’t do any better, and leaves the room muttering Bok-ju’s name angrily. Her teammates gripe at Bok-ju after the coaches are gone, and Woon-ki calms them down but tells Bok-ju to clean the weight room after everyone leaves, as punishment.

Nan-hee and Seon-ok stay behind to keep Bok-ju company, and they’re convinced now that Bok-ju likes Joon-hyung. She swears that’s not why she stood in for him, but they don’t believe her since she can’t tell them the real reason.

Joon-hyung yells at Tae-kwon for letting Bok-ju take his place, and Tae-kwon is all As if I could stop her! It’s sweet how upset Joon-hyung is that the weightlifting team lost because of him, and when they see Bok-ju exiting the weightlifting practice room, he grabs her and drags her off to talk.

He asks her why she did it, and Bok-ju says that she’s just tired of being teased. She warns him that he has to keep his mouth shut about her secret, and he yells that he might be thoughtless but he’d never blab to her team members.

Bok-ju says that she’s more worried he’ll tell Jae-yi, and that stops Joon-hyung cold. She switches to begging him not to tell Jae-yi that she’s a liar, and Joon-hyung asks incredulously, “Do you like him that much?” He gets upset and asks what she likes about him, but Bok-ju doesn’t know why he cares. She apologizes for falling for Jae-yi, and storms off leaving Joon-hyung flustered and fuming.

Tae-kwon waits awkwardly with Nan-hee and Seon-ok for their friends to come back, and Nan-hee asks if he thinks Bok-ju likes Joon-hyung. He nervously changes the subject and formally introduces himself, and apologizes for the awkward situation Joon-hyung caused.

Seon-ok says that she thinks Joon-hyung is leading Bok-ju on, and Tae-kwon agrees that his friend likes to toy with people. He promises to keep his friend in line from now on, which pleases the girls so much that Seon-ok suggests they all lower their speech. Bok-ju storms past and the girls follow her, and Tae-kwon clutches Joon-hyung like he’s just rescued him from a pack of snarling wolves.

The three girls go to the dorm roof for a drink, where Bok-ju keeps insisting that she doesn’t like Joon-hyung. She finally gives up, saying that it doesn’t matter anyway, and Nan-hee offers to fix Bok-ju up with another guy. She even suggests that Tae-kwon seems an easier target, and Seon-ok is all, Hey now, Bok-ju has standards ya know, hee.

Bok-ju stares into the sky, repeating, “I miss him so much… I miss him so much… ” Her friends still assume she’s talking about Joon-hyung, but she imagines a shining Jae-yi in the sky, smiling down at her.

In the morning, Shi-ho asks Bok-ju why she stepped in for Joon-hyung yesterday. Bok-ju skirts the question, saying that she just had a personal reason. Bok-ju gets a text from Joon-hyung with a ticket to a classical music concert, and he says that he gave another ticket to Jae-yi, for the adjacent seat. Bok-ju goggles at her phone, shocked at Joon-hyung’s gesture.

Soo-bin and her cronies make fun of Bok-ju and her friends as they eat breakfast in the student lounge, criticizing their postures and tittering about the fact that they never date. Nan-hee scares them off, but Bok-ju barely registers any of it, as she tries to decide whether to go to the concert or not.

Ki-seok is still punishing Joon-hyung and Tae-kwon by making them scrub the poolside, and they leave exhausted. Tae-kwon asks if Bok-ju really likes Joon-hyung, but Joon-hyung says (perhaps regretfully) that she likes someone else. When they spot Nan-hee and Seon-ok together, Joon-hyung figures that Bok-ju is busy elsewhere right now.

She’s decided to go to the concert, and shows up in an adorably frumpy dress with her red bow in her hair. She pretends to be shocked to see Jae-yi there, and lucky for her, Jae-yi seems genuinely happy to see her. They both sneak peeks at each other during the concert, and Bok-ju looks like she could explode from happiness.

Jae-yi offers Bok-ju a ride home after the concert, and she accepts. She ignores a call from Coach Choi, which seems like a bad idea. It rains as they’re driving home, and Jae-yi notes that it always seems to rain when they’re together. Bok-ju says that clouds just follow her around, but Jae-yi says it’s the opposite — the sunlight follows her.

Bok-ju nervously asks Jae-yi to speak casually with her, but he says he speaks formally because she’s his patient. She giggles that he’s cute, then worried that that was rude, but Jae-yi laughs and says nobody has ever called him cute before.

Bok-ju thinks to herself that she’s glad she took that particular street the day she carried the dressing table. She’s happy it was raining and that she didn’t have an umbrella, and she’s glad she didn’t give up running towards him. She breathes on the window and draws a heart in the fog, and thinks how happy she is to have been born a woman.


Bok-ju and Jae-yi are so adorable together, I sometimes wish they were the endgame here. Her crush on him is so real and awkward that it makes me remember my first crushes, back when just being near the object of my affections was enough to make me float on Cloud Nine for the rest of the day. I’m still not sure how Jae-yi feels about Bok-ju, though there’s no doubt he likes her a lot and is flattered by her attention. I do think that the age gap will be an issue though, and that the truth is that Bok-ju likes Jae-yi much more than he likes her in return.

Plus, there’s Joon-hyung, who very definitely does like Bok-ju a lot even if he doesn’t know it yet. It can’t be said enough — Joon-hyung’s teasing of Bok-ju is just the cutest thing ever. He did go too far during that mountain race, but he hasn’t crossed that line again, and I find his relentless needling just to get a rise out of her pretty adorable. It would be different if Joon-hyung had anything to gain from keeping or telling Bok-ju’s secret, that would give his teasing an ugly undertone. But as he said, he doesn’t stand to gain anything either way, he’s genuinely just enjoying her company and having a little fun at her expense. He never crosses the line into meanness, and I don’t think he has any real intention of telling Jae-yi or anyone else Bok-ju’s secret.

I think Joon-hyung just finds Bok-ju endlessly entertaining and cute, and that it’s fun for him to play with her. I also appreciate that he’s not just a dumb jock — he’s intelligent, as evidenced by the way he out-maneuvered Bok-ju when she offered him a deal to stop teasing her, and ended up with an even better deal for himself. At least I have hope for him to start treating her better soon, because he looked genuinely regretful when he pushed her so hard that she betrayed her friends just to get him to stop. He seemed pretty floored to realize just how much Bok-ju likes Jae-yi, and I think it will dawn on him soon that there’s more to his own feelings for Bok-ju than just friendship. When that happens, he’s going to change his tune, and Bok-ju is going to get her revenge by making him really work to make up for the way he’s treating her now. I think that’s going to be just as fun to watch as seeing Joon-hyung tease Bok-ju, if not more so.

I’m definitely feeling bad for Shi-ho, the way she seems so lost and lonely. She’s at what’s probably the lowest point in her life both personally and professionally, and I do think that she’s simply clinging to Joon-hyung as something familiar. It seems clear that she hopes getting back together with him will bring back the happiness she felt before she broke up with him and failed to make the national rhythmic gymnastics team. For that reason I’m glad that Joon-hyung is being extremely clear and consistent with her — he’s not interested in getting back together, and he’s not the solution to her problems. I don’t think Shi-ho is hearing it yet, because she thinks Joon-hyung is just punishing her and that he’ll change his mind, but I do think that Joon-hyung is right in this case. Shi-ho needs to move forward, through her problems and out to the other side. Going backwards won’t help her.

But it’s Bok-ju I’m mostly worried about right now — her lie to Jae-yi may not seem like a big deal, but she’s actually playing a pretty dangerous game. First of all, she’s lying to her doctor, and not even for a good reason, but because she wants to date him. She’s an elite athlete but she’s trying to lose weight without her coaches’ knowledge or approval, and I have a feeling that when the coaches and Jae-yi find out what’s been going on, things are really going to hit the fan. Bok-ju can’t just take her health into her own hands when her future rides on weightlifting, which necessitates staying in a certain weight class for competition’s sake. Not to mention, if she did want to change her weight in either direction, there are probably very specific ways it should be done in order to maintain her competitive eligibility.

It’s the one thing I question in the show’s writing… any athlete at Bok-ju’s level would know better than to play fast and loose with her health, yet it doesn’t even seem to have occurred to Bok-ju that she could be doing something very dangerous for her body and her career. I’m just hoping that someone finds out what she’s doing soon, because she cant have it both ways. She’s going to have to make a choice, and decide where her priorities lie.


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Although this drama isn't anything particularly great, I'm liking where the story line is going and enjoying all the cute. Can't wait to see how the whole Bok joo's career vs love arc is going to develop.


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I watch this raw just cos they're cute, the bickering, the teasing, it just makes me smile. Then I watch it again when the subs are on a few hours later, then I read the recap here, heheh... as opposed to me not really curious about LOTBS and just waits for tomorrow when both episodes are out and subbed. Somehow this is the more entertaining show for me.


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I am liking this show better than LOBS!! so much fun. Cant wait for the next episode! I've never thought of NJH as particularly good looking before this show, actually hated him in School 2015. I also really liked Jh's response to Shi ho's whining. I feel bad for the girl. Hope she will find her rhythm soon.


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Lol.. me too..

saw him for the first time ever in school 2015 and kept wondering why they took him given he looks too old for the actress and isn't particularly good looking..

Then Bleeding bloddy red goryeo heart happened..
and I was like..

There is no one more handsome than him if you talk strictly about the features.. the sharp nose, oval face, pointed chin, well defined eyes, b'ful lips.. :)

And then kim joo happened.. and I realized that the guy does know how to act.. because his flippancy could come across as a young idol being himself.. but given have seen him perform earlier so i can say that NJH has actually put effort in making his character appear like a lost puppy clueless in love


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I noticed he's cute when i saw him in Cheese in the Trap. And his roles are always likeable. And yes, he's particularly more goodlooking in here.


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I'm particularly more fond of him after recapping and watching him in Three Meals a Day in Gochang. He's like a little puppy, the little brother I never had!

Which is why I believe that he's best in puppy-like roles. I can see where he falls flat sometimes, but when he's a puppy, it's all invisible.


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OMG. We're the same. I like Nam Joo Hyuk as a brother too. Haha.


Wah,you recapped 3meals in gochang?can i read it?i been looking for the eng.sub of this show,no luck so far.so,recaps will do.but if you have links for the english sub i want to ask also.thanks a lot.


oh yeah.. good you reminded me..
I knew i liked him before my bleeding heart drama... but cudn't recall..

It was indeed cheese in the trap.. and he looked really cute there.. and in goryeo i think a more mature side of him came forth


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I have always had a soft spot for Nam Joo-hyuk ever since I saw him being adorably awkward with Kim Seul-gi in Surplus Princess (atleast the episodes I did catch). And totally thought he was a cutie.

He does the cute-young-kid act really well.


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"He does the cute-young-kid act really well."

Hahahaha, especially when he's about to get in trouble with Bok-ju, hee! His refusals to come near for the reprimands she doles out are something I could watch all day.


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I've been waiting for this recap and I kept refreshing every once in a while. Thank you so much. I can't stop smiling! I hope they address next episode the love life vs career arc because as much as they are all adorable, especially Bok Joo and Joon Hyung, I want to see Bok Joo's development as an adult and athlete and I don't think I can keep on cheering her if she continue this lying game with her 2 musketeers, 'cause that's just sad.


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I càn somewhat understand her lying because she is so lost and refusing even her closest friends in on her secret, so i think she is just not thinking straight about the consequences of her lies as of now.
I hope they do show the consequece she has to face when her lie unravels but thats gonna be awkward for the doc as well as her.
About her career vs love arc i so wanna see her taking control and making wise choices that benefit her. Reality is gonna hit soon and its gonna hit bad. Our lovely lead has shown this episode that she definitely has what it takes to achieve glory if she sets her mind to it (Weightlifter or not, beating that judo guy was no small feat).
I want to see her blossom into that athlete that she is totally capable of being and so.glad that we our getting to see her stripes.. Give us more of it show


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Joon-hyung sometimes says the wisest things, even though he was so childish this episode that he may have (temporarily) ruined his chances with Bok-ju. He's right--not everything can be earned by just hard work alone. Most of the time it's a combination of making the right decisions while being at the right place at the right time. Real life tells me that even though you want to take these choices back, you can't. Shi-ho made her decision (that she clearly regrets and wishes she could reverse) and even though I feel sad for her, she needs to stick to it. Joon-hyung has been consistently astute when it comes to things between him and Shi-ho, so I wish he'll be more like that when he faces Bok-ju.

Bok-ju's crush is so, so palpable I kind of want to cry. I totally understand the way your heart runs when your crush responds, let alone the sort of kindness and genuineness that Jae-yi is showing Bok-ju. Even though they're not end-game I do wish that they'll remain good friends, because Jae-yi is definitely a keeper.

Tae-kwon is so cute lmao. I loved his cheerleader outfit and how he tried to be friends with Nan-hee and Seon-ok, even though he was so intimidated by them. Be friends you guys! What's up with Ki-seok though? He just seems really spiteful and mean-spirited at this point. I also teared up a bit when Sang-chul (sort of) made up with Woong-ki, because Woong-ki is a really nice, low-key kind of leader, and the way he was misunderstood last episode was heartbreaking.

Joon-hyung though, I feel like he's this close to understanding his feelings. And judging from his personality he's bound to go all out to try and make up for all the times he's made Bok-ju upset, and I'm really all in for that. I hope Bok-ju realises that, like what Joon-hyung said to Shi-ho, hard work doesn't necessarily apply to matters of the heart, and that while she and Jae-yi may not be endgame, there's someone else standing not that far away who may be the right one for her, even though he's prone to fits of childishness and pulling of pigtails to get her attention.

Ah, I love WF so much.


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Hello Kumoiwa . It's like MLSHR again for me. I'll watch it raw and watch it again, subbed. Haha!


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Bok-ju and Jae-yi's moments are so adorable! I'm just so happy for her that her crush likes her or sees her as a someone he can potentially date. Big thumbs for her in living the moment every time she's with Jae-yi. Bok-ju knows she'll get hurt soon but she's enjoying the feeling. We all had our crushes. I feel for her and I can't help but cheer her on.

However, the age gap and the whole lying thing are big issues. I'm scared how her lying will affect her relationship with her friends, her coaches, and also her sport.

I can't wait for the next episode and I hope it continues to be sweet and fun.


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Re: the lying, I know right?? Every time he mentions a cello I'm internally begging her to reveal the truth but she just keeps digging a deeper hole.

I don't think JY sees BJ as anything other than a pretty young patient who keeps appearing/JH friend, though. And BJ knows that, hence the "I don't expect him to like me" part.


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I think I read too much on that car scene in episode 3. Where Jae-yi says he doesn't date patients but admits to Joon-hyung that Bok-ju is pretty and he had this mega watt smile.

I now recall what JH said about college girls easily falling for his brother. I guess JY is just too nice and polite, I've mistaken it for something else :(

Which means, I now dread Bok-ju's heartbreak even more.


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Does anyone remember the age gap, though? I thought Bok-ju was a sunbae-level college student. So that's maybe 22?

I'm also hoping that maybe she'll just use up all her consultancy sessions without listening to Jae-yi. Like, let him talk about diets and exercises to reduce weight, but outside the clinic, she still does what she needs to do to stay in shape for her sport. It's not like Jae-yi will stop the sessions or get mad at her if she shows no "improvement". Hehe~


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According to the show description on Soompi, both Joon-hyung and Bok-ju are sophomores and 21 years old. Shi-ho is one year older and a junior. And Jae-yi is 31, which would make sense when you think about all the school he had to go through to be a doctor. He also owns his own clinic, which implies that it's been a even longer period of time since he got out of school.

So he's a decade older than Bok-ju.


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im really loving these flawed but real characters!the actress is doing such a good job acting especially since shes very pretty and slim in real life, thank you for the recaps. I love that the doctor treats her weight in such a healthy way (saying that she is normal weight and its cuz of muscle etc..)


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I'm torn which male shloud be with bok joo. Quite surprice that joon young help bok joo with the ticket. Hope he will regret later for helping her getting closer with his hyung when he realize with his feeling toward bok joo. Thanks for recaps. Been waiting all day


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I'm so glad that I'm not the only enjoying this cute drama. I like mature drama more often than enough that it's so refreshing having these light-hearted feel good drama for a change.

I seriously wish more people would enjoy this drama other than LOTS (which I can't deny is well-written) coz it's so warm that it's giving me fuzzies on a dreary day. It's such a nice pick-me-up ya' know?

I hope Bok-Ju would be honest with Jae Yi soon coz (not that I'm shipping them) even though he would understand(you know he just looks like that kind of guy(?)) he would be hurt regardless >,<


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aaah to be young~ <3

this show really makes me remember those times long ago when even just hearing my crush's name made my heart skip a beat. it's been a long time since i ever felt that way and this show makes me long for it, because even if it ends up in heartbreak, the fact that you anticipate getting up in the morning is so worth it lol

i love all the characters, they feel so real and flawed and totally relatable. i love that joon hyung has a sly and slacker-ish edge but never really crossed into the really mean jerk territory. def my current weekly crack drama


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I understand that Joon Young not realized that he has a crush for bokju, but then this is confused me because he dated shiho before. Like he knew that he fall in love with shiho before and had not idea about it (with bokju) now.
The similar gesture i watched in kdrama was between junpyo and jandi of BOF. But then they were highschoolers and each other first love (like junpyo didnt know romance before jandi).


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I don't think he thinks that it's love. Besides, I think his attitude towards both girls are very different he likes teasing Bok Ju.... which is very different from how he interacts with Shiho.


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Maybe because his previous relationship with Shi Ho was different? Like two aces from different field naturally dating just because?

This kind of plot reminded me of The Duff though both are hardly original.


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I would say that like most kdrama heroes he also thinks that Bok Joo is not his type and hence he does not realise that he has fallen for her.

But here i genuinely feel that he is just tredding that small line between friendship and love and he does not know how to show it to her. Maybe SiHo put up with his antics and fell for it all the same(who woud'nt). But Bok Joo is completely disregarding his looks as well as antics and plainly disses him for it. There is hardly any room for him to get close to her.
Add the fact that she has a massive crush on his hyung..Poor thing has literally no opening to express his interest in her.


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The highlight of this episode Is when Tae Kwon did the cheerleading thing. So awkwardly cute ?he is one talented actor, from a jerk and psychopath in Age of Youth, now he is playing cute and funny guy. I also remember him in Jackpot. Hope he can get lead role soon.


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I will always remember him as ji chang wook's dad in healer - that role really left an impression on me


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Whenever i look at him I remember the psyhco boyfriend character from AOY


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He gave me serious Ji Sung as Yoona(spell?) vibes. All he was missing was a Ri On oppa to crush on.


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This show is soooo cute. I love it. I saw some previews.... and feel bad for Bok Ju. Her career or love :(


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Love ... Love!!!


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If Bok Ju crushed on Jae Yi is this adorable, I'd die of the cuteness that is Joon Hyung and Bok Ju dating. I feel bad I want it to happen already because I don't like the doctor.


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I like the doctor, I don't like JH, he's childish and sometimes he goes overboard with teasing BJ, it's annoying.


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Watching this for puppy! I mean just this episode, when puppy said "Kim Bok Joo, I choose you!", my stress levels practically went extinct.
I hope the show will handle Bok Joo's learning and growing process well. For an athlete, she's really been winging this weight loss program plan thing just for Doc Hyung that I'm starting to look for the Bok Joo in episode 1. So I hope she starts to see things differently/clearly soon. Then again I remember being hit this hard by a crush too and being pretty reckless because of it. Yikes.

Also need more dad moments.

That red hairpin running gag will always get a chuckle out of me, it's great.

Thanks LollyPip!


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Everything about this drama is so cute and fluffy ????


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was anyone else reminded of ji sung from kill me heal me (YooNa) when TK came out in his cheerleading dress :)


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YESSSS! When I saw him in his cheerleading outfit, I thought he looked like someone. And then he started talking and all I could do was laugh. That definitely had a very Yoona feel.


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Wow! You have a very great memory. There was definitely a Yo Na vibe there with the pink lipstick and the outfit. Thanks for pointing it out.


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Ah, so it was Ji Sung! I also thought that he was giving off a familiar vibe. :)


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Oh he was so Yoo na !! I just mentioned this in a reply above. Gotta get some dose of KMHM now!


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I love this show. It's sweet and fresh and bubbles with life and sunshine and laughter and fun. It makes me laugh. It makes me smile. It tugs at my heart. I wait with baited breath for my favourite pairing, BJ and JH, to fall in love. The doctor makes me smile, too, but nah, I'm on Team JH. Because JH is hilarious and dorky and horrible and nice, all at once, and I love him. Just stay the way you are, show, don't go dark and melo, please, I'm begging you.


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Ack, I simultaneously want to and don't want to read this recap yet. So fast (thank you!!!!)! It wasn't fully subbed by the time I went to bed last night, so I'm waiting on pins and needles to get off work so I can watch these adorable folks. Must! Resist! Reading!

Ah, who am I kidding. Off to read! ?


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Lol, never had a crush here, and so I'm learning from dramas just how people can go loco when they have one. I was like "eh...." to BokJu's antics, then I read here that apparently it's realistic and then I went "Oh."

K-drama - teaches you all about people.


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I had a crush once on a student librarian. I already love going to our uni's library but I developed a habit of going there every single day whenever I had free time. It reached to a point where I would ask/convince/manipulate my friends or group mates to hold meetings in the library just so I could see him.

Looking back, I actually might have looked like a stalker or the creepy girl who was always in the library.


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...I used to not pay much attention in a class because I had a very cute professor. He was really nice too and the subject was known to be quite challenging in the first place, so he allowed us to schedule consultations with him, so...I took full advantage of that and would schedule sessions with him before any major exams, LMAO. I can honestly relate to Bokju because I don't even know what I was thinking by doing that. ^^; But it was one-on-one time, and I was hopelessly crushing.

If anyone's concerned, I ended up doing pretty okay in the subject, hahaha. Probably would've scored higher if I had just paid more attention in class though. XD


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I had crush when i was 15-16, he was living in the same neighborhood, he used to pass infront of our house whenever he wants to go to the convenient store because it was near our house, i used to wait on the window untill he pass and keep looking at him, sometimes i follow him to the store pretending that i want to buy something p, lol, remembering all that made laugh.


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I guess feelings are different for us all and some people are more intense when it comes to attraction. Also, I think it depends on finding the right person that makes your heart click.
I experienced love at first sight once :) he was my French teacher and I went from 0 to 100% taken in a few minutes, the first day I met him. I was daydreaming about him all day and spending my time at the school just to meet him "by chance". Still remember the day he came to the cafeteria and asked to sit with me. I think I was radiating happiness that day. Unfortunately, I was in France only for a couple of weeks and I had to leave just when I found that he might have noticed me too... Anyway, I can totally understand Bok Ju and her thoughts at the end of the episode, when she is so happy of being alive and being a woman because she can enjoy that moment with him. Crushes are an emotional roller-coaster and there are moments where you are really really high :D


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HAHA! Guess I'd started a thread of confession here.

I guess I can get how people get so preoccupied with crushes and how intense that feeling can be. I mean, there are things I have passion for too, like sports or creating something. I just never experienced that overwhelming fixation over one person before.

But then again, my favourite thing to do is to sleep and I think crushes are useless and a waste of precious sleeping time, so... hum.


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I also see that a lot of crushes are related to school, hee.

I remember back when I was in school, there was this new, young teacher - ripped body, handsome, confident, suave, warm - and all the girls were going gaga. The only time I went gaga was when he passed me my Economics test and told me that I'd ranked highest in the class. I was gaga over the test.

And later in university, there was this Italian professor that turned heads. I turned my head too, when I went up to solve a Mathematics problem in a Controls tutorial and he'd told me that I'd gotten it right. I was turning to look at my solution and had gone: "Yesssss~"

OMG, my heart. It is stone cold.


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This is so cute Peeps. Though I agree with you. It is amusing how many people take out time for their crushes while I just love sleep.


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Bok joo's experience actually is pretty realistic, and I can relate because my first crush was also an older man. I was in high school and he was my teacher, so he was A LOT older (very inappropriate, now that I think about it *cringe*).... and I used to never bunk his classes and always help him out and volunteer to errands in the staff room so I could see him. Sigh.

Which is why I get it when Bok joo says that she just wants to be around him and like him, that's it... because even I didn't really do anything about my crush, I just wanted to be around him.


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Although I like the show, I am not able to reconcile with the premise of Bokju and Taeyi 's relationship :
a) The code of conduct in a doctor-patient relationship is being completely ignored
b) how can someone be ashamed of what they do for work and still call it their dream job.
In this case, if weightlifting means so much to her and is so passionate about it why be afraid of saying it out loud to someone you like. I just find.it infuriating because this is insulting to the sport and her passion


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It reminds me of the way horse-crazy girls will ditch their love of everything horses once their hormones wake up. It's interesting to see which ones stay true to their passion for horses, which ones find a way to balance both horses and boys, and which ones leave it all behind as a passing phase. I'm interested to see what Bok-ju chooses to do!


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a) We are used to it like we are used to kdrama medicine in general. Actually this is not as bad as Heart to Heart's doctor-patient relationship. lol

b) I don't think she's ashamed of weightlifting. It's more like she's afraid that a guy won't find her feminine enough since some guys have fragile egos when it comes to strength between the sexes.


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1)There is hardly a relationship as of now. And i'm actually feeling sad for her that i don't forsee any in the future.

2)I don't think she is ashamed of the sport. Infact i think what she did was a very calculated move, wherein if she would have said that she was an athlete, especially a weightlifter, that would have raised many questions about her pursuit to loose weight all of a sudden. That would be litteraly confessing her feelings to him upfront.


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b) I think she's not ashamed of weightlifting. She had to lie to the doc for a different reason. If she told him she's a weightlifter, her crush would be obvious, because why else would she avail the weight loss program if her sport requires her to stay in that weight?

It's like lying to your crush that you have the same next class (eg) Calculus, so you have an excuse to walk with him. But it doesn't mean that you're ashamed to admit you're taking Physics in the opposite building. You're just embarrassed to admit that you want to spend time with him.

It's telling that the episode title and her last words in this ep were about being happy she feels like a woman. Because from episode 1 we can see that most of their peers in school don't treat female weightlifters that way. I think/hope that the show won't gloss over this though. We'll probably get to a point where she has to face the consequences of her weight-detour and work harder to stay in her sport.


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Overall really enjoying this low key drama. I don't know if everyone else had a bothersome JH type guy pulling ponytails back in the day, but I did and the impishness just makes me smile.

I do wish the doc was a sports physician or something like that instead of it being weight related but oh well. Also, while I think BokJu's crush is totally understandable, I don't want it reciprocated or, if it is, acted upon because of the ick factor of the dr/patient relationship.


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Lol, the pigtails pulling is also just as realistic as the crushes in this drama. It makes me grin like a fool when brings me back to high school days. It's very rare for a drama to manage that and this one is doing it without effort. It's pretty amazing!


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AY! What a quick recap.
- JH bullying BJ: oi. That is not how you treat a girl you like.

- SH "trying to make the relationship work": BUT BUT THAT'S NOT HOW IT GOES both parties need to want a relationship before it's called a relationship! You can't just keep trying when JH doesn't want to date you.

- Senior with baby: Wow. Isn't college age a little young for a baby? And I thought that SK had a population with later marriages and births. I wonder if his story has any other significance, though.

- Sports Day: Does this university only have 4 divisions? It's a really small school. Loved TK in his cheerleading outfit though.

- Totally laughed at how intimidated TK was with SO and NH. They're a little loud and brash but really not mean/intimidating. Maybe he's used to meek girls?

- BJ lying: ARGH. Characters lying in dramas gives me a lot of stress. Please come clean! To your friends! and JY!

-Also, given all the eating scenes in the show I'm surprised we haven't seen a Subway PPL. Is it Macs? I couldn't really tell. Haha.


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The Univ. for now has revelead atleast 5 divisions
1. Weightlifters
4.Judo players
5. Track Athletes-they won the hill climbing challenge remember?


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6.Shooters- Jong suk sunbae lol
7.Rowers- Nan Hee said she'd match make BJ with one at the end of the episode


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Aha, so I've missed out so many! Thanks Dramaninja.


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Can I just say that I love the sound/visual effects in this drama? It's so silly, but definitely fits with each moment. The Lil Jon-esque "WHAT" scream gets me every. single. time.

Also, I absolutely love Bok Ju's crush on Jae Yi. It's just so honest and pure, and it absolutely makes sense why she would fall in love with him! While the moments with her and Joon Hyung can be cute, I haven't fully jumped ship yet, so hopefully the show can convince me next episode.

Ji Sung totally shined this episode, though. I hope he still is in the cheerleading club - we need more fabulousness.

And sorry for the random tidbit, but did anyone notice that someone was playing Overwatch in the computer lab? I would've laughed so hard if they were trying to do video game PPL in that. But then again, it's Overwatch - hasn't Korea fallen in love with that video game now?


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ARGH, I meant Ki Seok was fabulous this episode! How did I screw up his name???


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Not again! It was Tae Kwon, Ki Seok was the mean guy! I swear I know his name, what is with me today?


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That "WHAT" is perfectly timed everytime it's used. It has me in stitches as it highlights an already funny moment. Yay!


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Same! I feel like it's even funnier because I just imagine Lil Jon narrating Bok-ju's inner thoughts and die laughing.


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Oooh! Overwatch definitely has a presence in SK!

I remember the story of two pro players accusing a girl of cheating (because she was so good at it) and escalating the issue to Blizzard. The player then streamed on TV and proved the haters wrong. At least the accusers were true to their word.



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I'm enjoying this so much and having so much fun, I do not want WF to end ever!! :D
I watched the whole episode with a smile on my face. Bok Ju and Joong Hyun are so cute, I want to hug them both. *-*

It is also nice to see that there are no villains in this story, just normal, flawed people...which proves to be more than enough to make for an interesting story.
The romance aspect is being masterfully handled by the way. I find it so enjoyable, watching the back-and-forth of a couple that is slowly coming close (and presumably falling in love soon). This is missing in so many dramas where the romance comes suddenly out of nowhere and does not feel organic. But here we are seeing the seeds planted and the first buds are showing up in Joong Hyun's garden :P Hope this show keeps being so good, I can't wait to see what Joong Hyun is going to do when he realizes that he likes Bok Ju. :)


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I know! I feel the same way about not wanting this show to end. The last time I felt like this was while watching Sassy Go Go and Shopping King Louis. All of these shows are so fun to watch. ?


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Yeah, WF gives this warm feeling, and with all the cuteness overload it's totally a light and happy watch. :D
Joong Hyun and Bok Ju are the cutest thing ever... like, how adorable is that she keeps using the hairpin every time she is going to meet the doctor? I want to cuddle her and give her some bits of love advice :D


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JH buying them adjacent seat tickets though... what an adorkable puppy. Where can I get one?


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I tried to imagine what came across JH's mind before he finally decided to buy the tickets though.

BJ's sacrifice and confession must've kicked him hard enough that he started to think of ways to make up for them....
which shows just how much he thinks about BJ.
and that successfully gives me more butterflies. :>


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I never really like NJH at all (I thought he was kinda decent in CIT though... bearable-ish in MLSH and god awful in School 2015) but he really sells the role in this drama. Maybe because this character is more like his actual personality, but his teasing could easily be conveyed as rude or malicious if acted incorrectly, but to us, he seems sooooooo cute. God I can't wait till him and Bok joo realize their ~~feelings~~.

I feel bad that Bok-joo apologized to Joon-hyung for liking his brother as if her crush was something not truly attainable. And the fact that she thinks there could possibly be no end game for her crush is so sad!

I think that's the reason why I'm no so annoyed at her being a professional athlete going to a weight clinic. She probably knows that she can't keep this up forever since she's never going to be with him anyway (in her mind) so she should just enjoy these moments while they last. Also, notice that her weight does not change that much during their meetings (I think she's lost at most 1 pound) because she still eats enough to maintain her strength for training. If she really wanted to go and impress Jae-yi, forsaking her training, she could have more weight by now in a still healthy manner.


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I can't discribe the joy this drama is giving me!! it's SO CUTE and today's episode is SUPPER hillarious!! LOL
Bok Joo's crush hitt me hard and I feel sad for her to only want to like Joon Hyung's hyung with no wish or plans for him to like her back!! that's sad!! but I'm also worried for her health since she can't have both and she's about to damage both her health and career this way so a firm decision has to be made soon for her own good!!
Joon Hyung is the cutes puppy on this planet that he's killing me!! how he's enjoying her company and teasing her is SO CUTE and the way he lights up the moment he see her is SO ADORABLE and it's clear that he's falling for her but he's not aware of that yet!! it was so sweet of him to get worried and mad at her for helping him that she ended up puting herself in a bad situation with her team members!! and he showed his caring and sweet nature again by giving her a present for her help by giving her a chance to spend more time with her crush!! that's sad because he likes her even if he still can't find the right words to what he really feels for her but also so sweet!!
Shi Ho and Joon Hyung's sunbae are annoying me, Shi Ho is just acting deaf!! not listening to what Joon Hyung is telling her and she's only doing what she wants without caring that it's bothering him and I'm so happy to see her burning with jealousy missunderstanding what's between him and Bok Joo thinking that they like each other which is not wrong from Joon Hyung's side but neither of them is acting or realising that yet so I'm enjoying their unintentional hints that they like each other!! :D and Joon Hyung's sunbea needs to grow up and stop using his authority the wrong way against Joon Hyung!! his jealousy from him is killing him inside that he can't even bother to try hiding it!!


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Ok, this drama as really grown on me now. LSK and NJH are so adorable and I'm surprised by how good their acting is. The way NJH has bee portraying Joon Hyung's subtle expressions really conveys that JH really does like Bok Joo, whether he really knows that now or not.

I do like the brother and Bok Joo pairing. They are cute, and given the close-up of the size tags still on Jae Yi's shoes, I have a sneaking suspicion that Jae Yi likes Bok Joo too. And he keeps telling everyone around him about her, as the "tall and glamorous model" pretty gal. Haha~ thought that was sweet.

I'm not too concerned that Bok Joo's weight loss is unhealthy for her. She's doing it under a doctor's supervision and she seems to know enough to be focusing on losing the fat and gaining more muscle approach to it. If anything, I think Jae Yi may be helpful later on when she tries to gain weight to help her gain weight in a helpful and effective way - once he finds out she is a weightlifter, which I am sure he will soon.

So Hee's obsession with Joon Hyung is getting annoying. It would be nice for her to just move on but I guess then we won't have a story. I agree that I like that JH is clear with SH that they will never get back together again. He needs to play SH one of Taylor Swift's songs... "we're never ever ever getting back together..."


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Oops, I meant Shi Ho, not So Hee.


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I cracked up at that part! The size tag is on Bok Joo's shoes, not Jae Yi's


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Thanks for the quick recap, Lollypip!

I don't have much to add that others haven't already said. I think this show is super adorable with a lot of heart, and it's actually the only currently-airing drama I'm watching right now.

I want Bok Ju to come clean to her friends and family. I hate the lying, but I also get it as they definitely wouldn't be supportive of her trying to lose weight. I'm worried about the upcoming angst when she has to try to increase her weight class. Joon Hyung won lots of points for me today by buying the tickets. He needs to step up (or at least be nicer to her), or the cute doctor is going to steal Bok Ju away!

I agree with everyone that Shi Ho is pitiful but is also disregarding Joon Hyung's feelings, and is only clinging to him out of desperation to be happy. I don't think she even really loves him, just wants the happiness back. She also hasn't learned one bit about not being selfish and considering other's feelings.

I want Tae Kwon and Seon Ok to get together :) The other weightlifting girls need a bit of confidence too!


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I completely agree with the part on Bok Ju - I'm a little upset with the deception she has going on, but at the same time her reasons for doing so are somewhat relatable. Not that it excuses her, but it's easy to sympathise with her and see where she's coming from :) The bit where she says that she doesn't even expect him to like her back is heartbreakingly sad too. I hope that her character growth will be portrayed in a satisfying manner!

That aside, I love Seon Ok. She's my embodiment of swag. xD


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this is my new favorite drama of the week!

i love how they really amped up the teasing/bullying which when you think about it, is kinda immature and lame but I LOVE IT BECAUSE ITS IMMATURE AND LAMEEEE

like everyone says, it just reminds you of those good old days lol

i kinda want our OTP together though. like NAO. lol. no more crushing on the brother or denial/doesnt realize he likes the girl!!


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This episode was sweg as usual. BJ and JH are so cute with all their bickering. So glad the teasing was not too drawn out and he decided to do something nice for once by buying the concert tickets. I laughed out loud when I saw her outfit for the concert complete with price tags...lol.

Tae-kwon killed me with that cheerleader outfit. He is such as versatile actor going from psycho boyfriend in AOY to nagging ahjumma friend here. Hope he gets more lead roles in the future.

I especially loved the scene where BJ admitted to liking his brother. JH's reaction was spot on - a combination of shock, surprise, maybe a little jealousy but not enough to make he realize his feelings. I loved the monologue at the end "I am glad I was born a woman". So are we, BJ. She was so cute grinning from ear to ear with doc-hyung in the car ride. Just finished episode 6...what do I do with myself until wednesday? I am only watching this show and My Wife is Having an Affair This Week.


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Don't forget there is sharpshooter, where the-popping out-of-comic Jongsuk sunbaenim coming from... lol


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I love this show so much.NJH did the right thing in taking this drama or i wouldn't know how awesome he is playing a character like this.and now i couldn't get enough of him.searching him around the net,looking him up doing his thing on the runways,searching for the english sub of 3 meals a day.he's one of my favorite now.not on LJS level yet tho.
I haven't got a thing to say about Bokjoo that wasn't said here.i wish i'm half as awesome as she is.but i kind of turn a blind eye on her still looking skinny for a weightlifter because LSK did her part so well that i'm not bothered at all.don't want to spoil my watching experience with the flaws of the shows like that.i truly enjoyed this drama.
Thanks for the recap❤❤❤


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The only thing that makes me not jump on the Bok-joo x Jae-yi ship is the fact that he is her doctor. That's a big no-no for me, at least not when she's still visiting the clinic as a patient.
On the other hand, Joon-hyung and his tease are both cute and annoying. It's funny sometimes, and that's how they bond, but he needs to learn how to treat Bok-joo with more respect and appreciation, and do it more explicitly. But I think I like the face he makes when he sees Bok-joo covering him in that competition. That's genuine concern and guilt (and kinda hot, tbh). Just hope that he won't do anything to have to make that face again.
His roommate still reminds me of the role he plays in Age of Youth. He's supposed to be cute, especially when he bonds with the other girls in the trio and as a cheerleader, but I just couldn't forget the impression he made in the other drama :(


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But it's not that she developed a crush for her doctor or that he profited from the fact that he was her doctor to make passes to her.
Quite the contrary she went and became his patient BECAUSE she already had a crush on him. I think it makes a big difference.


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Thanks for the recap and all the comments!
I just come briefly to say I love this so much!! Too bad I don't have time to write anything substantial about it :((.hopefully I can comment more in 2 weeks when semester ends. Til then.. Happy viewing and commenting friends!


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Thank you, thank you, thank you LollyPip for pointing out the danger Bok-ju has placed herself in by lying to her doctor. Sure, she is losing weight in a "healthy" manner under the supervision of a doctor but one who has no idea she's a professional athlete.

The way a professional athlete who exercises extensively everyday would manage their weight -- especially for a weight-focused sport like weightlifting -- is vastly different from the way, say, a cellist would manage their weight. Jae-yi provides his patients specialized care with individual plans tailored to their weight-loss needs, but Bok-ju is not giving Jae-yi vital information, so he's recommended a plan that could be detrimental to her health. I get that she's not really going to him for weight loss, but he doesn't know that, and it's been bugging me a lot. It's just not safe. She needs to fess up and soon.

Also, re: Bok-ju/Jae-yi age gap. I don't normally have issues with 10-year age gaps (Han Solo/Leia Organa, anyone?) as long as the characters are in the same place mentally, financially, and emotionally. That's the problem with Bok-ju and Jae-yi -- they share none of those things, and it has kept me from seeing them as even in the realm of the possible. Notwithstanding the doctor-patient debacle currently at hand, the balance of power is just too uneven for it to be considered a healthy relationship. This is going to end badly for all parties, I'm sensing.

I also predict that as soon as Jae-yi realizes Joon-hyung's feelings for Bok-ju, he is going to back right off. He has already demonstrated how bad he feels for Joon-hyung and is too selfless to cling to Bok-ju like that.


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Who knew that I'd enjoy a drama with Nam Joo-hyuk as its lead this much - it's become my favourite out of all the currently airing ones now because it's just so pure and light and heartwarming in its simplicity. I still don't think Nam Joo-hyuk is great as an actor, but he does seem to suit these character types more, and Joon-hyung is just too too adorable in his burgeoning crush on Bok-ju. I feel a kind of petty satisfaction when the guy falls for the girl first in kdramas, because so often it's the other way round LOL.

I love how the show's handling Bok-ju's crush right now - she's thrown logic out the window in a heartachingly relatable way, even though she doesn't even expect anything from it. It's that secret youthful satisfaction you get just from being around a crush you know is out of your league, without expecting anything more than their occasional attention haha. So cute. :'(


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I think you are over-stating the "dangers". The doctor has been focused on making her shed only fat, without losing any muscle mass. This has been stressed over and over.
Moreover, he has been pushing a healthier diet. She has been eating heaps of fried, fatty things that surely are not building muscle but storing fat and cholesterol.
And I don't see why she shouldn't stay in her weight category but should go to the highest one, only because there are fewer competitors, when she can have a career in her own weight category, without becoming fat and compromising her self-image and chances to find a mate.
Yes, a man should love her however fat she is, yada yada. We all know this is very rare. While model-thin is surely not healthy, eating three plates of fried chicken and accumulating more fat and wurstels just to jump a category is not healthy either.
I was actually wondering how and why the coaches never mention healthy choices in food. And it is very un-sensitive of them to not think of the psychological repercussions of this weight gain they have been advocating.
I didn't find her fat before. She was actually one of the thinner women in the team (only the tomboy is of her size, all the others are fatter than her, so I don't think they would fit in her weight category in competitions.

But she's been shedding something like 200-300 grams per week, and eating more vegetables. So if the doctor makes her eat more sensibly, it might serve her well.


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Just watched ep 4!
As usual cute and light hearted! But gosh, it's so rare that I sympathise with the female love rivals in dramas. I guess it's how it's not just about her wanting JH because he is absolutely the one and only guy for her. It's how everything is "falling apart" which leads to her clinging on to what she feels is the only anchor right now in her life.

My heart hurts for Shi Ho. I really wanted to reach into my screen and give her a huge tight hug. What she's doing isn't right but what makes it worse is that she's basically emotional torturing herself and being her own obstacle to moving on with her life. Like you, I'm relieved and glad that Joon Hyung's been consistently firm with her. It's not cause I ship JH with BJ but it's just the decent and appropriate thing to do when relationships end. Being nice creates hope and hope is a faithless friend in those cases. With past dramas, I hated how the male leads would pander to the broken hearted partner.

With all that said, I'm crossing my fingers here in the hopes that the show will give SH a friend. She needs one so badly right now! I wanna see her slowly break out of this funk and be back to being a badass driven gymnast. Also I'm praying so hard here that they don't show SH sinking further and attempting suicide to emotionally blackmail JH into choosing her.


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Siho seems too old for the role and as Joonhyung's ex. Does anyone feel that way?


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Real age maybe.. since she's around 7years older than him? (looking another way, bok joo crush towards jae-yi, the age gap is also around there..)

But si-ho looks very young still.. i cant really tell that shes turning 30 soon.. maybe its her character being a little too matured in the drama..


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Damn. This show is so cute and fluffy...But it also reminds me so much of my own first love and how I acted just as foolish as Bok Joo in trying to catch this older man's attention while ignoring my own wellbeing. He was years older than me, and even though he gave me mixed signals, I rushed those butterfly feelings and confessed! Turns out, he flat out rejected me although he didn't turn away or stop flattering me before. Just like Jae Yi, he appeared be mature, caring, and "perfect", with that smile and humor of his. Hopefully Jae Yi doesn't make his same mistake and keep playing with a college girl he has no intentions of dating...Flat out reject her in the beginning instead of letting her go so far! Quite agonizing and painful if you ask me... Oh well, lessons learned! Hopefully Bok Joo can learn this before any massive heartbreak happens or getting burned by the flame like in her moth example!


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I skimmed all the comments to see if anybody answered my question of - what's up with the numbers on the back of her shoes? Are they rented bowling shoes?


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I think they're new shoes. She forgot to remove the label for the shoe size. :)


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