Hwarang: Episode 11

If you’re like me and you’ve been (im)patiently waiting for the bromance to kick in, then this is the episode for you. The love story gets some great forward motion as well, but it’s the bromance I came for, and I was not disappointed. And not a moment too soon, because events surrounding Sun-woo and Ji-dwi are swiftly reaching a point where they’re going to need all the help they can get.


Ah Ro watches as Sun-woo tumbles from his horse and lies on the ground, unconscious. She tries to revive him, crying that she never got to tell him how she really feels, and that she’s glad he’s not really her brother. Sun-woo suddenly sits up, cups the back of Ah Ro’s head, and kisses her.

He ends the kiss, and they look at each other for a long moment, Ah Ro stammering half-words in her nervousness. Sun-woo leans in to kiss her again and she closes her eyes, but instead, he passes out.

Yeo-wool finds them when Sun-woo’s horse comes back alone, and they take Sun-woo back to the infirmary, where his friends stand around him worriedly. Ban-ryu wonders why he’s here, and Su-ho fusses at him that he should be worried when his roommate is ill. Su-ho grumbles that he feels bad for the woman who marries Ban-ryu, and Ban-ryu can’t look him in the eye, hee.

Ah Ro is in a bit of a shock as well, but that night, she sits by Sun-woo’s bedside to keep watch over him. She wonders why he’s not waking yet, then worries that he’ll forget their kiss when he does wake up. She realizes that Sun-woo is freezing and covers him with the blanket, then warms her hands to put them on his face. It’s not enough, so she thinks for just a minute before climbing in bed with him, telling herself that it’s what any good doctor would do to help a patient.

Sun-woo turns in his sleep to face Ah Ro, and she smiles to find his face so close to hers. She wishes he’d wake up and see her there with him, thinking that they’d have a lot to talk about.

However, Sun-woo wakes the next morning to find himself being snuggled by both Yeo-wool and Su-ho. He sits up in stark horror, and realizes that Ji-dwi and Ban-ryu are there too, watching them all sleep. Ji-dwi explains that he sent Ah Ro to get some sleep, since she’s been watching over Sun-woo for four days. Okay, that’s worrying.

Sun-woo dresses and finds Ah Ro sleeping soundly in her own bed. He reaches out to touch her face, but thinks better of it. When Ah Ro finally wakes, she finds herself alone.

Worried, she goes looking for Sun-woo, and finds him in sword practice with the rest of the Hwarang. She waves when she catches his eye, but he pretends not to see her, so she moves to a doorway and waves even harder. Sun-woo doesn’t acknowledge her, and she wonders if he’s breaking up with her before they even start.

She waits at the mess hall to ask how he’s feeling, and Sun-woo gives her a short, curt answer. He leaves her confused after a brief thanks for saving his life (which she has to ask for), and Ji-dwi notices how Sun-woo’s behavior upsets her.

The rest of the boys see it too, and Su-ho takes Sun-woo to task for being rude to her when she took such good care of him. Yeo-wool comments cheekily that they don’t seem much like brother and sister.

Over the wall, Ah Ro asks her friend Soo-yeon if a man can forget kissing a woman. She remembers that Su-ho forgot what happened between Soo-yeon and Ban-ryu, but Soo-yeon argues that kissing is a on a whole different level. Soo-yeon guesses that the guy could be regretting the kiss or may just have changed his mind, the way her brother does ten times a day.

Ji-dwi stops Sun-woo on his way back out to the archery range and suggests a match. Sun-woo declines, and Ji-dwi grabs his wrist and asks why he’s being so dismissive of Ah Ro. Sun-woo angrily yanks his arm away, which sends the dragon-head bracelet flying off his wrist.

Sun-woo tells Ji-dwi to mind his own business, but Ji-dwi says that he has too much interest in Ah Ro to do that. Frustrated, Sun-woo agrees to the archery match, and they head out together. Behind them, troublemaker Kang Sung finds the dragon-head bracelet and gets a nasty gleam in his eye.

Ji-dwi and Sun-woo send arrow after arrow at flying straw discs, and they’re pretty evenly matched. Ji-dwi even compliments Sun-woo on his skill after just a short time. He notices that Sun-woo’s hand is getting badly blistered, and warns Sun-woo not to overdo it.

They decide to shoot one more arrow, and they both nail the flying disc perfectly. They exchange wry looks and laugh, the animosity between them a little lighter now.

Their Nandos, Dan-se and Pa Oh, watch from a short distance as Ji-dwi keeps Sun-woo company while he soaks his hand in the river. Pa Oh says that Sun-woo will never be as good as Ji-dwi, both in looks and in archery. Dan-se counters that Sun-woo is pretty good after only ten days of practice, then asks Pa Oh how old he really is.

Pa Oh insists he’s twenty-two, but falters when Dan-se says that he’s twenty-two. Pa Oh claims he was born earlier in the year than Dan-se, and Dan-se deadpans that he was born in January. PFFT. Now, Pa Oh has to endure the humiliation of banmal, since technically, he and Dan-se are donggap (same age friends). Haha.

On the other side of the river, Ji-dwi asks Sun-woo who he really is, to be so capable and fearless. Sun-woo fires back that Ji-dwi also seems to be hiding a lot. Ji-dwi admits that he’s never had a single friend in his whole life, “And right now, I think you’re my only friend.” Awww.

Sun-woo spits in disbelief, and Ji-dwi takes offense at Sun-woo’s incredulous reaction, telling him that later, he’ll be really amazed at what a great confession that was. Sun-woo just grabs him and drags him into the river for a good dunking, and they play like children while Pa Oh and Dan-se look on.

Later, as they’re drying off, Ji-dwi asks again why Sun-woo is ignoring Ah Ro. Sun-woo says that he’s scared of himself, and he looks almost ashamed.

Upriver, Ah Ro sits by the water and wonders if Sun-woo really did forget their kiss. She figures that he must remember or he wouldn’t be acting so cold, so she thinks he must regret it. She kicks her feet in frustration, and flips a shoe into the water.

It’s picked up a short ways downstream by Sun-woo, and he nervously teases Ah Ro that she’s still throwing her shoes around. Ah Ro grouches that if he can remember that, he should remember something else, and Sun-woo crouches down next to her.

He puts her shoe back on, and says that he does remember. Ah Ro asks why he’s ignoring her, and Sun-woo admits that when he sees her, he wants to hug her and run away with her.

Sun-woo says that he still wants to hug her, but he’s afraid she’ll crumble to pieces. He apologizes, and that night when they both stay up late thinking about each other, it’s with happy smiles on their faces.

Sun-woo remembers the moment that he’d stood to go, Ah Ro had hugged him from behind and said she missed him. Sun-woo had smiled a huge happy smile and clasped her hands, and they’d stood there for a while, just enjoying the moment.

The next day, Sun-woo sneaks into the infirmary to leave Ah Ro a bouquet of marigolds. He’s so nervous he barks his shin on his way out, and Ah Ro finds the flowers later. She spends the whole day cleaning the room and periodically smiling at her flowers.

This time, when Ah Ro waves at Sun-woo during sword practice, he sends her a shy little grin in reply. Ji-dwi mutters to himself when he spots Ah Ro waving to Sun-woo, but he’s distracted when he spots Princess Sookmyung watching the Hwarang practice.

The princess goes to see Hwa-gong, and she tells him that she knows he doesn’t like her here, but he has to deal with it. She asks if he knows why sacred bone is sacred bone: “Because we don’t share with others.” Hwa-gong gives her the backhanded compliment that she’s just like her mother.

Sookmyung says that to her, the Hwarang is just a tool that exists to protect the royal family. She says that they’re too weak to be called Silla’s warriors, and Hwa-gong’s smile begins to take on a steel edge. He assures her that they’re being trained by the best, but Sookmyung clarifies that they should be fighting to the death.

She asks if that wasn’t Hwa-gong’s original intent, parroting his exact words: “Sides are taken, where the strong overtake the weak.” Hwa-gong asks who the spy is, but Sookmyung just says that he already knew there was a spy. She tells him that the fight will take place in ten days, and to train them well so that no one dies.

Sun-woo finally realizes that he’s missing the dragon-head bracelet, and he and Ji-dwi go looking for it. Ji-dwi is even more upset than Sun-woo, but he has to back off when Sun-woo is confused by his reaction. Kang Sung watches them, holding the bracelet and smirking.

Ji-dwi gets Pa Oh to search, and Pa Oh fusses at him for not telling him he didn’t have the bracelet all this time. Pa Oh says he could have just killed Sun-woo and gotten it back, but Ji-dwi says that he can’t, because he owes Sun-woo a debt. Pa Oh argues that the king of Silla owes nothing to anyone, but Ji-dwi says sadly that Sun-woo’s friend died because of him. He admits that he likes Sun-woo, and he likes his “sister” even more.

Kang Sung takes the dragon-head bracelet to Minister Park, who is very interested in who had it before it was lost. Kang Sung tells him it was Sun-woo, and Minister Park compares the bracelet to the previous king’s wax seal. The seal depicts two dragons face-to-face, holding a ring in their mouths, exactly like the bracelet.

Ji-dwi has a nightmare that night, in which he watches helplessly as his mother, the queen regent, fires an arrow straight into Ah Ro’s heart.

Queen Regent Jiso sits fondling a knife, and says in a detached voice that people call her a cruel mother. She clamps her hand around the knife’s blade, drawing blood, and bodyguard Hyun Chu kneels beside her to pry her fingers off the knife.

The queen regent doesn’t seem to notice the blood or the pain, and she says that she fears nothing as long as she can protect the sacred bone. She says that she’ll do anything to ensure that her son and his offspring inherit Silla.

She’s terrified that Ah Ro’s knowledge of Ji-dwi as king will ruin all of her plans, so Hyun Chu offers to kill Ah Ro. The queen regent says that nobody can know why she’s killed, not even Ah Ro. The next day, the queen regent meets with Princess Sookmyung, and tells her that there’s something she must do.

The princess visits Ah Ro for an examination, and Ah Ro determines that she has weak kidneys and “coldness” around her lungs. Sookmyung says that she’s stronger now, and asks Ah Ro to be her personal doctor. Ah Ro starts to say that she’s in charge of all of Hwarang, but Sookmyung interrupts to point out that her mother would be reassured if Ah Ro agrees.

Ah Ro remembers how the queen regent wanted her killed, and the princess notes her fear. She says that all Ah Ro has to do is come when she calls, and Ah Ro is forced to agree.

As Hwa-gong reflects on his conversation with Sookmyung, merchant Joo-ki sneaks up and startles him. Joo-ki has heard that the princess is planning a fight, and Hwa-gong is surprised by the news that she’s training some of her own men in preparation.

Sun-woo creeps up behind Ah Ro as she’s walking and reaches down as if to take her hand. He stops himself when he sees how worried she is and taps her on the shoulder instead, and he asks where she really went when she disappeared on the night of the Moon Festival.

He says he looked everywhere for her, and Ah Ro nervously suggests they must have just missed each other. Sun-woo doesn’t look like he believes her, but he lets it go for now. He walks Ah Ro to the Hwarang gates, where she meets up with her father, Ji-gong.

That night, Ji-gong looks at his tiny bottle of poison and remembers that his visitor, Hwi-kyung, had warned him that the queen regent won’t stop until Ah Ro is dead. Hwi-kyung had told him to protect his daughter from the queen, and Ji-gong seems to be contemplating the vial of poison as a means do to so.

The Hwarang are surprised when the princess shows up to talk to them, and it’s announced that they will be staging a fight ten days from now. The princess will be judging, and they will be scored on swordsmanship, horsemanship, and archery. Ji-dwi scoffs to himself that Sookmyung hasn’t changed a bit.

The Hwarang are told that this won’t be like their previous challenges — in this fight, they could actually die.

The princess suggests that the Hwarang be sent out to hunt as training for the upcoming fight. Hwa-gong’s assistant brings up the fact that the royal family has forbidden hunting animals in these woods, but she argues that to a soldier, it doesn’t matter who his opponent is.

The Hwarang are sent to hunt, and they’re told that they can hunt any animal, but the first person to bring in a deer will be the winner. Yeo-wool follows Sookmyung’s line of sight to see that she’s staring intently at Sun-woo, and he quips that he sees where her heart lies.

Meanwhile, Minister Park is thinking of doing some hunting of his own. He contemplates the dragon-head bracelet, wondering how he can flush Sammaekjong from his hiding place in the Hwarang.

Princess Sookmyung’s attendant goes to Ah Ro, worried that the princess went out hunting when she hasn’t been feeling well. She asks Ah Ro to go out and find the princess, describing a suspiciously specific place for her to look.

Ban-ryu, Su-ho, Ji-dwi, and Sun-woo are all together in the woods when the princess rides past them on her horse. She stops for a moment to stare at Sun-woo again, then rides on.

Su-ho says that she doesn’t resemble her mother at all, smiling a besotted smile, which makes everyone glare at him. Su-ho says that a real woman doesn’t show her heart easily, and calls the queen regent “the woman of women.” Ha, Ji-dwi looks at Su-ho like he’s completely grossed out. The guys get back to hunting, worried that the princess could take down the first deer and show them all up.

Ah Ro walks through the woods, searching for the princess. Sookmyung watches her from uphill, sighting Ah Ro down her arrow. We see in flashback that the queen regent had ordered her to kill Ah Ro, and to make sure she’s not seen.

Nearby, Sun-woo takes a shot at a small deer and misses, and he gives chase. He finds himself near where Ah Ro is searching for the princess, but he doesn’t even have time to call out to her before an arrow goes winging just over her shoulder, too close for comfort.

Sookmyung lines up a second shot, and lets her arrow fly. Sun-woo rushes to throw himself in front of Ah Ro, and he takes the arrow meant for her. Ah Ro screams for help, and Ji-dwi hears her cries and reins his horse towards the sound of her voice.

Sun-woo gasps that he’s okay, but he’s bleeding and in a lot of pain. He sees Ah Ro’s tears and tells her not to cry, and struggles to sit up. He whispers for Ah Ro to pull the arrow out, but she hesitates, and he has to pull it out himself.

Sun-woo looks up in time to see Princess Sookmyung make a run for her horse, and Ji-dwi shows up and chases after her. He catches up to her, and approaches to ask why she did it. She doesn’t recognize him as her half-brother and the king, as he was sent away such a long time ago, and she warns him to remember who he’s speaking to.

Ji-dwi ignores her and bellows, “Why did you do it?!” With fury in his eyes, he tells her never to do this again. He warns Sookmyung that if she ever harms Ah Ro, he won’t let it go.

Ah Ro gets Sun-woo back to the infirmary and doctors his wound, crying as she asks why he took the arrow for her. He says that it’s nothing, but she worries how long it will be until he’s really hurt in her defense.

Sun-woo whispers to Ah Ro not to cry, saying that seeing her cry hurts him more than the arrow wound. He reaches up to touch Ah Ro’s face, but then he remembers Ji-gong’s plea to protect her, no matter what. He lowers his hand, and she continues crying.

The princess sits in her room, remembering how Sun-woo threw himself in front of her arrow to save Ah Ro, and how Ji-dwi threatened her if she ever hurt Ah Ro again. It’s hard to tell what she’s thinking, as she has such iron control over her expressions.

Sun-woo stumbles out of the infirmary and finds Ji-dwi waiting for him. Ji-dwi asks if he’s okay and apologizes, and Sun-woo asks why. Before Ji-dwi answers, an arrow flies above their heads to hit a nearby building, and a sign unfurls that says: There is a king among the Hwarang.

The Hwarang all come to look, and they wonder what this means as Ji-dwi’s face blanches. Ah Ro looks at him, the only one who knows he’s the king. Hwa-gong pushes through them to see the banner, and goes up to tear the word “king” down.

He tells the Hwarang that he’ll overlook this if it’s a joke, but warns them that there had better not be a motive behind this. The Hwarang disperse, all but Ji-dwi, Ah Ro, and Sun-woo, who stare at the word “king” on the banner lying on the ground.

It begins to rain, but not one of the three moves a muscle.


I thought this was a pretty good cliffhanger — what will happen next? It seems obvious that the banner was Minister Park’s doing, so what’s his motive behind outing the fact that there’s a king among the Hwarang? Surely he’s intending to cause unrest and fighting among the Hwarang, but I wonder if he has another purpose for letting the cat out of the bag before he knows who the hidden king is. I’m guessing he’s hoping to cause the hidden king to grow nervous and careless, and make some mistake to out himself.

And it’s interesting that Sun-woo stayed behind in the courtyard along with Ji-dwi and Ah Ro. I understand why they stayed… Ji-dwi is in shock, and Ah Ro knows that he’s the king the banner refers to. But why is Sun-woo so stunned? He’s pretty smart, so is he putting the clues together from his previous conversation with Ji-dwi where they admitted they both have secrets? I hope he’s figured out the truth about Ji-dwi, because I would love for these three to be bonded together by this huge secret.

We learned a lot more about the princess in this episode, and I think that I badly misjudged her character when she was first introduced. I thought she was going to be a strong presence to help the Hwarang, but apparently she’s just there to give the queen regent an inside look at the Hwarang by acting as a spy and assassin. Her suggestion that they fight to the death just appalled me — if you have your warriors who are still in training fighting and killing each other, you won’t have any warriors left before long. Particularly when those warriors are limited to the sons of the elite class… there are only so many highborn sons to go around. Kill these off and there won’t be any more. I’m hoping the whole “to the death” part is to heighten the Hwarang boys’ sense of urgency as they compete in more dangerous conditions than before, and not that it’s meant to be a literal death match.

I find Sun-woo and Ah Ro a lot more interesting when they aren’t pining around moping after each other — they’re pretty cute once they admitted to their feelings. Their simple romance is proving to be enough for me, since every love story doesn’t have to be flashy and full of fireworks. There’s something to be said for a quiet, steady kind of love, the kind that doesn’t need a lot of drama or excitement to flourish. I see Sun-woo and Ah Ro as being surrounded by drama, between the political tug-of-war going on, the queen regent trying to kill Ah Ro through the princess, Sun-woo trying to make his way in a world he doesn’t belong to, and Ah Ro’s lifelong family tragedy. No wonder they just want to quietly love each other without having to worry about whether they’re even going to survive from one day to the next.

I was happy when they were finally able to be honest with each other and admit the feelings they’ve been holding in. Sun-woo’s confession by the river was so open and honest, you could feel that he was finally relaxing around Ah Ro after all this time. And Ah Ro just seems glad that she’s not so conflicted on the inside anymore, now that she knows Sun-woo and she aren’t really related (I think she felt it before, but having that proof is better). It doesn’t mean their road will be easy, because everyone around them still thinks they are siblings, and it’s not like either of them are good at hiding it. It’s interesting that, as soon as Sun-woo and Ah Ro’s relationship changed, all the rest of Sun-woo’s Hwarang roommates felt something off. It’s obvious they wouldn’t be able to keep their feelings for each other a secret for long, though I wasn’t expecting everyone to be onto them quite this fast. But at least they both have some peace from knowing that their feelings are returned.


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So Sookmyung is on her mother's side, is it fierce loyalty or is it weak and capable of being broken, is what I want to know. Also, I don't necessarily agree with the method of her judging the strength of Hwarang but Silla precedes Goryo, so wasn't it do or die back then??


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Hmm.. i don't know. Based on the fact that she's cold towards her mother makes me wonder if she's just a robot until something happens later and all of the sudden she's a woman again with a beating crush on a particular someone.... *fingers crossed it ain't that predictable...* But then again, it's dreamland.... -.-


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I don't think Sookmyung is all out on her mother's side. She honors her wishes because she is her parent but I think she has her own agenda on the side.
Yeo-wul may be right about her looking for a spouse too. He is part royal, he must know all the dirty secrets among the royalties and he is usually spot on with his intuition.

She is a young princess, single, rich, powerful, talented and badass but the boys don't seems to make an effort to impress her. She is more like an annoyance to them.
Ah-ro maybe a half breed but she is highly favored by the Hwarang 6.

Fight till the death was part of the Hwarang oath/code. Although they are not well trained yet, I hope they'd display some of that bravely and honor.


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It seemed like they were completing for who was the worst in this episode. Ah Ro is the worst doctor. The princess is the worst shot. Ji Dwi is the worst secret identity keeper.


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Re: the princess was the worst shot
Literally, her target is big, stationary (mostly), and calling her name.


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Everyone is the worst, yet I'm still really enjoying watching it ??


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Lol! Can't decide if Pa Oh is the worst liar (really, 22?) or the best (because no one truly questions it- really, guys?! really?!!)


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Ya, it was too obvious haha, dramaland logic I guess


even if they didn't believe it there's nothing they could do to prove it anyway lol so everyone seems to just accept it


apparently you should never pull an arrow out without surgery


@ siesta so true, no ID back then! Haha! That also means I can pass my young looking 30 year old self off as a 22 year old too and capture a Hwarang's heart. Can't prove I'm an "old maid". ;)


@Ar, here's the perks of no ID in Silla:

- no one to deny your entrance to club a.k.a Okta
- underage drinking is legal, i.e., Aro's drunken stupor history. I think "underage" term doesn't even exists


Hahaha xD Well nothing really makes sense in this drama anyway, a little more a little less... It is a drama you can only enjoy, if you turn off your brain and relax while drinking soju.


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Yes - to bad arrow shots! And Yes! to drinking shots of soju while watching this silly, entertaining drama. I am loving the lightness of it in contrast to Voice and Defendant. BUT - NO!!! You do not pull out an arrow - or any projectile inserted into the body until a doctor can calmly remove it. Break off the shaft for easy transport, but yanking it out is dumb.


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Never make Ji Dwi the Secret Keeper, or you might end up like the Potters.


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My favourite parts:

- Ji Dwi's reaction when Soo Ho was talking about the queen
- Ban Ryu's reaction when Soo Ho said he feels bad for Ban Ryu's future wife xd oh dear

I didn't expect to like the main couple together but I found their moments pretty cute in this episode. But why, WHY can't people in dramaland just push the other person instead of jumping in front of them and getting hurt
I hope they would focus more on the other characters as well, not just the main trio.


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These were all my favorite parts too, especially Ji Dwi's face. He was so perplexed. Haha


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He was surprisingly stoic about it. You could tell he decided he didn't want to go there. Better not to learn too much. To be fair, Ji So looks too young to be SMJ's mom.


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The moment when your male friend romanticize your mom.

If Sammaekjong is a lesser man, he would have puked.


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Haha! Ji Dwi's face was perfect! Can't remember if it's the first time he's been exposed to Soo Ho's crush on his mom, but it was so blatant that he was weirded out.


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Ahh...you forgot the bonding between Pa Oh and Dan Se.

When Dan Se queried Pa Oh on his real age and he insisted that he is 22 years old except that he was born earlier and Dan Se, not settled with his answer and reasoned out that he was born in January.....I DIE laughing. This old man could not have been funnier and I love his growing bromance with Dan Se.


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Ya, Ji dwi reaction was priceless hahaha, it was inappropriate tho, when your friend were talking about liking your mother in front of you


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Ji Dwi: "That awkward moment when you realize your friend has the hots for your mother.."


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This is an honest question, how is the chemistry between the leads? I'm looking for a drama to watch with great chemistry between the characters.


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No Lollypip. I don't think the bromance has kicked in. I think Hwarang was falsely promoted as a 'brotherhood' drama, but as far as I can see, it's a typical 'love triangle' drama - complete with the I-think-he's-my-bro-but-he's-not. I see Hwarang slowly but surely falling in the Moon Lovers slump, where the good parts of the story are fast forwarded to accommodate the shitty love story.

I mean, why can't we have more Ban Ryu? We had like 2 seconds of him squirming in the beginning and then 5 seconds of Su Oh mooning after the queen. Then there's my major meat with the PD for gining Hansung and Yeo Wool 2 minutes of screen time per episode WHICH IS NOT ENOUGH!! I mean they weren't even there for the Hunt - which was a STUPID plot device. I hate the princess, Wi Hwa is not as cunning as we were first led to believe and just - no, no, noooo, NO! NO! JUST NOOOOOOO! GIVE ME THE BROMANCE I WAS PROMISED! GIMMEEE!!!!!!! -.-


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I swear I'm totally angry at ep 11, the writer made such an awesome character by the name of ban ryu and on top of that made such a cute exciting love line of ban ryu + sooyeon and we get like 1 scene after 2 episodes? I want more of sooho+banryu and banryu +sooyeon :( gladly ep 12 is muchhhh better :D


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yep, awesome character that scene/heart-stealer Ban Ryu!


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Agree...it's really sad that Banryu appeared for 1 second and his scenes with sohoo and so yeon were almost non existent :( i want more of hwarang boys and Banryu with his crush ! i hope episode 12 is better.


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oh what this little drama could have been in the hands of a better writer.. we could've had a fun, bromantic, action-filled youth drama filled with chemistry and peppered with political shenanigans and birth secrets.. but alas it was not meant to be.

i think the hunt was actually a clever idea. that way everyone would think Aro was simply struck by a wayward arrow.


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Is it the writing or the directing? I feel like the writing is ok, the story is interesting...but the execution, the way the scenes drag and the repetitive flashbacks like we didn't get it the episode before...I think it's the directing...the scenes are not coming across as they should feel...and maybe the editing? I just don't understand why some scenes drag so much...unless they really wanted to drag out the moments but the scenes just felt flat...oh well, still loving this show!


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imo the plot and flow of the story is all in the writing, so it is mostly the writer's fault if the story goes haywire or an arc wasn't resolved satisfactorily, or if the characters aren't fleshed out properly.

PDs are more responsible on how the scenes will look to the viewers, and sometimes direct the acting so it will fit the ambience he wants to achieve. i find no problem with the directing in hwarang, which makes sense since the PDs are veterans in sageuk, but this is the writer's first full length drama.

example of a bad directing/editing was in scarlet heart with all it's extreme close-ups of the actors' faces


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It's a matter of taste, personal preference. I loved the way Scarlet Heart was done and this drama could learn from it. I also think the writer is chiefly responsible for the shortcomings, no amount of insightful direction can make up for bad writing and the main love interest in this is too restricted, forcing the actors into unnatural caricature and hugely restricting their acting. This episode suddenly let the plot move forward by leaps and bounds but, as others have pointed out, many 'firsts' were notched up for worst shot etc. I like how the princess has a deadpan expression - just like her mother who seems almost unable to blink. I would like to see her develop into someone sympathetic to her half brother's vision of a future Silla and live to apologise for her actions to Ah Ro.


It's too bad Moo Myung was injured but the we get to see them band together to take care of their wounded comrade. They are much closer now than they were before.

As for Sookmyung, I think her experience with the Hwarang would hopefully make her a better queen than her mother.
No one is going to respect her just because she is the princess. She has to earn it like everyone else.


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The cliffhanger does not bode well with me. Rather than strengthen the bromance, I fear it will put it to a sure end before it really had a chance to begin...you know with Sun Woo being dead set on killing the king and all.


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I am really enjoying this show. What keeps me coming back is the bromance!!! the overall bromance between all the boys, and the one on one between sun woo and ji dwi, between ban ryu and su ho. I want more of ban ryu and su ho, su ho and his sister, they are just too precious.This show has made me realised that I have a serious thing for bad boys, at least when it comes to my drama preferences. Park Hyun Shik is seriously giving me second lead syndrome. It is weird I want Ah ro and Sun woo together but at the same time I want Ji dwi to also receive her love. I guess I just want him to find somebody who loves him for himself and who gives him solace like Ah ro has done.

While I love the pairing between ban ryu and su ho's sister, I still don't get how she was mooning over sun woo in one episode, and started calling ban ryu her man in another episode without showing us a transition of that feeling.

I have also been meaning to ask, was it something I miss in the episodes last week, but how did Ah ro went from having a feeling that Sun woo might not be her brother to a certainty that she even asked him outright who he was. I watched the scene between her and wo reuk and I don't recall him telling her anything definite


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I think Soo Yeon just likes Sun Woo's body. Like a girl would like a hot looking guy and hug him to feel his abs. I think she actually fell in love with Ban Ryu not for his looks but for not ratting her out.

Wish they had shown more of wooreuk and aros convo. I always felt like she knew when Sunwoo made that slip. The look in her eyes - she was shook to her core but didn't know how to proceed. She went to Woo Reuk after she heard the rumor that he raised her brother. The word is Woo Reuk raised Kim Sunwoo, so she assumed that he raised real Sunwoo and wanted to figure out why he didn't come. She didn't know real Sunwoo was dead and probably assumed real Sunwoo didn't care about her. That's my take. I also think confronting fake Sunwoo with a direct accusation and his reaction doubly confirmed it.


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I just couldn't stand PSJ's hair. Does anyone know why only JD and MY without headband?

Another lackluster episode for me. I was watching this drama because of PSJ, but I ended up falling for PHS. Also, somehow I felt like the writer lost her focuses. There weren't any characters' development and plots. She was (unfortunately) wasting her own casts. You have all the flower boys and you should've utilized them to the max. Frankly, PHS's character is the only one I can root for.


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The headbands didn't go with their hunting outfits. Seeing as they both like to accessorize, this would have been a thing.


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Agree about the writer losing focus. There are a ton of characters who could be really interesting, and do interesting things, but instead a lot of them mope or brood. A lot. Way too many staring-into-the-distance thinking scenes.


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Yeah, i agree. So far, PHS character that tuned me in. Not the love story line but his progress to become king that stand out the most.


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I saw a BTS where Park Seo Joon said they kept changing his hair because they couldn't decide which way looked the best on him.


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I feel like they should have figured out the hair before filming. Changing in the middle is sort of unprofessional. If you don't like it, stick with it. You can't have him with shorter hair in one episode and longer hair in another. I think even Aro's hair length would change too. Sunwoo and Ji Dwi not having headbands bugged me too. I think Hwarang would have been stricter about dress codes. Also I think the teaching in Hwarang could be more strict. How else are you going to shape spoiled young nobleman into warriors and servants for the king? Thought they're going to break them down and build them back up again? Have the boys bond over difficult tasks. Something like a Mulan "make a man out of you" montage.

Still, I love all the characters and root for everyone except the obvious baddies, but also realize that more could have been done.

To be fair, the writer is a relative rookie. She mostly did drama specials in the past. I think Hwarang is good for a rookie doing her first full length drama.


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It's illogical to for Sammaekjong and Sun Woo not to wear headbands when hunting. Think how much the hair would get in the way in real life.

But Sammaekjong is so pretty without the headband, so I should not complain too much :D


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The first thought that came to me was that the hairdressers have been watching too much Starlight Express. ?


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I don't know why but i didn't feel comfortable with Go Ara's opening crying scene. The sobbing etc. Didn't feel real to me. Has she had other crying scenes in dramas?


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Well i literally skipped her crying scene every time. I dunno but her crying doesnt convince me. She's not literally crying, more to sobbing mix with whining (i guess).i dont feel sad nor pity for her. Her acting is okay (no offense) but not strong enough to leave impression.


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She had some nice scenes in Reply 1994.

Here, if she cries ONE MORE TIME, well... just don't, please. When Sunwoo told her not to cry, I was like PLEASE listen to your fake brother.


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LOL @binmom - I totally agree with you. She is a major crybaby (due to the script) and a weird and whiny one to watch (due to her acting). I mean, what calm and capable guys would tolerate such a victimy chick? Other than the crying, I'm really enjoying the fun of this drama. It's impossible to take seriously.


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When Sunwoo told her not to cry, I was trying hard not to laugh, he heard us & knows how irritating it is.


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i guess you are new here. there have been complain about her crying scene since aeons ago. you are not in the minority, dont worrry!


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loved this episode, the bromance was going strong. I hope despite everything, Sun Woo and Ji Dwi become true friends and allies.
the only bad thing this ep is not enough Ban Ryu.
the drama is a bit unbalanced.

but is it bad that I still admire the princess even though she tried to kill Ah Ro? I really dont know... I wish half the male characters were as leveled and in control. I cant hate this girl, what the heck


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I like how clear, focused and strong she is or pretends/seems to be on the surface. It adds to the intrigue. But I have a question, I felt as if she missed that first shot on purpose and has her own agenda going on although she doesn't say it out loud yet.


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Missing on purpose kinda makes sense, for what little that might matter in a kdrama. If she didn't have confidence in her archery skill she shouldn't have planned the whole hunt thing and should have chosen another way to kill her.

But then the 2nd shot... Was she trying to kill Sun-woo? Why?


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I think the hunt was a perfect place to kill her, as Ahro's death could then be excused as a loose arrow that could have been shot by anyone....by mistake. So noone to blame and Ahro's dead. But I too wonder if she missed on purpose. Was she trying to warn her? Or is she so cold blooded she wanted Ahro to die in fear instead of just being hit?! Make her scared and kill her?!! The princess is a mystery still, but I was sad to see her so evil in this episode...hoping it is just a ploy.


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oh, and Sun Woo was stunned and staring because the king he hates for killing his friend is unexpectedly closer than he thought


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i think this is the first time i'd actually wished she wouldn't miss and kill the girl.
honestly if an arrow flew by you and missed, wouldn't you try to run/hide behind a tree first and not just stand around at that exact spot? i can't stand her character ugh.


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My thought exactly....why didn't she run after the first arrow missed her? I find her character extremely annoying and can't understand why the 2 main guys are in love with her?


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My ship is finally sailing!! I totally agree about sun woo/ah ro. They have been pushed around by the world so much that they need something quiet and peaceful and gentle and kind. They have been all about each other from the very beginning so watching them finally act on their feeling was very gratifying. I loved how happy they were in this episode!!

I actually like the prince when he is not around Ahro because then he is simply a person who has a whole lot of burdens on his shoulders and is learning how to navigate a whole new world.

As much as a I love the romance, I have to say that the story is moving slower than a snail. Is it ever going to go anywhere? Give me some political machinations puh lease!


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I found the king's confession to Sun woo that he's never had a friend so heartwarming because they both really need each other right now.

I haven't been the biggest supporter of the romance but I thought Sun woo's confession was very cute

From here on out it's gonna be a shit storm and I hope the bromance can stay alive through all of that

As much as I'd wish for the plot to actually go somewhere I'm enjoying the character development a ton


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There is definitely something special about this show, even when I see some cliche parts, the episodes still capture my heart. I also feel that the second half of the drama is going to be more intense.


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I feel the same! I know this show has a lot of flaws... but I love watching it and can't wait for more! I do get frustrated at times, but then the next episode comes along and I am happy again! There is definitely a special ingredient that makes it so good!


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Actually in comparison to other sagueks that bored me, I don't find that this drama has a lot of flaws. It is not perfect, but it is one of the better historical dramas around :D


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Same here.

I like that it keeps up with the light and bright tone and not taking itself too seriously. The comedic moments in drama are always gold IMO.


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Same lol, I cringe at the romance part sometimes, but I keep coming back to watch it, what is this feeling? hahaha

I guess I just need a light drama, after my work is over


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Aw I like the romance :D


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2016 was too depressing. Need to start of 2017 with some lightness and fun and hwarang fits the bill. Got me some Go Ara(always found her likable), Do Ji Han (caught my eye with his small part in incarnation of money), Park Seo Joon (whom I'm suddenly finding attractive), Park Hyung Shik (so beautiful, my Ji Sung lookalike), Choi Won Young (so good!),and V(though I wish he had a bigger part). I like how there are so many characters to like.


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So doc A-ro climbs into bed with the patient - strictly for medicinal purposes. Right. Romantic Doctor Teacher A-ro.


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Haha, she is the literal Romantic Doctor! Ethics be damned.


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I for one am loving this drama and think it deserves higher ratings! it keeps me excited and coming back for more week after week. i will admit its not the most tight plotwise but i think the strength of the show lies in the characters and their interactions. soo ho and ban ryu make me giggle endlessly, sun woo and ji dwi's personal issues and conflicts drive the plot but their interactions this episode were such a nice touch. and even ah ro and soo yeon's meetings over the wall are so cute. not to mention pi joo ki and master wi hwa! i think i'm most anxious about what's going to happen to soo ho when he finds out the queen isn't a good character. hope he won't be blinded by his infatuation with her. and there was definitely less of ban ryu this episode but he is a supporting character so its not weird that theres a couple of episodes where his plot is sidelined! i'm sure we'll get more of it in coming episodes.


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I definitely keep coming back for the bromance & there is still not enough of it. (I hate that I love this show)

I have never truly been sold on Aro as a character & grew so tired of her crying in earlier episodes

I also have major second lead syndrome so the romance aspect between aro and PSJ was painful watching for me.
I must admit now that the angst is out of the way, they are a tiny bit easier to watch & even a little cute.

If this show is to be about the bromance then we need so much more than we are currently getting. Less romance more bromance. & more political intrigue.

There is so much more going on in this show than the romance but we are 11 episodes deep and it's the only issue that has made more progress than all others. Sigh

I will definitely keep watching (because I keep coming back for Jidwi) but I can't help but feel this drama could be greater than it currently is.


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Ban ryu's reaction when su ho pity the woman would marry him like,"she's might be ur sister dude.."

Ji dwi face when su ho compliments his mom like "seriously mate??seriously?"

Just realised why i found dan se (hansung brother) looks familiar, he's the one playing jerk in hogu love. U know the one who raped do hee

How many episode left? Why i found the plot moves so slow where more stories could be expanded?


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I love the blossoming bromance between Ji-dwi and Sun-woo. Both their playful banter and their more serious concern for each other. With rumour about 'the king is within Hwarang' spreading fast, I can't wait to see how it would shake (or maybe even strengthen) their relationship.


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I feel like in kdrama rules, you have to have feelings for whoever carried you when you were drunk off your ass.

When Ji Dwi told Sunwoo he likes him, I was thinking "wow, Ji Dwi just confesses all over the place!"

I think there is something about Park Seo Joon that attracts the male kdrama characters - first in Kill Me Heal Me (though it's with the male lead's female alternate personality) and She Was Pretty (with Choi Si Won's character. Panty!!")


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"you have to have feelings for whoever carried you when you were drunk off your ass. "
considering korea's drinking culture and how they seem to socially bond over drinking, this might be truer than you think lol. i have heard a few celebs mentioned that since they don't drink it's hard for them to socialize.


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I don't drink so I know for sure I will never live the kdrama experience! Who are the celebs who don't drink? I'd like to imagine us bonding over bubble tea, juices, and americanos instead. :)


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Why did A-ro just stand there after the first arrow? Forests have these things called "trees", which are reliably reported to be arrow-proof if you stand behind them instead of in front. And the one the arrow hit is proven highly arrow-resistant.


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LOL!! I thought the same thing. I actually fussed at the computer screen out loud-- get behind a tree!!


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Listen... I was wondering the same thing. Why was she still standing there? Sun-woo would not have been hurt if she had just moved her butt out of the way. Have some self-preservation!


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Because Ah-Ro was a deer in headlights? ;)


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But Sun Woo was also being overly dramatic.

He could just pushed her aside and called her out. Instead, he leaped in to take the arrow for her. Talking about wanting to be heroic for damsel in distress. And pulling out the arrow himself...... I am surprised he did not bleed that much when Wang So was practically bed-ridden despite the minor arrow graze. Guess Dog-Bird is more sturdy that Dog-Wolf.


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So Sun-woo could save her.


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Exactly. Not much drama in pulling arrows out of a wounded tree.


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... and removing its´ bark to treat the wound. though I think I would watch a drama about a heroic tree that has to bare with excessive cryings, spilling secrets stupidly, stray arrows and whatnot. bet the tree has a grudge on all of them by the end and thinks: "Hopscotch! It is I who will become the king of this nation!"


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or "i wonder how much does real estate costs in Fangorn Forest.."


Because wounded oppa warrants topless oppa with the excuse of treating the wound. Topless tree? Not so sexy.


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About the banner at the end of the show-- underneath the word 'king,' i thought I saw a picture of the two dragons facing each other just like the bracelet. I believe Sun Woo was staring at that and realizing he had been wearing the bracelet that belongs to the king, the guy he resents for causing his best friend's death. And now he knows the king is nearby. He'll be putting the pieces together now.

If speculations are correct and Sun Woo is actually the queen's son, then the princess who is smitten with him is actually his half-sister? Meanwhile, he's in love with the one everyone thinks is his sister. This could prove to be awkward! I'm not obsessed with this show like I was with Goblin (severe withdrawal pains here. Expecting the Grim Reaper to show up with a white card. Cause of Death: broken heart), but I am enjoying this show.


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Oh, I didn't think that he was staring at that but it's a good point!


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I think it's more likely he's a nephew or some other royal relative and the princess's cousin. It's hinted that the man with the limp who visited An Ji Gong was a royal who was in line for being king if it weren't for an illness that left him with a limp. This imperfection disqualified him and they delete him from history. Maybe the illness that made him this way had also infected his son as an infant and that's why Sunwoo faints a lot.


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I don't think he is the Queen's son though. I believe Jinheung is but Sun Woo is probably a secretly high ranking true bone. Althoug not enough to challenge Jinheung, a sacred bone, but enough to be a successor.


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He might also be of royal blood from a neighbouring/Enemy kingdom, that would be exiting, especially with the previw of episode 13 that hints the start of a war against Silla


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I was disappointed by Ah Ro when Sun-woo had to pull the arrow out himself. She is supposed to be an apprentice doctor for God's sake. She was introduced in the first two episodes as a spunky and independent girl who had to take care of herself because of her absent father...

Speaking of the absent father, it was a bittersweet moment when he came to walk her home and she said he never did that in the past. Apparently her father never realized that she could be hurt by him acting "distracted". Poor girl!


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I was also disappointed too. I usually love Aro, but I was like, either pull the arrow out or advise him not to do so (since it could cause further damage on the way out). I guess they want to show off how macho Sunwoo is at the expense of Aro's character. She did treat him at Hwarang House later on.

On the other hand, I have friends who have said that when a loved gets seriously hurt, their medical judgment gets impaired. But this isn't surgery or something fatal (the arrow didn't go in all that much). But Aro did say she wasn't a super experienced doctor.


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thank you for the recap!! ^__^
I'm so happy!! I feel like all my ships sailed, OTP and Bromance!! ^___^ Sun Woo and Ah Ro are so cute and adorable together and I knew they'll fail in hiding their feelings in front of others!! so cute!! squeeeee happy they confessed their feelings to each other and didn't keep hiding and running from it, but for sure things won't be easy as they need to keep hiding it for now!! 
I loved the "bed scene" between them only to see Soo Ho and Yeo Wool caddling him at the (4th) morning of his continued unconciousness!! that was double the pleasure for me!! ^___^ they were all there for him including "why am I here" Ban Ryu!! awwwww but buck to his unconcious state!! he stayed unconcious for 4 days and a half?!! WHAT?!! can Abeoji tell me what's wrong with him and that there is a cure to this?!! pleaaaaaaase
Maek Jong confessed to Sun Woo that he likes him and he's only friend and I was happy as much as I was happy for my OTP!! hhhhh I love these two's growing friendship though I know that things will get complicated and hard but their growing friendship will help them overcome these troubles!! 
I really thought that the Princess is a wounded person who just needs help to be a better person but now I can see she's just like her mother!! she looks at people at tools and their lives are meaningless!! I still hope she'll change for Maek Jong's sake because having an evil mother and evil sister (to be wife) would be a really cruel fate!! 
and now I'm terrified of the evil minister!! he thinks Sun Woo is the King and I can't tell what he wants from outing that the King is inside the Hwarang!! is he trying to make sure before striking?!! is he trying to push him to make a wrong move out of fear so he can have his opportunity to make his move against him?!! whatever he's planning I'm terrified for Sun Woo!! 
Maek Jong's shaken look at the revealating moment broke my heart for him and Sun Woo is terrifying me!! he's now sure that Mak Moon died because of the King and that it was him who he faught with before and will go after him to avange Mak Moon!! nooooooo 


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I don't think the Princess is as shallow as you see her. I actually find her as someone who has great intellect who chose to be low key about it.

She is focused, controlled and strong...if only half of these Hwarang boys is like her, Silla's future (in this verse) is in good hands.


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also, can the please stop imitating the PotC background music.


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Lol, I thought I was the only one who noticed that.


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I like the show but I came for the bromance and I'm glad we are finally getting it! I knew Ji-dwi and Sun-woo would be great friends and I hope they continue being friends. They both could use someone to lean on. Also, I want to see more of all the roommates having fun together. Especially Su-ho and Ban-ryu seeing as they are about to be in-laws soon. lol


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I don't know why I loved this episode! Left me super excited about what's to come next! Ok, I do know why, I too like the simple and innocent love line between Suho and Ahro! So honest, and natural! I really feel like their romance has not been pushed, from the first, they were drawn to each other and have stayed true to their hearts...I hope this does not change, keeping my fingers crossed! I really like Suho as the hero, he is perfect! Loved his fainting scene after the kiss...I was thinking oh my goodness if they ever do the deed, what of he faints in the middle!? Ok, not going there!

On a more serious note, this episode was a turning point for our Hwarang boys. Yes, among all the dance, music and fun stuff they have been doing, in the end, they are training to kill, and as the princess and Master WeWa (sorry can't get the right spellings) have said, yes, they will probably have one day to fight each other...to the death.

I saw this episode as the beginning of their loss of innocence...boys will become men. As they are from different political families, backgrounds...anything could happen to change them. Sigh...so sad. But I understand they need to grow up...just wish they could stay young and carefree forever! But at least we got to see a glimpse of their youthful selves! I am a little afraid to see them become men, dangerous men...but hopefully there will be some happiness still! I am bracing myself for this new turn...

Thank you for the recap!


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Did you mean Sun Woo? I was confused by all the SuHo and Ahro bits. lol.


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Haha...yes, Sunwoo! Thanks for the correction! Ok I really can't spell their names or even write the correct one! I swear I am really watching Hwarang!


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That Kang Sung guy has been nothing but trouble since the first moment you set eyes on him.


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I'm all for quiet romance (plus alpha still gets me) but the whole Ah-ro and Sun-woo don't do anything for me. I'm not sure if it's the chemistry or their storyline but I just don't feel it.

I might like Sam Maek Joong and Ah-ro's chemistry better but the drama is more interesting when it deals with politics, sun-woo's birth secret, Ban-ryu and Soo yeon, and the bromance between the Hwarangs.


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Not feeling the romance of the main OTP either. Feel forced if you asked me. PSJ has way off the chart chemistry with PHS than with Go Ara.

And the kiss. It was meant to be romantic but came across as forced on Go Ara's side. She even had to squirt her eyes when they were about to go for the second kiss. Comparing with the forced kiss she had with Ji Dwi in episode 6/7, her face eventually soften that she looked like she was about to reciprocate. No doubt to me, she has way better chemistry with PHS.

I am looking forward to the dynamic now they know that there is a king among them and suspicion running loom as well as bromance is heightening.


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+1 on PSJ and PHS. When Sam Maek Joong said he liked Sun-woo and considered him as his friend, I was a giggling mess.


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I can see chemistry between Psj and ara, but psj's chemistry with guys is no joke both on screen and in variety. Not in a romantic sense, but in a other guys loving hanging out with him and he's also nice to girls and can hang with them platonically. Just so cool.

I think with the Ji Dwi kiss, she struggled but as he continued, she pitied him which she sort of explained later on. Even though he annoyed her, she never hated him. PHS and her are also closer in age and she's older so she is prob more comfy around him. Park Seo Joon is older but she is technically his elder in the industry, so it may be a little weird. In her scene with PSJ, it looks like she is doing the chaste teenage kiss/make the guy do all the work thing, which I hope she can grow out of. Kiss expectations are much higher now than when she started acting.


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Same here. I'd want the show to deal on Sun-woo's birth secret even if that feels so makjang. I'm not sure why I'm not feeling the romance but I'm a little bit inclined in saying that it's bec of Go Ara. She's a good actress but something's not just right.


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I've been lovin" this drama until this episode, I was VERY disappointed, very bored.

What, Sun-woo is injured AGAIN!! What, Ah-Ro is CRYING AGAIN & AGAIN & AGAIN. All she has done the past few episodes is CRY!! Don't they have any scripted words for her say, and any that do not include crying? I keep turning off my sound as she once again blubbers. She's, also, been turned into the perpetual Damsel in Distress. Give me, us, her a break. Her character was fun and interesting in the beginning, now she's just a big crybaby.

Personally, I'm not picking up and any real chemistry betwn her and Sun-woo. I seem to see more btwn her and the would be King, even tho her character doesn't like him, I think the actress does, could be wrong. At least she isn't crying when she's interacting w/him.

So, what have I missed that I think the Queen (a tiny porcelain doll w/ a mean streak a mile wide who wears a silly blob of taffeta in her head everyday) wants her son, the King, to marry his SISTER, the Princess. Yuk! I know "back in the day" in all parts of the world & cultures that Royalty and the upper class kept the money and bloodline rich and royal by inter-marrying. But, is this what is being proposed here? As well as the fake brother/sister relationship btwn Ah-Ro and Sun-woo? What's w/all the implied and incest in this drama, isn't this a bit much for ONE drama??



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Well... the problem is this drama is still trying to follow the history. And historically, King Jinheung did marry his half-sister, Princess Sookmyung. At least they didn't develop any romantic feeling between those two (unlike one other drama out there).


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I super agree with you. Her incessant crying is such a major turn off. Is there an episode even that she DOES NOT cry at all. And yes i also agree on the getting hurt part. This is Scholar Who Roams The Night feels all over again. Guy saves girl, gets injured to point of death, girl nurses guy back to health and viola next scenario, guy gets thrown under bus again.
The hairstyles are soooo bad its distressing, the chemistry between the leads are plain awful. Im still watching only for PHS scenes and Ban Ryu's budding romance. I think both PSJ and GAR should just stay away from sageuks. They look awful and frankly this is the worst chem couple for me after Lee Jun Ki and Lee Yu Bi. Horrors.


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funnily enough, Lee Da-in (Soo-yeon) is Lee Yubi's sister!


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Gosh.. I didn't know she's Lee Da In, the girl in Twenty Years Old. I like that short drama.


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Agree. Somewhat devastated with Aro. She came across as strong in the first few episodes but starting from episode 9, all she did was moping and bawling.

And you hit it right there. She practically cried around Sun Woo like almost all the time. At least around Ji Dwi, ya, she could be annoyed but she wasn't crying and being her sturdy-self. Now, I remember someone quoted how woman has the tendency to fall for man that makes her cries the most. At least, that's the rule in K-dramaland.

And the writer is trying too hard to make viewers feeling the emotional attachment towards Sun Woo. So, they made him a victim, a hero in distress - injured, wounded, sick, underrated, restrained and so on. The thing is, they should have made his backstory more interesting. This is why many prefer Ji Dwi because he is so interesting and not being portrayed a victim all the time.


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PS: I love how Dan Se was impressed by Sun-woo's improvement and defended him from Pa-Oh. :) Yay! There's improvement in the dynamic among the main characters, but still, I'm digging the secondary characters more. Seriously though, there's more bromance (if you can call it that between an ahjussi and an oppa) between Pa-Oh and Dan Se than the rest of the Hwarang roommates combined-- and Pa-Oh and Dan Se don't seem sleep in the same room.


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More like mom-ance to me. I'm sure part of the reason Pa Oh lets Ji Dwi play with Sunwoo was because he thinks well of Dan Se.

Pa Oh is the MVP. I think part of what makes JiDwi likable is his relationship with Pa Oh.


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I enjoy this episode though I think the pace is quite slow but maybe needed to set the stage for something bigger.

Since Ji Dwi is my favourite Hwarang, I am so thankful that FINALLY, he has taken a step back with regard to his affection on Aro. Noticed how there was totally no spoken words exchanged between them this episode and all he did was just observing her from afar. Good job my King, you are definitely set for something greater than just that unrequited love.

I love the bromance between Sun Woo and Ji Dwi and the more he bonded with him, the more I feel that Ji Dwi is such a pitiful character. At least Sun Woo had Mak Moon his entire life but Ji Dwi has always been alone and he knows he has a far greater worries and responsibilities to prove himself, being the King of his nation.

I don't like the princess at all. I think Seo Ye Ji's acting is bad. Her portrayal of stoic and aloof is so over the top that she ended up looking constipated instead of emotionally distant. Not helping is her character is totally shallow.

My hope is for Master We Hwa to be the strong supporter of Ji Dwi. At this juncture, he has totally no one but with We Hwa behind him, he at least could have Hwarang to rally behind and I am sure, We Hwa has seen how different he is from his mom and his sister.

Love Park Hyung Shik as always and gosh, he's rawking those hair like no other.


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The beginning was a bit slow. 2nd half was better.

There was some bromance, but not a lot. Ban Ryu, Su Ho and the other guys did not have much screentime at all. I need a weekly dose of Ban Ryu + Soo Yeon too.

The fact that Ji Dwi stated Sun Woo was his friend out loud was surprising. They had like one bonding moment with the archery race. That was a nice scene.
In the past, they fought against baddies together, but they weren't friends at the time. I just didn't really view them as buddies yet. I wanted to see more good moments like when they were actually chatting with each other and then wrestling in the water lol. Sun Woo's face was freaking priceless when Ji Dwi called him a friend though. I had to replay that scene. xD

I'm hoping that Sun Woo will realize Ji Dwi is the king in the next episode. He has got to notice the dragon design from the poster matches the bracelet too.


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it's sad that since the writer wasted so much time on the romance, they have to rush the bromance aspect. you are right about JD and SW being at odds all this time and having minimal bonding time, yet they're suddenly now best friends.

i do like how JD is always straightforward with his feelings though, maybe it's because he knows he's the King, no one would dare to refute him anyway, so why hide it? lol
but at least his character is consistent.


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Yeah I agree.

Haha, you are totally right about JD being consistent. xD


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I thought the pace picked up this episode after the two really slow episodes last week, and really enjoyed it. But then watched 12, and it slowed down again.


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I'm watching this drama solely to see the Hwarangs interaction, I love their squad and I want to see them playing around by themselves more compared to the romance *sigh*

The romance... idk, I don't think both of the main characters match each other, they lacked chemistry, I prefer princess sook myung to be with Sun Woo sometimes, I think they would match better.

Overall I enjoyed this show despite not liking the romance that much, this and pretty li huizhen are the only light show I watch these days.


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Thanks for the recap, LP!

Awww JD admits how much he likes SW. Love their scene frolicking in the water and being boys. More bromance please. Their Nandos are hilarious. XD

So glad SW and AR finally opened up to each other. I like their relationship right now and it's true that love doesn't need all the fanfare. The boys snuggling together was so funny.

LOL at JD's expression at SH crushing on his mom.

The princess is meh for me right now and I don't like how she's just mom's pawn.

KS reporting to Minister Park is no surprise. I hope to see more plot development with all those political officials at play. Surely, they want to track down the real king and use that against the queen regent. So, having SW as a target is a start.

I want to find out more of the backstories of everyone as well, especially SW's true identity. Would be nice if everyone has a moment to shine. In the meantime, it's interesting that the cat is out of the bag already that the king is amidst Hwarang. For the end scene, I think SW is there because he knows MM died from seeing the king. He definitely wants to know who the king is and avenge MM's death or seek justice even though AJG already tried to discourage him from doing that when he attacked the guard last time. At least JD is aware that he has a debt to SW because of MM.


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I don't care much for the romance, and I wish there's more of Sunwoo's struggle to find the King (since he looks like he'd forgotten why he's there) and Jidwi's development as a ruler of Silla. I like that Jidwi's stepping up more and more, but I wouldn't mind if Ahro's story took the backseat. Like, forever.

Plus, the Queen's machinations using Suho had been a long time coming; if it were me, I would have used that to my advantage immediately. Not that I didn't like the friendships building up only for Suho to have to make a choice (a very weird one at that).

Is it possible that Sunwoo is Princess Sookmyung's brother from the same general father? Or he's (exiled prince) Hwikyung's son?

At this point I'm just waiting for Sunwoo and Jidwi to declare their undying love and friendship, ride off into the sunset, and Park Hyungsik to finally get the girl in Strong Woman Do Bongsoo.


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Love your ending choice for our young king.


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Maybe Sookmyung and Moo Myung are cousins from their mother's side.

If Moo Myung has any tie to Gaya's throne then his mother must have been a Shilla royalty. Maybe Queen regent Ji-so and Hwi-kyung had a younger sister who was married to the house of Kim from Daegaya. That would make Moo Myung eligible for the Gaya throne and also a royalty of Shilla from his mother's side.

Although Gaya was annexed by Shilla, King Jinheung allowed them to keep their royal ranks.

(IF this is the case then their friendship here has an effect on Sammaekjong's decisions later between the two countries).

IF Moo Myung is just a Shilla royal and Moo Reuk is used to throw us off then this writer has been trolling us from the beginning lol.


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That would make him double royalty, makes sense to hide him. Not that Sammaekjong is as threatened as his mother is. I'm not gonna deny that is the writer doesn't explain this well, it's gonna ruin the whole story for me lol.

Lol @gadis, I just saw the posters for Strong Woman and I couldn't help but wish that Jinheung ends up with someone as cute and quirky as Park Bo-young in this. Maybe that's his next life? A chaebol (royalty) heir? ?


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The thing that bugs me is how the late king died. Who killed him and why is Moo Myung's identity being hidden from the world. Was his family responsible?

Then we have Master Wi Hwa who was thrown in jail for making contact with the late king's concubine. What does that mean? Who was she? Moo Myung's mother?

The most famous Hwarang in history was Kim Yushin. His mother was a Shilla princess and his father was a Gaya royalty so it's not impossible for Moo Myung parents to be from both.

I hope this writer is not waiting to reveal all of it at the last episode.
Hong Gil-dong is debuting next Monday and that's not good for this show.


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Man I'm frustrated with spending so much screen focus on Ah Ro when she's such a badly written and acted character. Either she cries or makes a pouty face. Every time she's with Sun Woo or Ji Dwi unnecessary romance angst is occupying the screen and takes away time to build their characters forward like Ji Dwi wanting to mature into a powerful king or Sun Woo building a stronger bond with the other boys. I'm also sure the princess will fall for Sun Woo and morph into a loved crazed jealous second female lead. She will only care about how to get the man and won't be the independent princess warrior anymore like she was portrayed first.


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For the sake of our sanity, I hope you'd be wrong about the Princess.


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I have sneaking suspicion that the writer is hoobae to Moon Lover's writer who famously assembled the handsomest casts available but didn't allow them a chance to show what they could do (ok, some have nothing much to show, still..).

On top of that, the main casts who can act, work like crazy to hold the show but to little avail due to thin plotlines.

Both have potential great focus on story but choose to stick to boring romance (it's boring because there seem to be no or not enough chemistry).

Female lead is ineffective, this one cries to suck up time, the other one just stare.

And the hair, tsk, tsk, both shows have equally bad hair (just fire the hairdresser, no more experimental hair please, you are on air! and take the make-up artist too).

As if that is not bad enough, they bring in another female cast (the princess) to add more 'whys?' to the show, she has nothing much except 'controlled' emotion.

Writer-nim, surprise us please, there are only 4 episodes left!


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afaik this drama has 20 eps

but IA with all you said. except the hair. i have no real problem with the hairdos (and Ji Dwi's glorious mane is making up for all the other flaws), except Sun Woo's.


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Please tell me there are 20 episodes! The bromance is just starting.


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according to wiki it will have 20 eps

they have so much plot unexplored to fill up 20 episodes, i just wish the writer won't focus so much on the love triangle


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Compared to Scarlet Heart, i think Scarlet Heart is better in terms of character development. In Scarlet Heart, got 7 princes. All of them have at least equal amount of airtime in the drama. Even depict 4 loveline quite well (a bit so-so but not that great): Lee Jun Ki-IU, Kang Ha Neul-IU, Baekhyun-Soondeok (correct me if i'm wrong for the spelling) & Nam Joo Hyuk-Baekje Princess. The amount of scenes is between them is ok, just enough for the audience to answer the questions. The conflict between them is balanced. However, in Hwarang, the love triangle is the main scene. I think if there is one or two scenes that Jidwi said let's just be friends or equal to Aro, i think Aro interaction with Jidwi will be more comfortable with each other. We can see that after Jidwi confesses & ask Aro to be comfortable, Aro still act awkward. Aro was depict as whole-heartedly fallen for Seonu. I think when it comes to Seonu, she just become weak. But when in front of everything else, she's independent & stubborn. I do like Seonu transition. He at first was really depressed when Mak Mun died. He become solemn. But in this episode, he become cheerful. I dig his hair during hunting training. How can a person be so hot? I think Park Seo Joon acting is ok. He wil become like Lee Jun Ki (his performance is good but the project is not good). I would love to see emphasization between Suho-Banryu-Suyeon. Banryu conflict is also not emphasize. We can see that he's slowly to mellow. But Kang Sung has become the main pawn instead of Banryu. The political struggles & conflict is not much. The focus is on finding out which one is Sam Maekjong. I would love to see emphasization on Yeowool & Hanseong. The conflict in Hanseong family should be depict here as well. Just a scene or two would be suffice.


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Both shows were geared towards the international markets. They must think that international viewers are bunch of shallow simpletons who are only watching K dramas for the pretty actors.


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I was hoping for some progress for PSJ's backstory.. but nil. not even in ep 12. LET US KNOW ALREADY.


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Yeah, there are some characters that know but infuriatingly won't speak up: musician dude, Ah Ro's dad, the guy with polio... someone get drunk and spill the beans please!


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I knew this was supposed to be a youth fusion sageuk so I wasn't expecting much in terms of the plot and even the character development. I just wanted something light to watch but then the first 9 episodes showed potential both in the story and the characters so I was excited. I got my hopes up only to be dashed by the last 2 episodes. I have given up on the queen. I don't understand her at all. She says she's protecting the throne for JD but all she does is kill people. If she wanted the throne for herself, I don't see her making any political moves either to solidify her power. As someone said Wi-hwa doesn't seem to be as cunning as we thought. He's allowing the princess (another character I don't get) take over hwarang and I don't see him making any counter moves either to protect his supposedly beloved hwarang. On a superficial note, I stopped caring about everyones's hair after watching Moonlovers. No one can compete with Hwang So's mane of glory. Rant over for now.

I'm determined to finish this show though because I'm still loving Sunwoo, JD and even AR. I'm still invested in their story and hopefully the show won't disappoint me. I already got my heart broken by Moonlovers.


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theIgotrot, my feeling exactly. But, I don't think I have the same determination to finish it. Because it got so boring and dragging a lot on how to a. how to win or b. how to kill: A-Ro. I rather watch for Ji-Dwi and his 20years old side-kick (never get old, sir, you are too funny and loyal).


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The story's definitely dragging and a little bit boring at this point but that seems to be typical for kdramas so I'm hoping the plot will pick up again and become interesting. I'm loving Pa-oh as well. I'm looking forward to how Sunwoo will handle the truth once he confirms JD is the king. I'm impressed by PSJ & PHS's acting so I'm looking forward to their confrontation.


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The whole country is well aware that Jinheung is the rightful king. Women weren't allowed to rule until Queen Seon Deok. She had to go through rebellions from the true bone officials (Bidam) before she was able to be crown as queen thanks to her supporters like Kim Yu-shin.

I don't think the queen wants to give Minister Park and the Hwabaek officials a reason to stage a rebellion because she wants all the power to herself.

Ui Hwa doesn't share the same purpose for creating the Hwarang as the queen. She sees it as a way to protect the king and the royal family.
Ui Hwa is training them to protect the country and it's people.
I think Jinheung is more on the same page with Ui Hwa.


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Sun Woo definitely has a serious medical problem. It seems like he's now unconscious for longer periods of time. The fall from the horse did him no favors. He was unconscious for nearly 5 days. He was basically in a coma. I wonder if he has epilepsy. People who have seizures don't always have convulsions.


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I can't for the life of me understand his condition. He used to pass out for just a few seconds or minutes but now it goes on for days.
He doesn't seems to have seizures. He just passed out without warning and became conscious on his own.


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Such a condition would definitely make him ineligible for military duty nowadays... how come nobody seems very concerned within Hwarang? What if your elite soldier passes out in the middle of a competition, or worse, at battle?

My theory is that this condition was prompted by some suffering he had as a baby. I did a bit of reading on epilepsy, and while the causes are unknown, it could be connected to asphyxiation ... I am imagining all kinds of horrible things around the time Sun Woo was born. However, I can only imagine, since the show has given us practically nothing to work with. Throw us some breadcrumbs please!!!


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I Love Hwarang.... Love Ah ro and Sun woo...... Love it... Love it...


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I love watching Hwarang... I'm always excited every episode...


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At this rate, I just watch it casually, lowering my expectation, and skip any A-Ro scene. Not that I hate A-Ro, I like her. I simply prefer the character build for the Hwarang/Ando and intrigue of the officials. I guess my bet was right last week, this emphasized more on a simple youth romance that could happen in any period of K-drama, the difference only this one use wigs and robes. Others: main lead vs second lead, mother/father/the whole clan doesn't approve/on different side of the lover, hidden identity/amnesia -> been there, done that with better intrigue. Oh, le sigh (again).


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woaH, woAH, wOAH, WOAH, I probably change my mind.


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The three of them stayed behind at the end because:

1) Ah Ro knows that Ji Dwi is the king and someone is trying to out him.

2) Sun Woo saw the drawing of the dragons at the bottom of the banner which matches the bracelet and deduced that it belongs to the king so the person he encountered when trying to avenge Mak Myun was actually the king.

3) Ji Dwi also saw the dragon drawing on the banner and knows that the bracelet is going to get them into trouble.


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I have started to skip Sun Woo and Aro scenes since this episode. I rarely do this in dramas, but Sun Woo and Aro are so sappy and sad when they are in the same scene. I came to this drama expecting fun and fluff between the Hwarang boys, not weepy love story. Come on drama, bring back the crazy and fun bromance among the boys!

By the way, the first scene is ridiculous. If she really is a doctor (or have any knowledge in the field) and saw Sun Woo passed out, she would have done something to save him. Instead she decided the best course of action would be to confess and weep. I mean, seriously, is that your priority right now? If she is not a doctor, then I totally understand her helplessness, but she is somewhat a doctor, she can do something to save his life instead of confessing.

I'll have my romance fix with Ban Ryu-Soo Yeon, bye-bye weepy Aro.

Sammaekjong is interesting this episode, especially when he confronted the princess and his stunned look in the last scene. I have been interested in Sammaekjong, Su Ho and Ban Ryu's character development. As for Yeo Wool, I really hope they have something planned for him, otherwise it will be a waste of character. Han Sung is cute, I welcome him on my screen anytime.

Pa Oh and Dan Se's boasting sounds like proud parents :D


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i very much agree with you. this is the most romantic scenes ive skipped since ever! its just weird to watch it, like you dont get that fluffy happy feeling when they are together, instead just meh.


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oh my goshh this drama is going nowhere. like its been ep11 and theres barely a thing solved. the characters are wayyy underdeveloped, the chemistry is hardly there, and the scenes are just too long and draggy. like many others, i came for PSJ, but right now im all PHS, and frankly im starting to be fed up with PSJ's sad-all-the-time face. like he was much more attractive and handsome back in the early eps. and theres ah ro. she was so cool back in the early eps, but now has grown into a whiny cry-y person who is always in trouble.
srsly i had such hope for hwarang, having been looking forward to the bromance and characters' backstories, but instead theres just the tedious love triangle. theres only nine eps left, and i dont know if thats enough time for the show to pick up, but im just gonna cross my fingers, cuz after all the irritating stuff, im still in love with (most of) the hwarangs, and all im asking is to dig into their stories more (though it might be too late to ask for such thing)


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